2003, 01-09 Study SessionSUBJECT Public Relations Service Housekeeping Housekeeping Contracts Housekeeping Housekeeping DISCUSSION LEADER ACTIVITY Mayor /Manager Manager /Staff Manager /Staff Manager /Staff Manager /Staff Deputy Manager Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET — STUDY SESSION CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Thursday, January 9, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Valley Chatnber sponsorship Incorporation celebration Intermediate City goals for provision of public services Staffing to meet intermediate goals Space and logistic requirements to meet intermediate goals Preliminary schedule for negotiations Review Governance Committee program Appropriateness of internship program DISCUSSION GOAL Consensus Consensus Consensus subject to Council action Consensus subject to lease approval Information and discussion Information and discussion Discussion SUBJECT Public Relations Service Housekeeping Housekeeping Contracts Housekeeping Housekeeping Mayor/Manager Manager /Staff Manager/Staff Manager /Staff Manager /Staff Deputy Manager Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET — STUDY SESSION CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Thursday, January 9, 2003, 6:00 p.m. . DISCUSSION LEADER ACTIVITY Valley Chamber sponsorship Incorporation celebration Intermediate City goals for provision of public services Staffing to meet intermediate goals Space and logistic requirements to meet intermediate goals Preliminary schedule for negotiations .Review Governance Committee program Appropriateness of internship program DISCUSSION GOAL Consensus Consensus ii-°'`�'� L Consensus subject to \ ee,.6 Council action ( 1 Consensus subject to , t.a lease approval ' � b e 1 /1 Information and discussion Information and discussion Discussion c, LOOKING. AHEAD (TENTATIVE AS OF 1 /9) Following is a preliminary List of agenda items for several weeks. This look ahead should give us all time to prepare more complete Agenda Bills and staff reports as necessary. Look it over and let me or Ruth know if something doesn't fit or you want to add. . January 14` Regular Meeting a. Award banking services contract b. R.eview /approve Dept. head position profiles /salary c. Ordinance create offices City Mgr., etc. d. Confirm Fin. Comm reconunend.- Computers e. Resolution approve finance procedures f. Resolution approve purchasing policy g. Ordinance cable franchise fee h. Boards/Committees appointments January 21" Study Session a. b. Review purchasing policy c. Presentation by Fire Department d. Discuss need for moratoriums -adult entertainment and NEW gambling establishments January 28` Regular Meeting a. Ordinance hotel/motel tax b. Ordinance admission tax c. Ordinance gambling tax d. Cable Television Presentation e. Approve petty Cash fund policies f. Approve travel reimbursement policies g. Report by Cmbr Taylor- name change February 4 Study Session a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Review estimated gross /rate property tax Review Park and Rec program potential Presentation by Park & Rec. Transition Comm Interim Budget — January through March 31 Discuss Business registration policy Discuss Second Hand Dealer registration policy Discuss meeting day change Presentation by Public Facilities District February n Regular Meeting a. Approve Parks/Rec contracts, agreements, ordinances Agenda BihlReport Bob N. Greg/Staff Lee/Ruth Stan M. Bob N. Bob N. Stan M. /Bob N. Mayor Bob N. Bob E. /Stan Lee Bob N. Bob N. Bob N. Stan M. /Bob N. Bob N. Bob N. Bob N. Bill Bob N. Bob N. Bob N. Lee /Ruth Lee c A January 9, 2003 Mayor Mike DeVleming City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Proposal for Incorporation Celebration Activities Dear Mayor DeVleming: The Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce has reviewed the proposal submitted by Bill Burke of Burke Marketing /Promotions. We believe that the proposal has merit and provides a variety of activities that could be enjoyed by citizens of all ages and interests. Mr. Burke has a distinguished record of success in producing large events through out the country, is a local resident and a member of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce. This will be the community's celebration and an opportunity to recognize an important event in our city's history. We support this proposal and as an organization will be prepared to assist where appropriate. Sincerely, 8817 E. MISSION SIJIT1i I , SPOKANE., WA 9921 Eldonna Gossett President & CEO • 150 9 24- •49'94 • FAX X I 50!I I 02 4.4992 SPOKANE VALLEY CHAMBER OF C O M M I R C E City of Spokane Valley Proposed Incorporation Celebration Tuesday, March 25, 2003 Valley Historic Display Neighborhood /Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Public Relations /Media Coverage Wednesday, March 26, 2003 Valley Retail /Service Business Promotion Valley Historic Display Neighborhood /Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Public Relations /Media Coverage Thursday, March 27, 2003 Valley Retail /Service Business Promotion Neighborhood /Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Historic Display Public Relations /Media Coverage Friday, March 28, 2003 Mayor's Breakfast (Business Community Networking) Valley Retail /Service Business Promotion Neighborhood /Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Valley Business Fair Spokane Valley Youth Concert/Dance Public Relations/Media Coverage Saturday, March 29, 2003 Valley Retail /Service Business Promotion Neighborhood /Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Mayor's Annual Gala /Ball Public Relations /Media Coverage Sunday, March 30, 2003 Valley Retail /Service Business Promotion Neighborhood /Business District Spring Cleanup Campaign Public Relations/Media Coverage Monday, March 31, 2003 Official Incorporation Ceremony (Founder's Day) Public Relations /Media Coverage PLANNING FUNCTION HOW MANY PERSONS WILL BE WORKING ON MARCH 31 • Planning Director 1 • Planning Managers 2 • Planners 2 • Planning Technician 1 • Secretary 1 7 HOW MANY PERSONS WILL BE WORKING BY MID - SUMMER TO MEET ANTICIPATED LEVEL OF ACTIVITY (PERMIT APPLICATIONS, REZONES, CONDJTLONAL USE PERMITS, SEPA, HEARING EXAMINER, REFINEMENT OF AOPTED ORDINANCES, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, MANAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT ACTIVITY) • Planning Director 1 • Planning Managers 2 • Planners 4 • Planning Technician 2 • Secretary 1 10 FTE Position Duties 1 Public Works Director Develops work plan Supervises contracts Manages 1P Develops budget Manages Department 1 'Administrative Assistant Manages Records Prepares 'Deports Leads document production Supports staff • 1 Lead Engineer Responds to design Services Reviews CM plans Reviews deveioprn.ent plans Assists in X11' management 1 (2) Development Engineer Works with Building to do plan review 1 Engineering Teclb ' CAD drafting Mapping records Plan review Support Lead Engineer Public Works Fields review of. City streets Superintendent Coordinates contract work In contract wo Develops OrSz1v1 work plan Supervises field crew 2 (4) Public Works Laborer' Performs minor OLrMM1 on streets Performs labor for. offices Perform work in Parks 8 (14) rT OTALS CITE OF SPOKANE VALLEY Public Works Staffing — April thru December 2003 'May be combined crew with Parks \ Dick leVarren \ Pub Iic Wurks Sla fi Apr -Dec 20Q3.doc I/9r2ao3 Parks/Recreation Bim HWSinpeler L Parks S Rec. Coordinator Jan 20th Burdan0 Official Bob Ely Permit Technic Fob 17th City of Spokane Valley Proposed Interim Staffing Organization Chart Citizens City Council 1 Intnrtm Caty Manager Lee Walton Planning Director Jim Heals Long Ramie Plangnp Mgr Grng McOymrck Current Planning Mgr Jan 20th Penner .an 27tH Planner Jan 20th Planning Technician Fab 10th Stan McNutt 1 Public Works Dracior DO Warren Pw spadaw Dennis Scott tlMry PW'Super. Mac McDonald Engineering Technician .an 27th Finance Director Bob Noack sot+er Acootlrt4rtt Jan 20th Acoouintenf Jan am City Clerk Ruth Muller Uflfee Jan 110tH Office Assistant i! Jan 13th J OM e Assistant 1 Kann Bosworth Office Assistant Susan Larson Deputy Cu y Mar aper 1 Contact Consultant Bob Jean Vrr, Contracts Coordinator /Hr Speaalist Don Morrison Page 1 Appendix "A" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEES Professional fees for providing management services to the City of Spokane Valley are listed below. Person Position Per Hour *Lee Walton Interim City Manager $85 *Stan McNutt Interim Deputy City Manager $83 *Bob Noack Interim Finance Director $70 Accountant Manager $50 *Jim Harris Interim Community Development Director $70 *Dick Warren Interim Public Works Director $70 Dennis Scott Public Works Specialists $58 *Bob Ely Interim Building Official $70 *Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk $56 Bob Jean Interim Contracts Manager (part- tinze) $85 *Don Morrison Human Resources Manager $63 *Bill Hutsinpiller Parks and Recreation Consultant $70 Karin Bosworth Office Assistant $21 Susan Larson Office Assistant $21 Greg Prothman Project Manager (as needed) $125 *Mac McDonald Public Works Superintetulent $56 Accounting Clerk $28 Office Assistant $21 *Greg McCormick. Long Range Planning Manager $56 Proposed Positions Parks & Recreation Coordinator $35 Sr. Building Inspector $56 Permit Technician $28 Current Planner $42 Long Range Planner $42 Planning Technician $28 Engineering Technician $28 Office Assistant $21 All costs incurred during the project arc the responsibility of the City. Expense items include but are not l i rni ted to: • Facsimile and delivery expenses • Printing of documents and materials • Travel expenses and related costs for the Project Manager & Contracts Manager • Travel expenses for interim team members excluding interim team travel to and from home Appendix "A" City of Spol:line Valley, Page 2 • The individuals whose name is preceded by an asterik shall receive a monthly stipend. The Interim team monthly housing stipend is $600 per month, or portion thereof. The monthly stipend shall be pro -rated per week. For example, if an individual is residing in Spokane for 3 out of 4 weeks in a month, the stipend shall be 75 percent (75%) of $600.00. • Other associated miscellaneous costs • Mileage reimbursement $.35 per mile Mike DeVleming Date Greg Prothman Mayor President City of Spokane Valley Prothman Company .Z MEMO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921 -1000, Fax (509) 921 -1008 TO: Council CC/Staff FROM: Lee Walton DATE: Jan 7 SUBJECT: January 9 Study Session — Preliminary Review of services to be Provided to Spokane Valley. INTRO: The primary focus of the Thursday night Study Session is to get a "fix" on the direction the Council wants to lead the new City. It may be a bit soon for a final decision in some areas since we don't yet have firm numbers or options. However there is some urgency in deciding if the City is going to be in the Planning, Building and - Engineering business as of April 1. This because, if we are, the need to finalize an office lease, remodel as necessary and begin recruitment of appropriate staff. You already have my notes from last week in which T outline.my reasons for supporting in-house Planning and Building so 1 won't belabor the matter again here or during the meeting. However, thefollowing comments are offered as an outline to help focus the discussion. T confess that 1 have not absorbed all the information contained tin the Transition Committee reports so I may well have missed some important points. A. 1 suggest the following services are definite targets for contracting with Spokane County with the understanding that each service would be carefully monitored and evaluated during 2003 and 2004 to determine if this contract is the most practical, efficient and appropriate means to provide that service to the citizens of Spokane Valley. 1. Law Enforcement via the Spokane County Sheriffs Department. This remains the best and perhaps the only option during the initial period of incorporation. Establishment of a City Department may well be practical and appropriate at some point. However, if that decision is made, I would urge that it not be done in haste. A period of one year would be required to guarantee a fully qualified and professional department. Fortunatly, the Sheriff Department is a well organized, well trained and highly professional police agency that compares favorably with other police agencies in Washington. In addition, the Department has indicated a willingness to create a "SV City division" which will recognize and emphasize the separate character of the City. They have also indicated willingness to accept some level of City participation in the management and control of the "City Force ". 1-Iowever, the particulars of this cooperation have yet to be determined. 1 The major drawback with this contract is what appears to be very high "overhead" costs which are added to the otherwise reasonable direct expenses. This may be the factor that may ultimately justify creating a local department. 2. Road Maintenance including Storm Water management etc. Again, a contract with the Spokane County Department of Public Works appears to be the best, if not only, alternative over the short term. The Department is well managed, well equipped and appears to offer a high level of service. However again, the overhead applied to the basic service costs may suggest that alternatives be considered over time. We are bringing "Mac" MacDonald on board next week to provide liaison with the Road Dept. His function will be to participate in developing a Road "work program ", to ensure that the program is carried out efficiently and to evaluate alternatives for certain road services. 3. Municipal Court The RCW offers several alternatives for a new city to provide Municipal Court services. These include establishing a semi - independent Municipal Court, requesting that a Spokane Valley Division be established within the current County Court system or simply contract with the County System thus maintaining the current arrangement. It is tempting to select the Municipal Court alternative because it does offers the possibility of producing "net revenue'.'. However, I am very impressed with the organizational efficiencies and competence of the present County Court system and recommend that the City of SV contract for this service with the idea of revisiting the issue when the City has obtained some experience and maturity. 4. Jail While I have not yet investigate the current jail arrangement, I suspect this is a "no brainier" contract unless we are prepared to direct that City prisoners to transport a substantial distance to alternatives jails in other Counties. 5. Prosecutor Cities of our size in Washington, typically provide prosecution services with in -house staff. However, based on a preliminary review it appears that the current system is both competent and cost effective. Besides, this program, like the one below can be major "headache" if not well managed so I would recommend we avoid tinkering with success. Down the road, there will be time and opportunity to review this issue again. 6. Public Defender This program is frequently contracted out to a private law firm. But again, it appears the current arrangement is successful and very cost effective so I can not offer any rational to change at this time. 2 B. Probable Contracts for interim service with the County with the understanding that the City will seriously consider providing these programs in house or by private contract at an early date. 7. Library Of the alternatives available , I recommend that SV contract with the Library District for the first year and ask City voters to approve annexation at the November General election to become effective in January 2005. This means the City will need to levy the current 50 cent library rate in November to underwrite the contract cost. 8. Animal Control. The primary incentive for assuming responsibility for Animal service is the issue of cost and standard of service. initially, the Department is proposing a $400,000 subsidy to continue the present program and current level of service. This amount of subsidy seems rather exorbitant for a City of this size I would point out that, according to the Transition Committee report, only 40% of dogs are currently being licensed requiring the County to subsidize about 65% of operations from the County General Fund. Residents of Spokane Valley continue to pay the County property tax but are now being asked to pay an additional $400,000 from the City General Fund for this service. By comparison, Aninmal Service in King County is a "wash" with the County providing the full program in exchange for fees and fries. One obvious solution would be to incorporate "standards" in the contract requiring at least an 80% licensing rate and establish an appropriate fee and fine schedule. I see no good reason why non dog owners should be required to subsidize such a high percentage of animal control costs. While it is true that "peticss" property owners do receive some general benefit the vast bulk of the service deals with difficult dogs and feral cats. I suggest that staff be directed to negotiate an interim contract for this service but also be directed to develop an RIP to determine if this service can be let to a private sector organization. Another alternative would be to contact for pound services and provide our own patrol staff under the • supervision of the Police Department. 9.Recreation The County currently provides a modest amount of recreation programs for citizens of SV, mostly on a fee basis. If the Council is satisfied with the current program then a contract with the County is the logical option. The question is whether the City is interested in expanding recreational opportunities that are available to the citizens. If so, then we might contract for additional services or might be best to develop a separate program that could reflect the level of services that are required. 3 10. Parks The County appears to be doing a good job of maintaining the parks located in the City o.f SV and it is probably appropriate that an interim contract with Spokane County be accepted. However, based on preliminary estimates, it appears that once again the overhead costs • associated with this program suggest that contracting with the private sector may be a better option. C--Thc following are services that I suggest are more appropriately provided by the City for two reasons. First, it is highly likely that the cost of providing these services "in- house" will be less expensive and indeed may well result in modest net revenue. More important however, is the issue of local control. Programs listed below are critical in that they represent the "face and character" of the City. These are also departments that,( other than police), have the most direct contact with citizens and impact their lives. 11. Community Development (Planning) This is the Department that will •provide Council with information and support that will determine the physical characteristics and in large part the "livability" of this community. The current staff is competent and this work could certainly be contracted to the County. However, it would probably be more difficult to impose new directions since that direction might well run counter to past practice. It would also be more difficult to insist on the standards of service to citizens customers that Council is insisting be provided. Lastly, I have little doubt that for the reasons described above that an "in- house" staff would be less expensive even when supplemented by contracting out - - elements of -the planning program.- I•would recommend that a City - -- Community Development Department be established, effective April 1'. (no joke) 12. Building Inspection As with planning, Building Inspection is a "front porch" service that can and should offer. personalized service to the community. In addition, Building Departments represents one of the few "profits centers" in public agencies. Indeed, permit and inspection revenue not only recovers cost but frequently covers the deficit in the planning division. 13. Proiect Engineering This is a function currently handled by a competently County staff. However, again for reasons of local control and cost effectiveness I would recommend that this responsibility be assumed by the City upon incorporation. Typically, this operation is mostly self supporting from fees and charges. 4 Po rksJReueation BEI Hutslnpiiler H Parks 8 Roc. Coordinator Jan 20th Building Official flob Ely Sr. Building Inspector Feb 17th Permit Technician Feb 17th City of Spokane Valley Proposed Interim Staffing Organization Chart Citizens City Council I eitesmIvilittitMa Int eri ry Manger lec Walton P*Moli.r 144 .040101101. Planning Director Jirn Harris d , Long Ponca Manning Mgr Grcp McComdck Current Planning Mgr Jan 20th J Planner Jan 27th J Planner Jan 20th Planning Technician FeblOth C Public %Marks Director Dick Wanton PW Specialist Dennis Scott cPM PW Super. Mac McOonatd Enginoering Technician Jan 27th Senior 1 Accountant Jan 20th i Accountant Jan Gih City Clerk Ruth MBuler _ J Office Assistant I Jan 20th office Assistant 11 Jan 13;h Office Assistant 1 Karin 13o worth Office Assistant I Susan Larson Deputy City Managrr Stan McNutt Contracts Coordinator/Hr Specialist Don Morrison Page 1 F1'E: 4 • Finance Analyst • Finance Specialist II • Finance Specialist I I!pdated : .r .. 2002 .071:7574.: :3y .. 15 .may} utv i i ,., �7 INFORMATION SYSTEMS COORDINATOR FINANCIAL SERVICES Lyman Howard, Director CITIZENS OF SAMMAMISH CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAMMAMISH PUNNING ADVISORY BOARD PARKS & REC COMMISSION • Police Chief (contracted) • Fire Administrator (con- tracted) • City Clerk • Administrative Assistant • Office Assistant - Clerk • Office Assistant - Police COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER FTE: ADMIN SERVICES DI RECTOR/ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Pete Butkus EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Troy Romero Jack Barry Alayor Don Gerend Ken Kilroy Ron Haworth Deputy Mayor Kathleen Huckabay Michele Petitti FTE: 6 CITY MANAGER Ben Yazicl FTE: 18 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ray Gilmore, Director • Deputy Director' • Building Official • Senior Planners (2) • Senior Building Inspector • Building Inspectors (2) • Plans Examiners, (2) • Code Enforcement Officer • Associate Planners (3) • Permit Center Newer • Permit Covurtinatoi • Administrattue Assistant • Office ity' -- -n (2) ORGANIZATION CHART SAMMAMISH YOUTH BOARD ARTS TASK FORCE TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE N CITY ATTORI-.f EY Bruce Disend (contracted) FTE: 21 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER John Cunningham • City Engineer • Transportation Manager • Senior Project Engineer • Sr, Project Engineer - Transporta- tion • Sr. Project Engineer - Drainage • Associate Engineer • Project Engineer - Dev. Review • Project Engineer - CADD • Project Engineer - Inspector • niblic Iktria ,Srtperintendcnt • Administrative Assistant • Office Assistant 111 SAMMAMISH COMMONS CONSTRUCTION MNG R, (Vacant) PARKS &. P.F.CREATION Di RECTOR (Vacant) • Parks &Recreation Manager • Park Resource Supervisor • Recreation Coordinator • Parks Planner • Administrative Assistant (2004) %Ulu Wake Paul Nakao Planning 6 Dowdoamnnt rttrn Tim Swart Ctlttans at Shorans Fauna Dania* Panto y Clpy A t Lan Sienna Hurray. Rasovcaa Mani Wright Rrstomat RttnpnnseTeam to cnna Srnidn SHO rE 4 _ r- s-- f a T r Ecancm'c Deva o tans Ian Knun Communit`7nmi 6 interpovanynental RdntSmo hr.* Nichols Fhance Oc a airy 1 7 rOPUL-A-17c/K .C3 C7 r Effective 08101/02 Appendix "A" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEES Professional fees for providing management services to the City of Spokane Valley are listed below. Person Position Per Hour *Lee Walton Interim City Manager $85 *Stan McNutt Interim Deputy City Manager $83 *Bob Noack Interim Finance Director $70 Accountant Manager $50 *Jim Harris Interim Community Development Director $70 *Dick Warren Interim Public Works Director $70 Dennis Scott Public Works Specialists $58 *Bob Ely Interim Building Official $70 *Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk $56 Bob Jean Interim Contracts Manager (part -time) $85 *Don Morrison Human Resources Manager $63 *Bill Hutsinpiller Parks and Recreation Consultant $70 Karin Bosworth Office Assistant $21 Susan Larson Office Assistant $2 I Greg Prothman Project Manager (as needed) $125 *Mac McDonald Public Works Superintendent $56 Accounting Clerk $23 Office Assistant $21 Greg McCormick Long Range Planning Manager $56 All costs incurred during the project are the responsibility of the City. Expense items include but are not limited to: • Facsimile and delivery expenses • Printing of documents and materials • Travel expenses and related costs for the Project Manager & Contracts Manager • Travel expenses for interim team members excluding interim team travel to and from home • The individuals whose name is preceded by an asterik shall receive a monthly stipend. The Interim team monthly housing stipend is $600 per month, or portion thereof. The monthly stipend shall be pro -rated per week. For example, if an individual is residing in Spokane for 3 out of 4 weeks in a month, the stipend shall be 75 percent (75 %) of $600.00. • Other associated miscellaneous costs • Mileage reimbursement $.35 per mile