2002, 11-25 Council Retreat12:00 PM Working Lunch Council Retreat AGENDA ,6 November 25, 2002 City of Spokane Valley 12:10 PM Council - Open Forum An opportunity for each Council Member to day light• issues, ideas or projects requiring Council or Staff attention during the interim period. 1 :30 PM 2 :30 PM Break Work Program (Greg Prot marr & Lee Walton) This is Councils first opportunity to identify what services should be provided by the City and what services should be provided by contract, interJ.ocal agreement or special purpose districts. :Based upon Council preliminary direction the Interim City Manager can then begin creating an initial interim staffing plan and budget and begin directing staff to.accomplish these initial goals. ,Public Safety Police Fire Animal Control Courts Jail Services - misdemeanor - Dispatch Services Public Works Roads and Street - repair and maintenance Surface Water Management - Street Signal Maintenance Stteet Overlay Program Project Engineering and Project Management Sewer Water Street Sweeping Snow Removal Ri&ht of Way Permitting Capital Improvement Planning Street Lights Street Signs Graphic. Information Services 2:45 PM 4:00 PM " Break 4:15 PM:: Work Program - Continued Conununity Development Comprehensive or long range planning Permitting or Current Parks Recreation and Human Services City Parks Department Recreation Department Human Services Senior Services Finance City Manager City Clerk Records management Business Licenses Animal Licenses Human Resources Risk Management Self insured Risk pool Cominercial Information Technology Building Department Inspection Plans Examining Permitting Library Services .Legal Services City Attorney Bond Council Prosecutor Indigent Services Civil Operational Tracking and Accountability System (Stan : McNutt) How we Keep Track of projects and details 5:00 PM Council Policies and Procedures Manual — Concept Discussion (Stan Me utt)