2009, 03-24 Regular Meeting , �/ �-� -� ,� � �. ',�NDED AGFNDA SPOKA.NE VALLEI' CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Meeting #156 "I'uesday, March 24, 2009 �, r ,��, Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Cou�rcil Requests Plense Silence Yuur Cell Plio�ies Duriitg Cou�tc Meelirrg C��LL TO ORDFR: INVOCATIUN Ua��id Thorii�. Iletired C'ha�lain PLEDGE OF ALLFGIANGT: ROLL CALL: :�PPROVAL OF AGENll:1: INTRnnt1C`TInN OF tiPF,C1;1I, Gt1F.STS :�ND PRESEiY`TATIO�i�: COMMITTEE. BOARD, LIAISON SC�IViMARY RF.PnRT�: MAYOR'S REPORT: 1. Proclamatio�r: Fina�rc.��ul t:du�•utiu�� {i ����� ?. Proclantcilioit: Natiaral l'arliamentary Lu�t� .tlojtrl� PUBLIC COMMENTS: �T'his is an opportunity for the public to speak o❑ any subj�ct ����t ��n tl�c ����;;n�i,� for aetion. When y 'OU COIIIZ tC� tll� ���dium. E�lea�e statc ��c�ur name ane! adclrc�y fi�r tl�� rc:���rcl and limit remarks t� three minutes. 1. CONSEN'T AGENllA Consists of items considered routine �+��hich are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separatel��. a. Claim Vouchers: V(�UCHER LIST DATE WNOUCHER NUNfBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 03l06/2009 Qe innin w/# 16800; endin w/# 16831 $48,392.86 03/09/2009 Be innin wl# 16798; endin w/# 306090038 $1,176,371.75 03/16/2009 Be innin w/# 16885; endin w/# 16900 $14,628.80 03/16/2009 Be innin w/# 168�7; endin w/# 16884 $57,193.17 GRAND TOTAL .�. �1.?9C�.>��i.�S 1 h. Payroll for pay period ending March I 5, 2009: $2� 1,227.95 c. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes of February �'�3. ?0��� d. Approval of Council Study Sessio» Minutes of March 3, 20(l�) e. Approval or Regular Council Meetin4� Minutes of March 1O, �O(I�� tvF W BLISINESS ?. Sec�nd Reading Propc�sed Ordinance 09-003 Amending SVMC 9.0� Regarding Speed Limit� - Neil Kersten/Inga Note [public commeotj 3. I� irst Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-UUS Airport Ovcrlay - Karen Kendall [public comment� �. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-006 ,4mending OR-01? zonin� map chanees - Gre� McCormick �public comment] C'ouncil r'1�:cnda 03-2•l-(19 R«ular �lecting ('ai,e 1 �t ? 5. Proposed Resulution 09-004, Master Speed Limit Schedule — Neil Kersten/Inga Note [public commentj 6. Motion Gonsideration: Presentation/City Hnll Design Services — Neil Kersten [public commc �� t� 7. M�tion Consideration: F �Il1C�1�'! — �1�{'i�;li�`;?1 r� �I11,`r�C�1!s�il� �I�j —�'<I� ��T'`�1..'F1��t:\� \�'��rl [public comment � � ���i f �,�'1 .,�1�., :ii��f; t�i�': �i���.i�� ��ll_ !,,!t i',E��i� �`�.I ���,,�1� ��111�1�i1.' l'l�lllCl#l'lif� ���.'�Ll�.. ��)11:�11'�:� �� � Ill� i� all ���1�?�:�CiUllli� 3i!I ili� �)ill'li� ll; ��)��ih ��fi �il: ii��)i�. �` ll�fl 1 �'t; �� �,il�_ '� the poc�ium. please state vour name and address for the record and limit remarks t� three minute�. AllNI[NISTI�TIVE �I'URTti: 9. l.egislati�•e Update from :1rea l_c:gislatc�r� h1a� ��r �!.;: ,;, 9a. Snow Removal Winter Road Contract — Neil Ker�t:_ � � ' i _ i � .y..�. �I _.. . .. .���!.:! _ �11 �., �'. ��I� �\ .. ��! 1.� 1' �J1Z1E.`� � �l�i\ U_� 'L`l : 1 l. Splashdown Upciate — Mike Stone 12. Sewer Paveback Program for 2009 13. Department Reports 14. FXECUTIVF SFSSION: Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition ADJOURNMENT FLTTURE SCHEDULE (mee�li�i� schedulc� is nitivnys subjc�ct �o chanRe) Regular Couacil Meetings are generally held lnd and 4`"' TuesdaVs, begin»in� a16: 00 p.m. Cnunci! Stu�l1� Sessioirs nre genera!!�► lteld 1�, .3" nnd Sth Tuesdati:s, heginirin� a16: DO p.m. NOTICE: Individuuls planning to attend the me�ting whu requir� special assistance to accc�mmodate physieal, hearing, ar ather impairments, please conlart the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may bc made. l_�_IUII�I� :'����il��;i lli—�-,-11'l IiC��lll�ll� 1�i�:111'� �'�I�'� , ili � � � , ��"� cr '-t � .',' 'A .' y � '•�'• r S P O K A N E ��� ��������} � C O U N T Y ..� h9 '�, �-�- •r - OFF7C� n1= C.�iC i\7� C.(i.'�L1ti.s.;7� i.\'LIZS Tc 3un'�it►� t_t� 1 � 1' D1Sl'I21('1' • :�L�xx R.�c.N.�Rn ?�1�� l�l� l�l('!' • BONVIF. '�L�GC:R, 3RD Di�TRI(:7� 7 ����� `� L�� March 20, _009 MAR 2 3 2QOg Mr. David Mercier, City Manager City of Spo�:ane Valley Cl of Spokane Valle 11707 East Sprague .4venue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Rich Munson, Mayor City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague A��enue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 RE: Termination of Interlocal Agreement for Road !1�Iaintenance Services irz the Citv of S�okane Vallev (.�anuarv 1, 2006 throuXh December 31. 2U06) Dear CJentlemen: Un December 11, 2U08, the Board notitied the City that it w�as tenninating, as of Uctuber I�. 2009, the "Interlocal Agreement for Road Maintenance Services in the City of Spokane Valleti� (January 1, 2006 through De�ember 31, 2006)" ("Agreement"). This nine (9) month notification was three (3) months longer than the six (6) month time frame mutualiy agreed to in the Agreement. At the February 23, 2009 Joint County/City of Spokane Valley meeting, Ma}�ur Munson requested that the Board reconsider its December 11, 2008 notic��. The Board discussed Mayor Munson's request on Friday, March 20, 2UU9. Durirlg t}���t discussion, Spokane County Engineer Bob Brueggeman shared with the Board relevant information concerning the City's ability to provide road maintenance services it::��i t��:� potentially contract with third parties to providers for such services as of October 16, 200��. Mr. Brueggeman indicated that winter maintenance equipment is included on the Wasl�in�t�» State procurement contact and is available in a timely period. It was Mr. Brueggema�l understanding that the City, if they chose, could take advantage of the Washington State procurement contract to acquire necessary winter maintena.nce equipment. In the alternative, the County Engineering Department would make its staff available to assist City staff in preparing the necessaty bid specificlti�ns t�� acquire equi�ment tc7 commence ro�d maintenanc�� ser��ices a� ��f (�ct�,�,��r 1 F. ��(1q. .a1���111U11i111`', �'II'. �I"U�„4�t',ll1�11 COI�131'.jCi.� bOt�l �.?U��11C; ail(.� �rl\�a1c: I'Uati II1�;ilIlI�I1"ciIlc:� ��I'411;� Pr�vider� tc� determine i f the�� ����uld he intere�tec� in rrc�vidin� rnad m�inten�nee �en�ices to the l � lf� �1� � 13;�:_( •1.',1�'t. r�\ t ,l �i • �:. %�. ._ 1�, �� �1�!I, ;�.ilr ��,j <)')�r_�1,1-I_ijOIl • i_(_l��) . -_'�ti� Mr. David Mercier, City Nianagcr Mr. Rich Munson, I���ayor March 20, 2009 Page 2 City as of October 16, 2009. Although �1r. Brueggeman learned that neither WSDOT nor tlle City of Spokane had adequate staff andlor equipment to provide such services, other private contractors were interested. For example, six (6) out of eight (8) firms contacted indicated that if there existed an opportunity, they would be interested in contracting for winter maintenance services with the City. Those firms include Scarsella Brothers, Gonzales, Eller Corporation, ACI, Knife River and MDM. Mr. Brueggeman indicted that each of these fum� bad performed winter maintenance services as a primary provider or as a supplemental provider. In light of the information that County Engineer Brueggeman shared with the Board, the Board unanimously re-af�irmed its December 11, 2008 notice terminating the "Interlocal Agreement for Road Maintenance Services in the City of Spokane Valley (January 1, 200b through December 31, 2006)", effective October 15, ?009. The Board will, however, make its Engineering staff available to assist the City in obtaining another public or private road maintenance service provider and/or to assist in the procurement of equipment. Finally, the Board, on a request from the City, after unsuccessful good faith attempts to acquire equipment andlor contract for winter maintenance services, would revisit any request for a short extension of the presznt agreement conditioned on full cost recovery and control af scheduling and direction of staff. Sincerely, Board of Spokane County Commissioners , � � �L o Mielke, Chai Mark Rirhard, Vice-Chair Bonnie Mager, Commissioner cc: Dick llenenny Rose Dempsey Bill Gothmann Gary Schimmels Steve Taylor Diana Wilhite Mr. David Mercier, City Manager Mr. Rich Munson, Mayor March 20, 2009 Pagc 2 City as of October 16, 2009. �lthough Mr. Brueggeman learned that neither V4'SDOT nor t�ie City of Spokane had adequate sta.ff and/or equipment to provide such services, other private contractors were interested. For example, six (6) out of eight (8) fimis contacted indicated that if there existed an opportunity, they wouid be i.nterested in contracting for wi_nter maintenance services with the City. Those firms include Scarsella Brothers, Gonzales, Eller Corporation, ACI, Knife hiver and NIDM. Mr. Brueggeman indicted that each of these firms had perforrned winter ma.intenance services as a primary provider or as a supplemental provider. In ligbt of the i_nformation t.�iat County Engineer Brueggeman shared with the Board, the Board unanimously re-affirmed its December 11, 2008 notice terminating the "Interiocal Agreement for Road Mai.ntenance Services in the City of Spokane Valley (January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006)", effective October 15, 2009. The Board will, however, make its Engineering staff available to assist the City in obtaining another public or private road maintenance service provider and/or to assist in the procurement of equipment. Finally, the Board, on a request from the City, af�er unsuccessful good faith attempts to acquire equipment andlor contract for winter maintenance services, would revisit any request for a short extension of the present agreement conditioned on fiili cost recoverv and control of schedtiling and direction of staff: Sincc�rclti�, Boarc� uf Spokane C�uiity Cor�ulussioners , �� �� o Mielke, Ch Mark Richard, Vice-Chair Bonnie Mager, Commission�r cc: Dick Denenny Rose Dempsey Bill Gothmann Gary Sc�ummels Steve Taylor Diana Wilhite / � AGEi�iDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Meeting #156 Tuesday, 1�arch 24, 2009 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Councii Chambers 11707 F S�rague Avenue Council Requests Plea.re Silence Your Cell Phones Durin,� Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: I�a� i�l "I�h��rin. Retirc�3 Cl�a��l�ii» PLEUGE <)N :�I_I.I�;(�1.1hCi�;: RULL C:'1LI,: APPROVAL UF �GFnUa: INTRODUCTIUN OF SPEC[�1. {�t N �_��i� N��H:�E�Ta�1�1U����: C'C�?�1�iT"I'TFF', R(l:'��tI) I.I.�iti(�ti �l �111:�}Z1 Ili�:l'()[Z I�ti: 11:�1�"()lt'ti E�;i'()K�i�: 1. 1'roclamcrtion 1''171C!li:�ci! !:<i�t,�liit?J: ii �c'�: 2. Praclanration: Natio�ral Parliamentary L�l � t .', : � - � � -: PIJBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunit} i�r ti�� public tu s�c;ak u❑ arfy subject not un il�e a�e►��i;� for action. When you come to the p��iurT�, �(ease ;tate } ���tir natne ancf ��cldr�ss f�r the r��cc�rcl ;�[1Cj IlTlltt remarlis to three minutes. 1. CONSF,N7' AGENDA: Consists of iten�� c��r��idt�r��d r��utine «l�ich ar� a��r����ed as a��rc���p. 1 Councilmembermay rern���e �tl it�r11 I_r��iri th�. t-��n�ttit .ati�nci�� t�� he ���n�i�.ltr�d sC1�,�r:�t�lti. a. Claim Voucherti: VOUC��R LIST DA�I'E ��'%VUUCHER NL,il�1BERS: �I'U�I'AL �1�-i�U`NT� j 03/06/2Q09 Be innin w/�# 16800; endin w/# 16831 $48,392.8�_� 03/09/2009 Be innin w/# 16798; Gndin w/# 306090038 $l,1?6,371.7� '� 03/ 16/2009 Be innin w/# l 688a; endin w/# 16900 $14,b28.8(1 � 03l16/2009 Be innin w/# 168�7; endin w/# 16884 $57,193.17 � , GRAND TOTAL $1.29f, I b. Payroll for pay period ending Nlarch 1 S, 2U09: $251,227.95 � c. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minut�s of February 24, 20��� d. Approval of Council Study Session Minutes of March 3, 2009 e. AFpro��al �f Re^t�l�r C'<�unril �leetiri�._► �'�I11UtC� c�f March 10, ?�G9 NEVV BUSINF�ti 2. Second Readin� Prc�t��>>�� �Jl��iifl;lllCl', U� :�R1CR�i111� ti� ,�ll_ �?.�J� �Zt;}��ll'�lil� �F?t':'i� I:1111l1� - Neil Kersten/Inga Note (public comment] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-005 Airport Overlay— Karen Kendall [public comment� 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-0�6 .Amendine Og-01.? T�ning map chan�,e� — Gre� ��tc�c�rmi�1; �public comment J � i:�,unc�l Abc;��ia ��3-2.�.tiy itc:,�ul:ir 1��fecting i'a�.::: !,�i-? �. Prc��osed Resoluuon 09-004, Master Speed Limit Schedule — Neil Kersten/Inga Note _ [public comment] 6. IViotion Consideration: Presentation/City I Design Services — Neil Kersten [public comment� 7. Motion Consideration: FancherlBroadway PCC Intersections Bid —Neil Kersten/Steve Worley [poblic commcnt] 8. Motion Consideration: Bid Award Mission P�rk — Mike Stone (public comment] PUBLIC CONiI��tENTS This is an opportunity for lhe public to speak on any topic. When you come tu the podium, pleas� state y�ur name and acidre;s for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATi�"E REPORTS: 9. Le�islative Update from Area Legislators — Mayur �unson 10. SpraguelAppleway Revita(ization Plan — Scott Kuhta 1NFORI�IATION ONL�': 11. Splaslldown Update — Mike Stune 12. Sewer Paveback Program for 20U9 i 3. Depariment Reports 14. EXECLJ'TIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition ADJOURNMENT FUTUKE SCHEDULE (meetirtg sched:�le is alwa}cs suhjec� 10 cllcnr�J�� Regular Counci! Meetings are generally held 2nd and 4`� Tuesdays, beginni�rg at 6: 00 p.»r. Council Study Sessiorts are ge�terally /teld 1�`, 3' and St/r Ti�esdays, beginning a16: �0 p.►� NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require spteial assis�anc� to aecommadate physical� hearing, or other impairmcnts, plcase contart the City Clerk at (509) 92t-100Q as soon as possible so that arrangements may be macie. C'ounci) l�genda 0�-2�-09 Rc:�ular �fectin� Page 2 uf ? S`�'r`oka.ne p ��alle 4j y . �o c��.n��tt o �t 2�'inanciaCEducation �Neef�, City of Spokane �alrey, �Nashington WHEREAS, Financial educution �s essential to ensure Spokane i'alley residents are prepared to manage money, credit, investment.s, debt, and to stem the tide o� econvmic distress; and WHEREAS Many Clll �ens are having difficulty navigating their fij�ances due to the luck o� financial education which results in increasing debt and no saving.�; unc� ��'HEREAS, It is vital to ensure that citiaens are accessing financial education afzd takij�� �1C 11c►j1 l�i »l�l�ttT 1j7�'ll',Ii1tlllCE'S', l�lE'TE�hI huil�lij�� (7 .S'OIl�� �r?[`Ii1CIc7I f ll1lT"P; CIIlCI �� t1ERE�1S, �ve�y citi�en mus'1 tukc� s1e�s to learn 1h�>uc U� N!(71�U�lll� Ijli. �riujtc.�i.�, creclit and irrvestments, and to realize the great importance of savings to�ti�arc�s thei�� fcnnilv's ft�ture �rftd to t�ndersland it is ��o! loo lale to take ae.fion; a�icl y� HEREAS, Duri�zg Fi�ianrial �dttcution ji'�.�ek, local u�e�ici�s urul ht�s��tessc�s ucrc�.s�s tjr�� region will come together to suppor� educational events in schools and c [1lI11Y111)?1(lC'S �o proti�ide the tools and resottrces that . foster _fnancicrl literac��. 1�'O{�; THEREFORE, 1, Richard Munson, hlayur oJ�the C;ity of�Spoka»e 1-'ull�,�ti-, o�i hehal�f�o�� the Spokane Valley Ciry Council and the citi�ens of the Cih� of Spokane Valle3�, do herebi� proclaim April 19 through April 26, 2009, as Financial Education Week and I encozu•age a�l riti�eris, local agencies, businesses and orga�iizations to support this special ohseruance. Dated this 24 du�� ��T?l� nrc{7, 20�9. � , � r i' ' . / ichar ►�. on , , A�cry�or ti `.;' � H :��;� � `��� ,► S`�"�okane p Valle Y y . ro r��YZ� �tt ol� �arC'iamentary Lazv .JKontFi c��� ofspok�� vdc� tiV�h��to1� ��'HEREAS, April is the birth rr:onth of Thomas Jefferson, at�thur of �he "1�lanital ��j Parl iamentary Practice " publ ished in 1801; and WHEREAS, Henry lliartyj� Robert's "Pocket Manilal of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies" published in 1876 and familiarly krtown as "Robert's Rules �� Order" soon set the starrdard for narliamerrtary rules for ordinarl� c�eliherati��e societies; aju� �'HEREAS, The curre�zt �'(�lllDil nf "Robe►•t's Rules of Urder Newly Revised " is �t�idc�l�� ree�g��ized as the leading parliamentary authorin� i�t tltc� Z1i1JlC'(I Stcrtc�.s�; ur��l j3�'HEREAS, 7he proper use of parliamentary procedure proteets the rights a���he mujo� 'l11', the minority, irtdivi�iral members, and cih,cerrte��s ivhile _fosterin�,� orderl�� cli,�lihc�ratioji: arrcl «HEREAS, The 11+'ationul Association of Farliamentariuns (�A�'�, founc�ec� in 1930, is thc� largest non profit organizatiorr of professional parliamentarians i» the worlcl. c�edicated to educating lenders throughout the world in ef�c�c•�i��e meeti��,�,� I)IQ11U�, Jc�nrc�nl thror��h tlre u.se o�1�arliumentarl� procecltn•e: aru:l ti�F_RF_AS, Tl�e 1� I' lru��itiv�tull � ' f'C'Cc)���r11ZF'S t��!'/I QS �Cll iu»ic�nluri 1,�114' �OY1t�1. NO ��V, TI�EX EFORE, 1, Richarcl tllttnsun, 11�1ayor of � the Cit�� �f Spukcrrze i� ull ey, �ii l�elialf � oj� the Spokane Vulley Cin• (_'c»rr-rc il c7rrc� !hc citi=e».c ��I� thc� Cit1� nf ,Snnkn»� i '�Iley , c��� hereb�� ��rc.�c �l�ll,rr _=���,�11. ��in� cr,. Purliumeiitury Luw Motttj� and 1 e��eourn all ci�i�c�ns to ucc�ttar»t then�r�elti�e.s ti,�ith the I�rincipli,�s of parliamc�r�taf.y� Imti�. DntE�d tlii,s ?-� Dal� �>f�:��lui•clz, 2009. ,� , t , ; � .� ,� / , �, � � = ; � Richard 1l-�u � !�1CIVUI' 4 a - � .i. H �' , � � : -. � CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 03-24-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pu �� i ic �� ��� � r� � ❑ information ❑ admin. report [] pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE' �� nnr��� al ��f the F��IIn« t VOUCHER LIST DATE W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT ' 03/06/2009 Be innin w/# 16800• endin w/# 16831 $48,392.86 03/09/2049 Beginning w/# 16798; ending w/# 306090038 $1,176,371.75 03/ 16/2009 Be inn.in w/# 16885; endin w/# 16900 $14,628.80 03/] 6/2009 Be innin w/# 16857; endin w/# 16884 $57, l 93. l 7 GRAND TOTAL $1,296,586.58 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page 1 03/06/2009 2:22:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Desc�iption/Account Amount 16800 3/6/2009 001081 ALSCO LSP05fi5764 FLOOR MATS 15.44 LSP0565765 FLOOR MATS 2.75 LSP0569424 FLOOR MATS 14.47 Total : 32.66 16801 3�6/2009 001473 APWA 2009 APWA MEMBERSHiP 79.00 Total : 79.00 16802 3/6/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 8997181 LINEN SERVICE: CP 151.55 gg9g068 LINEN SUPPLY: CP 150.58 Totat : 302.13 16803 3/6/2009 000101 CDW-G NHF2459 42285 19" HP L1950 LCD MONITORS 997.52 NHF7910 42284 MICROSOFT SIDEWINDER MOUSE 56.79 Total : 1.054.31 16804 3/6/2009 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 104058 FEB 09 VALLEY TRANSFER 8.24 Total : 8.24 16805 3/6/2009 001888 COMCAST Mar 2009 COMCAST HIGH SPEED INTERNET 113.94 Total : 113.94 16806 3/6/2009 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC INC 26949 MOVING COSTS 298.93 Total : 298.93 16807 3/6/2009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 93340105 OFFICE SUPPLIES 84.18 93552847 4?279 OFFICE SUPPLIES 65.35 42279 Tota I : 149.53 16808 3/6/2009 001859 FINANCIAL FORENSICS 3073 JAN 09: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 486.00 Total : 48fi.00 16809 3/6/2009 001927 FINN, JIMI 28 PERFORMANCE FEES 300.00 Total : 300.00 16810 3/6/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 31708 LEGAL PUBLICATIDN 89.60 Page: 1 vchlist Vou�he� List Page 2 03/06/2009 2:22:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 16810 3/6/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC (Continued) 3�7�2 LEGAL PUBLICATION 96.90 31713 LEGAL PUBLiCATION 102.00 31714 LEGAL PUBLICATION 68.00 31715 LEGAL PUBLICATION 68.85 Total : 425.35 16811 3/6l2009 000007 GRAINGER 9847854461 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 45.85 42246 Total : 45.85 16812 3/6/2009 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 600193918 MAR 09: LEASE PMT 1,656.78 Total : 1 �656.78 16813 3/6/2009 000070 INLAND POWER 8 LIGHT CO 94202 UTILITIES:PW 444.10 Total : 444.10 16814 3/6/2009 001635 ISS FACILITY/EVENT SERVICES 20494 FEB 09 JANITORIAL: CP 7,136.00 2p4g5 EVENT SVCS: CP 157.88 Total : 7�293.88 16815 3/6l2009 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500-01 UTILITIES 9,319.59 Total : 9.319.59 1fi816 3/6/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16619 BACKUP & SAN 1NSTALLATION 9,035.00 ��72 FEB 09 SERVER MAINTENANCE 3,672.50 Total : 12.707.50 16817 3/6/2009 000008 NORLIFT MATERIAL HANDLING, & STOR 55014896 CASTERS F�R CP FURNITURE 42.94 Totai : 42.94 16818 3/6/2009 000512 OFFICETEAM 23348073 STAFFING SERVICE:LASERFICHE 521.60 23348074 STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE 114.10 Total : 635.70 16819 3/6/2009 000899 ONEEIGHZY NETWORKS 643098 ETHERNET 832.46 Total : 832.46 Page: 2 vchlist Voucner List Page 3 03106/2009 2:22:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 16820 3/fi/Z009 001604 PACIFIC NW PAPER 104008 COPY PAPER 1,464.19 104259 COPY PAPER 150.01 Totai : 1,614.20 16821 3/6/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN 8 TREE CARE INC. 2958442 DE 10E WALKS 81.53 2987315 SNOW REMOVAL: PRECINCT 108.70 2987355 DE ICE WALKS: PRECINCT 81.53 3052932 Grounds Maintenance For Precinct BI 42.35 3190330 BARK FOR BEDS: PRECINCT 1,276.05 3351952 SNOW REMOVAL: PRECINCT • 391.32 3359801 DE ICE: PRECINCT 108.70 Total : 2�090.18 16822 3/6f2009 000935 SERVICE PAPER CO 30444687 42283 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 1,802.17 Total : 1,802.1 T 16823 3J612009 000733 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL E7341 42274 MCAFEE GOLD TECH SUPPORT RE 1,487.02 Total : 1,487.02 16824 3!6/2009 000710 SPOKANE CO BAR ASSOC C69FEB39 PHOTOCOPIES: LEGAL 2.50 Total : 2.50 16825 3/6/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 170-0040-03 WATER: PARK RD POOL 32.95 Total : 32.95 16826 3/6/2009 001903 SPOKANE TRAFFIC CONTROL 2/3/2009 42256 INDIANA/ARGONNE TRAFFiC CONI 851.00 Total : 851.00 16827 3f6/2009 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 40814 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 480.00 Total : 480.00 16828 3/6/2009 000167 VERA WATER 8 POWER 2009 UTILITIES: FEB 09 2,342.47 Total : 2,342.47 18829 3/6/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2400551-2681-2 WASTE MGMT: CP 731.21 2400552-2681-7 WASTE MGMT: PRECINCT 285.27 Total : 1,016.48 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 03/06l2009 2:22:43PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 16830 3/6/2009 000255 WFOA 4443 2Q09 MEMEBERSHIP DUES 50.00 Total : 50.00 16831 3/6/2009 001230 WSASC: 2009 CONFEREENCE 2009 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 395.00 Total : 385.00 32 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 48�392.86 32 Vouchers in this r�eport Total vouchers : 48�392.86 i, the undersigned, do certify under penaity of pequry, that the mate�iais have been fumished, the services rendere�d, or the labor perfonned as described herein and that the daim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against tfie City of Spokane Vatley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Fl�ance Director Date Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page 1 03/09/2009 10:20:13AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Dabe Vendor Invoice PO # Desc�ipdoNAccount Amount 16798 3/4/2009 U00379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 09-500 BLA-OZ-09 PINES/MANSFIELD #000 105.00 Total : 105.00 16799 3/5/2009 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 09-000374 PERMIT: VALLEY MISSION SHELTE 44825 Total : 446.25 16833 3/9/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 110538 SERVICE ON: 31119 207.10 155023 SERVICE ON: 31119 203.81 292975 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 62.41 292990 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 215.26 Total : 688.b8 16834 3/9/2009 001606 BANNER BANK �579 MISC CREDIT CARD CHARGES: GF 2,936.09 Total : 2,936.09 16835 3!9/2009 000863 CENTURY WEST ENG CORP 024229 42291 CONTRACT NO. 09-001 6,456.99 Total : 6,456.99 16836 3/9/2009 000729 CH2MHILL INC 36874d9 41025 BARKER RD BRIDGE #t0003 63,971.43 Total : 63,971.43 16837 3/9/2009 000429 COFFMAN ENGINEERS 901673 42171 SULLIVAN BRIDGE #0095 4,600.00 Total : 4�600.00 16838 3/9l2009 001377 COMBS, USA Mileage JAN-FEB 09 22.00 Total : 22.00 16839 3/'9/2009 000508 CONOCOPHILLlPS FLEET 870166725902 FEB 09: FLEET FUEL BILL 1,512.18 � Totai : 1,512.18 16840 3/9/2009 000505 1�18 H FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 2423 MAR 09: LEASE PMT 233.71 2424 MAR 09: LEASE PMT 307.62 2425 MAR 09: LEASE PMT 413.06 Total : 954.39 1G641 3/9/2009 000220 ICMA 310965 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT 2,334.38 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page 2 03/09l2009 10:20:13AM Spoka�e Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Desc�iptionlAccount Amount 16841 319/2009 000220 000220 ICMA (Corninued) Totai : 2,334.38 16842 3/'9/2009 001923 LIBERTY LAKE KIWANIS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 200.00 Total : 200.00 16843 3/912009 001G69 MCGEE, MARY KATE Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 30.00 Total : 30.00 16844 3/'9/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD Mileage FEB 09: TRAVEL EXPENSES 402.05 Total : 402.05 16845 3/912009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 465292385-001 42293 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 105.55 465292385-001 42294 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 130.22 42294 465292481-001 42294 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 3.30 465323474-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 6.72 465403775-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW • FIN 79.29 Total : 325.08 16846 3/9f2009 001860 PLATT 5707614 LIGHTBULBS: CP 25.52 Total : 25.52 16847 3/9R009 001924 SHOOP, JEFF Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 52.00 Totai : 52.00 16848 3/9/2009 001892 SKILLINGS CONNOLLY INC 5694 42230 REAL ESTATE SVC #0088 667.40 Total : 667.40 16849 3J9/2009 0006fi0 SPOKANE CO DISTRICT COURT Filing Fees APPLEWAY CHEVROLET 29.00 Total : 29.00 16850 3/9/2009 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER VLY0810 MONTGOMERY STRIPING: PW 1,941.61 VLY0811 SIGNAL CONTROLLER #0071 351.91 VLY0812 SIGNAL CONTROLLER #0071 9,561.32 Total : 11.854.84 16851 3/9/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3115801790 DIGtTAL CAMERAS: CD 434.57 Total : 434.57 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 03109/2009 10:20:13AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor I�voice PO # Desc�iptlon/Accourrt Amount 16852 3l9/2009 001895 TAYLOR ENGINEERING INC 1 42238 SPRAGUE OVERLAY #0110 9,890.48 Total : 9,890.48 16853 3/9/2009 001925 THE BODY SHOP Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSfT 37.00 Total : 37.00 16854 3/9/2009 000014 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. INV0137220 GAS834 MODULE 7,850.00 Total : 7.850.00 16855 3/9/2009 000140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE 19065 BROADWAY/FANCHER #OOfi7 1.08 Total : 1.08 16856 3/°9/2009 000152 WSDOT 90210056 APPLEWAY TRUNKLINE #00�62 36.37 90210108 PINES/MANSFIELD #0005 498.85 Totai : 535.22 306090015 31�6/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER FEB 09 FEB 09: COUNTY SERViCES 207,082.28 Total : 207.082.28 306090038 3/9/2009 001865 MORGEN & OSWOOD CONSTRUCTION PMT #4 42219 BARKER RD BRIDGE #0003 852,927.94 Total : 852�9Z7.94 Bank totai : 1,176�371.75 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materiale have been furniehed, the aerviceq Total vouchers : 1�176.371.75 rendered, or the labor performed ae deacribed herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation agai.nst the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify Raid claim. Finnnce Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 3 vchlist Vouche� Llst • D Page: 1 03/16/2009 1:5T:59PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Involce PO # DescripUon/AccouM Amount 16885 3/16/2009 001081 ALSCO LSP0576694 FLOOR MATS: CITY HALL 14.47 Total : 14.47 1688fi � 3/16/2�09 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 8939408 LINEN SUPPLY 331.45 Total : 331.45 16887 3/16/2009 000729 CH2MHILL INC 3689250 FLOODPLAN PERMfT REVIEW SVC 2,57$.02 Total : 2,578.02 16888 3/16I2009 001753 DINGUS, ZARECOR & ASSOC 1504 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 845.00 Total : 845.00 16889 3/1fi/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 31767 LEGAL PUBLICATION 39.10 31768 LEGAL PUBLICATION 62.90 317fi9 LEGAL PUBLICATION 56.10 31770 LEGAL PUBUCATION 92.65 31771 LEGAL PUBLICATION 67.15 31772 LEGAL PUBLICATION 85.85 Totai : 403.75 16890 3/16/2009 000007 GRAINGER 9850415978 42246 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 3.88 9852169920 42246 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 51.11 9852169938 42246 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 55.33 Total : 110.32 16891 3/16I2009 001908 HP D(PRESS SERVICES INC HPE721685 42272 HP EXPRESS RENEWAL FOR WEB 2,187.00 Total : 2,187.00 16892 3/16/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00018424 TAXTOOLS RENTAL FEB 2009 342.26 Total : 342.26 16893 3/16/2009 000662 NATL BARRICADE 8 SIGN CO 63562 42248 NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F 28.26 Total : 28.26 16894 3/16l2U09 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING, INC 67371 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: IJ65 706.55 Total : 706.55 Page: 1 vchiist Vou�her List Page 2 03/16/2009 1:57:59PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Accourrt Amount 16895 3/16/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 461385442-001 42241 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.02 Total : 2.02 16896 3/16/2009 001860 PLAIT 5752879 SUPPLIES: CP 14.61 Total : 14.61 16897 3/16/2009 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM 09-121 LODGING TAX REIMBURSMENT 3,250.00 Total : 3,250.00 16898 3/16/2009 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 42365 ADVERTiSING 2,093.64 83039 ADVERTISING CHARGES 1,151.30 Total : 3,244.94 16899 3/16/2009 000676 THOMSON WEST 817846617 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 520.15 Totai : 520.15 16900 3/16/2009 000633 WCPDA 2009 2009 WCPDA MEMBERSHIP 50.00 Total : 50.00 16 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 14�628.80 16 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 14,628.80 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services re�dered, or the labor perfonned as descn'bed herein and that the daim is just, due and an unpaid obligation againat the City of Spokane Valley, end that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Direcior Date Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 03/16/2009 1:27:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Imrofce PO # DescriptloNAccount Amourrt 16857 3l9/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 2832 FEB 09: 2832 2,817.20 Total : 2,817.20 16858 3/11 /2009 001929 OLSON, ROBERT J Refund REFUND RECORDING FEES: CD 108.00 Tatal : 108.00 16859 3/16/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 32990A TONER: PERMIT CTR 332.6U Totai : 332.60 16860 3/16/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 2832 MAR 09: 2832 760.44 Total : 760.44 16861 3/16/2009 001545 BERNARDO V1/ILLS ARCHITECTS PC 2009-2446R 42106 CITY HALL CONCEPTUAL SITE PLJ� 3,362.91 Total : 3,362.81 16862 3/16l2009 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG Ceil Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Totai : 135.00 16863 3/16/2009 000904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE Cell Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16864 3/16/2009 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 06330 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 1.00 06331 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 0.50 06336 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 2.02 06338 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 1.00 06339 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 5.57 06343 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 12.70 06347 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 10.00 Total : 32.79 l�f 865 1�F4�8-69L�MBI�PAINT$G4A� N^v�• n w�.n�r n" �N-�-FAR�PL�^ 4�-8-7 Totsi : 12.87 16866 3/16/2009 000035 CORPORATE IXPRESS 93858494 42299 OFFICE SUPPLIES: OPS 394.56 93858496 42299 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN 33.57 Total : 428.13 Page: 1 vchiist Vouchet List Page: 2 03/16/2009 1:27:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptfoNAccourrt Amount 16867 3/16/2009 001603 DEMPSEY, ROSE Ceil Aliowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16868 3/16/2009 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD Cell Aliowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16869 3/1612009 000618 DEPT OF FISH 8 WILDLIFE 4049 MAPS #0121 52.00 4050 MAP #0125 52.00 Total : 104.00 16870 3/16/2009 001009 GOTHMANN, W1LLtAM Cell Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16871 3/1fi12009 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 1$3425 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 139.47 183426 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 2.15 183512 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 405.09 183513 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 9.74 183515 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 59.09 183527 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 30.88 183606 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 706.77 183607 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 99.90 183608 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 60.62 183609 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 10.73 183610 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 248.00 183611 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 52.89 183612 FEB 09: COPIER COSTS 565.46 183613 FEB 09: C�PIER COSTS 102.83 Totai : 2,493.62 16872 3/16/2009 000265 JACKSON, M1KE Cell Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16873 3/16/Z009 001439 K8L GATES LOCKHART 1939876 JAN-FEB 09: LEGAL SERViCE 848.00 Total : 848.00 16874 3/16/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAViD Auto Allowance APR 09: AUTO ALLOWANCE 400.00 Cell Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 03/16/2009 1:27:SOPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher DaLe Ve�dor Invoice PO # Description/AccouM Amount 16874 3/16/2009 000069 000069 MERCIER. DAVID (Corrtinue� Total • 535.00 16875 3/16/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD Cell Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16876 3/16/2009 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC Mar 09 MAR 09: RENT 36.467.g4 Total : 36�467.94 16877 3/1612009 001928 QUIZNOS #6014 01�4 CATERING FOR CENTERPLACE 280.36 01029 CATERING AT CENTERPLACE 575.92 Total : 85fi.28 16878 3/16/2009 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY Cell Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 1 fi879 3/16/2008 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 301261 42269 FEB 09: ROADKILL REMOVAL 2,470.00 Total : 2,470.00 16880 3/16/2009 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS INVC044998 42255 COLD MIX MATERIALS: PW 4,226.26 Totai : 4�226.26 E-EA�kt�9i�8R&{3 1' Total : 47.00 1 A09-OOOA9�1�6POK��NE-CF3-�EAS�F�� ;lin /� �O,pp Total : 10.00 16883 3/16/2009 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Ceil Allowance 1 ST QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 16884 3/16/2009 000061 WILHITE, DIANA Cell Altowence 1 ST QUARTER 2�09 135.00 Total : 135.00 28 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 5T,263.04 28 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 57,263.04 .�� .�-7� 51 t43. !7 Page: 3 vchiist Voucher List Page: 4 03/16/2009 1:27:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation againet the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 4 CITY O� SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetinc� DaYe: �:.'�-"�:-���::1 City Manayer Sign-off. Item: Check ali that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pu�i�c i��Ur �r,� ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisiation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroli for Period Ending March 15, 2009: l.�(JV'_= �_�_ PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACT(ON TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 216,496.74 Benefits: $ 34,731.21 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 251,227.95 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS ���� �Y����� +���' [�f S��Q�€,�aile 11�11��' �C'it�T �+�u�cil F�e�ular Nl��tin� Tu�esday, �'e�ruar�F 2�, �U{l9 I�a�yc�r IV[u�tst�r� ���led t�e m��eting tc� ar+�+�r at �;Ll� g.�. a�d �el���ed ��+e���tle tfl the �' �4t� m��ti��. ,After��rlr�n��r �'#t� ���ff' Ricl� �"viunsan, I'��y'ar I�a�� l'+��r�ei��r, �it� ������° Dick I]ener�ny, L��put�v �vtayar Ms�+e Ja�ksc�n, D�p��� �it�� i1�1����`er l��s� Il�mp��y C�au�+�ilrrl�mber 3�i1�� �Qnn�lly, �ity� Att�arn�y Bill �Gc�t���no, C�our�ciin��e�b�er �'Iike St4ne, �'�rk� & I�ec l�irect�r Gar�' ���irtYmels, G+�un�il�rtemb�r N�i1 �.�er�t��, Publi�; �c�rks Dire�t�F �t��re �'ayr���, C��unciim�mk�er Ken �'h�mps�an, F�na�,c� �ir����r I)i�na �4�i����t�, �'c��r��.�ln���rt�e� I���} �4'ic�Clun�, C�rr�mur�it�� D����l���t�x��rt L)ir- �t:��e �J��rl�y, Ser�i�r En�,�neer S�ot# I��t��� S�nic�r P��.nv�er 1"►r�icki �arnc�is, �Asst��i��� Planri�r Jr�i�n �'V't�it���ad, I-l�man �t.e�t�i.�r��� ����n����:� '�..c�ri B�rlr�w, A�s��c��te �l�r�ner �sc�C �anL���en, �alic� ����f +���rc��b�lle Brar��1�, Put�lic Inf�rrnatic�n C�f�i�er IIill �v'Iii�er�, �`T' S���ia�ESt C�ris B��inb�rid�e, Ci�y �l�rk I1'�T�'(3�Afi�i��: �"�����r J�mes k:asltc�� �f F-��1�� Trir�it�' I������€.tr�n �'h��r�l� ���k+� tl�� i����c��atic�r�. I'L,�±�I�E_Cl�' A�.sLE��►ItiCE; ������ti�r I���ur�s���� lcd th� I'1c�l�.e �f:��le�ia«ce, �[�LL �AL�. �ity �lerl� �ainb�rid�„�; �c�.11'ed ro�ll; a11 +�c�uncilm+�mb�r� �rer� �r�s���t. A��;�"�Cl��r'AI� �F A�E1��7�.: �1 ��s ��1���ca� ��� �.'�t�rrci�rrler�ah�r T€r�Fln�°, s�ec�a��1�� c71rt� ���r��1i�z�+�t�,� c�g�,�,�c�'tc� appf•�v� the �r�7��cl�d ag�r�cl�a. ' . �1T�£��U�'i����1 Cl� �P�CIA�L ����"�'� ,�]''i+1i) �'�S�NT'.�'�'��i+��: n�� ifl114�1�'�i 1l A RJL'. �ti..lfl�� �a�tS�L�7�� !�'�J�l L•�lS� �� ��i� ���: Cc�un�ilmcr�'be� 5�ehimn��ls. m�ntion�d ��.e att�nd�d ��ol3d �'Va�t� me�tin� a!��u� °���eks a�c�; �nd alsc� �ttend�� t�� 1��is��t��e s�ession ir� C� �v�r�c�l���b�r "T��»14r: r��arted ��t d�ri�,� the p�ric�r vweek �e tn�et wi#h 5��� ���nt� �t��i�nal +��nvc�ntic�� c4� 'Visit+�r'S Burea� w�ere th�y re�c�ived � pr�se�t�,tic�n fr�m t�e �►�r�s�p�ce Mus��rn; �n� mentione�l � l��islativ� it�m re��di�g, t�� �ex�n��e �� 1�+��in� t�x �a�la�� ar�d ti��E it �pge�r� th�re f� �a gr�av+rin� t��r�d #`�r �e�� �iun�ls n�t ta �e used in � rn�nnner pramc�tir�� x�au�-ism. D�p�t,���t�r I]e��nn�r: ��ed h� attencied the C�1}����� l��isl�tiv� s�s�iv�; �n� th� ���nt H���fi� I�is�rict mee�i��. �+�ur�cilm�m�er .I��mps��a: e:�plair�e� th�t sh� ��t��c�ed '��ak�ne's S#�te ��` th� �i.ty A�idr�s� �y �ayc►r �lJ`�r�ner, � Intem�t:ionaj �rade .��������tic�n �I'I`A� fur�c��a� c�lel�r�ting th�ir g;ra�t fc�r prc��natir�g g;reen t�c�a�ne�l�g�� in Asia�t ��untri��, which t�cfir�v��gy w�s d��f�l��e� ���r�; al�� a�#�n��d t�e Le�isi�tiv� S���it�n �n �lly:n�pi�; sn� pa�ticipa#�d in �e j��nt m�+�ting yester�a}� '��ith th� B�ard +�f C+�uni�r �ar��m�ssiar��ers. �c�ur�cii Re��1ar it'�e�tin�: f�?�?.�_'���9' F:��� 1�f f� ��,�xav�� t�y' C'aunr.iI: DRAFT Couneilmember Gothmann: said fie attended an economic conference �vith the Spokane Chamber; attended the Health Board strategic planning meeting; the legislative session in Olympia where he lobbied for stable funding for the Health District; he mentioned that Senator Marr had introduced a bill that would put the $24 million district budget in the hands of an unaccountable board of unelecteds; and that the Spokesmen Review took a positive position on this but that he sent in a rebuttal, which has not been published yet; and he distributed copies to the Councilmembers and the Clerk. Mayor Munson added that Senator Marr's bill apparently lacks support for making it statewide, and said the bill is targeted only at Spokane County, but that the other thirty-eight counties go along with the current representation of County Commissioners being responsible for health. Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she attended the Spokane Regional Transportation Council meeting reccntly in Washington, D.C. where a stimulus package was voted on, and she mentioned the process was fascinating; liowever, transportation didn't fare as well as she would have liked; and said that she attended Spokane's State of the City Address, a dinner sponsored by ITA, and the joint meeting }�esterday with the County Commissioners. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that he is meeting monthly with Mayor Verner as they work to find efficiencies in working together, and said these discussions are preliminary and ihat he is hopeful to see progress as time goes on; that he attended Spokane's State of the City Address; attended a n�eeting with members from AutoRow; he met witl� Commissioner Mielke to discuss upcoming meetings such as the joint meeting held yesterday with the Board and our Council; that he attended Fire District 8 Awards Dinner; the Veterans of Foreign War 75' Anniversary; and the legislation conference all last week in Olympia; and said he wants to make sure we can keep the funding awarded for our Greenacres Park, but the legislature is examining the capital budget as a source to help balance the rest of the budget; and that while at that conference, he attended some training classes sponsored by the Association of Washington Cities; that as mentioned, Council met with the Board of County Commissioners yesterday where all parties agreed to continue to communicate and to find areas where they can work together; that today he attended a CTED (Community, Trade, Economic Development) working meeting on joint planning; and added that the stimulus package still has numerous unknowns, but it appears tl�ere will be limited funding for this area. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment. Mary Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin Ave: cuentioned that outdoor lighting is a big problem; that she understood Council had addressed that and exempted single and two-family structures from having to shield light; and said she hopes that is a mistake as residents shouid bc prvtected from lighting; that there are many extremely dense developments, and she asked Council to adopt �r�-hat is occurrin� nationally. Mayor Munson said that staff will contact her concerning this issue. 1. CONSEN I' AGENllA: Consists of items considcred routine which ai�e appro��ecl as a�roup. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers, Voucher # 16659 through # 16697; $105,365.04 b. Payroll for pay period ending February 15, 2009: $371,956.32 c. Approval of Council Study Session Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2009 d. Approval of Council Regutar Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2009 e. Approval of Cin� Hall Redwood Building Lease Ettension It �vas nroved by� Coinrcilnremher ti�v�lhlr� seconcled Q)lCI 1lIlU1llIIl01lSIy Qg7'C'�CI l0 QfJp) IjIL' COl1SC')lr uRenda. Cvuncil Regular I�i�etin�: (l2-24-2009 E'� ? ,�i'�, Approvcd by Councii: DR.-f I� 7' OLD BUSINESS: 2. Cit}� Hall Design Services Motion Consideration —Neil tiersten It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded, to re»:ove , from the table the issue of Sche» lotic Design Services for the New City Hall Facility. Vote by Acclamation to remove the issue from the table: In Favor: Mcryor Munson, Depury Mayor Denemty; and Councilmembers Sehimmels, Tcrylor, Gothmanrr, cmd Wilhite. Opposed.• Councilmember Dempsey. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was then moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Gothmcmn, to approve �he sc.hematic desi�rr contract for City Hall to Bernardo WiIUGGLO in the amount of $377,000. Prior to counci! discussion, Public Works Director Kersten explained that Council had asked the status of the re-design and cost and he said he would have that available next week to go over that layoui for the specific numbers, and asked if Council wanted to consider this issue now or delay this until later. Mayor Munson said he would like to discuss phasing the design process more closely with the purchase of property, and Mr. Kersten said he will also have that update next week. Based on the unavailability c,i� additional data, Mayor Munson asked Councilmember Taylor if he would like to withdraw his motior�, and Councilmember Taylor declined; however, Councilmember Goihmann withdrew his second; and therefore with no second to the motion, the issue was not discussed. Because this issue v��as originally set for action, Mayor Munson invited public comments. Marv Pollard, 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: said she was dismayed this was coming up for action; feets the issue is premature, and that the funds should be saved for an emergency. James Yollard. 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: commented that this is a��oor time for Counci) to consider such an in�•estment parcicularl�� in ligl�t o�ihe ctirrent ece�nomic crisis. Sle��en Nc;il, 10�+?0 � 1 S`'' Ave;nue, Spol:ane: inerltioneci the City's projecte� $1 11 milliun buciget and ho��� that had grown from $33 million a few years ago; said we are in a recession or depression; and hc questioned how Council could justify spending almost $400,000 on p[ans for a"private playhouse" anci said he has not found anyone in favor of a new city hall or improvements on Sprague A��enue; and said lie sees this as a simple power play to create a monument. NF.W �iUSINESS: 3 Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 49-001, Street Vacation STV 04-08 — Micki Harnois After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Cou»cilmember Wilhite ar��l seconded to adopt Ordinance 09-001. Associate Planner Harnois explained that the street vacation proposal had not changed since the first reading; however, in discussing the area with the applicant'� representative, it was discovered that different County maps showed parts of this area vacated and parts not; and the applicant would like something included in the ordinance to address that; so to have the ordinance read more succinctly, staff proposed adding a new #3 under section I to read: "A portion of Tschiriey north further described as: that portion south of paved area to railroad right-of-way, was previously vacated by Spokane County." Cor.mcilnrember Taylor moved to amend tlze motion �o amend the ordincmce under Section 1, part 3 as stated above; and that motion was seconded. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were oflFered. Vote by Acclnmation to amend the motion: In Favor: U»aninrous; Opposed: None. Abstentions: 11�one. Motiorr to amend passed. The vote o�r the ume»dc�d nrotio�t !o ad�pl nrdincuree 09-001 ti��itlt Ihe �tote�l c 'I�ClI] ���c� �rlsu ���isse�l rur�rr�i�rrnri.cl�� irr f�x��ar. 4. Second Readine Nropos�d Ordinance 09-002 Arilenclin�; SVNiC "ritle 20 — Lori �3arlo«� After City Clerk Bai�bridge read the ordinance tille, it �vas moved by Cotmcilme�»her 7al�lor cnul seconded to approve Ordinance 09-D02. Associate Planner Barlow explained that this ordinance is an effort by sta�' in working with professional land sun�eying committee members to address omissidns and errors, and to create a more efficient �rocess; ��rith the majority of significant changes made in sections Council Regular Mecting: 02-2d-2009 Page 3 of 6 Approvcd by Council: DRA FT 20.20, 20.30, and 20.40. Mayor Munson invited public comment. Mary Pollard, 17216 E Qaldwin Avenue, stated that development regulations should be such that development would ensure that properties next to them would not lose something and to ensure there is some kind of access to the property; she said people not part of development are not aware of their rights, and as projects build out it could bother others; that it is important to notice if maybe there is a discrepancy from the property next door; and she said she doesn't see the process as protecting people next door; and if that is not applicable here, pert�aps it would be something to think about in future; and she said there should be notice to the adjacent properties telling them their rights, even when it comes to things like putting in public sewer; or perhaps ev�n have a template for how to file a LUPA. Vote by Accluma�ion on the motion to approve ordinance 09-002: In Favor: Unanirnous. Opposed. None. Abstention.s: None. Motion carrieci. S. First Readin� Proposed Ordinance 09-003 Settin�peed Limits — In ag Note After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded 10 advance �he Ordinance to a second reading. Public Works Director Kersten said that this is more of a housekeeping item to revise the current code to be more user friendly to citizens and staff; adding that staff has inciuded all the streets and areas that are exceptions to that typical 25 mph; and the ordinance also includes a provision for the traffic engineer to reduce speeds temporarily at constructic�n zones. It was noted that the directions connected with Mullan Avenue needs to be corrected. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation on the motion to advance the ordinance to a second reading: In Favor: Unanimoc�s. Opposed.• No�re. Ahstentio►t,s: None. Motion carriecl. PUBLIC COMNIENTS: Mayor Muns�n invited general Public comment: na commcnts ���ere oi�(ered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Capital Proiect Desi�n for Stimulus: Bowdish Road (32" _ 8`� _ Steve `'l�orley Engineer Worley eaplained that this and the following agenda item are similar; that ttlis is an agreement with Coffman Engineers for the Bowdish Road Improvements; and said that this would be included in the stimulus package, but that issues for the stimulus are changes almost daily; that last December he brought forth information regarding capital projects we thought �ti�ould qualify for some of this funding; and said that the slimulus bill now allows up to one year to get those funding obligations; that there is still projected $10.1 million for the Spokane Region, but we still don't know how they will get obligated to projects and there is a meeting tomonow af�ernoon to review how to go about selecting projects to usc this $10.1 million; and said that last January whcn the pavement management program was discussed, it was determined we needed to come back and give an ovcrall picture of the capital projects funding; and said he feels we need to do tbat before we move forward on this and the next agreement; so staf�' will prepare information to give Council that broad picture of the entire capital projects funding scenarios in order to have good information on how to move forward on these projects. In response to Mayor Munson's question concerning SRTC designated as allocator of funds, Mr. Worley explained that the transportation funding in the stimutus package goes through the same channel as all other federal funds; that the process is already established, and that process will be used for the stimulus funds, which is an advantage on the transportation side as d�ere are many other programs without a process. There was some discussion concerning the percentage of funds going to the state and the percentage for enhancement and Mayor Munson suggested t�ie need for clarification, and Councilmember Wilhite said she will be meeting with Senator Murray and will gather the infarmation. With that in mind, it « �as determined this item as wel) as agenda item #7 below, will not move fonvard at this point. 7. Capital Project Desi�;n for Stimulus: Ever�reen Road/32"`' Ave. — Ste��e V4'orle� As mentioned above, this item will be brought back ���hen further inforn�ation is availab(c. Council Re�;ular l��ieeting: 02-24-2009 page 4 of b Approved by Council� DRA FT Mayor Munson called for a recess at 7:OS p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7: I 5 p.m. DELIBERATION: 8. Sprague/A�pleway Revitalization Plan — Scott Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta explained that tonight's goals are to follow-up with the prelocated streets; signs, parking, district wne, Book 3 conceming city actions; then discuss phasing the plan, and the public hearing format. Mr. Kuhta gave a summary of deliberations from the February 3, 2009 council meeting, then moved into examining the map showing pre-located streets. Mr. Kuhta reviewed maps for "Valley Corridor" one through five with no recommended changes from Council except Mr. Kuhta noted that on Valley Corridor 4, one street needs to be taken out as it is too close to the other street. In response to questions concerning actual placement of the streets, Mr. Kuhta said the re-development would be for the entire corridor, and if a building currently exists where a street is slated, then the street won't be put in; and in response to question about an appeal process, Mr. Kuhte said that any decision of the Community Development Director would be appealable to the Hearing Examiner. Attorney Connetly added that from the Hearing Examiner, a further step would be to the courts; that the only appeal would be whether the ordinance is being complied with or is lawful; and said if Council desires to build flexibility into this, code language w�ould need to be amended; or language could be added concerning the timing, something different could be considered; or Council could give the Community Development Director flexibitity to ma1:e certain adjustments based on certain criteria; with Deputy Ma}�or Denenny adding that a future council always has the option to make changes in regt�lations. �=urther discussion on pre-located streets includcd mention ot' rapid transit and access management; th��t all access management is subject to future alignment for the light rail; that access cannot be shut off; of trying to preserve some future acquisition areas or prelocated streets on the south side of Appleway; the idea of including in the plan, a time frame about completion of Appieway; delaying application of pre- located streets until Spokane Valley owns Appleway; that building orientation requires buildinQS face a street; and of mo� 'lTl� ahead and chan�ing the rlan later if neede�. Council thcn re��i����ed lhe cha}�tzr� �vith tl}e foll���� in�.� result�: SIGNAGE Page 7 , #6 shows a freestaodin�, si�n; �-1r. �uhta tiaiil l�c ��•ill clean that up Page 8 was already changed by the Planning Commission so Mr. Kuhta saiii it will r�m��ve thai Page 29: remarks concerning the need to make guidelines consisient PARKING : DiscusSion was hcld on page 8, v)1 and w�ether to cliange it or delete it; there was consensus to take out v)i on page 8, then move the other guidelines into that standard area so it stays at every fi��e spaces. DISTRICT 70NE I2EGULATIDNS #3: Mr. Kuhta said he and Attorney Connelly �vill discuss this further to make sure this is clear enough, and may mal:e further changes if �varranted, after the public hearing; with Attorney Connell}� stating that he will work with Mr. Hume to mal:e sure there is no confusion. Page 6: temporary regulations: core street, item "c": Mr. Kuhta said he would take out ihe word "until" and it was noted that section ii should be iii, and it should read "not constructed but permitted"; and Mr. Kuhta said that he and Mr. Connelly will make sure that wording is specific enough. Regarding section 2.2.1 building orientation, Attorney Conrielly said that this would have to fit residential requirements is Council wanted that on Appleway, and that staff could change the wording so the building can front; and that staff would work on that language if Council desired. City Manager Mercier su��ested we prc�ceed with the March 3 deliberations, and there could be changes made if needed. Council Rcgular Mcecing: 02-24-2009 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: D�R.�i F'T �'�'�tE�T & +[.IPE� ��A��CE N�E�ULA,TI��I�. �her� w�r� nc� ��,�,��te� cha���s. �r. �u�ta said t��t ��ok 3+�i#y t��cti�r�s is the �as� p�ece c�f t��e pla�; �� s��we�d d���r�rns �'�r ne� cross- ��ec�i�n� fc�� �p��ue and Apple�r���y, �r�d s�id f�r �u�ur� delib�ratic�n �c€�nsidcratit�n, Cc�unc�l n�i�ht v��nt tc� co�n�id�er �h�ir �refer�nce t� �e�ir�g �e��� sti s��tic�ns p�op��e�i �s par� r�ft�tir� plan �n�i pr�c,�ss �r h�v�ng sta�f }��at �������a���r ar�d amend th� Pia� i� ihe fi��ur� a� ne�de�; ���ir�g that t�le se�ctiar� bet�w�n 1-'�0 an+� D�is�rnan 14�ic� �vher� it �ri11 r°�maic� �ne-�v�.y, �till ��lls �'�r r�arrc��vi�g �'ro� �ev�en t� fi�v� I�rres. Attc�rney ��r��t�lly rr�et�tiot��d �ftat th�� t���k �vould #�� ����t�d b�F r�.salirti�n, �v1��r��s t��e c�t}�c;r b�a�s w�uld b� advpted �ria �ordinat�ce. �Y�(J��1V►�A►'��[J1'� �I�..��r': T�r� ,fr��`�c����ir�g rPern� }��r� ,fc�r irz r���y ��r�c� wer� rrnt re�r�r���f r�r �'i��u�sed,� �r�di���c� ��er��re F�lera.�ic�ri Prc�je�t, �'1�" (�r�r�t, P�rk �8dd; I�e,�c�r'tmertd �R�por�s�. ���I'� ��S�Ii��: Pe�d�r�g �iti,�atE��; I��c� �.�c�ui�itic�r� —1�T�A. This item v�as r+�rr���ed �rc�nt t.�e a�enda. 1� }��c�s r��n���� �i��r �'�t�r�ci�r�f�a�rh�� �cffi��trrr��ls, �eco�rd�t� c�rr�' �rr�rnar��r���s��3 ��r���' tn a��jr�a�rr�. "1'l�� it�eeti��� adjc�ur�c�d �fi �:�� p.m. �►' R'.ic���rd �un�c�n, I��a��crr C�tri�tirae P��ir�br��g�, �'ity �I+e� �'���n�il F���ular 1�.�S�+�t���' U?_'?�t_�0�]'� Fa�c G�f� �1p�ro�a��,.d t�4� �atinc:it: DRAFT NZINUTES � STUDY SESSION MEET'Il�1G SPOKANE VALLEY CTTY COUNCII� Spokane Valley City Hall Spoicane Valley, Washington March 3, 2009 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Steve Taylor, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Karen Kendall, Associate Planner � Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge City Clerk Mayor Munson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. At the request of several citizens, Mayor Munson moved the Airport Overlay agenda item to # l, to be followed by Discussion/Deliberation on the SARP, with the remaining agenda items taken in tl�e order as - shown on the amended agenda. 2 Airport Overlay — Karen Kendall Assistant Planner Kendall gave an overview of the history of the proposed amendment for the airport overlay hazard as per her PowerPoint presentation; explaining that this would be an amendment to Section 19 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, and said tbat most of the area in question is Zone 6. Ms. Kendall explained the options formulated by staff as atternatives to change density limitation of one dwelling unit per two and one-half acres within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay: Option # 1: No change to current density limitation in table 19-110-01 Option #2: Allow densifiy of current zoning within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay Option #3: Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6 Opiion #4: Ms. Kendall said thai this option is staff's recommendation. To allow density of the underlying zone within Zone 6, however, development must comply with a minimum of one of the following exceptions (a) the site had water and sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City's initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) consistent �vith adjacent (not across public rights-of-way) property sizes for proposed development; and (c) more than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlying zone to make conforming. Option #5: Divide Zone 6 into north and south with Trent Avenue (SR-290) as a divider. Ms. Kendall explained that the Planning Commission proposed this option at their October 9, 2008 study session, and said if council were to consider this, it would need further refinement to determine which amount of density to allow in each north and south section; adding that this opdon has not been explored further. ' Council and stat� discussed the various options, including the criteria under those various options. Councilmember Dempsey again voiced her concern with the statement in the December 10, 2008 letter Council Meeting Minutes: 03-03-09 Page I of 8 Approved by Councll: nR.-� FT from the Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Division, that options ri�o through five are in direct contradictioo with the requirements of GMA and she asked what will be accomplished by allowing denser housing. Attorney Connelly mentioned that one of the rationales we were examining was adjacent jurisdictions and what they are doing, and he said that neither Millwood, City of Spokane or Spokane County have restrictions close to the amended restrictions here and this is still more restrictive then t(�ose of any adjacent jurisdictions. Councilmember Taylor said that lle ���oulcl be agrceable �vit3i option #�, �vliici� assures notifcation involved in the transfer of properties so people would know they would be in proximity for noise from a nearby airport. Mayor Munson stated his preference for option #2. Councilmember Gothmailn indicated his preference for option # 1 and mentioned the importance of preserving infrastructure. Councilmember Taylor added that he notices "stock comrnents" from state agencies regarding t�iis type of issue as entities treat Felts Field with the same importance as Spokane International Airport, which doesn't frt the needs and history of our community; and said the WSDOT letter seems to be more discussion regarding general planning policies criticisms; but he said we have to come up with compromises to meet as much intent of the goals as we possibIy can; that we can't treat one goal as mutually exclusive from all else; that when Council heard from neighborhoods, they heard they don't want increasing development, but in this case, they want to divide, and for those r+easons Councilmember "Taylor reiterated his feeling that option ##� provides the proper balance. Deputy Mayor Denenny sa.id if the question is about encroachment and higher densities, option #5 might do that, but he said he does not feel there is a real safety factor, but the biggest concern is encroachment on noise and pressure on future councils as higher development occurs. Councilmember Schimmels voiced his support for option #4 provided the population of the planes at tl�e airport isn't increased. Councilmember Wilhite brought up the expense that many have incurred in putting in water and/or sewer lines, and said option #4 gives people the ability to develop the property if they want, and she feels it is a good compromise. . Councilmember Dempsey countered that since the Wasbington Pilot Association letter is concerned that by making changes it ��ould increase the risk of future noise and liability issues, that she prefers optioc� #1. Councilmember Gothmann said the Aviation Division document concerning airport land compatibility analysis was previously presented to the Planning Commission, but the document is missing from tonight's council packet. Attorney Connelly said that document should therefore be part of the record and should be considered before a change is finalized. Final discussions ended with Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny and Councilmembers Wilhite, Taylor and Schimmels in favor of option #�, and Councilmembers Gothmann and Dempsey favoring option #1. City Manager Mercier said that staff will get that report in Council's mailboxes this week, and Council coacurred to move forward for a first reading with option #4. Mayor Munson called for a recess at 7:3� p.m., and ile reconvened the meeting at 7:44 p.m. l. Spra�ue Revitalizatic�n Plan — Scvtt Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta explained that the hope is to finish tonight and then prepare for the April final public hearing. Mayor Munson added that there will be an opportunity after these discussion� for staff to compile the findings with changes to the original draft; then publish that to give citizens the opportunity to review the plan and comment at the April public hearing. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that he has mort� information on the street network system, and said he would like to get council's ideas on the public hearing format; and said that the decision was made to put a place holder on any proposed changes to the street network and the streetscape until some time after the Pl�n is completed, and said staff can ���ork �vith the business and propert}� o«�ners in that � 1��1r. Kuhta explained t�lat there are tluee proposed changes to the street nenvork that �vill be part of the public hearing draft: Stage # 1 stays the same: to convert Sprague and Appleway from Argonne/i��iullan Counci! Meeting Alinutes: 03-03-09 Page 2 nf 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT and University to two-way; and said he was reminded by Mr. Worley of the transportation analysis done last year to accommodate tr�c over the next twenty years; that the Consultants came up with some conceptual intersection designs, and Mr. Kuhta showed the conceptual designs depicting the Dishman/Mica and Appleway showing how Appleway would i�tersect with Dishman/Mica and Mullan Roads, and said there is room in the cross-sectio� within the right-of-way to keep two lanes going east- bound oa Appleway; so even though there is sufficient capacity to do a three-lane section, we could do a four-lane secdon: two lanes eastbound, one west-bound witli a center turn lane; and he said this would include the bike lanes; that we don't know exactly how much right-of-way will be needed and won't know that until we have the specific design. Mr. Kuhta also showed the conceptual intersection design at Appleway and University; where there would be two lanes coming in east-bound; there would be a right-hand turn and a left-hand turn onto University; with one lane going through; and he explained that section would be where Appleway does not exist today; and said there would be one lane in each direction for the travel lanes, then once you hit the intersections, the tum lanes woutd be there; and said this is all part of Stage 2 where we are extending Appleway from University to Evergreen as a three-lane section; and reduce the lanes on Sprague from seven to five lanes. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that the reason for the section of three-lanes is to accommodate the need for extra right of way along Appleway, and that in the next twenty years, the existing system and number of lanes will have ample capacity to handle the traffic; and said if we receive any federal funding for the extension of Appleway, staff believes we would need this as part of the plan to get development on those properties, and to do that, we would need to show reduction on the lanes in Sprague, as we won't get more funds for increased capacity where there is su�icient capacity. Reducing Sprague from seveo to five lanes, Mr. Kuhta explained, accomplishes the goal of getting the traffic moved suf�iciently while having wider sidewallcs giving safer areas and easier pedesVia� crossing while stiil allowing traffic to flow. Mayor Munson sa.id that Mr. Kuhta mentioned last week, that the concept of transportation in this `_ _ Plan is the concept of a place holder, until we know when the development will take place; and said that these drawings are conceptual ideas of what it could be; and Mr. Kuhta said that these are part of Book 3 City actions and are the actions that we intend to take as resources become available; tl�is is not dependent upon developmant, but if we get funds from grants or federal government or other sources, then we will implement these transportation improvements to help stimulate development and to assist with the reviialization of the comdor. Mr. Kuhta said that stage 3 extends this network east of Evergreen three lanes on Appleway and five lanes on Sprague; and that these are the three sfiages to include in the Plan for the public hearing; and said he would like to include the intersection drawings in the white notebook, which represent the hybrid option Council has decided to put in the draft plan. Council concurred. Mayor Munson asked councilmembers if they have comments o❑ any of the Books. Councilmember Gothmann said there have beea so�e citizens concerned about the one year dark rule; that is if a building is dark for one year; and the question arose, what happens if a building had a unique use; and he asked if that would that seriously disadvantage someone, like warehouses or restaurants. In speaking previously with the Community Development Director, Councilmember Gothmann said he received a list of approximately ten former restaurants which have converted to a different use; and he said there are three possible directions: to do what we have done already; or to recognize these serious economic times and that it could take loager to lease one of those buildings then it did five or so years ago; and that perhaps for a period of time, extend that "dark period" for an additional year; or to give the Community Development Director authority to say, if there is a unique use, she would have the authority to extend that for one more year; or �o just leave it alone. In respo�se to Councilmember Wilhite's question, Councilmember Gothmann coafirmed that he is refemng to a building that will 1� grandfathered in, where it becomes vacant, to allow it Ionger than twelve months to keep that status; ar. . he mentioned that in his conversadons with Community Development Director McClung about extendit� from one to two years permanently, she told him that most cities use the one year as a standard. Attorn� Connelty added that the nonconforming rules Councilmember Gothmann was referring to, appiy to th Council Meeting Minutes: 03-03-09 Page 3 oJ ` Approved by Cou�:cll: �'��� �r�tir� �it�r. Mr. �[�r�cier m�r�tiron��d #hat the m�tte� c�f .nonc+�n�'�rming us� i� �`�di�e�" i�s�e; �nd th� �xp�r�+�nce c�f��.ri��di+��i�rr�s na�ian-w�c�� h�v� I�e� t� the d�veIo�ame�t �f t�� cQnve�ntion �� t�� c��+�-year p�riod; even r��vh�n �uri�di�t�ori� �c� thr�u,�h e��nv�i+c c�cl�s, thi� is �ot an ar�� c�f locaI re,�Ia�i�r�s f:�at �a�, �c� his r����l��ti�n, ��er ��en rela�c�d; a�d t�at #�i+e no�i�n �f "norrc�nfc��i�� us�s#' is tha# t�ey dc� g�t e�tin�ui�hed nv�er time; sc� �ie �ff�r�d +�autian im �ch�ging t��t beyc�ad th� ���i�nal nvrm, l�"I�yor lwriunst�n a�ked �bc�u� har+ing thase intiivydt��ls ��tho h��►� �his ��n��m, �xp��in t��ir pv��t�€�� in writ�ng, but �r. �ercier v�vi�ed his ccanc�rn th�� �+���rl tvr� �fc�ul c�f th� �ard; that t� d��e w� h�ve nr�t �sk��l �vr �ny� oth�r wri�ten material to be ��.b�nitted sinc� t�i� pub�ic �earing; �ut tha� cittzen� wc�u�d h�ve an t�ppc�r�u�it�r to ir�trc�dtrc� �h�t at th� April pu��i�c h�at a.�� sir�c� th� r�anco�forming st�nd�rci apg�i�s thr��gl7�ut �h� c�mmur�i�ty, i� h� m�or� a�r�r-ac�h�ng imp�ic�tions th�n ,j�st �`o�r #.�is s�bv p�an� actd h� s�g�,este� �f �a�tncil �►►�nt� t� dis�uss �his, that +Co�un�il �nsid�r it as a s�nd-a�€�ne legisl�tr`r�e tc�pic s�psr��� f'r�ar�t �h� ��P�'. C'ar.rr��rl �:�r��u� �ir, �u��ta �a�d t��at vnee �11 c�e�ib�ra�t��an� ar�e ��mpleted, ��a��v+vi�l take ���+�r�� w����;� tt� pr�p�r� the fin�l draf�,, th,�t a psa�li�c h��ring nt�tic+� �vi11 be is���d l�tting citi�e�� �Sno�v t�e ���.n wi�l be ��v�il�ble f��c ���ri��v and ce�mrn��.t t'�Cl� �#3� �Ji`i��!G�II CC7ilYt�l�I�'� Vi+'1II I"J�+ 8.��•'pt!�{� ��] � C��,�� S�� �3� �(J�[ll�ful� typics��� at #�e [���in� c�r � �eek �t�r the h�aringx �hen �c�uncil �a� c��e�ide �he�er t�r ��v� �unt�ther ��ssi�� tQ de�ib�r�te �er ai� fhe fes�in�vr�� re�iv�d; or mmve fr�rr��:r°d w�it�� �d+��rting tlae Pl�n It' �va� Ccaurxci�' cnx�s�r�s� t� al�c►ti� te,��imar�� o�r �ny pr�rt c�f ��r� �'Ic�, �Tr, �uhta ��id the l��aring is curren#ly �et ��r Agril 1�4, and th�� n�ti��� ��vill �� s��t t� ��rap�� �xad b�sin�s� avvn��s, #�ir� da��s p�ior tc� tl�e h��g; anci th$t th� ftn�] dr�ft �houl�d b� r�ad�r in � coup�� mare r��eeks, �nd vw�ill be avail�bl� +�n th� �it�'� w��si��, a�d an CL��; 9with hard c��ie� in th� ��ce �nd in th� �rea libraries, ��+�ing th�ai having th� ��a� on ��s will b� far �ess exp�r�sive t��ri pril�tirt,� o�u� �u��eXO�s I�rd cc�pi��. C�u�cil��m�er L��m���ey �rc��cer� h�r gr�f�re��e for fia`v�n� a� h�c� ��op�r. Aft�r di��ussi�n �f th� tict�eline prvpQS�d� it was d�t�rmi�ed �l�a� �f �ta�f is �c�t rea�y ��rith � re�ised draft t�iigty €��ys p�ic�r ts� the April 14 pul�lic h��r�in� +��.t�, �at the �ublic hearing date wil� s�ift t� April 2�; �e�ging in mind the p�abli� h�ri.�� date can be c��tin��d if ��e��d, Mr. �.�t� s�id sta�ff wo�uld r�ecarn�nend th�t �f�er �he he�ri�,�, tc� �et ��learilin� tt� �c�iv� writt�n cc�tnr�er�t c��' S:�1� p,zn. th� ��llc��w�n� �'rid�y, t�,er� �f� �vri�ken cc��unent�, �1c��� wi�h 1h� or�l �a�r�men�s, ��vo�,ld be d�lib�rat+�� upon, vvith s�v�rsl w�e�s of tir�e b�Cwee� r�e�e�v'rng c�mnl�nts a��C �`ur���r d��c�a��in� tt�� Pj�r�, u�til �'ia��lly ��ns��e�i�� a� �zd��ar��e �c� �ad�ap� �� �1��. �au�cilm€�rn��r �]emps�y menti�n�d t�ii�t she ��F,aufd lik� t� #'urth�er r�i�cuss Rub�r Str��� �ic►tcrs; t�at sh� ���1� sh� �ad� a rMis���; arrd �h� �r�pul� lik� �r�lx�� discus�i�n on #�i�s, as Ru�y Street �vt�rs wants tc� be part �rf �►e ��t�way, �n+d f�t�r �c�un�iI�ie�ber� said �Q tc� t.��a� �'��que�t � t�i�t �c�mg�r,y is I�c,���d an th� other side of �he cailrc�ac� hri���; but she s�id �:he �c�re ��� cor�s�d�rs this, the� �� part of the �nt��nce intc� t�e +G�tew�y Ar�a �nd she �vguld li�e tc� gut t�i.er� t�a�ck in. �n di�cu��in� �r��eth�r to fur�kh�r �d3�cu�s t�is i�sue n+��+ �r as p�rrt c�� the public anput �t th� he�`in�, 1l�i�' �VI�T�i�� S�1C� ��UTl�i� �Sfl �15�U5S it 3t �s�lt�r tim�, and At��m+�y �Conn�ll�r sa��i h� r��m�ends arzy ch�ng�s �c�uncil wants t� �h��e� that n��d i� C�� �irne sa th�t th� d��um�nt w� pu�alish �riLl �ae �� cl+�s� t� t11e fir�a� dv�unt�nt a�s ���sibl�. ���nciLm�mk�er T�ylo�r s�i�d cv�an�il �1r�ead�r spent �c�nsid��`�bie tir�t+� t�iscus�ing ��at that �+�uncil ca�� to ��ns�asus, t��r� ��v�s ti�s���em�n� but w�s sfiil� � ct��e�su�, ��tr��ciim�mb�r I3�rnp�ey s�id the �c�te was faiur t�a t�r�� ��itY� her voting as p�t of th� f+�u�; and �Cc��nci�ne�k�er T�y�or s��i�i he fe�ls pcv��urally ��ran�it shoul�3 ��i� until �nun�il h�a�rrs a11 put�li� comm�nt�; th�en �a�� dete�i��.ti�r� fc�r �ny ��an���, �"a cl�rify, �viayor 1�v�uns�n said the qu�st��an b���re ��a�ncil is w�ether t� ��.t��d t�� �ra�e�ay te� th� �r�ss-street tc� l�rgc�nn�e or �s� th� r�ilr�ad �r�d�e �s �:h� d�mar�atis�� li�ne; that th� previau� ���ncil corts�n�us wa.� fvur +�c�un�cilm�rn��� t�+antir�� t� I�av� t'�� pl� as is c�i�h �� rai�r�a� i%n� as t�e d��m�r��ti�n, �axt�d thr�� c�ua��ilm�mbe�s vo�ing t+� �exten� it t� �.rg�nn�. �is�u�i�� t�m�ed t�o p�rocedur�l iss��s, �ith Cv�r�����mb�r �'ayl�r as�n� v�rf��# th� br��.chytt� �f th�s �ub�ject is �. res�t �f, �t� as�Ced if thi� is ,� r��Ult �f an�r �x�pai-tte c��m.unic�,tir�n. �c��c��:rn�m�er ' l���np�e� sa�d it is a'�s�lutel�r n�t, �nd �tat�d that n� on� �v�� ��w s�i� ��s g�a�n� to br�n� t�is up C'r�urzcr"! �'�leetin;� ��'ira�rP�s.� �3-C?3-C�9 ,���� :� �J� �pprr�ved �}� �vun��l: DRAFT r tonight. Mayor Munson asked if there was any citizen resistant for Council to reconsider; and Mr. Kuhta said he recailed that the property owners came to the public hearing and asked that it be included. Deputy Mayor Denenny said that at the time this was discussed, there was no testimony at that time, and now that this is on the table, he would like to have those public testimonies back as there are several issues which will have to be debated after public testimony is received; and rather than open this up, the discussion has already taken place, and if Council wants to change it later, after the public testimony, Council has that option. Mayor Munson said since only two councilmembers do not want to discuss this now, that the item will be discussed, and he stated that he has received a number of phone calls and e-mails requesting an audience with the people at Ruby Motors, and he told them thai he could not do that as the public testimony period was closed. Councilmember Dempsey said she received a phone message to ask her to call him to arrange a meeting, but she did not do that Councilmember Dempsey said she has considered this issue since the decision was made, that at the time the railroad bridge seems a togical entrance; but there are two businesses there; one on the north and one on the south side of Sprague; which are obviously part of the auto industry, aad they should be included as the railroad bridge shouldn't have anything to do with it as those businesses are part of the entrance into the gateway area; and only seems like the right thing to do to let them be part of it. Mayor Munson said that he recalls one of the arguments for not doing this, was that the property on the north side of Sprague did not have an entrance capability onto Sprague, but did have one on Argonne; but he felt then as now, that is not a good argument not to include them in the Gateway. Councilmember Wilhite said neither one has access on Sprague; that she was on the losiog side of that argument as she voted to allow them in; but tlie argument brought up was that neither has access onto Sprague, they both access onto Argonne. Councilmember Gothmann said he is comforta.b[e leaving the railroad bridge as the area of demarcation; that the Ruby Street Motors is one of the many businesses that have occupied that section; and the question to keep in mind is, what do we want the City to look like 20 years from now; and not whether Ruby Motors instead of what was there previously, an appliance store, or some other business, but what should it look like in the future, and the '_ __ obvious demarcation line is the railroad; but on the north side, it seems the railroad becomes an excellent demarcation line and if we are going to have an auto row; that should have access to Sprague or Appleway and that business doesn't satisfy that. Councilmember Taylor said that the existing auto uses there become nonconforming and they would be grandfathered, so Ruby Street Motors would not be told to move or shut down, and they could continue their use. To clarify, Councilmember Schimmels said he wasn't in attendance the night Council made the initial determination; but tonight would agree with Councilmember Dempsey to include it. Mr. Kuhta said the use on the north side of Sprague is a use that is perrnitted in the mixed-use avenue zone district, so that would not be nonconforming; but auto sales are not permitted so it would be nonconforming. Deputy Mayor Denenny said there is no access and therefore he feels it does not fit. It was decided that Councilmembers Schimmels, Wilhite, Dempsey, and Mayor Munson agreed to make the chaage of making Argonne Road the demarcation line; and Deputy Mayor Denenny and Councilmembers Gothmann and Taylor prefenring to keep the demarcation line as was originally decided with the railroad bridge. 3. Valley Mission Park Proiect — Mike Stone Parks and Recreation Director Stone explained that during the fall of 2008, Tim Gavin was retained to develop bid ready construction drawings and specifications for the Valley Mission Park improvements, including new play equipment, and a new picnic shelter to hold about 200 people at once, additional security lighting, aew walkways and landscaping; that the conshvction package has been prepared with a bid opening scheduled for March 13; and it appears the economy is working in our favor as there are many contractors examining this; he said the budget for construction is approximately $220,000; and the hope is to begin construction in April so the improvements will be completed by June. IVir. Stone sa.id they have not taken any reservatio�s at Valley Mission for over a year, but started last January taking those for events beginning in June. There we council consensus to proceed with the March 24 motion consideration. Council Meeting Min�tes: 03-03-09 Page S oj8 Approved by Council: DRAFT 4. Indiana Avenue Extension Proiect, TIB Grant — Steve Worlev Public Works Director Kersten, speaking for Mr. Worley, said that approval of tfie latest TIP included the Indiana Extension Project; that we were successful in receiving a TIB grant for the project; the City applied for project grant funds last August and we were notified November that fiuiding was approved for this road extension project; the project would extend Indiana Avenue east to the Mission/Flora intersection as a three-lane roadway including a center left turn lane, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, bike lanes, and drainage improvements. Mr. Kersten also said that the TIB funds granted are $1.5 million; that additional funding on this project would bring our amount to $314,900; with the two developers contributing about $700,000; and he said he would likely bid for construction in 2010, adding that this includes a piece of the railroad right-of-way. Attomey ConneUy said we are asking the County to dedicate or donate that portion for roadway purposes. Councilmember Gothmann remarked that the City's contribution is not 100% as some citizens would allege; and he said we do not anticipate our taxes wiil rise as a result of this project as some feel they do every time we do a highway project, as a majority of the funding comes frorn the State, Federal and/or developers. There was Council consensus to move this item forward for a motion consideration at the March 24 council meeting. 5. SeQtic Tank Elimination Pro�ram (STEP) 2009 Memorandum of Understanding with Spokane County — Steve Worlev Public Works Director Kersten speaking for Engineer Worley, explained that this is done every year; that as part of the adopted 2009 budget, funds are included for full-width street paving associated with Spokane County's 2409 Sewer Construction Program; that the Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) includes the West Ponderosa Sanitary Sewer Project, the Valleyview Sanitary Sewer Project, the Rotchford Acres Sanitary Sewer Project, and the Clement Sanitary Sewer Project. Mr. Kersten said the Memorandum of Understanding (MOLn is the standard form where we end up with improved streets; that we don't have the County's cost yet and said he would Iike to confiim their bid numbers to make sure we get all their costs, and he hopes to have this ready for cnotion consideration at the March 24 council meeting; that the 2009 Street Capital Pmjects Funds includes $1.5 million for the STEP projects, with $l millian from the Street Capital Fund, $200,000 from the Stormwater Fund, and $300,000 in CDBG grant funds. 6. False Alarm — Rick VanLeuven Chief VanLeuven mentioned the February 10, 2009 discussion with council concerning false alarms and the pros and cons of potential solutions to the current system, which be explained, is not cost efficient; and of the outsourcing company "CryWolf' which would have no direct cost to Spokane Valley; adding that contracting with such a company would unclog the courts. Chief VanLeuven said that staff explored the possibility of "pigg,ybacking" on tbe City of Spokane's contract, but the provisions are not there; so staff would need to daft a proposal to send out as a Request for Proposals (RFP). Chief VanLeuven introduced Lt. Glenn Winkey of the Spokane Police Department who shared about the successes he experienced with this company and of how it benefitted the Spokane Police Deparmnent. Lt. Winkey explained that they had no enforcement inifially for false alarms and that the cost recovery through the courts was ine�icient, and at an approximate annual cost of $800,000 for the police to respond. He explained that they wrote an ordinance and an RFP for a third party to administer the program; that wit}� this program they began enforcing an annual fee registration fee; and since the inception of their program, there has been a 70% reduction in false alarms, which is a savings of over $560,000 annually. As shown on the fact-sheet he distributed, Lt. Winkey explained that having this program in place also allows officers to go where they are needed, which adds to effectiveness and cost savings; and added that their ordinance has proven ef�ective and stood the test of time over the last three and one-half years; adding that this is not a false alarm revenue program, but is a false alarm cost recovery program; and the registration fee is a way to educate the customer and to update their contact list; and said most citizens see �his as a cost of doing business. Chief VanLeuven menrioned that the annual fee is $25.00 for residents, � and $35 for commercial. Cit}� Manager Mercier said that since Spokane has a demonstrated success, ��ve (.�ouncil Meeting �Liirzutes� 03-03-09 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT would look to model our ordinance closely to Spokane's, including the fee structura; and that staff could � bring this back as a proposal; adding that he would also ask for a copy of Spokane's RFP, then go to market and based upon maricet, staff would craft a proposed ordinance to bring back to council in two or three months. Council concun�ed that staff should proceed. 7. Advance Agenda — Mayor Munson Regarding the June retreat date, Deputy Mayor Denenny said that he forgot about a previous engagement and asked if Council would be amenable to hold the retreat June 20 instead of June 27. Council concurred. Mayor Munson mentioned he has invited representatives from Senator Murray's office, Senator Cantwell's o�ice, and Congresswomau McMorris-Rodgers office to attend the March 24 meeting to give a fifteen minute per person update, on what Washington, D.C. is doing for us. 8. INFORMATION ONLY: The Community Development Monthly Report and Traffic Signals were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 9. Council External Committee Reports — Councilmembers Councilmember Gothmann distributed copies of Substitute Senate Bill 5812, originally sponsored by Senators Marr and Brown. Councilmember Gothmann said the present Health Board consists of nine etected officials, and three at-large citizens; but the bill's proposal is to have nine total members: three elected officials, three people from Spokane County Medical Society, and three from those agencies inspected by the Health Board. Councilmember Gothmann argued that reasons to keep the Board status quo, is that it runs smoothty, that the Board does not make medical decisions as there is a hired health officer for that purpose; that the Board handles a budget of $124 million; and he feels it is bad policy to turn public funds to a noc►public agency; that doing so would not provide any accountability; and added that this would only apply to Spokane County and none of the other 38 counties in the State. ' Councilmember Gothmann also mentioned that if a board has police authority, that board should report to � elected officials; and said the Health Officer can jail people within their homes, or even shut down a city if there is an epidemic; and again said a change would be unwise. Councilmember Gothmann said that both Senators have been invited to the health board meetings and that Senator Marr has never attended. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that the Health Board has asked cities to bring this issue to their councils; and it was then moved by Councilmember Gothmarrn and seconded, that this City Council goes on record against Senate Bill 5812. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclomation: In Fm�or: Unrn�imorrs. Opposed: Nvne. Abste.ntion,s: .Norie. Motion carried. Councilmember Wilhite mentioned that Mayor Munson had wanted some information about the stimulus package and that after hearing Judy Olson's report, she asked if there were any questions; and Councilmember Wilhite mentioned that they had a discussion about the importanee of Bridging the Valley and to make sure that it is camed forward; and said that letters will be sent back to Senators and members of Congress for stimulus money if that is available. Mayor Munson said what had bothered him was seeing a press release on a website saying you have until March l2 to submit requests for water and weatherization projects. Councilmember Taylor mentioned that the Regional Conventions Visitor's Bweau will hold their board retreat next week to discuss formulation and adoption of a five-year strategic plan to promote the Sp�okane region. Conceming solid waste, Councilmember Schimmels said that he has a CD with the latest result of the audit. Mayor Munson said the 911 Board heard a good briefing on the status of the 1/10 of 1% sales tax and the programs it would be paying for, and said there is a continuing effort to put together a request for a proposal for the development of the emergency communication sys�em to change the radio systems to digital; and that he received a report today from our lobbyist who stated that the 911 bill has been exempted from automatic cut which means it will remain on the docket; and that the Transportation Committee chair in the House told our lobbyist that the street utility authority will not leave committee Council Meeting 1�linutes: 03-03-09 Page 7 of 8 Approved by Council: DR9 FT and will be a fight for another legislative sessioo; and that she would put her name on that bill at the ttext legislative session. City i��Ianager 1�lercier mentioned I Bill 1677 and companion �54U regarding thc: esta6lisliment of one or mare high capacity transportation corridor areas by transit agencies; it was introduced to deal with the Puget Sound area principally, but it also provided for other counties to do so; that the taxing authority provided under this measure would include the potential of an employer tax up to $2.00 per month per employee; rental car sales ta�c and use tax not to exceed 2.172% and sales aad use tax not to exceed 9/10`� of l%; that Cou�cil has not indicated a position on that yet as we were waiting for word from STA and the SRTC to take a position; and said he was asked by our lobbying firm today, which position if any Counci] wishes to take o❑ ihis bill. After brief discussion, it was determined that Council will remain neutral. 10. Council Check-in — Mavor Munson no comments 11. City Manager Comments — Dave Mercicr: no comments 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation, Land Acquisition It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denermy, seconded and urranintously agreed tv adjou�n into Executive Session for approximately 45 minutes to di.rcuss pending litigation crnd land acquisition, cmd that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session at 9:33 p.m. It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite, seconded rnrd u�im�imously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m. A"l��I�ES'I': Ricllard l��Tuns�n, Ma}�ur Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Aleeting Afinutes: U3-U3-Oy Page & o�J Appraved by Council: DR.9 FT MINUTES City of Spokane Vallcy City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed e��er tc, th� 1��th mecting. Attendairce• Citti' Stoff Rich Munson, Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City M��na�rr Dick Denenny, Deput�� Mayor Mil:e Connelly, City Attorne}� Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community De� 'el0�lill�Ilt Dif. Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Taylor, Counciimember Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Diana Wilhite, Councilmember John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Bill Miller, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk I�IVOCATION: Pastor A1 Hulten of Valley Assembly Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Taytor led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Cih� Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGF.NDA: It tii�us nr��•ed by Couneilmenrber Ta��l�r•, secardecl c»ad uncmimuusll� n��•eed !o upproti�� the a�r�errded agen�la. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: ►�'a COIVINIITTEE, BOARD. LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Cau�cilmember ��ill�ite: explained that she attended tl�e Rotary Club meeting wl�ere Councilmember Gothmann gave a presentation on the panhandling issue; she attended our Mayor's State of the City Address; and in connection with her involvement �vith the Spokane Regional Transportation Committee, she was invited to attend ldaho's equivalent of SRTC in Coeur d'Alene to hear about Idaho's transpoctation necds. Councilmember Gothmann: reported he attended a SNAP meeting ��here they are initiating a ne��� program for the benef,t of helping neighbors; attended the Spokane Regional Health Department regul��r meeting wherc Senator Marr's bill for re-organization was discussed; also attended the day-long Healtl� Department strategic meeting where they discussed their goals and a mission/value statement; mentioned he gave a report on panhandling to the Rotary Club as well as to his church; attended the State of Cit` Address; and a Community Development Block Grant Hearing where people could appea) tl�e preliminary grants that the Committee made regarding the HUD funding. Councilmember DempseY: said that she attended the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency meeting; and aithough she could not attend the Mayor's State of the City address, Mayor Munson gave the address to her individually. De Mayor Denenn�: reported he attended the Health DisVict meeting. Councilmember Ta�or: stated that he attended the Mayor's State of the Gity Address; ar� open house at CenterPlace where Beacon Hill Catering showed off their products; that this Saturday the Fourth District Legislators will hold a Town Hall meeting at CenterPlace; and said that toda�� and tomorrow he �vil) be Council fLegul�rMeelittg. (1;-if)-2Uii9 f'a;,e 1 c,t �t Approvcd by Council: DRA FT attending a retreat meeting of the noard of Convention and Visitor's F3ureau where they will discuss their future directio� and ho�v they want this region to be seen as a destination. Councilmember Schimmels: said he attended the State of the City Address; and a Solid Waste Liai.on board meeting a few weeks ago and said he has a CD he will distribute to Council on the draft So(id Waste Management Plan MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that last �veek he participated as a Judge for the Cliase Youth Commission competition for "Youth of the Year"; atte�ded a GMA Steering Committee of Elected O�icials meeting and said they are working with the Board of County Commissioners to compiete their update of their Comprehensive Plan; attended the monthly Spokane Transit Authority Meeting; a monthly transportation committee meeting sponsored by the three area Chambers where the topic was the stimulus transportation package, and said Spokane County is slated to receive $10.6 million and of that, Spokane Valley should receive $1.9 million to resurface Sprague; attended a Boy Scouts breakfast presentation; chaired the Operations and Administrative Subcommittee for the STA; and gave the State of the City Address, and mentioned he will be giving that again April 9; that he hosted the NE Mayor's Association meeting at CcnterPlace; and said that he attended a breakfast Friday for Commissioner Ricliard where they me�tioned the Sprague Appleway Corridor; and that today he had lunch «�ith the Superintendent of the Central Vallev School District. Mayor Munson ti�en read a proclamation for "National Alzl�eimer's Disease Awareness Month," wliich was received ay Pat Johnson; and read another proclamation for "Absolutely lncredible Kid Day," which was received by Elizabeth Giles. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment. Fire Chief Thompsan introduced his new Dcputy AndS� Hail and Councilmembers then greeted and welcomed Deputy Hail. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. ClairT� Vouchers, Voucher # 16596 through # 16794; $2,799,915.57 b. Payrotl for pay period ending February 28, 2009: $336,803.05 c. Approval of CounciUCounty Board Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2009 It was moved bv Coimcilmember T��lor, secorrded, and uncmimously a�eed to approve tlie conse�rt agerrda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Readin��Proposed Ordinance 09-004 Amendin�: Urclinancc 08-U28, Amcnded L�al I�escription - Mike Connellv After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved hy� Cnuncilmember Tcrylor uncl seconded to suspend the rules cmd adopt Ordrnance 09-004. City Attorney Connelly explained thAt the only change from the original ordinance is to correct an error in the legal description, including Exhibit A; and mentioned the importance of having the legal descriptio❑ exact when filed with the County Assessor's o�ice as they transfer the property. Mayor Munson invited publ ic comment; no comments were offered. Vote hy Acclanration: In Favor: Una»irno:�s. Opposed: Nnne. Ab ste.�itio�ls: None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Indiana Avenue Extension Project, TIQ Grant - Steve Worlc�� It was ntoved by Councilmember Ta�rlor and seconded to authorize the Mayor to sig�r the % IB 1•'uel Gra,rr Distributiar Agreemen! for the Indiana Avenue Extension Project. Public Works Director Kersten explained that this is the third touch and approval of a gra�t for tbe TIB which was submitted last fall; and said this project is the extension of Indiana Avenue east to the Mission/Flora intersection as a three-lane roadway including a center lef� turn lane, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, bike lanes, an drainage improvements; Council ftegular h•1eeein�: (1;-1()-200y Page 2 of 4 Approved b}• Council DRAFT and said this should improve the congestion on Broa.dway in front of the new Lowe's; he mentioned that the grant is over $1.5 million with a city match of about $314,000; and contributions from developers of over $700,000. ln response to Council question, Attorney Connelly said staf�' made inquiry about the railroad 30' strip to be dedicated, but has had no response yet. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote bv Acclamation: In Fcn�ur: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentio,rs: None. Motion carriecl. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment. Crai� Homes, 11219 E 25`� Spokane Vallev: Mr. Homes shared a photograph of his wife Catching a steelhead; he explained that regarding tax rates, it has more to do with how things are pr�esented; he said he was a pastor riventy years ago; and mentioned the situation we are in as a nation; he said voters are concerned about losing their homes, jobs, retirements, and savings, and he appreciated the Council talkin`� ���ith the County; said citizens are coneerned about the basics and this is a huge opportunity for Spokan� Valley to create jobs; that California's tax rates are large, and those same people can live here withoi,t that additional tax burden; so he wants us to go fishing as he feels there will be a migration of highc� income people moving here; and said we should try to find the small fish in California to make them a bi;� fish here; and have jobs here so our kids won't have t� move away from Spokane Valley. Ma� tii��n���;� said sta�f'would contact him to discuss that fiirther. ADNiINISTRATIVE REPORTti: 4 S_pokane Transit Authority (STA) Fare Structuc�e keport — David S���allin�, Ste��t� �31a�1�<< STA Director of Operations Steve Blaska explained that they are here to solicit feedback anci iriput oc� ;: proposal of their Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC), and via his PowerPoint presentation, he and CA� Chair David Swalling explained the formation and duties of the CAC, what they've acccmplished, whe��� they are in the process of the fare structure proposal, i.e. no formal recommendation at this time but ����� developing a draft proposal for public comment; mentioned the planned public outreach with variol�� meetings end events, and said their ridership-based philosophy is "to e�couragc increased ridership b�� providing a convenient and reasonably priced method for citizens to enjoy the advantages of publi� transportation." Discussion followed conceming the proposed fare changes with phase 1 and phase 2, c�I the affect for those on fixed or low income; the monthly fee and the per ride fee structure for tl�� paratransit riders; that the group is still gathering questionnaire responses; mentioned the "smart cards" t�� help drivers handle the problem of having to handle making change; and of subsidizing the fares. t�1r. Blaska and Mr. SwallinQ said that the group will meet again tomorrow night before next week's fin��l recommen�l:: li� t}1� l�i�,li�i�: :lil� � ��Utl:1� �t?]1,31iC(l�.jii� t�l: �i'11111111��� :�11 l�l;;lf ��:1�;111C11?t', �lf 1�1�' ?»!i�'� i�i1�I f :irc: �. ti. City 1�ail Desi�;n Sc;r��iccs - Ne�il Ker51�n Public Works Director Kersten said that thi� itern ���as brought before Council se��er��l wc;�k5 a�;c� lor tl�c new city hall; he said this ef�ort encompasses about 20% of the engineer and architecture effort to get tl�e project ready for bid; that although the total proposal is an estimated $377,000; that staff will include in the contract a lirnit of $50,000 in eapenditures until the City has control of the site; and once the site is under City cvntrol, that staff would proceed with the remainder of the design services. Councilmember Taylor said he feels it would be prudent to move forward and get those services completed, and appreciates that staff will manage the expenses on this contract accordingly; and said he does not se� anything to hold us back from getting the specific work done and to have an agreement in Place. Councilmember Gothmann concurred and said that at the end of this recession, if we aren't ready to mo� e forward, we will likely pay higher costs so it would be beneficial to be prepared now so we can make �� decision. Councilmember Schimmels said he would not support spending the $50,000 at this time; tl���� the schematic is very descriptive but we should �ot spend more on engineering or architecture fees until there is a need for such. Councilmember Dempsey agreed and said she realizes funds were set aside, but said tlzat doesn't mean «�e h�ve t� s�end those funds: and said she ���ould likc to «�ait tintil ���e ha��e th� C«uncil RegularM:eti::�:_ i� i'; �_ ? �,1�:; Approved by Counc:'. DRAFT land or have the land designated. Mayor Munson asked Council if they would like a future motion to put a$50,000 stop-loss on the development of the plan until we know more, or own tl�e land. Deputy Mayor Denenny expressed his desire to move forward as there is greater criticism for not bei�g ready to proceed, and said we cannot communicate to the public about tl�is layout v+.rithout having the sense of direction, but would agree to limit the funds at this time to $50,000. In response to Council question of how staff arrived ai the $50,000; Mr. Kersten said that was as a result of discussions with the design firm of what work could be done without having a specific site. There was Council consensus to bring this forward on the March 24 council agenda, to include an initial spending limit of $50,000 at this time. INFORMATION ONLY: N/A EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was »ioved by Deputy Mayor Deaen�ry, seconded arrd unanimously a,greed to adjuurn into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation and land acqulsition; and that no action is anticipated thereafler. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:19 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. 1� was moved by Cotmcilntenlber l3'ilhite, .seconded and unanrimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m. ATTEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, Ciri� Glerk Council Rcgular Mceting: OZ-10-2009 Yagc: 4 of �1 Approvcd b�� Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Reque�t for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off� Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business � I�ut�i<<- I-�e�r�n� I,� inforrn�tion [-] admin. rcpo�t (� p�n�iina legislatic��� AGENDA lTEM TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-003, Revised Speed Limit GovE��vlr�G LEGis�ATioh: r�!�; PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion at February 24, 200::� �,� �:.t�, �� ,� �-- r� r -; r '1 �/ '� � O n'� v � � _ �, ri n n^ 7 r 7 r i r� ,- � ; _�n o ��;.� F:�f��,i�.�y �_ , , CO.. t , �.�i � nc_ .h� �_ r i, :� �_.. ta s��on _ r� � BACKGROUtVD Spokane Vafiey auopteai ti�E speEd i�mits Establisiico uy Spokanc Gour�t�. upon incorporation. Several modifications to school zones have occurred since incorporat�or� This ordinance and resolution will eliminate all references to the county code and establish a Speed Limit Schedule listing all the current speed limits for easy reference by citizens and sta�i The following changes are incorporated into the document 1. Greenacres Elementary School has asked for a change in their 20 mph spced zonc to extend it further south on Long. The school also has a posted 20 mph speed zone on 4' that was not listed in the old speed code. 2. University Elementary School has asked for a change to th��r 20 r s��e�f:� zcne un 16�' to extend it to 300' west of the crosswalk at 16�'/Universit;� 3. A provision giving a! ith�ritv to th� traffic nn�in�er to pa�t a re���.; _.��i �,� �,::� i��������� ��,�� =� (^�^C+r�J^tI(1n ?(1C1F'� O�' ! iO�'�':�: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 09-003 Amendirig Spokane Valley Municipal Code relating to speed limits. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Some speed limit signing could be changed. This will be completed under the county maintenance contract STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director, tnga Note, Senior Traific Eng�nezr ATTACHMENTS 1. �I"��i o���i��!1C� DRA FT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPO�:ANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDIl�TANCE NO. 09-003 AN ORDINAIV CE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKAN]E COUNTY, WASHIl�TGTON, AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9.OS.030 RELATING TO SPEED LIMITS THROUGHOUT THE CTTY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City adopted Ordinance 03-047 prior t� incorporation, which establish�d speed limits in the City as those previously adopted by Spokane County; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to identify all previously-adopted speed limits applicable oo City roads, in a format that is more accessible and easier to use for the public. The aew format is referred to as the "Master Speed Limit Schedule," which shall be adopted by separate resolution, and may be amended from time to time under criteria set forth in City Code and Washington la�v; and WHEREAS, the City Council has authority under RCW 46.61.415 to change speed limits if the jurisdiction determines on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that it is appropriate, which is an exercise of power of the City to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Senior Traffic Engineer has conducted an engineering and traffic investigation for all proposed changes to existing speed limits in accordance with WAC 308-330-270, and has determined that these changes are reasonable and safe. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, V�'ashington, ordains as follows: Section 1. ose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend SVMC Section 9.05.030 for the purpose of establishing all speed limits in the City in one central Master Speed Limit Schedule. Scctioa 2. Spokane valley Municipal Code section 9.05.030 is hereby amended as follo���s: 9.OS.03 .�uecd Liinits. � � , . �e���. � A. Subject to RC�V 46.61.400(1) and (3), the maximum speed lim�t for all C i�� ��r��� t; i> e�tablished as 25 miles per hour except where a lower or g�eater ma�cimum lawful speed is established b� Snokane Valley ordinance ar resolutian pursuant to WA� 308-330-270 and RCW 4b.61.415 and for �vhich �ed limit si�ns have been duly ao_. sted bY the City. Alter�tions from those eneral speed limits. including foc school zones and parks, are set forth in the Master Speed Limit Schedule, which ma,�b.e adopted and amended from time to time by separate resolution. An,y such alteration shall be made on th� basis of at� engineering and traffic investigation, be reasonable and safe, and in the health, safetv ancl «�elf:�re �f th�� citi�ens nf this Citt•. Th� C'il�� t��' C �'all���_ m:���_ari��nd_c,r ac����t ��ici? _s:h���l s�ec1 Ordiirance U9-OU3 Ame�rding .S�ced Limit Prvvisivns Page 1 of Z DRAFT z�nes �s necessar�� and may desi na� te sc},����1 5���.�� _r_one� �� iti� �,�� of the �i�.n:��,e option� �ursuant to WAC 392-151-U35 as adopted or amended. �3. The Cit� Senior Traffic Engi,�e or d��is��ate� rcpresef;tati�� i� authc�rizc:d t�> tet�i�oraril�� �eduee tt�e maximum allbwable speed an a4y c itv road, as the Senior Traffic Engineer �ieem� necessan� during road construction and/or emergenc,y conditions. Ttie sgeed limit reduc#ions sb�ll bec�ttte effecti�•e upon the �lacem�nt of standard si�ns indicating the maxunum allowable spe�d. and shall cease at such time as ihe s�gns are removed bv the Senior Traffic Engineer or that person's representative. All sig�� placed in accordance �vith this s�ction shall confornl tn tl�e Manilal. nn i_Tnif�rnl Traffic C�ntr�l_T)e�•ice; fn!' �iC•��'ic ;i11i`� �?]!��7«'n\ : fi�� ��1;' �t�tt' nf �� �c > I1in�� t��;l. Seetion 3. Severabiliri'. If an�• section sent�nce, clause or phrnse ot this Urdinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, claiise or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4 . Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effecti��e five da��s after publication of the ordinance, or a summary thereof, in the official newspaper of the Cih�. ✓ Adopted tllis da� of 11arc1�, 2009. ��T1��ST: C'I�I �' ()1� 5PC)1��1tiL �':�LLL;�' Citti Clcrk, Cltri�tine F��IR��I'1C� Richard Mu��s��n ?��1a`�or Appro� ed a; t�� F��rni: Utfice oft�ie Cit�� :11tt�rn�•�� r • Date of Publicatit ��1: �_i�f��:t��-� n titc: I�atr c�t�t'uhli���iiut�: Ordinance 09-003 Amending Speed Limit Provisions Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check ali that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business �new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading of Ordinance 09-005 amending the density limitations in Zone 6 of the Airport Nazard Overlay Zone located in Table 19-110-1, Section 19.110.030 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70., 14 CFR 77 and SVMC 19.110.030 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Staff was directed by the City Council to review this issue and propose alternatives to the density limitation. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 23, 2008 and continued the public hearing on December 11, 2008 and forwarded on no recommendation. The City Council was presented the Planning Commissions motion on January 20, 2009 and decided to move forward with review of the proposed amendment without a recommendation. Staff presented five (5) options to the City Council regarding the proposed amendment to Zone 6 density limitations in the Airport Hazard Ove�lay. March 3, 2008 study session, the City Council directed staff to proceed in drafting Option 4 in an ordinance for first reading. Staff received comments from Neal Sealock, Airport Director of the Spokane International Airport (SIA) on March 16, 2009. Please reference Exhibit 3. ANALYSIS: Proposed Option 4 amends Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay Section 19.110.030, Table 19-110-1 as follows; 1. Allow density of underlying zoning within Zone 6, however development must comply with a minimum of one (1) of the following exceptions; a. The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by �rdinance 06-002; or b. Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development; or c. More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. In addition, language shall be placed upon the face of the final plat to serve as notification of possible increase in noise. 2. All final short subdivisions and final subdivisions located within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay shall contain the following dedication language on the face of the plat "These lots ar� located in an Airport Nazard Overlay that may be sc�bject to increased noise levels. " Kequest for Gouncil :l�ti�,n (1 n ft�3dit�� of Orc{. (i�)-O!)51 Pa��c I��f� Z Spokane Vailey Municipal Code Section 17.80.150(6) provides approval criteria that the proposed arnendment of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. The criteria and staff's analysis are below: 1. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 wifhin the Comprehensive P/an states "discourage...density adjacenf fo fhe airport" within fhe airporf hazar+d overlay. Staff r�cognizes GMA direcfs jurisdictions fo plan for incompatibility of uses around airports. Section 36.70.547 srates "...shall...discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent fo such general aviation airport". The language provides guidance by using n...discourage..." instead of providing directive "shall deny". Additiona!!y, compliance with GMA is not defined by adherence to one speci�c goal. The proposed option of allowing development with excepfions would provide those properfies that have had the intent of further land division to proceed. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area thaf is recommended to be protected from encroachments that may create safety hazards and exposure to noise, however staff concludes this option is consistent with the Stafe's Growth Managemenf Act (GMA) goa/s and policies as well as the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. The majority of potential new lots are located more than 3, 000 feef from the runway. The installation of water and sewer stubs is consistent with Goal CFP-9. The data collected from the Spokane County Division of Utilities shows approximafely 224 lots within Zone 6 have been stubbed for sewer. Ther� are 79 lots fhat received two or more sewer stubs. Orchard Avenue Irrigafion Districf data shows approximately 35 lofs r�sceived extra water stubs wi�hin Zone 6. There are a fota! of 12 lots thaf received water and sewer stubs within Zone 6. 2. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additional residences however this concem is not significantly detrimental to the public hea/fh, safety, welfare and environmenta/ protection. OPTIONS: Proceed as proposed, or as modified; or direct staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to advance the ordinance to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Ordinance 09-005 Exhibit 2: March 3, 2009 Administrative Report to City Council excluding exhibits Exhibit 3: Comments from Neal Sealock, Airport Director of SIA Request for Council Aetion (1" Reading of (hd. 09-005) E'age 2 of 2 �o nc `'�'"""'�`�"`��' Department of Commuility Development �'�all Plannin Division . - -. � - I St � � e a �.n o r inance - March 24, Z 009 � -: - "� — ' -'�� f , : �,,,f � : ,� s . ; '��.,f= . . �or; ,� �• � ' f �+ � ., .., � r � �� f , r _ f r � - . •� r - .J. '�e �„�;��'�'.. ���: S� '��' �' � � _ i'' . ` i - � � I � � } � � - � . ,' � ., ; i _ ' . . _ s�b - l ` � r ' `1' ' . � � . ti� �, r ��' • � _. - . , � , . � �� ' , '� _ « , , ` � , � , '� � } r`` ` - !, � ,f ' _ . .�� „r *� .��" r: ��"' . ' l � o, �} � j �' . � . ,` .. `�. ' . X �..,. � ✓ , � ' � .. 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I / �L��'�:�.��� .�;.1:....� .:�t t��l�un����—,I�� �� r� <. �" . �"� .+° �' v '�' Department of Community Developinent - ne . . . , j�all Plann�n D�vYSion , ro ose men men Tnbie 19-110-1 Airport Land Usc Compatibility Prohibited Uses Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones Prohibited Uses 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single-fanlily Residential • � � � � � 1 �tfl 1 � A p . � ' (1) (2) Maximum Density *�` n/a n/a 1 du/ 5 acres 1 du/ 2.5 acre n/a U n d c rly i n g zo n e • Prohibited Uses ** O Density limited �'� Must compl with a minimum oi oile t 1) of the Collowin� critcria; a. Th� site had water or scwer stubs installed for future development urior fio the adot�tion of the Citv of Spokane Vallev initial air�ort hazard overlav re�ulations on 2-28-46 bv Ordinance 06- 002; or b. Consistcnt with adjacent (not across public rights of wa�,propertv sizes for proposed develo�ment; or c. More tllan one residence is located on a pro�crtX, excludin�anv residence used at one time for a de�pendcnt relative� mav dcvelop property consistent with underlinin� zone to make conformin�. � Al1 final short subdivisions and f nal subdivisions located within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Ovcrlav sha11 conta.in the followin� dedication lan�ua.�e on the face of the plat "These lot.s are located 111 QJZ AIY�701 ��a�ut•c� Oti�er 1I1[X� Il1C7V be .SUbleet )o �j-7c. j�oi ,ce I����l.s. '. � ne � �y��� ���� ��A"�� Departrnent of Community Development - �s�all Plannin Division , ,r s . '�.�- _ , '�` _ . , i•�� . � � � � j ~�• - � - � ���� ' , � �� � . � � - - r• i • � . ' • � a . . �• I � � ` . ` ..', �. k " � r� �'.: � _� �a ; ` _ � �� • �.. � � �� K � - - • , : ._ _ . � , � ► j �3 �' . . ,, r � �� . ��,���' �^ ��•�`- � r . ., � . �t ��- � � ��_ , a+� � � J) ��. �'� _�,� ,�,-._: ' i � , �� �' � '.'ru'� •'!} � . ,.. 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', �� ) . . _� _ �z y � 1 DR9 FT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIfiY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE CUUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 19.110.030, TABLE 19-110-1 CHANGING 'THE DENSTTY LIIVIITATIONS IN ZONE 6 OF THE AIRPORT HAZARD OVERI..4Y ZONE WITH CRTI'ERIA AND ADDLr1G DEDICATION LANGUAGE FOR SHORT SUBDIti'ISONS A..ND SLTBDIVISIO�'S: WHEREAS, the Cit}� of Spokane Valle}� adapted tlie Spokane Vailey �lunicipal Code (S�'MC) pursuant t« Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of September, 2007; and WHEREAS, the SVMC bacame effective on 28th day of October, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Planning Commission held a public hearing on possible amendments to the Airport Ha7ard Overlay Zone on October 23, 2008 and continued the public hearing on December 11, 2008 and forwarded on no recommendatian. The City Council met on March 3, 2009 and determined adding a provision to the SVMC allowing the density limitation in Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay (Table 19- 110-1) to be modified met the criteria for approving an amendment i.ncluding being consistent with tl�e Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and that it bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare and protection of the environment. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAINS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: SVMC Chapter 19 shall be ame�ded as follo«•s; 19.110.U30 AIRPORT HAZARD OVERLAY Tabl� 19-1 lU-1 �irport L�nd Usc Com�atitiilit}� Pr��hihited llses: Table 19-110-1 Air ort Land Use Com atibili Prohibited Uses Prohibited Uses � ort Lend Use Com atibilit Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sin le-famil � Residential • • � � • �; 1 d l.l� 5 1 Ci Ll� 2. 5 ��z-a�u-:. .�•, �,,.� Maximum Densi ** n/a n/a acres acre n/a Underl �in J zone � t2 � Manufactured Housing Paz� • • • • • • Multi-famil - Residential � • • • • • Schools • • • • • • Parks & Pla ounds • • • • • • Hos itals • • • • • • Nursin Homes • • • • • • Da care • • • • • • Churches • • • • • • Hazardous Material • • • � • Stora e Flammable Materials • • • • � Ordinance 09-005 Modification to Zone 6 in Airport Hazard Overlay Page 1 of 2 DRAFT Tabte 19-110-1 Ai ort Land Use Com atibiliri� Prohibited Uses Prohibited Uses � ort Land Use Com atibilit Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stora e Incinerators • • • • • • Overhead utilities • • • • • • Hi Intensi Uses • • • • • • Prohibited Uses * * � Densit limited � Must compl�� ���iil1 a minimum of one (1) of the follo�� criteria; a. The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the Ci ,ty of Spokane Vallev initia] airport hazard overlav regulations on 2-28-06 bv Ordinance 06-002; or b. Consistent w�ith adjacent �,not across public ri ts of wavZpropertv sizes for proposed development; or c. �viore than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one time for a dependent relati��e, ma�• de�•elo� �mpertv consistent �vith underlinin� zon, to make conformin�. �'`� All final shorl subdit�isions and final s�tbdivisions loc�ted ���ithin Lone 6 of the Airport Hazaxd O��erlay shall contain the following dedication lan�ge on the face of the plat "These lots are located in an Airport Hc�c�rd Oi�erlc�� thnt mav be sublect to increased noise levels. " Section Two: Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrases of this Ordinance silould be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, sucb invalidit�� or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section Three: Ef�ective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days af�er the publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by la��•. Passed by the City Counci( this day of __, 2009. Mayor, Richard Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinacice 09-005 Modification to Zone 6 in Airport Hazard Overlay Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 3, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing �information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session to discuss the code amendment to Section 19.110.030 Airpo�t Overlay Zone (File No. CTA-04-08) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70., 14 CFR 77 and SVMC 19.110.030 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Upon incorporation the City adopted the Spokane County airport overlay regulations on an interim basis. The City adopted their own airport hazard overlay regulations by Ordinance 06-002 on February 28, 2006. The regulations were carried forward in Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 19.110.030 with the adoption of the new zoning regulations effiective October 28 2007. Concems were voiced by citizens and agencies regarding the density limitations of Zone 6 within the airport hazard overlay zone. Staff was directed by the City Council to review this issue and propose aftematives to the density limitation. The staff presented four (4) options to the Planning Commission as alternatives within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay. A study session was held on October 9, 2008 in which an additional option was requested by the Planning Commission for staff to evaluate which is referenced as option 5 below. The progress of the code amendment is as follows; 1. October 9, 2008 Study Session with Planning Commission 2. October 23, 2008 Public Hearing with Planning Commission Summary of ineeting: a. Airport groups expressed concems regarding increased density. In support of retaining existing regulations. b. Citizens/property owners concerned about limitations to develop their property. c. The public hearing was continued to allow time for the airport groups to review and meet with City staff. 3. Greg McCormick and Karen Kendall met with Ryan Sheehan and Neal Sealock from Spokane Intemational Airport (SIA) on October 31, 2008. The SIA representatives indicated that they would have no further written comment on the issue. Discussion centered on noise mitigation measures. Staff revised their recommended option for the December 11, 2008 continued public hearing. The additional requirements included dedication language on the face of plats to serve as a notice of potential increased noise and require additional sound proofing on new construction within plats. The other two (2) mitigation measures (avigation easement and zoning restrictions) are currently requi�ed in the airport hazard overlay (Section 19.110.030). March 3, 2009 Request for City Comrnission Action on CTA-04-OS 4. December 11, 2008 Continued Public Hearing with Planning Commission Summary of ineeting: a. Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT} Aviation Division spoke in opposition to staff s recommendation and in support of retaining existing regulations. b. No additional comments were received by the airport groups. c. Several citizens voiced concerns about timitations to develop their property. d. The motion to forward a recommendation to the City Council failed 4 to 3. e. Concem was raised by Planning Commission members regarding the two (2) new commission members being introduced in the middle of the proposed code amendment. f. A motion 6 to 1 passed to direct staff to create an advisory committee with a member from the Home Builders (suggested Edie Streicher who testified), Realtor, staff from WSDOT Aviation Division and project planner to conduct research. Staff would present findings at a re- advertised public hearing in no more than three (3) months. The information requested was not clearly defined but perimeter was set to research traffic pattems, risk assessment and coming up with additional alternatives. On January 20, 2009 the City Council was presented the Planning Commission's motion and directed staff to carry the proposed code amendment forward for review and decision. The City Council requested the following information be discussed; 1. Is staff's proposal consistent with the growth management act (GMA)? Staff Commen�: Staff recognizes GMA directs jurisdictions fo plan for incompatibility of uses around airports. Section 36.70.547 sfates "...shall...discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to such general aviation airport". The language provides guidance by using "...discourage..." instead of pr+oviding dir�ctive "`shall deny". Additionally, compliance wifh GMA is not defrned by adherence to one specific goal. Staff has determined compliance with all relevan� planning goals established in RCW 36.70A.020 is as follows; a. Urban Growth: Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner, b. Reduce Sprawl: Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development; c. Housing; Encourage the availability of affordable housing fo all economic segments of the population of this state, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock; d. Public Facilities and Services: Ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development sha11 be adequate to serve fhe developmenf at the time the development is available for occupancy and use wifhou� decr�easing current service levels below locally established minimum standar�ds. Page 2 of 7 March 3, 2009 Request for City Commfssion Action on CTA-04-08 Staff concludes option 4 is consistent with the GMA goals and those goals and policies set forth in the City's adopted Compr�hensive Plan. 2. What is the accident data in the past 10 to 20 years for Felts Field? Staff Comment: There has been one (1) accident in the pasf forty (40) years which happened appmximately fhree (3) naufical miles northeasf of Felts Field. 3. What is the cost of soundproofing new construction? Stati Comment: In option 4 staff recommended soundproofing be required on new construction. If fhe City proceeded with fhis requinement, extensive research and analysis would need to be conducfed fo change our building code r�egulations in Tifle 24 of the Spokane Valley Municipa! Code (SVMC) to accommodate such recommendation. If such regulations were in place the consfrucfion would not be allowed fo deviate and thorough inspections would be required. There ar+e no specific costs esfimates available for soundproofing new construcfion. �th this information, staff has removec� the r�ecu;rEr��er�t nf sorinclproofinq fi�m recor7�!7�end�cl onfion 4. 4. U�iiat reyuiations do �i�� surroun�iny juri��ic�ions llav� cot�ccrninc� airpurt mitigation? Staff Comment: An adminis�rafive report was prepared and presented on March 4 , 2�08 �il�/ COLI!,�'i! n�� �� ,���rr - �i,r7n th�? r^!71/F'�tP� 1��f�rmati0;7. <<=� I �:- �. .� t_ r�; , � � ��-,� ,; ;� � ��:1; �,� �; ` S ANALYSIS: The following are four (4) options staff presented to tne Pianning Commission within Zone 6 of the Airport Hazard Overlay. Each option is being reviewed to determine if the approval criteria established in Section 17.80.150(F) of the SVMC can be met. At the study session on October 9, 2008 an additional option was requested by the Planning Commission for staff to evaluate which is referenced as option 5. Staff continues to recommend Option � 1. Option 1: No change to current density limitation i� Tabte 19 a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent w�th the ��_�,�,lic�:�!�: provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sfaff Comment: The curr�snt r�egulations are in direct conforrnance �vrth Goal TG-13 (E'ncourage land use and deveJopment compatible with airporf uses and r�egulated airspace) and policies TP-13.1 (Enforce regulations protecting airspace from encroachment) and TP-13.2 (Discourage incompatible land uses and r�esidential densities adjacent to the arrpor�) o,` fhe City's adopfed Comprehensive Plan. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relatio� to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The current r�gulations provide the highesf level of protection from incompatible and inconsisfenf densities in relation fo Fe�fs Field. P2ae 3 of 7 March 3, 2009 Request for City Comrnission Adion on CTA-04-08 2. Option 2: Allow density of current zoning within Zone 6 of the airport hazard overlay. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sfaff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive P/an states �discourage...density adjacent to the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. Ther+e are a handful of parcels that are af least double in size that could be developed under the R-2 zone that are directly adjacent to the designated airport boundary and runway that would be in direct conflict with policy TP-13. 2. The majority of the land area within Zone 6 is fully builf out with residential uses. The number of potentia! parcels fhat could be developed between the R-2 and R-4 zones is 388 par�cels located throughout the 6, 000 foot radius of Zone 6. This option conflicts by allowing density wirhin an area thaf should be profected from encroachments that may create safety hazards and exposure fo noise, however fhe majority of potenfial new lots would be located more than 3,000 feet from the runway. There are approximately 9, �54 existing parcels in the R-2 zone with 152 parcels thaf could potentially be further developed. The R-4 zone has 155 exisfing parcels and 76 have the potential being further divided. The total number befween the R-2 and R-4 zones thaf have the potential to be further divided is 388. The analysis was done only fo evaluate /of size for further development. A lof specific analysis was not completed. There may be other factors that limit development of a property even though the !ot size is larg►e enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The density increase would allow for additional growfh and provide more options for locations of housing within the City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exisfs to provide services to additional residences however fhis concem is not significantly detrimenfal to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. The incr+ease in density is so small in relation to the existing of rnan-made hazards and encroachments that could pose a safefy hazard for aircraft or create an increase in exposure to noise from air�raft. 3. Option 3: Allow density to be limited to the R-2 zoning regulations within Zone 6. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sfaff Commenf: Policy TP-13.2 wifhin fhe Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent fo the airport" within the airport hazard overlay. This option conflicts by allowing density wifhin an area that should be protected from encroachments thaf may cr+eate safety hazards and exposure to noise, however the majority of potential new lots are located more than 3, 000 feet from the runway. The R-2 zone has 152 parcels that could potentially be further developed. The R-4 zone has 23 parcels 20, 000 square feet or greater with fhe potential of being further divided under the R-2 development standards. The total number between � Page 4 of 7 March 3, 2009 Request for City Commisslon Action on CTA-04-08 the R-2 and R-4 zones fhat have fhe potential to be further divided is 175. The analysis was done only fo evaluate lot size for further developrnent. A!ot specific analysis was nof completed. There may be other facfors that limit developmen� of a property even though fhe lot size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, weifare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The densify increase would allow for additional growfh and provide more opfions for locations of housing within the Cify of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services fo additional residences however this concem is not significantly detrimental fo fhe public health, safety, welfare and environmental profection. 4. Option 4: Allow density of underlying ioning within Zone 6, however development must comply with a minlmum of one (1) of the following exceptions; (a) The site had water or sewer stubs installed for future development prior to the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley initial airport hazard overlay regulations on 2-28-06 by Ordinance 06-002; or (b) Consistent with adjacent (not across public rights of way) property sizes for proposed development; or (c) More than one residence is located on a property, excluding any residence used at one t�me for a dependent -- relative, may develop property consistent with underlining zone to make conforming. In addition, language shall be placed upon the face of the final ptat to serve as notificat�on of possible increase in noise. a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Sfaff Comment: Policy TP-13.2 within the Comprehensive Plan states "discourage...density adjacent to fhe airport" within the airport hazard overlay. The proposed option of allowing development wifh exceptions would provide those properties that have had the intent of further land division fo proceed. This option conflicts by allowing density within an area fhaf should be protected from encroachments fhaf may create safety hazards and exposure to noise, however the majoriiy of potential new lots are located more than 3, 000 feet from the runway. The installation of water and sewer stubs is consistent with Goa1 CFP-9. The data collecfed from the Spokane County Division of Utilities shows approximately 224 /ots within Zone 6 have been stubbed for sewer. There are 79 lots that received hn�o or more sewer sfubs. Orchard Avenue lrrigafion Disfrict data shows approximate/y 35 lots r�ceived extra water stubs within Zone 6. There are a total of 12 lofs fhat received water and sewer sfubs within Zone 6. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, weifare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: The densitjr increase would allow for additional grov►r�h and provide more options for locations of housing wifhin the City of Spokane Valley. !f has not been determined if capacity exists fo provide Page 5 of 7 March 3, 2009 Request fo� Ctty Commisslon Action on CTA-04-48 services fo additional residences however this concem is not signifrcantly detrimentai to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. 5. Option 5: Divide Zone 6 into north and south with Trent Avenue (SR-290) as a divider. This option was proposed by the Planning Commission at the study session held on October 9, 2008. This option, if considered would need to be further defined to determine which amount of density is allowed in each section (north and south). a. Criteria: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comrnent: Policy TP-�3.2 within the Comprehensive Plan sfates "discourage...density adjacenf to the airpo►t" within fhe airport hazard overlay. This option conflicts by allowing density wi�hin an ar�a that should be protected frorn encroachments that may create safety hazards. !f determined to be divided af current zoning standards the proposed north section of Zone 6�north of Trent Avenue) then R-2 has 948 parcels and R-4 has 71 par�els wifh the potential to be divided. The pr�posed south section of zone 6(south of Trenf Avenue) has 4 parcels in R-2 and 5 parcels in R-4 fhat have the potential of being divided at with current zoning standarris. The analysis was done only to evaluate !of size for further development. A lot specific analysis was not completed. There may be other factors that limit development of a prope►ty even though the lot size is large enough. b. Criteria: The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the pub(ic health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comrnent: The density increase would allow for additional growth and provide more options for locations of housing wifhin fhe City of Spokane Valley. It has not been determined if capacity exists to provide services to additional residences however this concem is not significantly detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare and environmental protection. OPTIONS: Proceed as proposed, or as mod�fied; or direct staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to bring this forward for an ordinance first reading at the April 12, 2009 Council meeting. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner EXHIBITS: (1) Minutes of the 10-9-08 Planning Commission study session (2) Staff report and exhibits to Planning Commission for 10-23-08 pubic hearing (3) Staff, agency and citizen comments from 10-23-08 public hearing (4) Minutes of the 10-23-08 Planning Commission public hearing (5) Staff report and exhibits to Planning Commission for 12-11-08 pubic hearing Page 6 of 7 January 20, 2009 Request for Council Adion on CTA-04-08 (6) Agency comment from 12-11-08 continued public hearing (7) Minutes of the 12-11-08 Planning Commission continued public hearing (8) Request for Council Action dated March 4, 2008 Page 7 of 7 ����iv�.� MAR ` �,,��f � c� ,� Spokane International Airport sPOK.�., :�- �� : ;_� �_:. YUSIN@ff PAAK AND iELTS FIFLD DEPAR����N �- ,�r,,. ,; ,. ��-�., rc�,i�, 9000 West Airport Drive, Suite 244 Spokane,YVashington 99224 (509) ASS-6455 ;po-.an.�a «�^�;: ����c Mayor Rich Munson City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave ����,k�n� �i� �,nrq c,,: � �;��;� i �� �����r�__h ; ;....,��, -, � ,._�. �- - Subje�,t: �=�ir���ri I��put to �;on�p���il�ie L�r��_i Us� D��ci�ion Dear Mayor Munson and City Council Members: L JC G�J�.1i C:�.�c�lC ylJul LU� Il�l l�it�� C'II�.JI lJ lV G.'.iU:::S:_. �':�i i I'�c3ii+'I:� 1�'i lu u���., �tl ���ii � Felts Field. The airport will be represented at the additional meetings regardin�,_; this issue. I regret that the most recent change in dates will not permit me t�. attend . Please accept this letter and the attached memorandum regarding compatible land use for your consideration prior to taking action. I was surprised to discovF� that your "study session" would or could not accommodate accurate technical advice. It is my opinion you ti���e��� r �ervv-.Li ��.�_!I by th�, ��r���cc�t:�±.�� lflfC�fllc3t shared during that session. We too advocate the establishment of a Zone, or "Airport Influence Area", whos�� boundaries and criteria incorporate all of the Airport approaches, traffic patterns and noise buffer areas and in which residential uses are strictly prohibitec, �.�r;lii such a zone can be developed, we support any action that prohibit _ consideration of residential uses within these buffer areas With the 1996 legislation (RCW 36.70.547, RCW 36.70A.5 i u j reyuiring dil �:!;i�=s and counties to adopt comprehensive plan goals, policies and regulations tc� discourage development of incompatible land uses adjacent to public use airports, we are collectively responsibl��- to �nsurc the `LIiL1�C Of ,i�ESe cr�tic;�_jl aviation assets. � Our understanding is that the Growth Management Act identifies airports as essential public facilities. We, along with Spokane County and City of Spokane, have contractually agreed in FAA grant assurance #20, to prevent the establishment or creation of future Airport hazards and in grant assurance #21 to take appropriate action, to the extent reasonable, to restrict the use of land adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the Airport to activities and purposes compatible with normal Airport operations. The permitting of residential uses, around the airport or within any APZ or 65 Ldn noise contour are clearly incompatible with present and future Airport operations. The ramifications of allowing continued residential expansion in this area include a direct impact on the current and future operations at Felts Field. The Airpo�t Board and Airport management assume the responsibility to advise Spokane County, the City of Spokane, and in this case, the City of Spokane Valley regarding issues which have a definitive impact on current or future operations. We most respectfully request your favorable consideration of the information provided and stand prepared to assist in any manner possible. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If we can be of any assistance in this regard, do not hesitate to call. Please contact me at 509-455-6419 if I may be of any assistance. Sincerely, Neal Sealock Airport Director Cc: City Council Members, City of Spokane Valley Mr. Mike Ormsby, General Counsel, Spokane Airport Board Mr. John Sibold, WSDOT Aviation Mr. Ryan Sheehan, Operations Manager, Spokane Airports Ms. Karen E. Kendall, Assistant Planner City of Spokane Valley Memorandum for: Mayor and City Council City of Spokane Valley Subject: Compatibie Land Use Around Felts Field Ensuring that Spokane's Felts Field Airport is regionally competitive and delivers the best airport experience possibte, drives our organization and our tenant partners every day. Airports are important economic generators for their communities and regions. They provide significant economic impacts, both direct and indirect, for the cities and counties in which they are located and neighboring communities, as well. Aviation industries generate jobs for the respective community, both on and off airport sites, as well as provide products and services for sale. The indirect economic benefits (visitor spending) of airports are not as obvious, but are often equal or greater than direct impacts. General Aviation airports located in close proximity to business travelers' final destinations provide added value and flexibility to their schedules in today's highly competitive global market place. Recognizing this benefit, many national an� international corporations recognize the convenience of a general aviation airport as a major factor in determining where to locate their executive operations or manufacturing facilities. These decisions greatly benefit a community as they translate into jobs, tax revenues and far reaching positive impacts into the focal business community. The services and benefits of general aviation go we11 beyond economic development alone. Felts Field supports various law enforcement activities (Spokane County Sheriff, Customs & Border Patrol), provides access for critical emergency services (INHS/Med Star), search and rescue operations, disaster relief efforts. educational and training services (SCC, Moody, Spokane Turbine). A contract control tower supported by Federal assistance maintains safety and numerous jobs. Equally beneficial, Felts serves as a destination for regional aviation enthusiasts and those who enjoy recreational flying, including the largest collection of flyable Stearmen in the world and the world's only flying Boeing 40 owned by Addison Pemberton. In total, more than Despite their obvious benefits, airports are under increasing pressure to rnodify operations� relocate or even close due to perceived noise and safety related impacts. This situation is often caused by development pressures placed on local decision makers, faced with the need to provide new schools, additional housing and increased business opportunities. The Federal government, the State of Washington and local governments all have substantial public investments in Felts and the entire state airport system. Unfortunately, available funding for replacing or relocating existing airports is becoming increasingly scarce, while the cost of capital and maintenance projects is steadily growing. Thus, it is vital to the future of our state that we take the appropriate steps to preserve and pro#ect our existing airport system from the encroachment of incompatible land-uses. To protect our airports from undesirable land-uses, local governments, developers and airport operators need to cooperate and communicate. Local governments may help by planning and developing compatible land uses around regional airports. Commercial, industrial and agricultural uses, to name a few, tend to be more compatible and less sensitive to airport activity than residential uses. Numerous options can be used by localities and airports to enhance the compatibility between the airport and the community. To address the problem, the airport and locality need to cooperatively work together to determine the appropriate level of land use compatibility planning required to protect the airport from encroachment and provide the community the blueprint to grow so to meet the increasing development pressures of urban and suburban growth. How Can Communities Protect Airports All communities face development pressures, therefore it is important that compatible land use planning around airports receive special consideration in several areas. These include areas where the height of objects or structures must be restricted, areas with the greatest potential for aircraft accidents, areas where airport-related noise should be mitigated, and areas of regular or frequent overflight (such as the areas under airport approaches and traffic patterns). Protecting Airspace Around Airports One of the greatest threats to pilot safety is intrusion of an airport's airspace by the erection of structures that penetrate through imaginary surfaces that encircle the airport and are identified to primarily protect the approach and departure phase of flight. Other areas of overflight would be encircling the airport as defined by the local traffic pattern. These would also include areas of actual or potential flight paths identified bv instrument approach and missed approach procedures. It is the responsibility of federal and state agencies with the cooperation and primary responsibility of local airport operators to protect airpolf airspace. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has prescribed standards for the height of objects near airports in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 14, Part 77, "Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace." This regulation defines a system of imaginary surfaces around an airport, through which no fixed object or structure should penetrate, The imaginary surfaces are designed to protect the critical airspace around an airport and allow for the safe operation of aircraft to and from the airport (Figure 1). Airport operators and local governments are encouraged to work closely with the Depa�tment and the FAA to protect the single most valuable commodity to an airport- that is: Airspace. i • ■ I � STATE REQUIREMENTS: ■ Air orts are Essential Pubiic Facilities � � ,. • �� • � p �+ (RCW 36 �oA.2oa� ■ Airports are part of the multi-modal • '� � . transportation system • (RCW 36 �0�.070� ■ Towns, cities and counties must discourage � incompatibie land uses (RCW 36. 70.547, 36. 7�A.5�D; 35A.63.270; 35. �D.250) ■ Towns, cities and counties must consult with aviation interests (RCW 36. 7�. 54 7, 36. 70A. 51 �; 35A. 63. 270; 35. 60. 250) ■ WSD�T Aviation must provide technical assistance (RC W 36. 70. 54 7, 36. 70A. 59 0; 35A. 63. 270; 35. 60. 250) GRANT ASSURANCES: • Compatible Land Use — Sponsor �City & County) will take appropriate action, to the extent reasonable, including the adoption of zoning laws, to restrict the use of land adjacent to or in the immediate vicinitv of the Airport to activities and purposes compatible with normal Airport operations. 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L ' � I � � j - , r. _ � � • ,�. � �� A � r ` r � � � _ �� �,l j (: �, - r- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item Check all that apply ❑ consent � old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report � pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Ordinance 09-006 amending Ordinance 08-012 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A (Growth Management Act) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On July 8, 2008 City Council passed Ordinance 08-012 amending the City's Official Zoning Map in conjunction with a series of Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted under Ordinance 08-011. BACKGROUND: In preparation of the 2008 annual comprehensive plan amendment docket (attached) staff became aware of an inconsistency between adopted goals and policies in the comprehensive plan and provisions of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Staff included an item on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan docket to address the situation and processed this item under file number CPA-10-08. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: CPA-10-08, along with the other 2008 amendments, was presented to the Planning Commission at their May 8, 2008 study session and was clearly delineated as an issue that needed to be addressed either through modification of comprehensive plan policy LUP-9.2 or �dding single family and two family dwellings to Appendix 19-A, Schedule of Permitted Uses. This item was then discussed at the Commission's public hearing on May 22, 2008 at which time the Commission concu�red with staff's recommendation to amend Appendix 19-A to include single family and two family dwellings as permitted uses in the CMU and MUC zoning districts. This recommendation was forwarded to City Council in a June 3, 2008 memorandum from Commission Chair lan Robertson to the City Council that clearly indicates the Commission's recommendation to modify Appendix 19-A. This information was presented to Council at a study session (June 3, 2008) and at first and second readings (June 24, 2008 and July 8, 2008 respectively). The amended Appendix 19-A was erroneously attached to Ordinance 08-011, which amended the comprehensive plan rather than Ordinance 08-012 that amended the City's O�cial Zoning Map. Therefore, Appendix 19-A was never officially amended. Staff preparea and distributed an informational memorandum discussing this issue along with all pertinent attachments. OPTIONS: Suspend the rules and adopt Ordinance 09-006 or advance the ordinance to a second reading. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Suspend rules and adopt Ordinance 09-006 STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Division Manager ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Ordinance 09-000 1 of 1 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHIl�tGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 08-012 WSIC'H ADOPTED A11�iENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; A.��TD PROVIDIIrG FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spohane Valley adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); and , S, the Washington State Gro��rth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensi`�e plans to be amended anuually (RCW 36.70A.130); and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley established a docket for 2008 comprehensive plan amendments that included proposed ame�dment CPA-10-08 addressing an incoosistency betwee❑ goals and policies of the camprehensi�•e plan and permitted uses contained in Appendix ] 9- A, S��'iC; and `��HEREAS, the City of Spokane Valle}� pro�essed annual comprehensi��e plan amendments in 2008, which included review of certain plan goals aad policies in Chapter 2, Land Use of the City's Comprehensive Plan related to providing for a mix of residential housing types in areas designated as Mixed Use Center and Corridor Mixed Use includiag single family and duplex residences; and WHEREAS, on Apri121, 2008 the city notified the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development in a memorandum of proposed changes to the city's comprehensive plan aad development regulations contained in the SVMC including specificall�� a modification of Appendix 19-A, Schedule of Pertnitted Uses; WHEREAS, on Ma�� 1, 200$ the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed 2008 comprehensive plan amendments at a study session; and WHERAS, on May 8, 2008 the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, after consideration of all pertinent information, evidence and testimony the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council thet CPA-10-08 be approved, which amended Appendix 19-A to resolve the conflict between Goal LUG-1 and Policy LUP-9.2 in the comprehensive plan and Appendix 19-A (Schedule of Permitted Uses) in the SVMC; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2008 the Planning Commission's recommendations �vere presented to the City Council at a study sessio� on June 3, 2008; and �REAS, the City Council conducted first reading of ordinances ame�ding the comprehensive plan and the city's Official Zoning Map on June 24, 2008 that included modifying Appendix 19-A, SVMC consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted e second reading of Ordinance 08-011 (amending the comprehensi��e plan) and Ordinance 08-012 (amending the city's Official Zoning Map) on July 8, 2008; and Ordinance 09-006 amending OS-012 Zoning Map Page 1 oJ5 DRA FT WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 08-012 in a form �vhich did not reference a change in the zoaing text aad did not include the modifications to Appendix 19-A, SVMC which was inadvertently attached to Ordinance 08-011. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section l. Purpose• The purpose of this ordinance is to amend Ordinance 08-012 to include an amendment to Appendix 19-A, SVMC as contemplated b}� the Planning Commission and City Council. Section 2. Findin¢s. The City Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted the appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the application CPA-10-08 to modify Appendix 19-A SVMC to include residential single family and duplex structur�s as permitted uses in the Corridor Mixed Use and Mixed Use Center zoning districts. Further, that the amended Appendix 19-A �vas inadvertently not included in Ordinance 08-012. Section 3. Pro e. Properties subject to this Ordinance are all properties within the Spokane Valley corporate limits zoned either Corridor Muced Use (CMU) or Mixed Use Center (MUC) on the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 4. Text Amendment. Ordinance 08-012 shall be amended to include a new section as follows: Section 5.: �I e:�t Amendme�t. Ap�endi� 19-A. Schc�dtile of Pc�rn�itteci Uses. S�T�1C i� herebti� amended as se� forth in Attachment B. Section 5. SeverabilitY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrases of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality sball not affect the validity or constitutionalit}� of any other section, clause or phrase of tbis Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of , 2009. Mayor, Rich Munson A'I'I'EST: City� Clerk, Christine Bainbricige Approved As To Form: Ordinance 09-006 umending 0&012 Zoning Map Poge 2 of S DR.A FT Office of the City Attorne�� Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-006 amerrding 08-012 Zoni�eg Map Page 3 of S DRAFT ATTACHMENT B APPENDIX 19-A, SCHEUDLE OF PE TTED USES Ordinance 09-006 amending 08-012 Zoning Map Page 4 of S DRAFT � � cr� __ - _- � V � � � � u -� � C � � � c � � .- cr v, O � � Re�eronce , . SC�{�1�1I� ()f Pe�ilitt2d e� ,, o 0 0�. o m c � � � Y u. u. �, v c� c3 m � a E E E v� E �; °' o Condtttons °� � g "' � U� Appen�►x �i 9-� � � � p � � � � a � v ti s = U 1- _ , � d C� � Z U V C) v N Z ;�- � V s s s 81 814 Dwelling, accessory apartrnertts SVMC 19.40.1 �0 81 814 Dwell�ng, Caretakers residenoe s 8 s SVMC 19.60.060 1 P P 72 7213 Dwelling, Congregate P P P P P � p p p p 81 814 Dw�elling, Duplex P_ L' P P P 81 814 Dwelling, Multifamiiy P P P s s SVMC 19.60.02 2 � P P P P P P 81 814 Dwetiing, singie tamily P P s s SVMC 19.60.020 p P P 81 814 Dwelling, Tovmhouae P P P P Ordiaa�ce 09-006 o�endirig 0�012 Zoning Map Page S ojS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report � pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Revised Speed Limit Code GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion at February 24, 2009 meeting BACKGROUND: Spokane Valley adopted the speed limits established by Spokane County upon incorporation. Several modifications to school zones have occurred since incorporation. This ordinance and resolution will eliminate all references to the county code and establish a Speed Limit Schedule listing all the current speed limits for easy reference by citizens and staff The following changes are incorporated into the document. 1. Greenacres Elementary School has asked for a change in their ��� ,� �;� i �� E�� � � �i ��, ���� ::: extend it further south on Long. The school also has a posted 20 mph speed zone on 4` that was not listed in the old speed code. 2. University Elementary School has asked for a change to their ?_n mph speed zone o��� 16�' to extend it to 300' west of the crosswalk at 16 3. A provision giving authority to the traffic engineer to post a reci�,���..i s;.J= ��i I�rri� i�� :y construct+on zon�;=� oPTioNS: RECQMMENDED ACTION OR MOTiON: P���,�vr to �p��rov:: F;� �s�:��i���;;c:n C���-UC�'+ ���i�:�E_���r���_� � Master Speed Limit Schedule. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: So�1�e speed limit signing could be changed This will be completed under the county maintenance contract. STAFF CONTACT: Neil KerstEn, P�rblic Works Director: Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution and speed limit schedule. DR9 FT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTUN RESOLUTION N0. 09-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOI{AN1E COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDLILE PLJRSUANT TO SPO�►ANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODF SECTION 9.05.030(1), AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, the City Council recently amended Spokane Valley Municipal Code 9.OS.U3U to require that all speed limits in the Cit�� be set forth in a Master Speed Limit Schedule; and WHEREAS, the City no�v uses a resolutiun to establisli or modify aU spced limits in the City; and WHEREAS, tlle Gity Senior Traftic Engincer has conducted an engineering and traffic investigation for all proposed changes to existing speed limits in accordance with WAC 308-330-27�, and has determined that these changes are reasonable and safe. NOW THEREFORE, be il resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Adoption of tl�e Masler Speec� Limit Schedule. T}�c Master S�et'Cj L111111 Schedule is set forth below. Section 2. Repeal. 1'o the extenl that any previous established speed limits are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Seetion 3. Fffective Date T`his Resolutic�n silall be in full force and effect concurrent witli Ordinance 09-003, adopted by Council March 10, 2009. Appru��ed this da�� of , 2b09. ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Christi�e Bainbridge, City Clerk Richard Munson, Mayor Approved as to form: �ffice of the City �lttome}• Nlaster Spced I_itnit Schedul� Rcsuluti��n 09-OU-� Pa��e 1 of 7 MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDULE Speed Limit Schedule Page No. Schedule A: School Speed Zoncs 2 Schedule B: Playground Speed Zones 4 Schedule C: Speed Limits 5 Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolutinn 09-004 Page 2 of 7 NiASTER SPEED LIMIT SCNEDUI�F Schedule A— School Speed Zooes SCHOOL SPEED ZONES The following road sections have been designated as school zones. The maximum speed allowable on the said road sections sball be twenty miles per hour as designated with any of the signage options pursuant to Washington Administrative Code section 392-151-035 as adopted or amended. The Council shall establish any changes to speed limits or school speed zones b�� resolution. TWENTY MILES PER HOUR 4� AVENUE from six hundred (600) feet wesi of Adams Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Adams Road; from three hundred (300) feet west of Bradley Street to three hundred (300) feet east of Coleman Street; and from three hundred (300) feet west of Long Road to Moen Street. 8' AVENUE from three hundred (300) feet west of Adams Road to eight hundred (800) feet east of Adams Road. 9' AVENUE from Herald Road to Felts Road. 10� AVENUE from Wilbur Road to Union Road. 12 AVENUE from Wilbur Road to Unioa Road. 16` AVF.NUE from three hundred (300) feet west of University Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Glenn Road; from Woodlawn Road to Clinton Road; and from three hundred (30U) feet east of Bolivar Road to two hundred (200) feet west of Warren Road. 24 AVENUE from Union Road to Pines Road and from three hundred (300) feet west of Galvin Road to two hundred (200) feet east of Adams Road. 32" AVENUE from three hundred (3�0} feet west of Pines Road to Woodla�vn Road. ADAMS ROAD frorn 9`� Avenue to three hundred fifty (350) feet north of 4`�' Avenue and from eight hundred fifty (850) feet north of 24�' Avenue to 24�' �lvenue. ALKI AVENUE from Glenn Road to Pierce Road. BARKER ROAD from seven hundred fifty (750) feet south of Mission .Avcnue to three hundred (300) feet north of Mission Avenuc. BOWDISH ROAD from 20` Avenue to 24` A����lue and from three hundred (300) f���t south of 11 th Avenue to three hundred (300) feet north of 11 �' Avenue. BRADLEY ROAD from 5�' Avenue to 3` Avenue. BROADWAY AVENUE from four hundred (400) feet west of Farr Road to four hundred (400) feet east of Farr Road; from one hundred (100) feet west of VanMarter Road to Johnson Road; from three hundred (300) feet vvest of Progress Road to St. Charles Road; from four hundred (400) feet east of McDonald Road to Blake Road; from three hundred (300) feet west of Felts Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Felts Road; and from three hundred (300) feet west of Ella Road to three hundred (300) feet east of Ella Road. BUCKEYE AVENtJ� from two hundred (200) feet east of Park Road to t��ree hundred �ifty (350) feet east of Center Road. CENTER ROAD from Marietta Avenue to Utah Avenue. Master Speeel Limit 5chedul� ilesolutic�n 09-UOa Pagc: 3 �f 7 CII�'IMARON DRIVE from Sunderland Drive to three hundred (300) feet east of Vir'oodruff Road. COLEMAN ROAD from 5�' Avenue to 3` Avenue. FA,RR ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of Valleyway Avenue to three hundred fifty (350) feet north of Valleyway Avenue. FLORA ROAD from six hundred (600) feet south of Wellesley to Wellesley Avenue. HERALD ROAD from 11 �' Avenue to 9`� Avenue. LONG ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of 4�' Avenue to 2" Avenue. MCDONALD ROAD from Broadway Avenue to Cataldo Avenue; from three hundred fifty (350) feet south of 16�' Avenue to 14`� Avenue; and from 7�' Avenue to 5�' Avenue. MISSION AVENUE from five hundred (500) feet west of Bowman Road to Park Road; from SR-27 to seven hundred fifty (750) feet �ast of SR-27; and from Barker Road to fivc hundred (500) feet east of Barker Road. PARK ROAD from three huncired (300) feet south of Mission Avenue to Nora Avenue an�l from one hundred (100) feet south of Carlisle Avenue to four hundred {400) feet north of Buckeye Avenue. PINES ROAD from ?S` ���enue to 2�"� A�'tllll� 'ci11C� fI'OIII �O� .�1��enue to five hw�drec� (SOUj north of 32" Avenue. PROGRESS ROAD from six hundred fifty (650 j leet south of �3roadway Avenue to Broadway Avenue and from Wellesley Avenue to Crown Avenue. SCHAFER ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of Cimmaron Dri�-e to three hundred (300) feet north of Cimmaron Drive. SR-27 from two hundred (200) feet south of Mir�beau Park�va}� to one hundred (100) fcct north of Pinecroft Way and from three hundred (304) feet north of Broad�vati� Aventie to three ht�ndred (300) feet south of Broadway Avenue. UNION ROAD &om 12` Avenue to 10�' .�'���e��u�. UNIVERSITY ROAD from l9`� Avenue to 16`�' �'����I����. VALLEYVI-'AY AVENUE from tluee hundred (300) 1���t ����t �if� \Iar���u�rit� I:�_�:��1 1�.� ��►1:� hundred fifty (150) feet east of Hutchinson Street. VISTA R4AD from Frederick Avenue to two hundred (200) feet south of Bucl:ey Av c:nu�. WELLESLEY AVENUE from sevei� hundred (700) feet west of _1d:;m� R��.��_l t�� t�t�{� 11�.11��Ir��l (200) feet east of Burns Road and from Conl:lin Roa�l t�� T'l��r,, P.t����l. WILBUR ROAD from 12�' Avenue to 10` Avenue. WOODRUFF ROA.D from three hundred (300) fect S��UI.�I (►i L lIlllll I)i � t.� tilr« liuci<lr�•�i (300) feet north of Cimmar�n Drive. Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolu�iun 09-U04 f'age 4 e�f� ? MASTER SPEED LIMI'I' SCHEDULE Schedule B— I'layground Speed Zones PLAYGRUUND SPEED ZONES The following road sections have been designated as playground zones. The maximum speed allo�vable on said road sections shall be as sho�vn belo��� wllen signs are in place. TWENTY MILES PER HOUR MISSION AVENUE from two hundred fifty (250) feet west of Bowdish Roaci to one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet west of Bowdish Road. TWENTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR MIRABEAU PARKWAY from one thousand (1,000) feet east of Pinecroft V��ay to one thousand three htindred (1,300) feet north of Mansfield Avenue. Ivlaster Spced Lirnit Schedule Resolutioti 09-OU-1 Page > c�f 7 I��iASTER SPF,ED LINIIT SCHEDULE Schedule C —S�eed Limits The foUowing road sections have maximum speed limits higher than ?5 miles per hour. THIRTY MILES PER HOUR 3 AVTNUE from west city limits to Fancher Road. MISSION AVENUE from Pines Road to Sullivan Road. MONTCONfFRY DRIVE from .Argoilne Road t� I�artm�uth Lane. THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HUUR 1�` AVENUE from Eastern Road to Thierman Road. 4` AVENUE from west city limits to Eastem Road. g en A ���� �.Qm west city limits to Park Road; from Dishman-Mica Ro��:l t�� j.''Ill\ � �r�it� R�,���c(: &om Pines Road to Sullivan Road; and from Barker Road to Hod��c� I:��;��i. 16"' AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Sullivan Road . 32"� AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Best Roacl. 44` AVENLTE from Locust Road to Sands Road. APPLEWAY AVENUE from Sprague Avenue to east city li�nits. APPLEVI�'AY BOUI.EVARD from Thierman Road to Universit�� I:c�a�i. ARGONNE ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to SR-290. BARKER ROAD from south city limits to four hundred twenty� (4?U) fcet north of l�rid�e�ort Avenue. BLAKE RnAD fro�il SR to Saltese Road. BOVVI)ISH ROAD from Sands Road to Mission A� 'tIlUl'. BROADWAY AVENUE from Havana Street to Flora Road. CARNAHAN ROAD from south city limits to 8�' Avenue. DISHMAN ROAD from 8`� Avenue to Appleway Avenue. DISHNIAN-MICA ROAD from three hundred (300) feet south of 8` Avenue to Sprague Avenue. EUCLID AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Flora Road; £rom Flora Road to 1�arker Road; and from Barker Road to east city limits. EVERGREEN RO�iD from 32 Avenue to Indiana Avenue and from SR-290 to Forker Road. FANCHER ROAD from the Freeway (PSH No. 2) access on 3 Avenue to SR-290. FLORA ROAD from Sprague Avenue to Montgomery Avenue and from the north sid� of the Spokane River to Wellesley Avenue. INDIANA AVF,I.�TITF, from �R-27 to Sullivan Road. I�1a�ter Spe�d I.in�it tiche�ule Resc�luti��n 0�)-(iU�� F'a`�� 6 c�f� 7 MADISON ROAD from Thorpe Road to Pines Road. MARIETTA AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Euclid Avenuc. MeDONALD ROAll from 16`� Avenue to Mission Avenue. MIRABEAU PARj�WAY from SR-27 to Indiana Avenue. MISSION AvENUE from Argonne Road to SR-27 and &om Flora Road to east city limits. MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Dartmouth Lane to SR-27. MULLAN ROAD from Appleway Avenue to Indiana Avenue. PARK ROAD from Beverly Drive to Bridgeport Avenue. PINES ROAD from Madison Road to 16`� Avenuc. PROGRESS ROAD from Wellesley Avenue to Crown Avenl�e. RUTTER AVENUE from west city limits to Park Road. SALTESE ROAD from 16�' Avenue to Blake Road. SANDS ROAD from 44�' Avenue to Bowdish Road. SCHAFER ROAD from 44�' Avenue to Dishman-Mica Road. SPRAGUE AVENUE from west city limits to east city limits. SR-27 from SR-290 to five hundred (500) feet south of 16�' Avenue. SULLIVAN ROAD from Saltese Road to Wellesley Avenue. TEIORPE ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Madison Road. UNIVERSITY ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Mission Av enu�. WELLFSLFY AVENLTE from McDonald Road to Flora Road. FORTY MILES PFR HOUR BARKF,R ROAD fi�om Euclid Avenue to SR-290. SR-290 from west cit}� limits to twelve hundred (1,200) feet west of University Road. FORTY-FIVE NIIL�S P�R I�IOUR DISHMAN-N1ICA ROAD from south city limits to three hundred (300) feet s�uth of 8`�' Avenue. SR-27 from five hundred (500) feet south of 16�' Avenue to south city limits. FIFTY NIILES PER HOUR SR-290 from twelve hundred (1,200) feet west of tJniversity Road to east city limits. Master Speed Limit Schedule Resolution Uy-UO�� Pa�e 7 of� 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TiTLE: City Center Concept Master Plan Presentation and Schematic Design Services Contract for the New City Hall Facility GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council approved the City Hall Program document on July 15, 2008. Council approved the City Hall/City Center Site Planning Contract on July 8, 2008. BACKGROUND: Bernardo Wills and GGLO developed the City Hall Program document which outlines the function and space requirements for the future City Hall. Council approved the City Hall Program on July 8, 2008. Bemardo Wills and GGLO have also been working on the City Center Site Master Plan as approved by Council. Council has review the draft concept and tonight they will present the final design for the City Center Site. In order to continue the development of the City Hall project and continue with the work schedule approved by Council I have attached a proposal from Bernardo Wills and GGLO for schematic design services for City Hall. This phase will develop the architectural and engineering schematic design for the City Hall building including a detailed cost estimate. Currently the City has not secured the property for the City Hall project. I have included in the attached proposal a limit of $50,000 in expenditures which will be used to do preliminary work needed to negotiate the details of the site purchase and other design work that is not specific to an individual site. Once Council has approved the site purchase and the site is under City control we will continue with the remainder of the schematic design services. The total cost of the service will not exceed $377,000. OPTIONS: Approve the contract or give staff other direction. REC�MMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the contract to Bernardo Wills and GGLO for Schematic Design Services for City Hall in the amount of $377,000. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS� Funds are available in the Civic Building Fund STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS City Center Concept Master Plan Presentation and BWA/GGLO Proposal BERNARDO WILLS ARCHITECTS PC March 17� 2009 Mr. Neil Kersten, AIA City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: City of Spokane Valley - City Hall Schematic Design Services BWA #OS-365 Dear Neil: Based on our pre-design and programming work, understanding of the project, and recent direction trom Staff and City Council, we are pleased to offer this tee propasal for the next incremental level of architecturat and engineering services: A. P�oiect Descriotion: Construction of a 55,000 to 60,0003 sf three-story plus basement municipal building on a 3t acre parcel 5ituated as a part of the propased City Cente� project at the former University Shopping Center, with program spaces and teatures described in t�e City Mall Program Report dated May 13, 2008, prepared by the BWAlGGI.�O design team. The exterior building design ts expected to include some combinat�on of masopry veneer� pre-cast concrete features, and glasslmetal curtain wall witt� sEeel jotst/steel deck or cast-in-place/post-tensioned concrete floor and roof systems, and conventional focmdatiorts and footings. Interior improvements are expected to inciude a complece build-out of pro�rammed spaces witl-� a level of finish appropriate to the use. Site improvement work is expected to lnclude new and exis[ing parking areas, utilities, landscape areas, pedestrian walkways and entrance plaza, a screened trash enclosure and loading docklservice/del�very area, site fumishings, lighting� curbs and gutters, etc. for the area immediatety adjacent to the Ctty Hall buitding. Atthough the project will likety include additioaat park and plaza ope�a space, an� off-sfte work such as street improvements and utility line extensions, these components are not defined at this time and conceptual design work on these teatures 1s a part of a separate design proposal and task and is not included at this time as a part of Basic Services. The current construction budget for the pro�ect is $14,100,000 escalated to 2010 dollars, not including a S� Change Order continQency, des�n fees, sales tax, testing and inspections and similar soft costs outlined in the referenced City Hall Program. The project has a LEED goal of 'Gold' or better. B. Scooe of Work for 6asic Services: Schematic Design generally represents approximately 15 [o 20� of the total architetturat and engineering effort for a project such as this. The work wilt be produced primarily using Buitding Informa[ian Modeling {BlM) software to generate boch 2-D and 3-D drawings and sketches. Using Building Information Modelinq sofcware from the inception will facilitate transition between phases, provide better integrativn betwee� discipllnes, and allow the design team to better present design concepts and syscems to the Owner. It is the lntent of this fee proposal to provide Sd�ematic Design Phase services as an inc�emental step to move the project forvvard, artd to further define the projett's scope, character� teatures, and budget in accordance with the attached Exhibit A/Schematic Desfgn Scope ot Work. Based on the appraved Schematic Design Phase, future phases of our work will intlude Design Devetopment, Construction Docume+its, 6idding, and Construction Phase Services. 107 S HUHA?Il 'rl7uHi1! 'r!()UF SPOKANE NA 9`32C1 509•838•451i FAX 509•838-46::7 WwN.AfRNARDOWiI�`a.CCH i � ` BERNARDO WILLS I ARCHITECTS PC C. Fee QrooQSal for Basic Services: We can provide the best and most responsive service 1n the formative phase of a project it aur fee is based on the actual time we spend on the project and our standard hourly rate schedule with pravisions for co+isultant costs and reimbursable expenses with the following not•to-exceed budget: 1. Schematic Design Phase 53T7,000.00 ► Architectural S170,000.00 � Civ1l Er*gineering 17, 500.00 ► Landscape Architecture 39,500.00 ► Structural Engineering 22,500.00 • Mechanical Engineering 28,500.00 ► Electrical Engineering 15,500.00 ► interior Design 30,000.00 ► Cost Estimating 5,000.00 ► LEED/ELCCA 33,500.00 ► Gra�hics and Presentation Materials , _ 15,OQ0.00 Totat Not-to•Exceed eudget $377,000.00 Phase I of this work will be limited to a maximum of $50,000.00 to perform tasks that are specific to the City Center City Hatl sice in support ot the City's efforts to purchase the site, or non site specific tasks that could be applicabte to other sites if the City Center s9te is not purchased. Site specific tasks codld include preliminary site planning, preliminary civil engineering and infrastructure analysis, co6t estimating, etc. Non site spetific tasks could inctude the LEED Charette and analysis, the �next level of programming/space planning, building code research, etc. Phase II af this woric is the balance of the tasks described in Exhibit A/Schematic Design Scope of Work. The above is an est�mate only, and the hours and casts may ftuctuate between taslcs as the work progresses; hawever, Phase I and Phase II combined will not exceed the above amount without your prior approval. D. Services Not Included in Basic Services: Based on our underscanding ot the projecc to date, the following services a�e not included in Basic Senr�ces� but can be added if necessary o� requested. ► Topographic and boundary survey ► Platting vr subdivislon processt�g, rezone apptications, public hearings and/or similar land use actions ► Traffic study� geotechnical Investigations or environmental assessments ► Revising previousty-completed or approved work ac the request of che Owner ► Design Devetopment or Construction Documents Phase ► Certifications,lnspetttons or testing required by regutatory agencies � Bujlding commissloning ► Vatue engineering or tormal constructability reviews ► Inventory of existing furniture, fixture, and equipment (FFE) E. Time Schedule: Estimated Schematic Design Phase duration is 1Z to 16 weeks. � ' BERNARDO WILLS ARCHITECTS PC F. Reimbursat�le �xpen s: The following costs are directly associated with the project and are invotced as reimbursable expenses at 1.10 times our direct co6ts: ► Printing, presencation boards, and overnight shippins � Fees paid to regutatory agencies or USGBC for project review or registration ► Travel expenses from/to Seattte (airline and per diem) This fee proposal is intended to be short and concise, buc we can provide additional information such as an expanded list of work for any of the listed tasks, estimated staff-hours, drawing index, consultant proposals, etc. We lodc forward to continuing with this project and are available to answer any questions you have concerning the above. Sincerely, Gary Bernardo, AIA Principal Encl: Exhibit A/Schematic Design Phase Scope of Wor1c Accepted By: Signed � Oate - i � ' BERNARDO � WILLS I ARCNITECTS PC Exhibit A/ Schematic Design Phase Scope of Work Date: March 17, 2009 Project: City of Spokane Valley - Cicy Hall tt is the intent of this fee proposal to provide Schematic Design Phase services as an incremental step to rno�ve the project forward, and to further define the project's scope, characte�, features� and budget 1n accordance wlth the following scope of work: Basic Servlces A. Architecturat: 1. Prepare draft schedule for work and periodic updates as work progresses. 2. Review surveys, work to date, applicable codes, and other pertinent information applicable to the Project, including proposed City Ce�ter Design Guidetines and the proposed zoning code. 3. Prepare comprehensive building code apalysis based on occupancy groups and assumed construction type. 4. Meec with appropriate agencies (i.e. utility companies, waste ma�agement, fire department, etc.) to determine third-party design parameters. 5. Meet with Owner's Core Team or designated representatives to confirm Program, design concepts, goals, and strategies and discuss progress. 6. Develop Conceptual Design Alternatives illustrating basic site plan layouts, floor plan diagrams, and building massing for Owner review. 7. Based on the preferred Conceptual Design Alternative, develop Schematic Design Dauments to describe the s1ze, chara►cter, and features of the Project, inctuding architectural, civil, landscape, interiors, structural, mechanicat and electrical syscems, and materials and such other elements as appropriate. S. Lead team meetings, prepa�e graphics, and make presentations to the City Cauicit and other Stakeholder groups as requested. Specific key meedngs include: ► Meeti�g 1: Kick-ofi meeting to revlew and confirm program and project design goals ► Meeting 2: Design Concept Charette to review design team's initial concepts and provide directinn ► Meeting 3: Present three design concepts, and select preferred option - Meeting 4: Schematic Design Charette to review design team's initiat Sthemacic Design work and provide d(rection ► Meeting 5: Schematic �Design presentation to Core Team for review and comment ► Meeting 6: Presentation to City Councit 9. Pravide averall p►oject management, lncluding coordinaclan of multiple consulcants. 10. Prepare Schematic Desiqn Construction Cost Estimate. 11. Provide draft o� Schematic Design Submittal for Owner's review. Based on review comments, finalize Schematic Design Submittal for formal apprwal. 12. Prepare outline specifications. 13. Assist Owner in analyzing different project delivery methods (i.e. tradicional sequential design-bid-build, negotiated design/build, General Contractor/Construction Managemenc• GC/CM, etc.). 14. Assist Owner in defining public art oQportu�ities for project integracion. 15. Prepare formal Schematic Design Submittal package to inctude design narratives, drawings (site plan, floor plans, elevations, building sections, character sketches, and massing studies), code review summary, outline specifications, and cost escimate. i � � $ERNARDO 1 WILLS aRC►+t t�c T s pc B. Cfv11: 1. Analyze existing utilities and road system within the proposed Ciry Center to define preferred infrastn�cture extensions to serve City Hall, as well as future City Center developmencs. Der►elop phasing plan for infrastrudure impravements. 2. Prepare prelimfnary LEED analysis and assist with Cost Estimate. C. Landscape Architecture: t. Confirm exterior design program and requirements, and develop preliminary landscape/hardscape strategies for site and adjacent street fror�tage. 2. Assist with site plan developrnent to aswre cvmpliar�te with zoninq code and other development standards. 3. Prepare preliminary LEED analysis and assist with Cost Estimate. D. Structural: 1. Review the Geotechnical Report and analyze optlonal structural systems induding footings, foundations� floor framing, roof framing, and lateral resisting elemencs for cost efficiencies and constructability. 2. Provide narrative summariiing preferred systems, codes, loading, and seismic standards. 3. Prepare preliminary I.EED analysis and assist with Cost EStimate. �. Mechanical: 1. Analyze op[ional systems for plumbing, HVAC, energy controls and prepare narrative summarizing preferred systems. 2. Provide a o�e-line flow diagram, energy code analysts, and preliminary LEE� evaluation. 3. Identity plumbing �isers, duct chases, methanical equipment rooms, air intake and exhaust locations, fire sprinkler riser, and special occupancy zones. 4. Assist with Cost Estimate. F. Electrical: 1. Analyze optional systems for lighting, electrical service and distribution, fire atarm, power/communication/date, and prepare narrative surnmarizing preferred systems. 2. Establish target foot-candle level for various pragram spaces and task/ambient lighting strategies. 3. Provide a one-line service diagram. 4. Identity rise�, panet locations. electrical rooms, cable tray toca[ions. 5. Prepare preliminary LEED analysis and assist with Cost Es[imate. G. Interior Design: 1. Review furnitdre, fixture and equipment (FFE) needs wi[h Owner co de[ermine re•use or new, and assist with preliminary space planning and FFE scope (FFE inven[ory noc included). Z. Establish typical workstatlon and oftite needs based on sGaff tunctions, and devetop preiiminary FFE budget. 3. Develop a preliminary typical materlal finish matri�t for program spaces for budgeting. 4. Prepare a preliminary LEED analysis and assist with Cost Estimate. � ' BERNARDO 1 WILLS ARCHITECTS PC H. Cost Estimating; 1. Provide input to design team regarding proposed building systems and mate�als. 2. Prepare Schematic Design �ost Estimate based on quantity take-offs and unit prices. I. LEEO/ELCCA: 1. Review Guidelines for Public Agencies in Washington State Ene�gy Life Cycle Cost Analysis (ELCCA) requirements, and establish strategies for compliance. 2. Review LEED Checklist and establish credit oppottunities with design team and Owner. 3. Re�ister project with USGBC, and set up on-line account and web access. 4. Organize and conduct `Eco Charette' for Core Team and Consuttants to discuss LEED opportunities and goals; make abbreviated presentation to City Council and Stakeholders groups as requested. J. G�a�hics and Presentation Materials: 1. Prepare graphics for City Council or Stakeholder presentations to include 30 computer models, PawerPoint presencatio�s, and/or re�derings and sketches of project. 2. Prepare printed graphics for Design Concept Submittal and Scttematic Design Submittal packages. ��� .� . p�kt- 1 1 1 , . � �/• (: � . t !'� i . � , �� t '� . .. � 1 • / - IkYL� , ��w . : �r -�rt- i A � � , : -!� ir ''� �'1►� J �-� •�r � �►'• �. _ '_C . r � ' � `�.. - . '�� � + �Q!� , �,e�l.� w • ' �� �. ^ .. �6 �� . . . . / . .�. - f ' . . • - .^� .�l. .a ...�. _ '. ' �..� . `i '� ' , . . : . •� • • �� ._ . • �al�� ��'1��� .•�'� �+' • �i • . ' . �" r � y';y �" �� -� , ti .. ��'y�ArH �.,•'t'��� � �, ��, t � ' �I � �i '.i���� . _ 1 „�`�. � ��, �. ,`�1 �I� ,, �;_ . . . .: . .. ` � f ' ' �'r`�': _. - • . ` _ r ,�1" ► • • . � ', ' �._ ,� � . ' ..� � �'.'.I•• �'• l�s7� ' � �« � r -� :: � �� 4 � � t w ,, -, _ _ _ , . _ _ � �. . '��`" . ! „ • : BERNARDO WILLS ARCHITECTS PC February 27, 2009 Mr. Nei� Kersten, AIA City ot Spokane Valley 11 T07 E. Spra;ue, Sui te 10b Spokane Valtey, WA 99206 Re: Cfty Center Conceptual Master Site Plan BWA i�0?-340 �ear Neit: We are pleased to wbmit 10 copies of the City of Spokane Valley City Center Concept Master Ptan Felxuary 27, 2009 Dratt Version ior the City's review and comment. This report outlines the design team's worlc to date in collaboration with City Staff, as well as limited input irom lMiversity City ownecship. The conclusions based on this interim report can be wmmarized as fdlows: ► The Universfty City area was desi�nated as the preferred location tor a City Center/City Halt project by the freedman. Tong � Bottomley Design Study. After a detaited toolc at the site and che stated goals, this remains an exceltent site—very suitable tor the intended purpose. ► The City Hall facility can euily be accommodated at several locations within the City Center project� and the preferred locatfan selected is particularly well wfted based or► available infrastrutture, open space, proximity to the existing University City development, and the abitity to be a catalyst for future City Center development. ► Early i� the planning effort, the Spokane County Library expressed an intefest in being a part ot the project. The bo�d issue tor the Library project failed to pass and the Library's continuing in[erest in the project is not ctear; nevertheless, the City Ce�ter project as iltustrateA can accommoda►te a future library; hawever, is not dependant on it. We look forward to discussing this with you and the City Council at you� conveniente. in the interim, please fee! free to call if we can answer any quations. Upon receipt of the City's comments, we can finalize the report. Sincerel � i� � �^� � � � Gary &�nardo, AIA Principal End: Concept Master Plan Report 107 S HOt1ARD FOURTH FLOOF SPOKANE 1fA 99?O1 509•838-4511 FAX S09•838•4605 NWN.9ERNARDONILLS.COM Summary Introduction 8 Purpose The Sprague & Appleway Corrldors Sub Area Plan Identifles the UnNersity Gry area as tM preferred Io�tbn for the proposed Clty Center and Cny Hall. FuKher analysls by the Freedman design team and real estate ptofessbrwis further ldentiAed Me former UMversity City Shoppirq� Center as a vlable and avaliable Cliy Center and Qty Fl�ll siee. This swdy is intended ta ecquire addittonal infomnatbn about the site, anatyte the data, assfst the 6ty in determining the su�abflKy of d�e site as a City Center as well as a potentlal location for the fuWre Ciry Hall, revlew possible Clty Hall locations withm the Gty Center, and esbblish prellminary budget esdmates forthe Gty Center inf��tn,aure. University Shopping Center Badcground Untve�slty Oty Shopping Center wos iruttally developmer�t in the 1960's and grew Into thc regiun's first encbsed mall anchnred by such retailers as The Uescent and 1C Penn�s Not anty was it che reg�on's prcrnler shopping center, it was the VaAe}/s unoffictal clty center hasdng a varMty of cultural, hoaday, and promatio�l evertts. As ather retail destinatbns came or� the scene Induding the r+e-emergence o( Spokane's downtown. first with the Skywalk system then Riverpark Square, and The VaMey Mall a{ong Interstate 90, U�verslcy CJty we� tMough a series d modest redcvebpment effo�ts that had mixed wcaess. Today, tfie easterly port�on of d�e sfDe funcdorts separately as a wpermarket ancho�d Comm�lty Sh�pping Center and ti�e weste�ly partlon d the slte is largely under developed and only partially occupied by non-retail uses. Retall pads abng Sp►ague include Taco BeN, IN�onald� and Les Schwab Tire operate Independentfy d the larger shapping cencer and remain v}able. Addltio�apy, Unfvenity Qty Shopping Center neva adapted to the Sprague/Appleway couplet and continues to have no presencr. cm or or1PnG�t{on to Appieway Boulevard. It is, hy all accounts, a pMme redevelopment c� partunit y. Project Planning Background Corxeptual City Center ptannfng wo�ic began I� late 2D08 and studied varfous ways to Implement the basic tenets of the F�edman and Sprague-Appleway f�evitahzaRion vis�on: smaUer pedestrian hlendly walkaWe dty bbdcs, narrow and sbwer streets, retail uorefronts up to the sidewalk wlth �n-street parking, and mixed use butfdngs Co�uideration was gi�nen tirst to sireet grid layouts with emphasts on through block wnnectivity betwe�en Sprague and ApplewaY, then to optio�s for open spate and streetscaping, and finaliy to preferred locatbns for the Qty Hall wlthin the Gty Center. S�e Plan Optbn N2 was the preterred qriion botfi in the short term ior e(fitient Ciry Ha11 devebpment aswep as tor �ong term, phased Oty Center de+rebpment ab market farces suggest and is tt►e basis for this report. t , CUy of Spokans Va1ey Cly Center Concapl AAester Ptan � M.rch 1 T, 2009 Ravlaed Drart �, BERNARDO MILl1 ' G G L O A�C111t/CT� .� � E. �'�''�'+' PfOP°"d `�' �"" � 0'""° �`�" Site Na r�rativ�s R�port GA7EIMAY �� � The vte ptan k orsarv�ed in part h�tYd on the a S � V � assumptions tkat the cYiftlr� (ormrr Uruent BuildMig � wlA ►ea�ain and Oe nda�ralapv� In the tulure and lhat -- -- -_,. — — -- the Idtiil ah► CMter bo�ndries (ar Ibe purposes of -- '� ! ��-- r . .---_. .... I this sw/V rt Owvnouth on the wrsc. AP�Nw►+V on thr � � � south. SD�i� an the nortlL and the acentty ��,,'j ` a�e s�eryr .�` .. i ao�trun�G curwd accsu rwd th�t Wsaefs tl+e ''� � Ur�ivenky Oty Shoppin� Center ske vn the east. It Is � pr�ca� A ' � �� � F l M `�"'�� e�rpected that the Qy Crnter wW u�i+r�tely e�nid ^ 2.16 ac►�s }. t41 aves � ��� heYatd d�es� inkF�l boundiries h accord�rce with the I� � � � � I SD���d� Rait�lization V�in Aitbt�h tM � �� � cflMi�ur�[fon shown �ssunes th�t bo� Applcway �nd i � � q q 1� m � SpoQut will tranfitfon to cwo-way tnflic, the atr ' r� �-+ f tS r�, Crn1K I�yout �nd pal�tred bcatlan (or GN kall as � ' -- �17 __ ! � - , '� - - shop� art nd �td�+�t an this lKher In tl� short "� T � -, T �j _ _ . B ^__ ' _ 1 .. _ , r/ taR+ a lor►� tertn. In fxt. the �ry Gntefs ��� :��� � y � � betw�en and r+�a banefks i�. � r , .�. � . ��Y �&+�' �iW� Y _ r� • _ — �k� bodl �I�raUms. ,ie � �,�' ++a - � � �•���. ConnlCtMry Detwtln Spr�guc and Ap�kway is an , oa'r� �w (a ° C � EX(971NG I� ��sNw► bnDarnnt tealure as ks the abilty d the Cky CrHer v�.a.i e o �� c � � � 10q° .. d �' ��' Q street Qid ta wraoct In �he east�w�si drectlon hom ! � �� ' i �,��, � p� E 7�i � � Uriwe�sRy RoQd to We eaci pist Dartrtnuth to the w�st. BUtLDINO 2 � �� Tl� ra�ltlng «/• 2S acie pancal dn�s am wetl suioed to � �- �� NID B�.aUC � a!� m�dirn scalt utbu► mi�tl use druNoOrt+Mt tt�t tould '� .: ' � owmswc,r.. � . 3 br sann,pi�hed In pl+�ces bv n+ultlae prapetv W- o�ners/d�wbpKS or done as a l�ra areryl poiect by �19 '� f ��,�` -- - n ' a sln�le devebpm�nt tem. 6 --�. , . : s„�w, — — �---- i �t �.. �"�t�e _ -- ,� -� �-�, ! � � � I s.�r..��« � I �� P.ar c -+ �+ o n�'�'wic �" 1 x _ � 1.90 a�ars iQ Z3t aa�s �. —:— 1 n � f - woTE: M.W .�w aw,.a.wns... �ppwrrn.le. � � ` -' S�b Vla� I�Ya+t bwd on Pnf�tt�d Opiian t2 F1/i11� � � � � � � 1 o�� 120 SMiC6 1 � / � � �� .� �. �_ � `.J __ ST7 .� �,� _'�� � �v APf�EWAY BLVD. FKFMNI�M�lTS �, Ga► d�r.ra�. vrw cw c.�.► c.�o.r� M.r.. P�n YMaU 17. �MO ii�wdw� Ordt � 6E��A��O Y1L15 G C� L O ••ui,.c�� �c � _. _ - rlr i� !� � �/�i . ,." •,* , '� . .-'_ �� •�;j * . , •�,! i; � , lt � �� � I � f. .� /� , �' : r!. ;.. ' �1�.%' ' �. �% „� I `~ ',`� �` •� .� ��. ' �� ',. f .t . � '��� �� �Ir' � � , :i��� �',�',..,♦ � a' � .:---�-+ � �.' , � ��• I p " � ', � �y � r '�' ' - :A r � f r .,,• � '� I I � � �' ' /f► s � :� 1 �l • -1 � � . /' � �,r :.►!`' �`` �,� �� -t.�'. � r - � f �' , ,. /' ��"� �, � - :��- f . _ � -i ..► ,,� .,.,�. ► �i� ',-�.� + � � � �,. < �''/,. • ',,, � ,Z•� �' , �L". ,� t.. „ r � . � I r , � . , , ,� 1 �•+~�', � � �f �I .,�. . • . � w i'� � ` � 1 V �.:+� 'r ,, • 4 'l �� ���" _ _ - � � � � �1 fi� ��'. _ ' � 1 �1� �• � / � ' ' I � �.� N� J_ � I ti J ,j�'. a 1 r� �� � � � •` l�' • r * � ...w — , . .� . .+r'.�''S^* ,#!"'� • , , �,, ; �, . �' . : `' , i ,, � . :��! �. �$ � �� . ��I `'�f� •i f � r . ,. " � � ,.• �- `�.,�-' r'.� �� i • -scs► :r= _ � �. r _ _ J I ' 0 � '� ;. �� � � � '�4 � ,�`I � �` - = r�� �,lR+ �" , %-�' i � , - `.r • ` ,.�— ,, , . �,� �,, �"'�� � „� _/.� �� ,., -,�l,�1��-.�t - , - -.;,;�- -, -• . �� r.., - .�� '.. \ ..� ,,�:. . � �'�'�''• + � `� .: , . . .�J/ � ♦ • • ��` �ti % � ��! �,�� , ,�1� � / � , . . . � . l ., Illd Y�oct C�os�IMs hYd.Wpdc au��nps an p1�yG along �aoh d tbe Gry Cae Str�et Type Coro &reat TlT� -. C�t s�tt b b1Mk W tM expMS� and I��pM� of M�e A � bloob b pravlde si and ddMwd p�d�ti�n croosnps. larb�o�p� I�MU�a. p�o�de Mo�a dr�in�pe bo#tpa► swWs. s�d AIQc o�M�liip Nalt�es 1lrt�ph !he use ol �7e� ROWI �� �� sca�d or ta�red pwlr+p. Thase �aid-bbdc a�oeNnp - coula also pta+W� Wd��teiw� f�s auch sa bend�es. Ii�MinO, bMd»s. trMh ac�ptad�a, weyand�ro �__ .------ f�alur�s. �ncl �xomo�cxielArifoimatlonal oiprupa. , �— � ��� �� � • t•+ a' q ': : �" A B -�+ ; • B I , I Strsst Plan Detail -j— � BMMt Uw wf I M prM� � -I- � ' � � ' f -� � ' Utfltty ZoM (6� tYP•) ; � , _ ._ � 1 B�rxtNs 0. ��-�- - ' - t i }--.. .--+ Trsslt a racyr.11np nc�ptacJss � j � - '�; — �r+ �w �4 �,' • � r � Bik� r�dc� � � _ _.V4_ N� hiesks _ '44 -� _ Fin hy�drants � - � � _ 27 a S�rWl �M�p t� _— j Y . �t�I1kk1Q /OUflt1�[1s s r -'. "� ' �~ _ '��� .� I ----�- -� � ' � a f�� Pod�strisn Zono (S' min.) -.Y — I � � . ; -i P�i�+O..b � - -- Cl�af sid�walk width , ; -'� ' = ` ' i . - - - - .,_ I - � ' - � Fl�xfblt R�laN ZOne (4'typ•) o I __ P _.a�,,M,, nr,w _� �.-r� � � sp�+D• f � : � s , � � � / _� + i _ � Caf� sMfinq - � � - --_} `- �o.na�.w�.�d....rr � _. ._ • - - Oufdoor disPlaY � i - t � I ,� t_ • �� P I �' - � . --�� � (� Dim�ndon Pw FtMdrt»n plan - , � , t � � : � � -- - �Sy � PK �� �Y i1►�t standandt ���r u��+-�-�+�1�--� +' s' n a' t1' ,t' 9• e� s a• \ �— uT�.1TY 2oME \ ` UT1LRtl D01�E � PL�DE3711IAM 20UE �— PEDEbT1MM ZONE �� ,�,�� '�ptcal Mid Block Crossing Plan and Section View �. �!I d SMicaM 1bM'f► CJM GMMr Ca��Pt 1A�tlw P'Vn YMeA 17. � N��d OwA � SE���tbo�M���a 4 G G L O '"c.trtc+. .c � � , � �'' -- � '' I ���� - - - - _ .,,, �•. - � �1 1 1 � 4 I � ( � ! , '� � � � � "r„� r �. N� ;�. � � =� . , , t � ` . , � � ��� � , , ,. � •.•. � , ,;• ' � �� ' � � '� � , , �r� � � � f` � � � , : � :"�, �. A � ��:� � � �f/!� � � , , — � wi, . �� ?s � �` � /` �"'� %. ' � � � • , '�� !;/�. � � ' tl � ��1 , , `•' •�:�� I �► • � ♦ � ;y ; ,��.�► "!"': -. � ► � �� "_ '.��a '' �� '* � =�'�.�}� � ��' _ �� . '��; .� �- --, ; �� r _ '!�'. 3.. .�� �'sr � �^ •�.�1�1T � � : 1: �. s F 1 � � � � � /t� ^�• r r- : �C'j .... X �• �4�� %' ' t � ' �� � •�n-= � - - — � � t ' o _ � � .�..''�� A � � �; i , �, ' •'�;��•- '. ' %� ' "��'• • ` ,� I�, 1 �r P.�T'}.i' - 2 ► • �.M� ��, (��.'� � , � ' � � •A + I. z-,..,.� �./ = ;� V• • . ��1 � •. � 'r � ^'r'«-'�' �'� . Ir � , �, ' �i ���; `�!►!L\� r �� +L•=` _ • � r ,� � /• ., i � ��' / � . � �a , ;�� � .�■� "'"s�► '=' ' _ \' -...-. r � .� �� f � : 3 4�� �1( - ��- .f� � ��, �. �►�" � f/.�".�.�� _ r ` �•_ - � t __ . '�} _.:R ,�, ♦ _ � ,� i •, � � � -s� 1 � "- ^ r 1 J . ! '���'� ' ' �� -,/ �,.►: a ,.. �1 I . � � �- � � �-v � f : •.' {;, l� � �.a, � � ±� �, f * ` ;� ; �.... �j� . ti . ��� � ti i�. ..�/ � r� r' �%_-' + . � �- �� ► '�{ ! , -` =- � _.�- — ,� � � • — '' � , ; , � t ' . .,, • .. � , Tvoicd �wt wbts�� Con Sa�t Typ� w.�sactloru �.�as bWb-aum ar,d d000rawe p�vinp b A P�d�Vian - scala IIQM fixturs provida wihar►oed pod�fian zatoty at cmzchp points. t�d M�s�ction d�pn fa sup�nor bawi�t-Ir�e ( 78' ROW } ���Y. � �� tesur� � i�' ... � '- . � . . /'—' Strwt tra� w! 4'x4' Qnu , � ,;' '� 1+ . f 5 -� -; i— o�corat,v� scora paa�m at com�rs, yp• ,.� .. ,, ., a m Typ�cal carb ramp p�r SV C�ty —_ ��� _ ����'�' �� sts►xhrda � �,,, , p +- f : �_I-i. t ` - I ' 1 - � ` t ti� �\�r �i �,. � �"_�. �� j���� . Y ��L-. � �~ _ - � ��r � T , i t-�.' _ _. ..L ..'. M : . �� � � l�.. ;_._!,. '.. ' —_ . . I � _ �. '�� �� � _ � � , , j , ._� , I y _I^"�' � �""D, - �` I /' ,� _L�. � �_ at h�;en - — -- � .� ��i���v,r,.a�, . Cor� Sri�t Typ� ^ _ ` � _ — �f ,i►x«,t a� ____ �.. -, , - - �, _ x .� B �""� '` ' Pa � crasswalks, typ ' : . � � ;-'" , � �, (68' ROW) i r • � ! � I � I � ` � "�: - - - r � / M -*�� I ,1' 1 �,• _. .{r � � ��y� N ` ' �L � � � - '� �. _,i,,� r , _ � � ; .�T . - — - * . . -M�:-�} +'�' �' _ _ ' � � . �. i- -�•. w � .1 q � � � � 11# . . � � r :� '�,�� . , • ' � � J. , �, � � ��• � _ ._' f � A � - --• , 24' Radius, Typ. � ' • �r' ' � ~ t � .� � �� �•�. - T,.l�,1�:� a �_ . .. r— ! , , � � . � � Typical Major intersection Plan View e , G1y c1 gpraM Ya��!► Cly► Cw�r Cano�pt Yan�r Plan 1AaiaA 1T. � Rwb�d Orafl � BEIIYA��O MILLS G G L O uc�uee+� rc 8 Utility Infrastructure t , Clry ot Spokerta Varey Clly CeMer Cancept Master Plan Msrch 1T, 2009 Re�laed Dtaf1 � BERMAlIDO MILLS � G L O ••c"�,�cr. .c � Q1�� 1l'Tr ld�Ira11M �h11las Thls optbn IWslrates a t fi4Nalal Qfi55Y etormwater �ww slrWpy urlpp a�+rip�t wod�ct sla�d Dlo-Iltraron a�val�s Iocal�d at k�y polnts wRM tl1e BtNt I prid Thes� sw�l�s wa� b� sWd n a conwntbnai =-:-r=- - - --- ------ . - __—� - - __— __ ^ -- _ man�r tn po�W the Ifrst'r4�boh d nlrMdl kom fl�e ( � w �. str� wiN ovorbw dir�ct�d to a c�Ach basn ot drywe) �� L ,_ wilFwn esal� swala wMA two or mor+e srvalas u�lnq a . J - ..�' � _ aoa►mon dryw�It. I � - �` Thls wouli be a nl�eiwfy hexpsnsNe syst�ai. M very � `� �� ��` oom�ac+n n tM arM. snd do�an t ca� �ny rnw �oax�d � a +n �� In tsiwK of e�pines�N�p a da�ipn. The drawback to tNa ,�� ��r i�' appro�d� i� swalos an unslphtty; do not catribute b �" M�e CRy C�+br wslon. and pioes sl�Naw pon� a I i I �� wwr w»aw0+w�y ad�ac�nt to p�d�stri�+w. Inc1xW►o I I �� � �. - younp chYdt�n. A var�alion d rifs syel� woufd be b ! � �- - - IOOk �t aMKr�liv� Ntr�ion trNdkwnc b s�har�ce the + �'+i�' ' vO �•:�"a�T_��__'_i�r:� .:�"i� ' �"-��.�,�.iY--�-�ti�,.rl tfl80AN1tof8�iM1lIICS. r .��_�,.►�.� 1 a . ��-_�,�_�n��-^<:� -.. �. i �' , �..,� . � � � �-� i j ' ; ;; �'.� �'' `''� : ; ; !���- ��=, . � i , �� - � �� . ', r �� - �,.,,,� .- ---- --., -- - - -- �.� _ - - : . --� . - �� ' � T � LEGEND �,- ��►� :�- � - -'_ ' _.��-�-�'aei 4 �.,,,i .sf C ;a,�_ - �►/► .r■!q-a�► � .:r►.► _ _ , �, � r�- -�- - :�,�� � �-�;� � , - - � -=�d"� �i-= `=�; � - �. `. ,. � � � ! � � -: � ( - .-�� CROSS WALK PLANTER � i ' ..} ' _ = `�- � (OEMANO BAS�D) i , �_.�� � — _:_. � . - � � �' � �'°� � � � � � � `' � � � a-TYPE P B' D RYW ERL�I 3 PLANTERS ` � , � . �. , - , � � � � � , : . , , •_-� � � � r , . � � ` - -��` �`���- ;.�_.� .�.. ' - � �� , -- ' . -- -- -_ �� � - -- -- - -- '� - �: �`��� Prelin�inary Infiltration Ptantors Storn� Water Treatn�ent 3yste�n �, C�A► d sPd�aM vM.�► CMp C� coaasN liwr Plan A#arrh 17, � R«Asw Oralt � AERMA�oO�NIILi 8 �■cr�rtct� rc G G L G To 6o�w Uie ptinary �.�cx ehoitoo��o cd op4on 1 (un�lOhtly aw�Ms a�d sa1�tY1. OD�bn 2 IluMrales a � — -- - — - _ _ . _ ^ - - -- — sch�u rYN would aW4ot tlw �ta*nw�hr h tcsdltbnal � -- -- — - T` — CNy stindard calah �ar.inc in � slrNts sntt pipQ U b I �. __ j - 3,, oaa a rMa ►aqe Itwar bio.Nlra�on sarai�s �ono c Appl�wsY. 91tNt� Could b� oww�Md b� aurb or � ' ,� � '� drsN�d b th. o.wt�c Tt� �ab.ww rpuM�s no CHy C.��hton�waYK �M�pta�on. �c�pt � plsc�r►�rt d I � �-- � � i arloi� ba�na In appopr� �pols. Th� aOvtMsp� d Ws � eol�n� ia �wt ari a pracbl �I�lW. t nrk� M� aw�Me � ( w 'po away as far ei qibYc bnpaot In the C.�r krar ard oo�c��Mnt� any � to one or Mro larpe � i .. 1" �, aval�a. TM swl�a ao�ld M tii�d to Wc� aNy ws � �1� sirMt rupoA a bcrsard In slza b aocar�unod�b rw�ofl � from M PsroMc �rpi�p saae pwc�+tap� d " YepKVbus suArs� lor ex� poroN. Add�tnna/y. fhe � � « __, _-'�^ .�- rr---.; •• - -- .� ' 'c . ��__ "� ; ; � . .. �ifQ� iVY�i (Aiy pfP/� �1 �f�fr• 6pOl (0 �I1Ct -.� � �' �� ��S ! �-� -�-. � r` ' �' . �_�� i � ,p � -- ~ , cr►ow b lra� M►� C�y GnIK drw10�W , -a�-. � � _ .. _ . _ :�'�-� !•�—� , M I ;: � � , ,' � , � i ; � I i � � � � �: . I � , .� ... _ � �.`�a j — ; � ,,,�,.--�_ _ - �;.., - - , ��-- -- - — � , , - •� �+�.� LEGEND "" -wA -- _ .� , �� '.• ,a ,y �-,;, . ,ra_ �.* _ � I i - � _ � _.— �� - � j f r i� T���, �� ��) STREET OVERLAND FLOW I i . — --- � � _ � O CATCH 6ASIN � � .�;_ ` � � � � O MANHOLE ,,,�, ,�..��'''��r ' PiPED FLOW ROUTE �"; ' s' � ' � ' � 1 '�•'� " � - - ° —�—��.�► ' ��..--- —. - - - - - --�,- - _ f - _- - - _�� sw� aorro�►� , ,. . _ -- - _ .. - s�i, ,-.,�o — --�-- - Preliminary Standard Storm Wator Troatment System C cw d i�o�ca�. W+�► cl�r cnM.r c.ow�t V.d.r wM A/rd 1T. � fi�� DraA � �E�r��no M[��s Q G i.:i L 0 ..c�„u, � .c O�a� �ll�� irslNO: TNa �oMrn� Nustt�la4 ltie ucr� d a propriMary Product lfrt Inl�s ulban tee waYs wih ptalrs anG tr�a�rM d sbnawalw tunaA. Th• numb�t of tno � • f—�= _- -- _- - - - -- - -- — - -_.� - '�-„�. - - ` - -- - - - -- -- - - --_ — - `r -- wdls it b�s�d on a pr�dat�irrd t�alrn�nt vak� that � -- �{- - --- ��� eaah prrn+idoc and R't volwno capc�aty. Otwo tfw traa I ' I- vwU nacMs ts wiun�� csp�oty. w�t�► ar�dbv� m � � oi1F� �n iM«ooruwcbd �ryw�U qya��w. a ia plpod b , , bio-Mlralbn wvaMc iY�Ysr to Optlon 2. d�Psndhp o� th� : � I�1 d patm�t 0�siwd Sw wwrr.tlftetra_cem for , I � �,� maa 1�(am�tbn I i i � u ', �i I �• 1 I ��./f ��"� � �` � �• _ _ '._ � ' ' -/ .�- '��' ` _ _ _ _ ' _ _ `. ,1 .. i .,j��.�� 1 � " - - , _ Rr' - _ ` t � _ j � • 1 f � 1 \ if ,� � I , �, - , I ' '��� �� �, I � �-: I �; - .i� __. ! r '� a ; ; �._ . .__. � � - ---- -��� - - -- ,- --- N �. � - - - - � � � ` - -- - - - LEGEND ... ._ . .. . - -- _ .._. i - - -' � •` ,� - _ : -- � � � """� - � ---' -_ - ' _� _ � j� y���' �-- FILTERRA UNfT 8 TREE 1 SHRUB ' � - ., �� -�� � � ' - r � . , � • " � r� . , � � �' o-. 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C �'�' C r r ' ` `1\1 , .� � _ .� � . 1 1 � , I • � + , �~ _ . -� �/ _ � _ � -- -j' "� - - - - - -- - - -- 1-` ,� _ , - 8��1e- 1�°120� -- -- - - - - Pralimtnary S�wer Plan e cw d sr.�a�. � cw c.�.r c� �w � w�ew ,T, zaoo A.rw� a.� � ac�N��.o Mt��s � •�cr�tttt� ►t G G L O Budget Estimate City of Spokane Valiey Site City Hall Spokane Valffy, WA Co�ceptual Deatgn Phasa Mukup Dexrtpticn PencenrsQe F.brwrv n. zC0! - o,.f! cc G.+ara� coneB(av 6'.> IAarch 6. 2009 • Reris�d ��� 3 °y IWrch 17. 2009 • Rwls�d GC ProAI �".� 14i ior �e Ms 0"e Ea;.aiasbn (E monCn b mid point d ConibuCtlCn) 1.bC96 Total Nukups 14.50l� D��ect Coe! y�/gs p� QTY U d M f11JM E�4ended Wdh QNbP G- BuUdlnp Sitework G10-Slb Ptsparatta+ G1010 • S+`e Prep Cbar and GruD P.iphi-0l-way 180,DOa s4R S 0 07 S 12.600.00 S 14,4Z7.00 Grade Sita FUpM�af•Wa�r 180,000 s�tl i 0.10 S iB.000.00 S T0,610.00 p�tnp. �d RNo�aUon Aloirente 0 Ipnn i 15.000.00 5 - i - Fiarardom MatMals AOawsxe 0 Ipffin S 10,000 00 i • i - Spo�'4 Pite Remeval al Rartal C 0 Ipam S 20.000.00 5 • i - GZOS1h 4nptw�meMa (320 f 0 - knpre+�ements Ptarstsr Strips 1.245 �olt 1 5.00 i 6,2i5.00 S 7,12T.63 �sr�6�ap��q OQ.400 rqR f i.ZS � 113.000.00 f 129,585.00 hripation Syslen QQ,400 �qR S 0.75 f 67,e00.60 S 77,631.00 Lar�dsa�ph�p Teea 100 each a �00.00 : 30,000.00 f 34,�50.00 Tree (�ratdVsM 60 aooh f t.'300.00 f 75,000.00 f 83,875.00 Qu� d GulES 4.386 kd! S 12.OQ i 62.65E.Q0 i 60,291.12 Sulpinp 2,19< ht i 0.18 f T67.�0 s 8T8.�3 Pt,+inp Q1,710 ipfl f J.Od f 273,1�G.00 i Z15,023.65 Pavk+p PaocM lor tJdllriea 6,000 pR S a.00 f 40.000.00 S �S.SQ0.00 prah�paSaaks 12.D00 sqlt S 3.00 t 36.04�.00 S �1,220.00 Corwala SWewatb T�.3b0 �qA = 4.lQ 3 331,57�.00 S 383.088.38 Psven 1,2�5 �vR t 0.73 s 12,13a.75 S 1S,d98.E7 Drywspa or HI��wMs 1 S each t �.000.00 t 60.000.00 i 68,700.00 pernoe�h Exi�tkp Buid�r,p� 0 �vft s s.o0 i • i - Cand+ B.�nlra 2a aaoh t t,DOO.oO t 42,oeo.00 i 48.090.00 SO't0'AD9P� 1.T82 kiR i 95.00 S 81,870.GD S 70,61215 Bus Sfxlters O�och i i5,000.OQ f - : - Biks Racka 1 Ipsrn i G,000.00 S 6,OOO.QO i 10,305.00 SRa Furni�ic�a AMarr�a 1 qun i 35.000.00 S JS,OOQ.00 = 40,075.00 Sits Sl�p� ANowana 1 Ip�tn S 25,D00.00 : 23,OOd.b� i 28,625.00 030- Slu (iAethankal UW1Un e- cPVc weeer une a.s� r,a t �oo s �e�,s�aoo i �e�,7sa.bs e- c�vc wm� u�,. �oa Mrt : ae.00 s Ze,ca.ao s 3a,aos.os r cPVC waer t�,s �o� r„t s ao.00 = a.ro.00 s a.�4t.�s 7 CPYC Weler lits 2d0 N�R i id.00 S ].900.00 f 4,485.80 Fue HydratFs 13 M S 2,000.00 3 28,000.00 S 29,770.00 Dama4afi Flre F9y�mils � w f i'30.00 S ISQ00 i Q16.26 DwnoOeh Undeprourd trill�fsa 60�t kdt i Z.00 S 2.41200 i 2,761.74 San�ry Sewer Man floFes 7 ea S 6.000.00 6 42.00Q.QO S 48,090.00 e-s�,u,�y sa.�. �,�o� � s �.o0 5 �2,245.00 s as.s�o.sa e� s�y s�rer �.��e ha s 40.0o s 4s.aw.00 s �,oeg.ao �o� ss�.y se�wr su k�t i �a.00 a �s.e�e.00 i �e.24s.Ta Apdeway Sewer urteTi� In Alow. 1 Ipun i 30�00�.00 S JO,OOQ00 i 3A,350.00 N�r r katur�l Gas is+e 89� 1nR f 13.0o S t�,�CV.C4 S 16,558.T0 G�0- E� Ekcfrica! lidltia CrWtO - Elec�ical Dtatnbution PER [1e�alpn Teern Raar OH Power b Underproutid 1 Ipun S tb�.000.00 S 18�.00a 00 f 210,680.00 Fron! Ovedtie�d tn Under�pound 1 bsm i 4a.D00.00 b �.000.00 i,, 5��4GO.Q0 New Inte►ior SVeaf t1QMk�p 1 Ipsm f 111.750.00 � 111.750.00 ; 1�1,388.�E 5MO lntarior Power QisbSO�abn t ban S 80.000.00 : 60.000.�0 i 88,700.00 Sne irtlefor Gommix�lr�tlor�s dat 1 brm f de.000.00 f 6e.o0�.00 i 10Q,T6D.00 o,r«�,�a � u� oe�„deo�+ e..r�, oae s �.maoo s �,eoaoo s �o,�zoo c9o- oa►.. s�e. co�ao� .o+� t - s - s�ecow s �,as3.00�.�o G10a 5copf Cantfn9�ncy (10'�W i 61D,801.Z2 Grand Tctal Site Devebpment (Not inciuding Fees, SoR Cosb or Sales Tax) S 3�063,607.32 City of Spokane Valley City Center Concept Master Plan March 17, 2009 Revised Dran 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Bid Award - Broadway/Fancher PCC Intersection Project (#0067) GOVERNING LEGISLATlON: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 2009-2014 Six Year TIP on June 24, 2008, Resolution #08-014; Informational Memo on draft Amended 2009 TIP in Council's January 27, packet; Public Hearing and adoption of Amended 2009 TIP on January 27, 2009 that included this project; Admin Report on Upcoming Public Works Project Council Action at February 10, ?_0�9 Cc�uncil mtg BACKGROUND: Th:� �:�r���;- �t •�,i� r p;�� ��� +�,�- � r�;t:�u ��E�h���it E.;av�; ' ��t' ����`' c ti �; c.(.L' �i �:. �" �C:ilt L'vf i1 �.�� t�c�3! 7 Cement Concrete and reconstruct pedestrian ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities Ac` (ADA) requirements. Public Works staff prepared the plans and specifications. The project wa5 advertised for Bids beginning Feb. 13, 2009. Bids were opened on Monday, March 9th. O � i" �� C 'r��s � : � . . - - � .. ! - . - - . . � � � , � � ; . � �- - -. � �� _ _ .�� . � . ; . _ . _ _`� x `.�i� _'��:i,.%�, 1�.,: �;,��r RECOMIUIENDED ACTION OR IVIOTION: IVrove to award the E3roadwayiFancfier NCC; Intersection Proiect to the lowest responsible bidder. Cameron tnc., for a bid price ��i g562,450 3r!. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The design and construction of this project is partiall�; funded by an 86.5% federal Congestion ManagemenUAir Quality (CMAQ) grant up to $702,60G The 2009 budget includes i� ��:: ��? �n7 - r���`3I G�ant�; F�:nd jUfrC;`�•1� �};��n;.:s F�� `�,e !o�.:�l match portion of this prci��c:'. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. �Voriey �enior Capital Prc�j�c En�i�,r��r Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation BID TABULATION _ Broadway/Fancher PCCP lntersection �n°l,�ne Project CIP No. 0067 r��� '�alley BID OPENING DATE - March 09, 2009 11:00 A.M. Engineor'� E�tlmate Cameron-Rellly, inc ACME Concrete Pavtng� lna Kn1fe River ��M l�M Unit TOTAL Un(t Price Total Cost Unit Prlca Totat Cost Unit Prlce Tata! Cost Unit Prlcs Total Cost NUMBER CIUANTiTY . ._ - _. . ., . . ._. . _ . . . -- - ,. . . _ - - - - -- - - _ -- - - - - - _ . . .. ._- •--., .. .. - - - .�. � � . _ - . . �- .. � . �•� _ _ ' _ } � _ } _ � . . .� .. . � � . " _•. - r. . -_. . - �� . . .... � � � '" _ ' - ' a. • . ..:. -' � .. . _ " ' ' _ �. .. .r,T _ _ _ --J ' f9 • - - r - � _ _ - ' - - ' 'T -' _ .1 � - - :j!��' - - _ _.�. _ � ' _ :� ' ' - - _ � _ . 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' 1 ' ' ' :. _ � ' - :" � .- � .. ., . . . �. � ^ . .. .... _. ` . ` ,' �, . �, .. 1 MOSlLIZATI4N LS _-� -� .1 ' `� 63,000.0� �b3,000.00 �21 396.59 5�1,3.,i3.5� 54�,G�O.�fl ��S,L�u�.CO �4�,ZOC.uO �45,�L`C.O� 2 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYINO LS 1 5,004.00 55,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.�0 �5 000.00 S5,000.00 59,000.40 s9,000.00 3 SPCC PLAN LS 1 500.00 5DA.00 $600.00 S;5�0,00 5500.00 500.00 $250.00 5250.00 4 EROSION CONTROL LS 1 1,b00.a0 �1 SC4.Q0 $5Q0.00 $5Q0.00 �754.00 �760.00 �10,900.00 510,900.00 5 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 40,OOQ.00 S40 000.00 S50,000.00 �50 000.00 $33,OOO.QO $33 000.00 582,000.00 582,000.00 8 SAWCUT AC OR PCC PAVEMENT LF-IN 1470 0.50 $735.00 �1.00 51,470.00 �1.00 �1,470.00 30.30 S44i.00 7 REMOVE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 5900 5.00 �29 500.00 52.75 �18,225.00 �3.80 $22,�20.00 a3.50 520,650.00 8 REMOVE PCC CURB LF 42 5.00 �210.00 �5.60 $239.00 52.7Q $113.40 s14.00 S588.00 9 REMOVE PCC CURB AND GUTTER LF 175 5.00 $875.00 a5.50 $962.50 $3.2b $568.76 a10.00 a1,7b0.00 1Q REMOVE PCC SIDEWALK SY 120 5.00 5600.00 $2.75 $330.00 S8.S5 S1 038.00 310.00 S1,200.�0 11 REMOVE C4NCRETE CURB AND (SLAND SY 70 b.00 �35Q.00 $2.76 $192,50 $18.00 51,120.00. �10.00 $700.00 12 ROADWAY EXCAV. INCL. HAUL CY 9950 20.00 539 000.00 $9.35 $18,232.50 $18.20 $31,590.00 �24.00 �8 800.00 �3 ABAND4N EXISTING DRYVNEL! EA 1 �1 OOO.QO $1 000.00 $334.00 5330.00 1,000.00 S1,00�.00 5700.00 �700.00 14 GEOGRID SY 't630 $2,50 $3 826.a0 �9,50 �14,535.00 S9.10 �13,923.00 57.50 $11,475.00 15 SALLAST TN 600 525.00 $15 000.00 �22.50 513,500.00 �26.00 �15,600.00 �22.00 S13 200.00 �• A ���j 'i9 CRUSHED SURFACINO TOP COURSE TN 2000 525.00 ,000.00 522.50 $45 000.00 $22.00 $44,000.00 524.00 548,000.00 Q.��� wASy, �,A� 17 HMA CL. 1�2" PG 64-28 TN 600 100.OQ $80 OOO.QO 588.20 �52 92Q.00 $91.00 $54 6a0.00 $109.50 $65 7Q0•00 .�' � �. 18 ANTI-STRIPPINO ADDiTIVE CALC 1 1.00 $1.a0 51.00 $1.00 1.00 S1.00 $1.00 51.00 �� 19 J08 MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1.00 51.00 $1.00 S1.00 1.00 �1.00 �.00 �1.00 r 20 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 1.00 $1.00 51.00 31.00 $1.00 S1.00 $1.00 51.00 ° 21 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 10 IN. 7H1CK, INC�. DOWELS SY 4300 26.00 a10? 500.00 S26.87 $115,541.00 525.15 3108,145.00 $32.d0 $137 600.d0 ., 22 FURNISHING CONCRETE FOR CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT CY 1200 110.00 $132,000.00 5110.00 132,000.00 5110.00 $132,000.40 5108.00 3129 fi00.00 �CC�� A 2757� �� 23 PORTIAND CEh1ENT CONCRE7E COMPLL4NCE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 1.00 1.OD $1.00 �1.0� $1.00 51.00 $1.Q0 $1.00 �` F QrsTEP� �� 24 TRENCH EX�AVATION SAFETY SYSTEM 1 1 2,000.00 $2 000.00 S5a0,00 $500.00 $2,i00.00 $2,100.00 �1.00 �1.00 S�ONA1-�� 25 ADJUST EXISTiNG MANHOLE CATCHBASIN OR DRYVNELL EA T 6Q0.00 $3,500.00 5440,04 a3.080.00 5405.00 52,835.00 $350.�0 S2,450.00 26 ADJUST VA�VE BOX EA 6 500.00 $3,000.00 $220.00 1 320.00 �190.00 51,140.00 $254.00 S1,600.00 ' 27 SOLID WALI PVC STORM SEWER PIPE, 10 IN. DIAM. LF 10 40.00 5404.00 $15.00 $150.00 $108.00 S1,080.00 5fi5.00 $65Q.00 , .. 28 CATCHBASIN TYPE iL EA 1 2 500.00 52,500.00 51,400.a0 $1 400.00 �2 300.00 $2,344.00 �1 525.� �1,625.00 ���' 29 EXISTING DRYWELL CONNECTION 1 2 000.00 �2,000.00 $125.00 3�2s•ao $650.00 $650.00 $205.00 $205.00 30 REPLACE DRYWELL GRATE EA 1 300.00 �300.00 $�50.00 5550.00 755.00 $755.40 �150.00 �150.00 31 S�ILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EA 4 600.00 52 OOO.QO $� 25.00 5500.Q0 $540.00 S2,164.00 5250.00 $1,000.00 32 CONCRETE 7RAFFlC ISLAND 24 IN. WIDE LF 313 30.00 $8 39Q.00 $12.00 �3,756.Q0 $13.00 $4,069.00 �17.00 S5 321.00 33 CEMEN7 CONCRETE CURB F 8 1b.00 $90.00 $30.00 �v180.00 S1b.00 �90.00 �29.00 5174.00 34 C�MENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 20U 20.00 �4 000.00 �20.00 S4 000.00 s16.00 53,000.00 528.00 S5 800.00 35 CEMEN7 CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 13Q 35.00 S4 550.00 �40.�0 55,200.00 $29.00 �3 TT�.00 35.00 $4,650.00 38 CEM�NT CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAMR, TYPE 2 EA 4 1,000.00 �4,000.00 5800.00 S3 200.00 $700.00 52,800.00 �1 100.00 �4 400.00 37 PEDCSTRIAN CURB �F 80 10.00 S6Q0.00 520.00 S1 200.00 �13.50 5810.00 a26.OQ $1,660.00 38 SOD INSTALLATION SY 9 60.00 �450.00 550.00 $450.00 535.00 �315.00 25.00 �225,00 39 SURVEY M10NUMENT EA 1 1 000.00 $1,000.00 S500.00 5500.00 51,000.00 51 OOO.OU �540.04 3540,00 40 CONDUIT PIP�, 2 IN. DIAM. LF �150 2.00 59Q0.00 $8.00 S3,600.00 5T.54 33,375.00 $9.00 S4,050.Q0 41 JUNCTlON HOX TYPE 7 EA 1 1 000.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 51,100.00 �1,100.00 $1,900.00 �1,175.00 S1,175.00 42 JUNCTiON BOX TYPE 2 EA 7 2 000.00 14 OQ0.00 5500.00 $3,500.00 5450.00 $3,150.00 $540.Q0 $3,6Q0.00 43 INDUCTION LOOP, TYPE 2 EA 35 8Q0.00 �28,000.00 �500.00 S1T,500.00 3485.00 S18,975.00 5500.�0 $1T,500.00 44 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINO LF 500� 1.00 $5,000.00 �0.54 52,540.00 50.30 $1 6Q0,00 50.26 51,250.00 45 GROOVED PLAST4C CROSS WALK LINE SF 780 17.00 313,260.Q� S16.00 $11,700.00 $14.00 $10 924,00 515.00 $11,700.00 46 PAINT LINE LF 2,546 1.00 $2,546.00 50.75 �1,909.50 50.70 $1,782,2Q S0.75 51,949.50 47 PAINTED WIDE LINE L� 603 2.00 S1 206.00 , 50.60 �361,80 �0.55 �331.65 30.50 �301.50 48 PAINTED TRAFFIC ARROW EA 8 80.00 5480.00 S33.00 �198.00 �30.00 S180.00 $31.OQ $186.00 49 GROOVED PLASTIC STOP LINE LF 180 25.00 54,500.00 527.50 $4 950.00 S28.OQ 54,680.00 527.� $4,860.00 60 PAINTED WORD SYMBOL EA 3 1�0.00 $450.00 S5d.00 $154.00 548.00 $144.00 548.00 �144.04 F1 �EP,"' T ! -NING , � 0. .OU • - - ,�..r �'ota{ Schadula A = - - _ _- 1 _ � - '�'°`-� - g : � SCHEDULE A TOTAL 5662,7Z1.�0 5582,45D.39 5684�854.00 $702,186.00 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Valley Mission Park Improvements - Phase 1 Project — Bid Award GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Capital funding approved for this project in 2009 Capital Budget. BACKGROUND: The Valley Mission Park Improvements — Phase 1 Project was advertised for bids on February 20th and 27�' 2009. Bids were opened Friday, March 13, 2009. After opening bids and tabulating the results, staff found Skyline Construction of Spokane, Washington, to be the lowest responsible bidder. The attached bid tabulations show a lump sum base bid and four lump sum additives. Lump Sum Base Bid — Park Improvements Addibive #1— Sidewalk West of Parking Lot Additive #2 — 10 Trees Additive #3 — Shrub Bed Additive #4 — One Security Light There is $220,000 available to award for this contract. The total base bid plus the four additives is below both the engineers estimate and amount available to award for this contract. OPTIONS: 1) Award the Valley Mission Park Improvements — Phase 1 Project bid to Skyline Construction, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Valley Mission Park Improvements — Phase 1 Project contract to Skyline Construction in the amount oF $156,173.15. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This project is 100% funded through the 2009 Capital Budget. Contract includes base bid and four additives. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: 1) Bid Tabulations BID TABULATION - Project No. 0076 - Valley Mission Improvements-Phase 1 � O e BID OPENING DATE March 13� 2009� 11:00 A.M. Locai Time p Va11ey� Skyline Westem States Dennis Engineers Bozco Ginno Contractors Environment ME Uphus Constructlon, �� Cleavenger Estimate Construction Constrvction ���. West Construction Inc. Enberprisea Construction BASE BID $207,768.09 $173,920.00 $175,985.30 $134,788.00 $182,441.11 $197,743.78 $222,835.00 $184,518.25 $205,07125 ADDITIVE 1 $8,000.00 $6,0�0.00 $8,870.00 $7,902.12 $8,507.50 $10,680.00 $8,000.00 $9,450.00 $10,100.00 SALES TAX $8,696.00 $6,522.00 $9,641.69 $8,589.60 $9,247.65 $11,609.16 $8,696.00 $10,272.15 $10,978.70 ADDITIVE 2 �7,075.00 $6,000.00 $5,359.00 $4,904.76 $3,485.00 $5,992.00 $6,000.00 $5,663.00 $3,578.00 SALES TAX �7,690.53 $6,522.00 $5,825.23 $5,331.47 $3,788.20 $6,513.30 $6,522.00 $6,155.68 $3,889.29 ADDITIVE 3 $6,000.00 $13,500.00 $6,955.00 $5,449.74 $6,740.91 $12,825.00 $6,000.00 $7,270.00 $5,684.00 SALES TAX $6,522.00 $14,674.50 $7,560.09 $5,923.87 $7,327.37 $13,940.78 $6,522.00 $7,902.49 $6,178.51 ADDITIVE 4 $2,500.00 $3,000.00 $1,424.00 $1,416.93 $3,044.25 $2,977.00 $8,000.00 $2,879.00 $2,553.00 SALES TAX $2,717.50 $3,261.00 $1,5d7.89 $1,540.20 $3,309.10 $3,236.00 $8,696.00 $3,129.47 $2,775.11 TOTAL BID $233,394.12 $204,899.50 $200,560.20 $156,173.15 $206,113.43 $233,043.02 $253,271.00 $211,978.04 $228,892.85 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information � admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Area Legislators Legislative Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Earfier this year Mayor Munson sent several legislators an invitation to attend our Council meetings to give them an opportunity to hear some of the topics facing our Council; and for the Legislators to have an opportunity to share information about some of the events occurring in Washington, D_C. This is an opportunity for each of the Legislators to give that briefing. BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: COUNCIUSTAFF CONTACT: Mayor Munson ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ Consent � Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Information ❑ Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Deliberations — Implementation Discussion GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Subarea Plan must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Ouring early Council deliberation sessions on the Subarea Plan, the concept of implernenting the Subarea Plan in phases was raised. Council decided to postpone this discussion until the entire plan had been reviewed and revised. Council has completed it review and made revisions to the Subarea Plan and is now ready to discuss implementation options. Some options previously articulated include: 1. Implementing only City Center regulations. 2. Implementing City Center and Gateway Commercial regulations. 3. New zoning to become effective after roads have been constructedlre-constructed per the P(an. 4. Allow time between plan adoption and its effective date. 5. OPTIONS: 1. Develop phasing plan to include in ordinance. 2. Adopt plan without phasing ptan. 3. Adopt plan with a delayed effective date. 4. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff will respond to Council's direction. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner `"- ok�.ne p alle � v 117U7 E S ra ue Ave Suite 106 ♦ 5 akane Valte wa 992u � P � P Y 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.�: _� ..�.-_-_ � _ _ � emora n u m To: City Council Members; David Mercier, City Manager From: Michaei D. Stone, CPRP, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: March 18, 2009 Re: Contract Updatc ��3[��t� �3c�vv_n_��ri����c��� 5ta�� has concinued to meec w�th representat�ves ot Splash Uown in an efto��: to reach agreement on a new contract. While past financial information has been difficult to obtain, staff has continued to research and analyze information in which to insure that the City is receiving fair compensation for the lease of this property. To date, not all of the information needed has been received or obtained. The City has proposed to simplify the process by asking for an annual lump sum lease payment rather that a percentage based upon various revenue streams. All other payments will be eliminated including the parking lot lease. The term being discussed is a shorter period of time than the previous contract due to concerns over the downturn in the current economy the desire to ensure fair compensation. Another option being considered is the possibi(ity of a one year extension of the existing contract to allow both parties time to acquire the relevant information. Staff will continue to arrive at a contract that is acceptable to both parties. We anticipate reaching an agreement very soon and bringing forward a proposed contract recommendation for review by the City Council within the next few weeks. If you have any questions or need additional information please let me know. Thank you. - cc: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorn�� : � CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing � information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2009 Sewer Paveback Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2009 Budget, which includes funds for full-width street paving associated with Spokane County's 2009 Sewer Construction Program; Sewer projects on list of 2009 Anticipated Council Actions for Public Works Capital Improvement Projects presented at the February 10, 2009 council meeting; Admin Report on Draft MOU with Spokane County for the 2009 STEP program at March 3, 2009 Council meeting. BACKGROUND: As has been done in previous years City staff has been working with Spokane County staff on estimates for the city's portion of paving the roads in the 2009 sewer project areas. We have also been reviewing the recommended stormwater improvements that would be done as part of the sewer projects. Currently, the estimates for both are as follows: Paveback Estimate Stormwater Estimate • Ponderosa West Phase I $770,000 $ 51,250 • Ponderosa West Phase I I $516,000 $121,000 • Valleyview $300,000 $200,000 • Rotchford Acres $432,000 $ 10,000 � Clement $324,600 $ 10,000 Totals $2,342,600 $392,248 Below are a few comments on the above estimates: 1. The Clement sewer project has been selected to receive $211,095 in CDBG funding for road paveback. 2. This year's sewer projects are in areas with larger lots. Therefore, there are several streets that do not have sewers proposed in them. These larger lots are being served from adjacent roads. We call these non-sewered roads 'gap' areas. The city pays 100% of the cost for repaving these gap areas. 3. To reduce their costs the county has identified several areas where they can construct the sanitary sewer in easements on private property rather than in the roadway. This - leaves large gap areas as well, which results in increased repaving costs for the city. 4. These are preliminary estimates. Staff will be reviewing them in more detail with Spokane County to ensure all appropriate credits and savings have been accounted for. 5. Staff will also be looking at less expensive road improvement alternatives for the gap areas. Rather than removing and replacing the entire existing pavement section we will look at the costs and benefits of other options such as 1-2 inch overlays of existing pavement and grind/inlay of 1-2 inches of asphalt. Staff will bring back to Council an update and recommendation at their March 31 meeting. OPTIONS: Info only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Info only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Street Capital Projects Fund in the 2009 budget includes the following for this year's Road Paveback (STEP) projects: • $1,000,000 — REET 2 • $200,000 — Stormwater Fund • $300,000 — anticipated CDBG funds STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve M. Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer ATTACHMENTS S`�o�ne p `a.11e � 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org emoran um To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: March 13, 2009 Re: February Report February highlighi, in l� inance included: Street fund new rev �IIUc'. SOUIC�: A telephone utility ta�c was passe:�l by tiic c�uncil i►� :�u�ust. (�rga�lizations pro��idirig tel�p}lune settiices �i�ere notified of the January 1, 2009 effective date. It appears telephone service organizations have been nodfyint; tl�eir customers as we have received a fe�ti� calls from citizens «�ith qtiestions about the t�. This tax v��ill he dcdicated to the Street Funci. The City has received five or six reports tcom teleplione service providers, reporting their gross sales a��d paying their tax. These receipts totaled appro�cimately $90,000 for January 2009 business. it appears we ar� short reports from several telephone companies and there may be a problem with the telephone companie� identifying customers within our boundaries. We are pursuing these issues and will provide additional i�iformation as we receive it. This problem is similar to the problem we experienced in 2003 when we incorporat�d and hegan to c�llect sales tax from retailers within our boundaries. Financial report� Reports showinb a cu►I�pari�on of re��enues znd e�penditures tu the 1�- � l-�UUS Iiud��t, an �ttachtd. �i�his information has again been updated as we begin to close our December books. Staff will be accruing botl, revenues and expenditures at year-end and will be adjustin�� our re�ords ,�� �Ieede� I�.�e;t I11011tf] ���e ~L�ill (lr•���":tl: �l]!'I��Ilf :llf�'flll:ii'�)Il ��fl l�l� flr;f 1�11'�l'. !]l���li�li i�� �l�U��. Sal�s t:�x an�i ba�t�bli��s tax r���enu� ;u� Juwn f�runi 2l.)U7. 1 �7��ItlI11I1� i1111� �3I�lI1CZ t��S yl�.I11IfCi greater than expected which will offset the revenue decrease. General Fund expenditures will likely be les� than our budget which will help offset the decrease in revenue mentioned above as well. The investment report is attached f�r vour review. Lease extensic� The lease for ot�ticc spa�e at c�ur �urr�nt tiite l�as b��n extel��ie�i tlli�c�ii,�h '�lar�Ii � 1, �U1�. Street fund 2008 budQet The final invoice from tl�e County for street plowing for Uecember resulted in the City exceeding the 2008 Street Fund budget by appro�cimately $280,000. This was after using our Winter Weather Reserve (WWR) fund to pay some of the costs. We have budgeted in 2009 to repletish the W WR fund «�ith a Ioan fmm thc General Fund. V�'z need a calm ���inter to he(p us catc.h up on these cost�. Lod�ing t�ti� re o�P - t to t11e state A new reguladon requires we pass information from lodging grant recipients on to the state �o legislators can determine the benefits of using lodging tax to promote tourism. Staff has gatl�ered tl�is inforn�ation from recipients and will be reporting this to the state in April. City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2008 Tentative at March 13, 2009 Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Pe�cent 2008 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Begining Fund Balance $ 5,167,000 13,747,194 a(8,580,194) 266.06% 7 Property Tax 10,496,500 648,979 9,836,088 660,412 93.71 % Sales Tax 19,165,800 2,758,483 18,327,991 83T,809 95.63�0 Gambling Tax 720,000 154,164 724,674 (4,674) 100.65�0 Franchise FeeslBusiness Licenses 853,450 252,301 1,006,8d2 (153,392) 117.97% Stabe Shared Revenues 1,320,550 510,107 1,630,176 (309,626) 123.45% Planning 8 Building Fees 1,965,000 98,042 2,116,460 (151,460) 107.71% Fines and Forfeftures 1,300,000 238,152 1,708,731 (408,731) 131.44°/0 Rec�eation 8 Centerpiace Fees 507,000 41,984 678,685 (171,685) 133.86% 15, 16 Investment Interest 414.100 65,278 488,891 (74,791} 118.06% Opera�ng Transfers 165,000 - 40,000 125,000 24.24% 16 Total General Fund Revenues: S 42,074,400 S 4,765,488 S 50,305,732 �(8,231,332) 119.56�a Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Exaenditures Exnenditures Expenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 319,991 35,224 265,532 54,459 82.98% Executive & Legfslative Support 997,076 86,927 892,156 104,920 89.48°� Publfc Safety 19,297,300 1,708,382 17,808,234 1,489,066 92.28% Operations 8� Administrative Svcs 1,655,707 125,408 1,263,424 392,283 76.31q6 Public Works 956,437 59,967 764,763 191,674 79.96°� Planning � Community Dev. 3,713,139 283,600 3,139,524 573,615 64.559� Library SeNiCES 20,000 3,005 6,666 13,334 33.33% 6 Parks 8� Recreation 2,644,420 300,353 2,489,671 154,T49 94.15% General Govemment 3,417,988 3Q6,737 1,990,351 1,427,637 58.23% Total General Fund Expenditures: S 33,022,058 S 2,909,602 S 28,620,320 s 4,401,738 86.67% 3l16I2009 4;21 PM City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the period ended December 31, 2008 Tentative at March, 2009 Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2Q08 Revenues even Revenue Realized Otfier Funds Revenues: Street Fund S 6,422,972 3 T71,771 $ 2,513,844 39.14% � 0 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 1,340 16,431 833,5fi9 1.9396 4 Tralls and Palhs 30,000 9,940 10,862 19,138 36.2196 HoteUMotel Fund 688,000 62,717 477,369 190,631 71.4696 Civic Fadiities Replacemerrt 39T,000 1,140 406,728 766,6fi9 102.4596 Debl Service - LTGO 03 600,000 139.676 596,873 3,128 99.4896 Capital Pro)ects Fund 4,420,000 127,844 1,102,670 2,064,423 24.9596 4 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 128,319 1,099,889 3,320,111 24.8896 4 Street Capitai Projeds 7,354,023 5,048,149 5,719,487 750,723 77.T796 4 Mirabeau Point ProJect 454,000 1,039 8,859 445,141 1.9596 5 Community Developmt Block Gmts 245,000 - - 245,000 0.0090 4 Capftal Grants Fund 11,347,000 6,398,649 6,758,490 59.5696 4 Barker Bridge Reconstru�tion 5,862,800 1,759,071 1,834,274 4,028,526 312996 4 Stonnwate� Mgmt Fund 3,160,000 139,528 1,747,095 1,412,905 55.2996 10 Equip. Rental & Replacement 780,000 2,121 20,121 759,879 2 58% 10 Rlsk MSnagement 217,100 41 188.349 28,751 86.76% Reserves: Cenlerplace Operating 335,000 962 8,228 326,772 2.46�4 8 Service Level Stabilization 5,400,000 14,897 127,o78 5,272,922 2.35% 8 Winter Weather 560,000 1,595 13,608 546,392 2.439'0 8 Pa�ics Capitai 4,260,000 1,350,478 2,838,700 1,421,300 66.64°Jo Civic Buildings 5.085,000 18,103 138,410 4,946,590 2.72°� 8 Total Other Funds Revenues: � 62.$6T.89S � 1�.9T5.381 � 25.627.�61 � 27.382.571 40•76°!0 Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Pe�cent 20�� Exuenditures Ex�en�liture� Ex�endit�res Re8lized Other Funds Expendttures: Str68f Fund $ 4,742,304 � 826,294 a 4,524,453 S 217,851 95.41 °io 2 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 628,326 62B,326 223,674 73.6996 3 Tra�ls and Paths 30,000 12,187 12,187 17,813 40.6296 5 HoisUMoiel Fund 668,000 233,262 609,571 58,429 91.2596 1 Civic FaGlitfes Replacement 397,Oa0 - - 397,Q00 0.00°� 5 Debt Setvice LTGO 03 600,000 443,951 597,647 2,353 99.61g6 Capital Prajecis Fund 4,420,000 2,469.838 2,492,176 1,927,824 56.3896 4 Special Cepital Projects Fund 4,420,OOQ 2,487,682 2.510,020 1,909,980 56.79°� 4 Street Capital Projeccts 7,354,023 2,290,252 5,719,487 1,634,538 77.77� 4 Mirabeau Point ProJect 454,000 • - 454,000 O.00q6 5 Street Bond Capital Projects - - - - 0.0096 Community Developmt Blodc Gmta 245,000 - - 245,000 O.00g6 3 Capital Gfants Fund 11,347,Q00 1,651,493 6,757,890 4,589,010 59.5696 a E3arker Bridge Reconstruct�on 5,862,800 1,672,130 1,834,274 4,028,528 31.29�6 4 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 1,983,944 436,614 1,419.393 564,551 71.5496 Equip. Rentai 8 Replecemnt 780,000 - - 780,000 0.0096 11 Risk Managemenl 217,100 - 187,048 30,052 86.169�6 Reservea: Geriterplac:e Operating 335,000 - - 335,000 0.003� 13 Service leve! StabilizaUon 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0.0096 5 �nter Weather 560,000 430,000 430,000 130,000 76.79% 14 Parks Capital 4,260,000 1,220,747 2,838,700 1,421,300 66.64% 4 Civic Facifrtles Capitai 5,085,000 31,211 128,771 4,956,229 2.5396 Total Other Furtds Expenditures: S 60.011.� 71 �, 14.831.98T � 30.688.Q44 � 29.323.127 51.14°�6 a� � a;2o��:� a z � �r� �ity af �pc�k�ine VaCley lnvestment I�ep�rt Far �h� �a�nth �f Qecemb�r Z�lDB Balanc�s Ar� T�nt�tiwe T���1 LG���* I'�c���y� MI��'* Bf� CC� lnv+�s�tm�nts ��egir�ning � 41,��1,44D.13 $ 1,�'��,�9�.4� $ 1,�6�,�40.9� 44,�{},�,€�72.5� D��vsi�s �,D�9,4�5_5� - s �p���,4�!5.�? '11'�'itk�draw[� ��,��Q�,���.�D�� (1,�1�Q�,0��.Q�� - �7,50�,0(�[�.Q�) Ir�ter�st ��,9�1.�9 �,5� 3.�8 - ��,���.�7 �n�in� � 37,��+Q,�9�.99 � �7�,��D�,�4� $ 'f,+��?t,��(1.�2 � 39,�24��43.36 B�f�n+�es b� Fund O�D1 Gen���l Fund $ 1��84�,�9�.64 � 01 �tre�;t Fund 1,�9,�85.+�,� 1��D2 Art�eri�1 Sfr��;� 48�.8� ��3 Paths & Trails 1 �D, �+�3.99 1�� 1--loteill`Vllo�el ���,7��.�� 1�a ��n��rPl�c� C]p�rating F�es�rv� 34�,���.37 12�fi Ser�ic� ��v+�l �ta�ilizati�r� �t�serv� �,3�3,7�45.�9 -- ��2 'V1linte€ W�at��r R�ser�r� ���.9,� 1�3 ��v't� Faci�ities F�e�f�c�m�nt 410 3�71 ��pit�l �rc�je�ts 2,���,58�'.97' �a� �p��i�l C��ital Pf�►je+�ts ,2,���,���.�2 304 Mir��i��� P�int Pr�j�t 37�,��4:�2 3[�9 Parks C�,pit�l �'r�j�ct ��,81 �. �4 �1� C�u�� BuiJdings �apit�� F�raj�c�s �,�OB,�4�.47' 4(�� Stc�em�vat�r M�r��c��m��rt �,9�4,��6.5� 5t7�1 �qu�prn�nt Rent�l 8� F��pl�c�ment ���,�5a.�4 ��2 f�isk I�an�gernent 't�,��1.25 �4�1,���1,�`��.�3 T���sfer +�f �sh t� �1o�ntai� l,�est l�an�y �1arl��t �1,9�6.fi4 *** T�ansf�r �f irrv��tecntn� t� ��sh t� co�rer f�nd t�an�f�rs �,�89�,��fi�.�1 �#,�' � s]� * �L��ik�l �'�����i ��'�� f ��������4 ��'d� � �a�nn�r ��nk �n� M��r�t�in '�fest **� �'�r�ding Jc�u�nal Entr�+ FOOTNOTES 1 Most costs are typically late in the year. 2 Win�er weather costs were excessive. 3 Most transfers yet to be made 4 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 5 No projects planned in 2008 6 Small amount of 05 library tax due district. Budgeted amount is too high. 7 Estimated, pending 08 review. 8 Interest eamings. 9 Most equipment fully funded in late 05. 10 Beg. Bal. included which understates realized amounts and °/a 11 For replacement of vehicles & computers. 12 for capital projects during summer months 13 Required operating reserve, no expenditures planned for 2008 14 Transfer to street fund pending 15 Revenue for 2009 events will be moved to 2009. 16 Transfers totaling $84,589.75 treated as Centerplace Revenue and not operating transfers. 3/16/2009 4:21 PM Community Development Monthly Report February 2009 PERMIT CENTER R v nu� Permits Permit revenues for the month of February 2009, were $55,113 and revenues for February last year were $68,960. This is a 15.18% decrease from the previous year. There was a.16% decrease from last month t o this month 2009. 2009 Permit Reve�ues xso.000 s�ao,00a s�so.aoo x�.000 szso.000 uao.000 � s�so.000 — . — � s��o,000 =� �I tso,aoo - so . - � _ � _ ,lst Fep �r 11pr May .Iu�e Jul�r hufl Sr�i Ocl Ncv Dx ❑ ZOQ9 REUenUCS O 2008 Re�elx�ea Land Use Land Use revenues for the month of February were $12,149. January 2009, revenue was �8,341 this is a 31.34% increase from month to month. Camparing 2009 to 2008, indicates a 19.84% decrease between the two years. 2009 Land Use Revenues sso.000 s+o.000 sao,000 -� , - - =20,000 - - � � s�o.000 � so . - ,Isn Feb Nqr Apri May June J�1y Aup Sept Oct Nov Det O Re n R 2008 Page 1 of 7 Community Development Monthly Report Februa 2009 Valuat�on Th v aluation ' for F ebruary 2 009 is $3,700,2 February 2008, the va w as �$11,0 ' 2009 Permit Valuatlon I ' SSO,000,000 � 545,000,000 � 540,000,000 S35,000.000 . ������ -- — . � 2009 Valuation 325,000,000 ��,� � 0 2008 Valuation St 5,000,000 510,000,000 55,000,000 SO — � Jan Feb Mar Apt Nf�y June July Aufl Sept Oct Nov Dec O�ce of Flnancfal Manaqement Pennf� Information February 2009 New Separate Demolition Dwelling Units Residential Structures Dwellin Units Permits Demoilshed Single Family Residence 4 0 1 0 Du lex 0 0 0 0 Tri lex 0 0 0 0 4-Plex 0 0 0 0 A artments 0 0 0 0 February 2009 Wew Tenant Commercial Buildin s Im rovem Additio 2 29 0 ' Per the currently adopted Master Fee Schedule, valuations reported above for commercial and residential construcfion permits are'assigned based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation data published in the 8uilding Safety Joumal by the Intemational Code Council, whichever is greatest." Page 2 of 7 ��� Community Development Month ly Repo rt Februa 2009 Permit Act�ritv Certiflcate of Occupancy The Community Development staff issued one certificate of occupancy for the month or February fc� Chuck E Cheese located at 14919 E Sprague Avenue. Permits Issued Community Development issued a total of 192 peRnits in February, 2009, compared with 214 for the same period last year. The total percentage of change for permits issued for the year is a 23.03% decrease. A major commercial permit was issued for an 8,000 square feet building for the Spokane Child Development Center located at 15540 East Euclid Avenue. 2009 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS �so 400 sso 300 - �o zoo � — � i i � � 150 � � — - � i 100 � � � � � ,1en Feb 1�lar Apr Ma�► .A�nt .1uFy Aup Sapt Oct Nor Dec 0 2008 Pem�fs 1SQ 192 t� 2008 Parrt�s ?A2 214 �?3 357 298 311 411 Zs+l 301 � 18 236 1 e8 MaJor Applicatlons Received Community Development staff received the following major application(s) for the month of February: Spokene Seed Co for a 10,080 sf dry storage pole building replacement and a new two 19,201 sf medical building. Land Use Appllcations In the month of February, Community Development staff accepted 1 administrative exception, ten temporary sign applications, one binding site plan and 1 conditional use permit application. The Departrnent also completed 2 final short subdivisions, 2 preliminary subdivisions and approved Meadowcrest Estates (171ots) for recording. Comme�cial Pre-,applicatlon Meetlngs During the month of February, Community Development staff held 5 commercial pre-application meetings and 4 commercial permit applications were submitted. SEPA Determinations SEPA deteRninations were issued for a thirty-unit project for Community Frameworks and for some batch � code amendments. Page 3 of 7 Community Development Monthly Report February 2009 Hearing Examiner There was one public hearing conducted by the Hearing Examiner in the month of February, which included an appeal of a short plat denial for Argaw's & McManus. This hearing was continued to April 2, 2009. Business Llcenses StafF reviewed 168 business license applications for zoning and zoning compliance for February. Home Occupatlon Permits In the month of February, staff approved 23 home occupation applications. Entertainers Licenses Staff processed 4 Aduft Entertainment licenses for the month of February. Cusfomer Service The Permit Center staff assisted 528 customers at the counter and handled 367 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center. Staff provided an average target date of 20 working days for Commercial projects, five working days for Residential platted and 10 working days for Residential un-platted. This target date is the time to first comments issued to the applicant. lnspections Rlght of Way Two hundred and sixty-six Right-of-Way inspections were performed in the month of February. 2009 Rlght-of-Way Inspectlons I eoo 500 ' - � , : - - ' � ; � + ;�' y ' _ L� . _ , ,�- � - -- - , , 400 �— • --- . � * ' _ . ' 300 � — � 200 ■ 2'00� ■ 2008 � 100 - -- 0, Jan � Feb M� Ap� • , May �� , Ju�y A � S� � 2009 Nov � Page 4 of 7 `� Community Development Monthly Report Februa 2009 Building In February 2009, building inspectors performed 849 inspections in 20 days which is an average of 42 inspections per day. Plans Examiners reviewed 31 projects and 29 projects were awaiting review at the end of month. Staff also issued fourteen over-the-counter perm�ts for the month --- —; T009 Buitding Inspectbns ' �soo . . � - . . , . , _ . _ . '� _ . - _ ' �000 -- - � 1 sao ° �n Feb �i. aa �l► .�•1e �+Ar �w sea oa i ►�cv oec o �s �p �e� a�e o 0 0 o a o o a o 0 � 2� k►spedfani� 82� 924 816 96�! 942 403� 12d1 141a 11d2 1212 805 ]30 Development Engineering During the month of February, there were 9 commercial site inspections, finro commercial certification inspections and 1 residential certiflcation inspection pe�formed by the Development Engineering _ inspector. UPDATES P nn/n Planning Commisslon The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met once during the month of February. The Plannir : Commission held a study session at the February 26�' meeting on the 2009 Cor� : -_ � � amendments and a series of amendments to the Spokane Valtey Muni� :� __: -- Sprague/Appleway Revitalfzatfon Plar� Council continued with deliberations on �,,� �r,_ �;U-., �, �.� ;��.,.,� ��. �, �.. ..���._ �-�.�-.� -_. .� ��ti-� ;; v� Book (I: Development Regulations and Book III: City Act+ons. Cfty Center Projec � City Hall property n � � ; .. . . , = _ - _. _ -- -. -. , , _ � � _ � - . _ ,. City Ce�ter Environmental Impact Statement and Plan�ed Actlon Ordinance (PAO) City staffi met with representatives from Berger/Abam on February 6�' to begin this project. City staff is in the process of developing land use scenarios for evaluation under the EIS. The citizen participation plan for the project has been finalized. CTED Regional Collaboration Grant Project Brett Scheckler, a consultant for the Collaborative Grant, met with elected officials throughout the metropolitan area to discuss Spokane County's approach to service delivery and potential revenue solutions. In addition, the Collaboretive Committee decided to use the West Plains Annexation as a model to identifv local and reaional sa��i�es provided by Spokane County. �u�� � G; r Community Development � Monthly Report February 2009 Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officiais The Steering Committee of Elected Officials (SCEO) met on February 25, 2009. Greg McCormick presented a detailed regional work plan to complete the required 10 year review of the regionat urban growth area (due in 2011). 2009 Comprehensfve Plan Amendments/Updates The Planning Commission had a study session on February 26. A public hearing is scheduled for March 12, to accept public comments on the proposed amendments. The largest portion of the amendments will be to re-designate the PubliclQuasi-Public land use designation and assign zoning for the properties currently zoned °Community Facility.' Code Amendments Airport Overlay — The City Council will conduct a study session on this amendment on March 3, 2009. Title 20 (Subdivision) — The Council adopted changes to Title 20 at their February 24"' meeting. Residential Lighting Standards — This amendment was referred back to staff and the Planning Commission for additional work. Staff is conducting research and anticipates a new draft in April. Batch Amendments — These amendments were presented to the Planning Commission at a study session on February 26th. A public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for Marchl2th. Training Planning and Development Engineering staff attended training on vesting; conditions and authority presented by City Attorney, Mike Connelly. Develoament Enalnee�in4 Street Standards Development Engineering completed their draft "Street Standards" document and has solicited comments from the development community. Development Engineering staff presented the plan at a Homebuilders Association meeting on February 12. A group of developers, contractors and property owners are meeting separately with staff to discuss sustainable pavement standards. The document is scheduled for a Planning Commission study session in March. Page 6 of 7 �� Community Development � Monthly Report � Februa 2409 Code Compllance Citizen Actlon Requests Code Compliance officers received 36 Citizen Action Requests for the month of February. Total year-to- date reported viofations are 69 compared to 118 for the same period last year. 2009 Code Total Violations Repo�ed - by Cabegory 40 - 35 — - - - - � � 30 — - I 25 - - - - - 20 - -- -- - - 15 ' - -- - --- - _ I 10 --- - 5 �� Jan-09 � Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 IN�y-09 dun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 � Nov-09 Dec-09 �- P � Solid VIA�at� 11 6 D Si�na 4 22 ■ Property 9 8 O Junk Aub 9 5 ■ Environmental 0 0 � Com plaint - No Violetion 0 0 p Ctear 1Aew Triar►gle 0 0 Right-of-Way Site Distance Compliance Code Compliance officers are worlcing with the legal department to establish criteria, objectives and priorities. These will be finalized in March and field work will begin in April. UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST March 12 Planning Commission public hearing on Comprehensive Plan updates and batch code amendments March 26 Planning Commission Comprehensive Plan updates public hearing continuation if needed and a study session for the Street Standards manual May Scott Kuhta will provide a presentation on SARP to Redcon Page 7 of 7 � Yokane ��a11ey PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT February 2009 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION � Street Maintenance — County Street Maintenance interlocal • Street Sweeping — AAA winter/spring sweeping. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract —Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. worked on Street Preservation Projects and Pavement Removal and Replacement. • Landscaping Services — Spokane ProCare is working springlsummer 2008. • Vactoring Contract — AAA Sweeping removed standing water around drywells. • Engineering Services Support — Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) — WSDOT Interlocal � Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal — Public Works was on the selection committee for the Performance and Financial Aud�t for the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System. WASTEWATER • CH2MHill was selected for the design, build and operation of the Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The County has approved contract with CH2MHill. • On September 26�', EPA issued a statement that the TMDL and the Idaho permits must be revised and a new TMDL needs to be issued. • A TMDL workshop will be held March 16. CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT • Neil is a member of the Facilities Committee to assist the district in the development of a Study and Survey of the various schools and administrative buildings. The committee meets on a monthly basis on Wednesday evenings. Meeting are schedule to resume later this spring. SPOKANE REGIONAL SOLID WASTE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AUDIT • Neil is a member of the Technical Work Group overseeing the performance audit. The group selected the consultant Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDK) through an RFP process in October. First meeting held on Nov 3 regarding financiat/performance audit, and a comparison with others around the country. Flow Control Agreement sends in 2011. The audit is complete. An update meeting will be held 3/23. STREET MASTER PLAN • JUB Engineers has completed the update to the Street Master Plan. CAPITAL PROJECTS BRIDGE PROJECTS • Barker Road Bridge Project (0003) Bridge was closed starting July 7. Bridge deck has been completely removed; work continues to demolish old piers. Drilled shaft construction started week of February 23. 1 • Sullivan Bridge #4501 Inspectlon over Trent (0095) First issue: the expansion joint needs repair —Coffman Engineers has submitted the draft report; comments from Spokane County (Neil Carroll) and CSV have been sent to Coffman to design. Second issue: Poe will come in and power wash the piers. • Steen Road Bridge The wood bridge deck is not up to current standards and the 1 g wood pier is deteriorating so that the fire district's heaviest truck cannot maneuver across. Steve Worley is conversing with the fire department to confirm the necessity of the heaviest truck using the bridge to determine whether or not the pier needs to be replaced at this time. • Bridge Matntenance 8� Repair ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS • Pines/Mansfield (0005) Construction started July 23. Contractor has rough-graded Mansfield and has begun installing drainage pipe. Curb and gutter has been installed in the roundabout. The southeast corner of the concrete intersection at Pines and Mansfield has been paved back. Roundabout was topped 11 /5. Four lanes are open on Pines. Roundabout is complete. The signals and ramp re-grading are left to complete on Pines. Project closed 11/17 for winter; working on budget for completion. No change. • Sprague/ApplewaylDlshman-Mica ITS (0062) Bids were opened September 18 for $372,104, 33% below the Engineer's estimate. WSDOT is administering the contract that will install fiber optic cable, a dynamic message sign on Sprague Ave at I-90 and three cameras on Appleway: Park Rd, Dishman-Mica Rd and University Rd. Awarded to Colvico. 20 controllers to be installed by the County mostly between Park and University. Pre-con meeting at WSDOT on 3/12. Work should begin the first week of April, • Broadway/Fancher PCC Intersection (OOfi7) Out to bid - opening March 9. • Signal Controller Upgrade Project (0071) All controllers were delivered in August. Spokane County and WSDOT signal maintenance crews will test, program, and install 44 new controllers under existing engineering services contracts (8 for DOT; 36 for County). DOT has cornpleted their work. County work-in-progress to install remaining 6-8. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction — Tschirley to HodBes (0016) Project is complete except for the Sprague/Conklin signal which will be complete in the spring of '09. Work to start in March. • SpraguelConklin Signal (0077) The change order has been signed by Knife River. Work began on October 13, 2008. The signal poles have been ordered — still waiting for delivery. Underground work is complete; sidewalks done. Work to start back up the first week of April. • 24 Avenue Reconstruction Project (0053) Project is complete. Haven't paid retainage yet — waiting for letter from Dept of L&I. • Broadway Ave Rehab — I-90 EB Ramps to Park Rd (0068) Project is complete. Haven't paid retainage yet — waiting for letter from Dept of L8�1. 2 • SpraguelBowdish PCC Intersection (0092) Project is complete. Haven't paid retainage yet — waiting for letter from Dept of L&I. STREET PRESERVATION PROJECTS — • Euclid Ave Resurfacing - Suliivan to Flora — Should have new proposal back from Consultant ne� wk. • Sullivan Rd Resurfacing - Indiana to Euclid - • Sprague Ave Resurfacing — University to Evergreen (Phaae 1) 8� Evergreen to Sullivan (Phase 2) 35% drawings on Phase 1 done; County just started on Phase 2 drawings. • Dishman-Mica Resu�facing —16�' to University (Phase 1) 8� Bowdish to Clty Ltmits (Phase 2) • 32" Ave Resurfacing — Dishman-Mica to SR 27 — Meeting with Varela on 2/12 ROAD DESIGN • 44�' Avenue Pathway- Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) This project will be done in conjunction with the West Ponderosa Sewer Project. Randy is done with horizontal and vertical design. Dave Randall is working with us on this. Will reduce to pedestrian pathway. No prelim sewer design rec'd yet — out to bid March 09. Pathway is separate from the sewer. We have County sewer design. • Broadway Ave Safety Improvement — Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Neil suggested Inga request accident data thru September'08 to prepare a report to give to Council along with anticipated letter from TIB notifying they will take back funds for projects that aren't moving forward. Preparing to send out postcards for feedback from local residents. � Broadway Ave Rehab, Phase 2— Fancher to Thierman (0066) Will start design early 2009 for construction in 2009. ECS is done; will begin preliminary design phase. Getting ECS approved. • 8roadway Ave Reconstruction — Moore to Flora (0088) Benthin Associates is surveying for topographic map and property boundary. Skillings Connolly (ROW consultant) began field work (surveys) 1116/09. Randy finished sewer pipe design and set for approval. • Sprague ADA Improvements (0098) Design done. Out to bid February 13 to open March 9. � SpraguelEvergreen PCCP Intersection ProJect (0102) Design and cost estimate done by Pete. Worked out POE schedule. This will be bid with Sprague/McDonald and SpraguelPines, and constructed second. Out to bid March 20. • Sprague/McDonald PCCP Intersect�on Project (0104) This project to bid with Sprague/Pines 8� Sprague/Evergreen, and constructed third. Out to bid March 20. • SpraguelPines PCCP Intersection Project (0103) This project to bid with Sprague/McDonald 8� Sprague/Evergreen, and constructed first. Out to bid March 20. Layout done — all 3 will be ready by mid-March. • 24th and Adams Sidewalk Project (0105) We designed and Vera will build on their schedule. 3 • Indiana Avenue Extension — 3,600 e/o Sullivan to Mission 8� Flora (0112) This project will extend Indiana Avenue east of Sullivan to Mission & Flora. Developer has unique plan. Need to move paperwork through Council. Nothing new. • Park Rd — Broadway Ave to Indiana Ave —(0069) CH2M Hill has been chosen to design this project. This project will reconstruct and widen Park Road to a three-lane urban street with sidewalks, bike lanes, curbs, gutters and associated drainage systems. � Economic Stimulus Projects RFQ 09-009 — Consultant selection process is done. Bowdish Rd — 32" Ave to 8�' Ave (0121) — Coffman Engineering Flora Rd — Sprague Ave to Mission Ave (0122) — Varela 8� Associates Mission Ave — Flora to Barker (0123) — David Evans & Associates EvergreeN32" — 16"' Ave to 32" Ave/Evergreen to SR-27 (0124) — Century West/Taylor Eng Barker Road — 8�' Ave to Appleway Ave (0125) — Skillings Connolly 8'� Ave Project 1— Camahan Rd to Havana 8�' Ave Project 2— Park Rd to Dickey Rd Will assign later if add'I funding becomes available 8�' Ave Project 3— Dickey Rd to Carnahan SEWER PROJECTS • Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Project (0094) Only project from 2008 to carryover into 2009. Work to begin late March '09. • West Ponderosa Sewer Project (0106) This project will be done in 2 phase�. Work is set to beq�in north of 44�' the middle of March. Shane rec d plans from County on 1/28. 1 phase (north of 44 ) will bid Feb 23 +/-. Neil needs scope of work for stormwater costs. Phase 2 is a month behind Phase 1. • Valleyview Sewer Project (0107j North Valleyview Stormwater (tied into the Valleyview Sewer Project) (0111) To bid March '09. � Rotchford Acres Sewer Project (0108) Quite a ways out. Randy to have stormwater done next week. • Clement Sewer Project (0109) Quite a ways out. Randy to have stormwater done next week. PARKS PROJECTS • Park Road Swimming Pool Upgrade (0073) The contractor has basically finished the project. Contractor still finishing up punch list items. Received letter of substantial completion. Need to replace drain. Will be completely finished by 6/5/09. • Terrace View Swimming Pool Upgrade (0074) The underground concrete work, wall blocks, and roof extension for the mechanical building is complete. Need to replace drain. Pool World working in mechanical room. Will be completely finished by 615/09. • Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade (007b) The contractor is constructing the training pool, the under ground concrete work and wall blocks for the mechanical building is complete. Need to replace drain. Pool World working in mechanical room. Will be completely finished by 6/5/09. 4 • Valley Mission Park Upgrade (0076) The Agreement (Contract) has been finalized and signed by CSV (20 Oct 08). Gavin's design complete. Out to ad mid-Febn.iary; bid opening March 13. • Discovery Playground (0086) Approval received to begin design phase of park at south end of CenterPlace where there is room to expand in the future. Council approved. Need to get with legal to evaluate contractors. Started on design phase — working to get under construction this year. • Centennial Trail Restroom Water Service Coordinating with parks on providing water service and eliminating the well. Water district doesn't know where main is. No change. STORMWATER PROJECTS • Stormwater Decant Facility Working on project scope. • 16�' Avenue and Bettman Rd Drainage Improvements (0100) Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. Working on project scope to be done in-house by Craig Aldworth. • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Four sites recognized. Working on project scope. Dave Randall doing work. • West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. Dave Randall doing work. Working on project scope. • Valleyview Drainage Improvements In conjunction with the Valleyview Sewer project. Dave Randall doing work. OTNER PROJECTS • City Hall Project (0089) The City Hall Program was presented and approved by Council on June 24`�. Final design & cost estimates — schernatic design to Council on next week for 2" touch. City Center Site Concept will be presented to Council on March 24�' along with the request to approve the Schematic Design contract for City Hall. � Street � Stormwater Maintenance Facility Working on project scope. Hal working an a layout. • Valley Precinct Building Floor Drain (0096� Consuttant contract awarded to DEA. The 1 Phase has been completed; Phase 2 shall be a complete design to dispose of the water in the sewer. Contract signed 1/28 — need to issue Notice to Proceed. Will be done by Wednesday, February 18. TRAFFIC • Spokane County has completed LED installations at 17 intersections for the year. Waiting for rebate from Vera. • Installed new signal timing plans for SR 27 to run coordination most of the day. 5 • Modified signal timing plans on Argonne to address congestion issues during Pines-Mansfield construction. • Sprague/Thierman — trying to replace controllers. • Start work on bid package to build curb. STORMWATER • Have done extensive research and continued planning for implementation of the NPDES Phase II and UIC requirements. Coordinating with Spokane County and the City of Spokane to develop a Public Outreach Program. Developing a training program for city staff. • Presently working on the "Eastern Washington Stormwater Coalition Website", i.e., City County. Projected primarily for satisfying NPDES Phase II requirements. • Working in Coordination with City of Spokane, Spokane County, APC, DEQ, and Depa�tment of Ecology on a Stormwater atlas. • Working on complaint tracking. • Survey of Chester Creek pit done on 11/5. Parts have sediment; need to level bottom. Not critical and can wait until 2009. • Shilo researching possible incorrect stormwater charges to single-family residents. Double-check zoning and use guidelines. STREET 8� STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public Works/Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for February 2009: • Patching potholes. • Ongoing Traffic signal and sign maintenance s � e � ��a1 °� 2 PROJECTS Funding Project Proposed Dealgn Co�struction Estimabed Total Project Manager Bid Date Complebe Complete Completion Co�t * Road Conatruction Pro ects 0003 Ba�{cer Road Bndge Replacement - Barker Rd. at Spokane River BR Knutson Feb-08 100°� 20% 12/1l09 $ 11,317,000 0005 Pines/Mansfield ProJect - Wilbur to Pines, to I-90 TIB/CMAQ Knutson Apr-08 100°� 80°y6 10/1/09 $ 5,30fi,143 0016 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges STP(U) Arit Sep-07 100°� 10096 12/1/08 $ 6,099.568 0053 24th Avenue Reoonstruction - Sullivan to Veracrest & 22nd City Aldworth Apr-08 100°r6 100� 8121/08 $ 980,000 0062 SpraguelAppleway/Dishman ITS - Sprague/Appleway/Dishman CMAQ Knutson 100% 09� 6I1 J09 $ 830,700 0067 Broadway/Fancher PCC Intersecdon - Broadway and Fanchef STP(U) Aidworth Feb-09 1009'o Og6 6J1/09 $ 1,295,000 0068 Broadway Ave. Grind/Overlay- I-90 to Park Rd. (CN) Aldworth 100% 100°�6 11N/08 $ 351,000 007� Signal Controlter Upgrade CMAQ Inga Note 1009ti 75°0 11/1/08 $ 258,400 0077 SpraguelConklin Signal - Sprague and Conklin Developers Artt Na 1009G 5096 5/1/09 $ 300,000 0092 Sprague/Bowdish PCC Intersection - Sprague and Bowdish STA Aldworth May-08 100°k 10096 11/1/08 $ 892,000 Stneet Preservatlon Projects $ 1,290,000 0093 Dishman Mica Rehab - Appleway Ave to 16th Ave City Klein n/a 0% 8/1/08 $ 239,988 0093 Montgomery Ave Rehab - Argonne Rd to University Rd City Klein n/a 0°r6 8/1/08 $ 242,000 Road Deaign Pro]ects 0054 44th Avenue Pathway - Woodruff to Sands (PE) STP(E) Aldworth 359�6 O�o 9/1/09 $ 355,000 0063 Broadway Ave. Safety Improvements - Park Rd to Pines Rd TIB Note 0°�6 09�0 0066 Broadway Ave. Rehab - Fancher to Thierman (PE) STP(U) Aldworth 25q6 09�0 9!1/09 $ 500,000 0088 Broadway Ave. - Moore to Flora (PE, R111n TIB Aldworth Jul-09 30°� 096 10/1l09 $ 2,198,000 0102 Evergreen/Sprague PCCP Intersedion Project STA Aldwortfi Mar-08 30°� 0°� 10/1/09 0104 McDonaldlSprague PCCP Intersection Projed STA Aldworth Mar-08 20°� 0% 10/1/09 0103 PineslSprague PCCP Intersection Project STA Aldw�orth Mar-08 1009�0 096 1011/09 0110 Sprague Ave Resurfaang Phase I- University to Evergreen Econ. Stim. Artt Apr-09 60% 0°k 1011/09 $ 3,898,000 Ot�S Sprague Ave Resurfacing Phase II - Evergreen to Sullivan Econ. S6m. Artt May-09 30 w 0°�6 10/1/09 $ 1,944,000 01 �G Euclid Ave Resurfacing - Sullivan to Flora Econ. S6m. West May-09 09�0 0°�b 10/1/09 $ 970,000 0� � � 32nd Avenue Resurfadng — Dishman-Mica to SR-27 Econ. Stim. Knutson Jun-09 0% 0°� 10/1/09 � 970,000 o> >� Sullivan Rd ResurFaang - Indiana to Eudid Econ. Stim. West Jun-09 0% 096 10/1/09 $ 1,475,000 o� �9 Dishman-Mica Resurfacing #t1 — 16th Avenue to University Road Ec,on. Sdm. Knutson Jun-09 Oq6 Og6 10/1/09 $ 1,245,000 n�?o Dishman-Mica Resurfaang #2 — Bowdish to City Umiis Econ. Stim. Knutson Jun-09 0% 0% 10/1/09 _$ 429,000 Sewer Projects 0056 Spaldings - Pavebadc - Indiana west of Montgomery City Arft May-07 Ctosed Closed 11I1/08 $ 16,043 0057 Grandview Acxes - Pavebadc - Butfer to Cement� Fairview to Empire City Artt Apr-07 Closed Closed 7/1/08 $ 7,278 0058 Trentwood - Paveback - Vercler to Evergreen, Trent to Wellesley City Artt Apr-07 1009�a 100°k 7/1/08 $ 8,000 3118/2009 1\SV-LF1\Users�cbainbridgelagendapacket 03-24-09V�VN Feb 2009 Construction Projects.xls Funding Project Proposed Design Constructlon Estlmated Total ProJect Manager Bid Date Complebe Complete Completlon Cost � Road Constructlon Pro ects 0091 RockwelVSummerfield Phase i- Paveback - Rockwell, Evergreen to Sullivan City Artt Apr-08 100% 100% 11/1l08 $ 63,327 009a Rockwett - Paveback - Avalon to Adams, Trent to Wabash City Artt May-08 100% 90�0 5/1/09 $ 324,500 0084 Summe�etd - Paveback - Adams to Sullivan, Trent to Otympic City Ar1t Apr-08 100% 100°� 11/1/08 $ 158,885 0082 Sutters - Paveback - Evergreen to Progress, 16th to 8ti� City Artt Apr-08 100% 100°/a 9/15/08 $ 157,517 0081 White Birch - Paveback - Sullivan to Flora, 4th to Broadway City Arft Apr-08 100% 100°r6 11/1/08 $ 157,205 a�os W Ponderosa - Paveback - La�st to Van Marter, City Umits to Dishman-Mica City Artt Feb-09 95% 0°�b 11/1/09 $ 785,395 oio� Valleyview - Paveback - Buttercup to David, Lake to 13th City Arft Mar-09 75% 0% 11/1/09 $ 143,820 o�o� Rotchford Acres - Paveback - Sullivan to Steen, 16th to 10th City Artt Apr-09 60% 0°� 11/1/09 $ 123,787 ��!�� Clement - Paveback - Flora to Greenacres, 6th to Sprague City Artt Apr-09 30% 0°� 11/1/09 $ 236,752 Parks ProJects 00�2 Old Senior Center Demolition - Mission and Bowdish Parks West 100% 0% 8/1/08 $ 50,000 0073 Park Rd Swimming Pool Upgrade - Par1c Rd. Parks West Mar-08 100�0 85% 6J5I09 0074 Terrace View Swimming Pool Upgrade - 24th and Terraoe View Parlcs West Mar-OS 1009�0 239�0 6/5109 $ 3,379,775 0075 Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Mar-08 1009�0 23�0 615109 0076 Valley Mission Park Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Jun-08 0% 09�0 6h5/09 $ 372,000 0086 Children's Universal Park - Mirabeau Parkway ParlcslState Worley Derr08 0°k 0°k 9/1/09 $ 1,000,000 Centennial Trail Restroom Water Service Partcs Arlt 2009 Stormwater Projects Stormwater Decant Facility (08/09) - On Hold City West Na 0% 0°� TBD TBD 0�00 16th Ave and Bettrnan Rd � Drainage Improvements City Aldworth Mar-09 99% 0°/a 9/1/09 $ 105,000 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project City Clary N/A 309�0 0°�6 10131/09 TBD West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements City Arft Mar-09 80% 0% 9I1/09 $ 172,248 Othe� Projects 0095 Sullivan Rd Bridge over Trent Inspection City West 50% $ 15,000 0089 City Hall Programming/Site Planning City Kersten Street Maintenance Storage Facility City Kersten 4/30/09 E 43.500 0096 Valley Precinct Bldg Floor Drain Parlcs West � �% 0098 Sprague ADA Improvements CDBG Aldworth 9-Feb 100% 0�05 24tt� and Adams Sidewalk Vera Aldworth 9-Feb 100% S 50�000 * Partial Funding Total S 50,755�831 3/18/2009 \�SV-LF1\Userslcbainbridgelagendapacket 03-24-091PW Feb 2009 Construc�on Projecis.xls MEM O TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police DATE: March 16, 2009 RE: Monthly IZeport FebruAry 2009 Februarv, 2009: Februarv, 2008: CAD incidents: 4,803 CAD incidents: 4,492 Reports ta�:en: 1,372 Reports taken: 1,332 Traffic stops: 1,761 Tra�ic stops: 1,64U "I'raffic reports: 285 Traffic reports: 300 CAD incidents inciicate calls for service as well as self-initiated officer contacts. Hc�t ��l�t 111Z��S are attached sho«�ing February residential burglaries, commercial burglaries, traffic collision hot spots and vehicle prowling hot spots, along with January and February stolen vehicle hot spots. Also attached are nine bar graphs for 2007, 2008 and the first month of 2009: commerci��l burglary, garage burglary, residential burglary, forger��. m:jli�i����� nli�chicf. �t��1�9n ��chicic�. (11t�1. �'��1,'�1�' }�I'��«'�ill±?. �111�� i�l't���;.'I'l�' CI"lI1]�'� C�)111I1,1I'l�tlIlti. .1ll�'I1iV IS'I'il:�'I�1 �' 1•:: ♦ Plans were finalized in I�c;bruary ior l��e fourih ani�ual Neigllborllood Watch (:��i�:�` Prevention Conference to be held at CenterPlace on March 10. Classes featured at th�� conferenee include Sex Offender Crimes, AARP Investment Fraud, Home Securit��. Crime Scene Investigation, Cyber Stalking, and others. Diana Somerville, coordinator �t' Neighborhood Watch, is in charge of the conferenre «�ith as�istan�e fr�m C�1'1T11� � 1 f�ll�i`i'� l jT'��r♦ ` i���'�1 l�i�`� ���?li,j'�f_ V l,i�il�l ����lili.�ll�C11 �I���1�I��1 .1tt i1j_��lai� i�_ ili� � 111 u1 ���«h�zll�� ���aiii`� �.uUll�:ii CLC:u��11i���� Policing Strategies, in which he gave overviews of False Alarm (�rdinances, th�- SECTOR pm�ram, and recent events includin� local ph�rmacy robberies. ♦"I�h� la��� eni��rce.illelit :i�sess►u��nt rt�yuest�d h�� the Cit�� c�l� �pukane �� all��� �'��uncil moved forward in February. Several members of ICMA made on-site visits and met witll staff of the Spokane Valley Palice Department and the Spokane County Sherif�s (�ffice. Re�ult� c�f th� a��e�smcnt are etpe�ted tn hc c�m��leted ar�und the first �f June. 0 ��111:'.� �:111LC:U�'�It �l��I�l�� tl�� �1�����:!?lt `�1���'� }'11'C 1)����'�lI'1i11�Il1 l�\ t�.t!'t��lj���l1ll�_' 111 �:Il Assistant Fire Marshal Assessme� � t. ♦ The Chief also attended the special joint meeting of the �i�� ui� ti�,�►};,���� ��tlll�`� ('��uncil �itlt� ihc Sp�����»�� C'c�u��tti� �3���1r�1 ��f Cc�u�lt�� C'c���ll��i��i��il� Pa�e 1 • Chief VanLeuven attended the sixtll annual I3oy Scout Spokane Leadership breal:fast. Keynote speaker was Keni Thomas, a former Army Ran�er invol�•ed in the "I�lackha«�l: Do�vn" mission and recipient u1� the Brunle Star For �'alor. ♦ Chief VanLeuven joined otller communit�� lcaders in meeting togetlier as a Spokane County Community Leadership Team with a f�cus �n Commtinity Indicators. ♦ Chief VanLeu��en «�ill be attending the FBI t'lcademy in Quantico, Virginia from April through mid-June. In his absence, Captain Russ Shane, assisted by Lt. Steve Jones, will provide leadership for the Spokane Valley Police Department. Chief VanLeuven's staff assistant, Sharon Jones, can also be contacted at 477-3331. ♦ During t��c month of Februar}�, Chief VanLeuven ���as "on call" for a total of seventeen 12-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. CUM�'IUNITY ORIENTED POLICINC: ♦ Chief VanLeuven attended the S.C.O.P.C. Executive Action Committee meeting in February. It «tas announced at the meeting that the S.C.O.P.E. Board is still seeking ne�v members. ♦ Twelve graffiti reports �vere called in for incidcnts in the Spokane Valley in February, ��vith 11 sites tagged and one site with multi-complaints. There were no arrests in February. The graffiti sites were classified as 9"tagger", 1"gang", and 2"hate bia�ed". Four af the sites have been abated, ��7th 8 more pendin� abatemcnt. ♦ Spokane Valley Police patrol officers stop by local S.C.O.P.E. mcetings v��hen possible, in order to build relationships and exchange i.nformation with the volunteers. ♦ In Februar�-, S.C.O.P.E. volunteers participated in the Edgecliff Nei�,hborhood Center planning committee; graffiti abatement planning committee; renewal of S.C.O.P.E. Trentwood lease; Drug Endangered Child (DEC) conference planning; S.C.O.P.E. Basic Training and Citizen on Patrol (COP), �►ith 23 new volunteers; and the ICl��i11 visit. ♦ The four City of Spokane Valley S.C.O.P.E. stations contributed the follo«� amounts of� time during February: Central Valley, 503.5 hours; Edgecliff, 514 hours; Trentwood, 377 hours; and University, 403.5 hours, for a total of 1,798 volunteer hours for the month of February, 2009. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 42 on-scene hour5 (including travel time) in February, responding primaril�• to structure fires. Three of the fires were in the City of Spokane Valley. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers who monitor disabled parking in the Spokane Valley issued 87 infractions, along with 114 warnings, in the month of February. Six �•olunteers contributed 408 hours to the program this month. Page 2 ♦ Fifty-four abandoned vehicles were tagged for impoundment in the Spokane Valley in February by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers with fourteen eventually cited and towed. Sold vehicles without new registered owners do not receive citations, but may be towed, and there were two of these this month. Six ��ehicle hulks were also processed in February. ♦ February was Reading Month in our local schools, and SRD Officer Jay Bailey visited Broad«►av F.lementary and read to the students. OPERATIONS: Valley Convenience Store Robbed A man claiming to have a gun demanded cash and l�ttery tickets fi•��m an emplc>>�ee at a South Pines service station / convenience store. He escal����l «�ith a�n��all a���c►t�nt c�t� ca�l� an� �om� numbered lottery tickets. Gun, Stolen Property �+'ound Spokane Valley Police Property Crimes detectives raided a Spokane Valley apartment ancf recovered items stolen in a January burglary. Because the occupants of the apartment �vert considered high risk, the sheriff's SWAT team made entry into the home. A 22-year-old ma1e. who is classified as a Repeat Offender suspect, « ��� arrc�te ��nd hno�:cc fnr P����e��i�n nf �tnlen j�. ,. , �,. i i , ;�.,,,.�,,� t� . :; ,, �.,f ., r��;, - �.-�„ r� t.��. r,��:i�i;� iu i i ul��i�i�, �':.t`i.� Reports of an abandoned U-Haul truck in an East Ferret Drive location led to the recovery of a large quantity of stolen property from a residence in the Ponderosa neighborhood. When office� arrived at the location of the U-Haul, they determined that the truck was a retired rental box va� stolen in the overnight burglary of Habitat for Humanity. Property was also stolen during th� burglary. Thruugh investigation, officers recovered evidence that led them to the Ponderos�� location, where they received consent to search the residence and began fine�in� stis�ected �t��le►; ��r��j�� T��t�cii�•c� ���� c�llec� t� tlie �cenz ��nc� r��tl����� IlU11leT'C111S ltt'lll`�. ` �)t"�7�; �+L��)l'l'i :�6'I'�'�tl'(_� A r � `) , ►JpQ�Gill�r ♦ Nll�y 111�1 ,1 c1� cl� 1 L ti��ll �illl� i.�L>L�L�Li� i:�l�_� . 't�l� ll�i i ��;, � 1_�1 �� :4ij 1 ll��li.i ��� lll I 1 i Il� i. to Deliver after his apartment was raided by detectives assigned to the sherif�s Investigati< <_ Support Unit (a shared resouree). Five pounds �f mariii�ana. r�lateci dru� szlc�5 par�phern�li� ���.: �! C�U?1 c�llil �l�t'T�' ��,1��ltt� (��l!T'IT1S' � �e;�t «��rr� lll?. �r�lldr ��t� lZu�it9 (�lvsc�i 13�c��u�c u,� 1'i���� I3ui1�R? A.n apparent pipe bomb device was discover��l i�� �s �r�l�i� ���I� �.�., �.�� ������1.,}�� at �� ���r �,����h c}►� Sullivan, who reported it to the Spokane Valley Police. Sullivan Road was closed so t����� Explosives Disposal Unit members could disrupt the device without potential injury to passin�► motorists. A robot was used to remove the pipe from the trash can and place it for detonation. Sgt. Mike Kittilstved sa.id later that there was no evidence th� Pil�� cunt �l�ll�� � a�� c�l�lc��i`�e. hut from all aPpearances "it looked like an acriial ri�,� �1i�111� Pa�:� � 2009 FEBRUARY CRIME REPORT To date: Yearly totals: Feb-09 Feb-08 2009 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 BURGLARY 55 56 104 110 753 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 22 24 66 66 354 365 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 88 48 171 103 893 1,265 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 88 74 174 154 944 839 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 70 59 150 109 828 890 982 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 17 24 31 49 319 343 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 34 37 52 71 496 478 711 603 577 THEFT 176 145 332 276 1,846 1,881 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 0 � 0 1 4 8 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 0 0 1 0 7 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 56 72 166 167 1069 682 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 606 539 1,247 1,106 7,513 7,338 7�916 8�178 10,519 ASSAULT 69 67 149 135 869 853 846 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 18 22 32 41 269 221 167 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 73 98 173 175 1063 874 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 0 0 0 3 1 5 1 5 KIDNAP 5 6 5 7 16 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 25 23 50 54 360 350 425 425 386 MP 5 3 13 11 95 83 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 102 98 244 204 1,354 1, 337 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 6 7 18 11 71 60 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 12 7 31 11 95 73 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 315 331 715 649 4,195 3,875 3,589 3,777 4,192 ADULT RAPE 2 3 6 10 44 43 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 12 11 20 27 148 104 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 10 4 20 12 86 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 1 0 1 0 3 4 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 0 2 1 11 18 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 1 6 4 10 66 46 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 6 6 9 8 39 31 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 30 23 68 51 369 295 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 12 17 33 36 179 194 203 181 162 STALKING 2 7 4 7 21 17 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 18 17 37 21 142 152 177 244 341 TOTAL SEJC CRIMES 95 94 204 183 1,108 996 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 71 68 145 118 838 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 TOTAL !SU 71 68 145 118 838 808 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 285 300 529 623 3,811 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,7T6 TOTAL REPORTS RECElVED 1,372 1,332 2,840 2,679 17,465 16,817 16,582 16,357 19,962 rA��t�t� - r, ����'* � � � � �� R�i'if �� � �`��� •' �r� ' � r. �� �� � �� ,� . � ��, . � r � � - ��� �r �. ..�. � � � ��.l���1 � � �� � ' ..6'�i'��t 'LI' , r . v. � i� .` � . 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JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetjng Date: March 24, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply:❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informafion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation � Executive Session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we adjourn into Executive Session for approximately 45 minutes to discuss Pending Litigation and Land Acquisition, and that no action is anticipated thereafter. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: