2009, 02-24 Regular Meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Mecting #154 Tuesday, Februar), 24, 2009 6:00 p.m. Spokane VAlley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Spraguc Avenue Counci! Requests P/ease Silence Your CeI/ Phones During Cuuncil Meeling CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: Pastor dames Kashork, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANGE: RULL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMMIT7'EE, BOARD. LIAISON SIIMMARY REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: PUBLIC CUNIMENTS: Tliis is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to thrce minutes. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of iterns considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an iteili from thc Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers VOUCHER LIST DA I C NU,\1f3LRS: 02/17/2009 ~ Beginning wl# 16659, ending w!# 16697 ~ $1051365.04 ~ GRAND TOTAL ~ $105,365.0.1 b. Payroli for pay period ending February 15, 2409: $371,956.32 c. Approval of Council Stud), Session Meeting Minutes of February 3,2.009 d. Approval of Council Regular Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2009 e. Approval of City Hall Redwood Building l.ease Extension OLU BUSINESS 2. City Hall Design 5en iczs klotion Ccrosidcration - Nei) Kersten (public commentJ NEW BUSINESS: 3. Second Readins Proposed Ordinance 09-001, Street Vacation STV 04-08 - Nlicki Hartiois [public comment] 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-002 Amending SVMG Title 20 - Lori Barlow [public comment] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-003 Setting Speed Limits- inga Note [public comment) Counril Agenda 02-24-09 Regular kItctine Page 1t)f 2 . PUBLIC COMMENTS This is an opportunit}, for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please stnte your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Capital Project Design for Stimulus: Bowdish Road (32"d 4h) - Steve Worley 7. Capita) Project Design fro Stimulus: Evergreen Road!32°d Ave - Steve Worley DELIBER4TION: 8. SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan - Scott kuhta INFORMATION ONLY: 9. Indiana Avenue Extension Project,T[B Grant - Steve Worley 10. Mission Park Bid - Mike Stone 11. Department Reports 12. EXECUTIVF SESSION: Pending 1,itigation ADJOLTRhTMENT FUTURE SCHEDULE (mceti»g schedule is uhwuys subjecllo chunge) , Regular Cuunci! Meetings are generally held 2nd and 44 Tuesdavs, beginning a16: 00 p.m. Counci! Studw► Sessions are generallti, l:e1d 1, Yd and S[h Tuesdrrys, beginnirrg at 6: 00 p.irt. NO'T1CE: [ndividuals planning to attend the meeting who rcquire spccial assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or othcr impairnients, please contact the Citv Clerk at (509) 921-I000 as soc►n as possibic so that arrangements mav be made. Council Agenda 02-24-09 Kegular Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 9 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCHER LIST DATE ~ W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: ~ TOTAL AMOUNT 02/17/2009 ~ Beginning w/# 16659, ending w/# 16697 ~ $105,365.04 ~ GRAND TOTAI, ~ $105,3 65.04 - RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists . rchlist Voucher List Page: 1 3211712009 11:58:44AM Spokane Vailey Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16659 2/17/2009 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY IVC1001439 MISC SECURITY EQUIP: CP 48.30 Total : 48.30 16660 211712009 001061 ALSCO 521565 FLOOR MATS 15.22 LSP0551185 FLOOR MATS 15.22 Total : 30.44 16661 2/17l2009 000135 APA 100486-081207 MEMBERSHlPS 362.00 Total : 362.00 16662 211712009 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC 003233 JANITORIAL SVCS: SHERIFF 2,165.23 Total : 2,165.23 16663 2117/2009 001012 ASSOC Bl1SINESS SYSTEMS 110537 COPIER MAINTENANCE 169.84 Total : 169.84 16664 2/1712009 000030 AVISTA 410069444 UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA 22,638.75 Total : 22,638.75 16665 2117/2009 001559 BEACON HILL EVENTS Feb 2009 REIMBURSEMENT: CP 804.90 Tota! : 804.90 16666 2/17/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 8993388 LINEN SERVICE: CP 246.73 . Total : 246.73 16667 2l17/2009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 3820:010631 COFFEE SYSTEMS 132.60 3820:016063 COFFEE SYSTEMS 424.02 3820:018217 COFFEE SUPPLIES 95.18 Total : 651.80 16668 2117l2009 001148 COLUMBIA PAINT & COATINGS 0101-0 PAINTING SUPPLIES 50.68 Total : 50.68 16669 2J1712009 001198 CONGRESS FOR THE NEW URBANISM 2009 MEMBERSHIP 195.00 Total : 195.00 16670 2117i2009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 93208291 42257 OFFICE SUPPLIES 385.02 Page: 1 Vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 02I17I2009 11:58:44AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16670 2l1712009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS (Continued) 93306374 OFFICE SUPPLIES 110.29 Total : 495.31 16671 2/17/2009 001909 EXCAL VISUAL LLP 266709 TRAINING KIT: PW 1,206.75 , Total : 1,206.75 16672 2117J2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 31600 LEGAL PUBLICATION 126.40 Total : 126.40 16673 2/1712009 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP CO 96459 SERVICE CALL: CP 104.30 Total : 104.30 16674 2117I2009 001723 HEDEEN & CADITZ, PLLC 6081 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 690.00 Total : 690.00 16675 2117/2009 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 112500.0 WATER CHARGES 182.60 Total : 182.60 16676 2l17/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00018366 SOFTWARE RENTAL 342.26 Total : 342.26 16677 2117/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16634 SERVER MAINTENANCE 1,047.00 Total : 1,047.00 16678 2/17/2009 001597 NUMARA SOFIWARE INC. 387419 42273 NUMARA TRACKIT SOFTWARE REI 1,221.51 Total : 1,221.51 16679 2/17/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 461982393-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.24 462000130-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 43.53 462095546-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 70.67 462375301 42259 OFFICE SUPPLIES 161.13 4627823451462782510 42263 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CP 681.67 Total : 964.24 16680 2/17/2009 000058 OMA A500163 EMPLOYEES PHYSICALS 130.00 Total : 130.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucrier List Paye: 3 0211712009 11:58:44AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16681 2/17/2009 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 639771 FEB 09: ETHERNET 832.46 Total : 832.46 16682 2117I2009 000677 PAW 2009 MEMBERSHIPS: CD 50.00 Total : 80.00 16683 211712009 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330043187 FORM PRINTING: POOLS 703.33 1330043324 PRINTING: CP 138.89 Total : 842.22 16684 2/1712009 001860 PLATT 5450088 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 5.38 5559425 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 8.08 5566781 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 175.34 5576252 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 56.57 5633759 BATTERIES: CP 25.31 Total : 270.68 16685 2/1712009 000322 QWEST 509-924-4707 740B PHONES SERVICE: POOLS 106.74 Total : 106.74 16686 2l1712009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 2958459 DE ICE: PRECINCT 108.70 2985138 CONTRACT MAINT: CENN TRAIL 2,018.68 2985139 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE: CP 51,859.00 3358025 DE ICE WALKS 81.53 Total : 54,067.91 16687 211712009 001174 SPACESAVER NW 505823 LABEL SUPPLIES: CD 661.70 Total : 661.70 16688 2/17/2009 001100 SPOKANE CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE January 2009 EMPHASIS GRANT: SHERIFF 4,172.65 Total : 4,172.65 16689 2/17/2009 000617 SPOKANE CO TREASURER February 2009 4TH QTR 2008: LIQUOR TAXES & P 5,072.04 Total : 5,072.04 16690 2/17/2009 001903 SPOKANE TRAFFIC CONTROL Jan 2009 SNOW REMOVAL 385.00 Total : 385.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0211712009 11:58:44AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16691 2/1712009 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 67264 ADVERTISING 3,892.43 Total : 3,892.43 16692 2J1712009 000676 THOMSON WEST 817678420 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 520.15 Total : 520.15 16693 2I1712009 001382 WA RECREATION & PARK ASSOC 08-732 MEMBERSHIP: MIKE JACKSON 156.00 Total : 156.00 16694 2117/2009 000100 WABO INC. 17669 CONFERENCE REGIST: CD 60.00 Total : 60.00 16695 2117/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0046693-1518-8 WASTE MANAGEMENT 102.75 Total : 102.75 16696 2l1712009 001230 WSASC 2009 MEMBERSHIP: KAREN CLARK PAR 40.00 Total : 40.00 16697 2117I2009 001885 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Feb 2009 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.27 Total : 228.27 39 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 105,365.04 39 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 105,365.04 I, the undersigned, do certi£y under penalty of perjury, that the material,s have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to autbenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Page: 4 Council Member Date CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-24-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending February 15, 2009: GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 214,592.83 Benefits: $ 157,363.49 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 371,956.32 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS DRAFT MINUTES STUDY SESSION MEETING SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley, Washington February 3, 2009 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff , Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Steve Taylor, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Lori Barlow, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager o Chris Bainbridge City Clerk Mayor Munson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. 1. Sprague-Applewav Revitalization Plao - Scott Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta explained that tonight's goals are to discuss pre-located streets, access management and parking as it relates to access, signage, and split zoning, and then to discuss future meeting schedules to try to determine how long it will take to complete review of the plan. In summary, Mr. Kuhta explained that the last meeting there was Council consensus to add provisions for "shared parking" proposed by staff; and that staff would compare differences in landscaping regulations bettiveen the SARP and SVMC and a suggestion that the SA.RP regulations would refer to the Code; there was a great deal of discussion about electronic signs and sandwich boards and that the sandwich boards would be allowed initially only in the core street of the City Center once that is constructed, and since all businesses should be treated equally, Mr. Kuhta said that staff recommends any type of business can use the sandwich boards. Mr. Kuhta said that staff will re-write the section on wall-mounted signs to clear up confusing language; and said also at the last meeting Council concurred to also allow wall mounted signs above the first floor; and that the maximum height in the Residential Boulevard Zone for monument signs would be changed from four to seven feet. After brief discussion of the last meeting's summary, there was Council consensus that at the last meeting, Council had also agreed they wanted the sandwich boards placed closer to buildings instead of curbside. The question of whether to allow sandwich boards for businesses other than restaurants was also discussed, or whether to allow them in the core at all, with Councilmembers Dempsey and Schimmels agreeing that sandwich boards should be allowed, Councilmember Taylor agreeing that sandwich boards should be allowed if kept up against the building; and that the maioritv of Council, i.e. Mavor Munson. Deputv Mavor Denennv, and Councilmembers Wilhite and Gothmann aQreeinz that no sandwich boards should be allowed in the core area at all. Pre-Located Streets: Mr. Kuhta went over the current draft regarding new street reyuirements as shown on the prelocated street map: that the acreage of land to be developed must exceed the maximum block size; that the District Zone Orientation standards require the construction of a new street in order to provide a public street frontage for a new building that would have otherwise been the interior of a property. He then explained the New Street Requirement staff proposal for when new streets would be required: when development exceeds the maximum block size (3 to 4 acres, depending on the zone), and that the Council Meeting Minactes: 02-03-09 Page 1 of 5 . Approved by Council: vR,4FT Development Engineer would determine when a new street would be necessary due to development impacts. Mr. Kuhta said staff also recommends some changes to the pre-located street map to show northlsouth streets and eastJwest streets south of Appleway (to allow for access to properties if light rail is constructed); and said the north/south streets would be spaced every 660 feet, but may be adjusted due to existing buildings, alignment with existing roads, or other consideration. Discussion ensued regarding the 660 feet spacing of the north/south streets; that 660 feet is one-eighth of a mile; that streets should be no closer than that figure and mention that this is where a new street could be, but would not need to be built unless the acreage was met. Mayor Munson asked how we could more pro-actively assist developers in cases where every 660 feet wouldn't work; and Mr. Kuhta said staff would work with individual developers when necessary and discuss whether streets would be absolutely necessary; adding that these regulations are an attempt to move the suburban sprawling community to a more urban conriectivity with street block structure, and said in the end, it would be better for business and development to have more street frontage access; and that we are trying to transition away from the super-massive blocks, but could create the regulations to be more or less flexible or strict depending upon council's direction. Tuture Acquisition Areas: Mr. Kuhta explained that as development occurs, future acquisition areas are designated where new roads are shown on the pre-located street map; and that it does not require dedication or construction of a road; but allows new roads to be constructed in the future. Attorney Connelly added that the location of the future acquisition area could be adjusted if a plan is in place, but that this allows for some pre-planning for roads and circulation, and can be viewed as an expanded set-back; and if the impact of development would justify dedication and construction of a roadway, then that would happen, but this proposal would preserve the grid in some fashion; and that language could be added to allow for flexibility. Councilmember Gothmann said he would like to further explore the minimum spacing of north/soutli streets every 660 feet, and to keep more in line with a city block, he suggested every 1320 feet. 1V(r. Kuhta replied that the minimums are somewhat subjective and don't match with a city block, and said that we don't have anything that does match a city block in the corridor. Attorney Connelly added that language could be included to have streets specifically located in such a manner as to put property owners on notice; and Mr. Kuhta said that this can be discussed more in terms of access management. Access Mannement: Mr. Kuhta explained that Sprague Avenue access management is regulated by an access hierarchy in the parking section: first alleys, then side streets, then direct access from Sprague. For Appleway Boulevard where the road is one-way, access manabement would be subject to the access hierarchy in the Parking chapter; and access to properties along either side of the road would be temporary and could be revoked if light rail is constructed; and he added that this Plan could always be revised one light rail is constructed. Going back to the prelocated street map staff proposal, Councilmember Gothmann suggested using S acres rather than the 3 to 4(concerninQ the new street requirernent that new streets would be reauired when development exceeds maximum block size); and Council concurred; and agr-eed as well tivith the second reauirement, that a new stf-eet would be requif-ed when the development enzineer determines a new street is necessarv due to development imnacts. Mayor Munson said he just received a voice mail from Commissioner Mielke, and Mayor Munson therefore called for a recess at 6:55 p.m. Mayor Munson reconvened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. and said the voice mail was not major, and Mayor Munson said that he wanted to take a moment to apologize if his previous comments concerning the Board of County Commissioners were overly harsh, as that wasn't his intent, and that Spokane Valley and Spokane County are working to re-establish a healfihy relationship. Cauncil Meeting Minartes: 02-03-09 Page 2 of S Approved by Council: DRAFT Mr. Kuhta continued his discussion and slides on access management, discussing the hierarchy of new development. There was Council consensus to identify pre-located streets as future acquisition areas; and there was no objection to have recommended language concerning access management, that would prohibit parcel boundary line adjustments or other land use actions that would eliminate direct access to a parcel from a side street in order to gain access from Sprague or Appleway. Council and staff also acknowledged that the Plan is always open to change. Landsca ip ng: Council's attention was directed to the handout of text currently in our SVMC; and to page 8 of 23 in the notebook concerning landscaping for parking areas; and Mr. Kuhta compared the screening requirements in parking as per the Code and the Plan; stating that the Code is more specific; and Mr. Mercier mentioned that a great deal of work was invested in drafting the Code landscaping requirements, and for ease in compliance, staff recommends we rely on those standards; and Council concurred to use the Code regulations, knowing that those can be modified as needed in the future. SIGNAGE: Electronic signs and billboards Via his PowerPoint, Mr. Kuhta explained the definition of an electronic sign; i.e. "A sign that can be changed by electrical, electronic or computerized process; inclusive of video boards;" as compared with the definition of an animated (or moving) sign, except the animated sign definition would not include the scrolling of a static message, scene or color onto or off a sign board in one direction per message. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that the definition of an animated sign is not included in our Municipal Code; and Mr. Connelly suggested perhaps including a"type of electronic sign" in the definition of animated signs. Mr. Kuhta explained that the Gateway Commercial Avenue and Gateway Commercial Center zones would permit electronic/animated signs, and his slides depicted several examples of electronic signs. Mr. Kuhta said that staff will draft the sign regulations for the entire corridor; and where to or not to allow the moving electronic signs; and Mr. Connelly said the regulations will treat all the animated electronic signs in one category. Concerning regulating light intensity, copy change timing, and compatible with adjacent uses, IVIr. Kuhta said he spoke with staff f.rom Pro-Signs particularly about light intensity; and as a result of that conversation, Mr. Kuhta said he would recommend not trying to regulate light intensity with this Plan as it might be more fitting to include such regulations on a city-wide basis. Ms. Barlow mentioned that in her research, while some lights might have dimming devises, some do not and even running at full capacity, the idea of "brightesY" is very subjective as just what is or could be too bright. Mayor Munson said his concern with brightness would be with driving safety, or bothering residences, and Mr. Kuhta said the regulations can be approached from that viewpoint. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned that copy timing changes would be very difficult to regulate. There was Council Consensus to include the followinQ recomnzendations: *No animated signs in City Center Zone (see exceptions. i.e. Marquis signs) *Animated signs permitted along Sprague only, in all zones except City Center *Time/temperature, scrolling or static electronic signs (alpha-numeric) allowed everywhere else *Light intensity should be addressed city-wide Billboards: Senior Planner Kuhta mentioned that because of the size, the Plan regulations in essence do not allow billboards, but that decision is at Council's discretion. Discussion included the current Code regulations concerning maintenance of billboards, and cap and replace; that current animated billboards would be grandfathered in, but if a billboard is not currently animated, and the owner wanted to animate it, it would have to meet existing code requirements; that billboards are changing with technology and will (or already) include electronics and/or lamination; and that the Plan regulations could have a separate section addressing billboards if that is Council's desire. Coarncil Meeting Minutes: 02-03-09 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Gothmann said he would like to see an amortization schedule to do away with billboards; and he mentioned "paged" electronic signs like the one at Dishman/Mica that show pages but are not fully animated; and suggested those would be appropriate where billboards are currently but might be a different category. Councilmember Taylor said he has no problem limiting billboards in the City Center. After further discussion on this issue, there was Council consensus that billboards not be allowed in the City Center, to replace a billboard the owner can invoke the cap and replace policy but not within the City Center zone; and the replacement would be regulated by tt►e kinds of signs allowed; and those regulations should be added to the portion of the Code explaining where billboards are not allowed. Mr. Kuhta recommended creating a separate section defining and regulating billboards to make it consistent with existing code and Council concurred. Mr. Kuhta asked where Councillvould want new billboards to be placed in the corridor with the cap and replace projzram, and Council aRreed that would be allowed anvwhere outside the citvi center zone. City Attorney Connelly said that the cap and replace amounts to less and less billboards over time, eventually running out of places where they would be allowed. Councilmember Taylor suggested leaving the policy as it is written in the UDC, only adding the City' Center zone where they are not allowed. Council concurred. Councilmember Gothmann said we need a policy to discuss at a later date, of electronic billboards in the rest of the city and where it applies to the entire city; and Mr. Connelly said that future discussion vvould begin with the Planning Commission. Councilmember Wilhite questioned the 20% at the top of page 14 under signage, particularly #3, and Mr. Connelly said that staff will resolve that. Councihnember Wilhite also mentioned that section vi must be part of an overall sign program or plan, and she questioned who would regulate that; at which point it was agreed to remove that section. Councilmember Wilhite questioned the guidelines of identification on page 29 and 33 and why the difference; and Mr. Kuhta said staff will also check for clarification and consistency. Split zonine: - Kathv McClung Community Developinent Director McClung said this topic was broached as a result of a letter from Dwight Hume, whose properties are bordered by both Sprague and Appleway, [added note for clarification: Hume's 8-19-08 letter• suggested a policy be developed so that "a split parcel having a conforming use by the majority zone shall be entitled to use the remainder as if it were the majority zone. Provided that the Appletivay frontage must include street tree plantings corrsistent with the landscape irnprovement r•equirements of the IZesidential Boulevard zone. If such a policy were included, you would still accomplish the aesthetic affect intended for the Appleway corridor tivhile avoiding the burden of split zones and non-conformity on the last 60 ft. of the parcel. "J. Ms. McClung said that Mr. Kuhta contacted Mr. Hume to get clarification of his intent, which was only to address the actual business/building that is split zoned. Mr. Kuhta mentioned there was previous council consensus to allow continuation of the existing use on a parcel of land with split zoning as allowed by the majority zone. Discussion followed regarding keeping the residential boulevard strip and requiring screening; that such might defeat the purpose of having a residential boulevard zone; and speculation of how to regulate this if the zone were expanded down to the residential boulevard. Mr. Kuhta presented the following alternatives: l. Allow use to expand anywhere on existing parcel if allowed by Mixed Use Avenue (MUA) or Neighborhood Center (NC) zoning (concern about viability of residential boulevard district zone on the north side of Appleway) or 2. Allow use to expand under majority zone (MUA or NC) only if physical improvements, including parking, are bisected by zone. After discussion on the proposed alternatives, there was Council consensus as a compromise, to use #2 above but require landscape screening. Council Meeting Minutes: 02-03-09 Page 4 of S Approved by Council: DRAFT Future Scheduling: Mr. Mercier mentioned that the next opportunity to discuss the SARP is scheduled for February 24, three weeks from tonight; and that staff suggests moving the March 24 public hearing to April 14, and then give the public an additional thirty days to review the final draft. Mayor Munson suggested there would not be a need to hold extra meetings, but of course, reserved the right to mal:e that scheduling adjustment if necessary. Mr. Kuhta said the next discussions will include City Actions, which is the last major section of the Plan. OTHER BUSINESS: Mayor Munson said he sent e-mail invitations to legislators to come to our council meetings; and City Manager Mercier mentioned a new feature on the Advance Agenda beginning with the March 3 study session, of an opportunity to hear Council external committee reports on such topics as the STA or Health Board; and said this will provide an opportunity for Councilmembers to consult to get a sense of corporate wishes on particular significant matters. There being no further business, Mayor Munson adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minute.s: 02-03-09 Aage S of S Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley . City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the 153`d meeting. Attendance: Citv Staff: Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Steve Taylor, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Absent: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Micki Harnois, Associate Planner Diana Wilhite, Councilmember John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer Lori Barlow, Associate Planner Henry Allen, Development Engineer Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer . Bill Miller, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Ben Orchard of Valley Bible Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: At Mayor 1Vlunson's Request, Boy Scout Christopher Osborne led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Schimmels and Wilhite. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, seconded cmd unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmerribers Schimmels and Wilhite from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, seconded cmd unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS:, n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS:, Councilmember Gothmann: reported he did a tour of the Spokane Regional Health District, and he commended them for a job well done; attended an open house at assisted living facility Mission Ridge; attended the Spokane Valley Fire Department Recognition Dinner and mentioned how fortunate we are to have such dedicated people; and attended the Board of Health Budget meeting and Strategy meeting. Councilmember Demosev: mentioned she attended the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency meeting last Thursday morning where they discussed regulations on controlling odors from the rendering plant. Councilmember Tavlor: had no report Council Regular Meeting: 02-10-2009 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that he participated in a telephone conference meeting regarding climate control, and said as Chair of the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Climate Control Committee, they discussed five bills which will be introduced to the State Legislation, many of which will be costly to cities; and said he feels we should resist those unfunded mandates; that he attended the STA Operations and Administrative Committee meeting where they went over the accomplishments for the year, which showed a 17% increase in ridership; he attended a banquet at Fairchild Air Force Base where the Junior Officers and NCO were awarded for their achievements; and he mentioned the new emergency communications possibilities for our county as a result of the 1/10 of 1% ballot measure which was approved, to allow all first responders to communicate with each other. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment; no comments were offered. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers, Voucher #16531 through #16594; $186,704.99 b. Payroll for pay period ending January 31, 2009: $359,414.09 c. Approval to Ratify GMA Interlocal Agreement as adopted by Steering Cominittee 11/19/2008 d. Approval of Council Study Session Meeting Minutes of January 20, 2009 e. Approval of Council Special Study Session Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2009 f. Approval of Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2009 It was moved by Councilmember Taylor seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Readina Proposed Ordinance 09-001 for Street Vacation - Micki Harnois After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilrrrember Taylor and seconded to advance Ordinance 09-001 to a second reading. Associate Planner Harnois explained the proposal for the vacated sections of Tschirley Road, as detailed on her February 10, 2009 Request for Council Action form; said that the areas are no longer required for public use or access; and that the Planning Commission recommended conditional approval as shown in section 5 of the draft ordinance. Ms. Harnois also explained the payments required from Steven Slehofer and Lumber Yard Supply Company, and said they are aware of the amounts; adding further that staff has not received any objections from property owners. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. First Readinia Proposed Ordinance 09-002 Amending SVMC Title 20 - Lori Barlow After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded to advance Ordinance 09-002 to a second reading. Via her PowerPoint presentation, Associate Planner Barlow summarized the proposed significant changes, most of which occur in sections 20.20.20, .30 and .40; and in response to Council question about how the changes might affect developers, Community Development Director McClung explained these changes will add greater overall flexibility. Development Engineer Allen discussed section 20.40.040, Surety in Lieu of Construction limitations, and said that previously a developer could only bond or provide surety for the last five percent of a project which means they had to construct 95% of the project, and that it would be too difficult if one were trying to do a small short plat, they would have to construct all improvements up front, and that these regulations will relax that a little; that street standards have to be completed but sidewalks and approaches could be deferred until later; all of which, he explained relaxes the burden on the developer at the same time guarantying, with a letter of credit, that the project will be done. Mayor Munson invited public comment. Council Regular Meeting: 02-10-2009 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT Jack Rilev, E 8122 SnraQue: said he had questions about monuments that can be removed and not having to be replaced; and Councilmember Gothmann explained that the monuments referred to are surveying and not historical monuments, and Mr. Riley confirmed the historical monument was his concern. Leonard Christian, 10015 E 19`h Avenue: questioned why boundary lot adjustments can't be undone to make unbuildable lots, buildable; and Ms. Barlow explained that State Regulations state you cannot use a boundary lot adjustment to create a buildable lot; that the line can shift but one cannot take a sliver of property that is not a lot, and turn it into a buildable lot; which City Attorney Connelly confirmed is the case. Councilmember Gothmann asked about the dimensions and rounding and whether that would be mathematically possible; and Mr. Zimmerman remarked that the measure can some down to the nearest one-thousandth of a foot, and that state law requires rounding down to two places, but the rounding could go down to three places if needed. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Mr. Mercier said this material has now been presented to Council in depth, that the second reading will make a statement of purpose and give an opportunity for public comment, if Council feels familiar enough with the material, and Councilmembers concurred. 4. Motion Consideration: Citv Hall Desian Services -Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmember Dempsey and seconded to table this item until the 24`j' of February. Vote on the rnotion to table: In Favor: Councilmember Dempsey and Mayor Munson; Opposed.• Councilmembers Gothmann and Taylor. Abstentions: None. Vote resulted in a tie, therefore, the motion failed. It was then moved by Councilmember Gothmann and seconded to appr•ove the schematic design contract for City Hall to Bernardo Will/GGLO in the amount of $377,000. Public Works Director Kersten explained that this is the third touch on this issue for the New City Hall; this would complete about 20% of the total design effort to get the project bid-ready; it would look at all the systems including mechanical, electrical, structural, landscaping, interior design cost estimating, and then have floorplans, building cross-sections, three-dimensional drawings for the building's interior and exterior; and would have brief specifications on all the materials, getting this ready to move into the final phase; and there would be a firm cost estimate based on that information. Mayor Munson invited public comment. Phillip Rudv. 5647 N Fruithill Road: speaking in official capacity as Chair of the Board of the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, he said that the Executive Committee of the Valley Chamber asks Council to exercise caution when making the decision to contract for these services for the new City Hall. He explained that such a commitment implies city control is imminent of that specific site through ownership, lease or other legal document; and in reviewing the draft, it appears a significant portion of tlle expenditures are site specific and would be of no value if the site was not used for the specific purpose or if a different site were chosen later; he said Chamber leadership recommends Council establish an ownership or a publicly disclosed unilateral form of control of a site prior to spending these funds for the services described. Councilmember Dempsey said she supports the concept of a city center and a new city hall, but today's financial climate forces her to look at another side of the picture, that revenues are down and unemployment is up; that various municipalities are reeling from numerous financial blows, and she said that now is not the time to spend $377,000 more on dreams; and she said if we have this money to spend, it should be spent locally to help our own community. Councilmeinber Taylor mentioned that previously he brought up some areas of concern with expenditures regarding LEEDS certification, but that he said he feels it is important to move ahead with these design services; and he asked Mr. Kersten if a site were to change, how much of this work would be transferable. Mr. Kersten replied that it should be designed to the site; that some would be transferable, but without knowing what that future site would be, it would difficult to answer that question; and said that the phasing for this particular contract is about three to four months, and he is not really sure when the work would start; and said we need to know where this is going before we move ahead very far; that we would do some preliminary work, but until that site is firmly established and we know that is where we are going, Mr. Kersten said he tivould not want to carry Council Regular Meeting: 02-10-2009 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT through this phase; but hold off this work until we know for sure we have that site tied down. Councilmember Gothmann asked if we have the option in the contract to hold off work until the site is determined; and Mr. Kersten replied we have that option. Councilmember Gothmann stated further that Dr. Ruby's comments and those of the Valley Chamber are valid, we do not want to get too far down the road without tying down a site, but if most of it can be used, we should be okay. Garv Bernardo, 107 S Howard: Mr. Bernardo explained his company is the principal architect for the project; that Mr. Kersten has requested we give this proposal sort of a"cafeteria style" arrangement, where they work on an hourly basis on certain tasks; that it might be appropriate to approve the contract or a portion of that contract, because there is a fair amount of work they could do to help determine whether this is the correct site; that it might be that one or two or more sites are looked at; and before Council can say which site is the desired site, some amount of the up-front design work rnight be appropriate to help that decision being made; that Council has the option to spend from no funds, to the maximum amount, and at any point along, Council can re-direct or focus his company's efforts to either site analysis, building analysis, cost benefit analysis, construction costs analysis; and he said this contract gives Council the tool to ask the consultant team to provide information so Council can make an informed decision incrementally as this project moves forward. Councilmember Taylor added that by approving the contract or having a contract in place, we could get going as soon as we have a site tied down without having an administrative lag in trying to get a contract approved. Councilmember Gothmann inentioned that there are funds specifically set aside for this project, and Mr. Mercier confirmed that the money for the contract would coine from the civic facilities reserve account; and said he senses that we have a councilor being cautious about proceeding, and other councilmembers may share those concerns about what depths to go to in securing services now; and if that is the case, and that tliree Councilmembers are absent from tonight's meeting, perhaps this matter should be brought back at a later date; that he realizes that if we are going to acquire a site it would be good to have some dimension of information about the building we want to put on that site; so we need more detail in order to wrap up a site effectively and efficiently, and at the same time, we don't want to over-commit as much of the design is site specific; and when this matter comes back for Council consideration, staff will try fio suggest what range of expenditure we feel would be necessary in order to get the degree of information which will best facilitate acquisition of a site. Based on the above discussion, Councilmember Gothmann withdrew his motion and seconder Councilmember Taylor agreed. Councilmember Dempsey then moved, seconded by Mayor Munson, that this be tabled until the February 24"' meeting. Vote by Acclamation to table this item: In Favor Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried, and this matter tivill be tabled until the Febr-acary 241" council meeting. Mayor Munson called for a recess at 7:10 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:23 p.m. PUBLIC CONIlVIENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. 2008 Accomplishrnents Report - Mike Jackson Deputy City Manager Jackson explained that each Department head will explain their department's accomplishments relative to Council budget goals; and that this PowerPoint will be placed on our website for anyone to review. Mr. Jackson then gave the highlights of the Executive and Legislative Support Department, and Operations and Administrative Services. Mr. Jackson's review was followed by reviews from Finance Director Thompson, City Attorney Connelly, Police Chief VanLeuven, Community Development Director McClung, Parks and Recreation Director Stone, and Public Works Director Kersten. At the conclusion of all the Department reviews, Mr. Jackson ended by reviewing the 2009 Budget Goals, and the Vision Statement. Council Regular Meeting: 02-10-2009 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT 6. Saeed Limit Chanfies - Inaa Note Traffic Engineer Note explained that upon incorporation, Spokane Valley adopted the speed limits established by Spokane County, and that this proposed draft ordinance would address several issues relating to the adopted speed limits, and as there is no comprehensive document that lists all the speed limits, staff proposes Council consider adopting a master speed limits schedule, which will be available on the City's website; that in reviewing the County's speed limits, there have been some inconsistencies, and she stated she is working with Deputy City Attorney Driskell to draft the resolution and ordinance, and she mentioned the resolution would also give her authorization to modify speed limits during construction periods if necessary. Ms. Note explained the issues contained in her February 10, 2009 Request for Council Action form, and said concerning item #6, that it deals mostly with a residential neighborhood, that she conducted a speed study, and feels 30 mph might be more appropriate; but that there are some other streets which would meet the same criteria, such as 8th, 24`", and Adams, and that she wants to have consistency throughout the city; and will take that step at a future date after more comprehensive analysis. Council concurred; and agreed to move this item forward on the February 24`" council agenda. 7. Policine: Strateev - Rick VanLeuven Police Chief VanLeuven went through his PowerPoint presentation describing the purpose and intent of bringing the information regarding a false alarm ordinance; explaining the pros and cons, potential solutions, and problems with the current system, which he explained, is not cost efficient. Chief VanLeuven explained about the number of false alarms in 2008; fines, tickets and revenues; that of the 954 false alarms, public schools were responsible for 162; and he mentioned outsourcing with a company called "Crywolfl' , which he explained would have no direct cost to us, and the company would send the fine directly to the alarm account payment received in a local bank, and it would remove the courts from the equation, thus saving court time, clerical time, and taxpayer dollars. Mayor Munson said he would like to know the number of residential versus business false alarms, and Chief VanLeuven said he can gather that data for Council; and added that the outsourcing company would take about 25% from the fees, and there would be no up-front costs and we would have nothing to pay. City Manager Mercier said that the objecfiive is to reduce the number of false alarms, free up officers' time to deal with other services, and un-clog the court, and he suggested exploring the ability to piggyback on the City of Spokane's contract; and to come back with specific language for council consideration. Council concurred. Chief VanLeuven also gave an overview of the SECTOR Program, which deals with issuing violations and copies of tickets, and said the proposal is to use electronic transmittals; scan the driver's license and vehicle registration bar codes, the scanner would then provide the necessary options to complete and print the ticket, which would be printed on a thermal printer, thus giving notice of infractions to the driver, and sending the inforniation off instantly. Chief Van.Leuven also mentioned the recent event.s dealing with pharmacy robberies over the last few weeks and said his department is working diligently to make arrests in those cases; and said that also during the last few weeks, they had limited use of SWAT teams to take people into custody. 8. Upcomin Public Works Council Actions - Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten explained that this is more of an informal memo to give Council notification of the projects planned for this summer, and projects planned for bid construction along with projects that will only be designed this year; that these projects will require future Council action in the form of bid awards and consultant agreements, and mentioned there will be heavy competition for the upcoming projects. Council Regular Meeting: 02-10-2009 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT . INFORMATION ONLY: The following items were for information only and were not reported or discussed.• City Hall Lease Extension; yVater Rights; Fire District Quarterly Report; Letter of Compliments to Staff,• and Alley Conversion to One-Way. City Manager Mercier asked if Council would agree to put the City Hall Lease Extension item on the February 24 Consent Agenda, and Council agreed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation. It was moved by Mayor Munson and seconded, to adjourn into Execulive Session for approximately 30 minutes for the purpose of discussing pending litigation, and that no action is anticipated afterwards. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:52 p.m. At 9:15 p.m., Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session. It was then moved by Councilmernber Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m. ATTEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting: 02-10-2009 Page 6 of 6 Approved by CounciL• CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Office Space Lease Extension At Redwood Plaza PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City leased office space at Redwood Plaza when the city incorporated in 2003. Additional space was leased at the same site as the city grew and required more space. As part of the agreements to lease additional space, and in recognition that any new city owned facility would not be ready by the expiration of the original lease, the city extended the original lease so that all city leases at Redwood Plaza currently expire at 3-31- 10. BACKGROUND: Staff tried to extend the lease again in 2008 but the leasing agent wanted a surcharge to extend the expiration date beyond 3-31-10. Staff was also concerned the rate per square foot might be greater than comparable facilities elsewhere in the community. With the expiration date a year away, staff has again approached Web Properties about an extension on our lease. Staff has also used an independent realtor to gather information about available space in Spokane Valley. It has been difficult to find 20,000 to 30,000 square feet of space at one site. Another problem is anticipating our space needs over the next five years. After reviewing available space in the community and considering the cost of moving, staff believes extending the existing lease at Redwood Plaza with a 3% annual increase is the best option. We have one year left on our current lease beginning 4-1-09 at $17.15 square foot per year. OPTIONS: 1.) Extend the existing lease with Redwood Plaza with 3% annual increases; 2.) Lease space in another facility of comparable size; 3.) Split city offices into several sites RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authoriie City Manager or designee to execute a three-year extension of the office space lease at Redwood Plaza with a 3% increase in the rate/square foot on April 1 of each year. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: A 3% annual increase will cost the city $13,600 more each year. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Current (2007) Lease . • = ~ . + ~ caLMaVMRcx.~ ~EAsE A~~~~~NT FoR ~ ~G REDWOOD PI1AZA - CLOCKT4WER BUILDIN TF1:IS LEASE, made and entered this 12th day of November, 2007, by and between Northwest Cbristian Schools, a non-profit corporation, 5104 E. Bernhill Rd., Colbert, WA 99005 hereinafter refe'rred to as Lessor, and City of Spokane Valley, whose niailing address is 11707 . East Sprague, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafter referreci to as Lessee. • . ~.~~'~r~~S.E~~: tLs used herei.n: (t) tbe temi Lessee shall refer and apply equally to the plural tenn Y,essees, (2) he or his shall apply to she and bers. • . . • For and in consideration of the mutual pronuses contuned herein, the parfies agree as follorvs: . 1. LEASEU PRE1lISES. T.he Lessor d'oes hereby Lease to the L.essee and the .Lessee does hereby hire mid tease from the Lessor those certain premises located and describeti as The Clocktower Building Suite 304 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, `VA 99206. Consistimg of approx.i.mately 4,451 Sq. Ft: • fl 2, (a) TE1t11I. The tern of this Lease sball be xwo (2) years and T'hree (3) months, • eornmencing on January 1, 2008 and ending iMarch 31, 2010. Zn the event occupancy occurs i.n tJie middle of any rnonth, rent for the first month sbal,l be prorated to the first day of the next succeedina montli and thexeafter, all rental payments shall bE due and payable on the ..fusf (tst) day o!' each month. . (b) ~ENT: Lessee covenants and agrees to pay the Lessor at tiVEB Properties, . xnc. P.O. Box 21469, Spokane, `VA 99201; or to such other place as the Lessor may hereafter designate, monthly rental in the amounts of and due and payable on the f"t (1) day of each 'month as noted. • . • . . . , ' This is a gross lease and includes all costs for the subject Y,eased Premises and common area. . A. The rental for the period of January 2008 tluough and . including March 2009 shall be SIX TH4USAND O'E HITYDREi A SE'V.-Ei~1TX FIVE AND 001100 I)OLLt1RS • , ($6,175.00), per month in advance on the first (tSh day of each month. • The rental for the period of Apri12009 through and including March 2010 sbal.l be SDY THOUSAs~tD • ' •TWMERITNDkED SIXfiY OiYE A,c OOIx 00 nOLLARS ($6,361.00), per month in advanee on the first (lSt) day of eac.li wonth. . --•tllate-payment assessment of five percent (54/0) n.f the • monthly rcntal clue wil.l be chargeci for any rent pa.id after the tenth (10`h) business day of the month in which rent is due. • 3. USF, OF PRE1!1ISES. The Leased 1'remises sllal.l be used for commercial ' business purposes as permittEd withi.n a comm.ercial business zone in Spokane Countiy, . Washington.and al.l activitics incident thereto and for no other piupose without the prior.ivritten co.nsent of the Lessor first obtai.ned. Lcssee shall not use or allow the use of the Leased Prem.ises in any inanner that causes damage to the real property or improvements, nor shal.l L-essee use or allow use of'the Leased RrenUSes in any man.ner tivhich would i.ncrease inssurance preuuums or . .for any illegal purpose. Lessee shall comply with all governiuental rules, o.rders, regulations, or requirements relating to the use aud occupancy of the Leased Premises. 4. RULES A.ND REGULATIO\TS. Lessor reserves the right to promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations relating to the use of pazking areas as itmay deem appropriate • and for the best inferest of the tenants, and Lessee agrees to abide by such rules and to coopErate i.n the observance thereof Such niles aad regulations shall be binding upon Lessee upon ' . . delivery of a copy thereof to T..esse,s. Sa.id rules and regulations may be amended by LessoT frora time to time with or without advance notice and such amendments shall be effective upon the • delivery of a copy thereof to I.essee. Any material violation of such rules and regulations by • • . sc.oz 304213.2 ' 2 . Lessee, its officers, agents, employees or subtenants will constitute a breach of this lease and, upon expiration•of the cuxe period, entitle the Lessor to claim a defauit thereunder in the same manner arid to the same extent as any other default under the lease: provided, however, •that the , notice axid cure provisions of Section 23 of this Lease shall be applicable. 5. REAJ, ESTATE TAXES. The Lessor- shall pay all real properiy taxes due or falling due on said prem.ises. However, in the event the Lessee shall make an improvement on the ' property which causes an inerease in real property taxes, the Lessee hereby agrees to pay any . reasonable increase caused. 6. MAIiVTENA\TCE. Lessor shall maintain i.n good condition, the improvenients on . the teal property, including parkiug lot, leased pursuant to this Xlease. This shall includ"e any and a]1 maintenancc required to keep the improvements on the real property, including parking lot, which is the subject matter of this Lease, in the same cond.ition, less normal wear and tear, • casualty, condemnation and repairs required to be made by Lessor, as of the date of • commencement of this Leasc. • 7. PARKrii'C X:.OT iN'IAS1V'TE1~TAiNCF. The Lessor shall keep and maintain the . parking lot and landscaping i.n a neat and cleau caniiition and repair at all t.ixmes. Tn addition, • Lessor shall remove snow during the winter season, as needed, and the Lessee agrees that there shal,l be no vehicles left ovemight in the pazking lot area by LESSEe or any em.p.loyee of the Lessee in order to }~revent uiterference with thc cleaning, main.taini.ng and snow removal o.f the •parking lot area: + 8. UTII..IT~`1S. The I,essor agees to pay all charges for li:ght, heat, water, sewer, • garbage and all other utilides and scrvices funushed to the premises-excepf telephone. Lessor • agrees to provide janitorial services sufficient to keep said Leased Premises and common area neat, clean and free o.f gaTbage and debris at all times. 9. ACCIDEN'.CS AND LIA►BTLITY. Neitber Lessor nor its ageuts shall be liable for any injury or damage to persons or property sustained by Y.essee or any others, in and about the Leased Premises. T.,essee agrees to defend and hold Lessor and its agents harmless from any st.oz 304213.2 3 ' ' , . . , ; . . . , claim, action andlor judgement for damages to property or i.njury to Persons suf,f.ered or alleged to be suffered on the Leased Premisesby any person, fum or corporation, unless caused by Lessor's negligence. • Lessor and Lessee agree to niaintain public liability insu,rance on tlle Leased Premises in the . miiiimum siugle limit of One Million and N01100 dollars ($1,000,000.00) and shall name Lessor as an additional insured. Lessee shall furnish Lessor W* ith a certificate indicating, that the in.surance policy is in fu.U force ancl effect and listiug the Lessor as an additional insured on the policy. Lessor shall name Lessee as an additionai insured and shall. furnish Y.essee with a ceTtif'icate indicating the i.nsurance polacy is in fiill force and effect and I.isting Zfessee as an additional irisureti. ' . 10. LIENS AND X1tSOX.'VENCY. Except as ofhe.t%vase prov.ideii Lessee shall keep the _ Leased Premises free froin any liens arising out of a.ny labor performed or materials furnished to,' or any obligations incur.red by Lessee, and shall hold Lessor harmless against same. In the event Lessee becomes insolvent, bankiupt, ox is a receiver, assignee or other liquidating officer is . appointed for the bus-iness of Lessee, Lessor may caucel this Lease at its option. 11. S'UBLE4 'xTING OR ASSIGNI'EENT. Except as otherwisE provided Le.ssee may not . , assigu or sublet all or any part otthis lease of the Leased Premises, witIiout I.essor's prior written con sent. ' . , 12. ACCESS. Lessor shall have the right to enter the I,eased Premises at all reasonable times arid provide LesseE reasonable notice except for emergencies for the purpose of inspeckion or of making repairs, additions or alterations, and to show the Leased Prenuses to prospective . , tenants sixly (60) days prior to tbe expiration of the teraa of this Lease. Lessor shall have the rigbt to place aFor Rent sign in conuection with the Leased Premises &r the sixty (60) days. prior •to the end of the term of th,i s Lease. • ' 13. POSSESSXOrt A]NTD QTJIEET ENJOYMEnjT'. fihe Lessee shall be entitled to ' possession o;f fhe J.,eased Premises as soon as the same are ready for occupancy as hereinabove described and shall be entitled to conti.nued quiet enjoyment of the Leased Premases during all sL02 304213.2 • 4 . , , . periods under the tenn of this Lease, provided that the Lessee shall be in good standing and shall bave paid a11 rent reserved under the Lease and performed all covenants agreed to be performed - . by the Lessee under the term of the Lease. . . 14. DANIAGE OR DESTRi,ICTIO\j. In the event the Leased Premises are rendered untenantalile in whole or i.n part by fi.re, the elements, or other casualty, J..essoz iuay elect at its option, within ten (10) days of the event not to restore or rebuild the Leased Premises and sball so notify Lessec, i.n tivhich event Lessee shall vacate the X.,eased Prem.ises and this Lease shall be tetminated; or in the altennative, Lessor shall notify Lessee witbi.n ten (10) days after receiving notice o.f such casualty the.Lessor tvill undertake to rebluld or restorc the Leased Premises, aud that such work can be conipleted witlun ni.nety (90) d.ays from the date of such uotice -of intenf. If Lessor cannot restore or rebuild the Leased Premises witbin the sa.id ni.nefy (90) days, except for delays which are not the fault of the Lessor, then the lease may be terminated at the Lessee's option by written ten (10) days notice to l'.essor. During the period thaL the Leased Premises are . not tenantable, rent shall abate in the samc ratio as premises rendered untenantable bears to the whole of the x,eased :Premises. 3.5. SIG-tiTS. The I.essce shall be permitted to have siguaae in connection with the occupancy of the Leased Premises. All signs or symbols placed by Lessee shall be subject to ' Lessor's prior written approval, Nvhach wili not be unzeasonably witbheld or delayed. All signs sha.ll be non-iUumi.nated and shall be consistent with other signage placed upon the buildi.ng or on any sip post established for the general usE of all tenants within the building or using other buitdiog on the property common to the arca. Signs sha11 generally conform to the size and type of sign currettly in use on the Clocktowe.r Build.'u1g. At the termination o.f the X.ease, the Lessee _ shall remove all signs, at Lessee's expense placed in, on or about the r.,eased premises and will _ repair any damage caused by the removal to the x,eased Premises. If the L_essee has a sign i.n a common use sign post or board, Lessee shall replace plastic in the sign at the termination of the T..ease. . . ' 16.. AINERAT70NS AND IMPROVEMENTS. Tenant shall not make alterations, additions or to the improvements Premises tvithout the prior writteu consent of Owner. Uuless otherwise provided for, all such alterations, additions and improvements shal.l be SL02 3042131 5 . at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, and shall become the property of Owner and 'sllall remain . as part of the prenaises at the termination or expiration of this Lease. Tenant agrees to save Owner harmlESS from any damage arising out of any sueh work. Owner reserves the rigbt to make, from ti.me-to-time, at its expense, such alterations and improvements to Prenlises and Property as it deems appzoPriate 17. COl~1DEiNIVATXON. Xn the event that any governnzent, or any agency or . instrumentalify havi.ng the power of emi.nent domain shaal, by condemnation or deed in lieu thereof, take title, possession or the right to possession of the Leased premises or any part thereof, Lessormay, at its option, terminate this Lease as of the date of sucix takin, and if Lessee is not in default under any of the provisions of this Lease on said date, any rental prepaid by . Lessee shall., to the extent allocable to any period subsequent to the effective date of the • termination, be promptly refunded to Z.essee, provided Lessee shall be entitled to seek cornpensatioa for anq Lessee improvements which are so takcri by emi.nent domai.n. 18. COMI7PLIANCE WITH LAWS. Lessee sball at alI times keep and use said Leased Premises i.n accordance -,vith applieabte laws and ordinances and in accoxdance xvith applicable ciirections, rules and regu]ations of public oificials and departments as applicable to Lessee's specific use of the Leased Premises as opposed to use in generai by the tenant at the sole expense of Lessee unlcss otherwise agreed by the parxies. 19. CONM"N7ATI0N BY LESSEE. .Lessee agrees, from time to timE during the Lease period, upon not less than fifteen (15) days prior written request by the Lessor, to sign and ' make available to the Lessor, a confirmaho,n sta4,ng that the Lease is in fiill force and eff'ect and • • unmodified as of the date o.f the signi.ng of the confirniation. The purpose of such con.firmation • shall be to entitle the Lessor to provide said confinnation to a mortgagee or prospective mortgagee providi.ng financing for said property,'of which the Leased Premises is a part. . 20. JO~i I'X' AAND SEVERA►L OBLXGATI0N. 'Z'here being more thau one Lessee, the . obligations hereunder imposed upon Lessee are joi.nt and several upon a11 persons inc.luded as L.essee. , , . sUWaa2131 6 • • , , - , 21. RIDER.S. The riders or addenda, if any, attached to this Lease axe made a part hereof by reference. ' ' • 22. DEFAU.K.:C AND RIE-EN7:l7x'. If the Lessee shall fail to keep and perform any of the covenants and agreements herein- contained, other than the payment of.rent, and such failure conti'nues for thirty (30) days after Nvritten notice from Lessor, unless appropriate action has been taken by Lessee in good f.aith to cure such failute, Lessor may terminate this Lease and re-enter . . said L,eased preinises ar3d without terminahng this Lease, re-enter'said Leased Premises, sublet the whole or any part tllereo.f for the account of the Tressee for the balance o.f the term of.this . L•ease, and Lessee covenants and agress to pay to Lessor the fai.r rental value of a.ny deficiency ' arising from re-letting of the Leased Premises at a lesser amount than herei.n agreed to. Lessee • shall pay such deficiency each xnonth as the amount thereof is ascertained by Lesso.r or at the Lessor's option, shall pay the preserit value [discounted at the rate of seven (7) nercent per annum] of the balance of the rent foz tbe rEmaindcr of the term of the Lease less the present . value (discounted at the same rate) of the :fair rriarket value of the Leased Premises for said period. . 23. BIZEACI3 OF LEASE. If the Lessee breaches this Lease after written notice and grace periods, then this Lease xnay be termi.nated by the Lessor in the folloNving • manncr at its opiion: The Lessor shall serve upoii the Lessee, by registzred or certified mail, at the Lessee's last kno«rn address, a notice i.n writing of the fact of said breach or breaches and a • , detailed description of said breaches. krom and rifter the mail.ing of said notice, the LesseE shall have tien (10) days to cure any br.each for the nonpayment of rent and thirty (30) days to cure any other breacb of the lease. Failure of the Lessee to remedy said breaches witlii.u said perivd shall result in Lessee's total forfeiture of all its right, title and interest wader this Lease, and the Lessor . sha11 have the-rigbt to enter said premises and remove the .Lessee and her property therefrom, take iminediate possession for the purpose of protecting said property aud cancel this Lease in its ' entirety or re-let the premises. In all cases of such forfeiture, Lessor shall make a good-faith effort to mitigate its dama$es. Lessee shall be liable only for reasonable deficiencies, which do not exceed fair market value of rent Nvhich result from re-Ietting. st,o2 304:131 7 - 24. REiMOVAY, OF PROPERI"Y. Zn the event Lessor lawfully re-enters the T.,eased Premises as provided herein, T_,essor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove all of the personal property located therein and to place such property in storage at the expense and risk of Y.essee. " 25. COSTS AiNID ATTORNEY'S FEEIVE\TU:E. If, by reason of any ciefault or breach on the part of either part}r in the perfornaance of any of the provisions o.f tbis Z.ease, a legal action is i.nstituted, the losing party agrees io pay all reasonable costs including ttie prevaili.ng parfy's reasonable atto.rney's fees as fixed by the.court i.n connection-thereNvith. Yt is agreed that the venue of any legal action brought under the terms for tbis lease s.hall be in Spokane County, Washi:ng#on. • • ' . 26. SUi3:It0GATI1~~G WAIVER.- Lessor and Lessee each releases aud relieves the other and waives its entue right of recovery against the other for loss or damage arising out of, or • ' incident to, all perils described in the fire arad extended coverage insurance policy approvEd for use in the State of Washington, which occurs in, on or about the Leased Premises, whether due to the negligence of cither parfy, their agents or empioyees or otherwise. ' . 27. SIJB0R7:nTATxON. Except as otherwise provided I.essee aerees that this Lease • sha11 be subordi.nafe to any mortgage,s or deeds of trust placed on the properiy provided that in the evcnt of foreclosure, if Lesscc is not thcn in default and agrees to at#orn to the mortgaaee or beneficiary under deed of tru.st, or purchaser at a foreclosu.re sale, such naortgagee or beneficiary ox puxchaser shall recognize Lessee's raght of possession for the ful,l term of t}us Lease. T.,essor agrees to use Lessor's best Efforts to obtain a rTou-Disturbance Agreenwnt 28.1 O 'vktA.rVER OF COVE3vAl~1'TS. Any waiver by eitlier party of any breach heTeof by the other shall not be considered a waiver of any future simi.lar breach. . , 29. ENTIW, AGREEMEN'T. 'I'iis I.ease contains all the agreements between the ' . , SL02 304213.2 8 ' , . • . ; . _ ~ . . . parCies and no rnodificatione shall be effective except by written instrument, signed by both parties. . . 30. §JLtENDEEt Ok' PREMI~U Lessee agrees, upon terminetion of this Lease, to peacefully quit and sunender the pxemises to Lcssor without notice, to leavc thc Leased . Premises neat and clean, well rnaintained, in good condition, normal wear and teat excepted, and to deliver all keys to the Leased Prernises to the Lessor, . 31. HOLDING OVER If Lessce, with the unptied or exprese consent of Les9or, . , shall hold over after the expiration of the term of thie Lease, Lessee shall remain bound by all the , . covenants and -agrecments horein, except tbat the tenancy ahall be from month to month and rnonthly rent ahall be otherwise agreed upon.. . 32. BINDING ON HEIRS, SUCCE3SORS-AND ASSIGE& This Loase shall be - binding upon the heirs, exeeutors, administrators, successors and assigns of both parties hereto, . . except ae hereinabove pr.ovided, but this does not constitute a consent to assignment. . . 33. NOTICE, Any notice required or allowed to be given by eithor party to tha other shall be deposited in the United Statos mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, aadressed to Lessor or to the Lessee at their addresses stated below, or at euch other address as either party rnay deeignate to the other by notice given as herein provided. . Lessor at; Northwest Cluisrian Schools C/o WEB Properties, Tnc. . . p.o. Box.21469 Spokana, WA 99201 Lessee at; City of Spokane Valley . Attn: City IVianager . 11707 E. Sprague Suite 106 . Spokaria 'Valley, WA 99206 , 34. NON-SMOKING B.TLUJANP POLICY. It is agreed between Lessor and Lessee • ~ ~ T~ ~ • ~ ' ' _ - _ 1 . ^a _ ~ ~ - . . ~i.~.criicu.vcru•~ :.c.:u u v..~.-~~ ' ....rl.----• - - - "-v - ~ . . inside of the office build'utg. If smolang within this complox becomes a problem, the Lessoir h.a.s SL02 304213.2 9 O i• d L660EES60S T •ou I~ sa t zjadoJd 93M Wd T ts :z 6002 6 T qaj the right to cancel this Lease at its option, provided that the'notice aud cure provisions of sechon 23 hereof shall be applicable. 35. ri'20NT n00R SFCU121fiY. For the safety o.f all tenants and the janitor in the Clock Tower Professaonal Buildi.ng, all exterior doors must be locked after 6:00 p.m. IV.ionday through Friday. an the weekends all doors must be locked at the time of enteri.ng and at the time of exiting. 36.'MI IE OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in all provisions of this Lease. . 37. 'X'F~TAN'Z' EWPROVEA~NTS., .Lessor shall at its own cost and expense shall . , complete those improvements as outlined i,n Exhibit A. Tllese improvements include constTUCtion of a new conference room at the southwest corner of the suite tivitll a• ' door from that new roozn into the interior space, fin.ishing the west wall and noted electrical outlets tbrougbout the space.'rhe space is also to be painted, hotivever the • existing carpet is to remain. 38. AX2.BITRATION. In the Event of a disagreement arisi.ng under this Lease, all matters shal.l be submitted to arbifiratioia as follows: ~ Thc party seeki.ng arbitralaon shal.l subniit, in writi.ng, to the other party, a statement of the issue(s) to be arbitrated and sball designate a party to act as arbitrator on behalf of the party seeking azbitration. 1'he respondi.ng party shal,l supply a statemeut of any counter or addibional issue(s) to • be arbitrated and shall nom.inate an arbitrator to act for the responding party. This process shall be accornplished tivithin fourteen (14) days after the party seelang • arbitration bas deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, the i,nitial notice . of intent to arbitrate, addressed to the other party at the address hereinabove sbown. a. Z`he rivo (2) arbitratois selected shall immediatel.y select a third azbitrator. The arbitrators thus convened shall, within a time established by a majority vote of the arbitrators, conduct a hearing on the issues submitted to fhem and render a decision swi M4213.2 10 , . on each issue, in writi.ng, to each of the parties to the dispute. Any decision as fio . procedure or substance made by a majority-of the arbifiration panel shatl be binding. A decision Uy a majority of the arbitrators on any issues submitted shall Ue the decision of the arbitration panel as to that issue. The azbitrators shall have autliority to ativazd costs and r.easonable attorney's fees to cither party in accordancewith the merits and good faith of the position asserted by the parties. . Said final decision of the arbitration inay be submitted to any court i.n the county in • which the arbitrahon takes place to be entered in the form of a judger,nent fiherein. b. In lieu of appointing three (3) arbitrators i.n the manner set forth above, the parties may, by w:ritten agreement, designate a single arbitrator. ' c. Lxcept as provided hezein, the arbitration proceedings shalt be conducted in . _ accordance with the ru.les of the American Arbitxation Association and the•statutes of ' the State of Washington pertaining to binding arbitration. •lN WUNESS WIEREOF, the parties hereto have executed th.is instrument at Spokane, _Wasb.ington, on the day and year first above written. . . CTTY OF SpOKANE VAI-LEY NORxHWEST CHRIS'TIAl SCHODLS BY: ~ . $Y: . . ~ , TI`S:~ I7S: . • , -cY.-3c rG ~.-•-G-~~- • i Y/G d~/~Ij'1LY~ 11 • . • st.oC 3042131 • Lessee AclnowledLymen# S tate Of Wash in gton' County Of Spokane ~ o r~e t~ne ~Dn # _ ~ ~ date , -Notary Pub1ic gcrsnnally appeared 1CL person~lly knoivn to rne or prvved #a me on the basis of satisfacta~y evir3ence to be the pcrson wbose narne is ' subsci-ibed to th e withlu instrumen f and acknowledged tonie that heJsb e execu ted fbe same ' in his/her authorized cap,acity, aund that by btiis/her signature on the xnstxument the persan . ar th e entity upau beb alf oFivh ich #he persvn acted, executed.the insfxumen#. • . ' WITNE5S my Land and o~'icl'ax seal . ~*~~~~~►~tt~ ~ ~ ' ' Y . + ~~~~■~~~p~ ~,~.~r~~~~~ ~ x ~ Q~ A ~~`~r~ ~I . ~ ~1,~ . ~ ~ rp "r~ ' 40U 8~Y~ . ~ ~ ~ +~.~G NAT~ OF ~rOT~.R ' ~ - r,~ 'My Comnlissio n Expi.res . ~i~ '~~~►~~►t,ti.►•~ ~ _ {ffII 0F w 4 LE5SOr ACkmOwledgmeIlt S'TA'TE DF WASEhNGTON} . . ' :ss County afSpokane) . . Oathis -/,)'~T' dayof uzi:%.k,, 200f, befvre me; the undersipied, a;otary Public in and for the State of W 'gton, persanallY appeare,d 7V -~.t..~m and ~ 'e" 12. tD uic Icn4Nvn 0r Pr0ven& the basis of satisfact oeuidence, to be the a ertt Mr ~tpRTT31~~'~` •CMUSTT~~~ SCHO{D~, who executed the wi#hin and foregoing i.nst-ument atad acknvwledged the said ins#rument to be thc free mld valuntary art ar.Ed deed of saxd oorpora6on, far the uses and putposes therein mentioned, and on nath stated thafi they are authorized to executed said instrument on beba1f of said carporation, _ IlN WITiNES5 WHEREOF, T have hereunto set.rany band and affixed my official seat the day and ym first above writfen. • . at~~# ~ c~~ ~ Natary Public in and fvr the Stafe of ~ V ' r ; 0 ;Aj q, Washington, reS1ding at Spokane ~ My Appointment Expirrs: lf~~ V ~ , •~J' 0 F~ $LO3 304311.2 12. - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 10, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent N old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Schematic Design Services for the New City Ha11 Facility GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council approved the City Hall Program document on July 15, 2008. BACKGROUND: Bernardo Wills and GGLO developed the City Hall Program document which outlines the function and space requirements for the future City Hall. In order to continue the development of the City Hall project and continue with the work schedule approved by Council I have attached a proposal from Bernardo Will and GGLO for schematic design services for City Hall. This phase will develop the architectural and engineering schematic design for the City Hall building including a detailed cost estimate. The cost of the service will not Exceed $377,000. At the February 10, 2009 Council meeting, Council voted to table this item to the February 24"' council meeting. A motion must be passed to remove this item from the table before proceeding further with this issue. OPTIONS: Approve the contract or give staff other direction. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: First Motion Consideration: I move to remove from the table, the issue of Schematic Design Services for the New City Hall Facility. (the motion is not debatable, not amendable, and requires majority vote] Based on the outcome of the first motion, a second motion could be: Second: I move to approve the schematic design contract for City Hall to Bernardo WiIUGGLO in the amount of $377,000. BUDGET/FtNANC1AL IMPACTS: Funds are avaitable in the Civic Building Fund STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS BWAlGGLO Proposal ~ W-ig BERNARDO I WILLS ARCHITECTS PC Novernber 10, 2008 Mr. Neil Kersten, AIA City of Spokane Valtey 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: City of Spokane Valley - City Hatl Schematic Design Services BWA #08-3b5 Dear Neil: Based on our pre•design and programming work nde • ing of the project, we are pleased to offer this fee proposal for the n~~ incremen vet of architectural and engineering services: ~ A. ProLect DescriQtion: Constnxtion of a to 60, Ot sf thr ory plus basement municipal bullding on a 3t acre parce( situat s.a part~ ,the propose Center project at the former University Shopping~Center with p ograms ces and featur escribed in the City Hatl Program report dated ~;~008 prepared kiy~e BWA/GGLO design team. Exterior buitding design is expected to{inElude:~~some combi tion of rnasonry veneer, pre-cast concrete features, and glnss/meral,' curtain,~,,al~ with., seet joist/steel deck or cast-in- ptace/post tensioned concrete floorK,nd roofi;sjtst~ems, an onventionat foundations and ents ar Lexpectedi~:~o incl a complete buitd out of footings. interior.; wNuMMMIR11 s-. programmed 'spac~ el of fini p dP!rlate to use. Site improvement'-work is ex ~ ed to inC~t(de new and existinQ parking arcas, utilities, landxape areas, pe~~ ~an; ~at~wa,ys and' qn~rance plaza, xreened trash enclosure and loadin :cioe ~/'se~vice/deEiu.~ery,area;~stte~furnishas, lighting, curbs and gutters, etc. for the area~m~nediatiely~djacen~~4ko~the Ciry ~ l~building. Atthough the project will likety indude ad~i~ionat park ~~nd~~pt~za oi ace an sfte work such as street improvements and utitft ' e extension`s~t' se co ents are not defined at this time and conceptuat design work features part o eparate design proposal and task and is noi induded at this tfi a part of B~` servtc The current uctton b et for the project is $14,100,000 escalated to 2010 dollars, not inctuding a ~ange~r1 r contingency, design fees, sales tax, testing and inspections and similar soft ca • u Et~l' in the referenced City Hall Program. The project has a LEED goal of 'Gotd' or bett B. Scooe of Work for Basic Services: Sehematic Design generally represents approximatety 15 to 2096 of the total architectural and engineerinQ eftort for a project such as th1s. The work witl be produced primarlly using Building Information Modeling (BIM) software to generate both 2-0 and 3-D drawings and sketches. Using Building Information Modeting software from the inception will facilitate transition between phases, provide better integration betvreen disciptines, and allow the design team to better present design concepts and systems to the Qwner. It is the intent of this fee proposal to provide Schematic Design Phase services as an incremental step to move the project forvvard and to further define the project's soope, character, features, and budQet in accordance with the attached Exhibit A Schematic Design 107 S HOMARD FOURTH FLOOR SPOKANE HA 99201 509•83$04511 FAX 509•838•4605 WNN.BERNARDOWILLS.COM i ~ BERNARDO I WILLS ARCHITECTS PC Scope of Work. Based on the approved Schematic Design Phase, future phases of our work wilt include Design Development, Construction Oocuments, Bidding, and Construction Phase services. C. Fee Proposal for Basic Services: We can provide the best and most responsive service in the formative phase of a project if our fee is based on the actual time we spend on the project and our standard hourly rate schedule with provisions for consultant costs and reimbursabte expenses with the following not-to-exceed budget: 1. Scfiematic Design Phase $377,000.00 ► Architectural $170,000.00 ► Civil Engineering 17,500.00 ► Landscape Architecture 39,500.00 ► Structural Engineering 22,500.00 ► Methanical Englneering 28,5UU.00 ► Electrical Engineering 15,500.00 ► Interior Design ,000.00 ► Cost Estimating -514000 .QO ► LEED/ELCCA 33;500,00 < Graohics 8 Presentation Materials 15. 006.1`00.. Total Schematic Design Not- o~Exceed Budge ~ $377,000.00 The above is an estimate only ar • e; lievr5 and co ay fluctuate between tasics as the work progresses; however, we not~::eXc the e amount without your pr-ior approval. ` f~ D. Services Not I~cl~dec~%3n ~c~s: Base u understanding of the project to date, the fdlowing ser ices are n c uded ; ~ Services=bUt can be added if necessary or requested. , ~e ► o hic an ~~ifa~ ry~; ~~'-1 - - ~r,;ubdi process e apptications, public hearings and/or ~similar lan acti raffic Study, techn vestigations or Environmental assessments ► sing previou' ompl r approved work at the request of the Owner ~ Developmer Cons ion Documents Phases ► Cer tions, insp ons or testing rcquired by regulatory agencies - ► Buildi missior ~ ► Value En rinrmal Constructability Reviews ► Irnentory ofurniture, fncture, and equipment (FFE) ~a E. Time Schedule: Estimated Schematic Design Phase duration is 12 to 16 weeks. F. Reirnbursable Expenses: The following costs are directly associated with the project and are invoiced as reimbursable expenses at 1.10 times our direct costs: ► Printing, presentation boards, and overnight shipping ► Fees paid to regulatory agencies or USGBC for project review or registration ► Travel expenses from/to Seattle (airline and per diem) i : BERNARDO IWILLS ARCHITECTS PC This fee proposat is intended to be short and concise, but we can provide additional information such as an expanded list ot work for any of the listed tasks, esNmated staff-hours, drawing index, consultant proposals, etc. We look forward to continuing with this project and are available to answer aryy questions you have conceming the above. Sincerely, Gary Bernardo, AIA Principal Enc: Exhibit A Schematic DesiQn Phase Scope of Work Accepted By: 5igned ODate ~ i BERNARDO ~ WILLS AFiCHi7ECT5 PC Exhibit A/ Schematic Design Phase Scope of Work Date: November 10, 2008 Project: City of Spokane Valley - City Hall It is the intent of this fee proposal to provide Schematic Design Phase services as an incremental step to move the project forward and to further define the project's scope, character, features, and budget in accordance with the foliawing scope of work: Basic Services A. Archicectural: 1. Prepare draft schedule for work and periodic, up tes rk progresses. 2. Review surveys, work to date, applicable,,-codes, ano r pertinent infonnation applicable to the Projecc, inctuding: p:roqnsed C1ty Center9p ign Guidelines and the proposed zoning code. ' 3. Prepare comprehensive building code - is based n occupan cgroups and assumed construction type. ~ ' • 4. Meet with appropriate a PS (i.e. uNli~_~2o panies, waste~ ragement, Nre department, etc.) to deter ri; ' d-party darametei's. p rogram, design 5. Meet with Owner's Core Tearr ated re atives to confirm P concepts, goals, and strategies` a ro,,lre-~s, 6. Develop Conceptual Design Alt ~ tives ' tr,o`ting site plan layouts, floor plan o e diagrams, and bc~~„~►;~assing f ~ r re1►+~ti 7. Based on the-:-"e"~e?-' " oncePt YD ' ~'%At e,tive, devetoP Schematic Desi8n . Documents to:._ escribe size, r, and features of the Project including R.w, architectural,lands interio :-;f;tructural, mechanical and electricat systems ~s and materials an h o ents propriate. ~ 8. ear -m eting t^` ic-s, a~i Yiake presentations to the Ciry Council and ~fl Ke `C • grot:,gpa reque a,pe~ r'ic key meetings include: ►Meeting 1: . off n't ' g to revi-e~t.nd confirm program and project design goals ~ 1~leeting 2: D''. Con Charette to review design team's initial concepts and ~;Frovide directio • ti1eP:Lti _g 3: Preser~t~:3;~design cepts and select preferred option ► hleet ng. 4: SchematIc Design Charette to review design teams initial Schematic Design and prq~fe direction ► Meeting he ~(ti Design presentation to Core Team for review and comment ► Nleeting 6: s tion to City Council 9. Provide overall pr .~~managernent including coordination of multiple consuttants. 10. Prepare Schematic Design Construction Cost Estimate. 11. Provide draft of Schematic Design Submittal for Owner review. Based on review comments, finalize Schematic Oesign Submittal for formal approval. 12. Prepare outline specifications. 13. Assist Owner in analyzing different project delivery methods (i.e. traditlonat sequential design-bid-build, negotiated design/build, General ContractorlConstruction Management-GC/CM, etc.). 14. Assist Ovmer in defining pubtic art opportunities for project integration. 107 S IIOKARD FOURTN f LOUR SPOKAMf kA 99201 509•838•4511 FAX 509-$38•4605 WNW.BERHARDOwILLS.CUK i BERNARDO I WILLS ARCHITECTS PC 15. Prepare formal Schematic Design Submittal package to intlude Design Narrative, Drawings (site plan, floor plans, elevations, building sections, character sketches, massing studies), code review summary, outline specifications, and cost estimate. B. Cfvi I: 1. Analyze existing utilities and road system within the proposed City Center to define preferred infrastructure extensions to serve City Hall, as wetl as future City Center developments. Develop phasing plan for infrastructure improvements. 2. Prepare preliminary LEED analysis and assist with Cost Estimate. G. Landscape Architecture: m 1. Confirm extefior desfign program and requi~ef ~s and develop preliminary landscape/hardscape sVategies for site and adj c t reet frontage. 2. Assist with site plan development to assure~:comp e with zoning code and other development standards. 3. Prepare pretiminary IEED analysis and ~ssjst`i~►ith Cost Es D. Structural: 1. Review Geotechnical Report and anal tional structural sys e lncluding footings, foundations, floor framing, roof fram nd EaAer,al resisting e ents for cost , effic+encies and constructabitity. _ ~ 2. Provide narrative summarizin,~ r, ~f rred syste <c~dloading, and seismic standards. 3. Prepare preliminary LEED ana`tys~"s5ist with;'-ost,Estimate. ,Y E. echanicai: 1. Analyze optiona syst66 s for ptu ng, }-I n rgy •~rols and prepare narrative summarizinge erred~sWms. 2. Provide one='t ftow diag a~m, enefgyj~ d~ 'nalysis, preliminary LEED evaluation. 3. i den tif y p l u m r i s e r s, ; t i u c t c h a s e e c h a n i c a l e q u i p m e n t r o o m s, a i r i n t a k e a n d exhaust locations,-• irwe spJ, rtklFr, riser, an ecial occupancy zones. .K-Ia~ ~-r..•• r 4. Ass'St v~n `G st EstIma F. Ele~tri~a l: 1. 'Anlyze aptional sys„,~tems ar,~tighting, electrical service and distribution, fire alarm, pov~ 'Icommunicatio nlate an x1mor epare narrative summarizing preterred systems. 2. fsta15 arget fooC-cqn le various program spaces and task/ambient lighting strategi 3. Provide o e =rVvic gram. 4. Identity rise lttcattorts, etettrical rooms, cable tray locations. 5. Prepare prelim LEp anatysis and assist with Cost Estimate. - G. Interior DesiRn: 1. Review fumiture, fixture and equiprnent (FfE) needs with Owner to detennine re-use or new and assist with preliminary space planning and FFE scope (FFE inventory not included). 2. Establish typical workstation and offite needs based on staff functions and develop preliminary FFE budget. 3. Develop preliminary typical matrrial finish matrix for program spaces for budgeting. 4. Prepare preliminary LEED anatysis and assist with Cost Estimate. H. Cost EstlmatinR: i BERNARDO `WILLS aRCH17ECTS PC 1. Provide input to design team regarding proposed building systems and materials. 2. Prepare Schematic Design Cost Estimate based on quantity talce•offs and unit prices. 1. LEEO/ELCCA: 1. Review Guidelines for Public Agencies in Washingtan State Energy Life Cycte Cost Analysis (ELCCA) requirements and establish strategies for compliance. 2. Review IEED Checkli5t and establish credit opportunities with design team and Owner. 3. Register projett vvlth USGBC and set up on-line account and web access. 4. OrQnnize and conduct 'Eco Charette' for Core Team and Consultants to discuss LEED opportunities and goals; make abbreviated presentation to City Council and Stakeholders groups as requested. J. Granhics and Presentation Materiats: 1. Prepare graphia for City Council ar Stakeho er - re ations to include 3D computer modcls, PowerPoint presentations, and/or rende ngs a etches of project. 2. Prepare printed graphics for Design Con~ ~tubmittal an" ematic Desfgn Submittat packages. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Requcst for Council AcNon Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Managcr Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Z new business ❑ public hearing ❑ iaformation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 09-001 for right-of-way vacaiion STV-04-08- Request to vacate a 30 feet wide x 607 feet long portion of Tschirley Road located south of Euelid Avenue and a 30 feet 'wide x 440 feet long portion of Tschirley- Road north of the Linion Paci(ic Railroad right-of-way. ~ - ; , ' • • 'n~ i . . _ _ ' w - : ...r' - . ~ : i►- - - -L ~ ~ ? F, ~ . , c .M ~ y ' • •l l Lt i F 1~/' " ~ . lT ~t , ~ Y . T.- r ~ P t'~ - ! ! • ' ` , ~fM • O. t ~ ►vy"C • F +a I R . M ~ _ v_L ~ - ~ • - , Y ~ ~ ' • ` • - f A t ~ _ ♦ 1 : ' I , . . i t r' ,r,.~~- - -x, . r, v~,,r' ' t~_.~t,,' . ~~s~'• ~I ~ ~w'~„!~`,~.`"' ~j~ , , , . : . ~7tf i s .t. •S, jrN ' ri.Y~ fy! 1II ~~;f N~`.+ . 1 ~ ti- ' r... uy~ t • r'~.,~ - r-• ! `,g~-~ *t~. .~i. : . ~ • _ ~ ~ ; _ ' M • I ' r ~ , : f t r - d , C'r~~• 4. r ~ ~ ~ ; ~ _,~s~ ~'c~,~ c t~" ~ ' ~ . . . , t ;r,~„~ v ~ ~ • ~ i ; ~ P' 1' fr , ir=~'} ♦,~.a~`"1 t,_ , '~J~; i~•'~ ~ ~`=~11 • . _ } • A ' f .i► ~••M .t,.i ~ I :.,.y k' Y+~`i Y-''.J _ r•t -y.Wt . ~.i r '~r.c y ti ~ ~ - 1. . ► - n1eW l0 LJC •f.ic7tQd r i, . • `•~~+i~ ~ • , ' ~ ~ ay ~i • _ ' r F i 4f;. ~ 1) ~ ~ ' ' . i._4 t " _ - - + _ " ' r 1 f,•~. 't~~ ' . . . ' . a, ~.r,_.-: . . ' • ' s _ sw ~ • ~r f ( r 14 , , R ~ • v ~ V1~ BACKGROUND: 4n Oc;tober 17, 20081) Steve Slehofer, Four Curners Capital, LLC and Owen Robinson, on behelf of Lumber Yard Supply Company applied for a street vacation. The application requests the vacation of a 30 feet wide x 607 feet long portion of Tschirley Road south of Euclid Avenue and a 30 feet wide x 440 feet long portion of Tschirley Road north of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of- way. Currently the street abuts four (4) parcels, all of which three (3) are owned by the applicaunts and one (1) is owned by the tTnion Pacific Railroad. The portion ninninR south of Euclid Avenue is paved. Pleasc reference map above. The Planning Commission made the following findings as part of their recommeadation tu City Council: 1. 1'he vacation of the street will better serve the public because it will allow for the full development of the property for beneficial uses aad permit apprnpriate levels of maintensace. The area along t6e railroad is landlocked and no longer a viable rig6t-of- R ay. _ J 2. The street is no longer required for public use or public access. The street along t6e railroad right-of-way appears to be unused at this Nme (ezcept for 15.9 feet wide portion of t6e ezisting warehouse building located on t6e sout6west parcel). T6e abutting property owner to the east has received s building permit for a lumber yard aod the property owner to the southwest 6as applied for and received a building permit for a 4,380 square feet office building. Bot6 of t6ese permits have beeo issued to Lumber Yard Supply Company whic6 6as eapressed a desire to aggregate these two (2) parcels. 3. T6e substitution of a new and diflereat public way would not be more useful to t6e public. 4. Given t6e present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely thst conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater ase or need than presently ezists. It is recommended t6at t6e east aod sout6west parcels be aggregated and/or a permanent access easement bc placed on t6e property. 5. No objections 6ave been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public 6earing and/or routing to staff and agencies. 6. Abutting Properties: Applicants property abuts the rig6t-of-way to bot6 east and west (Assessor Parcel No(s). 55072.0233, 55072.0303 and 55072.0323). The 30 feet wide g 440 feet long portion ot Tschirtey Road is ad jacent to Assessor Parcel No. 55072.0323. The Llnion Pacific Railroacl is Assessor Parcel No. 45127.0001. Public testimony was provided at the hearing; however no objeciions were received regarding the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. OPTIONS: 1. Approve Ordinance 09-001 2. Deny the proposed street vacation; or 3. Schedule a public hearing that will be conducted 20 days after noticing in the mail, on-site and posted three conspicuous places in the City. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "Move to odopt Ordinance 09-001. " STAFF CONTACT: h1 icki Harnois-Associate Planner ATTACFIMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Recommendation 2. Planning Division StnfF Report 3. Draft Ordinance 09-001 UTIO~~ 4;000VA111ey• STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF TSCHIRLEY ROAD Prepared by: Micki Harnois, Associate Planner, Department of Community Development Date: February 24, 2009 BACKGROUND: On October 17, 2008, Steve Slehofer, Four Corners Capital, LLC and Owen Robinson, on behalf of Lumber Yard Supply Compa►ny applied for a street vacation. The application requests the vacation of a 30 feet wide x 607 feet long portion of Tschirlcy Road south of Euclid Avenue and a 30 feet wide x 440 feet long portion of Tschirley Road north of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Currently the street abuts four (4) parcels, all of which three (3) are owned by the applicants and one (1) is owned by the Union Pacif'ic Railroad. The portion running south of Euclid Avenue is paved. Findings: 1. The vacation of the street will better serve the public because it wiU allow for the full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levets of maintenance. The area along the railroad is landlocked and no longer a viable right-of-way. 2. The street is no longer required for public use or pubiic access. The street along the railroad right-of- way appcars to be unased at this time (ezcept for 15.9 feet portion of the eacisting warc6ouse buildiag located on the southwest parcel). The abnttiag property owaer to the east has received a building permit for a lumber yard and the property owner to the southwest has applied for and received a bvilding permit for a 4,380 square feet office building. Both of these permits 6ave been issued to Lumber Yard Supply Company w6ich has expresscd a desire to aggregate these two (2) parcels. 3. The substitution of a new and different public way wonld not be more useful to the public. 4. Given the present age and condition of adjACent development, it is ualikely that conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need thaa preseatly ezists. It is recommended that the east and sout6west parcels be aggregated and/or a permanent access easement be placed on the properly. 5. No objections 6ave been received to the proposed vacation by owners of private property (eaclusive of M petitioners) abutting the street or alley or ot6er governmental agencies or members of the general pubiic). 6. Abutting Property No. 1: (East property) Assessor Parcel No. 55072.0233, Lumber Yard Supply Company (4wner) Abutting Property No. 2: (West property) Assessor Parcel No. 55072.0303, Steven R Slehofer (Uwner) Abutting Property No. 3: (Southwest property) Assessor Parcel No. 55072.0323, Lumber Yard Supply Company (Owoer) Abutting Propcrty No. 4: (railroad right-of-way) Assessor Parcel No. 45127.0001, Uaion Pacific Railroad Company (Owner) 7. Utilities: a. Sewer: No sewer services are located in Tschirley Road. Development is being served by an on-site septic system. , b. Water: Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 serves the site. There are water mains located in the 30 feet wide x 440 feet long portion of Tschirley Road and a tNventy (20) foot wide easement for each water main ten (10) feet east and west of each water main is required per letter dated November 6, 2008. c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Qwest submitted a letter dated November 7, 2008 with no objections. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Utilities submitted a letter dated November 21, 2008 with no objections. e. Cable Television: No concerns noted. All of the utilitv Qroviders have been contacted bv the applicant and their corresQondence is attached. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survev. 8. Stormwater drainage facilities: There are no drainage facilities located in the sVeet. 9. Spokane Valley Fire Department: The existing access to the building in this right-of-way and to fire hydrants must be maintained per letter dated November 18, 2008. 10. Spokane VaUey Community Development-Building Division: The existing access from the existing right- of-way to the building must be maintained. 11. Zoning/Comprchensive Plan: Heavy Industrial (1-2). 12. Land Use: The northwest parcel contains a single-family residence and a detached garage. A 102,000 square feet storage warehouse exists on tlle southwest parcel. 13. Spokane Valley Public Works Department: It is recommended that parcels with common ownership be consolidated and/or permanent access easements be maintained prior to the vacation. It is also preferred to access Euclid Avenue at Tschirley Road instead of adding more driveways along Euclid Avenue. 14. Condition of street: Paved south of Euclid Avenue and un-impro~~ed ►iorth of thc Union I'acific Railroad right-of-way. 15. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way: Pursuant to Section 22.140.040.C of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) one-half of vacated street shall go to each abutting property owner unless fartual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street to be vacated. The applicant's representative (Todd Whipple) submitted a map of Plat No. 3 of West Farms Irrigated Tracts dated January of 1911. The 30 feet wide Y 440 feet long portion of Tschirley Road appears to be wliolly contained within the plat and adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Tlie Spokane Valley Gity Attorney has submitted a letter to the street vacation file (STV-04-08) citing case law that in this particular circumstance when one abutting owner is shown to have had no underlying fee interest in the street they are I not entitled to half of the vacated right-of-way. The abutting owner who had the entire fee interest is entitled to the total vacated right-of-way area. 16. Compensation: Pursuant to Resolution 07-009 the City Council has the authority to require compensation to be paid to the City as a condition of approval. Conclusions: The criteria set forth in Section 22.140.030 and 22.140.040 of the SVMC has been met based upon the findings set forth. DRA FT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-401 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A 30 FOOT WIDE BY 607 FOOT LONG PORTION OF TSCHI-RLEY ROAD LOCATED SOUTH OF EUCLID AVENLTE, AND A 30 FOOT WIDE BY 440 FOOT IANG PORTION OF TSCHIRLEY ROAD NOKTH OF THE L]NTON PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, ANll PROYIDING FOR OTIIER NZATTE;Rti PROPERLY RELATINC THERF7'n. WfiEREAS, the City Couricil by Resolution 08-021, initiated vacation proceedings to consider a 30 foot wide by 607 foot long portion of Tschirley Road located south of Euclid Avenue, and a 30 foot wide by 440 foot long portion of Tschirley Road north of the Union Pacific Railruad right-of-way (S"I'V- 04-08) by providing that a Public fiearing on the proposal would be held before the Planning Comrnission on January 8, 2049; WHEREAS, a completed application for vacation was filed on Oc;tober 17, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 8, 2009; anci WHEREAS, following the hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice aiid liearin L' requirements of the applicable Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 22.140.020 had been met; and VYHEREAS, the Plaaning Commission findings and/or minutes have been filed with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; and WHEREAS, none of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated filed a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, through adopteti City Code provisions, the City shall provide that the vacated property be tmnsferred to the applicants; that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development; and ihat all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated streets be paid by the proponeats or recipients of the transferred property; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to vacate the above streets pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 22.140. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Count,,,. I Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. FindinQs of Fact. The City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The vacation of the strcet wiil better serve the public because it will allow for the full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. The area along the rai Iroad is landlocked and no longer a viable right-of-way. 2. The street is no longer required for public use or public access. The street along the railroad right-of-way appears to be unused at this time (except for a 15.9 foot wide portion of the existing warehouse building located on the southwest parcel). The abutting property owner to the east has received a building permit for a lumberyard and the property owner to the southwest has applied for and received a building permit for a 4,380 square foot office building. Both of these permits have been issued to Lumber Yard Supply Company which has expressed a desire to aggregate these two (2) parceis. Urdinance 09-001- Strcet Vacation (S I V-0•1-08) I'agc 1 of 5 DRAFT 3. The substitution of a new and different public way would ❑ot be more useful tn the public. 4. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikety that conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists. It is recommended that the east and southwest parcels be aggregated and/or a permanent access easement be placed on the property. 5. No objections have been made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. 6. Pursuant to Resolution 07-009, Section 1: Policy 1. TSCHIRI,EY NORTH (the 30 foot wide by 607 foot long portion). Upon approval of the vacation, applicant Steve Slehofer will rcceive one-half of the 175 feet of Tschirley Road directly south of Euclid Avenue. Lumber Yard Supply Company applicant will receive the other one-half of the 175 feet of Tschirley Road directly south of Euclid Avenue and the remaining 30 foot wide by 432 (607 feet mi.nus 175 feet) foot long portion of Tschirley Road abutting their property. The.cost for property received as a result of a vacation initiated by an adjacent property owner shall equal fifly percent (50%) of the appraised value of the vacant property received. The appraised value shall be the same as the value of an equivalent portion of property adjacent to the proposed vacation as established by the Spokane County Assessor at the time the matter is considered by the City Council. If the value of adjacent properties differs, then the average of the adjacent property values per square foot will be used. Based on the averagc appraised value of the adjacent properties for the 30 foot wide by 607 foot long portion of Tschirley Road, applicant Steven Slehofer's cost is $3,675.00, which is 50% of the appraised value. Lumber Yard Supply Company has a cost of $21,102.20, which is 50% of the appraised value on tbe portion opposite Mr. Slehofer's property and the total vacated area south of that portion (12,960 square feet). 2. TSCHIRLEY SOLTTH: (the 30 foot wide by 440 foot long portion). Pursuant to Section 22.140.040.C of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) one-half of a vacated street shall go to each abutting owner unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different divisian and distribution of the street to be vacated. The recorded map of Plat No. 3 of West Farms lrrigated Tracts dated January, 1911 shows that this portion of Tschirley Road was wholly contained within the plat and adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. The property owner has the entire fee interest and will bear the entire cost of the propcrty received as a result of the vacation of the 30 foot wide by 440 foot long portion of Tschirley Road north of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Based on the appraised value of this entire area, Lumber Yard Supply Company has a cost of $19,668.00. Seetion 2. Propertv to be Vacated. Based upon the above findings and in accordance with this Ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street which is incorporated herein by reference, and defined as follows: "The portion of Tschirley Road lying 607 feet directly so:tth uf Euclid Avenue" a»d "the portion of Tschirley Road lyirlg 440 feet west of vacated Tschirley Road and north of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way as depicted in Appendiac A attached hereto; located in the NW of Section 7, Township 25 _North, Range 45 East, Willamette Aleridirnl, Spokane Cotmty, Washingtar. Urdinance 09-001- Street Vacation (STV-04-08) Pa,c 2 of 5 DR4 FT Section 3. Division of Pmpertv to be Vacated. TSCHIRLEY NORTH: Pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, the city council, in approving a street vacation request, shall specify that the vacated portion of the sh-eet shall belong to the abutting property ovrners, one-half to each. Steve Slehofer, applicant will receive the one-half of the 175 feet of Tschirley Road directly south of Euclid Avenue. Lumber Yard Supply Company will receive one-half of the remainder abutting the north portion of Tschirley Road. This includes the other one-half of the 175 feet directly south of Euclid Avenue and one-half of the remaining 30 foot wide by 432 foot long portion of Tschirley Road abutting their properiy. TSCHIRLEY SOUTH: Pursuant to RCW 35.79.040 and SVMC 22.140.040(C), Cactual circumstances dictate a different division and distribution of the sh-eet or alley to be vacated. Thc recorded map of Plat No. 3 of West Farms Irrigated Tracts dated January, 1911, shows that the 30 faot wide by 440 foo long portion of Tschirley Road appears to have been wholly contained within the plat adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. The abutting owner who had the entire fee interest is entitled to the total vacated right-of-way area. Lumbcr Yard Supply Company will receive the entire 30 foot wide by 440 foot long portion. Thus the propecty to be vacated shall be divittetl as recorded in the record of surve}r which shall be ereated and recorded with the County as required under Section 22.140.090 SVMC. Secdon 4. Zonine. "Che Zoning designation for the vacated property shall be tlie designatiun attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot lines. The Direcror of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on the official Zoni.ag Map of the City. .$ection 5. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. The completion of the street vacation (File# STV-04-08) including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for review within ninety (90) days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. 2. The vacated property shall be transferred, one-half to each abutting property owner (except the 30 foot wide by 440 foot long portion of Tschirley Road which will be transfecred wholly to the abutting property owner to the north). 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacaie the street, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in tile State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal descriplion, ancl specifying if applicable any and all easements for constructioa, repair and maintenance of existing aod future utilities and services, shall be submittcd hy the proronent to the Director of Community Development, or designee for revie%N. 4. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving tlle proposal to vacate the street, a Boundary Line Elimination must be done to aggregate (consolidate) the southwc,t and east parcels. These items can be included on the above-mentioned record of survey. 5. When applicable, the surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards estahlishecl by the Spokane Cowity Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. 6. AII direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street irom public tu private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponeot. The City will not assume any financial responsihil in for anti- direct or indirect costs for the transfer of titlc. UrJuiauce 09-001- Strect Vacation (5 TV-U4-U8) t'age 3 ot -i DRAFT 7. "I'he zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shail then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designation. 8. The record of survey and certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or part thereof shall be recorded by the Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 9. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. 10. Payment in the amount of $3,675.00 from Steven Slehofer, and $40,770.20 from Lumber Yard Supply Company. Section 6. ClosinE,. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the oflice af the County Auditor, and the City Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Deed, in order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein. Section 7. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be hcld to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not aff'ect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 8. Eftective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spoltane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of rebruary, 2009. ATTEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attoraey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-001- Street Vacation (STV-04-08) Page 4 of 5 jEjhibW"A" ProVeM Descript'on - - ~ • ~ r+ ~ ~ t, ~p~11 ~r ~ ~ _ ~ _ $`~fi . - . • ~ ~ r ~ . - ~ F_,~t 'a ~ t'~F i„►.~'~+, ~r , ' ~%ft 1 r 't' 'Isch+rley soatb ~ . f - ~p/"'~ M r ~ r~ } ~ EXHIBIT "B" L ' 248,292 a1 39,435 s( ~ 5347,610.apprefssd value x58,200 appraised value $1.40 per sf $1.40 por sf p s3,675.00•112 appraised value ?203' $3,675.00 Y~ appraised value ~~mOb3 Minua $1,300. app coet r 207,983 sf ~pyy~ $309,680 appraised valua $1.445 per sf (everage) 248,292 af 9,383.60-112 appraised value $347,610 appraised value ~:071 ;1.445 per sf (average) 9,363.60-1I2 appraised val Ceroispob►eVor S=7m 207,983 st $309,660 appraised value $1.49 per sf $19,868.00 appraised value ~]T20332 smT'1.031a ~ SA'T1.Q373 ~ ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Councii Action Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Onew business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading, Proposed Ordinance 09-002: Amendments to Title 20, Subdivision Regulations of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.63, RCW 36.70A, and SVMC 17.80.150. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study Session - January 20, 2009, Ordinance 1 st Reading - February 10, 200Q BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in Septeniber of 2007 and became effective October 28h, 2007. Title 20, Subdivision Regulations, was one of the new titles implemented at that time. Subsequently, staff, surveying professionals, and the public have identified numerous errors, inconsistencies, imprac#ical items, and even processes that have been omitted. Title 20 was reviewed by David Evans and Associates (DEA), representatives of the Inland Empire Chapter of the Land Surveyors' of Washington (LSAV1) and staff. Comments from all parties have been considered and if appropriate incorporated into the draft. Staff has met witth the LSAW representatives, and it appears that the major issues have been resolved. During the review process, it became apparent that certain requirements within the code were unreasonable and prevented most plats reviewed under the guidetines from being recorded. In order to alleviate the problem an emergency code amendment, Ordinance #08-021, was passed on October 14, 2008, that suspended the high accuracy standards and electronic submittal requirements. The proposed Ordinance incorporates those temporary provisions as permanent changes within thQ process. The Planning Commission considered the document at a Public Hearing conducted on December 11, and recommended that the Council approve the amendments as proposed which took into consideration some last minute comments from legal counsel regarding bonding, exemptions, and future acquisition areas. ANALYSIS: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section provides approval criteria that amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. Those criteria include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The applicable goals or policies of the Comprehensive Plan are: LUG-13 requires the City to develop and maintain an efficient and timely development review process. Maintaining an efficient and timely review process reqLlires review anr.i mociificatior The update is consistent with this goal. Policy LUP-13.1 requires that the City maximize efficiency of the development revieN:%, pro'ces= by continuously evaluating the permitting process and modifying as appropriate. The review and update of the code is consistent with the policy to modify as appropriate. RC.A CTA-06-08-Febnrni-,,'-,. ,rit~y Page 1 ~ , . Policy LUP-13.2 requires that the City assist developers with proposals by continuing to offer pre-application meetings in order to produce projects that will be reviewed efficiently. The short plat application process cuRently does not require that the applicant attend a pre-application conference. Staff s experience indicates applicants that do not attend the conferences are more likely to have incomplete applications, which results in delays in the permit review process. The I specific code amendment that requires short plat applicants attend pre-application conferences, unless the requirement is waived, facilitates a quicker review process for inexperienced developers, and allows the requirement to be waived if the meeting is unnecessary. Conclusion: The proposed amendments to the zone meet the above outlined goals, and are thus consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed update does not impact public health, safety or protection of the environment, but it is in the interest of public weffare to provide an efficient ordinance for the review of short plats, subdivisions, and binding site plans. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the 2nd reading of the ordinance; 2. Disapprove the ordinance; 3. Direct staff to modify the proposal prior to further consideration by Council. If the modification is substantial, the Council must either conduct a public hearing on the modified proposal or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration; or 4. Direct staff othervvise RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the Ordinance as proposed. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow - Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Draft Ordinance 09-002 RCA CT.9-06-08 - Febrtcan, 24, 2009 Page 2 of 2 CITY UF SPOkANE VALLEN' SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINrT(1.N ORDINANCE NO. 09-002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOI{ANE CUUNTY, WASHLNGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 SPOKANE VALLEY MUIVICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 20.20 GENERAL PROYISIONS, SECTIONS 20.20.010-20.20.090 AND ADDING SECTION 20.20.110; CHAPTER 2030 PRELIIVIINARY SHORT SUBDIVISIONS, SUBDNLSIONS AND BIIYDING SITE PLANS, SECTIONS 2030.010 - 20.30.20; CHAPTER 20.40 FINAL SHORT SUBDIVISIONS, SUBDIVISIONS, AND BINDING STI'E PLANS, SECTIONS 20.40.010-20.40.050; CHAP'I'ER 20.50 PRELIMINARY PLAT, SHORT PLAT, AND BINDING SITE PLAN ALTERATIONS, SECTION 20.50.020; CHAPTER 20.60 FINAL PLAT AND SHORT PLAT ALTERATIONS SECTION 20.60.010, 20.60.030 AND ADDING 20.60.040; AND CHAPTER 20.80 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS/ELIlWNATIONS SECTIONS 20.80.010 AND 20.80.030; AND REPEALING 4RDINANCE 08-021. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Uniform Development Code (LTDC) pursuant to Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of September, 2007; and WI-EREAS, the UDC became effective o0 28th day of October, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendment on I3ecember 11 th, 2008 and determined that it was appropriate to correct the errors and inconsistencies, improve submittal and review processes, clarify vague procedures or language, and add provisions for land use actions that were not previously identified; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Planning Commission determined that the amendments proposed met the criteria for appraving a text change to the Code since it bears a substantial reladon to the public bealth, safety, and welfare of the citizens, and it is consistent with the goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAINS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: Chapter 20.20 General Provisions shall be amended as follows: Chapter 20.20 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sections: 20.20.010 Purpose. 20.20.020 Exemptions. 20.20.030 Legal lot. . 20.20.040 Approval required prior to recordation. 20.20.050 Prohibition against sale, lease or transfer of property. 20.20.060 Vertical datum. 20.20.070 Monumentation. 20.20.080 Professional land surveyor. 20.20.090 General design. ( 20.20.100 Findings. Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 1 of 18 ~ DRAFT I 20.20.1 1(1 Attitclieii Siiwlc, I arnik, Stii,<1i~•i•i~i~~ . 2010.010 Parpose. Pursuant to the purposes set forth in RCW 58.17.010, the regulations in this title are aecessary to: A. Promote the health, safety, and general welfare in accordance writh standards established by the state and the City; B. Promote effective use of tand by preventing the overcrowding or scattered development which would be detrimental to health, safety, or the general welfare due to the lack of water supplies, sanitary sewer, drainage, transportation, or other public services, or excessive expeoditure of public funds for such services; C. Avoid congestion and promote safe and coovenient travel by the public on streets and hig,}iways through the proper planning and coordination of new streets within subdivisions with existing and planned streets in the surrounding community; D. Provide for adequate light and a.ir; E. Provide for adequate water, sewage, drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds, and other public requirements; F. Provide for proper ingress and egress; G. Provide for housing and commercial needs of the community; H. Require uniform monumentation of land divisioos and conveyance of accurate legal descriptions; 1. Protect environmeotally sensitive areas; J. Provide for flexibility in site design to accommodate view enhancement and protection, protectioo of streams and wetlands, protection of steep slopes, aod other environmentally significant or sensitive areas; K. To ensure consistency with and to further the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; and L. To provide a process for the division of land for the following: 1. Short Subdivision. The division of land into nine or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions with a level of review that is proportional to the effect those lots may have on the surrounding area; 2. Subdivision. The division of land into 10 or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions w•ith a level of rcview that is proportional to the effect those lots may have on the surrounding arca; 3. Binding Site Plan. An alternative method of dividing property interests and applying to the ~ phased division of any land for sale or lease which is zoned for commercial, business, office, or industrial developmeot, or which is to be developed as condominiums or a manufactured home park. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 2010.020 Exemptiuns. A. The provisions of this title shall not apply to: A-. 1. Cemeteries and other burial plots whiie used for that purposc (RCW 58.17.040(1)); B. 2. Divisions made by testamentary provisions, or laws of descent (RCW 58.17.040(3)); 3. A clivision of lanci ior ti ose of lea.sini-, land for facilities providina -personal wirclcss services while used for that aurpose (RCW 58.17.040(8)). 11. 7'he urovisions of this chavter shall not atviv to t}je following provided that an exemotion ant-111cation and drawim, consisterjt %ti-ith 20.20.020.C is, pro% iclctl to the citv: E 1. . Division of land into lots or tracts if such division is a result of subjecting a portion of the parcel or tract of land to either Chapter 64.32 RCW (Horizontal Regimes Act) or Chapter 64.34 RCW (Condominium Act) subsequent to the recording of a binding site plan for all such land (RCW 58.17.040(7)); ~ D.?. Division of land due to condemnation or sale under threat thereof, by an agency or division of governmeot vested with the power of emineat domain; €3: Division or acquisition of land for public right-of-way-; F. I . . ; 4rdinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 2 of 18 DR.4FT ~ 6.4 A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with Chapter 58.09 RCW, used or to be used for constrvction and operation of consumer or investor- owned electric utilities to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers as set forth in RCW 58.17.040(9). C. Aii annlication made pursuant to 20.20.020(B) above shall be vrocessed to determine that the division is exempt with a minimum review for conformance to adoQted Citv reQUlaiions and ordinances. Ttie aonlication will be determined to be complete upon the submittal of the followine materials: 1. An aaolication; and 2. Maas. I)I311ti. and/or exhihit,~ rt,nt-inini7 nII annlicahle information as reauireci hv SVMC 20.30.020.B. (Ord. 07-015 & 4. 2(107). 2010.030 Legal lc►t. Development shall bc perniittc:d only on Iegally creatc:cl luts. A lut is crc:atc:d in conipliance witli applicable state and local land segregation statutes or codes in effect at the time the lot was created o!- binding site plan was approved including, but not limited to, demonstrati.ng the lot was created tlvouw1~ one of the following: A. Lots created through subdivision, a plat approved by the City or Spokane County separac describing the lot in question; or B. Lots created through short subdivision, a short plat approved by the City or Spokane County separately describing the lot in question; or C. Lots created pursuant to a binding site plan process in effect at the time the binding site plan was ~ approved by thc C'itv or Spokane County; or D. A deed, contract of sale, mortgage, pmperty tax segregation, plat, or recorded survey describing tbe lot in question if the instrument was: 1. Executed prior to March 24, 1980, for subdivisions (effective date of County's first subdivision ordinance) while the lot in question was under Spokane Caunty jurisdiction; or 2. Executed prior to March 13, 1978 (effective date of County's first short subdivision ordinance), for short subdivisions while the lot in question was under Spokane County jurisdiction; or 3. F.xecuted prior to July l, 1969 (effective date of Chapter 58.17 RCW). (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.040 Approval required prior to recordation. ~ Any map, plat or plan. utiless nrc~ iousk- exenint. hereafter made of a proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan, or any part thereof, shall be presented for approval and be recorded as set forth in SVMC 20.40.030. No such map, plat or plan shall be recorded or have any validity unless or until it has the approval of City depariments and agencies with jurisdiction as required by this title. (Ord. 07- 0 15 § 4, 2007). 20.20.050 Prohibition against sale, lease or transfer of property. No person shall sell, lease or offer to sell or transfer any lot, tract or parcel subject to the requirements ~ of this title without first receiving approval hereunder bv thz Gitv and recording the approved division with Spokane County; provided, that if performance of an offer or agreement to seU, lease or otherwi5~ , transfer a lot, tract or parcel of land is expressly conditioned on the recording of the subdivision, shor, subdivisioa or binding site plan contaiaing the lot. ,2a. ih,- ,,f!IT . any provision of this title. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007 ) 2010.060 Vertical datam. Where topography is required to be shown, the land survey data must be based on the National Geodetie North American Vertical Datum (NGAVD-88). (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 3 of 1~, DRAFT 2010.070 Monumentation. strert ctnterline aiid street intersectiun inMonumentation shall be established as r-equ}r-e ticscribed by City adonted street ' e standards. In addition, for short sutidivision, subdiviSlofl Uf binding site plan> _every lot corner shall be marked or referenced W in a permanent manner with the registration number of the professional land surveyar in charge of the I survey' i n;~. ~tN i t'i l;} t%.(Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.080 Professional land surveyor. The preparation of all preliminary and final short subdivisions, subdivisions and binding site plans shall be made by or under the supervision of a professional land surveyor licensed in the State ot Washinoon. The professional land surveyor shall certify on the fmal plat that it is a true and correct representation of the lands actually surveyed. A survey is required on all final plats. All surveys shall comply with Chapter 58.49 RCW, ~ , and 332-130 WAC). (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.20.090 Geaeral design. The design of short subdivisions, subdivisions and binding site plans shali conform to the requirements of all applicable City plans, regulations, and design and development standards. ln addition: ~ A. The design, shape, size, and orientation of the iffiets lot` should be appropriate for the use for which the divisions are intended, and the zoning and land use classification identified in the Comprehensive Plan of the area in which they are located. B. Lot Arrangement. l. Side lot lines shall geiicrallv_be perpendicular to public street rights-of-way. but mav be ithiri t,,ventv dep-rees of perpendicular_ or radial to the right-of-way in the case of curvilinear streets or cul-de- sacs. 2. Corner Lots. a. 'I Iie Iot lines at the intersection of t~~o puhlic streetti shall he locatec] a lii!(ll{11Uf11 ()I 1~Nk, fcct hchind the back of curb. . , _ Hg-#he #fon!--efid sideof-the-le l). At the inter~rctic)ti of mo .trtvr-itil ;irri:L~ 1<<,11cc1or. i>>inor tyf P{-(liill):tl). Iltc shall provide a widcned border easement area behind the pedestrian ramp landine for the placement of strcet liglits, traflic sijtnals, et ceteca and their rt•lated avQurtenances (see Fip-ure 20.20.1). Illis ; <trea shall extend a minimum of fifteen feet Z I k2hind the landine. The boundarv of this area siiall be defined bv an arc that is taneent at each cnd to the standard txirder easemenL tvpicallti, Ic►catcd behind the back af sidewallc. or rip-ht-of- av if there is no border easement in the ~~icinitv. ~R~R EASE.MENT ls. I f ttiis area is alreadv fullv contained within riaht- TANGENT ~ LANDING r of wav then no additional border casement width scn~vn~K ~ ill be reQUired. The onlv utilities allowed RiGHT Or HAT NlN ithin this area are those necessarv for the itinction of the prmosed liehts. signals et cetera. - ' ARTERIAL b. _ Figure €eefff . g . Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Pagc 4 of 18 DRAFT e. , ; d: Corner lots in sinQlc.~ famil-Y or hvo-familv seF%ting l residential development shall have an average width at least 15 percent greater than the width of interior lots alung hoth adjacent streets to permit building sctback and orientation to boih streets. 3. Lot Dimensions. s. Lot dimensions shall comply with the minimum stauidards establishec1 in Chaptcr I9.40 SVMC; b. Flag lots are prohibited. Reverse flag lots providing access to alleys or amenities locatcd to the rear of the property are permitted; c. No lot shall have an average depth greater than three tirnes its average width. 4. Double Frontage Residential Lots. a. Double frontage arid reverse froatage lots shall be avoided except where necessary tc) sc:parate residential development from arterial roadway or to overcome specific disadvantages of- topography and orientation; b. WUen lots back to arterials, a screening device shall be installed on the lot(s) limiting visibility between the arterial and the adjoining lots in accordance with Chapter 22.70 SVMC; c. No building, except buildings designed and constructed as two-family dwellings or one- family attached dwellings, shall be coostructed on or across existing lot lines. Where buildings are designed and constructed on or across lot lines, the building shall be located so that the common wall separating the individual living units is located on and along the common lot lines of the adjoining lots. C. Block dimensions should reflect due regard to the needs of coovenient access, public safety, connectivity, emergency vehicle access, topography, road maintenance, and the provision of suitable sites ~ for the land use planned. 1. Block Length. estate , weeds, lengeF lewgth. I31ac1: lenoh shall hc ncr thc adopted Street titandards. 2. Block and lot Labeling. Blocks nnd lots shall be identified in sequential elphabetie nucnerical order. 3. Street alignments shall be designed and coostructed with appropriate consideration for existing and planned Feads streets, anticipated traffic patterns, topographic and drainage conditions, public safety, adopted Street Standards, Corn' prthensive P1an and the proposed use of the land so divided. D. When a tract is subdivided into lots of one acre or more in size, the community development director (hereafter refetred to as the "director") may require an arrangement of the imets- luts and Feadsstreits, in confonnance with the adopted Arteria) ancl fmcal Access Street Ma>ter f'lan or arc?:, i(ientified in section 22.130.035 FuturC Arquisition Area> such as to permit a subsequent redivision in C-OnfOFMity With Feads OF PISFIS adopted by the Git~. Tho ..eS..l..., R 131114 i., ii b,, b:,aai.,,, +t,o e=tR7t-that E. Lots should not be divided by the boundary of an} city, count~, zvnin~,~ ciesipizti«n, or put,lic right- of way. F. Every lot shall have direct access to a paved publ ic >treet, private strect, or ;privatc driveway easemefti. G. Prior to filing the final short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan application, the applicatit ~ shall improve or make appropriate provisions for the construction of the public or private sireets. allevs or private driveways tliat provide access to lots being created through the short subdivision, subdivision. or binding site plan consistent with eppFepr-iate-_appl icable City-adopted standards. H. Wastewater design shall be in compliance xvith all applicable City t.,' and other iuriSdictic►nal agencyie6~ regulations. I. Adequate public domestic watec supply and%or fire protection shall be pruvicied in cumpliance -with ~ all applicable City re~-,ulations and other jurisdictiona1 agencyfe&'-regulations. Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 5 of 18 DRAFT J. All road designs shall be in conformance with Chapter 22.130 SVMC and adopted street standards. ' K. Provisions for stormwater runoff shall be in compliance with City guidelines rep-ulations for stormwater management as set forth in Chapter 22.150 SVMC. L. Fxistim-: and vronoscd £easements for electric, water, sewer, gas, and similar utilities shall be illustrated on the €tfW short plat, plat, or binding site plan. The utility purveyors shall indicate to the community development department (hereafter referred to as the "department") in writing that the easements are adequate for their service needs. . M. The short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan shall provide f t~r- t i,k: underground utilities within public rights-of-way, border easerlients, alleys or utility easements including, but not limited to, those for electricity, communications and street lighting. When conditions make underground installation impractical, the director may waive the requirement for underground utilities. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). I 20.20.100 Findings. Prior to approving any preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan, the department in the case of short subdivisions and binding site plans or the hearing examiner in the case of subdivisions shall determine and make writteo findings of fact that appropriate provisions are made for the following: A. The public health, safety, and general welfare; B. Open spaces; C. Drainage ways; D. Streets or roads, alleys, sidewalks, and other public ways; E. Transit stops; F. Public potable water supplies; G. Sanitary sewer; H. Parks and recreation; I. Playgrounds, schools and school grounds; J. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school: K. Whether the public interest will be served by the short subdivision, subdivision, aad binding site plan; L. The proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan is in conformity with all applicable development code provisions; and M. Other requirements found to be necessary and appropriate and for which written standards and policies have been adopted. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.'10.110 Attachcci Sinule Familv Subdivisions .1eiDlications for an atiached sinjele family subclivision consisiing of nine or fe%ver lots shall bc ~,uhmitted and processed according to the rqguirements for ccmtent and form for nreliminarv and final sliort subdivisions and process as siated in SVMC 22.30 throuah 22.40. Avplication for an attached sinQle fnmilv subdivision consistint! or 10 or more lots shall be submitted znd processed accordinp- to the r,:UUirements for cuntent and form for preliminary and final subdivisions as stated in SVMC 20.30 ,h 20.40. Application for alterations of any preliminarv short sutxlivision or subdivision shall bc tliroup <nbmitted and processed according to the requirements of 20.50. Applications for alterations of anv final ~,liort subdivision or subdivision shall be submitted and urocessed accordiniz to the requirements of 20.60. }\vnlications ftir vacation of -In\. Plat shall he stihmitteti and re\•ie\N-el accordin2 to the renuirements of SVti1r ?n.70_ Section Two: Chapter 20.30 Preliminary S6ort Subdivisioas, Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans shall be amended as follows: Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 6 of 18 1)R.1 F7- Chapter 20.30 PRTI.I'111NAlZl, S![OIZT`I 13I~I~rI~I()'ti~, ~I~l3I)1~'Itilt)ti~ A'tii) l;iNl)Itit; tiI"I-l' f'1:.1NS ~~~i►i~11:•: 20.30.t1 iu .1pplicatikill. 20.30.020 Contents ol"appiicatiOrl. 20.30.030 Processing application4 20.30.040 Distribution of plans. 20.30.050 Expiration of preliminary, approval. 20.30.060 Time extensions. 2030.010 Apptication. ~ suh-042Y11HaR ffeeess. Prior to filing an application for a.preliminary, subdivision, shoct suLidivision, ur . hinding site plan a pre-application conference pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17.80 SVMC is required unless this recitiirement is waived bv the Director. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.30.020 Contents of application. Every preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan shall consist of the appropriate applicatioa form, applicable fees and the following: A. Maps and Exhibits. 1. Ten copies of the preliminary short plai, plat or binding site plan which shall be a legibly drawn map, 18 by 24 inches in size for short plats; 24 by 36 inches in size for plats and binding site plans at a scale of one incb equals 50 feet or one inch equals 100 feet. If approved by the department, an alternative appropriate scale may be used; 2. One reduced (eight and one-half by 11 inches or 11 by 17 inches) copy of the preliminary short plat, plat or binding site plan; 3. One copy of the Spokane County assessor's half-sectioa map clearly indicating the subject properiy. Additionally, all adjacent properties with parcel numbers must be indicated on the half-sectioa map. Assessor's maps for preliminary subdivisions shall indicate the parcel numbers of all properties within 400 feet of the subject property, unless the applicant owns adjacent property, in which c,ase the map shaU show the location and parcel number of all properties within 400 feet of the applic,ant's ownership; 4. i,i!, iRdiea#ed; Awritten narrative desrrihinu the pronosal ineludina. but not IIIl11It:CI to, the nuniier pro sed lots. nature of surroundinQ ProPerties, proposed access. zaning, utili"roviders. mediod ~ sewerage, and timinQ of phasine of the develoQment (if anv). The narrative shaU also acfclress I compliance to applicahle scctic,ns cif tlje developrZient code and ot1ier applicahle rcp-ulations; • a. AuteGAD.dwg ; b. ESPJ.shp ; C. Mimsietien.dgn ; d. , 65. Public notice packet. The Assessor's map(s) and the title companv search shall be current xvithin sixtv (E,I1) clavs of iisuine the notice of aQplication. If the information is more than 60 davs old at 1hc timc thc notice of applic:itic,n is issuecl. tiic anplirant sliall tirnvide current informaiion: i and I Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 7 of 18 1 DRAFT 76. SEPA environmental checklist for preliminary subdivisions and binding site plans. An ~,ii% ironmental checklist w,ill hc required for a Qreliminarv short plat if the construction of improvements «ill involve more than 500 cuhic vards of aradinL), excavation or fill. or if critical areas exist on site. 7. A plat certificale dated within thirev (30) davs of the aaolication filine date cUnfirmini-, tli;it ihc title of the lands as described and shown on the shon Qlat, subdivision, or BSP is in the name o1' ~ tiie own;:rti ci~tiin?. B. Preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan data (to be included on the ~ preliminary short plat, plat or binding site plan). l. Name, address and telephone number of the owner of the subject property and the person with whom official contact sbould be made regarding the short plat, plat, or binding site plan; 2. Title of the PFepesal proposed di% ision; 3. Location of subject pmperty by guartcr-ciiiarter(~ of the section, towoship and range; 4. I,ceal description Of the subiect pramrty «•ith the source of the leizai descriptia» clearl~ indic;ated. , , PFOposed > > I ~ 5. ' : Avicinilv maD at a scale of not more than fi,ur hundred feet (400' ) to the inch. Except that the Community Development Uirector mav auprove an altemative scale if requested. The vicinitv map shall show all adjacent parcels. lt shall show how the streets And allevs in tliz proposed subdivision connect «-ith existinv- and proposed streets iiili] ~~llevs in neip-hborinp- subdivisions or unolatted pror3ertN-. I 6. North arrow, scale and boundary of the proposed short plat, plat, or binding site plan. and the ciate illap is pr_parccl; 7. Boundaries of all blocks, fot numbers. lot lines offd ,ilmnw with their dimensions and areas in s(iuare fect; I 8. Location and identificatiuri of existing utilitics; 9. Location, names and widths of all existing and proposed streets, roads and access easements within the proposed short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan and within 100 feet thereof, or the nearest City street if there is no City street within 100 feet of the subject property; I 10. All easements. I f1C I 11dI11 L' border ciisenlerics. or tracts proposed to be dedicated for any public purpose or for the common use of the property owners of the short plat, plat or binding site plan; I 1. Afl existim-1 casemerits tliat afleci the suhiect propertv; 4412. Location of any natural features such as wooded areas, streams, drainage ways, N)ecial 11ood hazarii arcas identif ieil on tlic f~ I~x~d Insurance Rate N'fa4i. or critical areas as defined in SVMC Title 21; Jr?13. Location of existing buildings, septic tanks, drainfields, wells or other improvements, and a l1Citt ind.icating if they will remain or be removed; 4-314. Whether Adjacent property is platted or unplatted. If platted, give the name of the subdivision. If the proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plari is the subdivision of a portion of an existing plat, the approximate lines of the existing plat are to be shown and a copy of the existing plat, along with efiy and-al! the recordinu numbers ofanv recorded covenants and easements; 4415. Topographic informatioa at twefive-foot maxinium contuur intervals, cir at two-foot intec-vals wherr oti•erall site topoaraphv is too flat to be deQicted by five-foot intervals. llelineate areas with anv slupcs that are P-reatcr than thirtv (30) percent.; and . ; 431 6. "Site data table" showing ❑umber of proposed lots, 4o, existing zoning, water supplier, a nd method of sewerage; (OFd. 2007+. Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 8 of 18 I)Ir -I V"T- 20.30.030 Processing aPPlication~.. Preliminary short subdivisions ancl binJin~ site plalis are classi~ie~i as lype ll applicati~~c~; pre;'liruinac-y subdivisions are classified as Type III applicatioas. Both application types shall be processed pursuant to the applicable provisions of Chapter 17.80 SVMC. (4rd. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 2030.040 Distribution of plans. When the department determines that the application is complete pursuant io SVMC 17.80.100, t i department shall distribute the application materials ta affected agencies. The department or r~ ~ i~%,, i~; ~agencies may request additional information during the review 1, 20.30.050 Ezpiration of prelimiaary approval. Approval of a preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan shall automatically expire five years from the date of approval unless a complete application for a final short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan meeting all requirements under this title is submitted to the City. Extension of time may be granted as provided in SVMC 20.30.060. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 2030.060 Time eatensioas. An application form and supporting dat,a for time extension requests must be submitted to the depariment at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan. Time extension requests sball be processed as a Type t application pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC. The director may approve an extension provided there are no significant changed conditions or changed development regulations which would render recording of the short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan cootrary to the public health, safety or general welfare; and provided one or more of the following circumstances is found to apply: A. That some portion of the existing preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan has been finalized since the project was approved and the remaining lots would form a unified development consistent vvith the original approval; B. That the preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan remains generally consistent with the original plat or binding site plan that was approved, aod the applicant has taken substantial steps toward finalizing the plat or binding site plan, which shall include at least one of the following: 1. Surveying the lots within the development; 2. Arranging for public services to the site; 3.Obtaining necessary financing for all or a portion of the preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan; andlor 4. Completing studies or other requirements which were part of preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan approval; C. That at the time preliminary approval was granted, development of the proposal was conditioned upon the extension of public services which are not yet available. This provision shall not apply to public utility extensions which the project sponsor would normally fund. If the conditions set forth in subsections A, B or C of this section are met, the department may gant a single, one-year time extension. Prior to granting time extensions, the director shall circulate the time extension request to affected agencies for comments. Additional or altered conditioas recom.meoded by affected agencies may be required as a condition of this extension. City departments may also recommend additional or altered conditions. The departrnent shall issue a written decision approving or denying the time extension request and provide copies to affected agencies, the applicant, and those parties requesting a copy of such decision. Appeals of a time extension shall be filed in a manner consistent with tbe provisions of Chapter 17.90 SVMC. (Ord. 07-01 S§ 4, 2007). Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 9 of 18 ~RAFT Sectivn Tbree; Chapter 20.40 Final Short Snbdivisinns, Subdivisions, and Binding Site P1ans shall te ameaded as follows: Chapter 20.40 FMAL SHOwRT SILJBDTVISiON~~ SUBDMMSI{ONSy ~ BINDI~G SI'I"E PLANS Sections: 20.40.01 0 Final submittal, 20.40.020 Contents of fnal plat. 20.40.030 Filin,g final shork pIat, plat or binding site p1an. ~ 211.40.03+ Reecrrdation 20.40.040 Bond in lieu of construction licnitations. 20.40.050 Phasinga Final submit#a1, - A. The final short subdivision, subdivisican, or binding site p]an shall incorporate a11 conditions of the preliminary apprnval. The €inal short sub+division, subdiwisi+an, or butding site plan shall incorporate a11 c.vnditions ofapprovaI ~~~~~ed by the hearing exarniner. B. All final subdivision, shott subdivision or binding site plan submittals shall include the fallowing: 1. A ninimum of 10 copies af the praposed f nal shvrt plat, plat or binding site plan; 2. ,Appropriate fees; 3. Three capies af a plat certiicate dated %withirj 30 dav°s of tlte armlication filino, date c-onfirming that i9ic til le o fTthe l.:»ck, as ~es.cribCLl fnid shown Qn the short plat. subdivisiori. nr T3SP is in ihe narne o'F t~~c own+~~~~ ~~~tnine; and 4. Maps oFid °:h:b;t-s shall a1so be submit#ed in one of the following elecxr4nic file fornnats at tlic tiisre tsie im1ar5 ar-e stibiai%tied. LL11Ie55 iili-s reiltiiremet7t is waik•ed [jv titc L)yrett(ir. a. pdf (F'nrt<ible QOCurnent Corn}at . ; b. iiff(Ta ~~Fued Im:~~~e File Fnntiaf.~ . . thefflatieally i • ~ c. biCnia . ; or d. Other COnIrIloniv usecl fonnat asapproved by the directar. EIc:ctroiiie stibrnittaiw sliall be in accorclz~rwe witli Ihc fi-~alnr~viri~ ~.rite~°ia: s~. Subr7liltals s1~al1 utiiize a file nanie usina ihe Cit-v subnliital number, For exanivle. SUB_ ('S_o0,rx\ or Sl4P-22-07.xax= I,ines. text anci details shall be comp9ete. clear and crisr) anrJ at a resolution that enab1es thi,_ ,no lJcst dctai I #abe reeoanizeci and understood wrlsen map-;ni#ied, c. The electrortlc files siiall be delivered on a ed or dvd l}3ai is Iep-ihhL labeled wFit~i SLg9.,(11ViSi«n narne arid oliase. subnlittal number. file creation date; arad contact inforn-tation (firm nan», address and p1zorte rirurnber). As anavtian, an email sdrbmiCia1 is aecentable aiid shall iiiclude a 1etter tF-ansmianl witl~ ~he same inforamalion. d. ~ADD crit~.~ria - r~~erved C. The f~na] short plat, plat or binding site plan shall shauF. I 1. A1l rnonuments faund, se#, reset, replaced or removed and not ~e0aced, describing their kinc, size and 4acat~on and givirtg other data relating thererto; 2. Bearing trees, corner a~cessaries or witness monuments, basis of learings, bearing and length I N of Iines, scale of map N~ xtti Lr,.~n1tii~. bar scale and narth arrow; 3. Any ot}~er data necessary for the interpretation of the various items and locations af the points, I rnes and areas shawn; 4.T-ies to Peference and s97cv,ti adjotnittg surveys of recor'd ~3nd rd:Aks; Ord`rnancl+e 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 10 of 1 S 1)h'.A f .1. 5. Thc allowable error of mathematical closure fur the ilnal plat map shall not ex"«(i of,c I'Oot i» 80,000 feet or 0.04 foot, whichever is greater; 6. Bearings and lengths are to be shown for all lines; no ditto marks are to be used: 7. Arrows shall be used to show limits of bearings and distanccs whenever any chance of misinterpcetation could exist; ~ 8. Plat boundary and street mentiFneFi#tenter lines having curves shall show radius, arc, central angle and tangent for each curve and radial bearings where curve is intersected by a non-tangent line. Spiral curves shall sbow tt,,•o stiirzil curve cltments in addition to the chord bearing and length; 9. Lots along curves shall show arc length and radius. Fc?r lot corners that arc on non-tntt¢ent or non-perpendicuiar curves. the radial heiirinL-' shall be shown: If a curve table is provided, it shall show angle for each segment of the curve along each lot, arc length, tangent length, and radius. ; 10. A11 dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot. All bearings and angles shall be shown in degrees, minutes and seeeFids:ANseconds: All oartial measuremcnts shown shall ccaual the total overal) meastirenients shown. 11. , . - 4-2. The final short plat, plat or binding site plan shall indicate the actual nct area for each platted lot exclusive of th ' dtdicated or Qri%.,ate road riulit of'%Nav. Lots one acre and over shall be shown to the closest hundredth of an acre, and all other lots shall be shown in square feet to tlie nearest scit: tire foot; and .4--3.12. Boundan aoints for corners shall be located and referenced to the current control netNvork C•taEilished bv the Snokane Countv GPS control Qroiect and that coordinate svstem. The cuntrolling 4ioints used bv this subdivision shall be indicated on the mav. , ► U: S-.-€eeN . , d 58.09 . Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.40.020 Contents of final plat. All surveys shall comply with the Survey Recording Act (Chapter 58.09 RCV1), minimum standards !t>i survey and land descriptions (Chapter 332-I30 WAC), and arL annlicable City standards-Per--pea~ sens#uet:eA. The contents of a final short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan shall include the following: A. The final short plat, plat or binding site plan shall be a legibly drawn, printed, or reproduced permanent map. Final short plats shall measure 18 by 24 inches. Final plats and binding site plans shall measure 24 by 36 inches. A two-inch margin shall be provided on the left edge, and a one-half-inch margin shall be provided at the other edges of the plat. If more than one sheet is required, each sheet shall show sheet numbers for the total sheets. ~ B. The file oumber of the short plat, plat or binding site plan, location by Uuarter-auarter of a section, township and range shall be shown. G. The scale shall be 5 or 10 feet to the inch. If approved by the department, an appropriate scale may be used which does not exceed 200 Hone-ifis# eeH feet to the inch, provided a 400 feet to the inch reduced copy is also submitted. Tiicscale sha11 he shown in a text forni as vcll as a eraohic bar scal-C. D. A hc►1ii distiiiet+~e boundary line shall delineate the existinp, perimeter boundary of the short plat, plat or binding site plan nrior to anN, cJeclication to the vublic. Ordinance 09-002 Ameading Title 20 Page I 1 of 18 DRAFT E. The locatioo and widths of streets, alleys, rights-of-way, iInd easements servina the proDcrtv, parks and open spaces proposed within the division sIeFt pla# and those platted ea5ements existing immediately adjacent to the divi;ion sbert plat shall be shown and cir iclcrici(ied. Areas to be dedicated to the public must be labeled. ~ F. Layout and names of adjoining subdivisions. suhciivisio~i; lots or Portions thereof shall be shown within and adjacent to the subdivision boundary. G. The layout, lot and block numbers, and dimensions of all lots shall be shown. H. Street names shall be shown. 1. Street addresses for each lot shall be shown. J. Plat restrictions required as conditions of preliminary short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan approval shall be shown. K. Existinia easements and utilitv easements Shall be identi(ied. shown and laheled. RecQrdinQ infurniation for the easement(s) shall be Qrovided on the survev. Anv easement and/or utilitv easement 1xinQ c.reated bv this division shall be so identified. sho%ti,n arid labeled. . L. Any special statements of approval required from govemmental agencies, including those pertaining to flood hazard areas, shorelines, critical areas, and connections to adjacent state highways shalt be _ shown. M. A notarized certification and acl.nowledh-,cmcnts by the owoer(s) and benet'ici:irv, if uther th:ifl (Ile c i tv. as shown on a current plat certificate shall be provided dedicating streets, areas intended for other public use, and granting of easements for slope and utilities. N. A certification signed by a professional land surveyor registered in the state of Washington stating that the final short plat, plat or binding site plan was surveyed and prepared by themhim/Iier, or under flw4 hisllicr supervision; that plat is a true and correct representation of the subject land; and that monumentation has been established as required by City standards. C'ertiCcation rnust be consistent ith P C11' 5 8.09. 0. The city council authorizes final approval of any final plat, short plat, or binding site plan. lf the J)lat C0111aiFt, tnultMlC tih.CtN. tlIC f ir:t sheet sh:Ill contain tllc rc(Iuire(i si~2natures. "I'lic t)lat iiiust hc ifit i reviewed and signed by the following: ~ 1. Spokane Valley I)cveIot,r1}cnt Services Senior I;neineer, 2. Spol:ane Valley community development director; 3. Spokane County utilities director; 4. Spokane Regional Health District (only where septic systems and/or private wells are required to serve the development); 5. Spokane County treasurer; 6. Spokane County assessor; 7. ; S. Hearing examiner for fwal subdivision plats only; 9. ' ' . (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.40.030 Filing final short plat, plat or binding site plan. The final short plat, plat or binding site plan shall be submitted to the departrnent for review. It shaU be routed to appropriate departments and agencies in order to review for compliance with the conditions of approval. Once all reviewing departments and agencies are satisfied, all conditions have been met or appropriate bonding and surety obtained pursuant to SVMC 20.40.040, the final short plat, plat or binding site plan mylar shall be submitted to the department for obtaining the required signatures. Final plats and short plats shall be approved, disapproved, or returned to the applicaat within 30 days from the date of rcccint €t4fg-thereof, unless the applicant consents to an exteasioo of such time period (RCW 58.17.140). , plat, County . (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 12 of 18 . nRA rT FU.40.03a ket:urdau: The deQartment shali rccurd tiz4 couiulelc:d litial Sliurl PlaL piat, ur bindmL Sitt.; piai; i~itii tlic: C'ountv Auditor's office and submit coQies of the recorded documents to the Svokane Countv Assessor'~ of'tice. Ail fees f,r such r,:torelii~,.: slial) hc~ p:iiil hv che avplicant prior io rcr«rc)intT. 20.40.040 BendSurctv in lieu of construcdon limitations. A. Strcet improvernents: I'ursuant tu SV R1C c cocie to be inserted 1. Strzet imQro~•ements include ~idewalks, drainage and appronchcs. B. Non -Street Improvements: In lieu of the completion of the actual coastruction of any required n~)n-street improvements prior to the approval of the final plat, short plat or binding site plan, the publie %,e~Feeief Communitv Development Department may accept abefidsuret-y in an amount and with suFety and conditions satisfactory to the diFeeie DeQartment-and-consistent with the provision of RCW 58.17.130, and thc criteria listed below. Non-street irnpravements, mav include. hut is not limited to, fencing. landscagi~, and trails _ A. ; B-1. The improvements will be completed within one year of the date of final -approval; , seweF, waleF, ; D2._ The applicant for the suret`• bond does not have any outstanding improvements that have aot been timely completed within other plats, short plais, or binding site plans within the City; W , . The suretv is in the i'orm of'a cash savinus assi¢nment or irrevocable letter ofcredit in an nmount of at least 125% of the cih,• c,~tiiw,ited v,iictc ofthe owstindinsT imPr0vTnientS. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.40.050 Phasing. Any subdivision or hinciins► site plan may be developed in phases or incremznts. Phasing of short subdivisions is not permitted. A master phasing plan shall be submitted with the preliminary subdivision or bindinQ site pIan for approval by the department. The phasing plan may be approved by the director provided: A. The phasing plan includes all land identified within the legal notice; B. The sequence of phased development is identified by a map; C. Each phase has reasonable public or private infrastructure to support the number of dwelling units I or pruposc:ti comrnercial or industrial devclonnic;il? contained in that phase; D. Each phase constitutes an independent planning unit with facilities, adequate cireulation, and an.\ ( requirementS established for the entire subdivision or bindinQ site plan; and provided, th.it am nonfinalized portion meets the minimum lot size of the underlying zone for the proposed use; an(i ~ E. The 1:)evelopnient Scn iccs Scnior f:naineer approves the documents so that all road improvement requirements are assured for that phase. A phasing plan may be amended following preliminary approval. Said plan may be approved administratively provided the above criteria are met. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section Five: C6npter 20.50 Preliminary Plat, S6ort Plat, and Binding Site Plan Alteratioos s6s11 be amended as follows: Chapter 20.50 PRF.LIMtNARY PLAT, SFIORT PLAT, AND BINDING SITE PLAN ALTERATI4NS Ordinance 09-002 Amending "I'itle 20 Page 13 of 1 ti DRAFT Sections: 20.50.010 Applications. 20.50.020 Preliminary plat, short plat and binding site plan alterations - Notice, decisioa, filing plan. 20.50.010 Applications. An application may be submitted for any proposed alteration to a preliminary plat, preliminary short plat or binding site plan. The application shall contain the signatures of the persons having an ownership iaterest in the plat or binding site plan. A preliminary plat alteration is classified as a Type II permit aad shall be processed pursuaat to Chapter 17.80 SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.50.020 Preliminary plat, s6ort plst and binding site plan alteradons - Notice, decision, filing plan. Any request for a proposed modification to a preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan which has received preliminary approval shall be submitted to the department. Any proposed modification which would amend conditions established administratively shall be circulated to affected agencies for review and comment. An amended decision or amended conditions of approval may be required based on comments received from affected agencies. The director may waive formal processing if it is detecmined that the proposed modification would not have a substantia) impact on adjacent properties, or conditions of approval. This process shall not apply to amending site plans or conditions thereof established by a hearing body that would constitute a"change of condition." Alterations may be approved by the director, if the director determines that the public use and interest w i l I be served by the aiteration. Following approval of an alteration, the applicant shall produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration which sball be signcd by the director and filed with the City of Spokane Valley community development department. Anrv prclirninan__M:it, short plat or bindint, site pla» iilteratioii nruposed under this section shall be suh*iecc to tlle requirements in Ch;ioter Z03fl ancf (-'hat,tcr 2(1.40. Any proposed modification which would significantly amend conditions established by the hearing examiner shal) be processed as a"change of conditions" pursuant to Chapter 20.60 SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 ~ § 4, 2007). Section Siz: C6apter 20.60 Finsl Plat and Short Plat Alteradoas shall be amended as follows: C6apter 20.60 FINAL PLAT. ANI) SHORT PLAT. ANI) BINUING ti1TI: P1,Ah ALTERATIONS Sections: 20.60.010 Application. 20.60.020 Final plat alterations - Notice, public hearing, decision, filing requiremeots. 20.60.030 Final short plat And bindine site olan alterations-Notice, decision, filing requirements. 20,60.040 Record of Sun,ev to Establish Lots «ithin a I11r7clim-, 1~.itc Plan 20.60.010 Application. An application may be submitted for any proposed alteration to a final plai-ef ftnal short plat, or ti«al hiilclinu site N.in. The application shall eontain the signatures of the majority of those persons having an ov►mership interest in lots, tracts, parcels, site or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion to be altered. If tlie subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of approval of the subdivision, and the application for alteration would result in the violation of a covenant, the Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 14 of 18 DRAFT applicatioa shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the vacation af the ~ subdivision or binding site plan. or portion thereof. A plat alteration is classified as a Type II permit unless a public hearing is requested pursuant to SVMC 20.60.020 in which case the plat alteratioo shall be classified as a Type ID permit. Both permit types shall be processed pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC and in a manner consistent with RCW 58.17.215. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Anv alat_ short Qlat ur binding site plan alteration rop~p,ased under this section shall be subject to the requirements in GhaQter 20.30 and Chapter 20.40. 20.60.020 Final plat alterations - Notice, pub6c hearing, decision, filiag requirementg. Upon receipt of a completed application for a final plat alteration, the department shall provide notice of the application to all owners of property withio the subdivision, publication in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper or trade journal, and to tbose owners of property within 400 feet of that portion of the plat proposed for alteration. The notice shall include a statement that a public hearing will not be required unless specifically requested within the time frame indicated below. If a public hearing is requested witfiin 14 days of receipt of the notice, notice of the hearing shall be pmvided as is set forth in SVMC 17.80.120. Alterations to final plats may be approved if it is determined that the public use and interest will be served by the alteration. Following approval of an alteration, the applicant shall produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration of the final plat, which shall be signed by the director and filed with the Spokane County auditor's office to become the lawful plat of the property. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.60.030 Final short plat and hindin2 site Plan alterations - Nodce, decision, filing requirements. ~ Upon receipt of a completed application for a final short plat cir bindint, 1ite pI.in alteration, the department shall provide notice of the application to all ovmers of property within the subdivision, publication in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper or tra.de journal, and to those owoers of property adjacent to that portion of the st►ort plat rir binding site plan pmposed for alteration. Alterations to final short plats or hinding site plans may be approved by the director, if the director determines that the public use and interest will be served by the alteration. Following approval of an alterafion, the applicant sball produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration of the final short plat or binding siteplan, which shall be signed by the director and filed with the Spohane County auditor's office to become the lawful plat or hindinw site plan of the property. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.60.040 Ilecorcl of Sun cv tu k.st.ahlisit L.c1ts within a Binding Site Pl.tn A record of survev mav be filed subsequent to the recordine of a final bindinQ site plan to establish loLs ~vithin the boundaries of the final bindin¢ site pian. The record of survev shall be classified as a Tv ep,1 a lication and shall be revie«-ed pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC and approved bv the Director. The t'ollowine infarmation shall be provided on the record of survev: A. The bindinQ site plan file number sha11 be referenced. B. The scele shall be fiftv (50) or one bundred (100) feet to the inch. If aQproved bv ihe I)irector, an avpropriate scale mav be used which does not exceed 1" = 200', provided a 1"=400' reduced 31 /2" X 11" copv is provided C. A distinct wide boundarv lioe shall delineate the boundarv of the lot(s) beinQ created. The hctiunclarv of the bindin¢ site plan shall be indicated and am- lot(s) that have been created bv filinQ of'the f i n,-.1 h i n d i n e site plan and/or recard of survev. Each lot shall be numbered consecutively, and the size of each lot shall be indicated oq tfic record of survev. Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 15 of 18 DRAFT 1_1 . -Ii1e IoCa'LIoil and wicith-s ut streets, allev~, rivltts-of-wa~. aizd casernerits i•~~Iiiii h[alillpl+' s11L Ma11 aIId Lhose ex15t1r1'L~ IGTtI17edIkilelvmfi~,ct:Fi[ 1o 07c: 1~.7t f~CtTI+?' Cre~fti~d -01r111 bi' I~. i. Street names shall be shvwn_ U. Street addresse-s shati be sho%4 1I. Restrictions reouired as conditt-}n ; c,~- i-.~ rc ➢i m ar].;:ir~ r ro%l s 111 I)L~ `11 4)"r 11. I . Awropriate utilitv easernenLs sliall be shown. J. CertiFcation of tile Qrofessianal 1and survevoi liceil~~d ill I1ic- siatc ot-Wt:sil 11~~tol 1. K. 'l he followirtp- sip-natures are reauired on the record of survev: Citv o{' Sookane Val Iev ~omrnunitv Dcveloprnent Director ' Citv afSookane Vallev Development Services Senior Enp-ineer Pr~~ertN, Owrner I 1llusirate anv exr's#i~e bctildings lcacaied on the lot which is beine created or alder+ed. '1_Iie I:)enartment shail record aoprovei record of surv.evs wixh ihe Snokane Countv Auciitor's [[lff%ce ,ind submit copies of tt~~ recorded docLiments lo the Spohane Cvtintv Assessor's C7frice. All fees for sucb rccor{~~m-, ~=li:;11 l,t: iiv tlic appfic:trio nr`ror tc, r~~cordirl=F. Se c#ion 5even; Chapter 20.80 Boundar~ ~ine AdjustmentlEliminafions shall be amendei as follvws; Chapter 20.80 BC)U-NDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS1ELIMINA,TTONS Sections: 20.80.010 Scope. 20.$0.420 ~eview process. 24.80,030 Application and dr-awing requtrem+ents. 20.50.040 Recordation. 20.84.010 Scope. Bouridary iiiie adjustm+erits shall be aniinor alteration 'rn the Iocatiori of lot or parce1 hounci~~s on existing lots c,ir t)arcely. !n ili+, sectioci lot "11i01 r}i~.~~ln a parcel of I:{nd 1~;~~•in~~ #ixed boundaries d~seribed b%- refereiice to a recorded iDlat, a recorded bindinu site Dfliln, by rnetes and bounds, (ir bN, sectiOrL zmi.l ian-L-c_, and K~ ofsaiftic~ent are{7 tk) siieet n1iiiid»iioii ;coninP- re ~Iuirements. The purpose of the 1oundary Ue e[i.mination prcacess is ta remove interior lot lines of a parcel comprised pf two ar more separate iots with contiguvus ovvncrs,hip. Boundary line adjustments niust be consisterit wit~l the faliawtng. A. Such alteration shall not increase #he number o#` Iots nor diminish in size open space or othet protected +env iromments7 ~ B. Such alterativn shall n4t diminish fihesize of any 1ot- so as ta result ira a lot_ of less sqtEare foatage tban prescribed in the zaning regulaticrns; C. 5uch altera►tion shall not result in •.he r°d..e': „ of s°tbTek o a buildina setback vir~lati;_aji (,r site cc►verage to less zhan prescriled by the zoning regulations or Tt::mir4'] ili 2:11_ l-'iittsrc AcQtiisition Areat-,.,; and D. All 1ots resuiting from khe boundaryr line alteration sha11 be ifl oonfornance with zhe design standards of this chapter. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2,007). Ordinw)Cc 09-002 Amending'1'it~~ 20 Page 16 of 18 DRAFT 20.80.020 Review process. Boundary line adjustments and eliminations are classified as Type I applications and shall be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 17.80 SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 20.80.030 Application and drawing requiremeats. Application for a boundary line adjustment or elimination shall be made on fornis provided by the departmeot and shall provide the following informatioo: A. Existing Conditioas Site Plan. Produce a to-scale site plan on an eight-and-one-half-inch by 11-inch sheet with one-inch margins on all sides showing the following information: 1. The existing dimensions and square footage of the existing property(ies) involved; ~ 2. The location and setbacks of any nermanent improvements (i.e., structures, septic systems, etc.) from all property lines; 3. The identif ication, location and dimension of all access and utility easements; and 4. The location, dimensions and names of public and/or private streets abutting the property(ies); North arro« and shall bc noted. B. Proposed AdjustmentlElimination Site Plan. Produce a to-scale plan on an eight-and-one-half-inch by 11-inch sheet with one-inch margins on all sides showing the following information: ~ 1. The location and setbacks of any pcrnianent improvements (i.e., structures, septic systems, ete.) after the proposed boundary line adjustment or elimination from the new property lines; ~ 2. The identif ication, location and dimension of any access or utility easements after the proposed boundary line adjustment or elimination; 3. The location, dimensions aad names of public and/or private streets abutting the property(ies) after the proposed boundary line adjustment or elimination; and 4. lndicate eM- th;: existinu, property lines to bc: revisecl with a dashed line and the new...proposed property lines with a solid line if annlirahle. and 5. North arrow :ill(1 sl:ale -shall he noied. C. On a separate sheet of paper (eight and one-half by 11 inches) a written legal description for the existing parcel(s) and the proposed adjusted or eliminated parcel(s) with one-inch margins on all sides. D. One copy each of all involved property owners' recorded deeds, verifying current ownership of the subject property(ies). E. If available, submit a copy of an original plat for the subject property. A conti• of't}ie aeneral land ofiice plat is not requircd. F. A record of survey of the property shall be completed for boundarv line adiustments to show distances from the existini-, imprc~vcmenl~ tt, the ne~v ' vrvpertv linc. . e survey must be completed by a Profrssional land tisurveyor liceased in the state of Washington. (Ord. 07-0 15 § 4, 2007). 20.80.040 Recordation. The depariment shall record approved boundary line adjustments and eliminations with the Spokane County auditor's office and submit copies of the recorded documents to the Spokane County assessor's office. All fees for such recording shall be paid by the applicant prior to recording. (Ord. 07-01 S§ 4, 2007). Section EiE6t: Repeal Ordinance 08-021. Ordinance 08-021 is hereby repealed upoo the effective date of this ordinance. Section Nine. Severability. If any sectioa, sentence, clause or phrases of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Ordinance 09-002 Amending Title 20 Page 17 of 18 DRA FT Section Ten: Effective Datc;. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the publication of the Qrdinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this day of February, 2008. Mayor, Richard Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Office of the C ity Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Ordinance 09-002 Anending Title 20 Page 18 of 18 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report Z pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-003: Revised Speed Limit Code GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion at February 10, 2009 meeting BACKGROUND: Spokane Valley adopted the speed limits established by Spokane County upon incorporation. Several modifications to school zones have occurred since incorporation. This ordinance and resolution will eliminate all references to the county code and establish a Speed Limit Schedule listing all the current speed limits for easy reference by citizens and staff. The following changes are incorporated into the document. 1. Greenacres Elementary School has asked for a change in their 20 mph speed zone to extend it further south on Long. The school also has a posted 20 mph speed zone on 4th that was not listed in the old speed code. 2. University Elementary School has asked for a change to their 20 mph speed zone on 16t' to extend it to 300' west of the crosswalk at 16th/University. 3. A provision giving authority to the traffic engineer to post a reduced speed limit in a construction zone. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to advance the ordinance to a second reading. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Some speed limit signing could be changed. This will be completed under the county maintenance contract. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance. 2. Resolution and speed limit schedule. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOI!:ANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-003 AN ORDINANCE OF THF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOI+:ANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUrTICIPAL CODE SECTION 9.05.030 RELATING TO SPEED LIlVIITS THROUGHOUT THE CITY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City adopted Ordinance 03-047 prior to incorporation, which established speed limits in the City as those previously adopted by Spokane County; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to identify all previously-adopted speed limits applicable on City roads, in a format that is more accessible and easier to use for the public. The new format is referred to as the "Master Speed Limit Schedule," which shall be adopted by separate resolution, and may be amended from time to time under criteria set forth in City Code and Washington law; and WHEREAS, the City Council has authority under RCW 46.61.415 to change speed limits if tbe jurisdiction determines on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that it is appropriate, which is an exercise of power of the City to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Senior Traffic Engineer has conducted an engineering and traffic investigation for all proposed changes to existing speed limits in accordance with WAC 308-330-270, and has determined that these changes are reasonable and safe. NOW T'HEREFORE the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, ordains as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend SVMC Section 9.05.030 for the purpose of establishing all speed limits in the City in one central Master Speed Limit Schedule. Section 2. Spokane Vallev Municipal Code section 9.05.030 is hereby amended as follows: 9.05.03 .Speed Limits. , afid as other-wise established b), Spekane Getifit-y or-dinanee eF r-eselotien fer- whieh speed lifnit signs have been dtily posted bj, Spekane Geufity, b b • b fi'1S'r@lut}9A. A. Subiect to RCW 46.61.400(l) and (3). the maximum soeed limit for all Citv streets is established as 25 miles ver hour except where a lower or Qreater maximum taNvful soeed is established bv Spokane Vallev ordinance or resolution oursuant to WAC 308-330-270 and RCW 46.61.415 and for which sueed limit siQns have been dulv posted bv the Citv. Alterations from those eeneral speed limits. includinp- for school zones and narks, are set forth in the Master Speed Limit Schedule, which mav be adouted and amended from time to time bv separate resolution. Anv such alteration shall be made on the basis of an eniaineerinQ and traffic investiization, be reasonable and safe, and in the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this Citv. The Citv of Snokane Vallev mav amend or adopt such school soeed Ordinance 09-003 Amending Speed Limit Provisions Page 1 of 2 DRAFT zones as necessarv and mav designate school soeed zones with anv of the sienaQe ovtions pursuant to WAC 392-15I-035 as adonted or amended. B. The Citv Senior Traffic En2ineer or designateti reoresentative is authorized to ternvorarilv reduce the maximum allowable speed on anv citv road, as the Senior TrafFic Enaineer deems necessarv during road construction andlor emerg-encv conditions. The speed limit reductions shall become effective upon the placement of standard sians indicatina the maximum allowable soeed, and shall cease at such time as the sians are removed bv the Senior Traffic Eneineer or that verson's reoresentative. A11 siens placed in accordance with this section shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for streets and hiQhwavs for the state of WashinQton. Section 3. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionaliiy shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective five days after publication of the ordinance, or a summary thereof, in the official newspaper of the City. Adopted this day of March, 2009. ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Richard Munson, Mayor Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Ordinance 09-003 Amending Speed Limit Provisions Page 2 of 2 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 09-0** A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGT0N, ADOPTING A MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDULE PURSUANT TO SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9.05.030(1), AND O'I'H.ER MATTERS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, the City Council recently amended Spokane Valley Municipal Code 9.05.030 to require that all speed limits in the City be set forth in a Master Speed Limit Schedule; and WHEREAS, the City now uses a resolution to establish or modify all speed limits in the City; and WHEREAS, the City Senior Traffic Engineer has conducted an engineering and traffic investigation for all proposed changes to existing speed limits in accordance with WAC 308-330-270, and has determined that these changes are reasonable and safe. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Adontion of the Master Saeed Limit Schedule. The Master Speed Limit Schedule is set forth below. Section 2. Repeal. To the extent that any previous established speed limits are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Section 3. Effective Date. 'fhis Resolution shall be in full force and effect on March 2009. Approved this day of .2009. ATTEST: C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Richard Munson, Mayor Approved as to form: Office of the City Attomey Master Speed Limit Schedule Rcsolution 09-0*" Page 1 of 7 MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDULE Saeed Limit Schedule Page No. Schedule A: School Speed Zones 2 Schedule B: Playground Speed Zones 4 Schedule C: Speed Limits 5 Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolution 09-0}' Pagc 2 of 7 MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDULE Schedule A- School Speed Zones SCHOOL SPEED ZONES The following road sections have been designated as school zones. The maximum speed allowable on the said road sections shall be twenty miles per hour as designated with any of the signage options pursuant to Washington Administrative Code section 392-151-035 as adopted or amended. The Council shall establish any changes to speed limits or school speed zones by resolution. TWENTY MIILES PER HOUR: 4`h AVENUE from six hundred (600) feet west of Adams Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Adams Road; from three hundred (300) feet west of Bradley Street to three hundred (300) feet east of Coleman Street; and from three hundred (300) feet west of Long Road to Moen Street_ Comment [ini]: Ecpanded school 8ch AVENiJE from three hundred (300) feet west of Custer Road to five hundred (500) feet east zone - Greenacres Elementary school ! request . of Custer Road and from three hundred (300) feet west of Adams Road to eight hundred (800) feet east of Adams Road. 9`h AVENUE from Herald Road to Felts Road. 10"' AVENUE from Wilbur Road to Union Road. 12'hAVENUE from Wilbur Road to Union Road. 16Ih AVENUE from three hundred (300) feet west of University Road to three hundred (300) Comment [in2]: Expanded soool feet east of Glenn Road; from Woodlawn Road to Clinton Road; and from three hundred (300) ~ eSUniversity EltmentarySchool , feet east of Bolivar Road to riwo hundred (200) feet west of Warren Road. 24I" AVENUE from Union Road to Pines Road and from three hundred (300) feet west of Adams Road to two hundred (200) feet east of Adams Road. 32"d AVENUE from three hundred (300) feet west of Pines Road to Woodlawn Road. ADAMS ROAD from 9`f' Avenue to three hundred fifly (350) feet north of 4Ih Avenue and from eight hundred fifly (850) feet north of 24h Avenue to 24`" Avenue. ALKI AVENUE from Glenn Road to Pierce Road. ARGONNE ROAD from three hundred fifty (350) feet north of Valleyway Avenue to one hundred (100) feet south of Valleyway Avenue. BARKER ROAD from seven hundred fifty (750) feet south of Mission Avenue to three hundred (300) feet north of Mission Avenue. BOWDISH ROAD from 20thAvenue to 24hAvenue. BRADLEY ROAD from 5t' Avenue to 3`d Avenue. BROADWAY AVENUE from four hundred (400) feet west of Farr Road to four hundred (400) feet east of Farr Road; from one hundred (100) feet west of VanMarter Road to Johnson Road; from three hundred (300) feet west of Progress Road to St. Charles Road; from four hundred (400) feet east of McDonald Road to Blake Road; from three hundred (300) feet west of Felts Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Felts Road; and from three hundred (300) feet west of Ella Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Ella Road. BUCICEYE AVENUE from two hundred (200) feet east of Park Road to three hundred fifty (350) feet east of Center Road. Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolution 09-0#* Page 3 of 7 CENTER ROAD from Marietta Avenue to Utah Avenue. CIMMARON DRIVE from Sunderland Drive to three hundred (300) feet east of Woodruff Road. COLEMAN ROAD from 5`h Avenue to 3`d Avenue. FARR ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of Valleyway Avenue to three hundred fifty (350) feet north of Valleyway Avenue. GLENN ROAD from 18`h Avenue to 16`h Avenue. HERALD ROAD from 11 th Avenue to 9~' Avenue. HUTCHINSON ROAD from four hundred (400) feet south of Valleyway Avenue to Valleyway Avenue. LONG ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of 4t' Avenue to 2"d Avenue. _ - Comment [in37: Expanded school MARGEURITE ROAD from four hundred (400) feet south of Valleyway Avenue to two zone - Greenacres Elementary School rcquest hundred (200) feet south of Alki Avenue. .....,_._...m_.__~........~~ _ MCDONALD ROAD from Broadway Avenue to Cataldo Avenue; from three hundred fifly (350) feet south of 16th Avenue to 14th Avenue; and from 7h Avenue to 5th Avenue. MISSION AVENUE from five hundred (500) feet west of Bowman Road to Park Road; from SR-27 to seven hundred fifly (750) feet east of SR-27; and from Barker Road to five hundred (500) feet east of Barker Road. MULLAN AVENUE from three hundred fifly (350) feet south of Valleyway Avenue to one hundred (100) feet south of Valleyway Avenue. PARK ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of Mission Avenue to Nora Avenue and from one hundred (100) feet south of Carlisle Avenue to four hundred (400) feet north of Buckeye Avenue. PROGRESS ROA►D from six hundred fifly (650) feet south of Broadway Avenue to Broadway Avenue and from Wellesley Avenue to Crown Avenue. SALTESE ROAD from three hundred (300) feet west of McDonald Road to three hundred (300) feet east of McDonald Road. SCHAFER ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of Cimmaron Drive to three hundred (300) feet north of Cimmaron Drive. SR-27 from two hundred (200) feet south of Mirabeau Parkway to one hundred (100) feet north of Pinecroft Way and from three hundred (300) feet north of Broadway Avenue to three hundred (300) feet south of Broadway Avenue. UNION ROAD from 12`h Avenue to 10t' Avenue. UNIVERSITY ROAD from 19`h Avenue to 160' Avenue. VALLEYWAY AVENUE from three hundred (300) feet west of Marguerite Road to one hundred fifty (150) feet east of Hutchinson Street. VISTA ROAD from Frederick Avenue to two hundred (200) feet south of Buckeye Avenue. WELLESLEY AVENLJE from seven hundred (700) feet west of Adams Road to two hundred (200) feet east of Burns Road. WILBUR ROAD from 12`h Avenue to 10t' Avenue. WOODRUFF ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of Cimmaron Drive to three hundred (300) feet north of Cimmaron Drive. Master Speed [,imit Schedule Resolution 09-0'• Page 4 of 7 MASTER SPEED LIlVIIT SCHEDULE Schedule B- Playground Speed Zones PLAYGROUND SPEED ZONES The following road sections have been designated as playground zones. The maximum speed allowable on the said road sections shall be twenty miles per hour when signs are in place. TWENTY MILES PER HOUR: MISSION AVENUE from two hundred fifty (250) feet west of Bowdish Road to one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet west of Bowdish Road. Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolution 09-0"* Page 5 of 7 MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDULE Schedule C -Speed Limits The following road sections have maximum speed limits higher than 25 miles per hour.. THIRTY MILES PER HOUR: 3'd AVENUE from west city limits to Fancher Road. MTSSION AVENUE from Pines Road to Sullivan Road. MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Argonne Road to Dartmouth Lane. PA R.K ROAD fi•om SR-290 to Briclgeporl Arenare. Comment [in4]: Citizen request. ~ Must be approved by council THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR: 13` AVENUE from Eastern Road to Thierman Road. 4`h AVENUE from west city limits to Eastern Road. 8`n AVENUE from west city limits to Park Road; from Dishman-Mica Road to University Road; from Pines Road to Sullivan Road; and from Barker Road to Hodges Road. 16`h AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Sullivan Road. 32"d AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Best Road. 44'h AVENUE from Locust Road to Sands Road. APPLEWAY AVENUE from Sprague Avenue to east city limits. APPLEWAY BOULEVARD from Thierman Road to University Road. ARGONNE ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to SR-290. BARKER ROAD from south city limits to four hundred twenty (420) feet north of Bridgeport Avenue. BLAKE ROAD from SR-27 to Saltese Road. BOWDISH ROAD from Sands Road to Mission Avenue. BROADWAY AVENUE from Havana Street to Flora Road. CARNAHAN ROAD from south city limits to 8`i' Avenue. DISHMAN ROAD from 8d' Avenue to Appleway Avenue. DISHMAN-MICA ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of 8`h Avenue to Sprague Avenue. EUCLID AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Flora Road; from Flora Road to Barker Road; and from Barker Road to east city limits. EVERGREEN ROAD from 32"d Avenue to lndiana Avenue and from SR-290 to Forker Road. FANCHER ROAD from the Freeway (PSH No. 2) access on 3'd Avenue to SR-290. FLORA ROAD from Sprague Avenue to Montgomery Avenue and from the north side of the Spokane River to Wellesley Avenue. INDIANA AVENiTE from SR-27 to Sullivan Road. MADISON ROAD from Thorpe Road to Pines Road. MARIETTA AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Euclid Avenue. Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolution 09-0•• Aage 6 of 7 McDONALD ROAD from 16`h Avenue to Mission Avenue. MIRABEAU PARKWAY from SR-27 to one thousand (1,000) feet east of Pinecroft Way and from Indiana Avenue to one thousand three hundred (1,300) feet north of Mansfield Avenue. MISSION AVENUE from Argonne Road to SR-27 and from Flora Road to east city limits. MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Dartmouth Lane to SR-27. MULLAN ROAD from Appleway Avenue to Indiana Avenue. PARK ROAD from Beverly Drive to Bridgeport Avenue.~ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ - Comment [in5]: Mny cna,se if PINES ROAD from Madison Road to 16th Avenue. ' E citizen request is approved. PROGRESS ROAD from Wellesley Avenue to Crown Avenue. RUTTER AVENUE from west city limits to Park Road. SALTESE ROAD from 16'h Avenue to Blake Road. SANDS ROAD from 44`h Avenue to Bowdish Road. SCHAFER ROAD from 44h Avenue to Dishman-Mica Road. SPRAGUE AVENUE from west city limits to east city limits. SR-27 from SR-290 to five hundred (500) feet south of 16'' Avenue. SULLIVAN ROAD from Saltese Road to Wellesley Avenue. THORPE ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Madison Road. UNIVERSITY ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Mission Avenue. WELLESLEY AVENUE from McDonald Road to Flora Road. FORTY MILES PER HOUR: ' BARKER ROAD from Euclid Avenue to SR-290. SR-290 from west city limits to twelve hundred (1,200) feet west of University Road. FORTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR: DISRMAN-MICA ROAD from south city limits to three hundred (300) feet south of 8Ih Avenue. SR-27 from five hundred (500) feet south of 16`h Avenue to south city limits. FIFTY MILES PER HOUR: SR-290 from twelve hundred (1,200) feet west of University Road to east city limits. Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolution 09-0•' Page 7 of 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February, 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Consultant Services Agreement with Coffman Engineers for the Bowdish Road Improvements - 32"d Ave to 8th Ave Project. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.35, Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Admin Report on Economic Stimulus Task Force on December 16, 2008; 2) Admin Report on Transportation Infrastructure Stimulus Projects, January 13, 2009 Council meeting; 3) Public Hearing and Adoption of Amended 2009 TIP, which included this project, on January 27, 2009, and 4) Administrative Report at Council's February 10, 2009 meeting on future Council actions required on 2009 projects. BACKGROUND: In accordance with Council approval to move forward with the design of several road improvement projects associated with the federal economic stimulus funding package, staff issued a public Request for Qualifications (RFQ #09-009) to select the most highly qualified engineering firms to provide engineering services for various road projects. Nineteen responses were received. A selection committee reviewed the consultant responses to the RFQ and ranked each consultant based on qualifications, experience and understanding of the road improvement projects. The top seven ranked consultants were selected as the most highly qualified. Coffman Engineering was selected and assigned the Bowdish Road Improvements - 32"d to 8tn Project. Staff negotiated with Coffman on the development of a scope of work and contract fee to complete the plans, specifications and estimates necessary to bid the construction phase of this project. Since we anticipate future federal funding for the construction phase of this project, it is recommended that the standardized Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Local Agency Standard Consultant Agreement be used for this project. OPTIONS: 1) Consensus to move forward with execution of consultant agreement, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to bring consultant contract to Council's March 3rd meeting for approval. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed fee is $549,824 for the design and right-of- way acquisition services. The fee includes a 10% Management Reserve Fund to account for future minor contract amendments. The design phase will be funded with 100% local funds. The 2009 budget has sufficient funds in the Street Capital Projects Fund #303 to cover this contract. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: WSDOT Local Agency Standard Consultant Agreement, Scope of Work, Fee Calculations, and applicable contract exhibits. , Local Agency ConsuitanUAddress/Telephone Coffman Engineers, Inc. Standard Consultant lo N. Post st. - suite soo Agreement Spokane, WA 99201 Z Architectural/Engineering Agreement ❑ Personal Services Agreement (509) 328-2994 Aqreement Number Project Title And Work Description Federal Aid Number Bowdish Road - 32nd Avenue to 8th Avenue Agreement Type (Choose one) Provide design and right-of-way acquisition for the widening of the existing 21ane roadway to a 31ane ❑ Lump Sum roadway with bike lanes, curbs, sidewalks and misc. Lump Sum Amount $ appurtenances. ~ Cost Plus Fixed Fee Overhead Progress Payment Rate % Overhead Cost Method DBE Participation ~ ❑ Yes ~ No % Actual Cost (6,ee&kt6i+- E G-Iw - I e-) Federal ID Number or Social Security Number ❑ Actual Cost Not To Exceed % 91-1053429 ❑ Fixed Overhead Rate % Do you require a 1099 for IRS? Completion Date Fixed Fee $ 46,511.00 ❑ Yes 0 No December 31, 2009 ❑ Specific Rates Of Pay Total Amount Authorized $ 499,840.00 ❑ Negotiated Hourly Rate Management Reserve Fund $ 49,984.00 ❑ Provisional Hourly Rate ❑ Cost Per Unit of Work Maximum Amount Payable $ 549,824.00 Index of Exhibits (Check all that apply): 0 Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work ❑ Exhibit G-2 Fee-Sub Specific Rates ❑ Exhibit A-2 Task Order Agreement ~ Exhibit G-3 Sub Overhead Cost (See E~(~t ❑ Exhibit B-1 DBE Utilization Certification ❑ Exhibit H Title VI Assurances ❑ Exhibit C Electronic Exchange of Data ❑ Exhibit I Payment Upon Termination of Agreement ❑ Exlaibit D-1 Payment - Lump Sum ❑ Exhibit J Alleged Consultant Design Error Procedures * Exhibit D-2 Payment - Cost Plus ❑ Eachibit K Consultant Claim Procedures ❑ Exhibit D-3 Payment - Hourly Rate ❑ Exhibit L Liability Insurance Increase ❑ Exhibit D-4 Payment - Provisional ❑ Exhibit M-1 a Consultant Certification 0 Exhibit E-1 Fee - Lump/Fixed/LTnit ❑ Exhibit M-lb Agency Official Certification ❑ Exhibit E-2 Fee - Specific Rates ❑ Exhibit M-2 Certification - Primary N Exhibit F Overhead Cost ❑ Exhibit tii-3 Lobbying Certification ~ Exhibit G Subcontracted Work ❑ Exhibit vi-4 Pricing Data Certification ~ Eachibit G-1 Subconsultant Fee f ❑ App. 31.910 Supplemental Signature Page C - 14, G" 16, c_.) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of between the Local Agency of , Washington, hereinafter called the "AGENCY" , and the above organization hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT". DOT Form 140-089 EF Page 1 of 8 Revised 3/2008 WITNESSETH TI3AT: WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the above referenced project, and WHEREAS, the AGENCY does not have sufficient staff to meet the required commitment and therefore deems it advisable and desirable to engage the assistance of a CONSULTANT to provide the necessary services for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that he/she is in compliance with the Washington State Statutes relating to professional registration, if applicable, and has signified a willingness to furnish Consulting services to the AGENCY, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performance conta.ined herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, the parties hereto agree as follows: I General Description of Work The work under this AGREEMENT shall consist of the above described work and services as herein defined and necessary to accomplish the completed work for this PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall furnish all services, labor, and related equipment necessary to conduct and complete the work as designated elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. II Scope of Work The Scope of Work and projected level of effort required for this PROJECT is detailed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. III General Requirements All aspects of coordination of the work of this AGREEMENT with outside agencies, groups, or individuals shall receive advance approval by the AGENCY. Necessary contacts and meetings with agencies, groups, and/or individuals shall be coordinated through the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall attend coordination, progress and presentation meetings with the AGENCY andlor such Federal, State, Community, City or County officials, groups or individuals as may be requested by the AGENCY. The AGENCY will provide the CONSULTANT sufficient notice prior to meetings requiring CONSULTANT participation. The minimum required hours or days notice shall be agreed to between the AGENCY and the CONSULTANT and shown in Exhibit "A." The CONSULTANT shall prepare a monthly progress report, in a form approved by the AGENCY, which will outline in written and graphical form the various phases and the order of performance of the work in sufficient detail so that the progress of the work can easily be evaluated. The CONSULTANT, and each SUBCONSLTLTANT, shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The CONSULTANT, and each SUBCONSULTANT, shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this AGREEMENT that may result in the termination of this AGREEMENT. Participation for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), if required, per 49 CFR Part 26, or participation of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enterprises (WBE), shall be shown on the heading of this AGREEMENT. If D/M/WBE firms are utilized, the amounts autliorized to each firm and their certification nwnber will be shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. If the Prime CONSULTANT is a DBE firna they must comply with the Commercial Useful Function (CUF) regulation outlined in the AGENCY'S "DBE Program Participation Plan". The mandatory DBE participation goals of the AGREEMENT are those established by the WSDOT'S Highway and Local Programs Project Development Engineer in consultation with the AGENCY. All Reports, PS&E materials, and other data fumi.shed to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY shall be returned. All electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT, must meet the requirements as outlined in Exhibit "C." All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, and other work products, including all electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to completion or tennination of this AGREEMENT are instruments of service for this PROJECT, and are the property of the AGENCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by others, acting through or on behalf of the AGENCY of any such instruments of service, not occurring as a part of this PROJECT, shall be without liability or legal exposure to the CONSLJLTANT. Page 2 of 8 IV Time for Beginning and Completion The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under the terms of this AGREEMENT until authorized in writing by the AGENCY. All work under this AGREEMENT shall be completed by the date shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under completion date. The established completion time shall not be extended because of any delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but may be extended by the AGENCY in the event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or because of unavoidable delays caused by an act of GOD or governmental actions or other conditions beyond the control of the CONSULTANT. A prior supplemental agreement issued by the AGENCY is required to extend the established completion time. V Payment Provisions The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided in Exhibit "D" attached hereto, and by reference made part of this AGREEMENT. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The CONSULTANT shall conform to all applicable portions of 48 CFR Part 31. • A post audit may be performed on this AGREEMENT. The need for a post audit will be determined by the State Auditor, WSDOT Extemal Audit Off'ice and/or at the request of the AGENCY'S PROJECT Manager. VI Sub-Contracting The AGENCY permits sub-contracts for those items of work as shown in Exhibit "G" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. Compensation for this sub-consultant work shall be based on the cost factors shown on Exhibit "G." The work of the sub-consultant shall not exceed its maximum amount payable unless a prior written approval has been issued by the AGENCY. All reimbursable direct labor, overhead, direct non-salary costs and fixed fee costs for the sub-consultant shall be substantiated in the same manner as outlined in Section V. All sub-contracts shall contain all applicable provisions of this AGREEMENT. With respect to sub-consultant payment, the CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable sections of the Prompt Payment laws as set forth in RCW 39.04.250 and RCW 39.76.011. The CONSULTANT shall not sub-contract for the performance of any work under this AGREEMENT without prior written permission of the AGENCY. No permission for sub-contracting shall create, between the AGENCY and sub- contractor, any contract or any other relationship. A DBE certified sub-consultant is required to perform a minimum amount of their sub-contracted agreement that is esta.blished by the WSDOT Highways and Local Programs Project Development Engineer in consultation with the AGENCY. VII Employment The CONSULTANT warrants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warrant, the AGENCY shall bave the right to annul this AGREEMENT without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the AGREEMENT price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. Any and all employees of the CONSULTANT or other persons while engaged in the perfonnance of any work or services required of the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT, shall be considered employees of tlle CONSULTANT only and not of the AGENCY, and any and all claims that may arise under any Worlanen's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a Page 3 of 8 third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT'S employees or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, sha11 be the sole obligaNon and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall not engage, on a full- or part-time basis, or other basis, during the period of the contract, any professional or technical personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of the contract, in the employ of the United States Department of Transportation, or the STATE, or the AGENCY, except regularly retired employees, without written consent of the public employer of such person. VIII Nondiscrimination During the performance of this contract, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees to comply with the following laws and regulations: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC Chapter 21 Subchapter V Section 2000d through 2000d-4a) Federal-aid Highway Act of 1973 (23 USC Chapter 3 Section 324) Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC Chapter 16 Subchapter V Section 794) Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC Chapter 76 Section 6101 et seq.) Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-259) American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC Chapter 126 Section 12101 et. seq.) _ 49 CFR Part 21 23 CFR Part 200 RCW 49.60.180 In relation to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the CONSULTANT is bound by the provisions of Exhibit "H" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT, and shall include the attached Exhibit "H" in every sub-contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations or direcrives issued pursuant thereto. IX Termination of Agreement The right is reserved by the AGENCY to terminate this AGREEMENT at any time upon ten (10) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated by the AGENCY other than for default on the part of the CONSULTANT, a final payinent shall be made to the CONSULTANT as shown in Exhibit "I" for the type of AGREEMENT used. No payment shall be made for any work completed after ten (10) days following receipt by the CONSULTANT of the Notice to Terminate. If the accumulated payment made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice of Ternunation exceeds the total amount that would be due when computed as set forth herein above, then no final payment shall be due and the CONSULTANT shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any excess paid. If the services of the CONSULTANT are terminated by the AGENCY for default on the part of the CONSULTANT, the above formula for payment shall not apply. . Page 4 of 8 In such an event, the amount to be paid shall be detennined by the AGENCY with consideration given to the actual costs incurred by the C0iNSULTANT in performing the work to the date of termination, the amount of work originally - required which was satisfactorily completed to date of termination, whether that work is in a form or a type which is usable to the AGENCY at the time of termination, the cost to the AGENCY of employing another firm to complete the work required and the time which may be required to do so, and other factors which affect the value to the AGENCY of the work performed at the tune of termination. Under no circumstances shall payment made under this subsection exceed the amount, which would have been made using the formula set forth above. If it is determined for any reason that the CONSULTANT was not in default or that the CONSULTANT'S failure to perform is without the CONSULTANT'S or it's employee's default or negligence, the terniination shall be deemed to be a termination for the convenience of the AGENCY. In such an event, the CONSULTANT would be reimbursed for actual costs in accordance with the termination for other than default clauses listed previously. In the event of the death of any member, partner or officer of the CONSLJLTANT or any of its supervisory personnel assigned to the PROJECT, or dissolution of the partnership, terniination of the corporafion, or disaffiliation of the principally involved employee, the surviving members of the CONSULTANT hereby agree to complete the work under the terms of this AGREEMENT, if requested to do so by the AGENCY. This subsection shall not be a bar to renegotiation of the AGREEMENT between the surviving members of the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, if the AGENCY so chooses. In the event of the death of any of the parties listed in the previous paragraph, should the surviving members of the CONSULTANT, with the AGENCY'S concurrence, desire to terminate this AGREEMENT, payment shall be made as set forth in the second paragraph of this section. Payment for any part of the work by the AGENCY shall not constitute a waiver by the AGENCY of any remedies of any type it may have against the CONSULTANT for any breach of this AGREEMENT by the CONSULTANT, or for failure of the CONSULTANT to perform work required of it by the AGENCY. Forbearance of any rights under the AGREEMENT will not constitute waiver of entitlement to exercise those rights with respect to any future act or omission by the CONSULTANT. X Changes of Work The CONSULTANT shall make such changes and revisions in the complete work of this AGREEMENT as necessary to correct errors appearing therein, when required to do so by the AGENCY, without additional compensation thereof. Should the AGENCY find it desirable for its own purposes to have previously satisfactorily completed work or parts thereof changed or revised, the CONSULTANT shall make such revisions as directed by the AGENCY. This work shall be considered as Extra Work and will be paid for as herein provided under Section XIV. XI Disputes Any dispute concerning questions of fact in connection with the work not disposed of by AGREEMENT between the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY shall be referred for deterrnination to the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer, whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the parties of tlvs AGREEMENT; provided, however, that if an action is brought challenging the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer's decision, that decision shall be subject to de novo judicial review. If the parties to this AGREEMENT mutually agree, disputes concerning alleged design errors will be conducted under the procedures found in Exhibit "J", and disputes concerning claims will be conducted under the procedures found in Exhibit "K". XII Venue, Applicable Law, and Personal Jurisdiction In the event that either party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the parties hereto agree that any such action shall be initiated in the Superior court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in which the AGENCY is located. The parties hereto agree that all questions shall be resolved by application of Washington law and that the parties to such action shall have the right of appeal from such decisions of the Superior court in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction of the Superior court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in which the AGENCY is located. Page 5 of 8 XIII Legal Relations The CONSULTANT shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done under this AGREEMENT. This contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold the AGENCY and the STATE and its officers and employees harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense all claims, demands, or suits at law or equity arising in whole or in part from the CONSULTANT'S negiigence or breach of any of its obligations under this AGREEMENT; provided that nothing herein shall requue a CONSULTANT to indemnify the AGENCY or the STATE against and hold harmless the AGENCY or the STATE from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the AGENCY or the STATE, their agents, offcers and employees; and provided further that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from the concunent negligence of (a) the CONSULTANT'S agents or employees, and (b) the AGENCY or the STATE, their agents, officers and employees, this indemnity provision with respect to (1) claims or suits based upon such negligence (2) the costs to the AGENCY or the STATE of defending such claims and suits shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the CONSULTANT'S negligence or the negligence of the CONSLTLTANT'S agents or employees. The CONSULTANT'S relation to the AGENCY shall be at all times as an independent contractor. The CONStJLTANT shalt comply with all applicable sections of the applicable Ethics lativs, including RCW 42.23, which is the Code of Ethics for regulating contract interest by municipal officers. The CONSULTANT specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the CONSULTANT'S own employees against the AGENCY and, solely for the purpose of this indemnification and defense, the CONSULTANT specifically waives any immunity under tlie state industrial insurance law, Title 51 RCW. Unless otherwise specified in the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall be responsible for administration of construction contracts, if any, on the PROJECT. Subject to the processing of a new sole source, or an acceptable supplemental agreement, the CONSiTLTANT shall provide On-Call assistance to the AGENGY during contract administrarion. By providing such assistance, the CONSULTANT shall assume no responsibility for: proper construction techniques, job site safety, or any construction contractor's failure to perform its work in accordance with the contract documents. The CONSULTANT shall obtain and keep in force during the terms of the AGREEMENT, or as otherwise required, the following insurance with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to Title 48 RCW. Insurance Coverage A. Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by the STATE. B. Commercial general liability and properiy damage insurance in an aggregate amount not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) for bodily injury, including death and property damage. The per occurrence amount shall not exceed one million doliars ($1,0OO,OQO). C. Vehicle liability insurance for any automobile used in an amount not less than a ane million dollar ($1,000,000) combined single limit. Excepting the Worker's Compensation Insurance and any Professional Liability Insurance secured by the CONSULTANT, the AGENCY will be named on all policies as an additional insured. The CONSULTANT shall funaish the AGENCY with verification of insurance and endorsements required by the AGREEMENT. The AGENCY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. All insurance shall be obtained from an insura.nce company authorized to do business in the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall submit a verification of insurance as outlined above within fourteen (14) days of the execution of this AGREEMENT to the AGENCY. No cancellation of the foregoing policies shall be effective without thirty (30) days prior notice to the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT'S professional liability to the AGENCY shall be 1'united to the amount payable under this AGREEMENT or one million ($1,000,000) dollars, whichever is the greater, unless modified by Exhibit "L". In no case shall the CONSULTANT'S professional liability to third parties be lunited in any way. Page 6 ot' 8 The AGENCY will pay no progress payments under Section V until the CONSULTANT has fully complied with this section. This remedy is not exclusive; and the AGENCY and the STATE may take such other action as is available to it under other provisions of this AGREEMENT, or otherwise in law. XIV Extra Work A. The AGENCY may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the AGREEMENT in the services to be performed. B. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the estimated cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this AGREEMENT, whether or not changed by the order, or otherwise affects any other terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall make an equitable adjustment in the (1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or completion schedule, or both; and (3) other affected terms and shall modify the AGREEMENT accordingly. C. The CONSULTANT must submit any "request for equitable adjustmenY', hereafter refened to as "CLAIM", under this clause within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order. However, if the AGENCY decides that the facts justify it, the AGENCY may receive and act upon a CLAIM submitted before final payment of the AGREEMENT. D. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute under the Disputes clause. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the CONSULTANT from proceeding with the AGREEMENT as changed. E. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of paragraphs (A) and (B) above, the maximum amount payable for this AGREENIENT, shall not be increased or considered to be increased except by specific written supplement to this AGREEiVIENT. XV Endorsement of Plans If applicable, the CONSULTANT shall place their endorsement on all plans, estimates, or any other engineering data furnished by them. XVI Federal and State Review The Federal Highway Administration and the Washington State Department of Transportation shall have the right to participate in the review or examination of the work in progress. XVII Certification of the Consultant and the Agency Attached hereto as Exhibit "M-1(a and b)" are the Certifications of the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, Exhibit `iVI -2" Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions, Exhibit "M-3" Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying and Exhibit "M-4" Certificate of Gurrent Cost or Pricing Data. Exhibit "M-3" is required only in AGREEMENTS over $100,000 and Exhibit "M-4" is required only in AGREEMENTS over $500,000. XVIII Complete Agreement This document and referenced attachments contain all covenants, stipulations, and provisions agreed upon by the parties. No agent, or representative of either pariy has authority to make, and the parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No changes, amendments, or modifications of the ternls hereof shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties as an amendment to this AGREEMENT. XIX Execution and Acceptance This AGREEMENT may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original having identical legal effect. The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements contained in the proposal, and the supporting material submitted by the CONSULTANT, and does hereby accept the AGREEMENT and agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Page 7 of 8 In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year shown in the "Execution Date" box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT. C, , By ~ BY ~ Consultant CoFr/-MAAf JS~jG//YC-Off Agency DOT Form 140-089 EF Qo.Zo,iz/,mnst Page 8 Of 8 CITY OF SPOk:ANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvement Project (from 32nd Avenue to 8`h Avenue) Scooe of Work. Proiect Februarv 16, 2009 Project Understanding The City of Spokane Valley (City) has selected Coffman Engineers, Inc. to provide the overall project management, design, right-of-way, and construction management services for the street improvement of Bowdish Road from 32ad Avenue to 8`t' Avenue. The main purpose of this project is to widen Bowdish Road from an existing two lane facility to a three lane facility with 5-foot bike lanes, curb, gutter and 5-foot sidewalks on each side. In addition to the widening, bike lanes and sidewalk, the project includes full reconstruction of the existing roadway based upon an engineered roadway section as determined during design. Stormwater drainage design is based upon utilization of new catch basins with disposal to either drywells or `208' swales with drywells located within or adjacent to the existing right-of-way. Miscellaneous street improvements include drainage facilities, signs, striping, school zone crossings, signal detection loop replacement, and coordination of utility relocations as necessary. Coffman Engineers will provide engineering services and overall project management as a representative of the City in support of this project and in coordination with our project team (sub-consultants). This will include coordination with WSDOT Local Programs, neighborhood citizens affected by the project, affected andlor adjacent schools, utility providers, and City as necessary. It is anticipated the current location of the existing traffic signal and curb returns at 32"d Avenue already provide adequate width for the widening of Bowdish Road and that these structures will remain in place. The following additional services will be campleted during the preliminary design phase of this project as requested by the City. Preliminary desagn analysis as to the feasibility/cost for alternative treatmenddisposal of stormwater for Bowdish Road will be investigated. Also, the design team will investigate the feasibility of reducing the grade of Bowdish Road between 190' and 23`d Avenue (ex. - 10% grades). As provided in Coffman Engineers' proposal, it was anticipated that right-of-way requirements would be minimal with minor corner or border easements. However, for this project, significant right-of-way acquisition will he required (especially between 8`hand 16t' Avenue). As a result, this project may need to be broken into two phases in order to provide a complete bid package for the anticipated Federal F.conomic Stimulus funding. The below scope of work does not anticipate phasing (providing two separate bid packages) or providing final design for the lowering of the road profile of Bowdish near 19'h Avenue. If required, the increased costs to provide phasing or final lowering of the road profile at 19`h Avenue for this project will be negotiated with the City. It is anticipated that construction management services will be negotiated as necessary for this project once construction funding has been secured and approval to move ahead has been provided by the City. The following represents the scope of work (task and project elements) required for the design, right-of-way ac9uisition, bidding and award phase of this project: Task 1. Project Administration Generai project administration tasks will occur throughout the duration of the project. It is anticipated that this project will be completed over approximately 6 months beginning in February 2009. 1.1 Project Management Coffman Engineers will provide overall project management on behalf of the City for all aspects of this project in coordination with the City's Project Manager. Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 1 of 7 LASTING creativity I resutts I relationships CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY EXUnBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvement Project (from 32ad Avenue to 8`hAvenue) Scone of Work, Proiect Februarv 16, 2009 1.2 Project Kickoff Meeting At the onset of the project, Coffman Engineers will set up a project kickoff ineeting to include all affected City and sub-consultants as necessary. The intent of the meeting will be to identify and verify design standards, review scope of work elements, establish project goals and objectives, review timelines including key milestones, and deliverable dates, schedule and discuss the details of the public outreach meetings (open houses) including location, forum, presentation and staff, and other items as necessary. 1.3 Progress Meetings with the City Periodic project meetings will be held with the City and design team th.roughout the duration of the project. Progress meetings will be held approximately twice a month through the course of the project. Meeting frequency may vary depending on the needs of the project. Coffman Engineers will prepare meeting minutes for all meetings held between the consultant and the City. Meeting minutes will not be prepared for design team meetings, however action items will be tracked. - Task 2. Data Collection & Preliminary Design (30%) 2.1 Research and Collect Existing Data Coffman Engineers wiil research and collect existing data for the project corridor. Research efforts will include: • Gathering existing roadway record drawings • Researching sanitary sewer and water records ~ Collecting utility information from various utility companies (Avista, Comcast, Qwest, etc.) • Researching existing right-of-way and monumentation • Other miscellaneous items 2.2 Coordiaation Nvith Other Right-of-Way Users (Spokane Transit Authority, Schools, etc.) Coffman Engineers will coordinate as needed with other agencies that will be impacted by this project. These agencies will include Spokane Transit Authority, Central Valley School District, and Valley Fourth Memorial Church and School. The City will handle all coordination with the United States Postal Service regarding disruption to mail service and mail box locations along this route. 2.3 Field Surveying Complete field topographic and boundary surveying as needed to complete the design and right-of-way elements of the project. Prepare survey drawings to be used as a basis for design. Due to the amount of snow and ice still present on existing road shoulders, sidewalks, and residential lots, Landworks will complete the field survey in two phases. The first phase will include: • Extensive research of all existing plats, short plats, section corners, and record of surveys adjacent to Bowdish Road from 81h Avenue to 32°a Avenue • Field locating all relevant and existing section corners and street intersections within the project lim.its • Establishing horizontal and vertical control • Installing new bench marks within the project site • Locating existing property corners along the project limits • Collecting detailed topographic data including, but not limited to: streets, power poles, fences, landscaping, driveways, structures, utilities and other visible surface features Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 2 of ? LASTING creativity I resuits I relationships CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvement Project (from 32°d Avenue to 8thAvenue) Scope of VVork. Proiect February 16, 2009 • Compiling research data and survey data into AutoCAD and producing a detailed electronic base file with appropriate scales and formats for use in the design and construction phase The second phase will include identification of any additional surface features not collected due to snow conditions and incorporation of all additional information into the base AutoCAD survey map. Additionally, information required for off-site stormwater facility design will be obtained as necessary. 2.4 Geotechnical Investigation - Pavement DesignlStormwater/Retaining Walls GeoEngineers anticipates the following tasks will be included in the geotechnical investigation: • Conduct a surface reconnaissance of the site and surrounding area and document visible surface features. • Drill soil borings at the following locations: a. Proposed roadway alignment (11 borings 3-5 feet deep). b. ' Proposed drywell locations (5 borings 20-30 feet deep). c. Proposed retaining wall locations (5 borings 10-20 feet deep). • Obtain soil samples frorn the exploratory bori_ngs and conduct laboratory analyses of select soil samples. • Provide recommendations for site preparation, fill placement and road section including pavement layer thickness, base material, and thickness and subgrade treatment. • Evaluate the feasibility of on-site disposal of stormwater based on conditions encountered during exploration and results of laboratory testing. Provide recommendation for stormwater disposal including rate of infiltrations. • Recommend a design for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls. • Prepare a draft and final geotechnical report. Assumptions: • Borings will be backfilled in accordance with Washington State Department of Ecology regulations and the pavement repaired with quick-setting concrete mix. • Pavement repairs in accordance with City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code will be waived. • The resilient modulus for subgrade soil will be estimated fxom data developed by using non-destructive deflection testing equipment (falling-weight deflectometer (FWD)). 2.5 Environmental Permitting - Preliminary Research and Coordination All environmental permitting, research and coordination will be provided by the City. Coffman will provide design infonnation as necessary to support and assist the City in this effort for the project - not to exceed 4 hours. 2.6 Preliminary Right-of-Way Services (Relocation not anticipated) Universal Field Services will order last vesting deeds for all properties and preliminary title reports as needed. Property rights to be acyuired will be appraised. 40 appraisal waivers and 3 appraisals representing the 17 parcels that require full right-of-way acquisition (-10 feet width) will be ordered. Universal will obtain independent appraisal reviews as required by Federal regulations and submit to the City for authorization of just compensation. Universal will submit appraisal waivers for approval and authorization of just compensation. Universal will also Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 3 of 7 LASTING creativity I results I relationships CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvement Project (from 32nd Avenue to 8"' Avenue) Scone of Work, Proiect Februarv 16, 2009 prepare parcel file and documents, including fair offer letters, deeds, and other documents as necessary for negotiations. A True Cost Estimate will be prepared. General information notices will be mailed to all property owners on the project. Universal Field Services will meet with property owners along the corridor to discuss project elements that may be affected by construction. These may include driveway locations, tree encroachments, fences, etc. For selected parcels, right-of-way/easements will be pursued as an option for installation of public swales/drywells for the treatment and disposal of stormwater runoff. Encroachments into the right-of-way of trees or other features will be pbotographed and documented. The information will then be provided to the City who will be responsible for contacting the property owner concerning removal of the encroachment. In Summary, preliminary right-of-way efforts will require: • Title Report • Basis for offer (appraisal, appraisal waiver) • Independent appraisaUwaiver reviews • True Cost Estimate • Negotiation letter mailed to owner w plans and impacts to property • Prepare offer letter and documents • Notify City Project Manager of encroachments 2.7 Public Outreach Meeting - Open House #1 The first of two public meetings will be held with the stakeholders to discuss project elements. Open House #1 will provide the City and project team an opportunity to share information on the roadway design and provide a venue for the public to provide comments and perspectives. The City will be responsible for advertising the meeting in accardance with state regulations. Coffman Engineers will prepare and provide displays and handout material. Comments from the public will be gathered and recommendations will be made by Coffman Engineers. 2.8 Stormwater Treatment aod Disposal Alternative Analysis (30%) • As requested by the City, a preliminary analysis as to the feasibility and cost to provide altemative treatment and disposal of stormwater (utilizing a series of piped storm system and swales) will be explored. This effort will be coordinated with tbe prelixninary design and right-of-way effort and results coordinated with the City Project Manager. This effort will carry over into the final design phase as determination of the availability of additional property far stormwater swales is made. It is anticipated that if additional property is not available, stormwater treatment will revert to best management practices utilizing the installation of catch basins and drywells within the existing 60' right-of-way. 2.9 Grade Adjustment Feasibility Analysis (30%) As requested by the City, Coffman Engineers will briefly explore the feasibility of reducing the grade between a 19`h and 23`d Avenues. Preliminary effort will include exhibits and a list of issues with this option. 2.10 Plan Development (30°Io) Coffman Engineers will develop preliminary roadway plan and profile sheets including preliminary drainage system features, temporary traffic control plans and an overall right-of-way plan for review by the City. Plans will be prepared on 22"04" sheets at 30 scale. This will allow for half size (60 scale) drawings to be efficiently produced on 11"x17" sheets. The preliminary design will be coordinated with team members and affected users to a 30% completion level. Appropriate in-house review will be performed prior to submittal to the City. Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 4 of 7 LASTING creativity I results I relationships CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvement Project (from 32nd Avenue to 8th Avenue) Scone of Work. Proiect February 16, 2009 2.11 Deliverables (30°10) Deliverables for this task will include the two sets of 30% design plans and a draft geotechnical report. The 30% package will only be submitted to the City. City review is anticipated to take one to two weeks. At the completion of the City review, Coffman Engineers will coordinate with the City to discuss design review comments. Task 3. Project Design (65°Io) 3.1 Plan Development (65°Io) Coffman Engineers will refine and expand on the 30% plans to include more design detail and incorporate the City's review comments. Coordination will continue with the appropriate utility companies, Spokane Transit Authority, Central Valley School District and others to integrate concems and design elements. As part of the 65% design, Coffman Engineers will produce the following: • Project cover sheet ~ Refined plan and profile sheets for Bowdish Road • Typical road section(s) • Detail sheets for intersections, curbs, walks, driveways, and drainage facilities • Signage and striping plans • Traffic intersection plan at 32°d Ave (including detection loop replacement) • Erosion Control Plans for construction • Design and details for "Keystone" type retaining walls Appropriate in-house review will be performed prior to submittal to the City. 3.2 Right-of-Way Acquisition and Certification Based upon the final right-of-way plans developed in Task 2.6, Landworks Engineer's scope includes preparation of legal descriptions and exhibits required for Right-of-Way acquisition of 40 intersection corners located between 16I' Avenue and 32°d Avenue and 17 residential pazcels between 8"' Avenue and 16'hAvenue. Up to 4 additional parcels will be included in this effort to obtain necessary easements for the provision of stormwater facilities as identified in Task 2. Universal Field Services will negotiate with each owner to attempt to secure the required right-of-way andJor stormwater easements for the project. Administrative settlements will be reviewed and approved by the City prior to the agent making settlement offers to owners. Signed documents will be returned to the City for signatures. Universal will obtain necessary partial releases, or reconveyances and record documents at the County in accordance with Federal requirements. Fina1 right-of-way efforts include: • Meet property owner at their residence, ox on site to present • Record property owner contacts • If property owner not local, mail certified offer and follow up as needed • Resolve issues including construction, value, etc. (may take more than one ca11 and several follow up calls) • Get appropriate signatures and notarize document • Get necessary releases • Complete acquisition file making sure all documents are in order • Turn over file to City for signatures and then record document • Acquisition is then ready for payment Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 5 of 7 LASTING creativity I results I relationships CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvernent Project (from 32na Avenue to 8~' Avenue) Scoae of Work. Proiect February 16, 2009 3.3 Specifications (65°Io) Coffman Engineers will prepare the administrative and technical sections of the contract speci~'ications utilizing the current WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge & Municipal Construction and the City of Spokane Valley Special Provisions. The City will provide assistance and the boiler plate specifications for preparing the frontal portions of the Contract Specifications. 3.4 Engineer's Estimate (65%) Coffman Engineers will provide a preliminary Engineer's Estimate using the 65% design plans. Coffman Engineers will develop a detailed Summary of Quantities to be used as the basis for the estimate. 3.5 Deliverables (65%) Deliverables will include two sets of 65°Io design plans as identified above, the preliminary Engineer's Estimate, and project specifications. The 65% package will only be submitted to the City. City review is anticipated to take one to two weeks. At the completion of the City review, Coffman Engineers will meet with the City to discuss design review comments. Task 4. Plan Development (95 °10 & Final) 4.1 Public Outreach Meeting - Open House #2 Upon completion of the City review of 65% design and prior to the start of the fmal design, the second of two open houses will be held to allow citizens to review and comment on design development. The City will be responsible for advertising the meeting in accordance with state regulations. Coffman Engineers will prepare and provide displays and handout material. Following the meeting, Coffman Engineers will assemble the comments and make recommendations to the City. . 4.2 Finalize Plans, Specifications & Calculations (95% & Final) Coffman Engineers will incorporate the City's design review comments from the 65°Io plan set into the final plan set and project specifications. Tbe drainage design, report and calculations will be finalized. Retaining wall design and calculations will be finalized. Additional plan sheets will be added if necessary to address City comments. Appropriate in-house review will be performed prior to submittal to the City. At the completion of City review, Coffman Engineers will meet with the City to discuss any design review comments. These comments will be addressed and incorporated into the final plan set, which will be issued for bid. 4.3 Final Engineer's Estimate Coffman Engineers will update the preliminary Engineer's Estimate to a final version based on the refined plans and updated quantities. The final estimate will be submitted with the 95% review package. 4.4 Deliverables (95 °Io & Final) The 95% package of deliverables will include two sets of plans updated from the 65% review as well as any additional sheets necessary, the drainage report, the final engineer's estimate, project specifications, the final geotechnical report, and retaining wall calculations. The 95% package will only be submitted to the City. City review is anticipated to take one to two weeks. The final package of deliverables will include up to 25 sets of final bid documents issued to the City and the contractors. Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 6 of 7 LASTING creativity I results I relationships CITY OF SPOK:ANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A-1 Bowdish Road Improvement Project (from 32"d Avenue to 8" Avenue) Scone of Work, Proiect Februarv 16, 2009 Task 5. Advertise, Bid, Award 5.1 Project Management - Issuing Bid Package, Advertising, Bid Opening & Award At the City's request, Coffman Engineers will be responsible for managing the bid process in coordination with the City. Coffman Engineers will issue the bid packages, respond to bidder questions, prepare clarifications and addenda as needed, handle the bid opening, analyze the bids received, and provide a recommendation to the City for contract award to the lowest responsive bidder. The City will advertise for bids and handle coordination with W SDOT Local Programs Engineer as required. Task 6. Expenses Expenses have been estimated for this project and will be billed based upon actual costs. All expenses will be tracked separately for each firm and will include but not be lim.ited to the following: reproduction, travel, meals, lodging, geotechnical drilling & FWD equipment rental, traffic control, laboratory testing, GPS and total station survey equipment, and outside contracted work associated with right-of-way services (i.e. appraisals, reviews, title reports, deeds, recordings, and miscellaneous fees.) Coffman Engineers Inc. Page 7 of 7 LASTING creativity I results I relationships tS, Inc. I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I co~FMaN eNCiNeeRS, inc. Civil En ineer(n Services Fee Pro osel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I Exhlbt A•1 ~ ~ ~ , as , u e d~ 9 9 P ra ec eowaTsTil~w3 • s2n vd~f ~6ifi"Ave I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I ~ 1 I I I i 1 ~ I luirSQu IA 99201 M I I 1 1 I I I I ~ I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I Sookanei WA 98201 Glnnt ICth ~ snoxana vatmv y I I I I I I I I i I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 f SD91 s28~2s94 Date Ifehruan 1T.2009 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I ev lTU~ ~ I I I I I LANOWORKS EN6INEE,RING, INC. M I I IGEOENGINEERS, ING 1 I 1~1NERSpI ~ I ~ COFFMAM ENGINEERS, INC. , i - ;i:, - y;. ~.~Se y., ~r; _-;kyti,~~yi ' ~J.; '~;'G A>+lOp7,M,• :f ` ,i;d .•Z' ✓ Ay~j i, , .~i,~ _ t.. r;cc -c~ ~ ' o. J'' .,i . . . ' ' da : c'': . EN10,,,f~~? ~ ~ ~ ~ -r_. y,~"''~ ~~"r s ~ • ..li i~'. ~ P g ~ „ ~'i ,~j. ~ E ;'~SL r ~ ~ ~p + - '~y ,y~ ~ . p ~ ~ ~'^Y ~'S ~ f~ - i ~p ~f~ \ ~ .fS ~ ~C S •s` a ~ t . 'C,;. { • ~f .pF : ~ar_ ~ # „ ~ t a~ ; b,..~ ~ „ CAL'~ ' AaE , a' ~ ,'ti r ~ t ~ ~ ' ; . ~ ~ aV QA r~ ~ ~ ; ~GR1'~ OA~ . ~ t ~ ~ nw e ; s a. " ~3,~~ ~ ~ - u'~ u ~ : s 71* G ' ~~"1•`i/i2kn 1 - p~ 3; ~i ~;;T ~ .¢r~ .fl ~ .t v ^Jajv . RS~ 1 9T1. . _ .ti1 i . ~ ~~^t~ ~a' Jae • ~Sk~Do c~ OtlOhl;:a~:.• 5 'NR .~s~. ~H~RS. . ~ • v R ~ S ~ . • ~ ^ D/r9Ct Salr CosfB . ~ . . . ~ y. ~ • ~ ~ I I ~ ry ~ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ 1 I ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ Task 1 ProJect Adminlstration ~ ~ ~ ~ I M ~ I I I I I I I I 1 I I ► I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I 1 1 4 I I ~2 I 1 zd I I e I I ~ I I I I I i I I I I I t.t IProlectMana~ement ~ a 12o so ao 2 ~ ~ - M I I I I I a 1 I I I 4 I I a I 1 I I 4 1 1 I I I I ~ M ~ ~ ~ I tz IProIeCtKlekaNMeefing ~s e e . I 1 I 20 ~ 16 ~ e I 1 I I i q I I 4 ~ I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1,3 IPro4res9 Meettngs wilh CitV ~j I I i i I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I i M I j ` ` ` 0 I o I o I 0 I I 0 I 0 0 I 0 ~ I ~ I ~ ~ 0 ~ 36 I 0 I 8 ~ I 4 I 0 I Task 1 Total =I ~ a~ ~es ~ ea ~ as ~ 2 za ~ 0 2a ~ M ~ I 1 I I I I I I I ~ I 1 I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'min sf n 30% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Task 2 Data Collection & Preb ar~l De g f 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I M I I I I i I I I I I I I a I I I I I ~ I I 4 ~ is ~ 16 I I I I I 12 I i I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 2.1 IResearch 6 Colleot Existlnp Oata ~ ~ I I I 1 I I I I q I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I t1.11RIgAt•ot-way and monumentaUOn research ~ I I I I 2 I 8 I 1 a I I e I I 1 I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 21alGather e~stinp roa6vrav record drawlnos I I I I y i g I I 12 I I I i I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I 21.3 Hesearch Sew2r end Water recaNs Cotled ul~ily InlomiaUon oi record from util. companies (Avista, 21.4 Comcasl, Qwesl, eic.) 2 B 12 16 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ M I 1 1 I I I I 1 I a I ~ e ~ I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 2.2 ICoord, w101h~r R1Aht-ohWay Users 1Spaka~ Trensll,Schools eta) ~ 4 24 1e 8 ~ ~ I I I I I , I ~ I ~ 1 I I I I I I ~ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N 29 IFIeld Surveyfng M ~ 1 I ~ r' ' I I I 36 ~ S6 I M ~ ~ a ~ I I I I I I I I I I 1 2.9.tlParcel BoundaN, ROW, Hohzontal Md Yartical Cantrol5urve4 I I M ~ ~ ~ N M ~ ~ ~ N ( I ~ I I I I I I 2.3alOflice Gelculeitons ior Paroel BoundaTM and ROW 1 I i I' I 1 i I I I gp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ( I I I I 2a,afTerroararv Ben~h Marks I 1 1 1 i 1 I I I I 24 ~ 24 ~ 1 ~ i i ~ t ~ i N i a M i i ~ ► i ~ ~ i ~ i i i i 2.~,4~Suney fFull StreeW~litvJSwctureslSuAace Features) M I I I I 1ao t4o I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I ~ I I I ~ I I I 23.51Draft Sunrev Base Mao In Autxad M I I I I~ I I 1 1 I I eo ~ ' ~2 ~z I 1~2 i 1 I I I I I I I I M I I I I 2.s,61A9onumentation pnidel SurveY into osilY far coNractl r I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ M I I I I I I 2.3,71Stormwaler Ea58meMS - Parcel ~Mormallon ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~a;;'•,.r1U . ~ 20~'.'; '9 ~ ~ ~ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I ~ I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I i I I I 1 I 12 M I yt 1 41 I 98 1 12 I I I ~ I I I 2A 1Geotochnical InveStlgaUon • PavementlStarmwaterl~Yalis M 2 4 8 I I I M I I I 1 ~ i I I ( 1 I I 1 z.5 IEnvironmental Permitlina I I I o I I I 1 I I I ~ . I I I 1 1 I' I i I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~I I I I I I a M I I I I 1 I I I I I I ~ I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I 2.6 IPre~lminary ROW SeMces IRelocatlon nat antleloated) ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I 1 I I I I I z.s.~ IFlnal n~ht~ot•wa~ ulans ~ ~ I I I a I s2 ~ ao I I 2a I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 5t I~~ I I » I ~ 2.6.slDeeds, TiUe Repo~ts, True Cost Estimaie, Avoraisal Review ~ I I I I 1 I I I y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 46 ~ N 34 ~ ~ 2.8.e~Parc~ ille and daumenls ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I,~o I~e I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 2.8.4~E~ds~ng Percel end ROW Lsga1 Descdptions a E~ibits ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 120 j ~ ~ I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I ' l I l i I I I I I 1 M I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.7 IRubltc Outreach Meeting • OQen Nause qi . i 1 I I i -'I I I 1 I I I I I I I I t6~ I 371 I 21 I I I I 1 I 2.7.t Ilst Pubuc Meeting 5lakeholdera I I I 8 1 8 I I I g 1 I I I I I I I I I 21 I 81 I 21 I I • I I I I 2.7.21PreDare MaPI and Set uo Meeiing 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I 1 1 ~ I ~ I ! I I i 1 I I ~ ( I i I I I I__....._I ~ I I I I 2b IStormwatorTruatment & Olsposal Altemallve Analysls (3D96) I I I 2 12 2 I I I I I I~' ;:ti4~~?; M ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 i i i I i ~ ~ M I I I ~ I I I I I 29 ,GradeAdlustmer~FeasIb111tvMat~slsf30961 ~ I 2 ~ 18 24 ts 7 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I ~ I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I ~ I I I I I 1 ~ I I 1 I I I 1 2.1D ~PlanDevelopmentf30°,6) ~ ~ i I 1 I I 1~ I I q I I 4 I I I I -1 I I I I I I ~ I I I I 2.10.11Roadwav olan and orofi~e shaets ~ ~ 2 60 60 BO I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 21oaIPrellminarv VaNio corilrol olan oonsideratlons M I I 2 I ~2 I I e I B I I I I I q I 6 I I I' I 1 I I 1 1 I I M I I I I I I I I I I ato.slPre!(minarv rinht•ot~wav olan z e M I ~ ~ 16 ~ 40 ~ 1B ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 M ~ 76 ~ ~ ~ I 1 ~ I ~ I ( I I I I ~ 2t0.411ntemal deslgn decisfons end calcutations I 1 I i I I I I 1 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I ( ~ I 210.sllrrhouse ceview M 2 ~ 4 8 ` B6 ~ 38 IB ~ I b1 I 218 I 0 I bt I ~ ~ ~ 147 ~ 212 ~ 16 ~ ~ 12 ~ 18 ~ 54 ~ ~ Task2 30°lo Total=~ ~ 2~ ss ~~s2 ~ 2te ~ ~a2 ~ e ~~aa ~ ~ aea 232 ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ I I 1 M I I I ~ I I ~ M I 1 I I I I i I I 1 I I I I N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I Task 3 Pro)ect Design (6596) M ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 1 I I i I I I I I I I I . I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I 1 I f 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 3.1 IPlan Develoament f65~) M I I I I I I' ' i I I" I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I M 1 I I I I t i I q 1 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I 3,1.1 ICCUer sheet and misCelleneous sheets M 4 16 6 I I I 1 I 1~ I I 1 I I i I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I ~ ~ I 3•1,21Refined plan 5 prolile sheels M I 2 24 BD e0 I I I I I I~6 I I I i I I I I 1 I I I I ~ I I I I I 3.1,811'Ypicel road secUons M 1 4 18 B Delail sheels for intersecllons, cwbs, sidewallcs, dAveways, Uees, 9.t.4 uUliUes 8 signage 4 ~ I i I 2/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I ~.1.61SfAnage and stdpinq Dlans I I I 4 I 16 32 I I ~ z 1 2 I I 18 ~~1 I e I' 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i 3.t.slTraSiic IMarsecGcn a~an at 32nd Ava fincl. Icoo detectionl ~ ~ I I I I ~ 16 32 ~ ~ B ~ ~ ~ _m . ~ N ~ ~ N 1 I I ~ N Y 8,1.71Eroslpn contrd Dlans I ~ ~ ~ 1 + 1 ` I ` ` I Y Y I ` 2 ~ ~6 I 1 1.:, ~Y"~ m' o.' ~ ~ 8 1 1 I 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ a.~.elDrainage desian I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I 1 I i i 1..~. ~ ~ I ~ 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I ~ M~ 3.1.911mhause revlew ~ ~ B 6 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ~ I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I ~ . 1 I I I I I I I I I i I I I I 1 I I t I I I I I I IAddiUonal Oeslpn Servlces Qart o165•,5 Desl.gn I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I s,1.1olRetalnlnplKe~stoneWallslir~l.cakulatlons) I I 2 I a I 24 I I 2a N I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I M I I I I~ I M ~ I I 1 I ► I~ I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I~,..I 0 818 I 81 3,2 IROWJEasementAcquisillaNCoAlllcallon M ~ ~ ~ . ~ I ~ I M I I I 24~ 9.2ti ISee tesk deta~s in Sc~oe of Wo~k • E~Ibh A M I r I I I ~ 1 I ~ r - I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~~~ ~~I N ~ 1 I I 1 I 1 I a I~ 2a I ae I I~s I I 1 ~ I I 1 I I ~ I I 1 I I ~ ~ I I I 3.8 ~Speclflcallens (85%1 ( 1 I I 1 I I~g I I i I 4 I 1 I I ~ I 1 ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J.4 IEnpineers Estlmal8 (65Yo) I ( 6 I 12 24 8 I N I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I M 1 M ` ~ I I I I 1 1 I ~ ~°i I I I I I I I ~ 1 I I 1 I I I I ~ I 0 677 I 0 ( 812 I 81 ' 1 1 ~ 1 1 0 1 a I o ~ o I o l I ° TO181 c~ ~ 2 ~ 26 ~ 126 ~ 2A4 ~ 1A2 ~ 16 ~ 204 ~ ~ 0 ~ p ( 104 60 8 ~ Task 3 (65 , , , , , , , , . . ~ • 0 2 Civfl Engineering Services Fee Pro osal P N I I I ~ I ~ EXhlbf A-1 ~ ) I I I I I ~ I I ~ I I I COFFMAN ENOINEERS, Inc. Ic. >uu ~ rro~ect ~eowmsn Roaa • s2no avo ta em avo ~ I I I I 1 ~ ~ I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I ~ I I I I 1u rv. rost st, swno yuu Cuent ICav o19~oka~e Vallev ~ I i I I I I f ~ I I ! I I 1 I I ~ I I ~ I I I I I Scokane, WA 89201 Date ~FeEruary 17, 2009 ~ I I I I ~ I I I ~ ~ 1 I I 1 I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I(509) 328-299A ev IT~a ~ I I I I 1 I a 1 i I I I I I I I I ~ t01 194 ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I I I ~ I ICOFFMAN ENGINEEA IM11C. 1 I ~ I 1 ~LANDWORKB ENOINE~RINO INC.I 1 ~ I IGEOENOINEERS, INC, I I I I IUMVEASAL I I I ' '.,•v,.r „"i'~'f~' N".}~~ 'c~r hy "w_ ~a.•1.~.. . - ~ . , , _ ~`'s'• ; t ~t'' M'= , f~ Qc >;~7+ 9 rn....'~.. i"~.,~ ~ -~~~r. ~ _ ~ . ~ , n. r • ~L'~' - : . f; 3 ✓ r ~d~: r t• , i;r, ~:i ..,~:r ~i : 4~ y' ~t;3 ~t.~" ...`2rr -~,~x:r -;r~,}°~: ~r~ '~"hil~ i' :t~ ~ 1.- n • q~;tr r , `-'_•~;Y ~l, ~ k r +1.~ _ , ~ k' 3 '~s. tl c - ;!~St:-,. -'o~i • s^~,!;~' ti ~ ~.,r I' ~ ~ ~ - ~v'. ~ ~,?l . ~ . .~~'~-~ti Z: ~;~.s ' ~;i F.+~;`,~ , r r, ~ria ~f.. ~f . .+it (~~Fy . a" ~ ~y,{~ I T`x . 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R5 d. t~~ RSa~ ,NE~S ~ . ' 3 b~W~ Si:~~`}i X NRS' . RS` ~YZ S: I , 's~ ~ ~ ' . ; ~;~NA . r€ B ~.HR5. ~ ~ r:.ri-.~ - ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I ~ I i I I I I I I I I 1 I f ~ Tesk 4 ~ Plan Development (95°k 8~ Fina1) j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I at ~Public0utreachMeeting-upenFiouseg2 I I e I~~ I I I I ~z I I I I I I I I I ~e 1 ~ as I 1 4 I I I I I I I - -F a.2 ~~maiFZO wans, speciticanons ~ ca~cutat►ons ~ss9~ a~maq ~ ~ 2 e I 4o I ~z I aa I ~e ~ za I I I I so I I e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a.a IFlnal Englneer'9 E81[m0t8 i I I' a I is I xa i~2 I i za I i I I I I ~ I I i i I I ~ I I I I I ( I ~ I I II 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ Task 4(Flnal) Total ~ z~ 20 ~ ~a I as ~ r~ ~ is I co ~ ~ o 0 ~ 0 64 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ 0 ~ 18 ~ 0 ~ 48 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ( 0 I ~ I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I ~ I Task 5 Advertlse, 8fd, Award ( ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + ~ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ~ I t ~ I I I I 1 I I I I ( I I I 1 ~ I 5,1 IProlect Manaoemem I I I~s ~ I I I I 1 ~ I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 ~ 5.1.11PrenareBidPackene ~ I I I 1B I 40 I 24 ~ 24 I 18 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I ~ I I I I 1 I I 6.t~zlBidOnenlno I I I I I I ~ I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 6.1~91Resoond to bidders aueslions I I I ~ I B I ~ I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I ~ I I I I I I I I I s.lAllssueaddendum I ~ I I 2 I B! e I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I ~ I I I I I I ~ 1 I 5.1.61Preoera 8 check bid tabulation shcet ~ I I I 1 8 I I I I 1 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.1.61Check DBE ~aAicfnelion oroied poals • veritv DBE ce~ifica6on stalus ~ I 1 1 J 2 I ~ I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I 6.1.71pe1erminelowastresnoreivebid I I 1 1 2 I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a.t.elReviewContractorwaliGcatlau I I 1 1 I 4 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I 1 I ~ I I I ~ I l I I I 1 I I 1 I I I ( I I I I I I I I I ~ TaskSTotal=~ ~ o ~s.o ~ zz ~ sa ~~2 ~ 2a ~ is ~ ~ o ~ o o ~ a ~ o ~ ~ o o ~ o , , , ~ ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ o~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ I TotalNumboro/Hours ~ i iu 2sao I as2 I ~eo I 460 I s~ ~ a2a I I 5na ~ 23z ~ ~a~ 'I s~z i aa ~ I re ~ ss I sa I raa I ~e I 2o I I na I zr6 I s~s i n2 I ~ Task6Expenses ~ 2sw~~a~~erw~~ a.s ~e,e ~ 2sz I n,~ 9,a ~sa ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I 1 I 1 ~ I I I 1 I I I I I i I I I I I I 1 ( I I 6.1 IRnuroducllons ffncl. 30 cets PS&E lar Ad1 I 52.260 I 1 I I 1 ~ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 8.2 ICoHman TraveUEzoenaes I S5o0 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.9 IQeolechnlcal Exoenses I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ~ Travell I 1 I I I I 1 I I I i I I I Ssool I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ~ Ddlllna foavemant and dralnaaell I 1 I ~ I I 1 I I ~ I I ~ I 56,0001 I ~ 1 I I I I I I I I I Drlilino (retainina wallsll I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I sz,sool I I 1 1 I I I I I I I ~ Suhcanlreted Tra~c Comrol foavemant and drelnagell I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I I ~ I S~,0001 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ~ Subconuated Tratic Contral treta~nino vrallsll I I I ~ 1 I I I I ~ I I 1 I S~,oool l I 1 I I I ~ I I I ~ I I I LaboratoryTestinal I I I I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I ~ I St,SOOI I 1 I I I I I I I I I I i Fv~r~resr~oi i i i ~ i i ~ ~ i I i i ~ i ss,ooo~ i ~ ~ I i ~ i i ~ i ~ 1 6,4 IGPSSurvevEauloment I I I I I I I I I S4,o571 ~ i I I I I I I I 1 I f I I I I I I 6.5 ITotal Statlon I I ~ I I I 1 ~ I~Ixt31 I ! ~ I I I I 1 I 1 I ( I I I I I ~ 6.6 IROW Ezuenses I I ~ I ~ I 1 1 I I I i 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 3 Annralsals ~S2,fi00 eschl ~ ~ I I I I I I 1 I ~ I I I I I I l I I 57,5~1 I I I I I I 3 Aooralsal Revfews ~SA00 eachl I I I I I ~ I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I S24o~1 I I I I I I 3 Preuminarv Tiile RenaAs ~ S3o0 eachl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SsO~I I I I I I I Last Vedno Deeds ~3.000157 orooeniesll I I I I I f I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I 53.0001 I I I ~ I ~ 57 recordina Fees ~ S50 eachl I I I ~ I ~ I I ~ I I I I I I ~ ~ I I 52,8501 I I I I I I Conies Postaae. etc...l I I I I ~ I I I I I ~ I I I I I ( I I I S2~ol I I I ~ I ~ ROW TreveVExoenseslsee detape belawll I I I I I I 1 I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I I I S&00~~ I I I I I ~ Task 5 Expenses Tolal~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` I I I SI9.500I I I I I I I S22.90U~ I I I I S52,440 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I f I ~ I I~ I I I I I I OlreCf SafaNCOSISIDSCI=I I S 5181 S 10,444' S 17,195 I S 19,462I S 11,302 I S 1,3U5 I S 6,2W I I S 17,811 I S 4,481 I S 11,611 I 3 7,981 I 3 714 I I S 1,131 I 5 2,157 I S 1,662 I S 3J62 I S 498 I S 326 I ( S 29,658) S 8,4781 S 25,3081 S 1,799I S163J9~.08 ~ I I I I I I I ~ I I I l I ~ I I ~ I 1 I 1 I I I I I f~ I OverheadfONCosts•lncludlnqSalarvAddlflvesl=I 1~1.4%I bA87 I 5~7,902 I SZ9.479 I 53~~357 I SI9,372 I S2.237 I 510,6391 96.09~01 SI7~U99 I 54~83 I 5f1,209 I 57,662 I S685 I 214,6595I 52~421 I~4,631 I 33~667 I 56~768 I SI,063 I 5700 I 49.6%I SS4,710 I 54,205 I S12,553 I 566~ I I 5L06,317J5 I FIXedFee(fF►m~ ~ 5168 ~ 53,342 j 55,503 ~ 58,228 ~ 53,817 J 5418 ~ Sf,886 ~ 30i'of 55,343 ~ 51,338 J 53,503 ~ 52,394 ~ S214 J 305'oJ ~139 I 5647 I 5498 I $4a9 ~ SS49 ~ S98 ~ 15Y.~ 54,449 I 51,272 ~ 53,73A ~ 5281 ~ ~ S18,510.38 ~ I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I ~ 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I s~roni.) I ~aea,ass' ~ TOta1=~ ~ 51,610~ ~31,689~ 55~,171~ 559,046 534,291I ~3,959 $18833 0254 10083 838 I ~ ~ ~ $4 ~ ~ S,~~~ 9~ 518.038~ 51,614~ ~ $3,897~ 57,436~ 55,727 0 899 1718 1 124 48 817 1 5 1 I $1 ~ I S, ~ E ~ I 1 S~5 I $4 ,657~ $2,863 ~ ~ Co1lman Sub~consulfant Mark•up:~ 4%~ I I I 1 I I I I $4,147J J I 1 I I 5~,0121 I I I I I I$ b,208 1 I I I I 511,366 ~ G►2AdTOtelbYFlmtc~ ~ 5204,31U~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5107,913~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $52,309~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$135,407 ~ tofal_ 499 99 ~ I ~ I I s~8 ~ I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I wlo ROW o 39 ~s~ma~ed cost ver ~n: I I ~ 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I s~a s I I I I I II s,63 ~ I I 1 ~ I I 1 I I ~ I I ~ I I 1 1 ~ I I ~ + I I I I I Q n~'~ I $i6aoo I I 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I ~ I I I I I l I I 32 c'~r ~bo.oa Rental ~ Mate] $B0.00 (1 night) Meals • $60.00 (2 days) Parking/G $120.00 as Tar~ I asoo.aa~ I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I . ~ , , , , , . ~ , a ~ , , . , ~ As~uming 2 agents daveliqq per week for A~veeks = 6 trips - 6 x 550~0,00 = 53,000 first manth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . Month 2-1 trip per week = 2 trips - 2 z 5500.00 = 31,000 I ) ~ ~ J ~ I , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , . I . , , , . , Mon~3-iv;vv~We~=z~;~-zXasoo.oa=s~,ooo I I I I ~ I ! I I I I I I . . , , I , . , I , 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I , , . Month 4-1 Irip every other week =1 tri ps -1 x a500.00 =$S00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , , I , I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I , , . . , , Month S-1 trip every other week =1 tri ps -1 x 3500.00 = ES00 I ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , I I I I I 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I , . , . . , , Toial travef expense -$6,000 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I l I I ~ ' . ~ .r Exhibit D-2 Payment (Cost Plus a Fixed Fee) The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work specified in Section II, "Scope of Work." The CONSULTANT shall conform to all applicable portions of 48 CFR Part 31. A. Actual Costs: Payment for all consulting services for this PROJECT shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT' S actual cost plus a fixed fee. The actual cost shall include direct salary cost, overhead, direct non-salary costs, and fixed fee. 1. Direct Salary Costs: The Direct Salary Cost is the direct salary paid to principals, professional, technical, and clerical personnel for the time they are productively engaged in work necessary to fulfill the terms of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall maintain support data to verify the direct salary costs billed to the AGENCY. 2. Overhead Costs: Overhead Costs are those costs other than direct costs, wbich are included as such on the books of the CONSULTANT in the normal everyday keeping of its books. Progress payments shall be made at the rate slaown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under "Overhead Progress Payxnent Rate." Total overhead payment shall be based on the method shown in the heading of the AGREEMENT. The two options are explained as follows: a. Fixed Rate: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSUI.TANT for overhead at the percentage rate shown. This rate shall not change during the life of the AGREEMENT. . b. Actual Cost: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT the actual overhead costs verified by audit, up to the Maximum Total Amount Payable, authorized under this AGREEMENT, when accumulated with all other Actual Costs. A summary of the CONSULTANTS cost estimate and the overhead computation is shown in Exhibit "E" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. When an Actual Cost method is used, the CONSULTANT (prime and all sub-consultants) will submit to the AGENCY within six (6) months after the end of each firm's fiscal year, an overhead schedule in the format required by the AGENCY (cost category, dollar expenditures, etc.) for the purpose of adjusting the overhead rate for billing purposes. It shall be used for the computation of progress payments during the following year and for retroactively adjusting the previous year's overhead cost to reflect the actual rate. DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit D-2 Revised 6108 Failure to supply this information by either the prime CONSULTANT or any of their sub- consultants shall cause the AGENCY to withhold payment of the billed overhead costs until such time as the required information is received and an overhead rate for billing purposes is approved. . The AGENCY, STATE and/or the Federal Government may perform an audit of the CONSULTANT' S books and records at any time during regula.r business hours to detemline the actual overhead rate, if they so desire. 3. Direct IVon-Salary Costs: Direct Non-Salary Costs will be reimbursed at the Actual Cost to the CONSULTANT. These charges may include, but are not limited to, the following items: travel, printing, long distance telephone, supplies, computer charges and sub- consultant costs. a. Air or train travel will be reimbursed only to economy class levels unless otherwise approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall comply with the rules and regulations regarding travel costs (excluding air, train, and rental car costs) in accordance with the AGENCY' S Travel Rules a.nd Procedures. However, air, train, and rental car costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with 48 CFR Part 31.205-46 "Travel Cost b. The billing for Direct Non-Salary Costs shall include an itemized listing of the charges directly identifiable wh the PROJECT. c. The CONSULTANT shall maintain tlse original supporting documents in their office. Copies of the original supporting documents shall be supplied to the AGENCY upon request. d. All above charges must be necessary for the services provided under this AGREEMENT. 4. Fixed Fee: The Fixed Fee, which represents the CONSULTANT' S profit, is shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under Fixed Fee. This amount does not include any additional Fixed Fee, which could be authorized from the Management Reserve Fund. This fee is based on the Scope of Work defined in this AGREEMENT and the estimated person- hours required to perform the stated Scope of Work. In the event the CONSULTANT _ enters into a supplemental AGREEMENT for additional work, the supplemental AGREEMENT may include provisions for the added costs and an appropriate addirional fee. The Fixed Fee will be prorated and paid monthly in proportion to the percentage of work completed by the CONSULTANT and reported in the Monthly Progress Reports accompanying tlle billings. Any portion of the Fixed Fee eamed but not previously paid in - the progress payments will be covered in the final payment, subj ect to the provisions of Section IX entitled "Termination of Agreement." 5. Management Reserve Fund: The AGENCY may desire to establish a Management Reserve Fund to provide the Agreennent Administrator with the flexibility to authorize additional, funds to the AGREEMENT for allowable unforeseen costs, or reullbursing the CONSULTANT for additional work beyond that already defined in this AGREEMENT. Such authorization(s) shall be in writing and shall not exceed the lesser of $100,000 or 10% of the Total Amount Authorized as shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. The amount included for the Management Reserve Fund is shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. This fund may not be replenished. Any changes requiring additional costs in excess of the Management Reserve Fund shall be made in accordance with Section XIV, "Extra Work."6. Maximum Total Amount Payable: The Maximum Total Amount Payable by the AGENCY to the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT shall not exceed the amount shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. The Maximum Total Amount Payable is comprised of the Total Amount Authorized, and the Management Reserve Fund. The Maximum Total Amount Payable does not include payment for Extra Work as stipulated in Section XIV, "Extra Work." No minimum amount payable is guaranteed under this AGREEMENT. B. Monthly Progress Payments: The CONSULTANT may submit billings to the AGENCY for reimbursement of Actual Costs plus the calculated overhead and fee on a monthly basis during the progress of the work. Such billiugs shall be in a format approved by the AGENCY and accompanied by the monthly progress reports required under Section III, "General Requirernents" of this AGREEMENT. The billings will be supported by an itemized listing for each item including Direct Salary, Direct Non-Salary, and allowable Overhead Costs to which will be added the prorated Fixed Fee. To provide a means of verifying the billed salary costs for CONSULTANT employees, the AGENCY may conduct employee interviews. These interviews may consist of recording the names, titles, salary rates, and present duties of those employees perfonning work on the PROJECT at the time of the interview. C. Final Payment: Final Payment of any balance due the CONSULTANT of the gross amount earned will be made promptly upon its verification by the AGENCY after the completion of the work under this AGREEMENT, contingent upon receipt of all PS&E, plans, maps, notes, reports, electronic data and other related documents which are required to be furnished under this AGREEMENT. Acceptance of such Final Payment by the CONSULTANT shall constitute a release of all claims for payment, which the CONSULTANT may have against the AGENCY unless such claims are specifically reserved in writing and firansmitted to the AGENCY by the CONSULTANT prior to its acceptance. Sa.id Final Payment shall not, however, be a bar to any claims that the AGENCY may have against the CONSLJLTANT or to any remed.ies the AGENCY may pursue with respect to such claims. The payment of any billing will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and at the time of final audit, all required adjustments will be made and reflected in a final payment. In the event that such final audit reveals an overpayment to the CONSLTLTANT, the CONSULTANT will refund such overpayment to the AGENCY within thirty (30) days of notice of the overpayment. Such refund shall not constitute a waiver by the CONSULTANT for any claims relating to the validity of a finding by the AGENCY of overpayment. The CONSULTANT has twenty (20) days after receipt of the final POST AUDIT to begin the appeal process to the AGENCY for audit findings. D. Inspection of Cost Records: The CONSULTANT and their sub-consultants shall keep available for inspection by representatives of the AGENCY, STATE and the United States, for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment, the cost records and accounts pertaining to this AGREEMENT and all items related to or bearing upon these records with the following exception: if any litigation, cla,im or audit arising out of, in connection with, or related to this contract is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the cost records and accounts shall be retained until such litigation, claim, or audit involving tbe records is completed. Exhibit E-1 Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet (Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per Unit of Work) Project: Bowdish Road - 32nd Aveune to 8th Avenue DIRECT SALARY COST (DSC) 2009 Raw Classification Man Hours Rates Cost Clerical 88 X 14.83 = $1,305 D rafte r I 424 X 14.64 = $ 6,207 Designer II 460 X 24.57 = $11,302 Engineer III 680 X 28.62 = $19,462 Senior Engineer 492 X 34.95 = $17,195 Sr. Discipline Engineer 254 X 41.12 = $10,444 Principal II 10 X 51.76 = $518 Total DSC = $66,434 Overhead (OH Rate - Including Salary Additives): OH Rate x DSC 171.4% X $66,434 = $113,867 Fixed Fee FF Rate x DSC 32.0% X $66,434 = $21,259 Reimbursables: Itemized $2,750 Subconsultant Costs (See Exhibit G, G-la, G-lb, G-lc): _ $295,530 Grand Total $499,840 Prepared By: Date: ~ ~ , • Exhibit F Coffman Engineers, Inc. Breakdwn of Overhead Cost ' Year Ended December 31, 2008 Payroll taxes and fringe benefits: Payroll Taxes $355,088 Vacation, Holiday, and Sick Pay 426,100 Group Insurance and Miscellaneous 346,501 401k Plan 121,115 Total payroll taxes and fringe benefits 1,248,804 General and Administrative expenses: Indirect Salaries 933,128 Incentive Pay 550,256 Office Rent, Telephone, Utilities 245,603 Equipment, Computers, Maintenance 245,004 Taxes, Licenses and Insurance (1) 212,910 Professional Services 57,327 Travel & Subsistence 84,436 Office Supplies 61,262 Professional Education/Activities/Subscriptions 82,165 Recruiting Costs 3,349 Total general and administrative expenses 2,475,440 Total Indirect Expenses $3,724,244 Direct Labor Costs $2,172,319 Overhead Rate 171.4% Exhibit G Subcontracted Work The AGENCY permits subcontracts for the following portions of the work of this AGREEMENT: LandwnrkcFn2in .Prinu Tn CirveT, Right-of-Wav a.~igitinn 1.ga1 c~eSC~tiOnc Rr_ exhihitc -tprmwater c1Psi~M Rr. calciilationsand civil ciesign ascistanrP Ge.cLIIueerg Rr. Ascn .iatPC -~'TentP,..Chnic31 services, for st rmwater,pavement anci retRinina w~lc Acld1, inn llvrac~ict n.. anci lea theDliblir. nu reaeb nrnar-am (inel_ nnen hrn~qi-.c) LTnivPrcal FiPlcl SPrvicPC - Riu~f-wav & ctCn-nwater P:aSErI1Pnt ac-aiiiSitiOn anCLCe if Cation SeryicPc DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G Revised 6/OS Exhibit G-1a Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet (Mandatory when Subconsultants are utilized) PI'OjeCt: Bowdish Road - 32nd Avenue to 8th Avenue Sub Consultant: LANDWORKS ENGINEERING, INC. Direct Salary Cost (DSC): Classification Man Hours Rate = Cost P.L.S., LAND SURVEYOR 504.0 X 35.34 $ 17,811.36 SURVEY RODMAN 232.0 X 19.23 4461.36 ENGINEER 347.0 X 33.65 11,676.55 DRAFTER I 332.0 X 24.04 7,9 81.28 CLERICAL 42.0 X 17.00 714.00 X X X X Total DSC = $ 42,644.55 Overhead (OH Cost including Salary Additives): OH Rate x DSC of 96 % x$ 423644.55 = 40,938.77 Fixed Fee (FF): FF Rate x DSC of 30 % x$ 42,644.55 = 12,793.37 Reimbursables: Itemized = 7,290.00 SubConsultant Total = 103,666.68 Prime Mark-Up 4.00 % X 103,666.68 = 4,146.67 107,813.35 Grand Total = ~ Prepared By: n~ Date: DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G-1 Revised 8/07 Using Consultants Chapter 31 LocalAgency Standard Cvnsultant Agreemeni Appendix 39.99 Ekhibif G-3 a. Breakdcawn of Scebaconsulfants averhead Cost LANDWORKS ENGINEERING, INC. Exhibit G-3 Breakdown of Subconsultants Overhead Cost Account Title • ! $ Begirsning•Total ~°o of Direct Labor Ofrec; Labor 1407,123.00 I Overhead Expensas: FICA 33, 748.00 8.29 Unemployment 41819.00 1.18 Health/Accident Insuranc$ 98,036. 00 24.08 Medical Aid & industrial Insurance 1, 635. 00 .40 HolidayNacation/Sick Leave 55,545.00 13 .64 CommissionlBQhus/P2nsion 46,200.00 11 . 3 5 7ota1 Fringe Bsnefifs 239,983.00 58.95 Generai Overhead: stata e&o Taxe$ 11,391.00 2.80 Insorance 24,777.00 6.09 Administration &'Tirne Not Assignable 24,000.00 5.90 P-riniing, Stationery & 5upp(ies 61816.00 1.68 Professiona! Services 31365. 00 .83 7ravet Not Assignable 32,618. 00 8. 01 TefEphone•& Telegr4ph Not Assignable 3,292. 00 .81 Fees, Dues & ProfessiQnal Meetings 2, 5 0 0. 00 .61 Utilities Maintenance 0.00 0.00 ' Protessianal Developmerrt 25,000. 00 6.-14 Rent. 12, 000. 00 2.95 Equipment Support 230. 00 .01 Ottice, tillscellaneous & Pastaga 6702. 00 1.65 Ti otal General overhead 152,691.00 3 7. 5 7 Totaf Overhead (General + Fringe) 392,674.00 Overhead Rate (Tota1 Overhead / Oirect Labor) .96 ooT FoM 140•089 Ec E:h-bi G-2 Rev;sed 0;07 '-~~s..",~-'~-'~.i ti ~ . ,~i ~ '_~'~'~i'•S- ~ . % a.t - _ . . ~ ; _ sai. _ . _ _ : •~ei~• ~ ~►~"'~`5~~ Page 31-78 WSDJTLocalAgency Guidelin2s M36-63.04 4ctober 2008 E3ChI E7~~ ~ -1-b Subconsultant Fee Deterrninat'ran - Summary Sheet (Mandatory when Subconsultants are utslized) ProjeGt: Bawdrsh Road - 32n,d Avenue to $th Avenue Sub LVnsuItQntti ciEOE1V4J1lVBF-RS, 11VC. ❑1reGt SalaI''y COS$ (DSC): ClassificatiarL Man Uours Rate Cast ~~~~~~PRINCIPAL 16.0 x 70.67 ~ 1,130.72 PRIvCIxAL CoMM. 36.0 x 59.93 2,157.4$, PROJECT ENGINEER 54.0 x 30.77 1,661.58 PR.DJECT COORD, 93.0 x 24.04 2,235.72 STAFF ENC'rlNEER 41.0 x 22.60 926.60 TECH 38.0 x 13.10 $97.8(} CLERICAL 20.0 x 16.30326.40 K x Totai DSC = $ 8,935.90 Dverhead (OH Cost including Salary Additives): OH Rate x i]SC of 214.65 % x$ 5,935,90 = 19,180.91 Fixed Fee (FF): FF Rate xDSc of 30 % x$ 8,935.90 = 2,680.77 Reimbursab[es: Itemized = 19,500.00 SubConsultant TotaE 50,297.58 Prime Ma-rk-Ielp 4.00 °la X 50,297.58 25011.90 Grand 1'otaI 52, 309. 48 Prepared By: Date: 211~,lo~ , lDOT Farm 'l 4"$9 F-F Exltiibit G-1 Revised 8107 ; ~ e . ~ EXHIBIT G-3'b GEDENGtNEERS, INC. • STATENIENT OF DIRECT LABOR, FRINGE BENEFITS, AND GENERAL OVERHEAD F4R THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 Total Reference % of Reported Adjustments For AI{owabte Direct Key Costs To Reported AdJustments Costs Labor DtRECT LABbR $ 12,506,659 - $ 12,506,659 ? t FRiNGE BENEFITS ' 1 Payroll Taaces 1,998,304 (218,867) A 1,779,438 2 Group Insurance 1,584,740 - 1,584,740 3 Worfcer's Compensation 116,995 - 116,995 4 Vacation, Holiday and Sick Pay 2,646,503 - 2,646,503 Profit Sharing and - 39 40 1(k) Contributions 1,006,701 - 1,006,701 42 Bonuses 5,400,585 (2,382,286) 3,018,299 , Tota) Fringe Benefits 12,753,829 (2,601,153) 10,152,676 81.18% . GENERAL OVERHEAD ~ 5 Non-Biilabfe Labor 7,610,221 (514,247) A 7,095,974 6 Office Rent & Maintenance 2,375,529 - 2,375,529 7 Telacommunications 487,385 (250) A 487,135 8 Taxes 554,182 22,506 B 576,687 9 Stationery and Supplies 398,839 1,908 A,C,D 400,747 10 Administrative Travel 678,515 (6,468) A 672,047 Professionai Dues, Meetings - 11 and Licenses 506,717 (287,673) A 219,044 12 Deprectation 1,953,752 (396) E 1,163,356 Equipment Renfal ~ 13 and Maintenance 451,195 - 451,195 . 25 Bad Debt 66,444 (66,444) F - • 14 Professional Consuitants 790,740 (10,500) G 780,240 Direct Seiling. Proposals and - 15 Economic Planning 587,086 (358,789) A 228,297 ' 16 Field and Laboratory Supplies (303,589) 462,334 H 15$,745 17 Insurance 580,432 1,112 I 581,544 ' Computer Malntenance - 18 and Software 886,418 (440) A 885,978 ' 20 Facilities Capital Cost of Money - 198,749 J 198,749 19 Recruiting and Relocafion 744,518 (316,940) K 427,578 • 28 Amortization of Goodw+ll 262,966 (262,966) L - . 27 Contributions 43,486 (43,486) L - 29 Fines/penalties/unal(owabie 20,900 (20,900) L - : 26 Computzr techno(ogy offset (1,576,043) 1,576,043 M - ~ ~ TotalOverhead 16,319,689 373,154 16,692,842 133.47% E ; Tatat Fringe Benefits and Genera! Overhead $ 29,073,518 $(2,227,999) $ 26,845,518 214.65% ~ ; ~ ~ Flle No. 1 1 2 6401 3-00 ~ GEOENGIMEERS 6(Z- r : GeoEngineers, Inc. Notes to Schedule For Overhead Caicufation for December 31, 2007 A Disallowed marketing activlties B State income taxes C Credit for supplies added back to overhead because not permitted as direct expense D Remove 100% af Kitchen Supplies E Deprecfa6on adjusted for net loss an the sale af fixed assets F Remove 100% of bad debt expense G Remove fee for income tax preparation ; H Credit for field equipment added back to overhead because not permitted as direct expense ~ • I Remove keyman insurance expense : J Faciiities capital cast money permitted by FARs K Empfoyee Relations and Empioyee Meals exciuded entirely L Remove 100% of disallowed expenses M Credit for computer technology added back to ovefiead because not permitted as direct expense P:1111112fi40131Q01FinalsljOverhead. Scheduie w(th Notes 2008.xiSjSheet1 ~ . i . t ' L t 7 i . ~ . File No. 11264-013-00 ~ p ' ' ^ GEoENGINEERI~g Exhibit G-1c. Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet (Mandatory when Subconsultants are utilized) PI'OjeCt: Bowdish Road - 32nd Avenue to 8th Avenue Sub Consultant: UNIVERSAL FIELD SERVICES Direct Salary Cost (DSC): Classi#ication Man Hours Rate = Cost PROJECT MANAGER 728.0 X 40.75 $ 29,666.00 SENIOR ROW 216.0 X 39.25 8,478.00 ROW AGENT 912.0 X 27.75 25508.00 SE1vIOR ADMIN. 112.0 X 15.50 1,736.00 X X X X X Total DSC = $ 65,188.00 Overhead (OH Cost including Salary Additives): OH Rate x DSC of 49.6 % x$ 65,188.00 = 321333.25 Fixed Fee (FF): FF Rate x DSC of 15 % x$ 653188.00 = 9,778.20 Reimbursables: Itemized = 22,900.00 SubConsultant Total = 130,199.45 Prime Mark-Up 4.00 % X 130,199.45 = 5,207.98 Grand Total = 135,407.43 Prepared By: ~ Date: v - i ~ DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G-1 Revised 8l07 , • ~~Ii~ UNIVERSAL ~►~~r.~►.~■► . FIELD SERVICES, INC. GENERAL OFFlCES P.O. BOX 35668 EXHIBIT G- 3C TULSA, OKLAHOMA74133-Ofi6B OFFICE: 918/494-7600 Audited Overhead Rate FAX, 9181484-7650 FOR THE 12 NtONTHS ENDED 31-Qct-08 DIRECT LABOR `i 00.0% Frincare Benefits: Paid Leave 7.2% Payroll Taxes 10.5% Group Ins 4.6% Disability Ins 0.0% 401(k) Contribution 0.8% V1lorkers Cornpensation 1.2% . Total Fringe Benefit 24.3% General Overhead: indirect Labor 12.7% Rentals 1.6% Maintenance & Repair 0.5% Air Trave! 0,2% Other Travel 0.3% Mileage 0.2% Auto Expenses 0.1 % Insurance 0.5% Telephone 0.4% Professional Fees 2.3% Sponsorship 0.3% Depreciation 0.7% Taxes 1.8% Dues & Subscriptions 0.1 % Tuition 0.2% Loss on Sale of Asset -0.1 % Supplies & Misc 0.8% ~ Tota! General Overhead 22.6% "fotal Overhead 46.9% ClTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February, 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ o!d business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Consuitant Services Agreement with Century West Engineerin Corp. for the Evergreen Rd and 32"d Ave improvements - 16t Ave to SR 27 Project. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.35, Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Admin Report on Economic Stimulus Task Force on December 16, 2008; 2) Admin Report on Transportation Infrastructure Stimulus Projects, January 13, 2009 Council meeting; 3) Public Hearing and Adoption of Amended 2009 TIP, which included this project, on January 27, 2009, and 4) Administrative Report at Council's February 10, 2009 meeting on future Council act+ons required on 2009 projects. BACKGROUND: In accordance with Council approval to move forward with the design of several road improvement projects associated with the federal economic stimulus funding package, staff issued a public Request for Qualifications (RFQ #09-009) to select the most highly qualified engineering firms to provide engineering services for various road projects. Nineteen responses were received. A selection committee reviewed the consultant responses to the RFQ and ranked each consultant based on qualifications, experience and understanding of the road improvement projects. The top seven ranked consultants were selected as the most highly qualified. The team of Century West/Taylor Engineering was selected and assigned the Evergreen Road and 32"d Ave Improvements - 16t' Ave to SR 27 Project. Staff negotiated with Century West on the development of a scope of work and contract fee to complete the plans, specifications and estimates necessary to bid the construction phase of this project. Since we anticipate future federal funding for the construction phase of this project, it is recommended that the standardized Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Local Agency Standard Consultant Agreement be used for this project. OPTIONS: 1) Consensus to move forward with execution of consultant agreement, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to bring consultant contract to Council's March 3~d meeting for approval. . BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed fee is $367,795 for the design and right-of- way acquisition services. The fee includes a 10% Management Reserve Fund to account for future minor contract amendments. The design phase will be funded with 100% local funds. The 2009 budget has sufficient funds in the Street Capital Projects Fund #303 to cover this contract. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: WSDOT Local Agency Standard Consultant Agreement, Scope of Work, Fee Calculations, and applicable contract exhibits. Local Agency ConsultanUAddress/Telephone Century West Engineering Corp. Standard Consultant 1825 N. Hutchinson Road Agreement Spokane Valley, WA. 99212 (509) 838-3810 ~ Architectural/Engineering Agreement ❑ Personal Services Agreement Aqreement Number Project Title And Work Description Federal Aid Number Evergreen Road; 16th to 32nd, 32nd; Evergreen to SR 27. Agreement Type (Choose one) Reconstruct Roadway to 43' wide, new storm, curbs ❑ Lump Sum and sidewalk. Lump Sum Amount $ ~ Cost Plus Fixed Fee Overhead Progress Payment Rate % Overhead Cost Method DBE Participation ❑ Yes 0 No % ❑ Actual Cost Federal ID Number or Social Security Number ❑ Actual Cost Not To Exceed % 93-0584951 ~ Fixed Overhead Rate 165 % Do you require a 1099 for IRS? Completion Date Fixed Fee $ 133883.00 ❑ Yes 0 No December 31, 2009 ❑ Specific Rates Of Pay Total Amount Authorized $ 3673,695.00 ❑ Negotiated Hourly Rate 1lflanagement Reserve Fund $ 36,770.00 ❑ Provisional Hourly Rate ❑ Cost Per Unit of Work Maximum Amount Payable $ 404,465.00 J Index of Exhibits (Check all that apply): S Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work ❑ Exhibit G-2 Fee-Sub Specific Rates ❑ Exhibit A-2 Task Order Agreement ~ Exliibit G-3 Sub Overhead Cost ❑ Exhibit B-1 DBE Utilization Certification ~ Exhibit H Title VI Assurances _ ~ Exhibit C Electronic Exchange of Data ~ Exhibit 1 Payment Upon Termination of Agreement ❑ Exhibit D-1 Payment - Lump Sum ~ Exhibit J Alleged Consultant Design Error Procedures 0 Exhibit D-2 Payment - Cost Plus ~ Exhibit K Consultant Claim Procedures ❑ Exhibit D-3 Payment - Hourly Rate ❑ Exhibit L Liability Insurance Increase ❑ Exhibit D-4 Payment - Provisional ~ Exhibit M-la Consultant Certification ~ Exhibit E-1 Fee - Lump/Fixed/Unit ~ Exhibit M-lb Agency Official Certification ❑ Exhibit E-2 Fee - Specific Rates ~ Exhibit M-2 Certification - Primary ~ Eachibit F Overhead Cost ~ Exhibit M-3 Lobbying Certification ~ Exhibit G Subcontracted Work ~ Exhibit M4 Pricing Data Certification ~ Exhibit G-1 Subconsultant Fee ❑ App. 31.910 Supplemental Signature Page THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of February , 2009 , between the Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley , Washington, hereinafter called the "AGENCY" , and the above organization hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT". DOT Form 140-089 EF Page 1 of 8 Revised 3/2008 WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the above referenced project, and WHEREAS, the AGENCY does not have sufficient staffto meet the required commitment and therefore deems it 4 advisable and desirable to engage the assistance of a CONSULTANT to provide the necessary services for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that he/she is in compliance with the Washington State Statutes relating to professional registration, if applicable, and has sianifed a willingness to furnish Consulting services to the AGENCY, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performance contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, the parties hereto agree as follows: I General Description of Work The work under this AGREEMENT shall consist of the above described work and services as herein defined and necessary to accomplish the completed work for this PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall furnish all services, labor, and related equipment necessary to conduct and complete the work as designated elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. II Scope of Work The Scope of Work and projected level of effort required for this PROJECT is detailed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. III General Requirements All aspects of coordination of the work of this AGREEMENT with outside agencies, groups, or individuals shall receive advance approval by the AGENCY. Necessary contacts and meetings with agencies, groups, and/or individuals shail be coordinated through the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall attend coordination, progress and presentation meetings with the AGENCY and/or such Federal, State, Community, City or County officials, groups or individuals as may be requested by the AGENCY. The AGENCY will provide the CONSULTANT sufficient notice prior to meetings requiring CONSULTANT participation. The minimum reyuired hours or days notice shall be agreed to between the AGENCY and the CONSULTANT and shown in Eachibit "A." The CONSULTANT shall prepare a manthly progress report, in a form approved by the AGENCY, which will outline in written and graphical form the various phases and the order of performance of the work in suffcient detail so that the progress of the work can easily be evaluated. The CONSITLTANT, and each SUBCONSULTANT, shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The CONSLTLTANT, and each SUBCONSULTANT, shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this AGREEMENT ttiat may result in the termination of this AGREEMENT. Participation for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), if required, per 49 CFR Part 26, or participation of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Womea Business Enterprises (WBE), shall be shown on the heading of this AGREEMENT. If D/M/WBE firms are utilized, the amounts authorized to each firm and their certification number will be shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. If the Prime CONSULTANT is a DBE firm they must comply with the Commercial Useful Function (CUF) regulation outlined in the AGENCY'S "DBE Program Participation Plan". The mandatory DBE participation goais of the AGREEMENT are those established by the WSDOT'S Highway and Local Programs Project Development Engineer in consultation with the AGENCY. All Reports, PS&E materials, and other data furnished to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY shall be returned. All electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT, must meet the requirements as outlined in Exhibit "C." All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, and other work products, including all electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to completion or termination of this AGREEMENT are instruments of service for this PROJECT, and are the property of the AGENCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by others, acting through or on behalf of the AGENCY of any such instruments of service, not occurri.ng as a part of this PROJECT, shall be tivithout liability or Iegal exposure to the CONSULTANT. Page 2 of 8 IV Time for 6eginning and Completion The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under the terms of this AGREEMENT until authorized in writing by the AGENCY. All work under this AGREEMENT shall be completed by the date shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under completion date. The established completion time shall not be extended because of any delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but may be e}ctended by the AGENCY in the event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or because of unavoidable delays caused by an act of GOD or governmental actions or other conditions beyond the controt of the CONSULTANT. A prior supplemental agreement issued by the AGENCY is required to extend the established completion time. , V Payment Provisions The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided in Exhibit "D" attached hereto, and by reference made part of this AGREEMENT. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The CONSULTANT shali conform to all applicable portions of 48 CFR Part 31. A post audit may be performed on this AGREEMENT. The need for a post audit wilt be determined by the State Auditor, WSDOT External Audit Office andlor at the request of the AGENCY'S PROJECT Manager. VI Sub-Contracting The AGENCY permits sub-contracts for those items of work as sho-vvn in Exhibit "G" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. Compensation for this sub-consultant worlc shall be based on the cost factors shown on Exhibit "G." The work of the sub-consultant shall not exceed its maximum amount payable unless a prior written approval has been issued by the AGENCY. All reimbursable direct labor, overhead, direct non-salary costs and fixed fee costs for the sub-consuitant shall be substantiated in the same manner as outlined in Section V. All sub-contracts shall contain all applicable provisions of this AGREEMENT. With respect to sub-consultant payment, the CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable sections of the Prompt Payment laws as set forth in RCW 39.04.250 and RCW 39.76.011. The CONSULTANT shalI not sub-contract for the performance of any work under this AGREEMENT without prior written permissian of the AGENCY. No permission for sub-contracting shall create, between the AGENCY and sub- contractor, any contract or any other relationship. A DBE certified sub-consultant is required to perform a minimum amount of their sub-contracted agreement that is established by the WSDOT Highways and Local Programs Project Development Engineer in consultation Nvith the AGENCY. VII Employment The CONSULTANT warrants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract.-For breach or violation of this warrant, the AGENCY shall have the right ta annul this AGREEMENT without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the AGREEMENT price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, comrnission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. Any and all employees of the CONSULTANT or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or services required of the CONSUI.TANT under this AGREEMENT, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the AGENCY, and any and all claims that may arise under any Workmen's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and a11 claims made by a Page 3 of 8 thu•d party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT'S employees or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall not engage, on a fuil- or part-time basis, or other basis, during the period of the contract, any professional or technical personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of the contract, in the employ I of the United States Deparhnent of Transportation, or the STATE, or the AGENCY, except reguIarly retired employees, without written consent of the public employer of such person. VIII Nondiscrimination During the performance of this contract, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees to comply with the following laws and regulations: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC Chapter 21 Subchapter V Section 2000d through 20OOd-4a) Federal-aid Highway Act of 1973 (23 USC Chapter 3 Section 324) Rehabititatian Act of 1973 (29 USC Chapter 16 Subchapter V Section 794) Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC Chapter 76 Section 6101 et seq.) Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-259) American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC Chapter 126 Section 12 101 et. seq.) 49 CFR Part 21 23 CFR Part 200 RCW 49.60.180 In relation to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the CONSULTANT is bound by the provisions of Exhibit "H" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT, and shall include the attached Exhibit "H" in every sub-contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto. IX Termination of Agreement The right is reserved by the AGENCY to ternunate this AGREEMENT at any time upon ten (10) days written notice ta the CONSULTANT. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated by the AGENCY other than for default on the part of the CONSULTANT, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT as shawn in Exhibit "I" for the type of AGREEMENT used. • No payment shall be made for any work completed after ten (10) days following receipt by the CONSULTANT of the Notice to Terminate. lf the accumulated payment made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice of Termination exceeds the total amount that would be due when computed as set forth herein above, then no final payment shatl be due and the CONSULTANT shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any excess paid. If the services of the CONSULTANT are terminated by the AGENCY for default on the part of the CONStJI.TANT, the above formula for payment shall not apply. Page 4 of 8 In such an event, the amount to be paid shall be determined by the AGENCY with consideration given to the actual costs incurred by the CONSULTANT in performing the work to the date of termination, the amount of work originalty required which was satisfactorily completed to date of teirnination, whether that work is in a form or a type which is usable to the AGENCY at the time of termination, the cost to the AGENCY of employing another firm to complete the work required and the time which may be required to do so, and other factors which affect the value to the AGENCY of the work performed at the time of termination. Under no circumstances shall payment made under this subsection exceed the amount, which would have been made using the formula set forth above. If it is determined for any reason that the CONSULTANT was not in default or that the CONSULTANT'S failure to perform is without the CONSULTANT'S or it's employee's default or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a termination for the convenience of the AGENCY. In such an event, the CONSULTANT would be reimbursed for achial costs in accordance with the termination for other than default clauses listed previously. In the event of the death of any member, partner or officer of the CONSULTANT or any of its supervisoty personnel assigned to the PROJECT, or dissolution of the partnership, termination of the corporation, or disaffiliation of the principally involved employee, the surviving members of the CONSULTANT hereby agree to complete the work under the terms of this AGREEMENT, if requested to do so by the AGENCY. This subsection shall not be a bar to renegotiation of the AGREEMENT between the surviving members of the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, if the AGENCY so chooses. In the event of the death of any of the parties listed in the previous parabraph, should the surviving members of the CONSULTANT, with the AGENCY'S concurrence, desire to terminate this AGREEMENT, payment shall be made as set forth in the second paragraph of this section. Payment for any part of the work by the AGENCY shall not constitute a waiver by the AGENCY of any remedies of any type it may have against the CONSULTANT for any breach of this AGREEMENT by the CONSULTANT, or for failure of the COIVSULTANT to perform work required of it by the AGENCY. Forbearance of any rights under the AGREEMENT will not constitute waiver of entitlement to exercise those rights with respect to any future act or omission by the CONSULTANT. X Changes of Work The CONSULTANT shall make such changes and revisions in the complete work of this AGREEMENT as necessary to correct errors appearing therein, when required to do so by the AGENCY, without additional compensation thereof. Should the AGENCY find it desirable for its own purposes to have previously satisfactorily completed work or parts thereof changed or revised, the CONSULTANT shall make such revisions as directed by the AGENCY. This work shall be considered as Extra Work and will be paid for as herein provided under Section XIV. XI Disputes Any dispute concerning questions of fact in connection with the work not disposed of by AGREEMENT between the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY shall be referred for determination to the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer, whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the parties of this AGREEMENT; provided, however, that if an action is brought challenging the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer's decision, that decision shall be subject to de novo judicial review. If the parties to this AGREEMENT mutually agree, disputes concerni.ng alleged design errors will be conducted under the procedures found in Exhibit "J"; and disputes concerning claims will be conducted under the procedures found in Exhibit "K". XII Venue, Applicable Law, and Personal Jurisdiction In the event that either party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the parties hereto agree that any such action shall be initiated in the Superior court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in which the AGENCY is located. The parties hereto agree that all questions shall be resolved by application of Washington law and that the parties to such action shall have the right of appeal from such decisions of the Superior court in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction of the Superior court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in tivhich the AGENCY is located. Page 5 of 8 XIII Legal Relations The CONSULTANT shall comply with al! Federal, State, and local lativs and ordinances applicable to the work to be done under this AGREEMENT. This contract shall be interpreted and canstrued in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shali indemnify and hold the AGENCY and the STATE and its officers and employees harmtess from and shall process and defend at its own expense all claims, demands, or suits at law or equity arising in whole or in part from the CONSULTANT'S negligence or breach of any of its obligations under this AGREEMENT; provided that nothing herein shall reyuire a CONSULTANT to indemnify the AGENCY or the STATE against and hotd harmless the AGENCY or the STATE from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the AGENCY or the STATE, their agents, off'icers and employees; and provided further that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the CONSULTANT'S agents or employees, and (b) the AGENCY or the STATE, their agents, officers and employees, this indemnity provision with respect to (1) claims or suits based upon such negligence (2) the cosis to the AGENCY or the STATE of defending such claims and suits shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the CONSULTANT'S negligence or the negligence of the CONSULTANT'S agents or employees. The CONSULTANT'S retation to the AGENCY shall be at all times as an independent contractor. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable sections of the applicable Ethics laws, including RCW 42.23, which is the Code of Ethics for regulating contract interest by municipal officers. The COIVSULTANT specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the CONSULTANT'S own employees against the AGENCY and, solely for the purpose of khis indemnification and defense, the CONSULTANT specifically waives any immunity under the state industrial insurance law, Title 51 RCW. Unless otherwise specified in the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall be responsible for administration of construction contracts, if any, on the PROJECT. Subject to the processing of a new sole saurce, or an acceptable supplemental agreement, the CONSULTANT shall provide On-Call assistance to the AGENCY during contract administration. By providing such assistance, the CONSULTANT shall assume no responsibility for: proper construction techniques, job site safety, or any construction contractor's failure to perform its work in accordance with the contract documents. The CONSULTANT shall obtain and keep in force during the terms af the AGREEMENT, or as othenvise required, the following insurance with companies or through sources approved by the State Inswance Commissioner pursuant to Title 48 RCW. Insurance Coverage A. Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by the STATE. B. Commercial general liability and property damage insurance in an aggregate amount not less than two million dallars ($2,000,000) for bodily injury, including death and properiy dainage. The per occurrence amount shall not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000). C. Vehicle liability insurance for any automobile used in an amount not less than a one million dollar ($1,000,000) combined single limit. Excepting the Worker's Compensation Insurance and any Professional Liability Insurance secured by the C4NSULTANT, the AGENCY will be named on all policies as an additional insured. The CONSULTANT shall furnish the AGENCY with verification of insurance and endorsements required by the AGREEMENT. The AGENCY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall submit a verification of insurance as outlined above within fourteen (14) days of the execution of this AGREEMENT to the AGENCY. No cancellation of the foregoing policies shall be effective without thirty (30) days prior notice to the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT'S professional liability to the AGENCY shall be 1'united to the amount payable under this AGREEMENT or one million ($1,000,000) dollars, whichever is the greater, unless modified by Exhibit "L". In no case shall the CONSULTANT'S professional liability to third parties be limited in any way. - Page 6 of 8 The AGENGY will pay no progress payments under Section V until the CONSULTANT has fully complied with this section. This remedy is not exclusive; and the AGENCY and the STATE may take such other action as is available to it under other provisions of this AGREEMENT, or otherwise in law. XIV Extra Work A. The AGENCY may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the AGREEMENT in the services to be performed. B. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the estimated cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this AGREEMENT, whether or not changed by the order, or otherwise affects any other terms and conditions ofthe AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall make an equitable adjustment in the (1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or completion schedule, or both; and (3) other affected terms and shall modify the AGREEMENT accordingly. C. The CONSULTANT must submit any "request for equitable adjustment", hereafter referred to as "CLAIM", under this clause within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order. However, if the AGENCY decides that the facts jusrify it, the AGENCY may receive and act upon a CLAIM submitted before final payment of the AGREEMENT. D. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute under the Disputes clause. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the CONSULTANT from proceeding with the AGREEMENT as changed. E. Nohvithstanding the terms and conditions of paragraphs (A) and (B) above, the maximum amount payable for this AGREEMENT, shall not be increased or considered to be increased except by specific written supplement to this AGREEMENT. XV Endorsement of Plans If applicable, the CONSULTANT shall place their endorsement on all plans, estimates, or any other engineering data furnished by them. XVI Federal and State Review The Federal Highway Administration and the Washington State Department of Transportation sball have the right to participate in the review or examination of the work in progress. XViI Certification of the Consultant and the Agency Attached hereto as Exhibit "M-1(a and b)" are the Certifications of the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, Eachibit "M -2" Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions, Exhibit "M-3" Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying and Exhibit "M-4" Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data. Exhibit "M-3" is required only in AGREEMENTS over $100,000 a.nd Exhibit "M-4" is required only in AGREEMENTS over $500,400. XVIII Complete Agreement This document and referenced attachments contain all covenants, stipulations, and provisions agreed upon by the parties. No agent, or representative of either party has authority to make, and the parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No changes, amendments, or modifications of the terms hereof shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties as an amendment to this AGREEMENT. XIX Execution and Acceptance This AGREEMENT may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each af which shall be deemed to be an original having identical legal effect. The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, wananties, covenants, and agreements contained in the proposal, and the supporting material submitted by the CONSULTANT, and does hereby accept the AGREEMENT and agrees to all of the terms and coaditions thereof. Page 7 of 8 ~ In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year shown in the "Execution Date" box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT. By By v Consultant Century West Engineering Corp. Agency City of Spokane Valley DOT Form 140-089 EF Revised 312008 Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT A-1 PRELIMINARY SCUPE of WORK Loca1 Agency: City of Spokane Va11ey, Washington Local Agency Project No: Consultant: Century West Engineering Corporation Consultant Project No: Project Title: Evergreen Road; 32"d to 16th, 32°d; Evergreen to SR-27 Work Description: Project Engineering (Design) Phase OB,TECTIVE The Owner's objective in this Agreement is for the Consulting Engineer to provide evaluation and design engineering services for reconstruction and improvements to existing streets. The Consultant will provide the professional services required to bring the project to bid with direction, review, and support provided by the City. The Consultant will prepare plans, specifications and estimates to bid the project and will coordinate with other regulatory agencies and affected parties as required. PRO,TECT DESCRIPTION Project Limits: Evergreen Road from 160'Avenue to 32"a Avenue and 32nd Avenue from Evergreen Road to State Route 27. Approximate length = 1.2 miles. The project involves the removal and reconstruction of pavement, with widening. The new road geometry will include two travel lanes (one in e,ich direction), one center turn lane, two bike lanes, curb and gutter and sidewalk on both sides. SCHEDULE 30 % Design: May 11, 2009 60% Design: June 29,2009 95% Design: July 27,2009 Final Bid Package: August 14,2009 Schedule is based on a notice to proceed issued by February 23, 2009, and City review times on submittals not exceeding S days. Issues may arise that are out of the control of the Consultant that could have an impact on the schedule. The Consultant will keep the City informed of these issues if they arise. PRO,TECT SCOPE The Consultant shall provide the following services for the Evergreen Road/32nd Avenue Project: . 1. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING / CONCEPT DESIGN (PE/CD) PHASE 1.1 Project Kick-Off Meeting: A project "kick-off" meeting shall be held to discuss the project scope and objectives. The Consultant will submit proposed lane configurations for each segment of the project, for the City's review. 1.2 Collect Available Data: Consultant shall collect available data on existing property, utilities, and structures in the project area, from existing records. Consultant shall incorporate this information into the Base Maps and Contract Documents. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 1 Evergreen Road & 32°d Ave Project 2/10/2009 1.3 Further Define Project Scope: Consultant shall summarize comments received at the , Project Kick-Off meeting, and revise the Scope of Work accordingly. 1.4 4btain Project Requirements: , 1.4.1 Identify Utility Work: Consultant will develop a Vicinity Map and Site Map. Consultant will prepare the Utility Notification for the project. The Consultant will mail the notification to all utility purveyors in the project area, and receive responses. The Consultant will notify the City of any utility purveyors who currently own or plan to construct, relocate, and/or otherwise modify their facilities within the scope of this project. 1.4.2 Meetings with Departments / Agencies: The Consultant shall attend twelve (12) meetings with the City's Traffic Dept, Planning Dept, Water Purveyor, Spokane County Utilities, Avista Utilities, Qwest, AT&T Cable, and other Agencies. Consultant will present and revietiv conceptual alignment alternatives, lane configurations, roadway features, traffic issues, pavement design, drainage issues, utility concerns, right-of-way concerns, and other coordination issues prior to the Preliminary Design phase. 1.4.3 Establish Design Standards: The City shall provide examples of Design Standards for the Plans and Specifications. The City will provide AutoCAD drafting standards and an electronic copy of its standard drawing template, which will serve as a design template for the Consultant. 1.4.4 Concept Layout: The Consultant will develop prelirninary cross-sections based on the approved lane configurations. Each cross-section will show the existing right-of-way, existing roadway, and proposed roadway. Where widening is required, these preliminary cross-sections will also show the proposed right-of-way acquisition areas. 1.5 Assess and Estimate Right-of-Way Needs: 1.5.1 Determine Uwnership: Consultant will review parcel numbers with County records for overview of ownership. 1.5.2 Send Introduction Letters: When ownership is determined, Consultant will send an Introduction Letter to adjacent property owners. The letter will provide a basic outline of the project, inform the property owners of upcoming survey and site investigation work, and provide them with a contact person. 1.6 Topographic Survey and Base Maps: Consultant will conduct a topographic field survey to determine the physical layout of the existing roadway and improvements within the potential Right-of-Way acquisition limits. Vertical control will be established from existing monuments, and will be based on NAVD 88 datum. Horizontal control will be based on state plane coordinates. The right-of-way centerline will be established from found monuments and property corners. Field surveys shall include sufficient referencing City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 2 Evergreen Road & 32nd Ave Project 2/10/2009 to permit the re-establishment of all necessary mapping control points to the satisfaction of the Agency. 1.7 Prepare Preliminary Engineering Design Report: Consultant will summarize findings and conclusions from the PE/CD tasks listed above, and submit two (2) copies of unitten report to the Owner. 1.8 Public Informational Meeting #1: Consultant shall attend a community meeting for affected property owners, neighborhood associations, roadway users, and other interested parties. The purpose of this initial public meeting is to present the project to the community and listen to their concerns. This meeting shall be scheduled, advertised, and conducted by the City. Consultant shall prepare the necessary information for presentation to the public. Basis of budget: Three (3) members of the Consultant's staff shall attend the meeting. 1.9 Obtain Comments/Approval of Preliminary Engineering Design Report: Consultant will meet with Owner to receive comments and discuss the PE Design Report. Consultant will revise the PE Design Report as requested by the 4wner. The Owner shall approve the final PE Design package before Consultant begins the Right of Way Acquisition process. 2. PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE 2.1 Project Scope Statement: Consultant shall summarize findings and conclusions from the Preliminary Engineering Design phase i.nto a Project Scope Statement. 2.2 GeotechnicalInvestigation 2.2.1 Evaluate Existing Information: Consultant will visually inspect the existing pavement and review recent geotechnical studies conducted in the area by the City, to supplement proposed subsurface explorations described below. 2.2.2 Subsurface Investigation: Consultant shall conduct subsurface investigations necessary for pavement design and evaluation of subsurface conditions. This will include Ten (10) drilled borings along the road right-of-way, and three (3) borehole percolation tests. The Consultant will notify the City in advance of the work. The City will waive the requirement for a formal right-of-way permit. Traffic control and utlitiy notification for the work will be provided by the Consultant. 2.2.3 Laboratory Testing: Consultant will conduct testing to assess pertinent physical and engineering characteristics of the subgrade soil. Lab tests will include gradation analyses, resilient modulus of subgrade will be estimated from data developed by using non-destructive deflection testing equipment (falling weight deflectometer). 2.2.4 Geotechnical Report: Consultant will summarize its geotechnical findings in a written report. Recommendations will be provided for site preparation and earthwork, pavement layer thickness, suitability of excavated materials for re-use, criteria for imported material, and recommendations and criteria for stormwater disposal through drywells. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 3 Evergreen Road & 32 °d Ave Project 2/10/2009 Stormwater treatment areas are not known at this time. If they are identified through the ROW acquisition process, the scope and cost for developing criteria for treatment and disposal in those area will be by supplement to this agreement. 2.3 Permits and Environmental Documents Not Used 2.4 Not Used 2.5 Begin Right-of-Way Acquisition 2.5.1 Right-of-Way Plans: Consultant shall develop R-O-W Plans following the completion of the Preliminary Engineering / Concept Design Phase. These Plans will include old and new right-of-way limits, ownership boundaries, parcel numbers, area to be acquired, and area of the remainder. Acquisition of two (2) parcels for the use as stormwater treatment /disposal are included as a part of this scope. Consultant will field stake proposed "take" areas for acquisition tasks. 2.5.2 Legal Descriptions: Consultant shall write legals for the areas to be acquired. 2.5.3 Order Title Reports: Consultant will order Title Reports with insurance for each parcel where right of way is to be acquired. Consultant will review reports for any items, including mortgages and contracts, which may need to be cleared. Consultant will execute necessary documents to clear title. Basis of Budget: 8 parcels. The City will be responsible for all payment to the title company. 2.5.4 Preliminary Funding Estimates: Based on the Right-of-Way Plans, the Consultant will estimate the cost of right-of-way acquisition for the project. Consultant will prepare a True Cost Parcel Worksheet for each parcel, and a True Cost Estimate Worksheet for the project, and will forward these to the City. 2.5.5 WSDUT Approval: The Consultant will submit the Right-of-Way Plans and True Cost Estimate to the City. 2.5.6 Meet with Property Owners: Consultant will request information that may be necessary to complete the appraisals, and will conduct a formal inspection with each property owner. Consultant shall meet with property owners throughout the Right of Way assessment and acyuisition phases, to keep them informed about the project status. 2.5.7 Appraisals: The Consultant will perform appraisals of each parcel with estimated values greater than $25,000 to be acquired. The Appraiser will be State-certified and WSDOT-approved, and appraisals will be conducted in compliance with State and Federal guidelines. The appraiser will issue an Opinion of Value for each parcel or portion thereof to be acquired. Basis of Budget: 4 Appraisals City of Spakane Valley Scope of Work 4 Evergreen Road & 32nd Ave Project 2/10/2009 2.5.8 Appraisal Review: The Consultant's reviewing appraiser will inspect each property and examine the Appraisal Reports to determine that aIl issues have been addressed. The reviewing appraiser will be state-certified and WSDOT-approved. Appraisal reviews will be conducted in compliance with State and Federal guideliries. Basis of Budget: 4 Review Appraisals 2.5.9 Determinations of Value (DOVs): The Review Appraiser will prepaxe WSDOT appraisal review certificates for each parcel, and submit them to the City for signature (approval) of the DOV. This is the value that will be offered to the landowner. 2.6 Pavement Design: The City will provide results of recent traffic studies, including equivalent axle loading (ESAL) projections. Consultant shall determine the required structural section of the roadway based on results of the subsurface investigation and City- provided traffic analysis. Consultant shall design pavement in accordance with AASHTO pavement design methods. One alternative pavement section utilizing a"geo-grid" type of soil reinforcement will be completed for the purpose of cost comparison. 2.7 30% Submittal: Consultant will submit two (2) copies of the Drainage Report, two (2) sets of Plans, and a Preliminary Engineer's Estimate at 30% completion. 2.7.1 Drainage Design: Consultant will estimate stormwater runoff in the project area based on field survey and local precipitation data. Collection system design will be based on 10-year event. Disposal design (infiltration) will be based on the 10-year event. Since the area is developed, and there are no readily available parcels for stormwater facilities outside of the existing right-of-way, it is assumed that catch basins will be equipped with spill control separators to treat stormwater and protect groundwater. It is also anticipated that stormwater disposal shall be by drywells. The Drainage Report will include a Basin Map, Basin descriptions, and preliminary runoff calculations. 2.7.2 60°Io Plans: The 60°Io Plans will include existing utilities, right of way, parcel identification, existing roadway profile, mainline plan and prelirninary profile, preliminary curb and sidewalks, typical cross-sections with catch points and right-of-way takes, and location of storm drain inlets. 2.7.3 Preliminary Engineer's Estimate: The Consultant will estimate Construction Cost on the approximate quantities of work assumed in the 60% drawings. The Consultant will apply an estimated unit cost to each item, and will add a contingency amount appropriate to the completion status. A second cost estimate based on the alternative pavement section will be provided for the City's final decision on selected pavement design. . 2.8 Preliminary Design Report: Consultant will update the Preliminary Engineering Design Report from the PD tasks Iisted above, and submit a written report to the Owner. Report will include Design Standards, Concept Pian, Typical Roadway Sections, Storm Drainage approach, major Utility relocations, and Right of Way needs / status. 2.9 Not Used City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 5 Evergreen Road & 32"d Ave Project 2/10/2009 2.10 Coordination Meetings and Reports: 2.10.1 Coordination Meetings with Agency: The Project Engineer shall attend eight (8) meetings with the Agency's appointed manager to present and discuss plans for the project. Meetings shall be held to review progress, coordination issues, and preliminary alternatives regarding alignment, roadway feacures, and drainage plans, prior to the Design Phase. 2.10.2 Utility Coordination Meetings: The Project Engineer shall attend five (5) meetings with utility purveyors (Water Purveyor, Spokane County Utilities, AVISTA Utilities, Qwest, and Cable) to present and discuss plans for the project. Meetings shall be held to review progress, coordination issues, and alternatives regarding utility relocations/modifications required by the design and/or requested by the purveyors. The Consultant shail coordinate with these agencies to resolve design issues and mitigate potential construction conflicts and access issues. The Consultant may request field investigations be performed by the Agency and local Utility purveyors to more accurately locate the utilities. 2.11 Public Informational Meeting #2: Near the 95% complete stage of the project the Consultant shall conduct a second community meeting tv summarize progress-to-date, and to respond to concerns brought up at the initial public meeting. This meeting shall be scheduled and advertised by the City. Consultant shall prepare the necessary information for presentation to the public. Basis of budget: Three (3) members of the Consultant's staff shall attend the meeting. 2.12 Complete Right-of-Way Acquisition 2.12.1 Offer Letters: Upon City signature of the appraisal review certificates (Determinations of Value), the Consultant will send Offer Letters to each landowner detailing the land to be purchased, the City's offer to purchase the property, and the rights available to that landowner. The possibility exists that the City may exercise eminent domain on the land, therefore, the offer letter will notify the landowner accordingly. 2.12.2 Negotiate Final Terms: Consultant will meet with each landowner to reach final settlement. Basis of Budget: 3 meetings with 6 property owners, 18 meetings total. 2.12.3 Purchase & Sale Agreements: The City shall provide its Standard Right-of-Way Agreement form to the Consultant. When final settlement is reached, each Agreement will be signed and forwarded to the City for final approval. The City shall authorize payment within 4 weeks of delivery of each purchase agreement. 2.12.4 Temporary Construction Permits: Consultant will meet with each property owner to obtain temporary construction permits for slopes and other work anticipated outside of the new right-of-way. These permits will be presented to owners at the first public meeting for signature. The Consultant will attempt to get any unsigned permit in separate one-on- one meetings with the owner. Basis of budget: 110 parcels, 40 meetings. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 6 Evergreen Road & 32nd Ave Project 2/10/2009 2.12.5 Possession and Use: If final settlement cannot be reached with a property owner, the Consultant will attempt to secure a Possession and Use Permit. If unsuccessful, the Consultant will notify the City, and submit all pertinent parcel information. With assistance from the City the Consultant will attempt to negotiate administrative Settlements on those parcels to secure the property, if negotiations fail the City will take any further actions appropriate to secure the parcels. Basis of Budget: 2 parcels. 2.12.6 Close Transactions: Arrangements will be made for closing at a title company after the City has approved the purchase. The closing company will record all documents and the original will be sent to the City for their files. The City will be responsible for all payment to the title company. 2.12.7 Right-of-Way Certification: All files will be prepared for review by the State for certif'ication of Right-of-Way. 3. DESIGN PHASE 3.1 Drainage Design: Consultant will update Drainage Report to include changes to impervious areas, basin limits, and/or inlet locations. Consultant will calculate pipe sizes and slopes, size treatment swales / ponds, and show pertinent information on the Plans. 3.2 95% PS&E Package: The Consultant will prepare and submit four (4) copies of the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate at 95% completion. 3.2.1 Quantity Calculations and Cost Estimates: The Consultant shall prepare a bid schedule including all anticipated bid items. Construction quantities shown in the bid schedule shall be as near as possible to the actual quantities. The Consultant shall apply an estimated unit cost of construction to the computed quantities. 3.2.2 Specifications: The WSDOT 2008 Standard Specifacations, the City's Sacpplemental Specifications shall form the basis of the Specifications 3.2.3 95 °Io Plans: The 95% Plans will include all roadway cross-sections, plans, profiles, details, topographic data, text, storm drainage structures, and other work, for review and comment by the Owner. Construction Plans will consist of (1) Cover Sheet with Vicinity Map, (1) Typical Roadway Section Sheet, (15) Plan/Profile Sheets at 1 inch = 30-ft Scale, (2) Storm Drainage Sheets, (2) Structure Notes Sheets, (2) Striping & Signage Plans, (3) Temporary Traffic Control Sheets, and (3) Detail Sheets. The scales to be used, the lettering, and the general delineation of the plans shall be as such to provide legible reproduction when the plans are reduced to 1/2 of their original size. 3.3 100% Design: Consultant will incorporate comments from the 95% PS&E package into the Final Plans and Specifications. Upon completion of revisions, one set of final plans, specifications, and cost estimate will be provided to the City's Public Works Department for finai approval. One set of final plans (bluelines), specifications, and cost estimate will also be provided to the City for final approval. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 7 Evergreen Road 8z 32nd Ave Project 2/10/2009 3.4 Submit Electronic Documents: Upon Final Acceptance of the design, the Consultant will provide one (1) electronic copy of the Bid Documents in CD format. 4. BIDDING PHASE Bidding services are not a part of this scope and are considered extra services. DESIGN CRITERIA Documents furnished by the Consultant, to the extent feasible, shall be developed in accordance with the current edition of the following: 1. WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) Manual 2. Spokane County Design Standards 3. WSDOT Right of Way Manua1 4. WSDOT Design Manual 5. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO "Green Book") 6. AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993 edition 7. WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2008 version) 8. City of Spokane Valley Supplemental Specif'ications (2009 version) 9. FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 10. Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual DOCUMENTS TO BE F'URNISHED BY THE C4NSULTANT The Consultant shall furnish the following documents, exhibits, or presentations for the work covered by this Agreement. All such material used in the project shall become and remain the property of the Agency: 1. Monthly Progress Reports: The Consultant shall prepare a letter report each month, summarizing the progress on each task item, and work planned during the next period. 2. Preliminary copies of Drainage Reports, Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates of copies noted above). 3. One (1) copy of pertinent reports with design calculations (field survey notes, traffic study, soils reports, pavement design, stormwater calculations, etc.). 4. Visual Aids from Public Informational Meetings 5. Upon final acceptance of the design: a. One set of the contract plans; b. Two copies (one baund, one unbound) of the construction specifications, including the Proposal Form, Amendments, Special Provisions, and other attachments necessary for bidding; c. One copy of detailed construction cost estimate; 6. Right of Way Docu.ments: Right of Way Plans, Legal Descriptions, Title Reports, PFE's, Appraisals, DOV's, Offers, etc. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 8 Evergreen Road & 32 "d Ave Project 2/10/2009 DATA TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY The City shall make the following data available to the Consultant: 1. Data regarding the existing condition of the roadway. 2. As-built drawings of existing roadway if available: 3. Plans, reports, and ather pertinent information from proposed developments along the project corridor. 4. Specification CD 5. Right-of-Way Agreement Forms (Standard City format) 6. EASL Loadings, existing and projected at design life of pavement. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY The City shall perform the following design / review services for the project: 1. Review of Reports, PS&E packages, and other documents prepared by the Consultant, as described in the Project Scope above. EXTRA WORK In addition to the foregoing specific services, the following special services may be added upon written agreement of the parties by executing an Amendment to this Agreement: 1. Relocation Services: Consultant can provide for relocation of tenants affected by Right-of- Way acquisition. 2. Expert Testimony: Consultant can provide, if necessary, for property disputes. 3. Redesigns: Consultant can make revisions ordered by the Owner after final plans have been accepted. 4. Bidding Services: Consultant can provide engineering services during the bidding phase of the project. 5. Project Surveillance: Consultant can pravide construction administration, resident engineering, on-site construction observation, material testing, construction surveying, preparation of record drawings, replacement of monuments lost during construction, or other services during construction. 6. Specialized Inspections: Consultant can provide nuclear density testing, inspection of reinforcing steel, or other specialized inspection services during construction. 7. Construction Management: Manage the construction contract. Provide partial pay estimates, required WSDUT documentation, change orders, field orders, and non- compliance notices. 8. As-Built (Record) Drawings: Consultant can develop record drawings based on information provided by the Construction Management team. 9. Design of Stormwater Facilities outside of the ROW. 10. Biological Assessment if Required. 11. Cultural Resources Survey/Report if Required. 12. Cultural Resources Monitoring if Required. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work 9 Evergreen Road & 32°d Ave Project 2/10/2009 Exhibit C Electronic Exchange of Engineering and Other Data In this Exhibit the agency, as applicable, is to provide a description of the format and standards the ~ consultant is to use in preparing electronic files for transmission to the agency. The format and standards to be provided may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Surveying, Roadway Design & Plans Preparation Section A. Survey Data B. Roadway Design Files C. Computer Aided Drafting Files D. Specify the Agency's Right to Review Product with the Consultant E. Specify the Electronic Deliverables to Be Provided to the Agency F. Specify What Agency Furnished Services and Information Is to Be Provided R. Any Other Electronic Files to Be Provided III. Methods to Electronically Exchange Data A. Agency Software Suite B. Electronic Messaging System C. File Transfers Format DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit C Revised 6/05 Exhibit D-2 Payment (Cost Plus a Fixed Fee) The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work specified in Section II, "Scope of Work." The CONSULTANT shall conform to all applicable portions of 48 CFR Part 31. A. Actuat Costs: Payment for all consulting services for this PROJECT shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT'S actual cost plus a fixed fee. The actual cost shall include direct salary cost, overhead, direct non-salary costs, and fixed fee. 1. Direct Salary Costs: The Direct Salary Cost is the direct salary paid to principals, professional, technical, and clerical personnel for the time they are productively engaged in work necessary to fulfill the terms of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall maintain support data to verify the direct salary costs billed to the AGENCY. 2. Overhead Costs: Overhead Costs are those costs other than direct costs, which are included as such on the boolcs of the CONSULTANT in the normal everyday keeping of its books. Progress payments shali be made at the rate shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under "Overhead Progress Payment Rate." Total overhead payment shall be based on the method shown in the heading of the AGREEMENT. The two options are explained as fvllows: a. Fixed Rate: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT for overhead at the percentage rate shown. This rate shall not change during the life of the AGREEMENT. b. Actual Cost: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the COIVSULTANT the actual overhead costs verified by audit, up to the Maximum Total Amount Payable, authorized under this AGREEMENT, when accumulated with all other Actual Costs. A summary of the CONSULTANTS cost estimate and the overhead computation is shown in Eachibit "E" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. When an Actual Cost method is used, the CONSULTANT (prime and all sub-consultants) will submit to the AGENCY within six (6) months after the end of each firm's fiscal year, an overhead schedule in the format required by the AGENCY (cost category, dollar expenditures, etc.) for the purpose of adjusting the overhead rate for billing purposes. It shall be used for the computation of progress payments during the following year and for retroactively adjusting the previous year's overhead cost to reflect the actual rate. DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibtt D-2 Revised 6/08 Failure to supply this information by either the prime CONSULTANT or any of their sub- consultants shall cause the AGENCY to withhold payment of the billed overhead costs until such time as the required information is received and an overhead rate for billing purposes is approved. ~ The AGENCY, STATE and/or the Federal Government may perform an audit of the CONSULTANT'S books and records at any tirne during regular business hours to determine the actual overhead rate, if they so desire. 3. Direct Non-Salary Costs: Direct Non-Salary Costs will be reimbursed at the Actual Cost to the CONSULTANT. These charges may include, but are not limited to, the following items: travel, printing, long distance teiephone, supplies, computer charges and sub- consultant costs. a. Air or train travel will be reimbursed only to economy class levels unless otherwise approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall comply with the rules and regulations regarding travel costs (excluding air, train, and rental car costs) in accordance with the AGENCY'S Travel Rules and Procedures. However, air, train, and rental car costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with 48 CFR Part 31.205-46 "Travel Cost b. The billing for Direct Non-Salary Costs shall include an itemized listing of the charges directly identifiable wh the PROJECT. c. The CONSULTANT shall maintain the original supporting documents in their office. Copies of the original supporting documents shall be supplied to the AGENCY upon request. d. All above charges must be necessary for the services provided under this AGREEMENT. 4. Fixed Fee: The Fixed Fee, which represents the CONSULTANT' S profit, is shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under Fixed Fee. This amount does not include any additional Fixed Fee, which could be authorized from the Management Reserve Fund. This fee is based o❑ the Scope of Work defined in this AGREEMENT and the estimated person- hours required to perform the stated Scope of Work. In the event the CONSULTANT enters into a supplemental AGREEMENT for additional work, the supplemental AGREEMENT may include provisions for the added costs and an appropriate additional fee. The Fixed Fee will be prorated and paid monthly in proportion to the percentage of work completed by the CONSULTANT and reported in the Monthly Progress Reports accompanying the billings. Any portion of the Fixed Fee eamed but not previously paid in the progress payments will be covered in the final payment, subject to the provisions of Section IX entitled "Termination of Agreement." 5. Management Reserve Fund: The AGENCY may desire to establish a Management Reserve Fund to provide the Agreement Administrator with the flexibility to authorize additional funds to the AGREEMENT for allowable unforeseen costs, or reimbursing the CONSULTANT for additional work beyond that already defined in this AGREEMENT. Such authorization(s) shall be in writing and shall not exceed the lesser of $100,000 or 10% of the Total Amount Authorized as shown in the heading of this AGR.EEMENT. The amount included for the Management Reserve Fund is shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. This fund may not be replenished. Any changes requiring additional costs in excess of the Management Reserve Fund shall be made in accordance with Section XIV, "Extra Work."6. Maximum Total Amount Payable: The Maximum Total Amount Payable by the AGENCY to the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT shall not exceed the amount shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. The Maximum Total Amount Payable is comprised of the Total Amount Authorized, and the Management Reserve Fund. The Maximum Total Amount Payable does not include payrnent for Extra Work as stipulated in Section XN, "Extra Work." No minimum amount payable is guaranteed under this AGREEMENT. B. Monthly Progress Payments: The CONSULTANT may submit billings to the AGENCY for reimbursement of Actual Costs plus the calcuiated overhead and fee on a monthly basis during the progress of the work. Such billings shall be in a format approved by the AGENCY and accompanied by the monthly progress reports required under Section III, "General Requirements" of this AGREEMENT. The billings wili be supported by an itemized listing for each item including Direct Salary, Direct Non-Salary, and allowable Overhead Costs to which will be added the prorated Fixed Fee. To provide a means of verifying the billed salary costs for CONSULTANT employees, the AGENCY may conduct employee interviews. These interviews may consist of recording the names, titles, salary rates, and present duties of those employees performing work on the PROJECT at the time of the interview. C. Final Payment: Final Payment of any balance due the CONSULTANT of the gross amount earned will be made promptly upon its verification by the AGENCY after the completion of the work under this AGREEMENT, contingent upon receipt of all PS&E, plans, maps, notes, reports, electronic data and other related documents which are required to be furnished under this AGREEMENT. Acceptance of such Final Payment by the CONSULTANT shall constitute a release of all claims for payment, which the CONSULTANT may have against the AGENCY unless such claims are specifically reserved in writing and transmitted to the AGEI~TCY by the CONSULTANT prior to its acceptance. Said Final Payment shall not, however, be a bar to any claims that the AGENCY may have against the CONSLTLTANT or to any remedies the AGENCY may pursue with respect to such claims. The payment of any billing will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and at the time of final audit, all required adjushnents will be made and reflected in a fmal payment. In the event that such final audit reveals an overpayment to the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT will refund such overpayment to the AGENCY within thirty (30) days of notice of the overpayrnent. Such refund shall not constitute a waiver by the CONSULTANT for any claims relating to the validity of a finding by the AGENCY of overpayment. The CONSULTANT has twenty (20) days after receipt of the final POST AUDIT to begin the appeal process to the AGENCY for audit findings. D. Inspection of Cost Records: The CONSULTANT and their sub-consultants shall keep available for inspection by representatives of the AGENCY, STATE and the United States, for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment, the cost records and accounts pertaining to this AGREEMENT and all items related to or bearing upon these records with the following exception: if any litigation, claim or audit arising out of, in connection with, or related to this contract is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the cost records and accounts shall be retained until such litigation, claim, or audit involving the records is completed. Exh i bit E-1 Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet (Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per Unit of Work) l ~ Project: Evergreen Road; 16th to 32nd, 32nd; Evergreen to SR 27. , Direct Salary Cost (DSC): ' Clasrjficatian _ Man_ljouirs $atg = = Cost Consulting Manager 82.0 X 62.50 $ 5,125.00 Project Manager 208.0 X 38.46 7,999.68 ProjectEngineer 234.0 X 30.39 7,111.26 Staff Engineer 282.0 X 24.46 6,897.72 Staff Technician 148.0 X 19.00 2,812.00 Project Assistant 39.0 X 18.91 737.49 Clerical 138.0 X 15.37 2,121.06 AutoCadd Techniciait 420.0 X 16.34 6,862.80 X TOtal DSC = $ 39,667.01 Overhead (OH Cost including Salary Additives): OH Rate x DSC of 165 % x$ 39,667.01 65,450.57 Fixed Fee (FF): FF Rate x DSC of 35 % x$ 39,667.41 13,883.45 Reimbursables: Itemized 1,910.00 Subconsultant Costs (See Exhibit G): 246.784.00 Grand Totai 3679695.00 Prepared By: Dennis D. Fuller Date: February 13, 2009 DOT Form 140-OB9 EF Exhibit E-1 Revised 6/05 City of Spokane Valley Evergreen Road and 32nd Ave Improvements Engineering Agreement - Expense Breakdown Century West Engineering, Inc. Milage $700 Plan Copies $800 8.5 X 11 Copies $410 TOTAL $1,910 Taylor Engineering, Inc. GPS Equipment $4,200 Reproduction expenses $3,000 - Milage $2,020 Misceilaneous $780 TOTAL $10,000 Universal Field Services Appraisals $10,000 Review Appraisals $3,200 Travel $2,500 Copies & Misc. $50 $15,750 Geo Engineers Field Investigation (FW D) $7,350 Field Investigation (Borings) $5,300 Milage $300 $12,950 TOTAL CONTRACT EXPENSES $40,610 EXHIBIT F Ceiit.ui•y tVcsr EngiiiEering Cvrporafion Overliead Scliedule Fisca! Year December 28, 2007 h'inhricial Slatemcnt C'entury WSDOT Accepted Descriptioii Amaunr «'est Aclj. 4dj. ~ef. Amottttt o/„ Dii•eet I.abor Base $1,084,676 SI,0$4,676 100.00% Payroll Etpenses VacationIl Ioliday/Sick $192,655 $192,685 17.76% Payroll Taxes $ I 75,322 $175,322 16.16% Employee Iiisurance $105,336 ($548) K $1041785 9.66% Tutal Payrol! f~~xpenses $473,343 SO ($548) $4721795 43.59°Jo Gciicral & Administrative EYpenses Indirect Labor $477,896 ($1,220) I $476,676 43.95°!0 Bonus $179,395 $179,395 16.54% Supplies ai1d pperatioiis $108,064 ($I4,442) E $93,622 5.63% Occupancy $247,321 $247,321 22.80% EquipmentlDepreciationlRent Maintenance $8$,824 $88,824 8.19% Comrnunications $43,914 $43,914 4.05% Insurancz $68,047 ($452) C $67,595 6.23% Travel & Subsistence $17,030 ($272) f1 $16,758 1.54% Business DEvelopinent $27,436 ($8,156) ($1,372) A,B,L $17,908 1.65% Legal and Accountitig $20,112 ($2,850) D Si 7,2C2 1.59% Enlployee Education $14,310 $14,310 1.32% Business and Property Taxes $34,483 $34,483 3.18% 441 K & Miscelk-weous $24$93 $2=1,593 2.27% Ittterest $49,454 ($49,454) F $0 0.00% Goiltributions $325 ($325) G $0 0.00°'0 Bad Debt sAN'ri te-Offs $49,540 ($49,500) H $0 0.00% Compaiiy Events $1,554 ($1,554) 3 $0 0.00U/o Z'otal Overhead Eapenses $1,452,258 ($128,226) ($1,372) $1,322}661 121.94% Total Pavi-o11 / Genei•al & Acliiiin $1,925,60I ($128,226) ($1,920) $1,795,455 165.53% tOverbead Rate 177.53°io 165.53% jC'eiittrf)• West Eugiireering Cotnut•afrot► - Reviewerl & Accepted oir 1123109 tVnJ "Orerhenr! Ratc sti!l stcbject to 1i'S1707"Awlit" I'age 2 EXHIBIT F Ceiittji•y West Efkgin+eering Corpvration Ovet-head Scliedule Fiscal Vear December 28, 2007 F»3ancial 5tatemcjit C'eintury WSDOT Acceptcd 1]escpiptivn Axnatint '1Vest Adj. 4t1,p. A~~~~nitt . . , . . 'References Centtsry Wcst Adjustments: Cc.~~~tntj, JT'est Errgr'iieer•ilrg Ct~iporation O+wrhead Compiled by Dofljr Garrtck A Entertainnlont unaliowable per 48 CFR 31.205-14, B Adveriissng uriallowab1e per 48 CFR 31.205-1. C Key Persan insurance utialloAvable laer 48 CFIL 3 l.205-1 9(e)(2)(v). .D Federai f ncanie Tax Prep Fecs unallowable per 48 GFR 3 1,205-41 (b)(1 31 .201-6(a) R: WSDOT Polic:y. E Direct project casts una1t~kvable per 48 Cf~y1t 31.202(a). f Interest una1lowable per 48 CFR 3 1 .205-20. +G Co,tlkributions itnallowab4e per 48 CFR 31.205-8. Bad Debts clnallowabIe per 48 CFR 3 1205-3 . _ Overtime Prema4un unallowable per 48 CFR 22,103-1, 22.103-4(0 &WSDQT OfH Policy. J Hoiiday PartylSutnmer Pici1ie experises utlallnwable per 48 CFR 31.205-14 & WSDO`I' OIH Polic}r. WSDO3' Acljusrments; K Tri-Met Tax unallowable per 48 CFR 31,2{}1 -4. Urla1locable to WSDO'f. L Mark(-,ting Labor unallowable ~~r 48 +CfiR 31.205-1(f). Noter I'er,Dolf,~~ ~~rrick,,f'trr 2007 C'ear1ury lVesl Engirieerin,g, larxrl no Fij1es ttjid Peiiadti~.~s, Lobbyerag, Oigrtrjiwatiorial G'osts or GonditAr'fC. Exhibit G i Subcontracted Work , The AGENCY permits subcontracts for the following portions of the work of this AGREEMENT: Tavl i- F.n~in %r-jeWng,rR(?W ma~n. n.Tina, PrPliminarv 11ecion IJnivPnal F1eld SeYI1rPCI Right nf Wav Acnnisitinn PrvicPc C-tPn Fn in Prc• C atPCh.nical T v gti2atinna, PavPm nt TlPCian DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G Revised 6/05 Exhibit G-1 Subconsultant Fee Determirration - Summarry S'heet {Mandatory when Subconsultants are wtifized} ProjeCt: Evergreen Road; lbth to 32nd, 32-nd; Evergreen ta SR, 27. Sub Cof7st,i'Itartt: Taylor Engineering Inc, Direct Salary Cost (QSC); _Classi i ation Man Wg rs fta#e - Cnst Project IVlanager 92.0 x 56.25 $ 531175.00 Praject Engineer 442.0 x 37.50 1 6,575.0Q Staff Engineer 384.0 x 26.44 10,152.96 Staff Technician 224,0 x 27.64 6,191.36 Clerical 38.0 x 14.25 541.50 Autv Cadd Tech 536.0 x 20.40 147720.00 Prafessinnal Surveyor 100.0 x 40.87 407.00 Survey C3ffice 7'echnicia.n 164.0 x 26.72 4,382.08 2-rnan Sunrey Party 124.0 x 37.63 42515.60 . Total LlSC $ 62,340.50 Overhead (CJH Cost including Salary AddEtives): OH Rate x DSC of 158.0$ ~ 62,344.50 - 98,547.86 Fixed Fee (FF): FF Ra#e x ❑SC of 35 % x $ 62,340.50 - 21,819.1$ Reimbursables: I~~~~zed 10y000.00 ~ubCO11Sllltaflt TOtal P'rlme N1ark-Up °Ia x - Grand 3atal 192,707.54 Prepared Sy: Mark Aronson, PE. Date. February 13, 2009 QOT Form 140-089 EF Exn,blt G-1 Revised W7 Exhibit G-'i Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet (Mandatory when Subconsultants are utilized) ~ PI'OjeCt: Evergreen Road; 16th to 32nd, 32nd; Evergreen to SR 27. . Ib Cotlsult2rit: Universal Field Services Direct Salary Cost (DSC): Classification, Man Uours te = Cost Project Manager 26.0 X 40.75 $ 1,059.50 Senior ROW Agent 40.0 X 39.25 1,570.00 ROW Agent 184.0 X 27.75 5,106.00 Clerical 8.0 X 15.50 124.00 X X X X X Total DSC = $ 7,859.50 Overhead (OH Cost including Salary Additives): OH Rate x DSC of 46.9 % x$ 7,859.50 = 3,686.11 Fixed Fee (FF): FF Rate x DSC of 35 % x$ 71859.50 = 2,750.83 Reimbursables: Itemized = 15,750.00 SubConsultant Totai = Prime Mark-Up % X = Grand Totai = 30,046.43 Prepared By: Leslie Finnigan Date: February 13, 2009 DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G-1 Revised 8/O7 Exh i bit G-'I Subcansultant Fee De-terminativn - Summary Sheet (Mandataryr when Subcvnsul#ants are u#ilized) PCOjeGt: Evergreen Road; 16th to 32nd, 32nd; Everqeen tv SR 27 S1.1b CoI1Sl1ltat"It: G~~ Eng1R~er5 Direct 5alary Cnst {DSC}: - ~sificatiy~,~ ~n '~,ours ftatq Cns ConsulMt Manager. 6_0 x 70.67 $ 424.02. ~ 40.0 x 34,90 1,396.00 Project Engineer 3$.0 x 22.60 $58.80 Staff Engi,neer 20,0 x 13.10 262.00 Staff 7'echnician ! Clerical 14.0 x 16.30 228.20 ! - x x _ x . x Total DaC 3,1 G9.O2 Overhead (OH Cost including Sa1ary Additives): DH F2ate x OSC af 214.65 % x$ 3,169.02 - 6,802,30. Fixed Fee ff): FF Rate x DSC of 35 % x$ 3,169.42 = 1,109.16 Reimbursabties: _ 2,950.00 Iterraized 1 SubConsultant Tntal ~ Prime Mark-Up % x - ~ Grand Total - 24,030.48 Prepared By: Jirn Harakasa P.E. Date: February 13, 2009 DOT Re sed sr07 EF E~dhibit G-1 Exhibit G-3 Breakdown of Subconsultants Overhead Cost TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. 2008 MULTIPLIER-WSDOT DIRECT LABOR $ 2,066,705.00 100°k Business Insurance: Professional Liability $ 67,027.00 3.24% FRINGE BENEFITS: General Liability & Prop. $ 38,831.00 1.88% Holiday $ 91,641.00 4.43% Subtotal Business Ins. $ 105,858.00 5.12% Sick Leave $ 55,293.00 2.68% Vacation $ 194,986.00 9.43% Professional Consultants: Additional Compensation $ 490,048.00 23.71 % Certified Public Accountant $ 7,860.00 0.38% Med,Dent,Life, Dis. Ins. $ 391,347.00 18.94% Corporate Attomey $ 25,700.00 1.24% FICA $ 248,228.00 12.01 % Pension Administrator $ 7,580.00 0.37% Woricmen's Comp $ 13,363.00 0.65% Subtotal Prof. Consult. $ 41,140.00 1.99% FUTA S 3,833.00 0.19% State Unempioyment S 25,903.00 1.25% Business Taxes: Pension Contribution $ 69,683.00 3.37% Excise Taues $ 100,279.00 4.85% Total Fringe Benefits $ 1,584,325.00 76.66% Property Taxes $ 4,360.00 0.21 % Subtotal Taxes $ 104,639.00 5.06% GEN.& ADMIN. OVERHEAD Indirect Labor $ 678,043.00 32.81 % Miscellaneous: Continuing Education $ 17,094.00 0.83% Prof.Dues, Books & Pub. $ 27,828.00 1.35% Subtotal Employee Exp. $ 695,137.00 33.64% License & Filing Fees $ 12,114.00 0.59% Bank Charges $ 1,415.00 0.07% Supplies: Travel & Other $ 13,497.00 0.65% OffIC@ $ 46,586.00 2.25% SubtOtal MiSC. $ 54,854.00 2.65% Surveying, Drafting & Reprod. $ 57,900.00 2.80°k Postage $ 12,851.00 0.62% Depreciation $ 153,004.00 7.40% Subtotal Supplies $ 117,337.00 5.68% Cost of Facilities Capital $ 35,638.00 1.72% Building & Equipment Building Rent $ 165,261.00 8.00% Total Gen. & Admin. OM $ 1,682,665.00 81.42°/a Telephone $ 35,842.00 1.73% Maint.Agree. & Computer R&M $ 36,246.00 1.75% Auto Expense $ 85,776.00 4.15% Summary: Repairs & Maint. $ 18,459.00 0.89% TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS $ 1,584,325.00 76.66% Other Equip. Leases $ 33,474.00 1.62% TOTAL GEN. & ADMIN. O/H $ 1,682,665.00 81.42% Subtotal Build. & Equip. $ 375,058.00 18.15% TOTQL G&A + FRINGE BEN. $ 3,266,990.00 158.08% EXHIBIT G-3 Universal Field Services, inc. Statement of Direct Labor, Fringe Benefits and General Overhead For the Year Ended October 31, 2008 FAR FDOT DisallowAnce Total Unallowable Unallowable Allotivable Keference Costs Costs Costs Costs , Direct Labor $ 20,323,037 $ - $ - $ 20,323,037 rringe Senefits Paid leave $ 1,463,986 $ - $ - $ 1,463,986 Payroll taxes 2,133,204 - - 2,133,204 ~ ~ Group insurance 929,533 - - 929,533 401(k) matching contribution 152,755 - - 152,755 ' Workers' compensation 251,413 - - 251,413 Totat fc-inge benefits $ 4,930,891 $ 4,930,891 General Overhead ` Indirect labor $ 2,614,665 $ - s - $ 2,614,665 , Rentals 329,935 - - 329,935 ~ Maintenance and repair 94,680 - - 94,680 ; Air travel 31.205-46(d) 42,552 (300) - 42,252 Other travel 31.205-46(a)(2); 112.061(6) 59,495 (6,818) (4,023) 48,654 Entertainment 31.205-14 44,574 (44,574) - - ' Mileage 112.061(7)(d)(1) 34,959 - (15,798) 19,161 ! Automotive expense 29,356 - - 29,356 Insurance 99,387 - - 99,387 ~ Life insurance 31.205-19(2)(vi) 178 (178) - - ; Telephone 75,462 - - 75,462 E Professional fees 31.205-3 494,139 (26,332) - 467,807 ~ ! Advei-tising/public relations 31.205-1 79,132 (79,] 32) ' " Sponsorship of professional 52,550 52,550 ~ meetings ' ' - " ~ Depreciation 31.205-6(m)(2) 144,522 (9,008) - 135,514 { Interest 31.205-20 40,172 (40,172) - - Bad debt expense 31.205-3 (44,400) 44,400 - - Taxes 3577645 - - 357,645 , Dues and subscriptions 31.205-1(f)(7); 31.205-14 22,371 (1,471) - 20,900 ~ Tuition 41,943 - - 41,943 ; ~ Contributions 31.205-8 1,250 (1,250) - - ; Loss on sale of assets . (15,096) - - (15,096) ~ Supplies and miscellaneous 169,939 - - 169,939 ~ Total general overhead $ 4,769,410 $ (164,835) $ (19,821) $ 4,584,754 ~ i e 1 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial staternent. ~ -4- 0 EXHIBIT G-3 (Cont.) Univarsal Field Services, Inc. - Notes ta Statement n# Direct Labor, Frings Bene#its and General Overhead Dctober 31, 2008 Nafe A - Tiie Company Universal Field Services, Inc. {t}le CDTripariy) Provides nght-of-vVa~ acqUiSitiQn ServiCeS to gvvet"tu]1ct1tS, ~ felecarnmLirucations entities, pipeline companies, utilities azld airports. , ; The Cainpany was founded in 1958 aiYd has appraxiinately 24 percent governmental con#racts €ar this fiscal ; year, with the remaining being conunercial contracts, Revenue ss recogiiized nn the accrual method for ~ cost-reimbursa6le contrac#s. The pet-centage completion inethod is used for f xed price contracts. ' , Note B y Basis Of AccnuBtiag A-ud Descripfion Of Accountittg Systems ~ i ~ ~ `Ihe Cornpany's polioy xs ta prepare its overhead scheclules, which support #he Sfatcment of Direc[ L,a~or, Fzinge Beneits and General Overhead, an the laasis o#` aecaunting practices presraihed by Subpads 9900 and 31 oF ttic Federal Acquisifion Regulations (FAR), 5ection 112.061 of the Flarida Statutes, and FIorida . Departrnent vf Maaagement Services Rule 60L-9. Accort3ingly, the above-metxtianed statement is not ; iiitended to present the resul-ts of opera#ivn of 'the Company in conformity with generally accepted ; accounfing principles. ~ i I The Company maintai-ns a J'vb-order cost accaunting system fvr the recording and accumulating af costs ~ incurred under its contracts. Each project is assigLzed a job number st~ that casts xnay be segregated and ~ accumulated in the Company's j oh-order cost Rccounting system. The CoinpaAy's me#had of estim.ating costs far pricing purposes during the praposal pracess is consistent with the accumuI atian and reporting of costs under its job-orcler cost accaunting system. ~ Nvte C , Allowable Uverhead Rates ~ ~ ~ i The. followi.ng summarizes the stlawable overhead rates inaurred by the Company for the year ended ~ ~ +October 31, 2008: } 1 DeSC1'lptl0n FAR FDOT ~ f I Fr'1iig6 j7eI1efit rate 24.3% 24.3% ; Geileral vverhead rate 22.6% 22.5% Combin,ed rate 46.9% 46.8°la ~ ~ ~ Effective 5eptember 30, 2005, #he maximurn combined rate a1lowed by FDOT is 168 percent far harnc ~ office arid 121 percent for field affice, Al1 casts relating to project offices maintained by Universal Field S ervices, Inc., are directly chargsd to j obs; thexefore, the Company does not maintain field offices. ~ EXHIBIT G-3 GEOENGINEERS, INC. STATEMENT OF DIRECT LABOR, FRINGE BENEFITS, AND GENERAL OVERHEAD FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMIBER 31, 2007 Total Reference % of Reported Adjustments For Allowabla Direct Key Costs To RepoRed Adjustments Costs Labor DIRECT LABOR $ 12.506,659 - $ 12,506,659 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 Payroll Taxes 1,998,304 (218,867) A 1,779,438 2 Group Insurarrce 1,584,740 - 1,584,740 3 Warkefs Compensation 116,995 - 116,995 4 Vacation, Holiday and Sick Pay 2,646,503 - 2,646,503 Profit Sharing and - 39 401(k) Contributions 1,006,701 - 1,006,701 42 Bonuses 5,400,585 (2,382,286) 3,018,299 Total Fringe Beneflts 12,753,829 (2,601.153) 10,152.676 81.18% GENERAL OVERHEAD 5 Non-8illable Labor 7,610,221 (514,247) A 7,095,874 6 OffEce Rent 8 Maintenance 2,375,529 - 2,375,529 7 Telecammunications 487,385 (250) A 487,135 8 Texes 554,182 22,506 B 576,687 9 Stationery end Supplies 398,839 1,908 A,C,D 400,747 10 Adminlsfrative Travel 678,515 (6,468) A 672,047 Pratessional Dues, MeaLngs - 11 and Licenses 506,717 (287,673) A 219,044 12 Depreciation 1,153,752 (396) E 1,153,356 Equipment Rental 13 and Maintenance 451,195 - 451,195 25 Bad Debt 66,444 (66,444) F - 14 Professional Consuttants 790,740 (10,500) G 780,240 Direct SeAing, Proposals and , - 15 Economic Planning • 587,086 (358,789) A 228,297 16 Field and Laboratory Supplies (303,589) 462,334 H 158,745 17 Insurance 580,432 1,112 I 581,544 Computer Maintenance - 18 and Saftware 886,418 (440) A 885,978 20 Facilities Capital Cost of Money - 198,749 J 198,749 19 Reauiting and Relocation 744,518 (316,940) K 427,578 28 Amortization of Goodwiil 262,966 (262,966) L - 27 ContribuUons 43,486 (43,486) L - 29 FineslpenaltiesJunaitowable 20,900 (20,900) L - 26 Camputer technology oHset (1,576,043) 1,576,043 M - TotalOverhead 16,319,689 373,154 16,692.842 133.47°,6 Total Fringe Benefits and General Ovefiead $ 29,073,518 $(2,227.899) $ 28,845,518 214.65°/b GeoEngineers, Inc. Notes to Schedule For Overhead Calaulatfon for December 31, 2007 A Dlsallowed marketing adivities B State income taxes C Credit tor supplies added back to ovefiead because not permitted as direct expense D Remove 100°,6 of Kitchen Supplies E Deprectation adjusted for net loss on the sale of fixed assets F Remove 100% of bad debt expense G Remove tee for Income tax preparation ' H Credit for field equipment added back to overhead because not permitted as direct expense I Remove keyman insurance expense J Facilities capital cost money permitted by FARs K Employee Relatlons and Employee Meals exGuded entirely L Remove 100% of disallawed expenses M Credit for computer technology edded back to ovefiead because not permitted as direct expense ExhibJt H Tifle VJ Assurances During the perfarmance ofthis AGR.EEMENT, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interesk agrees as follows: 1. Cvrnpliance with Regulations: The CONSZJL7'AIVT shall compfy with the Regulations relative to non- discriminatian in federally assisted programs of #he ACxENCY, Title 49, Code of Feder-al Regulations, Part 2 1, as they rrtay be atnended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as -the "REGLTLA.TIONS°'), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part ofthis AGREEMENT. 2. Non-discrimination: The C[]NS[JLTARTT, with regard ta the work perfvrmed daring the AG1i,EE1'VIENT, shall nat discriminate an the grounds of race, cnlor, sex, or national arigin in the selection and retention of sub-consultants, including procurement ofnlaterials and leases ofequipment. The C(]NSULTANT sha11 not participate citlier direc.tly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by SectiQn 21.5 ofthe REGL~'LATCONS, including employment practices when the AGREEMENT cavers a program se# forth in A,p}aendix Bof the REGULATiONS. 3. Solicitations for Sub-consultants, Yncluding Procurernent of Materials and Equiprnent: In all solicitations either by cvtnpetitive bidding or negotiativns made by the COiNSUL7'ANT far work to be performed under a sub-contract, inc[uding pracurement of materials or leases of equipment, each potential sub- consultant or supplier shall be nQtified by the C+DNSULTANT of the CONSULTANT's obligatians under this AGREEIVENT and #he REGULATCQNS rela#ive to non-discrinninatian on fihe grounds of race, color, sex, nr national origin. 4. Infortnatian and RepoYts: 'I'he CONSULTANT sha11, provide all infoxrriativn and regorts required by the REGULATI(]NS or directiues issued pursuant thereto, and shall perrnit access tn its 'books, recards, acaounts, other sources of inforrnatian, and its facilities as may be determined by AGENCY, ST,ATE or the Federal Highway Administrativn (FHV1{A} to he ,~ertinent to ascertain campliance with such REGULATIONS, orders and instructions. Where any inforrnativn required of a. CONSULTA.NT is in the exclusive possession of anvther whQ fails or refuses to furnish this infarmation, the CDN5UL`cANT shall so certify to the AGENCY, STATE or the FHWA as apprapriate, and shalt set forth what efforts it Mas rnade #o obtain the inforrnati,on. 5. Sanctians far r1'on-cornpliance: In the event of tYte CONSLTLTANT'S non-compliance with the non- discrimination provisions of this AGREEIlENT, the AGENCY shall irnpase such AGREENiENT sanctions as it, the STATE ar the FHWA may determine ta be appropriate, including, but not limited to: * Withholding of payments to the CDNSULTAN7" under the AGREEMENrI' until the C0NSUL7'ANT cornplies, andlor; . •Cancellation, termination, ot suspensian ofthe AGREEMENT, in whole or in part DDT Form 14.R-Q89 EF Exhibit FC Revised 6105 6. Incorporation of Provisions: The CONSULTANT shall include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (5) in every sub-contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the REGULATIONS, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The CONSULTANT shall take such action with respect to any sub-consultant or procurement as the AGENCY, STATE or FHWA may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance. Provided, however, that in the event a CONSULTANT becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a sub-consultant or supplier as a result of such direction, the CONSULTANT may request the AGENCY and the STATE enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the AGENCY and the STATE and, in addition, the CONSULTANT may request the United States enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. Exhibit I Payment Upon Termina#ion o-f Agr~ement By the Agency QtherThan for Faultof the Consultant (Refer to Agreement, Sectivn IX) Lump Surrt Cantrac#s A f.inal payment shall be made ta the CONSULTANT which when added ta any payments previously made shall total the same percentage of the Lump Sum Amount as -the work campleted at the time of terminatian is to the total work required for the PROJECT. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be paid far any autharized extra work campleted. Cost PJus Fixed Fee Gontracts A finaX payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT which when added to any payments previously rnade, shall total the actual casts plus the same percentage af the fixed fee as the work completed at the time oftermination i,s to the total wvark required far the Pro,ject. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be paid for any autharized extra work compXeted, Specific Rates of Pay Contract,s A final payment shall be made to the CONS[.TI1TA'NT for actual hours charged at the time af termination caf this AGREEIVIENT plus any direc# nonsalary costs incurred at the time of ternainatian ofthis AGR.EEMENT. Cast Per Uni# of Vllork Cvntracts A fiinal payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT fnr actual units of work coffiple#ed at the tirne of termination of this AGR.EEPVTEhrT. dDT Form 140-089 EFExhibit I Revised 6105 Exhibit J Aileged Consultant Design Error Procedures The purpose of this exhibit is to establish a procedure to determine if a consultant's alleged design error is of a nature that exceeds the accepted standard of care. In addition, it will establish a uniforcn method for the resolution and/or cost recovery procedures in those instances where the agency believes it has suffered some material damage due to the alleged error by the consultant. Step 1- Potential Consultant Design Error(s) is Identified by Agency's Project Manager At the first indication of potential consultant design error(s), the first step in the process is for the Agency's project manager to notify the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer regarding the potential design error(s). For federally funded projects, the Region Highways and Local Programs Engineer should be informed and involved in these procedures. (Note: The Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer may appoint an agency staff person other than the project manager, who has not been as directly involved in the project, to be responsible for the remaining steps in these procedures.) Step 2- Project Manager pocuments the Alleged Consultant Design Error(s) After discussion of the alleged design error(s) and the magnitude of the alleged error(s), and with the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer's concurrence, the project manager obtains more detailed documentation than is normally required on the project. Examples include: all decisions and descriptions of worlc; photographs, records of labor, materials and equipment. Step 3- Contact the Consultant Regarding the Alleged Design Error(s) If it is determined that there is a need to proceed further, the next step in the process is for the project manager to contact the consultant regarding the alleged design error(s) and the magnitude of the alleged error(s). The project manager and other appropriate agency staff should represent the agency and the consultant should be represented by their project manger and any personnel (including sub-consultants) deemed appropriate for the alleged design error(s) issue. Step 4- Attempt to Resolve Alleged Design Error with Consultant After the meeting(s) with the consultant have been completed regarding the consultant's alleged design error(s), there are three possible scenarios: • It is determined via muhial agreement that there is not a consultant design error(s). If this is the case, then the process will not proceed beyond this point. • It is determined via mutual agreement that a consultant design error(s) occuned. If this is the case, then the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer, or their representatives, negotiate a settlement with the consultant. The settlement would be paid to the agency or the amount would be reduced from the consultant's agreement with the agency for the services on the project in which the design error took place. The agency is to provide H&LP, through the Region DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit J Revised 6l05 Local Programs Engineer, a summary of the settlement for review and to make adjustments, if any, as to how the settlement affects federat reimbursements. No further action is required. • There is not a mutual agreement regarding the alleged consulta.nt design error(s). The consultant may request that the alleged design error(s) issue be forwarded to the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer for review. If the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer, after review with their legal counsel, is not able to reach mutual agreement with the consultant, proceed to Step 5. Step 5- Forward Documents to Highways and Local Programs For federally funded projects all available information, including costs, should be forwarded through the Region Highways and Local Programs Engineer to H&LP for their review and consultation with the FHWA. H&LP will meet with representatives of the agency and the consultant to review the alleged design error(s), and attempt to find a resolution to the issue. If necessary, H&LP will request assistance from the Attorney General's Office for legal interpretation. H&LP will also identify how the alleged error(s) affects eligibility of project costs for federal reimbursement. • If mutual agreement is reached, the agency and consultant adjust the scope of work and costs to reflect the agreed upon resolution. H&LP, in consultation with FHWA, will identify the amount of federal participation in the agreed upon resolution of the issue. • If mutual agreement is not reached, the agency and consultant may seek settlement by arbitration or by litigation. Exhibit K Consultant Claim Procedures The purpose of this exhibit is to describe a procedure regarding claim(s) on a consulta.nt agreement. The following procedures should only be utilized on consultant claims greater than $1,000. Ifthe consultant's claim(s) are a total of $1,000 or less, it would not be cost effective to proceed through the outlined steps. It is suggested that the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer negotiate a fair and reasonable price for the consultant's claim(s) that total $1,000 or less. This exhibit will outline the procedures to be followed by the consultant and the agency to consider a potential claim by the consultant. Step 1- Consultant Files a Claim with the Agency Project Manager If the consultant determines that they were requested to perform additional services that were outside of the agreement's scope of work, they may be entitled to a claim. The first step that must be completed is the request for consideration of the claim to the Agency's project manager. The consultant's claim must outline the following: • Summation of hours by classification for each firm that is included in the claim; • Any correspondence that directed the consultant to perform the additional work; • Timeframe cf the additional work that was outside of the project scope; • Summary of direct labor dollars, overhead costs, profit and reimbursable costs associated with the additional work; and • Explanation as to why the consultant believes the additional tivork was outside of the agreement scope of work. Step 2- Review by Agency Personnel Regarding the Consultant's Claim for Additional Compensation After the consultant has completed step 1, the next step in the process is to forward the request to the Agency's project manager. The project manager will review the consultant's claim and will met with the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer to determine if the Agency agrees with the claim. If the FHWA is participating in the project's funding, forward a copy of the consultant's claim and the . Agency's recommendation for federal participation in the claim to the WSDOT Highways and Local Programs through the Region Local Programs Engineer. If the claim is not eligible for federal participation, payment will need to be from agency funds. If the Agency project manager, Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer, VVSDOT Highways and Local Programs (if applicable), and FHWA (if applicable) agree with the consultant's claim, send a request memo, including backup documentation to the consultant to either supplement the agreement, or create a new agreement for the claim. After the request has been approved, the Agency shall write the supplement and/or new agreement and pay the consultant the amount of the claim. Inform the consultant that the final payment for the agreement is subject to audit. No further action in needed regarding the claim procedures. DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit K Revised 6/05 If the Agency does not agree with the consultant's claim, proceed to step 3 of the procedures. Step 3- Preparation of Support Documentation Regarding Consultant's Claim(s) If the Agency does not agree with the consultant's claim, the project manager shall prepare a summary for the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer that included the following: • Copy of information supplied by the consultant regarding the claim; • Agency's summation of hours by classification for each firm that should be included in the claim; • Any correspondence that directed the consultant to perform the additional work; • Agency's summary of direct labor dollars, overhead costs, profit and reimbursable costs associated with the additional work; • Explanation regarding those areas in which the Agency does/does not agree with the consultant's claim(s); • Explanation to describe what has been instihited to preclude future consultant claim(s); and • Recommendations to resolve the claim. Step 4- Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer Reviews Consultant Claim and Agency Documentation The Director of Pubic Works or Agency Engineer shall review and administratively approve or disapprove the claim, or portions thereof, which may include getting Agency Council or Commission approval (as appropriate to agency dispute resolution procedures). If the project involves federal participation, obtain concunence from WSDOT Highways and Local Programs and FHWA regarding final settlement of the claim. If the claim is not eligible for federal participation, payment will need to be from agency funds. Step 5- Informing Consultant of Decision Regarding the Claim The Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer shall notify (in writing) the consultant of their final decision regarding the consultant's claim(s). Include the final dollar amount of the accepted claim(s) and rationale utilized for the decision. Step 6- Preparation of Supplement or New Agreement for the Consultant's Claim(s) The agency shall write the supplement and/or new agreement and pay the consultant the amount of the claim. Inform the consultant that the final payment for the agreement is subject to audit. Exhibit M-1(a) Cer#ification Of Consultant Project No. Local Agency Spokane Valley I hereby certify that I am Dennis Fuller, P.E. and duly authorized representative of the firm of Century West Engineering Corp. whose address is 1824 N. Hutchinson Road, Spokane Valley, WA. 99212 and that neither I nor the above firm I here represent has: , (a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) to solicit or secure the AGREEMENT; (b) Agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying ottt this AGREEMENT; or (c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out this AGREEMENT; except as hereby expressly stated (if any); I acknowledge that this certificate is to be available to the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation in connection with this AGREEMENT involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. 2/13/2009 Date Signature DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit M-1(a) Revised 6/05 Exhibit M-1(b) Certification Of Agency Official I hereby certify that I am the AGENCY Official of the Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley , Washington, and that the consulting firm or its representative has not been required, directly or indirectly as an express or implied condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this AGREEMENT to: (a) Employ or retain, or agree to employ to retain, any firm or pei•son; or (b) Pay, or agree to pay, to any firm, person, or organization, any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind; except as hereby expressly stated (if any): I acknowledge that this certificate is to be available to the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, in connection with this AGREEMENT involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. Date Signature DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit M-1(b) Revised 6/OS Exhibit M-2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters-Primary Covered Transactions I. The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; B. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission or fi-aud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; C. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (I) (B). of this certification; and D. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. II. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. Consultant (Firm): Century West Engineering Corp. . 2/13/2009 (Date) (Signature) President or Authorized Official of Consultant DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit M-2 Revised 6105 Exhibit M-3 Certification Regarding The Restrictions of The use of Federal Funds for Lobbying The prospective participant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her knowledge and be(ief, that: 1.No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agc-eement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts which exceed $100,000 and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Consultant (Firm): Century West Engineering Corp. 2/13/2009 . (Date) '(Sig ature) President or Authorized Official of Consultant DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit M-3 Revised 6105 Exhibit M-4 Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the cost or pricing data (as defined in section 15.401 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and required under FAR subsection 15.403-4) submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing, to the contracting officer or to the contracting officer's representative in support of Evergreen &32nd Road Improvements * are accurate, complete, and current as of February 13, 2009 This certification includes the cost or pricing data supporting any advance agreements and forward pricing rate agreements between the offeror and the Government that are part of the proposal. Firm Century West Engineering Corp. Name Century West Engineering Corp. ~ Title President Date of Execution* February 13, 2009 ~ Identify the proposal, quotation, request for price adjustment, or other submission involved, giving the appropriate identifying number (e.g., RFP No.). Insert the day, month, and year when price negotiations were concluded and price agreement was reached. Insert the day, month, and year of signing, which should be as close as practicable to the date when the price negotiations were concluded and the contract price was agreed to. , DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit M-4 Revised 6/05 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action I Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy: ❑ Consent 0 Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Information ❑ Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Deliberations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Subarea Plan must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Council continues deliberations on the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. See attached memo for overview of items to be discussed. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Subarea Plan deliberations will conbnue as directed by Council. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Attachments: 1. February 3 deliberations summary. 2. Memo describing deliberation materials. 3. Revised Sign Chapter 4. Revised Parking Chapter 5. Revised District Zone Regulations Chapter 6. Revised Streets and Open Space Chapter 7. Updated prelocated street maps. i Sprague Appleway Subarea Plan City Council Deliberations Summary February 3, 2009 Prelocated Streets, Access Mgt and Parking Council consensus to adopt staff recommendation as follows: New Streets > Require new streets for new development that exceeds 5 acres > Require new streets as deteRnined by development engineer. Prelocated Street Map > Change prelocated street map to show new n/s streets every 660 feet and east/west streets south of Appleway. Future Ac4uisition Areas > Prelocated streets shall be future acquisition areas. Access Manaqement > Adopt staff recommendations; use hierarchy for access as presented in Parking chapter. Landscapinq > Refer to SVMC for landscaping requirements. Signage . Billboards - Council consensus to maintain cap and replace program as adopted in SVMC EXCEPT that Billboards will not be allowed to be placed within the City Center District zone. Billboards may be animated where permitted by the SARP. . Electronic SiQns - Council consensus to adopt Staff recommendation, specifically which animated signs will be allowed anywhere within the Gateway Commercial zones and along Sprague in the Mixed Use Avenue and Neighborhood Center zones. Animated signs will not be allowed in the City Center. Scrolling and static (non-changing) electronic signs will be allowed everywhere. . Sandwich Boards - Sandwich boards prohibited everywhere. . Freestandinq SiQns - Re-write a} (iv) 3- Gateway Commercial Center. Delete vi), which requires freestanding signs to be part of an overall sign program or plan.' . Window Siqns/Buildinq Identification SiQns - Review Guidelines and re-write for consistency. Split Zoning • Council consensus to allow expansion of existing use if the improvements associated with that use are split by the residential boulevard zone, with conditions of landscaped screening. . s06g1W Va11e y 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Yalley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatlCspokanevaltey.org _ emoran um To: City Council; David Mercier, City Manager From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner CC: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director Date: February 24, 2009 Re: Deliberations Materials This memorandum highlights issues to be discussed at the February 24 deliberations session. The following documents and maps are attached for Council review. Prelocated Streets Updated prelocated street maps showing north/south streets at approximately every 660'. The streets were adjusted to match existing grid patterns where possible and to avoid most buildings. Some future streets still bisect buildings, but these would likely be constructed during large redevelopment projects. Consistent with the recent street vacation of Sipple, only one north/south prelocated street is ~ shown in the Gateway Commercial Area between Park and Dishman-Mica. Sign Chapter A revised Sign Code chapter is attached, with new language regulating building mounted signs. Rather than using the lineal frontage formula for calculating the permitted amount of building mounted signage, staff recommends using a fixed 15% of wall area. Other changes include new language reflecting Council's decisions to allow animated signs and billboards outside the City Center zone, along Sprague Avenue only. Parking Chapter Changes were made to the landscaping sections of the Parking Chapter for consistency with the SVMC. District Zone Regulations The City Center District Zone regulations have been revised to reflect the new City Center site plan, the revisions to the temporary Cfty Center Retail restrictions and allow retail along the north side of Appleway. The split ione regulations have also been revised consistent with Council's direction to allow expansion of a use if the use or physical improvements associated with the use is divided by zone boundaries. Book III: City Actions The finai Subarea Plan Chapter to be discussed by Council is Book lll: City Actions, which includes the City's intended strategic actions and investments to assist the revitalization of the Sprague/Appleway corridor. Book lll discusses the City's intention to develop a City Center anchored with civic buildings. It also includes the future street network and streetscape improvements for Sprague and Appleway. Council has already made a decision on the one-way/two-way issue; however, Council did not discuss if changes should be made to the streetscape in the Gateway Commercial area where the roads will remain one-way. For example, Sprague could be I narrowed to accommodate on-street parking and to allow safer pedestrian crossings. Phasing During initial deliberations, Council discussed the concept of phasing implementation of the SARP in some fashion, deciding to delay further discussions until the entire document had been reviewed. Council may want to revisit the phasing concept. Public Hearing The format of the final public hearing should be discussed by Council, including the scope of public testimony. Council may allow testimony on any aspect of the SARP or may wish to limit testimony to changes made by Council. Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan february 24, 2009 2.6. SIGNAGE REGULATIONS This swtion eontains siandards and guideline-s for signage _ -tc, eruure that signs BouFkdoi-j--arc consistent with the overall quality and character of new development anticipatod for the mrridora. Regulatioas include pecmittod sip typm as well as sign size, loeatiaq tnetaials, iltumination, oolor, and design. WN1C 2?. I 10 is onh 3nnlicahlc wficre cnc:.ificalh- retcr: nced 2.6.1. Genenl Sfgaige Regalationa T'he fullowing definitions yunaleirient t1tc dc(inilians srt forth in SVh4c Apmnditi n and uc intcnded tn dcfin t~rm% u5c_~! ti~_11liir t?;is f I:in Thc f,+llowing ; standaid4, eDd guideltnes Shall apply to all sigtls, rtgsrdless Of tYPe. - - - I 1) Deisitloas I 1~ A Qi m~ tr i t ti i•_ ~ ttElif: :1 t. t1 c' ( ~ n i c 4 i~~~--~f~fl3{1lCt~-6i-- £nN%+Hg-frlgn-~F~I~Fl~-51~~81 ItSCS movemeat or the appearance of movement of a sip disptay through the use of patterns of lighLs, changes in color or light intemity, computexiud special cfficct.s, video dispiay, or ttrough any otber method, chasing or scintillating lights, fluttering or moviag IigMs, lights with stroboscopic effect, or oontniniag elemeats crzsting soimd ar smell, _i I«iroii;, iL, 11,~_0~_,~1l: statie messsge, sc;ne or colur ontr or off a sign board in one direction per messagt . ' ;:!:!rnated sioi2) Awujng: A fnbric-aovered stnicture mounted c+n the facc of rs buildini! abuv4 a windu«, cntranrr, or storefront opcning. ~ 3-;) Canopy: An arctutectural structune made of permanent materials such as metal, wood, etc_ mounted on tbe faoe of a building above a window, entrance, or sione6ront opening. ,4~ t~~tnged---clet- - - - . - - - - C ~ . . _ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . ; _ FoRnatbed: FonG Bold _i - ..1 in WN1C► - - ~ Formatbed: Foct Bold ~ 5(~) E:posed Incandaccnt Bnlb IUuminadoo: 7be illumination of a si.gn by incandcscem bulbs which arc intended w"speU out" letters and numerical characters and/or provide grephic acoents, are mountcd diredly to the faa of the sign, and whosc light-cmiuiag surfsccs arc RWly vist'ble. ~ b_) Esposed Neoo Tube lllumination: Ibe illumination of a sign by noon tubes which arc intendcd to "spcll out" Icttcrs and numcrical charactus and/or provide graphic ecoeaLS, are mounted dirxdy to the face of the sign, and wbose light-cmitting tubes em directly visible. ~ I; Exposed LED 111uminaHoa: The illuminadon ofa sign by ust of Light Emitiing I?iode (LED) sources which are intended to "spell out" leuers and numerical charadecs end/or provick graphic aeceuts, are mounted dimcdy to the fnce ofthe sign, and whose light emiaing surfaoes are directfy visible. ~ 82) E:ternal IUuminatloa: The i7lumination of a sip by projccting lighi on to the facx of the sip from a light source located outside of thc sign, such as "gooseneck" lamps; light soarces are shielded from dircct vizw. ~ 9L► Halo 111uminatioa: The illuminution of a sip by projecting lighi behind sn opuque leiter or emblcm oato the backing panel which results in the appcarance ot "halo" of light around t!e letta or emblem; light souuces are shielded from dircrt view. ~ -WLI) lnternal Wamination: The illumination of a sip by projecting light through trarWuoent paael(s) firom a light soura within an enclosed sign cabinet ~ 44t2J Illuminatcd Opea Cbannel Lettera: The use of letttr-shaped forms to crcatc lcttering within a sign wfiich ste individually enelosed oa the sides and back, are opett at the vrrtical front, and contain light sotuces to M aminatc the letter-shaped volume. 121 .9 Rerdet--boerd:--A 3cE4,f-. €i@t~iE fl~i.~f}~E~S-~f~~r I . . . . ~ : . ' 1 . . f ~ ~ _ , _ _ ' 1 1 , C~ ; ~ 1 I I : t ~ I [ ~ ~ 1 Page 1 of 33 ~ \\SV-LFl\llsers\cbainbrldge\agendapacket 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNCIL Oraft - 2.6 SIGNAGE Regs 2-24- 09.doc I ~ - - - - - . . _ . . _ x . Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 ~ 431 5;j Sign Type: A distinct physical form of sign ia terms of configuratioq placement, orientation, and I siae, independcat of inessage contcat ~ 44 1 G Valaace: The vertical fi-ont facc of e fabric awning, parallel w the faoc of the building to which it is mounted. 4-4.1) VAndow Area: Any window pane or group of window pancs coutained eniircly vvithin glazing I separatvrs (mumtuns, mullions, piers, columns, ctc.) of one and onc qusrtcr (I-'/. ) inches or grester in width. Multiplc window panes dividcd by glazin8 separators less t}uin one and one quarter (1 'h ) inchcs in width shall be coosidened to be a single windaw arca 2) StYndardh l) Sign types shall be permiued according to District Zoae, as indicsited in the Signage Regularions Chart - Figure 2.6. 2) In thc event that a sign falls under more than one sip defmition fcwad withia this Sectioq the aarc restrictive sign rcgulations shall apply. 3} i~, . b}'-&#eGemma ' y ' ec4ar Developmeni 4~) Tcmporary SignS not listed in this secxiun shall be prrmitied 'm thc Plan Area per tbe requ'vemeats of the SVMC Tit1e 22.110.050. ~ 3-1 "Prohibited Signs," noted in tbe SYMC Tide 22.110.020 are not permitted, unless expressly indicated for speci5c sign types and disvict zones indicated in this section. ~ 6,9 "Permit Required" noted in thc SVMC 'Tide 22.110.030 indicates requircments for sign permit~. Unlcss othcnvisc noted, a sign permit is required for all types listcd in this sectioa ~ 7f,) Sign Area Caleulation: unless othmwise noted, sign areas for singic and multiplc-sided signs shall be calcxulated as descn'bed in the SVMC Sign Regulations Sectian 22.110.100, items 2.3 and 4. 8 ) S+gn--Afea it4ed--jkss- other-Aise--noted; + . Y sqt~tar~-e€-te~ ' . he-buiding-a o btilding-- Ffeniege-Ra~i~-l~+~less- . , eeeh a1!-be geFrn;aed~-a~~-~Seti-e~ vd-ori . . g-let-fiontag.e-mev-no • i_ + tii,-! n /1reu h1t~~imuii~ Ljuiiding htounlcd tiinr~; i hc lotal sQUare footape ofbuildine tm►untcd ncrrn,tced in um Han zunc (ii,trict sh:lli ~ cKCVd 15% of lhe waf~itea '1'enanMaccs shall bc cat~ilatcd indiN-iduallv. (3uilding, mciuntrJ ~iL{p Fic cnlculsrtrtl inclu~_ Wall Signs_ Roof Siens_ A~vnine \'alsncc SiQn~, Atr~vc /I~~nin~.SiQn~ . `.,ove Canonv Siunc. CanQpV Fascia Siens. Rcres~: l i . ~ ' ~ . . _ ~ _ . ~ t; + 2 for rn;~,dmtint -iic st:;ndards f,,r inditiidual sirn, . 9; ) Signs shell not display animation unles5 othecwise nuted, except standard barbcr polzs and timc und tcmpcrature signs- 40,,) Woe&onie-sign s ate permitted. 1.!i ln IhcCiate%v;tv C(immcl'ctAl Ccnicr u;id C'ummci~:i;il A% .nuc %()t'.cs. i b) Anv%vhere alonQ Snra¢ue Avenuc EXCEPT in ('in• Gentcr nistrici `/.onc (unimuied sistns are nat rmitted in Ifx Civ., Ccntcr District 'Lanc) Page 2 of 33 \\.Sl/-LFi\Users\cbainbrldge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\5ARP COUNQL Oraft - 2.6 SIGNAGE Regs 2-24 09.da . Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalizatioa Plan rcbnwy aa, 2009 444,f--tn--the Gaw -effH*ef..ia - i-Zo~ . kileelfeni Offiqe: I' I, Ntl►Z-if111i1:liCiJ cI[cIfolltl' S!g[15 :Ifi ncrtnitted in nll distri,:t znrtes. includint, ScTUllli1e ~nip~111'LIl1R1i'f1C ' sIL'(l5. [1P_lc a[1d lCiIlivC:illlle StQIIs, 11) Commercial messages which ideatify, sdvertise, or attrad attention to a bLLSinm product, service, or event or activity sold, existin& or offered elsewhere than upon the same property where the sign is displaYed we exFressIY Prohibited. 12) All issires not spocifically addressed herein shall be addressed pursuant to the SVMC Title 22.110 Sign RcSulatiocs. 13) In the event of a conflid between this Section and any other Ciry codc, the peovisa[s of this Section shaIl apply. 14) Monument and &mstmuding signs shall not obswre any firt 58htin8 appliance, including but not limited w fire 6ydrants, fin connctxions, etc. 15) Signs shall not obstrud the dear view triangle ar points of ingress/egress. 1 r,? I1il!toards sl~ill b: rrtiulatcd f~~ 5omion 221 ►U I'to l=X('FP'C ttiai relucatq;1 hilltwurds Firr erutiibiLd in the C'in~ Ccntrt 1~ictrict 7,nne rtncl ma.- Fc conetriictect ~r,1v ~n SPra~ue A~~cniie in ~tll nther 3) Guiddines 1) [n gcneral, natural oonstruction materials such as wood, metals, ceramic, glass, and sione should be used for visible oomponcNs of signs. Synthetic mnteciuls should only be LLsed if they are designed to be indistinguishable from the recommended naairal materials, ar if they have a secondary or minof visual presence. Msterials subject to yellowing from light exposun or ege such as polycarbonate should nat be tucd. 2) Intemally iitvminated "caa" signs consisting of redangular eoclosiu+es with Iarge transluoent plasiic sign fBa:.s should not be used. If uscd, one nf the €ollowing tnatmeats s6ould bc spplied: (a) A sheet melal ar opc:que sign surJQCe with IetterJ cut out Jo that only letter ahapes or outlines are dtumirated from within by tronslucerd swfaces; (b) Or, a color scheme of trcroslucent pa»els with dark cola-,ed backgrourid wlth light colored lrtlrrs. 3) Rccommended exposod and noa-exposed fllumination (light source) typcs includt incandescent, halogeq ncon, warm-white encapsulated oompad fluoresceat, warm-whitc encapsulatcd induction lamps, and LED light souracs. Facposed spiral-tubt campact fluorescent, fluorcsant tube, metal halide, nnd cald-cattwde light souroes should only be used for non-exposcd illuminatioq i.e. where lamps are shielded from view. High pcrssure sodium and low pressarc sodium light souras are not rec:vmmended due W their color. The use of energy-efLcieat Ulumination sourccs is encouraged. 4) For legi'bility, oontrasting colors sbould be used for the color of the hackground and the color of the Ieticrs or symbols. Light Ietters on a darlc backgnnund or dark letters on a light baccgound are mo6i Icgible. 5) C,olors ar color oombinations that interferc with the legbility of the sign vopy shauld be avoided. Too many oolors can conRue the messagc of a sign 6) Fluoresoent oolors sbould aot bc used as predomineai colors icw permancnt sigas or on thcir structural supports (exoept as raryired for mimicipal traffic and public safety signs). Whcn fluorescent oofors arz used as part ottemporar-Y signa_e, tfiev should bt limitecl to tcn (10) square frct of sign area Exr Cui;xde per establishmcnt. Page 3 of 33 \\.SV-LFl\UselSkbainbrldkje\agmdapadcet 02-2409\,SARP2-2409'tiSARP COUr4CIL Graft - 2.6 SIGrInGE Regs 2-2-1- 09.do[ i Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 7) Sign dcsign, inciuding color, should be appropriate to the establishment, conveying a sease of what rype of business is beivg advutised. 8) The location of all permanent signs should be inoorporated into the architectural dtsign and campnsition of the bwlding. Plac.tiement of signs should be considercd an intcgral pari of the ovcrall fa;ade dcsign. Locations shovld be carefully composed and align wiffi major architectural katures. 9) Storefront signage shouid help crcstc architoctural variety from establishmeQt W establishmenL In muld-tenant buildings, signagc should be used to creste interest and variety. 10) All signs (iactucting temporary signs) should pneseot a neat snd eligned appcaraaa- 11) All signs (including temporary signs) should be constrwcted and installed un7iung the srrvices of a professional sign fabricator. I ~ Page 4 of 33 \\SV-LFi\Users\cbainbridge\agendapacioet 02-24-09`SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.6 SIGNA►GE Regs 2-24 09.da V"" . • ~ • • . Council Draft Sprague/Applewa}' Revitalization Plan Fcbruary 24. 2009 ' _ _ ! n.~■a~"''-i ''~z.~.l_-~-i..~-~ -s~-'~~~' ~"J ~ ~ .~.i- MWMM~~ wG ~ ~ ~ ~ • .o.a.a. oiar.,cr soress ai,.r ~ Sign Code Table belongs here. PageSof33 \\SY-LFl\t.lsPSS\cbainbridge\age►dapadcet 02-24-09~SARP2-24-09\SW OOUNQL DraR - 2.6 SIGNAGE Regs 2•24 09.doc ~ - } _ - • _ . . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 A propetty's pcrmitied siga types arc determined by its District Zone as shown on the Figure 2_6 Signagc Rcgulations ( Chart Specific rcstrictions arc noted on thc chsrt for e-particular combinaiioati of District Zone and Sign Type. For the parposes of this plan, the following Sign Typcs arc established (soe tbe summary illustration of Sign Types oa the following pagcs): 1) Grsnd Projccting Sign 2) Marqua Sign 3) Wall Sign 4) Roof Sign S) Monument Sign 6) Freestanding Sign 87) Blade Sign 95) Projcctiag Sign 494) Awning Face SiLzn 4.40) Awning Valance Sign 4-2t I Avrming Side Sign 4-312 Abave Avming Sign 4-413 Utder Awaing Sign Canopy Fascia Sign 16 i 9 Above Ganopy Sign 441(1) Undcr Canopy Sign 48iD Rxessed Eatry S ign 141 S) Window Sign 2,011)) Time and TcntperaWre Sign 2420 Building Identification Canopy Fascia Sign 2?_I ) Building Identification Wall Sign 23_Z?) E3uitd'mg Idcntificatioa Wiadow Sign I 24.'.~) "1'cmporary Signs Suindards nnd Guidclincs for cach Sign '1 ypc arc listed on the pagcs that fe,Iln« I ~ Page 6 0# 33 \\.SV-LFIWserskbainbridge\agendapacicet 02-2409\SARP2-24-09\,SARP COUNQL Oraft - 2.6 SIGNAGE Regs 2-24 09.doc + 3t~~.r►. ~ ~ ' . ~ , ~ - _ • • ~ ~ ' elApPle"yay P-eVitalizailon Plan 24,2049 Council TJcaft SPmv FcbruarY ~ 3 - 2 + 1 ~ Ta 4a -j R J . yy b 5 ~ ~ 4 ~ "r ~ 4; r- . _ ~ { - - i- ► - ~ t . E"'"(1 r i1 - LD ~ r~. f • f,t , _ _ ~ j~~ 4- ~ - ~,~,;k~t 3 ; . ~ f~, r•~ i~x~.~~ i•S~ ~ s • ~.s~• ~ f ► 'e!y r • S ~N~ ~ -2.b SIGNA« R~ 2-24 page 7 af 33 ~ p2-24-09~~-24a9\-`'~' \15V"►FI\~~~inb~tdge1~9O'~ p9.cloc Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 F, 21 , 13 , 14 r. ~ j • ~+'i .n~^lyl'_~ r''^ ~ ~~F~ 'Y ~w ~7 ~;ti tg ~ =o z: , ",q~; ~ , ~r 4.y~'!:: hine with 15 ~ ~ i..y'_~ ly ~ - r"'•~ ~ =3 24 =6 - =7 fi BB IdL, r ~ ~ l~~' I • ~ ~ t ~ - - - ~ I~ ~ f " - 6.2. StH1l.%R1' OR 8icx 7'Yr[s %np 1 S 1 S 1.ri Page 8 of 33 \\SV-LF1\USerskbainbridge\a9endapadcet 02-2409\SARP2-24-09`SARP OOUNQL Draft - 2.6 SIGNAGE Regs 2-24 09.doc . . - ;-c _~r - " - ° ~ ~i- - t", •'-'~-.i..s. ~st.,7 .~T' ~ •a'- ~i ' .ic t• A. s~' t` • ~o" ~ l . . . . ~f. . sw.i~/~.~V e~VQi~,... A' ~ ~ ^__-iZ y ~J • -"il~,~~ I~G~~~ev_..+.' . 4'•j~~'~~~~~~w , ~2~ ' 1i~ . . Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan FeenuL,y za, 2009 1) Graed ProjectiaE Sip Grand Projxting Signs art tall, vertically orieaEed signs which projeci 5rom the building perpendicular to the faigadc and which arz stracturelly inocgrated into the buildiag. a) Standards i) Onty one (I) Grand Projeaing Sign shall be permittcd pcr establishment ii) Tbc arm of Grand Projecting Signs shall not couni tawards the total rz n„ine;!_sign ana peFmined _ ,`huildine wtnintrd iii) Grand Projzcting Sigas s6all bc no taUa tbaa thirty (30) fat from the bottom-mast put of the sign to the tallest part of the sign. iv) Onty the following types of estabtishments may use animstion on Grand Projectmg Signs: night clubs, movic thc.aters, and live pcrformance tlmters witfi a capxity of 200 persons or gzater. When uscd, animation shall cansisi of flashing ar chasc lights oaly; light sourccs shall bc of incandescent, neon, or LED type onty. Fiashing xenoa strobe lights and rotating lights shall not be peRnitted, v) Grand Projerting Signs shaall projxi ao more tban six (6) fcei from the fapdc ofthe building. vi) No portion of a Grand ProjecNng Sign shall be lower thaa twelvc (12) fect above the kvel of the sidevrnik or other public right-of-way over which it projerts. vii) Ltttcc widtb ahall not excred two-thQds (2!3) of the sign width. viii) No portioa of a Grand Projecting Sign shall extead more than ten (10) feet above the roofline. b) Goidelines i) As promineM landmark featuros, the positioe of orand Projecring Signs should be architecturalty composed relative to importent feahucs of the building's fa*e dcsign - for cxample, located symrnetrically wiihin the hipWe, or aligned with the primary entrance. ii) Exposed trmtcrials used in Grand Projecting Signs shoutd be metal and paint oaly. iii) Grand Projcctmg Signs should be illuminated by cxposed noon tube illuminntioq expostd incandesceat bulb illumiaation, aadlor LED iUuminatioa only. iv) l.ettcrs should be orieoted right-sidc-up and smckod in n single upright row with the &rst letter bcing at the top of the sign and the lasi letter being ai the bottom. Page 9 of 33 \\SV-lFl\Users\tbainlxidge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.6 SI6NA('aE Regs 2-24- 09.doc . _ - - .r. . . . , : r_ _ . , . + i- . ; r. . . _ ♦s..~, i._.. , . . . ....-~-'i.a -V,~.~_ . .r:T - Council Draft Sprague/Applcway RevitalizBtion Plan Fcbrusry 24. 2009 1 t s~ . " n~ . fe ~ _ Q [ Y 0 r ~ ~ L~==~ ~ 1) ORAND PROlECTLNG S1GN Page 10 of 33 \LSV-LFi\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09%SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.6 SIGNAGE Regs 2-24- 09.doc . :y-. " ; _ _ . . . _ _ . - - ' , - - • _ r, • . , . , . ,'ttii` - . _ =F . i Council lhaft SpraguelAppleway Subarea Piun -Sign Regulations October 1, 2009 2) Marquee Sigs Marqua Signs are large, canopy-1ike structures moumed over the entmnce to a theater that inctude one or more reader boarcfs. a) Staodirds i) Marquee Signs shall be permitttd only at mavie theffires, live perfoRnance tbeatres, or aight cluhs - with a capacity of 200 per9oas or greater. ii) Marquee Signs shall only be locatcd d'uecdy above ttie primary public entranac of the thcatre. iii) Only ooe (1) Marquee Sign s6a11 be pecmiaed per estabtishmeat iv) The area of Marquce Signs shall not couni towards thee total p~,,rnittcd sign area POFMille~ bs.ged-en-dve4;ttteef F-reniage-Ratia•~f huiltiing r;ounted si:,n5 v) Marquee Signs shall have no more than three (3) faaes. 71e total arca of all faas of a marquee sign shall not exaed five hundred (500) squsre 6cct vi) Marquee Signs may use animaiion of sip lighting. When used, miimation shall consist of flashing or chase lights only; ligbt sources shall be of incendescal, neoq or LID type oaly. Flashing xcnon "strabe" lights and rotating lights shall not be permitted. vii) Marquee signs shall project no more than twelve (12) fcet from the fagade of tt►e buildin& vii)No portian of a Marquee Sign stjall be lower than eight (8) feet above the level of the sidewalk or other public right-of-way aver which it projects. b) Guidelines i) Exposed materials used in Marquee Signs should be metal and pairn only, with the exaption that plastic may be used for resder boards. ii) Marquee Signs should be illuminat,ed by exposeci neon mbe illuanination, exposed incandescent bulb Mumination, and/or LED illuminmion only, with the exccption that reeder boards may use iMemal illumination. Page 11 of 33 I {~~-=4y"=-r~;•1~jAL.'~r-i~c~w..~r.'.ti~-..a...'i:c..3:a1`y1.r,r~.±•,.~..r~~Ci.}tr~..-flsi'CSh~i[p~ . r.t±'-'t.r- - - . _ . . . . . . , _ , • ..s- . . . Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulations October 1, 2008 ~ t c ~ 7 . ~ t O- a ~ r ~1 ~ ~ 2) 1111RQUEE S1G\ 3) Wa115jgns 'A'all Signs tin; signs which tue located on, and pfuallel to, u building wall. a) Staodards i) Wall Signs shall ocily be permitted for non-residcntial uses with a dedicated ground floor cntrance. u) Wall Signs shall only be mounted on a wall area below the second floor level. Exceptioa Wall Signs may be mouirted above the second floor level on an architectural tower configured to display wall signs. iii) No Wall Sign shali exceed one hundred fifty (150) square fieet in siu. lndividual businesses are allowed a minimum thirty-two 32 square foot sign. iv) Only the foilowing types of estnblishments are permitted to use animated Wall Signs, and only below the secand tloor levcl: night clubs, movie theaters, and live performance theaters- - with a capacity of greatet than t«v hundrrd (200) person,s. When used, aaimution sh:sll consist of flaghing ar chase lights only; light sources shsill be of incandescent, neon, or. LED type only. Flashing xenon strobe lights and rotating lights shall not be peRnitted v) Wall Signs shall project no more thaan one fifteen (15) inches &om the faqade of the building vi) Menu or Menu Case Wall Signs: discrcte wall-mounted signs or sign cases containing restaurant menus: (1) Sha11 be mounied at the ground iloor fapde of a restaurant or cafe with indaor or outdoor seating. (2) Shall be limited to the siu of two pagcs of tbe menu utilized by the restaurant plus the Game. (3) Shall not prutrude more than three (3") inches from the faode. Lettering shall not exceed one (1 in height. Page 12 of 33 00 . _ . _ . . _ _ _ < < • . J , . _ . , t . . _ _ ~+~_s!~'A~!''~-!i_-,. _ - _ ~ _ - Council I)rsit Spra--uc'App1<<~a~tiLihUffCa (4) Shall not exceed onc sign or sign case per *a:i, (S) Shall not couut towards the total sign area pern, : . . . t . 1-1 (6) Shall be IIliuninatcd by indirect illumination only. vu) Barber poles: (1) Any barber shop shall be eatitled to display one (1) barber pole in addition to ottier pcnnitted signs. (2) sarber poles may be internally illuminatca ana roay be mcchanicatty rocatea. b) Gnldefincs i) Exposed materials uxd iu %ral sigm. sliuulJ lx ~~uud, cc:►~uiiic, nnctal, aiici paiiit otilN. Excxptioa - movie theaters or live perfortnance theaters w'cth a capacity of greater than two hundred (200) persons may use plastic for readcr boards. Wall sign4 may also be painced diredly oato tbe fs~ade of the building or inscnbed into the fapde of the bufldin& ii) Wall sigm should be illuminated by external, exposed neon tube, exposed incandescent bulb, exposed LED, or haalo illumination only. Intemally illuminated can signs with large ti-azmluctat plastic panels should not be used iii) Where individual ktters are used, ktiers should be thrx dimrnsional, created by raiscd leuer foaas mounttd to the building facade or sign punel, or by incised openings cut out from the sign panei. r-- - i- -R 1 ~ 3) Wr►i.L sIa n 4) xftrsWts Roof Signs are sigas which are erected on a roof or stop a parapet wali, and arc completed supported by the biu7ding. Page 13 of 33 Council Draft Sprague/Appteway Subarea E'Ian -Sign RcgulaiiacLs Oclober 1, 2008 a) Staadirds i) Roof Signs shall only be permitted for noc►-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor eatrance. ii) Roof Signs shall not exceed a maximum height of fow (4') feet above the eave of the roo~ but in no case stall sny part of the sign be higher than the peak of thc roof iii) Na Roof Sign shaU excced forty (40) square fcet in size. iv) Roof Signs shall nut projeci btyond the fagade of the building. b) Gnidelina i) Exposed matrrials used in Roof Signs s6ould be wood, metal, and paint only. ii) Roof Signs should be illuminattd by extemat, halo, or exposed neon tube illumination only. lnternally illuminated can signs with large transtuavt ptastic panels should not be used. ~ t . . r _ . ' . ~ ~ y - - - --_.f ~ - . _=1 I( l.~ ~~](~1~~ I~.~~~[~ - - • _ 4) ROOF SIGV 5) Monnmeat Signs Morrument Signs are signs which arc mounted on the ground and are flush or havc a cleazance Gom the groumd of aot mare than two (2') feec, nnd supported by a solid base, one or more uprights, braces, columns poles, or similar structural components. ~ a) Standards i) Monument Signs shell only be permitted far non-residential or multifamily residendal uses with a dedicated ground Door entrance. ii) 7he maximtun aumber of Mocwmeat Signs per parcel is one (I) pet arterial strcct frontage. iii) Monumcnt Signs shall not have more than two (2) faces. iv) Monument Signs shall not exceed a maximum height of seven (7) feet above grade. F~-xceptfen-~or Residential AZene,,~mment"Sig"s11--not exEeed-a niaN fntim-he+g#l-e" . v) 'I'he maximum area of a Moncunent Siga for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) City Center - Non-Core Streets: thirty-two (32) square feet (2) Neighborhood Centcr seventy-five (75) square feet (parcels with a single business) or 90 square fect (multi-business cotnplex) (3) Mixed Use Avenue: seveaty-five (75) square feet (parcels with a single business) or ninety (90) square feei (mulri-business complex) Page 14 of 33 _ ~ .r-- . Council Uraft Spraguv'Applc'«"Fl) SU17ilie:1 IlI:il1 -S1gIl IZCgUJ3IIORti OCLObCI 1, ZOOg (4) Gateway Commercial Avenue: seventy-five (75) squsre fcet (parctls with a single business) or ainety (90) square fect (muhi-bnsiness complex) (S) Gatcway Commercisi Ceater: semty-five (75) squarc feet (parceLs with a siagle busincss) or ninety (90) squsnc feet (multi-business camplcx) (6) Residential Boulevard: thirty-cwo (32) squarc feet vi) Sigag simll be lendscoped per SVMC 22.70. vi) Monument signs exoceding three (3) fcet in beight shall be set back ten (IO) fat from the front property line and outside any border eagemcnt and ouLSide of the clcar view triaaglc (SVMC 22.70). vi i } r'1nimaEed-t►f- b) Gaideliaes i) 'Ibe nrchitedural desiEtn of a Monument Sign sbould be an exiension of tbe building's architcctime, or strangly complernentmy to the building's architecture in form, materials, and colar. ii) Exposcd cnaterials used in Monumcnt Signs should be wood, mdal, stoue, brick, ooncretc (including precast and GFRC), and/or paini. Plastics should not be used. iii) Monumcnt Si&ns should bc illuminated by extcmal or halo i7lumination only. [ntcmally tlluminated can signs with large translucent plastic panels should not be used t5) r*lONU.ME:VT S1G?V 6) Freeataadia= Skna Freestanding Signs sre permanently mounted aigns not sttscbed to a building, in wfiich signs are coczstructed on or are affixed to the ground by colunms, poles, or similnr strudwal components. i) Standards i) Frccst8nding Signs shall only be pemvtted along Sprague Avenue for non-resideatial nscs with a dcd.icated grotmd floor entrancx, within permitted Districx 2ones indicatcd mi the Signage Regulatioa Chmt 2.6. ii) Thee maximum number ofFrxstanding Signs per parcel is one (1). iii) The maximum height of a Froestsnding Sign for permitted District ?.ones shall bc as follows: (l) Mixed Use Avenue: twenty (20) fest (2) Gateway Commercisl Aveaue: ttrirty (30) feet (single business) or foriy (40) feet (multi- business complex). (3) Gauway Commercial Center: th'vty (30) feet (singlc business) or farty (40) fcet (multi- business complex) or fiRy (50) feet (parceis abtdting I-40). iv) The maximum arca of a Freestanding Sign for permitted Distrid Zones shall bc as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenuc: one hundred (100) square foet. Page 15 of 33 - , . - - _ . . , _ . . - - . _ . . Council DraR SpragudAppleway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulatious October I, 2008 (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: one 6undred (100) square feeL (3) Gateway Commercial Centcr: one hundred (100) square feet (singic busincss) or two hundred end fifty (250) squsre fcet (multi-business complex, or parcels abirtting I-90). Where three (3) or morc businesses agree to share a siagle sign suucture, an additional twenty (20) peroent of sign area shall be allow+ed up to a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) squsre feet. v) Sign locaiion: Freestaading Signs with strudural supports less than tvw feM in width, with copy erca placed at a height of seven feet or more above grade, may 6e located at ttu property line, ootside of the clesr view triangle (SVMC 22.70). Frtestanding signs with structuasl supports of more than two feet shall be set back not less than ten feet from the front property line or border easement. d C. vii) Signs shall be landscaped per SVMC 22.70. viii) A single unornamsated pote support dcsign topped by a can sign typical of a commercial strip stuill nat be used, -ofmne C-Ammer~+a1-Avenued+stAe4-zems. b) Guideliaes i) A Ftzestanding Sign should have an articulated architectural character and we11-crafted details. (1) At a muumum, design treatment or omamentntion of swctural supports as a dccorative composition (for example, featuring columns, struts, braces, Sttings, caps, decorativc fiwes, etc.) together with decoratively framed sign paneis is recammended. (2) Alternatively, a Freestanding Sign should luir•c an interoFil structural support tivithin an architectural tower type of design, featuring a base, shaft, and top. ii) The architccnue snd composition of a Frrestanding 5ign swcture should provide visual interesi and dctai7 at both automotive and pedestrian-scale speed and peraptioa iii) The architectural character, maicrials, and colors of a Freestanding Sign are recommended to be an extension of or complementary to those from the primary huilding(s). iv) Exposed materials used in Freestanding Signs should be wood, metal, stone, brick, concretc (including precagt and GFRC), end/or paint. v) Freestanding Signs should be illuminated by extemal, halo, exposed nean tube, or cxposecl LED illumination. Intemally illuminated can signs with large translucent plastic psmels should not bc used. iti,occ: in%i%hcrc in C'it~l Page 16 of 33 Council Draft SpragucApp9ewav Subuma Plan f-Sign RegulaLions Octuber I, 2DO8 - - . ~ - - sp~cia! ~~~#~•+~-e€~~i~,~o•~e~s~a~..~~~~-~3e~c~~~s~~+~ a3-~►~s i) Pe.f..bt.. Me..u e.s„t rhasl o.-I y =,m-Te: 4w Ft "und-Pt*ord5tof-e!'t~+ym ta)-p°i., ~.pe Me Sign6 shu xl, _ue_p m;na r'rmirsir~ rvc.v s,...n va... ...srs~~v ~ ~ ~=a'i i:,i.['i;; . i•}--f~.~ {{~F~.rr`.r i6_ .Stgyl-51.6mlI-hm-I ked--vA n thes~wa~~di-rec€ly-in eC r-O. ..E tRd fl )T-S . , ifi froF'tC k)f 0"se -.~~43ikplrE?i?t_ N€-4'Vhefel-lw-p "-#n1E'ets-the--SridewallK- ~ P,~-~~~~s niit:it~~t~ , sha . . ns.r.~._.. ~ stc#e~~ :t Pprps , -M,IIls f 7 '1 _ A- ar,)1~ . q"•~--~Ee~:'. "j.:.:•~~ ~~S tr~..e...l s.. ~L.. .•.I'a.~ ,y--~`-~„C`--fftt'-+' ~-lt~t~rt~'S:i-~!~~-F~sc'-t'r`i'~rr c-,_... Area ~ swed- ~~d<~e+r~-~-~~~-~►a~~+€~s~~~~-ia~~~~-~€~~~~~~~~. shou uge,4 i+i41=i~iFia4ed-P-E+r4*N"fcn,-4 s13ouid--be--tl tfmimt~ g&~~s,~ e~~4~r~~~{-i~~tr~~~i-~+~€~• { Fnnnatted: BuIlets and t+fuumhefing ~ IC*IF!k'. PBge 17 af 33 ~ 77- Counci1 Draft SpragveJ'Appleway Subarea Plan -Sigrt Rggulations Ck#obcr i , 2008 ~ ~i • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ r I , 7) FORTe4BLE NYEKU SI+GN S} B1-ade and Projecting 5igns Blade Signs are signs which uc ariented perpcrxidiaWaray to thc building fLpde and wru+ch are mispended under a bmcket, mnrture, or other maunting devire, a) Stand:irds i) B3ade Signs shWl only he peffailic:d for non-rcsidentiaT uses "ith a deyd'aWed gmund flovr entrmee. ii) Blade Sfgns stal6 orcdy bc triounUeed on the wafl asea trelow the second flc}vr. iiij No B1ade Sign shall exceed siacteen (Ifi) square feet in sizc. yv) Blade Signs shhaal praject w morr than faur (4) fect from the fagade of [hc builtiing. v) No portion ota Blade Sign sMl tie lower ttm oight (8) feet above the Ievel nfthe sidc^urrralk or other public right-of-way Qver %+rhich it pro,jects. b) cuidelints i) FFxposed material~ ~ed in Blade Signs should be tivond, metal, and paEnt on1y. ii) B1ade Signs stoulsi be illuuaiuated by extema] illurnination. Page E$ of33 1 . . ' tl''r - ' :~..Tr'x _ + ~ ~ e . . • ' - _ . ~y ' I - - ■ ~u~:n~i; L~:.:it ti~~r: _:c-~:~~~~1~°tt~; 4~.~tx~-:•<i f'l:~~t tii~~n ;1:~ ~t:~>>~~~~. ( _c~,~~~; ~ j _~i , ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ Q~ = ~ ~ o~~ ~ ~ ~ / `T ~1~ - ~ ~ 8) BLADE S1G~ (Combiaed with B~ac~e !'r~ ~ i~~• t i r~~~_Sigeu) 9) Awaio~ Face Signs Awning Face Signs are signs applied to tfie primary face of an awning. incluciing sloped awning faccs and vcrtical box awning fsces. a) Standsrd~ i) Awning Faoe Sign~ shall only be permitted for noa-resickniial uses with a dedicstcd ground floor entrana. ii) Awning Face Signs shall ~i exceed hventy (20) perceat of the aret+ of the awning fnce. iii) Awning Face Signs shaU project ca fa~ther from the bu~ding thaa its associated awning. iv) No portioa of an Awning Face Sign shall be less than eight (8) foet above the level of the sidewalk or other public right-of-way over which it projccts. b) Guideliae~ i~ Awning Face Signs should oonsist of vinyl or paint applied dir~ctly to the awning. ii) Awning materials sbould be canvas or nylon; plastic should not be iii) Awning Facr Signs slwaild be ~7luminated by e~cternel illumination on1~~ I f';~-.: l.; I! y • ~ - . • ~ ~ ~ ~ais _ • . - . . ai't~~, ~ _i~y . . ~ . . ~ . _ ' • ~ - ~ ' s.~ ' , U ; e~` ~ . i~ • ~ f ,'V,~~ - ~ .~ikyy~ , + ~ • , ~ ~±Y;,~-. , ~r -y~ ~ _°~~r~ - - - - - Council Draft Sprague/Applewuy Subarea Plan -Sign Regulations October 1, 2008 . ~ , ~ 10) A%-..-1nG FwcE StcN 10) Awniag Valaoce Signs Awning Valance Signs are signs appiied to the awning valrnce. a) Standirds i) Awning Valance Signs shall only be permitted fur non-residential uses with a dedicated Bmund tloor entrance. ii) l,ettering far Awning Valsnce Signs shztll include ane (1) line of lettering not to excecd two- thirds (213) the height of the valance or twelve (12) inches, «fiichever is less. b) Gnideliaes i) Awning Vtilancc Signs should wnsist of viti} l or painl applied dirrcily tu the a«ning. ii) Awning materials should be canvas or nylon; plastic sbould aot be used. iii) Awning VWance Sigru should be illuminated by extemal illuninetion only. Page 20 of 33 . . , . . . . . . - . . , . _ _ . . . - - . . _ _ , : ; . . , --r . ...t: . . . , - •ar _ _ _ . ' . . . , e • . _ ~y. . ` + w) ' ~ ' F• . ' . - _ - - j • ' - .3 - Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Subarea Plan -Sign Reguladors nctober 1, 2008 ~fW r - ~ ,~Ii,-~ IT ~ •1 17 _ ~ 1 1) AH'rlKG VALANCE S1Gn 11) Awning Side Signs Awning Side Signs are signs appliad to the side panel of an awning. i) Stindards i) Awning Side Signs shaU only be pecmitted for non-residrniiai uses with a dedicated ground Qoor eatranoe. ii) Thc erea of Awning Side Signs shall not couni towards the totalsemiittc.i -sign area ~ ie-E~+ b i f0r ht1i1kl1r2{_ mountcd iii) L.ettering for Awaing Side Signs shall not exceed tvmive (12) inches in height with total sign area not to exceed cvMtnty (20) perceni of the arca of the awning side area. iv) Awning Side Signs shsll pmjoci no farther from the btnlding than its as.4ocistcd awning. v) No portion of en Awning Side Sign shall be less then eight (8) feet above the level of tht sidewalk or othet public right-of-way over wtuch it projects. b) Gujdelines i) Awning Side Signs should consist of vuryl or paint applied directly to the awning, ii) Awning materials should be canvas or nylan; plastic sbould not be use& iii) Awning Side Signs should be illuminatcd by cxtcraal fflucnination only. Pap-c 2 I of 33 ~ , ~ . . . ~ • - , • - , . - Council Ihaft SpraguclApplewsy Sub:uea f'lan -Sign Regulations October 1. 2008 t~ ~ h7 ~ l~ G _ L ~ ~o'~► `~U ~ I I 12) AWh'L`G S1DE BIGV Page 22 of 33 Council Draft SpraguclAppleway Subarea Plao -Sign Regulations Octobcr 1, 2008 12) Above Awsiag Si6ns Above Awning Signs ere signs which are mounted above thc uppcr cdgc of a valance o!' an awning and oricnted parallel to thc bwlding wall surfacc. a) SbAdards i) Abova Awning Signs shall ocily be permiued for non-midential uses with a dadicated ground 8oor entrance. ii) Above Awning SigAS shall not excecd oae and one-half (t '/2) timea the valanoe heigK end width shsU not exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the awning width iii) Abovc Awning Signs shall projcct no farther fram the buildiag than its associated awning. iv) No portion of an Above Awning Sign shall be less t,6an eight (8) feet above the levei of the sidewalk or other public rigbt-of-way over which it projects. v) Lettering for Above Awning Signs shall include one (1) line of lettering only. b) Gnidctises i) Matdials testd in Above Awniqg Si,gns should be wood, metal, and paint oaly. ii) Abave Awning Signs should be illuminnied by external Muminstion oaly. ~ ~ ~ . a . ~ ~ ~J , ~ 13) AeoVE A%T'lNG S1Gti I'age23of33 ~ ' ,;.,~--sr r ~ws►•+~c~~ ~ar ' ,~/~ay~w~ • ~'1!. . • i J • ♦ t ,i . rf ♦ - f.., _ ~ •~~L - • i wi Y*~ ♦ ~ ~ . a : `-1 _ , . . - - ~ ~ - -s. - - ~ - C:otmci[ Draft SpcagucJApplewav Subarea Plan -Sip Itegulations Oeloher l, 2048 13) Under A*-aing Sim Ueider Awn:ing Signs we signs which are suspendcd under an awning, Ferpenddcular to tte building Facade. a) Standards i) Under Awning Signs sM! only be pernxitteti for non-m,sidential t-sts ivith a dedicm+ed ground floor en.trance, i~°~ Lindcr Awming Sips must be located aijacent to ,a public entrance &om a City ~idevalk ui) Nv cnore than one (1)[Jnder Awning Sigi sball be perinitted per estabtishtiettt per fagadc. ir+) ?he area of iJnder Awning Signs shal] ~t court towsrds the tntal sign .ar+ea permittevi based cm the Lizrear Frontage Ftgtia. v) Na Undes Auning Sign s'faik excee+3 three (3) square Ret in size, vi) Under Awning Sips shal:l prajedt no farther frorrt the bnilding (1an iis as:scceated $wning. vii) hio porcion o#`aun Undcr Awning Sigr+ shal1 be 1m itan ei& {8) feet alaove the ieve] of the sidewalk ar other public right-of-way over whicb it pr~jects. b) Guidelines i) Materials used in iJnder Awning Signs should be wwd, metal, and paW only. ii) Under Awning Signs shotld bc illuminated by ea€t,cmal i.lumination only. ~ uj(~~~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ J7 14) UNDE~ AWNLNG SIGN F"age 24 of 33 '~.,+~~Y-.u~►±. ~ •'!~1.p~_.. _ w~„~.: . - _'+r"-. .M.LI►.~~~-'- :#y"19~~,`~''.' -'q}=-,. . . - . ~ ! . . - , . ~ ('ouncil I)raft Sprague/Appicwa} Suh;uea E'lan -Sign Itcgulations Odober l, 20118 11) Canopp Fucia Sigos Canopy Fagcia Signs ere signs that sre mauirted to the front or side fascia of a canopy, contained ~ completely within that fascia, end oricuied parellet to the building wall surfacx. a) Stsedsrdt i) CanoPY Fascia Sig~►s shaIl only be permitted for nonaesideatial uses with a dedicated ground floor envance. ii) The heigbt of Cauopy Fascia Signs shall aot exceed tvo-thirds (2!3) tbe height of the fagcia or tvmlve (12) incbe,s, wfiichever is less. ai) 'Ibe width of Canopy Fascia Signs shall not exceed two,-thirds (2/3) of the canopy width. iv) Canopy Fascia Signs shall project nu farther from the building than its agsociated canopy. v) No portion of a Catwpy Fascia Sign shall bc Icss than eight (8) feet above the {evel of the sidewalk at otber public righi-of•way over which it projects. vi) Canopy Ffficia Sigcks shall consist of anly oae (1) liae of leuering srtictilated as individual letters mouated directly to the c;anopy. b) Caidciines i) Materials used in Carwpy Fascia Signs should be mctal and paiat only. ii) Canopy Fascia Sigas should be t7ltttninated by external, halo, cxposed LED, or exposed neon tube fllumination on1v. 7 ~ a. t ~ 1 ~ e (a~ ~ , . ~ U ~ • 15) C1tioPi FAciA Sicr ~ t>age 25 3'% _ r..:. . « . - • - _ . - - I ,r ■ • , _ Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulations October l, 2008 15) Above Canopy Si=n Above Cscwpy Signs are signs which are mounted purtially or entircly above the front fascia of a canopy end orientcd parallel to the bui7ding wall surface. a) Standards i) Above Cawpy Signs sball only be permittcd for non-residential uses with a dcdicatcd ground floor cntrance. ii) Thc tyeight of Above Caaopy Signs shall not exaed oae and one-half ( I'h) times the height of the fascia or tweaty-four (24) inches whichever is less. iii) Thc width of Above Canopy Signs shall cat exceed two-thirds (213) of the canopy widih. iv) Above Canopy Signs ere pcrmitie;d anly above the front fascia of a canopy. v) Above Canopy Signs shall pmjed no ferther from the building thau its associated canopy, vi) No portion of an Above Canopy Sign shall be less then eight (8) feet above the level of the sidewalk or other public right-of-way over which it projects. vii) I.ettering for Above Canopy Signs shsll include only one (1) linc of letiering using individual letters vnly. b) Gnidelina i) Exposed materisls used in Above Canopy Signs should be wood, metal, and paint only. ii) Above Awning SignS Should be ilhuminat d by extemal, 6alo, exposed neon tube, cxposcd incandescent bulb, or cxposed LED illumination only. i7', 7 `~"je1 ry Q y l.. ~ f ON-~ 1 G) Aao« CKNoPI' StcN Psgc 26 of 33 - _ _ . . . , . . _ . _ _ . . . . _ _ . .~ti.:~. t • _ - . 1 -~!w ,~...t~..~ ,,,n~,,a.• ..~nrr. '!_1; , r . . " . :w i: - ■ ('ouncil DratZ Spraguc/Appleway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulation5 Orctotx:r 1, 2009 16) Under Canopy Sign Under CenOpy SigtL• ;i~u:s %tihich ,fr <.u:pen,jcd un;jrr a c:inup~. pLrPrndmilar to tttc hi:il:lin,> f,lc;!de a) Staadards i) Under L:inupy Sigm shill uuly bc pcrmiucd tor nun-residcnhal usc;s witll a dc:dicatcci grour;;.+. Soot entraace. ii) No cnore thaa oae (1) Under Canopy Sign shall be pamitted per esiablishmcnt pcr *ad, iii) Under Canopy Signg must be locaied adjacent to a public eatrana from a City sidewalk iv) The erea of Under Canopy Sigas shell nnt count towards the total s;~IrI drc.: g ' f_,r t,uildl't:? nzMu1 v) Under Canopy Sigas shall not accxcd three (3) square foet in arc.: vi) Under Canopy Signg shall project no farther From tbe buflding thwi i,, assuciatcd c;.uiup~ vii) No portion of an Under Canopy Sign stuall be less thaa cight (8) feet above the level uf tht sidetivalk or other public right-of-way over which it projects. b) Guidelines 1 Exposed tnaierials tssed in Under Canopy Signs shoWd be wood, metal, and paint only. u) Under Canopy Signs shonld be illuminated by externel illtunination anly. iii) Under Canopy Signs incorporating a distinctive shape rclaiing to the busiass are eocouraged, ag well as signs utilizing three-dimeasioaal and well-crafted designs. l ~ ~ ~ / . ~ ~ I I 17) UynEx CwNoPY StG` 17) Raessed Eatry Sfgos RCCCSSed FIlLIy Si!°ii:<:[c ,i~ n~ ttit~ch ;~rr ori:r.tcd ~~arn11c1 t-I titL tA1i1Jin-• Ilati•adr t+n(1 %viiich rire over a reoessed entv~ a) Standani> I~ ~'•Cf:J~CI~ 1:_IlII\ ~lr{!~ !,~i.1~1 OI11} ~iC ~~•.iiil'(i.ti 1:: L't~r;-r':~i~~;t(1:i~ U_ . ~~i:~t ~;C ~1....,'i; ~'r~,:.'l.j fI00C Ci1fI'SIFCC. i7 No ReCe4SCd E.atry Sip Shell exceeJ t%%ctic) (Zu)tiyus;z t«t in ."i: t: iii) RecesseA Fntn• Cigns shall not projrct heyond t}ir fa~.ade of the buil.iin-,. - Council Druft SpraguelAppleway Subarca Plan -Sign Kcgulations October 1, 2008 iv) No portion of a Rccessed Entry Sign shall bc lower than cight (8) fcct abovc thc Icvcl of the sidewalk b) Guldellaes i) Exposcd matcrials uscd in Rccesscd Eniry Signs should bc wooci, metal, and paint only. ii) Recessed Entry Signs should be Wuminated by exiemal illuminaiion only. 1 t 0 ~ •~q~9` r~ p? ~ s y ' ~ 8 i ~ t- i ~ 19) RECEGSED E\TR1 S1Glti Pagc 28 of 33 i - y'y'.3^• . j ►'a~~,^~t'i..'. L• . ^.v--.~c':L~.i~" ` • '~.'rSH_ ' :w~svelti~pi - ".-"E~- y_..R.+~:s. Council Draft Sprague/Applcway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulaiiom October 1, 2008 18) Wjndow Slgos Window Sigru are signs which ure applied directly to a window or mounted or suspended direcQy behind a window. a) St"dards i) Window Signs shall anly be pcrmitted for non-residLntial uses with a dedicated r.r,)un,i tloor cntrance. ii) Window Signs shall be permitted on wiadows below the second 8oor level onlN iii) No more tlan fifteen (15) percent of any individual wiadow area shall tk covcrcd or otherwise occWied by signage. iv) Tbe Iettcr height of each VVindaw Sigii shall not exceed tw-elve (12) inches b) Guidelines i) Cmound floor 'A`indow Sigru shuuld cucisist of guld or silver leaf, vinyl, or paint applied to the glass, neon moimted or suspendCd behind the gla4s, or &mmcd snd mounted papcr signs. For metallic leaf or vinyl sigas, a drop shadow behind lettcrs is rccommended to increase visbility. ii) If illuminated, C3rouad floor Window Signs should be illuminatcd by exposed neon tube illumination onty. ~ I i _ _ - ► _ ; I - ; ~ `~~l_~'1~~.1[~1~_ 1-- ~ - - h I , . . 20) NVtiIDOAV S1GN Page 29 of 33 Council Urafi SpruguelAppteway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulations October 1, 2008 19) Tjme aad Tempenture Signs Timc and Temperaturc Sigo disptay time with a dial clock face or a light-cmitting digital display, and tecnpcraturc with e light-emitting digital display. a) Standards i) Time snd Tempetarire Sigas shall only bt pcrmittcd for non-residcntial uscs with a dedicated grouad floor cntrance. ii) One time and/or temperature sign shall be permitted per businc.-ss iii) Time and temperature signs shall occur as or be incvcporated as part of one of the following permittai sign typcs listed within this section: (1) Grand Projeciing Signs. (2) Marquee Signg. (3) Wall mountcd Signs. (4) Monument Signs. (S) Frctstanding Signs. (6) Blade Signs. (7) ProJectinS Signs. iv) Time and tempemture signs shull not include other digital displays or animacion. b) Guidelines i) Time and 'I'rmperature sig.ns stwuld bc illuminatcd by cxternal, intcmxl, cxposcd incandcscent, exposed LED, and/or exposcd ncon tube: illumination onlr•. 20) Bdilding ldentificatioo Caoopy Fucia Sigas Building ldentification (;anapy Fascia Signs are signs which are maunted to the front or side fascia of a canopy, contained completely within that fasciu and oriented purallel to the building wall surface and which announce the nsime of a building. a) Standards i) Building ldentificalion Canopy Fascia Signs shstll only be: pcrmitted for non-residentia] or multifamily residential uses with a dedicated ground iloor ontrance, ii) Building Identification CBnopy Fascia Signs shall be located only on the fnscias of a cunopy above the primary building entrance and shall be located entirely within the canopy fascia_ iii) Only one (1) caaopy per fi*ade mny have Building Identi6cation Canopy Fascia Signs. iv) The area of Building ldcnti.ficnlion CSaopy Fascia Signs shall not oount towards thc total C, fO( hllfllllllL Ilw11111i_d s4L'(' v) Building ldentification Canopy Fascia Signs shall not exoad one (l) line of lcttzring not to cxceed twv-thirds (2/3) the beight of the fnscia or tvveive (12) inches, whichever is fess. vi) Building Identification Canopy Fascia Signg shall project no faitber from the building than its associated canopy. rii) No portion of a Building Identification Canopy Fascia Sign sball be less than eighi (8) feet above the level of ttie sidewalk or other public right-of-way over which it projects. viii)Lettrring for Building Identification Canopy Fascia Signs shall include only one (I) lmc of lettering using individual tetters only. Pagc 30 of 33 ~ ~ i+rY~y~a-.~:~ti.,~,~irp % .~rf:~ i.+s$~M s :`i~''~y,-,.~."~' •r~ - r ~tirr..,'. - - c_.-a,ir 1'i.~.. _ _ L ~•rc > : nr}y.y'~ykp~ , - , J - - - - q - - - - - - Councit [?raft SprdguC/Apple%ka}- Subarea Plan -Sign kegulatiuru Octuber 1, 2009 b) Guidclines i) Building Identification Canopy Fascia Sittns shuuld coeuist of nktal letters, vinN1 or paint appliecl to a canopy, or may be insrnbed into the canoPY ii) Building Ideatifie,ation Cariop} Fascia Signs shuuld be illumina!ed h} external ifluminasiun or halo illtimination onk. ~ ~c`~ • c i ~ r 4 ~ , 22) BUL1.D1\G 1DENTIFICATlOT` CA.tiOP1 FASCIA SIGN 21) Bai{d'mg ideatitication VI'al! Sigw Auilding Identificaiion Vr'sill Signs nre sigas located on and parallel to a bw7ding wall that umoumce the name of a buflding. a) Standards i) Building Identification VVall Signs shall only be pernutied for noaresidential or multifamfly residential uscs with a dedicated ground floor entrance. ii) Building Identification WaU Signs shall be located only an the Gieze, comice, or fascia area of storefrant levcl; fi-ieu, oomice, fascia, parepet of the uppermost flaar; or above the entrancx to main building lobby. iii) Only oae (1) bwld'mg ickntificatian waU sign shall be permitttd per btn7ding per strett•facing *ade. iv) The area of Buflding Ideati5cation Wall Signs shall not count towards the total penniti-' si211 arEa peFmiiied-based-of"#ie-E_41Wa~~OCa-R-Etefi r_huilding nic?tiii!<<i Si v) Bwlding Idcntification Wall Signs shall be no taller than twvnty-four (24) inches in height. vi) Building Identificution Wull Signs shall project no more than one (1) foot fram the faVade of the bui7ding. b) GufdelIees i) Building Identific:ation Wall Sigru should be inscnbed into the fiipe, painted oato the faqade, or cocmwcted of individuiil metal letters. Pege 31 of 33 ~ - . . . , . ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ r~'~ ` - _ - - - - - - Council Draft Spraguc/Applcway Subarea Plan -Sign Regulations October 1, 2008 ii) Building Identification Wall Signs shuuld be iUuminated by extemal illumination or halo illumination only. ~ ~ ~T7-4 23) BU1LDl.tiG IDENTiF1CAT10N WALL Si1GV 22) Buildins Ideatificafion w'indovv Sigm Building Identification Windoir, Signs are signs spplied directly to a window or mounted or suspendcd directly behind a window. a) Staadirds i) Building Identification Window Signs shall only be permitted for nonresidential or multifam~ly residerttial uses with a dedicatod ground floor entrance. ii) Building Identification Window Signs shall only be loc8ted on a traasom window above a primary entrance, or the g1 xLed anea of primary daor. iii) Only one (1) Building Identification Window Signs shall be used per building per strect- facing faqade. iv) The arca of Building Identification Window Signs shall not count towazds the total I)ermitted sign 8rea ' t'O- h1!11din2 mt~unts~l :i~~n.. v) No more than twenty-five (25) percent of any individual window area shall be covered or otherwise occupied by signage. vi) The letter height ofeach Building ldentiCcation V1'indow Sign shall not e+cceed hvelve (12) inches and must be taller than four (4) incbes. b) Guidelinea i) A Budding Identification Window Sign shauld consist of vinyl, paint, or gold Ieaf applied to the glass oniy. ii) A Building Identification Window Sign should be illuminated by external iUumination only. Page 32 of 33 - _ . . . r ~ . _ . . - _ . - L ` -T" ~ - - - . Council Draft SpraguclApplcwu)• Subarea Plan -Sign Regulation5 Octotx:r 1, 2()08 , - r I + , EM 1= ~ 1 1 ; i ~ - ~ ~ k. , - . . ~ ~yt - - --a__ - ----i'-'- 24) BL'1LD1'rG 1DENTIFlCAT10\ I1'Ih'DOh' S1GN 23) 7emporary Signs Sec SVN1C Chaptrr 22 104 for tcmrx)rarti sign ri:gulatiorts. I I'agc 33 of 33 - . . . . - , • . , z . _ - , • ' . ~ .u i - - - .~•~sr- Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Februray 24, 2009 2.4. PA►1tKING REGULATIONS This section contains standards and guidelines to ensure that parking tfiroughout the corridor is cooveoient, accessible, accommodates all building uses, and reinforces the desired character of each District along the corridor. FoUowing the Standards, parking design Guidelines are provided to help direct the composition of parking elements and enstue that all new development in the Plan Area reinforces the vision for the corridor. New development should aim to embrace the design character set forth within these guidelines. ~.4.1. ftrkftg'TyPes A property's permitted parking types shall be as specified in Section 2.1.District Zones Regulations. For all parking types, parking shall be connected with a street or alley by a driveway as stated under Access in Sections 2.4.2. and 2.43. Parking types are defined as foUows: 1) Surface Parking Lots Surface Parking Lots shall not encroach inio the Private Frontage area (see Section 2.2.6.Private Frontage). a) Front A parking lot that is located between a building and the street. 46~1 ~ U~e.e, ~ 2.4.1. 1 A) FRONT SURPACE PARKIKG LO? I Page 1 of 9 \\SV-LFl\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet U2-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNGIL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc Cowicil Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Febcuray 24, 2009 b) Side A parking lot that is located in part or entirely beyond a primary building's rear wall along the side of a building, in a side yard, and eutends toward the street. ~'Q7 J~ ~ . . . ~ - 2.4.1. 1 B) SIDE SUxFACE PARKtxG LOT c) Rear A parking lot where a building(s) is locaied beriveen the entire parking loi and the street. A rear parking lot does not extend beyond a primary building's rear wall into any side yard settrack areas except where driveway access is provided. Rear parliag lots should be screened from the streeL ~ . o e ~ . . ~ r ~ 2.4.1. 1C) REAR 8L'RF.,CE PARKiNG LOT 2) Parking Structure a) Ezposed An above-ground parking structure that is fully or partially exposed to the street on the ground level. Page2of9 \\51/-LF1\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc . Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Februray 24, 2009 ~`iy ~ . ~ I c-rG 9 ~N ~ 2.4.1. 2A) EYPOSED P.ZRtiING STRL'CTLtRE b) Wrapped - Ground Level An above-gound parking structure where non-parking uses are integrated into the gound level of the building along the parcel's entire street frontage(s). The parking structure may be exposed to the street on upper levels. A_ r.- q s,.9~ F~ 2.4.1. 2B) PARKMG STR4'GTURE WRAPPED - GROIFND LEVEL c) Wrapped - All L.evels An above-ground parking structure where non-parking uses are integrated into the building along the parcel's entire street frontage(s) on all levels of thc building. The parking structure is totally hidden behind non-parking uses. Page3of9 \\.SV-LFl\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc C;ouncil llraft Sprague/Applmay IZevitalizatio❑ Plan Februrav 24. 2009 A~ c° ~'cYst~G ~ 2.4.1. 2C) PARt►1NG STRUCTURE NVRAPPED - 1►m LEti-Et.s d) Psrtially Submerged Podinm A parking sdvcture built below the main building mass and partially submerged underground. The parking podium may project above the sidewallc or average fiaished grade by a maximum of S feet. 6~Gl~~r ~ . , ~ i. . ~ . 1 ` \ ~ I . . b ~1er ~d t~9ed 2.4.1. 2D) PAR7'LAI.LY SUBMERaED POD1Vb1 e) UndergrouDd A parking struchue that is fully submerged underground and is not visible from the shwt. Page 4 of 9 \\SV-LFi\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc . Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Febway 24, 2009 45G40'' ro i i>1 ~h . 2.4.1. 2E) Ulr'DEEtGROUnD PARh[NG STRt,'CTC?RE 7.41. Parking Standards 1) Provisions i) The minimum and maximum parl:ing required by all new development projects aad those proposing sigaificant additions to existing buildings shall be as specified in the Fig.2.4.2.Parking Provision Chart. The minimum and maximum parking requirements may change with the approval of the community development director/designee. ii) New on-street parking spaces provided along new streets (see Section 2.3.1. Street Provisions) may be counted toward the minimum parking requirement for that property. PtVKKtNG ONILSIO t'~rmitteti ~~sxirnt~tt~ lT~r mictcd Slinin►uni P;trking , Sharet9 Parl.ina l,~,cafic~n ~~f 13se C':~te~;c~ries Itcyuirernent i arking 1~-c~~'ided Rrtpuirement lZequircd %v!tiur(.tce E'arking I - Retail (exccpt fAr SACnec stpre) on-site, or on- 3 space/1,000 sf or in- street spaces a in Ci Ceater licu fex 4 space11,000 sf. Requircd within 500' on-site, or on- 3 spaceJ1,000 sf. or in- street spaces b) in Neighborhood Center licu fce 4 spaceJ1,000 sf. Roquired within 200' on-site, or on- strcet spaces S in QthCF I)istri~k Zones 3 spaceJ1,000 sf. 5 space11,000 sf. Not Required within 500' 2 - (;Arner Storq Retail , on-sitc, or on- ' , Required only in street spaces ` 3 space/1,000 sf. 4 space11,000 sf. City Ccnter within 200' PageSof9 \\SV-LF1\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc . Counc;il Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Februray 24, 2009 1'ermitted Ntaximum Permitted l~tinimu~i I'arking ['arki Shared Yarkinp L~ucation of Use Cate~aries Rpc~pirement n~ Pravidcd Requircmcntn Required w/Surfnce Parking Pitrkinb ~ # 3 - Eating und Drinking Establishment on-site, or on- street spaces a) ia City Center 4 s-pace/1,000 sf. 10 spacrl1,000 sf. Requirexi within SU(Y on-site, or on- street spaces b) in Neighborhood Center 6 space/ 1.000 sf. 10 space/ 1,000 sf. Required within 200' c) in other District Zones 12 space/1,000 sf. N/A Nat Required on-site 4) Entertainment & RecreAtion on-sitc, or on- street spaces a) in Citv Center 6 space11,000 sf. 10 space/1,0(?0 sf. Required within 500' b) in Gateway Commercial Center 12 spaceJ1,004 sf. N/A Required on-site 5? Vehicle Sales & Services 3 Spac:e/1,000 sf. (for showmam) 5 space11,000 sf. Not Required on-site 6) CivicLQuasi-Civic & Cultural on-site, or on- a) in City Center & sure SPaces Neighborhood Ceater 3 spact/1,000 sf: 4 space/1,000 sf: Re4uired within 500' on-site, or on- strvxt spaccs b) in other District Zones 4 sparx/1.000 sf. NIA IrTot Rcquired within 500' 7) Offce on-site, or on- io City Center & strcct spaces Neighborhood Ceoter 2.5 space/1,000 st 3.5 space/1,000 sf: Required within 200' on-site, ar oa- street spaces b) in other District Zones 2.5 spaceJ1,000 sf. 4 spacxl1,000 sf. Not Required wTthin 500' j LodgLnZ 8 an-site, or on- street spaces a) in City Center & within 200' Neighborhood Center 1 spaceJguest room 1 spaccJgvcst room Required , Page6of9 \\SV-LF1\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP OOUNQL DraR - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc , Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Februray 24, 2009 -7- Pernaitted Maximum Permitted Minimum ParkinK Shared Parkina Location of Use Categorics Requirement l`arking Nrnvided Require►nenth Reyuired w/Surface Parking PACking * b) in othet District Zones 1 spacrlguest raom 1.5 space/guest room Not Required on-site 9) Live-Work nn-site, or on- I space/unit +p 1.5 spacclunit +1 street spaces space/employee spacc/employec Not Required within 200' IO) Resideatial 1 spar.elstuciio 1 space/unit 1 spaceJl br unit 1.5 spacc/1 br unit 1 spacel2br+unit 2.5 spaccJ2br+unit 2pest spact/10 DU 4guest spacell0 DU Not Reqvired on-site * On-street parking withia the indicated distance may be counted toward minimum parkipg requiremeat with the approval of the Community Development Director/Deaignee 2) Location The location of required parking shall be indicated in Fig. 2.4.2.Parking Provisions. Where on-site parking is not required, on-street parking spaces within the distance indicated in tfie Parking Provision Chart may be caunted toward minimum parking requirements with the approval of the Community Development Director/Designee. 3) Access i) Location (1) Access to parking facilities shall be provided from alleys wherever existing or new alleys are available. (2) If alleys are not available, access to parking facilities shall be provided from side streets wherever side streets are available. (3) If neither alleys nor side streets are available, access to parking facilities may be provided from front streets. ii) Curb Cuts and Driveways (1) When access to parking facilities are provided from frorrt or side streets, the maximum number of curb cuts associated with a single devetopment, except for detached single family hornes, shall be 1 two-lane curb cut or 2 one-lane curb cuts. (2) The maximum width of drivewaysJcurb cuts is 12 feet for a one-lane and 24 feet for a two- iane driveway. Page 7 of 9 \\SV-LF1\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP COUNCIL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc I Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan ~ Februray 24, 2009 , (3) The total width of parking access openings on the ground level of structured parking may not exceed 30 feeL (4) Uriveways s6all be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from adjoining properties, and a minimum af three (3) feet fram adjacent buildings. 4) Psrking Lots i) Parking lots built to the required building setback line nlust provide a decorative wall, fence, shrub, or hedge along the setback line to define the edge of the parking lot (See Street and Open Space Regulations for waUs and fences in Section 2.3.). ii) Parking lots shall be buffered from adj acent development ►--11r tjan i c i, w-kh landseaping,-4}ti}i7-}n-o----,hrtit °h°dgM ^F 'r°°° while maintaining clear views both to and within the site for safety. iii) All parkiwg areas sliall be planted and landscaped. They should be designed vti'1tl1 COl1NetlIcIII, safe, and efficient pedesti-ian conneciions to buildings eatry areas and other pedestrian routes. iv) Parking lots shall be illuminaied to increase safety and provide clear views bodh to and « i F 1Ii n c«,: site. Lighting and planting plans shall be coordinaied to avoid light pole and tree conflicc,,. ~ v) In order to provide shade and add trees to the corridor, r,i::dinm ancl l:ir,-,c cl~a:lt tree~, i:- planted in surface parking lots to subdivide continuous rows of parking stalls si a minimuri, spacingofon,.° (ll rTv. r,, fi~; c:.. . than c.ilic (1) Trees shall be loe;ateci bc:twec:n the sides Ut i3llaled or perpe;cidic;ular parkina stalls. i planted between two abutting head-to-head parking stalls do not satisfy the requirement. (2) Trees shall be planted in curbed landscape islands or in flush tree wells with tree 0 I f- curbed lalidscane islands are urc,aoseel, theii t}ic fullowinu urovisions shall aDt. :i. Each lan(' ( i ve feet. h. Fach lanci,,,,-:, !-,round cover or erass~. i. F.ach tree siial Ibt barrier of a landscaped area or edee v; 7 not lecs than 12 months after vlantin,2 c1._Grounti cover or artisses shall he ~l:int~ci t0 cO~Lr Lilcii t1:iCnIll_ i0l 1 t'()ree vears from the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancv. All Qround cover sK:' have n mature Ilei=hC of not more than 24 inclies. Loose rorl. stone. or mtilch shall n(it exceed 20 percent of the nlantim= are:i Vl) WhC81 StOp,~ d-ia1{ b,: IISC,] 1(i lI'ec «ellti aml Ol;ltll~f 11tC:1~ tl~ p{'t)icci 11-i;llj,•Ct:pifl; tl0171 C:?!" overhangs vii) Lots shall pruviae clear pedcstrian circulation ruutes to triain builcling entraiices and siclc:walks. These mutes shall be designed to include sidewalks and wall.wa_ys with a minimum 4 font widti, and be separated from vehicular areas hy curhing and trees. 5) Parl:ing Structures & Garagrs i) Parking Struetures and Garages shall be located and desibned tu munuiize their iinpact un publik- streets and public spaces. See Secdon 2.5.4.Architectural ElementS for additional reaulation, governing Parking Structure and Garages. Il) Parking structures shaU be illuminated t() f(i~t:a`~~ ~iii::iti ~'Ilt~ ~~I"~~~!tj~ c~-.'~!;- ~I~'•.'., i`~~"[1 It~ :111d v,ithin the structurc. Page8of9 \\51/-LF1\Users\cbalnbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.4 PARKING - 2-24-09.doc 1 Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Februray 24, 2009 IN&:_' 11_', . 1) Access i) Exterior driveway surfaces should be paved with non-slip, attractive surfaces such as interlocking unit pavers or scored and colored concrete. 2) Parking Lots & Structures Tfee~s-in-pafk-i o gge zand- have-a-#iia~r anchingbroad- iii) Curbed planting areas should be provided at the end of each parking aisle to protect parked vehicles from turning movements of other vehicles. ~ iii) Landscaping in parking lot interiors and at entries should not obstruct a driver's clear sight lines to oncoming traffic. ( ii i v) The main pedestrian route from a parking lot to a build'mg entrance should be easily recogaizable, accessible, and demarcated by special paving or landscaping, such as a sbaded promenade, trellis, or ornamental planting. ~ iv) Walls and ceilings of parking structures should be painted ligtit colors in combination with proper ligtiting to increase safety. ~ vi) The design of angled floors and scissar-type wall coastruction, where criminals can pass from one level to another by crawling through, should be avoided. 3) Sustainability i) Parking lots should utilize permeable paving and bio-filtratian swales wherever possible. ii) Parking Structures should incorporate rooftop and other planted surfaces to reduce stormwater run-off. Page 9 of 9 \\.S1/-LFi\Users\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL Draft - 2.4 PARIQNG - 2-24-09.doc Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalizatian Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 2.1. DISTRICT ZONES REG ULATIONS Six Di.gtrid Zones ane establishad es~~+~}~-f~~r-t#tr-~~el~~~--s~~~~t~#-~:+ etiM#hs:#ed-in the-spccific locations and vvith the speci6c namcs indicxed in Figurc 2.1, Districl Zoncs Map. 1) How District Zones App1y To Properties EX-velopment of propcrtics in the Spa.ifla Plan A_~`=--=. shall te regulated by the Ucvclopment Standards aad regulaians indicatnd in this SpecWw-Plan for the I}istrict Zane vr District Zoncs dasigaated for the property (fvr propa'ties that inciude morc than one district zone, see "Split F'copcrtics," hclow) as sho.Hm in Figure 2.1, District Zones Map. a) Par+ccls with a singlc District 7_unc: AIl developmeat on propetties in n sing-le nistrict "l.nne is rrgulated by the stwsdards and regulations indicated in this Specific Plan for t}1c single Uutrict Zone designaied for the propert}•. b) Splii Parcels: i) Praperties that are partially within the Residential Boulevard Distrid Zone as wcU a-s another Distrid Zone ss indicated in the Fig. 2.1 District Zoaas Map are r+egulatcd as fotlovrs: (1) The Resideatial Boulevard Qistrict Zone located aloag the notth side of the Appleway Boulcvard right-of-way shall bc appliod to a mmimum sixty (60) foct of propaty depth mcxsurcd 'm a perpendicular line from the locaiion of the nocihem cdgc of the Appleway Boulevard as that right of vray is designated at time of the issuance of a bm'lding permit. (2) All developmeni that is contiguous with developmern fnciag Appleway Boulevard shull be rtgulnted by the devetopmcut standards and re~,tulations of the Resideutial BoWevard Distrid ~ Zane, ngardlcss of how €aF-deep the dcvelopment nins northward from the northern boundary of the Appleway Boulevard property linc. "Coatiguous" deNvlopment shall be de5ned in this case as a oonrinWry of physical blocl:s sharing a single use categary. In the instanae of develapmeat cxtcnding from the Applcway Boulcvard rig6t-of-way to the Spragve Avcnue right-of-ws+y, the farttust northem boundary of the dcvelopmeat arta to be regulated by the Residcntial Boulcvard Distrid Zone Development Standards shail be the southem edge of the developmcat that wucbes the southern edge of the Sprague Aveaue right-of-way. I-'F i';tr~iLti \'.dS~S Irilf':,'sl?~l_.~1_:`~ l~'i=:! :irL ,[)lll %oI11'd Ill'-v' Collili3111' :lild~0i C\[1:Silij 7S 8 - - -l--- - - Cunf0rntin2 usc; if ncrniiucd bti' thc m,~.~'oritv r.onc. Ptivsical imWrovctntnls slwll iiiclud4 huildings #tnd rryuj►cd o:ukins nrcas sming thr cxistina usc. nis orovicicxi shall not nplAy io vamnt Mrtions of Mrrch that arr svlit xonCd. Toc 1scrccnina. as definrd in thc SVN1C. shall K- rcoaircd alcmt? Applewmv 13au1 r unless the Resi4ential Roulcvard s,jLc dc%clormcn' ►i) Properties Only Partially includcd in the Speei€ict-Fle:r-AresSuharc.: >>ia►;: ~lFwmatte& IncleW. LefL- 0.7s ~ (1) All properties oniy partially inclucficd in the Specific Plan Arca shall be caasideced to be within the Spcci6c Plan Arca for a minunum of sixty (60) fccl af purcel depth. (2) All devclopment that is oontiguous with dcvclopmeai facing ApFlcway Boulevard s6a11 be regulated by the development staadards and regulations of the • ti . spee-he 5 uhar c:i ('I a L~ rcgardltss of how far dcep the developmcat runs southward from the soui6ern bouadary of the Applcway Boulcvard propcrty linc "Contiguous" devetopment shall be de6ned in this case as a continuity of physical blocks sharing a single use cstcgory, or simply coaiinuity of us+c. In the instance of developmeai cxteading from the Appleway Boulevard right-0f-wny to another public stroet to the south of" Apptcway Boulevard, the furthcst sauthern boundary of the erea W be regulated by the ~ SprBgue and Appleway Corridots Speeifie-WenI`lan shall bc the northem tdge ofthc devclopment that touchcs the otha City strat Pageidl3 '~,~~V•LFi ~11;>>c:~~b~~r,k~Y2.._._.~1c;,;~ :~k_s l<<-2•fCia~~l~RP2-23-09\5~.~;~' ~.~aUPiC(t_ Uraft -2.1 QISTKICT ZO~VE reos -24 -09•dec P-GOUN~ ,K ~ Drft ~sa 2.1 nrcrnTrr ZnNrs."g- 2 zw nn.~,~ I •~~r ffi-4; - _ T`sY'te ~~2 ~i ~3 Y 1 ~ -.rr~'~ _ . . •w ~ ~f z:' u~'~. _ ~7~E~(~,~ ?~'?jtSA~l►e.6:!~..a. r . .~•L.~`s:4S= ~~R~l ~ sr.~i~rrt' _ . . ~ • F2~_ Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan Ccbruary 24, 2009 2) How to Rcview Dtatrict Zone's Regulatioos Identify the Districl Zone. To review the regulatioas that appty to new dcvclopmeat on a given property, first find the property in the map displayed in Fig 2.1 District Zones Map, to 6nd out what District Zome or Distrid T.ones the property falls within. And refer to the sedion for that District Zone or for those District Zones in Sectioas 22 - 2.6 Identffy tlee Street(s) the Devtlopmenl will Face. Developmrnt Standard5 far each Districi Zone are organized by stneet or stroet cabcgory. To rcv'tew the Qistrid Zone standards that apply lo ncw dcvelopaxnt, idcatify the strcet(s) or strcct category (or categories) that the dcvelopment wn'll front - that is, the strert right-of•wsy that the development vvffl be locatod along. Comer properties must identify the stretts or street categories on both sidcs of the varacr devciopmenl. Then review all drvclopmrnt standards in the stred-organ'u.ed column(s) thai spply to the property. Ikvelopment aloag hw or more strcets should refer to the columns that appiy to both strcecs. Dete?7nhre ff New Streets will be required In some cases, developmcnt will includc the oonsuuctian of or new svwls as a result ofpoht+es-o)11Jii1~)ti contained in Sectioa 2.3.1 $tPGa Standards. [n those instancxs, the applicable dcvelopment standards for new construction along those new streets arc coatained in the District Zone chart column that sErplies to the namc nr category of the new strecK. In instaares where the property owner volumtan7y includes new strcets within the dcvelapmeat, development along thosc new strects will be classified as "Other Strerts" and the regulatioas that apply to the dcvelopmcnt along thosc; new strcets will be found "m the Othcr Streets column within the proExTty's assigned District Zone(s). Page 2 ot 13 F]!I.l.~:r.~`:;41,~~inl,rirl 5&.(~~P CQU~J[IL l~raft - 1.1 D1Si~R[~i ZUf, fCtt5 24-0 .d f ~ - . _ - . . . : _ ' - . . . . - , . . . _ , . _ . : . - - Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalizatioa Plan February 24, 2009 MA-4+~j1~! r-c LoMtioa: Ciry Ceetrr city ca,t~t ~ - ~~.~r - _ ; . i - r . . _ ~~--T--~ -~~---y 3'~ ~ s=`• Y~,t-: l=--1~C1 'j . 7 . . y ' DeacripNoe: City Ceettr The City Ceater District is the hemt of the ooaunvnity. lt is an urbaa district that ooasists of a wide range of building types and uscs. T7yc district is where pedestriaa adivity is mast lively and wbae the most podestrian amenities are locatcd. It tas s oore ofeattrtainmeat, shoppiag and diaing supportcd by a ncighborbood of urbsn homcs and worfplaces. Within the City Cema District, entcctainabent and stwpging oriewtd Ciy Center Cone Stred Dovdopmeat is sWrounded and supported by Citv Ccnta Neisthborhood Devclopmen~ Datriptlos: (;ity Cester Core Street Derelopmeot City Ceater Core Street Ocvelopmeat is the mosi urban dcvclopmeai in the City with cansistrnt, urbaa stretscapc treatrnents and attachcd commercial block buildings set along the sidewalk Sprague Avayue. lzlazaT)five-and t'ivie <; 1 1 pui "Main Street" devclopment oa display, highlighting its fine graincd cancxntratioa of ground floor, activity-geaerating rctag. The buildings arc prknan7y mixcd-use with housiwg. officx, or lodging abovt rct". Adding to this City Center Cvre nctwork is the largcst conantration of Civic and Cultural U.SCS 1[1 thtClty_IA►~~lic:~bilit~ t'it, _.r f;c_i!1?1ii, !;;>t._1_I~~_.'._1 I 1 I(. ii~ ('~•n:~r c: r~ ~ i ~ . ;--I- ~ - - - - Eavisiooed City Center Core Developmeat Composition This diagram rzprescnts an euample of the typical dcvelop=t eavisioned for this district It does not repcrsent a specific design rtquired on aay particular site or pmperty. Foem Use I ~l aWVSMN :-%Rp ~ ~ Descrfptioa: G~ty Crater NelgAborbood Devebpmeot City Center Neighborhood Dcvclopmeat has slightty less urbaa adbadcs sad fruntage ooverage that surrounds and supports the Core Strrets. Tbese part4 of the City Center sre priman7y compostd of a mix of office, lodging. and housing (stackcd tmits dt townbomes). Boulevard scale buildin8s higbliShts the Sprague Aveave Edge, while nttached housing and compatiblc offia lines the Appleway Boulev8rd Edgc. A tight octwork of Other Strcets, with wide sidewalks and steady streat plenting make this a conccntrated, walkable neighbortiood. Earisioatd Ndghbor6ood Devdopraeat Compositioo Pa9e 3 of 13 S.4RP CCk)P1CIl i?raft- 2,1 DI_5Tt.1CL zU'JF, r4t~ r 4-{39 --,1- _ - . . . : - : . _ . . . r _ . . , _ , . . , , . Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan Fetxuary 24,2009 This diagram reprc.seats en cxampk of thc typicai developmeat cavisioned for this district It does not rtpresant a specific design raquired oa aay paiticular site or pcopaty Foitm I ~7 US! ♦ ~ I DIDIOSIflON Od g fi3}16%;i a a y~44~hC-FiC.'w-detiClopiiit4i{i56f-itiFkll bl`-fe Slli"t{-ea , . Sprogur-Avcn g . W.y-t#e f,L)14ew't~~3ges: :~ppltw-ev-Boulr}*rA-alt-develepment-er-f,ot#. .S~r t eway I►ulc%,-v4-Ee~umfls-~.tataFed-en--tho-ckv~~t3en1-S~c~s'~s c►n-!be fewwi- . - s: Panz"r+v"l-clewloptHe sf~4he-develeptmnt SI 've-tAeff ms-€-aed-anASe4)ewelnpFncM stendarfist-the-lb4lowitS-p&S'es.-At Nw--time f-Plan , . -at+M4444a7a afid ustFaf Plaza-B&e-is-neeessar-y-{ , ttim +r~c ~-ef-t#~e-~cessary~-~►e~ae~-e~-Pla~a-~ve~~e-e~a~N~la~a-Br~va " mug-be cunstruet }'--4 lepnnew Dir-eetar,'Peisignee- N #~c--C , --}`--E-r tkt-4#m f--tiMifl"€44am-Driv"djaecM-4o4le-lincaf-street-4ocNa blK• firanE$ga-( . . aa;-as-dapiozc#-+rrFigttFe-$??-?- GiA 4ve4fftsj--sa4iify-the-Bewelepmefit StamAards4"*-Qvro-9rire-cc►tuffms-ftmta •ing-pages-At t}ie-timee#'-WaR adepti , Rffe4+at#wr4han-en-e*+staag-streeL-'Fh F)Five--+~dicated-44hr4a . . -Givie--9rive--is f . , pmefi! mus4-Hnelkide-4he cotisuvc4+oii-af-all-m-ttwAmoessary-poriion-of-flx-4Givie-LNfvs•-=1 ~ i es6-i veleptent--Ahal{-be--deamnined-hy-the--Cc►mmurtit},-9evelepn►ef1; t ~eetc~~l6le~ig~e: < aees-efiy-sEmeis-i mets b_d nt#~e~~k~a~-t#~a-efle~listrd-e~a--r~t~st-saEtsfy-the-D~.welo~ent-3t oct . . , aAd y-ronstrueted.--Nev1 • tfFAi S . Qihef: ift-ets m~w--a~so-b*-ne~wly-eomtFw4ed-r+ektnteffly-lry-deve3ep.~~ flrc~~er~Y~efs- GeMef-C-e Page 4 of 13 -l.Fl\llSet~+~h~in~i~o_'t~~_~n~i~~~ 07-?ti Z-2 4-G91SAnP COUNQL Oraft - 2.1 QISTRICT ZONE reas 8r~`~-~-9. _ . . ~ Council Draft SpraguelAppteway Revitalization Plan Fcbcuary 24, 2009 t"srseneref,' e-(.-~t)-1..=et}w-F43t- , t~ rstx~~3' . . ~-to 111sofe-t#ati"4ifiea Ix4esttian or-ionted sove f~ '€~'useptt~efn-efc~' tlie dtssolved, U3- "HletwarivcPet3ey F}---T} . l1g ( ft-mi?t , 6-Ehe-fe"Wai~of: eLhF-~1i98 hU4Afi~& -te~~ fn, r . . t#Rewestem-ec~~*f4M 'g#tr-wa}-!e-K-m►tefi+f*: r~rl-l~sEgr~~l figttfed-as-sljO%V--iff-,eGjfen . c-e (teg . 4be . t--1.oeation-fl~-i#~e--R Wve gnmen4-must-be . , 't trcA"Kic+n , cilignit►g-wit ttinalf"-tl -Giv ie t'uilidag' . - . mliarr-eMtrze-B€ave-ffmtayanged with -~e cpP~o%et-of 4he400affffiffiipnet+-0ixct8rA)v~+grte , Fit~e-~t~st-~e c #~~ry OF eiWe-baR~+t ~-a~►d-t~~ttsE-c~-~Q-S~rague-r4venue. A -new--sicz"t~.~t Fi~e-0-i-ffie-r3ey+-C-ity-MaI }-thM f - y-Gcutef-E-orc-Rolicics l;} TheA1iohnwo-OP + } ifflum-G1y-C~E~. . Festfietec!-te !he-"sd-le~e{-efbtiikdinp-fiti$g- t+}-Ufitg--dw-Mini'' eW, C-i gFat~~►A-le~t+~-o~-bu~e~gs-t'a~ing-Qt#er-sE~ee~e~y-~-l~s~t~-tha~~~di~-are-eepEigueas %4+th4h"L*tt44-Shep€Fonts lining--CtrW4acino71ai--P' . tiguras eHly i f !bey-anti~.Shepffan.- a8 -P1m-a-DFiVe-e e-ghep€raREs-b3` W~lie . . rrt,! 7' fftt"d4&EBilti ~fE1EfE~Alofl~ E'igi8-~-6-Pliizai1~ ~ ShE3pkofF" pF8 , aW--may-)e eo t rr--RfM6VRI-9~f'ltf/~'IYt~-RlSfffE'fitNlSr-Aflep4heft'-i5-feitfiflPetg-fimRs "lazB Uri++e-frt►m-SpFagae Avenuetethelibtw);; eity-centc+r-reail wrAs siv penni4tQd-$leag-My-stree" she Cityi~ wii#-~itia-es_E:_n of--Appkway--BeulevaRl-Dowlef+ne#-Weng t1ppBeIv~sd rega ifiew~lepfmnt el-Ar4~eFe4m#►e-6iisi~st-~H,- . ' opfSCnt-SEendarda e} - Relslion-i a-Ov#e-Ru il diaggs 0 --r'.FMew lew:elepme~ c+~c!-4isil~ijiErn~c~+st+n~t~s-~~dti~~ ~t~tl~4ift~s Page5of13 ;,4'-L4-l~ii_~;t_ ~~~,.i~~: :i~:t.~i -1~.•'~:l' '2-2•_G~t,-~~11Rf'C(l+A1'_i!D(afi 2.1 DISTPICi 7 P; r~ ? tj►4eve4epm SARP\&ARP-Ca~!-DFA16MPNGL Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 4)--8peeieMa#:kig-aecf-F-Fe~ l4nWttt~ittgA echef-Uses 50.000- squart- feeE . , . • 0---Stl a H;{tlit+tfl°--Sifetts lf1 I toffiNnatien w.1-h 2-hol M• . (1) Spmgue . iniiNilftt-f+Bfi1agBi361ief&ge 1) Citv Gcnicr Cdrr: Prc-14--aica Corc Strtct:RQgulatioris ln order to "inc;uhale" tt District (:ore within thc Citv Centcr District 7~nc. r~w, hre-kuated C~n Strect i~ r -sablislled. 71tls I'rc-located Cor C'treel Is tlre bnsis tw ten:,{wran• regrrlalM- restriclions a the tnlfre Cth• Cerrte. 3ctit*sd in the Wllotiving scctians, 'Mcsc restrictinns insiire that a ctitica] mass oC rluslerr(l 1',•.r~i~r 7-onc ns de ; r nund Ievel rclait shoas is esiabtislicd alune apedcstriun ariented strcct tjuniavc in he corc of thc district befprc a ~}rr diffu,,c Pattern of Tctail is zltnwed to drvrlop. Onrc Ittc Klinimum C`ity C'enter Cnrr it rnnstnicted thesc 1're- = r. i P,'c-lucxtcd Qrc 5lrsct 1i 't1i4 rrration nf Ihe Citv ('cntrr C'ore shall tx& t►lone the I'rc-I.icxted ('orc Strrct (Strrct A) sltown in the Citv Centcr. Prc-Lc+rntai Core, Strect tilap to the right side nf this pa~c (this prc-located ~treet is consistent V,ith lhc i`iQUrc 2.3_1. 2) Prc-Loc:ticd Stmcts ma 'I he Location of t C P e-I,(3C9tCd COCC Suec i mav he chaneed Nvith thc nnoruval of the Communitv f l,~-c1~r~mcnt Ilir~~t~?r.!f)r<i~~n~ hut l1sc CorL! Strret must hc ;t' Icatit f+()(► fcct lnnn ! ~ NTilnimlt.c?i t:itv C'enter 0 v i i!,_ Rliiiimuni C'it~ ('rnter c'nre shnll hc asiahlishcd wiicn iht cntirt 1cnLth of ttie f'rtLlocxilcd CorL St=,3 is bqill oul i~h rnntinuous City ('enter Retnil Stwi2fronts nnd 10611, tmntasie covtraae on both sid~s ef thc strcct unlm a~ . lli-' f;:~f'~:!r`' : ~l`i?' ~~1': ~~ft-~~'';li,',~ ~'l'i ~1t1':i I~ f11~1'I. 1~~'ll Cr'1~'i .~.'f:`1:'~~ l'.';•il C!.1_ }~tli~i.~l'1' I t:l ~'~~rcSi~ccilli~'C~Uf1fi~C11~~Z~~1'IC~IOtiS i:i Corr Strcrt Ihvclonmrnt rescrictiorLs shall hc cnattcd AFl'FR until 1 finatl Binding Site F'lan (DSf'i ~ tstablishine Ihc Citv Center Core$trcet is ugRrovcd_ Afler tl}c final ASP creatire ttic CitlCcntrr Care Street is nMwved. Citv Ccntrr f2ciail is onlLpertnitted: t, I} In shopfrunts tslune the 1're-l.cacetcd Corc StrCet 1 n sl frants that continuouslv extcnd from sltonfrr►nts a1onR thc 1'rc-! octcd Corc Street:, AlonQ Ihc anirlh slde q f 1 rr~ e Ati,e• i!/onq alJtrr ncit, Cnre Slreels sotttl eue Ave. AJQnQ !he irest s/de o! Unlveni ~ - l► Along (hc tyarth slde ojApplewtn, alvd ',cr the Minimum Citv Cenlrr Corr luts Urcn cottslrurtcd, Cit~Ccntcr Rctail 'ts ncrmittrd an atl prat~rtics Ncithin the Citv CcnEer_ Distri,.t "l.or. as cieicrminc;l hti (i3e Cin_ C'cntrr 1)i`trict 'Lnnc Itcgultttims. Sectinr, 2.22. I3 iu Idins Usc Page 6 of 13 `'-lr I1Usz«\cbatnbrld4~;anes~da~„~c~;rt 02-?. CQ:ar~Jt ~~raf; -?.i D15rr::C i znNE L~,s : -2-4-09.dac : an}SAAP}SAA P {BUAiGI ~ra i 2-. -1 - D 15 Ti'c1 CT--2 0 NE-re&s-2- 2 4-09:1 U o c I ~ . - . - _ : _ - _ - Cotmcil Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Ylan Fcbniar}, 24, 2009 l:p~e=6trcc 4.:oni's~.~uuiion I7~csi~n ~ ~ , ; ~ . . . ~ ` _ ~ ; , , i _ • Formattnd: Indent: Ldt: 0.25', Harging: 0.25' 21 Itr.btifln ro (:i►is 13uildistgs i ~ :1s sto«n in the Citv Centet: Prc-l-ocuted Corr St~~rt 1an to the riuht sicg- nf this paQC_ a nrw strixt LStrcct i31 shall t+e built connerlins thc Pre-ic►cated Corc Strcet (Strcrt A) nnd i,he planncd civic txilities c!;*criFird in Section 31 _l. 'this -lncWtcd slrcet is rnnsltilctll with thr Fittttrc 2.3.1 21 f'rc-l,ocatrd Strcrts rnun) ? i~~~trin) Pa~lsin~:~`, - runlbglt~E~e~(gcR~tilnfiaina • FormatLad: Indent: left: 0' ~ Faintattaid:~W Bold ~ i iie fi_,llaminn s ia1 r¢cuNtions aMlv 4o ne%v Core S►reet dc%elon cnt ulong Spta._uc Avc._ nre-1acated Stmcc ! c(drscribti¢ abQVC nnd sho«n in e Cin• Ccntxr: Yre-lacatcd C,on Strret 1~1~to t_ !k rieh! Sid4 of this pgmci. :und Qtltcr StrMt.S: Core Strret i)cvelopmcni v' a RNuil Anchc►r Store: ' `FOmaft& indeM Lefc 0'25- ~ ~ 1)_~>>rfacr nar{:ing lotc scn'ing the pncitcir Sinft mav tx c\ngscd tu 41tc follone str,~ts in comhiq ian- Fwmattn& irdent; Left: OS' ~ I,i, the minirnum frontage coycruec cptions indicocori r.: ; Spragr« .9ti•enue- 5035 minltmrmJrontcr ,c~ ~ , ~ StrecJ (3: 60'rb mtnlmtunfrontagr corerovr I 011wr.Stree1s: 06 minimum /ronloed ceve:.M i: ('ureStrctt QcvctojunCni without n Retnil Anchor Starc: • i Forn~stted: Indent LeR: 0.25' ~ (1) tiilrface pari:inu IntS servinp this Corc Strcct Urvclo~rincnl mav tx cxnuscd tn t~tr folln~vinL str~.~cts in- ~s1~M 0,5" I MhinatioZich Qic 'ni m Gonlaec caveracc cxctntiQns indicatcc.r. 1 Sprv,gtrg Aremie: 703o mtnlmttm f~ontaw caivrave SueEt R: R0% ntlnincirm frontage coverog~ ndtf-r_Slre•P/.K _~ml. nr_Illll!i!!ln Tr~►1f0~?_CnvCrp{+~ I Pci9E 7 Of 13 i~,~-; :t;,,5"F;F2-24-Q91`,RRP CIDt)N IC L U:as- l.i U!S IkI~•_ i 70f:E rt-or, - 2 -09_drx#L.ACbmm ` ndt-9mft~SAAP C-OUN F3tA--2:-1-{31~TfL-Zf-3N- - -g- - - - , _ec r. ' _ - ' . " . _ _ • . • , a , , . ' ,r,•' _ - - Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan February 24. 2009 ~ Cin• Cestcr. Prc-Larsta! Core Street 111ap Eznmptc of C[tv Centcr Corc Development Sntlsfjing • i Ntinimum C'it~• Ccnter Cnrc PalIcics . . :»~{~tt:t - ~ , ` 3 ■ ~~r.~ ~ ~ ~ - ' 't~1~~i;_'; ~Ll~~ ~ t~~~~ ~ Estmpl• of a Cth• Cmter Core La~'ont ~ Street A: h~-lxsted Gee Steeet SRre1 B F~ ' Cet~rc: MYZ, Dci~e 6 Cl~ic Ddr• alap , ► ~ t . . i.. ~ ~ , - - =i I : wn nrn. ClcSt Drivr (l+k BupolsrQa Li )L-U--Jl L !SOL Li Il_.l,l-i ! iL - ' r ~ ' . . c. i fl:::7 - ~ n t ~ Erample of Coi•e Streets EsAmple of Core Development Layout Sti•eeis LAti•out Page 8 of 13 :`1-LFl1~t,:-~\(~ti'f~~~'~i~~Cl~_~i~~1Li~Ci:!C.wll::~.(17_]. ~ . I_ I ' • ~.ll_I ~ ''24'09A _ F7{'I~EE1~11i~~-Jt7tJIt~2'LT'r~t3R~(RT'j~~'ttlt'-CGtInEfI CkANSMP-EOUNcIL ~-24 Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan February 24. 2009 - - - ~ Descriptiva: Netg6borbood aaters Ncighborfiood Centas atr higher deasity, larga scalc mixed-u.se Distrids with oonocatrations of neighbotfiood- seiving coavenience uses (including supcrmarlcets) regularty distnbuted tbrougtnut thc cacridor at major inwrsectioffi. Smaller sctbeclc4 and wida aidewalks complement ttx,se aaivity oenters. Upper floor housing and of8a ova retafl is encouragod. 'ILe centus may also have largtr scale mixed-use buildings that are oompauble with tbe sdjaceat acighborhood setving retail developmem.. ftvidoetd District Compositioo This diagram rzpnsents an acample of tbe typical developmeat envisianed for this di4trid. it does oat represem a specific design reqWnd oa aay particular site or propccty. FORM + .i ~ ~ USE - ` DisPosmoN t'r 1) $pctlal RcguladOns T6e Ciry Cxnter Neighbofiood has tbe following Special Regulations: a) Parking Lot BnBering i) Sidc or rtffi parking lots with 2 or more bays of parking shaU maintain a 10' laadscaped buffcr with trres elong adjaccnt properly lina. Rage9of13 i~~•~-'~':~,WRr'2-2:-0)1SARP CO.1NCIl ' ?4-09.doc . RP-G~~ . _ - . _ , . . . _ - . . - . . . . . . . ~ . Council Draft Sprague/Appleway RevitaliTation Plan Fcbruary 24. 2009 Mjnji•AhR:~ANJUNdabow DescMptioa: Miicd-Uu Aveaue In the Mixed-Use Avcouc, Sprague Av+enue is characierizod by larger, consistent landscaped setbadcs with parlcing lots locgted to the side or resr of btWdings. The c6arscter of new offia, lodging, and "Medium Box" rttag sales aud services is oompaLble with housing in buflding form and site development. This malces Spregue Avenue an appropriate locatian of lsrger scale housing. Reisi7 must be located on and orieated towards Spcague Avenue, transitioning to We priznarily resideatial development behind Behind the Sprague Avenuc Edge, existing and ncw Otba Streets mate a network of inediam-sized bloclcs with varied Isadscaping that support ttie smaller seibacks and tugher frontage coverage of dcvelopmeat that is less aricnted wwards Spragne Avenuc. This District is primarily a mix of office, todging, and medium deffiidy bousing accommudaied within a wide range of building types including stackcd units and townhomcs. Eovisioned Diatrict Composition This diagram repre9enLs sn example of tbc typical devclopmetrt rnvisioned for this district It does not npreseat a specific design requlred on aay particular site or property. ~ ~ Foiw+ - jr ► USE DISPOStTiOM • ~r l) SpccLl Rcgulations a) Froot Setback Treatment i) Front strct setback areas on Sprague Avenue shall be planted with grm or groimdcover across the eatirc groperty frontage and incorporate: (1) A biain5ltration swale that conforms to the Spokanc Valley stormwater ordinana with a minimum 10 ft wide swale bottom. (2) A single row of poplar trm shall be pianted ai a maximinn spacing of 40 feet on center within the bio-swale sicle slope along thc back of sidewt►lk_ I Page 10 of 13 0F1'1!Js Lf51CZ, ln. bfIU-~-i'_t?Q:'.1('i.'.'";~(~:{_; f _ 1~. 1 1'~ Gr~;~'t ~.1 D TCi . C~' r~q5 21_ .f JJlJ l;_ (V,S91,12, 0 L-fONM Dfaft 2:3-$1STRIG ZBWf-fegs-2-24-0~doE . - - ~1. . ' • " , ~ ' '^i. , . . . 1 . . . _ . . , _ . . _ _ ~ . _ . _ . r. . . . . . . Counci) Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan FcNuary 24, 2009 - - - - Drseription: Reaideetiai Bonkvard Thc Rcsidcntial Boulevard is adMnctivc residential corridor. Coasistcat, large. lundscaped setbacia snd Eucca spaa between buildiags 9ave fiwStandiag boulcvard-scalc hoasing such as muldplexes, along with seasitivtly desigocd and cxplicitly oompahbk offict buildings. The Residential Boulcvard savcs as s mcdium density residc.~tial edgc of the singk-family neighborboods south of Appkway 8oulevard. Sarth of Applcway Boulcvard, along Othcr Strccts. small-scalc suacbed single-family housing and detachcd singlc-family bomc.s finish the transitioo to the adjacent residcntial neighborhoods. Laviaioaed District Compositios This diagram represeats en cxampie of the typical dcvdopatcnt envisioned for this distrid. It docs not repceseat a sperific dcsign roquired Qn any particular site or property. . FORM UsE _ -6• Di3rosrnoN - l) Speciil Rtgulations a) Frant Setback Tratmect 7 As pmrt of Taraoed sad Feaced Edgc TreabwnLs along Appleway Blvd low retaining walls md feaces shall be locstcd S fed from the baclc of sidewai{c. ii) Ftont sctbwk areas shall have at Ieast onc large tree. Page 11 of 13 o~~sat~.r~ c.~tiri i'_ r~~~t - 2.1 ~~!srr~~~zr►r~i - r1c• RSRR ~f-A4-lPJ~ F~F'~~ y!~-....'~~i,.`'~ s.a.' ~r.l'.,X1 ~Y-~.'1".+ "_(i~~~. ~T•+s.•~-s ~:~'t.=~- . .R- . _ ♦ ~:~,-~,:~,.ft: c~- -r + : r,' _ ' - _ . - . , _r_ . Council DraR Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Febcuary 24, 2009 M.% Gateway Cmalq'ob! AvspvP : Description: Gatrway CommercW Avenue This is a"thc,•med" specialty district that is domiaated by auto sales and savicts_ A uniqae streetscape design and signagc regulatioas combine with special strcet frontagc trcatments iacluding vehicie dispiay spaa and oorrespanding idzatifiable buflding farm regulaiioas w help support and strcngthen this rcgional destinatioa Tbe I distrid is intersprrxd with suto-orieatcd devdopmcat aad appropriaic compatiMe uses such as "~naiium box" oommercial sales and savices. Along the Appleway Boulevard F,dge and Other Streets, rcgulatioa4 focus on buffeting rcquimnents w ensune oompatibility with edjacent development EIIVLSIOlltd DiSLTitt COmpOSiti00 This diagram regrcsents an example of tbe typical deveiopmrnt cnvisioned for this distrid It does not represent a specific design requited on any particular site or propcrty. FoLn 8, ~ ~ ' ~ USE DISPOSITION i - . / - I) Speeial Regulations Thcrz are no special rcgulations in the Gatcway Commercial Avcnue I ~ Page 12 of 13 l)J_/ ' ~.~1.1' _ " . ~.~._I.1il!_!~_ JJ__ 7_ 0 YY"""' Draft . ~ '1 ITZwT1MT,VOC 1 ' r ~r . , . . . . ~r. . - . - .r'. . , _ . . . , . . _._r _ ' _ Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 ~ - - Descriptiom: Gateway Commcrcial Ceuters Gatcway Commercinl Centers, in additi~an w thc typical Gateway Cammacisl Avtaue fabric, Permit ooncentrations of auto theatied resmuraata, entat$inmeni, and rcereatioa to support the fteway Commercial District's role as a ngional deAinsrion. More urban buildings with higher 6rvntage coverage snd wider sidcwalla distinguish the Ceatcrs from the rest of the Gaieway Commacial Aveaue Distrid and reinfonx the Centus' mon pedatrian- orierned charactu. EnrWooed Distrkt Caopositioo I 'Ihis disgram represeats an example of thc typical developmeat envisioned far this distrid lt does not mrcscat a specific design rrquired afl aay particxilar site or property. ~ FORM USE • DliP051110N . ♦ti~ c~{` 1) $pecial Reguls60os I-herc ure no special rcguladons in ttie Gateway Commercial Centcrs. Page 13 of 13 '•1,'-~H1'~ i._;__~~ :i~; `'I~e -_it;, _ t CrJ AF'r' COUi~:CI! C)t.?f;- ?..1 p ~R1~ Z~Jt~1: f~g~ - ~ -?4_tl9.dnc; L~raf~- Aoc ' . . . --r. - . _ . . . . - - . - - - • ~ - - • - - - _ - - - - - . _ , Gouncil Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan Fcbcuary 24, 2009 23. STREET AND OPEN SPACE REGULATIONS 11iis scdion contaia5 staadards sad guidclincs dcsigned !o ecLSUre thst streets, blocks, oPcn sFaces, aad landscsPmB througbout the Plsn Anea are ptovided and built with the quality and care neoessary tn aihancx the transpoRation nctvvvrlc, pravide proper scccssbflity, and easure the developmmt of a wide raage of public plaoes within corridor as it inteasifies. In addiciun a regulatury policics for the provisioa, configuration, asd design of streets and open spaas, this section provides staadazds and guidelines for on-site improvements such as the design and landscaping of all spaoes including front, side, aad rear ynrds; screening for utility aad servicc arcas; as wmll as policies governing the tn:atment of furnishings, plani matexials, aad lighting,. Modifications to existing stretts wdl require the evaluatioa of starmwatrr systems to make sure thcy will functivn properly in the new strcet configuration. ~.3.1. 9treet Staodards 7be Street is defincd as the area bciwcen back-of-sidewalk lines as shown in Figurc 2.3.1 - Comdor Definition of Terms. !t includes the movinB lanes, parkin8 lmus end modisns as vwcli Ss the sidewallc and any sidewalk landscapc arcas. Stroct Standardg determiae the requiremeuts for the provision, con5guration and design of rxw stnets. They art established to eahancx the connxctivity of sircets, to creshe safe and amractivt stroctscape eavironmenis, and to eaoourage walking ftoug,boat the Plan Area. All oew streets oonstructed within the Plsa Area s,hall be designai aod oonfigurrd scoording w the following regulations (pavemcnt section designs for the stnd types will be based on Enginecring design standards). I eu_. C~ al~_w~a. ~ i~ e~ea o. eluc.rst i ~ 1 IL 1 I ~ r ~ CV"!• ~ L ' ~(i♦ ►k.^ar~i~ ra~v'~wt ~ ~~n►rrf rt t _!sxri4t_, i !fDh ~unc 3 F1G.2.3.1. CORRIDOR DEFII`1T10N OF TERDSS 1) Stteet Provlsioas Thc constructioa of oew publicly aoassible sUzets is required in instanccs where: i► n~-sF~s-tt~.~onst~4ed~sdt:vc; ii) Tbe acreage of laad to be devtloped exoeeds the Maximttcn Block Siu developrnent standard; I i lIL L1I1'S l)e\LlLk)I11L[1t 1:11'dt{lil'f 6~tif1111i1tJ lh.lt il 110% ~t11C1 IliUtit tt: CoIISITiItitcd (illl' to_C:. imnneLs c►f the cf<velonmcnt nn the existineslrcet; 7nd tnfric circulation it inEeFior-of e-prep • . fen Spaecs: Page 1 of 19 \1SV-LF1\Users\cbaW3M9e1a9endapacket 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\.SARP COUNQL Oraft - 2.3 STREET 8 OPEN SPACeS 2-2409.da Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalizaiion Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 New streets intcaded for public evocss may also be oonstruded voluncady to fvlfiil the dasign and dcvclopment objaxives of thc private propcrty owna. Tbe provision, location, dcsign end coafiguration of new strxts shall conform to the rcgulatioat speci6od in tfie folbwing sections. This diop~wa ~litast,.~ates, step-by-steg, how to in-zodn.^e ne11 streets and open I bpaces cn Iarge parcels to help deSne smaller block-s- , 1~~ ~ i1) Step 1- CwIculnte the pa-rcd six and detes=ugne if netti streets and blocLs are ~ irqtti.-ed. . , ; ~ i.i) Step 2- ittroduce Kchn S=,zr:s: Crta:e ~ a layout for uer: streets accarding to the principIes de:ailtd in Section 2?_ Swte: aud Open Spa:e RrgulBtions - ~ iii) Step ? - ~oduceAll~~s au3 Open ~ Spaces that -az11 incrtase access to propertics , and enban.e tlitu tralue au3 liraUilit3;. 41:eys I are recammtnded ali tlie pzf'erred nieans fer dni.ng haLr Ulocl:s. I : iv.) Step 4- Intro3uce ap-reliminary rsa str: y. . plau sliowing laS•out ef stretts, btuldine s and optn space according to tlit derelognent , segulatioas for the apg:icable distric: zones. _ ~ - II FIG.2.3.1. 1) I``Ew STRRETS AND 4PEN SP1tCE6 PROV1510NS PROCESS See Attached Maps _ Pre-located Streefs CBM7-:1 Pre-Lmted core streM (set secHoo :.1.1, l)) Ptm:+lrra Boon~ Parcrl Lim Page 2 of 19 1\;SV4F11LbmUbainbrid9e1a9endaPadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL DraR - 2.3 STRFET & OPEN SPACB 2-24-09.da Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalizzaiion Plan February 24, 2009 2) Pre-locstcd Strceb New PF~l4x:-atCNl-StRre~-t~~~#~. F.,, 2-3• ,...•ve-. The . W... <<..,.,. I (4t~e-~of~ i ~~'-~P~ cifigumtien-saE~s~'~~s-t}te-same-tra#~'~e-r~~ire~ent4-end esta~is~~uirttlea~--i t ncEi46& i ' 1-c nrelacntcd strt.,el m:zn (scc f•W. 2.3.1 abo~cl shc►ws nrci:I7Cl~ 3~1,(IITICfIi~ t~f fi![iilC S:ICil> 1Vlt)ll11CiC TIdOr. RCOU1CCd I1C%Y Stf'rCLS S}1alI hC COT1St711CtC{I (I1 l}1C IOC31CLf 5hU1\71 Qp (I1C pI'cIUCALCL 5LfCl't i113D- I ti. • ,rect alienmrnL- are nlso considered tuture nccTUisitian arcas. 'i'o en.,;u rc thatjxa• streets c;vi lx constructtYi ;hc fuwrc. huildines ma% not bc aons-tnicicd eci u nrclot-itcd strrct and buildines must bc sri Hnck the minim+:•i ' ';tanre shnwr oq the district xone cliarts loc.itcd in Srction 2.1. 'ilie -qtrret or future a1ianment may hr r ~locaccd at the discrrtion ofthe Conlmunitti nc%rlonmrrit 1)1*recto~r,1n~-si2ncr ift}it: ut?clicant can slmw that i;:. 1'+IITxSCd I1C1\ C'- -f'1;'l!`... ,l.h~~:i f_tl~!it~l'l:fl~: 3) Muimam Bloek Sime Block sixe is a mcasurc of the total srea, in acres, bounded by the pmperty lines that dcGnc a parcel or assemblod parcxl. The Maximum Block Siu speci5cally regulaus tbe total erea of oontiguous propcrtics that ultimately form a city block Maximum Block Size regulations result in limitations oa amouat of oontiguous property that may be developed within the boimdaries of publicly accessible streets. Development increments - that is properties or assemblages of contiguous properties to bt developed - that exceed the speci5ed Mauimum Block Sizc standard (after providing any requircd pre-loc;atod strcets) must construcY additioaal aew publicly acocssible streets in locatioos that resuFt in the rneatioo of city blocks that do not exoced the Maximum Block Size. New smcets must be designed, con6gurd, and located in acoordanae with the sieadardS specified in the following xdions. Maximum Blodc Siu standards erz speci5ed for each District Zone in the Developmeat Standards charis. In no cose do aJleys or passqges qualify as defrrung edges oJv block For the praposu of determintng 61ock sL-e, alleys and patsagta must alwqvs be consldered as pm-t oJ1he intertor oJa block 4) 5treet Coa[iguratioo a) Cuanectivity i) All aew strnis shall conneci with existing streeb and be canfigured to allow for future exteosion w6eaever possble. ii) Ntw private, intara] sftets and cul-de-sacs longer than 200 foet are not permitted (deacl end roads ovcr 150 fcet cxxd an epproved firc apparatus turn-around). iii) New dcad-end streets are permitted so long as they srt con6gured to allow fur fuRW+e extension aato adjaant properties and could not otheniise cnnncct to an cxistiag strea b) Abandonmeot In order to maintam the accassibiliry providcd by the block suucture of the corridor, existing public streets or alleys may uot bc closcd pennsinendy ualess the closure is part of the provision of a network of ncw streets that satisfy all strat ngulations. 51 Aceess Maa•geweot Regu. ~~lahs_tor SPn8.od APPte!v_~y H'~~ ~ _o.-n- nea 'Ibesc regulations are intcndcd to svpplement those in the City's adoptad sircei standurds in order to preserve the functianality of these Principal Arterials and to minimize oonflids bctweca accrss points and future high-cspacity transit in the aorridor. In the eveni of conflict benvren the suh-arca plan and the strert standards, tfie morc resVicxive regulation wn'll apply. 1) ApplcwavAvtnuel4?4Sflvir&V~ t '1;: -ti~.-, , L•c! r - Page 3 of 19 \\,S/-LFl\Users\cbalnbridge\agendapacicet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09WRP COUNQL DraR -2.3 STREEf & OPEN SPACES 2-2409.da Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalizaiion Plan Fcbniary 24, 2009 C10 L:oUlk:, :iid Ifl 1l1C I': t'kIiIL' ;;Ver. Scction 2.102. Dircct accm- lQ Applc~~ay Crvm nrapenits afang,cithcr sidc otdir ristht-of- •«ill h~ tcrn~nuti~ nnd ma~• tae revoked ifthe accrss rnnltscts ~~~ith fuhirr hieh cap.citv trnrtcit . ~nmrni i ; D+rM-ec~ is pfehibi ' (!'arnmWe& Indent: l1R: 05' ~ rc~l.oems*d-Sueem pl . ifa e-lhe-Fre-bocat ti ~ss~atad-t~}+ ifn . th-t4a(4-sWieable}-@1ld-@{'3o-i~1.'ElE3~lCd-1hThis f6lgh8-H 455pCfmt6--E4ef~VEM a EBF}-BFfE'S.4-te pleway. E ~'t Foe . 14 ) flif~C-~-Af~k"S~ -5l~A~-A~ E-iEl,--fiQ~i{-(1tl; IR' 4@ E31E31~i.'iAC@ts;-i~~Q-Pf-e4,:416atE '5l5•il~t?tig'6-6F4aee ti;e 'W4)"1e++vd~. A,_Pk'way. be ali -Lc►+caMd-Street-"'ag-Stmets-neE-elassifw" c011 e-r-ight-on, r-ig#t-eut-E4t#eFAt--E"ftwo (~}t.•--~ ig . bl. Appleway Awmei3ouk-y:ud (t%rxF-%sa% s~rti0n ct-s tc, App,ie%%zty liautrvurd t~%n-wa` srctionu shall hr rc¢ulalc:d bv ilic hiernrcin• in the I'arkine ~i:antcr. S~.~clion 2.1 (2) Acems sha11 hc rigtit in/rieht c►ut onlv. Ilirect accrss to Apnlcwav from }.tpcrtics alans! tltc.%,outh a d~,of tlx rie)zt-~~=~ . v%-,ill rlcmpc?ran and ma~• he rcvoked if th_ti { Fonmsft& Undeke ~ C_.:Ifficts %%ith fiitum hiA cals,-ici v t ~it alignment. ~ E-~-~-bec-att~d-StFeet-passes-t#~gb-ff-ed*eN-to-4hc-paKel,- en-fiearlhe Rfe-losaNd-Stwt-end-ne-c~ec-ess -wil l-tx►-atllc3wed-ie,Apple+a)L. sl. S,P~&m Avanuc from Thiumaa W Tschiriey: I r . Pre-loeated4;4fm passes g , akea-ken"k ~ Pre-W cNc.*d,Street-md wed-lo-4F%4o- i~:. St-.':?_ .'l\Y'iillf ttvil ' 1_:__t's.,i1t;!?tJ 1'~ ilIC l14of1'.1 thC r:if1Jf'` (`h:!11t:f , S_l'tl{nIl 2_1 (2 1 ~ d) Commercial, industrial, and multif8mdy developmeats shnll pravide parting lot travel lane oonnectioas consisteat with SVMC 22.130.039 and grant casements to adjaoeat propaties. 11lC11'I FLiIs_ tiUhdl\'1StQI15 bi«du►_ sitcplans_ co climinate nccrg lo n parcrf tram n sidc qrcct Qr allrti• iti acdct- lu Knin direc . _'4~ fr~F!il SJ'7i!"11i'_Cr :jCt\.,,.. 6) $trtCt Typea [a instances where new sVicets are required (e,g. to satisfy the Maximum Blodc Size Rcgulations) as well as in iastsaoes whae aew streds arc voluntarfly provided bY P'roPertY developers, sucb new strcets shall be designod in accordana with the rcgulntions provided in thls scctioa. New sirats shell be designed as ~1lttgaatod in the following Stroet Type Sections. An epplicent maY propose mudiScations to tbc accampSnYinB Strett Types pmvidcd that it caa be shown that the modified sftet desiga satisfies ar enhsnces the strc+etseW eavirumneot, subjoct to rrview by the Communiry I?evdopmeat Diector/Dcsigner. Designing ell landscaped areas within the street right-0f-way w be fimctional sEormwata trzatrnent facilitics is encouraged Reoammeaded canfiguratioas for thcse facilities are shown in SecEion 2.33.Strw and Open Spacx Guidelines for whffe spaa is limiteci. Page 4 of 19 \\.SV-LF1\Umsloak-Arid9elagendapacket 02-24-09\SARP2-24091SARp OOUNQL Draft - 23 STREET & OP9V sPacfs 2-24-09.csoc - - , Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan Febniary 24, 2009 New stroets within the Plan Area src also rccommcndtd w incorporatc bile routes that euhance the Comprehensive Alan's 8~7uelPodestrian System. Appnopriatc pavement maricings and signage ahall be iastalled where appxopriate. 'Ibeze should also be bicycle padkung facilities appropriaiely located in tbe City Center Distrid Zone. a) Pfaza Drfve i) Puapose: Urgaa'rze tbe primsr}+ pnblic realm to crcade aa environmeat suitable for shopping and strolling along adive retag, eatin& snd entertainment uses. Cone Street sidewallcs sbould be wide and tmobabuded to grovidc ainple room for pedesbriaffi to walk, an+d to eaoourage sciivities including outdoor dining locatioas f+or kiosks, faod caris, and 8ower stalls. ii) Componaus (1) On-stroei parking oriented parallel to tbe ciub. (2) Each bloek shall have a siagle species of large, opra-habii deciduous Um with a maximum spacing of 40 fett on-ccnttr. Tras should be located in tree grates thnt art flush mouuted at tfie badc of ciub, or may be located 'm islands within the parking lam. (a) Trees a/wuld be meddafned tn a way lhat provides wabstructed vlews w ahowroom wlmlows mid bullcfing signage. (3) Pcdatrian-scale decarativc strw lighting in sidewallc with a maximum spacing of 80 feet on- anta. Light sourae should be located 11-13 feet above finished grade- (4) Firc hydrants shall be locaicd on both sidcs of the strwt end installod at street corners wficrcvcr pom'blc. Pt,A"!.A DftIVE , I - . . , . . . , ~ 4~[K ol st0iwAuc v~[R Ot ti0[wxk ► ~ f ~ ~ 1~:~, 'L1 i ~'i'F. ~ • ~ ' ~ ' j~;' ~:.,c' • ' I ~ ~ ~Kti ~ ~'^.lY r . yV'. ~ ,Y , - ~.i~~;itr HoAinp r . 1 t,?'~' ~ ►~'+Q aeaa • ~ ~ aeba ~ .1 1 , . . l.. • . . . „ . .n...~,, ....un .w n..o ..,e '..u~,ri .a.... 1 ..+nc ~.w w+ u++ ut ~.~e.c , '%1't:.RT FilLl: EA.KT SIDk Page S of 19 1\,SV-LFl\Users\cbainbrfdge\agendapatket 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL DraR - 2.3 STREET fl OPBV SPACES 2-24-09.doc - - - - Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revital'vation Plan rebruary 24, 2009 hAft OMY = i= ~ - - - - - - - I _ F IL',{ I . . ~ ~ . ~ , ~ . u' AMR ; ,t~ , r 5 ~ `►1'~• it- ,..i ~ . C~DI; j~: .:?f~ Page 6 af 19 \\SV-Lf1\Users\cbafntxidge\agendapadcet 02-24-09\SAftP2-2409\SARP COUNQL DfaR - 2.3 SfREET & OPEN sPacES 2-24-09.doc Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 b) City Street i) Purpose: Providc an aitradive, urban stred to scrve as a primary travel oorridor within aad betwcen neighborfiood districts. 'Ibe City Strret is intended to suve urbaa residcnfial and ofHce developmeat and should provide a desirable setring for drvclopment ii) Componcots (I) Esch block shall 6avc a single species of large, opeu-habit deciduous tnes with a maximum spacing of 40 fat on-ceatu. Tras should be located 'w troe grates that are flush mountcd at the badc otcurb. (2) PedesUinn-scale dooorativr street lighting in sidewallc with a maximum speciag of 80 feet oa- oenter. Light source should be located 12-14 feet abov+e finished grade. (3) An optional8 foat minimtrm wide pianted, center median may be provicSed. 'Iliis median can be narrowed approsching major intersxtions to acoommodate left turn lsna. (4) Fire hydrants shall be located on both sides of the street and insiaUed at street oorners wherever pombie. 413AGK OF SIDEY1fALK BACK Of SiDC1YALK11~ t~r.. ,Z ~v~► A~~~ f` ~ ~ ~ • i~'L ~ ~ • , _ ~ ~ 's • ~i ~ " t , r ~ L- WL 11~•.na ~ 1 .~J 12+ ! 17~ 7LS/ c 1w. rn. ~-r -J . SJDlVYA:K h!►fiALLCt S'4tx1r~F1 (IWf ?RJ\dH IA?IF ►MALiF. S1DfWAIK fALC1hG ~'Mt%iNG ' ~ STREE7: 601-69' RUW (TY►IC1.L) > ~,fs/►CK OF SIDEIVALK !lACK OF SIJEY:AlKb~ ~ _ <<- s - ~ ~ ~ f.. _ Gti,~_ ~ y~'~-~ "~e+~'t~~~►°~'• ~S' ~ 4 t / S I~ 1 j1IC~lW+tK ►AwJ►:.[l 1~V►YLl1ANl NC~I4N TV~:'tl tAVI ~AN~[l SI~lWA c • /I.JLXivG tARRNG { 571tt1:7: 70-72' ROW 11Y11CA:F ~ I Page 7 of 19 \\SV-LF1\Uses\cbainbridge\agendapadcet 02-2409\SARP2-2409\.SARP COUNCIL Draft - 2.3 STREET & OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.doc I Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan Fcbnuary 24, 2009 t) ritighbor6ood Street i) Furposc: Prvvide en attradivc strcct to servo as a gricnary travcl oorridor within and betwun neighborbood districts. 'Ibe Ncighbocfiood Strcet is intcxided to scrve residential and officc dcvclopmcnt and should provide a desirable seti'mg for development. u7 Camponeats (i) Eacb btodc shail have a single apxies of large, open-habit deciduous troes witb a marimum spaang of 40 fcet an-anta. Tras abould be located in continuous planting strips a minimum of 6 ftxt widc locaued along the badc of aub. (2) Pedcsvian-scak decorativc street lighting in sidewalJc witti a maximum spaCing of 80 krt on- ceMcr. Light source should be locfficd 12-14 fect above finished gracie. (3) An optiooal8 foot minimum wide planted, aentcr mcdisn may be providcd. Tlis mcdian c:+n tx narrowcd approaching major inaersecteoas W acoommodate teft turn Isncs. (4) Fite hydrants shall tx located on both sides of the street t+nd installcd at sirLct curners wherever pom'blc. •41erkcK oF slotNY~LK r-A.cK or s IoeW.stx ► . ~ , /j"°~ r s -t s ` -4. r ~.F~L ✓1~ '~~~i ~ ~CV 7~ y . ~ 5►-.~-i~"~ . V r'-e~ 70ms.e ~l~ri~e`-+~A~-+ ~ a~~E. rawrl-. 1 ~.~~-at ua*.~ ~ t.►v~ul~ rawrv~r. s~o~. M'AlK 601811W /`AItKING S-?rl' Wh11[ STREf-T t'Ji t L5 7' itOW I IY►ICAL1) ! ~ f 440ACK OF SIDEwA1K IDACK OF 5I0 EW1.:K ~ r'k.. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4c ~ . l y~ Wtem ; r°In r•1•` m1•. M.• . r » =K ~~~o~-~.-e~e►~ ' aIOF. •IANT sAV-%_l[L TKJ%Y1 1 1 ANO 1 tA1! 1 t w'tl PJJtiLRfl t.Al.l 51~1. ' wAJ!c atwl~ PAAKtvc P^ttlNG sral- w*tK f S1REEt- 6C1-52' RUw ;IYNICALI ~ t t Page8of19 1\SV-LF11User5\dmk&W9e1a4~Padcet 02-24-091$AM-2409\SARP OOUNQL OraR - 2.3 STREE1' 8► OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.doc Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 iI,awcx or saacw.u,c a..cK of srocw.►uc►! P ~ -.b ~ o ~ • ~ ~ ~ .aT ~ ~ , ~ ■ •nlw I ~Iw T wH ♦ r►~/+ Ld-~C~T~f~ `I~~•w+fn~ 11~~•~~A Y ' swt- ■tAVT.rwrA&1:9 71RJ►Yft LJ►NE ►wfnf.^•-+ ru.veL &w,rvs •w^^aixt Pv.M. slcsc. ~ ' w+uc znqr rwuUV--= ►wWN,c srgtl- waax • ~ STRLtT: 70b72' ROW ('7YTKI6L) } d) Nelghbor6ood Green Strcet i) Purpose: Provide a cenirally-loc:atcd o pcn space for public gaihcrings, surrounded by u sueetscnpC cuvironneat that cnhances the vatue of its surroundings- u) Componcnts (1) 1-arSe, open-habii dcciduaus tras in plaating svips with tras planted with a maximum spacing of 40 fett on-oenter. (2) Pedestrian-scalc dccorniive strat lighting wlthin thc sidcwF►lk and aeighborttood grccn with a max.imum spacing of 80 feet on-centcr. Light source should be located 12-14 feet above finishcd grade. (3) A Neighbocfiood Onen opai space oomprised primsn7y of grdssy opea space shaU include public seating. (4) Fire hydrants shall be located on both sides of tte street snd installed at strcct corncrs %vficrcvcr possiblc. AI3J►CK bF S I9-aF\VAl K =Z - ~ << +~:.-L s - . i ~ _ ~ - . ~ 3. Ln~h--Nii Sltfl. ►l1JYT- ►~~/~.11/ 7RAYt . .w~R i WALK LYtW rAtKIV~ ` ST7lCLT ftOtY > Page 9 of 19 \\51/-{-F1111sers\d)ahAwd9e1a9endaP~mt 02-2409\.SARP2-2409\SARP COUNQL OraR - 2.3 STREET & OPEN SPACES 2-2409.doc Council Draft SpraguelApplewgy Revitalization Plan Fehruary 24, 2009 e) Scrvice Street 7 Pinpose: Providc a sa:ondary strzet for inftroal circulstiva wittiin the C3ateway Commcrcial Districts to serve truck loadin& pwicm8 acass, and 8oet siorage. ii) Componauss (1) Singk spocies of Iarge, opcn-habit or upright dociduous or cvagroea ttces in Plantin8 strips with a mwimum spaciag of 40 fxt on-cxnta. (2) Strat lightiag locaud within tfic planting strip sball Dluminsw both thc thoroughfarc and sidcwsllc cavironmcat Maximum spaciag shsll bc 120 fcet on-centrr. (3) Firc 6ydnmis s6all be locatod on both side.s of thc street and iastalled at atrret oamcrs whcrewer posaibk. i : i4aAcx or sIoLrvvi.e.K e^cK oF si oF+vAix Doi ~a` ~ ~ ~ SpZ~ ~r " yr ~ ~ ♦ S 1 . ~ 1 y • s~ w.s~ ~:l~ en... s a ' lIOtWAs K 1 tI►Yl l l,AlyL 1 NYLL lAHl i1ot W^S K I 5T tktf - 40 ►/V6X R4:)~1Y ItY!'ICAt) ~ ♦ ALsEr U.WF' ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L ir ~ ~ w►tir ~ 7) AUe)s and Paasages The provisioa oC aUcys and passages are enoouraged in all district zDuts. New alleys and pffisagcs do aot satisfy street prvvision requirrments. Ncw alleys and passaga shall bc designed as illusirated in the fotiowing scctions. An applicant maY ProPose modiScations to the accompnnying design providcd tbat it can bc shown thst the modified alky or pa~sag,e dcsign satisfies ar enhances tbe stratscape environment, subjed to revicw by thc Community Devalopment DireciarNcsignee. PaQe 10 of 19 \\SY-LF1\Users1cbaiRbrk9e1Kft+'daPadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09~SARP COUNCIL Draft - 2.3 STREET 8 OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.doc A Cauncil Draft SpraguelAppteway Revitalization Plan Febniary 24, 2009 Dcsigning aU landscapcd areug within the alley/passage right-of-way to be fuuctional stormwsta treatmcot facilitics is eacouraged. Alley i) Pmpose: New Alleys may bc oonsducted to provide vehicular and pedestrisn aocess to rcar yard 8w8cs, caffia8c homcs and scrvicc areas. u) Componenis (1) Alley right-of-way shall bc a minimum of 20 feet and the cntire width must be paved. (2) Strezt ligMs must be pmvided with a maximum spacing of every 120 foct on-center. Lighting fixtures may be fteestand'mg, or may bc attached to adjaoea2 strucxum b) Pussge i) Purpose: New Pagsages may bc coastriu-ted to provide a pedesbiaa connc.ction betrveen sidewalks ar froni yards and rcar yards, reaz raickntisil garages, carriage homcs, and servicc areas. ii) Components (1) Pas,sage rights-0f•way shall be a minimum of 20 fceL 7be right-of-way must coasist of a pedestrian walkwsy with ama=in,um six (6) foot width and coatinuaus plaating srcas on both sides of the waIlcway. (2) Passage sethack is defined as the requircd distana from tbe passage right-of-way to the primary+ bw7ding. The minimum rrqvired setback shall be 5 feet. (3) Fenoed Edge, Terraoed Edge, or Flush Edge shaU be constructcd at thc cdgc of Passnge. (4) Strw lights oompatible with t6ose requirod on Neighborttood Streei must be prvvided with a minimum spacing of cvery 120 fat on-ceotcr. ~ I i Al y d7j• • , ~ i I ~ L ~ MfACA ~I \ Page 11 of 19 \\SV-f 1\UserskmInbrW9e1a9endaPadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP OOUNQL DraR - 2.3 STREET & OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.da Council Draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 - All new open spaces withia tbe Plaa Ares, whether or aot thcy are requined by Opea Space Provisioa rcgulations, shaU be desigacd aQd aonfigurod aocarding to thc foUowing sadions. Opcn Space rcgulatiom sct forth rcquircmcnts for the provision and design ofapen spscxs and lsndscaping elcmcnts in tbe P1an Area Tbtsc tegulations Fue establi5}aesi to cnsurc a«ridr rangr of public spaces that complcmcnt tlic primary public streets and opcn spaccs in cach district l) Opea Space Provisioa a) PubUc Open Space Public Opea Spaoe is requirod as speci8od in the Fig2.33. Open Spsae Pmvision Chart. Pnbtic Opca Spaa shall bc btu'lt by dcvelopets as devdopmeal occurs. AIl nevv strces, wbetber ar aot thty are nquired by Strvet Provision Regulations, may be counted to%N:►rd F'uhlic Open Sp3a: req111FrlP.PTIIS ~Public Oprn Space ~A<<i--eli'ri%ate Ulien I Location of Requircd Use Cafcg-arics i ~pacc I (riiinirnuni) (tn i ni m u m) Public Open Space j ~ f.1 i (1uU ai: fur development over On-site or Off-site if located 1- Retail SOk sE IV/A within 500' ofptojoct 2- Chic & Cu)iqryl N!A ~ N/A ~ N/A 100 s. fJ 1000 aL for dcvciopmant ovet On-sitc or Off-sitt if located 3- ORice ~ SOk sf IV1A vrithin 500' ofprojed ~ 100 sf./room for developmcnt over 4- Lodgia~ 50 rooms N/A On-site 150 sfJuait for S- l.ivt-Work develoQment over 20 DU N/A On-site 150 sfhmit for 10 - ReaideaNal developmcat over 20 DU 60 sthmit On-5ite , b) Active Opeu Space Activc or Private Opcn Space is required as specified in Qre Fig.23.3. Open Spaa Provision Chart. Active Opea Spaoe shall be provided along the frvnt of all oPfice or rtsidtntial tnn'ldiags not located slotlg and orientcd tovr;trdN street;. Acti%c Ofwn Spaee stiail he huilt h% de%clopcrs us dcvelopillent occun. FrUtll SUcet or Side Strcc:t Scihacl: wc:s shail not tx drsiLnalecl :tti 11L-ii%e ()pcn Sp1.:s c) Privatt Open Space Privste ar Aetivc Opeo Space is required as spc:ciFied in the Fig.23.3. Cpen Space Provision C;hart. Private Opea Spaet shall be bvdt by developets as developmeat occiin. Required setback nreas sha]l not bc counted towards Priveic Open Spnct Provision requircmcnts Page 12 af 19 \\.SY-LFl\lJserS\tbeinbddge\agendapacket 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\SARP CUtJNCIL DraR - 23 STREE7 & OPEN SPAC:ES 2-24-09.da Council Draft SpraguelAppteway Revitalizaiion Plan February 24, 2009 2) Open Spice Daisn a) Pablic Open Space All PubGc Open Spaoes shall bc publicly axessblc and shalt be provided in the fam of pwi6, gteens. and plazas. 'Ruy shall be bounded on at lca4t three (3) sides by sbnxts, shaU be connecxed tn public sidcwalks, and shall bc open to the public twenty-four hours a ciny. b) Active Open Space An edive opea spsce is any side yard, courtyard, or othcr open space that is acressed dirtcily by a primary mtraax(s) to housing uaits or offia spaas. Active Open SpacPS shall bc defincd as t 'Uustratod by Fig1.3.4. Acxive Opea Spsoe Defmition and shall consist oftbe following oomponeats: i) A single Acdve Open Space may not exaed a siu of 1/5 acne. ii) Enlrances located aloag Adive Open Spaces shaIl scla:t 6rom private frontasc types as permitted for ttie propaty by tbe applicable District Zoae. iii) A minimum S foot widc sidcwalk(s) or pathway(s) caoneding all buDding entrances to the pablic sidevvaIic shall be located within tbe Adive Open Space. iv) The minimiun dimansion of Active Open Spaas shall bc 30 fect wfien the long axis of the Active Open Spacc is orieoted East/West and 20 feet Men dse Active Open Space is oriented North/South. v) Courtyards and other Activc Open Spaces located ovcr garages shall be designcd to avoid the unsation of Corccd podiun hardscape through the use of ample landscaping. ^c?w ctir+ tv._.'i Ww~' 4 Ariri cnr. :rwn c► A"'}, I.1 A-'} ~ ~ i La li~j Armz oetti n.re eoCe reve>: `a } Fla. ) ACTIVE OPEN SPACE DEFI*4ITIO.N c) Private Open Space Privatc Opeo Spxe shalt bt providod in the form of yards, balconics, or paGos whwse primary access is from the dweUiag sen+ed "The minimum dimensions for private opcn space ia any singie dirwtian shall be 4 feet if provided es part of a porch or haloony, and eight (S) fcct if providcd as a dcdc, yard, tcrracc, or patio. 3) [.aoduaping a) Trccs Street trm shatl be kept trimmcd back from roadway travel lanes and shall maintain 20 fixt cleaz betwern tm crowns to maintain fire acass apparatus access and operadoa Page 13 of 19 115V-LFl\Users1~nbrkige1a9endaPacket 02-24-09\SARP2-24-09\5ARP COUNQL DraR - 2.3 SIREET & OPEN SPACES 2-2409.doc - ■ Council I?raR Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 b) Stormwatcr Management Ail develapmeat shsll adhere to tbe Ciry'a Uni&xm Dcvelopmeat Code - SVMC 22.150. c) Setback Arcas Froat Setback area~ shall bc treated in sccardance writh tbe follawing AnWards in additien to the standards statcd in Privaft Froutage Standsrds as speciScd in Sedion 22.6. i) Ecvut sdbacjc areas in front of all Shopfront or Arcade frontages shall be paved as extensions of tbc pubtic sidewalk ii) Fmnt setbadc ams tbat sre nnt aloog Shopfront or Arcade frontages shuil provide paihways oonneciing tbe public sidewalk to tbe fmnt door and to any parking arcas, and shall otherwise be planted accoss the entire FroPerty fronta8e (in sddition to otha edge treatmeats requictd per Private Frontagc Standards far that Districi Zone). 4) I.ighting i) Strzet lighiing shall use docorative poles and itadwes. u) LiShtinB and PlmtinS Plaas shall bt coordinatcd to avoid light pole and tne vonflicts. 5) Walfa and Fenca ~ a) Froutagt Wails and Fences i) Overall heig}t of fenoes and walls localed in the front yard shall not eaceeed ttvee (3) foet. ii) Chain link feacing, barbed-wire, razor-wire, and oorrugaied metal fencing shaIl not be percnittod. ~ Utility and Servke Area Serceniaa i) Utility, Tragh, Rocycling, Food Waste and Service Equipmcnt, induding satellite roceiving dishes, tronsfarmers, and backflow devices, shaU be located away from strrets and enclosed or acrceocd from view by landscaping, fcncing or otber archituxural means. (1) For saFety, sacening ckvias sfiall be dcsigned to maintain viaflity of movement behind the scroca. i7 Trash facdities and rccyding caateiners must always be within structural eaclosures. ii7 Rooflop oquipmeat must bc set badc a minimum of tcn (10) 6oei fmm building walls, scroeaed oa all sidcs, and "mtcgrated into the overall bw7ding design. 233. Street and Opea Space Guideliaea 1) Publlc Spaca i) Public spaas sbould provide a variety of sesling options, sreas of sun and shade fot year-rowd climatic oomfort, shelta, and night lighting to eacourage public ectivity and easure safety. u) f'ublic spaoes should be visibie from public strees and side walks. 2) Wslls and Feocts a) Frontsge Feacea and Walls i) Froat yard fenoes shauld employ a eombination of thick uM thin strucmal elemeats with thicker dcmcnts for supports and/or panel divisions. Fcaec posts end/or suppori columns should be defined using additional trim, caps, fuuals, and/or moldiags. ii) All walls should havt a cap and baso bratrneat hi) Frontage walls may occur as gardrn walls, plant~ waIls, seat walls, or low retaining walls. Pa9e 14 of 19 \\SV4Fi\Users\tbainbrid9e\agendaPadmt 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\,SARP CDUNCIL DraR - 2.3 STREET & OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.da , Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Fcbruary 24, 2009 iv) Eatrances and pcdcstrian "gatervays" should be annoimccd by posis or pilasters, and may be combined with trdlisa, spocial landscaping, deoorativc lighting, pubUc art or othet spccial featurcs. b) Screcaing Fcnca and Walla i) Side yards - defincd ag tbe portion of sidc sctbaclc arcas behind tbe front setback area - and rrar yards may coatain landscape fcatures that pcvtect tbe privacy of the pmperty's oocupants such as lanckcaping. trtts and scraening walls. Screeaing walls may not exaed a hcight of fve fcdk and must be constructed of materials that are compahble witb the ffirhitecturc and characta of the site. Nadual colors, a cap or top erticulatioq and related dimensional post spscing incircmeals should be uscd at scraaing fcaas to enhana campatibfliry. ii) Design elements should bc uscd W br+cak up long expanses of uninterrupted wa1Ls, both horinontally stid vtrtically. Wa1Ls should include design elements such as textwtid ooncrte block, iatertodcing "diamond" blocks, formcd mncccte with nwrals, or simflar mairrials. L,andscape materials should also be ustd to pro%ide surface relicf c) Secarity Fenca i) Usc of security fcnccs should bc minimizcd, and limitcd to ficcial locatioas wficrc additional security is necessary, such as adjacrnt to the railroad trackg_ Such scc.-urity fence.s shauld not exceed 8 feet in hcight ii) Secvrity fenoes should bc designed to maintain a visually open charadcr to the extcnl possiblc. 'ihis may be accomplishod by using metal picktt or open gn71e fencing or by mouniing metal picket or opea griIle fencing on top of a low masoury wall. d) Piers i) Piers arc architedural elements of feaas or walls that can add interest to and break up lon$ exPanscs. ii) Pius are recommended w have a base, shaft and cap composition. Larga piers may be specially designed for gateway or other special locatioas, e.od thase may inoorporaie ornamenial plaque.s or signs identifying the building or busintss; public srt such as panuls or sculptural etements; and /or light fixtures Picrs may be topped by omamental finials, light firhuts, or roof csps. iii) Recommended dimensions for masonry picrs sre apprvximatcly 18 inchrs pcr side or diameter, and the maximum spacing between picrs should be 20 feet Metal posts should be a minimum of 4 inches per side or diameter. e) Materiats and Colora i) All fcnces and walls should be built with aitrsctiw, cfurable materials that are campatble with the chnracter of Spokum Vallcy (see Section 2.5). ii) ApPropriate feace matcrials inclucbe wood, masonry, and metaL (l) Wood picket fctKts are only recommended along residentia] streets. For Nvood pirket fences, u pnint finish or vinyl coating should bc applie(L (2) For iron or mdal fences, recommended materinls include wroaght iroq cast iran, welded stocl, tubular steel, or aluminum. Metal fences should be mounted on a low masonry wall, and /ar betv►etn masonry piers. iii) ApQtopriate wall maieriels include stone, brick, precasi concrdt, texriued concrete block, or formcd concrde with rcveals. A stuoco fmish may be uscd ova a masonry corc. (1) Exposed blodc waILs should be constructcd with s oombination ofvaried beight block courscs and/or vsricd block faa culors and textures (e.g. a combiaation of split-face and precision- facx blocks). Plain graY pnecision-fsce coacrde block waUs arc not recommended. Design Page 15 of 19 \\.SV-LF1\Users\cbainbrd9e\agendaPacket 02-24-09\5tiRP2-24-09\WP OOt1NCtL oraR - 2.3 STREET & OPBd SPACES 2-24-09.doc Council DraR Sprague/Appleway Revitalizaiion Plan February 24, 2009 trtatments aad finishcs prcviously desrnbed should be applied to thesc walls for improved visaal compatbflity with building architecturc. (2) An and-gaffiti c;oating shall bc appliod to ell oqxsed mawary wall mnfam. iv) Piers and post5 should be rnastructcd of the same or a compauble material as the principal biu7d'mg(s). v) Support post or pia matcrials may difYcr from feuce matcriuLs; e.g. metal frnce panels combined with masonry piccs. Reoommeaded materials includc bridc, traa caua, and stone, colorod or dccoratively trcated ca.st-in-plaa oonatts, pmccast concretc or ooncrtte block, or stucoo-fsced cancrae or aoncxete Wock. vi) Bollards arc recommended to be cast iron, cast aluminum, and p"aag ooacrde. An ansi-graPliti pcutaxivc coating sMl be spplied to ell r procssi ooncnete piera aad posts. vli)Colars and finishes of machanicel endasimcs and equipmcnt should bc coordinstod with aolors and fmishes of strcetlights, fencing and othcr painted mctal surfaas to be usod on site, or witb the associaicd building's material and color scbeme viii)Strcet and building-mounted mctal furnishings should bo powdrr «oated or painted with Waterbornc Acrylic Polywdlane, such as Tnemec Series 1080 or similar product For powder coattd finishes, a chcmically compati'blc W-protcctant dcar cosi is rccommcnded for prcvention of oolor fading. 3) Slte Fnrnia6iag3 i) Public gaibering places and other publicly accessible arcas should be detauled with dccorative, pedesiriHn-scaled sitc furnishings and cquipment ii) Scating, frmtanding ptanters, arnamenta] trash and recyclin8 raxptscks, bice raclcs, drinking fotmtsins, PcrBolas, treilises, hcatcrs, umbretlas, wind sctrcning, and decotetive bollards arc rccommendcd (1) Whca dcsigning seat walls with straight cdges of more thaa 6 feet in leagth, consida 6ow dctaiting can prevent skalcboard damage. iii) l,aadscape structures and sculptural objocts should nferenee the bwnan scale in their ovetall massing and dctailuig. iv) Componcnts should tac made of durabic high quality matcrials such as paintad fabricated stal, paintcd cast iroa, painted cxst aluminum, and integrally oolored procasi coacrcte. Recycled matetials should bc used so long as the finish or took of the aiaterial is oonsistent with or similar to thc finishes prescribed above. Masosry surfam shnll be tratted with an anti-gafiiti ooating. Metal surfaas should be ooated with highly diuabic ftnishcs sttich as aliphatic polyuethanc eaamcl. An ultraNiolet protectant dcar rnating is siroogly recommended tor dark or fugitive colors. 4) Plant Materials i) Plnat materials shouid al«ays hc incnrporateci into new dcvclopment sitz design to provide "softening" of hacd paving and building surfaces. ii) Mature, existing troes sbould be presaved wtiencver poss;ble. iii) T[ee 5im shoulJ be suitable to lot size, thc sralc of udjacent structures, an(i the praximity tu utility linc.i. iv) Tbt use of siruetur-al soil planting tkds for svcct trccs %Nithin pnvcd areas is strongly ttcotnmended in order to macimit_e the ability of ttzc tree to t}uivc and pcrform %sc;ll in the urb:ui environmcnt. Page 16 of 19 \151/-LFl\Users\oaintxkige\agendapacket 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\SARP COUNCIL Draft - 23 SfREET & OPEN SPACES 2-2409.da Council Draft Sprague/Appleway Revitaliza.tion Plan Fcbniary 24, 2009 v) Both scasonal and year-round tlowering shrubs and trrm should be ustd wbere tlxy can be mosi appreciatcd - adjnceut to walks and namational sress, or as a fraw for bw7ding catrances and stairs. vi) In gcneral, dcciduous troes with open branching smwum arc reoomaended to eszsure visibility ou retail establishmeats. More substantial shade tras art ret;ommcadcd in front of privatc nsidcncxs. vii)Evergreea stuubs and trees should bc usod for scxeening along rear pmperty liaes, amuad trashhrcycling areas and mcchanical e9uiAment, and tn obscurc grillvwork and fencing associated with subswfaoe paricing garages. Howe=, screening should also bc dcsigned to maintaia clear views for safety. S) Ug6t[ng a) Design i) Lighting 6xturcs should geaerally be dirxted downward from tbe tiorizontal plane of the light source W presav+e a dark sky and prevcat tnnecessary lig6t pollution. Excaptions may be made for up lit trvcs and architectural lighRing. ii) Pedesirian-oriented areas, including welkways and paths. Plazas, ParkinS las, and paricin8 strudures s6all be Wuminatcd to incrcasc safety and providc clcar vitws both to and withia tht site. iii) All on-site and building-mouatod lighting fixture design should be arrhitecturalIy vompatible with bue7ding design and with the cbarscter of thc carridor. iv) Unneoessary glare from unshieldcd or umdiII'w«f light sources should bc avoided. Commcrcia] buildings and landscaping can be dluminated 'mdirectly by ooaoealing light featwe.s within buildings and latxiscaping to highlight atvadive frntures and avoid inwsion intu neighboring propcrtics. b) Material and Color i) Color and finish of lig,hting mdalwork should match that of other site furnishings, and/or of the building's mctalvwrk or trim work. ii) A chemically computible W-protectant clear ooat over paint or powda coai oa metalwork is ra:ommcndcd for prevention of fading of dark or fugitive calors. iii) Color of lighting soura types: ia pedcstrian-inteasive areas, warm v►fiitc, eiurgy efficicnt source types (with color temperatiues specifmd es 2700 degrees Kelvin to 3200 degrees Keivin) such as me3a1 halidc; inductioa lighting, compact 8uoresoent, and light-emitung diode (LED) src stroagly eaoouraged c) Luminaire Typcs i) New arca lighting fixtures shall bc of the certoH'type to prevent light from being emiued above a horizontal line reLativc to the point of light source. ii) New fixtures should use a reilector and/or a rtfrador system for efI'icieat distnbutioa of light and reduction of glarc. ii7 New fixtures should not cauu glare or traasmit it to upper stories of buildings. House-sidc shiclds and internal reflector caps should be used to blodc light frnm tlluminating residerttial windows. iv) Small dccoraiivc "glow" elemeats within s luminain are permitied to emit a low aaiount of lighi above the horizontal. d) Helght i) For building-mountcd lights, maximum mounting beight should be approximstely 12 fcet above finished grade. Page 17 of 19 \1SV-LF1\UserS\dbainMdge`agendaAadcet 02-24-09\.SARP'2-2409\.SARP OOUNCIL DraR - 2.3 SIREET 8 OPEN SPACES 2-2409.doc Council Draft SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan February 24, 2009 ii) For pole-mounted ligttting at pede.strian plazas, weljcways, and ontry areas, a podestriaa-height fixtiue 10 to 14 ket in beight from grade W lig6t saurct shoWd bc LLsed. ui) Bo[lard mounted lighting and stair lighting arc also nroommendcd Enr low-kvel Bluznination ot valkvvays and landscaped ereas. iv) Bo[lard illumination sbould bc shieldod or bept st a snHicieQtly low Icvel to prevcnt glare impscts for passing motorists. v) Ia general, height of lighi souroes sbould be kept low to maintsin pedesUisn scale and prevrnt spill light from impacting adjaoeat propertics. e) Up-ligdtlng i) Bunding facade up-lighting, roof "wash" lighiing, and landscapc up-lighting abould be operatrd an tuaas that turn off il2umination extirely afler midaight nightly. ii) Shidding and careful placement should bc used to prcv+ent spffl tight fmm beiag visible to pedestrians, motarists, and nearby nsideatial dwelling windows. iii) Adjacent w singlt family homes, e cambination of lower mouating height and lutninaire shiel(Ls should be used to proted r+esideooes from spill-light snd glm, iv) Illumiaation {evels of facade up-lighting roof wash lighting end Iandscapc up-lighting should use lower brighmess levels whene the itiuminatcd facadcs, roofs or lanclscaping faoe residcntial bu7dings, except across wider strcets ar boulevards with landscaped medisn.s and street trecs. 6) SwtaiaabiUty a) M'teriais 7 Use 1oca1 and recycted builJing matrrials wlic:ntvcr possibic. b) Psved Areas i) Tlx gradiag of all paved areas and adjacxnt non-pavcd areas, tlte sclaxion of paving matcrials, end the design of drainage fac7ities should coosider paving pemuability and be conbguted to allow watu nm-off' W pcrcoiate bac,3c inW native soil to ttic degree possble. ii) Paved areas shall inoomorate bcst management practiccs to control stortnwater as outlined in the Regioaal Stormwatrr Guidelincs. Page 18 of 19 \1s►-lF11Llws1Oainbrid9e\a9endapadcet 02-24-09\SARP2-2409\W OOUNQL Oraft - 2.3 SIREET & OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.doc i Council Draft Sprague/Appieway Revitaliuation Plan February 24, 2009 CURB R ~ `f' , B/~.CK OF ~ ~ SIDEWALK o ~ ~Q m~ ~ 7t~~► ~ 1 ~ • ~ 4 ' cuw ~ ~v►Nrs~e INIET J~2U~-.~~~ .,.i.,. ..,i.,. u►~+osc~rca sioE- STORMWATEA WAIK rl./1HiTHt FIG.2.3.3. 6~ STORMN'ATBR TREATAIE2~T FACILITY I.1t1dSCapt1~ Art9S i) All Isndsarpe:d ertas ahould be designed to allow aquit+er Hltraiion and minimiu stormwata rua- oi~'utilizing bio-swvales, filtration strips, sad bio-retention ponds wr~ere appropriau. ii) As part of new street ooctshudioo or sidcwalk improvcments, landscaped mtas within t6e str~eet right-of-way should be designed W be fimctional stormwater veatmeat fac~ities. Rain gardeas oonfigurcd as follows arc rccammcnded in urhan locations where space es limited ii7 'I~~e usc oF driP ~8~~0. 8~Y walcr systems sad otha waier-oonsaving methods of plani irrigatiaa are strongly cncouraged iv) Plant sad landsrape materials should be aelectcd from native species as well as non-native/non- invasivr species that are w+ell ada~~ed to tlae climatic conditio~s of Sp4ksnc Vallcy. They should bc: resist$nt to local parasites and plant disca5es. Turf is highly discouraged. Pa~e 19 of 19 \~.SV-LFl\llsers\cbainbridge~agendapadcet 02-24-09~.SARP2-2409~SARP OOUNCiL D~aft - 2.3 SIRFFT 8 OPEN SPACES 2-24-09.da ~ . . . ~ t ~ ♦ . w~. ~I k ` . _ ~1/~r ~ 1 . 1 : ~ ~ ~ - - - . . . ~ . . - t~ ~s . . ~ If ~t.~ ~ . . . . ~ f. r-Ta., • . . _ .M~ . 3 ~ . i " . i~'' Vi_.~ PrejCl~' ted R- ~ '~~r+~ . . . ~ r:~~ ~r-, -~r ~'k► ' ~ Patpg18 ~ _,-,~.~,_r.' `~'',:~--~i'~ ~t~~ - • ° Y`R: t ~ .i,•,,.~~,;~~ , . _ ~et , 4ft NO Q ~ . . i:-~t , ,~,,,~e,,• ~ ~ ~ , ' 4 J 14; . ; ;~r~ ~x r. ` ` ~y~ t2Q 1" • ~.'q, ♦ ;.~►w._~l*t ' M~4 ~t''~~=~: .~.f~ M~ ~~Aifi ,R - , .1 ~1~11 " Ay~'{_ s-~- 1 :,..r~ ~ ~ r~' ;:4 pi°'d►~° ~r t • !1' , ~p~,•~s ~ -,Jt_,_' 1 ~ e oElr . r.f. .+*d_'~~ ~ ~ t yi . ~ ' :S~ r. ~ , _Y.s,~x . . ~ 1~ 1 M • ' . . ~ ♦ lr ~ ~~.i '/~~iw~~i^j ~r , ' ' • ' ~ ,~,d. J ; ~ ~ ~ .l ~ C M~ ~ Mr' j{~'~•~ .'_•s ~n't i ~ . _ ; .i. µ $ ;afiw~"1~1 i i ~ . i1~4, a~ .1 i_..,~~ ~ ~j ~ ~ R~. ..1Fi`" • ~ . . Y; . : ".+n ♦ ~ .v~f . 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Y ~ '0 Iu'`~.~ ~ ~ 'A ~tji. ~ .yy~2' ~1►aF'y - "Q~~~~ ,t;,,,, t_ . ;.:'1 ; ~ ~ ~ ~p 0 ~ cr, , ~ ~~i~ Z • ~ ' ~ ~ t ~ ~`7\ . ~ _ ~fi ~ ~ ~ ' ~ i~ ~ + N •,t~~lh~►1~ fA°~- 1,~ ' ~ 1 ~'1 ~'.i? • ~ 'r+~l..~ ~ ~ ~"'B~ti 7Y 1' E• C3F~ ; ~ ~ ~ c~ A~',,'~~ r : . ~ ~ Z ~.~,:;.T-~' ~ x ~ i ~ • ~ a ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing E information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Indiana Avenue Extension Project - TIB Grant GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of 2009-2014 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan on June 24, 2008 (Resolution #08-014), which included the Indiana Extension Project; Approved on August 12, 2008 a motion to submit TIB Grant Application for the Indiana Avenue Extension Project. BACKGROUND: The City has been granted TIB funds in the amount of $1,566,850, forthe Indiana Ave. Extension Project. The City anticipates bid award of this contract, as results from a formal bid, to a contractor in the fall of 2010 for completion in 2011. Additional funding on this project consists of City of Spokane Valley for $314,900; Private Developer - Centennial Properties for $529,688; and Private Developer - Hanson Industries for $200,000. The proposed project would extend Indiana Ave east to the Mission/Flora intersection as a three-lane roadway including a center left turn lane, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, bike lanes, and drainage improvements. This project will help alleviate congestion along Broadway Ave and Sullivan Rd by completing a missing link and providing an east-west route immediately north of I-90. However, before we can request grant reimbursement for costs associated with this project, the attached Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreements must be signed by the Mayor and returned to TIB for processing. OPTIONS: Information Only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information Only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Amended 2009 TIP, adopted by Council on January 27 includes this project. The Capital Improvement Program has sufficient funds to cover the local match for this project. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer / Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreements (2); Project Funding Status Form (1); Attachment 1- Project Funding Summary (1); Correspondence from WA St TIB to Neil Kersten Washingfon State Transportation Improvement Board . ~ Fuel "fax Grant Distribution Agreement LEAD AGENCY: ~ SPOKANE VALLEY _ PROJECT NUMBER: 9-E-208(002)-1 , PROJECT TITLE: Indiana Avenue PROJECT TERMINI: ~ 3,600' e/o Sullivan to Mission & Flora 1.0 PURPOSE The Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (hereinafter referred to as "TIB") hereby grants funds for the project specified in the attached documents, and as may be • . subsequently amended, subject to the terms contained herein. It is the intent of the parties, TIB and the grant recipient, that this Agreement shall govern the use and distribution of the grant funds through all phases of the project. Accordingly, the project specific information shall be contained in the attachments hereto and incorporated herein, as the project progresses through each phase. This Agreement, together with the attachments hereto, the provisions of chapter 47.26 Revised Code of Washington, the provisions of title 479 Washington Administrative Code, and TIB Policies, constitutes the entire agreement befinreen the parties and supercedes all previous written or oral agreements between the parties. 2.0 PARTIES TO AGREEMENT The parties to this Agreement are TIB, or its successor, and the grant recipient, or its successor, as specified in the attachments. 3.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by TIB and shall continue through completion • of each phase of the project, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. . 4.0 AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended. by mutual agreement of the parties. * Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. . 5.0 ASSIGNMENT The grant recipient shall not assign or transfer its rights, benefits., or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of TIB. The grant recipient is deemed to consent to assignment of this Agreement by TIB to a successor entity. Such consent shall not constitute a waiver of the grant recipient's other rights under this Agreement. 6.0 GOVERNANCE & VENUE This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in. accordance with the laws of the state of Washington and venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. . TIB Form 190-500 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 2/14/2003 Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement Uo 7.0 TERMINATION 7.1 UNILATERAL TERMINATION . Either party may tertninate this Agreement upon 30 days' prior written notice to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreer.nent prior to the effective date of termination. 7.2 TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT Either party may terminate this contract in whole or in part, at any time, by mutual agreement with a 30 calendar day written notice from one party to the other. 7.3 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event TIi3 determines the grant recipient has failed to comply with the conditions of this Agreement in a timely manner, TIB has the right to suspend or terminate this . Agreement. TIB shall notify the grant recipient in writing of the need to take corrective . action. If corrective action is not taken within 30 days, the Agreement may be terminated. TIB reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Agreement, withhold further payments, or prohibit the grant recipient from incurring additional obligations of funds during the investigation of the alleged compliance breach and pending corrective action by the grant recipient or a decision by TIB to terminate the.Agreement. The grant recipient shall be liable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, repayment of misused grant funds. The termination shall be deemed to be a Termination for Convenience if it is determined that the grant recipient: (1)*was not at fault, or (2) failure to perForm was outside of the grant recipient's control, fault or -negligence. The rights and remedies of TIB provided in this Agreement are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. . 7.4 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE TIB may, by ten (10) days written notice, beginning on the second day after the mailing, , terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, because federal or state funds are no longer available for the purpose of ineeting TIB's obligations, or for any reason. If this Agreement is so terminated, TIB shall be liable only for payment required under this . Agreemerit for performance 'rendered or costs incurred prior to%the effieciive date of termination. . 7.5 TERMINATION PROCEDURE Upon receipt of notice of termination, the grant recipient shall stop work and/or take such action as may be directed by TI6. . TIB Form 190-500 Page 2 of 3 Rev. 2114/2003 . Washington State Transporfation Improvement Board U ~ Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement 8.0 AVAILABILITY OF TIB FUNDS The availability of Transportation Improvement Board funds is a function of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax collections and existing contractual obligations. The local agency shall submit timely . progress billings as project*costs are incurred to enable accurate budgeting and fund management. Failure to submit timely progress billings may result in delayed payments or the establishment of a payment schedule. 9.0 ATfACHMENTS Attachments are incorporated into this agreement with subsequent amendments as needed. Approved as to-Form This 14th Day of February, 2003 , Rob McKenna . Attorney General By: . . . Signature on file Elizabeth Lagerberg Assistant Attorney General Lead Agency Transportation Improvement Board Signature of ChairmaNMayor Date Executive Director . Date Print Name Print Name , TIB Form 190-500 Page 3 of 3 Rev. 2/14/2003 . ~ Transportation Improvement Board uProject Funding Status Form Agency: SPOKANE VALLEY TIB Project Number: 9-E-208(002)-1 Project Name: Indiana Avenue 3,600' e/o Sullivan to Mission & Flora Verify the information below and revise if necessary. Return to: Transportation Improvement Board PO Box 40901 Olympia, WA 98504-0901 PROJECT SCHEDULE Date Shown on Re sed Date , App,licatfon I, Construction Approval Date ' Contract Bid Award Oct 2010 Contract Completion Jan 2011 PROJECT FUNDING P-ARTNERS List additional fundinq partners and amount. Fundi'~g Pa~tners ~ Amo n 4 ~ Revised F'unding SPOKANE VALIEY 314,900 WSDOT 0 Federal Funds 0 Developer - Centennial Properties 529,688 Developer - Hanson Industries ' 200,000 . ~ I I TOTAL LOCAL FUNDS 1,044,588 Both agency officials must sign the form before returning it to the TIB office. Mayor or Public Worics Director • Signature • Date Printed or Typed Name Title Financial Officer Slgnature Date Prlnted or Typed Name Title TIB Funding Status Report Attachment 1 . Project Funding Summary Project information Lead Agency SPOKANE VALLEY. Project Number 9-E-208(002)-1 Project Title Indiana Avenue Project Termini 3,600' e/o Sullivan to Mission & Flora . TIB funds for the project are: . . Phase TIB Funds Design 156,650 Right of Way 0 Construction 1,410,200 Total Grant 1,566,850 TIB Form 190-600 Rev. 2114/2003 Washington State e4, $ Transportation Improvement Board o~t~~~ fmpr~m p , TIB Members • November 25, 2008 matmember Jeanne Ourbidge D Chair, Cfty ol Federa! Wa y • . { CommissionerGregPartCh Mr. Neil Kersten L~ Vice Chair, Whltman County ° QQ " Public Works Director Todd Coleman, P.E. Port of Vancower City of Spokane Val ley .,......._...n....._..... :ouncilrr6mberSamCrawford 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Whatcom Counfy Spokane Valley, WA 99206 . Kathteen Davis `"s°oT 'Dear Mr. Kersten: Mark Freiberger, P.E. City ol Sedru-WooIIey :cretary Paula Hammond, P.E. Congratulations! We are pleased to announce the selection of your project, Indiana WSDOT Avenue, 3,600' e/o Sullivan to Mission & Flora, TIB project number 9-E-208(002)-1. The MayorJamslrlsh total TIB contribution for this project is $1,566,850.* City ol La Center • Doreen Ma pelink Before any work is allowed on this project, you must: Councilmember Neil McClure • Verify the information on the Program Funding Status form, revise if necessary, Cr7yotYaklma and sign; . Dick McKinley . Submit the section of your adopted Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan C1ty ol Bellingham . Dave Nelson listing this project; Grant County . Sign both copies of the Fuel Tax Agreement; Jill Satran . Return the above items to TIB; ffice olFlnancfaf Managemenf • You may.begin work only after you receive notification from TIB. Heldi Stamm HS Public Affairs Harold Taniguchi KingCountyMetroTransi! If you have questions, please contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) Steve Thomsen. P.E. 586-1143 or e-mail GloriaB 0.TIB.wa.Qov. Srroiromtsh County Jahn Vadopich Sincerely, , Cify of 8onney Lake Jay Weber nty Road Administration Board 1 - Ralph Wessels. P.E. . 9icycle AllTance o! Washingion - ' Commissianer Mike Wilson Stevan Gorcester GraysHarbarCounty Executive Director . . Enclosure Stevan Gorcester Executive DirecYor . P.O. Box 40901 Olympia, WA 98504-0901 Phone: 360-586-1140 Fax:360-586-1165 ' www.tib.wa.gov Investing in your loca/ community 000 S 06"oone ,,;oOValley 11707 E SPrague Ave Suite 106 ♦ SPokane ValleY WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council Members; David Mercier, City Manager From: Michael D. Stone, CPRP, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: February 19, 2009 Re: Valley Mission Park Improvements Project In May 2007, the Parks and Recreation Department hired Tim Gavin, a Landscape Architect consultant to prepare a master plan for Valley Mission Park. The master plan was to provide a vision for future park improvements. Ultimately, the master plan included such elements as new play equipment, a new picnic shelter, security lighting, walkways, parking lot expansion and landscaping. In the fall of 2008, Tim Gavin was retained to develop bid ready construction drawings and specifications for the Valley Mission Park improvements as outlined above with exception of expanding the parking lot. The construction package has been prepared and we are scheduled to open bids on March 13, 2009. Funding for this project is included in the 2009 capital budget. Staff anticipates construction for these improvements to begin in April and be completed by June 1, 2009. This will be timely as the summer season begins then and the new facilities are anxiously anticipated by park patrons. Staff has been taking reservations for the new shelter since the first of the year. These improvements will also coincide with the June 17th grand re-opening of Valley Mission Pool with its new zero-depth entry pool. Staff will be discussing this project with the City Council on February 24 and March 3. Our intent is to bring forward a motion consideration for March 24 to award the construction bid to the lowest responsible bidder. If you have any questions or need additional information please let me know. Thank you. cc: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager 1 s`rno` p Kane VaHey 49;00 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevaltey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: February 17, 2009 Re: January Report January highlights in Finance included: Street fund new revenue source A telephone utility tax was passed by the council in August. Organiza.tions providing telephone services were notified of the January 1, 2009 effective date. It appears telephone service organizations have been notifying their customers as we have received a few calls from citizens with questions about the tax. This tax will be dedicated to Street Fund costs. The deadline for the first monthly report from telephone companies is February 28, so by early March we should have a better feel for the dollars generated by this new revenue source. It will likely take a number of months to identify which companies should be reporting to the City. Financial reuorts Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, to the 12-31-2008 Budget, are attached. This information has been updated as we begin to close our December books. Staff will be accruing both revenues and expenditures at year end, and will be adjusting our records as needed. Sales tax and gambling tax revenue are down from 2007. However, beginning fund balance was significantly greater than expected which will offset the revenue decrease. General Fund expenditures will likely be less than our budget which will help offset the decrease in revenue mentioned above as well. The investment report is attached for your review. We have billed granting agencies for several capital projects which will show in our January cash. Lease extension Staff has been discussing a lease extension with Web Properties. The current lease expires April l, 2010. It appears the Council will approve a three-year extension (through 3-31-13) on February 24. City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the period ended December 31, 2008 Tentative at February 18, 2009 Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized Other Funds Revenues: Street Fund $ 6,422,972 $ 341,771 $ 2,083,844 32.44% 10 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 1,340 16,431 833,569 1.93% 10 Trails and Paths 30,000 9,940 10,862 19,138 36.21% Hotel/Motel Fund 668,000 62,717 477,369 190,631 71.46°k Civic Facilities Replacement 397,000 1,140 406,726 766,669 102.45% Debt Service - LTGO 03 600,000 139,676 596,873 3,128 99.48% Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 127,813 1,102,638 2,064,423 24.95% 10 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 128,295 1,099,865 3,320,135 24.88% 10 Street Capital Projects 7,354,023 1,187,445 1,858,783 750,723 25.28% 4 Mirabeau Point Project 454,000 1,039 8,859 445,141 1.95% 5 Community Developmt Block Grnts 245,000 - - 245,000 0.00% 4 Capital Grants Fund 11,347,000 5,425,621 5,785,462 50.99% 4 Barker Bridge Reconstruction 5,862,800 1,807,960 1,883,163 3,979,637 32.12% 4 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 3,160,000 139,528 1,747,095 1,412,905 55.29% 10 Equip. Rental & Replacement 780,000 2,121 20,121 759,879 2.58% 10 Risk Management 217,100 41 188,349 28,751 86.76% Reserves: Centerplace Operating 335,000 962 8,228 326,772 2.46% 8 Service Level Stabilization 5,400,000 14,897 127,078 5,272,922 2.35°fo 8 Winter Weather 560,000 1,595 13,608 546,392 2,43% 8 Parks Capital 4,260,000 252 1,488,475 2,771,525 34.94% Civic Buildings 5,085,000 16,103 138,410 4,946,590 2.72% 8 Total Other Funds Revenues: p 6%,,867.895 ~ 9.410.25$ ~ 19,0B2M ~ 28,683.931 30.32YA Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Exoenditures Exqenditures Exnenditures Realized Other Funds Expenditures: Street Fund $ 4,742,304 $ 396,538 $ 4,094,697 $ 647,607 86.34% 2 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 - - 850,000 0.00% 3 Trails and Paths 30,000 - - 30,000 0.00% 3 Hotel/Motel Fund 668,000 192,012 568,321 99,679 85.08% Civic Facilities Replacement 397,000 - - 397,000 0.00% 5 Debt Service LTGO 03 600,000 443,951 597,647 2,353 99.61 % Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 69,838 92,176 4,327,824 2.09% 3 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 69,838 92,176 4,327,824 2.09% 3 Street Capital Projects 7,354,023 2,290,252 5,719,487 1,634,536 77.77% 4 Mirabeau Point Project 454,000 - - 454,000 0.00% 5 Street Bond Capital Projects - - - - 0.00% Community Developmt Block Grnts 245,000 - - 245,000 0.00% 3 Capital Grants Fund 11,347,000 1,651,493 6,757,990 4,589,010 59.56% 4 Barker Bridge Reconstruction 5,862,800 1,672,130 1,834,274 4,028,526 31.29% 4 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 1,983,944 218,460 1,201,239 782,705 60.55% 10 Equip. Rental 8 Replacemnt 780,000 - - 780,000 0.00% 11 Risk Management 217,100 - 187,048 30,052 86.16% Reserves: Centerplace Operating 335,000 - - 335,000 0.00% 13 Service Level Stabilization 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0.00% 5 Winter Weather 560,000 - - 560,000 0.00°r6 14 Parks Capital 4,260,000 1,220,747 2,838,700 1,421,300 66.64% 4 Civic Facilities Capital 5,085,000 31,211 128,771 4,956,229 2.53% 4 Total Other Funds Expenditures: $ 60•091171 p 8.256.471 F 24.112,528 p 3U98.643 40.18% 2/19/2009 11:20 APA City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2008 Tentative at February 18, 2009 Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Begining Fund Balance $ 5,167,000 13,747,194 $ (8,580,194) 266.06% 7 Property Tax 10,496,500 648,979 9,836,088 660,412 93.71% Sales Tax 19,165,800 2,758,483 18,525,467 640,333 96.66% Gambling Tax 720,000 154,164 724,674 (4,674) 100.65% Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 853,450 252,301 1,006,842 (153,392) 117.97% State Shared Revenues 1,320,550 510,107 1,432,699 (112,149) 108.49% Planning & Building Fees 1,965,000 98,042 2,116,460 (151,460) 107.71% Fines and Forfeitures 1,300,000 236,152 1,708,731 (408,731) 131.44% Recreation 8 Centerplace Fees 507,000 41,984 678,685 (171,685) 133.86% 15 Investment Interest 414,100 65,233 488,848 (74,748) 118.05% Operating Transfers 165,000 - 40,000 125,000 24.24% 3 Total General Fund Revenues: $ 42,074,400 $ 4,765,445 $ 50,305,689 $ (8,231,289) 119.56% Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent • 2008 Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 319,991 34,491 264,799 55,192 82.75% Executive & Legislative Support 997,076 81,055 886,284 110,792 88.89% Public Safety 19,297,300 1,706,003 17,805,856 1,491,444 92.27% Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,655,707 125,100 1,263,117 392,590 76.29% Public Works 956,437 59,967 764,763 191,674 79.96% Planning 8 Community Dev. 3,713,139 283,600 3,139,524 573,615 84.55% Library Services 20,000 3,005 6,666 13,334 33.33% 6 Parks & Recreation 2,644,420 190,748 2,380,065 264,355 90.00% General Government 3,417,988 299,665 1,982,060 1,435,928 57.99% Total General Fund Expenditures: a 33,022,058 $ 2,783,635 $ 28,493,135 $ 4,528,923 86.29% 2/19/2009 11:20 AM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of December 2008 Balances Are Tentative Total LGIP" BB Money Mkt** BB CD Investments Beginning $ 41,821,440.13 $ 1,666,315.33 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 41,923,565.82 Deposits 2,059,495.57 - - 2,059,495.57 Withdrawls (6,500,000.00) (1,000,000.00) - (7,500,000.00) I nterest 59, 961.29 1,415.72 - 61, 377.01 Ending $ 37,440,896.99 $ 667,731.05 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 39,171,968.96 Balances bv Fund 001 General Fund $ 16,8861097.49 101 Street Fund 1,497,163.32 102 Arterial Street 482,483.80 103 Paths & Trails 10,163.98 105 Hotel/Motel 339,415.55 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 346,391.31 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,363,745.79 122 Winter Weather Reserve 574,369.93 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 410,505.64 301 Capital Projects 2,010,556.73 302 Special Capita) Projects 2,299,499.86 304 Mirabeau Point Project 373,914.12 309 Parks Capital Project 90,813.14 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,808,645.47 402 Stormwater Management 1,924,726.54 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 738,555.04 502 Risk Management 14,921.25 39,171, 968.96 *Local Government Investment Pool Banner Bank FOOTNOTES 1 Most costs are typicaliy late in the year. 2 Winter weather & costs were excessive. 3 Some transfers pending 4 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 5 No projects planned in 2008 6 Small amount of 05 library tax due district. Budgeted amount is too high. 7 Estimated, pending 08 review. 8 Interest earnings. 9 Most equipment fully funded in late 05. 10 Beg. Bal. included which understates realized amounts and % 11 For replacement of vehicles & computers. 12 for capital projects during summer months , 13 Required operating reserve, no expenditures planned for 2008 14 Transfer to street fund pending 15 Revenue for 2009 events will be moved to 2009. 16 2008 capital assets pending 2/19/2009 11:20 AM MEMO TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police DATE: February 16, 2009 RE: Monthly Report January 2009 Januarv, 2009: Januarv, 2008: CAD incidents: 4,660 CAD incidents: 4,282 Reports taken: 13468 Reports taken: 1,347 . Traffic stops: 15414 Traffic stops: 12233 Traffic reports: 244 Traffic reports: 323 CAD incidents indicate calls for service as well as self-initiated officer contacts. Hot spot maps are attached showing January residential burglaries, commercial burglaries, traffic collision hot spots and vehicle prowling hot spots, along with December and January stolen vehicle hot spots. Also attached are nine bar graphs for 2007, 2008 and the first month of 2009: commercial burglary, garage burglary, residential burglary, forgery, malicious mischief, stolen vehicles, theft, vehicle prowling, and property crimes comparisons. ADMMSTRATPVE: ♦ Chief VanLeuven participated in the City Council Winter Retreat. ♦ Chief VanLeuven gave opening remarks at an FBI LEEDA Command Institute for Law Enforcement Executives course presented at the SCSO Training Center. The five-day school was typical of the excellent training courses our Training Unit has been able to bring to the Spokane area, which are only offered to specific locations. ♦ Lt. Steve Jones and Chief VanLeuven attended the annual Spokane Valley Fire Department meeting in January. ♦ Chief VanLeuven met with Special Agent Mike Fitzpatrick of the Washington State Gambling Commission to discuss issues regarding area casinos. ♦ The severe winter weather and snowstorms continued through early January, and Chief VanLeuven joined other authorities in meetings at the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) to discuss and plan for problems resulting from the extreme weather conditions. ♦ Congratulations to Jerry Brady, who retired this month from the Sheriffl s Department after 41 years of service. For the past several years, Brady has served as Ja.il Commander. ♦ During the month of January, Chief VanLeuven was "on call" for a total of sixteen 12-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. Page 1 COMlVIUNITY ORIENTED POLICING: ♦ Rick Scott, Director of S.C.O.P.E., reported that S.C.O.P.E. is actively involved in the Meth Action Team (MAT), Safe Kids, Child Sexual Predator Awareness, and Gang and Graffiti Teams. Whenever a registered sex offender, Level 2 or 3, relocates to Spokane Valley, S.C.O.P.E. volunteers hand out information, including a picture of the offender, to surrounding neighbors, daycare centers and schools. This program lets parents; school officials and residents know that an offender who has a greater possibility of reoffending has moved to their community. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 69 on-scene hours (including travel time) in January, responding to motor vehicle accidents, structure fires, and traffic control incidents which included snow plow protection, downed trees and a train derailment. During the extreme weather conditions the first part of the month, SIRT volunteers' assistance was especially valued. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers who monitor disabled parking in the Spokane Valley issued 50 infractions, along with 40 wamings, in the month of January. Seven volunteers contributed 202 hours to the program this month. ♦ Thirty-two abandoned vehicles were tagged for impoundment in the Spokane Valley in January by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers, with thirteen of the vehicles eventually towed and ten citations issued. Six vehicle hulks were also processed in January. ♦ In addition to the four S.C.O.P.E. stations located in the Cit), of Spokane Valley, members from several other stations also provide volunteer time for services for the City of Spokane Valley. Volunteers from Fairfield, West Valley and Liberty Lake S.C.O.P.E. stations gave over 1800 hours in 2008 for Disabled Parking Enforcement in the City of Spokane Valley. ♦ Statistics show the following hours contributed by the four City of Spokane Valley S.C.O.P.E. stations: Central Valley, 590 hours; Edgecliff, 436 hours; Trentwood, 314 hours; and University, 463 hours, for a total of 1,803 volunteer hours for the month of January, 2009. ♦ Three volunteers who contribute time specifically to the Spokane Va11ey Police Department by assisting with ticket data entry and connected duties are Sheryl Womble, Paul Nilson and Norma Rosenberger. During 2008, Sheryl devoted at least 324 volunteer hours to ticket data, Paul assisted for a total of 309 hours, and Norma contributed 75 hours. OPERATIUNS: ♦ With the return of Crime Check this month, area residents no longer need to call 477- GANG to report graffiti. Graffiti tipsters are encouraged to call Crime Check at 456- 2233. Page 2 ♦ During the year 2008, the types of vehicles that were most often stolen within the City of Spokane Valley are listed in the following order of preference: 1) Honda Accord --52 stolen 2) Honda Civic--31 stolen 3) Toyota Camry--16 stolen 4) Ford pickup--13 stolen 5) Toyota pickup, Saturn SL, Chevrolet pickup--12 stolen ♦ Teenaged Trio Nabbed for Robbery Three 17-year-old males were arrested for robbery late one night in January after they assaulted a Fred Meyer employee while attempting to steal alcoholic drinks. The employee was attempting to lock the doors for closing when the teens dashed inside the business. They rushed to the beer aisle, where they snatched up cases of alcohol. As the three attempted to leave, one struck a female employee as he ran past. The trio escaped from the store, but were later located and arrested. One of the three claimed gang membership, and another was found to already have an existing warrant charging him with Robbery. The alleged gang member fought with Officer Scott Streltzoff as he attempted to handcuff and arrest him. The three teens were taken to the Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center, where two were booked on 2°d Degree Robbery charges. The third was denied booking and was taken to the Spokane County Jail and booked for 1 St Degree Robbery and 3 Degree Assault on Law Enforcement. ♦ Robbers Strike Spokane Valley Walgreen's Pharmacies, Arrests Made A rash of robberies, primarily at Walgreen pharmacies, occurred in January. During one of the incidents, a man threatened a pair of employees and then escaped with a quantity of oxycontin. No one was injured in the incident. Due to the frequency of the crimes, Chief VanLeuven directed deputies to conduct business checks at local pharmacies to discuss crime prevention options and get to know the pharmacy employees. Crime Prevention Officers Greg Snyder and Travis Pendell prepared a list of "robbery procedures" to distribute to pharmacy employees, in the interest of preventing potential victims from placing themselves in danger as well as provide infonnation that might assist police. A couple of weeks later, Spokane Va11ey Police arrested three male subjects who also stole oxycontin from a Walgreen's on East Sprague. A pharmacist in the store was punched in the head several times during the robbery but was not seriously injured. A large quantity of the stolen drugs was recovered from the suspects, one of whom was a 15-year-old boy. The two adult suspects were booked into jail on felony counts of lst Degree Robbery and multiple counts of Possession of Controlled Substance, and the 15- year-old was booked into Juvenile Detention on a 1 St Degree Robbery charge. ♦ Identity Theft Suspects Arrested Observation of a stolen car parked outside a motel in the Spokane Valley led to discovery of stolen mail and evidence of identity theft inside the room. A limited-entry SWAT team was used to execute a search warrant, due to risk factors. Three suspects were detained, two from Puyallup and one from Ephrata. After interviews with the three, each was booked into jail on felony counts of Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle, Forgery, Money Laundering and Organized Retail Theft. Detectives said that additional criminal Page 3 charges are likely as the investigation continues, as this was a very extensive operation affecting eastern Washington. ♦ Second Business Rammed by Burglar Twice in one week burglars used vehicles to ram their way into Spokane Va11ey businesses. In the first burglary, a thief used a vehicle to smash in an overhead door at Precision Electrical Systems, and then stole hand and power tools. In the second and similar burglary, a thief ran a vehicle into a garage door at Icon on North Lake. The door was significantly damaged and the burglar stole computer equipment, tools and generators. It is unknown if the two burglaries were committed by the same person. ♦ Recent Scams A Spokane Valley woman avoided becoming an unwitting accomplice in a counterfeit check scheme when she opted to check out a Craigslist purchaser a little more closely. She had advertised an item for sale on the Internet site and received a reply that seemed to be a computer-generated response since it did not mention the item the sender was interested in purchasing. The seller replied with her name and address and later received a package contauung a check, with instructions to cash the check and send the overage back. When the seller contacted the financial institution on which the check was drawn, she learned the account number did not exist and that the check was counterfeit. She then called the Spokane Valley Police to report the matter. This is a common scheme used to get unwitting victims to assume the risk of cashing a bogus check. A 69-year-old Spokane Valley woman probably avoided becoming the victim of a scam when she declined to give her bank account information to a telephone solicitor. The woman told a Crime Check operator that she received two phones calls from people purporting to be employees of a medication recording service, attempting to sell her a lifetime membership and asking that she provide them with her banking information so they could set up an automatic withdrawal to cover the program's cost. ♦ Car Thief Apprehended by Alert Officer Officer Brian Hert was patrolling an area when he saw an approaching Honda Accord and recognized the driver as a subject he has arrested numerous times in the past. He tumed to follow the Honda while checking the driver's license status on his mobile computer and then lost the Honda for a moment. Hovvever, he soon located it where it was abandoned, still running, and the driver and another man were seen ruLning away from the vehicle. Moments later, Officer Hert was advised that the owner of the vehicle had just reported it stolen from her apartment complex. The driver, a 26-year-old Spokane Valley male, was located and booked into the Spokane County Jail on a felony count of Possession of a Stolen Vehicle. The owner of the vehicle was very grateful to get it back and praised the police department for their excellent work. ♦ Officers Nab Residential Burglars Two Spokane-area men were arrested when they were spotted breaking into a neighbor's trailer late one night by a witness who had been asked to keep watch while the victim was away for the `veekend. One of the two 23-year-old male suspects lived nearby, and further investigation led to the discovery and recovery of almost all of the stolen property inside his trailer home. Page 4 ♦ Vehicle Prowler Arrested Employees at the Office Depot on East Sprague chased and caught a 22-year-old male who was seen prowling a car in the store's parking lot. Police were called to the location, where Officer Sarah Stevens interviewed the suspect and arrested him for Vehicle Prowling. While searching his backpack incident to arrest, she located stolen property tying him to vehicle prowling incidents that occurred in April, November and December 2008, as well as a forgery and vehicle theft in December. Stevens also found a ring containing 10 shaved vehicle keys in the suspect's pants pocket. The suspect was booked into the Spokane County Jail for 2nd Degree Possession of Stolen Property, 2nd Degree Possession of Stolen Credit Card, and Possession of Motor Vehicle Theft Tools, in addition to the original Vehicle Prowling charge. ♦ Marijuana Growing Operation Raided Sheriff's drug detectives (shared resource) raided a Spokane Valley home and discovered a marijuana growing operation and nearly two pounds of harvested buds. What led them to the home was a bank deposit earlier in the day of $2,300 in cash that reeked of cannabis. The bank called the sheriffl s office and told them of the odiferous deposit. Investigation led officers to a home on S. Highway Court, where they were refused entry but could smell fresh marijuana. A search warrant was written and then executed later that day. One of the residents, a 21-year-old male, was arrested for Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Deliver and booked into jail, and officers were also looking for his 18-year-old brother who had made the deposit at the bank. ♦ Greenacres Couple Report Robbery Spokane Valley Police are investigating an armed residential robbery after receiving a phone call. After responding to a home near Sprague and Conklin, they leamed that a man doing repairs in the victim residence and the couple who live in the residence had been confronted by a pair of inen armed with pistols similar to Glock semi-automatics, who demanded cash and hydrocodone. The suspects left -Arith a safe belonging to the residents that reportedly contained some cash and jewelry. No one was injured in the robbery, which is still under investigation. Page 5 , 2009 JANUARY CRIME REPORT To date: Yearly totals: ( Jan-09 I Jan-08 11 2009 I 2008 11 2008 1 2007 I 2006 I 20051 2004 BURGLARY 1 491 5411 491 5411 7531 584 1 714 1 7441 997 FORG ERY 1 441 4211 441 42 11 3541 365 1 334 4641 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 1 831 5511 831 5511 8931 1,265 1 1,122 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 1 861 8011 861 8011 9441 839 1 811 1 7491 916 PROPERTY OTHER 1 801 5011 801 5011 8281 890 1 982 1 1,1541 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 1 141 2511 141 251 3191 343 1 403 1 3331 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 1 181 3411 181 341 4961 478 1 711 1 6031 577 THEFT 1 1561 131 11 1561 13111 1,8461 1,881 1 1,888 1 2,2561 2,853 UIOBC ~ 0l 11 0l 1 ll 41 8 1 11 1 81 10 VEHICLE OTHER ~ 1 01 11 0il 71 31 3 1 51 40 VEHICLE PRO,WLING I 110 9511 1101 9511 10691 682 1 937 1 9581 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTYCRIMES 1 6411 56711 6411 56711 7,5131 7,338 1 7,916 1 8,1781 10,519 ASSAU LT 1 801 6811 801 68 11 8691 853 1 846 1 8941 880 DOA/SUICIDE 1 141 1911 141 1911 2691 221 1 167 1 1591 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE I 100 l 7711 1001 7711 10631 874 1 736 1 7621 755 HOMICIDE ~ 01 0il 0l 0il 31 1( 5 1 11 5 KIDNAP ~ 0) 1 ll 0l 111 161 231 22 1 351 24 MENTAL 1 251 31 11 251 31 11 3601 350 1 425 1 4251 386 MP ~ 81 81 81 811 951 83 1 88 1 971 106 PERSONS OTHER ~ 1421 1061 1421 10611 1,3541 1,337 1 1,159 1 1,2561 1,624 ROBBERY 1 121 411 121 411 711 601 58 1 561 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 1 191 4 ~ 191 411 951 73 1 83 1 921 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 1 4001 3181 4001 31811 4,195 1 3,875 1 3,589 1 3,7771 4,192 ADULT RAPE ~ 41 71 41 711 441 43 1 29 1 391 37 CHILD ABUSE ~ 81 1611 81 1611 1481 104 1 78 1 1011 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 1 101 811 101 811 861 92 1 105 1 881 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 1 01 0il 0l, 0il 31 41 31 61 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES ~ 11 1 ll 11 1 l) 11 l 181 15 1 91 21 CHILD MOLESTATION ~ 31 411 31 411 661 46 1 69 1 671 77 CHlLD RAPE ~ 31 211 31 211 391 31 1 62 1 351 30 RUNAWAY . 1 381 2811 381 2811 3691 295 1 309 1 3111 437 SEX OTHER 1 211 1911 211 1911 1791 194 1 203 1 1811 162 STALKING 1 21 0il 21 0ll 211 17 1 17 1 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 191 411 191 411 1421 1521 177 1 244 341 TOTAL SEX CR/MES 1 1091 8911 1091 8911 1,1081 9961 1,067 1 1,1081 1,475 DRUG 1 741 5011 741 5011 8381 807 1 665 1 8911 999 ISU OTHER I 0l 0il 0) 0il 0l 1 1 0 1 0l 1 TOTAL ISU 1 741 5011 741 5011 8381 808 1 665 1 8911 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 1 2441 32311 2441 32311 3,811 1 3,800 1 3,345 1 2,4031 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVFD 1 1,4681 1,34711 1,4681 1,347 ( 117,465 1 16,817 1 16,582 1 16,3571 19,962 ~ I Spokane Valley Commercial Burglary 35 30 25 i p "p I 20 - - ■2007 ■ 2008 ■ 2009 15 , ~ 10 5 0 _ , , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC eMon16 S O ' ' g n ~ '-k ~OfB~ 7 1j481 ~ Bt0 ~ t ~ T a a m Cou►s t F 1 ~ tttem ~'a p rk $ uctle uEj Y N ri u' Q cA / d! 1 W ar e9 r-, s!.`~ mr, . ~ ` ' • ,ly , o o GsAa e~ > o. ~ ~C 'Qj.o,~.. n ~ ~i_ ~ } O m a.. a ~ b c+ V18 w JQC~ ~'y{eta P 4 ~ t~4iss►~n. ~ u ! S` ~a k a~ ~ iieid N , e- cn_ S,ptssiun M U o A ~i^- t ~ Ido ~te v t .ox ~ / / adls c~ Ms T ^ { St ~ y ~ cn IT,~,~,~,.~~, .5~ F~ a ~ o o . - _f ~C,~ ° a G •o ~ , p''` ~v , 5 rg u atn nd e tt ca`J 0nd th .Q W 1; st t o CS i _r- ~J de S { tn o 44 Apa ~ QW ~~••t.~ ' (If 7 ~ Jg 4~ Q 9 `ra 92~td m i 14 i0 F9~ C'om"'yrda' 2 4 36 j 39~ ? Bur9~~ . a 21st ~e A ; " u+ c~ ~ ~ Q~ S ~sRe ~ I Kar ate ► ~ " c cre OLow 31~ 32 10 X ~ F 1rd c~ ory Ve `yta ; 45 ~ Med;um gp Is T ~a ~ ~Qoin„ H'tglh 37 1 h_ ds s ~ .y nlc "I pF p dI1ced' ~ 'ZQQ9 ts 11 Februenl ay fjot5po ~ t r L . IJL ~ - ~ ical i , , r~. _ r.,~_ r ■ - Spokane Valley Residential Burglary 60 50 40 ■ 2007 30 ■2008 ■2009 . I' 20 - ~ 10 ~ p - , - , , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Clemmis • ~ I-r'~ !'ti 1 ~ ~ ti °I ° ~.1 S d h Cen~n1 PPy S w1:. c~, n o A via Ttals y , ep in c ~ 3 ~~0 Sensnn Grenlm 7 ~ Ym*ct~~': r N n ~ m y r SU21 1 ~ t ~ ~apy ~~l ggn ~ S Y L~' ; 5 onr y Br ~ ~ p tl r 8 o ro jp ~ ' ~ w8t L !B o ero S ~E y ~ 10 a f v low ~ H K' u. o F f ~ i Tiem w fl * I yy a r ; Q La~ t~ ai o o a r E k Ind o ~ o i~~ > I( l e Pe f el ~ ~I r P k Caurpdr.d G- a_ d I I m ~ - ~ndl Li t ar E , u~i Cuci~d _ FreAn gu ik G , ~ - ~a Med q` a ro ~ p ~ o t 4v- r- r e. ertb~ ° y -ir~~*• ~ 6 - ryC ~ ~ ~ fiRld _ oC nafieW he ult S Me Knnx 1 K m _ f vs 0 Mlsslon lulon Nn ~ o .lAlss'nn ~ °M on o ~fl e in - E ~ 8oan 5lo Shn oona , s - L E Cel Ida a ~,,,,,,~s ~,,,sr7,~, yf D 6 p m~ 8~ 8 1 ~'Ii~ ~R'n ~Tm.~ i~~ . 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JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ~ var~ey ~ortgeN SpOkan ~ - , ~ ~Zpp7 ~o - ■2o~a. , 35 . ~ ` - ! _ 34 - 25 ~ _ ~ 20 ti5 - - ~ pEG 10 ` _ ; ` - oG.~ NpV SEp - p,UG ,1UN . MAR PpR o aAN FEs Spokane Valley Malicious Mischief 200 180 160 140 120 ~ ■ 2007 100 - ■ 2008 + ■ 2009 80 ~ 60 - , 40 - - 20 i. 0 _ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Property Crimes Comparisons (2009 is January Only) zooo - 1800 1600 1400 1200 41 02006 I ' ■ 2007 1000 ❑ 2008 ❑ 2009 ~ 800 - soo I~ 400 ii ,i 200 - _ ~ i a- - Commercial Residential Forgery Malicious Stolen Vehicle Theft Vehicle Prowling Burglary Burglary Mischief 1 Spokane Valley Stolen Vehicles ao lo 60 50 92007 40 - ■ 2008 ■zaos 30 20 I~ i 10 , ~ a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC !y ~ N u ~ ~ an Clem~lb S o m: ~ S m a n S ~001 J~oge gi~ ~ ~ 1? J n 41 w 0 W0l u u ~ jre u~i y~ u U. a t~ m ~ e1 IE L CWttl 14d ~ Ki P Tk c e ' cudld c f ~ G 5 f ui K W p m s BfIB d~ q y ~ . 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WASTEWATER • CH2MHill was selected for the design, build and operation of the Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The County is currently in negotiations with that firm. • On September 2e, EPA issued a statement that the TMDL and the Idaho permits must be revised so that the limits in the river do not exceed .20 mg/l decrease in dissolved oxygen. • There will be an all-day workshop on the model of the proposed facility. CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT • Neil is a member of the Facilities Committee to assist the district in the development of a Study and Survey of the various schools and administrative buildings. The committee meets on a monthly basis on Wednesday evenings. This is on hold for a month or two. Caught up in M&0 Bond. SPOKANE REGIONAL SOLID WASTE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AUDIT • Neil is a member of the Technical Work Group overseeing the performance audit. The group selected the consuttant Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDK) through an RFP process in October. First meeting held on Nov 3 regarding financiaVperformance audit, and a comparison with others around the country. Flow Control Agreement sends in 2011. The audit is complete but will be a couple months before a report is produced. STREET MASTER PLAN • JUB Engineers are continuing work on the update to the Street Master Plan. They are scheduled to be complete by Jan 9, to include a Sprague-Appleway plan. Need to close JUB's contract for Street Master Plan. Should receive a bill for the street preservation. CAPITAL PROJECTS ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS • Barker Road Bridge Project (0003) Bridge was closed starting July 7. Bridge deck has been completely removed; work continues to demolish old piers. Drilled shaft construction to start in early February. , • PineslMansfield (0005) Construction started July 23. Roundabout and concrete intersection at Pines/Mansfield are complete. The signals and ramp regrading work remain.. Project closed 11l17 for winter; working on budget for completion. • Sprague/ApplewaylDishman-Mica ITS (0062) Bids were opened September 18 for $372,104, 33% below the Engineer's estimate. WSDOT is administering the contract that will install fiber optic cable, a dynamic message sign on Sprague Ave at I-90 and three cameras on Appleway: Park Rd, Dishman-Mica Rd and University Rd. Awarded to Colvico. 20 controllers to be installed mostly between Park and University. Work to start in spring. • Broadway/Fancher PCC Intersection (0067) Project design is complete; will be out for bid February, 13 2009. Grooved Plastic crosswalks and stop bars were included in design. Bid opening scheduled for March 9. • Signal Controller Upgrade Project (0071) All controllers were delivered in August. Spokane County and WSDOT signal maintenance crews will test, program, and install new controllers under existing engineering services contracts. WSDOT has completed their work. County has installed half of their 36 controllers. Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges (0016) Project is complete except for the Sprague/Conklin signal which will be complete in the spring of'09. ~ • Sprague/Conklin Signal (0077) The change order has been signed by Knife River. Work began on October 13, 2008. The signal poles have been ordered - still waiting for delivery. Underground work is complete; sidewalks done. Target ~ date for completion is April 09. 4D 24t" Avenue Reconstruction Project (0053) Project is complete. Haven't paid retainage yet - waiting for letter from Dept of Revenue. • Broadway Ave Rehab - I-90 EB Ramps to Park Rd (0068) Project is complete. Haven't paid retainage yet - waiting for letter from Dept of Revenue. o SpraguelBowdish PCC Intersection (0092) Project is complete. Haven't paid retainage yet - waiting for letter from Dept of L&I. Issue change order to restripe. STREET PRESERVATION PROJECTS • Euclid Ave Resurfacing - Sullivan to Flora • Sullivan Rd Resurfacing - Indiana to Euclid C, S~ragLIe !`►ve PXCSuriuci»y P~lZIs: I - Uiiiv~rsiiy io Cvc-rttrec~i (01110) review cornplete. Bid date set for eariy /%c~ri~ ~ ~ Sprague Ave Resurfacing Phase Il& Evergreen to Suliivan Desinn underway ~ • Dishman-Mica Resurfacing -1e to University (Phase 1) Developing scope of work for design services using Consultant Roster • Dishman-Mica Resurfacing - Bowdish to City Limits (Phase 2) Developing scope of work for design services using Consultant Roster ~ 32"d Ave Resurfacing - Dishman-Mica to SR 27 Developing scope of work for design services using Consultant Roster ROAD DESIGN • 4e Avenue Pathway- Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) The shoulder bike lanes and road realignment work west of Van Marter will be done in conjunction with the West Ponderosa Sewer Project. The pedestrian pathway and shoulder bike lanes east of Van Marter will be part of new, re-scoped federal project, if approved by SRTC. Sewer project is scheduled to be out to bid in March 09. • Broadway Ave Safety Improvement - Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Neil suggested Inga request accident data thru September '08 to prepare a report to give to Council along with anticipated letter from TIB notifying they will take back funds for projects that aren't moving forward. Inga requested updated report; when can it go to Council? • Broadway Ave Rehab, Phase 2- Fancher to Thierman (0066) Will start design early 2009 for construction in 2009. ECS is approved; will begin preliminary design phase. • Broadway Ave Reconstruction - Moore to Flora (0088) Benthin Associates finished topographic map and property boundary. Skillings Connolly (ROW consultant) began field work (surveys) 1/16/09. Randy finished preliminary storm drain design and coordinated sewer pipe design.. • Sprague ADA Improvements (0098) Design done. Out to bid February 13 to open March 9. • Sprague/Evergreen PCCP Intersection Project (0102) Design and cost estimate done by Pete. This will be bid with Sprague/McDonald and Sprague/Pines, and constructed Second. Out to bid March 20. • SpraguelPines PCCP Intersection Project (0103) This project to bid with Sprague/McDonald & Sprague/Evergreen, and constructed First. Construction schedule coordinated with Sprague grind and overlay project. Project being coordinated with WSDOT. Out to bid March 20. • SpraguelMcDonald PCCP Intersection Project (0104) This project to bid with SpraguelPines & Sprague/Evergreen, and constructed Third. Out to bid March 20. • 24th and Adams Sidewalk Project (0105) City designed and Vera will build. • Indiana Avenue Extension - 3,600 e/o Sullivan to Mission 8 Flora (0112) This project will extend Indiana Avenue east of Sullivan to Mission & Flora. Developer has unique plan. Need to move paperwork through Council. • Park Rd - Broadway Ave to Indiana Ave -#0069 This project will reconstruct and widen Parlc Road to a three-lane urban street with sidewalks, bike lanes, curbs, gutters and associated drainage systems. Currently developing scope of work for design services. • Economic Stimulus Projects RFQ 09-009 - Consultant selection process is done. , Bowdish Rd - 32"d Ave to 8th Ave (0121) - Coffman Engineering Flora Rd - Sprague Ave to Mission Ave (0122) - Varela & Associates Mission Ave - Flora to Barker (0123) - David Evans & Associates Evergreen132"d -16'hAve to 32"dAve/Evergreen to SR-27 (0124) - Century West/Taylor Eng. Barker Road - 8" Ave to Appieway Ave (0125) - Skillings Connotly Camahan Road Truck Lane - 8h Ave to City Limits (0126) - JUB Engineers 8"'Ave Project 1- Camahan Rd to Havana 8t' Ave Project 2- Park Rd to Dickey Rd Will assign later if add'I funding becomes available 8th Ave Project 3- Dickey Rd to Camahan SEWER PROJECTS • Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Project (0094) Only project from 2008 to carryover into 2009. Work to begin late March `09. • West Ponderosa Sewer Project (0106) This project will be done in 2 phases. Work is set to begin north of 44"' the middle of March. Shane rec d plans from County on 1/28. 1 phase (north of 44 ) will bid Feb 23 Neil needs scope of work for stormwater costs. • Valleyview Sewer Project (0107) To bid March '09. c Ro'Xhioru Acrk:~s Su.v::r Project (NOS,) Design 60% completF C, Clement Sewer Projeci (0109) i-f-,n !;Ljrvey is cnr7inl~-te. Design ~:~orl•, i:= unciErC,lay. • North Valleyview Stormwater (tied into the Valleyview Sewer Project) (0111) PARKS PROJECTS o Old Senior Center Demolition (0072) Project complete. • Park Road Swimming Pool Upgrade (0073) The contractor has basically finished the project. Contractor still finishing up punch list items. Received letter of substantial completion. Need to replace drain. Will be completely finished by 6/5/09. • Terrace View Swimming Pool Upgrade (0074) The underground concrete work, wall blocks, and roof extension for the mechanical building is complete. Need to replace drain. Pool World working in mechanical room. Will be completely finished by 6/5/09. • Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade (0075) The contractor is constructing the training pool, the under ground concrete work and wall blocks for the mechanical building is complete. Need to replace drain. Pool World working in mechanical room. Will be completely finished by 6I5/09. • Valley Mission Park Upgrade (0076) The Agreement (Contract) has been finalized and signed by CSV (20 Oct 08). Gavin's design complete. Out to ad mid-February. • Discovery Place (0086) Approval received to begin design phase of park at south end of CenterPlace where there is room to expand in the future. Council approved. Need to get with legal to evaluate contractors. • Centennial Trail Restroom Water Service Coordinating with parks on providing water service and eliminating the well. Water district doesn't know where main is. STORMWATER PROJECTS • Stormwater Decant Facility Working on project scope. • 1e Avenue and Bettman Rd Drainage Improvements (0100) (Arlt) Curb and storm drain Plans 95% complete to be inserted with Valley View 2009 sewer project (0107). • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Four sites recognized. Working on project scope. Dave Randall doing work. This last storm we faired well. • West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. Dave Randall doing work. Working on project scope. • Valleyview Drainage Improvements (Arlt) Dave Randall doing work. OTHER PROJECTS • Sullivan Bridge #4501 Inspection over Trent (0095) Coffman Engineers has submitted the draft report, comments from Spokane County (Neil Carroll) and CSV have been sent to Coffman. Design complete in 30 days. Need budget • City Hall Project (0089) The City Hall Program was presented and approved by Council on June 24t'. Final design & cost estimates - schematic design to Council on next week for 2"d touch. • Street & Stormwater Maintenance Facility Working on project scope. Hal working on a layout. • Valley Precinct Building Floor Drain (0096- Consultant contract awarded to DEA. The 15 Phase has been completed; Phase 2 shall be a complete design to dispose of the water in the sewer. Contract signed 1/28 - need to issue Notice to Proceed. TRAFFIC • Spokane County has completed LED installations at 17 intersections for the year. Waiting for rebate from Vera. • Installed new signal timing plans for SR 27 to run coordination most of the day. • Modified signal timing plans on Argonne to address congestion issues during Pines-Mansfield construction. • SpraguelThierman - trying to replace controllers. • County Replacing Controllers • Bids to temporarily close Argonne & Indiana • Start work on bid package to build curb • Barrels at Indiana & Argonne have PO. POE can do the work; need to design plan - no CIP# • Inga out in June - something about having a baby! STORMWATER • Have done extensive research and continued planning for implementation of the NPDES Phase II and UIC requirements. Coordinating with Spokane County and the City of Spokane to develop a Public Outreach Program. Developing a training program for city staff, • Presently working on the "Eastern Washington Stormwater Coalition Website", i.e., City County. Projected primarily for satisfying NPDES Phase II requirements. • Working in Coordination with City of Spokane, Spokane County, APC, DEQ, and Department of Ecology on a Stormwater atlas. • Discussing Decant Facility options. • Retained Dave Randall, P.E. to assess and propose a solution for 4 residences that have flooded repeatedly. Working on agreement. • Working on tax rolls. • Working on complaint tracking. • Swales under concrete need to be replaced. • Survey of Chester Creek pit done on 11/5. Parts have sediment; need to level bottom. Not critical and can wait until 2009. STREET & STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public Works/Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for January 2009: • Tom and Brant patching potholes • County is in the process of widening out snow paths • Looking at garage and a method to heat Cold Mix • AAA Sweeping & Vactoring contract is done - • POE contract went to Council and was approved ~e p ,;OOValley 2009 PROJECTS - - Funding Project Proposed Design Constructlon Estimabed Total Project Manager Bid Dabe Compleee Complete Completion Cost # Road Constructlon Projects 0003 Barker Road Bndge Replacement - Barker Rd, at Spokane River BR Knutson Feb-08 1000/0 15% 1211109 $ 11,317,000 0805 PineslMansfield Project - Wilbur to Pines, to I-90 TIBICMAQ Knutson Apr-08 100°k 8096 1011109 $ 5,306,143 I 0016 Appleway Avenue Recanstruction - Tschiriey to Hodges STP(U) Arit Sep-07 10096 10(r/0 1211/08 $ 6,099,588 0053 24th Avenue Reconshucdon - Sullivan to Veraaest 8 22nd city Aldworth Apr-08 100% 1009b 8I21108 $ 980,000 0062 Sprague/ApplewraylDishman ITS - SpraguelApplewaylDishmen CMAQ Knutson 100% 096 4/1109 a 830,700 0067 BroadwaylFancher PCC Intersection - Broadway and Fancher STP(U) Aldwarth Feb-09 10096 0g6 611109 $ 1,295,000 0068 Broadway Ave. GrindJOverlay- 1-90 to Park Rd. (CN) Aldworth 100°6 10096 1111108 $ 351,000 0071 Signal Controller Upgrade CMAQ Inga Note 10096 6096 1111l08 $ 258,400 0077 SpraguelConklin Slgnal - Sprague and Conklin Developers Arlt Na 10096 50°r6 511109 $ 300,000 0092 Sprague/Bowdish PCC Intersectlon - Spregue and Bawdish STA Aldworth May-08 100% 10096 11N108 $ 892,000 Street PreservaUon ProJects $ 1,290,000 0093 Dishman Mica Rehab - Appleway Ave to 16th Ave city Klein n/a 0% 8/1108 $ 239,988 0093 Montgomery Ave Rehab - Argonne Rd to University Rd city Klein nla 0°/a 811108 $ 242,000 Road Deslgn Projects 0054 44th Avenue Pathway - Woodniff to Sands (PE) STP(E) Aldworth 35% O% 9!1/09 $ 355,000 0063 Broadway Ave. Safety Improvements - Perk Rd to Pines Rd TIB Note 096 0% 0066 Broadway Ave. Rehab - Fancher to Thierman (PE) STP(U) Aldworth 259b 0% 911109 $ 500,000 0088 Broadway Ave. - Moore to Flora (PE, RVI) TIB Aldworth Jul-09 309b 096 1011109 $ 2,198,000 0102 EvergreeNSprague PCCP Interseecction Projed STA Aldworth Mar-08 10% 096 1011/09 0104 McDonald/Sprague PCCP Intersection Project STA Aldworth Mar-08 20°6 0°r6 10/1109 0103 Pines/Sprague PCCP IMersedion Projed STA Aldworth Mar-08 65% 090 1011109 0110 Sprague Ave Resurfacing Phase I- Univers'rty to Evergreen Econ. Stim. Arlt Apr-09 40% 0% 10l1N09 $ 3,898,000 011, Sprague Ave Resuriacing Phase II - Evergreen to Sullivan Econ. Stim. Arlt Apr-09 10°'o O% 1011109 $ 1,944,000 011 r Eudid Ave Resurfaang - Sullivan to Flore Econ. Stim. West May-09 0% 0q6 10h109 $ 970,000 0,117 32nd Avenue Resurfacing - Dishman-Mlca to SR-27 Econ. Stim. Knutson Jun-09 O% 0% 1011109 $ 970,000 oi!,t. Sullivan Rd Resurfacing - Indiana to Euchd Econ. Stim. West Jun-09 09b 0% 10/1I09 $ 1,475,000 o 11 Dishman-Mica Resurfadng #1-16th Avenue to University Road Econ. Stim. Knutson Jun-09 096 0% 1011109 $ 1,245,000 c) ;:,,7 Dishman-Mica Resurfaang #2 - Bowdish to City Limits Econ. Stim. Knutson Jun-09 096 0% 1011/09 429,000 Sewer ProJecta 0056 Spaldings - Pavebaclc - Indlana west of Montgomery Ciry Arlt May-07 Closed Closed 1111108 $ 16,043 0057 Grandview Aaes - Pavebadc - Butler to Cement, Fairview to Empire city Ar1t Apr-07 Closed Closed 711/08 $ 7,278 0058 Trentvvood - Pavebeck - Vercfer to Evergreen. Tmnt to Wellesley city Arlt Apr-07 100% 10096 711108 $ 8,000 2/19/2009 IISV-LF11Userslcbainbridgelagendapadcet 02-24-091PW Jan 2009 Constructfon Projecis.xls Funding Project Proposed Design Construcdan Estimated Total ProJect Manager Bid Date Complebe Compiete Completlon Coat # Road Constructlon Prolects 0091 RockwelUSummerfield Phase I- Paveback - Rodcwell, Evergreen to Sullnran city Ar1t Apr-08 10096 10096 11l1108 $ 63,327 0094 Rockwell - Pavebadc - Avalon to Adams, Trent to Wabash city Ar1t May-08 100% 909G 511l09 $ 324,500 0084 Summerfield - Pavebadc - Adams to Sullivan. Trent to Olympic city Ar1t Apr-08 1009'o 100% 1111l08 $ 158,885 0082 Sutters - Paveback - Evergreen to Progress,l6th to 8th city Ar1t Apr-08 100°b 100 % 9115106 $ 157,517 0081 Whit~e Birch - Pavebadc - Sunivan to Flora, 4ih to Broadway city Arlt Apr-08 10096 100% 1111/08 $ 157,205 o? c~ W Ponderosa - Pavebadc - Locust to Van Marter, Cit~► Umits to Dishman-Mica city Arlt Feb-09 95% 09'0 1111l09 $ 785,395 01,07 Valleyview - Pavebadc - Buttercup to David, Lake ta 13th city Arlt Mar-09 75°/~ 09'0 11l1109 $ 143,820 0 10 P, Rotchford Acxes - Pavebadc - Sullivan to Steen,l6th to 10th city Arlt Apr-09 30096 11l1109 $ 123,787 010~~ Clement - Paveback - Flora to Greenaaes, 6th to Sprague city Arlt Apr-09 30", 0% 1111109 $ 236,752 Parks Projects 0072 Old Senior CeMer Demolition - Mission and Bowdish Parks West 100% 096 811108 $ 50,000 0073 Park Rd Swimming Pool Upgrade - Park Rd. Parks West Mar-08 10096 8596 615109 0074 Terrace Vew S*mming Pool Upgrade - 24ih and Terrace View Parks West Mer-OS 100% 23% 615l09 $ 3,379,775 0075 Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Mar-08 1009b 23% 615109 0076 Valley Mission Park Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Jun-08 0°k 0°6 6115/09 $ 372,000 0086 Children's Universal Park - Mirabeau Parkway Parks/State Worley Dea08 0% 0% 911109 $ 1,000,000 Centennfal Trail Restroom Water Service Parks Arlt 2009 Stormwater Projects Stomrwater Decart Faality (06109) city West Na 0% 0% 1011I49 T80 0100 16th Ave and Bettman Rd 8 Drainage ImprovemeMs city Aldworth Mar-09 95% 0°r6 9N109 TBD 2008 Problema6c Flood Areas Project city West Mar-49 096 0% 6/1109 TBD West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements city Arlt Mar-09 80% 0% 911/09 TBD Other ProJects 0095 Sullivan Rd Bridge over Trent Inspectian city West 10% $ 15,000 0089 City Hall Programming/Site Planning city Kersten Street Maintenance Storage Facllity Ciry Kersten 0096 Valley Precinct Bldg Flaor Drain Parks West 1096 0098 Sprague ADA Improvements CDBG Aldworth 9-Feb 100% 0105 24th and Adams Sidewalk Vera Aldworth 9-Feb 100% $ 60,000 ' Partial Funding Total = 50,435,083 2/1912009 I1SV-LF11Userslcbainbridgelagendapacket 02-24-091PW Jan 2009 Construction Projects.xls CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 10, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply:❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation 0 Executive Session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: , OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we adjourn into Executive Session for approximately minutes to discuss Pending Litigation, and that no action is anticipated thereafter. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: