2009, 06-18 Special Meeting - Law Enforcement Dispute AGENDA. aPOKANE VALLEY CI'TY CC3UNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:3 0 a.rn. ~ity HaIl Council Chambers 11707 East Sprag~~ ~venue Spakane Va1'Iey: Washingtflr~ (Pdease Turn Off All Electronie Devices Durnng t~'he Meet%r~~) Call to Qrder by Nlayor Munso~n Agenda Tovie. 1.. Motion Cmnsideration: Law Enfarcement Service Cantract Uispute Resolution [pub'lic comment] 2. Ovestivza ar~d Answer Oppor#unitv: 3, Ad'journment ~ NOTZCE: Individuals plaraning to attend the ineeting ►vho require s,pecial assistance to accornmodate physscal, hearing, or othec impairrr4ents, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as saan as passible so thzt arrangernents may 6e made. The fQ11owing excerpt related to dispute resvl~ution is frvm page 14 of the signed 66Znterlacal Agreement for Lavv Enforcernent Services in the City of Spokane Valley" dated March 2003, anade and entered into among Spo!kane Caunty, S.pokane County Sheriff, and City of Spokane Va~1!ley: .15.2 DitipukeResolutivra. Ll the event of a dispute in the ar~n-Lin.istratioii vF th.is Agreernera~, the CITY Manager or hisl'her designee shall discuss the dispute with the Fa1ice Chief in an atteiaipt to resolve zhe di:spute. ~~iy dispute that cannot be reso9ved b}r t.he City Manager and thc Po1ice Ct'iicf stlall be i°efen-cd [v ~~~~~r- wha will meet. with the CTTY Manvger and in good fai[li atteiq~~ ~o dissolve t~e dis;pute. ~1f the GI::LY ianager and S'H;'RT~ cannot resolve the dispute, Lhe dispute `ti►i It be r.eferr'ed to C4]LTNTY Chi~~ ~xecudve Oficer who wiiQ mect wath C[TY Managea- ao resolve t~e CESPLyM. :1~.5.3 N1.1edialion of Disptjtes, 1f, afler following the ddspute resolution proccdure describcd herCin, C'ITY Manager anv COLNr'C1' Chief LxCcut.ive Ofticei• ~i-e ur1able to resolve the dispute, the 1?AR7171ES abree tv pa`ticipate .in non-!brnding media[ian beforc a third pt-Lrty whose selection wil1 be r-nuLua11y agreed +upon. The cvst af iilediating the cli5,pute will be borne equ a] 4yby hoth FA RTIE, S.