2016, 06-21 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday,June 21,2016 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue,First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1.Mayor Higgins Council Positions#2 and#5 Candidate Interviews: Conduct Interviews (a)Jonathan"Caleb" Collier (b)Pamela Haley (c)Frank Hutchison (d)Michael Munch (e)Michelle Rasmussen (f)David Wiyrick 2.Mayor Higgins Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 3.Mayor Higgins Council Check in Discussion/Information 4.Mark Calhoun Acting City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Study Session Agenda,June 21,2016 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 21,2016 Department Director Approval: n Check all that apply: nconsent n old business n new business n public hearing n information ® admin. Report n pending legislation n executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interview of Applicants for Interim Council Position#2 and#5. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.12.070; 42.30.110(1)(h) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Councilmember Dean Grafos (position #2) resigned his position effective 5:00 p.m. April 25, 2016. Councilmember Chuck Hafner (position #5) resigned his position effective the end of the day May 2, 2016. May 31, 2016, Council voted on which of the 15 applicants to interview to fill these two interim positions. That vote resulted in six applicants for interview: Jonathan Collier, Pamela Haley, Frank Hutchison, Michael Munch, Michelle Rasmussen, and David Wiyrick.Appointments of these two positions is scheduled for the June 28,2016 regular Council meeting. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to RCW 42.12.070: "Filling nonpartisan vacancies: (1)Where one position is vacant, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacant position. (2) Where two or more positions are vacant and two or more members of the governing body remain in office,the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill one of the vacant positions,the remaining members of the governing body and the newly appointed person shall appoint another qualified person to fill another vacant position,and so on until each of the vacant positions is filled with each of the new appointees participating in each appointment that is made after his or her appointment. . . . (4)If a governing body fails to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy within ninety days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the authority of the governing body to fill the vacancy shall cease and the county legislative authority of the county in which all or the largest geographic portion of the city, town,or special district is located shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy." The date to meet the 90 day deadline for Position 2 and Position 5 is July 24 and July 31 respectively.Once Council makes the appointments, the newly appointed Councilmembers' term would begin immediately and end once the November 2017 general election results are certified, which is generally about seven to ten days after the election. We have informed each applicant that Council prefers each applicant not be present for the previous applicant's interview. We have asked each applicant to check in with our Human Resources Manager(Suite 107) no later than 5:45 p.m. The Human Resources Manager will escort each applicant to the Council Chambers as appropriate. We have also informed the applicants that once their interview is over,they may stay for any subsequent interviews,or should feel free to leave the meeting if desired. PROCEDURE: The procedure for interviewing for a Council Vacancy is explained in Council's Governance Manual. Per RCW 42.30.110(1)(h),the interviews shall be conducted during an open Council meeting.Each interview shall be a maximum of 30 minutes. • During the interview,each Councilmember may ask each candidate up to three questions.Follow-up questions are to be counted as one of the three questions. • Candidates shall be interviewed in alphabetical order of last name. • Candidates should be prepared to answer any of the following questions,even though every question might not be asked of each candidate. • Council has the option of asking questions not included in this list of potential questions.Council has the option of asking follow-up questions up to a total of three questions per candidate. Follow-up questions are included as part of and not in addition to,the three maximum questions. • Potential Council Applicant Interview Questions: 1. What is a Councilmember's primary responsibility to the citizens of Spokane Valley? 2. What are the most important issues our City faces today? 3. Please explain your view of the most difficult aspect of being a Councilmember. 4. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the City Council? 5. What are the three highest priorities the City needs to address and how do you propose to address these issues? 6. As a Councilmember, one of the most challenging issues we face is balancing the City budget. Keeping in mind that the majority of our revenue is from sales tax and property tax, how would you propose to strike a balance between revenues and expenses;and at what point,if at all,would you support additional revenues to maintain service levels? 7. Discuss your ideas on pavement preservation including solutions for long-term sustainability of our roads. 8. How can we determine what the citizens want for the future of Spokane Valley? 9. What do you envision the City of Spokane Valley will be like ten and twenty years from now? 10. All total, Councilmembers serve on approximately 20 different boards, committees,councils and task forces. Does your life style allow you to serve on outside committees and share these responsibilities?It could mean up to 10 hours per month in addition to your Council duties. 11. Do you plan to run and/or actively campaign for the November 2017 election? 12. Have you attended [Spokane Valley] City Council meetings in the past? 13. What did you discover from attending Council meetings? 14. Why do you want to be on the City Council? 15. Please explain your familiarity with and understanding of our City's form of government, including the difference between Council and staff responsibilities. 16. What do you hope to accomplish as a Councilmember and what do you offer the City? 17. If the majority of the Council took a position that you were against,how would you handle your response to the public and/or media? 18. As a Councilmember,what new or different perspective would you bring to the City Council? 19. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Open Public Meeting Act? 20. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Public Record Act? RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Conduct interviews in the following order: 1 —Jonathan Collier 4—Michael Munch 2—Pamela Haley 5—Michelle Rasmussen 3—Frank Hutchison 6—David Wiyrick STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge,City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Applicant Applications S ®kane j6- 7(P03 - 2p RCVD T— CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION#2 or#5 * To be considered,you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m.Friday May 13,2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted).Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed.Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Name: C ii I I \ Oil i1''r�'l r..✓1 (Last) (Middle) (First) Complete Home Mailing Address: 0 107 lb 1-1/,„,,\ (tet. se:�1-��� \c\ )1 vvA. Z D( Be sure to include City and Zip Code If you have lived at your current address less than one year,please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address Home Phone: ( ) G ciI ��I .� Fax: ( ) I\)/R Business Phone: ( ) 1J/A Cell: ( ) 6.n L �� 'hovne. E-mail: C.C.J 11 i:,r L L1 H r1,2,\ ; C>M Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) P05+,(11 Business Address: 14 Oq k^/ Ps.%\/VSi a. I J nT 5 f Ac6s"1- , k."( . (44 2-31 Educational Background: cS a.L\r\ -',z (J-Q- G-r• ' S' 0r , 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [}G] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [X] No [ ] 3. Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No[X] 4. If you answered"YES"to#3 above,please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO j] If yes,please explain: 6.Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time,by the City of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [}<] If yes,please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?YES [ ] NOS] If yes, please explain: 8.Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT un,'toSusi;CZ- st or)cr1 t i I i`D Pre �j1\G' a A�1r'f 1 -t 1 " ill(.(- E 1 — A,i !_LJ Q L I ti tO 0811 :1 A G } ` , _ } c 1 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: cry-;'- - ;,),n,(" 1-1-21 U t:,er' •=3- k-\-,L gq_(3.-,\A--i--r1 ca-+v 10.Please list your special skills and/or interests: - i�iL �,� �- 1"• r ca-J+ ‘1;:i r (I,n LN w;4. C\ an& 're :re.,k csti 'Lk" WLC 11\ 4_'kA SAIL 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: P f 2 C;;,\::4 L:o.,'1,./1) 0•4:02-r FROM: V i I TO: e",J ,t- .ti;,G <'1 � Pinks S' eAr, FROM: I 1 TO: CA) ILi -\- hka.�.j FROM: Rte+ \\ TO: • L. 1.„,Ie,r Q ��c-, �>�-v.r (�Y'r— cki'\v i/J\v.1 \t J FROM: 3`-1 I I 1 TO: 1 1 VI 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? cxkwc-fti ins,& w, b^nPwWi P-bti,L- St"‘114-11e- 4-‘) . 4%,ke,v-Attkri- -t" irvl ;0 l3 yC.f,v '}+ fvviNvv.i -ft?), wo,k.k IPA, h St5e.t `^J al a Le. c t�Z e-0 le- o Sp3kcastz,. V-�ll&1 ec," cr‘ Jf Zj{v�l;Ik... h3r4._ est, tv.� .s“-‘Jrce n ('oa` �t�..i�,re- :9V4r $ r Strom , �� Vi-1 'C..e Cfiy C3 w.t; 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? •;ln4,, '‘"rrt.&, rnir e a d°ri 1° ;+i e.-1 •one_. C-Ork° r1 ,3S "t3 OA re-ss Ci &e,kiz# y ! ; r\4cz.4#rte.Z,-V;Are_ , ir,`4 es loi stn2as \t"\-J\y 2.1, mi-4-e- 7. f. -0,,L rfN,6,k4u .(t-it, 1 wc1. pro oe ate,, c..,k tAr-Y.a N " c."A C .t.;n ir6..rIt cA";rnz,, i•s �k_S �.(,,,.r,•,N. 'ttt. oLC.e.a.S,.ry '46i1i b •-a pr;),../,Je, t^ 4'0'06,si .p;^4i1;+C.. Sy.•4Ce.#}- , ei0ri;(:y.n eici‘l- . " re... 0.r't,\s 3c -10,,,t,, **S,\I', V ~M,N '6,C^1 si, prz,,\e..1.--t 1 •1 v1,-, C3-4\VI r\ ean ciit-N t:-.1'..3 \ c cy. ( ),.;,yteP L./1 t.2., ) (^.. SL..L f ns w.,NAN + Il'=i'> -4(4-•e- P;n cJ OV't-r f'c,s r \z c t,,,,:Ur eiNss _ As 4r- er�." ,,,� I^ Irz:A ,fva.“ fir;zr a 1 c i ,\n d, 1 wt, .1 r E Joe. ) ,,,riorir,pr + ,,+c,1-.4.- c.c. c,,,-„k k"ev\e.e.:-ty, o.-i re... -.A its,\ .t v-S e.,110.,din� 5:� ,.1I \nv,5;,n SS(.S '$-' C,reA,Ve. \,�QlaS LA^ 62,:v AZ)\-niie c r%).w•'4\ i'\ 'fi‘^t t.;-y o• S03 \.r.0 `1-\\t-/ . 14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES N.] , NO [ ] If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES [>,] NO [ ] 16. References: Please list name, address and phone number: 1. Rob Ch-sem 11` 2 5 L:,hu• y Dr. 1, -{-, ►...ke,, wA. °A o\ r(Suri)4.s i IR 2$ 2. Sc.f,V) CO 6v��jrp;\ 6 \1 ►v Fo r k424- 4. Spa K4^�, \✓1\.q q 211 (s;,oi) ?I:si- ►(,,I g 3. R-:-.,\:),z4. tALi 0 & S .. GAS, V,,,, ..�. tn/j\. Cet %(S V) 5'-�- ' 3s Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Today's Date: 0S- v 1 & Signature: Zy I (*Applicants will st be chosen for Vacant Position#2,followed by Vacant Position#5) Jonathan "Ca!e'83 Corer 11307 E 42"d Ct Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 999-0479 Objective: To serve as an interim Councilmember for the city of Spokane Valley. Strengths: 1. Four years active duty service with the United States Marine Corps. Honorably discharged. 2. Bachelor of Arts in History with a special interest in the American Revolution and the government that was established. 3. Leadership and teamwork skills. 4. Loyal and dependable. 5. A long history of serving my country and community. Education: tion: 2013-2015 Grand Canyon University 3300 W Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ. 85017 Bachelor of Arts in History 2013 Spokane Falls Community College 3410 W Fort George Wright Dr. Spokane, WA. 99224 Associate of Arts 2012 Spokane Community College 1810 N Greene St. Spokane, WA. 99217 General Liberal Arts 2003-2005 Spokane Community College 1810 N Greene St. Spokane, WA. 99217 Certificate of Applied Science, Electrical Maintenance. �.° ork1 stir 2013-Present Postman USPS 904 W Riverside Ave Ste 109 Spokane, WA. 99201 2007-2013 EMT-Advanced AMR 915 W Sharp Spokane, WA. 99201 (509) 323-8888 2002-2007 House Manager Latah Services 15821 E 4th Ave. Apt# 1142 Veradale, WA. 99037 (509) 921-6962 1998-2002 Wireman NCO U.S. Marine Corps HQCO 7thMar MAGTFTC 29 Palms, CA. 92277 - LOiors: 1. Honorable discharge from the U.S. Marine Corps 2. Good Conduct Medal 3. Secret Security Clearance 4. Employee of the month at AMR in 2011 Commuf ty Act v foes: 2016 Precinct Committee Officer for precinct 4409 2016 Delegate to the Spokane County Convention 2011-2014 Classroom Volunteer at South Pines Elementary 2011 Parent Volunteer at Adams Elementary 2011 Vanessa Behan diaper drive volunteer 1995 Volunteer, Cat Tales Endangered Cat Conservation Park, Mead, WA. References: Spokane County Treasurer Rob Chase 1102 S Liberty Dr. Liberty Lake, WA. 99019 (509) 954-3829 Constitution Party State Chairman Robert Peck 4610 S Bates Rd. Spokane Valley, WA. 99206 (509) 954-9335 Pastor Gabe Blomgren 6313 N Forker Rd Spokane, WA. 99217 (509) 710-1618 cn•r ® Ile 05-1315P12 . �5 Valley- .?Ci CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION#2 or#5 * To be considered,you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday May 13,2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Name: \ c-c1 (Last) c (Middle) (First) \ \ Complete Home Mailing Address: t\ijv� C \;�c.; w :''e`er ^ �C ,� lf''�+5� q ►DO Be sure to include City and Zip Code If you have lived at your current address less than one year,please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address Home Phone: ( C ) { 5- I`i Fax: (moi) S t •l \ Business Phone: ( 01) '166 3 E-mail: ( C-i-v (Lt'e. = C C Occupation: (if retired,please indicate former occupation) 5:10 •c- r.cc.c_A A�.(11_ Business Address: L V� J P: - �%-� �C '-c ) Educational Background: Sj'�, C��Se_N+u.,Z.L�:-�-� (`� c--1 (`%\:4t, , (1'S 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment,and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ K] No [ ] 3.Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ 7�] 4. If you answered"YES"to#3 above,please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [' J If yes,please explain: Once submitted,applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. • 6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed,either full time or part time,by the City of Spokane Valley,or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO N. If yes,please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?YES [ ] NO[X] If yes,please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT Vie;(\ u2)t,1;, C IC ..LC (`Q61 ]- C2_0(:-L k - fJli_i:✓e.\ l i ILL J �.✓IJLi a C(\`J �} t 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: 10.Please list your special skills and/or interests: [6::Ac-k.:1-k' (':C[CZci�L�i: d p c�� �o,4`,Ir,I f-):� i C.A.." \r'tii . ;:JC.. L• ii 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: (1'r.\\l l-C�;� ` 1•1.;l i�,t.'�.� ��r t;:.t��.• 1`� FROM: (q q 7 TO: „x1 FROM: DO 00 TO: r, S'•0_11= CO, ,v : 5 �S �;t c2r FROM: ,:,--1:00 TO: eC,`�' FROM: TO: 12.Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? \\C--c, \`(i(`. �C�,, ;.�L-‘ L `5[`�(.?c( � 0403- A-`� \✓'1 �I�� D. JO(7M"-J-.ilk/ � t C\A\ osk-3 a Ct c_ L t�1���C i✓u..c L��-� 5 ({cC& (I\ (1—Q Lt-CI' 4 t,"ST �CiJ(C�'LPJ . C_ a (�.. p� '� L wc:iL -khc_3 ���_� bk?. CeLLn;ct I G.tLcSl: "\c; 14.1\. S►t1; 1 t.cc.1 40(\ Once submitted,applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? t C nLftl+_�� C 6C-k L��, •(' �'�� iLt� cc�t?.K 3- .1.3,7 \-__ �•1�..:�j C���l ..; ✓ k c-\ Q- `Ahc,ls Lam. mu.s.4 C(x -k.QU- - ri t V r-1-c. �,itc c��\,.k c.5 Az-) cle.00 o e e4--Uc.r��� y :�� �C k._), c.r r, L 4 c- s SU?,, t� �s % ' C `d4\-C Cc's` -1 t kj_\ k (G.c; t' L-:- cuLQ, CA p- ,A 2i 1'V e_A r .-_,LT•lt Y. c'(_ l L C7 Ll�+ �JJt.J 1 C^f 4c 44 1 1 1 �(n s a•A lLc_ LQ � �f�'. �l . i✓t 'tel nt.tY)1�L SC , ( a�t lr! C Gt v ( t ,lti(L ` Li' (c14J cz,3 , tii: tc).�h��c, F n.ad�c�7c. t�c ��.� Cc,u.cc.k.1. �e� 14.Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES [L] NO[ ] If yes,give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: C-k,-; 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions,committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES [74.] NO [ ] 16. References: Please list name,address and phone number: 1.(\t YCL( e 1' O I (.`-L VsAle u` 55 a -city/ 2.53cb S Veck u+'llo�uo� �c;� 5_.� JG ()q-k 3.0 0_Se-��a;a L� ,3_ 1 ` 1-6 77)- ( ei Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature 1�'�c ��• `� \\_ Date: = /13 ) I(:) (*Applicants will first be chosen for Vacant Position#2,followed by Vacant Position#5) Once submitted,applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. Sp` :O5-13-16A09 : 35 ?CVD kane _ Valley. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION#2 or#5 * To be considered,you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday May 13,2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted).Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Name: l�lt Ch I S 01'1 d W and o k. (Last) Middle) (First) Complete Home Mailing Address: 2206 5. "60,1-Four --e,t VC1. ) SokkOne- va«e' WA °I9 ZULv Be sure to include City and Zip Code If you have lived at your current address less than one year,please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address 1 Pc Home Phone: (6 01) c.ct 1 —U (9 IS Fax: ( ) Business Phone: (509) 1-139 j —4 CO Cell: (zwi9 '-t- i Tr'T O E-mail: _e._ 61150 ® yahoo. eO(71 Occupation: (if retired,please indicate former occupation) b USI I'C SS co r sut+c. ot Business Address: 12`61 1 L - Yt Q e Pcve.) O31 Spokc ne Uel<<C'NIl WA otct2[In Educational Background:` I\,?4\ySc5, �U kT&t Colle�e` LIQ, ' ' ) PhD, V\\ISi-S, ugh - 6\I' 1.Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? U Yes [X] No [ ] 2.Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes[>4 No [ ] 3.Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [.>4] 4.If you answered"YES"to#3 above,please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [>4 If yes,please explain: Once submitted,applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 6.Is any member of your immediate family currently employed,either full time or part time, by the City of Spokane Valley,or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO V] ] If yes,please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?YES [ ] NOVI If yes, please explain: 8.Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT .H-Le-cfnison So I Lci-i ons, [-[-C CO —Own c r 10 It - present Adl3uiN essor Z(DO(9 - 20 tLS TT-nnovort e Wash naaion !SI IZr t Clye, Sex c es ZOOS-- Zo I I .J c-tciex Waal Sic,-kms eccch l jc n I`itanci er ZDd5--2-4)()(P 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: serfSocie - cc Quak.chi land 4J0N--hwes'r WoockhAvnevs, t^li1 i-ary bOcars Pssoc.i0,tion oc 1cmeXiCa, Sc_ouLts c7F A nearicsc 10.Please list your special skills and/or interests: Gov Q rr rnei\k cRQr\C t0.1 & \c e(rte t , O canr< f co MonacemerLt, Qua.k lAckna3emer* s', ?racers P,ove en'A 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: FROM: TO: Sem Ck cf ed (e S W rn e / FROM: TO: °Asti' s\or10 i FROM: TO: FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? Once submitted,applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? ?k-ease see -c cch ed Sh ee 14.Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES [ ] NO[> If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES$j NO[ ] 16. References: Please list name,address and phone number: 1.Nidnotas Charles, 2233 S. S-eecn P-ct Spokane \1ak\ol,WCA 9 3.7/ 52)9-310-51 2.Dcanna-VI ernan(\, (pm N. ?,es\-'ad.) S?°kc, re Vct\ey WA 9921(8, 5D9-S-7O-3088 3.Nl i ke i2e..nnaX.er, 14 2 Co S. Woodward RA.I S Fokaine va11ci, wF °( w,, 509-0i n--685 Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: "40,1A--4:041/1-4,47 �� Today's Date: /0/,/,30/6 (*Applicants will first be chosen for Vacant Position#2,followed by Vacant Position#5) C Once submitted,applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 11. Volunteer Experiences: Boy Scouts of America (1982-present) m Cub Scout Leader: Cubmaster, Webelos Den Leader (1982-1987) • Boy Scout Leader: Scouting Coordinator, Sustaining Membership Coordinator, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Scout Committee Chair, Merit Badge Counselor, BSA STEM Merit Badge University, District Popcorn Chair, Silver Beaver Recipient, Wood Badge Trained (1982-present) American Society for Quality (1998-present) • Northern Virginia Section: Education Chair, Certified Quality Manager Instructor, Certified Quality Improvement Associate Instructor (1988-2005) ® Spokane Section: Nomination Chair, Internet Liaison, Section Chair, Programs Chair (2006-2016) ® Director, Region 6A (Oregon, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Alaska) (2016) Inland Northwest Woodturners (2007-present) • Webmaster, Demonstrator, At-large Board member (2011-2016) 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Cc until member? When I retired from the US Navy, my wife made a cross-stitch of my personal philosophy that still hangs on my office wall: No matter what my job title, my real work is helping people. That was my philosophy when I served in the Navy; when I supported the federal government in Washington, D.C.; and when I moved to Spokane Valley over ten years ago. It's still my philosophy today. As can be seen on my resume, I have a unique set of skills that would be of benefit to my neighbors and the City of Spokane Valley. For example, I stepped in to save a half-billion-dollar government program that was behind schedule and over budget—and got it on schedule, exceeded the project goals and created a $60 million surplus. I have coached hundreds of growing businesses, from tech start-ups to manufacturers to family-owned operations right here in Spokane Valley. I have a forty-year history of solving problems, building bridges and getting things done in both government and business. Meeting the needs of our community requires everyone to do his or her part, not leaving it up to others. It's just not in me to sit at home and do nothing when there are problems to be solved – I am determined to help where I can, when I can, in any way I can. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? 1. Getting as much as we can from what we already have by improving current operations and strategic planning. The City of Spokane Valley is already doing this but this needs to remain our top priority so we never miss an opportunity to integrate programs, projects, plans and budgets so they are working together toward a unified vision of the city. Waste and problems happen when decisions are made without rigorously investigating how will this affect our other programs, projects and plans today, tomorrow and ten years from now. In every single meeting, every session, every vote, someone needs to point to the vision and ask, "How does this get us closer to our goals?" My experience making complex government programs more efficient means that I can identify missed opportunities to coordinate the City's many strategic plans and initiatives to make it happen. 2. The economic future of the city depends on consistently attracting, retaining and supporting strong businesses. If the City fails to attract and retain more businesses that bring tax dollars into the - community, they have to rely on raising taxes on property owners and existing businesses. Being "business-friendly" depends on two factors: making sure requirements on businesses are the minimum necessary for good order and constantly soliciting feedback from businesses and citizens on the City's performance to identify improvement opportunities. Even in the best city government, there is always room to improve and that's the key to staying competitive. I feel we have been asking the wrong questions. We need to stop asking why the buildings on Sprague are empty and how the city is going to fill them. The City can't fill those buildings by itself. We need to ask current businesses, "Why are you here?" We need to take the amazing work done by the Community and Economic Development staff to business owners, commercial property owners and commercial realtors and ask for their feedback. And then we need to bring them all together to hear their expert advice for creating realistic, actionable plans for filling the empty buildings on Sprague and throughout the city. 3. Maintai,-, and improve infrastructure supporting quality of life. It's obvious that the City of Spokane Valley is investing in the physical infrastructure of our transportation network. But infrastructure is more than roads and bridges. Infrastructure is really about providing the safety, services, convenience that our citizens expect in their daily lives. This is not just the physical infrastructure but the mental and emotional infrastructure necessary to create community identity and sense of community. It's more than connecting roads—we have to connect people. Our City government works best when as many citizens as possible can engage easily and with confidence. This starts by ensuring information and feedback systems are more accessible and transparent. The city must go beyond just collecting suggestions, complaints and public comments at Council meetings. They need to prioritize reporting to the public what the complaints or ideas are, who is responsible for addressing them and what is being done to resolve them. This information should not be buried in meeting minutes or reports in confusing locations on the website. We should prioritize making accurate, real time information available on line with easy-to-navigate controls and search capabilities. Frank E . Hutchison , Ph . D . 2206 S. Balfour Blvd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone 509-434-4880 E-Mail: frank e huichison(a yahoo.corn QUALIFICATIONS • Executive-level janitor: cleans up government and business messes • Veteran: Commander(0-5), US Navy Ret. • 40 years experience in business development; government administration; contracting and proposal writing; program execution; acquisition; budgeting • Coached over 250 INW startup tech businesses in business development, capitalization, and commercialization • 30+years as Scout leader;Woodbadge-trained • Teaches rocks to jump GOVERNMENT • Overcame projected 9-month program delay for$500 million in government PROGRAM contracts while exceeding requirements and creating a $60 million budget ADMINISTRATION surplus. • As Chief of Staff for the Columbia Accident Investigation Government Relations Office, developed infrastructure and coordinated communication between Congress and NASA. • Conducted procedural/financial audits and government investigations into ethical conduct, policy violations, contractor conduct, and regulatory compliance. • As business&production review officer, oversaw and evaluated contractor performance and compliance for$1+ billion in contracts. • Created Department of Justice framework for evaluating rural and urban communities' preparations for responding to natural disasters and WMDs. • Established and managed initial operations for classified locations for the White House Office of Special Projects. • Level III certified federal acquisition professional (Program Management)— certified to manage any size government program. • Quality Manager for the Homeland Security Institute, a federally funded R&D center mandated by Congress. BUSINESS • Coached over 250 startup technology businesses in business DEVELOPMENT development,capitalization,and commercialization while connecting them AND TECHNICAL with INW service providers and mentors. MANAGEMENT • Advised Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications& Information on metrics development, analysis and tracking. • Supervised$60 million in research and development programs requiring coordination between private sector and government agencies. • Consistently delivered multi-million dollar projects on time and within budget while directing groups from 30 to 1000+ people. • Saved $2 million/year by eliminating over 1,000,000 pages/month using electronic databases to re-engineer contractor reports. • Expert in Cost of Delay Analysis,the science of calculating the monetary and human impact of beginning or delaying a project. • American Society for Quality (ASQ)Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence(CQM/OE). • As Regional Director of ASQ, connects 1,500+ members in WA, ID, OR,MT, &AK with resources and represents local interests to international organization. RELATED Me2 Solutions(Hutchison Solutions, LLC), 2206 S. :alfour zlvd., Spokane EXPERIENCE Valley, WA 99206 Crisis management and entrepreneur support—reducing risk& maximizing potential, specializing in bootstrapping and entrepreneurial education, 2011- present Webster University, Fairchild AFB, WA Adjunct Professor, Operations Management, Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2006-2015 Innovate Washington (formerly Sirti), 665 N. iverpoint Blvd., Spokane, WA 99202 Client Services, specializing in bootstrapping, military&government markets, lean and quality improvement, technologies, and production, 2006-2011 Isothermal Systems Research, Inc. (ISR), 2218 N. Molter Rd., Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Program Manager, Phalanx Close-In Weapons System, 2005-2006 Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA Adjunct Professor, Operations Management, 2005 Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER), 2900 S. Quincy St., Arlington, VA 22206 Quality Manager for the Homeland Security Institute, a Federally Funded R&D Center mandated by Congress,2004-2005 Managerial, facility commissioning, and process improvement support to Special Projects Office, White House Military Office, 2003-2004 Chief of Staff, Government Relations Office, Columbia Accident Investigation Board, 2003 Program manager for Weapons of Mass Destruction exercise support for Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, Office of Domestic Preparedness, Department of Justice/Department of Homeland Security, 2002-2003 Program manager for support to Missile Defense Agency Directorates of Program Integration and Advanced Concepts and Technology, 2002-2003 Process improvement and metrics development support to the IT Interoperability and Cost Methodology Division, Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications& Information (AF/SC), 2001-2002 Managerial, programmatic and congressional support for Acquisition Reform, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), 1997-2001 Support team lead for institutional review of Air Force nuclear infrastructure, Air Force Chief of Staff(Operations), 1997 Team lead providing analytical, programmatic and congressional support to the B- 1B bomber Conventional Munition Upgrade Program, 1995-1997 Analytical, programmatic and congressional support to the Programs, Budget and Congressional Division, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), 1994-1995 U.S. Navy Executive Assistant, Business and Production Review Officer, and Engineering Officer, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, U.S. Navy, Newport News, VA, 1991-1994 Submarine Research and Development Program Manager, Naval Sea System Command, Arlington, VA, 1990-1992 Mechanical and Electrical Program Area Manager, Submarine Technology Program, DARPA, Arlington,VA, 1989-1990 Branch Head, Strategic Submarine Project Office, Naval Sea System Command, Arlington, VA, 1985-1989 Deputy Assistant Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, U.S. Navy, Pearl Harbor, HI, 1984-1985 Ship Superintendent and Ship Safety Officer, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, HI, 1982-1984 Instructor/Division Director, Naval Nuclear Power School, Orlando, FL, 1976- 1980 VOLUNTEERISM Boy Scouts of America (1982—present) • Inland Northwest Council Sustainability Council (Current) • STEM Merit Badge University Entrepreneurship Counselor(Current) • Spokane Valley Units 411 Scout Committee (Current) • Cub Scout Leader: Cubmaster, Webelos Den Leader(1982-1987) • Boy Scout Leader: Scouting Coordinator, Sustaining Membership Coordinator, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Scout Committee Chair, Merit Badge Counselor, BSA STEM Merit Badge University, District Popcorn Chair, Silver Beaver Recipient, Wood Badge Trained (1982-present) American Society of Quality(1998—present) • Director, Region 6A(Oregon, Utah, Montana, Idaho,Washington, Alaska) (Current) • Immediate Past Chair, Spokane Section • Education Chair, Nomination Chair, Internet Liaison, Programs Chair, Section Chair, Certified Quality Manager Instructor, Certified Quality Improvement Associate Instructor Inland Northwest Woodturners (2011 —present) • At-large Board member, Webmaster, Demonstrator EDUCATION • Ph.D. (Physics) Utah State University, Logan, UT, 1982 • B.A. (Physics/Mathematics), Central College, Pella, IA, 1972 CERTIFICATIONS ® ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence#2863 • ASQ Certified Quality Improvement Associate, #212 • Acquisition Professional (Program Management), Level III, US Navy TRAINING • Web Developers Bootcamp, Udemy, 2016 • Introduction to Excel VBA Programming, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2015 • Kepner Tregoe Problem Solving/Decision Making, ISR, 2006 • Electrostatic Discharge: Introduction/Control for Operators, ISR, 2006 • Appreciative Inquiry, NTL, Alexandria, VA, 2003 • Current Theory and Practice in Organizational Development, NTL, Alexandria, VA, 2002 • Human Interaction Laboratory, NTL, Alexandria, VA, 2001 • Writing Winning Proposals, Shipley Associates, 2000 • Measuring for Change, Hammer and Company, Boston, MA, 1998 • Certified Quality Manager Exam Preparation Course, American Society for Quality, VA, 1997 • Process Action Team Training, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, Newport News, VA, 1993 • Fundamentals of Total Quality Leadership Instructor Course, VA, 1992 • Engineering Duty Officer Mid-Career Course, Engineering Duty Officer School, Vallejo, CA, 1992 • Total Quality Management Course, DSMC, Fort Belvoir, VA, 1991 • Engineering Duty Officer Basic Course, Engineering Duty Officer School, Vallejo, CA, 1982 • Submarine Officer Basic Course, Naval Submarine School, New London, CT, 1982 • Nuclear Ship Superintendent School, Bremerton, WA, 1981 Oti3 _1 c) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ 1 /3(}DD 1C!D 11707 E. Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION #2 or#5 *To be considered,you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley.Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E.Sprague Avenue,Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday May 13, 2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted).Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Name: Munch J Michael (Last) (Middle) (First) Complete Home Mailing Address: 3012 S. Morrow, Spokane Valley WA 99216 . Be sure to include City and Zip Code If you have lived at your current address less than one year,please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address 13528 W. Meadowview In., Nine Mile Falls WA 99006 Length of Time at this Address 8 years Home Phone: ( 509 ) 951-0285_ Fax: ( ) N/A Business Phone: ( ) N/A Cell: (509) 951-0285 E-mail: Mike.able@hotmail.com Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) General Contractor/Self Employed Business Address: 7421 N. Bruce Rd.,Spokane WA 99217 Educational Background: K-12, Some college credits/4-year Apprenticeship completed through Carpenters local 98 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ X ] No [ ] 3. Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ x ] 4. If you answered "YES" to#3 above, please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member(spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [X ] NO [ ] If yes, please explain:_My Construction company does business inside Spokane Valley at times. Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [ X] If yes, please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?YES [ ] NO[ X] If yes, please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT Able Construction Ilc President May of 2006 to present. Peter Kiewitt Construction Company Lead Carpenter on Air Traffic Control Tower, Spokane April of 2005 to June of 2006 Bouten Construction Company Foreman of Second floor Sacred heart medical center addition. March of 2003-April of 2005 Please list the professional affiliations, clubs,social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: Spokane Home builders association, Fernan Rod and gun club, 10. Please list your special skills and/or interests: I have always been a self-starter. My various jobs through the years have taught me the importance of communication. I have learned through the years how to motivate people who work under me to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. Working 20 years in all aspects of the construction industry, has taught me the importance of laying a good foundation,one of the most crucial steps in anything. I enjoy outdoor activities and the shooting sports. I enjoy reading,with an emphasis on the founding of our country. I am a family man and believe in giving the youth of this nation a better life than was handed to me. 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board, committee or commission: Stevens County Republican Party Treasurer FROM: January 2012 TO:January 2014 Clint Didier County Campaign Manager Stevens County FROM: May 2011 TO: September 2011 Project Appleseed (Line boss) FROM: March 2009 TO: September 2011 Delegate to Republican State Convention twice Spokane County 2008/Stevens County 2012 12.Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? I am a firm believer in representative governance. In order for it to work, people from all walks of life must be willing to serve, to achieve a balanced prospective of society.While I consider myself a conservative, I am by no means a simple"yes man"with the conservative party. I am a voracious reader, and a committed person, always doing the best I am able to. I am willing to work long hours and educate myself on any issues that I lack knowledge in, prior to my having to make a decision on it. I have reached a point in my life with my children reaching their teen years that I have more time to give back to society. I have been interested in the political process since reaching adulthood and have actively worked on many campaigns and initiatives. I have researched and educated myself and those around me for years, on what this country was founded on. I would welcome the opportunity to serve my community firsthand, and help institute meaningful change. Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? First off land use/property rights, I believe the City of Spokane Valley is moving in the right direction with these issues by allowing more mixed use,than in the past. I also know our hands are somewhat tied with the growth management act.There are still many things available to us to that will help business owners and property owners get back to having more of their rights returned. Stevens County land use is one of the best in the state. While theirs is a rural county not a metropolitan area a lot can be gleaned from their plan and used to reformat Spokane Valley's plan. While we can't do much to combat the anti-business climate the state has fostered,we can continue to work within the confines to be the easiest and unrestricted city in the state for living and doing business in. Secondly, continuing to get government out of the way of business and residents. I believe the private sector is more capable, efficient, and cost effective than any government agency. As a municipality we have the power to allocate our community resources. Being a good steward of our community to me means using those resources as wisely as possible, with more care than is practiced with our own.To this end I would look into every department we have control over and see what could be done to contract out as much of that work as possible while still maintaining oversight. Since being a good steward means limiting your exposure to risk as much as possible,the way to accomplish this is to look across the country at what is being accomplished by contract services for similar cities.Talking with other cities to see what has worked and what doesn't. Police, roads/bridges, and snow removal are all really large budget issues, however, a majority of the time more money can be saved by revamping many smaller items,than one or two large ones. Finally, I believe working within the city government to build a better disaster preparedness plan is vital. Last fall's windstorm should have been viewed as a wakeup call to this region.The progress that has been made since then is a great start. However most all municipalities focus on continuity of government. While this is important, I feel the City Council is elected to serve the people not the government.The pamphlet that was prepared is a good beginning. I would like to work with the various governmental agencies to continue to improve services for a community that is suffering. In addition to pamphlets I would increase training and coordination among the agencies tasked with disaster response, including the community in the process for input, ideas,training, and most importantly volunteering. While sponsoring training in the short term may cost money up front, it will save much more down the road. When less people are dependent on the government and services they are waiting to be provided with. 14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES [X ] NO [ ] If yes,give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: I have only physically attended a couple,since the majority of the time I am out of town. I do watch most of the podcasts. 15.Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES [ X ] NO [ ] 16. References: Please list name, address and phone number: 1. 4th district Representative Mathew Shea 509-869-947 P.O. Box 142180, Spokane Valley,WA 99214 2. Spokane County Treasurer Rob Chase 509-954-3829 P.0 Box 199, Spokane, WA 99210 3. Brenda Grassel 509-710-0163 P.O. Box 141483,Spokane valley, WA 99214 Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting,which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: 'l GL A 7 / ,yL Today's Date: 5-12-16 Spokane Valley City Council, Thank you for the opportunity to put my name forth for consideration. Being a student of history it always intrigued me to study the form of government our Republic offers. Since we are a representative Republic, it made me realize that it only works if the members of it step forward at times to do their civic duty. I entered the work force at a young age and have spent the majority of that time working long hours in construction. I have always rose to the top position in my field and started my own construction company in 2006. Owning a business that has both good and bad years, I have learned to live within my means, and to adapt to changes in the market place. I believe local government is the cornerstone of our society. If it is used wisely the population flourishes. If we are not mindful masters of it, we lose our liberties. With this in mind I would strive to find the best balance between government intervention and freedom for individuals. I am in the process of starting a new path in my life. I have been forced to spend the majority of my time working out of town on business for the last several years. In the next couple months that will be coming to an end and I will no longer be out of town.This will allow me to become engaged at the local level again. Along with my family starting to reach maturity I now feel that I have the time necessary to devote to becoming actively involved, and serving on the city council. In all things in my life I have strived for excellence. If chosen to serve, I will work diligently to serve the community to the best of my ability. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve.Thank you also for your willingness to serve our community. Respectfully, Mike Munch yzo crrvordi APR 2 7 2016 .110.Valley City of Spoka Cityne vatleY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLE Clerk 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION #2 or#5 * To be considered,you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday May 13,2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted).Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Name: Rasmussen Rene' Michelle (Last) (Middle) (First) Complete Home Mailing Address: 8221 E. Liberty Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA 99212 Be sure to include City and Zip Code If you have lived at your current address less than one year,please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address Home Phone: (509 ) 892-4008 Fax: ( ) Business Phone: (509) 359-6448 Cell: (509) 994-3879 E-mail: m.rasmu2011@gmail.com • Occupation: (if retired,please indicate former occupation) Director- Parking&Transportation Svcs./EWU Business Address: 131 Tawanka, Cheney,WA 99004 Educational Background: Whitworth University- BA Business;summa cum laude 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [X ] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment,and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [X ] No [ 3. Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 4. If you answered"YES"to#3 above, please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [ X] If yes,please explain: Once submitted.applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time,by the City of Spokane Valley,or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [X] If yes, please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?YES [ ] NO[X] If yes,please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT EWU Director 1/5/15 -current Parking&Transportation City of Spokane Valley Admin. Assistant 6/18/08 - 1/04/15 Drynan Strategic Financial Svcs. Office Manager 6/03 - 6/08 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: International Parking Institute;Pacific International Parking&Transportation Association. 10. Please list your special skills and/or interests: Customer service skills with the ability to communicate effectively to obtain positive results. 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: CASA/GAL (Court Appointed Special Advocate) FROM: 6/14 TO: current FROM: TO: FROM: TO: FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? I have lived in Spokane Valley for 18 years and worked for the City nearly seven years. I have a vested interest in the economic growth,financial state and the safety of my community. I believe as a citizen I have an obligation to support the stability and growth of the City,not only for my benefit,but for the generations to come. Decision making must support businesses and families. As a Councilmember,I would have the opportunity to provide support in securing the positive work of prior Councils while assisting in the efforts for future change;leaving a solid inheritance for others. Once submitted.applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? Continued economic development efforts;property crimes; and,funding to complete the bridging projects. I have put all three of these items together but the last two have a direct impact on the efforts and finances put forth on the first one; economic development. First,property crimes: the monthly County police report in the Council packets provides a regional report indicating that SV has had, and continues to have, the highest amount of property crimes in our region. Although we attempted to mitigate the problem by the power shift,lack of police staff has never allowed this shift to become activated. But,publically,we did not know that until the Council workshop. Performance measures,with repercussions for non-performance and rewards for quality performance,need to be built into policing efforts. Second, the funding efforts, through state and federal avenues as well as continued frugal budgeting,must continue in order to complete the Bridging of the Valley; all locations. The increase in RR traffic has had a direct impact on accessiblity and economic flow around our City, as well as the noise,and will impact future growth and development. Third,the first two should be the top priorities as the City can expend as much time and money into ED but crimes and infrastructure will stymie any positive, lasting growth for our City. 14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES [X] NO[ ] If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: 12 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of . Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES [X] NO[ ] 16. References: Please list name, address and phone number: 1 Gary Beck,President,Republic Parking NW; 200 W.Mercer St. Ste. 103 Seattle,WA 98119 Cell: (206) 391-7128 2. Michael W. McGreaham,Atty.; 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor,PO Box 829,Boise ID 83701-0829; (208) 345-2000 3. Erik Ellis; 11311 East Yula Lane, Spokane Valley,WA 99206; (509) 216-8600 Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: a,,,c,/,,,,a,_ % YrIG���� J Today's Date: 4 -2-7 (*Applicants will first be chosen for Vacant Position#2,followed by Vacant Position#5) Once submitted.applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure. p�(It tit. `��.� katie RC/1 0 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY c.- 1, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION#2 or#5 * To be considered,you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday May 13, 2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted).Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed.Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Name: 1.\ ' 1 y1Z l iC N5Nil D Av L (Last) (Middle) (First) • Complete Home Mailing Address: I / S -DAt 'J C Jr' �C ri 1 i,42 II�'� ;1.(//1 C#4, Be sure to include City and Zip Code (/ If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address 441! 'v'i ,S�i 51416 ,-1c fl .CI ill 11-i,u1 S1c (A ,�irti. L lc), t Home Phone: oe`( ) c� ©� Fax: ( ) Q' Business Phone: anS%�jS ' tf Cell:') E-mail: d ric. kE' kAwl I1-: Occupation: (if retired please indicate former occ}�pation f 1 rE�, 1-AWFAAo rcr t`, '�j�dsi •ti£SS. !D Loi yai( / N / l� I 1TiIA'S • c II Business Address: l °' ,,1 )-..) r y ),°r JCi 12/ Siai 7 ??Y �) JC. w;1 9k i s Educational Background: 4SSG ,�'>'SS pir�� P /lei S� ' (�.Ce>cCS,friii.4 �t; C.77C Ceres/ 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes11 No[ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) YesiX1 No [ ] 3. Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No ['] 4. If you answered"YES"to#3 above,please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ I NO\j> If yes,please explain: 6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NOXI If yes, please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?YES[ ] N '] If yes, please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT Spo, <Ske .- .t 01-\1 'q deiNh e 0`S, .4li rs)iAf Se'rev D.5:C� �'�7 --411 � 9 WI rci ] AfieS6-104.6 1.:c; J2eteS1.164Tc'- 6 — Prejc-Pi 9. Please list the professional affiliatioAs clubs, social or fraternal organizations to whi h you belong or hold office: , l e�Gl ben- w i, � i01 �i/I4c reCkw 1 ASScC C) l L) Ll mem hrg A, AutrI 4 T®G✓G' Je1 J 10. Please list your special skills and/or interests: 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: FROM: TO: FROM: TO: FROM: TO: FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? 1 Lois k (-)\-v) Cvctic I )L eII ou .d&c/ atacll O> > -rte oal- I e;c KrChirdeE 64' S p•ci 4 `- I Q/s JG r '� s C n-yo rEou 4/ hA 41/4.911_,A ; :II) dj (,c 111°7 a 4 s (s 0141 T n' > W) et/JJ r d C vviCeZ/1/3 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? 1 ? i ;G Sa-ce Nti — 2 e U! E i.Z/ C i ,'cp_ci -401.-a4 tL op ,,J7 4 Ai 11 ig fete 114 4/ � ) c J /VD (1�c A- p i ci ss/o/Lf>4 2_ /11e- 07- .�7-i c¢ 7-a is le,c? Qs-S i J (1 0.-e) t/c& L ce. )g.:i I!C'%S rv Ike, Cf l, '/ ,q/v i�_ j?,,/ � •1 a Ct)-- racr reed,6 � 4,,, )9 Jo 0 I ._ . �J 6, il. tic ( )6i-Ic a c),) - 4 6 141 t. W 1 '11/1.e`1a I Ise CPI /9 144 1 rn, of rc-A44 i44 rYc.€- U FEC 42.cf I7' S I A :. SSiLS Yci ff e cid. i , t/7-o 71N. C711 Ci g Go)&1—n E (Ail •.ei' 1 ma c, ,T�o�sodo F tx-��s t 3 i etc, C-1-5 (- SYdm-7i. // ! I /1l5- 'Ds- he14°n ey 1 )( G !r i AI f 0 i jo Lc ce ce.scc Ae- A4 tevc)1 p rS s c..1 _,)4 y.c)c/()pG lvvos$, (,Z/k-al ce, C rec-47( f.)C`1 u Aa' rk wG�('�-E, pil-Is Q ) es 4a) At b )',c J ,ci4 . 2&f S ta tic s .1n,i J 4. H Iave you ever attendea me dmeeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES NO[ ] If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve mont s: 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are y u able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES NO [ ] 16. References: Please list name, address and phone number: 1 3/10(1- a C� I. TIC Coil , it/' - 50 ? ?? 9766 S'PG-4.9-4 . 011e 9x037 sc)f-3,)‘-Sa.)o2.ATioig../cy- M. A AK V4HC1S 136'7 &' Deoii Se,l771-4 U/A. 90.0/ 5-O?-3719 -66?s3.M,vcd Cil 6 , Co, Slin1kff /11( 1 Re aow) s. sT»i- N(51v,v/y P))7 ROC K'c(cI) WA . 9!$c3v Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: O CO • ba. 1,14 Today's Date: ^ 6 (* Applicants will first be chosen for Vacant Posi9n#2,followed by Vacant Position#5) . , DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of June 15,2016; 1:30 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress;items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings June 28,2016,Special Meeting 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers Executive Session: Evaluate Qualifications of Candidates for Appointments to Elective Office (2& 5) June 28,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Ink,June 21] [Introduction of Special Guests:Reps from Atlas Advertising; about 10 minutes)] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.First Reading Proposed Ordinance,Marijuana Regulations—Erik Lamb (20 minutes) 3. Proposed Resolution 16-008 Amending 2016 TIP— Steve Worley (10 minutes) 4. Proposed Resolution 16-009 Adopting 2017-2022 Six-Year TIP— Steve Worley (15 minutes) 5.Motion Consideration: Bid Award,McDonald Road Project— Steve Worley (10 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration: Approval of 2016 JAG Grant Application—Morgan Koudelka (10 minutes) 7.Last Action Item: Council Appointments of Interim Councilmembers(2& 5)—Mayor Higgins (appointments immediately followed by administering of Oath of Office)[no public comment] (20 minutes) 8.Admin Report: Residential Development Standards Update—Mike Basinger/John Hohman (30 minutes) 9.Admin Report: Sullivan Road,Max J.Kuney,Centennial Trail Change Order— Steve Worley (15 minutes) 10.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 11. Info Only: (a)Dept Reports; (b)FY 2018 TIB Call for Projects (c)WSDOT Call for Projects: Innovative Safety Program [*estimated meeting: 140 minutes] July 5,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Iu.e,June 28] ACTION ITEMS: 1.Motion Consideration: Sullivan Rd.Max J.Kuney,Centennial Trail Change Order— Steve Worley(10 min) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2. Review LTAC Council Goals and Priorities— Chelsie Taylor (25 minutes) 3.WSDOT Call for Projects: Innovative Safety Program— Steve Worley (15 minutes) 4. Law Enforcement Contract Update —Morgan Koudelka (30 minutes) 5.Mining Moratorium, Second Extension—Erik Lamb (20 minutes) 6.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 7. Info Only: SRTMC Interlocal Agreement—Eric Guth [*estimated meeting: 105 minutes] July 12,2016,Special Meeting 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers Executive Session: Evaluate Qualifications of Candidates for Appointment to Elective Office (position 7) July 12,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,July 5] 1.PUBLIC HEARING: Mining Moratorium, Second Extension—Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance,Marijuana Regulations—Erik Lamb (20 minutes) 4.Motion Consideration: To Determine Interviews for Vacant Council Position 7—Chris Bainbridge (20 min) 5.Motion Consideration: Seth Woodard Sidewalk Project#0234 Bid Award— Steve Worley (10 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration: SR 27 and Mirabeau Parkway Intersection Bid Award— Steve Worley (10 minutes) 7.Motion Consideration: WSDOT Call for Projects: Innovative Safety Program— Steve Worley (10 minutes) 8.Admin Report: FY 2018 TIB Call for Projects— Steve Worley (15 minutes) 9.Admin Report: SRTMC Interlocal Agreement— Sean Messner/Eric Guth (20 minutes) 10.Admin Report: Annexation Discussion—Lori Barlow/Matt Dowgen(legal intern) (25 minutes) 11.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 12. Info Only: 2017 Stormwater Mgmt Program [*estimated meeting: 155 minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 6/16/2016 7:34:37 AM Page 1 of 4 July 19,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [length of meeting dependent upon number of interviews] Please note that this meeting will only consist of councilmember candidate interviews 1. Interim Councilmember Interviews (position 7)—Mayor Higgins July 26,2016,Special Meeting 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers Executive Session: Evaluate Qualifications of Candidates for Appointment to Elective Office (position 7) July 26,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,July 19] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.First Reading: Ordinance #Mining Moratorium, Second Extension—Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: Approval of Stormwater Management Program—Eric Guth (10 minutes) 4.Motion Consideration: Approval of SRTMC Interlocal Agreement— Sean Messner/Eric Guth (5 minutes) 5.Motion Consideration: FY 2018 TIB Call for Projects— Steve Worley (10 minutes) 6.Last Action Item: Council Appointment of Interim Councilmember(#7)—Mayor Higgins (appointment immediately followed by administering Oath of Office) (15 minutes) 7.Admin Report: Consensus on LTAC Council Goals and Priorities—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 8.Admin Report: GSI Contract Discussion—John Hohman,Mike Basinger (25 minutes) 9.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 10. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 105 minutes] August 2,2016—No Meeting(National Night out) August 9,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Aug 2] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance #Mining Moratorium, Second Extension—Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 3.Admin Report: 2017 Budget Estimates Revenues&Expenditures—Chelsie Taylor (20 minutes) 4.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 5. Info Only: Stormwater Management Program [*estimated meeting: 45 minutes] August 16,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Aug 9] 1. Stormwater Management Program—Eric Guth (15 minutes) 2. Council Training: Open Public Mtg Act; Public Records Act— Cary Driskell/Erik Lamb (60 minutes) 3.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 80 minutes] August 23,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Aug 16] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: Stormwater Management Program Plan—Eric Guth (10 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 4. Info Only: (a)Department Reports; (b)Pines&Grace Intersection [*estimated meeting: 20 minutes] August 30,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Aug 23] 1.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Sept 6,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Aug 30] 1.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Sept 13,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Sept 6] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2017 Budget Revenues including Prop Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes;resolution setting budget hearing) (5 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: Pines Road& Grace Intersection Bid Award— Steve Worley (15 minutes) 4.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 6/16/2016 7:34:37 AM Page 2 of 4 Sept 20,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Sept 13] 1. Outside Agency Presentations: Social Service &Economic Dev.Agencies—Chelsie Taylor (—60 mins) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Sept 27,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Sept 20] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. City Manager Presentation of 2017 Preliminary Budget—Mark Calhoun (30 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 4. Info Only: Department Reports Oct 4 2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Sept 27] 1. Budget Amendment,2016—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Oct 11,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Oct 4] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2017 Proposed Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3.First Reading Proposed Ordinance re Property Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 4.Motion Consideration: Fund Allocations to Social Service &Economic Dev Agencies—C.Taylor(25 min) 5.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Oct 18,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Oct 11] 1.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Oct 25,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Oct 18] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 2016 Budget Amendment— Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance re Property Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 4.First Reading Proposed Ordinance,2016 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 5.First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2017 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Reports Nov 1,2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Oct 25] 1. Draft 2017 Fee Resolution— Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Nov 8, 2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Nov 1] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance,2016 Budget Amendment— Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2017 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 4.Admin Report: LTAC Recommendations to Council—Chelsie Taylor (20 minutes) 5. Info Only: Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project (5 minutes) Nov 15,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Nov 8] 1.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Nov 22, 2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Nov 15] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project Bid Award— S.Worley (10 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 4. Info Only: Department Reports Nov 29,2016—No Meeting— Thanksgiving,Holiday Draft Advance Agenda 6/16/2016 7:34:37 AM Page 3 of 4 Dec 6,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Nov 29] 1.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Dec 13,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Dec 6] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Proposed 2017 Fee Resolution—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: Funding Allocation,Lodging Tax— Chelsie Taylor (25 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Dec 20,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue,Dec 13] 1.Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 2. Info Only: Department Reports(normally due for Dec 27 mtg) Dec 27,2016—No Meeting—Christmas Holiday *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Carnahan and 8th Intersection Drug Enforcement Update—Rick VanLeuven Emergency Preparedness Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policy Hearing Examiner Report Legislative Agenda Library District Discussion Open Public Meetings Act Training Sidewalk/snow removal Sullivan/Euclid PCC#0141 (11/8 info; 11/29 motion) SVMC 2.45 Review/Discussion Term Limits Undergrounding Draft Advance Agenda 6/16/2016 7:34:37 AM Page 4 of 4