2005, 10-25 Regular Meeting L t~rJL , :kGEtiUA SPOk:1VE VALLGY CITY COUNCIL REGITLAR ASFEI'1NG #78 7'ucsclay, Urtobcr 25, :005 6:011 p.m. CI'Y'Y HALL AT RFDWOOD Pi.AZA 11707 Eust Sprnguc Avenae. First Floar Cnuacil Rcquc.sts all EIrrtronir Dcvice.+ be Turned OftDuring Councll Nlceting CALI. TO ORDER [NYOGA'1zON PI.:F[)GF. OF Al.LE(;IANCE xoLL cAi.i. APE'RUVAL OF AGFND4 lV'i'RODUCTION OF Si'ECIAI. GtTF..STS ANb PKFSEiv'I'ATICfNS CU41MI'I"I'EE. IiUARD. C.lAISON tiUNliNiARY REl'ORTS NtAYUR'S REPUR"f: P[,'13L1C C.ONil4iENTS :Is riuted Irelot+. cerluut cfge►rJu itcnts flro►-icle .in u1qwrtunlfy.fi)r pull/ir- cnnrmenl cIuring tlie cllscuurscr vJlhctt agpndn itern, und pufilic cont»rtnt ►+-rll be invit..~J vrt 1Jio1e tlenL,s at tlrey cvme up v+r the agenda .Al.so as nored below, aKe,lrfrr itpm.r .such us "Adnrlrrutratne Rejx,rt.r" mrcl "InfnrnKrtion C7n4•" items do irot allma for publie r.nnimenl during ►he di,sc:ourse vf those itcros: hrnwevYr. ►vu ntay caaurrent un ihuse items now, ar wf.•// at rmy oIhcr iu►ti-ugetulu ileni,s of intcres1 to yotc ff'leen yau conre 1u the le.tctern, plecrsr stute }nta' nante med adiress for lfe rervrd rnul linut rr. pruvks lv tlrree mhnitet. 1. E'UBL[C HF:ARING: 2"4 Pabtic IieAriag, Compreheasive Plan DraR 2. CCJNSENT AGENDA Consisis of itcros considcrcd roucinc which urc npprovrd ns a group. A Cuuncilauiubcr niny rcmovc an itcm Gum the Cunscnt Agcntin to bc cunsickrcd scparntety. I'a~`roU for (ktohcr 15. 2005 Pav Pcttiod in thc Amrntnt nf 5139 ~59.73 NF.W B[1SiKFSS M1ftinn Consideration: Approval of 2005,2007 Community Dcvel4pmcnt 81otk Grant Ptvject List - Grrg McConnick [publlc cocument] 4. Mution Comsitirriltiou: 1trqur'4; to t'>e STw4:anc V;ille~ l'iw I,+,g<i - htati„r %ti ilhite I liuhlie rommrnl) PURLiC C'C3NiNi~:,'~i7'S 11'iten }ou corne tri rit~ lc:-rt rrt. rjIecxtie .vtate %,O„n• rramt, ~rr►d ~,JJrcss l~~ .l<<• recorci rrrrd linrit renrark-\ !u lJrree rninute.% ;tU41tYISTf2A7'IVF REPOK'C5: Appeul 02-05 - Cary AriskcU (~u:rwl .~5~siu.i I(?:.~t ;,.....iiir'icr• PnKc 1 vI2 D1SCUSSION: Council DeliberatiOn: C'ontprehcnsive Hlan Draft INFUEt111aT[(1N ONL1": ~17r~•s~u~•nzs ~~~il ~rut t<<drscrrssc-~~nr r~t~r~rr~.l:~~~t.J 6. Right-of-way Property Acquisition Prtxedures. WSDOT.1gmcments - Ncil ICerstcn/Steve Worley 7. Uetwirtmcnt Munthly Reports 8. P13nning Commissiun Appruvcd Mlinutea of luly 28, 2005, August 11, ZUQz, and August 25. 2005 9. Final 2004 Smicc Agrzement Reconciliatian 10, Cmployce Classificzition 1 1. Spoiwnc Vnllcy T,ibrary Sarviccs Scptrmher?On5 Rcport AD.1()L'ltNMEN i F( 7'( `RE SC'HED l'!. f:' Regulur Coulrcil,lleetings are gtnerallp kelJ ?rrd and I"* Tiiesda}•s, beginning at 6: Uf1 P. rrr. Cvutrc•!/ Sluill• Se!oinirs nrc genrrnll), helA nnd Sih Tuesdayx. bcginning aI 6:00 p.m. [)[lrer Tentntivr G'nrninirip MePtilyc'Everrtx: tiqTlCF- lndiwcfunls planning ta attenJ thc m=uirig who rryutre RparinJ essiltanim tu accnmtixxinte physical, hewinp, or neher ~if7s7:i1f1J4!AIt, (!~rnsc r~~nrnct cl~c C`ity C l:rk u r'~R'~1 ~)21-1(x)r~ ?t tilu?!I ±4 (FtSSI~'~L' i~?~l;l_- PS(I111~LR1^Itl! m.~~: hc mn~lr ('.-m.:l Agrrida 10-23-uS E{tbuLu h7rLtinb Pnge: ot 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ ~ . Request for CounciI Action Meeting Date: 10-25-05 City Manager Sign-aff; ~ Item: Check aII titat apply- ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ riew business ❑ public hearing LD information 0 admin_ repart ❑ -pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : PUBLIC HEARING: 2"d Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Draft GQVFRNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS CO#JNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 8ACKC,RpIJIVD: ~ OPTIOhlS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOl'10N: Take public comrnent. i BUDGETfFIIVANCIAL IMPACTS' ~ ~ STAFF CONTACT: Marina SuScup ~ . ' ATTACHMENTS ~ i • ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~J Request for Council Action . . Meeting Date: 10-25-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply; x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing - ❑ information 0 admin. repart ❑ pending legislafion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending October 15, 2005 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: • PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ~j ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $125,451.42 Benefrts: 13,908.29 l"OTAL PAYROLL: $139,359.71 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS , . . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ' Meeting Date: October 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business N new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending IegislaEion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2006 CDBG Program - Motion Consideration GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational Memorandum included in the October 11, 2005 Council Packets and public hearing conducted on October 18, 2005. BACKGROUND: Spokane County has estimated for planning purposes only, that the County will receive $1,500,000 in CDBG funding for the 2006 program year. Additionally, the County anticipates another $100,000 in program income to be available for the 2006 program year for a total of $1.6 million in CDBG funds. After 20% for administration and 15% for human service programs (approximately $540,000) are deducted from the $1.6 million available for the 2006 program year approximately $1,064,000 will be available for capital projects. ~ Applications for CDBG funding are due to the County on November 10, 2005. The following list of projects is preliminary based on city staffs evaluation of projects that would be eligible for CDBG funding. These figures have been updated since the October 11, 2005 informational memorandum. 1. Montgomery Avenue - University Road to Argonne Road: - Estimated costs -$635,270 2. Barker Road - Appleway to Sprague Avenue: Estimated cost -$783,293 3. Vera Terrace Sewer Project (full-width paving): Estimated cost -$207,815 4. Neighborhood Cleanup Project: Estimated cost -$75,000 _ TOTAL 2006 PROJECTS: $1,701,378 OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to direct staff to prepare the appropriate CDBG application materials for submission to Spokane County for the following projects: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Undetermined at this time. i ~ STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager y ' d, ~ t 3 t ~ 74 wr v ~ a , f `y~` " , r . . ,l:,r x ;...i . - ~rX M1~~4" c ~~ry i"A~f...^ ~ if;: <T 1a, 1..~?]/, if a_1•" t <t C ~iis" F~ s~ ~ ;rF~~~~..r~'~~~~~~~~~.~ ~ . ;y~f~a~,y7E~vy. S70Y4W. J4REA ECONO~tUG Clctober 18, 2005 I - i I~ Mayor I}zaaa Wilhite City Couiicil N(ember', City of Spokane,'Va11ey . 11707 F_ Sprague , Spokane Va[ley, WA 99206 Dcar lvrayor and City Cou~cjl Members= ~ "1'he S p~ ~ O~{a°JJIle ~`~1`e~4 EGOI~10t111[: T~e1'81c1 3i]1B17L' C 0 Lli1o1l T'eSp cct#`uI1y rcquests the con si deration ofthe City of Spokaue Valley 1'or usage o Fthe C ity 's logo in the L17C"s nlarlcen ng materials. '!`he EDC woulci lilce to use this lo ~a oii our ~~+ebsite and in ol~r printed nlateT-ials that are used in recruitment; expansion and retention effeits. Wc would like to expand our recogution of our inuiucipal partneTs and plan to put thnse lagos on all iZew m arketing materials and on our www.spokane cdc.or~ website. Please ]et nle know i.E' yo u have question~. Yl{iy contact inFormation is below, Sincerel y, . Robin B_ T'oth . . .Llixectoz', Funding and C cwi ntiunity Projec[S Spokane Ai-ea Econainic Development Council 80 l w_ Ri%+erside_ S uite 302 . Spokane, WA 99201 . . . 509.742.9385 rtot~~s~~lcaneed~_~r~ . . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information [I admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration - Spokane Valley Appeal number APP 02-05 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council previously conducted a closed record hearing to allow the parties to present their oral arguments for and against the decision by the Hearing Examiner. . BACKGROUND: In November, 2004, Whipple Consulting Engineers submitted applications for rezone of 4.6 acres of property located in the general vicinity of Barker and 40 Avenue in eastern Spokane Valley from the existing UR 3,5 to UR7''. The application also sought to subdivide the property into 21 lots with a PUD overlay zone. The Hearing Examiner (HE) approved the rezone, but denied the preliminary plat and PUD overlay. The basis for denying the preliminary plat and PUD was that the proposed plan failed to comply with a provision of the PUD ordinance requiring all PUDs to have ingress/egress onto an arterial or collector, as identified in the City's Interim Comprehensive Plan. ~ Following the issuance of the HE's decision on March 24, 2005, Whipple, represented by attorney Meg Arpin, appealed the denial of the preliminary plat and PUD. Two neighboring property owners, Tom and Kathy Tabbert, and Stephen and Barbara Hormel, appealed the decision to grant the rezone from UR 3.5 to UR7". That appeal was designated APP 01-05, and has already been resolved by the Council. That decision by the Council was then appealed to Spokane County Superior Court, and is pending before the Court. Appellant Whipple's assertions on appeal are summarized below, followed by the response by Tabbert and Hormel. . The central issue on appeal for Whipple was~ that although the PUD ordinance (which went into effect the _same day the application was submitted) states that a PUD must access onto an arterial or collector, this results in an unfair decision cornpared to if the project had been submitted as a straight platting action under RCW 58.17. Hormel and Tabbert summarily stated that fhe decision was correct, and that Whipple's arguments were invalid without providing any legal support. Staff recommends remanding the denial of the PUD and preliminary plat back to the HE with instructions to reconsider the application either as a long plat or under the City's PUD provisions if subsequent amendments to the PUD provisions may affect the ,application by Whipple. OPTIONS: (1) Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision upholding the recommendation of the HE; (2) Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision amending the'recommendation of the HE; (3) ~J Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision granting the appeal and granting the relief sought; (4) Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision remanding the application back to the HE with instructions to reconsider the matter. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move that we instruct staff to draft a Findings, Conclusion and Decision to remand the application back to the HE with instructions to reconsider the matter." BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: . ; S 6&ne Val ley ,;.0* 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 549.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 * cityhall@spokanevalley.org Informational Memo Date: October 10, 2005 To: City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Direct Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Cc: Dave Mercier, Nina Regor, Cary Driskell Re: Right-0f-Way Property Acquisition Procedures - WSDOT Agreements The City's Appleway -Tshirley to Hodges project is a federally-funded project that will require the pu.rchase of additional right-of-way to make the necessary improvements. The Washington State Departmeut ofTransportation (WSDOT) is the overseer of all right-nf-way acquisitions on federally-funded projects psr agreements with the Federal Higbway Administration (FIIWA). f~ In order to purc.base right-of-way vNith federal funds, the City must enter into agreements with WSDOT. These standard agrecments rcquire the City to acquire Real Property in aceordance with the state Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (Ch. 8.26 RCV) and state regulations (Ch. 468-100 WAC) and applicable fedcral regulations. These agreements a]so require the identification of staffresponsible for propcrty acquisition and administration along with a description or policy on the city's approval of administrative sectlements. Attached are c;apies of the standard agreements with the necessary city inforrnation included. Please note that the approvaJ of these agreements may reyuire a m.inor modification to City Code Chapter 3.40.050, subsection `H' with regard to approval of real estate purctases above appraised value. The procedures required by WSDOT for right-of-way acquisition provides FHWA-appmved oversight on the appropriate usc of federal funds. A11 right-of=way acquisitions have to follow these approved procedures and must be approved by WSDOT prior to final purchase. These proc:esses ensure that federal and local funds are spent appmpriately when purchasing right-of-way property. ~ ~ Washington State MAOF Department of Transportation - Lopl Agency and Address Righ# of Way Property City of Spokane Valley Acquisition Procedures 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Department of the Local Agency Spokane Valley, WA 99206-5444 Public Works Department T'he above named local agency, hereinafter c,alled the "AGENCY", desiring to acquire Real Property in accordance with the stdte Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (Ch. 8.26 RCV) and state regulations (Ch. 468-100 WAC) and applicable federal regulaCions hereby adopts the i'ollowing procedures to implement the above statutcs and Washington Administrativc Code. The above named department of the local agency, hereinafler called the "DFPARTMENT", is responsible for the rea( property acquisitioa and relocaf;ion activities on pmjects administered by the AGEAICY. To fulfill the above rcquirements the DEPARTM.ENT will acquire right-0f-way in accordance wit}a the policies set forth in the Washington State Deparhment of Transportation Right of Way Manua! (M,26-01) and LocQl Agency Guidelirres manual (Vi 36-6). The AGENCY has the following expertise and personnel capabilities to accomplish these functions: 1. Include the following as they relate to the AGENCY's request. a. List the functions below for which the agency has qualified staff'and the responsible position. Attach a list o:;% the individuals on the AGL'NCY stalrwho currentiy fil.l those positions and a brief siuninary of the'u qualifications. This list will need to be updated whenever sta,ffmg changes occw. An AGENCY will be approved to acquire based upon srtaffqualifications. (1) Program Adminititation Public Works Director . Agency Positian (2) Appraisal WSDOT or Approved Fee Appraiser . Agency Position (3) Appraisal Review WSDOT or Approved Fee Reviewer Agenc.y Position (4) Acquisition WSDOT Agency Position (5) Relocation WSDOT Agenc.y Posifion i (6) Property Management i Fublic Works Director Agency Position DOT Foam 263-0 10 EF PagQ 1 of 2 Pages 6IOt b. Any functions for which the Agcncy does not have staffwill be contracted for wiffi WS:DOT, another local agency with appmvcd procedures or an outside contractor. An AGENCY that pmposes to use 'outside ` contractors for any of the above functions will need to work closely with t6e WSDOT Lcaeal Agency CoordinaYor and Nighways &.C,ocal Progams to ensure all requirements are met. When the AGENICY pmposes to have a sta$'person negotiate who is not expericnced in negotiation for FHD✓A funded projects the Coordinafor must be given a reasonable opportunity to review a.ll offers and supporting data before they are presented to the property owners. - c. An AGENCI' wishing to take advantage of an Appraisal Waiver process on properties valucd at 0,000 or less should make their proposed waiver process a part of these proceclures. The process outlined in LAG manual Appendix 25.146 has already been approvecL The AGENCY may submit a pmcess different than that shown and it will be reviewed and approved if it provides sufficient information to determine value. d. Attach a copy of the Agency's administrative settlement policy showing the approving authority(s) and the process involved io making administrative settlemenis. 2. All projects shall be available for review by the FHWA and the state at any time and all prAject documents shall be retained and available for inspection during the plan development, right-of-way and construction stages and for a three year period following acceptance of the projects by WSDOT. 3. Approval of the AGENCY's nrocedures by WSDOT may be re„ceinded at any time the Agency is found to no longer have qualified staff or is found to be in non-compliance with the regulations. T'tae rescizsion may bc applied to all or part of tbe functions approved. .~LOCAL AGENCY Mayor or Chafrman Date WASI3TTTG'T'ON STA1"E DEPARTNIENT OF TRANSYORTATIOr' Approved By: Real Estato Servioes Uato i ) _ ~ . DOT Form 263-01 p EF - gfp~ Page 2 of 2 Pages ~~7po~~;~Ile . o VOley ' 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 549.921.1008 ♦ cftyhall@spokanevalley.org CT1'Y OF SPOKANE VAIfLEY 4UALIFIED PER50Nr1'EL LiSTING Projzram Administration • . Neil Kcrsten, AIA, City of Spokane Valley Public Works Director. Neil is in chazge of capital unprovements, development review, stormwater engineering, traffic engineering, road maintenance. IIe oversees a11 activities in the Public Works Departmcnt. . A raisal The City requests this process to be carried out by WSDOT or an approved Fee Appraiser. Appraisal Review . The City requests this proeess to be carried out by DJSDOT or an approved Fee Reviewer. Acqui.sition The City requests this process ta be carricd out by WSDOT. - Relocation The City requesLs this process to be carried out by WSIaOT. Propezty Manaeement Nei1 Kersten, City of Spokane Vall.ey Public Works Director. See above for . qualifications. . . 4~ . 4ane ~CIT~' CJt ~ ~ . ~ - ~ Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax. 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevaltey.org _~~`._.___""_'_'~.r~~.._..____'___"-y.~..r ._..".'"_'.s.s.._--.. _._:_..:..e...i~.._._'"_•....._.__.._.._.~~..._ CtTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES The responsible official to approve the administrative settlement will be the City Manager of the City of Spokane Valley. in the event that a negotiated settlement for a parcel exceeds the fair market value, the acquisition manager will document all explanations thoroughly. This documentation will include the manager's justification for the action taken as well as the values negotiated and the final amount of money agreed upon. All pertinent information will be presented to the Program Administrator for approval. In the event that the Administrator is uncertain of the eligibility of the settiement, he%r his designee will contact the Region Land Acquisition Coordinator for approval. Once tfie eligibility for settlement has been established, the City Manager of the City of Spokane Valley will sign the'authorization to proceed witfi the negotiated settlement. The signed authorization as well as the documentation will be placed in the right-of- way file. ~ ~ P:IPubfic WorkslFormslAdministratpve Settlsmnt Prooedures K•~ or Va.lle y . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spolcane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 549.921.1008 ♦ cityhaltCspoicanevalley.org WAIVER OF APPRAiSAL The City of Spokane Valley (AGENCI), desiring to acquire Real Property according to 23 CFR, Part 635, Subpart C and State directives and desiring to take advantage of the $10,000.00 appraisal waiver process approved by the Federal Highway Administration for Washington State, hereby agrees to follow the procedure approved for the Washington State Department of Transportation as follows: . Rules A. The AGENCY may elect to waive the requirement for an appraisal if the aoquisition is simple and the compensation estimate indicated on the PFE (Project Funding Estimate) is $10,000.00 or less including cost-to-cure items. . B. The Agency must make the property owner(s) aware that an appraisal has not been done on the property and that one will be completed if they desire. , C. Special care should be taken in the preparation of the waiver. As no review is mandated, the preparer needs to assure that the compensation is fair and that all the catculations are correct. Procedures A. An Administrative Offer Summary (AOS) is prepared using data from the PFE. B. The AOS is submitted to AGENCY for approval. C. The AGENCY signs the AOS authorizing a first offer to the propetty owner(s). By: Approved: - City Manager Real Estate Services City of Spoka.ne Valley Washington State Department ' Of Transportation P:1Public WorkslFormstiWafver of Appraisal Washe~gton State WI/ Departrnent of 7ransportation Orgenization and Address Government Agreement For Aid City of Spokane Valley 1] 707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Work by State - Actual Cost SFakane Valley, wA 99206 Agreement Number Federaf Employers'f.D. Number 7i-a9iai7o Regfon Land Acquisition, Relocation, and Related Services Eastern Region (For Highway, Road, and Stneet Purposes OnFy) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, QepaRment of TranspoRation, acting by and through the Secretary of 7ransportation, hereinafter the "DEPARTPIIENT and the above named organization, hereinafter the "AGENCY". WHEREAS, the Un'rfoRn Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Poficies Act of 1970 (PL 91-646, 84 Stat 1894) amended by Uniform Relocatlon Act Amersdments of 1987 (PL 100-17, 101 Stat 246-256) as implemented by tfie Unfted States Department of Transportation (49 CFR 24), Chapter 8.26 Revised Code of Washington (RCM, and Chapter 468-100 Washington Administrative Code (WAC), all of which are hereinafter referred to as the REGULATIONS, estabfish a unitorm policy for the expedlent and consistent treatment ot av+ners subjected to land acquisltion prsdices and provide for the fair and equitable treatment of persons dlsplaced in oonnection wiih or as a resutt of pvblic vroAcs programs or projeds of a State agency or 6ocal public body; and WHEREAS, the AGENCY may propose to acquire or to admPnister the acquisition of real property in connedion with pubJic works i-~ programs or projeds wtiich may necessitate dispfacement of an individual, a family, business, farm, or nonprofit organization; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has an established organizatlon to oomplete project Impad studies and to conduct land acquis+tion, properly management, and reiocation asslstance programs in comp(iance wdh the REGULATIONS and is emprnvered to provide such services to other govemmental agencies pursuarrt to RCW 4728.140; arsd WHEREAS, the AGENCY, assures the DEPARTMENT that the AGENCY's requests for senrices under this AGREEMEIdT wi(I not resutt from bidding, negotiat'ron, or other competi6on involving private enterprise; and WHEREAS, the AGEIdCY may desire to obtain such senrices trom the OEPARTMENT and the DEPARTMENT is willi.ng to fumish such servicres to the AGENCY, and both deem it in the interest of the pubfic to enter into this AGREEMENT; WHEREAS, the actual worfc to be performed shall bE speafied in a Task Assignment signed by both parEies; WHEREAS, the AGENCY shall pay for any wark ideMified in a Task Assignment as specirfled by the terms af thQ Task AssEgnment and thts AGREEMENT; . . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the stated premise and in the interest of providing expedient, fair, equitable, artd uniform treabnent of landowners and persons to be displaced by proposed land acquisition projects and pursuant to RCW 826.095, the parties hereto agree as follrnvs: • I . GENERAL A The DEPARTMENT shall, to its maxdmum ability, provide the AGEtdCY with impaGt study, appraisal, appraisal review, acquisifion, relocation assfstance, or property management services descrfbed hereinafter, all in acxordance writh the eppropr6ate etements of the departmenYs oRsrating requirements set forth in the departmental pubfication M26-01 (HV►), Right of Way Manual, except where specific operating requiremertts are otherv+ise described henein. Afl such requirements shall oonform to thE REGULATIONS. All work to be perFormed shall be identified in a Task Assignment sigrted by both parties. B. The rtormal worldoad of the department shall have priority over any wQrk performed under thfs AGREEMENT or arry Task Assignment. The wortc perfoRned under this AGREEMENT and the associated Task Assfgnments shall be pursued with qre and di[igence, making every effort to recognize pertinent schedutes of the AGENCY. The DEPARTMENT shall promptry notify the AGENCY of arry hardship or other inability to perform under this AGREEMENT inc►uding postpanement of the agency's work due to priority given to the departrnenYs work. C. This AGREEMEIJT may be inereased or decreased in scope or character of worlc to' be performed if such change becomes necessary, but any such change shall be aooompfished by written supplement executed by all parties to said AGREEMENT. rsnT Fnrm 994a17fi FF PaAe 1 of 4 D. The parties shall agree on a satisfactory completion date for woric performed under any Task Assignment ("worlc oompletion , date'), which shall be spedfied in the Task Assignment. The AGENCY shall, upon satisfadory completion of worfc perforrr~ \ pursuant to a Task Assignment, issue a letter of aooeptance tfiat shall indude a release and waiver of aU future dai:ms~,, , j demands af any nature resulting from the pertortnance of the viork under the Task Assignment If the DEPARTMENT does Ror receive a letier of aaoeptance within 90 days fallDwing the work completion date, the work will be oonsidered accepted by the AGENCY. The AGENCY may withhold acceptance of wrork by submitting written notfication to the DEPARTMENT within a 90-day period. This notifiqtion shall include the reasons for witfiholding arceptance. II ' WORK ASSIGNMENTlREQUEST A. Specifc assignments shafl be made in the form of a written Task AssEgnrnent to the DEPARTMENT by the AGENCY and signed by both parties. Each Task Assignment shall contain an agreed upon budget and schedule for all services to be rendered. AGENCY approval is required for budget and schedule changes. The agreed upon budget wi11 include estimated DEPARTMENT staff arsd reEated oosts in addition to appficable acquisitiflNrelocation cost estimates. The AGENCY shall make such assignments before any negotiations for property aoquisition and before any disaussion of price with the properry owner, when required by the REGULATIONS. B. The AGENCY shall fumish the DEPARTMENT with all information tfiat has been compiled by or is available to tlie AGENCY conceming the property to be affected by each particular project Such information shafl indude, but noi be timfted to, copies of approved right of way plan sheets showing limits of parcels, rights to be acquired, and suffictent engineenng data to develop tegal descriptions; a Iist identifying each property affeded by the project by parcel number, a tabulatfon of improvemerrts on each property; the geographical locgtion and boundar'res of each property; and a descrfption of haw the project aflects each property. C. The DEPARTMENT shall fumish all Iabor, materials, supplies, and incidentals necessary to complefe the work assigned by the AGENCY and shall fumish all information necessary to the conduct of a land acquisition program. D. The DEPARTMENT will at its disaetion and upon written request from the AGENCY fumish the fnlfowing as requirEd: Impact Studies: Impad studies shall be made and reported in written narrative addressing potential influences by a program or projed on land economics or land use factors, displacemenUrefocation factors, aoquisition costs, and relocation plans, requested. - Appraisal: Property shall be evaluated and value conGusions reported to confoRn with departmental operating requirement~: Any request by the AGENCY for court preparation and testimony wrll a8 a separate Task Assagnment under this AGREEMENT and shall be submitted to the DEPARTMENT in a timefy manner to provide not less lhan ninety (90) days notice in advance of any expeded oourt appearance. . Appraisal Revfew: Appraisal reports shall be reviewed to aortform with departmental operating requirements for validity of value conclusions provided such reports are aooompanied by a oopy of the appraiser's oontract and provided that the AGENCY (or its agerrt) has determined that such reports appear to oomply with the agency's procedural requirements and Inctude adequate description of the property appraised and the interest to be acquired and appear to inctude adequate data supporting saEd ooncluslons. The AGENCY shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary replacements fw unaoceptable appraisal ' reports or for obtaining any substantive revisions of inadequate reports where such reports were fumtshed to the DEPARTMENT by tfie AGENCY. Acquisition: Every reasonable effort wiU be made to acquire real property by negotiatfons in aooordance with the REGULATIpNS and the AGENCY's condemnation aLrtfiority, including the AGENCY's authority to aoquire limited access where applJcabte. The DEPARTMENT shall agempt to acquire a[I property within the project I'rmits withovt commencing oondemnation proceedings. A written offer will be presented to each owner at the time price is first discussed for the properiy. The offer will be documented and retained as part of the parcel file. Individuaf parcel diaries wrip be maintaiRed coritaining adequate tivritten records of the negotiations including, blit not fimited to, the followfng: 1. Date and place of corrtacts; 2. Persons preserrt; 3. Offers made (actual do[lar amount); ' 4. Counter offers made; 5. Reasons settlement could.not be reached (if appropriate). • Each request by the AGENCY shall specify the name of the grantee in whase ngme tfie property is to be conveyed. The DEPARTMENT shafl provide the AGENCY with deeds to aG properiy acquired and, wherever possible, instruments to clear encumbrances of title trom ffiose deeds. The DEPARTMENT will provide information leading to clearing of encumbrances thai the DEPARTMENT canrtot clear wNhout legal action. Upon completion of a review of each acquisitianby the DEPARTPAENT~ y-- ~ Title Section, ap instruments and materials pertainfng thereto witl be provide<1 to tfie AGENCY. Clearing remainin'. encumbrances of title and making the actual payment for the property shap be the responsibility of the AGENCY. Should become apparent that negotiations for attempted acquisition have reached an impasse and sufficient time has elapsed for a nnY C.vm 7'7AJ17R FF P8pe 2 Of 4 property owner to make a decfsEon, the DEPARTMENT will, eifher at its discretion or upon written request by the AGENCY, submit to the AGENCY a condemnatlon repori that will cantain a summary of negotiations, amounts of couMer offers, if any, and other historic data relative to such attempied acquisitlon. The actual fil3ng of aondemnation and subsequent li8gation shall be the responslbilfty of the AGENCY. Relocation Assistance: Relocation assistance services shatl be provEded to conform with departmeMal operating requirements. AA relocation payment claims presented by dispJacees witl be processed by the OEPARTMEfd7, but the aduaJ disbursement of monies sha(1 bE made by the AGENCY. As may be assigned by the AGENCY, the DEPARTMENT will respond to and assist the AGENCY with an appeal as to relocation ass3stance benefits filed by an aggnevetl dispfaoes; hawever, the AGENCY shaU remain responsfble for any appointment of a hearings offccer, conducting hearfngs, maintaining recards thereof, and rendering of the final decision of the AGENCY. Property Management: Effective managemeM of agenc,y- controlled properties will be provided In the name of the AGENCY in conformity with departmental operating requirements. ' E. At the completion of the Task Assignment, the DEPARTMENT wiH tum over to the AGENCY atl records inGuding appraisal and appraisal review reports, acquisifion, relacation assistance, artd properly managemerrt records pertinent to the wortc performed by the qEPARTMENT. III , PAYMENT - The DEPARTMENT shafl be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and for servEces rendered under this AGREEMENT and associated Task Assignments as provlded hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed or servioes rendered and for aA labor, materials, supplies, and inGdentals necessary to oompleta the work. The DEPARTMENT acknowledges and agrees that only those costs actua[Iy allocable to a projeet shall be charged to such project. A. The DEPARTMENT shall be reimbursed in full by the AGENCY for its direct and reRated indired casts aaximulated in accordance with its current aocounti.ng pracedures. B. Partial payments will be made by the AGENCY within 30 days of receipt of the bilfings from the DEPAR7MENT. Billings will not be more frequent than one per month. It is agreed that payment af any particular claim will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that at tha time of final biUing all required edjustments will be made. C. Upon termination of tfiis AGREEMENT as provided in Section VI, the DEPARTMENT shall be paid by the AGENCY for services rendered to the effedive date of termination less all payments previously made. No payment shall be made by the AGENCY for arty expense incurred or work done following the effecdve date of terminaNon unless authorized, in vrrftirtg, by the AGENCY. D. Final payment of any balanve due the DEPARTMENT of the ultimate gross reimbursable amount, prior to the effective date of teRnination, wip be made upon ascertafnment of such batance by the DEPARTMENT and cerfiftcatnon thereoi to the AGEMCY. N LEGAL RELATIONS A. INDEMNIFICATIOAI: Each of the parties to this AGREEMENT shall protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the other party from and against ali Oabilities, penalties, costs, losses, damages, expenses, causes of action, daims, demands, ar judgments, inGuding withflut limitation, reasonable attomeys fees, arising out of or related to the terms, oovenants or oondftlons of this AGREEMENT and such parties' performance or failure to perform any aspect af thts AGREEMENT; provided, hawever, that if tfie claims or suits are caused by or resuft from the concuRerrt negligenoe of (a) the AGENCY, its agents or employees, and (b) the DEPARTMENT, its agents or employees, induding those actfons covered by RCW 4.24.115, the ob!'rgations shall be valid and enforceable only to the exQent of tfie parties' negiigence; and provided further, thet nothing here[n shall require either party to hold harmless or defend the other party from arry daim arising from the sole negligence of tfie oiher paiiy. B. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: 1.The AGENCY and the DEPARTMENT shaA confer to resoNe disputes that arfse under this AGREEMENT as requested by either party. , 2. The follow~ng [ndividuals are the Designated Representatives for lhe purpvse of resolving disputes that arfse under this agreement: AGENCY DEPARTMENT NamelTitte Region Real Estate Services Manaqer Adaress f1lYT F'vrn "d117A FG Paae 3 of 4 3. In the event the Designated Representatives are unable to resofve the dispute, the fo[laving individuals shall vonfer and resoNe the dispute. ~ AGENCY DEPARTMENT / Name/TPtle I7ave Mercier, City Manager Director, Real Estate Services Address 11707 E. Sprague, Spb. Valley, WA 99206 PO Box 47338, Olympia, WA 98504-7368 The AGENCY artd the DEPARTMENT agree that they shall have no right to seek rellef in a court of law until and unless the Dispute Resotution process has been exhausted. C. VENUE: In the event that arry parly deems ft necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obfigation under this AGREEMENT, the parties hsreto agree that any such actcon or proceeding shap be brought in a oovrl of competent jurisdiction sifuated in Thurston County, Washington. V ' NONDISCRIk1AINATION The DEPARTMENT shall comply with Chapter 49.60 RCW and with T'ifle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC § 2000d et seq. With resAed to the work to be performed by the DEPARTMENT during the ooritract, the DEPARTMENT shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, cobr, sex, national origin, marital status, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in the selection and retention of agents, subconlractors or in the pracurement of services or materials, leases, or equipment VI COMMENCEMENT AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMEN7' The work Ls of a continuing nature and will be in force as of the date of this AGREEMENT. The DEPARTMENT may terminate this AGREEMENT at any time upon not less than sbcty (60) days written notioe to the AGENCY vvitfi or without puse. The AGENCY may terminate th[s AGREEMENT or Task Assignment at eny time provided that the AGENCY- reimburses the DEPARTMENT for aA dire,-'_- and indirect oosts 'rncurred to date. This AGREEMENT shall terminate five years from the date of execution hereof unless otfierwii'' ~ terminated or unless extended in writing sfgned by both parties. Upon terminaUon of this AGREEMENT, the DEPARTMENT vAll tu i~ over to the AGENCY all records induding appraisal and appraisal review repoRs, aoquisition, relocaUon assistance, and property management records pertinent to the work perFormed by tfie DEPARTMEIJT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the date first above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ' . AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION sy: Br TiUe: Tlie; Region Real Estate Services Manager Date: Date: Approved as to Form Approved as to Form By Bryce Brawn Agency Attomey Assistarrt Attomey General May, 2003 ' Date Date ' nnr F.vrm O?.t,MC. pF Page 4 of 4 S`poKane . f ;00OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VJA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 549.921.9008 ♦ cityhallpspokanevalley.ora Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, Nina Regor, Members of City Council From: Mike Jackson Date: October 14, 2005 Re: Monthly Repor# for September 2005 Adaiinistration and Parks: • U1G has delivered the fi.rst draft of dle Yarks & R.ecreation Master Plan for in-house review. - • Hosted Valle}Tfest. Valleyfest slocked tlie Mirabeau Springs pond vvith rainbow trout for kid'S fishi.iig and this was a very popular event. All 17ivisions assisted with the plaiuiing of the Centel-}'lace Founder's Night and Valleyfest. The events were very successful. ~ • Closed Terrace View Pool Por the season. • Contractor completeci che installltion of cliving boards at all three pools. • 1'ark Reservations are up fi•oui last year but were do-vNm just slightly Crom September possibly due to the unseasonably cool.weather. Park Reservations 80 ~ 60 z° ~ 40 , 2O_ ~ aaa,ay Q~14~p,y Q,~~- ~\~0c ~\oc .~0 o rota 12005 a20o 7atal 2004 = 159 ~ ❑ 7o.al 20Q3 o 92 ~ i Centcrflace: • In the process of 1i_irino more and traiiung four current host/liostess fr~r set-up; tear•do~vzi, clean-up and sen.-icing group5 whilc in the facility • Continuing to Nvork on janiiorial hours ttiat ~v711 fit the facility needs during the days, niglits and weekends as well as sct-up, tear-dovvn, clean-up of events while being budgct cOnSLiOuS. • Continue to work vvitll the Community Colleges on the schediiling; classes schedule and ;atvicing Clleir nECds on a daily v1d nightly basis. • Continue to work on a mark.eting plan for CenterPlace. Goal fpr complction 'NOvemhe.r • 2005 Groups BQoked: Uctober ] 4 ' Novcmber 5 December ] 0 • 2006 Groups Ba4kecl: Januarv 1 February 3 A%iarr.h 4 Apri1 7 May 7 June ~ July 7 tlugust 3 ' September ~ • Total C_'Troups Booked Ycar to L7ate: 67 • • lotal Bids Out Year to Datc: 37 Recreatioii: • tlssisted with volunteer recruitmcnt, trainuig and recognicion (for CenierPlace Grand Upenirig event); provided parking pre-planning and event day dversight during the grand opening. • Fi.nalized move to CentcrPlace (physically moving equipmenUfiles); partieipating in vacied faci.lity trainings - lighting system, sound system, f re alarm, security alarm, kitchen equipment, iechnology. • Attended iirst 2005-2006 Stucieilt Advisory Council meeting on 9/17/05; officially appointEd as the City Manager's designec on the Cotuicil. • Contributiilg to Parks R Recreacinn Department NTaste_r 1'lan. •Preparing for the Walk Across Washington event: advertising, volunteers, logistics. Senior Center: • 1 he Senior Center Association membership has grown by oti~cr 100 ncw members sincE the move tU CenterPlace. • 1'he senior wing opened for limited activities on Septc:mber 6'h, including tMcals on Wheels serving lunch for the first time at Ce.nterPlac.e. • Attended Grand Openi.ng Commictee Meetings; finalized the attenclees for the Wellness Center, and entertainmc.nt for the Senior Wiug. • Procured supplies for the greeiiliouse for the Grand Opeiung. • Met with Steve Jurich from the YIvICA to plail activities/classes for latE fall and wintcr. ~~j • Coordinatcd the pickup of Spokane County property froni the old Senior Center building. CoordinatEd with nutrition site manacTer and her supcrvisors regarding meals on wheels at CenterPlace. ' • Cotnmunicated with Community Colleges of Spokane; lnstitute fpr ExtendEd Leaming, to set up 55+ classes to begin the wcek of September 27`h in the senior wing. • Contacted the STA regardine t.he route changc and non service to CeuterPlace and YMC A. ; S oTI' (SF pokane ~ ;00OValley . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valtey WA 99206 569.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: October 25, 2005 , Re: Monthfy Report - Summary of Septzmber 2005*Activities - Human 12esources Recruitments - There are a nuinber of newly filled positions and reccnt positian openings. FolloNvuig is tlie recniituient stattis of each position. i~~r anci t~ Ac.666n6i1h'.I3uciget Charlotte 0 `Charlie J L'tliebcr,aceepti;d i11e.Ci,ts s°o "%~:navsk -ai~tici ateci fo st~i-t niid-Uctober. 'O Adiiiilustrative Officc Assistant II -Central Receplionist- Patki McConville Assisiant started September 26. Administralive Assistant-Floater - Gay Janes transfcrred from the Of-Cce Assistant II Position as of September,26. I3uildiriG Iris~ictor lI Rayrruond T:enei~jll stari:ed October CenterPlace Pasitians are open aud advertised. A pool of available applieanl:s HosUHostess is being soug}lt. ' Mainieiyance. Titu Kleiii sfarted Se tembcr 26. . . Sr. Ferniit S ecialist TnterviEws are sehecluled for October 26. I'ublic Informafion ' Valley Corridor Project - Coordinateci publicity opporiunities for coniniunity outreach, including on- air intcrview vvith Sr. E.ngineer Steve 1)Vorley broadcast on KXLY r.adio. Participated at Valley Corridor Opcn Hoiise. CenterPlacc Granci Opening - Coordinatzd logistics and details of apenuio ceremony and city room. _ Se.nt Media release and comrmulity calendar requests regarding grand opening events. Arranged ]CHQ Morning Mug segment. Set up on-air interview about CenterPlace on SVCC Friday F3usiness Beat, Mayor Wilhite ancl I.,isa Brac;co were guests. Drafted article on nrand opeuing far publicatian i.n Valley Chauiber newsletter. 1 ~ 1)eputV City iN1annger lVlonthly Report - September, continucd October 25, 2005 . -2- Corrunercial Building Permit Proeess Revisions - T)rafte,d lettcr to development clienLs, Nvrote mcdia ~ . releases and calendar rcquests. , ~ Farks Master Ylan -Wrote mcdia r.elease and posted information ou City website. Convcrsation witti the Coinmunity - Drafted media release and calcnclar requests. Contract Administration Comcasl Cable Francluse - Public hearuig and survey presen.tation was held on SeptemUer 13. Attended the regional cable advisory board nieeting and revieweci thc new fraticlvse agreement bctween Spokane and (;otncast. Geiaer Services -"foured the Geiger facility and met with statf to discuss pcrforming some testing and receiving more cietailed supporting documentalion for Spoktuie Valley usage. Oncrxtions Cominute Trip keduction (CTR) T'rogram - ln early October, the Guaranteecl Ride Home (GRH) prngram was implemented. 'Ihe Guaranteed Ride Home program is the inajor program elemEnt of tlie City's Comuiute Trip Reduction Program. GRH is for the purpose of providing an emergency ride horne to employees who use a coirunute alternative. _ The City's Transportation Coordinacor subinitted nocnuiations for Cammuter of the Quarter. . Web Site ' Web Site Stunirtar - Mantlt o Se tember 2005 Uni ue User Sestiians 24629 To Five Pa es Viewed* Em loynlent 4102 G1S/Nta s 549 Conununiry llevela ment • 481 Status oFPositions 445 Council Agenda & Minutes 420 To Five ":Rcferrer" Weh Sites S okane County - Jobs 127 S olic`lIle COLi11Iy - Cov't Fm loyment 78 S okanc Valley Online 36 S okane Valle Chunber 33 vluuiicipal Rescarch micl Services Center (MRSC) 28 *Notc: Numbers rellect full or majority weeks of the month. CenterPlace page vicws were at 338 for the month. . Rusiness Licenses • . The application has becn reviewed and 'unprovements have been madE to streamli.ne thc process. The front desk and City Clerk develApcd a filing system to allow quick retrieval of dociunents. Taeveloped a pracess between the f~ont desk, Planning, and the Fire Marshal, along with the Washington llepartment of Licensuig, to expedite the applications. Ct'1'v o Spo~karie ~ VaHey . ..;000 ' 11707 E Sprague Ave Suice 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 - 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken 7hompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy Ciry Manager Date: Octaber 12, 2005 Re: Manthly Report l;inancc empl4yees Nvorked in.the fallovvuig a.rcas during the Tnoriti of September. Budget vari-cuice/investment reports ~ Repoits showing a comparison of fund revenuzs aud cxpenditures to our 2005 arnended budget, at September 30, 2005, are attached. Tf revenues and expenditiues flowed to/from lhe city equally over twelve il.iontlis, we wpuld espect to see 75% in the right-hand colLunn. Revenues and capenditures do not flow equally ui hvelve montbly installmenLS so the percentages appearui; in the right ha,nd cohimn will often be skcwed. We also acerue most JauLiary revenue and expenditures into the prior year's records so that revenues for the year are matched against expenditures for the same year. Our hvo Icading revenue sourecs (progert}~ tax and sales rat) ai~ close to c~ur estimate:s. Overall; expenditures and revenues are ui line with our auiended budget. I expcct revenues to hc greater than our estimates aiid for expcnditures to be less than ou.r budget at year end. The investrnent repott at September 30, 2005 is alsa atcar.hed. As xve biuld reserves oiu eash aild investment balances iilcr.ease which oener.ates more investni.ent income. F'inancial policies Staff reviewed. firlaneial policies considereci by the F'inance Coiiimittee in 2003. Suggested char►ges were placed on thc agenda for City Council review at the Oclober 11, couneil meeting. ~ 2006 budget preparation ~ . , 2006 budget hearings werc conducted on August 23 and September 27. An additional hearing vvas held on October 11. Staff discussed highlijhts of the 2006 budget at the September 6 council meeting. Outside agencies made presentatipns to the council on August 30. Our current schedule wleicipales adoptiou of the property tax ordinance and the first reading of budget ordinance on November 15. Audit for 2004 Thc Washington State AuditQr's (7ffice startcd work on the 2004 audit in mici September. We expect completion in Deceniber. Finance Division staff spend a considerable arnount of lime assisting the auditors duruig their visit. This process will covcr most of tluee montlis. Aecountant/budp _ct analyst position "Charlie" Pilieger has becn hircd to fill the Accountant/Budget Analyst positian. Cllarlie will handle Projecl accaunting and intcrnal control aloug with other assigllnients. She is a Ce.rtified Public Accountant in b4th Washington and Oregon fuid was a parlner ui a CPA firni for 10+ years. Charlie's .first day.xvill be pctaber 17. . Ainendni.ents to the 2405 budget ' • A few amendments are neecied to the 2005 budgct. Staff is putting the ainenclments togetlier for council revie_w in November and Deccmbcr. Centerplace constniction and Cotnmunity Dcvelopment Block Gra.nt projecCS represent most of the amendments. Ubdated fee resolution for 2006 Minor changes have been proposcd for 2006 fees. Included in tlte package are i.ncceases in the storniwater fee, a ncw pavinp- peruut fee, atranscript/record deposit fee and wi qversi-ed load permit fee. C7tlier ttian the stonnwater fee, na signifcant revenue will be generated by these changes. t ~ ~ % City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended September 30, 2005 Amended - Budget September YTD ' Unrealized Percent 2005 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Unrestricted Fund Balance $ 3,784,250 $ - $ 4,493,460 $ - 118.74% Property Tax 10,055,316 50,747 5,213,036 4,842,280 51.84 Sales Tax 13,998,000 1,559,896 10,934,468 3,063,532 78.11 Gambling Tax 800,000 29,933 560,295 299,705 62.54 4 Leasehold Excise Tax 5,000 1,565 5,503 (503) 110.06 Franchsie Fees/Bus. Regstn. 650,000 3,099 380,186 • 269,814 58.49 4 State Sharetl Revenues 1,121,709 133,487 737,908 383,801 65.78 Planning & Building Fees 1,863,000 270,192 1,950,422 (87,422) 104.69 14 Fines and Forfeitures 1,200,000 97,768 848,016 351,984 , 70.67 Recreation Program Fees 170,000 25,523 181,708 (11,708) 106.89 Investment Interest 36,000 21,851 145,908 (109,908) 405.30 Operafing Transfers 207,140 - 83,570 123,570 40.34 11 . $ 33,890,415 $ 2,194,061 $ 25,474,480 S 9,125,145 75.17 Q Amended Budget September YTD Unrealized PercQnt 2005 Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Realize-d General Fund Expenditures: ' Legistative Branch S 288,226 $ 7,804 $ 154,301 $ 133,925 53.53% Executive & Legislative Supporf 442,867 29,122 266,321 176,546 60.14 Public Safety 15,909,424 1,237,239 11,042,567 4,866,657 -69.41 Operations & Administrative Svc 1,294,601 92,198 669,139 • 625,462 51.69 Public Works 800,490 63,327 558,806 241,684 69.81 Planning & Community Dev. 1,729,315 132,326 1,133,800 595,515 65.56 Library Services 2,270,000 - 1,088,089 1,181,911 47.93 Parks & Recreation 1,959,186 168,721 980,329 978,857 50.04 General Government ' 9,196,306 107,200 3,470,768 5,725,538 37.74 16 $ 33,890,415 $ 1,837,937 S 19,364,120 $ 14,526,295 57.14°l0 t ~ ~ 1011312005 226 Ph.4 Ciry of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended September 30, 2005 ' Amended BudgeE SeptcmbCr 1?D Unrealizsd Percent 2005 Rev2nues Revenues RCyGiIUQ Re OtherFunds Revenuos: Street Funtf $ 5,803,158 $ 121,569 5 832,675 $ 4,920,483 15.2145 A.r' Ieria! Sireet Fund 1,0E8,903 58,953 391,302 644,701 36.03 Tra85 and Paths 17,900 20 , 161 17,739 6.90 2 Hote!lPAOZ,eI Fund 437,627 47,548 251,873 185,954 57.53 Oebt SeMoe - LTGO 03 532,635 - 208,918 373,957 35.85 Capital proJects Fund 2,103,9154 156,341 893,062 1,212,842 4241 SpeclalCapdtal ProJects Fund 1,852,457 134,967 863,197 1,049,260 45.14 StreetCapitalProjeCts 4,262,330 55,406 353,610 3,908,720 8.30 8 P.tirabesu Pvint Progsct 3,000,060 40,363 145,919 2,854,031 - Stre2t Bond Gapitaf f'ro4=cts 406,000 2,936 24,423 381,577 - CD Block Grant Futvd - 162 2e,494 (24,494) • 3 Capital GranLs Funcl 5,090,000 - 219,7E1 4,790,219 4,39 8 Barker 8ridge ReconsWClJon 350,flaD - - 350,000 - 8 5tarm%vaterPAgmtFund 2,061,026 8,738 740,081 1,320,545 35.93 EqUip. Rental8 Iteptacement 272,832 459 67,412 205,480 24,76 Risk A13napement 140,828 71 105,503 35,425 74.85 Reserves: ' - _ Centerpdace operating 300,00 893 303.295 (3.295) 101.10 • ServiceLevelStabiGza?ion 1,OOO,flaO 2,978 1,010,885 (i0,985) 109.50 Wintervreaiher 500,fl00 1.480 502,942 (2,842) 100.59 Parks capitat 550,0d0 1,038 352,059 197,941 64.01 Civec bvildirugs 500,000 1,481 502,842 • (2,842) 100.59 $ 30,299,160 $ 635,408 S 7,844,93. S 22,454.226 25.8"e , • Amencted 5udget Septemher YTD Unrealized Perceest - gM -~,Ci ocnditure-s x enditurf- g~nenditure~ pI Other Funds Ex:penditures: Street Fe[nd t 5,803,158 $ 41,001 $ 1,443,289 S 4,359,889 24.87'/0 Arteriaf Street Fund 1,M,063 - - 1,0,86,003 - 8 Trails and Paihs 17,900 - - 17,500 - 2 HotelmAOtel FurrJ 437,627 11,333 1147,641 790,186 33.72 Debt SCrvioC lTGO 03 582,835 - 208,918 373,917 35.85 CapOtal Project., Fund 2,105,90,4 , - 23,773 2,092,131 1.13 8 SpecialCapital Projects Fund 1,912,457 - 23,773 1,868,684 1.24 8 StroelCapitalProjocts 4,282,339 49,074 137,3824,124,36$ 3.22 8 Mirabcau Poirit Profect 3,000,900 394,540 3,156,398 (168,308) 105.54 5 SUCEt l30nd C3pita! Pr*CIS 406,000 • 113,000 293,000 27.83 8 CO t31oa Grant Funtf - 277,957 263,578 (263,578) • 5 Capdtal Gront,,q FGmd 5,010,000 37,823 233,157 4,776,8+13 4,55 8 8arker 8fidge Rewrsstnrc?ion 350,000 21,157 21,157 328,843 6,04 8 Storrmvat2rPdgm;Fund 2,061,026 19,476 738,670 1,322,356 35.64 Equip. RenEal & Replacemnt 272,892 8,215 74,864 198,228 27.38 Risk 1.93nagement 140,823 - 103,a21 35,15D7 74.57 Reserves: Centerplace opera4ing 300,000 - - 300,000 - Serrice level sEabilization 1,000,000 - - 1,00a,000 - Winter %veather 500,000 - - 500,000 . Patlts Capital 550,000 - - 550.600 - .8 CiviC buildlngs 500,900 - 500,000 S 36,299,160 $ 771,176 S 6,726,291 S 23,578,H9 22.1d'/o tDItM200.ti 2:26NN. 1l City of Spokane Valley ~J Investment Report For the Month September 2005 . Tota I LGIP' F&M MM Investments Beginning $ 16,457,020.53 $ 4,444,696.25 $ 20,901,716.78 Deposits 1,935,864.13 - 1,935,864.13 Withdrawls (2,000,000.00) - (2,000,000.00) Interest 48,400.96 10,278.81 58,679.77 Encfing S 16,441,285.62 $ 4,454,975.06 $ 20,896,260.68 Balances by Fund General Fund $ 6,257,393.39 Skreet Fund 2,350,452.50 . Arterial Street 1,218,651.12 Paths & Trails 8,652.58 HoteUMotel 236,275.92 Center Place Op 303,295.56 Service Level Stab. 1,010,985.20 ~ Winter Weather Res. 502,941.83 1 Capital Projects 2,438,753.05 Spec. Capital Proj. 2,089,523.57 , Street Capital Proj. 185,347.21 . Mirabeau Point Proj. 738,701.18 • Street Bond Proj. 1,273,352.57 CD Block Grant Fd. 8,179;10 Parks Capital Proj. 352,059.29 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 502,941.83 , Stormwater Mgmt. 1,218,330.49 . . Equipment Rental 171,894.53 Risk Management 28,529.76 $ 20,896,260.68 `Local Government Investment Pool 10I1312005 2:26 PM dec FOOTNOTES Note: 1 Revenue from property taxes is received in May and November , 2 No projects planned in 2005 . ' 3 Reimb. Due city for block grant project 4 Received quarterly 5 Budget amendment pending 7 Used for capital projects. Cash not transferred ' to the construction fund until cash is needed. 8 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 11 Internal transfer is made twice/year. 14 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 16 70% of this budget is reserves. Emergency use only ~ 1011312005 2:26 PM i`CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY j; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ` MONTHLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2005 LONG RANGE PLANNING: Ptanning Commiasion The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met four times during the month of September The Commission finalized their recommendations to City Council on the Comprehensnre Plan, which is scheduled for preseMation to the City Council on October 4. 2005. Deparbnental Spokane CitylCounty Emergency Management has re-infiated its Hazard Mitigabon Ptanning effarts with the assistance of EVNU Professor Fred Hurand and 1wo of his graduate students. Committee members include Marina Sukup and Tom Scholtens, as wep as a number of Spokarte Valley residents. The Cammittee will meet at least monthly with the expectation at comp{eting a draft of a muttiAunsdictional plan m the Spring ot 2006. The Spokane Valiey Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan will supplement the muttiAunsdictional plan. CURRENT PLANNlIVG: The Planning Dnrision opened 17 land use application fiies in September 2005. In addition, 22 licenses/permits were so1d. The charts below track present monthty activity a{ong side 2004 leveks. LicenselPermits indude 2 adult entertainment, 20 home protession, temporary use and sign review permits. Land Use Actions include 2 Lartd Use pre-apps, 2 rezones, 5 short plats, 4 boundary line adjustments, site ptan rev+ews, and SEPA reviews. 2005 Licenses 8 Pertntts iaaued 50 40 , 20 - 10 OM o ~ .lan %r:ti Attr Apr tvby !un Jul Aug Sep at Pbv ~ CbC 41 26 ~ 18 _ 34 . 21 : 19 - 6 _-22 ! 22 2p(►4 8 f P I 18 15 9 19 11 17 ZO I 14 7 11 The Planning Oivision approved 72 cammercial permits during September inGuding a 2,440 square foot storage building (Phase 1) in the Spokane Industrial Paric and permits for the 288 unit Pinehurst Apartmertts on North Pines and Cherry Street._ Additionally, the Planning Division received 2 new commercial permits dunng September and conducted 7 commefaal pre-application meetings. Page 1 of 8 , City of Spokane Valley I ' Departrnent of Community Development ~ Monthly Report for September 2005 ~ 2005 New Land Use Actlons 40 30 \ , • L O - ~ 10 0 I . fl - ~ . _ . Jan Feb Msr Apr I Lta y Jun Jul Aug Sep Uct Nav Oec I O 2005 . 15 22 20 + 24 , 16 _ 33 28 ~ 17 17 2004 21 I 11 12 ~ 21 35 35 ~ 22 20 I 28 35 I 14 14 ~ Monthly revenue for the CuRent Plannirtg Division totaled $10,085 in September; 47.5°r6 of the revenues generated in August 2005, and 4996 of the nevenues generated dunng September of 2004. 2005 Planning Revenue°. sso.ooa $40,000 s3o,oon • / ~ szo.noo i ! n . i , - sia.oq~o ~ - _ ❑ $a .wn r ob Wt ncxr way .k.,e JW nuy o (ievxrnue 2005 • Rewenue 20Cµ Revenues generated by the Planning Division are compared with the 2005 Budget appropnation in the table below. 2006 Ptanning Revenues Compared with Budget Land Lke Fctms i un Lu.~ftses d PeFrru~ f0 S20.000 S40.000 $60.000 $80,000 5100.000 $120.000 5140.000 $160,000 5180,000 o accuet v ro tbvenue o Arunual BxW 6cmme Page 2 ot 8 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development ~ Monthly Report for September 2005 ~ BUILDING DIVISION: The Buildmg Division issued 379 pertnits in September. This is 113 less than issued in August and an increase of 95 over September '04. Frfty new one and two farnity dwelling permits, 12 permits far multi-family structures and three new commercial permits were issued in September. The Washington Department of Labor 8 Industry has identiffied several participants in the injured woricer re-trainmg program who would be qualified for right-af-way construction inspections L81 compensates these wortcers for up to three months when placed in a re- training position. Tom Schoftens has received certification as a Floodplain Manager from the Association of State Flaodplain Managers. The certification is avaitable only to tfiose prafessionals who meet the requiremenis and complete a comprehensive examination on the programs and standards to reduce flood losses in the nation. Well done, Tom! 2005 CON8TRUCTIDN PERMRS 1000 I 500 - - - ~ _ •I. ' M- I . 0 fee wr Aw r+r k4• ,►r► Aiq sp ar ~ dc c-73~aaswr.e: »0 21i sa ~a bre iu 4n . ~o+1e,.~, ,n » - ns :s6 teo s,q 4 no VA 7" 743 m i~n 2006 Now Struttuns Penuitbd •1)0 300 Zoo w0 o r3 _ 0 r_ Q _ E _ s ~ Ln F.e Wr Aa• wa. lun. .wy Aun Sea :k1 Nao ckc n hw , 4 1 (M aNty 12 1s ?7 30 40 47 29 Dt 'r) f MArlartq UMa t: 1n 0 0 192 ?0 0 • :LV1 :t 1A ~cmrmrrol tl !@ ~ _ b J . D ! The PeRnit Center collected $248.607 m Permit and P1an Review Fees, compared with $126,689 in the same period last year Page 3 of 8 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development Monthly Report for September 2005 ~ 2005 Buldlnq Rorvnues ~ I:IUpU I.SV 7m . I ~ _ _ , • ~ . + ~ u700lib~r I II m xn x 91m1m 11 . i . r-IOW1bMriw,. 1*J:m MrM ,n Ay The reported vaiue af construction, inGuding new structures and additions/alteration is shown in the following chart, companng ihese values wrth 2404. New value this year is $58,435,354 ahead oi last year at this time. 2005 Valuation of Constructbn s3a,ooo.aoo ~ - - - , ~ .,r. ~ sas,ooo,ooo aa,aoa.aoo ~+s,oon.noo • ~ ~ 2oos v.~,.wm', I • 2aW VaWauon • 6 t0.000 D06 ~ • • • fi.D0t1 I:IXI H3 - ,Jpn rcb 6fs Agr Wy .Aira .A1y A urj .`lalr !Jtt Wu Dw: I SOURCE Spokane Vaflily Finanoe DepaARwnt 2949 1'TD 8WWn0 Ibvenws GooNrN wKh Suftot I Cl~~ f IM . . ~1,01: :.-r;l ll 1 i7 NIII ~1 fOp,pf(111 {1,f60.000 {1 M,YOC 81.N0.0p {1.100 000 ' a A taW'I1D ftr~ a Awwr M-.. I~ol-lee i In September our building inspectors periormed1,034 inspeciions in 21 days. This averages 49.2 inspections per day. So far this year our staff has performed 8,232 inspec4ons, about 1000 more than in the first 9 months of 2004. The Plans Examiners reviewed 88 projects in September. At the end of September we had 9 projeds awaiting review. 2005 Buildinp Intpocdons 1500 - _ ~ - - - - - k »ac 1.''° - . M . ~:o ° JW F., um ~ A:, ~w ,Lr. Alk 1-0 C.I .t, Le- , . . . . , o~om~~ I m M, m ~47) ao mm w ~ w1 1634 . i •,qMh,y.y~~ IF,7 itt 'Y- Awi f!!3 9tA 657 92S 76! t01! 147 9% Page 4 of 8 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development i Monthly Report for September 2005 CODE COMPLIANCE: The number of "Violations Reported" on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code viotations, plus complaiMs received which were not violations. The comptaints received are added to the total because they reflect time officers spent in the field conducting investigations. In addition, the "lnvestigated' and "Pending" columns accurately reflect Code Compliance's current abitity to process and investigate backlog cases. The following chart provides a montfiiy comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. Violations are reported based on the primary complaint received, rather than the numbef of additional violations identified on any individual premises. The investigation of a complaint of junk vehicles, for example, may also resuft in identiftcation of additional violations such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestock. These are not included in the summary. A total of 104 complaints were processed in September. CODE COMPLIANCE STAI`US REPORT zo~ L 16-6,6 Li , 0 Sp F~ Da ;)rr C~4 Nov fla i)ec 44 J;3n 05 ~ cn 04 Mnr 05 Ap 05 Vay OS nine 05 :ue•05 Aug +.JS tep 05 0 VplDtms Reported a Aha0elnDnls O % Tnlrtal@te ■ fendnp Files It Aa aae oa Ka oa Jos Fo~ Mvs A 06 Mc6 J a ao6 ~►as sos I Toh~ tt tae ~ . ee ---s3 ea eM ~ 111 i77 V39 1~6 ta- Activity has been consoUdated into the following five categones: Environmental (sewer/septic, critical areas, snimal and nuisance violations); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building. IandlordRenaM, itlegal business and swgnage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste violaGons); Clearview Tnar►gle and Complaint - No Violation. Psgo 5 of 8 City of Spokane Valley ! Department of Community Development Monthly Report for September 2005 CODE COMPLIANCE RFPORTS (br qp*) 100lt e0'!6 I rl ~ ' 607t ~ i - 40%I 20% ox . scb a ac( w Nw a txc a"► oa Feo 05 Mu os n a oe ~ ~ JuI.as A~ ~ a Gonp(ont • ND VioioGut+ 17 16 ?t 12 18 7 19 28 tA 54 47 29 28 0 $pip Wpibe 22 10 16 16 td 10 1S 22 ?S 13 ?e 31 te n JunM Aulo 21 78 te 17 12 ia 14 19 T7 31 26 70 p 0e1K V ww TrwnplQ • 23 2 3 4 p 17 11 sprop" 32 13 13 11 14 19 8 9 9 14 36 32 25 OEnvwnnmrnta! 10 ib 19 11 i 0 17 6 11 20 9 S ? Afte.r ~ , t,. . _ • . , ~ s . : Before Intervcntion Pape6of8 City of Spokane Valley ~ Deparbnent of Community Development Monthly Report for September 2005 ; CUSTOMER SERVICE Planning The Pianrnng Desk handled 302 phone calis and talked to 322 walk-in customers at the Planning Counter. The Hearirtg Examiner held 1 land use hearing during September Building: Permlts The following table summarizes tite performance of the Permrt Center for those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that Pian Chedc Fees are paid to the time that a peRnit is issued. Values shown are those an which Plan Check and Building Permit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum time between payment of the Plan Chedc fees and the actual issuance of the non-fesidential permit. Delays in the issuance permits may resuit from Inadequate or incomplete submittats, failure of the applicant to pick up the permit, etc . Septorbef zoas Permft Type ~ Valuo a NEIM CONSTRLICTION llpt 3 Sfory or Lass 12 S17j87 20U.00 42 42 42 luletrantil~e 3 $M 483.OD 90 22 48 F'rwate 11 $819 S t 4 00 32 8 42 REMODEL Mercantlle 3 a93,4a3 6Q 22 98 AQURIi)N Apt 3 Sto or Less 2 i68 500,00 18 6 30 tndueUial Owidum t 59.200.00 1 1 1 Meitarrtib 4 $111,488.00 13 8 22 Ollipwrotosaqrwl 9 5743 5~96.00 13 1 30 Re( ious BuiiQi 1 S6.000.00 B 8 B The PeRnit Center has been tracking tumaround for Rfght of Way Permit Applicabons and the faxed Mechanical and Ptumbing PeRnit Applications. At present we are responding to those applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day This gives us a new Isvel of customer senrice we hope to maintain. 8uilding: Inspections Irtspections are conducted the day following the inspeciion request except for weekends and holidays_ Currently we are using one on-call inspector, Tom Melboum to not only help wilh our inspection loads, but to perform all of our residential plan reviews. In addition, another on-call inspector, 8ill Hart, is working about 20 hours per week to keep pace with our heavy work load. Page 7 of 8 City of Spokane Valley ~ Departrnent ot Community Development Monthly Report for September 2005 ! Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conduded within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Pernnit Center Two surveys were rece+ved dunng the month of September - changes from the Augusi report are highlighted. i . PERMIT CENTER SURVEY ~ _pepartmertt of Community Devaloprnent fs,bnwry through Spt+ad-W ZOOS 1) I visil the PtnNt Carter 3 lutore thnn ance a rraek ] Wt.tl;ly 3 Once n Month 4 Occasioro(ly I Fmst visit 2) Tht pvpose of iay visif(s)= 2 6eneml InfarmQtion 6 Zoning/P1at I BwMing Pt.rnrt s 1 Other Pcrmit 1 Mettirg O Cacle Contp{oirtt I Mooring 0 Uge Pernwt 1 L►cen9e ~ Ott►er 3) T?►e O"rtmsnt/Civision I cam to sa wns 10 Plnnnhg Engineenng e euiiding Pernirs a tnspechow iPlng, aw9 aErgmimng o code comfi;once o Other (specity_ 4) I nes.ded to set (~bme), and they were: @ Avmlable 0 On the phone g Not awiloble 5) Psrwit ee,ttv staff is (check nll thar aPah) 17 Friendy 17 eourtious 1j IG+owkdyeobk ~2 HelpfW 8 Pronapt 0 Curt or obrupt 0 Oiscuurtzous 1 Clueless 0 UnwilNng to help _l Sbw 0 Other 6) Telephont cdls to staff mtmbers ore refumtd I Within 24 hars iWitlun the weak 1 Never answerod Q Other 7) My call +MOS tronsfsntd g Onca ~ Twrct Q More tfion iwlte I Nevsr B) Infaraation proWded ts 13Accwott/Compkie Wdl resimorchod 0 Inapplioobk Q Inwmpkte Q Other 9) The hr+nit Gnftr Is L,?Wel{-argomud 0 Orderly 0 too crowded Q Too noisy 1 Oisorgcniud 10) If avaUabk. I usa/ wwid wt: 2 Qn-bne oppllcntaro I Fatt opplicafions I On-Ime payment Q Other 5uggestions far lmproving Services COUNT 24 No comments were received during the month of September Pages 8 ot 8 an ~ pO~5e pUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .;0OValley MONTHLY REPORT - September 2005 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - Gounty Street Maintenance Interiocal . • Engineering Services Support - County Engineering Interiocal • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal WASTEWATER: • Wastewater Treatment - The end of January the City received from the County financial information regarding the County's sewer utility as it relates to the assumption of the County owned sewer facilities. • Spokane River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) is available on the UAA web site at http://www.spokaneriveruses.neUlinks.htm CAPITAL PROJECTS: o Valley Conidor Project Held first Open House on September 7t' and 2"d Interdisciplinary Team meeting on September 8'" with consultant and stakeholders. Coordinated with PN on the Spokane regional traffic model. Still waiting for final results and future forecast model. Worked with CH2M HILL on the development of numerous alternatives for review by the Interdisciplinary Team. o Project Grant Applications Waiting to hear back on project applications for TIB Grants submitted to them on August 30, 2005. The following project applications were submitted. Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) • Evergreen Road Project 2-16"' Avenue to 32"d Avenue ($2.6M requested) • Barker Road - LaBerry Avenue to Broadway Avenue ($1.4M requested) Transportation Partnership Program (TPP) Park Road Grade Separation - at BNSF RR (Bridging the Valley) ($2M requested) Urban Sidewalk Program (PSMP) • Mission Avenue - Lilly Road to Center Road ($57,960 requested) • 8'" Avenue - Calvin Road to Adams Road ($107,000 requested) Received approval on our federal enhancement project application for preliminary engineering funds for a pathway along 44t' Avenue in Ponderosa area. Requested $16,500. o Contracts for Construction Services - Presented information to Council at the July 19th Study Session and received approval to move forvvard with contracts for construction services. Scope is being developed. Construction PineslMansfield Federal funds for Preliminary Engineering have been released. The County and State are designin;~ . their respective areas of the project. The project is scheduled to advertise for bid in earty 2006. . o Broadway Avenue Overlay, Argonne Road Overlay, and Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. These projects are being designed by City staff. Environmental Classification Summaries (ECS) have been approved for each project. These projects will advertise in early 2006. o CenterPlace Grand Opening of Centerplace held September 249. Project 99.9% cflmplete. Woriced on minor punch list items and warranty issues. Working on final project closeout. 0 8t' Avenue Overlay Project Project substantially complete - Striping to occur late October. o Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project Project substantially complete - Striping to occur late October. o Barker Road Project Project being designed - 90% Design Complete. Construction has been delayed until 2006. Right- of-way acquisition is in process. Project will bid late 2005 or early 2006. o Barker Road Bridge Project Type, Size and Location Study is 90°k complete. Final study is due October 31. 0 16th Avenue Project . , Projec# Substantially Complete - Swale Change Orders and change order for the re-striping at Bowdish and 16th to be complete. o Park Road Project . Asphalt work complete - Striping and Punchlist items to occur late October. o Sherwood ForesUMica ParklJohnston Sanitary Sewer Project Project Complete o Inland Sanitary Sewer Project Sewer main installation complete -Paving mid October. o Parks Road Sanitary Sewer Project Construction began July 11'h - Mainline complete. Paving complete - Punchlist items remain. o Edgerton Sanitary Sewer Project Project awarded to ACI APPEX Construction - IUlainline complete - Paving to be complete the end of October. o Orchard Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project Project awarded to ACI APPEX Construction - Mainline construction began Jufy 11Ih. - Mainline 60% complete - Project will carry over to Spring 2006. o Carnahan Sanitary Sewer Project . Project Complete TRAFFIC: . • Began discussing options for holiday traffic control at the Valley Mall. 0 • Implemented new AM, midday, and PM peak hour coordinated signal timing plans along Spague and A pleway between I-90 and University. Will be adding coordination along Dishman-Mica at 16"' and 6`~ in the near future. • Conducting speed studies and working to establish official speed limits on arterials that are not listed in the county code. • Worked with consultant and SRTC to modify the regional travel demand forecast model to better match existing conditions for use with the Valley Corridoi~ Analysis. STORMWATER:. • Crews have cleaned 860 structures & several miles of d'rtches using the Vactor Truck • Review draft Underground Injection Control (UIC) and NPDES Phase II permits issued by Washington Qepartment of Ecology • 10 sites with drainage problems were remediated by installing swales 8 drywells, curbing, and regrading year to date. • Contracted out services w'rth Spokane County ISD for the preparation of a Stormwater Tax Fee application to be used for the coming tax year. The County ISD finalized the application in late August. The updates to the 2006 tax rolls have been completed for the 2005 permits year to date. • Researched options for street sweeping and landscape services. Inventory • Coordinated the review of guidelines with Department of Ecology, Spokane County & City of Spokane; • Contracted ou# services with Tetra Tech/KCM & GeoEngineers for a soil study to determine topsoil requirements to provide water quality treatment. Consultant is in the process of analyzing soil samples. COUNTY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2005 budget is $2,405,394 ($1,589,292 in the Street Fund and $816,102 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of August the County has billed $1,057,600 for Street Maintenance and $645,048 for StoRnwater Maintenance, these total $1,702,648 or 70.8°r6 of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT September Activity: NEW APPLICATIONS COMMERCIAL BLDG PERMfTS SIZE/Description o Tesoro Tank Removal and Replacement o Hooters Parking Lot Grading Permit for expansion REZONE APPLICATIONS o Cargile Rezone UR 3.5 to UR 7 o Willman Rezone UR 3.5 to UR 7 o Hjort Rezone UR 3.5 to UR 7* REZONE/PLAT/PUD APPLICATIONS o Flagstone Plat UR 3.5 to UR 7' and 18 lots SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS o Bonner Short Plat 4 lot short plat FINAL SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS ~ o Swanson Short Plat 4 lot short plat ~ . . OTHER MAJOR ACTIVITIES NEW COUNTY PROJECTS o Vistas at Momingside Heights 345 lots o Albertson's Expansion 2- 6,000 sf retail bldgs ' NEW STREET & DRAINAGE PLANS (CURRENT LAND-USE PROJECTS) o Progress Properties. 16 lots o Mission Meadows Manufactured Home Park COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS MEETINGS o Jacobs Unlimited 3200 sf storage building o Rath Commercial 1500 sf storage btiilding o Grafos Mini-Storage 21450 sf mini-storage o Central Pre-Mix 13393 sf office addition o Mielke Spec Bldgs 3 spec buildings (20,000 sf total) o Tyson-Flyn Spec Bldgs 4 units (12,000 sf total) i ` / S~iO~kane . 'OValley Capital Improvement Projects 2005 8 2006 PROJECTS Proposed Estimated Qosign Constructlon 2005 (2006) Total Project Funding Road Construction Projocts Projoct I.ocatlon Bid Dato ComploUon Date Completo Comptate FundlnA Cast 718 Pai1c Road - Project 2 8th Avenue to 2nd Avenue 11l1105 10096 9596 $ 821,000 $ 972,000 5TP(U) 16th Avenue - Project 2 Oishman-Mica Road to SR 27 5131f05 100% 10096 $ 1,932,000 $ 3,302,000 T113 Barker Road Reconstnaction 8oone Avenue to Barker Road Bridge Nov-06 iW15lOG 90°,6 096 $ 1,150,000 $ 2,998,200 STP(U) Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Sprague Avenue to Applevray Avenue Mar-OB 711l06 95°,6 096 $ 49,400 $ 57,100 S'I'P(U) Argonne f2oad Overlay Indiana Avenue to Montgamery Avenue DAar-06 BJtl06 80";6 0% $ 274,000 $ 316,600 S7P(U) 8roadwPy Avenue Overlay Bates Road to Sullivan Raad Feb-06 8l1l06 30% 096 S 703,001) $ 812,700 CDBG Montgomery Avenue Rehabiliiation Univerairy Roed to I-90 an ramp 1111l05 100% 95% $ 439,850 $ 439,850 Ciry 8lh Avenue Overlay Farr Road to Univers7ty Road 1111105 1UOS'o 9555 S - $ 270,000 CbBG R4ontqomery Avenue Rehab #2 Arganne Road lo University Road May-06 10J15l06 6% Ogb S 471,000 g 471,000 Raad Dosign ProJects 716lCM/1Q Pines/Man,Beld Project Wilbur Rd, to Pines Rd., Pines to I 20 Feb-06 10115106 1096 , 0% $ 620,000 $ 3,134,000 STP(U) Applevray Avenue Reconstruction 'I'schirtey Rd. lo Modges Rd. Apr-06 10115106 096 0°6, $ 166,900 $ 3,197,000 BFiAC Barker Road Bridge Replacement Barker Rd. at Spokane River Jan-08 1211/09 0% 096 $ 702,000 $ 8,057,615 City Sullivan Road Extension (Bopelow Gulch) May-07 1011108 096 0% Soww Projects Camahan I-90 to B[h, Wavanna to Eastem 711105 10096 10096 $ 2,569,000 $ 2,569,000 5henvood ForestlMEca ParWJohnsion ilpplervway to 16th, Siesta to Woodruif 9115I05 10096 10096 $ 2.570.000 $ 2,570,000 Inland Bfoadviay to SpraguQ, I-901o Park 10115105 10096 80°,b $ 660,000 S 660,00D Parks Roed 7renl to I-90, Thierman ta I'Rrk 10115J05 100% 90% $ 1,445,000 5 1,445,000 Edyenon Uteh to Trent, Eli2abeth to Park 7131l06 100°l6 85% $ 2,503,000 $ 2,503,000 Orchard Avenue Spokane R(ver to Liberty, Coleman to Vista 1Q115105 100% 40% $ 2,895,000 $ 2,895,000 City Veradale Meights - Paveback Valteyvray to Mission, Evergreen to Adams PAar-06 1 W15l06 50% 0% $ 397,260 $ 397,260 City Vera Tcrrace - Paveback 2nd to 7ih, Evergreen to Bums Mar-06 10115J06 0% 09'0 $ 209,250 $ 209,250 City EteGric RR - Pavebadc Psrk to Vsta, Trerlt to Utah Mar-06 10115106 0% 096 $ 308,780 $ 308,790 Planning Projecb ' STP(U) Valley Corridor Environmantal Study Universiiy to Appleway nla Jan-OG S - 5 - Park Road Grade Seperation (B11) Park Road at BNSF RR and Trent Mar-07 3096 TIB Valley Couplet - Project 2 Unlversity in Evergreen Mar-07 0% STA Missinn Ave, Sidewalk P.lullan to Universiry Conterplace at Miraboau Polnt Construclion in Prapress 9105 100% 99% $ 9,500,000 $ 9,590,000 Total $ 30,386,450 s 47,085,365 STP(U) - Suriace TransportaUon Program (UrGan); TIB - Transportetinn Improvement duard; QRAC - Bridge Replacement AtJvisory Committes; COBG - Community Devolapunenl Block Grant Program CPAAQ - Congeslion Nlanagenienl/Air Qualify Program; S7A - Spokane 7ran5it Authority 2005 Construclion Projects Sept Lv.l E17 l,/ ! TO: D<<vc Mercier, City Vlanager FR01(: Cal Walker, Chicf of Policc Gcorge Wigen, Administrative Sergeant DATF.: October 13, 2005 R.E: Monthly Report September 2005 • Attached is the activity repart for September 2005 for the Spokane Valley Folice Department. Cotiiputcr-aided dispatch (CAC)) incidents totaled 4,476. These are self-initiated officer cnntacts, as well as calls for scrvice. Out of thase iucident,5, 1,398 actual repor[s were taken during the month of September. Attached is the breakdown describing those incidents. Aciciitionally, there werc 1605 traffic stnps conducred that resulted in 232 traffic reports. Inc.luded are the hotspot maps for Septeinber residential burglaries, September eommercial burglaries and September traffic coUisions; along with tlugust & Septeniber stolen velucles. ADM.T.Nl.ST12ATiVL• Communications: The Urcater Spokane area was awarded a subscantial grant opgortunity to ~ address our local Conuntuiicacion infrastructure. Details NWill be forthcoming, but the basics include a total ;rant expenditure of. $4;000;000.00. The area will need to provide a $1,000,000.00 match as part of t1Ye total. The grant was Nvritten around a core equipmecit list that wi]1 start this area dowm lhe path of direct interoperability, along with a seanilcss ability to expand as future fiulds become available. `I"he Spokanc PQlice Department -will adm.inistcr the grant. V.illcyfest: Chie:f Walker was honored to ride in lhis yEar's Valleyfesl par.ade, and seven, l mocor officcrs and patrol personnel were very active in both days' festivities. Lmerhency Uperations Ccnter: Planning meetings for joint operations in the new Einergency Operations Center (LOC) are continuing with good representation from both law • enforcement and ..firc disciplines. HIVA meetings are cnntiriuuig and will also address a need for some f.ormal training provided to staff and departmenC heads. This Nvill include some off=site training at our local F_.mergency Operations Center (F-.OC). Spokane Valley Police staff, attended the Spccial Jnuit Meeiing of Spokane Valley City Coiulcil and Spokane County Commissioners held in September at the Spokane Valley City Hall. A New llirection for SCOPE (SherifPs Community Oricnted Policin; Effort): In order L..._,~ to i.ncrease cxposure and information exchaiige in our SCOPE operations, we have beg-Lm a transition of no longer utilizing a civiliaii cxec:utive direelor, 1nd will be iutcrjec:ling a greater Page 1 ' presence of commissioncd staff to Facilitate SCOPE operations. Neighborhood Watch progracns will continue to operate with current civilimi assistance. CQNI1VIlJ1~ITY ORIEnTTED POLICliNG: Thc Annual Valleyfest took place ou September 23 and 24. The Spokane Val1cy Police - Depaetment worked for weeks prior to thpsc dates, preparing and plaiuung for their part in the events. " Sergeants Brett Gozes and Tocn Thompson utilizecl their motorcycle officers and Spokane Coturty Special Respnnse Team meinbers to ciirect traffic and block roZdways. Sheriff - Corrununiiy Oriented Policing FFfort (S.C.O.P.E.) Uperation r amily Ill gathcred photos and fingerprints for the parents of }°oung cluldren. More than 25 members of the Spakane Valley Police Departtnent, SheriCf s Offec and S.C.O.P.E. pareicipated in ttie Valleyfest event. Many of this number were volunteers. . Although this w;i,s the first tiine Spra ;ue Avenue had ever bEen totally s)iut do-VNil, Officers managed it very smoothly and accomplisbed the total shut-down in only 20 minutes. OPLRATIOnTS: In past reports, incidents involving sconters, moCOrized sc:ooters and bicycle collisions have been noted in the pYLRATIONS section. Beginning tlus month they 'Adll have a separate dedicated section, see SCOOTERS ANI7 }3iKES. Baby Survivcs Niglit in Flooded 13athtub A 14-month-ald baby survived the night in a'flooded bathhib with her deccased mother. The 44-year-old victim lived with the child in a duplex in the 1300 block of North Vista. ' . Neighbor.s reportcd water rLuuung all night and a baby crying. "Ilie manager checkeci the duplca and was unablc to get a response. With the assistance of Spokane Valley Police Officers, the manager entcred the home. Inside, officers located the victim deceased 'ul the batlltub Nvith the babv crying by hcr side. 1`he sliower was ruilning and the tub was ahout half full. T'he 11ot water taril: had long since drained a.nd cold waCer was case.ading ciativn on the baby aiid deccased mottier. t1n officer fixed the uifant a bottle to calm her cryin;, and offieers beaan looking for the source of the mother's denuse. None was locatcd, and fuiding the cause of death lik.ely will depend nn ari autopsy conducted by the medical examiners office. -A Child Protective Services case worker responded and took. custody of the child. Stolen Vcliicle Rcccrvery Nets Arrest and T.ncendi<<cVy llevice , While in the north 600 block of Farr Rd., Spokane Valley l'olice Officer Justin Elliott discovered a stolen vcfucle parked at a residcnce. dfficers had been recovering numcrous _ Pagc 2 ~ stolen vehicles in the area. O.fiicer Elliot develUped a suspect who lived at the residence. He contacted her and deter.mineci shc had an outstanding warrant for felony Possession of stolen property. Through his investi;ation, EIliot cleveloped probable cause on the suspect for the theft of the velucle. She was arrested f'dr the Nvarrant and a new charge oFposscssion of stolen property. During a search ot the resideilce, a device that appearcd 'uicendiary was located. Members of the ShcriffExplosive llevice Unil (EDU) were called to the scene. EDU Sgt Mati Lyons said • the dcvice had an electric tuner, iiT1d w$at appeared to bE hvo rocket enbines, attached to it. While rcndering the device safe, F]atJ and Spokaiie Vallcy Officers shut down Farr Rd for about 20 minutes as a precaution. The principal of St. John's School was also adviseti. Crime Cbcck Number llisconnccted After having been dialeci thousands of time over iLS 20+ year lifelime, thc old Crune Check nulnber, 456-2233, was disco»nected on October 1. Citizens of Spokanc Valley «711 now nced to call the Spokane Crime Reporting Center at 532- 9266 to mal:e crimc reports. Also available for crime reporting is the intemet site, ' • www Spokanecrimereportitlgcenter.pr~*. Citiiens should call 9-1-1 for emergencies and any event where thcre is an i.n,mediate nced ~ for an officer; firc or emergency assistance. Vigilance Can Help Yrevent Stomach Ailments ui September a tclcvision crew working on a tower discovered tliat somcone liad removed thc lid from awater tank located at Twenty-f"ifth atid Thierman in the Spokane Valley. Although it's rarc for tai-Lk-s tn actually be opened and left esposed, waeer towcrs and tanl:s are frequent eargets for vasidals and graffiti airtists. it's a small step from spray-pauiting the cxterior to checking what's in the interior. With hundreds of tatilts, towers and reservoirs belonging to dozens of water dislricts it's very hard for us ta prevent trespa.ssers rronl cncroachiilg on thc systems. The public has been asked to be watehFul, and to report any unusual activity or persons araund thcse facilities. Spokane Valley i'olicc officers are also paying pai-ticular actcntion to those Cacilities. SCOOTERS AiNA B1NEi S: ' On September 7 a cc;►llision occurrcd between an auto and a bike, , The bike was traveling southbounci on Mullaii approaching Main. M.ullan is a one-way north road. The auto was stopped on ivlain westbound at Mu11an. Thc auto nperator cleared , northbound traffic anci began a right Curn onto northbound Mullan. The bike ran into the side Qf the auto. The bike rider was not wearing a belmet. PaDe 3 . Qn Septelnber 8 a collision occurred behveen an auto and a motorired scooter at Viission and Bowdish. ~ Off;icer E.ric Eppcrsoti reports that a mbtprired scooter tivas traveliiig westbound in t11e eastbqunci bilce lane of Mission at an estimated 30 mph. A northbound auto turned onto eastbound Mission from 13owdish. That driver haci cleared eastbound Nlission traffic but f.ailed ro see the scootcr travelin; agauist the f-low of traffic westboiuid. lhe 16-year-old scooter pperator was westbound in tlie eastbouncl lane oi'travel and on a roadway with a speed in excess of 25 mph. By Spokane Valley Ordinance scooters arc restricted to roadways 'Mth 25 mph and lowcr speed limits. TIe was wearing a helmet Page 4 2005- SEPTEMBER CRIME REPORT Sep-05 Sep-04 2005 to date 2004 BURGLARY 66 92 585 997 FORGERY 38 25 357 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 88 105 718 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL . 60 66 555 916 ' PROPERTY OTHER 95 144 908 1,665 ' RECOVERED VEHICLES 31 68 240 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 66 74 407 577 THEFT 201 220 1,720 2,853 UIOBC 1 0 6 10 VEHICLE OTHER . 0 1 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 83 112 701 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 729 907 6,202 10,519 ASSAULT 74 67 662 880 DOA/SUICIDE 9 9 111 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 43 79 610 755 HONIICIDE 0 1 0 5 KIDNAP 0 3 27 24 MENTAL 29 30 331 386 MP 12 7 71 106 PERSONS OTHER 103 141 966 1,624 R08BERY 5 5 39 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 5 11 79 190 . TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 280 353 2,896 4,192 ADULT RAPE . 5 3 31 37 - CHILD ABUSE 5 5 77 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 4 17 60 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 0 3 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 4 7 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 4 5 49 77 CHILD RAPE 2 3 29 30 " RUNAWAY 18 43 237 437 SEX OTHER 5 15 130 162 STALKING 3 0 26 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 19 32 203 341 TOTAL SEX CRlli9ES 66 127 852 1,475 DRUG 91 64 . 660 999 . ISU 07HER 0 0 0 1 TOTAL !SU 91 64 660 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 232 146 ' 1,694 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVFD 1,398 1,597 12,304 19,962 ~ J `k c Y _ ~ *c ~ Fnrxer R 7 ~,yc~ G~sR'UV ~ .an6of~ Crvwr, . = Y ~ Q Piince:on ~2 ~ ~ ~ VI'Nlleslay _A ~ k ~ 5pnnge • ; a ~r ,Qrs` R+Ch ° n - u RLfi ~ m ~n Upnvea w ~~i ~ GeutaMC ~ w dS _ n a'4►~„~c~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ m ' r' - C;dI a. fm C ubwt► r- enck 4hrrtruau Euc6tl F nIr.~ w ~ c 'a ~ ~ Burr~e iw - 11_r ~"pn ~ < ~ . z , Ern~ a E' ` KnOx ' r-V-a ~ ' inna ° y Indiann - ~an''on Indrans Jisne Q InMal*O 'fit3 ' b f }~tKP I a ~ s ra - I~1SSbn r I"UV ~ y.l =:CitG 1~11t7 ~ j p ~ 2 a ~ r ~r~ . f i '~QOfieD UJ!i;iC1 C 1' ~ ^i~ C ~ 4 gcio" Catald _suaPQp L - Cala Oean . ~ ~ Aqua:r ~ > u- E ~ cacfway cadw'°p Aii; l+4iT ~ Alk~ ~ ~ 2 4 9 J ~luc6n Jal:uyw~sy c a ~ ul n: r:5 m l. iairi 1 5~ rl.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I,e~bt t ti t ^ •d Pd_lf:f. ~ _ ~ - . J ^ 3m i:Y v 11t ~p iFn L-1 , ~ . ~ ~!h th a W 61J1 6th ~ AS cnr_~ Ktn ~ o:h . tr _ 1lIt1 r ~ 6SA ~ J Rlt~ , f aft _ h.►~ ? "i'"rr "q'h C Ito Wh j~6d:I inro tOth loa+ ~iy,cnn a~ ~ .tOth ~~'P `d 3 'taln . _ 13fn ` 13:t~ ~ t2~t i2la ~err, < 16m m s 18II+ r ~ 17ah lath > ~ ~rTtn,a~.n ~ ~ c ~ a 18 ~ ~ tD1ti ~Qttl le~ t' J 3ivin Z z . ~ . ` ~ r I r- ~ ,o«, z+~ ~ ~ 5 zQ", 29th - - $27st knnle ~t ~vi~j 20tn ~ ~y n ~ 26lh Mfh ' .7tt1 o_s ~ ~ ~ 318:=;lad 3 22nd 't4th r ~;IrC 3151 .,,nda Ca 3T~ ~ ~ 35lh c Ttsffic r 10 9nI $ ttI Steninrg ~ ColNsion ~ ~ geUe Tem 391h ~ (AN) T .tiryl a2nd = Bru c 44m 441h iW ~ Botla ViaEa ~ aAth ~ A y u,. ~a+e A R U. eir ~ c Low Hotr+n~ ~ a F~wrot aAI° s ~ a ¢ s Medlum Low ~nn(Jj+~+ 9 C• t• ~~iUR1 Q Hlgh 2005 September Traffic Collisioo Hotspots maP Produced- 11 Odober 2Q05 ~ - - Y~ T r~~tir•+ ~ / Q ~ 3 i.K7Wn .y O Z S ~tC~' _ 3 9 :r C f - D Prmreran u c tl~r.rev ~ ~ W'allesley c 4 siey ~ Y •,.i~.•r ~w ~ U rtEVi ~ _ i. Ri`7 • ~1 RiCli 4Ra n s r E%'A~+il1 a~ CL a ~r 1. ryt? O~1'1~T'td ~ tb C ~ i IA 4 L r~f8 IL ~u z 3 3 a Q ti '?g Cd a s~ l.ba'1S+ ~ 9 3 ~ ~ d~~ c~ 1- ~ Q •r Eucho ~ c urGn ` _ .Gf iCR J ~ Frr,tlDiN S F.iiR•1R~M D IA ~ ~ ~ . ~ rt • ~ ~ a c , GraGY ~j EItK.MS c E6W:rr.yz: 4; a > f4t KtitA _ ~ CDti:~s r ~1'1 Li ~ z knox in0~ne G 3hnni~a~ Indlane i:llttrw c tnttlane - c. .nwion . ~ ytiLvon aua:;: - = Miestnn - ~ c 5 g ~ ~ . ~ i _ S 1~ i.~tflty Maxwel 5int0 5K1tp o~ 3 ~ ~ _ no = BCUne D9an ~ AW11Ur+ ~ C.alai~f ~ i m „ ''j~_ ~a~ Cx Cate ~ _ U E A nn.i m Alk i A1i Alu f AIRi , q ~s _ ~ ~ d~ •t casN t~ VaUe ywev c s , LL r~,... ~ Spo~r }t h41n ~ a ~ta~. , ~ 60 Rivr*s~ S fFN~Us ^i[~fie E = ~ FS! Applpway %s 3n7 J y _ ~ 2nd Mir1~v~•_:, 3rd ~ % y G 51n 3r,3 4tn 4tfi ~ - ain ou, ~ ar, UD sin sm bcr r . t.,- trrr, , a►n ~ ~ . u~. flm~ ~t' 0tr . rw, - _ • t tt; j 19in ~ .y,l ~ 2x' ~ ca 12Jr ~e ti% c 'i 't61h u ~ 1711ti 16th Q` % Bilt :Fln t8t1~ a ~R &,&Qr ~ ~ - '-Ij, - 21et eas;<<n 22nr! Z~~ Q ~ y~ Jannie 76fi -lltti 9 ~ ~ n u ; ~r 29th m Ih L p~ 25th Q r~ ~ 28it~ b ~ e,q ' r re~ 3DVi e ~ ~tttl 37s1 ~ s `t 3~~U • ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c 37hn 34th C r= 6 = :3 n7 ~ L~ 3~7Gt 393h ~ c " 1l/ m * ~ 40m Bel1e Terro 5'zrt~~7 o Cam~tf~r~d ~ - n ~ 3pm Bunowy 42nd y 9dtl ?I - ~ 4•ltt, Vldta s .itt^ - `Y;~ f✓M~, h ` u ~ 46m c 3~ ~ t. m ~ ~ :~oim.,n e''~~~ ~r'o Low - re ,p~ ~ ~ ~~a`f , ~ ~ o v; _ _ ~ Medium HIQh ° 05 2005 September Commercial Burglary Hotspots Mepr►oduced ,tactober 2005 F,~rKer ~ a t rz R P gprmp R't'n 1'`~WEy,~ u+ ~ ~ ~ ~ a c A„a ~aee. , . ~ s a•'L ~ c m G ~ q, ~ Ld~¢h+ ~ .:16 ~ ~j t ~i ~ ~ Euclxt ~g uch'1 ^ iBtfe (;Afix 4{pttti}'"' .lu . T~. Aetr1 Knax 3 ~ - uctttl ° Ina~ir• 5ra .tura ~n~,a~, Q' I diana Ind" < < - i I . . -~Dn 11At861Cn ~Ugur. so _ 't- NGKiUn Mo7~wQl c,- ! t ~ p - - .`3 g 800~fB $nOriy ~ ~ : ~ S~IAtU ~ = V~GtD806~14 ~ ..3:~t ✓3 c ~ SC4~6 ~ raw ~ cma ~ 41e90n C. .'.i~r ~ ? 1 = r m AFhi+ ~ ~ ~ A~lu ~ A&i tio = • . ~ !~•Y••,:+r Ma z 'Jaiin~t+'nT ~ a~~ci ~ 7 ►5nr ~ 5~~ kt b m Rive., o ' 1~ ~;rapue ~ ~ - CA~~ ~ Znd •n E L~r $ sc~ ~ 1Utt - • i ~ ' t G. ~ - ' ~ t3th = 13th i 12th th i&tti ~ S ibUs ~ illt~ I ~ ` 'j ~L. ~ t8tft ~ a tA!h ~~lA 9tr th ~Sg; ~ $LryY v - . 2•st : ~ < ~v m Z1rti ~ r~..fl 5 Zd~',h ~ ~ .f . ~ ~u~ 27ihi th ; P, ' ' ::7 ~h y ~ $ ~ Ib, 3~it~ S 2yth S ~ 1~ 314t 375; ` tu. m 32rw ~ ~ 1 J a 31s1 37~4 Qa Q ~ 3s~~ 36th - 37pti 1 V geiie Terto S1etMflg 3901 = ° T~ ,tli! ~ w ~ 3 "Ot"It, a 42nd L ..~.9+33 c3 ~ ,t4th r s> 2 441t h mtwa o o - ~,e 0 48tt► • 1.: il 11~'_ ' ~y ~ 7i"~ ~,~p C L . . i-WfT1if7 m Ldw _ s Medium ~irl q h W" ~ t J - HiQh 2005 September Residential Burglary Hotspots MapProduced 11 OdoOCr2005 7 7 _ 7 ~ rU'4C• r~•~ :a ~ _~,Ur,l1~ ~ ~t11tLP p'J' ra , n z •fi:~~` J,t ~ a tie = ~ y• s SD~~n Pnnc,eh~n LL n x~ Wellesteq Y G. ~ e Hh ~ t ~;i}~IcH ~ ~ ! l}~nx?r t R ~ ~ Rv:1• 04 fi ~ darlotlC Y ~ a .8 L m ~ r•e L$ifsty c ~.~~i p - w y C. . ~ ~ ~ Eurl.n - ~ ~ Grur:, ~ ~,tP~` _ r Gr BuCke e Buc xc y- _ ~ _ 1.10nt4o^'►,'y . n,~ • - ►fnor - - ~ sow ~i Afana r InOrana Y - ~ G N ~r'' ' ~ :i ~ t~ ~ ~ - 12 O - - i.' , ^tn D y~,d C 'ne c'tn •p Cate1dp Ca1a u "3 ~ . , ~ len ?.ik~ tt`I ( ► ~ LU Yallitweay 'fIleyany - ~ 'lao^ St~ol `f rr1 ,r~ - - _ ' _ CF•" L z ir -Ab W m Rive--l C,osfi Zrtd ~ _ : - - _ - 31d ~ atn ~ MiG8Y~eaL - ' -rri K Sth 3~ ; % mu _,ir f _ 5th ~ a uui > R1~1E C i- ~ Jt~ ..ti J'•~ ti i O . ~ lC:l~uNl Dil~ ~h ^t 11~ - rait r ' t trs t: m. ~ 13h ? ~ ~ 31n ~ 13tn 12th tZt' ~ 121n ,atr, c - G~ 16sfi~ - • 16d: - '60t 0 -Lh 1711t c ~ • ~ 171n ~ a~''' m a 1tV* , ~ 10dti y S ~8th ~ a_i A3 m 23ro ~r I ;.1., dt~h ~ 21et 2 ~ = y Jarnb ~3 '.81h yTih ~ ~cn 3119^ JSaf►n 3 r 32nU ~ 35:h 1 . c 32nd ~ g 38th 0 h E 1l/ n 8tolen S 9eYle Ts1r e J9th ~ VeMda 11st /14t, W E ~ ~ i?JY1 ~ d3 c~nu. 'ti-111~ F+rkrran ~`e ~ Medium =j u Hrgh r: 2005 Aug & Sept Stolen Vehicle Hotspots ►~Ap P~~ „~o~~ Z~5 5Pokane Ualley Fire. Department 2005 FL-Qse InformEttion for City af Spokane Valley INCIdENT1"YPE YeartaDttB J21i1 Feb Marc~ptpFll Mli June Jul AugustFSe tOcl NaU pec 11~SlructureFire 5ln IcRes onso - 2U 99 97 27 17 -01, 27 27 18 , 1147- Strueure Fire 70 a 10 11 6 5 9 90 4 7 71-VUWorkln Fire 97 ' S 9 4 3 0 1 3 0 0 93-5 Vehicle FJrc 67 & 7 B 2 S 10 5 B It 94-Ull 9rush FIro-Low 74 ' 1 2 5 4 iQ 5 16 17 10 15-S Trash F[Fe 16 0 ' 4 3 D 0 2 6 4 1 18S Alarrll S MICm~Single Res onsa EiS 7 5 5 3 5 S 10 6 4 '16f AfaFm $ StGm• ~ul~ 281 42 24 29 2A 27 33 3d 3ff 35 31,4VB 9L5 Et.15 Alarm 2049 259 201 217 2Q" 213~ 218 243 246 244 31 -Cfd ALS EM$ Alafm 2337 286 246 262 256 25B 272 247~ 248 263 39-F 2nd a1a rm Eh1SlMass Csualt 0 0 0 ❑ q p p q p O 35-F Exlricall4n 8 2 0 0 0 i 2 0 3 4 H -F4:'aterResCUe 3 0' b 0 0 Y 0 0 2 ❑ 37-F 7ech J4e :CUC 0 0 4 Q 0 0 0 0 0 p 404 Haarnat In,res#igation 69 3 9 5 6 4 6 8 B 10 . 40-F Haxrrlal Ful] Res nflMc . ' 7 1 6 D 4 1 5 4 0 p 46,4l6 AutO Acsiaent . U nknvwn rn fuF[es 4$6 56 3B 49 44 51 49 7064 65 46.ClQ Au#o Accident • Lifo 7h reats 63 3 4 3 3 5 .6 7 10 12 sn-S serwice c8n se 15 14 s 2 ie 1] s 15 11 enoAITHLYTOtaL 5879 7151 578 636 5801 szB 677 692 se4 699 0 0 0 C~ Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave July 28, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER ' Commissioner Gothmann made a motion to appoin4 Commissioner Kogle as acting chairman. Second by Commissioner Beaulac. Passed unanimous. Commissioner Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Staff attending the mee4ing: Niarina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Sr. Planrier, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE . 7he-Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Absent, excused Gail Kogle -Present John G. Carroll - Absent, excused lan Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present ) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gothmann moved thaf the July 28, 2005 agenda be approved as written. Commissioner Beaulac seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann seconded by Commissioner Robertson that the minutes of the July 14, 2005, be tabled until the August 11, 2005 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT No public Comment VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Robertson reported that he had held the first meeting of the Neighborhood Chapter Adhoc Committee. He stated that he feels it is going vrell. Members are Commissioner Robertson, Commissioner Kogle, Commissioner Beaulac, Councilmember Schimmels, Julie Prafke and Michele Maher from the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, Chuck Hafner and Mary Pollard. Commissioner Gothmann reported that he had attended the city council meeting . ~ . . July 28, 2005 Planning Comrttission h,linutes Page 1 of 2 Spokans V•sllcy 1'lanniag Commission Minutes where they discussed block parties and stated they had hired a City Attomey. Commissioners Beaulac, Kogle and Crosby had nothing to report VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup stated that the commission was still on a time line to finish up by the 114" of August. The Commissioners are still on a schedule to meet August 3fd, 4`h, 10°i and a regular meeting on the 11''. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS ' A. OLD BUSINESS: Comprehensive Plan deliberations. Discussion on the Economic Development Chapter followed. ' B. New Business None X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER None XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman . J July 2$, 2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 2 Spokane 1lailey Planning Com€nissian Approved Minutes Council Chambers City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave AUgUSt 11, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDEFt CornmRSSioner Crasby cafled the mee#ing $o ordet at 6;00 pm, Commissioner Crosby left the meeting at 7,00pm for a prior comrnitment. Comm€ssioner Beaulac rrrade the mation to appoint Cor~missiaaer Kogle as Chair for the remainder af the evening. Second by Commissloner Robertson. Passed unanimous. StafF attending the mE3e#ing; Marina Sukup, Direc#or af Cammuniky Development and Deanna G riffith, Adminis#ra#ivs Assistant . jI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGII#{VCE The Commissivn, audience, and staff recited the Pledge af Allegiance, III. ROL~ CALL F red Beauiac - P resent Bill Gathmano - Present Bob Blum - Present Gail K4gle -Present ~ Jokrn G. Carrall - Absent, excused lan Robertson - Present David C rosby - Present APARDVAL DF AGENDA Comrrrrssiarrer Beaufac moved that the Augus# 11, 2005 agerrda be appraved as rvritten. Corrrrnissioner Rober#sorr secorrded the mntion. Mvtion passed unanimausly. Ilf, APPR4VAL OF MINUTES . !t was rnoverl by G6mrnissiorrer Go#hmarrn secarrdeaf by Commrssroraer KOgre that #he rrrinute,s of #he Jcrly 14, 2005 and Jufy 28, 2005 be approveaf as writterr. 1Vlotrorr passed unarrr'rnausry. VI. PUBL[C COMMEh1T No public Comment vrI. connnnissioN REPoRTs Commissioner (3othmann repor#ed that he had attended the City CoUncil meeting of July 26, 2DO5_ Commissaoners Crosby, Kagle, Blutn, Beaulac; Robertson had nOthing tci report. - VIII. ADMINiSTRATGVE REAORTS . August 11, 2045 Plann[ng Cornmissfoiti Minokes Paga 7 aF2 ~ Spokane Valley Planning Comm[ssfon Mirnrtes Director Sukup we will be having a public hearing for the extension of the interim \zoning at the August 25, 2005. At the regular meeting on Sept. 81' we will be ~ holding 2 public hearings. One will be for an amendment to the ordinance for PUDs. 7he other will be for the comprehensive plan. . IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion regarding the schedule for the comprehensive Plan. The agenda is for the Commission to finish Transportation this evening. August 17 & 18 to move into the land use chapter. August 24 will be deliberations on the capital facilities plan. The regular meeting on the 25", will be covering partcs along with the hearing on the Ponderosa zoning. Goal will be to try and review all of the changes made to the plan on• August 31 and . September 1. Allow the staff time to put the document in order for it to be approved and fonvarded to the city council by the end of the month of Sept. Comprehensive Plan deliberations. . _ Beginning where we ended in transportation at goal 10 Tg-10, no change Tg-11, no change Tp-33, no change _ Tp-34, strike the words "through the City of Spokane ValleyL . Tp-35, no change Tp-36, no change ' Tp-37, spell out P76A, public transit benefit area , Discussion to add airport goals and policies, Marina to review and come back with suggestions. TG-12, no change Tp-38, good policy but does it fit here? Marina to look for a better fit Tp-39, belongs under goal 12 B. New Business None X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER None. XI. ADJOURNMENT ' Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffi#h, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman , . ~ Augusl 11, 2005 Planning Comm9sslon Page 2 af 2 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave August 25, 2005 . 1. CALL TO ORDER _ Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ' III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Gail Kogle -Present John G. Carroll - Present lan Robertson - Absent, excused David Crosby - Present ~ APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Gofhmann moved that the August 25, 2005 agenda be approved as written. Commissioner Blum seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES . It was moved by Commissioner Gothmann seconded by Commissioner • Kogle that the minutes of the August 11, 2005, Planning Commission meeting be accepfed as written. Mofion passed unanimously. VI., PUBLIC COMMENT • No Public Comment VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Gothmann attended the city council meeting on Aug. 9, 2005. During the Budget discussion showed that the projected income will be greater than projected expenses. Commissioner Crosby reported that he had been interviewed by Tom Benemann Sunday for short spot on the 6:00 pm news. All other commissioners had nothing to report. ~ ~ - August 25, 2005 Planning Commisslon D6lnutes Pago 1 of 5 Spoknne Volley Plannino Commissian h9inutes VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS j None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: None B. New Business Public Hearing for the Extension of a 6-month Interim Zoning to maintain UR-1 in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Acres areas. Commissioner Crosby opened the Hearing at 6:10 pm Chuck Hafner, 4710 S. Woodruff, Mr. Hafner stepped forward to say that he and his neighbors grateful for the City's involvement in their neighborhood and supporting their efforts to maintain the zoning and other development matters concerning their area. AJ Tondini, 4515 S. Farr Rd. Mr. Tondini states his is a 34 yr resident of the Ponderosa area and moved there for the large lots and all of the ' amenities that are present in the neighborhood. He hopes that the Commission will vote favorably regarding the passing of this extension. Gail Stilltner, 10119 E. 44'", Moved to the Ponderosa area to achieve the ; life style that is developed there. Still feels betrayed by the County for the ~ changes they made. She makes a plea to the Commission to approve the interim zoning to help them try and keep their life style before it is lost for ever. . Commissioner Beaulac makes a motion that based on the findings of fact the Commission recommends to Council the approval of the 6 month _ extension of the Interim Zoning in the Ponderosa and Rotchford areas. Commissioner Carroll seconds, passed unanimous. Commissioner Crosby declares the public hearing closed at 6:22 pm Continuance of the comprehensive plan deliberations - no public comments. Discussion of returning to the beginning of the land use chapter and discussion the first two goals and accompanying policies. Staff will rewrite to reflect new verbiage as was requested to see,if they could be consolidated, We will not revisit this noev but when• we cover the plan as a whole for all corrections made, Mr. Basinger gave an over view of the land use map and some of the sub-maps that he has been working on. Discussion of missed marks under Public/Quasi-Public, Non-conforming uses. We will go over each comment request that are map related. List of all. map related maps is listed below. August 25, 2005 Plannfrig Carnmisslon Page 2 of 5 Spok= Valley Plonning Commission h9inuus ~ J M-1, M-30a regarding a split zone. Change both parcels to mixed-use. Approved M-2, m-30g - approved M-3, comment only on approving designation M-4, approved change to mixed-use. Mirabeau Parkway named an aesthetic corridor during the transportation chapter. M-5, will be changed to office, Covered all parcels specific comments first then review the more general . requests. M-8, change to office M-13a, change to LDR - M-13b, change to Neighborhood Commercial iN-13c, m-23, change to Office M-13d, change to mixed use M-13e, m-30f, change to offlce . M-30e, change to MDR M-17, leave as LDR fvl-18, change to mixed-use ~ M-24, change to office . M-27, leave as community commercial M-30b, change to HDR Break ' . M-6, m-7 same, comment only on approval of proposed designation M-10, request staff contact citizen and get a more specific request . Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to extend the working time to 9:15 pm, second by Commissioner Kogle, passed. . M-11, comment only on approval of proposed designation M-14, Ponderosa change to UR-1, need to wait until appeals have run thaugh the processes. M-15, change to mixed-use _ M-19 will cut area between Dartmouth and Farr, Sprague to App►eway from City Center, change to Regional Commercial with the proposed Auto-Row overiay. M-20, 21 & 22 are inline with the request of m-10, staff to contact citizens and get better definition. M-28, support a change to corridor mixed-use M-29, change to regional commercial ~ August 25. 2005 Planning Cammission Page 3 ot 5 Srpknnc Vallcy Plenning Commission MinuteS ~ M-32, Barker is not a designated truck route.. Public comments that are map related: r4fNo. NI2 Na ~ ~<•~a,~~°,. ~?;~Commenf.''~.;(;r«a a-'. <``~`a~~~'S~ XM-1 . ~ James H. Weber VS lit zoned arcel...vrants all designated commercial ~ John Sweitzer, .:r.- M-2_ - Sweitzer Com an , Inc. Proerties should be designated commercial ts:~IV1=3 Kerry Orcutt Su orts Office desi nation alon Ever reen Road Requests Business Park" comp plan category, or Mixed Use John G. Miller, designation for flexibility and to recognize current and projected Pinecroft Business Park develo ment John T. Peterson, Pring Property designated HDR in 2003. Office under construction. ;.?MCor . Re uests Gommunit Comrnercial Desi nafion. Ker Orcutt Su orts Office desi nation along Evergreen Road David Gum Su orts Office desi nation alon Ever reen Road Paul S. Redlin Re uests Communi Commercial 7S✓`^^v't." iRt q)-N^•w fi '3".t 2t ' 4'-i ttii ~.a ~i.. .t:a1~.. .~6. k ql~Fmm~;!499 Property is single-family homes and duplexes and should be Helen Sargent retumed to UR-3.5 zonin . David Orahood Su orts 1 acre zonin in Ponderosa. Su orts im act fees. '.'r : fy . - . ✓ c _ . ~'31 " rA 1 . ~rn. :f~Ski` ecl~~~r..~yr.s.~~,,: ~:a.~•~~ ~ i Comp Plan Amendment changed designation to Cam Com in J. Grant Person 2003 - Mappin Error . M;1~3~6~ J. Crant Person Property currentt zoned B-2, should retain zonin . Portion of properry fronting Vercler proposed Offce, balance • Y,Mz1.3~C~ J. Grant Person MDR _ i ; •r:Rfi-:7.~i ~ Northern section of property suited for high density with Office bordering Mansfield. Officelassembly on southern portion. J. Grant Person Mixed Use desi nation would be aQpro riate. Property rezoned to UR-22 specificalty for office use. Property MK1=3: E~; J. Grant Person directl south zoned UR-7 for hos ice facili . :z~~ Chuck Hafner, Supports Comp Plan as drafted. Wants areas to retain ft-1 Deanna Hormann zonin . Robert J. Boyle Su orts Mixed Use desi nation for property east of Valle PAall. `i Qavid Golden Portian of property fronting Vercler propased Office, balance .C^.:r7fi.,:. k•~ s~;P1t=1,6:;~r? Jan Wesche MDR Danett L. Mar eris Owner would like to build mini stora e on ro ert. = . Otivner wants to use properFy for commercial on Barker with 8:;~: Verona Southern remainder used For multi-iamil . Currentl zoned UR-22. Letter suggests that a netiv category be added called City Center . In9, ' F.J. Dullanty Jr, Reserve. Re4uests UR-7 desi9nation for PropertY developed with duplexes (Pinecroft) and for property recently approved for a :;~'M-20~:• Helen Sargent subdivision View Ranch Estates . Jill Enzler Wants ro erf zoned back to UR-3.5. AA`.ii~ , Requests UR-7 designation for property known as.View Ranch Linda Gerkin Estates. Portion of property fronting Vercler propased dffice, balance 'M=E' Jan and David Wesche MDR ~ August 25, 2005 Pianning Commission Pago 4 af 5 Spobute VaJley Plemning Commission Minutes i,'-'a~#~. Property is developed vrith office buildings Owner would like to MEric Ellin sen, DDS expand /develop offices on property directly north. Andrew Warlock, CLC See M-24 Mw25Associates • - . Ga Johnson See M-24 Should not downzone this, or any, property within the City of M~.27_ Dwi ht J. Hume S okane Valle . ffl;V:28,-~ I'ines Raad not marketable for office development. Should ~ Dtivight J. Hume retain a roriate commercial zonin . Area currently zoned Heavy Industrial and designated Urban i.:.. .s;.•~.,,.. Activity Center on Interim C4mp Plan. Should be designated Reg. Commercial for expansion of commercial businesses in the h>~, r., r M=29..~; Dtivi ht J. Hume future. Split zoned parcel. I?esignated entire parcel Corridor Mixed M~30AZ Plannin Staff Use. Property currently pending Hearing Examiner decision for . M„306_~: Plannin Staff rezone. Property received Comp Plan Amendment to Community 1-411N' Plannin Staff Commercial in 2004. . _ ~~Property received Comp Plan Amendment to High Density "Residential for office use in 2004. Property to the south . ` Md3QD& Plannin Staff currently has office constructed on it. f~r 30E plannin Staff Pro ert should be designated for residential uses. M-36-FY Plannin Staff Property previously zoned for OEfice use. J_MV-30_G~ Parcels are adjacent to f'ost Offiice and are isolate~i from residential neighborhood, bounded by Barker, Appleway and Plannin Staff Laber - , M-31 Ski ed Shirle Rademacker poes not vrant Barker Rd. desi . nafed as truck route. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER . Commissioner Carroll thanked everyone for allowing a further review of the first two goals and accompanying goals. XI. ADJOURNMENT . Commissioner Gothmann motioned for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner ' Blum to adjourn at 9:15 pm. Passed SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Qeanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman ~ ~ . August 25, 2005 Planning Cummisslon Page 5 0( 5 Spd]k4a.ne .;oollOValley 11707 E Spraguc Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council . CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager From: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Date: October 17, 2005 Re: Final 2004 Service Agreement Reconciliation A previous upciate on 2004 service agrecments wa.x provided to Council on September 13. The difference betwveen the County's cstimated costs :For Spokaae Valley and thc actual cosLS were - ' .$45,$03 at the time of that updatc. Since that fime adjustrnents have bcen made to the sectle and adjust amounts for the district court and law enf•'arcement agreements. `1'he final reconciliation is $$7;747.66 ehe County owes Spokane Valley. T'hi:5 amouut will be crcdited to the City in the next f--~ monthly billi.ng for services from the Cnunty. The adjustments made s-ince the ]ast update were the result o.f: ■ Eliminati.ng duplicaied jury charges (district court agreement). ■ Reducing judicial salary costs in reeognitian of. judicial time spcnt serving Cheney and ~ Deer Park (district court agrcement). ■ Reducing dispatch charges in recognition ofcounty services provided to Airway Height:s, Liberty I_.ak.e, and Medical "Lake (law enfarcement agreement). 2004 Settte and Adjust Contrxcts - Co. Estimated vs. Actuxl Contract Estimated Actual Difference Animal Control $ 398,312 $ 375,137 $ 23,175 District Court 655,756 653,165 2,591 Eme enc Srvs. 61,376 60,123 1,254 Latv Enforcement 11,766,772 11,735,494 31,578 Parks 846,732 743,979 102,752 Pre-Trial 28,847 34,652 (5,805) Precinct Maint. 36,217 52,032 15,814) Prosecutor 281,332 296,175 (14,843 Public Defender 269,277 306,417 (37,140) Total ' $ 14,344,621 $ 14,256,873 $ 87,748 J The differcnce between what the City budgeted for these services in 2004 and Nvhat the actual costs were is $82,640 to the City's favor. CI'f) U Spo~ane C~ Va.ll.ey , . 15707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: October 25, 2005 Re: Deputy City Attorney Classification 'I'he Deputy Cily Attomey (DCA) position was crcated in April 2003. Up until sununer 2005, when Spokane Valley's first in-house'City Attomey was hired, the lleputy City Al'loniey (1.0 F"1'E) was the Ciry's only in-house legal position. iJpon its creation, thc position was classified at Grade 16 ($49;740 -$63;768 per year). The City periodically revieNvs position descr.iptions and placcment on the r•la.ssification mateLx to makc siire compensation for the position is appropriate. The punpose of this iiiemo is to summariie lhe results of a review of the Depuly-Cily ~ Attomey position description and classification. Anaivsis of the 17CA Position With, a smal] in-liouse legal staff, Spokane Valley has always expected a lugh degree of experience; knowledge and professional judgment of the Deputy City Attorney posilion. T'urrher, the City lizs ahvays reliecl uPon lhe DCA to act independcntly ancl efCectively bascd upon that judgment. Tlle L)CA also scrves as acting City Attoi°ney in the City ' . Al'tonley's absence. This was the ct►,se whelher the City Attomey was connacteci or was a . City employee. These expectations wcrc rcflected iii the original description. City stat`f has revainpcd the pASition description to bctter tirtietilate certain responsibilitics, and ta revise some general language consistent ~vith othcr position descriptions created or revised over xhe past year. These changes fall iuto the catcgory of'clarifeation r.ather than ncw responsibilities. Comp.tr:iblcs The ncxt question is ,vhether the UCE1 position is appropriately classif eci on the Cinr's ~ matrix given the assigned responsibilitics. Wc typically look for private anci public comparables. Deputy City Attorney Classification, continued Oc(oner• 25, 2005 Yage 2 of 2 • ~ ~ Because of the degree of sophistication ald knowlecige rcquired, as «<ell as the Icvcl of resPonsibilily the City confers upon the ]7CA, the position is bctter coinpa.red ro seasoncd attarneys rather thul attorney5 who arc just starting out. lVhile there are many privately practicuig attorneys, it would be casier if we were comparing the Salarics of attonleys whp are rclatively new to the field. As private attorneYs gain experience and receive added responsibility aiid expectacions of indepcndcnt judgmenl anci action, they are frequently cornpensated in ways not t_ypical to the public sector; such as proEit sharing or bonuses. Therefore, it is difficult co compare the compensation of the City's DCA t:o comparable positions in the private sector. Fpllowing is a suiiuiiary nt the annull salaiy of municipal attorncy classif caCions in some camparable Washuigton cicies. This analysis focuses on positions with coiliparable re_sponsibililies. iMjnimuin Kcnnewick Assistant City Attorne TI $60;16$ S88;884 Pasco no in-house attonieys) ii/a n/a Rich.land flssistant Cit Attorncy 60;876 91,332 Yakima Sr. Assistwit City Altorney I 68,724 $3,568 The annual salary of some local compacablcs include: . oq~il Agclt'c')~' TUle Minimlin City of. S ukane Asst. City fl.ttonne T-iII $67,740 $84;036 Spokane Co. Chief lleputy Attorney 77,016 89,460 Spokane Valle.y's laCA is classified at Grade 1.6. . ~ ~ 16 (currcnt) $49,740 $63,768 17 55;272 70,860 1.8 (recommended) 61,416 78,732 itecommendation Staffrecoininends rcclassif~,ing 11ie Depuly City Attorney position to Grade 18. Grade 18 inclucies the Plannirig IVlana;er, the Building Official and the twa supervisory Senior Engincer positions. These pasitions ace eomparable to the DCf1 when consiciering degree nfipzo('essional knowicdge and eapert:ise, as well as exPectation af indcpcndcnt_judgnlent ' esercised. . Spokane Counly Library District Spokane Valley Library Services and District Support Repor.t to the City of Spokane Valley September 2005 ; A Customcr use measures, District-wide There are some faiely slriking di.fEerence in tr•Ends between use of our. Web-based services and tiASe provi.ded from our libraries, witli all Web-based me3sures growulg (some by huge percentages) year- ho-date and libraxy-baseci use mixed. WeU user sessions (distinct Web site visits regardless of the number of ciiffErcnt pages vie~Ted) are 2°~ higher year-ta-date but Web page views (inciividual page hits during sessions) arc up 28%, ind.icating khat people who usc our 4Veb site are using more of it. Reference inquiries submitted through the 1Neb are up 42% a-nd on.linc book club inembership is up 40%. Customer-placed holds, database searches, and dahaUase relrievals are up 22%,14%, and 139`Ya respectively. Saine aspects of i.n-library usE are equally as posikive (+14.1% for reference inquiries and +29% for rneeting raam bool:ings) while okhers show only small ulcreases, such as +15% for library -visit,s and +2.8% Eor program/group visit attendance. TNa,o measures arc in thc negative column: materials circulation at -1.6% (ialpacted sometvhat by Argonne's t-wo week closure for remodeling with only a "muli-library" oper.at-ing in khe mcctulg room) and com.puter warkstatian Uookings at -0.8% year-td- date. ~ WE had 108,$78 libra.ry cardholders at the end of Sepl•ember -an incrcase of 1°,b From the previous month but a decrease oF 5"io Ero.m 5eptemUer 2004. The clecrease is attributablc to the change i.n.our sched.u.le for cleleting recards for inlctive attd/or dclinqucnt customers. 11tis database clearnip had bcen donc irregularly but is now monthly which skews year-tadate conlparisans. "1'hey'll be more mean:ingful in 2006. Library resou.rces, District-4Vide The year-to-date niateriaLs collectio.n size ulcrcase at the end oE 5eptember was 3%, witll a total of 401,157 items in the collection. Thus far in 2005, 62,186 pi-int and au.dio-visual nlaterials have been added and 46,387 deleted. Customer use measures, Greater 5pokanc ValIey Duri.n.g khc last third of the year, year-to-date library use measures show only sniall changes sincc the trends have been previously estaUlisfled by the prececling nlonths. For Spokane Valley, that means that the year will proUably end with perecntage changes close to what they were at• L•he end of Septeniber: ulcreases of 7.7% for daor count, 2.8% in progi•am attendarlce, and "I30% in meCtulg room Uo4kings; and decreases of 5.1% u1 materials circulation, 4.3% un reference inquiries, and 1.$% ytl sofhvare starion bookings. At the end of September there were 36,574 cardholders registered at Spokan.e Valley Library, 9,764 at Argoiule and 5,710 at Otis Orchards. Thc adult to youth ratio of 76`Yo/24°,6 continues at bnth Spokane Valley and Argonne, while Ot:is Orchards has a consistent 33% youtkl regist-ration, with Deer Park the highest in the District•. Library resources, Gi'eatex Spokane Valley 'l here are 110,434 items in the Spokane Valley LiUrary materiaJs col.lection, 3°,6 more than lasY year at this hime. At month's tnd, new adult ihem additions tataled 7,950 anci new youth item additions 1'age 1 of 5 wcrc 6,755, corr►prisi:nP r-3.65% nf the District's total new matErials for the year. Additions at Argoiuic were 3,983 and at Olis were 3,696 tata].u1g 21,754 new items at the tiu•ee Uranches within casy clrivi.ng• distance of Spok3ne Valley residenls. [7istr'ict-HZde, 62,186 new items have been added this year, all of them readily avai.lable tlu'ough the Web catalog, onJ.i.ne hold.s, and daily interbranch courier servicE. : Selected September 2005 Statistics ' _ Circulation Dpor count I2eference Pragram SofYware Station 1n uiries Attendance I3ookin s Y7•D 1"1'D to YTD YTn to Yl"1) Yl•D to YTD Y'TD ro XTn YI"D to 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004. 2005 2004 . SCLD 1,389,308 -1.6% 701,606 + 1.5% 212,106 + 13.7% 43,002 + 2_8% 138,4-08 - 0.8% S o V:tlle 380,585 -,5.7 w 204,879 + 7,736 58,675 -4.3% 71,144 f-13.0°io ~,922 -1.8% Ar onne 85,109 - 9.1 % 54,195 -9.5 n, 8,732 ~-0.930 1,146 - 29.7°'o 1.0,91.7 + 2.9°w Otis 68,065 - 92°6 35,276 - 3.9% 5,878 + 1.1 % 1,503 - 20.9% 6,616 + 1.8% Subtotal 533,759 - 6.356 294,350 + 2.6% 73,285 - 3.39b 13,793 •1-3.0°% 62,455 - 0.6% '%SCI.,D 38.4do - 42.0% 34.6% - 32.1% - 45.1% - SeptembEr Registered Customers by Branch oF. Registradan 2005'Cdtal "/o of Y'TD Changc % Adult % Ynuth . SCT.Ta fi'om 2004 . TotaJ 1.08,875 -5.5°/u 7436 26% SCLI7 . ; S o Valle 36,574 33.6~'0 - 7.3% 76% 24% Ar onne 9,764 9.0"w' - 8.2% 76% 24°,6 ' Otis 5,710 5.29b - Fi.A% 679a 3356 Subtotal 52,045 47.8% - 7.4% At branches serving Spokane Valley residents... Region II Sumrnary (Ellen Mi11Er, regzonaI mai7ager): Septeinber is haditionally the month that we "get back into the swing" of nornla1 liUrary operataons as di.fferent7aled from the sununer months that wc define as Uc-ing focused on Suin.rner CZeading. Information- services/Adult services (Stacey Goddard, regioilal srrpervisor): Faixf.ield resident Chris Mewhuzrtey presented. awonderful "Love to Quilt" program at four SCLD l.ibraries, Nvith 6 attending at Fairfield and 1.3 at Spoklne VallEy. Our only informat7on literacy class fi11is mnnth was a "Wcb Basics" class at Fairfield on September 22na. Work continued ozi weeding and rearranging tht Spokane Valley basement collectivn. The FairfiEld reference collecti.on was also weeded. Youth Serxrices (Mary Ellen Bruks, regiapucl stcpervisor): The first tsvo of the FarlyLiteracy skills- Vocabul.ary and Letter KnowledgE-werE incorporated i.nlo Storytimes u1 September. The prajErt for the Alter SChool Special was Zipper Clippers: m.aking beaded bookwarntis and beaded snakes. Children's paperbacks were weeded in Region II bra.nches acld replacements were ordered. Page 2 of 5 Spokane Valley (Ellest MilIer, regionccl rriarcuger): In programmir►g, eight attended-the "For Love of Nlovies° showi.ng of !1 Lifit.Ie Prirtcess (ruinor has it a couple kicls camc in their paj,-unas!). "C'he J Septembc:r 17th "Spol:ane Va11ey...Come Share the Memorics•" event attracled 39 who Pnjoyed applc cider, doughnuts, ancl fiddling as well as menlories. With com.pletion of bascmcnt collection weeding, the uea is now fully ready to funcHon as one of hva Distr-ict repositories for aseful but less used materials. Monday arid'Thursday'CoddJer Storytirnes were heavily attendcd, with 78 kids ah one session. 'Cwo research skills progranis (including a library tour and a Web site and onJine database overvicw) wcre presented for ju.nior high level kids: one group fronl St. Mary's and the otller the Valley Horne 5cholaxs group. Arg'orcyie (fccrly Luck, brancFi srtpervisor): Tn the .f.irst full month of the newly renovated facility, staff enjoyed all the compli.znents from customcrs, which usually nlentionecl hAw spacious the libzary now secros and how Uright and calorful it is. Cuslo.mers are catching on cluickly ta self-checkaut u1d are cvill.uig to ask for help if thcy can't find where their Eavorite books and AV are now locateci. Displays included banned and challengeci books and childreri s books celebraLing back-to-school. The display case featured informarion on the Conskitutio.n which was donc by a local chapter of the Daughters oE the American Revolutian. Ohs Orchards (Bev Bergstrorrz, Urartcli srrpervisor): I'he circulaL7on area was reazranged to include shelving for ouYgoi.ng sh.ipment boxes, which will clit dotiTn on sluppulg prep tiine and make better use of shelvulg that was ttnused. Customers enjoyed the display on censorslup; they had to peek througll brown paper to read hiddcn book titles. Oictreuclc (Aitnet[-e Eberlein, supe►visoi): In thc cantinuing efforfi to streamline Outreach operations, i.n C?ctober staff will bcgin usulg a laptop compurer and baxeode scanncr with remote software for checkout. Aiulette has been meeting with all activity directors in adurt care faci.lit-i.es having a blacked library card to attempt to both Eind the ite.ms that arE nat rcturned or to receive payinent for ~ tkiose Chal axe lost items. This montli s quote: "T was once a vivid reacler." rriends of the L.ibrary: gxeater. Spokane Valley Spakarie Valley: 1 he Hriend.s hPld their second boolc salc ar1d nlade slighl•ly over $1,300. They had ma.ny volunteers, espccially younger people who were able to help with thc lifting and moving of Uoxes. Friends of the T i.brary: other District Mecli.cal Lake: 'C'he Medical Lake Fricnds of the Librai-y had a shorti fal] meeting and de°ided to hold their book sale several inonths earlier than usual and to cenduct it u1 thE library meeting room. A7orarr. Pra.irie: The Moran Pr.airie Fi-icnds kicked off d1e season tiTith a picnic at vlanito Park. • • L.ibrary matcrials ■ 2,017 titles and 6,696 cppies were ordered in September. 7,374 iteutis were processed and sent ta branches (another abovc, average month); 5,971 items were deleted from the systpm. ■ Expenditures far die year axe altead approximately three weEks in alinost al.I areas, excluding pPriodicals and. databases. T'his is acceptable as the intEnt is to taper off the orderuig at the start of December in ordec to concentrate on cataloging and processu-ig materia]s for Moran Iyrairie prior tA the tnid-Decembex soEti opening. . ■ Yduth services coordinator Thom Bartftelmess finished ordering for the Moran Prairie sl•orage 1~- JcolleCEion. Adult mater.i.als continue to be ardered at a steady rat•e i.n pr.epa.ration for a soft . open.irig in m.id-[7eeember, with fiction 62% canipleted and non-Eiction 78% completed. Page 3 of 5 T'rogramming ■ The lasl day of Sum:nicr Readi.ng was tlugust 31. The total number of sign-ups was 5,452 (a 2"ro \ ulcrease over 2004) tiTith 2,663 finishcrs (even Nvith. 200-4). Sumnler ReaLiitig program ahtend.ance was up 35% over 2004 witl14,767 attendees. ~ J ■ A d u lt prbgranis i.nc lu de d " ror t h e L ove o E Mo v i e s" a t N o r t h S p o k a r►e a n d S p o kan e V a l l e y- t h e film was "A Little Pri.ncess" and it appears this type of "fainily" movie is most successf.ul in ternis oE attendance-and "Coinputer Basics" ak Otis Orchards and IVorth Spokane %ti*ith "Web Basics" ar Fairfield. "Love to Qu.i1N" programs were offered in September at Furfield, Spok-jne Valley, Deer Pazk, and s~Torth Spokane. - Techni.cal SeXVices •'["echnical serviees cnordinator David Girsllick began t}le prelimina_ry work on fixing the coding on tl1e 505 (contents notes) field to enable kcyword til•le ar►d keyword authar searching by custnmers. ■ 4Vc have begln adding "local" crass refer.encES. Othcr ■ Thom spent several days in Washi.ngton, L7.C., as part of an eleven-statc taskforce to apply Outcamc Based LvaluatiQn principles to SumnlEr Relding practice in order to give the Inskitute for Museu.m and i ibrary Shidies some aggregatc data that fihey can use to demonstrate to stakeholclers (Congress) 1t1e intruzsic value of Sum.mer Reaciing programs. .DMINISTRATIO New 1VYoran 1'rairie LiUrary Const'rtccharl: Work an tl1E neNa, lVloran Pra.irie Lib.rary m.oved steadily ahead during Septe.mber, with, lhe co.ntractor confirtning tl1at substar►tial completion would be achievcd i.n inid-Novernber, at whicr~,._ time shElving could be installed, and with Deccmber 7 as the target for final coniplekion. IF this sched.ule holds, wc 11 be able to have a"saft" opening in mi.ci-Dccecnber with the dedicalion a.nd grand openulg in early January. Shoppif7g center lease: The shopping center owner .vas nodfied that wc expect to vacate tlZe premises by thE end oE January, alChough thc lease terrn is tbrough the End of March. If annther tenant occu.pies the space we could save about $3,000 a month in rent for February and March. y Voice over IP phone system order With the installation oE our new point-to-point daha neiwork complel•ed, the order was placed far a Voice aver 1P (VoLP) phone systenl, piggybackulg on a City af Kirkland. purchasing contract that was coinpetitively bid. We don t yet have an instaU.ahion date, but we're expeckirlg thal• iVll be operational fnr khe Moran Prairic Libru-y opening u1 mid-December. 7'he next highest priority insEallation will be North Spokane, Nvhere the early 1990's era system is having nlore a.nd nzore problems. 2005 Uu.dget review The second nud-year 2005 budgEt reviecv showed a$2U,600 increase in the revenue projectian and a $167,000 decrcase u1 projected expeiises for the year. Therefore, there's no need tio rec{uest approval af additional expenditiuxe authority at the BAard of Trustecs' Octobex mceting. There are several ' internal line-item changes thaNll be reflected in the Septeinber finaneial statenlents. 2006 budget The Spokane County Assessor's Office property levy calcu.lalion provided in m.i.d-month indicated L'tiat thei•e will be a healthy increase in property tax revenue in 2006 and that our levy r.ate will remairi at thc statutory 50C per $1,000 of assessed valuatian due to our very high levy li.mit. . Page 4 of 5 Th •r, taugust Consumer Priee Index (CPl) figure rhat's the basis fcir khe Washington minimum wage increase vid traclitionally used for SCI D's cost of living adjustynealt uicreased 3.8% over 2004, raising ~ the muzimwn wage (paid to pages) to $7.63. It appea.r.s that revcnue will be sufficienh this year Yo ful.ly implement 2004 Classi,fication a.nd Conipensation Study recomulend.ations both to maintain salaries at their eurrent relative level witit comparison employers by providi.ttg an across-the-board 3.8% salary.scale i.ncrease and to unplement the study's conipensation catch-up reconlmendations. f3usiness ma.nager Bill Sarge,nt is slil_l warking on estimates for several smaller line itein accoiuli;s. PROFESSIONAL D • h1 hrying to catch up From being gone for the entire mondl of August, I didii L• attend the usual Spokane Valley and Regional Chamber of Commerce acHvities in September or the VVashington Libr.ary tlssociation baard mPeting. l' did attend the lasl• 5pokane .[s Readi.ng con-tmattec meeting Uefore thE author's visit at the end of Octobcr. • • (BETH GILLESPIE, OMMUNICATIO SPECIALIST) • Coord.inated and helped staff SCLD's booth at the 2005 ValleyFest at Mirabeau Park. ■ Developed materials for Ea.r.ly Literac}' canipaign. • Workecl with the Spokesntan-Reviezu for Spokaile rs Readutg coverage in October, as well as edited • the PSA a.nd dishributed it• with a letter to aU ar€a 1'V stations;.f.inalized and delivered ads for Ii-dancier; drafted and clisti-ibuted programs•' news rclease; added pragrams to Web site. HUMAN O EICHENBERG, y NIANAGER) ~ ■ Faur page posidons were filled. • The Pall 1NCOL Workshop will be lleld at Gonzag3 s Foley Teleconference Center and Library on Tluirsday, October 13, on the topic of "I'ositive Customer 5ervice." ■`]'he SafeLy ComniitYec recommendea moving to a inore simple first zid kit in branchES. ■ Supervisor.s' nlentor.i.ng traini.ng began Friday, Scptember 30 with the second ha.lf scheduled ~ Friday, October 7. • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Qwest completed insti-illatian ef d1e point-l•o-point net'work and ncw sivitches. • The new blade cllassis and lhe first new server xvere installed in the rack, uutiating the move to this type of eqtupnlenr for futu_re rEplacements. • Sofhvare was u-istaIled in IT that ulterfaces with the new door countees being inst;alled 'un all branches. Uoor ceLUlts will aulomatically down]oad through the nehvork. • Installalion of the nPwest versian oF Symantec Anti-Virus was co.mpleted on a.11 SCLD coinputers. . . PURCHASING (BILL E► : • The second 2005 nud-year budget rcview and work an the 2006 budget were the primary focus of the month. . ■ A11 purchase ordErs for Merai1 Prairie FF&E were placed. ■ A majUrily of on-site work for the annual state auctit was completed Uy rnid-September. Page 5 of 5