2009, 07-07 Study Session AGEND.f7l C.1.~~ ~~OKANE V L'7LL.~`_t~ ~~UNCIL YT' ORKSHEET Sk UDY SESr7IO.lY TlIeSdiYyy JTldly 7,20'O'9 6.00 p.m. C.~~Y H.`LLL 1...'O4JNC-EL CHA1M1 BEi~S 11707 East Spi•ague Avenue, Fii•st Floor (P'lease Silence Yaui- Cell Phon~~ ~uring the Meeting) DIScUSSIOnr LEADER sUMECTrACTIvITY - GaAL 1. Carl. Otterstroni, STA Spokane Ti•ai7si.# ALLtl~ori.ty Planning Di=scussionIInfonnatuon,. T~irector of Plan11.:111.c, Cor:rido.r Studies 2. Kathy McClu:ng ULTR.A-.~~x; Ua~ban LODg Term Di.scussioa7[frafoi7nation Researe}i. A:a-ea .Explara.tQry A~ard.s Natio:nal Science FaLi:nda.tion 3. Rick VanLcuven; rail Issues Disci.xssionlIn.farrnation Slaex-iff Knezovi.cEi 4. Scott Kuhta, Ia:n Van Essep7 5ite Selcctor Agreemezit Cliscussi.onll:nfor-maldon 5. Mayor Munson Cou.nci~ Vaca.ncy Procedure I7iscussi~IVIDfarnaation 6. Mayor Munson Advance f1genda Discussianf[:nformatiazi. Cotanci1iiiembers Courrcil E~xten7a1 CQZn~iiii:ttee R.epor°ts DiscussionlInform atio.ei Inorn2atian OnIy (wilI not be discussed or rej-?orted): E, a,senier~~~~r Privatc Sewer Liiies 9. Mayo:r Munsoti ~Council Check in Discussiotll.Tnfornatnoiz. :l (3. M:ifte Jackson City NIana.ger Cammetlts DiscussioiilTrifoarmation A.Dr~OURN Note: UjtCess othe¢-►wEse noted abotifc, tlacr•e wi8'1 kae no pul~lic comments :st CounciB Study SesSisans. I~owever, Cuuncil always; reserves t}ac right tQ request infmrmation fm-oin the public rdnd stafff as appa-e~priate. During meetinbs held by Cfic City of Spokane Valley Caunc.il, tihe'Cotii«ciIl reserves f:he right t~ take ::action" or,p any item Iistecl or sttbsequent~~ added to the ageiida. The terrnn "action" meai7s to deEiberate, di~cuss, review, cozisider, evaluate, ar iizcske a coll'ective positive or negaCive cIecisiQn.. NQ"]'IC'E: Iiidividuats planniiig to attend the i-ncct'irig tivhcs require specia.1 assistance fio accommodate yafiysical, hearing, ar oCher irripairments, please . contact the City Cierk at (509) 92 1 -1000 as soan as possible so that arra€1gements ma3+ be made. Study Session Agenda, 7uly 7, ,2009 F'age 1of l I ' ~ anc ~ - i ~ ~ ~ ~ for a NetworlK ~ 1 ans~ nn 7, ~ J ~ ..r~- i ; Why Plan.? Increasing demand for transit ridershi highest riders~i' since 1 ➢ zooS ~ ~ 953 ➢Qver 200,ooo rn.ore residents in Spokane County since 1950s ➢Forecasts indicate between 100?000 tO 250'000 new Spokane County residents by 2030 Environmental ~ )01, Economic and N-eeds ;;;--Transit has clear rale in urban 21st Century ) d I Performance Transit Network High . . ➢ Performance as lby riders: H1 ➢ Comprehensive multiple corridors ervice ➢All-daY, two-wa-y s ➢Reliable ➢Frequent ➢Improved amenities and appeal ➢Competitive Speed ➢Desired connections ~ ewn i Network.? Why a dispersed nd land use patterns a Existing travel ➢ Serve more people than a single c o rridor ➢ History supports networks ➢ Interstate Highway System is a network that connects the nation's econom Y ➢VISA-"It's everyWhere you want to be" ➢ Internet proved more popular than Microsoft first thought; better than software alone Part of s olutl 'on to making a great region ➢ m N I ' `wA cap ~ ~ . botit "19ki f~`~~''~ t Nihat Oak ~ h~ ~ IOU ~ ~ . out I g based ~ C~ ~3~~ ~nd ~ latIs 3 Sat osP~,,~re ca c~d, ~ t'ind the e IOU , to \Nherttie re you en-01 . ~,th t'he se~ . , ~ 9 . . a' :..r- . • : * , ~ ry . , r. i , . 1 4 R _...y . . . : . ' . . . . ~ , . , ~ . i C ~ ~i~ . . ' ~ : . . . . i ' . . ` 4, . , .1 • „ . ' ~ ~ 3 . , y . . , . . } 7_ a . ~ , •~"K~,..~ j , ~ q -h ' r- 4.~- , . . ~r . . , t . ~ ~ ~ 4. ~ I - ~ ~ i Factors Demand );;o- Travel needs Existing Use Land patterns )w-N Planned growth );;;o- Cost of other travel alternatives i • Factors of Attraction (Utility) ➢ Primary )Oo, Access (where does it go) ➢ Frequency (when does it eome ➢ Speed (how fast) ➢ReliabiIity (is it eonsistent day to day) ➢ Secondary ~ Appea-ing design and features ~ Comfort ~ Safety p Ease of use I Factorsc~ Accommodation (Supply) )~o Park-and-Ride sta s parking Seating capacity ewaiting areas eroadway and facility space for transit . Ve 1cleS ~~Affordable ; i Sample Networks San Francisca s , IIW HwNINr Propvsed "Rapid ~ #awW Netwvrk" 0 Improve frequency, _ ~ sp+eed and relrability 1 ~M ! • y k i`~~ !y an 1ines served b ~ ■Streetcars r * oLi`Jht Rai I AM~ fN~RN ~ ~ f ~ w ~ ~ "DIeSeL' BuSeS : . l ` goo~ t I uTrvlley Buses Mf~ ~ /K1411~1 r ~ Pwa/rc r !1. tl(rrfr~. 116* ~F~ r 4 ~~cr nnw f~ w~ yM.wxm q~ . ~lx.n yw.r }'i ~ YqhW~ 116fF~ .Y 4 ~ iyM PIII~bIM+~N _ ~ i Networks Sampple i s-bustirrjer . . - Copenhagen uS guses„ Regional bus rvutes with h'rgh firequencY, ~ ~ - . I+ ~m~ted stops as part , r~ af multimadal transit netwvrk of urban, ~ intercity arrd regional r..,.w... . S@NICe ; ~ ~ f R ~ <P movia ~ wrwwr.~.ttxaaw - sample tAetNNOfj~s - ue~,,,~t F'~'~'~ ,~~~rr~ ' f1,~"~ . ~ 1I an'~ bUs ~ ~ ~ith ► rt~~t~~"~ • ~,c~s~ r~ 6,ute serv t,~~~~ day ~ ~ ~ er we~~ dal~ ~ r► ~ I ~ • . Major Planning Steps D- -op . o orrido ri g Plan Impleme • o i • • Proposed Vision for a High . Trans*lt Network Performance . comprehensive system v public r~h~.r~ STA's transportation ar~d servlces there is a products that, k ~re~~ror a hi"gh p erformance corridors, when taken as a whole, provide all day, frequent ar~d lacal mass transit serY i'~e to the rapid greatest number of people while it helps sustain e~canor~Y c~ r~c~ ir~prove the and c~ ~f~e regional grow environmental quality of the Inland Northwest. ~ I • • ~ ! Proposed Guiding Principles i i • Transit Network High Per for ance C should. Serve the most number of peoPCe possib-e to the most . number of destinations possible. . Connect the regian's cities and centers as much as possib- e. Improve the environment and the sustain,ability ofthe transPortation system. spc~ nsib-e and scaled apPropriately tc~ t1~e Be fiscally re regian's eurrent and ^ ong term needs given cornPeting demands for scarce resources. public I Develop a Service Typology ' ns of class' ~ n,g patterns like a o1vgy ls a mea' ~ menu at a restaurant Planning tool for identifying opportunities not previously considered Potential wa-xy for branding similar services Means to moving rn ode discussions to a~~ropriate phase af corridor planning eed? Access and Frequency are maj' or elements S ~ for Hi g h Performance Transit Network ~ ~ 1 ~ Proposed Service Typology Average Service Average Access Frequency Type Sp~eed 1nterval Of Service Application Appropriare in Green 10 mph 0.25 miCes 6-12 minutes can5trarned urban 1f1- 2 mpll enurrnnmen€ wrfla Lines high Eaca1 demand ' ApA'roprrate in Red o. 5- 2 urban carridors 2 0mp h 10 ~ 15 m i nufes with exclusrve or ' Lines c+,- 3~'p,l ~1Ies semi exclusrrre rrghts of way - - - - - _ k 4_ ~ ; - I I • • Define Network Corridors Design principles ➢Multiple destinations on each line ➢Look for opportunities to make better connections than existing road network ➢Support land use goals and plans of cities and coun )OP, . . Definition process should consider . different corridors and combinations . before selecting preferred network ~ ~ I Corridors • • Proioritize Corridors that offer ➢ Greatest rl 'dershl 'p potential ortunities ➢Grant o pp o ➢ Partnership pp ortunities ➢Econornic Development );o- t at can e reasonably Corr'l'dors , . implemented in the near term , . r / ~ ChoIces ~ Am i ~ street~rs ~ ~ tAotOT Bus Electric -TxOlteybus . ~ RapW Streetcars ~~riBuswaY~ ~ id Tra~sr ~t (A .g~~ ~ ~ F -TroIle'~'~'` , lectri+c F~~i~id Rail , . comrrruter RaiI ~ A., + Hea,,,y Rai1 qwaY/H~''"''~ ~ ~ id ~'ra"s. ~t • res Regir~~►al E~ r Sample Mode Choices for Green Lines ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ , , . ~r.~,r. ► r~.n,~ i ~ i y~r r~~~ .d~• ~ I P P j r ~ 'I 1 5 3f I w n,l ; i •i4~ . ' _ ~t~ . o eo ~ _ e Choices Sample 1f ~w ~ . ~ . , ~ ~ ' y • ~ ~ . r i . • - „ . . 1 , - - ,:"s __....f•. - ° ~ ~ - NI - a. t _ i ~ ' it t , S a1- " ~ ~ ' ~ 1._.,.~ ~ . ~ . sample Mode Choices for Blue Lines , ~ , ~ , , 4~'II"~1 Ilt If- ,11 ~ . . ~ I ; e , V t {1 pp- t ~ ~ i Outcomes ~ ~ ~ ~ - , ~ y - - This is a concept only of what a high perfvrmance transit network cauld laok like. - CITY OF SPOKANE V►4LLEY - Request for ~~uncil Actian . Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Itert't. Check al1 that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑public hearing El Anformation 0 admin. report El pending feg`sfation ~~ENDA fTEM TITLE: ULTRA (Urban Long Term IResearch Area Exiploratary Awards) GOVERNIi1VG LEG'~SLATICrN; NIAr RFtEVIOUS +CC]UNCIL ACT[C]N T►4KEN: NDne B►~CK~ROUND: Representatives form the UnoVerscty mf Idaha and Washington State Universoty have ap,pr+oac'hed the - city a'bvut agrant t!hey have appCied for regarding the ecnpacts of urbanizativm mn water qualify and quantify and ~ir quality. They are working with a number af jurisdictipns arlvng the SpokaneICaeur d'Alene area. The grant will be awarded in fhe faIF. If successful, the ULTRA tea~m would like cgmmitment fram the Cifiy for staff support to supp[y existing in°~orrnation, staff and posscbly cgty council saapporfi tm aftend up #0 7 community stakehalder meetings over a two-year pereod and the possibilify of using city facilities for al'1 or part oF those meetings. In refurn, the City will be pravided all infarmation data and analysis from the prvject which rnay be infmrmati+on useful Qn creating policies in the Camprehensive Plan Updates and otiher city or regconal ,po@icy decisions. Larry Braunen, Associate Vice Presrdent friom the lJniversity of edaha will be here to make a presenfation and ansvver questians. , OPT1ON5: The City of Spokane U'aIley can participate fu6fy, partially or nvt at all in this study- RECOMMENDE[3 ACTION O~R MC]TION: Council Consensus vn the leve9 0f c4mmitcnent ta the praposed study, shaurd the grant be awarded far this project.. BLJDGETJFlNANCIAL IMPACTS; STAFE CC]NTACT: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director ATT►~CHMENTS fVlA ~ t ~ vices Project, Detention er , i ~ Council o F~ Governments f',z y_'?~''A~~• , r, ~;,'~an`.' ~ , 3 k ~..f7,:~} I t .,r,.. . . ~ ~ .:r.,. . _ June, 2009 . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ! ~ * ♦ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ! ~ ~ . s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ onol~-09'1"C%al H~`i!~to'- 2000 Apprvached the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) for assistance in determining aur needs for jail expansion. As a resuft, Cunniff recommended fhat we hire a criminal justice analyst to determine what was driving the demand for adult jail beds in Spakane Cvunty. ❖ 2002 PowerPaint presentation tv BaCC requesting a Jaif Analysis ; 2003 The Board ofCvunty Commissioners (BOCC) approved the hiring of Lookinglass Analytics to determine growth trends which drive the demand for adult jail beds. The analysis anticipated that Spakane Caunty would require an addifiivnal 65 beds per year until 2015. ❖ Z00►4 The Cvrrectivns Alterriative Review Board (CARB) tv Ivvk at alterriatives tv jail incarceration. ❖ 2005 Lf, Rvhrscheib, Sgt, Sparber and aon Covn attended thc NIC cvurse, Managing Jail d'esign and Construction, in Lvngmont Colorado. The Jail Expansian Team (JET) was fivrmed Chronologic I Huistory ont . 2006 Jail Expansion Project gained mamentum, the BoCC authvrized $20,000 for travel in the state vf Washingtan fvr best practices. lssued RFQ for Jail Planners and Architec#s ~ 2007 Selected Integrus, Dennis Liebert & Assoc, David Bennett, Jim Kalva, CH21VIhill as jail planning team. Natianai Institute of Cvrrections (NIC) fechnical assistance trip to Hi(Isbarv FL. Attended Planning af New Institutions (P4N1) in Denver Cv. Created Master Schedule toward bond in November, 2008 . ~ zoos ~ Completed EPF, Draft Master plan, an bricks side Completed "Snaps,haf" data instrument, formed Criminal Justice Committee, Early Case Resolution (ECR) program, Community Carrections Center Pilot Program, 2411 Pre tria1 Services vn non-bricks side. Pastpvned bond to rcduce prvject cos#s . 2009 Changed design of jail from direct supervisivn to in-direct supervisivn Explored Private Cvrrections Reduced praject costs vf operational & canstruction Explared partnering with SPD for new police station and relacation of CCC in Public Safety Buifding Evaluating the comparative cost between a horizvntal V.S. verfiical jail I + , I • Time Schedule Original RX3k2w S kane Coanty • Detentlon Facifit~rr Planning and Cvnstmcfion Tim Une ~ 2M7 2008 2009 201 a 20+, 2012 2D13 ~ iVtIJFM MJJASQNDJFMA JJAS NDJF JJ 30NDJF A JJAS JF 1J ' J JJ J J1 S ~ . f . ..,i - I 3 Cetlrar AFfl MoI A'IlNoti ,i k 4 , -JL II ~ , ~ fi! ! i~ { 4 %)6k 4bbm' FL 3 Wue Ondl RFQ !oT rorfw ' - • - ~ - - ~ ~ J._. ~ , ; i , ~ ~ _ , e POm Nm Nbqtb ~ I _ ' . ; ~ I ' ~ ~ • ~ ~ra and fte Delenft Plowo RFQ ~ e Se(ed l~tii 0rf(Anw(5bI"apte) " i I~on ~mi~ ~ I~a Re~ ~ttRe**Rnm SeW &FNre,fd PtnW I -f ' ~ ; V I II i I I I ; l . 12 IdWM Pm and aig pie. . ~ . - ~ ~ ~ ~ Proma~on lss~►e a~► r 13.Pu6k ~euatlair8~nd ~ ; 14 G6N1lId 0W40m Owd 16m I JJ ~ - - - ~ - ' + ~ r _ _...t.. , , . i . - _..F,.. . ; _ . . ! I ~ _ . I , , : _ _I -j ~ L,_ T - ' - ~ - I~ =L _ . , ~ _ F-- ~ ' 1 IsEI~ ~FQ kX AI~ SBfYIn - _ _ ~ ' . . _ , , . . . _ ; , . 1 { y .,z.__~..f .f _ ~ ; ~ 2 R ect~re ~ . , 3 51~ a ~le F~'d~IDereR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • doam~ : ~ , ! , ~ ~ Doisenbi (4zmcr~} i , I ~ . ; , I ._~a I ! ;I ~ ~ s Ca~tlo n Ca~d A~wrd I i 7 (24 I I , ~ .r Ta~m 5G~lf r , I rrar~ reffrs~r I-~- - H. ~ ' • I ~ 1 ~ ~-r- , . , . ~ • - - Purpose and Need s Summary ~~e Jai was bui t for a 472 inmate capacity- now housing 675 but overcrvwded at 600 - the popu atian has peaks af near y 710 The current faci ity was overcrowded within 10 years vf being bui t 1986 4• To contra popu ativn, imitations are p aced on booking affenses, sv . crimina s go ree I~ ttakes SCJ &Geiger to manage vur inmate popu afiion of 1178 Geiger is aging faci ity and was designed as a work re easelprograms faci ity, now housing vur medium inmate popu ation The airport has requested that Geiger be c osed by 2013, we need to find housing for 400 to 600 inmates currenty housed there The Spokane County Jai has be Gited for numerous A►DA viv ations arrd renvvations wi be necessary but can be satisfied in a new faci ity i i`yni } • 'I ~ i1 Purpose and Needs Summary Cont. l - t:• [nappropriate use of the design of the current facility. Tnis increases secudty and rnanagement prvblems because of poor line of sight ' issues. i •:4 The demagraphics of the offender is changing to more serivus offenses, with 15-26% gang pvpulativn be hvused at the jail and 10 - 15°fo haused at Geiger. ; According to the Lovking Glass Study and Bennett, vur inmate papulation is grawing between 40 to 65 beds per year depending on ~ ~ length of stay ❖ The jail vperates 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, making it vne of ' the mvst staff-intensive functions of the Ivcai government and resulting in a high level ofwear vn the facility and its equipment, fixtures, and furnishings. . I I . Facmilmity Development Process. r I . I Architectural Design 717~~' Construction Site Selectio . & Plannin ~ _ t~ - hases 5 Ma~ te s ~6 S ; _ Occupancy ~ K. Pre-arc itectural lannin h Best case scenario = 26 months ~ Normal case scenario = 52 months ~1~ David Ben--nett'8 R~. Callectin Data -Creation of Snapshot and Trend Dat~ 2114108 Symposium Established Criminal Justice Committee 24~7 PI"L'-TrIal SeI"VICeS Established Early Case Resolution . , Began pilvt Cvmmunity Cvrrections Center Building Risk Assessment Tvals tor CCC &Pre-Trial ~ Criminal iulsti,ce Counci~l~ , i ❖ Superior Court Judge - Maryann Moreno (Chair) ❖ District Court Judge Richard White City Court Judge -Mary Logan ❖ City Probation - Donna McBride County Commissioner - Mark Richard ❖ Mayor Munson - City vf Spokane Va e Y ❖ Mayor Verner - City ofSpokane I= , Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich Jai Commander -Jvhn McGrath Pre-Tria Services - Chery Tofsrud Detention Services Project Mgr. -Michae Sparber Ti,m-,e t.o Disposi'~tton 'MM inc~icat~ed an averageof 4.5 ~he data appearances (touches) occurred between 0 arraignment to disposition in Superior Court •'••EarlY Case Resolution is designed to minimized I this figure both vr~ the frvnt an+d k~ack end of the process w I I y, j:~r• '•M^y:. I~ II ECR began tn Aprif 1 at", 2049 Cases Completed =141 (one tvuch instead 4 on average 2007) Ongoing cases = 37 . Of the compieted cases 87 in 30 days ar less ❖ 54 in 31 + days. (Working toward shvrting the length af stays) s y. I . Community Corrections Pi'lot Program - Pilot Program Focused on: 1. IOP Drug I Alcoho- ~reatment 2. MR""'m training 3. Community Re-entry ~ 4. Work Search " 5. Responsib e Renters Program ' 6. Housing Mana.qed by: t. Aarvr~ Andertar~ 1~Geiger , ~ CO.PW ■ ~ ~ t ~ ~ • ~ t d, ~ ~ ~ ~ bave 1 a~► .0mpleted p ~ ~1 heal~'~ '~o~r~ k~ . MR . ed nt . a me A bave omplet nts Ih 1~► . e ~ 2 are ~ ~ sing- 09 ID ol bou . ~ ~o~ ~ t~ ~,~d , ~~r~~ 5 are tawing ► ~ ~ ~ ~ e S 4 . ~ 0ju'n d~►~ ~ Gr ~ ~ . ~ June 22nd i1 ~ ~ t4e) ~ Predict'ii,,ons lnm,ate Opening.. 2013 0 1,419 secure o 200 CCC beds a ~ata 1,619 Beds ; By 2035 o 1,783 SeCU re o 250 CCC beds , , o Tota 2,033 beds a • Potential Inmate ■op • o Outstanding Municipa Outstanding District Warrants Warrants 47462 57067 10,977 Total ; Outstanding Superior US Marsha Pre- Ad'udicated Fe vnJI Warrants . 19248 Popu-ation 200 AM= 09tion of 09tion 2 , - S kanc Caun Campus Site OPtiD11 A _ r~ _ Ska~e Coevty~ Daket~ fiwEllly CsmpwwNw J~Ne Crb ~po{cane Conn#y Campas +Conceptua1 Sectian Ez»png M New JaN Tc+wet (6 Lew*) C~ I mrm 4a mm L F~!un F~~cm ~+MM4 r56 ' ~ mAE06 L E*63 Cft ~ I ~e~ei li~'~p • -1 EW" Caft-- zmi ~ir.rw Fi*LfYr ~ . ~ ~ ft" Bm+wa ~ w6:sm~ rSL i ~"kane County Campus Conceptaal Pfan ~ ~ i vwAwmft " pa"tw~o~~MILO 0( NM At,TO*VI ~ ? 9paWir spep~r Ca~M ca~r,aJw Me eLE►tFiB Wuc ~ i ~ ; _ C&MIftFrTY W ce~ ro i ~ GORRt 1...... ~ V ~#p~'fA10 JAiI 9AFtTY Bl.m Aer~r wMl,w cgo* NwTewtlw 4RAM oEarrm t+u F Hwd cwft 1 cORMNOFw 4a ears i ~ ~ ~ e coM eaWczKM u,ara in Pe minly rMW4 m em TO"GL 1T12 lED6 0 WINJA1.110W 3 Aldlia+d IiewMiO Uf& Tap'Fieer m AEb6 I°~A~n1~aY~~+N~bor T4TAC dlAl6Off CQACITY tAE M06 a ' Rural Site 44e Ac.•~ Uption E SpsknK Com1v Iktc"NdmA Rtefly Ce"*ffelhe wk Cmh Spokane Codnty Campas Conccptnal 5ection E*" Jai New M E*wtslorti lA#dMon (1 UwW) eM4 C* :..'~ca U" FW UwW ~ - Raral Site Conceptual Plan FGl~n 6~~faa ~ 0~ ~ ❑ +N C0rt+ ~ ~ SUP~O c INO RutatLtrto6pi Luwhhy O F6-14" fm a~oaooao~aa~[~~~~t~~~ oa~oaaa c~xx . ~~~~~I Chrx ~ a a ~a u~ut 9fu sN 1r~+ ❑ a ~ !&Pam" Cotor C++nv+w. rt..woM biOM JW Md P~ar NAw JON C"* IddAbnbrE,pr~d~dlneMYg A EfA6TIME3JAlL-CdunNlCrnpN F.~840111lOwn1biK 462 sm • K!W JAR • Rrd'dM AiM1cN f ftMnip'nwt NrwMq 2D6 dED6 0 MM JAR •fivr191M Ndrig T!1 lfUS p NEW JAL • Fww Ybwiq Heirwp 316 6EOfi a CGiI. CQRVCTINrM6 lrowd N Ilril 3Ai SM dlD6 1dTk tNA A6D6 ~ auesfjot4s? CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ . , Request for Council Act'iQn Meeting Qate: JUIy 7, 2009 City Manager Sign-W I#:eI'Yl: Gheck all that apply: El Consent 0Old business El New business ~ Pub[ic Hearing El lnfarmatEan ~ Admin. Report 0 Pending Legislafivn AGENDA ITEM TlTL€: Spakane Regional Site Selector Update -Agreement fo partiGipate as member af Site Selector Cansortiurn. GOVERNIN'G LEGISLATION: N'!A PREVIVUS COUNCIiL ACTION T►4KENp City Counci0 provided funding for the Sife Selector web site in 2009. 6ACKGRC)UND: See atfached memo. OPTIONS: See attached rr~emn. ,RECC]MMENDE[3 AC_ TION OR MOTION: Prauide direction to staff. BUOGET1FINANCIAL IMP►4CT5: Gvuncil allncated $16,500 in the 2009 budget to the Regiona[ Site Selector pr~jipct. STAFF CONT►ACT: ScQtt Kuhta, SeniQr Planner ~CA`~' C~~' _ fie ' V11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 El Spokane Walfey WA 99206 509:921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1008 ❑ cityhall@spokanevalley.org . Memorandum . To: David Mercier, City Managerp Gety ~ouncil From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner . GC: Kathy NicClunga C❑ Director; NIike Jacksan, Deputy City Manager Date: July 7, 2009 Re; ~Regional Siite Selector Agreement BAC.KGROUND The Spokane Regional Site Selectvr web sife is an econornic deuelopmenf tool that. prouides awealth of informatAon far anyorre interested srr researchong camcnerciall property for saPe or lease in the Spokane region. The web site aIiPaws users to view property sistcngs, generate ecanomic and census reportsr provides data on cQmpetitave _ businesses and vncludes interactive maps that display gevgraphic infor mation such as the location of stireets, wateir bodies, parks and other points of interest. In fhe fall of 2007, Spokane ValTey sigr~~d an agreement to parficipate as a member of the Spokane Regional Site 5elecfar Consartiurrw, which uncludes Spokane County, the City of Spakane, Liberty Lake, Avista and Greater Spokane Inc. The Ca~~ortium is working on adding more citfes which will resiult 6n evwer costs for all members. The vrAginal agreement terrriinated on Deee~~er 31, 2008, but was extended by all parties unti9 August 2009. The Cansor#ium members are wvrking an a new, mare permanent agreemenfi that will renew annually upan approuaf vf the Spokane Regronal Site 5elector Consor-tium Oveirsight +Committee, provided that sufficient funding is secured to keep it ~running foc° th~e 'next year. The Site Selector agreerraent sets.fvrth #he respansibilities nf fhe Consortium members and esfabTishes the financial commitrraent of each member. It specifies that members are eifher "PubCic" or "private " enfities. lin order tfl host 9and managerrrent iinfarmation on the Site Selector vveb site the agreement startes that "an agency must be a member of the Consartium." This Agreement is with WSU Spokane and is apPraved by all participating organizateans. fn turn, V115U-SpQkane adrninis#ers acQntract with GIS Planning, the cantracfor responsi~le for the Si#e Selector web site. f~~SUE. In November 2008, the 5ite Selector Consartium vuas %nformed that they waufd be _ considered an "ou#side agency„ for budgetary purposes -during Spokane UaIIey's 2009 ; budget preparations and hearings. During budget hearings, ConsQrtium members preserrted a request for funding alvng wifh other vutsid'e agencies. City Council decided to cvntribufe $16,500 tv cantinue funding 56te Sedectvr in 2009, Treating the Consortium a$ an vutsade agency has c_ reated acanflict that calfs for Councif directrvn. Qutside agencies are required to sign a contraGt wifh the City as a cmndition v~ fund'ing. If the City continues fo treat the Consortium as an vutside agency #hen the City should require the same cvntract consistent with alI other outs7de a~encies. Further, fhe City shou[d not segn ar~ agreem ' ent to parkicipate as _a m+eimber of the Consortium. This, however, would GauSe significant prvblemS. The current agreement does nvt inelude a pravision tv contract separately with an agency that wants °ta ,participate financialfy but does nat vuant to be a mernber nf the Cansvrtium. As amember of the Consortium the City has a direcf say in haw decisions are ma+de and hovv maney is spent. This is the mvst obviaus difference when cvmpared tv Qutside agerrcies vuhere the City has no say in prpgrarru or budgetary matters. If the City disag~~~s with decisions of the autside agency, thenu the Cety has the optuon tv not prouide funding the next tirne araund. In the case vf Sufe Selector, Cdty staff participat~s on the Consortium Oversight Committee and directly parficipates rn all decisions. Wifhin the lasf couple of marrfhs staff had direc# input into how several thousa-nd dvBlars would be cut frarra fhe prvpased 2009-2010 Siite 5elecfar budget, the result of which wilC reduce Spokane IIaIIey's con#ributivn by 25°IQ. Staff assists the Consortium in making decisians on datasets thafi are inc7uded in the 5ite Selector da#abase. Recently, staff Frelped promvte the creation and inclusion infv the Sste Selector web applicativn a new , . layer thaf highlights Inaustrial Parks, the majarity of which reside within 5pokane VaIIey, - Co nsvrtiram mem'bers afsv h~ve a+direct say as ta vvhich brokerlse!Ilers of real estate data is included within the site selectvr sy►stem. Fvr example, the Consortium decided to arlvw FSBQ (fvr sale by mwner) fistings on the web site. To make this happen, Consortium members actlualCy uploa+d the sales informatoan %nto the web appAicatavn. If Spokane 1r'alley decides to withdcaw farm #he CQnsork6urn, FSBO Bistings in Spakane VaIley may nv# get visibility on the Site Selectvr web site (unless anather Consortium member decides fo fake on thc respnnsibility far Spvkane Va11ey). COUNCIL QIRECTION Staff seeks Council directivn with regard to cantinued participativn wrth the 'R+egional Site Serector program. Optivns are as fallows: 1. Authorize City M'anager to sig~n new multi-yeair agreement to contsnue participateon as aRegional Site SeIectvr Consortium member. Appriave fundang alevcativn during ann_ual budget process, 2. Requi re Co nsortium. to present fund i n g request as an aufside agency, S pvkane Valfey vuvuCd not participate as a member of the Gansortium. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Requ~~~ for Council Action Me+eting Date: July 7, 2009 City Manager Sign-Qff: ltem: Ch+eck all that apply. ~J corasent ~ old business ❑ new business public hearing ~ iraformation 0 admin. report E] pending Iegislatian 0 other AGENDA ITEM T!TLE: Council Vacancy GOVERNING L~GISLATION: RCW 35A. 13.020, RCW 42. 12.070 BAGKCSROLJND: As a result of Cauncilmember Taylor accepting a staff position with the City flf Connell, Washingtan, Cauncil:member Taylor provided notice tQ Council an Jume 16, 2009, that he would be vacating his office effectiVe midnight June 30, 2009. Staff has drafked a pasitian vacancy annvuncement vvhich wi11 be pubiished for several weeks x:n b❑tla the VaIIey News Herald and the Spokesman Review, will be on the City's we6site, and will be distrpbuted via our Public Inforrrratian C3ff cer's nortnal distribution list. Applications w'ril be a.vailable from the City Clerk, or can be found on the City's webpage. The tnruuosecl s+chedule is as folZaws: June 19, 26, Tuly 3, and 10, 2009: PrablicatiQn af the notice of vacancy Juty 17, 2009, 4:U0 p.m. ApplicatiQns must be received by the +City Cterk July 21, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Executive Sessian ta review applicatiDns A. rulV 21. 2009: 6:00 mm. Determine list af those aDnlrcarits to interview (anen sessiam) Note: Council will need to determine the process for deciding wha to interuiew; or perhaps if there are a minimum number o~ applicants (such as 7 or Iess), tQ interview everyane; all vf which is Council's pxeference, Council may a1sv want ta consider whether to have a set list of questions for the interview, and if sa, vvhat questions vvould be used. B. JulV 28. 2009: 6.00 n.m. Interviews of selected aoolicants (in anen session) Note: Council may want to consider the process here a1sa, to interview applicants alphabetically, or by anvther rnethad. August 4, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Executive Sessian to d:iscuss applicant interviews C. August 4. 2009: 6:00 D.M. Regular studv se5sion: aDnotntmenti of aonlicant (otaen sessinn). Some optians to consider far the Hugust 4open session ta make the actual appointment include 1. rraaking nominations, with ar without a required second: then vating on the nominatioras with the candidate receiving the most vates as the new councilm~ember 2. makii7g a mation with a t'equired second, for ane candidate with a majority Vote required ta appaint. 3. if the first Fnation fails, tnaking a motiora with a required second, far a different candida~e wrth a. anajority vote required to appaint; and sa on until a majorzty vote is obtained. . 4. other options at council discretion The law does not indicate whether a majority ar plurality Vote is su~'ficient, nor daes it explain the exact pracess of appointment. Rather, it is a decisiQn the Council should make before sfarting an appaintment z process. MRSC Staff member Jixn Doherty stated that a1thQUgh the RCW's statutory language does nat indicate whether a majority Dr plurality vate is sufficiezat for appointing a persan to the Council, the best advice far a city council that must fill a va.cancy is to establish the ground rules beforehand. Blaek's Lcxw Dictionary def nes plurality as "fihe greatest number (esp. of votes), regardless of whether it is a simple ar an absolute majority," This means that if there are three or mQre candidates and one candidate has mare vates than any vther, that candidate has the plural majority of the votes. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Position Vacancy Annvuncement 2. Application farrn COLTNCIIs MEN.BER POSITION VACANCY The Spokane Valley Ci°ty Council 'rs accepting appiications from individuals interested xn serving as an interim Councilmember to fi1l tne vacancy of City Council Position Z. The person appointed ta this interrm position will serve fram the date of appo'tMtment umtil the person elected in the Navember 2009 gerreral election takes office an. November 24, 2009, which is the date the eleetian a-esuYts are expected tQ be certified. State law reouires that a councilmembea- be a resident of Swokane Vallev fvr at leas# avear prior tu aiDpoantmenf, and he a re2istered yoter at the time of aiDulicaEion. Cvuncil positions are at-large pQSitions. The E;ity of Spokane Valley is a non-chartear code city, aperates under a ccruncil-managcr farrn of gorrernment, and is gvverned uncler the optionai municipal code of the RevBSed Cade of Washington (RCW) Title 35A. T_Jrader this fQrm of gavernment, 1egislative authority is concentr-ated in the elected City Council, which h:ires a profiessianal administratar, a City Manager, to imple,ment policies. T'he Council is eomprised of seven mernbers, all of wham haue an equal vate, with the MayQr chosen every tvva years fram among fel1aw CouneiImembers. As the legislative body, the City Cauncil establishes IQCaI laws and policies, and has general oversight and contrcal over the City's finances, primarily through the budget process. Regular Cvuncil meetings are held the second and fQUrth Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m., and iCauncil study sessians are generally held the f:xst, third, and acGasiQnally the fifth Tuesdays at 6:40 p.m. Submittal wrocess: A..pplications must be recei~ed hy the City Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. Friaay, July 17, 2009. Late arrividg anail will not be accepted. Appli.cations may be hand-deIivered or mailed ta: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk, Spokane Valley City Hall, ] 1707 E. Sprague Avenue, 5uite 106, Spakane Valley, Washington, 99206. Question.s may be directed to Chris Bainbridge, Spokarae Valley City Clerk, 509-688-0177, or e-mailed to cbainbrid~4ea,spokaneVallev.orsz. Please do not e-maxl your application. Applications can be found on the city's vvebsite at w~vw.spQka.nevallev.or2; or by calling the City C1erk's o~fice. Tnterviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of July 28. Selected applicants w311 be noti .fied of the exact date and time of the interview once all appiicatians have been received. The formal appaintment is tentatively set for the August 4 Council Stu:dy Session. Meeting e , Vailey ~ +CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. 5prague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1 000 ApPLaCATION FaR cITY COvNcIL MEn~~ER POsITIoN # 2 Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spakane Valley Cit-y Cauncil. Tm be cvnsidered, applications must be completed, signed, and received at the City C1erk's ❑ffice, 11707 E. 5prague Avenue, 5uite 106, na later than 4:00 p.rn. Friday, July 17, 2009, (late arriviag mail will nat be accepted). A.pplicatiQns may be hand-delivered or ma'rled. Name: (Last) (MiddIe) (First) Complete Home Mailing Address: If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please lis# your previaus addresses and state haw long you lived at those residences. Cornplete Prewaous Address Lengfh of'Fime at this Address Home Phane: { ) Fax: . , Business Phane: Cell: E-imail: Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former c►ccupation) Business Address: Educatianal Background: 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city lirnits of the City of Spokane Valiey for a year or more? (5tate law requires acouncilmernber to be a resident Qf Spokane Valley far at least a year prior #o appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ ] Na [ ] 3. Haue you ever been convicted for anything ather than a rninor traffic uivlatian? Yes No C ] 4. If yvu answered "YES" to #3 above, please explain: 5. 17o you or your spouse or any irnmediate family mernber (spouse, children, sibl'rngs, parents) have a f nancial. intexest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business oar agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? YE5 [ ] NO Tf yes, please explain: 6. Is any member of yauc immediate family currently employed, either full tirne ❑r part time, by the City of Spokane Va11ey, or currently perforrn any volunteer work for the City of SpQkane Valley? YES NO If yes, please explain: 7, Wo u ld yau r appaintrnent create a confl ict of interest ar aa~ appearance of a co nflict of interest? YE S Nt3[ ] IT yes, please explain: 8. P1ease list yaur employme~t far the past ten years: NAME OF EMPL(]~R P(]SrTTON ItELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT 9. Please list the prQfessional affiliatioiis, c1ubs, socia1, ar frater:nal arganizatians to whieh yau belong or hQld o f'f, ce; 14. Please list your speci,al ski1ls and1or interests: 11. Please list your valunteer experIlence, and include any vaYunteer ❑r paid positions he1d on any governmenfial baard, co.m:mittee ar coanrrrissian: FRL7M. TO: FR(]M: TO: FROM: T'O: FROM: TO : 12. Why are you interested in serving in. this interlrrh position as a Spaka,ne Va1ley City Councilmernber? ~ 13. 'V4What are the three highest privrities you believe the City need~ to address? How vvauld you prQpasc t:o address theseissues? - . 14. Have you ever atte~~ed a meeting of th.e Spakane Valley City Cou:ncil? YES[ a N'~ If yes, give an estirna~~ of haw many meetings you hav~ attended i:n the past year: 15. Appointment to the City Council wi[I requize your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally accur on Tuesday evenings. Council:members are a15o expected ta representi the C'►ty of SpQkane Valley by serving an various regiona:1 camm.issians, committees and boards. Are yQU able to commit your tdme and energy to participate ful1y as a merrYber of the Spokane Valley City CouncaL YE5 NO 16. Refierences: Please l.ist name, address and phone number: 1. 2. 3. Once submitted, applicatians and related materials becQme a putal'ic record suhjeet to public disclosure, and wi11 appeax in the Counci:l agenda packet fvr the August 4, 2009 City Cauncil study session meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of July 2$. Selected applicants will be natified of the exact date and tiane of the anterview once al:l applicatiQns have been received. Final action appoxnting a candidate to elective office will take place in the apen pu:blic meeting, vvhich is,anticipated to c~~cur August 4, 2009. Na City elected afficer sha11. hold any a~~er off ce or employmer~t withi:n the 5pakane Valley City govermnent. Signature: Tociay's Date: ~ DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA Far Planrung Discussion Furposes Only as af July 3, 2009; 8:44 a.m. Flease note this is a work in progess; items are tentative T'a: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Dra.ft Schedule for Upcoming Council TVleetings Julv 14,2009, Regular Meeting,, 6.40 p.m. [due date Moaday, July 6] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance False .Alaxm - R.ick Va.nLeuven [10 minutes] 3. Proposed RESOIution Declaring Itenas Surplus - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 4.Motivn Cansideration: Brvadway Rehab Phase 2 Bid Award - Neil KerstenlSteve Worley [10 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Wastewater Treatment Plant Interlocal Agreement - Mike Cvnnelly [15 minutes] 6.1Vlotio❑ Gansideration: Private Sewer Easement -Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 7. Mvtian Consideration: Shflreline Inyentary Contract - Kathy McClung [20 minutes] Admin Report: Fanhandling Ordinance Cary Driskell [20 minutes] EXECUTNE SESSIUN: Land Acquisition [*estimated meeting: 100 minu#es] Julv 21, 2009, 5tudv Sessivn, G:aU p.m. [due date Monday, July 131 1. Council Cansensus fvr Draft Legislative Agencia and 2010 Council Goals - Mayor Munsvn (20 minutes) 2. Cam Plan Quarterl U date - Greg McCormick 15 minutes . ; m 4. Governance 1Vlanual Changes - Mike Connelly, and committee members (30 rninutes) 5. US Census Bureau 20 10 Census - Duane Waikan (15 minutes) 6. Council External Committee Reports - Counciimembers (15 minutes) [Total Meeting; 115 minutes] Tfrur, Julv 23. 21I09; 3-5a.m. Joint CauncilJSnakane Citv Mte; S,nakane Citv Council Brferine Certter Tentcrtive agenda items rrtclude: waste water challenges; rnunicipa°I caurt ehallenges,• regional transportatran plcxnning/solutrons; crnd GMA policies and implementation,r,, Julv 28, 2009, Regular Meering 6:00 p.m. [due da#e Monday, July 2{}1 1. Cvnsent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. First Reading Proposed 4rdinance re Development Agreement (CPA 0I-09) - Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 3. Mation +Consideration: OFD Grant Authori , Cammuni Re-Licensia -Cary Driskell 10 mtnuets] lz~~ s 5. Admin Report: Winter Raad Maintenance - Neii Kersten [30 minutes] 6. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 120 minutes] Au Y ~i~ : _ . 3rist~,~. 2009, 5p0Q>).rr~~:~~'~,ecu~~4=on: I3iscxiss C6fin'cil - )plicani: int+e=iews A- Pg~~~t ~?009, Sturlti Sesszon, 600 p.m _ due date Monday, July 27 tion ite°~~ ~'~~7~~ointr~ieiit: ~`d'6iici1 August 11. 2009, Regular Meetiaer, 6;00 p.m. [due date 1Vlonday, August 31 1, PUBLI+C HEARiNG: 2010 Budget Hearing -Ken Thampsvn [10 minutes] 2. YiTSLIC HEARIlYG: Cable Franchise - Nivrgan Koudelka [10 minutes] 3. Consetit ,~-~ilcla; Pa~-roll, Clai►iis, I~~itliites [5 iiiinutes] 4. SeGOild Rt;adEIIcTx`opCISed:OCd ltitttlce I"e Develc+prneiit A'areem~.~tar (CPA' 0 I-09) --Mike +Coriiielty [10 minutes] EXECUTIVE SESSx+QN: L.abox• Negvtiations Nstimated meeting: minutes] , Draft Advance Agenda 712/2009 8:05:44 AM Page I of 3 AuLyust 18. 2009, Skudv Session. 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, August 101 Act~on Item: 1. Mation Consideration: SettFng P~~lic Hearings 5ept $ and 22 - Ken ThampsQn (5 _minutes) 2. MQtion Cansideratian: Winter R.Qa:d NTaintenance - TVeil Kersten {15 minutes} ~eLyular Studv Sessian Ztems: 3. ResidentiaI Lighting -Kathy IVTcClu:n.g (20 minutes) 4. PTanrLed AGtion C)rdinance (SET'A) - Cireg Ilr[cCorrraick • (20 minutes) 5. Bat:ch Code Amendrraents Report - Karen Kendal.1 (20 minutes) b. Pandemic Respanse Flan - Mike Jacksan (30 minutes) 7. Council Exfemal CQmmittee Reports - Councilt~embers (IQ minutes) [Tatal Meeting; 120 minutes] A u2ust 2 5, 2 0 0 9, Reau 1ar MeetinLy 6:00 p.m. ~due dafe NIo~nday, August 171 1. Cansenfi Agenda: Payra11? Cla2ms, Minutes [5 minutes] 2, Admin Report: Qutside Agencies Presentatian [45 minutes] 3. In.fo Ora ly: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 50 minutes] Seiitember 1. 2009, Studra Sessimn, 6:00 a.m. [due +dafie Mvnday, August 24] 1, Federal Delegatpon Reports - Mayor Munso:n [50 mPnutes] 2. Caun.cii Exteraa.al Carn:mittee Reports - Councilrnernbers [15 minutes] [Tvtal Meeting: minvtes] September 8, 2009, Regular Meetine, 6.00 p.m. (due date Monday, August :31] : 1. BUDGET HEARING: 2010 Budget - Ken `I'ho:rn~pson [10 minures] 2. Consent Agenda: PayroXr, Claims, 1N.[i:nutes . [5 mirlutes] 3. Second Readirag Froposed Oxdinance Farse Alarm - Rick VanLeuven [10 minutes] 4. Mation Consideratian. Qutside Agenc.ies Funding Allocations - K,en ThQmpson [15 minutes] 5, Infa Only: Aquatics Contract - Mike Stone 6. Infa Only: Park Main.tenance Contract - Mike Ston.e . [*estirnated meeting: minutes] Sep~~~~er 15. 2049. Studv Session, 6;00 a.m. [due date MondaY, Sep~t 71 1. Aquatics Cantract - Mike Stone (15 minutes) 2. Park Maintenance Contract - Mike Stone (15 minutes) 3. Fall Batch Cade Amendments (inelud.es `4ss. Dwe11.i~g Units & Qrd 08-006)- K,athy McClung (20 minutes) 4. Cauncil Extemal Committee Reports - CauncFlrnembers (I 5 mIlnutes) [Tota1 Meeting: 55 minutes] September 22 2009, Reeular NxeetinLy 6:00 p.m. [due date Manday, Sept 14[ 1. BL~~ET REAMIlNG: 2 0 10 B udget - Ken Thomps nn [10 minutes] . 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, M'mutes [5 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Aquatzcs Contr-act - Mxke Stane [10 minutes] 4. Motzon Considerati.on: Park Mazntenance Contract - Make Stane [10 minutes] - 5. Infv Only; Department Reports [*estimated rraeeting: minutes] . : Draft Advara.ce Agenda 7f2f2009 8;05:44 AM . Pace 2 of 3 September 29, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Sept 211 .1. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers October 6, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Sept 281 1. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers October 13,'2009, ReLyular 1VleetinLy, 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, Oct 5] October 20, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday,.Oct 121 OTHER PENIDING AND/OR YTPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: ADA Plan Affordable Housing Participation Alternative Analysis (contracts) Budget Ordinances: Prop taac; tax confirm; budget City Center Report to Council City Hall Sales Purchase Agreement Comp Plan Qrtrly Update (Oct, Jan, April, July) Concurrency Congress of Cities (NLC) Nov 10-14, San Antonio Contracts - 7-year renewals (pros/cons) Court Services Alternative Analysis East Gateway Monument Structure # Fee Resolution - Oct 27 Hearing Examiner Ordinance Amendment (Planning Commission) Impact Fee Request Central Valley School District Lexipol Policies - Police Dept Lodging Tax Northeast Housing Solutions City Membership # Overweight/over size vehicle ordinance (2009) Small Works Roster Stimulus, Phase 2 Strategic Transp. Financial Plan - Dave Mercier . Street Standards (and UDC Title 42) TPA Interlocal Agreement Transportation Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish ord.; (b) set public hearing; (c) draft resolution; (d) ballot language Transportation Impacts _ Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) . Water rights Winter Retreat: January 9, 2010 (tentative) = Awaiting action by others; doesn't allow for time for public comments] Draft Advance Agenda 7/2/2009 8:05:44 AM Page 3 of 3 ~F SPO NE VALLEY - Request f~~ ~ouncil Action Meeging Date; July 7, 2009 Gity Manager Sign-off: ltern: Gheck all that apply: ❑ consent old business new business Qpublic hearing information ~ admin. report 0 pending fegislation ►4►GEND►4 ITEM TITLE: Council External Commit#ee Reparts , GOlIEFt1VING LEGISLAT1ON: PREVI(]l!S COUNGIL ACT1ON TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Gify Councilmembers serve an variQUs facal andlnr regional Gommittees. The purpose of this item is if any cDrnmi#tee ar board that Council cS involWed with has significant palicy questions that are being posed and vuhfch nee+d Gouncil feedback, this is fhe ❑pportunity fflr" GvunciE to gather that feedb~ck so fhat aCouncil posEtion cauld be registered on any given item. OPTIONS; REGOMMENDE❑ ACTION OR M4TION: BuDGEl"IF1NANClAL 1MPACTS: STAFF1COUlVGIL CONT►4CT: Councilmembers ATT►+4CHMENTS: .f , Cl-TY OF SPOKANE VALLEi Req~es7t for ~ouncii Action . M-eetihg Date: July 7, 2009 Ci#y Manager SOgn-off: atlb s~o. Chec'k all that app!y: ❑ cansent oId business ~ new business ❑ public hearing . ~ infarmation ❑ admin. report❑ pending Fegislation ►AGENDA ITEM TITLE; Easement fm~ private sewer 7in~~ GO'U'ERNlIVG LEGISLATION: PkEVIOUS COUNCIL ►ACTION'Ti4KEN; , BACKGROU~NC): There are two resi+dents, Charles Benage: vn the Southeast corner vf 48th and Fe1ts and Lynn 111lhiting on the 5outhwest corner vf 48 th and Felts that have difficult sewer cannections o ut #o th+e nevtir sewer rrtain on ~~th Street, M ar~k Stiltz, project manager fQr the County utility prvject has been working with them and has requested that we consider granfFng them an easement aiang Fe1ts ❑ut fo 48th to aClaw them to malce thear connectiQn to the back of their houses. At#ached is a map with the appraximate ivcation of thedr private connections and a copy of the propvsed easement document. - OPTIO'N5: Place the easement on the next agenda ar give staff further direcfion. RECOMMEMDE❑ ACTlON OR MOTiC~N-: BUDGET/F➢N►4NC114L 1MP►4CTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS: Map and Easemen# Page 1 vf 1 Nell Kersten Frorn: Stiltz, Mark [mako:MStiltz@spokanecotmty.Gro] Sen#: Thw`5day, May 14, 2049 14;19 AM To; NeR Kersten Cc: Cooke, Ktvin Subjact. Passslble sokUvn far servkV B&age & W'F~tlnp Neil, This la about the sewor aervicx ak 48th & Felta 1o [N. gonage and Dr.1Mhiting. They hare difkuk connesions, W 1 may have came up whh a qossib'le so1utiarr, Howewr my idea reclrlres the appraval ofi ge +City. Thse Cvunty oaurd k►stal aS" slub kct>m aur:ewder rnain in 48th Avenue ftt wauld krra up with the paved shaulder on Feb Rd along Dr. W"hftgs touse. From hece, W"ing ancf Benage coutd erctend the stua along the shcrOder mroa arad ek ft aPP{oPOate Iocatian, spt off iMo #+wo d" Pipes to titeir reapective hvmes. &ee the blue Nne In the piclure beiow. I have not yet men#oned ihis btrem bacauas thw Ciiy would have to agree fo sfranchise pernkft their privsle stubs in the Cityy Ft-+U-W. if the City wauid be ngreeabfe to tNs opproach, Let ma know and ! wilf discuss it vvitfa Ihern. ,x ; ~ i, + , ~ ' . , ~ •a . t- P ~ 1 ! ~ - , - y : • ~ ° ~ + ,gu• y,;,f: ` ~i~ ` :f, ' ~p ~ i ' . r.~M' ♦ .I- 'YIr 1 ~ F ~ ~ ~ y ' x ~ ~ ~ . * 4 ~ , . ~r 'r^','~~t'c~• . < - , W`, - r s s . MI3i'k Sti1tz Project Managtr Spcrkune Cbunty Div. qf Utgfties Fet: (509) 477-9469 Fax: (509) 477-4715 613U120Q9 Filed at the Request af: City of Spakane Va11ey, VVashington . 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Sgakane Valley, WA 99206 . GRANTOF EASEMENT F~R CONSIDERAT~ON [3F THE ACTUAL BENE'~ITS HEREIN I~ERrVED by the parties, the undersigned ~~~tor hereby grants an easement to Grantee for the placement of a water pipe in Grantor's n'ght-of way, The easernent for placement of a watex pipe is described as fol~ows: ~ Sitaaated irn the Couln:ty of Spakane, ~~~~e of Wash:ingtvn Par+cel No.: Said easement shall be sub~~~~ ~o the fmllowing conditions: 1 , Recov~~ of Casts. Grante~ shall be subi ~ect ta alX permit fees assocxated with activities undertaken thxaugh the authvrity granted in this Easement or under ordinances of the Crty. VWhere the City incurs cQsts and expenses for review or inspeGtion of activiti~s undertaken~ through the a~thority granted ir~ this Easement ar any ardinances relatin,g to the subject for which apea-rnit. fee is nat established, Grantee shall pay such costs and expenses directly to the City. In additian ta the abave, Gxantee shal:l promptly reimburse the City far any a:nd all casts it . ~ - reasonably incurs in response to any emergency invalving Grantee' s facilities. ' -l- 2. Non-Exclusiv~itv. This Easemerat sha.ll. in no wav. Drevent or ta~~~~~t the Cifiv from ~~~~a anv of its right-of-wavs, raads. streets or other vulblic proDerties or affect its iurisdiction over them -or aavLW of them. T'he ~itv her+ebv retains ful1 ~ower to ma:ce al~ ~~~np-es. relocatioras. re-Dairs, ma.intena~~~~ ~stablishments. JmDrovements. dedicatians ~or vacatian of same as the Citv mav deem fit. including the dedication. establishment, mairnt~~ance. and xmDxovement of all new riizhtsrof- wav. streets, avenues. thorou~hf~es a.nd c~ther public prO~ae~ies of everv tvDe ~:nd ~iescriDti~aca,.. 3. Non-Interfere~~e with Existi~g Facilities, The City sh~l have priar and superiar right ta the use of its raads, streets, and alleys, an+d public pxvperties for installation and maintenance of its faci1ities and vther ,governmental purposes, and should in the sale discretion of the City a Gvnflict ari~e- with the Grantee's facilities, the Grantee shaYl, at its own expen~e and cost, con~orm to the City's facilities and other gavernment purposes of the City. Th~ owners of all utilities, public or private, installed in or an such public properties prior to the installation of the lines and facilities of the Grantee, sha1l have preference as to the pasitianing and locatian of such utilities sQ i.nstalled with respect ta the Grantee. Such preference shall contiraue in fihe event of the necessity of relocating or changing the grade of any such public properties. Grantee's system shall be construct~d and maintained in such ma.~er as not , public us~~~er-s, wn4o~pes,-~ to interfere with anv Gity, or with any other pipes, wires, conduits or other facilities that may have been. laid in the rights-,of -way lby or under the City's au~thority.. 4. Ri2ht to Roads Not 5uperseded. The Gity, in the granting af this Easern.ent, does nat waive any rights which it now holds or may hereafter aequire, and this Easement sha11 not be canstrued sa as to deprive the City of anY powers, rights, or privileges which it now has, may hereafter acquire, i:ncluding the right of eminent domain, to regulate the use and eontrol of its roads e~vered by this Easement, or to go upon any and all ~ity'roads and highvvays for any purPose including constructing, repairing, or improving the sane in any such man.ner as the City, vr its representatives may elect. The City shal1 retain full authoritative powcr in the sa.me and 1~~ manner as thou~~ this Easement had never been granted. Nothing in this Easement sha1l be cans#raedl to prevent the City fxom. constructing facilities, grading, paving, repairing andlor altering any street, or laying dawn, repairing or removing facilities or cor~struc#ing oX establrshing any other publie wQrk vr improvemient. A11 such wark shall be done, insafar as practicable, so as to n4t obstruct, injure or prevent the unrestricted use and operation of the facilities of the Grantee u:nder this Easement. If, hawever, a.ny of ~e Grantee's facilities interfere with City prajects, Grantee's facilities shal1 be _ removed vr replaced. Any and all such remova.l or repracement sha.ll be - at the sole ; expense ❑f the Grantee. Should Grantee fail to rernove, adjust or relocate its -2- facilities by the date established by th:rouah{ " - ' written notice to the ~'`irantee, the City may cause aadlor effect such remaval, adj ~sttnent ar relc~cation, and the expense thereof shall be paid by.Grantee. . . 5. Restora~ion After Ca~~truction. Grantee shall, ~~r installation, ~~~struction. relocation, ~ain~enance, or ~e-pair of facilitLes within the :area of t:his Easement, .restox~ the surface of t1~~ ~ aht-af wav or nubl:ic propertv to at Ieast the curr~~~ ~ ad0Dted Ci~ ~tandards or as reauired by the ~~tv Pub1ic Works DeDarkment thrvugh a ri aht-a~ ~~v r)errr~it. depending uvon special circumstances. Graatee ~grees to Dr~mt)tlv complete all r~~~~~~~~~n work anei to ua~mi)t~~ ~epair any - damasae caused by such work within the area of this Easement _or othe~ ~~~ct~~ ~~a ~t i~~ ~ole cost gnd ex~ense. C. Dan~an and Nan-Compliance. Any and al1 danaagea or injury, done oar ~ caused ta City right-of- ~way, ~ity facilities, ~r any partion thereof in the constxuctian, operation, maintenarice or repair of Grantee's facilities shal1 be ~mmediately repaired and recc~~stiructed ta the satisfaction of the City ' , .Public War~~ ~~~artment; and in the event the Grantee shall fail, neglect, or refuse to initmediately repair and reconstruct said damage or injury ~ity right--:of~1-,way or facilities, the same may be done by fihe City and the cost ar1d expense shall be inrnediately paid by the Grantee to the City. If it is discovered by the ~Ci~y that Grantee has damaged, injured4 ur failed to - restare the right-of =way in accordance v+ifxi this Easement, the City shal1 provide the Grantee with wxitten notice including adescript~on of actions the City believes necessary to restore the right --:of--way. If the right _of way is nvt restored within ten (10) days' from written notice, the City, or its autharized agent, may restare th~ ~~ghtrof =way and faczlities, The Gra.ntee is respvnsuble for all costs and ~xpenses incurred by the ~City to repakr a.nd restore the right-of- ~way and facrlities in accordance vvith this Easement. 7. Inss)ections and Fees. A1~ ~erfarrned by ~rantee sha11 be su'bject ta inspectian by and apprvval of tfie City, The (~rantee shall reimburse the ~City for a1l ~expenses incurred by the City xn the examination, inspecfion, and approval of Grantee's work. Such reimbursem.ent sha11 be in additivn to any other fees ar charges levied by the City. 8. +Citv OrdinanGes and Regulations. Nothing h~~ein sha11 be deemed tQ dixect or restxict the City's a.bility to adapt and enfvrce all nec~~sary and appropriate ordinances regulating the performance of tkae conditians of fihis Easement, including any reasonable ort~~nances r~ade in the exerclse of its police pmwers in. the i.nterest of publi~ ~~ety and for the welfare of the public. The City shall have the autharity at aTl ~imes to control by appropriate regalations the location, elevation, and man:ner of canstruction and maintenance of any facilities by Grantee, and Grantee sha11 promptly cQnfor~ ~ith al1 such regulations, unless - camplian~e wouYd cause C-rrantee tv violate Qther requYrements of law. . -3- ~"]a#ed #:his day af Juzae, 2004, ~ Grantor: CITY +QF SPOKANE VALLEY: BY. - DAVID MER+CIER City Manager At'test: . CARY. P. DR~SKEY.L, Deputy City Attva-ney STATE +C)F WASHTNGTON ) ~ ss. . Cvunty of Spokane } C]n this day of ,2004, before me, the undersigned, a N~tary Public in and for the State Washingtflng persQnally appeared David Merciex and Cary F. Driskell, ta a~e known ta be the individuals wha exeGUted the vuithin and foregoing instrument, and acknawle+dged the said instr-ument to bc t,heir fxee and vvluatary act and deed fmr the uses and purpases therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREUF, I have hereuntv set my hand and official seal fihe day and year ~'irst aboUe written. - No$ary Publie in and for the 5tate of Washingtan, residing at Spcakane Val1ey. My ~ommission expires : . -4- . , Grantee: Opportuaity Cemetery AssociatYVn. BY: WALLACE PLOWMIAN President STA~~ ~~SI-II~GTON ~ ) ss. County af Sp~kane ~ On this day of ,2004, befare me, the undersigned, a Notary Publie in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared Wallace Plawman, to me known to be the irrdividuals who ex~~~ted t.he within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrumenf to be their free and valun~~ act and deed for the uses and purpases therein mentioned. IN WITNESS =WW~IEREOF, I have hereurnto set my hand a.a~ ~ficia1 seal the day and year first abave written. Notary Publ'rc in azd for the State af Washin,~on, residing at Spokane Va11ey. My commission expires -5-