2009, 01-26 Special Study Session AGENDA SPOK.ANE VALLEY CITY COLjNCIL SPECIAL STUDY SESSION MEETING _ January 26,2009 6:00 p.m. City Hfl11 Council Chambers 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Vallcy, Washingtun (Please Turn Of'f All Electronir Devicca During the Meeting) C-all to Order by Mayor Munson Ageada Topic: l. Sprague-A jUi It-%vati- Itc:vit-alization Yian - ticott Kutita 2. Adiournmcnt Note: Unttas otherwlst noted 2tore, thece will be aa pubtic eommenb at Council Study Sesaions. Howcwer, CouncN aiways reserres the right ta rcqucst inlormption Irom the pu6lic aad etaffY' as appropriatG Duriag mceiings hcld by tlYe City af Spokane VAfley Cauncil, thc Council reserves the right to take "action" on any item listcd or subsequently aided to thc agenda. The term `Wion" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evxluate, or make a coltective positive or negative decision. NOTtCE; IW,viduvAs pianning lo attcnd ft moNing who rrquise special assistnrne to arcommariatr physical, t=nng or othcr irnpairmcno, pleesc contsa the Ciry Clcrk at (5W) 92i-1 c',()0 is soan es passiWc sa that arrang+crtâ–ºrnts mev be rriaLI: Spccial Mectins: Agenda 41-26-09 Pagc 1 of 1 - - ~