2003, 01-14 Regular Meeting1. CALL TO ORDER 9. ACTION ITEMS Council Agenda: Jan. 14, 2003 U CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AMVIENDE:I) AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, January 14, 2003, 6:00 p.m. 2. INVOCATION Rev. Linda Crowe, Valley United Church of Christ 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL S. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For members of the public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the agenda. Please state your name, address and subject for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 'lltank you.) 7. COUNCIL REPORTS 8. CONSENT AGENDA (Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Agenda to be considered separately.) 1. Approval of Claims - S84,706.76 A) Motions 1. Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001, Appointments to Regional Boards and Commissions 2. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -016, Confirm Finance Committee recommendation for computer purchase 3. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -017, Review and approve position profiles and salary ranges for five department heads 4. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -004, Endorse sponsorship by Bin Burke Productions of Incorporation Celebration S. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -022, Approve permanent staff positions 6. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -028, Authorize execution of lease with Wcbb Properties for City Hall and Council Chamber space ,1 B) Ordinances 1, Agenda Bill No. 2003 -018, Establish City Manager position (Ordinance No. 23) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 23) 2. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -019, Cable franchise fee (Ordinance No. 20) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 20) 3. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -023, Establish City Clerk position (Ordinance No. 26) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 26) 4. Agenda Bill 2003 -024, Establishing policy for obtaining public records (Ordinance No. 21) (PUBLIC COMMENT or ORDINANCE NO. 21) 5. Agenda Bill 2003 -025, Establish Police Chief position (Ordinance No. 24) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 24) 6. Agenda Bill 2003 -026, Procedure for Procurement of Architectural and Engineering Services (Ordinance No. 22) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 22) 7. Agenda Bill 2003 -027, Establish City Attorney position (Ordinance No. 25) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 25) C) Resolutions 1. Agcnda Bill No. 2003 -013, Designating official depository bank (Resolution No. 03 -012) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLUTION NO. 03.012) 2. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -020, Approve finance procedures (Resolution No. ) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLUTION NO. 03 -014) 3. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -021, Approve purchasing policy (Resolution N0. ) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLUTION NO. 03-15) D) Contracts 11. CITY MANAGER AND STAFF REPORTS 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Maximum of three minutes please; state your name, address and subject for the record) 13. NEW BUSINESS 14. ADJOURNMENT FUTURE SCHEDULE A) Jan. 16, 2003, Open House, 4 -6 p.m., City Hall B) Jan. 21, 2003, Study Session, 6:00 p.m., City Hall C) Jan. 27, 2003, Joint CounciUCounty Commission Meeting, noon to 1:30 p.m., City Hall E) Jan. 28, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., City Hall F) Jan. 29 -30, 2003, Joint Chambers Legislative Trip, Olympia G) Feb. 19 -20, 2003, A WC City Legislative Action Conference, Olympia Council Agenda: Jan. 14, 2003 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03 -014 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the stewardship of public funds is one of the most important responsibilities vested upon public officials; WT- IERFA.S, the establishment and maintenance of prudent financial policies enables public officials to protect the public's interest and ensure the public's trust; WHEREAS, the City Finance Department has developed financial policies that provide guidelines for elected officials and Spokane Valley employees when conducting the financial affairs of the City; and WHEREAS, the Financial Management Policy has the following objectives for the City's fiscal performance: to set forth budget and operating principles that minimize financial risk; to employ balanced and fair revenue policies that provide adequate funding for desired programs; to maintain appropriate purchasing and expenditure controls; to promote sound financial management by providing accurate and timely information on the City's financial condition; and to ensure the legal use of financial resources through an effective system of internal controls. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: Section 1. Financial Management Policy Adopted. The policy for financial management set forth in the document entitled "City of Spokane Valley Financial Management Policies which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference is hereby adopted as the official policy for financial practices for the City of Spokane Valley. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on March 31, 2003, provided that the terms of this resolution shall also be effect during the interim period. Adopted this day of January, 2003. City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming I':lcmail attachments \Resolution03•14,1nancial mot pmcedures.doc 1 ATTEST: interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES December 2002 A. GENERAL BUDGET POLICIES A -I City of Spokane Valley Financial Management Policies Department directors have primary responsibility for formulating budget proposals in line with City Council and City Manager priority direction, and for implementing them once they are approved. A -2 The Finance Department is responsible for coordinating the overall preparation and administration of the City's budget and Capital Investment Program Plan. This fiuw ction is fulfilled in compliance with applicable State of Washington statutes governing local government budgeting practices. A -3 The Finance Department assists department staff in identifying budget problems, formulating solutions and alternatives, and implementing any necessary corrective actions. A-.4 The City Council's budget review and evaluation will be at the two -digit object code level of detail, and adopted by ordinance at the fund level. A -5 interfund charges will be based on recovery of the direct costs associated with providing those services. A-6 Regular employee positions will normally be budgeted only in the City's operating funds and will be retained in accordance with rules established by the Finance Department. A -7 Quarterly financial reports, including a review of budgeted expenditures and revenues, will be prepared and reported to the Council at regular meetings. Included will be provisions for amending the budget during the year in order to address unanticipated needs, emergencies, or compliance with State of Washington budgetary statutes. Budget adjustments requiring City Council approval will occur through a process coordinated by the Finance Department and will occur prior to fiscal year end. A-8 The Finance Department will review agenda items submitted for City Council action. The objective of these reviews will be to ensure compliance with the budget and disclosure of all fiscal issues to the Council. This information will be presented in the fiscal impact section of each agenda bill. A -9 Revenues derived from fees associated with development will be designated for the support oldie development activities in the Development Services Fund. A -10 The City's budget presentation will be directed at displaying the City's services plan in a Council/constituent - friendly format. A -11 Ending fund balances, excluding contingency funds, for all operating funds will be budgeted at a level of no less than five or more than ten percent of the total budgeted new revenue for each year. For the purpose of this policy "new revenue" means total budgeted revenue, less beginning fund balances and interfimd receipts. A -12 The City will maintain equipment replacement funds that will receive annually budgeted contributions from the operating expenses of departments owning the capital equipment in an amount necessary to replace the equipment at the end of its useful life. i,ife cycle assumptions and required contributions will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. Monies collected from the sale of assets carried on the equipment replacement schedules will be receipted to equipment replacement funds. B. REVENUE POLICIES The City shall be sensitive to the balance between the need for services and the City's ability to raise fees, charges, and taxes to support those services. B -1 The City should strive to maintain a diversified mix of revenues in order to maintain needed services during periods of declining economic activity. a. A base of property taxes and other stable revenues should be developed and maintained to provide a reliable base of revenues during periods of economic downturn, b. The City's overall revenue structure should be designed to recapture for the City some of the financial benefits resulting from City economic and community development investments. Revenue estimates should be prepared on a relatively conservative basis to minimize the economic fluctuations that could imperil ongoing service programs during the upcoming budget cycle. 13-3 The following factors will be considered when the City's taxes are increased, extended, changed, or reduced: a. Stability of the tax source over its expected life. b. Suitability for a pledge against future debt, if that is part of the City Council's long-range intent for the new tax. c. Spread the tax burden throughout the City's tax base by utilizing a broad array of the tax sources available, and by investigating mitigation of inequities and hardships where appropriate (e.g., property tax rebates for low- income elderly). Legislative remedies for harmful tax impacts should be sought where appropriate. d. Apply the tax impact information for both residential and business taxpayers against a future vision of what the tax policy decision is intended to foster, in addition to the raising of revenues. 13-4 As much as is reasonably possible, City services that provide private benefit should be supported by fees and charges in order to provide maximum flexibility in use of general City taxes to meet the cost of services of broader public benefit. Charges for services that benefit specific users should recover full costs, including all direct costs, capital costs, department overhead, and Citywide overhead. Departments that impose fees or service charges should prepare and periodically update cost -of- service studies for such service. «Then consistent with legal requirements, other City interests such as remaining competitive within the region or meeting other City objectives, may dictate a subsidy of a portion of the costs of such services. C. OPERATING I'OLICIE C-1 Ongoing resources should be equal to or exceed ongoing expenditures. Each City fund budget shall identify ongoing resources that at least match expected ongoing annual requirements. One -time cash transfers and non - recurring ending fund balances will be applied to reserves or to fund one -time expenditures; they will not be used to fund ongoing programs. C -2 Unless otherwise stated explicitly by the City Council, the City will not earmark unrestricted revenues for specific purposes ui the General Fund. This will preserve the ability of the Council to determine the best use of available revenues to meet changing service requirements. C -3 The City will seek to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of its services to reduce costs and improve service quality. • C-4 Accurate inventories of all physical assets, their condition, life span, and cost will be maintained. (refer to section K. Fixed Assets) C -5 The Finance Department will develop, maintain, and constantly seek to improve cash management systems which ensure the accurate and timely accounting, investment, and security of all cash assets. All cash received by City departments will he deposited within 24 hours of receipt. D. PURCHASING AND EXPENDITURE CONTROL D —i It is the general policy of the City that all expenditures be rationally related to some public purpose and be reasonable in the amount and nature. D -2 Primary responsibility and authority for the expenditure of monies according to the. adopted budget will he vested by the City Manager in the department heads. 0-3 in addition to the primary responsibilities in Policy A -1, the Finance Director will exercise a secondary oversight responsibility for ALL budget expenditures. This includes responsibility for both technical eiTOrs and errors of judgement, which should be brought immediately to the attention of the responsible department head and the City Manager. However, no unilateral changes will be made in line item expenditures approved by responsible department heads without first consulting with the originating department head. D-4 All purchase orders will be signed by the responsible department head (or City Manager), and reviewed by the appropriate personnel in Finance for budget authority and proper coding. 0-5 Purchase orders for the costs of public utilities, telephone, postage, copy machine expenses, shared by more than one department will be issued by the Finance Director. D-6 All expenditures /expenses shall he pre - audited and certified by the Finance Director or his /her designee prior to submitting them to the City Council. D -7 To expedite the accounts payable process, City claims checks will be issued on the 2 and 4 Monday of every month. City Council approval will occur at the following Council meeting. The execution of checks in advance of City Council approval will occur under the following condition: The City Council will have the opportunity to review the supporting documentation of such disbursement at the next regularly scheduled meeting. If the City Council at the subsequent Council meeting, disapproves any such checks, the disapproved claims will be recognized as a receivable of the City and collections of said receivable will be diligently pursued until the amounts disapproved are collected or until the Council is satisfied and approves the claims. D -8 All significant purchases should be made only after an effort to compare prices and alternatives from more than one vendor. For purchases of supplies, materials, and /or equipment less than $7,500, informal telephone price quotes from at least three vendors will satisfy this policy. Single purchases of $7,501 to $15,000 will be made only after soliciting written or faxed competitive bids for the item or service. In the case of faxed bids, the City Clerk will have the authority to extend the deadline for bids due to technological problems in fax reception. For amounts greater than S15,000 sealed bids will be solicited by advertisement; opened by the City Clerk at a time and place specified in the ad; and awarded by City Council action. b. For Public Works Contracts, Department Heads have signing authority up to S5,000. Over $5,000 up to $35,000 may be authorized by the City Manager. Projects between $35,001 and $200,000 shall be authorized by the City Council and awarded either through the small works roster or the competitive bidding process. Projects over 5200,000 are authorized by the City Council and awarded through the competitive biddi.ne process. c. For Professional Services and Architects and Engineers contracts, Department 1-leads have budget authority up to $7,500 and the City Manager has authority above that amount. Contracts are required. The City Manager has the sole authority to waive purchasing procedures, such as in an emergency, but only to the extent authorized by State law. The City Manager will make a written finding of the existence of the emergency and enter the finding of record no later than two weeks following any contract award. D -9 Credit cards may be issued to the City Manager, Department Heads, and employees for travel and other business related expenses. (see Ordinance ) The credit cards issued directly to the City Manager or Department Heads and employees are expressly limited to navel, meal, and procurement of goods from vendors who do not accept purchase orders. The credit card may be used only by the person to whom it has been issued. No cash advances, guarantying personal transactions, or personal purchases to be reimbursed to the City at a later date are allowed. Employees using a credit card shall within five business days of returning from travel or at the time of purchase, submit a fully itemized travel expense voucher or purchase receipt to the Finance Department. Information provided should include vendor name, purchase amount, date, and description of the purchase. Any charges not properly identified will be paid by the employee to the credit card bank. If any charges are disallowed, the City has a right to withhold the disallowed amount from the wages of the individual who incurred the disallowed charges, including interest and late charges. Use of the credit card while disallowed charges are outstanding is not permitted. Should charges be incurred during this period, the individual will surrender the credit card to the auditing officer. D-10 The City is encouraged to include at least one local vendor (if available) when conducting non - formal procurement of goods and services, telephone bids or soliciting written bids of less than $15,000. D -11 The Finance Director may administratively surplus office equipment, computer equipment, small tools, computer software, minor equipment and police weapons with a value of less than $1,000. Titled vehicles, real property, and any City property with a value of greater than $1,000 will be surplused by City Council resolution. D-12 All property with an expected value greater than the cost to surplus, will be offered through a competitive process, in which at least three interested parties are notified. Property where the expected value is less than the cost to surplus may be destroyed or donated to another governmental agency or local community non - profit. The City may elect to partner with another City's annual auction to save on costs and resources. D -13 The Finance Director will be responsible for the accounting of all surplus property transactions. In .cases of administrative surpluses, the Finance. Director will record property description, estimated value, number of bidders, and the lowest- highest bid range for accounting and auditing purposes. E. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT E -1 When a project is presented to the Council for consideration, a preliminary budget estimate will be included. This estimate will show separate costs for the various phases of the project, including preliminary design, construction, and administration costs. Preliminary budget estimates may also provide for additional contract cost contingencies with the amount dependent upon the type of project and degree of tuncertainties. When the Council approves a project they are also authorizing the budget in each contract category including the contingencies budget. E 2 Prior to formal bidding for construction services, an engineer's estimate will be approved by the Council. Once the bids are opened, a revised budget may be brought back to the Council for approval, with the request to award the bid. When the Council awards the bid, it will also approve a revised budget or confirm the original budget as it finds to be in the best. interest of the City. E -3 When awarding professional service contracts the Council will authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for a written scope - of - work on a cost plus basis with a stated "not -to- exceed" contract total cost. The dollar total will be broken down by major tasks, including a contingency budget if necessary. 13-4 Professional service contracts may be authorized with a single consultant for several phases of work on the same project. The contract may be approved by Council, and subsequent phases may be authorized by the Council in the fount of contract amendments. E -5 The Public Works Director will have the authority to authorize payments up to the total contract only. If the scope -of -work does not change and the total cost is not violated, different amounts may be spent among the tasks within project budget categories. Changes in either the scope -of -work or the authorized budget shall be approved by the City Council as an amendment to the original contract. E -6 After the award of contract only the City Manager or his/her desienee will have the authority to approve change orders. The City Manager may not approve change orders that would exceed the budgeted amount. The process for handling change orders will be spelled out in the construction contract. A -5 E -7 The City Manager will report all change orders to the City Council including the dollar amount. 1: -8 Any proposed change orders that exceed the budget amount will be submitted to Council for approval. F. GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTS F -1 G. DEBT FINANCING A Petty Cash Fund is hereby authorized from the General Fund in the amount of S1,000 for minor disbursements. It will be periodically restored by a check drawn and charged to applicable accounts. The amount of the check should equal the aggregate of the disbursements. Petty Cash purchases are limited to expenditures of S200 or less, and shall be approved by the appropriate. Department Head, using a Petty Cash Request Form, prior to receipt of cash. Individuals receiving Petty Cash shall immediately return to the Finance Department the receipt, any change due., and sign a verifying receipt of cash. The Finance Director will delegate the custodian of the Petty Cash, and this individual will be independent of cashiering and check signing duties. The Petty Cash Fund will be periodically audited by a person other than the custodian, usually the Finance Director. G -1 Interim Financing of Major Capital Projects interim financing of major capital projects may be arranged by Bond Anticipation Notes (BANS), interfund loans, or lines of credit with a major financial institution. ' a. General Guidelines: 1. To the extent possible the City will utilize interfund loans for interim financing of capital projects, either in whole or in part. Tnterfund loans provide the lowest borrowing cost to the City as the interest expense to the borrowing fund is offset by interest income to the lending fiend. Available funds consist of cash, State Investment Pool balances or other relatively liquid investments. The decision to sell long-tent investments to provide funds for interfund loans will be made by the City Council based on applicable policies. The decision to use the City's line of credit or the issuance of BANS should employ a cost /cash flow analysis comparing the two financing options. The administrative costs for bond counsel, underwriter and other fees will be taken into account for the costs of BANS. Other factors impacting the decision, such as the capacity of the line of credit, the timing of issuing permanent financing for paying down the line of credit prior to its maturity date, anticipated interest rate changes and arbitrage regulations will also be considered. b. Line of Credit: If a line of credit is used the following pol.icies will apply: 1. The line of credit is restricted to use for interim financing of capital projects for which long term -bonds are expected to be issued within one year of adoption of the resolution or for which reimbursable grant monies are expected. . Authorization to draw down the line of credit will be allowed only upon adoption of a resolution by City Council. 3. Upon sale of bonds for permanent financing of a project or receipt of grant funds, such funds will he used to immediately pay off the amount of the line of credit utilized by each project, including interest charged for use of the line of credit. 4. Each resolution authorizing use of the Tine of credit will identify the particular project eligible and contain a specific not -to- exceed amount for each project. 5. Use of the line of credit for normal operating expenditures is prohibited. 6. The outstanding general obligation line of credit amount in conjunction with the City's other general obligations may not at anytime exceed the City's statutory debt limit. c. Bond Anticipation Notes (BANS). If }SANS are used the following policies will apply. 1. The BANS will have a maximum maturity of two years from their issue date. BANS can only be issued after a formally adopted bond ordinance by City Council. 3. The bond ordinance for the BANS will set a specific principal amount and identify the specific project(s) for which the proceeds are to be used. 4. Bond counsel charges, underwriter fees and other issuance costs may be included and paid from the BAN proceeds. 5. BANS will be subordinate to any outstanding bonds of the City. d. If an interfund loan is used the following policies will apply. Interfund loans may only be made upon formal adoption of a resolution by the City Council. 2. The resolution for the interfund loan will set forth the term and amount of the loan, a schedule of repayment including interest; and set a current market rate of interest for loans of similar maturity and amount. 3. interfund loans for interim financing of major capital projects made in anticipation of the issuance of long term bonds shall be repaid in full (including accrued interest) upon receipt of the bond proceeds. 4. The loaning fund shall have adequate funds to make the loan and to meet its anticipated operating needs over the life of the loan. H. INVFS"1'n9:1? 1.1 -1 The City's primary objective is to manage its total cash and cash equivalent assets in a manner that conforms completely to the constraints of this policy while maximizing the interest earnings of the portfolio. This will be clone in a manner that supports the government's primary purpose of providing services to its citizens. The primary purpose in determining a strategy for the City of Spokane Valley's investment activities is as follows: Legality: The City's investments will be in compliance with all statutes governing the investment of public fluids. This includes the Revised Code of \Washington, the BARS manual, this investment policy and corresponding administrative procedures. Safety: Safety of principal is of primary importance to the City. Investments of the City will be undertaken in a manner that seeks to guard the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. To attain this objective, diversification is required in order that potential losses on individual securities do not exceed the income generated from other investments. Liquidity: The City's investments will remain sufficiently liquid to facilitate the City's need to meet all operating and debt requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. Yield: The City's investments will be established with the objective of achieving a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the City's i.nvestinent risk constraints and cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. H -2 The City has also determined to limit investment purchases to the following investment types, which the City has determined best meet their overall investment strategy. This authorization applies to all City funds. a.) investment deposits, including certificates of deposit, with qualified public depositories as defined in Chapter 39.55 R.CW. b.) Certificates, notes, or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States (such as the Government National Mortgage Association). However, this authorization will specifically exclude Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs), Real Estate Mortgage investment Conduits (R,EM1Cs), and other Principal Only (POs) and interest Only (IOs) obligations that are secured with mortgages issued by any federal agency, instrumentality or private firm. c.) Obligations of government- sponsored corporations which are eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. (These include but are not limited to Federal Home Loan Bank notes and bonds, Federal Farm Credit Bank consolidated notes and bonds, Federal National Mortgage Association notes, debentures, and guaranteed certificates of participation.) d.) Washington State Local Government Investment Pool. e.) Bonds of the State of Washington and any local government in the State, provided they carry a current debt raring in the top three categories of a nationally recognized rating agency at the time of investment. A -8 f.) Prime Banker's Acceptances purchased on the secondary market with ratings of Al /PI by a nationally recognized rating agency. j•) Repurchase agrecmenti for securities listed above, provided that the transaction is structured so that the City of Spokane Valley obtains control over the underlying securities and a Master Repurchase Agreement has been signed with the bank or dealer. Collatcralization will be required on all repurchase agreements at a level of 102% of the market value of principal and accrued interest_ This is to anticipate any market changes and to provide an adequate level of security for all funds. Collateral is limited to the types of investments detailed in this section. H -3 The Finance Director will consider all investments as common investments whose ownership is derived from each participating fund. Interest earned by the common investment portfolio will be applied in its entirety to each participating fund on the basis of its available cash balance. Unless specified by the Finance Director, all cash and cash equivalent assets of every fiend will be considered available for investment. The only exception to the common investment portfolio will be investments made from the proceeds of bond sales and only to the extent necessary to provide a separate accounting of investment activity. T-I-4 Funds set aside to satisfy City debt in conjunction with an advance refunding agreement will be invested in accordance with appropriate bond documents and not necessarily in compliance with this policy. If bond covenants are more restrictive than this policy, funds will be invested in full compliance with those additional restrictions. H-5 All investments of the City of Spokane Valley shall be made in compliance with Federal and State law and in accordance with those legal interpretations that apply. The investment of any tax- exempt borrowing proceeds and of any debt service funds shall comply with the 1986 Tax Reform Act if that Act applies to the debt issued. H-6 The Finance Director is the investment officer of the City. The Finance Director will develop written procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this investment policy and approved by the City Manager. These procedures will include a detailed delegation of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions. The Finance Director wi11 be responsible for all transactions undertaken and will establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate employees. The Finance Director will ensure a periodic independent annual review of investment activities and. internal controls are preformed by the external- auditing agency. H -7 The City Manager will provide investment oversight to the Finance Director. The Finance Director will report investment activity monthly to the City Manager and semi- annually to the City Council. The City Council will amend the Investment Policy, as needed, by Resolution. H —S Investments will be made with judgment and care, in consideration of the circumstances then prevailing, which person(s) of prudence, discretion and intelligence would exercise in the management of their own affairs for investment purposes, not for speculation, taking into account the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income expected to be derived. H -9 Officers and employees involved in the investment process will refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution of the investment program or impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials will disclose to the City Council any substantive financial interest in A -9 financial institutions that conduct business within this jurisdiction. They will also disclose any material personal financial or investment positions that could be related to the performance of the City's portfolio. Employees and Officers will subordinate their personal investment transactions to those of the City of Spokane Valley, particularly in regard to the timing of purchases and sales. 1-1 -10 The Finance Director will conduct investment transactions with several competing, reputable investment securities broker /dealers. A list will be maintained of approved security broker /dealers selected for their credit worthiness, industry reputation, knowledge of public sector investment practices, and who maintain an office in the State of Washington. The Pittance Director has the authority to remove any broker /dealer from the list, with or without cause by written notice. Broker /dealers may appeal the Finance Director's action by written appeal to the City Manager. H -11 The Finance Director will maintain a list of financial institutions as required by the Public. Deposit Commission (PDC), authorized to provide investment services as outlined in R.C.W. 39.58.080. H -12 All investment securities bought by the City, including collateral being held on repurchase agreements, will be held by the City or in safekeeping for the City by the City's custodian bank. A third party bank trust department may be appointed as agent for the City tinder the terms of a custody or trustee agreement signed by both the bank and the City. The primary agent of the custodian bank will provide a safekeeping receipt to the City listing the specific instrument, its rate and maturity, and any other pertinent information. All security transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements, entered into by the City of' Spokane Valley will be conducted on a delivery- versus- payment (DVP) basis. 1-1 -13 Repurchase Agreements may be entered into on a safekeeping basis only if a master agreement with the bank or trust department providing the safekeeping service is first obtained. This agreement shall very clearly establish that the bank/trust is acting as a third party agent for the Finance Director, not. the broker /dealer arranging the repurchase agreements. Such third party safekeeping arrangements will be documented with a signed agreement between the Finance Director and the bank /trust involved assuring that the Finance Director has absolute control over the securities once they are delivered to safekeeping and that the dealer does not have access to them under any circumstances. 11 -14 Investment officials will be bonded to provide protection to the City against loss due to possible embezzlement or malfeasance. H -15 The City will assure that no single institution or security is invested to such an extent that a delay of liquidation at maturity is likely to cause a current cash flow emergency. With • the exception of U.S. Treasury securities and the State investment Pool, the City will invest no more than twenty -five percent (25 %) of its total investment portfolio in a single security type or with a single financial institution. H -16 To the degree possible, the City will attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Liquidity should be ensured through practices that include covering the next vendor disbursement and payroll dates through maturing investments. Unless specifically snatched to a certain cash flow, or estimated to meet cash now needs, the City will not directly invest in securities maturing more than three (3) years from the date of purchase. H -17 The City of Spokane Valley's investment portfolio will be designed to obtain a market average rate of return during budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the City's investment risk constraints and cash now needs. The City will report investment A -10 yield bcnchmarked to the yield of the six -month Treasury Bi11 and /or the Average Fed Funds rate and /or the return provided by the State Investment Pool. H -18 The Finance Director will actively manage daily cash to the extent that transaction costs do not overcome interest earnings. The goal is to have ninety percent of the city's entire cash and cash equivalent assets invested. T. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES AND RELATIONS POLiCTE.S Many service costs of the City are influenced by other governments, either because of service overlap or service mandates imposed by the count}, state, or federal government. The City shall take advantage of opportunities to enhance service delivery through intergovernmental cooperation, shared revenues, and grants while aggressively opposing mandates that distort local service priorities. 1 -1 The City will refrain from using grants to meet ongoing service delivery needs. In the City's financial planning, grants will be treated in the same manner as all other temporary and uncertain resources and will not be used to fund ongoing, basic service needs. 1 -2 All grant agreements will be reviewed to ensure compliance with state, federal, and City regulations. 1 -3 The City will budget expenditures for grant - funded programs only after a grant award or letter of commitment, and only for the amount of grant award. City overhead or indirect costs for grant- funded programs will be included in all gram proposals, where permitted. 1-4 The City will aggressively oppose state or federal actions that mandate expenditures which the City Council considers unnecessary. The City will pursue intergovernmental funding to support. the incremental cost of those mandates. 1 -5. The City will work with other governments to identify the jurisdiction most capable and appropriate to provide specific public services. All intergovernmental agreements and contracts for service delivery will be brought forward to the City Council for approval. J. ACCOUNTING, AUDITING, AND FINANCIAL REPORTING POLICIES The City shall maintain a system of financial monitoring, control, and reporting for all operations and funds in order to provide effective means of ensuring that overall City goals and objectives will be met and to assure the City's partners and investors that the City is well managed and fiscally sound. J -1 The City will maintain its accounting records in accordance with state and federal law and regulations. Budgetary reporting will be in accordance with the state's budget laws and regulations. The City will report its financial condition and results of operations in accordance with state regulations and generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governments. J -2 The State Auditor will annually perform a financial and compliance audit of the City's financial statements. Their opinions will be contained in the City's Annual Financial Report, and the Report on Compliance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. J -3 The City will minimize the number of funds. The funds will be categorized in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for reporting purposes. A -11 K. FIXED ASSETS K -1 Fixed assets are defined as land, buildings, equipment, and improvements to existing assets costing more than $1,000 and having a useful life in excess of one year. Assets with a value or cost under S1,000 are to be expensed in the year of acquisition. K -2 Costs associated with remodeling or changes to the City's buildings will not be capitalized unless the useful life of the structure is extended. K -3 Enhancements or additions to equipment will be capitalized only if the cost or value is S500 or more and the useful life is extended. K-4 Additions to City acquired vehicles will be capitalized only if the item is to remain with the vehicle upon disposal. K -5 Each department director is responsible for notifying Finance in writing of all assets sold, traded, transferred, surplused or lost at the time of the occurrence. K-6 All assets that can be labeled will have a numbered City of Spokane Valley tag attached in a prominent, convenient location. Assets of a lesser value than the capitalization standard of $1,000, may be tagged where there is a need for property control and accountability. Finance will supply the tags which will be attached by the department receiving the assets. K -7 All assets, regardless of value or capitalization, are the department director's responsibility with regard to tracking, inventory, and safekeeping. Finance is responsible for keeping and updating the fixed asset database. A -12 MEMO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 11707 Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921 -1000, Fax (509) 921 -1008 Council Lee Walton Jan 7 Study Session Intro Attached are the following attachments that will hopefully facilitate the Thursday Study Session. 1. An agenda for the meeting. You will note that the first three tie together. If you decide to provide the three basic services I have suggested than approving a staffing and office plan to support those services will naturally follow. 2. A memo summarizing some (not all) the public services that will need to be provided. 1 have written this with the assumption that it will be distributed to the press and the County folks. I have included in the analysis some "positive" strokes for several County services to balance some of the bricks. It also includes several references to the "very high" overhead costs. In effect, this memo is intended as a "shot across the bow" to get their attention and let them know that we aren't going to roll over in contract negotiations. Also, this is my memo, so the Council is free to disown the comments. Sort of a "good cop -b ad cop" approach if you wish. I would emphasize that it is not necessary or even desirable that you express a commitment for any of the first 10 services listed but that is up to you. Indeed, it wouldn't hurt if you reiterated some of the reservations I make suggesting that alternatives in the private sector should be explored. 3.A proposed staffing chart representing the first phase of staffing that will be required. I emphasize first phase because it is inevitable that this basic staff will grow to meet the demands of a city this size. I don't want to be accused in six months of "low balling" the Council regarding staffing needs. To illustrate this point, 1 am attaching staffing charts from City of Sammamish and Shoreline both of which are essentially contract cities except for Planning, (including Building) Parks and Public Works. Sammamish, (with very little commercial or industrial development) has a population of about 35,000 and has 60 full time employees. Shoreline, with 53.000 population (somewhat similar in character to SV) has 108 FIE. In both cases, you will note the emphasis on planning, parks and public works. I don't have the specific figures but I think that by in large these services have proved to be self funding. 4. A revised list of "interim" staff that the Council has already approved. 1 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: X Resolution Resolution No. 03 -15 City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim Finance Director STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Resolution No. 03-15 Adopting Purchasing Policies and Procedures. DISCUSSION: These policies and procedures will be reviewed by the Finance Committee and amended according to there recommendations. These policies and procedures are established to secure supplies, equipment, etc. at the most competitive price. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL IMPACT: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -021 TITLE: Approve purchasing TYPE OF ACTION: policies A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHTNGTON ADOPTING PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. WHEREAS, in order to promote the State Public Policy of competitive bidding and secure the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and services at the most competitive price the City desires to adopt purchasing policies and procedures; WHEREAS, the adoption of purchasing policies and procedures will promote a fair forum for those persons and entities interested in bidding on public contracts; and WHEREAS, the purchasing policies and procedures have the following objectives for the City: to authorize purchase of supplies, materials, equipment a.ncl services on a competitive basis; to set forth procedures for public works contracting, procurement of architecture and engineering services and professional services contracts; to provide for sole source and emergency purchases and to promote the best interest of the City by obtaining supplies, materials and equipment at reasonable prices upon reasonable terms. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: Section 1. Purchasing Policies and Procedure Adopted. The policy for the procurement of goods and services set forth i.n the document entitled "City of Spokane Valley Purchasing Policies and Procedures" which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference is hereby adopted as the official policy for purchases and procurement for the City of Spokane Valley. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on March 31, 2003, provided that the terms of this resolution shall also be effect during the interim period. ATTEST: Adopted this day of January, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller P':lemail attachments1ResolutionO3 -I 5,ptirchasino pnlicies.doc 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-1 City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming December 2002 - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES CHAPTER II. IV. Public Works Contracts Approval Authority Process - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE # Purchases of Supplies, Materials or Equipment Approval Authority Process - Purchases of $7,500 or Tess Purchases between 7,500 & $15,000 Purchases of $15,000 and above Architectural & Engineering Services Contracts Approval Authority Process Professional Services Contracts Approval Authority Process 3 6 9 10 V. Sole Source Purchases 10 VI. Emergency Purchases 12 VII. Definitions 12 ATTACHMENTS A Quick Reference Sheet 15 B Purchase Order Form 16 C Request for Payment Form 17 Amount Approval Authority Procedure 0 - S100 Budget Authority Invoice Under $1,000 Department Head P.O. and Invoice $1,000 - $7,500 City Manager P.O. and Invoice $7,501 - S14,999 City Manager Tele/written quotes from Roster of Vendors or Competitive Bid P.O. and Invoice $15,000 and Over City Council Competitive Bid P.O. and Invoice A. APPROVAL AUTHORITY: B. PROCESS - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - I. PURCHASES OF SUPPLIES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Purchase Orders must be used for purchases over $100.00. Direct bill accounts may be established and payment authorized by invoice only for purchases of $100.00 or Tess. The purchase order is a legal contract between the city and a vendor specifying the scope and cost of the equipment, materials, and supplies. The purchase order is a three -part form and is processed as follows: 1. The original (white) copy is provided to the vendor, either prior to purchase or as a remittance copy. 2. The second (yellow) copy is provided to the Finance Department at the time the purchase is made to encumber funds. 3. The third (pink) copy is retained by the department making the purchase until the items purchased have been received. After the items are received and determined to be satisfactory, the pink copy is attached to the invoice, signed by the authorizing official attesting to the satisfactory receipt of items as ordered, and provided to the Finance Department for preparation of Vendor payment. 4. The Finance Department retains all copies of documentation for at least a Seven year period for audit by the State Auditor and for reference should Other questions arise. 1. Purchases of $7,500 or less: - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Competitive bids or telephone quotes are not legally required for purchases of $7,500 or Tess, however, best practice purchasing will be used to assure that the City obtains quality goods or services at reasonable prices. Spreading purchases out over several months or making separate single purchases, when the total of the purchases is greater than $7,500, circumvents the policies set forth below and is not authorized. 2. Purchases between $7,500 and $15,000: Telephone or written quotations will be obtained from vendors who have requested to be listed on the City's Roster of Vendors for Materials, Supplies and Equipment, in accordance with the requirements of City of Spokane Valley Resolution No. _ , as requested. A purchase order or contract is required for payment to lowest responsible bidder. In the event sufficient qualified vendors are not on the City's Roster of Vendors, formal, competitive sealed bids are required. 3. Purchases of $15,000 and above: Formal, competitive sealed bids are required pursuant to RCW 35.23.352. Advertisement of Request for Bid The department initiating a purchase shall prepare an Advertisement for Bid containing: a. Items(s) or services to be purchased. b. Delivery time requirements including Point of Delivery. c. Bid bond requirements, if applicable. d. Terms of payment, if appropriate. e. Date and time of bid opening. f. The location where detailed specifications are available for public inspection and the cost to obtain a set of plans and specifications. g. Name and telephone number of City contact person. h. Notice that the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. i. Notice that bids received after the scheduled bid opening will not be considered. j. Notice that all bid documents are a public record and subject to disclosure. The Advertisement for Bid must be posted in City Hall and published in the City's official newspaper by the City Clerk once a week for two Consecutive weeks with the last publication being at least 13 days prior to the last date upon which bids will be received. The Advertisement for Bid may be mailed to a listing of vendors from the city's Roster of Vendors by the initiating department. - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - If changes or clarifications to the specifications are issued during the bid period, the initiating department must send a notice to all prospective bidders and a copy filed with the City Clerk. Request for Bid Log The initiating department must prepare a log and record containing the following information: (The log is a formal public record to be filed with the City Clerk after award of the contract or purchase order.) a. The name, address and phone number of every vendor who received a copy of the Advertisement for Bid and Detailed Specifications. b. If communications with prospective bidders occur during the bid period, record the substance of the communication on the bid log. c. The date and time any changes or clarifications to the specifications are sent to bidders. Bid Opening The City Clerk, or his /her designee shall be present at all bid openings to verify the date and time of bid opening; open each bid proposal; announce the bids of each submitter; record the unit prices, sales tax, delivery charge if applicable, and total cost of each bid proposal. A tabulation of bid results will be prepared by the City Clerk and made available to the public following the formal bid opening. Bid Award The requesting department will evaluate the bids, determine and document the lowest responsible bidder, prepare a purchase order or contract, and submit the documentation to the City Manager for submission to the City Council. If a contract is required, secure the City Attorney's approval as to form. Contract or purchase order documents are signed by the City Manager after Council approval. After the purchase order or contract is issued, a copy of the log should be submitted to the Finance Department with the encumbering copy of the purchase order /contract and the unsuccessful vendors should be notified. Amount Approval Authority Process 0 - . 1 000 Department Head Contract /P.O. $1,001 - $15,000 City Manager Contract /P.O. $15,001 - $20,000 (one trade) City Council Contract /P.O. $20,001 - $35,000 (multiple trades) City Council Contract /P.O. $35,001 - $200,000 City Council Small Works Roster or Competitive Bid Competitive Bid City Council B. Procedure - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Public Record Immediately after opening of the bids, the original copy of every bid proposal and a copy of the bid log should be filed with the City Clerk for retention; the bids are a public record. A copy of the proposal of the successful bidder should remain with the initiating department until completion of the purchase and or service. II. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS A. Approval Authority Request for Payment if satisfactory, attach the invoice, and submit the documentation to the Finance Department for payment. 1. Projects that will not exceed $20,000 and a single craft or trade is involved or it is a street signalization project and projects that will not exceed $35,000, and more than one craft or trade is involved. Competitive bids or telephone quotes are not legally required for these public works contracts, however, best practice purchasing will be used to assure the City obtains quality services at reasonable prices. Contracts issued are to be reviewed for form by the City Attorney; payments to contractor will be by purchase order and completion of the Request for Pay form. 2. Projects from $35,000 up to $200,000 Telephone or written quotations will be obtained from vendors who have requested to be listed on the City's Small Works Roster, in accordance with the requirements of City of Spokane Valley Resolution No. and as may be requested (attached as Exhibit "A" to this document). A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. In the event sufficient qualified vendors are not on the City's Small Works Roster, formal, competitive sealed bids are required (as outlined in the following section). - 7 - 3. Projects Over $200,000 - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Formal, competitive sealed bids are required pursuant to RCW 35.23.352. Advertisement for Bid of Public Works Project The Department of Community Development shall prepare an Advertisement for Bid of Public Works Project containing the following information: a. Brief description of the Public Works Project being bid. b. Notice of the requirement of a bid proposal deposit in the amount of 5% of the amount bid in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond in favor of the City of Spokane Valley. c. Terms of payment, if appropriate. d. Date and time of bid opening. e. The location where detailed plans, specifications, and contract documents are available for public inspection and the cost to obtain a set of plans and specifications. f. The name and telephone number of City contact person. g. Notice that the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. h. Notice that bids received after the scheduled bid opening will not be considered. i. Notice that all bid documents are public record and subject to disclosure. The Advertisement for Bid must be posted in City Hall and published in the City's official newspaper by the City Clerk once a week for two consecutive weeks with the last publication being at least 13 days prior to the last date upon which bids will be received. Detailed Plans and Specifications Detailed plans and specifications of public works project will be prepared at the direction of the Director of Community Development, along with an estimate of the cost of such work. The Director will approve the specifications and a certified copy filed with the City Clerk. Copies will be provided to prospective bidders upon payment of a sum equal to the cost of having said documents prepared. Any changes or clarifications to the contract documents, specifications, or design drawings made after advertising and before the bid submittal and bid opening, should be issued to all document holders as numbered and dated addenda. A copy of the change order or clarification must be filed with the City Clerk. Request for Bid Log The initiating department must prepare a log and record containing the following information: (The log is a formal public record to be filed with the City Clerk after award of the contract.) a. The name, address and phone number of every contractor who received a copy of the Detailed Plans and Specifications for the project and the date and time specifications were provided. -8- - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - b. If communications with prospective bidders occur during the bid period, record the substance of the communication on the bid log. Bid Opening The City Clerk , or his /her designee, shall be present at all bid openings to verify the date and time of bid opening; open each bid proposal; announce the bids of each submitter; record the unit prices, sales tax, delivery charge if applicable, and total cost of each bid proposal. A tabulation of bid results will be prepared by the City Clerk and is available to the public immediately following the formal bid opening. Bid Award The requesting department will evaluate the bids, determine and document the lowest responsible bidder, prepare a contract including review as to form by the City Attorney, and submit the documentation to the City Manager for approval and submission to the City Council. After the purchase order or contract is issued, a copy of the log should be submitted to the Finance Department with the encumbering copy of the purchase order /contract and the unsuccessful vendors should be notified. All bid proposal deposits must be returned to the unsuccessful bidders; the 5% bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until a contract is entered into and a bond to perform the work is furnished, with surety satisfactory to the City Council. If the bidder fails to enter into the contract in accordance with his or her bid and furnishes a bond within ten days from the date of being notified of the successful bid, the 5% bid bond will be forfeited to the City of Spokane Valley. Amount Approval Authority Department Head Process Contract/Invoices Contract /Invoices Under $7,501 $7,501 - $15,000 City Manager over $15,000 City Council Contract /Invoices - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Public Record Immediately after opening of the bids, the original copy of every bid proposal and a copy of the bid log should be filed with the City Clerk for retention; the bids are a public record. A copy of the proposal of the successful bidder should remain with the initiating department until completion of the project. III. ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES A. Approval Authority B. Process The initiating department shall prepare a Request for Qualifications and publish in advance of the department's requirements for professional services. The RFQ and its publication is intended to reach those potentially interested consultants that can provide the services required within the established time frame. Whether the RFQ is for a specific project or for a "category or type" of service, it should contain the following information: a. Project title and description b. Scope of services desired. c. Submission deadline. d. Format of response. e. Criteria for selection. f. Number of copies desired. g. Name and telephone number of City contact person. h. Instructions for submittal of qualifications and deadline for response. i. Specific contract provisions, if applicable. j. Notice that all documents submitted are a public record and subject to disclosure. The responses received will be evaluated at the direction of the initiating department against established and consistently applied evaluation criteria. In some cases, top finalists may be selected for an interview procedure for further evaluation and rating. Upon conclusion of the evaluation procedure, a recommendation will be presented to the appropriate budget authority for approval, or to the City Manager for submission to the City Council for approval. Contract negotiations proceed after selection of the most qualified firm at which time statute provides for negotiation of a "fair and reasonable price." Amount Approval Authority Process Under $1,000 Department Head P.O. and Invoices $1,000 - $7,500 City Manager P.O. and Invoices (Discretionary Contract $7,501 - $10,000 City Mana • er Contract /Invoices over $10,000 City Council Contract /Invoices The contract is a legal contract between the City and a vendor and will specify the scope and costs of the services to be provided, as well as the terms of payment. All contracts must be reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney. The contract should be composed of two originals and two copies and is distributed as follows after execution: 1. One original provided to the vendor prior to commencing work. 2. One original provided to the City Clerk. 3. One copy to the Finance Department . 4. One copy to the department responsible for monitoring contract performance and authorizing progress and final payments. IV. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS A. Approval Authority B. Process - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Contracts for professional services such as attorney services, computer programmers, financial consultants, planners, bond counsel, accountants, etc., may be procured by direct negotiation with a selected firm or individual. Although formal competitive bids or Requests for Qualifications are not legally required, it is recommended the process described under Architectural & Engineering Services be followed. V. SOLE SOURCE PURCHASES Compliance to the provisions of these purchasing policies and procedures may be waived upon approval of the City Manager and by resolution of the city declaring that the purchase is clearly and legitimately limited to a single source or supply within the near vicinity, or the materials, supplies, equipment, or services are subject to special market conditions, and recites why this situation exists. VI. EMERGENCY PURCHASES - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Compliance to the provisions of these purchasing policies and procedures may be waived for certain public works projects or purchases in the event of an emergency in order to provide the ability to respond and so as not to compromise the health, safety, or welfare of the people. Within 48 hours of the initiating of the emergency contract or purchase, and declaration of the emergency by the City Manager or budget authority, a purchase order will be prepared indicating the emergency for which issued. Additional justification, documentation or other materials may be required by the City Manager or City Council. Within seven days after the commencement of an emergency public works project, the city or town must record and publish the description and cost estimate of the project. Within two weeks of the finding that such an emergency existed, the city must adopt a resolution certifying the existence of the emergency situation. VII. DEFINITIONS Architectural & Engineering Services - Those services within the scope of practice of architecture, engineering or land surveying. Best Practice Purchasing - Whenever formal written quotes /bids or telephone quotes are not required, competitive relationships with vendors /suppliers /contractors will be shopped or negotiated to assure competitiveness and reasonableness in achieving low cost, good quality and service. Budget Authority - Person(s) authorized to spend funds up to amounts as budgeted on behalf of the city. Competitive Sealed Bid - Notice to bidders is advertised and sealed bids are required. Usually, the bid document is very detailed and specific. Direct Bill Account - The City may negotiate direct bill accounts with local suppliers and authorized employees may purchase items on the city's account with shipping bills matched to invoices for payment. Emergency - A situation which results from the occurrence of a disaster, such as, but not limited to flood, hurricane, riot, power outage, disease, or a situation which may lead to the impairment of the health, safety or welfare of the public, if not immediately attended to. Lowest Responsible Bidder - In addition to price, elements which may be considered when selecting the best bid /proposal, include, but not limited to: 1. Tax revenue the city would receive by purchasing locally. - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - 2. The ability of the bidder to perform the work. 3. The experience, efficiency, reputation, judgment, integrity, and character of the bidder. 4. Ability to perform promptly and within time specified without delay or interference. 5. Performance quality of previous contracts or services. 6. Previous and /or existing compliance by the bidder with laws relating to contracts or services. 7. Financial responsibility of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service. 8. Limitations of any license the bidder may be required to possess. 9. The quality, availability, and /or adaptability of the product or service. 10. Ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and /or service. 11. Life cycle maintenance and performance of the equipment or product. 12. Compatibility and uniformity with existing equipment, services and/or procedures. 13. Other information as may be pertinent and having a bearing on the decision to award the contract. Proposal - The consultant's proposal describing key personnel, technical approach, experience and familiarity with the area, time schedules, work plan, and other information relating to the specific service being sought. Professional Services - An occupation wherein the labor and skill involved is predominantly mental or intellectual rather than physical or manual. Professions included in this category are: Accountants, artists, attorneys, bond brokers, computer programmers/consultants, insurance brokers, economists, financial analysts, planners, real estate appraisers, and codification of municipal ordinances. Purchasing Agent - Person(s) responsible for purchasing in each department/unit. Request for Proposal (RFP) - A solicitation sent to known vendors, usually prepared by a department head or designee, which indicates in a general manner the work or type of service which the city desires to contract. RFP's generally solicit original ideas from experienced and knowledgeable vendors. Roster - Small Works - A listing of prequalified bidders for public works projects of between $30,000 and $100,000. 13- - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Roster - of Vendors for Supplies, Materials and Equipment - A listing of vendors from which bids /telephone quotations will be sought for purchases of supplies, materials, and equipment estimated to cost between $7,501 and $14,999. Statement of Qualifications - A form of proposal wherein the prospective consultant/contractor provides information relating to the proposer's qualifications to perform the type(s) of work being sought, and may include brochures, resumes of key personnel, descriptions of work completed in other places, references, etc. Telephone Quote - Soliciting prices and other terms from vendors by phone wherein records of each contact are maintained. Written Quotation - A written record of prices and other terms provided by prospective vendors in response to written solicitation sent to the prospective vendors by the city. TYPE AMOUNT APPROVAL AUTHORITY PROCEDURE Petty Cash 0 - $1,000 Budget Authority Signed Receipt Purchase of Supplies, Materials or Equipment Direct Bill Account 0 - 81,000 Budget Authority Invoice Field Under 81,000 Department Head P.O. and Invoice $1,000 and Over City Manager P.O. and Invoice Single S100 - 51,000 Department Head P.O. and Invoice 81,000 - 87.500 City Manager P.O. and Invoice 87,501 - $15,000 City Manager Telephone /written quotes from Post€ of Vendors or Competitive Bid over $15,000 City Council Competitive Bid Public Works Contracts 0 - 81,000 Department Head Contract /P.O. $1.001 - 815,000 City Manager City Council Contract /P.O. Contract /P.O. $15,001 - $35.000 (one trade) 820,001 - $35,000 (multiple trades) City Council Contract /P.O. 835,001 - $200,000 City Council Small Works Roster or Compel Bid Over 8200,000 City Council Competitive Bid Emergency Purchase N/A Budget Authority P.O. /Contract within 48 hours Professional Services Under $1,000 Department Head P.O and Invoices S1,000 - $7,500 City Manager P.O. and Invoices (Discretionary Contract) $7,501 - $10,000 City Manager Contract /Invoices over 810,000 City Council Contract /Invoices Architects & Engineers Under 87,501 Department Head Contract /Invoices $L501 - $15,000 City Manager Contract /Invoices over $15,000 City Council Contract /Invoices - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Attachment `A' POLICY PROCEDURE: PURCHASING CONTRACTING Quick Reference Sheet REQUESTED BY: P.O. BY (INITIAL) RECEIVING REPORT: TOTAL DEPT. SIGNATURE: Date: ]APPROVED DATE RECEIVED: DEPT. HEAD /SUPV. SIGNATURE Date: SIGNATURE DEPARTMENT ■ APPROVED QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL • • , • • 1 , , , 1) Above are delivered prices unless otherwise stated. Shipping • 2) Notify Dept. IMMED!ATEL V of non - availability and /or back orders. Subtotal ; 3) Furnish original plus one copy of all invoices. Tax ; - - TOTAL • _ PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY placed on tho WASHINGTON packing slips ad claim TO (VENDOR) : ATTN: ADDRESS: SHIP TO: DEPT. CITY OF EDGEWOOD, WA Mail invoice to: ATTN: Accounts Payable Questions? 11707 E. Sprague Ave. #106 (509) 921 -1000 Fax (509) 921 -1000 Spokane Valley WA 99206 Prices FOB Edgewood. Fed/State Tax Segregated & Set Out Separately PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION: - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Attachment `B' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY By: Purchasing Agent P.O. This number must be invoice labels, voucher. VENDOR NO. DATE: Charge: Fund Dept. Basub Element Object Work Order Function Amount - 16 - Date - Purchasing Policies and Procedures - PURCHASE ORDER COPY DISTRIBUTION: White: to vendor Yellow: Accounts Payable Pink: To NP Upon Receiving Attachment `C' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR PAYMENT (To Be Used When Purchase Order Is Not Applicable) VENDOR NO. DATE: PAYEE NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY STATE ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT notes GOODS /SERVICES RECEIVED BY: DATE: PAYMENT REQUESTED BY: DATE: - 17- ZIP I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is a just, due, and unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said Claim. AARad Call 9widoc Date a L (Diana) (Steve) City of Spokane Valley Council Member Roll CaII List Name 1- Council Member Wilhite 2- Council Member Taylor 3- Mayor DeVleming (Mike) 4- Council Member Schimmels (Gary) 5- Council Member Munson (Rich) 6- Council Member Flanigan (Mike) 7- Council Member Denenny (Dick) *Deputy Mayor Present / Absent I 1— 4 /1 NAME ADDRESS gLii 4.c , S a . 1 •<- - N .7 . /7 /4 9/s e • J. 4 9f.a/ ,� 0- /47 ZD , ?r55 Cti. ffl(� c e o l),‘),\. � 1 .. ')._k 3 '�w■.e.tc.R q ci'.6C 4 (2 0 ) /Y'. beak,. Ma (3gcc 6.. 3) -71- /4-0C-1 Q t3-1( \IE DPril-IV Dat e.�rf: /d3 CITIZEN COMMENTS City of Spokane Valley City Council Meeting Please state your name and address for the Record. Thank you! Prayer by the R.ev. Linda K. Crowe of the United Church of Christ for the 1 -14 -03 meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council. Gracious and compassionate Creator, we invite you to be present with us now. We ask for your guidance tonight, as we conduct the business of this new city. We have been blessed with an incredible opportunity to begin a city. Guide us to build a strong, healthy community, a place where the concerns of ALL the citizens are considered. Thank you, God, for your abiding care and concern for all people. Keep us mindful of your call to care for others. Guide us to be far - sighted and patient. O God, grant us wisdom, compassion, and courage, as we go about our work tonight. Thank you for yourpresence with us now. Amen. Mister Mayor, and Council members In accordance with your 3 minute rule. l would like to ask you to please listen, ponder and not interrupt until I have finished. When I have finished I'll be happy to answer any and all questions. I would like to address once more the changing of the city's name. I know that some of you think that I'm only one man., have you ever thought that 1 just might be the spokesman for many more? You really don't know, however you might be wise to treat me as such. It would be well to remember the and consider the army slogan, A army of one, I know that each of you have spent a lot of time, effort and money to get to sit in the seats you are now setting in. You might say you asked for it. Then why do you waste the council meeting time complaining about your wages? if you didn't know what you were getting in to you shouldn't have asked for the job. 1 have heard that some of you feel that if i don't like the name, The City of Spokane Valley, I should move. That statement is rather childish and doesn't really require a answer but I will address it. I'll not move, but I will do my very best to see to it that we have the opportunity to change the name of our city according to you or those who worked for you said we could prior to the election. I think at this time it would be good to remind you that as council persons, you work for us and you can be replaced.. You do not have a life time job. You can lose it if you don't know just how this can be done please talk to me after the meeting. As councilman Tayor has said this change can be done by a resolution of the council or by petition by the people. One of the councilmen has said that he likes the name the way it is and sees no reason to change it. That if his constituents want it changed they can do it by petition. This would take a bit longer and require a bit more work, but it can be done. Why would he want his constituents to do the job that his is suppose to do and that he or those who represented him said he would do? Is he afraid that the people might change the name to something he would not care for. By resolution this would even give the people a chance to select a alternate name of their choice. There are some of you that think this not important. I disagree, it is important to know you are, what you are and were you are going before you start the trip. We have already started, so this needs to be done sooner rather than later. It is only fair to the city staff, the business people as well as the plain citizens so they can plan for their future. This could be done with out great expense to the city or effort by the city employs and give all those people who are truly interested the opportunity to participate in the selection of the name for their new city. For more on this please sec me after this meeting or call me at home. Now for another matter that i have brought before you folks. The matter of your appearance at the council meeting. I know some of you think I'm out of line, but hear me out. You have the opportunity to set an example for all the surrounding cities as well as the counties round about. This can be done by dressing in a manner that is appropriate to the position you hold. Remember that you are representing 80,000 people. No there is no dress code. Should one really be required for any one in your position? 1 don't think so your are not school children. You should all act and dress as professionals. After last weeks meeting I was told by a council person that if he were out of town or at a place representing the city he would change his dress mode. Is not his appearance before his constituents in a formal meeting just as important or doesn't he feel the people he represents are worthily of it? if you are going to lead you have to stand a little taller than those around you. You need to look professional. At this time all of you have the opportunity to bring back the dignity of the position you hold. This could set an example for other cities, counties, and even school districts. It could be a start to bring back a sense of respect, responsibility, truthfulness, and integrity into the political world. If you need a example of what you should looking like just look at your staff. They really out shine you at this time. 1 hope you can except this challenge and rise above it. Thank you. DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: Dec. 17, 2002 (continued) January 7, 2003 (continued) January 14, 2003 APPROVED FOR COON/ IL PACKET: Form City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To SUBMITTED BY: Mayor DeVleming CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001 TITLE: Appointments to Regional Boards and Committees ATTACHMENTS: (a) List of Boards and Committees (as compiled to date, 12/13/02) (b) Updated schedule dated 1/7/03 TYPE OF ACTION: Ordinance Resolution Motion X Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Confirm individuals appointed by Mayor DeVleming to the Boards and Committees identified on Attachment "A" to Agenda Bill No. 2002 -001 DISCUSSION: Councilmembers have an interest in participating in the various County, Regional, State boards and committees in order to assure that the interests of the City of Spokane Valley residents are represented and to communicate to the City residents information about various issues and actions that may affect the community. The mayor has appointed councilmembcrs /staff to these boards and commissions to assure that no one individual is overburdened with the need to attend meetings on behalf of the City. ALTERNATIVES: Do not appoint representatives to the County, Regional, State boards and committees. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: general revenue AMOUNT BUDGETED: S0.00 (budget still in development) AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROTECT: unknown amounts for mileage /travel expenses Board /Commission City Delegate City Alternate Delegate Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Councilmember Gary Schimmels Mayor Mike DeVleming Spokane Transit Authority (STA) Councilmember Dick Denenny Councilmember Gary Schimmels Spokane County Growth Management Steering Committee Councilmembers Steve Taylor and Rich Munson Councilmembers Mike Flanigan, Dick Denenny, Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, and Mayor Mike DeVleming Economic Development Council (EDC) Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite Councilmember Steve Taylor Convention Center and Visitors Bureau Councilmember Dick Denenny Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Hotel. /Motel) Councilmember Mike Flanigan Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite Mirabeau Point Board Councilmember Dick Denenny Councilmember Rich Munson Bridging the Valley Sub- Committee of STA Mayor Mike DeVleming Councilmember Gary Schimmels Date: January 14, 2003 To: Councilmembers City Staff From: Mayor Mike DeVleming CITY OE SPOKANE VALLEY MEMORANDUM Re: Appointments to Regional Boards and Committees 1 am making the following appointments of City of Spokane Valley officials to Regional Boards and Committees for one -year terms, subject to re- appointment at the end of the calendar year, December 31, 2003. Board/Committee Meeting Date/Time Contact Name & Phone "Bridging the Valley" (project) Not Applicable Glen Miles, 343 -6370 Convention Center & Visitors Bureau Second Thursday of each month, 801 West Riverside Avenue, First Floor (1 year appointment) John Brewer, 624 -1341 EDC (Economic Development Council) Fourth Wednesday of each month; meeting on January 22, 7:30 to 9 a.m. (one year commitment). Jim Huttenmaier, 742 -9358 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Hotel/Motel) City — January Martina Simms, 625 -6250 Tanya Gunter, 242 -2780 _ ? County — December: 2003 Mirabeau Point Board Mondays, 3:30 to 5 p.m., Journal of Business, 429 East Third Greg Bever, Journal of Business, 456 -5257 Spokane County Growth Management Steering Committee Next meeting is on 1/13/03, at 9 a.m., Spokane Transit Authority, 1230 West Boone. Paul Jensen, 477 -7213 Terri Bidowski, Secretary 477 -7227 C1 Karin\Mcmorandum to Stan McN & Ruth - 1- 3 -Qidoc City of Spokane Valley Memorandum Date: January 10, 2003 To: Mayor DeVleming, Lee Walton, Stan McNutt, and Ruth Muller From: Karin Bosworth Subject: Boards & Commissions — Meeting Dates and Times As requested, here is a list of the boards and commissions from Stan's memo of December 13, 2002, to Lee Walton. F'age 1 of 2 Board /Committee Meeting Date/Time Contact Name & Phone # Spokane Regional Board meetings are held the Glen Miles, 343 -6370 Transportation Council second Thursday of every (Judy, secretary) (SRTC) month at 1:30 p.m. (1 to 1.5 hours) in the Intermodal Center at 221 West First Avenue, Third Floor (Suite 310), Spokane; a Councilmernber would be elected after incorporation; they will notify us at that tinge. Next meeting is on January 9 at SRTC. A technical committee is also appointed. The City's Public Works and Planning Director would represent the City. Spokane Transit Next meeting is on January 15, Robert Schweim, Authority (STA) 2003 — 9 a.m. (generally, their meetings are the third Mondays of each month). Executive Director, 325 -6095 Page 2 Thank you. C:1Karin\Memorandum to Ston MW & Ruth - 1- 3- 03.doc Page 2 of 2 City of Spokane Valley Memorandiun Date: December 13, 2002 To: Lee Walton From: Stan McNutt Subject: Board and Commission Appointments Review of the initial list of potential appointments for the new City of Spokane Valley reveals that only a few are necessary or appropriate at this time. Those which should be considered immediately are as follows: • Spokane Regional Transportation Council, needs an appointed official. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month. Contact is Glen Miles, 363 -6370. • Bridge the Valley — Will need a Council representative with staff support. Contact is Glen Miles, 363 -6370. No meeting information. Preliminary contact indicates the City may be asked for $100,000 in 2003. • Spokane Transit Authority — Needs a member of the Council. Contact person is Robert Schweim, Executive Director, 325 -6095. Meeting Information? • Spokane County Steering Committee of Elected Officials — They are currently updating bylaws. Leader is Paul Jensen, 477 -7213. Meeting Information? • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Hotel/Motel) — A Councilrnember's attendance at their meeting on Wednesday, December 18, would help the transition to a City lodging tax advisory committee later. Some funding issues may also be discussed. Contact is Jeff Fox, at the Valley Doubletree, 922 -6214. C:1 Stall \Mcnmorund to Lee - 12.13- 02.doc Page 1 of 3 • Mirabeau Point Board — Probably no reason to change current citizen makeup, but a Councilmember's attendance would be important as well as the Interim Parks Director. Meetings are Mondays, 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Journal of Business, 429 East Third. The contact is Greg Bever, 456 -5257. • Economic Development Council (EDC) — Need a Councilmember. Contact is Jim Huttenmaier., 742 -9358. Meeting place(s) and schedule? • Convention and Visitors Bureau — One Councilmember needed. Contact is John Brewer, 624 -1341. Meeting place(s) and schedule? C:IStanl Nteinoranduin to Lee - 12- 13- 02.doc Page 2 of 3 Existing County Boards, Commissions, and Committees (pending determination of function for Spokane Valley, i.e. organizational structure, contracts, interlocals, etc.): Local Emergency Management Planning Committee (interlocal agreement), Animal Control Conunittee, Arts Commission, Bicycle Advisory Board, Boiler Examiners and Appeals Board, Chase Youth commission, Citizens Review Commission, Civil Service Commission, Community Development Board, Construction Review Board, Design Review Committee, Fire Code Advisory and Appeals Board, Historic Landmarks Commission (In terlocal Agreement), Human Rights Commission, Human Services Advisory Board, Police Advisory Committee, Public Facilities District (Interlocal Agreement), Spokane .Housing Authority, Spokane County Steering Committee of Elected Officials. Employee's Retirement Board, Plan Commission, Spokane Public Library Board of Trustees, SEACAB, Pubic Development Authority, Local Law Sr Justice Council, Local Emergency Management Planning Committee (:Interlocal Agreement), Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), Cable Advisory Board, Sister Cities Association of Spokane, Spokane Transportation Management Center. Aging and Long -Term Care of Eastern Washington, Association of Northeast Washington Mayors, Association of Washington Cities (AWC), Directors of the Industrial Development Corporation of Spokane County, Spokane City, Spokane Area Workforce Development Council (Interlocal Agreement), Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority (SCAPCA), Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs (SNAP). C: \Strn\ Memorandum to Lee - 12- 13- O2.doc Page 3 of 3 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. head Attorney Approve To Form CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -01 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: Authorize the purchase TYPE OF ACTION: REQUESTED: of computer equipment January 14, 2003 ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum dated Dec. 16, 2002, Status Report on computer systems SUBMITTED BY: Interim Deputy City Manager and Interim Finance Director STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Authorize the City Manager to purchase computer equipment as presented and reviewed by the Finance Committee. Ordinance Resolution X Motion Other DISCUSSION: Projected personnel work station computers needed for the next phase is to purchase 16 additional PCs to prepare for the staffing proposal that is before the Council. We should negotiate a price which includes internal modem cards. They are very inexpensive and may be added with no additional cost, depending on the package. This gives us temporary flexibility in dialup until a permanent, sophisticated system is completely installed. ALTERNATIVES: No action. No more operable work stations as of this date. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE. OF FUNDS: General Fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: Finance Committee review AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: purchase 10 used computers, 16 new ones, consulting and Installation, $40,000 Computer system report 12/.16/2002 Stan McNutt. City of Spokane Valley Memorandum Date: To: Robert W. From: Subject: Status Report — Computer Systems December 16, 2002 ck, Interim Finance Director Stan McNutt, Interim Deputy City Manager We are experiencing the normal conflict between trying to generate a long -range plan for our permanent computer system and the necessary timing for startup incorporation of a new City. The problem is related to the statutory timing of elections, the necessities of a fast interim startup, combined with incorporation in time to receive revenues in March 2003. The IT report is based on the best information assumptions available during the pre incorporation period. However, our need for importing, processing, sharing, and storage of documents actually started on Day 1, when no facilities were available. A good example was how we had to carry out the city's business using personal cell phones. As difficult as that may sound, i1 was necessary for the interim team to begin working effectively. We immediately needed email document processing and storage. With no telephones, a loaner system was procured, and then I discovered that our PCs had no modems. In addition, the loaner telephones were digital and the modems are analog, which creates a problem using the standard modem switching approach. The answer was outboard modems and use of two lines. The IT report calls for ALL data to be available on the servers only, which would have been impossible until we had a complete networked server system. The data capability of the loaner PCs is adequate for now. Networking hard wire is the sarne for a temporary or a permanent system. Thus the wiring to the hub center is a good investment. Our first challenge was to tone, tag, and install the telephone lines and data lines needed for a temporary (and permanent) system. We discovered that many of the telephone and data lines were wired to the third floor only, and did not return to the telephone terminal room in a way we could use them. It was simpler to reinstall some of the lines over the ceiling to the terminal boards. Also the cubicles near the windows had some good data lines to the terminal room but no power to the internal power strips while those on the north side of the room had power but the data lines only went to the 3` floor. Getting work spaces functioning has taken some effort ! The overall phasing challenge has been one of timing, lawful purchase procedures, budget authority, council decisions, and interim department decisions (staffing, etc.). It makes it impossible in the first few weeks to plan a permanent computer system. Financial software must be considered before specifying the permanent server and its security systems. In addition, the planning and permitting software must also be determined so the specifications for the system will fit the software plan. Finance accounting can run (as you have said) on Excel until decisions on the financial software building and administration software have been made. In the meantime, we have pursued the following strategy: C: \Documents and Settings\smcnu \My Documents\ Memorandum Ccimputersysten report Stan - ]2- 76- 02,doc Page of 2 i Computer system report 12/16/2002 Stan McNutt • Hard wire networking to the temporary server: new lines where necessary PARTIALLY DONE) • Utilize central printing with temporary server (DONE) • Some document shared use for draft/redraft between departments; Saves disk transfers to upload and download every modification (DONE); • Minor instant PC screen messaging between workstations (DONE); • Some limited redundancy in the temporary server hard drives (DONE); We also could use a power supply backup and will need a small, inexpensive to protect your temporary financial information. With the temporary system functioning, the following are actions which can phase us into a permanent system: (ASAP) 1. Hardwire (tone tag, and punch) all work office and cubicle workstations to the server room. We will need two data and one analog for each workstation. Most of these exist but must be identified and tagged. (ASAP) (ASAP) 2. Purchase the ten existing PCs or replace them. (ASAP) 3. Purchase 16 additional PCs to prepare for the staffing proposal which is before the Council. We should negotiate a price which includes internal modem cards. They are very inexpensive and may be added with no additional cost, depending on the package. This gives us temporary flexibility in dialup until a permanent, sophisticated system is completely installed (ASAP) 4. Issue an RFP for a telephone system as soon as possible, to replace the loaner system which will be completely maxed out within two weeks. (Jan - Feb) 5. Issue a Request for Qualifications to choose a system designer. (Feb -Mar) 6. Issue an RFP for a permanent computer system and installation /service. (Apr - May) 7. Bring on staff a qualified IT person (as recommended by the IT transition report) or a mid - level, part time IT person with an associated consultant backup contract. ( 2004 ?) S. Hire a full -time ( ?) IT manager. (if not done earlier) I will have pricing options and budget impact estimates for you as soon as the vendor(s) have responded to further questions. C: Documents and Set tings\smcnutt\My Documents\ Memorandum Computer systen report Stan - 12- 1&- 02.doc )'age of 2 2 - CHECK DATE CHECK :,,,UMBER' . •. AMOUNT - PAYEE DESCRIPTION , ' DEPAR'r\tENT 1/1.1/2003 32 $56795 -_- : _. Coffee Systems, Inc, Coffee supplies 1/141'2(103 33 . 994:89 - — - — - - ---- F ax; embi i t, - mist supplies — CorpOritc Express lncT - - --- 1/14/2003 . 34 461.33 _ __ Itusi? cards Crnnti, Business S}Tstemi, lnc. 1/14/2003 _ , 35 467.50 y` Lilc Moving & Stg, CO. _.., : .. r�Aovmg fumuurc — - -, - - - _ . 1/14/2003 36 51689 �_ Modern Office Egwpment, Inc. 2 IBM Wtic'c writer Typewriters 1/14/2003 37 6796 — Stan Stan F„ McNutt Reimburse.ment- 25ft Meas.Tape -� 1/14/2003 36 200:00 Robert l�° NOSSCk - - Re SNatc Finch. Co-oli " A rrni 1/14/2003 39 - _- I i 4 i s c office iuppliie§; 81g folding tables -- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1;244.93 Office hi • 1 / 1 4 1 2 0 0 3 1/14/2003 40'^ _ 467_31 Cily oI Spokane Valley, - PrTTY CASH - - "- Misc supplies, add't amt - t0 increase fund 1/14/2003 41 " 1,458,12 Phones nes Plus — - — L-abur, phones g supplies 1/14/2003 42 Proj.Mgmt services, interim - staff cost 35,466.73 Pmthm i Company 1/14/2003 43 _ 400.00 5p0kane Chamber of Commerce Registration: DickDe°ieFtr y " - 1/11/2003 44 _._ 35;647.64 -. - Sjxikiinc Couritr- Treason -r . --"' -_. �_ Piima'0C Cen. Elecdun costs -- - - FOR TIME ITEMS INDICATED BELOW: APPRO - FINANCE COMMITTEE RICHARD MUNSON CM A:R'r1'N Claim Voucher Wane 1- 13-03 O u t o DIANA WILHITE CLAIM VOUCHER LISTING CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99206 S STEVE TAYLOR Council Meeting 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 CULCk DATE _ CHECK' NUMBF.R "..- AMUU'.T PAYEE U15CRIPTION DEPARTMENT. 1/14/2003 45. _ g30.00 - - E -siie Flot maj� -- - - SpokanQ Co. Information Services 1/14/2003 46 - 15.00 Spokane Vatley Chamber of Commerce -` _� ____ - ]/]d/2003 47 - -- 164.40 Legal Notices p - e TheS SP- Review 1/14/2003 48 _ 149.00 3he5jxikesman- Re-4etiv ' " -- - 1 yrsubsraijition 1/14/2003 49 134.26 - .- Verizon Wireless, Beilevue Miinthly services & rn k. chgs. 1/14/2003 50 231.54 WA ST Office of Code Reviser - --" `" Re Code of Wash. - & disk 1 /14/2003 51 120.00 — Leland M, Walton- - — ._.. . _ . RambvcsemPait: misc phone chgs 1!14/2003 52 400.00 Diana Re�mb: iegistSp�ikari Chamber of Comm: - 1/14/2003 53 201.00 Zc Public - _ - -- _- _ _� Tabor chi; foi network connections 1/14/2003 '1000.00 • . - 54' Mike DeVleating Paymt time served 11/20/02-1/20/03 ` ' 1/14/2003 55 800.00 . - - _. — -' Pa time served 11/20/02-1/20/73 Dick Denenny ' 1 114/2003 56 800.00 MI kc 17:►nif;an - — Pa}'m time me servcit 11720/02-1/20/03 1/14/2003 57 - 800.00 - - Richarif Munson '"- ` -_ `- -- " - -_ Paymt 6me served 11/20/02-1/20/03 - FOR THE ITEMS INDICATED BELOW: APPROVED - FINANCE COM,Nil - I - PEE RICHARD MUNSON G41 :RWVN A :Claim Voucher l isti> p$ 2. 1.1343 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99206 DIANA WILHITE CLAIM VOUCHER LISTING 5A1 STEVE TAYLOR Council Meeting 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 FOR THE YENS INDICATF,D BELOW: c M RWN A:Chiiti Voucher listing I7 3. 1 -13-03 0 CLAIM VOUCHER LISTING CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99206 Council Meeting 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 „dz DIANA 4 ■%HITS STEVE Y'AIYLOR CHECI:DATE . CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT PAYEE . DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT 1/14f2003 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 58 59 60 TOTAL; • 5 800.00 . .: -_ -- Faymt d 11 )20/024/20/03 - PaymT tllmeserved 11/20/024120/03 hayiiit time served 11/20/02- 1/20/03 CaiV Saiiminels _ ----L--------'-- �_ 800,00 800 584.706.76 ..._ - Steve Taylor . • - liana Wilhite - - . _ - FOR THE YENS INDICATF,D BELOW: c M RWN A:Chiiti Voucher listing I7 3. 1 -13-03 0 CLAIM VOUCHER LISTING CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99206 Council Meeting 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 „dz DIANA 4 ■%HITS STEVE Y'AIYLOR Date: January 1.3, 2003 To: City Council From: Councilmember Rich Munson Subject: Ordinance 23 kb City of Spokane Valley Memorandum I propose that Ordinance 23 be amended as follows: (Section 2 -M be added) The City Manager will establish procedures to insure that all department heads and their employees, as the highest administrative priority, understand and execute the principles of outstanding customer service for the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley. The City Manager must possess and demonstrate this same understanding. Section 7. The City Manager need not be a resident at the time of his/her appointment, but shall reside in the City within three (31 months of such appointment, 60,1 KarinIMemorandum to Council frorn Rids Munson - 1- 1303.doc Page 1 of 1 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form ALTERNATIVES: SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003-017 TITLE: Position profiles and salary range for Deputy City Manager, Planning Director, Finance Director, Building Official and Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Prothman Company memo dated Jan. 8, 2003 with attachments TYPE OF ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve position profiles and salary ranges for the permanent positions of Deputy City Manager, Planning Director, Finance Director, Building Official and Public Works Director. DISCUSSION: At a regular meeting on December 17, 2002, the City Council authorized execution of Contract No. CO2 -04 with Prothman Company to assist the City in the recruitment for the positions of Deputy City Manager, Planning Director, Finance Director, Building Official and Public Works Director. Draft position profiles, salary ranges and proposed time tables for recruitment of these positions has been developed by Prothman Company as included on the attachment to this agenda hill. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General fund revenue AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet developed AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: funding included under Contract No. CO2 -04 Ordinance Resolution Motion Other P Prothman C O M P A N Y January 8, 2003 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Spokane Valley From: Greg Prothman Prothman Company RE: Recruitments for Permanent Positions Please find attached the position profiles, salary surveys and search timelines for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Planning Director, Public Works Director, and Building Official positions. Each of these are draft documents and 1 would appreciate any changes or insights you might have. Once Council is satisfied and has accepted each position profile 1 will then begin creating the announcement flyer and other advertising materials. I have also included a proposed salary range for each position. The salary ranges presented reflect the current market as compiled by the AWC Salary Survey. Cities from both the east and west side were chosen (consistent with the City Manager salary survey) based on population and similarity of function of the position being reviewed. Each recruitment also has a search timeline outlining the recruitment process and time frame for each milestone. Also included is the master search schedule outlining key points for all of the searches listed by date. I would request. that Council review and edit, as you see appropriate, each position profile and salary range and then formally adopt the salary ranges. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. 10853 8th NW, Seattle, Washington 98177 1 TEL 206.368.0050 1 FAX 206.368.00601 www.prothman.com DEPUTY CITY MANAGER Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES: CITY BUDGET: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Deputy City Manager. Cily of Spokane Valley The City Council has retained Lee Walton, Interim City Manager and Stan McNutt, Interim Deputy City Manager to lead the pre - incorporation team in creating this new organization. Neither will be a candidate for the Deputy City Manager position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the Valley, the operalion of a ferry across the THE CITY CITY MANAGER $XXXX 40 FTEs (estimated) $35 MILLION (estimated) 83,000 MARCH 21, 2003 Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small com.munities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, City of Spokane Valley 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned • The Deputy City • Manager assists the City Manager in managing the work activities of city staff comprised oft an estimated 35 to 40 full time positions when fully staffed for this contract community and the implementation of Council policies and laws, and the delivery of City services. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as ,the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new Deputy City Manager must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service Spokane Valley residents. THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Deputy City Manager Position Profile Page 2 respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City is currently conducting recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the 'importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Deputy City Manager will need to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Deputy City Manager will assist the City Manager in helping organization gain its sense of identity City of Spokane Valley and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point This 80 -acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State Parks & Recreation, Spokane County, and the YMCA. Mirabeau Point, Inc., a private non - profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point to be transferred to Spokane County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley, talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to the City instead' For more information on Mirabeau Point development plans go to www.rnirabeaupoi nt.org. • Sewer Plant and Collection System The City is in an aquifer protection area and for the past 10 years, the County has been implementing a program to eliminate septic tanks in the area by providing a sewer system. The program is planned to continue through 2010 and the City intends to contract with the The ideal candidate will have been a successful Deputy City Manager or Assistant City Manager in a contract city with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. '1 The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of municipal government and the challenges facing newly created cities. He/she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while assisting in establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through e icellent oral and written CANDIDATE PROFILE Dcputy City Manager Position Profilc Page 3 County to complete and operate the sewer system. Sewage treatment is currently provided by the City of Spokane through an interlocal agreement with the County. The issue of future regional wastewater treatment will need to be resolved in the next two years. The City will play a significant role in this process. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Deputy City Manager will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. He/She will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a team. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Deputy City Manager will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the City of Spokane Valley organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. The candidate who can demonstrate that he or she has helped to develop a sense of pride in his/her city will be very interesting to the City Manager. Deputy City Managers who have had previous experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. Preference will be Even to candidates who have a demonstrated ability to establish and maintain contacts with various local, regional, national government agencies and private organizations. The City will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and collaborating with both public and private agencies to achieve goals. Deputy City Manager Position Profile Page 4 COMPENSATION • 585,000 to $105,000 DQQ • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401 A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a deputy or assistant city manager. Experience in a private sector service related business would be a plus. A Bachelors Degree in public administration, business or applicable field is required. A Masters Degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by MARCH 21, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: IP rotliniari 10853 81h NW TEL 206.368.0050 greg@prolhman.com C O M P A N Y I Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothmon.com City Federal Way Kent Shoreline Kirkland Sam.mamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland , City of Spokane Valley Deputy City Manager Salary Review January 8, 2003 Title Asst. Manager Asst Admin. Officer City Manager City Manager Deputy City Manager Asst. City Manager Asst. City Manager 73,040 Asst. City Manager 55,780 Deputy City Manager 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 Population 83,890 81,900 53,150 45,77() 34,560 30.190 Monthly Average Annual Average Salary 7,763 9,150 8,501 10,127 9,154 8,054 $8,791. $105,492 8,377 7,441 8,688 $8,168 $98,016 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey and the Washington City /County Managers 2002 salary survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. I rothma.ii ( 10853 81h NW I TEL 206,368.0050 I sr egaprothmon.com • C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98 i 77 FAX 206.368.0060 www,prothman.com Deliver of draft Position Profile 1./16/03 City.Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Be.in "advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 3/21/03 Status report to the City Council 4/I 1/03 Deadline for candidate materials & supplemental questionnaires 4/25/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 First work session with the City Manager 5/6/03 Set up in times 5/7/03 5/9/03 Semi - finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/19/03 Second workshop 5/20/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/29/03 Final interviews 5/30/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPUTY CITY MANAGER PROPOSED TIME TABLE P rothmall ( 10853 8th NW I TEL 206.368.0050 grog @piothnon.com C 0 M P A N Y Scottie, W A 98 I77 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothnnn.com PL.ANNING DIRECTOR Draft Position Profile RETORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES: POL VLATION• CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on M ?rch 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Planning Director. sppl . n i WASHINGTON City or Spokane Valley The City Council has retained Jim Harris as Interim Planning, Director to lead the development of this new department. Mr. Harris will not be a candidate for the Planning Director position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the Valley, the operation of a ferry across the THE CITY CITY MANAGER 40 FTES (estimated) 83,000 Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique Lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. City of Spokane Valley Countless Takes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned The Planning Director will report directly to the City Manager and will exercise substantial independent judgment regarding the daily work activities of the department. The Planning Director will manage the department's budget and will supervise the daily work activities of an estimated 8 to 10 Department Staff. The successful candidate will initially develop, implement, and enforce the City's laws and regulations relating to construction, design, zoning, and subdivisions in addition to providing advice to Spokane Valley citizens regarding the comprehensive plan, zoning and related ordinances. The Planning Director will also develop and present recommendations on new developments and codes to the Planning Commission and City Council and will also manage GMA implementation, comprehensive planning and will also serve as the City's SEPA Official. • Customer Ser The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as 'the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Planning Director Position Profile Page 2 respect as an important piece of the inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new Planning Director must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is City of Spokane Valley demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service.to Spokane Valley residents. • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Planning Director will need to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Planning Director will assist the City Manager in helping the organization gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point This 80 -acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State Parks & Recreation, Spokane County, and the YMCA. Mirabeau Point, Inc., a private non - profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point to be transferred to Spokane County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley,, talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to The ideal candidate; will have been a successful Planning Director in a city with a population between 30,000 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of municipal planning and the challenges facing newly created cities. He /she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council CANDIDATE PROFILE Planning Director Position Profile Page 3 the City instead. For more information on Mirabeau Point development plans go to www. mirabeaupoint.org. • One Stop Permit Center Making the City's permitting process easier and more convenient for Spokane Valley residents is a very high priority with the City Council. The Building, Planning and Public Works Departments will be partnering in establishing a one stop permit center where all City permits can be obtained at one location. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major Local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Planning Director will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation at City Hall. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written comtnunications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. He /She will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. City of Spokane Valley The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a team. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Planning Director will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. Managers who ha''e had previous experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. COMPENSATION • $80,000 to $100,000 DOQ Planning Director Position Profile F'age 4 • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability • 401A: Social Security Replacement • PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement • Deferred Compensation Plan • Eleven Holidays • Vacation R. Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a Planning Director. A Bachelors Degree in urban planning, public administration, or applicable field is required. A Masters degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by , 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothrnan: iF rot1irrian 1 10853 81h NW I T 1 206.368,0050 I gregOprothean.com C' O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothmon.com City of Spokane Valley Planning /Community Development Director City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland Salary Review January 8, 2003 Title Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devi. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Monthly Average Annual Average Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $80,000 • $100,000 Population Salary 83,890 9,010 81,900 8,215 61,000 7,947 53,840 7,278 53,150 8,501 45,770 8,941 34,560 9,154 30,190 8,100 $8,393 $100,71 73,040 55,780 39,350 7,594 7,441 9.476 $8,170 $98,043 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman 10853 8th NW I in 206.368.0050 I gregeprothmon.com . C O M P A N Y Seattle. WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothman,com Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1 /21 /03 Begin advertising and recruiting 2/24/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 Status resort to the Cit Council 4/3/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 First work session with the City Council 4/22/03 Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 Semi - finalists interviews 4/30/03 5/2/03 Second workshop 5/6/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15/03 Final interviews 5/16/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING DIRECTOR PROPOSED TIME TABLE H rothmall 1 10853 81h NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I gregeprothman,com COMPANY Seattle, WP, 98 i 77 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothman.eom FI NANCE D IRECTOR Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CI' EMPLOYEES: Cl`I` BUDGET: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providi ng municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th' largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Finance Director. City of Spokane Valley The City Council has retained an Interim Finance Director to lead the pre- incorporation process of creating the new finance department. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the Valley, the operation of a ferry across the Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne. St. bridge. In the 1900s small THE CITY CITY MANAGER $xxxxx 40 FT's (estimated) $35 MILLION (estimated) 83,000 3/21/03 communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and a.re now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, City of Spokane Valley 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned The Director of Finance reports directly to the City Manager and will plan, organize and manage the daily; operations of the City's Finance functions This position will be responsible for overseeing the accounting functions, including general ledger, cash management, purchasing, LID's, revenues and debt, benefits and irelated tax processing, and financial reporting as well as leading the preparation of the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The Director will also be involved in capital project budgeting and compliance monitoring. The Finance Director is responsible for developing, maintaining, and reviewing the City's accounting policies and procedures to ensure efficiency and compliance with federal, state and local Taws, regulations, policies and procedures, GAAP'and GASB. It will also be important to develop a budget capable of • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as 'the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Finance Director Position Profile Page 2 respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. winning the Washington Finance Officers' Distinguished Budget Award. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interviews scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. Every new employee including the new Finance Director must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each Finance Department employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokane Valley residents. City of Spokane Valley • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Finance Director will assist the City Manager in the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Finance Director will assist the City Manager in helping the organization gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point This 80 -acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State Parks & Recreation, Spokane County; and the YMCA. Mirabeau Point, Inc., a private non - profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point to be transferred to Spokane The ideal candidate will have been a successful Finance Director in a contract city with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. He/she should be seen as honest, hard- working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation within their department. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have CANDIDATE PROFILE Finance Director Position Profile Page 3 County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley, talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to the City instead. For more information on Mirabeau Point development plans go to www. mirabeaupoint.org. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Finance Director will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. a collaborative approach to fostering cooperation between City's Departments. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Finance Director will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. The candidate who can demonstrate that he or she has helped to develop a sense of pride in his/her city will be very interesting to City Managers. Finance Directors who have had pre vious experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. City of' Spokane Valley The City Manager • will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and collaborating with both public and private agencies. COMPENSATION • $55,000 to $105,000 DOQ • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation &Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Finance Director Position Profile Page 4 Candidates must have at least six to eight years of professional governmental finance experience, including five years in a Finance Director role. A Bachelors (Degree in accounting, finance, or a related field is required, with either a MBA or MPA preferred. The ideal candidate will have strong knowledge of GAAP, GASI3 34 and the CAFR, and be committed to excellent customer service. He /She will have a proven track record of planning and coordinating internal staff and functions. Strong preference will also be given to candidates who possess a CPA and a high skill level in accounting software programs. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by MARCH 21, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: Prothman 10853 8th NW TEL 206.368.0050 groggprothmon.com C . O M P A N Y I Seattle, WA 98 177 I FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothman.com City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland City of Spokane Valley Title Mgmt. Services Dir. Finance Director Finance Director Finance & Info Dir. Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Support Services Dir. Finance Director Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 Finance Director Salary Review January 8, 2003 Population 83,890 81,900 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34,560 30.190 Monthly Average Annual Average 73,040 55,780 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average. Salary 9,010 8,568 7,947 9,551 8,501 9,641 9,154 9,692 $9,008 $108,096 7,594 7,441 8,268 $7,767 $93,211 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman 1 10853 8th NW 1 TEL 206.368.0050 I greg©prothmart.com C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.trrothmancorn Deliver of draft Position Profile 1 /16 /03 City Council reviews and aeprove the Position Profile 1/21/03 Begin advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 3/21/03 Status report to the City Council 4/11/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/25/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 First work session with the City Council 5/6/03 Set up interview times 5 /7/03 5/9/03 Semi- finalists interviews 5 /7/03 5/19/03 Second workshop 5/20/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/30/03 Final interviews 5/31/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FINANCE DIRECTOR PROPOSED TIME TABLE P rotllill I 10853 81h NW - Fa 206.368.0050 I greg8prothmon.cem C 0 M P A N Y 5eotlle, WA 98 177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothmon.com BUILDING OFFICIAL Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th` largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Building Offical. City ofSpukune Valley The City Council has retained Bob Ely to lead the process of creating the new Building Department. Mr. Ely will not be a candidate for the Building Official position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the THE CITY CITY MANAGER $XXXX 83,000 MARCH 7, 2003 Valley, the operation of a ferry across the Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Building Official provides overall coordination, enforcement and specialized assistance for building inspections to ensure the City is in compliance with all statutory requirements. The Building Official will supervise an estimated six to eight Building Department employees. The department employees are responsible for performing plan reviews and inspections of commercial, multi- family dwelling units, shbrt plats, subdivisions and single family residences in the process of construction, alteration or repair for compliance with uniform building code requirements and other regulations and provides public information and referral. The Building Official interprets and enforces building, mechanical, plumbing, and energy codes. • • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Building Official Position Profile Page 2 The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new Building Official must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee City of Spokane Valley conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokane Valley residents. • One Stop Permit Center Making the City's permitting process easier and more convenient for Spokane Valley residents is a very high priority with the City Council. The Building, Planning and Engineering Departments will be partnering in establishing a ,one stop permit center where all City permits can be obtained at one location. • Continuing the Development of the New Department The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorpxiration. The new Building Official will need to continue the process of organizational development as the department begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the Building The ideal candidate will have been a successful Building Official in a city with a population between 30,000 — ° 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of a building department and the challenges facing newly created cities. He /she should be seen as honest, hard- working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach. The Building Official will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the CANDIDATE PROFILE Building Official Position Profile Page 3 Official will also need to help the Department gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it. is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Building Official will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. This individual must have a working knowledge of construction practices, codes, and land use planning concepts and a thorough understanding of zoning, municipal and administrative codes, and the public information process. He /she will have excellent communication skills to deal effectively with architects, engineers, and other development professionals and will be skilled in problem - solving and have the ability to make accurate and immediate decisions. COMPENSATION • S62,000 - $78,000 DOCK • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability • 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement City of Spokane Valley ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE The ideal candidate should have extensive knowledge and background in engineering, construction techniques, codes, management and interpersonal skills: Candidates must have a minimum of five to seven years progressively responsible experience as a Building Official. A Building Official Position Profile Page 4 Bachelors Degree with major course work in civil engineering, constructions management or a related field is desired. A Certified Building Official certificate from ICBO is required. A licensed professional entgineer or architect certificate is highly desired. A valid Washington driver's license is required at time of appointment. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by March 7, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: P rothman 10853 8th NW TEL 206.368.0050 I gregeprothman,com C OMPANY I Seattle, WA 98177 I FAX 206.368.0060 www.prolhman.com City of Spokane Valley Building Official Director Salary .Review January 14, 2003 City Title Population Salary Federal Way Building Official 83,890 6,098 Kent Building Official 81,900 6,627 Lakewood Building Official 61,000 6,023 Renton Building Official 53,840 6,278 Shoreline Building Official 53,150 6,640 Kirkland Building Official 45,770 7,773 University Place Building Official 30.190 6,400 Monthly Average $6,548 Annual Average $78,581 Yakima Building Official 73,040 6,252 Kennewick Building Official 55,780 5,492 Richland Building Official 39,350 6,214 Monthly Average $5,986 Annual Average $71,832 Recommended Annual Salary Range: $63,000 - $78,000 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman � 10853 8th NW I TB. 206.368.0050 I gre8eprodn�n:.�teoin C O M P A N �( Seattle. WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.protl man.eom Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Begin advertising and recruiting 1/27/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/7/03 Status report to the City Council 3/14/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 3/21/03 Delivery, of candidate materials to the City Council 3/27/03 First work session with the City Council 4/1/03 Set up interview times 4/2/03 4/4/03 Semi - finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/10/03 4/12/03 Second Council workshop 4/15/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 4/16/03 4/24/03 Final interviews 4/25/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUILDING OFFICIAL RECRUITMENT PROPOSED TIME TABLE P rothman 1 10853 81h NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I gregOprothman.corn COMPANY Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prathman.torn PUBLIc WORKS DIRECTO.R Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES': POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Public Works Director. City of Spokane Valley The City Council has retained Dick Warren, Interim Public Works Director to lead the creation of this new department. Mr. Warren will not be a candidate for the Public Works Director position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the THE CITY CI'T'Y MANAGER 40 FI (estimated) 83,000 Valley, the operation of a ferry across the Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from clamp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area City of Spokane Valley is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Public Works Director serves as a member of the City's management team and provides leadership and supervision of an estimated five to seven employees plus managing a variety of contracts for municipal services. The department is responsible for: ♦ Streets - Including right of way management, . inspection and street maintenance contracts ♦ Engineering • Traffic - Developing a comprehensive traffic management plan, managing the placement of traffic control devices (signs & signals) • Surface Water Management - Managing the City's SWM contract ♦ Sewer and Water - Coordinating with the local utility districts providing service within the City ♦ 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan ♦ Infrastructure Construction Management - Managing City initiated projects • Customer Ser The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Public Works Director Position Profile Page 2 The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned respect as an important piece of the inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council - Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interviews scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. City of Spokane Valley Every new employee including the new Public Works Director must bring a highly developed sense: of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokane Valley residents. • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Public Works Director will nce'd to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Public Works Director will assist the City Manager in helping the organization gain its sense of identity and corftinue its development as a high quality service provider. • One Stop Permit Center Making the Cit 's permitting process easier and more convenient for Spokane Valley residents is a very high priority with the City Council. The Building, Planning and Public Works Departntnts will be partnering in establishing a one -stop permit center where all City permits can be obtained at one location. The ideal candidate will have been a successful Public Works Director in a contract city with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a public works professional who understands all aspects of municipal public works and the challenges facing newly created cities. CANDIDATE PROFILE Public works Director Position Profile Page 3 • Sewer Plant and Collection System The City is in an aquifer protection area and for the past 10 years, the County has been implementing a program to eliminate septic tanks in the area by providing a sewer system. The program is planned to continue through 2010 and the City intends to contract with the County to complete and operate the sewer system. Sewage treatment is currently provided by the City of Spokane through an interlocal agreement with the County. The issue of future regional wastewater treatment will need to be resolved in the next two years. The City will play a significant role in this process. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Public Works Director will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. He /she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. City of Spokane Valley He /She will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a: team. He /She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Public Works Director will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. Public Works Directors who have had previous experience with •extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge. of Washington State law is a plus. Preference will be given to candidates who have a demonstrated ability to establish and maintain contacts with various local, regional, national government agencies and private organizations. The City Manager' will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and Public Works Director Position Profile Page 4 collaborating with both public and private agencies to achieve goals. COMPENSATION ♦ $85,000 to $105,000 DOQ ♦ Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a Public Works Director. A Bachelors Degree in civil engineering, public administration, business or applicable field is required. A Masters Degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by JANUARY 31, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Pfothman: IE rotIiiriari 10853 8th NW I TEL 206,368.0050 I grcg@prothman.com C M I S eattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothman.com City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish Ya.ki ma Kennewick Richland City of Spokane Valley Public Works Director Salary Review Title Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. January 8, 2003 Population 83,890 81,900 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34,560 Monthly Average Annual Average Public Works Dir. 73,040 Public Works Dir. 55,780 Public Works Dir. 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 Salary 9,010 8,994 7,489 9,551 8,501 9,563 9,154 $8,894 $1.06,734 7,594 7,441 8,773 $7,936 $95,232 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman ( 10853 8th NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I gregeprothmon.com C O M P A N Y Seottle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www,prothmcn.com Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Begin'advert:ising and recruiting 2/24/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 Deliver of candidate materials to the Cit Mana ter 4/30/03 First work session with the City Manager 4/22/03 Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 Semi - finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/30/03 5/2/03 Second workshop 5/6/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15/03 Final interviews 5 /17/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PROPOSED TIME TABLE P rothman 1 10853 8 NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I grog®prothrnancam C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothrnan.com Client Who Action - Date to Date SV CM Greg Kickoff meeting with City Council 12/3/02 SV CM Greg Stakeholder interviews 12/6/02 SV CM Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 12/13/02 SV CM Greg - City Council to finalize and approve the Position Profile 12/15/02 SV CM Greg Begin advertising and recruiting. 12123/02 SV BO Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV DCM Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV Fin Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16103 SV Plan Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV PW Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV BO Greg ' City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV DCM Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV Fin Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV Plan Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV PW Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV BO Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 1/27/03 SV CM Kath Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 1/31/03 SV DCM Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 SV Fin Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 SV CM Kath Status report to the City Council 2/7/03 SV CM Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 2/15/03 SV CM Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 2/21/03 SV Plan Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/24/03 SV PW Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/24/03 SV CM Greg First work session with the City Council 2/25/03 SV CM Kath Set up interview times 2/26/03 2/28/03 SV CM Greg Semi - finalists interviews 3/5/03 3/7/03 SV BO Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/7/03 SV CM Greg Second City Council workshop 3/11/03 SV CM Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 3/12/03 3/20/03 SV BO Kath Status report to the City Council 3/14/03 SV 130 Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 3/21/03 SV CM Greg Final interviews 3/21/03 3/22/03 SV DCM Kath Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 3/21/03 SV Fin Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/21/03 SV 130 Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 3/27/03 SV Plan Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 SV PW Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 SV BO Greg First work session with the City Council 4/1/03 SV 130 Kath Set up interview times 4/2/03 4/4/03 SV Plan Kath Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 SV PW Kath Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 SV 130 Greg Semi- finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/10/03 4/12/03 SV DCM Kath Status report to the City Council 4/11/03 SV Fin Kath Status report to the City Council 4/1 SV BO Greg Second Council workshop 4/15/03 SV BO Kath . Background & education checks of finalist candidates 4/16/03 4/24/03 SV Plan Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 SV PW Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 SV Plan Greg First work session with the City Council 4/22/03 SV PW Greg . First work session with the City Manager 4/22/03 SV Plan Kath Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 SV PW Kath Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 SV BO Greg Final interviews 4/25/03 SV DCM Kath Deadline for candidate materials 4/25/03 SV Fin Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/25/03 SV DCM Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 SV Fin Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 SV Plan Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 SV Plan Greg Semi- finalists interviews 4/30/03 5/2/03 SV PW Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 SV PW Greg Semi-finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/30/03 5 /2/03 SV DCM Greg First work session with the City Manager 5/6/03 SV Fin o Gre First work session with the City Council 5/6/03 SV Plan Greg Second workshop 5/6/03 SV PW Greg Second workshop 5/6/03 SV DCM Kath Set up interview times 5/7/03 5/9/03 SV DCM Greg Semi - finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/19/03 SV Fin Kath Set up interview times 5/7/03 5/9/03 SV Fin Greg Semi- finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/19/03 SV Plan Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15/03 SV PW Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15/03 SV Plan Greg Final interviews 5/16/03 SV PW Greg Final interviews 5/17/03 SV DCM Greg Second workshop 5/20/03 SV Fin Greg Second workshop 5/20/03 SV DCM Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/29/03 SV Fin Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/30/03 SV DCM Greg Final interviews 5/30/03 SV Fin Greg . Final interviews 5/31/03 SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Rill No. 2003 -004 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL :PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form TITLE: Support proposal by Bill Burke Productions to sponsor an event celebrating the incorporation of the City. ATTACHMENTS: None TYPE OF ACTION: Ordinance Resolution Motion Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Support a proposal by Bill Burke Productions to sponsor a community event celebrating the pending incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. DISCUSSION: This event would be organized, financed and managed by Bill Burke Productions. No financial contribution from the City is requested. However an appropriation of up to S5000 may be requested for specific events and City staff may be called on for some support and assistance. The City would have no direct liability for this event. However the promoter will include the City as an additional insured on his $1,000,000 policy and WWCIA would offer coverage for any contingent liability that may be present. Separately, I anticipate that the City may expend a minor sum for the purchase and distribution of novelty items such as lapel pins. ALTERNATIVES: To not endorse this event. FISCAL IMPACT: Incidental expenditures and staff time SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: SO to $5,000 AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: undetermined SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -022 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 TITLE: Staffing approval TYPE OF ACTION: APPROVED FOR Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: COUN 11, :PACKET: Appendix "A" to Prothman Resolution Contract No. CO2 -03 City Manager X Motion Dept. -Lead Other Attorney Approve As To Form STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve Amended Appendix "A" Staff Positions to Prothman Contract No. CO2 -03. DISCUSSION: At the Council Study Session on January 9, 2003, councilmembers had a thorough discussion as to what public services the City should provide by contract and what services should be provided in -house at the time of City incorporation on March 31, 2003. As several departments have very direct contact with the citizens of the City and provide services that represent the "face and character" of the City, the consensus of the City Council was to proceed to develop in -house service for the Planning, Building Inspection, and Project Engineering services. In order to be ready to provide these services at.the time of incorporation on March 31, 2003, it is necessary to advertise and hire staff for these departments. ALTERNATIVES: Negotiate contracts with Spokane County or with a private business to provide the services. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General revenue and Street funds AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet developed AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: $736,764 (Jan 1 — Mar 31, 2003) Appendix "A" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEES Professional fees for providing management services to the City of Spokane galley are listed below. Person Position Per Hour *Lee Walton Interim City Manager $85 *Stan McNutt Interim Deputy City Manager $83 *Bob Noack Interim Finance Director $70 Daniel Cenis Accountant Manager $46 *Jim Harris Interim Community Development Director $70 *Dick Warren Interim Public Works Director $70 Dennis Scott Public Works Specialists $58 *Bob Ely Interim Building Official $70 *Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk $56 Bob Jean Interim Contracts Manager (part - time) $85 *Don Morrison Human Resources Manager $63 *Bill Hutsinpiller Parks and Recreation Consultant $70 Karin Bosworth Office Assistant $21 Susan Larson Office Assistant $21 Greg Prothman Project Manager (as needed) $125 *Mac McDonald Public Works. Superintendent $56 Accounting Clerk $28 Office Assistant $21 *Greg McCormick Long Range Planning Manager $56 Shelley Goss Parks & Recreation Coordinator $35 Sr. .Building Inspector $56 Permit Technician $28 Current Planner $42 *Kim Lyonnais Current Planning Manager S42 Planning Technician $28 Engineering Technician $28 Office Assistant $21 All costs incurred during the project are the responsibility of the City. Expense items include but are not limited to: • Facsimile and delivery expenses • Printing of documents and materials • Travel expenses and related costs for the Project Manager & Contracts Manager • Travel expenses for i ntcrim t cam members excluding i nterim team travel to and from home Appendix "A" City of Spokane Valley, Page 2 • The individuals whose name is preceded by an asterik shall receive a monthly stipend. The Interim team monthly housing stipend is S600 per month, or portion thereof. The monthly stipend shall be pro -rated per week. For example if an individual is residing in Spokane for 3 out of 4 weeks in a month, the stipend shall be 75 percent (75 %) of 5600.00. • Other associated miscellaneous costs • Mileage reimbursement S.35 per mile Mike DeVleming Date Greg Prothman Mayor President City of Spokane Valley Prothman Company APPROVED FOR CO IL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -02 8 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: Authorize execution of TYPE OF ACTION: REQUESTED: lease for City Hall /Council January 14, 2003 Chambers ATTACHMENTS: Lease agreement Ordinance Resolution X Motion Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Authorize Interim City Manager to execute lease agreement with Webb Properties for City Hall office space and Council Chambers office space. DISCUSSION: Webb Properties offered space in their building at Redwood Plaza for use by the new City of Spokane Valley as City Hall office space and Council Chambers without charge through February 28, 2003. Prior to certification of councilmember election, several properties were explored by Council candidates as potential City Hall sites. The space at Redwood Plaza was selected and was made available for immediate use to Spokane Valley staff and officials. Negotiations for a permanent lease have been completed with Webb Properties for the City Hall office space and Council Chambers office space. SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003-018 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 APPROVED FOR TITLE: Establish position of TYPE OF ACTION: City Manager COUNCIL PACKET: X Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Ordinance No. 23 City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 23 Establishing the Office, Scope of Authority and Other Matters Relating to the City Manager. DISCUSSION: The City of Spokane Valley is a non - charter code city operating under the Council - Manager plan of government. Under the Council- Manager plan of government, the City Council appoints an officer who will be the chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of the City with responsibility for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. Ordinance No. 23 creates the office of City Manager setting out the duties, powers and responsibilities of that office. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL IMPACT: annual salary and benefits as negotiated in a contract. SOURCE OF FUNDS: General fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet adopted AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: not known CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE, SCOPE OF AUTHORITY AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE CITY MANAGER. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is a non - charter code city operating under the Council- Manager plan of government found at RCW Chapter 35A.13; and WHEREAS, under the Council - Manager plan of government, the City Council shall appoint an officer of the City whose title shall be "City Manager "; WHEREAS, the City Manager shall be the chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of the City of Spokane Valley responsible for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Office Established — Appointment. There is created the office of City Manager. The City Manager shall be appointed by the City Council for an indefinite term. Section 2. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities. The powers and duties of the City Manager shall be to: A. Serve as chief executive and administrative officer of the City, supervising, administering, and coordinating the activities and functions of the various City offices and departments as established by the City's ordinances and the policies of the City Council; B. Appoint and remove at any time all department directors, officers, and employees of the City, except members of the City Council, subject to the provisions of any applicable contract, law, rule or regulation relating to civil service; C. Appoint the municipal judge(s) of the City, subject to confirmation by the City Council; D. Attend all meetings of the City Council unless unavailable or excused by the Mayor; E. Recommend for adoption by the City Council such measures as necessary or expedient; I':lcrosil nttachments\Ordinance 23, City Manager position.doc Page 1 City; P. Upon Council approval, execute contracts and other instruments on behalf of the G. Prepare and submit to the City Council such reports as may be required or deemed advisable; H. Periodically, advise the City Council as to the financial condition of the City and its future needs; 1. Prepare and submit to the City Council a proposed budget for the fiscal year, and be responsible for its administration upon adoption; J. Supervise all expenditures by the various City offices, departments, and Boards within the limitations of the annual budget of the City; K. Make transfers between individual appropriations including allowances for budget items, departments and salary classifications within any one fund, provided the same is reported to the City Council or committee thereof, showing expenditures, liabilities and receipts against each separate budget appropriation during the period; and L. Represent the City at meetings with other governmental units, agencies, commissions, and associations as deemed necessary or as directed by the City Council. Section 3. Personnel Authority. The City Manager shall serve as the personnel officer for the City and be responsible for and have the authority to monitor and enforce the City personnel policies. The City Manager during the annual budget process shall make recommendations concerning compensation of appointive officers, department directors, and employees which shall be fixed by ordinance. The appointive officers shall include a City Clerk and a Chief of Police. Upon approval of the annual budget, the City Manager is authorized to make salary adjustments within the annual budget appropriations upon the exercise of reasonable discretion. Section 4. Creation of Departments; Offices and Positions; Council Audit. The City Manager shall recommend the creation, elimination, consolidation and modification of departments, offices quid positions as necessary or advisable for the efficient operation of the City, as well as, the power and duties of each department, office and position. The City Manager may delegate to any officer or position any duties required or authorized to he performed by the City Manager. The City Manager shall designate in writing an Acting City Manager to be responsible during extended absences of the City Manager from the city. The Acting City Manager shall have all power and authority of the City Manager during the absence. The City Council reserves the right to cause a performance of financial audit to be made of any department or office within the City and may select the persons or entity to make such Paemail attachrnents\Ordinance 23, City Manager position.tloc Page 2 audit without the advice or consent of the City Manager. The scope of the audit and the results shall be reported directly to the City Council. This audit authority shall be exercised in a manner consistent with the power of the City Council to define the functions, powers, duties, compensation and working conditions of officers and employees including the authority to create departments, offices and employments as necessary or advisable. Section 5. Removal From Office. The City Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed by a majority vote of the City Council in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35A.13.130 and RCW 35A.13.140. Section 6. Salary. The salary of the City Manager shall be as approved by the City Council in the annual budget. Section 7. Residency. The City Manager is not required to be a resident of the City. Section 8. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: PASSED by the City Council this day of January, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Paemail attachments\Ordinance 23, City Manager position.doc Page 3 Mayor, Michael DeVleming SUBMITTED BY: Interim Finance Director CITY OF' SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -019 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: Establishing a REQUESTED: franchise fee on cable television January 14, 2003 service APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 20 TYPE OF ACTION: X Ordinance Resolution Motion Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 20 Establishing a Franchise Fee on Cable Television Services to Provide Revenue for General City Services and Capital Facilities, and Setting Penalties for Non - compliance. DISCUSSION: The AT &T Broadband local television cable company will transfer these funds from Spokane County to the City of Spokane Valley. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL. IMPACT: This is a revenue source for the City SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A FRANCHISE FEE ON CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR GENERAL CITY SERVICES AND CAPITAL FACILITIES, AND SETTING PENALTIES FOR NON - COMPLIANCE. WHEREAS, the voters of the City of Spokane Valley on May 21, 2002 approved the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, 47 U.S.C. 541 and 542 provides that cities may impose fees upon persons who operate cable television businesses but requires that city fees on cable television businesses not be "unduly discriminatory against cable operators and subscribes "; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.47.040 allows the City to regulate the use of public right of way through the issuance of non- exclusive franchise agreements; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public interest is best served by implementation of a 5% franchise fee on cable television services, to be effective April 1, 2003; NOW, T1IER.EFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Use and Accountability of Franchise Fee. All fees collected pursuant to this ordinance shall be deposited into the General Fund, and shall be used for the funding of general City services or capital facilities as the Council shall direct through its annual budget process. Section 2. Cable T.V. Franchise Fee. The fee provided for in this ordinance shall be known as the "Franchise Fee ", and is levied upon the privilege of conducting cable television business within the City of Spokane Valley. Section 3. Definitions. (A) "Cable television" in accordance with limits set forth by federal law, includes all persons engaged in or carrying on a business and employing or providing a community antenna system of coaxial cables or other electrical conductors and equipment used or to be used primarily to distribute and receive television broadcast signals or radio signals directly or indirectly off- the -air and transmit them to subscribers for a fee all as further defined under the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended. (13) "City Manager" means the City Manager of the City of Spokane Valley, P:\email attachments\ Ordinance No 20, cable franchise fee.doc Washington, or designee. (C) "Gross revenue" means all revenue or receipts collected from any source in the performance of business excluding receipts or proceeds from the use or sale of tangible property and real property or any interest therein, proceeds from the sale of notes, bonds, mortgages or other evidence of indebtedness, or stock and the like, receipts from operations incidental to the performance of the particular business involved, and with a deduction on the amount of credit loss and uncollectibles actually sustained. (D) "Person" means any person, firm, corporation, association, or entity of any type engaged in a business subject to payment of fees under this ordinance. (E) "Taxpayer" means any person liable for the tax imposed under this Ordinance. Section 4. Franchise Fee - Amount. There is levied upon, and shall be collected from a person engaged in or carrying on the business of selling or the furnishing of cable television services, a franchise fee equal to five percent (5 %) of the gross revenue derived from such business in the City during the period for which the fee is due. Section 5. Accounting Year. The 12 -month period (or portion thereof) for purposes of this franchise fee shall commence April 1, 2003 and shall end December 31, 2003, and thereafter shall commence January 1st and shall end on December 31 with fees due during such periods or portions thereof. Section 6. Exceptions and Deductions. There is excepted and deducted from the total gross revenue upon which the fee is computed, so much of the total gross revenue as is derived from business which the City is prohibited from collecting a fee under the Constitution or laws of the United States and the Constitution or laws of the State of Washington. Section 7. Monthly Installments. The fee imposed by Section 4 herein shall be paid in monthly installments. Franchise fee payments shall be due and payable fifteen (15) days following the end of the monthly period in which the fee is accrued. For example, the April remittance shall be paid by May 15. On or before said due date, the franchise holder shall file with the City Manager a written return upon such form and setting forth such information as the City Manager shall reasonably require relating to the accurate computation and collection of this fee, together with the payment of the amount. Section S. Records. Each person shall keep records reflecting the amount of the gross revenue on sales and services within the City, and such records shall be open at all reasonable times for the inspection of the City Manager or his designee to verify information provided on any record, or to determine whether such return is required to be filed. Section 9. Failure to Make Returns or to Pay the Fee in Full. If a person fails, neglects or refuses to make his return as and when required in this ordinance, the City Manager is authorized to determine the amount of the fee payable under provisions of Section 4 herein, and to notify such person of the amount so determined. The amount so fixed shall thereupon be P:\email attachments\Ordinance No 20, cable franchise fcc.doe the fee and be immediately due and payable, together with penalty and interest. Delinquent fees, including any penalties, are subject to an interest charge of 12 percent per year on the unpaid balance from the date any such fees become due as provided in Section 7 herein. Section 10. Penalty for Delinquent Payment. If a person subject to this fee fails to pay any fee required by this ordinance within fifteen days after the due date thereof, there shall be added to such fee a penalty of ten percent of the amount of such fee, and any fee due under this ordinance that is unpaid plus all penalties thereon shall constitute a debt to the City and may be collected by court proceedings, which remedy shall be in addition to all other remedies. Section 11. Overpayment of Fee. Money paid to the City through error, or otherwise not in payment of the fee imposed by this ordinance, or in excess of such fee, shall, upon discovery, be credited against any fee due or to become due from such person hereunder, provided however, that overpayments extending beyond one year prior to notification of the City shall not be refunded. Tf such person has ceased doing business in the City, any such overpayment shall be refunded to the person. Section 12. Noncompliance - Penalty. (A) No person subject to this ordinance shall fail or refuse to file returns or to pay the fee when due, nor shall any person make a false statement or representation in, or in connection with, any such return, or otherwise violate or refuse to comply with this ordinance or with any rule promulgated pursuant to Section 13 herein. A violation of this subsection shall be deemed a misdemeanor. (B) in addition to the interest and delinquent filing penalties set forth above, a willful violation of or failure to comply with this ordinance is a Class II Civil Infraction (RCW Chapter 7.80), subject to a fine of up to $250 for each day that a violation continues. Section 1.3. City Administrator to Make Rules. The City Manager shall have the power to adopt and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent with this ordinance or with the law for the purposes of carrying out the provisions thereof. Section 14. Appeal to City Council. A person aggrieved by the amount of the fee, penalties, interest or civil infraction fine determined by the City Manager or his or her designee, under the provisions of this ordinance, may appeal such determination to the City Council, or to the Hearing Examiner if the City Council so establishes. Section 15. Franchise Agreement. All persons subject to this ordinance shall execute a Franchise Agreement with the City upon a form approved by the City Council. No cable television service shall be fumished until such agreement has been executed by the person providing service and approval by the City Council. Section 16. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other P:lemail auachments\Ordinance No 20, cable franchise fee.doc section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 17. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. ATTEST: PASSED by the City Council this day of January, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: P3email attachments1Ordinance No 20, cable franchise fee.doc Mayor, Michael DeVleming P:\email attachmcnts1Ordinance No 20, cable franchise fee.doc City of Spokane Valley 11707 F. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921 -1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 20 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the day of January, 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING A FRANCHISE FEE Old CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR GENERAL. CITY SERVICES AND CAPITAL FACILITIES AND SETTING PENALTIES FOR NON - COMPLIANCE. The introductory paragraphs state the City's authority to tax cable television businesses and that it is in the best interest of the City to impose such fee. Section 1 of the Ordinance establishes the use and accountability of fee proceeds. Section 2 provides that the Ordinance shall be known as the "Franchise Fee." Section 3 establishes definitions. Section 4 provides that a 5% fee on gross income will be imposed upon persons engaged in the carrying on the business of selling or furnishing cable television services. Section 5 establishes the year for purposes of the fee. Section 6 establishes exceptions and deductions from total gross income upon which fee is computed. Section 7 provides for payment of fee in monthly installments. Section 8 states that persons are required to keep records to verify information provided on the utility tax return. Section 9 provides for interest and penalties for failing to file tax return or for the non - payment of fee. Section 10 provides for the imposition of penalties for late payment of fee. Section 11 provides for credits for prior overpayment of fee. Section 12 establishes penalties for non - compliance. Section 13 provides that the City Manager shall make rules for purposes of carrying out this Ordinance. Section 14 establishes procedures for appealing the fee, interest, fines or penalties imposed by this Ordinance. Section 15 requires a franchise agreement. Section 16 provides that Section 15 is the exclusive referendum procedures. Section 17 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 18 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk Published: P:leniail attachmcntslOrdinancc No 20, cable franchise fec.doc SUBMITTED BY: interim City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -023 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 TITLE: Establish the position TYPE OF ACTION: of City Clerk x Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Ordinance No. 26 City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 26 creating the office of the City Clerk, establishing duties and providing for appointment. DISCUSSION: State law requires that the City of Spokane Valley appoint a City Clerk. Ordinance No. 26 creates the office of City Clerk to be filled by appointment of the City Manager, provides for duties of the office and other requirements. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL, IMPACT: annual costs associated with salary, benefits, and supplies for operation of the office. SOURCE OF FUNDS: General fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet adopted AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: not known Section 2. Duties. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CREATING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ESTABLISHING DUTIES AND PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; WHEREAS, RCW 35A.18.090 requires that the City of Spokane Valley to appoint a City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to prescribe the powers and duties for the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Office Created. The City Council hereby creates the office of City Clerk. This office shall be filled by appointment of the City Manager. The City Clerk shall serve without a definite term at the discretion of the City Manager. A. The City Clerk shall keep a full and true record of every proceeding of the City Council and keep such books, accounts and make such reports as may be required by the Washington State Auditor. The City Clerk shall record and index all ordinances, annexing thereto a certificate, giving the number and title of the ordinance, stating that the ordinance was published and posted according to the law and that the record is true and correct copy thereof. The record copy with the City Clerk's certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the contents of the ordinance and of its passage and publication, and shall be admissible as such evidence in any court or proceeding. 13. The City Clerk shall be custodian of the seal of the City of Spokane Valley, and shall have authority to acknowledge the execution of all instruments by the City of Spokane Valley which require acknowledgment. C. The City Clerk shall perform such other duties as may be assigned or required by statute. Section 3. Qualifications. The City Council and City Manager shall confer in order to establish qualifications for the position of City Clerk with such qualifications approved by Resolution of the City Council. Section 4. Salary. The salary for the position of City Clerk shall be set by ordinance after recommendations by the City Manager. P:lcmail attachments\ORDINANCE NO 26, City Clerk position_doc 1 Section 5. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: Passed By the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley on January , 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Mayor Michael DeVleming Paemnil attachments \ORDINANCE NO 26, City Clerk pas ition.doc 2 SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager ALTERNATIVES: None. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -024 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 TITLE: Establish policy for TYPE OF ACTION: obtaining public records X Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Ordinance No. 21 Motion City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form Other STAFF' RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 21 regarding disclosure of public records of the City. DISCUSSION: State law requires cities to adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations consistent with the intent of the Public Records Disclosure Act to provide full public access to public records. Ordinance No. 21 establishes a procedure for access to public records, and rules and regulations for processing requests for public records. FISCAL IMPACT: amount of staff time to process requests for public records SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 21. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, REGARDING DISCLOSURE OF PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, RCW 42.17.290 requires cities to adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations, consistent with the intent of the Public Records Disclosure Act, Chapter 42.17 RCW, to provide full public access to public records, to protect public records from damage or disorganization, and to prevent excessive interference with essential City functions; and WHEREAS, Chapter 42.17 RCW requires the City to make public records available for inspection and copying, subject to certain exemptions; and WHEREAS, the City Council supports the policy of Chapter 42.17 RCW as stated in RCW 42.17.251, which provides as follows: The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the instruments that they have created. The public records subdivision of this chapter [Chapter 42.17 RCW] shall be liberally construed and its exemptions narrowly construed to promote this public policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to make available for inspection and copying all computer data, drawings and data bases, as well as all software and special applications for software developed by City officers and employees in the scope of their employment; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Relationship to Public Records Disclosure Act. This ordinance constitutes the City's rules and regulations to carry out and implement the Public Records Disclosure Act, Chapter 42.17 RCW. Except as provided in this ordinance, Chapter 42.17 RCW shall apply to all City public records. Section 2. Disclosure of Public Records. Unless exempt from disclosure under this ordinance, public records shall be available for inspection and copying in accordance with this ordinance. P:\email attachments\Ordinance No. 21,public records.doc -1- Section 3. Definitions of Public R.ecord and Writing. A. "Public record" means (1) any writing, (2) any computer data and data bases and computer generated documents, maps and drawings and (3) any software and special applications for software developed by City officers and employees in the scope of their employment, containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by the City regardless of physical form or characteristics. B. "Writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, and every other means of recording any form of communication or representation, including, but not limited to, letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combination thereof, and all papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films and prints, motion picture, filin and video recordings, magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, diskettes, sound recordings, and other documents including existing data compilations from which information may be obtained or translated. C. Miscellaneous Definitions. To the extent necessary to interpret or apply this ordinance, the City adopts by reference the definitions set forth in RCW 42.17.020. Section 4. Copyright Enforcement. The City recognizes that any software and special applications for software developed by City officers and employees in the scope of their employment are owned by the City pursuant to the copyright laws, 17 U.S.C., sections 101 and 201. The City will make available to all requestors a license to use such software so as to make use of all public data. Section 5. Maintenance of Records. A. All substantive and procedural rules of general applicability, including but not limited to ordinances and resolutions of the City Council, minutes of the regular meetings of the City Council, and statements of general policy, and all public contracts, deeds, easements and leases shall be indexed and maintained in the office of the City Clerk for the use of the City and of the general public. I3. All other records of the City relating to the specific function or responsibility of a particular City department shall be maintained for the use of the department and the general public in the office of the department. The department shall maintain and make available for public inspection and copying a current index providing identifying information as to the following records: 1. Final opinions and orders made in the adjudication of cases; 2. Statements of policy and interpretations of policy which have been adopted by the City; 3. Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public; A:lemail attachmentslOrdinance No. 21,public records.doc -2- 4. Maps, drawings and other writings that relate to the management and orderly development of the City; 5. Factual staff reports and studies, factual consultants reports and studies, scientific reports and studies and any other factual information derived from tests, studies, reports, or surveys, whether conducted by public employees or others; 6. Correspondence, and materials referred to therein, by and with the City relating to any regulatory, supervisory, or enforcement responsibilities of the City, whereby the City determines, opines upon, or is asked to determine or opine upon, the rights of the State, the public, a subdivision of State government, or of any private party; and 7. Such other documents or writing that relate to the business of the City. Section 6. Exemptions. A. The following shall be exempt from public inspection and copying: 1. Personal information in files maintained for employees, appointees, or elected officials, to the extent that disclosure would violate their right to privacy, as defined in RCW 42.17.255. 2. Information required of any taxpayer in connection with the assessment or collection of any tax if the disclosure of the information to other persons would be prohibited to such persons by RCW 82.32.330 or violate the taxpayer's right to privacy, as defined in RCW 42.17.255, or result in unfair competitive disadvantage to the taxpayer. 3. Specific intelligence information and specific investigative records compiled by investigative, law enforcement, and penology agencies, the nondisclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement or for the protection of any person's right to privacy, as defined in RCW 42.17.255. 4. Information revealing the identity of persons who are witnesses to or victims of crime or who file complaints with investigative, law enforcement, or penology agencies, other than the public disclosure commission, if disclosure would endanger any person's life, physical safety, or property; provided, that if at the time a complaint is filed the complainant, victim or witness indicates a desire for disclosure or nondisclosure, such desire shall govern. 5. Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to administer a license, employment, or academic examination. Paemail attachmentslOrdinance No. 21,public rccords.doc - 3 - 6. Except as provided by chapter 8.26 RCW, the contents of real estate appraisals, made for or by any agency including the City, relative to the acquisition or sale of property, until the project or prospective sale is abandoned or until such time as all of the property has been acquired or the property to which the sale appraisal relates is sold, but in no event shall disclosure be denied for more than three years after the appraisal. 7. Valuable formulae, designs, drawings, and research data obtained by the City within five years of the request for disclosure when disclosure would produce private gain and public loss. The exemption of this subsection (7) shall not include software and special applications for software developed by City officers and employees in the scope of their employment. 8. Preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, and intra- agency memorandums in which opinions are expressed or policies formulated or recommended except that a specific record shall not be exempt when publicly cited by the City in connection with any City action. 9. Records which are relevant to a controversy to which the City is a party but which records would not be available to another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts. 10. Records, maps, or other information identifying the location of archaeological sites in order to avoid the looting or depredation of such sites. 11. Financial and commercial information and records supplied by businesses during application for loans or program services provided by Chapters 43.160, 43.163, 43.168, and 43.330 RCW. 12. All applications for public employment, including the names of applicants, resumes, and other related materials submitted with respect to an applicant. 13. The residential addresses and residential telephone numbers of employees or volunteers of the City which are held by the City in personnel records, employment or volunteer rosters, or mailing lists of employees or volunteers. 14. The residential addresses and residential telephone numbers of the customers of a City utility contained in the records or lists held by the City utility of which they are customers. P:lemai1 attachmentslOrdinance No. 21,publie records.doc -4- 15. Client records maintained by the City under any domestic violence program as defined in RCW 70.123.020 or rape crisis center as defined in RCW 70.125.030. 16. Information that identifies a person who, while a City employee: (i) seeks advice, under an informal process established by the City, in order to ascertain his or her rights in connection with a possible unfair practice under chapter 49.60 RCW against the person; and (ii) requests his or her identity or any identifying information not be disclosed. 17. License applications under RCW 9.41.070. 18. Information revealing the identity of child victims of sexual assault who are under age eighteen. Identifying information means the child victim's name, address, location, photograph, and in cases in which the child victim is a relative or stepchild of the alleged perpetrator, identification of the relationship between the child and the alleged perpetrator. 19. A law enforcement authority may not request inspection or copying of records of any person, which belong to a City electrical utility, unless the authority provides the City electrical utility with a written statement in which the authority states that it suspects that the particular person to whom the records pertain has committed a crime and the authority has a reasonable belief that the records could determine or help determine whether the suspicion might be true. 20. Any other record which is exempt from disclosure under any state law. B. The exemptions from public disclosure set forth in this section shall be inapplicable to the extent that information, the disclosure of which would violate personal privacy or vital governmental interests, can be deleted from the specific records sought. No exemption shall be construed to permit the non - disclosure of statistical information not descriptive of any readily identifiable person or persons. C. Inspection or copying of any specific records exempt under this section may be permitted if the Spokane County Superior Court finds, after a hearing with notice thereof to every person interested and to the City, that the exemption of such records is clearly unnecessary to protect any individuals right of privacy or any vital governmental function. D. Nothing in this section shall affect a positive duty of the City to disclose or a positive duty to withhold information which duty to disclose or withhold is contained in any other law. P:\email attachmentslOrdinance No. 21,public records.doc - 5 - Section 7. Procedure for Inspection or Copying. A. Persons wishing to inspect or copy City records shall first snake such request to the City Clerk or the department head of the City department which maintains the requested records. If the requestor does not know which department maintains the records, the request shall be made to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall direct the requestor to the appropriate department. All assistance necessary to help the requestor locate the particular record shall be provided promptly either by the City Clerk or by the particular department maintaining the records. The provision of such assistance shall not unreasonably disrupt the normal operations of the City Clerk, the department, or the assisting employee. B. The City Clerk or other City employee shall not distinguish among persons requesting records. Persons requesting records shall not be required to provide information as to the purpose for the request, except to establish whether the inspection or copying would violate RCW 42.17.260(5) or other statute or ordinance which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records to certain persons. C. No fee shall be charged for inspection or locating public documents. Section 8. Reimbursement for Copying Costs. A. Copies of written records, maps, photographs including slides, audio tape recordings, video tape recordings and diskettes shall be made and provided by the City upon request and payment of the actual cost of reproducing the same, which cost shall be established by City Council Resolution. Until the actual cost for reproduction is determined, the per page cost shall be fifteen cents per page. B. Labor and mailing costs shall be included in the cost of reproduction. The costs of reproduction provided for by resolution shall include, but not be limited to, the following records: street snaps, zoning maps, zoning codes, ordinances, public meeting minutes, resolutions, verbatim transcripts, deeds, contracts, and other records of the character contemplated in Section 1 of this ordinance. C. Where the request is for a certified copy, there shall be an additional charge in the amount established by City Council resolution to cover the additional expense and time required for certification. D. The City Clerk or a department head may provide copies of City records at no charge to individuals or government agencies doing business with the City, if the City Clerk or department head determines such action is in-the best interests of the City. Section 9. Decision on Public Records Requests - Procedure for Review of Decision. A. Upon receiving an oral or written request to inspect or copy a public record, the City Clerk or the department head shall grant the request unless the City Clerk or department P:\email attachments \Ordinance No. 21,public records.doc - 6 - head determines that the record requested is or may be exempt from disclosure in whole or in part, in which case the City Clerk or department head shall require that the requestor complete a written request for public records form. 13. A department head shall inunediately deliver a completed written request for public records form to the City Clerk. C. Upon receiving a completed written request for records form, the City Clerk in consultation with the City Attorney shall determine whether the requested record is exempt by law from inspection and copying in whole or in part. Within five business days of the date of receipt by the City of the written request for a record, the City Clerk shall: 1. Provide the record; Acknowledge receipt of the request and provide a reasonable estimate of the time necessary to respond to the request; or 3. if the City Clerk determines that the document is exempt in part but can be made available after deletion of exempt portions, the request shall be granted; provided, that such exempt portions shall first be deleted. If the City Clerk determines to deny the request, in whole or in part, a written statement of the specific reasons for the denial shall be provided to the requestor. D. A decision by the City Clerk denying inspection shall be reviewed by the City Attorney. City Attorney review shall be deemed complete at the end of the second business day following the City Clerk denial of inspection and shall constitute final City action for the purposes of judicial review. The requestor shall be notified in writing of the decision to grant or deny the request. Section 10. Disclosure Prohibited by Other Statutes. The City shall not be required by this ordinance to permit public inspection and copying of any record to the extent public disclosure of the record is prohibited, restricted or limited by any state or federal statute or regulation including, but not limited to, Chapter 10.97 RCW, the Washington State Criminal Records Privacy Act, Chapter 13.50 RCW, relating to release of records by juvenile justice or care agencies, or Chapter 46.52 RCW, relating to accident reports and abandoned vehicles. Section 11. Administrative Rules. The City Clerk may issues rules for the implementation of this ordinance. Section 12. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 13. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs P:lemail attachmentslOrdinance No. 21,public records.doc -7- in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: Passed By the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley on January 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: 1 email attachmentslOrdinance No. 21,public records.doc - 8 - Mayor, Michael DeVleming City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921 -1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 21 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the day of January, 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, REGARDING DISCLOSURE OF PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE CITY. The introductory paragraphs state the City's authority to tax cable television businesses and that it is in the best interest of the City to impose such fee. Section 1 provides the City ordinance is designed to carry out the Public Records Disclosure Act. Section 2 provides for disclosure of public records unless exempt. Section 3 provides definitions. Section 4 relates to copyright enforcement. Section 5 provides for maintenance of public records. Section 6 establishes exemptions. Section 7 states the procedure for inspection or copying. Section 8 provides reimbursement for copying costs. Section 9 relates to decisions on public records requests. Section 10 relates to disclosure of public records prohibited by other statutes. Section 11 allows for the development of administrative rules. Section 12 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 13 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will he mailed out upon request. Ruth Muller I.nterirn City Clerk Published: Paemail attachments\Ordinance No. 21,publie rccords.doc - 9 - DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 TITLE: Establish the position TYPE OF ACTION: of police chief x Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Ordinance No. 24 City .Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 24 establishing the position of police chief, establishing duties and providing for appointment. DISCUSSION: State law requires that cities appoint a Chief of Police or other law enforcement officer with responsibility as the chief law enforcement officer of the City. Ordinance No. 24 creates the office, provides for duties of the office and for appointment of the police chief. ALTERNATIVES: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -025 FISCAL IMPACT: annual costs associated with operation of the office of police chief SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CREATING THE OFFICE OF THE POLICE CHIEF, ESTABLISHING DUTIES AND PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; WHEREAS, RCW 35A.13.090 requires that the City of Spokane Valley appoint a Chief of Police or other law enforcement officer who shall be the chief law enforcement officer of the City; and WHEREAS, the City desires to prescribe the power and duties for the Office of the Chief of Police. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane, County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Office Created. The City of Council of the Spokane Valley hereby creates the Office of the Chief of Police. Section 2. Duties. The Chief of Police, under the direction of the City Council and City Manager, shall serve as the chief law enforcement officer of the City of Spokane Valley. The Chief of Police and his designees shall possess investigative, arrest and incidental powers relating to the enforcement of municipal laws including criminal and traffic misdemeanors and civil infractions committed in the City of Spokane Valley. Additional duties performed include patrol, traffic and pedestrian safety, crime prevention, community relations and such other matters as necessary for the proper functioning of the City of Spokane Valley police force. The Chief of Police has the authority to commission police officers for the City of Spokane Valley and may perform all acts necessary to preserve the peace and the order of the City of Spokane Valley under State and local law. The Chief of Police shall serve pursuant to the ordinances and regulations of the City of Spokane Valley, and all applicable State and Federal statutes. Section 3. Appointment. Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.080, the Chief of Police shall be appointed by the City Manager. The City Manager shall have authority to remove the Chief of Police subject to any rule, law, ordinance or regulation relating to civil service (if applicable). Section 4. Qualifications. The City Council and City Manager shall confer in order to establish qualifications for the position of Chief of Police with such qualifications approved by Resolution of the City Council. Section 5. Salary. The salary for the position of Chief of Police shall be set by ordinance or contract. F:Setnsil attachmentsCOrdinance No 24, police chief position.doc I Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: Passed By the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley on January . 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Mayor Michael DeVleming P:kmail attachmentslOrdinance No 24, police chief position.doc 2 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 APPROVED FOR COU ►. IL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager ALTERNATIVES: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -026 ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 22 STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 22 Establishing the Procurement Procedure for Architectural and Engineering Services. DISCUSSION: The City will have on -going need for use of outside architectural and engineering services for certain projects. State law requires that municipalities procure information on professional firms prior to making a selection for use of an individual firm for projects. Prior to contracting for architectural and engineering services, the City shall request qualifications of persons interested in providing the services needed. The City will select the most highly qualified firm to provide these services based upon criteria established in Ordinance No. 22. FISCAL IMPACT: publishing costs and staff time SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet adopted AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: not known TITLE: Procurement TYPE OF ACTION: procedure for architectural and engineering services X Ordinance Resolution Motion Other Section 2. Procurement. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES. WHEREAS, the City is desirous of adopting a procedure consistent with State law for the procurement of architectural and engineering services which is designed to encourage the submission of statements of qualifications; and WHEREAS, this procedure will aide the City in the selection of architects and engineers for various projects on the basis of competence and qualifications. NOW, THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1.. Architectural and Engineering Services. Annually, and in response to specific projects or work, the City shall encourage, through notice published in a newspaper of general circulation, architectural and engineering firms to submit a statement of qualifications and performance data which can be used to select firms that provide services to the City. The qualifications and data shall be maintained in the office of the City Clerk and be available for public inspection. A. At least ten (10) days prior to contracting for architectural or engineering services the City shall publish a notice stating the specific project or scope of work or announce generally the category or type of professional services required. The notice shall contain the name and address of a City representative who can provide information and details on the R.equest for Qualifications or Request For Proposal. B. After the notice the City shall review the current statements of qualifications on file with the City Clerk, as well as, the statements submitted in response to the notice and shall conduct discussions with one or more firms regarding anticipated concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods for furnishing the requested services. The City may request interviews and presentations from fines. C. The City shall select the most highly qualified firm to provide the services based upon the criteria set forth below and in the request. The evaluation criteria includes: (1) the ability of the firm to provide the requested services; Paemai1 attach merits lOrdinance No 22 ,architect- engr.procuremcnt.doc 1 (2) the scope of work or methods to furnish the services; (3) qualifications, experience and references; (4) performance under previous contracts with the City; and (5) such other information as deemed relevant. Amer identification of the most highly qualified firm, the City shall request a fee proposal from the firm and thereafter proceed to negotiate a contract at a price which is determined by the City to be fair and reasonable. In making this determination the City shall evaluate the estimated value of the services, the scope, complexity and nature of the request. If the City is unable to negotiate a fair and reasonable price for services, negotiations shall be terminated and another firm shall be selected in accordance with the above process. D. When the parties have reached a fair and reasonable price, the City Council shall review the contract for approval. During the negotiation process the selected firm shall not contact any member of the City Council to discuss the fee for services unless otherwise authorized. The City reserves the right to cancel any request for qualifications or proposals. The request shall not be deemed an offer of contract nor shall any firm be entitled to recover any cost associated with preparing a response. Section 3. Emeraencv and Limitation. Nothing contained herein shall limit or prevent the City from procuring architectural or engineering services in the event of an emergency. This ordinance shall be expressly limited to the professional services identified herein. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent ,jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed By the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley on January -, 2003. Mayor, Michael DeVieming P:Vemail attachmentsOrdinance No 22 .architect- ensr.procuremcnt.doc 2 ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: P3cmail attachmenls\Ordinnncc No 22,architect.e gr.pmcurementdoc 3 SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -027 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 TITLE: Establish the position TYPE OF ACTION: of City Attorney x Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: :Resolution Ordinance No. 25 City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 25 Creating the office of the City Attorney establishing duties and providing for appointment and confirmation. DISCUSSION: State law requires that the City Council make provision for obtaining legal counselupon recommendation of the City, Manager. Ordinance No. 25 creates the office of City Attorney, establishes duties and provides for appointment and confirmation by the City Council. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL IMPACT: annual costs associated with legal counsel SOURCE OF FUNDS: General fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet adopted AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: not known CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CREATING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ESTAFILISHING DUTIES AND PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; WHEREAS, RCW 35A.13.090 requires that the City Council make a provision for obtaining legal counsel for the City of Spokane pursuant to the recommendation of the City Manager; WHEREAS, the City Council desires to prescribe the powers and duties for the City Attorney pursuant to RCW 35A.13.090. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Office Created. The City Council hereby creates the office of the City Attorney. This office shall be filled by appointment by the City Council upon the recommendation of the City Manager. Section 2. Duties. The City Attorney, or a designated representative, shall: A. Advise the City Manager, City Council and employees in all legal matters pertaining to the business of the City of Spokane Valley. B. Represent the City of Spokane Valley in all actions brought by or against the City of Spokane Valley itself and /or its officials and employees in their official capacity, and shall perform such other duties as the City Manager and/or City Council may direct. C. Attend all regular and special meetings of the City Council unless otherwise excused by the City Council. D. Draft, review and approve ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other legal instruments and documents. E. Perform such other duties as may be assigned or prescribed by the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Spokane Valley. Section 3. Qu The City Council and City Manager shall confer in order to establish qualifications for the position of City Attorney with such qualifications approved by Resolution of the Council. Section 4. Contract. The City of Spokane Valley may also enter into contracts for additional legal services upon such terms that as are reasonable and just. i':lcmail attaclmtentslOrdinance No 25 position.doc 1 Section 5. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: Passed By the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley on January , 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Mayor Michael DeVleming P: email auachmentsl0rdinance No 25,Attorncy position.doc 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -013 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: Official Depository REQUESTED: Bank for City of Spokane Jan. 14, 2003 Valley APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ty Manager & /iDept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim Finance Director ALTERNATIVES: None ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution No. 03 -012 STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: .Adopt Resolution No. 03 -012 Designating the Official Depository Bank for the City of Spokane Valley. DISCUSSION: The City of Spokane Valley mailed Request for Banking Services to ten local banks and received nine proposals prior to the December 18, 2002 closing time of 2:00 p.m. The Finance Committee opened the proposals and directed the Interim Finance Director to prepare a spread sheet with a recommendation for the January 13, 2003 Finance Committee meeting. The Finance Committee will recommend an official bank depository to the Council at the January 14, 2003 meeting, and to acquire a $1,000,000 Line of Credit for the year 2003 to he paid from revenue received during the year. FISCAL IMPACT: Interest charges on the line of credit and monthly bank charges SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet developed AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: not known TYPE OF ACTION: Ordinance X Resolution Motion Other A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY BANK FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley City Council on November 26, 2002 approved a request for banking services from qualified public depositories pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.58; WHEREAS, qualified public depositories that were interested in providing banking services to the City were required to submit bid information including cost of services, ability to provide the services, financial condition of the institution and the general resources and services available to the City; WHEREAS, all proposals were to be submitted to the City by December 18, 2002 at the City offices with the City thereafter awarding a contract for the banking services; and WHEREAS, the City has received proposals for banking services from qualified public depositories and is desirous of selecting one of the respondents to provide banking services to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: 1. Depository Bank Designated. The City Council hereby designates , with offices at as the qualified public depository to provide banking and financial services to the City pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.58. The Interim City Manager is authorized to enter into a contract consistent with the request for banking services, response to request for banking services and such other matters as deemed appropriate and necessary by the parties. The initial contract term shall be from the date of the agreement through December 31, 2003 and may be extended by mutual agreement upon reasonable terms approved by the Finance Committee. 2. Effective Date. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-012 This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on March 31, 2003, provided that the terms of this resolution shall also be in effect during the interim period. P;kmail anachmcnts\Resolution03 -012, bank depository.doc ATTEST: Adopted this day of January, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming P;lemo attachments\Resolution03 -012, bank depository.doc 2 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form TITLE: Establish financial TYPE OF ACTION: procedures ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution No. 03 -014 2) Financial Management procedures Ordinance X Resolution Motion Other SUBMITTED BY: Interim Finance Director STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Resolution No. 03 -014 adopting financial management policies for the City of Spokane Valley. DISCUSSION: The Financial Management Policies are attached as Exhibit "A" to Resolution No. 03 -014 and will establish a sound financial management guideline for the City of Spokane Valley. These policies will be reviewed and amended as necessary by the Finance Committee for the City. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL IMPACT: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -020