2003, 01-21 Regular Meeting1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ACTION ITEMS 3. AD.1OURNMENT Comic iI Agenda: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, January 21, 2003 Following close of Study Session A) Motions 1. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -017, Review and approve position profiles and salary ranges for five department heads FUTURE SCHEDULE A) Jan. 27, 2003, Joint Council/County Commission Meeting, noon to 1:30 p.m, City Hall B) Jan. 28, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., City Hall C) Jan. 29 -30, 2003, Joint Chambers Legislative Trip, Olympia 1)) Feb. 4, 2003, Study Session, 6:00 p.m., City Hall E) Feb. 6, 2003, Study Session, City Hall F) Feh. 11, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., City Hall G) Feb. 19 -20, 2003, AWC City Legislative Action Conference, Olympia Department Position Salary Range Hours per Week Public Works Public Works Director Position eliminated two years ago 40 Planning Planning Director Position eliminated two years ago 40 Public Works Assistant to the $4,9,992 - $67,464 37.5 Finance CEO for PW $71,947 40 Building and Code Building and Code $64,980 - $87,684 37.5 Building Enforcement Dir. $93,529 40 Engineering and County Engineer $64,980 - $87,684 37.5 Roads Street Fund Director $93,529 40 Planning Planning Manager $53,748 - $71,528 37.5 $77,363 40 Utilities Utilities Director $64,980 - $87,684 37.5 $93,529 40 Administration Dir. of Admin. $65, 000 - $89,689 37.5 Services $95,668 40 Department Position Salary Range Hoursper Week Finance Accounting Director $61,000 to $76,358 40 Finance Comptroller $77,000 to $95,750 40 Finance Budget Director $62,000 to $76,300 40 Finance Treasurer $61,000 to $76,385 40 Planning Planning Director S77,000 to $95,750 40 Building Building Official $61,000 to $76,385 40 Public Works Engineering Services Director $71,000 to $89,283 40 Public Works Street Fund Director $64,540 to S81,829 40 P Prothman C O M P A N Y Spokane County Notes: Spokane County eliminated the position of Planning Director and Public Works Director two years ago. There is no "Finance Director" position. Finance duties are spit between three positions. The elected Auditor is responsible for the County's accounting and billing. The elected Treasurer is responsible for cash management and investments and the appointed Director of Administrative Services is responsible for budget and IT and other administrative functions. The planning function is divided between two Planning Managers one for current planning and the other for comprehensive planning. City of Spokane Notes: The City has a large number of "Directors" (35). The 2003 budget did not identify Finance or Public Works Directors. The City is currently advertising for a "Chief Financial Officer (Comptroller ?) with a salary of $77,569 to $95,755 its not clear if the Accounting Director, Budget Director or Treasure report to this position. 10853 8th NW, Seattle, Washington 98177 I TEL 206.368.0050 I FAX 206.368.00601 www.prothmon.com Factors that candidates will typically consider when deciding if to apply *Scope of responsibility & budget size *Number of FTEs or contracted positions to be managed *Compensation - is the position fairly compensated when compared against cities of comparable size? *Local cost of living *Quality of life *Quality of Schools - Kids *Secondary job market - Job opportunities for spouse *Risk /Security - How stable is the position *Quality of the Management Team - How well they work together and with Council *Stability of the City_Manager - How long has the manager been with the city and what relationship does the manager have with the council? Prothman P C O M P A N Y City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammarnish Yakima Kennewick Richland City of Spokane Valley Public Works Director Salary Review Title Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. January 21, 2003 Population 83,890 81,900 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34,560 Monthly Average Annual Average Public Works Dir. 73,040 Public Works Dir. 55,780 Public Works Dir. 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 /dd, de v 0 `) o Salary 9,010 8,994 7,489 9,551 8,501 9,563 9,154 $8,894 $106,734 7,594 7,441 8,773 $7,936 $95,232 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. � ® r na 1 10853 Rill rstW I TEL 206.368.0050 I p092prmhmoncom Seattlo, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prorhman.com City City of Spokane Valley Recommended Annual Salary Range: $63,000 - $78,000 Building Official Director Salary Review January 21, 2003 Title Population Salary Federal Way Building Official 83,890 6,098 Kent Building Official 81,900 6,627 Lakewood Building Official 61,000 6,023 Renton Building Official 53,840 6,278 Shoreline Building Official 53,150 6,640 Kirkland Building Official 45,770 7,773 University Place Building Official 30,190 6,400 Monthly Average $6,548 Annual Average $78,581 Yakima Building Official 73,040 6,252 Kennewick Building Official 55,780 5,492 Richland Building Official 39.350 6,214 Monthly Average $5,986 Annual Average $71,832 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman 10853 8th NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I groprotiacancom C f� M P A N Y g ® Secttlo. WA 98 i77 FAX 206.368.0060 www,prothman.com City Federal Way Kent Shoreline Kirkland Sammarnish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland • City of Spokane Valley Deputy City Manager Salary Review January 21, 2003 Title Asst Manager Asst Admin. Officer City Manager City Manager Deputy City Manager Asst. City Manager Recomrtiended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 6Ul 0 00, /ps, dvo Population 83,890 81,900 53,150 45,770 34,56() 30,190 Monthly Average Annual Average Asst. City Manager 73,040 Asst. City Manager 55,780 Deputy City Manager 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Salary 7,763 9,150 8,501 10,127 9,154 8.054 $8,791 $105,492 8,377 7,441 8,688 $8,168 $98,016 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey and the Washington City /County Managers 2002 salary survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. I rotIirria.I1 1 10353 Bih NW I TEL 206.368.0050 grog®prothmcncom C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.363.0060 www.prolhnwn,com City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland City of Spokane Valley Title Mgmt. Services Dir. Finance Director Finance Director Finance & Info Dir. Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Support Services Finance Director Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 50' pad , /0 Finance Director Salary Review January 21, 2003 Population 83,890 81,900 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34,560 30.190 Monthly Average Annual Average 73,040 Dir. 55,780 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Salary 9,010 8,568 7,947 9,551 8,501 9,641 9,154 9,692 $9,008 $108,096 7,594 7,441 8.268 $7,767 $93,211 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. , P rrothman. 1 10853 8111 NW TEL 206.368.0050 I aregeprotlmnaneom Seattle. WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.proitunancom Yakima Kennewick. Richland City of Spokane Valley Planning /Community Development Director Salary Review City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place January 21, 2003 Title Com. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Coln. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devi. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $80,000 - $100,000 15l000 - (dot edJ Population Salary 83,890 9,010 81,900 8,215 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34,560 30,190 73,040 55,780 39,350 7,947 7,278 8,501 8,941 9,154 8,100 Monthly Average $8,393 Annual Average $100,719 7,594 7,441 9,476 $8,170 $98,043 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman 1 10853 8th NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I giegeprothmon.com C O M P A N Y Sccttlo, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothman.com DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: January 14, 2003 (continued) January 21, 2003 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve position profiles and salary ranges for the permanent positions of Deputy City Manager, Planning Director, Finance Director, Building Official and Public Works Director. DISCUSSION: At a regular meeting on December 17, 2002, the City Council authorized execution of Contract No. CO2 -04 with Prothman Company to assist the City in the recruitment for the positions of Deputy City Manager, Planning Director, Finance Director, Building Official and Public Works Director. Draft position profiles, salary ranges and proposed time tables for recruitment of these positions has been developed by Prothman Company as included on the attachment to this agenda bill. ALTERNATIVES: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003-017 TITLE: Position profiles and salary range for Deputy City Manager, Planning Director, Finance Director, Building Official and Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Prothman Company memo dated Jan. 8, 2003 with attachments TYPE OF ACTION: X Ordinance Resolution Motion Other FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General fund revenue AMOUNT BUDGETED: budget not yet developed for the Jan. 1— Mar. 31, 2003 period AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: funding included under Contract No. CO2 -04 Prothman C O M P A N Y January 8, 2003 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Spokane Valley From: Greg Prothman Prothman Company RE: Recruitments for Permanent Positions Please find attached the position profiles, salary surveys and search timelines for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Planning Director, Public Works Director, and Building Official positions. Each of these are draft documents and I would appreciate any changes or insights you might have. Once Council is satisfied and has accepted each position profile I will then begin creating the announcement flyer and other advertising materials. I have also included a proposed salary range for each position. The salary ranges presented reflect the current market as compiled by the AWC Salary Survey. Cities from both the east and west side were chosen (consistent with the City Manager salary survey) based on population and similarity of function of the position being reviewed. Each recruitment also has a search timeline outlining the recruitment process and time frame for each milestone. Also included is the master search schedule outlining key points for all of the searches listed by date. I would request that Council review and edit, as you see appropriate, each position profile and salary range and then formally adopt the salary ranges. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. 10853 8th NW, Seattle, Washington 98177 I TEL 206,368.0050 I FAX 206.368,00601 www.prothman.com DEPUTY CITY MANAGER Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES: CITY BUDGET: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th`'' largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Deputy City Manager. City of Spnkunc Valley The City Council has retained Lee Walton, Interim City Manager and Stan McNutt, Interim Deputy City Manager to lead the pre - incorporation team in creating this new organization. Neither will be a candidate for the Deputy City Manager position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1053, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the Valley, the operation of a ferry across the THE CITY CITY MANAGER $XXXX 40 FTEs (estimated) $35 MILLION (estimated) 83,000 MARCH 21, 2003 Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, City of Spokane Valley 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned The Deputy City Manager assists the City Manager in managing the work activities of city staff comprised of; an estimated 35 to 40 full time positions when fully staffed for this contract community and the implementation of Council policies and laws, and the delivery of City services. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new Deputy City Manager must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service:to Spokane Valley residents. TILE POSITION KEY ISSUES Deputy City Manager Position Profile Page 2 respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's . economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City is currently conducting recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the 'importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Deputy City Manager will need to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to •gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Deputy City Manager will assist the City Manager in helping organization gain its sense of identity City of Spokane Valley and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point This $0 -acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State Parks & Recreation, Spokane County, and the YMCA. Mirabeau Point, Inc., a private non - profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point to be transferred to Spokane County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley,. talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to the City instead. For more information on Mirabeau Point! development plans go to wwwin irabeaupbii nt.org. • Sewer Plant and Collection System The City is in an aquifer protection area and for the past 10 years, the County has been implementing a program to eliminate septic tanks in the area by providing a sewer system. The program is planned to continue through 2010 and the City intends to contract with the The ideal candidate will have been a successful Deputy City Manager or Assistant City Manager in a contract city 'with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of municipal government and the challenges facing newly created cities. He/she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and . Council while assisting in establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written CANDIDATE PROFILE Deputy City Manager Position Profile Page 3 County to complete and operate the sewer system. Sewage treatment is currently provided by the City of Spokane through an interlocal agreement with the County. The issue of future regional wastewater treatment will need to be resolved in the next two years. The City will play a significant role in this process. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Deputy City Manager will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. He /She will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a team. hle /She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Deputy City Manager will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the City of Spokane Valley organization and cal be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. The candidate whd can demonstrate that. he or she has helped to develop a sense of pride in his /her city will be very interesting to the City Manager. Deputy City Managers who have had previous experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. Preference will be liven to candidates who have a demonstrated ability to establish and maintain contacts with various local, regional, national government agencies and private organizations. The City will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and collaborating with both public and private agencies to achieve goals. Deputy City Manager Position Profile Page 4 COMPENSATION • $85,000 to $ 105,000 DOQ ♦ Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a deputy or assistant city manager. Experience in a private sector service related business would be a plus. A Bachelors Degree in public administration, business or applicable field is required. A Masters Degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by MARCH 21, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: P rothman 10853 8th NW TEL 206.368.0050 I gregOprothmon.com C O M P A I Seattle. WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.piothmon.com City Federal Way Kent Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland , City of Spokane Valley Deputy City Manager Salary Review January 8, 2003 Title Population Asst Manager 83,890 Asst Admin. Officer 81,900 City Manager 53,150 City Manager 45,770 Deputy City Manager 34,560 Asst. City Manager 30,190 Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 Monthly Average Annual Average Asst. City Manager 73,040 Asst. City Manager 55,780 Deputy City Manager 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Salary 7,763 9,150 8,501 10,127 9,154 8,054 $8,791 $105,492 8,377 7,441 8,688 $8,168 $98,016 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey and the Washington City /County Managers 2002 salary survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. Protlimax� I loass 8th NW TEL 206.368.0050 I ,grecgc^iprothmon.com C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www,hrothman.com Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City' Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Begin advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/21/03 Status report to the City Council 4/11/03 Deadline for candidate materials & supplemental questionnaires 4/25/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 5/6/03 First work session with the City Manager Set up interview times 5/7/03 5/9103 Semi - finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/19/03 Second workshop 5/20/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/29/03 Final interviews 5/30/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPUTY CITY MANAGER PROPOSED TIME TABLE I rotIlmal ( 10853 8th NW I TEL 206.368,0050 I grog lgtrothnwn.com C O M P A N Y Scottie. WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothman.com PLANN1NGr DIRECTOR Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on M ?rch 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Planning Director. City of Spokane Valley The City Council has retained Jim Harris as Interim Planning Director to lead the development of this new department. Mr. Harris will not be a candidate for the Planning Director position. Spokane Valley's European /American roots go back to before 1.553, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the Valley, the operation of a ferry across the THE CITY CITY MANAGER 44- i- ths- (esti matect) 83,000 Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. City of Spokane Valley Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned • The Planning Director will report directly to the City Manager and will exercise substantial independent. judgment regarding the daily work activities of the department. The Planning Director will manage the department's budget and will supervise the daily work activities of an estimated 8 to 10 Department Staff. The successful candidate will initially develop, implement, and enforce the City's laws and regulations relating to construction, design, zoning, and subdivisions in addition to providing advice to Spokane Valley citizens regarding the comprehensive plan, zoning and related ordinances. The Planning Director will also develop and present recommendations on new developments and codes to the Planning Commission and City Council and will also manage GMA implementation, comprehensive planning and will also serve as the City's SEPA Official. • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Planning Director Position Profile Page 2 respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. administration he steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new Planning Director must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is City of Spokane Valley demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer serviceoto Spokane Valley residents. • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Planning Director will need to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Planning Director will assist the City Manager in helping the organization gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point This 80 -acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State Parks & Recreation, Spokane County, and the YMCA. Mirabeau Point, inc., a private non - profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point to be transferred to Spokane County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley,. talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to The ideal candidate, will have been a successful Planning Director in a city with a population between 30,000 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of municipal planning and the challenges facing newly created cities. He/she should be seen as honest, hard- working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council CANDIDATE PROFILE Planning Director Position Profile Page 3 the City instead. For more information on Mirabeau Point development plans go to www.mirabeaupoint.org. • One Stop Permit Center Making the City's permitting process easier and more convenient for Spokane Valley residents is a very high priority with the City Council. The Building, Planning and Public Works Departments will he partnering in establishing a one stop permit center where all City permits can be obtained at one location. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue wu,king — with the Cit —of— Spokane —an Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Planning Director will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation at City Hall. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and committees. HeJShe will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. City of Spokane Valley The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a team. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Planning Director will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. Managers who have had previous experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. COMPENSATION ♦ $80,000 to $100,000 ooQ The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opport Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by , 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: Planning Director Position Profile Page 4 • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement • PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays • Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a Planning Director. A Bachelors Degree in urban planning, public administration, or applicable field is required. A Masters degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. IF rotIiiriian I 10853 8h NW TEL 206.3680050 greg ®prothman.com C' O M P A N Y Scottie, WA 98177 I FAX 206.368.0060 I www.prothman.com City of Spokane Valley Planning /Community Development Director Salary Review City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland January 8, 2003 Title Corn. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Corn Devl Com. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Corn. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Com. Devl. Dir. Population Salary 83,890 9,010 81,900 8,215 61,000 7,947 53,840 7,278 fir 53,150 8,501 Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $80,000 - $100,000 45,770 8,941 34,560 9,154 30,190 8,100 $8,393 $100,719 73,040 7,594 55,780 7,441 39.350 9,476 Monthly Average $8,170 Annual Average $98,043 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman I 10853 Bth NW I TEl 206,368.0050 I gregeprothmon.com C O M P A N Y Soottle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prethman.com Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Be advertisin , and recruitin: 2/24/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4 /18/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 First work session with the City Council 4/22/03 Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 Semi - finalists interviews 4/30/03 5 /2/03 Second workshop 5/6103 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15/03 Final interviews 5/16/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING DIRECTOR PROPOSED TIME TABLE P Prothmall 1 10853 8th NW I TEL 206,368.0050 1 9re9 8prothmoncom C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FA.X 206.368.0060 www.prothman.com REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CRY—EMPLOYEES: CITY BUDGET: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on M 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th' largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Finance Director. City or Spokane Valley The City Council' has retained an Interim Finance Director to lead the pre - incorporation process of creating the new finance department. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the Valley, the operation of a ferry across the Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne SE bridge. In the 1900s small 'NA CE, DIRECTOR Draft Position Profile THE CITY CITY MANAGER $XXXXX 40 FEES (estimatedk- $35 MILLION (estimated) 83,000 3/21/03 communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from hitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, City of Spokane Valley 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned The Director of Finance reports directly to the City Manager and will plan, organize and manage the daily operations of the City's Finance functions. This position will be responsible for overseeing the accounting functions, including general ledger, cash management, purchasing, LID's, revenues and debt, benefits and ;related tax processing, and financial reporting as well as leading the preparation of the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). •J The Director will also be involved in capital project budgeting and compliance monitoring. The Finance Director is responsible for developing, maintaining, and reviewing the City's accounting ;policies and procedures to ensure efficiency and compliance with federal, state and local laws, regulations, policies and procedures, GAAP'and GASB. It will also be important to develop a budget capable of • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. THE POSITION KEY Y ISSUES Finance Director Position Profile Page 2 respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council - Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. winning the Washington Finance Officers' Distinguished Budget Award. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interviews scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. Every new employee including the new Finance Director must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each Finance Department employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokane Valley residents. City of Spokane Valley • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorpbration. The new Finance Director will assist the City Manager in the process of organizational development as the City begins to ` gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Finance Director will assist the City Manager in helping the organization gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Mirabeau Point. This 80-acre property is currently under ownership by the Inland Northwest Land Trust, Washington State Parks & Recreation, Spokane County; and the YMCA. Mirabcau Point, Inc., a private non - profit organization, provides administration, coordination and direction and construction management of this 36 million dollar project. Plans call for Mirabeau Point fo be transferred to Spokane The ideal candidate will have been a successful Finance Director in a contract city with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. He /she should be seen as honest, hard - working arid approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation within their department. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, community groups and other boards and coirututtees. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have CANDIDATE PROFILE Finance Director Position Profile Page 3 County upon completion for maintenance and operation. However, with the creation of Spokane Valley, talks have been initiated to consider transferring this exciting facility to the City instead. For more information on Mirabeau Point development plans go to www.mirabeaupoint.org. • Regional Participation With over 53,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Finance Director will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. a collaborative approach to fostering cooperation between City's Departments. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Finance Director will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. The candidate who can demonstrate that he or she has helped to develop a sense of pride in his /her city will be very interesting to City Managers. Finance Directors who have had previous experience with extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. City of Spokane Valley The City Manager will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and collaborating with both public and private agencies. COMPENSATION • ♦ $85,000 to 5105,000 DOQ ♦ Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement • • Deferred Compensation Plan • Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation &Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Finance Director Position Profile Page 4 Candidates must have at least six to eight years of professional governmental finance experience, including five years in a Finance Director role. A Bachelors Degree in accounting, finance, or a related field is required, with either a MBA or MPA preferred. The ideal candidate will have strong knowledge of GAAP, GASB 34 and the CAFR, and be committed to excellent customer service. He/She will have a proven track record of planning and coordinating internal staff and functions. Strong preference will also he given to candidates who possess a CPA and a high skill level in accounting software programs. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by MARCH 21., 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: P rothman 10853 8ih NW TEL 206.368.0050 greg©proihman.com C 0 M P A N Y I Seattle, WA 98177 I FAX 206,368.0060 I www.prothman.com City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish University Place Yakima Kennewick Richland City of Spokane Valley Title Mgmt. Services Dir. Finance Director Finance Director Finance & Info Dir. Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Finance Director Support Services Dir. Finance Director Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 Finance Director Salary Review January 8, 2003 Population 83,890 81,900 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34,560 30,190 Monthly Average Annual Average 73,040 55,780 39.350 Monthly Average Annual Average Salary 9,010 8,568 7,947 9,551 8,501 9,641 9,154 9,692 $9,008 $108,096 7,594 7,441 8.268 $7,767 $93,211 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman 1 10853 8th NW TEL 206,368.0050 ( gregOprothmcn,com C O M P A N Y scold*. MrA 98177 FAX 206.3 68.0060 www.prothmon.com Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Bee in advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 3/21/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes Status report to the City Council 4/1 1 /03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/25/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4 /30/03 First work session with the City Council 5/6/03 Set up interview times 5/7/03 5/9/03 Semi - finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/1.9/03 Second workshop 5/20/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/30/03 Final interviews 5/31/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FINANCE DIRECTOR Prothman PROPOSED TIME TABLE 10853 6th NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I greg@prot}mon.com C O M P A N Y ,...o. Wig, 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.protiunan.corn BUILDING OFFICIAL Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th largest. city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Building Offical. City of Spokane valley The City Council has retained Bob Ely to lead the process of creating the new Building Department. Mr. Ely will not be a candidate for the Building Official position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1853, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the THE CITY CITY MANAGER $XXXX 83,000 MARCH 7, 2003 Valley, the operation of a ferry across the Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreatibn, the Spokane Valley area is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their doors in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. THE POSITION The Building Official provides overall coordination, enforcement and specialized assistance for building inspections to ensure the City is in compliance with all statutory requirements. The Building Official will supervise an estimated six to eight Building Department employees. The • department employees are responsible for performing plan reviews and inspections of commercial, multi - family dwelling units, short plats, subdivisions and single family residences in the process of construction, alteration or repair for compliance with uniform building code requirements and other regulations' and provides public information and referral. The Building Official interprets and enforces building, mechanical, plumbing, and energy codes. • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as 'the highest administrative priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of KEY ISSUES Building Official Position Profile Page 2 The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council- Manager form of government. The City's seven part -time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interview scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. outstanding customer service to its citizens. Every new employee including the new Building Official must bring a highly developed sense of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee City of Spokane Valley conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokane Valley residents. • One Stop Permit Center Making the City's permitting process easier and more convenient for Spokane Valley residents is a very high priority with the City Council. The Building, Planning and Engineering Departments will be partnering in establishing a one stop permit center where all City permits can be obtained at one location. • Continuing the Development of the New Department The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorpdration. The new Building Official will need to continue the process of organizational development as the department begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the Building The ideal candidate will have been a successful Building Official in a city with a population between 30,000 — :90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a talented manager and leader who understands all aspects of a building department and the challenges facing newly created cities. He/she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach. The Building Official will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the CANDIDATE PROFILE Building Official Position Pmfile Page 3 Official will also need to help the Department gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Building Official will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. This individual must have a working knowledge of construction practices, codes, and land use planning concepts and a thorough understanding of zoning, municipal and administrative codes, and the public information process. He/she will have excellent communication skills to deal effectively with architects, engineers, and other development professionals and will be skilled in problem - solving and have the ability to make accurate and immediate decisions. COMPENSATION • $62,000 - $78,000 DOQ ♦ Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement City of Spokane Valley ♦ Deferred Compensation Plan ♦ Eleven Holidays ♦ Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE The ideal candidate should have extensive knowledge and background in engineering, construction techniques, codes, management and interpersonal skills: Candidates must have a minimum of five to seven years progressively responsible experience as a Building Official. A Building Official Position Profile Page 4 Bachelors Degree with major course work in civil engineering, constructions management or a related field is desired. A Certified Building Official certificate from ICBO is required. A licensed professional engineer or architect certificate is highly desired. A valid Washington driver's license is required at time of appointment. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by March 7, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Prothman: P rothman 10853 Bth NW TEL 206.368.0050 greg®prothmon.com C O M P A N Y 1 5evtile, WA 98177 ( FAX 206,368.0060 www.prothmon.com City of Spokane Valley Building Official Director Salary Review January 14, 2003 City Title Population Salary Federal Way Building Official 83,890 6,098 Kent Building Official 81,900 6,627 Lakewood Building Official 61,000 6,023 Renton Building Official 53,840 6,278 Shoreline Building Official 53,150 6,640 Kirkland Building Official 45,770 7,773 University Place Building Official 30,190 6,400 Monthly Average $6,548 Annual Average $78,581 Yakima Building Official 73,040 6,252 Kennewick Building Official 55,780 5,492 Richland Building Official 39,350 6,214 Monthly Average $5,986 Annual Average $71,832 Reconunended Annual Salary Range: $63,000 - $78,000 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. � ia 1 10853 8th NW I TB. 206.360.0050 I greg©prothman.com Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothmancom Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Begin advertising and recruiting l/27/03 Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/7/03 Status report to the City Council 3/14/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 3/21/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 3/27/03 First work session with the City Council 4/1/03 Set up interview times 4/2/03 4/4/03 Semi- finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/10/03 4/12/03 Second Council workshop 4/15/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 4/16/03 4/24/03 Final interviews 4/25/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUILDING OFFICIAL RECRUITMENT PROPOSED TIME TABLE P rothman 10853 8th NW Ta. 206.368.0050 I greg®prothmoncom C O M P A N Y secti!e. WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www.prothmon.ccm IC WORKS DIRECTOR Draft Position Profile REPORTS TO: COMPENSATION: CITY EMPLOYEES: POPULATION: CLOSING DATE: The new City of Spokane Valley is projected to incorporate on March 31, 2002 and begin providing municipal services as Washington's newest and 7th"' largest city. The City is now seeking its first permanent Public Works Director. City of Spokane Valley The City Council has retained Dick Warren, Interim Public Works Director to lead the creation of this new department. Mr. Warren will not be a candidate for the Public Works Director position. Spokane Valley's European/American roots go back to before 1553, when Antoine Plante started the first commercial enterprise in the THE CYTY CITY MANAGER 40 FTEs (estimated) 83,000 Valley, the operation of a ferry across the Spokane River about two miles upriver from the present Argonne St. bridge. In the 1900s small communities with colorful names such as Opportunity, Green Acres, Vera, Otis Orchard, Trentwood and Kokomo grew and are now many of Spokane Valley's neighborhoods and commercial centers. Spokane Valley experiences all four seasons throughout the year, each contributing to the unique lifestyles of its residents. Situated between the Rocky and Cascade mountain ranges, Spokane Valley is protected from damp coastal weather and is shielded from bitter cold winters. Spokane Valley averages 260 plus days of sunshine each year. Spokane Valley offers outstanding recreation opportunities and a great quality of life. With year -round recreation, the Spokane Valley area City of Spokane Valley is truly the outdoor enthusiast's playground. Countless lakes, 4 major rivers, 32 golf courses, 13 ski areas, numerous hiking and biking trails, 75 parks region wide and excellent hunting and fishing offer many impressive recreation options. Major industries are expanding in Spokane Valley and hundreds of new businesses have opened their dooFs in recent years. New business parks and professional buildings are being constructed, providing attractive facilities for both new and expanding companies. The Public Works Director serves as a member of the City's management team and provides leadership and supervision of an estimated five to seven employees plus managing a variety of contracts for municipal services. The department is responsible for: ♦ Streets - Including right of way management, - inspection and street maintenance contracts ♦ Engineering ♦ Traffic - Developing a comprehensive traffic management plan, managing the placement of traffic control devices (signs & signals) • ♦ Surface Water Management - Managing the City's SWM contract ♦ Sewer and Water - Coordinating with the local utility districts providing service within the City ♦ 6 Year Transport ttion Improvement Plan ♦ Infrastructure Construction Management - Managing City initiated projects • Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley City Council has established, as the highest administrative THE POSITION KEY ISSUES Public Works Director Position Profile Page 2 The Spokane Valley, as a whole, wields increasing economic strength and has earned respect as an important piece of the Inland Northwest's economic structure. Spokane Valley's strong economic growth and beautiful parks and excellent schools continue to attract new residents. The City of Spokane Valley operates as a code city under the laws of the State of Washington with a Council - Manager form of government. The City's seven part-time City Council Members are elected at large and choose a mayor from the Council, who serves a two year term. While the City's organization chart is still being developed the City Council anticipates that there will be seven department level managers reporting directly to the City Manager including the Deputy City Manager, Contract Police Chief, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Attorney and Building Official. The City Council is planning recruitments for the Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Official positions with the final interviews scheduled to occur after the new City Manager has been selected. The City Council recognizes the importance and supports the need for the City Manager to select the management team. priority, that every member of the new city administration be steeped in the principals of outstanding customer service to its citizens. City of Spokane Valley Every new employee including the new Public Works Director must bring a highly developed sense' of public service which is demonstrated daily in how each employee conducts city business providing the very best customer service to Spokane Valley residents. • Continuing the Development of the New City The interim management team will have created the fundamental organization which will be providing municipal services on the date of incorporation. The new Public Works Director will need to continue the process of organizational development as the City begins to gain more experience on required service levels. Additionally, as this is a very new administrative organization, the new Public Works Director will assist the City Manager in helping the organization gain its sense of identity and continue its development as a high quality service provider. • One Stop Permit Center Making the City's permitting process easier and more convenient for Spokane Valley residents is a very high priority with the City Council. The Building, Planning and Public Works Departm'ents will be partnering in establishing a ot\e -stop permit center where all City permits can be obtained at one location. The ideal candidate will have been a successful Public Works Director in a contract city with a population between 30,000 — 90,000 and will have had previous experience in an organization recognized for excellent customer service and continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will be a public works professional who understands all aspects of municipal public works and the challenges facing newly created cities. CANDIDATE PROFILE Public Works Director Position Profile Page 3 • Sewer Plant and Collection System The City is in an aquifer protection area and for the past 10 years, the County has been implementing a program to eliminate septic tanks in the area by providing a sewer system. The program is planned to continue through 2010 and the City intends to contract with the County to complete and operate the sewer system. Sewage treatment is currently provided by the City of Spokane through an interlocal agreement with the County. The issue of future regional wastewater treatment will need to be resolved in the next two years. The City will play a significant role in this process. • Regional Participation With over 83,000 residents Spokane Valley is one of the three major local government service providers in Spokane County. Spokane Valley will need to continue working with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, other agencies and neighboring cities to facilitate solutions to regional issues. • Support Council as Leaders The Spokane Valley City Council provides excellent policy guidance and it is incumbent upon staff to ensure that Council policy is enacted in a timely and effective manner. The new Public Works Director will be in a leadership role ensuring staff work efforts are consistent with Council Policy. He/she should be seen as honest, hard - working and approachable by citizens, staff and Council while establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences such as the City Council, cornmunity groups and other boards and committees. City of Spokane Valley H.e /She will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create a high performance, customer service, organizational culture. The selected candidate will be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and have a collaborative approach to fostering future development of the City's Departments as a team. He/She will have excellent organizational development skills. The Public Works Director will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization and can be relied upon to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. Public Works Directors who have had previous experience with :extensive contracting for municipal services will be strongly considered. Knowledge of Washington State law is a plus. Preference will be given to candidates who have a demonstrated ability to establish and maintain contacts with various local, regional, national government agencies and private organizations. The City Manager' will be looking for proven experience in taking the lead in negotiating and Public Works Director Position Profile Page 4 collaborating with both public and private agencies to achieve goals. COMPENSATION ♦ $85,000 to $105,000 nxQ • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Disability ♦ 401A: Social Security Replacement ♦ PERS: State of Washington PERS Retirement • Deferred Compensation Plan • Eleven Holidays • Vacation & Sick leave EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE Candidates should have six to eight years of progressively responsible senior management. experience in a similar city or public sector agency as a Public Works Director. A Bachelors Degree in civil engineering, public administration, business or applicable field is required. A Masters Degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will have a history of continued educational and professional development. The City of Spokane Valley is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply by JANUARY 31, 2003. Please send a letter of interest and resume to Greg Ptothman: IF rotIirriari I 10853 8th NW TEL g206. 368.0050 greprethman.com C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 I FAX 206.368.0060 I www.prothmon.com City Federal Way Kent Lakewood Renton Shoreline Kirkland Sammamish Yakima Kennewick Richland City of Spokane Valley Public Works Director Salary Review Title Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. Public Works Dir. January 8, 2003 Population 83,890 81,900 61,000 53,840 53,150 45,770 34.560 Monthly Average Annual Average 73,040 55,780 39,350 Monthly Average Annual Average Recommended Annual Salary Range: $85,000 - $105,000 Salary 9,010 8,994 7,489 9,551 8,501 9,563 9.154 $8,894 $106,734 7,594 7,441 8,773 $7,936 $95,232 These numbers are taken from the 2002 AWC Salary Survey. Theses cities most accurately reflect Spokane Valley's "competition" in the market place when attracting quality potential candidates. P rothman 1 10853 8tlt NW I TEL 206.368.0050 I grogeproihman.com C O M P A N Y Seattle, WA 98177 FAX 206.368.0060 www,prothmon.,om Deliver of draft Position Profile 1 /16/03 City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 Be in'advertisin. and recruitin 2/24/03 Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 3/28103 Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 4/22/03 First work session with the City Manager Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 Semi - finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/30/03 5/2/03 Second workshop 5/6/03 Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15103 Final interviews 5/17/03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PROPOSED TIME TABLE IP rothman 1 10853 8th 14W I TEL 206.308.0050 g;cy iprothrncncom C O M P A N Y Seatilo, WA 98177 FAX 206,368.0060 www.proihmon.com ClienY 1016, " j ction °, '_ .. ;,0i _,' ■ .. Date to Date SV CM Greg Kickoff meeting with City Council 12/3/02 SV CM Greg Stakeholder interviews 12/6/02 SV CM Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 12/13/02 SV CM Greg City Council to finalize and approve the Position Profile 12/15/02 SV CM Greg Begin advertising and recruiting. 12/23/02 SV BO Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1 /16/03 SV DCM Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV Fin Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV Plan Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV PW Greg Deliver of draft Position Profile 1/16/03 SV BO Greg . City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV DCM Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV Fin Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV Plan Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV PW Greg City Council reviews and approve the Position Profile 1/21/03 SV BO Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 1 /27/03 SV CM Kath Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 1/31/03 SV DCM Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 SV Fin Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/3/03 SV CM Kath Status report to the City Council 2/7/03 SV CM Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 2/15/03 SV CM Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 2/21/03 SV Plan Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/24/03 SV PW Kath Begin advertising and recruiting 2/24/03 SV CM Greg First work session with the City Council 2/25/03 SV CM Kath Set up interview times 2/26/03 2/28/03 SV CM Greg Semi - finalists interviews 3/5/03 3/7/03 SV BO Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/7/03 SV CM Greg Second City Council workshop 3/11/03 SV CM Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 3/12/03 3/20/03 SV BO Kath Status report to the City Council 3/14/03 SV BO Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 3/21/03 SV CM Greg Final interviews 3/21/03 3/22/03 SV DCM Kath Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 3/21/03 SV Fin Kath Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes 3/21/03 SV BO Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 3/27/03 SV Plan Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 SV PW Kath Target for candidate applications /submittal of resumes 3/28/03 SV BO Greg First work session with the City Council 4/1/03 SV 130 Kath Set up interview times 4/2/03 4/4/03 SV Plan Kath Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 SV PW Kath Status report to the City Council 4/3/03 SV 130 Greg Semi - finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/10/03 4/12/03 SV DCM Kath Status report to the City Council 4/11/03 SV Fin Kath Status report to the City Council 4/11/03 SV BO o Gre Second Council workshop 4/15/03 SV BO Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 4/16/03 4/24/03 SV Plan Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 SV PW Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/18/03 SV Plan Greg First work session with the City Council 4/22/03 SV PW Greg First work session with the City Manager 4/22/03 SV Plan Kath Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 SV PW Kath Set up interview times 4/23/03 4/25/03 SV BO Greg Final interviews 4/25/03 SV DCM Kath Deadline for candidate materials 4/25/03 SV Fin Kath Deadline for completion of candidate materials 4/25/03 SV DCM Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 SV Fin Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 SV Plan Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council 4/30/03 SV Plan Greg . Semi - finalists interviews 4/30/03 5/2/03 SV PW Kath Delivery of candidate materials to the City Manager 4/30/03 SV PW Greg Semi - finalists interviews by Greg Prothman 4/30/03 5/2/03 SV DCM Greg First work session with the City Manager 5/6/03 SV Fin Greg First work session with the City Council 5/6/03 SV Plan Greg Second workshop 5/6/03 SV PW Greg Second workshop 5/6/03 SV DCM Kath Set up interview times 5/7/03 5/9/03 SV DCM Greg Semi - finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/19/03 SV Fin Kath Set up interview times 5/7/03 5/9/03 SV Fin Gre Semi - finalists interviews 5/7/03 5/19/03 SV Plan Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5 /15/03 SV PW Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/7/03 5/15/03 SV Plan Greg Final interviews 5/16/03 SV PTV Greg Final interviews 5/17/03 SV DCM Greg _ Second workshop — - 5/20/03 _ - SV Fin Greg Second workshop 5/20/03 SV DCM Kath . Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/29/03 SV Fin Kath Background & education checks of finalist candidates 5/21/03 5/30/03 SV DCM Greg Final interviews 5/30/03 SV Fin Greg Final interviews 5/31/03