2009, 06-02 Study Session ~ AGENDA . CIll Y OF SPOKANE ~LLEY CITY +LOU1, V ~IL 0'9` ORhSHJ~ET . . ~TUDY SESSION Tuesday, Jaane 2, 2009 6e00 p.m. CYT~ ~HAiM13EJk~S 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Fgr~t Floor (PDease Silence Ytmur Cel1 Phomes Daaa-ia~g the Meeting) . DISCUSSION ~~ADER SUBJECTIAC'a'IVITY GOAL Introductinn of.IVew Lmlovees: P1'O Intern Julie Brawn by Carolbedle Branch, PIO,• LegcxZ Interrts sleana PQlani and .landnn Mitchell, by Mik~ ~onnelly, Crty Attorney, AC'I'ION ITEMS: 1. Steve Warley Pi-nesIMansf eld Change Order Motion Consideratian [public c~mment] ~~~LAR STUDY SE55ION IT'JEMS. - - 2. l3ruee Rawi.s, Spakan.e County Wastewater ConstrLictian of Service I}iscussionlInfarrnation. Ut;i.liti.es Directar; Sean Senescali, Rate 5tudy CJpclate - Sr. Analyst, FCS Group . 3. Steve Worley P'roposed 2010- -2[]15 TransRortatian 17iscussionlTnformation . ' T1nprovement Plan 1. Greg McCorrnick, Mix~d Use North of Rutter Avenue - DrscussionlInformation {Comp P1an Amendment - 5. Nlorgan Koudelka, Courrt Services - DiscussionlInformatiQn Uave Mereier - 6. Mayor NZ-Linson •A,dvance Agenda DiscussiQnlInformatio.n 7. In,f'armatron (?nly ('will not be repurted ar discicssed): Energy Efficaency Canservation Block Grant Councilmembers Council Externa1 Comm.ittee R.eports Discussi.canlIn.formation 9.1V~i ayor Munson Council Check in - - DiscussiQnllnformation. 10. L7ave Mercier City Manager Comments Discussianfln.fvrmation. AD.~OURN Nate: TJnless otherwise noted a6ove, there wi[l be no pubiic camments at Cvuncil' Study Sessions. I~owever, Cauncil always reserves the riglit to request Bnformatinn from the public and staff as Appa-opriate. Dur3n-, meetings held by the City vf 5pokane Valley Counc'tl, the Council reserves the riglit to take "action" an any itern listed ar subsequently added to the agenda. The teren "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, corisider, evafuate, . or make a collective pasitive or negatave decision. ' NOTICE: Ind'sviduaIs planning tv attettd the meetiing who require special assistance to accommodate physica3', hearing, or other impairments, please cantaci the City C1erk at (501) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. , Study Session Agcnda., 7une 2, 2009 Page 1of 1 CITY ~~OK~~E VALLEY Request for ~~~~~n Mee#ing Date: June 2, 2009 City Manager Sign-oft. Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent M ofd business El new business El public hearing E] information ❑ admin. rsport ❑ pending legislatian AGEND►4 ITEM TITLE: PineslMansfield Praject #0005 -►4dditional Change Order Authorizatoon for City Manager GOVERN1NG LEGISL►4'TlON: SVMG 3.35.10 - Cantract Authority PREl19OU5 +COUNC9L ►4CTION TAKEN: 1} Approual of Six Year Tcanspvrtatian Improvement Plan, rrvhich ir~cludes the PineslManSfield project, 2} appraval of a;pplication for federa1 grant funding for the PineslMansfield Prvjec#, 3} approval af Fuel Tax Grant Distributivn ,p►greement with the T!B fvr the PineslMansfield praject; 4} appraval of a quit-claim on vrre parceF to complete right-of-way acquisition; 5} infarmatianal memo in June 3, 2008 Cvuncil Packets; G) award af constructian contract to In:larad Asphalt. BACKGROUND: During the course of construction projects situations occur in which change orders are necessary to cvmplete the project. Many times t'hese change orders are related to issues in the field that were nvt knawn at the time af design, issues nvt adequately addressed in the cantract documents or for additional vuorkbeirrg requested. For cantracts such as uur construcfion contract for the PinesINlansfield PrQject, which has coundi6 approUal, SVfVlC 3.35.10 authvrizes the City Manager to execu#e charrge orders which, when aggregated, are less than 15 percenf af the original cvnfract ampunt, vr up to $200,000,. whicheUer is less. Beyond that, Cfluncil appraval is r+equered. 1Ne are nearing the cvmpietican vf the P'inesJMansfield project and have severa1 anticipated change orders tha# may be necessary but wial exceed the remaining authorify provided to the C9ty Manager. ln an effort to com;plete the PinesliViansfield Project En a timely manner, it is requested that the Ccty Manager 'be granted an additional $150,000 in change order autharity for wnrk necessary to corriplete the Pin+eslfVlansfield project. Attached is a summary of the cDmpleted, pending, and anticipafed charnge orders for the PinesfMansfield prvject. OPT1QNS: 1} Autharize #he City Manager 2n addi#iona1 $154,000 in change order authority, or 3} provide additional directivn to staff. ~~~OMMENDED ACT[OAI OR MO'TION: Move to authvrize the City Manager an addi#iona1 50,000 in change order authoraty for the completion of the PineslMansfield praject. B19DGET1FIN►4hlClAL- IMPACTS; Currentiy the total cvst of the F'ineslMansfeld 'Project is anticipated to exceed the praject budget by approximately $530,000; this includes ale anficipated cvsts to complete the praject. Staff is seeking additianal grant funds that may be available to cover these oVerruns. The 2009 Street Gapital Grants fund budget has sufficient cvntingency funds to cover these expenses. . . STAFF CONTACT: Steve Vllarley, Senivr +Capita! Projecf$ Engineer Neil Kersten, PubTiG Warks C]irectvr A►ftachment: Change Clrder Summary; Budget Summary , _ _ . _ . , . ange ORder Summary _ PinessMansfield Ch Originai contract amount 3,061,916.95, ~ - j Cumulative Campleted = C ActuallEst Change arder New eontract Pending W P ' Cosf Cost amt ; Anticipafed = A Remarks C{] #1 temp fence . f 4,182.40 ~ 4,782,40 ~ 3,066,699.35 ~ c Iinstalled so childrenlanirnals could not access prDject CO #2 -il poCe height credit 1 ($,964.01)l (4,181.67)l 3,057,735.2$ ~ C louerhead utiCity eonflict required sharter luminaire pales ; -GO #3 -n sign flasher 1 3,441.761 (739.91)l 3,061,177.04 ~ C lpfans were unclear on required work at intersection ' CO #4 roundabout illumination ~(13,000.00) (13,739.91)l 3,048,177.04 C Inew illuminatiorr poles deleted; used Avista qower poles insEead CO #5 extra excavation 82,536,81 E8,796.90 ~ 3,1301,713.85 C extra work/mat'1 fa removelreqlace unsuitable soils on N4ontqamery Gp #6 - ped pole 678.85 69,415.75 ~ 3,131,392.70 C moved pedes#rian siqnal away from underqeound utility confliet jC0 #7 P-M drainage system revision ~ 2,825,20 ~ 72,300.95 ~ 3,134,211.90 ~ C ~add'I work ta Cawer drainage system to avoid u nderqround utility ~ ~CQ #8 subg rade repalr r CD F I 335.83 72,636.78 ~ 3,134,553,73 ~ C void discovered durinq excavation an SB Pines far conc. EntersecEion CQ #9 M'ansfield swaRe revisions , 3,176.00 ~ 75,812.78 ~ 3,137,729,73 C Ideleted swale ora nmrth sitle, reraut runoff to alt. swale on soufh side CO #10 luminaire relocafi4n - riqht turn aane 6,720,00 ~ 82,532,78 ~ 3,144,449.73 C ~ relocated luminaire base due tca incorrect field stakinq CfJ #1 a-- sanitary sewer revisions 1 14,300.00 ~ 96,832.78 I 3,958,749.73 C ~shallow sewer conflict NE corner of PineslMansfield (Spo. Co.) !CO #12 --concrete panel layout CDF ~768.40 ~ 97,601,18 ~ 3,959,518.13 ~ C ~revised conrete panel 9ayaut-additianap material and saweuts I CU #13 curb type revision ~ (1,066,00)l 96,535.18 ' 3,156,452.13 ~ C reuised curb detail to facilitate pavinq roundabout CQ #14 - rock excavakion for drainaqe 30,948.24 ~127,483,42 3,189,4100.37 ~ C force accaunt worC per specs fmr rock excavation CO #15 right turn lane earthwvrk 1,556,63 ~ 129,040.05 ~ 3,190=957,00 I C additianal earthwork due tv incorrect field stakinq wCO #16 ADA Tactile Warnings ~ 1,864,80 ~ 130,904.85 ~ 3,192,821.80 ~ C litems required on plans but specs Iacked payment provision ~ 'CO #17 - 250 W Cobra Neads ~ 3,414,01 ~ 134,318.86 ~ 3,196,235.81 ~ C Ifixed mismatch between spec'd larnp and illuminatiQn housing CO #18 kJPRR control hause connectivity 3,$85.22 ~ 138,204,08 ~ 3,200,121.03 C lallows new sipal to connect to future l1PRR ecuipment CO #19 Bike Ramp Curb Revisions ~ 2,612,96 d 140,817A4 d 3,202,133.99 C !f revised rountlabaut bike ramps to nat conflict with snow plowing CO #20 Cold-WeaChee protectimn -October 'd 1,624.00 ~ 142,441,04 I 3,204,357.99 C add'I c4sts to complete sidewalk work on Mansfeld 'CQ #21 Cold-Weather prvtection - November 4,032.00 ~ 146,473,04 3,208,389.99 C add'I costs to complete sidewalk work onMansfield CO #22 Irriqation Repairs - SE camer P-NV ; 4,754,01 , 151,227.05 3,213,144.00 C no cantract provisions to repair irriqativn system on this parcel I I I CO #23 --Additional 1'raffic Control - added days 14,253.12 165,480.17 1 3,227,397.12 ~ P lincreasetl traffic control for added days from previaus change orders i CU #24 Irriqation Additians and Deletions ~ 4,205.12 169,685.29 ~ 3,239,602.24 ~ P Ino contract provisions to repaic irrigation systems on NPontgamery CO #25 ADA Ramps - NE corner PEnesfIndiana ~ 11,618,68 181,344.17 3,243,221.12 ~ P ~ no plan provisians to upg rade sidewa lk rarmps to ADA compliance CO #26 -UPRR crossing gate conduit 13,283,29 ~194,581,46 ' 3,256,504•41 P insta8ls cQnduut across Pines for future UPRR improvements CO #27 L1PRR signal interconnect 1,000.28 ~ 195,587.74 ~ 3,257,504.69 P connects new siqnal ko existinq UPRR equipment. "CD #28 Recanstruct sewer manhole - Mantgomery ~ 1,409.49 I 196,997.23 3,258,914,98 ~ P Imoves existing manhole that conflic#s with new sitlewafk I !1 I P~ extra swale excavativn ~I 5,600.00 ~ V I a Iwork to eombine 2 swales at PinesfMansfield into 1 clearing and grubbing ~ 16,000.00 A ~claim far extra effDrt required to wark around utility relocations grade change on Mansfield 1 7,500.00 1 1 A ,lwork required to raise qrade to avoid utifity cQnflict Montgomery court Apts - driveway i10,000.00 A _i5econdary access For Montgomery court Apartmenfis ' delay claim - ukilities 50,000.00 A Vslow utility relocatiQn work at start of proi ect slowed proqress delay claim - UPRR bvre ~ 25,000.00 A Ilate permik to work under IJPRR tracks slawed praqress . 'quantity overruns (resolve @ end) ~ 20,000.00 A 1 - - . + . s._ JI Total ~ 331,497.23 I PineslMansfield Project #0005 - Budget Summary Mg na1 Budget Rrvject Actuala Descri 'kion 2003 Bud e# B"rd 3131149 Estimated Costs to Finish PE - Spa Cv $ 107,015 $ 245,000 $ 251,109 PE - WSf34T $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 426,553 PE - Qther $ 41,930 RW $ 725,000 $ 450,000 $ 594,618 CN - Gontractar $ 2,326,684 $ 3,061,917 $2,689,659 $ 469,859 CE - Spo Co $ 75,fi22 $ 67,600 $ 210,000 WSDOT & Spa. Co. CE -'VVSDaT $ 262,979 $ 351,165 $ 404,687 Signs (5po Co) $ 2,000 $ 5,324 Cantingency $ 141,367 $ 344,383 $ 233,400 Change Orders Sa1es Tax $ 123,158 $ 105,354 Subtatal $ 3,963,825 $ 4,963,143 $4,462,156 $ 913,259 UPRR $ 360,000 $ 420,004 1NSDaT Signal Eq $ 83,000 8,504 $ 74,496 5taff Tirne $ 10,040 $ 27,480 $ 20,000 Gibsan ?3? SVFp $ 20,000 To#als $ 5,446,143 $ 4,498,140$ 1447,755 Total Estimated Pra►ject Cost (Actuals + Costs tQ Ffnish) $ 5,945,895 Estimated Cost +Overrun ($529,752) (Tota! Estimated Project Costs - Project Budget +i Bid) CCTY OF SPOKANE ►JALLEY Request for Council r4ctaon Meeting Date: June 2, 2009 Cyty Manager Sign-off: . Iten't: Check all that apply: El conserrt ❑ ald business 0n+ew busbness Ll public hearing El informatian ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGEN1DA iTEM TITLE. 111lastewater CvnstruGtian of Service Rate Study Update ~OVERNING LEGISL►4TIOIV: PREVIOlJS COUNCiL ACTIO~ TAKEN: BAC KGROUND: Spvkane County Utclities Director Bruce IRawls, and FGS Group Seniar Analyst Sean Senescall will give a presentatian ana upda~e on the service rate sfudy. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDEa ACTIC]iV OR MOTION: BUDGETJFINt4NCl►4L IMPACTS: STAFF GONTACT: , ►4TTACHMEIVTS: r. i~ ~ - ~ -tr }ti S ~ +-J ZA ~ 7s1 J.kf..1=Drvi3.1oL1 C7 LliYlaJION LP THE PU61y„lC W5,J4LRS [JGS`ARTM-ES'Y i ~ N. Bruce Raw3s, P.E., 'Eltilities Director Questians, c4mments, an+d .~uqgestEOns on 5ewer Rates and Charges-- Mav 5., 2009 . 1. Are ~~~enue bvnds lega8 with inter~~~ ~nly for the first few years? YeS. . . Y 2. Wi 11. th e. int-o restr rate -on. revenu e, - bo nds c har~ge if we vis~e:, 25,y.ea r bo nds . . . . . , - ~.qrs~u~ a-r-aon d144;0~~ Y_ . . . - . . . . . . . ~ . . . 4 ~ ...Y~v.~ 11~~~ ~a~e~d=~n ~:~c~n~'~mh~i~I+~§ :#he ~n~~e~est fivr--;~ . ~ear r+~~ren~~ 4 '~:3 °o,. '~nrhii:e fh~.~in~tbr~~t . y ~ ~r . . - . . . _ . . ~ ~r:~ . Yearreve:nnd r~~~~~ed '~:at ~.29 ~°v .~The~e~ rat~s.~r~~'~fbr:le►ve~.'dob't'and. . : nv del~jyed payment oh princip,d1. 3. Wili the interest rate on. revenue bonds chan:ge `f we dela-y payment nf principal for 3 to 6 years? ~ . . . . . . . . _ ~ . . . . . . . - _ t~h~.p ` r~....ecfed ir~~~~-~$t ~rat~ i~ 4.9~ s~ wh i I e~ th e 'i n ~~st rae d ► ,:u. . . . . . ~r. ~ ~~Q, y+~.a:r bor:ld v~r~th i nterAs#..vMy. fo r th e_ fi rst 3 years f , vvould he. 4 98 a n d w tth i nterest anly fo r,..th e frr,~~~ ~ -Ayears ,wau:l:~d be:.5::0 5 , , • . i t ,a~~ ~ ~ . • i~ ; r , . . . ' . • .s a ~ _ . . • ~ : . } . . . - ~ ~ . . ~ e . . . • : . . t ♦c : . . ~ F . - : . ~~~e-~~t ~f~.d~~a i~~nt -b, n~ ' rincv;~~rl ~i~ to~al I a~i~or~ 6~a:s~am(irs ta . . conn;~ct ~n~d-who wo~al~ p~~t~c4p~~~ ir~ ir~g ~uva~te~rgte~ t~eat~ent;plant. ~ . charges~T~~~ e~e°ct r~ds~ arid A~~fep7ay,mbnit .or~ a~ . prrn~ip~l~~~s ~btI~-e`~~a~~`~ th~e am~~a~it'~f bQrr`ov~ Jn ~e'pessa:ry f~.r ~h~~:ypragErarn ~ry c~pfta1 ~ri;pr&~,en~i~:nt~,~the~eby r~e,+~a~ein~ ra#e~ . . . : . : : . ~ . ; 's. _ - . _ ,.Y. . . . ~ . . . - . 'L~ .L. ' . ' i ` y . ~ 4. Lo+o~ 1!~'to~p. ~nLc~rease. ' • - . . . . . . . . • .y;:L. The ramping in of the G'FC over a. 4-ypar period, as il1ustrated. belOvv with the Saltese r'lats project, wauld result in approximately $Q. 10-$0.2a per manth incr+ease in vvastewater treatment plant charges. 2009 2010 2011 .2012 2013 - $3,635 $3,930 $4,220 $4, 51 0 $4,805 ~ `rE ~F Pp- .'jL . Loc ~€~~~6 W. Broadwa~; 4~~ ~~oor ~ 4026 W. Broa.dway D SpQka~~, WA. 992760-0430 (509) 477-3604 ~ FAX: (509) 477-4715 o TDD: (509) 477-7133 . , , . ~ . , ::.t - - _ :^.1:^.~`.`,:?;'Tr Y•Y. - - _ _ _ ~ S•.:,'~ -ti _ ,~t-: _ ••i.: r.- - ".~7,' ~ '~.:*i•`S'~: =.~k' - ..5. L .s• -'S~ '•y. `;3. a - . ~+~•..`1 ..,.w r"ti'+.•-,F.Y.~ x.. ' -1' .t1::.e ~d .^4.4. :~:s`•'.±' . w . 1' -i . ...r. . > . •.~A.'t :y.. ..:~.Y'.' 1 :`9•.~:5` ~ . .w.. . ~iT.- . ~-.:S.r . :C . : ~i . r. . , w . ~ . ~ . . . • . . k.. . . . . N. • . v " ~ . _ . . . - _ . . . . S. Ar~ ~~rv Gdu~vn.~Bi~nds.~a inar~ci~ag %nstrument that wvu ld be s~u~~ta~~fe . . . c~r #!~e ,wasteti~r~a:~er~:~a#il'i~y►~~: ~III!h:. ~t.~~e_,#he ~~ros n~d cons.? Zero ~ou par~ bondscr,a~.lfy=are.:Us'e.d. when..struct:~ring- a barad ..iss~ue...to -avaid. :.~y: ~ ~:Y r~ ~n a : , oipa ..ir~t~r~~st_:~~°~ .~~'r~ . . • _ . ts~.,fv~'..a,~pe. ried~-of -ti~r~e. Fvr~:examplea v~ue .,~iave ~dis.~usssed sceraar1 w~th. the_ Co.unty paying interest on:ly on the bvnd$ during: the frs# :~bW :years of canst~fOct'i'Qnl.aperation. If the Coun~ ant6d~. tv .p6.r~: InvueF de~# Sen~eice-thar~ .in#erest,~ar~ly; , a pb~i~n of t~i:e ~w ' bvnds could :be .$o « as z~r~ c~a~t ~sn ~v~ndS: By:dping:~sv-, -bc~#h principal and:.i~iterest . Y.'~..p . v . , n that pb.rtic~r~ .c~f-th& lawerin~:. debt sin the ~ eariV..~ears aqt:: [nc~ea"s~~ng- i -li~i ~t~he ~rat~er~ yoars, Over- ~the life of the debt, the effective interest rat~~:-, wvuld be hzgF~er fQr zero Q:~u~pvn bands fha~n fvr comporab.Ie debt vaiith revenq~e-:band0.,-.~ ~ . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . : h o r 'orr~me~d us~n ~ ,p cvu ar~ b~r.d- f6r #~ajs issue ~ _ . . ~ - T- g ~er : ~ ~ ~ n1~ss ~ _t~~r~ ~ar.~ . ; - . . 6~eh,qattng irc~arns~4nc~ ~h ~ ~ . : . : . . : . s ~aunt wO~uld ~u '~e`.. ~ ~ _ . ponin;g;: h prf~c~p~s ~nd int~r~~t;paiymeni~s a p.e~NOd, af ti ~i e. .~Both: the ~ ..-~~nd ~aarket ahd the r~ting agen~ce~s t~iis ►n~as b~.ing :dvn.e ~ and.::~r~~ the~ r~tes w . ~e ~ . . : . ; q~ . ~telY r~n it~,ally. This couId negiatiWely a~ect.:both t'~e-ra#ira sa~rd. iny ~ ~v~ `~e~ ,~d . . . . terest ~rat6.~._an. fhe bvnd.s: Same#imes band issues are structured tnrith zero cciupvn bonds €or marketing purpvses, but th~t does not. seem..ap,p!ccab1~ #a:~ this. issue, , 6. Look at icee,pin.g fhe ma~~mum-allmwable. flow.at th:e:~ive-sidePark 1+~1ater F~~qjar~;3.~~~~ ~~2.acslity ,(jRPV'RIR;F) rather #~han :diue.rting.,maxi ~nom ~~.r~k~~~ ou~~y,~~c~ia~n~~ ~~`~~r.:' Rp~cI - a ~:a'~racty, , . ~ ~~S+~R~~J'~~~;.~i~~~t°Wou~ld,.'~-+~d~~e.~~r€artrr~:~n, c+~s~. ~ . . f,,:.... . . . CUr(eht!y, t.h& {an#rcib.'at+ed; sc~edta~e ~s ~vr ~he ~vp n€y's 'raeWS C R1N~F lo caTn~ence: ~perat~oh~ ~ngJa~uary ~~l ; wn~~lbth:~ C.f~ +~~~:~pakane ~wcommce :tertiary~ .fi.Itratian at the,.~RP~N'RF in ~014:~ Pe ri6d;: it. e s+a~&~a~&r6tinr~a~! ~cvsts :by: ~C~e~~M~..~h~ ~aaxi~n~um ~ ~ . o w~ at ''':'~~~F H. bwev.er, ~±ve - `h, a ~re :iti'f0 -d a' ~ n:~a.Mb+~r~~a~~t~~~r~:~c~l ~ar~d cos# issue's related tv operat'ng~.~ti6 SC~WkF at 2~-pIo 'or less of rated ' capcity::. . . . . ~ Tnp:.v " perPtion--and,-:maiqai,ce (0,&,M) cvsts for 2 rng.0 Will b~ substantiqlly ~~~g hlp r p:6r mdiflidn :galip ri-s. treafed co m pared Av_ 0 .&.:M . casts per miHiQn g.aillons at fufl capAcity. Therefvre, the'apparent cost sauing.s of maxim~~in.g-flow:s ~o RPWRF and, mrnimizing flows tv SC RWRF is n at a di rec# re latio nship. , . t M er~br~nesa ~need-to~i~,~u~~ i,~lo~.se~ire.~a nd_~.~eratedrelative~gr.. . ~ - continuvusjy. .Ther~°~or~ ~t.wvuld; b~rv~r~prac1icabl.~:.~v.wins#a.l~:~a~l~~of the... . . ~ ~mer.~bran.es tvr ~.n ~S imgdpfant, if it,. wi-Il'be operd at Iezs fha n 2 . r.. .y - T r. ,i r .p ~ • t .a. ~ [ L.p. \ , 'y~d ~ . fi z,~h L4 Z .-+~.~f'• S ~ :-S w~t ~Zei• - . . . . . . . . - . ~ . . . . _ . . . . . . . - . ~q. ~ If we insta1l membranes for vnly 2-mgd, it rnay be impossible to dQ the ~ necessary performance testing. at s~artup to , determine if the ~~ant meets the technical requirements of the cantract. ~ If we install Qrrly e_nough rnembranes to opOrate at 2-rrtg+d or less, then th+e incremental capita'I cost to procure membranes in twv cycles wil'l increase, and there is a 1.-year delEVery time frorn the date of order to the date when the membranes are at fhe plant. ' If we try to vperate the 8-mgd :plant a~ ~-mgd ar less, the aeratian p1 $;a basins vuill not function properly because fhe food to oxygen ratio wili . ~ rav# be-apprapriate. Therefore, we wvuld have to redesig-n the blvwer 7_ system for the initi~l fl'a-w..situaAion, and then install new -blvwers for a . hegber capacity.when.#he. plant increases to 8-mg ow rate. , . _ _ _ _ . . . _ - - - . . R~ . . ~ . ~!t~iq . r t6cl~nical. ar~d._c- ntract~,al issues relatod tv ~v~pprtin.g.#. :e . . . _ . . . . . __Y . _ . ~ . 77. ~ . _~~R►!J~R-F at ~,-~rngd~ inciude: . . . . . . . o Lower and 1ess st8ble gas productiori ~ Z a Cha'Ilenges vn operativra of the. gravb#y aelt thickeners and siudge managem-ent sy►sfem 7= . . o.. U.ncertanttes.on warrantees far eqpipment . ~ a Accep#ance tesfing for me+c~anical and e'Bectrical eguipment lir • Clo.sevut of the j ':~s.ig 9. B.u iid.pl~a.~e and.. re1ease.:of QB. secur.ity. . ~ . J o Increased costs related to phasing of th~e capacity :th th+e cost When the cost differentiaFfor 0 & M is combined wi . d.ifferential far capi#a~ co.st5; we do not believe tha# maximizing the f1vWs-jv R'PWRF and mtinimizing flavvs to SCR"UVRF wiil signaficantly ~w X. redude the rat+~~ ~~r customer$. . ~ T. What.happ~~~ and ~~ames.if there fs no N[PDES permit, and th+e 1~r _ . timit o# ca:paci#y i~. 10 mi1lion gall:vns per day7 lf,Ecolagy canno# -issue an NPDES permitfor the SCRWRF, a.nd na other II~ discharge a'Iternative is ~eveloppd, #he cur~ent sys#er-n could handle appraxirnately 50,flO0 Equivalent Residentia~l Units (ERU's). Currently, the County+ system is serving apprvxirnately 45,000 ERU's. If the SCRWRF is built, but musf b.e temporarily mothbailed in 2012, the impacts to rates wouid b-e -.;a'pproximateiy.$I..Oa_per-mon:fh:to..cou.er.deb#.ser_vice..a,n.d.maintenance -(rate. increase above vvhat would atherrvrse be requ7red). . . . . . . 4V t ;r . 9 . w.. . q", . - y:irr - ca_ i -z, °'<< n: s.. r, r 1 r s _ . ' y w. . . . , ~ , . , 4-i.L" . .w._. _ , . . . .~.:'?,i 4 • .F . - .'+f~ Y ..w~:.'. F ~r;p... ~ i i%'r.: ~.~ti4 'l; ~ .1 F :Y. r~r.• : _ . . . 1, . . . ~ i . ~ r.F. a r.. 3~ .r..,. 8. Please prodid~ a table showin~:the finance cvsfs for 20 yea:rs versus 25 years, and.,far fir~an''ccn.g with c~6,ferr~:~1 ~pay~apnt c~r~ princi~:al. _ _ . . + - . . . : . . . . - .-~vr~~~-Iss u.e in._ year-2009- ~$Qrvice . . ~~~r~dr.d ~[3-yea r $1 5&~,9Q5,638 $.~44~_;344,223 ~ debt. . - . , . . . ~ . . .1 ~ . : : ~ . . Standard. 2'S=year $1 5.471.2,495 . $2 78,916,049 _debt : . . . . . . . . . . _..W...._._ . _ _ ~ ~~Q' y~~r If~ ~~e _ ~ ~ _ . . . . ~ . _ . . - _ . _ _ . . 4~b . : on1, ,1-6..:~ ~$216 ~ ~ . . ,A.-~,.~`~~ ~ . . . . . _ . - .t::r ~ ~ . . _ . . _ . . ~ - : _ . _ . . _ . . . ; . . :ji►~~~rs . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ~~~.Y~a~ d~~at,` wit~a~ .1r~~or-est ~nly fr~~~5 :.$124~,545;~578 . .$232.,91-7,749 . , yoa rs: . . . . Note: Does 'raof Fnclude funding fvr Sa1tese F1ats ;Scenarivs, ~r1~ich requires . . an addifianal barad issue in year 201.0 vf approximato1y $30 milfiivn. ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . _ . . ~ . . : . . - ~ , . . . . . r. _ :t.. . . . - _ - ~ r•; - ..-~se•. ':=c: - _ - - •x. - ._4:.'t~' ~'C 'n'P i ~f. Y. i,,~••.:n 'i'• ' h . . t~~ ~'f: :'•.'P .1 .S .r6. .P~'~•'i:s•~n~ J.J.'•• w ry, • '~4 ' i . - ~ :ti 5 ' s... . . . . . . . a. . y,s'.. S S wri. P ' .:'~y s~.•r . _ . e , . . ~~1y'_~ j•; F 3E- ..r r . ......~~".a•:" Yt ~ . 'Fa~' ' d.. . . . . . ...-.Ir...~_.~ - . . ..5; . ~aL'5.~.. J... ..v_ i fP.y..f. - _ _ r. f..-.. . 4. ,.k. . r . c • .'1 y, . . . , . - . _ . . • . • . . - . . . 9. Plea~6 p~rc~~~idb a tibte shoWafi~ ~h~ h~~~~ric ~1'Se~uer. S'~r~sce Charge-'s, ~e~~~~I H~~~~~::~~~~e~~s, ~n~~'~~~~~~►u~t~r Tre~~~Qjl-.t J"~~~~ hgtg6s. . . . n . . _ , ..~.ri. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . _ - .r ~ . . . . • . ~ . . ~ $ , • fi~~1 : . . . ~ 9~~D . ~4~~3~ • ~IA ~ • $4~.,3 1994 NA. $49 5 ~ NA - t9:92 . . . '00. . . NA . $606 NA : . ~ ~ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ - . m_ .~h~ ~h . . - . . - . ~ . . . . _ ~ . . ~ . ; : ~ . . . . . . _ . . . . ~ . . . . . . ~ . - - . . _ 9~4 ~ ~ ~:Q . i~►4 __4 ~ . - 5~~ - . . . •.r . . . . . . . , , -pj~ . . ~ 5~ 1`S►"~~ ~ , . , ~I'"l . a~75 n' If . iy~ ~s [ , • . NA $835 lVA 7.50 1997 ~ $1:7.50 $2.00 $1,075 NA , . - ~ . ~ . . 1 998.._ ._.~~1 7:50- ~~~.._w . . i275.. NA._. , : . _ _ . . . . 17,50 ~ $4.,~0 '$'I ,4~D NA NA 22 Q:O O. $17 '5D 4-0 Q -;665 $~:.0.0~ ~ . : $1,665.. . NA: . . .~0 .0~ _ ~ ~ $1•188L ~ Nk E 20,3 ~ . ~R'~.~/ ' ►~~r00' . 1~1 ~v/VV ' . . ~ , , . . . M04 $ZO,50 $4.00 $1,885 $2,1 95 ~=Y 1 2:005 $201.':5li~ $4,00 $1,885 $2,5 10 2006 .~L'~ ~r+ r7 .0'LJ ~7 $6:6~0 ~p ~ .{+1+1,885 ~7 +~21'~~''V ~~J L'0'0Y r,2r~ i.Q/~ L:1 • WLJ:6C7 I f885 $2f51-0 - 2008 $42.91 $10.55 $-1,8.8.5: $31635 _ . -~c;7°~~t7~ . . . . . . . ._..~L9~~.: ~4v~9" - . _ .....~~;:~~:55..., .$I,r$8 e. ~ . . • . . . - r~ •M; - ° '~a.l . .r r...~. . " .5.. . .Y.t, . _ ~......_l~..... ~.r , d..j e ..ii_.. .r...~. . , ~ i. " ' . . Spokane County r Division ofUtil'ities ~ spomte couv WASTEWATER COST 0 t F SERVICE RATE STUDY UPDATE Presentation to the Spokane Valley City Council June 2, 2009 Presented by: Bruce Rawls, R.E., Utilities Director, Sean Senescalf, Senivr Analyst, FCS Group *«*,4FCS GROUP www.fcsgraup.com ■ ■ Rate Study Steps Since Last Meeting ■ White paper deve oped to respvnd to questions ■ Additional scenarivs created for cansideration ✓ 3 Scenarios without Sa tese F ats; 2 Scenarios with Sa tese F ats ~ Key changes *Evaluated difference in 20 year and 25 year debt ♦ Debt Service reduced fvr 2009 due to delay in issuance ♦Cvunty Plant Operating Costs refined *Fuil GFC phased in by 2013 ■ Presented additivnal scenarios to BOCC on May 19 d:;> FCS GROUP Page 2 Scenar"io Development ■ Scenario I (Base Case) - Fu- GFC, 20 year standard revenue bond debt ■ Scenario 3 - Fu GFC, 25 year revenue bonds with 5 year interest anly period ■Scenariv 7 - Ful GFC, 20 year revenue bonds with 5 year interest on y period ■Scenariv 5- Fu GFC= 20 year revenue bond debt, Sa-tese F ats pro'ect inc uded ■Scenario 8- Fu GFC, 25 year revenue bonds with 5 year interest an y period, Sa tese F ats promect inc uded FCS GROUP Page 3 Rates under 2010 and Proposed 5 scenaroios . ..ti . , . Iti r . . . ( ..~I. Monthly Sewer Senrice Charge $ 24.79 $ 25.$4 $ 25.84 $ 25.84 $ 26.04 $ 26.04 Manthly WWTP Charge $ 10.55 $ 13.40 $ 11.20 $ 13.00 $ 11.20 $ 15,05 Tatal Mantf~~ Charq.~per ERU $ 35.34 $ 39.24 $ 37.04 $ 38.84 $ 43.14 $ 41.09 General Facilr"ties Charge F$ 3,635 F$ 3,840 $ 3, 840 1 $ 3,840 $ 3, 930 $ 3,930 . ' Manthly Sewer Service Charge $ 28.99 $ 28.99 $ 28.99 $ 29,79 $ 29,79 Monthly WUV'TP Charge $ 15,05 $ 12.85 $ 14.65 $ 18.85 $ 16,70 Tvtal Monthly Gharge per ERU $ 44.04 $ 41.84 $ 43.64 $ 48.64 $ 46.49 General Facilr'#ies C,harge 4,445 $ 41445 1$ 4,445 $ 4,8051 $ 41805 [a] Salt+ese Flats includes $30M estimated capital costs and M$500k of annual operating casts ,e**,4F+CS GROUP page 4 . BCC o Preferences for Rate Settin 0 20 or 25 year revenue bonds ■ Interest Only for First 5-Years ■ Full GFC ramped in 2010-2013 ■ Include phase in of rates to anticipate Saltese Flats ✓ Adaptive ta TMDL decision ~~S GR~UP Pa9e 5 BoCC Preferences for Rate Setting (cont.) ■ Move forward wfrates that suppart Saltese Flats Project * $5.00 tota increase assumed in 2010 ■ If Saitese F ats casts are not incurred, annua_ rate increases wi' genera ly be ower after 2010, and approximately as shown in scenarios 3 and 7 Praposed Sewer Service Charge $24.19 $26.04 $21.29 $28.54 $29.79 $31.01 $32.03 Praposed WWTP Charge $10.55 $14.30 $16.00 $16.45 $16.90 $17.36 $11.81 Tata1 Monthly Charge per ERU $35.34 $40.34 $43.29 $44.99 $46,69 $48.43 $49.84 Pifference fram year previous $5.00 $2.95 $1.70 $1,70 $1.13 $1.41 w Proposed Sewer Service Charge $24.79 $26.04 $21.29 $28.54 $29,19 $31.07 $32.03 Prapased WUV'TP Charge $10.55 $14.30 $17.75 $18,29 $18.84 $19.38 $19.92 1`otal Manthly Charge per ERU $35.34 $40.34 $45.04 $46,83 $48.63 $50.45 $51.96 Difference from year previaus $5.00 $4.70 $1.79 $1,19 $1.83 $1,50 - - e - ` GF+C (Ramped In) $31635 $3,930 $4,220 $4,510 $41805 $4,945 $51095 FC S G RO UP Page 6 - Survey of Reg"ional Wastewater Seattle Pubfic Utilities $11.12 $51660 Airway Heights, City of $67,50 $51906 Blaine, City of $65.19 $5,194 Bremertvn, City af $64.18 $3,801 Colville, City of* $52.50 $300 Sequim, City of $45.06 $6,600 Olyrnpia, City of $44.21 $6,374 RedmandlKing County Metro $44,19 $605 Alderwaod VI(aterMastewater District $42,34 $3,395 Chewelah, City of $42.00 $11600 Spokane Caunty - 2010 Proposed $40.34 $3,930 Deer P'ark, Ci#y af $38.97 $3,045 Spokane Caunty - Current $35,34 $3,635 Cfark Regional Wastewater District $34.(}0 $61342 5p0ka11e, CftJI 0f" $32,55 $2,400 Post Falls ID, City of $26.13 $57375 Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District $26.00 $4,552 Coeur D'Alene ID, City of $24.43 f$2,188 * Rate study in progress FCS GROUP Page 7 e S elict . june ~ . JOT ~ . on~ ■ ~~g +C1TY OF ~~OKANE V►4~~LEV R~quest fc~~ ~~uncil A+ction . Meetirag Da#e: June Z, 2009 C`ty Manager Sign-ofif: Item: ~~eck alI that apply: El consent [:1 old bus%ness ~ new business F] publichearing E] information ~ adrnin. report n pending legislation ►4GENDA► 11 EM TITLE: Qraf~ 2010 - 2015 ~~ansportation Improvement Program (TIF') . GOVERNIfVG LEG'ISLATIONe RCW 35.77.010, Perpetua1 advanced six-year p1arrs for coardinated transpvrtatian prvgram expenditures, PREVIOLl~ COC1E9C'lL AC~~ON TA►~EN: Adopted 2009-2014 Sux Year TIP last year on June 24, 2008, Resolution #08-014. BACNCGROUND: The City o~ ~~quired by RCW 35.77.010 to p~epare artd after public hearing adapt a revised and extended carnpre!hensive transpvrtativn pragram for the ensuing six calendar years. This p1an must be submitted to the VVashsngton State Secretary of Transportatipn befare July lSt af each year. T'he attached draf~ 2010 - 2415Six Year TIP ~represents a prel%manary update ta the 2009-2014 adopted 5ix Year TIP. This furst dEaft shouCd be considered a`work un progress° and rriay be updated agadn prior to, and after receiving comments from, the Publsc Hearing scheduled for Jun+e 9, 2009. OE'TLONS: Discuss revised prQject list andlvr praject schedules w, RECC)MMERlDEa ►4CTIDiV OR MOTION: PCovide feedback and directivn tv staff. BUDGET~~~NANGi►AL IMRACTS; As the proposed 2010-2015 TI P continues ta evolve sfaff wii1 coordinafe with the Finance Departmen# to ensure the prvposed 2010-2{]1 5 TIP pro}ects are budgeted within the Street Capital Prvjects Fund. • STAFF CONT►4CT: Nei'I IKersten, Pub'lic Works Directvr; Sfeve Wvrley, 5enior Engineer -Capital Projects AT~~~HMEhITS: Draft 21010 y 2015 Transpartativru Im,pravement Prvgram ~ CM' or-I "Illc kipoKane Valiey 11707 E 5prague AWe Suite 106 5pokane yalley iNA 99206 549.921.1 000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1 008 * dtyhallC s,pokanevaltey, or~ ~ity of Spokane Valley . ~ ~T 2410-2015 SixP~~ar Transpor°tativn Improvement Program. Project Des+criptions 1. Barker R.oad Bridge This pxQject will. reconstruct the Barket Road Bridge over the Spokane River. Widening of this bridge is needed due to inereased traffic volumes. Fedexal. Bridge Replacement Granfi fimds covering 10(]% a~ ~~e project cost was received in 2004. Total Project Cast: $11,817,000. City share; $1,477,000. 2. Braadway Av~nue - Mvore ~o Flara ' Reconstruet~ and widen BrQadway Aven-Lie to a three-lane section, 1$0 feet E. of Moore Road to F1ara Road. Cast: $3,404,000. City share: $341,0[]0. 3. Ind~ana Extension - 3600' East of Sull.ivan ~o F~ora This project will extend Tndiana .A,.venue east of Sullivan where it currently dead-ends ta the intersection af F1ora Raad and Mission Ave w7t~ ~ew pavement, curb & gu~er, sidevvalk and Zandscaping. Construction scheduled f~r 2010. Cost: $2,61 2,000. City share: $315,000. 4. Argpnne Road - 190 ta Trent This pra~~~t wil:l. add a northbQUnd right-turr~ lane at Montgamery and will include intersections improvements at Knox as wel1 as revising signa;~ phasing. Cost: $1,289,fl00. Gity share; $178,000. 5. Broadway Av~nue Safety Project - Pirnes (SR-27) ~ark This proje~t will x.nstal.l AUA and striping impravements to reduce accicients along .~~o-adway Corridar. Construction is scheduled for 2009. CQSt:. $933,000. City ~hare is approximately $187,000. 6. Broa+dwaylSulli~an Intersectian P~C This pxoject will replace the ira~ersec~~on with Portla:nd Cement Goncrete. Cost: $152301000. City share: $253,000. I1SV-LF lliJserslcbainbridg6agendapacket (}6-02-4912010-20l 5 Projects descripts to TIP draft.dac Page I i 7. IndianaISullivan Intersection PCIG 7'his project will replace the intearsection with Partland Cement CQncrete. Cvst: $1 ,34200, Cxty share: $275,000, 8. Sullivan Road (FE anTy) - Euclid to We11esley This project will recvnstract Su1Yivan Rvad fram Euclid A~enue to Wel1esley Avenue. Th~s will be in coardination with the widering of bridges at the , BNSF and SR 290 (Trent) as partt of the Bridging the Val1ey Project. Cost; $595,000 City cost: $84,000. g. SuTlivanfSprague Intersection PCC This prQject will replace th~ current intersection vvith Porfiland Cean~nt Concrete. Tota1 Project Cost: $1,678,000. City share: $933,000. lU. Str~~t Pa eserraation Projects - Arteraals , Annual street preservation proj ects on various streets throughvut the city. Cost: $4,000,000 Annually. City share: $2,000,000 AnnuaXly. 11. 5~~~~t Preseg-v~~ion Prvjecfs - Lacal A,ccess Annual street preseraation projects on variQus streets throughout fhe city. Cost: $25000 ,000 Annua1ly, ~ity sha.re: $2,000,000 Annua.lly. 12. STEP Paveback Full-vvidth paving and drainage associated with Spakarae County's STEP. ' Cost: $4,300,000. City share: $4,300,000. 13. Pines Carridor ITS: Sprague to Trent This praject will install conduit and fibex optic eabling to conriect all trafflc sigrlals between 16'h Avenue and Trent Avenue to the SpQkane Regional Transportation Management Center (5RTMC). Thxs will irnprQVe signal cvordination and timing and a1lQVV ~hanges du.ring peac hours andlvr emergency events. Cast: $2,081,000. City s~are: $280,004. 14. Sullivan Road Vti'esf Bridge This proj ect will reconstruct and widen the west bridge vf Sullivan Road over the river, Just north af Indiana: Cost; $14,470,000. 15. Missivn Ave - Fiora to Barker This project will reconstauct Missian Avenue to a three-la,~e urban arterial from F1ora Road to Baarker Road. Cost: $5,916,000. City share: $799,000.. 16. ~ark Rmad - #2 (CN Only) - Broadvvay to Indgana. This prvject would xedesign Fark Raad from Bxoadway Avenue to Indiaria Avenue to a fihree-lane arterial with cur~s and sidewalks linking Broadway Avenue to the proposed ~overpass at the BNSF tracks and Trent Avenue, Cost: , - $5,70914000. City cast: $771,000, 115V-LF 11Llserslcbainbridgelagendapacket 06-(}2-0912010-2015 ProjECts descripts to TIF draft.dac page 2 17. Bowdxsh Road - 32 "a to 8" This project will reconstruct Bowdish Road tv a three-1ane a~erial section from 32d Avenue to 8 In Avenue. Cost: $9,299,000. City share: $1,256,000. 18. Pa1C'k R+~~~ ~ BrgdgAn~ ~he VaflleylB~~~ GraI~~ ~epara$imn 7`his project is part the Brid~ing the Valley program and propases to constr-uct a bridge to a1lQw vehicle tr~'~c over the BN5F tracks at . Trent Av~nue. A Fxeight Mobility Strategic Znvestment Board (F"MSIB) garaat for . $5 mil1iQn was received for this project, as well as $2 million fram TIB. We anticipa~e additiona1 funding support from th~ BNSF, Federal grants, and possib1y WSDOT. Cost: $16.5 millifln. City share: $693,000. . 19. Saltese 1Su1livan Signal This project will install a traff~c signal at the intersection of Saltese Road and SuI1ivan R.oad, This will be xn caordination vvith Spokane Caunty. Cost: . $4 14MQ. City share: $ 104,000. 20 5prague l ~ar1~er Traf~'~c Sagna1 This praject will install atra.f.f`f c signal at the intersection of Sprague Ave. and. Barker Raad, 'Cast: $445,000. City share: $89,000. 21. AppYe~~~ - Univer~ity to Evergreen. Extend App~eway Blvd. east from Uniuexsity Raad to Evergreen Road. This will likely be athree-rane urban arterial with sidew~lks and bike lanes. This projeet is partia11y funded with $4.2 rnillion in federal STP(LU) grant funds secured from SRTC. WSDOT will f-urrd half the cost of the Pi.nes Road1Appieway Blvd. concrete intersectian and signals. Additional funds will be sQught tQ cover t~e remaining praject budget. PE scheduled tQ begin in 2009 with RlW and construction in 2010 and 2011. Total project cost: $1 1,73 504. City share: $838,000. 22, Barkea- Road - App~~~ay to Braadway Aven~e This proyect will recon~truct Barker R4ad to a three-1ane section with a cent~~ tum l,ane from App1eway Avenue BrQadway Avenue. Cost: $2,73 8,400.. city 5hare; $548,000. 23. Mansfield Extension - SR 27 to Mirabeau Parkway °Th:xs prvject will reconstruct Mansield Avenue and add curb, gutter and sxdewalk east af Pines Road cannecting to Mirabeau. Farkway. Cost:. - $2,24200. Cify share: $448,000. 24, Su1Tivan Raad (RW1CN only) ~ ~uclid to Welflesley T'his project will reeonstruct Sullivan Road from Euclid to Wellesley. Cost: $83371PO. C1ty 5hare. $1,13 1,000. 115V-LF IlUsersicbainhridgela,-,endapacket 06-02-0912(] l{1-2015 Projects descripts to 'F'LP tlraft.doc Page 3 25. Su11iv~n Rvad N0rth Extension (Sigelow Gulch) This project will extend Sullivan Road north af VVellesley Avenue to the City - limits wit.h a fiue~lane arterial. This praject is a part of the Spok~e CQUnty's Bigelavv +uulch Roa~ ~roject and will be canstructed by 5pakane County. Cost: $55,000. 26. Trent (SR290) Turn L►ane - Uel Ray to Barker This pxoject wi11 widen Trent ,Ave. between De1 Ray Rd. and Barker Road tQ provide a center turn lane. Cost: $532,000. City share: $ 133,000. 27. Park 1 Sprague Intersection PCC 7'his project will areplace the intersectifln vvith Fortland Cement Cancxete. Cost; $ 1 y 192,000. City share: $1 6 1,000. 28. Sullivan Cora-idor I'I'S. Ba-oadway to 24th This project consists vf i~stalling a traic signal cantro1 systern for the Sullivan Carridc~r from Broadway to 24th Avenue. Cast. $1,108,000. City share: $150,000. 29. +Cityvvide ITS ImprQVements This project consists of installing a traf~'ic signa1 cantrol systems far Everg~~en (Broadway to 1 6ffi), Bxoadway @ ArgannelMullan, and Sprague (Bavvdish to 5u11ivan). Cost: $3,700. City share: $500,000. - 30. E~~~green l32"d ~o 16" to 32 nd, Evergreen to SR-27 - t~' - `This project ~vill recar~st~ct Eve~rgreen :~oad ~om 32"d Aver~ue to 1 6 Avenue to a t1hree-1ane urba:n sectimn, Cost $7,447,000. City share $1,005,000. 11SV-LF 1l[]serslebainbridgelagendapacket 96-02-0912010-201 5 Projects descripts to UP dta8.dac Pc7ge 4 . i crry . ~'~r"' , i OKme 40 %Hey - ~ City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works `S 1 "-0 6*-.•^?w ~ DRA►FT 2010 2015 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ ~ r~ ~ - • M` ~,f~`~° ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ 4 ~ n`~ . , I ~ 4 ;~p. . ~ - ~ )Af l • 1P , ; . . . • ~ 4Z~00 fit JAN h i , !tw ~ e ~ ~ r ~ . ~ ~`u ~ Fb , • ~i ( ~ 1 -.ra. ' - - `+~`.~.'1~ " S._ Yi:~~ ~+:F ~ 1 I , ~ ~'..~.-i ~ - . . ' a.. . . . . . , _ - . - : ~ - _ . ~ _ Adopted 2010- 2015 ~'jg'pie Six-Year Transpartation Impravement Pragram ~valley aallars in Thausands Fundjn ` 9 Project 1 Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Tatal 0,1 0 0 406 407 BR 339 339 ~ Barker Ra~ad Bridge, caty 55 55 s OkMer 13 13 Replece aridge #5503 @ Spokane River Funding Secureci - City funding for Contingency, City Project #0003 Project Total 407 407 2Broadway Awe 180 ft E. of Maore ta Flora 0.73 a a 2,465 2,465 City se 66 S UAP 1,749 1,749 Uevelop 648 648 eT5 Reconstruct & tMden Broadway to 3-lane section,184 ft E. af Nlaare fo Flora Funtling Secured (TIB#9-E-248(D01)-1), Ciiy#0066 PraJect Total 2,465 2,465 3 Indiana Awe Extension - 3600' ela Sullivan Rd to 0.4 a o 1w874 1,874 UCP 1,410 1,410 s Missian & Flvra Cfry 264 264 Develop 200 200 ers Extend Indiana Ave with a three lane section to a Roundaaout af MissioNFlara Funtling Secured 71B 9-E-208(002)-1, City Project #0112 Project Total 1,874 1,874 4 Argonne Raad -190 to Trent, 0•38 76 500 713 1,289 City 77 101 178 s CMAQ 499 612 1,111 Revise Sfgnal Phasing, Add NB Rlght Tum Lane a# Montgomery, lnterseclions Improvements at Knox Funding Secured (SRTC 06-31), City Aroject #Oafia Praject Tota,l 576 713 1,2$9 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are fd he considered estimates anby that may change due So a variety at cfrcumstances, arn are nok intended by the City to tre relied upon by property owners ar developers in making develapment decis`sons. 512612e09 Page 1 CIT,~rf Adaated 2010- - - 5 S~~e Six-Xear Transporf.atiQn Improvement Program 4;o0ow1ey Dollars In Thousands FU11d1n9 Project! Description 1 Current S#a#us Length PE RW CN Total ~~urces 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 5 Broadway Avenue Safety Project- Pines(SR-27) 3 74 25 834 933 city 187 187 s to Park UaP 746 746 ADA & 5triping Improvements to reduce accidents aiang 6roadway Carridar Funding Secured (TIB 8-3-2006(003)-1), City Project #0463 Prof ect Total 933 933 6 Brf?adwaylSulliVan 1nt@rsection PCC 0 120 0 1,110 1,230 City 253 263 s STA 977 977 Replace asphalt pavement with porfand cement concrete pavement. i Fundfng secured - STA 0.3% sales tax levy approued, C+ty Project #0114 I Project Takaf 1,234 1,230 T IndianalSullivan Intersectian PCC a 126 0 1,216 1,342 Cuy 275 zTs s STA 1,067 1,067 ~ Replace asphelt pavement wEth partlend cemen# conerete pavement. Funding secured - STA 0.3% sales tax levy appmved, City Project #0113 Project Tatal 1,342 1,342 8 Sullivan Road (RE only)- Euciid ta Wellesley 1 595 a a 596 ciry ao 40 so s srP(u) 258 258 616 ReCQ17SlftlCl BftQf181. Funding Secured (SRTC 06M12), City Project #0070 Project Total 298 29B 896 Projects and Hmeframes adeniified En Ihe T1P are ia bc consldered estEmates artly that mey change due to a variety of circumstaarces, ent are not Intended by the C'rty ta he ralled upcan hy praperty owners or dwelopera In making devePapmenl decisions. 512612009 Page 2 Adapte~d 2010-2a15 ►~~p~~!e Six-YearTransportation Improvement Program ~wley Dollars in Thausends Funding ProjectlDescriptionlCurrentStatus Length PE RW CN Tatal Sources 2410 2611 2012 2013 2094 2015 1"otal 9 SullivanlSprague Intersection RCC 0•1 210 ~ 1,468 1,678 Crty 933 933 8 $TP(U) 745 745 Replace rutted asPhall pavement wiih porland concrete cement. Funding 5ecured (SR'fC 06-G), City Project #0065 Project "foW 1,578 1,678 10 Pavement Management Pragram - Local Access a 1=200 Q 10,$00 12,000 City 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,400 2,060 12,000 R Annual sEreet preservatian prnjects Project Tatal 2,001) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 7,000 12,000 11 P'avement Management Program - Arterials Q 2,400 0 21,600 24,000 City 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,004 2,000 12,000 otnar 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 p Fed Annual street preservation prnjects per PMP Project Tofal 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,400 4,000 4,000 24,000 STEP Pav+eback q Q 0 4,300 4,340 Clty 3,O47 651 3,698 P 5yV 496 106 602 Full-rvldth paving and drainage associated with Spokane Cnuntys STEP Ci1y Funds Project Total 3,543 757 4,300 prajects and Ume#remes identiFied In the TIP ere ta be r.onsidered estimates onfy that may cliange due ko a varrely df circumstances, en, are nat intended by the Cityr iv be reUed upon by proparty cnmers or developers in making deveiapment decisions. 5r2612009 Page 3 Adopted 2010 - .5 Sk'mie Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program p'~ 4;o0owli[~{]~ (3allars in Thousands `r.~ Funding Project l Description ! Curnent Status Length PE RW CfV Tatal Saurees 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 13 Fines Carridor ITS: Sprague ta Trent z•~~ 222 250 1,609 2,081 ctry z$o zsa s CMAQ 1,801 1,801 Traffic Signa! Control System for Carridor Funding Secured (SRTC 06-26), Ciry Project #0061 Project Total 2,081 2,061 14 Sullivan Road Wlest Bridge 0.08 1,370 100 13,000 14,470 BR 588 588 5,200 5,200 11,576 p City 147 147 1,,300 1,300 2,894 Reeonstruct and widen west bridge Project Total 735 735 6,500 6,500 44,470 15 Mission Ave. - Flora to Barker 1 649 300 4,967 5,916 City 128 671 799 p STP(U) 821 4,296 5,117 Reconstruct & widen to 3 lanes Cifiy Project 90123 Project Tota1 949 4,967 6,916 16 Pat'k R4ad -#2 (CN Only)- Braadway to Indiana 0.75 0 1,000 4,709 5,709 City 262 549 774 P STP(U) 1,680 3,258 4,938 Proj. #2 - Reconstruet and widen to 3lanes with hike fanes and sidewa1ks. Project Tatal 1,942 3,767 5,709 Projecis and timeframsa identiied In the TIP sre lo be considered estimates only that mey change due to a variety of cirr-umsEances, aro are not intended by the City to be relied upan hy properly owners or develapers in making development decfsions. 512612009 Page 4 C7T1 OF Adapted 2010 - 2Q15 s~'e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ,;00VA1(~]' Qollars in Thousands Fundin v~~ g Project! Descriptian ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Tota) 17 BpWd15h ROad - 32nd to 8th 1.52 1,017 500 7,782 9,299 City 116 89 1,051 1,256 P 5TP(IJ) 746 566 6,731 8,043 Recanstruct & widen to 34ane r4adway City Project #0121 Project Tptal 862 655 7,782 9,299 18 Park Road - Bridging the Valleyf BNSF Grade 0•2 soo 2,000 6,e10 9,709 city 31 90 286 aor p Separation FMSIB 227 651 2,061 2,939 Other 364 1,045 3,308 4,717 Fed Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades o3 Park Road and !he BNSF raifroad fracks. Qther- 37 104 330 471 RR UCP 91 2E0 824 1,175 "Other" Funding from BNSF RR ProJect Total 750 2,150 6,809 9,709 19 SalteselSu4liVan Signal 24 0 226 250 Clty 62 62 p Spo. Ca. 25 25 Develop 163 163 ers lmprovemenfs to Intersectian In Coortlination wl Spokane County Praject Tatal 250 250 Frojects and fimefremes identifed in the TIP are to be considered estimstes only that may change due to e variety af circums9ances, en, are nat intended by the City to be re4ied upon by property awners or deuelapers in making developmerrt decisions. 512612009 Page 5 ~ ~ Adopted 2010- 5 !~1~e Six-Year Transpvftation Improvement Pragram ,;00WV~Hey Dal[ars in Thousands Fundin g Project! Description ! Currant Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 7010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Tafal 20 Sprague ! Barker Traffic Signal a 50 25 370 445 city 15 74 89 p Devalap fib 296 366 ers insfal! Traffic Signal ProJaet Total 76 370 445 71 Appleway Extension - University ta Evergreen 2.02 205 o o 205 cny ea sa P STP 138 138 WSDOT 3 3 Exiend Appleway Blvd. with a mudti-lane facflily including curbs and sidewalks. UCP Other Secured STP(U) ($4,2 miD, WSpOT, City Project #0023 Project Total 205 285 22 Barker Road - Appleway to Braadway Avenue 0.26 259 4 o 259 Cfty 52 52 p ua,P 207 207 Reccanstruck ta a 3-lane arferial with center tum lane from App9eway to Broadway Ave„ realign Broadway east of Barker Project 7otal 259 259 23 Mansfield Extension - Pines(SR27) t0 300-ft Eask 0.21 113 255 0 387 City 73 73 p of HOllk Rd UAP 294 294 Construct 34sne arkerial irom P(nes to Haulc, Camplete Gap Pro)ect Tota! 367 367 Projects and limeiremes identifred in the TIP sre 1o be considered esFimates only thet may change due ta s verieiyr o[ cirrumstances, arn are no# Iniended by the City to be relEed upon by pmperty awncrs ar develapers In making development decisions, 512612{}09 Page 6 Adopted 201 0- 201 a ~1OSix-Year Transportation Impravement Program ~~~ley Dallars in 7hausands Fundin 9 Project I Descripkion I Current 5ta#us Length PE RW CN Tofal Sou~ces 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Tatal 24 Sul#ivan Road (RWlCM only) -Euclid ta Wellesley 1 a 400 0 400 City 54 64 P sTn(u) 346 sas Reconstruct urban atlerial. Project Tntal 400 400 25 Sullivan Road North Exkension (Bigeiow Gulch) 0.25 a T 54 55 ciry 55 55 P Recanslruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension norlh alsn knawn as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-fane roadvuay with 8-fvoi shoulders and a 12-faat iwa way left tum lane, Project Tatal 55 55 26 Trent (SR290) - Del Ray ta Barker Turn Lane 0•28 71 o 461 532 city 133 133 Develop 399 399 ~ ers Widen Trent #rom Barker #p Del Ray to accommadale 1'uming traffic mavements Project Tatai 632 532 27 Park l Sprague Intersectian QCC o 138 a o 138 ctry ts 19 p srP(P) 119 119 ReeonstrucE lntersection inPCC Project Tatal 138 138 Prajects snd timetrames identifed in ths TIP are ko be considered estimakes anly lhat may change due io e variaty af clrcumstaaaes, an, are not intandad by the Cilyrr to ba relied upan 6y prop" awners ar devefopars in making devefopment deeisions. 512612009 Page 7 pTY~IF ~Advpted 201Q-_.. . 5 sj~'~ Six-Year T`ranspc~rtation Improw~ement Prograr~ ,;O*VaH.'~ ~1' Dallars in Thavsands FUndill9 Project! Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Saurce$ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Tatal 2$ Sullivan Rd ITS, Broadway to 24th o 12-2 100 aas 1,108 cfry 150 160 P CMAq 958 959 Extend Traffic Conkrol System for Corridor Project Tatal 1,108 1,108 29 Citywide 1TS Improvements Q 450 250 0 700 city 95 95 P cMaa 605 605 Traffic Contral Sysfiems Upgrades throughout Cily; Evergreen(Broadway to 16th), Braadway@AngannelMulfan, 5prague(6owdish to Sullivan) ProJect Total 700 700 sa Evergreenl32nd -1Gt11 to 3211d, Evergreen to 1.25 815 400 0 1,215 Cily 164 164 gTp(U) 1,051 1,061 p SR-27 Reconstruct & Widen to 3lanes City Project #0124 Project T'otal 1,215 1,216 Totals: 11,205 6,106 87,662 104,973 20,346 11,633 14,506 17,922 22,507 18,156 104,972 Projects and timeirames ident'rfied in the T!P are to 6e considered estimates only that may chenge due to a varleky af circumstances, an+ are not iniended by ths City to be relied upon by property owners ar deuelopers in making development decisions. 512612009 Pa9e 8 Adapted 2010- 2015 S~ Valley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ Six-Year Transportation Improvement Proqram Tatals Secured Prajects Planned Prajects Tatals Year Federal State Dther City Tntal Federal State Other City Total Federa! 5tate Other Ciiy Total 2018 $1,841 $3,905 $2,805 $2,152 $10,803 $2,000 $0 $0 $1,543 $9,543 $3,841 $3,905 $2,905 $9,695 $20,346 2011 $2,671 $0 $0 $421 $3,992 $3,409 $0 $0 $5,032 $8,441 $6,090 $0 $0 $5,453 $11,533 2012 $0 $0 $0 $4 $0 $5,310 $0 $0 $5,996 $14,506 $9,310 $D $4 $5,196 $14,506 2013 $0 $4 $0 $D $0 $11,388 $318 $225 $5,999 $17,922 $11,388 $318 $225 $5,991 $17,922 2014 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,916 $911 $164 $6,456 $22,507 $14,976 $911 $164 $8,456 $22,507 2015 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4 $8,525 $3,389 $1,025 $5,219 $18,158 $8,525 $3,389 $1,025 $5,219 $18,158 Tp{al $4,512 $3,905 $2,905 $2,573 $13,895 $49,608 $4,616 $1,414 $35,437 S91,077 $54,120 $8,523 Sar319 $38,010 $104,972 Projects and limefirames identiried in the TIP ere Co be consfdered eskimates only that may change due to a variety af cirr-umstances, anq are not intended by the C61y Eu be relied upon by properfy owners or developers in making developmenk decisions, 5126t2009 Page 1 . City af Spokane Va1ley Department vf Puhlic Works Six'Year Transportation Impravement Program Projects wl No Currently Identified Local Ma#ch Wikhin Existing Resources Doflars in Thcusands pr~e~'t Mame ~aaiptim TUWCM 32nd Avenue - Evergreen to Bast Reconstnud and wlden #o three lanes with curhs $2,237 and sldewafks, 8th Arrenue F'hase 1- Camahan to Reccrostruct 8#h Ave. to a three-lane section witti $3,483 Havana c.rrb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes. $th Avenue Phase 2- Parlc to Dickey Reconstruct 6th Arre, to a three-lane section with $5,120 curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes. 8th Avenue Phase 3- Dickey to Recar►5truct 8th Ave. to a three-Iane section wittt $4;667 Camahan cErrb, 9utter, sidewalks and bike lanes. AppOeway Extension - Ev+ergreen to E7ctend Appleway Bivd. with a multi-lane faci[ity $'f 3,219 TshCrley includirog curbs and sidewafks. 8arker Road - Spokane River to Trent Reconstruct to a 2-lane curbed artanial $6,530 Braadway Ave - Flara to Bar#cer Recanstruct t4 3-Ianes, Flpra to 8arker $6,824 Cemahan Trur1[c L.ane - 8th to Ciky Add SB truck Lane to road $5,973 Limits, Euciid Arre/ Flara Rd - Flara Eucfid to Reconstn.ect to provlde a 2-lane, shouldered $5,408 Euclid, Euc9id Flora to Barker arterial Paric Raad -#3 - Sprague #o Reconstruct and widen to a standard three--lane $4,244 Broadway arterial street with curbs and sidewalks Pines Carrldae ITS; Sprague to 16th Traffic 5igna! Contrnl System for Corr[dor $785 SR27IPinesl16th Intersedlon lmprovements to intersec#ion (Dua1 lane $3,189 Rauradabauk) universi#ylSprague Intersection PCC Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement $1,642 cancrete pavemen#. Kieman & Suilivan PCC Recans#ruct Intersection in PCC $i ,35{1 Broadway C ArgoRne/Mullan RecansUvd intersections in PCC $1,556 in4ersections PCG Flflra Ftaad - Sprague to Missian Recons#ruct & wfden to 3-larte roadway $5,175 Barker Road - 8#h to Appleway Reconstruct to 3-lane roadway wf center tum $5,475 9ane, sidewalks, curfa & gu#ter and storrnwater TotaEa; $78,877 RraJects and timeframes fdentafied in the TIP are to be considered estimates anly that rney change due to a rrariety af circumstanaes, and ane nvt intended by the Gity to be reliec{ upon by property owners ar devefapers in rnaking development decisicns. Tussda7r, May 26, 2009 Page 1 of 1 Gity of SpQkane Valley Department of PUblic Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program = - 20 Dclkars in Thousands "W~ ~oW AwN 'E Barker Raad Bridge, BR 55 407 2 Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flara UAP 68 2,465 3 Indiana Ave Extension - 3600" elo Sullivan Rd to UGP 264 1,874 Mission & Flora 4 Argonne Road -190 to Trent, CMAQ 77 576 5 Broadway Avenue Safety Pcvjec# - Pines(SR-27) UAP 187 933 to Park 6 BraadwayfSullivan Intersection PCC STA 253 1,230 7 IndeanalSullivan Interssction PCC STA 275 1,342 8 Suflivan Road (PE anlyy Euclid to Wel[esley STP(U) 40 298 9 Sultivan/5prague Intersection PGC City 933 1,678 10 Pawement IlAana9ernent Prograrn - Locai Acress Gifiy 2,000 2,000 11 Paaement Management Program - Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 12 STEP Pavebaclc City 3,543 3,543 20114 Tatals: $9,695 $24,346 2011 bm # PWName Primary EoM pty Amant ToW knnt 4 Argonne Rvad -19a 4a Trent, CMAQ 101 713 8 Su1livan Road (PE vntY)° Euciid to Wellesley STP(U) 40 298 14 Pavernent Management Program - Loc,al Access City 2,000 2,000 11 Pavement hAanegement Program - Arterials Other Fed 2,004 4,000 12 STEP Paveback City 757 757 13 Pines Comdor ITS: S,prague to Trent CMIAQ 280 2,081 94 Sullivan RaadkfVest Bridge BR 147 735 15 Mission Ave. - Flora to Barker STP(U) 128 949 2014 Totals; $54453 E11,533 2012 Ito# "W NM Pplmary &mm 4ty Amaurt Totmi M=N 10 Pavement Management Program - L.ocal Access Ci#y 2,000 2,040 11 Pavement Managemeryt Program - Arteda1s Other Fed 2,000 4,004 14 Sullavan Road lNest Bridae BR 147 735 15 Mission Ave. - Favra tv Barker S7P(ll) 671 4,967 16 Park Road -#2 (CN t3nly)- Braadway to Indiana STP(U) 262 1,942 17 Bowdish Road - 32nd ta 6th STP(U) 116 862 2412 Totals: $6,996 $14,606 Projects and timeframes Identitied 6n the TIP sra to be tronsidered estimates on1y fhat may change due ta a variety of circumstances, and are not intended hy the City to be relied upon by propertyr owners tar develflpers In making develnpment decis€ans. Addad Projeds are shown In Green F'rc;c;t chc.;^:r•, er~ Fursderd Projects are shawn In Blue Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Page i of 2 2013 Item # PrW NM MM SaM Oty MioM Total AnoN 10 Pavement lNanagemenk Program -Loca1 Access City 2,000 2,000 11 Pavement Management program - Arteriels OtherFed 2,000 4,000 14 Su16ivan Road West Bridge BR 1,300 6,500 16 Park Rvad -#2 (CN anly)- Broadway to lndiana 5TP{U} 509 3,767 17 Bawdish Ftoad - 32nd to 8th STP(U) 89 855 18 Park Road - Bridging tne Vdlleyll gNSF GradE Other Fed 31 750 5eparabvn 19 SalteseiSu9Gvan Sian@f Developers +62 250 2013 Totals: $5,991 $17,922 ~014 Ra # PI'1~6t ~ Rt'y Sam dty AMN TOW An" 10 Pavement Management Program - l.ocal Acce.SS Cityr 2,0010 2,000 91 Pavemenx Management Program - Arkenals Othar Fed 2,000 4,000 14 SuCEiVan Road WGs'L Bridae BR 1,300 6,500 17 Bcwvdish Rvad - 32nd to 8th 5TP(U) 1,051 7,782 18 Park Road - Bridging the Vadleyl BNSF Grade C)ther Fed 90 2,150 Separation 20 Sprague f 6arker Traffic Signa! Developers 15 75 2014 Tatals: $6,456 $22,507 ~015 [tem # Prut NM RiMSmM C#tyl MMO ToW AMM ~ 10 Pavement Management Program - Local Access City 2,000 2,000 ~ 11 Pavement Management Program - Arterials 4ther Fed 2,000 4,000 18 Park Road - 6ridgina #hc- Valley/ BNSF GracSe Other Fed 286 6,809 5eparation 20 Sprague 1 Barker Traffic Signal aevefopers 74 370 21 Appleway Extension - University to Evergreen STP 64 205 22 6arker Rvad - Appfeway to Broadway Avenve UAP 52 259 23 Mansfield Extension - Pines(SR27) to 300-fit East UAP 73 367 of Houk Rd 24 SuPiivan Road (RWICN only) - Euclid to STP(U) 54 400 Wellesley 25 Saallovan Raad North Ex#ension (Bbgelow Gu1eh) City 55 55 26 firent (5R290) - Qel Ray to Barker Tum Laner Developers 133 532 27 Park 1 Spcague intersection PCC STP(P) 19 138 28 Sullivan Rd ITS, Broadway #a 24#h CMAQ 150 1,108 I 29 Citywide 1TS lmprovements CAAA£t 95 700 30 Evergreen132na - 16th to 32nd, Ewergreen to SRa STP(U) 164 1,215 27 2015 TQtals: $5,219 $18,158 Projects and tirrseframes IdentiFied in the TIP are to be considared estmates qnly Yhat may change due to e variety af circumstana4s, and are not Intended by the City to ba relied upan bY property owners ar developers [n making devefapment dedsions. Added Projects am showr+ In Green r=rc~ t-s +r, 0-a-ie Funded Projects are shown fn Blue Tu+esday, May 26, 2009 Fage 2 of 2 CITY OF SPl7KANE VALLEY Request far Council Actian Meeting Date: June 2, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: 1tem: Check all #hat apply: ❑ consent El old busirress ❑ new business E) public hearing ❑ informativn 0 admin. report pending Iegislation AGENaA tTEM TITLE. Mixed Use nvrth of Rufter Avenue GOVERh11NG LEGISLATi+DN: R+GVI135.70A (Crowth Management Act) PREVIaUS C4UNGIL AGTION TAKEN: Adoption of #he Airpart Overlay Zane (AQZ) amendments. BACKGRt)UND: In 2006 the Cfty Council advpted amendments tv the airport Overlay Zone (AC)Z) which included signifcan# limitations on residential develvpment within the area designated as Zone 6. After cnnsiderable crtizen feedaack the City Council directed city staff to review the density limitations of Zone 6 within the Airport Hazard Overlay and propose alterna#ives. During the Ci#y Council review of the Planning Cammission recommended changes to fhe AQZ regulations a representative from the Washington S#ate Department of Transpartation {1NSDflT} - Aviation Division expressed cancerns regarding allow%ng additional residenfial density in Zone 6. One of the altematives presented by the VIISDOT representative was for the City to change the zaning from residential tv "mixed use" in Zone 6 nvrth of Rutter Avenue. Staff has prepared the fallowing analysis related to this alternative #vr Council cansiderativn. NALYSIS: The area north of Rutter Avenue within ~%za A r . ,3Z Zane 6 is a stable residential area, somewhat isolated; characterized by relatively small residential lots (see Photo on ri9ht), narrow stree#s and fimited ~.Y ~ Y ~~,w` k publiclquasi-public uses (churches and schaals). The area Fs bounded by the Spvkane River tQ the ' ~ ~ . a .r~~ ~ :.r, ` " 1 north' Felts ~'ield to t~re west' Rutter AVenue {Union Pacific rail line1 and the CitY of Millwovd tv the east. / The main nvrthlsouth access to the area is provided "..aL., by Park Road. Local access in the area is pro►rided by a grid system of local streets that are typically ..t. ~ j C ~G characterized by approximately 20 - 24 feet of t ~ ~ ~ asphalt and gravel shoulders. .4 - , ChaP#er 2, Land Use of #he CitY's CamPrehensive ~ iRl~N Plan iden#ifies two mfxed-use designations; Carridor ~ ~ . +rr.7,~ t,:ra- i. y . - ~ j - - Mixed-Use and Mixed-Use Center. The Corridvr Mixed-Use designation is found alang major arteriafs such as Sprague Avenue, Pines Road, Dishrnan-Mica Road, and Trent Avenue. This designativn would be considered inappropriate far the area in question; the Niixed-Use Center designation, a more appropria#e considerativn, is found in three areas of the city including Indiana east of SuUivan, Mirabeau Park and nvrth of Trent befinreen Millwovd on the west and the Spokane River on the east. The comprehensive plan describes Mixed-Use Genter as: The Mixed-use Center designativn would aIfaw far two or more different fand uses vuithin developments under this designation. As described above, Mixed-use devefopments can be either verkica[ or 1 of 3 horizvntaily mixed, and would include emplvyment uses such as office, re#ail andlor lodging along with higher density residential uses {staff emphasis}, and in some cases community or cu[tural faciEities. The cornprehensive plan contains goals and policies refated ta mixed-use as fallvws: +Gnal LUG-9 Encaurag+e the derrelopment _ - of ~Ilixed-use areas that foster ~ community identity and are - ~ designed to support pedestrian, bicycle and ` regional transit. N . ~ Policies LUP-9.1 The characteristics vf a Mixed-use area should include: ...r - Hausing and emplvyment ' . t,. densities to support regional , transit service~ : •~i__ _ 1 ' - i Public transtt connectivns, . - . • Safe, attractive transit stops and pedestrian and bicyele ways; • Bui6dings that front on wide sidewaVks with attractive landscaping, benches and frequent bus stops; • Multi-stvey buildings orierrted to the street rafher than parking lots; and • Parking space IQCated behind or to the side of buiidings or in parking structures. LUP-9.2 The mix of iand uses allawed in either the Corridor Mixed-use or Mixed-use Center designation should include: • A wariety of housing types includiRg apar#ments, candominiums, town houses, tuvv-famiiy and single family dwellings on sma11 lats; • A full range of retaif gvads and senrices including grocery stares, theaterslenterkainmen#, restaurants, personal servi+ces and specialty shaps; • Publiclquasi-pubiie uses andtor open space; • Prafessional Office and ather employrnent oriented uses; and • Commercial uses that require farge land areas but have Ivw employment density and are auta-dependant, such as Iumber yards, piant nurseries, warehauses, and auta dealerships, - should be prahibited from either Mixed-use category. As #h+e goal and pvlicies above state, an essential cannponent of any mixed use develvpment is residential, preferably higher density residential. Higher density residential provides an absalutely necessary aspect to rnixed use development that results in demand that supports regional transit service, smalf scale retail and commercial uses, personal senrices and vther uses supparted by lacal residents. Given the concerns vaiced by WSDOT an aliowing additional density in the fvrm of limited singfe family devefapment, it seems highly unlikely that a rnixed use designation that has a high density residentias companent would be acceptable. The AC)Z regulatiQns prohibit any and all multi family housing and severeiy limst single family development. This residential lirnitativn essentially turns a mixed use designativn inta what 2 vf3 Duld be tantamount to a cnmmunity commercial zoning district; aIlvwing a variety of cvmmerG6aC', retail, offi~~ and light industrial uses. It is staff's op4nian that the WSDOT recommendativn fvr a mixed use dessgnativrr nert'h of Rutter Avenue was made without a full understanding af wha# the recvmmendat7on meant 6n terr~s of Iand use and zoning princi,ples. 5~~ff recor~merrds that ara arruendment to the cvmpr+ehensiue plan to Mixed-Llse Center narth af Rutter Avenue not be pursued. QF~~ONS: Take no activn or direc# staff to provide additi+anal intormation on this issue. ST►AFF ~ONTAGT: Greg McGvrmdck, AlC1P, Pdanning !DouisAon Manager; ATTACHMENTS: . 3 vf 3 ~s_ . - a~ CITVHAiI?,"Sfi:JKA4FV Deart111ent of Communi~ DVVelo~mVnt .4 e p ~ ~ ~ PlaIlil.l.ng ~'1Ti~1S• ~UI~. E` TTcp IVo-rt"h of R"tf-e-r Ve11~e Analivs,~~~ AW June 2, 2009 AICP - ~'~~g Ma~.ager Gre~ McCormick, ne Department of Community :Develapment M ' . Planning D►ivisYon Alrport . of Rutter N-orth Overlay 4 Legend lrow rwiV zom 20% -3 ~ / . . ~ - Swieone Safeiy 7:am - 5 ' qW ~ R~Y Pra+keebon 7.one' I r ~ ~ Safe(y Zonea • 2 8 d ~ Tr~'ic Paom Zare (6) ~ FMT~ 1771 ~ I ~ . m! ~ ~ ~ . - . . : - II II - ~ ~ L[ • ~ ~ I cma Lj. -LLL , ~ ~ •i Y~ _ ~ - k@ LiLL ~ _ ~ ~ ~~u ~ L~ ~~~t+'~f'~om +~~]*•~~+•['~I~ Cfi'w'4!.Atted~SP!7kk~th" ~~~i+~~ ± , ~ ~~"1' 1w7~`.' Ki" ~ne ~ ~'a • ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ St-reet CID . ~ ~1✓ - ...w, , r . ~ s ~ s'•T_i d~. a r ~ , ~ ~ _ ,.,..r ~ ' ~ ~nrrr^.~.: • , - v . . ~ < ~ ~ 6 . ~ ~ » ~ =~~-l•; ~ . ~ ;y _ . w~ . Y ..a. . ~ ~ •1 ` ~ kCS~ .f`.,' ♦ ~ . 3. ur ~ . M,~. n ~ iR - ~ . +49 * . ~ ' ~ . a . y~ Y ` WJ _ ~ ,al~" „ VI ~ ~^y ~ - . tY~1! . - ~ • ' . • • ~ ' ~ _ ~ ' ~ ,y 'A' ~ *.dW c,p~ ~ ~ ~'k*~\~~ ~.f.~r" S~ , ~ ` ~,~s ~ ' ~ ~i ° ' ' t.'^~~• • ` ~ , a ~ r +hl~~ ~ ~ r~ .1^'.: ~ ~ ~ • , ~ . ~ dO ~ ~ • ~ ~ e,: . ~y..i• ~ J Rrw 1 , . ~ ..w ' . ~ . . ; y rf~: , . _ ~ ~ 'it'-•~ - ~ 4w'I'" r,. 1~/t'~"Y"'; .a.- ~e t+ ~ . 1 y . • ~ .:;~.rf. R ~ ~ • . ~~4~ ' . y ~ ~ ~VA '~.J~~~ . "f w+ ~ ~ ?r ' ~ {jlnsi . . ' ~ ~ . JdI ~ . . ~ } ;+.~0~'n'•' 'nq ~ - 1~' ~ ^ _ ` . '~''^^3►. . _ ~N . ~l►~ P ~ . .4 ' • t~, 4 ~ ,~'~~,,r ~ ~ " . ~ . c • , ' - " - r ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . • ~ i ~ ~ ♦ . . . ~1R # G, ~ • ~ . : f~• ~ . . ~ - r t , . , ~ ~"T~ • ~ " ~ , b . ' ►rletet~iv:9~A~i1 ~ M• [ HAi l apSPI~K~N!'~I ~ r tm+~nt vf Co~nmunxty Develapment . . Depar F*76)9pe ~~all Planning DxvYsion a , . . Existing Zoning Legend ~ Zoning Clesslflcationa - =~R1 ~ R-2 ~ R-3 ~ - R-4 MF-1 i - ~ ~w - - MF-2 ' ~ _ Mo M cMu M muc wc ' ° 6II~ ~ I I! c e Rc _ ~ 1-2 cF 9L , I i i') u ~ • 1~`.. . , i. 4 W ~ ` I .fi ~ y~;~~i T, i - ~ ~ p..f , 4! k4 . ; ; ~i 7 rt, Departrnent of Community I]evelv~►ment r @n,e . ,~aIl . - Planni~ng Drvision M. Use • 1~.e Center onlng Legend ~ ~Zonfn9 Classificatlona ~ t R2 R.3 M R-4 ~ MF+1 MFa ~ \ GO o M cmu a ~I MUc _ a~ ~4 NC c ~ - RC ~1.2 GF ~ , - ~ - - arts -Montgome,y ~ 0100~ Department vf +Community Develapment " ne P+~ . . , ~'~ail _ ~'lannx~g DivIs1011 * .Mixed oals and Policies Goal LUG-9 Encourage the development of • 'xed- reas that foster cammun~ identity a~~d ~Vli~.s~ a ar+e desgned pedestrian, ito support bicycle and regi+anal tiransit. ! LUP-9.1 The chara+cteristics a►f a Mixed-use area shou--d inc'-ude: • Houszng and emplayrnent densities to support regianal trannsit service; - LUP-9.2 The m~x o~ '-and uses a~' owed in either the Corridor ' Mixed-use or Mixed-use Center designation shauCd inc-ude: • A variety af housing types including apartments, candom~iums, tawn hauses, two-family and single family dwellings on small lots; Department of Cammunxt~ Development ~,~kane ~~i11e-Y ~ PZanning Division E, ranspoftation PM 0 r r y t~r ~ li" , r m ;Q LIBEPTr AVE I z ~ ~ ~ 40 7 ~EULI v ~ IEt~ r , ~ AvE ~ %4 ~ v L~,~ 2 ls ~7i ~ ~'S 92, BuC LYE A'4 t ~ FUNC11aNaL cLAsSiFicArIvN <11, < OP AvE n 7 i ~nJ UflBAN 4 , _ . . ~ 400 RURAL 0~ Cs~` OQ' ' ~ ~ ~~~~'a~'~` L'~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ a ;..Wdrw a , Deartm~ent of +Cammunity Developmen~t ~ S~`~"po`l~a~re p ~Uall _ Planning Divisinn . tons'?,, Ques i CITY OF SPOKANE VAY..r~~~~ ~equest for Counccl Action Meetin~ ~~te: 6l2109 Gity Manager Ssgn-vff: !1tem; Check alI t~at app1y: ~ cvnsent ~ ald business new bus'sroess E] public hearing ~ information xE1 admin. report El pending legislation AGENDr4 I1~EM! TITLE: DISCLJSsIOn of CouP"t SerVICQs AIteCnatiue_ Analysis GO1J'ERNING LEGISLAT1ON; None . ,PRE '~~~OU5 COUNCIL AC'1lON TAK'IEN: On Deeember 30, 2008, ~~e CQty Caunce, passed a matiorr autharizAng and directing the City Manager or designee t❑ provide for the preparat~on of an alternatives analysis for alI pub1ic senrices currently proUidcd to Spokane 11'alIey+ by SpQkane Cvunty tin accordance with lni . erlvcal contract agr+eements. C3n January 27, 2009, the City Gauncil vofed to issue a 1etfer af terminatian to Spokane aistrict Court. Said nvtice was %ssued . in ❑rder to camply with a statutory timetab1e, but with the und'erstandAng it could be rescind on or befvre December 1, 2009 fvllowing an alternatives analysis. , BACKGROl.lNp: Subsequent to Cvunci'l actian, staff learned that a varie#y at simiV'ar caurt related services studies haue been canducted in Washingtan sine the 1990's, and that Anne Pflug was the principal author of most ot thase studies. Furthermore, sfaff became aware that l111ashing#on's Departrnent of Commurri#y Trade and Ecvnorrtie Develvprnent (GTED) has a. - research cvmpanent to which Ms. Ptlug is affilia#ed arrd available to prvvide significant expeirtise to the task at hand in 'Spokane Val9+ey. Staff engaged in the proces5 of developing a scope af seruices intended to captiure t'he elemen#s to be addres sed in an aiternatuves anaCysis and worked with Ms. Pflug. to identify a"nv't-tfl-exGeed' cost of $49,800 tor cgllaborating with Gity staff to praduced the desired a1ternatiues a!nalysis. .The c_ urrent anraua'l cpst of court related services are $1r534,000. Staff prvjects that courk related costs will approximate $9,204,000 betwe~~ 2009 and the next opportunity to address aIternative approaches in six years frflm r~ow. The nat-ta-exceed cast. af CYED senrices equate t0 3.25°'s of our current annual ccaurt Gosts and .54% of the cost vf servoces over the neat sex years. The cost of retaining the services of CTED facl within the City Manager's purchasing authority. . Hmwever, s~aff wants to discuss the scope-af-seruices prvposal vvith GQUncil and svlicit . feedback vn its desirabisity and comprehensiveness. C]F' TIONS. 1. Discuss a prospectove scope of services. 2. Express op;nians. 3. Give the matter further thought. 4. Deetiine commentaEy vn the subject. . RECOMMENAED ACTION C3R MOTfON: Nane n~~ded BUDGETIFI'EVANCIAL IMPACT`5: The cost of utilizing CTED experfise in canducting a court relate~d servcces aIternat7ves arralysis was priced at nvt-to-exce:ed $49,800. Sufficient budgetary resources are avai1ab1e fvr this purpose. STAFF C4[VTACT: Dave Mercier and Margan Kvude1'ka Stayed with District Court Ellensburg Stayed with Dzstriet Court and negotiated a new jail agreement Port Angles Stayed with ❑istrict Court but re-negotiated terms and collectians methods Redmond Stayed with District Court and did nat build a new Gourtraom facility in their new city ha11 aak Harbar Stayed with Dzstrict court and re-negotiated contract Formed or kept Mu.nicipal Court Mercer Island farmed own Muni Court Issaquah formed awn municipal Gaurt and several smaller . cities contracted with them 8othe1l farmed own Municipal Court King County Qistrict Court cities adjacent smaller cities cantraeted. with Kirkland, Lake Forest Park stayed with own muni court rather than cantractinq Pendinq deczson Bellevue Executzve SessiQn deGZsion on property acquisition . ~ ~ 44 ' . - ~ Community, Trade and - Economic Development CTED. P.O. Boac 42525, Ofyrnpia, V►1A 98504-2525 n 3601725-5034 19 Faac: 35053-4813 ■ www.cted.wa.govfigfn . CTED Research Services Proposal S,poka~e Valleyr Ju~~~~~ ~ervices Opti~an Evaluation , . May 1, 2009 . P'roiect Scope - The City of Spokane Valley warits tv determzr~e the cost and ~iability of a;lternatzve justice services Qptions in antxcigatian of the potential loss of their curxent servzce provAder, Spokane Caunty. The following questivns would be addressed in twa whifie pager~ ~~~~~ed far the City Council and City Manager: . What is t-i.e camparative prajected net cost over five years, izacluding any start ug costs, of three cvurt seraices optians - Spakane +Gounty I3istrict Court cantract, . City of Spo~~e Murdcipal ~ourt contract and aCity of Spokane Va1~~~ ~~~~pal Caurt? . 2. What is ta.e camparative projected net cast over ~'~ve years, including any start up costs, of the altematives avaiIable for the pxovision of public defense, city prosecutor and probatxon serrices (in.cluding the seope of #he city's exxsting pre- trail ~er-vrces contract)? 3. What are the polzcy, op~~rating and sexviG~ ~elxvery cvnsiderativns for each option2 . 4. Wh.a# are the city's service delivery xequirements i.nGluding custQmer experience . and criminal justice outcoznes now and into the foreseeable future,.that need to be addressed -by any cantract? 5. What are fi.he xnajor ~'~radings, any conclusivns azd recomrnendatzon.s? PrvJect Outcomes ■Produce electron%G versions 'm MS Word of twa wha:te papexs, incTuding an - executive summary fo~ each, ma.ximutn length with, ~ttachments 50 pages each. ■The ~'a.-rst white paper would cover caurt sezwvices aptians and be provided to the city by September 30, 2009. • The secand white paper w~~ld caver public defense, crty prosecutor and prabation services an.d be prQVided to fhe city by C)ctobex 30, 2009. • Produce the eval-uatiorz wzta the a:nvalvement of city staff in order ta allow the cxty - to update the evaluation ~~er tine a:n-house as necessary. • Provide one indpersnn presentation of the results to fihe cit- far each wha.te paper, . CTED Research Services Propasa1 Page 1 Approach I Projec~ ~omponents with Hours ~~~imate . . . 1. AssembZe ParQject Team RProject meefixngs vvou.ld occur once per week as _ . needed -1 20 hours K City of SV De~uty C~~ Attozney N Ciiy of SV Froject lead. ~ ~ity of SV Financ~al A-nalyst . . ■ City of SV SuppQrt Staff . ~ City of SV Pt~~~cing zepresen~ative ~ CTEI3 Proje~~ ~ead CT:~D Puhlicatian Edxtor ~ CT"EI) F°ublica.tion Assistant ■ Person{s} ta consult on sitelfaci1ity impravement pr~cing 2. Assemble Imformation - 163 hours . ~ Assemble data and material from key inforrraants -15 tQ ~ Interva.~w key infonnarrts - 20 to 25 . 0 Viszt altemative sites a.nd contractQar~ ~~~ntified by the ~ity far court and other justice services n Sit in court sessions and "visit" court a.a.d other justice services tfl detearrra,'uae level vf servace and sta.rt up requisements. ■ Deterrriine compa.rables and assem'ble i.nforma~on from comparabIes to iinfonu costing, sp4c~ ~taffmg plans. Canclusians regarding comparable costlrevenue for ir~fractions and misdemeanors; staffIjud.icia1 officer campensation; ancl th~ number of staff/judicia1 off~cers relative to caselaad would be included i.n white papez~. ~~tai1ed t~bl~~ of ~~mpara.ble data would not be i~clu~ded. ' 3. Analysis and evaluation - 112 hours ~ ~~~k with city's fmancia1 analys~ ~~od~ctivn of five-year proformas. Contractor wal1 provide assumptians and met-hvdo1Qgy. Fiv~ ~~ofvrma includes devel~ping staff.ng plaans based vn stated assumptions for various cou.rt and justice services optioras, zevenue assumptions and a~sumptians an start up, faci~ity and other costs. . . a Work with attomey ta deftne ~~gal questia~s and answer them. n Woxk with site expert(s) to define needed srte ~provements and Gost es~~~tes o~ ranges. n Analyze caseload, custamer experience axa..d other data.. 4. Prepare, review and present reports - 2,68 hours 0 Wr~~e and edit two w~..i.te papers a Review of draft white paper by clierat 0 :E~eview af draft wEte paper with aut conc1usions by key stakeholders CTED Research Services Propasal Page 2 • Mace necessary changes . ~ • Add executi've summa.ry, conclusions and recommendations - ■ Pravid.e report to client.in iwo stages September and. Octobe~ • Pxepare and present to Czty Cauncil Technolv-qv Reouirements • Videa set up an computex ox laptop at SV1C7'EDIElI ensburg for pxaject meetzngs and in,terviews (ooV"oo or Skype enabled) _ • M5 Word and Excel (2003 rrrinirnuna) . • MS Powex Point for presemtations (2043) •Digital camera and downloading far pietures of sitelfacility optians «Large electaronic filc delrvery lvcat~on/method (can be enabl~d through oaVav or S k-yp e) . Client Respon s ibi liti~~ 9 Designating project lead and other staff participants (see list under approach. sectxan).. * SV staff to acquire requested doeuunents; schedu1e intez-views, stakeholder reviev~ and pra~ ect meetings; set up video intez view equxpment, ete, 0 Fijaanci~ analyst to produce exce1 spreaci sheet(s) af five-year profornna worki.ng with contractor (see detail unr1.er approach sectiQn). ■ Site1'fac~~ity an.d legal experts to ~onsul.t and provide infarmation.. ,Attomey wi:li - , be asked to pxovi.de wrztten leg~l memv addxessxng legax questions. + Access to ICMA palzcing evaluatian study. ■ F'articipate in project meetings. . 0 Pxovide intrQductxan to key informants iacluding caunty and city af Spakane . af~~ials, , • Provide vne revievv of each draft white paper within one week of areceipt frQm contractor. Pricin_q and Contract Administratian ■ Work would be cammissioned by ia.teragency agreeanent (~xampIe previously provrded) between the c~ty and CxED. • Praject cQSts axe based on $70 per hoiu plus travel expenses at state reimbursement rates. DSL, xntemet videa commwiuication an.d dacu.ment productzQn expenses would be direct project cosf. ~ On site work watld begin in July. Estimated Praiect Costs . , Praject hours - 663 hQurs of work at $70 per haur (see approach section for ` breakdown) CTED Research Serri~~s Proposal . . Page 3 r• C}ther direc# -project cos~s in~~uding travel - $3,400 Esfimafed Not tv Exceed Project Gasf -$49,800 CTED Research SerrECes Propasal Fage 4 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA . For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of 1VIay 27, 2009; 4:30 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings June 9, 2009, ReLyular MeetinLy, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 11 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2010 - 2015 TIP - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] . 3. Motion Consideration: Letter of Support, Studded Tires - Mayor Munson [Joe Tortoreli] [10 minutes] 4. Admin Report: Cable Franchise - Morgan Koudelka [ 15 minutes] 5. Admin Report: Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant - Mary May [10 minutes] 6. Admin Report: Hearing Examiner Rules, Zoning, Superior Court Appeals, etc. - Mike Connelly [30 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Solid Waste System - Deputy Mayor Denenny/Councilmember Schimmels [10 minutes] 8. Info Only: Grafos Investment Property (SARP) - Kathy McClung [*estimated meeting: 90 minutes] June 16, 2009. Sfudv Sessiou, 6:00 p.m. (due date Monday, June 81 ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-012 Adopting Subarea Plan - Mike Connelly [30 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-013 Amending Comp Plan Map - Mike Connelly [5 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-014 Comp Plan Amendment CPA 01-09 - Mike Basinger[30 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-015 Zoning Map Amendment CPA 01-09 - Mike Basinger[5 minutes] 5. Proposed Resolution Adopting Subarea Plan Book III: City Actions - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 6. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2010-2015 TIP - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 7. Motion Consideration: Bid Award Discovery Playground - Mike Stone [10 minutes] ReL7ular Studv Session Items: 8. Surplus Items - Ken Thompson (20 minutes) [Total Meeting: 130 minutes] Saturdav, June 20, 2009: CounciUStaff Summer Retreat 9:00 - 3:00 [due date Wed, June 111 Tentative Topics: financial forecast; review 2009 Council goals; proposed 2010 Council goals; Comp Plan Update/UGA/JPA; jail issues; park acquisition; metro mayors; Business Plan; Work Plan; Brainstorming June 23, 2009. No MeetinLy Council attends AWC Conference June 23-26 in Spokane June 30. 2009. Special Regular MeetinLy 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 221 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-014 Comp Plan Amendment CPA 01-09 - Mike Basinger[20 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-015 Zoning Map Amendment CPA 01-09 - Mike Basinger[5 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance False Alarm - Rick VanLeuven [10 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Broadway Rehab Phase 2 Bid Award -Neil Kersten [5 minutes] 6. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 45 minutes] Julv7, 2009. Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 291 l. Shoreline Inventory - Greg McCormick (10 minutes) 3. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers (10 minutes) [Total Meeting: minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 5/27/2009 4:33:56 PM Page 1 of 3 Julv 14, 2009, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, July 6] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance False Alarm - Rick VanLeuven [10 minutes] 3. Admin Report: Panhandling Ordinance - Cary Driskell [20 minutes] [*estimated meeting: minutes] Julv 21. 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, July 131 1. Comp Plan Update - Greg McCormick (15 minutes) 2. Governance Manual Changes - Mike Connelly, and committee members (30 minutes) 3. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers (15 minutes) [Total Meeting: minutes] Thur, Julv 23. 2009: 3-5 p.m. Joint Council/Spokane Citv Mt,e; Spokane Citv Council Brierng Center Julv 28, 2009, Reeular MeetinLy 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, July 20] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Info Only: Department Reports Aueust 4, 2009, Studv Session NO MEETING: National NiLyht Out AuLyust 11, 2009, Re2ular MeetinLy, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, August 31 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2010 Budget Hearing - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Cable Franchise - Morgan Koudelka [10 minutes] 3. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] [*estimated meeting: minutes] Auiiust 18, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, August 101 Action Item: . 1. Motion Consideration: Setting Public Hearings Sept 8 and 22 - Ken Thompson (5 minutes) Re2ular Studv Session Items: 2. Residential Lighting - Kathy McClung (20 minutes) 3. Planned Action Ordinance (SEPA) - Kathy McClung (20 minutes) 4. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers [Total Meeting: minutes] August 25, 2009, Retiular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Mooday, August 171 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Admin Report: Outside Agencies Presentation [45 minutes] 3. Info Only: Department Reports September 1, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, August 241 1. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers September 8, 2009, Reeular MeetinLy, 6:00 u.m. [due date Monday, August 311 1. BUDGET HEARING: 2010 Budget - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. Info Only: Aquatics Contract - Mike Stone 4. Info Only: Park Maintenance Contract - Mike Stone Draft Advance Agenda 5/27/2009 4:33:56 PM Page 2 of 3 September 15, 2009, Stud'v Session, 6:00 Q.m. [due date M4nday, Sept 7] 1. Aquatics Cantract - Mike Stone (15 minutes) 2. Park Maintenance Contract - Mbke Stane (15 minutes) 3. Council Extemal Committ:ee R~~orts - Councilmembers Septemb+er 22 2009. Retiular Meetia~e 6:00 p.m. [due date Mvnday, Sept 14[ 1. BUD~'rET HEAFd.NG: 2 0 10 Budget - Ken Thompsan [10 mi:nutes] 2. Conse.nt Agen.da: Payrall, C1aims, M:inutes [5 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Aquatics Contract - Mike Stone [I 4 minutes] 4. Motion CQnsideration: Park Maintenance Cantract -Mike 'Stone [10 minutes] 5. Info Only: Department Reports Septem be r 2 4. 2009, Stu& 5essi on. 6;0 0 p.m. '[due date Monday, Sept 21] 1. Council Extetpnal Committee Re;ports - Cauncilmembers Octobe~r 6, 2009, Sfuda Sessian. 6:00 p,m. [due date Monday, Sept 281 1. Council Extem~l Committee Reports - Council:members CD'Z'IFIER 1~ENDING AND1OR UP~~MING ISSTJ.ESIN.~~ETINGS: Accessory DweYling Units (modify O~d 08-006) 7109 Water rights ADA Palicy . W i nter Retreat: Jan uary 9, 2 0 10 (tentatrve) Affordable Housing Participation Altemative Analysis (co.ntracts) ~Awaiting action by athers; Appleway NegatiatiQns daesn't a11ow far time for public comments] - Budget Ordinances: Prap tax; tax conf rm; budget City Center Re;~ort to Council City Ha1'l Sales Purchase Agreement Comp Plara Qrtrly Llpdate (Oct, Jan, A,priT, July) Concurrency Congress af Citie~ (NLC) 10-1 4, San Antonio Contracts - 7-year renewals (praslcons) ~ervices Altemative Analysis Ease~e-nt: Benage & Whiting - NeillCary East Gateway Monument 5tructure # Fee Resolution - Oct 27 Tmgact Fee Request Central Va11ey Sc~~~l District. IT Specialist ~Classif cation ResoYutivn Lexipol Palicies - Popice I}ept Lodging Tax Northeast Housing ~~lut.ions City Membership # C3utsicie Agencies Funding. flverweight/over size vehicle ordinance (2004) Panhanciling Oreiinance Shareline Inventary Stimulus, Phase 2 Strategic Transp. Financial Flan - Dave Mercier Stre _et Standards (arrd []DA T'itl'.e 42) . TPA Interlocal Agree:ment 1 ranspartatlion Ber~efit Dist (2004) a. E:stablish ard ; . (b) set pxrblic hearing; (e) dr~r~f't resolartiAn,• (d) ballot language Transpvrtation xmpacts T]se A,greerr~ent (Cary Driskell) Draft Advance Agenda 512712009 4:33:56 Pm Page 3of 3 _ CITY OF SP~KANE VALLElf . Request fior Council Ac~ion Meeting Date: June 2, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: ltQm: CheCk all that apP1y: cansent ❑old business El new business ❑ public hearing _ x infarmation ❑ admin. repart ❑ pending legislatEVn AGENDA [TEM TITLE: Energy EffECiency Conservation BIvGk Grant GO'VERNING LEGISL►4TION: American Recavery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 PREVI+DUS COUNClL ACTIQN TAKEhl: PJIA BACKGROUN[]: The Americara Recpvery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 apprvpriates funding for the Department of EnergY (DOE) tv issue fvrrnula-based grants under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation BIQCk Grant (!EECBG) Program. The. City of Spakane Valley is eiigible for $823,000 to spend vn en+ergy canservation plannirrg or prajects that result in energy savings. The gaal of fhe grant pr~gram is to create energy savings, new jvbs, and Iang-term environmental. benefits. Staff advertised and held a public meetirrg an May 7t" tv accept in,put regarding propose~ projects. Prajects being considered include: ~ Pvtential partnership wi#h AVISTA in residential and commercial energy program; ~ TrafFic.signal LED retrvfits and street light LED retrofits; ~ Traffic efficiency imprQWements (insta1lation of flashing yellow arrows, signal coordination projects, Sprague Averrue ITS), ~Bike and pedestrian master plan arrd partial cvnstructian; ~Energy audits and appropriate cvnstructian retrafifs on City-owned facilities; and @ Prepara#ian of a long-term energY p[an for the City. The grarnt application must be submitted by ,June 25, 2009. Funding is expected to occur in the fa11 of 2009. Prajec~s must be impl+emented and completed within 36-mon~~s of being funded, ar tentatively by the fall of 2012. OPTIONS: City staff will prvpose a recammendation far t'~e Cvuncil tv cansider June 9, 2009. The Couricil may accept the recvmmendatiorr vr rnake changes af that time. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTIQN: Prvvide input vn praposed projects, BUDGETIFINANGIAL IMPACTS: A successful grant application wi11 create Iong-term energY cost savings tv the City budget. ' STAFF CONT►4GT: fVlary May ATTACFIMENTS. Program Summary; 5ummary of Proposed Projects Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program Summary As described in the funding opportunity announcement, the purpose of Department of Energy (DOE) EECBG Program is to assist eligible entities in creating and implementing strategies to: • Reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, and to the maximum extent practicable, maximizes benefits for local and regional communities; a Reduce total energy use of the eligible entities; and • Improve energy efficiency in the building sector, the transportation sector and other appropriate sectors. The EECBG Program falls under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Therefore, special terms and conditions apply to projects funded by the Act relating to: • Reporting, tracking and segregation of incurred costs; • Reporting on job creation and preservation; • Publication of information on the Internet; • Access to records by Inspectors General and the Government Accountability Office; 0 Prohibition on use of funds for gambling establishments, aquariums, zoos, golf courses or swimming pools; o Ensuring that iron, steel and manufactured goods are produced in the United States; • Ensuring wage rates are comparable to those prevailing on projects of a similar character; o Protecting whistleblowers and requiring prompt referral of evidence of a false claim to an appropriate inspector general; and • Certification and Registration. Entities may develop various initiatives and projects that address one or more of the purposes of the grant. Each activity an entity undertakes is not required to meet all of the stated purposes. DOE encourages entities to develop many different new and innovative approaches within the framework of the legislation and the guidance to serve these purposes. Each entity is required to use the funds in a cost-effective manner that is of maximum benefit to the population of that entity and in a manner that will yield continuous benefits over time in terms of energy and emission reductions. To access the formula grant funds ($823,400 for the City of Spokane Valley) the City must develop a strategy, including component activities, that is likely to result in * maximum energy efficiency improvements, fossil-fuel emission reductions, economic benefits and total energy use reduction. Eligible activities include: 1. Development of an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2. Technical Consultant Services 3. Residential and Commercial Building Energy Audits 4. Financial Incentive Programs 5. Energy Efficiency Retrofits , 1 6. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs for Buildings and Facilities 7. Development and Implementation of Transportation Programs; ~ 8. Building Codes and Inspections 9. Energy Distribution 10. Material Conservation Programs 11. Reduction and Capture of Methane and Greenhouse Gases 12. Traffic Signals and Street Lighting 13. Renewable Energy Technologies on Government Buildings 14. Any Other Appropriate Activity . Summary of Proposed Projects Staff is developing an energy strategy as required by the EECBG Program that will include multiple projects. Several enable the City to respond immediately with improvements that will result in direct energy savings and tangible benefits to the public. Other projects enable the City to establish the necessary documents for continued improvements and energy efficiency. Each of the projects is described below and summarized in the attached table. Specific details including tasks, timelines, costs, leveraged funding and specific energy savings will be available at the Council meeting on June 9, 2009. 1. Partnerinq with Others for Residential and Commercial Enerqv Savinqs: Several goals of the EECBG Program include encouraging coordination among local jurisdictions and other entities, leveraging additional funds, designing programs that will continue beyond the 36-month perFormance period, and providing - community-wide benefits. Staff has met with AVISTA representatives and has discussed potential partnering whereby Spokane Valley residents and businesses would benefit from EECBG funds through a coordinated education, rebate, energy audit and retrofit program. Details of the program are being developed. By participating, the City will be able to leverage additional funds, including State Energy Program (SEP) funds, up to a possible 100% match. 2. Traffic Siqnal LEDs: The City has been replacing existing traffic signals, with energy-efficient LEDs. The LED lights result in brighter signal displays, an average energy reduction of 39 percent and reduced electricity and energy costs. The City has completed approximately 66 percent of the intersections; EECBG funds may be used to complete the retrofits throughout the City. Those signals powered by Avista are eligible for rebates that reduce our equipment cost. 3. Street Liqht LEDs: The City is exploring the option of replacing high pressure sodium lamps with LEDs. Installation will reduce energy use and cost by about 40%. EECBG funds could be used to retrofit illumination in up to 360 County and WSDOT maintained street lights. Avista may be able to set up a rebate program for this project. 4. Traffic SiQnal Phasinq: Projects that reduce -car idling time result in reduced carbon emissions and are therefore eligible for funding under the EECBG Program. This project would replace select left turn arrows with a signal head that includes a flashing yellow arrow to reduce delay to left-turning vehicles. _ 2 5. Traffic SiQnaJ Covrdinatian: This Praject en#ail5 hiring a c+onsultant ta deWelop ' weekend Signal caQrdination for sele+ct cnrridors. The resuiting 'smprvved traffic ffow wou1+d reduce car idling time, resu,ting in reduced carbon emissivns. 6. Spraque Avenue ITS; Conduit for the Inte9ligent Transportatian 5ystem (ITS) is being installed with the Sprague Avenue oVerlay this summer. ApDtential EECBG project would fill tne canduit with fiber ta improve signaf communication and coordinativn. The project wQuld result in reduced car idling fime, resUlting in reduced carbon emissions. 7. BIke afld PedeStrIan MaStE.'1 PEan: Ag(7al of tI'1e Clt]I's Comprehensive Plan is the adoption af a master plan which wil1 enabl~e the City tv leverage further funds for canstruction of alternat>ve tranSportation facilities (bike and pedestrian paths) and create a safer en°vironment for the casual or serious, recreativnal or cvrnmute b`tCycle rider. EECBG funds could be used for crea#ion of the Bike and Pedestrian iVlaster Plan and implemen#atian of specific prajects after adaptiorr af the p1an. Prajects cvuld include sidewalk constructian, bike lane striping and s;gning, and traTl design andlor consfructivn. 8. SustairaabiAifv Chapter for Comprehensive Plan: VUith a Gurrent papulation of vver 88,000, Spokane Va11ey is the sixth 1arges# city in the State af 1Nashingtvn. Significarst prflgress has been made in advpting codes, programs and policies ta goverrr and guide the city. A sustainability chapter in tne Gity's Comprehensive Plan would put in plaGe fhe neGessary framework to launch programs and leverage additianal funding for energy efficient technologi+es and sustainable apecations thrvughvut the Csty. 9. Ci#v Faci9it►~ Audits and Retrofits: Prelirrrinary w,alk-thr4ughs have been Gonducted af Centerp9ace, the Va11ey Precinct, and the dance haCl at 5ullsvan and 1-90 to identify areas for pvtentiaI energy impravernents. EECBG funds would a11ow more detailed energy audits and implementation of recvmmendations as feasihle. lmprovements may include energy-efficient Ii:ghting, wafer conserving plum'bdng and [arrdscaping, Iow-e windows, insulativn, and weather striping. - 3 Revised: 15-May-09 City of Spokane Val1ey - Energy Efficlgncy Conservation Strategy (Decis➢on Matrix) - i T r , , Purpose af FECBG Program Program Outcomes - red fndl~ate CaSVprlorTG~~s Estimated ProJect Job ExpeditlousPreservat~or Economic Lsverage ~r~ergy Reduce l~ed~rce fmprove Accelerate Caordinated ~nergyrela~ed q4licies Other Cast (incl. Des1CM Creation Recave Funds Eifici~nc ner Cot~sum ticEner Gost~ pir (luali ~e lo ment af Teeh , r ross ' ~ ~ ~ nolo~rams ac ]ur~diciic~nslac~enci (i.e, lanc~ term, pra~rarris, codes~ R~ter~ti~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5, CQdeS) I I I 1 I I I I B~kelRedstrian Master Plan I I I I I I I I Plan Deve{o ment I X I X X I I X I X aun P I I SRTC, C tV, Lib, Lake, CQS I ~JVI Traii X I I X ~ X X I I X I X I SRTG, County, Lib. La~Ce, COS I Qthers7 (cost Imilg~ I I I I I I I I I I I I { I I I Skreet Slgnals & Street k.lght~ I I I I L~0 for Sig€~als X X q X X I X X X ~ X I X I W pOT, CQUnty, llUlitv Pur+revors I LONG TERM _ r~ Street Lighting X I X I I X X I X I X I X I X I WSDOT, CQUntv, lltil~#v Purvevo~s I LOMG T~RM I I I i I I I I I Sustainable Chapter for Comp. Plar ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I Sustainabili Cha ter X I X I X K X X X ~Y p ~ I I ~ I I I NEW CODESIPpLlCIES -X I 1 I I I I I City ~acllity Audits & Retrofits ~ I ~ ~ I Cenke~ Place tbd - ui~it 5119109 1 I l I I Police Sub-statian tbd - visit 5119l49 I I I l I I I Dance H~li ~d - visit 5~~ 9ros I I I I I I I I I I I f I I ~I ~ I Transpvr~atian Eff~ciency Im~rvverren~s ~ ~ I I I ~ I Signal Phasing Pl~n X I X ~ X X I I I I X I I}NSD41',SRTC, CQUn~y, Lib. Lake, COSI I.~NG TERM Spragu~ Avenu~ ITS X ~ X I I X X I I I I X ~ X MJS~OT, SR~C, CountV, Lih. Lake, CQ~ LOiVG TERM I I I I I I I I Pa~t~nering Program ~ ~ X X ~ X X X ~ Utility Rtoviders LONG 7~RM C I I I II I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ ( ~ I ~ I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I' I I I I I s ~~ectrical. Savinq ~lus ti htin $'s irrcentiveslrebat~ for cost 9 9 I Lighting Controls #~sizeable?~ very little $ avaiiable ~ Mechanical HVAC $ Equipment $ (mot~rs) S's far Audit ~'s for Improvements AuistallnlandlModem No Yes7 BPA Yes Yes CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: June 2, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council External Committee Reports _ GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: . BACKGROUND: City Councilmembers serve on various local and/or regional committees. The purpose of this item is if any committee or board that Council is involved with has significant policy questions that are being posed and which need Council feedback, this is the opportunity for Council to gather that feedback so that a Council position could be registered on any given item. OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Councilmembers AT'TAC H ME IVT'S: ~