2016, 07-19 Study SessionAGENDA
Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:00 p.m.
11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor
(Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting)
1. Mayor Higgins Council Position #7 Candidate Interviews: Conduct Interviews
(a) Michael Munch
(b) Michelle Rasmussen
(c) David Starr
2. Mayor Higgins Advance Agenda Discussion/Information
3. Mayor Higgins Council Check in Discussion/Information
4. Mark Calhoun Acting City Manager Comments Discussion/Information
Study Session Agenda, July 19, 2016 Page 1 of 1
Request for Council Action
Meeting Date: July 19, 2016 Department Director Approval: n
Check all that apply: nconsent n old business n new business n public hearing
n information ® admin. Report n pending legislation n executive session
AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interview of Applicants for Interim Council Position #7.
GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.12.070; 42.30.110(1)(h)
PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Councilmember Bill Bates (position #7) resigned his
position effective beginning June 15, 2016. Councilmember Pro Tem Bill Gothmann's temporary
appointment also ended June 15, 2016. The vacancy was advertised on our City's website, as well as in the
Valley News Herald and the Spokesman Review. The deadline to submit an application was 4:00 p.m. July
1, 2016. Thirteen applications were submitted, and copies of those applications were distributed to Council
by the City Clerk via memorandum dated July 1, 2016. At the July 12, 2016, Council meeting, Council
voted on which of the 13 applicants to interview for this interim position. That vote resulted in three
applicants chosen for interview: Michael Munch, Michelle Rasmussen, and David Starr.
BACKGROUND: Pursuant to RCW 42.12.070: "Filling nonpartisan vacancies: (1) Where one position is
vacant, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacant
position. (2) Where two or more positions are vacant and two or more members of the governing body
remain in office, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill one
of the vacant positions, the remaining members of the governing body and the newly appointed person shall
appoint another qualified person to fill another vacant position, and so on until each of the vacant positions
is filled with each of the new appointees participating in each appointment that is made after his or her
appointment.... (4) If a governing body fails to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy within ninety
days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the authority of the governing body to fill the vacancy shall cease
and the county legislative authority of the county in which all or the largest geographic portion of the city,
town, or special district is located shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy."
The date to meet the 90 day deadline for Position 7 is September 14, 2016. Once Council makes the
appointment, the newly appointed Councilmember's term would begin immediately and end once the
November 2017 general election results are certified, which is generally about seven to ten days after the
We have informed each applicant that Council prefers each applicant not be present for the previous
applicant's interview. We have asked each applicant to check in with our Human Resources Manager (Suite
107) no later than 5:45 p.m. The Human Resources Manager will escort each applicant to the Council
Chambers as appropriate. We have also informed the applicants that once their interview is over, they may
stay for any subsequent interviews, or should feel free to leave the meeting if desired.
PROCEDURE: The procedure for interviewing for a Council Vacancy is explained in Council's
Governance Manual. Per RCW 42.30.110(1)(h), the interviews shall be conducted during an open Council
meeting. Each interview shall be a maximum of 30 minutes.
• During the interview, each Councilmember may ask each candidate up to three questions.
Follow-up questions are to be counted as one of the three questions.
• Candidates shall be interviewed in alphabetical order of last name.
• Candidates should be prepared to answer any of the following questions, even though every question
might not be asked of each candidate.
• Council has the option of asking questions not included in this list of potential questions. Council has
the option of asking follow-up questions up to a total of three questions per candidate. Follow-up
questions are included as part of and not in addition to, the three maximum questions.
• Potential Council Applicant Interview Questions:
1. What is a Councilmember's primary responsibility to the citizens of Spokane Valley?
2. What are the most important issues our City faces today?
3. Please explain your view of the most difficult aspect of being a Councilmember.
4. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the City Council?
5. What are the three highest priorities the City needs to address and how do you propose to address
these issues?
6. As a Councilmember, one of the most challenging issues we face is balancing the City budget.
Keeping in mind that the majority of our revenue is from sales tax and property tax, how would
you propose to strike a balance between revenues and expenses; and at what point, if at all, would
you support additional revenues to maintain service levels?
7. Discuss your ideas on pavement preservation including solutions for long-term sustainability of
our roads.
8. How can we determine what the citizens want for the future of Spokane Valley?
9. What do you envision the City of Spokane Valley will be like ten and twenty years from now?
10. All total, Councilmembers serve on approximately 20 different boards, committees, councils and
task forces. Does your life style allow you to serve on outside committees and share these
responsibilities? It could mean up to 10 hours per month in addition to your Council duties.
11. Do you plan to run and/or actively campaign for the November 2017 election?
12. Have you attended [Spokane Valley] City Council meetings in the past?
13. What did you discover from attending Council meetings?
14. Why do you want to be on the City Council?
15. Please explain your familiarity with and understanding of our City's form of government,
including the difference between Council and staff responsibilities.
16. What do you hope to accomplish as a Councilmember and what do you offer the City?
17. If the majority of the Council took a position that you were against, how would you handle your
response to the public and/or media?
18. As a Councilmember, what new or different perspective would you bring to the City Council?
19. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Open Public Meeting Act?
20. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Public Record Act?
RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Conduct interviews in the following order: (1) Michael
Munch; (2) Michelle Rasmussen; and (3) David Starr.
STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
ATTACHMENTS: Applicant Applications
11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
(509) 921-1000
APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION #2 or #5 * To be considered, you must be a
resident of the City of Spokane Valley. Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley
community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Completed and signed applications must
be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday
May 13, 2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand -delivered or mailed.
Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted.
Name: Munch J Michael
(Last) (Middle) (First)
Complete Home Mailing Address: 3012 S. Morrow, Spokane Valley WA 99216
Be sure to include City and Zip Code If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please
list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous
Address 13528 W. Meadowview In., Nine Mile Falls WA 99006 Length of Time at this Address 8
Home Phone: ( 509) 951-0285_ Fax:
N/A Business Phone: ( ) N/A
Cell: (509) 951-0285 E-mail: Mike.able@hotmail.com
Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) General Contractor/Self Employed
Business Address: 7421 N. Bruce Rd., Spokane WA 99217
Educational Background: K-12, Some college credits/ 4 -year Apprenticeship completed through
Carpenters local 98
1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ X ] No [ ]
2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more?
(State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to
appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ X ] No [ ]
3. Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ x ]
4. If you answered "YES" to #3 above, please explain:
5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a
financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business
with the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ X ] NO [ ] If yes, please explain: _My Construction company
does business inside Spokane Valley at times.
Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to
public disclosure.
6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City
of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ]
NO [ X ] If yes, please explain:
7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? YES [
] NO[ X ] If yes, please explain:
8. Please list your employment for the past ten years:
Able Construction Ilc President May of 2006 to present.
Peter Kiewitt Construction Company Lead Carpenter on Air Traffic Control Tower, Spokane
April of 2005 to June of 2006
Bouten Construction Company Foreman of Second floor Sacred heart medical center addition.
March of 2003- April of 2005
Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which; you belong or
hold office: Spokane Home builders association, Fernan Rod and gun club,
10. Please list your special ski Is and/or interests:
( have always been a self-starter. My various jobs through the years have taught me the importance of
communication, l have learned through the years how to motivate people who work under me to
perform their jobs to the best of their ability; Working 20 years in all aspects of the construction
industry,' has taught me the importance of laying a good foundation, one of the most crucial steps in
anything. 1 enjoy outdoor activities and the shooting sports. I enjoy reading, with an emphasis on the
founding of our country. I am a family man and believe in giving the youth of this nation a better life
than was handed to me.
11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any
governmental board, committee or commission:
Stevens County Republican Party Treasurer FROM: January 2012 TO: January 2014
Clint Didier County Campaign Manager Stevens County FROM: May 2011 TO: September 2011
Project Appleseed (Line boss) FROM: March 2009 TO: September 2011
Delegate to Republican State Convention twice Spokane County 2008/Stevens County 2012
12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember?
i am a firm believer in representative governance. In order for it to work,' people from all walks of life
must be willing to serve, to achieve a balanced prospective of society. While I consider myself a
conservative, I am by no means a simple "yes man" with the conservative party. I am a voracious reader,
and a committed person, always doing the best 1 am able to. I am willing to work long hours and educate
myself on any issues that I lack knowledge in, prior to my having to make a decision on it. I have reached
a point in my life with my children reaching their teen years that I have more time to give back to
society. I have been interested in the political process since reaching adulthood and have actively
worked on many campaigns and initiatives. I have researched and educated myself and those around
me for years, on what this country was founded on. I would welcome the opportunity to serve my
community firsthand, and help institute meaningful change.
Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to
public disclosure.
13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you
propose to address these issues?
First off land use/property rights, I believe the City of Spokane Valley is moving in the right direction
with these issues by allowing more mixed use, than in the past. 1 also know our hands are somewhat
tied with the growth management act. There are still many things available to us to that will help
business owners and property owners get back to having more of their rights returned. Stevens County
land use is one of the best in the state. While theirs is a rural county not a metropolitan area a lot can be
gleaned from their plan and used to reformat Spokane Valley's plan. While we can't do much to combat
the anti -business climate the state has fostered, we can continue to work within the confines to be the
easiest and unrestricted city in the state for living and doing business in.
Secondly, continuing to get government out of the way of business and residents. I believe the private
sector is more capable, efficient, and cost effective than any government agency. As a municipality we
have the power to allocate our community resources. Being a good steward of our community to me
means using those resources as wisely as possible, with more care than is practiced with our own. To
this end I would look into every department we have control over and see what could be done to
contract out as much of that work as possible while still maintaining oversight. Since being a good
steward means limiting your exposure to risk as much as possible, the way to accomplish this is to look
across the country at what is being accomplished by contract services for similar cities. Talking with
other cities to see what has worked and what doesn't. Police, roads/bridges, and snow removal are all
really large budget issues, however, a majority of the time more money can be saved by revamping
many smaller items, than one or two large ones.
Finally, I believe working within the city government to build a better disaster preparedness plan is vital.
Last fall's windstorm should have been viewed as a wakeup`call to this region. The progress that has
been made since then is a great start. However most all municipalities focus on continuity of
government. While this is important, I feel the City Council is elected to serve the people not the
government. The pamphlet that was prepared is a good beginning. I would like to work with the various
governmental agencies to continue to improve services for a community that is suffering. In addition to
pamphlets l would increase training and coordination among the agencies tasked with disaster
response, including the community in the process for input, ideas, training, and most importantly
volunteering. While sponsoring training in the short term may cost money up front, it will save much
more down the road. When less people are dependent on the government and services they are waiting
to be provided with.
14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES [ X 1 NO [
if yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: 3 have
only physically attended a couple, since the majority of the time I am out of town. I do watch most of
the podcasts.
15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and
special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to
represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and
boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane
Valley City Council. YES [ X ] NO [ ]
16. References: Please list name, address and phone number:
1. 4`h district Representative Mathew Shea 509-869-947 P.O. Box 142180, Spokane Valley, WA 99214
2. Spokane County Treasurer Rob Chase 509-954-3829 P.0 Box 199, Spokane, WA 99210
3. Brenda Grassel 509-710-0163 P.O. Box 141483, Spokane valley, WA 99214
Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure,
and will appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are
tentatively scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact
date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a
candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June
28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley
City government.
Signature: 't- eL �'d�-, t Today's Date: 5-12-16
Spokane Valley City Council,
Thank you for the opportunity to put my name forth for consideration. Being a student of history it
always intrigued me to study the form of government our Republic offers. Since we are a representative
Republic, it made me realize that it only works if the members of it step forward at times to do their
civic duty.
I entered the work force at a young age and have spent the majority of that time working long hours in
construction. I have always rose to the top position in my field and started my own construction
company in 2006. Owning a business that has both good and bad years, I have learned to live within my
means, and to adapt to changes in the market place.
I believe local government is the cornerstone of our society. If it is used wisely the population flourishes.
If we are not mindful masters of it, we lose our liberties. With this in mind I would strive to find the best
balance between government intervention and freedom for individuals.
I am in the process of starting a new path in my life. I have been forced to spend the majority of my time
working out of town on business for the last several years. In the next couple months that will be coming
to an end and I will no longer be out of town. This will allow me to become engaged at the local level
again. Along with my family starting to reach maturity I now feel that I have the time necessary to
devote to becoming actively involved, and serving on the city council.
In all things in my life I have strived for excellence. If chosen to serve, I will work diligently to serve the
community to the best of my ability.
Thank you again for the opportunity to serve. Thank you also for your willingness to serve our
Mike Munch
_ .4,01FATalley
11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
(509) 921-1000
APR 2 7 2016
City of
Spokane Valley
City clerk
To be considered, you must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley.
Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City
Council. Completed and signed applications must be received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue,
Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday May 13, 2016, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications
may be hand -delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted.
Name: Rasmussen Rene' Michelle
(Last) (Middle) (First)
Complete Home Mailing Address: 8221 E. Liberty Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Be sure to include City and Zip Code
If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list your previous addresses and state how long
you lived at those residences:
Complete Previous Address
Length of Time at this Address
Home Phone: (509 ) 892-4008 Fax: ( )
Business Phone: (509) 359-6448 Cell: (509) 994-3879
E-mail: m.rasmu2011@gmail.com
Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) Director - Parking & Transportation Svcs. / EWU
Business Address:
131 Tawanka, Cheney, WA 99004
Educational Background: Whitworth University - BA Business; summa cum laude
1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [X ]
No [
2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State
law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be
a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ X ] No [ ]
3. Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ X ]
4. If you answered "YES" to #3 above, please explain:
5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial
interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of
Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [ X ] If yes, please explain:
Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure.
6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City of
Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [X]
If yes, please explain:
7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? YES [ ] NO[X]
If yes, please explain:
8. Please list your employment for the past ten years:
EWU Director
Parking & Transportation
City of Spokane Valley Admin. Assistant
1/5/15 - current
6/18/08 - 1/04/15
Drynan Strategic Financial Svcs. Office Manager 6/03 - 6/08
9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold
office: 'International Parking Institute; Pacific International Parking & Transportation Association.
10. Please list your special skills and/or interests: Customer service skills with the ability to communicate
effectively to obtain positive results.
11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental
board, committee or commission:
CASA/GAL (Court Appointed Special Advocate) FROM: 6/14TO: current
12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember?
I have lived in Spokane Valley for 18 years and worked for the City nearly seven years. I have a vested
interest in the economic growth, financial state and the safety of my community. I believe
as a citizen I have an obligation to support the stability and growth of the City, not only for my
benefit, but for the generations to come. Decision making must support businesses and families.
As a Councilmember, I would have the opportunity to provide support in securing the positive work of
prior Councils while assisting in the efforts for future change; leaving a solid inheritance for others.
Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure.
13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address
these issues?
Continued economic development efforts; property crimes; and, funding to complete the bridging
projects. I have put all three of these items together but the last two have a direct impact on the
efforts and finances put forth on the first one; economic development. First, property crimes: the
monthly County police report in the Council packets provides a regional report indicating that SV
has had, and continues to have, the highest amount of property crimes in our region. Although we
attempted to mitigate the problem by the power shift, lack of police staff has never allowed this shift to
become activated. But, publically, we did not know that until the Council workshop. Performance
measures, with repercussions for non-performance and rewards for quality performance, need
to be built into policing efforts. Second, the funding efforts, through state and federal avenues as well as
continued frugal budgeting, must continue in order to complete the Bridging of the Valley; all locations.
The increase in RR traffic has had a direct impact on accessiblity and economic flow around our City,
as well as the noise, and will impact future growth and development. Third, the first two should be the top
priorities as the City can expend as much time and money into ED but crimes and infrastructure will
stymie any positive, lasting growth for our City.
14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES [X ] NO [ ]
If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past twelve months: 12
15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special
meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of
Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your
time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES [X ] NO [ ]
16. References: Please list name, address and phone number:
1 Gary Beck, President,Republic Parking NW; 200 W. Mercer St. Ste. 103 Seattle, WA 98119
Cell: (206) 391-7128
2. Michael W. McGreaham, Atty.; 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor, PO Box 829, Boise ID
83701-0829; (208) 345-2000
3. Erik Ellis; 11311 Fast Hula Lane, Spokane Valley, WA 99206; (509) 216-8600
Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will
appear in the Council agenda packet for the June 21, 2016, City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively
scheduled for the evening of June 21, 2016. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the
interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take
place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur June 28, 2016. No City elected officer shall hold
any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government.
Signature: (14'111GA-1).____) Today's Date: 0-'1-1(e
(* Applicants will first be chosen for Vacant Position #2, followed by Vacant Position #5)
Once submitted, applications become the property of the City of Spokane Valley and are subject to public disclosure.
40,0Val ley
11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
(509) 921-1000
Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley '-ify
Council. To be considered, applications must be completed, signed, and received at the City Clerk's office, 11707
E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, July 1, 2016, (late arriving mail will not be
accepted). Applications may be hand -delivered or mailed.
Name: J>,4:,Y�
(Last) (Middle) (First) I -�
Complete Home Mailing Address: /3 7/ 7 F21 e�D a41 e (4.16 (L
If you have lived at your cun-ent address less than one year, please list your previo{ts addresses and state how long
you lived at those residences:
Complete Previous Address
Length of Time at this Address
Home Phone: ( ) #(44 Fax: ( )
Business Phone: ( ) Cell: (jam') '�y„2.. e
Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation)
Business Address:
Educational Background: c44 1.41l/e L �I1 1 eI l/5 1-r
1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes X ] No [
2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State
law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be
a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ .] No [ ]
3. Have you ever been convicted for anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ ]
4. If you answered "YES" to #3 above, please explain: 3 v ! `,� • 10,4 4/ ei "id5 -4'ie 7,2 1.av`e.5
atvS 0;11 411, peace^ -G, e ✓tel eC C/+ i0 61, cot -
to5. yott �ra ouefspo o any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial
interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of
Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO [c] If yes, please explain:
6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City of
Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? YES [ ] NO ]X,]
If yes, please explain:
7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? YES [ ] NOM,
If yes, please explain:
8. Please list your employment for the past ten years:
ut5 4- 41 Ze1444.p, 4,491.0 /95.2- 4,11.2atz
9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold
office: 6K. c`earl, Aev t` Y e Ramat grT Fr14V `j a+1 ItAv "6 %lilt fQ t i.- ��? i '' �i
0. Please list your special skills and/or interests:
11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental
board, committee or commission:
1,G6.4 Ari 4,1
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12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as Jec
a Spokane Valley City Councilmember?a4 iA. 6,v,r.,25 d -cd r heomit.v ld10,00-144-- e-ve
(e Wa 4- leop aJ pdeve, "tea 6-eJ/!i r ice" o .-Lr-vn,,r
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13. What are the
these issues?
hree highest prioritie you believe the ity needs to ad. ess? How would you propose to address rizj
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14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? YES NO [
If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past year:
15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special
meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. 'Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of
Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your
time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. YES NO [ }
16. References: Please list name, address and phone number:
1. 0- - 54 --ale- /3 755" 330 W. y„t i) t 7.96 f
2. v hLv,i )G %(l 450 31 k-; l �l de sp' r,�a1 10- 93a0
11 I o 2 1444i Avg '� foo �G�1�� tfJ 11e/ U'4 574611.797
Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will
appear in the Council agenda packet for the July 19, 2016 City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively
scheduled for the evening of July 19. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview
once all applications have been received and interviews determined by Council.. Final action appointing a candidate
to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur July 26, 2016. No City
elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that the foregoing is true and correct.
David Starr
13717 E. 22nd Lane, Spokane Valley, Washington, 99216
USA, 509-742-0661, pf1212@msn.com
Firefighter EMT, Haz-mat Tech Incident Command Emergency Medical Tech.
30 years
Banquet Capt., Excellent Customer Skills work well with others eye for details
3 years
Hotel Security and Safety officer
2 years
Firefighter, June 06 1981 — Present with the break in service for the prior positions
USAF , Fairchild AFB, Washington, USA
Worked for the Department of Defense as a Firefighter for 30 years looking to transition into my second
career. I worked as a Lead firefighter Driver/ operator and firefighter. I have and continue to respond to
emergency Air craft incidents structural and Emergency medical calls. I train new Airmen in the
Firefighting career field and manage their advancement and upgrade training.
Banquet Capt. 1993 -1994
Hilton Hotel and convention center, Salt Lake City ,' Utah , USA
Worked with Sales Department and Kitchen management to ensure functions where set up staffed and
ready to go on time. Ensured set up staff where briefed and had the proper set up in the proper room
and the proper set up. Ensured banquet staff were trained and on time to functions utilized expertise in
set up and table setting from long term staff.
Ensured that banquet storage and equipment where maintained and cleaned at the end of each
Completed billing and forwarded information to the billing department after proper counts and tipping
information where recorded. Worked with and retrieved meals and banquet line set ups were
completed in a timely manner.
At the end of the function supervised and participated in clean up and any prepping that was required
for the next day or next function.
Always dressed professionally and worked to ensure that quest and clients were very happy if not took
steps to correct any shortcomings or errors to their satisfaction.
Banquet Capt. Security Officer Loss Prevention, 1992 —1993
Homestead Resort and Hotel, Midway , Utah , USA
Started out working Security expressed an interest in banquet Capt. position and was selected to be
trained to take over that position when the Banquet captain left to take another position out of the
Trained on set up table settings equipment used for banquets vs. single meals. set up displays and
ensured the tables were properly set up.
Learned billing and tipping responsibilities.
Taught clean up and maintenance responsibilities to staff and ensured they were in compliance with set
Security Night MOD ,1994 -.1994
Crowne Plaza Hotel , Seattle , Washington , USA
Managed security during my shift for a 32 story property in the heart of Seattle. Did L and I reports
vehicle Damage reports and trespass citations. The Baseball Teams that played against the Mariners
stayed at the Plaza and always had a high volume of autograph seekers in and around the property.
Night Manager had control of all locked facilities evening shut down of kitchens inspection. And quest
service expert.
Education and Training
Spanish Fork High School, 1978
Spanish Fork, Utah, USA
General Education, Diploma
General Education studies
US Air Force Fire Fighting Academy, 1978
Chanute AFB, ILL, USA
Fire Science, Certificate
6 week intensive Fire Academy basic firefighting crash rescue structural and basic Emergency medical
OJT, 1992
Heber, Utah, USA
Banquet operations,
participated in an On the Job training program to operate and maintain the banquet facilities and
operation at the Homestead Resort and Hotel. A privately owned property with Golf course and pool
facilities. Worked on Steven Coveys seminars and training program. And facilitated the banquet
functions and billing for the guest and the parties they book with the property.
Utah Valley State College, 1993
Orem, Utah, USA
Fire Science, Certificate
General Fire Science program with emphasis on Crash Rescue program and Fire Officer Leadership.
Other significant information 80% Disabled Vet. Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. International
Templars and NRA. Gulf War Veteran, I was Awarded the Airmen's medal for heroism. Union President
Fairchild AFB for 5 years and consultant on going.
Kent J. Stone
13755 330 W.
Payson Utah 84651
Shawn Welch
4231 E. 14th Ave
Spokane WA. 99202
Matt Shea
19402 E. 4th Ave
Spokane Valley WA 99216
as of July 13, 2016; 10:30 a.m.
Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative
To: Council & Staff
From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager
Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings
July 26, 2016, Special Meeting 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers
Executive Session: Evaluate Qualifications of Candidates for Appointment to Elective Office (position 7)
July 26, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, July 19]
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes)
2. First Reading Ordinance 16-011 Findings, Mining Moratorium — Erik Lamb (10 minutes)
3. First Reading Ordinance 16-012 Mining Moratorium, Second Extension — Erik Lamb (15 minutes)
4. Motion Consideration: Approval of SRTMC Interlocal Agreement — Sean Messner/Eric Guth (5 minutes)
5. Motion Consideration: FY 2018 TIB Call for Projects — Steve Worley (10 minutes)
6. Motion Consideration: LTAC Council Goals and Priorities — Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes)
7. Last Action Item: Council Appointment of Interim Councilmember (#7) — Mayor Higgins
(appointment immediately followed by administering Oath of Office) (15 minutes)
8. Admin Report- Inland Power & Light Electrical Franchise — Cary Driskell (5 minutes)
9. Admin Report: Comp Plan: Draft Land Use Map Discussion — John Hohman, Mike Basinger (30 minutes)
10. Admin Report: GSI Contract Discussion — John Hohman, Mike Basinger (25 minutes)
11. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes)
12. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 140 minutes]
August 2, 2016 — No Meeting (National Night out)
August 9, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Aug 2]
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes)
2. Second Reading Ordinance 16-011 Findings, Mining Moratorium — Erik Lamb (10 minutes)
3. Second Reading Ordinance 16-012 Mining Moratorium, Second Extension — Erik Lamb (15 minutes)
4. First Reading Ordinance Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction — Steve Worley (15 minutes)
5. First Reading Ordinance Inland Power & Light Electrical Franchise — Cary Driskell (10 minutes)
6. Mayoral Appointments: (Visit Spokane; Emergency 9-1-1; Health Board; STA; Wastewater
Policy Advisory Board) Mayor Higgins (10 minutes)
7. Admin Report: 2017 Budget Estimates Revenues & Expenditures — Chelsie Taylor (20 minutes)
8. Admin Report: Comp Plan Draft Goals and Policy Discussion — John Hohman, Mike Basinger (30 minutes)
9. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes)
10. Info Only: Stormwater Management Program [*estimated meeting: 120 minutes]
August 16, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, Aug 91
AWC Presentation of Champion Award to Senator Padden
1. Second Reading Ordinance Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction — Steve Worley (15 minutes)
2. Stormwater Management Program — Eric Guth (15 minutes)
3. City Hall Update — Eric Guth (10 minutes)
4. Council Training: Open Public Mtg Act; Public Records Act — Cary Driskell/Erik Lamb (60 minutes)
5. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes)
[*estimated meeting: 105 minutes]
Draft Advance Agenda 7/13/2016 12:49:27 PM Page 1 of 3
August 23, 2016, Formal Meetin2 Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue. Au 16]
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes)
2. Second Reading Ordinance Inland Power & Light Electrical Franchise — Cary Driskell (10 minutes)
3. Motion Consideration: Stormwater Management Program Plan — Eric Guth (10 minutes)
4. Admin Report: Comp Plan Draft Development Regs Discussion — John Hohman, Gloria Mantz (30 minutes)
5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes)
6. Info Only: (a) Department Reports; (b) Pines & Grace Intersection [*estimated meeting: 60 minutes]
August 30, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Library District Request for City's Reacquisition of Balfour Park Prop—C.Driskell
2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Sept 6, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. City Hall Update — Eric Guth
2. Introduction of Draft Comp Plan — John Hohman, Mike Basinger
3. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Sept 13, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2017 Budget Revenues including Prop Tax — Chelsie Taylor
2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes; resolution setting budget hearing)
3. Motion Consideration: Pines Road & Grace Intersection Bid Award — Steve Worley
4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Sept 20, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due
1. Outside Agency Presentations: Social Service & Economic Dev. Agencies — Chelsie Taylor
2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Sept 27, 2016, Formal Meetin2 Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes)
2. City Manager Presentation of 2017 Preliminary Budget — Mark Calhoun
3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
4. Info Only: Department Reports
Oct 4 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. City Hall Update — Eric Guth
2. Budget Amendment, 2016 — Chelsie Taylor
3. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Oct 11, 2016, Formal Meetin2 Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2017 Proposed Budget — Chelsie Taylor
2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes)
3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance re Property Tax — Chelsie Taylor
4. Motion Consideration: Fund Allocations to Social Service & Economic
5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
6. Info Only: Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project
Oct 18, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Dev Agencies — C.T
Oct 25, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 2016 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor
2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes)
3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance re Property Tax — Chelsie Taylor
Tue, Aug 23]
(20 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Tue, Aug 30]
(10 minutes)
(60 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Tue, Se tt66]
(10 minutes)
(5 minutes)
(15 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Tue, Sept 13]
(— 60 mins)
(5 minutes)
Tue, Sept 20]
(5 minutes)
(30 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Tue, Sept 27]
(10 minutes)
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Tue, Oct 4]
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aylor (25 min)
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[due Tue, Oct 11]
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[due Tue, Oct 18]
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Draft Advance Agenda 7/13/2016 12:49:27 PM Page 2 of 3
4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2016 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor
5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2017 Budget — Chelsie Taylor
6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
7. Info Only: Department Reports
Nov 1, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. City Hall Update — Eric Guth
2. Draft 2017 Fee Resolution — Chelsie Taylor
3. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Nov 8, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes)
2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2016 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor
3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2017 Budget — Chelsie Taylor
4. Motion Consideration: Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project Bid Award — Steve Worley
5. Admin Report: LTAC Recommendations to Council — Chelsie Taylor
Nov 15, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Nov 22, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes)
2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
3. Info Only: Department Reports
Nov 29, 2016 — No Meeting — Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec 6, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. City Hall Update — Eric Guth
2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Dec 13, 2016, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes)
2. Proposed 2017 Fee Resolution — Chelsie Taylor
3. Motion Consideration: Funding Allocation, Lodging Tax — Chelsie Taylor
4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins
Dec 20, 2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m.
1. Advance Agenda
2. Info Only: Department Reports (normally due for Dec 27 mtg)
Dec 27, 2016 — No Meeting — Christmas Holiday
*time for public or Council comments not included
(10 minutes)
(15 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Tue, Oct 25]
(10 minutes)
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Tue, Nov 1]
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[due Tue, Nov 8]
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[due Tue, Nov 29]
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[due Tue, Dec 6]
(5 minutes)
(15 minutes)
(25 minutes)
(5 minutes)
[due Tue, Dec 13]
(5 minutes)
Carnahan and 8th Intersection Library District
CenterPlace Kitchen Equipment Sidewalk/snow removal
District Court SVMC 2.45 Review/Discussion
Emergency Preparedness Term Limits
False Alarm Program Undergrounding
Hearing Examiner Report
Legislative Agenda
Draft Advance Agenda 7/13/2016 12:49:27 PM Page 3 of 3