2002, 12-17 Study Session1 1. Open Study Session 2. Presentations: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA – STUDY SE:SSION 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, December 17, 2002 09 1l 211, • Washington Cities Tnsurance Authority - Lewis Leigh – 30 minutes • Cities Insurance Authority of 'Washington - Roger Chamberlin – 10 minutes • Law Enforcement Transition Committee – 30 minutes • Spokane County Sheriff Department – contract proposal. – 60 minutes • Review Agenda for City- County Meeting on 12/18/02 • Other (as appropriate) 3. Close Study Session 0 1. Open Study Session 2. Presentations 3. Close Study Session CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — STUDY SESSION 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, December 17, 2002 • Washington Cities Insurance Authority — Lewis Leigh — 30 minutes • Cities Insurance Authority of Washington — Roger Chamberlin — 10 minutes • Law Enforcement Transition Committee — 30 minutes • Spokane County Sheriff Department — contract proposal — 60 minutes Report From The Public Safety Transition Committee 12 -17 -02 Terry Lynch, Chair of The Public Safety Transition Committee Bill Crawford & Don Kachinsky - Sheriff's Study Group Co Chairs Patty Plotzki - Create Your Own Study Group Honorable City Council Members: The Public Safety Transition Committee met at Pines Jr. High Last spring and over the summer months it was determined that there was two main factions. One group was very concerned we research the current policing program, the Spokane County Sheriff's Department. The second group was very partial to studying the possibilities of creating our own police department. After great due diligence by both study groups the committee as a whole received presentations from both proponents. It was determined that if a contract could be secured at the last figure presented by the Sheriff, for a short period, one to three years, this was the most practical and least expensive solution for the new city. I would like to introduce the study committee chairs; Mr. Bill Crawford first for the Sheriff's study group and then Ms. Patty Plotzki and ask they give you a synopsis of what their group found. When they are done, I expect Captain Cal Walker representing the Spokane County Sheriff's Department will speak to this issue and answer your questions. Personally I commend both committees for working very hard to obtain useful information. Th Terry nch, Chair Public Safety Transition Committee CC: City Clerk Seven Copies .Honorable Mayor & City Council Members 12/17/02 When our committee embarked upon task of investigating the option of continuing to receive service from the Spokane County Sheriffs Department, we kept a couple of guiding principles in mind: 1. We were not the decision- makers. Our mission was to provide information that the elected City Council could use to determine the best course of action for the new city. 2. We wanted figures based on current level of service. Anything other than current level of service would be confusing. We all have an understanding of what we get today as far as law enforcement service. - In order to be able to understand the budget presented, we asked the Sheriff for a couple of things: 1. A summary of the incident reports for our Valley over at least the last 12 months; longer if possible. We wanted to understand how much of what types of crimes were occurring in our area. 2. An itemized breakdown of the budget. We wanted to know the details of how the money would be spent. The Sheriff did an outstanding job addressing our requests. We believe the proposal presented by the Sheriff clearly shows the breakdown of costs for current level of service, and details that allow for intelligent decisions to be made as far as increase or decrease in future service. Unless anyone has any questions about the methodology our group used to gather facts, I will turn the presentation over to Cal Walker, from the Sheriff's Department, who will make the actual proposal. Thank You Bill Crawford, Co- chair. Sheriff's Department Option Sub - committee CC: City Clerk Seven Copies o (Th CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL AT REDWOOD .PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, December 17, 2002 — 6 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL 5. -APPROVAL- OF AGENDA 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda. Please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. Thank you.) 7. COUNCIL REPORTS 8. ACTION ITEMS A) Consent Calendar (Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Agenda to he considered separately.) 1. Approval of the December 10, 2002, Regular Meeting Minutes 2. Approval of Claims - $63,905.41- documentation ready at meeting It) Motions 1. Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001, Appointments to Regional Boards and Committees 2. Agenda $ill No. 2002 -002, Authorize City Manager to execute one -year contract for legal advertising 3.. Agenda Bill No. 2002 -003, Authorize Request for Proposal for Telephone System 4. Review and confirm interim staffing program 5. Review and approve. position profile and salary range for City Manager 6. Authorize Prothran Company to initiate recruitment of Department Director positions - Page 1 of 2 - C) ORDINANCES RESOLUTIONS 11. NEW BUSIINT.SS 1. Resolution No. 02 -1 1, Designating the Official Newspaper for City of Spokane Valley 9. CITY MANAGER AND STAFF REPORTS 10. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Maximum of three minutes please; please state your name and address for the record) 12. ADJOURNMENT TO STUDY SESSION - Page 2 of 2 - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: Dec. 17, 2002 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: Form City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To TITLE: Appointments to Regional TYPE OF ACTION: Boards and Committees ATTACHMENTS: (a) List of Boards and Committees (as compiled to date) Ordinance Resolution Motion X Other F BMITT D BY: Mayor DeVleming STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Confirm individuals appointed by Mayor DeVleming to the Boards and Committees identified on Attachment "A" to Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001 DISCUSSION: Councilniemhers have an interest in participating in the various County, Regional, State boards and committees in order to assure that the interests of the City of Spokane Valley residents are represented and to communicate to the City residents information about various issues and actions that may affect the community. The mayor has appointed councilmembers /staff to these boards and commissions to assure that no one individual is overburdened with the need to attend meetings on behalf of the City. ALTERNATIVES: Do not appoint representatives to the County, Regional, State boards and committees. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: general revenue AMOUNT BUDGETED: 50.00 (budget still in development) AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: unknown amounts for mileage/travel expenses 0 City of Spokane Valley Memorandum Date: December 13, 2002 To: Lee Walton From: Stan McNutt C Subject: Board and Commission Appointments Review of the initial list of potential appointments for the new City of Spokane Valley reveals that only a few are necessary or appropriate at this time. Those which should be considered immediately are as follows: • Spokane Regional Transportation Council - needs an appointed official. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month. Contact is Glen Miles, 363 -6370. • Bridge the Valley - Will need a Council representative with staff support. Contact is Glen Miles, 363 -6370. No meeting information. Preliminary contact indicates the City may be asked for 5100,000 in 2003. • Spokane Transit Authority - Needs a member of the Council. Contact person is Robert Schweim, Executive Director, 325 -6095. Meeting Information? • Spokane County Steering Committee of Elected Officials - They are currently updating bylaws. Leader is Paul Jensen, 477 -7213. Meeting Information? • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Hotel/Motel) - A. Councilmember's attendance at their meeting on Wednesday, December 18, would help the transition to a City lodging tax advisory•cotnn.ittee later. Some funding issues may also be discussed. Contact is Jeff :Fox, at the Valley Doubletree, 922-6214. C: \ Stan\ Memorandum to Lee - 12- 13- 02.doc Page 1 of 3 • Mirabeau Point Board — Probably no reason to change current citizen makeup, but a Councilmem.ber's attendance would be important as well as the Interim Parks Director. Meetings are Mondays, 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Journal of. Business, 429 East Third. The contact is Greg Bever., 456 -5257. • Economic Development Council (EDC) — Need a Councilmember. Contact is Jim Huttenmaier, 742 -9358. Meeting place(s) and schedule? • Convention and Visitors Bureau — One Cotmcilmember needed. Contact is John Brewer, 624 -1341. Meeting place(s) and schedule? C:\ Stan \ Mecnorrndum to Lee - 1243- 02.doc Page 2 of 3 - Existing County Boards, Commissions, and Committees (pending determination of function for. Spokane Valley, Le. organizational structure,. contracts, interlocals, etc.): Local Emergency Management Planning Committee (interlocal as eement), Animal Control Committee, Arts Commission, Bicycle Advisory Board, Boiler Examiners and Appeals Board, Chase Youth commission, Citizens Review Commission, Civil Service Commission, Community Development Board, Construction Review Board, Design Review Committee, Fire Code Advisory and. Appeals Board, Historic Landmarks Commission (Interlocal Agreement), Hunna.n Rights Commission, Human Services Advisory Board, Police Advisory Committee, Public Facilities District (Interlocal Agreement), Spokane Housing Authority, Spokane County Steering Committee of Elected Officials. Employee's Retirernent Board, Plan Commission, Spokane Public Library Board of Trustees, SEACAB, Pubic Development Authority, Local Law & Justice Council, Local Emergency Management Planning Committee (Interlocal Agreement), Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), Cable Advisory Board, Sister Cities Association of Spokane, Spokane Transportation Management Center. Aging and Long -Term Care of Eastern Washington, Association of Northeast Washington Mayors, Association of Washington Cities (AWC), Directors of the Industrial Development Corporation of Spokane County, Spokane City, Spokane Area Workforce Development Council (Interlocal Agreement), Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority (SCAPCA), Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs (SNAP). C:IStan\Miemoranduan to Lee - 12- 13-02.doc Page 3 of 3 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: Dec. 17, 2002 Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: (a) Comparison of Newspaper Resolution Services City Manager X Motion } Dept. Head Other APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: Attorney Approve As To Form Th SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager Walton CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2002 -002 TITLE: Legal Advertising TYPE OF ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Authorize City Manager to execute a one -year contract with The Spokesman Review for legal advertising services for the City of Spokane Valley. DISCUSSION: State law requires that publication of meeting notices, public hearings, ordinances, certain actions and approvals made by City officials be made in a newspaper of general circulation within the City and approved as the official newspaper for such publication notices. The City advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) and received information from four newspapers. After review of the proposals, Staff has determined that the. daily Spokesman Review is the best publication for providing this service to the City. ALTERNATIVES: There is no alternative to publication of these notices, however the City can do a review and comparison of services of all newspapers at a later time, and approve a different official newspaper if it is deemed in the best interests of the City. FISCAL 'IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General revenue AMOUNT BUDGETED: 50.00 (budget still in development) i AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: unknown at this time, but probable monthly costs Paper Published Circulation Spokane Valley Circulation Deadline Notice Size Cost Remarks The Local Weekly on 22,000 2900 @ 45 Reserve- 1.5" wide S10.50 /inch Ordinances Planet F.st. Feb. Thursday • locations Mon.noon 1 -1/2" = effective 2000; will secure permit if selected Text by Tues.noon S 1 5.75 15 days after adoption Spokane Valley Weekly on 27,000 15,235 Tuesday 2" $0.65/1ine Ordinances News Herald Friday 5:00 p.m, approx. 1 -1/2" = effective S13.00 15 days after adoption Spokesman Daily 104,757 20,452 Noon day 1 -3/8" 51.09 /1ine Ordinances Review prior wide 1 -1/2" = effective 7 $21.80 days after adoption Spokesman Thursday 17,482 Mon. noon 1 -3/8" $0.77 /line Ordinances Valley Voice wide 1 -1/2" = effective $15.40 15 days after adoption aokesman Saturday 25,168 Wed noon 1 -3/8" $0.84 /line. Ordinances alley Voice wide 1 -1/2" = effective $16.80 10 days after adoption Journal of Bi- monthly; 16,000 to business Reserve 7- 3 -1/8" x $70.00 /spot Best use Business state law requires weekly publication owners/subscribers day prior; text 4 -day prior 2- 3/16" for personnel and public works legal O LEGAL ADVERTISING COMPARISONS Dec. 13,2002 comparisan DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: - December 10-2002 SUBMITTED BY: Stan McNutt City of Spokane Valley REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. _2002 -003 TITLE: Telephone System TYPE OF ACTION: Request for Proposals Ordinance A'I°`I'A C.IIM NT S : Draft Request for Proposals Resolution APPROVED FOR CO t 'II PACKET: l Motion Ordinance ' Manager Other �fID Dept. Head RECOMMENDATION: Motion: To authorize Request for telephone system proposals for City Hall facilities. DISCUSSION The phone system has received a several "touches" in discussion. We now have better information as to departmental operations and personnel /office functions as well as approximate time lines for each. The time required to go through the process of choosing and installing a system suggests we start that now. The draft RFP will have been reviewed by Jim Prussack of the 1T committee for input by the time Council meets. Issuing an RFP is only a first step. Council will make the final decision after proposals are submitted and reviewed by administration. ALTERNATIVES No action. 1 have ordered addition of all the phones the loaner system will handle (12). When added staff needs pass the saturated capability of the temporary loaned system, telephone sharing would have to occur. Although this could be done for a time, the result would certainly be reduced effectiveness in important communications until some other solution is found. FISCAL. IMPACT: Unknown at this time. Proposals will have a number of additive and deductive Thrnates which we can choose depending on the phased growth of operations. Telephone System Request for Proposals Dec.13 2002 0 City of Spokane Valley December 13 2002 Informal Request for GSA proposals Phone system specifications and requirements (Please conform with the following specs, clearly noting any exceptions) The City of Spokane Valley (the City) will be purchasing a telephone system to support the new City government operations in the temporary City Hall (referred to as Phase 1). The specifications below are only for the initial phase, with 30 phones. Phase 1 needs are simple. Of greater concern, however, is that the system we buy will be scalable, network -able, and offer a powerful array of modules that can be added to accommodate both growth and application needs in the subsequent phases of growth. The City is in its infancy, and no one knows exactly what needs will arise within the life -span of this equipment. The purchasing decision, therefore, will be greatly influenced by the quality of those modules. (How good the call center module is, how flexible the networking capability is, how easy self- maintenance is, how migrate -able to IP the system is, how well it can accommodate future video conferencing and perhaps even video security needs.) We are hoping to buy off the GSA price schedule instead of going to a formal RFP process. Section A: PHASE ONE NEEDS (City Hall) 1. Digital PBX equipment needed: a. Control unit: i. T1 with app. 12 2 -way DID trunks ii. 12 analogue extensions iii. 36 digital extensions b. Phones i. 1 receptionist display phone with 48 DSS /BLF buttons ii. 29 display speakerphones with at least 12 programmable buttons with status lights. c. 4 ports of voicemail. Want call record feature d. Software to support 96 ports 2. Expansion required in this cabinet a. Ability to convert to PRI once we grow to app. 23 lines. Give cost of upgrade, installed. b. Card slots to add 36 more digital extensions. c. Voicemail expandable to 8 ports (give upgrade cost, installed.) 3. Vendor information a. Years in business? b. Do you have a physical office in the Spokane Valley? c. How many technicians do you have factory- certified on this system? Section B: Future growth and application needs Telephone System Request for Proposals Dec.13 2002 1. Phase 1 system (City Hall) system expandability a. PBX capacity: We want the system we buy to have the ability to add cabinets to accommodate up to 600 total ports without having to change to a different processor or a different product family. (We do not want to buy a "small, or inexpensive" system now that will not grow to accommodate our growth and application needs.) b. Voice Networkability: If the City decides to have various elements of the government distributed in different locations, the PBX has to be able to accommodate up to 6 total networked sites (Point -to -point T1 networking) in the count of 600 total ports. 2. Future Applications a. Call center: (the depth of functionality, ease of use and maintenance of the call center module could well be central to the buying decision) i. Does your system include ACD capability or is it optional? (give costs installed) ii. Is there web -based reporting and real -time management capability optional? (Give costs installed) b. IP Networking: the most dynamic use of wide area networking infrastructure is IP networking i. Is your system today IP migratable? Explain briefly (with costs) implementation of IP transport from City Hall to one remote site ii. Is there a printed guarantee or promise from your manufacturer for a release of this function? (Include) c. Does your manufacturer have a voicemail system that provides either "integrated messaging" (voicemail system sends message notification to the email server) or "unified messaging" (voicemail messages reside on the Exchange server)? Briefly explain and give costs installed. Proposals will be received until close of business day January 3 2003. The system will be chosen on the basis of the most effective system for the City's purposes as well as the most cost effective, which can be installed in a timely manner meeting the City's Startup needs. Please provide 4 copies of proposals. Send to: Stan McNutt, Deputy City Manager 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 (509) 921 -1000 Fax (509) 921 -1008 smcnuttc spokanevallev.orcl A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.21.230, the City Council is required to designate an official newspaper for the City of Spokane Valley, having the qualifications prescribed by RCW 65.16, for the purpose of publishing notices, ordinances (or summaries thereof) and other matters relating to the business of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, on December 4, 2002, the City of Spokane Valley, made a request for newspaper services setting forth the requirements of the City of Spokane Valley, seeking a fee proposal and stating the place and time for submission of the proposal to the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has received proposals for newspaper services and it is desirous of designating an official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: 1. Official Newspaper. The City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington through its City Council designates as the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley. The City shall submit to the newspaper its legal notices, ordinances (or summaries thereof) and all other matters, which shall be published pursuant to state law. The newspaper after publication shall provide an affidavit to the City of Spokane Valley setting forth the text and date of publication. This Resolution shall not prevent the City from publishing notices, advertising or other matters in other available publications. 2. Effective Date. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-11 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council and on the date of incorporation. Adopted this day of December, 2002. City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming C: Documents rind Sening,s1Administrator1Local Settings\Temporsry Internet Files\01.KI3D \Rcsolution02 -I I ,doc 1 ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz C :Documents and Setunsl■dminisuatortLocnl ScningsVrcraporary Inicmct 1= i1 \O1..K$D\Resnlution02- 11.doc 2 7. COUNCIL REPORTS . ACTION ITEMS L CALL TO OR.DER 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR KEETING CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 1.170.7 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, December 17, 2002 — 6 P.M 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 6. PU BLI COMMENTS {For ineinher ofs `ehe Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on Ole Agert(ia, Please stue pnitr name and address for the record and limit remarks tc t]rree rnintrieS, 11i; iik !au.) 1 Consent Calendar " (CoitFi of items considered routine »'Lich mrc Itp prcvcd as a grriup- A Couu cilmember may remove an item from the Agcnda to he cunsideretl scparately.) E.- Approval 0:1. .December 10, 2002, Regular Meeting Minutes 2. Approval of Claims - S63,908.41 -documentation ready at meeting 63,829.x1 — B) Motions 1. Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001, Appointments to Regional .Boards and Committees - Agenda Bill No, 2002 -002, Authorize City Manager to execute one -year contract for legal advertising 3- agenda Bill No. 2002 -003, Authorize. Request: For Proposal for Telephone System 4. Review and confirm interim staffing prograrn 5, Review and approve position profile and salary range . for City Manager 6- Aathori ,,e. Protliniaii Company to initiate recruitment of Department Director positions - Pagc 1 of 2 - c: OR_DINANCES RESOLUTIONS Q J.7 . . NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution olution No. 02 -11, .Designating the. Official Newspaper for City of Spokane Valley 9. CITY MANAGER AND STAFF REPORTS 10. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Maximum of three minutes please; please state your name and address for the record) 1.. ADJOURNMENT TO STUDY SESSION 56.95 496.1B 765- 4'00— 810-'75 46 -3? 5 6 745.-E0 205.95 a.54 48-63 23.77 772-51 37— 173.92 307-64 432.72 65 63 + 493-1'9 + 63 0• OP" 0 Memo December 13, 2002 To: City Council From: Greg Prothman Subject: Additional Interim Positions Please find attached two documents outlining the proposed additional positions needed to complete the interim work program. The first is the interim team organization chart. The "blue" positions are those that Council has previously authorized and have been hired or will be hired shortly. The "Red" positions are the proposed positions. i have also included a brief description of each position outlining their interim duties, their proposed start date and billing rate. The billing rates are consistent with rates of similar positions in comparable cities plus 40 %. Full job descriptions are being developed presently for each position. In addition to screening for a candidate's technical expertise we will also be focusing on each candidate's customer service "attitude" and skills. Council has set as a high priority that all of the staff reflect this intrinsic value. As we are now beginning the process of hiring line staff we be sure to find candidates reflecting these qualities. 1 hope to get Council direction on Tuesday so we can begin sourcing candidates over the next several weeks. I have also attached an updated Appendix reflecting these positions for Council consideration. Please call with questions. Thanks, Greg 4 Parks/ Recreation 8i1 Hutsinpiflcr Parks & Rec. Coordinator Jan 20th Building Official Bob Ely Senior Budding Inspector Feb 17th Permit Technician Feb 17th City of SpolCle Valley Proposed Interim Staffing Organization Chart I Citizens City Council h interim Ct y Manager Lee Walton Planning Director Jim Harris Long Range Planning Mg; Jan 13th PW Speciai st Dennis Scott p Protlillldn I ! 0853 Brh NV! I M "W 4360.0050 I grtgRnnetnaraon C O M P A N Y Scriel..vo. 4B 177 FAK 20515110000 wwwproelrancom Current Planning Mgr Jan 20th Planner Jan 27th Planner Jan 20th Planning Technlcian FeblOth Public Works Director Dick Warren Operation. - Contracts Irfg Jan 6th Engineering Technician Jan 20th IFinanco Director Sob Haack i Sorrier Accountant Jan 20th Accountant Jan 6th City Clerk Ruth Mullet Offico Assistant I Jan 20th ...1 Office Assistant 11 Jan 13th H Office Assistant 1 Karin Bosworth I Office Assistant( Dec 16th Deputy City Manager Stan McNutt Indicates positions presently working or City Council authorized positions. Indicates proposed positions needed to complete the work program and Council's direction. Contract Consuttant Bob Jean Contracts Coordinator/ir Specialist Don Morrison Page 1 Position Proposed Interim Positions Anticipated Start Date Rate Public Works Operations Manager Jan. 6 $56 Under the direction of the Public Works Director this position identifies problems within the City right -of -way and assists in developing corrections. Acts as liaison with County crews performing services on City streets to insure timely work and quality. Provides a review of planning and construction of the County sewer extensions and maintenance in the City streets or rights -of -way. Inspects storm drainage facilities and report problems to County' maintenance crews. Responds to emergencies on City streets to observe County and emergency agency response to protect City facilities. Perform minor housekeeping if an immediate response is needed. Supervise contractors or City crews performing minor construction or cleanup. Recommend projects to Public Works Director to correct observed problems. Responsible for customer service in the field. Accountant Jan. 6th S28 Under the direction of the accounting manager this position posts revenue receipts and invoices for payments to the general ledger. Prepares and makes bank deposits and records.. Processes requisitions. Assigns appropriate BARS account code(s) where needed and reviews preceded requisitions. Assures proper approvals, vendor information and supporting documentation. Assists in accumulating data for various financial reports. Assists the general purchasing process of the City including inputting purchase order information for all departments by encumbering, posting, balancing, and printing checks. Assists the Interim Accounting Manager in compiling financial data for the City's annual budget and annual report. Provides administrative backup support for other staff, including answering the telephone _ Office Assistant 11 Jan. 13 $28 Under the direction of the City Clerk this position serves as a backup to the City Clerk in preparing meeting minutes and associated legal notices. Compose correspondence on a variety of matters from notes, rough drafts, tapes or verbal instructions. Prepares correspondence and memoranda, often of a confidential nature; answer telephone calls; and assist at front counter, as needed.. Provides information to City Manager, City Clerk, Planning Director, Public Works Director, other City departments and outside agencies. Interprets and explains City regulations and guidelines, policies, programs. Prepares mailings, project files and application materials. Schedules appointments. Makes travel and training arrangements, as required. Maintains records retention system in accordance to establish policy. May attend City Council, and other meetings, as required. Long Range Planning Manager .Tan. 13 $56 Under the direction of the Planning Director this position this position will focus primarily on refining the County's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code to include Council changes and updates. Performs senior level professional planning duties related to the City's long range planning operations. Includes Growth Mvtanagement Comprehensive Plan and its implementation, Shoreline Master Program, land use analyses, neighborhood planning as needed, public participation. liaison with other agency staff. Incumbent prepares position papers and staff reports based on research concerning the course of action Spokane Valley may desire to pursue concerning the Growth Management Comprehensive Plan (GMA), Shoreline Master Program and other programs such as the state Environmental Policy Act (SEPA),Incurnbent works closely with the Planning Director and other planning staff and City of Spokane Valley department heads and staff. High public visibility position responsible for citizen perception of long range view of Spokane Valley. Prothman COMPANY Page 1 Position Anticipated Start Date .Rate Current Planning Manager Jan. 20th S56 Under the direction of the Planning Director, this position will take the lead in developing the City's permit center. The position performs senior level professional platvwmg duties related to the City's current planning operations includes permit processing, as needed, code administration and providing draft and final code and ordinance documents. Incumbent supervises other Current Planning staff, prepares position papers and staff reports based on research concerning the course of action Spokane Valley may desire to pursue concerning the Zoning Code, Subdivision Code and other codes and ordinances such as sensitive area regulations and Shoreline Master Program. Works with other planning staff and other departments in formulating a quality customer service oriented one stop permit center. Parks & Recreation Coordinator Jan. 20 $35 Under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Director this position will assist the Director in facilitating the change of ownership of County Parks to City Parks and assist n devloping an Council directed City recreation • programs. This position supervises programs including recreation, parks and their related facilities and property. Recommends appropriate service and staffing levels based on performance measures. Plans and supervises the development and maintenance parks and recreation facilities. Confers with local school districts and other governmental agencies in developing cooperation in establishing recreational programs. Assists in studies to determine current and long -range planning for parks and recreation activities. Makes community presentations regarding program capabilities and developments. High public contact position that is responsible for customer service to citizens using parks and recreation services. Current Planner j Proothman .Jan. 20 $42 This position works under the direction of the Current Planning Manager, performing professional level duties in the area of current planning. Incumbent applies research and analytical skills to prepare and present staff reports for public hearings and meetings, informs the public, developers and others of land use code and policy requirements, assists in the development revision and administration of the zoning code, subdivision code and other pertinent codes and ordinances. Performs planning and coordination tasks for special projects and programs. Also works with the public to interpret the zoning code, subdivision code and other pertinent codes and ordinances and works with applicants to understand the permit process. Work is characterized by professional level planning duties, associated research, development, implementation and administration of City codes, ordinances, policies, and procedures in the area of current planning. Work is performed under limited supervision. High public contact position providing quality customer service by working with the public on interpretation of city codes and ordinances. Long Range Planner Jan. 27` $42 ' This Position works under the direction of the Long Range Planning division Planning Manager, performing professional level duties in the areas of long -range planning. Incumbent applies research and analytical skills to prepare and present staff reports for public hearings and meetings inform the public, developers, and others of various land use code and policy requirements, assist in the development and revision of the Growth Management Act (GMA) comprehensive plan, Shoreline Master Program, and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Performs planning and coordination tasks for special projects and programs. Incumbent also applies research and analytical skills to develop and produce map layers and associated databases for GIS related projects. Engineering Technician Jan. 20 $2$ Under the direction of the Public Works Director this position performs technical tasks in support of a variety of engineering work. 'Technical aspects of the work focus on surveying, report preparation, data collection, design preparation, drafting and maintaining project records or related technical engineering assignments. Work assignments may also be involved in performing as -built inspections to assure compliance with plans, specifications, and applicable standards. Duties are performed under the guidance and review of employees in higher classifications. Work focuses on transforming data collected by self and others through drafting, mathematical calculations or through the use of computer operated data bases. Page 2 • Position Anticipated Start Date Rate � 1 Accounting Manager Jan. 20th $56 Under the direction of the Finance Director this position will take the lead in the developing the City's accounting system and prepare accounting and budgetary information according to GAAP and Washington State BARS for finance operation functions such as payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and other financial information. Prepare the aiuival financial reports; close year -end general ledger; prepare notes to the financial statements. Assist with budget preparation; prepare budget document worksheets; assist with financial information summaries for department directors as directed by interim Finance Director. Close month -end, prepare and post adjusting journal entries, and reconcile bank account and appropriate tax reports. Prepare reports with budget to actual information on a monthly basis. Prepare, maintain, and submit a variety of records and reports related to financial systems. .Planning Technician Feb. 10th S28 Work is characterized by technical and paraprofessional level planning duties associated with research, implementation and administration of City codes and ordinances and research, implementation of current and long range planning. incumbent ensures compliance with various City ordinances and regulations related to land development; informs the public, outside agencies, developers, and others of City code requirements and land use policies; may assist in the amendment process of the comprehensive plan; and performs research and data gathering duties for special projects in conjunction with other planners in tong range and current planning. Senior Building Inspector Feb. 17 S56 Under the Direction of the Building Official this position, during the interim period will assist in the development of the permit center and will ensure that all building inspectors and trained and ready to begin inspections after the incorporation date. The position is responsible for a broad range of technically highly complex inspections directly related to enforcement of protective codes, development regulations and/or contract requirements. Work assignments require a thorough knowledge of various building codes, including Uniform building, plumbing, mechanical, Washington State energy and ventilation, and indoor air quality codes. Employees visit premises, contact owners, developers, and contractors and explain technical requirements or discrepancies. Inspectors are empowered to issue stop orders when work does not comply with codes or approve contractor work on the site. Inspectors check both residential and commercial buildings in the process of construction, alteration or repair for compliance with applicable building code requirements, safe construction practices, and other regulations or ordinances relating to the safety, health, and welfare of the general public. The Senior Building Inspector provides supervision over lower level building inspectors. Very high public visibility position that is responsible for delivering technically complex service and quality customer service to citizens. Permit Technician Feb. 17 S28 Under the Direction of the Building Official this position performs such tasks as accepting, reviewing routing and issuing permit applications for the Building, Planning, Public Works, and City Clerk departments for large conunercial projects as well as more routine projects and provides customer service information in specialized areas. These positions work with continual public and inter- departmental contact and are under pressure to meet deadlines. Incumbents are responsible for the proper application and issuance of permits and compliance with City practices. Very high public visibility position that is responsible for delivering technically complex service and quality customer service to citizens., P Pthman C O ro M P A N Y .Page 3 Person Lee Walton Stan McA Bob Noack Jim Harris Dick Warren Dennis Scott Bob Ely Ruth I1vIuller .Bob Jean Don Morrison Bill Hutsinpiller Karin Bosworth Greg Prothtnan Appendix "A" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEES Professional fees for providing management services to the City of Spokane Valley are listed below. Position Interim City Manager Interim Deputy City Manager Interim Finance Director Senior Accountant Interim Community Devel. Dir Interim Public. Works Director Public Works Specialists Interim Building Official Interim City Clerk Interim Contracts Mgr (part -time) Human Resources Manager Parks and Recreation Consultant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Project Manager Public Works Operations Mgr Accountant Office Assistant 11 Long Range Planning Manager Current Planning Manager Parks & Recreation Coordinator Current Planner Long Range Planner Engineering Technician Accounting Manager Planning Technician Senior Building Inspector Permit Technician Estimated Start Date working working working Jan 2011, working working rvorkins;• working working Jan. 6111 .Ja,,. 61/, working working Dec 16th (as needed) Jan. 6 Jan. 6th Jan. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 20th Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 20 Jan. 20th Feb. 10th Feb. 17 Feb. 17th Per Hour 585 583 $70 552 570 570 558 $70 556 585 563 $70 521 521 $125 $56 $28 $28 S56 $56 $35 542 $42 $28 $56 $28 $56 S28 All costs incurred during the project are the responsibility of the City. Expense items include but are not limited to: • Facsimile and delivery expenses • Printing of documents and materials • Travel expenses and related costs for the Project Manager & Contracts Manager • Travel expenses for interim team members excluding interim team travel to and from home • Interim team monthly housing stipend of $600 per month • Other associated miscellaneous costs • Mileage reimbursement $.35 per mile CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES: CITY BUDGET: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2003, and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent City Manager. City of Spokane Valley The City Council has retained Lee Walton, Interim City Manager and Stan McNutt interim Deputy City Manager to lead the pre - incorporation team in creating this new organization. Neither will be a candidate for the City Manager position. CITY MANAGER Draft Position Profile THE CITY 7 MEMBER CITY COUNCIL $110,000 TO $130,000 40 F"TEs (estimated) $35 MILLION (estimated) 83,000 JANUARY 31, 2003 Spokane Valley's roots go back to before 1873, when James N. Glover purchased the land and sawmill that J.J. Downing and Seth Scranton had constructed on the edge of the Spokane River. There he established a store and stable, and thus began the settlement of Spokane, from the Indian word Spokanee, meaning Children of the Sun. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The City Manager, hired by the City Council, serves as the chief administrative officer of the City, and is responsible to the City Council for the business affairs of the City, the implementation of Council policies and laws, and the delivery of City services. The City Manager oversees the work activities of city staff comprised of an estimated 35 to 40 full time positions when fully staffed for this contract community. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new City THE POSITION KEY ISSUES City Manager Position Profile Page 2 The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of' Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council - Manager form of governrnent. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Community Development Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Community Development Director, and Building Official positions with the finial interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. Manager must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokatie Valley residents. City of Spokane Valley • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new City Manager will need to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the City Manager will also need to help the organization gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point This 80 -acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State PParks & Recreation, Spokane County, and the YMCA. Mirabeau Point, Inc., a private non -profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point to be transferred to Spokane County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley, talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to the City instead. For more information on Mirabeau Point development plans go to www.mirabcaupoint.org. The ideal candidate will have been a successful City Manager in a contract city with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer .service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of municipal government and the challenges facing newly created cities. CANDIDATE . PROFILE City vlturager Position Profile Page 3 • Sewer Plant and Collection System The City is in an aquifer protection area and for the past 10 years, the County has been implementing a program to eliminate septic tanks in the area by providing a sewer system. The program is planed to continue through 2010 and the City intends to contract with the County to complete and operate the sewer system. Sewage treatment is currently provided by the City of Spokane through an interlocal agreement with the County. The issue of future regional wastewater treatment will need to be resolved in the next two years. The City will play a significant role in this process. • Regional Participation With over 84,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a tirnely and effective manner. The new City Manager will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. He/she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation at City Hall. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. City of Spokane Valley He /She will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a team. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The City Manager will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. The candidate who can demonstrate that he or she has helped to develop a sense of pride in his/her city will be very interesting to this City Council. Managers who have had previous experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. Preference will be given to candidates who have a demonstrated ability to establish and maintain contacts with various local, regional, national government agencies and private organizations. The Council will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and City Manager Position Profile Page 4 collaborating with both public and private agencies to achieve goals. COMPENSATION • $1 10,000 to $125,000 DQQ ♦ Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401 A: Social Security Replacement • PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement • Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays, two personal days, three management leave days (annually) • Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a city manager. Experience in a private sector service related business would be a plus. A Bachelor's degree in public administration, business or applicable field is required. A Masters Degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by JANUARY 31, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothrnan: I F rotIiiiian10853 8th NW TEL 206.368.0050 greg9prothmon.com C O M P A N Y 1 Seattle. WA 98177 I FAX 206.368.0060 I www.prothmon,cam C` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASFU.NGTON, DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WHEREAS, pursuant to R.CW 35A.21230, the City Council is required to designate an official newspaper for the City of Spokane Valley, having the qualifications prescribed by RCW 65.16, for the purpose of publishing notices, ordinances (or summaries thereof) and other matters relating to the business of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, on December 4, 2002, the City of Spokane Valley, made a request for newspaper services setting forth the requirements of the City of Spokane Valley, seeking a fee proposal and stating the place and time for submission of the proposal to the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has received proposals for newspaper services and it is desirous of designating an official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: 1. Official Newspaper. The City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington through its City Council designates as the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley. The City shall submit to the newspaper its legal notices, ordinances (or sumunaries thereof) and all other matters, which shall be published pursuant to state law. The newspaper after publication shall provide an affidavit to the City of Spokane Valley setting forth the text and date of publication. This Resolution shall not prevent the City from publishing notices, advertising or other matters in other available publications. Effective Date. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02 -11 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council and on the date of incorporation. Adopted this day of December, 2002. City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming C:IDocumenis and SettineslAdministrinor\Local Scttings\Tempurauy interact Files \OLKBD\Rcsolution02- 11.doc _ ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz C:IDocuments and Sellings \Administra or\Local SettingslTemporuy Internet Files \OLKBDIResolution02 -11 duc 2 Name Present /Absent 1 Council Member Wilhite* (Diana) f 2 - Council Member Taylor (Steve) 3- Mayor DeVleming (Mike) 4- Council Member Schimmels (Gary) c 5- Council Member Munson (Rich) 0 i 6- Council Member Flanigan (Mike) 7- Council Member Denenny (Dick) ? Date nee e rh b .<lo? *Deputy Mayor City of Spokane Valley Council Member Roll Call List Date t;.1. ker- ) '1, 2L t c Z CITIZEN IZEN COMMEN i S City of Spokane Valley City Council Meeting Please state your name and address for the Meeting Minutes. Thank you! Name (Please Print) Address Mighty God, we gather tonight with a sense of gratitude for meaningful work to do, great people with whom to work, and a warm, dry place in which to meet. Before we jump into our agenda, we ask you to bless us with a spirit of collegiality, a climate of mutual respect, and a clarity of vision for this new city. Guide us, God, and give us understanding and wisdom that are beyond our expectation. Use us to work your will in this place. Amen. Rev. Patrick W. Mecham Opportunity Presbyterian Church : L,L2c4_k, d Ruth Muller From: "Karin & Michael Bosworth" <kmbosworth warldnetatt.net> To: ‹iwalton o spakanevalley,org> Cc: "Stan M Schwartz" <5ms notes,wkdtlaw.cam >; <rmuller spokar evalley,org >; ‹smcnutt spokaneveIley.org> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 8:53 AM Subject: CV board approves day off Jan. 14 FYI, in today's Spnkeman- cvicw Karin CV board approves day off Jan. 14 Teachers to take part in statewide rally Stacy_ chwandt tall writer Page 1 of 2 Central Valley schools will be closed Jan- 14, as teachers participate in a statewide demonstration to encourage legislators not to cut education funding. The CV school board voted 3 -1 to alter the school calendar to accommodate the rally, though all school board members expressed disappointment over the decision. "This is going to be a hardship for many families in our district," .said board member Kay Bryant- "I do believe there was another, more beneficial way to get our rne5sage across, but the teachers have made their decision." The school board also voted to draft a resolution calling for an approximately 25 million bond issue to be placed before voters March 11. The bond issue would fiord school construction and remodeling .projects districtvidc. In its decision on the teacher demonstrations, the board decided that on Jan, 14 al! Central Valley school programs will be canceled except for regularly scheduled child - care services. School will be field instead on March 14, a day previously reserved for teacher training, Teachers will be required to report to work Monday, June 16, to make up the training day. Board member Cindy McMullen voted against the change, "1 do not believe that it is approprial.e to change the calendar for political reasons, because our teachers have taken a strike vote," she said. Members of the Central Valley Education Association voted last month to leave their classrooms to participate in the rally, dubbed a "Day of Action" by the Washington Education Association. Demonstrations will take place. in Spokane, Olympia and the Tri Cities to ask legislators to spare education as they grapple with a $2 billion budget shortfall. 12/10/2002 Eighty -eight percent of the 407 CVEA members who voted approved of the walkout. The district has about 700 teachers. Ponderosa Elementary School teacher Mary Anne Sullivan spoke to the school board in favor of the rally. She voted to participate she said, because she witnessed the benefit of state money for class -size reduction that many believe to be in jeopardy. "I really urge you to understand that it's for the kids that we voted for the Day of Action, not for teachers." she said. In other business, CV school board members appointed longtime volunteer Lynn Trantow to fill a vacant school board seat and instructed Superintendent Nally Stanley to prepare the resolution to place an approximately $25 million school construction bond on the March 11 ballot. The district held two community forums last week to ask for voters' opinions about a construction bond. "I was candidly a little surprised at the amount of support for a bond," said Stanley. School district officials are supporting a construction bond because of historically low interest rates. The bond measure would increase taxes for homeowners by about 40 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation for the next 20 years. It would ft.md additional classrooms or a new school in the eastern end of the district, an expansion of Horizon Middle School and remodeling of Opportunity Elementary School and Evergreen Middle School. It would also help the district keep technology in the schools up to date. The school board will likely approve the resolution at its Jan. 13 meeting.