2005, 09-20 Study Session ~ AcENDa CI"TY Ob' SYO[iA,YE VALGFY CITY COiJNCT1, WURKSHEET STIiDY SESSION Tuesdsy, Stptcmbcc 20, 2405 6:00 p.m. SPOILA,~tE VALLEY CTTY H.ALL 11707 Eust Sprat,Que Aveauc. Snite 101 (Plraso Turn OfY'All E(cctroaic Dmices Duriag the hiceting) I)ISCUti51nN LEADFR SUB3EC'I'/AC'i'IA"I7Y GOAL Ntike lackion (S minules) I'resentntinn hy Avistn Rep Dnug Kclly Pr+csrntatian 2. Cal A'slkcr (10 minutes) Amcnded Dcpt. Emcrgency MenagemcnL Contract Discussianllnfortnntion 3. Ken '1'hompson (1 S minutes) Prvpased Amendnd Fcc ResoiMian DircussicmllnfoRnation •t. 1?avc Mcrcicr (10 minutes) General I3udgct Discussion Discussionlin!'otmatifln 4. Mike lackson (20 minutes) P;irks and Recreacion A1nsterPlan Discussicjn/informatian 6. yeil KerstenlCary Ihiskell Applewuy Right-of-wuy T►attsfer Discussian/lnformation (10 minu(rs) 7. c'ary C?riskclt/Nlarina Sukup Apple%vAy Signnge Discussion![nfarmation (20 mitwtes) 8. Msrinn Sukup (20 minutc9) Airpcxt Uvcrlay Zuctc Uiscumian/informxtion q. titaycjr V1`ilhitt ( 15 minutcs) ('ommnnication Infrastructure Ad ifoc Committcc Uisc:ussion,9nformation 10 Vlayor Willvtc (5 minutcs) Ad%:incc. Agcn(fa Adilitiun< T)i5rutis iun.`lnformEitic,n 11. Ma}or 1V11hitc ('oun4i! ('11cck iu UIscussionlliil~mnatiun 121. L?nvc bicrcier C,it), tilanagerC:cxtnnsnts Diuursiotu7nlorm3tiun 13. E:XECU'['IVE SE.S.tiIUN: Pcnding l.rtiFntion A%ata: Unlcss odw-rwiac notcd abor-e, there wiil bc no pubiic comments et Cauicil Study Scssiows. f Tnw-cvcr. CouneQ nlways reservas tho right to request infoimation frum tbo public and staff as appropriete. N011(:E: lndiviQuab planniag W aurnd du matwg who requirc special assist=e w sccnmmodate F4iyzical, heuu►& or otlia 4nqatrment9. plcase contact thc City Clrrk nt (509) 92l-f 000 ns saxin m poz.iblc sn thet nrraagistiexitn mov bc mndc 5tud~ Sn;iou A;nuSz i nf' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing _ ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Presentation by Avista Rep Doug Kelly GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None • BACKGROUND: Based on energy saving measures incorporated into CenterPlace construction. Avista Utilities will present a check to the City for energy credits. r~ ` - OPTIONS . . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $33,612 STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS ~1 ` , , ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 9-20-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing x information El admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Amended Department of Emergency Management Contract GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council previously approved the agreement July 26 2005. BACKGROUND: After previous Council approval, Spokane Valley was the first City to sign off on the document. As the agreement was routed through the Fire Department, Bobby Williams suggested several minor changes to sections 5 and 7, as shown in red-line format on the attached agreernent. . ; ~ OPTIONS: 1. Council consensus to place the amended contract on the July 27, 2005 Consent agenda 2. Further modify the agreement, and set for upcoming regular council agenda item 3. Further modify the agreement and set for upcoming Consent agenda item - 4. Take other action as appropfiate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to place the amended contract on the September 27, 2005 Council Consent Agenda. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ' ATTACHMENTS Excerpted Nlinutes of July 26, 2005 of previous council approval of DEM Contract Draft amended contract chrn7ge the pay grutle to 14. Vote by ucelurnatiori to anrend the motion.' hr Fm~or: Urzanimous. Opposerl.• % nvne. AG.SIG')1FIOYIS: IY011G'. MOIl01? CQPI'1BCI. YOIE by ACCIQI)7QI1071 0l2 the umeirded inotion to flpprove _,i Resolution 05-014 creuting tlre FTrrma►t resota-ces rntalyst classificulion and ppsition description with cr grade af 14: In Favor.• Ur:arlimaus. Opl)osed• i:oiie. Abstentions: 1Vone. Motion carriEd 4. vlotion Cunsideration: City of SpUkane Va11eV Values - Nina k2eL-or It ►vas nioved by.Deputy eVcryor Illunson trtztl seconded by Coutrcilmenrber Tuylor tn nppro>>e the drafi vuhues stttternerrt. After Ms. R.egor gave the I'owerPoint presentation explaining the values, Iviayor Wilhite invited public corument; na comments were offered. Vote byAc•elumution: I►r F'crvor: Urun:imous. Qpposed.• tsone. Abstenlion.r: No»e. Motion ccrrried. 5. Motion Consideration: nent. EmerQencv Management Cnntract - Cal Walker • Policc Chicf Walker explained I:hat the Board of County Commissioners reccntly decided to apply charges for Deptu-tment of rmergency Management (DEIv) scrvices to the County.'s smaller cities and will chargc all cities over 1,000 in populatian for their proportionate percenutge of the total AFM allocation; that lhis docs not present a substanrial change to the c.Antractual obligation and that Spokane V31Icy's share remains at .1913% and is applicd to the total DEM budget as noted in the prior contract. tt was moved by Deputy Mayor Mun.ron rntd secouded by Cauiic•ilnrember Tuylpr t6rut Cotnrcil approve and aulhorize ,signatzires for the cartract bused upon stiggested chnnges.- Ivlayor Wilhite inviced public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclrniurlion: Lt Favor: Uitunimous. ppposed.• none. . Abstentinns: Nofte. A16tion curriecl. 6. Motion Consideration: Written Finclings, Conclusions and Decision on APP 01-05 - Carv Driskcll I1 tivus nroved by Cotarcilirrember Derrenny uncl seconded by Co-iarcibrtenrber Flatrigan fo udopt ljre cli•aft proposed Fittdirib=s Of.Tact, Coirclu,sions of Lcr►v, atrd Decisaati uphvlclirrg ttle recommendatio» of the City Hearing LxCUniner irt AI'P Ol-OS. Deputy CiCy Attorncy Driskell explained the issue as per his July 26, 2005 Request for Council Aetion fonn, and stated that the Fincli.ngs are consistent with diat written decision af the Hcaring Examiner. Vole by Acclumulion: In Favnr: [1`narrinrous. Opposed: nane. Abstentiorts: Norre. 11lolian carried ~-~4i ~nc~fi, a .•s~--e~4P-P 8~0~---~n-.=.= D+isk-el!- This ilem wa5 rcmovec( frocn the a€enda. f UBUC COMMFNTS Mayor 1Vilhite inviteci public cornments; no comments were'nffered. ADML\'1STRATIVE RF_..pQRT$: [no public comment] 8. Gor•ernfince Manual Committec l7enort - Councilmembers De»ennv, DeVleminil and Flaniean Couneilmember lleVlerning pointed ta the few areas of conccrn, noting that some are merely grammatical errors or modifying words to makc the statement more precise; and suggested placing this item on a future study session lo (liscuss the issue, in particular that section dcaling with 1)ublic cornments. It was Council consensus to place this issue on in upcoming study session for further consideration. 9. National [ncident 1Vlynfigement Sr'stem (N[]19S) Iteport - Cal Walker Chief Walker explained that this is the first touch nn this issue, gave the back?round of administering a NIMS, and Ihat compliance is expected to be reyuired by September 2006 as a condition for federal preparedness assistance grants, adding that there is no charge for trainin' in tllis regard. It was CoLmcil consensus to begin that proaess and return the issue for formal council consideration. Council Meetine: 07-26-05 Page 5 of 6 Approvecl by Cotmcil: 08-09-05 Relurn to: Daniela Ericltson, Clerk of the Board Board of Count}' Commissioners 1116 W.13roadway Spokane, VVfishington 99260, AMENDTD ANll ItESTATED 1NTERLOCAL AGItEEMTVT FOR FMERGENCY V[AT'AGEiVIENT SERVICES ' THIS AMENDFD Al~'D R~STATED 1N`'ERI.,OC~1L, COOPERATIOv AGREE11TEiVrT is made by anci among the City of Spolcane, a Washington State municipal cnrporatioci, having o:EGces for tlie transaction of business at 808 `Vest Spokane Falls Boulcvard, Spokane, Washington 99201, hcrcinaite.r referred to as the "CITY," thc City of Spokane Valley, _ a munieipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the trtuisaction oFbusiness at the Rcdwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avcnue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereiilafter reFerred to as "SPQKANT VALI:,EY," City of Medical Lakc, a municipal corporation of tlie State of `Vashington, having offices for the transaction of bu.siness at 124 S. Lcfevre, P.Q. $ox 369, Medieal Lake, Washingtqn 99022, fiereinafter referred to as "MEDICAL 1,AKE," the Town of Viilhvood, a intuucipal cprporation of the State of Washington, havuig officcs for the transaction of business at 9103 Fast Frederick, Millwood, Washington 99206, hcrcinaft-er zeferred to "vIILLWOOll," the Town of Fairfield, a municipal corporation of thc State of Washingtou, liaving offices for thc transaclion of business at ToAii Hall, P.O. Bnx 334; Fairfield, Washington 99012, hereulaftcr referred to as "1jA1RFIFTdTa," .the Town of Latah a municipal corporatipn of the State of Wasluugton; having offices for the transaction of business at P.O. $os 130; Latah, Washington 99018, hercinafter referred to as "LATt1II," the City of Liberfy .Lake, a municipal corporation of the_ State of Washington; having officcs .for the transaciion of business at City IIall, 22710 East Cotmtry Vista Drive; Liberty T akc, Washington 99019, herei.nafter referred to as "LIBERTY LA1CE;" the 1: c►wn of Rockford, a municipal c.orporation of the State of Washington, having of`fices for the transaction of business at Town Hall; 20 West E-mma, P.O. Box 49, Rockford, Washinglon 99030, hereinafter referred to as "ROCKFORD," the TQwn of Spangle, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, havinb officcs foc the transaction of business at P.O. Box 147, Spangle, Washington 99031, hereinafter referreci to as "SPANG(..F," the City of Cheney, a mlulicipal corporatipn of the State of Washin;ton, having of(ices for thc transaation of business at General Office, 609 Secnnd; Cheney, Washington 99004, hcreinaFter referrcd to as "CIIENEY," the City of Air-ivay I3eights, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaetion of business at City Hall, 1208 South Lundstrom, P.O. Box 969, Ainvay Heights, Washington 99001, hereinaf[er refened to as "AJ:RWAY HE.IGHTS," thc CiYy of Deer Park, a munieipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices f'or the transaction of business at City . Department of Emereency yianagemenf Contract Page 1 of 14 Hall, 316 CraNv!'ord, 13os F, Taeer Park, «ashinaton 99006, hereinafter referred to as ".TaEFR P,MZK," the Town of `Vaverly, a mtuiicipal cnrporation of the State of Washington, having '-J offices fnr the transaction of busincss at 255 North Couunercial, P.O. Box 37, Waverly, VVastungton 99039, hereinafter ref.'erred to as "WAVERT Y," and Spokanc Cuunty, a political subdi.vision of thc State of Washington, having ni-'fices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadtvay Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, he.reinafl:er rcfErred to as the "COUNTY," jointly hereinafter r.eferreci to as thc "PARTIFS." WITNFSSETI-i: . WHERIEAS, pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, local governmcnts may jointly exe-rcise their powers, pri<<ileges and authorities through the execution of Interlocal Cooperation Agreements in order to make the most eC-ficient usc of their powers by enabling them to cooperatc with other 1oGalities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide scrvices and faeilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best with get>D aphical, economic, population, or dther f.'actors influcncing the needs aaici development of local coiiununity; ajid W1iLltE-AS, pursuant lo RCW 38.52.070; two or more political subdivisions may join in thE establisluuent and operation of a local organization for emergency management services. 'T'hc Cit}, of Spok.ane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical I ake, ToNvm of Millwood, Town of Fairfield, Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, 1"own of Spatigle, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, City of Deer Park, Town of Wavcrly, and Spokane County are , authori-r_ed and directed to establish local organizations for cmergency management sei-vices in accordance with the Washington State ComprEhensive Entergency Managemeni Plan and Prograrn; and WHFREAS, the Pt1fZT1lS entered 'uito an agreement entitled "2004 nmended hIterlocal Agreement for Lr.nergency Management Services" under 'w$ich they reduced to vvriting their respective obligations concerning t11e maintenance of the Dcpartmcnt of Emergency Services ("DFPAR.TViE\j']"). 'I'he PARTIES now desire to modify aiid restate that agreement. NOW, '1'LLLRE FORE, for and in considcration of the mutual covenaiits cou[ai.ned herein, and as authorizcd iuider chapter 39.34 RCW and ehapter 3$.52 RCW, the City of Spokane City Council, City of Spokane Valley City Council, City of Medical La.ke City Cnuncil, To,,vm of Millwood Town Council, To«m of Fairfield Towm Council, Town of Latah '7"oNvn Council, City o£ IlibErty Lal:e City Council, T'o-vvn of Rockford Town Council, Town of Spanglc Tvwn Council; Ciq, of Cheney City Council, City of Airway Heights City CoLmcil, City of I7ccr Park City Coiuicil, To,,«i of `Vaverly Town Council and thc Spokane Cotult), Board of Cotlnty Commissioncrs hereby agee as iollows: laepsrtment of Lcnergeiicy Management Gontract Page 2 of 14 ~ SF.CTTON NQ. l.: SYOKANF CT 1 Y/C4UY'1'Y DE•PARTMEn7T OF Eh7ERGENCY MANAGLi04ENT The Spokane City/County Departmcnt of Emergcncy Services, as created under the joint . Resolution No. 79-0873; shall be hercby k.no,~Nzi as the "Spakane City/County llepartment of Emergency 'Management;" hereinafter rcferred to as "DEYEIRTMEN'T." SFCTIOn' NO. 2: COMN1IT~iEtN'C The PAR1'IES agree to be fully committed to the Emergency Managcment Frogracn and provide the resources nccessary for the llEPARTMFNT to carry out the Emcrgenc:•y vtanagement Mission. The PAFZTILS agree that thcy are eacll responsiblc for individual department emergency preparedness. Tlie I't1RTTFS agee to ensure that clepartment heads participatc in ' collaboration, dialog, planning, and exercises -Mth the IaFPARTMENT to assure readiness in event of disaster or major emErgency. This statcment of commitaient flows f"Tom the PA12TIES down to the individual employees for the safety of life, property, and the environment of Spqlraiie. SECTIQN NO. 3: TERNi Tlie term of this Amended and Rcstated Interlocal Agrecment shall commeilcc as oF the last date ~ executeci by the PAWI'IES hereto and shall continue until temiuiated as provided for hercinafter. SECTIQN NO. 4: PiTRI'()SF It is the puzPose of tlus Amended asid Restated lnterlncal Agreemcnt to continue the combineti effort,s of C1TY and COU'N"fY as OTlglllc711y developed ul doeucncnts executed undcr Joint R.esolution No.79-0$73,- Joint Resolution No. 96-0991; and as amended in Resolution NO. 04- 06$9, in order to establish and operate, pursuant to RCW 38.52.070, a lpcal organization for emergency management in accorciar►cc with the Washiugton State Comprehcnsive Emergency Plar► and .Program. 1'his Amended fuid Rcstaled Interlocal Agreement is to provide .for the effective and economical preparation for and coordination of emergency functions, olher than functions for which inilitary forces are pruiiarily responsible. 'lb mitigace, prepare for, respand to, ajid recover from emergencies and disasters, aiid to aid victims suffering trom injury or damage, resulting from cmergency disastcrs causeci by all hazards, whether natural or man-made, and to provide the opporhiniq, for coordination and support of search and rescue operations. SECTION NQ. S: 1)UTLES AND RFSI'ONSIBILITIES OF TI-iE DEPARTKE NT 'f he T7P-FA.IZTMENTT shall office at the Spokane Fire Training Center, 1618 N. Rebecca, Spokane, Washingt4n 99217, until the 1'ARTIES; by mutual agreement, decicle upon a new localion. llepartment of Emergency vfanagement Contract Page 3 of 14 The DEPAItTMFN"1, in addition to havina those duties as enlunerated in RCW 38.52.070, shall also have the FolloNving responsibilities: (a) Pacilitate a coordinafed plaiuung process integrating Emergency Managemcnt plans to include: fcderal, state, local gove.rnments; inciivid'ual city and county departments, neighborhood, individual citizens, schools and the privatc sector: (b) Conduct a comprehensive i.nternal assessment and evaluation of emergency plans, equipment aud personnel proficieticy throueh a program of rEgular exercises; (c) Acquire and maintain Emergency Management fACilities anci equipment; (d) Administer and 1°acilitate prog-ams that enable penple, govcrnments, . comuiunities and the private sector to mininuze and recover from inunediate - and long tcrm impacts of disa.sters; (e) Facilitate the identification, development, implementation and evaluation caf mitigation strategies and activities to reduce vulne_rability tn the effccts of disasters; • Provide tuiiely anci accurate Lmerbeucy Pvtanagcment information; . (g) Participale with thc 9-1-1 Operalions Conunittee to assist the public ui Spokane Cotinty tv easily, rapidly,_and accurately access emergency Police, fire, and medical assista.nce during time of a disaster; (h) Effcctively and eff-ieiently train DEPARBILN'1' staff to coordinate Emergency Managemeni resources, programs, fimctions and systems; (i) Propose coordinated legislatiUn, ordinances, and local laws to improve the . safety of pcople, governments and the private seclor; (j) C'oordinate a cooperative eff'prt of federal, state, and local goveriunents, neigliborhonds, schools, individual citirens, individual city and county dcpar[ments anci privatc sector to educate the public ui emergency and disastcr preparedness; (k) Coorciinate facilities and resourccs to assist fecieral, state, and loe•a] govemments to cffcctively and efficicntly respnnd to emergcncies and disasters; . ~ . Deparcment of Emcrgency Management Contrsct Page 4 of 14 - (1) Wprk in cpoperation with federal, state, and local governiiients, and the private sector to realize, develop aiid maintaui a uehvork of survivable emcrgcncy tclecommunications ancl warning systems; (m) Facilitate a partnership oF federal, state, and local governments and thc privatc sector that provides "All Hazards" L•'•mergency Manageuient traiuin; for emergency eonrdination and management level personnel; (n) Fac:iliCate and partieipate in variotts graup mectings, such as: Search anci Rescuc Council, Spokazie llisaster Comuuttee, Local Einergency Plan.n.ing Coninuttee, Amateur Radio Fmergency Service (A.R.E.S.)/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Scrvice (R.t1.C.E.S.),_ iriland L'mpire rire Cluefs Associati.on, Inland iNarthwest Law EnForcement Leaclership Group, Business & lndustry Committec, Spokanc County EMS Cotuicil; Spokane County IIospital Disaster Comnuttee, City and County Department Heaas and other grc~ups; , (o) Fseablish, train and maintain a volLMteer cadre that can be mobilized in case of search and rescue missions, emergencies aiicl/or disasters; (p) Preparc, monitor, administer aiid evaluate the DrPAR.Ty73NIT' S annual budget; . . (c) 1?articipate in and attend related Emexgency Managemenl conferences, . seminars, trauung 3nd education; ancl (r) Schedule, coordinatc and conduct training in Emergency Management for cducating govertuneut, private sector and individuals. (s) Coordinate the ceceipt, distribution and accountability qf grant or dther (''und.s madc available to local and reEiotial agencies through DEi~~L ~'r~aan a~2¢l-~c>e~ci~~nc~~e-r•e~~ipl~iEl-~is~ra•b~~d~r~-ef-~e;ioi~~l-~~d-l~~-I Ioi~e~r~ c ~ r_,.-- n t,, ' . • SEc iioN rro. 6: PRorERTY AiNn EQuIPnILi vT All eristing equipment and supplies previously used by tlie Emergency Services l~eparm~ents of . both CITY and COiJNTY shall be eombined anci consolidated for the continued maintenance and use by the DEPAIZTMENT. All eyuipment so consolidated sliall remain tbe equiPnient of the uidividual entity supplying the same to the consolidation. A11 equipment required by thc DEPAR'I"MEN`I', othcr than that obtaincd from consolidation, shall be held in the name of thc llLPjkf2'1"MENT and shall be disposed of upon tertnination of the DEPAR.TNLENT as the PAR7"I:ES may mutually agree. Depvtment of Emergency Managemeot Contract Page 5 of 14 \ SECTIQN VO. 7: EMFRGENCY R7AiNAGEYIENT AnVISOKY COUNCIL (EMAC) % Au Lmergency Nlanagement Advisory Council ("EMAC") is hereby created. EMAC'S function shall be to provide vision aid make rtcommendations to the DEYAIZTMENT. EMAC shall be composed of the following And v,41ere apPrapriate, appoi»ted by thcir per-speet-we respective appropriate e.lected officials~A~s-e•ffie-e: huo (2) representatives from the City of Spokane, nne (1) representative from the City of Spokane Valley, nne Cl) representative from thc Citv of Chenev, one representative from ted-Spokane County Ehirec L.lVVl.ifivL one (1) representative selected to represent cities Nvith a population less than 10,000, a representativc froin the Jnland Empire Fu•e Chiefs t\ssociation, and d representati<<e fi-om the Tnlanci Northwest Law Fnforcement Leadership Group. Any city, whose population shall exceed 10,000 and not identifed above shaU also have a representative on the EMAC appointed through tfiei.r mayor's office. Tlle Iairector and Deputy T)ireetor of the I7EPARTMFNT shall bc ea- oft`icio, non-voting members. . A majority nf EMAC meuibers ,vi11 constitute a quorum. FNfAC will assist, advise ajid collaborate Mth the Local Director and Taeputy Director of the DFPARTIMEN r' in the development of service levels, resulting budget, emergency plans and training. Liv1AC shall meet on a quarterl.y ba.sis, unless deemed unnecessary by the Chair. The i.,ocal - Director shall seive as chair. SE' C7'TQN N0. 8: FITYDINC " The Iocal Director nr Deputy Director shall annually preparc a budget for operalion of the Spokane City/County Depai-tment of Emergency Management ("DEM"). Thc annual budget shall' be submitted to the EMAC i`or rcview aud approval. The annual budget shall than be submitted to thc Board of Cnunty Comrnissioners for Spokar►e County for its adoplion. The budget shall include all cos~~ af nlaintenaiice and operation of its offices at 161.8 N. Rebecca . -md 1121 W. Gardner, Spokane, Washington. '1'he anuual budget once approved by the EMAC shall be allocated ainong the AFIRTILS in the same proportionatc share as their populations are to the total populaeion of Spokane Cnuncy. For the purpose of c:alculating poplilations, the COUNI'1 Y shall have that population assigmed to the Lmincorporated area o#' Spokanc County. Provideci, however, the COiJNTY agrecs to pa}= tlie budget allocation assigned to all cicies that . are a part of tlus Ainendeci and REStated Interlocal Agreement and have populakions of less than 1,000. "1'he PARTIFS agree to use the population figures as prepared and publishcd by the - ~Vastungton State Office of 1 inacicial 'Management as of January lst nf:' each calendar yeAr to allocate the budget for that year attached hereto as Exlubit "A" and incorporated herein by reference is an annual budbet for calenciar year 2005. The COUNITY agrces to prepare and provide to all PART[ES on or before October 1S1 for each year this A.mended and Restated Agreement is ui effect a new E:{hibit "A" for the folloNvulg calendar yeax. 17epartuient ofEmergency Manageulent Contract Pace 6 of 14 ~ Thc Spakane County Chief L.r•ccutive O.fficer will subinit annual invoices (ciue and payable ttpon receipt) ui October of every year to the PARTIES witli populations greater than or equal to 1,000 aiid lcss lhan 10,000. Monchly invoiees (due and payable on the fifth day of the f'ollowing manth) Nvill be subnutted ro the PARTTLS with populations greater than or equal to 10,000 and less lhan 150,000. Quarterly invoices (due and pavable upon receipt) will be submirted to the PARTIESwith populacions geatcr than or equal to 150,000. At the end of each calcndar year, usiug the methodology set forth in Estubit "A'S and actual expenditures, the County will then recomputed each PARTIFS actual costs. Annual adjustmcnts will be made on nr before March 3151 of each year based on actual expenditures for the previous year. Tn the event that the PARTILS were over billed dtiring the Previous calendar year, they will reccive a eredit to be appliecl tp the ueYt monthly billing. ln the event that they arc no IUnger signatories to this Amendeci Intcrlocal Agreement, they will be paid by check. In the event that the PAR.TTES werc under billed during the previous calendar year, tlley v.411 bc responsible for paying such debit in ttie next monthly billing. In the event tliat they are no longer sig,ciatories to this Agrcement; they Nvill be responsible for paying any billing within thirty (30) calendar days. E1t their snle discretion, any ]?arty who finaneially pays a portion o1'the aiuiual DEM budget in tlie casc of over billing, or in the sole discretion of the COUNTY, ui the case qf an under billing, the Party niay request interest on such amount based on the lost interest eariungs had the under billing amnunt been investecl sinee the end of the ealendar yea,r to the date of deterniination in the Spokane Cotuity Treasurer's Investment Pool or the over billing amount been invesleci since the end of the calendar year to the ciate nf determination in the Washington Cities tnvesttiient Pool. S.ECTIOV NO. 9: TNT)ENi~i lIF1CATt0N The PA_RTILS agree that the llLPARTIViFNT, all of its employees, to inclucie the T ocal l7irector and Deput}, Director, shall be included under the COLTNTY'S self-insured 'uisurance coverage for beneral liability and worker compensation. The PARTIES further a;rec that the COLTNTTY shall be responsible for any liability, loss, cost or expense clauned by thirci parties for property damage and bodily injury, i.acluding cleath, r.aused by any acl or omission attxihuted to the 17EPARTMFNT, its employees oc agents in colulection , with the Amended Tnterlocal t-1greement. 1?ach Yai-ty shall be responsible for its o~vn wlong&l and negligeirt acts or omissions, or thosc of its of_icers, agents, or emplnyees to the Fullest estent required by laNv, and shall indenuufy, dcfefid, and hold the other Party harmless from any such liability. !n the case of negligence at' more than one Party, any damap-es allowed shall be leviccl in prpportion to the perc;entage of , negligence attributable to each Party a,nd each Party shall have the right to seek contribution from the other Party in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to the other Party. SEC'TION N0. 10: SPOKANE DISASTER CONLMTTEE . Department of Emergency Management Contracf Page 7 of 14 Ther.e shall be a Spokane laisaster Committee. The Spokane Disaster Comnuttee shall consist of " represcntatives frnm law ctiforcement, fire service, hospitals, local Do~~ernment, cmer~enc}~ medical services; ttle inilitwy, the I7EPARTIM-EiT, as wcll as other individuals from the public aud privatc sectors. The purpose of the Spokane Disaster Committcc shall be to assist the DEYAI2TMFNT in mitigation, preparation, placuune, respanse and recovery fTom disasters or • inajor emergcncies. The Conunittce shall meet on a montlily basis, unless dECmed unnecessary by the Chair. The Comuuttee shall elect its oNvn chair, vice-chair, etc. The Committee shall establish its own bv-1a4vs. SECTIUn' NO. 11: iapCAL EA'lE1ZGENCX PLANNING COA'.fN1TTTEE I"hcre shall be a Spokane Local Emergency Planning Cominittee ("LFPC"). `I'he LE-PC shall be established anci conform to the Federal, State; and Local 1aws. Thc LLYC shall assisl the IaFPARTMF.N°T' ui its cnmpliance to all pertuient laws pertaining to Hazardous Nlaterials. SECTION NC). 12: THE LOCAL nIRFCTQR OF ENIERGENCY MANAGEMEIYT . Tl~e Spokane Cotuity Shei•iff is hereby appointed as tlle Spokmie Local Director of Emergency Management. T11e Local Director stiall be respansible for: (a) The overall Emergcncy Mfuiagement program; (b) Scrve as Chair of tlie FMAC; and ~ (c) Empowercd to declare a disaster or state of emergency in eonsultation witli affected jurisdictional electcd official(s). SECTION NO. 13: 1)FPiJTY DI:RECTOIt OF l.iNT_TRC•FNCY MAYAGEA'LLN'1' The Deputy Director of the Spokane City/Cowity Depitrlment of EmcrgEncy Managemenl shall be responsible to the T..QCaI Director. Subject to the direction of the Lncal Director, the I7eputy Tairector is hcreby empowered and directed: (a) To act on behal£ of the Local Dircctor ul his absence in all Emergency Managemenl Functions and responsibilities; (b) To prepare a comprchensive einergency management plmi conform.ing to the state comprehcnsive emergency management plan progr~n and l~r.ograms; (c) To coordinate the effort of the emcrgency management organization for the accomplistunent of the purposes of this Flgreement; ; , Departrnenc oP Emergency Management Coniract Page 8 oP 14 (d)''1"o coordinate and facilitate cooperation bctween di-visions, services and stai'f • ~l of the joint emergeucp management scrvices jurisdictions, and to resolve questions of authority ancl responsibility that may arise between thcm; (e) To reliresent the Spokacie City/Cvunty Deparlment of Ernergency vlanagement orgaiuzation in all dealings «rith public or private agcncies pertainirig to cmergency man9gement and disasters; To keep aiicl maintain an uiventory of all nou-pcrishable aud non-expendable goods, supplies azid equipment of the DEPARTMENT ar in its custody, including federal excess properly on loan to the DFFARTMENT, with said inventory to specify the location of each item listed thcreon; and (g) To eqtup; maintain, and train Eniergency Uperations Center ("EOC") persdnnel and to act as manager of said FOC upon activalion for disaster 4r eYCrcise. • SLCTION NO. 14: ERiv1INATIQN Facll Party ma_y terminate its participation in the lnterlocal Cooperation Agreement upon one hundred eighty (180) days ,v7itten noticc to the Iairector of the DEPARTMENT prior to JanuFUy st. ls` of any year. The ef.fective date of the te.rnunation will be Jaecember 31 • Federal or state o,,«ied properties shall be disbursed in accordance with appropriate federal or state guidelincs. Items loaned to the DEPARIMENT by a participating member shall upon requesl be returned to that nieniber upon that member's withdrawal from this Agreement or upon - tlus Agrcement's cancellation. _ All properties o,~Nned by thc DEPARTMENT will remaul with the DEPARTMENT and shal.l not be subject to disbiirsement. SECI'IOn° NQ. 15: SEVEi RABII,iTY It is undcrstood and agreed by lhe PAR`11LS hereto that if any part, tenn or provision af th'is Amended lnterlocal Agreement is helcl by the coiirts ta be ill.egal, the validity of the remaining provisions sliall not be affected, and the righrs and obligatians of the PARTTFS shall be constnicd ar►ci enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the partieular provision held to 'be invalirl. if it should appear thal any provision hereof is ui conflict with any statute of the State oC Washin,gton, said provision that may eonfliet therewith shall be deemed moclified to conform to such statutory provision. SFCTI.ON NO. 16: k" NTM- AGREEIV1_F,NT ~ J Department of EmergeLicy vlanagement Confract Page 9 of 14 The PAR1'LES agree tiiat this Amended and Restatecl lnterlocal Agreement is the completc expression of the tenns hereto and any eral represenlations or understandings not inc•orporated herei» are excluded. This A.mendeci and Restated Interlocal Agreement shall supersede all prior resolutions anci agreemenLs exccuted by the f'AR1EF-S hercto with regard to Emergency Management, uicluding; but not necessa.rily liniited to Spokane Counry Joiut Res4lution No. 79- 0873 executed June 25; 1979, Spnkane County joint Resolution Nlo. 96-0991, and Spokane County Joint Resolution No. 04-0689 unless incorporated mid made reference tU herein. SEC I T0N NQ. 17: 1VIUTUAL AIll AGRFFMEntTS 'Nlothine in this Amended and Restated blterlACal Agreement shall limit the aulhority, responsibility or duties af any Party arising nut of any mutual aid agreement or ather agreements with other governmental entities. SECTION NO. 18: COUNTLRk'ARTS This Ainended and Restated lnterlocal Ageement may be eYecuted in couuiterpacts, and each such counterpart shall be cieemed to be an Uriginal instrument. All such counterparts togcther wi ll constihite one and the same Agreement. SEC`IION NQ. 19: AG12.TFMENT TO BT FiLED `1'he C4unty will be responsiblc for filing this Amended and Restatccl Agreement with the County Auditor. E,acli Partp shall file this Amended azld Restated Agreement wilh its respective Clerk. SECTION YO. 20: RECdKIIS Thc Department shall maintain in accordanc;e with state law a11 records related to its expenditures and responsibilities under the tenns of this Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement. Eaeh 1 Party shall have acccss to such records at reasonable times. SECTI0N NQ. 21: NUT1:CrS All notices shall be in writing a.ud setved either personally or by certified iiiail, return receipt requested to ttie PAIZ.TIES at the adclresses sct forth herein above. iNotices sent by certified mail shall be decmed served when deposited in lhc Uiuted Srated Mail, postage prepaid. SECTION r10. 22: MOlllFICATI0N This Amended and Rcstated Interlocal Agreemenl may be modified at any time by muiual ai,Ureement of the PAR'I'1LS. ; Dep3rcment of Emergeney Manaeement Contract Page 10 of 14 ~ S:F-GTION NO. 23: CH_A.PTER 39.34 RCW K.L~QUTRED CLAUSES ~J(a) Purpose. See Section ]\to. 4 abovc. (b) Dur.ation. See Sectiou No. 3 above. (c) OrganizatiUn of Separate Entity and Its Yowers. See Sectian No. 1 above. (ci) Responsibilities of the PAR.TTES. Sec provisions above. - (e) AR eement to be Filed. See Section No. 4 above. Financing. The COiJNTY shall amiually inform thc CITY by August 15t• of its projected c:asts for the next fiseal year as a part of the regular budgetary process. Each Party shall be responsible for the f.inancing of its contractual obligations under it5 normal budgetary process. (g) 1 ermination. See Section No. 20 above. (h) Propecty upon "I'ermuiatioii. See Section No. 14 above. ~ J IN VVI1 NI;SS WHEREO C+', the T'ARTIES have caused this Amended and Rcstated lnlerlocal Agreement to be eaecuted on date ancl year opposite their respective signahires. n°OTF: There will be a separate signature page for each cntity signing the agreemcot. DATED: AOARD OF COUNTY COVTNi1SSIpiNERS OF SPOICANE, COLNTY, `VASI-iIhGTON Phillip D. Harris, Chair ATTFST: Todd Miclke, Vice-Chair BY: Daniela Erickson, I7eputy Clerk of the I3oard Mark R.ichard, Commissioner Qepartment of Emergency Management Contract Page 1 1 of 14 i ~ ATTACHMENT "A" Spokane County Department of Emergency Management 2005 Operating Costs Operating Budget" 326,668 Building M/O*` 40,378 Indirect Costs' 35,828 402,874 . . Less: Revenue'"'"** 61,272 Total Operating Cost . 341,602 % Population per Annual Cost Po ulation Cit er Entit S okane Valley 83,950 0.1943 66,383 S okane 1971400 0.4569 156,093 ~ Unincor orated 120,726 0.2795 95,464 Aiiwa Hei hts 4,590 0.0106 3,630 Chene 9,855 0.0228 7,793 Deer Park 3,045 0.0070 2,408 Fairfield 576 0.0013 455 Latah 204 0.0005 161 Liberty Lake 4,950 0.0115 3,914 Medical Lake 4,120 0.0095 3,258 Millwood 1,645 0.0038 1,301 Rockford 511 0.0012 404 S angle 297 0.0007 235 Waverl 131 0.0003 104 . Total Count Po 432,000 1.0000 341,602 , Based on 4Vashington State OFR4 Forecast Aprit 1, 2004. http:/lwvrvr.ofm_wa.gov/popJaprilSlindex.htm ' Target 205 budget for Departrnent Ot 0-0400Q09 "Building flel0 based on Oh4B A-87 2003 for 2005 (escalated) and sq ft provided by Bill Hansen FI'Es multipliQd by s8me indirect rstelFTE (58,957)used by the SherifPs Office for their 2005 Valley Contracl ! ATTACHI~IENT "A" Sudgeted 2005 gr3nt money 010-0400009 \ I / / CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 'City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informaHon ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Amended Fee Resolution GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 05-011 contains the existing fee schedule for the city. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Resolution 05-411 was passed in June of this year and included updated fees. As the city approaches 2006 there are a few changes that need to incorporated into the fee schedule. BACKGROUND: The city uses a resolution to establish fees for city programs, permits and . services. Periodically, the city must update the fee resolution to incorporate new or modified fees. The changes needed at this time include: ~ 1. The addition of a separate transcript/record deposit fee on appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decisions as established in Ordinance 05-021. 2. The addition of a$250 paving permit fee as discussed at the July 19, 2005 council meeting. 3. Plan Review Fees to be paid at the time of permit issuance as proposed by Building Official Tom Schoftens and discussed at the September 6 council meeting. 4. The approach permit fee and the right of way obstruction fee were moved from another section of the resolution. 5. The deletion of a$10 fee for a copy of our annual budget. 6. Adjusting the annual Storm water fee to $20/ equivalent residential unit based on the six year plan prepared by public works. _ 7. Incorporating some public worfcs fees into existing permit fees (no increase in the amount owed by users) as discussed at the July 19, 2005 council meeting. 8. The addition of an oversized load permit fee of $25 as discussed at the July 19, 2005 council meeting. - If these changes are adopted, the Storm Water Ordinance, 03-A-1, will be amended to reference the current City Fee Resolution rather than stating the fee amount in the ordinance. A proposed fee resolution is attached. OPTIONS: Adopt the proposed fees. Make changes to the proposed fees. Leave the fees as they exist today. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A council motion to make these fee changes is recommended. ; BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The change in the Storm Water Fee from $17 to $20/equivalent residential unit would generate an additional $254,000/year for Storm Water Fund operations and/or. improvements. The other fee increases/decreases are estimated to generate $1,500/year to the city. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Neil Kersten, Cary Driskell, Marina Sukup. . Fee Resoluti*on Amendments Spokane Valley Council Meeting September- 20, 2005 . 9/8/2005 1 Changes ■ Transcript/record deposit fee on Hearing Exarniner appeals $150 0 Paving permit fee - larger lots $250 Plan review fees paid with permit ■ Approach perrnit & right-of=way obstruction permit moved from another section of resolution ■ Delete copy of budget fee ($10) - ■ Stormwater fee increase $17 to $20 ■ Oversized load permit $25 ■ Public Works fees incorporated into perm.it fees 918l2005 2 . : . _ , . _ , Attactiment 2 ~ A:NLENDED VIASTER ~+~:E.;la SC:M:ED'[7LE .E'ee Schedulc Pagc Nca. Schedule A: p'~tiDevelopment 2 Seliedule . ' _ 4 Schedule GH: Building 54 Schcdule DC: Fire Code +21 l. Schedule ED: Parks & I2ecreation 4-514 Schedule FE: Administrative 17 . i . Schedule GF: Other Fees 18 ~ - ; . . 1-E1r5:-Me.sEer-Fee,Scjhixlude-#'oi-300-~------ :'-Pa{;e 1 of21-1-5 MASTER FE. + SCftEDULE ~ Schcdule A - nL ~ Nr:I)EVELOPiMENT ANi.F\9MFNTS. Compreliensive Plan lmendment $1,500.00 Zaiing or other code text amendment: $1,500.00 . APPEALS . Appeal ofAdministrative llecisinn $1,000.00 Appeal of Wearin? Esaminer findings $300.00 I '1'ranscriodrecord deposit fee on appeals of Hearing E•xaminer's decisions $150 0 ENVl:FtOM1i'I_ENTA.L RFVT.FW I State Fnvirnninental PolicY Act (SI:FAI eheeldis~ Single dwelling (when reyuired) $100.00 All other developments ' $300,88350.00 ' Emrironmental Impact Statement E 15 Iteview $2,888$82,200.0 Addenda of existinQ EIS Review Q $35(1.00 Shoreline . SubstFUrtial Development Ferniit _ $800.00 Critical Are.is $300.00 ~ Boo-d}21ain Peiynit 50.00 1'er lot PERVI.ITS Home Occupation E'ermit $80.00 C;onditional Use Yerm.it $800.00 • TemporaryUse Permit . $150.00 PLATS Subdivisious . Preliminary plat ~$?98A,W2,150.0 Plus $25-040.00 per 0 lot Final plat $4-,9OO-OA1.250.0 f'lus $10.00 per lot 0 56nrt Plxts Preliminary 2-4 lots $590.0 A750.00 Final Plat 2-4 LoLs $8$9-991 50. Vlus $1 0.00 per lot f'reliminary plat 5-9 Lots $4-,800:981,250.0 Pltas $25.00 per lot ' 9~kiaai3-4-of I'tesdl+toew04-9~5-+es[apllee-Sehedu#e-1bs62905 Page 2 of2] o J I Final Plat 5-9 Lots $$0$:081 050.0 Plus $10.00 per lot , i ~ 9hI+:bit-A of Resalutt 025 r-1=ee SEheQtiIe fer 2005 Page 3 of 21 I Plat AledifietrEiHm:lltcration , Subdivision plat S650.00 Short plat $265.00 Bincling Site Plan $1,500.00 Binding site plan modification $1,300.00 Change of Conilil:ions $650.00 Aggregati o n/S egrega Cio n Lof line adjustment $100.00 Lot line elimination $100.00 . Zero lot line $100.00 Plus $10.00 per lot SIGNS - Revieyv of permanent sigm .$50.00 Plus $25.00 if Public Works review is necded Revicw of tempor►ry sigm $50.00 • SI'I'E 1'LAii H-FVf.FW $~-58:995SQ_0 0 , STREET VACATiO\i APPLICATIQN $1,300.00 vaRr4,vcFs Adminislrafive $300.00 Public f4earings $1,500.00 7()NING - I Zonin}; map ainendnients (re-r.,one)* $4-,50A-091.650•0 0 PUTa plan . $1,500.00 Plus $25.00 per lot PUD mocliiication S500.00 *Tf rezone is combinecl with other acYion(s), eost of . other acfion(s) is additional. \rote: The Building Official is authorized to require the peritut applicant to provide fee rzinibursement fo tlie City of Spokatie Valle ~ fj Ur any professional serviccs reauired outside of Citv staff review. Some examples of potenlial outside resourc;es include plau review. constniction inspeclion and stuvevin~. , ~ £xhibdt-r4-e&kes ,te"e- 6ene:ltt3e fer ~~95 I'age 4 of2] PUBLIC NNLORJC-S ~ J - e~e~~~~ae-upc~~tr~x3i~$1-o•f~Fl~a~~-~~y-a~d+iiexftl- aewal-eests °-~dtie t the-time e€-eeett~~ey peftait-er- f , hie~~~ m.~-:-~~'M'--Per-~oat~-~e~~ifa~gc~es-'tetrand-se~'; ^,~,e.,,,-a- ee~a~p~s-i~~-a~ . rits, plat.ffiaps,,etG- S2-Se:oe ~~~tirly rtRi.-ftfteF-5- _ reur-,q - Re~~ ~-so-Ag -D"s-hauFl-y-r-are-a eF 3 #teofs A&i trnples-efrl tettr'Ip-pctte-~Sy:sf~vrrinektde-b}tf-Err•~-r~ot lionifed-F6- eartrtnevesyr•-~xr~rie-~--~i=i e~ fNSI-UC~'9NS • & EanRvr•ateF-,j-s#ej"-r-e*ie-vv Stomwater sysEee~-tns~eEgef+s $59:88 Nws41e~rrlyte-a#ter k~`~otrr Fiield-menitefing-of ir}socyet+efis-e~adirg-AEes,,- Hactr-I}-Fate ti•€ami~ttlti-let sites $208-98 Pltrs-ixxw4y-(few4ietw- ` mini ffl-tim) ~.J Indu.4fial er-a' '.,d,,;t..:,.l ,.:,.,.s $225.0 8 Ntts-hoc+r4y nrr~~~ ~ Rigkrt Pla-, i-e%ieav-L~- .inspeetier,«"t- 110HAY Ffitel' Appreaeh-pum+E &2-5-48 Nus i~eeview-& . . heul-ly FiAeA Pitts hetrrly-r-~tEe-aftaF - +s:~eitF Ge+i#itie+iitl-6se-}*Fm4 ~88-98 Plus--i~ryeet{ee-fee Sher-oline-}~+i~ . VA NuyAeugy-Fate-Ae~ ~~~f 3.-1ftfinftees ~Oy-fare r....t.c~n, ccr`'-ti-e➢@ Or-i'~iLF,r „f w..y e1.,.,tii{ib $!,000. B . l•iinB-of 61~3ltE`EtkJiR AtFLnnrn nAR494~" it-eaC-b-yeaf , e, 7 .,o 34,6n s,...,..o f~~f e:P±r-€aeeiyeaF-#E»ll-ca~ktery3r-e~o,-~ pla"F'l, G VAi P A!`T A\T A T ITC+1C ~ li ~TTT [il ~-58-A8 il'itis hourl)-F~~~e-afw- SIS ~ 42'+our- . % ( r.•.~,.~r~xaic'--^rvf solutie*-04 025 . haa..~e fb• 2005 PA~.~*c 5 of 21 I Schedule CB - BITILDING - The building code permil fees a.re collected at the time of the issuance of the building pernut. Other fees are also to be collected at the time of thc issuina of thc building pcrnut. Fach department for whom the fee is c:ollccted is to advise the permit spccialist of fees due. GRAnIN(Y Perm i t Fees Cubic Yards FEE 100 of lcss $20.00 lUl to 1,000 S20.00 Por the first 100 Cu. Yd., plus $7.00 for each additional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,001 to 10,000 $83.00 for the first 1,001 Cu. Yd., plus $6.00 for each additional 1,000 Cu. Yd. 10,001 to 100,000 $147.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Xd. plus $15.00 f or cach additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,001 to 200,000 $368.00 for the :first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,000 or more $503.00 for the first 200,000 Cu: Yd. plus $15.00 for each additiona1200,000 Cu. Yd. _ Plans Checking Fees Cubic Yarcls FEE 50 or lcss No fee 51 to ] 00 $12.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 1,00t to 10,000 $25.00 10;001 to 100,000 $25.00 for the frst 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $7.00 . far eaeh additional 10,000 Cu. 1'd. 100,001 to 200,000 $98.00 far the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $6.00 for cach additianal 100,000 Cu. Ycl. 200,001 or more $158.00 , Litnd Clearing only (wr,ithout esrth being moved) $65.00 I Pa»ng l'crmil: (greater than 5,000 ST - new Uaying only) `G250.00 S 1 KUCTiJ12AL CODE F3uilding perinit fees for each project are set by the follovving fee schedule. "I`hc table below is to be used to aeterminc the building permit fees a.nd plans check fees based on ttie value of the constniction wrork as stated by fhe applicaiit or the valuc calculateci by the ]3uilding nfficial using ~ ~bi • 04 3-~-Mesf f6300.5 Pagc 6 of 2 1 the latest vxluation data published in the 13uildirtg Safety Journtll by the International• C;ode Counci], Nvhichevcr value is greatest. Valuation Tablc Total Valuation Fce . $1 to $25,000 $69.25 for the fust $2,000 plus $14 for each aciclitinnal $1,000, or fractiqn thereo:f, up to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $391.25 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each adclifi.onal $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and includi.ng $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the ~first $50,000 plus $7 for each . additional $1,000, or fraction thereof•; up to and • incluciing $100,400 $100,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 .f.or each aciditioaal $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to anci , including $500,000 . $500,001 to $1,000;000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 far each aciditional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $ I,000,000. $1,000,000 and up $5,608.75 for ttic first $1,000,000 plu.s $3.15 for each ~ aclciilional. $1,000, or fraction tliereof - Valuation Lxceptions Fee Fer Syuare Foot Private ;arages (~vood frame) $l 9.00 Private garagges (inasonry) . $22•00 Polc buildings $19.00 Open carport, decks, porches • $ l 5.00 Plans Revicw Fees I Plan .Revicw Fees shall be collected at the tiine ot permit issuance alang vvith the WSRC fee. F-eesafete-be-c-el4eeted-Ert4he4irrie-ef+ee. o d,e „l:,..,+;e.,-vf=~.effntta~flle-plamwe~~eNN,-'€ee is-ewr $6{}- . . , aee. Plans review fce (general) 65% Of bldg perniit fee Plans review fee - Group R-3 oecupancies (single family 40% Of hldc permit fee less than 7,999 sq. ft.) Plans review fee - Group R-3 occupancies (single fiunily 65% Of bldg pernaiC fee 8,000 sq. ft. or grater) Plans review fee - U-1 or U-2 occupancies (sheds, barns, 25% Of bldg perniit fee \ J etc.) . Plans revie-w fee - teiliporary tciit or structure 25% Of bldo permit fee . ~ £~~bi~-•4-<~1:esoEt~ea r2005 Psgc 7 of 21 ; feview f es--afe-x,.+ Ee-t~~eview-lia:, been--4f33-'E2d--i'7-Ii1s-= e-is-i7a i ftEditien te444B-fti"fl9-lE-i '.c ne ~:.I--~GG-f@e-i~te be ee!4E'Lt2"~ *i~i"~c . Initial Plan Rcvicw Fees shall be cappcd at $35,000 ma~ximum with the following cxception: Fxceplion #1: . If additional prnfessional resources are required for individual project plan revicw for those projects that reach the maxUnuni Plan Review Fce, the Buildi.ng Official shall be authorii..eci lo require the pernut applicant to providc those resources to lhe City of Spokane Valley. Tf a set of plans already checkeci and approved is resubmitted by the owner or 1us/her agent; an hourly rate of $47.00 N%rill be applied for tlle re-review. YLUlVf.f3TNG CODE The plunibing cocie fees Nvill be collected when the associated pemut is issued. If the plumbing is included in lhe Building Permjt the unit costs arc addecl, but not the basic plumbuig penliit fee. A. Basic fees ' 1) Basic fee for issuing each permit - $35.00 ~ 2) Basic fbr each supplemental permit $7.50 B. Unit Fees (i.n addition to the basic fee) 1) For each_ plumbing fiYture on a trap (including $6.00 garbage disposals, dish washers, back tlow device, draina€e, hot hibs, built in water softener, water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains, etc ) 2) Frivate sewagc disposal systein . $20.00 3) Water heater . $6A0 Cach 4) Industrial wastE pret.rcritment interceptor including $15.00 its trap and vent, except kitchen type grease interceptors t'unctioning as fixh►re traps. 5) Repair qr alteration nf water piping, drainage or $6.00 Each tixhtre vent piping 6) I..awn sprinkler systcm oti aily one meter ' $25.00 - 7) Atmospheric type vacuum breaker $6.00 rach A) Bacl:flow protecfive device other than atmospheric $6.00 Each type vacuum breal:ers 9) Medical gas . . $6.00 Per outlet ' 10) Intercepkors $6.00 Each _i ~ Gtlttbit-k-e : r-l~ae-Schedule-far 2005 Page 8 of 21 MFCHANYCAL CQAE . The mcehanieal code fECS Nvill be c;ollecteci Nivhen the as.sociatecl perinit is issueci. I:f it is ulcludcd in khe $uilding Permit, the un.it costs are added, but not the basic mechanical permit fec. A. Basic fees 1) l3asic fee for issuinn each pernlit $35.00 . 2) Basic for each supplemental permit $7.50 . B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) 1) Furnaces & suspended heaters - 1nstallalion or eelocation a. up to and includinn 100,000 btu $12.00 b. over 100,000 btu . $15.00 2) Duct work system $10.00 3) Heat pump & air conditioner a. 0 to 3 tons $12.00 b. over 3 to 15 tons $20.00 c. over 15 to 30 tons $25.00 d. over 30 to 50 tons $35.00 e. over 50 tons $60.00 4) Gas water heatec $10.00 . 5) Gas pining system $1.00 1'er outlet 6) Gas log, .fircplace, and L-as insert installation $10.00 7) Appliance veuts i.nslallalion; relocation; replacernent $10.00 Each 8) Repairs or additions $15.00 9) -$oilers, compressors; and absorption systems a. 0 to 3 hp - 100,000 btu or lcss $12.00 b. Over 3 to 15 hp - 100,001 l0 500,000 btu $20.00 . c. Over 15 - 30 hp - 500,001 to 1,000,000 btu $25.00 . . d. ovcr 30 hp- I,000,001 tn 1,750,000 bhi $35.00 e. over 50 hp - ovcr 1,750,000 btu $60.00 10) Air Hanrilers a. l:ach unit up to 10,000 cfni, including ducts . $12.00 b. rach un.il over 10,000 cfin $15.00 . 11) Evaporativc Coolers (other than portable) $1.0.00 12) Ventilatian and exliAUSt a_ Each fan connectcd to a single duct $10.00 b. Each ventilatipn systzm $12.00 c. Each hood servcd by meehanical ex6aust $12.00 13) Iiicincrators a. Ins-tallation or relocation of residential $19.00 b. liistallation or relocation of coinmercial $22.00 14) Appliances, each $10,00 15) Uiilisted appliances a. uncier 400,000 btu $50.00 . b. 400,000 btu or over $100.00 ( Em41vi ' ~ ~.~tzr-Fee-&hedtfle-feF294j Pagc 9 af 21 16> Hova a. lype I $50.00 b. Type II $10.00 17) L P Storage tanlc $10.00 18) Wood or Pellet siove insert $10.00 19) Wood stqve system - free standing $25.00 ET'ERCY CODF . F»ergy Code Plans check fee is also establishcd to clieck to meef the requireuients of R.CW 51- 11 WAC. These are in addition to the Build'uig Code Fees. If City iuspectors are. a.ssigned to veri.fy Energy Plans; the following fees apply. If an outsidc energy i.nspector is required, fhat fee will bc determined by the outside agency. Residential RemodcUAddition . $ -0- New Singlc Farnily $-p- Tenant Iinprovement A. 0 to 10,000 square feef $35.00 13. 10,001 square feel and over $45.00 C. Multi-Family . $60.00 1'er building D. New Coitunercial and industrial $90.00 OT..T-TER -BUTLDING COllE ~ EE5 Annual Pcrmit ' Auiual Spokane Valley Building Permits used to: 1) maintain equipmenf c>r buildings, • 2) construct or remodel small areas of assembly occupancies, or 3) install tents or membrane structurES may be available depending upon the detenninatian of fhe valuation of work matie by the Spokale Valley 13uilditn0 g OfT-icial. Certain record keeping and inspection responsibilities shall be established in a site specific Spokane Valley Annual Pcrtnit Agreement. I Approach Permit 50_00 i)emolirion Permit - Sin;le farnily EZesidence . $44.00 Cnnunercial buildings S125.00 Garage or accessory builcling asspciated with a residence $20.00 or commercial building Septic tank ar underground flammable tank associated with $ I.0.00 Each a. residenec car commercial building Early Start Agrcemenls (Foundations) 25% Of bldg perniit fee ~ , w • U2-S-Master-t=eegShedtiEe fer _A03 1'agc 10 of 21 ~ ~ . . ` . I i,.:, , ,.rn..,.oe-feF~2$0§ P.ige 11 of21 Rieht-of-Way UbsYruction Pcrmit $70.00 I . Sign Fces Fees collected for a sign perrnit and a plans check f.'ee for signs erected in accordance with the Si~ Code. The below fce plus the WSBCC fee of $4.50. Signs mounCed on buildings $45.00 Sign and pole rriounting $65.00 Temporary Ccrt:ific.ite nf nccupancy $50.00 Washington State Ruilding Code Council (W.S.$.C.C.) Surcharge A flat fee of $4.50 xvill be collcctcd ou each permit for approved plans or auy other permit khat is issued in accordancc with the Spokane Valley Building Code. FXCFPT: For multi-family pmjeets, thc fcc is $4.50 for the f.irsl living unit and $2.00 for each addilional unit. 'I'he City Finance Department will fonvarci lhis fee to the WSBCC on a quarterly basis. OTHE17 IV1ISCELLANE-OTJS h'FFS • t A. For City persoiznel l) H4urly rate set for City Employees (unless $47.00 otherwrise specifiecl) 2) Hourly rate for permii sPecialist $42.00 3) Qvertime charges 1.5 times regular ' - rate • B._ Hourl}' rate for contracted services . Set accorciing t:o " cont,ract rate C. Hourly rate for special c;alled inspectians $47.00 D. Mobilc home location permit and inspecdon - 1) Temporary mobile home $60.00 2) Alanufactured home inspection, per section $50.00 * r. I-Iouse Moving Fee 1) Class 1, II, aud ]Ii -Moving permit : $60.00 . 2) Class I, II, and III - Inspection fec $60.00 3) Class IV (if already permifted by Spokanc $-0- County or Spokane City) . . * Plus ha.cemendcr•aWspace valuation per•mit fee *$Plus $'47.00 per hozir after the IS' hour, and SO per nrile if the building 1a be nivved into the • City is outside the City limits . ~ . . , ~~+rg4-p2-5-A9~ster~f~ee-Sahe~~Ee-€er =AA3 Page 12 of 21 F. Miiumum Housing inspection fee $55.00 I'lus $47.00 per hour • after 1" liour G. Work on any struchuc or buileiing without a pcrmit if a Spoka.nc Vailey Pemut is reqiured: 1) M.ini.mum invcstigalive i.nspection fEe $55.00 2) Total investigative fce to be erlual to the permit fee determined for the value of I.he illegal work accomplislicci 1•1. Spccial inspections (requested by awzier or tenant) 1) Fire, ti7na, mud slide or flood ciamage $60.00 2) laay Care $60.00 3) Nursing Homes, hospitals, et al $60.00 Plus $ 47.00 per hour after l st hqur 4) SpecialOccupaneies $60.00 _ 1. Lxcess inspe•ctions for A givcn projee.t created by the $47.00 Per inspecXion or re- developer, oA&rner ar contractor inspection 7. Conclom.ituum eonvcrsion plans review/inspeetion fcc 13ascd oct va1ue of , projcct antl bl(lg code valuation K. Temporary tents, canopics, anil air supported structures fur public use; inclusive of all tcnts for a single event. It does not apply to tents less than 200 sq. ft., canopies less t:bav 400 sq _ ft, cwnping tents, or to tents used for private, non commercial events. 1) Plaus check fee $13.00 . ~ 2) Ba.sic permit fee $60.00 L. Fnclosing an cxisting deck or patio 1) Plans check fee 40% Of the basic fee for plans etamination 2) Basic permit fee Based on value of project; minimum $3,000 M. ,Swiuuning pools (Over 5,000 gallons) $50,00 T'lus plumbing fees " N. Re-roof Pcrmit: Fee based on the value of'the project. No plan review fcc will be t;barged unless plans are submitted for revieNv. ' 0. Change ot' iJse or Occupancy ClassiFic;:ition permit $47.00 P. Towers, elcvated tanl:s, anteiinas Basec1 on value of project :f3UIl,DING CQT)T FE E REFUiYD POLiCY No Pemut Fee refiuid is allowed onee the work has been starteci. If a refiind is rcquested, the request shall Ue addressEd to the Build'uig Official in writing, and shall be received at the Spokane Vallcy I'ermit Center withui 180 days of the ciate a.F issuance of the permit. Any fee refimd requcst received after 180.days of the date of perm.it issuance shall be denied. Any refund approved shall be liniitecl to 80% of thc tntal Permit Fee paid. Rcfunds shall be limited to Building, T'lurnbing and Mechanical Permit fees paid to lhe City-of SpokanE Valley. Page 13 of 21 ~ Schedule &C - F'IRE CODE . ; C'lltE ALARM, SPFtL1`KLER AN[) OTIMR PROTECTlON SXSTFVIS Plaiis check and review fees, inspections, and permit for installation of separate fire alarm system or sprinkler syslem applicltions, and other Cre protection systems. Fire Alarm System A. Commercial - permit, plans clieck and inspection $ased on value of . ' system B. Resiclential 1) A11 zones $40.00 2) Aerniit 1'ce $35.00 . Sprinlder Systems ~ A. Tenant improvements 1) Less tha.a 10 heads $65.00 2) 11 or more heacis $$S.QQ B. New systems . 1) Comrnercial - permit, plans check and Based on value af , inspectiUn . system 2) Residcntial $60.00 Each riser, plus $1.10 _ per plugJhead Ot6er Prutection Systems - A. Firc extuiguishuig system (other than spriiil:lers) $50.00 Plus $1.50 per nozale R. Standpipe installation 1) Class 1 and Glass II $58.00 2) Class III $70.00 • C. Fire pump, installation S55.00 D. Fmergency or standby commercial powcr generaiors $55.00 installation C. FlaiTunable and combustible liquids storage tanks installation 1) a. Underground, ] st tank $55.00 b. k'lus each additional taak- on saiue site $35.50 2) a. Above ground tank $55.00 b. ' k'lus each additional taiil: on saine site $35.00 3) Aunual pen-nit fe:e for staragc $30.00 F. I-Iazardous inaterials stor-dge tar►ks installation Per huil: 1) Less thttn 500 gallons $75.00 2) 500 - 1,199 gallons $104.00 3) 1,200 gallons or rnore $147.00 I "'FTibt1-t1-A4-R-esOlut[t.)tl-U4-O2-37-tylflSEZf 1'-PE' SehBElele fef 2005 Page 14 of 21 G. Liquelied petroleum tan:s installation Per tank I) :L,ess than 500 gailons $84.00 2) 500 - 9,999 gallpns $104.00 . 3) 10,000 gallons or more $147.00 14. Gaseous oYygen systzrns installation 1) Less ttian 6;000 cuhic feet $78.00 2) 6,000 - 11;999 cubic :feet $90.00 3) 12,000 cubic fect or more $118.00 I. Nitrous systems i.nstallation $95.00 Pius $12.00 each outlet J. Medical gas systems inslallation _ 1) Ctaseous systcm $90.00 P1tas $12.00 each . outlct 2) T.,iquefied systcm $95.00 Plus $12.00 each ' . outlet K. Hazardous material rccycling system insta.llation l) 110 gallons or less per day capacity $95.00 2) More than 110 gallens per day capaciry $117.00 L. Vapor recovery systcm installaiian . Per tank 1) Phase T- tank tnick and tank $90.00 2) Phase I.I - vehicle fueled aiid tank ' $115.00 M. Ccyogenic tank installalian 1) First tank . $95.00 2) Lach additional tank on sane site $35.00 N. Removal, abandonment, or any c;nntbination thereof, of fl~3rnmdble or combustiblc liquid storage tanks 1) First tank (commercial) $84.00 2) Fach additional tank on ihe same site $47.50 (commercial) 3) Contractor's pernut for removal or $75.00 abandonment of residential undcr-ground fuel tanl:s 0. Fire Department fee for inspecl:ions and fnllow up. Foe initial inspection, plans check and follow up i.nspections as called for in the Fire Coc1e and performed Uy the fire depariment,lhe fire departrncnt will be paid 65% of the fee collected for the permit. "1"his payment will be paid quarterly. . ~ J ' I . _5-M~s€er-k~ee-5cke~d~~-feF-2005 Pxgc 15 of21 FrRF FALSL ALAltAr r± F rS The following fees are set for repeated malfiuictioning false alanns ui a given six uionth period. Fi.rst alArm \io charge Secotid alarm $30.00 Thircl alarm $70.00 Fourth alarm $120.00 Fifth and subsequcnt alarms R.cquire a hirecj Fre watch . FIRFVI'UItKS Public ciisplay fee* $100.00 IViaximum per liCW 70.77 *Alsa requires a perfornurnce bond or ccrsh deposit of S'S00. 00 for clean up p2srposes and u liability insztrancePolicy ofS1,000,000.00. PLAn75 CHECK AND RTVTEW BY 1'I~i+: IiIJREAU OF 1+ll2.E PRFVENTION A. New commercial platis check and inspeetion (for projects $40.00 not mentionecl elsewhere) B. r ire wiiCch scrvice $140.00 3 hour rnin. plus hourly thereafter C. Hourly rat:e $47.00 D. ARer hour inspections, p13ns review, consultations for 1.5 times regular rate • projects that do not require a penviC, and other special services ~ L=.• -0~1-U~-~-Mfls€°~s,-; ~~~o~ ~;~'ErF-~98$ Yage 16 of 21 Schedule &.1 - PARZS & :RECREATIQN AI.)Ai1NISTRA'I,:I:VL FEES l3asic fees to be cousidcred when applying rates rl.clministrative Fee $30.00 RePiise Fee $50.00 AQITATICS Pool admission (age 5 and imder) free Pool aclmission (age older tlaan 5) $1.00 Pool punch pass (25 swims) $20.00 Weekend family discount ' 1 child under 13 free with paying adult Reservation (less than SU peaple) $100.00 Per houu* Food fee (if'applicable) $25.00 Reservatioii (SO - 100 people) $125.00 Per hour* Food fee (i.fi applicable) $50.00 Reservation (101- 150 people) $150.00 Per hour• Food fee (if ai-pplicable) $75.00 *.Uinirnum 2 ytotirs AY.CU110LIC BEVFRAGF PL;1tiVlIT . . Aleoholic t3everape Perrnil Fee $10.00 CEYTERPLACF Confercncc Center V4'ing Auciitoriurn $75.00 Pc.r htiur Audiiorium $450.00 Per day Auditoritun $225.00 Per half day fluciitorium w/Presentation System $50.00 Per hour . Auditorium w/Yresentation Systern $300.00 Per day Aud itoriuin w/PrE:sentatinn System $150.00 Per hal f day Auditorium Deposit $50.00 Executive (:onference Roorn $50.00 1'er hour Executive Conference Ronm Deposit $50.00 Meeting Room (Day & Evening Use) $40.00 Per haur Meeting Itoom • $250.00 Per day Meetina R.oom $125.00 Per half day Meeting Room 15eposit $50.00 ' • ~ &ti aF~ee-Sc-He~~}efef 2-903 Puee 17 of 21 Great Room 1Citehen wlDining Room Rental $100.00 Per use Kitchen - Commercial Usc (2 hour min.) $50.00 Per hour Kitchen 1?eposit $50.00 Multi-Usc//Banquet Hall $100.00 1'er hour MuICi-UselT3anquet Hall $800.00 9 hr session Multi-Use/Banquet Mall $1,500.00 All day (6am-lam) Small Dining A.rea -$50.00 Per hour Ueposit $200.00 Stage $20.00 Per section per cJay Table SeCting..S (linens & tableware) $2.00 Pcr place sefting Senior Center `'Ving . ]Launye with Iaance rloor $100.00 Per hqur Lounge with Dance Flonr $800.00 Per day Lounge.Iaeposit - $200.00 MeetinD Room (Eveninb Usc) $40.00 Pcr hour MeetinD Room (Evening Use:) $125.00 4b.r session il~feeting Room (Weekend Usc) $250.00 Per day MeeCino Room (Weekend Use) $125.00 Per half day Meeting Room Deposit $50.00 Private Dining Room $50.00 Per hour Yrivatc Taining Room Deposit . $50.00 Wcllness Center 00.00 Per hour . ~ iiscellancous Cleanup fee $50-300 Per event HostlHostess (aRer hours) $15.00 Per ]lour Prescntatio❑ System (i.ncJudes projector/podiurn/ $250.00 Pee day DVTaNCR/sound system/camera system) Room Setup $25.00 Per hour Satellite Video Confcrencing $250.00 Per hour . Sound System $40.00 Per day Technical Support . $40.00 Per hour Television/VCR $75.00 Per day Touch Pad Volina System $115.00 Base station per day +$15.00 Per keypad per di►y FVk:N'1,S - includes Pavilion F.:vents uiclude bul are not liuuted to activities such as car shows, tournaments and aCtivities i.nvalving 200 or morc pcople. The llirector of Parks and Recreation will ma:e the fi.nal determination. General Fee $150.00 Nlon-profit applications $80.00 Or free with spansorship* 4~4pplicatiorrs for joirrt sponsorship witii tlre City of Spokane jTalley ►vill be consiclered hy the .Spokcrne IYalley Parks Depurtment. ~ ExhibiiA etRese4ution 025 sE~e~~rle-f~rv~A93 Fage 18 of 21 nEi Lv RENTAz, ~--'1 Use Fee $25.00 First hour plus $15 each additional hour 1NDOOR USE Open gym admission $2.00 Playground pro&Tam admission (lU enteies) $20.00 iM1RABEAU Mirabeau Springs Stnali s}ielt:er ancl waEerFall $150.00 Maximum 4 hours ' Rcfunclable cieposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Mirabcau Meadows ~ Shelcer (less thiui 200 people) $80.00 . Shelter (200 or more people) $150.00 . 'Refimdable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 - Refimdable deposit (200 or more pcople) $250.00 PICYIC SHELTERS - 1'icnic Shelter (less than 200 people) $30.00 Picnio Shelter (200 or more people) $1.50.00 Refunclable clepesit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Refuridable clepasit (200 or more people) $250.00 PRQFESSTONAL PIIOTOGRAE'HY Pc►mit Fee $25.00 Annual RECREATi(7N " TRecreation program fees are set to recover costs as specified in the Parks and Recreation revenue policy. VALLEY A'1ISSIOn7 AREvA R.ental* $100.00 Per wcekcnd Ref'undable dePosit $50.00 *Renter responsible for on-siteprEParalion. Refatul requires liability insurance. I "iW!-r1-e€-liese;~eii 0 -1 025 MasteFf'ee g2hedttEe fer 2 903 Page 19 of 21 ~ Schedule F-F - A.DMIlMSTRA7`.Iw . coPV FrEs Copy of audio tapes, video tapcs, photos, maps or othcr At cost reeords needing reproducCion Capy of wr•itten recortis $0.15 Per paDe ~ Capy ecafiRMa1-budgeE $-1-9-U9 Copy of ful I documents At cost OTHER ADNIW1S`l'RATiVF FEES NSF Check $25.00 . 04 ; - . ~ i.~..4hi~+it-r'1-of-IZesa ' = • r--~ec~5clreduFc}#oe-~0(k5 Pase 20 of 21 Schedtile G-F - OTH.E:I.t FEES - ADULT F\°CIi' KTAII"IENT FFFS Lstablishment i.,icenses Live AdultEntertainment . $1,500.00 Adult A.reade $1,500.00 Other Adult Cntertainment Licenses . Adult Arcade Device License $150.00 Manager License . $150.00 Entcctainer Lieense $150.00 Late Licensc Fee - Chargcd in addition to license fee. Pereent of . Past Due Calendar I7ays License ree 7 - 30 25% 31- 60 50% 61 and over 75% BUSINFSS RFGTST1Zr1IlUN FCES Business registration a13 each year - Nonprofit registration 3 each year SECIIRTTY FAi.,SE ALA1tNI FEES Repeated malfunctioning security false a.liums in a given six-morit}i period. First alarm • No charge Second 31arm $30.00 Third alarm $70.00 ' Fourth and subsequent alarms $120.00 S`I'C).ItiNI. WAT'F,R UTILTTl' CF[ARG:1~ OlY llEVELOF'ED PARCTLS hach single-family unit e3ch year $44--9920.00 All other propercies each ~-8920.00 Per 3.160 squai-e feet ' of impen-ious surface I TQW QFFRATOR ANNQAL 1ZEC-ISTRATTON FEE $100.00 . OVERSIZEll L.OAL7 PFR~`q1T FCE $25.00 i • ` I ' Vkc..tegF=ae-SehedWefer 2005 Page 21 of 21 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : General Budget Discussion GOVERNING LEGISLATION: . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: In the ongoing budget process, City Manager iNercier will continue the budget discussion as a further opportunity to receive Council feedback. ` !J OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTAC H M E NTS f 1 ~ r ~CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan ' GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NIA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council previously authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with MIG for the development of a Park and Recreation Master Plan. BACKGROUND: 1`he City has contracted the services of Moore, lacafono and Goltsman (MIG) for the development of a Park and Recreation Master Plan. The plan will guide the future ~j acquisition, development, and operation of park and recreation facilities and programs. The plan _ also includes a feasibility study for swimming pools and other aquatic facilities. The draft plan is presented for council discussion and feedback . The plan will also be made available at several Iocations and on the City web site for public review and input. OPTIONS RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None. The Master Plan is presented for City . Council's information, review and revision. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan for the City of Spokane Valley CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~-1 Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appty: ❑ consent old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Appleway Right-of-Way transfer GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion regarding terms under.which the City would accept the transfer of the Appleway property that could be used to extend the existing couplet. BACKGROUND: Spokane County issued a quit claim deed to Spokane Valley in mid-2004 to transfer ownership to the City. The quit claim deed contained a number of conditions that the City objected to. These objections have been communicated to Spokane County. Staff for the City has requested a response to our concerns on a regular basis over the past two months, however Spokane County has not responded to the list of objections to date. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Worley, Public Works Director; Cary P: Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin_ report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Appleway Signage GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 46.61.075 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council has requested information on the blue signs along Appleway Blvd. BACKGROUND: In the adoption of the City's Sign Code, several questions were raised about the blue signs advertising businesses along Appleway Blvd. The attached memorandum addresses whether this type of advertising in the City's right-of-way is legal under City and state . law, and if not, whether the City could allow some other type of advertising in the ROW. The staff will be looking for policy direction following the presentation as to whether the Council wants the staff to re-convene the sign committee. to propose some standards for such advertising, which would apply only along the Appleway Couplet. OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None proposed BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Marina Sukup, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum on advertising signs along Appleway Blvd. sp614ane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum 1'0: City Council • . From: Tricia Burns-I-Iart, Legal Tntern; Cary Driskell, lleputy City Attomey CC: Mil:e Connelly, City Attarney; llavc Ivrercier, City Manager natc: September 15, 2005 Ite: Appleway signs. ISSTJES - L Are the "blue signs" along Appleway Boulevard allowed pursuant to City Code? 2. Are the "blue signs" along Appleway Boulevard allowed pursuant to state law? 3. If the answer to clueslions 1 arid 2 are no, what cquld the Ciry do to make , , advcrtising along the Appleway Boulevard right-of way legal? SHORT ANS`VFRS - l. No; because signs are not allowed in the rigllts-of way, unless they are official si;ms of the Ciry. Furtherrnore, "official sigis" are not defined within our Code. 2. Most do not, because the current signs do not confoi7n to the requirements for directional signs under Washington law. 3. A few of the advertisements pnsted an the blue sigms could be made to conform to Washington law, but most cauld not. For those diat do not, the Council could amend the City Cocfe to include certain identifecl means of adverfising in the definition of "official signs" along limited rights-of- way. ANALYSIS - 1. Tbe Spokane Valley Sign Code (Ordinance No. 05-016) Seclion- 10.07,09.02(5) states, "Sigms locatcd wittun the public right-Af-way, except official signs" are prohibicecl. As such, the btue ~ signs alon; the Appleway couplet that contain up to.six small advertisements, are prohibitecl, as lhey are i.n the right-of-way. This raises a question as to whether the signs are "official signs" uncler our Code. The term - "official signs" is not defined in our Code. For purpases of this memoranclum, ii is assumed that the blue signs are not designated as official signs of the City. There is a differcnce bctween thesc signs and traffic ~ 1 eontrol devices, which are signs that are necessary for ensuring the safe flow and eontrol of traffic, and J arc authorized under statc law. Based on the above, thcre does not appear to be any legal basis undcr City Code for.allowing the construction or maintenance of the bluc sigms containing advertising under the guise of being traffic directional signs. 2. The blue signs were erected by Spohane County as directional signs. (See Attachment I) RCW 46.61.075 reaulates display of unauthorizeit signs, signals, or markings. lt states as follows: (1) No person shall place, maintain or display upon or in view of any highway any unauthorized sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imita[ion of or • resembles an official traffic-contrnl device or railroad sign, signal, or wliich attempts to . dircet the movement of traffic, or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness ofi an offcial traffic-control dcvice or any railroad sign or signijl. (2) rio person shall place or maintain nor shall any public authority perrnit upon a.ny higliway any traffic sign or signal bcaring thereon any commercial aclvert:ising. (3) This secCion shall not be deemed to prohibit the erection upon private prnperty 3djacent to highways of sigms giving useful dieectional information and of a type that cannot be mistaken foe afficial sigms. (4) Every such prohibited sign, signal or marking is hercby deelared to be apublic nuisattce ancl the authority" having jurisdiction over the highway is hereby empowered to remove the same or cause il to be removed without nolice. The additional question a.s to what constitutes a highway must be answered to sufficiently assess whether adveitising signs can be placed along Appleway Boulevard. RCW 46.04.197 defines "highway" as being "khe entire width behveen the boundary lines of every way public;ly maintained when any part thereof is npen to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traveL" Based ori the above definition, Appleway Blvd. would be considered a highway from boundary linc to boundary line, and subjcet to furLher restrictions. ' It is also importanl to identify what is consiclered an authorized or unauthorized directional sip; as used in RCW 46.61.075(1). There src various regulations speciricd in the Manual on Uniform Trxffic Control L7evices; as well as the Washi.ngton Administrative Codes. To surnmarize, these regulations do allow directional signs that include the ideritifeation of businesses, but arE lirnitecl depending on the type of businesscs, the Incation of the signs in rclation tn the intersection, the loeation in relation to other signs, anci a number of other limitations. Ivlost of the existino blue signs would nced to be removed or significantly modified to eomply wit.h Washingtan law. There are differing opinions on these types of signs, whieh is indicative of the problems they create botti in the Cicy of Spokane Valley and nther 1'Uashington cities and counties. Following is infonnation pertaining to advertising in public rights-of-way, and how other cities deal with this issue. Fmrn the informatinn received, it is clear thtit the issue of tticse signs is nnt only a 1cSa1 one, but also a political one, to the extent that some cities are choosing to not dcal with the issue at all. . 2 1. Citv af.5pokane I spoke with 3 staff member at the City of Spokanc ("Spokanc"), wlio inclicated that the history of the hlue signs can be traccd to their traffic engineering dEpartment. Spokane has a sirnilar issuc with signs placed along Ruby Street. Spokane's issue with the signs on Ruby has become conlentiAUS, and Spokane has chosen not to fully address the issue at t}iis tinie. . The signs qn Ruby carne abouC as a resulC of political pressure on Spokane from the businesses located on Division St. These businesses were rcpoi-tedly upset by the diminished exposure their business received with the opening of Division ancl Ruby St. onc-way trafFic patterns. Thc result was the City cructing the business-ciirecting sign.s. In prep3ration for placin}; thGSe signs, the City contacted local busincsses to ascertain interest in advertising business na.mes on the signs. T3usinesses were told how rnany spaces were availablc and what thcy would look like. `Ihe initial contract was two-hundred dallars (5200.00) for one year. At the cnd of the first year, the City decided not to renew the contract. It was, apparently at this point Lhe entire issue turned canteniious. Many of the business people who had entered into the agreemenes were very vocal about not having them removeci. As a result, Spokane decidcd to renew. the epntracts for an adciitional year. At the end of the seconcl year, the businesses appauently taok it updn Chemselves ro maintain the signs. 'rhe City of Spokane advised thaC it currently has no contrnl nver erecting or maintaining the signs, nor are they taking affirinative action in bringing them down. 2. Washinbloa DepartmEnt of Transportcrtron ResPorJSe . - i Tlle State of Wasllington is clear in its view of these types of signs. In an cmail, datecl August 4, 2005, Ric.hard Mooncead of the `Vashington State Dcpardnent oP cransportation staCed, "T}ie Departmcnt considers the signs on the Division-Ruby Couplet illegaL Thcse signs were installed by the City of Spokane as a» appeasement to businesses on Division Slreet because it was ehanged from a hvo-way to a one-way roadway." "1'here is no indieation if WA.DOT has plans to enForee this polic.y. . 3. Olher Cities' Response After submitting the issue of the signs to the follawing cities and counties, tlie curr-E;nt responses were given: Rellcvue: The City nFBellevue does not allow this type of signing wit.hin the public rigt►t of way. It is viewed as a private use of public right of way and would be restiricted to private propcrfy. "Che - following sign typcs are eligible fbr consideration for direc;tional signing: Hospital; Phone; Police; Visitor Info; NaturaUHistoriclCultural AttractinnslRecreational Activities; Government $erviees or Public Attractions. Rationale for not providing for Food, Gas anc! Lodging is that hhese services are generally within sight and available to travelers at reasonably frequent intervals. The intent, at minimum, is to . reducc die "sign blight" and maintain the publie right of way For publ ic purpose ' Redmond: The City of Redmond does not allow installation of signs i.n the public right-of-way directing mntorists to private businesses. This is ba~~ed on RCW 46.61.075 (2) wliich states "Nlo person ~ 3 shall pl<~ce or maintain nor shall any public authnritiy pcrmit upon any high~vay any traffic si~Tn or signal bearing tihereon any cortimercial advertisin€." ltedmond does have one exception. lf the State clcelares a privately o%+-ned business / location a"regional draw" the City oFRedmond will allow directional signs co the facility in the public right-of-way. Therc is one such location in the city flt Lhis time ([Zedmond Town Center -a shopping mall). Rcdmond recently had a sit'uation where the State installed a mectian on S.R- 202 (also l:nown as Redmond Way). This median blocked left-turn access to the local businesses. 1'he business owners wantcd the city to install signs dircct'►ng mocorists to turn left at the next: si;mal to reach their businesscs. Redmond did install a sign, but would not list any of the business names individually. The si~,rn simply ssid "Local business access Next left." 'Che busuiess owners wcxe satisfied with that, once the RCW was explained to t}iem. ltenton: '1'he City of Re.nton does not allaw off premise signs. 'I'he nnly exeeption is "Lions" service group signs that are strategically placed khroughout die City. 1 he CiCy indicated that, on occasion, they do allow temporury A-T'rame signs that sit on the ground. These signs may advertise a business or spccial event. They do require the pcrsoii requesting to use these •signs ta obtain a permit anct have insurance coverage in case of injury (for example, if someone walking by stumble.s over it and is injured). Howevcr, the City of Rentnn limits the use of off-premise signs ancl does not allow commercial business signs in the right-of-way. 3. 'The answer to the second questiAn was a conditional "no," from the standpoint thaC most of the ex.isting advertiscments on the blue signs dre not in confonnance with Washinbnon Iaw. Staff cannot find any authority for the propositinn that the City cannat authorize advErCisiug 41 its riglits-of-cvay, other than the provisinn in RCW 46.61.075(2). "I'he Cnuncil can make a policy decision ~ that it would like staff or the ad hoc sign committee to see if it can develop regulations and cfesign critcria for placing some uniform type of sign in the rights-of-way. Any sueh signs would need to be designecl ' and placed in such a manncr that they do not pose a thre3t lo traffic because of decreased visibility, or nther traffic sat'ety concerns. The staff Inoks forward to answering any questions the Council may have on this matter. 4 04/17/2005 13:25 F:1X 509 477 7476 SYU.GU.YL~tiLl~ 1YV1Z1iS ~,Ivuz . ' ~ - • ACCachment 1, page 1 of 2 . ~ , • S P Q K A L~T C~ O U N T Y `_..i DMMON OF ENGTNEWUNG AND itOnDS A DNLSTON OF Tii"c Pli6iIC WOP•!S DEPARTMENf MEN10RANDI'1VI TO: Iz►terested Parties . FLZpiVI: Robert Brueggeman, P.E., Traffic Engineer DATE: October 3, 2000 SLI'BTECT: Sprague Avenue Business Direc:tional Sibns SPol:ane Counry will install Sprague Avenue Business Dirc:c-ciomal signs along Apple*ay Bou.Levara (eastbound potLion of the new couplet). Sprague .A.venue busi.ness owuers may pur.chase one plaque ideatifying their business on che sign at the: nearest intersecting strcec for a cost oF $175.00 payable to Spokane County Public Works_ Busincsses qualifying foz this pcogram must have addresses on Sprague Avenue. The busi.n~.sses naane will be displayed i.n white lettering on a blue backgrouzid. If a logo or gzaphic is deyired, then the business owner shall fvrnish ehc message on a vizryl overlay of sign gcade mncrrial witb a Pressure sensitive acihesive_ The plaque shaLl have dimensions of. :11 ifz inches ve--tical and 23 i.raches horizontal. . Inierested parties should send cheir r.equesc and fee payment co: . Spokane Counry Public Works Attn: Traffc 17ep3roment 1026 W. Broadway Avenue ' Spokane WA 99260 For additional information, please concact us at 477-3600. . . ' 1026 W. Broadwar Avc, • Spukane. WA 99260-0170 -(509) 477-34.00 F:iX- (509) 47I-7655 (2ni ,r-1oar) 477-7473 (3rd Floor) •'fDD: (509) 4777-7133 04i1Ji'LUUS 13:2J rA,i Oua 411 fo'ry sru.Lv.rubLitI rrvxr» tEj vvo • AtCachment 1, page 2 of 2 Sprague Avenue Business DirECtioL►ail Sign C~ ApPLICATrON FORM Busruess iName: Address: - Contact Pcrson: . Telephone Number: ' ~ Na.ine to appear an plaqae (Note: The lentith of the messa:ge determ.i,nes the size of ~ - letterin g.) • Applieant to provide overlay . Yes iN o Please include the $175.00 fee with this a lication. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action ~ Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ~]C information [ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report: Airport Overlay Zoning GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70, Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Interim Development Regulations Spokane County Zoning Code Section 14.702 - BACKGROUND: Ten acres of Feits Field is located within the Spokane Valley limits. Felts Field is owned jointly by the City of Spokane, Spokane County and the Airport Board as tenants in common. . Spokane Valley executed an- agreement acknowledging the adopted Airport Master Plan in 2004. Airport Overlay zoning is intended to protect public airports from encroachment by natural or man-made hazards which would create unreasonable safety hazards for aircraft. The purpose of the report is to explain the present airport overlay zoning and to seek Council direcfion concerning possible changes. ~ . OPTIONS: Information only. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director , ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ - -J Presentation • cS l'il' c ^NWMV4 00 PO ane Valley _ : _ . . . /J _I _J!! J Ov/e-.,r ay 'Jn , Community Development Department . . 0, 200 w4.~'~• , . • • , Background • Chapter 14.702 Interim Development Regulations • Protect Airport frorn natural or manmade hazards * Airspace and Accident Potential Areas • Conical Area o Approach Area * Two Accident Potentiai Zones (APZ Zanes) ~ Currently re uires conveyance of an avigation easement for any airspace or Accident Potential Zones Land uses in APZ restricted Noise impact entirely within airport property Regulated Airspace 1 L ' ` ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ~p ~ ` •y ` ~ ~ ` + '9 ~ ` ~ ~°a~~ G~' p►1'~° 3.500 FT. _ 35- v , ~ SURF ~lCp,~. • , ~ APZ B CO 35 213 --1:3 aur+waY RUNWAY Lo+cn+ Y ~ LExcnH R~NW A , ~ - - ~ ~ ~ . . . _ i, . X• i . 1 y~ ~ ; . . ~ _ ` ~ i]'► . ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ . ..Yf~~ • ~ ~ • • 1 . • i _ c ~ - ' • ! ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . ~r r ~ 6 , = / . •--~~i 4,- t ~ ~ ~ •1 1b ~ • ' 7 Y~a L l ~ r• ~ Y • • ~ f 14-1 • •a I ~ 1 ~ ~ r=.-+-~'-:,► w AIRSPACE Restricted Felts Field r~ ~ w • • .IV , . - ~ The Height Calculation • Elevation @ center point Felts Field - 1455 feet msl ± • Elevation @ applicant's property = X feet msi • Distance from the airport beyond 3,500 feet = D(feet) • Maximum Structure Height = H (feet) H =(1445 + (D/1 00)) - X . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council'Action Meeting Date: 9-20-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check al) that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing x information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Communication Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: At the August 30, 2005 Council study session Mayor Wilhite suggested fornling a citircn t\d Hoc Committee to address one af Council's goals, communieation infrastructure, in order for tliat Cominittee to work to put together a communication infrastructurc plan to present to cowicil about what will be needed to keep present with technology demands, including options for fiber, wireless, and . tMe associated costs to Urovide such inEriislructure. Arter Council discussion, Mayor Wilhitc inclic;aled she would circulatc a list of gotential people for thc eommittee and would like Couneil to consider the desireci size of the conunittee. There was Council consensus to place this issue on an upcoming agenda. City Manager Mercier also suggested Council mig,ht want to consider Nvriting a mission statement for such committee. It was determi.ned Councilmembers will send Vlayor Wilhitc r1_d Hac Committee suggesteci ~mission staeements. Proposed Mission: To map the current telecommunications infrastructure in Spokane Valley and develop a plan on how to provide both wire and wireless communications within our city limits. Proposed Vision Statement: Position Spokane Valley as the community of choice for businesses and citizens who need telecommunication infrastructure to provide for economic viability and quality of life. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discuss proposed mission, proposed vision statement, committee structure, and possible committee members. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: ~ ~ STAFF CONTACT: Mayor Wilhite • DRAFT r~llVANCEAGl:YDA ~ For Plan.nuig Discussion Purposes Only as of Septeniber 15, 2005 10:00 a.m. Please note this is a work ui progzess; items arc tentative '1'0: Council & Staff T'rorn: City Manager fte: I7raft Schedule for Upcoming (:ouncil Meetings Wednesdav, Septemher 21, 2005. 5:00 n.m. Specisl Me:eting Execiitive Session: Labor Negotiiitions Septcmber 27, 2005,Rcaular 1Vlcctins, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thursday, Septernber 151 l. I'UBLIC HLARL1iG: Budget 2006 - Ken lhompson 115 minutes] 2. PUBLTC FiEAR.TiYG: Qrdin ance 05-025, Fxten.sion of UK-1 7uning -MHi•ina Sukup [15 rninutes] 3. Consent tlgends: ViinuCes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 4. rirst Rcading: Property Tax Ordinance - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. Fi.rst Keadirtg I'roposecl Ordin.3nce Adopting PoNvers of T.nitiative & Referendum - Cary llriskell [15 minutes] 6. Motion Consideration: CenterPlace Fiber vs.1'1 for Communieations and ]7ata - Mike .iackson r 10 minutes] 7. Motion Considcralinn: Contributions co Outside Agencies - Ken Thompson [15 minutes] 8. Mot'inn Consicleration: CenterPlace Sponsorship for EDC/Chamber Meetino - Mike Connelly [10 minuCes] 9. Administrative R.eport: l0. lnfnrniation Only: a.l7epartmental Monthly Repnrts; b. Pl£tnning CommiSSibn M.itlutes c. Re,Sponse to Previous Public Commen~.s (residentittl area motorcycle track ) [estimateci meeting: 95 minutes*1 Tluusdav, Septemher 29, 2005 :COIVFIR11,ED 11:30 - I: 30 (lulrclr will he provided), Joirit Council/Boar(l of Cnzu7ly Co»rmissioner :&Ieeting 1 entntive ?'opics.Iriclude: City/Coturty Ad'odel Agree»rei2ls (assurance ["me ton' J clause) Revisiiig IZoad Maiiltenurrce Contract Trurrsportarion Irifi•astrcicture tVeedc Interloccrl Agreement Re Jvit1t Planning Appleway RigIrt-of-►vtry 'lransjer October 4, 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thursday, Septembcr 221 l. Presentation of Comprehensive Plan, Plann.ing Commission Recommended Draft -D3ve Crosby (90 minutes) 2. Spokane CoLmty Contract Approval Nina Kegorrn'Lorsan K.oudelka (20 minuCes) 3. Street Deciication Qrdinlnce Tarai"t -Neil Kersten (10 minutes) TnTAL NTINUTES: 120 minutes October l(. 2005, 1Zegular Mceting, 6:00 n.m. [due datc Thursday, Septernber 291 . 1..1'UBGTC IiCA.R]-*NG: Final Budnet Hearing • [10 tninutes] 2. 1S` Public Hearing on the Compre/rerlsive Plni7 Plrntrriiig Cornmission Reconvnetrtled Druf1 [60 minutes] 3. Consent Agend;t: Minutes; Claims, I'ayroll (5 minutes] 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adoptinp .Initiative & lzefcrendum Powers - Cary Driskell [15 mi.n] 5. First Reading Proposed StreeYDe,dication Ordinance - Nleil Kersten [10 minutes] 6. Administrative Report: a. SEPA Micigatiou Strateaies - Cary Driskell/Creg McCormicklNeil Kerst•en [30 minutes) [estintated meeting: 130 minutes#] Octobe.r 12, 20Q5, Conversation with the Communiiv, CenterPlace, Room 114, 6:00 p m 1'arks MasterPlan - Mike Jackson (Ia-ncl use maps provided by Marina Sukup) nralt Advance Agcnda 911512005 10:04 Awi Page I of 3 Qctobcr 18 2005, Special Council Nleeting 6:00 p.m. [duc date Thursday, October GJ 1. 2°" Public Hearing on the Compreherrsiue Plan Plunnrt7g Coninrissiar Recommended Draft [90 minutesJ 2. Cnnsent Agenda: lbiinutes, Claims, Payroll (5 minuCes] ~3. Seconc! Reading F'roposcd Ordinance Amending PUT) - iNlarina Sukup/Cary 17riskell (10 minutes) 4. Seeond reading af property tar ordinance -Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. rirst reacling of ordinance adopting budget - Ken Thornpson [10 minutes] 6. Fee Resolution adQpted - Ken Thonipson [10 minutes] [estimale.ci meeting: 135 minutes#] Oetobcr 25, 2005, Regular Me.eting, 6:110 p•in. [due datc Thursday, October 131 1. Consent Agenda [5 minute.s] 2. Cantinualion of 2ad Yublie Hearing on the Coniprefrensive Plnri PIut1»ing Conrniissivn Reconznzelrcled Draft (if'necessary), and begin Council deliberakion [120 minutes] 3. Administrative .Reports: a. Finarlcial Manaoement Policies - Ken 'I"hompson (10 minutes] 4. Information Only: a. Tacparhnental Monthly Reports; b. Plann'►ng Commissian ivlinutes [estimated meeCing: 135 minuteS"'] November l, 2005, Shic1Y Session, 6:00 p.m. [clue date Thursday, October 201 1. Council deliberation on the Comprehensive Platr Planrtii2g Coinmission Recomnrended Df•ajt (120 minutes) 2. Stornlwater Manual Discussion - Johri klohman (20 rninutes) T01'AL 17TNiJTES: 140 minates November R, 2005 - No G?wicil Mceting or Studv Se'ssion (Election NiLht) November 15, 2005. Snecial,l2egular iMecting, 6:011 p.m. [duc date Thursday, Oclober 271 1. I'iTBLIC FIEAEtiNG: (tentativc if Courticil considcrs substantive changcs to the Planning Comm. Reeornmendcd dr,ift) 120 min] 2. PUF3LIC IiH;ARTNG: I'arks & Recreation Master Plan - iViilte Jaclcsnn [20 minutes) 3. Consenl ASenda: Minutes, Claims; Payroll [5 minutes] 4. Second reading ordinance adopting budget - Ken Thompson . [10 minutes] 5. Second .Reading Proposed Street Dedieation Draft Ordinance -Neil K.ersten . C10 minutes) 6. •Motion Consideration: Acloption of thc,Spokane Valley Cornprelxetisive Plari [20 minutes] 7. Adtnin Report: (a) Uefinilions and sche_dulcs of permitted uses - Marina Sukup (15 minutes) [estimated meeting: $0 - 100 minutes"'] iNoveinbcr 22, 2005 - No Vleetina ' Nnvember 29, 2005, Regular Niccting 6:00 D.m. [duE date Thvrsday, Novembcr 171 l. Consent Agend a: i1rl.inutes, Claims, Payroll (5 minutcs) 2. Motion Consideral'ion: Adoption of Parks 8c Recreation Master Plan - Mike Jackson (5 minutes) 3. 'Craffic and Speed Lini its Uiscussion -Neil Kersfen (20 minutes) 4. Departtnental Monthty Reports; b. Planning Cammission Minu[es [estimated mceting: 30 minutes*] 1)ecember 6, 2005, Studv Sessiun. 6:00 p.m. [dae datc Wednesclay,Navember 231 l. Prisro/Plus/Padal (Parcel Data Laca[or) System - Chris IIero (20 minutes) 2. Helmet Use Educatian Discussion - Chris Bainbridbe (20 minutes) 3. Massage Parlors/Bath Houses - Ca11VaIker/Cary Driskell (15 rninutes) 4. Potential Council meetings webcast - Ken `I'hompson (15 minutes) 5. Planned Unit Devclopment (PUD) Policy Issues - Nlarina SukuplMike Coiinelly . (30 minutes) TOTr1[.. NI:CIVTJTES: 1.00 minutes llra[t Advance Agcnda 911512005 10:04 AM Page 2 of 3 llecember 13, 2005, Regular Mectina, 6:00 p.m. [diie date Thursdxy, Dece.mber 1] 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claiins, Payroll , ~ 2. Motion Cansideration~ Adopeinn of Financial Management Policies - Ken Thompson (lU tninutes) 3. Dcpartmental Monthly Reports December 20, 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thuisday, necember 81 Dece.mber 27,2005, No Nieelin~ Januarv 3,2006, Studv Session, 6:00 n.m. [due date T6ursday, December 221 .Tanuary 10, 2006, Repular MeeHng, 6:00 p.m. (duc date Thur-sday, Dcceinber 291 1. Coascnt Ahenda: Minutes, CIIIIti1S, Payroll ; \ . 0T:MZ 1'ENDI1~G ANl)/OR UFCQMING iSSUES/MFFTTNGS: Appaintment of Cnuncil Officers 5aeurday, Februa.ry 11, 2006 -Winter R.ctreat A['P 02-05 - Cary :oriskell UR-1 Tnlerim "Loning (cxpires 03-06-06) 13us Benches Ad F-Ioc Sibm Committee HtjvLrd Mitigation Plan - Ivlarina Sukup Hotcl/Motel Grant Proposals for 2006 Central Valley School Dish-ict Impact Fee Request Joint Meetings: School Districts; Board of County CAmmissioners Panhandling - Cal Walker Second Reading F'roposed Sidewalk Ordinancc 04-012 -(first reading 02-24-04) Sewer Co1lecCion Systems - Nleil Kersten Stoeage Tattk Ordinance - Totn Seholtens Street Paving Funding Optioo -Neil Kersten (Gary Schimmels) ~ esti.mzted meeting time does not inctucle time for public comments] Orafl Advance Agenda 9/15/2005 10:04 AM Page 3 of 3