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2016, 06-14 Special Budget Workshop
AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Budget Workshop Tuesday, June 14, 2016 8:30 a.m.. — 3:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, Washington (Please Silence Your Cell Phones during the Meeting) CALL TO ORDER WELCOME: Mayor Higgins ROLL CALL (30 min) WORKSHEET OVERVIEW — Mark Calhoun / Chelsie Taylor 1. Legislative - Mark Calhoun / Council (10 min) 2. General Government — Chelsie Taylor (10 min) 3. Executive & Legislative Support — Mark Calhoun (10 min) 4. City Attorney / Legal Support — Cary Driskell (10 min) 5. Operations & Administrative Services Mark Calhoun (10 min) 6. Finance & Information Technology — Chelsie Taylor (10 min) 7. Human Resources — John Whitehead (10 min) 8. Public Safety (20 min) a) Spokane Valley Police Department — Rick Van Leuven / Morgan Koudelka b) Court, Jail & Other Public Safety Contracts — Morgan Koudelka 9. Parks & Recreation — Mike Stone (10 min) 10. Community & Economic Development — John Hohman (10 min) 11. Public Works — Eric Guth (30 min) 12. City Hall Operations & Maintenance — Mark Calhoun / Eric Guth (10 min) 13. Supplemental Budget Requests — Chelsie Taylor (10 min) Lunch Break 12:00 — 12:30 (Note: Council and Staff will move to the 2nd floor conference room for lunch, and reconvene in the Council Chambers at 12:30pm) 14. Potential & Pending Capital Projects — Mark Calhoun / Chelsie Taylor 15. Transportation & Infrastructure Issues — Mark Calhoun / Chelsie Taylor / Eric Guth a) Street O&M Fund #101 b) Pavement Preservation Fund #311 c) REET Funds d) Bridging the Valley e) Sewer and roads on property east of Flora Road f) Banked Property Tax Capacity g) Transportation Benefit District h) Utility Taxes 16. Financial Objectives — Mark Calhoun 17. Council Goals — Mark Calhoun / Council 18. Advance Agenda Adjourn Note: There will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions or Workshops. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take "action" on any items listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk by phone at 509-921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. HACity DepartmentslCity Manager\Workshops12016 06 1412016 05 31 DRAFT Workshop Agenda.docx H:\Budget\2017\2017 calendar.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2017 BUDGET CALENDAR When 3/9/2016 3/29/2016 What June 14 Council Workshop - 2017 Budget workshop with Council. August 9 Formal Council Meeting - Admin Report: 2017 Budget - Estimated revenues and expenditures September 13 Formal Council Meeting - Public Hearing #1 on 2017 revenues including **** - City Council Motion Consideration - set 2017 Budget hearing for October 11 September 20 Council Study Session - Economic Development Agency presentations (5 min max each) - Social Service Agency presentations (5 min max each) September 27 Formal Council Meeting - City Manager presentation of 2017 Preliminary Budget. October 4 Council Study Session - Admin Report - 2016 Budget Amendment October 11 Formal Council Meeting - Public Hearing #2 on 2017 Budget. - Council motion to award Outside Agency grants October 25 Formal Council Meeting - Public Hearing on 2016 Budget Amendment - First reading of the 2016 Budget Amendment Ordinance. - First reading of the 2017 Budget Ordinance. November 1 Council Study Session 2017 Fee Resolution November 8 Formal Council Meeting - Admin Report - LTAC recommendations to Council - Second reading of the 2016 Budget Amendment Ordinance. - Second reading of the 2017 Budget Ordinance. December 13 Formal Council Meeting - City Council Motion Consideration: Award Lodging Tax for 2017 - ae Resolution adoption if changes are needed. **** City Clerk will post appropriate notice in newspaper. summary 03 29 2016 2015 2014 Budget Budget Budget timeline timeline timeline June 16 June 17 June 18 August 11 September 2 August 13 August 25 August 25 September 9 August 27 September 9 August 27 September 1 September 2 September 3 September 1 September 2 September 3 September 1 September 23 September 3 September 8 October 6 September 17 September 22 October 13 September 24 September 22 October 13 September 24 September 22 September 23 September 24 September 22 October 13 September 24 October 13 October 13 October 13 October 13 October 28 October 28 October 28 October 28 October 8 October 8 October 8 October 8 December 1 November 4 November 12 November 11 November 18 October 29 October 27 November 18 October 22 November 11 November 18 October 22 December 8 December 16 December 10 December 29 November 18 November 26 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2016 06 14.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA General Fund 8001 2017 Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax - Criminal Justice Sales Tax - Public Safety Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax Franchise Fees/Business Registration State Shared Revenues Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety Community Development Recreation Program Revenues Miscellaneous Department Revenue Miscellaneous & Investment Interest Transfer -in - #101 (street admin) Transfer -in - #105 (h/m tax -CP advertising) Transfer -in - #402 (storm admin) Total Recurring Revenues 39,721,428 41,379,000 1,657,572 4.17% Expenditures City Council 506,869 509,727 2,858 0.56% City Manager 717,303 724,435 7,132 0.99% Legal 479,951 509,694 29,743 6.20% Public Safety 24,703,749 24,950,372 246,623 1.00% Deputy City Manager 737,002 750,277 13,275 1.80% Finance / IT 1,253,080 1,278,185 25,105 2.00% Human Resources 255,694 262,417 6,723 2.63% Public Works 966,870 981,932 15,062 1.56% City Hall Operations and Maintenance 0 303,418 303,418 0.00% Community & Economic Development - Admin. 272,107 282,962 10,855 3.99% 1 Community & Economic Development - Econ D 545,157 640,632 95,475 17.51% 82,846 Community & Economic Development - Dev Sv 1,486,637 1,416,484 (70,153) -4.72% 2.27% Community & Economic Development - Buildint 1,344,165 1,390,834 46,669 3.47% Parks & Rec - Administration 281,871 288,964 7,093 2.52% Parks & Rec-Maintenance 832,043 861,350 29,307 3.52% Parks & Rec - Recreation 241,197 235,995 (5,202) -2.16% _ 36,718 Parks & Rec - Aquatics 461,200 457,350 (3,850) -0.83% 1.31% Parks & Rec - Senior Center 95,781 95,916 135 0.14% Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 882,223 891,458 9,235 1.05% _ Pavement Preservation 943,800 953,200 9,400 1.00% General Government 1,617,500 1,190,850 (426,650) -26.38% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 325,000 350,000 25,000 7.69% Transfers out - #309 (parks capital projects) 200,300 160,000 (40,300) -20.12% r (578,134) Bond pmt > $434,600 lease payment 72,500 0 (72,500) -100.00% 1 -15.93% City Hall O&M costs 271,700 0 (271,700) -100.00% Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 198,734 397,350 198,616 99.94%_., 2016 Amended Budget 6/14/2016J 2017 Proposed Budget Inc (Dec) Inc (Dec) 11,479,200 11,614,500 135,300 1.18% 18,480,500 19,852,100 1,371,600 7.42% 1,556,400 1,669,000 112,600 7.23% 867,400 919,000 51,600 5.95% 333,700 341,500 7,800 2.34% 1,154,000 1,200,000 46,000 3.99% 2,024,528 2,021,300 (3,228) -0.16% 1,443,500 1,361,000 (82,500) -5.72% 1,491,500 1,449,300 (42,200) -2.83% 608,200 640,900 32,700 5.38% 95,900 94,000 (1,900) -1.98% 103,500 133,300 29,800 28.79% 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% 13,400 13,400 0 0.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 39,692,433 39,883,802 191,369 0.48% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 28,995 1,495,198 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #106 (solid waste repayment) 40,425 40,425 0 0.00% Transer-in - #310 (lease payment) 198,734 488,000 289,266 145.55% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 239,159 528,425 289,266 120.95% Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements 108,000 100,000 (8,000) -7.41% City Hall lease payment (2017 final year) 0 513,100 513,100 0.00% Public Safety (const offices for unit supervisors 25.000 0 (25,000) -100.00% Community & Econ Dev (comp plan update) 350,000 0 (350,000) -100.00% Parks & Rec (upgrade dial-up modem at pools) 15,000 0 (15,000) -100.00% Police Department - CAD / RMS 140,281 145,000 4,719 3.36% Police Department (security camera upgrade) 6,400 0 (6,400) -100.00% CenterPlace roof repairs 52000 0 (52,000) -100.00% Transfers out - #312 ('14 fund bal > 50%) 1,828,723 0 (1,828,723) -100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 2,525,404 758,100 (1,767,304) -69.98% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (tinder) Total Expenditures Beginning unrestricted fund balance Ending unrestricted fund balance (2,286,245) (229,675) (2,257,250) 1,265,523 26,044,529 J7 23,787,279 23,787,279- 25,052,802 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures = 62.81% Recurring Expenditures Public Safety All other departments 24,703,749 24,950,372 246,623 1.00% 62.56% 14,988,684 14,933,430 (55,254) -0.37% 37.44% 39,692,433 39,883,802 191,369 0.48% 100.00% P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2016 and 2017.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2017 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2016 to 2017 City Council Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total crea 220,634 212,777 (7,857) (3.56%) 4,550 4,550 0 0.00% 281,685 292,400 10,715 3.80% 506,869 509,727 2,858 0.56% City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 651,463 655,325 3,862 0.59% Supplies 3,350 3,300 (50) (1.49%) Services & Charges 62,490 65,810 3,320 5.31% Total 717,303 724,435 7,132 0.99% Legal Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 397,206 427,741 30,535 7.69% Supplies 2,010 2,105 _ 95 4.73% Services & Charges 80,735 79,848 (887) (1.10%) Total 479,951 509,694 29,743 6.20% Public Safety Non -Departmental (Fines & Forfeits) 649,500 602,250 (47,250) (7.27%) Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 6,500 3,000 (3,500) (53.85%) Supplies 27,500 26,500 (1,000) (3.64%) Other Services and Charges 394,750 340,315 (54,435) (13.79%) Intergovernmental Services 23,625,499 23,978,307 352,808 1.49% Total 24,703,749 24,950,372 246,623 1.00% Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 660,102 670,977 10,875 1.65% Supplies 2,500 2,000 (500) (20.00%) Services & Charges 74,400 77,300 2,900 3.90% Total 737,002 750,277 13,275 1.80% Finance/IT Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,222,580 1,248,185 25,605 2.09% Supplies 6,000 6,000 0 0.00% Services & Charges 24,500 24,000 (500) (2.04%) Total 1,253,080 1278,185 25,105 2.00% Human Resources Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 230,698 237,356 6,658 2.89% Supplies 700 730 30 4.29% Services & Charges 24,296 24,331 35 0.14% Total 255,694 262,417 Page 1 of 4 6,723 2.63% P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2016 and 2017.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2017 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2016 to 2017 (Continued f om Preva Public Works Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 876,364 905,382 29,018 3.31% Supplies 18,000 14,750 (3,250) (18.06%) Services & Charges 72,506 61,800 (10,706) (14.77%) Total 966,870 981,932 15,062 1.56% City Hall Operations & Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 98,818 98,818 0.00% Supplies 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% Services & Charges 0 174,600 174,600 0.00% Total 303,418 303,418 0.00% Community Dev.-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 250,407 261,262 10,855 4.33% Supplies 3,100 3,100 0 0.00% Services & Charges 18,600 18,600 0 0.00% Total 272,107 282,962 10,855 3.99% Community Dev.-Economic Development Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 317,257 411,232 93,975 29.62% Supplies 1,100 1,100 0 0.00% Services & Charges 226,800 228,300 1,500 0.66% Total 545,157 640,632 95,475 17.51% Community Dev.-Dev. Sery Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,173,837 1,119,084 (54,753) (4.66%) Supplies 16,550 16,550 0 0.00% Services & Charges 254,850 260,850 6,000 2.35% Intergovernmental Services 20,000 20,000 0 0.00% Total 1,465,237 ' 1,416,484' (48,753) (3.33%) Community Dev.-Buildinq Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,256,565 1,279,834 23,269 1.85%`' Supplies 32,700 32,700 0 0.00% Services & Charges 76,300 78,300 2,000 2.62% Total 1,365,565 1,390,834 25,269 1.85% Parks & Rec- Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 246,821 242,414 (4,407) (1.79%) Supplies 5,900 7,400 1,500 25.42% Services & Charges 29,150 39,150 10,000 34.31% Total 281,871 ' 288,964 ' 7,093 2.52% Parks & Rec- Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total 0 0 0 0.00% 5,500 5,500 0 0.00% 826,543 855,850 29,307 3.55% 832,043 861,350 29,307 3.52% Page 2 of 4 e P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2016 and 2017.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2017 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2016 to 2017 rived from previous a Parks & Rec- Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges cr..e 161,397 168,645 7,248 4.49% 7,600 8,200 600 7.89% 72,200 59,150 (13,050) (18.07%) Total 241,197 235,995 (5,202) (2.16%) Parks & Rec- Aquatics Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 0.00% Supplies 14,000 3,200 (10,800) (77.14%) Services & Charges 447,200 454,150 6,950 1.55% Total 461,200 457,350 (3,850) (0.83%) Parks & Rec- Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 88,481 89,416 , 935 1.06% Supplies 1,600 1,600 0 0.00% Services & Charges 5,700 4,900 (800) (14.04%) Total 95,781 95,916 135 0.14% Parks & Rec- CenterPlace Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 475,925 491,639 15,714 3.30% Supplies 76,024 73,524 (2,500) (3.29%) Services & Charges 330,274 326,295 (3,979) (1.20%) Total 882,223 891,458 9,235 1.05% Pavement Preservation Council Designation 943,800 953,200 9,400 1.00% Total 943,800 953,200 9,400 1.00% General Government Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 0.00% Supplies 87,600 95,450 7,850 8.96% Services & Charges 1,185,400 756,900 (428,500) (36.15%) Intergovernmental Services 301,500 328,500 27,000 8.96% Capital outlays 43,000 10,000 (33,000) (76.74%) Total 1,617,500 1,190,850 (426,650) (26.38%) Transfers out - #204 debt service 198,734 397,350 198,616 99.94% Transfers out - #309 park capital proj 200,300 160,000 (40,300) (20.12%) Transfers out - #310 bond pmt 72,500 0 (72,500) (100.00%) Transfers out - #310 city hall o&m cost 271,700 0 (271,700) (100.00%) Transfers out - #502 325,000 350,000 25,000 7.69% Total recurring expenditures 39,692,433 39,883,802 191,369 0.48% Page 3 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2016 and 2017.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2017 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2016 to 2017 ere; Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 8,236,237 8,523,087 286,850 3.48% Supplies 316,284 338,259 21,975 6.95% Services & Charges 4,488,379 4,222,849 (265,530) (5.92%) Pavement Preservation 943,800 953;200 9,400 1.00% Transfers out #204 198,734 397,350 198,616 99.94% Transfers out - #309 200,300 160,000 (40,300) (20.12%) Transfers out #310 344,200 0 (344,200) (100.00%) Transfers out - #502 325,000 350,000 25,000 7.69% Non -Departmental (fines & forfeits) 649,500 602,250 (47,250) (7.27%) Intergovernmental Svc (public safety) 23,625,499 23,978,307 352,808 1.49% Intergovernmental Svc 321,500 348,500 27,000 8.40% Capital outlay 43,000 10,000 (33,000) (76.74%) 39,692,433 39,883,802 191,369 0.48% Page 4 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2016 06 14.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Street Fund #101 2017 Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Multimodal Transportation Revenue Investment Interest Miscellaneous Revenue 2016 Amended Budget 2,340,000 2,004,900 0 3,000 10,000 Total Recurring Revenues 4,357,900 6/14/2016 2017 Proposed Budget $ Inc (Dec) % Inc (Dec) 2,200,000 2,003,000 64,591 4,000 10,000 (140,000) -5.98% (1,900) -0.09% 64,591 0.00% 1,000 33.33% 0 0.00% 4,281,591 (76,309) -1.75% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 734,604 746,872 12,268 1.67% Supplies 111,500 105,000 (6,500) -5.83% Services & Charges 2,132,754 2,142,151 9,397 0.44% Snow Operations 430,000 468,000 38,000 8.84% Intergovernmental Payments 771,000 796,000 25,000 3.24% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #311 (pavement preserve 67,342 67,342 0 0.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #501 (plow replace.) 40,000 77,929 37,929 94.82% Interfund Transfers -out - #501 (non -plow vehicle 31,000 25,000 (6,000) -19.35% Signal Detection Replacement Program 0 40,000 40,000 0.00% Traffic Signal Replacement Program 0 200,000 200,000 0.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 4,357,900 4,707,994 350,094 8.03% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 0 (426,403) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues N/A N/A 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Maintenance facility storage unit 5,000 0 (5,000) -100.00% Signal detection equipment upgrades 20,000 0 (20,000) -100.00% Capital 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 25,000 0 (25,000) -100.00% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 1,406,496 (25,000) 0 (25,000) (426,403) 1,431,496 1,406,496 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures = 980,093 20.82% P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2016 06 14.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Stormwater Fund #402 2017 Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees Investment Interest Total Recurring Revenues 2016 Amended Budget 1,870,000 6/14/2016 2017 Proposed Budget $ Inc (Dec) % Inc (Dec) 1,860,000 (10,000) -0.53% 1,500 2,500 1,000 66.67% 1,871,500 1,862,500 (9,000) -0.48% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 514,132 542,448 28,316 5.51% Supplies 15,900 15,900 0 0.00% Services & Charges 1,113,683 1,110,701 (2,982) -0.27% Intergovernmental Payments 67,000 50,000 (17,000) -25.37% Vehicle Rentals #501 11,000 11,000 0 0.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 13,400 13,400 0 0.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,735,115 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds Miscellaneous 1,743,449 8,334 0.48% 136,385 119,051 175,000 0 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 175,000 150,000 (25,000) -14.29% 0 0 0.00% 150,000 (25,000) -14.29% Expenditures Capital - various projects 751.100 300,000 (451,100) -60.06% Effectiveness Study 0 150,000 Maintenance facility storage unit 5,000 0 (5,000) -100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 756,100 450,000 (306,100) -40.48% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital (581,100) (300,000) (444,715) (180,949) 1,896,925 1,452,210 1,452,210 1,271,261 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures = 72.92% 1L• (Budget Workshop12017 Budget 2016 06 141Item 1- 2016 Legislative Agenda.docx 2016 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Transportation Funding Request — Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation (overpass/underpass) The City of Spokane Valley supports identifying future funding opportunities for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. As the state experiences an increase in rail traffic, this particular intersection will become increasingly congested and dangerous. This project will separate vehicle traffic from train traffic and remove the at -grade rail crossing. The total anticipated cost is $29.2 million. The City has secured $5.84 million from the Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) and the project has been identified as regionally significant by the Inland Pacific Hub Study. The City is able to contribute $1.294 million. Contribution from BNSF is $346,000 and from the 2009 Earmark is $720,000. The City is seeking $21 million in future funding for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation. Additional benefits include: Improve the Level of Service (LOS) of 'F' at this intersection, allowing for new development in the industrial - zoned portion of the City; improve emergency access; and help to address concerns about coal trains, including impeded traffic flow, increased whistle noise, and train -vehicle conflict safety. Additional Authority to Recoup Code Enforcement Costs The City of Spokane Valley seeks legislation to provide cities with additional tools to recoup costs for enforcing code compliance when a court order has been issued and a city performs the abatement itself or through a contractor. In particular, the city supports establishing first priority lien authority to assist in the cost recovery. The City supports the Association of Washington Cities' legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley 001 011 General Fund City Council P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\City Manager Dept1CM Council budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 3% Reduction 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.511.60.10.00 Wages 64,950 65,700 70,575 65,700 65,700 65,700 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 000.511.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 109,941 126,156 136,130 154,934 147,077 147,077 147,077 147,077 0 0 0 174,891 191,856 206,705 220,634 212,777 212,777 212,777 212,777 0 0 0 Supplies 000.511.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 1,891 1,478 1,653 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 0 0 0 000.511.60.31.03 Publications 109 0 138 250 250 250 250 250 0 0 0 000.511.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 1,577 901 1,117 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 000.511.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 3,577 2,379 2,908 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 000.511.60.41.05 Professional Services -St. Lobbyist 38,124 39,971 40,480 40,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 0 0 0 000.511.60.41.06 Professional Srvcs.- Fed .Lobbyist 0 49,000 7,347 92,400 92,400 86,200 75,800 60,500 (6,200) (16,600) (31,900) 000.511.60.41.13 Professional Services - Broadcasting 27,032 23,817 14,940 30,000 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 0 0 0 000.511.60.41.17 Advertising 1,011 1,541 1,236 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 000.511.60.42.01 Postage 898 880 881 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 000.511.60.42.03 Cell Phones 3,729 3,780 3,804 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 0 0 0 000.511.60.43.11 Travel/Mileage Position 1 799 2,295 2,070 4,030 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.43.12 Travel/Mileage Position 2 2,323 1,118 155 4,030 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.43.13 Travel/Mileage Position 3 4,217 4,423 1,459 4,030 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.43.14 Travel/Mileage Position 4 2,268 2,285 62 4,030 4,000 3,000- 2500 -4500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.43.15 Travel/Mileage Position 5 1,304 761 839 4,030 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.43.16 Travel/Mileage Position 6 1,270 1,455 2,438 4,030 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.43.17 Travel/Mileage Position 7 1,594 675 0 4,030 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 (1,000) (1,500) (1,500) 000.511.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,786 2,320 2,603 2,500 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 0 0 0 000.511.60.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 0 0 3,776 475 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.511.60.49.01 Subscriptions 106 187 150 300 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 000.511.60.49.02 Memberships 67,953 68,879 70,035 70,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 0 000.511.60.49.03 Printing & Binding 41 521 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.511.60.49.11 Registrations Position 1 851 1,463 900 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.12 Registrations Position 2 691 673 190 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.13 Registrations Position 3 1,621 1,593 296 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.14 Registrations Position 4 395 1,366 486 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.15 Registrations Position 5 530 650 443 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.16 Registrations Position 6 1,370 1,365 2,935 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.17 Registrations Position 7 420 555 140 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 (300) (500) (500) 161,333 211,573 157,665 281,685 292,400 277,100 261,800 246,500 (15,300) (30,600) (45,900) Total City Council 339,801 405 808 367,278 506,869 509,727 494,427 479,127 463,827 (15,300) (30,600) (45,900) Total budget increase = 0.56% Combined nonpayroll increase = 3.74% (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2017.xisx General Fund 2017 Y3 ' ' ro ose'' a _ s City Council - Detail 001.011.000. 000.511.60.10.00 Salaries & Wages 65,700 147,077 000.511.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 1,800 000.511.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies -I Paper, pens, files, folders, Workshop binders, ink cart., laps, sticky notes, labels. 000.511.60.31.03 Publications 250 -Liberty Lake Splash $50; Spokesman Review $200 000.511.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 2,000 - Workshops (2) $1,000; Coffee $200; Water $200 Soda $200; Misc. $400 500 000.511.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - Eg: printer or new chair; standing desk 47,000 000.511.60.41.05 Professional Services - State Lobbyist - Lobbyist- Washington State (GTS - $3,600/mo. + travel) 92,400 000.511.60.41.06 Professional Services - Federal Lobbyist - Lobbyist- Federal 000.511.60.41.13 Professional Services 28,600 - Granicus - $800/mo. 9,600 -) Twisted Pair = $2/minute x 50 mtgs/yrx 180 min/mtg 18,000 -Spokane Courier 1,000 000.511.60.41.17 Advertising 1,500 - Lodging Tax Adivisory Notifications; Outside Agency Funding Notifications; Misc. 1,500 000.511.60.42.01 Postage - New Business Letters, etc. 000.511.60.42.03 Cell Phones 3,800 - $540/ea X 7 000.511.60.43.1x Travel/Mileage 28,000 - ($4,000 ea x 7 positions - Choose from the following and/or share funds between eachother - Registration costs additional and noted below) i -DC trips - Air, lodging, meals -National League of Cities (Spring) 2,500 -National League of Cities (Fall) 5,000 Assoc. Wash. Cities Annual Conf. 1,000 Assoc. Wash. Cities Legislative Conf 1,000 -Mileage - local average of all 4,800 000.511.60.48.02 Co • ier Maintenance 2,800 - Cost of copies annually 000.511.60.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 500 000.511.60.49.01 Subscriptions 300 - Spokesman Review; The Splash Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 2017 Pro a o: ed -. _ems • City Council - Detail 001.011.000. 000.511.60.49.02 Memberships 75,000 uv -I (dues determined by population size) 7,500 j -National League of Cities 1 -Association of Washington Cities 67,500 000.511.60.49.03 Printing & Binding 500 -+Letterhead, business cards, engraving 000.511.60.49.1x Registrations 10,500 - ($1,500 ea x 7 positions - choose from the following:) -National League of Cities - 2 events; Assoc. of Wash. Cities - 2 events -Chamber meetings -Convention Visitors Bureau -GSI Total: 509,727 Page 2 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Finance DeptlGenGov budget worksheets 2017.xisx 001 General Fund 090 General Government Recurring Non -Departmental 000.586.10.00.00 SCRAPS Pass -Through Expense Supplies 000.511.60.35.01 010.513.10.31.01 000.514.81.31.02 000.517.90.31.04 000.518.85.31.01 000.518.85.35.01 PEG COSV Small tools & Minor Equip Supplies - 10th Anniversary Business Registrations Employee Recognition / Safety Program Office & Operating Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment 000.518.85.35.11 Computer Hardware - Non Capital 000.518.85.35.12 Computer Software - Non Capital 000.518.90.31.01 000.518.90.32.01 000.519.60.31.01 Other Services & 000.513.10.41.05 000.514.23.41.01 000.514.23.41.41 000.517.90.49.06 000.518.10.41.17 000.518.10.42.01 000.518.10.42.02 000.518.10.42.03 000.518.10.42.08 000.518.10.49.00 000.518.20.45.01 000.518.30.48.01 000.518.75.48.01 000.518.85.41.03 000.518.85.48.03 000.518.90.41.01 000.518.90.45.03 000.518.90.45.07 000.518.90.49.03 000.518.90.49.06 000.548.66.45.01 000.548.66.45.05 Office Supplies Fuel Office & Operating Supplies 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 0 0 1,099 336 3,818 293 1,938 161 4,114 0 0 0 2,667 0 3,738 0 0 0 1,490 187 7,443 2016 Budget 1,100 3,700 0 500 3,000 0 4,000 35,165 30,671 38,277 6,519 32,631 5.093 26,900 34,500 2017 Proposed Budget 1,300 0 0 0 3,000 0 7,250 3% Reduction 1,300 Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 1,300 1,300 0 57,700 12,500 Charges Professional Services - Misc Studies Accounting & Auditing Uncollectible Accounts Expense Employee Recognition / Safety Program Servic Advertising Postage Telephone Cell Phones Internet Service City Wide Records Management City Hall Rent Facility Repairs & Maintenance Equip Repair & Maint-Hardware Support IT Support Software Licenses & Maintenance Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) Equipment Rental Interfund vehicle lease Printing & Binding Miscellaneous Services Vehicle Rental General Operating Leases: Computer 0 3 11,089 63,436 87,229 70,119 0 0 12,030 1,168 9,088 1,561 13,994 0 425,246 1,430 23,457 71,221 90,502 1,347 3,300 0 432 5,938 1,559 41,039 16 104 8,402 78,229 117,149 66,714 0 0 0 315 8,790 1,335 10,404 3,610 412,681 1,318 51,617 13,323 66,369 1,765 3,300 0 0 2,143 0 49,645 122 0 16,631 69,243 22,907 77,474 2,095 299 0 10,428 8,168 949 11,458 5,870 426,964 8,897 40,450 20,855 65,353 231 1,921 0 536 5,256 0 45,347 0 0 15,000 87,600 235,500 80,000 0 0 0 1,500 9,000 1,600 11,000 10,000 439,000 5,000 42,000 28,300 73,100 2,000 3,300 500 0 10,000 1,500 51,000 Page 1 of 3 0 0 15,000 95,450 200,000 90,000 0 0 0 2,500 9,000 1,500 11,800 10,000 0 5,000 31,400 72,700 70,940 2,000 4,260 1,000 500 10,000 0 51,000 0 0 0 1,600 0 7,250 57,700 12,500 0 0 15,000 94,050 150,000 90,000 0 0 0 2,500 9,000 1,500 11,800 10,000 0 5,000 31,400 72,700 70,940 2,000 4,260 1,000 500 10,000 0 51,000 0 0 0 1,600 0 7,250 57,700 12,500 0 0 15,000 94,050 140,000 90,000 0 0 0 2,500 9,000 1,500 11,800 10,000 0 5,000 31,400 72,700 70,940 2,000 4,260 1,000 500 10,000 0 51,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,250 57,700 12,500 0 0 15,000 92,450 120,000 90,000 0 0 0 2,500 9,000 1,500 11,800 10,000 0 5,000 31,400 72,700 70,940 2,000 4,260 1,000 500 10,000 0 51,000 0 0 0 (1,400) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,400) (50,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,400) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,400) (60,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3,000) (80,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 General Fund 090 General Government P:11. General GovernancelBudget12017 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 000.550.00.41.00 Economic Development -Site Selector 8,813 9,139 8,542 10,000 000.558.70.41.17 City Economic Development 202,430 196,877 153,350 0 000.xxx.xx.xx.xx Outside Agencies - Social Svc & Econ. Dev. 0 0 0 107,000 000.558.70.41.05 Contracted economic development 0 0 16,560 43,000 000.550.00.41.05 Prof. Svc. - Economic Devel. (O/S Agency) 89,041 87,498 70,330 0 000.560.10.41.05 Prof. Svc. - Social Services (O/S Agency) 55,809 61,723 76,974 0 000.565.10.41.05 Professional Services - Windstorm Soc Svc 0 0 14,000 0 000.566.10.41.05 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Excise Tax 1,213 3,439 5,012 0 000.566.10.41.06 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 16,279 16,258 16,131 20,000 000.588.80.00.00 Prior Period Adjustment 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107,000 107,000 95,450 75,520 0 (11,550) (31,480) 43,000 43,000 43,000 43,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,234,245 1,185,412 1,116,357 1,184,300 755,600 705,600 684,050 644,120 (50,000) (71,550) (111,480) Intergovernmental Services 000.514.40.51.01 Election Costs 85,304 0 16,347 87,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 000.514.90.51.03 Voter Registration 87,964 84,764 97,091 90,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 000.518.90.44.03 Taxes and assessments 7,278 6,909 5,617 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 0 0 0 000.553.70.44.03 Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency 115,720 115,915 115,915 117,000 131,000 131,000 131,000 131,000 0 0 0 296,266 207,588 234,970 301,500 328,500 328,500 328,500 328,500 0 0 0 Capital Outlays 000.594.11.64.01 PEG COSV Broadcast -Office Furn. 2,131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.11.64.02 PEG COSV Broadcast-Software/hardware 24,936 30,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.00 Copy Machine 0 0 0 3,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.01 Office Furniture & Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.02 Computer Software/Hardware 0 0 0 39,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000.594.18.64.11 Compuer Hardware - Capital 15,035 68,956 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 000.595.30.63.00 Construction - Pavement Preservation 855,857 888,823 920,000 943,800 953,200 953,200 953,200 953,200 0 0 0 897,959 988,375 920,000 986,800 963,200 963,200 963,200 963,200 0 0 0 Debt Service: Principal 000.592.19.82.01 Interest and Other Debt Service Costs 301 435 425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.31.00.10 Interfund Trf to #311 (pavement preservation) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.597.50.00.20 Interfund Trf to #502 -Risk Management 319,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 0 0 0 000.597.20.00.40 Interfund Trf to #204 - City Hall bond payment 0 0 0 198,734 397,350 397,350 397,350 397,350 0 0 0 000.597.30.00.90 Transfer out - #309 (Park Capital) 0 0 0 200,300 160,000 120,000 50,000 0 (40,000) (110,000) (160,000) 000.597.31.00.00 Transfer out - #310 (bond pmt > $434.6k lease 0 0 67,600 72,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.597.31.00.00 Transferout-#310 (city hall o&m costs) 0 0 271,700 271,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 319,000 325,000 664,300 1,068,234 907,350 867,350 797,350 747,350 (40,000) (110,000) (160,000) Total Recurring Expenditures 2,811,207 2,785,039 3,006,394 3,629,534 3,051,400 2,960,000 2,868,450 2,776,920 (91,400) (182,950) (274,480) Recurring expenses increase (decrease) = (15.93%) (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Page 2 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 001 General Fund 090 General Government Nonrecurring Non -Departmental 000.586.10.00.00 SCRAPS Pass -Through Expense Capital Outlays 000.594.18.64.00 099.594.18.64.11 099.594.18.64.12 Copy Machine Compuer Hardware - Capital Computer Software - Capital Operating 099.518.30.48.01 Facility Repair & Maint - CH Relocation 000.518.20.45.01 City Hall Rent Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.10.00.60 Transfer out - 000.597.30.00.30 Transfer out - 000.597.30.00.90 Transfer out - 000.597.31.00.10 Transfer out - 000.597.31.00.20 Transfer out - #106 (solid waste ed/marketing) #303 (Street Capital) #309 (Park Capital) #311 (Pvmnt Preservation) #312 (Capital Reserve) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Total Governmental Division 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 0 57,259 0 2016 Budget 0 2017 Proposed Budget 0 O 20,789 0 0 O 0 0 20,789 21,145 65,610 18,931 105,686 0 95,000 13,000 108,000 0 0 12,842 O 0 0 O 0 12,842 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 7,826,207 7,876,207 60,000 0 0 0 242,298 115,575 0 0 2,443, 507 1,783, 512 2,745,805 1,899,087 0 0 0 0 1,828,723 7,876,207 2,823,853 2,017,615 1,936,723 20,000 80,000 0 100,000 Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 3% Reduction 0 20,000 80,000 0 100,000 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 0 20,000 80,000 0 100,000 0 0 0 513,100 513,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 513,100 513,100 0 513,100 513,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 613,100 613,100 Nonrecurring expenses increase (decrease) = (68.34%) 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 80,000 0 100,000 0 513,100 513,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 613,100 613,100 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 10,687,414 5,608,892 5,024,009 5,566,257 3,664,500 3,573,100 3,481,550 3,390,020 Total General Government increase (decrease) = (34.17%) (2.49%) (4.99%) (7.49%) IT Expenditures - R 324,400 IT Expenditures - N 108,000 432,400 Page 3 of 3 335,790 100,000 435,790 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (91,400) (182,950) (274,480) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund - Detail 2017 Proposed Budget General Government 001.090.000 Recurring Expen°dit rues ( 1,300 j 3,000 000.586.10.00.00 SCRAPS Pass -Through Expense - monthly Internet fee through City franchise. Expense is offset through reimbursement from SCRAPS 000.517.90.31.04 Employee Recognition / Safety Program - I _ f employee recognition event & safety supplies (ie. defibrilator) 000.518.85.35.01 'Small Tools & Minor Equipment 20,100 29,600 8, 000 7,250 - (lT !accessories, Computer - ! related supplies - laptop power supplies, cables, iPad etc. 57,700 000.518.85.35.11 Hardware - Non Capital Monitors, IP phones, Memory, Replace UPSs, backup tapes, etc. -1Equipment in new City Hall conference rooms 000.518.85.35.12 - I Computer - Office j - Replace CenterPlace security cameras Software - Non Capital 12,500 Licenses - MS Office 2010/2013, MS Server 2012, Mitel, etc. 000.519.60.31.01 & Operating Supplies 15,000 kitchen supplies, calendar, copy paper, letterhead, toner, etc. Contingency -1 i Accounting - 000.513.10.41.05 200,000 City Manager directed for professional service related tasks or to assist City Depts with line -item deficiencies 000.514.23.41.01 & Auditing L 90,000 Annual audit by State Auditor & assistance with technical issues 000.518.10.42.01 Postage - I city mailings including AP checks, UPS, etc. 2,500 000.518.10.42.02 Telephone 9,000 - I Telephone service at City Hall 1 000.518.10.42.03 Cell Phones 1,500 - Internet access cards for IT and loaner Mi-Fi's 000.518.10.42.08 Internet Service 11,800 - Internet access 000.518.10.49.00 City Wide Records Management - and/or consultant 10,000 - (Equipment 000.518.30.48.01 Facility Repairs & Maintenance snow removal & de-icer; minor work 5,000 - fSidewalk 000.518.75.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Hardware Support 31,400 - Intrusion protection, Barracuda backup to cloud, servers, vis, firewall, etc 000.518.85.41.03 IT Support 72,700 -Jservermaintenance, telephone system, wiring, electrical 30,700 - I Set up equipment in new City Hall conference rooms 42,000 Page 1 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 1l)' f General Government - Detail Proposed -s 001.090.000 ' Budget 000.518.85.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 70,940 -'Annual maintenance fees on software (Eden, Laserfiche, efc.) 000.518.90.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 2,000 �-- - Dept of Rev - Business Registration fees 000.518.90.45.03 Equipment Rental 4,260 - Pitney Bowes postage machine meter rental ($355 x 12) 000.518.90.45.07 Interfund vehicle lease 1,000 - Replacement on pool van 000.518.90 49.03 Printing and Binding 500 000.518.90.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 10,000 - 1 Shredding charges, Bike helmets ($3,000), etc. 000.548.66.45.05 (General Operating Leases: Computer 51,000 - ILease of desk top and lap top PCs used by City staff 000.550.00.41.00 Economic Development 10,000 - l Spokane Regional Site Selector 000.x xx.xx.xx.x x Outside Agencies - Social Svc. & Econ. Dev. 107,000 - ;Awarded through application process 000.558.70.41.05 Contracted economic development 43,000 - Awarded through negotiated process 000.566.10.41.06 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 22,000 - !Paid to Spokane County per State statute 000.514.40.51.01 Election Costs 90,000 - Per ballot issue/per capita allocation by Spokane County 000.514.90.51.03 Voter Registration 100,000 - Per capita allocation by Spokane County 000.518.90.44.03 Taxes and assessments 7,500 -112.84% leasehold excise bus benches 000.553.70.44.03 S • okane Regional Clean Air Agency 131,000 - Air quality - 12% increase in assessment over 2016 000.594.18.64.11 Computer Hardware - Capital 10,000 - servers, switches, routers, domain controllers 000.595.30.63.00 Construction - Pavement Preservation 953,200 - City pavement preservation projects 000.597.50.00.20 Interfund Risk Management Payment 350,000 - City insurance premium transferred to Fund #501 000.597.50.00.20 Interfund Transfer LTGO Debt Service 397,350 - !Fund #204 City Hall debt service payment _.i 000.597.30.00.90 Interfund Transfer to Parks Capital Proj 160,000 - ' Parks capital $100,000 Total Recurring Expenditures 3,051,400 Page 2 of 3 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures General Fund General Government - Detail 1001.090.000 2017 Proposed Bud et Nonrecurring Expenditures 099.594.18.64.11 Copy Machine - Replace 4 copy machines at end of useful life 099.594.18.64.11 Computer Hardware - Capital - Equipment for new City Hall - Replace CenterPlace sound system 099.518.20.45.01 City Hall Rent - Final year of lease - Jan - Mar 2017 = 3months x $36,221.75 - Apr - Sep 2017 = 6months x $54,332.63 Oct 2017 = lmonth x $72,443.50 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 30,000 50,000 108,665 325,996 72,444 Total General Government 20,000 80,000 513,100 613,100 3,664,500 Page 3 of 3 001 General Fund 013 Executive & Legislative Support 000 City Manager & City Clerk Employee Count - 5 FTEs P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 3% Reduction 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.513.10.10.00 Wages 406,946 423,136 427,017 449,436 444,672 430,224 415,776 401,328 (14,448) (28,896) (43,344) 000.513.10.10.99 Overtime 2,481 1,467 1,063 2,200 1,700 900 0 0 (800) (1,700) (1,700) 000.513.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 164,681 171,733 176,549 199,827 208,953 204,141 199,328 194,516 (4,812) (9,625) (14,437) 574,108 596,336 604,629 651,463 655,325 635,265 615,104 595,844 (20,060) (40,221) (59,481) Supplies 000.513.10.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 636 607 2,129 1,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 0 0 0 000.513.10.31.03 Publications 26 0 0 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.513.10.31.05 Meeting Supplies 64 0 35 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.513.10.32.01 Fuel 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.513.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 13 22 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 739 629 2,169 3,350 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 000.513.10.41.05 Professional Services 34,369 2,251 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 19,000 0 0 (3,000) 000.513.10.41.17 Advertising 482 207 798 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0 0 000.513.10.41.18 Legal Notices 3,202 8,164 9,749 6,500 9,400 9,400 9,400 9,400 0 0 0 000.513.10.42.01 Postage 382 301 293 400 400 400 400 400 0 0 0 000.513.10.42.03 Cell Phones 620 580 540 620 540 540 540 540 0 0 0 000.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 7,343 9,350 10,826 15,250 15,250 13,600 12,050 12,050 (1,650) (3,200) (3,200) 000.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 4,511 3,832 4,441 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0 0 000.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 0 0 0 700 700 700 700 700 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 362 12 12 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.02 Memberships 1,820 2,007 1,974 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 2,616 10,329 4,367 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training 1,521 1,606 3,137 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 15 0 74 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 0 0 320 320 320 320 320 0 0 0 57,243 38,639 58,211 62,490 65,810 64,160 62,610 59,610 (1,650) (3,200) (6,200) Total Recurring Expenditures Nonrecurring items 099.000.513.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment Total City Manager 632,090 635,604 665,009 717,303 724,435 702,725 681,014 658,754 (21,710) (43,421) (65,681) Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = 4.97% 0.99% (3.00%) (5.99%) (9.07%) 13 0 3,161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 632,103 635,604 668,170 717,303 724,435 702,725 681,014 658,754 (21,710) (43,421) (65,681) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 2017 City Manager - Detail Proposed.. 001.013.000. Budget l 000.513.10.10.00 ;Salaries & Wages 444,672 000.513.10.10.99 ;Overtime 1,700 000.513.10.20.00 i Payroll Taxes and Benefits 208,953 000.513.10.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 2,300 -j Paper, pens, file folders, binders, clips, post -it -notes, -i Publications: NLC , ICMA, AWC -i Meeting supplies 000.513.10.35.01 ,Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,000 - new label maker, standing desk, etc. 000.513.10.41.05 Professional Services 22,000 -' Consultants, title searches, bond counsel, and Code Publishing services (includes Comp. Plan publishing) 000.513.10.41.17 Advertising 1,200 - 'detail.) City produced brochures (Was $7,070 in 2014 but moved $6, 500 to Legal Notices for more appropriate line item 000.513.10.41.18 Legal Notices 9,400 - Clerk's notifications: Free Press Publishing, Spokesman Review, Journal of Business 000.513.10.42.01 i Postage 400 -I (new business letters charged to council budget) 000.513.10.42.03 CeII Phones 540 _[Cell ($135/qtr) 000.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage* 15,250 -I DC trips - Air, lodging, meals x 2 6,000 - ICMA - 2 sponsored events - Mileage/air, lodging, meals 850 - AWC conf. meals, lodging, air- 2 events 800 - WMCA - clerk's conf. City Clerk/Dep. City Clk 3,000 - International Institute of Municipal Clerks - flight, hotel, meals for CC/DCC, 500 - Professional Development (Certifcation for DCC) 500 - City Manager car allowance 3,600 000.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 4,500 -1Copying, paper, toner, mailing chgs pro -rated by Dept code 000.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 700 -1 Adobe Creative Suite; MS Project; i 000.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 500 -1 manuals/periodicals pertaining to Gov. function 000.513.10.49.02 Memberships 2,500 -I ICMA -j WMCA x 2 -I International Institute Municipal Clerks x 2 Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2017.xisx General Fund City Manager - Detail 001.013.000. - Wash. City/County Management Assoc. & Civic Org 000.513.10.49.03 Printing & Binding - letterhead business cards, envelopes, (Code Publishing lhasmoved to Professional Services) 000.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training - � ICMA - WMCA International City/County Management Assoc. 000.513.10.49.05 000.513.10.49.06 International Institute Municipal Clerks Professional development - Local registrations Filing & Recording Fees - I City Clerk document filing fees Miscellaneous Services Total Executive 1 724,435 5,000 Page 2 of 2 001 General Fund 013 Executive and Legislative Support 015 Legal Employee Count - 3 FTEs P:\1. General GovernancelBudget12017 Budget\Legal Dept\Legal budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 015.515.32.10.00 Wages 239,292 254,348 259,155 267,900 278,616 278,616 278,616 278,616 0 0 0 015.515.32.10.99 Overtime 0 0 157 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015.515.32.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 86,126 88,233 92,252 103,326 110,155 110,155 110,155 110,515 0 0 360 015.515.32.10.01 Intern Wages 20,740 13,425 21,054 24,000 36,000 24,000 12,000 0 (12,000) (24,000) (36,000) 015.515.32.20.01 Intern Payroll Taxes and Benefits 1,807 1,092 1,495 1,980 2,970 1,980 990 0 (990) (1,980) (2,970) 347,966 357,098 374,113 397,206 427,741 414,751 401,761 389,131 (12,990) (25,980) (38,610) Supplies 015.515.32.31.01 Office Supplies 775 1,150 700 1,330 1,435 1,076 1,076 1,076 (359) (359) (359) 015.515.32.31.03 Publications 287 566 0 170 170 170 170 170 0 0 0 015.515.32.32.01 Fuel 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015.515.32.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 0 442 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 1,072 2,158 700 2,010 2,105 1,746 1,746 1,746 (359) (359) (359) Other Services & Charges 015.515.32.41.03 Spokane County GIS 0 0 1,295 2,500 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 0 0 015.515.32.41.04 Legal 82,339 68,137 61,515 51,762 51,762 51,382 49,828 47,915 (380) (1,934) (3,847) 015.515.32.41.05 Professional Services 1,503 894 1,037 2,475 2,475 2,475 2,475 2,475 0 0 0 015.515.32.42.01 Postage 112 148 179 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 015.515.32.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,923 5,128 4,537 6,615 6,788 6,788 6,788 6,788 0 0 0 015.515.32.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,542 1,456 1,501 1,600 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 0 0 0 015.515.32.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 0 0 0 110 110 110 110 110 0 0 0 015.515.32.49.01 Subscriptions 9,462 8,859 9,125 9,468 9,658 9,658 9,658 9,658 0 0 0 015.515.32.49.02 Memberships 1,035 995 1,115 1,015 1,015 1,015 1,015 1,015 0 0 0 015.515.32.49.04 Registrations 1,537 825 1,099 1,990 1,990 1,700 1,700 1,700 (290) (290) (290) 015.515.32.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 1,051 1,089 2,551 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 (500) (500) (500) 102,504 87,531 83,954 80,735 79,848 78,678 77,124 75,211 (1,170) (2,724) (4,637) Total Total Legal 451,542 446,787 458,767 479,951 509,694 495,175 480,631 466,088 (14,519) (29,063) (43,606) Total budget increase = 6.20% (2.85%) (5.70%) (8.56%) Combined nonpayroll increase = (0.96%) [General Fund Legal - Detail 1001.013.015 I 015.515.32.10.00 Salaries & Wages Attorney, Deputy Attorney and Administrative 015.515.32.10.99 Overtime [915.515.32.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 015.515.32.10.01 015.515.32.20.01 Intern Wages 2017 Proposed Bud et 278,616 36,000 Intern Payroll Taxes and Benefits 2,970 includes 3 legal interns who do research and code enforcement cases so attomeys can focus on more critical lisues 015.515.32.31.01 'Office & Operating Supplies - Hanging files - File Folders - Expand folders - Letterhead Envelopes - Envelopes - Clasp 3 boxes - Labels 2 rolls - Avery labels and dividers - Pens - various types & Highlighters - Name Plates/Business Cards - Tape , binder clips - Print Cartridges - 3 ring binders - Stamps/Refill Ink -Index tabs - Legal pads, post -its Fasteners, staples Misc 40 95 60 120 80 60 30 90 100 30 90 75 40 55 1,435 90 80 300 015.515. 1Publications 1 -{Supplements and Handbooks 015.515.32.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - Desk equipment, scanner and miscellaneous office tools 015.515.32.41.03 Spokane County GIS 500 015.515.32.41.04 Legal 1,300 51,762 Outside Counsel for things such as moratoriums, shoreline, adult entertainment enforcement; expertise issues and timeliness. 015.515.32.41.05 Professional Services -'Eastern Washington Attomey Service (Code Compliance) Private Investigators 2,475 675 1,500 First American Title 300 015.515.32.42.01 Postage 200 stamps 015.515.32.43.01 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Legal Dept\Legal budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Travel/Mileage - choose from: 6,788 Page 1 of 2 ;Washington State Bar Association ($372.50 per attomey) Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys ($30 per attomey) P:11. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Legal Dept\Legal budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Legal - Detail 001.013.015 - Washington State Association of Municipal Attomeys Conference (2 Attomeys) - air, mileage, hotel, workshops (These vary from year to year as in past years some have been held in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. This year they are both longer distances for travel costs.) - Washington Cities Insurance Authority Conference - hotel, mileage, workshops - Labor Relations Conference - mileage, hotel, workshop 2,923 370 695 2017 Proposed Budget;,. - Courthouse, meetings incl. parking 900 1,5001 Legislative trips to Olympia Miscellaneous Seminar - Example mining issues, solid waste, marijuana regulations, land-use,etc. 015.515.32.48.02 Copier Maintenance 400 Copying, paper, toner, mailing charges pro -rated by Dept code. 015.515.32.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance - Mass 360 Licenses 1,550 015.515.32.49.01 Subscriptions - Westlaw (Legal Research) Guaranteed 2% increase for 5 years expires in 2021 and we we contacted Rheuters and were told we could count on 2% at renewal for 2017 as well 015.515.32.49.02 Memberships - Spokane Bar Association ($105 per attorney) 015.515.32.49.04 Registrations - j Labor Relations Conference 110 745 60 210 Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys Conference (2 Attomeys in Fall ($230 each) and 2 attorneys in spring ($230 each) - Washington Cities Insurance Authority Conference - Public Records Seminar Miscellaneous Seminar - Example Shoreline issues, solid waste, marijuana regulations, etc. 015.515.32.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees Filing Complaints and recording judgments as liens (Code Enforcement is the majority of these) as well as deeds, etc. (Current filing fee for cases is $240 per case. Could be increased to as much as $290 per case in the near future.) Service by Publication (1 service @ approx. $500 each) Total : Page 2 of 2 774 270 920 500 2,500 500 509,694 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Deputy City Manager\DCM Ops budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 001 General Fund 018 Operations & Administrative Services 013 Deputy City Manager Employee Count - 6 FTEs 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget- Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 013.513.10.10.00 Wages 307,160 379,405 455,224 480,732 486,984 478,781 478,781 462,858 (8,203) (8,203) (24,126) 013.513.10.10.99 Overtime 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 94,708 116,873 147,280 168,964 173,587 169,538 169,538 161,678 (4,049) (4,049) (11,909) 013.513.10.10.01 Intern - Wages 0 0 9,285 9,600 9,600 0 0 0 (9,600) (9,600) (9,600) 013.513.10.20.01 Intern - Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0 0 787 806 806 0 0 0 (806) (806) (806) 402,012 496,278 612,576 660,102 670,977 648,319 648,319 624,536 (22,658) (22,658) (46,441) Supplies 013.513.10.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 703 1,489 1,013 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 013.513.10.31.05 Meeting Supplies 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.32.01 Fuel 282 183 76 300 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 013.513.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 168 0 0 1,000 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 013.513.10.35.03 Non Capital Furniture & Equipment 0 734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,153 2,519 1,089 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 013.513.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS 1,723 471 1,386 2,500 2,000 2,000 1,600 2,000 0 (400) 0 013.513.10.41.05 Professional Services 28,490 8,440 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.41.17 Advertising 6,671 3,527 5,753 1,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.01 Postage 0 137 25 200 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.03 Cell Phones 540 1,155 1,684 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.04 Web Site Support Services & License FE 9,592 1,512 12,920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 117 1,096 47 6,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0 0 013.513.10.45.00 Operating Rentals 0 1,174 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,725 1,512 1,838 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 0 0 10,328 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 40 57 82 300 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.02 Memberships 950 1,623 1,235 2,500 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 78 89 0 200 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.04 Registrations 75 896 431 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.10 Public Information 6,161 14,974 22,936 42,900 46,200 46,200 24,200 24,200 0 (22,0001 (22,000) 56,162 36,663 59,134 74,400 77,300 77,300 54,900 55,300 0 (22,400) (22,000) Total Total Deputy City Manager 459,327 535,460 672,799 737,002 750,277 727,619 705,219 681,836 (22,658) (45,058) (68,441) Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = 3.12% 1.80% (3.02%) (6.01%) (9.12%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Deputy City Manager\DCM Ops budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund i _—I 2017 Deputy City Manager - Detail Proposed 001.018.013. Budget 013.513.10.10.00 Wages 486,984 013.513.10.10.99 Overtime 0 013.513.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 173,587 i .013.513.10.10.01 Intern wage 9,600 013.513.10.20.01 Intern payroll taxes and benefits 806 013.513.10.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies_ 1,500_ -I Hanging files, file folders, envelopes, labels, pens, batteries, print cartridges, 3 -ring binders, calendars, supplies for Valleyfest and City Hall at the Mall 013.513.10.32.01 Fuel 300 013.513.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 200 - Desk equipment, camera equipment (P10), Misc. 013.513.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS 1 2,000 013.513.10.41.17 Advertising 4,200 !City Hall at the Mall 500 PSA submissions to CMTV 12@$10 120 Valleyfest booth registration - - Snow letter to businesses 3,500 013.513.10.42.01 Postage 100 [Miscellaneous 013.513.10.42.03 Cell Phones/Emergency phone cards 1,600 j2 @ $540 each + $480 for iPad 013.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,500 FEMA master PIO 0 ICMA 900 Analyst 1,800 Misc 1,800 013.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,000 Per copy fee for maintenance & toner ($.065/color & $.008/bw) 013.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 13,000 Adobe Creative Suite software license 1,000 Qscend web software 10,500 E-gov 1,500 013.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 200 Spokesman Review - online 43 Joumal of Business 0 Current 13 Miscellaneous 100 013.513.10.49.02 Memberships 1,400 3CMA 400 ICMA 0 Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Deputy City Manager\DCM Ops budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 2017 Deputy City Manager - Detail Proposed 001.018.013. Budget AICPA 250 Notary 100 Inland NW Partners 150 Valley Chamber 500 -- � 013.513.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 100 I letterhead; envelopes; business cards 013.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training 2,000 FEMA master PIO 0 1. ICMA — 400 Analyst 8001 Misc 800 013.513.10.49.10 Public Information 46,200 14 Hot Topic newsletters T 44,000 , State of the City 1,200 City Hall at the Mall 1,000 Hot Topic 4 Hot Topic newsletters mailed ($11,000 x 4) 44,000 State of the City 350 invitation postcards printing 200 300 invitation postcards postage 100 Rental chairs 400 Advertising 500 1,200 Citv Hall at the Mall 1 Mall fee ($500 each City & CenterPlace) 1,000 Giveaway & activities 0 1,000 Total 750,277 Page 2of2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 001 General Fund 018 Operations & Administrative Services 014 Finance Division Employee Count -11.75 FTEs 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 3% Reduction 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 014.514.23.10.00 Wages 713,546 744,946 723,738 839,601 856,491 828,332 807,288 782,655 (28,159) (49,203) (73,836) 014.514.23.10.99 Overtime 322 0 2,332 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 (500) (500) (500) 014.514.23.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 294,350 312,325 302,596 381,979 390,694 382,554 362,874 352,203 (8,140) (27,820) (38,491) 1,008,218 1,057,271 1,028,666 1,222,580 1,248,185 1,211,386 1,170,662 1,135,358 (36,799) (77,523) (112,827) Supplies 014.514.23.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 2,675 4,519 2,602 6,000 6,000 5,200 6,000 5,200 (800) 0 (800) 014.514.23.31.03 Publications 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.32.01 Fuel 75 94 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 41 303 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,791 4,946 2,826 6,000 6,000 5,200 6,000 5,200 (800) 0 (800) Other Services & Charges 014.514.23.41.05 Professional Services 0 16,671 10,617 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 014.514.23.42.01 Postage 1,664 1,590 1,460 1,700 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 014.514.23.42.03 Cell Phones 540 540 540 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 0 014.514.23.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,849 3,748 5,342 5,400 5,200 5,000 5,200 4,700 (200) 0 (500) 014.514.23.48.02 Copier Maintenance 3,634 2,636 2,408 3,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.01 Subscriptions 459 468 275 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.02 Memberships 1,525 1,280 1,014 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.04 Registrations 9,019 9,587 9,161 9,300 9,500 8,600 9,500 8,400 (900) 0 (1,100) 014.514.23.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.07 Training 497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,218 36,520 30,817 24,500 24,000 22,900 24,000 22,400 (1,100) 0 (1,600) 1032,227 1,098,737 1,062,309 1,253,080 1,278,185 1,239,486 1,200,662 1,162,958 (38,699) (77,523) (115,227) Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = (1.64%) 2.00% (3.03%) (6.07%) (9.01%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2017.xisx General Fund i ___ - t 1Finance - Detail P o 0 o sed' 001.018.014. Bu•ge 014.514.23.10.00 Wages 856,491 014.514.23.10.99 Overtime 1,000 014.514.23.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 390,694 -FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS 014.514.23.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 6,000 - Hanging files 100 - File Folders 300 - Expand folders 200 - Env - Clasp 2 bx; 1 bx coin 300 - Tablets, envelopes 1,000 - Pens - various types 200 - Print Cartridges 500 - Asset tags 200 - Toner for copiers/printers 200 - 3 ring binders (OS Agency and Lodging Tax) 200 - Calendars - desk/wall 300 - Chairs 1,300 - Check stock 500 - All other 700 014.514.23.41.05 Professional Services 2,500 -ILTGO Bond post compliance consultation with bond counsel 014.514.23.42.01 Postage 1,600 - mailing Accounts Payable checks to vendors, outside agencies and lodging tax correspondence 014.514.23.42.03 Cell Phones 600 -1 One cell -phone for IT after hours support 014.514.23.43.01 Travel / Mileage 5,200 - Washington Finance Officers Assoc conference - 3 1,974 - IT training - 3 classes 0 - Governmental Finance Officers Assoc (GFOA) - 2 1,424 - ACCIS conference 641 -1 Misc mileage (bank runs, etc.) 1,150 014.514.23.48.02 1 Copier maintenance 2,600 - Per copy fee for maintenance & toner ($.065/color & $.008/bw) 014.514.23.49.01 Subscriptions 500 - Govemment Officers Finance Assoc (GFOA) newsletter - Governmental Acctng Standards Board newsletter Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Finance - Detail 001.018.014. 014.514.23.49.02 Membership 1,500 - 1 memberships included - WA Society of CPAs - 2 @ $225 ea - American Institute of CPAs -1 @ $225 ACCIS -1 membership - @ $100 Washington Finance Officers Assoc (WFOA) - 2 memberships @ $50 ea 100 Govemmental Finance Officers Assoc (GFOA) - 3 640 225 450 100 014.514.23.49.04 Registration - Washington Finance Officers Assoc conference - 3 - IT training - 3 classes 9,500 - Governmental Finance Officers Assoc (GFOA) - 2 ACCIS conference GASB Update Total 1,200 6,500 1,000 100 700 Page 2 of 2 1,278,185 001 General Fund 018 Operations & Administrative Services 016 Human Resources Division Employee Count - 2 FTEs P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 3% Reduction 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wanes/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 016.518.10.10.00 Wages 146,362 152,014 157,217 163,944 166,632 166,632 163,752 161,950 0 (2,880) (4,682) 016.518.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 51,460 56,049 59,301 66,754 70,724 70,724 70,724 70,724 0 0 0 197,822 208,063 216,518 230,698 237,356 237,356 234,476 232,674 0 (2,880) (4,682) Supplies 016.518.10.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 609 653 404 700 700 450 250 50 (250) (450) (650) 016.518.10.32.01 Fuel 31 26 30 0 30 30 0 0 0 (30) (30) 640 679 434 700 730 480 250 50 (250) (480) (680) Other Services & Charges 016.518.10.41.04 Legal 234 324 2,748 3,100 3,100 1,600 1,100 1,100 (1,500) (2,000) 016.518.10.41.05 Professional Services 8,380 9,997 9,006 8,630 8,630 8,622 7,972 2,497 (8) (658) 016.518.10.41.17 Advertising 876 2,005 1,239 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 (2,500) (2,500) 016.518.10.42.01 Postage 72 52 75 75 75 75 0 0 0 (75) 016.518.10.42.03 Cell Phones 0 384 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 1,937 3,528 347 2,880 2,880 1,825 600 600 (1,055) (2,280) 016.518.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 632 1,186 903 1,186 1,186 1,186 0 0 0 (1,186) 016.518.10.49.01 Subscriptions 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.49.02 Memberships 380 669 698 965 965 585 585 385 (380) (380) 016.518.10.49.04 Registrations 0 199 195 560 595 200 0 0 (395) (595) 016.518.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.49.07 Training 749 1,626 567 2,200 2,200 950 950 950 (1,250) (1,250) 016.518.10.49.13 Employee Health & Wellness 373 972 1,793 2,200 2,200 1,800 910 910 (400) (1,290) Total Human Resources Division (2,000) (6,133) (2,500) (75) 0 (2,280) (1,186) 0 (580) (595) 0 (1,250) (1,290) 13,645 20,942 18,648 24,296 24,331 16,843 12,117 6,442 (7,488) (12,214) (17,889) 212,107 229,684 235,600 255,694 262,417 254,679 246,843 239,166 (7,738) (15,574) (23,251) Total budget increase = 2.63% (2.95%) (5.93%) (8.86%) Nonpayroll budget increase = 0.26% P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Human Resources - Details 001.018.016 016.518.10.10.00 016.518.10.20.00 016.518.10.31.01 Wages Payroll Taxes and Benefits - FICA, medicare, L&l, PERS Office & Operating Supplies - File Folders - Labels - !Avery labels and dividers - Note Paper - Pens - various types 2017 Proposed Bud et - 3 ring binders - Misc 016.518.10.32.01 Fuel 016.518.10.41 016.518.10.41 166,632 70,724 700 100 d_ 50 75 25 50 200. 200 30 .04 Legal -'Summit Law .05 Professional Services - ID Cards 1 - Pre-employment Physicals -jDrug and Alcohol Testing - ( Criminal History Checks -Navia (HRA) Admin Fee - Mobile App Maintentance - Miscellaneous Services 016.518.10.41.17 Advertising - Employee Recruitment Advertising 016.518.10.42.01 Postage 016.518.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,100 8,630 480 2,200 _ _.-_ 350 800 4,272 198 330 - To attend AWC Fall HR Conference - To attend Labor Relations Institute - To attend WCIA Required Board Meeting - To attend AWC Health Academy - To attend AWC Wellness Forum 100 - City Staff Travel to attend identified training 600 016.518.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,500 1,186 016.518.10.49.02 Memberships - Washington Emp. Public Relations Association - Society for Human Resources Management - AWC Drug and Alcohol Consortium - Evergreen Safety Council 016.518.10.49.04 ,Registrations - AWC Labor Relations Institute - I A WC Wellness Summit - LAWC WAPELRA Fall Labor Relations Conference 200!. 380. 200!, 185! Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2017.xlsx ;General Fund Human Resources - Details 001.018.016 016.518.10.49.07 016.518.10.49.13 Training - IndividualizedTraining 41 2017 Proposed Budget 2,200 2,200 Health and Wellness Events 2,200, - $10 per employee to qualify for WellCity Award 1 8901_ Program. Result is an estimated $25,000 savings in E i health insurance premiums. 1— Additional Wellness Activities 1 1,310 �! Total Page 2 of 2 262,417 001 016 Non -Departmental 000.586.82.00.16 000.586.83.00.00 000.586.83.04.00 000.586.89.00.09 000.586.89.00.12 000.586.89.00.13 000.586.89.00.14 000.586.89.00.15 000.586.92.00.03 000.586.91.00.04 000.586.88.00.05 000.586.96.00.00 000.586.96.00.43 000.586.97.00.01 000.586.83.00.31 000.586.83.00.32 000.586.99.00.00 General Fund Public Safety P:\1. General Governance \Budget12017 Budget\Public Safety\Public safety budget worksheets 2017.xIsx 2013 Actual 2014 Ecru 2015 d'f, Aetd ,,, State Remittance - Vehicle License Fraud State Remittance-Emerg. Med.&Trauma Care Crime Victims Fund - Spokane County State Remittance - WSP Highway Account State Remittance -Accessible Communities State Remittance -Multimodal Transport. State Remittance - Highway Safety Acct State Remittance - Death Investigation State Remittance - PSEA 2 State Remittance - PSEA 1 State Remittance - PSEA 3 State Remittance -Crime Lab Analysis Fee State Remittance -DNA DB Account State Remittance -Judicial IS Systems State Remittance -Auto Theft Prev State Remittance -Trauma Brain In] State Remittance -School Zone Safety Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.521.50.10.00 Salaries & Wages 000.521.50.10.99 Overtime 000.521.50.20.00 Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes Supplies 000.521.20.31.01 000.521.20.31.08 000.521.20.35.04 000.521.20.35.05 000.521.20.35.06 000.521.20.35.07 000.521.20.35.08 000.521.20.35.09 Operating Supplies Repair & Maintenance Supplies Non -Capital Equipment for JAG Grant Non -Capital Equip for ARRA JAG Grant Non -Capital Equipment for 2011 JAG Grant Non -Capital Equipment for 2012 JAG Grant Non -Capital Equipment for WASPC Grant Non -Capital Equipment for 2013 JAG Grant Other Services & Charges 000.521.20.41.05 Professional Services 000.521.20.42.05 ARRA JAG - Wireless Cards 000.521.20.42.07 2011 JAG - Wireless Cards 000.521.20.42.09 000.521.20.43.01 000.521.20.47.01 000.521.20.47.02 000.521.20.47.03 000.521.20.47.04 000.521.20.49.06 000.521.20.49.07 000.521.20.49.21 SVPD Wireless Cards Travel/Mileage Electricity/Gas Water Sewer Waste Disposal Miscellaneous Srvs/Contingency Cry Wolf Charges & Fees Umpqua Bank Fees 403 25,771 9,802 5,605 2,836 2,837 1,568 988 292,473 161,195 4,021 3,578 0 87,347 47,924 4,468 13,865 664,681 40 24,673 9,542 9,824 987 988 2,750 1,733 153,917 282,969 4,188 1,870 80 83,811 46,479 4,433 8,730 637,014 640 21,365 8,822 8,732 680 680 2,444 1,540 142,861 261,256 3,748 1,319 240 79,245 40,007 4,359 9,508 587,446 1,984 660 998 3,642 3,416 1,012 2,078 6,506 1,435 284 898 2,617 500 25,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 155,000 285,000 5,000 2,000 0 85,000 50,000 5,000 10,000 649,500 3,500 1,000 2,000 6,500 650 22,000 9,000 9,000 800 800 3,000 1,750 150,000 265,000 4,000 1,500 250 80,000 40,000 4,500 10,000 602,250 1,500 500 1,000 3,000 65.04 4 ,001 ,001 000;, 2,21 1`00,001 5,01 0 01 0252 10 0,00 5,00 00, 001 002;25 3,980 3,388 2,144 4,000 4,000 2,343 3,343 2,007 3,500 2,500 3,272 0 4,579 20,000 20,000 203 0 0 0 0 9,297 8,010 0 0 0 23,978 0 0 0 0 4,771 6,020 0 0 0 0 20,495 0 0 0 47,844 41,256 8,730 27,500 26,500 3,001 0' 0i 0 0 1,334 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 10,079 3,979 0 0 0 0 434 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 0 21,865 20,887 18,953 22,000 22,000 22 1,210 1,497 1,275 1,600 1,600 1 851 850 995 900 2,500 2 3,460 3,462 3,372 3,500 3,500 3 0 250 550 250,000 180,000 180 44,412 48,348 48,419 50,000 50,000 5,111 5,726 9,418 6,000 10,000 Page 1 of 2 2 1,000 I,p00 10,000 10,000 0;00 001 016 000.521.50.44.03 000.521.50.48.01 Intergovernmental 000.512.50.51.02 000.515.31.51.01 000.515.31.51.02 000.515.31.51.03 000.521.20.51.01 000.521.20.51.10 000.521.20.51.14 000.521.71.52.01 000.521.71.52.05 000.521.71.52.10 000.521.71.52.11 000.521.71.52.12 000.523.20.51.04 000.523.60.51.02 000.525.60.51.03 000.528.60.51.05 000.554.30.54.02 General Fund Public Safety Taxes and Assessments Law Enforcement Building Repair & Maint Services District Court Contract Public Defender Prosecutor Pretrail Services Law Enforcement (Sheriff) 2010 Settle & Adjust 2014 Settle & Adjust Nighttime Seatbelt Patrol Overtime Drive Hammered - get nailed grant Distracted Driving Click It or Ticket TZT Seatbelt Patrols Work Release (Geiger) Jail - Geiger County Contracted Services Emergency Management Communications Animal Control Capital Outlay 000.594.21.64.06 Equip Purchased w JAG Funds Total Recurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Items Total - LEC Labor Contract Settlement - Small Tools & Minor Equipment - Maintenance - Building Repair & Maintenance -CAD/RMS - Office Furniture & Equipment Nonrecurring Expenditures Total Public Safety P:11. General GovernancelBudget12017 Budget\Public Safety\Public safety budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 715 80,283 168,026 715 58,331 144,479 715 76,076 161,181 2016 Budget 750 60,000 394,750 340,315 340,315 2017 Proposed Budget Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 2017 Budget with 3% Reduction 715 715 70,000 70,000 868,861 820,628 656,129 822,076 617,999 649,831 710,289 832,182 406,875 410,196 479,782 448,722 108,655 117,048 131,041 122,372 17, 701,607 17,731,187 18,205,133 19,713,401 118,273 0 (761) 0 0 0 (752,892) 0 1,611 1,647 0 0 10,811 19,802 8,743 0 0 0 331 0 0 0 714 0 0 0 724 0 508,704 151,158 0 0 713,292 996,557 1,213,502 1,301,055 80,428 82,237 88,070 90,558 0 0 0 0 295,556 287,081 290,228 295,133 21,432,672 21,267,372 21,031,033 23,625,499 0 0 36,823 0 769,083 721,630 542,747 135,432 20,036,884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,389,039 89,371 0 294,121 23,978,307 0 6% Reduction 715 70,000 340,315 769,083 721,630 542,747 135,432 20,036,884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,389,039 89,371 0 294,121 23,978,307 0 769,083 721,630 542,747 135,432 20,036,884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,389,039 89,371 0 294,121 23,978,307 0 9% Reduction 715 70,000 340,315 769,083 721,630 542,747 135,432 20,036,884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,389,039 89,371 0 294,121 23,978,307 3% Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6% Reduction 0 0 0 9% Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,316,865 22,096,627 21,827,830 24,703,749 24,950,372 24,950,372 24,950,372 24,950,372 0 0 0 0 0 7,468 0 7,679 0 0 0 14,480 0 29,627 Total budget increase = 224,244 4,610 0 4,253 294,575 0 527,682 0 0 0 0 140,281 0 140,281 1.00% 0 0 0 0 145,000 0 145,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 145,000 0 145,000 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 145,000 0 145,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 145,000 0 145,000 22,316,865 22,126,254 22,355,512 24,844,030 25,095,372 25,095,372 25,095,372 25,095,372 Page 2 of 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Safety\Public safety budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Public Safety - Detail 001.016.000. 000.586.xx.xx.xx 000.521.50.10.00 000.521.50.10.99 000.521.50.20.00 000.521.20.31.01 000.521.20.31.08 000.521.20.35.04 000.521.20.47.01 000.521.20.47.02 000.521.20.47.03 000.521.20.47.04 000.521.20.49.06 000.521.20.49.07 000.521.20.49.21 000.521.50.44.03 000.521.50.48.01 000.512.50.51.02 000.515.31.51.01 Non -Departmental - Pass Through State Rev. for Court Fines Salaries and Wages - Parks/Centerplace Staff for Maint. of Precinct Building Overtime Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes Operating Supplies 2017 Proposed Bud ' et 602,250 .4. 1,500 Repair & Maintenance Supplies Non -Capital Equipment for JAG Grant - Cell $360, Gov. Emergency phone cards $40. Electricity/Gas 500 1,000 4,000 2,500 20,000 Water Sewer Waste Disposal Miscellaneous Srvs/Contingency - To account for poosible fluctions due to new cost methodologies and usage increases. Cry Wolf Charges & Fees Sterling Bank Fees 22,000 1,600 2,500 3,500 - -1 180000 Taxes and Assessments Law Enforcement Building Repair & Maint District Court Public Defender - Include impact of greater investigator costs as well as additional attomeys to meet caseload standards (included in 2015) 000.515.31.51.02 Prosecutor 000.515.31.51.03 Pre -Trial Services 000.521.20.51.01 Law Enforcement - Includes impact of 2.5% DSA COLA for 2014 and the same for 2015 as well as lost funding for Drug Task Force. 000.523.60.51.02 Detention Services (Jail) 000.525.60.51.03 Emergency Management 000.554.30.54.02 Animal Control Total 50,000 10,000 715' 70,000 769,083 721,630 542,747 135,432 20,036,884 1,389,039 89,371 294,121 24,950,372 Page 1 of 1 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 000 Admin Division Employee Count - 2 FTEs Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.576.80.10.00 Wages 000.576.80.10.01 Temp/Seasonal - Wages 000.576.80.10.99 Overtime 000.576.80.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 000.576.80.20.01 Temp/Seasonal - PR Tax & Benefits Supplies 000.576.80.31.01 000.576.80.31.06 000.576.80.31.07 000.576.80.31.08 000.576.80.32.01 000.576.80.35.01 Other Services & 000.576.80.41.03 000.576.80.41.05 000.576.80.41.17 000.576.80.41.18 000.576.80.42.01 000.576.80.42.02 000.576.80.43.01 000.576.80.44.03 000.576.80.45.07 000.576.80.48.01 000.576.80.48.02 000.576.80.48.03 000.576.80.49.01 000.576.80.49.02 000.576.80.49.03 000.576.80.49.04 000.576.80.49.06 Office & Operating Supplies Safety Equipment Clothing & Uniforms Repair & Maintenance Supplies Fuel Small Tools & Minor Equipment Charges Spokane County GIS Professional Services Advertising Legal Notices Postage Telephone Services Travel/Mileage Taxes and Assessments Interfund vehicle lease Equipment Repair & Maintenance Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maint Subscriptions Memberships Printing & Binding Conference Registrations Miscellaneous Services Total Recurring P&R Admin Division P:11. General Governance \Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 160,403 0 345 51,319 0 212,067 166,793 4,370 215 52,570 327 224,275 172,536 4,184 282 53,086 306 230,394 2016 Budget 180,084 6,000 0 59,798 939 246,821 1,220 0 51 24 2,588 2,544 6,427 466 23 51 138 1,815 0 2,493 357 35 51 159 1,686 400 2,688 1,157 2,596 510 0 555 527 1,638 10,161 7,000 266 1,366 559 192 1,305 976 479 0 29,287 840 2,500 0 45 479 532 2,222 10,627 7,000 1,131 1,375 0 203 780 60 573 0 28,367 840 335 400 381 518 554 1,231 10,532 7,000 3,431 1,344 0 203 1,040 0 624 0 28,433 247,781 255,135 261,515 1,000 0 150 1,000 2,000 1,750 5,900 1,500 5,000 0 500 500 600 2,450 11,000 1,500 0 1,500 1,000 200 800 1,000 1,100 500 29,150 2017 Proposed Budget 181,248 6,000 0 54,227 939 242,414 1,000 0 150 1,000 2,000 3,250 7,400 Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 3% Reduction 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 181,248 6,000 0 54,227 939 242,414 1,500 10,000 0 500 500 600 2,750 11,000 6,000 0 1,500 1,000 200 800 1,000 1,300 500 39,150 1,000 0 150 1,000 2,000 3,250 7,400 181,248 6,000 0 54,227 939 242,414 1,500 7,500 0 500 500 600 2,750 11,000 6,000 0 1,500 1,000 200 800 1,000 1,300 500 36,650 1,000 0 150 1,000 2,000 3,250 7,400 1,500 7,500 0 500 500 600 2,750 11,000 6,000 0 1,500 1,000 200 800 1,000 1,300 500 36,650 181,248 6,000 0 54,227 939 242,414 1,000 0 150 1,000 2,000 3,250 7,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 7,500 0 500 500 600 750 11,000 6,000 0 1,500 1,000 200 800 1,000 700 500 34,050 0 (2,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,500) 281,871 288,964 286,464 286,464 283,864 (2,500) Total budget increase = 2.52% 32.81% Combined nonpayroll increase = Page 1 of 2 (0.87%) (0.87%) (1.76%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,500) (2,500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,500) 0 0 0 0 (2,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (600) 0 (5,100) (5,100) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx Nonrecurring Items 099.576.80.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 0 11,192 5,591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 099.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 0 0 30,720 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 099.576.80.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 2,404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 099.576.80.41.05 Professional Services 40,415 0 41,898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 099.576.80.45.03 Equipment Rental 0 0 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 099.594.76.64.05 Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment 19,268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring P&RAdmin Divisi 62,087 11,192 78,659 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total P&R Admin Division 309 868 266,327 340,174 296,871 288,964 286,464 286,464 283,864 (2,500) (2,500) (5,100) Total Recurring for All Divisions Admin 281,871 288,964286,464 286,464 283,864 (2,500) (2,500) (5,100) Maint 832,043 861,350 831,850 831,850 828,850 (29,500) (29,500) (32,500) Rec 241,197 235,995 235,995 235,995 231,795 0 0 (4,200) Aquatics 461,200 457,350 425,350 361,350 297,350 (32,000) (96,000) (160,000) Senior 95,781 95,916 95,916 95,916 95,916 0 0 0 CP 882,223 891,458 871,458 852,208 847,208 (20,000) (39,250) (44,250) 2,794,315 2,831,033 2,747,033 2,663,783 2,584,983 (84,000) (167,250) (246,050) NonPayroll Admin Maint Rec Aquatics Senior CP 2016 I 1.31% (2.97%) (5.91%) (8.69%) 2017 35,050 46,550 832,043 861,350 79,800 67,350 461,200 457,350 7,300 6,500 406,298 399,819 1,821,691 1 838,919 Combined nonpayroll increase for all divisions = 0.95% Page 2 of 2 000.576.80.48.02 Copier Maintenance 000.576.80.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease 000.576.80.44.03 500 600 600 2,750 750 2,000 Taxes and Assessments 10,000 10,000 Telephone Services _;Alarm monitoring at Mirabeau Meadows 500 000.576.80.43.01 1 Travel/Mileage _ WRPA Conference May Spokane _ I NRPA Conference Sept 26-28 New Orleans 000.576.80.42.02 000.576.80.42.01 Legal Notices Postage 000.576.80.41.18 labels, paper clips, binder clips, staples paper, letterhead, pens, pencils/leads, sheet protectors, binders, folders, etc. Clothing & Uniforms Repair & Maintenance Supplies Car Supplies, office repairs, replacement items 150 288 562 181,248 6,000 54,227 939 1,000 1,000 1,000 Fuel _ Department vehicles - 3 2,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment _ Labeler, printer, etc. _ Misc. Equipment Spokane County GIS Professional Services 2,000 3,250 750 2,500 1,500 _ Misc. Consultant Work General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 I 2017 Proposed Budget 000 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION 000.576.80.10.00 Salaries & Wages 1000.576.80.10.01 000.576.80.20.00 000.576.80.20.01 000.576.80.31.01 Temporary/Seasonal Wages Payroll Taxes and Benefits _ FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS Temporary/Seasonal Payroll Taxes and Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Items printed & mounted _ Printer Cartridges: 2@$86, 2@$58 _ Misc. Supplies: Post-lt Notes, calendars, 000.576.80.31.07 000.576.80.31.08 000.576.80.32.01 000.576.80.35.01 000.576.80.41.03 000.576.80.41.05 P:11. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 000.576.80.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 11,000 6,000 1,500 1,000 Page 1 of 11 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 000.576.80.49.01 Subscriptions 000.576.80.49.02 2017 Proposed Budget 200 Memberships _ ; Director - WA Recreation and Parks Assoc (WRPA) 250 _ Director - Nati' Recreation and Parks Assoc (NRPA) 250 _Administrative Staff 300 800 000.576.80.49.03 Printing & Binding _ Brochures, flyers 1,000 1,000 000.576.80.49.04 Conference Registrations _ Staff Training _ NRPA Conference Sept 26-28 New Orleans _ WRPA Conference May Spokane 000.576.80.49.06 Miscellaneous Services Total 288,964 1,300 200 600 500 500 Page 2 of 11 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 300 Maintenance P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept1P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Supplies 300.576.80.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.576.80.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 1,208 2,235 1,046 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 (3,000) 300.576.80.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 244 668 2,398 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 1,568 2,903 3,444 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 2,500 0 0 (3,000) Other Services & Charges 300.576.80.41.05 Parks Maintenance Contract 726,676 747,436 764,124 757,643 785,150 755,650 755,650 755,650 (29,500) (29,500) (29,500) 300.576.80.43.01 Travel/Mileage/Meals 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.576.80.41.06 Centennial Trail Maintenance 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 0 0 0 3,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.576.80.47.01 Electricity 10,006 10,870 11,266 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.47.02 Water 17,948 22,925 27,320 23,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.47.03 Sewer 5,482 5,880 5,992 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 0 1,023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.576.80.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 2,502 3,189 1,938 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 0 0 0 762,614 791,348 830,640 826,543 855,850 826,350 826,350 826,350 (29,500) (29,500) (29,500) Total Maintenance 764,182 794,251 834,084 832,043 861,350 831,850 831,850 828,850 (29,500) (29,500) (32,500) Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = 3.52% 3.52% (3.42%) (3.42%) (3.77%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 300 MAINTENANCE DIVISION 300.576.80.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies _ Items not covered under maintenance contract j 3,000 300.576.80.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment _ Items not covered under maintenance contract 300.576.80.41.05 Park Maintenance Services _ Senske Contract that includes: mowing, watering, litter control, vegetation management, shelter & restroom maintenance, snow removal, play equipment repair, reservations, Centennial and Appleway trails, etc. 1 l 300.575.80.41.06 300.576.80.47.01 300.576.80.47.02 300.576.80.47.03 300.576.80.49.06 Centennial Trail Maintenance Fund Electricity 2017 Proposed Budget 3,000 2,500- 2,500 ,5002,500 i- 785,150 Water Sewer Miscellaneous Services _ Sullivan Park - water testing _ Honey Buckets - Mirabeau Trailhead Misc. Services !Total 500 2,200 1,000 r- Page 3 of 11 20,000 12,000 28,000 7,000 3,700 861,350 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 301 Recreation Employee Count - 1 FTE P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 301.571.20.10.00 Wages 60,543 62,176 63,658 66,684 67,032 67,032 67,032 67,032 0 0 0 301.571.20.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 29,935 31,478 33,275 36,440 37,419 37,419 37,419 37,419 0 0 0 301.571.20.10.01 Temp/Seasonal - Wages 53,099 42,162 58,783 53,500 59,000 59,000 59,000 55,100 0 0 (3,900) 301.571.20.10.99 Overtime 11 14 118 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 301.571.20.20.01 Temp/Seasonal - PR Tax & Benefits 7,496 6,244 8,258 4,573 4,994 4,994 4,994 4,994 0 0 0 151,084 142,074 164,092 161,397 168,645 168,645 168,645 164,745 0 0 (3,900) Supplies 301.571.20.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 4,889 5,759 6,668 6,000 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,400 0 0 (300) 301.571.20.31.06 Safety Equipment 247 146 229 300 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 301.571.20.31.07 Clothing & Uniforms 624 741 894 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 301.571.20.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 0 93 0 300 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 5,760 6,739 7,791 7,600 8,200 8,200 8,200 7,900 0 0 (300) Other Services & Charges 301.571.20.41.05 Professional Services 22,204 23,068 34,420 301.571.20.41.17 Advertising 663 2,082 1,232 301.571.20.42.01 Postage 2,365 984 253 301.571.20.42.03 Cell Phones 219 90 102 301.571.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage 486 304 1,733 301.571.20.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,366 1,375 1,344 301.571.20.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 559 0 0 301.571.20.49.01 Scholarship expense 513 570 272 301.571.20.49.02 Memberships 328 130 234 301.571.20.49.03 Printing and Binding 4,768 4,091 4,857 301.571.20.49.04 Conference Registrations 340 418 894 301.571.20.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 11,976 13,788 15,941 301.571.20.49.23 Discount Expense 2,440 2,680 3,780 301.586.10.01.00 State Remittance - Leasehold Excise Ta 6,494 770 770 54,721 50,350 65,832 Total Recreation 1,000 1,500 150 1,500 1,500 900 650 400 4,000 1,800 14,300 2,600 800 72,200 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 0 0 800 800 800 800 0 0 0 150 150 150 150 0 0 0 250 250 250 250 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 400 400 400 400 0 0 0 350 350 350 350 0 0 0 400 400 400 400 0 0 0 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 0 0 0 400 400 400 400 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 800 800 800 800 0 0 0 59,150 59,150 59,150 59,150 0 0 0 211,565 199,163 237,715 241,197 235,995 235,995 235,995 231 795 0 0 (4 200) Total budget increase = (2.16%) 0.00% 0.00% (1.78%) Combined nonpayroll increase = (15.60%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund [ Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 L. 301 RECREATION DIVISION 301.571.10.10.00 Salaries & Wages 2017 Proposed Budget 1 301.571.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 301.571.20.10.01 _ FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS 'Temporary/Seasonal Wages _ Recreation Interns _ Rec. Temp Seasonal Staff 301.571.20.10.99 Overtime _ Rec. Temp Seasonal Staff 301.571.20.20.01 Temporary/Seasonal Benefits 301.571.20.20.99 Employee Benefits OT 301.571.20.31.01 67,032 37,419 59,000 4,000 55,000 200 200 4,994 Office & Operating Supplies _IRecreation Program Supplies _ISummer Camp T-shirts _' Rec. Coord. Office Supplies _IHaunted House/Special event supplies _ Business Cards 301.571.20.31.06 Safety Equipment 301.571.20.31.07 6,700 3,100 1,200 -- 200 2000 200 300 — First Aid Supplies 300 Clothing & Uniforms _ Rec. Temp Seasona Staff T-shirts 301.571.20.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment _IMiscellanous program items 1,000 1,000 200 200 301.571.20.41.05 Professional Services _ First Student Field Trip Transportation for Camps _ Instructor/Presenter Fees 30,000 5,100 Summer Outdoor Movies Screen & License (3) * Breakfast with Santa 12,100 10,000 2,800 301.571.20.41.17 Advertising 1,300 _ Brochure distribution through media outlet 650 Newspaper Advertisements 650 301.571.20.42.01 Postage Rec guides, flyers, brochures, refunds, etc. 301.571.20.42.03 Cell Phones 301.571.20.43.01 800 800 150 Travel/Mileage 250 _IWPRA Annual Conference 250 Page 4 of 11 } P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2U17.xlmx General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 | | / | 301�71.20.4802 Copier Maintenance 301.571.20.48D3 Software Licenses and Maintenance _ 301.571.10/48.01 Scholarship Expense 2017 Proposed Budget _ Recreational program scholarships 301.57120.4802 Memberships - NRPAAnnmalAembomhip _ NRPA Annual Membership 400 _������`� 350 350 400 250 150 301.571.20.4903 Printing & Binding - Recreation Brochure (2 times a year) 1301.571.20/49.04 Conference Registrations - NRPAAnnuu Conference 4,800 4,800 400 400 / Services301.571.20.49.06W1iscelkaneoua| | 15,00K> '------- - Summer Day Camp Field Trips 12,000 - Program Banners 1,000 - Dog Swim/Parents Night 400 -[ F�tAk�CPR7�����rSummer Staff 1,115 _ Family Special Events 485 301.57110.49.23 Discount Expense 3,000 301.58610.01.00 Sbub*Remit-Laoseho|dExcisoTax 800 i-----------'--- ---- ----- '--- /ForNeo�n�Danoo/�� 800 . . !Total | ' / ~.~ Page 5 of 11 235,995 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 302 Aquatics P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Supplies 302.576.20.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 2,124 424 351 1,500 700 700 700 700 0 0 0 302.576.20.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 6,957 0 0 12,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 9,081 424 351 14,000 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 302.576.20.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 1,507 1,837 1,834 1,900 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 0 0 0 302.576.20.41.05 Professional Services 380,485 337,848 378,790 375,000 380,000 348,000 284,000 220,000 (32,000) (96,000) (160,000) 302.576.20.41.17 Advertising 366 0 674 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 302.576.20.42.02 Telephone Service 4,286 4,389 4,558 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0 0 302.576.20.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 2,590 5,711 6,284 5,700 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 302.576.20.47.01 Electricity 24,749 27,764 32,746 28,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 0 0 0 302.576.20.47.02 Water 10,141 14,376 9,331 15,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 302.576.20.47.03 Sewer 9,091 9,040 8,965 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 302.576.20.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 32,655 32,067 40,219 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 302.576.20.49.03 Printing & Binding 980 942 1,918 1,100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 302.576.20.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 2,635 2,370 2,030 2,500 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 0 0 0 302.576.20.49.23 Scholarship Expense 280 263 215 500 350 350 350 350 0 0 0 469,765 436,607 487,564 447,200 454,150 422,150 358,150 294,150 (32,000) (96,000) (160,000) Total Aquatics 478,846 437,031 487,915 461,200 457,350 425,350 361,350 297,350 (32,000) (96,000) (160,000) Total budget increase = (0.83%) (7.00%) (20.99%) (34.98%) Combined nonpayroll increase = (0.83%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2U17.x|ax General Fund | i Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 | - '----- AQUATICS DIVISION ,Office & Operating Supplies 302 302.576.20.31.01 302.576.20.35.01 302.578.20/41.01 302.576.20.41.05 302.578.20.4117 302.576.20.42.02 302.57620.44.03 302.576.20.47.01 302.576.2047.02 302.576.20.47.03 302.578.30.48.01 302.576�0.49.03 302.578.20.48.08 _ 02.576.20.49.23 SmaII Tools & Minor Equipment - Mioo Equipment Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) Professional Services 2017 Proposed Budget 2,500 700 2,500 2,200 1 380,000 - YMCA Maintenanc& Management contract 380,000 Advertising 500 �-_-______-__. Telephone Service / 4.500 _ Phone & Data lines for three pools 4,500 Taxes and Assessments | 6,000 Electricity ! 32,500 12,000 Sewer 10,000 Equipment Repair & Maintenncm 2,500 - Misc. Equipment | 2500 | Printing &Binding -- | 1.600 - Development&printingofequaticmb000huoo 1,500 2,100 Water Miscellaneous Services - SpotaneRegiono Health Permits 2100 Scholarship Expense - Scholarships for swim Iessons & swim team Total 350 350 457,350 Page 6 of 11 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 304 Senior Center Employee Count - 1 FTE P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 304.575.50.10.00 Wages 60,006 61,920 63,742 66,648 67,032 67,032 67,032 67,032 0 0 0 304.575.50.10.99 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304,575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 17,012 17,952 18,884 21,833 22,384 22,384 22,384 22,384 0 0 0 77,018 79,872 82,626 88,481 89,416 89,416 89,416 89,416 0 0 0 Supplies 304.575.50.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 252 378 141 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304.575.50.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,886 1,082 312 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 0 0 2,157 1,460 453 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 304.575.50.41.17 Advertising 411 1,007 543 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.42.01 Postage 0 0 0 100 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 304.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 0 0 0 500 250 250 250 250 0 0 0 304.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 0 0 232 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 304.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,366 1,375 1,344 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 304.575.50.49.02 Memberships 35 35 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 304.575.50.49.04 Conference Registrations 0 99 179 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 85 0 0 1,000 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 1,897 2,516 2,298 5,700 4,900 4,900 4,900 4,900 0 0 0 Total Senior Center 81,072 83,848 85,377 95781 95,916 95,916 95,916 95,916 0 0 0 Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = (10.96%) 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund Parks & Recreation Detail 001.076 304 SENIOR CENTER DIVISION 304.575.50.10.00 Salaries & Wages �~ 304.575.50.20.00 304.575.50.31.01 304.575.50.35.01 304.575.50.41.17 304.575.50.42.01 304.575.50.43.01 304.575.50.48.01 304.575.50.48.02 304.575.50.49.02 304.575.50.49.04 Payroll Taxes and Benefits _ FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS Office & Operating Supplies _ Paper, ink cartridges, folders, etc. 2017 Proposed Budget 67,032 22,384 500 500 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - replace card tables and class mom tables 1,100 Advertising --i _ Spokesman Review, Senior Directory, Dex Directory 500 Postage 1,100 500 Travel/Mileage _ Value Summit, Dovia, etc. 250' Equipment Repair & Maintenance _ Service Kilns & clean greenhouse windows Copier Maintenance Memberships _ WSASC Membership 1,500 50J 250 1,500 1,500 100 Registrations _ Misc. Trainings - Fall Prevention, Dovia, etc. 304.575.50.49.06 100 500 500 Miscellaneous Services _ Professional speakers/seminars Total, 500 500 95,916 Page 7 of 11 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 305 CenterPlace Employee Count - 5 FTEs Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 305.575.50.10.00 Wages 305.575.50.10.99 Overtime 305.575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 305.575.50.10.01 Temp/Seasonal - Wages 305.575.50.20.01 Temp/Seasonal - PR Tax & Benefits Supplies 305.575.50.31.01 305.575.50.31.04 305.575.50.31.05 305.575.50.31.06 305.575.50.31.07 305.575.50.31.08 305.575.50.31.09 305.575.50.32.01 305.575.50.35.01 Other Services & 305.575.50.41.01 305.575.50.41.05 305.575.50.41.06 305.575.50.41.17 305.575.50.41.18 305.575.50.42.01 305.575.50.42.02 305.575.50.42.03 305.575.50.42.08 305.575.50.43.01 305.575.50.44.03 305.575.50.45.03 305.575.50.47.01 305.575.50.47.02 305.575.50.47.03 305.575.50.47.04 305.575.50.48.00 305.575.50.48.01 305.575.50.48.02 305.575.50.48.03 305.575.50.49.01 305.575.50.49.02 305.575.50.49.03 305.575.50.49.04 305.575.50.49.06 Office & Operating Supplies Linens Meeting Supplies Safety Equipment Clothing & Uniforms Repair & Maintenance Supplies Janitorial supplies Fuel Small Tools & Minor Equipment Charges Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) Professional Services Janitorial services Advertising Legal Notices Postage Telephone Service Cell Phones Internet Service Travel/Mileage Taxes and Assessments Equipment Rental Electricity Water Sewer Waste Disposal Equip Rental Maint-Contracted Equipment Repair & Maintenance Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maintenance Subscriptions Memberships Printing & Binding Registrations Miscellaneous Services P:\1. General GovernancelBudget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx 20)3 2014 2015 Actual r, ,xh A uat Actua) f t i91 7: 234,471 227,158 249,220 263,508 269,880 269,88 2,650 2,065 2,103 2,500 2,500 2,50 105,010 106,415 130,215 144,847 154,189 15 18 44,453 59,503 54,226 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 6,699 7,188 6,891 5,070 5,070 5,070, 393,283 402,329 442,655 475,925 491,639 491,639 491,639. _ 491,6 ?69,880 2,500 69,8 154,189 80,000 5.070 10,407 7,566 6,614 8,574 8,574 16,959 16,373 18,053 16,500 18,500 81 0 0 1,050 1,050 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,612 2,270 1,601 2,275 2,275 10,766 11,417 10,870 11,600 11,600 10,907 15,386 11,759 15,500 15,500 17 0 0 0 0 9,262 10,822 5,022 19,525 15,025 60,011 63,834 53,919 76,024 73,524 6,602 6,572 7,346 6,700 6,700 14,785 13,071 13,340 13,075 13,075 91,559 93,985 83,946 94,090 94,090 54,059 66,476 54,157 60,000 60,000 335 0 0 0 0 4,618 3,039 143 3,100 1,500 5,018 3,227 2,727 4,000 3,500 891 876 872 900 900 5,753 6,442 6,389 6,400 6,400 6 3,164 3,160 1,661 3,000 3,000 0 5,097 4,705 5,100 5,100 0 52 0 0 0 86,380 87,208 84,811 87,500 87,500 2,345 2,328 2,891 4,004 3,000 2,674 2,606 2,739 3,900 3,000 9,284 9,401 9,173 9,495 9,495 0 0 0 500 500 20,457 18,336 15,548 15,000 15,000 1,366 1, 375 1,344 1,400 1,400 0 2,813 2,813 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 300 150 2,843 2,955 3,109 3,445 3,520 1,678 1,514 2,425 1,700 1,700 1,70( 2,413 2,382 4,069 1,300 1,300 1,30( 3,475 2,359 1,930 2,365 2,465 319,699 335,274 306,138 330,274 326,295 306,291 8,674 8,574 8574: 8,500 18,500 18,500 1,050 1,050 1,054 ;000 1',00 600. 11,600 ,500 15,500 2,275 1,600 15,500 15,025 10,775. '10,775 73,524 69,274. 69,274,, 94 09075 ;13,0 ao,o0o 7, 00 ;0 Page 1 of 2 13,075 .13,075 94,090 94,090 25,000 20,000 7 ,0 7 01 2 .e. es, Pi tl (4,250) (4,250) (4,250) (4,250) 0 000) 6,295; (20,000) -, 5,00( 40,000) 35,000) ` (40,000) P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx Capital Outlays 305.594.73.64.02 Computer Software/Hardware 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305.594.73.64.07 Update sound system in great room 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total CenterPlace 772,993 801,437 802,712 882,223 891,458 871,458 852,208 847,208 (20,000) (39,250) (44 250) Total budget increase = 1.05% (2.24%) (4.40%) (4.96%) Combined nonpayroll increase = (1.59%) Page 2 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 j 1 2017 Proposed Budget 305 CENTERPLACE DIVISION 305.575.50.10.00 1Salaries & Wages 269,880 305.575.50.10.99 Overtime 2,500 305.575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits ( - 154,189 _ i FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS Temporary/Seasonal Wages Temporary/Seasonal Payroll Taxes and Benefits 305.571.20.10.01 305.571.20.20.01 305.575.50.31.01 !Office & Operating Supplies - File Folders (20 boxes @ $15/box) - Hanging File Folders (2 boxes @ $22/box) 200 60,000 5,070 8,574 881 - Letterhead (100 sheets) 200 Envelopes (6 boxes @ $50/box) 600 Pens (24 boxes @ $6.50/box) 156 - Misc. office Supplies (white out, binders, post -it notes 950 - Kitchenware (pumper pots, water pitchers, dish replac 2,500 -' Coffee & Coffee Supplies (creamer, stir sticks, cups, ; 1570 -!Kleenex (5 pack @ $9/pk) 80 305.575.50.31.04 305.575.50.31.05 - Flags (4) 225 - Labels (address labels, folder labels, etc) 225 - Batteries (for cordless microphones) 300 - Tape 280 - Business cards 400 - Replacement AV Equipment 800 Linens _ Table linens & napkins for over 234 events Meeting Supplies _ Easels, white board replacement, _ Projector bulbs 305.575.50.31.06 305.575.50.31.07 18,500 18,500 1,050 450 600 Safety Equipment - Servicing fire extinguishers Clothing & Uniforms 1,000 1000 2,275 _ 40 staff shirts (2 per person) @ $36/shirt _� 15 staff zip jacket or pullover (1/pp) @ 41.71/ea 305.575.50.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - Filters - Light bulbs -!Misc. (nuts, bolts, glue, wood) 1,600 675 _--_.11,600 3,300 1 1,500 3,300 Page 8 of 11 General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 305.575.50.31.09 305.575.50.35.01 - Paint & supplies - Electrical supplies Janitorial supplies - Cleaning supplies - Paper products & garbage bags Diswasher/cleaning supplies 305.575.50.41.01 305.575.50.41.03 305.575.50.41.05 -; Carpet Cleaning -"Floor waxing Small Tools & Minor Equipment - Hand tools, extension cords - 25 new room chairs - Misc. Equipment 2,000 1,500 2017 Proposed Budget 15,500 2,500 6,000 4,000 1,5007 1,500 15,025 ^1,000 5,875 3,100 -;10 round tables 4,250 10 6' Banquet tables 800 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) �- 6,700 IT Support Professional Services - Window washing - Alarm (monitoring agreement), repair & keys - Elevator - Life Safety Testing (sprinklers, backflows) - Rotor Rooter 13,075 2,020 870 1,695 -- 2,300 500 305.575.50.41.06 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx - Misc. services (answering service) 305.575.50.41.17 1,490 - Event Catering to be reimbursed by customers Janitorial services - <Contract with ISS Facility Services - lAdditonal Room Set Up Advertising Dex Advertising Brochures & other printed materials Marketing folders Develop/Print ads Website update & hosting renewal Hagadone Black Book 4,200 94,090 87,500 6,590 5,500 3,450 2,200 18,000 Regional Advertising (billboards or other media) INBTA Business Fair Booth INBA Business Fair Booth GSI Business Fair Booth 600 60,000 1,200 24,325 400 300 450 Page 9 of 11 4 Cell phones (2 maint. and host) 305.575.50.42.03 r P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund i Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 2017 Proposed Budget Post Fals Business Fair Booth - Bridal Festival Booth (Jan & Sept) 305.575.50.42.01 Postage 175 3,400 _ Brochures, flyers, reservation quotes, refunds, etc. 305.575.50.42.02 Telephone Service _ Five analog phone lines for alarms, fire, 911, elevator & credit card machine Cell Phones 1,500 305.575.50.42.08 Internet 1,500 3,500 900 _ Internet service at CenterPlace 6,400 305.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage _ Attend WRPA Conference in Tacoma _ Mileage for various meetings 500 _ Maintenance Training 1,500 r 1,000 305.575.50.44.03 Taxes & Assessments _ Leasehold excise fax on longterm rentals 305.575.50.47.01 Electricity 305.575.50.47.02 Water 305.575.50.47.03 Sewer 308.575.50.47.04 Waste Disposal r 6,400 3,000 5,100 5,100 87,500 3,000 Waste Disposal Recycling 305.575.50.48.00 Equip Rental Maint-Contracted 305.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance HVAC contract - Misc. Equipment Repair - Elevator Repair/maintenance - Refrigerator repair 305.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 305.575.50.48.03 8925 570 3,000 9,495 500 15,000 7,500 5,500 1,000 1,000 Software Licenses and Maintenance 305.575.50.49.01 Subscriptions 305.575.50.49.02 Memberships 1,400 3,000 150 _!Greater Spokane Incorporated _! Post Falls Chamber of Commerce Page 10 of 11 700 225 3,520 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Parks & Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2017.xlsx General Fund Parks & Recreation - Detail 001.076 1 1 - 4 _! Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce _' National Park & Recreation Association _Washington Recreation & Park Association IIAVM _ilnpro _1Spokane Hotel Motel Association Int'I Assoc. of Business & Travel Professionals _:Inland Northwest Business Alliance - West Plains Chamber 650 150 250 445 200 300 150 150 300 2017 Proposed Budget !305.575.50.49.03 Printing & Binding 1,700 _; Brochures & other printed material 1,700 305.575.50.49.04 Registrations I 1,300 H WRPA Conference in Seattle 300 _ Misc. Trainings 1,000 305.575.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 2,465 - Motion Picture License Chamber Business Fair Booth Spokane Valley Chamber meetings - -Hotel Motel meetings - Piano Tuning - Elevator Permits 530 500 300 225 300 I 110 - Boiling and operating permit - L&I 1-- i 500 ! I 1 , Total 891,458 i , Total Parks & Recreation I 2,826,033 Page 11 of 11 001 General Fund 058 Community Development 050 Admin Division Employee Count - 2 FTEs P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction WageslPayroll Taxes/Benefits 050.558.60.10.00 Wages 164,726 170,644 177,284 184,272 191,124 191,124 191,124 191,124 0 0 0 050.558.60.10.99 Overtime 298 3,325 3,317 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 050.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 50,513 53,428 56,631 63,135 67,138 67,138 67,138 67,138 0 0 0 215,537 227,397 237,232 250,407 261,262 261,262 261,262 261 262 0 0 0 Supplies 050.558.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 1,421 2,598 1,385 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 050.558.60.31.03 Publications 0 0 23 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 050.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 94 152 88 400 400 400 400 400 0 0 0 050.558.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 884 832 1,057 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 2,399 3,582 2,553 3,100 3,100 3100 3,100 3,100 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 050.558.60.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bank Fees) 0 51 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 050.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 1,400 840 840 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 050.558.60.41.05 Professional Services 0 0 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 050.558.60.42.01 Postage 0 0 49 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 050.558.60.42.03 Cell Phone (Ipad) 480 480 480 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 0 050.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 2,289 654 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 050.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 710 661 519 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 050.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 5,500 7,605 7,883 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 0 0 0 050.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 245 0 0 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 050.558.60.49.02 Memberships 740 1,521 240 700 700 700 700 700 0 0 0 050.558.60.49.04 Registrations 1,085 210 565 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 12,449 12,022 10,785 18,600 18,600 18,600 18 600 18,600 0 0 0 Total Recurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Items - Professional Services Total CD Admin Division 230,385 243,001 250,570 272,107 282,962 282,962 282 962 282,962 0 0 Total budget increase = 3.99% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Combined nonpayroll increase = 0.00% 32,410 206,704 350,000 0 0 0 0 230,385 275,411 457,274 622 107 282 962 282.962 282,962 282,962 0 0 0 2016 1 1 2017 Total Recurring for All Divisions Admin 272,107 282,962 282,962 282,962 282,962 0 0 0 Econ Dev 545,157 640,632 640,632 640,632 640,632 0 0 0 Dev Svc 1,465,237 1,416,484 1,416,484 1,310,446 1,186,369 0 (106,038) (230,115) Building 1,365,565 1,390,834 1,281,860 1281,860 1,281,860 (108,974) (108,974) (108,974) 3 648 066 3,730,912 3,621 938 3.515.900 3 391 823 (108,9741 (215,012) (339,089) Combined increase for all divisions = NonPayroll Admin Econ Dev Dev Svc Building 1 2016 1 2.27% (2.92%) (5.76%) (9.09%) 1 2017 1 21,700 21,700 227,900 229,400 291,400 297,400 109,000 111,000 650 000 659 500 Combined increase for all divisions = 1.46% 050.Admin P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 1 2017 Community Development =' • , 0 se i ge Administration Division 001.058.050. 050.558.60.10.00 Wages 191,124 1 Director, 1 Administrative Assistant 050.558.60.10.99 Overtime 3,000 l administrative staff covers off hours meetings I 050.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 67,138 'FICA, medicare, L&l, PERS 050.558.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 1,500 general office supplies 050.558.60.31.03 Publications _ 200 American Social Civil Engineers 150 Roberts Rules of Order - newest edition 25 Parliamentary Journal 25 050.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 200 400 1Developer's Forum j Planning Commission 200 i 1,000 050.558.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 300 Planning Commission Thank you awards x 'Replacement chair 700 1,000 505.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County. The majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division. 050.558.60.42.01 Postage 100 Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence 050.558.60.42.03 Cell Phone (Ipad) 600 iPad connection for the director. Assists director in being more productive 050.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 NW Economic Development Council 1,000 (Northwest Regional Floodplain Conference 2 X 3 nights 1,500 Continuing Education Credits for Certification for CFM 500 050.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,000 Based on actual charges to repair department machines 1050.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 9,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 7,500 upgrade to Adobe 2,000 050.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 200 Engineering Professional Joumal, 150 Parliamentary Law Review 50 050.558.60.49.02 Membershi • s 700 Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Community Development Administration Division 001.058.050. American Association of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Association of Parliamentarians (INPLU) 235 25 American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP)-Alyce Baker 10 Washington Association of Floodplain Managers (WAFM) 30 Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA) X 2 i 50 Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) X 2 250 100 International Association of Administrative Professionals 050.558.60.49.04 Registrations NORFMA (floodplain) conference x 2 Parliamentary Law conference Economic Development Seminar floodplain management training (CEC) Total: 0'r7,` :Proposed Budget 800 282,962 Page 2 of 2 001 General Fund 058 Community Development 051 Econ Dev Employee Count - 3.65 FTEs P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 051.558.70.10.00 Wages 0 0 171,979 222,229 293,057 293,057 293,057 293,057 0 0 0 051.558.70.10.99 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 051.558.70.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0 0 62,987 95,028 118,175 118 175 118 175 118,175 0 0 0 0 0 234,966 317,257 411,232 411 232 411,232 411,232 0 0 0 Supplies 051.558.70.31.03 Publications 0 0 6 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 0 051 558.70.31.05 Meeting Supplies 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 6 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 051.558.70.41.05 Professional Services 0 0 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 0 0 051.558.70.41.17 City Economic Development 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 051.558.70.48.02 Travel/Mileage 0 0 346 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 051.558.70.49.02 Subscriptions 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 051.558.70.49.04 Memberships 0 0 665 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 051.558.70.49.07 Registrations 0 0 2,919 3,300 3,800 3 800 3 800 3 800 0 0 0 0 0 3,930 226,800 228,300 228 300 228 300 228,300 0 0 0 Total CD Economic Develop Division 0 0 238,902 545,157 640,632 640,632 640,632 640,632 0 0 0 Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = 0.66% 17.51% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% .051 Econ Dev P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 1 001.058.051. Community Development Economic Development Division 051.558.70.10.00 051.558.70.20.00 051.558.70.31.03 051.558.70.31.05 Wages 1 Economic Development Coordinator, 0.65 Development Engineer, 1 Economic Marketing Specialist, 0.75 Planner Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS Publications American Social Civil Engineers Economic Development solutions publications Meeting Supplies Regional Partner meetings 051.558.70.41.05 Business community meetings Professional Services Consultant for Marketing/Graphics design work for marketing collateral to create a consistent marketing theme for Economic Development promotion 2017 Proposed Budget 051.558.70.41.17 051.558.70.43.01 Ci Economic Development 250 250 293,057 500 18,000 200,000 Promotion - Consultant/ Study / Implementation Travel/Mileage Washington State Dept of Commerce Economic Development seminars International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) conference Inland EmpireAPA regional conference International Economic Development Council (IEDC) GSI, Visit Spokane and other regional partner meetings Subscriptions 3,500 051.558.70.49.01 051.558.70.49.02 National Association of Development Organization 200 1,000 Strong Towns Congress of New Urbanism International Council of Shopping Centers 300 200 Memberships American Association of Civil Engineers (ASCE) International Economic Development Council (IEDC) American Planning Association 300 2,000 300 300 600 Washington Economic Development Association (WEDA) 600 International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) 200 051.558.70.49.04 Registrations Washington State Dept of Commerce Economic Development seminars 3,800 900 International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) conference 700 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 700 Inland Northwest Partners 500 GS!, Visit Spokane and other regional partner meetings 1000 Total: 640,632 Page 1 of 1 001 General Fund 058 Community Development 055 Development Services Division Employee Count - 10 FTEs P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Wages/Pavroll Taxes/Benefits 055.558.50.10.00 Wages 537,655 436,044 453,968 486,336 500,628 055.558.50.10.99 Overtime 159 6,703 19,427 500 7,000 055.558.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 214,345 169,509 182,247 206,970 218,739 056.558.60.10.00 Wages 539,553 482,776 324,276 337,536 272,508 056.558.60.10.99 Overtime 780 3,619 6,068 0 2,000 056.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 195,776 179,947 129,478 142,495 118,209 1,488,268 1,278,598 1,115,464 1,173,837 1,119,084 '•'1119;064?;'1,013,046 888,96 100, ,628 ` ' 500,62 7 000. 7,00 18 739, ' 21;8.73 72,500 201,99 00, ,7 a,052 9 82,683 50,550' Supplies 055.558.50.31.01 Office Supplies 2,448 495 2,654 3,0003,000 3,006 i 3,1100' 055.558.50.31.03 Publications 388 0 0 400 400 055.558.50.31.05 Meeting Supplies 0 22 0 200 200 2 0"' .200 055.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 57 16 58 200 200 200 200 055.558.50.32.01 Fuel 4,120 4,2633,479 5,000 5,000 5;©O0 5,0Q0. 055.558.50.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment2,816 0 170 1,000 1,000 1,000,; 1,000 056.558.60.31.01 Office Supplies 3,126 686 2,062 3,200 3,200 056.558.60.31.02 Forms 140 40 0 0 0 056.558.60.31.03 Publications 342 355 0 400 400 .400 400. 056.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 32 220 2741,000 1,000 056.558.60.31.06 Safety Equipment 0 0 0 150 150 .:150 = 150 056.558.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 16 22 516 2,000 2,000 . 2,000;- 2,000. 13,485 6,119 9,213 16,550 16,550 ,16 550=. Other Services & Charges 055.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 8,609 8,095 16,233 2,000 2,000 055.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 29,205 24,467 28,815 30,000 30,000 30,000: . 30,000 ":•30 055.558.50.41.18 Legal Notices 0 0 0 200 200 =201 055.558.50.42.01 Postage 3,139 3,419 3,205 3,400 3,400 ,3491 055.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones 1,851 1,836 2,894 2,000 2,000 2,001 055.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 1,008 3,248 36 3,000 3,000 3,001 055.558.50.45.07 lnterfund Vehicle Lease 0 0 0 10,500 8,500 "8,501 055.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 351 141 1,109 1,000 1,000 055.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 710 661 519 1,000 1,000 055.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 9,613 8,901 9,940 8,500 8,500 8501 055.558.50.49.02 Memberships 865 636 1,557 1,000 1,000 ,1,001 055.558.50.49.04 Registrations 1,107 2,525 1,485 4,000 4,000 4,001 055.558.50.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 0 10 143 250 250 055.558.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 55 0 0 0 =;1 056.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 117,801 111,613 109,053 115,000 120,000 120,000 ` 129,0p0 _ 120,01 056.558.60.41.05 Professional Services 21,467 22,129 23,264 40,000 40,000 40'000'? 40,000 056.558.60.41.17 Advertising 0 0 1,593 0 0 0, 0 056.558.60.41.18 Legal. Notices 5,832 9,623 8,047 8,000 8,000 8 000 056.558.60.42.01 Postage 0 5 134 0 0 056.558.60.42.03 Cell Phones 1,596 0 0 0 0 056.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,702 1,629 528 3,000 3,000 30001 "3,0,00: 056.558.60.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 30 0 714 0 0 = • `0 , " `` 10' 056.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 710 661 519 1,000 1,000 100, • 1,000.. 056.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 9,333 7,605 7,483 9,500 12,500 ""1'2;500 12,500? 056.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 176 100 120 200 200200`.:, 056.558.60.49.02 Memberships 2,380 4,071 3,714 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000" 056.558,60.49.03 Printing & Binding 0 0 0 500 500 500" 500 056.558.60.49.04 Registrations 2,913 3,168 1,168 2,800 2,800 2,600.; 2,800 2,800f 00 200 ,000' 2001 0 400'' ,0.00 150: B1 0 0,5 2) (162,456)',. 0 0 (67,659)' 6,038) " (230,115): 550' 000 0 I0, .055.056 Dev Sery 001 General Fund 058 Community Development 055 Development Services Division Employee Count - 10 FTEs 056.558.60.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 7,715 10,335 6,151 2016 Budget 6,000 2017 Proposed Budget 6,000 230,113 224,933 228,424 254,850 260,850 Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 260,850 260,850 260850 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Services 056.558.60.51.01 Spokane County Contracts (HEX) 8,287 17,030 12,639 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 8,287 17,030 12,639 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 Total CD Development Services Division 1,740.153 1,526,680 1,365,740 1,465,237 1,416,484 1,416,484 1,310,446 1.186,369 0 (106,038) (230,115) Total budget increase = (3.33%) Combined nonpayroll increase = 2.06% #158 Capital Outlay SMP 158.558.60.41.05 Professional Services 41,803 2,032 0 0 0 158.558.60.10.00 Salaries & Wages (City Match) 0 0 0 0 0 158.558.60.20.00 Employee Benefits (City Match) 0 0 0 0 0 055.595.61.63.00 Capital Construction 0 0 10,600 0 0 Total Nonrecurring 41,803 2,032 10,600 0 0 Total Development Svcs 1,781,956 1,528,712 1,376.340 1,465,237 1,416,484 .055.056 Dev Sery 0.00% (7.49%) (16.25%) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund j 1001.058.055 and 001.058.056 2017 Community Development Proposed Development Services Division Budget 055.558.50.10.00 Salaries & Wages 500,628 __�__ 11 Dev Sery Manager, 2 Engineers, 1 Asst. Engineer, 0.5 l Engineering Technicians, 1 Development Inspector, 1 ROW Inspector 055.558.50.10.99 Overtime 7,000 Construction Inspector to attend meetings with contractors ' and emergency call -outs 055.558.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 218,739 FICA, medicare, L&l, PERS 056.558.60.10.00 ! Salaries & Wages 272,508 1 1 Senior Planner, 2 Planners, 1 Office Assistant 056.558.60.10.99 Overtime 2,000 cover after hours meetings 056.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 118,209 FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 055.558 _50.31.01 Office Supplies 3,000 standard office supplies 055.558.50.31.03 Publications 400 AASHTO Standards 055.558.50.31.05 Meeting Supplies 200 1 Developer's Forums 055.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 200 Safety Yellow work shirts and Vests 100 caution tape, marking paint, hard hats 100 055.558.50.32.01 Fuel 5,000 fuel for 2 vehicles 1 ROW inspector and 1 Construction Inspector 055.558.50.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,000 This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than traditional office supplies. Examples: tape measures, extra long levels, staplers and staples (construction grade for notices), GPS unit (shared), calculators, measuring wheels 056.558.60.31.01 Office Supplies 3,200 general office supplies 056 .558.60.31.03 Publications 400 Spokane County Real Estate Forum 75 New Urban News 195 Congress of New Urbanism 130 056.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 1,000 Planning Commission Meetings 500 Comprehensive Plan Workshops 500 Page 1 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 1001.058.055 and 001.058.056 0` o 0 ose l • e" Community Development Development Services Division 056.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 150 posting stakes, caution tape, gloves, inhalation filters, 100 breathing masks safety vests 50 056.558.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 2,000 replacement chair 600 desk scanner 1,200 misc 200 055.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 2,000 GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County 055.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 30,000 I Belsby Engneering, survey Contract. (code requirement) 055.558.50.41.18 Legal Notices 200 ' Legal notices are required for Development Engineering requirements, drainage easements, ROW easements 3,400 '055.558.50.42.01 Postage I Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence - public meeting mailings - has been charged to another division 2,000 055.558.50.42.03 CeII Phones phone & wireless connections for ROW and Construction Inspectors 055.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 NORFMA Floodplain conference 600 Traffic Control 400 GIS Training 700 Stormwater- Detention Pond Design 100 Construction Inspection Training 500 Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt 150 Communications Training 150 Concrete Pavement Inspection 150 Traffic Engineering Training 100 Project Inspection mileage 100 General meeting mileage 50 055.558.50.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease 8,500 J lnterfund Vehicle Lease 055.558.50.48.01 E uipment Repair and Maintenance 1,000 Vehicle Maintenance on 2 vehicles 055.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,000 Actual charges as the copier and plotter need to be maintained Page 2 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 001.058.055 and 001.058.056 :201.7 Community Development P: o I osed Development Services Division -B �.ge 055.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 8,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 7,500 FEMA floodplain software upgrade 1,000 055.558.50.49.02 Memberships 1,000 Members of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 600 Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) 100 RoadBuilders Association 100 Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA) 200 055.558.50.49.04 Registrations 4,000 NORFMA Floodplain conference 400 Traffic Control 500 GIS Training 800 Stormwater - Detention Pond Design 500 Construction Inspection Training 500 Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt 400 Communications Training 150 Concrete Pavement Inspection 400 Flagger Training 50 Misc Local Training 300 055.558.50.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 250 Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record easements and requirements for Development Engineering 056.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 120,000 GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County The majority of the charges for these se►vices are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division. Professional Services 40,000 Planning special counsel 056.558.60.41.18 Legal Notices 8,000 Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats, long plats and binding site plans. This is a revenue/expenditure neutral item given the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording 056.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 State APA Conference 500 Inland Empire APA conference 800 Shoreline Conference 200 WA State Planning Managers Conference 300 Page 3 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund 001.058.055 and 001.058.056 2017 Proposed:. „WAVE. Community Development Development Services Division Spokane River Forum —I 200 Misc travel for PTAC, SCEO, Site Selector and other local 'meetings 1,000 056.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,000 actual charges to repair copier, plotters, desk printers 056.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 12,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 056.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 200 Planning Commissioners Joumal 150 West zoning review 50 056.558.60.49.02 Memberships 2,000 American Planning Association/AICP x 5 1,100 Planning Association of Washington 350 APA = planning commission 450 Washington Association of Code Enforcers two individual memberships 300 056.558.60.49.03 Printing & Binding 500 Printing sign brochures, clearview brochures 056.558.60.49.04 Registrations 2,800 Inland Empire Section - APA x 3 500 (State American Planning Association Conference 500 WACE sponsored training- Code Enforcement 1 300 Shoreline Conference 200 WA State Planning Managers Conference 300 Spokane River Forum 200 APA Certification credits - seminars 500 Misc. Workshops such as: Complete Street, Bike and Ped, Airport Compatibility, Sustainability, 300 056.558.60.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 6,000 Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats, long plats and binding site plans. This is a revenue/expenditure neutral item given the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording 056.558.60.51.01 Spokane County Contracts 20,000 Hearing Examiner 1,416,484 1 Total: Page 4 of 4 001 General Fund 058 Community Development 057 Building Division Employee Count • 14 FTEs P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget \Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Budget - Line Item Changes 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 057.524.60.10.00 Wages 0 0 0 0 70,488 70,488 70,488 70,488 0 0 0 057.524.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0 0 0 0 30,341 30,341 30,341 30,341 0 0 0 057.558.50.10.00 Wages 668,262 770,332 796,243 864,732 818,100 745,212 745,212 745,212 (72,888) (72,888) (72,888) 057.558.50.10.99 Overtime 0 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50 20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 264,399 327,896 329,863 391,833 360,905 324,819 324,819 324,819 (36,086) (36,086) (36,086) 932,661 1,098,561 1,126,106 1,256,565 1,279,834 1 170 860 1,170,860 1,170,860 (108,974) (108,974) (108,974) Supplies 057.524.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 0 40 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.524.60.31.06 Safety Equipment 0 8 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.524.60.32.01 Fuel 2,116 1,574 775 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 0 0 0 057.524.60.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 229 121 53 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 057.558.50.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 3,243 5,434 2,438 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.31.02 Forms 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - _ - 0 0 0 057.558.50.31.03 Publications 5,712 2,067 81 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 49 39 79 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 057.558.50.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50.32.01 Fuel 6,382 5,264 4,116 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 4,753 1,318 516 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3 000 0 0 0 22,484 15,939 8,074 32,700 32,700 32,700 32,700 32,700 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 057.524.60.42.03 Cell Phones 0 1,138 1,036 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 057.524.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 368 899 1,101 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 057.524.60.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 779 1,533 326 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 057.524.60.49.02 Memberships 40 110 90 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 057.524.60.49.04 Registrations 625 225 255 700 700 700 700 700 0 0 0 057.524.60.49.08 Code Enforcement Abatement 14,257 29,023 5,132 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.40.01 Credit Card & Bankcard Fees 14,873 0 0 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50.41.01 Credit Card & Bankcard Fees 0 18,770 17,846 0 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 2,871 1,680 1,782 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 703 4,800 5,419 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 057.558.50.42.01 Postage 284 305 277 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones 4,515 4,539 5,286 4,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 0 0 0 057.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 1,659 4,346 2,078 3,300 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 0 0 0 057.558.50.45.03 Equipment Rental 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease 8,400 8,400 8,400 5,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 4,102 3,037 2,328 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 6,501 5,449 6,015 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 057.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 8,580 9,908 7,887 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 0 0 0 057.558.50.49.01 Subscriptions 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 057.558.50.49.02 Memberships 225 604 1,012 1,200 700 700 700 700 0 0 0 057.558.50.49.04 Registrations 1,210 2,475 1,289 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 057.558.50.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 0 1,046 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 1,947 0 330 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 72,038 98,386 68,052 76,300 78,300 78,300 78,300 78,300 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Services Total CD Building Division 1.027,183 1.212.886 1 202.232 1 365 565 1.390.834 1,281,860 1,281,860 1.281,860 (108.974) (108.974) (108,974) Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = 1.83% 1.85% (7.84%) (7.84%) (7.84%) .057 Building 057.524.60.49.02 Memberships 057.524.60.49.04 Registrations 200 700 Equipment Repair and Maintenance Repair costs for code enforcement vehicle 3,000 Travel/Mileage Smal Tools & Minor Equipment Replacement chairs x 2 1,200 3,000 replacement label printerx 2 1,200 caution tape, safety gloves, shoe covers, permit cover bags, construction grade staplers 600 2,000 1,000 057.524.60.48.01 057.524.60.43.01 057.524.60.42.03 CeII Phones code enforcement officer cell phone and laptop wireless connection 057.558.50.35.01 057.558.50.31.08 Fuel fuel for inspectors' trucks - 4 vehicles Safety Equipment safety vests, safety glasses, hard hats, flashlights, safety kits for the vehicles, yellow caution tape, dust masks, water jugs for vehicles 9,000 f 2001 12,000 057.558.50.31.06 General Fund _Community Development Building Division i 001.058.057 057.524.60.10.00 057.524.60.20.00 057.558.5 Salaries & Wages , 1 Code Enfocement Officer 2017 Proposed Bud'et 70,488 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0.10.00 Salaries & Wages 1 Building Official, 1 Sr Plans Examiner, 1 Plans Examiner, 3 Building Inspectors, 1 Dev Sery Coordinator, 2 Permit Facilitators, 2 Planners, 2 Office Assistants, 1 Engeering Technician 057.558.50.20.00 057.524.60.32.01 057.524.60.35.01 057.558.50.31.01 057.558.50.31.02 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, Medicare, L&l, PERS Fuel Fuel for Code Enforcement officer ,Small Tools & Minor Equipment Office & Oyerating Supplies general office supplies Forms ;Inspection Tags Target Date sheets 057.558.50.31.03 ,Publications Code books and update publications for 10 employees - this !is nota code year, however next year is a code year and new l books will need to be purchased for everyone 30,341 818,100 360,905 4,000 500, 3,000 1,000 500 500 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Page 1 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund ! Community Development Building Division 001.058.057 057.524.60.49.08 Code Enforcement Abatement this amount could possibly cover 1 abatement per year. Credit Card & Bankcard Fees Credit card fees charged by banks - cannot calculate the !amount, varies by bank, by card, by charge, by bank holder i state. 057.558.50.41.01 057.558.50.41.03 10,000 Spokane County GIS GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County The majority of the charges for these services are used by 16,000 i the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division 057.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 1GPS Services - Seattle Public Utilities 1,900 2,000 3,500 1 Some projects require professional expertise that we do not have on staff. Among these services we could need outside I review by professionals such as engineers, architects, industrial hygienists or other specialty professionals for projects proposing complex structural systems; or large important buildings like assemblies and hospitals; or alternate construction materials. 057.558.50.42.01 i Postage !Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence, !certified mail 057.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones _ i 6 cell phones, 1 for GPS connection and 4 laptop/2 tablet 'wireless connections 057.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage WABO- four in-state technical/professional meetings; one person each meeting, two-day meeting Planner to APA Conference WSAPT Meetings- two in-state technical/professional meetings; one person each meeting; one -day meeting Inland Empire APA conference 1,600 1,000 5,800 800 400 400 200 2,800 Certifications- one per year 450 Certification Renewals -one per year 450 AICP Certification 100 057.558.50.45.07 Vehicle Replacement Costs accrue to account for replacement of vehicles 8,000 057.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 'repair and maintenance of inspectors trucks x4 3,000 057.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 6,000 actual charges to maintain 2 printers, 2 large format copier scanners, plotter 1 Page 2 of 3 8,500 1,000 057.558.50.49.01 Subscriptions -!Building Law Bulletin 057.558.50.49.02 Memberships Intemational Code Conference (ICC) govemmental membership APA memberships for 2 planners Inland Empire Chapter, ICC- five individual memberships Washington Association of Building Officials govemmental membership 'Washington Association of Permit Technicians three individual memberships 7 700 9,500 100 100 300 210 40 50 057.558.50.49.04 Registrations - WABO- four in-state technical/professional meetings; one person each meeting, two-day meeting Inland Empire APA conference eng tech AICP Certification 1,500 500 200 200 State Building Code Council meetings- four -eight per year state code development; one -day meeting; no travel or meal charges to City Planner attend APA Conference 300 300 057.558.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services rug service for Permit Center, shreading services [-General Fund 2017 (Community Development Proposed t_ ;Building Division ' 001.058.057 Bud et 057.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance SMARTGov Maintenance update sign calculating software P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Total: 1,500 1,390,834 Page 3 of 3 001 General Fund 032 Public Works Department Employee Count - 7.375 FTEs P:\1. General Governance \Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.543.10.10.00 Wages 419,496 485,574 513,667 636,906 646,725 641,858 624,823 603,967 (4,867) (21,902) (42,758) 000.543.10.10.99 Overtime 513 0 644 1,000 700 700 700 700 0 0 0 000.543.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 137,699 161,523 170,355 238,458 257,957 255,376 246,346 239,110 (2,581) (11,611) (18,847) 557,708 647,097 684,666 876,364 905,382 897,934 871,869 843,777 (7,448) (33,513) (61,605) Supplies 000.543.10.31.01 Office Supplies 5,579 5,286 5,957 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,500 5,000 0 (500) (1,000) 000.543.10.31.02 Forms 0 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.31.03 Publications 355 358 72 500 250 100 100 100 (150) (150) (150) 000.543.10.31.05 Meeting Supplies 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.31.06 Safety Equipment 1,685 1,103 721 2,000 1,000 500 0 0 (500) (1,000) (1,000) 000.543.10.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 15 3 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.32.01 Fuel 3,955 2,590 1,909 5,500 5,000 4,000 3,650 3,250 (1,000) (1,350) (1,750) 000.543.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,385 744 2,465 4,000 2,500 1,000 0 0 (1,500) (2,500) (2,500) 12,974 10,481 11,149 18,000 14,750 11,600 9,250 8,350 (3,150) (5,500) (6,400) Other Services & Charges 000.543.10.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bank Fees) 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.41.02 Engineering & Architectural 41,663 3,769 0 8,000 8,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 000.543.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS 14,167 9,792 10,718 11,605 4,100 0 0 0 (4,100) (4,100) (4,100) 000.543.10.41.17 Advertising 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.41.18 Legal Notices 689 1,526 1,284 0 100 0 0 0 (100) (100) (100) 000.543.10.42.01 Postage 559 498 418 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 0 000.543.10.42.03 Cell Phones 4,151 3,914 3,364 3,676 4,200 4,200 3,676 3,152 0 (524) (1,048) 000.543.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,352 3,474 5,663 7,000 7,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 (5,000) (6,000) (6,000) 000.543.10.45.07 Vehicle Replacement Fund 0 0 3,900 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 000.543.10.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 1,465 290 313 3,400 2,250 2,250 2,000 2,000 0 (250) (250) 000.543.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 5,298 4,314 3,301 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 0 0 0 000.543.10.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 12,166 13,205 10,772 15,875 14,200 15,800 15,800 15,800 1,600 1,600 1,600 000.543.10.49.01 Subscriptions 140 156 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.02 Memberships / Professional Licenses 1,053 1,238 1,100 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 415 0 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.04 Conference Registrations 1,704 9,391 1,605 8,450 8,450 2,200 1,000 1,000 (6,250) (7,450) (7,450) 000.543.10.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 20 30 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 15 48 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.07 Training 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88,004 51,768 42,913 72,506 61 800 42,950 39,976 39,452 (18,850) (21,824) (22,348) Total Recurring Expenditures 658,686 709,346 738,728 966,870 981,932 952,484 921,095 891,579 (29,448) (60,837) (90,353) Total budget increase = Combined nonpayroll increase = (15.42%) 1.56% (3.00%) (6.20%) (9.20%) Nonrecurring Items 099.543.10.31.01 Nonrecurring Supplies (Autocad license: 0 9,540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Public Works 658,686 718,886 738,728 966,870 981,932 952,484 921,095 891,579 (29,448) (60,837) (90,353) Page 1 of 1 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Public Works - Details 001.032. 000.543.10.10.00 Wages 000.543.10.10.99 Overtime 000.543.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS 2017 P oposed Bud 646,725 700 257,957 000.543.10.31.01 Office Supplies Includes all regular office supplies, filing supplies for capital projects, plotter paper, engineering supplies 000.543.10.31.03 Publications 6,000 Misc. Public Notices - A recent example includes Sullivan Bridge Weight Restriction Notices. 000.543.10.31.06 ; Safety Equipment - This includes all safety supplies such as Safety I1 Vests, eye protection, hearing protection, hard hats, I Safety lights for vehicles, temporary traffic control equipment. 1,000 000.543.10.32.01 Fuel - 3 vehicles plus 1.5 summer vehicles (2004) Taurus, (2003) Explorer, (2004) Dakota, (2014) Escape, .5 (2014) F150 .000.543.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - This includes tape measures, surveying equipment, levels, and othermisc. devices that would be used to ' inspect contractors' work. 000.543.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural 5,000 2,500 8,000 - Pre -design work / Project not assigned Recent examples have included contracts for the Sprague-Appleway Couplet Evaluation, Survey work, development of Right of Way Policies and Procedures. 000.543.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS GIS services - 25% / Storm 23% / CD DevIp16%,/ CD Planning 35% /based on # users ESRI Licenses (County) Pictometry Tiles Pictometry License Online - Split 50/50 between Storm & CD Planning. Scimap - eliminated in 2016 000.543.10.41.18 4,100 Legal Notices 194 3,860 100 Misc. Public Notices - A recent example includes Sullivan Bridge Weight Restriction Notices. 000.543.10.42.01 Postage Expense charged to PW for all outgoing mail 600 000.543.10.42.03 Cell Phones 4,200 - 5 Phones - 36.47 Per month (PW Inspector) 701-1811, (Pete) 714-7133, (Erica) 869-2718, (Craig) 475-5332, (?) 842-7159 2,188 Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx General Fund Public Works - Details 001.032. - 2 1pads - 40.01 Per month: Eric and Steve 960 GPS Phone for Scott Wallace $35.28 month - Cell Phone Reimbursement 135 per quarter -Eric 423 540 000.543.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage - Car Rental ($150 x 4) 600 - Flights ($350 x 4) 1,400 _ Lodging & Meals ($275 x 4 x 3) (avg/2 nights away) 3,300 - Misc training / travel expenses j 1,800 000.543.10.45.07 Vehicle Replacement Fund - Ford Escape($30,000/10 yr = 3000) - Ford F150 ($15,000/10 yr = 1500) (.5 GF/.5 STREET) r - $500 EA for Explorer, taurus, dakota 1- This increased from $3,900 in 2015 based on the vehicle replacement program developed by the Finance department. This includes 1 sedan, 1 truck and 2 SUVs 000.534.10.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance -10i1 Changes, Tires, Misc Repairs on 4.5 Vehicles 2017 Proposed Bud • et 7,000 6,000 2,250 000.543.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 4,400 - Upkeep on copiers, 3 year averages -r- 000.543.10.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance Culvert, Flow Master, Pond Pack Support Renewal 1,825 - TranSoft F 3,000 14,200 AutoCad - 1,221.21 x (5) (Stormwater = 2) j 6,106 _w __ _ - Stand alone (3): Marcy, Randy, Chad - Float:(4): Erica, Rob,Jared, Pete, Art, Aaron, Ray, Sean - Adobe Prof 500 _ - SRTC Visum 1,550 i�T - Support Renewals & other misc. 1,200 000.543.10.49.02 Memberships / Professional Licenses - Professional Engineer (5 X $120) 600 I- license renewal is every other year for each engineer American Public Works Association(4 x $209) 836 International Municipal Signal Association ($40 x 1) 40 470 500 - American Society of Civil Engineers ( $235 x 2) _ Misc / Contigency Conference Registrations Class Registration & Webinar fees (10 staff x 2 classes x $250) 4 staff ($400 x 4)- APWA, WSDOT, Rd & St Conference Other Misc. Training Solid Waste Trailing (CPG - 75%) L Total PW: -1 2,500 8,450 5,000 1,600 1,600 250 981,932 Page 2 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Public Works Department Fund #101 - Street Fund Employee Count - 5.725 FTEs RE 130.1'ra AC Wanes / Payroll Taxes / Benefits 101,000.000.542.66.20.01 Supplies Other Services & Charges Wages Temp/Seasonal - Wages Overtime Payroll Taxes and Benefits Temp/Seasonal - Payroll Tax & Benefits Snow Plow - Wages Snow Plow - Temp/Seasonal Wages Snow Plow - Overtime Snow Plow - Payroll Taxes and Benefits Snow Plow - Temp/Seasonal Taxes & Bene Bridge - Wages Bridge - Payroll Taxes & Benefits Operating Supplies Fuel Small Tools & Minor Equipment School Zone Beacons Repair & Maintenance Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Repair & Maintenance Supplies Filing & Recording Fees Judgments & Settlements Engineering & Architectural Professional Services Telephone Service Cell Phones Internet Service Equipment Rental Waste Disposal Equipment Repair & Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Travel/Mileage/Meals Uncollectible Accounts Expense Contract street maintenance Winter Snow Services Crack Sealing Non -Capital Computer Software/Hardware Bridge Maintenance Street Lighting Water & Sprinkler Traffic Control Devices -Repair & Maint. IT Support Training Interfund Vehicle Lease (non -plow) Interfund Vehicle Lease (plow) Subscriptions Memberships-SRTC 21113r r 2414 201 ptual 361,541 0 4,323 149,911 0 40,899 0 13,137 12,202 0 0 0 582,013 421,577 5,153 7,958 174,748 557 27,061 1,713 17,428 12,054 164 9,514 3,238 681,165 446,932 18,751 8,724 184,123 1,870 26,257 14,587 13,349 13,897 1,318 6,192 2,144 738,144 4,949 9,172 13,633 0 78,868 1,362 126 108,110 1,888 8,026 14,194 30,356 65,084 194 0 119,742 3,532 4,667 12,367 0 91,921 0 4,172 116,659 460,391 46,000 15,000 208,254 4,959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734,604 0 0 283,030 154 582 3,914 2,227 4,541 126 2,735 4,720 107 170 0 132,510 89 358 3,848 2,189 24,978 641 5,263 400 864 0 1,607 1,306,496 0 725 2,412 0 415,593 20,126 0 854 0 10,777 75,000 1,009 38,802 1,234,580 3,455 0 0 3,080 425,136 23,051 14,340 0 425 10,777 150,000 550 34,218 0 20,077 186,071 94 384 3,724 626 2,776 3,773 2,519 0 1,872 0 1,262,714 0 0 1,577 0 457,354 41,651 0 0 0 12,077 0 1,115 26,681 1,500 10,000 20,000 0 80,000 0 0 111,500 471,055 46,000 10,000 214,858 4,959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 746,872 10,664 (5,000) 6,604 12,268 0 0 165,000 0 350 3,900 1,884 1,000 2,000 3,500 0 4,000 0 1,310,268 0 0 0 0 425,000 12,000 0 0 0 31,000 40,000 1,000 37,552 Page 1 of 3 1,500 8,500 15,000 0 80,000 0 0 105,000 (1,500) (5,000) 0 0 245,000 0 400 3,800 0 1,000 2,000 3,500 0 3,000 0 1,311,424 0 0 0 0 460,000 12,000 0 0 0 25,000 77,929 500 40,852 (6,500) 80,000 50 (100) (1,884) (1,000) 1,156 35,000 (6,000) 37,929 (500) 3,300 Public Works Department Fund #101 - Street Fund Employee Count - 5.725 FTEs Registrations Taxes and Assessments P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 0 412 Operating Facilities Rent 2,350 Electricity 5,671 Sewer 308 Waste Disposal 694 Television Services 283 Repairs & Maintenance 27,195 0 412 2,444 6,481 287 723 296 3,858 0 652 2,675 7,716 292 861 319 4,123 2016 Budget 0 0 0 7,000 300 700 300 7,000 2017 Proposed Budget 1,500 0 2,500 8,000 300 1,050 325 5,000 Increase/ Decrease from 2016 1,500 2,500 1,000 350 25 (2,000) Engineering&Architectural 4,963 465 3,950 0 0 Professional Services 0 6,320 13,973 0 0 - Prof. Svcs. Mat. Testing 0 0 715 0 0 - Equipment Rental 0 0 500 0 0 - Bridge Maintenance 69,447 50,030 3,931 150,000 40,000 (110,000) Fancher Road Bridget Joint Repair 0 0 633 0 0 - Signal Detection Replacement Program Traffic Signal Replacement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 0 200,000 200,000 2,313,071 2,116,027 2,065,425 2,203,754 2,485,080 281,326 Snow Operations Operating Supplies 233,449 256,138 257,450 220,000 235,000 15,000 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 68,411 59,043 57,183 50,000 50,000 Fuel 19,159 23,671 12,057 20,000 20,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 7,604 2,250 1,604 5,000 4,000 (1,000) Winter Snow Services 47,162 52,151 102,377 50,000 50,000 WSDOT Winter Snow Services 50,961 88,094 0 50,000 80,000 30,000 Legal Notices 0 0 396 0 0 Equipment Rental 538 0 0 0 0 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 45,823 17,011 21,717 20,000 20,000 Subscriptions 12,610 9,985 12,280 15,000 9,000 (6,000) Vehicle License & Registration 0 10 0 0 0 Unemployment Claims 0 0 167 0 0 Facilities Operating Rent & Leases Bldg 0 0 0 0 0 485,717 508,353 465,231 430,000 468,000 38,000 Intergovernmental Services Taxes and Assessments 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Street Maintenance -County 620,997 720,515 492,807 605,000 630,000 25,000 WSDOT Maintenance Contract 176,278 155,753 214,508 165,000 165,000 - 797,275 876,268 707,315 771,000 796,000 25,000 Interfund Payments for Service IF Transfer to 001 39,700 39,700 39,700 0 0 IF Transfer to 001 0 0 0 39,700 39,700 IF Transfer to 311 282,000 282,000 206,618 67,342 67,342 321,700 321,700 246,318 107,042 107,042 0 Total Recurring Activity 4,607,886 4,623,255 4,339,092 4,357,900 4,707,994 350,094 'NONRECURRING ACTIVITY ' Capital Outlays and Interfund Payments for Service Storage Unit at the Maintenance Facility 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) Signal detection equipment upgrades 0 0 0 20,000 0 (20,000) Pavement marking Grinder - Equipment 0 0 6,019 0 0 - Proj 133 - Sprague Ave ITS 199,505 173 0 0 0 Traffic control improvements 0 0 0 0 0 Page 2 of 3 Public Works Department Fund #101 - Street Fund Employee Count - 5.725 FTEs xx xx. xx. xx P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Transportation Capital Equipment Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment Computer Hardware - Non Capital Transportation Mgmt Center Mission Park Crosswalk & Sig Modification City Fiber Connection Transfer out #303 Transfer out #303 - Sprague/Thierman Inter Nonrecurring IF transfer to 501 Total Nonrecurring Activity Total Street Fund 01 2f44 2445 7�okuat Act�ral " it tint 0 0 0 0 0 5,978 33,532 0 0 0 0 7,090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,875 0 0 0 15,670 0 0 0 0 13,542 0 0 0 138 0 123,955 0 0 0 5,038 0 0 0 0 25,849 0 0 0 205,621 100,894 155,849 25,000 0 (25,000) 4,813,507 4,724,149 4,494,941 4,382,900 4,707,994 325,094 Page 3 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Street Fund 2017 Line Item Detail j Proposed 1101 Budget A 1 000.542.10.10.00 Wages 471,055 000.542.10.10.01 Tem •/Seasonal - Wages 46,000 000.542.10.10.99 Overtime 10,000 000.542.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 214,858 000.542.10.20.01 !Temp/Seasonal - Payroll Tax & Benefits 4,959 042.542.10.31.04 Operating Supplies 1,500 - Misc supplies for maintenance crew, including marking paint and other supplies for marking _ jobsites. 042.542.10.32.01 Fuel 8,500 - Fuel for 4.5 vehicles (2008) F-150, (2007) Colorado, (2007) F-250, .5 (2014) F-150, .5 (2009) Ford, .5 (2004) F-150) 042.542.10.35.01 Smal Tools & Minor Eqment 15,000 - Tools to outfit a mechanic for operations, saws, weed eaters for city staff/geiger crews, welding equipment, etc ... 042.542.30.31.08 Repa'r & Maintenance Supplies 80,000 - Oxarc: welding gas for crack seal melter - Supplies: coldmix for potholes, rental equipment - street markers, cones, safety equip, truck parts - crack sealing 000.542.10.41.02 Engineering & Architectural J 245,000 - County Engineering Contract 25,000 1 - Traffic Engineering Services (DEA) 15,000 - Contingency 0 - Bridge Engineering Consultant/County 20,000 - Street Master Plan TIP 85,000 - Street Master Plan Pavement Mgmt 80,000 - Principal Arterial Intersection traffic counts 20,000 Added intersection counts for signal timing improvements. Contingency was removed from the budget in 2015. The Pavement Management plan is an $80k expense every 2 years. Next scan in 2017. 000.542.10.42.02 Telephone Service 400 - _ Fax phone line @ Maint Facility 66.12 Per month 50% street/ 50% storm - Centurylink 000.542.10.42.03 CeII Phones 3,800 - 4 Cell Phones @ 36.47/mo 1,751 - 2 !pad @ 41.08/mo: Traffic and Shane 986 - Cell Phone reimbursment - Qrtly: Shane 135/Qrt 540 - Data card: Shane 40.01/mo 480 000.542.10.45.03 Equipment Rental 1,000 -) Crack sealers, compressors, etc Page 1 of 5 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx StSt eet Fund f 2017 Line Item Detail Proposed 101 Budget ; 000.542.10.47.04 Waste Disposal 2,000 - Dumping fees at the local transfer stations for all garbage picked up by city crews. 000.542.10.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 3,500 - Oil Changes, Tires, Misc Repairs on 4.5 Vehicles Estimated $750 per vehicles - Repairs not done in house. Outside shop repairs 000.542.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 - Mileage 300 - Airfare ($400 x 2) 800 - Car Rental ($150 x 2) 300 - Lodging & Meals ($280 x 2 x 3 nights) 1,680 000.542.30.41.10 Contracted Street Maintenance 1,311,424 - AAA Sweeping (490,199.94 * 4%) 19,608 - Street and Stormwater Maintenance - Poe Asphalt $1,366,663 x 90% = $1,229,997 Reduced to show estimated street fund expense by this contract 1,229,997 - Emergency Callout - Senske $10,000 (50% Street 50% storm) 5,000 - Landscaping ROW - Senske $57,878 * 25% 14,469 - Weedspraying in ROW - Spokane Procare $19,400 x 25% 4,850 -1 Geiger Work Crew ($60,000 * 25%) 15,000 -1 Dead Animal Removal - City Streets - Brad Southard. 20,000/yr 20,000 - On -Call Emergency Cleanup (25% Street/75% SW) 2,500 -Contingency 0 000.542.63.47.01 Street Lighting 460,000 000.542.63.47.02 J Water - - & Sprinkler 12,000 - Water services for all grassy areas that the city maintains. Such as sprague, appleway Water is shared with Street and Stormwater based on location 000.542.90.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease (non -plow) 25,000 - Vehicle replacement program, yearly amount of money set aside for future replacement for street fund vehicles 000.542.90.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease (plow) 77,929 -1 Vehicle replacement program, yearly amount of money set aside for future replacement for street fund plows Page 2 of 5 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 2017 Line Item Detail i Proposed 101 Bud. et 000.542.90.49.01 Subscriptions 500 000.542.90.49.02 Memberships -SRTC (Memberships/Professional Licenses 40,852 2 { Various Ecology, Chemical Handlers, Water Works Operator, Flagging Certifications, Hazardous memberships 2,200 -Inland Empire Utility (411) - 50/50 w/ Street 3,500 charged % of each call received -jAmerican Society of Civil Engineers 250 - SRTC Membership 18,000 -I SRTMCManagementFees 15,000 - 2 PE Licenses 302 - 1 PTOE License 300 000.542.90.49.04 Registrations _ 1,500 -IAPWA Snow Conference 500 -iMisc. training in area (4 x $125) 500 - Rd&St Conference, WSDOT, Flagging, Chemical, 500 Street Safety, etc. 000.543.50.45.50 Operating Facilities Rent 2,500 -:Day Wireless - Tower rental / radios in plows 2,500 208.13/mo x- 000.543.50.47.01 Electricity - Euclid Facility 8,000 -i Electricity at the Maint Facility: 17002 E. Euclid Avista, Modem 1000.543.50.47.03 !Sewer - Euclid Facility 300 -+Sewer at the Maint Facility: 17002 E. Euclid $50 / mo. Split 50 / 50 with Stormwater 000.543.50.47.04 Waste Disposal - Euclid Facility 1,050 - Garbage at the Maint Facility: 17002 E. Euclid 174/mo. Split 50/50 w/ Storm 000.543.50.47.05 Television Service - Euclid Facility 325 -1 Service provided to Maintenance Facility (Direct TV) access to the latest news / weather rpts. $53/mo split 50/50 w/ Street 000.543.50.48.04 Repair & Maintenance - Euclid Facility 5,000 - All expenses are 50/50 with the Stormwater Fund - Building Cleaning 2X Monthly $350 per month 2,100 - Industrial Park Dues 1,110 - Yearly Furnace Cleaned 500 - Building Maintenance 1,300 000.542.50.48.01 Bridge/Street Maintenance 40,000 - General maintenance bridge projects * Reduced 2017, Fancher Joint replacement only for 2016 Page 3 of 5 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Street Fund2017_ Line Item Detail � Proposed-' 101 1 - Budget 000.542.10.xx.xx Signal Detection Replacement Program 40,000 000.542.10.xx.xx Traffic Signal Replacmeent Program 200,000 000.542.66.31.04 Operating Supplies - Snow Removal 235,000 - Mag, Sand Etc 100,000 - _ j Ice slicer 135,000 000.542.66.31.08 Repair & Maintenance - Snow Removal 50,000 - i Plow repair/maintenance - done in house jj - L I Oxarc - gas for welder, cutting torch r 000.542.66.32.01 Fuel - Snow Removal 20,000 I— - Fuel for 9 snow plows and .5 backhoe for an 1 average snow fall winter 000.542.66.35.01 Smal Tools & Minor Equipment - Snow Removal 4,000 - Small fools needed to repair snow plow fleet Winter Snow Services 50,000 - Poe Contract Drivers 50,000 - We are expecting to use less contracted drivers in 2016 since we have hired on-call snow plow drivers. The reduction from 70k to 50k shows this difference. The 20k was added to temp wages. 000.542.66.41.15 WSDOT Winter Snow Services 80,000 -i Snow removal and treatment on Pines and Trent 000.542.66.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - Snow Removal 20,000 Outside shop repairs 000.542.66.49.01 Subscriptions - Snow Removal 9,000 - Weathemet: Weather Reports & Misc 3,000 - Enterprise Info: GPS Tracking system for plows and street sweepers. Split 50/50 w/Storm 6,000 000.542.20.44.03 Taxes & Assessments 1,000 000.542.30.51.01 Street Maintenance -County 630,000 - Signals 405,000 - Signs 75,000 - Striping 90,000 - Legends I 60,000 The amount invoiced in 2014 was much higher than expected. We have been working with the County to reduce expenditures to match our current budget. 000.542.30.51.02 WSDOT Maintenance Contract 165,000 - Signal Illumination 45,531 - Roadway Maintenance 117,000 - Reduced specific line item by $50,000 and put in snow - Contingency 2469 000.597.00.00.10 Transfer to General Fund - OH 39,700 000.597.31.00.10 Transfer to Fund 311 - Pavement Preservation 67,342 Page 4 of 5 2017 Proposed Budget P:\1. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Street Fund Line Item Detail 101 Total Street Fund 4,707,994 Page5of5 Public Works Department Fund #402 - Stormwater Management Fund Employee Count 4.4 FTEs IREOLtkRIAG,ADMITY, P:11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Wages / Payroll Taxes / Benefits 000.531.36.10.00 Wages 000.531.36.10.01 Temp/Seasonal - Wages 000.531.36.10.99 Overtime 000.531.36.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 000.531.36.20.01 Temp/Seasonal - Payroll Tax & Benefits Supplies 402.000.193.531.36.31.04 402.402.000.531.36.31.01 402.402.000.531.36.31.03 402.402.000.531.36.31.04 402.402.000.531.36.31.06 402.402.000.531.36.31.08 402.402.000.531.36.32.01 402.402.000.531.36.35.01 Other Services & Charges 402.000.000.538.36.38.00 402.000.000.531.36.42.01 402.402.000.531.30.45.07 402.402.000.531.36.41.03 402.402.000.531.36.41.04 402.402.000.531.36.41.05 402.402.000.531.36.41.10 402.402.000.531.36.41.17 402.402.000.531.36.41.18 402.402.000.531.36.42.01 402.402.000.531.36.42.02 402.402.000.531.36.42.03 402.402.000.531.36.42.08 402.402.000.531.36.43.01 402.402.000.531.36.44.03 402.402.000.531.36.45.03 402.402.000.531.36.47.01 402.402.000.531.36.47.02 402.402.000.531.36.47.03 402.402.000.531.36.47.04 402.402.000.531.36.47.05 402.402.000.531.36.48.01 402.402.000.531.36.48.03 402.402.000.531.36.48,04 402.402.000.531.36.49.02 402.402.000.531.36.49.04 402.402.000.531.36.49.05 402.402.000.531.36.49.06 402.402.000.531.36.49.09 Operating Supplies Office & Operating Supplies Publications Operating Supplies Safety Equipment Repair & Maintenance Supplies Fuel Small Tools & Minor Equipment Compensated Absences Postage Interfund Vehicle Lease Spokane County GIS Legal Professional Services Private stormwater maintenance Advertising Legal Notices Postage Telephone Service Cell Phones Internet Service Travel/Mileage/Meals Taxes and Assessments Equipment Rental Electricity Water & Sprinkler Sewer Waste Disposal Television Services Equipment Repair & Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Repairs & Maintenance Memberships Registrations Filing and Recording Fees Miscellaneous Services Petty Cash Reimbursment 2251 , X14 " 2(51 313,067 247,960 268,075 344,665 354,356 0 6,259 22,747 17,333 27,833 403 536 345 2,000 2,000 116,383 91,939 102,819 147,848 158,663 0 809 2,813 2,286 3,569 429,853 347,503 396,799 514,132 546,421 9,691 10,500 10,815 1,283 32,289 98 0 0 0 0 - 123 0 8 0 0 - 270 575 295 800 325 (475) 1,053 453 18,966 3,000 3,000 68 142 524 600 600 - 1,912 1,771 828 0 0 5,387 4,790 3,915 6,500 6,500 2,043 657 5,686 5,000 5,000 10,954 8,388 30,222 15,900 15,425 (475) 23,133 3,555 (3,858) 0 0 57 0 18 0 0 - 1,567 1,567 4,167 11,000 11,000 - 8,352 6,558 11,774 13,287 4,000 (9,287) 206 0 0 0 0 21,240 2,135 34,467 78,500 66,000 (12,500) 1,033,991 907,963 989,542 967,171 967,171 641 0 533 0 0 O 0 0 0 100 100 6 0 0 0 0 - 582 358 384 350 400 50 1,371 1,356 1,352 1,400 1,400 510 2,627 0 0 0 877 1,373 2,280 3,150 3,150 1,029 415 415 500 500 3,582 39 0 0 0 5,671 6,481 7,181 7,000 8,500 1,500 O 104 0 12,000 20,000 8,000 262 287 292 300 330 30 35,777 36,980 17,918 15,000 15,000 - 283 296 319 300 325 25 391 3,969 4,577 2,625 3,375 750 775 505 844 2,500 6,725 4,225 26,616 3,905 3,974 7,000 7,000 - 221 75 693 600 4,100 3,500 1,701 4,811 3,165 2,000 3,000 1,000 184 0 0 0 0 O 89 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 0 1,169,168 985,448 1,080,037 1,124,683 1,122,076 (2,607) Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Public Works Department Fund #402 - Stormwater Management Fund Employee Count - 4.4 FTEs Intergovernmental Services 402.402.000.531.36.51.01 402.402.000.531.36.51.20 Spokane County - Contract Services WSDOT - Decant Facility Ecology Permit Interfund Payments for Service 402.402.000.597.00.00.10 IF Transfer to 001 402.402.000.597.55.95.03 Vehicle Replacement Costs Total Recurring Activity NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Capital Outlays 402.000.000.594.31.64.05 402.402.000.594.38.62.00 402.402.000.594.38.63.05 402.402.000.594.38.64.05 402.402.000.597.50.00.10 402.402.150.595. 402.000.179.595. 402.000.000.595. 402.000.166.595. 402.000.168.595. 402.000.180.595. 402.000.184.595. 402.000.185.595 402.000.186.595. 402.000.186.595. 402.000.188.595. 402.000.193.595. 402.000.196.595. 402.000.198.595. 402.000.199.595. 402.000.200.595. 402.000.206.595. 402.000.211.595. 402.000.218.595. 402.000.220.595. 402.000.224.595. 402.402.000.597.10.00.10 402.402.000.597.30.00.30 402.402.000.597.10.00.10 402.000.000.597.30.00.30 402.402.000.597.30.00.30 402.000.000.597.40.00.30 Storage Unit at the Maintenance Facility Capital Purchases - Buildings Stormwater Improve - Capital Outlays Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment IF Transfer to 501 #150 - Sullivan Rd. Bridge Drain Retrofit #179 - 2013 Street Preservation -Phase 2 Construction - Drainage #166 - Pines Rd. & Grace Ave. Int Safety #168 - Wellesley & Adams sidewalks #180 - Carnahan, Indiana&Sprague, St Pres #184 - 2013 Street Pres. Phase 2 #185 - Appleway Landscaping - Phase 1 #186 - Adams Road Resurfacing #187 - Sprague Ave. Preservation Project #188 - Sullivan Rd Preservation Project #193 - Effectiveness Study #196 - 8th Ave - McKinnon to Fancher #198 - Sprague, Park to University LID #199 - Havana - Yale Diversion #200 - Ponderosa Surface Water Diversion #206 - Sprague/Long Sidewalk Project #211 - Sullivan Trent to Wellesley & Wellesley #218 - Montgomery Ave. St. Preservation #220 - Houk-Sinto-Maxwell St Preservation #224 - Mullan Rd Street Preservation # 166 -McDonald Road Diet Interfund Transfer to: Street Fund Interfund Transfer - Street Cap Proj IF Transfer to 101 IF Transfer to 303 IF Transfer to 303 IF Transfer to 403 Total Nonrecurring Activity Total Stormwater Fund 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 0 0 25,726 25,726 0 0 27,167 27,167 1,200 0 28,976 30,176 2016 Budget 13,400 0 13,400 13,400 0 13,400 13,400 0 13,400 0 40,000 27,000 67,000 13,400 0 13,400 2017 Proposed Budget 0 20,000 30,000 50,000 13,400 0 13,400 Increase( Decrease from 2016 (20,000) 3,000 (17,000) 0 1,649,101 1,381,906 1,550,634 1,735,115 1,747,322 0 0 0 0 0 280,320 6,230 197,358 0 110,566 79,213 161,254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 423 0 0 835,364 0 0 0 22,636 25,843 1,152 99,836 189,252 0 117 0 0 192,484 77,331 70,768 0 103,306 17,513 8,940 9,489 11,005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,125 879,797 0 0 0 15,546 0 0 0 230,247 34,844 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,680 192,638 0 10,453 4,887 3,540 25,967 143,255 87,314 77,361 16,427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 893,159 12,207 5,000 0 373,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 756,100 0 (5,000) 0 - 300,000 (73,000) 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 (378,100) 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 450,000 (306,100) 2484,465 2,261,703 2,443,793 2,491,215 2,197,322 (293,893) Page 2of2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Stormwater Fund' Line Item Detail 402 1 000.531.36.10.00 Wages 000.531.36.10.01 Temp/Seasonal - Wages 000.531.36.10.99 Overtime 000.531.36.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS 000.531.36.20.01 Temp/Seasonal -Payroll Tax & Benefits roplO7Sedi Bud.et 000.531.36.31.03 Publications - Training publications 000.531.36.31.04 Operating Supplies 1 - Includes all testing equipment 000.531.36.31.06 Safety Equipment - Safety equipment for personel and truck - items include any traffic control devices needed and safety devices for trucks. 000.531.36.32.01 Fuel - Fuel for 4.5 vehicles (2014) Escape, (2011) F-250, (2005) Dodge .5 (2010) Caterpillar, .5 (2009) F550, .5 (2004) F-150 354,356 27,833 2,000 158,663 3,569 000.531.36.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment I - Includes testing equipment, spill cleanup supplies, signs, 325 3,000 600 6,500 5,000 and misc tools 000.531.30.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease it000 -, The increase in this account is related to the information provided by the finance department. This includes 2.5 trucks, 1 suv, 1 backhoe 1 000.531.36.41.03 Spokane County GIS 4,000 - GIS services 216 - 25% /Storm 23% LCD DevIp16%,/ CD Planning 35% /based on # users r- - ESRI Licenses (County) 3,491 - GIS License Online (under Software License & Maint) - currently not able to get through the County - Misc. 1 300 000.531.36.41.05 Professional Services 1 66,000 -iSiliveying 20,000 -Material Testing 20,000 - 1Planning and Pre -design 20,000 -IEnter Info: GPS service for Sweepers and Plows 6,000 000.531.36.41.10 Private (Contracted) Stormwater Maintenance - Street Sweeping (2012 contract $490,199.94 * 96%) 470,592 - Poe Asphalt Street Repair & Maint $1,366, 663 * 10% 136,667 - Landscaping ROWs - Senske $57,878 * 75% + 2% 39,938 • - Weedspraying ROWs- Spokane Procare $19,400 * 75% 14,550 967,171 Page 1 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx iStormwater Fund 017 iLine Item Detail Proposed 1402 Bud . etrd - Emergency Callout (50% Street/50% stormwater) 5,000 1 - Vactoring(Drainage structure cleaning) 200,000 - Spokane County Detention / On -Call Emergency Cleanup 7,500 (25% Street/75% SW) - Contingency(10% of total) 92,925 Increase due to the percentage of the Poe contract i assigned. 10% is the three year average for this contract. 00.0.531.36.41.18 Legal Notices 100 - Includes misc. items where the public will be notified by newspaper 000.531.36.42.02 ;Telephone Service 400 - ,Fax phone line @ Maint Facility 66.12/Permonth 50% street/ 50% storm - Centurylink 000.531.36.42.03 Cell Phones - 2 Phones @ 36.47/mo: 868-5026, 868-7184 - 1 wireless access point 40.01._. 000.531.36.43.01 Travel/Mileage _ G Car Rental ($100 x 5) —1 - Lodging and meals ($280 x 3 x 2 nights) L I - Airfare ($300 x 3) 1,400 000.531.36.44.01 Taxes and Assessments - Yearly Propetry taxes 000.531.36.47.01 ;Electricity - Maintenance Facility at 17002 E. Euclid. 12 mo avg /$1275 . Split 50/50 w/Street - Water meters (Modem Electric) - avg 72.00/mo 000.531.36.47.02 Water & Sprinker - Water in irrigated swales around the City New budget includes 50% the fees the City pays for all the irrigated ROW and Swale areas. Street fund funds 50% 000.531.36.47.03 Sewer (Euclid Facility) - Sewer charges at the Maintenance Facility located at 17002 E. Euclid. The cost is $50 per month and is paid for 1/2 by street and 1/2 by stormwater 000.531.36.47.04 Waste Disposal 3,150 500 1,680 900 500 - Disposal of sweeping debris from street sweeping. This is reduced in 2016 as the vector waste now goes to the WSDOT decant facility. - Garbage at the Maint Facility: 50/50 split w/ Street 000.531.36.47.05 Television Service @ Euclid Facility - Service provided to Maintenance Facility (Direct TV) access to the latest news / weather rpts. $53/mo split 50/50 w/ Street 000.531.36.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 3,375 Page 2 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Stormwater Fund j 2017 Line Item Detail j Proposed 402 Bud . et - $750 Per vehicle - 4.5 Vehicles Oil changes + Misc repairs 2014 Escape, 2011 F-250, 2005 Dakota, .(5) 2009 F-550, (.5) 2004 F-150, (.5) 2010 Caterpillar 000.531.36.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 6,725 - Hydrocad Software - ESRI Online GSI License. Unable to get through the County at this time. ESRI Licenses 'inflated at 3% according to terms of current ELA. New ELA i will be negotiated for 2017 - AutoCad - 1221.24 x (2) - Stand alone (3): Marcy, Randy, Chad �- Float:(4): Erica, Rob, jared, Pete, Art, Aaron, Ray, Sean - Pictometry Tiles Every other year, next year will be 2018 (approx cost will approx $10,000 split 50/50 with Comm Develop - Pictometry License Online r 300 2,681 2,443 1,300 , Yearly Split 50/50 between Storm & CD Planning $2,391.40 + tax (208.05) = $2,599.05 /50% = $1300 000.531.36.48.04 Repair and Maintenance - Euclid Facility - All expenses are shared 50/50 with the Street Fund - Building Cleaning 2X Monthly $350 per month - Industrial Park Dues 7,000 2,100 1,110 - Yearly Fumace Cleaned 500 - Building Maintenance 3,290 000.531.36.49.02 Memberships / Professional Licenses - APWA (3 x $199) 4,100 - Wastewater Operator Certificate - License x 3 116.00 / each - Inland Empire Utility (411) - 50/50 w/ Street charged % of each call received 600 50 350 3,100 000.531.36.49.04 Registrations - Training conferences - I GIS or Python Related Training Seminars (4 x $400) -:APWA Conference 3,000 1,000 1,600 400 WSDOT - Decant Facility - This relates to the 0 & M fees for the use of the facility 000.531.36.51.20 i' Ecology Permit -T Yearly cost of operating under the DOE 000.597.00.00.10 Interfund Transfer - General Fund OH Tntal Rtnrmwatar 20,000 30,000 13,400 1 1 747 322 Page 3 of 3 P11. General Governance\Budget12017 Budget\Public Works Dept City Hall Operations and Maintenance budget worksheets 2017.xlsx 001 General Fund 033 City Hall Operations and Maintenance Employee Count - 1 FTE Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.518.30.10.00 Wages 000.518.30.10.99 Overtime 000.518.30.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 2013 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Budget 3% Reduction Budget Reduc ion Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2017 Budget with 2017 Bud et - Line Item Changes 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 0 60,804 54,724 50,467 45,603 (6,080) (10,337) (15,201) 0 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 37,514 33,838 31,264 28,323 (3,676) (6,250) (9,191) 0 98,818 89,062 82,231 74,426 (9,756) (16,587) (24,392) Supplies 000.518.30.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 28,370 27,090 0 (1,630) (2,910) 000.518.30.32.01 Fuel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.30.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 28,370 27,090 0 (1,630) (2,910) Other Services & Charges 000.518.30.41.05 Professional Services 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 000.518.30.41.06 Janitorial services 0 0 0 0 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 0 0 0 000.518.30.43.01 Travel/Mileage 0 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.518.30.47.01 Electricity 0 0 0 0 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 0 0 000.518.30.47.02 Water 0 0 0 0 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 0 0 0 000.518.30.47.03 Sewer 0 0 0 0 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 000.518.30.47.04 Waste Disposal 0 0 0 0 7,100 7,100 7,100 7,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174,600 174,600 174,600 174,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303,418 293,662 285,201 276 116 (9,756) (18,217) (27,302) Total budget increase = 0.00% (3.22%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase = 0.00% General Fund City Hall Operations & Maintenance Detail 001.033.000. 000.518.30.10.00 000.518.30.10.99 000.518.30.20.00 Wages Overtime PayrolFl CA, Medicare,BenefitsTaxes and L&l,PERS 000.518.30.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies - Filters - Light bulbs 000.518.30.41.05 000.518.30.41.06 000.518.30.43.01 000.518.30.47.01 000.518.30.47.02 000.518.30.47.03 2017 Proposed Bud et - Misc. (nuts, bolts, glue, wood) - Paint & supplies - Electrical supplies - Cleaning supplies - Paper products & garbage bags - Carpet Cleaning - Floor waxing - Hand tools, extension cords - Misc. Equipment Professional Services - Elevator maintenance, snow removal, grounds maint., etc. Janitorial services - Janitorial services contract for new City Hall facility Travel / Mileage Electricity Water Sewer 3,300 1,500 3,300 2,000 1,500 2,500 6,000 1,500 1,500 2,000 4,900 000.518.30.47.04 Waste Disposal P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Public Works Dept\City Hall Operations and Maintenance budget worksheets 2017.xlsx Total: 60,804 500 37,514 30,000 20,000 62,000 500 80,000 2,400 +___._ 2,600 7,100 1 303,418 Page 1 of 1 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\supplemental requests.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2017 Budget Supplemental Requests 6/14/2016 ount Nu q sci 0 #001 - General Fund Community and Economic Development .13 1001.058.051.558.70.41.05 Professional Services Parks & Recreation .n� 01001.076.000.594. ii`•, n= 0001.076.000.594. Total parks & recreation Total General Fund Capital Outlay - Priority #1 Capital Outlay - Priority #3 Capital Outlay - Priority #4 Capital Outlay - Priority #5 Capital Outlay - Priority #6 Capital Outlay - Priority #7 #101 - Street Fund Capital Outlay - Priority #1 Equipment - Priority #2 . Equipment - Priority #3 Equipment - Priority #4 x; Total Street Fund Equipment - Priority #5 #309 - Parks Capital Grants Fund retail recruitment consultant replace/repair drain piping Terrace View & Park Road pools replace/upgrade CenterPlace video & sound system in Great Room replace carpet at CenterPlace room 109 replace carpet at CenterPlace room 213 replace carpet at CenterPlace room 110 replace/repair gutter line Valley Mission pool 50,000 10,000 320,000 10,500 8,000 6,250 2,000 356,750 406,750 recurring rj 0 nonrecurringil 406,750 install durable striping at Trent/Argonne replace signal detection equipment at two intersections purchase spare traffic signal equipment purchase battery backups at for use at two intersections replace traffic signal at one intersection 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay - Priority #2 build Edgecliff Park splash pad 406,750 75,000 40,000 30,000 15,000 200,000 360,000 recurring r 240,000 nonrecurring _n 120,000 360,000 125,000 Total Parks Capital Grants Fund 125,000 Page 1 of 1 BUD -1 JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name Program Fund No. 058 Community and Economic Development Economic Development 058.051 Reason for changes in personnel or work program Professional service for a contract retail recruitment firm to assist in implementing the City's retail improvement plan. Total Cost of Change (Itemize by detail only) Personnel Services BARS Number Budget Year Estimated Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL Materials and Services Retail Recruitment Consultant 2017 $ 50,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL $ 50,000 Equipment 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL Other 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Revenue Offset Budget Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL Total Cost Less Revenue Offset Net Cost $ 50,000 $ 50,000 1/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Capital - Pools 076.099 Description The main drain piping from the drain boxes coming through the wall into the lower access hallway needs to be replaced at both Terrace View and Park Road Pools. It is showing significant amounts of rust and if it were to fail there is no way to shut off the flow of water. Cost estimate is $5,000 per pool . Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 '' TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ 8,000.00 $ - Materials & Svcs $ 2,000.00 $ - TOTALS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 2/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ _ Personnel Cost $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 Materials & Svcs $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 TOTALS $ 10,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 2/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Capital - CenterPlace 076.099 Description Replacement of video and sound system for the Great Room at CenterPlace. This will include a new digital media system, 3x3 HD Video Wall and a new audio and sound system. This project has been a priority for several years as the current system is no longer functioning well nor is it state of the art. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cos 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 275,000 $ 275,000.00 Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs 45,000 $ 45,000.00- TOTALS $ 320,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 320,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cos City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 3/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $- TOTALS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 3/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation CenterPlace 076.099 Description Replace carpeting at CenterPlace in Room 109. This includes the removal of the old flooring and installation of the new. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 _ 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ 10,500.00 $ - TOTALS $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 4/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ 10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 TOTALS $ 10,500.00 ` '$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,500.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 4/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation CenterPlace 076.099 Description Replace carpeting at CenterPlace in Room 213. This includes the removal of the old flooring and the installation of new. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity impact on Oaerating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ 8,000.00 $ - TOTALS $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 5/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 TOTALS $ 8,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 8,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 5/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation CenterPlace 076.099 Description Replace carpet at CenterPlace in Room 110. This includes removal of the old flooring and installation of the new. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ ' - Personnel Cost $ Materials & Svcs $ 6,250.00 $ TOTALS $ $ _ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 6/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 ` 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ ' - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & $ 6,250.00 $ 6,250.00 TOTALS ` $ 6,250.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ ' 6,250.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 6/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Pools 076.099 Description The gutter line running to the outdoor drain pit at Valley Mission Pool is showing significant rusting and needs to be replaced. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 - 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ 500.00 $ - Personnel Cost $ 1,500.00 $ - Materials & Svcs$ _ TOTALS $ - $ - $ _ $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 7/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Personnel Cost $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Materials & Svcs $ - TOTALS $ 2,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 7/13 BUD -2 Department Name: CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program: Fund No. Street Fund Street Maintenance 101 Description Durable Striping - Trent/Argonne The Trent/Argonne intersection is one of the busiest intersections in the City. The striping at the intersection consists of paint, which wears off very quickly with excessive traffic. Durable striping lasts longer than paint, does not require as much maintenance as paint, enhances visibility of the lane lines more so than paint, and makes the intersection more visible at all times of day thus enhancing the safety of the intersection. WSDOT has also identified this intersection as one that needs safety enhancements, and believes durable striping will aid in the safety of maintenance activities as well as to the traveling public. The request is to install grooved durable striping on the concrete at the intersection of Trent/Argonne. The anticipated cost for construction is $75,000. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle one Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost $ 75,000.00 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 75000 0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost $ 75,000.00 of Spokane Valley :016 8/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 - 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 75000 75,000 TOTALS 75000 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 of Spokane Valley :016 8/13 BUD -2 Department Name: CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Street Fund Traffic / Signal 101 Description Signal Detection Upgrades The City's traffic signal detection equipment is comprised oftwo-types: underground and non -intrusive. The non - intrusive detection equipment has a typical lifespan of 7-12 years. The City has 20 intersections with non -intrusive equipment, many of which have exceeded their lifespan. In fact, 10 of the intersections have non -intrusive equipment older than 12 years. This request is for the replacement of non -intrusive equipment at 2 of the 20 intersections, as outlined in the draft non -intrusive replacement plan. The anticipated costs for equipment is approximately $20,000 per intersection. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost 20,000.00 X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One (Replacement Addition Total Cost 40,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 - TOTALS Equipment Cost " `40,000 40,000 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost of Spokane Valley '016 9/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost "0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of Spokane Valley '016 9/13 BUD -2 Department Name: CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Street Fund Traffic / Signal 101 Description Traffic Signal Spare Equipment The City does not have a spare traffic signal cabinet. If something were to happen at a signalized intersection, in which the cabinet was hit and was required to be replaced, the City does not have a spare. The request is for one 16 -channel cabinet at a cost of about $10,000. The City does not have any spare non -intrusive detection equipment. If something happens to the non -intrusive equipment, as in the case of failures with cameras, the intersection must be put into pre -timed mode, which causes unnecessary delays to the traveling public. The request is for Wavetronix at 2 -approaches to an intersection at about $5,000 per approaxch for a total of $10,000. The City has 3 spare traffic controllers and should have 8-10 on hand for our 90 traffic signals. The request is for an additional 3 spare controllers at about $3,300 each for a total of $10,000. Lump sum estimate for all the above equipment is $30,000. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost 30,000.00 X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle one Replacement ( Addition 1 Total Cost $ 30,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 30,000 30,000 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost of Spokane Valley :016 10/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of Spokane Valley :016 10/13 BUD -2 Department Name: CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program: Fund No. Street Fund Traffic/Signal 101 Description Battery Backups As a result of the wind storm of 2015, several of our traffic signals were dark for a prolonged period of time. Battery backups at select intersections where we now know of power issues will aid in the next major event. The proposal is for battery backups at two of our intersections, Argonne/Knox and Argonne/Montgomery, where we had prolonged power outage for over 5 days on the busiest arterial in the City. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost 7,500.00 X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost $ 15,000.00 Section 2: Capital improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 15,000 15,000 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 Section 2: Capital improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost of Spokane Valley :016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of Spokane Valley :016 BUD -2 Department Name: CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program: Fund No. Public Works Traffic / Signal 101 Description Traffic Signal Replacement Program The City has 90 signalized intersections. The traffic signal equipment is aging with the typical lifespan of 20 to 30 years. About half of our traffic signals are at their lifespan of 20 to 30 years. We have 4 traffic signals that are around 50 years old, 7 that are in their 40's, 12 that are in their 30's, 24 that are in their 20's, 20 that are in their teens, and 1 that is under 10 years old. This request is for the replacement of all traffic signal hardware (poles, mast arms, signal heads, wires, controller, cabinet equipment, etc) at 1 intersection. Staff is working to develop a capital traffic signal replacement plan, which will further examine costs, priority, and budget needs. The anticipated costs for equipment is approximately $200,000. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost 200,000.00 X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement 1 Addition Total Cost $ 200,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 200,000 200,000 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost of Spokane Valley :016 12/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost " 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of Spokane Valley :016 12/13 BUD -2 Department Name CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Capital 309.000 Description Complete the design and contruction of a Splashpad with ADA accessible path at Edgecliff Park. This request seeks funding to add this amenitity to Edgecliff Park as we continue to implement our updated Park s and Recreation Master Plan. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Unit Cost X Quantity Impact on Operating Budget Circle One Replacement Addition Total Cost Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost $ 125,000.00 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ 125,000.00 $ - TOTALS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Impact on Operating Budget Total Cost $ 125,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 13/13 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 TOTALS $125,000.00 ' $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 125,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/3/2016 13/13 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Pending 1 Potential Projects Worksheet Capital Projects Completed or In -progress: ra to Park) Busjness-Reute-Sjgnage - Sullivan Road West Bridge replacement (Completed) - Appleway Trail - Sullivan to Corbin (CN to begin 2017) - Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen (CN to begin 2017) - Appleway Trail - Balfour to University (CN to begin 2019) - Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan (CN to begin 2020) - City Hall Future Construction: - Balfour Park development - Phase 2 & 3 - Appleway Landscaping (Park to University) Bridging the Valley -Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation* -Pines Road Underpass* -Pinecroft land acquisition ($500,000) - Remove & reconstruct Euclid Ave (Flora to Barker) after County installation of sewer - Park land acquisition - Railroad Quiet Zones study Total of Capital Projects "included in 6 -year TIP Estimated Total Project Cost 261,993 21,139 57,601 15,861,229 1,605400 2,130,000 2,134,107 750,000 1,645,000 14,148,281 3,866,000 3,000,000 36,000,000 19,765,000 1,800,000 1,000,000 85,000 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2017 Budget\Finance Dept\potential and pending projects.xlsx 6/14/2016 Project Financing Grant Financed City Financed Bond Financed Other Total Unfunded Secured Grants Potential / Anticipated Grants Fund 103 Paths & Trails Fund 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund 312 Capital Reserve Fund 301/302 REST 0 0 0 13,097,231 0 1,783,000 1,845,959 648,750 1,422,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,920,000 25,171,000 0 19,265,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,099,044 0 0 261,993 21,139 57,604 2,320,000 17452,140 347,000 288,148 101,250 222,075 5,199,664 0 0 O 700,000 O 500,000 O 1,800,000 O 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 1-03300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,849,573 O 0 O 0 2,209,000 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 443,998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 261,993 21,130 57,601 15,861,229 1,605,400 2,130,000 2,134,107 750,000 1,645,000 14,148,281 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,866,000 0 3,000,000 O 36,000,000 O 19,765,000 0 1,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 85,000 104,130,750 26,717,865 44,436,000 50,000 1,099,044 13,270,970 2,312,300 7,849,573 443,998 96,179,750 7,951,000 Capital Reserve Fund #312 Sources General Fund - 2013 General Fund - 2014 transfer of 2012 fund bal>50 % General Fund - 2015 transfer of 2013 fund bal>50% General Fund - 2016 transfer of 2014 fund bal>50% Developer contribution (Library District) - 2013 Developer contribution (Library District) - 2014 Uses Sullivan Rd. West Bridge Replacement Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan Appleway Trail - Sullivan to Corbin Appleway Trail - Balfour to University Appleway-Landscaping City Hall ($58,324 to #310 + $5,162,764 to #313) Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation Pines Road Underpass Recontruct Euclid after sewer installation Difference 7,826,207 2,443,507 1,783,512 1,828,723 3,180 4,675 13,889,804 2,320,000 1,452,100 288,148 222,075 347,000 101,250 261,993 21,130 57,601 5,199,664 700,000 500,000 1,800,000 13,270,970 618,834 committed completed committed committed committed committed completed completed complete commi com- fitted c. milted Future Potential Recurring General Fund Expenditures - Balfour Park maintenance (3 acres @ $15,000 each + 8.3 acres @ $20,000 each) - Appleway Trail maintenance (approximately $20,000 per mile) Pines to Corbin (-3 miles) - Appleway Landscaping maintenance (per acre estimate) 2016 0614 for Budget Workshop 211,000 60,000 9,500 280,500 -17 CTIY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA June 14, 2016 Workshop Fund #101 - Street Fund Projection with Current Conditions RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Multimodal Transportation Revenue Investment Interest Insurance Premiums & Recoveries Miscellaneous Revenue H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2'" - 06 14\Item 15a - 101 Forecast.xlsx (1) Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Amended Budget 2016 Proposed Budget 2017 6/14/2016 Projected 2018 2019 1 2020 1 2021 2,562,722 2,461,060 2,257,184 2,340,000 2,200,000 2,091,760 1,988,845 1,890,994 1,797,957 (2) 1,868,055 1,878,476 1,935,629 2,004,900 2,003,000 2,003,000 2,003,000 2,003,000 2,003,000 0 0 0 0 64,591 64,591 64,591 64,591 64,591 2,920 2,037 3,212 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,790 4,204 4,319 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,911 5,209 9,649 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Recurring Revenues 4,448,398 4,350,986 4,209,993 4,357,900 4,281,591 4,173,351 4,070,436 3,972,585 3,879,548 Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 582,013 681,165 738,381 734,604 746,872 746,872 746,872 746,872 746,872 Supplies 108,110 460,844 116,660 111,500 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 Services & Charges 2,152,294 2,197,089 2,052,457 2,132,754 2,142,151 2,142,151 2,142,151 2,142,151 2,142,151 Snow Operations 485,717 0 465,232 430,000 468,000 468,000 468,000 468,000 468,000 Intergovernmental Payments 797,275 876,680 707,967 771,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 796,000 Interfund Transfers -out - #001 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 Interfund Transfers -out - #311 (pavement preservation) 282,000 282,000 206,618 67,342 67,342 67,342 67,342 67,342 67,342 Interfund Transfers -out -#501 (non -plow vehicle rental) 10,777 10,777 12,077 31,000 77,929 77,929 77,929 77,929 77,929 Interfund Transfers -out -#501 (plow replace.) 150,000 75,000 0 40,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Signal Detection Replacement Program 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Traffic Signal Replacement Program 0 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Total Recurring Expenditures 4,607,886 4,623,255 4,339,092 4,357,900 4,707,994 4,707,994 4,707,994 4,707,994 4,707,994 (3) Recurring Revenues over (under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance (159,488) (272,269) (129,099) 0 (426,403) (534,643) (637,558) (735,409) (828,446) (5,716) (85,721) (144,649) (25,000) 0 0 0 0 0 (165,204) (357,990) (273,748) (25,000) (426,403) (534,643) (637,558) (735,409) (828,446) 2,228,438 2,063,234 1,705,244 1,705,244 1,680,244 1,253,841 719,198 81,640 (653,768) 2,063,234 1,705,244 1,431,496 1,680,244 1,253,841 719,198 81,640 (653,768) (1,482,214) (1) The actual numbers presented for 2015 are preliminary and unaudtied as of June 6, 2016. They are subject to change as we complete the audit process. (2) Estimated future telephone tax revenues are calculated at an annual decrease of 4.92%, which is the average decrease seen since 2009. (3) For purposes of this projection, expenditures are kept of 2017 Budget levels with no increases. Est with 101 N CTIY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA June 14, 2016 Workshop Fund #311 - Pavement Preservation Projection with Current Conditions Revenues Transfers in - #001 General Fund Transfers in - #101 Street Fund Transfers in - #123 Civic Facility Replacement Fund Transfers in - #301 REET 1 Transfers in - #302 REET 2 Grants Miscellaneous Total revenues Total expenditures (2) Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget - 06 14\Item 15b - 311 Forecast.xlsx (1) Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Amended Budget 2016 Proposed Budget 2017 0 888,823 920,000 943,800 953,200 282,000 282,000 206,618 67,342 67,342 616,284 616,284 616,284 559,786 0 150,000 184,472 251,049 365,286 657,479 150,000 184,472 251,049 365,286 657,479 35,945 2,042,665 835,224 0 1,211,433 2,800 1,903 3,390 0 0 6/14/2016 Projected 2018 2019 2020 2021 953,200 953,200 953,200 953,200 67,342 67,342 67,342 67,342 0 0 0 0 657,479 657,479 657,479 657,479 657,479 657,479 657,479 657,479 1,856,722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,237,029 4,200,619 3,083,614 2,301,500 3,546,933 4,192,222 2,335,500 2,335,500 2,335,500 1,387,153 3,077,215 2,400,408 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 Pavement Preservation Project Totals and Revenues Sources Pavement Preservation Fund #311 General Fund #001 (150,124) 1,123,404 683,206 (748,500) 496,933 1,142,222 (714,500) (714,500) (714,500) 948,733 798,609 1,922,013 2,605,219 1,856,719 2,353,652 3,495,874 2,781,374 2,066,874 798,609 1,922,013 2,605,219 1,856,719 2,353,652 3,495,874 2,781,374 2,066,874 1,352,374 1,387,153 3,077,215 2,400,408 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 855,841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,242,994 3,077,215 2,400,408 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 3,050,000 Computation of Pavement Preservation Commitment General Fund recurring expenditures prior to addition of pavement preservation Amount equivalent to 6% Pavement preservation expenditures 33,629,496 37,418,882 6.00% 6.00% 2,017,770 2,245,133 38,357,999 6.00% 2,301,500 38,925,602 6.00% 2,335,500 Components of Pavement Preservation Financing #001 General Fund 888,823 920,000 943,800 953,200 #101 Street Fund 282,000 206,618 67,342 67,342 #123 Civic Facilities Replacement Fund 616,284 616,284 559,786 0 #301 Capital Projects Fund 184,472 251,049 365,286 657,479 #302 Special Capital Projects Fund 184,472 251,049 365,286 657,479 2,156,051 2,245,000 2,301,500 2,335,500 (1) The actual numbers presented for 2015 are preliminary and unaudited as of June 6, 2016. They are subject to change as we complete the audit process. (2) The expenditure budget is still in progress for 2017. For analysis purposes, we have assumed expenditures the same as 2016 Budget for all years forward. 311 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Analysis of Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Revenues and Scheduled Disbursements Estimated REET available on January 1 Estimated REET revenues Estimated approved capital expenditures (Engineers estimate) Potential capital expenditures (Top 2 Outstanding Grant Applications) Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation Transfer to Fund #311 - Pavement Preservation WSDOT Potential Grant Repayment June 1 debt service payment on 2014 LTGO bonds December 1 debt service payment on 2014 LTGO bonds Estimated REET available on December 3 CURRENT PENDING GRANT APPLICATIONS 1 0141 - Sullivan Euclid PCC (CN)* 2 Safe Routes to School 3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Program Total Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation Shaded areas reflect knowvn figures. All other figures are estimates * As discussed at Feb 16 Council Meeting 3,322,385 3,110,642 1,992,210 1,006,252 1,602,000 1,602,000 1,602,000 1,602,000 (916,371) (51,905) 0 0 0 (1,190,669) 0 0 0 0 (1,109,000) (1,100,000) (730,572) (1,314,958) (1,314,958) (1,314,958) 0 0 0 (284,282) (16,400) (16,450) (14,500) (12,475) (148,400) (146,450) (149,500): (152,475) 3,110,642 ' 1;992,210' 0 950,000 0 220,617 0 20,052 ACTUALS Fund 301 Fund Balance @'1/1/2016 Fund 302 Fund Balance © 1/1/2016 1,594,088 1,728,297 3,322,385 ,190,669 H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\Item 15c - REET PROJ 20160216 with CLT edits.xlsx ,006,252 0 2/26/2016 3/7/2016 6/14/2016 (255,938) (234,741) 1,602,000 1,602,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,314,958) (1,314,958) (105,095) 0 (10,375) (8,275) (150,375) 0153,275) (255,938)' (234,741)' (109,249) 0 1,109,000 1,100, 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\ltem 15d - gr CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Bridging the Valley Estimated Annual Bond Payments Estimated cost of project (1) Bond issue Costs (assumed at 2% of proceeds) Bond issue amount Repayment period (years) 30 Interest Rate Assumptions 4.00% 4.25% Barker Rd Overpass $36,000,000 $720,000 $36,720,000 Annual Bond Payment separation projects - estimated annual bond payments.xlsx Pines Rd Underpass $19,765,000 $395,300 $20,160,300 Annual Bond Payment $ 2,123,521 $ $ 2,188,448 $ Park Rd Overpass $18,992,920 $379,858 $19,372,778 Annual Bond Payment 1,165,872 $ 1,201,519 $ Sales Tax Solution 4.50% 4.75% 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% $ 2,254,297 $ 1,237,672 $ 2,321,051 $ $ 2,388,689 $ $ 2,457,190 $ $ 2,526,534 $ 1/14/2015 8/10/2015 8/30/2015 Sullivan Rd Improvements $16,150,442 $323,009 $16,473,451 Annual Bond Payment 1,120,330 $ 952,661 1,154,584 $ 981,789 $ 1,189,325 $ 1,011,331 2/9/2016 3/7/2016 6/14/2016 Total $90,908,362 $1,818,167 $92,726,529 Annual Bond Payment 1,274,322 1,311,456 1,349,065 1,387,137 $ 1,224,543 $ 1,041,278 $ 1,260,227 $ 1,071,622 $ 1,296,367 $ 1,102,353 $ 1,332,952 $ 1,133,462 If it were assumed that increases in sales tax revenues would make the above debt service payments, then sales in Spokane Valley would have to increase as follows (a single sale of $117.65 will generate $1.00 of sales tax revenue): $ 249,832,300 $ 137,164,900 $ 131,806,800 $ 112,080,600 $ 257,470,900 $ 141,358,700 $ 135,836,800 $ 115,507,500 $ 265,218,100 $ 145,612,100 $ 139,924,100 $ 118,983,000 4.00% 4.25% 4.50% 4.75% 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% $ 273,071,700 $ 281,029,200 $ 289,088,400 $ 297,246,700 $ 149,923,900 $ 154,292,900 $ 158,717,600 $ 163,196,700 $ 144,067,500 $ 148,265,700 $ 152,517,600 $ 156,821,800 $ 122,506,300 $ 126,076,300 $ 129,691,800 $ 133,351,800 $ 5,362,384 $ 5,526,339 $ 5,692,625I 5,861,193 6,031,994 6,204,975 6,380,085 $ 630,884,500 $ 650,173,700 669,737,300 $ 689,569,400 $ 709,664,100 $ 730,015,300 $ 750,617,000 Noteworthy is that sales in Spokane Valley during calendar year 2015 were $2,142,302,000 so based upon this analysis, the increase in sales necessary to accommodate the estimated bond payments would range from 5.2% to 35.0% Page 1 of 2 H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\Item 15d - gr CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Bridging the Valley Estimated Annual Bond Payments Estimated cost of project (1) Bond issue costs (assumed at 2% of proceeds) Bond issue amount Repayment period (years) 30 Interest Rate Assumptions 4.00% 4.25% Barker Rd Overpass $36,000,000 $720,000 $36,720,000 Annual Bond Payment separation projects - estimated annual bond payments.xlsx Pines Rd Underpass $19,765,000 $395,300 Park Rd Overpass $18,992,920 $379,858 $20,160,300 $19,372,778 Annual Bond Payment $ 2,123,521 $ $ 2,188,448 $ Property Tax Solution 4.50% 4.75% 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% $ 2,254,297 $ 2,321,051 $ 2,388,689 $ 2,457,190 $ 2,526,534 Annual Bond Payment 1/14/2015 8/10/2015 8/30/2015 Sullivan Rd Improvements $16,150,442 $323,009 $16,473,451 Annual Bond Payment 1,165,872 $ 1,120,330 $ 952,661 1,201,519 $ 1,154,584 $ 981,789 $ 1,237,672 $ 1,189,325 $ 1,011,331 2/9/2016 3/7/2016 6/14/2016 Total $90,908,362 $1,818,167 $92,726,529 Annual Bond Payment $ 1,274,322 $ 1,224,543 $ 1,041,278 $ 1,311,456 $ 1,260,227 $ 1,071,622 $ 1,349,065 $ 1,296,367 $ 1,102,353 $ 1,387,137 $ 1,332,952 $ 1,133,462 $ 5,362,384 $ 5,526,339 $ 5,692,625I $ 5,861,193 $ 6,031,994 $ 6,204,975 $ 6,380,085 If it were assumed that voted bonds (requiring 60% voter approval) would make the above annual debt service payments, then based upon the 2015 assessed property value of $ 7,748,275,097 , the property tax cost per $1,000 of assessed value would be as follows: 4.00% $ 0.2741 $ 4.25% $ 0.2824 $ 4.50% $ 0.2909 4.75% 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% 0.1505 $ 0.1446 $ 0.1551 $ 0.1490 $ $ 0.1597 $ 0.1535 0.1230 $ 0.1267 $ $ 0.1305 $ 0.2996 $ 0.3083 $ 0.3171 $ 0.3261 $ 0.1645 $ 0.1693 $ 0.1741 $ 0.1790 $ 0.1580 $ 0.1627 $ 0.1673 $ 0.1720 $ 0.1344 $ 0.1383 $ 0.1423 $ 0.1463 0.6921 0.7132 $ 0.7347 $ 0.7565 $ 0.7785 $ 0.8008 $ 0.8234 (1) Cost estimates based on estimates provided by Public Works in January 2015 for Park Road and Sullivan Road and in June 2016 for Pines Road and Barker Road. Page 2 of 2 L - {��- Uplaand.i 1111144 LL Longfellow 1 I Rich. to. 0 Kiernan N � Fairview - ,_Lacrosse Industrial Park B a � E Industrial', Park A' Garland log Trent Future Development Driven Infrastructure (Sewer/Water/Roads) Industrial Park C Industrial Park D B � s ▪ N s uIndustrial Park E e� e1 gllari I Future Sewer Extension I l'i'.•-: L I Dalton) -F Existing Sewer City Sewer Extension Construction in 2017 Proposed Infrastructure Improvements Grace. � �-lio' 'SI➢�L] I I', Buckeye) Na IgLI'1 �Y E k, o. 01 Mansfield County Sewer Extension Construction in 2016 0 1_ 1 90 a �® jE291ON 11; /90 0Id,Mission I Augusta Missionll.J WicwellI i I Legend Future Development Future City Extension 2017 City Construction Existing and 2016 Construction Developed Land City of Spokane Valley 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Feet H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\Item 15f - Bank Property Tax Estimated Annual Bond Payments.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Estimated Bond Issue Amount Based Upon Banked Property Tax Capacity 2016 Banked Capacity / Annual payment 490, 992 e' Gross Bond Issue Amount $ 7,304,700 $ 6,978,200 $ 6,672,700 $ 6,386,800 $ 6,250,700 $ 6,118,800 $ 5,991,200 $ 5,867,500 $ 8,549,700 $ 9,623,700 $ 8,092,300 $ 9,030,300 $ 7,670,300 $ 8,490,200 $ 7,280,500 $ 7,997,700 $ 7,096,800 $ 7,767,700 $ 6,920,000 $ 7,547,700 $ 6,749,900 $ 7,337,300 $ 6,586,100 $ 7,135,900 Net Bond Proceeds (after 2% issue costs) $ 7,161,500 $ 6,841,400 $ 6,541,900 $ 8,382,100 $ 9,435,000 $ 7,933,600 $ 8,853,200 $ 7,519,900 $ 8,323,700 $ 6,261,600 $ 7,137,700 $ 7,840,900 I $ ;6,128,100 $ 6,957,600 $ 7,615,400 $ 5,998,800 $ 6,784,300 $ 7,399,700 $ 5,873,700 $ 6,617, 500 $ 7,193,400 $ 5,752,500 $ 6,457,000 $ 6,996,000 Bond issue 2/9/2016 3/7/2016 P.7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Transportation Benefit District Fact Sheet June 14, 2016 FORMATION • A Transportation Benefit District (TBD) is a separate legal entity. A TBD may be formed by any city or county by ordinance following a public hearing. o The function and boundaries of the TBD must be specified in the ordinance and cannot be changed without another public hearing. A city or county may assume the powers of a TBD if it has the same boundaries. o At the point of assumption, the TBD ceases to be a separate legal entity. FUNDING SOURCES • Vehicle License Fees o Vehicle license fees of up to $50 may imposed without a public vote; however, this is limited as follows: • Up to $20 vehicle license fee allowed from formation ■ Up to $40 vehicle license fee allowed if a $20 fee has been in effect for at least 24 months ■ Up to $50 vehicle license fee allowed if a $40 fee has been in effect for at least 24 months Sales and Use Taxes o A TBD may impose a sales and use tax of up to 0.2% for up to 10 years at a time (except to pay debt service). o This tax must be approved by a majority of voters. Voted Property Tax Levy o A TBD may levy a property tax in excess of the one percent limitation for a one-year period whenever authorized by the voters of the district. o A TBD may pay for the retirement of voter -approved general obligation bonds, issued for capital purposes only, by levying bond retirement property tax levies in excess of the one percent limitation whenever authorized by voters of the district. USE OF FUNDS • Revenues collected by a TBD may be used for transportation improvements included in local, regional, or state transportation plans. • Construction, maintenance, and operation costs are eligible. H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 0614\Item 15g - Transportation Benefit District Fact Sheet.docx P.8 CTIY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Calculation of Transportation Benefit District Revenues - Estimated $20 Tab Fee Average Vehicle Count Subject to Fee Tab Fee 72,417 (1) $ 20.00 Estimated Revenue Generated $ 1,448,340.00 6/14/2016 Less: Dept of Licensing Administrative Fee (1%) $ (14,483.40) Estimated Net Revenue Received by the City $ 1,433,856.60 Assumption: The net revenues would be receipted at 50% of the amdunt each to the Street Fund #101 and the Pavement Preservation Fund #311. $ 1,433,856.60 x50% Estimated Revenue to #101 and #311 $ 716,928.30 (1) Estimated vehicles in the City subject to the fee per the Washington State Department of Licensing. H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\Item 15g - Tab Fee Estimated Revenues.xlsx P.9 CTIY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Calculation of Transportation Benefit District Revenues - Estimated $40 Tab Fee Average Vehicle Count Subject to Fee Tab Fee 72,417 (1) 40.00 Estimated Revenue Generated $ 2,896,680.00 6/14/2016 Less: Dept of Licensing Administrative Fee(1%) $ (28,966.80) Estimated Net Revenue Received by the City $ 2,867,713.20 Assumption: The net revenues would be receipted at 50% of the amount each to the Street Fund #101 and the Pavement Preservation Fund#311. $ 2,867,713.20 x 50% Estimated Revenue to #101 and #311 $ 1,433,856.60 (1) Estimated vehicles in the City subject to the fee per the Washington State Department of Licensing. H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\Item 15g - Tab Fee Estimated Revenues.xlsx P.10 CTIY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Calculation of Transportation Benefit District Revenues - Estimated $50 Tab Fee Average Vehicle Count Subject to Fee 72,417 (1) Tab Fee $ 50.00 Estimated Revenue Generated $ 3,620,850.00 6/14/2016 Less: Dept of Licensing Administrative Fee (1%) $ (36,208.50) Estimated Net Revenue Received by the City $ 3,584,641.50 Assumption: The net revenues would be receipted at 50% of the amount each to the Street Fund #101 and the Pavement Preservation Fund #311. $ 3,584,641.50 x 50% Estimated Revenue to #101 and #311 $ 1,792,320.75 (2) Estimated vehicles in the City subject to the fee per the Washington State Department of Licensing. H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 06 14\Item 15g - Tab Fee Estimated Revenues.xlsx P.11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Utility Taxes Available to the City As of lune 14, 2016 Utility Tax Limited to 6% Allowed for: ■ Electricity • Gas ▪ Steam ■ Telephone The 6% limitation applies to taxes without voter approval. Cities may impose a higher tax rate with voter approval Utility Tax With No Rate Limits Allowed for: ▪ Sewer/Stormwater Solid Waste ▪ Water ▪ Cable Television (however, the rate must be the same or similar to other utilities in order to not be discriminatory) Current City Conditions: Currently, the City only imposes a utility tax of 6% on Telephone providers, which was effective beginning January of 2009. The revenue is generated by this tax is designated in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 3.70.140 for exclusive use in the City road fund (Street Fund #101). Limitations on Use of Utility Tax Revenues: There are no statutory limits on how cities may use utiltiy tax revenues. Any tax rate changes for electric, telephone, and gas utilities are effective 60 days after an ordinance is passed. H:\Budget Workshop\2017 Budget 2016 0614\Item 15h - Utility Taxes Available to the City.xlsx P.12 H.• (Budget Workshop2017 Budget 2016 061411tem 16 - 2016 06 14 Fiscal Policies update.docx Fiscal Policies The Fiscal Policies adopted by the City Council are important for the long-range fiscal strength of Spokane Valley. These policies appropriately dictate if the economic conditions deteriorate, future budget reductions may be triggered. Financial Management — The City proposes to: 1. Maintain basic service levels with minimal resources to achieve success. 2. Minimize personnel costs/overhead by continuing to contract for many services. 3. Continue the six-year Business Plan process. 4. Leverage City funds with grant opportunities. 5. Minimize City debt with a pay as you go philosophy. • The State of Washington sets the maximum level of allowable debt for cities based on assessed value of property. The City of Spokane Valley currently utilizes only 2.35% of its total debt capacity, and more importantly, only 11.74% of non -voted bond capacity. This is extremely low debt. 6. Strive to prioritize spending in the annual budget process and minimize mid -year addition of projects and appropriations. Financial Objectives - The City's financial objectives are: 1. Maintain a minimum General Fund Ending Balance of 50% of recurring expenditures, which is the equivalent of six months of general fund operations. 2. If necessary, utilize the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund ($5.5 million) to maintain ending fund balance minimum. 3 Commitment to the strategy the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund will not reduce below $3.27 million (60% of $5.5 million). 4. Maintain the 2017 property tax assessment the same as 2016 with the exception of new construction. As in the previous four years, the City will forego the 1% annual increase allowable by RCW 84.52.050. We anticipate this will result in a levy of $11,489,500 plus estimated new construction of $125,000 for a total levy of $11,614,500. The 1% increase capacity will be banked for future use as provided by law. This effectively makes the Stn year in a row that we have not increased our City property tax assessment. 5 Grow our economy so the existing tax base can support basic programs. Commitment — By committing to these policies and the checks and balance they afford, the Ci will ensure financial sustainability well into the future. y Page 1 of 2 H.• (Budget Workshop12017 Budget 2016 06141Item 16 - 2016 06 14 Fiscal Policies update.docx Challenges — Beyond the annual challenge of balancing the General Fund budget, the City of Spokane Valley has a number of on-going financial challenges: 1. Declining revenues in Street O&M Fund #101 that will impact our future ability to deliver historic service levels This Fund depends upon a combination of gas and telephone tax receipts. • Because the gas tax is a flat amount per gallon, and because each generation of newer vehicles get better gas mileage, we find our gas tax revenues have recently hovered somewhere between either flat or declining. Due to the State Legislature's increase in the gas tax we are seeing a bit of an increase in 2016 and this is projected to continue into 2017. • The 6% telephone utility tax generated $3.1 million in the first year of implementation in 2009. Since that time however we have experienced a steady decline and at this point are projecting 2017 revenues of just $2,200,000. 2. Balancing the cost of pavement preservation against other transportation and infrastructure needs • Pavement preservation has historically been financed from a combination of sources including: o General Fund dollars, o Street Fund money, o real estate excise tax (REET) receipts, o grants, and o Civic Facility Replacement Fund #123 reserves that were dedicated towards this purpose. Because Fund #123 reserves will be fully depleted in 2016, beginning in 2017 the City will be forced to dedicate more REET receipts towards pavement preservation if we wish to maintain historic levels of funding. Street construction and reconstruction projects are typically financed through a combination of state and federal grants plus a City match that normally comes from REET receipts. The more we apply REET dollars towards pavement preservation projects, the less able we are to leverage this revenue source towards street construction and reconstruction projects. If one assumes we are able to obtain street construction grants requiring a 20% City match, then every $1 of BEET money we set aside for this purpose leverages a $5 project. Railroad grade separation projects (overpasses and underpasses) are exceptionally expensive endeavors and largely beyond our ability to finance through existing sources of revenue. Page2of2 H:lBudget Workshop12017 Budget 2016 06141Item 17 - 2016 Council Goals.docx Council Budget Workshop 2017 Budget June 14, 2016 2016 Council Goals 1. Continue to work with state and federal legislators for possible financial assistance for the Barker Road Grade Separation. 2. Develop a strategic plan for funding and completion of all grade separation projects. Continue and expand, where possible, economic development efforts, including construction of the new City Hall. Complete retail and tourism studies, develop and implement strategies. 4. Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program, to include sustained funding in the City's Street Fund #311 to address concerns beyond the year 2020. 5. Evaluate and discuss increasing costs to public safety, including law enforcement. Seek long- term solutions to keeping costs in check while better serving the community. . Work toward completion of the Comprehensive Plan update.