2009, 06-30 Special Regular Meeting AGENDA . ~PO~~~~ ~~~~EY CITY COUN+~IL ' SPE'~~~~/ REGULAR MEETING ` C43uncal MeetH,ng #162 ~~~~~ayry JuIle 30, 2009 6:00 p.m. . SpokS7I~1i ~ ~~~~ey Cllty CoLdn£'Ill Ch~mbe$'S, . - • 11707 E SpY'clgLle A'Ven[Ile Co tcncil Requests .Please Salence I~~ur Cell Ph vn es Durar~g Caun cil Meeting CAIiL T~ ORDER: INVO.CATIOIW: ]'astor Jerry Sponseller, :C3ppartunity Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ' . ROLL CA3LLr , . APPROVA.L OF AGENDA: . IrT'~~~UCTION OF SFECIf~L G~~STS AND P'~~~NTATION5: COMMITTEER BOA.AA.iJ, .YJIAISO1• SU . A R•-•PORAS: MAYOR'~ REPOR'I'. ProcZamcrtion: Parks and :Recreation Montlz PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an apportunity -CQr the public to speak on any subject not on i:he agenda for action. When yoLi come tQ the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks ta three mm incites. . 1, ~ONSENfAGENDA: Consists af items considered aroutine which are apprc~ve'd as a group. .Ai7y member of rCouncil may a5k that an iteni he removed froin the Cansent Agenda to be cons9dered. separately. a, App_rova~ of the faliovving claim vaucliers: - ~ vOucHER LIs~ DATE [ WNOU~~~ER NUMBEns: . TOTAL AMovNT ~ 06f04/2009 417524 5,674.90 . ~ 0610512009 ~ Beginning # 175.16; ending #17547 ' 169,718.45 06{0812009 ~ Segiraning#] 7548; ending 4 6040900] 5 235,633.69 - 06l0912009 . Beg,1i7n ing 4 17581; en din g 41760 2 { 680,248.65 061 17I2009 - Beginning 4 17604; errdina 961709004 { 15009,665.43 ~ GRAND TOTAL $1,10O,941. l 1 b. Approval cafPayroll for pa:y peri od erading June 15, 2 0 09: $2 69,574.92 c. Approval of June 9, 2009 RegUlar C4uncii Meeting Miniites . d. Apprava] af June 16, 2009, Council Study Sess%on Meeting M:i»utcs . e. Approval of June 18, 2009, Specia.l CoLGDcil Meeting M:intites . , liTEV'~ BUSINESS: 1 2. IVIotian Cansxderation; Bl.d Award Discovery Playground - Mike Stane [public comment] • ADT~~NISTRA.TIVE REPORT: 3. State Route 27 Safety F'rqject Marion Lee,, Spokane County . 4. Shoreliflle Iiiventory _ Greg M.cCormick . 5. Cornp Plan Amendi-n eiii CPA 0 1-09 0 ptions - Mike Cann e11y1Greg McC ormiek 6. Wastewater Interlocal Agreemeait- M ike C a1ineI ly , . 7. Laptop Training - Greg Bingaman Council Agenda 06-3Q-09 SpcciaIRcgular Meeting . Page 1 of 2 INi'ORMATION ONI.,Y. (will not be disciissed or reported) Counci] F'Vacancy Procedure - 9. ~epartment Repoi-ts EXEClU']r'I'6J'E SESSION: nl'a A~~OURNMENT FUTURE S~'~'~',~DULE (rnectan(y s•ehedtcle rs ~l-ways subject to ehange) . ReguTar Cotincil Meetings are gene;rally held 2nd and 4r~' Tuesdayss begannang rt b: 00 p.m. Co un cil Study Sessions are aen eraLly h eld 3r`, and Sth Tuesdays, heginning at 6: 00 p.M. NOTTCE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assa~tarnce ta accominadatc physi.cal, hearing, ar vther " impairnients, please eontact the Ci-ry Clerk at (509) 92 1 -l000 as soon as passible so that arrangements may be made. Cntrnci] Agenda 06-3{]-09 SpecialRegular Meelirig . Page 2of 2 ~ y Or ' ooKane - ;Oovalley vrodamation Par~,~ ~~dRecre~tion Wanth . City ~f Spo~,r~ne VatTey, Washington . ~HERLAS, Parks and recYeotiQn activities pravide oppartunities for eitizens a.f'alZ ages to grow and develop inta contributing members of their communitics; and WHEREAS, Parks and recreation programs strengthen the cQmmunity, faster individ2sal growth, and increase cuZtural diversity; and WHEREAS, I'arks and recreataan pragrarns provide outlets far physical activities, s~~ialization and stress reducing experiences; and WHLREAS, Parks, playgrounds, nuture trails, open spaces, oquatic facilities, senior and event centers make our cammunity an attractive and desirable p1ace to live, wnrk, play and vzsit which contributes to our ecanamac vitality,• and - WHEREAS; Purks•, greenways and open spaces provide a welcome respite f~'om aur fast- paeed, htgh-tech lif~styles while pratecting and preserving nur natural e.nvr~onment,- and ~HEREAS, Thausands of SpokQne Yatley chrldren, adults and seniors be~efitfrom the wide range of services, facilities, and pragr^ams provided by the Spokane Valley ~Parks and Recrecrtion Department. NOW, THEREFORE, I., Richard Munson, Mcayor of the City of Spokane Vcrlley, an ~eha f nf the Spokane Va2ley C'zty Council and the citazen.s of the City of Spokcrne Valley, do hereby praclcrim the manth of July 2[~09 as Parks and Recreation Month and I eneaurage all citizens ta partaci,pate in and support the many recreatianal pragrams and facilitie,s pravided by public and private agencies. Datecl this 30th day.of'June 2009. ~ - . ; _ _ - ' l . ichard Munsa<~-'- - _ _ - f Mayar - ~ , . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-30-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE ~ W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: ~ TOTAL AMOUNT ~ . 06/04/2009 17524 ~ 51674.90 06/05/2009 ~ Beginning # 17516; ending # 17547 ~ 169,718.45 06/08/2009 ~ Beginning #17548; ending # 604090015 ~ 235,633.68 ~ 06/09/2009 ~ Beginning # 17581; ending # 17602 ~ 680,248.65 ~ 06/17/2009 ~ Beginning # 17604; ending #61709004 ~ 1,009,665.43 ~ GRAND TOTAL ~ $2,1003941.11 RECOMMENDED ACTIO(V OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vch8ist Voucher LiSt Page: ~ U6l0412009 3:59:19PM Spakane Valley Bank code : apbar1k Voucher I]ate l/endor Invoice PQ # DescriptianlAccount Amount 17524 61412009 001957 SKVLINE CONTRACTORS INC JlJlVE 09 42364 VRLLEY MISSION PARK IMPROVEN 5,674.90 Total : 5,674.90 1 Vauchers fdr bank code : apbank Bank total : 5,674.90 1 Veuchers in this report Total vauchers : 5,674.90 . , I, the undersigned, do cerfify under penalty of perjury, that the maferials have been furnished, the services r@ndered, ar the labor performed as described herein and fhat the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligativn against the City of 5pakaroe Valley, and that Iam authorized to authenticate and certify tD said claim. Finanee Director Date Page: 1. vchlist Vouc'her List Page: 1 06105l2009 4:33:15PM 5pokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Qate Vendor Invoice PO # Descripkionlpccount Amount ~.17516 l~?!,_~Q9 000326 CONSOLEDA7SD [RRIGATION #19 New Cannectian NEW WATER CONNECTION #0086 4,900A0 1'otaC : 4,900.04 17517 000863 CENTl1RY WES7 ENG CORP 024174 Reissued REISSUED DUE TO LOST CHECE( 2,066.79 Tatal : 2,066.79 `17518 M,-392 ~Ua9jl 000863 CENTl1RYWEST ENG CORP 024311 42291 09TlP SERVECES (09-0067) 5,484.03 3 "e4-,e6&6 '4 - GC.,c~- ~ - o`t Total : 5,484.03 17525 6/512009 001081 ALSCQ LSP0613021 FLOOR MATS: CITY HALL 94.47 Total : 14.47 17526 61512009 000335 ALTON'S T1RE INC. 6-41865 OIL CHANGE: 40210D 36.99 Total : 36.99 17527 61512009 001012 AS50C 8US1NESS SYSTEMS 43829A CQPIER SLIPPLIES: CD 195.64 Tofaf : 195.64 17528 61512009 001989 CHARLES, GILLINGHAM Refund PROJECT 09-0509 REFllND 250.00 Tatal : 230.04 11529 61512009 000840 CLARY, AARON Expenses EXPENSES REIMBURSED 13.03 Tatal: 13.03 97530 6/5/2009 001137 COLLIER, BRANT Mileage TRAVEL EXRENSES 171.60 Total: 171.60 11531 6/5/2009 000508 CONaCOPHILL[PSFLEET 870166725905 MAY 09: FLEET FUEL BILL 1,779.11 Total : 1,719.11 17532 61512009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 204190197-001 OFF1CE SUPPLIES: FIN 157.08 204190197-002 QFFIGE SUPPLIES: F9N 4.93 TotaT : 162.01 17533 61512009 0006$3 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 271575 42243 TRAFFIC ENGfNEERING SERVICE.S 4,905.55 271575 BROADWAYIFANCHER #0066 1,665.00 Page: 1 . i vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0610512009 4:33:15RM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank VouGher C?ate 11endor Invaice PO # DescriptianlAccnunt Amount 17533 61512009 004683 000683 DAVID EVANS &ASSOCIATES (Continuetl) Total : 6,570.55 17534 . 61512009 041990 GARCO C0NSTRUCTION Refund PRQJECT09-1379 REFIIND 250.00 Tota1; 250.00 17535 615l2009 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP CO Refund PROJECTO9-1440 REFUND 110.00 TotaC : 110.00 17536 6/512009 000007 GRACNGER 9896529410 PADLOCKS: P1N 27,72 Tatal : 27.72 17537 61512009 001991 LEMONOV, VI,AD Refund REFl1ND DAMAGE E3EPOS6T 20.00 Tatal : 20.00 1753$ 615l2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD Expenses TRA.VELEXPENSES 505.60 Total : 505.60 17539 61512009 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS,INC. 23746 MAGNETIC LaGDSFOR REhlTAL C 215.23 Total : 215.23 17540 61512009 000172 SPOKANE Cfl ENGfIVEER VLY0904 APR 09: CQUNIY ENGINEERCIVG 46,981.62 Total : 46,981.62 17541 6/5/2009 000001 SPOKANE GO TREASURER 41500941 APR 09: WORK CRE1N 4,704.40 41500950 APR 09: GEIGER HOIJSIIVG 40,967.55 Tatal : 45,671.95 17542 61512009 001891 SYSGD Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPO51T 1,365.00 Tatal : 1,365.00 17543 6/5/2009 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Expenses TRAVELE7(PENSES 25.90 Total : 25.90 17544 61512009 000337 UPS DOOUY3F950209 SHIPP[NG CHARGES: PW 12.75 7ota1: 12.75 175451 61512009 000964 VOLT 20663693 STAFFING SERVICE: IT 688,80 Total: 688.80 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 06l0512009 4:33:15PM Spakarte V'aifey Bank cnde : apbank. Vaucher Date Vendar fnvoice PO # 17esGripfionlAccaunt Amaunt 97546 61512009 000061 WILHITE, DfANA Expenses 7RAVEL EXPENSES 195.72 Tota! : 195.72 97547 615/2009 000152 WSDOT 90512078 SIGNAUfLLUMINATION MAINT 7,517.18 90592079 S7A1`E ROUTE RDADWAY MAINT 44,486.10 Tatal : 52,003.88 26 Vouchers for hank code : apbank Rank tatai : 169,718.45 26 Vouchers in this report Totaf vouchers : 169,718.45 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalfy of perjury, - #hat the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the lahor performed as descri6ed herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the Cify of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized tv aukhenficate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 3 vchlist Voucher LiSt Page: ~ 05l0812009 3:27.07FM Spokane llalley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice P0 # Descriptionl,4ccvunt Amnunt 17548 6I812009 000150 ALL1ED FIRE & SECIiRIIY 1008506 SEClJR11Y SYSTEM: CP 99.47 1008600 SECURITY SYSTEM: CP 130.72 Total : 230.19 17549 61812009 {}01081 ALSCO NCAY 2009 FLQOR MATS: 5HE'RIFF 15.22 Tata9 : 15.22 77550 61$12009 001559 BEACON HILL EVENTS April 2009 COLlNCIL DINNER BUFFET 225,01 ~ March 2009 STATE OF THE ClT1' REFRESWME~ 160,33 70ta1: 3E5.34 11551 61812009 001409 BESTLiNE 053105132009 ANSWERING SVC: CP 20.00 Tota1: 20.00 17552 6I8f2009 000918 SL'UE RIBBON LINEN Sl1F'pLY ING 9024508 LfNEN SUPPL.Y: CP 356.34 Total : 356.34 11553 61812009 001169 CITY aF SPOi(ANE VALLEY JUNE 5 FLODD PLAIfV P'ERMIT -(#01DD) 52.00 Total : 52.00 17554 6f8f2009 000326 CONSQLIDATEQ 1RRIGATlQN #19 MAY 2009 WA7ER CHARGES: PARKS 614.81 MAY 2009 L1TILiTIES 99.77 MAY 2009 UTILITiES 27•00 MAY 2009 llTILITIES 53.15 Total : 794.73 17555 61812009 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST ,lUNE 2009 ADVERTISING; CP 225.00 Total : 225.00 11556 618/2009 000246 EAST SPQKANE WRTER DIST #1 02051000 APRIL 2009 828•26 Total : 828.26 17557 61812009 001993 FISCH, PEYE May 2009 TRAVEL REANiBURSEMEN7 48$.89 Total : 488.89 1755$ 6l$f2009 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQU'P CO 98506 FIRE EXTINGl11SHER SCV: PRECIN 441.79 Page: 1 vchlist VOUCher LISt Page: 2 06108l2009 3:27:07PM Spokane Valfey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date ►Jendor Invoice PD # DescriptionlAccount Amount 17558 6I812009 400839 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP CO (Continued) Total : 447.19 17559 61812009 000011 GREAYER SP01<ANE VALLEY 202594 ADVERTISING: CP 425.00 202597 REGISTRATION: CP 50.00 Total : 475.00 17560 6l812009 000741 HONEY BUCKETS 0943655 WEEKLY RENTAL: PARKS 85.00 Total : 65.00 17561 61812009 000022 1NLAND Bl1SINE5S PRODUCTS, INC. 56738 PHOTO IDS: MR 39.13 56145 PMOTO IDS: HR 23.91 Total : 63.04 17562 6!$12009 001684 MARKETiNG SOLUTIONS NW CP 5-26-09 Media ADVERTISING: CP 2,357.96 CP-5-26-09 P&P AQVERTISING: CP 1,180.44 Tatai : 3,538.40 17563 61812009 001832 MT HQOD SOLU1`fONS 0632796 CLEANING 5l1pPLIES: GR 113.76 Total: 173.76 17564 61812009 000652 OFFfCE DEPOT INC. 475592751.001 42379 OFFICE SLJPPLIES: CP 150.30 Tatal : 150.30 17565 61812009 000512 OFFICETEAM 23768306 S`fAFFING S11CS: IASE'RFICHE 652.00 23168313 STAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE 652.00 23811749 STAFFIiVG SVCS: IASERFICHE 521.60 23811750 STAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE 619.40 Total ; 2,445.00 17566 618i2009 000322 QWES7 509-921-6787-511 B PhIONESERVICE 46.33 Total : 46.33 17567 61812009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3014564 WEED CONTROL: C!1°Y HALL 191.31 3496246 CflNTRACY MAINT: CP 543.47 Total : 734.7$ 17568 61812009 000935 SERViCE PAPER CQ 30449265 SIJPPLIES; CP 70.18 Total : 70.18 Page: 2 ` . I vchlist Vaucn~r List ~age: 3 0610812009 3:27:107PNi Spokane Valley Bank cod@ : apbank Voucher Date 11endor Invaice PO # DeseriptionlAccnunt Amourat 17569 61812009 001971 SiTELINESPARK ~ PLAYGROUND 11814 42380 STEEL PLANTERS 2,184.87 ToRaI : 2,184.$7 17570 61812009 000710 SPOKANE CD BAR ASSOC CB9MAY46 COPY COSTS 21.50 Total : 21.50 17571 6!$f2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 170-4040-03 WATER CHARGE'5: FOOLS 120.65 MAY 2009 UTILITIES 5.96 Tatal : 129.61 17572 618I2009 001992 SPOKRNE HOTEL MDTEL ASSQC 2009 MEMBERSFCIP: CP 250.00 Total : 250.00 17573 6l812009 001970 STADIUM SPORTS 20922 l7NIFORMS: CP 648.27 20923 KIDS ShIIR7S DAYCAMP: CP 708.62 Total : 1,356.89 17574 618I2009 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CQNTROLS 26411 NCATER9ALS: GP 301.95 Totaf ; 301.95 17575 61812009 000014 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 12121 SC}F°fVVARE TRAINING 4,800.00 Total : 4,800.00 17576 6f$12009 000167 VERA WATER & PaWER 2009 l1TILITIES; 2009 2,416,30 To#al : 2,416.30 17577 618/2009 000964 VQLT 20727144 STRFFIIVG Sl/C: IT 896.00 Total : 896.00 17578 618f2009 000140 UVALT'S MAILING SERVICE June 2009 UPFRQNT PQSTAGE #0003 617.22 Total : 617.22 17519 61812009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2471373-2681-2 WA5TE MGMY: CEN7ERPLACE 761.93 2471374-2681-0 WASTE MANRGEMENT: PRECINCT 285.27 Total : 9,041.20 17580 61812009 001074 ZEE MED9CA1.. 016133226E MEDICAL Sl1PPLIES: PARKS 236.52 Yota7 . 236.52 Page: 3 achlist Uoucher List Page: 4 06l0$12009 3:27:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code; apbank lloucher [3ate Vendvr Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 604090035 61512009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 2009 SPQKRNE COUNTY SERVICES 209,770.01 To#al : 209,710.07 34 Vouchers for bank code: apban(c Bank totaE : 235,633.68 34 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers ; 235,633.68 1, the undersigned, da certify under penalty of perjury, that the maferials have been furnished, the senrices rentlered, ar the labor performed as described herein and that ths claim is just, due and arr unpaid obligation against the C9ty of Spokarte Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 4 , vchlast V'oucher List Page: 1 06109!2009 3:55:40PNi Spokane Valley Bank cnde : apbank Voucher Date Vendor lnvoice PO # DeseriptionlAccount Amount 17581 61912009 001012 ASSUC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 318965 COPIER COSTS: LEGAL 20.68 Total : 20.58 17582 EI9l2009 001709 BENSTINE, PAT Refund June 2009 REFUND FpR EVENT DEPOSlT 257,00 . Total : 257.00 17583 6f912009 001707 BIRDSELL, JOLE Refuntl June 2009 REFUIVD SHELTER DEPOSIT 52.00 Tvtal : 52.00 17584 619I2009 000379 CITY OF SPOKAIVE VALLEY #0086 PLAN REVIEV11 FEE 1,006.30 Total : 1,006.30 17585 6I912009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS IlVC 3820:026299 COFFEE SUPP'LIES 193.27 Total : 193.27 17586 61912009 001678 DACW, LYLE Refund June 2009 REFU'NQ SHELTER fJEPOSIT 52.00 Tota l : 52.00 17581 619i2009 000313 fN'LAND ASPHAtT GOMPANY INC. PMT#9 42102 PROa #005- PINESIMANSF6ELD CC 513,726.01 Totaf : 513,726.01 , 1758$ 6/9/2009 001348 ISAACS, TONY Refund June 2009 REFl9ND EVEHT DEPOSIT 257.00 Tatal : 257.00 17589 619I2009 001598 KNIFE R1VER PMT #9 41953 APFLEWAY AVE CONSTRl7CTlON 123,035.70 Total : 123,035.10 17590 61912009 001997 MULLINS, BARBARA Refund June 2009 REFUND SHELTER DEP4SfT 52.00 Total : 52.00 11591 6I912009 041995 NEK9CH, STEPHANIE Refund June 2009 REFUND SHELT'ER QEPOSIT 52.00 Totaf : 52.00 17592 61912009 000193 NORTHWES7 CHRI5TIAN SCHDOL INC June 2049 CITY HALL JIJNE RENT 31,618.47 Total : 37,67 8.47 17593 61912009 000121 NORTHWEST MAILiNG, INC Statement BALANCE OWED FOR POS7AGE Si 196.96 Page: 1 vchlist Iloucher List Page: 2 0610912009 3:55:40PM spokane vauey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invaice PO # DescripkianlAccount Amount 17593 619i2009 000121 000121 NORTHWEST MAILfNG, INC (Continued) Total : 196,96 17594 619f2049 000652 OFFICE DEROT GNG. 475595276-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.$3 Total ; 2,$3 17595 6I912009 000512 OFFICETEAM 23845315 5TAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE 545.30 23845322 STAFFING SVC: I.A5ERF1CHE 521.60 Total : 1,026.90 17596 6I912009 001994 PEAK PERFORMANCE LEARNING LLC, ~ Refund June 2009 REFIJND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50AO 17597 61912009 000067 SIGNS NOW 91622653 SIGNAGE: 0403 1,568.11 Totat : 1,568.11 11598 6I912009 000939 SPRAGtJE & SULL,IVAN MINISTDRAGE 63105 JULY RENT: 1 P48 229.00 Tatal : 229.00 17599 6I912009 000676 WEST 818432681 LEGAL SUBSCRIP7IaN 520.15 Yatal: 520.15 17604 61912009 001332 WEST VALLEY HIGH 5CH00L Refund June 2009 REFl1ND SHELTER DEP051T 52.40 Total : 52.00 17601 61912009 001996 WILCDX, MATTHEW Refund June 2009 REFUIVD SHELTER DEPOSIY 52,00 Tota l : 52,00 17602 6l9f2009 001885 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC June 2009 DARK FIBER LEASE 22$.27 7otal : 228.27 22 Vauchers for bank code :apbarfk Bank total : 660,248.65 22 Vauchers in this report Total vouchers : 680,248.65 Page: 2 I ' vcMlist Voucher List wa g~: 3 0610912009 3:55:40PM Spokane Val1ey Bank Cade: apbank 4'vucher Date llendor Invaice P(] # DescriptianlAccount Amount I, the undersigned, dm certify Under pena[ty of perjury, that the materials haue been furnished, tne services rendered, or Ehe labor performed as describetl herein and that the c9aim is just, due and an unpaid vbligalion against the Gity of Spakane Valley, and that f am authorized to authenticate arrd certify to said claim, Finance Directar Date Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: ~ 06117l2009 12;50:51PM Spokane Va1Cey Bank cnde : apbank Voucher Uate Uendor Invaice PD # DescriptionJAccount Amount 17604 6117l2009 001873 ACME CONCRETE PAVING INC PMT #1 42371 SPRAGUE PINES PCCP INTERSEC' 239,238.30 Total: 239,238.30 17605 611712009 000197 A1RFACTZ 32539 DRIV6NG RECORDS: HR 325.00 Total : 325.00 17606 611712009 001668 ALDWQRYN, CRAIG Expenses EXPEhISE REIMBURSMENT 107.61 Total: 107.61 17601 6117I2009 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 6-41959 DIL CHANGE: 07 FORD F250 37.12 Total : 37.12 17608 611712009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SY57EM5 124150 COPIER SERVICE: PERMITCNTR 151.62 Total : 457.62 11609 611712009 000030 AVISTA MAY 2009 l1TILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTP 9,558.46 7otal : 9,558.46 17610 611712009 001122 CAMERON-REILLY, LLC PAYAPP #2 42344 BROADWAY FANCHER PGC CONS' 231,382.08 Total : 231,382.08 17611 6117I2009 001999 CARTER, KR15T1NA Refund REFUNQ SHELTER DEPOSfT 62.00 . Total: 52.00 17612 6l1712009 000101 CDW-G PBS1320 42366 NEC NP500W PROJECTQR FQR PV 1,013.52 Total : 1,013.52 11613 611712009 000143 GI7Y OF SPOKANE MAY 2009 1J71LITIES:, TRANSFER STATION 38.23 Tvfat : 38.23 11614 611112009 000379 C1TY (7F SPOKAIVE VALLEY 3une 2009 PET3Y CASN REIMBURSEMEN7S 13.00 June 5 2009 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 6.50 Total : 19.50 17615 611712009 001888 C(]MCAST J17NE 2009 H9GH SPEED INTERNET 108.95 Tntal : 108.95 Page: 1 . vchlist Voucher LiSt page: 2 0611712009 12:50:51PM Spokane Va91ey Bank code : apbank - ►Joucher Qate Vendor lnvoice PD # DescriptianfAccount Amount 97616 611712009 001926 DAVENPORT, SARAH June 2009 EXPENSES 198.74 Total : 198.74 17617 611712009 000693 DEPT OF INFO SERVICES 2009054198 MAY 2009 LICENSE L]PGRAQE 484.15 Total : 484.15 11618 E11712009 061771 D[}LLAR REN7 A CAR May 2009 CAR RENTALS 2,166.55 Tatal : 2,166.55 17619 6117I2009 000246 EAST SROKANE WRTER QIST #1 May 2009 UTILITY CHARGES 1,341.73 Total : 1,341.73 17620 611112009 001232 FASTENAL CO PIJRCHASING 62294 42245 FASTENAL BLANKET PO 46.19 Total : 46.19 17621 6117l2009 001441 FREE PRESS PUBI.ISNING INC 32261 LEGAL PUBLICATION 17.55 3227(] LEGAL PUBLICATIOIV E9.7e Tota i : 147.25 97622 611712009 001253 GaRDON' TMDMAS HONEYWELL May 1042 MAY 09: LOBQYIST SERVICE 3,010.00 Total : 3,010.00 17623 6f17J2009 001728 FfP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 600204177 JUNE 2009 CEASE PMT 783.33 Tatal : 783.33 17624 611712409 000012 3DURNAL OF BU51hlESS INC. 2412082 ' AQVERTISING 150.00 Total : 150.00 17625 6l1712009 000073 MCGORMICK, GREG Expenses iES-APA CONFERENCE 155.24 Total : 155.24 17826 611712009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID March 2009 F-XPENSES 236.50 Tota9 : 236.50 17627 611712009 000258 MfCROFLEX INC. 18599 TA7(TOQLS SOFTWARE RENTAL 343.83 Total : 343.83 17628 6117/2009 000662 NATL BARRlCADE &S6GN CO 64546 SIGNAGE 704.38 Page: 2 vchiist VOlICh2P LiSt Page: 3 0611712009 12:50:51PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 17628 611712009 000662 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO (Continued) Total : 704.38 17629 611712009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16889 MAY 2009 SERVER MAINT. 3,805.00 16890 SYSTEM ENGINEER SERVICES 2,567.50 Total : 6,372.50 17630 6I1712009 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 72877 STAMPS: LEGAL DEPT 56.52 Total : 56.52 17631 6/1712009 000554 OHIO NATIONAL LIFE 2009 ANNUAL LIFE INSURANCE POLICY 857.50 Total : 857.50 17632 6/17/2009 000058 OMA A500163 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXAMS 780.00 Total : 780.00 17633 6/17/2009 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 653090 ETHERNET: JUNE 2009 636.26 Total : 636.26 17634 611712009 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 42940 STREET MAINT. AND REPAIRS 11,005.86 42941 STREET MAINT & REPAIRS 2,569.04 42942 STREET MAINT AND REPAIRS 79,410.09 42944 STREET MAINT. AND REPAIRS 121.41 Total : 93,106.40 17635 6117I2009 000322 QWEST 509-924-4707 7406 PHONE SERVICE: TERRACE VIEW 109.30 509-926-18401946 PHONE SERVICES: PARK ROAD P( 107.20 Total : 216.50 17636 6117/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3118937 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE: CENTE 51,859.00 3118938 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE: CEN T 2,018.68 3454125 BACKFLOW TESTING: #1301 296.21 Total : 54,173.89 17637 6/17/2009 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS 045745 42351 ST MAINT POTHOLES 1,408.76 Total : 1,408.76 17638 6117/2009 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE May 2009 MAY 09: LANDSCAPING SVC 8,448.26 Total : 8,448.26 Page: 3 ~ vchlist Ilvuciier List Page: 4 0611712009 12.56:51PM 5pokane VaOley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptianfAccount Amaunt 17639 611112009 000093 SPQKESMAN-'REVIEW 109945 ADVERTISING: HR 329.50 Tatal : 329.50 17640 611712009 001060 TIMEMARK, INC. 111510 TRAFF1G COUN7 SUPPLIES 178.16 Total : 178.16 17641 611712009 001024 IJNITED RENTALS, IIVC. $154816$-001 42249 UNITED f2ENTAL BLANKET PO 15.65 81556836-001 42249 UNITED RENTAL BLANKET PQ 60.32 81571466-001 42249 IJNITEDRENTiAL BLANKET PO 52.14 Total : 128,11 17642 6l1112009 001820 VETER, KAY Expenses EXPENSES 25.00 Totaf : 25.00 17643 6f17f2009 000964 VOLT 20753873 STAFFING SVCS: IT 789.64 20797024 STAFFING 5VC5: IT 904.40 Total : 1,694.00 17644 611712009 000140 WALT'S M!WILING SERVICE June 2009 l9PFONT F'OSTAGE PMT: #0404 589.78 Total : 589.78 17645 611712009 002000 WARD, SARA Refund REFUND SHELTER DEPaSIT 52.00 Total : 52.00 17646 6/1712049 000038 1NASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 00481 25-1518-5 WASTE MGN1T: MAY 2009 2,564.58 Tota! : 2,564.58 77647 611712009 001792 WHITEHEAD, JOHN Expenses 2009 WA LABQR REUATIaNS CONF 293.06 T'otal : 293.06 617090fl04 611712009 001865 MORGEN & OSWOOD CDNSTRUCT[aN PAY APP# 7 42219 BARKER BR1DGE REPLACEMENT 345,948.37 Total : 345,948.37 45 Vouchers far bank cvde:apbank Ban1c tdtal :1,0a9,fifi5.43 45 Vouchers in this repart Total vouchers : 1,009,665.43 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 06l1712009 12:50:51PM Spvkane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendar Invnice PO # descriptionlAccount 14mount I, #he undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the maferials have been furnished, the seruices rendered, or the fabor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaitl abligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticafe and certify to said claim. Finance Director Dafe Page: 5 CITY O F SPOKAIV E Vr4►ILLEY ~ Request fsr Council Act~~n Meeting Date: 6-30-09 City Manager Sigr~-off: Item: Check aII that ap,~ly: ~ consent ❑ o!d business ~nevv business El publcc hearing ~ infsrmativn 0 admin. repart ~ pending Iegislation A[~ENOA lTEM TITLE ; Payroll for Period En,din~g June 15, 2009 GOII°ERNaNG iLEGlSLAT[OEV: PREVIOuS C_ OUN~~~ ACTIOIV YAKEN: BACKGF~~UND; O,PT1ONS: REC_ ~MMEn'IQED ACTION O'~ ~~~~~ON: BUaCETIFINANC1AL IMPr4CTS: Grass: $232,227.37 Benefits: $ 37,343.55 Tatal payrol.l $269,574.92 STAFF CO[VTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS ~ - DRA1' T . MINUTES - C1ty of SpU~ane VaTley City Council Rcgu1ar lVieeting Tuesday, June 9, 2009 Mayor Munsfln calI ed the meeting to Qrder at 6;(]0 p.m. and welcomed eweryone to the 16 Xst meeting. Attendance: Citv Straff' Rich 1Vlunson, Mayar DaUe Mexcier, City Nlanager . lJick Denenny, Depuiy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike Cvnnelly, City Attomey Gar-y 5chimmels, Councilmember Ken Thampson, Finance Uirector Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Kathy McCIung, Cammunity Development Dir. Neil Kersten, Public Warks Dixectar Alasent: - Mikc Stone, Parks & Recreatian Directar RQSe Dempsey, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Steve Taylor, Cauncilmember 5teve Worley, Senior Engineer Morgan Kauclelka, 5r. Adrninistrative Analyst Mary Kate McGee, Building [Jfficial John Whitehead, Hurnan Resaurces Manager Mary May, Engineering Technician Carolhelle Branch, Public Information Of~icer Bill Miller; TT" 5pecialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INrVOCATION: Pastor Manuel Dennrng af Fountain n!Tinistries gave the invDCation. - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAIVCE: Deputy Mayor Denenny led the Pledge af A1iegiance. ROLL CALL,: City Clerk Bainbridge called the rollz all Councilmembers were present except Councilmembers Dernpsey and TaylQr. It wcrs moved by Deputy Mcryor Denenny, secanded and unanimausly cagreed to excuse CounciImemIaers Dernpsey and Taylor fr•om the meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy 1Vlcryor I~Jenenny, secanded and unanimausly agreed to czpproue the amended agendcr. INTRODiTC3'ION. OF SPECIAir GY.I~~STS AND P~SENTATXONS: nla COMM[TTEE, B[7ARD, LIIAISON STJ Y RIEFORTS: Councilmember Schxmrraels: said he attended the 'Solid Waste Aduisor-y Committee and the Salid Waste Liaison Baard meetings; and attended the euent at the (Jppartunity Grade School with Mayor Munson. - Deputv Mavor Denenny: said he attended the Agora awards last week as a represenfative vf 5TA (Spokane Transit Autharity); and went to the groundbreaking for the n.ew treatment plant at the ald ~tockyards area. Councilmember Gothmann: reported that he attended aSNAP Board rneeting where they spent time evaluating the Board and haw things can be improved, attended the Hea1th District meeting; the leadership prayer breakfast; went ta CenterPlace far the Senioar Citizen's Quesfion and Answer sessiQn; attended aBoard af Health emergency preparedness meeting where they discussed response ta future emergencies; attended a I7LTT graduation ceremony; went tD C3pportunity Elementary Schoo1, and attempted to attended the groun-dbreaking far the treatment plant but unfortunately cauldn't lacate the site. Council Regular Meeting: 06-09-2449 Page 1 of 9 Appraved by Cauncil: _ D.RA,FT Councilmemher Wilhate: explained that she attended a potluck with the seniars at CenterPlace; attended - the SRTC (Spflkane Regxonal Transportation Commission) meeting; the prayer breakfast; the DTJT graduation; attended the Mayor of Millwood's talk an what is occurring vvith their city; and attended a meeting of church pastors in Spakarae and talked to them about things going on here, MAYUR'S REP+DRT: Mayor IVTunsQn reported that he attended a meeting callet3 by the Federal Marsh,all cvncerning the jail, which included discussian of some aitematives to the current jail issue, whether or not it must be built in dvwntown 5pokane, and how to do it without spending $254 million yet keep the sa:me level af law enforcement; and said no decision has heen reached concerning these issues; attended the Greater Spakane, Inc. Executive Board Session where they presented sorne ideas to advance regianal cooperataon; attended a G5T Transportation Committee where leaders discussed establishing a. metro mayor's meeting to discrass several regional events; attended the STA operations and Administrative rneeting vvhere they d:15cL155ed recon~'iguring some af the ald buses to prrovide transportatxon for the upcoming wheelchair games; attended the quarterly NE 1VTayor's Associatian. imeefing; attended an emergency management and training apportunity, and he suggested our Cauncil get a Uriefing Dn #he training process; attemd:ed the Millwood State af the City address; went to a reception for the Washington State Ecanomic DeVelopment Gouncil, vvhich is comprised of a combinatio❑ of citizens, academics, and elected af~icials trying to press a little difFerent emFhasis on economic development; went to Oppoz-tunity Elementary Schoo1 where three fifth grades put tvgether a mock hearing abQUt the Cflnstitution and what it rrieans to be a gaad citizen, and he said mvst of the students understand that to have ahealthy city, citizens must participate and educate themselVes on the issues so they can be informed vaters. Pi~TBLIC COMMEIw'TS: Mayor Munson invited general puhlic camments. . ; Lois Har~er, 1021 NSkipworth Raad, 99206; she said she has always been interested in her city; and this is the third time shehas addressed the situatiorr: tlaat she addressed it to the planning division, then to the general publie in aletter to tkae editor in the Valley Vvice, which she then read into the xecord: "Ts there an. issue of fraud and deceit in the Spokane Valley CiCy Hall? On March 21, 2009, a letter was delivered to aur home addressed with ❑ur narnes vn an address 1ahe1. Na indicafion af sender, front ox ba.ck of the envelvpe. Pastage, an automatic stamp machine. The letter was abviausly junk mail. I was about to tear it in half thereby signifying its destination, the fireplace, however, I apened the envelope to find ,an offiGial tetter from the Spakane Valley Planning Divis'ron cantaining a proposal far a housing development in our neighborhood. The letter stated we had faurteen days to resporad. Idid so. Had T not opened this unmarked enveYope, I would have been totally unaware of the deVelopment until the graders rolled in. The praposal was accepted. r do not believe it was in effor for these letters to remain. unidentified. T see no reasan far 1ies. Our home was not the only one to receiUe these unmarked letters. We do not know haw long this practice has been used nor how far reaGhing it has heen. Clarification. should be farthcvming." Mayor Munson said that staff vvill laok in to this and get back to her and #o Council. Douia Rider, 19410E Buckeve Avenue: said he is tired of Sally Jacksan and her crew with all their skewed rhetoric that they are putting auti about the city; he said he came down a coupYe weeks ago and got a capy of Dur budget and he went thraugh it in detail, and he said he doesn't see a prvblem with the City's budget; he said that Sa11y is pattting aut that the budget balloQned to $110 million which is an un#ruth, when in fact the operating budget according to the 2009 budget is $49 million. He said if one vvere to read the whole 6udget, which he doesn't thi:nk these people have even laoked at, that there has to be a carryover and a reserve fund, and that the City tTas to carry enaugh money over every year t4 operate for the f rst fvur monfhs because the tax revenue doesn't usually came in until Apri1, he said he understands that because he was in the Fire Department and had to deal with that; he said that we haue to have a reserve fund fox unknvwn emergencies; and he said all the rest of the budget, if peopIe wvuld just get it Counci! Regular Meeting: 0+6-(]9-2409 Page 2 of 9 Approved by iCouncit: DRAFT and look at it and try and understand what's in there, that he doesn't think we'd have this disincorparation. thing in the works. He sa,id he has had friends tell him hvw they've been cantacted at Target Stvres and some Qf the others around the va1iey by peaple who a.re apparentiy h.ired by some person, and that he doesn't know who, but that the hired people dan't knaw anything abflut fhe City operation, as they were asked why they were trying to do thrs and the people gathering the si,gnatures didn't have any answers. He said the Valley Herald editar has put out a eauple exceltent editDrials in. the paper abcaut the city and vvhat wauld hapFen if it d.isincorparated. He said t'hat Sally Jackson is telling hex peDple that it wi11 go back. _ like it was, but he said, "thaf ain't going ta happen, and I'll bet anybady in here that that vvill never happen if we should disincoarpmrate." He stated zf we disincorporated now, he said he is sure that the City . of 5pakane the next day would grab everythin.g aut probably to Park Road; and he said he is sure Liberty La1ce vvauld pxobably grab some of the east end as they are looking far mare space; and he said he felt he had to cQme down and vent his piece abaut what's going on because he said he thinks it is wrnng; and if the Va11ey disincorgarated it would be a huge disaster far t11e area. He said that County Commissianer Mark Richard doesn't want the Va11ey to disincorporate because the Cvunty doesn't have the funds fa maintain whaf vve have here today; anci he said if people don't helieWe him or believe Cauncil, he suggestecl they go get the Caunty's budget and compare that with the City af Spokane Valley's budget. 1. PUBLIC HEARI.NG: 2010 - 2015 Transpartation IanprvVement Plan - Steve War1ev 5enivr Engineer Warley explained that tora:kght is an appQrtunity ta ta'ke public camment gn the annual adaption of fihe six-year `I`ransportation Improvement Plan; that he made a presentatian to Council last. week vn the projects lxstetl in the plan and that list has been posted on the website. Mayor Munsan apened the public hearing at 6:24 p.m.'and invited pubtic carnmeiit. 7'here were no public comments and Nlayor Munsort cla~ed the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists o$' items considered routirte whicb are apprQVed as agraup. Any . member of Cauncil may ask that an itern be remaVed from the Consen.t 1,.genda to be considered separately. . a. Claim 4'ouchers, Voucher # 17393 through # 17515, 526090026, 526090027, 528090046: tatal: $2,396,791.+61 b. Fayrall for pay peri od endirig May 31,20 0 9: $350,0 94.24 c, Approval af May 19, 2 009 Caunci I 5tudy Session Meeting Minutes d. ApproWal af May 26, 2003Regular Cauncil Meeting Minutes e. ApproWal of June 2, 2009 SpeCial Executive 5essian Meeting Minutes f. Approval of June Z, 2009 Counci:l Study Session Meeting Minutes It was moved by Councilmember YVi2hite, seconded Qnd unanimously agreed to apprave the cansent agerada. . NEW BUSINESS: . 3. Motian Consideration: Letter of Sumort Reizardina Studded Tires - Mavor Munson It was mcaved by Councilmember Gathmann and secanded tFzat we apprave a letter Df support encouraging the u5e af nan-studded tires an roadwuys in Wcr,shington. Far the recard, Mayar 1Vlunson. read CouncFlmember Gathmann' s drraft letter of support, addressed to the Spokane Area Good Ttoads Association: "On June 9, 2009 the Spakane Valley City Gvuncxl voted unanimously to authorize and send this letter of support encauraging our citizens ta use non-studded tires far winter driving in Washington State. I3ue to imprawements in vehicle design for traction cantrol and the aduent of superior campaunds an dedicated winter tires, it is aFparent that the use of studs in winter tires is no longer an advanta.ge. The damage ta our road system caused by the use of studded tires has resulted in precariaus road canditions due to ruts and Ioss Qf traction in rainy conditions. The sale of nan-studded tires should be emcouraged far akl c'rtizens. We also e~~ourage the State of Idaho to cansider aprogram endorsing the use af non-studdeci tires as we haVe many Idaho residents traveling tcr our city an a daily basis. We will ask our state Council Regular Meeting: 06-09-2009 Page 3 of 9 -Approaed by Councif: DRAFT legislators to support legislatian that will encourage the use of non-studded tires for winter tires. Thank yau far your aclvocacy af this issue." lVlayvr Munson invited pub1ic comment. ,Toe T'ortoreli of the Snokane Area Good Roads Assaciation, said that his Assaciatifln is advocating for good roads in the 5pakane area; that studded tires create about $18 million annual damage to highways accQrciing to their statistics; that studded tires are an out-dated aneans Qf traction and they'd like to ban their use as several vther states have dane. CQUncilmember 5chimmels asked Mr. Tortoreli if this drafted letter has enough "teeth" to satisfy the Assaciatian's needs and Mr. Tortoreli respanded that it does, and said their next approach will be to Idaho. Dick Sehm. 36265 S Ridaevievv Rvad: as per his letter distributed at the meetxng, Mr. Behm asked Council to give further cansideration to endorsing the elimination of the use of studded tires; he said that he believes that studded tiers increase the safety of driVers, nat just for traction but they aid in the ability to stop or rnaintain con'krol on ice-covered roads. He said gther winter tires, although vastly improved, do not have that ability to stop as quickly. He said the Cities of Spakane and Spokane Va.1Iey are the ecanomic center of a vast region serving Eastem WashiaagtQn, and Northern and Central Zdaho; and said this area includes mountains, hills and va11eys and has severe winter condztions that create hazardous driving conditions; he said araything that wi11 increase the safety Qf driving should be considered, and said that studded tires are the choice af imany who liue in these areas. Further, he explained if Washingtan. bans studded tires, would that stQp peaple from Idaho coming to Spokane Valley, ana said he cannot etavisian our Qolice department going to the Valley Mall and ticketing all the Idaha uehicles wit.h studded tires. Mr. Behm asked Councpl not to endorse fihe eliminativn of studded tires and instead consider other means to deerease their use, such as a public campaign andlor a tax; he said he understands that they damage roads, but said he believes other altematives are available to decrease that damage. L3aup- Rider. 19410 E Buckeve: said he has heen to a 1ot of accidents caused by ruts in the streets and all we need da is lvok at dQwntown 5pakane; he saia the State needs to elirriinate studs; that there are tire compounds that are jus# as goad, and added that an ice, studs do nothing, Cauncilmernber Gathrnann explained that his re-writirrg the letter is nat to ban, but rather encourage the use of non-studded tires, which he explained is mare of a"carrat instead af astick approach" and said he dQesn't use studded tires, but his wife does; and he feels we need a public campaign to encourage xhe use of non-studded tires. Councilmember Wilhite said that this letter will encourage people to exarnine alternatives, and there is a need to let the publiG know about the damage studs do to roads. I]eputy Mayor Denenny said that this issue has been angoing for at least the last fve years, that he feeXs the safety of studded tires been demonstrated not to be such a great enhancement; that the new technology answers tkae questions where xn the past studdecl tires might have been requ:ired, antl the damage to roads today can't be aecepted; he said you hit a paint where you have to say we won't allaw it any rrrnare; and said he would like to see councii use the original letter. It was then moved by I)eputy lklayar 17enenny to crmend the letter to change the word "encourage " to the oraginal letter's word of "ban. "There was no second and therefore, the motion was not discussed or acted upan. Brief Council discussian follawed including the pros and cvns of discussing this with Idaho; mention that what adjoining states do affects our area; having this as atopic fvr the next Northeast Mayor's discussian, and mentiora from Mr. Mercier that he believes city vehiGles do not use studded tires. Tt was then moved by Mcryor Munson and secanded, to remoue the sentence: "We aZso encourage the State af Idaho to consider a pragr-crm endor^sang the use af non-studded tires as we huve many Idaha residents traveling to nur city on a dcrily basis. " Vote hy acclcrrncrtiort to c•rrnend the motion.• In Favor.• Mcryor Munson. Opposed: Deputy 1~.'ayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Schirrdmels, Walhite and Gothmann. Abstentions: 11TQne. Motian to amend fails. Vote by acclamation on the original rnation that we approve a tettcr af suppart encour^aging fhe use Df non-studded tires an raadwcrys in Yijashingtan: In Favor: Mrxyor Munson and Councilmembers Schimrraels, Wilhite, and ; Gathrnann. 4pposed: Deputy 1k!Icryrar Denenny. Abstentions: IV'one. Mataon carried Council Regular Meeting: 06-09-2009 Page 4 of 9 Approved by +Cauncil: DRAFT . PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment. No comments were offered. ADMYNISTRATIVE REPORTS: 4. Ener2v Efficiencv Conservation Block Grant - Marv Mav Engineering Tech May explained the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant as per her PowerPoint presentation; she gave an overview of the Recovery Act Funding showing the City of Spokane Valley's grant portion of $823,400 and said this grant is not competitive, all we need do is complete the paperwork and apply; that the purpose is to spur economic growth and create/retain jobs, and to assist government in implementing strategies to reduce fossil fuel emissions, reduce total energy use, and improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building and other appropriate sectors; she explained that eligible use of funds are primarily for energy efficiency and energy conservation, that this is community-wide and not just for tnunicipal buildings and facilities, and that we don't have to do capital projects, and can do programs. Ms. May explained that the grant application timeline is tight, with a deadline of June 25 for the completed grant application, and said the award of the grant is expected in the fall of 2009. Ms May also explained some of the partnering program ideas such as working with AVISTA and other utility companies; and said the funds could be used for LED replacement in traffic signals and street lights, or even for traffic improvements such as signal coordination; or for the creation of a bike and pedestrian MasterPlan. According to her table, Engineer Tech May explained the proposed funding aspects showing a breakdown of the $823,400, with $400,000 going to the Sprague Avenue traffic improvement; $100,000 for bike and pedestrian implementation, $38,500 for bike and pedestrian master plan, $88,000 for sustainability, and $65,000 for signal LED replacements; and other figures as shown on the table in her PowerPoint; and explained that sustainable land use would include all those things our comprehensive plan touches upon; and explained as part of the application process, staff will be asking council for a letter giving the City Manager the authority to make the application. Community Development Director McClung added that the figures in the chart were the best available numbers to give to Council and when the grant is put together, the numbers could vary slightly. Council discussion included mention of the long time for street light LED cost recovery; mention of the preference of using "energy efficient and cost reduction" instead of sustainability which is difficult to define; mention from staff of the hope to have future opportunities to partner with school districts, and/or other municipalities, but such is not identified for this particular project; mention from Ms. McClung that we would use existing staff on some aspects of the bike and pedestrian MasterPlan as the $128,700 was putting a price on the cost of Public Works and Community Development's staff time to put the plan together. There was consensus to bring this item forward on the next council agenda for motion consideration. Mayor Munson called for a recess at 7:15 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:25 p.m. 5. Cable Franchise - MorLyan Koudelka Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Koudelka went over some of the cable franchise renewal facts, explained what the city can regulate, the franchise process, the ascertainment phase, mentioned that staff and representatives of Comcast have tentatively agreed to a draft franchise agreement, went over the major items of that draft agreement, and explained the next steps in the process. Mr. Koudelka added that there are still some minor points being worked out and he is hopeful to finalize the agreement within the next few days. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned the tree trimming section on page 13 of the draft ordinance, and asked about the land being public or private. Deputy City Attorney Driskell said he would anticipate that refers to public land but will check. Mr. Driskell also mentioned that the new cable code results from the tug between Comcast and the City regarding competitive equity, as they want to ensure they are competitive with other cable providers and satellite, although the city does not deal with satellite; and stated that they are trying to carve out as much flexibility as they could; and reiterated Mr. Council Regular Meeting: 06-09-2009 . Page 5 of 9 Approved by Council: ' DRAFT Kvudelka's sfatemenE that he i.s hopeful to camplete this svon. Mr. Koudelka added that the FCC has ~ ruled that if a new entranti comes into aur market, we may have as little as three months vr a maximum af six rnontns to issue a new franch.ise, which is a disaduantage froxn anegotiation standpoint; and said that the 3 5¢ monthly cable subscriber fee wauld amount to appraximateYy $1 0{],0 0(] annually. 6. Heariniz Examiner I"~ules - Mike Connellv . City Attorney Cannelly gave a brief background of the adoptian of rules of proeedures for the hearing examiner, as raoted in his June 9, Request fvr Cvuncil Action form; and said vur rules in SVIVIC 10.20 Appendix B clearly set fvrth the autharity of the Hearing Examiner; that he made two changes, one was in the matiaaa fQr recQnsideratian as the old rule vvas va.gue a:nd didn't state the basis for a motion; and the updated version exptains that a new autcome cannot merely be rnserted as there were past occasions where a decisian was based on grounds that neither party anticipated; and he said if there Fwere no~basis for the motion, the matter wauld haVe to be re-opened vvith a hearing. M.r. Connelly said the proposed rules have heen reUiewed by the Hearing Examiner, by Dur legal department, and if Cauncil now desires, the next step wou1d be to pass thxs to the Planning Cornrnission to gQ thrvugh the process of Qbtaining their recommendatian to CQUncil. Mr. CQnnelly mentioned that there have been so many dramatic changes we are treating this as starting over, and the redlines are just the changes farom last week; and that a11 wilI be presented as new. There was CQuncil consensus to mave this forward to the P1anning Commission. Auulewav Ne2atiatioras - Mike Connellv City Attomey Connelly said tonight xs just an vverview of where we are and where vve're going; that negatia.tians are ongQing as objectiues are vvorked out; he said they had come up with arr agreement when STA (Spokane Transit authority) stepped up and said they had the funds to buy the right-of way on the south side ❑f the street; that a list of a6jectives was presented to Council and to the Board af County - Cammissioners who went ~ver it with their attarney; but that in the midst of all this, the Supreme Court ; refased to hear our appeal and we receiVed no offers from the CammissiQners to rnvve ahead. Mr, Connelly said that the resolution befare yvu is adraft to set farth the formal pracess; and if we, thc County and the STA. all adapt similar resolutions, we can have representatives in nnediation to move toward the common goal: we, v►aant a rvadway, a right-crf way, and want to prEServe some ability to have some form of high speed transit same time in the future. After brief Gauncil discussion an the agreement and the prflcess, and mention hy Attorney Cannelly that this resolutiQn attempts to define the methad af negotiation and once approved, the City Manager wou1d appaint sameone to be engaged in such negotiaYian, and then camrnunicate to the STA and the BDard vf Caunty Commissioners; and that the City Manager can aftach the resvlution to a letter to the BQard of County Cummissioners asking therri to prcrceed in this same manner. CvunciY had nv objectian and concurr=ed to bring this Resalution back next vveek for farmal adoption cflnsideration. 8. ;alid Waste Svstem DetautY Mavar DenennvlCouncilmember Schirnmels I]eputy Mayar Denenny explained that this is more far infarmatianal purposes; he explained pursuant to an inteirlocal agreernent, we entered into the "5pakane Regional Solid Waste Systenn," and as part of #hat. system, the last of those bands will be retired by December 2011 and our agreement will end then as well; tlaat the SQIid VI1aste Advisory Cvmmittee {SWAC} and the liaison baard have had numerous meetings regarding the variaus government forms to cmns'rder what might ailaw the canti.nuation of the agreements, but with the bonds paid off, wvuld offer more of a voice by the participants; that a11 the issues concerning soiid waste were previflusly deferred to the City af Spokane, as it was the Ci#y vf SpDkarte which originally issued the bands, and with the bvnds paid off, zt creates an entirely different dynamiclenVironment related to what individual entities may do; and said we are the first that may 6e coming up for that franchise agreement; and said sotne things to consider wauld lae what kind of gaveznance would we feel camfortahle with if want to continue to partreipate in aregional systern; and . ' Gauncii Regular Meeting: 06-09-2009 Page 6 of 9 , ApProved by Counc'rl: DRAFT , whether we want to continue to participate in a regianal s,ystem or authorize the City to begin its own - so1id waste treatr,nent, ar other options and directiQns to consider. Councilmember 5chirnmels added f1aat the SWAC cammittee sent tavv recommendations to the liaisan board and to the Gvunty Comrrrissi4ners, and there was adifference of opinion and misunderstancling on the word "asset," hut said a lat of people think that the City of Spvkane paid for the ather two transfer stations, but the system paid for that; aI]Ci tI]7t waS d1SC1155eCI at the last 5WA+C meeting, but there are same peaple on the 1iaisan board who are sidetracked and he said he doesn't think it merits any further argument; that they should get to the meat af it on the governance issue, vve bave a metrQ, we have a nan- prafit group; he said he believes it should 6e sornething conceived arQUnd ametro system with a jaint voice frflm the participants; ancl said he feels that is what will happen. I?eputy Mayor Denenny explained the functLon of the SWAC cvrnrnittee which gives recammendatiQns t4 the liaison baard and to the commissioners, and said the Liaison Board is a policy baard fflr the entire region, and makes recommendations to the Spokane City Council, as they are the entity autharized to operafie the plant. Deputy Mayflr Denenny stated that xhe City of Spakane issued barids which were paid for by the participants thraughout the regivn; that the City of Spakane claims ownershig, and the questxon that lingers is whet'her there will be adiscussiQn that will allow the City af Spokane to participate in a region- wide calleetion and gaverrYance of that which will be 6eneficial to alI participating currimunities; and create new intexlacal agreements which will a11ow us to cnntinue on a regional path; and to do that, he said he feels the +City of 5pokarie will have to sflmewhat relinquish svme of the "ownership" of that; and. that he feels that is not the same as having a persanal "asset.," Tn respon~~ to Mayor Munson's mention of haWing significant cash reserves, Cauncilmember Schimmels said he does not think that is the case; and Deputy 1Vlayor Denenny said the reserves are being quickly absorbed. Councilmember Schimmels said that will pretty mLich be washed out; that there is acash flaw S1tLIc'1tIoIl th15 yeaT'' a decrease; vve have an audit heing perforrn.ed by the 5tate Auditor along with the audit. ora the operation of the transfer plant, the vvhole system; that there has always been pros and cons between the Caunty and anyone else that' s involved. Deputy 1Vlayor Denenny said it purpasely tried to use the resez-ves to off-set rate increases and to diminish those reserves by the tim.e the bands are paid aff and the interlocats run aut; and he asked Mr. Cvnneliy concerning the apparent glaring differentiation in the dates of terminatiara of those interlocals; and he asked what kind of a pvsitivn does that put the City of Spokane 4'alley in when most of the other entities interlocals, aside from Tsi6erty Lake, wi11 be running out to 2014 and 2015; and us at 201l? Attamey +CQnneily said the bands will be paid nff by 2011; sa the reasan beliind the agceements won't be there; and said he feels it does nat give us any advantage or disadvantage; it's j ust t'hat we will either have to have a short term extension until all the agreements are renewed, or we will have to rnake a decisian as to what participation 5we want to dv in vur regional system. Deputy Mayor Denenny said he feels there will nat be a resalution for a regivnal system and a new gavernance until the rnajarity of the interlocals are up for terminatian; and Mr. Gannelly saxd then the questiorr wil1 be, what fiype of an interlacal do we vvant to enter inta; what type af flovv cantral do vve want to agree to; and said there are various optAOns to consider in loQk:ing at lang terrn future disposal. Mayor Munson asked Mr. Mercier if our staff has the capability to be able to make reGam:mendations to Council to answer same af the questimns pased by Mr. Cannelly; and Mr. Met•cier said whiie we have atalented staff, they haue nQt applied their talents to solid waste issues becatiYSe we haVe been a tangential. par~icipant in the arganizatifln; and said he feels specialized expertise will likely be warranted and he feels there will likely be a callabaratiue effort as a region to ask all Qf the right questions and deter-nine the apprapriate answers; ana in the interim while we wait for the other interlvcals to terminate, N1r. Merciex said he recDrnmends we cantinue to prampt a11 the other rnembers, regardless of when the tertninal date is, to address these questions priar to the retirement af the bonds in T]ecember 2011. ' Mayor Munson said he would assume that the two boards will corne up with a series af recommendatiotas; and Deputy Mayar Denenny responded tha.t the County has asked the SWAC to whiftle it down frflm the Council ltegular Meeting: 06-09-2409 Page 7 af 9 Approved by Cauncil: D1R,4.F"T two they recommended; keeping in mind they a.re only recammendations; and said that the County had asked them to whittle that down and giVe the pras and cans vf vvhat is the mvst advantageous. . Mayor Munson asked what is the roie far the City of Spakane Va11ey to address those recommendativns; and Cauncilrnember Schimmels said he feels we shou:ld nat da anything; that the Caunty is basically autside looking in; that they have cvntrol Dr can choase whether to ratify the financial matters, the 1arge amnounts; but they have nothing to do ot- say about the daily operatiQn as they gaVe that up years ago; and he said he lovks at the two entities, the Caunty and the City af 5pflkane, as reaching a common graund. and eVeryone else, the small cities like I]eer Park and Cheney, has their say, including us, and said if anybvdy vuants to sell the glant or tear it down, they have a viable enterprise out there; it is well permitted and rauell runz and it wvuld hehoove the Cox,rnty and the City of SpDkane to settle scame af their differences; hapefully a11 of them. Councilmember Gothmann suggested there might be twa levels af decisians to be made: the first is to consider if we want to c9ntinue with the system; and the seeand is, if aur residents are better aff staying with a regional system, then the next question i.s govemance; but the first question needs to be addressed first. Councilmember Schimmels said we should task vurselves wrth th.is report; that he tallced to Mr. Connelly, the report is cvndensed and there is a 1Qt of regetitious information because of the interlocals and fihe changes; but to try to understand the hottam line; and he said as much as he has been around that, he can't see we could ever afford to ga out an vur Qwn; there are the federal and the state mandated ptans which would all haue to be initiated up-frant; and said perhaps three years would do that but he has his doubts. Councilmernber Gothmann said he feels vvhat they should request from staff is now t,hat we have the questian answered, that the hest deal is t4 stay regional; sa the next question then is governance; and he asked wha will set the rates? Mr. Mercier said that he feels it is impartant that this City not tiy to resolVe those questions independently; that Liberty L,ake and Spokane Valley agreements terminate 2011; and ecanomically we represent 30-35% of the bulk af the trash flow; and that.choices we might make would substantially alter the econamics for the balance of the users af the system; and therefore feels that a.ll the entities dependent upan the disposal method shouid sfaz-t working fQgether now to answers the questian if long-haul is the less expensive; or the regional plan, or some other vptxon as appQSed to trrying to do an independent analysis and to act individually as opposed to callectively. Mayoar MunsQn asked how much influence shQUld we expect to have on the negotiatians between the County and the City of Spokane based an the fact that we are relatively large caratributors to the system; and haw does Council interact with that negvtiativn process; is it pro-actively, or a wait and see? Councilmember Schimmels said he estimates that within the next ninety days we shoulci have the results fram the state auditor; we should have Qur cQntractvr on the audit af the piant; and we should have a lot of questivns answered; then we cauld address the rest of it; but we need that faundatiion. Deputy Mayor I)enenny and Councilmember Wilhite cancut-t-ed #hat we need the rast of the information. Deputy Mayor Denenny alsn mentioned that there aare crngoing meetings, some of which are addressing recycling, which as a very expensive companent of this. Mayor Munsora summarized that the answer to rraany questions then is we need mQre data, vvhich shauld be coming in the next year, and we shauld be patient until we receive that data. Councilmember Schimmels said Lincoln County has started an anaerobic digester in the Fishtrap area; ancl that is basically for fvod waste initially, but that could also take the compast wh'rch we are hauling clear to south of Yakima, Ravsevelt possibly, so there are some things happen:ing; he said that Ian Rabertson is warking with a~'iz-rn that's a second #"irm, same comparison of a product; and he said it gets uery complicated as there are multiple players. Mr. Mercier saxd that as we are waiting for further infarrnation; this creates an ❑pportu.nity for our representatives on the apprapriate bnards to press questiQns an the issue of governance and a callective approach to answering the questions posted, so we can make same progress in that regard while waiting for ather rnaterial, Council Regular Meeting; 06-09-2009 Page 8 Df 9 Appraved by Council: DRAFT 8a. Park Road Recvnstrucxion #2; B raadwav to Tnd iana - 5teve Warlev rformerlv information onlv item # 141 Engineer Worley exFlained about the status of this project, that a federal grant applicativn was submitted in 2006 for this irnproWernent; and at that titne, it was anticipated that the improvement would coincide wxth the Fark Road Bridging the Valley Project; that the iCounty had received $5 million at that location for that praject, and we got that grant for the design phase vnly; add'tng that we waited so long because we were so successful with so many Dther projeCtS, and there are only so many projects which can be campleted in a year, that we anticipate getting started on the design pbase, and wlien the next call comes out we will subm%t agrant applicatzon far additional funding far the right-of=way phase andlar the right- of-way canstruction phase; and said this is just tv sta.rt that design phase to get a hetter idea of how much right-of-way is needed. There was Council consensus to bri.ng this forward for mation consideration at the next meeting. TN~ORMA'TION O1~LY; 7'h~ Grafos Investment Property (SARP) was for informatiora anly an~ was nQt reparted or discus,sed. EXECUTIVE 5~SSIwDN: NIA 1t wtrs moved by Cauncilmember Schimrnels, secQnded and unanimausly agreed ta adjotrrn. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. - ATTEST: ~ Richard Munsan, Mayor Christine :Bain.bridge, City Clerk Cvuncil Regular Meeting: 46-09-2009 Page 9of 9 Approved by Council: MINUTES . sTUDY 5~~~~~~ ~EETING SPOYCAIYE VALLEY CI'I'Y +COZTNCIL Spvkane Valley City Hall 5pokane Val1ey,Washington June 16, 2009 - 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rich Munsan, Mayor . Dave Mercier, City Ma;nager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor NTike Tackson, Ueputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilrnember Mike ~CannelIy, City Attarney Bi1I Gothmann, Councilanember Cary L}riskel1, Deputy City AtCorney Gary 5chi.rmmels, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Ftecreation x7it-ector Steve Taylor, CounciImember Scott K.uhta., Senior Planner Diana Wilhite, Counciimember Kathy MGClung, Cvmmunity DeWelopment Dir. Ken Thompsan, Finance Uirec#nr Greg McCQrmick, Flanning Manager 5teve V'Vorley, 5enior Engineer Lori Barlow, Assaciate PIanner Ynga Note, Traffic Engineer 1Vlorgan Kaudelka, Sr. Administrative Ana.lyst li!Iary 1VIay, Engiraeering Technician CaralbelIe t3ranch, Fublic ~nformatian Off`icer Bill Mi11er, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge City Clerk 1V,taymr Munson Qpened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed eVeryane ta th~ study sessian. Intradicction of New Emplayees: Community I]evelopment Dit•ector McClung intraduced Mary Swank, nevv C3ffice Assistant who preuiausly worked as one of ❑ur scanner operatars and who replaces Patti Romero. Cauncil greeted and welcomed Mary. Mayor Munson said since this is astudy session with action xtems, he invited general public cornment; no comments were vffered, ACT~ON ITEM5: 1, Secand Readini! Propused Ordinance 09-012 Advptang Subarea P1an - N.iake Cannellv It was moved by CQUncilmenaber 1'aylor and seconded to approve Ordinance 09-012 whzch adopts the Sprague and .App2ewcry C'orridors Subcrrecr Plan. City Attarney Cannelly explained that this ordinance adopts the Flan anci changes the zoning for those districts within the P1an. He explained the two technycal. changcs ta the P1an and tv the vrdinance, ane ainendment each as shown an his updated handout an page 14 of 15 af the vrdfnance, an~ page 1of 3 of the P]an. Mr. Connelly explained that the new sectian 2 officx.ally amends the "official zoning map" and the secand is ta clean up the language eancerning nonconforznity as it was Cauncil's intent to have the rules of nnncanfarmity imposed throughout the entire city; and he mentinned the omission of the Iine in #6 was averlooked. With regard ta the new section 2 0f the ardinance, it was also mentioned that ~directly prior to that, the # 1 Q shaiild be # I1. Mr. ConneIly also explained that the word in #7 of the Pla.n, "governed" is more precise then the previous word "regulated." Mi-. Connelly also menti.oned that two suhstantive issues for council consideration. i.nclude the request from a praperty, owner on the east side to have their praperty excluded, and the other issue is the timing flf the effectiveness of the ordinance. Coaarrcrd Meeting Minutes: 6-16-09 f age 1' of 10 Approved by Couneil: ~T First Amendm~ent to the Mvtivn It wa,r moved hy Cauncilrne►mber Wilhate and secanded to make the tQChnicat changes as outlined by Mr. Connel2y an the sheet received. Mayor Munsan invrted public comment; na comments vvere offered. Council voted unanamoa{sly by acclamatfan to amend crs noted Second Amendment to the Motion ft was moved ►5y C'ouneilmemher Wilhite and seconded to exclude from the subarea p1an, the property awned by Mr. Grafos, also the property next to Mr. Grafos, the musie schaol. T'here was brief discussion on the issue of what wouid ar would not be nonconfvrming, with mention from Mr. Kuhta that if kept under the Plan, the Grafos praperty would nat be permitted so it would he a legal noncQnfarming use, and the music schooi would be a confarming use; and if excluded from the Plan the GrafQS praperty wvuld be a canfvrming use. Mayar Munsan invited public camrnent no comments were offered. Cauncilmember Taylor said he feels they should be kept in the Plan as it sets abad precedence to take particular prapex-ties out ofthe PYan, thereby making it appear if someone dQesn't like a partiGUlar use, even though they would. be nonconforming and grandfathere~ in, they cvuld be xemaved from the Plan because they asked. Other councilmetnbers stated they felt it would not impact the overall plan to have the properties remvved, with Mayor Munson adding tha~ there is no access from the Fred Meyer praperty onto these tvvo properties which makes future develapment dif~cult. Yote by Acclarrtataan: In, f'avor: MayQr Munson, IJeputy Mayvr Denenny, and +C"auncilmembers Schimmels, Gothmann, Dernpsey, and Wilhate. Opposed.• Councalmemlaer Taylor. l4 hstentions: None. Motzon to arraendpussed. Third ~Amendm+ent to the 1Vletian It was rraoved by Deputy Mayar Denenny and seconded to am,plement the Plan nctoher 1, 2009, which. - Deputy Mayor Denenny stated, would a1law staff time to begrn the implementation process praperly. Mayar Munson iravated public cvm.ment. Dr. Phillia Rudv, 5647 r1 Fruithill: said he feels the soaner the better, and compared waiting nere to a lag time involved when the County was addressing billboards, which lag time seemed to allQw apraliferation of biliboards in the interim. After brief counci.l drscussion on the mation, and attentivn to a specific date rather than sixty 4r niriety days, Council voted unanamously by acclamatian to amend as no+ed. Editorial Chanizes Noted: Cauncilmember Ciothmann said he vvas surprised to see that $vak IIZ was ineluded, and Mr. Connelly said it contained same development regulations and part of Boak IZZ was referenced in Boak Ix, and said rt made sense to advpt as a cahesive unit. Councilmernber Gathmann mentioned that Appendix A to Book III, "Starting Paint" page 1 of 5, and other areas vvYaere the text references "f gures" that the figures andlQr diagrams are missing. Mr. Kuhta said the figures, graphs and diagrams were in the Qriginal draft which was created with aprograrn we dan't have, and staff had to take the text out, cvnverk it to Word, and then. will use the figures in the oa-iginal, so they wi.11 a11 be re-inset-ted. Councilmember Caothmann mentioned. that the last sentence on page 2 of 5 appears that somefhirag got dropped, and there are a few rnissing wards in paragraph seven of the last page. Mr. Kuhta said he vvil1 do some cutting and pasting to make sure the ❑riginal text is repa-esented as Council intends. Mr. Kuhta also surnmarized what is included in Baok III, such as the intended city actiQns and what the city intends to do to help implement this Plan as funding becorraes auailable; mentian of future streef netwQrks, and one or twa-way issues, future street cross-sections, haw they look and function; and said that #hese ean change as conditions chan,ge and we wi11 get a better idea when we start to improve the streets; adding that the only segment Cauncil included in the future to change to a twQ-say system is between Dishman Mica and L7niVersity Road; and just to change the directian of travel, which includes signalization and stripping, is approximately $1.2 million; and said the full stareet with nevv sidewalks increases to a total af abaut $5.3 million, and alot vf that is around the City center, but we will consider the cost whe'n we get there. Council Meeting Minutesi 6-1b-D9 Puge 2 of 10 Approved by Council: ~RAFT f - Fou~~ Amendt~ent to the Motion: Avaend'rx B - Councilmember Taylor mentia:ned Appendix S and said while the sustainabvflity indicatvrs are okay, he has problems with the nan'ative befare it; and said he is uncertain if this particular language is samething to adopt now; that it appears to cantain some ideolagy in th:e rtarrative and he suggested arnitting or reducing the narratiue. Mr. Kuhta said that this Plan moves the City toward a rnare sustainabl.e fut:u:re; and. these were presenfied an the P~an to measure if we are mavang as antended!, that i.t has alwa}rs been ap~art of the plan, tha# we cou1d make it twa sentemces at the top, or remoue the Appendix and add a sustainabiIity chapter in the com,~ ~lan if that is Counci.l's desire, that it doesn't hurt to leave the indicatars there as it. points to a more healthy camrrru:nit}r. Cauncilmember Goth.mann mentivned that since arr appendix is samething attached to a main dacument, it was moved by Councilmemher Gathman~ and secQnded to delete this Appen~ix B, and renumber the fallowang apperrdax, with the idea of wDrking on it later. Council dascussian was rnixe'd on whether to take it Qut or leave it in, in whale or. in part. Vot~ by Acclamution to remQVe Appendrx B and re-nzrm~~~ the following appendix.• In Favor: Councilme;rrabers Gothmann, Schammels, Walhrte, and .Dempsey, +apposed.• Mayar Munson, Deputy Mayor .Ueraenny, and Councrlrrrember Taylor. Abstcntions: 1Vone. 1llatiQn to amendpassed lMayor Munson irzvited public comrnent: PhilYip Rudv, speakit~2 as Baard Chair of the Charnber af Cornmerce: he extended congratulations for tile amaunt of time and d:iligence ex-hibited and of CQuncil's acceptance af many public comrnents; thaC he realizes this is a living dacu'Ment and a good paint af departure. Dr. Rudy then spake persanally, suggested putting an underpass on Sprague in front of the Fring property, mentioned it should hawe fiwo- way aI l t:he way to 1-90 far ecanomic reasQns, and said predetermined streets shauld be pa:id far by the City at the assessed value devoted to the streefis aticl improvement paid by the City; that SARP is abig. project, and for the six miles, CQti:ticil has thc abilihy to direct wl7ere that develQpment begins samewlzat, . and added that development will occur frst where it makes economic sense. Sean Lum:sden, speaking on behalf af Spokane AufoRaw AutQ Dealers: said that AutaRaw is back on the radiv tel'ling everyone of the ,great opportunities if people come into Spokane Valley to buy a car; that he has a cmuple requests and rrientianetl the sign code ancl said that dealers are uncler pressure from. manufacturers, that they are sent the banners and are charged far the:m month1y and they are directed to set up the banners or be ~'ined, which puts t~~em in a tight spot; and he suggested offering some la~gUage options to make dealers feel camfartable, and lie mentioned his letter for d.istribution tonight and said he wou1d welcome t:he apgQrt,unity to discuss fihat idea; he sa:id fQr areas eoncerning huilding design that have been made for the dealers in the gateway commercial area, he suggested that be extended to that giece vf property wli:i1e ik is an the present sittiati.on; he said as dealers look to remodel and revatalizatian,. they are erncouz-aged ay the sfieps Council has ta'ken to enable AutaRow to be a truIy unique p1ace; and said that Appleway, Mazda, and Volkswagen are Qut Qf the gateway cflmmea-cial pro,perty technicalIy, 'but they 'have been a vet-y active memher in auto row, an.d'he asked that the Gateway Cornmercial District nat be exkended but gerryrnandered to re#leet th.e dealersh.ips whieh have also had a~ery large part in AutoRow.. Nancv Nishimura E 15103 Val.1ev Way. sa:id she oFposes the adoption vf ahe cauplet, fihat we need to remember that the Sprague street is a cornanercial district; said she has been on the sign committee, she tried to keeF up, she has abusi.ness; she said the down zoning of the curi-ent businesses takes away the value of the property and trarn.s part of it into residennia1; she said that this plans far sormething that we dan't own, the cQ°~ of Spakane Valley does own A,pFieway yet; a.nd said she objects to changang lives so m~uCh for something that is just a "maybe." S.he said she dflesn't feel she is being 1istened ta; said there was just recently sQmething abOcit having a healthy husiness district, but if the City is cutting aff their life blood' re-structuring the property, dawn zonlng ifi and grandfathering them in bu:t making tfiern. ' nonconforming, th.afi make5 her uncomfortable and is nat healthy;.ant~ ~akes her feel like she isn't part of ~f Cou:ncil doesn t care • ~f she~` ~ that . . th.is communi°.P and makes h.er question • _ ,~a~ a' th~ ~am~u~• °J 5 Council Meetir~g Minartes: 6-16-09 Page 3of 10 .4pproved lay Councrl: - DR4 FT restructuring the current businesses up to the sidewalk is impractical; uraless the City started with a blank canvas, fihat is nQt economically feasible; she asked abaut snow removal, and said the only area in town that has the buildings up to the street had a terrible time this winter at Pines and Sprague, wit.h snvw remava1; that 6usinesses that fail vuQU1d 6e easy for develvpers to snatch up, tear dvwn and start aver; and. she asked if that is reaI1y rnaking them feel partrt of the community when she fee1s there's vultures vuaiting sn fhe wings; she mentianed Woadbum, Oregvn which has aretai1 tiistract sirtailar to 5pxa,gue; but they have miles of hanging baskets ar~ ~treets whach unifies the cgty, and said it woule1 be a easy way to change the lavk to the city withaut a huge expenditure; and she said she will tr-y to get pictures and send them to cauncit. She aIso asked how does Council expect to pay far this p1an or be a healthy business climate vvhen tnost of the businesses wvuld be negatively effected; if the 'busanesses went out af business because they had to ma1ce a1l these arrangements for the streets every 200 feet, most af the homeowners are not here tmnight, but they are clueless and don't knQw what's gQi.ng on; and she asked if the b.omeQwners are aware they'd be stuck with the bi11 to pay for thas plan if alat of the businesses fadl because of the Ioss af tax revenues; and again saiel the sign codc is too restrictive; and she asked what abaut the people wh4 are on the streets narth and sauth, they don't have any way to have signs far their busi.nesses, and that the p1anning di:rectvr told her fihaf is a,n aff-prernise sign and is not a~I1Qwed; and she asked what are we gving to da ~~out that, but she said'~ that vvas never addressed, sa there are pemp~e whQ are }aeing left out and are tr-ying to pay tax dnllars and CaunciP shauld listen to them; and said she likes to have her portahle reader board that Marina Sukup said would be okay as long as it was chained to a stake in the ground; which seemed interesting. Dick Behm, 9405 E Spraizue. m~mber of the Spokarae Va11ev Busxness Association: said they have been involved in battles arad planning with Sprague Aven.ue for sixteen years, that Sprague Avenue went to vne-way, property values clrapped 30-40%;busi:ness values dropped 30%; and the previQUS speaker spake of pa5sible damages; and if they on1y k~ew what the peaple west of University went thraugh fQr fhe last seve.n or eigfit years in lost busrness and lost values of property; if t;he City dmes'n't cQllect taxes from t'he business Peop1e, the5"'d have to gato the residential c:ammurritY> hQwever> he said the have been warking on this and they support thc p1an and sup;park retuming to two-way; and he said he wauld expect an immeciiate increase to 20-30% far businesses on Sprague that are prescntly located on the one-vuay; said that the last thi:rty years his business has been a nQn-cvnfDrrming business ancl they have been. grandfathered in a.~ it was established in 1932; so they have been there for the last 77 years in that locatson; anci with the new plan, the restaurant becomes nancanforming; and bei:iig nonconforming for the last thir-ty years hasn't bathered him at all becau~e they maintain the same busirress; and now that the restaurant will be nonconforming, he doesn't intend to close it so that daesn't bother him; and he saad he feels we will wark out these pz-abIems as we gD alang; that people can look to the city and talk to the staff and vvflrk thase things out; that the ValCey Busine~s Assaciatioa~ not hapgy with the sign cade but said. he feels they can work through it; and said he believes each member Qf Cauncil is interested tin vvarking with th.e 6usiness com.munity to solve those problems; and he thanked Council. Council discussion and cornments i~ncluded mention by Councilanember Gothmann that the City af Spakane alsa bans off-premise sig~s and that we have had autstandl:ng consultation fa-am the business community whrch i:ncludes the Chamber of Conrrrnerce, AutoRow, and the Spokane Va1ley Business AssQCiativn, and most of the businesses are saying to get ft done. Cauncilmember Dempsey said she ha.sn't li!ked the plan from the beginning, prirmarily because she knew of two Df the places that the consultant talked abou~ when he gave examples of his work, that he was a mesrnerizing speaker, but she knew the two cities he mentiQned and she didn't li.ke them at a1.1; she said Cou.ncil has warked hard to try to make the rough spots in the plan mvre palatable to thQse wha abjected, that there have been many changes, and she is pleased the changes were made as she feels it wi11 be Qf beilefit to the city, that she is a1rnost to the point where she could vote for it, but not quite, and she appreciates the work dane by s~aff; _ ' with kudos to Scatt Kuhta. Counci1member Taylor said he is excited to see th3s came to a close and sees all th3s as a focal point fQr this commu:nity, that heart and adentity have been Yacking from the beginnang, Cauncil Meeting tlvlrnute.s: 6-1 6-09 Page 4 of 10 Appraved by Council: . DRAFT Councilmember Schimmels said he believes the plan has some good merit, but still feels it is very presumptuous of us to move east of University as we don't the property as far as Appleway is concerned, and he would prefer to do this incrementally, and said he doesn't intend to derail the plan, but will not support it. Mayor Munson said we can't live in the past or we end up re-living the past, and looking at what has occurred to Sprague for the past eight years or longer, that is not a past he wants to see in the future; he doesn't want to see property values go down and doesn't want to see Sprague deteriorate as that is not his vision for the future of this City; and he said he feels the citizens expect Council to be bold and provide for a future we can all be proud of; that the financing of this plan will take place over many years, and implementing this and paying for this will be difficult, and things will change and that is what this is all about; and can we manage the change so we can have some hope that the City of Spokane Valley will be a better place to live tomorrow then it is today; and on into the future with each year getting better; said he realizes the plan will change, and added that if Appleway is not resolved by the first of December, he said he will personally make a motion to revisit the plan and consider removing it and all the accompanying zoning from the Plan, and to investigate alternatives to Appleway Boulevard. Vote by Acclamation on the f nal amended motion to approve ordinance 09-012 which adopts the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan, to make the technical changes as outlined by Mr. Connelly on the sheet received, to exclude from the subarea plan the property owned by Mr. Grafos also the property next to Mr. Grafos, the music school; to implement the plan October 1, 2009, and to delete appendix B and renumber the following appendix: In Favor.• Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Taylor, Gothmann and Wilhite. Opposed.• Councilmembers Dempsey and Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-013 Amending Comp Plan Map - Mike Connellv It wus moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve Ordinance 09-013 amending the Comprehensive Plan Map. City Attorney Connelly explained that this is the companion ordinance to the subarea plan just voted on, and amends the map to be in conformance and consistent with the plan, and said there have been no technical amendments. Mayor Munson invited public comment. Philip Rudv, 5647 Fruithill, said if the Sprague underpass occurred, it could tie together the University City area with the twelve acres north of it which are bounded by Herald, Main, Belfour and Sprague; and by doing that you would have twelve acres that could have a very good ambiance where you could put the City Hall, perhaps the library, keep the open space or use the twelve acres for a park, and it would allow for a 1250 foot length of road running from Main to Appleway, which is a north/south direction; and said if he recalls, the Consultant said a 1200 foot street is an ideal street for a city center. Mayor Munson said Council will consider these ideas. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor Mayor Munson, Depury Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Taylor, Gothmann, Wilhite and Schimmels. Opposed: Councilmember Dempsey. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. Prot)osed Resolution 09-008 Applewav Boulevard - Mike Connellv It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded to adopt Resolution 09-008. City Attorney Connelly said that this topic has been under discussion for several years; the extension has been an integral part of planning and future corridor expansion; that issues like traffic impact, concurrency, and rapid transit; that we have been unsuccessful in negotiations with Spokane County and seem to get circular in proposals; the intent is to stop the circular negotiations and sit down and try to resolve what all parties feel are goals of City, the County, and STA (Spokane Transit Authority); and said this proposed formal procedure would require all parties to discuss common objectives and come to resolution; adding it would also require the identification of specific staff inembers to the negotiation pariy. Mayor Munson asked if there are any pre-conditions, and Mr. Connelly confirmed there are none and said the mediation is not binding; and in response to Councilmember Dempsey's question is STA obligated to respond positively, Mr. Connelly added that this is an action by this Council and reguests the County and STA to address the same issue, but their actions are up to them. Mayor Munson said three weeks ago he gave the Council Meeting Minzrtes: 6-16-09 Page 5 of 10 Approved by Council: DRAFT . Board QfCaunty Commissioners and the STA Baard a cQpy ofthe draft a-esvlution, explaining it would tae - up for Cau.ncil's cansdderativn within the next few weeks; a:nd he also e-mailed the draft tQ them last week explaining Council would be discussing it, and vvould welcome their cornmerats. Mayar Munson. then invited public coraiment; no cvmments were offered. Deputy Mayar I3enenny stated that thxs is ~~e formalizatian of a Fracess to get the movement going and get staff invQlved, and he hages to begin fina:Tly mouing beyond self=absar-bency for all parties concemed, and discuss the need af the comrnunity. Vote by Acclamutaon. Infavor: Unanimaus. Opposed: Nrne. Abstentions: Norae. t~'lotaon currred, 3a - ad+ded item: Mayor Munsan said we have a special annaUncement, an.d he recogni2ed Cauncilrnember Tay1Qr. Councilmember Taylor read tl~e fa11owing letter: "Dear Mayor and Cify Coune31: Zt is with both sadness and enthusiasm that Tinform y~u of my pending departure from the City Council due ta rny appvinttnent to the pvsation of {Cifiy ad:ministratQr fva- the City of Cannell, Washiragton. The past six and ahalf years haue been a~~ong life's most memorable, and my wark with the great City vf Spakane Valley has truly been the highligh~ of my professivnal career. T would like to thank the citizens for entrustin;g me wxth this honor and respvnsibility, and I wish Che Courtcil, city staff, and the entire cQmmunity the best gn the yea:rs to come. My resignation fram the Spoka:ne Va1ley City Council will take eff'ect at 11.59 p.m. on June 30, 2009. God bless you a1i and keep moving mur city fvrwarti. Si.neerely, 5tephen A. Taylvr, Councilmexnber, Positifln 2." Cauncilmernber Taylor mentioned he would have some ~na1 clQSing comrnents at #he Ju.ne 30 meeting. Each cauncilmera7ber cornmented on the aapcaming change, extended their congratTalations, stated that Councilmember Taylar would be missed, that they enjQyed vvvrking with him, i.ncluding his gQod-natured disag;reemrent at tirnes; and said they recognize fihis is a pasitave professional pragressivn for h.im. Mayor Munscan said information wi11 be supplied to CQUncilmembers sagn explaining thc law and a recoanmended patlh, Mayor NYunson cal Ied for a reGess afi 7:3 5 p.m. a,nd reconvened the aneetizag at 7a46 p.m. 4. FroDased Resolution 09-009 AdoatinE 2010 - 2015 Transvartation xmpr-ovement Pla:n (TIP) - Ste~~ Woxlev It was moved by G'o uncilmemlaer Wilh ate and secanded to apprave Resolutiora 09- 009 udnptang the 2010 - 2015 ,~~x Year TIP as presented. Engir~~~r War1~~ explaflned that as we do ann:ually, this as a loak at the prcrjects for the next six years; and said there were no changes as a resu1t af the gublic hearing. Mayor Munsan asked about item six, the "BrQadway Avenue 5afety Project, Pin.es (SR-27) ta Park" and a-sked vvhat the cosx would be if vnly the ,E1DA irnpravements were done, ana whether we would still be able to receive some of the federal grant maney. Mr. 'wV'orley said mast Iikely nat; that TIP is state-funded rather than federally funded; and the main part of khe prQject is the safety improue:rnent Qf re-striPping; that the ADA and sidewalk are typically required for any project TIB does, the re-striping is the main part. Mayar MunsQn invited public cvmment; no comments were offered. Mayor Munsan said he is not cQnvznced we will achieve what we want by changing the stxipping, and therefore moved, seconded by Councilrnember Dempsey, to amend the matiQn to strike #6frorn t~e TIP. Councilmepnber Goth:mann voiced his abjectron and said he feels such a rnQtion is premataxe r~~~n we haven't heard the data yet, and suggested council have that discussian nvw. As aresult, Mayar MunsQn and fihe seconder withdxew their rnotion; and Counci1'member Wilhite arnd the secander withdrew their matian; and CQUnc"r1 proceeded ta discuss agenda item #10, the "Broadway Avenue Safety Pxaject." 10. Broadwav Avenu~~ ~afetv Froiect - InLra rinteISteve Worlev Mr. Warley explained what the project entails, falIvwed by NTs. Note's explanation Qf the analysis af the cha.nges. Mr. Worley said that this pxoject is to ereate asa~~r Bro~dway from F'ark ta Fines; he said this is not agrind and averlay, and he shQwed same af tlle areas lacking the ADA improvements. Ms. Nate shared some of the results af the previous projeets, i:ncluding slides showing t'he safety benefits of three Council Meeting Minutes: 6-16-09 Pcrge fa af 10 Apprawed by Council: DRAFT lanes, and updated charts of traffi~ volumes and accident sxatistics befflre and after the three-lane - conversion. Mayar Mu:nson said if th.e xe-stripping won't achieve what we want i.t to, then 'at is not causing a big difference and w"hy spend the money; adding that he hasn't seen any evid.ence that the $187,000 is we11 spent, but fee~s the ADA impravements are necessary and would like ta find sarrre w~~ to do that.. Deputy Mayar Denenny rnentianed that previausly ~eople had cammented changing to three lanes would make ~t rr~are di~cult g ~n and c~ut of dri~rewaYs, but t~ze dat~z shc~°~s '1ust the apPosite. Mr. Wr~rle~" ~ r~av~ mentioned that sinee we received i:nformation an this grant, there isn't tirne to evaluate that area fiarther and we have ta decide vvhether or nat to mave forward; that same vf the stati.stics may haUe been affected by the last two very harsh winters, and the 1-90 construction may have increased the call%sion rates. Cvuncillstaff discussion cantinu.ed with mention by Mayor Mu:nson that he feels there is an intersectian. prnblepn on $roaeiwuay rather than a laae probiem; and Coun ~~merr~ber Schimmels stat%ng that if we eondemn athree-lane road we wau1d a1so have to cQndem:n 32 ,16 ,Mission ane~ ~ore; that this is a safety issue, and in moving fr~m Park ta Pines t'here ar~ ~ix schaols with cross-ta'affic, that crossing a. three lane road is far less dangerous tkvan trying to crQ~~ ~our lanes, Nir. Worley said that staff recam:mends mouing for-ward witb this safety praject ta try tv reduce sor~~ of the cQ11isions. Attorney ConneIly added that when maki.ng a decision about tr~ffi.c safety, Co'u:ncil needs to give a substantial. d.egree to tfie experts as ta what is safe and what isn't because if he needs to clefend. the City against an action if someane gets hurt, it is bes~ if that actian was done relying on those qualified. to make the decision deemed to be most safe. CounciI.m.~~~~r Dempsey mentioned that faur lanes is a. safety issue and she avoids Broadway east mf Pines as it is not an easy road travel; that ~ike lanes don't. make it easier to traveI and since she's been living an Sergeant Road, it appears the bikes 1anes are not used very much and feels we cou:ld get better safety results from intersections by havircg Ieft-tu:rns instead af through t1ie re-stripping and taking away a lane in each direct~on; and she mentinned there is no access for tlae handicapped. Ms. Nate said an r ptivn on the intersections is they cvr;ild separate the directi.oiis af travel fai:rly easiiy ancl it vvauld operate like Broadway and Evergreen befare being canverted to the three lanes, and would be fihe least expensive; or could widen the area afi the intersection and rnake it five 1anes arzd put in a turn. Deputy Mayar Denenny mentaaned hovv anLich he and has wife feel the bike 1aiies are woraderful, and even aid with the chx.ldXe:n walking ta school as sometimes they would waTk in the curb, and having a bike lane would preverrt the;m from walking right next to traffic. MayQr Munson sa:id he sees na evidence of improvement, that there is not enough data, and we are runniizg 1ow on REET fLinds (real. estate excise tax); that there are other places ta spend tihe moneY; and regarding school safetyy, he feels vvhat are doing cura-ently rs working as there have been na accidents with kids being hit; and in loaking cy'aser at the effective use of funding, said t y bene~t he cam see is that frar~ the A_~~, an~ improvemenfis. Council then maved baek to agenda item #4. Back to Ztem 44: Proposed Resolutiorn 09-009 adopting the 2010-2015 six-vearTTP It was moved by Councilmemh er Wrlhite crncl seconded to approve Reso hrtron 09-009 adnpting the 2 410- 2015 six yecrr TlI' as presented. It wcrs then nanved by Mayor Mun,san and seconded, to remave itern 46 from the TIP. Cau:ncilmem'bers discussed xhe issue including a mention from Councilmember Gothmai1n. that the data shows accident reductions and since ADA is req,uired; he prefers to keep it; ~ouncilanember Dernpsey sa:fld sh.e feels we could find someplace to put that funding besides re-stripping; Cmuncilmember Schimmels said it is a pasrtive project; and we get ~our money's worth, and it rrlakes far calrner driving, Cvuncilmerrkber Taylar nnentioned that he drives that sectian often, vofied against it originally but believes the cha:nge is positive and ~~~er for pedestrians and kids. Vote by Acclamatron on the amended motion to remave #6: In Favor: Mayar Micn,son dnd Ccauncilmember DempseY= Oppased: Deputy Mayor I7enenny and Cauncrlmembers Sehimmels, Gothmann, Tcry2ar and Wilhite. Abstentions. None. MotiQaa to arnend faided: N[ayvr 1'v~unsan i~avited public ctimrrae~at on ~the origina~' motiQn to approve Resolution 09-009 adaptxr~g. the 2010-2015 TTP as presented. Marv :Lloyd, 11216 E130': said she had acQuple issues writh. A17A; she likes ADA ir~prvvements; likes the idea af dropFing the speed limit; and questiQned if widening the easement and vvidening the sidewalk would mean havi-ng to buy right-af-way; she said that _ Council Meeting Mrnutes: 6-1 6-09 Page 7of 10 A,pproved Councal: DRAFT . Broadway scares her aecause af tne curb type twa iDlets due to starmwatex and suggesfed that needs to be improved; and she questioned what this would do to the level of setvice; she said slie understands traff c well and feels the schools do awonderful jv6 vf sIawing down traff c in thase areas, and asked Cauncil to think abaut haw changes change traffic, as it genera1ly makes more people irnpatient, rL'ote by Acclamcrtron on the motion to apprave Resolution 09-009 adoptrng the 2010-2015 TIP as presentede In Favor: Uncrnimouc. Qppased.F Nane. Abstentaans: Ncrne. Motian carried. 5. Park Rvad Recvr~~tructivn #2, BxvadwaV to Indiana DeSiLyn PhaSQ - Steve WarTeV It was moved by Gauncrlmernber TayZor and secanded to authorize the City .t1!Ianager or designee to exeeute the cansultant agreement with CH2M Hall in the amQUnt o, f,$3.I 8, 443. 44 for the Park Road Reconstructian #2 .Praject - Broad~~ ~o Indrana. Engi.neer Wor1ey exFlained tihe design Phase af the ;prQject as per his June 16, 2009 Request for Council Acti~n Form, that we receiwed a federa9 grant covering 86.5% vf the cost fQr the design imFrvvements, up to ~304,500; and that C142M Hill was chosen thro~u,gh an RFQ (request for qualificafiions) process last February. Mayvr Munson invited public cvmment; no coFnments were affered. Vate by Acclamatian: In Favor: Unanimous. dpposed.• None. Abstentions: none. Motian carried.. 6. EnerLiv Grant Submittal - Marv MaV Ma5'Qr Rresentatives o patxence in ge~ang to this agenda item, ~'t wc~.~ 11~~1~r~sr~~ kha~ak~d Avis~a t~~r moved by Councilmenxber Tcylor and seconded to concur wat1a the prQposed projects to include the EECBG grant applicatian and autlaarize cr 2etter of assurances as part af the application. Ms. May expiained that as presented at the June 2 Gaunc~l meetin,g, the Ameraca.n Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriates funding for the Department of Energy to issue farrnula-based grants under the EnergY Efficiency and +Cvnservatiara 131ack Csrant Pragram, and that we are eligible for a no:n-competitive grant of $823,400 to spend on energy cvnseryatian p1ann.ing on projects that result in energy savings; and - mentioned that th~ ~rant application must be submifted 6y June 25, 2009 and must include documentatian identifying an aFproved entity to ~'ile the apPlicatian and assuring conformance vvith the Davis-Bacon Act regarding fair wages; and said fianding As expected to occur an the $'a1~ of 2009, with projects imglemented and completed within thirty-six months. Mayor Muns4n xnv.Yted public cammerak. Bruce Falsorn. Avista, 1411 East MMri.ssiQn Spvkane, said he is the Energy Efficiency Director, and that he and Regional Business I]irectar Nancy Holrnes have been exarnining prQgra3ns atad said they are lookiiig at changes almast weekly when it comes to economic st.imulus; that if the City partners with them on home energy audits and corresponding loan fund~ to get insta:llatiQns done, Avista wou1d match it dallar fQr dallara . he said that SpQka:ne ~ounty fiovk th~m u~ their offer of $120,000 to use a match; that. they have nat yet had canversafiions with 1V1odern and Vera but could if council is interested; said he vvorked with staff in 1ast few weeks and appzeciates the ~~~cussions; and rrriuch I ake being the home town utility, !they would like to run same in-home energy grograrns; and said he is optimist in doing a rraatch with the City Qf Spakane; and wauld like to work vvith the Cityy of Spokane Valley as well. Ms. May said that the $823,000 is fihe city's farmula grant; that a11 the prajects defined ft wifhira the parameters, and Avista's program ~'its; arad the idea is we could take a piece of that and put it toward a program that ,Avista wou1d manage that wauld a1lvw resident:ial and small business owners to obtain. energy audits; help identify wbere sorne improvements cauld happen and perhaps make the iamproaemen.ts. Mr. Mercier asked haw mu.ch is proposed as part of the pa.rtnership frvm Avista, and Ms. May said at this point, there is riatl7ing identifed. Mr. Mercier reminded CQLincil that gt'ant materials must by fiIed by June 25 and there is nv other cauncil meeting between now and then; and should an amaunt be identified, staff wauld hav~ subtract an equal arnaunt fi om o~~ of the ather areas, as shawn. previously. Mr. Folsom said they are looking at as many pragrams as possible to aut-compete vvesterri Washington; fhat the probllem Ils a lack vf time. 'Counci1 Meeting Mirautes: S- I G-09 Page 8 of 10 Approved by Council: DAAFT , .It was rraoved by IJeputy 1'lllayor Denerany, secanded and unanimously passed fa extend the nreeting fnr lhirty manutes. Discussion continued regarding Avist.a's input, and Ms. McClung rraent~ioned ~~e fe~~~ the energy chapter for the comp pTan is irrrFortant and lays the fou:ndation for future fund:ing aPPortunities; and perhaps we cQUld ask Mr. Worley if it is pussible fQr other fund%ng oppQrtunities that cauld pay for ITS (intelligen~ transpvrtativn system) wh:ich as nearly half the allocation. M.r. Worley explained that this was Public Vti`arks DarectQr Kersten's higher pr.iarity project; but the prablem is typica11y ane can't match federal. money with federal mtaney, so we wou1d 11ave to find muney somewhere p1ace else. Mr. Fa1sQm said at a. 10 %`o mate h with fihei r non-federal mon ey, yt vvould invvlve abQut 30 0 t0 400 kaames; that th ey are ready to apply far a grant as wel l, and regarding the questuan if vvhat if they don't get the award, Ivir. FoIsorn said he assumes it wauld reverk back to the City, but said he didn't have a specific answer. Qther ideas were to split the project into tvvo phases and recluce the amvunt to I7`S by $$0,000; that REET funds have dwindled several hund:red t.'hausand per mo.nth which wauld be the main source of match in applying far ~everage grants; that we vvill li:kel;y have i.nsufficlent fu.nding for all `I'IP programs ira 2[}10; that bike and pedestrian plans or other infra~tructure projects wvuld have an irnmediate impact on traffic congestian relief; and mention that the Avista prQgram will not he1p all the citizer~~ ~s much as TTS pragrams. It vuas ult.imately maved by Councilnaerraber Gothmann and secanded, and unaniraaausly agreed to amend 1he rnatinn to take rnoney from the energy efficiency chapter rn the crnacaunl of $88, 000 and pirt that an t~e Avista grant. IVlayor Munson invited further public cQmment; and na cam.ments were offered. Vote by Aeclamatdan vn the finaI vate to concur wrth the proposed projects to include the EECBG grant applicatican and authorize a letter af rxssurances as Part of the applacation and to take moneyfrom the energy effieieraey chapter an the crmnurat af S88, aCIQ arad put that an the Arvistcr grant: In Favar: r]nanimous. Oppased: None. A1 stentions: None. Motion carried.. 7. Jusfice Assis:tance Grant 1009 - Morgan Koudelka It was rraoved by Councilmember Taylnr and seccrnded ta crtitharize ti~e Caty 1VIanager ar desi,gnee to sign the Memvrandtim af rlnderstanding apprdvang thejoint r~pplrcatron for the 2009 Edward Byrne Memorzal .Jirstace Assa;~~ance Grant. Senrar Adrninistrat'rve Analyst Koudelka explained that Spakane Walley lias been allacated $50,367 as part of the Edward Byrne Memori:a1 Justi~e Assistance Grant (JG) Program; that the fun+ds are designed to suppatt all coinponents uf the ez-iminal justice system; and Spoicane Cvunty has typically used this fundir~g for the Slaeriff's ~ffice; and said thrs is t'~e fi.rst year we have had five year~ qualified data ta a1l4w us an aIlocation; and that this c1oes nvt require any matching ~unds. Maymr Munson invited public comment; no comments were affered. Vote hy Acclamation: In Fr,~or: rlnanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentaans: 1Vone. Mation carried. Mayor Munson agaan apened t~e flaQr fo:r general public comments; no camments were offered. It was moved by Councalmember Dernp.sey, seconded and unanimausly agreed to extcnd the rneetxng. aranther fx.fteen mznutes. . RE+iGULAR STUDY SES'~~ON ITE1VTST 8. Surplus Items - Ken Thompsan Finance Director Thompsan explained that surplusing items is a new exercise for us; tkaat some of the iterns include obsolete equipment and furniture, old computers, monitors, and affice parti~~ons, a.nd even a. three-1egged piana and acity vehicle; and that we need tv proceed as per eode; which is ta ~'irst affer the items to other departments. He mentioned that this is just far background infflrmation navv, and next time he will have a resolutian alang with alist of the surplus items for approval, - 9. Discoverv Pi~yLrrouna Bid Pracess - Mike Stone ana uaarley, Parks and Recreatio.n Director 5tone said thathe and Engineer 1aVorley have been working closely an this proyect; that bids were opened and a1l bids receraed were clase to ea:ch other, but a1l were approxflmately Coarnci! Meeting Minutes: 6-1 6-09 Page 9 of 10 Approved by Cvuncil: FT 47% higher than the consultant's estimate; and it vvas determined that th.e Cvnsultant's canstructzon estiimate did nat include prevailing vvages as the Cansultant's home state does nat require that; and that ddfference wQUld have accaunt~d fvr about $272,000, which is a~out half the deficit. Mr. Stone said there is not alat Qf this tyPe Qf specialty work done in this local area; none of the coritractars whQ bAd attended the Rre-bid meeting; and tfie eons+altant received no cal:ls frvm b'rdders but did from svme of the subs. Mr. Stone said to re-design the pxQject would defeat the pu:rpflse of the project; and he asked for consensus that staiFf go back and research some additiQnal ava:ilable fandi~~ options, a:nd bring b~ck the propQSal at the Tune 30 meeting; with the antent af n.Qt discardi.ng the bids; but examining ways tv secure the additional furading to award the bid. It was moved by De~uty Mayor Denenny, secanded and unanrmvusly passed to extend the rneeting. f°r an additional ten minutes, Mr. Stone said t~~t the apparent low bidder is very excited aaout this praject and is geared up arid feels they can cQmplete the praject in about th.ree rnonths, which is abau~ half the anticIlpated time. Mr. Worley said this vvould be a lump sum' bid, that change vrders are negotiated; that once the bici is awarded, staff could work with the contractar ta see aUaut the passilaility of reducing some af fhe elernents. Mr. Mercier said that staff' will cQrne back ta council June 30 and make the proposa1 far council's cansideratiQn; another option is that we have set asAde $400,000 in t~e original corrsfiructiora fund far CenterFlace, which. was set aside for maj or repairs; th~t we have sUbseguently adopted a fnance policy and we are funding fhe depreeflatiQ.n of our bukldings as well, so that would be anothe.r cansideration. There was co+uncil. consensus to bring this back to the Tun.e 30 meeting fQr motion consideration, 10. Broadwav Avenue Safetv Praiect Xnga NatelSteve Wor1ev Na furth~r action fleeded; see i~em #4 above. ; 11, Advance ALyenda - 1Vlavvr Munson: mentioned the opening of the three swimmirrg poo1s, and - reminded everyorre about t1azs Saturday's retreat. 12. Council External Cvmmittee Repvrts - Couacilmexnbers nla 13. Council Check in - Mavar MunSon: nla 14. ~itv Manager Cvmments -1]ave Mercier; nla 15. EXECUT11VE SES5I£]N: Land Acq ~~~itivn, Pending Litigativn It was moved by Deputy Mayor L?enenny and seconded to adaourn into executive session , for approximcrtery 45 minutes to drscuss pencling lrtrgatian, 2and acguasitron, and the perfarmance reuiew of a publac employee; and thcat no actian is antacipated thereafter. Council adjaurned into executive scssion at 9:42 p.m. At aPproximately 10;42 p.m. Mayor Munsan declarea Council out mf execut~ive sessivn. Tt was then moved by G'auncilnaember Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed ta crdjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10.43 p,rrr. ATTEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ; Council Meetang Minutes: 6-I 6-D9 Page 10 raf 10 Appraved by Cauncil.° DRAFT AIUYUTES - SFECLAL C[]~CIL llIEETIENG . SPOKANE VALLEY CIT1~ ~OUNCIL Spaka:ne Valley City Ha1l, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue ` Spokane Vall'ey, Washingtan. June 18, 200~9 5:30 a,m. Attehdance: Cvunciltnembers 5taff Rich MunsDn, Mayar T3ave Mercier, City Manager I]ick Denenny, :Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Cauncitmernber Mike Connelly, City Attomey Bill Goth.mann, Gou.ncilmem:ber John Pietrv, Administrative Analyst Gary Schxm.mels, COLl:ncilrnernber Margan Koudei!ka, Sr. Administrat:ive Analyst Steve Taylar, Cauncilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation r3irectar Diana '+Valhite, Counc%lmerrmber Cary I)riskel1, Deputy City Aname} Michelle Rasmussen, Administrafiive Assistant Sue Passmare, Administrative Assistant Ian Whitn.ey, Lega1 Intern Jandon Mitchell, Lega1 Intern. Jea.~a Palani, Legal Intern. Carolbelle Branch, P~ubic Tnforrraatio~ Offic~r Carrre Acasta, Dep~uty City Clerk Chr:is Bainbr:idge, City Clerk. About 15 members of the public, not including rrnembers of the press. Mayor Munson opened the meetirag at 8:30 a.rra. ancl thanked everyone for atten.ding. At Mayar Munson's req'tiest, +City Clerk Bainbridge called the rQll; a19 Councilmetnbers were present. 1. ~aw Enforcement Sea-vice rContract Aisp~ute Resolutivn MayQr MunsQn said the purpose af this meeting is tQ discuss and hopefully take action Qra the next step ~in. resalui ng the d ispute between the City of Spaka~r~e Va1ley and t~e C ou nty over the billing dispute wifih the criminal justice contract. It was then maved $y Deputy Mayor lJenenny crnd secanded to approve the correspandence frorn Mayar .t'1!lurasora ta Cornmissioner lMaelke as presented; authoriae the Ma~or to s~gn and send tlae same, and further authoraze t1rae Craty Manager to transfer the sums ade~tified an that correspondence. At the 1VIayQr's req;uest, City ~Clerk Bai.nbridge read the referred correspondence intQ the recvrd: "June 18, 2009 C]ear Compniss ioner Mielke, Chair, Spokane Cv~nty C_33ffi cc af Caunty Cvm m issioners: A,s you knovv, t,he City of Spokane Va'1~ey dispufies the amoun,t invoiced for Law En£orcemerat Services pursuant to the interlacal agreernent bettween the C%ty ef Spokane Va11ey and Spokane County. This canclusion was suppdrted by the expert report we received from Fi:nancial Forensics, a highly qualifed ~'irm with extensive experience in the examination and evaluation vf financial disputes both in the private and public sector. Ira Decembe~r of 2008, we prowided to you the experts' analysis that we ha~ obtained along with al1 back-up materials. Other than your detnand £vr payment an Nlarch 3, 2009, we had not, rantil fihe Auditar's Managernent Letter dafed June 15, 2009, recevved any response to the conclusions reachcd by Fiaianela1 Farensies.. We still have not received any hack-vp data or analysis suppvrting the Aud'ttar's general ccanclusions . but we have requested the same. (See attached Pub1iG Records Request tv the 5tate Auditor's Of~"~ce.) Coarncid Meeting Minutes: 06-18-09 Page 1 of 8 Approved by Cvuncile DBAFT . The City of Spokane Valley places high irrapflrtance Qn public safety services t:hat protect the citizens 'of the City of Spoikane Valley. We also have a fiducflary responsIlbility tv ensure that the citi2~~~ this ' City cio not pay more than the arnvunts contractually agreed to. In lighx of the County's assertian that Spvkane Valley's with;holding of payment cornplicates the Cvunty's current budget dilemma, anti tv aIJaw both parties to focus on an amzcable resolutiQn rrf this . ~e ~Caunty rna~tter, the Cit~,++ CvunciT is wfllling to tender payment of th+~se ite~n• ~zed amvunts ' ~c~entified by t that are in dispute, specificaily $1,131,994.03, as reflecfied in the attached County's June Law Enforrcerrient Service Irevvice. The tender af these sums does not constitute a"settle and adjust" as set forth in fhe interlvcal agreement. There are a number of specific charges andlar costs that have been challenged or are being examined by our staff. Further, the City does not admit that we are in breach of any obligation tv the County and we cvnti:n;ue to maintain that withhvld.ing payment was appropriate under the ci;rcumstanees. The City spec:ifically reserWes a1I defenses and claims against the County whether or not asserfied, that ma ' . a be identi d i:a~ the fiatu:re with respect to this con~'act.. naw st P Y g pted araou.nt with the understancling that the County will cac+perate to reach ~'he Ci is a ~nthe dis u a comprehensive resolution of this Anatter. We request that the Caunty take all rreasonable steps to ensure the City has al:1 of the data a,n the Cvunty"s passessian or control necessary for a comprehensive review vf this cantract. VVe further request, as we have in the pa,st, your assisfiance i;n scheduling amediation tv explare afinal resQlution of this matter once_ we have receiued and reviewed all of the supparting documentation. necessary for our review. This tender is being made in good faAth and in recagn:itian of aur comman anterests as two gvvemsnental bodies who represent the same citizens and share many af the same gaals and challenges. We wall. cvntact you as soan as we have received the necessary documents to complete our review.. Thank yau for your a,nticipatieci coaperation. Very truly yvurs, Richard M. Nlunsan, M,ayvr" Mayor Munson iravited pu6lic comments, and asked #hat each person give their name arnd address; Joe Estinsan, [607 N Virginia Cou:rt, Spakane Val1ey, 9}216] said he gs a resident here and said that "what I'm seeing out of a1l this, the continuous ~ght_ whoever set the contract up with a11 the consultants the City has, it doesn't seem to wvrk. VVe did anather $50,0(}0 for the sheriff's department which I. understand come aut real gaod; by the time we're done with this with the fQrensics stuff, everrything e1se, , a we' ll wind up paying more than $2 mi11iQn, • it's money dDwn the tube~ ~~d the same with the sr~t~w glovuing; and my taxes are going up; and I da nvt appreciate it. I'm sorry there's nQbody in this group that can make a decision besides hiring one cansuitant after another, and yQU already Mave a cansultant working for yvu, vvhich doesn't seern tv work either. Thank you." Mayot' Munsan invited further comments, no further comrnents were affered, and he opened the floar for council comments, Councilanember Wilhate: sard she thinks this is the right step th~t we need to take; the Caunty is havi.ng casfi flaw probiems and she sagd she thin'ks it benef~fis us ta go ahead to pay the ammunt that fhey have established is in disputea but to continue our dialogue with the County Comrnissioners, that it is irnportant that we ma.ke sure we get value for what we are payirag for in the cantract; and said we look farward to working with the County Commissivners to bring this ta swift resalutian, ' Deoutv May❑r Denenny_: as backgrc+und, he mentianed that as a busf:nessman he re1ies upon his aceountants to gave him informatxon and prguide documentation as ta whether he is paying his bills properly, or any regulatory iter~s within fhe business properl.y; he said we b.ave intemal peaple wha spent a great deal of time analyzing these contracts, whQ faund a cancem; and when the cancern was found, they hized a carnpany whQ is an expert in this feld, to determane whether we were on the right track; he said that this firan fou:nd in their analvsis that we were payirag twa times for the same item. IJeputy Mayor Denenny said there is obvivusly a dispute on that nvw; but for a city such as Spakane Valley to pay twice for sQrnething would be similar to him agreeing with sameo~ne to pay for their principIe, mortgage and taxes; then turning around and f nding that he had been charged for thQSe taxes; then cantinuing to pay ` that full amaunt; he said that tfie County has ~ow pravided some infarmation disputing the Gity's stance, , Counca1Meeting Minailes: 06-I S-09 Fage 2 of 8 Apprr ved by CQUncil.• - DRAFT , whic,h information we did nat haue in the past; and to think that we should not analyze contracts to make _ sure that we are not paying twice for the same itern would be a fiduciary irrespansible act on the part af the Council. Councilrnember Tavlor then asked City Manager Mercier several questions: 1. Can yau let us knavv how much maney has the City Prvvided for law enforcement services since 2003? Answer: Mr. Mercier said he does nat have an accurate number tQday, bt.rt our contracts currently have budgeted about $16 mil1ian for 2009, and there wer'e lesser amounts in previous years, but aIl were ouer $ 10 million a year, fQr each ofthe previvus years. 2. Sa we axe 1QOking at prgbably somewhere in the real.m of $70 to $75 million, Answer: Yes, thereabvut. 3. And the cost of this Rarticular financial forensics accaunti:ng? Answer: We spent app~oximately $24,004 vra expert review. Cauncilmember Cothmanra: said thaf part of the process is, that it is a very 1ogical process listed in fhe contract; and if there is a dispute, ane party turns to the athex and says there is a dispute and here's nrty figures; and the other party then says, weli, let me look at my figures; and they gather their fgdires; and the one party then says, well, Iet rne double check my f gures and make sure they're okay; and then they exchange information, and that's what the contract is felli:ng us to da, and that is exactly what we're doing; and once both parties have exchanged infarmatiarr, and we still haaen't dane that yet because we dan't have the infflrmation fram the Auditor, then they get together and they can either agree or disagree; and if they disagree, they can say, you knQw what, what we really need is a mediator to get `rn here and help us reach an agreement; ancl _they're doing exactly what the contract says and exactly what is a logical. manner in which people resalve disputes; so far us to c1a othe3-wise, as was said, vn at least $90 millian af expenditures in the Sheriffs office, far us to spend'$20,004 an a $90 million expenditure to make sure ~ that it is accurate, and to rraake sure that we provide the county with. accurate infonmation, is to me perfectly reasonable. Councitmember 5chimrnels: said we haue claims regarding this and we haWe counterclaims; evidently vve dan't have anyone in this room at this point that can deGisively say that it is this ar it is that, but I'm happy for the situation here that at least we are paying aur way at this point, and vve do not cause a tatai breach Qf that cantract. ounci rnem er Tau o,r sai e wrs e e could e as confident i:n the analysis fram the State Auditar's of~'rce as perhaps the other pai-ky to this cantract is; and said unfoa-tunately we haVe nat seen the dafa to back up the claims that were made; and he said he is reluctantly agreeing to doing this; and said he thinks we are owed the data and the repoit so we can analyze theix analysis because fram the little data that he has seen, the City's Financial Farensics team has dane a yeoman's jab and we received arespanse from the A,uditor's Office with a three-page management 1etter; and he said he doesn't think the numbers add up . and he then asked Gity Manager Mercier seVeral further questions: 1. When did we notifiy the County vf this dispute? Answer: Mr. Mercier said he 6elieves it was in March 2008; and referenced Morgan Kvudelka being in the audience to verify that. . 2. When Financial Forensics compl.eted that report, when was that repvrt given to the County? Answer; Mr. Mercier said on I7ecemher 2, 2048. 3. And haw Iong after we had received t,he final repart did we prQvide that infoa-matiQn to the County? _ Ansvver: Mr. Mercier respanded f17at it was the same day the final report was received. 4. When did the ~County get back to us to say that they agxeed or disagreed with the report? A.nswer: Nir. Mercier said he is not aware flf any respanse from the County ❑n the Financial Forensics repart saue FQr the delivery of the State Auditor's Qfftce Management Letter this week. Cauncal Meeting Minutes: 06-1 8-09 _ I'age 3 of 8 Approved by C1'ouncal: DRAF'T 5. 5o there has been no real direct response to the Financial Fvrensics report in terms of this dispute that we do have with the contract amount that's in dispute, so it was part of the County's annual state audit, suCh as we have an annual state audit, sa this was kXnd of aminor portion of the particular audit that was canducted there; so I'm just trying to campare the level of analysis that was conducted. Answer: Mr, Mercier said correct; that we as cDUncil have falecl for a public records request af the State Auclitor's office so that we can obtain the copy of detail infarmation that wauld be useful far purpases vf aur analytical review; and all af the nnateraals that fvrmed the basis upon which they issued the letter of conclusion this past week; and said he wanted fa correct his earlier statement, the f rst request in the first yuestion was really March of 2007, which is when we nQtified the Caunty of what we thought was a substantial issue with billing. 6. And where there any times that we had our consultants, or tried to hawe our consultants meet with the Caunty C❑mmissioners, or vvith the County executive staff to perhaps go vver this information to perhaps try to came to a meeting of the minds? Answer: Mr. 1Vlercier said yes, the fi:rst offer of aGCess to the City's Forensics Accountants was made in I]ecember of 2008, and a subsequent one vvas made as well. 7. And did the Caunty meet with them? Ansvver; Mr. Mercier said no; the City exteraded an offer for the Forensics Consultant~ to be made available for questioning by Caunty representatiues so that the Caunty would have an opportunity to thoroughly understarad the wark of the Forensics Accauntants. 8. But those affers were decXined? Answer: Mr. Mercier said they were not taken up; that's correct. CQUncilanember Tavlor said given these particular facts, we haVe gone the extra mile in trying to settle this dispute before it's came to any particular climax as we've seen; and said he thinks the actian being taken today is extremely magnanimous and is one that he hopes will go a long way with the County in tryfng to settle this dispute, and other disputes; but said he thinks this is very important that we get these facts out an the table, and noted that when we do hawe a dispute, vve don't run to the media ❑r try to dispute this in the media, he said we tary to get things resvlved in an even-handed manner without surprises; sa today he said he wi11 support this but does so reluctantly, but believes the City will be right irr the end. Cauncilmem6er Dempsev said that she supparted the withholding of funds for this disputed amaunt of money because she felt it was the righx thing to do; and said she also supports the payrnent novv on the contingency that we are nQt admitting that we owe this money, but we want to rrrove an, we want to get on vvith things and we want to establish rapport with the Count}r whereas right now we seem to haVe like a hus6ancl and a wife wha are in the rniddle af divorce proceedings; na rnatter what yau say, it's the wrong thing; and we wa.nt to make it the right thing and we want to deal with the Caunty in an upfront and righteaus manner; and said she thinks this is the way to handle it at this point, Mavor Munson: said he would Iike to acknawledge a.nd tha:nk 1VIr. Mrelke, Mr, Emacio, and Mr. Farnell for coming th,is morning on such shart notice, and a1sQ Sheriff Kriezovich; and he said that he called each of them, and saw Sheriff Knezovich yesterday afternovn and inVited them personally, along with Mr. Mielke's colleagues; and said that the County Commissipners have killer schedules and said we truly appreciate theam being able to break loase at a time like this and attend. Mayor Munson said that the Caunty and the +City really do get a1ong pretty well mast gf the time; t,hat we have seventeen cnntracts that we deal with them; and there are afew times when even the best Qf friends don't agree; and this is one of thase times; and said he personally feels t,he rhetvric has gotten ❑ut of hand, and was unnecessary and was nat helpful in moving this fQr:ward, hut said that's behind us naw; and said we must move forward and. attempt to settle this in the most amicable way we can; and said that this motion we are considering taday is a positive step in that direction; he said the City will attempt to keep it as this level and to provide the ~ public with as much xnformation as we can as to what we're doing, he said he has written a couple Cauncil tl!Ieeting Minutes: 06-1$-09 Page 4 o.,f'8 Approved by Cnuncil: ~ articles, it has 6een discussed at Council meetings, and said that he thinks we are trying to keep this on a level that prorriotes a friendly conclusion; and said both sides shvuld be able to win ❑n this and nabQdv has to lose as the winner is going to haWe a better contraet will eixher receiae ar pay the correct amounti of dollars needed to prowide police services; and said that as his colYeagues have stated this rnorning about the amount vf money we pay, fihat paw enforcernent is the largest single item in our budgeti and is probably the mQSt important part Qf the services we pravide to the public; and said you put your maney where yaur anauth is7 hawever, he said we also believe that we pay what we owe a.nd that anybody cara make a mistake; and he said he honestly believes that is what happened, bufi said it 'ts not up to him to make that decision; that, we have hired experts who have supported aur position; the 5tate Auditor, in laoking a.t data we have not yet seen, has felt that there was no error by the County; and we need to get that. infarmation, we need to analyze it and talk about it and get both sides together, loak at hoth repDrts a.nd bath levels of data side-by-side, and then come to a logical canclusian as to vvho's rfght. Mayor Munson said that we have asked, he believes it was in early 2008, for mediation to take place; and he said the County has refused; and he said he hopes that after vve receive the State infonnation that they used to maike their detea-mi:nation in their audit, that we will be abie to go forward without mediation, but if vve can't , then we'd like the Caunt-y to follow the contract and agree to mediatian; and he said we dorr't think we're aslcing far too much; and after we haVe vated on this, he said he wiil describe what they eonsider to be the next steps for this process. Councilmemher Gathmann: cvmmen~ed that this in no way reflects on fhe outstanding searvice the Shexxffs Qffice and his staff give us in police service; and said he fee1s everyone would agree that we really appreciate his service and that we think heys doing an autstanding job; that this is a contract dispute with the County and in na way has any reflection or should it ref1ect on the autstanding job that the sheriff is doing and our police chief and aur police force. Mayor NTunson said he feels Cfluncil all agrees with that. Vote by Acclamation on the mation to appro:ve the carrespQndence ~'rom Mcryor Munson to Ccrmmissioner Mielke as presented, authorize the Mayar to sign and send the same, andfurther autharize the City ManAger to trans, f'er the sums identified in that carrespondence: ln Favor: Unanimous. Opposed- IVane. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Mayor Munson then read the fQllawing prQcedure that he, s~aff and he believes Council have discussed a.nd feel are the next steps fox the resalution of this misunderstanding: We received a cvpy vf fihe draft Management Letter written by the Washington 5tate Auditrr's Office, which did not contain any backup data or supparting materiai for how the Auditar's Offce reached the concIusions it did. The City is now essentially in a discvvery process to deterrnine the bases far the Auditar's letter. -As part af the discavery process, vn ,Tune 16, 2009, the City made a public record req,ue5t pursuant to RCVV 42.56 to the Washingtan 5tate Auditor requesting cQpies of each and every document relied upon in reaching the findings and conclusians as represented in the Management Letter. We have requested the assistance ❑f Spokane County in encouraging the Aud:itvr's C]ffice in an attempt af expediting the arriuai vf these documents: (and Mayvr Munson mentianed that accarding to comments made by tfie ' Cvunty, they have done that). -Once we receive that documentatimn, we will immediately tum it over to our ftnancial expert,. FinanciaP Forensics, to consider in relation to their prior analysis to defiermirte vvhether it causes them to amend their prior opinian. . - After Financiai Forensics has reuiewed and considered #he Auditar"s background dafa, they will meet wath the representatives of the Auditor's (Jffice who grepared and issued the Maraagement Letter to see if they can reconcfle rernaining differences, if any. This was encouraged by the Baard af Cauniy Camrrnissianers as well. Fallowing the aneeting between Financiai Forensics and the State Auditvr's dffce, Financiai _ Forensics will prvvide a public presentation to the Council and crur i:nterested citizens regardirag their vpinion, and the data they relied upon in reaching it. Council fVleetang Minutes.• 0648-09 Page 5 0f 8 Approved by Coxcncil: i DRAFT a - In the event the City and County still do not agree on a resolution, the City should request use of the mediation process provided for in the contract." Mayor Munson said we think this is an orderly and objective way to proceed; that we don't want to surprise anybody as we go through these steps, and that's one of the reasons why we've asked everybody to be here this morning so you can understand what we're moving forward on. Mayor Munson opened the floor questions or comments from anyone in the room. Commissioner Mielke: he thanked Mayor and Council for the invitation to attend, and apologized for running late, stating it probably is a good sign we have road construction projects that are well under way and the flaggers are out there in force. He said he wanted to first applaud Council on the actions they are taking today; and to reinforce the statement made earlier that we have a number of agreements that exist between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County, and he said he thinks they work hard to make those work to the benefits of the residents of this region and occasionally, they do have the issue of interpreting the contracts as they are stated; and said they work through those hopefully in an orderly process. He said he feels the issue for them is a couple of things: when there is a mountain of dispute they do go back and they look at the contract; and the first issue from Spokane County's perspective is, they don't believe there is anything in the contract that allows the withholding of funds in lieu or mediation or until mediation takes place, and he said they believe the contract states very clearly you establish the amount, divide it by twelve, it's a monthly payment, and if you disagree with that it goes into mediation, but there is nothing in the language of the contract that allows for withholding of the payment amount, and he said he thinks that is what created a problem with regard to cash flow for Spokane County in a cumulative amount, and also as they look at 2010 the potential of more than twenty positions being lost at Spokane County if that cash flow isn't restored; and he said obviously they are very concerned in these economic times with any layoffs in any jurisdictions as these are people's livelihoods, and is their way of supporting their family. He said that was the first point, that they wanted . to get past this whole issue about withholding payment, as they don't believe it is in the contract, and the ' other question is, what is the withholding based upon. He said the second issue is an important one, and that is they can go through this whole issue about hiring experts, and he said they certainly didn't want to get into a situation where "my expert is better than yours;" as he said he doesn't know if that really comes to a good solution in a short period of time; so what they chose to do is to go through the one agency seen as a neutral arbitrator of public finance in the state, the State Auditor's Office; that looks at both cities and counties across the state and determines whether their financial practices are accurate or not; and so yes, he said they did receive the City's information in December, and they assumed that shortly thereafter they would be receiving the information from the State Auditor's Office and could get folks together to compare those notes; and he said obviously the State Auditor's Office was not prepared to release any information to anyone right about the first of the year when the County anticipated that information. Commissioner Mielke stated that they do have another issue in this contract that at some point they need to address; he said as the contract currently says is the only way to amend the contract is by mutual consent; and right now what the contract says is that under this formula, Spokane Valley is locked in at paying 42% of law enforcement services regardless of whether it really is 42% or not; and if that is broken down into different components, whether for canine, patrol, or forensics, there are some cases where it is probably higher, and some cases where it is probably lower then the 42%, so at some point he said they would like to ask for the City's commitment to go back and take a look at amending the contract without putting any jurisdiction into the position of having to serve notice to cancel the contract just to get the contract amended; and said he thinks the best way to do that is to go through it while we have a contact in effect and there is no disruption of services and to make sure we get it right and to make sure that Spokane Valley is not over or under paying. Mayor Munson said that he believes that is in the contract that we can re-negotiate at the end of each year; and Commissioner Mielke said he believes it has to be by mutual consent; and if either party decides not Council Meeting Minutes: 06-18-09 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council.• DRAFT to engage in that negatiation, the other side is stuck; and he said he guesses that is ane of the things they witl be asking is for Spokane Valley to agree #hat we want to go in and make sure it is right, and negatiate an amendment to xhe cvntract that clarifies some ❑f these ambiguities in the Ianguage. Mayor Munsan. said he believes that tae record shavvs that both sides have said they are willing t4 go intQ nevv contract negmtiations; and Cammissianer Mie1ke said "terrific" and okay, and fu:rther stiated #hat the last point that he wanted to riaake is the whole notion of how this has unfalded and the issue of inediation; and said we still have some disagreement with vvhat is subject to mediation and what is nQt; h~ said he believes tkae formula itself is stated in the cantzact, and that is n4t subject fia rriediatian; the arnounts you plug inta the formula, he said, he believes are, ana the question is whether the farmula is accurate or not; and whether it should include certain averhead costs; and sa they continue to ta1ce an issue with regard to whethex the issues raised by Spokane Va11ey are a1l subject to mediation or not, ar whether the caratract as the cantract; and whether it is or is nat well written in certain areas, he said he thinks that begs the question of going back and trying to amend the cantract, and bring svme clarity with regard to the verbiage, much af which was negotiated before sorne af us were in affice; and said that as they go back and Ioak at the language, and ask wha~ was rneant by that or this; and irr ciosing, he said he vvanted to take issue with regard to same vf the comments made by CQUncilman Taylar, and that is that they have been unwilling to respand. He said tha't vvhen they were first made aware of this notice and they asked to srt dawn elected afficials to elccted officials, they were tvId that Spokane Va11ey was hiring a cansultant to laok thrQUgh the numbers, and were not prepared to sit down to do tha#; so that was the irst issue and he said they waited far that. Cauncilmernber Taylor said in respanse, in dealing with disputes aver contracts, elected afficials in the . County's form caf gavernment da nat sit down vvith elected officiais in the City's form of governanent, they instead sit down with the +City Manager and staff. Commissioner MieIke responded that at the end of ~ the day, as ari elected afficia1, Coun.ciimember Taylor gets to determine the leve1 of services and how staff carr°ies out the duties of Spokane Valley; and he said he thinks the vvters of Spokarre Valley expect them to do that; and he said to CQUncilmember Tay1ar, I think the issue that yau raise is when you say we - never responded, Commissioner Mielke said they had a joint meeting; between clected offcials `tn February that Cuuncilmember Ta.ylor did nat attend; and they very specif ca11y brought this topic up, talked about tkaeir con.cems abaut the methodolQgy; hovv to ga farward, and they sent a fo1law-up leiter; so for Councilmember Tayl.or to say there is no response ever for a meeting that he did nvt attend, Commissioner Mielke said h.e feeis is irraccurate; and he asked that Councitrrrernber Taylor make sure ahQut what is said at meetings tihat he aid nat attend in a1l fairness to those that did. Commissioner Mielke said that he is very happy to be moving forward, and he feels it is for the best interests af a11 the residents of this region; they want to make sure that seavices aare as seamless as passible; and that those searwices are provided in the best way; and when there is a conf7iet, that they find the best way to resolve those ccanflicts; and said he is confident we are mQVing forward in trying to do that; and said he feels the next step is to get the State Auditor's backup ciata; that boxh entities have requested that informatian and said he knows there has been dialogue betwcei1 Financial Farensics and the State Auditor by phone as they both went through this process; and said it prabably is time to get tihase twa entities tagether and discuss their reports and determine the best way to mave forward and resalwe this issue ance and far all; and said then perhaps we can moue into a dialogue about any amendments to Glarify ambiguit`res that cua-rently exist in the contract. Mayor Munson said he wanted to make it clear that this Council is nvt gQ'tng to do the negotiations as tha:t is tfie respQnsibility of staff; and Council's job is to approve or disaPprave the outcome. CQrnmissioner Mielke acknowledged that and said at same point we haue to talk abQUt these issues; beca;use he said that he believes every one af the staff ultimately reporks to Council to determine whether the respanse is timely and whether we are moving issues forward; and going back to Mr. Taylor's comments; Comrnissianer Mielke said he has now asked three times for this tQpic to be on the agenda for a joint , maeeting betrveen eleeted offrcials because he beIieves 1aw enforcement is Qne of the mQSt basic functions af your 1aca1 government; and three times he has been denied to have that an the a,genda; and he said that Council 1Vleetang Minute.s: 06-1 8-09 Page 7 of 8 Appraved by Gouncr`l: .~RAFT this is the first time really, as elected off cia1s, we have been able to discuss this topic other then the February meeting where it wasn't allowed on the agenda buti they discussed it anyvvay. Councilmember Taylor stated that he believes that this Council has been very clear that they are not going to negatiate contracts ar negotiate cantract disputes at a public meeting as that is the respQnsibility ❑f our staff under the CDUncillManager fQrm af government, the RCW's at°e vety clear about whv has responsiaility vf . negotiating and executing contracts and that Council approves or disappraves the negotiated terms, Cammissianer Mielke said he understands and he said that the City Manager warks at the pleasure vf Councxl. Councilmember Taytor said that is correct, and if council dvesn't agree witih what he does, then they have the vptian to have him vvork or not vvork at Counci1's pleasure; and Commissioner Mielke said and that is his point. Gauncilmeinber Taylor further said that Council still approves the outcame, and if Council doesn't like the vutcome, they disapprove it and it goes back tQ the tab1e. Mayor Munsan said that he guarantees tQ Mr. Mielke that Council wiIt nQt discuss whether they will hire or fire fihe Czty Manager with fhe County i:n apubYic meeting. Commissioner Mielke said that is nat his intent; but that his issue is whether the approach made by the City's jurisdictiQn is apprvpriate in Council's eyes as deemed by Cfluncil's cQnstituents. Councilmer.nber Taylor said he feels the RCW is Very cXear, and Mr. Mielke said he is well aware of the RCW; and he thanked Council for this opportu:nity and said he is glaci we are rnaving farward and he looks for resalution to this issue. - Mlayor Munson opened the floor for question a.nd answer, including from members of th,e press. Ciordan Currv, [14313 E Trent Avenue] said he has been around the valley for alang ti:rrae, said that it seems to him that an entity af the valley ar the caunty cauld afford to hire a persQn that has the capabiliry mf making a decision without having to go aut and hire experks tv do the work we are probabIy paying good wages to sarneane ta make those decis'tatas; a.nd he said that it seems ta him that ever-y time an important Yssue comes up, the entities go out a.nd hire experts ta give them the correct. stuff; and said h,e thinks maybe we hav e people an board that are very capable of making those decisxvns, and said he ~ would hope that we would trust the people we hire and pay gflvd wages tQ, tv make fihese decisiorrs. There being no further carnments vr questions, Mayor Munson again thanked everyone for coming Qn. such shart notice, and said he feels we have made a very valuable steF fiorward. Mayar Munsan then adjaurned the meeting at 9:06 a.m. ATTE5T: Richard Munson, IVlayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk . Council MeetirtgMinutes: 06-18=09 Page 8 0~8 AFproved by CDUncil: CITY OF SF~OKA6VE VALL'El( Request for +~~~ncil ►4ctivn Meeting Date: June 30, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check al'I that ap;ply: ❑ consent ❑ vld business ~ ne►nr business ❑ pubfic hearing 0 unformatian ❑ admin. report ~ pending legislation 14~ENaA ITEM TITLE; C3iscovery Playgrvund Bid Award GOVERNING !LEGISL►4T1ON: N,1A PREVIQUS COLINCIL ACTIO6V TAKEN': Name Ghange.and fanal design approved by Council iru January 2009-, Admin Repart on bid results at June 16, 2009 Stud!y Session. , B1~CKGROUNOs The Discovery Playground Project was advertised for bids May 1, 2009. Bids vvere opened Tuesday, June 9, 2009. Three bids were recetved with a11 three bids being higher than the Landscape Architect's estimate. In vrder to award fhe bid, additiQnal funds uvi!l be . needed. This playgraund was designed to prauide accessib9e and imaginative Iearn-arad-p1ay act6vities for a variety of ages an+d abelities. The unique desogn utiCized sight, saund, scent and tvuch to prov9de o,pp+ortunities for physical, eduucational and sacia9 deuelopment. Staff has been able to reallocate to aalow far the award of the base bid to the lawest responsive bidder. This addifiianal funding a[Ivws for project constructivn, project management and contingency funds. A tvtaf vf $576,000 in ad+ditional funds will cvme fram the fa1lvwang: 1, Balance remaining frnm the canstruction of the CenterPlace project, approximately $405,000. 2. The existing 2009 and proposed 2010 Park Capital Budgets; apprvximately $171,000. Shis reduction to various propased projects vvithiru these capifal budgets wiln not impact theGr campletian. OPYIONS: 1) Award the Discovery Playground praject to the Iow bidder, Ginno Construction, or 2} reject aII bads, sca1e back the project and re-bid, or 3} provide additivna1 directivn to staff. ~~~OMMENDED ACTION O6~ MOTIONl: Move to avvard the C7iscvvery Playground projeet cvrutract to Ginno Constructiorr for the base bid amount of $1,476, 184.00. BfJ0GETIFINA►NC1AL 1MPACTS: Yhis project is funded throug'h the 200912010 Gap9tal Budget which includes a direct apprvpriatian from the State of $800,000. STAFF CONTaCT: MQChael I0. StvneP C3ireGtor vf Parks and Recreativn ATTACHMENTS: 1} Bid Tabulations; 2) Capatal Budget Spreadsheet BID TABULATION DISCOVERY PLAYGROUND AT MIRABEAU POINT PARK BID N0.09-028 DRAFT vaw BID OPENING DATE - JUNE 9, 2009,11:00 A.M. ~ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ~ GINNO CONSTRUCTION CAMERON • REILLY ~ DNCON ITEM ITEM Unit TOTAL Unlt Pr(ce Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Prlce Total Cost Unlt Price Total Cost NUMBER QUANTITY DISCOVERY'PLAYGROUNDAT,~MIRABEAO'POyINT'PARK•' ••n' , • v - _ _ , 1 BA ~ D - ~ L.S. j-- ~I-- ''t 1,006,3D3.9~ ,~'I.OOG,303.90 51,1~u_1t,A.~O y1,4rG,18A.00 $1,521 9~,1..9 f~1 5L1,U4r2`1 $1.56~i,628.00 $i,EG~J G2B.C0 AD~~TI#1- I 10033.01 $10.01 $9417.00 $9,417.00 $9,763.001 $9.783.00 $11,060.23 511,06023 ~ DD~~~~~ AT OBSERVA110N AREA L.S. ~ $ , ,033 r 3 METAL GUARDRAII VNTH CNTE AT SAND PLAY AREA LS. I 1 $ 7,174.20 $7,174.20 $8,634.00 $8,634.00 $8,634.321 $6,634.32 $1.630.50 $1,630.50 ADDITIVE #3 - 4 FISH T L.S, 1 $ 6,663.31 $6,663.31 $6,277.00 $6,277.00 $7,065.50 $7,065.50 $7,772.05 $7,772.05 ADDI~ #4 - 5 ISTQ~~ COLUMNS AT SHEITER BASE LS. 1 $ 17,392.00 $17,392.00 $9,606.001 $9,608.00 $15,218.00 $15,218.00 $8,152.50 $8.152.50 ADDITIVE #5 - 6 DRAGON FLY SCUPTURE LS. 1 $ 978.30 $978.30 $1,347.00 51347.00 $815.25 $815.25 $842.43 $842.43 GRAND5T07AL Addendums Received Yes Yes Yes RepreseMatlons end Cerffficatlons Yes Yes Yes Contraclors Adminlstrelive In(ormetion Yes Yes Yes Bidder Quapficallon Statement Yes Yes Yes Bidder Compfiance Cerfrflcatlon Yes Yes Yea Bid DeposN Surety Bond Yes Yes Yes Subcontrector List Approved Yes Yes Yes Parks Capital 2009 Adopted ~ Praposed Amended 2009 ~ Praposed 2010 RESQU'RCES: BEG. BAL $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 352,000 CAP PROJECTS REET 1 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 SPEC. CAP PROJECTS REET 2 $ ° $ ` INVESTMENT EARNINGS $ 15,000 $ 15,000 CENTERPLACElUNIV PARK CONST. $ 405,000 STATE - UNIV. PARK $ 800,000 $ 800,000 $ - GREENACRES STATE GRANT $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 . GEN. FUND $ 123,000 $ 123,000 $ " 100,000 tOTAL RE50URCES $ 2,438,000 $ 2,$43,000 $ 852,000 EXREIVDITIIRES: PARK LAND AGQUISITION $ - $ 225,000 D1SCaVERY (UNIVERSAL) PK $ .900,000 $ 1,476,000 $ 200,000 SHELTER-TERRACE VIEW $ - $ 80,000 GREENAGRES $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 300,000 C17Y POOLS $ 660,000 $ 660,004 VALLEY MISSIpN $ 280,000 $ 250,000 COfVTINGENCY $ 22,000 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 vARIOus $ 50,000 ~ TQTAL EXPENDITl1RE5 $ 2,012,000 $ 2,491,000 $ 820,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 426,000 $ 352,000 $ 32,000 Budget Changes: Rdd $576,000 to 2009 Discovery Playground Includes; $405,000 from CenterPlace (see 2009 revenue) $97,400 from 2009 Capital $75,000 from 2010 praposed Capital ; , SR CORR-EDOR PROJECT SPOKAIVE VA-LLEY TO ROCKFORD 27 ` ~ ~ - • ~ ~ . 7,DSMAW PROJECT Projri.ct GViGil SPOKAN.E VlILLEY F ~ To reduce the number o~ dea~ths and injuries on State Route 71 Pines thcrt : re.sultfrom traffic crashes by using law- cost, near-term solutrons. . ~ 27 Project gevgraphic pa~rameters 7he Stcrte Rout€~ 27 Safety Carridor µIC`is apprvximately 20 mr"1es long ~ from Trent r'n the Spokane Valley to the tawn of ►~M.~ Rvckfvrd Mile p os t 69.22 to 87. 70 27 r Pro - Details . Funding Wcrshingtan TrOffic Safety Commrssion Washington State Department of Transportation Rrvject Components ~ Education Enforcemen# r Engr,neering - f - Ea? c 27 • • D' ! Fa#al lnvolved death, either at the scene, reroute tv the hospital or at the hospr'ta! Serious lnvvfved broken bones other than minar bones (fingers/ taes), major head traumQ, internal injuries, or notnble foss of consciousness, ete. These types of injurres typically require a visit to a hospital, nften by ambulance. ~ osts of Cra a , Societaf costs for callisians as estimated by the Washington Traffic Safety Cvmmission Fa ta1i ty $5, 8QO, 400 _ , - Serious injury $288,845 ~/l511~1e l17J11f}I .,~B0,S'~ g - Passible infury $53,628 Property Damage onty $6,209 16 -2 . T Why _ R 27 AFE From February 2004 tv January - : 2007 F Tota1 Collisians 486 . T I ti~1 w r. Tatal Fata1 / Serious crashes 10(2%) . a.i..~~..... , w ~ Total aicohvl related crashes Afl Ca11h1ons sR 27 rat.pase r2.e0 a 17.70 ' N 32 V1lQ4b1i7tlr7,~. DRIVE s e . r 27 , Leading causes af callisions: Faifing to yield - Fallowing too closeJy - Fxceedr'ng .scxfe speeds - Disregordrng siqnals INh€n trashes occur. - During clear, dry weather and daylight hours ~ !n June and December On Wednesdays From 3 - 5prn Improvements lmprovements lncreosing Law Enfarcemen t emph Qsis potrols ~ Fducatrng students about traffrc and pedestrr`an safety Improving traffre signafs, sr"dewalks, crassuvalks, etc... ~ Addr"ng radar speed srgns -L lnstalling Corridor Safety Sr'gns i f • a e • M • ~ g • DRIVE ~ ~ ea 4 . . ~ Assessed crasswalk Pines / Mirabeau - doesn't rrieet wcrrrants for traffic signals; Optrons are sti1l being explnredfor safe crossing Qt Trent Elernerrtary Signa1 coordinativn a# the new signal at Mansfield to Sprague lmpfement'ed lcrst year and wfll be refined after constructlon is complete wrth the goal of reducrng the number of rear-end collislons between Mrssion and the 1-90 ramps ~ _ i • ~ • D STS RIVE i i , ' ~ De. a a . anspo r o Speed study conducted in (3ctvber f November of Jackson Road at Freeman, results: - Nlost trafFic traveling at spee+d limit N Reluctant tv reduce the posted speed limit - pec►ple are comfortable at speed limit ond typieally ignore the lowered speed causrng passible enforcernent rssues The grant frvm the Traffic Safety Commission for the Flashing Beacons was approved. The signs will be in place for next schovl year. One vther minor item. The signs will say'Schoo1 Area' rather than 'cangested area' as they will oniy activate during the time student are arriving and leaving the school. ~ _ " 2 _V " • r ee f • • s • ~ k' s s:!E , w Dep• ent O s portatio Met with Rockford City Caun+cil tv discuss Stop Signs no actlon yet ttrken Need imprauementstocrosswalksinthe Freeman area Met with Freeman Schoo1 Super+ntendent to discuss - New facilities at Freeman Schvols - Alternate bus access From 37t" an 5outh, looking at climbing Ianes - being dane through normal Washington Stcrte Department af Transpvrtation processes 27 ~ i . , Law Enforcement Partners include: ~ Spokan+e Caunty Sheriff's affice ~ Spakane Valley Police Department - Washington State Pcrtrol Law Enforcem+ent autcomes: UVcrrnrngs Issued . ~ Grtativns - Field Con tacts Mad e - (Pedestrran, bicyclists, etc) Reports Written Warnrngs Enforcement "7~ DR p! . Valley Police STAY ! ! . • Office 190 hau rs worked 747 CantaCts made 643 Citativns given Speed: 382 Occupant Pratectivn: 38 other Arrests (Criminal or Fe7ony). 83 Enforcement D' . , , . • . _ • ~ 4 shifts on Hwy 27 and Jacksan 10 shifts on Wednesdays' pm to account for the eollision peak 20 shifts fvr E7U1-- peak time i5'Happy Hour' which has included faur shifts on Friday J Saturday ResultS from the 34 WSP shifts 561 contacts 321 citatrons bb seaf belt vialcrtlons 159 speeding citcrtrons 25 suspended licenses ,R • . o _ Held Kick Off event On June 25, 2008 at Albertsan's on SR 27 - ~ ~ rv-tu fsr.ew ~~'~and!t - - <Ii w S ' q ♦ ~a-. #'1. 1 ~:e•- ~ { - d - ~ L • ~ ~ L ~ F . I ducatio DRIVE a • 1 Spokane * • ! ■ ~ Health District Or►er 250 in-persvn contacts 84% can#acts did not knvw about the project - 16% reported seeong prvject signs Educational bovths ~ Fairfield `Flag aays' and the - Rockford Fair Targeted partnersh[p to reach targe# audiences with Caeur d'Alene Casinv ~ Spvkane Driv'rng Schaol d . o r. q o i • a•. • 14 hours vf overtime worked Have visited 27 of 57 establishments alang or ad}acent tv SR 27 Focus vn preventing over serving No negative resPvnses • ~ ~ - Prelimiry Results ~ t na m SN"t 'STA ♦ Preliminary data from May 1, 2008 to Navember 1, 2008 Comparing these same f months far the last 4 yea rs: 1 fatality (alcohol related - coming from the casrna) 3 serious injuries 2 of the 4 fata! /seriaus injuries fram 'running into fixed objects' 2 of the 4fata1 / serious were bicyclFSts - bvth at intersections (1 in the Valley / 1 in Rockford) 6 mnnths is toa shvrt af duration to gQther enough coltrsron data to make valid canclusrans about chQnges in collisrvrrs. ee g Co r e D M a r ,4AA af Washingtan Cer+#ra1 Va11ey SchQOr Dlstriei City af Spokane Vafley Coeur d'Alene Crrsino East Valley ,Schoo! !?15irici Freeman Sthoo! DistrfCt Freeman Stnre Greater Spokane Sub:sftrnte A6use Cauncil S,vakone Counfy Englneers Spokane CQUnty Sherrfjps Office Spokane County Traffit SQfety CarnmPsslon Spokane Driving 5choo! Spokane Regionol Hea1th Dtstrict Spokane RegFona! Transpartation CauncJl Spokane Vatley PaPire bepartmenf Town of Rcxkford Washingtan State Department aj Transportation Washfngton Store Liquor Conirat Board Ullashlngton 7raffic Safety Carnmts.rror+ - CITY OF SPO NE VALLEY . Reauest for Council Action Meeting Date: June 30, 2009 Cityr Manager Sign-vff: Item: Check all that app1y: El Conserrt El Uld husiness New husiness ❑ PubliG Hearing Ll Informativn E Admin. Report 0 Pending Leg[slatian AG~~DA wTEM TITLE: Shareline Master Program Update GOVERfVCiVG LEGISLATION, The Shvreiine Management Act R RCW 90.58 PREVIDUS COUNCIL ACTiOiV T"AKEN: None. BACK~ROIJND: Upon incflrpvratian, the City Qf Spvkane VaIIey advpted the Spakane Cvunty Shareline Management PrQgram (SMP} as the interim SMP for fhe City. Th~ ~ouraty's 5MP was adopted in 1974 and is substantia'lly the same dvcument as it was when originally advpted. Cpuncil included funding in the 2009 budget tv b+egin work on deueloping a 5MP for the City tha# refi~ects the cammuni#y's visian for shorelines within Spokane VaIley. City staff issued an RFP and receru+ed 5 respvnses; s#aff seiected the toR 3 firms based vn screeraing criteria Qu#ained in the RFP. Interviews with the 3 finalis#s is scheduled for July 9t"; at the conc[usion vf the interview and reference c'heck prvicess staff wiil fvrward a recpmmendativn to Cvuncil regarding cvntrac# negotiatinns vuith the selected Gonsultant firm. OPTIOIVS: N1A RECC]MMENDED r4CTiON OR MOTION: NIA. BUDCETIFINANGlAL IMPACTS: $150,000 (2009 Budget) STAFF GONTACT: Gr+eg McCarmick, AICP Planning flivision Manager - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action i1~eeting Qate: J'une 30, 2009 City Manager Sign-off, _ Item: Gheck a'19 that apply: [:1 consent oId business new business El pub9ic hearing 0 infarmatiart M admin. report ~ pending legislatfvn ►4GEND►4 lTEM TITLE; Comp PIan 14mendment GP►4 01 -09 Optivns GOVERNING LEGISL►A►T1+7A9: RG''W' 36.70A, 7013, S!i'MC Chapter 17 and 19. PRE'VtOUS ~OUNCIL ACTlON TAKEN: Caunci'I previausly considered a number Qf annual . amendments to tFre comprehensiwe p6an. This specific matter was continued to aClow staff time to explvre the vcab,ility of entering 6nto a developers agreement to cvnditivn the req,uest for high density ressdential on the property irnmediately adjacent to singde famsly homes in the Shelly Lake development. The staff has prepared an ame~dment to the zaning code whsch would a9Vaw such adeve1opers agreement and whicFr is consistent woth the pravision of 36.7013.170- 201. Essentially the amendment wvuld require that developer's agreecnent and Ats terms to be presented to the cwty council 'rn a public hearing wit'h apprtipriate notice to thvse praperties within 400'. An appeal fram your decision ap;proving or disapproving the agreement would be appealed to the superivr court. Zhis am+endment cara be adopted by an interim ordinance on an emergency basis to al'Cow yaaa to prQCeed uvith the current pro,posal far the specific a~~~dment under consideration, or it cara be referred to the pfanning carnmissian and ada;pted pursuant to our narmal cade amendment processes. BACKGROUND: See abave OPTIfliVS: +Council dir€:c'tion RfEGOMMENDED ►4CTiOAI OR MC)TION. N►4 Bd~~~ETJFlN►4NCQAL IMP►A►CTS: ~[VA STAFF CONT►4CT; Mike CannellylGreg McCormick. ►A`~TACHMENTS Prvposed amendments to Titses 17 and 19of the SVMC 19.30 Changes & Amendments 19,30.010 Comprehensive P"lan Text & Map Amendments Pursuarot to RC'W 36.70.130{2}(a) praposed updates to the Comprehensive Plan will be prvicesseol vnly once a year except for the adoption Qf vriginal sub-area plans, amerrdments t€a the Shareline hllaster prngram, the amendment of the Capital Facilities Chapter concurren# with the adaption of the City budget, in the event of an +emergency or to resoive an appeal of the Gvmprehensive Plan fifed with the Grawth Managernent Hearing Board. Comprehensive Plan t€xt and map amendrnents are classified as Type 1V development appl"rcatians and sha11 be processed pursuant to SVMC Chapter 17.80.140.. 19.30,015 Devefopment ►4qreements associated with a Comorehensive Piarr Amendment A. Pursuan# ta RGW 36.70B.170 - 210, the citv mav enter into a development aQreement with a persvn havinp awnership vr c4ntrol of real propertv within its iudsdic#ion as Qart of a cvmprehensive plan amendment and associated rezane. A develooment aareement and subseauent rezone shall be eonsistent with aoQlicable develoarnent repvla#ions set fiarth in the UDC. SVMC Chaqters 17-24. B. Develooment Aareements assaciated with a ComDrehensive Plan Amendment are classified as Tvpe 1V development apDlicabons and shall be processed in comDliance with the Comorehensive Rlan Amendment and the requlations o# RCVII 35.70B.170 - 210. C. peveloament aareements associated with a comprehensive plan amendment and subseauent rezone mav be used at the citv councif's discretivn. Qevetopment aqreements mav be used to place restric#ions on a Qrooosed amendment to minimize the imnacts of future develoornent. D. Develapment aqreement contents 1. Far the qUrpt75e Of thiS &ection, development standards mav include. baat are not limited to the followino: a. Proiect elements sueh as permitted uses, residential densities, and nonresiden#ial densities and intensities or buildinq sizes~ b. The amaunt and Davment of impact fees imposed ar aqreed t4 in accvrdance with any aWlicable prflVISl0n5 of state 1aw, anv reimbursemen# provision, other financial contributians bv the DropertY owner, inspecti4n fees, or dedications; c. MftiQation measures. develaament condit}ons, and crther reauiremenfs under 43.21C I RGW; d. Qesiqn s#andards such as maycimum heiqhts, setbacks, drainave and water ouality re4uirements. landscaDinQ, and other develoament features, e. Affordable hausina: , f. Parks and open sDace areservation; g. Phasinq; h, Review procedures and standards for imDlemEnbna decisions; i. A build-aut or vestEna aeriod far applicable standards; and j. Anv OtheC aDpropr[3te development requirement prOGedure. E. The final decision authoritv for aparoval +af the develapment a4reement and develaDment alan shafl be the Citv Council se# forth in SVMG +Chavter 17,80,060 (D). F. The decisEOn of citv council an a development aareemcnt and Dlan in cQniuncbon with a cvmprehens¢ve Qlan amendment and subseauent zonina chanae is the final decFSion nf the citv and mav be appealed pursuant tv RCW 36,74C. I G. A develooment aareement shall be recarded with t'he S' oakane Cauntv Auditor at the aDDlicant's exQense. Qurinq the term of th+e d+evelopment aoreement. the aareemenf is bindinq on the parties and their successors. H. The citv wi11 nrQCess and decide uDon an aoDlicatton fvr an amendment as if it vrrere Sn aoolication for a new deweloQment aqre+ement in a manner set forth above unless it is deemed a minor modifcation as set forth in (I) befow. 1. hlladifications of develoament plan 1. The director of commun'rtv develooment mav apDrove minar modifcations to the develvoment plan Dursuant ta ChaDter 17.$0,030. 2. Criteda for aDDrvUina minor modifications include but are not Iimited to fhe folfowina: a. Shalf cvnfvrm to the terms of the develoiDment aareement: b. Shall not redur„e IandscaQina. bufferinq, or apera space areas c. Shall not reduce setback reouir+ements d. Shall not result in an increase in heiqht of anv structure e. ShalF not result in a chanqe in inQress or eQress f. Sha11 no# increase anv adverse impacts or undesirable effects g. Shall not siqnificantlv alter the r~'Lc# 17.80.030 Assignment of Develapment Applicativn Classification 1. Assignment by Table. Land use and development applications shail be classified pursuant tv the following table. Table 17.80-1 Permtt type and land Use Applicatfon Type Lsnd Use and Derre}opmer~t Application Crc~ss '~teferer~ce e - SVMC Chaptet Accessvey C7?welling Units 19.100 Administrative Determinations by Cammunity Development Qirector, Public Works Director, ar Building Muhiple off'icial. Administrative Exception 19,140 Administrative lnterpretation 11.50.010 Boundary Line Adlus#ments and Eliminatians 24•80 Home Oocupafion Permft - 19.140 22.13Q.C160 Right-of-Way Perrnits Shorefine Perrnit E~cemption (dock perrnit) 21.5~Q f Type - Site P1an Review 19.130 I _ Temporary Use Permit 19.'I60 Time Extensions far preliminary subdivisfian, short subdivision or binding sde pfan 20.30.060 Ffoodplain devefopment 21.30 Build4ng Penmits notsubjacttv SEPA 21.20.040 Minor modiif~ativns af devetoament ggreemen'ts 19,30.015 fl} Grading Permits 24.50 Binding Site Plan Preliminary and F1nal 20•50 Binding S+te Plan - Change of Ganditions 20.50 Wirelgss Communicatian Facilities 22•120 Subdivision - Final 20,40 TYpe IS Plat Alteratlons - F'rnal 20•60 - SEPA Threshold []etermination 21.20.060 Preliminary Short Subdiaision, 8inding Sike Plan - Change 4f Canditions 20.30 Shorefine Su4stantial Qevelopment Permit 21.50 Sh+art Subd'rvision - Prel'rrninary and Fina! 20.30, 20.40 TYpe Ganditional Use Permits 19.150 III - SUbdIYISifl[13 - Pre{iminary 20.30 Varianas 19.170 Taafe 17.80-7 Pernnit Type and Land Use Applicatlon Type Land Use eru! Developr4tent ApplrcaUan Cross Reierence - SVAC Chapter Preliminary Subdivision - Change of Cvnditions 20.50 Zoning Map Arrnendments (site specif'ic rezones) 19.30.030 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments (text andlvr map) 17.80.140 Area-wide Zoning Map Rmendments 17.80.140 Type cv Deve1oQment Aaremerr#s assodated with Comarehensive Pian Amendmen#s 17. Development Code Text Arnendments 17.80.150 17.80.140 Type iY Applicativns - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Deveiotament A reements assocfated with a Com rehenslve Plan Amendment and Area- wlde Rezvnes 1. Initiatian. Comprehensive Pian Amendments and Area 'lIV'ide Rezvnes may be initiated by any of the follawing: a. Property owner(s) or their representatives; b. Any citizen, agency, neighbancood assvciatian, or other party; or c. The Department, Planning Commissivn, or City Council. 2. Applications. Applicatrans shail be made an fiorms provide by the City. 3. Application Submittal: a. Applicant initiated: Comprehensive Pian Amendments and Area Wide Rezanes shall be subject ta a pre-application conference, counter-complete, and fuf{y-compiete determinatians pursuant tQ SVMC 17.80.080, 090, and 100. The date upan fu{ly- camplete determination shall be the date of registratian with the Department. b. Non-applicant initiated: After suhmittal of a nan-applicant initiated appiication, the appficatinn shafl be p(aced an the register. 4. Register of Comprehensive Pfan Amendments and Area-wide Rezones. The Department shall establish and rnaintain a register of a1l appiicatians. 5. Concurrent and Annual Review of Register. a, Sixty (60) days prior to Nvvemaer 1 st in each calendar year, the City shall notify the public that the amendment process has begun. Notice shall be distributed as fvllvrrvs: i. N+otice published in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper or trade joumaf; ii. Notic.e pasted on aIl of the City's afticial publie natice baards, and iii. Gopy of the nvtice sent tv all agencies, Qrganizations, and adjacent jurisdictions with an interest. b. All registered applicativns shall be reviewed cvncurrentVy, an an annual basis and in a manner consistent with RCW 36.70A.130(2). Applications registered after November 1 st of the previ+ous calendar year and before Movember lst of the Gurrent calendar year, shali be included in the annual review. Thase registered after Nvvember 1 st of the calendar year shail be placed on the register fvr review at the following annual review. C. Emergency Amendments: The City may review and amend the Comprehensive Plan , when the Gity Counci[ determines that an emergency exists or in vther circumstances ; as provided for by RCW 36.70A. 130 (2)(a). ; 5. Notice vf Public Hearing. Cvmprehensive Plan Amendments and Area-1Nide Rezones require ; a,pubiic hearing hefare the F'Eanning Cammission. a. C❑ntents of Notice. A Natice vf Pub1ic Nearing shal[ include the folfowing: j i. The citation, if any, +af the prvvisian that wvuld he changed by the proposa6 ~ aIvng with a brief descriptivn of that pr❑vision; ii. A statement of how the proposal wvu1d change the affected pradision; iii. A statement of what areas, Comprehensive Plan designativns, zones, or 1acations will be dicectly affected or changed by the proposal; iv. The date, time, and p1ace af the pub1ic hearEng, v. A statement of the aVailabi9ity af the official file; and vi. A statement of the right of any persan to submit written comments ta the . Planning Commissian and tn appear at the public hearing of, the Planning Gammission to give aral cvmments on the pro,posal. b. Distributian of Natice. The C]epartment shald distrihute the nvtiGe pursuant tv SVMC 17.80.120(2). 7. Planning Cammission Recommendatian. a, Procedure. Following the puhlic hearing, the Planning Corramissivn sha[I cansider the applicatians cancurrently, and shall prepare and fvrward a recommendation af proposed action fvr a11 appl'rcations tQ the City Cauncif. The PVanning Commission shall take one (1) af the fo1lawing actions: i. if the Planning Gommission determines that the pcoposa1 shauld be advpted, it may, by a majority vote, recommend that the City Councif advpt the propasal. The Planning Commission may make modifications ta any proposai privr tQ recornmending the propasal to City Counci9 far adoption. If the modificativn is substantia1, the Planning Commission must canduct apublic hearing an the modif`ed praposal; ii. 4# the Pfanning CommissiQn determines that the proposal should not be adopted} it may, by a majority vote, recvmmend that the City Councel not adapt the praposal; or iii. lf the Pianning Cacnmissivn is unable to take either of the actians specified in sub5ectivns (i) or {ii} above, the proposal will be sent ta City Council with the notation that the Pianning C-omrnission makes nv recommendation. 8. Appraval Criteria. a. The +Cety may approv+e Comprehensive P6an Arnendments and Area'Wide Zvne Map Amendmenfs it it finds that: i. The prmp4sed amendment bears a substantia1 relationship tv the public health, safety, welfare, and pratectivn of the enuironmerrt; ii. The propased amendment is consistent with the requirements of FC1N 36.70A and wbth t'he pQrtion of the C+ty's adapted plan not affeGted by the amendment; ii9. The propDSed amendment respands ta a sUbstantial change in conditians beyvnd the property owner's control app1icable ta the ar+ea w6thira whiGh khe subjecfi property lies; rU. The proposed amendrraent carreets ari vbvious mapping errar; or v. The proposed amendment adciresses an identefied de'ficiency in the Cvmprehensive Plan. b. The City must alsa consider the fa1lowing factors priar ta apprvving Camprehensive Plan Amendments: i. The ~effecf upan the physical environment; ii. The effect an ❑pen space, streams, rivers, and lakes; iii. The campatiaility with and impact ❑ra ao1jacent land uses and sGrrounding neighbarhvads; iv. The adequacy of and impact vn cammunity facifities inciuding utiiities, rDads, public transportatian, parks, recreativn, and schools; v. The benefiit to tne neighborhaod, City, and region; Vi. The quantity and Iocation of larad planned for #he propased land use type and density and the dernand far such land; Uii. The current and projec#ed populatian density► in the acea; and viii. The effect upon other aspects of the GomprenensiVe Pfan. 9. City Council pction. INithin sixty (60) days of receipt of the Planning Cammissian's findirags and recomrnendatians, the City Cvuncil shall cvnsider the find9ngs and recommendations of the Cammissivra cvncerning the application and may hDfd a public hearing pursuant to Council rufes. The Bepartment sha1l distribute notice of the Cvuncil's public hearing pursuant to SVMC 17.80.120(2). A!1 annual amendments ta the GomprehensiVe Plan sha11 be cvnsidered concurrently. By a majority vate of its membership, th+e Gity Councif shall: a. Approue the applicatian; b. ❑isapprove the applicafivn; c. Modify the application. If the modification is substantia1, the Council must either canduct a public hearing on the modified prvpvsal; or d. Refer the praFvsa1 back to the Planning Commissian for further cansideration. 10. Transm ittal ta the 5ta#e of Washingtvn. At least sixty (60) days pri or to final action being talcen , by the Cify Council, the Washington 5tate Department of Cornmunity, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) shail ae provided with a copy of the amendments in order tv initiat~ the sixty+ (60) day comment period. No 6ater than ten (10) days after adoptian of the proposal, a cvpy of the final decisian shali be forwarded to CTED. , . f ; , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 30, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information Z admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discussion re: Wastewater Interlocal with Spokane County GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS COUfVCIL ACTIOiV TAKEN: NA . BACKGROUND: Spokane County has requested that the City of Spokane Valley enter into an interlocal agreement regarding both the construction of a new waste water facility by the County and the waste water system operating within the City of Spokane Valley. OPTIONS: Council discussion of terms and conditions of the proposed agreement RECOMMEIVDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council discretion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS - CITH OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request fvr Council Ac~~~~ ~eeting ❑ate: June 30, 2009 City Manager 5ign-ofF: Item: Cneck ail that apply: ~consent ❑ ald business 0 new busines5 ❑ pubIic hearing intormation ~ admin. repnrt pendirrg Iegislation ►4GE[VDA iTEM TITLE: Cvrnputer Tablet 7rairring GOVERNINC LEGISL.ATION: PRE1JIQUS COUNGIL ACT1ON TAKEN: 12-18-2007 report to cvuncil orr purchase af cvmputer tablets 1-8-2008 Cauncil approved purchase BA►CKGRC]UNd: GounciL has been using these cvmputer tab9efs stricfly as a Iaptop cvmputer for over a year natnt. However, these tablets have the capability t❑ nvt Qnly satdsfy arid simply cvmput'rng ' needs, but have the added conuenience of allowing "handwriting" or add[hg sticky notes, and can be used vertically, Qr the screen cara be rotated 180 degrees arrd placed flat on the keyboard.. - OPTION5: RECOMMENDE❑ ACTIOIV OR MC3TION: BLDDGET1F1N1ANGIAL IMPACTS: eventual sav[ngs af paper, toner, notebooks and dividers STAFF CONTACT; Greg Bingaman ►4TTACHMEhITS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Reguest for Council Action Meeti~g Date: Jur~~ 30, 2009 City Man~~er Sigin_off: Itern: Check all that a;pp1y: El consent 0 afd business new bus'sness El public heariing N informataon admin, repart pending 1egislativn AGEND►4 ITEM TITL~: Council Vacancy Gt77VERN1NG LEGISLATIOIV: RCVVI135A.1 3.420, RCIIV 42. 1I2.07Q P'RE11lOUS COIJN~IL ACTIC7N TAKEN: none BJ~~~~GROUN[]: As a result of Counci6member Taylor acceptang astaff posatian with xhe City of Connell, Washi:ngtan, Cvuncilrnember Tay1or provided natice to Council on June 1,6, 2009, that he wauld be vacating his offi~~ effective midnight June 30, 2009. StafF has drafted a posifiion vacancy annvuncement whi~h wif' be publis'hed fvr several weeks Qn bath the Va11ey News Hera'Id and the Spokesman Revaew, will be mn fhe City's web$ite, and wilG be dostributed via Public I!nformatian Officer's n4rmal distributivn ivst. Applicatiens will be aWailable frorn the +Gity Glerk, or can be found on the City's webpage. T~e vocess will be as foIlvws: ,June 19, 26, July 3, and 10, 2009: Publocation af fhe notice of vacancy July 17, 2009, 4:00 p,rn. A,pplicatiflras must be received by the City CIerk July 21, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Executive Session tQ review appIAcatAans Ju1y 21, 2009: 6:00 p.m. Determbne list of those applicarrts tv interv~ew (mpen session) July 28, 2009: 6:00 p.m. Interviews af selecfed applicants (in vpen session) August 4, 2009, 5:00 p.rn. Executuve Sessivn ta discuss applicant intervievus Augu$t 4, 2009: 6:00 p.m. Regu1ar sfudy sessaan: appvintment af applacant (open session)-. OPTIONS: RECOMN~EN'aED ACTION OR MOT1ON: . BUQC ET1FlNAN+CIAL IN1 PACTS; ST►4'F F CONTACT: ATTA~~HMENTS: 1.Applicable Statutes: Gavernance Manual, 2.04; RC1N 35A, 13.020; RCW42. 12.a70 2. Position 1lacancy Announcement 3, Appl6cation form 2.04 Fillydg Council Vacancies. If a vacancy oecurs vn the City Council, the Cauncil will fQllow the prQCedures outlrned in RCW 35A.1 3.020. In vrder ta fi11 the vacancy with the most qualif ed persQn available until an electiam is held,. the Cauncil will pu6lish a notice of the aacancy, the procedure, and distribute the application farm for applying. The Council will draw up an application which contains relevant int'ormation to answer set questions pased by the Council. The application forrns wili be used in conjunctiQn with an intez-view of each candidate to aid the Council's selectian of the new Councilmem'ber. En d ofA rtac le D uties and Privileges a, f Merrnbe rs :SPOKA NF YALL E Y G 0 VER11~14NCE MANUAL RCViJ 35A.13.~020 of councilmen - Eli~~bil~.~ - Terms - Vacancies - . ~~~~~~re of office - ~ounci1 chairman. CHANGE lN 2009 (SEE 5038.5L) in counci[-manager cade cities, eligibility for election to the council, the rnanner of electing cauncilmen, the numbering of council pvsitions, the terms ❑f cauncilmen, fhe occurrence and the filling of vacancies, the graunds fvr farFeiture of affice, and appvintment of a mayor prg tempore or deputy mayar Qr counci]man ,prv tempvre s'hall be governed by the cvrresponding pravisions of RCW 35A.12.030, 35A.92.040, 35A.1 2.050, 35R.12.060, and 35A.12.065 relating to the cQUncif of acode city arganized under the mayor-cvuncil p1an, except that in council-manager cities where all council positivns are at-large positicans, #he city councif may, pcarsuant ta RCW 35A. 13.033, prvvide #hat #he person elected ta council pnsition ane shalf he the cauncil chairman and shall carry vut the dufies prescribeci by RC1N 35A.13.030,. 42.9 2.4)70 Filling nsanpartisan vacancies. A vacancy on an e[ected nonpartisan gvverning bvdy of aspecial purpvse district vuhere prvperty awnership is not a qualificatian to vate, a #own, or a city ather than a first-class city ar a charter cade city, sha[I be filled as fallaws unless the pravisinns of law rela#ing ta the special district, #own, vr city proaide atherwise: (1) Where vne pvsition is vacant, the remaining members ❑f the governing 4ody+ shall appvint a qualified person f❑ fill the vacant positian. (2) Where two vr mare positions are vacant and twa or more mernbers of the gaverning body remain irr office, the rernaining members of the gaverning bady ShalL appoint a quafified person to fill one of the vacant positivns, the remaining members of the governing hody and the newly appointed person sha11 appoint anvther qeaalified persan tv fill another vaeant pasitivn, and so on until each of the vacant pasitians is filled with each of the new appointees participating ira each appgintment tha# 'ts made after his or her appaintmen#, (3) If [ess fhan two members of a gaverning bady remain in office, fhe caunty legis[ative autharity of the caaanty in which. ail ar the largest geagraph9c partian of the city, tcawn, vr speeia1 district is Ioca#ed sha11 appvint a qualified persvn vr persvns to the governirrg bvdy until the goverrring bvdy has two members. (4) If a ggverning bfldy fails ta appaint a qualified person xo fill a►racancy within ninety days of #he occurrence ❑f fhe vacancy, the autharity of the governing hody to fiII the vacancy shall cease and fhe county legisfative aufhorify of the cvunty in whieh afl or the larges# geographic portion of the city, #awn, or special distric# is located sha11 appoint a qualified person #a fill the vacancy. (5) 1f the caunty legislative authority of the county fai[s to appoint a qualified persan within vne hundred eighty days of fhe accurrence of #he vacancy, the county iegis1atiue autharity ar fhe relmaining members of the gQUerning body of the c'rty, town, or speccaf district may petition t'he governar to appoint a qualifed person t4 fill the vacancy. The goverrrar may appoint a quafified persan #a fill the vacancy after being petitivned if at #he time the governor fills t'he vacancy the caunfy legislative aufhority has not appointed a qualified persan to fifl the vacancy. (6) As prvvided an *RCU'1129.15.19Q and 29.21.410, each persan who is appvinted shall serve unti[ a qua[ified persvn is elected at the nejctt e9ecticrn at w'hich a member of the gflverning body narmally wvuld be elected that occurs twenty-eight or more days after the occurrence of the vacarrcy. If needed, special filing perinds shall be autharized as provided in *RCW 29.1 5.170 and 29.15. 180 for qualifed persons tv file for the vacanf affce. A primary shall be held to nominate candidafes 7f suffiicient time exists to hald a primary and mnre than twv candidates file for the vacant affice. C3therwise, a primary shall not be held and the persan receiving the greates# number of votes shall be e9ected. The ,persan efected sha91 ta4ce office immediatefy and serve the remainder of the unexpired term. If an election far the positian that becarne vacant wauld otherwise have been he1d at this general election date, only flne electian to fll #he pasitipn shall be hefd and the persan elected tv fill the succeeding term fvr tnat positivn shall take office immediately when qualified as defined in *RCllV 29.09.135 and shall senrice both the remainder of the ur,expired term and - the succeeding term. coUNCIL MEmBER PvsxTIOrr vAcA.vCY 'T`he Spvkane Va11ey City Cauncil is accepting applicatiQns fram individuals interested in serving as an interim Councilmember to fill the vacancy of City Council Position 2. The person appainted ta this interim position will serve frvm the date of appvintment unti1 the perSQn elected in the Novernber 2449 generaI election takes vffice on November 24, 2009, which as the date the election results are expected tti be certified. State law requires that a councilmemher be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appaintrnent, and be a regxstered Vater at the tinne of applicatian. CQUncil pasitions are a,t-large positions. The +City of 5pokane Valley is a nQn-charter code city, operates under a council-manager form of govemment, and is governed under the aptianal rnunicipaY code of the Revised Code of Washingtvn (RC`'W) `Title 35A. CTnder this form of gQVemment, legislative authQr'tty is concentraxed in the elected City Council, which hires a professional administrator, aCity Manager, to implement policies. The Council is comprised of seuen members, all of wham have an equal vote, with the Mayar chvsen eVery two years frorn among fellow Councilmembers. As the legislative body, the City Council estabiishes Iocal laws arrd policies, and has general oversight and control oWer the City's finances, primarily thraugh the budget process. Regular Council meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6;00 p.m., and Gvuncil study sessions are generally held the first, third, and occasianally the fifth Tuesdays at 6:00 p.rn. Submittal urocess: Applications must 6e received by the City Clerk na later than 4.00 p.m. Friday, July 17, 2009. Late arriving aaiail will aot be accepted. Applications may be hand-deliVered or mailed to: Chz-is Baznbridge, City Clerk, Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 E. 5prague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane , Valley, Washington, 99206. Questions may be directed to Ch.ris Bain6rrdge, Spokane Valley City Clerk, 509-688-0177, or e-maired to cbaznbrid~easpokanevallev.oria. Please da n❑t e-mail your applieatian. Applications can be found an the city's website at vvww.spokanevallev.vrg, or by caYling the City Clerk's affice. Tnteruiews are tentatively scheduled for the eveni:ng ❑f Tuly 2$. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview ance a1I applications have been received. The fvrmal appointment is tentatively set for the Augus~ 4 Council Study SessiQn Meeting SlcloTy 47 ~ Kane ;OoValley~ ~~OKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Spra~~e Aaenue, Suite 106 Spokane Va1ley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 APPLICATION FOR CITY COUNCTL MEMBER POSITI( `JN # 2 Thank yau for yaur interest in serving the Spokane Va1ley cQZrimunity as amember of the Spokane Valley Ci~ Council. To be considered, apPlicativns must be completed, signed, ~nd received at ~~e City Clerk's vffice, 11707 E. 5prague Avenue, Suite 106, na later than 4:04 p.rm. Friday, July 17, 2009, (1ate arriving mai1 will not be accepted). Applicatinns rnay be hand-delivered. ar maiied. Name: (Last) (Middle) (First) ~omplete Hvme Mailir~g Address: If y~~ ~ave lived at your cur-rent add.ress less than one yeary please list your previaus addresses and state haw lang YaLd 1ived at those residences: CQmplete Previous Address Length vf 'Cime at tl7is Address - Hame Phone; Fax: Business Phane: Cell: E-mai1: Occupation: (if retired, p.l.ease indicate former accugation) Business A,ddress: Educataonal BackgrQUnd; 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Va11ey? Yes C J No [ ] 2. Have you conti.nuously resided wytlzin the city Yimits vf t'he Cyty of Spokane Val:ley far a year or more? (State law requires a cauncilmembea- t:a be a resident of Spokane Valle~ ~or at least a year priar to appointment, and to be a registered v~ter at the time of applicatian. Yes [ I No [ ] 3. Have yau ever 6een convacted for anythi.ng ather than ama:nor tr~ffic uiolation? Yes No 4. If yau answered "YES" tQ 43 a.bove, please explain: 5. Da yati ar yaur spause vr any immediate family rnnember (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have afina:ncial interest in, or are you an emplayee ar officer af aaiy business or agency which daes business with the Gi.ty af Spokane Valley? YES [ ~ NO If yes, please explain: 6. Is aray member af yaur im:mediate family currently employed, either fu1l time ar part t1me, by the Ci_ty of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volun.t:eer work for the City of Spokane Val1ey? YES NO [ ] If yes, please explainE 7, Woufld your appointanent create a conflict af interest or an appearanee of a eonflict of inxerest? YES NO[ If yes, please explain: 8. F'lease list your ernployment fvr the past ten years: NA1V~ OF ENEPLOYER POSITIC)N HFLD DAT~S OF ETVI~LOYMENT . 9. Please list the prafessianal affiliatians, c1ubs, social, or fraxema1 arganizations to vvhich yau belvng or hold office: 1O. P1ease list yaur special skills andlar xnterests: 11. Pl.ease list your valunteex experienee, and include any valunteer vr paid positions h.eld on. any gvvernmenta1 board, cammittee or commissian: FRC)M. TO: FROM: TO: FROM: TQ: FRCINT: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interi.m positiQn as aSpokane ValIey City Councilrn~mber? 13. What are the three hi.ghest priarities you bel:ieve the Gity needs ta address? Hvw would you propase to address these issues? 14. Have ya~ ever attended a meeting of the Spakane Va1ley City Gouncil? YES[~ NO C ~ If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attend'ed in the past year: 15. AppQintment to the City Caunc:il wi11 require your attendance at na.imeraus regular1y schetlLilecl and special. meetings, wha~~ ~~~erally occur ~n Tuesday evenings. Cauncilmembers are alsa expecfied to represen~ the City of Spakane Val.1ey by serving on varieus regi.anafl commissions, committees and boards. Are yau able to co.mmit your time and energy ta participate full.y as a rnember of the Spaakane Valley City Council. YES[ N0 [ ] 16. Referen.ces; Flease list name, address and phane nu,rnber: 2. 3. . Once submitted, applicatiQns and related materials become a puUlic recard subject to public discl'osure, an.d vuill appear in the CQUneil agenda packet far the August 4, 2009 City Council study session meeting. InterViews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of July 28. 5elected applicants wrll be noti:fied of the exact date a:nd time of the intervaew ance all applicatiorrs have been received. Final aetion appQinting a candidate ta eleetive o:~~e will take p~lace in the Qpen public meeting, which is anticipated to occut- August 4, 2009. No City elected o~~~er shall h~~d any other office or employment within the Spokane Va1ley ~ity govemment. Signature: Today's Date: Community DeWelapment vaw Monthly Report IIAay 2009 PERMIT CEhiTEFt Revanue Permits Permit revenues for the month of May 2409, w►er+e $160,059, year-to-date revenue is $497,719. `fear-to- date is revenue is down 50,56%. 2009 Per~ft Rerrenues il50,Q00 - - - i00.004 - - - I - $350,000 xdUII,Odlfi - - $250,000 $200,000 S 3 5o,000 - i'!Q!0,817p - i w~ Sa - ' - Jan feb Ltar Apr Nlsy Jurta iuv Aug 5eP1 Ctc! FJov Ckc C]2009 Reveiwss a24Q8 Reti+eneies Land Use Land Use revenues fvr the month of May were $78,232. Revenue for the mont'h of May is cap due tv a large payment fvr a street vacation. Year-ta-date total is $123,410 and revenue is up 19.18°!0. 20 Land IUse Revenues S5a,oaro - s40,oM - - - - ~ ~ t30,aa0 tzo.OM - - - -r _ " i $1(0),0~0~0 ~I ~ so : .Ian Feb mar Apri May June July /1ug Scpt Oct Ncav Cice ■ Revenue2009 v Revenue 2008 Page 1 of 7 &-1kUT0WA000fS%W46 Gommunity Development ~ Manthly Repvrt May 2009 ~ Valua!`~ion The valuation' for May 2009 is $17,025,852. N"{ay 2008, valuation was $7,420,661. 2009 Perrnit Valuation $50,000 eOc►a - - $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,()00,400 1-12009 VaCuaWn $25,000,000 ~ - - - - - ~20,O~,OC1(} - 112008 Valuatian $15,000,000 - , - - $10,000,004 $5.000,000 - - _ ~ $0 ~ . . , Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug 8epk Qci Ncw C3ec Diffce of Financlal Management Permit lnfvrmation (Permfts issuect) awelIing May 2009 Residentlai New Separa#e Demalition Units Structures Dwetiling llnits Permits Demalished Single Farnily Residence 16 0 0 0 DUplex ~ 0 ~ Q 0 ~ 0 Tri piex ~ o 0 D ~ D 4-Piex ~ 0 ~ Q 1 0 ~ 0 Apar#rnents ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 May 2009 CQrnmercia1 New Tenant ~ Buildin s Im rovements A►ddltians 4 10 Q 1 Per the currentfy adopted Master Fee ScheduEe, valuataons reported above for commercia1 and residentiaf cvnstruction permits are "assigned based on the va1ue af t.he canstructian wvrk as stated by the applicant or the value c4lculated by #he Buiiding Official using #he latest Vafuativn data pubfished in the Building Safety Journal by the lntematianal Code Cvuncif, whichever 6s greatest.° Page 2 of 7 i =Carnmunity Development ~ Mvnthly Report May 2009 ~ Perrnif Actrvlt~ Certificate of Occupancy The Community Qe►relopment stafF issued 8 Cert`rficates of C?ccupancy in the mon#h of May, including 5pokane lndustda! Park Suites M, E and D, Java Jump Espresso, Waste Management, Arnerican +C)3ffi+ce Products and 2 tenant impro►rements for c4mrnerciaf buiadings. The CC3 for the Alternatrve High School on S,prague was issued in April but no# reparted, Permits Issued Community Development issued a total of 260 perrnits in May, 2009, compared vwith 296 for the same period last year. The tota9 percentage of change for permits issued for #he year is a 31.98% decrease. 5ignificant commercial permits include Hampton Inn, Yvuthful Norizvns (22,500 sf office) and lnland Northwest Bank. 2009 Cons#rction !Perm€ts Issued 450 40Q 3.5D _ 300 . 250 200 50 100 so ° a~ Feb M~ ~pr May Am JUy Sepx Oct Nov Dec p2009 Perrnita 159 192 721 250 280 t 2008 Permits 242 214 323 953 296 311 411 284 391 318 236 168 Land Use Applications in the month af May, Gommunity Development staff accepted 1 administrative exceptian, S boundary line adjustments, 1 binding site pEan (20 commercpal {ats}, 1 prelirr7iraary short plat, 1fina1 short plat and 2 preliminary subdivisions, 1 rezone and 4 preliminaoy short pfat applicativns. Five land use pre-appficatian meetings were held. Commercial Pre-appfication Meetings Quring the rryonth af May, Community pevelopment staff heCd S commercial pre-app[icatian mee#ings whtch incfuded an Espresso stand, a 12,825 sf addition tv Thermaguard Storage, a Spokane Vailey Fire Statian and a 1,440 sf picnic shelter at the 5pokane Caunty Fairgrounds. SEPA De#erminatians . Four SEPA determiraations were issued in May, including a Determination af Nan S"rgn'rfi+cance (DNS) fvr a code amendment, #wa Public INortcs prajects and a Mitigated Qetermination of Significance (MaNS) for the Rite Aid project.. Page 3 of 7 0 d W~ Cammunity Development vaw Manthly Repart May 2009 Hearing Examiner There were n4 public hearings conducted by the Hearing Examiner in #he month of May. Business Licenses 5taff reviewed 191 business iicense applications for zoning and zoning compliance fvr fVlay. Home CMccupativn Permits In the mvraih of N1ay, staff approved 22 hdme occupativn applications. Entertainers Licensss Staff processed 5 Adu{t Entertainment (icenses for the month of May. Gus#vmer Service The Permit Center staff assist€d 484 custamers at the counter and handled 392 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center. 5taff pravided an aWerage target date of fifteen working days far Cammerc9al projec#s, 5 working days f4r Residentiafi platted anci 10 warkjng days for Residentiaf trn-platted. This target date represents the time ta first comments issued tm the applicant. Inspec#ions Right of Way For the month of May, the Right-af-lNay inspector performed 1137 inspec#ions. 2009 Right-of-'Way inspectivns 12C10 - I 1000 , ~ 80a ~ , soo aao - : h zaa - - , - - ~ Ja n Feb Apr , Ma,, ~ -June ~ ,J~iy ~ Aug_.~._; sept - ~ oDt, ~ rbW ~ aec Page4of7 1-4 Cvmmunity Development Manthly Report May 2009 Building Please note the structure of reporting building inspections has changed. The Department wi11 break-out residential and commercNal inspections oniy. There were 302 residential inspections perfarmed in May and 143 commercial inspections. Plans Examiners rewiewed 89 prvjects and 16 projects were av+►aiting review at the end af month. Staff also issued S vver-the-counter permiits €or the mvnth. 6uilding inspections Perfvmned asa - 9 ~ soa - - Sw 250 . 40C1 200 3❑0 15~? I - - 2~J0 ~C3C - - 104 ~ - - - 0 0 I ,Jan ~ Feb Mar ~ Apr I b9ay dun Jul ' Aua I Sep C}ct l+1ov I Dec ~ 30O9 Re3ldentfa9 I 223 { 237 304 ~ 257 3M 6 ~ 0 ~ 0 I 4 I 0 I (D ~ 0 ~ 2405 Commarcfal 1 220 188 1 199 ~ 491 143 I Q f 0 0 ~ 0 I 4 1 0 ` 0 2008 Residentlal ~203 23c► ~ 332 ~ as3 ~ sss [ aoa ~528 425 ~4e3 p as~ 1 352 306 ,-W-zaoe commerciai' tzs ~125 I 132 ~ 151 7142 1 153 1e7 2_% ~ atiz ~241 1 287 7 iss Development Engineering Quring the month of hllay, t'he Development Engineering Inspector performed 16 commercial si#e inspectians and nb resedential inspections were perfvrmed. uPaATEs Plannln_ Planning Commissian The Planning Commission did nvt meet in May. SpraguelAppieway Revitalizati+an Pian City Council cvnducted a final deliberation sessian on #he SARP, moving the document to first vrdinance reading on Nfay 26, 2409. Scott Kuhta began meeting with Planning and Development Engineedng staff for training sessians on the SARP regulativns. City Center Projec# Gity Hall property negotiatiQns contgnued during the manth ofi May. City Center Envirvnmental Impact S#atement and Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) Drafting the administrative review draft af the EIS is currently underway and is expected to be provided to the City for review in the next 60 to 90 days. Page 5 of 7 PCommunity C3evelopmen# Monthly Report May 2009 CTED Regivnal Callaboratian Grant Project The Collaborative Grant cammittee is working an guiding pfinciples to assist in the development of interiocal agreerrnents. Work an this grant is expec#ed tv cvnclude in ,3une. The City received an invitation to a coifaborative planniRg Iurrcheon scheduled for Wednesday, June 17, at Center Place. Growth Management Steering Cammlttee af Elec#ed !afficials The Steering Committee of Elected 4#ficials (SCEQ) met on Allay 20, 2009. 7he Planning Technical Adaisory Gommittee (PTAC) Ghair (Greg McCQrmick) gar+e a brief overview of the Urban Grawth Area (U+GA) fegionaf wvrfc plan. The Steering Committee recommended adoption of the UGA regional work plan to the Board of Caunty Commissianers. 2010 Cvmprehensive Plan AmendmentslUpdates Staff sent out a Ietter on May 27'~'requesting possibf+e updates for the 2010 ComprehensiWe Plan Amendment cycle. Staff is developing a dacket for the 2010 amendment cycle and would loke to incvrpvrate relevant changes ta ensure the Comprehensive Plan is eurrent. Gode Amendments ~ Batch Amendments - The City Council conducted i#s second reading Qf batch amendrnents an May 12, 2049. Shore[irae Master Rrogram Planning stafif issued a Request for Proposals {RFP} to begin the consultant seiection prc►cess. Responses are due by Friday June 12th, with the consultant selectivn process beginning immediately thereafter developing a ushort list" for individual interviews tv be conducted end of JuneJfirsf of July. Development Enalneerinq Street Standards The Street Standards have been put an hold 'tn order fiar r€lated cade amendments to be coordinaied and updated by City staff. Department^Wide Energy Grant Cvmmunity Development staff are working with Administration, F'arks arrd Recreatian and Public Works #o apply far energy grant funds of $823,000. Staff conducted a pubfiEC meeting on May 7, and has been working to finalize the appl%catiora far Cauncil presentatiara on June 11. S#aff met with representa#ives from Avista on a possible grant collaborativn project, Staff Accompfishmen#s A facal engineering frm sent camments praising Alysa Wyrick for her w►ork on t'he Rite Aid concurrency review. Scott Kuhta was a panelist at the Spokane REDCOIV conference an May 29. Training Lori Barlow, Micki Harnvis and Henry Allen attended DC}E training. Jenna [7avis a#tended Permit Technician training. Ted Olsan from DQE provided training to Jahn Hvhman, Kathy McClung and Deanna Griffith on Flaod P{ain Permits. Page 6 of 7 "Iwff 000~-, Cvmmunity Deuelopment „ 11Aonthly RepQrt May 2009 i Gode Carnplran~e I Gitizen Actian Requests Code Compliance ofEcers received 111 Citizen Activn Requests for the month of May. Total year-tv-date reported violations are 371 compared t0 463 for the same period last year. 2009 Code Total Violatians Repvrted - by Ca#egory 120 - - 100 - - - 80 - I so - ~I 40 I 20 0 Jan-09 Feb-09 t+Aar-09 Apr=09 May-09 dun-09 .lu1-08 hig-09 Sep-OS Ot;t-09 Alav-09 Dec-09 ■ Solid L1Taste 11 fi 27 24 25 • Signs 4 22 38 34 49 • Prvperty 9 S 13 15 13 0Junk Auta 9 5 17 10 19 ■EmAronmental D 0 0 1 U ■ Gorriplaint - No Violativn 0 0 2 5 3 Ci Clear Vfew Zriang1e 0 0 0 5 2 Right-af-Way S9te Distance Compliance The draft policy dvcument is v+rith the Crty Manager for review. Fieldwvrk rrvill cammence in June. UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST June 11 Patty Romero's Retirement Lunch June 11 5cott Kuhta wil6 participate in a Cammunity Frameworks Focus Group discussion June 96 Second reading of the SARP ord`nance June 17 Gvllaboration Grant Lunch at CenterPlace Rage 7 of 7 City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended May 31, 2009 Budget May YTD Unrealized Percent 2009 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized Generai Fund Revenues: Begining Fund Balance $ 12,116,644 18,000,000 $ (5,883,356) 148.56% 7 Property Tax 10,675,000 4,041,790 4,614,687 6,060,313 43.23% Sales Tax 19,380,000 1,297,590 5,443,857 13,936,143 28.09% 18 Gambling Tax 525,000 151,060 167,180 357,820 31.84% 13 Franchise FeesBusiness Licenses 964,550 7,005 279,349 685,201 28.96% 13 State Shared Revenues 1,257,550 - 428,105 829,445 34.04% Planning & Building Fees 1,888,540 222,707 687,243 1,201,297 36.39% Fines and Forfeitures 1,359,710 143,066 574,691 785,019 42.27% Recreation & Centerplace Fees 602,070 57,679 298,045 304,025 49.50% 12 Investment interest 434,991 34,150 99,395 335,596 22.85% Operating Transfers 84,900 - 84,900 0.00% 3 Total General Fund Revenues: ~ 49,288,955 $ 5,955,047 a 30,592,552 $ 18,696,403 62.07% Budget May YTD Unrealized Percent 2009 Exr)enditures Expenditures Exaenditures Realized General Fund Expendltures: Legislative Branch 330,900 18,605 150,660 180,240 45.53% Executive 8 Legislative Support 1,033,321 73,396 373,459 659,862 36.14% Public Safety 20,841,084 1,611,905 7,247,102 13,593,982 34.77% Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,776,142 134,087 653,063 1,123,079 36.77% Public Worlcs 817,068 59,280 297,054 520,014 36.36% Planning & Community Dev. 3,588,839 286,345 1,283,288 2,305,551 35.76% Library Services 20,000 1,248 1,248 18,752 6.24% 6 Parfcs & Recreation 2,812,040 199,139 751,422 2,060,618 26.72% General Govemment 18,069,561 84,316 806,890 17,262,671 4.47% 19 Total General Fund Expenditures: $ 49,288,955 $ 2,468,320 $ 11,564,186 $ 37,724,769 23.46% 6/24/2009 9:57 AM City af 5pokane Va91ey ~ General Fund _ B,udget Variance Repart. IFor the Period Ended 'May 31, 2009 Budget May `L'TD Llnrealized Rercent 2009 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Begsning Fund !Balance $ 12,116,644 18,000,000 $(5,883,356) 148.55% 7 Prvpert]+Tax 10,675,000 4,041,790 4,614,587 6,060,313 43.23°Io SaIes Tax 19,380,000 1,297x594 5,443E857 13,936,143 28.09% 18 GamblICIg Ta3I 525P000' 151,060 167,180 357,820 31.84% 13 Franchise FeesfBusiness Licenses 964,550 7,005 279,349 685,201 28.96°Io 13 State 5hared Revenues 1,257,550 - 428,105 829,445 34.04°Iq Planning & Building Fees 1,888,540 222,707 687,243 1,201,297 36,39% Fines and Forfeitures 1,359,710 143,066 574,691 785,019 42.27°Io Recreatian & Centerplace Fees 602,070 57,679 298,045 304,025 49.50°Ifl 12 lnwestment Interest 434,991 34,150 99,395 335,595 . 22.85% 8perating Transfers 84,900 - 84,900 0.00°lo 3 Total Genera1 Fund Revenues: $ 49,288,955 $ 5,955,047 $ 30,592,552 $ 18,696,403 62.07%Q Budget May YTD fJnrealized Percent 2009 Exoenditures Exaenditures Expenditures Reafized Geraeral Fund Enpenditures, Legislatdve 6ranch 330,900 ti' 8,fifl5 150,66(] 180,240 45.53°Ia EI(#:cL1tWVE $e Leg15lat1Ve SU~~ort 1,033,321 73,396 373,459 659,862 36.14% PublicSafely 20,841,084 1,611,905 7,247,102 13,593,982 34.77i°Io Jperatians &Rdrninistratsve Svcs 1,776,142 134,087 653,063 1,123,079 36.77°Io Pub6iC Works 817,068 59,284 297,054 520,014 36.36°Ia Planning & Carnmunity Dev. 3,588,839 286,345 1,283,288 2,305,551 35.76% L`Ibrary SeN8Ces 20,000 1,248 1,24$ 18,752 6.24°/0 6 Parks & Recreation 2,812,440 199,139 751,422 2,060,618 ?6.72°/m Genera4 Gavernment 18,069,561 84,316 806,890 17,262,671 4.47°1`a 19 Tata1 Cenerati'EunciExpendi:tures: $ 43,288,955 $ 2,468,320 $ 11,564,186 $ 37,724,769 23,46°rb - 6J24f2009 9:57 AM _ Csty vf Spvkane Va1ley ` O#her Funds Bu+dget Varaance Report For fhe perigdended May 31, 2009 8udget May Y6D vnrea[ized Percen# 2009 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized ather Funds Revenues: Street Fund $ 7,392,000 $ 437,971 $ 1,432,366 5,959,634 19.38°/a 9 Arterial Stceet Fund 591,000 - - 591,000 0.00°Io 15 Trails and Paths 43,000 'If 82 42,998 0.19°10 16 HoteiJMotel Fund 600,000 36,405 108,901 491,099 18.95°/0 Civic Facilities Replacement 767,004 227 1,321 765,579 0.17% 17 Qebt 5ervice - LTGO 03 650,000 157,335 157,335 492,665 24.21% 2 Capital Projects Fund 5,948,000 41,983 135,572 5,812,428 2.28°/0 4 5pecia[ Capita1 Projects Fund 2,980,000 41,938 135,364 2,844,636 4.54% 4 5treet Capitaf Projects 16,725,000 212,699 140,837 16,584,163 0.84°/0 4 Mirabeau Pa9nt Project 370,000 207 1,204 368,796 0.33°fo 5 Cvmrnunity Develapmt Block Grnts 304,0(}0 - - 300,000 0A0% 4 Capital Grants Fund 1,573,004 467,552 46,397 1,526,503 2.95°/fl 4 Barker Bridge Reconstruction 5,977,000 1,772,029 1,603,969 4,373,031 26.84°la 4 5torrnwater Mgmt Fund 3,44{],000 635,682 741,518 2,598,382 21.56°/0 9 Equip. Rental & Replacement 780,000 408 2,444 777,556 0.31 °l0 9 ftisk Management 230,(]00 $ 230,048 (4$) 'f UQ.Q2°/o Resenres: Centerplace Opera#ing 340,{}00 199 1,115 338,885 0.33°l0 8 Service 'Level Stabilization 5,400,000 2,963 17,267 5,382,733 0.32°Ia 8 Winter Wea#her 500,000 - - 500,000 0,00% F5ark5 Capit21 1,220,000 350 992 3,219,008 0.08°/a 4 CIVIC $Ui1d'Itlgs 5,$00,000 3,185 1$,575 ' 5,781,425 0.32°/0 8 Tatal Other Funds FteVenues: $ 61.626.000 $ 3,$11.149 $ A.775,407 $-5-6"-593 7.75i°/e. Budget May YTD Unrealiaed Percent 2009 Exoenditures ExDenditures ExDenditures Reali2ed Qther Funds Exqenditures; 5#reet Fund $ 7,392,000 $ 217,671 $ $E(],100 $ 6,531,900 11.64°Jo Arterial Street Fund 597,000 - - 591,000 flAO°Io 15 Trails and Paths 43,004 - - 43,000 0.00% 16 HatellMatel Fund 600,000 19,667 110,487 489,513 18.41 % 1 Civic Facilities Replacement 757,000 - - 767,000 0.00°lo 17 Debt Service LTC,O 03 650,000 200,586 150,072 499,928 23.09°/o 2 Capita! Projects Fund 5,948,000 - - 5,948,000 0.04°Io 4 Special Capital Projects Fund '2,980,000 - - 2,980,000 0.00°Io 4 Street Capital Projects 16,725,000 202,384 484,551 16,240,449 2.90°/0 4 Mirabeau Point Project 370,000 - - 370,000 0.00°/a 5 Community develvpmt Black Grnts 300,000 - - 300,000 Q.Od°'~o 4, Capital Grants Fund 1,573,000 356,311 470,444 1,102,556 28.91°10 Barker 8ridge Reconstruction 5,977,000 91,446 2,683,709 3,293,291 44.9D°'fl Starmdvater Mgmt Fund 3,440,000 148,733 402,574 3,037,426 'I 1.70°Ao Equip. Renta! & Replacemrat 780,000 - - 780,000 0•00°Ia 10 Risk Managert'ient 230,000 - 219,112 105888 95.27% !Resenres: GenterplaGe Operating 344,000 - - 340,000 0.00°Io 11 aervice Level Stabilizatian 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0.00% 14 V'Vinter Wea~iher 500,000 - - 500,000 0,04°1a 14 Par€cs Capital 5,220,000 334,450 478,407 749,593 39.21°/0 4 CiVic Facilities Capital 5,800,000 - 3,363 5,796,637 0.06°Io 4 Total Dther'Funds Expenc3i#ures: $ 61.626.000 ~ 1-571.M S- 5.862.819 $ 55.763,181 9.51% 612412009 9:57 AM City of S,pokane Vafley Investment Repvrt For the Month of M'ay 2009 Total LGI P* Money Mkf** BB CD 1 nvestments Beginning $ 41,314,584.61 $ 722r744.65 $ 1,076,581.12 42,913,910.38 Deposits 3,506,016.59 - 3,506,016.59 WIthdfaWlS (500,000.00) F - (500,000.00) 1 ntecest 24, 174.89 746.06 - 24,920.95 Ending $ 44,144,776.09 $ 723,490.71 $ 1,076,581.12 $ 45,944,847.92 Balances bv Fund 001 General Fund $ 22,276,241.93 101 5treet Fund 1,848,805.72 142 Arterial Street 483.80 1 03 Paths & Traiis 10,245.91 105 HotellMoteE 276,605.56 120 CenterPaace O,perating Resenve 347,506.38 - 121 Service LeveC Stabi1 ization Reserve 5,381,012.32 122 Winter V1leather Reserve 369.93 , 123 Civic Facilities Repfacement 411,827. 11 301 Capital Projects 2,206,697.29 302 Specia6 Capital Rrojects 2,206,425.95 304 Mirabeau Paint Project 375,117.78 309 Parks Capita1 Praject 91,105.48 310 Civic Buifdings Capital Prvjects 5,784,220.10 402 Starmwater Managsment 1,931,350. 11 501 Equipment Rental & Rep[acement 740,999.25 502 Risk Management 14,969.27 43,903,954.90 Pending .1ourna1 Entries 2,040,863.02 $ 45,944,847.92 *Laca1 Govemment Investment Pool Banner Bank and Mvuntain West Transfier of funds made to LGIP, pending in EDEN _ City of Spo'kane Vall'ey . Sa1es Tax ReGeipts Month by Month Comparesvn vear te a ate nnonth Percentage Receeved 2008 2009 cnange Febru,ary $ 1,954,994.78 $ 1,690,170.61 -1 3.55°/0 March 1,280,030.02 1,245,885.86 -9.24% 14,pri1 1,371,096.25 1,210,210,64 -9.98% May 1,609,424.93 1,297,589.85 -12.42°Ifl June 1,406,783.92 July 1,568,261.82 A►ugust 1,725,557.35 s~~~ember 1F562,049.26 flctober 1,549,521.92 No~vember 1,541,787. 16 C]ecember 1,459,375.54 ,9ar~~ary 2009 1,289,107.$0 2010 $ 18,327,990.75 $ 5,443,856.96 FO~OTNOTEa ~ Most costs are typicalGy iate in the year. 2 Qebt service paid twECe each year 3 Most transfers yet ta be made 4 Capital prajects often ta6ce a number of years ta plan, engineer, acquire right of way and canstruct. a Na prajects p1anned in 2009 6 Small amount at 05 library tax due district. Budgeted amount is too 'high. 7 Estirnated, pending 08 review. 8 I nterest earnings. 9 Beg. ~Ba1. iinclueded which understaYes percent realized. 110 Far replacement of vehrc'les ~ computees. 11 Required ❑perating reserve, rav expend'itures p1anraed for 2009. 12 Ftevenue for 2010 events will be maved to 2010. 13 Quarferly Payment to City. 14 Emergency use vn9y. 15 Fund being phased vut 16 Most of this fund spent in late 08 17 an reserve for repfac+ement at buildings 18 Down 12.4°l0 from prior year 1,9 Iracludes projected balances at 12-31a09, which understates percent realdzed , 6f2412009 9:57 AM MEMO TO: Dave Mercger, C'i-ty Manager FROM: Ric1~ ~~~~euven, Chief of Police :~ATE; June 22, 2009 RE: Manthly Report May 2009 A►J0.HCi70 2009v - MGLV. 2008a - . . CAI) incidents: 5,270 CAD incidents: 5,436 Reparts taken: 1,365 Reparts taken: 1,649 . T'raffic staps . 1, 861 Traffic staps : 1, 818 Traf~ic reports: 262 "Traffic repvrts: 338 CAD incidents indicate ca1ls for service as well as self-inifiiated afficer contacts. Hot spafi maps are attached showing May residential burglaries, comrnercial burglaries, traffic collision hat spots and vehicle prowling hat spots, a1DMg vvith April and May stvlen vehicle hot spots. A1sQ attached are nine bar graphs far 2007, 2008 and the ~'irst ~'iv-e mDnths af 2009: eornmercial _ krurglary, garage burglary, residentia1 burglary, forgery, malicious mischief, stolen vehicles, theft, vehicle proNvling, and property crirraes Gomparisons for 2006 through 2009. ADMINIS'l['RATIVE: ~ Staff and Council meetings in May continued to be covered by Captain Russ Shane and Lt. 5teve Jones in the absence of Chief IZ.ick Van Leuven, who will be back in his ~off ce on June 29. . 4~ Lt. Jones accompanied Senior Administrative ,Analyst M+argan Kvudelka and. Adminis1trative Analyst Tohn Fietra on a tour of the Recards Department and Police Property and explained operations of the twv facilities, describing how they serve the , Spokane Valley Folice Department as UaelI as the Spokane Police Departtment and the Spokane County Sheriff s {Dffice. 0 The 12th annual Law Enforcement Appreciation brea.kfast, spvnsored by the Chaplaincy of the 5heriffs Office, was he1d in May. Personnel from the Spokane Valley Palice Department were amang the attendees, 5peaker for the event was Pastor Ben C3reha.rd of the Valley Bible ChurGh. pastar Orchard is also a Navy Chaplain who served with the Marines in Iraq. 0 ARegional Basic ~Crime Prevention 5choo1 was held at the Spokane Valley Ma11 Neighbarhood Watch f Crime Frevention facilrty, led by Spokane Valley Crime - Prevention OfFicer Greg Snyder and Sheriff s.Office Crime Prevention Offlcer Travis Pende11. Lt, Tmnes attemded this event. . Page I * Lt. Jones met with Lany Ricler of the Spokane Va11ey Fire Department in preparation for ; a MIST (Majvr Incident Support Team) exercise scheduled in June with Spokane Valley Fire ta test the 5pcrkane Caunty Evacuation Plan. + Two Sheriff s C)ffice Reserve Deputies graduated from the Spokane Police Academy, and will begin working with the Spokane Va11ey PoliGe Department and the Sheriff s (]ffice. Reserve off cers volunteer their services to assist vvhere needed. + Natiflnal Police Week, including National Peace Officers Mernorial IJay, occurred in. May, and an annual Law Enforcement Officers MemDrial Observance was held near the County cvurthouse tv honor thase Arnericans officers wha have last theix lives in the Tine of duty to protect othears. CO11~MUNITY ORIlENTED POI,IRCING: * F'ifteen donors fram the Spakane Valley Folice Department and the 5pokane County Sheriffs OffiGe heTped tQ save lives during the month of May when they par-ticipated in ' the annual "Battle of the Badge", a friendly bload drive rivalry hosted by the Inland Northwest Blood Center. They were in competitian with the Spokane Valley Fire Department, who won the victory with a total of 20 firefighter dtinors. A`Battle of the Badge" ceremony and traphy presentation is scheduled far Thursday, July 2 at 12 nDOn at Valley HospitaL Nearly every day persannel from the two public service d~partments respond to incidents where people need blood to survive. The "Battle of the Badge" --bload drive is their way ta give back to the cammunity they serve ann:d suppoxt a healthy competitian hetween the two departmerats. Blurnenthal Unifoxms and Equipment are also spQnsvrs of the "Batt1e" challenge. Cangratulations to the Spokane Va1ley Fire I7epartment, and thanlcs to a11 vvha donated b1ood. * May was a busy month for S.C.D.P.E. volunteers in the City of 5polcane Valley. S.C.O.P.E. stations cantributed the following hours: Central Va.ll+ey, 695.5 hours; Edgecliff, 836 hours; Trentwood, 326 hours; and LTniversity, 535 hours, for a tatal of 2,393.5 valunteer hours for the month. S.C.O.P.E. members a1so participated in the Junror Lila.c Parade and provided t~affic control far the Lilac Parade. They were also involued with WACART (Chi1d Abduction RespQnse Team) training, a Bicycle Safety Fair at the Edgecliff Neighborhood Center, S.C.Q.P.E. Basic and Citizen on Patrol Training {21 nevv valunteers}, the Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council Meth Watch Conference, and attended the Chaplain-sponsared annual Law Appreciation Breakfast, ~ S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 103 on-scene hvurs (including travel time) in May, respanding ta structure f xes, mQtar vehicle accidents and providing traffic Gontrol. They assisted with the Tarchlight Paxade and the East Va11ey S.C.O.P.E. parade. ~ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers who monitor disabled parking in the Spokane Valley issued 12 infractions, along with 68 warnings, in the month of May. Five vaTunteers contributed Fage 2 214 hours to the program this mvnth. The volunteers also issued five non-disabled infractions, ♦ Twenty-twa abandoned vehicles were tagged for impou.ndment in the Spvkane Va11ey in May by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers, with nine af them eventuaIly cited and towed. Sold vehicles without nevv registered vwners dv not receive citaticrns, but may be towed, and there was one this month. With cooperative efforts by Cvde Compliance and S.C.O.P.E. valunteers, sixty-four vehicle hulks were processed in May, effectively helping to clean up the streets of the City of Spokane Valley and improving the attractiweness vf the City for its citizens and V1SItOIS. * The City of Spokane Valley staff participated in "Bring your kids to work" Day, with different departments giving presentations. Deputy Jay Bailey, who is assigned as a Schvai Resource Deputy, brought his patrol car to the City Hall fvr the event, where he spvke with the chi.l+dren and demonstrated cuff links in the photv below. Shawn in the second phoiv are children and parents in and araund the deputy's patrol car. _ -7 _7. _ - ; ~ ~ - , . w - ~ , . . ~ r , ~ '01 - . S f . - - - ~ , ► Aiii .~f uS "sC►°i:~. ~ Phvto #1: Deputy Jay Bailey and athers Fage 3 )4- y ►a = Y•.. p~. } i. j" r 7TT _w ~ ~ 5FI IIE _ LE~ - ~ ' y f f Photo #2: Spakane Va11ey Folice car being exartiined by children and garents ~ A team made up of thirteen runners from Spokane County Iaw enforcement agencies, S.C.O.P.E., the City of Spakane and KHQ #elevision, carried the Special Olympics Flame of Hope in a 300-mile run across Vilashington state in May. T'he run raises public awareness of the pragram and its benefits to children and adults with intellectual disabilitie,s, and #he Special (7lympics program helps make them mare successful in ieading productive and independent lives. OPERATIONS. ♦ Fi#ness Ceater Thieves Arrested Two female suspects were arrested after tiey were implicated in a string of thefts and vehicle prpvvling at Spokane VaIley and South Hill fitness clubs. Detectives executed a search warrant on the suspeets' apartament and xecovered several items of stolen property. Bath women were bovked inta the 5pQkane County Jail on felony counts of 2'°d I)egree ~ Identity Theft and Forgery, and additional criminal charges were likely as the inVestigation continues. ♦ Counterfeit Bills Lead to Forgery Arrests Two 19-year-old Cheney residents wexe arxested on state fargery charges and may face federal charges after they tried to use a counterfeit hundred dollar bill at a pet store in the Page 4 ' City af 5pokane Va1ley. Emplvyees at the st:ore recognized that the bi11 vvas counterfeit. - Deputies fallawed up by going to twwo mare businesses in the area and recovering twa more caunterfeit bills. Investigation is ❑ngoing. 0 The process for updating our agency as an accredited law enforcement agency in the state Qf Washington was begun. Lt. Tones will be working with Trainizag Sergeant Rab 5hexar in this process. Page 5 2009 MAY CRiME REPORT . Ta date: Year9y tvtals: I May-091 May-0811 2009 1 2008 11 2008 1 2007 1 2006 1 20051 2004 BURGLRRY 1 55 58' 2571 2831 7531 584 1 714 1 7441 997 FC]RG ERY 1 14 34 1341 1611 3541 365 1 334 1 4641 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF I lolI 6411 4471 32811 8931 1,265 I 1,122 I 9041 1,224 Nt]N-GRfMINAL 1 641 8611 4121I 40311 9441 839 1 811 1 7491 916 PRC]PERTY DTHER 1 $41 7511 383 34011 82$1 $90 1 982 I 1,1541 1,665 RECC]VERED VEH ICLES 1. 231 3:311 75 13711 3191 343 1 403 1 3331 390 sTOLEN uEHocLES 1 221 551 104' 22311 4961 478 1 711 1 6031 577 THEFT 1 1611 165-1 877 73411 1,8461 1,881 I 1,888 I 2,2561 2,853 U9oBC I oI oll 2 iII 41 s 1 11 1 81 10 V'EHIGLE QTHER 1 01 0il 2 'I ll 71 31 3 1 51 40 VEH ICLE PRUlIULING 1 411 12611 3251 53811 10691 582 1 937 1 9581 1,382 rO~AL ~ROP~RTY CRIMES 1 5651 sgsll 3,0181 3,1491 7,5131 7,338 1 71916 1 8,1781 10,519 ASSAl1LT 1 761 10611 373 3951 8691 853 846 1 8941 880 DoA/suIcioE 1 121 1811 - 72 10511 2691 221 167 1591 - 164 aOMESTic vioLENCE ~ 941 921 4721 43811 10631 874 736 7621 755 HDMICIDE I . QI I I 1.1 ~ !II 31. 1 5 11 5 KIDNAF' I . 11 ill S 101 161 23 1 22 1 351 24 MENTAL 1 341 3811 127 1561 3601 350 1 425 1 4251 386 MP 1 13 911 45 3511 951 83 1 88 1 971 106 PERSaNS OTHER 1 121 12711 638 55611 1,3541 1,337 1 1,159 1 1,2551 1,624 ROBBERY 1 2 1011 271 3211 711 so 1 58 1 561 sa ~ TELEPHQNE HARASSMENT 1 17 411 751 271 951 ► 3 1 83 I 921 190 rvrAL MA.►Or~ CR►MEs 1 370 406I 1,838 1,755 1 -4,1951 3,8751 3,5$9 1 3,7771 4,192 AC3UL7 RAPE 1 4 21 15 22P 441 43 1 29 1 391 37 CHILD ABUSE 1 211 1711 76 7711 1481 104 1 78,1 1011 125 GUSTODIAL [NTERFERENCE 1 181 911 561 2711 851 92 1 105 1 881 205 5EX REGISTRATION F , 01 01111 211 31 4.1 31 61 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES I 1 I zll 51 611 1.1 i 1$ 1 151 91 21 GHILD MaLESTATION ~ 1 711 91 2511 661 46 1- 691 671 77 GH I LD FZ4PE 31 5 191 . 241 391 31 1 62 1 351 30 RUNAW►4Y 441 41 1891 1611 3691 295 1 309 1 3111 437 5EX OTHER 171 141 841 9411 1791 194 1 203 1, 1811 162 STALKING 11 31 81 1211 211 17 1 171 271 35 sUsPacrOus PERSON 1 121 131 761 - 5811 1421 152 I 177.1 2441 341 rvrAL SExcRrMEs 1 1221 1131 5381 50811 1,1081 996 1 1,067 1 7,1081 1,475 DRUG f 461 961 3311 41111 8381 807 1 665 1 8911 999 IsuoTHER I 01 01 ol OIi oI 1 I 0 I oI 1 TC3T,►RL !5[! 1 461 9611 3311 4111 8381 sas 1 sss 1 8911 1,000 rvrAL rRAFF►c REpORrs 1 2621 33$ I! 1,357 1 1,6711 3,$11 1 3;800 1 3,345 1 2,4031 2,775 TC3TAL 14EPnRTS 14E+CElVED 1 1,3651 1,fi49 11 7,0821 7,4941117,4651 16,817 1 16,582 ~16,357 ~19,962 . ~ do~~ C~~ ~ Trel tM" Clemsnls ~ a y s4 ans ~ ,b +0 Grenne ~ in l ut~ ~ 9 -M oa oal 8~ 8 u ~ w W}~ g ro m Wel L " " ~ y~^ e~ B~ an 1 no 1a m ~ ~ Ilaw ~ ~ L. t ~ a ic h TrBn a 3 ~ o ~cro ~ o a ~ w m lo1 m ` " eA d Ind ~ c -LI LO ~ p Cc j Ipem 1Pa ~ lal o ~ P rk Courb nd G 19 d t" I x tltc ~ LI iEd E : w ~uclld _ _ Em ke r.k FPednr m ~ ' m 8u e G ucke f uc e ~C+ Ja orr Mer^ c a ~ r S a ` ~ nsfield Ion~ ~ ~ ans r~sfleld Knox 1M~~ m a he ~ " 4~ ~ Je m CSM 17fl0ff ~90I w^ 2~L~ 0 m - _ ~ ~ 9 ❑ y f) '"~q . a° m Mlsslon a ~ Misslon isskon ~ .c m ~Mlsslon m n 9 m ~ E A 6ome ~ D s Sha m Gawl _-L90 r y ❑ C el a m tC m~i e sta Broedwe 6roedw~ ~ AJ I 00%, , F0I unds ~ Alk~ A~i VB @ 9 Maln ° Mgin ~ M~in r U" '9 S re 8 S ra u' o~`~ r 2 n R I an d 0 2nd ~ R{ ~'ad c pp~w 3~ ~~dlh - 1 ~ dih cav l a •m, _I o . • m 61 ~ , 9 h4 81 QLSth LD ~ ` ~e~' p %b t~ $ G th 1 d H .'~o 4th ew M k h t7 ~m o a ~ !Ik z ; inn d 3Znd 91h m E ~ 31 st 132nd 1n `5 36th a m ' ~ + ~'Icn ~ I V ~ ~r . ~ g ! i 3J~1 m `7tlr ro point ' e~ lerre u Commercial 9 CPO d BUrglary e 2 m m ~ r ~~n aa ~ ° 1 p3r h G LD 44U1 ffi 45 .%1 I 44Eh ~ ~ cx ~ fh ~ s ABth p6'~ z Ii a ' z ❑ ~ ~ ~ p n€c gele x 011,10 e ~ ELOW , Ro ■Medium 53 0 1 L) Tth cD,k -4 m~ ■High a0.5 ,MIS 2009 NIay i~ Cammercial Burp~lary Hatspvts M1Jued2a9~ ~ 1 ~ ~ i Spokane Valley Commercial Burglary 35 ~ 30 - 25 - 20 ■2007 ■2008 ■2009 I 15- ~ 10 . ~ - , 5 - ~ 0 - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC al Cfements Cen I Pp JoODP4 m Qc o~~ p y~ n~Jr` Tta#s 7 san m ~ Grenite ( ~ e s~ in ~ a 0 ool Br oa Wel In LL w ~ II . 0 IIOW Oy LL E :3 ~ 3 ~r~ m ~ e ~m µ7fe a ~ e C -~1- . ' i_ 0 a ~ry q, E k U ~ { 3 ° 3 arta d ~ m a ` indulfti 0 ~ 7 f_ o Klsm iPa el o m P k Courd nd d t' I m ' er ~ uclid nd~~ Em uci E Cn ~ 5 ~ ~ M$f . u Feye~ I'm,' e` en t ~ ~ url~l Mo I em 8 d ~f iti~b a fl I ~ m m Sh m Knox ~ nefleld Indl~ - ensfie~d b11 N c I 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a L°w r~ Q L . Missian~ 'Isslon j m Missfon ~ c° "Missian m f Pi ell ¢ Shl Bonne C RfD. ~ ~ Cat e 0 O ~ ' ~ sm m ' ~ T A 9 a ~ ad 0 a y a Q 9roedwa 8rosdwa 0 a A~I wa _0% Alki Fel rovnds y I I CO m Valle r Iv 0. ~ o e~e e~ L p, R 19 Mein Maln de paar w a~ J: _ E--• ro ~ S~ e au S ra u ~ ra a! 5 re uB 2n RI end °d e d vie FeCI ~ 3rd 3rd 4!h dth o c ! ~ ~i.~ ~ m 6l ~ o ~ Oth ~ N = ' ~ I ro 8t f{ I B ~ L) L 1= 1 1. . - v o ~16t - 1 a Pry,~ ' ~ ~ Apo 4e~ Df r 741h a' ew 5 21 st E v, i7. ~ ~ 25lh gt~ 2 l il I m q ~ m m U ffi271h 1s1 Q 2 ~frs 3?nd 9t"'~ ~ ~D e Residential ~ 31st132nd stn "E d I3 Burglary Q m I E ~r y 39~ m ~ 1 s ~ 371h m Qobnt . ? . ~ ~grre tn U m t . rh ~`Q!! 2 F m ? e c"e d Ba31 ~ A m 2 N V3-4 h G p adlh m p~ L n,~ ffi 45 ~gt~ } 44th x ~ ~ c > ~~s G m 6 y,ro m~, e ~ th E 481h i pN x u. ~V+ ''+*o ~ ~p~ ❑ m ~ ~ I ~ A hlC ~1E F1fs ~ a' =Law EMedIIIITI 7mm ~ , cotk 00 ~ m ■HIgh Ert r 1 0 0.3 1 Mle 2009 Ma Resi~dential Bur larHots ots ~d~~o~~ ~ r I a I Y ~3'' P Spokane 1Jalley Residential Burglary - - - - 60 50 40 ■20Q7 3[l ■20Q8 ■z0a9 20 - ~ 10- ~ . ~ h, a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP C1CT NaV pEC Spvkane Valley Garage Burglary 25 zo i 15 ■2ao7 02008 ■zoos 10 - - ~ II . i a - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL ALfG SEP OCT NC1V DEC Spokane Valley Forgery 50 45 40 - 35 - 30 - ~ ■2p07 25 - ~ ■ 2008 ` 02009 2U ,rl 15- 10 5 , ~ f 0 i i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NQV DEC Spokane Valley Malicious MESehief zoo 180 160 740 120 Mzao7 100 - ■2008 ■zao9 60 - 6Q I 40 - - 20 - ~ 'Ia- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NdV DEC . Property Grimes Camparisons (2009 is January - May) 2000 1800 1600 - - - - 1400 1200 ■20Q6 1000 ■200T 02008 02009 soo - 600 400 - - 200 --if I I - - - 0- r , Commercial Residential Forgery Malicious Stolen Vehicle Theft Vehicle PrQwling Burglary Burglary Mischief Spokane VaUey Stolen V'ehicles so ~ 70 so 50 02001 40 - _ ~ ■20Q8 ■ZQ09 - ~ 30 - , 20 ~ 1 F ~ r 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AIJG SEP OCT NOV DEC sl e - Clernanls ~ S o dCenQ~l Tred joseak k ~ Ys s in 58n d1 Ap GrBnke 7 I~ e ry ~ fi 9 y r ~ Q ~ fd _•~r q, ..:.jl- Br y e ~ weia = N a~ r A C low h H LL TraN. o. ~ cLse w a m o H 9 1acrog ~ E c ~ t Ind ~ c, 9 7 eAa d s, c ny `~ng ~ o ~ j a Kiem sPa L al 0 m ~ e 10 Q v ~ ~ P rk Courtlc nd G I r ; d tfi m r, ri Li u Em Ire alE~ E I r E ~ Euclfd _ i _ Fredrr r G G gu e e u ucke ue 4 Mer _ la c a m ~ ans ne11e1d 6 ansfl~ld Me Ign KnaM LMf ~ w `b 494l C ~4 ~y, No 0c c ( ~ ata Isslon a m Mlssion " M ell~ a 'w In - e m I ~ 60ane C Shn v 1= m ot~ne . ~ ~ 1300 ~ r ,u ' m ~ Cai d p ~ e C I,e we ' la ~ r ~ eroedwev ~1 eroadwa C Al Fal munds y v, Rkl i ° AIkI ~ Va e e m P evA~ ~e ~ Msln ~ Mein L ~ _ ~ a 0 ca r~~ae ~ ~ v- a' ro S.ra e m S ra u e~ i- w Zn P,6 and m 2nd ~ I v P ecc r - 4th - rd: d- m 61 , 9M1 .v 8t .~c 2 t`~.j~r5" ~ G ~'p L y th f 24fh a w dew V 151 S Em ~ ~ 75~ 2 2 u 2Ah a ~ ~ ~ I 9th . , StOlBn ~ G 31st~32„d 10 ssu, E Vehides Q ~ p m ~ I 0 0: L 01 ~ 379n W cqpoInr al torre N u ~2 k ~ a m~ w co , ~ 9 @ 0 ~ h~ bbth m m S m 45 15~ 441h 13 0 ~ ~rf 4 m 481h °A nic~ o MLOW ~ arkerv t Be6d a~,V e EMediurrl os r pe?g~ 51 * (l p ~ '~,C ~y ■ H i9 h r I 74+~ Cptk E Etf t L? I r .._,I~.. o a.~ ~ ~w~e ~ 2009 April & MaV St+~len Vehicle H~otspots M11J ue 2 09: ~ ~ " ~ r1 i Spokane Valley Theft 250 200 ~ 154 - ■zoo7 ~ ■20a$ " M20as 100 - , I~ 50 . . ~ ~ 0 - - , , , , , JAN FES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV l3EC Spokane Valley Vehicle Prowling - - 140 120 100 BO - M2007 ~ ■ 2008 ■2009 fiEl I _ 9 40 ~ ~ 20 - - + ~ u0 JAN FE8 MAR APR MAY JIJN JUL AUG SEP OCT IVOV DEC Q~ Clemena 4 ~o Cen¢a Ii v I~ ~ --I- app d~1 ~G ° d4° Tsafs JosanR G in S~r °n rQ y Grenlle ~ 7 C.~ S ut~e ' f a o~ JaVi Bro id nal ~ Br a We91e LL,~ id ,~~f ~ emv ~ on f Ila E_ ~ ~ w ~ . ilow ~ H LL ,o ~c~-- ~ M loi 7lacro s g ~ U n o~ E ck ~ 1nd f~ ro o % Klem sPa I ial o -1 u I k ~ rk Courll• -id G ° - nd U) tl u r~_ - aw a r e E w Eudid ~~-~rf Uflrabea Eucl ~ - ~a~l~` • Frede 10-W k@ C IiC.k@ u1,kt,4e. 9 ~ ~ Yr ad t k , 10 c ~ • n, arllsl ~ ` 1 '~n, t~ a y .r , ~ a d> a i I " o E anstieid he m lenA ~ ~ N 1' ~ C Sh r~nart t9af ~ ~~ndia ~ 190 ~ LL a r~~; 6 c ~ y;: D m u is~' ~ 1551p31 m Misafon y~W ~ . t17 ~ .G m up F89iofl :9 x I y I M X m E ra y m -_~1- m SharD_ oone ^ ~ m smv m q M Cata .0 .90 ~ D fi a m G I o m ~ ~ m 1 Sroadwe ~ M m wa y l AlCi Nki ~ 6roedwe ~ . Fai rounds ~ Alki m ~ `~m A~IE Q~~ Se~ alie aY ° pea Mein ~ Maln r w a 1 u° v = S za u - re ue e - ` ~ ra A de S ra ue ~ p 2n T Rlc and °o 2n~ e II cavle Pa~l c 3~ Pp~w Y 3rd_ ~dih " 41h E th 4lh , a o fith th m a BI ~ @ th ro s c ~ ~ y ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ u 9tt ttt W m -0 hB iiA ~ - 4t' i8! C ~ G~ u '"o - 7 ` ~ s th e4& a ; qAo > ( ~ ~ ro G 241M y j 9w 0 218t J,M m m 25th 2 3 d o a I (fqk m . ~ 27Ih 3?nd V 2su~E VehiCle a ~ 31 et 32nd 3eu, E ~ Prowlling Lo a 391t a l,J , c J 37lh painl • , el tama (i ~ ~ ' ~ ~6ff " 0 w m~' r a 41 ~ 2 ~ 9sll sl 03-4 ~ 2 verrf ir LD 44lh ~ ~ 45~ Q~ 441h,, ~ - h Gl fi .v`tr o v Q 6th tD ❑ th ~ E r 48th ocli ni Ee c geMe a vs ELOW C°rke A Ci ~ o EMedium Si s ~o,~ ~ ■Hlgh Tlh ~t~ r Map Produced; ~ .4-. ; 05 ;Moe 2009 May Vehicle Prowling Hotspots 11 June 2009 ~ Clements 'vq,1,rr t I Cen;e! ~ sl aAP ° v ~ 64 `pb ~°R~ 6k o/ A ~ ~ Tra~ls ~ J49 tker < ~ fi f~ sro ~ nda Sa on " N~ ~t0 Granlfe el ~ac0 i roJ m t n _ y ~ a ~ onl ~ er ~ ~S W0ll8 ..1- . m~ ~ m Ifow W aY 9 em an f ~o ~ o Tre~ a. 0 m~n o ~Gro 4- 1 E `a l1o a`~ ~ o ada d- a>1 m Ind Kiam iPa al o z v ; ~ P rk L- G Courfl•.d o_ ~ _ m p5n ~ d slr' I ~ m landtE Li u at'a i ,f~f c~•-t. a EuCI i~ r E ~ w Eucl _ Ire ~ 1 ~ ~ Freder 9n w~ :r-- Gt 6u ke e ucke Mar M e arl ~ adisl , a ~ t.a~~' nsBeld tindie ~ Id~ha N ~ 1901 ~j ltl~1 u ~ f 1 f., 1'0 Cy C h h. os w sslo` N( a_~ m Mlgsion ~ Essfo ~J ~ ~ M• x ell g "M€ssfion l I O T - Boone C E m ~ _ I- - ' . _ . Ca! 0 90 r D s r ~ ' ' ~ T u~ r o m Ca.o - _ E 6roadwa ~ wa re Broadway ~ I . Fel rounds 49,~; AIkI ~Wn .e~ M 4 Msin - p f~. a9r e yu~aYr~-.~` M ir6 ~ ~ . g~ ~ r~nriF 1 a . S ra u a~ ra _~r aq-`!~ m ' _ 2nd e 1{ Pac~ c asn cevk 61H ~ -14 ~~~fy f . I ~I i v ~ ~ , 4 •,~1 . ~ , o -TU-1~ ~ E 1 o he~ - . 2t d v r ~ E -1124 d Dmtf 3 ~ 241h t aw ' a 21 st r ienr1 ~ 25th 2 a m a m ~ m ~ 27th tst < ~ 32n~R n' ~ Traffic Collisians ~ r. m 31 Bt f 3c^tlff 10 4 I - e~ ~ ` 36tf1 n A' - i, 1~11/Y ~ I E 1 C7 ~ ~ ~ 304 ~ @ Cf 2 371h m polnd I SerrQ +'n U ' ~11 03 m - W.\f• ~ 1 ~ ~k a ' ch9P d Ba6f ❑ 2 2 ~n VB~ ~ _ hr G1 44th ~ 45 -(~5ta ~ . 441h- m ❑ r , " MLOW th ro m ~ ~ x ~ ~ tl ~ uQ d7 s. a ~ iGorke a ~ N ~ ro 45th A Mic CO ~ ■Medium Lpw ■Medium cn 0 r A~~ ~■High zih ~ ~ I ! 0;5 1 Mle 2009 MayTraf~ic Coilisian ~Iotspats ~ii ~p ~d2ons~ ~ ~~TY 6ane~ . - ~ OValley PLlBLIC VVORKS DEPAI~TMEh~~ ~ONTHLY REPORT May 2009 AGREEMENTS FOR SERIJICES AaaPTED ANQ lN OPERATiON • Street Maintenance - County 5treet Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA winterlspring sweeping. • 5treet and Stvrmwater f!llairaterrance and Repair confract -Poe Asphalt Paving lnc. wvrked on 5treet Preservatian Prajec#s and Pavement Removai and Replacement. • Landscaping Services - 5pokane ProCare os working springlsummer 2008. `'Vactvring Cantract - AAA Sweeping remo►ved standing water around drywells. e Engineering Services 5upp❑rt -Agreements with privafe engineering firrns. ■ Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) -1NSDOT lnterloca9 • 5alid 1Naste - Regivna6 Solid'llllaste IrrteriocaL - Public Wvrks rtrvas on the selection committee far the Performance and Financiai Audit for the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System, WASTEWATE R ~CH2MHif1 was selected far the design, auild and vperation of the Spokane Caunty Regional Water . Reciamatian Facility. The County has apprvved contract with GH2M HE11. ~ 0~dn September 26t", EPA issued a sfatement that the TMDL and the Idaho permits must be revised sa that the limits in th~e river de not exceed .20 mgli decrease in dissolved oxygen, Q Runnsng models in the river. ■ Status of the prvices$ can be monitored at: hfti):llwwv.sr)okaneriver.netl?r)-225 and httjD://www.sr)okaner'iver. net/ ~~NTR►4L 11A'LLEY SCHDOL ❑15TRICT a Neil is a member vfi the Capital Facilities Planning Committee to asstst the district in the devefopment ❑f a 6-year and 25-year lang range bvnd plan. The cvmmittee meets on a mvnthly basis on Vllednesday evenings. The Cvmmiftee met on May 6 and meetings are expected to continue thrvugh april of 2010. SPC)KANE RECIONAL SOL10WASTE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ►4U[31T ~ Nei1 is a member of the Technical Work Grvup overseeing the perFormance audit. The graup selected the Gonsu1#ant Camp, aresser and McKee (CDK) thraugh an RFP process in October. Fars€ meeting he1d on Nov 3 regarding financia1lperformanGe audEt, and a comparisvn with others arourad the cauntry. Flavv Control Agreement sends in 2011. The audit is complete. A meeting to review final draft was held May 7th. STREET MASTER PLA►N ~ JUB Engineers have completed their update ta the Street Master Plan and it was presented tv City Cvuncil on January 20, 2009. The dacument is on the City's web site. Staff is working on developing another contract wi#h JUE3 Engineers for the cvntinued update and rnaintenance of our TIP data. : I updated June 25, 2009 CAPITAL PROJECTS BRIDGE PROJECTS • Barker Rvad Bridge Project (0003) _ Bridge was closed starting July 7. Bridge deGk has been completely remvved; wvrk continues to demv9ish old piers. All drilled shafts haue been instailed, four in the river and five at each abutment. The 1Nashington Department of Fish and Wild1ife restricted window started March 15. Until June 15, in- river ►rvork is now lirnited to wvrk whicfi is insEde a cantainmen# structure of some kind. Tvvo cvlumns on top of the twa vf the shafts have been formed and praured. • Su11iVan Rridge #4501 Insp+ectivn over Trent {0095} . Design complete submittal 30 Apr 09. Evaluating schedufe fvr cvmpleting work. ■ Steen Road 6ridge The woad bridge deck has been replaced. Wvrking with 5pokane +Gflunfy on the need to rep9ace the soufh timber pils cap. • Bridge Maintenance & Re;pair RDAD +Ct]NSTRL]CTION PRC)JECTS • PineslMansfreld (0005) Union Pacific contrac# arrived. Needs to gg to Gouncil. Propvsal: dv South-bound half Saturday, then North-bound. Fu1ly vperational by 11 June. ■ SpraguelppplewaylDishman-Mica ITS (0062) Signs are up. Estirnated compfetivn by the end of June. + BrQadwaylFancher PCC Intersection (0067) Complete. • 5igna` Cvntroller Upgrade Praject (0+071) 7he County still has a couple mare to install. ■ Applew+ay Avertue RecvnstruCtivro - Tschirley to Hodges (0016) Gvmplete. • SpraguelConklin Signal (0077) Complete. STREET PRESE'RVATION PROJECTS - Maving foruvard with design vf these prvjects •Sprague A►ve Resurfacing - Linirrersity to Evergreen (Phase'I) & Evergreen to Sulliyan (Phase 2) Inland Asphalt awarded project. Project starts July 20. ■ Euclid Ave Resurfacing -Su6livan to Flora Qn hald a Sullivan Rd ResurFacing - Indiana to Euclid - On hvld • Adshman-Mica Resurfacing -1 6th to University (Phase 1) & Bowdish to City timits (F'hase 2) - Environmental classification summary cvmplete; awaiting additivnal funding before proceeding vvith contract - On hold , • 32 nd Ave Resurfacing - Di5hman-Mica to SR 27 -Environmen#al cia$sificativn summary camplete; awaiting additivnal funding before proceeding with contract -On hold I 2 updated June 25, 2009 ROAD ❑ESIGN 0 44th ►4venue P~thvvay-W+aadruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) Environmental approval came 3,lune. This project will be dvne in conjunctian with the West Panderasa - Sewer Project. Pathtirvay is separate prvject fram the sewer. P[anning on August bid, build in Septamber. ■Braaclway Av►e Safety Impruvement - Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Dv survey; get public vpinion. Describe praject, including handicap upgradesy marginal road. Inga will prepare presentation fvr Gouncel. 1Nill subrnit to Council on 16 June. • Br~adway Arre Rehab, PFrase 2 Fancher to Thierman (0066) . Gaes Qut fv ad Juns 19 - bid opening July 10; anticipate award Juiy 14. a Broadway Ave Reconstruction - IVloare to Flora {0088} Benthin Assvc[ates is surveying for topvgraphic map and praperty bvundary. Ski11ing Connolly working on praperty negotiativns. In the R9W phase, - a Sprague AaA Improvements {0098} Work camplete, Michelle dane inspecting. Bid awarded to Cameran-Reilly. SpraguelEvergreen PGCP lntersection PrDjec# (0102) Awarded to Acme Cancrete Paving. Project to start in August with a shvrt overlap with the ~ 5prague/McDvnald projec#. SpraguelMGDQnatid PCCP 1ntersection Praject [0104) ~CA) Awarded to Acme Gvncrete Paving. Project just started; shart overia;p with Pines intersec#ivn. O SpragueJPines PCCP Intersection P'roject (0103) (GA) ,lust finishing up prv}ect. 0 24th and Aaams Sidewalk Project (0105) INe designe+d and Vera vuil6 build on their schedule. ■ fndiana Ave n ue Extensian - 3,600 elv S u11i►ran to Mission & Flvra (0112) Cvst for roundabaut is budgeted in prQject cast. Steve waiting for infvrmativn frvm the developer. a Park Rd -Broadway Aue to lndiana Ave -(OOG9) ReceiUed fee May 20; need to compare t❑ scope. Scope & fee f❑ council next week. PE funds reEeased last vveek $300,000. ■ Econvmic StiQmulus fProjects RFQ 09-009 - Consu`tant sefectivn prvGess is dvne. Bowd'ish Rd - 32"d Aue to ~th Ave (0121) -Caffman Engineering - PrajeGt vrr hold. Evergreen132 nd - 7'6th Ave to 32"' AvelEvergreen to 5R-27 (0724) - Century 11UestlTaylvr Eng - Arojpct vrr hQld. SEWER PRC3JEGTS ~ Rockwe115anitary Sewer Prvject (0094) ; Com plete, 3 updated June 25, 2009 • West Ponderosa Sewer Project (0106) Phase 1- MDM Construction was awarded job based on low alternate. Work began on Schafer on 4/23. Schafer will be closed from 4/28 through 8/17. Detour will be Dishman-Mica, Bowdish, Sands & 44tn. 1St paving scheduled for week of July 6. Phase 2- Knife River awarded project; pre-construction meeting to be held May 26; work to start later that week. Estimated completion July. Starting on 44th & VanMarter working west. • Valleyview Sewer Project (0107) North Valleyview Stormwater (tied into the Valleyview Sewer Project) (0111) L&L Cargile awarded project; moving slowly. Installing water. • Rotchford Acres Sewer Project (0108) Safco Inc. was apparent low bidder on opening, 4/22. • Clement Sewer Project (0109) MDM was awarded project. Starting 22 June. PARKS PROJECTS • Park Road Swimming Pool Upgrade (0073) (HW) Opening 19 June! Walk through 5 June to go through punch list. Permit review 11 June. All pools open 6/16. • Terrace View Swimming Pool Upgrade (0074) (HW) Project is near completion; final walk-through will be May 26. On schedule to be completely finished by June 5. Boilers will fire up May 21; Avista will be changing meters out after the boilers are up and j running. Replaced pumps. All pools open 6/16. . • Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade (0075) (HW) Project is near completion; final walk-through will be May 26. On schedule to be completely finished by June 5. Gas meters changed out. Training to start with YMCA on the 11th. All pools open 6/16. • Valley Mission Park Upgrade (0076) (HW) Walk through scheduled for May 22 for seed and sod plan. Working on getting substantially complete. • Discovery Playground (0086) (SA) 2 Addendums issued; issuing Addendum 3 today with opening set for June 9. • Centennial Trail Restroom Water Service (SA) May be able to work this into the Discovery Playground project. Parks & Rec training with YMCA. STORMWATER PROJECTS • Stormwater Decant Facility Working on project scope. • 16th Avenue and Bettman Rd Drainage Improvements (0100) Drainage Ease_ments recorded and design complete. Project awarded as part of the Valley View Sewer Project. • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Four sites recognized. Initial survey, model runs, and base mapping completed. Met with Dave Randall -$100,000 preliminary cost analysis for 4 sites, 600 ft. of pipe. Adding more drywells. 4 updated June 25, 2009 OTHEFi !PROJEC,TS ■ City HaII Projiect (0089) Councul approved schecnatic des_ ign. Neil working fln putting cantracts tagether. ■ Street & Stvrmvvater Mai~tenance Facility Warking orr project scope, ~ 1!alley Precinct Blu'ilddng Flavr Drain (00196) Complete. TRAFFIC o Ener9y► grants - $800,000 for Spvkane Valleyo Pub1ic {Il~~eting 517109. Daae end ~f June. ■ Indian alFiara sfiudy - justification for rvundabvut on I ndiana Extension. G ave to DEA. a Spr~gue/Thierman - Go1vicp awarde~d jvb; cvntraGt is signed. o Argonne & Indiana Cvrb - Give onfarmativn ta Poe for bids. a Beacon Grant - Grant submitted fQr Pmndervsa & Op,~~rtunity lElementary Sch4ols.. . ST+C]RMWATER * 2009 Maintenance projects -cvvrdinate E~ow ot fts i'nto Tum's budget (under Poe or smalf wvrks bid) r CampEete a Vactar analysis for the budget. * Jacob, new in#ern, starting 5111I09. 5cott, returning vntern frvm Iast year starts 5118109, ■ Carnpleted Starmwater Design Covrdinativn with Sewer Prajects in Valieyuiew and Ponderasa Phase I. , Continuing Stormwafer Coordinafion with Pondervsa Phase 11. * VIlorking an Draft 2010 Stvrmuvater Managemea~t Program Plan. ~~~s wols inc1ude a Stvrmwater CIP, Maintenance needs andPernnit Projects ~list. * Beginrring UDCIC7rdinance update to cnmply with DC}E S'W PErI`1'llt requlreP1'1@nt oC1 IIIIcit D15Ghafge and Elif71lflatlon, * Wmrking with nev+r 2008 Lodar Data set on GIS. AWESON6'E - 1-foot con#our capabQlity! Software vn loan for trial basis. May need saftware GIS add-vn tooC tv deal with the data. ~Dea[ing with C]OH request for GIS Gryrvell infarmation - within 200-foot prox:ornity to C1ass A1B dranking weILs. ~ T'he S1lV Utisity wilV take any new drainage easernents to the County for recflrdAng. 1lVe wi[I a1so input them ir~to a new GIS data set to track for futurernapping. aTREET & 5fiC)RMWATER MAINTENANGE p►CTIVITY Thie folfowing is a sumimary of Puhlic WvrksIContractor maintenance acfiivuties in the Gity+ of 5pvkane 1Ialley for May 2009: ■ TGm has a Iist af what Poe is propmsing for averlays o Sweeping almast complete. •Poe has graded a11 drrt roads and is now oiling them. 9 Em erg e ncy+ sn aw plowing, - LOti sent vut 29 M ay, d ue back 1 ~9 .lu ne. ~id~J uly tak~ ~~ckage tv ~ou nce1: lease facqlity,1NSDOT equipment purchase, F'ae cantraGt. • 5 updated June 25, 2009 AC'l erT. Y or o~ne ~ ,,,00V91eV ~'ay-D9 J 2009 AROJECTS Funding Project Proposed pesign CQnstructian Estimated Total Prajeck Manager Bid Date Compfete Complete Cvmpletion Cost # Raad Cpnstruction Proaects 0903 Barker Raad Bndge Rep1acement - Barker Rd. at Spakane River BR Knutson Feb-08 100°Ta 30°Jo 311110 $ 11,317,000 ooDS PineslMansfield Project- Wilbur to Pones, to I-90 TIBlGM'AQ Knutson Apr-08 104°!0 85°/0 1011109 $ 5,306,143 0016 Appleway,4venue Reconstruction -`fschirley to Hodges STP(U) Arlt Sep-07 100°/o 100% 1211/08 $ 6,099,568 ~0053 24#h Avenue Reconstruction - Sullivan to Veracrest &22nd Gity Aldworth Apr-08 100°/o 100% 8I21108 $ 980,000 0052 SpraguelApplewaylDishman ITS - SpraguelApplewaylDishman GMAQ Knutson 100% 0% 611I09 $ 830,700 0067 BroadwaylFaoacher RCC Intersection - Broadway and Farrcher STP(U) Aldworth Feb-09 TDD°/4 66% 611J09 $ 1,295,000 0068 Broadway Ave. GdndlOveriay-1-9a to Park Rd. Altlworth 100°/a 10a°/o 11l1108 $ 351,000 0071 Signal Controlfer Upgrade CMAQ fnga Nate 100°/0 90°l0 611P09 $ 258,400 0077 SpraguelConklin Signal - Sprague and Conklin Developers ArCt nla 100% 99°/Q 511/09 $ 300,000 0092 SpraguelBowdish PCC Inkersection -Sprague and Bawdish STA Aldworth May-08 100°10 100°la 1111108 $ 892,000 5treet Preservation Projects $ 1,290,000 0093 Dishman Mica Rehab - Appfeway Ave to 16th Ave Citj Kfein n1a nPa Clased 9130108 $ 239,988 0093 Montgomery Ave Rehab - Aarganne Rd to Untversity Rtl City Keein nla nla Closed 9130108 $ 242,000 Road Design Projects 0054 44th Avenue Pathway - Wovdnrff to Sands (PE) STP(E) ACdwarth 50°/Q 0°/0 911109 $ 355,000 0063 Broadway Ave. Safety ImprDVements - Park Rd to Pnnes Rd TEB Nofe 0%B 0°/0 0056 Broadway Ave. Rehab Phase 2- Fancher to Thierman (PE) STP(U) AEdworth Jur,e 33°/0 0°/0 9f1109 $ 500,000 0069 Park Road Phase 2-Broadway to lndiana STP(l1) Knutson Feb-1 Q 0% 0% 1111f09 $ 304,500 0088 Broadway Ave. - Moore to Flora (PE, RV1I) TIB Aldworth Feb-10 30% 0% 1011109 $ 2,198,000 0102 EvergreenISprague PCCP fnfersection Project 5TA Aldvaorth May-08 100°Jo 0°/0 1011109 0104 McDvnafdlSprague PCCP Intersection Project STA Aldworth May-09 100°/a O°/a 1011109 0103 PiraeslSprague PCCP In€ersection Project STA A9dwarth Apr-09 100°l0 10°l0 1011109 0110 Sprague Rve Resurfacing Phase I- University to Evergreen Econ. Stim. West Apr-09 90% 0°/0 1011109 $ 3,898,000 0115 Sprague Ave Resurfacing Phase II - Evergreen to Suflivan EcQn. Stirn. West May-09 60% 0°/0 1011109 $ 1,944,000 0116 Euclid Ave Resurfacing - Sullivan to Flora Ecan. Stim. West May-09 0°/0 0% TBD $ 970,000 0117 32nd Avenue Resurfacing - Qishman-Mica to 5R-27 Ecan. Skicn. Knutsan .1un-09 0°/a 0°Jo 10i1i09 $ 970,000 0198 SulIivan Rtl Resurfacing - Indiana to Euclid Eean. Stim. VVest Jun-09 0% 0% TBD $ 1,475,000 0l19 Dishman-Mica Resurfacing #1-16th Avenue to University Road Econ. Stim. Knutson JGn-09 O% 0°/Q 10f1109 $ 1,245,000 0126 DFShman-Mica ResUrfacing #2 -Bowdish to City Limits Ecan. Stim. Knutson Jun-09 0% 0°/a 1011109 429,000 Sewer IProjects 0056 Spaldings - Paveback - Indiana west of Montgomery City Arlt May-07 C9asetl Clvsed 1111108 $ 16,043 0057 Grandview Acres - Paveback - Butler to Cement, Faerview to Ernpire City Arlt Apr-07 Glvsed Clased 711I08 $ 7,278 6/25/2009 C:1Documents and 5eftingslcacastalLor,al SettingslTemporary Intemef Files10LK4lMay 2009 Cansfruckion Projects ; Fu:';-:..J ~ Project Proposed Desigrt Corustructinro Estimatet -Fotal Project Manager Bid Date Comp9ete Complete , CompCetcon Cost # Road Constractivn Proyects i 0058 Treniwood - Paveback - Vercler to Evergreen, Trent tQ WeIles1ey city Arlt Apr-07 Cfosed Closed 711108 $ 8,000 0091 RockweillSummerfield Phase I- Paveback - Rockwell, Evergreen to Svllivan city Arlt Apr-DS Cfosed Closed 1111108 $ 53,327 0094 Rockwell -Paveback - Avafon ta Adams, Trent to 1Nabash city Arlt May-08 100% 99°/Q 511109 $ 324,500 0084 SummerFeltl - Paveback - AdamS to Sullivan, Trent to OCympic city Arit Apr-08 Cfosed Closed 11f1108 $ 158,885 0082 Suffers - Paveback - Evergreen to Rragress, 16th ta 8th city Arlt Apr-08 Clased Closed 9115108 $ 157,517 0081 White Birch - Paveback - SuIlivan to Flora, 4th to Broadway city Arlt Apr-08 Closed Glosed 1' 111108 $ 157,205 0106 W Panderosa - Paveback - Locust ts Van Marter, City Limits to 4ishman-M'ica city Arlt Feb-09 100% 10°/o ti 111109 $ 785,395 0107 Valpeyview- Paveback - Butfercup to David, Lake to 13th city Arlt Mar-09 100°r'a 5% 1111109 $ 143,820 0108 Rotchford Acres - Paveback - Sullivan tv Steen, 15th ta 90th city Arlt Apr-09 100°/4 0% 1111109 $ 123,187 0109 Ccement- Paueback - Flora to Greenacres, 6th ta Sprague city Arlt Apr-09 100°/a ~0°/a 11f1109 $ 236,752 Parks Projec#s 0072 dld' Senior Centec Demol6tian -'Mission antl Bowtlish Parks West nla 100°/0 1[la°/o 811108 $ 50,000 0073 Park Rd Swimming Pool Upgrade - Park Rtl, Parks West Mar-08 1 DO°/n 99% 615109 0074 Terrace View 5wimnning Pool Upgrade - 24th and Terrace View Parks West Mar-08 10a°/a 85°/0 615109 $ 3,379,775 0075 Valley Missioro Swimming Pool Upgrade - MissionAve. Parks West Mar-08 100°/0 75°/Q 615109 0076 Valley Missian Park L9pgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Mar-09 100°fo 5°/a 6115J09 $ 372,000 0086 Di5Covery Playground ParkslState Vlr'orIey May-09 100°Jn 0°/a 511!10 $ 1,100,000 5tormwater Prvjeets Stormwater Decant Facility (08l09) - On Hold city West nla a°/Q O°10. TBD 7BD 0100 16th Ave and Bet#man Rd & G+rainage Impravements city A7dwarth Nfar-09 10d°/o 4°/0 9l1109 $ 105,000 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Giiy Clary NlA 30°/o D°!o 10131109 TBD V11est Pontlerosa Drainage Impraverments city Ar1t Mar-(}9 100% a°fo 911109 $ 172,246 mther Projects 0095 Sullivan Rd Bridge aver Trent Inspection city West n1a 75°l0 0% TBD $ 45,400 0089 Gity Hall ProgramminglSite Planning , city Kersten Street Maintenance Storage Faci1ity city Kersten 4130l09 $ 43,500 O096 Valley Precinct Bldg E1aor Drain Parks West Jan-09 100% 100°Ja 3131109 $ 23,800 0098 Sprague ADA Improvements CDBG Aldworth Feb-09 100°/a 0% 7131f09 $ 53,261 0105 24th and Adams Sidewalk Vera Aldworth Feb-09 100% 0 6131i09 $ 50,000 * Partial Funding Total $ 51,261,792 6125f2009 C:tiDocuments and Seftingslcacos#alLacal SektingslTemporary Internet FilesI0LK41May 2009 Construetion Prpjec#s