2009, 07-14 Special Regular Meeting CITY C'~~~~~~ SPECTA.L1 ~~GU~~R MEETING Council M.eetang 4163 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:00 p.m. Spokane VaYley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Aveiauc Counc:i~ ~~quests Please SiIeitce Yc~~~r Ce1l Pfaorzes Drrrang Colrlicil .~~efing, CALL T'C~ ORDER. INVOGAT.ION: Pastor ManLGel Dcnning, Fountain Ministries PLEDGE ~OF ALLEGIANCE: ~ ROLL CALL: .APPROVAL ~OF AGENDA: INT~~~-UCTION (3F SPECIAL GUES'I'~ AND PRESE.NTAT~ONS; CdJMM~TTEE, BOAR..il, LIA.ISO~ SUNMARY REPORTS: .MA~.'OR'~ R-EPOR'T': PI]BLIC CONIMENT5; T_his %.s ai7 oPPartun.ity ror the publ ic to speak on, aiiy subjeci not ar7 the agetida far action. When yaLr CO.me to the podium, p1ease state yOLir name ancl addi°ess for the record and limit rernarks to three nainutes. 1. C(JNSENT AGEN-DA: Ca.risists of iterr~s cansiderEd roartine which are approved as a graup. l'1ny mernber of Council may ask that an itern be removed ;frosn the Consciit Agenda to be considercd separately. a. App.roval of the faYlowing claini vouch.ers: VOUCHER L:I:SFF' DATE ~ WNOU+C~~ER NUMT3ER.S: I 1;QTAL AM:OC]NT ~ 06125I2009 ~ Beginning 91764$; enciing 91.7698 ~ 1.,364,779.36 , 06f2612009 Beginneng#17699y ending#Gl $090009 ~ 1 ,242,521.21 0710112009 ~ ~eg~innin~~ 9 17718; ending #70 10940' )4 I ~~,927y0~52_3-7 l ~~AND TOTAL ~ $4,534,352.94 ~ b. Approval af:Payral! for pay period eraditig lune ' )0, 2009: $367,1.32.78 c. Approval o:F Private Sewe:r 'rascment d. APProval Of 9Line 2(], 2009 COLincil Rctreat Meeting Minutes e. E'ipproval of Juiie 29, 2009 Council Executive Session Meeting M:inLitCs NEW BiTSINTSS. 2. F irst Reading Pro p osed Ord1 nan ce 09 -0 14 CI ty af Spokanefflite Cran e 0.rd in a:nce Am ~n d:lnent- Mike ~Cannel8ylJan~~s Richnian [public cvmment] 3. :PYoposcd ResolLition 49-01.0 T]eclaring Items Surplus - Ken ThompsQi1 [public commeri tj 4. M atioii Consido ra.tion: Broadway :Rehab. .Fhase 2 .Bid Award - Neil Ke rstenlSteveW arley . [publac cvr~~ent] S. M.otion Consid.eration: Wastewater Treatment Plant Interloca1.Agr~ement -Mike Conneily [Public comment] 6, NIotion Considec'ation: Procedu:re :fQa- Filling Ci:ly Council "Vacaricy - Ca:ry Driskell [public cotn;ment] CounciI Agenda 07-I4-01 Regular Meetitig Page I of 2 PU:~LIC COMMENTS This is ari oppartunity for the public to speak oai any topic. When you cnme to the poditirll, pleasc state your namc an.d . address for i;he record an d I i rnit remark~ to three minules. AaaMI.vzST:~~~ ~~ORT: . . 7. First Amendment to :xnterloca] Agreement Ha►rana Bridge - M:ike Connelly 8, Panh.andling Ordinance - Cary I.7riskel1 INFORMATIOPd ONLY;. 9, 2 010 Ccn sLi s Fa:rtncrsh ip Opportun 'rty - C arolbe lle B x-anch 14. E'~~CUTI'V ~ ~~~SION. Land Acq.uisitic~~ AD.TOURNMENT . FUTURE SCHE13~''lLE (meeting schedule rs always subject to change) Regular Co uncil Meetings are generally h el~ an d 4a'r Tuesdays, beginnin~ ~t 6.•00 p. m.. CnuneiI Sttidy Sessions are generally heIc1 l'; ~rd ~nd 5th T~~sdays, heginning at 6: 00 P.M. NC3TICE: Individuals planninp; tv attend tiie nneeting whfl require speciax assistance tv aeeorrarnadate physical,, hearing, ar other impairments, pleas~ coratact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as svon as possikaLe so that arrangernents may be made, , Cotincit Agenda 07-14-09 Regular 1i!feeting _ Page 2 af 2 I ~ C17Y OF ~~OKANE VALLEY F~equest far Council Activn Meeting Date: Ju9y 14, 2009 City Manager Sign~off: Item: Ch,cck aDiI that apply: Z consent ❑oId business 0 new business El public hearing Ej irafiormation ❑ admin. report ❑ penaing legislation ►4GEND►4 ITEM T[TLE: Approval vf the FaClowing VQUChers: BACFCGROUND: VQU+CHER LI~T DATE ~ VO11CHER NOa. ~ TOTAL E4M+4UNT 06I2512009 ~ Beqinning #17648; ending #1 7698 ~ 1,364,779.36 06I26f2009 Begcnning #17,699; ending #618090009 11242F521.21 0710112009 Beginni~g #17718; ending #701 a90034 1p927,052.37 ~ ~RA'N'D T+C3TAL $4,534,352.94 'RECOMMENDED ACT1ON O'R MOTION: Appr❑ve c9airns for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETJFINI~NCGAvL IMPACTS: STAFF ~ONTACT: ECen ZhornpsQrr ,►4TTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ; . vch[ist Voucher List Page. ~ 0612512009 9:52.24AM Spokane Valley 13ank code : apbank 11oucher Date Vendor Cnvoice PO# DescriptevnlAccaunt Amount 17648 612412009 000648 ABADAN 133361 P1ANSISPECS:#0086 929.73 133703 PLANSISPECS #1 131 929.73 Y Ti otaJ : 929.13 17649 612412009 000197 AIRFAGTZ 30834 aR1V9NG RECORDS: HEt 15.75 Total : 15.75 17650 612412009 001972 ALL PFIA7E INSTR1JMENT ~SUPPLY 4992 SUPPLIES: PW 3.25 Tota9 : 3.25 17651 6I2412009 001308 ALLEN, NENRY Expenses TRAVELEXPENSES 97$.03 Tota E : 978.03 17652 612412009 000135 APA 211610-090201 MEMBERSFiIPS 30.00 Tvtal : 30.00 17653 612412009 000334 ARGUS JANIT0R9AL LLC 003745 JA1V1TC7RlAL SVCS: MAY 2009 2,165.23 ' T'4tal . 2,165.23 17654 6(2412009 000030 AVISTA 010119017 UTILlTGES: PWRKS MASTER AVISfiA 9,21$.62 ZataB : 9,218.62 17655 6124f20(}9 001816 BENTWIN &ASSOCIATES 1420 42143 BRDADWA4` AVE #0088 1,376.00 Total: 1,376.00 17656 6l2412009 000168 BLAC'K SO?L NETWORIC SVC 162463 PHONE 5ET L7P 264.14 163014 SERVICE CALC FOR PHONES 264.14 Tofia9 : 284,14 17657 6f2412009 001662 BLUE DOqR THEATRE ,une 2009 42298 SUMMER DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP PI 250,00 Tatal : 250.00 17658 6I2412609 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9026373 LINEN SUPPLY 500.11. 9028220 LI'NEN SUPPLY , 500.11 Tnkal : 500.11 17659 612412009 000572 CARTER, CARdL Expenses TRAVEL REIMBl9R5E'MENTS 183.40 Page: 1 achlist Voucher List Page: 2 06l2512009 9:52:24AM Spokane Valley Bank cmde : apbank iloucher Date Vendor 9nvoice P0 # DescriptionlAccount Amount 17659 6l2412009 000572 000572 CARTER, CAROL (Continued) 1'atal : 183.40 17660 6124I2009 000143 C1T1' C}F SPQ1(ANE February 9, 2009 REIMBURSENfENT 509.77 MAY 2009 UZ]LI71ES: TRANSFER STAT90N 509.77 Total : -509.71 , . 17661 612412009 001169 CITY DF SPOKANE VALLEY 6119109 PF-`fTY CASH -6736,6737,6738 18.50 Total: 18.50 17662 6124tl2009 000109 C(7FFEE SYSTEMS INC 3820:027389 COFFEE SUPPLIES 285.34 Tota9 : 2$5.34 17663 612412009 000429 COFFMAN ENGINEERS 904680 42171 SULLIVRN BRfaGE INSPEGTION #0 3,6$0,00 Tata I : 3,680.00 17664 612412009 000035 CnRPQRATE EXPRESS 95716840 D'FFICE SIIPPLIES 229.$0 Tatal : 229.80 17665 612412009 000123 DAII,Y,]OURNAL OF COMMERCE 3217960 ADIIERTISING: I1VVITE TO SCD 663.60 3218600 PLAN PRfNYING 663.60 Tota l : 663.60 17666 6I2412049 001625 EPIC EVENTS & PROMD7l0N, INC 528 OUTDOQR CINEMA SVCS 5,600.00 529 OUTDOOR CINiEMA SVCS 5,600.00 Total : 5,600.00 17667 6i2412009 001939 EXXTREME SC6ENCE June 2009 42331 SUMMER DAY CAMP GUESY SPEA,I 400.00 Tota'f : 400.00 17668 612412009 001859 FINANC9AL FORENS1CS 3164 JUNE 09: F1NANCIAL A'NAC,YSIS 1,122.00 Total : 1,122.00 17669 612412009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHIEVG ING 32292 LEGAL PUBL1CAT1f3N 625.15 32213 LEGAL PllBLICATIO'N 625.15 32216 LEGAL PUBL1CR71Q'N 625.15 32211 LEGAL PUSLICATION 625.15 32218 LEGAL PUBLCCATfQN 625.15 32219 LEGRL Pl7BLICA7CaN 625.15 Page: 2 ~ ; vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 06125l2009 9:52:24AM " Spokane Ilalley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor lnuoice PO # aescriptionlAccoun# Amaunt 17669 6I2412009 001447 FREE PRESS PI.FBLISHING INC (Cantinued) 32220 LEGAL'PUBLCCATfQN 625.15 32221 LEGRL PUBLCCATIaN 625.15 32222 LEGAL PUBLICATION 625.15 7otal : 625.15 17670 6l2412009 002001 GCJBLER, AMELiA Refund SCHOLAfd5H1P APPROlIED 30.00 Total : 30.00 17679 6124f20(}9 001723 HEDEEN & CADITZ, PLLC 6170 pROFESSIDNAL Sl/CS 5,582.50 Total: 5,5$2.50 17672 6I24l2009 000741 WONEY BIJCKETS 0950027 19N1T RENTAL: PARKS 2E2.10 0952605 UNIT RENTALS: PARKS 262.10 T'otal : 262.40 17613 6124I2009 000022 IN1ANQ BUSINESS RROIJUCTS, INC. 56776 PHOT0ID: HR 154.35 56778 PHOTO IDS: FiR 154.35 Yotal : 154.35 17674 6124f2009 000070 1NLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 94202 UTILITIES:P1N 397.57 7atal : 397.57 17675 612412009 000388 IRV1N WATER D15T. #6 June 2[}09 'llllATER CHARGES 166.00 Tdkal : 166.00 17676 6l2412009 001635 ISS FACILalYIEVENT SERVICES 21034 EVENT SERVICES: CP 8,1 14.87 21063 EVENT 5V'CS: CP 8,914.87 21099 EVENT SERVICES: CP 8,114,$7 21143 MONTFfLY,JANITORIAL: CP 8,114.87 21144 EVENT 5VCS: CP 8,114.87 TotaT : 8,714.87 17617 6l2412009 000092 ,lOURNAL OF SUSINESS INC. 272869 ADVERTI5ING: GD 180.00 Total: 180.00 11678 612412009 003684 MARKETING SOl.l7TI0NS NW #CP - 5-29-09 Pastag POSTAGE CDSTS 1,582.21 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List page; 4 0612512009 9:52:24AM Spokane Val1ey Ban& code : apbarlk Voucher Date Vendor Invoiee PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 17678 6I2412009 0016$4 001684 MARKET9NG SOLUTI4NS NW (Continued) To{al ; 1,5$2,21 17679 6f2412009 00078$ MEDIA JDE, INC. 3057 REWIRING THE GfiEATR00M: CP 3,577.32 3069 PROGRAMMING ANI] RQUTING 3,577.32 Tetal : 3,577.32 17680 612412009 000932 MODERN ELECTRIC WA7ER CO 04500-01 UTILIT[ES 9,874.76 Tata l : 9,874.16 17681 6l24I2009 002002 MOLTER, SHARON Refund DAMAGE DEPQSIT; ROON6109 52.00 Total: 52.00 17682 6124/2009 000008 IVORLiFT 55015441 CASTERS: PARKS 17.18 Tatal : 17.18 17683 6f2412009 000036 OFFf CE DEPQT CRED9T PLAN .Eu[y 2009 CREDI7 CARD PMT 407.06 Total : 407.06 17684 6l24i2009 000652 a'FFICE DEPOT ING. 476770949-001 42384 Offce Depot 2" Binder Item No. 92.06 Tatal ; 92.06 17685 612412009 000512 OFFICETEAM 23879379 STAFFfNG SVCS: IASERFfCHE 1,587.10 23881334 STAFFING SWC: LASERFICHE 1,581.10 23912807 STAFFING SVC: IASERFICHE 1,581.10 Total: 1,581.10 17686 6I2412009 000770 OREGDNIAN Pl]BLISHING CflMRANY 655227-06012009 ADVERISING - INVfTE TO B[D 1,052.98 Tota! : 1,052.98 17687 6/24/2009 001860 PLATT 6199429 SUPPLIES FDR CP 21.78 To#aT : 21.78 17688 6124I2009 001089 PaE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 2008 RETAINAGE RELEASE PMT 95,181.02 Tatal: 95,181.07 17689 612412009 000019 FIJRRFECT LOGOS, INC. 23764 BANNERS: PARKS 195.66 v To#al : 195.66 _...-1-7-690 m ~~O~J{'~J~ 11;Page: 4 ; ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0612512009 9:52:24AM Spokane VaCfey Bank code , apbank ~ Vaucher Qate Vendor Invoice ~ POfl ,.QescriptianlAccount Amaunt / 0 1-169 6127V2e0-o00001 aaom-spa~UR-ER (c,mea; W- ~ I -otai . 1;1-34;994-03-- 17691 612412009 000323 SPOKANE CO UTILITIaS June 2009 'PaICANE COLJN7Y SEWER 1,283.20 Tatal : 1,283.20 17692 6f2412009 000471 SPOitANESTRUCTURES Refund SWALE DEPOS1T: 0800177411779 1,500.00 Tota! : 1,500,00 17693 612412009 000405 SP0KANE 1IALLEY PAR7NERS June 2009 al1TSlDE AGENCY REIMBURSMEN 2,754.42 Tatal : 2,754.42 17694 612412009 001910 STADIUM SPaRTS 21146 SINEA7SHfR7S:PARKS 125.$0 Tatal : 126.80 17695 6124f2049 000419 SUMMIT !LAUV GROLJP 42246 PROFES510!NAL SERVICES 264.00 Total : 264.00 17696 612412009 001969 SUNSI°I1NE DISPDSAL 02053405A9 DfSPOSAL FOR CODE ABATEMENI 4,042.85 Total : 4,042.85 17697 6l2412009 00055$ WCMA 2009 GONFERENCE REGISTRATfON 2$5.00 Totai : 285.00 17698 612412009 000980 WESTERN SYSTEMS 10003637 42319 M50 CQNTROLLERS #0062 64,959.12 7otal : 64,959.12 51 Vouchers fior barak code ;apban'k Bank tatal : 4,364,779.36 51 Vauehers in this repart To#a9 vouc'hers : 1,364,779.36 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 06125l2009 9:52.24AM 5po[cane Valfey Bank code : ap6ank Voucher Qate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount I, the izndersigned., dvi certify u.nder penalty of perjury, that the materials have been £urnished, the services rendered, or the labox performed as described herei.n and that the claim ie just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certifyy said clai_m. Fi_nance Directar Date Mayar Date Counciil Member Date Page: 6 : - vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 06f2612009 1:51:3212Ni Spokane Valley Bank code : apbarlk Voucher Date Vendar Invaice PU # DescriptionfAccount Amount 17699 612612009 000030 AVISTA June 2009 UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA 21,862.E5 Total: 21,862.65 17700 612612009 000271 BAINBRIDGE, CHRISTINE Expenses E(PENSE REIMBURSEMENT 47.36 1'ota! : 47.36 17701 6l2612009 000918 BLUE RIBSON L1NEN SuPPLY INC 9030056 LINEN SLfPPLYAND 5ERlIICE 242.41 Tota I : 242.41 17102 612612009 000796 BllD1NGER & AS50C ENC M68134-6 42170 MATERIALS TESTCNG AND SAMPLI! 48(}.60 M0$218-5 42110 GEOTECH & MATER9ALS TESTING 3,056,87 M09064-1 42362 MATERIALS TESTI'NG 583.39 M09065-2 42343 BRAODWAY FANCHER PCC MA7 T 6,115.21 Total ; 10,236.07 17703 612612009 001148 CQLUMBIA PA19VT & COATINCS 8281.8 PA11V7 SUPPL['E5 55.68 8311-3 PAINTING Sl1PPLIES:CP 280.77 Total : 336.45 17704 612612009 001701 DUFFEY, DAN June 2009 TRAVEL RE[MBURSEMENT 666.44 Tota l : 666.44 17705 6f2612009 000010 FEDEX KINKO'S 28970027002 PRINTING COSTS: PARKS 407.63 Total: 407.63 37706 612612009 001684 MARKETING SdLIJTIDNS NW CF 6117-09 ADVERTISING: CP 3,530.00 Tnta1: 3,530.00 17707 612612009 001844 NIMRI, RABA June 2009 TRFIVEL REfMBl7RSEMENT 1,225.88 Total : 1,225.$8 17708 612612009 000469 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQU1P ING 31102 PLAYGRQUND EQIJfPMENT 182.82 Total : 182.62 17709 612612409 000652 QFFICE DEPaT INC. 477034462-001 42389 pFFICE SllPPLIES 27.52 Tatal : 27.52 ~ Page: x 1 vchlist Uoucher List Page. 2 0612612009 1.51:32PM Spokane Valley ~ Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invnice PO # Descrip#ionlAccount Amount 11710 612612009 002003 SChIM1TZ, CLIFF , 48002738 REFUND OF SWALE DEPOSiT FEE 1,500.00 Total : 1,500.00 17711 612612009 009892 SKILLINGS CONNOLLY ING 5956 42230 REAL ESTATE SERVICES C!P 0088 8,810.49 Tota I : 8,810.49 17712 612612009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 June 2009 UTILITIES - PUU 8.96 Total : 8.96 17713 6i2612009 000065 5TAPLES BIJSINESS ADVANTAGE $0124946$2 OFF1CE SUPPLIES: GD 34$.76 Total ; 348.76 97714 6f26i2009 001227 UNIVER5ITY OF WASHINGTON UWEO 42095 42336 TRAINING - PETE FISCH 390.00 Total : 390.00 17795 612612409 001949 WILSON, SAYQEE June 2009 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 1,675.88 Total : 1,675.8$ 17716 612612009 000129 WRPA 09-468 42395 EASTSfDE SUMMER SKILLBUILDEF 425.00 Total : 425.00 17717 612612009 000152 WSUOT 90609048 URBAN RAMPS AND MAINLINE PC( 5,340.55 90609051 APPLEVIIAYTRUNKLINE #0062 23,639.77 90609074 SIGNAL AND ILLUM. MAINT 11,431.84 9060975 STATE ROUTE RQADWAY MAIN7. 18,184.90 Total : 58,603.06 618090009 619812009 000001 SPQKAIVE CO TREASURER 6110109 PRST DUEAMTS 1,131,994.03 Total: 1,131,994.03 20 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 9,242,521.29 20 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,242,521.21 Page: 2 vchlist VOucher List page: 3 06126l2009 1:51:32PM 5pokane Va[ley Bank cade: apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Envoice PO # DescriptionfAccvunt Amount I, the undersigned, do cerEify under penalty af perjury, that the materiafs have been furnished, fhe services rendered, ar the labar performed as described herein and fhat the cfaim is just, tlue and an unpaid obligakian against the City vf Spokane Valley, and thak 1 am authoriaed fa authenticate antl certify to said claim. Finance Directar Date Page: 3 vchlist ►Joucher List Page: ~ 07101l2009 3:52:39PM Spakane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccoun# Amount 17718 711/2009 000958 AAA SrNEEPING, LLC 42537 51NEEPENG CONTRRCT: PIN 78,206.52 Total : 78,206.52 17719 71112009 000135 APA 195827090503 2009 MEMBERSFCIP-H KAUER 190.00 Tatal : 190.40 17720 711I2009 001606 BA9VNERBANK 0620 MAY49:0620 32.40 0638 MAY 09: 0638 32,00 2419 MAY 2009: 2832 AND 2419 3,259.52 26$2 MAY 09: 2E82 1,424.00 4359 MAY 09: 4359 2$.62 4383 MAY 09: 4383 57.00 4458 MAY 09: 4458 928.25 4474 MAY 09: 4474 1,663.10 5579 MAY 09: 5579 391.43 TDtal : 7,811.92 17721 71112009 00193$ SERGERlABAM ENGINEERS INC 15434 PROFESSIONAL SVCS: PLANNING 1,450.74 Total : 1,450.74 17122 11112049 000173 BIIVGAMAN, GREG Cell Allowance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Tatal : 135.00 17723 11112409 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9031894 LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE 200.17 Total : 200.17 17724 71112009 001611 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD June 2009 GTEDIEMERGING ISSIIES GRANT 1,11$.96 Total: 1,178.96 17725 7l1I2009 000904 BRANCH, CAROLSELLE Cell Allvwance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 17726 71112009 002006 SROWN, SABRfNA Refund CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPQSIT 52.00 Tota E : 52.00 17127 711f2009 002011 CAREY, MEKE Refund CREDI7 FOR SHELTER DEP051T 52.00 . Page: 1 ; vchIiSt VOufv~.'~r r.i$t 2 07l0112009 3:52:39PM 5pokane Valley Bank cade: apbank Voucher date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptianlAccount Amount 17727 71112009 002011 002011 CAREY, MIKE (Conkinued) Total : 52.00 17728 71112009 001048 CIIY PARCEL 5290072 COURIFR SERVICE: CD 18.32 Total : 18.32 17729 7I112009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 3820028424 COFFEE 279.47 Total : 279.47 17730 711f2409 000326 CDNSOLIDATED fRRfGATION #19 June 2009 -UTILITIES 62.67 June 2009 UTILITIES 464J0 June 2009 UTILITfES 127.28 June 2009 UTILITIES 20.00 Tatal : 674.65 17731 7i112009 001603 DEMPSEY, ROSE Gell Allowance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.04 ' Total : 135.00 17732 7I1l2009 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD Cell Allowance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 17733 71112009 002007 DEWITT, ANGELA Refund CREDfT FOR SHELTER DEPaSIT 52.00 , TataC : 52.00 17734 71112009 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST June 2009 ADVERTISING: CP 40.00 June 2009 ADVERTISING: CP 190.00 Tatal : 230.00 17135 71112009 001653 DUKES CAR CLUB Refund CRED1T FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT 251.00 Total ; 257.00 17736 71112009 000999 EfISTERN WA ATi'pRNE`( SVG, INC 26377 LEGAL SERVICE 40.00 Tota i : 40.00 17737 71112009 001829 EVANS CRAl1EN & LACKIE, PS ,IUNE 2009 LEGAL SERVIGES 1,520.00 Total : 1,520.00 17738 71112009 001232 FASTENAL CO PURCHASING IDLEW62294 FASTENAL BLANKE7 46.19 Tatal : 46.19 Page: 2 VchlFSt VOUCher LISt Page: 3 07l01l2009 3:52,39PM Spokane ValEey Bank code : apbank Voucher date Vendor Invn'rce PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 17739 71112009 001447 FREE FRESS PUBLISHING IIVC 3226$ LEGAL PUBLICATION 65.80 32307 LEGAL PUBLICATION 80.75 32308 LEGAL PUBLICATION 75.65 32309 LEGRL PUBLICATION 100.30 32365 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 32366 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 32401 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 32402 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25A0 Tatal : 425.50 17740 711I20119 002014 FREY, JG & AM Refund REFUNp OF PERM[T FEES 50.25 Tafial : 50.25 17741 71112009 002008 GIBSON, STACIE Refurtd REFUND OF SWIMMING LESSON F 30.00 Tota l : 3QA0 11742 711I2009 001009 GQThiMANN, WILLIAM Cel1 Allawance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 17743 71112009 000007 GRAINGER 9009988396 SUPPLIES 98.41 9011999019 SUPPLIES 25.10 9012932928 Sl1PPLIES 1 fi.65 9015245567 SUPPLLES 32.22 Total : 167.38 97744 71112009 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICEB C4 600203837 Jl1LY 2009 LEASE PMT 1,658.22 TOtal ; 1,658.22 17745 711i2009 000161 [fMC 21848 ANNUAL MEMBERSHfR 75.60 8688 ANNUAL MEMBERSHfP EEES 165.00 Totaf : 240.00 17746 7111I2009 000022 1NLAND BUSINESS PRODUC75, INC. 56791 PHOTOfD; HR 23.91 5619$ PHQTO fDS: HR 23.91 Tota1 : 47.82 17741 719/2009 000288 INTL CQDE COUNCIL 0887139 REGISTRATIONS: BLDG 70.00 ' Page: 3 ~ ' _ - vchlist Voucner Lis€ Page: 4 07l0112009 3:52:39PN! Spafcane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invaice Pa # DescriptivnlAccounfi Amount 17747 71112009 000288 000288 INTL, CaDE COUNCIL (Continued) Total : lO.OQ 17748 71112009 002009 JACKSQN, ,IAMES Refund CREQI7 FdR SHELTER DEPDSiT 52.00 ' 7otal: 52.00 17749 711I2008 000265 JACKSON, MIKE Cell Allowanae 2ND Ql1ARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 11750 1f112009 402012 JUHNSTCIN, PAUL Refund CREDIT FOR SHEL7ER DEPOSIT 52.00 Total : 52.00 17751 71112009 001649 KILGORE CONSTRUCTIaiV ING Pmt #12 POOL UPGRADES 322,762.76 Total : 322,762.16 17752 71112009 002017 LUCK, ANGELA June 2009 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENTS 1,310.00 Total : 1,310.00 17753 711/2009 001581 MCGLIJNG, KATHY Expenses SARP MEEfING: KAYFiY MCCLUNG 35.55 Total ; 35.55 17754 711I2009 000073 MCCORMICK, GREG Experrses TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 64.90 Total : 64.90 17755 71112009 000069 NIERCIER, DAVID Cell Allovuance 2ND QIJARTER 2009 135.00 Juiy 2009 TFtAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 400,00 Total : 535.00 17756 71112009 002004 MILLS, LYLA Refurrd Credit for Shelter Deposit 52.00 Tota l : 52.00 17757 7I112009 002013 MONIGOLD, BRET Refund CREQC7 FOR SNELTER tiEPQSET 52.00 Total : 52.00 17758 7r112009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD Cell Alfowance 2ND QIJAR`CER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 17759 7f112009 000240 MATL LEAGUE 0F CITIES 47148 MEM6ER5H1P DllES 6,697.00 Total : 6,697.00 Page: 4 vchlist Uoucher List Page: 5 0710112009 3.52:39P'M . Spokane Valiey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptivnlAccount Amount 71160 711l2009 000193 NORTNWEST CHRISTIAN SCHDOL 1NC July 2009 JuLY 2009 C[TY FfALL RENT 37,618.47 Total : 37,618.47 17761 7f112009 400652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 477913776001 OFFECE SIJPPLIES 99.76 Tatal : 99.76 17762 711I2009 000512 DFFICETEAM 23945575 STAFFING SVC: LASERFIGNE 603:10 23945576 Sl°AFFING SVC: LASERFICHE 603.10 Total: 1,206.20 17763 71112009 002016 OWOEYE, KANY1N501A Refund REFUND QF SINIMMING LESSQN F 60.00 Total : 60.00 17764 711/2009 001860 PLATT 6213251 SUPPLIES FOR CP 182.06 6213680 SUPPLfES FOR CP 186.15 7ofal : 368.21 17765 71112009 000019 PURRFECT LDG05, INC. 2390$ SIGN FOR WATER SLIDE 202.1$ Total: 202.18 17766 71112009 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787-5116 PHONE SERVICE 46.33 509=922-7091-0606 PHflNE SERVECE 109.30 Tvtal : 155.63 17767 7/1/2009 001276 RAN1]ALL, DAllla 1326 STORM WATER ANALYSIS 1,120.40 1327 STaRM WATER ANALYSIS 4,560.00 Total : 5,880.00 17768 711I2009 002015 ROBERTQ, CARY Refund REFUND QF SWIMMING L'ESSON 30.00 Totai : 34.06 11169 11112009 000415 ROSAUERS 598088 SUMMER PROGRAM SUPPLIES 203.87 Tatal : 203.87 17770 7I112009 000064 SCHiMMELS, GARY Cell Allowance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 17711 7J1I2009 001957 SKYLINE CONTRACTORS INC PMT #2 CONSTRlJCT10N CONTRACT 35,491.42 Page: 5 i vchlist VouCner List Page: 6 07l0112009 3:52:39RM 5pokane V'alley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invaice P0 # []escriptionlAccoun# bmount 17711 71112009 001957 SKYLfNE CONTRACTORS lNC (Continued) 42364 Total : 35,491:42 17772 71112009 001260 SPOKANE CASN REGISTER INC. 21470 SERVICE CA'L'L 543.50 Tota1: 543.50 11723 71112009 000172 SPDKANE CO ENGINEER VLY0905 MpY 09; COUNTY ENGCNEERJNG 46,150.63 7otaC : 46,150.63 17114 711I2009 000001 SPOKEINE CO TREASURER 41500963 Jl7NE WORK CFtEW 39,049.55 47148 MAY 09 WURK CREW 4,659.1$ 7atal : 43,708.73 17775 71112009 000324 SPOKANE C0 UVA7ER DIST #3 June 2009 UTILITIES 426.23 Total : 426.23 17776 11112009 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 1949 MRY 2009 1$,269.85 Total : 1 SP269.$5 17777 711f2009 000954 SPOKANE RE(;fDNAL HEALTH, DfSTRIC' SS-7646 QNSPECTIONS: PARKS 55a.00 7otall : 550,00 17778 71112009 000311 SPR1NT 326088106 WAPS FOR LAPTOPS 545.64 959698810 SPFdINT CELL IPHONES 1,362.19 Tatal: 1,908.83 17779 71112009 000273 SRTC TS-1541 VIS[UM SUFTWARE 1,141.35 Total : 1,141.35 177$0 7f112049 001083 STANDARD PLBG hVEATING CONTRaLS 26479 MAY 2009 MAINTENANCE 506.63 Total : 506.63 177$1 71112009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8012599576 OFFICE Sl7PPL7E5 224.28 5012715441 OFFICE SIJPPLlES 83.39 8012167899 OFFICE SUPPLES 106.34 Tatal : 414.01 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 07l0112009 3:52:39FM Spakane IlalCey Bank cvde : apbank Voucher Qate Vendor Invooce PO # DescriptiornlAccount Amount 177$2 711J2009 001922 SWA'NK MOTION P6CTlJRES, IIVC RG 0775555 42309 MOVIE LICEMSES 197,15 Total : 797.15 17783 7I112009 000063 7AYLOE2, S7EVE Cefl Allowance 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 17784 71112009 001056 TRIFLE PLAY June 2009 42266 SUMMER'DAY CAMP FIELD TRSP Ff 1,272.00 Total ; 1,272.00 17185 71112009 002010 VARNEY, STEPHANIE Refund CRED'IT FOR SHELTER'DEPQSOT 52.00 Tmfa9 : 52.00 17788 7l1l2009 000140 VIIALTS MAILING SERVICE 20650 PRINTINC SEFiV1CES #0403 573.42 Tota'C : 573.42 17787 711I2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPDKANE 2492049-2681-3 WASTE MGNVT: PRECVNCT 132.33 2492050-2681-1 WASTE MGMT: JUNE 2009 285.27 Total : 1,017,60 17788 71112009 000061 WILHITE, C11ANA CeII Al9owance 2ND QUARTER 2~009 135.00 Tdtal : 135.00 17189 711I2009 000766 YMCA 0F THE INCANa NW MAY 2009 MNNAGEMENT FEE 11,680.00 Total : 17,680.00 17790 71112009 001074 ZEE MEDICAL D161332346 MED1CAL SURPLIES 779.90 Tota l : 779,94 101090034 711/2009 000001 SPOKAME CO TREASURER June 09 JUNE 09: SHERIFF SERVICES 1,287,226.48 Total: 1,282,226.48 74 Vouchers fpr bank code: apbank Bank total : 1,927,052.37 74 Votachers in this repflrt Total vouchers : 1,927,052.31 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 0710112009 3:52:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, antl that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 8 CITY OFSPOKA► !NE 1JAL'L EY Request for Councill Action Meefing Date: July 14, 2009 City Managee ~ign-aff: Item: C'heck aIS tF~at apply: 0 cansent 0 oId business ❑ new business [-I public hearing El infvrmatian 0 admin. report F-I pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE. PayrQIl far Periad '~nding June 30, 2009 . GO~ERlVlNG LE+GI'~LAT1ON: PRE1l1OUS COUNCIL A+CTION T►4F~EN: BAC KGROUND: ~PTIONS: R'ECC3MMEE~DED ACTIOTV f]R MOTlON: BlJDGETIFi'NANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $241,379.02 Benefits: $125,753.76 TaTAL PAYROLL; $367, 132.7~ ~TA'FF CONTACT: Ken Thnmpson . r4TTACHiRF ENTS I ~~OKANE VALLEY , - ~~quest for Councol Action Meeti~g Date: July 14, 2009 City► Manager 5ign-off: _ Item: Check al1 that-apply: ~ consent oId business ~ new business pubaic nearing El irrfarmat'sam 0 admin. repart ❑ pending legislation. AGENpA ITEM TITL.E: Ea$errEent far pri►vate sewer lines GOVERNlNG LEG1SL►4TION. PREV'il+DUS COllNGIL ACTION'' ~AKEN: B►4CKGROUfVD; There are two residents, Gharles Benage an the Southeast corner of 48th and - Felts and Lynn Whiting on the Southwest corner of 48t" arad FeIts that. have difficu1t sewer - . cvnnections out to fhe new sewer main an 481" Streef. Mark Stiltz, project manager fvr the County uti1ity project has been wvrking with them and has requested that we cvnsider granting them an easement a1ang Felts vut to 48ih to allow them tv make theur connection ta t'he back of their hasases. attached as a map with the approxarnate lvcatian of their private Gannections and a copy of the prapvsed easement dacument. .OPT'IONS: Approve the easement or giue sfaff further direction. !R€COMMEiVaED ACTlON OR iV9OTIQN: Move tv authorize fhe City Manager oc designee to sign an easement for a private sewer line on Feits Rvad for the Gharles Benage and Lynn 1Nhiting. BUDGETlFIN►4NC1AL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Ker-sten ATTACHMENTS: Map and Easement Page i af ~ ~ ~ Kom%n Frm: Sft Ma►ic t~MCo:r~~p~irra►.~] 5"t- Thurs&r, #My 14, 2009 10:19 uM To: Nefl Kergen W. C+oroky ICeArt 8ubjects PmMAt saktitxn Ibr mvlrV ioge & VVhbV NoII, Thia Mabotit Ihe "war oI►rvlos at 48ih i Falh 4o Dr. borap and Dr. Wh". Thay have diffiuit vonnsct+ons, Ixrt I may have mrw up wkh t poaabie sok*txn. Mcrrwver rny Mdoa saqtlns lh+r approval c[ Oe City. The Coun#y coud 1nataN a a" sttib Irom awr:e"r main In 4ft Ilv+ema Ohs! ►rrotid Om up with lha pawrd rtwuidsr tun Feb RCi Wtrrg Dr. NAdkiVs hirusre. From here, W*ilYp wnd Bwap oould wdtsrwd the s#ub alarag Ow shoalder sna and nIM appWiete Wellon, spa QIF Wv Ivw 4" pos iv their napeelive Fomes. "e ihe bkue Ine in te plcllure telow. i havi not yet meeianed Ihls 1a iwrn be+cauoa #+e Cky would haw baQnn 1Qi •kardifee pomtbnp thoir pdvsM shibe in 'Mw CAty R-G-W. if ft OF,y wrouW be sp+~w~We lo ft appmech, Lot rrw kncrw ind i wAM dW*as k wfth Ihen. ~J ! 'i - = a ~ ' ; r ~ ~ h ~y t_ ~ L 1 + f ` ~ 1r" ~~•~l' , , _ _ _ a. , : . ~/~l ~ ' ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ . i dre : ~ . ~ - . ' 1r • i .I~4 ~ a~,~ _ ~ . P, _ ' ~ 1 ~ii • \ r~_ . r ~ Y • - ; ? ~ • 5 . ~ ~ • I ~ - - ~ - . ~ ` .'t . , , Mark Stilts PrqertUarurger ~kccns C~iurtty pi~r. qj+f~Ft~iNes rti: (509) 07-7464 Pcix: 477-4715 ~0/2009 , Fi:led at the Request of' C;ity of Spokane Va11ey, Washington 11707 East 5prague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 cGRANT OF EAS]EMENT ' FOR CONSTDERATION OF THE ACTUA..L BENEFTTS HEREIN DERIVED by khe parties, tne undersigned Grantor hereby grants an easement to Grantee far ihe placement of a satiitary sewer pipe in Gra.ritor's right-af vvay. The easement for placernent of a sanitary sewer pipe is descaribed as fallaws: Situated in the Cvunty of Spokane, ~f Washington Parcel No.: Said easement shall be su'bject ta the following conditians: 1. Recovery of Costs. Grantee shall be subject to a11 permit fees associated vv.zth activities undertaken throu,gh the authority granted in #his Easement or under ordinances of the City. Where the City incurs costs and expenses for review or inspectian of activities undertaken tl-irough the authQrity gra:nted in this Easement ❑z any ordinarrces relating tD the subj ect fnr which a permit fee is not established, Grantee shall pay such casts and expenses ~ireetly to the City. rn addition ta the abave, Grantee shall pramptly reimburse the City far any and a11 costs it reasonably incurs in respanse ta any emergency inValving Urantee's facilities. , 2. Non-Exclusavity. Th.is Easement sha11, in. no way, prevent or prohibit the City from using any of its righ~~~f-wayss roads, streets or athex public properties ~r affect its j urisdi~~ion over them or an.y part of them. Th~ ~ity hereby retai~s fuXl pnwer ta make all c~anges„ relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishmenfs, improvements, dedications or vacation Qf same as the City may deem ~`it, i:ncluding the dedicatian, establishment, m.aintenance, and imprauement of all new rights-of vvay, streets, avenues, th.oroughfares and other public properties of every type and descxipt.ion. . erference with Ex~sfiinR Facilitxes. T~ie City shall. have p~ivr ~d. I, ~io~-1~at superior right to the use of its z oads, streets, and alleys, and public prQper~~~s for installation and maintenar~~e of its facilities aad Qther gvvernmental purpnses, and should in th.e sQ~e discreti~~ of the City a conflict arise wi.th the Grantee's fa.cil:ities, the Grantee shall, at its owm expense and cost, canform. to the City's facilities arad other governme.n.t purposes of th.e City. The ownn.ers af all utilities, p~~~~~ or pra.vate, installed in or on. such publrc prQperta es prror to the instal.l.ation of the lines arnd facilities of the Grantee, shall. have preference as to the positioning and lQeation. of such ufiilities so %.nstalled with respect to th.e Grantee. Such pareference shal:l. continue in the event af the necessity af relocating or changing th.e grade of any such public properties. Gr~tee's system shal1 be constructed an:d marntained in suc~ manner as not to interfe.re with any prablxc use, or with any other pipes, wiress cond:uits or other facilities that may have been laid in the right:s-of-way by or untier the City's aufihority. 4. Riaht to Roads Not Swoerseded. 7'he City, i.n. the gra,nt:ing vf tliis Easement, does not vvaive any rights tiuhich it a~ow halds or may hereafter acquire, and f,his Easem.ent shall not be ~onstrued so a~ to deprive the City ~~y pawers, righfis, or privileges which it nflw h.as, or may hereafter acquire, in~~ud.irig the right af eminen.t dornain, to regulate the use and cantrol af its roads cavered by thi~ Easement, or tQ go tipon a.ny and all City roads a.~d highvvays for anny purpose inciuding constructing, repairin.g, or improving th.e sarne in any su.ch rnanner as the Crty, or i.ts representativ~s m.ay elect. T'he CYty shall retapn full auth.oritative power in the sam.e and _1ike manner as thaugh th,is Easement had never beera. granted. Noth:a.ng in this Ea~em.ent shall be cvnstr-ued to pre~en~ the City frvm constructi:ng facilities, gxading, paving, repairin,g andlar a1teri:ng an.y street, or Iaying down, repairing or r.emoving facilities or canstructing ar establishing any +other Pubtic wor.k Qr gmprove.ment. A11 such work shall be done, insafax as practicable, sa as to not obstruct, injure or prevent the unrestricted use and operation of the facilitAes of th~ Gr~tee under this Easement, xf, hQwever, any of , th~ Grantee's facilities interfez-e vvith City projects, Grantee's facilities s'hall be removed or replaced. Any and all such removal or rep1acem.ent shall be at the sole expense Q~ the Grantee. Shauld Graan.tee fai1 to remove, adjust or relocate its -2- facilities by the date establish.ed by t1rough written notice to Grantee, fihe City may : cause and1o~ effect such remova1, adjustment ar :reZocation, and the ~xpense thereof - shall be paid by Grantee. 5. Restaratzon After Canstruction. Urantee shall, after installation, consta-uction, relocatia:n, maxntenance, ar repair of facil:it~~s withan the area of this Easement, restore t,he surface of the right-of=way or public property to at least the currently adogted City standards or as requixed by the City Public Warks Department thraugh a right-af-vvay permit, depending upon special circumstances. Gxantee agrees to prornptYy corraplete all restoration woxk and to prvmptly repair any damage caused by such work with.in the area of thi~ Easement or t~ther affected area at its sole cost and expense. 6. Uamaae and Non-Complia:nce. ~-1ny and all darriage, or inj'ury, done or caused to City right-of-way, City facilities, ax any portion ther~~~ in the constructian, operation, maintenance or repair of Grantee's facilities shall be immediately z'epaired and reconstructed to the satisfactian of the City Puhlic WQrks Depa.rtment; and in the event tkae Grantee sha1l fail, neglect, or refuse to immediately repair and reconsfiruct said damage ox injury to sa:id City right-Qf-way or facilities, the same may be done by the City and the cast and expense shall be imnediately paid by the Grantee to the City. If it is dxscovered by the ~City that Grantee has damaged, injured, ox failed to ~ `restare the ri ght-of way in accv.rdance with thi sEasezn ent, the City sha11 provide - the Gxantee wifih wri~en nQtice including a deseription of action~ the City bel~eves necessary ta restore the right-of-way. If the rrght-of-vvay is not restored within ten (10) days' fram written. notice, the City, or its authorized agent, may restore the right-of=~~y and faci.lities. The Grantee is responsib~e for a1l cvsts and expenses incurred by the City to repair a..nd restare the right-of-way and facilities in accardance with t.his Easement,. 7. I.nsnectians and Fees. A~l work perfoa„med by Grantee sha11 be subje~t to inspectian by and a.pproval of the City. The Grantee shall reimburse the City far . arl expenses incurred by the City in the exarnination, inspection, and apprQVal of Grantee's work. Such reimbu,rsement shall be xn addition to any other fees ar charges levied by the City. 8. ~~tv Ordinances and ReRulations. Notha.ng herein sha11 be deemed to direct or restrict the City,s ability ta adopt and enforce a11 necessary and appropria,te ordinances regulating the perfarmance of the conditions of this Easement, . including an.y reasanable ordinances made in the exercise of its police powers in. the interest of public saf~~y and for the we1fare of tkae public. The City shal1 have the authority at all times to control by appropriate regulatiaras the locativn, elevatian, and rrianner of construuctian and maintenance of any facilities by ~`rrantee, and Grantee shall promnptIy canform viith all such re~~~ations, unless campliance wou1d cause Gra:r1tee tQ violate vther requi:rements of 1aw. _3 - Dated th.is day af . 2009. Grantor: . CITY OF ~~OKANE VALLEY: BY: David Mercier City Manager Attest: Cary P. Dn'ske1.1. Offi~~ of the City Attorney STATE OF WASHTNGTON ~ } ss. County of Spokane } - On this day of , 2009y before mez the un.dersigned, a. Notary Publ.i.c in and for the 5tate of Washin.gton, persanally a:PPeared David Mercier and Cary P. Dri.skelk, to me known ta be the individuals who executed the within and faregoing instrurra.eni, an.d acknawl.edged the said instrument to be their - free and voluntary act ai-id deed for -the uses and iDuarposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~t my hand and official seaI the day and year ~'~rst abQVe waritten.. Notary Public in. and for the State af. Washington, xesiding at Spokane Va11ey. My conimission expires ; -4- . GI`antees: C}larlf's Bena~~ Lyn:~ Wh.itlng STATE OF WASHIN~'rTC}N } ) ss,. Coumty of ~~~kane } On this day af ,2009, before rne, the undersigned, a Nata.ry Publzc an and for the State of Washington, persanally appeared Charles Benage and Ly~n VVhiting, to rrne knawn tQ be th.e individuals who executed the within ~d fQregaing instrument, and ack:~owledged the said instrument to be their free and valuntary act aEnd deed for the uses and purposes therei:n mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREO'F, I ha~e hereu.nto set my hand a.nd afficial seal the day and year first above written, Nota.ry Public in and far the State of WasEngton, residing at Sgokane Valley. My cnmmission expixes DRAFT MINUTES Spokane Val1~y City Council Retreat Deputy MLayor :Q3enenny's Lake ~~~in 29897 N. Is1e View Road, Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869 Saturday, June 20, 2009 AT'I`EN3ANCE: Counc.il ataff Rich Muaasan, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager . Dick Der~enny, Deputy Mayor Mike Tackson, Deguty City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember M~~e Connelly, City Attorney :Bi1I Gatnmann, Council:rmember Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director Gary 5chimrnels, Councilmember ~~thy McClung, Cammunity Develapment I}ir. Steve Taylor, Gouncilmember Ken Th.otnpsmn, Finance Directar T]iana Vv'ilhite, Cou:nciAmember N~aryKate McGee, Building Of~icial. Greg McCarmick, P1anning Manager CaroIbelle Branch, Public i.nfarrnation Officer Chris Bainlaridge, City Clerk Mayar Munson convened the meeti.~g at appraximately 9:07 a,m. 1. LTpdated Fanancial Tot-ecast - Ken 'xhompsan. Finance Director Thompson explai.ned that as shown on. "Prob1em Statement #1" the general fund deficit starfs to shavv up in the year 2013. He said that it is bigger then it was before, caused by reduced. prajections an sales tax; which is down about I2.4°/'0; adding that setvice fees and building pea-rnits haue decreased; and planning fees are all dawn abaut $200,000 far the first six month.s this year. Mr. Thompson mentiQned that the third item under the 2009 estimate, the $20 mi11:io:n carryover from the priar year, alfihaugh a 1arge number, it keeps us healthy. He save~ expenditure increases are estimated annua:lly at about S°lQ; which works out pretty well in that it doesn't nan-nally run that high sa it that can off-sef other items; and sai.d we don't spend everything budgeted. which alsa h_elps. In the reveraue side, Mr. Mercier said the Board af County Cammissioners will imclLide ean th.e August ba11'ot, the 1110 of 1% fgr pubIic safety and those figures are not it~ our buciget; and added that i.n the expendit-Lires, the 2009 police budget includ.ed a inillion or mare in the event we had to pay the Caunty an arraOLZ:nt af arreai-s, vvhich we did. Mr. Thompson said that general goue.z-ra.ment has alsa decreased: we have tvo loans, ane for w.inte.r weather and ane in the general street fund in case we need tfiem far operating costs. "Pr~blem Staterraent #2,35 Mr. Thompson explained sh.or~~~ ~i-le street fun.d wi~th several changes azi.d more changes likel.y w~hen. we determine hvw to hand1e the winter street nRaintenance issue. He said the beginning fund balance was h it as a resu:lfi vf the heavy winter and i s down to $1.2 rnillion in carryaver; and the uti I ity tax 'rs co ming in at about $Z.$ rrYillion this year but added he is nat sure i.f we will see much growtli. Mr. Thompson said that kaxing cell phones has been going on far several years in many other areas so we're nat a nauelty. He rnentianed fihere Yrave been mi1d citize:n ~omplaints, amd rerrninded everyane that the taxing is based on the billincy add.ress. Mr. Thompson said tMat regarding the stor,mwater share facility, if we end up with some facalify for street operations, we may be look:ing at storrnwater to sha.re in that cQSt as now it pays far mast street sweeping. Mr. Mercier said that abaut faur years aga, Council approved a stair-step increase in. starmwater fees tracking with the County's fees, and n4w we have campleted the anventary af 1.4,4340 structures w~th- vnly a small percentage cleaned ancl repaired; that this represents a massive amou:nt of work to be doile, ~~d we may need t:a corne back to cauncil on how to adjList that fee before the stQrm sewers fail, addzng that the cvst to fix them are hundreds of dallars for each storrn sewer. - : NTr. T ompson sai t e matoa~ ~ tax is settling a itt,e, and is 'ess t en the $2 millian estimated. ~or ~ expenses an the street fund, Mr. er~t a~rt~ut $4.5 r~ilYion ir~ 2~@0$; but vve might have - ~'ha~psa~a ~d w~ sp t:o buy a facili:ty or trucks, and that he is waitira,g for that tQ u:nfo1d in orde'r to get a feeI far the costs. M:r.. Mercier said this is the fund which will be used if we haWe to buy the equiprnent as the en.terprise fur,d Council Staff Retreat 06-20-09 Page 1 of II. Approved by Cvuncil: DRAF'T deals with the entire transportatiQn system; we have a begnnning fund balance and have gut some dcallars _ in there to make the initial purchase; bLit said he is hopefiil to h,aae a lease on a building and not make a cvmmitment an a purchase; and will focus on the interim, one-year solution; Sdd1ng 1f we had a StYuGtL1:Ce and prvperty tv buy, we WQula 17a`tVe to L[]0k at G17oXCeS 0f 17UI'Gha5i11g/fund1ng, but said we don't knovv the target amvunt yet. Mr. °Thampson said ttgat `Problem Statement #3" alsa has same changes as it now shvws parks capi~al separate from the street projects; he said we stifll have to acidress the higher bid on. Discavery Park, but wiI_1 come back to that flater, probably in 2009 or 2010 ~o finei anvther $400,000. He rnentioned the real estate excise tax {REE`I'} is dowrl substantxally, that priQr to this year it was about one crr two mil1iQn, and is now dawn to a6aut $3 $O,000; REET 2 came after R'~ET 1 and it has atiditional. requirernents, and if we a.re planni~g u:nder the GMA (Growfih Management Act), we can't use those funds fQr park facilities, we can use them for the parks but nat far such things as pool af the parks. General discussion taok place ora the forecast fvr future years, and Mr. Merci.er said staff prefers° not tQ forecast sweet times when there is no current evieYerice that supports improvernent; that this wil1 be u,pdafied again far the Jan~uary retreat, possibly before the erad of the year, and as we see sigr►s of pasitive recovery, we could be mare daring, Mr. Thompsan added if we are too optimistic, and then budgets come in vvith more projects and we get started vn rirlultiple year projects, then we would be tied in vvith no way Qut. Mr. Mercier said that most rriajor expenditures an prajects all carrie rn hi.gher then engineer estirnates, including $arker Bridge at about $l million higher; PsneslMa,nsfield, arrd tihe 1atest with Discmvery Playground at an estzmafed 47% hi.gher; which creates canstemati4n as we are cammitted ta those projects and thos~ cu:rrent obligations sa,~ funds for other projects. Mr. 'rhmmpson rmentioned the STEP prvgram caming in about $2 -mi11iQn a year, a.nd naw those hookups wil1 be deeper and wider, and thus cost rnare. Maya.r Munsan said Cauncil previausly made it abu:nda,ntly c'Iear if we don't have the funds to dQ cuxb-to-curb, we dnn't have the funds, and we' now there. Mr. Mercier said there has been some mental agony over that question; when we are in residential zones, the biggest bang for the buck is the STEP; far arterials and collectars we have heen successful in getting grants, a.nd we wil] have a chaice on which area ta 'set as fihe highest priorit5'y adcling fhat we have not had to cla that Y~ et~ that botl~ es taf ~'p _ pro}ects haWe beneficial cast retums to the City; and stated that th.e problem is that we were contributing a few hundred thousand in match fands befare, now that mafich is between one a:nd three milflian; and said the biggest areas with the dieepest chafllen,ges vvere put off u,nti.l the encl. Councilmember Gathmann. mentioned that in the Ponderosa area, the roads are gone and will have to be replaced; sa putting i:n a trench is irrelevant; th-at they were all paved at the sarne tixne and naw they are a:Il gone at the same tirrie. Mayor Munsan said that as a philasophy, we are there arnd wi11 have to make those difficult chvices. Mr. T'hornpson s~~d fQr the transpartation prajects, this is where the rest of thafi REE'I' money goes; that. nflw it Iooks like $550,000 annual.ly for those REET revenues, brat we might nc~t make that as we are rurn,ning a6aut $3$0,000; #he real estate sales likely are better in the summer and the fall but we wiTl hav~ ~o wafch that; t,hat we'll have to match the annual $300,400 frvm the CDBG (cammurrity develo;pment blaclc grant) but said that is usually prettty eas;y to do; stormvvater kicks in about $200,000 annvally; and. sa:id that the prablem is on the expenditure side in the 2009 thraugh 2014 secured projects as we may be doing ❑nly those prajects where we have same autside funds; and said we have nox squeezed in the STEP projects in 2010 as we ca,n't aff'ard it at this pvint. NYr. Mercier sa:id the auts.'rde rnaney is frorn the state and federa] sources, an.d thQSe have already been awarded. MayQx Munson said if the STEP projects are nat securecl, where do we get the gran.t money; and Mr. Mereier respvnded that we don't; he said the $300,000 allocated to the STEF is the only nQn-city maney that goes intQ i.t sa no otber grant funds are there tv help in full-width pavement; that we have been relying on REET as there are about $49 million in projects that are under develapment. Mr. Thompson mentioned that the preservation prajects of $4.3 million are planned but nat funded at this point. Mr. Mercier exglained that this is the most serious financial chalIenge; other than the Qperatianal challenge of how to get apprvpriate winter services, and what we do ta maintai:n the cua-rent conditio~ of our sta-eets, and how to ma.ximize our abili:ty to capture the 80120 1everage project; and that we must lteep in mind the question of vwhat wall the s#reet system look ls.ke in twenty years; and it was mentivried that 5pQkane is 1QQking at an estimated $400 million to do their streets. NIr. Mereier said the unfunded TIP match rneans we vvill need mi~Ilio:ns each year to da aur Cauncil Staff Retreat 06-2[]-09 Page 2vf 1l. ApproVed by Cauncil: ~RAFT . projects; that vve have Qver-achieved in securirrg prajects and now we must determine which projects to ` use with our matching fiunds. Deputy Mayor Denenny said if we dan't liave matching funds for the projects we have been granted, we will have to prioritize those prerjects andlvr tu:rn some down; which IVTr. 1'vNl.erczer added puts us in an u:n-~ortu:na:te positiQna that we are usually panting to catch up witli th _e grant allocatars to sce if we . :can get there~ perhaps a$14 r~illion br~nd cvuld generate a1~a~~t $80 , and sai~ rnillion in projects. !M.r. Mercier saxd he was looki-ng at that a few years ago; and ~ ~ift ~~ght helP achaeve thats but the ten-cent di~ ~erence won't get us there; and mentioned that a1.~ the cnst projections c'harrge every tirrie we experierace Qverruns. Discussion turned tQ possible fLYnding ideas with mentivn that assessed va1ues are settling now and :next year will likely be down; the idea of :maving forward in March for a bvnd issuae for a11 those awa:rded, secu.red projects so we won't have to turn back awarded projects, unless there xs an increase in the REET or the projects come in less than antic%pated; there are severa1 prajects on the stimulus Iist but we don.'t know if there will be a second round; by examining the chart there is nQ way tQ deal witih the pavemen.t management and the $4.3 wauld be without an;y grant assxstance, even thaugh :i.njecting those dallars naw will save crtizens eight times the cost in future ma:intenance. Mr. 1V.[ercier asked about Cauncil's inclinatiQn in trying tv address the milliQns in unfiunded matching do1lars. Cauncilmemher Gothrrr~~nn. mentxaned the fgLires are based vn the economy remaini:ng where it 15 W]71Ci7 cCJLIld change; aiid he mentioned passibly l.owering tb.c carryover af 20-21% down to 15%; and sa:id fihat the $5 million for a. new city ha.ll might be a saurce of mQney in these tighfi econornic times. Mr. Mercier explained that aur corporate strategy is to treat each line af business as lzopefully being able tv stand alone; $h~t we a:re cash. flu~h with ou~r 2009 carryover3 but i:ra the general fu.nd,' this docutnent shows we don't have a solvent general fund in this scenaria; and unless yau can remove all the deficits in the farecast, he suggests nat distu:rbing the carryover as it wilI qnly open up a different saurce of prablems; and said there are other sources af problems tv deal with and oth.er revenue chQices to gresent to the other lines of busiriess like bonds, but borr.cls cannat be used in the general fund. 17eptiity Mayor Denenny mentioned that if w~ ~ake ' vut thase fiinds, it'has an unbelievab~e compounding affect on fiut.are years which. wauld shaw the deficit growin~; ea~ ponentially. Mc. Mereser said rve wauld like n.a ~eficits in faiture years and have 15% carryaver; that chvices fvr counciI' include the passiba.lity of deferri:ng the City Hal1; adding that the fund in question the capita1 facility fund and not a city ha11 fia:nd; that hopefully we won.'t have to go there, but we co~ld use those funds ta front-end some projects. Mr. Mercier continued by explaining that Councij tivould have to decide if arl $5 million go elsewhere, keeping in mind that not a1~l funds would be available if council wan~ed to make a land p_ urchase; but there would be same resadual and cvunci.l can decide how to use it. Mr. Mercier suggested nvt ta'king funds from separate reserve accounfs. Once created for a purpease, those fun.ds shauld rema.in for tha,t piarpose; he said you can't use street fund da'llars ta suppart the police department, or can't use starmwater funds to support the planning department, b.ut you can use ge~eral. funds ta su;p;par-t those other accoLi.nts. Councilmernber Gothmann said if we could slaaw there is sarne sacrifice on the part af the cit}'3 and stress the impartance of the maintenance, we could postpone the actual canstruction of city ha11 t11eii ask the public ta put some funds in the pat. City AttQrney Coniie11y said that the public needs ta understand that this is someth_ing in the community that wasn't paid, and. ewery year you put it off you almost doub1e yflur cmsts down the road; he said the schomI' district has a ~60- year mocie~ ~e mi.ght want to exami:ne; t;hey identify capital eosts; put together abanding plan to have a series of bands to fu1fi1I those vver the 60 years; they sold it ta the vQters and they foIlavv it religiousTy. Councilmeanber Taylor said that many entities are issuing bonds and we h.ave been hofid.ing back fram putting th.is in frvnt of voters beca.tiise of tirning issues, and he said we have t4 get in the game ar it won't happen, that if keeping the road infrastt-ucture up-to-date i s less impartant the n a jail vr whatever e1se, we have to shavv we haue priorities that have fo get funded and aur cflty can't function vvithout th.ese - irnprQVernen:ts. Councilmember GQthmann added that if we go to the voters w:ith a pragram shovving the ' projects ~e want to fund, the $4 Mi1lio.n questian is st.i.lI a qwesti:on, do we combine it or have separate , items, or de1ay in the hape that aLltility tax will came forward, which the public wouTd hav~ ~o appr4ve anyway, Mr. Mercier said he recommends we go with a bond issue frrst, which is highly attractive Council Staff Retreat 46-20-09 Fage 3 ot' 1 X Appraved by Cauncil:. DRAFT because of the leverage, and let the voters decide; if the community demonstrates they see value in supporting the road system, then we build on that; and said if we decide on a bond issue for roads, he suggested having a shorter span than expected, not a twenty-five year bond but more like ten or fifteen depending on the precise projects and their projected life-span. The group took a break at 10:04 a.m. and reconvened at 10:15 a.m. 2. Review of 2009 Council Goals - Dave Mercier Mr. Mercier mentioned that these goals get amended occasionally, and were last amended last June, then at the January retreat; and said this is the last functioning set, and he asked if Council has any other amendments, adding that we're making progress on each and will do a report soon on these as well as any overlapping 2008 goals. Deputy Mayor Denenny said the information from Neil Kersten regarding winter operations looks encouraging; and Mayor Munson said he is impressed with the progress. Mr. Mercier said he hopes the Board of County Commissioners will be reading the bi-weekly updates. There was Council consensus to keep the goals as they are with no amendments. 3. 2010 Goals - Dave Mercier Goal #1: Continue monitoring wastewater issues. includini? governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most eflicient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge 1 icenses. Mr. Mercier said some of these are continuation goals, like the wastewater goal, as it requires continued activity; that an implementation group still meets regularly on these issues examining modeling for the river, standard changes, etc. and said the County has alternate plans if we can't get the discharge permit; that on April 9, he and Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denen.ny, Commissioner Mielke, Mr. Farnell, and Mr. Bruce Rawls met to discuss the County proposal to pass on an interlocal which would have the effect of the County gaining an exclusive franchise for all the wastewater treatment sources for the length of their bonded indebtedness for this or any alternative facility plans; that he examined the document and ' there were some revisions made since the first draft; that the group met again and had more revisions; and he said the County's lead thought is when they go to finance this, if they can demonstrate to the financing . world that they have a lock on a customer base, the hope is it would equate to a lower financing cost. Mr. Mercier said he is troubled with the proposal and wonders if there has ever been a precedent where the customer base was asked to be locked in; and said he has never seen such applied to a sewer enterprise; that if we are locked in we can't negotiate a safe harbor with the City of Spokane if the Board of County Commissioners' plan fails. Mr. Mercier said about three years ago council suspended conversation with the Commissioners regarding whether we wanted to take over the sewer enterprises; they are a public entity and we don't have an automatic right to assume the operation of their enterprise; and we can't do a hostile takeover; that Council agreed three years ago we would put off that conversation whether we wanted to do something like that until after we got a discharge permit and knew the plant would be put on line so there would be no need for a moratorium; that this late introduction of an interlocal would take that issue off the table for the next twenty-plus years; he said they market it as getting the lowest price possible; but Mr. Mercier said he hasn't seen any data regarding that. Mayor Munson said he has never seen a bond issue with that kind of guarantee unless there was a financial problem with the entity issuing the bonds; that they're likely to get a"B" rating due to their large deficit this and next year and he feels the bonding company wants to make sure the County has enough funds to pay the bond and the County is looking at not getting a reasonable bond rating unless we step up to assist. Mr. Mercier said our citizens represent about 73% of their customer base and said a more costly financial arrangement will be visited upon the citizen's monthly bill; and Mayor Munson said he is reluctant to do that. City Attorney Connelly said he spoke with their bonding attorney and mentioned maybe proceeding without any interlocal; and they didn't seem concerned, so Mr. Connelly said he feels the concern is more from the Commissioners than the bonding company. Mayor Munson said he is most concerned that if we sign this and then find a better alternative, that smaller plants are less expensive. Mr. Mercier said we don't want an agreement to make the prospect impossible of everyone Council Staff Retreat 06-20-09 Page 4 of 11 Approved by Council: DRAFT _ gaing to a re,gional sewer enterprise some day; and the growing idea is likely that the only rational way , would be to cvardinate the facilities in our region; that we dnn't want ta fareclflse on same supplemental. service aperati~n or Qther technolagy or another way like the Inlancl Empire Plant idea, and we don't want tcr disturb the custamer base but au,gment what can be used. 1VIr. Merc'rer said the County has a legitimate abligation to see fhat the bonds are paid far-; the questxon for Council is cio yau want to forga all other ❑pportunities; he said the County feels passianate about this kind of agreernent and us dving samething to demvnstrate what we cara to the bond market tiD keep the rates lovver; but said he doesn't believe this is t~e right instrument for that. City Attvrney Connelly stated that we need more infarrnatiQn and we need to hear fram band council concerning a guarantee and what k.i.nd of impact wou:ld it have on ratepayers; if there is a significant. sauings to vur citizens and whether a guaranteed flow agreement is goo+d or bad; and their opinion on the aptian of a moratarium; and adcled that once the pipe is in the grouncl, that's considered a guarantee so he feels we need more infoY-mation. Mayar Munsan suggested having an appendix with a list of `what-ifs" or excepticrns because if they don't get the permit and the other plans don't work, we'd all be in dire straits and we need ta pxotect aur citizens. Mr. Connelly asked if the rrtotivation really fs about bond ratings or making absolutely sure tnat the City of Spokane doesn't get thexr grips vn us as they are in direcfi campetitian; and he said questions to be addressed are what vvauld a guarantee result in in terms of percentage paints and rate savings. Mr. Mercier said that the only reasan we talked to Spokane City is as a Flan "B" but that 73ruce Rawls has alternatives; none of which include the City of Spokane; he said we don't want ta upset fihe County, but if adischarge permit is not allowed and we want to forestall a moratoriurn, we want options. After further discussion on the aptions, Mr. Mercier as'ked if Council wouid be comFot-tab1e in stating that our City will not declare any interest in assuming aray sevver operations far the next 20,3 0, or 40 years; as that is the propasition being asked, plus the length of any cu:rrent ar aclditional bonds. DepLity NTayor Demersny said there is nathing to prevent us fram enteri:ng in the same conversations rega.,rding any kind of takeaver; that we could enter an agreement vvhereby we assurne the whvle thing3 or any two entities can enter into an agreement and that is nat prevented by an interlocal. Mr. Mercier said the Commissioners are waiting for a signal fram Mayor Munson and Deputy Mayor Denenny on when tv enter into discussion vn this. Mayor Munson suggested we have a list of exceptians; and said if the plant can't go into operation, theri what; perhaps negotiate a regional sewer district. Mr. Mereier asked what criteria council wauld use to judge vvhen one of those agreements is suitable and when it is nat. Mayor Munson said that building a new plant and using it is the best choice, . but if fhat service isn't availahle, then we need to look at Qther alternatives. Councilmember Gothmann. suggested proposing 'af the C;ounty pracesses our effluent, we can giue them twenty years; and if they can't thera there is na agreement; that at would seem reasonalale that if due tD any reasan this can't be processed, then we shouldn't agree to exclusive rights. Mr. Mercier asked at what price; if the alternative plans might exceed the cost of an inceptor with somebody e1se, then at what cost? Deputy Mayor Denenny said eVeryane needs ta keep in mind the camplete pzcture of a brand new, high qu,aIity technolagy plant. It was determined this will remain as a 2010 goa1. Gaal 42.- Implernent records indexinz and Phase in a document imcrzinz svstem Citv deDccrtment bv Citv department wrth tlae zoal of ~chievinz on-line availcrb ilitv of our recards to the Publac bv the end of 2010. Mr. TVlercier expiained that we have the equipment necessary to digitize records; that a1l of the clerk's records have been digitized; we hawe two dcacurnent scanners working daily, and we have emptied out a. large number of iles fram the basement, sa we are raaaaking progress. As part of what council daes, it recognizes the major undertakings in the orga,nizatian and what these prajects demand in terrrrs of staff resaurces, ancl saici that this is a half-million dallar project which cvnsumes a lvt of staff energy. rt was determined to keep this as a goal for 20 10. - GaaZ #3: Inaplement and evaluate rejzulatians snecified an the Sara-gu21ADplewav Revatalizataon Plan crs ' adopted and amended bv the Cita Cauncil. - Mr. Mercier said as of Octaber L 2009, we are half-way there in having an adopted set of regulatians. Tt was determined to keep this as a goal for 20 10. Council Staff Reireat 06-24-09 Page 5 0f 11 Approved by Council: DRAg+'T Craal #4: L3everop a Shoreline Master .Pro2ram ta Drovide dpproDricrte reguldtorV brotection for waters of statewide siQnificance crs required bv state statute (SflokdnE Rrver and Shellev Lake). Mr. Mercier said ashvrel'tne master program isn't optiona1 fva- us; v►re will cvordinate with the County on this as we would like to see them move art this before we tackle it, and said inventory represents a huge compcanent; and that we have put out an RFP (request for proposal) and received consultant inforrnation, and will award a cantract sovn, and will build an inventQry. Community Development Director McClung said that the City of Spakane has adopted their plan; that the County ran into same trDUble in adopting theirs and tae State stepped in and taok vver the pracess as they didn'# lilce what the county was daing. In the County's defense, Councilmember Taylor said the process is pretty defined that it shvuld be agrass- roots public input process, and hased on the work of their ShoreZine Cvmmittee, they implemented many of those suggestians, and the state said they did:n't Iike it; that the Cvunty went to relax some ❑f the rnore stringent regulations, but the I7epartment Qf Ecolagy (D{QE} sazd yQU can't go back down to standards on fhe west side. Ms. McClung said she experienced this in anther jurisd.ictxon; that it is very difficult as they toa traed to reduce a few minar regulations and got a lat of pushback frQm the I]OE; she said °they have set up the interview pracess with the consultant, and they have asked sameane from the Gity of Spokane to participate. The good news, Ms Clung said, is that the bids came in and the set aside amaunt of $150,400 vvi1l cover the cast af everything, incYuding the inventoxy and the regulations. Zt was determined. to keep th'rs as a gaal far 20 14. Goal #5: Pur-sue cr lejzr'slative capitat b udzet reauest.for state fundinz far the aeauisition of zaar]cland ac~ir~ce~at to the Park S~eet Pool. - - - Mr. Mercier said this is a legislative capital budget request; that vve made tvva t'his year; ❑ne for funds for tne cantinued dedelapment of Cireenacres Park, and $300,000 far park acquisitian. NIr. Mercier saici he previor:tsly e-mailed cvunci1 a working model ❑f a draft legislative agenda and said we wi11 have flur legislators here in Spakane next week as part af the AWC (Association af Washingtan Cities) Conference; and he invited Council to examine that and said that this is the only capital budget request; that we had envisivned another $5009000 but vve didn't score high enQUgh to get funding; he said thaf CTED (Cvrnmunity Trade and Econamic Development ) gets a.1itt1e nervous as they dan't want to see a project partially completed, so vve are in prQeess to re-scope sa fhe Lvva aciVances will cQmplete the project and we wiIl have more open green space; adding that vve can always look at fhis again in the fufiure; and wiil be diligent to apprapriate the allacated funding as a demonstrated cornplete project breeds success. Mr. Mercier said we have no hold on th+e Park Street prQperty naw due to failing REET dallar catlections, and we are already shawing a potential def cit far next year; and there remains only $100,000 in there nQw to keep the playground functianing; wh ich is not a f nancial position that would enable us to secure an aption now; but added that some Uudget numbers are sti,11 maving; and he does not want to speculate yet on haw the ecanomy is going. It was determi:ned to keep this as a goal for 20 10. Mr. Mercier asked if there are other goal ideas; mentiQned the potential fcrr a several changes in council and said this list shoulti be one of the subjects far the January retreat. Ideas for other gaals included a longer range capital plan Iike the school district; or the $4 millian bvnd issue where it was mentioned that. Mark Anderson might be able to give us a Fresentatian on their plan. T3epui.y City 1Vlanager Tacksan. mentioMed the contracts with the Cflunty and winter maintenance; and Mr. Mereier said that last year's goal was to study the situation for alang texm salutian, and perhaps a new gaal vvauld be to re-state #he winter services, such as implementing a multi-year winter services program sim.ilar to those contracts we have with AAA Sweeping, Senske, and with the YMCA far aquatics services. Cit~ HaYI was also suggested as a goal and Mr. Mercier said explaring funding services was the preViaus gaal, but that Council hasn't ma.de a decision yet to make the fundamental investment in a city hai1; and said aur lega1 departrrienfi is researching funding source alterraatiues; and said he still likes the notion of finding a demonstration praject such as City Hall as a"1iWang building" but said cauncil is not at a paint to further , a city hall; and said this is a good check-in point to acquire the land aia one rnechanism or a.nather. Mayor , Munson suggested we pursue the City ha11 concept ancl development and leaae it as that instead of getting Council Staff Retreat 06-20-03 Page 6 vf J 1 Approved by Cauncil; DRAFT toa specif e; and Ileputy Mayvr Denenny remarked that the SARP addresses city ha11 as part af the facilities so amaybe add in the "cvntinued pursuit of the civac comnonent of a citv center," Cauncilmember `Faylor mentioned annexation and Mr. Nlercier said Cvuncil did a number af thin,gs to create an annexation policy including Camprehensive Plan amendments in 200$ and 2009 that lay the foundativn far us to da that; that we must identify future acquisitian areas; and said that the Caunty plaraning staff believes that the +CYNPP (County-wide Planning Pvlicy) dictates they must complete their updated plan and identify a UGA (urban gravvth area) before vve can go foz-ward but there is ahurdle; and City Attorney Cannelly said we don't need that to annex; that if we identify a L]GA we can t-nave ahead; and there was discussaon abaut where we cou.ld e.nd up vvith a net positive, mention of the area in the 5❑uth Park south of the ~ity; that a legitimate cos:t analysis would likely be in the area af $250,000; that it woL11d be a wvrthwhile exercise to ga thraugh if we have a small annexatian area sa that we have relatiVeIy sma9l ,financial consequences and it would not be dramatic either way, adding that same foZks ha,ve expressed interest in being annexed. Councilmember Taylar mentioned the valley lackS areas af higher incotne hnusing; that there has been some developang that way alang Coyote Rack in the s'horeline areas; and suggested we need to have a goad mix of wealth in community. N1r; Mercier suggested having a gresentation reminding us where we are in readying far annexatiQn, and then wait for a petitian. 4. I~~~k Acauisation - Mike Stone Parks and Recreation Director Stone renninded everyane that there are othex aspects that rnake up the cam.munifiy; that quality Qf life is important; that a park plan was issued several years ago and that #hey have implemented that as best as they can with the Gurrent fnancial challenge; in looking at the city fifty years from nowy there is a need to acqurre some property as it will becorne sGarce; he mentioned the current ratia af park land to papulation includes developed park, and said this is very shDrt in comparisan to the City Qf 5pokane, and said vve are short of apen spaces. Ma;yar Munson mentianed the thirtyy acres that the schaol awns iaa the Ponderflsa area acxoss farom the f re statian, 'and said they might be interested in talking to us about getting that surplus land as they have no plans to bu:ild aschool; but added that he doesn't know what the price vvauld be, but that such a natural piece of property could be Peft that way for alang time. There was some discussian of parcels eligi6le for eonservation futures consideration, including mention of the property about twelve acres on the south side af Appleway hetween Park ancl Avista. Mr. Mercier suggested we go back to the 2010 goa1 statement and loak for one that discussed. eacaznining flppartunities for the use of conseruativn futures in the Spokane valley; and perhaps consider additional sites. Mayar N~unson mentioned there 15 Z]C} park in Ponderasa; hut Cauncilmember Taylor mentioned there might not be a need in th~t area since the lots are so Iarge. Cauncilmemher Gothmann suggested brasnstarming about places where parks could occur an.d possible oppartunities for ParkS and Recreatian to explare. Mr. Mercier sai.d there is no rrhateh requirement for the canservation futures; but if we are forced with choices due to meager resaurces, perhaps we would wartt to discuss acquisition or development as there probably are not enough funds to do both. Several cauncilmernbers mentioned a preference far acquisition. City Attorney Cannelly mentianed a srnall fiae-acre pa.rcel belaw 12th fln. Carnahan and Mr. Stone said'they have been approached by the proper•ty owner and he is haFpY to hear abaut Coun.cil's interest. Mayvr Munson said he has a neighbor wha wants to build mcare of an advanced. skate park and said they are serious in assisting, and said that maintenance and operation would need to be addressed; adding that he would like to pursue that and ather activities to get citizens inWalved to raise maney for such projects. IVTr. Mercier said that idea could be paired with fhe angQing commitment far maintenance and in that regard, a metrDpoYitan park district rnighfi be wQrth pursuing; that there is rmaney to acquire the land but n❑ money at this paint to develap it; and such a district wvuld he an indeperrdent taxing entity. Mayor IVMunson said that vvauld alsv be a gaad tiopic for tihe Metro Nlayors; and Mr. Stone added that the "Friends of the Falls" is a group which has shvwn to be asuccessful rnechanism on the west side. 5. Comprehensive Plan UpdatelUGAs1JPAs - Grea Mc~ormick - Planning Manager McCorrnick mentioned tha past struggIe getting populatian allocations worked out wifih the Caunty and the issue of a five versus a ten-year update; that fve is required by CWFF, but the Gauncil Staff Retreat 06-20-09 Page 7 of 11 Appravecl by Council: DDRAFT L3GA requires review at Ieast every ten years; mention that the Caunty advpted a change in their CWPP to ga to ten years, with triggers and that a review should happen saoner if certain threshalds were met; recently there was a cha.n;ce for a re-examinatian ❑f the tvventy-year pvpulatian allvcation by the County, - that there was soine misunderstanding about what 12.5% meant and due to that rnisunderstanding, the 12.5% was applied to the entire county population instead of just the increase over the twenty-year time, which resulted in a mucli higher twenty-year papulation future grovvth trends indicator; and he said the County is scheduled to adopt a new twenty-year papulation that reflects the vriginal intent. He further explained that given the jurisdictivn's analysis of land quality within the UCAs, this gets us Glvse to that numher on the existing capacity of the LIGA; he said that vve did most of our land quality analysis and are pretty solid and are checking to make sure our numbers are coxrect. He said the City of Spokane inished as well and just needs to update and refne. In reference to the percentage numbers, 1VIr. McCormick said we had same double caunting going on and it was changed sa nvw allocatians are made to the city property and to the specific UGA and double caunting is no longer occurring, that our capacity is about 19,000 given the existing camp p1an; and that all entities are on the same schedule and are caleulating capacity based on regianal methodoYogy. Mr. IVIercier asked where we are in terms ❑f hawing UGAs bordering Spakane Valley, allocated to Spvkane Va11ey; and if we were to pinpoint another area ripe for a. Jl'A (joint planning a.greement} which wauId it be. Mr. McCorrnick said part of the pvlicSes jopnt planning prQCess should address are that urban growth areas are recvgnized as potential growth areas for cities and. that specific areas will be designated for cities; and Mayor Munsan said council previausly 5uhmitted a letter saying we want that on the recard; and that he prefers this get pursued and c1eaned up now rathet- then wait until the next update, as the Board ❑f Caunty Cammissianers views the annexation pracess as depleting their abil'tty to pay thei.r bills. Mr. Mercier said if we have four hauses Qn those twelve aGres uersus three, it still gives you one more unit to divide some vf fhose costs; and the aption of hauing UGAs o~'ficially designated to Spa'kane Varley lays agaad fvundataon to have vur development standarcis apply in thnse UGA.s to make th+e eventual conVeyance into our city smooth, and sees that as much mare rational Versus the County's perceptiQn that they are the County's UGA, Mr. Cvnneliy suggested a motion to the Steering Connrnittee to designate that and send it to the County. Mayor Munsan said they tried that and it vvas confirrned that the CWWPP stated that 3PAs are designed in their cornp plan and that's when it happens in the update; and Mr. Ccrnnelly said we need to make sure it happens in the 2 O 10 update. Mr. McCarnick said that Spokane C+ounty and the City of Spokane have been inv€alUed in a lengthy negotiatinn over an interlocal to address these issues. The tapic of street standards was mentiQned and Mr. Gannelly said that Cvmmissianer Mielke said he wants urban and rural the same; and Mayar Munson added that the Cqunty contends they cannot administer thirteen different standards ewen though there really are Qnly abvut four. Other discussion included mentian that the Morningside area is in the process of platting the Xand but boundaries are uncer°tain; that Greenstone has abvut 2,I00 glatted lots all cvntained svuth of the river; mention of possible areas as UCiAs or dPAs, the impact +on 32nd and that the Greenstone development and extensian of Indiana will change traffic flow markedly; the area ad1acent to the Dishman Hills natural area and the passihility of a third access to that area which vvould bring in additianal grvwth; but that nv road will be built until the Iots can sell. Mr. I`vTercier suggested staff examine that issue as the obaective is to acquire land in the LTGA so they can participate in the road canstructian, and expanding the [1GA will be a majar issue; and Mayflr Munson said he wauld like staff to examine these issues and report back with options and irriplications. The group tovk a hreak for lunch at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened at 12:52 p.rn. It was noted that Councilmember Schimmels left at 12:75 p.m, Mayar 1Vlunson mentioned that Councilmember Schimmels received an e-mail fram the I3irector of the Regivnal 5olid Waste System; which stated that the City af Spakane discussed but not yet prvmated the concept conceming the annexafion proeess, and it stated that the waste energy plant would be within #heir ~ city limits and therefore they should awn it; and that they wauld charge their 20% utility tax vn solid waste callections and that amount would be about the same amount people currently pay far the bond Councii Staff Retreat 06-20-09 Page 8 0f 11 Apprvved by Council: DRAFT _ caverage; and that they'd then distribLIte t~~ 20°6 to tiie different pa.rticipatdng cities, and far Spokane Valley it would be abnut $1.17 million an.nually. NNiayor Munsan alsv mentianed that infarrnation ar~ the process ta seTect Councilmember Tayl.Qr's replacement vvill be farthcoming in a cruncil packet; and Mr. Mercier gave a brief averview of the procedure; and Councilmembers cflncurred to move forward as the sfiatutes direct and Mr. Mercier expla:ined. 6. Metro Mavors - Mavor Munson. Mayor Munsvn explained that he ~d Mayar Verner have been discussirag issues that effect both entities, such as sewer arad wastewater, and said that he suggested and she agreed ta have Qther metro mayors enter these discuss~ons about regiona.l ite~ms, with the goal of establishing cummon graund, and would later inVite the Caunty or tlae Sheriffs Office or otihers to Fat-ticipate, which idea was readily acceptecl. Mayor ~v'Tunsan xeparted that Mayox Verner said there is same disadvan.tage to the City of Spaka~e particapating an a regional wastewat:er pla:nt as they don't have any reserve cagacity for growth currently . withi.n that system, and if it were to go regional, she feeL.s they would lose even rnare; and he reported that she mentianed considering where that the grQwth :is taking place in the narth, it appears the new plant is in. the right R1ace, Mayor Munson mentiQned some of the advantages are that the new capacity rneans raewer technology which wi11 add to keepin.g t'he river cleaner ancl resu1t in mare effective use of sewage; and he sa:id there are madePs in the state that laok at a regional sewer system zncludi:ng goaernan.ce, taxatiaii, and flow contraI agreements; and with May+Qr Peterson having the newest facility so far he (Mayar Petersan) said he'd have d1fficu1ty in selling it to his citizerns as the rate gayers in Airway Heights are paying the hig'h price of a,baut $64.00 manthly; th.at the IocaY con.trol issue becomes very x:mportanfi anci by going with the City of SpQkaree, they'd 1ose control of their wate~ and said unless they'd show they would replenish the water, they'd loase their watex rights which would stop deve.lopment in the city; but cancernirag the rates, rt wou1d present thern w ith a better alternative because their rates wauld go down. and our xates would geraerally ga up because vve'd have ta egualize the rates. Mayor Munson said Liberty Lake is unique as they have a sewer district wkaich is not co~trQ1led by the city; but that the rea:l question. is the County and he araentioned that the Board of County Camrnissianer's concept is very attractive as i.t gets them out of having to gefi into a gQvernance issue with us. Mr. Mercier mentioned that sewer districts general~ly have independently e1ected representat%ves; tFrat peaple sometimes worried about those special districts beling isolated and there was a concern vn term limfts; but he said he has nQt witn.essed support for any term I.i.rnits amang the there mayDrs; and said the next step vvauld be that Mayor Munson will get sorne nnodels for the next meeti:n.g, perhaps in August, and Deputy MayQr L3enenny menti.vraed John Maxwell as a good resaurce. Mayor i~l~'Tunsan saad a regiana1 fire distr:ict is palitically a big time-bomb and said thafi Mayor Ver~er is Uncomfortable about lead.ing the discussion; but said their firefighters are receptive to the cancept. He said that administrative overhead would 'be reduced dramatically; that we haVe ten fire districts and five rrrunicip~l fire departments in the Co6.nty and the oxganization seems a bit top heavy; anri if regional i2ed, the number of statians w111 nat be reduced a.rad he added that they will laok for a mvdel in the axea that is working, Cauncilrnember Wilhite rnentioned SB 5808 can.cerning the annexatban of unincorparated areas served by fire protectiQn di.stricts; aaad she said f re districts caulei merge wAthQUt a vote; and rnentioneei th.at smmeone has already puf aut an initiative to change th,at. Mr. Mercier added that there is a sXatutory prohibitian about the size of cities vvhich could nat annex into a f~re district, and Mayor Munson said they would like to look at ather modeYs to see havv t~~~ work, and get the fire districts involved ira fihe conversation; and he eoncurred we do not want to get involved as it is nQt our issue but it wQUld be up to the fire districts. Mr. Mercier said that Spokane Vailey already a.nraexed into two fia e districts, and if the ire distriGts see the value in merging among themselves, they could pursue that option. Mayor Munson mentianed future discussion iterns far the metro mayors i:nclude regionafl parks Qr a ` regiQnal park district as a separate taxin~ authority; and C~~ Attmrney Canrielly mentioned there has tQ be acommQn philosaphy w~~ch doesn't now exist; and added that the County is getting rid of neighborhofld parks and we suppart nebghborhood parks. Mayor Mu:nson suggested vveighing the pros and cons and. Council Staff Ftetreafi O6-20-09 Page g of I I. Apprvved by Cvuncifl: DRAFT discussing recommendations 1ater. MayQr Munson also mentioned the lilarary distract and that it vvould. probably be mare cost effective to haue anc; he said Liberty Lake has their vwn and. saEd if they w~~~ed to , be part they would ~ave jo ined the Cou:nty so they're aut? a.nd mentioned that city go wea-nment in Spakan e is the laxgest an the region and if they are having financial problems, we wall a11 feel it sv we are larking at same ways to help each other. Other camments about a li~brary district included rnention that resaurces are shart for the libraay as we11 as for at~er entitiesa that libraries have became very soRhisticated and are a gpeaf ~etwod'k fiJr aCceSs1:Ilg iIlfoI'I17atiC}Il; and mention that t:he cflncept of the M,etra Mayors rneeting is to frame d:iscussior►s far cooperation and not try to salve the questiorrs; mention that the taxing authorsty far cities is $3.60 and annexing into afire district we give up $1.50; and if we give up $1.50 for pQ1ice that anly leaves 100 for everything e1se so fnancing would be challenging; palicing in 5pokane and in Spokane Va1Iey are vastly different; whether there is something unique about the needs of aur constituents ve~rsus thase in ofher areas; and that there are likely areas in the state that have accamplished fihis. 1Vlayor Munson asked if there is rnerit inpursuing the conversativn and Mr. Canne1I!y mentioned the Sheriff's [3ffice would be the rikely ent4ty to be in charge of such asystemy and Mayor N1unsQn added that he feels the Sheriffs Office would find it attractive to be in charge of tiheir ~wn budget. Regardin.g affQrdable h9using, Mayox Mtrnson said we can supPort it to a degree but buc9gets axe not facused to provide L'7SHS services. Councilmember Gothmann said that Mayor Verner fee1s cities shvuld provide this and Spokane Valley Council feeYs safety ancl roads are a priority, and therefvre he dQesn't see coming togefher on that issue; Mr. Connelly said prowisions to address this ar-e in our camprehensive plan. 7. 4Vastewa#er Treatment Plant Interlacal Agrreement - Mayar iV'Iunson Mayar Munsarr mentioned this tapic was covered earlier sfl we wi11 leave the crux of the topic to a council study session to arrswer questions; but atteration was drawn to page 4, section 2.5 0~ the draft interlocal; and Mr. Mercier mentioned some of the definifiicrns are changed in this renditian. Mayar Munson said he feels it is essential we participate an the rate setting; Councilmember Cathrnann asked what it wauld dra to our rates if one Qf the entities withd.rew, mentivn by Mr. Cann.eTly about fhe need to find out about the ~ervice area, credibility and bond ratings, and Mr. Mercier asked that Council read ` pages fflur thraugh seven which makes mLiltiple referenees back to the deinitigns and that some of the ~efunitions have changed; which prompted Counc'rlmernber Tay1vr' s observation that at times the wmrd '"system=' is capitalized and at times ifi is not. S. Snow Remlvval - Mike Jackson. TJeputy City Manager Tacksan explained t11at there are ttwo prvcesses: the 1vng term and the shart term; that we have cantracted with HDR Engineering to develop the scape of work; that yesterday was the clasing date to receive ~etters vf interest regarding a lang term service pxovader; and said we reccived at least three responses but he hasn't exarra.aned them yet; he ~entioned that Waste Management is interested in leasing the site for one to three years and that the site is far sale now on the apen market; and said staff is preparing adraft lease agreernent, Mr. Jackson also mentianed that it appears that WSL3OT has equipment and has invited us to perform an inspecfiion; that the equipment is of late 1990's Vintage with abaut $17,000 to $25,000 per piece, and said some equipment has duel uses; and that Pve Cvntrac~ors has cammatted to the project, although we don't have the details yet. Czty Attorriey Conneliy mentioned that the "Waste Management site is i.n the middle of the SARI'; and our ~urrent Code daesn't allovv this type of contractar yard, that the County was confronted in 2002 as they felt if was an ~illegal use but 4Vaste Management warated it, so the Baard of Cmunty Gommissioners did an administrative interpretatiQn that iC was a confracfivr's yard sa dec.ided it was a legal use as af Ju:ne 2002; hovvever, our Code adopted in 2003 dc+esn't allovv the use but they can contin:ue as a 1ega1 nanconfoarming use; and our change of the 5ARP rnakes it an illegal use but again it can cvntinue 'as a nonconforming use; and under those rules, the use cQntinues unless discantinued for ttiventy-four months; unless it fa11s under the SARP exceptions for a nevv permit and the 20150°fo ru1e wauld kick in; and if the site is in excess of that, then fhe cQntlitions wauld have to be complied with 1n t,err~~ of design arnd setback; and said this is not what was rntended to be developed in the SARP zone, but we could amend the Code to al1ow it as acivic use but would exclude ather usesy and this cvuld be dane by emergency motion effective xmmediately or the slow vvay. Mr. Connelly a1so rnentivned that the Pae Cantract wi1l be presented as an ernergency to approve the Council Staff Retreat 06-20-09 Page 10 af 11 Approved by Ccau.ncit: . ~~FT cantract and that we will have to da the bid cQanpetitively next year; a:nd Mr. Jackson said staff will. cantinue to pursue this vvith th.e County in the event all this doesn't corne taget~er. 9. I:nfoarmativn vnly, (a) Work Plan: (b) Business Plan: these were not discussed as they were for infartmatianal purpases only. 10. Brainstorrmine I.deas for reachin,g out to the pu~blic on a re~~lar basis inciuded keeping the public educated as to ❑ur form. af government; k-eeping to the facts; determine wh.ere we wa:nt to end up and work from there; hvw to be more pro-active on various tapics; list of i~ems to adaress in specafic issues; putting a positive foat farward; public aranouncements on when final reports a.re auailable and what the essence af the report means; inform the pub1ic af a11 players involved; doing th in.gs in a"hold h.armless" apprvach3 be cansistent ir~ our statements of w'hat we want or did; be assertive yet nQn-emational keeping in mind the pQsiti►re outcome; ways to pravid~ ~~e best services for au.r cammunity and ways to get rnore com.munity participatians [At was nated that CQunc:i:lmember Dempsey left afi 3:07 p.m.]; tlon't forecast the outcoine at the kreginn.ing of acvnversation but present the facts and a11 the variables withaut discussing aufcome; the adea of neighborhaod associations a:nd tha~t we don't have sirff.cient staff to hand:le such; specific ad-hoc com.mittees with specific purpQses and a cha:rge to get cit:izens involved; co:ntinue netvar.ki~g with the C~ham6er of Cornmerce and the busin.ess comrnunity; menfiion that conversations with the comimunity were nvt weli attended; volunteer coordinatian was mentiia.ned wrth cammen.t by Ms. McClu:ng if the gaal is to invalve citizens, we need to 17ave worksliops to have staff bring a m.enu af things to cansider and. rnove from there; mention of Carolbelle Branch's e-mail fli~t for the e-newsletfiers and Deanna Gri~~th9s . e-maiI 1asts, articles written by ~ouncilmernbers and af the idea of divgding Lip the flaad on article vvrix2ngy and such thi.ngs as "Fxiends of Discflvery Park" ~nd other sxtni.lar orgaiaizatiatas generates funding and. public par-ticipatian. There being no ftirther business, the meeting adjaurned at 3:28 p.m. ATTEST: Richard M. Mu:nson, Mayor Christine Bai:nbradge, City Cierk. Council Staff Retreat 06-20-09 Page 11 of 11: Approved by Cou:n.cil: DRA:F'T contract a:nd that we wilI' have to da the bid competit.ively next year; and Mr. Tackson said staff will. continue to pLirsue this with the County in the event a1l this doesn't came together. 9. Tnforrrration anlv: (a) Work P1an; (b) Busi~ness 1'lan: khese were nat diScLlssed as they were for in.forrnationa~ purpases only. 10. Brainstvrming Tdeas £or reach;i:ng out to the publ.ic Qaa a rega;ilar basis included keeping the public educated as to our fnrm. of gavernment; keeping to the facts; determ.ine where we want to end up and wark frQm there; hvw to ~e more pro-aCtive on variaus topics; 1ist of items to address in speci,fic issues; putting a positive foot . forward; public announcements on when final reports are available and what the esserace of the reFort means; inform the publ.ic of al.1 p9ayers involvee1; daing ~~ings i:n a"ho.ld harm.:less''' aPProach; be consistent in vur statement.s of what vve want or clid; be assertive yet nnn-ernotional keeping in mind the positive outcome; ways to pravide the best seruices for our camrnunity and ways to get mare commu.nity participatiQn; [it vvas noted that Councilmemlaer Derrlpsey left at 3:07 p,m.]; dQn't forecast the outcome at th.e `begim~ning af aconversatgon but present the facts anc$ al1 the varaables withauf discussing outcamea the idea of nezghbQrhood associations and that we don3t have suf.~icient staff to handle such; speci.fic ad-hoc committees with speci.fic purposes and a charge to get c.'ttizens i.nvalved; continue n.etwarking with the Chamber of ~Ccamrneree an~ the busin.ess cammu:nity; mentian that canversatians with the community were n~t we11 attended; volunteer caordinatian was rrbe:ntaoned with comment by Ms. NlcClung if the goal is to inwolve citizens, we need to have worlcshaps fia have staff bring a menu af tliings to cQ.nsider and rnvVe from there; mention of CaroIbel.l.e Branch's e-mail list fQr the e-newsletters ai1d Deanna Griffitli's e-inai1 lists, articles written by Counci.lmembers and af the idea of dividing ug the l~ad on article -vvriting, and such tliin,gs as "Friends of Discovery Park" ancfl ather similar argaraizations generates funding and. public participatian. - There being no farCher business, the meeting adjoiimed at 3:2$ p,rn. A'TTEST: Richard M. ~unsan3 Mayor Cha-is#ine Bainbridge, ~~ty Clerk Cauncil Staff Retreat {}6-20-09 Page l l af 1I Appraveti by Council: D.RAFT NUNUTES City of Spokaae Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, June 29,2009 Attendance: CoanciLmembers: S#aff: Rich Munsoa, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councitmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Diana Wilhite, Couacilmernber EXECUTNE SESSION: Mayor Munsan called the meeting tu order at 4:00 p.m. It was moved by Mayor Mun.son, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately two hours arrd forty-five minutes to dascuss the performance review of a public emplayee. Council adjoumed into Executive Session at 4:01 p.m. At approximately 6:1 S p.m. Mayor Munsvn declared Council out of Executive Sessian. It was mvved by Deputy Mayor D►enenrry, seconded atad ununimously agreed to authorize Mayor Munson, on behalf of the City Council, ta updute rmd execute armendments to the employment agreement with the City Manager. It was then mvved by Cauncilmember Tayior, seconded and gananimously agreed to adjaurrr. The meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m. R.ichard Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Cauncil Minutes: 05-29-09 Page l of 1 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPC)KANE VALLEY Request for Council Actian Meeting aate: July 14, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ oCd business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ infarmation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA 1TEM 71TLE: First reading prvposed ordinance 09-014 amending ordinance 09-007, providing for the acquisition by eminent domain of certain lands necessary to be acquired for public purposes in connectian with the Havana Street Bridge Projec#. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTIaN TAKEN: The Council previously approved an ordinance providing for acquisition by eminent domain of a portion of land owned by Hite Crane for purposes of the Havana Stree# Bridge Project. The amendment provides for acquisition of the entire Hite Crane site (excluding personal property) by eminent domain. BACKGROUND: The City af Spokane has determined that acquisition of a portion of the Hite Crane property will make it difficult for Hite Crane to continue its business at its current location and has agreed that Nite Crane will be displaced by the Havana Street Bridge Project. As an accommvdation to Hite Crane and tts owners, the City of Spakane has agreed to acquire the entire Hite Crane site (minus personal property). t?PTIONS: Advance ordinance to a second reading or proVide further direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MQTION: IVlove to advance Ordinance 09-014 to a second reading. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None - paid out of City of. Spokane Street Funds per ordinance. STAFF CC?NTACT: ATTl4CHMENTS: Amended ordinance EITY OF SFQKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHIlVGTON ORDINANCE N4. 09- ~ AN AMENDED GRDINANCE OF THE CITY QF SP4KANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PRQVIDING FOR T'HE ACQUISITION B'Y EN1INEIVT [7ClMAlN CJF CERTAlN LANDS NECESSARY TC) BE ACQUIRED FC3R PUBLIC PURPOSES IPJ CJNMECTI+aN WkTH THE HAVANA STREET BREDGE PROJECT, LOCATED IN THE CIfiY OF SPC7KAFJE VALLEY, eOUNTY bF SPQKANE, ST'ATE QF WASHINGTflAI. RECITALS W'HEREAS, the City of Spokane VaIley, 1Nashington (#he "City~"} is a code city duly organized and exisfing under and by virtue of the constitution and Iaws of the State of INashington. WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington (RC1N 35A.21.150) provide that the City passesses aCl of the powers which any ci#y of any class may have, and VIlHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washingtan, RCW 35.22.280(7) provide that the City may estabfish, open, alter, widen, exkend, and otherwise improve streets, alleys, avenues, sidewalks, and other public property in arder to promote the best interest of the Cifiy. WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Washcngtpn, ArtiCle I S+eCti4la 16 and the laws of the 5tate of V1lashington RCW 35.22.280(6) allaw the City to purchase or appropriate private property for public use upvn making just compensativn tn the owners pursuant to RCW Chapter 8.12. WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the City's best interest to cooperate with and facikitate the City of Spokane's completian of the Havana Street Overpass Project, as sefi forth in City of Spvkane Public Wvrks file number 2004062. WkiEREAS, the property identifiied in Exhibit uA" is necessary ta complete #he Project. WHEREAS, pursuant to RCVIf 8.25.290, nokic..e has been ma6led to each and every property owner of recards, as indicated on the tax rolls of 5pokane County accvrding tv such addresses shown on such rolls, a# least fifteen (15) days privr to the City Counci'l taking final action on this ordinance, including pu6lication of nvtice of this ordinance in the Spokesman Revieuv and the Spokane Valley News Herald fQr two {2} consecutive weeks befare final action by the City Council. NOW, THEREFaRE, The City of Spokane Valley daes ardain: Section 'i. Public use and necessity requires the City of Spokane Valley ta acquire the 6and and praperty, and interests therein, as described in Exhibits "A' and u", and G,~gn eaGeMent$ 86 are , for public purposes iro order tv complete the Havana Street Bridge Project, incfuding utifities and related imprvvements, all as set forth irr Cityf of Spokane Pubfic Works file number 2004062. Section 2. Sub}ect to the terms and canditivns of the lnterlocal Agr+eement and First Annendment thereta, a-Gepyggpies of which is-are attached heretv as Exhibit "C", the City Attomey and duly appointed Special Caunsel are hereby authorized and directed t4 cQrramsnce an actian or actions in the Superiar Coutt of Spakane Cvuntyr, State of Washingtan, in the name of the City of Spvkane Va11ey, to acquire and take by eminent domain the lands and property interests necessary ta be acquired far the purpvses set forth herein, the lands and praperty interests to be sa taken situate irt the +City o# Spokane Valley, Cvunty of Spokane, aII Page 1 of 7 in t'he State of Washington, and more specificaliy described in Echibits "K -and "B°", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof Section 3. 7he Qffice of the City Attamey for the City of Spokane is hereby for the purposes set farkh herein appainted as special counsef ta the Gity of Spokane Valley. Said firm sha11 prvvide a1l legal services in conjunction vAth the Qtfice at the City Attorney far the purpose vf representing the jQrnt interests of the City of Spokane Valiey and the City of Sp+akane as expressed in this ardinance. ~ Sec#ivn 4. Thafi cvrnpensation for the Iand and prvperty interests described in Exhibit "A"-and =B" and al{ assvciated costs, expenses, damages and attorney fees shall be sofely payable by the City of Spvkane from fund account number 3200-94991-95200-56102, and funds which are allocated #oward the Havana Street Bridge Project by the City of Spokane Department of Construc#ian Services, pursuant to fi[e number 2004062. PASSEa by the City of Spokane Valley City Council this day of , 2009. MAYflR Attest: City Clerk Approved As To Form: Offce Qf the City Atkvrney Date of Publication: Effective Qate: Page 2 of 7 Exhibit "A" Leqal aescriotion-ef Take ' That portion af the Southwest guarter of the Northwest auarter of ~SPd;nri 14: Townshin 25 Narth, R=ge 43 East, W.M.-, in the Citv nf Enokane VaJIev._ Snokane Countv, Washin an, described as foll+ws: BFGINNiNG at the intersectign of the North line Qf Broadwa~r . . Th n North 360 feet alvng the East Iine af Havana Streer; Thence East 300 feet: Th ence South 360 feet to the North line of Broadway Avenue; Thence West 300 feet to the PUINT C1F BEGINNING, APN:_ 35142,9078 APN: 35142.9041 , . , , Range , . . ly' .W, . . i. . Q , „ ~ . 30. ■ e fe - f 30• 01 1594 i , - . See6on f 63. thersee N.8921 "i ~7"►~ 50.00 vitleh, th$iiee'6sv 1s059T A 1 » B } 70.00 f O ' » t » f thenee ' "f ' p f » . y . . : t • ' , • , & of ymy fine, . begimi - i]ff..e! M A A , Tem%ship w f Spokane t . HaVaM 911 . Thrnws *.'.+nt '1117o fsa+Z: . i T3. ....a {II ,.r 1011 fea4 *e t~sl,e+r ~}t'1d7~T'T L~'1~,t11'i►Tl.Ti1~TC'=• r-vrrr~^v vn-mnrrv~ , Page 3 of 7 ' , Range > . . hefeimAef . " » kwiing on the eam r-i . p ' " f " . 30. % thease • , 330.00 i p ' » . . ; , , gM ef mw,), line, 60. ' " • , 59.00 f thenee . O '4 l" thenee 60. ; 86.882 • QIOBS . f 50' Punnl "A ! ~ • • , ! HOYMO 8#001" ' • 1 7 f Page 4 of 7 ~W IDSSGASt"GR , . . desefibed peF8!!l: . ; . p . . 4i • . _ . h ~ A . . been _ ' . 30. f }1 p i Seetion i . . N.0 . , _ " . • e 1 thenee 0} ! . 'F7 O 6177 • . .y 50 ~ . ~ ' 70 . y . . . . 63. feet; theRee Q 7 1 ` 17 ~ 7 ' ; . gtme~ Q t y . . , . , y 15• be~i itAyti r f Tewfiship . - me ValleyT Spekme G f . ~ . 14amma StFeet4' f Ther.,e 8...x}l. 300 f a► io a';.s AT...M 3tr.d ofQ.,,+A..`".. ATY enuef T'~w.iwa II7ar(o1,A '~~CS~ m}[ 1 [\7 r~ l~t [riC e 'L'1L7kT1~7'T /"1'C ~]L`t^_L7►TBifTATf!• '~TI 'C7T~vTl"rtvT~s] o~rr~~r~zrr'v j 'i'!1Q'R"!V (Gentsirs 3236 _cn f 1 , ti . Pamk . + , Range 43, . ■ 1*g w' eiiW tl..nn1 "Wt des'L•••~'aaTlv'iio w begkmieg 0 y ! 41 . " 30. • , 330.00 feet-, . . 12594 1! i ! , 7 , 69' _ . 1 T7 , thease N.889 123 . 50.00 . i thease 0 9012W412B + 88p 4 t7 . .r . r • , 50.00 i Page 5 of 7 17S.22 , p~ aa~,~, Pnwiaal'l A "r f i FAist, . .9 > > fouaws": ~suvet'. 7'hawn Zl7rarFk 300 f..+eleri nnid tie:O.Yianta_ the _ Nr va s.ro-..rvaa a w y ; Thswea Sws60 fast! ! T{,e..,,d West 3011 f .s+ +o fh- 4'I3T TG_Pf'f7NT PlE Mt`'_►AYATT`M.Y v (Genwins s Page 6 vf 7 Exhibft "C„ lnterfocal Acireement and First Amendmen# af Interlocal Page 7 of 7 CITY 4F SPC3KANE VALLEY Request fvr Council Action Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Itern: Check all that apply: ❑ aonsent ❑ old business E new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report Z pending legislation AGENDA ITEM T1TLE; Resolution 09-010 declaring absolete fumiture & equipment surplus COVERId1NG LEGISLATION: City Code 3.40.070 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTIDN TAKEN: Nane BACKGROUND: Since 2003 the City has accumulated many pieoes af offiae furniture, equipment, computer monitars, broken printers and other items that no longer have significant value to the Gity. tf you consider the cost vf storing these items and occasionally moving them, they probably cost us more each year than we will ever realize. City code 3.40.070 directs the pracess fvr disposing of surplus City equipment. A short summary fvllows: 1. Council declares items surplus if no practical, efficient or approp(a#e use is identified. 2. City Departments are offered these items. 3. The Finance Director is authorized to dispase of remaining surplus equipment via public auction, bid or ather method of sale on terms deemed to be in the best interest of the City. 4. lf surplus equipment is unsellable i# may be discarded as refuse. As you might guess, the trick is to dispose of these items without spending more than a sale will generate in income to #he city. A list of these items is at#ached. t7PTlONS: 1.) Sell surplus items; 2.} Keep these items but recognize their storage and handling are an expense to the City each year. EtECaMMENDED ACTIDN OR MOTION: Move #a approve Resolution 09-010 declaring surplus items and authorizing disposal of the equipment in a manner deemed to be in the best interest of the City. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: This effort may cost the City a few thvusand dollars. However, that cost may be less than the cost of holding this equipment for a number of years. STAFF CUNTACT: Ken Thompson CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 09-010 A RESOLUTION OF 1'HE CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKAN]E COUNTY, WASHIlNGTON, DECLARING CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE CITY , SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF THE CITY, AUTHORIZING DISPOSAL OF THE SAME, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City has accumulated various items of personal property necessary for operation of City Hall since incorporation in March, 2003, such as office fumiture and computer . equipment, which are no longer useful or usable for their intended purpose; and WHEREAS, the City would like to dispose of these items that are unneeded or not useful to the City; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 3.40.070, which prescribes a process for disposing of surplus City equipment; WHEREAS, the City has followed the process set forth in SVMC 3.40.070, and now desires to formally declare the items surplus, and dispose of them pursuant to City Code. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Declaration items of personal nrovertv sumlus to the needs of the Citv. The City Council hereby declares that all remaining unclaimed items (See Exhibit 1 to this Resolution) are declared surplus to the needs of the City, as they have no practical, efficient or appropriate use to the City, or is damaged, inoperable or obsolete, and the cost of repairing the same is uneconomical or impractical. Section 2. Authorization to disoose of surolus propertv. The Finance Director is authorized to dispose of the surplus personal property identified in Exhibit 1 to this Resolution as set forth in SVMC 3.40.070(C): Sale of Property. Following passage of a resolution by the city council declaring property surplus, the finance director is authorized to sell surplus property in the following manner: 1. Upon a finding by a departnnent director that the property is surplus to City use, the finance director shall provide notice of potential disposition to other City departments. If any department director desires to acquire and use the proposed surplus property, the property may be transfemed to the requesting department director, or other authorized representative. 2.If no request for use of proposed surplus properiy is received, the finance director may proceed to dispose of the same by public auction, bid, or other method of sale on terms deemed to be in the best interests of the City. Resolution Declaring Property Surplus and Authorizing its Disposal Page 1 of 2 3. Surplus personal property which is unsellable because of obsolescence, wear and tear, or other reasons may be dismantled, if necessary, and sold as scrap. Surplus personal properiy which has no marketable value or use may be discarded as refuse. Section 3. Repeal. To the extent that previous Council motions, resolutions and ordinances are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution sha11 be in full force and effect upon adoption. Approved this day of July, 2009. CITY OF SPOK:ANE VALLEY Richard Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 09-010 Declaring Property Surplus and Authorizing its Disposal Page 2 of 2 Summary of Items to be Surplused Locadon: Starege Fadlltv un SqMue Ave. Serial # Model # Asset # Resaiption None I 4535331DW I None IBlue cuahion, prav plastic d7air None ~ None I None 1 Bluelprav cushlon, b1acC plastic chair w/ wards 56 dreuft and PCBIJadc on I None I None ( None I gluelqraY cxushion, black plastlc chair wl woMs 1'FIREE and FXC SOLOER on legs 97-02982-31 I 7755 Mamon L(beR1i I None IMaroon cushion, black vlastic chair 16U44 I 400188 l None lGrav cush}on, black olastic dhalr CWl14UUF1 I MuseBflne IA52761 I None IGray cushion, bledc plastlc chair None ~ None I None IMaroon cushion, black plastic chair 98-31 D41 •17 J Maroon LibertY I None 1 Maropn aishion, btadc plastic chafr 00-87247•37 I 7 Niaroon Liberty I None IMaroan cushion, biack plastic chair 97-48523-8 I 7755 Maroon I.ibertvv I None (Maroon cushion, bladc qlastic chair None I None l None (8luelarav cushEons., black pEastfc chalr None I None I None 181ue cushion wl yellow geometrfc desfpn, black plastic thair CUU4WH I Muscatlna IA52761 ' None IGrav cushion, black plastic cttair None ~ None I None I Maroon cushEon, bladc plasUc drair 97-02992-37 ~ 7755 Maroon LibertY j None I Meroon cushian, black plestic chair None I L19ht Grev I None 14 drawer flling cabinet - letter size, qtY 6 None I Puutly I None 14 drawer ffinQ cabinet - Ielter sfze, qhr 1 None I Bledc I None 14 drawer Rqn$ cabinet - Cetter size, qty 4 None ~ PuuN.yy I None 4 Qrower flIIRp cabine# • Legai slze, qty 7 None I Comoeq I None 49" camputer racks - qhr 2 None ~ Hemran Mfller I None I Partition fifing drawer 48" - gh► 48 None ~ Herman M11er J None I48"w x 84"h solid wail partftion panel - qiy 30 None I Herman Miller I None 148'iw x 60"h Smoked plexfglass wall partltion panel - ptv 25 None ~ Herman MI{ler I None 148"w x 60"h Teal fabric pertiUon panel - qty 4 None ~ Nermen Muler I None 148'w x 48"h Teal fabrfc pattftion panel • qtY 2 None ( Herman Miller ( None 148" aord storage traY - QtY 50 Locatian: Storaae Area fn Permit CeMer Serial # Model # Asse# # DescripUon 58032024 1 XE•A1Q1 SHARP Nane IElecfronic Cash Register ' 58073843 I XE-A101 SHARP None ~8eclronic Eash Repister 88017084 ~ XE-A101 SHARP ~ None ~Elecironic Cash Repister CN31 BXD886 I Compag 9500 I None 119" Monitar None ~ US Robotlcs V.92 ( None IModem None I US Robaftcs V.92 ~ None IModem None ~ US RoboVcs V.92 ~ None IModem None ~ US Robotics V.92 ~ None IModem None ~ US RoboHts V.92 ~ None lMadem None ~ US Rabotica U.92 I None 1Moiem None ~ US Robofics V.92 I None IModem None I US Robotics V.82 I None (Madem None I US Robotles V.92 I None IModem CN245XF418 ~ Campaq 7500 1 None 117" Monttor CN245XF490 I Compaq 7500 1 None 117" Mnnftor CN245XF528 ' Comqaq 7500 1 None 117' Monftor CM245XF477 ~ ComDaq,150Q 1 None I 1 fi" Monitor U61036D5J503208 ~ 8rother MFC-884DDN I None JAll-(n-one laser printer/scannerlcopferlfax None J Herman Miller M None 148"w x 64"h Solld wa(l partition panef - qh+ 5 None ~ Herrnan Mlller ~ None 148'w x 46"h solld wail partidon panel - qty 17 None ~ Herman Mnler t None 024"w x 48"h sofid weU partition panel - qtv 16 None ~ Herman Mlller + None 148"w x BO"h Smoked plexfglass partition panei - qEy 2 None ~ Herman Mllier ~ None 124"w x 48°h Smoked plexigless partfUon panel - qh+ 7 None ' Herman Mlller ~ None 148"w x 48"h 7eal fahric parWon panel - qtV 45 None ~ Herman Mifler ( None 1481v x 42"h Teal fabric partiition panel- qty 1 None ~ Herman Miller j None 124"w x 48"h Teal fabric partftion panel - qty 42 None + Herman NGller None 124"w x 42"h Tea1 fabric par6tion panel - qty 4 None ~ Herman Miller None 148"w x BO"h Tan faDric partfflan penel - qry 10 None ~ Herman Miller ~ None 148W x fiD"h Tan fabdc wlth 12"rdear plexfplass partition pane! - qry 2 None ~ Herman Miller I None 148"w x 48"h Tan fabric parttfon panei -10 None ~ Herman Mnier ~ None 124V x 48"h Tan fabric parkition partel -14 None ~ Herman Mlller ~ None 124'W x 30"h Blue fabric pertltlon panef - qty 1 None I Herman Mfller ~ None 112"w x 30"h Blue fabric parfitfon vanei - atv 1 None ~ Hennan Milier ~ None 148° tack boards - qtV 61 Norre ~ Herman Miller ~ None ~OVBThBad Sh81f do6fs - qhr 28 None ~ Merman Miller ~ None ~padition fllling drawers - qtv 21 None J Herman Mlller ~ None 160° T- Connector - qty 45 None ~ Herman Miller I None 160" Comer connectar - gty 12 None ~ Hennan Mluer I None 148" T- cannectar - qty 29 None ( Herman Milfer ~ None 148" 4 waY connedor - qfy 9 None ~ Herrnan Miiler I None 148" comer cannedor - ptlr 32 None ~ Henr►an Miller 1 None 148" sheff - qly 97 None ~ kerman Miller ~ None J 30°w x 48"I countertop - qty 41 None I Herman Miller I None 130"w x 42"1 c:ounteRop - qty 2 None ) Herman Miner ~ None I48"w x 49"I comer oauMeRaR - qfit 7 None j Hennan Miller ~ None 130"w x 72"I countertop - qhr 1 Location: Storaae Area in Cihr Hall Seriei # Model # Asset # Descriptian CN314YU112 ~ HP 9500 ~ None ~19" Monitor ' CN314YU118 ~ HP 9800 ~ None ~19" Monftor KR248WB391 ~ HP P930 ~ None ~19" Mnnftor KR2481NB384 ~ HP P930 ~ None I19" MO►7114f CN245YM145 ~ Compaq 9500 I None 119" Monitor CN245YM187 ~ Compaa 9500 I None 119" Monitar CN303XL539 ~ Compaa 9500 I None I 19" Manftor Servfce Tag 9Y30N21 I Q811 5100 ~ 000062 pLaptop Senrice Taq 46J9V21 ~ Dell 5100 1 000104 iLapton Servlce TaA NDD3R21 ~ Dell 5100 1 000161 ILaptoD SeTViae Tag 25DXM29 ~ Qell 5100 1 400099 1 Laptap Servlce Tap 540XM21 I Deu 5100 I 000064 iLaptop . 54036992H J Toshiba M200 I Na ITablet 84017411HU ~ Toshiba M200 1 000108 JTablet USW32004N7 ~ Compaq Evo D50 CMT I 000944 1 PC USW32004MM I Compaq Evo D50 CMf ( 000044 IPC USW31708KK 1 Campaq Evo D50 CMT J 000060 IPC VU303KN8ZA287 ~ Compaq Eva D50 CMTI 000040 IPC W133KN9ZB247 ~ Compaq Evo D510 SFF1 000012 IPC W313KNBZC771 ~ Compaa Evo D50 CMT1 000022 IPC USW35103WZ ~ Compaq Evo D50 CMT I 000100 IPC W313KN8ZC81 B ~ Gompaa Evo D50 CMT 1 000034 IPC W313KN8ZC808 ~ Compaq Eva D60 CMTI 000034 IPG 1Y233KN9Z8298 ~ Compaq Evo D510 SFF{ 000013 IPC 21195200JQL ~ ComDap DC5100 MT + 000133 IPC 11SW32604RN ~ Compap Eva D50 CMT I 000033 IPC W233KN9Z8319 ~ Comaaq Evo A51Q SFF 1 000046 IPC USW317a8KQ ~ Gompaq Evo D50 CMT1 000070 IPC W233KN9ZB251 ~ Gompaq Evo D610 BFFI 000015 IPC V+303KN87A279 ~ Compaa Evo D50 CMT 1 000025 [PC W302KN8ZE627 ~ Compaq Eva D50 CMT 1 000010 IPC 67(31KNSZ60LS ~ Compaq Eva D50 GMff 1 000047 IPC aa2~ Pc w~~ 7as~c~ Com a Evo D5~ CMT o0 US p q m a Evo D50 CMT QQ009 9 PC 1l~3~3KN8ZA284 Co p q Com a~vo D5~ CMT 0~~002a PC UV302KN$ZE637 p q ~52 PC VU233KhJ9ZB2~3 Com a Evo D51(~ SFF 004 pq 2 9 Gam a Eva D510 SFF a0Q~59 PC WZ33KN9Z6 5 p q Za237 Com a Eva D50 CMT 40Dfl5~ PC W303KN8 p q T 2 Com a Evo D50 CMT 04~066 PG W313KN8ZG 8 p q W31 T08K9 Cam a Eva D5~ CMT OOa053 PC US p q KN8zE6~~ Com a Evo D50 CMT Oa0016 PC UV302 p q Evo Q50 CMT OOQ032 PC 6X3~ KN8Z60R~ Campa~ 6X31 KN8Z60V4 Com a Evo D50 CMT Ofl0045 PG p +q PC USW317081~X Cam a Eva D50 CMT 000063 Pq Misc, Items el # Asset # Description Serial # Mod Cable-Nelson s inet Piano broken spindle leg P DuraLite Tab1e Model #T8 Kl, qty 5, broker~ 200~ Jee Cheroke~ White 4 door, 4wd, 82,O~Q+ miles 1,~4FF~48S3YL104424 p CeTY 4F SP~KANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 14, 20~9 Ci~ Man~ger Sign-off: Item: ~heck all that appl~: ❑ consent ❑ old busi~ess ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ~ pending legislation AGENDA ITEN~ TITLE: M~TI~N C~NSIDERATIQN: Broadway Rehabilitation Projec# Phase 2 Fancher Rd to Thierman Rd ~#OOfi6}, Bid Award G~VERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS C~UNCIL ACTI4N TAKEN: Public Hearing on January 27, 2009 Proposed Amende~ 20~9 TIP; Passed Resolution 49-003 vn January 2l, 20a9 amending the 2a49 TIP; Public Hearing on April 14, 2009 for Draft Amendment #2 2409 TIP; Passed Resolu~ion 09-005 on April '~4, 2409 amending the 2Q09 TIP a second #ime; all TIP amendments included the Broadway Rehabilitation Project Phase 2- Fancher Rd to Thierman Rd. B~ACK~R~UND: The Brvadway Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2 consists of grinding the- existing roadway surface and inlaying 2" of asphalt. The project was advertised for Bids on Friday, June 23rd. The scheduled bid openi~g date is Friday, July 10. After opening bids and tabulating the results, staff will present results at the Tuesday, July 14 Council meeting ta award the cantract to the lowest responsible bidder. aPTI~JNS: 1~ Award the Broadway Rehabilitati~n Praject - Phase 2 bid tv the lawest responsible bidder or 2} pravide addi~ional direction to staff. RECO~IMENDED ACTIO►N OR M~TI~N: Move to award the Broadway Ave Rehabilitation ~ Projec# - Phase 2 to th~ lowest responsible bidder in the amaunt of . BUQGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project budget is currently $fi01,6o0 of which 86,5% ($525,6~0} ~s funded by a federal STP~U~ grant. The current project es#imate is ~696,590.1Ne anticipate the bids will come in approximately 25-30°fo lower than the engineer's estirnate based on previous bids this year. The~e are sufficient resources uuithin the 2009 Street Capital Projects Fund #303 budget to cover the estimated $111,400 in local matching funds for this project. STAFF CONTACT: S~eve M. Worley, Senior Capi#al Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Bid tabulations will be pravided after the bid opening. CITY OF SP~KANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 Ci~y Manager Sign-aff; Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ ofd business ~ ne~r business ❑ public hearing ❑ informativn ❑ admin. report ~ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion considerati~n re: Vllaste~rater Interlocal with Spokane County G~VERNING LEGISLATIDN: RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS C4UNCIL ACTI~N TAKEN: June 29, 2049 dis~ussio~ with Council BACKGROUND: Spakane County has requested that the City of Spokane Valley enter into an interiocal agre~men~ regarding both the constructi~n of a new waste water facility by the Coun~y and the waste water system operating withir~ the City of Spokane Va~lley. Staff has been working on the items the Council broughf up for discussion an June 29, 20~9, which will be discussed more fully at the meeting. OPTIONS: Vote to au~horize City Manager to execute the interlocal agreement; request additional changes to the proposed interlocal agreement. RECO►M~IENDED ACTION ~R M4TION: I move that we authorize the C~ty Manager t~ execute the proposed lnterlocal Agreement bet~reen Spokane County and the City of Spokane . Valley regarding wastewater treatment. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMRACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed lnte~iocal Agreement to be distributed separately. . . . CITY ~0F ~S~~PO~I~NE VA~LLE~„~Y~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ Re~ ~ues~t. ~for C~o.unci:l ~~cti~on - ~ , . .q._,.. . . Meeting, Date: July 14; .2409 City Mana,ger `Sign~~f: I1ter~:, ~Ch~eck,~,~ll ~th~t.~~pply:_ 0 consent 0 old business ~ new~b,usiness ❑ publi'c ~hearing, ❑ informatio,n- ~~admin. ~,report pe.nding leg~islation A~G~~NDA ~IT.E~NG ~'1°ITL~E:. M~otion consid~e~ration, Procedure ~for ~f Ilin,g ~City ~Council~~ vacancy ~ G.OVERNIIV:G ~LEG9SLATlO~N:. RC~VU 35A.1;3.~020; Spokane Valley ~~.Gove~~ance~ Man~u~al PREVfO:.US. C.OU.NCIL ~CTI~O~N'TAKEN:~ :Dis~cussi.on ~at~study session :July 7;, ~;2009. ~ '~A,C~KGROUN.D:~ On, July 7,. 2~009, the 'C~ity C'ouncil discussed vari,o.u;s opti.o~ns for a prop.osed ' adopte~d procedur.e ~by~ wh~ich~~~the VCoun~cil would sele~ct a ne,w~ Council member to replace Steve Taylor: The~ C.o.uncil requested t~h~at sta~f compile the co~nments and .come ~~back wi.th~ a propose.d wr:itten proced,ure~ for f Iling :the~ ~vacancy. Attached ;y,ou will f nd a written proposal staf~ ~bel.ievesJ ~ i~ncorporates-~,all of~~the ~requests ;ide~tifed by ~t~he C.ouncil ~o~n~ J;uly 7: ~ ~ ~OPTIONS. ~M,otion t~o~ ~approve~ the, propos.ed p"rocedures;, ~sugges~t additions. or ~d:ele,tions.. RE~CO~M~EN~DED~ ACTI.O'N .OR :INOTI~ON:~ I~. ~move th~at; ~we ~a~pprove the~ "~S~pokane Valle.y ~City Council :~Pro~cedure for~ Filling' a Va'cancy onntMe Cit~y~ C.ouncil" that ~is att~ached to, .this RCA~, uuhich. will ,be bi~ ding on this C~ity ~Co,uncil~, .and each ~and :every mem;ber thereof. ~UDC~E~TIFINANCIA~L ~I~MP~AC-~~: STAF~ C~O.NTACT: ~ike~ J~acks,on., De,puty ~City Man~ager;_ ~Ca.ry~ Driskell;, ~Dep .uty~ c~ty ~~o~,ey J~TT~AC~HM~ENTS~: ~ Pro;pose~d ",S;pokane Valley Ci.~y Council Pro~cedure Ifor Filling a Vaca~ncy~ on ~the Cit~y~ Council" , ,  ~ SPO.I~4NE VALLEY CITY CUUNCIL PR4'CEDURE F4R FILLIN`~ A VA~'ANCYf1~V THE C11~'YC4UNCIL DRAFT A. TunelinelProcedure: 1. The Gity will publish ~he vacancy and invi~e c~tizens of the City who are interested and quali~ed to sit as a Council ~nember to apply on a~ appli~ativn form provided by the Cifiy. Publication o~ the vacancy wil~ be on June 1~, June 26, Ju1y 3 a~d July 10, 24a9. Qualif~cation to sit as a Council member is set forth xn RCW 3 SA.13.02U, which refers to RCW 35A.12.430. Ail applications sha11 be received by ~he City Clerk no later than 4:U0 p.m. on Ju1y 17, 2a09. 3. If ~here are more ~han seven applicants, on July 21, 2009 the City ~ounci~ will meet and adj ourn to executive session to review ar~d discuss ali of the applications. Af~er the review and discussion, the City Council v~ill return to open session to discuss and select applicants for interview. Selection will be by riomination and second. Th~ selected applicants will be interviewed by the City Council on Ju1y 28, 2009. If there are seven or less applicants, the City Council will not adj ourn to executive session vn July 21, 2009, but will instead immediately begin interviewing all of ~he applicants i~ open session, which is expected to be comp~eted ~hat same evening. Applicants vv~ll be interviev~ved in alphabet~cal order by last name starting with ~he letter A. Since the City will know by ~uly 17, 2(~09 wbether there are seven ar less applicants, applicants will be notified by e-m~il and phone call if ~nterviews will be evnducted o~ July 21, 2009, or Ju1y 28, 2009 as originally planned. 4. If the interviews are conducted on July 21, 2U09, the City Couricil will rneet and adjourn ~o executive session on Ju1y 28, 24~9 for the purpose of reviev~ing and discussing the applications and responses to interview questions. The City Council would ~hen return to open session to conduct the vote ~o fill the vaca~►cy that sa~ne . everung. If the interviews are instead conducted on July 2S, 2009, then the City ~ouncil would have its executive session and ~ote to filll ~he vacancy on August 4, 2009, 5. Each interview will be a maximum of 3 a mi.nutes. B. Inter~iew Questions: 1. City Coun~il members interested in submitting i~terview questio~s for applicants to answer prav~ded their top five questions to t~he Deputy ~ity Manager by Ju1y 8, 2009, and ra~k arde~ed ~hem in terms of importanc~. 2. Staff compiled the list af City Council members' questians. Where ~uestions were regarding the same topic, staff combined them while attempting to capture any ~articularized nuances. 3. The draft Se~ection Procedure and dra~t interview questions were provided tv Cifiy Council to discuss and finalize at the July 14, 2009 Council Mee~ing. ~ 3. Applicants wi~l be provided with copies of the fma~ list of ques~ivns by e-mail or t~ey can pick them up from City Hall after July 17, 2409. C. Votin;~ Process: 1. A City Gouncil member may nvminate an applicant to fill t~e vacancy. A second is required. If no second is received, that applicant shall not be considered further untess no applicant receives a second, in which case all applicants who were nominated may be considered again. 2. Any vote to approve an applicant shall be by voice or raised hand in ~he aff'~rmative ar nega~ive. 3. The vacancy can on~y be filled if a maj ority of the City Cauncil present a~u'u~matively vates for the applicant, i.e. if six City Council members are present, this would require at ~east four aut of six City Council naembers voting for an applicant. 4. ~f no applicant receives a majority of votes from the City Council, ~hen the three applicants receiving the most ~i~irmative votes wauld be considered in a second round. In a second round af consideratian, the same process would be fallowed as b~fore to determine if ane applicant receives a maj ority of a~fir~native votes. If ane of the three applicants stil l fails to receive a majority of aifirmative, then the twa applicants of ~he three who received ~e mast affir~mative votes would then be considered in a third raund. In a third round of cansideration, t~ae same prv~cess would be followed as befare to determine if vne applicant receives a maj orit~ of affirmative votes. 5. In the event the City Cauncil fails af~er three rounds to arrive at a major~ty vote for an applicant, then the shall flip a coin to detern~ine who shall f~ll the vacancy, with t~e applicant whose last name is closest to the letter A being assigned "heads", and the vther person assigned "tails". D. Seatin~ of New City Council Member: l. Once an applicant has either received a majority of votes or wins ~he coin flip, the City Clerk shall administer the oath of of~ice, and they will be officially seated as a ~ity Cou~cil member, Council Applicant Intenriew Questions - DRAFT (Similarquestions grouped ~-p -N-~-~ ~ ~Jhat are the three highest priorities the Ci~► needs to address and propasal as to how to address these issues. 11~h~fi dv you ~hink is the biggest challenge facing the City Council? ~ ~~a~~~~~n~~ ~ ~wi~ wi~~ ~ ~ ~r~~~~ ~~~~~r~~r~~ ~ M ~ ~~s~ ~rr~~~wa~~~ ~~~~w wa~ ~~~~~s~~rr ~~~~n The seven counciC members senre vn aver 3Q baards, committees and task . forces. Does your life style allow yau to serve on at least 4 outside committees and share these responsibilities? It wauld mean up to 10 hours ~per month in { additian to your Cvuncil duties. Gan you serve up to 1 QO hours per month as a City Counci Member? ~ - ~~~~~w~~~~~~~ss~~~~~rw~~~~~~w~~~r~~~~~a~~rr~~~~~a~~s~~ ~~~wraas~~~w~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~ssw~w~~~a~s~w~~ Have you read the fina~ Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan? If y►ou have, ~vha~ do yau agree wi#h and what do yau disagree with? ~ Have yau read the SARP? ~ Follow-up: What is your opinion vf SARP? What ~re the advantages andlor disadva~tages of SARP? ~~~~~~~~~~a~~~ ~~~s~~s~~~~~r~r~~~ww~~arr~~r~~~~~~r~r~~~w~~~~~r~~~~~~~a~~~~rs~~~~~~~w~~~s~~~~r~w~~w~n~~~~~~ Da you p an fio run for the unexpired 2 year term of this ~ositivn? f appainted, do you plan to actively campaign for the November election? . , ra~r~r~~~~s~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~ra~s~~~ ' ~a~~~w~~~a~~~~~~wN~+~~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~~aan~ ~~~~~~~rr~ What lesso~s did you learn from a~tending Council meetings? Why do you want to be on the city council? What training and learning have you undertaken to understand the form of government infia which you wvuid be entering and the legal restrictions and responsibilities of a~ cvuncil member under Washington statute. What do you hope to accomp ish? ~Uhat, if any, concessions do yau ~hink the Ci~y vf Sp►okane Va ley shauld agree to so we may acquire the Milwaukie Right of Way? n your view what are the most important fun~ions of a City Gauncil Member. Be specific. What do you offer the city? Do you support disincorporatian? Will you support a motion tv change our form of government tv a MayorlCounci ? I~hy? U~ill you support a mation to have the Mayor in our current GounciVManagerform ~ of government be elected by a direct vote of the citizens? Why? Tell us ~uhat you envision the C~ty vf Spokane Valley will be like in 10 and 20 years from now. Do you support expanded mass transit? Ho~r da you feel about the telephone utili~y tax that was implemented by the council? If the ma~or~~y vf the Cvuncil took a position that you were against, how would you handle your response to the public? Do you think the Ci~}r shoufd cont~act with the County for senrices, ufiilize pr~vate companies vr h~re City personne for 1~ animal contro ; 2) street sweeping; 3~ stormwater maintenance? C[TY ~F SP4KANE VALLEY . Request ~or Council Action Meeting Date: July 14, 2U09 Ci~ Manager Sign-off: ltem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hear~ng ❑ infarmation ~ admin. report [J pending legislation ~ AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendment to Interlocal agreement ~~9-04~ befi~een the City of Spakane and the Cit~ of Spokane Vall~y regarding acquisition of praperty by eminent domain for the Havana Street Bridge Project. GQVERNING LEGISLATIUN: PREVIOUS COUNGIL ACTI~N TAKEN: The Council previously approved an interlocal with the City of Spokane providing for a joint effort to acquire certain property necessary for construction of the Havana Street 6ridge Project. BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane has determined that acquisition vf a portian of the Hite Crane proper~y will make it difficult for Hite Crane ta continue its business at its curr~nt location and has agreed fiMat Hite Crane will be displaced ~y the Havana Street Bridge Project. As an accommodation to Hite Crane and its owners, the City of Spokane has agreed to acquire the entire Hite Crane site (mi~us personal praperty}. This ar~endment amends a previaus interlocal agreement between Spokane and Spakane Valley relative to ~espvnsibifity for acquisitivn costs, etc. ~PTI4NS: Advance to a future agenda for motion consideration ar provide further direction to staff. RECOMf~ENDED ACl'ION OR M4T~oN: Consensus to advance tv a future agenda as a motion consideratian. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Nvne - paid out of City of Spokane Street Funds per ardinance. STAFF CC?NTACT: ATTACHMENI'S: Amendment, Quit Claim Deed , i Re~~n t~: ~Ci#~ of Spokane ~4ttn~ C~lerk ~ ,~0~~~ 1~N Sp~oka~ne Falls. ~I~d Spok~ne,~INA 99201 ~F1RST AIVIENDMENT TO INTE~RLOCAL AGREE~MENT ~E~VEE~ THE CITY OF S~POK~4NE AND THE C1TY 0~ SPO.KANE VALLEY REG~►RDING ~I4CQUI~ITIO~N OF P~ROPERTY ~Y EMIIVENT D.ON~AIN FOR THE H~VANA STREET ~RIDGE~~ PROJECT~ THIS FIRST AIVIENDIMIIENT to the nter oca Agre~ement Be~reen the City of ~ Spokane and the Cit~I of ~Spo,kan~e Va ey~ .Regar.ding, the Havana Street Bridge, Project, ~is r~ade and ~entered into by and b~etween the Clty of~ S,poka~e, a~ Wash'ington municipal corporation, and the~ ~City of Spokane Valley, a: Washington municipa corporation, jointly herei~nafter~ referred ~to as~. the "p~ar~ies:" ~INITNE~S'S~ETHe~ ~ 1NHEREAS, ~~on or ~about ~the parties~ previous y entered .into ~an Inter oca ne~emen~t ;Befi~een the~ Cit~ of Spokane and ~he. Ci~ of Spokane ~Va ey ~°!g - R~egarding .Acquisition of Propert~ by E~minent Domain for~ ~the.~ Havana Street ~ridge Project (the "Agreernent"); and~~ 1NHEREAS,, the~ parties~ wish to am~end ~the .Agreement' to, :address ~o~rnership of the: property to b~e acqui"red according to~~the ~terms of.~~the Ag,reem~ent. . ~ ~~N~O~V, ~~THEREfORE~, the ~pa~rties a~g:ree as ~fol ows,:~ ~ 1~. AGREEMENT DOC~UM~E~NTS. The Agreement~ dated , ~ is~ incorporate~d ' by~ refere,nc.e~ into ~this~ F~irst. Am~en~dm~e~nt as~ ~~though~~ ~v~ritten~~~ in ~fu I~and sh~a rernain in ~fu force an.d e~fect~exce~pt as provided: he~rein~. 2. AM.ENDME~~NT OF`~ S,E.CT ~ON N~O~. 2, Secti~on No,. 2 of~ ~.th~e Agree ~m~ent ~is~ amended as fo ows: ~ ~ SECTION N~O. 2.~ ~APPLI;CA~ILITY ~OF THIS~~ AG~REE~E~NT P~g• 1 of 5 The parties agree that the pravisions of this Agreement sha app y to the and and property described in the amended ordinanc~e a~tached hereto as E~chibit "1" ("Eminent Dor~ain ~rdinance~}. 3. AMENDMENT aF SECT ON N4. 3. Sec~ion No, 3 of the Agreement is amended as fo ows: ~ SECTION N0. 3: ACQUISITION QF PRC~PERTY BY EMINENT aoMAir~ Upon fina action ar legis ative approva of the Eminent Domain Qrdinance by the Ci~ of Spakane Va ey, the Office of City Attomey for the Ci~► of Spokane may commen~e an action or act~vns in the Supe~or Court of Spakane County, State of Washington, in the name af the Ci~ of Spokane Valley, to acquire and take by eminent domain the ands and property interests described in the Eminent Domain ~rdinance ~the "Property"}, the parties having found that the Property described therein is necessary for the Project. The t~ e to ~he Proper~ described in the ordinance a~proved by the Spokane Valley Cit~ Council on April 14, 20Q9 sha vest in the C~y af Spokane Va ey for public streefi purpases and a uses incidental thereto, sub~ect to such rights as the City vf Spokane determines are nece~sary, in , its so e discretion, fvr construc~ing the Prajec~, maintaining? repairing~ and rep acin~ the subsequently improved pub ic right-af-way and re a~ed appurtenanc~ess, and enforc~ment of traffic-re ated aws and regulations. Tit e to the ba ac~ce af the Pro~erty described in the Eminen~ Domain ~4rdinanc~ as amended sha I vest in the Ci~ af S: okane. The parties acknow edqe and understand that tit e to said property ma~ first vest in the Cit~ of Spokane Valle~pursuar~t to a~udgment vestin±~ title to the same in itiqation au~horized by the Eminent Domain Ordinanc~e, The Ci~y of S~aokane Valley sha I, ~ithin ten (10~ days of a written rec~uest b~► the City of ~pokane} execute any and all documents reasonab y requested by the Ci~ of Spokane ~includin~ b~ wa~ of examp e onl~► a quit claim d~ed conveyin~ the Ci~y of S~okane Valley's entir~ interest in the ~roperty ta the City of Spokane in substantial form and content as set for~h 'rn Exhibi~ 2 to this Firs# Amendment~ ta ~er~ec~ the Ci~ of Spakane's owner~hi~ of the Propert~. ~ ~ The ~Ci of~ S~~okane Va e shall execute and ~de iver said~ documents ~to the ~C P Y City af S~okane at no cx~st to ~he Ci~ of Spokane, , rav~ded the Ci~ of Spaka~e sha~ bear a costs associated with rec~rdin~ any such documents in the afficia records of S~pokane Coun#~. ~ I~1 WITNESS WHEREDF, the PART ES have caused this Agreement ta be executed on date and year opposite their respec~ive signatures. Page 2 of 5 ~ ,F " _ , i i 1 DA?~, .EDo - - - ~C T~Y ~~F SPa ~KA:N~E . ~ . ~ _ - - ~ ~ _ s,Yr.~ _ _ . .I~s: . _ - - ~Attes~:~ App.rove~d~; as. ~to; fo~; ~ C~i. C e~ ~4~~ ~ ~ ~ - - - = Assis#a~nt~ ,Gi:~y At~o.~n.e~ ~ - _ . - ~Y - - ~~,DATE~ ~ _ C.~:T1f ~~~F ~S`P~ ~ °.KA ~E~~ VA~LLEY r " ' - f ' - - . . ~ 9'~~ - - - r _ _ I~~!/`/ ,A ~~est: ~ ~ ~pproved; a,s ~to fo~. _ - _ - C`i~ ; ~Ci,erk ~ _ - - - - ~,~~i ~ ~~torne~y . . _ ~ - . , ; .r~ ~P~~g,~~ 3= ~of ~~5'~ _ II ~~HI~~I~°~~`~ ~ ~~I~~E~~N~DE~D` !E '~,N~E~.NT D~Q`I~:~A~I'N ~~~RD A ~C;E - - . _ ~ ~ ~ , . f. S" ~ 1~ r ~ I ~ ~~geY4 ~~i~~5'~ .  ` ~ IT~ E~~,o~ ~ D~~D ~ w~' ~~;~'►I. . ~ ~ , , ; , . , ~,w . ~ A _ ~ ' , ~t;4. i~ _~~~I~~ i. \R P.~~,~ WHEN RECaRDED RETURN T0: City of Spokane Attn: City Clerk 848 ~V Spokar~e Falls Blvd Spa~ane, WA 992a 1 QUIT CLAI~ DEED THE GRANTCJR, GITY 4F SPQKANE VALLEY, a Washington m~anicipal corporation, far and in consideration of govd and valuable cansideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknawledged, conveys and quit claims to the CI'T`Y ~ ~~F SP~KA~1~, a~iTashington municipal corporation, the followin.g descr~bed real estate, situated in the ~ity of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington; That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, 'UV.M., in the City of Spokane Valley, Spvkane County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Narth line of Broadway Avenue and the East line of Havana Street; Then~e North 36►0 feet along the East line of Havana Street; Thence East 300 feet; Thence Svuth 36Q feet to the North line of Broadway Avenue; Thence West 300 feet to the PaINT OF BEC~INNING (the "Property"' . Except those portions of the Property reserved for public right-of v~ay purposes described as follows ("R4W Area"~: All that portion of the Property lying within the hereinafter described Parcel "A" described as follaw: -1~ ~ Be .ginning at, the intersection, of the north r.ight of way line of ~ Broadwa~, Averiue: .and ~the~~ ~east right of way~ of H~avana Street; said . . Y . . . ,~p.oint, of ~beginn~ing bears~ N.8~8~° 12~'37»E.., 3~0.04 feet~ from ~the west section line of ~said~ Section ~1.4 and N~.,0~1~°~59-'4~,1~~~1:, ~.30..~0~0 feet ~fr.om ~the VVest~ ~l/4 corner o~f s~aid Section 14; the~nce~ ~N.O1~°59'41~" W.., along ~t~ie e~ast ~right: of way line of Havana Street, 3~00...0.0 feet; thence ~~~~.~88°~12`'37"E.; 50.00 feet; thence~ S..O 1°'S9~'41"E~., ?0..00 feet; thence~ 5.,43°"06'2~8"V~~., 63'.5~3 fee~t; thence S~.,O1°.5~9'41"E.,, ~parallel, to and 5.00 fe~et~ east af the~ ~east ~ri'ght ~of ~vay 1'irie .of H~a~aria Street, 17~5;...~! ;0 feet; ~thence 5.46°~53~'32"E.., 14:17 feet, to the north right of ~ way ;line ~ of Broadway Avenue,; thence~ ~5.8.8° 12.'37"VV:, along :said north right of way lirie, 15.0~0 ~feet to the point of be~: ~ginni~ng: Parcel~ "A»:~ That~ p{~ rti~on of the ~Southwest qu,arter of. the Nor~thwest quarter~ ~of S~ection~ 1,4; ~Township :25 North, ~Range 4~3~ East, ~W.M.., ~iri the City of Spokane Valley, ~ Spokane County, VVas~hington, described as follo~vs.: ~ BEGINIVING~ ~~at th~e:. ;i~ntersection, of t~ie North lirie of Broadway Avenue and the East line~ ~of H'avan~a Str.eet; Thence~ North 300 feet along~ the East line of Havana Street; Thence. East 300' fe~et; ~Thence ~South 300 feet to e No~rth line~ of B~roadway Avenue; Thence: VVe~st~, ~:3.0~0 feet to~~ the PO:I~NT~ ~4F B~EGIN'NING;. (Con„tai,ns 5,712. ~sq. ft.~) And further- excep _~'n~g all that ,portion of the Property 1,ying within the here'inafter de~sc~ribed Parcel "B" describe,d as follow: ~ ,~~~a~~~ o~n the ~~~~t r~~ht of w~~ line of H~~n~ str~et} ~~~~`d po~at of b~~~~~~~ b~~r~ N.~~~°1Z'3?~E.~4 30.00 f~~t; thence~ N.~0-1,°5~9~'41~W., ~330~.,0'0~ feet,~ from the~ West. ~1/4 corner ~of said Sectiori 14,; ~thence N.0~:1 ° 59'41 "W.,, along said. east righ~t of way line, 60~.00 feet to the northwe:s~t corner~ of said ~arcel; ~thence N,.~88° 1.2'37"E,., P along, the fnorth l~ine~ of said, parce150~.00 feet; thence 5..0~ 1°59'41»E.,, 60~0 00 feet, ,to the, south l~ine of said ~ parcel,; ~ thence 5.88~° 1;2'37"~,, along said sou, -th line,, 5~0~.00 feet, to the point of beginriing~. Parcel "B": ~ . . - . . That portion of the Southwest quarter af the Northwest quarter af Section 14, Township 25 North, Range 43 ~ast, W~M., ~n the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, descr~bed as fallaws: BEGINNTNG at the intersection of the North line of Broadway Avenue and the East line vf Havana Street; Thence North. 300 feet along said East line to the TRLTE P4INT OF BEGINP~IN~; Thence cantanuing North 6Q feet alang said East line; Thence East 3Q0 feet; . Thence Svuth 64 feet; Thence West 300 feet to the TRUE POINT ~F BEGINNING. (Contains 3,Q00 sq. ft.) Grantor hereby grants and conveys ta the Ci~y of Spokane an easement far pub~ic street puxposes amd a11 uses incidental thereto, including without limitation the rig~t to eanstruct, maintain? re~air. and replace the Havana Street Bridge and related right-of wa~ im~rovements and a~purtenances. DATED this day of , 20~9. CITY aF SP4~ANE VALLEY , ~ ~ By~ . Its: -3- I ~STA; ;E C~:F WASH~~N+~Ta:N~~ . - . _ . ~ ~~~ss.. , ~C:aun~,ty ~of~ Spo~ . ~ , e . , ~ I ~ce~ , ~that I~ ~:know ~~or have. s~atisfac~ory evidence, th~t~ and. „ are ~the ~persons~~ who~ appea~ed ~ b~efore~ ~rne and said ~ _ ersons, ackriowled~ged ° ~ ~at ~they ~sigr~ed ~thirs ~docu~ ~ents, ori . p. ~~.oath~ ,stated that. the~ were~ ~au~tho -`rized: tot ~,sigi~ ~it, ~and ac~iow~~edged ~it~. as~ .the~ - - - . - - ari the~ ~City` C~ler respec~tively of' ~he CI`T`Y O~~F~ : a - , - SPOKANE~ VAI;LEY ~a u~riici al ~co ora~iori, ~'to be `the ;free~ arid~ vo~lun~ta~y~ act ,of , . - ~ ~ ~s,uch for~~ the~ u~se-..s~~~and ~purposes ereiri ~mention~e~d.. . _ _ , _ Date.d:~ - _ . - - . ~ ` ~ Notary Publ%c Jin~ and ~for . ~State; resi~~ 'ding~ at . ~N~, .a~ o'~itment ~e ~re:s~ . ~ --Y . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~-4-, - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business n new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informatian ~ adrnin. report ❑ pending legislativn AGENDA ITEM TfTLE: Administrative Update on draft Panhandling Code GOVERNING LEGISLATION: First Amendment of the Washington and US Constitutions. PREVIOUS COUNGIL ACTION TAKEN: Plumerous meetings by the Council and the temporary Panhandling Committee. BACKGROUND: The Council has asked staff to provide some op#ions for addressing concerns that individuals seeking solicitations in public plac.es in our city do so in w►ays tha# are less lik+ely to be coercive. {See At#achment 1, Draft Ordinance Regulating Solicitation Activities} The City . af Spokane adopted some new provisions to its Code last year in an attempt to address some of their concerns refated to panhandling. (See Attachment 2, Regulatian of Solicitation) The City has a campelling govemmental interest in regulating solicftations in areas set forth in the proposed ordinance because fts citizens need to feel comfortable that they wi11 not be canfronted for solicitatians in places where they would feel trapped or less inclined to refuse simply because of their physical locaie. City of Spokane Vailey s#aff, in drafting a proposed solicitation code, utilized Spokane's as a base. We suggest removal af several items from what is in Spokane's code as #hey do not appear to be wholly necessary. Those wauld be restrictions on solicitation within 15 feet of a public pay phone or self-sen►ice car wash. Given the rapid demise afi public pay phones, and the fow number of self-senre car washes, staff recommends not adopting limitations on solicitations near these facilities. The Center for Justice reviewed Spokane's original solicitation Code proposal, and made a number of recommendations. Spokane pulled many items out based on those recommenda#ions, but did not remove the provisions relating to svlicitations near ATMs, or the prahibition on soiiciting in the rights-of-way w+thout a speciat events permit, which the Center for Justice feft shvuld also be removed. This draft contains a provisian which prohibits panhandling in #he roadway without a special events permit, but does not prohibit panhandfing from the side of a road (so it is consistent' with Spokane's in this respect). Staff is confident that the City Councii provided a rational basis for fts prior actiAns in restricting solicitations in the roadway withaut a penn'rt, and the safety requirements #or doing so. Similarly, staff is comfortable with precluding solicitation near ATMs, since people are mare iike[y to have cash on their person, and prvbably aren't comfortabie with anybody approaching them to talk to them. If #he Cfty is interested in prvhibiting panhandling #rom the side of the road to vehicles {which would require going into the roadway or reaching into it to take mvney from vehicles}, then the City woutd need ta► show a compelling govemmental interest in order to justify such a limitation , on a first amendment right. A compelling govemmental interest could be that such activity results in a higher rate of accidents for the vehicfes, andlor more pedestdan injuries in areas where such activities exist. Without such evidence of higher injury risk, i# may be difficult to defend such a regulation. Staff understands that our city police are beginning to track whether areas with higher leveis of panhandling adjacent to roadways are experiencing increased safe#y issues, and will report back to staff and the Gauncil at a later date if desired. As the Council is aware, the Cifiy previously adopted a prohibition on aggressive begging under 8.25.020, so new provisions were not needed relative to that. Similarfyf the City previausly adopted prvhibitions on intentionally obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic without lawful authvri#y. This report does not attempt to address any actions the Council or outside committees may vr may not choose to take with regard to a cvmmunity educational pragram. OPTIONS: Move proposed ordinance forward to a first reading; suggest changes to proposed ordinance. RECOMMENDED ACTION UR MOTIdN: I move that we place the proposed ordinance restricting solrcitations on a future meeting date for a first reading. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1- Draft 4rdinance Regu(ating Soficitations Attachmen# 2- City af Spokane's Code -10.10.27 - Regulation of Solicitation CITY 4F SFUKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON UItDINAN+CE N4. 09-* AN ORDINANCE REGULA'I'IING S+QLICTTATION ACTMTIES IN PUBLIC PLACES, AND CITHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, consistent with the findings of other Washngton State cities, the City Council finds.that it is important to the geneml welfare of the eitzens and residents of the City to - implement minimal res#nctions vn solicitations in public places that are applicable to all people withi,n the City ; and ~ . - ~ ~WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that any limitations ori solicitatian mus# be consistent with state and federal cvnstitutional prot~ons, including those a~ng to freedQm Qf speech and expression; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that is 'n'the b6st interest of its citizens to restrict solicitation activity under circumstances wbere people, ,'~Iikely #o feel uncomfortable or unable to easily disengage the contact due:fto 'their physical ~~*on, which will help ensure fihat donations arising from such contacts ar'~ fiss~ely. ta be caet~.. k ~ ~ ~ + • a1~ - N4W THER.EF~REthe Crty Co^~c~. of the f,Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, ardains as foilvws: ~ - ~ -,j `5 c Sect~ion 1. ~.Funaose. The ptiirpose of "-.Ordinance is to regulate certain solicitatian acti.Yities in public places, within the Sectiaa 2: Adoptij1P.\§1Dokane Va1lev -Municipal Code Section 7.40.410. Spokane Valley Munici^p& Code-Sec~6n.,7.40:410 is adopted as follows: ~ UO.QIU Definitions:ti, A. The following definitions apply in this chapter: 1\."Automated tell er machine" means a xnachine, other than a telephone: &,that is papable of being operated by a customer of a financial irLStitufiion; 1b.,~by~~vhich the customer may commun.icate to the financial institution a request to withdraw, deposit, transfer funds, make payment, or otherwise conduct financial business for tlae customer or for another person directly from the customer's accaunt or from the customer's accowat under a line of credit previously au#harized by the financial institutian for the customer; and c. the use of which may or may not involve personnel of a financial institution. 2. "Public pla,ce" means an area generally open to the public and includes alleys, bridges, buildings, driveways, parking lots, pazks, plasidewalks, and streets open DRAFT CODE IrIlVITIING SOLICITATIUNS IN gUBLIC FLACES - 1 - to the general public, including thvse that serve food or drink or provide entertainment, and the doors and entrances to buildings vr dwellin.gs and the grounds enclosing them. 3. "Public transportation facility" means a facility or desi,gnated location that is Qwned, operated, or mai.ntauned by a city, county, caunty transportation suthorifiy, public transportation benefit area►, regional transit authority, or metropvli#an municipal corporation within the state. 4. "Public transportativn stop" means an area off'i.cially ; marked and designated as a place to wait for a bus, a mass transit vehicle, or any vther public tran.sportation vehicle that is operated on a scheduled route wi~h/passengers paying fares on an individua.I basis. 5."Public transportation vehicle" has the~ meaning '66ven that tenm in RCW 46.04.355, as curnently adopted or as it maybe amended in ~ffie future. b."Roadway" shall have the meaniffig set forth in RCW 46.44.~40. , 7. "Self-service fuel pump" means a,fuel pump: a. from which a vehicle may. be ,xnanuaily -tHed with gaso 'Iine or other fuel directly by its owner or operator, with or withaut the aid of an employee or attendant of the premises at ~vhich e~uel pump is lvcated; and b. that is accessibldand available for uEs~e by members of the general public. 8. "Solicit" and all derivative frntns of "solicit" means ta ask., beg, or plead, whether orally, n:on-verbally or in a w~en or-p.rinted. mar ieT, Tor the purpose of immediately receiving c+ontributions, alms, `charity, or'gifts of items of vaiue for oneself or another persan. . , ~ Seetion 3. A'donting Spokaiie Vallev Municinal Code Section 7.40.020. Spukane Valley Municipal Code Se*on 7.40.020 a.s adopted as fopows: k ` • l 7.40,024 Limitatians'oxn Salicita.tions;- , . ~ ~ , , A. It is unlawful for any, person`to solicit another person widun fifteen feet of•. , 1. an automaterl, teller meibhine; 2. the entrance of a building, unless the solicitor has pennission from the owner or oc~upant; , 3. a self service fuel pump; 4, a public tramsportatian stop; 5. any pairlced vehicle as accupants of such vehicle enter or exit such vehicle when the occupants are the subj ect of the solicitation; or designated Iaading/unlaadi.ng, for- hire vehicle, or taxi zones. B. For purposes of this section, measurement will be made in a straight line, vvithout regard to intervening structures or objects, from the nearest point at which a solicitation is being conducted to whichever is applicable of the following: 1. The nearest entrance or exit of a facility in which an autumated teller machine is DRAFT CUDE LIlVIITIlNG S4LICITATIONS IN PUBLIC PLACES - 2 - enclosed or, if the machine is not enclosed in a-facility, to the nearest part of the automated teller machine. 2. The nearest entrance or exit vf a build.i.ng. 3. The nearest part of a self-service fuel pump. 4. The nearest part of any sign or mazking designating an area as a public transporta.tion stap; or 5. Any doar of a parked vehicle tha.t is being used by an oGCUpant of such Vehicle ta enter ar exit such vehicle. C. It is unlawful for any persom to stan.d in the roadway /ftir the purpose of engaging in salicitation. Nv persvn may engage inr.solicitation activifies tha#~\would obstruct traffic in violation of SVMC 8.25.430. D. This chapter shall nat prohibit lawful so 'citations, including those~-~ndividua1s and organizations tha.t have vbtained a special events, ='t, pursuant to SVMC 5:15. `.4 E. A violation of subsection A or C of this sechon i~ ~ple mYSdemeanor. Sectioa 4. Severabilitv. If an~,~'Section, sente ` ;~clause or phrase vf this Qrdinance . k should be held to be uaval.id or unco :~tufianal, by ac6uft f competent jurisdiction, such ~ . . invalidity or unconstitufiionali~ity sharl not''affect#he validity _ ~constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause vr phr,ase of this ,Oirdinance~. f . ~ Section 5. .Lffective~Dati; This Ordinance shall become effective #hirty days after publication of the OC.Min.ance, or a siunmary thereaf, in the official newspaper of the City. Adopted this x ^d.aY,of 2009. _ ~ ~ ` ._-•~-a - ; ~ City of Spokane TValley Mayor, Richard Muxtson ~ s. . ATTES7C: ~City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Forrn: Office of the City Attorney DRA.FT CUDE LIlVHTING SaLICTTATIONS IN PUBLIC PLACES - 3 - Spokane Municipal Code Page 1 of 2 Spokane Munidpal Code Tuesday, ]uly 7, 2009 - 9:S7 AM . Pjin# I Close Wtrtdow Font Size: Inaease Ipgg'me 7'itie 10 Regalaticfn og Acdvltles Divlsion I; P+enal Code Chapter 10.10 Offenses Aga9nst Peace and Order , Section 10.10.027 Regulation of Solicttatlon . A. DefintUons. The foltawing def[rttdons apply In thls section: 1. "Autcamatsd teller machlne" means a machtne, ather than a belephone: a. that ts capable of teing aperated by a cusborroer of a#lnandal Institxrtion; b. by whfch tfie customer may aammunicate to the flnandal tnstttutian a request to wlthdraw, deposit, transFer fvnds, make payment, ar otherwrlse condud flnandal busine.ss far the custamer or for another person dtnectly from the customer's account ar from the customer's aooount under a Me af credtt prevlously authoriaed by the finandal instltufiion for the cusbomer; and c, the use of whtch may or may not Mvotve persannd of a flnandal lnstitutlon. 2. °Ekteriar publtc pay belephone" means arry coZn or vedlt card reader betephone tfiat Is: a. Insfiafled or Iocated anywhere ort a premises except excluslveiy In the intertor of a bullding locafied on the premtses; and b. accmible and available for use by members of the general pubiic. 3. "Public transportation faclllty" means a facllity or designated locatton that ts owned, operaberl, or maintained hy a dty, munty, county bansportat[on authortty, public banspottatlon benefit area, reglanal transit authonity, or metropolltan munldpai corporatiort withtn #he stabe. 4. "Publlc trarsportatlon stop° means an area offldally marked and designated as a piace to walt fior a bus, a Ilght raA vehtde, or arry ather public transpartatlon veh[cle that fs operated on a scheduled route with passengers paying fares on an indhrldual basts. 5. "Public hansportatlon vehlde" has #he meanEng given that term In RCW 46.04.355, as aimendy adopbed ar as 1t may be amended In the future. , 6. "Raadway" shall have tfte meaning set farth In RCW 46.+04.500. 7. "Self-servtae car wash" mearis a strucbure: a. at whlch a vehicle rnay be rnanuaiiy washed hy its awner or operator with equipment that is ac.tivabed by the deposit of money In a aoln-operaied machlne; and b. tha# is aocesslble and avallable fer use by members of the general publlc. . ~ 8. "Setf-servloe fuef pump" means a fuel pump: a. from whtch a vehide may be manualty fiiled with gasnllne ar other fuel directly by Its owner or aperatior, wtth ar wtthaut the a!d of an empioyee or attendant of the premises at which tlhe tvel pump is located; and b. that Is acxessible artd avalfabte for u9e by members of the general publ[c. 9. uSolicir and all der{vattve forms of °so1W means to ask beg, or plead, whether oraUy, nart-verbally or In a wrFden ar prlnfieci manner, fiDr the purpose of Immediately reaelving cnnMbut[arts, alms, charity, ar gifts of tfaeem.s of Vaiue for oneselF or anctEm person. h#tp:l/www,spokan.ecity.arg/services/documents/smcfprint/default.aspx 7/712009 Spokane Manicipal Code Pa.ge 2 of 2 B. Place of Solldtation. 1. SaiWtatlon Near Destgnated Locattons and Fadlftkm a. It fs unlawful tbr any person ta sDqdt anather person wbtn fiPoeen feet of: 1. an automated teiler machtne; ti, the erttranae of a building, unles.s the soildbDr has permtssian from ttne cwmer or oauparrt; IiE. an exbednr public pay telephone; fv. a setF-servEoe qr wash; v. a setf-servlce fuet pump; vl. a public transportation sbop; vfl. arry parked vehide as oocupants of such vehtde enter or extt such vetiide when the occupants ere the subject of the saUdbtan; or vftt. destgnated (oadingJ'unfoading, for-hlre Vehfcle, or taDci aones. b. It ts uniawFul for any persorr to stand (n tfie roadway for dhe purpase of engaging In solidtatlon unless the person has flrst obtalned a speclal events permtt pursuant ta d,~*r 10.39 SMC. Na person may engage In solldtafiton acqrrftles that wouid obsruct trafftc fn vfolatlon of SLlC 10.10.025. . 2. Fvr purposes of subsection (g) of tlhis secaon, measuremerrt vvil6 te made ln a stralght tine, vvithout regard to lntervening strudures or abjects, from the nearest pvlnt at whidz asoRcftatlon is being oande►cted to whtchever Is appllcable of the faRowing: a. The neares# entrance ar eaa't of a iadlity fn whlch afl auttomaGed tetler machine is enctosed or, if the machine is not enctosed fn a fadlity, in the nearest part of the automated teller machtne. b. 'ihe nearest entranc+e ar exit of a bul[ding. c. The nearast part of an eftrior public pay tielephone. d. The rtearest part of the structure 4f a self-servke car vvash. e. The nearest part of a seif-servlae fuel pump. • f. The n+earest part of any stgn or marking deslgnadng an area as a pubitc transportatbn stOa; ar g. Arry door of aparked vehlcle that Is betng useci by an otxupant of such vehEde tr erter or exdt sudh vehtcle. C. PenatUes. A vlolatian of OC 10.10,027 LS a mlsiemeanor. D. This sectloR stwil nat prohibft lawful softdtatlors, iRduding thow indlvtduals and organizatians that have oErtatned a spedat erents permit E. The provisians of tfils sectlon are declared te be separate and severabte. The lrnralWity of any clause, senbenoe, para9raPh, secUon, or pertbr3 of thls sectton, or the lmralldlty of the appticattan thereof fia arry persan or drcumstanoe does rmt affect the validtty of the remaindet of ft sedlon, or tfie vafldlty of Its app[ka#ivn tD other persDns or dr+cumstanoes. Dabe Passed: Monday, Novernber 24, 2008 ORD G34340 Secdan 1 http.//www.spokmecity.orglservices/documentslsmclprinVdefaultaspx 7/7/2409 ~ _:m: gp V,;0OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhalt@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Councii Fram: Caroibeile Branch, PIO CC: David Mercier, City Manager Mike Jaclcson, Deputy City Manager Data: Juty 8, 2009 Re: Partnemhip opportunity with 2010 Census The U.S. Census Bureau is preparing for #he 2410 decennial census. As part of their preparations, they are encouraging local govemments, nonprofits and community organizatians to partner with them in support of their efforts to achieve a complete count. As a partner, we would help them expand their orutreach to encourage hard-to-count groups. If the City of Spokane Valley chooses to become a Census 2010 partner, the followi.ng actions by the City would demonstrate our commitment to improve awareness and participation in the census. • Make a proclamation supporting the 2010 Census •Include a.nfonnation on the Census in our Hot Topic comrnwuty newsletter • Add a message encouraging Census participation on our website home page throughout 2010 with a link to 2010 Census informatian • Display Census 2010 posters in our facilities • Distribute +Census information at ValleyFest 2009 The Census Bureau offers up to $2999 in in-kind support for any outreach activities that will help further the Census effort. This memo proposes that we apply for in-kind support of the purchase of 1204-1400 ceavas grocery bags imprinted with the attached "Count Me Yn Spokane Valley" message with the 2010 Census l4go. (See attached artwork) These bags would be distributed to visitors to the City's 2009 ValleyFest booth along with informativa abQUt the 2010 Census, Grocery bags imprinted with the "Count Me In Spvkane Valley" message were selected not anly because of the ditrect message supporting participation in the census, but also many positive Page 1 of 2 indirect messages supporting community identity and environmental responsibility in addition to multiple long-term expasure for the messages. • The message "Count me in Spokane Valley" used in conjunction with the Census 20l 01ogo endorses participation ia the census. • The phrase "Count me in" is a generally recognized expression of support and a willingness to participate • Adding "Spokane Valley " supports a positive declaration of iden#ification with the city • The canvas groeery bags support efforts eacouraging the use of alternatives to plastic grocery bags, conserving resources and avoiding • Because the bags are reusable, community members will see the message each time they use them to shop. • t'nocery stores are high-traffic areas, so each time a comnnunity members uses hislher grocery bag, the message wili be seen by many other community members. Distribution of the bags at Va1leyFest offers multiple benefits: • ValleyFest is the premier communiiy event in Spokane Valley, attracting an estimated 48,004 participants • Because the event is free, it is attractive to ecvnomically disadvantaged groups that are frequently among hard-to-count populations • Mirabeau Park is near the Spokane River, which was and continues to be a traditional fishing and gathering location for three area tribes, which arre also among the hard-to-cawnt pc3pulations • The event occurs vn the weekend just before colleges operating an a quarterly calendar begin classes, and may attract students who are also among the h.ard- ta-count populations Census 20 10 Partnership Specialist Duane Wakan indicates that our partnership request be submitted by July 15, 2049. Duane is on the agenda for July 21; so in essence we would need to confum our partnership before he presents to Council. Attachments: 2010 Census Partner Support Program FAQs Draft Proclamation of Suppart "Count Me In Spokane Valley" artwork 2049 Partnership Support Frvgraus Request Form Page 2 of 2 ; _ J - - " - ~,v - - - ,i - ; - _ _ ~ ~I ~i ~li If ~ 7 « ~ ~ I , ~ ~I ~ - ~ ~i I I, ~ i ill - - L ` II _ - 6 I i ~ = < _ ti ~ c' _ •e I 'E i ~ a~ I I ~ 1 . ` ' - ` - - r. = ~ ~ ~ I~ „ ~ 4 ~ li i~ II ~I r ; ~ I 6 . ii • i~ i i ~ ~ ~ i 7~ i~ I , u i, - - ~ - . - - - - - = i, n' I i , x ~ ~ ~ R` L4 r' , - _ ~i ~ ~ ~ i _ ~ ~ ~~i i ~ ~ i f ~ I II ' I I . ~ ' , ~t, i I J _ ~ + _ 4 f _ _ ~ - ~3 ~ J d _ 1 . ' - _ _ _ v - l / ~ f. ! . ~ ' f'll _ ~1 a I ~I - - r~ t ~ i ~ ` _ i - ~"i' ~ _ ~ ~ ~ u. L' I _ , _ - ~ - ~ I ~I i i) ~ I Ij~ ~i ~ ~I • Y ~ i ti _ - I n__ _ ~ OONOMOU ~ i ~ ~ OocC~wtio►ri in support of 2010 Cmsu,s 'tiGl~tereas, an accurate census count is vital to our cammunity and residents' welE-being by helping planners determine where to locate schoals, day care centers, ra►ads and public transportation, hospi#ats and other facilities, and achieving an accurate and complete count vf the nation"s growing and changing population; %Vherm, more than $300 billivn per year in federa( and state funding is allocated to states and communities based, in part, on census data; WFlenea,s, census data help determine how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives and often is used for the redistricting of state legislatures, county and city councils and voting districts; %Wfiereas, thee 2010 Census creates jobs that s#imulate economic grawth and increase employment; Wfiereas, the information collected by the census is canfidential and protected by law; Zl/faer~,ea.s, #he 2010 Census will be the firs# official caunt of the citizens of Spokane Valley, %1lereas, the resulting data will provide informatian important for representing and sen►ing the cifizens af Spokane Valley, %ow,, tFertf^ I, Richard Munson, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, on behalf of the City Council and citizens of Spokane Valley, do hereby proclaim that the Gity of Spokane Valley is committed to partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau to help ensure a fult and accurate count in 2010. As a 2010 Census partner, we wfl1: 1. Support the goals and ideals for the 2010 Census and disseminate 2010 Census information to encourage those in our community #o partlc'rpate, 2. Encourage pevple in our communi#y to place an emphasis an the 2010 Census and participate in events and initiafives that will raise overall awarene5s and ensure a full and accurate census 3. Support census #akers as they hefp aur community complete an accurate count. Dated this 21st day of July, in the year 2009. Ftichard Munson Mayor r ~~d S~~~ Cinss s 2018 U.S. DepaI'tlriGDt of COIIllriC1'Ce U.S. Census Bureau Seattle Regional Census Center 2009 Partnership Snpport Program Request Form Name af Partaer: CYty of Spokane Valley, Washington Address: 11707 E. Sprague Avenae, Snite lOb City, State, Zip: Spok$ne Valley, WA 99206 County: Spokane Contact Person: Carolbelie Branch Contact Person's TYtle: Fnblic Information Officer Contact Person's Daytime Phone: (_509_) 688-023Z Fag Number: L509, 921-1008 Partnership Specialfs#; William D. "Duane" Wakan ELIGIBII.TY Paartner's Proof of Commitment to 2010 Censas: Please list details (dates, quantities, photocopies) of activities proving your organization's commitment ta the 2010 Census. Examples include: cogies of a proclamation, resolution, letter of appainted liai.son, partnership agreement, letter of suppvrt, article(s) published in partner's newsletter informatian on partner's Web site, evidence (sample/photo) that you've pmduced "area specific" promotional items or logo, proof of donations of newspaper adverttsing or media air time, proof of commitment to all.ow the Census Bweau to use free space far meetin,gs, training or testing. Flease check off which past activities your organization have been involved in to help increase awareness about the 20 10 Census. If not Iisted, please provide a description of yQUr priar commitment activities in the space provided. To receive full consideration, proof of the acctivities checked off must be attached. x our organization adopted a proclamationlresolution supporting Census 2010 (scheduled, for 7121109 Cvuncid meeting) our organiaation de.signed a member to be a Census liaison x our organizarion printed information, articles about Census 2010 in our newsletter or Web site (will include Census articie in Jan-Mar editivn of quarterly community Hot Topic newsletter; will include census logo and City "Courrt Me In Spokane Yadley" Census logo in the other 3 editions. our organization paid for pramotional items for Census 2010 our organization donated advertising space ar airtime to Census 2010 our organizativn donated the use of free space for meetings, training or testing _ our organization made a 2009 Partnership Support Program dvnation in the form of an exhibit booth x our organization had a presentation made at ane of our meetings about Census 2010 (scheduded for 7121109 Council meehng) x our Qrganization helped put up pasters or pass out flyers about Census 2010 Other: Include article in CityView Employee newsletter encouraging employees to participate in census. P'ROJECT REQUIREMENTS Describe the oroiect. Distribution of 1200-1400 canvas grocery bags purchased through the Partner Support Program and imprinted with the attached "Count Me In Spokane Valley" message with the 2010 Census 1Qgo. (See attached artwork) These bags wvuld be distributed to visitors to the City's 2049 ValleyFest booth along with information about the 2010 Census. Grocery bags imprinted with the "Connt Me In Spokane Valley" message were selected not only because of the direct message supp►orting garticipation in the census, but also for many positive indirect messages supporting conununity identity and environmental responsibility in addition tv multiple long-term exposure for th,e messages. • The message "Count me in Spokane Valley" used in conjunction with the Census 20101ogo endorses participation in the census. • The phrase "Count me in" is a generally recognized expressivn vf support and a willingness to participate • Adding "Spokane Valley " speaks directly to the citizens of Spokane Valley and supports a positive declaration of identification with the city • The canvas grocery bags support efforts encouraging the use vf alternatives to plastic grocery bags, conserving resources and avoiding • Because the bags are reusable, cammunity members will see the message each time they use them tv shop. • Gracery stores are high-traffic areas, so each time a community members uses his/her grocery bag, the message wi.ll be seen by many other community members. Snecifv the measurable obiective of the nroiect. Distriburion of the bags at ValleyFest offers multiple benefits: • Va1leyFest is the premier communuty event in Spakene Valley, attracting an esti,mated 48,400 participants Snecifv the Census 2010 comoonent of vour vroiect and exulain its relevance to the census mission. How will the pronosed nroiect encowraae the taarp-eted audience to fill out and mail back their auestionaaire7 + Because #he Va1leyFest event is free, it is attractive to eevnomically disadvantaged groups that are frequently among hard-to-count populations • Mirabeau Park is neax the Spokane River, which was and coatinues to be a traditional fishi.ng and gathering locatioa for three area tribes, which are also among the hard-to-cownt populations • The event accurs on the weekend just before colleges apemting on a quarterly calendar begin classes, and may attract students wha are also among the hard-to-counfi populations If vau are collaborati.ng with another groun(s), define each oreanization's role, n/a Pmvide oroiect time line. July 14, 2009 Presentation to City Council by Parlnership Specialist William D. "Duane" Wakan Tentative issuance of proclamation in support of 2010 Census July 15, 2009 Submittal of 2049 Partnershig Support Fragram Request Form July 31, 2049 Copies of Ceasus information requested from Census Bureau September 19, 2009 Bags/infarmation distributed at ValleyFest Jan - Dec 2010 Articles/logos supporting census in quarterly Hat Topic commuruty newsletter Jan-Feb Article/logos supporting census in employee newsletter By affixing my signature, I certify that: 1. All information contained in this request is correct. 2. I have reviewed this proposal with the members of my orgaaization, group andlor Complete Count Committee. 3. This submission contains the foliowing: Proof of Commitn.ent Sample, photo, and/or draft text of item(s) being requested Vendar's name, address, phone number, and price quote 4. The rer,ommended vendor accepts credit cards as payment. 5. The anticigated completion date of this project is . Carolbelle Branch, Public Lnformation Officer July 15, 2U09 Retarn Reqaest to: Wiiliam D. "DuaW Wakan, Partriership Specialist, U.S. Ceasus Bureau "~I' 1'~, O, ~~OfV91d` '~ALLE Request for :C.ouncil Action Meeting Date.- Jul'y~~ 14,,20~09 City~.Nlanage~ Sign-off:~: , Item:, Ciiec1(,allAhA-apply: ❑ consent old business; ~new-'tiusiness `~~~public;'hearing :U;"info,rmation .D.admin.._ceport- ~'~pending legislation [0 executivesession A:GEND,ITEMTITLE: EXECUTIVE.:-SESSION: L'and'Acquisition GOVERidING LEGISLATIO,IV:' PRE~VIOUS' COUNCI ~L ACTIO(V TAKEN: BACKGROU,ND: OPTIONS:! ~RECOIIAMENDEP, ACTI QN OR MOTION:° Move lo. adjoum' 'int6. ~ezecutive sessi66 'for., approximately , minutes, to ~discuss; Land Acquisition;; a,nd Aha't:- no •action is -anticipated'~the~eafter. ~ BU-DGET/FINANCIA_L IIIIIPACTS:, `STAFF,CONTACT: -ATTACHMENTS: 0 i