2009, 02-03 Study Session monq AGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSI-LEET STUDY SESSInN Tuesdny, February 3, 2009 6:00 p.m. CITY II.ALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Silence Yonr Cell Phones Ducing the lYleeting) DISCUSSION LF 4DFR SLTBJECT/ACTWITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Munson 1. Scott Kuhta SpraguelAppleway Revittilization Plan DiscussionlDeliberation ~ AUJOUKN Note: I;nless othcnvWC noted abovc, t6cre s+-iU be no public comments at Council Study Sexsions. However, Cauncil always resen•es the right to request information [rom the pubtic and staff as appropriutc. During mectings hrld by the City of Spokanc Vallcy Council, the Council reservcs the right to taj:e "action" on any itcm listed or subsequentty added to the agenda. The te-rn "actian" means to delibcratc, discuss, revicw, consider, c<<atuatc, or make a coliective positive or negativc decision. \OTICE Inditiiduals pIanning to atttnd the n;rc,►ng uhu tcyuitc special a:-5istance tu a;.commodate rh)sic31, heanng. i;r otiicr ui-,pairments, ple:ise contact tttie City C.lerf: st (509) 921-2000as soon us possibic su thut atrbngements msy be made, Sttily Scssion A,cnda, Fchraary 3, 20t?9 P,Re I of• i ,