2009, 01-20 Study Session AGEI�"DA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION 'Tuesday, January 20,1009 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague A�•enue, First Floor (Please Silence Your CeU Phones Daring the Meeting) DISCliSSION LEADER SUB.IECT/ACTIVITY GOAL ��'e�v Enrplouee Introdvctions: Finance Director introd:�eing Datahc�se Adnlirristrator Phil tlermann nnd Accou�:ti»g Technician Sarah Dovenport; and Public i3jorks Director Nei! Kersten in�roducing .Stc�rn�►���7ter Engirreer Art Jenkins, anld Assis�arrt Tra�c E�igineer Ryan Kipp i. Steve Worley (30 minutes) J-U-B Street MasterPlan Update Discussion/Information i. Neil Kersten (2� minutes) Poe Street and Stormwater Maintenance Discussionllnformation Contract Renewal 3. Inga Note (20 minutes) Parking Restrictiuns I)iscussion/Inforniation 4. Greg McCormick (10 minutes) Comprehensive Plan Quarterly Update niscussi�n r`Iilf01"�11�ii1011 �. Mike Stone (10 minutes) CenterPlace Food Services Contract lliscussion/lnformation 6. Mike Stone (20 minutes) Universal Play�round Final Design Update Discussioa/Inform�tion 7. h�re�� kendall (?0 minutes) Airport O��erla�� l�iscussion!Inf�rtti�tion �. Lori I3arlo« ��C� fI11I1l1ICS,) Subdi�•ision Regulations Cc�de Rer,�isio��� Discus5ion:�Iiiformatic�n Title 17, 20, and Appendix A 9. Deputy� Mayor Denenny Advance Agenda Discussionllnformati��n 10. Injormation Only: (lhese items will not be disct�ssed or reported) a. Alternative Winter Road Provider — Mike Jackson/Neil Kersten b. Stormwater Stimulus Project — Neil Kersten 11. Deputy Mayor Denenny Council Check in Discussion/Informatic�n 12. Dave Mer+cier City Manager Comments lliscussion/Information TXFCUTIYE SESSION: Pending Litigation ADJOURN n'ol�: Unl�ss other�ise noted above, there w�ill be no public comments at Cauncil Study Sessiuns. I�oHrrer� Ccwncil alwa�•s reserves ti�e right to request in[ormatioa from the public �ad sts�ff aa approprlate. During mc�tings held by thc City of Spokanc Vallc}� Cauncii, ttte Council reserves the cight lo take "actioa" on any iUem listed or subsequend}' edded to the agendn. The terin "action" mcans tu deliber�se, discuss, re�7e�v, cocuidcr, evaluate, or malce a collective positive or negnti��e dceision. NOTiCE� lndividuals planning W aticnd the meeting wtw rcquire apxinl assismna to eccommadate pbysical, hcaring, ar other impairmmts, pl+ease cuncact the Ciry Clerti; at (509j 921-14t?� rs soon as possible so that arrangemtnts may bc madc Stuuti- Sessian ASznd:� lanusn• 2f?, ��X151 Pagc 1 0( ! � CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent � old business ❑ new business ❑ p ��blic he�nng f] information � 4dmir r�part ❑ pertiing leg+s!at�on AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street Master Plan Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted "the drafting of a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options", as a principal 2006 budget goal. Reviewed a draft scope of work at the December 20, 2005 Council Study Session and authorized staff to issue an RFP for the selection of a consultant. Reviewed final scope and fee for J-U-B Engineers' at the May 2, 2006 Study Session and approved them on May 9, 2006. JUB Engineers presented a status of the project on December 19, 200fi. The draft report was included as an Informational item in Council's July 10, 2007 packet. The recommended Pavement Management Program (Part One of the Street Master Plan) was presented to Council on July 17, 2007. Part Two -- Transportation Improvement Program was postponed and then presented to Council on October 16, 2007. Motion approved on November ??007 �uth�rizino a Change Order to JUB's contra�t f� �I��C l��l!'�` f� � {�'l� �tr.7G� 1`;t�C!`� C'�I��� l BACKGROUND: Council expressed their desire to develop a well-defined Street Master F���:��� with funding options, that identifies the current condition of the city streets and recommenc: � appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity c� the local transportation system. J-U-B Engineers was selected as the most highly �; :�_�:' �` �_ _i consultant for this project. J completed the Street Master Plan in ,1une 2G0 r. Gouncil author�zec, a Lnanye uru�r : update the street master plan for 2008. J Engineers will present the results of this update. OPTIONS: Presentation only RECOMMENDED ACTION 0�=: I��.`;���i�iU','��: 1=�; _,�-,,'�,� �UDGEZ�/FINAI�CiAL iViPACTS: Prc��; o�,��.. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Direc.����;� Steve Worley. ��� ,,; . � ,,�,;.,,- , _ r_. -,- .=�' P��_ �� ..._ ATTACHIIAENTS Pavement Management Plan Update 2008, copy of PowerPoint presentati����� r r � � • • ' ' • 1 � � / � � I / 1 ' ' � � I I . �. e o cess ' -' h s of Loca I Streets Field I ns p ected two f ift . � ' I WS DOT Re 'd ted all of the Arteria s Field I ns ec q p • om uter Database U d ated C p p . ition Chan es 2008 Pavement Cond Evaluated g ' ''' P roto co I s a n d P ro ce d u re s • Ref�ned Pr�orit�es, , • lo ed New Bud ets Deve g p • Limited 2009 Bud et g • Full recommended Bud et 2� 10 to 2014 g , . , __ ; , , ,,� �� r Plan S Q t Mas�e � `�a.11 Pavement Management Frogram � . !� , �� � r�� � �1� .�:, t �1 , ds� 1 1 ��, � fo � _ , ; r r �`+/� .,�� �?� 'I ��� � , I I .�•- :r � + � ,� . � l I I I 'y ' • ' O �� a� � � �,��� �� � � w s„� '�. / �� � �- ''b / � � � � � ''� + F' �� '�. w� �,�. � �"�'�g ? Januar�/ ao, 2009 3 J-U-B ENGINE�RS, INC. � . ' • � ' � � � / � � I / I � ' � / / / . • � Pave mert.t on itton RATING 0 100 o Exceilent N Excellent � x � Very Good °O � 40% drop in � o � ualit � _. N � a Y Each $1 of repair � 70 �� �� Good = ° 75% of life not done here .. a� :� Good �. � � .� . � ; - :. � � � � — '` . .w111 cost � �� • : : . �� �r • � O V • ♦ � 55 .. t��� o U°: Fair o $8 to $10 if � : . . ": ' Fair .� 40 /o drop L- � � � �• _� � � � . , delayed to ..��..,... � .,..+..Q. L„ a� in quality `�� i �� � here � 40 .' ', ' � .� � Poor O � Poor � 12% of Iife � , " ,_,' � n Failed 25 - -_- � _ - Very Poor � 5 10 15 20 - � Yea r - - �-- 10 Failed 0 -- � , � � , ,., . ' ' � • . . � � • ' � � , � I � � ' I I � I � ee � Revenue 2007 Annua� �r Fund Annual Revenue ' 900 000 STEP Pro ects , � - rvation 1 015 0�0 Street F u nd P rese , , ' Rehab 1 300 0�0 TIP Preservation & , , ' ' ts 2 250 000 TIP Ca �tal Pro ec p J , , Tota I 5 4 6 5� 0 Q , � . , , ... :� . fIT � ter Plan t I�as S e Stree � L�alle Pavement Management Program y ., / �� : ��- : `� ��� - 5 F i i� �i'"_' �' i �! I �� _ - „� � 2.79 70.58 RR �4 V �G�ood VJ.J.J I G0.97 58.12 � 6 � i .�' ood - =� _ - � ��� , 1 ' �i , I - ; 1 �L, �- � - I i i � i I .� �� � 10 � _ rY Poor� I, t � � ' . �� R � j I4 ■' Existing 1 2 3 4 5 6 .{� ' Plan Year ..� — - - - — 6 .I-t'-B F1v�'iI1VEERS'� I11TC. .Iurtucir� 2[l, 2uo9 1:1� :F: . 200 �ecomrnen a�.on Preservation Rehabilitation STEP TOTAL Annual Need $3,400, D00 $5,600,000 $900, 000 $9, 940, 000 2007 Reven ue $1,665, 000 $2, 900, 000 $900, 004 $5,465, 0�0 Unfunded $1,735,00� �2,700,000 - 0 - $ 4,435, 000 ' Id Maintain an overall 4C1 >70 Th�s Pro ram wou g reatrnenf es Preventive Maintenance • Crack Sealin g . . L Fo Sea I i n g g Patchin g Gradin g Added i n 20�8 • Severe Crack Seal Deleted i n 2008 • MicroPave Rehabilitation . . . As halt 4verla s p Y � 2 > 2" Mill & As halt Overla s p Y Reconstruction CI'1'1' ( ����� ���� S e Street `�alle Pavement �Vlanagement Program y , �, -� , , .. . 120 100 - 80 60 - � — Fitting OCI 8 —OLD OCI PCI ONLY 40 Zo - o , � - ,- - � — O 2 4 6 8'10 12 14 16 '18 20 22 24 26 28 30 35 40 • � � • - w---�, . .. , ,..��_ ,.—�r,� � �� -20 - - _ - - - - -- Age .lanum�y zo, 2009 q J-U-B �11TGINF' :RS, INC. �� �x I� s�er P�an S k;an.e St�ee� � � `alle Pavement 1llanagement Frogram y I A a�e �s� �i a ��' Pe �o R e�o r �a �i� nc� � � , . �da a�� f � I / CI �� �'e ' � � �j o fS �'�k �' I/ N R �IS d ne ° �'�"' . 4 0 � z e �-� � �? w R �� f � : � �' k'� �? +s�. �o Ju��:�c�r�/ ��u, _'uuy — - 10 J-U-R F.NGINEERS, INC. � � • - ' � ' � ' � . � � / � ' / / / ' ' � I I / ' ns to Overall Recommendatto �'`rocess To Correct Issues on Future Fro'ects J • Street Standards Upgrades 1. Increased geotechnical investigations of existing soil. 2. Accurate truck traffic assessments. 3. Require "Engineered" pavement section design. 4. Careful evaluation of asphalt cement mix design. 5. Increase minimum pavement section. 6. Increase fractured face requirement. 7. Increase moisture and compaction compliance testing. 8. Enhanced joint and pavement density compaction requirements. 9. Improved asphalt temperature monitoring and placement. 10.Use of stabilized subbase (Asphalt or Cement Treated Base). • Use Of Ex erienced, Full-time Construction Observers p , . , , � :� , . . • - � ' , � . � � � � � � � I � I � � I � � I � • • � Lzrnz te u et cenarios Eva uate 9 ► . Continue with 20�7 Revenue 2 900 000 for Arterials , , 1 665 400 for Locals. $ , , . � �" � D" Rati n OC I> 65 fo r Loca Is Ma�ntain GO g � �" OOD" Ratin OCI > 70 for Arterials Ma�nta�n VERY G g ' cted Economic Stimulus Packa e Fundin in 2009 Pro�e g g S ra ue — Universit to Evergreen $3,615,000 and/or others p g Y _ _ _ _- . ��� ter Plan S e � reet N�as � �1a11 Pavement Management �'rogram � • • � '/ I I I I I/ I � , `1 w1.' f" 75 73 � 71 69 - - 67 - — � 65 - 63 - -- 61 - 59 — Option 2 57 - — Option 1 � 55 - - - - 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Budget Year - -- T .Tmtteut'y 20, 2009 Y3 J-U-li 1:'N(�I�ti'1;1:IZ.ti, I�tirC:. �T ter P�an � M�s S ok�ane �� � ��alle Pavement Management Program y � , �• I � �� � �- �_ �,_ r Local Street OCI Com parison 75 , , � . � � 70 - - -- '� , � , 1- � i -.� 65 _ _, ; I . . , �,, � — '� U O '� fi0 - ; 55 — �Ption 1 � — Option 2 � � _� 50 - � 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 � Budget Year ' � � � _ Jmtuary _�c�� •�noy 14 J-L'-IZ 1::�`Gl:�'LLItS, IN(.'. � � � . . . . . � ' � . � � � � � � I f � � � I I � I � • 200 ate Recornrnen aiZOn * 2010 — 2014 Average ARTERIALS L4CALS STEP TOTAL Average Annual N eed $4, 000, D00 $2, 200, 000 $1,10�, 000 $7, 300, 000 Reven ue I ncluded I n TI P $2 000,000 $0 $1,100 000 $3,100,000 Unfunded $2,000,000 $2,200,0�� $0 $4,200 Arte rials - Maintain 4CI >74 L ocals - Main tair� 0 CI > 65 1 1 f � City of Spokane Valley - Capital Improvement Program Funding Problem Statement #3 Janua 13� 2009 � yp,ar 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 � RESOURCES: � B E G. B A L $ 8, 000, 000 $ 387, 000 $(2, 578, 000) $(3, 279, 000) $(2, 255, 000) $(1, 231, 000) � ! CA P P R�J E CTS RE ET 1 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 00� $ 900, 000 $ 900.000 ~ S P EC. CAP P ROJECTS RE ET 2 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 $ 900, 000 INVESTMENT EARNINGS $ 150,000 $ 72,000 $ 4,000 $ ' $ ' $ " ; CDBG FROM COUNTY $ 300, 000 $ 300, U00 $ 300, 000 $ 300, 000 $ 30�, 000 $ 300, 000 IINS. SETTLEMENT $ 85,� � - $ ' $ " $ - . !STATE - UNN. PARK $ 8�,� $ - $ - $ - $ - -- - - --�- , PARKS GRANT $ 200,000 $ - $ �,� $ - $ - i 8T0RM WATE R DRAINAGE _ $ 300, 000 $ 3�0, 000 $ 300, 000 $ 500, 000 $ 500, 000 $ 500, Q00 G E N. F UN D $ 70, 000 $ 10, 000 $ 10, 000 $ 10, 000 $ 10, 000 $ 10, 000 �TOTAL RESOURCES S 11�T05,000 S 2,869,000 S (114,000) S(669,000)! $ 355,000 $ 1,379,000 _ Q(PENDITURES: -- � PARKS $ 440, 000 $ 580, 000 $ 100, 000 $ 100, 000 $ 100, 000 $ 100, 000 DISCOVERY (UNNERSAL) PK $ 900,000 __ _ _ __ ! D E BT S E RV IC E P Y MTS $ 187, 000 $ 184, 000 $ 185, 0� $ 186, 000 $ 186, 000 $ 190, 000 �CDBG FROM COUNTY $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 ' CRY POO LS $ 555, 000 ' 2009-201411P secured ptojectst $ 7,136, 000 $ 3,106, 000 $ 1, 780, 0� $ - $ - � - T1P Conti ngency $ 500, 000 $ 500, 000 $ 500, 000 $ 500.000 $ 500, 000 $ 500, OOQ �STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS $ 300,000 $ 300,�00 � 300,000 $ �0,� $ �,� � �,� BARKER BRIDGE ADDTL FUNDING $ 1,000,000 $ 477,000 $ - $ - $ - '' TOTAL DCPENDITURES 5 11.318�000 S 5,447,000 a 3,165,000 b 1,586,000 $ 1�586�000 S 1,590,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR S 387,000 S(2,���) �(3�279�000) �(2,255�000� S(1�231,000) S(211,000) - Pa��ment Mgmt. �rogram � (4,200.000) � (4.200,000), � (4,�a0,0U0) $(�,200,�00) :�(4,2�0,0001 ${�,200,OO�J) Unfunded pianned 11P projects' $ (121, 000) $(3, 602, 000) $(1, 906, 000) $(3, 521, 000) $(3, 629, 000) $(1, 747, 000) � Extra cost on pools and Barker Bridge =$25 million Reduction in RE excise tax o�er 6 years =$1.2 million � A neduction in projects or a delay on some projects is necessary Arterials Local Streets STEP Total IEst. Pavement Mgmnt Annual Needs $ 4,000,000 $ 2,200,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 7,300,000 �tEst. Costs included in 200�201411P $ 2,000,00 $ 1.100,000 $ 3,100,000 _� Projected PMP Funding Sho�tfall � 2,000,000 $ 2,200,000 _-$_ - I$ 4,200.000 . � ��" City matching funds only � ���� po e Va11 �Y �er Plan t I�a�s Pavemenf Management P�'ogram 1 , J-U-ls C.lvcrrl�rr.r.x.7, uv�.. .TQ1t1HITE/ 20� 2009 �,� � Plan S e ��e e� I��s�e � tija.11e Pavement Management Program y � Arterials and Collectors s City oT Spokane Valley � .-. �+i ' �-�� t- ;�, � 2009 2� 14 Pr�eservation Projects Mo p , _ I�_� ;��`�-�� _t; -- r�: I s Overlays and Reconstn�cfion Onty ,; � -- !� _ --�' _ �- `-� - - . _ U--_- � ' ; r � .. � ;r-- � ° ;—�..,_. � � �o !S - _ _-�"� •�. " �� � ~ ! .� -- . � i .i �_ ..T , t_: ,_� _: ,�_ �---.____ — � -r� _ _ _.I—�l _ ._ � � .E��� � - � --- -: -! ;T -� "�� �r+C� a -- �� � ,:._,_ ! - _.1 � --- "� j � -` � � `. � � � � J J - ~ V- t ��� ��-- ---�- ,1 � • f �l - , 'i � 1 1 �! - - L _ - I 1 � J—� � _ - - - - - '7� _ � �_:_' {^ -- � �► 'l� - � f� �, . , j � . _:� i � _ . - . - �T - - -- � _ � �4 L � ` - - • � �� -• - AV 1 -� r� � I �i f J � o� .; �� _ � _�...--- ��--��� _ �� _____� ' . �_ '� Missbn - _ � T . , : . - �A�r _ i _ ? _, — •--..:;_ - - ,a�_ - , - — p _ - _ Missio�ti. � � r —., y � � Y �- � � -..�..�--j _ p � sion AY_ � -- - ..L':� : ��-�--T� - - . � ; r - ' � --� _ ''� � • �.' -- - �' '� T .__� I� . J '.� � ' — � ' �.., - '- —', -T- `—' t � � �` � _ i I - � � I i � T� �: � � , � , i. , .— � _ � � . _, I .— � { ��,-� - � �� ,-- • ,,._ ! - - ' - _ _ "' ' _ r _ _ ' '- i ��N-�tl - L � f �� �+_: � • -.^ L ._ _ -- - _- �� � _ � 12�� , { _ � � j_ �----, I - - ' i' + --, � � ,I 10'T'"' . , . rt1 _ _ � � i� � ._: .� -- - - �.. � - - ,_ _ - , ��/ . � . '.__ _ __� r � ^���,���� ' N �.' I -� - � _ �. � e � ' .� .. ! / �,( • --� _ � -__ _ 1 _ - ' � t.�" _- . . �- .�- . `J , J _ � -_' '� .-"'_ I - -_ . . � _ .. � �,� `� � ��"�.-"' + L_ � � - - -Y"r ' ..=._ . � ',: 1 i -. --', ' ` � � � �` - � I �--•� � ' � i 1 --�` 1 . -•'__ ,� �� � -} '�� - � �!�-F^'��� - - -_ �-i -..� � � � r � �'" � I_' = ' �: � - ,- � - - _ . �. -' � - �d�t A1I --�� � $ r- -�_� ' r: _ . . _ . � dt}1 /�I _ . � -�- . -r-- -' (� �-�_� ;� � r-r-' - -_ i - �� ; '��.�i •' V �Y �-r- • _._ i - 1r = • -:__ - _ . _ - _ . — -- �-,•. �� -� `! i _ _r- �-� , . ' 1 � -,T - - � : -: *-` -r;_ -Y-; r- _,.r( , _ ' �_� p' s --:-� �.:,..�, 1 I J �^ _�__�_--t-�'?� � _ - -.�, _ ,., :� ;� - --' i a J---. � '� f.. -�� - � _ - -' i.� �S1".�-.-• s .,�-�._ _ - J�� r I , - ~'.� ' � ,. _, ''�l. \ ' J � . .. ._' ,; l" ��� b�� , - : I %��`.'_ t r` lpw�d u . r- r :' � \ ! � :..��M'A ` �w�r...r. �w,...r.� _ � , ,�, - - �+. �...... _-� ...... �� ...�. --- - �w�.�..r. ss p.r...� �- - - — - .--% � - .�+. - - �+ �� -- -- . �..4.. �..•.... ..�.. � ...�. - a�w t�..r..� �w w.r...i ��� ��r.w O�o�1�r 11, �Q � �r CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Councii Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information � admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Renewal GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Approval on April 24, 2007, Contract Renewal on February 6, 2008 BACKGROUND: The City conducted a RFP process in March 2007. In April 2007 the Council awarded the contract to Poe Asphalt Paving by the following motion: 4. Motion Consideration: Contract Approval for Street aud Stormwater ivaultenance aud Repair — Neil Kersten. It ti��ns »�m� by Cauncilmember Munson and seconded to m+�rd the contr4ct to Poe Asphalt Paving in an amount not to exceed $1,175,119, and a�cthorue the City> M�nager or designee to sig�r tl�e contract and future sevett year renewab�e options as prrn�ided in the RFP docr�cneents. Public Works Direetor Kersten explained ihat there have been no changes since this was last discussed Uefore Council. Depttty Mayor Taylor invited public coinments; no cou�ments were offe�•e�l. Yofe by Acclamatron: In fm�or: Unani�»ores. 4ppose�l: None. Abst�ntions: None. Motion cmried. The contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City. Poe Asphalt Paving provided an excellent level of service during 2007 and 2008. Poe Asphalt has requested increases to their unit bid prices as outlined in the unit price comparison spreadsheet. With the exception of asphalt, Poe is requesting an average unit price increase in contract cost of 3.37%. The current CPI-U is 4.9% for the last 12 months. Hot Mixed Asphalt (HMA) has been extremely volatile this last summer. Bid prices on our projects have been as follows: Pro'ect Bid Date HMA Price Appleway Ave. Reconstruction 9l28/2007 $57.19 Broadway Rehab. I-90 to Park 8t22/2008 $83.00 Pines-Mansfield 6/19/2008 $81.80 Sprague/Bowdish Intersection 8/22/2008 $93.00 Poe's price for 2008 was $44.00. In 2009 they are guaranteeing a maximum cost of $59.00 and have agreed to lower the price if the actual price of liquid asphalt results in a lower production cost to Poe (see attached letter from Poe). I recommend that we approve the unit price increases and approve the base contract to Poe Asphalt paving in the amount of $1,175,119. OPTIONS: Renew the contract, not renew the contract or provide further direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the current 2009 approved budget. STAFF C�I�TACT: �leil ��rsten �1`T,�4�HAAENT�: �G��09 ciraf� +�t�nt�ct ren��ra'l ���er, 2{�C►8��t�4� l�nit Price ��rr�p�ris�n S�r�a�dsh��� CITt' (� po e a11e � y 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall�spokanevalley.org �ebi•uar�' �X. 20�9 Poe 1�sphalt Pavilig, 1rlc. 2732 N Beck Road Post Falls, ID 838>4 Re: Implementutior� of zUUy option yeur, Contract No. 09-OD3, for Agreement 5'treE�t nnd ,Stornrti��nter 1llaint�f�cr,rce antl Rc�pair �SPri�ice,c, . ���. n�-n� �'�, execreted .�l�rch 13. 2�(�,�' I)ear �1r. (irif�iitli: I he �'ity executed a cuntract tor pro��ision of Street �d Storm��ater 1��lainteilanc� �ul�l IZepai�� Services on May 11, 2007. The Request for Proposal states that it was for one year, with % U�l110I1��� C�llc' �'�'�it' l�l'111� Pt�ti`i��l�� lf T�lt j��i�1�� 1T1lItl1Z���� �i`�I'�� t� e��rci��� t�1C (��t1011� e�iC�l \'�'�11'. �I�l�� �it� ti�uul�l li�.� t�� ��ei�ci�c� chc; �UU�) u�tivn }'��3r c�f� tll� :��I'��lll�lll. 1 Il� L' 0111�)�I1��.1L1�)I1 ��� outline in Exhibit B, 2009 Cost Proposal, includes the increases you requested and shall not exceed $1,175,119. If you are in agreement with exercising the 2009 option year, please si��� and return this letter by February XX, 2009. This is th :_� , ?, , ,., � ,., �• � . . _�,� „� , : : ; },? � �, �, � �� � -� 1-.� f > > _ can be excrcised �Il� I't1I1S I�11'Oil �', I ��`���: , _, � . �c^�{��� LX�llblt"� �.�'I'LtII]CIII t��l� � ��=�1'_��;ill:��l��'� A�_��,�I�'�'. A,�� (I�i-!i'�� f�,:l,il�it `:I� �(l�� ( Pr��n���il :��1 �+1 ��1L i11I1�1 �l',lil�lLt �11���1'�l�iii� �l.��l'l�ill?;.'�l lil ��1� l>i" :lll;:� :t' �t���' lil E�I;1�.'_ :!fl�,� ��,I�I remain unchanged in exercising this option �, �:; r. Please sign below to acknowledge the reeeipt a�ld concw l0 j�c;I'YVi"Ill l�l�: �UU� 0�110I1 }`��i:'. Please return two (2) cop ?�'� ti� t�i: �ltt fi�!' �\t'CLit1��11. .� fi�ll�� e�ec�ite (�T!'!?tl�i� �'����' `.�'!1� 1�� ill�lll�`�� ?i� �'��ll t��?� ',���lil� il�:�- � ���� r►}- �i'i >��.�.�I ��.�\[ 1►� l' 1'��� :>>;����:lt 1',:�.�.�1�-� I,��. �;111]� :IR�� ilt��' ��il?;L ;til�� ll'llL' U:�t:: �i��n���l --- i_)�it�.• �i,��n���i LABOR 2008 Costs 2009 Pr ed Costs �b Increase Dascri tion Hour Cost OT Cost Hour1 Coat OT Coat Su rintendent ; 63.00 s 66.00 = 55.00 ; 68.75 3.77� Foreman ; 38.80 s 52.00 � 40.50 � 54.10 4.38°% O atof i 37.80 s 51.00 s 39.50 S 53.10 4.50°10 eamstcr 37.80 : 51.00 s 39.50 � 63.10 4.50°r6 Laborer = 35.00 i 47.00 S 36.60 i �l9.00 4.29% EQUIPMENT D�sc�i tlon Hou Cost Ho Cost 38 KV11 Tractor s 68•00 S fi0.00 3.45g6 22 KW End Dum i 58•OU S 60.00 3.45% 29 KW End [h�m : 58.00 $ 84.00 3.�l59�6 40 DW End Dum = 58.00 i 60.00 3.459�6 56 Pete End Dum = b8.00 S 60.00 3.4596 60 KW End Dum s 58.00 i 60.00 3.459� 23 Pete Su r Dum S 78.00 � 80•50 3•219b 24 Pete Su r Dum s 78.00 S 80.50 3.21 °1�0 25 Pete Su r Dump � 78.00 S 80.50 3.219�6 27 Pete Su r Dum S 78.00 S 80.50 3.21'X. 28 Pete Su r Dum S 78.00 $ 80.50 3.21 q6 257 Water Truck S 43.00 � 44.5U 3.49°Yo 259 Watef TrUCk � 58.00 $ 60.00 3.459/0 205 Ford Tack Truck Z 43.00 S 44.50 3.49°�0 273 Ford Service Truck Z 38.00 $ 39.U0 2.639'0 230 FO�d F�50 $ 15.45 Z 16.00 3.b6°ro 340 Fotd F150 � 15.45 � 16.00 3.669b 202 Fotd F450 = 25.75 $ 26.75 3.88% 2Q8 Fotd F450 ; 25.75 3 26.75 3.889�0 247 Ford F550 a 25.75 � 26.7b 3.88% 75 Tra7kirl LoWbed S 36.00 S 37.00 2.78% 102 4 axie u � 20.50 $ 21.00 2.44% 103 4 axle u � 20.50 � 21.00 2.44°�0 167 4 axte $ 20.50 � 21.00 2.44'�0 188 4 axie u S 20.50 $ 21.00 2.44 g6 197 Bei Dum Trailer � 20.50 S 21.00 2.44°�0 144 3 axle titt trailer a 25.75 � 26.25 1.949�0 131 Trailmax Trai�er � 16.45 $ 15.75 1.8496 132 Trai[max Traile� S 15.45 S 15.75 1.94°�0 149 Trafima�c Trailer � 15.45 S 15.75 1.949�a 461 Cat Grade Roller S 53.00 $ 54.50 2.83°�6 406 DD 34 Rolfer � 43.00 S 44.25 2.91'Yo 491 D a ac 102 Ro�le� S 43.00 S 44.25 2.9196 418 DD70 Roller � 58.00 $ 65-00 12.07°I�o 418 DD110 Rotler $ 73.00 = 79.00 8.22°�0 5L15 Bvm2 � 78.00 $ B5.00 8.979�0 52A BlawkrtOx fi510 $ 153.00 : 175.00 14.38°�0 722 John peere 210 i 48.00 s 50.00 4.17Yo 718 Huber 750 S 48.00 � 55.00 14.58'16 711 CaE 160 S 63.04 S 85.50 3.0196 829 Broae Broom S 53.00 S 55.00 3.7T�6 926 tack Trailer $ 15.45 � 16.00 3.569�• 429 Ptate Wackers � 5.15 � 5.30 2.�1'Xo 946 Mula saw i 25.76 S 26•25 �•�496 AverzQe MATERIALS Descrl tion HMA S 44.00 s 59.00 34.08% CSBS s 6.15 _ S 6.30 2.44% CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ pubiic hearing � information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Rotchford and Greenacres Elementary Parking Restrictions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Rotchford Parking Restriction The City has received a request from Central Valley High School to restrict parking along the school's Rotchford Road frontage. The school would (ike to install a pass-through pedestrian gate on the back side of the school property to provide Shelley Lake area students with a more convenient walking route. The neighbors and the school have concems that this gate will lead to parking along Rotchford Road and have requested that a 24-hour No Parking zone be implemented prior to installing the pass-through. - s �; � � . , ;� ����.;��� - '� -- ; . -:.� Ii 't _' � � • .�'A��' r, ._ _ ' .�f ` �1,✓ i , - �� � - 1 - r ��. I ��`. _ - � � M � • ' �� .. ' . �' _' ,;�: � _ .���'. _--•' '� � Q � ' � � � � t . ' . _ { ', �P i .r� a•� r �? 7 �, �3�' ' � ` �� ��� �"' � . � � , a4� � . �� 1 1.1. i � �T ,. :�., ' �, . ., � `� - - r i ;'f a" . c � :� r � � F -r . . i . ' "': �"=� � y� .- ° ! � 1 ' it . � � �r. ; � - ` '� ' �� � �� � �� �_ t f - C� i N fp+u. � VA�t . r . - � a � i� �„� _ - - - ,�� � i � It �• � ...�,. — 1 ' � �� l �1 f � � ` - .( � .� �: .,• ., _ • � r � � � �� � ° �r ` ' ` •� � �: � _ T , �, I i `t � T "' ��� r' l , _.I � / .. e Y " . � 1 1 �^ . � � ' i ��� . ` . !+� �� �� � � �w�1 � .'� � -_- _�/ 1 � � �, . � 3 _�*.� . - -ti f % t � � � Y � � _, r � ; . ♦ _ �._ � • .,� „[- . ' r ' I ■ . _ f � '� �mt O�.s4B! With a width of 38 feet, Rotchford is wide enough to accommodate on-street parking. With the pass-through it would likely be a very attractive parking place for participants in after school and summer sports. However, the parking is not utilized now, and since both the school and the neighborhood are in agreement on this we see no reason to disregard the request. Greenacres Elementary Parking Restriction The City has received a request from Greenacres Elementary School to restrict parking along the school's frontage. The proposal is to create a No Parking zone on both sides of Long Road and 4�' Avenue on school days from 8:30 am — 3:30 pm. The purpose of the restriction would be to reduce the on-street congestion, prevent the students from crossing the road between parked cars, route all pick-up and drop-off traffic through the school lot, and to create a bus only zone on the west side of the school on Long Rd. I . .- ��� 1 l � _ =`.�' �. � t � � � �`�I � `� �_' f '�U L. � � � _.b �.-1T' � f��� 4':' � ,� � - ��, . �� , ' �r I;, , Rf � ''� .�. � � � _ .� +_ � * �i , .� ' �1 ,__�`� �� I��.�.. ,� �' _ � . � • �' , � , , _ �,; , `ti, �_ : ' • "� te' ' . � � � � � I � _ ;• �' " _ t ��'� _'-i: ` -- .t. �.. ' '� - �� i `� , � -- _ .,_ .r- . --r --�`� . � '� ± _ . �� ^ �.:�.� 11'`�t'_. , r i � I ,"� ` �� � r Y � � r � � � ��+ �" � ' f . -� - -� , ' _ : : _�: �, i'��,; , • t!' - �'; �,'- - � � �� � � �: --d -'1 _ . ' _.� � 'i " � � . I� ` J - +: t �.- . 3 � . �� t"""` - � � � . � ' � , r 1 -a �� .. , ..x � 1� -- _ ,,� , r • r��� y�° • � • ,Fcs.a %r. • ,, r� ' � y � � -� , Y + ` - c,� ,� s..�. . .��" 'j' � ;r � I � - � 1 A.- 'y. � _ - � ° ' � r 1 _ � _ '� � ,� � '� +~ � '� , � l E • 1 � _' .. �. ' � j ' �� � � � F , � —'- .�. ti � _!: � � 'l •. 1 �� f I � �� , : - � � ���, -} � 1 � � r .•.,.�-- � 1 � p, � . � = r� ,.� r-1� ' _ � . f_� �+ - + R r � 1 � � � � ' _ ` �!l ' ` � � _ 1 I � ' 1 �� � .! ,r� , I ( ; � '' r � { j ti . , '� �i� - � ' � +�- � I r �', ± �' ' . .� J - ` ' ' � -- y' '- - -�� � � ' � - � - -- - - - —�--- --_ • _ _. - '�`• ` _� ' �it� r "-_ _ — — ��� `_► _�` e� -�- � !� � �- . � -.� '�,� �` _ {r- �� - - - y t :•"� - - --� '� w , ♦ , � • � 9r � ti . � 4 =� �, �a ti � � _ �. `� y^� r 1 � � �� f � � � 'a � .�"�� 1� - =�" - � .f t � -� l i s ,� �� � — - . - - • ' I 1 _ ^a �`s_ _ .: t�.Y_� I � � • � Q����2i� � CS�t'li�! .- _'j. - Neighbors of the school that would be affected by this restriction were sent a letter describing the proposed changes in late November. Only one comment letter was received and it was in favor of the parking restriction. Additional letters will be sent out if this is added to a future council agenda as a discussion item. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends that both proposals be implemented if there are no further concerns from neighbors. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Purchase and erection of signs would be paid from the street fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1. Email correspondence with Central Valley School District 2. Letter frorn Shelley Lake Estates Homeowner's Association 3. Letter frorn Greenacres Elementary School 4. Letter sent to Greenacres Elementary School neighbors Page 1 of 2 a Note rom: Byus, Tim [TByus(�cvsd.arg] �Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 2:06 PM ; ` To: Inga Note .�� Subject: RE: � � Inga, Thanks for the quick response. The thinking of Shelly Lake homeowners association as well as the District is that the no parking would be a 24 hour restriction. � The rational for this is we do not want to encourage using Rotchford Rd for parking during sports events. Not only would we see parking for school sports, we would see vehicles there all summer for summer league sports, We simple want to provide a access for students during school days. We will meet at the (ocation to finalize the pass thought locations, however t am thinking of placing one next to our service gate on the North end of our property and the second one near the Galway entrance as you suggested. Both of these locations provide a good line of site for vehicles traveling on Rotchford. Feel free to give me a call if you need additional information. I would also like to know the date this is given to council. I wou{d be happy fio attend if questions were to arise. Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving. Tim From: Ynga Note [mailto:inote@spokanevalley.org] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:23 AM To: Byus, Tfm Subject: RE: Hi Tim, I'rn going to try to talk to our Public Works director today about getting this on the council agenda soon. A couple of � questions for you. Are both the school and the homeowners association asking for a 24-hour restriction, or would School Days 7-4 suffice? Is the concern more about students paricing there during the school day? Do you want to allow baseball spectators, etc. to be able to use that gate on the weekend and evenings? I also attached a graphic showing my understanding of the area where the No Parking zone is requested. I'd also like to know where you plan to put the pass-through. It would make sense to locate it near Galway since that's the closest entrance into Shelley Lake. The sight distance should be adequate there as well, but I need to verify the vertical curve to the south won't be a problem. If a Iot of students end up walking I'm expecting the Shelley Lake neighborhood to ask me for a marked crosswalk, so I want to make sure we've thought out all the location issues ahead of time. Thanks, I nga From: Byus, Tim [matlbo:TByus@cvsd.org] Sen� Friday, November 21, 2008 2:51 PM To: Inga Note �,bject: 11l18/2008 � l l l26/2008 - __� _-_ - --- i Paee l �f 1 a Note 'rom: Byus, Tim [TByus�cvsd.org:, � 3ent: Friday, November 21, :' ^ 0^���' F' E;? ' To: Inga Not�: `� 11/1812�08 ,� Inga fVot� City of Spokane Valley , Inga, , Central Valley School District has been attempting for years to install pass through gates on South Rotchford Rd just East of Central Va11ey High School. The pass through wouid provide easy acces� for students living East of the school. Over the years we have had concerned citizens that live in the area object to these gates. We have now received a request from the Shelty Lake neighborhood requesting the pass thoughts be installed. The one reguest they have is that there be no parking sign installed on both sides of Rotchford road. I feel the area of concern is only adjacent to Central Va11ey High Schools property. Please review this request. I will meet you at the proposed site if necessary. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Tim Byus Tim Byus Maintenance Supervisor Central Valley School District 18307 E. Cataldo Spokane Velley, Wa. 99016 I 509-228-5480 Office 509-994-4647 Cell . � � I 11/21/2008 - - - - - - - -- --_ �� � � S� `�, % ti.� , ShelleyLake Shelley Lake Estates Homeowners' Association P.O. Box 1872, Veradale, WA 99037 www.shelleylake.org I November 4, 2008 i Centra) Valley School District #356 '� � 19307 E. Cataldo , Spokane Valley, WA 99016 To Whom It may concern: The Sheliey Lake Estates Homeowners' Assoclation conducted an advlsory vote regarding the installatlon of pedestrian gates along Rotchford Ave. The majority of homeowners indicated that they would like to see Central Valley School District proceed with their plan to install pedestrian access points along Rotchford Ave. that will allow access to CV High School. Additionally, the Shelley Lake B�ard of Dlrectors wouid recommend lnstalling two access points, one at the north and the other at south end of the schooi's fence that parallels Rotchford Ave. However, it should be noted that severai homeowners expressed concerns regarding parking along this area. These homeowners feel during events that utillze the baseball and soccer fields park;ng along Rotchford Ave. will occur. Their concem about parking along Rotchford Ave. Is due to several accidenfis that have already occurred in this area and parking in this area may increase the potential danger. Because the safety of our homeowners and students attending Central Valley High School is of our i utrnost concern, we are requesting that Central Valley School District irivest�gate with the �ty of Spokane Valley, the feasibillty of converting Rotchford Ave., from the southeast comer of Central Valley High School to Conklin, lnto a no parking area. We feel this can be accommodated by one or both of the following: • Extending the center turn lane along Conklin to the southeast corner of CV High School thereby elimina�ng any potential parkjng lane andjor • Installing "No Parking " signs along both sides of Rotchford If needed, the Board of Directors would be wllling to support these ideas with the City planners. Thank you for consldering our fnput. Best regards, The Shelley Lake Estates Board of Directors M(ke Syrcle, Vice President P.O. Box 1872 Veradale, WA 99037 _ _._ __ , _. — i , 7 � ! - � res Elemen�a '� ,.:;-:�:::�: ... Greenac � � � : ��� . ,��, � � ��'�`��'' Central Valley School �istrict � � �� ': � �'�� �' •'••�. � t�� _.;.� • . � Sue Rasmussen ��� = " ;� PrinCi I '`� � � • - �� �°` '" - ��� � d y � ..' :.,� _ : :,, � + � O � � �' . .. ��' ':, = s � � � tio r 30 20A '�'�. ::�! • �''�'� � � Octobe � � � �� =' t� y � ���� �► �J4 ;. . . � : �.�.� _��� � , � : . � ��� , «� . �{, � ; � ' . _ '. � y� , . �y ' I TO: Ynga�vte, P.E./P.T.O��,,. ' Sc�Qacbr.� ngin : �'�� I r�_ , 1 y ��'� ���/rJ * Ql� r slllG''��� 2 t : .' :.�' �� ��., � . r �tG�- � �'�r--� „ �y ; � �� ,�;` y"�� � * • i I�ROM: Sue Resmus��i�a,Princ�pal �•�� � � � Greenacre�����e,ntary School �; �`1-" t ��, r � s � �� f : . � ;. • :- ' : ' r7':� s ,� RE: F.nfor��able�traff�c si�i'1�;= �' : '�, � -� _ X' r � �- � ,�+�'-'�`� o . . , e• n . � .I I .y .� . - r x .� . ?,�� T �Z �:y � Greenacres Eier�ien�a��,�c�i�, �"�. � ��� �`pi�l� �'o�'�����nstantly growing, and as a . � . � result, we are in nee 4 �i . r����e�� �' ��� a ie plan.• Xevi���;of the traffic safety in and � ��` A 1 � . 1 �►. . . , .1 Y . . . . '� ' i around Greenacres �temcnt�zy $rho 1 revea .s: e practices by students , :�"" ..- . . , - � <: �.-: . - �, � .. � � :�. . and their parents. ,.�1'hese can'�be= al�eviatec�=:�v�; hctt�r,- ' king control. In �ddition, � . ' . . • . � C—• �_ :-.. ' (i'i .i' �- �� i we as a ne�ghbor,�iood school waht �to b�`'�3�d nc�� and not have our .��.� Grcenacres �.���nded famiiy p�r�aing� � her,e 3iri�y be, At times, unnoying to our � � • �''� , . 4 _ .s.. 1 = .. '� 4�� �i 7� � close nci�b�� - �. _ .► �� �.,, ���,; � ' � . � � 'i q: ' ` ' �, �z;,�; ::�'� K { ��� � � •�`'�,�..: � �' � -"u � ,,. '�� � � . 1 .� ' ' • , ° -� �"F ' ' o?c Attached is a doc e�'���nth the r es� t�a�fi _� i�n�,�acement and the ; n�! �� ' ' �u � �•'r •i vcrbiage for the signs. � ,� .: ..,� ' ��� � .' � � .��� _� � ,; .. � ,..'� Thank you for your consid tion of this s,� et� ril�ttet:� y� , �� �` J . •-, - � . ( .��_',. ;t_,'_ __ R,1 ���,',��� /� ��, __ =.. h '� g � • � i � ' t' �1 Enclosure ; , _ �; I � � �' I CC Bruce Baker Safe �f� r Central V�lley S� ool District � � ri � f �:� Tcrric Vandcrwegcn, I� ,gctor �.;, � �, s� �1 �� �� j �.� � �i l • • �.� - . ': , ''�� . . .. . � . - } t �, -, � .. i' ��•. ; .' . 't �. . • o . _ , ' •1 _ _,�,� . j s� �••�. � : „ . . _ � t . � . . . . . ; �. _ 'j.,�� . . . . .. . . . . �f�; . , � . . . ' .. _ . :, , � _. . � � � ;i . - � - .. , � .. ;. , :� x ::r:: �;�: ::: _.....-�, .. , . . �i� . . .. � � � � � _,,, . �.. .- , i t�hone: (509) 228-4200 1T913 East Fourth Avenue Fax: C509� 228-4Z02 (�reenacres, WA 990I6 ._ _ - --- . _ _ .__T_ ------..._---_ ----- ------� ..!'1�7R'c.'R]Tf1�nC>s�r��s+s-�.- '_ Pubtic Works Department Tra�fic Engineering QT1 ������ ', � kane Vat WA 99206 117Q7 E Spcague Ave Suite 10b ♦ SQo 1�'Y ev 509.921. � 000 ♦ Fax: 509.9Z'{ .1008 ♦ dtyhatl�}spokanevalley.a'g ; s! Novembe�c 19, 20�8 �' Current Residcnt Spokane Vallcy wA Re: Parking around Greenacres �lementary School Dear Spokane Valley Resident, The Central Valley School District is working to increase tha �� ��e Ci� a IV � to cm.ate c�eparting Greenacres Elementary School. They have�appro tY reQ a No Parking zone on buth sides of Long Road and 4 Avenuo on school days from 8:30 am — 3:30 prn. The pvrpose of the restriction would be to reriuce the on-street con�estion, cestrict thc students from crossing the road between parked cars, ra�� �est de o the schoo on I,o�ng Rd. tlirough d�e school lo�, and to create a bus only zvne on . 'i'lle par�g restriction would include thc road�tay in front of the following residences: 1790b E 4'� Ave. 17915 E 4'� Ave. 18002 E 4 Ave. 322 S Laa�g Rd. 3l2 S Lang Kd. 304 S Long Rd. 220 S Long Rd. We are soliciting comments on this proposal froni ti�e sc,�zool's neighbors. Please provide comments via email to inote(a�svokaneva�lev.ore or sead a letter to Inga Note at the address listed above. Major changes to onrst� parkia$ must be approved by City Council. You will Ue not�fied of the meeting dates once t�is topic is added to the Council agenda. If you liave any questions, please contact me at (509) 688-0227. Sincerely, M• Inga Note, FB, PT�B Senior Traffic Engineer �: }�mce Baker — Central Valley Schaol District Public Works — Citizen Action Request filc i �� \ _ 1 )- __ � _ 4. ' �� - 1 � . . ._ . � ( � �,I: . . ��1� L t, � . . . . �.. - 1�` y. _ _ � .. s ��,. �:y F �� , ` x:.� r � _' �, sJ'r �" ' �f s't ' ..._ ' _ _ _ - - . -.. � ' . � � I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply ❑ Consent ❑ Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Heanng ❑ Information � Admin Report ❑ Pending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36.70A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND� The Growth Management Act (GMA) allows local jurisdictions to update comprehensive plans no more than once a year. The City codified this process in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) in Section 17.80.140. Consistent with state law and the SVMC, staff published notices at the end of August advising the public of the annual amendment process and that the City would be accepting comprehensive plan amendment applications for the 2009 cycle through November 1, 2008 This notice was also posted in the main reception area of City Hall, the Permit Center and at the Valley Library. City staff has conducted three pre-application meetings with potential applicants resulting in one privately initiated comprehensive plan map amendment application. The amendment process now enters the review and public hearing phase. The privately initiated and city initiated amendments are tentatively scheduled to be presented to the Planning Commission at its February 12 study session with a public hearing scheduled for the February 26 meeting. At the conclusion of the hearing process the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations will be presented to Council for review and consideration. The Council study session is tentatively scheduled for the March 10 meeting OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS. N/A. STAFF CONTACT Greg McCormick, AICP — Planning Division Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off. Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information � admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CenterPlace Food Services Contract GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: CenterPlace Marketing Plan was approved in 2007. BACKGROUND: CenterPlace is moving forward with the intent to have a non-exclusive in-house caterer for 2009 This is in accordance with the CenterPlace Marketing Plan approved by City Council in 2007. Staff issued a Request for Proposals on October 10, 2008 to provide Food Services at CenterPlace. Eight proposals were received from the following food service providers� 1. Longhorn Catering 5 Beacon Hill* 2. Glover Mansion* 6. A Catered Affair 3. Azar's Food Services, LLC* 7. Catered for You* 4. Two Cooks with Love 8. Catering & Desserts by Lori's An interview short list was created after the proposals were evaluated and four finalists'` participated in an interview and taste testing process. As a result of the interview and taste testing process, staff identified Beacon Hill as the most qualified and experienced food service provider. Benefits of this proposed contract include: additional revenue to the City; improved customer service and convenience; one-year contract with up to five one-year renewals; more flexibility for handling multiple events; additional marketing and advertising exposure, non-exclusive right, allows Third Party catering; and will provide new food and beverage service opportunities. OPTIONS: Advance proposed contract for motion consideration. Recommend changes to proposed contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Place contract on January 27 Council Agenda for motion consideration. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. Contract will provide additional revenue to City. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: None — Draft contract will be available next week. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business [] p��biic hearina ❑ information � admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Universal Playground Final Design Recommendatior, PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN City Council authorized the contract with the team of Ecc� `�' � � P f1,�:- n nn�ant; ,�� h.-: c� r nf ► r I �ir� rn mr� -� �-� I � n ^,4ir� � � 4h nf (��.nt:--.r��^r. _ . "t. r_ c �, .. !1,=. ?�t,. , .h� I_I liV; !nl� 1. _'. �.� .'!�_:'. .� th_ �nr_. :t. S�_1. � .., ..� .. OH�i�l7(\OlJftlD: � iif :::: j.'ulJ�;l, f llt�::ili i�� I1�''... L�•�:'�;�i f �Gli.l iv JiS..u�"�. li ilL ul:si;i i c3i i�.� ,lJ�.uiii.i�t v� ii i1,` fll.:�'r' Universal Playground with EcoPIan/Design Concepts facilitating each meeting. Over 25 stakeholder organiiations dealing with children, education, health care or populations of special needs wE �- , .. attend. The recommendation from our consultant team, the public and staff is to approve the final design with the following elements and features: Theme is "Exploring Eastem Washington." Proposed new Name is "Discovery Playground" ■ Elk Valley Picnic Plaza • Shelter, tables, seating, river, sundial • Steelhead Trout River Bed • Water play, sculptures, jumping water jets • Black Bear Den sand play with mammoth fossil find • Cave, fossils, sand and water, sand table ■ Basalt Boulder Play and Fossil Maze • Herb Garden, fossil maze with herb sensory garden, clirnbing boulders ■ Tree Grove • Musical Elements ■ The Secret Garden • Large objects, swinging bridge, vine tunnel • Sun Gateway • Gathering plaza, Columbia Plateau walk • Palouse Prairie Rolling Hills • Rolling sod hills, wavy walk, prairie grasses ■ Sensory Garden and Big Horn Sheep Challenge Steps • Garden, challenging steps, slide • Eagles Nest Observation Deck • Salmon wall, glacier rock with slide and climbing wall, sitting circle • Outdoor Classroom OPTtONS: (a) Consensus to proceed with process; (b) Provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to proceed with construction documents and public bidding process. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None, funds are included in 2009 capital budget. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS Final Playground Design 1 i � . _ \ 1 � \t ar' , � / 1 .� .' � 7 L �• 11 ,' , � Existin Wal Sun Gateway !' -�"�� �!L Discovery Pavers and Hidden � Entry and Bridge _/� ,�� � Walk in Sensory Ga�d�n ,---� `• '.�.� Basah Boutder Play �\ L . r � �- .4 �y -_ , A�C� ! d �� _ � s,,,�„ a�+ at Entry Plaza ,r` ; r� _ ' - ��1� `T G � v . 4 � • ��, -� �' � � ' , W � ' ` ��, � / r � , �, ' r ,,-� ' ���J� ' � 1 ` �fln , ��� , �f,� ��"`-..: / ; . /� �jY i �v' � 'v ,., ! , � . / . � ll/f/i� ���! i�t{ � �� .^ ;�, � . . -�;. � �1� � ,, �, �,� � r: � ,, '�, :��-�:�� . . Fossii Maze and Herb � �? Vin l nel a - v, Sensory Gardens Existin Walk �. .�. . �` _� � . �� r '' �, �-� Black 8ear Den and Sand • ' • � � � � � ' � � �- Play with Water . . ., 1 �� .� � Dry C�eK �d =., �...-,...: > ,° � � _.; , .� � � « �{' � '�'•`',�;,,-� Musical Ekment Nook Palouse Prairie _ ��� ' ' � Rolling Hills ''� i' _�1 � -� with Bench ,Typ. of 4. �-. • ', �. +� � , ' �:�;,� � � N� � o o ; SteelheadTrout River _ ��.,, o _ _ B�d and Water Piay - � \� �-t ,t! � ��' '� � �, � The Secret Gz+rden with - � .- , _� r _ _ `� % ,,� ,� � / ��� ���+ �� ,� r �� �+ t '�� � - ` � �_ _ ,, ` Ekrnents, S i B�id e ��' � =, ' ..�.� �� � �. • 1 � �`r,, , � �r :, �+ain9 n9 . � .9. ,,, a l � " • •� .- { i � _ . . '— Y Q�}4% '�'"¢ _ "'�. � I '�''. and Vine Tunnel �,�,_=�- ' �,,. :`�� .. �; �� `� � - � � }`:: , . ��-�,,�, � 1 � . � , ; i;� . ��^..�,.., ,,�,� �� "' � 5�` � � ' /'�'= - ,, �l¢�� : - . t� .:'�� �� � � r�,,; Sod r' `r✓ � � ��;�-° ,� r!:. E�� � `�°�`� � ^,,.� l � - '�� �� � Picr(i Plaza 1) - 1 ��� �'� • _ 4 � \` \ Big Horn Sheep Chalknge ;4e Outdoor Classroom i � with Raised Planter ubk Slide and - St Do _ s. - � ' -...` Family , r_._ - ., Sensory Gardens i �'`�' ' `-__ , � :� t '�,i ,--� � s • ;° , �- Restroom � '.� , � � e . „ ti � '� � < :` � � � � _ ' �.(� _ � ' T; , • (l ��` W Walk ". �� - nl l' "� ; �, J, � � � l � �� ' � , - .. ; ' � , . � i � ,,.:. � �: Swings -! ,,� ' -, . ,.; ` !y -- _ ` , „ -,. _ . -- R Musical �: �, - � f� - � .,'- ,: , � . y � .. ..._,:� r' ��,�� ; ,; ,,, Element � , � 'Giacie� Rock" 4 � ' with Slide �-��-_�-- � . �, , , , � Y - , � :_� *a - �' . — i Eagles Nest Observation Detk : TFiemed Climbing Wall (buitt into benn), +-._�-� -, Salmon Art Wail, Siides and Spinners �• Discove Pla �un.0 S°'''� ''' ��xploring Eastem Washington Y _ �~ Spokane Valley, Washington • January 19, 2009 ��"� �� "�,F � 5 ��.��....,.�..�. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑information � admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session to discuss the code amendment to Section 19.110.030 Airport Overlay Zone (File No. CTA-04-08) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70., 14 CFR 77 and SVMC 19.110.030 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Upon incorporation the City adopted the Spokane County airport -overlay regulations on an interim basis. The City adopted their own a�rport hazard overlay regulations by Ordinance 06-002 on February 28, 2006. The regulations were carried forward in Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 19.110.030 with the adoption of the new zoning regulations effective October 28 2007. Concerns were voiced by citizens and agencies regarding the density limitations of Zone 6 within the airport hazard overlay zone. Staff was directed by the City Council to review this issue and propose alternatives to the density limitation. A. Past and Present Code Requirements: 1. The interim airport regulations did not have density restrictions. V1Jithin the conical and accident potential zones an aviation easement was required for any new structure. 2. The current regulations in Section 19.110.030 requires an aviation easement/title notice/covenant for any permit issued within the City. Additionally, a notice is required to be placed on the permit for work or dedication language of plat. Table 19-110-1 has 6 airport land use compatibility zones which three (3) zones restrict density (zones 3, 4 and 6) and three (3) zones prohibit density (zones 1, 2 and 5). The current amendment is to change Zone 6, which restricts density to one (1) dwelling unit per two and one half (2.5) acres. B. Progress of Code Amendment: 1. October 9, 2008 Study Session with Planning Commission 2. October 23, 2008 Public Hearing with Planning Commission Summary of ineeting: a. Airport groups expressed concerns regarding increased density. In support of retaining existing regulations. b. Citizens/property owners concerned about limitations to develop their property. c. The public hearing was continued to allow time for the airport groups to review and meet with City staff. January 20, 2009 Request for Council Action CTA-04-08 3. Greg McCormick and Karen Kendall met with Ryan Sheehan and Neal Sealock from Spokane International Airport (SIA) on October 31, 2008. The SIA representatives indicated that they would have no further written comment on the issue. Discussion centered on noise mitigation measures. Staff revised their recommended option for the December 11, 2008 continued public hearing. The additional requirements included dedication language on the face of plats to serve as a notice of potential increased noise and require additional sound proofing on new construction within plats. The other finro (2) mitigation measures (avigation easement and zoning restrictions) are currently required in the airport hazard overlay (Section 19.110.030). 4. December 11, 2008 Continued Public Hearing with Planning Commission Summary of ineeting: a. Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Aviation Division spoke in opposition to staff's recommendation. In support of retaining existing regulations. _ b. No additional comments were rer,eived by the air�ort groups. c. Again, several citizens voiced concerns about limitations to develop their property. d. The motion to forward a recommendation to the City Council failed 4 to 3 e. Concern was raised by Planning Commission members regarding the finro (2) new commission members being introduced in the middle of the proposed code amendment. f. A motion 6 to 1 passed to direct staff to create an advisory committee with a member from the Home Builders (suggested Edie Streicher who testified), Realtor, staff from WSDOT Aviation Division and project planner to conduct research. Staff would present findings at a re- advertised public hearing in no more than three (3) months. The information requested was not clearly defined but perimeter was set to research traffic patterns, risk assessment and coming up with additional alternatives. ANALYSIS: The following are four (4) options staff formulated and presented to the Planning Commission as alternatives within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay. Each option is being reviewed to determine if the approval criteria established in Section 17.80.150(F) of the SVMC can be met. At the study session on October 9, 2008 an additional option was requested by the Planning Commission for staff to evaluate which is referenced as option 5. Staff recommended to the Planning Commission Option 4. 1. Option 1: No change to current density limitation in table 19-110-1 a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The current regulations are in direct conformance with Goal TG-13 and policies TP-�3.1 and TP-13.2 of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. __ b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Page2of6 January 20, 2009 Request for Councd Action CTA-04-08 Staff Comment: The current regulations provide the highest level of protection from incompatible and inconsistent densities in relation to Felts Field. 2. Option 2: Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within fhe Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. There are a handful of parcels that are at least double in size that could be developed under the R-2 zone that are directly adjacent to the designated airport boundary and runway that would be in direct conflict with policy TP-13.2. The majority of the land area within Zone 6 is fully built out with residential uses. The number of potential parcels that could be developed between the R-2 and R-4 zones is 388 parcels locafed throughout the 6, 000 foot radius of Zone 6. This option conflicts by _ allowing density within an area that should be protected from encroachments that may create safety hazards and exposure to noise, however the majority of potential new lots would be located more than 3,000 feet from the runway. There are approximately 1,154 existing parcels in fhe R-2 zone wifh 152 parcels thaf could potentially be further developed. The R-4 zone has 155 existing parcels and 76 have the potentia! being further divided. The total number between the R-2 and R-4 zones that have the potential to be further divided is 388. The analysis was done only to evaluate lot size for further development. A lot speci�c analysis was not completed. There may be other factors that limit development of a property even though the lof size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. !t has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additiona! residences however this concem is not signi�cantly detrimental fo the public healfh, safety, welfare and environmental protection. The increase in density does not bear a substantial relafion to the protection of Felts Field with the creation of man-made hazards and encroachments that could pose a safety hazard for aircraft or create an increase in exposure to noise from aircraft. 3. Option 3: Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within fhe Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. This opfion conflicfs by allowing density within an area that should be protected from encroachmenfs that may creafe safety hazards Page 3 of 6 January 20, 2009 Request for Council Action CTA-04-08 and exposure to noise, however the majority of potential new lots are located more than 3, 000 feef from the runway. The R-2 zone has 152 parcels that could potentially be further developed. The R-4 zone has 23 parcels 20, 000 square feet or greater with the potential of being further divided under the R-2 development standards. The total number beh�veen the R-2 and R-4 zones that have the potential to be further divided is 9 75. The analysis was done only to evaluate lot size for further development. A lot specific analysis was not completed. There may be other factors that limit development of a property even though the lot size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more opfions for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacify exists to provide services to additional residences however this concern is not significantly detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmenta! profection. 4. Option 4: Allow density of underlying zoning within Zone 6, however development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following exceptions; (a) The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development; or (c) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. In addition, language shall be placed upon the face of the final plat to serve as notification of possible increase in noise and require sound proo�ng on all new construction to be located in Section 19.110.030.G. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. The proposed option of allowing development with exceptions would provide those properties that have had the intent of further land division to proceed. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area fhat should be protected from encroachments thaf may create safety hazards and exposure to noise, however the majority of pofential new lots are locafed more than 3, 000 feet from the runway. The installation of water and sewer stubs is consistent with Goal CFP-9. The data collected from the Spokane County Division of Utilities shows approximately 224 lots within Zone 6 have been stubbed for sewer. There are 79 lots that received two or more sewer stubs. Orchard Avenue Irrigation Districf data _ shows approximafely 35 lots received extra water stubs within Zone 6. There are a tota! of 12 lots that received water and sewer stubs within Zone 6. Page 4 of 6 January 20, 2009 Request for Council Action CTA-04-08 b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. /f has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additional residences however this concem is not signi�cantly defrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. 5. Option 5: Divide Zone 6 into north and south with Trent Avenue (SR-290) as a divider. This option was proposed by the Planning Commission at the study session held on October 9, 2008. This option, if considered would need to be further defined to determine which amount of density is allowed in each section (north and south). a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area that should be protected from encroachments that may create safety hazards. If determined to be divided at current zoning standards the proposed north section of Zone 6(north of Trent Avenue) then R-2 has ?48 parcels and R-4 has 71 parcels with the potential to be divided. The proposed south section of zone 6(south of Trent Avenue) has 4 parcels in R-2 and 5 parcels in R-4 that have fhe potential of being divided at with current zoning standards. The analysis was done only to evaluafe lot size for further development. A lot specific analysis was nof completed. There may be other factors thaf limit development of a property even though the lot size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Sfaff Comment: The density increase would a/low for additiona! growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additiona! residences however this concem is not significantly defrimental to the public health, safefy, welfare and environmental protecfion. OPTIONS: 1. City Council direct staff to form advisory committee and proceed as Planning Commission requested; 2. Continue with proposed code amendment to City Council for a 1 St reading of ordinance with staff s recommendation; or 3. Other as determined by Council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS None Page 5 of 6 January 20, 2009 Request for Council Action CTA-04-08 STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENT: Study Session PowerPoint EXHIBITS: (1) Staff report and exhibits to Planning Commission for 10-23-08 pubic hearing (2) Presentation to Planning Commission for 10-23-08 pubic hearing (3) Staff, agency and citizen comments from 10-23-08 public hearing (4) Staff report and exhibits to Planning Commission for 12-11-08 pubic hearing (5) Presentation to Planning Commission for 12-11-08 pubic hearing (6) Agency comment from 12-11-08 continued public hearing Page 6 of 6 � ���"�t IS�O�C�'y�V De�artment of Community Development Plann.in� Division � . . 1 ou ncl u esslon Jan ua�•y 20, 2U09 ,� �•�� � _ ��ri � r I .I• . ' � ��+ •r y .1 it + C • h� �' �i � t1� � .. . � "'�I +-Y �� .. � . , ' A_ � �. 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Uctober 9, 2008 — Study Session 1. Four (4) options presented to the Planning Commission �ne (1) additional option added by Planning Commission. 2. October 23, 2008 — Public Hearing l. Airport Groups expressed concerns regarding increased density. In support of retaining existing regulations. 2. Property �wners concerned about lilnitations to develop their property. 3. The Public hearing was continued to allow tirne for the airport groups to review and meet with City sta.ff. 3. December 11 2008 — Continued Public Hearing � 1. No new comments from the Airport groups. 2. Motion to forward Staff's recommendation failed 4 to 3. 3. Motlon passed 6 to 1 to direct staff to create an advisory committee and conduct research and return in no more than 3 months for public hearing. �� �����ti����.�� �e��.� ��' ��r�r�tur�i�� �����t��►r��n� � . - ���� ` ,���� �''l��ni�� I�i�z��i�� ,�-,_ , � �r _ � � _ - �� � F ;� i � y ��yr � � 1��� �� �� � � - .�,` � '� �} � � .� .�SlK �� �� 3'l � �;ry y 1 �'��� E � , F � 1 �� T _ � � � _ a . ' . �. ��F � + . , . �s �� �' i � . ; �y - � — � � 1 � _ �� � ' �I ,�.� •_-� f j � t \• 1.� ��� , _ 1� e,� � N # ' # `+.. � ,� " ' � � =�� �: �. �� �. . � r.. . �'`. � i '�� � ` ` _ ' '; � ry•; �I'°`� - � • �. w �` _ _- � , � . � ' ''t . ' ,: _. ..' ,�-���'`-'�- � „ . ' , . �.�. � - - . �'�' - rr. - . • f � f� � � • wl f. � �� � r _ . . � y �� . . k � , l �` . � .. y - f i • .. � ���' ��,_,. . J , � k,�� � � . r . . ��� , � •^ I� .t�,� i _ � . . �.� , �� . '..�i _�.����.�'� rw '�i.�., t ., J .� i� .rar�''� _ -. ;�. 7 � � ��.� �! ' 1� • � .rt a�' '�+� _ . - � �� ' - ' ,� . _ _ , � - • . 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' ; -' r' ' _ "�-- - _ - �► � ,i � _ _� i . a t � _ - �s �' _ - •..,, .. � �� _ � , _ _ � _ . - - - . -- - _� - - . _ -r _ _ _ L. —� --_ � RCA EXI-IIBIT ] Staff Report and exhibits to Planning Commissio❑ for 10-23-08 public hearing CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy: ❑ consent ❑ oid business ❑ new business (RJpubiic hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public hearing to amend the density limitations of Section '19.110.030 (Airport Hazard Overlay) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Reference file number CTA-04-08. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70., 14 CFR 77 and SVMC 19.11 �.030 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSIDN ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Upon incorporation the City adopted the Spokane County airport overlay regulations on an interim basis. The City adopted their own airport hazard overlay regulations to protect Felts Field by Ordinance 06-002 on February 28, 2006. The regulations were carried forward in Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 19.110.030 with the adoption of the new zoning regulations (uniform development code) adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 2g`", 2007. Concerns have been voiced by citizens and agencies regarding the density limitations of Zone 6 within the airport hazard overlay zone. Staff was directed by the City Council to review this issue and propose possible alternatives to change the density limitation. The Planning Commission held a study session on this item on October 9, 2008. Felts Field was originally a park with a portion set aside in '1920 as an airport. In 1926 the Civil Aeronautics Board recognized Felts Fie1d as an airport. 1940 Spokane County Commissioners purchased Sunset Field, now k�ow as Spokane International Airport (SIA) for development of an air carrier as a replacement to Felts Field. In 1980 the operations were 122,720 compared to 75,399 in 2000. In 'i 997 operations hit a low of 62,883 and have been rising since then. Between 1997 and 1998 operations increased by approximate{y 9,000. Since 1999 airport operations have consistently increased approximately one (1) percent per year. The airport is currently operating with 80,000 to 85,000 aircrafts per year. Operations are defined as takeoffs and landings preformed by an aircraft. See attached exhibit with a graph showing historical operatjons and existing forecasts. SEPA: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), the Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal on October 3, 2008. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. October 23, 2008 Request for Ptanning Cammtss:on Action on CTA-Q4-OS NOTICING: Foliowing the issuance of the notice of public hearing mailed and published on October 3� 2007, the City has not received any pubiic comment. Staff concludes that adequate public noticing was conducted in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures of Title 17 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). ANALYSIS: The four (4) options below have been formulated by staff as alternatives to change density limitation of one (1) dwelling unit per finro and one half (2'�) acres within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay. Each option �s being reviewed to determine if the approval criteria established in Section 17.80.150(F) of the SVMC can be met. At the study session on Oc#ober 9, 2008 an additiona! option �,^✓as requesteci by staff to be , �; , r ,��;,������;�:� L,nci r�`�W:renc.:d �s on or� �l . Option 1: P�lo ct�anye to currer�� dertisity lirr�itation it� table 19-1 i0-1 a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the appi�c�'::���- provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The current regulations ar� in dir+ect conformance 4v;rr'; Goal TG-�3 and policies TP-93.1 and TP-13.2 of fhe City's adoprecl Comprehensive Plan. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relGt�o,� �.� �!-��-: public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Sfaff Comment: The current regulafions provide the highes� level o� prof �-�:`i�n f r ,�rT? jrrnn�nnfl r�7fI 1RCO,�Ic' �r°nsities rn rel�fian fn Felfs -� ,-, �,-i �:.: � _ L. Op�ion 2: Alio���� cier�si�y o� curi��.r��� zo�����c� �������y�i;� �'0;:�1 r c:�f �i ��:.�c�c�r� hazard overlay. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is cans�stcnc VViil �i�c �NN�icGul�� provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sfaff Comment: Policy TP-�3.2 within the Comprehensive Plan sfafes "discourage...density adjacent to fhe airport" within the airport hazarc� ove�lay. There are a handfu! of parcels fhat are at least double in size tha: could be developed under fhe R-2 zone thaf are direcfly adjacent fo thE� designated airport boundary and runway that would be in direct conflicf with policy TP-93.2. The majority of the land area wjthin Zone 6 is fully built out with residential uses. The number of pofenfial parcels that could be developec! befween fhe R-2 and R-4 zones is 388 parcels located throughout fhe 6,000 foot radius of Zone 6. This oprion confllcts by allowing density within an area thaf should be profected from encroachmenrs that may create safety hazards and exposure to noise, however the majority of po�ential new lofs would be Iocated more than 3,000 feet from the nrnway. There ane approximately� �,154 exist�ny parcets in fhe R•2 zone wifh 952 parcels thaf could potentia!!y be furthe��� developed. The R-4 zone has 955 ex�sting parcels and 76 have fhe pofenfia! being further divided. The total number between the R-2 and R-� zones fhaf have the pofenfial to be further divided is 388. The analysis was done onl� r� �-. ': . �� �, for f��� �l� , r; �� c!; 1 ,� % �11 �; IC°' �l C� C' ' ��f��17�C I /`��, 1�. �� �.� , October 23, 2008 Request tor Plannfng Commission Action an CTA-04-4B analysis was not comp/eted. There may be other facfors that limit development of a property even fhough the /of size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The densrty Increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists fo provide services fo additional residences however this concem is nof signifrcanfly detrimental to the public healfh, safety, welfare and environmental protecfion. The increase in densify does not bear a substantial relation to the protecfion of Felts Field wirh the creation of man-rnade hazards and encroachments that could pose a safef}r hazard for aircraft or create an increase in exposure to noise from aircraft. 3. Option 3: Allow density to be limited to the R•2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-93.2 wi�hin the Cornprehens�ve Plan states "discourage...densify adjacent to the airpor�" within fhe airport hazard overlay. This opfion conflicts by allowing density wifhin an area that should be profected from encroachments that may create safefy hazards and exposure fo noise, however the majoriry of pofential new lofs are locared more rhan 3, 000 feef from fhe runway. The R-2 zone has 152 parcels that could potenfially be further developed. The R-4 zone has 23 parcels 20, 000 square feef or greater with fhe potenfia! of being further divided under �he R-2 development srandards. The fotal number between the R-2 and R-4 zones that have the pofenfia! fo be further divided is 175. The analysis was done only fo evaluate !ot size for further developmen�. A lot specific analysis was not comp�eted. There may be other factors that Ilmif developmenf of a properfy even though fhe !ot size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substanfial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Sfaff Comment: The dens/ty increase would allow for additiona! growth and provide more options for locarions of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not besn determined if capacity exisrs fo provide services to additiona! residences however this concem is no� significantly detrimenfa! to the public healfh, safefy, welfare and environmenta! protection. 4. Option 4: Allow density of underlying zone within Zone 6� however development must comply with a minimum of one (1j of the following exceptions; (a) The site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property Page 3 of 5 Octobe� 23, 20Q6 Request for Planning Ccmmiss�on Action on CTA-04-08 sizes for proposed development; and (cj More than one residence is located on a property� excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may deveiop property consistent with underlining zone to make confonning. a. Criteria: The proposed arnendmen# is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-93.2 within ti�e Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...densify adjacent to the airport" with�n the airport hazard overlay. The proposed option of allowing developmenf with excepfions would provlde those properties that have had the Intent of further Iand division fo proceed. This opfion conflicts by allowing density within an area that shou/d be protected from encroachments thaf may creete safety hazarids and exposur�e to noise, however the majori�}� of pofenfia! ne��� l�rs are /ocafed more than 3,000 feef from the runv�✓ay. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growfh and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been defermined if capacity exists to provide services to addifional residences however fhis concem is not significantly detrimental to fhe public health, safety, welfare and environmenfal protecfion. 5. Option 5: Divide 2one 6 into north and south w�th Trent Avenue (SR-290) as a divider. This option was proposed by the Planning Commission at the study session held on October 9, 2008. This option, if considered would need to be further defined to determine which amount of density is allowed in each section (north and south). a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sfaff Comment: Policy TP-93.2 within the Comprehensive PJan sfa�es "discourage...density adjacenf to fhe airpo►tu within the airport hazard overlay. This optlo» conflicts by allowing de»sity wifhin an area thaf should be protected from encroachments thaf may creats safety hazards. If determined to be divided af currenf zoning standards the proposed norfi; section of Zone 6(north of Trent Avenue) then R-2 has �48 parcels anc� R-4 has 71 parcels with the potential to be divided. The proposed soutt; section of zone 6(south of Trent Avenue) has 4 parcels in R-2 and `� parcels in R-4 fhat have the potential of being divided af wifh curreni zoning standards. The analysis was done only fo evaluare !of size for further development. A lot specific analysis was nof complefed. There may be other facrors fha� limit developmenf of a property even though fhe !ot size rs large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to thE public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growtl � and provide more options for locations of housing within the City o;" Paga 4 of 3 October 23, 2008 Request fo� Planning Ccmmfsston Aclfon on CTA•04-08 Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exisfs to provide services to additional residences however this concem is nof significantly detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental profecfion. - OPTIONS: 1. No change to current density limitation in table 19.110-1 2. Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. 3. Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. 4. Allow development within Zone 6 with exception to density and number of parcels; a. The s�te had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial Airport Hazard Overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or b. Contiguous parcel with a minimum lot size less than or equal to underlying zone; or c. More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop prope�ty consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. 5. Divide Zone 6 into north and south with Trent Avenue (SR-290} as a divider. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends Option 4 as previously described which amends Zone 6 density limitations to allow density of underlying zone within Zone 6, however developrnent must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following criteria; (a) The site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28- 06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) Contiguous parcel with a minimum lot size less than or equal to underlying zone; or (c) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. Staff recommends this proposed change be forwarded on to the City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Vicinity map of Zone 6 within City of Spokane Va11ey limits (2) Graph of historical operations and existing forecasts from Felts Field Airport Master Plan (3) Map(s) of analysis for Options 2-5 above. (4) Amended Table 19-110-1 Page 5 ot 5 � • � 1 � 1 � ����--- --- , - �_ 1 � /����� .,� � � ��. / ` ♦ , '� ^ I • � � �~ �� � ' �� �� � �i�r. .�. r ' �� �� �%�' - ►s i�� � / � �D �'/��=�!/ � � ����� ������ -- . . . � r, G�J�!� , T _ �� � , � � �r����/►�i� � �� ���������� , I� �►�7/.f•': �'-'�''-'� � •-a•.a:.... � �� �� . �I�I�.rs��y�+'� �►n����'� •� �� ��1����'�� • �,,,rn,y � r•..� � � � �� � � / �i;/'����i rs . ''� �I�r.� . ���a.I����l1�������� ;'�?" �� � - ��' � ��� u�i �. ��s!s� �,� r� . 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Paxcels hi hli hted in ink are 20k or greater in the R-2 zone. g � p /\ r `�"" ���`� Department of Community Development S�'po~kane ��alI - Planning Division s 3 \� 2 e ' n 3 ����� O t�o p .� : - ,,� � , .� � _ , : � ; "" ' . - �� , :� � ' e i ^ �. ��` � ,�� ""' � c �, �- . � 5 ` , _ r � 1�.�' • . . • � � 1,� - — �i:i.. 'a _ _ - . 1... � ` ' j �i�' . � �� -� �! �• V i • � - �' ! f I ,- � - w ° j J'��' � _�.' � �.�... trs ..n.�� . ..� ^�.-..^ • � 1 "' ��� _ �..�� �� �� � ��� r ��r!..- " . 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Tf�e site had �vater and sewer stubs installed for future developrnent prior to the adoption oi the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2- 28•06 by Ordinance 06-002; or b. Contiguous parcel with e minlmum lot si2e less than or equal to underlying zone; or c More than one resldence Is located on a property, excluding any residonce used at one time for a dependent relative, rnay deve(op property consistent with underlining r_or�a to malce conforming _ u �. � , � ' . _ .. ,.� ci ,• • r .. � � `. . � � , �i� � �1 r . i ti _ � - . k� . _ � � � .. � ,r: � k . � � �1� _ �� _ ,�.�._- ..�� �-r � - - !_' _ .�. . - . . , �"��� R i � �t ,„ _�_ � ,,,�_ . _ , : �;; c- �(- �''"►°r��! �rl-�� ��� . _..�.� \� �. .�� .�' .i.r � � �.. � : r. � ....� �9 � f,,�.- .�� � �{�'� ., �:; - ; !! iT i cT�.-o�-os m�nt to ��e�� �S: �,o�an� Valle Munici al �od� A mend . . � Y p ' 1 .:� 1 �.0��� : �.ir o�rt �azard �verla Sectior� 9 . . , - _ l� �' -.. -- - - � . �. •. ' � ' � . 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' , � � ' � ' . s � � � ' 1 ► `' r �y �r - " ... . y �y , a {.:.� " � �� M ' �y .,.!' , . � i - Js � � � ' � r i: ! � �� f , i* � p � �{ � _ �' f „ ���. � . �� y � - � �� �� � s � � :� . � r �.. , � � y � � � ti4 � Ir �� � � f I� - ,�� � ' 3�� � � � -� • � ,�'L � . _ ,.�, � p : - � � _ _�� A , •� � ""�"`°�'�°�'""� Department of CommulY�ty Development ��'�a� Planning Division BACKGROUND March 2�03 — S okane Valle inco orates ado tin l. p Y � p g S okane Coun re ulations as interim no additional p tY g densi restrictions . � 2. Februa 2006 — S okane Valle ado ts ordinance 06-002 �'y p Y p amendin ai ort overla re ulations includes densi g � Y g �Y limits . 3. S e tember 2007 — S okane Valle ado ts Uniform p p Y p Develo ment Code no chan e to ai ort overla p g � y re ulations g S""po"kane "�"�"��'°�""'" Department of Community Development � � .� �alle Planning Division �A,IRCRAFT ACCIDENT SAFETY ZOrIE DIAGRAM , .t � _ „ ��;I , �. � � ��c�e�i� ����s_ ��- y D - � � � ��� �, -=� . , . �'`� �, ,, �� ���� ' �'�ra:t�c�i�n� �.��n�;: � . .����z�� . _ ;-. : . . � -:�����I��Y '`.� ���V� 'v�� �r.r y • � .1' f: ;. �, , +. � 1,��� � � _. ; t _ �� .� a �. :,����� ������� � ,� ;. U � ( �.��j \ }� P ` y� ' � � �_ � � .. .. . � ��'. 4 _t " � t �� a` � ��,�� ��V VF��V./�� J �'` f ( i r � 1 t � .� ` '' k ; ) . .1� T ,v.f l, y �i t, r� ���'!��t�l�� ���/��� ,���.�` � w0�1 'i " i�:�,��� 'r { � � i � ��C���1 �� � ���� �►��� r� ;�, ` . '.� ; .'- : s' 2 3 T �� � : ��'��I�.M'.� ���\/r�l � �Y�� . r F � � O � _ � - .,, , _ _ _ I .$ . R 1 A S � Z00' � O 0 L 0 0 E I�rimuy Surface F Y�� _. - -� , . .. - ' ' _ _ ....... `' �. - �. - l ` �.-�, �> . _.,. / � //i��- � � �/.' � �� R�I.G:�..�I'�/ �.� ��i� �i� if � / � �.�i +� 'ir��� � � � .i�i � <�+'i I i��i��r�Iril :,.a•.... ..� /��.!����'� i. ri. i� � ��� r � ,� � ../ ,i�..��.��� • '/,'' �/�.� ii I/� � I:r I� i�/.�// �+�" ► I/.%i/���/I I� I � � i��� / i I/ I r / ���'����; ��I '/ � / � jl,Ia� ������� , , ..•��•r ��/�IIs%/ .=. �..��•►�/���%//� � � i.� �; `' � � ��� � �,��//.'� ;•;. II/�• . ''�� � / �•��„_ �... . .!/��'�__ _ �� �� �'%%r%/� . / _ ___ � /��''y��'�// ,..�y �r� ���ir���.r�.! , ��� � ������ �������r� � � �' �� � 1�����./�./��� � ��� , � �� ��� �� � M � � �������� � �.�� � ��� 1 � . ��� r� r� _ -- S�okane """""'� Department of Community Development �� �s�all . Planning Division ' ' r ver a ectlon . . ir o rt az a Table 19-110-1 Air ort Land Use Com atibilit Prohibited Uses p p Y Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones_ Prohibited Uses -�-�� 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single-family Residential • • � � • � n/ n/ 1 d u/ 5 1 d u/ 1 d ul 2. 5 Maximum Density ** a a acres 2.5 acre n/a acre • Prohibited Uses ** � Density limited �� 1 . � ... � .. . . ` .. - ..• � �. , . � �� ..-: s. ,� � �. . . ' � .� �. �� . r � • !�, � .n. � 1 ^ ' -. . .r �.a,� - '� , � ' _ - , .,.... , .. — ..� — r F• - . . ''���+k�i., E; � —� � — c . . ,:� �. _ _ � • �•--� : - , � + _ � . , a�� '` - r chan e to curre���t� c�ensit No g - y limitation in table l 9-11 �-1 _ �, , _ ,,,, .. O tio n :-� � � p _• _� �' �� 1_ w�i ��� ,�'.n Zo�e 6 of Allow dcns�t of cur�rex�� o �.} __. V _ � � _ � - � j �,� . _-�� � .« t . -:�, . i t�''� � - � — 1 I � r-_� -_� 1 � � r , . � � i�y' ' / ~ _� - _` � ' - _ �. the a�r ort hazard over �� �. � p _ ._ � �� � � � ,� ..� ° �� i���� ♦ .� • r .,._ y .� � r i�' � �� � ii a � 3 , . - � �. � � ' - - � �� �' ,� - :, = ri � s - . . � � ! � +r' � ` �� . • • - . � r • ' • ' f � ' � _ • . i - _ . r . , r�� �. " De artment of Commui�� Development ne p � ��� . . . j�al��� Planning Division Q tion 2 6 p �: . �, .� �"r, � , - . -�,. , ,. .. � � � .'� . � r ��� `'' f' f �� � +'' .-.- c�` �`' � 5- -'�' �� `� � �- , � � w ' r r � `a r� ��,r �n� � ' �r� � r r !� '3� �� 3 � 2 1 ...... c� i _, � ' � 1� e �� / / JL :'� . , �. .� � � ,. �- -- _�:�/�r'e �.� i ��¢ ' � r:s� r. , f � � � �� ' �'�� �� I I � ��' %i �ti ��: � �i. � w '�/� % �% % ���� Mi �� � _ � -: ... � ; , -;� � �i,/ � ,� . 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Q t�on _ : p c�n it to be limited to the R-2 zonin� A 1 low d s � y �+e�u lations within Zone 6. � �.�'`�, "�"'`�`�S'�'�"`� De artment of Commun�ty Development r � ���� p ���a Planning Division 3 3 4 O tion 3 p - h �� - - _ 8 � 1 �`� � ...,.- �.. � � , � � � w --. n .,., t :!_. .,,,. � � :�.: ; � " C' " � �1 � `_" `1-, - - .._.., �,�. ��, � � � ,�. � 1J `_' ���•'� . � .r+.� � �.. ° �N �' .,' r� � � ._ � I_ �► ! �. , , '. f . �- L� ❑ i.. � �� �/. � i �•'./, �`�'�� '� � � � � �� � ,,/ _ _: , ,,� �,�, ._ � � �� p L . r-rr t �.� ,Y � �r� �� _ . _ s " , . � - �-� � ! I �� -. � N„��� � .,, -r.�� � �w• �"�(1 a.l.• � _ �rw � r.w. ' '-1 « � '�' . `►~• � ,� x � ,_ � � 1 � . � ! ,� P ;, � � � � � . r : � , � � _ � "„" 1 ...., � f ! „�„ . w ' ! . �r t � . -. , � � w. ''--' 's�r'�: • � , . ' . �� � .� � �" _ � - ,.�,�' - 1 -. ..,..,., : t � � - - � � `.. � 1 "� " l i � ` .� �.. � - ,' � � . -- � � rcels hi hli hted in ink are 20k or eater in the R-2 zone. Pa g g p �' ��„""��'°K""'Y Department of Community Development �ttpokane �s'�all � Planning Division 3 3 2 a O tion 3 - _ p __ � - ._ . -__. _ ,� � . � . , . �. ; _ . . , ...._ , . ' ! Z , _ y ,. „r.-�- —� F . S ...,, � � ! . _._ _ . _ .... ` � � �` - � � _ -- - . =�i�� � 1 �� / � t� �+� 5 : �''� "' - � ' �:�:� -- � . � ' . � rr ,,- �� Jt' � � � �. . r j �l .. - �� j �',"� M � ::' � -- �T! <-` . — Y � - � - , I -- � 'Ll._J !� � � ,;,� _¢ - -� " � 1 ,,,,, � . _ .�'� -- - � _ -. � . �. ..,,, ! ,�„ oa� � _ _ , � ,, , . .. �-• r..., � . � t """ � s ` � j � .— � — � � . ;�` � � i �i,� � ' , . �� � � � ,� ] j �' �' �; - �� ■ 1 ; � f � ' � ` � �� � �� � ��� � �� � �i � t . . •� � � i �A . �:'f: � . c �� � �� . . � � _��� � "� Z ...�. j � � � � � i i 1� �� .. i .. 1' i t �' , � � r � .• .. : �� � . . . . , . . 3 � � - --- � � � r � •� � �,,, � ' . 11 �„ � � ' � . ` � ; Parcels hi hli hted in ink are 20k or eater in the R-4 zone. g g p � Y.�► �""�""°� Department of Commu�rYt�T Development S�o`kane �s`4�ali _ Planning Division � O tion 4: p w densi of underl in zone within Zone 6, however Allo ty y g nt must com 1 with a minimum of one 1 of the me � ) develo p y p followin criteria; g a. The s ite had water and sewer stubs installed for future ment rior to the ado tion of the Ci of S okane develo p tY p p p initial ai ort hazard overla re ulations on 2-28-06 Valle rp y g y b Ordinance 06-002; or y ' ous arcel With a minimum lot size less than or e ual b. Contlgu p q to underl in zone; or y g re than one residence is located on a ro e excludin c. Mo p p�Y� g an residence used at one time for a de endent relative, ma y p Y v lo ro e consistent with underlinin zone to make de e rty g pp p conformin . g `�"�''"�s'��"N'"� De artment of Community Developmcnt �' S`ftpo"kane P �'�al.le Planning Division _ r - -- - s . 2 � tion 4 6 � - - O ` i p _ . _ � ._ , � , _ � � _, 1 _ �, ' r" � . — --- . �. � s I - - ,� ,�,� ' .� : -'%" " _ . � � ' ' ' ! � � � , '-, -' .... ._ G '�` r• ,r .� 'S . r,�,;:;r- r � �,, , , ._ .. 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Zone 6 p Avenue Gfn'HAtI Department of Community Development S�"po"kane ��'�'alleti� � Planning Division � O tio n 5 � p 3 2 4 ���e nd 'P,�r'r� I f ;r'!/ � �r �1 �� . . . .:�. �� �-3 — ��J � �� — �• � �a � � . �� � �/, v � �,+ � � � _ � - E1 - �� �� �4 � 1�K ,�`.�'`� a-� �- �a�c ., % � ;._ - ''' y � � . r. i � �; � � � r . � �. . � u �� � �.t;�� �ri r t � � ;.- � � � ��.� /. .s .� ��� � � � �� i�;• , , ��` '� � ,: , ; ; .■ --- r �;; � • /� • y' r� � � � �- r ,� -'� � �. y , ...� � � . '-- � ��� - r ..,. u� ,� : ! •, : •i.. ! �I rs%: — _ r /l� �C � : ��'YJ�er+ S� ✓ � �, .i.ww w�ri ' .///. �: . � � � � � � /�. � A IfIIO . Iri�sR '} I +� � �j��F iRwA � �.r�r �y«�y1 i6M �'i: S�' �i r �'; ,,. .✓ �� i�ilvt•nr.ewa � :s - �i/ Y/•, /y � � f � � +��� ' :: j. ..�,,, �� t� - s' � ..., =� �M r % , ' o i� . , . . .� �� � iLV. s�c �� - - . . . � %y �� ' � pc � , � ' ' � : . . �� - t" : . . • , � , '/.�/. _�. , :�., �; �� `;��i �'�, _ I. ��L� , . � ♦ . . ' �' .� 1 ♦-\+ • � • . � /' . � :�`� Y ( � .�� � y � 1 1�1 � _ �i 1 ,��� . ,.. � ' ..,, ;��, ��� . . �.�.'r ; � ,�,� , .: , � �� �.'. , �� . . �� � _ '�'�' _ _ � ���_��:: 1 , � • I � • , M � � ""`�'°�°'�'�`� De artment of C�mmui��ty.De�elopmcnt �' � - -� � � t p.�s , ,��� . , . . �. . ► .� . . , . ;j , � , PYan�ing,Division .. � � _ . . , , . , �' � � � � ' � ; . � , , � ` , . '' � � � ' � � 1 � � ' ' . , � � � . �1 , 1 ' . �, ; . 1 1, �' � ' � . • • '� • � • '� . � . . O t�o n �5 . � � � , . . . p . . .. . . . . . . ;, � - . , Pro osed b Planning Com�ission at the 10-9=08 study session. � � y . � . � , _ �. . , ,. - _ . , , , , � , . . , , , ,� � � ' f � � ' . , , • , , , , . , , �. ,' ' � ; ' . . : ' � 1 � t � 1 , � � ' - � all e9ldentia� zor�ed.� azcels nortl� of Tr�x�t � . . �, .A. �o�e 6 N , x . . p� : . . . . � . . � � �. � , � � � �, , . . � � � �. . , � � . � . . . . . , . . . . . .� �� 1�venue �� � � : - � :, .� ,�� �� . � � � , � - . . �. . � / ,� , � ; . � „ i � � � ' . •� �: ' . � - . i � ' . , . � � . � • , , . � ' . . . � ' � - , � . ,, � ; � . • � . ,' � � � ,' ' - , � �d = � all resldential zoned ar�e�s south� of �Tr�nt B. Zone . , . ,. 1� . , . , . Avenue � � � . ' GIrY►1AlIOS!'pKA*lf V. • Department of Commun�ty Deve opment S►"�k`�kane . ��alle � Planning Division , . ' 4 t�o n 5� s p � . . � ''� ' , . =��.n e: �6� -� N : _ • � `� -- - -� - - --- �- - - l r � �► ; • , • � d � ,,, , � �c� � • �,. ; . . :- �,. . ,�•�� �� �,i'� `�.�,' �.� ,. J . �'- ' ... �`�/ .�� �' � � ' t �i � � . � � ' �� 3 2 � � % -: -.,.. . 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Legend 6 � << - ..,:,.,. °' `'-�.,`• . ' ,f� ��` R1 _�� ';�/•,.: �." 0 3 ��``'� R-2 � � o _�� D 8� vacant o , R _ 3 residen�ial � � _ �' ' � ---- --=� � � O � :awa.s�c.aa R � G � :cw s�c.a � arcels in � � � ►Qdli.{i.i 11 L g P o ° �,,,,,, � _ . �f � MF-1 TPZ -6 :=-� !� � � • — r � r � - - MF-2 _; y.�., n � i r . - --� :� o � � G _ .�%��� GO _ ; - �: ;' � G�- _ - r ___ _._ __--___� � ; =i�/� O :---_ _ .- -�� �' - � � - � - r ` p .. _ _ .°�: � �:? cMu ''2: � � � _�� � a � 0 � MUC �% w.... - - _- _� _ _-� . .�---�°`� � �_ � �_ • = •- - �J NC .. ; - . , _� ��, � � , p i � �- Q � C �-., � n �.,.�.� _ �. - ,,,,�„ i ,� �- - � � - Rc , ' ,�� � ` Q ��� r..�ri " n _ � - - � I-1 ,, ,, � � �`�, `.'.. _ � �.� � � - �`��``` � � .....`� � � s,.n" � n '-2 � � - � • � �..� - � ,� � �� �. � � - �-�w __ - � . �.� � ;, �� "". �=�== L_=-=�i CF .� -- ..�.,;, _ �'-"_ _. _ � � � .. . . } n - . � PU=Vaceni w.. - , _-_ �. --- � : �. . 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"���"���°�`"" De artment of Commuli�ty Development S'pokane p ���ll � Planning Division . ecommen e c lon � ' usl described in o tion 4 staff recommends to amend As rev�o y p , p . 6 densi limitations to allow densi of underl in zone Zone tY Y g � ithin Zone 6 however develo ment must com 1 with a w , p p y minimum of one 1 of the followin criteria; �) g a. The site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the ado tion of the Ci of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations p �Y on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or b. Conti uous arcel with a minimum lot size less than or equal to underlying g p zone; or c. More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. `m"�"'� De artment of Community Development S"'ro``kane p . I� �all Planning Division r . Table 19-110-1 Air ort Land Use Compatibility Prohibited Uses p ., Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones Prohibited Uses 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sin le-famii Residential • • � � • � 9 Y 1 du/ 5 1 du/ Maximum Densit ** n/a n/a acres 2.5 acre nla Underlying zone ��� y . • Prohibited Uses ** � Density . limited � Must com ly with a minimum of one (1) of the following criteria; p a. T�iE site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoptioll of the City of Spok�ne Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; b. Contiguous parcel wit�l a minimurn lot size less than or equal to underlying zone; or c. More tl�an one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at onetim� for �. dependent relative, may develop property consistent ��vitl� Llnderllning zane ta ma�e . conforming. �` C��r►+���erSP�r,*tiFV Department of Commu�r�ty Development ���1 [L � • • • ��'�a Plann�ng Div�sion ._� �� - � .- � � _ y � • • RCA EXI-i1BIT 3 �'�, � Staf�', agency and citizen comments �� from 10-23-08 ublic hearin I P g .,� _ 904 N. Columbus � ` � �' Spokane, WA 99202 , �;'`=���� �.'-. fx � w e s t. SpJrlt of Servlce' RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2008 September 18, 2008 SPOKAN�VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 � Attn: Karen Kendall Re: Airport Overlay Zone Dear Karen: Qwest has no comment regarding the above mentioned zoning code text amendment. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2713. Sincerely, c.�'�� G� T-�ron2 Tai tch Sr. Design Engineer i f � � � l�ECE41��fl ke PARCELS _ _ - Stubs _- - _ 1 � _ _ _ 1 �� 1 "j �QO� 2� 45063.2140 1 Y�Q, 3 45063.2606 1 � , 4 46063.2802 1 �f 1��lCal1 � C�Ow10AUNi DCV£llJPME�tT � � , __ 5i45063.2123 1 ���� � cj 6s45063.2121 1 7 45063.2117 1 8 45063.2116 1 9 450fi3.2133 1 10 45063.2210 2 11 45063.2109 1 12 45063.2218 2 13 45063.2142 1 14 45063.2102 2 1 fi 45063.2101 2 16 45063.2512 2 � 17 45063.2406 3 18 45063.4605 2 �� 19 45063.2607 1 20 45063.2b05 2 21 46063.4301 1 22 35014.0201 1 23 45063.2509 3 � 24;45063.2506 2 ___ 25� 45063.3004 1 26;450fi3.3026 1 _ 27� 45063.311 0 4 28 45063.3202 2 29�450fi3.3014 2 30�45063.3017 2 31 450 63.301 6 2 32'450fi3.3 2 ' 33 45063.3107 ^~ 2 I 34 45063.3207 - ` .. �� w � ...~ � ._. - 2 35 45Q63.3031 2 36 45063.3206 2 37 35014.0102 2 � 38 45083.3313 2 39 45063.3421 2 40 1 41 45063.4206 1 42=45063.3718 0 _ 43 45072.1705 1 I 44 351 2 - - - __ 45_�45463.4313 2 46 45063.401 2 47 45063.4111 � 2 48�45063.4415 2 r` � � - � ______ _. .___ _ �- --- - .__ _-- - -----..._ . __ � . - -- ----- 49 35014.0 1 50 35014.0158 ^ � � 1 � � � 51 45072.0101 �- - _.___..__._._.._�-1 52 45072.1904 2 53 35121.6402 2 54 35121.6401 � 2 55 35121.0902 1 56 45072.2702 1 67 35121.6443 �2 58 35121.1703 2 59 35121.1503 2 60 45072.3402 2 61 35121.6901 1 62 45072.3604 1 63 35121.23Q5 1 64 45072.3703 1 65 � 35121.2402 1 66 35121.2404 1 67 35121.9013 1 fi8 35121.6602 2 69 35121.6601 2 70 35125.2905 2 71 35121.9004 2 72 35121.9057 1 73 35121.3302 � 1 74 35121.4104 � 1 75 35121.3901 � u_J 2 76 35121.3802 1 77 35121.3 ^ 'I 78 35121.3602 _ 2 78 351 21.3206 � 2 80 35121.4901 2 y 81 4 5072 . 111 2 1 82 35121.4105 2 Y 83� 35121.3404 2 84� 45072.5704 2 85 45072.5702 1 86 45072.1213 2 87 35121.6314 ~ 1 88 35121.6310 1 89 35'i 21.6322 � 1 90 35121.6323 1 91 35121.9056 . -.... - - � � - -.�_ 2 92�45072.6804 ^ 1 93 45072.1608 1 94 45072.1207 -~ -- --^�- 1 95 3 5121. 51 01 2 9 6' 45072.1206 1 97 45072.1208 1 j - � - 98 35121.4608 � 0 99 35121.5001 2 100 45072.1209 1 101 45072.6401 2 102 45072.1720 1 103 45072.6608 2 104+45072.1210 1 ' 105}35121.6210 1 106 35121.6211 1 107 45072.1503 1 � 108 35121.9015 1 109 3512 1 ; 110 45072.1702 1 111 35121.9046 1 112 35121.b201 2 113 45072.1725 2 � 114 45072.1709 � 1 � 116 45072.1506 1 � 116 35121.6255 1 117I45072.1710 1 118�35121.5501 1 119�45072.1505 1 120 45072.1712 1 121 45072.1507 1 122 45072.1711 1 123 45072.6801 2 124 45072.6802 2 125 45072.1607 1 126 45072.1602 1 127 35121.5601 'I 128 45072.1714 1 129 35121.6238 1 130 35121.6232 2 . 131 45072.1603 1 132 45072.1718 � � �^ � 1 133 45072. 1 134I35121.6223 1 135�45072.1601 1 136 3fi121.5602 1 137 35121.9021 1 138 35121.6242 2 139 45072.6803 3 � 140 45072.1727 1 141 45072.1717 'I 142 45072.1606 1 143 35121.5901 1 144 45073.0110 1 145 45072.1605 ^ � 2 146 35121.6001 � � � 1 i f - - _ -� -- ---•-�-�� -��- I 147 35121.6101 1 148 45073.1903 2 149 45073.2001 ^ � 2 150 45074.9085 2 151 35124.0113 � 2 152 45 073.2109 1 153 45 073.200 2 1 154 35 124.08 01 1 155 35124.0802 1 156 45073.2108 1 157 35124.3203 1 158 45073.9066 1 159 35124.0116 2 160 45073.2112 1 161 35124.3101 1 162 35124.3201 1 163 35124.0815 1 � 164 35124.3202 1 165 35124.2705 1 166 35124.0807 1 167 351 24.3204 1 168 35124.0808 1 169� 35124.3205 1 170�35124.0813 1 171 3 5124.320fi 1 172 45073.0302 1 . . _� . -- --- .. . _. _____ 173 45072.0804 1 174 45072.2201 2 175 45072.2204 1 176 35121.02i 7 � 1 I 177 45072.2203 1 178 45072.2506 ~ 1 179 45072.2304 � 1 180 35121.0218 1 181 45072.0801 1 182 35121.0219 1 183 45072.2501 1 184 45072.2441 1 185 45072.0802 1 1 S6 45072.2402 1 187 45072.3301 1 188, 45072.3105 _ 1 189�45072.7303 1 190'45072.3003 _ 1 191 � 45072.3106 1 192 45 072.7302 � 1 �� 193 45072.0805 _ ____ ___ __ 1 � 184 45072.7 1 195,45072.7301 - �� -_----- -- 1� - - -- � � � I � , I � - � ____ 196 45072.0803 2 197 45072.3306 1 188 45072.3205 ! 1 199 45072.3203 1 200 4b072.0702 2 201 �45072.0806 1 202 1 203�45072.3801 1 204� 45072.3803 1 205 45072.0704 1 --- 206 45072.0807 1 207 45072.4703 1 � 208 45072 1 209 45072.4106 1 210 45072.0904 1 211 45072.4004 1 _� 45072.0912 2 213�45072.0907 2 214 45072.5403 --^- -- 2 215 45072.4fiO3 2 216 45072.4602 1 217 45072.0911 3 218 45072.4904 1 _ 219�45072.490i _ __.� 1 22 0� 45072.4803 1 22 1 45072.4802 ^ 2 222 45072.1007 � 1 _ 223� 45072.1008 __ 1 224 � ^_ __� 1 225 45072.4809 � 226� 45072.1009 � � 1 227 45072.1012 1 228 45072.1011 1 229 �45072.1010 1 230 45072.5801 � 1 231 45072.5902 1 232 45072 1 233 45072.1302 1 234 45072.6103 1 235 45072.6001 1 236 45072.6002 1 237 45072.6003 � 1 238 45472.1311 � 2 239 45072.1312 ^ 2 240 45072.6102 � 1 24145074.2307 � 1 2 42 45074.2302 1 243 45 073.2113 2 _ 244I 35124.0105 _ _ 1 + . - 245 - -�- - - - ..�-- 2 246 351 24.3207 1 247 45073.0227 � 1 248; 4507 3.0228 1 � i 4_ 4 196 45 072.0803 -W- - - - 2 197 45072 1 198 45072.3205 � ~ 1 199 45072.3203 1 200 45072.0702 2 201 45072.0806 1 202 45072.3802 1 203 �45072.3801 1 � 204 45072.3803 r 1 205 45072.070 1 206 45072.0807 1 207�45072.4703 1 208 45072 0901 1 209 45072.4106 1 210 45072.0904 1 211 45072.4004 _ . 1 I - 212 45072.0912 2 213 45072.0907 2 --- 214 45072.5403 ... . 2 215 45072.4603 ~ 2 216 45072.46 1 217 45072.0911 3 218 45072.4904 T 1 219 45072.4801 1 220 45072.4803 1 _ 221 ., - - --._, 2 222 45072.1007 L� 1 � 223 45072.1008 1 224� 45072.1019 2 . 2 25�4507 2.4809 � 1 226 45072.1009 � ___ 1 � 227 45072.1012 1 228 45072.1011 1 229 45072.1010 1 ' 230�45072.5801 y 1 231 45072.5902 1 232 45072.1310 1 233 45072.130 1 234 45072.6103 - 1 235 45072.6001 1 236 45072.6002 1 I 237 45072.6003 1 � 238 45072.1311 r_.... ^ - - 2 239�45072.1312 2 240� 45072.6102 ~ 1 2M 45074.2307 ~ 1 � 24 45074.2302 1 243 2 � 244r35124.0105 _ 1 � �- ' 245 4507 3.0312 ~ � 2 24 351 24.3207 1 ~ 247 45073.0227 � 1 24 T 1 i i ` - � RE�CEiVED � � �� f � � � �� . . � �... ,K 1 `` . . . . � a , . � , , _ � SEP 1 1 2008 f . . .�. . ,�:�. _ - ,� . - . . . 8101 E B�IO��.���wA99�jQ � SPOKANE VALLEY �� ' � � DEPARTMCNT O ��rc�n . I Pf-I: 9?�6-d663 FAX. 9?�8?70 � CC3MMUNIN !7�1E..�. . � . � �. . _ . . . � � . � Juty 31, 2007 _ . . - �• ' : ' , . .- � . . . , - . : _ , . . . . . . ;. . . • - Mayor Council ' � � � . . . � - . � � . : • � ° .. ' : City of Spokane Vatley - � . � � _ . . � � � . � : . - � � . _Spokane.WA 9920b . � , � � . � = _ • . ' � � . SUBJECT: , City of Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-UO2 - �. . . • . �. � . : Airport Overiay Zone � �- � � . � . . , . . • •, - - To Whom tt May Concern: . : . � • � ' � � � : . ' . � . ". . . _ . - • -. The 8oard of Directors of Orchard Avenue IMgation recentty leamed of the City of Spokane �.� �� ' � Valley Ordinance No.� Ob-OOL having to �do Vvith an Airport Overlay Zor�e. � � .� .' . .- The conce�rn of the Board revolves around the control the Ordinance has aver the District's - � � projected internal growth and the substantial impact dn.loss of revenue. .'Growth�and�revenue . . � . � are specificalty addressed in the District's ten and six-year Comprehensive. Water Plan. The � � existing patrons will be forced to carry ti�e financial burden of future ptanned.development. � � � In the best interest of the District and the patrons of the District,, the Board -requests that you �� . consider.resc�nding the Ordtnance and teave the zoningfior the area at�.5 per acre, in line � . with the �surrounding political entities. The Board would have responded �n this same m�nner - �.�t an earlier opportunity if the Ciry of the Valley had given the Board its i�tentions of the . � � _� zoning change prior to passing�the Ordinance. .. ' " � � � � � •. -� : - � Sincerely, ' _ - � � � ' • � , . . . • •, ; � ' Orchard Avenue Irrigation District ' - - � • � . . � � . .. ; � - - • � . �- �� � '. i Y� • � • • • , - ,J � • • ' • • I Jack Bennett � � . . ..�; � - , Presldent � � � � � ��� � , . r•= , " � , , �� ' � � . . , , " , , j . - . . . - ` , . . _ . :. • . , . , ' '. � . I I - - - '�- - -- -- - ( _-:-- �- . . , -, � - RECEIVED 8101 E Buciteye bre�bpokane WA992i2 PH: 926-4563 FAX: 92�8170 SEP 1 12008 SPOKANE VALLEy DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNtTY DEVELOPMENT September 9, 2008 Attn Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley WA 99206 Dear Karen Kendall, Here is the information you requested. We added a list of parcels that would have been stubbed for future service. The District did not have the funds at the time of sewer construction or the parcels would have been stubbed. The new zoning ordinance will stop all future service activities. As you can see by the list, there are only 5 parcels left with 2.5 acres or more. This has a tremendous impact on the Distr�ict's Comprehensive Water Plan, futur�e planning, plant invesbment fees and assessment income. It will also put more of a burden on patrons of the District to totally fund operations in the future. Thank you for your request for information. If we can answer further questions that would alleviate this burden please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ORCHARD AVE IRRIGATI�N DISTRICT NO. 6 � � � �-�. Mike K. Klein, Sr. Manager �_ � RECEivE� ORCHARD AVENUE IRRIGATION S � P � ��8 Spp}(qNE VALL� PARCELS STUBBED FOR SERVICE pEPARTMENT �� CpMMUNtTr DEVELOPMEN'� Address Parce! Number Multiple �: `�� Address Parcel Number v�. 2600 Bik of N Elizabeth 35121.4901 2 2117 N BRADLEY 35124.0813 z �. 7915 E GLASS AVE 45063.2715 2 ' 2223 N BRADLEI' 35124.061 fi � 7500 BIk of E Marietta Ave 45072.1113 �`` 6714 E MONTGOMERY 35124.0908 7500 81k of E. S. Rivennray 45063.2139 = 7321 E TRENT 35124.2708 a-. �_�• 7500 Blk of E. S. Riverway 45063.2140 �ir'� 2321 N COLEMAN RD 35124.2903 :; -;�: YfV� 7500 Bik of E Kieman Ave 45063.2210 4'��= 7821 E S RIVERWAY 45063.2129 �:=-. . `� �� on Elia Rd at 7909 E Glass Ave 45063.2707 2 �; ��'r 3907 N EDGERTON 45063.2233 �t :2� � on Glass Ave at 8004 E Glass Av+ 45063.3110 ��7904 E GLASS 45063.3202 on Elton Rd at 8004 E Glass Ave 45063.3110 2 '�:;� �'�' 3313 N ELLA RD 45063.4104 290fi N CENTER RD 45072.0702 �' R. � :, a�_ 8304 E BUCKEYE 45071.2409 )0 Bfk of N Center Rd 45072.0704 "��' � �� 3023 N ELLA RD 45072.0801 7600 Bik of E Ma�etta Ave 45072.1306 �� ~�"' 2418 N CENTER 45072.1714 .,;.� 7600 Blk of E Marietta Ave 45072.1310 %��' � `�°`� 2810 N PARK RD 45072.1804 7700 Bik of E Marietta Ave ' 45072.4811 �' . � 3005 N VISTA/FAIRVIEW 45072.2801 8100 61k of E Marietta Ave 45072.5704 �`" "� 7911 E GRACE 45072.3903 � `.i 7500 Blk of E Buckeye Ave 45072.1104 .,�. East end of S Riverway-2" Unknown �r' = 7917 E GRACE 45072.3908 W end of S Riverway-8" Main Ext x 4" Unknown � Coleman 8� Eudid Ave-S" Unknown :�`� 8200 Blk of E Buckeye 45072.5101 - Y _� Stub: Irrlgation Service 2705 N VISTA 45072.5203 3423 N PARK RD 35014.0102 � : 7915 E TRENT 45073.1706 7402 E BRIDGPORT 35014.0182 � � y} � 7809 E TRENT 45073.1802 7307 E CARLISLE 35121.6262 �` 7703 E TRENT 4b073.1804 2521 N PARK RD 35121.6319 _, 6903 E CARLISLE 35121.9020 � ;- r,��. -� ,24 E CARUSLE 35121.9056 �''�' 1 C ' iJ� � Y' � ��� 7103 E TRENT 35124.0601 7103 E TRENT 35124.0602 -���P�� � � ��' S�.,��1� �- � PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE 45073 .1704 .50 45072 .1602 .54 35124.0108 .50 RECEIVED 45072.6103 .54 45063 .2121 .50 45072 .1904 .54 45063 .4415 .50 SEP 1 1 2008 45072 .2702 .54 45063 .3015 .50 SPOKANE VALLEY 35124 .3203 .54 45063 .3421 .50 DEPARTMENT OF 35124 .3204 .54 45Q63 .42�6 .cJ� C�MUN(TYDEVELOPMENT �124 .� 45072 .1209 .50 35124 .3206 .54 45072 .1210 .50 35121 .6210 .54 45072 .1717 .50 35121 .6238 .54 45072 .1718 .50 45063 .3206 .55 45072 .0802 .50 45063 .3004 .55 35124 .3101 .50 45063 .2241 .55 35124 .0802 .50 35014 .0172 .55 35124 .0801 .50 45073 .2109 .55 35121 .9046 .50 45072 .'i 607 .55 45053 .3017 .51 45073 .2001 .55 45063 .3313 .51 45072 .1709 .55 45063 .2506 .51 45072 .6801 .55 45Q63 .2512 .51 45073 .1901 .57 45063 .2606 .51 45072 .1507 .57 45063 .2607 .51 45072 .1506 .57 45063 .2505 .51 45073 .2005 .57 45063 .2406 .51 45072 .0911 .57 45072 .1601 .51 35124 .0808 .57 45072 .6804 .51 35124 .0807 .57 45072 .3703 .51 45072 .7006 .58 45072 .2304 .51 45063 .4011 .58 45072 .0907 .51 35121 .1703 .58 45064 .1913 .52 35121 .2402 .58 45063 .2218 .52 45073 .2108 .58 45072 .5702 .52 45073 .2002 .58 35121 .4104 .52 35121 .6323 .58 45063.3207 .53 � 35121 .5501 .58 45072 .6803 .53 45063 .4605 .59 45072 .6802 .53 45072 .0805 .59 45072 .5403 .53 45072 .0806 .59 45072 .0804 .53 45063 .3108 .60 45072 .3003 .53 45063 .4022 .60 45072 .4603 .53 45072 .0807 .60 35121 .6602 .53 35121 .6310 .60 35124 .3201 .53 35121 .5001 .60 35124 .3202 .53 45063 .2142 .61 35124 .3207 .53 45072 .1712 .61 35121 .9021 .53 45072 .6401 .61 45063 .4313 .54 45072 .6608 .61 45063 .4111 .54 45072 .3604 .61 45063 .2509 .54 35014 .0158 .62 PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE PRE PARCEL# ACREAGE 45072 .1213 .62 35121 .6001 .94 45072 .1208 .62 45072 .0702 .95 45072 .1505 .62 45073 .1801 .96 35125 .2905 .62 45072 .1725 .96 45073 .1902 .64 35121 .6507 .99 35121 .2305 .65 45072 .1503 1.00 45072 .1727 .65 45072 .1311 1.00 45073 .2008 .66 45072 .1720 1.00 45072 .1711 .66 35121 .9047 1.00 45072 .0101 .67 45072 .1312 1.00 35121 .3701 .67 35124 .0310 1.01 45063 .3016 .68 35124 .0813 1.01 45063 .3026 .68 45073 .1802 1.04 35121 .6402 .68 35124 .0815 1.05 35121 .6401 .68 45072 .1206 1.06 35121 .0902 .68 45071 .2408 1.11 35121 .9013 .68 45072 .6902 1.14 35121 .6404 .69 45072 .0843 1.17 ' 45073 .1903 .69 35121 .5101 1.58 35121 .4105 .69 35121 .1002 1.78 35121 .3602 .69 45071 .0037 2.03 45073 .1904 .70 45071 .0038 2.51 ' 45072 .1804 .70 35121 .2803 3.22 45063 .2102 .70 35121 .6319 3.23 � 45063 .2101 .70 35124 .0907 3.24 45063 .3014 .70 35124 .0812 3.50 35121 .6403 .70 45072 .0912 .70 45063 .2133 .72 , 35011 .0101 .72 45072 .0901 .73 45073 .2112 .75 i 35121 .6242 .75 � 45072 .1603 .76 45072 .7007 .77 45063 .3�31 .77 35124 .0113 .77 35124 .0410 .78 35121 .6322 .78 ` 35124 .2808 .88 � 35121 .3901 .90 35121 .3302 .90 35121 .6223 .90 35121 .6211 .90 45063 .2117 .92 45063 .2123 .92 35121 .5201 .94 35121 .5901 .94 i Page 1 of 2 ` �. . G�y McCormick Froen: .Ia�h tren�n po�t�ut�ur�m.oan] �nt TLnsd�Y� Oclober 21, 2005 �:1T PM Ta (�p McCormidc Cc Lori Borlor, bNu Bwi�qsr, Iilidd Hrnou: CtxlNlr� Jwsen: 8catt 14htq AA�rtin Palwi�lc Ta�is 8dmidt gubl�et n�c'dhnQ lflusd� meetlnD - Qle� CTAd4-0B Grep 8 snwalaeee, i am w�8np b�iw 1 wil bs � b�d M p�lk hhr1n01hi� Thusd�Y �pN �ep�dinp 1� �� �Y sorr. 1 wid Iry b tnake 1Hs brfef w ss nd 10 toiaa up loo rtwrl� d yat Yme. � nave be., vf�np M,. SQokarw Va+y►y�nD �d w�++�c �� r�s �D�V ers iww. � aou0nc my nouss �t Q2a E J.daon nvs (962'1� in fw 8palce' 1/a�oy o+►�r 7 r�n aqa WN P�'oP«d 4.!�! tho�:ah'h� Cl ^tk �lafl' J�3^.k37f1 IO CBf�tSIO P.Y6. .�- • �� t - `t ' `� �. ' ' - - - � .f'I'J�Iii � _� �;�' ".. _ '-i __ f _ ���� ,• - = t 4 ` r � � . �� � �!� i - "l. . � _ . _ � , �' � � _• � - •��. j � _ �� — . �, •T - �:,�_ : � : ' - ' =r = -r•=. �-= �� ' - .�"�-.:;= 4-- . r� v . ' 1 ;� �-.� . [ � _ e• •� _ � ?•. - �. •� "',t E , t' � ~ �( r t '3. 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Thoy put the sewer in and wan tr�staMd s� an0o Ih� Dadc portlon d my bt wfidi ia eo� oa Carl3ssla Aw tor fulurr bu��p. l Mwn went down b 4ie perm� dlfoe lo Md oul wfnt rtry ns�cl atep would bs in abdhrfdk�0 end seAirq Q�ot bl �o thet someone o�ould build � ha� on It�at vscant pleca of property. It wes at tl�aR 6rr�s expieined W ms 7mt b�a of 6�11. tl�ere was � drport ov�t�y reslrict� plaoed on Lhst pro�tQ�. 1 wu nwar nclifisd o( utiy rt�w6nps ct decleione ebout Ihe ardlr�x�. They lold me thd roQ�inO aouid be done and tt�ei I ooufd not �vido Ihe bt So now 1'm atudc wqn a Tx�Qa useleas pkee d lend lhet doea no one snY 9ood. �d Pm ur�ebb b pet a roGm on my lnve.�rt�eni On Carllalo, R ia 1l�e ontY �mPb� Pboa d Mnd Nonp Thst biodc and R J�nt prow� weeda and pives beriepwa a pisce b do �onutt In �eir can. t�m vsrY dis�pok�d eepeciedy s�o�e I feel Q�t w� ar� so far Arom �rry IandhO ot bvke afF pelh d Fslls Fieid. I Mpa Ihe�t tl» dp d Spdcan� Vail�y wIU oor�sfder fRmp �e arcflnance, cr �t ieaet Rwrkip the bo�xd�ies b r�fkct o more cortrnon aeriee aree of pwelble knperA In tha event d an aMplarr arash M an �irptww araehoe tn my badc yerd, 1 waiid candife that 4» p�ot rrasn't ewn aknlnp ta IM tYstr�. Jwt look d ths rttep, M doe�m'1 IT1a1ts Nl1�Q. 10/24/2008 Page 2 of 2 . , c � t �x� ,f` - ' � � • � " �� i^ - e � � 1 I ';, � '� �' l - - .1; � ,,. ; „ i .`� _ � `. `' ' , `�' � ' 't _y ! �'�} '�^: - t t '� _ i . - � 'Z = t f < �, �� ', � i - ;��� - 4 ' -- - ; - }�� .� R , �- _ �'��'' � �ti , �i�l - _ �. ;, , _ , : , .r� „ i � -, �, ' r _ t i _ . � .k.!" /,� - `; r, - t -- , r - �• � ' � ' �� 4 '� '' � � �; � .;,, - - - - - � � �� . � � � �_-' �� _ :. _ ''P,S�'�'"�I�� _,,�-�-,a_ ' = r- _ �' v e - �1�� � � r� ,� -�� C� � :.�;;� - _ . �. �� _ z : ;; � � �•. j - ' � ' - 4 ^. �-n - ' � � _ 3 � � � j ',�.Q� r ^M - '�- �� I - - . �- �'"r ^ G`jy i .�� j _ , '' - ,.i'V �.�- ��. t - _ r- t - r ' - t �� �' � � "_' '_' _ �� - - � r _ � ' - - :.��•� � .�.� ��cy � �a � , ,, : . � . ,� � � r ;F :,;;� - � , �` � ,.�',+ - � ���`��'..' �� . .�' _ � � - r� ' G �• ,Y�'_ .:� � -� -,!,1 . � ' � - � �- ,�� � ' , '��F ,�$� - -:� c' , .. _ Tr �}� �, t -_ �' . f a �-- - ,,C � ��} �� j� :� � _:�. �17r er ,� ��` . : r _ ;' _- - - G i• ; � �� _ � - �, �- �..f - �'+` ;=1 `,t� '. � �" • � - ' � � _ s"'� V . . 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JacJ�on Av� Spdc�w Vallay, VWA 6�212 (b09)939-8617 1 {1;''-�''Ol_I�, ( � MEMO To: City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development A,ttn: Karen Kendall RE: V�l�I1'I'EN COMIv�NT File# CTA-04-08 Section 19.110.030 (Airport Hazard Overlay) My name is Kevin Ga1ik, my wife and I own a home located at 2605 N Ella Rd. Qur property is one acre in size. We bought the property 13 years ago with the intention to subdivide. Last year, a lot adjaceut to mine that had frontage on Murrieta Street came to the market. I open aa escrow to buy it as it would give me frontage on both Murrieta Street and Ella Road for additional access when I was ready to subdivide. I went to the planning dept and found out about the Airport Hazard Overly that I couldn't subdivide due to the possibility of an airplane disaster that would kill additional people; I pulled out of the escrow. My properiy is not in the path of take offs or landing of airplanes, although, it is a play ground above my groperty for bi-planes buzzing around in circles and small crafts that are no more than a chair with a propeller attached to it; due to this play ground above my rights have been taken away from me. My property is zoned for sub-division, therefore, I should be able to do so. I have contacted a land use attomey who is currently researching the fact that an ILLEGAL TAKING has talen place. The City of Spokane Valley has illegally taken my right away to subdivide my property without just compensation. Furthermore, sewer lines where installed in this community during the Airport Hazard Overlay. Spakane County installed additional3" sewer stub outs at my properiy line for future subdivision and many more properties in the axea.. I may also sue the City to reimburse the County for this work if the Airport Hazard Overlay is not amended. The reimbursement may lower my monthly utility bill. I petition the City of Spokane Valley to asnend the Airport Hazard Overlay to allow one acre parcels to be subdivided that are not in the path of iake offs and landing routes to Felts Field. Ke � Ga1ik 10-23-08 R�CEIVED ..�- 5oq - a� �- 3��� OCT 2 3 200� SPOKANE VAL Y DEPARTMENT f COMMUNITY DEVEl. PMENT r ACEBEDO � JOHNSON, LLC. �ro�s PIERRE E. ACEBEDO PUYALLUP FJ�CUTIVE PARK CI�YDY A. JOHNSON• 1011 FAST MAIN 'AISO ADI�TTSD IN CA 3UITE 456 PUYALLUP� WA 98372 TEI. (253) 445-4936 FAX (253) 445-9529 � OCtO�t 22� 200$ pacebedo�bom�ail.com ciadyaj ohnsou(�hvtmail.com Ms. Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development R ECE I V E D 11202 East Sprague Avenue Spokaue Valley WA 99206 OCT 2 3�� Re : CTA-O�-OB . SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMtJNITY D_V�LO�'�r�•�•• Dear Ms. Kendall : This office represents Nirs. Donna Simonson, o�`�ner of parcel number �5063.2140, a property af�ected by Spoka.ne Valley Municipal Code ("SVMC'� § 19.110.030. This letter is in response to the proposed amendm�nt to thc densitti� limitations under SVI��iC § 19.110.030(Airport Hazard Overlay). A. Due Process ViolAtions. Under the Constitution, certain basic fundamental rights are guaranteed. One of those rights is due process of law. As this relates to praperty, there is a fundamental right to receive notice if the government plans to change regulations with respect to real property. It is surprising to me that it took over a year for anyone to even realize that the ne`�� regulations existed. As a result, it will be necessary to scrutinize the notice procedures followed by the City of Spokane Valley and those required by the Constitution. Conversely, the City of Spokane Valley has an opportunity to revisit the zoning regulations and remedy the problems it has created. n. �mendment Possibilitv 1- Consider Reasonable Hei�ht Restrictions. The groperty owned by Mrs. Simonson is a beautifiil river&ont property that she has been waiting to develop for her future retirement property. However, according to SVMC § 19. ] 10.030, the half acre property is no longer developable. In order to properly amend the aforementioned regulation, it is necessary to allow properties like Mrs. Simonson's to be develogable. Instead of the current regulations, the City of Spokane Valley could consider height restrictions in order to accommodate the airport. This alternative would be beneficial to all parties, as it allows for a reasonable i�se of vacant property and will help the city avoid numerous eminent domain lawsuits. i � C. Amendment Possibilitv 2-Eminent Domain. For the City of Spokane Valley to make broad sweeping regulations restricting any pernaissible use of the property for the benefit of the airport is not only irrational but is clearly unconstitutional. T.n fact, the actions by the City of Spokane Valley restrict all perinissible use of the properties, which constitutes a regulatory taking. Accordi.ag to the Washington State Constitution, Article 1, § 16: "No private property shall be taken or damaged for public or privafie use without just compensation having been made." Case law is very clear on this issue. As a result, the second amendment option should provide a clear statement that properties rendered useless by SVMC § 19.110.030 will be purchased via eminent domain. This way the city will be able to keep the regulated properties vacant, as well as ensuring that Ms. Simonson will receive fair market value for her property. If you cnose not to institute an eminent domain case and fail to amend SVMC § 19.110.030 to allow for reasonable use of her property, my client has authorized me to , file suit. This will to ensure that she is justly compensated for the property that ihe City of Spokane Valley has literally "taken" via SVMC § 19.110.030. D. Conclusion. The City of Spokane Valley, Department of Community Development, has the opportunity to reasonably amend SVMC § 19.110.030, to allow for reasonable use of vacant property in the Airport Overlay Zone. If the city chooses not to do so, it effectively invites litigation by Mrs. Simonson and other vacant land owners for reasonable c�ompensation for the taking of their land. Sincerely, ACEBEDO & JOHNSON, LLC. 1 C � Cindy . J son Attorney at La i i i � � � -_ -- .� _ . � October 23, 2008 Planning Commission City of Spokane Va11ey 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA 9920b Dear Planning Commission Members, � on Pilots Association is pleased to have the opportunity t� The Spokane Chapter of the V�ashingt . t on the ro sal to amend the density limitati��1; of �ect�un 19.110.030 (.Airport �Iaz��rci commen p Po Overlay) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Cod� . cha ter re reserrts pilots throughout the Spokane area and is a compon�nt oi a stato advan�� jll� Our p P pur mission is t assoeiation that represents pilots throughout the State of Wash�ngton� � ��u�� �S�ts and as ��_:�1 interests of general aviation in Washingtan State. Community airpo be rotected! The most recent Washin8�ton State Departrnent of Transportation — Aviation must p ''sion ' ort Data and Facilities information from 2001 found that 32� ai�'� �e b helico t t I�� ~ Divi �-i'p wered 4 turbo ets, and 13 p Field, including 281 single-engine, 22 multi-engine piston-po , J d that there were a total of 70,669 annua1 oPerations. This represents 22% more &I' li�:e t�� Theu data foun rt, I would o erations than the 57,362 annual operations that occur at Spokane Intema�o� �1 �ch enhancc� P add that on a typical daY both P�'�lel runways at Felts Field ar�a� n�� on economic analysis o f� both efficiency and safetY• In this sa�e report, the WSDOT A identified an economic benefit of 250 jobs resulting in over $4.5 million dollars in lua�bba���. Felts Field � neariy $16.5 m�llton on an ann earnings and economic activity to the commuaitY aPP orts" in the State of Washin��tt�t�. <:� ��.1 �:� ��.��!� Additionally, Felts Field is one of only five "Relie�ve�r�� of the Stat�: . plays an important part in the transportation infras derstandin that the Airport Hazard Overlay was originally adopted by Spok�ne ��alley's �it� It is our un � to Felts Field. Council to establish land use compatibility zones restricting certain land uses in ar �� not a To allow an increase in the allowable residential density withm the � entiall rl increase the risk of reasonable land use. The consequences of such a inove w�o� d u� ��ability of Felts Field, a future noise, opera t ion a l a n d li a b i l rt}' i s s u e s w l u c h p o t e n y p ' asse t a ro a c h i n g $ 1 6. 5 m i l l i on anauall Y, at risk. Furthennore, with the volume o i� f lig t� t commumty PP o ations occurring annu�Y ��'elts Field, it seems incomprehensible to consider a move to o«- �1 � ort overla � zone. Consequently, it is the position of th� increase in population density under the aup y Spokane Ghap ter of the Washin8ton Pilots Association that stewardship principles appropriamfo� �i` im ortant communitY asset requlre t�t a comprehensive analysis and in�l�t fr����1 all source_. P taken into considerarion when makin8 such a cridcal decision. Conse uentl , the Washington Pilots Association — Spa�ne Chapter, respe Tebensnle and that the Commission delay its decision on tliis matter to allow time for comp collaborative research and input. i ' Thank you for the opportunity to comment. The Spokane Chapter of the Washington Pilots Association would welcome the opportunity to participate in future discussions on this topic. Sincerely, ��n� L Gary W�ite I. Blake McKinley, Jr. President Treasurer, President 2006 Washington Pilots Association — Spokane Chapter cc. SATA EAA Chapter 79 Spokane Airport Board Washington Pilots Association � I j i I October 23 2008 � Planning Commission City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA 99206 Dear Planning Commisslon Members: The Spokane Airports Tenants Association appreciates the opportunjty to comment on the proposal to amend the density limitations of Section 19.110.030 (Airport Hazard Overlay) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Our organizatlon, formed in 1994, represents 130 tenants at Felts Field who lease land at the airport to support a business, operate aircraft or both. Our mission is to protect and promote the viability of Felts Field as an important community asset. As you may know, Felts Field is one of only frve "Reliever Airports" in the State of Washington, and as such plays an important part in the transportation infrastructure of the State. The most recent Washington State economic analysis for the airport identifies an economic impact of more than $16 million annually. We are aware that the Airport Hazard Overlay was originally adopted by Spokane Valle}�s City Council to establish land use compatibility zones restrlcting certain (and uses (n proximity to Felts Field. We i belfeve that increasing residential density within the airport overlay zone is not a reasonable land use and potentfally increases the risk of future noise, operational and ifabllity lssues whlch may put the airport at r[sk. We believe that stewardship principles appropriate for this important community asset require that a comprehensive analysis and input frorn all sources must be considered when mak�ng such an important decision. ' � Therefore, SATA respecifully requests that the Comm/ssion delay !ts declslon on this motter, ond thot the Commfssion al/ow more tlme for comprehenslve and collaborotive research and tnput. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. We welcome the opportunity for SATA to participate in future discussions on this topic. Sincerely, E�(,�/t.�C_ Jeff Harnilton President Spokane Airports Tenants Association 1 i , ; � � � � Frorn: Josh Nerren [maiito:josh@uturnsm.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 2i, 2008 4:17 PM To: Greg McCormick Cc: Lori Barlow; Mike Basinger; Micki Harnois; Christina Janssen; Scott Kuhta; Martin Palaniuk; Tavis Schmidt Subject: regarding Thursdays meeting - file# CTA-04-08 Greg & associates, I am writing because I will be unable to attend the public hearing this Thursday night regarding the airport overiay zone. I will try to make this brief so as not to take up too much of your time. I have been visiting the Spokane Valley zoning and permitting office for years regarding this issue. I bought my house at 8204 E. Jackson Ave (99212) in the Spokane Valley over 7 years ago. My property extends through the block from Jackson to Carlisle Ave. I originally purchased the property for the investment of someday splitting the lot into two. I was told by the city at that time that I could not subdivide my back lot until the sewer was brought in to the area because the city did not want any more septic tanks installed. My wife and I waited patiently until the sewer was put in. They put the sewer in and even installed a stub onto the back portion of my lot which is accessed on Carlisle Ave for future building. I then went down to the permit office to find out what my next step would be in subdividing and selling that lot so that someone could build a house on that vacant piece of property. It was at that time explained to me that because of 9-11, there was an airport ' overlay restriction placed on that property. I was never notified of any meetings -- or decisions about the ordinance. They told me that nothing could be done and that I could not divide the lot. So now I'rn stuck with a huge useless piece of land that does no one any good, and I'm unable to get a retum on my investment. On Carlisle, it is the only empty piece of land along that block and it just grows weeds and gives teenagers a place to do donuts in their cars. I am very disappointed especially since I feel that we are so far from any landing or take ofF path of Felts Field. I hope that the city of Spokane Valley will consider lifting the ordinance, or at least moving the boundaries to reflect a more common sense area of possible impact in the event of an airplane crash. If an airplane crashes in my back yard, I would conclude that the pilot wasn't even aiming for the airstrip. Just look at the map, it doesn't make sense. � Thank you for your time and consideration. j t Sincerely, ; 7 I , � I Josh Nerren Spokane Valley resident 8204 E. Jackson Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509)939-9517 i �, � i RCA EXHIBIT 4 Sta�'report and exhibits to Planning r � Commission for 12-1 1-08 public hearing CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: December 11, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business �public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Continued public hearing to amend the density limitations of Section 19.110.030 (Airpo�t Hazard Overlay) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Reference file number CTA-04-08. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70., 14 CFR 77 and SVMC 19.110.030 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSI�N ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Upon incorporation the City adopted the Spokane County airport overlay regulations on an interim basis. The City adopted their own airport hazard overlay regulations to protect Feits Field by Ordinance 06-002 on February 28, 2006. The regulations were carried forward in Spokane Va11ey Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 19.110.030 with the adoption of the new zoning regulations (uniform development code) adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 28�', 2007. Concerns have been voiced by citizens and agencies regarding the density limitations of Zone 6 within the airport hazard over{ay zone. Staff was directed by the City Council to review this issue and propose possible alternatives to change the density limitation. The Planning Commission held a study session on October 9, 2008. The public hearing with the Planning Commission was held on October 23, 2008 and was continued to December 11, 2008. Felts Fie1d was originally a park with a portion set aside in 1920 as an airport. In 1926 the Civil Aeronautics Board recognized Felts Field as an airport. 1940 Spokane County Commissioners purchased Sunset Field, now know as Spokane Intemational Airport (SlA) for development of an air carrier as a replacement to Felts Field. In 1980 the operations were 122,720 compared to 75,399 in 2000. In 1997 operations hit a low of 62,883 and have been rising since then. Between 1997 and 1998 operations increased by approximately 9,000. Since 1999 airport operations have consistently increased approximately one (1) percent per year. The airport is currently operating with 50�000 to 85,000 aircrafts per year. Operations are defined as takeoffs and tandings performed by an aircraft. See attached exhibit with a graph showing historical operations and existing forecasts. SEPA: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal � Code (SVMC), the Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal on October 3, 2008. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file wi�h the lead agency. �— � -- December 11, 20Q8 (Cantinued Publlc Hearing) Requeat for Ptanntnfl Commission A�ctfon on CTA-04-08 NOTICING: Following the issuance of the notice of public hearing mailed and published on October 3, 2007, the City has not received any public comment. Staffi concludes that adequate pubfic noticing was conducted in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures of Title 17 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). ANALYSIS: The four (4) options below have been formulated by staff as alternatives to � change density limitation of one (1) dwelling unit per two and one half (2'/�) acres within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overfay. Each option is being reviewed to determine if the approval criteria established in Section 17.80.150(� of the SVMC can be met. At the study session on October 9, 2008 an additional option was requested by the Planning Commission for staff to evaluate which is referenced as option 5. Following the public hearing on October 23, 2008 staff reevaluated Option 4 and modif'�ed recommended requirements. 1. Option 1: No change to current density limitation in table 19-190-1 a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. � Sfaff Commenf: The current regulatlons are in direct conformance wtth Goal TG-93 and policies TP-93. � and TP-13.2 of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. l b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relatlon to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The currenf ragula�ons provide the highest leve! of pr�tection from incompa�ible and inconsistenf densities in relation to Felts Field. 2. Option 2: Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP within rhe Compr+�hensive P/an sfates "discourage...density adjacenf to fhe alrport" wfthin the airport haza►�1 overlay. There are a handful of par�cels that are af leasf double in size thaf could be developed under the R-2 zone that ar� directly adjacenf to the designated airport boundary and runway thaf would be in direct conflicf with policy TP-13.2. The majority of the land area within Zone 6 js fully buflt out with r►esldential uses. The number of potential parcels that could be deve/oped behrveen fhe R-2 and R-4 zones is 388 par�e/s �ocated I throughout the 6, 000 foof radius of Zone 6. This option conflicts by allowing density wlthin an area thaf should be protected from encroachments fhat may create safefy hazarr�s and exposur+e to norse, however the majority of potenfial new lots would be located more fhan 3, D00 feet from the runway. Ther+e ar�e approximately 9, 954 exisring parcels in the R-2 zone with 152 parcels fhat cou/d pofentially be furfher developed. The R-4 zone has 155 exfsting par�cels and 76 have fhe potenfial being furfher divided. The total numbe� between fhe R-2 and R-4 zones that have the potential to be fur�her divided Is 388. The analysis Page 2 0` 6 � i Deoembe� 11, 2008 (Contlnued Publtc Hearing) Request for Plann[ng Comm(salon A�cUan on CTA-04-08 was done only to evaluate !of size for further development. A lot specific analysis was not comp/eted. Thene may be other factors that limit development of a property even though the lof size is large enougf�. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety� welfare and protecfion of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growd� and provide more options for locations of housing within the Cify of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exisfs to provide services to addifional residences however this concem is not sign�canfly defrimental to the public hea/th, safety, welfare and environmenfal pr+�fection. The increase in densify does not bear a substantial r�elation fo the protection of Felts Fteld with the creafion of man-made hazards and encroachmenfs that could pose a safety hazard for air+craft or cr�eate an increase in exposur�e to noise from aircraft. 3. Option 3: Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. StafiF Commenf: Policy TP-13.2 wi�hin the Comprehensive P/an states "discourage...densi�y adjacent fo fhe airport" within the airporf hazarrl over�ay. 7his opfion conflicts by allowing densfty within an area that shou/d be protected from encroachmenfs fhat may creafe safety hazards and exposur+e to noise, however fhe majority of potential new lots are locafed more fhan 3,000 feet from the runway. The R-2 zone has �52 parcels thaf could pofentially be furfher developed. The R-4 zone has 23 parcels 20,000 square feef or greater with the potential of being further divided under the R-2 development sfandards. The tofal number between the R-2 and R-4 zones that have the potential to be further divided is �75. The analysis was done only to evaluate lot size for further development. A lot specific analysis was not complefed. Thene may bs other factors that limit development of a prope►ty even though the /of size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide mor�e opfions for locafions of housing within the Cify of Spokane Valley. !r has not been determined �f capactty exists to pr�vide services to addifiona! residences however this concem is nof significantly detrimenta/ fo the public health, safefy, welfare and environmenfal protection. 4. Option 4: Allow density of underlying zoning within Zone 6, however development must comply with a rnfnimum of one (1) of the foilowing except�ons; (a) The site had water or sewer stubs instalted for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial atrport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or Page 3 of 6 (_ i _ � December 11, 2008 (Corttlnued Pubdc Hearinp) Request for Ptanntng Commisslon AcNon on CTAr04-08 (b) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property aizes for proposed development; or (c) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one tlme for a dependent relative, may develop property conststent with underlining � zone to make conforming. In addition, language shall be placed upon the face of the flnal piat to serve as notification of possible increase in nolse and requlre sound proofing on all new construction to be located in Section 19.110.030.G. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-�3.2 within the Compr�shenslve Plan stafes "discourage...densify adjacent to the airport" withfn the airport hazarrf overlay. The proposed option of allowing development with excepb'ons would provide those properties fhat have had the infent of further land division to proceed. This option confllcts by allowing densify withln an area that should be pr�tected from encroachments that may create safety hazands and exposur� to noise, however the majority of potenha! new lots aris located mor� than 3, DDO feef frnm fhe runway. The instal/ation of water and sewer stubs is eonsistent with Goal CFP-9. The dafa collected from fhe Spokane County Dnrision of Ufilities shows approximately 224 � /ots within Zone 6 have besn stubbed for sewer. There ar�e 79 lots that received hnro or more sew+er stubs. Orchar�d Avenue lrrigafion Disfrict dafa ; shows approxlmately 35 lofs received extra water stubs w'�thrn Zone 6. � There are a total of 12 lots that received water and sewer stubs within Zone 6. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Sfaff Comment: The densify increase would allow for additional growth and provide mor� opfions for locations of housing wifhin the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacfty exlsts to pr�vide services to additiona! r+esidences however this concem !s not significantly dehlmenfs! to the public health, safety, welfare end environmenfal i protection. 5. Option 5: Dlvide Zone 6 into north and south with Trent Avenue (SR-290) as a divlder. This option was proposed by the Planning Commission at the study session held on October 9, 2008. This option, if considered would need to be further defined to determine which amount of density is allowed in each section tnorth and south). a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sraff Commenf: Policy TP-�3.2 wifhin the Comprehensive Plan states adiscourage...densify adjacent fo fhe ajrporr' within the airport hazarrl overlay. This option confllcfs by allowing densrtjr withln an area that should be protected from encr�achments fhat may cr�ate safi�ty hazarr/s. If determined to be divided at currenf zoning srandards the prvposed no�th section of Zone 6(north of Trent Avenue) fhen R-2 has 148 par�ce/s and R-4 has 7� par�els wifh tfie pofenfia! fo be divided. The proposed south Page 4 of 6 i � i December 11, 2008 (Continued Public Hearing) Request for Planning Commisslon Adfon on CTA-04-08 section of zone 6(south of Trent Avenue) has 4 par�els in R-2 and 5 parcels jn R-4 that have the pofenfia/ of being divided at with current zoning standards. The analysis was done only to evaluate lot size for furfher development. A/ot specific analysis was not comp/eted. Ther� may be other factors tha� limit development of a property even though the Iot size is !ar•g►e enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public heaith, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and pr�vlde more options for locations of housing wifhin the City of Spokane Valley. !t has not been de�ermined if capacity exists to provide services to additiona/ residences however this concem is not signi�canfly defrimental to fhe public hea/th, safety, we/far�s and environmental protection. OPTIONS: 1. No change to current density limitation in table 19.110-1 2. Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. 3. Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. 4. Allow density of underlying zoning within Zone 6, hawever development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following exceptions; (a) The site � had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development; or (c) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. In addition, language shall be placed upon the face of the final plat to serve as notification of possible increase in noise and require sound proofing on all new construction to be located in Section 19.110.030G. 5. Divide Zone 6 into north and south with Trent Avenue (SR-290) as a dlvider. 6. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends Option 4 as previously described which amends Zone 6 density limitations to allow density of underlying zoning within Zone 6, however development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following exceptions; (a) The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development; or (c) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. In addition, language shall be plaoed upon the face of the finaf plat to serve as notification of possible increase in noise and require sound proofing on all new construction to be located ln Section 19.110.030G. Staff recommends this proposed change be forwarded on to the City Council. Page 5 of 6 �-- (-- December 11, 2008 (Continued Pubiic Hearing) Reques! for Pianning Commission Ac�lon on CTA-04-08 STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Pianner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Updated Amended Table 19-110-1 � i I Page 6 of 6 i 4 f , Amended Table 9-110-1 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Table 19-110-1 Air ort Land Use Com atlbii Prohibited Uses Prohibited Uses Ai ort Land Use Com atibii Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sin I�famil Residential • • f o • o 1 .�I �-.-�v I �� 1 du/ 5 1 dul 2.5 Underlyin8 Maximum Dens " n/a n!a acres acre n/a zone � Manufactured Housing Parics • • • • • • Mu�i-fami Resldential • • • • • • Schools • • • • • • Parks $ Pla rounds • • • • • • Hos ita{s • • • • • • Nursin Homes • • • • • • Da care • � • • • • Churches • • • � • • Hazardous Material Stora e • • � • • Flammable Materials • • • • � Stora e Incinerators • • • • • • Overhead utilities • • � • • • Hi h Intensit Uses . • • • • • Prohibited Uses "' O Densi limited Must comply with a minlmum of one (1) of the following crlterla; a. The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial alrport hazard overlay regulations on 2- 28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or b. Contiguous parcel with a minimum lot siie less than or equal to underlying zone; or c. More than one resfdence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property conslstent with underlining zone to make conforming. � 19.110.030.G.5 All final short plats and fina) subdivisions located within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay shall contain the following dedication language on the face of the Mylar; a. Sound proofing measures shall be taken on any new residential dwelling located within Zone 6 of the City of Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Overlay Zone. b. These lots are located in an Airport Hazard Overlay that may be subject to increased noise levels. �i � rm�"""�'s'�`"y�" De artment of Commux�Yty Development Spc,kar�e P �j'�all � Planning Division . . . 0 n inue u ic earin 1� � .�, ,� � ,; : - _ ,: . � . .�.�. ;., � _ . .�� T� •� . '+ ., — , . �. r. r st— �����;� _ —. ��, _ ir' �+ � '' �r' �l � � � ' , i � � . =- ••�"i� s, r. i . ' , 1 . �� �:`�''� ` �- _ 1 � •' - ' � -.,. �� �� . � � ,� . -�* C� d� ��� �. 1 _� c � _i� .� r��` ' ►. a ir . - -..► � : � �1r-v � . . • �� , ' . . '- ` . ', ' . a �rt � �� , , , � � _ � . � . � �. - . � .��. . a� I � :��� :- ' �- :.,, _ + -' ` ��' ; �.; t',� i . ;c. . S: � . #' t . , . ' - r �. cTA-o4-os • — ,�. • ,.- . •'+L��►`=,� — . . � s , . ,.:- • �.� �,. Amendment to the S okane Valle Mun�c� al Code p y p . . �- . Sect�a n 19.110.03 � Alr �ort Hazard �verla . . , p y .,-.� . -. _ ,. December 11, 2008 ,. �`"""'��'°�'"" Department of Community Developrn�nt - S"'�ro`kane �'��all ; Planning Division l. �ctober 9 2008 — Stud Session � Y 2. October 23 2008 — Public Hearin � g 1. Ai ort Grou s ex ressed concerns regarding increased density. � p p In support of retaining existing regulations. 2. Pro e Owners concerned about limitations to develop their p �Y property. 3. The Public hearing was continued to a11oW time for the airport groups to review and meet with City staff. 3. December 11 2008 — Continued Public Hearin � g �z� ��•�-�. e.��l:� � ��'� � r, ry� . �ri= , �, I'' �i IrI/II ,...•� �� � - c �.. 1 -- - - - � . • � ' .'. _. _..... ��. -•r -- '. . , '...'',ii�r0l��sz. : � l �..rr- r- � �.�r ��� � � ,• �1�' ��rr� � �� � ��� �I `m�„`�S�°��F`� De artment of Community Development S`"�io�kane p �j�all Planning Division 3 2 O tion 1: 6 �__ p -_ _. � .� No chan e to current _ g , �. . ' ' ' atio n in ; ' dens� lim�t -- ' j • — �� � � �" � , _ -- table 19-110-1 �� � - �� 4 ��.� ` , �� , r� G r _�• 5.�, � . �.' " .': � .r ... � I S , � ,, � ! �Ir� f i _ r� • r� i � ' -'�' �' .r.'•'� - � -+ t r.� � ��.'. � � . 3 • . .. ,» � � „ t - _ _ . ` � • . . . � ! `� `_ a ' . '�- � . . �� . � � i � . ��������. • — . • 7 r.1.� �� �' �� � , ,� j � j � � ` } . ! � � "'� ♦- _ `= � �''�!"'�! -- - . �� � ; • � ! t � � _ � ;: 1 .� . ,� ,,.. ..._� � � � � t .�-� - .•- .. 2 . ! � � ' � 3 _ . . � 1 � - � .. .. ' t i . � , •. 1 �' i ` � ', -�{� s � i 4 ..,,,■„� .�.� � � , , �.�. � � ��.;" , �� �,,, �i "" "�' , �� � � � � � � � -- — � � �� � � ' � �a . — — - �� r � ,`'- ; �. , � ^+� � � ..�• �, - - �trr-, _�� .. � � � �__.1�'_I .,. . • ' . • • � ' • , � � ' � � � � � . 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Planning Division . s 3 .2 4 � t�o n 3 : p Limited to R-2 t - - -_ : - _�, zoning in Zone 6 � � _ , � �� ! � ._ s _ � � �� � , �;' � .-:r.;,,''_ .�.. � � . - F� � � .. � :.�,�,'- : y ,�� t ..� . � � � ,��` 5. � � � � - ! ,j` r'i' � _ tiw.. j--� . ' t � I .3 y � �. ��/ � j � I . � •�' w �L...�� 0 ' � _ " . �'. _ - 1'' I � t ; - �'' ~ � _ � ' � 1 - - r I � '�.•.� � �+�... �,'��` "' " � - � .....' � �w. - � �*' ...� i . � � � __ � � � / � s .� � - _ . ., � l ' ' � - r � ...: .�, � �. : �.s .'�' r ;� � : j + ..�..�... , . _� � `�•� � �� " � y� � �� ` � � 1 . � �� � � 1 � � ` �! j� ` .� i � � ��. ---3 � � � ,.: - � � � 1 �--� � , , �.. d � ' .� �, 1 Parcels hi hli hted in ink are 20k or eater in the R-4 zone. g g p � `m"�`��'' Department of Community Devclopment S�"kane . . . . - �'�all - � Planning Division _ — :s � 2 tion 4 • s � ----- O . _ p _ -_ . . - ..... � -- , ._ • _ . . r � ... � � .- 1 � ! �'" 1 � - - _' : � ; �' i ' � — ��,:`, � -� _ ' .... � -:�: ��. ,�,f� � '•�•' , r � ` �,, :.; � .� - . � �' • , ,.'; . w.. � :' - ..� t r � � .. I �i • _ - ~ i � �� ' 3 � � •i � . . � ! .r ..� _ . , . � ��, � _ , �. ..,,.,, , _� � ...... . : � } ._ � � � ! l�ts� ` '• — � ��u.. : , �► � . � � �- � , ; _ � } � f � - t � . .�,- _ � . � , _, ..-- - _�, 2 �- � t �- �� 3 . � � 1 4 . . � �, ` ! x . � � = r �r ' � � .� 4 � � �... � ! r � � .� � �.? _ . � _ � � �� " ' � ' i � -- - - � � ''�'' ,_ . �i i � � . , ..�' � � f � + �-- � -- � �� _ � s - ��� CITVN�t1A?SfOK/�'�� Department of Commuri�ty Development - S �'t�ne , , , , ��all - Planning Divislon �� O tio n 4 : p Allow density of underlying zone within Zone b, however development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following criteria; a. The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the Ci of S okane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by �Y p Ordinance 06-OU2; or b. Conti uous parcel with a minimum lot size less than or equal to underlying zone; or g c. More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. 19.110.030.G.5 All final short plats and final subdivisions located within Zone 6 of the ' ort Hazard Overlay shall contain the following dedication language on the face of AIrP the Mylar; a. Sound proofing measures shall be taken on any new residential dwelling located within Zone 6 b. These lots are located in an Airport Hazard Overlay that may be subj ect to increased noise levels. l, • .-. .- �1 ' • , • , 1 ' , ' ' , • � , _ ;. _ . . �w� .�++� �. y . K � � / , • w• . � :,` ` , � � I P ��� j, I � . �'' � '� _ . _ - i � � � ` ��•' - �� �=• � � � � � �1 �'� w �� � �■ � � �� ■ 1 1 1 � � r / � � � � r���, � 1 I. ■�7■ , !� �� � � � . _ ra►� 11 � , ; "••• ��44�NN � � ► , . , , . - , , , , a. __ R�■ .. �� I�fl��r�r�•� � � t �� �� ■ � � ��1► � ' �� �, ■ �� r. `' ..� ..■� � ��'��� ���L���� �� ■ .,= =�. 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' I _ ' _ � \JQ �''� G �� \ 5. ,,- ' � �� - � I� � t� �, • "� " '' � � . ._ - . . ``' s., � � � _. � __ _. _. .� � �.L-`S�t.l. -� : . � � k' ! � � . r'�' ,, fr�. �. i .� . . - y J .J_. •,I'`�.r''� r �, ► '.� �, ,� • �_ - - : �d.�., _ -�� ._ . ,�. � _ � }' r i� r � � - - - - - - _._ _ � � � �... + J i J • � � '/ • ����1 � . ✓ ,,.' � / � � _�� � ���. . ,_ 1.1.- � R7V�I . . . , • . . FC% ��� ry ' _ � _ � ,�+ f .'�� r ^ u..r. �� � � --. _ - ��- ,' '_^.-'"1' , �i � . � . .. _ � - . _._._ _ . a.- � - , � % - �... � `-� - - . .� � �'. - � , �,�;��%•, ,-' .i�� _� . ; i. �r:1 ' ,s � � � - r .l.: / ���i� � ��r.. � �/ � ; i- % -� � r � � t t; �� ; . j - Et'C I �,,., s .... , ... ` . . -� �, . _ ' _ _ - !. '" �' , " - (�-i � , � �' ..�... � . -�'. . . , � � ; - !�2 r �,.r,_ , . � �.� '� , ; �. _ _ _ ��-,: -:,. � . � " r.. - �. ` .Zone � �=�5 � ; �F � �n ,� - �-- � . .,. . ; .... �. `� `; . . . __ _ _ � - ... � -- _ .. , ; ,,,� it-�4 s- i�K � ��� � �...� � '� _ � � �.� � - - } -- � � � ���1� � or.... �..� `m�"`""'� Department of Community Development � � 'n��{� _ ` �e . . . . )t�,iili ��all Planning D�v�sion i • ecommen e c �on ' scribed in 0 tion 4 staff recommends to amend As reviousl de p , p Y ' '' tions to allow densi of underl in zone within Zone 6 densl limlta ty y g � evelo ment must com 1 one of three criteria and Zone 6 however d p y � p 11 be laced on the face of a final short lat or final lan ua e sha p p g g ''' to serve as noti� cation of ossible increase in noise and subdlvislon p ' additional sound roofin on all new construction. requlre p g , � �, "T"�"�� Department of Commu►��ty Development - S"`ro�ne ��'� Planning Division Table 19-110-1 Airport Land Use Compatibility Prohibited Uses Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones Prohibited Uses 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single-family Residential • • � � • � 1 du/ 5 1 du/ 2.5 Maximum Density ** n/a n/a acres acre n/a Underlying zone �'� • Prohibited Uses ** � Density limited �'� Must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following criteria; a.The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-0�6 by Ordinance 06-002; b.Contiguous parcel with a minimum lot size less than or equal to underlying zone; or c.More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at onetime for a dependent relative, mav develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. 19.110.U30.G.5 All fin.al plats and final subdivisions located within Zone � of the Air�ort Hazard Overlav shall cont�.in the following dedication language on the face of the Mylar; a. Sound proofing measures shall be taken on any new residential dwelling located within Zone 6 b. These lots are located in an Airport Hazard Overlav that may be subject to increased noise levcls. �,�. ��'�"'�' Department of Community Development - Spokane j�all Planning Division ,, � � � • - - - .� _ 4 � _ - `� . �. _,� ,. M � � _ �' � r '�� � . � ._ . 'f. . �_� ' '_ �' � i,�'- � . � J -- ' �� : -�' �t_ • � �� � _ � � , ; � � . f " �_ � /� �. _.�_�.+� �� . . ' � �'r"' _ . . ''�+�'� cr��'�I��'.,' � .•.� • ' T ;�� .r" �+_ar.�' , ` - _ ' ..� ,� �. . � �,. ► ° � • � -r .:,,, r,� � �k". ' r �T'�`�'( R `' � �_ - � ' � T � . ' . . - _ s. �► � ' `: �� � � _ - . . . . '• �` � � . ...,'� ,,,.e �� � i � � l . + . `' 'A 1 x� i �l � y � �'� � � ' • �� f . _^ _ .. � . • - � ��. , , . • � � - • � � ` ' , �'° � • � + �,- ' _ � J 4r � _. � `►� � ' . . • ' • 1" " �'!,q � tl►�+�6�T' . ' j ' R �� , . 4 ' - ' o ` i.s •, "� � °�,�_ �..' i . 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Su�be K2 ! P .o. ecx s3s�r Paula J. Hammo�d, P.E. Arifngton, Wsahington 98223 Secretary of Transportation ���� � m:� www.wsaa.wa.qflv Decamber 10, 2008 � � �;1,� ��f� SPOiCAN � V A � 1- �� Planning Ca�nmission p�PART �E � Crty of Spa�ane Valley ��,m c`� 11707 East Spragne Avarn�, Suite � 06 Spokane Valley, Washingxon 99206 RE: CTA 04-08, Proposed emeadmenis to Spokane Valle�y's sirpo�t overlay, municipal code sectio� 19.110.030 Dear Planning C�omn4issiaa M�s, Thank you for the opportunity to provido commoaat on the prorposed d�nsity a�natives for �o�c 6 of the �ily of Spoksne V$lley's airport over3ay regulations. The Washingt�on State of Transpo�ffitian (WSDOT� Avistion Divisian recogui�es the City of Spokane Valloy's past P�B �ements, and enconrages its cantinned diligence in discour�►gin� the eacxa�chment of iacumpab�lc laud uses adjaceat to Felts Field. �VSDOT Aviatia�n is cono�rned that subst�mtial increas�s in allowabie residential densities in zone 6 of the airport overlay will a�ct the lcm� term operational viab�ity of Pelis Field and therefore wovld recommend tha� tha Plamm�g Commission deny the request or table the p�oposal imtil a full �alysis a�f eIl the issues set faarth herein cen be edd�reased. � i In lggb, �yashington State passed land usa y�gis]ation (RCW 36.70A.510, RCW 36.70.54�. I3nd� �ris provi�na of the Growt� Matiagein�t Act (GiViA), ail to�ms, cities and c�annties are required to discot�rage enctoachm�t of incompatible developmeat adjacent to public use airports, through sdoption of camprehensive pl8a policios and development r+��n�ions. GMA �so _ identifias sirparts as esseIItial public facilities, WSDOT Aviation has concludcd tt�st options 2 ttiran$h 5 ara in diract coatradiction whhthe requirements of GiViA. Eaah of t� al0ennatives p�sen�d, wi� the exoeption of option 1, ariovrs for substa�ial en of residontial development on Felts Fiold. Additionally, the review did no�t addrass or analyze tha ope�rational characteristics of t�e airport, fufiire arpaations, ar iarpacts w�ich is 8 fmidamcntak reqair�cneat of C�MA to "shaw yaur wari�'. WSDOrT Avistarn affers the following observa�iaas snd c�ts. pptin�s 2 tfiro�agh 5 wonld allow £o� substa�tial encx�oa� of rssid�ial devalopmaen# on Fel#s Field. This p�om�oti� of �d single �mily resideabal withiu the airport iafluznce area will mosi like�y result in conflict and diminishod quality of lif� for people Iiving oader the aircxaft tra�c p�ttam. R+oside�rts v�i�hin fl�+e sirpa�rt influeace ar�a of Felts Field w�l be a�cpo�sed to noise, Iight, v�bratio� � fumes essoci�ed with n�o�mal aapor� o�eratio�s. One shoald elsa cxpect that as the demand fo� sir transpo�rtation incr�asas, so will the i�ty of use at Felis Field. As seen im t�e pa�t, a�jac�t resid�ial developmeat increases th�o ��s of an sirpa��t by �IIg ��aints,l�i�an �ad chang+es in es�blis�ed approsc�, dep�rhae sad �n rout� procodures. 1 i WSDOT Aviatioa believes thgt adoption of any of these alternatives wauld vonstitute a failuro of enforcing RC�fT 36.70A.510 and t�.c city's own camprehensivo plan that discoura8e encroachmeat of incompah'ble land usas adjaceni to Folts Field Accordingly the City of Spokano Valley's comprehensiv� plan goal TG-13 ststes: "Enooaraga land uso and development oo�pati`ble wi�h airpQrt uses snd regulated auspace" . Ihs city's policy TP-13.2 is to discourage incomnpah'ble Iand uses and residential dsnsihes adjacent to the airpott. The city has not dcmonstrated in the+ir analysis that ti�c ProP�� �8� are nceded to fn�f'ill t�eir forecast housing dennand o� whethar th+e options are consisbent with th,e oamprehensive plan policies to protiect the �aiiport from uicomps��e Iand uses and res�en�ial d+�asities.�ncreasing bu�'Ii �ing requirem�nts to mitigate noise is n�t sn affective stisbegy to disconrage incompahble develop�,ent This strategy only sedves to react to a situation t�rat could have been avaided with proper planning. A,dditionally, noise is b�nt only one of �e fonr issues thst need to be addrassed wheu d�valoping compreh�ive solutio�ns to disco�aging inc�mpatt�ble devetopmeQ#. The o�her factors in+clude land vse, air space obstructions and safety. WSDOT Aviation recommends that the City of Spokane Valley ravisit the mcthodology used to estabiish �he cuamt developmeart regv.latioms to assist in dgveloprtng a groposal that mare closely aligns with gratectiva of the airport from incanapat�le land vses and city aeeds we wo�a �So encoutage the city to evaluste their overall hoasing obJectives �o determine if thsre are more suitable ar�s in the c'rty to meet housin.g dema�d. As a part af this examination, we wvuld encourage t3�e city to revievv t3�e airport's operational cbarecteristics and nceds b� better addre,ss its land use neads cutrently and in the fature. WSDOT strongiy recommends the city promote a more compahl�le mixed use enviramme�t, p�y co�posed of cammercial, industrial, sad residential uses that li.mit the aiti�enries' exposure to noise, light, vibration arad fumes that are associated with no�mal airport ope,�etions and i.ndusfirial activities. Until tha s�taff completes its 8nalysits, WSDO� Aviatiam raoommends 8doption af option 1, no chemge to c�rent resideIItisl I density. Thank y ou again far the opportunity to comment� Ploase do not �siffite to contaet me at 360.651.6312 or timmerc o wsdot.wa.�ov if yon have any questions, or if I can be of assistance. Sinccrely, Carter Timmermsn Aviation Planner WSDOT Aviatian CC: Ksrea Ke�dal� Rysa Sheehan Ne� Sealock John Townsley � 7ohn Sbold 3aha Shambaugh Des Caputo 2 I C17�Y O� S�'O��VE V/���.EY ��c����s� �or �Ca���ci� A�tior� Meeti�g Date .iclf �lJai j/ LU, 2�u:� �.liy IVi3113�Et" Slt��. ii-Ui�. Item: Check all that appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information � admin. report ❑ pending legisladon AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendments to Title 20, Subdivision Reaulations, Table 17.80-1. anc� Appendix A— Definitions of the Spokane Valley Municipal CodE= GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35-=�. �:_�� ��;����: �',.'��v��;� '-� -1 �� �� C� PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September of 2UU7 anci became effective October 28�', 2007. Title 20, Subdivision Regulations, was one of the new titles implemented at that time. Subsequently, staff, surveying professionals, and the public have identified numerous errors, inconsistencies, impractical items, and even processes that have been omitted. Title 20 was reviewed by David Evans and Associates (DEA) anci representatives of the Inland Empire Chapter of the Land Surveyors' of Washington (LSAW) Comments from both parties, as well as staff, have been incorporated into the draft. Staff has met with the LSAW representatives and while it is apparent that some disa _� .��� � ��=����-:�-� certain issues, it appears that the major issues have been resolved. During the review process, it became apparent that certain requirements within the code were unreasonable and prevented most plats reviewed under the guidelines from being recorded. Ir order to alleviate the problem an emergency code amendment, Ordinance #08-021, was passec� on October 14, 2008, that suspended the high accuracy standards and electronic submitta requirements. The proposecl Ordinance incorporates those temporary provisions as permanen� changes within the proces� The review also identified "auu�i��! �`.� �il� �1��� .��;�:.��:�, y' i l ��.:;i��', �,.� � i� _; ii;:; I'i �,:.� __ '.. Procedures Table 17.80-1 — Permit Type and Land Use Apptication, and Appendix A� Definitions section of the Municipal Code. The table in Title 17 classifies land use actions a� permit types in order to identify the review process. During the review it was noted that a Pla� Vacation was not categorized in the table, and subsequently a Plat Vacation has been added a� a Type III process. Additionally, a Record of Survey to establish lots within a BSP has beer� added as a Type I process. This is consistent with the suggested change in section 20.60.040 that establishes the process to create lots. Due to new terminology used within the code. it was necessary to develop a definition for the tprms Professional Land Surveyor and Lot V'�lidth, Average. Legal Counsel provided comments on the document on December 2, 2008 and thesE comments resulted in a modification to the language in section 20.40.040 Bond in Lieu oj Construction Limitations. The Planning Commission considered the comments at the Publi� Hearing conducted on December 11, and ultimately made a rec�mm�n�� fin C��±r�;i E�; approve the amendments with legal counsel's suggested changes. A table is attached that identifies the majority of changes proposed, but excludes some of tt���� minor changes that may include rewording for clarification or word insertions. The specific codr� section, the issue, and the recommended change are noted in the table. It may be helpf�,l ta reference the table as yo�� revi���v the documpr t� unde� stand why a chang� is propos�ci. KC:� U6-08—Janunr,� ;'�1 �riri�� Pa�c� I vf 3 ANALYSIS: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150.F provides approval criteria that amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. Those criteria include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The applicable goals or policies of the Comprehensive Plan are: LUG-13 requires the City to develop and maintain an e�cient and timely development review process. Maintaining an efficient and timely review process requires review and modification. The update is consistent with this goal. Policy LUP-13.1 requires that the City maximize efficiency of the development review process by continuously evaluating the permitting process and modifying as appropriate. The review and update of the code is consistent with the policy to modify as appropriate. Policy LUP-13.2 requires that the City assist developers with proposals by continuing to offer pre-application meetings in order to produce projects that will be reviewed efficiently. The short plat application process currently does not require that the applicant attend a pre-application conference. Staff s experience indicates applicants that do not attend the conferences are more likely to have incomplete applications, which results in delays in the permit review process. The specific code amendment that requires short plat applicants attend pre-application conferences, unless the requirement is waived, facilitates a quicker review process for inexperienced developers, and allows the requirement to be waived if the meeting is unnecessary. Conclusion: The proposed amendments to the zone meet the above outlined goals, and are thus consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed update does not impact public health, safety or protection of the environment, but it is in the interest of public welfare to provide an efficient ordinance for the review of short plats, subdivisions, and binding site plans. OPTIONS: 1. Direct staff to bring back the amendment proposal for consideration by Council as a First Reading of an Ordinance; 2. Direct staff to modify the amendment proposal prior to further consideration by Council. If the modification is substantial, the Council must either conduct a public hearing on the modified proposal or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration; or 3. Direct staff otherwise RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Bring back the amendment proposal for Council consideration at the February 10, 2009 meeting as a First Reading of an Ordinance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow - Associate Planner RCA 06-08 - January 20, ZOU9 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENTS: (1) Draft Title 20 (2) Draft Table 17.80.1 — Permit Type and Land Use Application (3) Draft definitions for Professional Land Surveyor and Lot width, average (4) Tabte of Changes RCA 06-08 — Jarruary � 0, 2009 Page 3 0�3 `'T�"�;'�ssro�,� Department of Community Development �ne ��'�aU Planning Division � . • 1 - ouncl Adm inis�rat�ve Re o�rt p ' ate S oka�e Valle M��ic� al Cod�e '�'itle 2Q U d p p p 3� January 2Q, 24Q9 `��"M'�S�`A�rv Departrnent of Community Development S�kane , , , , �f'�at _ Plann�ng D�vlsion ac roun • Title 20 adopted Oct 2007 • List of errors and inconsistencies created by staff • 1 St draft completed August 2008 • Reviewed by staff Local Chapt. Of WA Land Surveyors Cn DEA • Public Review Draft Developed • PC Study S,ession conducted on November 18, 2008 • SEPA — DNS issued November 21, 2008 • Notices Provided: — Published in Spokane Valley News Herald — Posted at Library and C�SV Web Site — CTED — Notice of Proposed Code Amendment — Routed to Agencies with Jurisdiction and Special Interest Groups • Public Hearing conducted by PC Deccmber 11, 2008 `�K�"@S�`"�Y Department of Community Development S��kane , , , , ��a�l Planning Division � . . . • - n e u a lons le u lvlslo • Ch 2 0 .10 Authori • �i ��1.�Q Gene�al P�ovis�ians Cl`i. • imi�a ,�HP S�'U�B an� B�SP �'�i. ��!.�Q Pre� � �Y • Q F�� a� S`HP S' �lB an d B�P C�i. ��. � , • Prelimina S HP S UB and B S P Ch. 20. S 0 , , � Alterations • 6 0 F inal SUB S HP Alterations Ch. 20. , • Ch. 20.7 0 Plat Vacation • 0 BLA's/Lot Line Eliminations Ch. 20.8 `" Department of Community Development Spg►kane . . . . ��all Planning Division . a er . u orl • ' ' minister the rocess consistent Authorizes ci to ad �Y p with RCW S 8.17 • No Chan es ro osed g p p `R�"N'�s,°�,�fY Department of Community Development ' e j'�a�le - Planning Division . . a e r . e nera rovl s 1 on s • Purpose • Exemptions • Legal Lot • A roval re uired rior to recordation pp q p • Prohibition a ainst sale, lease or transfer of property g • Vertical datum • Mon umentation • Professional land surveyor • Gene�al design • Findings - t � rrc '�`��'�`�"`� Department of Community Development � �ail Plannin Division , , .� g C 2U .ZU �1�Ill�1Cd111. �,IlaI1��S 20.20.020 Exemptions. . . . proposed A. The provisions of this title shall not apply to. 1.Cemeteries a.nd other burial plots while used for that purpose (RCW 58.17.040(1)); . 2. Divisions made by testamentary provisions, or laws of descent (RCW 58.17.040(3)); 3. A division of land for �urpose of leasin�land for facilities providin� personal wireless services while used for that pur�pose RCW 58.17.040(8)}. B. The provisions of this chauter shall not appl to the followin �provided that an exemption application and drawir consistent with is provided to the city: 1. Division of land into lots or tracts if such division is a result of subjecting a portion of the parcel or tract of land to either Chapter 64.32 RCW (Horizontal Regimes Act) or Chapter 64.34 RCW (Condominium Act) subsequent to the recording of a bind�ng site plan for all such land (RCW 5 8.17.440(7)); 2. Division of land due to condemnation or sale under threat thereof, by an agency or division of government vested with the power of eminent domain; 3 Division or acquisition of land for public right-of-way; 4. A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance wi�.h Chapter 58.09 RCW, used or to be used for construction and operation of consumer or investor-owned electric utilities to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing a.i�d new customers as set forth in RCW 5 8.17.040(9). 5. A division of land for government or public purpose. C. An a� t�lication made � ursuant . to 20.20.020( above shall be processed to determine that the division is exempt with a minimum review for conformance to adopted Citv reQulations and ordinances. The application will be determined to be complete upon the submittal of the followin� mater�als: l. An application; and 2. Ma�s, plans, and/or exhibits containin�all applicable information as required bY SVMC 20.30.020.B. rRYNA11�S�t1'Cll`�F� Department of Community Development e ���a�� �_ Plannin� Division . . . 1 nl ican an es ro ose Pro osed Re ulations Existin� Re�ulations Monumentation • Property corners may be marl{ed oj� • Iron rod or iron pipe required �efe�enced in permanent manner • ROVV, street centerlines & street • Monumenta.tion established by intersection monumentation city construction standards established by street standards General Desi�n Side lot lines re uired to be . . . . ' q • Side lot lines allowed to be wlthin 20 e endicular to ROW . p� degrees of perpendicular to ROW Within 20° _I � � 1---� erpendicular Perpendicular � lot lines ip M l�eit�» WIYy � S�k `�'�"" Departrnent of Community Development �'�all � Planning Division . . . 1 nl ican an es ro ose Proposed Re�ul ations Existin� Re�ulations General Desi cont. • Lot lines at local streets ran . • • along the hypotenuse of • Corner lot lines at street intersection of . , . • • triangle measured 15 from public streets shall be located a minimum . . , . the intersectlon of 2 behind back of curb. . . • • Lot lines at intersection of • At the intersec�ion of two arterial streets - • • • � 1oca1 street and axter�al the area extending a minimum of 1 S . . • follow the hypotenuse of behind the edestrian ramp landing shall . , . • t�angle measured 25 from be in a bor er easement or ROW. Line . • d onl traf�'ic utilities are intersection shall be arced an y allowed in this area • Lot lines at intersection of ,� public or private streets with BoR� �� � private driveways exceeding R f AS �% �� 1 S 0' shall be curved a.� � . � . ��FNr . -' � � match th�°��,rb line ��' ' � � � — — � 4 1,�' , � r f '�`�'�� � � � � � � � ,p ��/T s! �{✓ `A '� � h1 / �v � _ L, — � � �� / � � .� � �.� i ,r 25� � � I�, �'� �' � ' , c�,� i+,��s. � � Property Line � qr ��T £ �'l�� �'� `'�A 15' - ��- ,k � �'�ti `�`"�"`' Department of Community Development �ne , , . . �'4a11 Planning D�vision , t . • . 1 nl lcan an es ro ose Proposed Re�ulations Existin� Re�ulations _____ General Desi n cont. • Tracts divided into lots greater than 1 � Previously required that the plan acre in size may be required to show show an arrangement of the lots further development consistent with to permit further redivision adopted Arterial and Local Street Master� Plan or aj "�Q'S IG��jltlflG'(.� lYl SGCt101? Im rovements to be constructed 22.131�. (�35 Future Acqi�i.sition �ireas � p . only referenced construction of • Improvements to be constructed pr�or to public or private streets and filing a final plat includes alleys private driveways • Existing and proposed easernents • Existing and proposed easements required on all drawings only required on final drawings • Establish provisions for attached single • Attached single family sub- family subdivisions for SHP and SUB divisions was only allowed as a � - – - -- -- - °� —" PUD with a S acre minimum site .�-...��.,� - - - _ _ - , _...�� �, . _ r � ; , _ -� , ' Ar• ea� � 1 � � T �'- - - -- - - i .ly _ .,,I '-' . '� ` ,I, .r.. .+�. ' � .. �� - . t• ! " r . �- _ � �� rf: , if �, � ..- -. + .� � !" ` ��q ' ' ` % , . � . -'�- � :1,:.��`�'��. �'. � } i� t _ !r: �.. '+' � ., � � �- - � �ir - , . , . .. . �. . �RY"�",�SP°�v� Departrnent of Community Development � anc �s�all Planning Division . . a e r . re lmina o . . . . . . 1v1S1011S Ll 1V1S1011S an u , � . . . in ln 1 e an s � .� �i�ation �� ! G'v��t�r�t� o t�he � ��ca�io� p�' • Processin Procedures g • Distribution of lans p • ' ion of relimina a roval Ex irat ry pp p p • Time Extensions � Department of Community Development S�o"`I�ane . . . . ,���al� Planning DivisYOn Y . . . 1 nl ican an es ro ose Pro osed Re ulations Existin Re�ulations � A lication Pre-aps only reQuired for • -' 'd for SHP and BSP Subdlvlsions Pre ap s req • • • Plat Certificate required at final Contents of A��licatlon • ' ired • Assessor's Maps and Title Plat Certificate Requ . . , . Company Search dated wlthin 30 • Assessor s Maps and Title da s of a lication eaxch allowed to be y pp Cornpany S . . . . . '' of a • Viclnity map required- no details dated wlthin 60 days p • ''' 1 and details • Border easements not called out Vlclnity Map sca e . . , slnce the developer is not • Show req d border easements proposing it but lt is required • Topo info �� S' maximum contour . T o info re uired at 2' intervals ' r 2' intervals • delineate ° p • q lntervals o � and re u�red to be collected b n 3 0° q y slopes greater tha /o land surve or y �,�„°��„"FY De artment of Community Development S��ane p , . .. �'�aU Planning Division . . . 1 nl Ican an es ro ose ' Existin Re ulations Pro osed Re ulat�ons � � � Contents of A lication cont. ' '• liminate the Ma s and Exhibits re uired in Electronic F11es. E p q ' for Electronic AutoCAD, ESRI. shp, or requ�rements files to be submitted at Microstation.dgn relimina stage; defer • Bounda oints for corners p �Y �Y p until the mylars are re uired on Subdivisions; q submitted recision shall meet High p • B ounda oints : Accuracy Reference rY p . . . Requ irement Eliminated: Network or high preclsion ' 1 final lat hase eodetic network standards de fer untl p p g �, ` Department of Community Development ' � �all Plannin Division �� � g , . . . lna o u lvlslons . , . . . , u lvislons an s � ' ' 1 • bmltta Flna 1 su • � lat , l : o���e�ts o� l�a p • ' ' or BSP 1 hort lat lat F ilin g fina s p �p • ' ' ' � i�nitations �:. . in lie� o const�uc tzo� l BQ�d •Pasin g ; �gik�k,ane �"'�"'�'°"`"'" Department of Community Development �f �1 - Planning Division . • n an es ro ose . . 1 nl lca • Existin Re ulations Pro osed Re ulat�ons Final Submittal • ' '• ' e di tiff • Maps and exhibits required in Elec�ronic Files. requ�r p , , ' hen m lars are AutoCAD, ESRI.shp, or or bltmap file w y . ' files is Microstation.dgn at t�me of submitted; format of the . ' call identified submittal speclfi y • All dimensions shall be shown; Partial dimensions shall equal the • All dimensions shall be shown in overall measurement shown feet and hundred's of a foot. • Boundary points for corners shall be located and referenced to • Boundary points for corners must Spokane County GPS be located by GPS to a High proj ect and that coordlnate system Accuracy Reference Network. — controlling points must be indicated. `�"Y"' De artment of Community Development - ne p , , . . �s'4alle Planning Divislon . • , . 1 nl lcan an es ro ose Pro osed Re ula tions - Contents of Final Plat � ' res on lat: Elirninate Water Purve or and Fire Slgnatu p Y De ar�tment Si ature Requirement p � • 's allowed to be hased currentl onl a SUB option) BSP p ( y y New information re uired on final document: q — Radial Bearings required on non-perpendiculax curves — Monuments removed and not replaced — G�raphic Bar Scale — Reference and show adj acent surveys, and platted lots and easements — Lot sizes shown to nearest sq. foot, excluding private or public RUW " De artment of Community Development �? S�►o�ne P . . . . ���ll Planning Division . . . . ln 1 lcan an es ro ose Pro osed Re ulations Existing Re�ulations Bond in Lieu of Construction • " ts sidewalks ' Improvements must constitute less Street �mprovemen ( , o . than S/o of total capital requirements dra�nage and approaches) . . • Improvements to be completed withln — pursuant to Street Standards one ear of final lat a proval y p p • Failure to complete the improvement • Non improvernents (trails, does not impair the function or fencing, landscaping) operation of any existing public — Improvements completed within one systems year of final plat approval • Applicant does not have any — The applicant does not have any outstanding improvements not outstanding improvements not completed completed — The surety is in the form of a cash • Improvements could not be completed savings assignement or u-revocable letter due to weather or product supply of credit in an amount at least 125% of the estimated value of outstanding improvements. �mHUSmsrn�u�n Department of Community Development , S�►okane �s'�all - , Planning Division . . mina a o a . re 1 , . � n era lons a • �cations A pp l� . .. . • lin an Not lce Declslon �1 � � �p : t'tTYMA11rUb��`/f�+ Department of Community Development � ���ikane , , , , j�all Planni.ng D�vision n es ro ose . . a • No si ificant chan es � g • ' n alterati on i s sub ' e ct to the Clar�fies that a J ' f 20.3 0 and 20.40 for relimina re u�rements o p Y`y q and final rocesses p ` Department of Community Development S� e . . . . j'�all Plann�ng Division . ina a o a an . . , � . era lons . . • licatlon A pp . . . .. • Notice PH eclslon 1tA lterati on s Fina P a � � ' irements i ing requ ' � Alt e�atio�s — •� - � nd ��'P ho�t Plat a� � S Fi al . .. . • � �: il.in �e , t� l �em ents . � de�c�tsic� .�1����c� c� s � � � , "�"�"'�'"" Departrnent of Community Development S��kane j�all Planning Division n es ro ose . a tions Existin Re ulations Pro osed Re ula � � � • P Alterati on as a • F in al alterati on ro c e s s di d Adds BS p T e II rocess not address BSP's Y� p • Establishes a rocess that p allows a record of survey • Not addressed to e stab li sh lots within a recorded BSP 20.60.040) � — Speci�ic information required r_r�H�i++�s►���^y��' Department of Community Development � � �all Plannin Division � g . . . a aca lon . . • A lcation pp • Process S�►o"�cane "_'"�"'�'°�`�� Department of Community Development ��'�all Planning Division . an e s ro ose . • hls c a ter han e ro ase to t No c p g p p . • In �re ct c an e g ' Title 17 Process Review Add Plat Alteration to art to include as T e III rocess Procedures ch yp p fRvM�lt+�S�K�yEV Department of Community Development � S�'�ne . . . . ,�s�al Planning Division � . . . . s lmina lons . � . • Revievv rocess p •� ' ' ' re � ui�eyne�t�� 14 ltcatlon a nd d�awin pp g q . • Recor atlon �""�"`°�'�°"`"�' De artment of Community Development _ � � n� p . . . . ��al� Planning Division . . an es ro ose • No si ificant changes � — Clari�ication that the BLA process can not be used to make an unbuildable lot buildable — Sti ulates that a BLA shall not violate zoning setbacks and P must take into consideration Future Acquisition Areas. — Clarifies that record of survey is only required for BLA — Minor drawing requirements noted • North arrow and scale • Distance from improvements • etc. ` Department of Community Development � ��'�ikane , , , , �s'4�all Planning Dlvision r• � �e � ae , . . . • � minis ra ��e e, or .a�rTCl . u 1 n. Title 20 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS C6aptcrs: 20.1 U Authoritti� 20.20 GeneralI'ro��i�ions 0 3 Preliminary Short Subcli��isiuns, tiubdivisions and Binding Site Plans 20.40 Final Short Subdi�isions, Subdivisio�s, and �;inding Site Plans 20.50 Preliminar Plat, Sliort Plat, and Bindin� Site Plan Alterntions 20.60 Final Plat and Short Plat Altcrutions 2p.70 Plat Vacation 2(1.R0 I3oundar I,ine f'�djustrnents/F,liminations Title 20 — Plaruring Comnrissiorr Recammended Draft_ PQB� 1_of Z� January Z0, 2009 Chapter 20.10 AUTHORITY Sections: 20.1 .010 Purpose. 20.10.010 Parpose. This title is established in accordance with Chapter 58.17 RCW which authorizes cities to administer the process for the division of land. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Chapter 20.20 GENER.AL PROVISIONS Sections: 20.20.010 Purpose. �0.20.020 Exemptions. 20.20.030 Legal lot. 20.20.040 Approval required prior to recordation. 20.20.450 Prohibition against sale, lease or transi'er of property. 20.20.060 Vertical datum. 20.20.070 Monumentation. 20.20.080 Professional land survey�or. 20.20.090 General design. 20.20.100 Findings. ? (1.2(l.l l (1 :�tt��cl�ed �in +�le i'� �mil�� � �ih�li��i�ic+i��; 20.20.O1U Yurpose. Pursuant to the purposes set forth in RCW 58.17.O10, the regulati�ns in this title are nccessary to: A. Promote the health, safety, and general welfare in accordance with standards established by the state and the City; B. Promote effective use of land by preventing the overcrowding or scattered development which would be detrimental to health, safety, or the general welfare due to the lack of water supplies, sanitary sewer, drainage, transportation, or other public services, or excessive expenditure of public funds for such services; C. Avoid congestion and promote safe and convenient travel by t�e public on streets and highways through the proper planning and coordination of new streets w subdivisions with existing and planned streets i.n the surrounding community; D. Provide for adequate light and air; E. Provide for adequate water, sewage, drainage, parks and recreational ar�as, sites for schools and school grounds, and other public requirements; F. Provide for proper ingress and egress; G. Provide for housing and commercial needs of the community; Title 20 — Planr�ing Commission Recommended Draft_ Page 2 of 28 Jv,ruary 20, 2009 H. keyuir� ; � ��� ���. �, �°. t �.��.��. � , i ... � `. ; . ,,,�,� ..�. . "� _ , � ._ _ � . ... � � _ . _..i descriptions: I . 1 iV`y�l l.�l�� 11�I11ii�L/�i�L�.�Y .�� i��ll� . � .1:..�. . J. Provide for flexibility in site design to u�`��i�ul����j�l�� � i� ��l,��j�.:�l�j���� ;1�i;� t,l,���� �." �;'. protection of streams and wetlands, protection of steep slopes, and other environmentall. �� significant or sensitive areas; . K. Tc} cr,;�,r�� c�,►,�i:tenr�� �� �m�l t�� fu� t}i� ����al� ;�nc� P�licies c�f th� (_'�m}�reh�n� �� Plan; an�_� . , ,. . . I.. TU �rU��il3� �Z ��)I��►t�:�� iiil' tii� �1l'�i�i��ii Ui l�ill� l�iC ili4 i����(�?�'.ii.�': � 1. Short Subdivision or short pla� The division of land into ni�« �►� i`����� 1����, «s���. parcels, sites or divisions with a level of review that is proportional to the effect those lots m::.�. have on the surrounding area; � 2. Subdivision or lat:: The division of land into 10 or more lots, tracts, parcels, si�,_ ; divisions with a level of review that is proportional to the effect those lots may have on the surrounding area; 3. Binding Site Plan. An alternative method of dividing property interests and applying to � the hp a.5ed division of any land for sale or lease which is zoned for commercial, business, office, or industrial development, or which is to be developed as condominiums or a manufactured home park. (nrd. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.020 Ezemptions. �1. The provisions of this title shall not apply to: �: 1. Cemeteries and other burial plots while used for that purpose (RCW 58.17.040(1)); $. ?. Divisions made by testamentary provisions, or laws of descent (RCW 58.17.(340(3)); 3. A division of land for�urpose of leasin� land for facilities providin� verson� «�ireless services while used for that purpose (RCW 58.17.040(8)). B The provisions of this chanter shall not a,pplv to the follo��ing provided that an exemut<<� �plication and drawine consistent �vith 2C►.20.020.G is �ruvidec� to the cit��: � 1. . Division of land into lots or tracts if such division is a result of subjecting a portion of the parcel or tract of land to either Chapter 64.32 RCW (Horizontal Regimes Act) o � Chapter 64.34 RCW (Condominium Aet) subsequent to the recording of a bindin� �ite �l�n f�� all such land (RCW 58.17.040(7)); � �.2. Division of land due to condemnaUon or sale under !' , .� �_ �: :: ;', _ r: � , , - ; �, _, � � � � , ; �- � ; , ; or division of government vested with the power of eminent domai �. �3: Division or acquisition of land for public right-of-wa� : . iiib . . ; 6.4 A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with Chapter 58.09 RCW, used or to be used for construction and operation of consumer or investor-owaed electric utilities to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers as set forth in RCW 58.17.040(9). 5 A division of land for �overnment or public pum� C An a�plication made nursuant to 20 20 0248) above shall bf; Qrc:x;t;s�:d tu dc:te� that the division is exemnt «�ith a minimum re�7e��� for conformance to adopted Citv reQulations �tle 20 — Plarsni�i� � . .. . " - , . , . , � > : ,� ", ' . � � � Jarrucuy l0, 2009 and ordinanees. �l'he ���lication ���ill he detc}ri7linecl tu be C�)I11�?�t UpUi7 ifl�' SL1�Il11llt1� C)I tllt following materials: l. An applic�ti��n: ��ld 2 Maps �lans i1TiCjIOt t',X�llh{1S C011t�illllll�� all z�licahle infiornlati�n as required b�� tiVMC' 20.30.020.B. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 200�. 20.20.030 Legal lot. Development shall be permitted only on legally created lots. A lot is created in compliance with applicable state and local land segregation statutes or codes in effect at the time the lot was created or binding site plan was approved including, but not limited to, demonstrating the lot was created through one of the following: A. Lots created through subdivision, a plat approved by the City or Spokane County separately describing the lot in question; or B. Lots created through short subdivision, a short plat approved by the City or Spokane County separately describing the lot in question; or C. Lots created pursuant to a binding site plan process in effect at the time the binding site � plan was approved by the CitY or Spokane County; or D. A deed, contract of sale, mortgage, property tax segregation, plat, or recorded survey describing the lot in question if the instrument was: 1. Executed prior to March 24, 1980, for subdivisions (effective date of County's first subdivision ordinance) while the lot in question was under Spokane County jurisdiction; or 2. Executed prior to March 13, 1978 (effective date of County's first shori subdivision ordinance), for short subdivisions while the lot in question �vas under Spokane County jurisdiction; or 3. Executed prior to July l, 1969 (eflective date of Chapter 58.17 RCW). (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.440 Approval required prior to recordation. � Any map, plat or plan unles� pre� •iousi�• cx��mpt, hereafter made of a proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan, or any part thereof, shall be presented fur approval and be recorded as set forth in SVMC 20.40.030. No such map, plat or plan shall be recorded or have any validity unless or until it has the approval of City departments and agencies with jurisdiction as required by this title. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 20��. 20.20.050 Prohibition against sale, lease or transfer of property. No person shall sell, lease or offer to sell or transfer any lot, tract or parcel subject to the � requirements of this title without first receiving approval hereunder b�� the Citv and recording the approved division with Spokane County; provided, that if performance of an offer or a.greement to sell, lease or otherwise transfer a lot, tract or parcel of land is expressly conditioned on the recording of the subdivision, short subdivision or binding site plan contai.ning the lot, tract, or parcel, the offer or agreement does not violate any provision of this title. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.060 Vertical datum. Where topography is required to be shown, the land survey data must be based on the ��4 Fee�e�t�s North ��n���rican Vertical Daturn (N6AVD- (Ord. 07 § 4, 2007). Title 20 — Planning Commissian Recommended Draft_ 1'age 4 of 28 Jarn�ary 20, 2009 20.2U.U7U Monum�ntatio�a. �Z1L'�11 street centert�n� �u�d stc�t inter��i;��n i►i�onumentation shall be establisbr;ci ,: fi� described by City adopted street ee�s�e��e� standards. In addition, for short subdivision subdivision or binding site plans. every lot corner shall be marked or referencecl in a permanent manner with the registration number o f�.1: � professional land surveyor in charge of the survey in accordance �vith state law. (Ord. 07-U1 ' § 4, 2007). 20.20.080 Professional land surveyor. The preparation of all preliminary and final short subdivisions, subdivisions and binding site plans shall be made by or under the supervision of a professional la.nd surveyor licensed in the State of Washin�ton. The professional land surveyor shall certify on the final plat that it is a true and correct representation of the lands actually surveyed. A survey is required on all final plats. All surveys shall comply with Chapter 58.09 RCW, and dese��e�s{�#a�e� WAC' 332-130 ���. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.090 General design. The design of short subdivisions, subdivisions and binding site plans shall conform to the requirements of all applicable City plans, regulations, and design and development standards. In addition: � A. The design, shape, size, and orientation of the �s lots should be appropriate for the use for which the divisions are intended, and the zoning and land use classification identified in the Comprehensive Plan of the area in which they are located. F3. Lot Arrangement. 1. Side lot lines shall �enerallv be perpendicular to public street rights-of-way, but mav b� �ti�ithin t��enty de�rees of �rpendicular, or radial to the right-of-way in the case of curvilinear streets or cul-de-sacs. 2. Corner Lots. a. "I�t�e lot lines at the intersection of two public streets shall be located a minimum of t�vo fect behind the ��ack of curb. b At the intersection of two arterial streets (collector, minor or pri.ncinall, the apalicant shall nro��ide a�videned border easement area behind the nedestrian ram� IandinQ for theplacement of street liQhtss traffic si�nals, ct cetera and their related apaurtenances (see � � � I� igure 20 20.1). This area shall extend a z � �, minimum of fif�een feet behind the landin�. �, I The boundarv of this area shall be defined bv ,' Q Q an arc that is tangent at each end to the ,' Q �� �tandard border easement, tvpicallY located ������ �A SEMENT ,� � a behind the back of sidewalk, or riQht-of-wa�- ��' l5' . TANGENT � � LAt1DWG if there is no border easement in the vicinitv. ' s tn�ro�x If this area is alreadv full�' contained within cu�B ri�ht�� then no additional border — RIC�T o� �Ar z• M`K easc:ment width �vill be required. The oniti� ,� utilities allowe �vithin this are� are th��e � -, � � Fi��ur�� ?�).�C�.� 1 T/�je2Q (_r!ti:7)IiC_I'!i�!l: �it'CCi!)llllt'llcl�ill�!�<71`I �tl 1 li� ���� Jonuary 20, 2009 Iltl't'SS3I'� tor the tunction ot�U�e propused liehts, si�nals et cetera. b. _�°'^'';�°� �� ��° �� e. , ; � Corner lots in sinQle familv or t�ti�o � residential development shall have an avera.ge width at least 15 percent greater than the width of interior lots along both adjacent streets to permit building setback and orientation to both streets. 3. Lot Dimensions. a. Lot dimensions shall comply wzth the minimum standards established in Chapter 19.40 SVMC; b. Flag lots are prohibited. Reverse flag lots providing access to alleys or ameni�ies located to the rear of the property are pernvtted; c. No lot shall have an average depth greater than three times its average �vidth. 4. Double Frontage Residential Lots. a. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where necessary io separate residential development from arterial roadway or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation; b. When lots back to arterials, a screening device shall be installed on the lot(s) limiting visibility between the arterial and the adjoining lots in accordance with Chapter 22.70 SVMC; c. No building, except buildings designed and constructed as two-family dwellin�s or one-family attached dwellings, shall be constructed on or across existing lot lines. Where buildings are designed and constructed on or across lot lines, the building shall be located so that the common wall separating the individual living units is located on and along the common lot lines of the adjoining lots. C. Block dimensions should reflect due regard to the needs of convenient access, public safety, connectivity, emergency vehicle access, topograpby, road maintenance, and the provisio� of suitable sites for the land use planned. 1. Block Length. > > , . Block length shall beper the adopted .'tr��t �tandards. 2. Block and 1,ot Labeling. Blocks and lots shall be identified in sequential a�a�e�e- e� numerical order. 3. Street alignments shall be designed and constructed with appropriate consideration for existing and planned �ea�s streets, anticipated traffic patterns, topographic and drainage conditions, public safety, a dopted Str�et 5t �indards. C��mPrehen�i��e Pl and the proposed use of the land so divid�d. D. When a tract is subdivided into lots of one acre or more in size, the community development d'uector (hereafter referred to as the "director") may require an arrangement of the i�e�s- luts and �eadsstreets, in conforniance « thz adopted Arterial and Local Access Street Master Plan or �reas identified in section 22.130.U35 l�uiL�re Act�uisition Areas such as to permit a subsequent redivision ' T `'° �°"„'`:�^ Title 20 — Planning Commrssion Recor»mended Droft_ Page 6 oj2�i January 20, 2009 �-2� E. Lots should not he di��ide h�� t1��� hot�nd�fl� e�f ar��� cit� e��lint��, 7�nin�► desi�Tnaii��il. clr� public right-of-wa}�. F. Every lot shall have direct accc:ss tu a pa���� public stre�t, pri�-atr: �tre:c;t, �r .:, .�.. .:::� .�� a private driveway eas�. G. Prior to filing the final short subd.ivision, subdivision or binding site plan application. the applicant shall improve or make appropriate provisions for the construction of the public or private streets, allevs or private driveways that provide access to lots being created througl� thc short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan consistent with �p�a� aoQlicable Cit��- adopted standards. H. Wastewaterdesign shall be in c�mpliance �ti all a�rlicahle Citv r-��T��?��?T���� and �thcr jt�risdictional agency� regulations. I. Adequate public domestic water 5��pj_► ��n�l;'��r iir� ��ri�t�cti��n �hali b� pr�►��ici��? iri � compliance with all applicable City reeulations and other jurisdictional agency�es'- re�ulati�?J��;. J. All road designs shall be in conformance with Chapter 22. l 30 SVMC and adopted stret � standards. � K. Provisions for stonnwater runoff shall be i.a compliance with City �es r_�ul� for stormwater management as set forth in Chapter 22.150 SVMC. L. L'xistiri ►� and pr«posc�d �easements for electric, water, sewer, gas, and similar utilities shall be illustrated on the €� short plat, plat, or binding site plan. The utility purveyors shall indicate to the community development department (hereafter referred to as the "depar[ment") in writing that the easements are adequate for theu service needs. M. The short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan shall provide for tt�e location �f underground utilities within public rights-of-way, bordcr easements, alleys or utility easeme� ;:�, including, but not limited to, those for electricity, communications and street lighting. Whe�1 conditions make underground installation impractic;�l, the clircct�r m��- ����i��e the reqtiiremt���� � 1��r �zt���: r� t�ti lili�`. (nr�l. �? �� 4. '?nn i i- ZU.2U.lUU I�'iriclili��. , , . . . . . , . . . . Prior to appro� '.111} j1ILltllliEl�il�y >Ill)1[ �Ul?��i� l�lUli, �ll(:1�11� I�lUil �ii Ulli�illi` �11: �li�iii, lii� department in the case of short subdivisions and binding site plans or the hearing examiner ii� tllz case of subd.ivisions shall determine and make «'ri t te n ft n c� i n �� nf fact th at a�pr��ri ate �rc��-i s i on � are made for the following: A.Thepublic!�:_�,1.c',. �;,�f`t`. <<���' <<<<�_�r.:? ��.'.�...�� B. Open spac� , : C. Drainage w�u � �• : D. Streets or roa�s, �.�lleys, si;l� �.� ..i . �. <<�1,_1 ��:i�;.�a� E�;;i�!.,_ �.t _�_� . E. Transit stops; F. Public potable «���!�r ��.�1���+<<��;; G. Sanitary sewer; H. Parks and recreacion: I. Playgtounds, schools anci s�;hool grounds: J. Sidewalks and other plar� int► fk���t��re� e}�;�, ,,�.:, ;� ,. � �.� � E �� �`� � �it;,���; ,�t���� `,,.��.1 1:�� ��, ���� n _ ��i t . �t1�� �� , �'t �7�� � only walk to and from scho< �!: K. �'1e.�1P+T�'lepllb�lC llltCi'<'�� �1�1j� �-��_ �,:':"l�`�l �_`� tal�_ ��i't�?'L �,Lil��![O.l�i�lil_ �;li��t��\ i.iilii. :t1;�! bindin� site �lan; Tit1e20—Plann���;i C' O/IJ!)11cti'jrilJ k �����,m,n��,��lE��iL�� - c�;r 1'�i��� � uf�?;� January l0, 200'� L. The proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan is in conformity with all applicable development code provisions; and M. Other requirements found to be necessary and appropriatc and for which w� standards and policies have been adopted. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.110 Attached Single Family Subdivisions A�plications for an attached sin lg e family subdivision co�sisting of nine or fewer lots shall he submitted and processed according to the requirements for content and form for preliminarv anci final short subdivisions and process as stated in SVMC 22.30 throu�h 22.40. Application for ar� attached sinQle family subdivisi�n consistin� or 10 or more lots shall be submitted and process�c.� accordin to the req uirements for content and form for preliminarv and final subdivisions as stated in SVMC 20.30 throu�h 20.40. Application for alterations of anv preliminar� short �ubdivision or subdivision shall be submitted and processed according to the requirement� ��t� 2U 50 Apnlications for alterations of any final short subdivision or subdivision shall b� submitted andprocessed accordiag to the reguirements of 20.60. Applications for vacati�_��� c►1� an�_�l�t �h�ll he �tihmitted and revie��-ed accc�rdintT_t� the requirement� of SVI�'IC 20 7i_►. Title 20 - Planning Commissio» Recommended Draft Pag 8.vj2� January� 20, 2009 Cllaptei• 20.30 PRELINiINARY SHORT SUBDIVISIONS, S L1 I3I)1 �'I S 1nN � A N I) BINDING STTF PLAI� � Section�: 20.3U.Q 1 U .Applicati��tl. 20.30.020 Contents oi application. 20.30.030 Processing application�. 20.30.040 Distribution of plans. 20.30.050 Expirationofprelimin.ir �� �,l,r�_���. �1. ;�(1. ;(l.(1l,fl '1�;m� ��t:n�i;�rl�. 2U.3U.UlU .`�����lir�tion. ?�t�ctEtt��i �tt�?r�t� t�} �;;i� ��iuis �tiiifi i�t°: t�erz 1 . Prior to filing an application for �: preliminary subdivision, short subdi��ision or binciitlg site �lan a pre -application coni �:: � �` � pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 .80 SVMC is rec�uired tlnles�_this recrl�iremAnt i� w,_ hv the Director. (Ord. 07-015 � 4. 2��7). 20.30.020 Contents of applicatiu,�. Every preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding ��1� ��l:�i�s �;���il ������;:�;t ��;� <<�` appropriate application form, applicable fees and the followin� : A. Maps and E�iibits. 1. Ten copies of the preliminary short plat, plat or bindirla Sltl; �l�il1 �111IC�1 511�11 ��� .: legibly drawn map, 18 by 24 inches in size for short plats; 24 by 36 inches in size for plats �ul�i binding site plans at a scale of one inch equal s 50 feet or onc i"..• 1, �.� c°����' �= �«� ±�' �_ T�;`• n n r' � 1' `� ,-� i:�, the department, an alternative appropriate scale may be use�! . 2. One reduced (eight and one-half by 11 inches or l i u, i;� i I;,: � �� �� ������ �, �_ � ��: �,_ prelixninary short plat, plat or binding site plaa; 3. One copy of the Spokane County assessor's half-section inap clearly indicatin� t��c subject property. Additionally, all adjacent properties with parcel numbers must be indicated o�l the half-section map. Assessor's maps for prelirninary subdivisions shall indicate the parcel numbers of all properties within 400 feet of the subject properiy, unless the applicant ow�11� adj acent property, i.n which case the map shall show the location and parcel num h c r c� f� a 11 properties within 400 feet of the applicant's ownership; 4. {, ' e�; A��Titten n�rrative describin� the pro�osal includin�, but not limited � number of�roposed lots, nature of surroundinQ nroperties, proposed access, zoning, u��� providers, method of sewera and timing of phasine of ihe development (if anvl. 1�r ' � � -•�� �� � �^.� .� ��T?rl��r�•t�, ,- � . �f�i�lt�1 �I l�° (�t�`,',°' cnt� namative shall also a: � � �� , � � , t 1 � �._ ._ _ ,�� , , , Title 20 — Plannin� c'�,,�r,�t i, � r c„r R� ��>r,�»1 c�,�I� n' 1>,�,,; r �'� <� �,±�':�' January 20, 2009 � , - ��� . • � . . , . • � . � 65. Public notice packet. Tlle Assessor's map�sl and the title companv search sball be current ��7thin sixt��60,�da�,s of issuinQ the notice of application. If the information is more than 60 davs old at the time the notice of np�lication is issued, the applicant shall Qrovide current information; and �6. SEPA environmental checklist for preliminary subdivisions and binding site plans. An environmental checklist will be required fur a preliminarv shori ulai if the construction of im�rovements will invol��e n�ore than 500 cubic vards of �radin�, exca��ation or fill, or if critical areas exist on site. 7 A plat certifieate dated �vithin thirt�(3U) davs of the application filin� date confirmin that the title of the lands as described and sho�vn on the short plat, subdivision. or F3SP is in the name c►f the o�vners signin�_. B. Preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan data (to be included on the prelimi.nary short plat, plat or binding site plan). 1. Name, address and telephone number of the owner of the subject property aad the person with whom official contact should be made regarding the short plat, plat, or binding site plan; 2. Title of �he ��� t�ru�oscd di��ision; 3. Location of subject property by �uarier-c�uarter(s) �f the section, township and range; 4. I,egal descripiion �f the subject uropert�� �vith the source of the l��al description clearl�� indicated. , , , � > 5, ' ; A��icinity map at a scale of t�ot more than four hundred feet (400' ) to the inch. Fxcept that the Cammunitv Developme��t Direetor mav approve an alternative seale if requested. The vicinitti� map shall show all adiacent parcels It shall show ho�v the streets and allevs in the proposed subdivision connect w�ith existin�_nru���ed slrec•ts and alle��� iii n� �iehbc�rin� subdi�-ision� ar unplatt�d nr��ert��. 6. North arro�ti►, scale and boundary of the proposed short plat, plat, or binding site plan, ��nd the date ma� is prepared; 7. Boundaries of all blocks lot numhers �e-� ' e�s, lot lines � alon�� ��-ith tll� ir dimensions and areas i n sguare feet; 8. Location and identification of existing utilities; 9. Location, names and widths of all existing and proposed streets, roads and access easements within the proposed short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan and within 100 feet thereof, or the nearest City street if there is no City street within 100 feet of the subject property; Title 20 — Plart»ing Commission Recommended Drafi_ Page 10 of 28 Jarruary 20, 2009 ( 10. All e� easements: i�icludin� border ea�.nlents, or tracts proposed to be dedicated for any public pur�o�c �r f�r the commc�n us� ofihe �r��erty �«�nzrs of the short plat, plat or binding site plan; 11 1�11 e�istin�; easem�;��• ili..i �ii t��� i1i� :�ti�?j��i �)i��i!� �:_: : �12. Location of any natural features such as wooded areas, streams, draina�e wa���. snecial flood hazard areas � ' . :,- ' .� `� � ��� , ". ,., , �' ,' '' �.'r �r critical areas a� defined in SVNiC Title 21: -}-�13 Locationofe�istil� L�UIIi�IIl �;;piic l�ul��, �lr :ilil�ltll�` , «�ll�; c�r ��th�r improvements, and a note indicating if they will remain or be removed; -�-314. Whether adjacent property is platted or unplatted. If platted, gi� the natile �i thc subdivision. If the proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan is the subdivision of a portion of an existing plat, the approximate lines of the existing plat are to be show and a � �PY of ihe existing plat, along with �r�--a�--��� � � : , '. _ . _ ' ; �� . . - r�corcie�] covenants and easements; �-415. Topographic information at �wei�� � -fOOL Illti.'�itllliIll �UlliUll� intervals. ��� �1< i� foot intervals w•here o�•erall site topogravhv is too �lat to be depicted bv five-faot interval �. Delineate areas u�ith an`� slo�es that axe ereater than thirri� f301 percent.; and t!'1'i�i'TI�T��'�'-1 �i,;� <� ., ?t't!;�{ (�� �li't��l;'_�iiC' �it}'C'LI?i T1F�ti1{�titi}c �.ii . 1 � �16. "Site data table" showiilg number of�prupus�d Iots, �}}�-���e�c�1��;-��r=t !',�:- s;�{, {:_1 �t ,'�;j�:flrin 7��niT��'. �,�',�1CT �1!P��iC . r methnd �f �e���er�� �-A�f�--A ����. �-1���-�). �i�.113.0 �(1 I'��{��t���ii��; ������lic��ti�,►��;. Pfe11Il1111� S�101'� SUbC11V1S10I1S BIl�I l�lli �111� �ii� �)���I1� �:I�� �'��t5�itii'�i �;� 1��j 11 ;:t�j�li��ili��i.. preliminary subdivisions are classified as Type III applications. Both application types shai 1 h�� processed pur�uant t� the applic�ble pm��isi�ns of Chapter 17.80 SVMC:. {nrd. �7-Ol 5��. ?�f17 I. ZU.3U.U llistributic�n �f pl�tci�. When the department determin�5 illat th� ap��licati��n is ����nPl�t� pur�u Il1 ��'�1(' 17.80.100, the deparbnent shall distribute the application materials to affected agencies. �1 hc department or reviewing a�encie� may request additi�nal information during the review pr�ce��. (()rd. 07-�1 S � 4, 2007). 2U.30.050 E�piration of preliminar�� appro�•al. Approval of a preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or bi�iding site plan shall automatically expire five years from the date of approval unless a complete application for a final short subdivision, subdivision, or bindi.ng site plan meeting all requirements under this title is submitted to the City. E�ten�i�n �f time ma�• he grantetl as pro��ided in SVMC 2�._30.060. (C)rd. (}7-�15 � 4. ?0�7). 20.3U.UGU "I'imc cktensiuns. An application form and su�portin� ciata Cor tuTl� extcnsion r�yu�sta nlust b� 5ubcnitted t�� iht department at least 30 days prior to the expira�tion of the preliminary short subdivision. subdivision, or binding site plan. Time extension reqtiests shall he Pr�cessed as a Type I application �ursuant to C'ha�t�r 17.R� S��I�'IC. Title 20 — Plunning Commission Recommended DrcrJ?_ Page 11 _�?1 Jarruary 20, 2009 The director may approve an extension provided there are no significant changed conditions or changed development regulations which would render recording of the short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan contrary to the public health, safety or ge�eral welfare; and provided one or more of the following circumstances is found to apply: A. That some portion of the existi.ng preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan has been finalized since the proj�ct was approved and the remaining lots would form a unified development consistent with the original approval; B. That the preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan remains gcnerally consiste�t with the original plat or binding site plan that was approved, and the applicaat has taken substantial steps toward finalizing the plat or binding site plan, which shall include at least one of the following: 1. Surveying the lots within the development; 2. Arranging for public services to the site; 3. Obtaining necessary financing for all or a portion of the preliminar}�� shori subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan; and/or 4. Completing studies or other requirements which ���ere part of prel.iminary sh�ri subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan approval; G. That at the time preliminary approval was granted, development of the proposal �`�as conditioned upon the extension of public services which are not yet available. This provisioil shall not apply to public utility extensions which the project sponsor would normally fund. If the conditions set forth in subsections A, B or C of this section are met, the department n�a}� grant a single, one-year time extension. Prior to granting time extensions, the director shall circulate the time extension request to affected agencies for comments. Additional or altered conditions reeommended by affected agencies may be required as a eondition of this extension. City departments may also recommend additional or altered conditions. The department shall issue a written decision approving or denying the time extension request and provide copies to affected agencies, the applicant, and those parties requesting a copy of such decision. Appeals of a tune ex shall be filed in a manner consistent with the provisions of Chapter 17.90 SVMC. (Qrd. 07-015 § 4, 2007). I Title 20 - Plorming Commission Recommended Draft_ Page 12 of 28 Jartuary 20, 2009 C;liapter 2U.-�U FINAL SHORT SUBDIVISIONS, SUBDI ti-' I� I() N�, ;1 ti 1) �31 �ti i) I�(� SITE PLAN � `���ii�_�11��: 2U.4ci.t,; ii I i�i:il �i���F�liti�.l. 20.40.020 Contents of finul pl��t. 20.40.030 Filing final short plat, � 13I vI� b1I1tS 1lla � I i :�, i:: ��. 20.40.040 Bond in li��t� �f cnnstructit�n 1i11�it�ti�n�. �+t �(� t1��1 j�'l,_,�; ?U.-�U.Ultl i�ii� ti�.li)illll� A. The final short subdi� ��i��;�, �u��ui� i�i� ,�: i���,«i����� ..�t� �-��..�� �;i��,;1 <<�.,������;.�::;�: �.;� �; .�:��;.:� , . .... , of the preliminary approval. The final short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan s�l,_ i incorporate all conditions of approval imposed by the hearing examiner. B. All final subdivision, short subdivision or binding site plan submittals shall include tti�� following: 1. A mini.mum of 10 copies of the proposed final short plat, plat or binding site plan; 2. Appropriate fees; 3. Three copies of a plat certificate dated within 30 davs of the ap,plication filin�t confirmin� that the title of the lands As descri' ' ' ' � � '' ' � � ' ' ` ' '� � - HSP is in ihe name uf the o«�ners si�nin�; anci 4. Maps . . . . ,. . . . _ S�l� 81S0 � Sll�1lii��t..�, l;� �ii��.: ��t iii�� i��a���`.� ii��. �:���i,������« formats at the time th� mylars are submittec unl�ss this requirement is �� bv ihe Ui: _ a. �df (Portable Documcnt Format . ; b. tiff (Ta�eed Ima�e File Format� . � c. hitcna . ; or d. Other cummonlv used format a_s approved by the director. 5 Llectronic submittals shall be in accurdance ���ith the followin� eritet a Submittals shall utilize a file name using the City submittal nurnber. � example. SUB-08-U6.x�cx or SHP-22-47.�cxx; b Line.s, text and details shaU be complete, elear and crisp and �y' � '� enables the smallest detail to be reco�nized and understood when ma�:ni fied . c. The clectronic files shali be delivered on a ed or dvd that is 1��._ ___�_ __ __ _ subdivision name and �h_��: submittal number; file creation date; and contact information (f� name, address and phone number). As an option, an ,,�., :;� �,��,�,;,,�,� ;:: ��•� ����;, �„�� �t,�' include a letter transmittal with the sam�� ��- `� -���� `� d. CADD cr C. The final short plat, plat ur bin�iui� site pl,:ul sl��tl 51�u��, : � 1. All monuments found, set, reset, replaeed or removc;ci ��u ;a��� r�k1�a.;�u ciesc;ribiii their kind, size and location and giving other data relating thereto; 2. Bearing trees, corner accessories or witness monuments, b� �i s ci f heari n� �, he��ri n���ncl � length of lines, scale of map ���ith (�r�nhic_har �c�ale and north arro��; Title 20 — Plaru�ing Commission Recommended Dr��%r F'�1 �� 1?��; ��-� Ja�uary 20, 2009 3. Any other daia necessary for the interpretation of the various items and locations of the points, lines and areas shown; 4.-�es-�e Reference and sh����� adjoining surveys of record an� plat�; 5. The allowable error of mathematical closwe for the final plat map shall not exceed one foot in 80,000 feet or 0.04 foot, whichever is greater; 6. Bearings and lengths are to be shown for all lines; no ditto marks are to be used; 7. Arrows shall be used to show limits of bearings and distances whenever any chance of misinterpretation could e�cist; � 8. Plat boundary and street ��e���nt��r lines baving curves shall show radius, arc, central angle and tangent for each curve and radial bearings where curve is i.ntersected by a non- � tangent line. Spiral curves shall show t��J_ ���iral curve elements in additi�n to the chord beari.ng and length; 9. Lots along curves shall show arc length ee�e�sand radiu� For lot corners that are on nun c►r nc.�n cun�es. the radia) bearin�,shall be shown: If a cwrve table is provided, it sha11 show angle for each segment of the curve along each lot, arc length, tangent length, and radius. �e�e-�e��; 10. All dimensions shall be s�hown in feet and hundredths of a foot. All bearings and angles shall be show�n in degrees, minutes and seee��secvnds; All g�u tlletlsur��n�crlt� sho�ti�n shall e�ual the total ovcrall me�ssur�ments sho�vn. 11. ' , � �.1�e finai short plat, plat or binding site plan shall indicate the actual net area for each platted lot exclusive of - �t� d�dicatcd or privatc r�a� ri�llt of tiv a��. Lots one acre and over shall be shown to the closest hundredtb of an acre, and all other lots shall be shown in square feet to the nearest square foot; and :�.12. IIoundary points for corners shall be locaied and referenced to the current conirol net`vork As established bv the Spokane County GPS control proiect and that coordinate svstem. The controliin� �ints used hv tl�i� suhcli��i�ii�n shall he indicated on the ma�. e��s � � . . Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.40.020 Contents of fmal plat. All surveys shall comply with the Survey Recording Act (Chapter 58.09 RCW) minin�um standards for survey and land descriptions (Chapter 332- WAC), and an�• ap�licahle City standards ' The contents of a final short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan shall include the following: A. The final short plat, plat or bindi.ng site plan shall be a legibly drawn, printed, or reproduced permanent map. Final short plats shall measure 18 by 24 inches. Final plats aad binding site plans shall measure 24 by 36 inches. A two-inch margin shall be provided on the left edge, and a one-half-inch margin shall be provided at the other edges of the plat. If more than one sheet is required, each sheet shall show sheet numbers for the total sheets. Title 20 — Plaruring Commissio» Recommended Draft_ Page 14_of 28 Ja,ruary 20, 2009 � B. The file number of the short plat, plat �r hinc�in�T �it�� Plan, locatiun by �� section, township and range shall be shown. � C. The scale shall be 50�-{eAe-tfle�-e�t�--��1 #���} ur 1(�0-{c��e�-� � feet t�� th� inch. If approved by the department, an appropriate scale may be used which does not exceed 200 feet to the inch, provided a 400 feet tc� the inch reduced copy is also submitted. The scale shall be shown in a text form as well a� � �raphic bar scale. D. A bold ' ' e boundary line shall delineate the existinQ �c� �� � hc�undar� c>t� th� short plat, plat or binding site plan�rior to any dcdication to the publi�. . E. The location and widths of streets, alleys, rights-of-way Al1C� E8SCL11c;IlIS :�4i ��,►� �. ro rtv pazks and open spaces proposed within the division s��� and those platt easements existing immediately adjacent to the division �� �h��ll he sh�t� �-��� -' , identified. Areas to be dedicated to the public must be labeled. F. Layout and names of adjoini.ng subdivisions, subdivisi�.,� :, ,_. �_ . �_ , :. _ � . �1�.�1I 1��� shown with.in and adjacent to the subdivision boundary. G. The layout, lot and block num hcr�. �!nc� c�im� n�i�n� �f all l�t� shall hc sh���� H. Street names shall be shown . I. Street addresses for each lot �:1�::1 ���. :,:; � , .i. ; :. J. Platrestrictionsrequiredasconditionsofpr�:�i;►�i�►a►� >l i�iii��i�i�ii��i�i��'�.:-.:`','�' , ::i�`:` �,�� binding site plan approval shall be shown. I{. ExistinQ easements and u�,,«,� �.���►��►►. shal! 1ic id�ntified shown and labeled. Recordin� informatian for the easement(sl shall be provided on the survey A�y easement andlor utilitv easement being created_by this division shall be so identified, shown and labeled. . I,. Any special statements of approval required from governmental agencies, including thos� pertaining to flood hazard areas, shorelines, critical areas, and connections to adjacent state highways shall be shown. M. A notarized certification and ackno���led�ements by the owner(s) and beneGciary, if o t�lan the cit��, as shown on a current plat certificate shall be provided dedicatir :�� a:��i�. ,:� .���:�, intended for other public use, and granting of easements for slope and utilitie�. N. A certificntion signed by a professional land surveyor registered i.n the statc; ui Washin�t� ��; stating that the final short plat, plat or binding site plan was surveyed and prepared by (�him/i�er, or under � his�}�er supervision; that plat is a true and correct representation c�f� the subj ect land; and that monwnentation has been establ i shed as requi red by C i t�, � t�, T, � 1, � r�� ;. Certificati�n must t� consistent �ti�ith IZC��' S8.09. O. The city council authorizes final approval of any fina] plat, short plat, or bulciu�g sit� plur� If the plat cvntains ti�ulti�lc sheets, the first she�t sh;�" � �:�' ::. ''�,� _ ,���- ,' � ;�.-���• � ��, � � must be ; �€-�-�s reviewed aad signed by the followin,_� 1. Spokane V alley-pa� ' Ue �._ . : 2. Spokane Valley community development director: 3. Spokane County utilities director, 4. Spoka.ae Regional Health l�istrict (onl� «-here se�tic �`�st�n>> �.lnd'��r �ri���{�� ��,�11 ar� required to serve the development); 5. Spokane County treasurer: 6. Spokane Couaty assessor; I / . - R - CIL�' I . _ T .'�"� Title 20 — Planning Commission Recommended Drafl_ Page 1 S oj28 January 20, 2009 S. Hearing examiner for final subdivision plats only; �9. ' ' . (Ord. 07-0 ] 5 § 4, 2007). 20.40.030 Filing final short plat, plat or binding site plan. The final short plat, plat or binding site plan shall be submitted to the department for review. It shall be routed to appropriate departrnents and agencies in order to review for compliaace with the conditions of approval. Once all reviewing departments and agencies are satisfied, all conditions have been met or appropriate bonding and surety obtained pursuant to SVMC 20.40.040, the final short plat, plat or binding site plan mylar shall be submitted to the department for obtaining the required signatures. Fi.nal plats and short plats shall be approved, disapproved, or returned to the applicant within 30 days from the date of recei . t�i�g-thereof, unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period (RCW 58.17.140).-�#e , . ,.. E����. (Ord. 07-015 � 4, 2007). 20.4U.U3� �tecor�iati��n "The dep,artment shall record the cvmpleted tinal sli�rl plat, plal, ur bilidin� siie pla,l «itli tl�� Spokane Countv Auciitor's office and submit copies of the recorded documents to the Spokan� Count;� As�essor's affice. All fees for sl.►ch recordine shall be paid by the appli��nt prior tc� recording. 20.40.040 �Suret�; in lieu of construction limitations. A Street imorovements: Pursuant t� SVMC (cod� # to be inserted�. .'trtet impruvemer�ts include sidewalks, draina�e, and a�pruac}�es. B. Non —Sireet Impro<<ements: In lieu of the completion of the actual construction of any required non-street unprovements prior to the approval of the final plat, short plat or binding site plan, the ��we C'ommt��lit1� Development Department may accept a��.�uret�� in an amount and with conditions satisfactory to the ��#� Depariment-a� � consistent with the provision of RCW 58.17.130, and the criteria listed below. Non-street improvements, ma�� includ�°, but i� nut linlit��cl tc�, fc:ncin��, l� lI1��SC�1�11I1�� . and trZilse ��e �. � 1. The improvements will be completed within one year of the date of final_-approval; � , > ; �2._ The applicant for the surei} �� does not have any outsianding improvements that have not been timely completed within other plats, short plats, or binding site plans within the City; � , . The suret�� is in the form of a ca�h savin�s assi�nment or irrevocable letter of� credit in an am��►uni of al le��st 125% of the cit� estimated value c�f th� c�utst�ndin<� ir (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.40.050 Phasing. I �1ny subdivision or binciin�► siie �l an may be developed in phases or increments. Phasing of short subdivisions or binding site plans is not pemutted. A master phasing plan shall be � submitted with the preliminary subdivision or bindin� site ��1:.�;_for approval by the department. The phasing plan may be approved by the director provided: Title 20 — Planning Commission Recommended Draft_ Poge 16. oj28 Janr�ary 20, 2009 A. `I�he phasing plan includes all land identified within the legal notice; B. The sequence of phased development is identified by a map; C. Each phase has reasonable public or private infrastructure to support the number �1� � dwelling units or propo�ed commercial or industrial development contained in that phasc; D. Each phase constitutes an independent planning unit with facilities, adequate circulatio��, ( and any requirements established for the entire subdivision ar binding site plan; and provided, that an}� nonfinali�ed P��rtion meets the minimum lot si�e �� the underl�•in�� 7�ne f�r the �r�P���ci use; and I E. Th� �a-��t���-���a�t�������.:�-------`'� �� _ _ , ��.— � --_ - �. �ipprv���s th� necessary documents so that all road improvement requirements are assured for that pha�� . A phasing plan may be amended following preliminary approval. Said plan ma` he appr����c�i ��cjr��ini�tr<�ti��el�� �rc���icl��d th�� ��i����e eritc.ri� are met. ((�re1. �7-�l �� 4. ?(1(17). Ti�le 10 — Plannin;: . ,,: . . �; , , �; . ,;.. . . . i - ., Jarrr�ary 20, 2009 Chapter 20.50 PRELIMINARY PLAT, SHORT PLAT, AND BINDING SITE PLAN ALTERATIONS Sections: 20.54.010 Applications. 20.50.020 Preliminary plat, short plat and binding site plan alterations — Notice, decision, fili.ng plan. 20.50.010 Applications. An application may be submitted for any proposed alteration to a preliminary plat, preliminary short plat or binding site plan. The application shall contain the signatures of the persons having an ownership interest in the plat or binding site plan. A preliminary plat altera�ion is classified as a Type II permit and shall be processed pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.50.020 Preliminary plat, short plat and binding site plan alterations — Notice, decision, filing plan. Aay request for a proposed modification to a preliminary short subdivision, su�idivision, or binding site plan which has received prelimi.aary approval shall be submitted to the departmeat. Any proposed modification which would amend conditions established administratively shall be circulated to affected agencies for review and comment. An amended decision or amended conditions of approval may be required based on comments received from affected agenc�ies. The director may waive formal processing if it is determined that the proposed modification would not have a substantial i.mpact on adjacent properties, or conditions of approval. This process shall not apply to amending site plans or conditions thereof established by a heari.ng body that would constitute a"chan�e of condition." Alterations may be approved by the director, if the director determines that the public use and interest will be served by the alteration. Following approval of an alteration, the applicant shall produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration which shall be signed by the director and filed with the City of Spokane Valle}� community development department. Anv nreliminar��lat Short plat or bindin� siie plan niteration proposed uncler thi� sectic�n shall be subiect to the requirements in C}la�tcr 20.34 and Cha�ter 20.40. Any proposed modification which would significantly amend conditions established by the hearing examiner shall be processed as a"change of conditions" pursuant to Chapter 20.60 SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). I Title 20 — Plonning Commission Recommended Draft Poge 18 of 28 January 20, 2009 i Cbapter 20.60 � FINAL PLAT� � SHORT PLAT., A�� � �� ,' : ,. , .,:.. ; - , ; : , . ALTERATIONS Secliun�: 20.6C►.0 1 l) .��pplicati��rl. 20.60.020 Final plat alterations -- Nuticc, public ll�aring decisi�n, f:ilin� re:yuire 20.60.030 Final short plat and bindin� site plan alterations —Notice, decision, filing requirements. 'l!1 �,�� �i.�(1 �, . ..� {,� �', t , t�. r....�`����:�1 1 (lf�: 1.� ;� I�;jii��r�� �1t�_ � 2U.60.010 Application. An application may bz submittcd for an}� proposed alterati�n t� a final plat-� final sliort Plst or final bindin� site plan. The application shall contain the signatures of the majority of those persons having an ovmership interest in lots, tracts, parcels, site or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion to be altered. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants whicl� �vere filed at the time of approval of the subdivision, and the application for alteration woulc� result in the violation of a covenant, the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the rele��� � covenants to accomplish the purpose of the vacation of the subdivision or binding site ��.jT�. vr portion thereof. A plat alteration is classified as a Type II perm.it unless a public hearing is requested pur�u��rlt to SVMC 20.b0.020 in wbich case the plat alteration shall be classified as a Type III pe� i t. Both permit types shall be processed pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC and in a manner consistent with RCW 58.17.215. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 200�. Anv plai short plat or binding sile plan alteration p.r_� ,._.. � , , ':� i, 'r ��,; � �..� �' i� :.� � �� �' � �,�. , ' the requirements in Ch�: � ' :� , � 20.6U.U2U �'inal plat alters�tions — Noticc, public he�ring, decisiuo, filing reyuirements. Upon receipt of a completed application for a final plat alteration, the department shall provicie notice of the application to all owners of property within the subdivision, publication in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper or trade journal, and to those owners of properiy within 400 feet of that portion of the plat proposed for alteration. The notice shall include a statement that a public hearing will not be required unless specifically requested within the time frame indicated below. If a public hearing is requested within 14 days of receipt of the notice, notice of the hearing shall be provided as is set forth in SVMC 17.80.120. Alterations to final plats may be approved if it is deterniined that t�ie public use and interest will be served by the alteration. Following approval of an alteration, the applicant shall produce a revised cirawing of the approved alteration of the final plat, which shall be signed by the director and filed with the Spokane C ount}� auditar �ffic� to become the la«�fiil plat of the property. (Ord. 07-�15 � 4, Zoo�}. Title 20 — Planning Commission Recommended Dra, fl_ Pagt' 1 y� f Zh' January 20, 2009 20.60.030 Final short plat anci hinc�ir�� �itt i�l:�n alterations — Notice, decision, filing requirements. ( Upon receipt of a completed application for a final short plat ��r hin�jirl<�T ��tt ��l.l�� alteration, the departrnent shall provide notice of the application to all owners of property withi.n ihe subdivision, publication in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper or trade joumal, � and to those owners of property adjacent to that portion of the short plat or binding site plan proposed for alteration. � Alterations to final short plats or bindin�: site plar�s may be approved by the director, if the director determines that the public use and interest will be served by the alteration. Following approval of an alteration, the applicant shall produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration of the final short plat �r bindin�j site plan, which shall be signed by the director and filed wzth the Spokaae County auditor's office to become the lawful plat � r h i n�l i n�� site lan of the property. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.60.044 Record of Sur�e�� to Establist� Luts withiii � 13indin� Sitc I'lan A record of survey m3y be filed subsequent to ihe recordin�of a final bindin� site �lan t�� establish lots within the boundaries of the final bindin� site plan. The record of surveS� shall t�� classified as a Tv�e I application and shall be revie�ved pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC anci a� rp oved bv the Director The following information shall be provided on the record of sun•����: A The binding site plan file number shall be referenced. B The scate shall be lifty�50) or one hundred (100) f�t to the inch tf anvrove� 1,}� the D'uector, an aparopriate scale may be used «�hich dc�e� nc�t e�ceed 1" = 200'��ro��ided �� 1"=400' reduced 81 /2" X 11" copy is providec� C A distinct �vide boundary line shall d��lineat� t�l�' Il�1�lIl�� of thc ic�t��) h� 'lil�' cr�at��l. 'I'he boundary of the binding site plan shall be indicated and anv lot(s) that have been created hv filin� of the final bindin� site plan and/or record of survev. D. Each lot shall be numhered c�ns�cuti��el�•. �iI1C� l�lf' �1"Lt' �f e�ch Ic+t �}�all l�� indicated on the record of survev � The location and ���idth; c�1� �tr���t�, alle���, ri;�l�t� an� eas���»e ���II�11I1 tlle' binding site plan and those existing immediatetv adiacent to the lot bein� created shall be sho�vn. F. Street names shall be shown. G. Street addresses shaU be shov� H Restrictions required as conditions of prelimic� �i��Pro��al sh ��ll l�c �h{��� I A,puropriate utilitv casements shall he shown. J CertificaUon of the professional land surveyar liccn�ed in the state ��f Washinti� K The follo�ving signatures are required on the record of surveY: 1 City of Spokane Vallev Communi Development Direcior 2. Citv of Spokanc V��ll �ti• l�e��el��►r»�nt �en•icts Senic�r F.n�iin��r 3. Propertv Owner L. Itlustrate anv existino builc�in��� l�_±��at�<l c�n th�� lr�t «}lich i� h�in�� rr��at�cl c�r altered. The llepartment shall recor�i a�pruved record oi� sur�•eys witll the Spokane Countv �luditor' �, Ot�ice and submit copies of th� recorded documents to the Spokane Count�• r'lsscssor's nCfir�. Ail fees f�r such rec�rdine shall he paid bv the a�licant�rior to recordint�. Title 20 — Planning Commission Recommended Draft_ Page 20_oj28 Jcrnuary 20, 2009 Chapter 20.70 PLAT VACATION Sections: 20.70.01 U Plat vacation — Application. 20.70.020 Plat vacation — Process. 20.70.010 Plat vacation — Application. An application may be submitted for ihe proposed vacation of part or all of a plat. "1'be application shall contain the signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites or division in the subject suhdivision or a portion to be vacatc�d. (Ord. 07-015 � 4, 2007). 20.70.020 Plat �•acation — Process. Vacation of a plat is classified as a Type III application. Upon submittal of a complete applicaiion for vacation of plat, the department shall process the plat vacation request pur�uant to I C'h���ter l 7.R� ��'��C' �nd in a manner consistent ��rith RC��' S8.17.Z12. (4rd. (17-015 $ 4, 2007). I Title 20 — Planning Commission Recommended Dra%t I'�7��' ' f�f '�S Jwruary 20, 2009 Chapter 20.80 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS/ELINIINATIONS Sections: 20.80.010 Scope. 20.80.020 Review process. 20.80.030 Application and dra«�ing rec�uirements. 20.80.040 Recordation. 20.80.010 Scope. Boundary line adjustments shall be a minor alteration in the locatio❑ of lot or parc;el boundaries on existing lots or�arcels. In this section lot shall mean a�,arcel of land haviil� f��c� Eioundnries described by reference to a recorded plat, a recorded bindin� site plan, bv metes an � bounds, or b�� scction. to��•nship, and ran�e, and he of sufticient area to meet minimum zonin�� requirements. The purpose of the boundary line elimination process is to remove interior lot v lines of a parcel comprised of two or more separate lots with contiguous ownership. Boundary line adjustments must be consistent with the followi.ng: A. Such alteration shall not increase the number of lots nor diminish in size open space or other protected environments; ( B. Such alteration shall not diminish the size of an}' lot so as to result in a lot_ of less sc�uar� footage than prescribed in the zoning regulations; C. Such alteration shall not result in a btiildin� s�tback vi�l�tit�i� or site coverage to less than prescribed by the zoning regulations_�r �rc���� �s r�,c�uired in ���rtic>>� 22.13U.03� �=uture �lcquisition Areas; and D. All lots resulting from the boundary line alterati�n shall be in conformance �4�ith the desien standards of this chapter. (4rd. 07-0 l 5§ 4, 2007 j. 20.80.020 Review process. Boundary line adjustments and eliminations are classified as "I'ype I applications and shall be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.80.030 Application and drawing requirements. Application for a boundary line adjustment or elimination shall he made on forms provided by the department and shall provide the following information: A. Existing Conditions Site Plan. Produce a to-scale site plan on an eight-and-one-half-inch by 11-inch sheet with one-inch margins on all sides showing the following information: 1. The e�usting dimensions and square footage of the existing property(ies) involved; � 2. The location and setbacks of any �ermanent improvements (i.e., structures, septic systems, etc.) from all properiy lines; � 3. The identificati�n. location and dimension of all access and utility easements; and 4. The location, dimensions and names of public and��or private streets abutting the property(ies), ar 5 N�rt}1 t����'�,,1. ���_1 �,_����� ��;,,I! l±; ����1:�;i. I Tit1e 20 — Plan�aing Commission Recommended Drrrf?_ Pa�e 22_of 2�Y Januar�� 20, ZOU9 B. Proposed AdjustmenvEluni.nation Site Ylan. Produce a tu-scale plan on an eight-and-one- half-inch by 11-inch sheet with one-inch margins on all sides showing the following informat i c� �� : � 1. The location and setbacks of any �erman�nt improvements (i.e., structures, septic systems, etc.) after the proposed bouadary line adjustment or elimination from the new pr����c�r<< lines; � 2. The identi f cation, location and dimension of any access or utility easements aft �� r � 1-� ;� proposed boundary line adjustment or elunination; 3. The location, dimensions and names of public and/or private streets .� h� 1 t i i T, :-� �::�� property(ies) af�er the proposed boundary line adjustment or elimination; and 4. Indicate e�- the existin� property lines tu be reviscc� w7th a dashed i:.� ,:�;�� :i_�� ;:-.-�.- proposed property lines with a solid line if apalicable, and :. 5. North arro�v and scale shall be noted. C. On a separate sheet of paper (eight and one-half by 11 inches) a writien legal des� ���;,� ������ for the existing parcel(s) and the proposed adj usted or eliminated ; � � : : �_ L ' � � � �.��� � � ! � � �� - � =� � � � �� � �- margi.ns on all sides. D. One copy each of all involved property owners' recorded de�.�±� �crit}�iii� �urr� ownership of the subject property(ies). E. If avaalable, submit a copy of an original plat for t�ie subject property. A cop�� of �eneral land oft�ice plat is not requir�d. F. A record of swrvey of the property shall be completed for boundary line adjustments to sho�v distarlces from the existine im�rovements to the ne�v prouertY line. . e survey must be completed by a Professional Land Ssurveyor licensed in tlie state of Washington. (Ord. 07-0 l S § 4, 2007). 20.80.040 Recordation. The departrnent shall record approved boundary line adjustments and eliminations with the Spokane County auditor's office aad submit copies of the recorded documents to the Spokane County assessor's office. All fees for such recording shall be paid by the applicant prior to " recording. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). � Ti11e 20 — Planning Commission Recomnrended Dr�. �. _' � �. : � .'-� � -� ' ` Jarnuuy 20, 2009 Appendix A Definitions � Proposed Amendment: Add defmitions for Professional Land Surveyor and Lot width, average to Appendix A: Ti�le 20 — Planning Commission Recommended DrQft Page 24 of 28 Ja�ruary 20, 2009 Lot �vidlh aveca "Avera lot wi�tt�" means the sum af the len bth vr th� f�ror�t and rear lot line divideJ � two 1n the c.ese of irr� gularty sha�ped lots having four or more sides, "avecaQe tot width" is the sum_ �f� the length of two li�� �. c1r����r� c��'r�>c�n� t�� c,r;e �3!_t17e «�ide;t �.nd r.arr�����e�t «�ci� c�f the - — - - - --- -- -- _____ -- --- - - - -- - -- - �'-- . -- lo divided b� t���, �� Professional Lanu �►���t���r �'� l �il� Sl1I�C�C�C �I��fi��'�; Ifl I���C �(alL i:t `� �:�hll;�i�';�� ll1'�ic�� l�t �,�� ��.-� ` �`}; , i_s quali_ficd h�� ex�mination and or experience to_�ractice in the_field of land survevin�. . T ��1Q��—P�Q�/Il�, l��%1�:P:11.�:%)!i fiC'�'i�lll�)1;'11;1�.!i j.li':i�l �'�', ° ���' �' JamuDy 20, 2009 Table 17.80-1 Permit Type and Land Use Application � Proposed Amendment: Add Record of Survey to Establish Lots within a Binding Site Plan and Plat � Vacation to the table. Title 20 — Pla»ning Commission Recommended Draft Page 26 of 28 Jonuary 20, 2009 17.80.030 Assignment of development application classification. A. Assignment by Table. Land use and deve{opment appiications shall be classified pursuant to the following table: Table 17.80-1 — Permit Type and Land Use Application Type Land Use and Development Application SVMC Cr�s Reference Accessory dwelling units 19.40.100 Administrative determinations by community development director, public works Multiple director, or building official Administrative exception 19.140 Administrative interpretation 17.50.010 Boundary line adjustments and eliminations 20.80 Home occupation permit 19.40.140 � Record of SurveY to Estabiish Lots within a Bindinq Site Pian 20.60.040 TYPe � Right-of-way permits 22.130.060 Shoreline permit exemption (dock permit) 21.50 Site plan review 19.130 Temporary use permit 19.160 Time extensions for preliminary subdivision, short subdivision or binding site 20.30.060 pfan Floodplain development 21.30 Building pennits not subject to SEPA 21.20.040 Grading permits 24.50 Binding site plan — Preliminary and final 20.50 Binding site plan — Change of conditions 20.50 Wireless oommunication facilities 22.120 Subdivision — Final 20.40 Type II plat alterations — Final 20.60 SEPA threshold determination 21.20.060 Preliminary short subdivision, binding site plan — Change of conditions 20.30 Shoreline substantial development perm'rt 21.50 Short subdivision — Preliminary and final 20.30, 20.40 Conditional use permits 19.150 Subdivisions — Preliminary 20.30 T ��� Variance 19.170 YPe Preliminary subdivision — Change of conditions 20.50 Zoning map amendments (site-specific rezones) 19.30.030 � Plat Vacation 20.70.020 Ti11e 20 — Plcmning Commission Recommended Draf?_ Poge 27 of Z8 Jom�ary 20, 2009 Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments (text andlor map) 17.80.140 �V Area-wide zoning map amendments 17.80.140 Development code text amendments 17.80.150 B. Assignment by Director. Land use and development applications not defined in SVMC Table 17.80- 1 shall be assigned a type by the director, unless exempt under SVMC 17.80.040. When one or more prooedure may be appropriate, the process providing the greatest opportunity for public notice shall be foilowed. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Tide 20 -1'lanning Commission Recommended Draft_ Page 28_of 28 Jamcary 20, 2009 Title 20 Updatc Explanation Table of Proposed Changcs Ci Council Mcctin — Janua 20, 2009 � 20.20 G�neral Provisions 20.20.020 Thc exemption clause eliminates the city's suthority to review specific Establish a simplified ceview process thai allows the city to Exemptions land divisions; however the city should review certain land divisions to review divisions associated with condominiums, insure that the division will not result in the creation of a lot that dces condemnadons, acquisition for public right of way or other not meet minimum requirements for that zone. public purpose, and divisions for electric utility companies to ensure that new Iots mect minimum re uiremeats. Legal Omits the word City as seen in 20.20.030.A and 20.20.030.B Tnsert the wotd City so that it mimics the language in the �� previous sections. 20.20.060 Vertical Correct the verticnl datum reference. Change reference to North American Vertical Datum datum. AVD 20.20.070 Due to the placement of concrete sidewalks and curU, the requirement to Clarify that monumentation is required by City constructions Monumentation. place iron at the corner may bc dif�icult to achieve. The question of standards and eliminate the specific reference to using an what consists of a permanent monument has also been a point of iron rod or iron pipe as the only method of permanent ar ment. monumentation. 20.20.090.B.1 Side Some sites may have conditions such as views or topography where it Create a flexible option that allows the side lot lines to be lot lines may make it desirable to establish side lot lines olher than perpendicular less than perpendicular to the street right-of-way. to the right of way. However, lot lines that deviate from perpendicular to a t extent can create accass roblems. 20.20.090.B.2 LSAW has raised the issue and requested a larger radius at the corner. Fstablish a standard for property lines at corner lots that Development Engineering is concerned that improvements be located addresses the intersection of arterial sb�eets, and the potential within the right of way or border easement The border easement allows need for traffic tight infrastructure or signage, with an ar� for a greater area to be included within the lot, and also insures thai the rather than a straight line. See the graphic in the ordinance. e is maintained. 20.20.090.B.2.c The reference to low density residential development appears vague. The Replace low density development language with single and issue is that single family nnd two-famity corner lots need to be greater two-family reference to clarify when the width increase is in width to accommodate the two street fronta e setbacks. re ired. 20.20.090.B.3.c. Lot The average width calculation is not defined, nor how the average widlh Provide Average width calculafion in the definitions Depth is calculated when thcre is an anglc point in the sidc line of thc lot? appcndix. Lot width, averagc. "Average lot width" means the sum of the length of the front and rear lot line divided by two. in the case of irregutarty shaped lots having four or more sides, "average lot width" is the sum of the length of two lines, drawn dicular to one side line at the widcst City Counci! Meeting — Ja�ruan� 20, 2009 Pa�e 1 of 6 and narso�vest ortions of ihe lot, divi�ed b t�vo. 20.20.090C.1 IIlock The block length is inconsistent with tfie new street standards proposed. Insert language that requires consistency with Street Len h All standards should be in the ado ted Street Standards. Standards. 20.20.090.C.2. Block The language does not allow for the numbering of the Blocks and lot Replace "alphabetical" with numerical" and include lots. Labelin . numberin is not mentioned 20.20.090.C.3 Street The street alignment criteria does not reference the adopted Street Insert Street Standards, Comprehensive Plan and Areas Alignment Standards, Comprehensive Plan or Future Acquisition Areas as design identified in section 22.130.035 Future Acquisition Areas as considerations. items tn be cansiderecl in street ali ment. 20.20.090.D The code allows a"shadow" plat to be required if lots 1 acre or greater tnsert language that notes that the drawing shall be bind'mg are being established, but does not identify to what extent the drawing to the extent that future structures may not be ptaced within will be binding. The issue is to insure that development does not the setback area from the future right of way. pr�clude the eactension of streets planned for in the adopted arterial and local access street master lan. 20.20.090. F Lot Private driveways require an easement. Clarify text to cal) out private driveway easement. Every lot A �� shall have direct access to a paved public street, private street, or an ensement for a rivate drivewa easet�en� 20.20.090.G Access The code dces not require alleys to be improved prior to filing of the insert alleys into the list of access improvements required 1m rovements final lat �s art of the access im rovements. rior ta lat recordin . 20.20.090.M The code omits border easements from the list of where underground Include barder easements as an area where underground utilities can be located. utilities ma be located. 20.20.110 (New The code does not provide the metfiod to subdivide attached single- Tnsert provisions that allow attached single family short plais section proposed — family dwellings unless they are part of a planned unit development with and subdivisions as well as alterations. Attached single a minimum site si�.e of 5 acres. famil subdivision Pr�ellmina Short Subdjvislons Subdlvlsions and Bindin Site Plans Inconsistent with tnble 17.80-2 and section 17.80.O8Q.E3 Pre-application Create consistency by modifying the text to require a pre-ap 20.30.010 Conference which require.s applicant to schedule a pre-ap unless the for a short plat or binding site plan, similar to a subdivision, A lication Director waives the requirement as allowed in 17.80.080.C. unless the Director waives the requirement. 1. and 2030.020.A.6 Spokane County Assessor's Map. 1. Add language to reflect that the public notice packet 20.30.020.A Cwre�t practice is to request the map and public notice packet once the include the assessor's map and title company's search current Maps and applicadon has been determined to be complete. The process has been within 60 days of the appiicadon submittal date, and notify Exhibits utilized to insure that the applicant does not have to pay twice for the the applicant that if it takes longer than 60 days to receive a title company's search if it takes longer than 30 days for the application complete application, a new packet will be required. to be determined complete. 2. Include the legal description on the preliminary plat. 2. 20.30.020..4 Legal Description. The legal description does not need Remove teut from exhibit section and require as item to be to be an e�chibit, but could be included on the lat. shown on the lat. Citv Coiincil Meeting — Jorruury 20, 2009 Pa�e 2 of 6 3. Electronic file. Since this is a preliminary submitial, the 3. Climinate requirement to provide electronic files at the informatioa supplied may be nf little or no value to the City. Most preliminary ptat stage. Ru1e suspended by emerKency developers and surveyors would be doing the minimum amount of work ordinance. to get to the point of preliminary submittal. Once approved they would then proceed with getting the compiete and accurate information onto 4. Ciarify that SEPA may be required for a short plat under the map. spccific circumstances. 4. SEPA review is required for a subdivision and BSP and 5. Insert a requirement to provide a plat certificate ai sometimes required for a Short Plat if the grading, filling, or excavation preliminary plat stage. greater d►an S00 cubic yards occurs. 5. (New 20.30.02U.�A plat certificate is not requir�d at thc preliminary review stage. The plat certificaie provides informatian to the reviewers at the preliminary stage that identifies issues that should be considered in determinin conditions of a roval. 20.30.020.II 1. 20.30.020.B.3 State law requires the section, township, range and 1. Insert "quarter-quarter" text Preliminary short quarter quarter of the section information on all surveys. subdivision, 2. Eliminate the text from this section and move to subdivision or 2. 20.30.020.B.* Written narrafive. The written narrative should not be contents of applicallon section as a separate exhibit. binding site plan data shown on the plat, but a separate e�chibit. (to be included on 3. Clarify the scale and identify what is to be shown. the preliminary short 3. 20.30.020.B.5 Vicinity Map. The requirement dces not stipulatc a plat, plat or binding scale or extent. 4. Inciude border easements in ]ist of easements requir�d site plan). to be shown on p�eliminary pla� 4. 20.30.020.B.10 The code does not identify border easements as required to be shovm at preliminary plat sta�e. Border easements are 5. Insert language that requires flood hazard areas to bc known prior to submittal and are useful to the review process in order to shown. assess adequate buildable area of the lo� 6. Identify when contour information is to be shown and 5. 20.30.020.B.12 The code does not require flood hazard areas to be at what intervals, and eliminate the requirement that a land shown on the preliminary piat as part of the natural features required to surveyor must provide the data be shown. 7. Eliminate repetitive language from site data tablc and 6. 20.30.020.B.14 Topographic infonnation. This seems to imply that request only information not shown elsewherc on the plat. there is a requirement for topographic information (collected by a surveyor) on flat ground. Land surveyors have requested that other 8. Eliminate Boundary Points and high accuracy standard to o h sources be allowed re uirement at relimina lai sta e. Sus ended City Corincil Meeting — Jamtary 20, 2009 Puge 3 ojfi � ' emer,����lcy ordincmcc�. 7. 20.30.020.B.15 Site Data Table. Some of the information requested (lot area and frontage) in this table is usually shown in the map portion of the preliminary plat and will be repeated here. 8. 20.30.020.B.16 Boundary points for corners. This paragraph appears to require that boundary determination nnd corners are set prior to preliminary submittai. Boundary corners and interior carners are typically not sct until thc final plat is submitted. Ncarby Uuildings or large trees may prevent the use of GAS on the boundary corners. This paragraph will also prevent a surveyor that does not usc GPS from submitting any work to the City. The accuracy standards sighted are very high and will require significant ef'fort by the surveyor. These requirements may even be stricter than the GPS work done by Spokane Coun en ineerin De t. rior to Ci inco oration. Flnal Short Subdfvfsfons Subdivisions and Blndin Sjte Plans 20.40.O10.B.4 National CAD standards will require a level of oversight by the City to Add language that requires the e{ectronic files to be provided Electronic file enstne thai they will be getting what is requireci. These standards would us a pd� tiff, or bitrnap at the time the mylars are provided, submittal add another level of effort for most surveyors and would increa.�e costs. and eliminate the unnecessary references to CAD standards. It is believed that most electronic work is considered protected by Suspended by emergency ordin�rce. copyright laws. This will also prevent a surveyor that does not use CAD from submitting any work to the City. Staff note: the electronic files have no value until they are in the final form, and no further chan es will be made. 20.40.010.C.8. Plat The last line seems to contradict item 6 in that segment and item 20.40.010.C.8. Plat boundary and street center �en��e� boundary and street 20.20.090-B.1 DEA suggests adding the clarification language on the lines having c�rves shall show radius, arc, central angle and monument lines; right. tangent for each curve and radial bearings where curve is intersected by a non-tangent line. Spira) curves shall show two snirsl carve elements in addition to the chord bcarin and len ; 20.40.010.C.9 Radial No requirement to show radial bearings for lot corners that are at the lnsert language to require radial bearings at lot corners. Bearin be innin or endin of a tan ent curvc. 20.40.O10.C.11. Ele Clevation bench mark. It is unclear in this title when permanent bench Eliminate the requirement for elevations to be shown, or vations marks are required. require that elevations only be shovm on plats within the airport hauard overlay zone. DEA suggests eliminating the requircment for elevation benchmark.s. However, there nr be some volue wfren lhe ro e is located in the City Council Meeting — Jam�ary 20, 2009 Page 4 of 6 air or� hnzard overlay aone. 20.40.010.C.12. Net Net area. How does this "net area for each platted lot exclusive of the Clarify that the net area must meet the minimum lot area for area right of way" ai�'ect lots that have their ovmership up to the centerline of that zAning district Tl�is would require thut a charrge also be a private driveway or privatc lane? Is there "right of way" for lots that made within the residential development standards in 19.40. own u to the centcrline of a rivate lane? 20.40.O10.C.13. Bou Boundary Points far corners. Similar cvmments have been made above. Change the reference point to be the current control network ndary points As this informaiion has becn asked for at the time of t6e preliminary plat as estsblished by the Spokane County GPS control project submittal, this wouid appear to be redundant. What requirements are and that coordinate system. The control{ing points used by thereof for the map of the control system? An expert in GPS this subdivision shall be indicated on the map. This section measurement may be needed to review to ensure that this requirement is was suspended by emergency ordinance in its en�irety so that being me� This paragraph will also prevent a surveyor that does not use plats cor�ld he recorded. The propased language becanes a GPS Gom submittin an work to the Ci . new insertion inlo the code. 20.40.020 Contents The reference to city standnrds for road constrvction is unclear. All Eliminate city standards for mad eonstruction and insert any of final plat standards will be in the adopted street standards, so the reference should applicable city standards. be to all a licable c' standards. State law currently requircs the section, township, range and quarter Add quart�r-quarter text er of the section infarmation on all surve s. Lan a e in arenthesis is redtmdant Eliminate redundant lan ua e 20.40.020.G. layout, Block Numbers. This secros to contradict 20.20.090.C.2 Clarify that block numbers or letters may be used. lot and block numbers 20.40.020.M Notarized certification. currently titled as an "Acknowledgement" on the 20.40.020.M A notarized certification, and Notarized plat? If a dedication is occurring to a benefactor other tfian the city, i.e. Acknowledeement by the ownec(s) and beneficiary it other certification open space, etc. an acknowledgement by the benefactor of the property than the citv as shown on a curnent plat certiiicate shall be may be required. provided dedicating streets, areas intended for other public usc, and tin of easements for slo and utilities. 20.40.020.N Land Surveyors have pointed out that the certification should be Insert text which indicates the RCW. consistent with RCW 58.09. Final Public works is not required to sign. Eliminate public works and r�plac� with Development approval signatures Services Senior Engineer; eliminate water district and fire Water urv or and fire d artment are also not ' d to si ? d ent as uired si atures. Insert 20.40.035 Add recordation language to make applicant aware that recording t'ces are 20.40.035 Recordntion. The department shall record approved Recordation required to be paid by applicunt short plats, subdivisions, tind binding site plans with the Spoknne County auditor's office and submit copics of the recorded documents to the Spokane County assessor's office. All fees for such recording shall be paid by the applicant prior to recordin . City Council A�leetinA — Januarv 20. 2009 Page S of 6 1 ' 20.40.040 R�nd in Existing bond criteria is too consiraining. �stablish ilcxil�le critcria that Insert lanbua�,e tf��it allc��v� non-street im�rovc;ments to be lieu of construction allows the developer to bond for non stYeet improvements prior to finAl bonded for, but removes the crileria to bond for street plat approval. Bonding for streeett improvements is included in the rewrite improvements. Street improvements may be bonded for of the street standards curnently being reviewed by Development consistent with the guidelines within the Community Engineering. Bonding for stneet improvements should be coosistent with Standards, currently under construction by the Development the strcet standards. En ineerin Division. 20.40.050 Phasin The code docs not allow hasin for a[iSP, onl for a subdivision. lnclude lan a e that allows BSP to be hased. Final Plat and Short Plat Alterattons 20.60.030 Final IiSP's are not addressed in the alteration section. Add Binding Site Plan to the alteration process. BSP are a short plat alterations type II process so they are included with the provisions to alter a short pla� Also make changes to title, and appl ication ara h (20.60.010 20.60.040 - New Binding site plans are intended to be flexible alternatives to platting. Establish section 20.40.064 which allows a record of survey section Since BSP's are processed tl�e same as a short plat the city would like to to be used to create new lots within a binding site plan. The establish a less time constraining review process to allow changes within review and approval process would be categorized as a Type I the boundaries of a recorded binding site plan. permit with a 30 day review and approval Nme limit. Item may need to be movcd to the plat alteration section for fee purposes. T�tle I 7 sHould be umended to include BSP recoid ojsurvey as a e I a IicQtlon. Plat Vacation 20.70.U20 Plat The text notes that a plat vacation is classified as a type III application. Tttle 17should he amended to lnclude pla� vaeatlon as a Vacation Proc.ess However, Tit{e 17, table 17.80-1 does not list a plat vacation as a Type ITi type I7l appllcatlon. rocess. Bounda Line Ad'ustments/Eliminations 20.80.010. The scope section for a BI.A does not adequately identify that the process Provide a definiNon of lot that specifically notes that the lot in can not be used to create a buildable lot out of a non-buildable lot; and question must be of a sufficient area to meet minimum zoning the criteria to approve a BLA currently addresses zoning setbacks, but requirements; and eacpand the approval criteria for setbacks to does not identif setbncks from future ac uisitions areas. reference future ac uisition areas. 20.80.030.B.4 It appears that proposed property lines are required for both a BLA and Clarify that a proposed property line is only required if Elimination. n licable, which it would be for a BLA. 20.80.030.� Record of survey. It now appears that a Record of Survey will be Clarify that a record of survey is only required for a BLA in uired for all Bounda Linc Ad'ustments or Gliminations. section 20.80.030.r City Cor�ncil MeetinR — January 20, 2009 Page 6 of 6 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of January 14, 2009; 2:30 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings �Vlondav, Januarv;26, 2009: �Special�Stiidy Se"ssionineetin�, 6 p.m., City Hall_Council Chambers New Employee Introductions. 1Vate Peterson, Legal Intern; Sprague-Appleway Revitaliza.tion Plan Januarv 27, 2009, Re�ular Meetin� 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Jan 19] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Amended 2009 TIP — Steve Worley [ 15 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. Proposed Resolution Amending 2009 TIP — Steve Worley [5 minutes] 4. Proposed Resolutions Restricting Parking — Inga Note [5 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: CenterPlace Food Services Contract — Mike Stone - [ 10 minutes] - - 6. Motion Consideration: Poe Street & Stormwater Contract Renewal — Neil Kersten [5 minutes] 7. Motion Consideration: District Court Contract — Cary Driskell [10 minutes] S. Admin Report: Street Vacation STV 04-08 — Micki Harnois [10 minutes] � 9. Admin Report: City Hall Design Services — Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 10. Admin Report: GMA Interlocal Amendment — Mayor Munson [20 minutes] 11. Admin Report: Transportation Project Funding — Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 12. Admin report. Speed Limit Changes — Inga Note [20 minutes] 13. Info Only: Department Reports ['�estimated meeting: 145 minutes] February 3 2009, Studv Session 6:00 p.m. (due date Monday, Jan 26] SARP — Final Deliberations (this meeting dedicated to SARP only) Februarv 10, 2009, Re�ular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Feb 2] 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes, GMA Interlocal Amendment (tentative) [5 minutes] 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Title 17, App A— Lori Barlow [10 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, subdivision reg. Title 20 — Lori Barlow [10 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance for Street Vacation — Micki Harnois [10 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: City Hall Design Services—Neil Kersten [15 minutes] 6. Admin Report: 2008 Accomplishments Report — Mike Jackson [30 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Transportation Project Funding — Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 8. Info Only: City Hall Lease Extension — Ken Thompson [*estimated meeting: 90 mioutes] Februarv 17, 2009 No Meetin� Council attends Legislative Action Conference in Olympia, Feb 18 & 19 Mondav, Fiebruarv:23, 2009, 1:30 - 4:30 u:m. Special Meeting w/Spokane Co. Meeting Location: Spokane County HR Dept Training Room, Main Floor, 1229 W Mallon Ave. Topic: Wastewater Treatment Plant Financing and Remaining Capacity Februarv 24, 2009, Re�ular Meeting 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, Feb 16] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, Title 17, Appendix A Amendments — Lori Barlow [10 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, subdivision regs, Amendment (title 20}- Lori Barlow [10 minutes] 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance for Street Vacation — Micki Harnois [10 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Capital Project Design for Stimulus — Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 6. Admin Report: City Hall Lease Extension — Ken Thompson [20 minutesJ 7. Info Only: Department Reports �- [*estimated meeting: 65 minutes] DraR Advance Agenda 1/14/2009 2:36:09 PM . Page 1 of 3 March 3, 2009, Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Feb 23] 1. Computer Tablet Training — Greg Bingaman [45 minutes] March 10, 2009, Regular Meetin� 6:00 p.m. [due date Mo�day, March 2] 1 Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutesJ 2. Motion Consideration: City Hall Lease Extension — Ken Thompson [ 10 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Bid Award Mission Park — Mike Stone [ 10 minutes] [*estimated meeting: minutes] March 17, 2009: No Meedn� Council attends National League of Cities, Congressional City Conference, held in Washington, D.C. March 14 - 18, 2009. March 24, 2009 Re�ular Meetin� 6:00 p.m. 'CENTERPLACE, 2426 N Discovery Rd [due Mon, March 16] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: SARP — Scott Kuhta [90 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes �5 minutes] 3. Info Only. Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 95 minutes] March 31, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [dae date Mond�y, March 23J 1. Admin Report: Comp Plan Amendments — Mike Basinger • [30 minutes] A�ril 7, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, March 30] 1. Resolution Amending Resolution 03-040, Banking Authority — Ken Thompson [10 minutes] Apri114, 2009, Re�ular Meetin�, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Apri16] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Comp Plan — Mike Basinger [20 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend Comp Plan (SARP Book I) — Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend UDC/Adopt Subarea Plan & Map (Book II) - Scott Kuhta [30 min] [*estimated meeting: 75 minutes] Apri121, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, April ].3] Apri128, 2009, Re�ular Meetin�, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Apri120] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Comp Plan — Mike Basinger [ l 5 minutesa 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend Comp Plan (SARP Book I) — Mike Connelly [ 15 minutes] 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend UDC/Adopt Subarea Plan & Map (Book II) — S Kuhta [30 min] 5. Proposed Resolution Adopting Subarea Plan Book III: City Actions — Mike Connelly [20 minutes� 6. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 85 mioutes] Mav 5, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, April 27] May 12, 2009, Re�ular Meetin�, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, May 4] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes) (*estimated meeting: minutes] Mav 19, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, May 1l,] 1. Street Standards Update — John Hohman/Gloria Mantz (20 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 1/14/2009 2.36:09 P1Vr - Page 2 of 3�� May 26, 2009, Re�ular Meetin�, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, May 18] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Info Only: Department Reports June 2, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, May 26] June 9, 2009, Regular Meetin�, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 1] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] June 16, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 8] June 23, 2009, No Meeting Council attends AWC Conference June 23-27 in Spokane June 30, 2009, Special Regular Meetin� 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 22] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Info Only: Department Reports OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMiNG ISSUESlN�ETINGS _ _ _ _ _ _ � Accessory Dwelling Units (Ord 08-006 modification) City Center Report to Council City Hall Sales Purchase Agreement Community Survey, 2009 Comp Plan Qrtrly Update (April, July, Oct, Jan) Comp Plan Update/UGA/JPA Concurrency East Gateway Monument Structure # Governance Manual Hearing Examiner Rules Impact Fee Request Central Valley School District IT Specialist Classification Resolution Joint Meeting w/City of Spokane Council (possrble topics waste water challenges, munrccpal court challenges, regional transportation planning/solut�ons, GMA policies & tmplementation) Northeast Housing Solutions City Membership # Overweight/over size vehicle ordinance (2009) Parks & Recreation Maintenance Renewal Contract Parks & Recreation Aquatics Contract Renewal Panhandling Ordinance Residential Lighting Road Winter Weather Assessment Solid Waste System (May, 2009) Splashdown Agreement Strategic Transportation Financial Plan — Dave Mercier Street Standards Schedule Surplus Items — Ken Thompson (June 2009) Training on Electronic Public Records Transportation Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish ord.; (b) set public hearing; (c) draft resolution; (d) ballot language Transportation Impacts UDC Code Amendments Title 24 Grading Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) [# Awaiting action by others; * Does not include time for public comments.] Draft Advance Agenda 1/14/2009 2:36:09 PM Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply� ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing � information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Alternative Winter Road Maintenance Services Provider � GOVERNING LEGISLATION: � � PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Staff is working to secure winter road maintenance services with a starting date of October 15, 2009. Attached is the initial progress report related to procurement of those services. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information Only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson/Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS Information Memo Re; Alternatives for Winter Road Maintenance Services �� TY okane p Valle � � 11707 E 5 ra ue Ave Suite 106 ♦ S okane Valle WA 99206 P � P Y 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org emoran um To: City Council; Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Date: January 13, 2009 � - � - " " - Re: Alternatives for Winter Services Pursuant to City Council authorization to develop an alternatives analysis for winter road services, staff has initiated discussion and research. The decision of December 9, 2008 by the Spokane Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to terminate the Interlocal Agreement for Road Maintenance Services coupled with the effective termination date of October 15, 2009, has placed the City in an emergency situation to secure services for the winter of 2009/2010. Due to the short timeframe and critical nature of winter road ma.intenance and the potentially injurious circumstances if a contract is not secured, staff is recommending the following approach. First, the City would meet with Spokane County and propose the development of a Three-Year Transition Plan. Due to the critically short timeframe, these discussions will need to take place as soon as they can be arranged. If the City proposal of a Th,ree-Year Transition Plan is not successful, staff would focus immediately on a Short Term Action Plan for emergency procurement of winter road services for the 2009/2010 winter. Concurrently, work would begin on the Long Term Action Plan to secure a long-term contract (or other alternative) beginning in the winter of 2010/2011. The contract for services for winter maintenance actually includes a group of services extending well beyond winter road maintenance. The services "bundled" in the cancelled contract include: • Deicing • Snow Plowing • Tree Clearing • Emergency Callout • Sign Maintenance • Signal Maintenance • Traffic Striping/Crosswalks A review of the recorded discussion of the BOCC meeting indicates they may be interested in continuing the signal maintenance component of the contract. However, the letter of December 16, 2008 from Spokane County re: Termination of Interlocal Agreement for Road Maintenance Services does not make mention of this possibility. Sta.ff believes the development of a new contract for signalization should be considered. The options could include contracting with Spokane County or reversing the terms of the contract wherein the City would take over signalization, hire staff and contract with Spokane County to provide signalization services to the County. Currently, staff does not know if contracting with the County is also a viable option for tree clearing, emergency callout, sign maintenance, signal maintenance or traffic striping/crosswallcs. Therefore, the first step is to contract Spokane County to clarify their intent on the range of services included in the existing Interlocal Agreement. A. Three-Year Transition Plan � � This is a similar timeframe as outlined in the 2006 Interlocal Agreement for Road Services with Spokane County. The Three-Year Transition Plan would outline activities by year that the City would transition from Spokane County to other providers. This would provide the City and the County the opportunity to transition at a measured pace and provide the time to fully develop and explore alternative plans to meet the City's needs. B. Short Term Action Plan If the City is unsuccessful in developing a Three-Year Transition Plan with Spokane County, staff recommends a t�vo phase approach comprised of a Short Term Action Plan ar�d a Long Term Action Plan. The most pressing issue is the development of a winter maintenance services contract for 2009/2010. Possible contract options identified by staff include: • Develop a one year interim contract with Spokane County for 2009/2010. This discussion Spokane County has not occurred. Due to known County experience and equipment, staff recommends the County as the preferred interim provider. • Develop a one year interim contract with Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Note: WSDOT has already indicated they do not have capacity to expand their plowing operations. • Development of a one year interim contract with the City of Spokane. Staff has requested if the City of Spokane would consider providing winter snow plowing service but have not received a response. • Develop a one year interim emergency contract with a private provider. C. Long Term action Plan To reiterate, staff feels it would be extremely difficult to put a long term plan in place by the winter of 2009/2010. First, the bid process will be complex and the timeframe will not allow for re-bid if the City is not successful on the first attempt. Secondly, the capital investment by the successful bidder would be significant. It is doubtful that the successful bidder could order and receive the specified equipment in time for the 2009/2010 winter season. Some equipment, such as private road graders appears to be in sufficient supply in our region. However, snowplows, sanders/deicers and specialized graders for arterials will most likely require a significant � acquisition timeframe. Possible long term contract options which are proposed to begin in 2010/2011 include: • Spolcane County, WSDOT or City of Spokane. The feasibility of these potential providers to reconsider/consider on a long-term term contract is unknown at this time. They are listed as entities able to perform winter services. - • - Private contract. � - � � � � • In-house operation o In-house operation + private contract for plowing residential areas. o Full in-house operation ■ In-house operations require purchase or lease of buildings, equipment and the hiring of crews. • Equipment Storage/Maintenance Facility • Site for material storage for de-icer/sand/gravel ■ Related Summer Work • Sweeping • Small pothole repair • Storm water maintenance and repair • Vactoring • Shoulder repair • Gravel roads • Mowing/weed control • Other misc. street repairs • Other various contract and lease options depending on how state law will allow us to procuxe services. ' Summary Staff recommends discussion with Spokane County to determine feasibility of a Three-Year Transition Plan or a 1 Year Interim exclusive contract. Staff will await further direction before engaging in this discussion with the County. Staff also recommends discussion with the County to determine the feasibility of renewing a contract for other services proposed to be cancelled i.e. tree clearing, emergency callout, sign maintenance, signal maintenance and traffic striping/crosswalks. If an unforeseen opportunity to move directly to a long-term solution is identified, staff will investigate. Staff will also proceed with preliminary discussions wit� WSDOT and City of Spokane to determine if they are interested and/or able to provide services on an interim basis for 2009/2010 winter beginning in October 2009. A qualified consultant is recommended to assist staff in assessing options preparing plans and bid packages. Staff has been researching consultants and has identified a limited number for preliminary discussion. Staff will continue fact finding and general discussion with consultants. Other tasks include identifying details of short- tem and long-term procurement process (the City attorney is currently working on this) and identifying potential City funds available for capital purchases and/or leases for equipment and facilities. Attachments: Interlocal Agreement for Road Maintenance Services _ _ _ Letter, December 16, 2008, Re: Termination of Interlocal Agreement for Road Maintenance Services in the City of Spokane Valley (January 1, 2006 — December 31, 2006) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing � information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Stormwater Stimulus Project List GOVERNING LEGISLATION: _ _ . _ - . - - - - PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Attached is the list of Stormwater projects submitted to Greater Spokane Inc Water Resources and Clean Water Committee for the Economic Stimulus Task Force as requested in the attached e-mail. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS E-mail from GSI, Project list From: Bruce D. Williams [mailto:bwilliams@geoengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:35 AM To: brawls@spokanecounty.org; rlindsay@spokanecounty.org; tableman@cityofcheney.org; doug.busko@ch2m.com; Dave Mercier; bstclair@cawh.org Cc: Robin Toth Subject: Economic Stimulus Task Force - Water Resources and Clean Water All, Thank you for partiapating in the Water Resources and Clean Water Committee for the Economic Stimulus Task Force If possible, let's plan to meet during the week of January 5 to identify and prioritize potential water-related pro�ects to include on the Economic Stimulus Task Force list, the emphasis will be to list pro�ects that will create jobs Pro�ects should include those short-term shovel-ready projects (completed w�thin 120 days) and pro�ects that can be designed, bid and constructed within 2 years 1Ne should plan to finalize this list by January 9�', which will be compiled by Greater Spokane Inc Please indicate when you are available during the week of January 5� and if you prefer to meet in person or via conference call If you cannot attend, please send me a list of your pro�ects, including pro�ect name, approximate cost, and estimated number of �obs created if you can think of others that can contribute to this committee, please let me know (I will be on vacation next week, but checking e-mails per�odically } Thanks and Happy Holidays. Bruce Bruce D. Williams Managing Principal � GeoEngineers, Inc. Telephone: 509 363 3125 Fax: 509 363 3126 �ffobite: 5a9 954 6614 Email: bwiif�amsCc�qeoengineers com 523 East Second Avenue Spokane, WA 99202 www qeoenqineers com 1' ree as er an Pavement Managernent Program avemen ana emen an ae � Prepared for City of Spokane Valiey January 20, 2009 _i � . . � J-U-B Engineers, Inc. 422 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 722 Spokane, Washington 99201-0302 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3 2007 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS .........................................................................................4 2008 ANALYSIS AND UPDATE ...................................................................................... 7 Spring Road Condition Analysis .................................................................................. 7 Pavement Performance Issues and Recommendations .............................................. 8 Evaluation of Repair and Maintenance Treatments ...................................................10 Budget Scenario Development .................................................................................. 12 ArterialStreets ........................................................................................................... 12 LocalStreets .............................................................................................................. 14 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 17 APPENDIX ARTERIAL PROJECTS Arterials and Collectors, 2009 — 2014 Preservation Projects Map — Overlays and Reconstruction Only • 2009 Proposed Budget — Arterials and Collectors — Preservation Projects List and Cost Arterials and Collectors, 2009 — 2012 Preservation Projects Map — Preventative Maintenance Only • Arterials and Collectors Roads — Six Year Plan 2009 — 2014 — Preventative Maintenance Projects List and Cost 2008 OCI Map: Arterials and Collectors LOCAL PROJECTS Local Overlay and Reconstruction Map, 2009 — 2014 • Local Roads — Six Year Plan 2009 — 2014 — AC-Overlay Projects List and Cost • Local Roads — Six Year Plan 2009 — 2014 — Reconstruction Projects List and Cost Local Roads, 2009 — 2014 Preservation Projects Map — Preventative Maintenance Only • Local Roads — Six Year Plan, 2009 — 2014 — Preventative Maintenance Projects List and Cost 2008 OCI Map: Local Roads ;:. ,. ' 70-07-07G1SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 2 . PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE 2008 INTRODUCTION In June of 2007, the city completed their first development of a citywide Pavement Management Plan (PMP) including complete field condition inspections of all city streets and input of data into a computer model, Cartegraph. The computer model allowed the city to analyze and rate the city streets by Overall Condition Index (OCI) of 0 to 100, and establish a method for maintaining them. The primary goal of a PMP is to develop long term maintenance strategies that minimize the costs to the city. Instrumental in that effort is maximizing the maintenance of roads through annual crack sealing and fog sealing, while minimizing major rehabilitation and reconstruction costs which can run ten , times greater. Budget scenarios were developed for both existing city funding levels and proposed funding levels in an attempt to maintain the streets at a minimum average 70 OC I . This report updates the results of 2008 field inspections, modeling updates and modified recommendations for budget strategies. As recommended in the 2007 report, roadway inspections should occur bi-annually for arterials, and every three to five years for local roads. Over time, the data will aid the city in establishing actual road conditions. Major components of the 2008 Update include the following: � Field inspected two-fifths of Local Streets. (PMP recommended re-inspecting all local streets every three years.) � Field inspected all of the Arterial Roads. (WSDOT bi-annual report on arterials was due this year). r Update the Cartegraph computer database. ➢ Evaluated pavement condition changes experienced in 2008. � Refined project prioritization, protocols, and strategy procedures. ➢ Developed new budget strategies for: o A one time citywide improvement bond in 2009 o Limited 2009 Budget, with full budget in 2010 to 2014 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 3 ;��.. • . , 2007 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Table 1 summarizes the City's 2007 estimated annual street Maintenance & Rehabilitation (M&R) revenue distribution. Preservation includes work such as crack sealing, patching, shoulder repair, thin overlays, and pavement grinding. Major overlays are thick overlays and/or mill & overlays. Major reconstruction involves total reconstruction of the roadway, including the base material. This estimated revenue was the baseline for evaluating strategies for future recommendations in the 2007 report. Table 1. 2007 Annual City Streets M8�R Anticipated Revenue Distribution 2007 Citv Revenue LOCAL STREETS Preservation $ 1,015,000 Major Overlay/Reconstruction 650,000 ARTERIALS/COLLECTORS Preservation 650,000 Major Overlay/Reconstruction 2,250,000 STEP (Sewer) 900,000 Total $ 5,465,000 The principle of pavement management strategy is to perform regular maintenance of the roadways at lower costs and retain a higher pavement condition, so that higher repair costs don't have to be consumed later. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM} is the agency that recommends historical pavement characteristics. The typical overall Pavement Deterioration Curve recommended by ASTM shows that $1 of preservation at 75% of its life will cost $8 to $10 if delayed until 40% of its life remains. Figure 1 depicts this relationship of condition over time. 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 4 � Figure 1. Typical Pavement Deterioration Curve Excellent 40% drop � in quality � 75% of life Good Each $1 of repair ^ not done here . . G . . .will cost �8 Fair 40% drop to $10 if delayed in quality to here f ' Poor 12%ofl'e Failed 5 10 15 20 Yea r Results of the field inspections and computer analysis of existing roads in 2007 found that the overall OCI for all roads was 73, and would deteriorate to 58 within the next 6 years, using the 2007 estimated city M& R revenue. Figure 2 illustrates this preliminary result of analysis. �<v. ; Y�.. : �. 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 5 ::�,- r,•. Figure 2. Predicted Six-Year OCI Using 2007 M& R Revenue 100 90 80 72.79 70.58 70 �'� FR ?_4 Vs�r� G�aod � 63.53 60.97 60 - - - 58.12 — ood � � : �� OC� _ , - - - - 40 , _a�X � 30 - - - - - - - ..�Qr . 20 - - - - - - 10 - � , , � � '�e Existing 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plan Year Several strategies were evaluated to find a future budget that would rnaintain the overall city roads at an average 70 OCI or better. The 2007 recommended need (local and arterial) to rnaintain a"very good" rating of >70 OCI is depicted in Table 2. This included a combined $3,400,000 for preservation, $5,600,000 for rehabilitation, and $900,000 annually for the STEP program, for a total annual M&R need of $9,900,000. Results indicated a funding shortfall of $4,435,000. Table 2. Option 1– Total M&R Cost Projections 2007 Preservation Rehabilitation STEP Total Option 1 Need $3,400,000 $5,600,000 $900,000 $9,900,000 2007 Estimated $1,665,000 $2,900,000 $900,000 $5,465,000 City Revenue 2007 Unfunded $1,735,000 $2,700,000 - 0 - $ 4,435,000 70-07-076�SV 2008 PMP Update Repo�t 1-12-09.doc 6 � 2008 ANALYSIS AND UPDATE Updating the citywide PMP began with field inspection of two-fifths of the locai streets and all of the arterial streets. The original recommendation was to inspect all of the Iocal streets in a three year cycle and all of the arterials and collectors every two years. Initially we are using the ASTM recommended deterioration curves, since there was little historical data to work with. Once we can get good historical data on all of the city's streets, the information can be used to refine the pavement deterioration and OCI curves to fit actual conditions. Spring Road Condition Analysis City Staff identified nine specific streets that experienced trauma after the 2008 winter and spring thaw. After close review of the 2007 PMP treatment recommendations, it appears that the streets should have been selected for some type of treatment, but were not. These nine streets were further evaluated in an attempt to understand the reasons why the streets were not selected and what treatment analysis methods could be modified to allow them to be selected in the future. The nine streets identified were as follows: ➢ Appleway — Willow to Farr Principle Arterial 2008 OCI — 44.08 ➢ Dishman Mica — 32nd to 28th Principle Arterial 2008 OCI — 50.95 ➢ 32nd Ave — Skipworth to Bowdish Principle Arterial 2008 OCI — 47.58 ➢ Broadway — Felts to Raymond Minor Arterial 2008 OCI — 68.90 ➢ Montgomery — Argonne to Locust Minor Arterial 2008 OCI — 65.99 ➢ Dishrnan Mica — Thorpe to End Minor Arterial 2008 OCI — 72.85 � 4th Ave — Howe to Fancher Minor Arterial 2008 OCI — 94.04 ➢ Euclid — Sullivan to Tolford Collector 2008 OCI — 40.9 � McDonald — 29th to 28th Local Access 2008 OCI — 29.77 Each of the nine streets was re-inspected this spring in order to compare the 2006 and 2008 PMP results. Further evaluation of these streets found that the OCI for arterials is predicting the future road condition reliably, while the local streets are predicted to be in poorer condition than actual inspections showed. Figure 3 depicts the difference in ASTM recommended deterioration curves versus what the roads are experiencing in the field. It is too early to develop a conclusion from just two years of data, but it appears that the local streets are holding up much longer than predicted, as can be seen by comparing the Old OCI curve to the Fitting OCI curve. Our conclusion is that we will use the new Fitting OCI curve for local streets prediction of future OCI and retain the ASTM OCI curve for arterials and collectors. When we � have more than five years of historical records, we'll be able to develop the City's own deterioration curves, which better predicts their future condition. S-- 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 7 ,i - Figure 3. Option 1— Comparison of Local Streets Deterioration Curves ' � 20 � --_ � � ------- - - � . �oo _._ � � , � � ao - � so Fitting OCI i c� OLD OCI O � PCI ONLY 40 , � 20 � I p _� _._ � , � — i 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 35 40` • I -20 - ---- - __. _ -- -- --- -- -- -� a9e Pavement Performance issues and Recommendat�ons Modifying the deterioration curves to better reflect the life-cycle of Spokane Valley's roads is only one part of the problems experienced in the field. Roadways in the City of Spokane Valley appears to be deteriorating prematurely. An increase in traffic and the ever increasing cost to maintain road pavement surfaces to an acceptable level has created a challenge for city staff. There is a serious need to reserve dollars for maintenance and re-evaluate current design and construction standards to ensure future street pavements perform adequately for 15 — 20 years. A separate evaluation and report was prepared detailing these construction issues. This subsection will summarize those findings. The full extent of the report can be .. found under separate cover in "Pavement Performance Issues and Recommendationsn, October, 2008. � Significant pavement performance problems can be traced to the soil structure of the existing ground. �ne of the key factors in a pavement design is to identify the actual structural characteristics of the existing soils. The material used to construct the subgrade for a roadway is the foundation of the whole roadway pavement unit. Increased soil sampling by geotechnical investigations will help identify the soil 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 8 � properties of the existing materials anticipated to be used for the construction of the roadway subgrade. In addition to identifying the material properties for design, the increased investigations will identify areas of material that is unsuitable for use. The unsuitable material must be removed. In addition to the examination of the structural prope�ties of the existing soils, the pavement design process also incorporates an estimation of the volume and types of traffic anticipated to use the roadway. The pavement structure is designed to withstand a finite number of loads before it begins to show distress. Estimating both vehicle and truck traffic volumes is a major component in the design of the roadway pavement structure. Accurate traffic data is required for roadway design. Requiring a professional engineer to provide a pavement design will help ensure that proper care is exercised to develop a roadway structure that will provide expected pavement life and serviceability. Roadway structures require varying levels of detailed geotechnical investigations. Arterials and collectors should receive significant soils analysis. Many miles of local access pavement structures exist in the city. The conclusions of two separate and detailed geotechnical evaluations are included in this document. Past history reveals that some of those local access roads are not constructed with an adequate pavement or subbase thickness. The new road standards document has identified this as a potential problem and recommends that a minimum thickness of pavement and base course be required on new frontage improvements for development within the city. Stabilized subbase treatment should be considered in poor soils where over excavation will not ensure longevity. Pavement performance and life also depends upon the quality of materials used to const�ruct the pavement and sub base layers. The Washington State Departrnent of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have dedicated many man hours in an effort to develop material specifications that result in quality materials being produced. Pavement structures rely on strong structural components to carry the design loads through the pavemen� life. (Jne component is the interlocking of the crushed base materials used in the pavement sub base course. The stronger the interlock between the crushed particles, the stronger the base course will be and the more it can resist movement caused by traffic and age. The FAA material specification for base course materials requires more fractured faces of the aggregate than the WSDOT specification. By using this material specification as an example, the base course materials are less subject to losing bearing strength because the materials interlock better. - Stringent asphalt cement design mix procedures are warranted. Asphalt oils selected ,. for mix design must be evaluated on their ability to perform in this climate under actual loading conditions. - Poor construction practices are definitely a major factor in determining the pavement life and serviceability. There are many examples throughout the city where it is apparent that the asphalt joints were poorly constructed, resulting in serious premature pavement deterioration. The WSDOT has examined this pavement defect along with the temperature of the hot mix asphalt when placed. Construction personnel that observe 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 9 � the contractor's construction techniques should be experienced personnei who know the proper construction practices. Many pavement failures are caused in part, by the use of inexperienced or unengaged construction observers in the field during construction. Construction observers must enforce proper moisture and compaction compliance. This will require increased field testing beyond what is currently occurring. The use of experienced full time construction inspectors is a requirement for federal aid projects and should be standard operating procedure for the City of Spokane Valley roads. The full report describes the pavement performance issues experienced on Spokane Valley streets and the recommendations for improving the life of the pavements. The key recommendations presented herein are as follows: � Street Standards Upgrade Recomrr�endations o Increase geotechnical investigations for soil characterizations o Accurate assessment of truck traffic for pavement design o Require "Engineered" pavement section design o Stringent asphalt cement mix design procedures o Increase the minimum pavement section for Local Streets o Increase the fractured face in crushed rock specification o Verify moisture and compaction compliance through increased testing o Enhanced joint density testing o Improved asphalt temperature monitoring and placing techniques o Consider stabilized subbase such as Asphalt or Cement Treated Base o Trained or experienced construction observers � Full-Time construction observation Evaluation of Repair and Maintenance Treatments A re-evaluation of Maintenance and Repair (M&R) treatments was also conducted to verify that the best methods to meet City expectations is being followed. One new treatment that is recommended is Severe Crack Sealing. This treatment is now recommended after noticing that there were significant cracks occurring in fairly good condition pavements. In other words the structural foundation of the pavement did not appear to be failing, yet the cracks were wide and deep. Figure 4 depicts an example of this deterioration. 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 10 � Figure 4. Option 1— Dishman-Mica Road Severe Cracking Condition T � �r - � � �..- �._r' .,, � - ..�"� ,.,' ' . _ _ - - ` -_ Based on this observation the treatment types to be considered for Spokane Valley pavements are modified as follows: • Preservation • Rehabilitation o Crack sealing o Reconstruct o Fog sealing o Overlay o Patching o Mill and overlay o Shoulder repair o Grading o (deleted) o Severe Crack Sealing (added) � 70-�7-076�SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc � 1 �,., x�:. Budget Scenario Development The City was left with the task of developing opportunities for increasing the available funding after the 2007 report. To maintain all roads at a 70 OCI or greater, the city's estimated revenue was unfunded by $4,435,000, based on the 2007 report. While the city is aware of this shortfall, opportunities have been slim. In the current economic state, additional funding options are limited and not likely. This budget analysis update will attempt to keep the pavements from serious deterioration. As such, the 2008 update has stepped back and looked at a couple of options for funding the maintenance of streets with limited budget over the next six years, until a more focused program can be developed. Two options for limited funding were evaluated: ➢ Option 1— Continue with 2007 revenue of $2,900,000 for Arterials and $1,670,000 for Locals. The OCI is expected to be lower than 70. 7 Option 2— Establish a budget that maintains a"good" rating greater than a 65 OCI for Local streets and a"very good" rating greater than a 70 OCI for Arterials and Collectors. Both options assume the city will continue with their current revenue program for Year 2009, with the addition of the planned Sprague Avenue project from University to Evergreen, completed as well, at a cost of $3,615,000. The projected economic stimulus package for 2009 is expected to at least cover the Sprague project andlor similar projects. The results of these options are presented herein for both the Arterial Streets and the Local Streets separately. These are separated since they now use different deterioration curves. Arterial Streets In general, the changes to the protoco(s and priorities have had the desired effect that the city wanted in determining projects. All of the high priority arterial roads have mill & overlay work scheduled within the six year forecast heading off more expensive reconstruction on those roads. The work on Sprague Avenue was set as nearly the top priority of all work with projects covering most of Sprague recommended in four of the six years. Tables 3 and 4 summarize the six year needs for both the Current Option and Option #2. Option #1 was not selected for Arterials because it does not attain a 70 OCI. Table 3. Option 1- Six Year Need Preventive Year Maintenance Overlays Reconstruction Total OCI 2008 �2,900,000 67 2009 $90,000 $5,590,000 $0 $5,680,000 69 2010 $131,000 51,500,000 $1,324,000 �2,955,000 68 2011 $265,000 �1,500,000 $1,090,000 �2,855,000 68 , 2012 $138,000 $1,500,000 $1,288,000 $2,926,000 67 2013 $175,000 $1,500,000 $1,225,000 �2,900�000 66 2014 $390,�00 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 52�890,000 65 Total �23,106,000 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 12 � Table 4. Option 2- Six Year Need Preventative Year Maintenance Overiays Reconstruction Total OCI 2008 $2,900�000 67 2009 $92,000 $5,590,000 $0 $5�682,000 69 2010 $235,000 $1,821,000 $2,000,000 a4,056�000 70 2011 $148,000 $3,634,000 $0 �3,782�000 70 2012 $108,000 $3,568,000 $115,000 $3,T91,000 71 2013 $379,000 $3,786,000 $0 �4,165,000 71 2014 $406,000 $2,578,000 $915,000 $3,899,000 70 Total �28�275,000 The existing arterial budget is not far off from the necessary funding level to maintain 70 OCI. The boost in funding for the Sprague Rehabilitation Project will raise the arterial network back to a 70 OCI but the ongoing funding must be increased to maintain that level. Figures 5 and 6 compare the budgets and OCI for Options 1 and 2. Figure 5. Arterial Streets Budget Comparison $6.0 $5.0 $4.0 N � �.� — — = � $2.0 � � $1.0 - �0.0 - - - 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Budget Year �2010 Option 1 ■20'f 0 Option 2 70-07-076�SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 13 Figure 6. Arterial Streets OCI Comparison 75 � 73 � 71 69 67 � � 65 63 61 59 Opticn 2 57 Optan 1 55 � 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Budget Year Local Streets The tables and charts below show the existing funding level along with finro budget options for maintaining the local street network at the 70 OCI level. There are some years in which the amount of work identified exceeds the budgeted amount in a budget category but the total combined budgets for Overlay and Reconstruction is not exceeded in any year. Tables 5 and 6 summarize the six year needs for Options 1 and 2. Table 5. Option 1- Six Year Need Preventative Year Maintenance Overlays Reconstruction Total OCI 2008 $1 �670,000 71 2009 $970,000 $500,000 $200,000 $1,670,000 70 2010 $970,000 $400,000 $300,000 $1,670,000 67 2011 $970,000 $400,000 $300,000 $1,670,000 63 2012 $970,000 $400,000 $300,000 $1,670,000 59 2013 $970,000 $400,000 $300,000 $1,670,000 56 2014 �970,000 $400,000 $300,000 $1,670,000 53 Tota I $11,690,000 70-07-076\SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 14 � Tabie 6. Option 2- Six Year Need Preventative Year Maintenance Overtays Reconstructlon Total OCI 2008 S1 �670,000 71 2009 $370,000 $500,000 $200,000 �1,070,000 70 2010 $340,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 a1,840,00� 69 2011 $340,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 y1,840,000 68 2012 $640,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 �2,144,000 67 2013 $940,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 �2�440,000 66 2014 $1,300,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 �2,800,000 65 Total $13,800�000 Funding has been lacking for local street projects. Local streets make up approximately 2/3 of the city's street nefinrork. Typically the maintenance treatment costs for these streets is lower than that for arterials and collectors so money spent on local streets will go farther and last longer than money spent on the classified roads. Figure 7 compares the funding levels for �ach option. Figure 7. Local Street Budget Comparison $3. 0 $2. 5 $2.0 o $1.5 — - ._ — — ._ � $1.0 - $p, 5 — — $0. 0 , - , �-- -- - , - .- - 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Budget Year s Option 1 ■ Option 2 Comparing OCI for each option in Figure 8, it can be seen that the Iocal street network is in good condition now but its condition is dropping rapidly under the existing funding level. Each year of delay in increasing local street funding adds a significant cost to bring the local streets back to the 70 OCI and maintaining that level. . 70-07-476\SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 15 Figure 8. Local Street OCI Comparison Local Street �CI Com parison 75 � � 70 65 — •U O 60 - — — - 55 - --- Option 1 _ __ — Option 2 50 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Budget Year Most of the recommended local road work is focused in the area of the city south of Sprague between Dishman-Mica Road and Sullivan Road. Local street projects were grouped together by neighborhood as much as possible. This results in some streets being done ahead of others for the sake of efficiency over the identified priority of work. There may be situations where a street segment is omitted from work even when adjacent segments are done because it is in too poor of condition to be overlaid and there is not enough funding for reconstruction. It is possible some of these roads could have minor repairs done and then be overiaid rather than reconstructed but the decision must be made by city staff on case-by-case basis. - 70-07-076\SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.doc 16 � Recommendations Based on the state of the economy and the likelihood that only minimal funding can be obtained over the next six years, it is recommended that the City pursue developing a 2010 - 2014 Street Maintenance and Rehabilitation average budget of $7,300,000 for an increase of $4,200,000 annually. This budget increase can be developed over the next two years, while maintaining the current budget in 2009. This Option will provide for an average OCI of 70 or greater for Arteriats and Collectors, and an OCI of 65 or greater for Locals over the ne� six years. Table 7. Recommended Funding Option — Total M&R Annual Budget Arterials Locals STEP Total Average Annual Need $4,000,000 $2,200,000 $1,100,000 $7,300,000 Revenue Included in TIP $2,000,000 $0 $1,100,000 $3,100,000 Unfunded �2,000,000 $2,200,000 $0 $4,200,000 A list of the proposed arterial and local street projects for the next six years is provided in the Appendix. , 70-07-0761SV 2008 PMP Update Report 1-12-09.dac 17 Appendix 1. Arterial Projects 2. Local Projects Arterial Projects ;. Arterials and Collectors �' City of Spokane Vdlley - "' E m � 2009 -2014 Preservation Projects Map _' N�� :� � S Overlays and Reconstruction Only _ , � �, � . ,� a � m ', f;- �:�: ` � : if _ � `� �� r � / N 7 � S � 29 ;�/ ' , � i i� _� -� � 6 A Euclid ,, J � I � � 'i.Y' '� _ °� � ,- . . ---- .-�i -'" � .�� �t �' �_ c �� .�` %\ ` `� .� - -- �: � l '�--� ' 1� - +- � _ � ` _— - - — � Y o : � ,` __ : �. _ - ; r� ! z I - - ' '1 �-� � 24 + 23 =�\\ � � - ` - __ _ "-___-%�� � �-- - �� F� ° � 1 . ' � � � a _ Mi. IQn.A T �" ��� r.r].. � - � — w-- - _ - .. +� n' v -- - _ � -_- -- � , �- Mi_$a�. n_Av f . - :, _�-�, �j =� ,, �..� � _ � 35 � � �, � :- - { : '' � .�� _ T ,.. , � _ - - ; - �'� . - w � ti �- 70 � 28 a �� L ,. :, - �- , � � , ° ' - .1 � �� � " � . 12 � SRr.agus_Av_ _ �,��- 86 � � ��27 � . , `m � ��''`` n � ,.-, � 1 17 3� � S9 - <-. m r.� i - 5���� �� �+ ' ? �_ � � . �--, 1 �..� � 37 ' - �o �� Y�- - -r� � a � � , �` --3 `-. 1 . - ' ' - - � ' _ �\ _ J � Q' t � . , � -- � � - -; _,'�- � a�_ f -,n-- , ,7 � � t �. � �- �.- E— �� '° .�, '\ -�..• aT et v � t� E= a � �`}_ m ' - �� +- �--� .4 ' C - -' � _� .-���I �- _ I �_ �', 16t � , ,1 �� � � - f'` 1 ( ! . /� \ � �►• � � :,- �• 9� _'.�. �. � , , �-. � � a� 1` a � ' � ��J�� ��,�, -� , ' .il 3 � ' 32nd AV ����� ! .�1 � j \ ' � � _ � b �'\ \ � 7UJ � J� � � l.�9and - t�i'E1V Zoo� T�en+ent� 2D12 Tnam�nt� � - - a.r �w�o�.� �.•' � �rao.� � �....�b ma n.rnrw tma rn�m.,es � c - - �.... - - a... �+�o+� ��waw.r � �wir 1�1 � - - 7DT1 Tl+dn�nL �0/1 Tt�4�b D�cwnbv 11. 2004 �r.o.w �wao1.ti r �..�.w 2009 Proposed Budget - Arterials and Collectors - Preservation Program DRAFT c�cy of sPo� vau.y ���f �, ZooB Pavement Menagemant Pian Update Pavement Over/Unde� Project OCI at Area Estimated Suy�ested SuDgcstad No. Route From To T�eatment TreaVnent (SF� Cost Budget 8udget Year 2009 Ove�rta Pro ect 1 S�ra ue Ui':v��rsity Fvc�rc reen 37 M;11 ° Qv::rla�� 1721G13 $ 3,+� i 7.38� 2 Sullivan Euclid SR-290 Wf3 Ram 57 Mill & Overla 365000 $ 7Gfi S00 3 32nd Dishman-Mica Pines 53 Mill 8 Ove�ia 293990 $ 617,380 4 Flora Euclid Euclid 45 Mill 8 Overta 1774t $ 37 256 5 Schafer Cimarron Dishman-Mica 29 Overia 98233 $ 171,908 6 Euclld Sullivan Flora 39 Mili 8 Ove�ia 181673 $ 381,514 Subtotat .9A3 4,300.000 �1,289.94 � -- -�-, - - ; Subtotal �, - 1,�b0.00G Maintenance Pro �cts Crack Seal � 69,�36 Patchin - Full De ih $ 11,039 Severe Crack Re ir $ 10,075 Shoulder - Fill & Grade $ 1,193 _ u tota 92,243 � 00. 0 ''> r) f otal S t � . U ear 2 10 Overla Prv ec - 7 Euclid Flora Barker 45 Overia 133162 $ 293,621 8 Fancher Fronta e Sha Arlission 28 Qverla 17952 $ 32 987 9 24th/25th Vercler Tall Tree 40 Mill & Ove�la 38016 $ 83,825 10 Bowdish Sands 32nd 33 Mill 8 Overla 85536 $ 188 607 11 FaR 8th S ra ue 39 Mill & Overla 80150 $ 176,731 12 S_ra ue Ever reen Sullivan 38 Mill & Overla 473933 $ 1,045,Q22 5ubtotal ,� 1.8Z0.793 � 2.U00,000 Reconstruction Pra'ects 13 Park E3roadwa Indiana 32 Reconstruct 1 d6362 $ 2.010,13�7 �ubtotal 2,U1 U,130 .. 1,665,ODU 3��t5, t;t0 _ tS Crack Seal :� !l�,t;33 Patchin - Full De th $ 3,839 Severe Crack Re lr 137,944 Shoulder - Fill 8 Grade $ 1.309 u tota 3,12 135,000 1 �,1 • Page 1 oi 3 Pavement OverlUnder Project OCI at Area Estimeted Suggested Suggested No. Route Fram To Trealment Treatrnent (SF) Cost Budget Budget ear 01 Overta Pro 1=l Univcr;il 81t� Dishman-Mica 43 Mill 8� Overla 4172h9 �� 966,OR2 15 Sullivan Indiana Euclid 45 Mill & Overla 234643 $ 543,258 16 Pines 16th 32nd 42 Milt 8 Overla 27Q665 $ 635,918 17 A lewa A onne Universi 40 Mill & Overla 298531 $ 691,174 18 Fancher S ra ue Railroad 42 Mil) & Overla 344467 $ 797,528 Subtotal ,633,960 � .00O,OUQ 1,633,9G0 =r � • tS su►�tot� - � ,520.000 . � Matntett�ii � Crack Seal a 75,927 Patchin - Full De th $ 9,807 Severe Crack Re ir $ 59,381 Shoulder - Fill & Grade $ 2,496 ubtota � .� ._._,.� ota 3, 8i . 1 3, 0. �►] ... t ear Overla Pro ct 19 Park S ra ue Broactwa 45 Mill & Overia 95779 $ 232,840 20 Sattese/Blake 24th 16th 39 Mill 8, Overla 88969 $ 216,285 21 Dishman-Mica 16th Unlversit 59 Mill & Overla 446899 $ 1,086,418 22 Bowdlsh 4ih Main 42 Mill & Overla 88704 $ 215,641 23 Indiana Ever reon Sullivan 58 Mill 8 Overla 370181 $ 699,914 24 Indiana SR-271Plnes Fvar reen 40 Mill & Overla 377362 $ 917.371 Sul�tota 3.Sb8.4b3 2.UOO,OU() s�1 ,5b8,� 68 Reconstcuct�on Pro eCts 25 E3arker Cit Limit 8th 32 Racon;truct 7003 $ 1 15,126 u lota .1 � 1. 0 t `7, ,=! �l �1 ! _ � Crack �ea( $ 39,839 �'atcl�in - Full De th $ 14,707 Severe Crack Re air $ 47,109 Shoulder - FII 8� Grade $ 5,939 5u tota , , ) PagQ2of3 Pavement Over/Under Project OCI et Area Estlmeted Suggested Suggested No. Route From To Treatment Treatment (SF7 Cost Budget Budget ear 1 �verla Pro ect 26 Broadtiva� Park Visfa •�4 Mill Q C�verlav 11151? $ 284.6�55 27 S ra ue Dishman Ur;iversil 48 M�II F� Overfa 3a2431 $ 976,180 28 Sullivan 4th Valle a 45 Mill & Overta 204706 $ 522,524 29 Euclid Barker Cit Limit 45 Overla 52800 $ 112,313 30 Camahan 8th Kahuna 42 Mill 8� Overia 63360 $ 161,730 31 32nd Pines 45 Mill & Overla 323974 $ 826.963 32 Barker Euclid SR-290 38 Mill 8� Overla 146536 $ 374,042 33 Barfce� S okane River Euclid 38 Mill & Overla 95040 $ 242.596 34 Flora Euclid Trent 38 Miil 8 Overia 111514 $ 284,646 ubto�a $ 3,785,638 2,000,000 1,78 ,638 _ .� — Sljl�tolal $ - � 1,60�,OOU , Maintenance Pro cts Crack Seal $ 109,785 Patchin - Full De th $ a4.558 Sovore Crack Re ir $ 196,907 Sh�ulder - Fill & Grade $ 27,923 Subtot�al � 379,173 $ 195.�00 5184,173 ota ear Overlay Pro ec 35 Shar Fancher Thierman 4a Miil & �verla 835?0 .`.fi 223,875 36 S ra uo Howe Visla 56 M�tl & Overla 568075 � 1 522 550 37 4th Bowdish SR 27/Pines 45 Mill R Overla 72653 $ 194,723 38 4th Pines McDonald 35 Mill & Overla 88169 $ 23fi,310 39 4th McDonald Ever reen 36 Mill & Overla 89549 $ 240,008 40 Vista/Mission EItQn Trent d7 Mill 8 Overla 59770 $ 160.195 � �ibtota � 2,577,662 2.000.000 577,662 Reco�structTon�Pto ects - 41 Sullivan Wellesle C�t Limits 25 Reconstruct 27879 $ 36�,G57 42 Pr ress Wellesle Crown 30 Reconstruct 3; 947 $� 550.413 Subiota J14,67U 1,38� Op0 - :,r),:;: � Crack Se�31 :;� 127.G3 i �'atchin - Full De th $ 31,977 Severe Crack Re ir $ 224,745 Shoulder - Fill & Grade $ 21,610 SUbtOt�l � 4U5,`J i U :5 41 `_�,L�UU , ,8G0,40a � 8.3 2 Naed Addstlonal Funds Real Tatal Totel � 724,105.21 Page 3 of 3 1 . �. . . . _, . . •� Arterials and Collectors W_ F City of Spokane Valley � 1 �� ;�..�+� �_�, . 2009 -2012 Preservation Projects Map ,` , i�i t'� ..,���-�.' , s Preventative Maintenance Onl -- � � �a� _ ��" ' Y "" I� � a _ � .! �.._ t � 1 �� � �_ � � �� _.._;.� � � --_�; ��, " � - --n,� ° - `� _ : : ' .-- ► _ , � . �. �,� .f J � ���. � _ - — _ "' !1 _ .' / / �, . 1�: _ _ �— - — � - ,n� .� l �� � � � _ � _ ' -F ; �. .ar+r ^'� • .+ .Jf ��3ttf� l . .y. . -. �`'•'..,� .�, �� � , „�'S':'.tr. .i � - � . , , . � � ;� - _ -- _ _- ..�_ ��� .. `���;�- , f �?. �. ,� .- � , � �� �\s , �- -- _ ''� � '� � ~ '°' ~ � ` !�� f '1 � - - � �� -+- _ - - � - �.� ; ,..,._ ,_ �, ___ � � , . f , i �, I I ��"" 1 ...,� Y- I - r� - � � V I / � ,� � " _�. _� '•��,,� [ '�' • �� _ i ;1 , � i ' '.�,. -1 � �, ' ' i � � "'' � _ ��'r"r'Z+ � `'�''�� � '� ' '- - = '_-_ ' �'-� � . ,��� R� �4r{t .y ... � I���r� i � f Z_ � _— ' �:_�-r.. �-�x� � _;yl �,..����� .�..rr�� `- ._ ,`: �'� � i r '� „ . .�i.� .> �.' •�`"� '�"w � ,... ! �. _.� ' � •+ 1 � -'� ��,. --� �. -- �- . � �-'°`-� : . s: s. �- � � � �. � _,,,, � � =� � ..� - 4 � � � � , � :_•_ � - j y , .•' � � � • . �J � -�. � (' _^_ � � � � -1 ' • ' "`- -� — � - - - � �.a...3' i :� - � T f I 1 � � + �� �� -} '±�...� -• � � �-�, � � _ , _.n,� -� �...--� .. � �~..,.� � •j ; � � � r�� �' I � � ��*' �I j .. _i «;� t�- - - 7 = �� ! .� ! �. k �.� _ 11 ' � ! � �7,; �'�` j r� � w ' � . . � �'�� ,~; �y� . �l �" _ � _ _"• ,,,/ , . � �. _ � ..w�� �.- _ ,� . , � �. �. . �� �,�' , { .''..�_ . � ' � 1. � 1.�.:,� {.'.'s�- � 1 � � � � � E �"' , -•.�.�= - � - i. _d• � } �- -��: .. � _.:.� � ... _ �� �. . � •` � �i � _i,�. � � j ! — , �„T - i ., �_ � � ,i ,,�,� �; q ,. -�- - �.,�. � �_- - r � �,; - _ �,s- � ' li! 7 ' � `� .- �- o' ' � �� � �.;-� � ,. � -_� �.�.��`"�'? 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S il �� �`'t.�_ ._� �. .� ��' \' � .' ! � � ,k -^ � �. 1� :. t � ��- +_ 1� ��- ~���� , � �r 1 �x � ~. d � ., �,���!�1 ' - '"' � '�' leyend . _ l _ ���. � f00f TnaYin�e� 201� Tn�n�nti 7011 Tn�urwu� rir �.er vr w.� c.s. r� '� �� ti ' ' C+r ti � tiYwA � �4 �l� TM��OI�RI` � �✓� LiA1V t L ��M hr� A�� �� c�� r ARTERIALS & COLLECTORS ROADS - SIX YEAR PLAN 2009�2014 PREYENT[VE MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 12/29/08 City of Spokane Valley PMP Updete Ptae Vear AcUvity ID Route Route Back Route Ahead Estimated Cost Areas Age OCI 1 AC - Crack �eal 25 3R0/1DWAY AV STANLEY kD tiOY1� 5� 5U7 31 G80.00 R2 9.00 SU.1•4 1 AC - Crack Seal 27 BROAOWAY AV WILLOW RD LUCUST kU 520 32 524.80 ft2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack Seal SS ARGONNE RU KNUX /1V MONTGOMERY AV 791 49 420.80 ft2 9.51 75.75 1 AC - Crack Seal 56 ARGONNE RD MULLAN ftD KNOX AV 543 37 065.60 ft2 9.51 73.50 1 AC - Crack Seal 59 ARGONNE RD RIVERSIDE AV SPRAGUE AV 61 3 801.60 R2 21.51 68.85 1 AC - Crack Seal 6U ARGUNNE RD MAiN AV RiVEftSIDE AV 304 19 008.00 ft2 21.51 63.16 1 AC - Cradc Sea) 62 ARGONNE RO MAIN /1V MAIN AV 122 7 603.20 R2 21.51 60.57 1 AC - Crack Seai 62 AHGQNNE RU VALLEYWAY AV MA1N AV 243 15 206.40 R2 21.51 64.10 1 AC - Crack Seal 63 ARGONNE RD ALKI AV VALLEYWAY AV 395 24 710.40 ft2 7.50 81.93 1 AC - Crack Seal 64 �1RGONNE RD BROADWAY AV ALKI AV 5395 24 710.40 ft2 7.50 81.92 1 AC - Cracic Seal 65 ARGONNE RD UTALDO AV BROADWAY AV S365 22 809.60 ft2 7.50 76.81 1 AC - Cratk Seal 66 ARGONNE RD BOONE AV CATAl.DO AV 395 24 710.4U R2 7.50 76.32 1 AC - Cratk Scal 67 ARGONNE RD SINT� AV F300NE AV 36S 22 809.60 R2 7.50 78.85 1 AC - Crack Se�l 82 BROADWAY AV HEACOX AV ULY RD 296 18 480.00 R2 Q.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 88 ARGONNE RD MISSlON AV SINTD AV 395 24 710.40 R2 7.50 77.81 1 AC - Crack Seal 89 ARGONNE RD 475 (t befare MISSION AV 274 17 107.20 ft2 16.00 64.76 1 AC - Crack Scal 93 ARGONNE RD ARGONNE RD INDIANA AV 37 2 323.20 R2 9.51 79.69 1 AC - Cratk Sea) 112 E3ROADWAY AV YARDLEY RD STANIEIf RD 549 34 320.00 ft2 16.00 68.91 1 AC - Crack Seal 115 f3ROADWAY AV DAFtTT�IOUTH RD FEL75 RD 223 13 939.20 R2 9.51 77.16 1 AC - C�ack Sea) 116 E3ROADWAY AV JOHHiSON RO WOODWARD RD 446 Z7 878.40 ft2 8.50 72.6] 1 AC - Crack Sea� 156 BROADWAY AV 160 ft before I-90 EB I-90 EB O OFF 127 7 920.00 R2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 157 t3ROADWAY AV I-90 EE3 ON/OFF HEACOX AV 338 21 120.00 ftZ 0.27 99.07 i AC - Crack Seal 161 BUCKEYE AV UICK RD VISTA RD 223 13 939.20 ft2 3.00 93.63 1 AC - Cracic Seal 199 BROADWAY AV NERALD RD �ARTMOUTN RD s223 13 939.Z0 ft� 9.51 82.83 1 AC - Crack Seal 200 BROADWAY AV PIERCE RD )OHN50N RD 260 16 262.40 ft2 8.50 85.81 1 AC - Crack Seal 240 E3ROADWAY AV NAVANA ST FAIitGROUNDS 380 23 760.00 ft2 19.00 69.59 1 AC - Crack 5eal 242 BROADWAY AV FAIRGR�UNDS Yl�f2DLEY RD 2 281 lA2 560.00 ft2 16.00 72.90 1 AC - Crack Seal 250 6UCKEYE AV EILA RD DICK RD 242 15 100.80 ft2 3.00 93.63 1 AC - Crack Seal 340 CfRQADWAY AV GLENN RD PIERCE RU 483 30 201.60 R2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 395 BROADWAY Av BOWMAN Rp PARK RU 260 1G Z62.40 R2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 398 BUCKEYE AV PARK RD CENTE{i RD 2�3 13 939.20 ft2 3.00 93.63 1 AC - Crack Seal 399 f3UCKEYE AV CENTER RD EW1 RD 223 13 939.20 R2 3.0o 93.63 1 AC - Crack Seal 443 t3RUADWAY AV 210 R aRer VAN MARTER RD 18G 11 616.00 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Sea) 444 E3ROADWAY AV VAN MARTER RD GLENN RD 112 6 969.60 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 445 BROADWAY AV WILBUR RD Chan e to PCC 688 42 979.20 R2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 480 BROADWAY AV GIRARD RD BOWMAN RD 223 13 939.20 ft2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Grack Seat 508 E30W015H RD MAXWELL AV MISSION AV $372 23,232.00 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Cradc Seal 516 BROADWAY AV EiAT�S RD W[LBUR RD 223 13 939.20 R2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crock :cal 5G0 E30WDiSH RD �HAitP LN �1NT0 l.N �135 8 448.00 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 A�C - C�ack Seal 563 BROADWAY AV BROADWAY AV GIRARD RD 5149 9 292.80 fi2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Scal 581 BROADWAY AV LONST RD FARR RO 446 27 878.40 ft2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack Seal 582 E3ROADWAY AV FtAYMOND RD 265 R before ;297 18,585.60 ft2 9.51 79.39 t AC - Crack 5eal 583 tiRQADWAY AV BOWDlSH �tD BATES RD 223 13 939.20 ft2 8.50 71.68 Page 1 of 25 Ptsn Yaar Activity ID Rout� R�ut� Bacic Route Ahead Estlmatad Casi Anas A�• OQ 1 AC - Crack Seal 610 E3ROADWAY AV LILY R.0 CROA.DWAY AV 84 S 280.00 R2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 1156 NERALD RD BROADV�lAY AV BOONE AV S49 34 3Z0.00 ft2 9.51 87.72 1 AC - Crack Seal 1187 cMPiR� AV P[T RD CEMENT RD 439 27 456.00 ft2 �.00 95.52 1 AC - Crack Seal 1189 EMPIRE AV STEGNER RD PR RD 152 9 504.00 ft2 2.00 95.52 1 AC - Gack Seal 11�0 EMPIRE AV LOCKWOOD AV STEGNER FtD 439 27 456.00 f[2 2.00 95.52 1 AC - Crack Seal 1191 EMPIRE AV WILLIAMS ST LOCKWOOD AV 406 25 344.00 R2 2.00 95.52 1 AC - Cratk Seal 1192 rMPIRE AV MILLW�OD CITY WILLIAMS ST 422 26 40Q.00 ft2 2.00 95.52 1 AC - Crack Seel 1310 �1ERALD RD SPRAGUE AV MAIN AV 264 16 473.60 R2 21.51 72.62 1 AC - Crack Seal 1312 HEFtALD RD 265 R aRer MAIN AV VALLEYWAY AV 176 10 982.40 ftZ 9.51 89.4U 1 AC - Crack Seal 1313 HEFtAID RD VALLEYWAY AV BROADWAY AV =549 34 320.00 R2 9.51 90.20 1 AC - Crack Sea) 1343 HEACOX AV THIERMAN ST BROAOWAY AV 791 49 420.80 ft2 16.00 61.05 1 AC - Crack Sea) 1365 FARR RD VALLEYWAY AV SPRINGFIELD lN �378 23,b54.40 R2 7.50 40.24 1 AC - Gadc Seal 1384 FANCtiER ftD BALDW[N AV SPOKAN[ CITY 44 2 745.60 R2 16.00 61.78 1 AC - Crack Seal 1385 FANCHER aD 370 R after BR 3502 BALOWIN AV 483 30 201.60 RZ 16.00 62.58 1 AC - Crack Sta) 1388 FANCt1ER RD SHARP AV 370 ft before BR 3502 �747 46 G75.20 ft2 16.00 64.31 1 AC - Cracic Seal 1389 FANCIiER ftD BOONE AV SHARP AV 176 10 982.40 ft2 16.00 63.06 i AC - Crack Seal 1390 FANCHER RD DESMET AV BOONE AV SZb'� 16,473.60 ft2 16.00 60.22 1 AC - Crack Seal 1391 FANCFIER RD 420 R before DESMET DESMET AV 3 1 21 964.80 ft� 12.98 76.61 1 AC - Crack 5ea) 1399 FANCHER RD ALKI AV BROADWAY AV EXT 651 40 656.00 ft2 16.00 71.06 1 AC - Crack Seal 1640 FiEftALD RD dOONE AV MISSION AV 549 3A 320.00 ft2 9.51 85.H8 I AC - Crack Seal 1730 KNoX AV HUTCHINSON RD ARGONNE RD 203 12 672.00 R2 10.51 81.62 1 AC - Crack Seal 1731 KNOX AV MARGUERITE RU HUTC►iINSON RD 5132 8 236.80 ft2 10.51 83.05 1 AC - Crack Seal 1732 KNOX AV �AL.E ST MARGUER[TF itD 176 10 982.40 ft2 10.51 83.63 I AC - Crack Seal 1733 KNOX AV SARGENT RD DALE ST s110 6 864.00 ft2 10.51 83.63 1 AC - Crodc Seal 1734 KNOX AV SARGENT FtD SAFtGENT RD 22 1 372.80 ft2 10.51 83.63 t AC - Crack Seal 1735 KNOX AV IAURA RD SE►RGENT R� 132 EI 236.80 ft2 10.51 a3.63 1 AC - Cr�ck Seal 173G KNOX AV 4ESSIE RD LAUW1 RD 132 8 236.80 R2 10.51 83.63 1 AC - Crack Scal 1737 KNOX AV SIPPLE RD BE55IE RO 132 8 236.80 ft2 10.51 03.63 1 AC - Cr�ck Seal 1738 KNOX AV V15TA RD SIPPLE RD 132 8 236.80 ft2 10.51 83.63 1 AC - C�ack Seal 1771 M1SSi0N AV GLENN RD PIERCE RD 439 27 456.00 R2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 1781 MON7GOMEFiY Av UN1vERSITY RD VAN MARTER RD 260 16 262.40 R2 11.50 82.55 1 AC - Crack Seal 1782 MONTGOMERY AV VAN MARTFR RD JACKSON AV 456 28 512.00 ft2 11.50 62.55 1 AC - Crack Seal 1829 MISSlON AV HERALD RD F�LTS RD f527 32,947.20 R2 8.50 85.86 1 AC - Cr�ck Seal 1830 MI55ION AV BESSIE RO 315 h after BE551[ 152 9 504.00 RZ 7.50 87.18 1 AC - Crack Sea) 1841 M�NTG�MERY AV ARGONNE RD SIGNAL AT ARGONNE 659 41 184.00 ft2 9.51 73.08 1 AC - Crack Seal 1842 MONTGOMERY AV SIGNAL AT ARGONNE 315 R after SIGNAL 3Q4 19 008.00 ft2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Gack Seal 1889 MISSION AV UNIVERSITY RD GLFNN RD 703 43 929.60 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 1915 MISSION AV i RO WOODRUFF RD 439 27 45G.00 1t2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack St:al 1923 MISSION AV CEf+ITER RD ELLA RD 203 12 672.Q0 ft2 11.50 8Z.52 1 AC - Crack Seal 1928 MONTGt�MERY AV OBERLIN RD UNIVERS1lY RD 304 19 008.00 ft2 11.50 82.55 1 AC - Crack Seal 1956 MI5510N AV WILBUR RD UNION RD 659 41 184.00 R2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 1988 MlSSION AV WOOURUFF RD HERALD RD 571 35 692.BQ fL2 8.50 $5.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 1996 MONTGOMERY AV DAR7MOUTN LN OBERUN RO 836 52 272.00 R2 11.50 77.91 1 AC - Crack Sea) 1997 MONTGOMEFlY AV 210 R aftec 1N�IANA W BOUND FREEWAY 651 40 656.00 ft2 3.00 93.63 1 AC - Crack Seal 1998 MON7GUMEHY AV W E30UND FREEWAY 5R-2/ 325 20 325.00 tt2 9.00 85.39 1 AC - Crack Scal 2020 MISSiON AV BATFS RD WILBUR RD 308 19 219.Z0 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack 5eal 2�J22 M155ION !1V 06ERUN RD UNiVERSITY RD 351 21 964.80 ft2 8.50 85.98 Paga 2 of 25 • , , <. ,. � - Ptan Y�r AcUvity ID Route Route Back Route Ahend Estimat�d Cost Arnas A9e OCI 1 AC - Crack Seal 2059 MISSION AV LOCU� RD FAFk RD 5615 3B,438.40 ft2 7.50 87.1b 1 AC - Grack Stdl 2060 MISSION AV CLLA ttG ELTON RD 41 1 534.40 ft2 11.50 79.97 1 AC - Crack Seal 2064 MISSION AV CENTER RD CENTER RD ;41 2 534.4U R2 11.54 82.52 1 AC - Cr�ck SCaI 2067 MONTG�MEFtY AV INUTANA AV 210 R aficr INDIANA 149 9 292.80 ft2 2.00 95.52 1 AC - Crock Seal 2084 M155ION AV 105 R fore SARGENT RD S1 3 168.00 fc2 7.50 87.18 1 AC - Crack Scal 2085 MISSION AV SARGENT RD MARGUERITE RD 177 11 038.OU R2 7.SU 82.65 1 AC - Crack Seal 2088 M15510N AV MARGUERIT� RD 55 ft before ARGONNE 329 ZO 592.00 ft2 7.50 87.18 1 AC - Crack Sea) 2101 MONTGOMERY AV MONTGOMERY AV UPRR CROSSiNG 380 23 760.00 R2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 2122 M155ION AV VI�TA RO 6ESS1E RQ 304 19 008.00 R2 7.50 82.92 1 AC - C�atk S�al 2140 MI55lON AV BOwGISH RD BATES RD 264 16 473.60 R2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 2141 MlSSI�N AV FtAYMOND RD OBLRUN RD 176 10 982.40 ft2 8.50 81.09 1 AC - Crack Seal 2146 MOrtTGOMERY AV WOODRUFF RD MONTGOMERY AV 380 23 760.00 ft2 0.27 49.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 2147 MONTGOMERY AV UPRR CROSSING INDtANA AV 223 13 939.20 ft2 2.00 95.52 1 AC - Crack 5eal 2155 MISSION AV 315 ft after BESSIE 105 R before 161 10 032.00 ft2 7.50 87.18 1 AC - Crack Seal 2156 M[SSION AV WILLOW RD LOCUST RD 439 27 456.00 it2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack Seal 2159 M[SSION AV EL1A RD EUA RU 1 S 06F3.80 ft2 11.50 82.5T 1 AC - Crack Seal 2161 MISStpN kV FANCHER FRONTAGE THIERMAN ST 993 62 092.80 R2 1.49 96.57 1 AC - Crack Sea) 2163 MISSION AV WAFtK RD CENTER RD 243 15 Z06.40 It2 11.50 77.13 1 AC - Crack Seal 2177 MI55?ON AV MARGUERITE R� MARGUERITE RD 127 7 920.00 R2 7.50 86.35 1 AC - Crack Seal 2206 MON7GUMERY AV FARR L!V WOOOftUFF RD 41$ 26 136.00 ft2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 2213 MANSFIEID AV WILBUR RD 105 R before SR 27 1 da 9 772.80 0.31 98.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 2?23 M15SION AV WOODWARD RD EiOWDISH RU 308 19 219.20 tt2 8.50 85.95 1 AG - Cradc 5ea1 222� Mt55fON AV FELTS RD RAYMOND RU 571 5 692.80 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Cracic Seal 2225 M15510N AV PIERCE FiD WO(7DWAftD RD s791 49 420.80 ft2 6.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 2240 MiSSION AV 105 R before WILLOW WI�IOW RD 88 5 491.20 ft2 7.50 84,50 1 AC - Crack Seal 2247 MpN7GOMERY AV 315 ft after SIGNAL l_OCUST RU 228 14 256.00 ft2 0.27 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 2248 MONTGOMERY AV LOtUST RD FARR LN 532 33 264.Q0 tt2 O.Z7 99.07 1 AC - Crack Seal 2249 MODtTGOMERY AV JACKSON AV 315 (t a(ter JACK$ON 182 11 4Q4.80 R2 3.00 93.63 1 AC - Crack Seal 2376 MUUAN kD 55 R aRer 1 9A AkGONNc kD 476 26 611.20 ft2 9.51 69.34 1 AC - Cradc Seal 2379 MULLAN RD 370 ft before I 90 105 ft betore I 90 177 11 088.00 ft2 2b.00 66.18 1 AC - Crack Seal 2380 MULLAN RD SINTO AV MIS�titON AV 395 24 710.40 ft2 7.50 77.19 1 AC - Crack Seal 2381 MULLAN RD BOONE AV SINTO AV 365 22 809.60 R2 7.5U 74.07 1 AC - Cr�ck Seal 2382 MUILAN RD CATALDO AV BODNE AV ;395 24,710.40 ft2 7.50 78.4a 1 AC - Crack Seal 23t33 MULIAN RD BROADWAY AV CATALDO AV 365 22 809.60 R2 7.50 77.98 1 Ai: - Crack Seal 2384 MUUAN RO VALLEYWAY AY BItOADWAY AV s760 47 520.00 ft2 7.50 76.81 1 AC - Crack Seal 2387 MULLAN RD U15NMAN-MICA RD MAiN AV 7 30 412.80 ft2 21.51 63.72 1 AC - Cratk S I 25 2 PARK RD SR-290 5 R after SR 29 41 2 534.40 ft2 3.50 78.15 1 AC - Crack Seal 2545 PAkK RD E3ALDWIN AV INDiANA AV 122 7 603.20 ft2 11.50 60.42 1 AC - Crack Seal 2547 PARK RO NORA AY BALDWIN AV 274 17 107.20 R2 11.50 77.83 1 AC - Crack Sea) 2551 PARK RD MAXWELL AV MISSION AV 243 15 206.40 R2 I1.50 82.43 1 AC - Crack Seal 2552 PARK RD SINTO AV MAXWELL AV 122 7 603.20 R2 11.50 82.54 1 AC - Crack Seal 25b4 PARK RD 105 ft aRcr UPRR SPEAR AV ;1Z2 7 603.20 R2 7.50 71.65 1 AC - Crack Seal 7.827 TNIERMAN ST MALLOtV AV DEAN AV 172 10 771.20 R2 1.42 94.32 1 AC - Crack Seat 2887 SHARP AV FANCliER RD FANCHER FRONTAGE s54 3 379.20 ft2 12.48 73.32 1 AC - Crack Seal Z888 SHARP AV 265 R aRer HOWE ST FANCHER RD 203 12 672.00 R.2 3.00 90.56 i AC - Crack Seal 2889 SHARP AV HOWE ST 265 R aRe� NOWE ST I01 6 336.00 ft2 9.00 88J2 1 AC - Crack Seal 2890 S,t{ARP AV STANLEY RD HOWE ST S243 15 2U6.40 ft2 3.00 90.56 Pago 3 of 25 Plan Year Adlvity IO Routa Route Back Route Ahasd Estlmat�d Gost Areas Ay� OCI 1 AC - Crack 5eal 2891 SHARP Av YARULEY KQ 57ANLEti' RD 2�l 16 473.60 ft2 3.00 90.20 1 AC - Crack Seal 2920 UNIVER;IT( RD MONTGOMERY AV BUCKEYE AV 203 12 672.Q0 ft2 11.50 76.9U 1 AC - Crack Seal 2421 UNiVERSiTY RD PICKET LN GRACE AV 68 4 224.00 ft2 11.50 82.55 1 AC - Crack Seal 2981 UNIVERSITY RD 210 ft after BOONE AV 781 48 787.20 R2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Grack 5eal 2982 UNIVERS(TY RD BOON[ AV SHARP AV 112 G 969.60 ft2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Crack Seal 3094 SPRAGUE AV T}1IERMAt� ST APPlEi1VAY BV 689 43 084.80 R2 12.50 61.81 1 AG - Crack Scal 3098 SPFU�GUE AV BRADLEY RD EUZABETN RD 426 26 611.20 ft2 12.50 G5.72 1 AC - Cradc Seal 3102 SPRAGU[ AV COLEMJUI RU DORA 5T 426 2b 611.20 R2 12.50 b2.50 1 AC - Crack Seal 3123 SPRAGU[ AV VLS'fA RD PARK RD 2 585 161 568.00 R2 7.50 65.25 1 AC - Crack Seal 3135 UNIVERSI i'r Kp SPRINGFlELD AV 210 ft after 149 9 292.80 ft2 3.00 93.63 1 AC - Crack S�a) 3143 SPRAGUE AV SIPPLE RD V1STA R� 632 39 494.40 ft.2 7.50 71.06 1 AC - Crack Seal 3146 SPRAGUE AV BESSIE RD SiPPLE RD ;172 10 771.20 ft2 7.50 69.95 i AC - Crack Seal 3147 5PRAGUE AV SARGENT RD BESSIE RD 689 43 084.80 ft2 7.50 �O.GS 1 AC - Crack Seal 3148 SPitAGUE AV DISHMAN RD SARGEfYT RD s912 57,024.00 ft2 7.50 69.12 1 AC - Crack Seal 3150 SPRAVUE AV 6R 4594 UNDERPASS DISHMAN RD 5329 20 592.00 ft2 7.50 70.71 1 AC - Crack Seal 3158 SPRAGUE AV WALNUT RO SUNDERIAND RD 517 3Z 313.60 ft� Z1.51 60.50 1 AC - Crack Sedl 3159 SPRAGUE AV HEi2A1D RD WALNUT RD =345 21,542.40 ft2 21.51 62.54 1 AC - Crack 5ea1 .i161 SPRAGUE AV U-CIIY ENTRANCE DARTMOUTH RD 517 32 313.60 R2 21.51 61.05 1 AC - Crack Seal 3162 SPRAGUE AV BALFOUR RD U-CITY ENTRANCF 287 17 952.00 R2 21.51 51.78 1 AC - Crack Scal 3164 T?iiERMAN ST 160 R aRer MALLON AV 86 5 385.60 ft2 1.42 94.32 1 AC - Crack Seal 3173 UNIVERSITY RC BN5F CROSSING SR-290 51 3 168.00 ft2 3.00 3.64 1 AC - Cmck Sca) 3190 7}ilERMAN ST SHARP AV M15SION AV 532 33 264.00 RZ 1.42 95.71 1 AC - Crack Seal 3203 UNIV[F+SITY RD SPRINGFIELD AV SPRINGFIELD AV 74 4 64b.4 R2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Gack Seal 3204 UNIVERSTTY RD MAXWELL AV MISSION AV 335 20 908.80 ft2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Crack Seal 3219 SPRAGUE AV DYER RD 55 ft after DYER RO 72 4 48a,p0 ft2 12.50 68.97 1 AC - Crack 5eat 3220 SPRAGUE AV ENO PC START ACP DYER RD 287 17 952.W tt2 12.50 60.77 1 AC - Crack Seal 3249 THIERMAN ST DESMET AV SNARP AV 3�4 19 008.00 R2 1.42 96.71 1 AC - Crack Seal 3257 UNIVERSITY RD MAXWELL AV MAXWELL Av 37 2 323.20 ft2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Crack Sea) 3258 UNIVERSITY RU BNSF CRO5SING CtNSF CRO�SING S1 3 168.00 ft� 3.00 93.64 1 AC - Crack Seal 3281 UNIVERSIIY RD VALLEYWAY I1V SPRINGFiELD AV 558 34 848.00 R2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Crack 5ea1 3289 SPRAGUE AV HOWE ST FANCtiEE: RU 879 54 912.00 ft2 6.51 63.72 1 AC - Crack Scal 3301 UNNERSIIY RO FAiRVIEW AV BNSF CROSSING 34 2 112.00 R2 3.00 93.64 1 AC - Crack Seal 3306 SPFUIGUE �V MCKINNON ST HOWE 5T 659 41 184.00 ft2 6.51 71.33 1 AC - Crack Seal 3310 �PRAGUE AV �RNANAN RD MCKINNQN ST 1 064 66 528.00 ft2 6.51 72.72 1 AC - Crack Seal 3317 SPRAGUE AV GHRONICLE RD CARNAHAN RD 659 41 184.Q0 ft2 6.51 74.69 1 AC - Crack Seal 3322 SPRAGUE AV CUSTER RD �HRONICIE RD 608 38 016.00 ft2 6.51 77.11 1 AC - Crack Seal 3329 UNiVEkSITY RD MAfN AV N1XON LN 297 18 585.60 ft2 21.51 72.20 1 AC - Gatk Seal 3330 UNIVERSI�TY RD NIXON LN VALLLYWAY AV lA9 9 297..80 ft2 8.50 85.97 1 AC - Crack Seal 3331 UNIVERSiTY RD SINTO AV MAiCWELL AV 260 16 262.40 ft2 8.50 85.97 , 1 AC - C�ack Seal 3333 SPRAGU[ AV DEAROORN RD CUSTER R� 659 41 184.00 R2 6.51 77.39 i AC - Cratk 5eal 3340 5Pi2AGUE AV HAVANA ST UEAF:BORN RQ 608 38 016.00 ft2 6.51 76.52 i AC - Crack Seal 3348 THIERMAN ST 210 ft before DESMET DESMET AV �101 6,33b.00 R2 1.42 46.71 1 AC - Crack Seal 3373 UNIVEftSIIY RG SttARP AV SINTO AV 186 11 616.00 RZ 8.50 BO.bi 1 AC - C�atk Seal 3374 UNIVEIZS(lY RD GRACE AV FAIRV![W AV ;101 6,336.00 ft2 11.50 82.55 1 AC - Crack Seal 3441 VISTA RD FREGERICK AV UTAti AV 132 8 236.80 fL2 3.00 71.18 1 AC - Crack Seal 3446 V15TA RG ]ACKSON AV MAf�IETfA AV 132 8 236.80 R2 3.00 80.92 1 AC - CraCk Seal :i449 VISTA RD lA5 ft afttr BNSF SR-290 s44 2,745.60 ft2 3.00 90.20 Page 4 of 25 • • e � Plan Year A�c#tvity IO Route Route Back Routa Ahead Estimatad Cost Ar�as Ay� aQ 1 AC - Crack Seal 3452 VISTA RD BNSF CROSSiNG 105 R after BNSF 41 2 534.40 ft2 9.00 83.84 1 AC - C�ack Seal 3454 VIS�A RO KNOX F+V BNSF Cft0551NG $203 1Z 67J.00 Kl 10.51 G9.48 1 AC - CraCk Seal 3456 VlST'A RO E3ALUWIN AV INOIANA AV 142 8 870.40 R2 1o.51 83.63 1 AC - Crack Seal 3457 VI57A itD NORA AV EWLDWIN AV 41 2 534.40 tt2 1o.51 83.G3 1 AC - Crack Seal 34b2 VISTA RD SINTO AV MISSION AV 324 20 275.20 R2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack Sea) 34b3 VISTA R� 800NE AV 51NT0 AV S351 21 964.80 ft2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack Seal 3473 V1S RD SPRAGUE AV UPKR CFtQ5S1NG 237 14 784.00 ft2 7.50 87.16 1 AC - Crack Seal 3845 YARDLEI' RD BROAOWAY AV MALLON AV 162 10 137.60 ft2 3.00 9fl.20 1 AC - Crack 5eai 3853 YARDLEY RD 800NE AV SHARP AV 162 10 137.60 R2 9.00 89.96 1 AC - Crack Seal 3855 YARDLEY RD DESFIET AY BOONE AV 162 10 137.60 ft2 3.00 90.20 1 AC - Crack 5ea1 38b7 YARDLEY RD CATALDO AV DESMET AV =162 10 137.60 ft2 3.00 90.20 1 AC - Crack Seal 38b8 YARDLEY RD MALLON AV CATALDQ AV 162 10 13"7.60 ft2 9.00 89.68 1 AC - CraCk Seal SU32 UN1VEFt5ITY RD BUCKEYE AV PICKET LN s51 3 168.00 R2 11.50 82.55 1 AC - Crack Seai 5330 BOW17tSH RU S1NT0 LN MA?(WELL AV 203 12 672.00 ft2 8.50 85.98 1 AC - Crack Seal 5356 E30WDISH RD BOONE AV StiARP LN 203 12 672.00 R2 5.51 H9.52 1 AC - Crack Seal 5381 PARK RD BOONE AV SHARP AV 182 11 404.80 fLZ 3.50 91.t}U 1 AC - Crack 5eal 5426 FARR RD SPRINGFIELO LN BROADWAY AV 213 13 305.60 ft2 7.50 90.24 1 AC - Crack Seal 7000 MONTGOMERY AV UPRR CROSSiNG DAR7MOUTN LN 190 11 880.00 R2 0.27 99.07 2 AC - Crack Scal 28 pROADWAY AV 55 R befo+�e SULLIVAN SUL�iVAN RD 52 3 062.40 RZ 13.50 a0.05 2 AC - Crack Seal 9 BR�ADWAY AV SULLIVAN RD 105 ft betore MOORE 1 302 76 560.Q0 tt2 2.00 95.52 2 AC - Crack Sedl 84 BROADWAY AV MAMER RD EVERGREEN RD 513 30 201.60 R2 S.SO 89.24 2 AC - Crack SeAI 159 BROADWAY AV MCCABE RD MIIMER RD 869 Si 110.40 ft2 5.50 89.24 2 AC - Crack Sea) 160 fiROAUwAY AV S1� CI KU 55 ft bebrc 5ULLIVAN 671 39 494.40 R2 5.50 69.24 2 AC - Crack Seal 245 BROADWAY AV PROGRE55 RD ST CtIARLES RQ 355 20 908.$0 tt2 5.50 89.24 2 AC - Crack Seal 289 E�FtKER RD IACKSUN UFt BUCKEYE AV 420 24 710.40 ft2 1.00 90.78 2 AC - Crack Seal 290 E3ARKER RD 105 ft befo�e BNSF BNSF CROSSTNG 39 2 323.20 R2 4.00 91.59 2 AC - Crack Seal 291 BAft10ER RD BNSF CRQSSING SR-290 79 4 646.40 R2 4.00 91.59 2 AC - Cradc Sea) 308 OROADWAY AV MCDONALD RD MCU4BE RD 632 37 171.20 R2 S.SO 89.24 2 AC - Crack 5eal 396 BROADWAY AV WOODLAWN RD MCUONALD RD 632 37 171.20 ft2 S.SO d9.24 2 AC - Crack Seal 397 BROADWAY AV BUFtNS Fti) PROGRESS RD 434 25 555.20 h2 5.50 89.24 2 AC - Crack Seal 482 BROADWAY AV AOAMS RD BURNS RD 513 30 201.b0 ft2 5.50 89.24 2 AC - Crack Seai 517 BROADWAY AV VERCI.ER RD WOODLAWN RD t355 20,408.80 ft2 5.50 B9.24 2 AC • Crack Seal 565 BROADWAY AV BEST Rp AOAMS RD '987 58 U80.00 ft2 4.00 91.59 2 AC - Crack Sea) 612 BROADwAY AV EVERGREEN RD BEST RD 987 58 OSO.Op ft2 a.00 91.59 2 AC - Crack Seal 613 i3R0AUwAY AV 105 ft before MOORE MQORE RD s43 2 534.40 R2 2.00 95.52 2 AC - Crack Sea) 625 E3ARKER RD ftATTAM[R LN UPRR CROSSiNG 32 1 900.80 ft2 1.00 88.90 2 AC - Crack Seal 659 CONKUN RD VALLEYWAY AV BROADWAY AV ;583 34 320.00 ft2 1.31 94.76 2 AC - Crack Seal 660 CONKLIN RD 55 ft aftcr MAIN AV VALLEYWAY AV 280 16 4"73.6o ft2 1.31 44,76 2 AC - Crack Seal 661 C4NKUN RD MAIN AV 55 ft aftcr MAIN AV 22 1 267.20 R2 1.31 9G.94 2 AC - Crack Sea) 662 CONKUN RD RIVERSIDE AV MA1N AV 129 7 603.20 ft2 1.3I 46.94 2 AC - C�ack Seal 663 CONKUN RD 160 R aRer SPRAGUE RIVEhS1DE AV 5 3 801.60 ft2 1.31 4fi.9�1 2 AC - C�ack Seal 664 CONKl1N RD SPRAGUE AV 160 ft after SPRAGUE 118 6 969.60 R2 1.31 96.94 - ra I 7 4 -M NT R PORTI.AND AV E�iP[RE AV 140 8 23b.80 ft2 3.00 88.00 2 AC - Crack Seal 715 CEMEtYT ttD SR-27 PORTLANO AV 140 8 236.80 R2 3.00 88.00 2 AC - Crock Seal 1103 EVERGREEN RD 370 ft before :NC�1�ar�A INDIANA AV 5 3 29 568.00 ft2 19.50 68.75 2 AC - Crack Seal 1108 EVERGR.EEN RD BRlDGE tt M155:ON 55 R after E3FtIDGE t� 75 4 435.20 R2 4.00 78.27 2 AC - Crack 5eal 1109 EVERGNEEN RO MtSS10W AV 8!t]DGE u MISSION 754 44 352.00 ttl iAU 80.31 Page 5 af 25 Ptan Year Acttvity ID Route Routa Badc Route Ahead EsUmat�d Cost Araas A9s OGI 2 AC - Crack Scal 1110 EVERGPEEN RD SHARP Av MISSI0�1 AV 603 35 491.G0 R2 4.00 83.39 2 AC - Crack Seai 1111 EVERGREEN RD BOONE AV ;;t1Aki' AV 393 23 126.40 ft2 1.Q0 80.80 2 AC - Crdtk Sea) 1112 EVERGREEN RD UESMET AV 800NE AV 393 23 126.40 R2 4.00 77.99 2 AC - Crack SeaJ 1113 EYERGREEN RD CATALDO AV OE5MET AV 459 26 980.8U ft2 4.00 81.70 2 AC - Crack Seal 1114 EVERGREEN RD MALLON AV UTALDO AV 393 23 126.40 ft2 4.00 SO.8U 1 AC - Cratk Seal 1115 EVERGREEN RD BROADWAY AV MUILLON AV 393 23 126.40 ft2 4.00 80.83 2 AC - Crack Sea) 1116 EVERGREEN RD SPRINGF1ElD AV BROADWAY AV 459 26 980.80 ft2 4.00 77.99 2 AC - Crack Scal 1117 EVERGI2EEN RD VALLEYWAY AV SPRINGFlELU AV 1 048 61 670.40 ft2 4.00 76.61 2 AC - Crack Stal 1118 EVERGREEN RD VALLEYWAY AV VALLEYWAY AV 197 11 563.20 ft2 4.00 74.48 2 AC - Crack Seal 1120 EVERGREEN RD N[XQN AV VALI.FYWAY AY 197 11 563.20 ft2 4.00 79.9"J 2 AC - Crack Seal 1162 EUCUD AV UPRR CROSSING FLORA R� 1 9 Z92.8Q R2 1.00 82.17 2 AC - Crack Seal 1164 EUCUD AV MARIET'TA AV SHAMkOCIC LN 553 32 524.80 ft2 I.OU 82.17 2 AC - Crack Seai 1167 EUCLiD /►V SULLNRN RD iST ST 632 37 171.20 ft2 1.00 80.12 2 AC - Crack Seal 1171 MIRABEAU PARKWAY MAN5FIELD AV UPRR CROSStNG 750 44 140.80 ft2 10.51 83.35 2 AC - Crack Seat 1172 MIRAHFAU PARKWAY .640 mi before MANSFIELD AV 2 O11 118 272.00 ft2 10.00 83.51 2 AC - Cratk Seat 1173 MIRnQEAU PARKwAY SR-27 .640 ml before 2 766 162 729.60 R2 10.51 82.74 l AC - Crack Scal 1471 EVERGREEN RD SS Ft after SR-29Q FOCKW[LL AV 269 15 840.00 it2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - CraCk Seai 1523 [VERGitEEN RU CROWN AV SANS�N AV 25 14 784.00 ft2 2.Q0 95.52 2 AC - Crack Seal 1524 E1/ERGREEN RD WELLESLEY AV CRUWN AV 804 47 3Q8.80 R2 2.00 95.52 2 AC - Crack Stal 1525 EVERGREC-N RD HEROY AV YIELLESI.EY AV 89 11 088.00 R2 1.31 96.�l4 2 AC - Crack Seal 1527 EYERGREEN RD kICFi AV HEROY AV 485 28 512.00 R2 2.00 95.52 AC - Cre k I 1594 EVEHGREEN RD RICH AV RICN AV 7 1 584.00 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 1595 F�ORA RD SR-290 WELLESLEY AV 560 32 947,20 ft2 10.51 76.47 2 AC - Crack Seal 1618 EVERGREEN RD RpCKwELL AV RICH AV 135 7 920.00 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 1643 FLOitA RD BROADWAY AV 105 R before SWDGE 230 13 516.80 R2 1.31 9�t.76 2 At - Crack Seal 1646 flOftA RD ALKI AV BROADWAY AV 257 15 100.80 ft2 1.31 94,76 2 AC - Crack Seal 1648 FLORA RU VALLEYWAY AV ALKI AV 350 20 592.00 ft2 1.31 �l4.7G 2 AC - Crack Seal 1649 FLORA RD MAIN AV VALLEYWAY AV 280 16 473.60 f[2 1.31 14J6 2 AC - Crack Seal 1650 FI.ORA RD SPftAGUE AV MA1N AV 303 27 846.40 ft2 1.31 9�t.76 2 AC - Crack Seal 1715 MISSION AV SR-27 HUUK RD 583 34 320.00 ft2 24.50 70.05 2 AC - Crack Seal 1780 MISSION AV WQODIAWN RD MCDONALD RD 583 34 320.00 ft2 S.SO 87.31 2 AC - Cruck Seal 1794 INDlANA AV 1-90 W B OFF RAMP EAST END OF ROAD 3 770 221 760.00 ft2 10.00 83.93 2 AC - Crack 5eai 1799 INDIANA Av 160 R aRer MALL 370 R before 408 2A 02a.40 ft2 17.00 85.Q9 2 AC - Crack Sea) 1840 INDIANA AV MALL ENTRANC� 160 ft attcr MALL 213 12 513.60 ft2 17.Q0 86.9/ 2 AC - Crack Seal 1801 lNDIAhA AV 315 R before MALL MALL ENTRANCL• � 425 25 027.20 ft2 10.00 �1.82 2 AC - Crack Seal 1802 INDIANA Av 265 tt �Rer MALL 315 ft before MALL 245 14 414.40 f[2 lO.Oo FiU.78 2 AC - Crack Seal 1803 [NDIANA AV MALL ENTRANCE K� 265 ft afte� MALL 364 21 384.00 R2 13.98 79.46 2 AC - Crack 5ea1 1805 fNUtA,NA AV 265 ft betorL MALL MALL ENTRANCE NL 364 21 3ti4.0U ft2 1U.00 83.40 2 AC - Crack Seal 1807 tNDtkNA rV MALL ENT �:� MALL ENTRANCE 1 424 83 793.60 R2 1.00 91.11 2 AC - Crack Seal 1509 INC�(ANA AV MiRABEAU PARKWAY EVEKGRFEN RD 3 159 185 803.20 ft2 19.50 72.86 2 AC - Crack Seal 1810 INDIANA AV INUTAfJA CT MIRABEAU PARKWAY 991 58 291.20 R2 19.50 G0.78 2 AC - Crack Sea( 1812 INaIANA AV I-90 OFF RAMP 265 ft beforc 1ND[ANA 2 586 152 116.8U R2 5.50 89.01 2 AC - Crack Seal 1959 M[SSION AV VERCLER RD WOODIAWN RD 539 31 680.00 ft2 S.SO 88.89 2 AC - C�ack Seal 1960 M[SSION AV 55 ft before BOLIVAR E30UYAFt RD 43 2 534.48 ft2 4.00 91.15 2 AC - Crack Seal 1961 MI55ION Av BOtIVAR RD 315 R before BEST RD 302 17 740.80 ft2 5.50 89.24 2 AC - Crack Seal 2065 MI5510N AV SS R before MISSION M155FoN AV 54 3 168.00 fC2 4.00 a9.12 2 AC - Crack Seal 2066 MISSION AV MLSSiON AV 55 ft befo�e BOLIVAR 108 G 33b.00 ft2 4.U0 91.58 2 AC - Crack 5eal 2091 M15SIQN AV HOUK RD VERCLEit RD 224 13 200.00 ft2 24.50 70.05 Page 6 of 25 • . • : ' Plan Year /►ctivity ID Route Route Back Route Ahaad Estimatad Cost Arcas Age OCI 2 AC - Cratk 5eal 2120 MCDONALD RO CATALDO AV DESMET AV 259 15 206.40 (t2 5.50 E9.23 2 AC - Crack Seal 2124 MI�SION AV 370 R before BRIDGE 160 ft belore BRiDGE 172 lU 13/.6U ft2 �.00 91.58 2 AC - C�uck Seal 2157 r�tCtiOt�ALD RD HEROY AV HEROY AV 43 2 534.40 ft2 3.00 93.47 2 AC - Crack Seal �158 MCDOhtALD RD RICN AV HEROY AV 323 19 008.00 R2 3.00 93.47 2 AC - Crack 5eal 2162 MCUOfVALD RD SR-290 FtICH AV 95 29 145.60 ft1 3.00 93.47 2 AC - Crack Seal 2167 MCOONALD RU MAXWELL AV MISSION AV 302 17 740.80 ft2 5.50 88.63 2 AC - Crack Seal 2169 MCDQNALD RD 51NT0 AV MAXWELL AV 259 15 20G.40 ft2 S.SO 83.88 2 AC - Cradc Seal 2170 MCDONALD RD BOONE AV SiNTO AV 388 22 6Q9.60 ft2 5.50 73.29 2 AC - Cradc eat 2171 MCDONALD RD UESMET AV BQONE AV 3�2 17 740.80 ft2 5.50 74.87 � Z AC - Crack Seal 21 �4 MCUONALD RU MALLON C7' CATALDO AV 259 1 S 206.40 tt2 5.50 89.23 2 AC - Crack Seal 2178 M1551UN AV HOUK RD HOUK RD s359 21 1'1D.00 ft2 24.50 70.05 2 A,C - Crack Seal 2179 MISSION AV BLAKE RD MAMER RD 302 17 74a.80 R2 5.50 81.73 2 AC - Crack Seal 2180 MISSION AV MAMER RD 370 R before BRIDGE ;276 16 262.40 ft2 S.SO 84.10 2 AC - Cradc Sea) 2187 MCDONALD RD BROl1DWAY AV MALLON CT 431 25 344.00 ft2 5.50 89.23 2 AC - Crack Seal 2188 MCDONALD RD SPRINGF1ElD AV BROADWAY AV 259 1S Z06.40 R2 S.SO 88.90 2 AC - Crack Seai 2189 MCDONALD RD ALKI AV SPRINGF1Et� AV 259 15 20G.40 ft2 5.50 87.21 2 AC - Cratk Seai 2191 MCDONALD RD OUVE AV AUCI AV 259 15 206.40 R2 5.50 89.23 2 AC - Cradc Seal 2192 MCDONALD RD VALLEYWAY AV OINE AV 302 17 740.80 R2 5.50 89.23 2 AC - Cra[ic Seal 2194 MCDONALD RD NIXON AV VALLFVWAY AV 302 17 740.80 ft2 5.50 84.34 2 AC - Crack Seal 2195 MC�ONALD RD MAIN AV N1xON AV 215 12 672.00 ft2 5.50 89.21 2 AC - Crack Seal 2196 MCDOt�ALD RD FtIVERSIDE AV MAIN AV 215 12 672.00 R2 23.50 70.67 2 AC - Crack Seal 222.8 �1155ION AV MCDONALD RD BLAKE RO s1,167 68 640.00 R2 5.50 89.24 2 AC - Crack Seal 2687 NKUGRESS itD E3ROAD AV CROWN AY 397 23 337.60 ft2 2.00 92.00 2 AC - Crack Seal 2688 PROGIiE55 R� WELLESi.EY AV E3ROAD AV �163 9 609.6U R2 2.00 92.00 2 AC - Crack Seal 2689 PROGRE55 RD HEROY AV W�LLES�EY AV 210 12 355.20 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 2690 PROGRESS RD LONGFELLOW AV NEROY AV 163 9 609.60 ft2 1.31 96.9•t 2 AC - Crack Seal 2692 PROGRE55 ftD RICH AV LONGFELLOW AV 163 9 6Q9.60 R2 1.31 96.94 2 A- Crack eal 693 PROGRESS RD ROCKWELL AV RIGi AV 117 6 864.00 R2 1.31 46.94 2 AC - Crack Senl 2701 PROGRE55 RD SR-290 ROCKWELL AV 5187 10,982.40 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 3011 SULUVAN KD UPLAND DR WEILESIEY AV 415 24 393.G0 Pt2 10.51 68.G1 2 AC - Crack Seal 3012 5ULLIVAN RD 420 ft after SR-Z90 UPIAND DR 377 22 176.00 R2 10.51 69.55 2 AC - Crack S�al 3015 SULLIVAN RD KIEiiNAN AV SR-240 [ASTBOUND 1,282 75 398.40 tt2 1.00 97..13 2 AC - track Seaf 3016 SUWVAN RD .170 ml aRer EUCLl� KIERNAN AV 1 32t3 �8 144.00 R2 1.00 90.78 � AC - Crack Seal 3030 SULLIVAN RD 55 R after MARIETTA EUCUD AV �2 058 121 651.20 ft2 1.00 90.78 2 AC - Crack Seal 3032 SULLIVAN RD BR 4510 8� MARIEITA AV ;1 346 79 200.00 R2 17.00 G6.70 2 AC - Crack 5eal 3034 SPRAGUE AV TSCHIRLEY RO TSCHIRLEY RD 255 14 995.20 R2 11.50 70.15 2 AC - Crack Seal 3035 SULL.IVAN RU SIGNAL � CEN7RAL 315 ft Dcfwe BR 4510 776 45 619.20 ft2 1.00 90.78 Z At - Crack Seal 3037 SULLNAN RD BR 4511-5POKANC FLORA PiT RD �592 34,848.00 ft2 17.00 71.41 2 AC - Crack Seal 3041 SPRRGUE AV S'TfEN kL FLORA RD 828 48 734,40 ft2 11.50 7Q.15 2 AC - Crack Seai 3042 SPRAGUE AV .210 mi after CONKUN RD ;1,848 108 715.20 R2 11.50 69.�t 2 AC - Crack Scal 3043 SUWVAN f�D MISSION AV I-90 EAS7E30UND 754 44 352.00 ft2 1.00 93.34 2 AC - Crock Seal 30d4 SULLIVAN RD BROAOWIIY AV MISSION AV 1 336 78 56b.40 R2 13.50 68.04 2 AC - Crack Scal 3050 5PRAGUE AV PROGRESS RD SULLIVAN FtU Z 13:i 125 452.80 ft2 1.OU 69.10 2 AC - Gack Seal 3051 SUWVAN RD SPRINGFIELD AV BROADWAY AV 584 34 372.80 R2 13.50 66.48 2 AC - Crack Sea! 3052 SUWVAN RD VALLEYWAY AV SPRINGFIELG AV S1 58G 93 297.G0 fi2 1:�.50 66.90 1 AC - Crack Sedl 3091 5PF2AGUE AV 6E5T RO ADAMS RD 1 659 97 574.40 ft2 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3092 SPR�IGUE AV SR-27 HOUK RD 8b9 51 110.40 R2 1.b0 88.69 Page 7 ot 25 Plan Year Activity IO Route Route Back Route Ahasd Estimated Cost Areas Age OCI 2 �C - Crack Seal 3097 SPRAGUE AV BOLIVAR RD BAtJNEN R.D S553 32,SZ4.80 R� 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 31"lEC SPkAGUE AV MAYHEW RD EVEk�REEN R� 51,264 7�,342.40 ft2 1.G4 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3149 SPRAGUE AV FIORA RD TSCHIRLL-Y RD 1 275 74 976.00 R2 11.50 70.50 2 AC - Crack Seal 3165 SPRAGUE AV C�NKUN RD STEEN RD 52,422 142 454.40 ft2 l l.Sa 69.84 2 AC - Crack Seal 3166 SPRAGUE �v MCCABE R� BIAKE RD 5790 46,46i.00 ft2 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3175 SPRAGUE AV M�ONALD RO CUNTON RO 474 27 878.40 R� 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3176 SPRAGUE AV ADAtiS RD BURNS LN ;1,185 69,69b.00 ft2 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3179 SPRAGUE AV HOUK RD MCDONALD RD 53,081 181,209.60 ft2 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3221 SPF2AGUE AV BANNEN RD BEST R� 948 55 756.80 ft2 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3223 SPRAGUE AV EVERGREEN RD BOUVAR RD 790 4b 464.00 ft2 1.00 89.10 2 AC - Crack Seal 3246 SPRAGUE AV NOUK RD HOUK RD 5158 9 79Z.80 ft2 1.00 88.69 2 AC - Crack Seal 3250 SPRAGUE AV BIAKE RD MAYNEW RD 711 41 817.60 R2 1.00 84.10 2 AC - Crack Sea) 3273 SPRAGUE AV CUtYTON RD MCCA4E RD 632 37 171.20 ft2 I.UO Fi9.10 2 AC - Crack Scal 3754 WELLESLEY AV 160 ft aR�r FLOkA RD 431 25 344.00 It2 10.51 GG.44 2 AC - Crack Seal 3765 WELLESLEY AV LILLiAN RD CONKLIN RO 126 7 392.00 R2 10.51 74.74 2 AC - Crack Seal 3781 WELL[SLEY AV LARCH RD LILLIAN RD 1Q8 6 336.00 R2 �O.S1 60.4i 2 AC - Crack Sea) 3782 WEl1tSLEY AV lStNHA1tT RD LARCH kD 126 7 392.00 ft2 10.51 63.80 2 AC - Crack 5eal 3784 WELLESLEY AV MOORE RD iSENHART RD 323 I9 OU8.00 ft2 10.51 71.04 2 AC - Cratk Sea! 3788 WELLL-SL�Y AV TOLFORD RO 105 ft before MQ�RE 305 17 952.00 ft2 10.51 85.04 2 AC - Crack 5eal 3789 WELLESIEY AV 370 (t before SULLNAN RD 276 16 262.4a R2 2.00 ')5.52 Z AC - Crack Seal 3794 WELLESL[Y AV PROGRE55 RD ST GtARLES RD 259 15 206.40 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 3801 WELLESIEY AV LUCILLE RD PROGRESS RD s194 11 404.80 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 3814 WELLESLEY AV BURNS RD WULLE RD 3Q7 18 057.60 R2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 3815 WELLESLEY AV Z10 ft be(ore BURNS BUfUVS RD 136 8 U25.60 ft2 1.31 9G.9a 2 AC - Crack Seal 3817 WELIESLEY AV 265 ft after CALVIN ADAMS ST 215 12 672.00 ft2 131 9G.94 2 AC - C�ack Seal 3823 WELLESLEY AV REE5 RD CALVIN RD 259 15 20G.40 R2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Se�) 3824 WELLESLEY AV BEST RD REES RO 189 11 088.�0 R2 1.:31 9fi.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 3849 W[LLL-SLFf AV EsLST RD L�EST FtD 75 4 435.20 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Creck Sea) 3856 WELLESIEY AV BANNEN RD BEST RD 189 11 088.00 R2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - Crack Seal 38b6 WEl1FSLFY AV 315 ft beforc BANNEN BANNEN RU 226 13 305.60 ft2 1.31 96.94 2 AC - �atk 1 3906 WELLESIEY AV .21 ml belore MCUONALD RD 679 39 916.80 ft2 3.00 93.47 2 AC - Crack Seal 3910 WEILESIEY AV SULLIVAN RD TOLFORD RD 144 8 448.00 R2 1U.51 85.84 2 AC - Crack al 63 5ULLIVAN RD WELLESIEY AV East Valle Schoal 158 9 292.80 R2 2.00 92.00 2 AC - Crack Se,al 5482 SPRAGUE AV 8URN5 LN PROGRESS FtD 790 4b 464.00 R2 1.00 89.10 3 AC - Crack Seal 21 EiOWDISN RD 55 R after 16T1i AV 11TH AV 618 34 320.00 RI 12.50 60.86 3 AC - Crack Seal 77 BOWDISH RD 30TH AV 29TH AV 125 6 969.60 ft2 9.50 82.00 3 AC - Crack Seal 109 t�c7WDI5H RD 16TH AV 55 R after 1671i AV 31 1 742.40 R2 12.50 g2.16 3 AC - Crack Seal 110 E30WDISti RD 4T}i AV 2N0 AV 608 33 792.00 ft2 1.00 92.G4 3 AC - C�aCk 5ed) 152 BOWDISH RD 30TH AV 30TH AV s63 3 484.80 R2 9.50 82.00 3 AC - Crack Seal 153 BOWDISH RD 23RD AV 22ND AV 157 6 712,00 ft2 2D.5A 74.12 3 AC - Crack Seal 189 E30WDiSh1 FtD BATES DR 38TN AV 150 8 870.40 ft2 2.�0 87.00 3 AC - Crack Seal 190 aOWDISH RD 6TH AV 4TH AV ;456 �5 344.00 R2 15.50 66.21 3 AC - Crack Seal 237 ElOWOI5f1 RD 24TH AV 23RU AV 220 12 196.80 ft2 20.50 75.74 3 AC - Crack 5ea1 238 BOWDISN RD 1TTH AV 16l'}i AV S1$8 10,454.40 R2 20.50 82.ib 3 AC - Crack Seal 297 BQWDISM RD 2TTH AV 26TN AV 188 10 454.40 R2 9.50 75.68 3 AC - Crack See 298 BOWDISH RD 11TH AV I1TH AV 2S 1 372.80 ft2 12.50 8q.86 3 AC - Crack Seal 300 BOWDISN RD 315T AV 3011-1 AV 18a 10 454.40 R2 9.50 82.00 Page 8 of 25 • . : y � _. :� : tE �{ M. �4 Ptan Year Adivlty ID Rouce Route Bacic Route Ahesd Estimated Cost Areas Age OCI 3 AC - Crack Seal 333 80WDISH RD 18TN AV ITTN AV 188 10 454.40 ft2 20.50 82.16 3 AC - Crack 5eal 384 BOWDISH itD '32ND Av 315T AV 220 1� 196.80 R2 9.50 73.40 3 AC - Gatk Seal 385 BOWDISN RD �S�N AV 24TN AV 188 10 454.40 h2 20.50 b9.08 3 AC - Crack Seal 412 APPI.EWAY 8V DARTMOUTIi RD 315 ft bctore 1 543 85 747.20 R2 1.00 89.10 3 AC - �rack Seal 413 APPI.EWAY 8V FAkR RD UARTMUUTl-I FtU 1 654 91 8�2.00 R2 23.50 73.00 3 AC - Crack Seal 414 APPIE-WAY EiV WILLOW RD FARR RD 1 378 76 560.00 R2 1.00 89.10 3 AC - Crack Seal 418 APPIEWAY BV DISHMAH R[� 210 R after DISHMAN 220 12 249.6a ftZ 9.50 74.1ti 3 AC - Gack Scal 419 APPLEIN/1Y BV 3RD AV OTSHMAN RD 441 24 499.20 R2 9.50 6y.91 3 AC - Crack Seal 420 APf�LEWAY Bv OALE RD '3RD AV 276 1S 312.00 R2 9.50 67.59 3 AC - Crack Seal 421 APPLL-WAY BV SARGENT RD DALE RD 446 27 561.60 R2 9.50 67.31 3 AC - Crack Sea) 422 APPL..EWAY BV VISTA RD SARGEN7 RD 1 48Fi ti2 6&i.BO ft2 9.50 63.92 3 AC - Crack Seal 437 EiC)WD15H RD 9TN AV 8T1i AV 5173 9,609.60 ft2 15.50 65.54 3 AC - Crack Seal 450 APPLEWAY BV 105 R after PARK RD VISTA RD 2 42 134 745.60 R2 9.50 68.49 3 AC - Crack Seal 453 APPLEWAY BV GIRARD RD 265 ft aker GIRARD 5276 15 312.00 ft2 14.50 64.17 3 AC - Crack Seal 454 APPLEwAY BV BRADLEY RD DORA ST 386 21 436.80 R2 14.50 78.47 3 AC - Crack Scal 45b APPLEWAY BV COLEMAN RO �IRARU KD 717 39 811.20 ft2 14.50 6b.04 3 AC - Crack Sc�l 457 APPLEwAY E3V 15T AV EUZABFTN RD #331 18,374.40 ft2 14,50 64.06 3 AC - Crack 5eal 458 APPLEWAY BV EUZABETti RD BRAULEY RD 331 18 374,4a ft2 14.50 ob.94 3 aC - Cra[k Seal 474 BOWDISH RD 25TH AV ZS7Fi AV 188 10,454.40 ft2 9.50 73J0 3 AC - Crack Seal 558 BOw�ISti RD 36Tti AY 160 tt before 34TH AV 426 23 654.40 tt2 11.50 82.00 3 AC - C�ack Sea) 559 BOWDISH RD 28TN AV DEAtV /►V 188 10 45�i.40 k2 9.50 78.38 3 AC - Creck Seal 577 BOWD]SH RU 12TN AV 11TH AV s148 8,236.80 ft2 12.50 $0.86 3 AC - Crack Seal 606 BGWDISH RU 29TH AV 2aTH AV 20 12 1 6.80 ft2 9.S 82.12 3 AC - Cracic Seal 632 BOWDI5H RD 3TTH AV 36Tti AV ;160 8 870.40 (t2 1.00 96.00 3 AC - Crnck Sen) 633 [iOWDISH kD 2ND AV SPRAGUE AV =380 21 120.00 R2 Z.00 92.77 3 AC - Gack Seai 763 C�►RNAHAN RD 14TN AV 9TH AV 707 39 283.20 ft2 1,00 91.OU 3 AC - Crack Sea) 772 OISHMAN-MICA RD 8R 4522 OVER PLOUF WILBUR RD �1 Z93 71 808.00 ft2 11.50 84.88 3 AC - Crack Sea) 911 DISHMAN-MICA RD WILBUR RD HATHERI.Y CL 342 19 008.U0 ft2 11.50 62.57 3 AC - Crack Seal 952 �ICKEY 5T 160 R aRer 9111 AV 8TN AV 0 4 435.20 8.50 82.20 3 AC - Crack SPaI 982 �IQCFY ST 10T�i AV 91�H AV 266 14 784.00 R2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Crack Seal 1027 D15HMAN-MICA RD 105 ft after HERALD 19TN AV 1 882 104 544.Q R2 15.00 81.39 3 AC - Crack Scal 1028 DISHMAN-MICA RD 24TN AV NERALD RO 144 10 771.20 R2 2.00 90.25 3 AC - Crock Seal 1Q29 DISHMAN-MICA RD :87H AV 26TH AV 1 099 61 036.80 R2 2.00 40.07 3 AC - Cratk Seal 1034 DISHMAN-MICA RD 210 ft after 16TFi AV .100 mf alter 16TN AV $342 19 OU8.00 ft2 5.50 64.91 3 AC - Crack Seal 103 DISHMAN-MICA RD UNIV�RSIlY R� 32ND AV 1 734 96 307.20 ft2 2.U0 89.21 3 AC - Crack Scal 1044 DISIIMAN-MICA RD 210 R before SS R before s114 6,336.00 ft2 5.00 73.53 3 AC - Crack Seai 1059 U[CKEY ST 11TH AV lOT}i AV 228 12 672.00 R2 8.50 85.4� 3 AC - Crack Seal 1072 DISHMAN-MICA RD 19TH AV 105 ft before 16TH AV 1 129 62 726.40 R2 17.00 79.02 3 AC - Cracic Seal 1074 DISNMAN-MICA RD MEftALD itD 105 ft atter MEFtALD 129 7 180.80 R2 1.q0 92.82 3 AC - C�ack Scal 1076 DISHMAN-MICA RO 26TH AV 24TH AV 711 39 4�3�1.40 ft2 2.00 90.42 3 AC - Crack Seal 1077 UISHMAN-MICA RO 32ND AV 28TH AV �1 745 96 944.00 R2 2.00 89.21 3 AC - Crack Seal 1098 nISNMAN-MICA RD 40TH AV 210 ft be(ore 1 331 73 920.00 R2 11.00 61.32 3 AC - Crack 5ea1 1202 HEFtALb RD 16TH AV 15TH AV 228 12 672.00 R2 16.50 76.42 3 AC - Crack Seal 1203 tiERALt7 RD 157H AV 14T1i AV 266 14 78�i.00 ft2 16.50 69.29 3 AC - Crack Seal 1372 FARR RO 55 R before 4TN AV 4TN AV 29 1 584.00 ft2 2.00 87.00 3 AC - Cracic Seal 1382 li[RALD RD 9TN AV 87N AV 266 14 784.00 ft2 21.5U 71.61 3 AC - Cradc Seal 1488 �tERALD RD IOTM AV 9TH AV =26b 14 784.00 R2 16.50 76.42 Page 9 of 25 Plan Year AWvity ID Route Routa Back Rout� Ah�ad Estlmatad Cost Ar�as Age OCI 3 AC - Crack Seal 1546 tiEi2ALU RD 11TTi AV IOTH AV 2G6 14 784.00 R2 16.50 7G.31 3 AC - Crack 5eal 1598 HERALU RD 13TH AV 11T}i AV 342 19 008.00 ft2 16.50 77.64 3 AC - Crack Seal 1639 HERALD RD 147H AV 1311i AV 266 14 784.00 R2 16.5U 66.87 3 AC - Crack Seai 2440 PINES RD 20TN AV 197H AV 162 8 976.00 ft2 1.00 91.OU 3 AC - Cratk Seal 2452 PINES RD 34TN AV 32ND AV 342 19 008.00 ft2 5.00 87.52 3 AC - Cr�ck Seal 2453 PINES RD LOR[TTA OR 34Tti AV G08 33 792.00 ft2 5.00 E39.52 3 AC - Crack Seal 2454 P1NES RD 38T?i AV LOREITA DR 5456 25,344.00 R2 5.00 89.52 3 AC - Crack Seal 2455 PINES RD EAGLE LN EAGLF W 152 8 448.00 R2 5.00 89.52 3 AC - Crack Seal 2579 PARK RD 3RD AV 105 R after 3RD AV ;42 2,323.20 R2 14.50 78.65 3 AC - Cr�ck Seal 2580 PARK RD 4TH AV 3RD AV 145 8 131.20 R2 9.50 14.48 3 AC - Crack Seal 2582 PARK RD 5TH AV 4TH �V 125 6 969.60 ft2 5.00 89.5� 3 AC - Cracfc Seal 2583 PARK RD GTH AV STH AV 5146 8,131.20 ft2 5.00 89.54 3 AC - Crack Seal 2593 PARK RD 8TH AV 6TN AV 251 13 939.20 ft2 5.00 89.5� 3 AC - Crack Seal 2607 PARK f2D 9111 AV 8TN AV S1Z5 6,969.60 tt2 8.SQ 71.G�t 3 AC - Crack Seal 2610 PARK RD 11TH AV lOTN AV 125 6 969.60 ft2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Crack Sea) 2611 PARK RD 12TH AV 117H AV 63 3 484.80 ft2 8.50 78.22 3 AC - Crack Sea! 2612 PARK RD EDGERTON RD 12T}i AV 84 4 646.40 ft2 8.50 D5.40 3 AC - Crack Seat 2613 PARK RD E3EVERL'f DR EDGERTON ftD 133 7 392.00 ft2 S.QO 82.�4 3 AC - Crack Sea) 2614 PARK RD 160 ft before BEVERLY [3EVERLY DR 57 3 16f3.00 R2 5.00 82.2A 3 AC - Crack Seal 284'I UNIVERS1Tf RD 3D7H AV RAYMOND CL 276 15 312.00 R� 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 2916 TNORPE RD D15HMAN-MICA RD BR 4421 OVER PLOUF 284 15 787.20 ft2 11.50 82.00 3 AC - Crack Senl 2917 UNIVERSITY RD 18T?1 AY 16TH AV 661 36 7d8.80 R2 2.00 88.19 3 AC - Crack Seal 291a UNIV[RSITY RD lOTH AV lOTN AV 43 2 376.00 R2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 294b SANDS RD BR �4520 OVER UPRR CROSSING 34 1 900.80 R2 1.00 85.74 3 AC - Crack Seal 2448 SANDS RD 55 ft aRer 43T1i AV BOW�ISH RD 958 53 222.40 ft2 11.50 81.95 3 AC - Crack Seal 2949 SM1DS RD 44TN AV SS ft aRer 44TH AV 38 2 112.00 ft2 11.50 81.95 3 AC - Crack Seal 2978 UNNER5ITY RD 3157 AV 30TH AV 331 18 37d.40 RZ 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 2979 UNIVEfLSITY RD 2STH AV 247N AV 331 18 374.40 RZ 1.U0 9Q.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 3022 UNIVERSI11f RD 11TH AV IOTH AV 299 16 632.00 ft2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Crack 5eal 3023 UN1VL RD 6Tti AV 160 ft before 4T}i AV 470 26 136.00 ft2 18.00 60.57 3 AC - Crack Seal 3045 UNIVERSIIY FiD 26TH AV 25TH AV 386 21 436.80 R2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 3046 UNIVERSITY RD 19TH AV 18TN AV S38b 21 436.80 R2 2.00 88.19 3 AC - Crack Seal 3077 UNIVERSITY RD 32ND AV 315T AV 331 18 374.40 ft2 1.00 9Q.45 3 AC - Cratk Seat 3078 UNIVL=RSITY RD 6TH AV 6TN AV b 4 752.00 ft2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Creck Sea! 3106 UNIVERSITf RO 20TN AV 19TH AV 331 18 374.40 RZ 2.00 88.19 3 AC - Crack Seal 3134 UNIVER5ITY RD :7TH AV 26TH AV 331 18 374.40 ft2 1.00 92.64 3 AC - Crack Seal 3156 TNIERMAN ST 3RD AV 2ND AV 171 9 504.00 R2 14.50 82.�0 3 AC - Crack 5eal 3171 UNIVERSITY RD 13TH AV 12T11 AV 214 11 880.00 ft2 2.40 89.04 3 AC - Crack Seai 3201 UNNEFtS1TY RD 28TN AV 2TTN AV 331 18 374.4U ft2 I.QO 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 3202 UNIVEFiSITY R� 215T AV 2UTtl AV 331 18 374.40 R2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crdck Seal 3225 THIERMAN ST 2ND AV 105 ft before IST AV 190 10 560.00 ftZ 14.50 78.65 3 AC - Crack Seai 3235 UNNERSITY RD �ISHMAN-MICA RD 35TN AV 110 6 124.80 ft2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 3231 UNIVERSITY RD 8TH AV 7TH AV 257 14 256.00 ft2 2.00 89.04 3 AC - Crack Seal 3242 THIERMAN ST STH AV 4TH AV 240 13 3US.G0 ft2 14.50 78.65 3 AC - Crack Seal 3244 THIERMAN ST 4Tii AV 3RD AV 171 504.00 R2 14.50 82.20 3 AC - Crack Seal 3255 UNIVERSIIY RD 22ND AV 21ST AV 331 18 374.40 ft2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 325b UNNEfLSITY RD 14TH AV McELRQY LN 171 9 504.00 R2 2.00 89.04 3 AC - Crack Seal 329fi UNIVERSiTY RD 1;TI� AV 15TH AV 43 2 37G.00 R2 1.00 91.61 Page 10 of 25 Yi. . . ;. Plan Yaar Acilvity ID Route Route 6ack Route Ahsad Estlmated Cost Areas Aye OCI 3 AC - Crack Seal 3299 UNIVERSITY RD 15TH AV 14TN AV 224 11 880.00 ft2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Crack Seai 3300 UNIVERSITY RD 9TN AV 8TH AV 299 16 632.00 ft2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 3324 UNlVER51TY RD RAYMOND CL 29TH AV 110 6 124.50 ft2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 3325 UNIVERSTTY RO 23RD AV 22ND AV 331 18 374.40 R2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Sca! 3337 il-ilERMAN 5T 6TH AV S7H AV 205 11 404.80 ft2 14.50 69.95 3 AC - Crack Sedl 3352 THORP[ RD BR 4421 OVER PLOUF MADISON RD 284 15 787.20 R2 8.50 71.30 3 AC - Cracic Seal 3355 UNIVERSiTY RD lOTH AV 9TH AV 257 14 256.00 ft2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 3371 UNIVERSITY RD 16TN AV 15TH AV 386 21 436.80 R2 2.00 89.04 3 AC - Cradc Seal 3451 8TH AV FANCHER RD GT?�i AV 171 9 504.00 ft2 6.50 87J6 3 AC - Cracit Seal 3474 VISTA RD APPLEWAY BV 1ST AV 3U4 16 8%.00 R2 9.50 84.21 3 AC - Cratk Sedl 3540 8TH AV COLPMAN RD COIEMAN RL 38 2 112.00 ft2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Gack Seal 3544 8TH AV JOEL RU FtAYMUND FtD 137 7 6Q3.20 R2 18.50 74.�2 3 AC - Crack Seal 3602 BTH AV [ASTERN R� DOLLAR RD 247 13 728.00 ft2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Crack Seal 3605 BTH AV WOObRUFF RD 55 tt after WOODRUFF 40 2 217.60 R2 21.50 71.63 3 AC - �rack Seal 3638 47N AV KOREN RD HOWE ST 291 16 156.60 ft2 3.42 86.32 3 AC - Crack Seal 3642 4TH AV WARSIN5ICE AV UANAHAN RD 97 5 385.60 ft2 8.50 G8.72 3 AC - Gack Seal 3643 �Tli AV CHRON1ClE RD WARSINSKE AV 291 16 156.8U ft2 E3.50 72.98 3 AC - Cradc Seal 3663 STH AV FELTS RD )OEl RD 274 15 206.40 ft2 16.50 74.22 3 AC - Crack Seal 36b5 8TN AV SUNDERLAND it� WOODRUFF RD 240 13 305.60 R2 21.50 71.63 3 AC - Crxk Seal 36fi6 817�1 AV GIRARD RD PARK RD 247 13 728.00 Ft2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - C�ack Sea) 3b85 4TN AV CUSTL-R RD CIiRONICLE RD 420 23 337.60 R2 8.50 78.80 3 AC - Cratk Seal 3b88 8TH AV WILLAMEITE ST CHkONICLE RD 57 3 1fi8.00 R2 2.44 94.b2 3 AC - Crack Seal 3689 67N AV BRADLEY RD COl.EMAN RD 209 11 616.00 ft2 B.Sb 85.25 3 AC - Cratk Sea) 3690 4TN AV 31S fL a7R[f CUST�R RD 93 5 174.40 R2 8.50 72.82 3 AC - Crack Seal 3693 8TN AV 210 ft aRer 370 ft after 103 5 702.40 ft2 1.00 91.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 372� 8TH AV HERALD RD FELTS RD 376 20 908.80 R2 21.50 71.65 3 AC - Crack Seal 3726 BTfi AV 55 R before CARNAHAN RO 19 1 OSG.00 R2 2.44 94.62 3 AC - Creck Seal 3736 4TN AV FANCtiER KU 55 ft before EILS7ERN S608 44,8Ei0.Q0 ft2 3.42 8b.32 3 AC - Crack Seat 3744 4TH AV COLEMAN RO GIFtI'�RD RD 272 15 100.80 R2 14.50 70.85 3 AC - Crack Seal 3777 ST}i AV 55 R after FARR RD SUNDEkLAND RD 240 13 305.b0 ft2 21.50 71.b3 3 AC - Crack Seal 3778 STH AV GIRARD RD GIR.ARD RD 19 1 056.00 ft2 8.50 85.4Q 3 AC - Crack Seal 3780 4TH AV 55 ft before EASTERN EASTERN RD 30 1 689.60 R2 26.50 68.50 3 AC - Crack Seal 3783 4TN AV BRADLEY RD COLEMAN RD 346 19 219.20 �t2 14. SO 76.44 3 AC - Crack Seal 3796 4TM AV DAVIO ST T?1IERMAN ST 148 8 236.80 R2 14.50 78.65 3 AC - Cratk Seai 3802 4TH AV GIRARD RD PRftK RD s346 19,219.20 ft2 14.50 68.98 3 AC - Crack Seal 3803 STN AV CUSfER RD WILLAMETTF ST 190 10 560.00 ft2 2.4� 94.62 3 AC - Crack 5eal 3804 8TN AV ELIZABETN f�D BRADLEY RD #152 8 448.00 ft2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Crack Seal 3806 8l'H AV OBERLIN RD UNIVERSITY RD 251 13 939.20 R2 1f3.50 74.25 3 AC - Crack Seal 3828 4TH AV 315 ft aher EASTERN DAVID 5T 34 19 219.20 ft2 14.50 78.65 3 AC - Crack Scal 3833 15T AV DYER RD DOLl.AR RD 114 6 336.00 ft2 14. SO 78.69 3 AC - Crack Seal 3835 15T AV WEST ENO TO DYER DYER RD 114 6 336.00 ft"1 14.50 78.69 3 AC - Crack Seal 3840 8TH AV WAl1vUT RD HEftALD RD 240 13 305.60 ft2 21.50 71.63 3 AC - Crack Seal 3843 STN AV CHRONICLE RD 55 R bc(ore 247 13 72 .00 ft2 2 44 94.62 3 AC - Crack al 4T}i AV EAST�RN RD 315 ft aRer EASTERN 18Z 10 137.tiQ ft2 14.50 78.65 3 AC - Crack Seal 3873 4TN AV T1i1ERMAN ST ELIZABEfH RD s148 8 236.80 ft2 14.50 78.b5 3 AC - Crack Seal 3879 8TM AV FARtt RD 55 ft atter FARR F�D S42 2 323.20 R2 21.50 71.63 3 AC - Crack Seal 3880 8TH AV COIEMAN RD GIRARD RU �190 l0,SG0.00 ft2 8.50 85.40 Page 11 of 25 Plsn Year Activity IC Route Routa dack Route Ahead Estlmat�d Cost Anas A9• OCI 3 nC - Crat.k Seal 3988 dTH AV EUZABcTH RD BR110LEY RD 14f3 8.�3G.F30 f[2 14.;0 79.G5 3 AC - Crack Seal 3890 F3T7i AV �[ARBORN R�i CU�LR RD �228 12,672.00 ft2 2.4�3 94.62 3 AC - Crack Seal 3891 8TH AV TNIERMAN ST ELIZABETH RD S76 4,224.00 ft2 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Crack Seal 3893 8T}I AV RAYMOND RD OBERUN ftD 240 13 305.f,0 R2 18.50 74.22 3 AC - C�ack Seal 3922 STN AV 55 R aRer WOODRUFf WALNUT RD �205 11 404.80 ft2 21.50 71.63 3 AC - Gacic Seal 3936 4TH AV HOWE ST FANCHER RD 388 21 542,40 ftZ 3.27 86.92 3 AC - C�ack Seal 3937 STN AV HAVANA ST DEARBORN RD 228 12 672.00 ft2 2.27 94.97 3 AC - C�ack Seal 3939 8TN AV 370 R aRer GLENN RD 259 14 361.60 ft2 1.04 91.61 3 AC - Crack 5eal 3941 8TH AV UOLLAR RD THIERMAN ST 26b 14 784.00 R� 8.50 85.40 3 AC - Cratk Seai 3961 8TH AV UtJiON RD ROE31E RD 395 21 964.80 ft2 15.50 64.31 3 AC - Crack Seal 3965 8TN AV DIStIMAP�-MICA Rp FARR RD 585 32 524.80 R2 21.50 71.13 3 AC - Crack Seal 3994 16TN AV S�TANLEY RD KOftFN ST 49 2 745.60 ft2 1.Q0 95.00 3 AC - Crack Seal 3995 16TN AV STANLFIf LN STANLEY RD 74 4 118.40 ft2 4.33 82.68 3 AC - Crack Seal 3996 16TN AV R]EGEL CT STANLEY lN 198 10 982.40 ttZ 4.33 82.E,8 3 AC - Crack Sea4 3997 161'Fi AV CAFtNAHAN RD RIEGEL CT 395 21 9G4.80 R2 4.33 82.68 3 AC - Crack Seai 4080 16TH AV WALNUT RD HERALD RO 5319 17 7a0.80 It2 16.50 69.60 3 AC - Crack 5ea) 4081 16TH AV SKIPWORTH RD SKIPWORTN RD 65 3 590.40 R2 12.5CJ 76.45 3 AC - Crack Sea1 4162 16TN AV UNION FtD WINES RD ;808 44 880.00 R2 15.50 69,26 3 AC - Crack 5ea1 4201 4TF1 AV E30WDI511 RD WILIIUR ftD 274 15 20G.40 tt2 15.50 69.12 3 AC - C�ack Seal 4208 3RD AV HOWE ST KOREN RO 380 21 120.00 R2 8.5� 77.15 3 AC - Crack Seal 4209 161ti Av OISHMAN-MICA RD WOODRUFF RD ;319 17,740.80 fi2 16.50 72.36 3 AC - Crack Seal 4210 16T?i AV OBERL[N RD UNIVERSfTY RD 359 19 958.40 ftZ 16.50 72.21 3 AC - Crack Seal 4211 16TH AV UNIVERSITY RD 210 R aRer s220 12,249.60 R2 18.50 69.02 3 AC - Crack Seal 4212 16TH AV 210 R after 315 ft before GI.ENN 163 9 028.80 R2 2o.50 68.2G 3 AG - C�acic Seai 4213 16TN AV 315 R before GIENN GLENN RD 274 15 206.40 R2 20.50 67.96 3 AC - Cratk Seel 4214 167�1 AV GLENN RD PIERCE RD 3388 21,54Z.40 ft� 12.50 80.87 3 AC - Crack Seal 4215 16TN AV PIERCE RD S1aPWORTH RD 35S 19 747.20 R2 12.50 76.27 3 AC - Crack Seal 4250 16TN AV WOOORUFF R� WALNUT RD 5319 17,740.80 R2 16.50 71.7T 3 AC - Crack Seal 4262 4TH AY lU5 R aRer VAtV MARTER RD 257 14 256.00 R2 18.50 69.39 3 AC - Crack Seal 4264 24TH AV WHIPPIE RD 105 (L before P1NES 299 16 632.00 ft2 13.50 68.53 3 AC - Crack Seal 4271 3RD AV DEAi�.E30RN RD HAVANA ST 456 �S 344.OQ ft2 8.50 78.32 3 AC - Cracic Seal 4272 161?i AV WIL(3UR RD UNION RD 517 28 723.20 R2 15.50 74.01 3 AC - Cradc Seal 4274 24T11 AV WILCsUR RD UN10N RD 333 18 480.00 R2 13.5U 83.52 3 AC - Crack Seai 4281 24T1i AV UNIVERSITY RD GIENN RD 494 27 456.00 ft2 20.50 69.85 3 AC - Crack Seal 4303 16TH AV RAYMOND RD O6ERUN RO 274 15 206.40 ft2 16.50 70.99 3 AC - Crack Seal 4315 4TN AV WNIPPLF RD SR-27 274 1 20G.40 R2 1.00 80.89 3 AC - Crack Seal 4345 4TH AV VAN MARTER RD PIERCE RD S47 30 41 .80 R2 18.50 70.0o 3 AC - Crack Seal 4361 3RD AV CUSTER RD UEAREiC)RN F2D 494 27 45b.00 R2 8.50 85.41 3 AC - Crack Seal 4362 16TN Av BALFOUR BV � RD RAYh10ND RD 319 17 740.80 ft2 16.50 71.69 3 AC - Crack Seal 4363 1bTN AV LINDA LN W1LfiUR RU b5 3 590.40 ftZ 15.50 73.13 3 AC - Crack Seal 4427 3RD AV C1�RONICLE RD CUSTER RO �?94 27 456.00 R2 8.50 85.41 3 AC - Crack SeBI 4428 16TH AV E�UWDI5H RD UNDA LN 259 14 361,60 ft2 12.50 75.17 3 AC - Crack Seal 4442 44T1� AV 55 ft after BATES RD SANOS RU 228 12 67Z.00 R2 11.50 81.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 4443 44TH AV E3ATE5 RD 55 Ft after BATES RD 33 2 848.00 (t2 11.50 81.95 3 AC - Crack Seal 444A 441N AV SS ft before BATES RD BATES RD 33 1 848.00 ft2 11.50 81.95 3 AC - Crack Seal 4445 441?i AV BOWDISH RD 55 ft before BATES RD 319 1� 740.80 R2 10.50 K2.Uq 3 AC - Crack Seo) 4448 44TN AV SKIPWORTH ST ESOW�ISh1 F2D 114 6 336.OQ R2 10.50 81.56 Paga 12 ot 25 :;-�• �/ � - � E� . � � . � . � . Ptan l/ear Activity ID Routo Routa Bacic Route Ahead Esiimat�d Cost Aceas A�a OCI 3 AC - Crack Seal 4449 44TH AV HOLLOW ST & CT SKiPWORT}i ST 137 7 G0�.20 ft2 14.50 82.00 3 AC - Crack Seal 4450 44T1i AV GILL15 ST HOLLOW ST & C'T 251 13 939.20 ft2 10.50 82.00 3 AC - Cra[k Sedl 4454 44T}i AV FOREST MEADOW DR GIWS ST 114 6 336.00 ft� 10.50 82.OQ 3 AC - Crack Scal 44b2 16TH AV FElTS RD BALFOUR BV & RD 228 12 672.00 R2 16.50 72.14 3 AC - Crack Seal 4496 3RD AV CARNAHAN RD CHRONICLE RD 456 25 344.00 ft2 8.50 85.41 3 AC - Crack Seal 4497 16TH AV DARTT�tOUTN RD FELTS RD 182 10 137.60 ft2 16.50 72.14 3 AC - Crack Sea) 4498 16TH AV WOOUWARO RO BOWDI5H RD 291 16 156.80 ft2 12.50 74.30 3 AC - Crack Seel 4525 32ND AV RAYMOND CL 160 R aRer RAYMOND ;86 4 752.OU R2 1.00 9�.45 3 AC - Crack 5eal 4531 32ND AV WHIPPLE RU PiNES kD 523 29 040.00 ft2 10.00 86.26 3 AC - Crack Seal 4534 32ND AV FOX RD ROBIE RD 808 44 880.00 ft2 10.00 73.97 3 AC - Crack Seal 4535 32ND AV WiLBUR ST FOX RD 285 15 640.00 ft2 2.00 90.90 3 AC - Crack Seal 4536 32ND AV BOWDISH RD WiLBUR ST 665 36 960.00 ft2 2.00 90.90 3 AC - Crack 5eal 4541 16TN AV SKIPWURTH k0 WOODWARD ftD 97 5 3a5.6U R2 12.50 72.57 3 AC - Crack Seal 4542 32ND AV SKiPWORTH RD BOWDISI� RD 570 �1 680.00 ft2 2.00 87.87 3 AC - Crack Seal 4543 32ND AV PIEf:CE RD SKIPWORTH RI3 618 34 320.00 ft2 2.00 89.21 3 AC - Crack Seal 4544 32ND AV GLENN RD PIERCE RD G18 34 320.00 ftl 2.00 87.87 3 AG - Crack Seal 4547 32ND AV 105 tt aRer GLENN FtD 475 26 400.00 R2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 4548 32ND AV UNIVERSTTY RO 105 ft aRer 103 S 702.40 ft2 1.00 90.4; 3 AC - Crack Seal 4550 4TH AY FELTS R� .120 ml after FELTS 365 20 275.�0 ft2 5.50 85.09 3 AC - Crack Seal 4551 32NI7 Av ROBiE RD WHIPPLE RD 143 7 920.00 ft2 10.00 83.65 3 AC - Crack Seal 4556 32NU AV DISHMAN-MICA RD RAYMOND CL 143 7 920.00 R2 20.50 63.21 3 AC - Cratk Seal 4560 16TN AV HERALD RD DARTMOUTH RD 319 17 740.80 ft2 16.50 72.63 3 AC - Crack Seal 5545 VI5TA RU 15T AV SPftAGUE AV 190 10 560.OU ft2 9.50 84.21 3 AC - Crack Seal 5849 UNIVERSITY RD RAYMOND CI 33RD AV 55 3 Ob2.40 f[2 1.00 90.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 5870 PINES RD tAGLE UH 38TH AV S152 8,448.00 R2 5.00 89.52 3 AC - Crack Scal 5884 PINES RD 40TH Av EAGI.E LN 228 12 672. 0 R2 5.00 89.52 4 AC - Crack Sea) 121 BANNEN RD 2STN CT 24TH AV 228 11,�4.8U ft2 12.00 73.89 4 AC - Crack Seal 184 BIAKE RD SS ft before Z4TN AV 24TH AV 24 1 214.40 (t2 17.50 75.05 4 AC - Crack Seal 319 ADAMS RD 105 R before SPRAGUE AV 46 l 323.20 tt2 2.00 95.52 4 AC - Crack 5ea1 321 ADAMS RD �TH AV 2N0 AV 591 29 56t3.00 R2 3.00 84.96 4 AC - Crack Seal 323 ADAMS RD 6TH AV 57H Av 139 6 96y.60 ft2 1.00 93.82 4 AC - Crack Seal 352 t1DAM5 RD STH AV 160 ft after 8TN AV =70 3,484.80 RI 1.00 93.82 4 AC - Crack Seal 353 IIDAMS RD 9TH AV 8TH AV ;18G 9,292.60 ft2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seai 354 ADAMS RD IOTH AV 9TH AV 139 6 9G9.60 ft2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 355 ADAMS fiD 12TH AV lOTH AV 279 13 939.20 ft2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seai 356 ADAMS RD 13TH AV 12TN AV 209 10 454.40 R2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Gack Seal 357 ADAMS RD 14TH AV 13TH AV 93 4 646.40 R2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 358 ADAMS RO 15TH AV 14TN AV 190 9 50•1.00 R2 a.00 91.4Z 4 AC - Crack Seai 359 A[�AMS RD 161H AV 15TN AV ;190 9 50�.00 R2 4.00 91.4� 4 AC - Cradc Seal 360 AUAMS itD 17TH AV l6TH AV 190 9 504.00 R2 1.00 90.45 4 AC - Crock Seai 362 ADAMS RD 18TH AV 1lT'ti AV & CT s127 6 336.00 ft2 20.50 71.96 4 AC - Crodc Seal 365 ADAMS RD 2b5 R aRcr 24T11 AV 22ND AV 488 24 393.60 ft2 2.00 88.19 4 AC - Crack Seal 410 ADAMS RD .12 mi before 24tfi AV Z4TH AV ;279 13 939.2U R2 1.00 90.45 4 AC - Crack Seal 42b BIAKE RD 26TH AV 25TH AV 152 7 603.20 ft2 17.50 77.42 4 AC - Crack Seal 521 BARKER RO SPOKANE VALLEY 8TH AV S152 7 603.20 ft2 2.Q0 92.00 a AC - Crack Seal 522 BARiCER RD 8TH AV 4TN AV 4 24 710.40 Ft2 2.00 87.00 4 AC - Crack Seal 527 EiIA)CE RD 27TFi AV 26TH AV 127 6 336.00 ft2 17.50 68.36 Page 13 of 25 Ptan Ye�r AcUvity ID Route Route Bsck Route Ahead EsUmated Cost Araas A9e OCI 4 AC - Crack Seal 572 6U+KE RD 28TH AV t�fCG�BE DR S7o 3,801.60 ft2 17.50 7I.4Z 4 AC - Crack Seal ;73 E3LAKE RD MCCABE DR 27TH AV 76 3 801.60 R2 1/.50 77.�1? 4 AC - Cr�ck Seai 1125 EVERGREEN RD 3RD AV 475 ft after 3RD AV 5694 34,689.60 ft� 25.50 fi0.12 4 AC - Crack Seal 1126 [VERGREEN RD 411i AV 3RD AV 5617 30 835.20 tt2 6.00 IIB.Ob 4 AC - Crack Seal 1127 EVERGREEN RD 5�}i AV 41'N AV s222 11 088.00 R2 6.00 38.Oti 4 AC - Crack al 1128 EIrERGREEN RD STH CT STN AV b3 3 168.00 R2 6.00 8Ei.Q6 4 AC - Cracic Seai 1129 EVERGREEN RD 6TH AV STH CT ;95 4 752.00 ft2 6.00 88.06 4 AC - Crack Sea) 1130 EVERGREEN RD STN AV 6TH AV �412 20 592.OU ft2 6.00 8f3.06 4 AC - Crack Seal 1131 EVERGREEN RD 9TH AV 8TH AV �222 11,088.00 ttZ 6.00 88.06 4 AC - Crack Seal 1132 EVERGREEN RD 9TH CT 9TH AV 95 4 752.00 ft2 6.00 88.06 4 AC - Crack Sea) 1133 EvERGREEN RD 12TH Av 9TH CT s475 23,760.00 ft2 6.00 88.Ob 4 AC - Crack Seal 1135 EVERGREEN RD 18TH nV 17TH AV ;253 1Z,672.00 R2 17.50 6:3.80 4 RC - Crack Sea) 11 EVERGREEN RD 19TN AV 18TH AV 158 7 920.00 ft2 17.Sd 64.64 4 I►C - Cra[k Seal 11�11 EVERGREEN RD 267N AV 24TF1 AY 302 15 100.60 R2 1.00 91.95 4 AC - Crack Seal 1142 EVERGREEN RD 27l"H AV 26TH AV 192 9 609.60 ft2 1.00 93.35 4 AC - Crack Seat 1143 [VERGREEN RD 28TH AV 27TH AV 304 15 206.40 R2 1.00 93.35 4 AC - rack Seal 1144 EVERGREEN RD 30TH AV 28TH AV 304 15 2Q6.40 RZ 1.00 93.35 4 AC - Gack Seal 1146 EVERGREEN RD AVALON LN 12TH AV 475 23 760.Q0 ft2 6.00 88.06 a AC - Crack Seal 2131 MCDONALD RD 7Tli AV 6Tti AV 253 12 672.00 ftZ 21.50 71.34 4 AC - C�ack Scal 2185 MCOONALD RD BLOSSFY AV 5ALTES� FRQNTAGE 317 15 840.00 R2 23.50 70.08 4 AC - Crack Seal 2186 MCDONnLD RU 12Tti AV 11TH Av 296 14 784.00 ft2 23.50 70.11 �t AC - Crack Seal 2200 MCDONALD RD 5TN AV 47�i AV 296 14 784.00 ft2 21.50 71.34 4 AC - Crack Seal 2201 MCOONALD RD 6Tti AV 5TH AV 253 12 672.00 ft2 21.50 71.34 A AC - Crack Seal 2208 MCDONALD RD 8TN AV 7TH AV 2 3 12 672.00 R2 23.50 70.08 4 AC - Cratk Seal 2209 MCOONAl.D RD 9Tli AV $TH AV 296 14 784.00 ft2 23.50 70.08 � AC - Crack Seal 2210 MCDONALD RU lOTH AV 9TH AV 253 12 672.00 ft2 23.50 70.49 4 AC - Crack Seal 2212 MCDONALD RD 1 iTH AV IOTH AV 253 12 672.00 R2 23.50 70.08 4 AC - Crack Seal 2117 MCDONALD RD 14TN AV 13TH AV 253 1� 672.00 R2 23.50 70.06 4 AC - Crack Seal 2219 MCOONALD RD 15TF1 AV 14TH AV 253 I2 672.00 R2 23.50 70.06 4 AC - Crack 58a) 2220 MCDONALU RD 167N AV 15TH AY 296 ia �aa .00 R2 23.50 70.08 4 AC - Crack Seai 2221 MCDONALD RD SALTESE RD 16TN AV 676 33 792.00 ft2 23.50 68.71 4 AC - Crack Sea) 2233 MCDONALD RD SEMRO AV BLOSSEY AV 370 18 480.00 ft2 Z3.50 70.08 4 AC - Crack Seal 2235 MCD4NALD RD 22ND AV SEMRO AV 317 15 840.00 ti2 23.50 70.08 4 AC - Crack Scal 2236 MCaONALD RO 23ftD AV 22N0 AV 370 18 480.00 RZ �3.50 70.08 4 AC - Crack Seal 2237 MCDONALD RD 24TN AV 23RD AV 475 23 760.00 R2 17.50 75.04 4 AC - Crack Seal 2956 SALTESE RD 20'fH AV BLAKE RO 317 15 840.00 ft2 2.00 80.47 4 AC - Crack Seal 2g58 SALTESE RD MCOONAID RD KELLER RD 296 14 784A0 ft2 2.00 78.94 4 AC - Crack Seal 2960 SALTESE R� WQODIAWN RD MORR�W RD 148 7 39�.00 R2 1.00 80.37 4 AC - Crack Seal 2962 SALTL'SE RD VERCLER RD VIRGINIA ST lOG 5 280.00 ft2 LUO 80.37 4 AC - Crack Seal 3055 SULLIVAN RD 4TN AV 2ND AV 490 24 499.20 ft2 1.00 92.65 4 AC - Crack Seal 3057 SULLNAN RD STN AV CENTURY CT �414 20,697.60 ftZ 6.00 G5.77 4 AC - Crack Seal 3081 SUWVAN RD 26TH CT 247N AV 158 7 920.W ft1 12.00 64.23 4 AC - Crack Seal 3549 8T'F�1 AV ST CHARLES ST SULLIVAN RD 5412 20,59Z.00 R2 I5.50 79.22 4 AC - Crack S al 3603 8TH AV COLLIN5 RD VERCLER RO 135 758.40 R2 2.00 87.18 4 AC - Crack Stal 3609 8TH AV EVERGREEN FtD BOUVAR LN 355 17 740.80 ft2 4.00 91.42 4 AC - Crack Seat 3b44 8TH AV CALVIN ST SS R after CALVIN S 3Q 1 478.40 ft2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 3645 6TM AV HARMONY RD 105 ft aRer NAxMONY 68 3 379.20 R2 6.00 88.06 Page 14 of 25 .�' . :� i . r. . �€: - : Pla� Year Activity ID Routn Route Back Route Ahaad Estimatad Cost Anis Aye OGI 4 AC - Cratk Seal 3662 8TH AV CLINTON RD lOS ft �efpre BLAKE S3a8 17,424.OU ft2 20.50 79.45 4 AC - Creck Seal 36b7 8TN Av PROGRESS FtD ST CHARLES 5T 1I5 13 728.�U ftZ 15.50 G5.24 4 AC - Crack Seal .3720 8TN AV HOUK RD COILINS RD �68 3,379.20 tt2 23.50 80.91 4 AC - Crack Seal 3721 9TN AV MCDONALD RD CLINTON RD S380 19,Q08.00 ft2 �0.50 71.83 4 AC - Crack Seat 3727 8TH AV BURNS RD PROGRESS RD 275 13 728.40 fGZ 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 3805 STH AV MORROW RD MCDONALD RD S285 14 25b.OQ ft2 23.50 80.91 4 AC - Crack Sea) 3812 6TH AV MARIGOLD RD BURNS RD ;165 8,236.80 ft2 4.00 91.42 4 AC - Crack Seai 3837 8??i AV HOUK RD HOUK FiD 135 6 758.40 ft2 1.00 89.10 4 AC - Crack Seal 3838 9Tt1 AV 105 ft before MAMER htAMER RD ;59 2 956.80 R2 I0.50 G8.16 4 AC - Crack Seal 3839 87N AV MAMER RD EVERGRE-EN RD 266 13 305.60 ft2 20.50 79.45 4 AC - Crack Seal 3859 8TH AV WOODLAWN RD �tORROW RD 127 6 336.00 R2 23.50 80.91 4 AC - Crack Seal 3861 8l'H AV BEST RD REES itD 177 8 87�.40 R2 4.00 91.42 4 AC - Crack Seal 38b2 STH AV MARCUS RO MARIGOLD RU 165 8 236.80 R2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 3892 8TH AV 55 ft aRer VERCLER VERCLER RD g63 3 168.0�0 R2 2.00 87.18 4 AC - Crack Se�i 389�1 8TH AV 9lAKE RD 105 ft betore MAMER 395 19 747,20 ft2 20.50 79.45 4 AC - Crack 5ea1 3917 8TH AV SR-27 HOUK RD 473 23 654.40 R2 1.00 89.43 4 AC - Crack Seal 3918 8TH AV V1RGINIA SF WOQpI.AWN RO �158 7 920.00 ft2 23.50 77.82 4 AC - Crack Seal 3923 8TH AV 105 ft after WARREN ADAMS RD 220 10 982.40 R2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 3924 81�1 AV ADAMS RO MARCUS RD t82 4 118.40 ft2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Gack Sea) 3942 8TH AV VERCLFR RD 55 h after VERCIER 34 1 689.60 RZ 1.00 89.43 4 AC - Crxk Seal 3943 8TH AV 105 ft before BLAKE B1.AKE RD 72 590.40 R2 20.50 79.45 � AC - Crack Seal 3946 BTti AV EIANNEN RD EiEST RD 177 8 870.40 ft2 4.00 91.42 4 AC - Crack Seal 3%2 STN AV VERCLER RU VIRGINIA ST 12 672.00 ft2 23.50 8U.91 4 AC - Crack Seal 3967 BTfi AV 55 ft after ULVIN ST WARREN RD 180 8 976.00 h2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 3968 STH AV WARREN RD 105 R aRer WARREN 72 3 590.40 ft2 3.31 92.84 4 AC - Crack Seal 4193 15Th1 AV TALLIREE RO GUT}iR1E DR 211 10 560.00 R2 2.00 94.34 4 AC - Crack Seal 4230 24TN AV NEWER RD 105 ft before 321 16 051.20 ft2 19.00 73.37 4 AC - Crack 5eal 4231 24TH AV 105 tt be�ore NEWER NEWER ftD S80 4 012.80 ft2 1.00 82.86 4 AC - Crack Seal 4253 24TN AV E3LAlCE RD IdAMER CT 441 22 070.40 RL 17.50 73.40 4 AC - Crack 5eal 4254 24TH AV SALTESE FRONTAGE BLAKE RD g40 2,046.40 ft2 17.50 75.03 4 AC - Crack Seal 4255 24TN AV MCCABE RD SALTESE FRONTAGE 22 21 120.00 ft2 17.50 74.97 4 AC - Crack 5ea1 4257 24TH AV FOkFtEST' AV MCCABE RD 898 44 860.00 ft2 17.50 71.78 4 AC - Cratk Seel 4267 4TH AV yEWER ST SULLIVAN RD 5270 13 S1G.80 ft2 15.SQ 65.31 4 AC - Crack S6al 4310 41?i AV VERCLER RD LETA RD 203 10 137.60 R2 23.50 70.05 4 AC - C�ack Seai 4424 47N AV PROGRESS RO ST CHARLES RD S203 10,137.60 R2 15.50 76.33 4 AC - Crack Seal 444b 4TH AV ADAMS Rb BURNS RD S574 28 723.20 R2 1.00 88.fi3 4 AC - Crock Seal 4464 4TH AV EVERGREEN RD E30LIVAk RD 39 21 9fi4.80 ft2 1.00 F18.b3 4 AC - Crack Seal 4513 4TH AV BOIIVAR RD BEST RD ;3Q4 15 206.40 R2 1.00 88.63 4 AC - C�ack Sea) 4519 32ND AV 105 ft before AVALON AVALON RD 118 5 913.60 ft2 1.00 89.71 4 AC - Crack Seal 4523 3 ND AV 210 ft before SR-27 SR- 7 313 1 S 628.80 R2 1.OU 92.48 4 AC - Crack Seal �i524 32ND AV CLINTON ST 210 R before SR-27 s739 36,960.00 R2 19.00 77.95 4 AC - Cratk Seal 4526 32ND AV MCD�NALD ST CLINTON ST 370 1$ 480.00 ft2 3.00 92.72 4 AC - Crack Stel 4528 32ND AV WOODLAWN RD MCDONALD ST �686 3a 320.00 ft2 3.00 92.72 4 AC - Crack Sedl 4529 32N� AV COLLINS ST WOpDLAWN RD 950 47 520.00 ft2 2.00 87.20 4 AC - Crack Seai 4530 32N0 AV �1NES RD COLLINS ST 1 UO3 50 160.00 ft2 2.40 87.20 4 AC - Crack Seal 4569 4T�1 AV 55 ft alter LEATFtA LN 265 R afte� LEA'i7-IA 15z 7 603.20 ft2 1.00 81.40 Page 15 of 25 Plan Yur Adivity ID Route Route 8adc Route Ahead Estimated Cost Areu A�e OCI 4 AC - Crack Seal ti580 16TN AV SR-27 SAL.TESE RD 291 14 572.80 R2 23.50 61.33 4 AC - Crack Seal 4581 16TN AV SALTESE RD c:OWNS kG 486 24 288.60 ft2 23.50 63.93 4 AG - Crack Seal 4582 16TH AV COLLINS RD VERCLFR RD 340 17 001.60 f[2 23.50 63.89 4 AC - Crack Seal 4735 16TH AV C[NTURY RD SULIlVAN RD ;152 7 603.20 R2 15.50 77.77 4 AC - Crack 5eal 4737 16TH AV NEWER RD 55 R before CENTURY 243 12 144.00 ft2 15.50 63.20 4 AC - Crack Seal 4739 16TH AV PROGRESS RD ST CFiARLES R� 5437 21,859.20 ft2 15.50 63.20 4 AC - Crack Seal 4740 16TN AV 55 R before PROGRESS RO =6 316.80 ft2 20.50 64.38 4 AC - Crack Seal 4742 16T1i AV BURNS RD 160 R afte� BU�1S 146 7 2B6.40 R2 24.50 61.41 4 AC - Crack Seal 4743 16TH AV AUAMS RD BURNS RD ;874 43 718.40 fi2 20.50 60.82 4 AC - Crack Seal 4744 16TN AV WARREN RD A�AMS Ft0 ;437 21,859.20 ft2 20.50 60.61 4 AC - Crack Sea) 4747 16TN AU BOLIVAR RD BOUVAR RD 97 4 857.60 17.50 63.72 a AC - Crack Seal 4744 ib�TTi Av 55 R before EVERGREEN RD 49 2 428.80 R2 4.00 81.32 4 AC - Crack Seal 4750 ibTFi AV MAMER RD 55 R before 583 29 145.60 ft2 4.00 &i.81 4 AC - Crack Seal 4751 16TN AV AVALON LIV MAMER R� 194 9 715.20 R2 20.50 b5.80 4 AC - Crack Seal 4752 1GT}i AV BLAKE RD IIVALON LN 437 21 859.20 R2 20.50 65.80 4 AC - Crack Seal 4753 15TH AY MCCABE R� E3LAKE RD 291 14 �72.80 ft2 20.50 65.80 4 AC - Crack Seal 4754 IbTH AV KELLER RD MCUBE RD 29� 14 572.80 ft2 20.50 65.80 4 AC - Cratk Seal 4755 16TN AV CLINTON RD KELLER RD 291 14 572.BU ft2 20.50 65.80 4 AC - Crack Seal 4756 16TH AV MCDOHALD RD CLINTON RD 340 17 (?01.60 R2 20.5Q 65.21 4 AC - Cratk Seal 4757 16TH AY MORR4w RD MCDONALD RD 291 14 572.80 ft2 23.50 60.47 4 AC - Crack 5eal 4758 16TN AV WQODIAWN RD MORROW RD 340 17 005.60 R2 23.50 63.93 4 AC - Crack 5eal 4759 16TH AV ViRGIN1A ST WOOGLAWN RO 291 14 572.80 tt2 23.50 61.47 4 AC - �rack Seal 4760 16TH AV VERCLER RD VIRGINIA ST 291 14 572.80 R2 23.50 63.44 4 AC - Crack Seal 5559 4TH AV KEES CT CALVIN LN 169 8 448.00 R2 1.00 88.63 4 AC - Crack Sea! 5641 8TH AV BOUVAK LN BANNEN RD 89 4 435.20 R2 4.00 91.42 4 AC - Crack Seal 5736 EYERGREEN RD 16TH AV AVALON LN 48 17 424.00 k2 4.00 91.4Z 4 AC - Crack Seal 5810 24T}i AV CALVIN LN CALVIN RD 42 2 112.40 ft2 17.50 75.03 a AC - Crack Scal 5813 24TH AV BEST RD RE[S LN 169 8 448.00 FtZ 17.50 75.03 4 AC - Crack Sea) 5814 24TH AV 5UNNYBROOK LN EiEST RD ;169 8 448.00 ft2 17.50 75.03 4 AC - Crack Seal 7002 24TH AV CALVIw LN LVIN 169 8 448.00 ft2 17.$0 '15.03 S AC - Crack Seal 25 BROAOWAY AV STANLFf RD HOWE ST =665 31 680.00 R2 13.00 80.71 S AC - Crack Seal 26 BROADWAY AY DICK ft� DORN CT 98 4 646.40 ft2 2.Q0 89.73 5 AC - Crack Seal 27 HRQADWAY AV YJILLOW RD LOCUST RD 683 32 524.80 ft2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Cradc Seal 55 ARGONNE RD KNOX AV MONTGOMERY AV 1 038 49 420.80 R2 13.51 72.53 S AC - Cratk Senl 56 ARGONNE RD MUW1N RD KNOX AV 778 37 065.b0 tt2 13.51 G4.74 5 AC - Cracic Seat 59 ARGONNE RD RivERSIDE AV 5Pf2AGUE av 80 3 801.60 R2 25.51 69.36 5 AC - Crack Seal 60 ARGONNE RD MA1N AV RIVERSiDE AV 399 19 QO8.00 ft2 25.51 61.74 5 AC - Crack eal 62 AKGONNE KU VALLEYwAY AV MA1N AV 319 15 206.40 ft2 25.51 65.20 5 AC - Crack Seal 63 ARGONNE RD ALKI AV VALLEYWAY AV 519 Z4 710.40 ft2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Crack Seal 64 ARGONNE RD BRQADWAY AV ALKI AV 14 24 710.40 R2 11.50 82.39 5 AC - Crack Seal 65 ARGONNE RD CATALDO AV 3ROADWAY AV 479 22 809.60 ft2 11.50 70,20 S AC - Crack Seal 66 ARGONNE RD Bl?ONE AV CATALDO AV ;519 24 710.40 ft2 11.50 68.SA S AC - Crack Seal 67 ARGONNE RD SlNTO AV 600NE AV 479 22 809.60 ft2 11.50 77.29 5 AC - Crack Seal 8Z QROADWAY AV HEACOX AV LILY RD ;388 18 480.00 R2 4.27 91.�1 5 AC - Crack Seal 88 ARGUNNL= RO MISSION AV SINTO AV 519 24 �10.40 ft2 I1.50 73.67 5 AC - Cratk Seal 90 ARGUNNE RD .140 ml aRer •�75 (t before 177 8 448.00 ft2 2.00 8b.8Q 5 AC - Crack Seal 91 ARGONNE RD .100 ml after .140 m� aRer 124 5 913.60 R2 2.00 86.80 Pag� 16 ot 25 • , Ptan Ysar /lctivity ID Routa Ruute eack Route Ahead Estlmat�d Cost Areas A9e OCI 5 AC - Crack Seal 92 ARGONNE FD INDIANA AV .100 m� after 5488 z3 232.40 ft2 3.00 87.99 5 AC - Crack Seal 93 ARGONNE kD ARGdNNE RD INDIANA AV 19 2 323.20 ft2 13.51 80.15 5 A[ - Crack Seal 112 BROAUWAY AV YARDLEY RD STANL�! RD 721 34 320.00 ft2 20.00 66.56 5 AC - Crack Seal 114 BROADWAY AV MUILAN RD WILLOW RD 342 16 262.40 R2 2.00 90.90 S AC - Crack Seal 115 BROAGWAY AV GARTMOUTH RO FELTS RO 293 13 939.20 R2 13.51 78.24 S AC - Cradc Seel 156 BROADWAY AV 160 R t�efore I-90 EB I-�30 EB O OFF 166 7 920.00 R2 4.27 91.01 S AC - C�ack Seal 157 SROADWAY AV I-90 EB ON OFF IIEAGOX AV 444 Z1 120.�0 ft2 4.27 91.01 S AC - Grack Seal 158 BRUADWAY AV ELTpN LN DICK RO ;390 18,585.60 R2 2.00 89.73 S AC - Crack Seal 161 BUCKEYE AV DICK RD V15TA RD 293 13 939.20 ft2 7.00 87.65 S AC - Crack Sea) 199 BR�ADWAY AV H[RAID RO DARTMOUTH RD 293 13,939.20 ft2 13.51 80.15 S AC - Crack Seal 200 BROADWAY AV PIEkCF RD )OHNSON RD ;342 16,262.40 R2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 240 E3RUADWAY AV Hl1VMIA ST FAIRGROUNDS 499 23 76o.OQ R2 23.00 70.95 5 AC - Cr�ck Seal 241 BROADWAYAV AFGONNE RD MULLAN RD S2�4 11 616.00 ft2 2.00 90.90 S AC - Crack Seal 2�2 E3ROADWAY AV FAIRGROUNDS YAROLEY RO 2 994 142 56Q.00 R2 20.00 72.89 S AC - Creck Seal 243 BROADWAY AV PAIiK RD ELLA RD 1 171 SS 756.80 ft2 2.Oa 89.73 S AC - Crack Seal 250 BUCKEYE AV ELLA RU D[CK R� 317 15 100.8� ft2 7.00 87.65 S AC - Crack Seal 339 E3RQADWAY AV WALNUT RD HERALD RD 390 18 585.bQ ft2 2.00 �?0.90 S AC - Crack Seal 340 BROADWAY AV GLENN RO PIERCE RD 5634 30,201.60 R2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 395 BROADWAY AV BOwMAN RD PARK RD 342 lb '162.40 ft2 4.27 91.01 S AC - Crack Seal 398 f3UCKEYE AV PARK Ft0 CENTER RD �243 13,939.20 R2 7.00 87.65 5 AC - Crack Seal 399 BUCKEYE AV CENTER RD ELLA RD �293 13 939.20 ft2 7.00 87.65 S AC - Crack Seal 442 BROADWAY AV WOODRUFF RD WALNUT RD 244 11 616.00 ft2 2.00 90.90 5 AC - Crack Seal 443 BROADWAY AV 210 h aRer VAN MARTER RD 2A4 i l 616.00 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Sea) M4 BROADWAY AV VAN MARIFR RD c;LENN RD S146 6 969.60 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Cratk Seal 4�5 BRO/1DWAY AV WiLBUR RD Chan e to PCC 903 42 979.20 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Sea! 480 E3ROADWAII AV GIRARD RD [30WMAN RD =293 13 939.20 ft2 4.27 91.01 S AC - CrBCk Seal 507 BOWDISH RD RIVERSIDE AV MAlN AV 355 16 896.00 R2 2.00 85.78 5 AC - C�ack Seal 508 t30WDISH RD MAXWELL AV MISSION AV 2 232.00 R2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Sea) 516 BROADwAY AV BATES RD WIL�UR RD 293 13 939.20 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 540 BROADWAY AV FARR RD W�ODRUFF RD 634 30 201.60 RZ 2.00 90.90 S AC - Crack Seal 560 E30WDISN RU SNARP LN S1N�iU LN 177 8 448.00 R2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 563 BROADIIVAY AV BROADWAY AV GIR�tD RD 195 9 292.80 ft2 4.27 91.Q1 5 AC - Crack Seai 578 E30WD15H RU SPRAGU[ AV RIVEkSIUE AV 355 16 896.00 ft2 3.00 83.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 580 aROADWAY AV HOWE ST FANCHER RD 793 37 752.OU ft2 1.00 85.�4 5 AC - Crack Seal 581 E3ROADWAY AV LOCUST RD FARR RD 5585 27 878.40 R2 11.50 82.39 5 AC - Crack Seal 582 BROADWAY AV RAYMOND RD 265 ft before 390 18 585.60 ft2 13.51 80.15 5 AC - Cratk Seel 610 BROAOWAY AV LIIY RD E3ROADWAY AV slll 5,280.00 R2 4.27 91.01 5 AC - Crack Sea) 640 BROADWAY AV FELTS RD RAYMOND RD $585 27 878.40 ft2 2.00 90.77 5 AC - Cratk Seal 641 E3ROAL7WAY AV WOOUWAR� RD BOWOISH RD 2 16 262.40 tt2 3.00 87.99 5 AC - Crack Seal 1156 NERALD RD BROAOWAY AV 400NE AV #721 34,320.00 ft2 13.51 $4.00 S AC - Crack Seal 1187 EMPIRE AV PIT RD CEMENT RD iS77 27,456.00 ft2 6.00 88.84 S AC - Crack Seat 1189 EMPiRE AV STEGNER RD P1T RD 200 9 504.00 ft2 6.00 88.84 S AC - �rack 5eal ill� tMN1kE AV LOC►cwclUU AV SiFGNER RD 5577 27,456.00 ft2 6.00 88.84 S AC - Crack Senl 1191 EMPIRE AV WILLIAMS ST LQCKWUOD AV �532 25,344.00 ft2 6.00 B8.84 S AC - Crack Sea) 1192 EMPIKE AV MILLwOOU CITY WIWAMS ST 554 26 400.00 ft2 6.00 88.84 5 AC - Crack Seal 1311 HEFiALD RD MA1N AV 265 ft aRe� MAIN AV Z00 9 5�4.00 ft2 2.00 87.00 Page 17 of 25 Ptsn Yaar Activity 10 RouN Rout� Back Route Ahesd Estimated Cost Aroas Aye OCI 5 AC - Crack Sea) 1312 HERALD R.D 2G5 ft aRer MAIN AV VALLEYVJAY AV 23: 10 982.40 ft2 13.51 8A.U0 5 AC - Crack Seal 1313 HER/1LD RD VALLFYWAY AV BRDADWAY AV '721 34 320.00 ft2 13.51 8�.00 5 AC - Crack Seal 1365 FARR RD VAUEYWAY AV SPRiNGF1ELD LN 49/ 23 654.4U ft2 11.50 f34.00 S AC - Crack Seal 1391 FANCHER RD 420 R before DESMET DESMET AV 461 21 964.80 R2 16.98 76.27 5 AG - Crack Seal 1396 FANCNER RD 6ROADWAY AV EXT BROADWAY AV 5233 11 088.00 ft2 3.00 93.47 S AC - Crack Seal 1399 FANCHER RO ALKI AV BROADWAY AV EXT 854 40 656.00 ft� 20.00 72.89 S AC - Crack Seal 1405 FANCHEK FtD ALK.I AV ALKl AV 5233 11,088.00 R2 3.00 84.29 5 AC - Crack Seal 1426 FANCHER RD VALLEYWAY AV ALKI AV 621 29 568.00 fc2 3.00 84.Z9 S AC - Crack Seal 1640 HERAW R� BOONE AV MISSION AV 721 34 320.00 ft2 13.51 82.7b S AC - Cracic Seal 1T30 KNOX AV NUTCHINSON RD ARGONNE RD 266 12 672.00 ft2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Crack Seai 1731 KNOX AV MAl2GUEKiTE RD HUTCHINSON RU 173 8 136.80 R7 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Crack Seal 1732 KNOX AV OALE ST fMRGUERITE RD S231 10,982.40 ft2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Crack Seal 1733 KNOX AV SARGENT RD DALE ST 144 6 864.00 tt2 14.51 79.�3 5 AC - Crack Seal 1734 KNOX Av SARGENT RD SAAGEM' RD S29 1 372.80 R2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Crack Seal 1735 KNOX AV LAURA RG SARGENT RD 173 8 23b.80 ft2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - �rack Seal 173b KNOX AV BESSIE RD LAURA FtD 173 9 23G.80 R2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Crack Seal 1737 KNOX AV SIPPLE RD BESSIE RD 173 8 23G.80 R2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Cratk 5ea1 1738 KNOX AV VISTA itD SIPpLE RD 173 B 236.80 ftZ 14.51 79.�3 5 AC - Crack Seal 1771 M15SION AV GLFNN RD PIERCE RO 577 27 456.00 R2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 1776 MISSION AV ARGONNE RO MULLAN RD 244 11 616.00 tt2 2.00 90.90 5 AC - C�ck Seal 1781 MOfYTGOMERY AV UNIVERSITY RD VAN MARTER RD 342 16 262.40 ft2 15.50 7"1.y2 S AC - Cratk Seal 1782 MONTGOM[RY AV VAN M/1RTEft kD )ACKSON AV 599 28 512.00 R2 I5.50 77.92 5 AC • Crack Seal 1829 M155ION AY HERALD RD FELTS RD 692 32 �i7.2� R2 12.50 81.�7 5 AC - Crack Seal 1830 MISSION AV BFSS[E RD 315 R aRer BESSIE 200 9 504.00 R2 11.50 82.39 5 AC - Crack Seal 1833 M15SION AV UNION RD SR-27 1 268 60 403.20 R2 2.00 90.90 S AC - Crock Seai 1841 MONTGOMERY AV �RGONNE RD SIGNAI AT ARGONNE 865 41 184. ft2 13.51 62.07 S AC - Crack Seai 1 42 MONTGoMERY AV SIGNAL AT ARGONNE 315 ft aRer SIGNAL 399 19 008.00 ft2 4.27 91.01 5 AC - Crack 5eal 1889 MiSSIOTJ AV UNIVER;ITY RD GLENtV RD 923 43 929.60 (t2 12.SA 81.27 5 AC - Crack Seai 1915 htlSSION AV f=ARR RO WOOORUFF RD 577 27 456.00 ft2 11.5� 82.39 S AC - Crack Seal 1919 MISSION AV ELTON RD VISTA Rp 585 27 878.n0 R2 2.00 87.58 5 AC - Crack Seal 1923 MlSSION AY CEN7ER RO ELLA R� 266 12 672.00 R2 15.50 77,92 S AC - Crack Sc�l 1928 MoNTGOMERY AV OBERUN RD UNIVERSITY RD 399 19 008.U0 R2 15.50 77.92 5 AC - Crack 5eal 1956 MIS5ION AV WILBUR RD UNION RO 665 41 184.00 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crsck Seal 1959 MISSION AV S R befo ARGONNE AKGONNE RD 49 2 32310 ft2 1.00 85.74 S AC - Crack Seal 1988 MISSfON AV WUODRUFF RD HERALD RD ;750 35 692.80 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 1996 MONTGOMERY AV [�ARTMOUTIi LN BERUN RD I 09 2 272.00 R2 15.50 77.92 5 AC - CraCk Seal 2997 MONTGOMERY AV 210 ft after 1NDIANA W EiOUND FREEWAY 5854 40 656.OQ R2 7.00 87,65 5 AC - CraCk Seal l998 MONTGOM[RY AV 1Y BOUNU f-REEWAY SR-27 3427 20 328.00 ft2 13.00 80.71 5 AC - Cracic 5eal 2020 MISSION AV E3ATE5 P,D WILf3UR RD 404 19 219.20 R2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 202Z MISSION AV i�t;�►tUN RD UNIVERSI'TY RD 461 21 964.80 ft2 12.50 £11.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 2054 MISSION AV LOCU�T RD FARR RD 807 38 438.A0 R2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Crack Seal 2060 MISSION AV ELLA RD ELTON RD 53 2 534.40 2 15.50 77.92 5 AC - Crack Seal 2064 MISSION AV C[NTER RD CENT�R RU 53 7 534.40 ft2 15.50 77.92 ; AC - Crack Seal 2067 MONiGUMERY AV 1NDIANA AV 21 R after INDiANA 195 9 292. 0 ft2 .00 $8.84 S AC - Crack Seal 2084 MISSION AV 105 R before SARGEN'( RO 67 3 168.00 ft2 I1.50 82.34 S AC - Crack Seal 2Q85 M[SS1UN AV SARGENT RD MARGUERITE RD 233 11 088.00 R2 11.50 82.39 5 AC - Crack Seal 2088 MISSION AV t�1AkGU[RITE RU 55 ft hefore AHGQNNE 43?_ ?0 592.Qi) ft2 11.50 82.39 Page 18 0l 25 :.f�: � �L�: •:ti �ti�: . � . Plan Year Activky ID Route Route Back Rnut� Ahead Estfmatod Cost Anas Aq� OQ S AC - Crack Scal 2101 MONTGQMERY AV �4QNTGOMERY AV UPRR CROSSING 499 23 760.00 R2 4.27 91.Gi 5 AC - Crack Seal 2122 M15510N AV ViSTA RU F3ESSIE R� 399 19 009.U0 ft2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Crack Sesl 2140 ML55ION AV E30WDI5N RD BATES RD 346 16 a73.60 R2 12.50 91.27 5 AC - Cracic Seal 2141 MISSION AV 1tAYMOIVO RO OB�RLIN KD 231 10 982.40 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 2146 MONTGOMERY AV WOORitUF� KU MONTGOMtRY AV s499 23 760.00 ftZ 4.27 91.01 5 AC - Crack Sea) 2147 MONTGOMERY AV UPRR CROSSING INUTANA AV Z93 13 939.20 ft2 6.00 88.84 5 AC - CracSc 5ea1 2155 MISSI�N AV 315 R aRer 8E55IE 105 R beforr =211 10,032.00 R2 11.50 82.39 5 AC - Crack Seai 2156 MISSION AV W1LLOW RU LOCUST RL 577 27 456.Q0 ft2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Crack Seal 2159 M155ION AV ELLA RO ELLA RD 106 5 068.80 R2 15.50 77.92 5 AC - Crack S�o) 2161 MI55ION AV FANCHER FRO�JTAGE T1iIERMAN ST ;1,304 62 092.80 ft2 5.49 89.43 S AC - Cratk Seal 2163 MISSION AV PARK RD CENTER RD 319 15 206.40 ft2 15.50 77.92 5 AC - Cradc Seal 2177 MISSION AV MARGUERITE RD MARGUERITE RD S16b 7,920.d0 R2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Crack Seal 2202 M[SS1QN AV MULLAN RD 105 R before WILLOW 390 18 585.60 ft2 2.00 90.90 5 AC - Crack Seal 2206 MONTGOMERY AV �ARR LN WOODRUFF RD 549 26 136.00 ft� 4.27 91.01 5 AC - Crack Seat 2213 MANSFIELD AV WIIBUR RD 105 ft before SR 27 sl 969 93 772.80 R2 4.31 90.95 5 AC - Cradc Seal 2223 MISSION AV WO�DWARD RO BOWDISN RD 40�3 19 219.20 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Cratk Seal 2224 MiS5I0iV /1V FElTS F2D RAYMOND R� t750 35,692.80 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 2225 MISS[ON AV PIEHCE RD WOODWARD RD 1 038 49,420.80 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Creck Seal 2240 MISSION AV 105 R be(ore WILLOW WILLOW RD i1S S 441.20 R2 11.50 82.39 S AC - Crack Seal 2247 MONTGOMERY AV 315 R after SiGNAl LOCUST RD s299 14 255.00 ft2 4.27 91.01 S AC - Crack Scal 2248 M�NTGOMERY AV LOCUST RD FAN.K lN ;699 33 264.00 R2 4.27 91.01 5 AC - Crack Seal 2249 MONTGOAICRY AV 7ACK50N AV 315 R aRer JACKSON 240 11 404.80 R2 7.00 87.65 5 AC - Cr�ck Seal 2380 MU�LAN RD SINTO AV MISSION AV s519 24 710.40 R2 11.50 71.55 5 AC - Crack Scal 2382 MULLAN RD CATALDO AV BOONE AV 519 24 710.40 R2 11.50 75.71 S AC - Crack Seal 2383 MUUAN RD BROADWAY AV CATALDO AV 479 22 8Q9.60 ftZ 11.50 74.Z5 5 AC - Crack Seal 2384 MULLAN RO VALLEYWAY AV BROADWAY AV 998 �7 520.00 R2 11.50 70.20 S AC - Crack Seal 2385 MULLAN RD MAIN AV VALLEYWAY AV 359 17 107.20 ft2 2.00 85.78 S AC - Crack Seal 2386 MULLI�N RO MISSION AV 370 R before I 90 359 17 107.20 R2 2.00 85.17 5 AC - Crack Seal 2387 MULLAN RO OISHMAN-MICA RO MAIN AV =639 30 412.80 ft2 25.51 63.60 S AC - Crack Seal 2534 PARK RD C1NSF CROSSING SR-290 160 7 603.20 R2 3.00 85.49 5 AC - Crack Seal 2535 PARK R� BNSF CROSSING BNSF CROSSING �106 5,068.80 ft2 3.00 87.51 S AG - Crack Seal 2545 PARK RD BALDWiN AV INDI�INA AV 160 7 603.20 R2 1.00 93.OZ 5 AC - Crack Seal 2547 PARK RO NORA AV f3ALDWIN AV 359 17 107.20 ft2 15.50 77.92 S AC - Crack Seal 2548 PARK RD MI5510N AV NORA AV s479 22 809.60 ft2 2.00 90.08 5 AC - Crack 5eal 2551 PARK RD MAXWELL AV M155ION AV 319 15 206.40 ft2 15.50 77.92 S AC - Crack Seal 2552 PARK RD SINTO AV MAXW�LL AV 160 7 603.20 ft� 15.50 77.92 5 AC - Crack Seal 2555 PARK RD BROADWAY AV CATALDO AV 519 24 710.40 ft2 3.00 87.16 S AC - Crack Seal 2556 PARK RD vALL[YWAY AV BROADWAY AV 998 47 520.00 ft2 2.00 89.73 5 AC - Crack Seal 2566 PARK Rp UPfiR OVERPASS 105 ft after UPRR 84 4 012.80 R2 3.00 84.29 5 AC - Crack Seal 2557 PARK RD SPitAGUE AV UPkk OVEkNASS 211 10 �32.00 R2 1.00 93.82 S AC - Crack Seal 2827 THIERMAN ST MALLON AV �EAN AV 226 10 771.20 R2 5.42 84.00 S AC - Crack Seal 2887 SFiAkP Av FANCNER RD FANCHER FRONTAGE 71 3 379,20 R2 16.98 74.51 S AC - Crack Seal 28&3 SNA}tP AV 265 R after HOWE ST FMICHER RO s266 12 672.00 ft2 7.00 84.00 5 AC - C�ack Seal 2889 5HARP AV HOWE 5T 265 ft a er HOWE 1 3 336.00 ft2 13.00 84.00 5 AC - Crack Seal 2890 St1ARP AV STANLEY RD �10WE ST s319 15,206.40 R2 7.00 84.00 5 AC - Crack Seal 2891 SliARP AV YARDLEY RD 5 RU 346 16,473.60 R2 7.00 84.00 Page 19 oi 25 Ptan Y�ar Activtty ID Routa Rout� Back Rout� Ahud Esiimated Cost Anas Aya OCI S AC - Crack Seal 2920 UNNERSTTY FD MONTGOMERY AV BUCKEYE AV 266 12 672.00 R2 15.5Q 77.�2 5 AC - Crack 5eal 2921 UNIVERSITY RD PICKET LN GRACE AV S89 4 224.p0 ft2 15.50 77.92 S AC - Crack Sea) �98i UN[VERSITY RD 210 It after BOONE AV 1 025 48 787.20 R2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 2982 uNIVERSiTY RD e00NE AV 5F1AF2P AV 145 6 969.60 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - C�ck Seal 3068 SPRAGUE AV t30W0ISH RO FOX RD 1 734 82 579.20 R2 4.00 88.68 5 AC - Crack Seal 3085 SPR�\GUE AV SKIPWORTH RU BOWDISFI RD 1 428 68 006.40 R2 4.00 92.19 S AC - C�ack Seal 3086 SPRAGUE AV MOFFITT RD SKIPWORTIi RO 918 43 718.40 R2 4.00 88.68 5 AC - Gack Seal 3068 SPRAGUE AV GILLIS a0 MOFFl7T RD 1 020 48 576.00 R2 4.00 88.68 S AC - Crack Seal 3093 SPRAGUE AV UNNL=FtSITY FtD GILLIS FtD S1 756 83 635.20 R2 4,00 80.68 5 AC - Crack Seal 3094 SPRAGUE AV THIERMAN ST APPtEVVAY BY 905 43 084.80 ft2 16.50 80.50 S AC - Crack Seal 3095 SPRAGUE AV ELIZA�ETN RD TNIERMAN ST ;598 28 459.�0 R2 2.00 89.73 S AC - Crack Seal 3100 SPRAGUE AV DORA ST BRADLEY RD ;559 26,G11.20 R2 2.00 84.73 5 AC - Crack Seal 3102 SPftAGUE AV COLFMAN RD DOftA ST 559 26 611.20 ft2 1.00 92.66 5 AC - Crack Seal 3121 SPF2AGUE AV GIRARD RD COLEMAN RD �1,196 5b,971.20 (t2 2.00 89.73 5 AC - Crack Seal 3135 UNIVERSITY RD SPRINGFIELD AV 210 ft aRer 195 9 292.80 ft2 7.00 87.65 S AC - Crack Seal 3151 SPRAGUE AV DISHMAN-MICA RD ARGOfVNE RD 652 31 04b.40 ft2 2.00 85.78 5 AC - Crack Seal 315Z SPRAGUE AV W1LLOW RD DISHMAN-M[CA RD 377 17 952.00 ft2 2.00 85.78 5 AC - Crack Seal 3153 SPFtAGUE AV LOCUS"T RD WILLOW RD 980 46 G75.20 ft2 2.00 85.78 5 AC - C�ack Seal 3154 SPRAGUE AV FARR RD IOCUST RD 980 46 675.20 R2 2.00 85.78 AC - Crack Seal 3157 SPRAGUE AV SUNDERLAND RD FAKR RD 679 32 313.60 ft2 1.00 68.29 S AC - C�ack Seal 3160 SPRAGUE AV DARTMOUIIi RD HERALD RD 77 17 952.00 2 2.OU 85.78 5 AC - Crack Seal 3164 THIERMAN ST 160 Ft after MAILON AV 113 S 385.60 ft7 5.42 84.00 5 AC - C�ck al 317 UNIVERSITY RO B�iSF CROSSING 5R-29p 67 3 168.00 R2 7.00 87.65 S AC - Crack Seal 3186 SPItAGUE AV RAYMOND RD BALFOUR RD 528 25 132.80 ft2 2.OU 85.78 S AC - Cratk el 187 SPf2AGUE AV PARK RU GIRARU RD 1 104 52 588.80 ft2 2.00 89.73 S AC - Crack Seal 3188 SPRAGUE AY ARGGNNE RD BR 45�}4 UNDERPASS 838 39 916.80 ft2 2.00 85.78 S AC - Gack Sea) 3190 THIERMAN ST SHARf� AV M155ION AV 5699 33 264.00 ft2 5.42 89.49 5 AC - Cratk Sea) 3192 SPRAGUE AV UNIVFRSIIY RD RAYM�ND RD 905 43 084.80 R2 1.d0 88.23 S AC - Crack Seal 3203 UNIVfRSITY RD SPRINGFIELD AV SPRINGFIELD AV ;9� 4 64b.40 ft2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 3204 UNtvERSITY FtD MAXWELL AV MISSION AV 439 20 948.80 ft2 12.50 81.2'1 S AC - Crack Seal 3213 SPRAGUE AV SS ft aRer DYER RD APPIEWAY BV 546 25 977.60 R2 2.00 89.73 S AC - Crack Seal 3220 SPFtA(,UE AV END PCC/START ACP DYER RD s377 17,952.00 ft2 1.00 92.66 S AC - Crack Seal 3224 SPt2AGUE AV ROBIE RD SR-�7 1 268 60 403.20 R2 4.00 88.b8 5 AC - Crack Seal 3249 TNIERMAN ST D[SMET AV Si IARP AV 399 19 008.00 R2 5.42 89.49 S AC - Gack Seal 3257 UNIV[RSITY RD MAXWELL AV MAxWELL AV 49 2 323.20 ft2 12.50 51.27 S AC - Crack Seal 3258 UNIVERSITY RD BNSF CROSSING BNSF CROSSING 67 3 168.00 R2 7.00 87.65 5 AC - Crack Seal 3270 SPRAGUE AV PERRINE RD ROBIE RD 612 29 145.60 ft2 4.00 F38.b8 5 AC - Crack Seal 32�1 SPRAGUE AV 265 R aRer FANCHER 528 ft after FANCHER 444 21 120.00 R2 2.00 86.80 S AC - Crack Seal 3275 SPFtAGUE Av uNION RU PEKRINE FtD 612 29 145.60 R2 4.00 88.68 5 AC - Crack Seal 3281 UNIVERSITY RD VALLEYWAY AV SPRINGFIELD AV 732 34 848.00 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Crack Seal 3289 SPRAGUE AV HOWE ST FANCHER RD 1 153 54 912.00 R2 1.00 93.82 S AC - Crack Seal 3293 SPRAGUE AV FOX RD UN1QN RD 714 34 UO3.20 R2 4.00 '3f3.68 S AC - Crack Seal 3301 UNIVER5ITY RD FAIRVIEW AV BNSF CROSSING 44 2 112.00 ft2 7.00 f3�.65 5 AC - Cr�ck Seal 3310 SPRAGUE AV CARNAHl.N RO MCKINNON ST 1 397 66 528.00 ft2 10.51 88.93 S AC - Crack Seal 3322 SPRAGUE AV CUSTFR RD CMkONICL� RD 798 3H 016.00 ft2 10.51 b8.33 5 AC - Crack Seal 3327 UNIVERSITY RD SPRAGU[ AV RIVERSiGE AV 528 25 132.80 ft2 3.00 83.27 5 AC - C�ack Seal 3329 UNIVERSITY RD MAIN AV NIXON LN 390 28 585.60 R2 25.51 69.36 PagQ 20 of 25 • ��: r.�. . �� , Pbn Yu� Acttvlty ID Routa Route 8ack Route Ahead Estlmated Cost Areas Agc OCI S AC - Crack Seal 3330 UNIVERSITY RD HIXON LN VALLEYWAY AV 19S 9 292.80 R7. 12.50 8L27 5 AC - CraCk Seal 3331 UNIVERSITY RD SINI'O AV MAXWELL AV 341 16 202.40 ftl 12.50 81.2/ S AC - Crack Seal 3333 Sf'kAGUC AV DEARBORN RD CUSTER RD 865 41 184.00 R2 1Q.51 69.27 5 AC - Crack Seal 3338 SPf2/1GUE AV FANCHER FiD 265 Ft after FANCHER 444 21 120.00 ft2 2.Q0 85.17 S AC - Crack Seal 3340 SPRAGUC AV HAVANA ST �El.FtE30RN RD 798 38 015.0o tt2 10.51 64.66 S AC - Crack Seal 3348 TF�IERMAN ST 210 ft befwe DESMET OESMET AV 133 6 336.00 R2 5.42 89.49 S AC - Crack Seel 3373 UNIVERSIIY RD SIIARP AV SINTO AV 244 11 616.00 ft2 12.50 81.27 S AC - Cracic Seal 3374 UNIV[RSIZIf RD GRACE AV FAIRVIEW AV 133 6 336.00 ft2 15.5� 77.92 S AC - Crack Seal 3439 VISTA Rb UPRR CROSSING EUCLID AV 9 1 3�2.80 R2 1.Q0 91.00 S AC - Crack Seal 3440 VISTA RD UTAti AV UPRR CRoSSING 29 1 372.80 ft2 3.00 88,00 S AC - Crack Seal 3446 V15T/1 RD ]ACKSOP� AV MARIETTA AV 173 8 236.80 ft2 7.00 75.62 S AC - Crack Seal 3448 V[STA RU SR-290 CARUSLE AV 8b 4 11d.40 R2 2.00 87.00 5 AC - Crack Seal 3449 ViSTA RO 105 ft after BNSF SR-290 58 2 745.60 ft2 7.00 84.00 5 AC -�rack Seal 3452 VI5TA RD BNSF CROSSING 105 ft after BNSF 53 2 534.40 ft2 13.00 8U.71 5 AC - Crack Sea) 3453 V[STA RO BNSF CROSSINi, BNSF CROS5ING 53 2 534.4a ft2 1.Q0 82.17 S AC - Crack Seal 3455 YISTA RD INDIANA AV KNOX Av 319 15 2U6.40 ft2 1.00 84.59 5 AC - Crack Seat 3456 VISTA RO BALDWIN AV INOIANA AV 186 8 870.40 R2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Crack Seal 3457 VISTA RD NORA AV ti1►LDWIN AV 53 2 534.40 R2 14.51 79.03 5 AC - Cracic Seal 3459 VISTA RD SS ft be(orc NORA AV NORA AV 27 1 2G7.20 ft2 3.00 94.7G 5 AC - Crack Seal 34b0 ViSTA RD AUGUSTA AV 55 ft before NORA AV s133 6 336.00 tt2 1.00 96.Q0 5 AC - Crack Seal 3462 V15TA RD S1N70 AV MI5SION AV 4Z6 20 275.20 R2 11.50 62.39 5 AC - Crack Seal 3463 VISTA RD BOONE AV SINTO AV ;461 21,964.80 R2 11.50 02.39 5 AC - Crack Seal 3473 VISTA RO SPRAGUE AV UPRR GRUSSING 310 14 784.40 ft2 11.50 82.3y S AC - CraCk Scal 3845 YARDLEY RD BROADWAY AV MALLON AY 213 10 137.60 R2 7.00 64.00 5 AC - Crack Seal 3853 YARULtY RD E300NE AV SHARP AV 213 10 13/.60 ft2 13.00 84.00 5 AC - Crack Seal 3855 YAF?DLEY RQ DESMET AV BOONE AV 213 10 137.60 ft2 7.00 84.OU S AC - Crack 5eal 3867 YARDLEY RD c�TALDO AV DE5MET AV s213 10 137.60 ft2 7.00 84.00 S AC - Crack Seal 38b8 YARDLEY RD MALLON AV CATALDO AV 213 10 137.60 R2 13.00 84.�0 S AC - Cradc Seal 5032 UN[vERSITY RO 6UCK[Y[ AV PiCKET LN ;67 3,16t1.00 ft2 15.50 77.92 5 AC - Crack Seal 5330 BOWOISH RD SINTO LN MAXWELL AV 266 12 672.00 fi2 12.50 81.27 5 AC - Crocic Seal 5356 BOWDISH RD BOONE AV SIiARP LN SZG6 12 672.00 R2 9.51 84,66 S AC - Crack Sea) 5381 PARK RD BOONE AV SHARP AV 5240 11 4U4.$0 R2 7.50 87.05 S AC - Crack Seal 5419 BROAGWAY AV ELLA RD ELTON LN 195 9 292.80 /t2 2.00 89.73 S AC - Crack Seal 5426 FARR RD 5PRINGFIELD LN BROADWAY AV 279 13 305.60 ft2 11.50 84.04 5 AC - Crack Seal MON7GGMERY AV UPRR CROSSING LARTMOU'I'H LN 249 il 880.00 ft2 4.27 91.01 6 AC - Crack Seal 28 BROADWAY AV 55 It before SULLIVAN SUWVAN RD 70 3 062.40 ft2 17.50 75.69 6 AC - Crack Seal 29 E3ROADWAY AV SULLIVAN RD 105 befo�e MOORE 1 761 76 560.OU ft2 6.00 88.84 6 AC - Cr�ck Seal 69 E3ARKEtt Ft0 UNNAMED EUCLiD Av 393 17 107.20 ft2 4.00 79.07 6 AC - Crock Seal 84 BROAOWAY AV MAMER RD EVERGREEN RD s695 30 201.60 ft2 9.SQ 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 102 BARKER RD 55 R after I?0 CATALDO RD 641 27 878.40 `t2 4.00 79.07 6 AC - Crack Seal 103 E3ARKER RD CATALDO AV BOONE AV 5175 7,603.20 ft2 4.00 79.07 6 AC - Cracic Seal 159 BROAOWAY AV MCG48E RD MAMER RD 1 176 S1 110.40 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 160 [3RCAUWAY AV ST CHARIES RD 55 R beforc SULLIVAN 906 39 494.40 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - C�ack Seal Z45 BROADWAY AV PROGRESS RD ST CHARLES RD 481 20 908.$0 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 289 BAFtKER RD JACKSON DR 81JCKEYE AV 568 24 710.40 ft2 5.00 86.87 6 AC - Crack Seal 290 BlIRKER RD 105 ft befo�e BNSF BNSF CROSSING 53 2 323.20 RZ 8.00 86.45 G AC - Crack Seal 291 E3ARKCR RD BNSF CROSSING SR ;107 4,646.40 ft2 8.0o 86.45 Page 21 of 25 Pbn Yu� Adivity ID Rout� Route Badc Route Ahaad EsUmatad Cost Anas A�e OCI G AC - Crack Seal 308 �ROADWAY Av MCDONALD RD MCCABE KD 855 37 171.20 R2 9.50 8•�.6fi 6 AC - �rack Seal 326 BARKER RD 1-90 EASIBOUNU l00 ft before I 90 g175 7,603.20 R2 3.G0 79.90 6 AC - Crack 5ea1 396 BROADWAY AV WOODLAWN RD MCDONALD RD ;855 37,171.20 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 397 BROADWAY AV BURNS RD PROGRESS RD 588 25 555.20 tt2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 467 BARKER RD BRpADWAY AV t-90 EA5TBOUND 160 6,969.60 ft2 4.00 91.42 6 AC - Crack Sea) �{82 BROADWAY AV ADAMS F2D BURNS F20 5695 30 201.60 (t2 9.50 84.fi6 6 AC - Crack Seal 517 BROADWAY AV VERCLER RD wOUDLAWN RD 481 20 908.80 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Gack Seai 548 BARKER RD UPRR CROSSING EUCUU AV ;44 1 900.60 ft2 4.00 79.07 6 AC - Cradc Seal 565 E3ROADWAY AV BEST RD ADAMS RU sl 336 58 080.00 R2 8.00 86.45 6 AC - Crack Seal 612 nROADWAY AV EVERGREEN RD BEST RD �i 336 58 080.00 ft2 8.00 86.a5 6 AC - Cracic Seal 613 �ROAQ'�lYAY AV 105 R be(ore MOORE MUORE RD 58 2 534.40 ft2 6.00 88.84 6 AC - Gack Seal 625 BARKER R� HATTAh1ER LN UPRR CROSSING S44 1,900.60 R2 5.00 84.95 6 AC - Crack Seal 659 CONKLIN RD VALLEYWAY AV BROADWAY AV 789 34 320.00 ft2 5.31 96.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 660 CONKLIN RD 55 ft aRe� MA1N AV VALLE'fWAY AV 379 16 473.60 ft2 5.31 84.00 6 AC - Crack Scal 661 CUNKLIN RD MAIN AV 55 ft after MAIN AV 29 1 267.20 RZ 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 662 CONKUN RD RIVERSIDE AV MAIN AV 175 7 603.20 ft2 5.31 89.60 G AC - Crack Seal 6b3 CONKLIN RD 160 R aRer SPRAGUE RIVERSIDE AV �87 3,801.60 R2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 6b4 CUNKLIN RD SPRAGUE AV 160 ft after SPRAGUE 160 6 969.60 R2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 714 CEMENT RD PORTIAND AV EMPIRE AV 5189 8 236.80 ft2 7.00 96.00 6 AC - Crack Sea) 715 CEMENT RD SR-27 PORTLAND AV S189 8 236.80 ft� '1.Q0 96.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1103 �VERGREEN RD 370 ft befare INDIANA INDIANA AV 680 29 568.00 ftZ 23.50 70.55 6 AC - Crack Seal 1108 EVERGREEN RD aR1DGE +� M155ION 55 ft aker BRIDGE � ;102 4,435.20 ft2 8.00 61.05 6 AC - Crack Seal 1109 C-VERGREEN RD M[SS10N AV BRIDGE ir MI55ION S1,020 44 352.W R2 8.00 69.29 6 AC - Crack Seal 1110 [VL-RGK[E(V RD Sf1ARP AV MISSION AV 816 35 481.60 RZ 8.U0 80.71 6 AC - Crack Seal 1111 EVERGREEN RO BOONE AV SHARP AV �532 23 126.40 ft2 8.00 71.78 6 AC - Crack Seal 1112 EVERGREEN RD DESMET AV BOONE AV ;532 23,126.40 R2 8.00 60.42 6 AC - Crack Seal 1113 EVERGREEN RD CJ4TAlD0 AV OESMET AV 5621 26 980.60 ft� 8.00 74.89 6 AC - Crack Seal 1114 EVERGREEN RD MALLON AV CATALdO AV 532 23 126.40 R2 8.00 71.78 6 AC - Crack Scal 1115 EV[RGREEN RD �ROADWAY /►V MALLON AV ;532 23 126.4a ft2 $.00 71.9� 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1116 EVERGREEN RD SPRINGFIELD RV BROADWAY AV 621 26 980.80 R2 8.00 b0.4Z 6 AG - Crack Seal 1118 FVEnGREEN RD VALLEYWAY AV VALLFYWAY AV 2bb 11 553.20 ft� 8.00 63.82 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1120 [VERGREEN RD NIXoN AV vALLEYWAY AV 266 il 5b3.Z0 ft2 8.00 56.93 6 AC - Crack Seal 1121 [VERGREEN RD MAIN AV N1XON AV 532 23 126.40 ft2 1.00 87.47 6 AC - Crack Seal 1122 eVERGkEEN RD RIV�RS[DE AV MA1N AV 532 23 126.40 ft2 2.00 84.97 6 AC - Crack Scal 1123 EVEtiGREEN RD SPRI4GU[ AV R1V[f2SIDE AV 798 34 689. 0 R2 2.04 84.47 6 AC - Crack Seal 1149 EUCUD AY MCKEE ST 6AFKER RD i253 10,982.40 ft2 1.00 91.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1160 EUCUD AV T5CHIRLEY RO E�EN ST 1 168 50 793.60 ft2 2.00 87.Q0 6 AC - Crack Seal 1161 EUCUD AV FLQRA RD TSCHIRLEY RD ;726 31 S74.40 ft2 2.00 84.38 ci AC - Crack Seal 1162 EUCLID AV UPRR CROSSING FLORA RD 214 9 292.80 R2 5.00 88.72 6 AC - Crack Seal 1163 EUCUD AV 5MAMROCK LN UNRR CR05S1NG 1 336 58 OB0.00 R2 3.00 74.27 6 AC - Crack Seal 1164 EUCUU AV MARIETTA AV SHAMROCK lN �748 32 524.80 ft2 5.00 82.09 6 AC - C�ack Seal 1166 EUCLiD AV 1ST ST MOORE LN 1 175 SI 110.40 R2 4.00 41.42 b AC - Crack Seal 1167 EUCl1D AV SUWVAN RD IST ST �855 37,171.20 ft2 5.00 80.04 6 AC - Crack Seal 1169 EUCUD AV WEST END TO 420 ft before 578 25 132.80 k2 2.00 87.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1170 MIFtABEAtJ PAaKV�AY UPRR CROSSING WEST ENG TO 92 4 012.80 ft2 3.00 77.49 6 AC - Crack Seal 1171 MiftAfiEAU PRftKWAY MANSFIELD AV UPRR CROSSING 1 015 44 140.80 ft2 14.51 79.03 Page 22 a125 • . . . . � . . • � � . Ptan Yoar Aclivity I� Routa Routa Back Route Ahead Esiimat�d Cost Anas A9f OCI 6 AC - Crack Sea( 1172 MIRABEAU PARKWAY .G40 mi betore t•tAN$FIELD AV S2 720 118 272.00 h2 14.00 79.GG 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1173 MlRABEAU PARKWAY 5R-27 .64U rni befn�e 3 743 16� 7�9.60 (tl 14.5; 79.U3 6 AC - Crack Seal 1471 EVERGk[EtV kD 55 ft after SR-290 ROCKWELL AV 364 15 840.00 ftZ 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Cratk Se�l 1522 EUCIlb AV f3ARKER RD SPOKANE VALLEY 1 214 52 BDO.OQ ftZ 3.�0 96.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1523 EVERGREEN RD CROWN AV SANSON AV 340 14 784.00 ft2 b.00 88.84 6 AC - Crack Seal 1524 EVERGREEN RD WELLESLFY AV CROWN AV 1 088 47 308.80 ft2 6.00 68.84 6 AC - C�ack Seal 1525 EVERGRC-EN RD fi[ROY AV WELLESLEY AV 255 il O[38.00 R2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 1527 EVEitGREEN RD R1CH AV HEROY AV Y656 28,512.00 R2 6.00 88.84 6 AC - Crack Seal 1594 EVERGP.EEN RD RICH AY iitCH AV 35 1 584.00 ft� 5.31 89.64 6 AC - Crack 5ea1 1595 FLURA KD SR-Z9� wtL1.E5LEY AV 758 32 947.20 ft2 14.51 78.63 6 AC - Crack Seal 1602 FLOR� RD EUCllD AV EUCUO AV 408 1� 74U.80 ft2 4.00 89.63 6 AC - Crack Seal 1618 �vERGREEN RD ROCKWELL AV RICH AV 1 2 7 920.00 ft2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Cracic Seal 1628 F1.ORA RD EUCLID AV DALTON AV 117 5 068.80 ft2 4.00 79.07 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1643 FLORA RD BROADWAY AV 105 R before BRIDGE 311 13 516.80 ft2 5.31 84.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1645 FLORA RD DALTON AV BNSF �ROSSING i 92a 83 635.20 R2 4,00 91.53 6 AC - Cracic Sea) 1646 FLORA RD ALKI AV BROAUWAY AV 347 15 100,80 ft2 5.31 84.00 6 AC - Crock Seai 1648 FLORA RD VALLEYVYAY AV ALKI AV 474 20 S92.00 R2 5.31 84.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1649 f RD MA1N AV VALLEYWAY AV 379 16 4"I3.60 ft2 5.31 96.00 b AC - Crack Seal 1650 FIORA RD SPRAGUE AV MAIN AV 10 17 84b.40 R2 5.31 96.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 1652 FLOW► FtD 105 R be(ore BRIDGE BFtIUGE OVER 1-90 63 2 745.b0 R2 1.00 86.14 AC - Crack Seal 1715 M[SSION AV SR-27 N�UK R 7 9 34 20.00 ft2 28.50 67.52 6 AC - Crack Seal V80 MISSION AV WOODLAWN RD MCDpNAlD RD 789 34 320.00 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Cradc Seal 1794 1NDIAt�A AV I-90 W B O�F itAMP EN� F ROAA S 100 2Z1 760.00 R2 14.00 79.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 1798 INDiANA AV 370 R be(ore SULLIVAN RD 672 29 198.40 ft2 4.00 91.42 6 AC - Crock Seal 1799 INDIANA AV 160 R after MALL 370 ft before 553 2a 024.00 ft2 21.00 78.70 6 AC - Cradc Seal 1800 IN�IANA AV MALL ENTRANCE 160 ft aftcr MALL 288 12 513.50 R2 21.G0 80.24 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1801 INDIANA AV 315 (t before MALL MALL ENTRANGE � 576 25 027.2 ft2 14.00 85.04 6 AC - Crack Seal 1802 1tvDIANA AV 2b5 R after MALL 315 ft before MALL 332 14 414.40 ft2 14.00 79.60 6 AC - Cracic Seal 1803 INDIANA AV MALL EN7RANCE 265 R after MALL 492 21 3&t.00 R2 17.98 75.15 6 AC - Crack Seal 1805 (NDIAPIA AV 265 ft before MALL MALL ENTRANCE + 492 21 384.00 ft2 14.00 79.60 6 AC - Cratk Seal 1806 INDIANA AV MALL Et�i'TRANCE 265 ft before MALI 2 095 91 080.00 R2 4.00 80.73 6 AC - Crack Seal 1807 lNUTANA AV MALL ENTRANCE MALL ENTRA(VCE � 1 927 83 793.60 (tZ 5.00 87.20 6 AC - Cracic Seal 1808 [NDIANA AV EVERGREEN RD MALI. ENTRANCE 1 089 47 361.60 ft2 4.00 79.40 6 AC - Crack Seal 1809 iNDIMIA AV MIRABEAU PARKWAY EVERGREEN RD 273 185 �3U3.20 R2 23.50 7Q.55 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1814 lNDIANA AV lNDIANl1 CT MiRABEAU PARKWAY 1 341 58 291.20 ft2 2.00 86.65 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1812 [NDIANA AV [-90 OFF RAMP Z65 R before IND[ANA 3 499 152 116.80 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Sea) 1959 MIS5ION AV VEf2CLER RO WOODLAWN RD 729 31 680.00 ft2 9.50 84.6G 6 AC - Crack Seal 1960 MISSION AV SS ft before BOLIVAR BOLIVAR RD ;58 2 53�.40 R2 6.00 86.45 6 AC - Crock Seal 1961 MI55SON AV HOLIVAR RD 3i5 R belore BEST RO 408 17 7A0.80 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2065 MLSSION AV SS R before MISSION MISSION AV ;73 3 168.00 R2 8.00 86.45 6 AC - Crack Seal 2066 MISSION AV MISSION AV 55 R befo�e �OUVAR 146 6 336.00 ft2 8.00 E36.45 6 AC - Crack Sea! 2091 MI55ION AV HOUK RD VERCLFR RO 304 13 200.00 R2 28.50 67.52 6 AC - Crack Sea) 2120 MCDONALD RD CATALDO AV DESMET' AV 350 15 206.40 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2124 M155ION AV 370 R before BRIDGE 160 tt before BRIDGE 233 10 137,60 ft2 8.00 86.45 6 AC - Crack Seal 2157 MCDONALD RD HEROY AV HEROY AV 58 2 534.40 R2 7.OQ 89.55 6 AC - Crack Seal 2158 MCDONALD RO RlCH AV NEROY AV 437 19 008.00 ft2 7.00 87,65 6 AC - Crack Seal 2162 MCUONIILU RD SR-290 iiICH AV ;670 29,145.60 ft2 7.00 87.65 Page 23 of 25 Plan Yaar Acitvity IO Routa Raute Bacic Routa Ahaad Estlmatsd Cost Arsas A�a OCI 6 !1C - Crack Se�l 2167 MCDONALD RD MAXWELL AV MI�SIGtJ A.V 40F3 17 740.80 ft2 9.50 84.66 o AC - Crack 5eal 22G9 MCDONALD RD �INTD AV MAXWELL AV 35U 15 ZOb.40 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2171 MCDONALD RD DESMET AV BOOME AV 4U8 17 740.80 ft2 9.50 85.95 6 AC - Crack Seal 2174 MCDONALD RD MALLON CT CATALDO AV 350 15 205.40 R2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2178 MISSION AV NOUK RD HOUK RD S486 21 120.00 R2 28.50 67.52 b AC - Crack Seal 2179 MiSS10N AV BLAKE RD MAMER RD 408 17 740.80 ft2 9.50 81.94 6 AC - Crack Seal 2180 MISSION AV MAMER RD 370 R bcfore BRIDGE S374 16 262.40 ft2 9.50 84.6b 6 AC - Crack Seal 2187 MCDOtdALD RD BROADWAY AV MALLON CT 583 25 344.00 R2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack $eal 2188 MCDONALD RD SPRINGFIELD AV BRQADWAY AV 350 15 206.40 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2189 MCDONALD RD ALKI AV SPWNGFlELD AV 350 15 206. ft2 9.5 84.66 6 AG - Crack Seal 2191 MCDONALD RD OUVE AV ALKI AV 350 15 206.40 R2 9.50 84.6b 6 AC - Crack Seal 2192 MCOONALD RD VALLEY�/VAY AV OLIVE AV 448 17 74U.80 R2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Scal 2194 MCDONALD RD NIXON AV VALLEYWAY AV 4a8 17 740.80 R2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2195 MCDONALD RD MAIN AV NIxoN Av 291 12 672.00 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2196 MCDONALD RD RIVERSIDE AV MA1N AV 5241 12 672.00 ft2 27.50 G8.16 6 AC - Crack Seal 2197 MCDOMALD RD SPRAGU[ AV WVERSIDE AV 4b6 20 275.20 ft2 4.00 77.65 6 AC - Crack Se�l 2228 MIS510N AV MCDONALD RD BIAKE RO tl 579 68 640.00 ft2 9.50 84.66 6 AC - Crack Seal 2687 PfiOGRE55 RD 6ROAD AV CROWN AY 537 23 337.6a R2 6.00 84.00 6 AC - Crack 58a1 2688 NROGRESS RD WELIESLEY AV BROAO AV 221 4 609.60 ft2 6.00 84.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 2689 PROGRESS RD HEROY AV WL-LLESIEY AV 284 12 355.24 R2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 26 PROGRESS RD LONGFELLOW AV NEROY AV 221 9 G09.60 fc2 5.31 9.60 b AC - Crack Seal 2692 PROGRESS RD RICFi AV LONGFEILOW AV SZ21 9 609.60 ft2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 2693 PROGRE55 RO ROCKWELL AV RICH AV 158 6 864.00 ft2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Cmck Seal 2701 PROGRESS RD SR-290 ROCKWELL AV f253 10 982.40 R2 5.31 89.60 G AC - Crack Seal 3010 SUWVAN RD East Vatley School NORTH END OF ROAD 5454 19,747.20 ft2 1.00 96.00 6 AC - Crack 5ea1 3015 SULLIVAN RD KIERNAN AV SR-290 EAST60UND 1 734 75 398.40 ft2 5.00 98.26 6 AC - Crack Seal 3U16 SULLIVAN RD .170 m� aRer EUCUD KIERNAN AV ;1,797 78,3A4.00 ft2 5.00 86.87 o AC - Crack Seal 3030 SULLIVAN RD 55 ft after MARIETTA EUCUO AV SZ,798 121,651.20 ft2 5.00 86.87 6 AC - Crack Seal 3032 SULLlVAN RD BR 4510 f� MARIETTA AV 1 822 79 200.00 ft2 2.00 89.51 6 AC - Crack Seal 3033 SULLIVAN RD 325 ft before BR d510 BR 4510 & ;437 19 008.00 ft2 4.00 80.16 6 AC - Crack Seal 3035 SULLIVAN RD SIGNAL CEMTRAL 315 ft before BR 4510 1 049 45 619.20 R2 5.00 86.87 6 AC - Crack Seal 3036 SULLIVAN RD FLORA PTT RD SIGNAL �ENTRAL 612 �6 611 .?.0 ft2 4.40 79.d7 6 AC - Crack Scal 3043 SULLIVAN RD MISSION AV I-90 EASTBOUND 1 02U 4t 352.00 ft2 5.00 89.53 6 AC - Crack Seal 3050 SPRAGUE AV PROGRESS RO SULLIVAN FiD 2 885 125 451.80 tt2 5.00 88.17 6 AC - Crack Sea) 3053 SULLIVAN RD SPRAGUE AV VALLEYWAY AV 2 823 122 760.00 R2 3.00 82.46 6 AC - Crack Seal 3091 SPRAGUE AV BEST RD ADAMS RD 2 244 97 574.4a ft2 S.QO 88.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3092 SPftAGUE Av SR-27 NOUK RD 1 i76 51 110.40 R2 5.00 88.Q8 6 AC - Crack Seal 3097 SPRAGi/[ AV B�LivAR RD BANNEN RD 7�i8 32 524.80 R2 5.00 88.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3128 SPRAGUE AV MAYHEW RD EVERGREEN RD 1 710 74 342.40 ft2 5.00 88.17 6 AC - Crock Seal 3166 SPftAGUL Av MGC'ABE RD BtAKE RD 1 069 46 464.00 ft2 5.00 88.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3175 SPRAGUE AV MCDONALD RD CLINTON RU $641 27 878.40 ft2 5.00 88.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3176 SPRAGUE AV ADAMS RD E3URNS LN 1 603 69 696.OQ ft2 5.00 8$.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3179 SPRAGUE AV NOUK RD MCDONALD RD �4,168 181 2Q9.60 ft2 5.00 98.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3221 SPftAGUE AV BANNEN R[� BEST RD 1 282 55 756.80 ft2 5.00 8B.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 3223 SPAAGUE AV EVERGREEN RD 80UVAR RD 1 069 46 464.00 ft2 S.Od 88.17 6 AC - Crack Seal 324b SPRAGUE AV HijUk; itD HOUK RD 214 9 292.80 R2 5.00 84.74 b AC - Crack 5eal 3250 SPRAGUE AV BLAKE RD MAYHEW RD 962 41 811.60 R2 5.00 88.17 Page 24 of 25 Pian Yes� Adtvity ID Route Route Back Route Ahead Estimated Cest Arei� Aqa OCI 6 AC - Crack Seal 3273 SPRAGUE AV CIINTON RD MCCABE kD 855 37 171.20 h2 5.00 a8.17 G AC - Crack Seal 3757 WELLESIEY AV CONKLIN RD SUNNYVALF DR 146 0 336.00 ft2 2.60 90.42 6 AC - Crack Seal 3765 WELLESIEIf AV ULLIAN RD CONKUN RD 170 7 392.00 R2 14.51 71.86 6 AC - Crack Seal 3781 WELLESLFIf AV LARCH KD UWAN RD 146 6 336.00 ft2 1.00 93.38 G AC - Crack Seal 3787 WELLESLEY AV 105 R before MOORE MOORE RD 58 2 534.40 ft2 1.00 90.42 6 AC - Crack Seal 3788 WELLESLrY AV TOIFORD RD 105 R Defore MOORE 413 17 952.00 ft2 14.51 81.80 6 AC - Crack Seal 3789 WELLESI.L-Y AV 370 ft before SULLNAN RU 374 lb 262.40 ft2 6.00 88.84 6 AC - Crack Scal 3794 WELLESLEY AV PROGRESS R� ST CHARLL-S RD 350 15 �Ob.40 ft2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack 5eal 3801 WELLESLFY AV LUCiLLE RD PROGRESS RD 262 11 404.80 ft2 5.31 59.60 6 AC - Crack Seai 3814 WtLLFSIEY AV BURNS RL) LUCIIIE RD 415 18 057.60 (t2 5.31 II9.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 3815 WELLESLEY AV 210 ft be(ore BURNS BURNS RD s185 8,025.b0 ft2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 3817 WELLESLEIf AV 265 ft after CALVIN ADAMS ST 291 12 672.00 R2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 3823 WELLESIEY AV REES RD CALVIN RD �350 15,206.40 ft2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Sea) 3824 WELLESLEY AV BEST RD REES RO 5255 11,088.00 R2 5.31 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 3849 WELLE5LEY AV BEST RD f3E5T RD 102 4 435.20 ft2 5. 1 89.60 6 AC - Crack Seal 3856 WELLESIEY AV BANNEN RD l�EST RD 5255 11 088.00 ft2 5.31 89.60 G AC - Cratk 5eal 38b6 WELLESLEY AV 315 ft before BANNEiV BANNEN RD 306 13 305.60 R2 5.31 89.G0 6 AC - Crack Seal 39U6 WELLFSi.�Y AV .21 mi before MCDONALD RD 918 39 916.80 R2 7.00 87.65 6 AC - Crack Seal 3910 WELLESLE`f AV SULUVAN RD TOLFORD RD �194 8 448.00 ft2 14.51 82.72 G AC - Crack Seal 4863 SULLIVAN RO WEILESLEY AV East Vallc Schoo! 214 9 292.80 ft2 b.00 96.00 6 AC - Crack Seal 494fi E3ARKER RD EUCLIU AV NATTAMER LN 3131 5,702.40 R2 4.00 81.42 G AC - Crack Seat 4980 8AfZ1CcR RD GRACE AV UNtdAMEU r0 15 20 .4 R2 3.00 8G.49 6 AC - Crack Seal 5482 SPRAGUE AV BURNS LN PF2QGKE55 RD 1 069 46 464.00 ft2 5.00 88.17 _ 5515.156 Page 25 oi 25 = x. �* < - • • • � • � City of Spokane Valley � OCI Map: Arterials and Collectors �� � `' W E .� ..—�r� �. a i ;;►�-� � s �� .. { . 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Recnnsln,ct - -• Recconstruct - - - Reoonstnici '-�_ ` .� ,� �- - Q '- I010 Trostmants 2012 Trsatm�nb 2014 Treatments ;_,_ o��y — oYe�y — o��y - Remnstn,ct - - - Reconavuct - - • Reconstn,ct .�,.�y e. �000 LOCAL ROADS - SIX YEAR PLAN 2009�2014 AC-Overlay Projects 12/18/08 City oi Spokane Valley PMP Update Estimated Aye in OCI in Pis� Yaar AtUvity ID Route Route Bacic Route Ahead �� Areas Z008 2008 1 AC - AC l_ocal Overla 35G6 WOODRUFF RD 1 GO ft befors JACKSON AV 39,237.89 5,7�2.40 9.51 34.82 1 AC - AC Local Overla 291 J UNIVERSITY RD SOUTH END OF ROAD Iv10NTGOMERY AV 29,082.24 17,952.00 11.50 36.30 1 AC - AC Local Overla 977 DOLLAR ST MANSFIEL� AV UTAH AV $29 0�2.24 17,952.00 23.00 33.50 1 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 849 DICKEY RD SR-290 KNOX AV $30,023.14 18,532.80 19.00 31.9�t 1 AC - AC Local Overla 3205 VALLEYWAY AV PARK RD .100 mi before ELLA 582.98 21,964.80 12.50 37.81 1 AC - AC Local Overia 1302 FLORA RD MEADOWBROOK LN SPRAGUE AV $44,478.72 27,456.00 10.51 41.27 1 AC - AC Locai Overla 4628 2ND AV BEST RD ADAMS RD $71,650.24 44,352.00 22.51 34.45 1 AC - AC Local Overia 815 BEST RD 2ND AV SPRAGUE AV $44,478.72 27,456.00 22.51 35.12 1 AC - AC Local Overla 1252 GIRARD RD 4TH AV 3RD AV $14,370.05 8,870.40 12.50 32.40 1 AC - AC Local Overfa 906 DOLLAR ST 370 ft before 55 tt before $16,422.91 10,137.60 23.00 34.54 i AC - AC Local Overla 1048 DOLLAR ST 55 ft before MANSFIELD AV $1 710.72 1,056.00 19.00 57.20 1 AC - AC Local Overia 993 DOLIAR ST 475 ft after SR 290 370 ft before $6,842.88 4,224.00 29.00 15.84 1 AC - AC Local Overla 874 DOLLAR ST 315 ft after SR 290 475 ft after SR 290 $8,211.46 5,OS8.80 23.00 31.60 1 AC - AC Locai Overla 3t t 0 UTAH AV EASTERN RD 105 ft after EASTERN $3,763.58 2,323.20 16.00 53.48 1 AC - AC Local Overla 3959 WOODRUFF RD JACKSON AV NORTH END OF ROAD $17,962.56 11,088.00 23.00 27.48 1 AC - AC l.ocal Ovorla 1754 JACKSON AV WO�DRUFF RD EAST END OF ROAD $27,713.66 17,107.20 9.51 27.50 Total Cost 2008 Base �90 813.98 Total Cost In Year s390,813.98 Estimated Age in OCI In Dlan Yur Activity ID Routa RauU 6ack Route Ahud Cost Areas 2008 2008 2 AC - AC Local Overla 898 COURTLAN� AV BEIGE ST DONWOOD ST $33,872.2fi 20,908.8Q 19.00 50.74 � 2 AC - AC Local Overla 899 COURTLAND AV VELOX ST BEIGE ST $15,396.48 9,504.00 19.00 58.38 2 AC - AC Local Overla 915 OONWOOD ST BRIDGEPORT AV COURTLAND AV $15,396.48 9,504.00 19.00 57.01 2 AC - AC Local Overia 496 BRIDGEPORT AV MCKEE ST DONWOOD ST $20 528.64 12 672.00 19.00 38.31 2 AC - AC Local Overla 621 BEIGE ST BRIDGEPORT AV COURTLAND AV $21,555.07 13.305.60 19.00 42.81 2 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 3412 VELOX ST BRIDGEPORT AV COURTLAND AV �27,713.6fi 17,107.20 19.Od 55.45 2 AC - AC Local Overta 622 BRIDGEPORT AV WEST END TO VELOX VELOX ST $13,685.76 8,448.00 19.00 42.36 2 AC - AC Local Overia 2360 MCKEE ST UBERTY AV BRIDGEPORT AV �17,107.20 10,560.00 16.00 58.52 2 AC - AC Local Ovetie 1914 L16ERTY AV VELOX ST MCKEE ST $40,030.85 24,710.40 16.00 58.60 2 AC - AC Local Overia 3413 VELOX ST LIBERTY AV BRIDGEPORT AV $15,396.48 9,504.00 19.00 53.59 2 AC - AC Local Overia 939 DALTON AV MCKEE ST DONWOOD ST $18,475.78 11,404.80 19.U0 39.74 2 AC - AC Local Ove�la 2361 MCKEE ST DALTON AV LIBERTY AV �20,528.64 12,672.00 19.00 44.70 2 AC - AC Local Overla 3414 VELOX ST DALTON AV LIBERTY AV a15,396.48 9 504.�0 19,00 52.31 2 AC - AC Local Ov�rla 1�37 DALTON AV VELOX ST MCKEF ST $40,030.85 24,71Q.40 19.00 53,86 2 AC - AC Local Overia 1322 FAIRVIEW CT WEST END TO JOEL JOEL RD a18,475.78 11,404.80 19.00 50.28 2 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 1763 JOEL RD GRACE CT FAIRVIEW CT �24,634.37 15 206.40 �9.00 51.31 2 AC - AC Locai Ove�ia 1412 GRACE CT WEST END TO JOEL JOEL RD $18,475.78 11,404.80 19.00 52.51 2 AC - AC Local Oveiia 542 BUCKEYE AV HARMONY ST MCMILLAN RD 24,463.30 15,100.80 19.00 51.5fi 2 AC - AC Local Overla 1764 JOEL RD BUCKEYE AV GRACE CT $12,317.18 7,603.20 t9.00 40.51 Page 1 oi 6 Estimated Age in OCI i� Plan Year Actfvity ID Route Route Back Route Ahesd � Areas Z008 2008 2 AC - AC Local Overla 33 BUCKEYE AV MARLIN DR JOEL RD $11,1 t9.68 6,864.OQ 23.00 32.20 2 AC - AC Local Overla 32 BUCKEYE AV BARKER RD MARLIN DR $11,119.68 6,864.00 19.00 58.16 2 AC - AC Local Overla 2410 MARLIN DR BUCKEYE AV DRUMMOND ST $20 528.64 12,672.00 �9.00 45.10 2 AC - AC Local Overla 2406 MARIETTA AV MCMILLAN RD MONTGOMERY DR $44,478.72 27,456.00 23.Oo 30.59 2 AC - AC Loca) Overla 2403 MCMILLAN RD MARIETTA AV BUCKEYE AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 19.00 45.10 2 AC - AC Local Overla 1425 HARMONY ST MARIETTA AV BUCKEYE AV $10 264.32 6,33G.00 19.00 47.76 2 AC - AC Local Overla 1424 HARMoNY ST MARLIN OR MARIETTA AV $17,107.20 10,560.00 19.00 57.12 2 AC - AC Local Qverla 2409 MARLIN DR DRUMM�ND ST HARMONY ST $27 371.52 16,896.00 23.00 38.14 2 AC - AC Local Overia 2404 MCMIILAN RD MARLIN DR MARIETTA AV $17 107.20 10,560.00 �9.OQ 44.55 2 AC - AC Local Overla 2408 MARLIN DR HARMONY 5T MCMILLAN RD a41,057.28 25,344.00 23.00 35.01 2 AC - AC Local Overla 2352 MONTGOMERY DR MOtJTGOMERY DR MARIETTA AV $34,214.40 21,120.00 19.00 49.33 2 AC - AC Local Overla 46 MONTGOMERY DR MONTGOMERY DR NORTH END OF ROAD $fi,842.88 4 224.00 23.00 35.63 2 AC - AC Local Overia 966 DRUMM4ND ST JACKSON DR MARUN DR a30,792.98 19,008.00 19.00 51.83 2 AC - AC Loca) Overla 1761 JACKSON DR BARKER RD DRUMMOND ST $17,107.20 10,560.00 19.00 49.66 2 AC - AC Loca) Overla 1760 JACKSON OR DRUMMONO ST JACKSON DR $20,528.64 12,672.00 23.00 35.14 2 AC - AC Loca) Ovorla 2353 MONTGOMERY DR MCMILLAN RD MON7GOMERY DR $23 950.08 14,784.00 23.00 35.54 2 AC • AC Local Overla 2405 MCMILIAN RD MONTGOMERY DR MARLIN DR $17,107.20 10,560.00 23.00 32.64 2 AC - AC Local Overla 2354 MONTGOMERY DR MONTGOMERY DR MCMILLAN RD $20,528.64 12,672.00 t 9.00 40.67 2 AC - AC Local Ove�la 2355 MONTGOMERY DR JACKSON DR MONTGOMERY DR $20,528.64 12,672.00 19.00 41.70 2 AC - AC Local Ove�la 1759 JACKSON DR JACKSON DR MONTGOMERY DR $23,950.08 14,784.00 19.00 45.86 2 AC - AC Local Overla 1042 DRUMMOND ST MONTGOMERY DR JACKSON DR $30 792.96 19,008.00 19.00 52.71 2 AC - AC Local Overla 2356 MONTGOMERY DR DRUMMOND ST JACKSON DR $34,214.40 21, t 20.U0 19.00 43.25 2 AC - AC Local Overia 615 BUCKEYE AV JOEL RD HARM�NY ST $8,895.74 5,491.20 23.00 26.69 2 AC - AC Local Overta 484 BUCKEYE AV MCMILLAN RD .25 mi after $59,875.20 36,960.00 29.00 17.68 2 AC - AC Local Overia 44 JACKSON DR S�UTH END TO JACKSON DR $6,842.88 4,224.00 29.00 22.81 2 AC - AC Local Overta 615 BUCKEYE AV JOEL RD HARMONY ST $8,895.74 5,491.20 23.00 26.69 Total Cost 2008 Base $999,231.55 Total Cost In Yea� �1,049,193.13 Estimated A�e tn OCI in Plan Yasr Acttvity ID Route Route Badc Route Ahead �� �=s 2008 2008 3 AC - AC Loca) Overla 4566 18TH AV SKIPWORTH RD BOWDISH RD $44,478.72 27,4;6.00 18.51 54.35 3 AC - AC Local Overla 3981 17TN AV SKIPWORTH RD BOWDISH RD a41,057.28 25,344.00 18.51 54.94 3 AC - AC Loca) Overla 2795 SKIPWORTH RD 17TH AV i 6TH AV �20,52B.64 12,672.a0 � 8.51 56.34 3 AC - AC Locaf Overla 1534 GLENN RD 17TH AV 16TH AV a20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 52.31 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2796 SKIPWORTH RD 18TH AV 17TH AV $20.528.64 12,672.00 18.51 44.47 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2480 PIERCE RD 18TH AV 17TH AV $23,950.08 14,784.Q0 18.51 32.06 3 AC - AC Local Ove�la 4468 19TH AV SKIPWORTH RD BOWDISH RD $44,478.72 27 456.00 18.51 55.25 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2797 SKIPWORTH RD 19TH AV 18TH AV $23,950.08 14,78A.00 18.51 50.86 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2481 PIERCE RD 19TH AV i 8TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 40.73 3 AC - AC Local Ovena 4408 20TH AV GLENN RD PIERCE RD �41 057.28 25,344.Q0 18.51 59.24 3 AC - AC Loca! Overla 1439 GLENN RD 20TH AV 19TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.d0 18.51 43.44 3 AC - AC Loca) Ovorla 2483 PIERCE RD 21 ST AV 20TH AV $23 950.08 14 784.00 18.51 34.64 3 AC - AC Loca! Ovoila 1558 GLENN RD 21 ST AV 207H AV a20,528.64 12 672.00 18.51 43.09 3 AC - AC Loca) Overla 2500 PIERCE RD 32ND AV 31 ST AV �23,950.08 14.784.00 18.51 41.44 Page 2 oi 6 • '� - . Estimated Aye in OCZ in Plan Year Activity ID Route Route Back Route Ahead Cost Arc 2008 2008 3 AC - A� Local Overla 1�155 GLENN RO 32Np AV 31 ST AV 5?�},528.64 12,672.00 18.51 36.16 3 AC - AC Local Ov��1a 2485 PIERCE RD 22ND AV 21 ST AV $ZQ,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 34.28 3 AC - AC Local O+re�ia 1597 GLENN RD 221VD AV 21 ST AV $23 950.48 14 784.00 18.51 54.58 3 AC • AC Local Overia 2486 PIERCE RD 23RD AV 22ND AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 38.59 3 AC - AC Local Overia 4222 25TH AV GLENN RD PIERCE RD $41,057.28 25,344.00 18.51 57.77 , 3 AC - AC Local Overia 1336 GLENN RD 25TH AV 24TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 51.17 3 AC • AC Local Overla 2489 PIERCE RD 26TH AV 25TH AV $23,950.08 14 784.OU 18.51 3260 3 AC - AC Local Overla 4578 26TH AV GLENN RD PIERCE RD $44,478.72 27,456.00 18.51 52.89 3 AC - AC Local Overia 2491 PIERCE RD 28TH AV 27TH AV $20,528.64 12 672.00 18.51 39.97 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2492 PIERCE RD 29TH AV 28TH AV $23,950.08 14,784.00 18.51 41.02 3 AC - AC Local Overia 1572 GLENN RD 29TH AV 28TN AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 55.62 3 AC - AC Local Overta 2498 PIERCE RD 30TN AV 29TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 52.35 3 AC - AC Local Overla 1651 GLENN RD 30TH AV 29TH AV $23,950.08 14,784.00 18.51 45.60 3 AC - AC Local Overia 2499 PIERCE RD 31 ST AV 30TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 16.51 51.77 3 AC - AC Local Qve�ia 1443 GLENN RD 31 ST AV 30TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 18.51 38.36 3 AC - AC Local Overia 1552 GLENN RD 26TH AV 160 ft before 25TH AV $10,948.61 6,758.40 18.51 59.56 3 AC - AC Local Overta 1553 GLENN RD 160 ft atter 28TH AV 27TH AV $8,211.45 5,068.80 18.51 43.59 3 AC - AC Local Overia 1624 GLENN RD 28TH AV 160 ft after 28TH AV $10,264.32 6,336.00 18.51 54.26 3 AC - AC Local Overla 1402 GLENN RD 19TH AV 18TH AV $22,767.00 14,784.00 18.51 24.21 3 AC - AC local Overla 2482 PIERCE RD 20TH AV 19TH AV $19,515.00 12,672.00 18.51 29.26 3 AC - AC Local Overla 1359 GLENN RD 23RD AV 22ND AV $19 515.00 12,672.00 18.51 25.91 2 AC - AC Local Overla 1483 GLENN RD 160 ft before 25TH AV 25TH AV $9,803.00 6336 16.Q0 69.U0 3 AC - AC Locai Ove�la 1469 GLENN RD 24TH AV 23RD AV 19 515.00 12672 19.00 61.00 3 AC - AC Loca! Overla 1622 GLENN RD 27TH AV 26TH AV $16,262.00 10,137.6Q 19.00 G5.00 3 AC - AC Loca! Ove�1a 1234 GLENN RD 18TH AV 17TH AV $19,515.00 12,672.00 18.00 65.00 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2479 PIERCE RD 17TH AV 16TH AV $19,515.00 12,672.00 18.OQ 65.00 3 AC - AC Local Overia 2•i87 PIERCE RD 24TH AV 23RD AV 20,528.00 14784 19.00 65.00 3 AC - AC Local Overla 2488 PIERCE RD 25TH AV 24TH AV $16,262.00 10,560.00 19.OQ 60.00 3 AC - AC Local Ove�la 2490 PICRCE RD 27TH AV 26TH AV $16,262.00 12,672.00 19.00 65.00 3 AC - AC Locai Overla 4s9 BEST RD 32ND AV 31 ST AV $15,054.34 9,292.80 19.00 52.22 Total Coat 2008 Base $1,000,075.97 Total Cost In Year �1,102,583.76 Ptan Year Activity ID Route RouLe Back Raube Ahead �tfmat�d �� A9t M OCI in Cost 20Q8 2008 4 AC - AC Local Overia 4425 33RD AV SKIPWORTH RD WOODWARp RD $20,528.64 12,672.00 19.U0 50.47 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 2811 SKIPWORTH RD 33RD AV 32ND AV $13,685.76 8,448.40 19.00 54.42 4 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 2501 PIERCE RD 33RD AV 32ND AV �10,264.32 6,336.00 19.00 37.78 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 2502 PIERCE RD 33RD AV 33RD AV $13,685.76 8 448.00 23.00 31.12 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 4559 33R0 AV GILLIS CT PIERCE RD $9.237.89 5,702.40 19.00 41.67 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 3699 WILBUR ST LORETTA DR 33RD AV $17,107.20 10 560.00 16.00 58.97 4 AC - AC Local Overla 4078 33RD AV GLENN ST & CT GILLIS CT $18,475.78 11,404.80 19.00 47.22 4 AC - AC Local Overla 1305 GLENN ST 8 CT 33RD AV NORTH END OF ROAD 12,317.18 7 6�3.20 19.00 4825 4 AC - AC Local Overla 798 BATES ST 34TH AV NORTH END OF ROAD $20,528.64 12,672.00 19.00 47.09 4 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 4249 33RD AV VAN MARTER RO GLENN ST & CT $15 396.48 9 504.00 19.00 44.41 4 AC - AC Local Overla 4269 34TH AV BOWDISH RD BATES ST $20,528.64 12,672.00 9.51 38.85 Page 3 of 6 Estimated A9e in OCI i� Plan Year Activity ID Route Route Back Route Ahead Co � Aroas �008 2008 4 AC - AC Local Overta 4333 34TH AV VJOODWARD RD BOWDISH RD �20,528.64 12,672.00 23.00 32.C)2 4 AC - AC Local Overta 3926 WOODWARD RD 34TH AV 33RD AV $20,528.64 12 672.00 19.00 49.20 4 AC - AC Local �ve�1a 4332 34TH AV PIERCE RD WOODWARD RD $65,007.36 40 126.00 19.00 45.44 4 AC • AC Local Overia 1975 LORETTA DR 34TH AV 35TH AV $27,371.52 16,896.00 19.00 55.50 4 AC - AC local Ove�ta 4248 33RD AV UNIVERSITY RD VAN MARTER RD $33,872.26 20 908.80 19.00 37.09 4 AC - AC Local Overla 1971 LORETTA DR 35TH AV OIANA DR 8 CT $20,528.64 12 672.00 19.00 55.16 4 AC - AC Lacal Ove�ta 1380 GLENN ST 8� CT 34TH AV 33RD AV $18,475.78 11,404.80 19.00 41.f,3 4 AC - AC Loca) Overta 4608 35TH AV F�X ST $ CT LORETTA DR $21,555.07 13 305.60 19.00 41.27 4 AC - AC Local Overia 2504 PIERCE RD 35TH AV 34TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 9.51 41.29 4 AC - AC Local Overla 1970 LORETTA DR DIANA DR � CT 37TH AV $23,950.�8 14,784.00 19.00 56.15 4 AC - AC Local Overia 799 BATES ST 35TH AV 34TN AV $34 214.4a 21,120.00 23.00 32.33 4 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 1969 LORETTA DR 37TH AV UNION CT $20,528.64 12 672.00 19.00 51.85 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ta 1967 LORET7A DR WHIPPLE ST PINES RD �17,107.20 10,560.00 19.00 55.19 4 AC - AC Local Ove�la 1968 LORETTA DR UNION CY WHIPPLE ST $34,214.40 21,120.00 19.00 49.66 4 AC - AC Local Ove�la 2505 PIERCE RD ALOHA CT 35TH AV $23,950.08 14,784.00 9.51 55.16 4 AC - AC Local Overta 4360 35TH AV GILLIS ST ALOHA CT $9,237.89 5,702.40 19.00 44.55 4 AC - AC l.ocal Overia 4705 37TH AV FOX ST & CT LORETTA DR �20,526.64 12,672.00 19.00 37.31 4 AC - AC Local Overia 1394 FOX ST & CT 37TH AV 36TH AV $18,475.78 11 404.80 19.00 57.Sfi 4 AC - AC Local Overla 4481 35TH AV GLENN ST 8� CT GILLIS ST $18,475.78 11,404.80 19.00 47.88 4 AC - AC Local Overta 1379 GLENN ST 8 CT 35TH AV 34TH AV $24,634.37 15,206.40 19.00 a1.29 4 AC - AC Local Overla 4495 35TH AV VAN MARTER RD GLENN ST 8� CT $24,634.37 15,206.40 16.00 58.73 4 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 4494 35TH AV UNIVERSITY RD VAN MARTER RO $24,634.37 15,206.40 19.00 37.fi0 4 AC - AC Local Overfa 800 BATES ST 36TH AV 35TH AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 19.00 45.81 4 AC - AC Local Overla 4706 37TH AV 38TH AV FOX ST 8 CT $27,371.52 16,896.00 19.Q0 44.08 4 AC - AC Local Ove�la 4707 37TH AV REEVES RD 38TH AV $17,107.20 10 560.00 19.00 44.28 4 AC - AC Local Overta 4709 37TH AV BATES ST BATES DR �13,685.76 8,448.00 23.00 32.85 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ta 801 BATES ST 37TH AV 36TH AV $30,792.96 19,008.d0 19.00 42.39 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 4710 37TH AV BOWDISH RD BATES ST $20,528.64 12.672.00 19.00 41.76 4 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 403 BATES DR 38TH AV 37TH AV $21,555.07 13,305.60 16.00 58.32 4 AC - AC Lacal Overla 2571 REEVES RD UNION ST 37TH AV $33,872.26 20,908.80 19.00 36.17 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ta 4768 40TH AV UNION ST UNION CT $6,158.59 3,801.60 19.00 47.34 4 AC - AC Local Overfa 4161 34TH AV BATES ST 55 fl be(ore LORETTA $23,950.08 14,784.00 23.04 33.85 4 AC - AC Local Ove�ta 4609 35TH AV 210 ft after BATES ST FOX ST & CT $21.555.07 13,305.60 19.00 49.80 4 AC - AC Local Overia 4610 35TH AV BATES ST 210 ft atter BATES ST �13,685.76 8,448.00 19.00 42.30 4 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 4&06 36TH AV 210 ft after BATES ST FOX ST & CT $40,030.85 2d,710.40 19.00 56.85 4 AC - AC Local Overia 4607 36TH AV BATES ST 210 ft after BATES ST $13,071.00 8 448.00 0.00 0.00 4 AC - AC Local Overla 4573 34TH AV 55 il be(ore LORETTA LORETTA DR $2,926.00 1,900.80 23.00 29.13 4 AC - AC Local Overla 1470 FOX ST & CT 35TH AV NORTH END OF ROAD $11,708.00 7 603.20 23.00 28.85 Total Cost 2008 Baae s1 033,26b.24 Total Cost In Year S1 19fi,134.83 Es�imated Aqa i� OCI in Rlsn Ysar AcNvtty ID Route Routa Back Routa Ahead Cost A � u 2008 20Q8 5 AC - AC Local Ove�la 4725 13TH AV VIRGINIA ST WOODLAWN ST $10,264.32 6,336.00 20.50 42.63 5 AC - AC Local Overta 34a6 VIRGINIA ST t3TH AV 12TH AV $t0,264.32 6,336.d0 20.50 51.68 5 AC - AC Local Overia 4726 13TH AV VIRGINIA ST VIRGINIA ST $10,264.32 6,336.00 20.50 38.36 Page 4 ot 6 • � . 7 ; Z, � .. . r . . Pfsn Yesr Acttvfty ID Route Rovte Back Routc Ah�ad �matad A �� s /1qe in OGZ in Cost 2008 2008 5 AC - AC Lacal dverfa 3407 VIRGINIA ST 14Tt-I AV 13T}-I AV 420,528.64 12,67?_.UO 20.50 51.69 5 AC - AC Lacal Overla 3902 WOODLAWN ST 14TH AV 13TH AV $34 214.40 21 120.00 20.50 49.23 5 AC - AC Local Overla 5734 WOODLAWN ST 15TH AV 14TH AV $27,371.52 16,89fi.00 20.50 51.48 5 AC - AC Local Overla 4723 15TH AV VIRGINIA ST WOODLAWN ST $17,107.20 10,560.00 20.50 47.88 5 AC - AC Local Overia 4724 15TH AV VIRGINIA ST VIRGINIA ST �6,842.88 4,224.00 20.50 32.29 5 AC - AC Local Overta 3477 VIRGINIA ST 16TH AV 15TH AV 10,264.32 6 336.00 24.50 54.73 5 AC - AC Local Ove�ta 3494 VERCLER RO SALTESE FRONTAGE SALTESE RD $6,842.88 4,224.00 20.50 39.3fi 5 AC - AC Local Overia 3478 VIRGINIA ST SALTESE RD 16TH AV $30,792.96 19,008.00 2d.50 56.66 5 AC - AC Local Overia 3628 WOODLAWN RD SALTESE RD 16TH AV $44,478.72 27,456.00 20.50 57.09 5 AC - AC L�cal Overla 3629 WOODLAWN RD SALTESE FRONTAGE SALTESE RD $3,421.44 2,112.00 20.50 53.01 5 AC - AC Local Overla 2954 SALTESE FRONTAGE VERCLER RD WOODLAWN RD �22,581.50 13,939.20 20.50 59.11 5 AC - AC Local Overla 2430 MORROW RD SALTESE RD 16TH AV $44,478.72 27,456.00 20.50 58.93 5 AC - AC Local Ove�la 671 COLLINS RD HOUK RD SALTESE RD $30,792.96 19,008.Q0 20.50 52.96 5 AC - AC Local Overla 1566 HOUK RD COLLINS RD SALTESE RD $47,900.16 29.568.00 20.50 58.06 5 AC - AC Local Overla 2953 SALTESE FRONTAGE WOODLAWN RD MCDONALD RD $32 845.82 20.275.20 20.50 51.58 5 AC - AC Local Ove�la 3631 WOODLAWN RD BLOSSEY AV SALTESE FRONTAGE $17,107.20 10,560.00 20.50 56.93 5 AC - AC Local Qverla 501 BLOSSEY AV VERCLER RD WQODLAWN RD $34,214.40 21,12U.00 20.50 55.68 5 AC - AC Local Overla 1565 HOUK RD VERCLER RD COLLINS RD $27 371.52 16,896.00 20.50 59.86 5 AC - AC Local Overia 1751 KELLER RD SALTESE FRONTAGE SALTESE RD $3,421.44 2,112.00 20.50 56.12 5 AC - AC Local Overta 2952 SALTESE FRONTAGE MCDONALD RD KELLER RD $26,687.23 16,473.60 20.50 58.71 5 AC - AC Local Overia 3497 VERCLER RD SEMRO AV HOUK RD $10,264.32 6,336.00 20.50 57.77 5 AC - AC Local Overia 3632 WOODLAWN RO SEMRO AV BLOSSEY AV $23,950.08 14 784.00 20.50 59.76 5 AC - AC Local Overia 2902 SEMR� AV VERCLER RD WOODLAWN RD $34,214.40 21,120.00 20.50 49.19 5 AC - AC Local Overia 3498 VERCLER RD FOf�REST AV SEMRO AV 13 685.76 8,448.00 20.50 58.05 5 AC - AC Locai Ovo�la 1752 KELLER RD BLOSSEY AV SALTESE FRONTAGE $17,107.20 10 560.00 20.50 55.70 5 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 379 BIOSSEY AV MCDONALD RD KELLER RD $37,635.84 23,232.00 20.50 56.43 5 AC - AC Local Overla 2901 SEMRO AV WOODLAWN RD MCDONALD RD �58,164.48 35 9fl4.00 20.50 59.11 5 AC - AC Local Overta 3633 WOODLAWN RD 22ND AV SEMRO AV �23,950.08 14 784.00 20.50 57.71 5 AC - AC Local Overla 1753 KELLER RD SEMRO AV BLOSSEY AV y20,528.64 12,672.00 20.50 48.18 5 AC - AC Local Overla 3634 WOODLAWN RD FORREST AV 22ND AV $6,842.88 4,224.a0 20.50 51.85 5 AC - AC Local Overla 4336 22ND AV WOODLAWN RD MCDONALD RD $54 743.04 33 792.00 20.50 57.87 5 AC - AC L�cal Overla 5795 22ND AV Saltese & Blake BIAKE RD $3,421.44 2,112.a0 20.50 56.90 5 AC - AC Local Overla 2951 SALTESE FRONTAGE KELLER RD 22ND AV $43,110.14 26,fi11.20 20.50 59.25 5 AC - AC Local Overla 4307 22ND AV BLOSSEY AV Saltese 8 Blake $20 528.64 12 672.00 20.50 52.78 5 AC - AC Local Overla 4308 22ND AV SEMRO AV BLOSSEY AV $20,528.64 12,672.00 20.50 58.81 5 AC - AC �ocal Overla 4284 23RD AV FORREST AV MCDONALD RD 23,950.08 14 784.00 20.50 58.72 5 AC - AC Loca� Ove�la 1871 MCCABE RD 23RD AV BLOSSEY AV $20.528.64 12,672.00 14.51 58.84 5 AC - AC Local Overla 3408 VIRGINIA ST 15TH AV 14TH AV $41,057.28 25,344.00 20.50 29.99 Total Cost 2008 Base s994,270.45 Total Cost In Year 51,208,54�.95 Estimated Age In OCI In Plan Ye�r Artivity ID Route Rout� Back Route Ahead �� Arcas 2008 2008 6 AC - AC Local Overia 1210 HOUK RD MAXWELL AV MISSIOfV AV �20,528.64 12,672.00 23.50 50.29 6 AC - AC Local Overla 2142 MAXWELL AV SR-27 HOUK RD $36,351.55 22,609.60 23.50 52.54 6 AC - AC Locai Overla 2290 NORA AV SR-27 .440 mi after SR 27 $112,907.52 69,696.00 19.00 44.32 Page 5 of 6 Estimated Aye in OCI in Ptan Year Activity ID Route Route Bacic Route Ahead �st A � f 2008 2008 G AC - AC Loca! Ove�ia 1864 MOUK RD MISSION AV NORTH END OF ROAD $29,937.60 18,4-80.00 23.50 46.76 6 AC - AC Local Ove�1a 1209 HOUK RD SINTO AV MAXWELL AV $23,95U.08 14,784.00 23.50 51.70 6 AC - AC Local Ovarla 2818 SINTO AV SR-27 HOUK RD $36 951.55 22,809.60 23.50 53.36 6 AC - AC Lc�cal Overia 3484 VERCLER RD BOONE AV MISSION AV $59,875.20 36,960.00 23.50 47.34 6 AC - AC Local Overla 531 BOONE AV SR-27 VERCLER RD $55,598.40 34,320.OU 23.50 47.91 6 AC - AC Local Overta 6fi7 COLLINS RD ALKI AV BR�ADWAY AV $41,057.28 25 344.00 23.50 54.33 6 AC - AC Local Overla 668 COLLINS RD OLIVE AV ALKI AV $2U,528.64 12,672.a0 23.50 JJ.OZ 6 AC - AC Local Overla 2673 OLIVE AV SR-27 COLLINS RD $25,fi60.80 15 840.00 23.50 48.34 6 AC - AC Local Overla 1989 MAIN AV MCDONALO RD CUNTON RD $27,371.52 16 896.00 22.51 56.57 6 AC - AC Local Overla 1993 MAIN AV HOUK RD 55 tt beiore 575,955.97 46,886.40 22.51 55.70 6 AC - AC Local Overla 310 BLAKE RD SPRAGUE AV VALLEYWAY AV 62 954.50 38 860.80 22.51 53.42 6 AC - AC Locai Overla 683 CIINTON RD SPRAGUE AV MAIN AV $41,057.28 25,344.00 22.51 44.01 6 AC - AC Local Overia 1315 HOUK RD SPRAGUE AV RIVERSIDE AV $19,160.46 11,827.20 22.51 55.82 6 AC - AC Local Overla 1314 HOUK RD 1 ST AV SPRAGUE AV $26,002.94 i 6 051.20 22.51 57.69 6 AC - AC Local Overia 4384 1 ST AV SR-27 HOUK RD $28,226.88 17,424.00 22.51 52.00 6 AC - AC Local Overia 309 BLAKE RD 3RD AV SPRAGUE AV $52,005.89 32,102.40 22.51 48.66 6 AC - AC Local Overla 4404 1 ST AV 160 it atter ROBIE RD SR-27 $24,634.37 15,206.40 21.51 42.80 6 AC - AC Locai Overia 2041 MAIN AV 55 it bofore SR-27 SR-27 $3,250.37 2,006.40 23.50 57.50 6 AC - AC Local Ove�la 1870 MAIN AV 160 ft after SR-27 HOUK RD $18,475.78 11,404.80 22.51 47.30 6 AC - AC Local Qverla 2078 MAIN AV SR-27 160 ft alter SR-27 �9,751.10 6,019.20 23.50 48.20 6 AC - AC Local Overla 4405 1 ST AV ROBIE RD 160 ft atter ROBIE RD $8,211.46 5 068.80 21.51 59.66 6 AC - AC Local Overla 440fi t ST AV R061E RD ROBIE RD $2,395.01 1 478.40 21.51 34.52 6 AC - AC Local Ove�ia 140 BANNEN RD SPRAGUE AV VALLEYWAY AV $69,284.16 42,768.00 3.00 54.50 6 AC - AC Loca) Ovorta 553 BOLIVAR RD SPRAGUE AV MAIN AV $47.900.16 29.568.00 22.51 54.12 6 AC - AC Local Overla 2ta5 MAYHEW RD SPRAGUE AV RIVERSIDE AV $30,792.96 19,008.00 22.51 54.89 Total Cost 2008 Base S1 011,377.67 Total Cost In Year s1 290 802.67 Page 6 0( 6 � \'�O �. , . . > a ' ' . : LOCAL ROADS - SIX YEAR PLAN 2009�2014 Reconstruction ProJects 12/18/08 City of Spokane Vailey PMP Update Plan Year Activity ID Routa Route Back Route Ahead E�Coned Areas Age in 2008 OCI in 2008 1 AC - Reconstruct - Local $Q.00 $0.00 2 AC - Reconstruct - Local 348 BRIDGEPORT AV DONWOOU ST BARKER RD $104,417.28 8448 23.00 22.45 2 AC - Reconstruct - Local 544 BRIDGEPORT AV BEIGE ST MCKEE ST $15fi,625.92 12672 23.Q0 27.03 2 AC - Reconstruct - Local 623 BRIDGEPORT AV VELOX ST BEIGE ST $130,521.60 10560 23.00 29.22 2 AC • Reconstn►ct - Local 2362 MCKEE ST EUCLID AV DALTON AV $78,312.96 6336 23.00 27.84 �469 877.76 3 AC - Reconstruct - lacal 378 BEST RD 28TH AV 247H AV $430,721.28 34848 23.00 15.00 3 AC - Reconstruct - Local 377 BEST RD 31 ST AV 28TH AV $172,2$8.51 13939 23.00 13.52 5603�009.79 4 AC - Reconstruct - Local 4491 33RD AV PIERCE RD SKIPWORTH RD $313,251.84 25344 23.00 17.12 4 AC - Reconstruct - Local 2503 PIERCE RD 34TH AV 33R0 AV $52,208.64 4224 29.00 12.77 4 AC - Reconstruct - Local 3415 VAN MARTER RD 35TH AV 33RD AV $352,408.32 28512 23.00 17.12 $717,868.80 5 AC - Reconstruct - Local 3396 VERA CREST OR 22ND AV 20TH CT $443,773.44 35904 29.00 28.71 5443,773.44 6 AC - Reconstruct - Local 3830 WILBUR ST 33RD AV 32ND AV $130,521.60 105fi0 23.00 24.3Fi 6 AC - Reconstruct - Local 4708 37TH AV BATES �R REEVES RD $156,625.92 12672 23.00 24.59 6 AC - Reconst�uct - Local 4771 38TH AV 37TH AV UNION ST $187,951.10 15206 23.00 22.73 =475,098.62 Totai 52,709 628.41 Page 1 ot t �=° , N local Roads City of Spokane Valley _ —: m i= w �► E I '� � � 1- ��i 2009 -2014 Preservotion Projects Map ` a ;� ! _� �, '- � � �- , � s -- '1 -� :; � � ' ���`==r � ;.��- i Preventative Maintenance Only � _ . ;�� � � - '�-_� � � � , � �. ,a _ �" � � i _ � `'� �� � I ` -•� 1 • �__... _ ; ��- � -� � -� � _ - I � -Euclid Av �_ m . - - � i.1. ll� �� -� �`� � • � I- � j� �- - -�- _ l� ��- t P'� � ^' ` _' _-� � >> - Vl �p -, � � m . 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Z010 Tnstrnents — Patching -� � 44th A'v I 7 i c;�ad��p --• Fog Seal r � L � � � � �' Shoulder Rehab 20/3 TnaUnsnb � ' y_ • t • S �� _) � �� �'"';/ Crack Seal -- Crack Sesi `'`� Patchfng — PatcNng - - Fog Saal - - • Fog Sesl `�--� 2014 Tnatm�nts — Creck Seai �.rwary � 1. 2000 --- Foy Seal LOCAL ROADS - SlX YEAR PLAN 2009-2014 12/18l08 Clty of Spokene Velley PMP Update Pt�n Yur 1ldlvlt�r 20 Rovta Rout� B�tk Route Ahead Cost Areas AQe OQ 2 AC - Cra<k 5cai 2]�9 !�tAiN AV MUl1AN P.D WILL(:W RD 5228 ?2 G72.OQ R' 21.Si G0.4: 1 AC - Crack Seal 1J58 �i,CK�ON AV MOIYfGOMEftY AV �.JOUGWARU hV 531 �'_+ 5�3.OG ft' 11.5U bU.»S 1 AC - Cratk Sea) 1 (.AKE RD DEAPf AV DFSMFT AV 4 17 •t24. 1 16.00 6p.61 1 AC - Crack Seal 1819 INDIANA AV DICK fiD vISTA RD 251 13 939.20 R� 11.50 61.16 I AC - Crack Seal 1589 FOX RD MA1N AV NORTH END OF ROAD s164 8,870.40 R� 21.51 61.34 1 AG - Crack Seal 3111 UTAH AV 105 ft after EASTLRN DOLLAR ST 23U 12 777.60 R' 16.a0 61.41 1 AC - Crack Sea) 1541 GILLIS RD RiVERSIDE AV MAIN AV �143 7,920.00 ft' 21.51 61.69 1 AC - Crack Sea) 3208 VALLEYWAY AV ELLA RD DI K RD 34b 19 Z19.20 2 12.50 61.82 1 AC - Gack Seal 2039 LDCLiST RD 315 R after SH�Nt�ON MONTGOMERY AV 342 19 008.00 R� 9.51 b2.04 1 AC - Crack Seal 2359 MA1N AV AiLGONNE RD MULLAN RD 228 12 672.00 R' 21.51 62.16 1 I1C - Crack Seal 1586 MU7�HINSON RD 105 R before VALLEYWAY AV 72 4 012.80 ft' S.5! 62.42 1 AC - Crack Seal 3646 'NILLOW RD NIXON AV VALL[YWAY AV 160 8 870.40 R' 21.51 62.51 1 AC - Crack Seal 1023 DYER RD 10 R aRer SPRAGUE NOFtTH END OF ROAD 1 3 379.20 R' 12.50 62.�3 1 AC - Crack Seal 3007 SUNOERLAND RD SPRAGUE AV NORTFI END OF ROAD 8 16.00 '�1 1 62 7 1 AC - Cracfc Seal 2284 PIQRA AV FELTS Rp ��LFOUK aU 228 1 672.00 ft� 8.50 63.05 1 AC - Gack S�a) 1551 G11.LL5 RQ SPetAGU@ AV RIVEftSIDE AV 171 9 SU4.00 R� 21.51 63.19 1 AC - Crack Seal 904 D1CK RD �NOIAPIA AV Kl�OX AV 319 17 740.80 R' 11.50 63.62 1 AC - Cradc Seal 734 Cl►TALDO AV P"cKRINE RD SR-27 836 �t6 46�.00 R' 23.50 63.67 1 AC - Gatk Se�l 1119 GLENN RD SPRINGFIELD AV BROAOWAY AV 125 6 969.60 R� .SO 64 04 1 AC - Cracic Seal 1001 OYER RD SPRINGFIELD AV 9ROADWAY AV 5209 11,616.00 R' 16.00 64.35 1 AC - Gxk SeDI 1818 1NDIANA AV SIPPLE RD BESSfE R 228 12 672.00 R' 10.51 64.64 1 AC - Gack Seal 2246 MONTGOMERV AV HUTCHINSON RD ARGONNE M 3342 19,008.00 R' 10.51 65.13 1 AC - Cra[k SCaI 1231 ELLA RD MISSION AV AUGUSTA AV =245 11,404.80 R' 11.50 65.18 1 AC - �rack Sen) 3534 VALIEYWAY AV 55 R before SR 27 SR-27 27 1 478.40 ft� 5.51 65.30 1 AC - Crack Seat z096 MOFFITT RD 105 R after SPRAGUE MA1N AV s2T� 15,206.40 R' 21.51 G5.48 1 AC - Gxk Seal 3647 WILLOW RD MAIN AV NIXQPJ AV S80 4,435.20 R' 21.51 65.58 1 AC - Gack Sesl 2079 LOLUST RD MAIN AV 55 ft aRer MAiN AY 21 1 I61.60 R' 21.51 65.58 1 AC - Gac1c Seal 2791 SKIPWORTN RD MAIN AV NORTH FND OF ROAD 190 10 560.00 R 21.51 65.58 1 AC - Crack Seal 1400 GIRA�D RD BROADWAY AV CATALDO AV 411 22 d09.60 ft� I2.50 65.73 1 AC - Crack Seal 367 ALKI Av WEST END Tp fANCHER RD 684 38 01 .00 R' 16.00 Gb.02 1 AC - Gack Seel 1699 LAKE RD SPIt1NGFIELD AV 6ROAUWAY AV 143 7 920.00 R 16.00 fi6.87 1 AC - Crack Seat 2144 MAxwL=LL Av PAftK RD CErd fER ftD 376 20 908.80 R� 11.50 66.86 1 /1C - Gack Seal 1395 FREDEft1CK AV RA1lR0AD AV BOWDISH RD 722 40 128.00 R= 1150 67.17 1 AC - Gack Seal 1695 IAKE F�D DESMET AV SHARD AV 257 14 25G.U0 R� 16.00 67.�2 1 AC - Gack Seal 3026 UTAH AV CE�JTER RD ELU RD 266 14 784.p0 R' 3.UU 67.58 1 AC - �rack Seal 91b DYER F�D vALLEYWAY AV OLIVE AV 251 13 939.20 R' 16.00 07.66 1 AC - Crack Sea) 2313 M�RIETTA AV V�N Mf.RTER RA EAST ENO OF RQAD 240 13 05. 0� 11.50 68 07 1 AC - Crack al 2053 MA1N AV 60WUI5N FtD W1LF3UR 19 17 740.8 R' Z1.51 68.30 AC - Crdtk Scal 3112 UTAH AV uOLLAR ST MAR1E-7TA AV 380 21 120.00 (t' 16.OU 68.36 1 AC - Crack Scal 462 BALFOUk RD 210 R aher SF'RAGUE MAIN AV 259 14 361.60 R' 21.51 68.54 1 AC - Gack Seat 3209 VALLEYWAY AV DICK RD VISTA RD 319 17 740.80 ft� 12.50 68.93 1 AC - Gack Seal 283 6ALUWIH AV FANCHER RD DICKEY RD 308 17 107.20 R= 1b.Q0 69.20 1 AC - Crack Senl 2417 MA1N AV DYEFt RD THIERMAN ST S45G 25,344.00 R' 3.50 69.25 1 AC - Crack 5e81 2G0 BROADWAY AV EXf FANCNER RD ROADWAY AV 160 8 870.40 R� 16.00 69.30 1 AC - C�ck SWI 2051 htA1N AV W11bUR kU hUX KU ;97 5,385.60 R� 21.51 69.68 1 AC - Crack Seal 1214 ELTON RD SOU7H END TO MISSION AV S171 9,504.00 R� 11.50 70.01 1 AC - Crack Seal 1673 L1LY RD BROADWAY AV 210 R aR�r 84 4,646.40 Rl 12.50 70.10 1 AC - Crack Seal 247 BRQADWAY AV 1fi0 R aRer COIEMAN BROApWAY AV ;63 3,�iB4.80 R� 1�.50 70.78 1 AC - Crack Seal 194 BOWMAN RD BROADWAY AV SS aRer BRpAdWAY 8 2 112.00 ft� 12.50 70.86 1 AC - Cracic Seal 302 BOWDISH fiD BUCKEYE AV 55 R aRer 6UCKEYE S38 2,112.00 R� 11.50 81.10 2 AC - Crdck Sedl 1762 JOEL RD FAIRVIEW C? NORTH END OF fiOAD 68 3 BOI.bO R' 17.00 fi0.08 Page 1 0128 Plan Ye�r AtUvity ID Rout� Rout� 8ack Rout� Ah�ad Cast Areas Aga OCI : A� - Crack Seal :606 RIVEFSIOF AV MAYHE�Y P.D EVERGREEN RC� U4o 35 904.^4 R' 23.5U 60.1�� 2 �C - Crack Seal <<�7t3 MAh1ER RD 160 R after �dISS10N AV 1 049 Sd 251.20 ft� 5.50 b0.i•: 2 AC - Crack Seal 3254 TSCHIRLEY RD EUCLID AV DALT N AV 1 44 , ft' 17.00 61.56 2 AC - Crack Seal 4836 BURNS FlD CROWN AV END 5114 6,336.OU ft� IS.00 62.14 2 AC - Crack Sedi 4835 SANSON AV END MCDONALD RD 7G0 42 240.00 R� 15.00 62.14 2 AC - Gack Seat 2711 PROGRESS RD SPRAGUE AV 420 R bcfore ;5�7 30,412.E30 ft� 23.50 62.15 2 AC - CraCk Seal 1876 LARCH CT SOUTH END TO BROAG AV 211 11 721.60 R� 17.00 oZ.76 2 I1C - Crack Seal 1991 MAIN AV 55 R bcfnre MCDONALD RD 38 2 112. ft� 23.50 G2.fl9 2 AC - Crack Seal 23A3 MAIN AV 255 R aRer MAMER EVERGREEN RD 171 9 504.00 R' 23.50 63.14 Z AC - Gack Seal 1101 EV[RGK[EN FtD BM5F ROSSING SFt-29U 359 19 95H.40 R' 17.00 64.03 2 AC - Crack Seal 1261 EDEN ST EUCUD Av NORTH [NU OF ROAO 1 308 72 652.80 R� 17.00 64.26 2 AC - Crack Seal 1887 MAftIETTA AV MOORE LN EUCL.ID AV 2 040 113 308.80 ft' 17.00 6b.03 2 AG - CraCk Seal 2063 MARIETTA AV SUWVAN RD PIONEER LtJ 41 24 499.20 R' 17.OU fi6.�1 2 AC - Gack Seal 1922 MARIETfA AV P10NEER LN MOORE LN 77� 42 873.60 R 17.00 68.87 2 AC - Crack Se.�l 2264 OLYMPIC AV LlU1AN CT SUNtJYVALL Uk 205 11 4W.80 R� 17.OU 68.91 2 AC - Crack Sea) 2017 MARlETfA AV MOORE LN INDUSTRIAL PARK 331 18 374.4U R' 17.00 69.31 2 AC - Crdtk Se.�JI 5006 GRACf AV PINES RD El�ST END OF ROAD 171 9 SOa.00 R� 15.50 G9.40 2 AC - Cratk Seal 433 HOONE AV 105 ft belore HARKER BAAICER RD S76 4,214.00 R' 14,00 70.29 2 AC - Crack Seal 1894 U1RCH RO LQNGFEI.LOW AV YYELLFSLEY AV 532 29 568.d0 R' 10.51 71.00 2 AC - Cratk Seal 2700 SHI1r1a0C7C CT SOUTH END TO SUNNriAIE OR 5103 5,702.40 R' 14.00 71.54 2 AC - Crack Sc.'�I 2667 RIVERSIDE AV W[5T END TO MCDONAW RU 599 5,491.20 R' 23.50 72.02 2 AC - CrdCk Seal 817 BROAD AV SUNNWALE DR EAST ENO OF ROAD 103 5 7U2.4 � 14.Uo 72.4� 2 At - Gack Seal 1606 FLORA RD SOUTH END OfF SOUiH ENTRANCE TO �251 13,939.20 R� 14.00 72.74 2 AC - Crack Seal 2706 RFVERS[DE AV 5R-27 105 R after SR 27 61 3 379.20 R' Zi.50 73.22 2 AC - Crack Seat 2684 RICH AV ISEtJHART R� LILLUN RD 532 2 68. 0' 1�.51 73.86 2 AC - Crack Seal 1289 CMERRY ST MANSFIELD AV NORTH END OF ROAG :547 30,�12.80 R' 15.50 73.91 2 AC - Cratk Seal 1778 INDIANA AV $NAKE RIVER LN GRADY LN Z66 14 784.0� R' 13.9II 74.12 2 AC - Crack Seal 1786 If�pIANA AV MCMILLAN lN SALMON RIVEiI LN S22E3 12,672.00 ft' 13.98 75.90 2 AC - Crack Se�l G18 WOODL!►WN RD 305 R tefore NORTH NOaTH END OF ROAD 4b 2 534.40 � S.SO 81.67 3 AC - Crack Seat a367 215T Av PIERCE aD SKIPwORTN RD 522 27 456.00 R� 20.50 Go.03 3 AC - Crack Sea� �7ai RoBIE Rp �:TH nv toTr� nv 361 19 .00 � 15.50 6U.05 AC - Crack Seal 1352 FELTS RD 9TH AY dTH AV 1 3 10 137.6U R' 21.50 60.07 3 AC - Crack Seal 4241 30TH AV PIERCE RD SKlNV'1GR7H 1tll 482 25 3•t4.00 R 20,50 60.11 3 I1C - Crack Seal 1044 13TN AV HEw1LD RD DARTMUUTH k0 S2S 11,827.20 R' 16,50 60.28 3 AC - Cratk Se,�l 3982 17T}1 AV PIERCE RO SKIPV'lORTH FtD 52Z 27 456.OU ft� ZO.SU 60.29 3 AC - Crack Seal 4473 30TH AV UNNERSCiY RD GI.ENN RD 82 25,3a4.00 Rr 20.50 6Q.27 3 AC - Crack Seal 3386 WALNUT RO 157H AV 14TH AV 5211 11,086.00 ft� 16.50 60.32 3 AC - Cratk Seal 3387 WALNUT RO 16TH AY 15TH AV 1B1 504.00 Rl 16.50 b0.41 3 �C - Crack S al 3931 �vOO6v��ARD RD 3bTH Av HUTA 241 12 672.00 R� 11 0 60.47 AC - Cra[k Seal 4612 33RD AV 105 ft aRer WILB MEUSSA DR 9 15 �U6,40 Rl 18.00 60.�7 AC - Crack Seal ?844 UMION RO GTH AV 4TH AV 482 :t5 3�34.00 R� 22.50 6U.4b 3 AC - Gack Seal 2136 MCKINNON RD GFU1NtiE F'OINT DR 5TH AV 169 B 870.40 R� 6.50 60.56 3 AC - Crxk Seal 4501 347N AV R081E RU WHIPPLE ST 181 9 504.00 R' 18.00 F0.56 3 AC - Crack Seal 2331 MERCY Ct 6 DR OLD SCNAFER FtD SCHAFER itD 144 7 603.20 R' 17.Sb 60.56 3 AC - Crack Seal 2 05 5KIPwORTH R� 27TH Av 26TH AV 241 12 672.00 R' 20.50 60.55 � AC - CraCk SWI 2996 SUNDOWN DR SCHAFER aD BASCETfA LN 1 124 9 1 5.00 � 17.50 60.59 3 AC - Crack I 933 DISHMAN aD .140 ml aRcr Ib0 R befwe 783 41 1 �� .SO 60.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 4074 12T}i AV WHIPPLE RD 5R-27 S1d9 15,2Q6.40 R� 15.50 6Q.69 3 AC - Gack Seal 1234 GL[NN RD 18TH AV 17TH AV 241 lz 672.00 ' 20.50 1i0.68 3 AC - Crack Seal a 173 27'fH AV GLENN RO PIERCE RD 5522 27,45b.00 R' 20.50 60.75 3 AC - Crack 5eal 4154 JTH AV WALNUT RD HER/1LD RD 193 10 137.50 R' 21.50 60.74 3 AC - Uack Seal 4200 15tH AV UNION RD '�NHI�PLE aD 82 25 344.00 R� 13.50 60.96 3 AC - Crack Saal 57 1 12Tti AV VAN MkRTEli LN GIENN RA 169 B 870.40 R' 12.50 61.12 3 AC - Gatk Seal 821 D[SHMAN RD UPRR CROSSING UISNMAN ftD 50 2 fi40.00 R' 9.5U 61.11 3 AC - Crack Seal 2519 RIDGEVIEW DR 39TH Av 3GTH AV 843 44 352.00 ' 17.50 G1.1� 3 AC - Crock Seal 4527 18TH AV WHIPPLE RD PIP�ES RO 2a1 1T 672.00 R' 19. 0 51.22 Page 2 ot 28 • `a . : Plan Y�ar Activity ID Rovt� RouU dadc Rout� Ahad Casi Anas Ay• OCI 3 11C - Crack 5e�1 •i221 25T}4 AV P?ERCF RD 5KIPYIGf�TH �tn SS�2 '�7 45�.U0'i� 2d.50 G1.30 3 AC - Crack Seal 3983 177H .�Y GIEt�N itq ��IEFCE RG 482 25 34A.U0 R� 1U.50 b1.35 3 AC - Crack Seal 2262 ODERLIN RD CHINOOK RD 16TH AV 391 20 542.00 R' 15.50 61.40 3 AC - Crotk Scel 879 COLEMAN RD 3RD AV 2ND AV 193 10 137 60 R' 14.50 61.45 3 AC - Crack Seal 4304 23RD AV GLC-NN RD PIERCE RD �482 25,344.00 ft� 20.50 61.i6 3 AC - Cr�ck Seal 1393 FOX ST 1� CT 36TH AV 3STH AV 217 11 404.80 R 1E3.00 .51 3 AC - Gack Swl 4306 23RD AV UNIVER51'fY RD GLENN RD f482 25,344.00 R' 20.50 61.53 3 AC - Crxk Seal 4172 27TH AV PIERCE RD END 80 � 224.00 ft' 20.50 61.55 3 AC - Gack Scal 2988 SKIPWORTN RD 37Tti AV 3G7H AV 201 10 560.00 R 11.50 1.63 3 AC - CraCk 5eal 4500 34TH AV WtiIPPLL- ST PiNES Ri7 325 17 107 20 R' 18.(w 61.88 3 AC - Crack 5 al 459 BALFOUR BV & RD 14TIi AV 13TH AV 361 19 008.00 R' 16.50 61.95 3 AC - Crack 5eal 3642 1ST AV 315 ft after CARNAHAN RD 199 10 454.40 R= B.SO 62.12 3 AC - Crack Seal ti93 CIMMARON �R SUNDEKLAND DR wqODRUFF RD 257 13 516.80 R' 17.50 62.15 3 AC - Gack Seal 3999 167H Av MAVANA-rALE RD MORRILL RD 84 4 435.20 R� 18.Q0 62.15 3 AC - Crack Seal 4356 18TH AV PIERC[ aD SKIPWOfiTH RD 522 27 456.00 R' 20.SU 62.17 3 AC - Crack Seal 4407 67H AV UtJ1VEt;SI�iY RD VAN MARTER RD Z17 11 404.$0 � 18.50 62.21 3 AC - Gack Seal 690 CIMMARON DR W�GEV:E6Y DR SCHAFER RO 26"1 14 044.80 R� 17.50 62.20 3 AC - Crack Scal a562 315T AV uLENN RD PIERCE RD 522 27 456.00 R� 20.50 62.20 3 AC - Crack Scal 3384 WALNUT RD 13TH AV I lTh1 AV S3U1 15,840.00 R' 16.50 62.26 3 AC - Crack Seal 1Q80 OARTMOUTN RD 207H AV 19TIi AV 5201 10,560.00 R� 14.50 62.31 3 AC - Gack Seal 4082 12TH /1V REEYES aD UNION RD ;96 5,068.80 R' 15.50 62.3a 3 AC - Cratk Seal 4558 31ST AV SKIPWORTH RD (30WU1SH RD 522 27 45b.04 R' 2Q.50 62.41 3 AC - Crack Seal 701 CHINOOK RD BALFOUR BV & RO OBERLIN RO s281 9,50�1.p0 ftl 15.50 62.46 3 AC - Crack Seal 4035 14TN AV 475 K before C:.RNAhiAN RD 235 12 355.20 R� I8.00 62.48 3 AC - CraCk Seal 4217 25TH AY W1LIiUR �0 25TH AV 321 I6 8g6.Q0 R� 13.50 62.51 3 AC - Crack Sea! 3G53 wILLOYI RD APPIFWAY BV i5T AV 5120 6,336.U0 R' 23.50 62.51 3 AC - CraCk Sed) 4�172 19TH AV PI[RCL KD SKIPWORTH f�D 522 27 456.00 R' 20.50 6Z.52 3 AC - Crack Seal 2592 RAYMOND RD 6YH AV STH AV s217 I1,404.80 R' 18.50 62.54 3 AC - Cra[k Seal 4138 315T �V (iAYMOND CL OBERLIN RO 161 8 i48.00 Ra 20.50 62.62 3 AC - Crack Sea) 2258 OBERLIN RD 13'(H Av 11TM AV 3Z1 I6 896.00 R' 16.50 62.61 3 AC - Crack Seal 2473 PIEfiCE RD 9TH AV (iTH AV 193 IO 137.60 R' 18.50 52.66 3 AC - Crack 5 al 3383 WALNIIT RD l3TH AV 107H AV 211 11 088.00 ft' 16.50 62J0 3 AC - Crack Seal 3&09 25T AV 105 R befare DALE RD DALE RD 74 3 907.20 R= 9.50 62.81 3 AC - CraCk Scal 4352 30TH AV GLENhI kD PIERCE RD 522 27 45e.00 R' 2D.5� 62.80 3 AC - Crack Seal 4346 22ND AV GLEP:t� RD FI[RCE ftD 482 25 344.00 R' 20.50 62.82 3 AC - Cra[k Seal 3f360 TH AV Ql3ERLIN RD UNIVERSi7Y 289 15 205.40 ' 18.50 G2.89 � 3 AC - Cratk Se 1 37fi4 2ND AV kt1ZABETN RD EIRADLEY RA 169 8$70.40 R� 14.50 62.91 3 AC - Crsck Seal 3945 6TN AV RAYhtOND RD OBtRL1N RD 325 17 107.20 R= 18.50 63.14 3 AC - Crack Seal d826 39TH AV WOODRUFF RD 160 R beforc 321 16 896.00 R' 17.SU 3 13 3 AC - Gack Seal 1574 FOX RD 15TH AV 147H AV 229 12 038.40 R' 15.50 63.15 3 AC - Crack Seal 2770 SKIPWORTH RD 4TM AV NORTH END OF ROAD 136 7 180.f1U R' 18.50 63.17 3 AC - Gack Seal 4Q22 14TH AV OBERLIN RD UNIVe IlY RD 193 10 137.60 ' 16.50 63.19 3 AC - Crack Seal �599 RAYMOND RD i4TN AV 13Ttf AV 253 13 305.G0 � 16.50 63.24 3 AC - Crack Seal 3971 18TH AV UNIVE�:SITY RD GL[NN RO 482 25 344.00 ft' 20.5o 63.28 3 AC - Crack Seal 2582 PERkINE RO bTH AV �N AV ;217 11,4Q4.B0 ft' 22.50 63.30 3 AC - Gack Seal 2810 SKIPwORTH RD 32N0 AV 31 AV �41 12 G72.00 R� 20.50 6.�4U 3 AC - Gack Seal 4831 14TH AV HOWE 5T EAST END OF RQAD s84 4,435.20 R� 22.50 63.5U 3 AC - ck Seal 4085 11TH AV WIL(3UR RD W;LBUR RD 64 3 379.20 R� 15 50 63.56 3 AC - Gack Seal 4005 15TH AV OBERLIN RD UNIVEF�SI7Y FiD 193 10 137,60 R' 1G.50 63.G2 3 AC - Ctack Seal 28Q1 SKIPINORTH RO 23RD AV 22ND AV ;241 12,672.00 R' 20.50 63.66 3 AC - Crack Seai 3580 ST11 AV RAYt4QND RD 08ERLIN RD 284 15 20b.40 R' 18.50 63.67 3 AC - Gack Scal 4218 25TH AV 8ATE5 AV wILBI�R RD �281 14,784.00 R' 13.50 63.79 3 AC - Gacic Seal 1353 FELTS RD 210 ft aRer 18TH AV 16TH AV S253 13,305.b0 R� 16.50 63.82 3 AC - Crack Seal 3�t76 8TM AV PARK RD LUGERTUN RD 161 8 4�8.00 ft� 5.40 63.84 3 AC - Cra[k Sedl 691 CIMMARON DR DRIFTWOOD DR RIUGEVIEW DR 5229 12,038.�0 R� 17.50 63.87 3 AC - CrdCk Stal 4410 iSi AV UNION Rp ROBI[ RD 5337 17,7a0.80 ft� 23.50 63.BG Pa�e 3 ot 28 Ptan Year Activlt�r I� Rout� Route Bacic Rout� Ahead Cost Areas Aga OCI 3 AC - Crack S�al 4554 29TH �V UNIVF.N.S:iY RI� GLF.NN F.n 482 �S ::4•..O(1 R' 2�.50 G�1.�30 3 AC - �rack Seal 2255 GE3ERLlN kU JTH �V 57H AV ;215 i1,FJ27.2U (t� 18.50 63.39 3 AC - Crack Seal 4403 ZOTH AV PIERCE RD SKIPWORTH RD ;522 27,456.00 R= 20.50 63.89 3 AC - Gack Seal 3303 UNION CT 37TH CT LORETTA DR ;253 13,305.60 R� 18.(x3 63.93 3 I1C - Crack Seal 2256 �BERUN RD IOTH �V 9TH AV 225 11 827.20 ft� 21.50 63.96 3 AC - Gack Seal 37d7 3RD AV UNIVEf�SiTY RO PIERCE RD �1,043 54,912.00 R� 18.50 64.01 3 J1C - Cratk Seel 2487 PI[kCE RD 24Tti AV :3RD AV ;281 14,T84.00 R' 20.50 64.02 3 AC -('ratk Seal 4561 31ST AY PIERCE RO SK1PwORTt1 RD �482 25,344.00 ft� 20.50 6A.05 3 AC - Crack Seal 4375 6TH AV fOX RD UNION RD 169 8 870.40 ft� 15.50 64.10 3 AC - Gack Seal 4105 11TH AV OBERLIN fiD UNIVESiSITY RD ;175 9,187.20 R� 18.50 64.1b 3 AC - Crack 5ea) 24b7 PIEftCE RD 55 R befora 4TH AV atH AV ;22 1,161.60 R' 18.50 6A.16 3 AC - Crack Seal 2254 06ERLIN RO GTH AV STti AV 3161 9,504.00 R' 18.50 W.16 3 AC - Crack Sea! 2401 fiNYMOND RD 15TH �V 14TH AV 253 13 305.60 R� 16.50 64.16 3 AC - Crack Seal ��66 PIERCE RD 4TH AV 3RD AV s144 7,603.20 R' 18.50 64.16 3 AC - Crack Sea! 4220 25TH AV SKIPWORTH RD flOWO15H RD :522 27,456.OQ R� 20.50 64.23 3 AC - Crack Seal 4007 1STH AV EiALFOUR dV & RD kAYMUN� RD 225 11 827.20 ft� I6.50 64.28 3 AC - Gack Sea! 3717 tiTH AV wEST END 70 MYMOND RD f144 7,G03.20 ft' 18.50 64.37 3 AC - Crack Seal 4084 iZTN AV WILBUR RD F�X RQ S12B 6,758.40 R= 15.50 64.38 3 AC - Crack Seal 1376 FAR(i RD ARCNERY AV 9TH AV 120 6 336.00 R' 21.50 64.�2 3 AC - CrdCk Scal Z257 Ot3ERUN fiD 11TH AV IOTH AV =2Z5 11,827.20 ft' 21.50 64.�3 3 I1C - Crack Seal 3635 WGdDIAWN OR 6TN AV FANCHER RD s482 25,344.00 R' 21.50 64.�5 3 AC - Uack Seal 4170 27TN AV END GRAYE STAFLT SK[PWORTH RD 40 2 112.00 R' 20.50 64.47 3 AC - Crack Seal 1646 HOWE ST 1bTH AV 15TH AV 5217 11,4(34.80 ft� 16.50 Cr4.50 3 AC - Crack Seal 7001 SUNDO�VN DR BASCElTA LN RI�GEVIEYY Dti ;722 38 016.Q0 R� 17.50 64.53 3 /1C - Crack Seal i515 2GTN AV PIEFCE RU SKIPWORTH RD 82 25 344.00 ft� 20.50 64.53 3 AC - CrdCk Seal 4347 22N0 AV UNIVEfLtiIiY RD GLENN RO 5482 25,344.00 ft' 20.�0 64.53 3 AC - Crack S�al 2798 SKIPWGR7H f2D "t0'T}1 AV 1 �Tt1 AV S241 12,671.60 ft' ZO.SU fi4.57 3 AC - CraCk Seal 4295 23RD AV PIERCE RD SKIPY/GFiTTi RD 522 27 456.00 R' 20.50 i>4.63 3 AC - Crack Seal 434a 22ND AV PIERCf RU �,h1PwOFiTN RD 22 7 456.00 R' 20.50 64.65 3 AC - Crack Scal 3585 WOODRUFF RD �TW AV BTH AV 22 11 827 20 R' 21.SU fr4.7U 3 AC - Cra[k Seal 3927 WOO�WARp RD 35TH AV 3aTN AV 241 12 672.00 R 11.50 64.69 3 AC - CraCk Seal 2807 SKIFWORTH RD 29TH AV 28TH AV ;2R1 1Z,672.00 ft' 2D.50 04.69 3 AC - Cratk Seal 3752 wHIPPLE RD 25TN AV 24TN AV 1 1 7 4 00 ' 13.50 G4.73 3 AC - Gack Seal 4024 14T�i AV BALFOUR DV 6 R� RAYMOND RD s225 11,827.20 R= 16.50 64.79 3 AC - Gack Seal 3760 2ND AV GIRARD RD PARK RD 313 16 473.60 R� 14.50 64.78 AC - Gack Seal 3596 WOODRUFF RD WOODRUFF CT 39TH AV 201 10 560.00 R� 17.50 G4.91 3 AC - Gack Scal 4050 3oTH AV SKIPWORTH RO BO�vDiSH tiD 522 27 aSG.00 R' 20.50 64.90 3 11C - Crack Seal 4030 14TH AV �YOODRUFF RD WA�NUT RD 225 I1 827.20 ft� 1G.50 fr1.9A 3 AC - Cratk SlAi 41ti9 27TH AV SKIHWORTH RD E�UtiVU1SH RD 5522 27,456A0 R� 20.50 G4.97 3 AC - Crack Seal 3385 wALNUT RD 14TN AV 13TH AV 5211 11 088.00 R' 16.SU G5.14 3 AC - Cratk Seal 2809 SKIPWORTH RD 31ST AV 30TH AV ;241 1�,672.00 Rf 20.50 65.28 3 AC - Grack Seal 2490 PIERCE RD 27TH AV 2�TH AV 241 12 672.00 ' 20.SU 65.33 3 AC - Cra k eal 447 19TN AV GLENN RD PiC•FC RD 4 2 4.00 R� 20 50 65.33 3 AC - Crack Seal 2488 PIERCE R� <5TH AV 24TH AV 201 10 500.00 R' 10.50 55.34 3 A- Cratk Sta 692 CIMMARON DR WOO�RUFF RD DRIFTINOOD DR 4% 26 083.20 R' 17.50 65.36 3 AC - Gack Seal 2623 FL�YMOND CL 32ND AV 315T AV 201 10 560.00 R� 2Q.50 65.36 3 AC - Gack Seal 2808 SKIP1r10RTH RD 30TH AV 29TH AV 281 1� 784.00 R� 2Q.S0 65.38 3 AC - Crack Seal 4571 18TH AV GLENN RD PIERCE kD 482 25 344,00 ' 20.50 65.38 3 AC - Gack Seal 2625 rtAYMOND CL END GR�1VE START 32ND AV 120 6 336.00 � 20.50 65.38 3 AC - Gack Seal 4086 12TH AV BOWDISH RO 'r�IIBUR RU 321 16 846.00 Rl 15.50 65.44 3 AC - Crack Seal 4827 39TH AV 160 tt be(ore DR1FTWpOD C.'T l�a 6 019.z0 Rj 17.50 65.45 3 AC - Crack 5eal 3589 wOOURUFF RD 14TH AV 1stF1 AV 5215 11,827.20 R� 16.50 55.54 3 At - Gack Seal 1360 FAYlt� DR 2dTN AV 19TH AV 281 14 7&i.00 R� 14.50 65.58 3 AC - Gick Sea� 4009 tSTH AV NEftFLD RD QAKTMOUTH RD 5225 11,027.20 R' 16.50 65.76 Page 4 of 28 • Plan V�r Atttvity ID Rout� Rout� S�dc Routt Ahs�d Cost Anai I19� OCI 3 AC - Cr�ck Scal 1398 GLEN(� HD 8tH AV 7TH AV 516: 3,5U0.60 R� 18.50 6G.38 3 AC - Cratk �cal 4D25 147r1 AV S; ft bcfore BAU UUR t1ALF0UR BV S� KU S32 1 Gt39.60 ft' 16.50 ��.SO 3 �C - Crack 5cal 4292 lOTH AV SS R before WILSUR '�"1ILBUii RD � ;24 1 207.20 ft 15.50 77.06 4 AC - Crack Seal 4170 26TH AV MCCADE DR BLAKE RD �96 14 784.00 R' 17.50 60.04 � AC - Crack 5 �397 20TH AV SALTESE RCl BLAKE RD 285 14 25G.00 ftl 20.50 60.06 � AC - Crack 5ca! 3976 17TH AV BOLNAit RD c3ANNEN RD SZ11 10,560.OU R 17.50 G0.07 4 AC - Crack Seal O11 BUaNS ST SOUTN END OF ROAD 23RD AV 114 S 702.40 R� 20.50 60.20 4 AC - Crack Sea! 153:! FORRE51 AV Z��N AV 14tH AV S38fl 19,OOtl.OU R� 17.50 60.24 � AC - Crack Seal 3i23 VERCLER RD lOTN AV 4TH AV S228 11,404.80 R' 23.50 60.24 4 AC - Gacic Seal 4298 315T �V COU.INS ST VERCLER 5T 253 1� 672.00 R 19.00 G0.23 4 AC - Gack Seal 4643 20TI�1 AV ADAMS RD MARCUS CT SZ28 11,404.80 R� 20.50 60.26 4 AC - Crack 5eal 626 BLAKE RD SALTESE RD 20Tti AV S26G 13,305.60 R� 20.50 60.30 4 AC - Cracic Seal 685 CLINTON RD 107H AV 97H AV ;253 12,672.00 R� 20.50 60.47 4 AC - Crack Seal 2�28 MOORE CT UMERICK DR NORTH END oF ROAD 152 7 603.20 ft= 19.Q0 60.49 4 AC - Gack 5ea1 3503 VERCIPR RD 29TH AV 26TN AV S4G5 23,232.00 R� 20.50 60.49 a AC - Crack Seal Z153 MAMER RD 9TH AV 81 H AV 5253 12,672.00 R 20.50 60.51 4 AC - Cratk SeaJ 486 BURNS R� 1STN AV 14TH AV 228 11 A04.80 ft� 20.50 60.SG 4 AC - Crack Se81 3940 TTH AV MCDONALD RD 2G5 ft before BIAKE ;845 42,240.00 ft� 21.50 60.57 4 AC - Crack Seal 3978 tTTH AV MAMER RD DAVIS RD 228 11 404.80 R' 20.50 60.G3 4 AC - �rack Seal 1340 GUTHRIE ACCESS RD GUTHWE DR ;R-27 158 7 920.00 R� 19.00 60.62 4 AC - Cratk Sea) 448 BLAKE kD 4TN AV 7RD AY 2�2 l I 088.00 Rj 21.50 60.64 4 AC - Crack Seal 4019 14TFi AV M DONALD RD .130 ml aRer 384 29 219.20 R 20.50 60.57 4 AC - Crack 5eal 2068 MAMER R� 17TH AV 16TN AV s266 13,305.60 ft� 20.50 60.72 4 AC - Crack Seal 3698 WICK AV 55 ft aRCr MCGE3E �IAKE RD 33 G 652,80 R� 2U.50 G0.74 4 AC - Cr�tk 5cal 687 CLINTON FiD 12TN AV I1TH AV 177 8,870.a0 Ra 20.50 60.76 4 AC - Gack Seal 3aSJ 7TN AV MAMER RD MAMER RD ;84 4,224,00 R� 20.50 60.82 4 AC - Crack Seal R383 ZND AV NEWER RD SUILIVAN RD 253 12 672.00 ft� 15.50 60.82 4 AC - Gack Seal a 120 iOTH AV MCDONALD RD CLIIJTON F�D $549 27,456A0 R 20.50 G0.8G a AC - Crack Seal aioi 117t1 Av vERCLER Rn wOO�LAwN RD ;507 z5,3a4.00 R' 23.50 6U.85 � AC - Cratk Seal 4790 22ND CT TIMBEKLANE DR EAST EP�D OF R AD 211 10 56U.00 R' 19.Q0 61.04 � AC - C:rack Seal 519 BIAKE f.O 5TH /1V 55 R before 4TH AV 222 il 088.00 R� 21.50 61.O�t 4 AC • Cratk al 1157 HOUK RD SOUTN END TO 6T11 BTt1 AV 507 25 3�i4.00 � 23.50 61.0ti 4 AC - Cra[k Seal 5899 DAVlS CT 25TH CT 2' AV NORTH END OF ROAD 127 6 336.00 R� 17.50 61.10 4 AC - Crack Sea) 2954 h1Ah1ER RD 8TH AV 7TH AV ;�53 12,G72.00 ft� 20.50 61.19 4 AC - Crack Seal 628 BLAK[ RD 10TH /1V 9TH AV 29fi 14 784.00 � 20.50 61.19 � AC - Crack Seal 4181 26T11 AV COLLIMS ST vERCLER RD ;253 12,G72.00 R� 20.50 61.18 4 AC - Cratk Seal 3490 VERCLER RO 55 R aRer 15TH AV 14TIi AV 118 5 913.60 R 23 50 61.30 4 AC - Crack Seal 1047 DAVIS RD 2TTH AV ZGTH AV 2% 14 784.00 Rl 17.50 G1.31 4 AC - Crack Seal 2369 t•1CCA�E Dk EiL,�KE RD 2G711 AV 07 25 344.00 R' 17.50 61.35 s AC - Crack Seal a353 23RU nv C, R DAVIS EvEC�GREEN RD 1 2 7 603.20 R' 17.50 61.37 4 AC - Crack Seal 1577 GUT►tRIE DR 29TH AV GUT}tK1E ACC�5� RD 264 13 200.Q0 R� 19.W 61.39 4 AC - Crack Se I .f283 SONUFtA ST RENZ DR RAUCG UR 228 I1 404.80 R' 19.00 61.68 4 AC - Crack Seal 3274 SONORA ST RADCO DR LlMERICK D(i 190 9 504.00 ft� 19.00 61.70 4 AC - Crack Seal 3193 SUNNYBROQK CT SOUTH END TO 315T 335T AV 190 9 504,00 � 19.00 61.73 4 AC - Crack a 3A92 VERCLER RD 16TH AV 1STH AV Z 14 784. R� 23.50 61.7 4 AC - Crack Seal 3489 VEi1CLER FiD 14TH AV 14TH AV 59 2 9 6. R� 2350 61.82 4 AC - Crack Sea) 3424 vEKCLER fiD ;5 fi bc(ore IOTH AV IOTH AV 1 90 80 R' 23.50 61.82 4 AC - Crack Seal +►429 14TH AV wEST ND T V R R 40 ft� 23.50 61.82 4 AC - CraCk St I 4791 22ND CT WEST END TO T1M$CRLANt DR 158 7 920.00 ft� 19.00 61.81 4 AC - Crack Seal 2733 PROGRE55 RD 20TH AV 1 bTH AV �4 28 723.20 R� 19.00 61.91 4 AC - Crack Sea! 9216 ST CHkRLE5 RD END ESTABLISHMENT 20TH AV �84 4 224.00 R� 16.00 51.96 4 AC - Crack Stal 4788 9TH AV )o[L RD NAFJ�IONY RD 4 11 721. 0 R� 19.6� 62.18 4 AC - Crack See) �s390 23RD /lV A CT WEST END TO DAVIS D�VIS CT �190 9,504.00 ft� 17.50 62.21 4 AC - Crack Seal 273D PROGRESS AD 16TH AV 55 ft afttr 16TH AV S36 1,795.20 R� 20.50 52.35 4 AC - CraCk S�I 860 G1lV1N RO 23RD AV 22ND AV 253 12 672.00 ft� 17.50 62.3 Page 5 of 28 Plan Y�s� Activtty IO Routs Route B�ck Rout� Ah�sd Cast Anas Aqa OCI d AC - Cr�Ck 52v1 S&S CiOL:VAR CT 2GTH AV NORTFI ENU GF (t(?AU 519Q 9,504.U0 ft� 19.00 G2..�i3 4 I1C - Crack Scal 4318 3UTH AV AVALON RD M�Ah;EFt RD >29G 14,7IIA.60 ft' 17.50 b2.52 4 nC - Crack Se I a598 5TH AV WEST END 70 NEwER NEWER ST 76 3 801.bQ ft� 15.50 62.56 4 AC - Crxk Seal 1056 DAVIS RD 3QTN AV 2'3TH AV ;211 10,560.00 R� 17.50 62.60 4 AC - Crack Seal ai79 26TN AV FOKitES7 AV MCCABE UR iG 8 448.00 R' 17.50 62.60 a AC - Gack Seal sBl7 26TH nv BOUVAfi CT BQUVAft RD iia 7 2.40 � 1.0 62.6z a AC - Gack Seal 4616 20TH CT WEST END TO CALVIN CALVIN RD 5127 6 336.00 R� 17.50 62.b1 a AC - Crack Seal 4439 19TH AV EVERGREEN RD E�OIIVAR ftD 184 9 187.20 R� 17.50 62.98 4 AC - Crack Seal 34Z9 VERCLER DK 35TH AV 34Tt1 CT 5228 11,404.80 R' 12.00 63.07 4 AC - Crack Seal 125 AVALON RD 32ND AV 30Tli AV ;380 14,Q08.00 R' 17.50 63.17 q AC - Crack Scal 4434 19TH AV 80UVAft RD OANNEN RD 211 10 560.00 R' 17.50 63.19 4 AC - Crack Seal 590 BU1KE RD 6Tli AV 55 R aRer 6TH Av 338 1,900.80 R� 21.50 63.26 4 AC - Crack Seal 1750 KELLER RD SALTESE RD WiCK AV 296 14 784.00 ft' 20.50 63.28 4 AC - Crack Sea) 589 BIAKE RD 7TH Av oTM AV 228 i l�04.80 R' 21.50 63.35 4 AC - Crack Seal 4122 IOTH AV vERI:LEK f�D wOODLAWN RD S45b 22,809.60 Rl 23.50 63.38 4 AC - Crack Seat a 158 29TH AV REDLIy AV DAV1S f�D 380 19 048.60 R' 17.50 63.40 4 AC - Crack Scal 3265 SONOKA ST UMERICK DR 17TN AV 5608 30,412.80 R' 1G.00 G3.4b 4 AC - Crack Seal 4092 12TN AV CENTURY RD SULLIVAN RD �127 6,336.00 Rl 15.50 63.49 4 AC - Crack Seal 2426 MAMER RD 32tJD AV 315T AV 5211 1o,560.00 R• 17.5A 63.72 4 AC - Crack Seal 4165 2TTN AV BIAKE itD UAVIS RD 967 �4 352.00 R� 17.50 fi3.72 4 AC - Cratk Scal 2425 MAMER ftU 315T AV 30TH AV SIZ7 G,33G.00 R' 17.50 63.72 � AC - Crack Seal 1057 DAVIS RD 2 Thl AV 27TN AV 253 12 G72.00 Ra 17.50 G3.72 4 AC - Crack eal 4721 11TH Av PROGitE55 RD ST CHARLES ST 422 21 120.00 R� 15.50 63.72 4 AC - Crack Seal 3858 7TH AV 265 tt before U1KE BLAKE RD 9 504.00 ft� 21.50 63.74 4 AC - Gack Seal 688 Ci.INTON ti0 WICK l�V 16TN AV 465 23 232.00 R' 20.50 63.74 4 AC - Cratk Seal 4799 2157 AV SONORA ST EAST END OF ROAD ;190 9,50A.00 R' 12.00 63.81 4 AC • Crack 5eal 861 CALVIN RD 24TH I1Y 23RD AV ;211 :0,560.00 R� 17.50 63.90 �t AC - Crack Seal 4317 30TH AV MAME RU L1AVI5 RD S591 29,SG8.00 ft 17.50 63.89 4 AC - Crack Scai 4159 29TH AV AVALON RD R[DLIN AV 5380 19,008.00 R' 17.50 63.89 i AC - Crack Seal •ti163 ZBTH AV BIAKE RD AVALON RD ;127 6,336.00 ft� 17.5U 63.89 4 AC - Crnck 5eal 3231 TAL1.TFtEE RD 26Tt1 AV 25T11 AV 211 lU SG0.00 R� 20.50 Ga.1G 4 AC - Crack Seal SEi15 STARLIGH7 LN �TEEN RU MUkNINGSIDE LN ;549 27,45G.00 ft� 12.00 64.17 4 AC - CraCk Seal 1058 DAVIS RD 29TH AV 2STN AV 211 10 560.00 R' 17.50 64.31 4 AC - CrnCk Seal 41G0 28TH AV AVALON RD GAVIS FtD 7 38 016.00 R� 17.50 64.47 4 AC - Cratk 5eal 36 BOLIVAR fL Z3RU AV 115� AV Z 10 5G0.00 R' 17.50 fr1.55 4 AC - Gack Seal 3732 WiCK AV CLINTGN Ftu KELLER kD 253 12 672.00 R 20.SU 64.61 4 AC - Crack Swl 3307 SUNtJYSIDE DR SUNNYBROOK RD CALVIN RD 3�22 21,120.00 ft� 17.50 64.62 4 AC - Crack Seal 2717 PROGRE55 RU i1TH Av F�1H Av 602 30 096.W R' 15.50 64.64 4 AC - Crack Seal 3296 TnLLiKEE RD 27TH nv Z6TH AV 296 14,784.00 R' 20.50 64.68 4 AC - Cratk S�al 4b77 �IST AV SS R aftEr 10LlVAR ftD 211 10 550.00 R� 17.50 fi4J4 a AC • Cratk Seal 2584 REDLiN AV AVAION RO 29TM AV 5�� 25 344,00 R' 17.50 64.81 4 AC - Crack Seal at91 25TH Av FORREST AV 6l1►KE RD ;676 33,792.00 R 17.50 64.95 4 AC - Ctatk Stal 4b1S IOTH lT C.ALVIN RU FAST EMD OF ROAD 507 25 344,00 R 17.50 64.95 �t AC - Cratk Swi 4674 23RD AV BANNEN RD dWL CT s338 16,896.00 R� 17.50 64.98 � nC - Gack 5eai ab79 215T Av wEST ENU rU tvERGREEr� RO �456 22,809.60 R= 17.50 65.13 4 AC - Crack Seal 4382 3R0 AV � OMMER RP NEY�ER RD 14 7 ' 1. 0 b5.22 a A- Crack eal 3 1 w00ULAwN pR [RCLER DR 32ND AV 127 6 � 16.00 65.21 4 AC - Crack Seal 4372 2�TH AV EVERGREEN RA BOLIVAR RD 5338 16,896.00 R� 17.SU 65.33 4 AC - CraCk Seal 4775 31ST AV EARLY DAWN CT SUNNY6�to K 14 5 70 . R� 16.00 65.3? �t AC - Crack Seal 4762 18TM GT WEST END TO ST ST CHARLES RD =228 11,404.80 R� 16.00 65.35 4 AC - Crack Seal 4587 5TH AV NEWER ST EAST END OF RO�D 5114 5,702.40 R 15.50 65.40 4 AC - Crack Seal 1493 EARLY OAWN OR 16T'H AY 17TH AV 5169 8 448.00 R' 17.50 65.5z d AC - Cratk Seal 838 WAR RD OUTH END TO 23R 23RD AV & CT 127 6 3 6.00 � 17.50 65.52 a AC - Crack Seal a676 215T nv BOLIVA� �D SUNNYSiDE DR `63a 31,680.00 R� i7.5o 65.51 Pafle 6 oi 28 • Pt�� V�ar Activity ID Rout� Rovt� Badc RouL Ah�ad Cost A�ass AQ� OCI 4 AC - Cr�ck Scaf 1880 L:MERICK DR ROTCH�QP.O nR CDNKIIN CT 266 13 3Q5.fi0 R' 1G.00 65.r3 4 AC - Craik .Seal 4646 �2ND ��V WEST END i0 .�,UNNYf3R00K f2D 211 10 560.UG Ct� 17.50 b5.S7 4 AC - Crack Sea 3309 SUP�P�YSIDE DR 215T AV EAR.LY DAWN GR 11 30 560.00 R� 17.50 65.57 4 AC - CraCk Seal 272 AIRPARK DR ULVIN RD 17TH AV 2 12 672. R� 17.50 65.57 4 AC - Crack Sea) 1883 LIMERICK DR 50t�ORA ST MOORE CT f266 13,305.60 R= 16.00 65.55 4 AC - CraCk Seal 4432 19TH AV BANNEN RO AIRPARK DR 465 23 232.00 ft� 17.50 65.64 4 AC - Crack Sea! 271 AIRPARK OR 1TTH AY 1GTH AV �338 16,896.00 R' 17.SU 65.77 4 AC - Cr�tk Seal 464 BAAtNEN RD 20TH AV 19TM AV 295 14 784.00 Ra 17.SU b5.81 4 AC - Crack Seal 74 BOLIVAR RD 17TH AV 16TN AV Z53 12 672.00 R= 17.50 65.81 4 AC - Crack Seal 859 CALVIN itD 22ND AV SUt�NYSIDE DR s211 10,560.00 R' 17.50 65.81 a aC - Uack Seal 4371 20TH AV 80LIVAR RD BANNEN RD 253 lZ 672.00 ft' 17.50 b5.81 4 AC - Gack Seal 3247 STEEN IiD Z3R0 AV NORTH END dF ROAD 5760 38 016.00 ft 16.00 65.85 4 AC - Gack Seal 17b5 JOEL RD 5TH AV STH AV =38Q 19,008.Q0 R� 16.00 65.89 4 AC - Crock Seal 1496 EARLY DAWN DR SUNNYSIDE OR ULVIN RD 591 29 568.00 R' 17.50 65.90 4 AC • Gack Sea) 3320 SUNNY6ROOK RD 2�ND AV SUNNYSIpE DR S296 14,784.p0 ft� 17.50 66.04 4 AC - Gack Seal 4675 23RD AV BOLNAR RD E�ANNEN RD 296 14 78�.00 R' 17.50 66.04 4 AC - Crack Sen! 3321 SLJNNYaRaOK RD 23RD AV 12NU AV 211 10 560.00 ft' 17.50 6(i.04 4 AC - Cratk 5ca) 2b79 OWL CT SOUTIi EtJD OF ROAD 23RD AV 211 10 5G0.00 R� 17.50 65.06 � AC - Gadc Seal d57 CALVIN RD 20TH CT EAHLY DAWN OR 465 23 23"1.0� fty 17.50 6b.D6 4 AC - Gxk Se,�l 3215 ST CHAKLES RD 20TM AV 19TH CT 296 14 "784.00 R� 12.00 66.07 4 AC - CraCk Seal 73 80LIVAR RD 20TH AV 1STH AV s296 14,784.00 R' 17.50 66.15 � AC - Crack Seal 274 AiRPARK DR SOUT�i END TO 19TH 19TH AV 127 6 336.00 RJ 17.50 66.23 � AC - Crack 5eal 1512 GUTHRIE DR GUTHKiE ACC.ESS RD 28TH AV s211 10,560.00 R� 16.d0 66.28 � AC - Crack Seai 4G78 235T AV EvERGREEN RU 55 R aRer 38 1 0 f30 R' 17.5U 66.3: � AC - Crack Seal 4048 12TH AV ST CHARLES ST NEW[R R� 222 11 08H.00 R' 15.50 66.56 4 AC - Crack Senl 4772 23RD CT 50NOP.A 5T EAST Et.0 OF ROAD 266 13 3d5.60 R' 6.Q0 G5.61 � AC - Crack 5eal 856 (1►LVlN RD SUNNYSIDE DR 2�TH CT 380 19 OOA.60 ft� 1"150 Gb.59 4 AC - Gack Seal 4794 23RD AV NEIYER RD SULllVAN itD 380 19 Q08.00 ftz lo.GO 66.70 a AC - Crack Seal 3363 SuNNVSFOE OR BACUJEN RD 2 i5T �v 253 i2 G72.00 R� 17.5o G5.7o 4 AC - Crack Seal 1631 HARhtUNY RD )T�i Ct 8TN AV 5352 17 582.40 R' 16.00 66.75 4 AC - Crdck Seal 4072 12Tti AV VEi2CLER RD VIRGINiA S7 169 8 448.00 R� 23.50 titi.EiO 4 AC - Crack Seal 4671 23R0 AV J[�T RD CJILVIN kU 8D 19 008.p0 ft' 17.5o 66.81 4 AC - Crack Seal 369 BANNEN CT SOUTH EP�D TO 31ST 31ST AV 114 5 70"1.40 R� 19.OU 66.81 4 AC - Cr�tk SCDI 3975 17TN AV 8/1NNEN RD AIRPARK DR 803 40 12$.00 ft� 17.5D 66.83 4 AC - C�ack Seal 4673 23R0 AV OWL CT SUNNYBR�OK RD 127 6 336.00 R� 17.50 66.86 4 AC - Crack Seal 3308 SUNNYSIDE OR EARLY �AWN OR SUM�(YBROOK RD 211 10 560.00 � 17.50 66.55 4 AC - Cratk Seal 1494 EARLY DAWN DR CALVIN RD 18TN AV 338 16 896 00 R' 17.50 66.86 4 AC - C�ck Seal 187 E10UVAR RD 197H AV 1TTH AV 507 25 44.00 ' 17,50 66.85 4 AC - Crack Sea! 273 AIRPARK DR 19TH AV CALVIN RD 338 16 89G.00 R� 1"l.50 66.85 S AC - Crack 5eal 246 tsF?UALYIAY AV COLEMAN RO 150 R atter COLEMAN 93 �i R35.20 R� 23.00 60.08 S AC - Crack Seal 2040 MAIN AV VAN MARTER RD GILLIS ftD 373 17 740.80 R' 25.51 60.26 S A[ - Crack Seal 1825 INDIANA AV CENTER R� ELY RD S73 3,484.80 R' 15.50 60.32 5 AC - Crack Seal 1362 FARR RD SHARP AV MAXbYEIL AV 532 25 344.pp R} 11.50 6D.43 5 AC - Crack Seal 3380 wALNU7 RD SNRAGUE AV VALLEYWAY AV s72i 3a,320.00 R� 25.5I 60.50 5 AC - Crack Seal 511 BOWDISH RD CARL?SLE AV JACKSUN AV 64 12 G72.00 ' 9.51 60.62 5 AC - Crack Seal 1350 F[LTS RD MAlN AV VALLEYWAY AY 37 17 7a0,g0 ft� 13.51 60.86 5 AC - CraCk Seal Z358 MAIN AV r•tU�l.AN Ftl) W1LL01"1 RD s266 12,672.00 ft= 25.51 60.91 5 AC - Crack Seai 2814 SKIPWORTH CT BOQhE AY NORTN END OF R AD 3 9 19 008.00 R' 9.51 60.95 5 AC: - Crark Se.�l 1741 KNC?K AV F! I A Rn ELTON RD =337 16,051.20 R� 15.50 60.98 5 AC - Crack Seal 35b3 VAI.LFYIYAY AV HUTCHINSON itD ARGONNE RD 233 I1 088.00 R' 11.50 61.09 5 AC - Crack Seal 36�t6 wILLflY�I RD NIXON AV vALLFYWAY AV 186 8 870.40 R' 25.51 61.15 5 AC - Crack Seal 1589 FOX RD t4A1N AV NORTH END QF AOAD �18b 8.870.4o R' 25.51 b1.15 S AC - Cratk SeaJ 3007 SUNDERLAND flD SPRAGUE AV NORTN ENO OF RpAD 798 38 016.a0 R� 25.51 c1.15 S AC - CraCk Se81 2359 MA1N AV ARGOMNE RD MULLAN RD j266 IZ,672.d0 R Z5.51 61.15 5 AC - Crack Seal 1541 GILLIS RD RIVERSIDE AV MAIN AV 5166 7,92�.00 R� Z5.5! 6I.IS 5 AC - Crack Seal 1551 GILL15 RO SPRAGUE AV RIVEiLIDE AV 200 9 504.00 R' 25.51 61.15 Pago 7 ot 28 Ylan Yesr Aciivity IO Route Rout� Back Rout� Ah�ad Coct Anas A�o OCI S AC - Crack �eal 2030 MAIN AV IIP�?VEfZSCTY RD VAN MARTER �.D g:17 10,3A8.80 R' ?S.SI b1.34 5 AC - Crack Seal 1b98 L��KE RD 3ROADIVAY AV MALLutJ �.V 20U 9 5U3.W f[' 17.U0 G1.39 5 AC - Cratk Seal 2136 MALLON AV EASTERN RD DYER RD 2b6 12 fi72.00 R� 17.00 61.46 5 AC - Crxk Seal 2296 NORA I1V ELU i�D VISTA RD 687 32 736.00 R� 15.50 61.70 5 AC - Crxk Seal 2853 VALLEYWAY AV FANCNER RD UPRR CROSSING 565 26 928.00 R' 17.00 61.91 5 AC - Cratk Senl 2037 MAIN AV WILLOW RD LOCUST RD 5426 20,275.20 R� 25.51 61.94 S AC - Crxk Sc,�l 75 BOONE AV LEWIS RD VISTA RD �02 9 G09.60 R� 1G.50 G2.27 S AC - Cratk Se01 910 DICK RD FIARRINGTON AV VALLEriVAY AV 5200 9,504.00 R' 1G.50 62.48 S AC - Cratk Seal 2512 PERRJNE RD 255 f[ before MAIN AV MAIN AV 155 7 392.00 R= 25.51 62.72 S AC - Crack Seal 382 Ei00NE AV ELLA RD :LTON RD 173 8 23G.80 R' 1G.50 62.79 S AC - Cratk Seal 1821 INDIAtJA AV ELLA RD ELTON RD 183 8 712.D0 R 15.50 62.84 5 AC - Crack $cal 710 CENTER RD SR-2R0 MAFiIE7TA AV 539 25 b60.80 ft� 7.00 62.90 S AC - Crack Scal 5132 EASTEaN RO MONTGOMEitY AV UTAM AV 5160 7,603.20 R' 1�.00 62.90 5 AC - CraCk S�al 12G3 EASTERN RO MANSFIELD AV MaNTGOMERY AV 16U 7 603.20 R� 17.00 62.90 S AC - Crack Seal 2513 PERRINE RD SPR.AGUE AV 265 R before MAIN AV 328 15,fi28.80 R� 25.51 62.96 S AC - Crack Seal 409 [iALDVr1N AV ELLA RA 105 R aRer EUA RU 80 3 801.60 R' 15.50 63.07 5 AC • Crack Seal Z079 LOCUS7 RO MAIPI AV SS ft aftcr MAIN AV 24 1 161.60 ft 25.51 b3.11 S /1C • Cr,�tk S�1 2791 SKIPWORTH RD MAIN AV NORTH END OF ROAD 222 10 560.00 R� 25.51 63.11 S AC - Crack Seal 3647 WILLOW RD MAIN AV N[XON AV 93 4 435.20 R' 25.51 63.11 5 AC - Crack Sea! 2Q96 MOFFITT RD 105 R aRrr SPRAGUE MAIN A'J 319 15 200.40 R' 25.51 63.11 5 AC - Crack �eal 2081 MAIN AV 305 R dRer RAYFIOND UNIVERSITY RO 377 17 9S2.Q0 R' 75.51 63.26 5 AC - Cratk Se�l 2299 NORA AV PARK RD EDGLRION RD S2�1 11,457.60 R' 15.50 63.32 5 AC - Crack Seal 3534 VALLEYWAY AV SS R bCforc SR 27 SR-27 s31 1,478.40 ft' 9.51 63.38 S AC - Crack Seal 2083 MAIN JlV Rl�YMOND RD 105 ft after RAYMOND 62 2 956.80 R' 25.51 63.38 S AC - Crack 5ea1 488 BOONE Av FANCHER RD SEENORN RD 266 12 67Z.00 Rl 17.00 63.a t 5 AC - Cra[k Seal 2011 MAIN AV BALFOUR RD RAYMON� RD 5217 10 348.80 ft' 25.51 63.b2 5 /1C - Crack Seal 1078 DYER RD RIVERS:DE AV MAIN �V 202 9 609.fi0 R' 7.50 G3.b1 5 AC - Crack Seal 771 CARLISIE AV ELLA ItU D:CK RD 293 13 939.20 R 7.00 63.f3G 5 AC - Crack Seai 840 COLEMaN A.D EUCLID AV tlE3[RTY AV 5259 12 355.20 R 13.00 G3.98 5 AC - Crack Scal �Uy9 MUNTGOME:FtY Av L1LY RU v1FtARD ftD i33 6 33b.00 ft' 7.50 6�i.10 5 AC - Crack Seai �J�t2 MA1N AV WNIPPLF RU 55 tt Lelore SR-27 293 13 939.�0 ftl 27.50 ti4.10 5 AC - Crack Senl 18ZG 1NDIANA AV CENTER Rd CENTEfi RD 146 6 969.60 R' 15.50 bt.34 5 AC - Cratk Sea) ?.049 MAIN AV UNIQN RD 'ERRINE RD 22G 10 771.20 R' 25.51 6�.34 S AC - Crack Seal 1226 ELLA RD I�tAxwELL AV t�lISSION AV 279 13 305.60 R' 15.50 Gi.47 5 AC - CraCk S�al 260 ALK1 AV 11.K[ RD EAS�ERN RD 2fi6 12 G72.00 ft' 17.00 64.55 S AC - Crack Scal 3741 tvH.PPLE RU h1AiN ..V NORtH END OF KOAD 144 G d64.00 R� 27.50 bh.58 S AC - Crack Stal 2495 KIVEKSIDE �V UYER fiD THIERh1AN ST 565 26 928.00 R' 17.00 Fr3.73 5 AC - Crack Seal 1406 GLEr�P� RD AU:I AV SPFiINGFiELD AV 459 21 859.20 R� i2.50 65.18 5 AC - Crack Seal 1238 ELLA RD HARRINGTON AV VA[_IEYWAY AV 319 IS 206.40 ft� 16.50 65.42 S AC - Crack Seal 2090 MAIN AV HERALD RD 315 ft after fiERALD Z26 10 771.20 R' 25.51 b5.�t2 5 AC - Crack Seal 1231 ELI� RD MISSION AV AUGUSTA AV 2i0 11 �O�i.80 R' 15.50 65.45 5 AC - Cratk Seal 1437 FAIRVIEW AV GILL15 ST .13U m� afttr GILLiS 490 23 337.60 R' 15.50 G5.54 5 AC - C ck Seal 19 MARGUtRitE itU MIC�IIELLI VL KNOX AV 444 21 120.00 R� 14.51 65.62 5 AC - Gack I i573 LILY RD BROAOWAY AV 230 R after 98 4 64b.�0 R� 16.50 65.fi8 S AC - Crack Seal 3572 wvODRUFF RD KNQX AV 346 R aRer KNOX AV 130 6 177.60 R= 13.51 65.78 S AC - Crack Seal 1Z37 ELLA RD VALLFYIVAY AV ALKI AV 42 20 275.20 ' 16.50 66.02 5 AC - Crack Seal 1816 INDIAPIA AV LAURA R� SARGENT RD 310 14 784.00 R' 14.51 6b.10 S AC - Cratk Seal 1990 MARIETTA AV oRAULEY ftD SS ft aRcr BRADLEY 22 1 05ti.00 ftl 7.5U Gb.20 S AC - Crock Seal 1441 FAIRVIEW AV UtJIVERSITY RU GILLIS ST 829 39 494.40 R' 15.50 66.40 5 AC - Cratk Seal 1G89 LEWIS RD 51NT0 AV NORTN END UF ROAD 444 21 120.00 ft� 16.50 6b.71 S AC - Crack Seal 2G0 BR�ADwAY AV EXT FAIJCHER RD BROADwAY AV 186 8 870.40 R� 20.00 6fi.70 5 AC - Crack Seal 533 t300NL- AV VAN MARTER RD PIERCE RD 5426 20,275.20 R� 12.50 66.7� 5 AC - Crack Scal 247 BROADWAY AV 1b0 R aRer CULEMAN bKOADWAY AV ;73 3,484.8Q R' 1G.50 66.74 5 AC - Crack Seal 194 BOWMAN RD BR01►DWAY AV SS R aRer BROADWAY s44 2,112.00 R 16.50 66.84 5 AC - CraCk Sesl 1400 GIRAF�D RQ BROADWAY AV GITALD� AV 479 22 809.60 R' 16.50 66.99 S AC - Crack Seal 3672 WILBUR KD MANSFiELD AV EKMINA AV 5195 9 292.80 R' 9.51 66.98 Paga B ol 28 • . rt Plsn Y�a� /lctfvit�r ID Rout� Routa Badc Rout� Ahesd Cosi Artas Ag� OCI 5 AC - Cric.k S�.al 2815 INDIAf�tA �V NJEST E"d� TO MGNfGOMER'�f I,V 2 020 48 57b.00 R' 6.dA 67.06 5 hC - Zrack Se�l 1256 EDGERTUN itD INDIAPIA nv �tAILF.Ci+1U A`J 24U 11 :i,4.SU f[� i5.5U 67A5 5 AC - Crack Seal 1822 IN�IANA AV Ei.LA RD ELLA RD 146 6 9b9.60 R' 15.50 67.26 S AC - Crack Seal 473 f300NE AV WILLOW RD LdCUST RD 32Z 15 312.00 R� 11.5D 67.28 S AC - Crack Seal 5359 fELT5 RD SHARP AV viCTORY LN 10 14 7B4.00 R= 13.51 67.58 5 AC - Crack Seal 1327 FELTS RD VICTOHY LN M ISSIoN AV 373 17 740.80 ft� 13.51 67.58 S AC - Crack See) iGb2 L1LY RD EUCLID AV Uf1LRTY AY 213 10 137.60 R' 8.50 67.64 5 AC - Crack Scal 2038 LOCU5T RD MUN7GOMERY.�v NORTH LNV OF ROAD =199 23,760.00 R� i3.51 G7.G3 5 AC - Gack Scal 2089 h1AIN AV 315 R aher HEi2ALD FELTS RD 186 8 870.40 R' 25.51 67.76 5 AC - Crack Scal 3183 SPRINGFIELD AV 475 R aher PIERCE BOwDTSN RD 5639 30,412.80 R' 12.50 67.82 5 AC - Crack Seal 3571 WOODRUFF RO 346 f; aiicr KNOX AV 55 ft be(ore 161 7 656.00 ft 13.51 67.83 5 AC - Crack Sea) 802 BESSIE RD HARFtINGTON AV MAIN AV 62 2 956.80 ft' 9.51 68.40 5 AC - ack Seal 1640 LEWIS RO �:OONE AV SINTO AV 5 2 �5 344.00 R' 16.50 68.05 5 AC - Grack Seal 2086 MAIN AV f E�TS FtD BALFOUR I2D 186 8 870.a0 R� 25.51 68.24 S AC - Crack Seal 1326 FELTS RD h1IS5I0Y AV AUGUSTA AV � 13 3U5 60 R' 12.50 68.24 5 AC - Crack Seal 2731 uBERLiN RD 5D TFI ENU T MONTGOMERY AV Z48 11 827.20 R' 15.50 68.28 5 AC - Gack Seal 1215 ELTON RD SOONE AV SIPJTO AV s532 25,34�.00 ft� 16.50 68.33 5 AC - Crack I 965 DICK RD ALKI AV BROADWAY AV 288 13 728 0 R' 16 50 �8 42 5 AC - Crack Seal 284 BALOWIN AV PARK RD CEtJ7ER RD S577 27,456.00 R' 15.50 68.41 5 AC - Crack Seal 2144 MAXWELL AV PARK RD CENTER RD Si39 20,9U8.80 R 15.50 68.50 S AC - Crack Seal 916 OYE(i RD VAI.LEYWAY AV OLIVE AV 293 13 939.20 R 20.00 68.57 5 AC - CraCk Seal 1695 LAKE RA OESMET AV SHARP AV ;249 14,256.00 R' 20.00 68.57 S AC - Gack Seal 367 ALKI AV WEST END TO FANCHER RO 5798 38,016.Q0 R= 20.00 68.57 5 AC - Ga[k SWI 1699 LAKE RD 5PRiNGFIELO AV E3ROAUWAY AV 166 7 920.Q0 R 29.00 68.57 5 AC - Cratk Seal 3574 WOODRUFF RD SHANtJON AV KNOX AV 5100 4,752.00 ft� 13.51 6$.57 5 AC - Crstic Seal 2588 RAYMOND RD ALKI AV SPRINGFIELD AV 5142 G,758.40 R' 13.51 68.88 S AC - Crack Seal 2111 MAIN AV BESSIE RD SARGEN RD 244 11 616. ' 9.51 68.90 S AC - Cratk Seal 1395 FREDERICK AV RAILROAD AV BOW�iSH RD 5843 40.128.00 R� I5.50 69.02 5 AC - Cratk Seal 1757 )ACKSON AV WOODWARD AV BOWDISM RD �310 14,784.00 R= 15.50 69.08 S AC - Crack Seal 3543 vAUEYwAY AV SKIPWORTH RD BOtivDISM RD a66 22 I7G.00 ft� iZ.50 69.12 S 1lC - Crack Seal 2584 RAYMUND RD VALLEYWAY AV ALKI AV ;426 20,275.20 R� 13.51 69.1�4 5 AC - Crack Seal 151 E30GNE AV DORN CT LEWIS RD 115 5 491.20 R� 16.50 69.18 S AC - Crack Seal 570 O[:5MET AV SEEMoRN RD UPitR CROSSING 233 I1 Of38.00 R� 17.40 64.19 5 AC - Crack Seal 1436 F/URVIEW AV .130 ml atter GILLIS BOWDISH fiD 665 31 680.00 R� 15.50 69.23 S AC - Crack Seal 236A MARIETTA AV ROBIE RD WH1i�PLE CT 177 8 448.00 R' 14.51 69.22 S AC - Gack Seal 749 CATALDd AV ELLA RD D�RN CT 599 28 512.00 R= 16.50 69.9Z 5 AC - Crack S�al 2ati6 SINTO AV ELTON RD �1CK RD 266 12 b72.00 R' 16.50 69.98 5 AC - Crack S�al 816 DORN CT SOUTH END TO DOONE AV 359 17 107.20 R 16.50 c9.9a 5 AC - Crack Seal 927 DICK R� B40NE AV 5iNT0 AV 532 25 344.00 R' 1b.50 ti9.9U S AC - Crack Seal 2865 SINTU AV D1CK RD LC-WI5 RD 310 14 784.00 ft 1G.50 69.98 S AC - Crack Seal Z94 B��faE AV �ICK RD DORN CT 58 2 745.60 R 16.50 69.98 S AC - Crack Seal 383 BOONE AV ELTOtJ RD OICiC RD ;202 9,609.60 R� 16.50 69.96 S IIC - Crack Seal 1873 MAUIRTHUR fiD CJ�TALDO AV BQQNE AV 342 16 �62.40 R� 11.50 69.48 S AC - CraCk Sta) 75Q �JITALDU AV BOwMAN Fi0 PARK RD �24Q 1 i,404.80 R' 16.50 70.01 S AC - Cratk Scal 195 60WMAN RD 55 R afier CsROADWAY CATAl..DO AV 4 9 20 908.80 R' 16.50 70.01 5 AC - CraCk Sta) 751 IATALDO AV G1FZAftO ftU BOWMAN RD 240 11 404.80 Rs 16.50 70.01 S AC - Grack Seal 1257 EDGERTON RD SOU(H ENO TO NORA NORA AY �355 16 896.00 ft� 15.50 70.02 5 AC - Crack Seal 1409 GRACE AV UIYIVERSITY RD .150 ml before Ei54 4 656.00 R� 15.50 70.22 5 AC - CrdCk 5l2) 197 BOWMAfV RG SMARY AV SHARY AV #73 3,484,80 f[� %.5U lU.tt1 S AC - GaCk Seal 408 BALDWIN AV WEST END TO ELLA E1.LA RD 240 11 404.80 R 15.50 70.35 5 AC - Cra[k Seal 2828 SINTO AV STOUT RD 160 R before LOCU 45Z 21 5d2.40 ft� 11.50 70.40 5 AC - Crack Seal 908 DORN CT BROADWAY AV UTALDO AV S461 21,9fi4.80 ft� 16.50 70.40 5 C- Cra k Seal 16 1 HOW� T MALLON AV G4TAL00 AV 155 7 392.00 R� 13.OU 70.46 5 AC - Crack Seal 1200 EITON P.D GIASS AV SOUTH RIVERWAY AV 5200 9,5Q4.40 R' 7.50 70.52 5 AC - Crack Seai 2275 NORA AV WILdUR FtD EAST END Or ROAO 213 10,137.60 R 12.5U 70.55 Pape 9 0l 28 Pisn Yqr Activity ID Routa Rouh dack Rout� Ahud Ccst Areas Aye OCI S AC - CraCk Scal 2"i13 �1AA.IFTTA AV V;.h h!ARTER Rn EAST FND ClF fi3OAD 279 ]3 305.G0 t[= :5.50 70.59 5 AC - Cr�ck Scal 3369 �OUTi1 RIVCR'd/AY AV ELTON RD D1CK RD $12U 5,702.40 ft' 7.50 70.G4 S AC - Gack Seal 5025 JOHNSON Cf SOUTH ENO OF ROAD Grace Av 133 b 336.00 R� 15.50 70.6b 5 AC - Crack Seal 3b82 WILBUR RD M�IN AV MAIN AV 113 5 385.b0 R' 25.51 71.06 6 AC - Crack Seal 2667 R1VEItS10E AV wEST END TO MCDONALD RD 5121 5,�91.20 R' 27.50 60.2U 6 AC - Uack 1301 �VERGaEEN RD BNSF CR SS NG R-290 4 19 458.40 1 21.U0 60.40 6 AC - GaCk Seal 1261 EDEN Sl' EUCLID AV NORTH END OF ROAD 51,59$ 72,652.80 R' 21.00 60.Gb 6 AC - Ga[k 3619 WOOULAWN RD BR AdWAY Av 1 S R bN rc NORTH 7 7 107 2 ' .00 o2.Ob 6 AC - Crotk Seel 957 DESM[T AV 160 R aRcr Sii 27 .110 ml aRar Sfi 27 297 13 516.90 R' 9.50 62.1E3 6 AC - Crack Senl 2706 Kiv[RSIUE AV 5R-27 105 R after SR 27 74 3 379.20 R' 28.50 62.3U 6 AC - Crack Seal 2708 PKOGRE55 RO 420 R befare VALLEYWAY AV 316 14 361.60 ft� 4.50 62.9U 6 AC - Cratk Seal 2707 PaOGaE55 RD VALLEYWAY AV BROADWAY AV 1 027 4b 675.20 R� 9.50 62.90 6 AC - Crsck Seal 3290 SUNNriALE OR wELLESLEY AV BR4AD AV 511 23 232 00 ft' 18.00 b3.55 6 AC - Crock Stal 3339 SUMNWALE DR BROAD AV OLYMP(C AV 558 25 3M.00 R� 18.00 63.7G 6 AC - Crack Sea! 2412 MOORE EiD 55 R before ��ORTH NORTH CND OF fiOAD 19 t344.60 R' 24.51 64.22 6 AC - Cra[k SCdI Z028 MAMER FID M1SS10N AV NURA AV 558 Z5 34�.00 R' 4.50 64.28 6 AC - Crack Seal SG6 BEST RO ALKI Av SPRINGFIEI.D AV 112 5 058.80 ft� 8.40 64.51 ti AC - Crack Seal 955 DESMET AV 310 !t after SR-27 VERCLER RD ;520 23,654.40 ft� 9.50 6�1.9�t 6 AC - Crack 5eal 5024 MAiti[7TA AV WEST ENU OF ROAD SULLIVAN FtU S 0 24 07G. 0 R' 15.00 G5.3U 6 AC - c:rack 52a1 3515 VALLEYWAY AV PROGRE55 KD SOMMER RD 5520 23 654.40 R' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - C►ack ;eal 35Z0 VALLEYWAT AV REES RD ADAMS RD 697 31 G80.00 R' 8.00 65.42 6 AC - Crack 5eal 3519 VALLEYWkY AV ADAMS RD 4UtttJS RD 446 20 275 ZO R' 9.50 o5.4Z 6 AC - Crack Seal 1492 L1LLiAN RD NERUY AV WELLL-SLEY AV 511 23 232.00 Rs 14.51 G5.41 6 AC - CraCk Seal 3516 VALLFYWAY AV 8URN5 RD PROGRE55 RD 372 16 896.00 R' 9.50 65.41 6 AC - Crack Seal 3523 VALLEYwAY Av BANNEN I�D EEST fiD 279 12 672.00 ft� 8.00 65.a� 6 AC - Cratk Seal 3526 VALLEYwAY AV EVERGREEN RD 3�tIVAR RD 363 17 424.Q0 ' 8.00 65.42 6 AG - Creck Seal 3521 VALLErivAY AV BEST RD REES RD 139 6 336.00 R� 8.40 65.d1 6 AC - Crack Seal 3527 VALLE•YWAY AV t�IAMEti RD LvEKGRE[N RD 358 16 262.40 R� 9.50 65.42 6 AC - Crack Seal 3522 V:.LLEYWAY AV E3F.ST RD E3EST RA 3 1 584.00 R� S.OU 65.4Z G AC - Gack Seal 3517 VALLEYWAY AV BUR�JS RD 3URN5 RD 5112 S,b68.80 R� 9.SU 65.�2 6 AC - Crack Seal 3528 vAILEYWAY AV MAYHE►V 5T MAMER RD 1 3 7 392.00 R� 9.50 6.42 6 AC - Gatk Seal 3529 VALLEYWAY AV BlA►:E RD MAYHEW ST i358 16,262.A0 R� 9.50 65.4Z 6 AC - Crack Seal 35 VALLEYWAY AV MCCABE RD BLAKE ftll 293 13 305.60 ft' 9.50 65.4� 6 AC - CraGk Seal 3531 VALLEYINAY AV MC�ONALD RD MCUBE RD 5�0 23 654.40 Ra 9.50 65.42 6 AC - Crack Seai 3532 VALLEYWAY AV WOODLAWN itD MCDONALO RD ;358 16,262.40 R' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - Crack Seai 49 ALKI AV BEST RD ADAMS RD 92y 42 �4Q.Q0 ft' 8.00 b5.4p 6 AC - Crack Sea) 3513 VALLEYWAY AV 105 R aRer SOMMER SULUVAN RD ;418 19,008.00 R' 17.50 65.65 6 AC - Crack Scal 4d0 BFST RD 105 R before BROADWA'f Av 74 379 20 � 8.0 65.96 6 AC - Crack Seal 520 E3EST KD SPWt�GFIELO AV 105 ft before 18 8 448.00 R� 8.00 65.9G 6 A- Gratk Seal 491 ElURNS RD VALL.EYVVAY AV BROADWAY AV 836 16.p0 R' 9.50 65.9b 6 AC - Crack Seal 3200 iSCH1RLEY RD SPRAGUE AV MAIN AV 332 15 300.8D ft� 15.50 66,0: 6 AC - Gatk 5�a1 Z�14 MOOitE RL� BROAD AV WAeASH AV 139 6 33b.00 R� 14.5I E6.08 6 AC - Cratfc Seal 2415 MOURE RD 55 R bcfore BROAD BROAD AV 23 1 056A� R' 14.51 66.08 b AC - Crack Seal 1484 FIQRt� PTT RD SULL.IVAN RD FLORA PIT COUFJTY 3 150 143 193.60 R 8.00 66.3E3 6 AC - Crack Seal 1B67 MCCA9E R� 210 R�efore NIXON NIXON AV 167 7 603.20 R' 27.5� �o,M 6 AC - Crack Seal 2705 PRaGRE55 RD BROADWAY AV SS ft aRer BROADWAY 39 1 �95.20 R' 9.50 66.44 6 AC - Crack Seal 644 aEST RD vAILEYWAY AY ALKI AV 335 15 20G.40 R' 8.00 fi6.68 6 AC - faCk Scdl 1301 UISCOVERY PL 47 before NORTH N RTH END F R AD 2 22 809. R' 14,51 fi6 96 6 A- Crack Sta) 1087 MARIETTA AV M40RE LN EUCUD AV 2 493 113 30d.80 R� 21.00 67.02 6 AC - Crdck Seal 2264 ULYMN2C AV LILLIAN CT SUNNYVAIE OR 251 I1 404.8� R= 21.00 67.02 6 AC - CraCk Seal 1922 MARILTTA AV PIONEER LN MOORE LN 943 42 873.60 R' 21.00 67.02 6 AC - Crack Seal 2063 MARIETTA AV SULl.IVAN RD PiONEER LN 539 24 449.20 R= 21.U0 67.02 6 AC - Crack Seal 2017 MAA.IEI7A AV MOORE LN INQUSTRIAL PARK S4Q4 18,374.40 R' 21.04 67.Q2 6 AC - Crack Seal 645 BEST RD ALK1 AV ALKI AV 112 S 068.80 � 8.00 67.34 6 AC - Crack Seal 2531 RICH AV SS R aRer MCDONALD SILAS RD S1B6 6,448.00 R 7.00 67.34 6 AC - Cteck Seal 1Z89 CHFRRY ST MANSF1ElD AY NORTH END QF ROAD 5669 30,412.80 R' 19.50 67.55 ' PagQ t Q of 28 Man Ysar Actfvtty ID Roub Rout� Eatk Rovte Ahead Cost Anas /1q� OCI G A� - Crack Seal 1216 CA.STIAND CT WEST END TO CO�fKLIN P.D 3 1 13 675.20 R� I4.00 67,66 6 AC - Crack Sea! 2?89 ?9GFiA AV A40 m1 aRcr 5R :,'7 tqAP1ER RU 1 60 72 8b4.00 RY I4.00 G7.76 AC - Crack Se 1$53 HEKOY AV 265 R aRer E/LST r1�D OF RQAD 35 15 �06.40 � 14.51 fi8.28 6 - Crack a 1055 DISCOVERY pL 210 R aRer 47S ft t�fore NORTH 1 3 5 ' 14 1 6 AC - Crack Seil 8ip BFiOAD AV 160 R aft� CONKLtN SuNNYVaLE DR 12S 5 702.40 R 14.Q0 68.98 6 A- ack 3fi8G WABASH A MOORE RG BROA� AV 836 38 016. ' id.51 69.18 6 AC - Crack 5ea) SOOG GRACE AV PINES RD EAST [ND OF ROAD S209 9 504.00 R 19.50 69.35 6 AC - Crack Scnl 2700 SNAMROCK C7 SDUT►t END 70 SVNNWALE Dii 12S 702.40 R' 19.00 G9.57 b A[ - Crack Seal 109� CONKUN RA ►YELLESLEY AV EASTLAND Cl' 5172 7,814,40 R' 14.00 69.91 6 AC - Cr k zGf3i RICH NV ISENHART RD 11lLI/1N RO 1 29 00 R� 14.51 70.08 6 AC - Gack Sea) 1 6 F ORA R SOUTH ENU FF 50UTH ENTRAN TO 3 7 13 939.20 R' 18.00 70.10 6 AC - Crack Seal &17 BROAD AV SUNNYVALE DR EAST END UF ROAD 1 5 5 702.40 R� 18.00 70.10 6 AC -[rack Seal 1786 INDII�NA AV MCMIILAN LN SALMON RIVER LN Z79 12 b72.00 R 17.98 70.13 6 AC - Crack Seal 1778 INDInNA AV SNAKE RIYER LN GFADY LN 325 14 784.00 R� 17.98 70.13 ti AC - Crack Seal 3130 TSCHiRLEY RQ OAITON AV NORtH ENQ OF R0�0 2 37 97 15�.00 ft' 14.00 70 37 6 AC - Crack Seal t779 INDIANA AV SALM N RNE SNAK@ R1VER LN 4 21 120.Q0 R= 14,00 7Q.97 6 AC • Crack Seal 433 400NE AV 305 R before HARKER E3ARKER RO ;93 4,224.00 R' 18.00 71.67 6 AC - Crack Seal 1877 I.ARC11 Rd BROAD AV �LYMPIC AV 387 17 582.40 R' 14.00 71.71 6 AC - Crack Seal 1868 MCCABE RD SPRAGUE AV 210 n before NIXON 5520 23,654.40 R' 9.50 7t.�9 6 AC - CraCk Seal 2680 RICH AV WEST END TO MOORE MOORE RD 139 6 336.00 ft' 14.51 71.84 6 AC - rack Seal 1775 15ENHART Rp RI AV LOtd FELL W AV 14 784.00 R� 14.51 71.86 6 AC - Crack Seat 1955 MAh1SFIELD AY DISCOV[RY PL MIP.ABEAU PARKWAY 390 17 740.80 R' 1<.51 72.25 b AC - Gack Scal 1H90 LONGFELLOW AV CONKLIN RD SUtVNYVALE DR 279 1Z 72. R' 4.5 72.32 G �C - Gack Sea) 2107 15ENHART R WELLESLEY AV fift�AD AV 418 1 008 = ld S1 %2 2 G �C - Crack Scal 1930 LIU.IAN RD SR-290 RI[H nV 232 10 560.Q0 R ia.51 �2.32 6 AC - Crack Sc�l 1785 MGORE [1D RICH AV LONGFELLOW AV 279 12 672.00 ft' 14.51 72.32 6 AC - Cradc 5 1950 LGP�GFELLOW AV MOORE RD ISE�+IHART RO 883 44 126.00 R� 54.51 72.32 6 AC - Crack Seal 1772 iSEtvrtART RD BROAU AV fJORTH END OF ROAU 8 448.00 Ra 14.51 72.32 6 A- CXeCk ( 1515 HLRQY AV T�LF�RD RD MOOR RD 3 016.00 R' 14 S1 72.32 6 AC - Gack Seal 1100 CO[�KLlN RU 50UTH END TO IOWGFELLOW AV 1 9 6 336. R 1a.51 "/2.32 6 AC - Cratk SWI 1774 iSENHART RD LQP�GFEt,LOW AV iiEROY AV 3 14 784. R� 14.51 72.32 6 AC - Crack Seal 1�97 CONKLIN RD NEftOY AV WELLESLEY AV 23 2 2 OQ � 14 51 72 32 6 AC - Cratk Seal 1891 �OtVGFELLaW AV LARCH RD ULLiAN RD 3Z5 14 784.00 ft' 14.51 72.32 6 AC - Crack Seal 1855 HEROY /1V LILLIAN RD CONKLIN RD 251 11 404.80 R' 14.51 72.32 G AC - Crack Seal 1516 MEaOY AY MOOfiE RD ISENNART RD 83 40 1�8.00 R� 14.51 72.32 6 AC - Crack Seal 1854 HEROY AV SUtJNYVALE DR ?65 ft aRer 232 10 560.00 R� 14.51 72.32 6 AC - Crack Seal 1099 GONKLIN RU �.GNGFELLOW AV HEROY AV 25 14 7&I.DO R� 14.51 72.32 6 AC - Gack Seal 1893 LlLL1AN RD LGNGFELLOW AV HEROY AV 5166 8,448.00 R' 14.51 72.32 1 AC - F Seal ?.2•15 MONTGOMERY AV NilTCHINSON RD ARGONNE RD 13 6 19 006.00 R� 10.51 65.13 1 AC - Fog SC�i 1't31 ELLA R� MISSION AV AUGUSTA AV ;7,983 1],�04.80 R' 11.50 65.18 1 AC • Sea) 3534 'dALLEY�NAY AV 55 ft betore SR 27 SR-27 51,035 1,478.40 ft' S.51 G5.30 1 AC • Sea) 2095 MOFFITT RD 105 R aftcr SPRAGUE MAIN Av 30 644 IS 206.40 ft� 21.51 GS.�t9 1 AC - F Seal 2079 LOCUST RD MAIN AV 55 ft after MAIN AV 813 1 161.50 ft� 21.51 65.58 1 AC - F Seal 36a7 wtuow RD MA1N AV NIxpN Av 3 105 4 a35.20 ft� 2i 51 65.58 1 AC - Seal 2791 SKIPWORTH RD MAIN AV NORTH END OF ROAD 7 392 10 560.00 R� 21.51 65.58 1 AC • F Se81 14G0 GIRARD RD BROADWAY AV CATALDO AV S15,9G7 22,L09.60 R' 12.50 65.73 I AC - 5ea) 367 P.LKI �V WEST ENQ TO FANCHER RD 1.6 6�1 38 016.00 ft' 16.�0 66.02 1 AC - Seal 1699 LAKE RD SPRIP��FIELD AV BROADWAY AV 55,544 7 420.00 R' 16.Q0 66.87 1 AC - Seai 2144 MAXY�ELL !1V PI1RK RD CENTER R� 14 636 20 908.80 R� 11.50 66.86 1 AC - al ! 5 FkE ER WUlFC0A0 AV UOWnISN Rp 28 0 40 128.00 Rx 11.50 67,17 ! AC - Seal Ib95 LAKE RD pE51•1ET AV SHARP AV 9 979 14 256.00 R� 16 00 67.42 1 AC - Seal 3026 IfTAH AV CEP�TER RD EUA RD 10 3�'3 14 784.00 R' 3.00 67.56 1 AC - ai 916 DYER RD VAI.LEYWAY AV AV 7S7 13 939.20 = 16.00 67.66 1 AC - Seal 2313 MARIETTA AV VAN MARTER RD EIIST END OF ii0A0 9 314 23,305.60 R 11.50 68.07 1 A- Se 20 MAIN AV '.YD M Rp Wl R RD 41 7 4. � 1.51 68.30 2 AC - F Seal 1887 MARIETfA AV MOORE LN EUCLID AV 583,8�9 II3,309.80 ft' 17.OU GG.03 Page 11 ot 29 Plan Y�a� Activitr ID Route Routa Back Rout� Ah�ad Cost Araas Aqe OCI 2 A� - Fu,� �eal 2053 r�lnczIETTa tiV SULLi 'JA.N kC� PIO�JEER LN St8 ?4, :9?.20 R= t7.G0 66.2t 1 !�C - F Seel 1922 MARiETiA AV PIONF"tR LN MOORE LfV 31 726 42 8%3.60 R� 17.GU G8.87 2 AC - F Seal 2264 OLYMPIC AV LILI.IAN CT SUNNriALE DR ;8,44p il 404.80 R� 17.00 b8.91 2 AC - Fog Seal 2017 MARIETTA AV MOOttE LN [NDUSTRIAL PARK 513,597 18,374,40 R� 17.00 69.31 2 AC - F 5tal 5006 GRACE AV P1FlES RD EASi EPtD OF ROAD 7 033 9 5Q4.00 ft� IS.SO 69.40 2 AC - Foq Seal 433 BOONE AV 105 ft txfore BARKER �ARK[R RD 53,12G 4,224.00 R 14.00 70.29 2 AC - Foq Sea� 189� tAR�H RU tONGFcLLOW AV wELLESLEY Av 521,880 ?9,568.00 R 10.51 71.W 3 AC - Foy Seal �395 WAl Nt1T itD tazi� Av t 3TH AV f8,538 11,08A.f� R� 16.�D 65.14 3 AC - f Seal 1809 SK1YNtORT11 RD 315T AV 30TH AY 9 757 1Z 672.00 fta 20.50 6S.2E1 3 AC - Fofl Seal 4478 19TH AV GIENN iiD PIERCE RO ;19,515 25,344.00 R' 20.50 b5.33 3 AC - F Seal 2490 PIERCE RD 27TH AV �6TH AV 9 757 12 G72.00 R' 20.SU 65.33 3 AC - P Seal Za88 PIERCE RD 25TN AV 24TH Av 8 131 10 560.U0 R� 20.50 65.3a 3 AC • f Seal 692 CIMMARON DR WOODRUFF RD ORIFilN00D DR ZO 084 26 083.20 R� 17.50 65.36 3 AC - F Sea! 2623 RAYFioND CL 32MU AV 31ST AV 8 131 10 560.00 R' 20.50 65.36 3 AC - F Seal 2808 SKIYWORTN RD 30TH AV 29TH AV ii 38�1 14 784.00 R' 20.50 65.38 3 AC - F Stal 2G25 FtAYMOND CL END GHAVE START 32ND AV 4 879 6 336.00 tt� 20.50 65.38 3 AC - F Seal 4571 18TH AV GLENN RD PI[RCE HD 19 515 25 344.00 ft 20.50 65.38 3 AC - F Seal a086 12TH AV Bt�WDISH RD WILBUR RD 13 O10 16 896.00 R� 15.50 65.44 3 AC - F Seal �s827 39TH AV 160 R bcforc UFiIFiWOOD C'f 4 635 6 019.20 R 17.50 65.4> 3 AC - F Sea) 35Q9 WOOORUFF RD 14TH AV 13TIi AV 9 107 11 827.20 R� 16.50 b5.54 3 AC - Fog Stal 1360 FAVYN DR 20TH AV 19Th! J►V 311,384 14,781,00 R' 14.50 G5.5F3 4 AC - Seal a679 215T AV WEST END TO EVERGREEN RO 18 476 22 809.60 R' 17.50 65.13 4 AC - Seal 4382 3RD AV SOMMER RD NEWEFi RO S11 975 14,784.00 ft� 15.50 65.22 4 A- Seal 3911 WOODLAWN DR VERCLER DR 32ND AV 5 132 6 336.00 R' 16.00 65.21 4 AC - F Seal 4372 20TH AV EVERGREEN RD BOLIVAR RO 13 686 16 896.00 R' 17.50 65.33 4 AC - Sedl 4776 315T AV EARLY DAWN Cf SUNNYBROOK RD S4,b19 5 702.40 R' 16.00 65.32 4 AC - Seal 47b2 18TH CT WEST END TO ST ST CHARLES RD 9 238 i l 404.80 R� 16.00 65.35 4 AC - 5ea1 4587 5TH AV NEWER ST EAST END OF ROAD 54,619 5,702.40 R' 15.50 65.40 4 AC - F Seal 838 BOLIVAR RD 50UTH END T 23RD 23R� AV !� CT 5 132 6 33 .00 R� 17.50 65.52 4 AC - Seal 1493 EARLY DAWN DR 18TH AV ITTH AV 6 843 3 448.00 Rz 17.50 65.52 4 AC - Seal 4676 215T AV BOLIVAR Rd SUNNYSIDE DR 25 5b1 31 680.00 ft' 17.50 65.51 4 AC - F 5ea1 1880 LIMERICK DR ROT HFORD DR CONKLIN 10 778 1 05.60 � 16.00 65.5�1 � AC - Foq Seal 272 AIRPARK DR UILVIN KD 1TTH AV 510,264 12,672.00 R' 17.50 65.57 4 AC - Seal 3309 SUNNYSIDE DR 215T AV EARLY DAWN DR SB 554 10 560.00 ft� 17.50 65.57 4 AC - F Seal 4646 22ND AV WEST END TO SUNNYBROOK RD 58.554 10,560.00 R� 17.50 65.57 � AC - F Se�l 1883 LIMERICK DR SONC3RA ST MOORE CT 510,778 13,305.60 R� 16.00 65.55 4 AC - Sea) 4432 19TH AV BANNEN Rp AIRPARK �R S1d,818 23,232.00 R� 17.50 65.64 4 AC - �I 27I kIRVARK DR 17TN AV 16TH AV 13 6D6 16 896.00 ft 17.50 65.77 , 4 AC - Fog Seal 74 E30L1VAR RD 17TF1 AV 16T�H AV 510,2ti4 12,672.00 ft� 17.50 65.81 d AC - F Scal �371 20TH AV 6QLIVAR KD BANNEN RD 10 264 12 672.00 R' 1�.50 65.81 4 AC - Seal 464 EiANNLN RD 2QTii AV 19TH AV 11 975 14 78a.00 I 17.50 6.81 4 AC - F Swl 859 CALVIN RD 22ND AV SUNIYY$IDE UR 8 55�t 10 SG0.00 ft' 17.50 65.81 4 AC - F Se111 3247 STEEtJ RQ 23RD AV NORTN END OF RqAD 30 793 38 016.00 Rj 16.00 65.85 4 AC - Fop Seal 1765 }OEL RD 9TH AV 8TN AV 115,396 19,008.00 R� 1b.00 65.89 � AC - F Seal 1496 EARLY DAWN DR SUNNYSIDE DK CAI.VIN FiU 23 950 29 56a.00 R� 17.50 65.9U � AC - F S�al 4ci75 23RD AV 80LIVAit Ft0 eANNEN RD 511,975 14,784.00 R� 17.50 fib.04 4 AC - F Set�l 3320 SUNNY6ROOK RD 22ND AV SUNNY52UE DR 11 y75 14 784,OU R' 17.50 6b.04 � AC - F Swl 3321 SUNP�YBROOK RD 23R0 AV 22NU AV H 554 10 560.00 R 17.50 66.0� 4 AC - F Stal &57 CAIVIN kU 2u7H (.7 EAKLY DAWN DR ;18,818 23,232.00 R' 17.50 66.06 � AC - F Se.�l 2639 OWl CT SOUl N END OF it AD 23RD AV 8 554 10 560.00 R' 17.50 66.06 4 AC - Fog Seal 3215 ST CHARLE5 RD 20TH AV 197H Ci ;31,975 14,784.QQ R� 1Z.00 66.07 4 AC - F Seal 73 BOLIVAit RD 20TH AV 19TH AV 111,975 14,784.b0 R� 17.50 66.15 � AC - F S�� 274 AIRFARK DR SOUTH ENp TO 19TH 19TH AV 5 132 6 336.d0 ft� 17.50 66.23 4 AC - F Seal 1512 GUTHK:E DK GtJTHR1E ACCESS RD 28TH AV s8 554 10,560.Q0 R� t6.00 66.28 4 AC - f Seal i67t3 215T AV EVERGRCEt� RD SS R aRer S1 540 1 900.fi0 R� 17.50 66.32 PaQe 12 of 28 �•ZJ T: -� , , :;� . . . P{an YMr Adirlty lp aoub Rout� Badc Raut� Af►�ad Cost Anas A�� OQ 4 !1C - Fo 5eal af3{8 12T}i AV ST CHARIFS ST NEW[R P.D ;8 9B1 11 C98.00 ft' :5.50 66.56 4 /1C - F Se�l a772 23RU CT SUNORA ST EAST END GF ROAD lU 771t 13 3v5.bU ft Ii.QO GG.�1 4 AC - Seal 858 GWIN itD SUNNYSIDE DR �OTH CT 15 396 19 008.00 ft� 17.50 66.54 � AC - Seal 3363 SUNNYSIDE DR BANn►EN RD 215T AV 1Q 26a 12 672.00 R� 17.50 66.70 4 AC - F Scal �79� 23RD AV NEWL-R FiD SULLIVAN RD 15 396 19 000.00 R� 16.00 65.70 S AC - F Seal 1a0b GLFNN RD ALKI Av SPRINGFIELD AV 16 580 21 859.20 ft' 12.50 65.18 S AC - F Seal 1238 ELLA RD HARR?NGi ON AV VALLEYWAY AV 12 925 15 206.40 R 1b.50 65.42 5 AC - F Sea) 2090 MAIN AV H[MLD RU 315 R aRer HERALD 9 15G 10 771.20 R' 25.51 G5.42 S AC - 1231 ELLA RD MISSION AV AUGUSTA AV 9 694 11 �04.80 R� 15 50 65.45 5 AC - Fo9 Stal 1437 FAiRVIEW AV GiLLIS ST .130 mi aRer GIi.LIS 5�9,037 23,337.60 R� 15.50 65.54 5 AC - Seal 1494 MARGUEFtITE RD MICHIELl..I PL KNOX AV ]7 952 21 120.00 Ra 14.51 65.62 5 AC - Fog Seal 1673 ! ILY RD BROADWAY AV 210 R atier ;3,949 4,646.�0 R 16.50 65.68 5 AC - Sea! 3572 WOODRUFF RD KNOi( AV 3a6 R aRer KNOX AV 55,251 6,177.60 Rl 13.51 65.78 S AC • Fo Seal 1237 ELLA RD VALLEYWAY AV ALK! AV S17 234 20 275.20 R' 16.50 66.02 5 AC - Seal 1816 1NDIANA AV IAURA RD SAFtGENT RO 512,566 14,784.00 R= 14.51 66.10 S AC - Foy Sea) 1990 MARIE?TA AV t3RNDLEY RD 55 R aRrr BRADLEY s898 1,056.00 R= 7.50 66.20 5 AC - f Seal 1441 FAlRVIEW AV UNIVEfLSITY RD GILLIS ST 33 5)0 39 a94.40 R� 15.50 F,6.40 S AC - F Sedl :G89 LEWIS RD 51NT0 AV NOftTH EMD OF RQAD ;17,952 21,I�O.OQ R' 16.50 6b.71 S AC - F Sedl 260 BROADWAT AV EXT FANCHE� RD BROADWAY AV 57,540 9,870.40 R� 20.00 66.70 5 AC - Seal 533 BOONE AV VAN MARTER RD PIERCE RD 17 234 20 275.20 R' 12.50 66.74 5 AC - F Scal 247 BROADWI►Y AV 160 R aRer COIEMAN E3fi0ADWAY AV s2,962 3,484.80 R' 16.50 66.74 5 AC - 5ea1 19� BOWMAN RD BROADWAY AV 55 R after BROADWAY 1,795 2,112.00 R' ib.50 66.84 5 AC - F See) 1400 GiRARD RD BROADWAY AV UTALDO AV 19 388 22 809.60 R� 16.50 66.99 5 AC - Fog Seal 3672 wILBUR RD MANSFIEIll AV ERMiNA AV S7,B99 9,292.80 R� 9.51 66.98 S AC - f Sc.�l 1t315 INUTANA AV WEST EW� TO MONTGOMERY AV 41 290 48 576.U0 R' 6.�0 67.06 S 11C - F S�81 1256 [DGEFiTON RO INDUNA AV RAILRpAD AV 9 644 11 404.80 R 15.50 67.05 S AC - F Seal 1622 INUTANA AV ELLA RO ELLA RD 55,924 6,959.60 R� 15.50 67.16 5 AC - FOq Seel 473 Ei00NE AV WILl4v/ RD LOCUST FtD 513,015 15,312.00 R= 11.50 67.Z8 S AC - F Seal 1327 FELTS RD VIRORY LN MISSION /1V ;15,080 17,740.80 ft' 13.52 G7.58 5 AC - F Seal 5359 FEITS RD SMARf� AV VICTORY LN 12 566 14 784,00 ft� 13.51 67.58 5 AC - F Seal 1662 LILY R� EUCLID AV LIBERTY AV �8,617 10,137.60 R' 8.50 67.64 5 AC - Fog Seel 2038 LOI, RG MOKTGOMERY AV NORTH END OF ROAD ;20,19b 23 760.W R' 13.51 67.63 S AC - F Seal 2089 MAIN AV 315 R aRer HERALD FElTS RO 7 540 8 870.40 fN 25.51 67.76 5 AC - Fog Sea) 3183 SPRINGFIELD AV 475 R aRcr PIERCE BOWDISH RD �25,851 30,412.80 ft� 12.50 67.82 5 AC - F Sea 3571 tNOODRUFF RD 31b R aftcr KNOX AV 55 it before 6 508 7 656.00 ft� 13.51 67.83 5 AC - F Sea) 802 f3ES5IE RQ HARRIP�GTON AV MAIN AV 2 513 2 95G.80 R� 9.51 68.DU S AC - F Seal 1690 LEWiS ►iD 600NE AV SINTO AV 21 542 .'S 344.OU R� 16.50 GB.05 5 AC - F Seal 2�8b MA1tJ AV FELTS RD BALFOUR RD 7 540 8 670.4U R� Z5.51 G8.24 S AC - F Seal 13Z6 FELTS ft(7 MISSION AV AUGUS7A AV li 31D 13 3U5.60 ft� 12.50 68.24 5 A- F 5ea1 2731 QBERUN RD SOUTH END TO MONTGOMERY AV 10 OS:i 11 8�7.20 ft� 15.50 68.28 5 AC - Seat 1215 ELTON RD BOONE AV SIt�fTO AV 21 54� 25 34d.04 R' 16.50 68.3a 5 AC - Seal 965 DICK RD ALKI AV BROADWAY AV i! G6) 13 728.00 ' 16.50 68.42 5 AC - Seal 284 BALDWIN AV PAFK RD CEN7ER RD 523,330 27,�56.00 ft' 15.50 G8.41 S AC - Seal 2144 MAXWELL AV PAf?K RD CENTER RO 17 772 20 4U8.fi0 R' 15.50 68.54 5 A� - Seat 1695 LAKE RD DESMETAV SHARPAV f12,118 14,Z5b.Q0 ft' 20.00 68.57 S AC - F Seal 916 DYEK RD VAl1EYWAY AY OLiVE AV ;11 84B 13,939.20 ft ].0.00 68.57 5 AC - F Seul 367 ALKI AV WEST END TO FANCHER RD ;32,314 3S,U16.U0 tt' 20.00 68.57 S /1C - 5ei 1099 LAKE FlD SPRIP�GFIEID �V 9RO�DWAY AV 6 732 7�20.�0 R' :0.00 68.57 S AC - Fo Seal 3574 tiY00DRUFF RD SHANNON AV KNOX AV 4 039 4 752.00 R� 13.51 6tf.57 5 AC - Fo9 Seal Z588 RAYrtOND RD ALKl AV SVRINGFIELO Av ;5,7a5 6,758.ao R� 13.51 68.88 5 AC - F Seal 2111 MAIN AV BES IE RD S RGENT RO 9 874 11 616.00 R� 9.51 .90 5 �C • Seal t395 FREGERiCK AV RAtLROnO �v 80wDLF� RD 534,109 40,128.W R� 15.50 69.02 5 AC - Seal 1757 JACKSON AV WOODWARD AV BOWDISH RD SIZ,Sfi6 14 784.00 R' 15.50 69.08 S AC - F Seal 3543 vALLEYWAY Av SKIP�YORTH RD BOWOISM RD 516,85Q 22,176.04 R� 12.50 69.12 5 AC - Fo Seal 2589 RAYMOND RD VALLEYYIAY AV kLKI AV S17 234 20 275.20 R' 13.51 b9.14 Page 13 ot 28 Plan Y�at Activity ID Roub Rout� Back Rout� Ahssd Cost Ar�at A�� OCI !; AC - F� S�cal 1�1 600N[ AV DORN CT LEwlS RD 34,668 5,491.20 ft� 16.50 69.28 S AC - F• Seal 970 CESPIET AV SEEHGRN RD UPRR CROS5ING 9 4�'S 11 Oa8.U0 R' l/.GU G9.19 S AC - F Seal 1a36 fAIRVIEW AV .130 m► aRer GILLIS BOWDISH RD 26 928 31 680.00 R' 15.50 69.23 5 AC - Foq Seal 2364 MARI[1TA AV ROBIE RD WHIPPLE CT 57,181 8,448.00 R� 14.51 69.22 5 AC - F Seal 1873 MACARTMUR RO CJITALDO AV BOONE AV 13 823 16 262.40 R 11.50 G9.9d S AC - Sca! 294 800N[ Av DICK RD DORN CT 52,334 2,745.60 R� 16.50 69.98 6 AC - Sea) 5024 MARIETTA AV WEST END OF ROAD SULLIVAN RD 521,669 24,076.80 R' 15.00 65.30 6 AC - F Seal 3519 VALLEYWAY AV AUAMS RD BURNS RD 18 248 20 275.20 ft� 4.50 65.42 6 AC - Fog Seal 3531 VALLEYWAY AV MCDONALD RD MCCA4E RD 521,289 23,654.40 ft' 9.50 G5.42 6 AC - F 5tal 3517 VALLEYWAY AV BUKNS RD BURNS RD S'►,562 5,068.80 R' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - F Seal 3532 VALLEYWAY AY WOODIAWN RD MCDONALD RD S14 636 16 262.40 R' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - F S�al 3530 VALLEYWAY AV MCCAIIE RD E3LAKE RD S11,975 13 ,305.60 ft' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - Seal 3529 VALLFYWAY AV BLAKE RD MAYHEW ST . 14 636 16 262.40 ft' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - F Seai 3528 VALLEYWAT AV MAYN[W ST MAMER RD 653 7 392.00 ' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - Foq Scal 3520 VALLEYWAY AV REE5 RO ADAMS KD 528,512 31,680.00 R� 8.00 65.42 6 AC - F Seal 3523 VALLEYwAY AV BANNEN RD BEST RD 11 405 12 672.00 ft' S.QO 65.42 6 AC - Seal 3521 VALLEYWAY AV eE�T RD RE£S RO 55,702 6,336.00 R' 8.00 G5.42 6 AC - SWI 3522 VALLEYWAY AV bEST Rt7 BEST RD 1 426 1 584.00 R' 8.00 65.42 p AC - F Seal 3527 VALLE76VAY AV t4AMER kU EVERGREEN RU 14 ti3b 16 262. R' 9.50 65.42 6 AC - Seal 3516 VALLEYWAY AV BURNS kU PROGRL55 KD 515,20G 16 ,896.00 R� 9.50 G5.42 6 AG - Seal 3526 YALLEYWAY AV EVERGREEN RD BOLIVAR RD 15 682 17 424.OD R' 8.p0 65.42 G AC - Fog Seel 1892 LILLUN RD HEROY AV WELLESLEY AV 520,909 23,232.40 ftl 14.51 65.4Z 6 AC - Fog Seal 3515 VALLEY1vAY AV PROGRE55 RQ 50MMER RD SZ1,289 23,654.40 ft= 9.50 65.42 6 AC - 5eal 99 ALKI AV �EST RD ADAMS RD 38 016 42 24 .00 2 .00 GS.At3 6 AC • Seal 3513 VALLEI'WAY AV 105 R aRer SOMMER SULLIVAN RD 517,107 19,OU8.00 ft' 17.50 b5.65 6 AC - F 5eal 520 E3EST FD SPRINGFIELD AV SOS ft before S"l,603 8,448.00 R' B.OU 65.96 6 /1G - F 5ea1 400 aEST FD 105 ft beforc BROA�WAY �V ;3,041 3 379.20 R' S.OU 65.96 6 AC - Fo Seal 491 BURNS RD VALLEYWAY AV BROADWAY AV S34,214 36 016.00 ft� 9S0 G5.90 6 AC - Fog Stal 3��00 TSCHIHLtY KD 5PKAGUE AV MA1N AV s13,591 15,100.80 ft� 15.5U b6.02 6 AC - F Seal 2414 MOORE RO BROAU AV WABASH AV S 702 6 336.00 R� 14.51 G6A8 6 AC - f" Seal 2415 MOORE RD SS R bcforc t1ROl�D JRUAD AV 95U 1 056.00 R' 14.51 GG.08 6 AG - f Seal 14Ef4 FLORA PIT RD S LIiVAN FLD FIORA PiT N?Y 1Z 074 43 193. 0 R= 8. 66.38 6 AC - Fo Scal 1867 MCCI�BE ftD 230 R Lreforc NIXON N1XON AV (i 843 7 603.20 R 27.50 6G.4•1 6 AC - Fo Seal 2705 PROGRESS RD BROADWAY AV 55 R aRer BROADWIIY �l,bib 1,795.�0 R' 9.50 66.44 6 AC - Seal 5�{4 BEST kD VALLEYWAY AV ALKi AV 13 G8G 15 206.4 ' 8.�0 6G.6B 6 AC - Scal 1301 D15CaVERY Pl 475 R beEore NORTH NORTH END OF ROAD S20,529 22,609.60 R� 14.51 66.96 6 AC - Fog Seal 2264 OLYMPIC AV LILLIAN CT SUNN'fVALE DR 510,264 11,404.80 Rl 21.00 67.02 6 AC - F Seal 1922 MARIETTA AV P10NEER LN MOORE LN 38 586 4� 873.60 R' 21.00 67.02 6 AC - Fog Sea) 2063 MARIETTA AV SULUVAN FtD P10NEER LN ;22,Q49 24,499.20 R' 21.00 67.02 6 AC - Fog Sca) 20i7 MARIFTTA AV MOORE lN 1NDUSTRIAL PARK 516,537 18,374.�:0 R� 21.00 67.02 6 AC - Fo 5eal 1887 MARIEITA AV MOORE LN EUCUD AV 101 978 113 308.80 tt� 21.00 57.02 6 AC - Fo Seal 645 BEST RD ALK1 AV ALKl AV 54,562 5,068.80 ft� 8.00 67.34 6 AC - f Seal 2531 F!ICN AV 55 ft after MCDONALD SILAS RU 7 5U3 8 44i1.00 R' 7.OU 67.34 6 AC - Fo Seal 1289 CHERRY ST MANSfIELD AV NORTN tt�D �F ROAD 27 372 30 412.80 ft' 19.5�� 67.55 6 AC - 5cal 1216 EASTUIND CT WEST END TO CONKUN RU 12 308 13 675.20 R� SA.60 67.66 6 AC - Seal 2289 NORA AV .440 rni aRer SR 27 MAMER RD 65 576 72 864.00 R� 14.Q0 67.76 6 AC - Seal 1853 HEROY AV 265 R aRer EAST EtdD OF ROA� 13 686 15 206.40 R' 14.51 68.28 6 AC - Fo Seal 1055 DISCOVERY PL 210 R aRer 475 R before NORTH 11 975 ! 3 305.60 R� 14.51 68.56 6 AC - F Seal 818 I3ROAD AV 160 R aRer CONKLtN � SUNNYVALE UR 5 132 5 702.4D R� 14.00 68.98 b AC - Se�l 3886 WAE3��N AV MOO{�L RU 6R4AD AV S34 214 38 O1G.00 R' 14.51 69.18 6 AC - F Sea) 5006 GRACE AV PINES RU EAST CfJD OF ROAD 8 554 9 SUa.QO R� 19.50 69.35 6 AC - F Seal 2700 SHAMROCK CT SOUTFi END TO SUNfJYVAL[ DR 5 132 S 702.40 ft' 18.00 69.57 6 AG - F Stal 1094 CONKLIN RD WELLESLEY AV EASTIANO CT 7 033 7 814,4 � 1�. U 69 91 6 AC - Sea! 2bBA KiCH AV ISENHART RD LILLIAN RD 26 611 :9 568.00 R 1�.51 70.OH b AC - F Scal B17 BROAD AV SUNNYVALE DR EAST END OF ROAD 5 132 5 702.40 ft' 18.00 70.10 Pago 14 0128 • �t tl' _ y " . l. Plan Y�ar Activtty 2D RouU Rout� 8�ck Routa Ahrad Cost Araas Ay• OU G AC - Fo Se�l 1GOo FLOFA Rp �OUTH END OFF �OtJT}i ENTR1��{CC TO 12 545 Z3 939.20 R� 18.00 ?q.10 o AC - F 5e�1 17"!ti IIJUIIINA !+'J SNAKE tl1VER L71 GrZl�D'i LN �13,306 14 7G4.�30 ft' 17.�e3 7Q.13 6 AC - F Seal 1786 INDIAPIA AV MCMILLAN LN SALb10N RIVER LN i l A05 12 672.00 ft� 17.98 70.13 6 AC - F Seal 3130 TSCt11FLEY RD DALTON AV NORTH END OF ROAD ;87,437 97,152.00 R' 14.06 70.37 6 AC - F Seal 1T1 1NUTANA /1V SALMON RNER LN 5NAKE k2VER LN 19 008 21 120.00 R' 14.00 70.97 6 AC - F 5eal 433 E30UNE AV 105 R before BARKER BARKER RD 3 802 4 224.D0 R� 18.OU 71.67 6 AC - F Seal 1877 LARCti RD BRORD AV OLYMPIC AV 15 82a 17 552.�0 R' 14.00 71.73 6 AC - F Seal 1868 MCCAE�E RD SPRAC�UE AV 210 R Deforc NIXON Z1 lti3 23 654.40 Rj 9.50 71.79 6 AC - Fo Seal 2Gt30 FtICH AV WEST ENU i0 MOURE MOOR[ RD 5 702 G 33G.00 R' 14.51 71.84 6 AC - Sea) 1775 ISENHART RD R1CH Av LONGf 11V 13 30G 14 784.Q0 R' 14.51 71.8 6 AC - Seal 1955 t4AN5FtElD AV DISCOVERY PL MIRABEAU PARKWAY �15,967 17,740.80 ft; 14.51 72.25 6 AC - F Seal 1U49 CONKI.iN RD LOtJGfELI.OW AV tiEROY AV l:i 306 14 784.00 R 1�.51 72.32 6 AC - Fog 5eal 1515 NEKOY AV fOLFORD RO MOOfiE RD s34,214 38,O1G.00 R� 14.51 72.32 6 AC - F Sea) 1097 CONKLIN RD hl[ROY AV WELL[SLEY AV S:U,909 2J,232.00 ft� 14.51 72.32 6 AC - F Seal 1100 CONKLIN RD SOUTH END TO LONGFELLOW AV 5 702 6 336.00 R� 14,51 72.32 1 AC - Patcfiinfl - Full Depth 4775 315T AV 5UNNYEiROOK RD SUNNYpR00K CT S1,133 7,603.20 R� 16.00 60.21 1 AC - Patchln - Full Depth 4650 13TH AV 5T CHARLES R� NEwER RD 51,888 12,672.00 R' 12.50 61.02 1 AC - Patchln - Full 0 919 CQLL1N5 ST 3GTH AV LENORA DR ;1,888 12,672.00 R' 15.00 61.02 1 AC - Patthln - FuQ De 4822 �GTH AV .100 ml aRer SPOKANE vALLEY 2 203 14 784.00 R' 16.00 61.14 1 AC - Patchfn - full Depth 3195 SUNNYBROOK RD 315T AV 30TN CT 51,699 11,404.80 R� ib.00 61.43 1 AC - Patchtn - Full D th 3208 VALLEYWAY AV ELLA iiD DICK RD i2,864 19,219.20 R' 12.50 61.82 1 AC - Patcliln - Full D th 3769 2ND AV DOLLAR RD GAVID ST s1,S42 10,348.80 R 12.5U 61.84 1 AC - Patchin - Full D th 3977 17TH AV �AVIS EVERGFEEN RD 1 6 404. � 4.51 03.98 1 AC - Patchln - Full D th 2833 TIMBERIANE DR 55 R aRer 24TH AV 23Rt7 AV =1,416 9,504.00 R� 16.00 fa4.55 1 AC - Patctiln - full Depth 224o MON7GOMERY Av HUTCHINSON RD ARGONNE ftD ;2,832 19,008.00 R' 10.51 65.13 1 AC - Patchin - FuU D ih 4155 9TH AV SS ft before WALNl1T WALNIlT ii0 25� 1,689.60 ft 19.SQ 65.36 1 AC - Patctiin • Full U th 1790 INDIANA CT iNDIAMA AV END 3 286 22 070.40 R' 4.50 65.85 1 AC - Patchln - Full D th 249b RIDGEVIEW DR 36TH AV SUNDOWN DR ;3 462 Z3 232.00 Ra 15.50 66.24 1 AC - Patchi • FuA D th 3486 V[RCLEP, RD BROADW/1Y AV DESMET AV s�,165 28,089.60 R� 4.50 60.53 1 AC - Patchl - FuU D th 1499 ELIZACIETH RD 9TH AV 8TN +�v 944 6 336.00 R� b 1 66,94 1 AC - Patchln - FuU D th 4216 25Tti AV 26TN AV uNIl7N FtD 1 SOti 12 672.D0 R� 11.50 67.15 1 AC - Patchl - FuU D th 3426 UTAH AV CENTER RU ELLA RO 2 203 14 784.00 R' 3.00 b7.56 1 AC - Patchin - Full D th 4649 13Ti�1 AV ��EWER RD CENTURY RD 1 888 12 672.00 R� 12.50 68.03 t AC - Patchln - Full De [h 2b28 fiICH AV LILLIAN RD E/lST END OF ROI1D s1,259 8,448.00 ft� 9.51 68.12 1 AC - Patchln - Full D th 2053 MAlN AV BQWUISH RD WILf3UR RD 2 643 �7 740.80 ft� 21.51 68.30 1 AC - Patd�i - Full D th 1214 ELTON RD SOUTH END TO MISSION AV s1,416 9,504.00 R� 11.50 7Q.Ol 1 AC - Patchlny - Ful) D th 3570 WOODfiUFF RD 55 ft betore h10NTGOMEiiY AV =1$9 1,267.20 R' 29.00 72.56 1 AC - Patch{ - Full D h 820 DISHMAN RD 420 R after DISHMAN .140 ml aRer 1 5 11 08 .0 � 7. 0 73.12 1 AC - Patcfiing - Full � tfi 3673 W1L[3UR RD MONTGOMERY AV MANSFIELD AV ;G61 4,435.20 R� 5.51 73.43 1 AC - Patchl - Full � 3947 9TM AV ELIZABETM KD BRA�LFY RD 1 8B8 12 672.00 R� 6.51 79.80 1 AC - PaGchi - Full 3212 SPRINGFIELD AV WEST END TO IdCDONALD RD 2 266 15 205.a0 R� 4.50 81.3f1 1 AC - Patchlnq - Full Depch 239 BRAOLEY RD 2ND Av nPPLEWAY Bv ;1,Si1 10,i37.60 R� 12.50 Ba.36 1 AC - PaiChln - Fup De h 1243 ELI7ABE7H RD 3RD AV 2ND AV 1 322 8 870.40 ft� 12.50 8�3.36 1 AC - Patchl - Full Uc h 1244 El27ABETH RO 4TH AV 3RD AV 51,038 6,969.60 R' 12.50 84.36 1 AC - Patching - Full De h 851 �ORA ST 2ND AV APPLEWAY BV ;1,558 10,454.40 R� 12.50 84.36 1 AC - Patchl� - Fvll De 477 BRADLFY RD 4TH AV RD AV 25 44 . R 12.50 84.36 2 AC - Patchln - Fui) �e h 341i6 VERCLER RD BROAUWAY AV DESMET AV 54,382 28,089.G0 R� 5.50 77.94 2 AC - Patchin - F U h 976 DOttA � IUS ft a r RD AV ZND AV 087 6 969.60 R' 13.50 80.36 2 A- Patchin - Full De h 852 DORA 3RD AV 105 R after 3fiD AV 42 2 745.60 R� 13.50 80.36 2 AC - Patch[n - Full D th 971 OORA ST APPLFWAY BV SPRAGUE AV ;1,779 11,404.80 R' 13.50 80.36 2 AC - Patchin - Full De th 4650 13TN AV ST CHARLES RQ NEWER RD 1 977 12 672.00 ft� 13.50 80.51 2 AC - Patchln - Full De ti 4775 31ST AV SUNNYBROOK RD SUNNYBROOK CT S1,18G 7 603.20 R' 17.Q0 81.37 2 AC - PatCfiin - Fu(I De h 1790 INDIANA CT INDIANA AV END 53,443 22 070.40 R S.SQ 61.66 2 AC - Patchin - Full De th 3769 2ND AV D�LLAR RD OA 0 1 514 ip 348.�30 R� 13.50 51.84 Page 15 ot 28 Pian Yea� Activity ID aout� Route Bsck Rout� Ahud Cost Areas Aq• OCI ? AC - F�tcfii.�y - f'utl Depth 1499 CL�AGET�1 I�,U 3TF1 AV 8TH AV S9B9 6,33G.OU ft' 7.SU 81.9J 2 AC - Pa[chin - Full De th 919 COlLiNS ST 30TH AV LENGRA DR SI 977 12 b72.00 R' 17.00 �2.50 2 A- Patd�in - Full De th 4a22 �tOTH AV .100 mi aRer SPOKANE VALLEY Z 06 14 784.00 R� 17.00 H2.G7 3 AC - Patcfiin - Full D th 3195 5UNNYBROOK RG 31ST AV 30TH CT 1 870 11 4.80 ft' 18.00 79.85 3 AC - Patdu - Full De th 283:� TIMBEftLANE �R 55 ft aftcr 24TH AV 23R� AV 1 559 9 504.OU ft 18.00 79.85 3 AC - Pa[chl - Full De .'496 RIDGEV[EW DR 36TH AV SUN�OWN DR 33,810 23,232.00 R= 17.50 80.77 3 AC - Patchin - Full 2789 SKYLINE DR BEYERLY OR WIP�'TER RD 2 927 17 846.40 R� 25A0 Bl.iB 3 AC - P�cct�in�� - Full De h 732 DARTMaIJTM RD APPLEWAY BV SPRAGUE AV S4,iSb 25,344.00 ftx 23.50 81.96 3 AC - Patchin - Full 4�;06 IST AV RODIE RD RO�IE RD 242 1 478.40 R� 23.50 82.Q4 3 AC - Patchin - Full Pe 160 FLOf�A RD NORTH ENTRANCE TO UPRR CROSSING 6Z3 3 801.60 R' 31.OQ 82.75 � 11C - Pat�hl - Full D th 977 DOl1AR ST MANSFIELD AV UTAH AV 3 U88 17 952.OU ft= 26.00 77.OU � AC - Patchl - Full R th 649 DICKEY RD SR-:90 KNOX AV 3 188 13 532.80 ft' 22.OQ 77.00 4 AC - Pauhln - Full �epth 4155 9TH AV SS R be(ore WALNUT WALNUT RD 5291 1,689.60 R� 22.50 79.22 � AC - Patctiin - Fu1) D th 3977 17TH AV OAVIS RD EVERGREEN RD 1 962 11 4Q4.80 ft' 17.50 79.74 4 AC - Patchin - FuQ 0 th 4661 22ND AV VEfiA CREST DR CONKLIN CT 52,289 13,305.60 R= 32.00 8t?.45 4 AC - Patchln - FuU D th 3208 VALLEYWAY AV ELIA RD D1CK RD 3 306 19 219.20 R� 15.50 81.44 4 AC - P�tchin - Fuq D th 1605 FIORA RD SOUTN ENTitANCE TO NORTH ENTRANCE TO 654 3 801.60 R' 26.00 81.92 4 AC - Patthing - Fufl D th 35 9ROFiDVIEW DR wEST END TO WINITER RD 5944 5,491.20 R� 9.50 82.�0 S AG - PatChln - Fup De Ch �58 URNAHAN RD 3RD AV 16Q R aRer 3RD AV 459 2 534.40 R� 10.51 7b.9d 5 AC - Patchin - FuU De Lfi 1063 DAVID ST 4TH AV 3i7D AV s1,491 8,236.80 R� 16.50 77.00 5 AC - Patthi - Full De tl� 1739 KPIOX AV DICK R� ViSTA RD S2,905 16,051.20 R' 15.50 77.00 5 AC - Patchl - Full D th 958 D[SMET AV R-27 160 R after SR 27 1 089 6 I9.20 R� 27.50 J7.00 S AC - Patdii - Full De th Z413 MOURE RD WABA5H AV 55 R before NORTN ;765 4 224.00 R� 13.51 77.00 S AC - Patching - Full DepN 33 EIUCKEYE AV MAAllN DR 10EL RD 51,242 6,864.00 R' 27.00 79.37 S AC - Patchin - Full De th 25Q2 PIERCE RD 33RD AV 33RD AV 1 529 8 448.00 ft� �7.00 79.37 5 AC - PatChin - Full De [h Z405 fdCMIUAN RD MONTGOMERY DR tdAR�iN OR I 911 10 560.OQ R' 27,00 79.37 S AC - PatcMn - Futl th 1487 tiAVANA-YALE RD 167N AV 15TN AV 1 338 7 392.00 R� 27.00 79.37 5 AC - Patchln - Full th 2406 MARIE7TA AV MCMlLLAM f�0 MOPITGOMERY OR 4 970 27 456.Q0 R' 27.00 79.37 5 AC - Patchln - Futl th 3570 �v00DRUFF RD 55 R before MONTGOMERY AV 229 1 267.20 ftj 33.(}0 b4.OD 5 AC - t'atchln - FuU 0� th dlfil 34TH AV BATES ST SS R belore LORETTA 52.809 1-0,784.00 R� 28.00 7b.47 6 AC - Patchin - Full th 906 UOLLAR 5T 37p R beture SS ft belore 1 92G l0 137.60 It' 28.U0 76.47 6 AC - Patchin - Full th 47Q9 3TTH AV 8ATE5 5T bA7E5 OR 51,605 8,448.06 fN 28.00 7G.47 b AC - PatcAin - FuU D th 4G58 20TH CT VERA CttF57 DR EA5T END Of ROAD 3 612 19 008.00 R� 2fl.00 i6.4"I 6 AC - aatchin - Full Ut 31'19 UN(ON RD 15T AV SPRAGUE AV 1 6fl5 8 870.40 R' 26.51 "l6.G1 6 AC - PatUiln - Full De th 2628 R1CH AV ULLIAN Rp EA57 END OF ROAD 1 605 8 448.00 h' 14.51 76.66 6 AC - Patciiin - Full De th 4822 40TH AV .100 m1 aRar SPOICAPIE VALLEY 2 809 14 7&4.00 R 21.00 76.85 6 AC - Pa[chln - Full De th 919 COIL.tNS ST 30TH AV LENORA DR 2 40B 12 672.00 R' 21.00 76.SS 6 AC - Pa[chin - Full De th 4775 3IST AV SUNNYBROOK RO SUNNY9ROOK CT I 445 7 603.:0 R' 21.00 76.85 1 AC - Shouldcr - Fill a R rade 292 BIAKE RD 14TH AV 13TH AV ;542 6,336.00 R' 17.51 62.30 1 AC - Shou{dcr - FII) a R r�dc 4083 12TH AV fOX RD REEVES RD 542 10 137.60 ft� 13.51 64,63 1 AC - Shoukler - Fill 8 R rade 1790 INDIANA CT iNDIANA AV EP�D �993 22,070.40 R' 4.50 65.85 1 AC - Shoulder - Fill d R rade 3779 8TH AV 6EIGE RD BI.RKER RD 993 18 585.60 ftz 16.00 66.02 1 AC - Shouldcr - FlII & R rade 311Z UTAH AV COLLIR ST MARIETTA AV 1 80G 21 120.00 Rj 16.00 68.36 1 AC - Shouldcr - Fill a R rade 3209 V11lLEYWAY AV GICK RD vISTA RD 1 083 17 740.80 R' 12.50 68.93 1 AC - ShOUIQef - Ftll d R radc 2417 MAIN AV DYER aD THILFt4AN 5T 1 445 25 344,00 R' 3.50 69.25 1 AC - ShOUldcr - Fill & R rttdC 4149 9TH AV UNIV£Ft5ITY FtU PIERCE KD 2 257 25 080.00 R' 16.50 70.�fG 1 AC - Shoutder - FiU 8� R rade 4036 14TH AV .21U mi be(ore 475 it before 1 083 15 206.40 R' 16.00 73.16 1 AC - 5houlder - Fill 8 R rddo 3710 TfH AV UNIVERSITY RD GLENhI FiD ;1,354 16,632.00 ft' 16.50 7�.78 1 AC - 5houlder - F ill & R ra 2308 NIxON AV UYER ftU TFIIEKI•IAN ST 1 35� 2 S 2. ' 3. 75.19 1 AC - Stwulder • F�U 8 R rade 3113 UTAN AV COLEMAN RD SUWMAN R� S1,535 17,952.00 ft� 4.00 78.56 1 AC - Shouldcr - Ft) A R rade 2474 PIEFCE RD IQTH AV `JTN AV 5�2 7 603.20 R' 16.50 79.6A 1 AC - ShouldCr - Fitl 6 R rade 786 BFADLFY RD CATALDO AV GESMtT AV 9 3 20 90Fi.80 ft� 3.50 81.93 t AC - Shouider - FiQ A R rad 930 DISHMAN RD 160 tore hf•PLEWAY BV 71 5 60.80 R' 7.50 82.05 t AC - Shoulder -�II a Re rade 3595 7TH AV GLENN RD PIER E RD 903 11 088.00 R' 16.50 82.20 1 AC - Shouide� - F�II � Ne rade 150G FARR RD t�AXV1�LL nV r1I5SION AV 5542 11,404.80 R� 7.50 82.64 Page 16 of 28 R .. � �;�. �' S' �1� . . . � . . Plan Y�u AcUvity ID Route Rouh Bsck Rout� Ah��d Cost Anas A�� OCI 1 AC - ShoufdM - FIO � R ra�ie 4184 26T}� Av 1315t1h��rt•�rIUi RD QALFOUR t3V u RD 403 17 4Z4.00 ft� 1?.S1 83.40 1 AC - Shou{der - Pill & R rade lUJO GYER FG MA1N AV NI}:UN AV ;5-;� B 236.80 R' 3.50 83.43 1 AC - Shoulder - Fill & R radc 1243 ELIZABETH RD 3RD AV 2ND AV 542 8 970.40 R' 12.50 84.36 2 AC - Slwu{der - Rq & R rade 292 BIAKE RD 14TF1 AV 13TH AV 570 6 336.U0 R' 18.51 68.30 2 AC - SAo�lder - fill & R rade 4083 12'fH AV FOX RD REEVES RD 570 30 137.60 R� 14.51 69.44 2 AC - Shoulder - Fill b R r�de 37"!9 STH AV 8E1GE RD BARKER RD 1 045 18 565.60 ft� 17.00 73.23 2 AC - Sltioulder - f�iU & rade 2417 MAIN AV UYER RD THIERMAN ST 1 521 25 344.00 R� 4.50 JS.39 2 AC - Shoulder - Fitl C� R rade 2308 NIXOh AV pYER RD '+ n1F.KMAN 5T 1 426 Z�7 5�:.00 R' 4.50 79.72 ' 2 /1C - Shuulder - F�II & R rade 971 aORA ST APPLEWAY BV Si'KnGUE AV 5570 11,404.80 ft 13.50 80.36 2 AC - S�oulde� - Fiil � rade 3209 VALLEYWAY AV D1CK RD Y1ST� kU 1 140 17 740.80 R' 13.SU 8U.36 2 AC - Shoulder - Fill & R �ade 4149 4TH AV UNIVERSITY RD PIERCE RD ;2,37b 25,080.QU ft' 17.50 80.56 2 AC - Shoulder - fii) & R rade 1790 [NDIANA GT INU:ANA AY ENU 1 C145 2� 070.4U ft� 5.50 81.66 2 AC - Shoulder - FlII � rade 4415 20TH AV BALFOUR 8V & RD SUtdR1SE ftD 855 18 057.60 R' 14.51 82.80 2 AC - Shouldcr - Fill & R rade 335G UTAN AV D1CK kD V15TA RD 1 IAO 12 672.00 R' 2.84 82.64 2 AC - ShouRder - FIII �, k rade 4036 14TN AV .210 ml before 475 R before 1 140 15 2D6.40 R' 17.00 83.80 3 AC - Shoulder - Fill & Ke r�e 292 BtAKE RD 14TH AV 13TH AV �599 6,336.00 ft' 19.50 70.31 3 AC - Shoulder - Fill a rade 3779 8TH AV BEIGE RD HARKER RD 1 098 18 585.60 R' 18.00 72.95 3 AC - Shoulder - Fitl � Reyrade •i083 12TH AV FOX R� REEVES RD 5599 10,137.60 ft' 15.50 76.26 3 AC - Shoulder - Fiil � R rade 2417 MAIN AV OYER RD THIERHAN 5T 1 597 25 3a4.00 ft� 5.5D 78.81 3 AG - Shoulder - F�il � Re rade 3209 VALLEYIYAY AV DICK RD VISTA RD 1 198 17 7A0.8Q R� 1�.50 79.97 3 /1C - 5tioulder - Fiil & K radv 5321 BLAKE RD 50UTH END OF ROAD �4IS5IQN AV 1 796 Z4 710.40 R' 6.50 80.42 3 AC - Shoulder - Fill & Re rade 2789 SKYLIFIE OR BEVERLY OR tiVINTER Rb 1 237 17 &1b.40 Rr 25.00 81.48 3 AC - Shoukfer - Fill 6 rade 3710 7TH AV UNIVEfiSTiY RD GLENN RD i 1 497 16 632.OU R' 18.50 81.76 3 AC - ShouldCr - Fill � fi rade 764 DYER RO MALLON AV DEAN AV 99 11 61G.00 ' 25.00 82.00 4 AC - Shou{dcr - fill � R racle 242 BLAKE RD 14TH AV 13TF1 AV G27 G 3�b.00 R' 20.5U 70.02 4 AC - Shoulder - FIII & R �ade 3779 BTIi AV t3E:GE RO BA1tKER RD 1 150 19 5�5.60 ft� 19.00 72.50 � AC - Shoutder - Fill & R �ade 4083 12TFi AV FOX FiD kEEVES RO 627 :0 137.60 R� 16.50 76.59 � AC • 5no�kler - Fill 8� R rade f349 DiCKEY RD �R-240 KNOX AV 1 359 18 532.80 R 22.00 77.00 4 AC - Shoulder - fill & R rade 3209 VALLEYWAY AV DICK fiD VISTA RD 1 255 17 740.80 R� 15.50 78.65 � AC - Shoulder - Fill & R rade 3112 UTAH AY DOLLAR ST MARIETTA AV 2 091 21 120.00 R' 19.00 80.28 4 AC - 5houldcr - FUI �i R rade 2308 NIX N AV DY�R RD THIERMAN Sf 1 5G9 �0 592.00 R' 6.50 90.34 4 AC - Shoulder - FitJ & R radc 1183 EUCUQ AV GIRARD RU BOWMAN Rp 627 5 702.40 ft� 7.50 B0.83 5 AC - Shoulder - Fill & Regrade 292 81AKE RD 14TN AV 13TH AV 5659 6,336.00 ftj 21.51 70.10 5 AC - Shou{der - FiU 6 R rade 3779 STH AV BEIGE RD 6AFiKER RD 1 208 18 585.G0 R� 20.00 71.4a 5 AG - Shoulde� - Fill & Regrade 4083 12Tf1 AV FOX Rp fiEEVES RD ;659 10,137.G0 R� 17.51 75.11 5 AC - Shoulder - F�ll � R rade 3?09 VALLEYWAY AV DICK RD VISTA RD 1 318 17 740.80 ft� 16.50 77.19 5 AC - Shou{der - Fili S R radc 3113 UTAH AV COLEMAN RD 80WhlAN RD 1 867 17 952.00 ft' 8.00 77.42 5 AC - Shou(der - Fill & fi rade 2474 PIERCE RD 1OT11 AV 9TN AV 659 7 603.20 R' 20.50 ;9.34 S AC - Shoulder - Fi(I & R rade 874 DdILAR ST 31 R after R 290 475 R aRer SR 290 329 5 068.80 R 27.00 79.37 5 AC - Sfwvlder - Fill & R rade 14t3"! HRVAtiA-YALL RD 16TH AV 15TH AV 769 7 392.00 ft= 27.00 79.37 6 AC - ShouWer - FIII & cacfe 292 BLAKE RD 1�sTH AV 13TH AV 691 6 336.Q0 R' 22.51 69.20 6 AC - Shoulder - Fill 8 radc 3779 8TH AV BEIGE RD 6ARKER RD 1 266 f8 585.60 Rs 21.G4 70.57 6 AC - Sliouldtr - Fill E� K rade A083 12TN AV FOX RD REEVES RD 91 10 137.60 R� 1.51 73.66 6 AC - Shoukler - RU 6 Fi rade 32Q9 VALLEYYJAY AV DICK RD VISTA RD 1 381 1'1 740.80 Ra 17 50 75.73 6 AC - Shouk7er - RII 8 rade 909 OYER RD DESI•IET AV SHARP AV 1 151 23 232.00 Ra 24.0 77.00 6 AC - 5lwukler - Rp 8 a radc 1048 DOILAR ST 55 R be(ore MANSFIEID AV 11 1 05ti.0U R' 24.00 82.00 1 Gradin 2207 IFtD1ANA AV WEST END TO FL�RA FLOP.A RD 2 672 2�i 288.00 ft 29.00 O.dO 1 Gradln 2314 MOKTGOMERY AV 265 ft after EAST END OF FtU�U 1 208 10 982.40 R' 9.51 O.UO i Gradin 620 BKOAliV'1AY RY f9AftKER RD EAST END OF FOAD 7 969 72 441.60 R' 29.00 0.00 1 �radin 3881 tiS'1LiiUR RD Z10 ft belore NORTH NORTN ENU OF ROAD 372 3 379.20 R� 9.51 �.60 ! Gradinc 3872 WI1k51MSKE AV 5TH AV 4Tti AV 261 2 376.00 ft' �.SO 2.50 1 Gradin 3625 wCCLLAI"ItJ RD SS R befo�e lOTH AV lOTH AV ib3 1 478.40 Rl 20.50 5.70 1 Gradin 1063 DAlJO�� AV FLORA RD TSCHIRL£ RO 2 788 25 344.00 R� 16.00 11.0fl 1 Gradln 3009 SutJDER►ArdD RD 8TH AV 6TH AV 1 533 13 939.20 R' 19.50 14.75 1 Gradin 1478 FORREST AV 23RD AV WQODLAWN RD 1 812 16 473.60 ft� 20.50 15.25 1 Gradln 259 BATES RD ERMINA AV UAUSLF AY 1 394 12 672 00 2 5.51 16.25 1 Gradln 2819 SINTO AV WILBUR RD EA�T ENO OF ROAD 488 4 435.20 R' S.51 18.50 Page 17 at 28 Ptan Y�ar Atiivky ID Rout� Route Back Rout� Ah�ad Cast Arsu Ay� OCI 1 Gradin 3623 WOODLAYIN nD 9TH AV 3TH AV 5976 8&70.40 ft' Z�J.SO 19.75 i vradin 146 BEST Rf� SUUTH EHD TO MAIN END GRl,V[ START 813 7 39�.00 R� 22.51 23.OG 1 Gradin 3624 WOOQLAWN RD lOTH AV 9i H AV ;97G 8,870.40 R' 20.50 24.00 1 Gradln 31 C�U KEYE AV UARTAtOUTH LN 0 ft WEST OF 2 567 23 337.60 R' 11.50 25.25 1 Gradln 2955 SPKINGFIELD AV WES? END 70 SUILIVAN RD 52,788 25,344.00 R' 12.50 25.25 1 Gradrn 4GZ1 24TH AV PRit CR0551NG & UISNMAFi-MICA RD 871 7 920.00 ft� 22.51 25.75 1 Gradln a171 27TH AV END END GRAVE START 2 556 23 232.00 R� 18.51 25J5 1 GradEn 1248 MA7HERLY CL 27U ft after U15HMAN-MICA RD 558 S 068.60 R' 9.51 26.00 1 Gradin 2626 RAYMOND CL 33R0 AV END GRAV[ START 2 370 21 542.40 R' 18.51 2b.00 1 Grad�r� 1347 HATHERLY CL DISHMAN•MIU DLSHMAN-MIU 418 3 8U1.60 ft� 9.51 26A0 1 Gradin 1089 DISNMAN-MIU NATNERLY CL HATHERLY CL 976 8 870.4U ft' 9.51 2G.OU 1 Gradin 3882 WILBUR RD DISHtNAD�-MtCA RD �30 ft before NORTH l 208 LO 982.40 R� 3.00 26.00 1 Gradln 1�48 HATH[RLY CL DISNhtAN-MICA 170 R aRer 523 a 752.Q0 R� 9.51 2b.00 1 Gradln 3�13 aTti AV STEEr� RD F�OCtA RD 1 812 i6 a73.60 Rl 3.00 26.25 1 Gradin 255 BESSIE RD HAWtINGTON AV MAlN AV 151 1 372.t34 R' S.51 2b.50 1 Gradin 2940 SARGEtVT RD 50UTN ENQ 70 /1PPLEYVAY 8V 2 091 19 p08.00 R' 7.50 26.75 1 Gradln 3654 YIILLOW RD MISSION AV NORTH END OF ROAD 1 162 10 560.U0 R' 7.50 26.75 1 Grading 1477 FORREST AV �'rDODLAWN RD VERCLER RD 51,812 16,473.fi0 R' 20.50 2ti.75 1 Gradln 381 BQO�:E AV WEST END TO ELLA ELLA RD 604 5 491.20 R� 12.50 26.75 1 Grad�ng 3426 VERCLER RD SZTH AV 11TH AV s348 3,16i3.00 ft 20.50 27.00 1 Gradln 3425 VERCLER RD 11TH AV 55 tt befare IOTH AV 348 3 268.00 ft' 3.00 27.00 1 Gradin 3938 6TH AV VERCLER RD LETA RD 697 6 336.00 R' 20.SQ 2"1.00 1 Gradin 2944 SANSON AV MCDONALD RD KELLER RD 1 673 15 20b.40 R� 3.00 27.00 1 Gradin 4118 lOTH AV BLAKE RD EAST EP1G OF ROAD 592 S 385.60 ft' 17.51 27.00 1 Gradln 1985 ST CHAFtLE5 RD 4TH AV £NU GfiAVE S 929 � 448.00 ft' 9.00 27.00 L Gradin 4003 15TN AV SR-27 END 6RAVE 5TAk� 1 7�2 15 840.00 R� ZU.SO 27.00 1 Gradln 2943 SANSON AV KELLfR RD MAYHEW RCi 1 777 16 156.80 R 3.00 27.00 1 Gradin 1323 FELTS RD SOUTN ENO TO KNOX KNOX AV S 1 510 13 728.00 R' 9.51 27.25 1 Gr�dln 2893 SHANNON AV END EAST EP:� �F ROAD S? 823 25 660.80 R� 18.51 27.25 1 GraCln 1728 kNOX AV YYE5i ENU TO ENO GRnV[ SZAR7 S1 130 10 348.80 R� 9.51 27.25 1 Gradin 3d52 15T AV V1E5T ENU TO UEAR�ORN RD 31A 2 851.20 R' 6.51 27.25 1 Gradin 449 G4RL15LE AV aATES RU N�ILBUFt RD 1 859 lb 894.00 R� 5.51 27.25 1 Grading 950 CJIRLISLE AV BOWOI5H RD BJ.TES RD 51,162 10,56U.00 ft� 5.51 27.25 1 Grddln 1486 FARR RO SOUTH EN� TO StiANNON AV 348 3 16II.00 R 9.51 27.25 1 Grading 3136 10TH AV WL END TO EA5TERN RD 51,162 10,5G0.40 R' 6.51 27.50 1 Gradln 30 BUCKFYE AV WEST END Tp DART��IOtiTH LN 46 422.4d R' 29.00 27.50 1 Gradln �7 BALDWIN AV 1YOO�RUFF R� EAST END OF ROAD 697 6 336.00 R� 29.00 27.50 1 Gradin 1015 DICKEY RD SOUTH END TO END GR.AVE START 2$6 2 323.2 R� 3.00 27.50 1 Gradl 2595 RIVERSIDE• AV ADAM5 RD E/�ST ENU OF KOAD 2 265 20 592.00 R� 22.51 27.75 1 Gradi 277� SKYLIN[: PL SKYLIN@ DR NORTN ttrD OF ROAU 836 7 603.20 R� 6.51 27.75 1 Gradin 948 CENTER QR UEVEFtLY DK SKYLlNE UR 1 162 !0 SGO.UO ft' ti.51 27.75 1 Gradln 36 BR4ADVIEV/ DR LYINTER RD EAST END OF ROAD 325 2 955.80 it 6.51 Z7.75 1 Gradl 947 CENTER DR SKYLINE DR TEMPORARY CtOSURE 581 5 280.00 h� 6.51 27.75 1 Gradt 1414 GRACE AV MOUNTAIN V1EW DR �ARKER RD 348 3 168.00 R' 3.00 28.00 1 Gradin 1a13 GRACL Av RIVISTA DR MOUNinIN VIEw Uk 2 265 20 592.00 R 3.00 28.00 1 Gradl 2440 HOUNTA2N vILW UR 210 ft afttr WEST 3"10 ft aRer WEST 31� 2 851.20 R 3.0� 29.OU 1 Gradin 2399 MQUNTAIN VIEW DR 370 R aRer WEST vRACE AV 558 5 06�.80 R� 3.00 28.00 1 Gr:�din 2402 1dOUNTAIN vIEW �R WEST END TO GRACE 2!0 R after WEST 697 6 336.00 R� 3.00 29.00 1 Grad�n 2627 RIVISTA DR GRACE AV raOiiTt1 END OF ROAU 1 224 ll 088.00 R' 3.00 28•00 1 GraG+ 2698 kIVISTA DR 50UTH END TO GitACE AV 523 4 752,00 R� 3.00 28.00 1 Grad�n 2�397 RIVERSID[ AV WEST END TO AOAMS ADAMS RD 1 742 15 840.00 R' �Z.51 28.25 1 Gradin 5713 G1LL1S KU END 1£iH Av 6 7 6 336.00 ft� 10.51 Z�.50 1 Gratfin 2785 SKYLINE DR EN� CENTER DR i6 4 22A,0 ft° 6.51 28.50 1 6radin 3111 STEEN RU SOiIT'M END 70 4TM H(i 45U9 UvER ;2T9 2 534.40 ft' 3.OU 28.75 1 Grad� 5960 ALKi AV (:OLLINS RD EAST END OF ROAO b27 5 70Z.40 R� Z3.SU �8.75 1 Grading G7b COLEMAN RU C�H.Or\UWAY AV NORTN EN[) OF KOAO SaGS 4,22�.W ft� 12.50 2f3.75 Page 18 of 28 : b' 'x . Pian Y�a► A,cttvity ID Routa Routs Sacit Rout� Ah�id Cost Araas /1�� OCI 1 Gr�din 31:6 STEEN RD RR 45�9 OVER !05 ft aftcr BR 4509 SIE6 :,6B�.60 !t� 3.OU 29.75 1 Gradir� 3115 �fEEN RU SUS tt altei BK-:SU9 L��U VKAVE SIARI T767 G 9G9,G4 R' 3,pu :9.7� 1 Gradln 4833 5TH AL WEST END TO �VARSINSKE AV �6 2 76.00 ft� 4. 52.10 1 Gradin 3979 17TH AV f�INES RD E/�ST END OF ROAD 697 6 33 .00 R' 17 1 62.90 1 Gradln 3b21 WOQDIAwN RO OLiVE AV ALKi AV 488 4 435.20 R' 4.50 72.8� 1 Gradln 23Q4 NIXON AV Y�EST END TO MCDCt,ALD RO b04 5 491.20 2 4.50 75.50 1 Gradln 3622 WOODLAWN RD VALLEYWAY AV OLIYE AV b27 5 702.40 R' 4.50 75.95 1 Gradin 493 E3URPIS RO END MI�5ION AV 5929 a 4d8.00 R� 4.50 78.65 i Grzdln 2703 ROCKWELL /1V 55 R beforc pEST RD BEST RD 128 1 161. R� 1. .0 1 Gradi 4702 13TH AV r�lD EAS7 END Of ROAD s465 4,224.d0 R� 1.OQ BOAO 1 Gradtn 4300 1 7H AV W ST EHD WROGRES fsD 97 33 ' 1. 0. 1 Gradin 775 CANNERY RD dTH AV NORTH E��D OF R0/10 1 278 11 616.00 tti 1.00 80.00 1 Gr�dln 2581 itEES RD VALLFYWAY AV OLIVE AV 1 285 1Q 771.20 R' 3.00 80.20 1 Gradfn 2357 MARNS RD SOUTH END TO MLSSION AV 1 626 14 784.00 R' 4.50 80.2Q 1 Gradin 2G91 LNE AV REES RD EAST END OF ROA� 592 S 385.G0 R' 3.00 d0.20 1 Grad�n 343 BURN R SOUTN ENp T VA •YWAY AV 2 2 27 .2 ' 4. 80 80 1 Graciin 4127 IOTN AV WE5T ENO TO OISHMAN RD 348 3 168.00 � 3.50 86.fs0 2 c;ra<firx 29�4 SANSON AV MCDONALD RD KELLER RD 1 673 15 20b.4a R� 4.00 35.00 2 Gradln 37 BALD�NIN AV WOQDRUFF RD EAST END OF ROAD 697 6 336.00 R� 30.00 35.00 2 Gradln 4833 STH AY wEST END TQ WAFtSINSKE AV 2G1 2 376.00 R' S.50 35.00 2 Gradl 4300 13TH AV W EST END TO PRQ�RE55 RD 6 7 6 33 00 ' 35.00 2 Gradln 493 BURNS RD END I•115SiUN AV 42 8 44 .UO � 35.00 2 Gradln 38l BOONE AV WEST END TO EUJ1 ELLA RD 604 5 491.20 R� 13.50 35.00 2 Gradl 950 GRU5LE AV 80WOISH RD E�ATE5 RD 1 162 30 560.00 R' 6.51 35.00 2 Gradin 4i9 URLISIE AV BATES fiD WILBUR RD 1 859 16 896.00 R' 6.51 35.00 2 Gradln 5960 ALKI AV COLLINS RD EPST END OF ROAD 6�7 5 702,40 R� 24.50 35.00 2 G�dln 3813 4TN AV STL-EN RD FLORA RD 1 812 16 473.60 2 4. 35.00 2 Gradfn 6�0 BROADWAY AV BARKER RD EAST END OF R AD 7 969 72 441.6 ' 30.00 35.00 2 Gradln 3t381 WILBUR RD 210 R be�o�a NORTN NORTH END OF ROAD 372 3 379.20 R' 10.51 35.Q0 2 Gradin 676 COLEMAN RD ElROADWAY AV N RTti ENO OF ROAD 4 4 4, ft� 1.50 35. 2 Gradin 4127 IOTH AV LYEST ENO TO DiSHMAN RD 4 1 . � 4$p 35.00 2 Gradin 775 GNNERY RD 4TH AV NORTH END OF ROAO 1 278 11 616.0 fta 2.00 35.00 2 Gradln 4118 lOTH AV BLAKE RD EAST END OF ROAD 5592 5,385.60 (t� 18.51 35.00 2 Grad►n a702 13TM AV ENO EAST END OF K AD 46S 4 224. R' 2.00 35.D0 2 Gradin 3882 ►YILE3UR RD U15HMAN-MICA RD 210 ft belore fJOKTH jl 208 10,982.40 R� d.00 35.OQ 2 Gradln 3934 6TH AV vERCLER RD LET'A RD G97 6 336.00 R' 22.50 35.00 Z Gradln 3919 17TM AV N1NES RD EAST END OF ROAD 697 6 336.00 R� 18.51 35.OU 2 Gradin �i003 157H AV 5k-27 EN� GRAVE START 1 7�2 15 84U.Q0 R� 21.50 35.00 2 Gr�din 3872 WARSlNSKE AV 5T'H AV 4TH AV 261 2 376.40 ft� 5.50 35.00 2 �:,radfnt 1728 KN�X AV WEST END TO END G(�AVE STAFIT 1 138 10 348.80 R' 10.51 35.00 2 Uradin 2699 RIVISTA DR SOUTIi END TO GRACE AV 523 � 752.00 R� 4.00 35.00 2 Gradm 2G91 OLIVE AV FtEES RU EAST EN� OF ROAD 592 5 385.60 R' 4.00 35.00 2 Gradin ZG27 RiVI57A DR GRACE AV NORTH EPJD OF ROAD 1 220 11 088.00 R 4.00 35.00 ,2 �radin 259 BATES RD ERMINA AV C'i.RLISLE AV 1 394 12 fi72.p0 ft� 6.51 35.00 2 Gradin 2581 REES RD VALLEYWAY AV OLIVE AV 1 185 10 771.20 R� 4.60 35.00 2 Grad�n 255 BESSIE R!� MAFtRINGTON AV I4AIN AV L51 1 372.80 R' 6.51 35.00 2 Gradln 2402 MOUPITA:td VIEV'1 OR WEST END TO GFtnCF 210 R aRef WEST 697 6 33ti3O0 R' 4,00 35.00 2 Grddfn 24Q0 1•1qUNTA:t� ��IEW OR 210 R aRer WEST 370 R aRer WEST 314 2 851.20 ft' 4.00 35.OU 2 G�din 239� MOUNTAI�J Vi�rl UR 370 R aRer wEST GRACE AV 558 5 068.80 ft' 4. 35.OU Z Giadln 2357 t�tARCUS RD SOUTN END TO MISSIGN AV 1 626 14 784, R' 5 50 35.UtJ 2 Gradin 2314 tdOP1TGGM[RY AV 265 R aRer EAST END OF ROAU 1 208 10 982.4a R� 1.51 35.d0 2 G�adi 2763 ROCK�'IELL AV 55 R beforc BEST RD 4EST RD 1�8 1 1G1 6 � 2 0 35.00 2 Gr�din. :�07 INpIANA AV Y1EST ENO TO FLOR/l FLORA RD Z 672 24 288.00 � 30.OD 35.OD Z uradi 1323 ►�LliS RD SOUTH ENU TO KNOX KNUX AV 1 S10 13 7Z8.00 R' 10.51 35.00 2 Gradin 1386 FARK RD O TH END TO ttANN N AV 48 3 168. ' 10.51 35.Q0 2 GraGin 1478 FORR[ AV Z3RD AV wfl00UlWN RD 1 12 1 473. R 21.50 35.00 Z Gradin 1477 FORP.E AV WO(70LI1WPJ RD VERCLER RD 1 812 16 473. 0 R' .1.50 35.00 Page 19 of 28 Pfan Ysar Activity ID Rout� Route Bsck Routa Ahe�d Cast Anas Ag• OCI ' Gra;fln 1•;3•� GR1tiCF AV MOUNTAIN VIEW DR pAkKER {tU 348 3 168.00 ft� 4.G0 35.�U 2 Grad�n 1413 GRACE AV F'iIVI��A UR MOUNiAIN VIEYV UR 2 2b5 20 59LOU ft' 4.U0 35.13U 2 Gradin 1348 HATNERLY CL U15HMAN-MICA 270 ft after 523 4 752.00 ft� 10.51 35.40 2 Gradln 1347 HATNERLY CL DISHMf�N-MICA DISHMAN•MICA 418 3 801.60 R' 10.51 35.�0 2 Gradin 1:.'08 HATHERLY CL Z70 R aRer DISHMAN-MIG RD 558 S 068.80 R� 10.51 35.00 2 Gradin 1089 DISHMAN-MICA HATHERLY CL HATIIERLY CL 976 8 870.40 R' 10.51 35.00 2 Grading I083 DAITON AV FLOftA RD TSCHIRLEY RD f2.788 25,344.00 ft' 17.00 35.W 2 Gradin i015 DICKEY RD SOUTH END TO END GRAVE START 256 Z 323.20 R= 4.00 35.�0 t Gradin 2985 ST CNARLES RD 4TH AV END GRAV[USTART 5929 8,448.00 R' 10.00 35.00 2 Gradin 2304 N1XON /1V WEST ENO TO MCDONALD RD fiO4 S 491.20 R' 5.50 35.00 2 Gradln 2943 SANSON AV KELLER RD MAYHEW RD 1 777 16 ISG.BO ft' �.00 35.00 2 Gradin 30 BUCKEYE AV WEST END TO OARTMOUTN LN 46 422.40 ft� 3Q.00 35.OU 2 Gradln 3426 VERCL£R RD 12TH AV 11TH AV 348 3 168.W ft' 21.50 35.00 2 uradin 2955 SPf�1NVF1Et.D AY WEST END TO SULLIVAN RD 1 I6H 15 344.00 ft' 13.50 35.OU 2 Gradin 31 BUCKEYE AV DARTMOUTH LN 940 f� WEST OF : 567 23 337.60 ft' 12.50 35.00 2 Gradln 3126 STEEN RD BR 45�') OVER 105 ft aRer BR 4509 166 1 689.60 R� 4.00 35.00 2 Gradfn 3125 STEEN RQ 105 R aftcr BR �509 END GRAVE START 767 6 9fi9.60 R� 4.00 35.00 2 Gradin 3425 VERU.ER RD 11TH AV S5 R befare lOTH AV 8 3 168.00 R' 4.00 35.OU 2 Gradln 3009 SU��DERLAND F2D f3TH AV 6TN AV 1 533 13 939.20 ft' 20.50 35.00 2 Gradln 3127 STEEN RD 50UTH END TO 4TH BFL 45Q9 OVER 279 2 534.40 R� 4.00 35.00 2 Vradin 343 3UaN5 RD 50UTH END TO VALLEYWAY AV 2 230 20 275.20 R� 5.50 35.00 2 Vradin 2940 SARGE�IT RD SOUTH END TO APPL�WAY BV 2 091 19 OOB.UO ft' 8.50 35.00 2 Gradinc 3�i21 WO(?DLRWN RD OLIVE AV AI.KI AV 488 4 435.20 R' S.SO 35.00 2 Gradlni 3b22 WOOGLAWN RO VALLEYWAT AV ULIVE AV 627 5 702.40 R� 5.50 .35.00 2 GradEn 3623 WOODUWN RD 9TH AV BTH AV 7G 6 870.40 ft' 21.50 35.QU 2 Gradin 3G24 �YOODLAWN RD lOTFf AV �3TH AV 97G 8 870.40 R� 21.50 35.�0 2 Gradi� 3654 WILLOW RD M[55ION AV NORTH ENO OF ROA� 1 lb2 10 560.00 R� 9.50 35.60 2 Gradin 2d19 SINTO AV WILBUR RD EAST END OF R�AD �88 4 435.20 R' 6.51 35.00 2 Gradin 3625 WOQDtAWN RD 55 R beforc IOTH AV lOTN AV 163 1 478.40 R' 21.50 35.00 2 Gradln 146 BEST FiD SOUTH END TO MAIN END GW1VE START 813 7 392.00 fti 23.50 35.45 2 Gradln �348 C[NTER DR BEVERLY DR SKYLINE DR 1 162 10 560.00 ft' 7.SU 35.45 2 Gradin 947 CEF(TER DR SKYLINL DR TEMi'OftARY �OSURE 581 5 280.00 � 7.50 35.45 2 Gradln 3ti LROADVIEW DR Y�INTER RD EAST END OF RQAD 325 2 956.80 R� 7.SU 35.45 2 Gradin 3852 15T AV WEST END TO DEARBORN RD 31d 2 851.20 R' 7.50 35.45 2 Gradln 4171 27TN AV END EN� GRAVE START 2 556 23 232.00 R' 19.50 35.45 2 Gradin �735 SKYLINE DR END CENTER Dii 65 � 224.00 R' 7.5G 35.45 2 Gradin 4b21 2�3TH AV UPRR CROSSING !! DISHMAN-MICA RD 871 7 920.00 ft� 23.50 35.45 2 Gradln 2893 SHANNON AV END EAST END OF ROAD 2 823 ZS 6bU.80 R' 19.50 35.A5 2 Gradin 2771 SKYLiNE PL SKYI,INE DR NORTH ENO OF ROAD 836 7 G03.20 R� 7.50 35.A5 2 Gradin 2595 RIVERSIDE AV ADAMS RD EAST END OF ROAO 2 265 20 592.00 R� 23.50 35.45 2 Gradln 4136 2UTFi AV WEST LND TO EASTERN RD 1 162 10 560.00 ft� 7.50 35.45 2 Graditt 2497 RIVERSIDE AV WEST ENO TO ADAMS ADAMS RD 1 742 IS 840.00 ft' 23.50 35.45 2 Gradin 5713 GILLlS RD END tZ7H AV 697 6 336.00 R' 11.50 35.45 2 Gradln ].626 fiAYMOND Cl 33RD AV EMD GRAVE START 2 370 21 542.40 ft� 19.54 35.45 2 Gradin 388 BOY,'MAN RD SOUTH END TO UTAM UTAN AV 732 6 651.80 ftti 4.50 38.60 2 Gradl 595G VIRGINIA ST G4TALD0 AV DESMET AV 5418 3 801.60 R� 5.50 49.85 2 Gradln 1411 G1FtAFtU RL 50UTH END TO BOONE AV 639 5 806.00 R' 4.50 49.85 2 Gradin 1485 FAt�CNER RD SoUTH END TO �'H 4TH AV 697 6 336.00 R� 5.50 49.85 2 Graclin 5958 BLAKE RD SOUTH ENn OF ROAD CATAlDO AV 348 3 168.00 R� 5.50 49.85 2 Gradin 3692 7TH AV CUSTEft RD E/15T END OF ROAO 07 3 696.00 ft� 5.50 49.85 2 Gradin 1309 HEItALD RD SUUTH END TO 4TH 4TH AV 767 6%9.6b R' 4.50 49.85 2 Gradln 5959 CATALUO LN BLAKE RD E END OF ROAD 767 6 969.50 R� 5.50 49.85 2 Gradln 2739 ROCKWC-LL AV KC-LLL•R RD EAST END UF ROAD 1 162 10 560.00 R� 3.00 50.30 Z GraGin 2�70 SIL.AS RO SOUTN E�JU TO RICH R1CH AV 1 406 12 777.60 R� 3.00 50.30 2 Grad�n 1713 KELI.ER RD ROCKWELL AV RICN AV 1 150 10 I54.4 R� 3.00 50.30 2 Gradin 1921 LACFt055E 11V W EST END T4 VERCLEti iiD 348 3 168.00 ft� 3.00 50.30 2 Vradm 1789 1NDIANA CT PYT END EAST END OF ROAD 2 614 23 760.00 R' S.50 50.75 Pago 20 0l 28 '11: r;:>: •i., . u'^ � . - , , , 1` Pfan YNr Activitr ID Rout� Roub Bsck Rout� Al�s�d Cost Arws Ap� OCi 3 Gradint 1127 lOTN AV WEST ENC1 TO DISHMAF! RD 380 3 16$.00 ft= 5.5Q 35.00 3 Gradln 5958 81AKE RD Sv:lT►1 END OF RUAD CATALDO Av 380 3 168.OU ft� b.SU 35.00 3 Gr�di 595ti VIRGINIA 57 TAlDO AV UfSMC•7 AV 5 3 801.60 R� 0.50 35.00 3 vradin 313b 1GTH AV WEST END TO Ef.STEkH RU 1 267 10 560 ' 8.50 35.Q0 3 Gradin 4171 ZTT11 AV ENp ND RAVE START Z 7F3 23 232.00 1 20.50 35.00 3 G�adln 5959 CATALDO LN BLAKE RD EAST END QF ROAO 836 6 469.60 ' 6.SQ 35.Q0 3 Gradln 5960 ALKF AV COLLINS RD EAST END OF FiOAD 684 5 702,40 R� 25.50 35.00 3 Gradin 775 i1�NtdF:RY R� fTH AV NORTH END OF ROAD 1 39i !1 G1G.04 � 3.00 35.00 3 Gradln 948 CEPI7 "cR DR BEVERLY DR SKYLINE DR 1 267 i0 560.00 R' 8.50 35.00 3 Gradl 493 6UR��5 R� END MISSION AV 1 014 9 448.0� R� 6.50 35.00 3 Gradin 4300 13TF1 AV WEST' ENO TO PROGRESS KD 7 36.00 R' 3.00 35.00 3 Grad 620 BROADV�AY AV BAHKER Rd EA57 ENO OF ROAD 8 693 72 441.60 R� 31.OU 35.U0 3 Gradin 947 CENTER DR SKYLINE DR TEMPOWIRY CLOSURE 634 5�80.00 ft� 8.5� 35.09 3 Gradfn 4621 24TM AV UPR32 CROSSING Pa UI5HMJIN-MICA RD 950 7 420.00 R' 24.50 3S.00 3 Gradin 4702 13TH AV ENO EAST EWD OF RQAD 507 4 224.00 R' 3.00 35.00 3 C;radi 676 COLEMAN RD BROADWAY AV NORTH END OF ROAD 507 4 224.�0 R' 14.50 35.00 3 Gradin 4833 5TH AV WEST END TO WAFi�INSKE AV 285 2 376.00 R' 6.50 35.00 3 Gradin 5713 GILLIS RU END 1ZTH AV 76 6 336.00 R� 12.50 35.00 3 Gradin 2399 MOUNTAIN ViEW DR 370 R attcr WEST Gf�ACE AV ;608 5,058.80 R' S.00 35.00 3 C�adl 312G STL•EN RD BR 4509 OVER 105 ft aRer BR 4509 203 1 689.60 R' S.04 35.00 3 G�adi 3127 ST[Eti KU SOUiH END TO 4TH BR 4509 OVER ;304 2,534.40 ft' S.QO 35.00 3 Grad� 3�25 VERCiER RD 11TM AV 55 R before lOTH AV 380 3 168.Q0 ft' 5.00 35.00 3 Gracii 3426 VERCLER RD 1 TH AV 11TN AV 16 .GO � 22.50 35.OQ 3 Grad� 343 HLIRNS RO SOUTt1 END TO VALI�l'WAY AV 2 A33 20 275.Z0 ft' 6.50 35.00 3 Grad�n 3b BROADVIEY/ OR Y�IN iE RD EA5T tND OF ROAD 355 2 956.$0 R� 8.50 35.00 3 Gradtn 3621 YdQODLAWN KD OUVE /1V ALKt AV 532 4 a35.20 R= 6.50 35.OU 3 Gradin 3622 YJQOOI.ASNN RD VALLEYWAY AV OLNE AV b84 S 7Q2.40 R� 6.50 35.00 3 Gradin 3623 ti'JOODLAWN RD 9TH AV 6TH AV 1 06-1 8 870.40 R= 22.50 35.00 3 Gradi 3G24 WOODLAWN RD 107H AV 9TH AV ] O£r3 8 870.40 R' 22.50 35.00 3 Gracll� 3625 WOODLAWN RD 55 R before IOTN AV IOTH AV ;177 1,478.40 R' 22.50 35.00 3 Gradi 3654 WILLOW RD MISSIOP� AV NORTH END �F ROAD 1 267 10 560.00 R' 9.50 35.OU 3 Gradin 1411 GIRARO RD SOUTH END TO BOONE AV �697 5,808.00 ft� 5.50 35.00 3 Gradi 1485 FAlJCHER fiD SOU7H END TO STH 4TH AV 760 6 336.00 R' 6.50 35.00 3 G�adin 3009 SUNDERLAND RD 8TH AV 6TH AV 1 673 13 939.20 R� 21.50 35.04 3 Gradin 147$ FQRREST AV 23RD AV WOODLAWN RD 1 977 16 473.G0 R� 22.50 35.00 3 Gradln 1477 FORREST AV �YOODLAwN RD YERCLER RD 1 977 16 473.60 R' 22.5U 35.00 3 Gradi 37 BAILW]N AV WOODRUFF RU EAST EPID OF ROAD 760 6 336,OU ft' 31.OQ 35.QA 3 Gradin 381 DOONE AV WEST ENU TO ELLA ELLA K� 659 S 491.20 ft 14.50 35.00 3 Gradin 3813 4TH AV STEEN RD FLORA RD 1 977 16 473.60 R� S.OU 35.04 3 Gradln 3872 wAF�SINSKE AV STH AV 4TH AV 285 2 37G.00 ft� 6.50 35.Q0 3 Gradi�� 3882 WILBUR RD �ISHMAN-MICA RD 210 R bcforc NORTN 1 318 10 982.40 R' 5.00 35.00 3 Gradin 393 6TH AV VERCI.ER fiD LETA RD 760 6 3b.00 � 22. 35.40 3 �radin 4003 15Tff A'! SR-27 ND GftAVE START 1 901 35 840.00 R' 22.50 35.00 3 Gradln 146 aEST RU SaIITH ENf� TO MA1N tND GN.AVE 'START 887 7 39�.00 R� 24.50 35.U0 3 Gradin 1414 GRACE AV MOUPITAiN V1EW Da E3AftKER RD 380 3 168.00 R� 5.00 35.G0 3 Gradfn 1413 RACE AV kiV15TA UR MOUNTAIN VIEW I7R 2 471 20 592.Od R' S.00 35.60 Gradln 3G92 7TH AV CUSTER RD EAST END OF ROAD 444 3 646.00 R� 6.50 35A0 3 Gradln 2703 ROCKWELI. AV 55 R be(�re BEST RO BEST RD 139 1 161.60 R� 3.04 35.G� 3 Gradln 2304 NIXON AV WEST EtVD TO MCDONALp RD 659 5 4 1.20 R' 6.50 35.Q0 3 Gradin 23�7 MARCU� RD OUTH END TO h115510N AV I 7�4 14 784.00 R= 6.50 35.U0 3 Gra�tin 2400 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 210 R aRer WEST 370 R aRer YJEST 342 2 851.20 R� S.QO 35.U0 3 Grad�n 2402 MOUNTAIN VIEW OR WEST EN� TO GRACE 210 R aftcr K'E5T 760 6 336.00 R� 5.00 35.00 3 Gradln 22U7 1NDIANA AV WEST END TO FLUFZA PLORA RD 2 915 24 Z88.00 R� 31.00 35. 0 3 Gradln 1921 LACAOSSE AV WE57 ENO TG VERCLEk RD 300 3 iG8.00 R' i.GO 35.Q0 3 Grddln 2497 RIVERSIDE AV WEST CND TO ADAMS ADAMS RO 1 901 15 t340.W R• 24.50 35.00 3 Grodin 2581 REES RD V/1LLEYWAY AV LlV� AV 1 293 10 771.20 ft� 5.00 35.00 3 Gradl 1789 [NUTANA CT RVT END EAST END aF ROAD 2 851 23 760.00 R' 6.50 35.00 Page 21 ot 28 Vtan Y�s� Activily ID Rout� Rout� Bac1c Rout� Aha�d Cost Ar�sas Aqo OCI 3 Gradin; 2595 (tIVERSIDL AV AUAl4S RD CAST E►:D GF i!OAD 2 471 20 592.00 R= 7.4.50 3S.Q4 3 Gradin 2626 KAYMONO CL 33RD nv �r�v C;FtkvE ��TAkT Z 5B5 21 5a2.40 ft' 20.50 35."vU 3 Gradin 2527 ftIVISTA DR GRACE AV NORlH EtJU OF ROAL7 1 331 11 088.00 R� 5.00 35. ; Gradln 3125 STEEN RD 145 R aRer BR 4509 END GFtAVE START 836 6 969.60 R' S.00 35.00 3 Gradln 2698 RPJI�'A DR SOUTH END TO GRACE AV 570 a 752.00 ft� 5.00 35.�0 3 Gradln 31 QUCKEYE AV DARTMOUTH LN 94 R wEST OF 2 801 23 337.60 R' 13.50 35.00 3 Gradin 2739 ROCKWELLAV KELLL-R R� EAST [ND OF ROAD 1 267 10 5G0.00 ft� 4.00 35.00 3 Gradln 2771 SKYLINE PL SKYUNE DR NORTN END QF ROAD 912 7 603.20 R� 8.50 35.00 3 Gradtri 2785 SKYL[��[ DR EN� t:fNTER UR 507 � 224.00 R' 8.50 35.00 3 rradln 2870 SILPS fiD SOUTH END TO R101 RICH AV � 533 12 777.60 R� 4.00 35.00 3 Gradin 2t393 SHANPIOPJ AV END E/lST EN� OF ROAD 3 079 25 660.80 ft� 70.50 35.00 3 Gradl 2440 SARG[NT RD SOUTH END TO APPi_EWAY BV 2 261 19 008.00 R' 9.50 35.00 3 Gradin 29�43 5ANSON AV KELLLR RD MAYIIEW RD 1 939 16 15G.80 R� 5.00 35.00 3 Gradln 2944 5ANSON AV MCDONALD RD KELL[R RO 1 825 IS 206.40 ft' S.QO 35.Q4 3 Grsdln 2955 SPRINGF1ElD AV WE57 cND TO SULLIVAN RD 3 041 25 344.G0 ft� 14.50 35.00 3 Gradi 2485 ST Ch1ARLES RD 4TH AV END GRAVE STAKT 1 Q14 8�48.00 ft� 11.W 35.00 3 Gradl 30 DUCK[YE AV WES7 END TO nARTMOUTH LN 51 422.40 ft� 31.00 35.00 3 Gradln 1713 KELLER RU ROCKY�ELL AV RICN AV 1 255 10 454.40 R� 4.00 35.00 3 Gtadl 388 6aWMAN RD SOUTH EMD TO UTAH UTAH 11V 798 6 652.80 R' S.SO 35.00 3 Gradi 2691 OLlvk AV FtEES kD EAST END UF ROAD b46 5 385.60 R' S.00 35.00 3 Gradin 10I5 DICKEY RD SOUTN END TO END GfiAVE START 5279 2 323.20 R' S.00 35.00 3 Gradin 1309 HEfiALD RD SOUTH END TO 4TH al'H AV 836 6 969.60 ft' S.SO 35.00 3 Gradln 1083 OALTON AV FLOftA RD (SCHIRLEY RD '3 041 25 344.00 R' 16.00 35.00 3 Gradln 3852 15T AV WEST ENO TO DEARgORN RD 342 2 851.20 R� 8.5U 35.Q0 3 Gradin 259 BATES RD ERMINA AV uiRLISIE AV 1 521 12 672.00 R' 7.50 35.45 3 Gradin 4118 lOTH AV OLAKE RD EAST END OE ROAD Er16 5 385.G0 R' 19.50 35.45 3 Gradln 1089 DISMMAN-M1CA HATFIERLY CL t4ATlfERLY CL 1 Ofi4 0 870.�0 R' I1.50 35.45 3 Gradl 1728 KNOX AV WEST END TO ENU GRAVELISTART 51,242 10,34Q.80 R' 11.50 �5.45 3 G�adi 1208 HATH[RlY L 2"/0 after OI51fMAN-M1CA RD 608 5 Q�B.80 R' 11.50 35.45 3 Gradi 1347 HAfHERLY CL D15NMAN-MICA D1SHh1AN-MIG 145G 3,801.60 R' 1I.50 35.45 3 Gradi 1323 FELTS RD SOUTH END TO KNOX KNOX AV 1 Fi47 13 728.00 R� 1I.50 35.45 3 Gradl 1348 MATHERLY CL DISHMAN-M1CA 270 fDer 570 4 752.Oo ft� I1.50 35.45 3 G�adl 949 UALISLE AV BA7ES RD Y1118UR RD 52,028 16,896.00 ft 7.50 35.45 3 Gradin 14F�6 FAKR RD SOUT}I END TO SNANNON AV 300 3 160.00 R' 11.50 35.45 3 Gradin 3Hfi1 W1L9UR RD 210 f; bc�ore NORTH NOR1H END OF fiOAD S40b 3,379.2� R� 11.5Q 35.45 3 Grad� 950 CARUSLE AV uU'+YDIS�i RD BATGS RD 1 267 10 560.00 R� 7.50 35.a5 3 Gracll 3979 17TH AV ��irdES kD EAST [ND OF ROAU 7fi0 ti 33G a0 R' 19.5Q 35.45 3 GraC1 2629 51NT0 AV �vILESUFi RD EAST END OF R AD 532 4 43 . 0 R� 7.50 35.45 3 Gradin 255 l��SSIE RO HAKR1NG70N AV MAiN AV lb5 1 372 0� 7,50 35.45 3 Gradln 2314 MONTGGMERY AV 265 (t aRer EAST END OF ROAD 1 318 1� 982.40 ft� 11.50 35.45 4 Gr�dl 2944 SANSON AV MCDONALD RD KELLER flD 1 825 15 206.40 R� 6.00 35.00 4 Gr3din 3624 vIG4DLAWN FiD lOTH AV 9TM AV 1 464 8 870.40 R' 23.50 3S.U0 4 Gradln 31 BUCICEYE AV DARTMOl1Tli L1V 940 R wEST OF 2 801 23 337.60 R� 1a.50 35.00 � Gredln 3a81 wI�BUR RD 210 R before MORTH NORTH END OF ROAO ;�Oti 3,379.20 R' �2.50 35.00 4 Gradfn 388 BO►YMAPI RD S011TH END TO UTAH UTAH AV 798 6 652.80 R' 6.50 35.00 4 Gradln 3872 WARSIh25KE RV 5TH AV 4TH AV Sz85 2,376.00 R' 7.50 35.00 4 Gradin 3852 15T AV WEST END TO DEARBORN RD S342 2,851.20 R 9.50 35.00 4 Gradin 3fi13 41 N �V 57EEN 0.D FLORA itD 1 977 lb 473.60 R' 6.Q0 35.00 � Gradln 381 F300NE AV WEST EP�D TO ELLA ELLA RD 5659 5,491.20 R' 15.50 35.00 4 Gradln 37 BALDWIN AV WOODRUFF FiD EAST END OF RpAp 7 6 3 � 32 00 3S.UU 4 Gradln 3692 7TH AV CUSTER RD EAS7 END OF itOAD 4d4 3 696.00 R 7.50 35.00 � Gradln 3�38 6TN AV VERCLER RD LETA RD 760 6 336.00 R' �3.50 35.00 � Graclln 3625 WOODIAWN RD 55 R before IOTH AV IOTH AV 177 1 478.40 R� 23.50 35.00 4 Gradtn 3979 1TTH AV PINES RD EaST END OF ROAD 76U 6 336.00 R' 20.50 35.00 4 Gradln 3623 WOODLAWN tiD 5TH AV 8TH Av 1 064 8 870.a0 R� 23.50 35.00 4 Gradln 3u22 Y�OOULAWN f2D VALLEYWAY AV OUV[ AV 684 5 702.40 R' 7.50 35.00 Page 22 0l 28 ;� : � -. ..4. , Ptsn Yaar Attivky I� Routa Rout� B�ck Rout� Ah�id Cost I►r�aa Ap� OCI •3 Gradin 3521 WOCJQLI+WN RD OWE AV ALKI AV 532 t 135.Z0 R' 7.50 35.00 •3 Grndin 3G E3R0I�UVILW GR WINTLr2 ftD CA;T C�dD Of ROAD 355 Z 956.60 ft' �J.50 35.00 a Graain 3a3 BURNS kU SOUTM tND TO v11LLEYWAY AV 2 433 20 275.20 R' 7.50 35.00 � Gradin 3426 VC-RCLER RU 1ZTH AV 11TH AV 3 3 168.00 � 23. 35.Q0 4 Gradln 3425 '✓ERCt,ER k0 11TN AV SS R before lOTN AV 380 3 168.00 ft 6.00 35.00 4 Gradl 3127 STEEN RD OUTH END TO 4TH BR 4509 OVER 304 2 534.40 R' 6.00 35.00 4 Gradl 3126 S7E�N fiD BR 4509 OVER 105 R after BR 4509 203 1 689.60 ft� 6.00 35.Oo 4 Gradln 3125 STEEN RD 1 R aRer B 4 9 END GfU►VE �START 36 G 9fi9.60 R' 6.00 35.00 4 Grad 3654 WILLOW RD M[ SION AV N RTH END OF ROAp 1 267 10 560.00 R' 10.50 5.04 4 Gradln 5958 �LAKE RD SOUTN END OF ROAD CA7ALD0 AV 380 3 168.00 ft' 7.50 35.00 � Gradln �015 pICKEY RO SOUTH END TO END GKAVEU�ART ;279 2,323.20 R' G.00 35.00 4 Gradin 2 0 SARGENT RD SOUTH END TO ItPPLE1vAY eV 2 Z 1 19 008.00 R' 10. 35.04 4 GraCYn 950 CAKLISLE AV BOWDISH RD BATES it0 51,267 10,560.00 ft 8.50 35.�0 4 Grad�n 949 G4RL15LE AV BATES RO v'/ILf3UR RD 2 02$ 16 896.00 R' 8.50 35.00 4 GraGln 948 CENTER DR E3EVERLY DR SKYLINE DR 1 267 10 5G0.00 R� 9.50 35.OU 4 Gradln 947 CENTER DR LlNE DR 7 MPQRARY CLOSURE 634 S 280.00 R� 9.50 35.00 4 Gradin 775 G4NNERY RD 4TH AV NORTH END Of RO/1p 1 394 11 616.00 R 4.00 35.00 4 Gradin 676 COIEMAN RD BROADWAY AV NORTH END OF ROAD s507 4,22�.00 fl� IS.SO 35.00 4 Gradln 620 BKOADWAY AV t3AftKER RD FJ\ST END OF ROAD B 693 72 441.60 Rj 32.00 35.00 4 Ciradln 3882 WILBUR RD DISNMAN-MIU RD 210 R before NORTH S1,318 10,982.40 R' 6.00 35.00 4 Gradl 5959 CATALDO LN E3LAKE RD EAST END F K AD 8 6 6 9fi9.6 ' 7.50 35.00 4 Gradl 4171 2TTH AV ND END GfUVE START 2 788 23 232.W R� 21.50 35.Q0 4 Gradtn 5956 VIFtGINiA 5T UITALDO AV DESMET AV 456 3 801.60 ft 7.50 35.00 4 Gradin 5713 GILLIS RD END 1� i H AV 760 6 336.00 R' 13.50 35.00 4 Gradfn 493 BUfiNS RD END hiIS510T� AV 1 014 8 448.00 R� 7.50 3.00 4 Gradln 4833 STH AV WESf END TO WAASINSKE AV 285 2 37b.00 R� 7.5fl 35.U0 4 Gradln 4702 13TN AV END EAST EN� OF ROAD .ri07 4 2�A.00 R� 4.00 35.Q9 4 Gradin 43Q0 13TH AV WEST END T PROGkESS RD 760 6 336.00 R �.00 35.00 4 Gradi 4136 1QTH AV WEST END TO EASTERN RD 1 267 10 560.00 R� 9.50 35.00 4 Gradl 4127 IOTH AV WEST �ND TO DISNMAN RD 380 3 168.00 R� 6.50 35.00 4 Gradln 4118 IOTH AV E3LAKE RD E/LST ENp OF ROAD 646 5 365.60 R� 20.50 35.00 4 Gradin 4003 15TN AV SR-27 END GRAVE START 1 901 15 840.00 R� 23.50 35.00 4 Grodln 5960 ALKI AV i.GLLiNS RD EAST END OF KOAD 684 5 702.40 R' 26.50 35.G0 4 Gradln 146 dEST RD SOUTH END TO MAiN END GR,�VE START 887 7 392.00 R' 25.50 35.OU 4 Gradln 2324 MONTGOMERY AV 265 R a EASI" ENU UF ROAD 1 318 10 98Z.40 R' 12.50 35.00 4 Gradin 2304 N1XUN AV WEST END TO MCDONALD Rp 659 5 491.20 R' 7.50 35.00 4 Gradln 22U7 INQiANA AV WEST END TO FLORA FLORA RD 2 915 24 288.00 R� 32.00 35.00 4 Gradi 1921 IACROSSE AV WEST EN� TO VERCLER RD 5380 3,168.00 R� 5.00 35.00 a Grad� 17p9 1NDIANA CT PVT END END OF ROAD 2 851 23 760.00 ' 7.50 35.DU 4 Gredi 17Z8 KNOX AV W�ST END TO END GRAVEL/START s1,242 10,348.80 R' 1�.50 35.00 i Gradl 1713 KELLER RD ROCKWEII. AV R1CH AV 1 25 10 454,40 R' 5.40 35.00 4 GraCi 1486 FAfiR RD SOUTt1 END TO SHANNON AV 380 3 1Gf3. � 12. 3.00 4 Gredl 1485 FANCHER RD SOUT}1 ND T H 47H AY 7 0 336.U0 � 7.50 35.00 4 Gradi 2357 MARCUS KD SOUTH ENU TO t�tIS5I0N AV 1 774 14,78A.00 Rj 7.50 35.00 4 Gradln 1477 FORREST AV WOODLAWfV RI7 VERCLER RD 1 77 16 373.60 ft� 23.50 35.00 4 Gradln 1414 GRACE AV MOUNTAIN VIEW DR BARKER f�D S�BO 3,164.00 R' 6.00 35.00 4 Gradln 1413 GRACE AV RIVISTA DR MOUNTAIN ViEW DR 2 471 0 92. ' 6. 0 35.00 4 Gradln 1348 HATHERLY CL DISFIMAN-MIG4 70 n er 57 4 752.00 R� 12.50 35.00 4 Gradln 1347 HATHERLY CL DISfIMAN-MI p HM N-M! 4 6 1. � 4 Gradin 1323 FELTS RD SO H END TO KNOx KNOX AV 1 47 13 728. � 12.50 35.00 � Gradin 1309 H[FULD RD 50 N ND T 4TH 4T A 6 6 b9.60 R' 6.50 35.00 4 �radln 120 NATHE Y 270 ft aRer �ISMMAN-MIG RD 608 S 068. 0 R� 12.50 35.00 4 Gra in 3009 SUND[RIAND R� STH AV 6TH AV 1 673 13 939.20 R' 22.50 35.00 A u dfn 4b �4 A UPRR R G ISMMAN-MI RD 950 7 20.00 � . 0 4 Gradin 10 9 0 NMAN-MICA HATHERLY GL HATHERLY CL 1 064 8 7.40 � 12. 0 .00 4 Gradln 1083 DALTON AV FLORA RD CHIF.LEY RD 3 041 25 344.Q0 R' 19.00 35.04 Pags 23 of 28 Plan Y�ar Activlty ID Rout� Rout� s�tk Routs Ahad Cost Araas A9a OQ 4 Gradinu 1478 FORREST AV 23RC1 AV VJOODLAWPI RD i i n77 16,473.�0 R' 23.50 35.00 4 Grad�n 2785 SKYLINE GR LND CEt1TER DR S07 4 224.U0 ft' 9.�U 35.00 4 Gradi 30 BUCKEYE AV WEST END TO DARTMOUTH LN S1 422.40 R� 32.00 35.00 � uradin 2955 SPRINGFIELD AV YlEST END TO SULllVAN RD 3 041 25 344.00 R' 15.50 35.00 4 :�radm 1411 GIRARD RD S�UT}I END TO ElOONE AV 697 S 808.00 R 6.50 35.00 4 Gradin 2399 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 370 R aRer WEST GFtACE AV 608 S 068.60 ft� 6.00 35.00 4 Gradln 2943 SANSO!� AV KELLER RG MAYHEW RD 1 939 16 156.80 R� 6.OU 35.00 4 Gradin 2893 SHANNON AV ENU E�IST END OF ROAD 3 079 25 660.80 Rl 21.50 35.00 4 G�adln 2870 SILAS RG SOUTH ENU TO RiCN RiC}1 AV 1 533 t2 777.60 R� 5.00 35.00 4 Gradin 2985 5T CIIARLES f�D 4TH AY END GRAVE START 1 014 8 44$.00 Ri 1Z.00 35.00 4 Grnd�ng 2819 SINTO AV WILtiUR FtD EAST END OF ROAD s532 4,435.20 R' 8.50 35.00 4 Gradln 2771 SKYLINE PL SKYUNE UR NORTH END OF ROAD 912 7 603.20 ft' 9.50 35.00 4 Gradln 2739 KUCKwELL AV KELLER kU EASf END OF ROAD 51,267 10,560.00 R' 5.00 35.00 4 Gradin 2703 RpCKW ELL AV 55 R before BE5T RD BEST RD 139 I 161.60 ft' 4.00 35.00 4 Gradin 2691 OLiV[ AV REES RD EAST END OF ROAD 646 5 385.60 R' 6.00 35A0 4 Gradln Z627 R1VISTA DR GItACE AV NORTH END OF K(7AD 1 331 11 088.00 ft 6.00 35.00 4 Gradi 2�100 MOUNTAIN V1E1N DR 210 f� alcer WEST 370 (t alter WEST 342 2 851.20 R= 6.00 35.00 4 Gradi 2fi26 RAYMOND CL 33RD AV ENO GRAVEU��7 �2,585 21,542.40 R' 21.50 35.Q0 4 Gradin 2402 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR WEST END TO GRACE 210 R aRer WEST 760 6 336.00 R� 6.00 35.b0 4 Gr�►di 2595 (iIVERSIDE AV ADAMS RD EA57 ENQ aF f�OAD �2 471 20,592.00 R 25.50 35.Oa A Gradin 259 BA�TES RD ERMINA AV C1�RLiSLE AV ;1,521 12,672.00 R� 8.5o 35.00 4 Gradin 2497 RiVERSID[ 11V WEST ENO 70 ADAMS /1UAM5 RD 1 901 15 840.00 ' 25.50 35.Ot] 4 Gradlny 2581 REES KO VALLEYWAY AV ULN[ AV S1,293 10,771.20 R� 6.00 35.00 4 Gradl 255 BESS?E RO IiARR1NGTON AV I�tAIN AV ;165 3,372.80 R' 8.50 35.00 4 Gradln 2698 RIVISTA DR SOUTH ENU TO GRACE AV 570 •1 752.Q0 R� 6.00 35.00 S Gradin 3852 15T AV WE57 END TO DEARBOFtN RD 342 2 851.20 R' 10.51 34.75 5 Gracfln 146 BEST RD SOUTH END TO MA1N END GRAVE START 887 1 392.00 R' 26.51 34.75 5 Gradin 947 C[NT�R DR SKYIINE DR T[MPOWIRY CLOSURE 634 5�t30.00 ft� 20.51 3a.75 5 Gradin 949 UlR1l5LE AV (3AT[5 KD w1LL�UH i?D 2 028 lti S9G.00 R' 9.51 3a.75 S G�dln 1728 KNQX AV WE5T END TQ ENU GRAVt START 1 142 10 348.80 R' 13.51 34.75 5 Gradin 388I W1LE3UR RD 210 ft before NORTH NURTH END OF ROAU 406 3 379.20 R' 13.51 34.75 5 Gradln 3979 ITTH AV PiNES RD EAST END OP ROAD 760 6 336.00 R' 21.5I 34.75 5 Gradin 4118 IOTH AV BLAKE RD EAST END OF tiOAD s646 5,385.60 R' 21.51 34.75 5 Gracfln 1208 MATHERLY CL 270 ft after �ISHMAN-M1C11 RD 608 S 058.80 R� 13.51 34.75 5 Gradi 1a86 FARR RD SOUTH END TO SHANNON AV ;380 3,168.00 R� 13.51 34,75 S Gradin 948 I:ENTEit DR 6EVERLY OR SKYLINE DR 51,267 10,560.00 R' 10.51 34.75 5 Gradin9 3089 DISNMAN-MICJ1 HA7HERLY CL HATHERLY CL f1,OW 8,870.40 R' 13.51 34.75 5 Gradin 4136 lOTH AV WEST END TO EASTERN RO 1 267 10 560.00 R� 10.51 34.75 S Grading 5713 GILLIS RD END 12TN AV �760 ti,:336.00 R' 14.51 3�.75 S Gradin 4171 2TTH AV END ENO GRAVE START 2 788 23 232.00 R� 22.51 34,75 5 Gr�din 950 GIRLISLE AV BOWDISIi RD BATC-S RD 1 267 10 560.00 R' 9.51 34.75 5 Gr�dln 4621 24TN AV UPRR CROSSING 6 DISHf•tAN-MIG RD 9.`i0 7 920.00 ft' 26.51 34.75 S Gradin 2626 W4YMOND CL 33RD AV END GR.AVE START 2 585 21 542.40 R' 21.51 3�.75 5 G�ding 3b E3ROADV1Ew DR wINTER RD EA57 END GF ROAU 5355 2,956.80 Rs 1U.51 34.75 5 Gradln 2785 SKYUNE Dit END CEPrfER DR 507 4 224.00 R� 10.51 34.75 S Gradin 2771 SKYLINE Pl SKYLINE DR NORTH END OF ROAD S912 1,6fl3.20 R' 10.51 34.75 5 Gndin 1323 fElTS FtD SOUTN END TQ KNOX KNbX AV s1,647 13,728.00 R' 13.51 34J5 5 Gr�din 2819 SINTO AV WILBUR RD EAST ENO OF ROAD ;532 4 435.20 R� 9.51 34.75 5 Gradin 2314 MONTGoMERY AV 265 R after FAS'f [ND OF ROAD 1 318 10 982.40 ft' 13.51 34.75 S Graclln 2447 ftIVERSIDE AV WES7 ENO TO ADAMS AUAMS RD 51,901 15,840.00 R� 26.51 3�1.75 5 Gradin 2595 RIVEIiSIDE AV ADAMS RD EAST END OF ROAD 52,471 20,592.00 R' 26.51 34.75 Graaln 259 BA7ES RD EfiMINA AV URLISLF AV 1 521 22 672.00 R' 9.51 34.75 5 Gradln 1347 HATNEKLY Cl DISHMAN-MICA OISHMAN-M[CA �56 3 801.60 R� 13.51 3A.75 5 Gradln 13I8 HATHERLY CL DISfIMAN-MICA 27� ft aRcr ;570 4,752.00 R� 13.51 3A.75 5 Gracfln 2893 SNANNON AV END EA5T END OF ROAD 3 079 25 6b0.80 R� 22.51 34.75 Page 24 0( 28 ,-� � - _ , �� ..r � r . P1an Ypr ActivitY ID Routa Route Bsck Routa Ahead Cost Anas AQ• OCI 5 Grading 255 BESSIE P.D ii;�f?i1tNGTUN nV h1AIN n'J ;165 1,372.P.0 ft� 9.51 34.?5 S Gradlnr 620 Si20ADUJAY AV BARKGR KU �Si �ND OF KOAD B Gy3 71 4a1.E�(i fi' 33.00 sS.W S Gradfn 2943 SAN50N AV KELLER RO MAYHEW RD 1 939 16 156.80 R� 7.00 35.00 5 Gradl 2944 SANSON AV MCDONALD RD KELLFR RD 51,825 15,206.40 R� 7.00 35.00 S Gtadl 29 S SPRlNGFIELU AV WEST ENU TO 511LLIVAN RD 3 041 25 344.00 R' 16.50 35.00 S Grading 2940 SARGENT RD SOUTN END TO APPLEWAY eV 52,281 19 OQ8.00 R� 11.50 35.00 5 Gradfn 1789 INDIANA CT PVT END EAST END OF ROAD ;2,851 23 760.00 R� 8.50 35.00 5 Grading 1414 GiiACE AV MQUNTAIN YIEW DR BARKER Rd 5390 3,168.00 R' 7.00 35.00 S Gradl 676 COLEMAN RD BROADWAY AV NORTH END OF ROAD ;507 ti,224.00 R' 16.50 35.00 S G�ac1f 5960 A�KI AV COLLINS RA EAST END OF ROAD 681 5'702.4Q R' 27.50 35.00 S Gradl 5959 CATALDO LN BLAKE RD ElST END OF RQAD s83b 6,969.60 R' 8.50 35.00 S Gradi 59 DLAKE RD SOUT�i ENO Of ROAD CATAlDO AV 3$0 3 168.00 R' B.SQ 35.00 5 G�dl 5956 VIRGINIA ST CATALDO AV DESMET AV 45fi 3 802.60 � 5.50 35.00 5 Gr i 1083 DALTON AV FLORA RD TSCNIRIEY RD 3 041 25 4 00 R' 20.00 35.00 S Gradl 2739 ROCICWELL AV KEILEFt RD EAST END OF RO D 1 ZG'/ 10 .b0 R� 6.00 35.00 5 Gra�fi 2581 REES RD VALLEri1fAY AV OLIVE AV s1,293 l0,771.20 R' 7.00 35.00 5 Gradin 381 E300NE AV YYEST END TO ELLA ELLA RD 65 5 4 1.20 R' 16.50 35.00 5 Gradl 1411 GIRARD RD SOUTH ENO TO BOONE AV s697 5,808.00 ft� 7.58 35.d0 S G in 2627 QIVISfA pR GRACE AV NORTH END OF ROAD 1 331 11 OaB. � 7. 35.00 S Gradi 26 1 OLNE AV REES Rp EA57 EN� OF ROAD G4G 5 385.50 R� 7.00 35.00 S C�adln 2598 RiVISTA DK SOUTH END TO GitACE AV $70 a 752.00 R� 7.00 35.00 5 Grad} 2870 S1LA5 ti� S UTH END 70 R1Ui R.ICH AV 1 533 12 777.60 R� 6.00 35.00 S Gradl 1413 GRACE AV R1V15TA DR MQUNTAIN VIEVr DR 2 471 20 592.00 R' 7.00 35 00 S Gradi 775 CJ�NNERY RD �:TH AV NORTH END F ROAD 1� 11 G16.00 � .00 35.00 Gradi 2400 MUUNTAIN YTEY� pa 210 ft after WEST 370 R aRer WEST 342 2 8 1 7,00 35.00 S Gradi 493 BURNS FiD END MISSION AV � Ola 448.00 ft� 8.50 35.00 5 Gradl 1713 KELLER RD f20CKWELL AV RIC}i AV 1 255 10 454.40 ft� 6.00 35.00 S Gradln 2399 MpUNTAIN VIEW DR 370 R aRer WEST GHJICE AV S 068.90 R' 7 OQ 35.d0 S Gradl 2985 ST C1{ARLES RD 4TH AV END GRAVE START 1 dla 8 448. ' 1. 35.00 S Gradl 1015 D1qtEY itD SOUTH END TO END GRAVE START 279 2 3Z3.20 � 7 00 35.00 S Gradi 2703 ROCKUIELL AV SS R before E3EST RD BEST RD 139 1 161 1 5.00 35.00 S Gradin 388 BQV/MAN RD SOUTH END TO AH llFAH J1V 798 52. ft� 7.50 35.00 5 Gradlny �127 14TH AV WEST END TO DISHMAN f:D 5380 3,168.00 ft' 7.50 35.00 5 Gradln 36�1 WpODLAWN RD OUVE AV ALKI AV 532 4 435.20 R� 8.50 35.00 5 Gradln 1479 FORREST AV 23RD AV WOODUIWN RD 51,977 16,473.60 R' 24.50 35.00 5 Gradi 3623 WOODUIWIV RD 9TH AV 8TH AV 51,064 8,870.40 R' 24.50 35.00 S Gradt 4003 15TH AV 5R-27 END GfU1VE START 1 9o1 1 840 00 R' 24.50 35 00 5 Gredl 3624 WOOOLAWN RD 1DTh1 AV 4TM AV 51,064 B 870.40 R� 24.50 3S.d0 Gracf 3938 6TN AV VERC K RD LFTA RD !GO 6 336.00 ft% 24.50 35.00 Gradin 1309 NEf�ALD R� SOUTFf ENO 70 4TN 4TH AV 836 6 969.60 ft' 7.50 35.00 S Gradin 3625 WOOOIAWN RD 55 R before lOTH AV lOTH AV 177 1 47B.40 R' 24.50 35.00 5 GradFn 3522 wOOOtAwN RD vALLEYwAY av o�tvE Av 68a 5 702.40 R� 8.50 35.00 5 Gradl 3872 WAfiSINSKE AV STH AV �tTH AV 285 2 7 � 8.5U 35.00 5 Gra� 36 4 WIILOW RO MISSION Av NORTH END pF ROAD 1 267 lo 560. � 11.50 35.Q0 5 Gradin 3692 7TM AV NSTER RD EAST END F ROAD 444 3 596.00 R� 8.50 35.00 Grodl 30 BUCKEYE AV WEST END TO DARTM LN 51 422. R� 33.00 35.d0 5 Gradln 2402 MOUNTAIN VI�rY DR WE57 END TO GMCE 210 R aRer WEST 5760 6,336.04 R� 7.00 35.00 S 37 BALDWIN AV WOOD�2UFF RD EAST ENp F Ap 60 6 336. � 33.Q0 35.00 S G2CI 3813 4TH AV STEEN RU FLORA RD �1,977 16,473.60 R' 7.00 35.00 S Gradin 3882 WIIBUR RD OISHMAt�-MIU� KD 210 R before NORTH 1 318 10 482.40 R 7.00 35.00 5 Grad 3125 STEEN RD 105 R aRer BR �509 END GFiAVE STJIKT 6%9.60 R� 7.00 35.d0 S Gradln 2207 INDIANA AV WEST END TO FL kA FLOR/1 RD 2 91S 24 �88. R= 33.00 35.00 S GreCin 3126 STEEN RD BR 4509 OVER 10 ft aRer BR 4509 203 1 689.60 ft' 7.00 35.00 5 Gradln 4833 5TH AV WEST ENU TO WARSINSKE AV 5285 2,376.00 R 8.50 35.00 5 Gradfn 148 F N R RO SO ND TO STH 4TH AV 7 6'� 0' 8. 0 35.00 Pagv 25 0l 28 Pt�n Ys�r Activity ID Rout� Rout� Bacic Rout� Ah�ad Cost Araas Apa OCI 5 Gr3din 3127 STEEN RD 50UTH �MD TO :TH CiR 4SU9 OVER j3a4 7.,534.40 R' '7.Q0 l5.Q0 5 l,radin 2357 FIAf:CUS RU �uUTH CND TO h1IS5i0N AV 1 77a 14 784.U0 ft' B.SO 35.OU 5 Gradin 1177 FORREST AV 'NOODI.l�WN RD VERCLER RD 1 977 16 473.fi0 R 24.50 35.00 5 Gradln 2304 NIXOfi AV vti'EST END TO MCDONALD RO 5659 5,491.20 R� 8.50 35.00 5 Gradin 1921 L.�CRd55E AV vJEST END TO VERCLER RD 380 3 168.�0 R� 6.00 35.00 S Gradin 3425 VERCLEa RD 11TN AV 55 ft befo�e lOTH AV 5380 3,268.00 R� 7.00 35.U0 5 Grading 3�2b vERCLER RD 12TH AV 1 iTH AV f380 3,168.00 ft� 24.50 35.00 5 Gradln 31 BUCKEYE AV OhRTMOUTH LN 940 (t WEST OF 2 8Q1 23 33�.60 ft� 15.50 35.00 5 Gradl 43t10 13TH AV WEST END TO PROGRESS RD 5760 0,336.00 ft' S.00 35.D0 5 Gradf 3U09 SUNDEKLAND RD TM AV f>Tti Av 1 673 13 939.2G R' 23.54 35.OU S Gradin 343 BURNS RD SOUTH END TO VnLLEYwAY AV 2 433 20 275.20 RZ 8.50 35.Ot1 5 GraCi 4702 13TH AV END EAST END OF ROAD 507 4 224,00 tt' S.00 35.00 6 Gradln 1921 LACROSSE AV WEST END TO V[RCLER RU 380 3 168.00 R' 7.00 35.00 6 Gradin 1789 1NDIANA CT PYT END EAST END OF ROAD 2 851 23 760.00 R� 9.50 35.00 6 Gradin 4702 13TH AV END EA5T END OF ROAD SO? 4 224.00 R' 6.Q0 35.00 6 GraAI 2304 NIXON AV WEST END TO MCDONALD RD 659 S 491.20 ft� 9.50 35.00 6 Gradln 2314 MONTGOMERY AV 265 R aRer EAST END OF ROAD 1 318 10 982.40 ft' 1�.51 35.Q0 6 Gradin 2357 MARCUS RD SOUTH [ND TO MISSION AV 51,774 i4,7&4.00 R� 9.50 35.00 6 Gradin 2399 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 370 R aRer wEST GRACE AV 608 S�68.80 R' 8.00 35.00 6 Gradin 2400 MOUNTAiN VIEW GR 210 R aftcr WEST 370 R aRer wEST 5342 2,851.20 R� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradin 2402 FIOUFITAIN VIEW DR wEST END TO GH1►CF 210 R aRer WEST f760 6,336.00 R� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradin 4300 13TH AV WEST END TO PROGRESS RD 760 G 336.00 R' 6.00 35.04 6 Gradfn 343 BUfiN5 RD SOUTN END TO VALLEYWAY AV 52,433 20,275.20 R' 9.50 35.00 6 Gradinq 2207 INOIANA AV WEST EN� TO FLOItA FI�RA RD SZ,915 24,288.Q0 R 34.00 35.00 6 Gradin 5959 CATALDO LN BUKE RD E.AST END OF Rp/1D 836 6 969.60 R� 9.50 35.�0 6 Grading 1208 HATI�tERLY CL 270 f[ aRer DLSHMAN-HIU KD 5608 5,068.80 R' 14.51 35 .0� 6 Grading 1309 HE3tALD ilD SOUTH END TO �TH 4TH AV �836 6,969,60 R� 8.50 35.Q0 6 Gradin 775 CANNERY RD 4TH AV NOR7H END OF ROAD 1 394 11 G16.00 R' 6.00 35.UG 6 Gradln 1323 FELTS RD SOUTH END TO KNOX KNOX AV ;1 647 13,7?.8.00 R 1�.51 35.OU 6 Gradin o76 COLEMAN 0.0 �ROADWAY AV NORTH END OF ROAD ;507 4,224.00 R' 17.50 35.00 6 Grading 1347 HATHERLY CL DIShIMAP�-MIU DISHMAN-f4IU ;�56 3,601.60 R� 14.51 35.00 6 Gradin 1348 HATHERLY CL DISHMAN-MIC11 276 ft aRer ;570 4,752.00 R� 14.51 35.00 6 Gradin Sill GIRARD RD SOUTH END TO BOONE AV 697 S 808.00 R� 8.50 35.04 6 Gradin 1413 GRACE AV RIVISTA DR MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 52,�171 20,592.00 R' 8.00 35.00 6 Grading d93 ElURt�S RD END hfISSION AV 51,014 8,448.Q0 R� 9.50 35.00 Gradin 59G0 AUC1 AV COLLINS RD EAST E��D OF ROAO 684 S 702.40 R� 28.50 35.00 6 Gradiny {�33 STl1 AV v�'[ST END TO tiYARSlNSKE AV s285 2,376.00 R� 9.50 35.00 6 Gra41 5958 BLAKE RD SOU7rt END �F ROAD CATALDD AV 380 3 168.00 R' 9.50 35.00 6 Gradln 5956 VIRGINIA ST CATALDO AV UESMET AV 455 3 801.60 � 9.50 35.00 o Gradin9 iQ89 DISHMAN-M1CA �1ATi1EFtLY CL HATHERLY Q SI,U64 8,870.40 tt' 14.51 35.00 5 Gradln 1{14 GRACE AV MUUWTAI�J VIEW DR E�ARKER RO 380 3 168.00 R' 8.00 35.00 6 Grading 1477 FORREST AV VVODDLAWN RD VERCLER RD s1,977 16,473.60 R 25.50 35.00 6 Gtading 1478 FORFtEST AV �3RD AV WOODLAWN iiD 51,977 16,473.60 R� 25.50 35.00 6 G�din 1485 FANCHER RO SOUTN END TO STH 4TH AV 760 6 336.00 R� 9.50 35.00 b G�adln 1�Sb FARR RD 50UTH END TO SNANNON AV 3flG 3 168.00 R� 14.51 35.00 6 Grodln 1753 KELLfR RD ROCKWELL AV RICH AV 51,255 10,454.40 Rs 7.00 35.00 6 Gradi 1728 KNOX AV WES'f END TO END GRAVE START 1 2�i2 10 348.80 R� 1�.51 35.00 6 Gr�di 620 BROADWAY AV BARKER RD EAST END OF ROA� 8,693 72,441.60 tt= 34.00 35.00 6 lirad� 2944 SANSON AV MCDUNALD RD KELLEft RD 1 �ZS 15 206.A0 R= 9.U0 35.00 6 Gradl 255 BESSIE RD NARRING70N AV MA1N AY 165 1 72.80 ft' 10.51 35.00 6 Gradin 2648 RIVISTA DR SOUTN ENO TO GRACE AV 5570 4,752.00 R� 8.Q0 35.00 6 Gradl 950 CARUSLE AV 90WDISH itD BATES RD $1,267 10,560.00 R' 10.51 35.00 6 Grad� Z7U3 ROCKwELL AV SS R before BEST RO BEST RO ;139 1 161.6U ft� 6.00 35.00 G Grad� Z73 KOCKWELL AV KELIER RD E ND OF RpAD 1�67 10 560.00 R� 7.00 35.00 Pago 26 0( 28 Plan Yur Activity ID Rout� Rout� Batk Route Ah�ad Cost Areas Ay� OCI 6 Gr,id�r�q 1083 DALTi1tJ AV f �Di?A RG i�C}t�iILEY (t�� ;3.u41 7�,344A� R� _1.00 35A0 o Ciradin� 2oly S1NTU A`J Y�II.�UR FtD E.A5T 'tNV GF itOAG ;532 3,43�.2Q R' IU.52 35.00 G Gradin 2fi70 SIU�.S IiD SOUTH END TO RICH RICH AV 1 533 12 777.60 � 7. 35.00 6 Grading 1015 DICKEY RD S�UTtt ENO TO END GRAVELJSTART g279 2,323.20 R� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradf 3e�2 WOOOLAWN RD VALI.EYWAY AV OLIVE AV 684 5 702.40 2 .50 35. 6 Gradi 2943 SANS�N AY KELLER RD MAYHEW aD 1 939 16 156.80 R� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradl 3623 wOpD wN p 97H av H AV 1 54 7.a � 25.50 6 G�dln 2455 SPitI��GFiELD AV wEST END TO SULLIVAN RD 3 043 25 344.00 R� 17.50 35.00 b Gradin 2965 ST CHARLES RD 4TH AV END GRAVEUSTART 51,014 8,448.00 R' 14.00 35.00 6 Gradln 30 BUCKEYE AV WEST END TO �ARTMOItTH LN 51 422.40 R� 34.00 3.00 6 Gradfn 3009 SUND[RI�ND RD 8T� AV 6TH AV 51,673 13,939.20 R' 24.50 35.00 6 Gradin 31 BUCKEYE AV DARTMOUTH LN 940 R WE57 Of 52,801 23,337.60 R' I6.5U 35.00 6 Gradin 3125 STEEN RD 105 ft after BR 4509 END GRAVEUSTART S83G 6,969.60 R� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradln 3126 STEEN R� BR 4509 OVER 105 R r BR 45 203 1 8 6 R' 8,00 35.d0 6 Gradlr� 3127 STEEN RD SQUTH END TO 4TH BR 4509 OVER 5304 2,534.40 ft� B.W 35.00 6 Gradinfl 3425 VERCLER RD 11TH AV 55 R beiore IOTH AV 5380 3,168.00 R' 8.00 35.00 6 Gradi� 3i26 VERCLER RD 12TH AV 11TN AV 80 3 168.00 ft� 25.50 35.40 6 Gradi 2940 SARGENT RD 5C7UTH END TO APPIPWAY BV 52,281 19,a08.00 R' 12.50 35.00 6 Gradin 388 BoWMAN RD S�UTH END IO UTAH UTAN AV 5798 6,652.H0 R� 8.50 35.00 6 Gradln 4118 lUTH AV (3lAKE RD EAST END OF ROAD So4o 5,385.60 R� 2Z.51 35.00 6 Gradln 4003 15iN AV SR-27 END GFtAVE STIIRT 1 901 15 840.00 Rl 25.50 35.00 6 Grading 1581 kEES RD VALLtI'�NAY AV OLIVE I1V S 1,293 10,771.20 R' 8.00 35.00 6 Grad�n 259 BATE5 RD ERMiNA AV CARLISLF AV 1 521 12 672. R' 10.51 35.U0 6 uraclin 3979 17TIi AV PINES RD EAST END OF R AD 760 6 336.00 R' 22.51 35.00 6 Gradi 3938 6TH AV VERCLER RD L A RD 76 6 336. R' 25.50 35.Q0 6 Gradl 2627 RiVISTA DR GRACE AV NORTH END OF ROAD 1 331 11 088.00 ft� B.OU 35.60 6 Gradl 3621 WOQDLAWN RD OLIVE AV ALKI AV 3532 4,435.20 R' 9.54 J5.Q0 6 Gradl 3881 WILBUR RO 210 R befor N RTH NORTH END OF ROAD 406 3 379.20 h� 14.51 35.00 6 Gradln 4127 lOTH AV WEST END TO DiSHMAN RD S3Fs0 3,16$.OQ R� B.SU 35.00 6 Grading 3872 WARSINSKE AV 5TH AV 4TH AV 5285 2,376.00 R 9.50 35.00 6 Gradln 949 CARLISLE AV BATES RD WILBUR RD 2 028 16 896.00 R� 10.51 35.Oa G Gradi 2b91 OLNE AV aEES RD EAST END OF ROAD =646 5,385.60 R� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradin 3813 4TH AV STE[N RD FLORA RD 51,977 16,A73.60 ft� 8.00 35.00 6 Gradin 381 BOONE AV W[ST END TO E•LLA ELLA fiD 659 5 491.20 R� 17.50 35.00 6 uradin 37 BALOWIN AV WOOORUFF fiD EAST ENO OF RQAD 5760 6 336.00 R� 34.a0 35.00 6 Gradl 3�92 TfH AV CUSTER RD EAS`T ENO OF ROAD 44 3 696.00 R� 9.50 35.00 6 Gradln 3G54 W1LLOW RD MISSION AV NORTIi END OF ROAD 1 267 1Q 560.00 R� 12.50 35.00 6 Gradin 3625 WDODLAWN RU 55 R Uetore lOTH AV lUTM AV 5177 1,47E�.40 ft� 25.5U 35.00 6 Gradln 3624 WOODU►WN RD lOTFi AV 9TN AV 1 064 8 870.40 R� 25.50 35.00 6 Gradin 3882 WILf3UK RD DISNMAN-MICA RD 210 R befofe NORT}I ;1,318 10,982.�0 R' 8.Q0 35.00 6 Gradin 948 CENTER DR BEVERLY DR SKYLINE DR 1 267 10 560.00 R' I 1.50 35.45 G Gradln 3�7 CENTEfi DR SKYLIN[ DR TEMPORARY CLOSURE 63�i 5 280.00 R� 11.50 35.45 6 Grading 5713 GILLIS RD END 12TN AV ;760 6,336.00 R' 15.50 35.45 G Gradin 146 BEST RD S�U7H END TO MAIM END GfiAVE START 887 7 392.00 R' 27.50 35.45 6 Gradin 4621 24TH AV UPRR CfiO55ING & DISHM�N-MIG1 RD �950 7,920.00 R' 27.50 35.45 6 Gradin 2497 RNERSIDE AV WEST END TO ADAM5 ApAM5 RO S1 401 15,840.00 It' 27.50 35.45 6 radln 41 b 1 AV W ND T •A EKN RD 2 1 U � 4 6 Gradi 2595 RIVERSIDE AV ADAMS RD EAST END OF ROAD 52,371 20,592.00 R� 27.50 35.45 G Gradln Z626 RAYMOND CL 3RD AV END GRAVE START 2 585 I1 542.�t0 R' 23.50 3 45 6 Gradln 3852 iST AV WE57 END TO DEAft80RN RD 342 2 II51.20 R� 11.50 5.45 6 Gradln 3G �P,OADVIEW UR WINTER RD E/15T ENG OF ROAD 5355 2,95�.80 R' 11.50 35.i5 6 6radin 2771 SKYUNE PL 5KYLINE UR N RTH EP�U OF AD 912 7 03.20 ' 11 0 35 4S b Gradln 2785 SKYLINE DR END CENTER DR 1507 4,224.00 it� 11.50 35.45 6 Grddln 2893 SMANNON AV END EAST END OF FtOAD 3 079 25 660.8Q R' 23.50 35.45 Page 27 0l 28 Ptan Yur Activity ID Rout� Routa dack Routa Ahead Cost Anu A�s OCI p G;adin� R171 :Ti�l AV EN� FN� GFJiVE �START 2 788 Z3 Z32.00 R� 23.50 35.45 �4,069,960 Pape �8 ot �8 _ s;� .... < y local Roads City of Spokane Valley - , _.,, N' E OCI Map � _ �_.. , s .- �__ 3 �. - - - i � � ' � '"-- � C — Y � ' ' - . 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