2009, 07-21 Study Session 1-IITEN1JA CITSY [3F SP+DKANE VALLEY CITY COiTNCIL'VVURKSHEET STUDY SESSI[)1Vr Tuesday, 3uly 21, 2009 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL Cf.)LTNCLL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague .Avenue, Fxrst Floor (Please Sxlence Your Cell Ph+naes During the Meeting) DISCUSSI+L]N LEAIlER S~BJECTIACTNITY aGOAL ACTIUZV' ITEMS: 1 Mayor and Gauncilmexnbers Applications far Council Vacancy Mcrtion Consideratians Determination of Which Candidates to Tnterview 1uly 28, 2409 [public comment] 2 Mike Connelly Second Reading Proposed C)rdinance 09-014 Ordinance passage Amending Eminent I3omain Urdinaxa..ce, City af Consideration Spakane, Havana Bridge [public commen#] 3. Mike Cvnnelly First Amendment, Interlocal Agreement NTvtion Consideration City af Spokane, Havana Bridge [Puhlic comment] 4. Mike Connelly Wastewater Treatment Flant Interlocal Motion Consideration A,greement [public cvmment] 5. Neil Kersten Ghange C)rder far PineslSprague Intersection Motion Consideration Proj ect [publie cvr~nment] d. Neil Kersten Waste Management Lease Agreement Mation Consideration [puhlic camment] 7. Neil Kersten Purchase af WSDaT Surplus Trucks Motian Consideration [public comment] REGULAR STUDY SESSION ITEMS: 8. Neil Kersten Winter Road Maintenance I]iscussionllnformation 9. Mayor Munson Draft Legislative Agenda120 10 Councii Gaa1s DiscussionlTnfarmatian 10. Mayor Munsan A.dvance Agenda DiscusszonlInformativn 11. Councilmembers Council External Carnmittee Reports Discussionllnformation 12. Informatian Crnly. (will not be discussed or reported) C'rammunity Re-Lreensirag 13. Mayar Munson Council Check in DiscusszonlInformatiQn 14 Uave Mercier Crty Manager Cornxn.ents DiscussianlInfaranatian ADJ[)LTRN Note: Unless nthervvise noted abave, there will be n❑ public cnmments at CvunciE Study Sessivns. However, Councii always reserves the right to requcs# information fram the public and staff as apprnpriate. During meetings held by the CiEy of Spokane Valley Caunctl, the Council reserves the right tu talce "action" on any itern listed ar subsequently added ta the agenda The term "action" means to deliberate, drscuss, reaiew, cvnsider, evaluate, or malce a coilectpve positive Dr negatzve decision NQTICE Individuals planning tti attend the meetmg who requtre special assistance to accommodate physrc,al, heanng, nr other impairrnents, please cvntact the City Cierk at (509) 921-1000 as savn as passihle so that arrangements may be made Study 5essian Agenda, July 21, 2009 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetin8 Date: July 21 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ oonsent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Applications for Council Vacancy, Determination of Which Candidates to Interview July 28, 2009 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.13.020, RCW 42.12.070 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: none BACiCGROUND: As a result of Councilmember Taylor accepting a staff position with the City of Conneil, Washington, Councilmember Tayior provided notice to Council on June 16, 2009, that he wouid be vacafing his office effective midnight June 30, 2009. Staff drafted a position vacancy announcement which was pubtished for several weeks; and at Council direction, staff also drafted a Council Vacancy Policy, which Council approved at their July 14. 2009 Council meeting. in part, that policy states: "3. If there are more than seven applicants, on July 21, 2009 the City Council will meet aad adjourn to executive session to review and discuss all of the applications. After t6e review snd discussion, the City Council wiU return to open seasion to discuss ead select applicaats for jnterview. Setection wflU be by nomination and second. The setected applicaats wiU be iwterviewed by the City Council on July 28, 2009" OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION(S): Consideration of nominations: I nominate to be included as a candidate to intenriew July 28, 2009, for Council Position #2. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: Candidate Applicabons ~ crTY aF sraKANF vALLEv Is s~ ~ 1 f 707 E. 5prague 1~venue, Suite 106 ~~f'~~P44 ' Spokane Valley, VVII 99206 ~ (509) 911- I 0]D APPLYCATION F{]R CITY GOU1'►1CYL MEMBFR PUSI'TtON # 2 Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley oammuniLy as a member af [he Spokane Valley City Counail. To ae oansidered, applicaucros rnust be completed, Signed, and received at che CiLy C'lerk's afl"tce, 1I707 E. Sprague Averrue, Suite 106, no luter tban 4:00 p.m. Friday, July 17, 2009, (13te aMaiag mail will not be accepted). Applications may bs hand-delivered or mailed. Name: Beaulac D FredeficK {Last} (Middle) (First) t'omptece i Tome NI'ailing llddress: 3824 S Sandown Dr Spakane Valtey, Wa. 99246 _ Ifyau have lived at your current address less Ihsn one year, please iisr your previous addresses and swte haw tong yau iived at thuse residenae.s; Cnmplete Previnus Address Length of Tirme at th~.s Addmss iTome Phone: §09 9;8 7266 Fax: { } Busines.s Phone: ¢09 027 8357 C'ell: (508)943 968Q E-maif: Qjbeauamsn.cnm , UcGUpacion: (i!'retireI, please ':ndicate rormer occupaUon) Dpera#ions Mpr. Hatfield Enterbtlzes Businem Address: 1697SEEuclld Ave_ Spakane Valley. Wa. 99216 - Educational Backgraund: Oranue Caast CQtleaefi Cat State Universi#y Fullertan 1. Registered voter in 1he (.'ity afSpolcane VaIley? Y~es tC 1 Na t j 2. x Iave you conLinuously resided within the city Iimits of Lhe CiLy af Spakane Vajley for a year or rnore7 (St,ate law reqerires a councilmember Lu be a resident or Spokarie Valley for at least a year priar ta appointment, and ta be a regisuered vnter aL the ume af application. Yes bC J Na [ J 3. I1a~e you ever beerr convicted for any►hing oth$r thar► a minor craff'tc vialatiun? YeS I J NoL X J 3 4. t fyou arrswered "YES" tn 43 atrove, pleass explain; . 5. Do you or your spotse or any immediate family member (spauSe, childr9en, siblings* parents) have a rmancial interest ir, or are yau an employee or oflicer vf' ar►y businm or agency whtch does business with Lhe C'ity o(' Spaltane Valley? YES I 1 NU LX J If ym please explain: 6. ls any cnember ofyaur immediaLe family currendy employed, either full Lime or part time, by tbe C"ity af ' Spvkane Va11ey, or currenLly per!'orm any volunteer work for the. City aPSpokane Valley? YES [ J NC} IX1 If yes, please expfain: . a 7. 4JVould yaur appoinLmenl. creale acanfticx of interest or an appearance o!' a conflict af intermt? YES [ j 3dC}IKJ t t'yes, peease explain: Plesse list yaur employmant for the Mt ten yeam: NAME OF EiViPLOYER FOSiTION NEl.D DATES UF EMPLOYII+IENT Hatfletd EnterprYzes Operatlons Mgr. 712002 ta aresent Systerns Transpart Fleet Mgr 411956 to 712002 9. Please list the proressianal atl'i1iat4vns,, clubs, social, or fraternal argani-raLioris w which yau belang or hold oMce: Hansxman Yaltey Men's Glub 10. Flease IisL your special skilts andlnr interests: 1 I. Please Zist your vnlunteer experienGe, and include any volunt.eer or paid posiLions held on any governmental baard, cammittee or commission: Spakane Valtey Plannlna CommLssion FRONf3003 T01212008 FRflM: TO: FRUIVI: TU: FRUM: TU: 12. Why am you inLerested in serving in thiS inLeripn posiLion as a Spokane Valley City t4au,nciImembec? I thoroughly enjoyed my earller tenure orr the planning comrniss[on and wou[d like ta continue #o be inuolved In growing Spokane Valley. The rewarods of giving back to this cammunlty are ex#remely . _gratifyinqpl us it w+auld give rne #he apportunity to werk with people i respect and enLoyed workfnq with previausly. My backgraund would also allow me ta be a knowlsdgeable member of councll and 6e abie to be up to speed an mast Issues within a vety shvrt time. t 13. What are the thre.e highest priorities you betieve the City needs to address? IIow would y4u propose to addness these issues? . 1. Elimona#e confltct between Spokane Yalley and Spokane County. The path evuncil is now taking needs to be continued 'and direct communicatlon be#ween the , ' two municipalities must be maintained before refatlonships are strained and turned aver ta the justice system to be resolved. 2. Realize that these financiat #imes are uncharted waters for many Spokane Vailey citizens. Spokane VaIley needs to make decisions with this In mind when farmulating policy that affect.s the aopulace of Sookane Vallea makina sure all flnanciat decistons are Qrudent justifled. and fully funded. 3. Make sure there is adequate snow remova! In Qlace for the uQcoming winter. I# wleter snow removal In 2009 Is2nyCt,hlpg similar to whaf we e►xp.Srianced last Ve2r It Is imnerative we have a snow removal plan In place. In tafktng to family, friends, and co-workers this Is an issue that needs to be handted In atimelv manor. I am not sure there is an entitN larqe enough to handle this job other than the county so I would make sure a mechanlsm was In Qiace to secure the services of the county to handle th1% n snlte ot-wJhat has transpird oreviously befinreen S op kane Valley and Spokane Coumy. 14. I Iave yau ever auended a meeting otthe Spokane Valley C'ity Council? YES [X j IVU L j tfyes, give an estimaLe of how many meetings you have auended in the past year: approx 6 In 2008 15. Appointment tu the City Council witl require your attendance at numemus regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expeeted to represent the t'ity of 5pokane Valley by serving on various regional cammissions, cammittees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy w participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City t'ounciI. YES [ X] NU [ ~ 16. References: Please list name, address and phane number. p~ anca er :%S 15 E3a c Snekane Vallev 1Na 2,9906 eh 509 Q51 3970 2. Julle Wilson 9817 E Archery SRokane Vailey, Wa. 99206 ph 5O9 899 2004 3. Brian Pape 12109 E 25th Ave. Spokane Valley, Wa. 94206 ph 509 998 7183 Unce submiued, applications and retated rnaterials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and will appear in the Council agenda paGket for the August 4, 2009 C'ity Cauncil study session meeting. Interviews are tentatidely scheduled for the evening of July 28. Sele.cted applicants will be noti(ied of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final actaan appointing a candidate to elective off ice wiil take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur August 4, 2009. No City elected ofticer shail hold any other oftice or employment with' the Spakane Valley t`ity governmenL Signature: . Today's Date: ~ ~ 07-15-09 F03.22 IN , CUY OF SP'OKAM YAL"Y ! I707 E. 5Mw Avemz~ Suite 106 - Spokm VeQey. WA M06 • (50) 921-1040 APPUCA1'iVIwT FiDR C[fiY COIINCIG POSrlrfON# 2 Thank yau for your iaftmst in mviug the Spubne Valiey cou,aaaamity m amanba o#'fhe Spvkne Villey CiW Cou"L 'Ib be cowidemd, appgcatim mmt be ocmpietA s*u4 aud ?eceivcci at dw Ciqty Clerk's offite, ] 1707 E. Sprague Aaw^ Suba 106, no kkt tim 4:W pAL b'ilayf Jub►17, 2649, (bte anbft msU w111 sot be aoceptei}..A.ppdicat[ons mepr be haad4e&endorrnabd. Nmw. Grabs DesEn (AM) (Fira) Complft Home MzMqg Addms: 10521 E. Farat Drnfe- ftalpm-Va~y_ Wa 9~2e~ _ If you haYe levad id yaur cment adt~ss tea ftn ane ]aa', Ptme Hst yaw pte+ntm addresses and stda how laag you lhed st th= resitiences: Gmplebe Previons Addreas Ungth of Tl.me ~t Ob Addren Home Phone: (509 ) 828-SM _ gax: @W ) 92440841 BuslamPhone: (50 922 28i2 Cell: (50034M9 E-nWiL. 8t S@attnet U=pW= (ifredrd, Plem h4caft bwrer oopqmdon) seff-eme!gyed busirtess av~er - L*ess Acidness: 18'f24I E. 5?praqr.te Arre. S"~okwm1~,yjWM fi9V Badgconnd: BA EWU, 99M 1.ltegistmW votex in ihe City of Spokas Ya1W YeS[ X] Na [ ] 2. Have you conrtinuousTy tWded wWw ft ft Un-% ofdw Cily of Spakm Valiey for a ywor mamT Mm law req,uirw ato be a resideat of Spokme 1TaUey fiar a# ]east a yen ptior to *Mlntmw#, end to be aregMaW votu at the time af appUcadan. Yes I X] No [ ] 3. Have ycnever toa cwuvicwd fior aaydog o&cr Om a minor traffic viotOon? Yes [ J Ida [ X] 4. Ifyou anwmaad "Y£S" to #3 ebom g?mw explaiw . s. Do yan cr your spo= or any fameWme &an* sm*w (spcuse, cMdreq, slliuS4 Pamis) have s!'mauc381 i.ntmva ai, or we you m aoaRloyee ar cffk+er of any budness or aaeaay w6ich does busTm= wilb the. CitS► of spokam vaUey? YES [ ] Na tx ) Wyes. ~lme w*aln: _ b. b =y member ofyaw finwdeate fimilY cwmttY cmA*etL efter M time a►r pacc dme, by t6e cityy o€ Spokm VaIIey, or ==dqr Pe&xm mF voIunt,eer vmk fiior the Cfiy of Spolrme YaW YES f I NO IC] ifm pleme exglain: - - COLII'fCll pg 1.max r ~ 7. WmW youa sppaiWmen# c3 ca6e a oanflict of interm or an appmwm of aconflitX ofiakm? YiS[] NDIx; lfYes, ph= exPlaia: 8. Piem list y+auc emooynmw ft ft put tm years: NAMiB OFII4iFIAY'ER PQSI'i'IQNHnD DAIES OF EMDWYAMW [3rafas lnvastnenl. tm ~r 30 + wars SpMpua and SuOvari Sforage • • R t3mfOS Corts#ur.lion 8 Ueveloomertt 4. Plcrose list the pmfasiromal OlUbdons, ch~b96 soaW, ar fiukraat orgaa'p, & - ' w whkb yon bdmag ar hold offi= Chtmh esf toatbnai & phfsrftroPlc lodne. Post memlasr CV Boaebr C~ & sdcat votabaer, past lCwaffs member, past Spokane Brd of ReaRaars, past Spakane Womebuldem and #amter churdr boatd mernber 10. Piease Iist yaw speraal sialls andlar interests: RoM Estafis 8raker and de►+abaat over 25 yeana. Busbmsa awner 40 + yem l]. Plm+a rig Yaw vokmmw aqxr!=ck aasl Mude =y vcdunteer +tr paiti posifim held on any gaveramcntal boad, oomninee ar commWc}n: Central Valtev Schools Volurttaer iR4M: 1980's TO: 20M K[vfttds (Took leave fia carg fiar+hmnreaW M motiw) FRO11A: 'PO: Clwrctt govem3nq boaMf ard phUrdhroQic orqanhation FR~DM: TO: ffefte service Reivgee mertEQr ard assbbuoe FROM: 1990 M _preserd 12. Wby ere Yau iatmstied ia swvimg ie this tntmiom pasidan as a Sgakam Yalley City Ciuac#lntemlxer? I tave been imroNed Fn bnd development commocciW end rasiderUal corebon wtd moning bsues ba#M es an oamuer and manaaw fbr ower 30 vears. 16effew mX"eriartcn and ldacMraund in resoorWb% and sustatrtgble budriess models can serve ft cWmem of tho Cftv of Sqalarta VatteY In a posffw masuor. As a resWerit manied hnto e Va11ev #emUr that ~ here in the 19M% I em deeolv ir~d in flft rommunitv, not onlv 1hraunh 6u*kom btd ematrarmRy, hgvbM ldsed two dilthen Eem. I 6efeve m to ~o te of the Valbay. and feeS tMt es we move tbrwayd. wa rteed ta star tna to aw own uniaue atWM@s, and rot ta the %islaff of autdde oonwltarfis. councii pg 2.max ~ .o . ~ 13, What Bm ffie Lkree }dghat p&Mes yWI bdlk'4'8-tb6City A68d4 liD 8ddms? HQW W+0[Id J/Q11 piapQSe, to add!'eS8 be$ ISSUM? • f. Fiscal PICGOLInftbM~y, Tmp0rsOft, af3d t8n'bpamliG'y StIOLIld 8b8yS bB a pdofti13C goY83'#111T@rvt 8GtiQ11. A1I parto yaar spencft ar~ budgA 6nlbrmatfon diould 6e avaPrabla iro the pubfic on ihe fiftmet GcVemnrerrt seabor emptoymant and beneft shmufd not ovatsado+rii ard e~a~eed #he p*ata sectar.The G"ity of Spokare Va(Iey'b owm bu! tm 9ars paht to htoa budW dsfims b]► 2C74 arscomr. TfneEk ecODn muQt hie taken. 2, StroamUre snd mraid du¢ffcaftn of essentW senrbm and cr+eraW epoeffve vyorkirw relatiormWtp wi#h a#har govemmerrt errt[bsi especlaflj► Spakwto Cowdy, the Cft of Spnkam, aM i.ffieriy Lak,a. Budgefary d~aIIecges may resui# fn oansatidated or aambbnd sendoss, whlch couid Provde ihe least eapenmla and most beneftial msuftforitta hVayor~s of aw dLy. The kftmsfs and packethoalCSot'the topayeES must oome fml &avhg doftm. not spending them, and mkimal govemmant ere #le gaahL 3. Reeare s setm of communftjr; You doNt bdd goadwiQ in yPotw cammu* byvtop davm," heavyhmrided behavior. To #ha average adwn, whator a pvoprtjr ovnnet, devebper, arjtmte tLcpayer nssdirV svme esWam, clealtrtg wft1► Cffjr Man I& riot a pteasard expedence. C*ad gotiremarce and camrnuricaSan bad b pomTw reiatbnWps at an lavehL 14. Have you em sttended anmeft of the SpokaneYalley CSUy Comxg7 Y65 jx ] ]dO E~ If yes, give ea estimeo of how man.y meetiap Yan have Mmded'ns tha put yaw. aver 2D kuhdirV study sessbns 15. Appoirttmem to the Ctty Caw=l witl requine gaw ummdmm at aummo rWinly scheduled a~'~d spacW meednA which generaly oc= +om 71a;dagr eveun99. C.ommcitmennbres are atso exp=W ta represW #ba City of Spvkane VaIlcY tysaviagan vanaus reeona! commissians, oamaittezwtdbnmds. Are yoa aWe #o cammit your dm eacl anew to parddpate fidly as a meamtea of d:e Spoleane Va1leY Ghj+ Courmil- YES [ x] NQ 16. Refbraww: Fleme W nanne, addmas 8nd phaarte nmmber: l.. Paul AMsan. Aftmmr 11315 E. 44tlL Ave. Spotcare Vailey. Wa. 99206 2. dave Hermam AttorneV 12340 E,Vaftvwav svoicane VaIIey. M. SM 8 3. .Jahn Kimser, Resl Estata Broker 11408 Er 45#h.Ave. SRotwta VaBay, Wa. 9908 OnCB S't1bmftU4 8(1plIC$i1onS and [abftd maustaS baCD1IIe tL puM1C TawTd SQidect lo pulZiC ifiSClOw[',, 8nd Will "m iA &E GOuncH 9gei& pdm for do Allgust 4, 2M City COundt Stmdy 5eWOtl mwffie, kmM91iL°S 81"e U-M-U- W-1V6lly SCWIded fDr the BvPdlitlg of Jubl 21L SBWemduppOemri'ffi WM b!? nOdfiBd of thB CitSadw6 mmdAwQf the IntwhBW Ofl#e SU appHeafim haVB bBII t0C83Ye& ruW acti011 app*ft Scaffidam #Q elaCl[Ye Of3m Wi1l tdB p1m in the open pn6HC mee&& 1wh?c1] IS mWcpted la accur 14.u,gxLgt 4, 2004. NO Citjr eleced affiFyer ShaII hrild arW other offlcac ar ernplayment vvhbin the Spokane Va1tey (5ty goveramimt Signa~~: 3'oday's Uete: 7I15J09 councll pg 3.maac 1 ~ crrY oF sPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (sa~) 921-1000 APPLicAT-ioN FoR crry coUNCIL MEnMER gosMoN # z T'banc you for your in#erest in serrving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Val.iey City Cvuncil. Ta be cansidavd, applications must be t,ompleted, sign4 and received at the City Clertc's offioe, 11707 E. Sprague Avenn% Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, Jn[y 17, 2009, Oate arriving mail wM nat be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or maileci. Name: + A3cs Cr~. ~~4n~~T41A ~ 9-ast) (Mddie) Mrst} CORIplefe ROffie Mai1IIg AddmSS, 'US A~ MAMEg IM 4;i WF- pWZjt. (A ~ ~►t~ If you have lived at your curreut address less thm ane yea, please l.rst yaur previous addtesses ahd sta.te how long yau Iivcd at t.hose reszdences: Cormplete Prevxous Address Length of Tlme s# tliis Address Home Phone: MR) 3 l,fi - LIL4 a$ Fax: 3 Busmess Phone: (SM QgDL- O Cell: QM qCt~-'U CL E-mail: LISMotJ F: 5 j,c~nq, AY.L-, CO cn~ OZ COM Occupation: (ifretired, pIease indicate far3nea occupa#ian) SIR_EzVvzz Susiness A.ddress: PWT.W R~ P%r% ~ Educartional Sackgraumd: 1 cig) som~ C.o 1. Registend vota in the City of Spoka~ne Valley? Yes [X l No ~ J 2. Have you conlinuausly resided wiffiin the city limits of the Gity of Spokane Va11ey for a year ar more? (State law requires e c.ouncilmamber to be a resident of Spokane Val ley for at le~tst a year prior tQ appoin#ment, and tu be a registered woter at the time of applieation, Yes [X ] No [ ] 3. Have yau ever 1een convicftd for anything other than a minor traffic vioMon7 Yes [ ] Na [J~ ] 4. tf ytiu answered "YES" to #3 above, please expiatn: 5. Do yau ar your spouse ar any irnmediate famUy member (spause, children, sibtings, parents) have a financial intsrest in, ar are you an emplayee or offcer of any business ar agency wIuch daes business with the City of Spokane Valley? YES C] Al0 lif Yes~ Please explain: _ 6. Is any znember of your immediate famity curnendy erhplayed, either ful1 time or part tune, by the Ciiy of Spakane Valley, ar cwrently perform any woiunteer work for the City of Spakane Vailey? YE5 I lNQ ~l If yes, please explain: } 7. Would your appainbnent create a canflict of irrterest or an appearanc:e nf a conflict of interest7 YES ATOD4 lfyes, piease eatphLin: 8. Please listyowr emp1oyment far the past t.en years: NAME UF F30LO'YM POSITIaN HELD DATES UF L[?3~MENT .Lb=PZMnjg&Vr _ ~~r~►-t~c~~s ~~,.x..~a 9. Please Cst th~ prafessional afffflations, clabs, social, ar fraternai organizations to which yau belang ox bold office: F 14. Flease Iist your special skillS andlor intemsts: - ez'Tij 5 YSTIEr~ ~Eslw 11. PIme lW yvur wolunteer exparience, and include any volurrteer or paid pvmitions held an any gove.munental baard, commnittee ar commission, QA0-PJVXN ~~A FROM: "TO: `r MNZt'S C~ 'VjAS&i FROM: /67 7'O: ~ FROM: TO; FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in th.is interim positian as aSpokane Valley City Councilmember? ~~t - 1 13. What amthe thrw highest priorities you believe the City neels #a address? Haw would you pxopose t+a addres.s dese issues? 14, Have you ever attended a meeting flf the Spolane Valley City Cauncil? YES NO r If yes, give an esdxnate of how many meetin,gs you have attended in the past year. 15. Appointment tu the City Council will nquire yauu attendance at numn~raus regularly scheduled and special meefings, which generally accur on'Iuesday evenio,gs. Caunc~lmembers are also expected to repremnt the Cit3r af Sgokane Valley by serving an various regianal c.ommmions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit aur time and energy #o part%cipate fully as a member af the Spokane Valley Ciiy Cauncfl. YES NO 16. References: PIease tist n.ame, address and phane number: -Slb-T~t CM-704y 3. 15~~ F-~ ZZ02UII R ~'1qq:?7 - Xrjil nAi q~~~~4 V. C)aoe submitbed, appucahabs and related materials become a public reoord subject ta public disclasure, and will aPpear i.n the Cotmcil agenda packet for the Augast 4, 2009 Gity Couacil s#udy session meeting. InteMews are #enta#ively scheduled for the eveting of July 2$. Selected applicarits vvill be aotified of'the exact date and tmne of the interview once a11 apphcadons have been received. Final activn appainting a caadidate to eIective office will 1ake place in the open Fublic meeting, which is aflticipated to oocur August 4, 2009. No City elected officer shalt hoid any ather affnice ent w' the Spatcme VaMey City government, Signature: Tvday's I3ate: ! 1/09 • F • In regards to questian #12 a#fihe application far City Council Member, ! am interested in serving as an interim City Counei11111ember far the C'ity a# Spakane Valley because Ifirst and foremost urant to serve my communixy. I feel that agoverning authority should fis#en to thase that have sent them to o#fice. l knaw and speak w" many members af this carnrnunity, from business owners to students, from thase with financial stabitity to those that are struggling to get by. l'hase that are entrusted to serve need to be aware of what is going an in their camrraunity and know not just wuhere it is going, but where it has been. 1 hawe fNed in the vafley my entire life. I remember hitting golf balls irtta a field that fs nnw fi.ill of houses. I wantto serve because I warrt ensure that this area continues to grow and prasper. In regards to questian #13, the thsee highest ptiorities that the City needs to address in my opinion are the lacal ecanomy, public safety, and making sure that fihe ►noney entrusted to the City is spent wisely and efficiently. Far the local economy j am a firrn believer in a govemment that gaverns th+e least govems the best. What I mean by fiha# is, the government needs to rriake it atttaetiue for businesses to move into aur area not be a hindranee. Whether that fs tax breaks to relocating businesses ar some fOnl'1 Ot iE1CERt1Ve, govemment shauld play that type of role. For public safety the City shouid explore the mos# cost effective ways to improve the fire and palice coverage ih vur eommunity. UVhether that Is cantinuing the curren# arrangement of contracting with the county or nat that area shouid be examined nat jus# for the present but for the iang term cost as well as the aspect af whether or nvt we are praviding the best possible service to the eommunity. The revenue of the City came from the people ~ and businesses of our community and therefnre does not belong to the gQVemmen# but to the peapie. 1Me rreed to insure that their tnaney is being spent wisely, and shouid constantly be looking at ways to improve efficiency in the various departments af government. Taxe$ by their nature are a necessary evil that should be dane In a way that poses the Ieast possibte obstructivn to the people and businesses in the community. lf we take only what tF}e govemmen# needs to operate #hat is rnare money in the pockets of peaple which will ultirnateiy help our econamy. I want to thank yau ahead af time for your cvnsideratEOn of my applicatian. I feel that•I wauld bring a different type af outtaak to the Cauncil and same fresh ideas. 1lovk fonward to tatking to you soon. ~ r RECE VED JUN 2 3 2009 - Gi'fY OF SROKAPIE VALLEY Cl7Y CLERK CffY OF SPOKANE YALLEY 11707 E. Spsague Avemue, Suite 106 Spokane Va11ey, WA M06 (509) 92I-1004 APPLICATION FOR GITY COtUNCIL A+iEMgt_PUSIITON # 2 Tbimk you far yow- intwest im serving the Spokaue Valley cammunrtjr as a member vf the Spokane Vagey City CounO. Ta be camsidewd, applieWons must be completed, signed, and received at #he Cifiy Clerk's olnae, 11707 E. Spmgue Avenue, Suite 106i no latet' than 4:00 p.m. FrUsy, My 17, 2049, (1Ste a1rivmalt wll Q[1t be acoepted). Applicatious may he h,and-d$Iive.red vr mmled. lvame: &kAYI:EF~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~~zu) (Lost) ' Ad~: ~(ol77 S~dl 5v~ ~~ef~ H MMyMDK If you h$ve lived at yaur cuntnt address less thm one year, plem list yaur previous a ftessesax~d ~e how lang D37 you lived at thase resideam: Complete Previon,s .Address Lengt~ of'Ihue st thus .Addrm HEme Phoae: i'i u% C,-~ ~ ~ F= Busimss Phons• ~~I ct 21 ' Q-Z72 Cejl. ai W ' 173 (a &mmfl: e R"A"q Gu $~s Qi wo Q.C-o m ~3ccupattian: ~'if r~z~d, piease aad~cate fo~mer ~ccupation) ~'~I I~1 BvsinewA*hws: 2(o D-t ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ 0a07 ~ Edurafional Backgrauncl: j3A F~ ~NW4 Of ~ ~ UgAED~1qk 1. R*sired vater in tha Gity of SpokaneValley" Yes a No [ l 2. Have yon cantinuously resided widiin the c.ity limit$ vf the Citjr vf Spokane Vallcy fDr ayear or more? (S1ae ' law raquires a c:oun~ilm~r ta be aiesident of Spokane Valley far at Ieast a year priar to appain#nnent, and #a be a regisurbxi voter at dke time of application. Yes 1 No [ ] 3. Have you ePrer been convitcted for anything other &an a minor traffic viaiaflon? Yes No 4. If yrau amswered "3ES" t+a #3 abave~ Fleme Wlain: 5. Do you or your spause ar aay immedia#e family menbo (sgouse, ch7dren, siblings, parents) have a fiuaaa~ioi i- - - at in, or are you an emFlayee or officer of any busitiess or agmcy which dnes busin+ess with the City of SpaksneVa11ey7 YES j] NO If yes, Flem explam: 6. Is aay member of your immediae familY curreatly empIoyed, either fbH time or part time, by #he City of Spokane Valley, or cmrently pefvrnt any voiuntew work far the City of 5pokiae Valley? YES NO a{] If yes, please explain: 7. Would yaur appnin~ment cream a cnnf lict of interest or an appearance af a canflict af ktemt? YES NOW If y►es, Please explaia: , 8. Pleau list yaur emplayaient for the past ten years: NAAM OF EMPIAYER POSMON HELD DA►TES OrF~PLOYMENT 9. Please list the prafessianal sffilMons, ciubs, social, or fraternal "s to w~aiEch u belang c~r h,ol office: ~'C~~ ~ (.5 Pi1 l ~E~ 1 onDMN... ~ ~ pARKstos c~wlM.S. A&SoconoA 10. Plme list your special slcills andlar intemm: 11. Plesse list your valunteer eiTexieuuce~ and include any voiumteer or paid pvsi#ions he]d on aay govanmmfial bowd, ccynnnaittee ar commi.smom: FROM; To: - M t ~ 3 FROM: To: C.~ MgM-'- ~ PR,OVOC2 ~MXW 71MEM rRvM: To: ~ ;S&1)5~~ 7 PRt-S. Mom:~~ 5 TO: C►t~RREK)T PgXS-LW 0W~1 V& WM i 12. Why are you interasted in serving in this itztmim position as a Spokane Valley City Counc'slnaember? T 0 ~ M"~ 3 ~ Y G~MS C) MA N) NtiZMMT` WIN GS5> ~ OIQS ~~~IE~MM- TD DF- gb"jr7- V&-LIE-Y 'T-1D TH-CS-.7 D ~W&j OF- / r ' 13. What are the thm bighest priorities you believe the City needs tn addrm? Haw would yau pmpose to address these issues7 Tk4-E nWt~R I-U t~ F0 R KIZ WC-7.S5 CRE) t~~ ~ MPWn [~W W U-14 W T14~.= CJ-`y' . -1-b AUDMAS9 T"k's TRE C-L~ ~auua ~v CL. c m~~r WI) r ~ ~ TH-G +ft-Wl 3 1 4•Y4 OF TWILDN&S t (2) c-MP-Gt4f Wft ARG- o PP~DQD iD 11*;~ CAN ~ t~C ~ CAMFDt=DM I . ~"~D ~l NG ~-1 S '~r~ y ~l)l ~,U* TA~PIS UMMVN1 CAMN~, ~ ~.,~~i Li 9 .~~10~ c) N A ~ S t D~ D ~-1 S 1 SS~ ~ i ~ liAg Or- T4S ~ky "ZRILanka- MVPXFMQQ4r ~F 1141;7 LA -CIW ~~IAM~~ Mff d211-4 T41S N%XY Bur s~40~~~ ~O~X vJ t Tt-~ PA11K)CC I~WD 1t,J smh~~.~ 14. Ha.ve you ever atfiencied a meeting afthe Spmkane Valley City Caunail? 3'ES ["A 149.1 1 Ifyes, g,ive au estimate afbow many meetings you have atbend€d ia the past year. DO am ~F CLLI-L 15. Appoiuftent to the City Cauncil waai requixe yaur attmdanoe at numeroys reguimly scheduled and speciaI meehngs, whic.lz gmerWly occur cm TuaWay evenings. Coumcilmembers am aLso expec#,ed to represmt the City of Spokane V$t1eY bY senrin,g an variaus regional cammissions, aommittm snd boards. Are yan able bn commit your tim$ and eaergy tv garticipate fuffly as amember afthe Spakme Va11ey City Council. YES Od I3U [ l 16. Refereaaces: Please list nwne, address and ghone nunxbex; 1.-MR c R ~-~o~~l~ ~=s4 t 1 ~1C _ 2M -~t~'7~q 2.PJANIN CXN~M~~It- 5Pc~~~~ VWLS-Y ~ ~ SC910~~ l~, S , S~~,,~ . 801 1s~ -ZI~MID~- So~ *~.0 s~~~ v~~ 4142.0 51A -35 3 -;2SO . Once submided, apglicatiion~ aad xetated n~at~-ial~ become a public reoard sub,~ect ta gubl~c cii.~iosu~re, and wiil apper in the Cou=U agwda gacket for tbLe Augus't 4, 2049 City Cartmcil study smion meeting. Intt~rviews afie teg#sdvely schedided far ihe e►ening vf ]ujy 28. Selected applicaats wM be notffled of the eart date and time Qf ttse intwview once aII apgli~atian~ have beea rewived.. Final action appo`mting a cmlidata ta eiective office wiil take place in #he vpea gublic meedng, wbich is anticipated to occur A.ugust 4, 2009. No City elected officer shall hald aay other affi.ce or emplqment whbin the Spokane VaUey City gw~ent~ S• • ~ ~ ~ ToWY Datr.- 06 i-( ~i~ i r RECEIVEb . Ju~ ~ 4 2DO9 crrYvaFsgoKAMVAIA" Cmr oF SpOKAME vAM" 11707 E. Spragae Aveaue, Stute 106 Spokw Vallery, 'VVA 99206 (509) 921-1000 AP.FZ.ICATION FOR CI.TX COUNCIG 14MMBER POSTITON # 2 Thank yau for yaur hftrest ia so-viag the Spakm Valley communBjr as a member of the Spobme Va1ley CltY Co►nttcil. To be aQnsidevd, %Vlicadors ~ust be rampleted, signed, end rweived a# the City CIeWs officei 11707 E. Sgrague Aveaue4 Saite IUb, na [ater dm 4:00 p.m. Frids9s Jnly 1'7, 2009, (Ute arrhft mail wm aat be accepteid). Applications may be barni-deUvated ormaHed. Nsme: _~rl~' 55 ~d` /,?o +r A ~ IV !e)/ V~) c~~ ~ ~ ~a~: 13 C o s'IA If you have IWW a# y= cun=t addrm less t~an m yM please 1is# your previous ad&wm sad swe how loqg you lived at #two resideaces: CompIcte Prc^vQaus Address Y.ength of 71me at Os Address Home Y'hone: (To) 7A 9 ~ I(E, L.5" Fax: Business Phane: Ce1: (6eq . &mail: ['ockoS~e 4) GoMcA S n e- I'vb~eS~~r~~~ ~IYl~{t ~ • e-12 . ~ ~on: (if~, pl$mindic~ fia~ ~iern)RE'.}'t~ basiAtS5 e Business Addres,s: • ~ ~onalBackgrouad: C~~k5at I 1, RegsWred voter ia the Gity of Spokene VaRey? Yes I+1o [ l 2. Have yoru cautinuausly rcsided witWn the ciiy 1imits of the Cxty of Spakan,e Vglley far a pear or mo+e? (Stafie law requires a co er #i be a resident of Spnlane ValUey for at teast ayea prior to aand ta !xe a reg#sbareci v~r at tha #im.e of appl~t~lion. Yes [?(]No [ l 3. Have you ever bwn coavicted far aayfiing oth.er tbia a minor traffia viaMan7 Yes [ ] Na [ 4, Ifyau answered "YES°" to #3 above, plme eVlain.: 5. Do you or yaur spouse or eay immediate fanity member (spouse, children, alings, parents) birve a fmaacial iitres# in, or are you an empbyee ar offiicer vf any business aF agen.cy which daes lusinem with tbe Gity of SFobneVW1eY? Y'ES j] Na 12() Yf yes, p1ene earplaiti: 6. Is any msmber oFyaur immediate family ruavatly emFloYed, either fiil1 time or put fime, hy the City af Spokaae Valleya or cunvndy Perfonm any voluaafm work for the City crf Spokne V'ellery7 YE,S []NO [X] If Ycs, please explain: r 7. Woutd your appomtrneat creeft acanflic# of hrtmvst or an ~ce of s conflict of intmzt? YES j] NOW If yes, plsase explsin: . S, Please li.st your en*oymettt fvr iffie past tea yera: NAME O►F EAIPLOYE$ P4SMON HELD DATES OF EMPLOYII+ENT 9. Please list #he pmQfessional a~liations, c1ubs, socK or fiSternd ns ta which you beloAg oar hofd office; l4`t?ju a 10. Please list your spectiai skills and/ar inwres#s: [I-'r Mq6eA+jy OtS qL~j e C~ l 1. Please list yaur vobmtm expmfieace, asd include any volvnteer or paid pasrtivns held du ffity govcmmenW bOaTd, OOIDIIIItCEe, Qr CommiSStOA: ~ ~ ca 6he!`i DeA 4- FRoM: ro: FRvM: M. ~ 1~'~ e Q 6, 1~`1~-~-c, ~ fRom: TO: 27 n?g", F~.4M: TO: ~ ! 12. Whyare you iate~este~ in mrving inthes interim positian as a Spolmnc Vallcy Citjr CauncgtYteamber'1 c~ize~ w~ [t_ dj,4&W f- ci ~ . , ~ C.aPA fr► kn t ~ S~C.,n~p leck ~lf,uj ~55%~esj nAc.lhf- he.t,p I ive dj,-~~Ce- t-00 , . e-J►o qr "I Ik~~A LPd- VEI A ~ ~ Y 13. What m tle th= highest priorities you believe the Ci#y ne,eds to adciress7 How would you pmpase to addres,s these issues? dttlY ~ ti~ ~ Re-V I 4Qe1iZ.-~10AI I At vqlley i'e k Cti't dn S . 14, Have you ever atbanded a meeting of the Spokane `Talley City Cowncfl? YSS Nfl ] Ifyes, give aa estimae of huw many meetinp yc►u bave auended 'rn ~e pmt year. 15. Appointment to tkre City Councal will mpiire yaur Wtm.dance a# numemus ngululy schedu]ed and spedal meatiMs, which geaendly ac= on Tuesday ev+enings. Cauacilmeaabers are slso expected to reptse~t &e City of Spokane VaUey bY wrving an vadous =pond commmons, committws an,d boards. An you abie ta vommi# yaur tiate aad eneigy to partickxft fiill}► as a menler of the spokane Vauey city CowcH. YES f J NO 16. Refemcm: Ptease 1W name, addrss and phorne number: 60°) - 19L-7 ~ ibo(a 'L ~~e~~c►r.~ . 2, "5'01 p~ Kqm Vgtiteg 3. POtua Pe- ~r~n ~'6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~v IrC~.r~►e. y Once su'brnitted, Vglicatians and related materials become a pubUc remd subject to public disclosmu, eud vviA _ appear in tJe Coumcll sgenda packet for #he .Au,gu,st 4, 2009 City Council shudy sessian mEeetasg. Intaviews are waWvely schedul.ed for the evening of 7nly 28. Selected aEppffc" wtli be natified af the cmt drda and time of #he imtwview omce all agglic~i~s lYave been nceived. Fina1 actim apAnting a caadidame to electiae office vvU1 take place in #he opea publi.c m.eeft whiob is aa.tioipated ta oacatr August 4, 2009. No City eleated vfficer shag hold any o~~ o~ pl+a within the S 1aac Valley ~tY gov+~ment. Today's Date: -7//~ 09 ~ - I i FiECEIVED JUL I a 2V M LW CIT'Y oF5~~r~E yqr.r.~, CZT~' OF SPOKAI~ VAL~Y Cr~'' o~RK 11707 13. Spugvo Awe=, Suit$106 Sgokm.e Vafleyr, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 A"LICATIONFOR CT1'Y GOUNCIELBOME'R P'OSMON# 2 Tbank you for your interest in sewing ft Sgalmw Yaffey canmamity as a rnember of ft 5pokam VaUey Cit9 Cacmcg. To be oansidomd, wplicaflons must be completed, nod, md mccivcd at ibe City Clwk?s offiice=1170? E. Sprww Avenue: Suito 106, no later than 4:00 p.m, Friday, July 17, 2004, (Iate arrMag msn will aa# be acceg p1icabvAS uay be band-delivend or maxled. Name; ~ ' k Gte5fd Aw-cas for/ U" aaq) Camplebe Home A~ling Adctr=: ~Q fiat~~~ A e~ I fqaru h m hvw at your cx r r e a t a d dr ess Im t bm ow year, p l ease hst your pwvi&s a d dmms and ~ a F v~ an; g . you liFed att those resi+den.ces; J gth at "~tinne at #i~is Address Ca~ ~e 'o dd~ss e~ ~ ~ ~ Home phane: (s o$ PA~ D 3 Fax Businm Phone; ( } ceu: &mai3: ~ Occupvfion: (if 6fied, please indicae &rrner accupadon) Businew A&=: B~c~tia~l $a*grxrwd; .e J-C~ Lqo6redz _ A.Sgg2 c 1. Regi.stexed voftr in the City af Spokaw Valley? Yes [iJ Na I l 2. Have yoa cwtinuc3usly resided wi#hin tlw +city lims af the Gti.ty of Spakaae Vallay for a year vr mcm? (S#ate Law roquims a comcilmember 1o be a resident of Spokmu VsUey for st leasrt a yeer priar to sppoinmwt., ancl to 6e a iegistnd vater at tbe time of applicatiouL Yes C~] Nv [ ] 3. Have you erer been conrvicteci for aayddag oflw #han a miaor trafflc violation7 Ye8 No ~ l 4. H you answered `IM" W#3 abave, plem eMlain: . 5. Do you ar yaur spouse ar anq . . &mily membar ($p+ouse, children, siblings, pmtds) haire aflamial iftrest in, or an you aL emplayee or vfflcer of any buskess or agmcy Wbich daes Nsiness with ft Ctty af Spol=e Vall+ey? YF-S NO Loo-*j Ifyas, p1ease explaia: 6. rs any member ofyour mmediate fmilY cmrenrt1Y employed, eiffier fuR time orpart time, by tb.e City of i7~~ VWlcyi or ounmdy po&m aay voxunteer work for ffie City of Sgokaue Valley? YBS []'NO If yes, pleme e0ain, , 7. Would your ~nent cremft a cmflict af interwY or an apgeamcae of a canflict of inftreW YES []N4[rT If m P~ww evlaia: B. Piease list your emplvynent far ffie gast ten yam NAME OF EMEPLOYEt POSMONHFLTJ DATES OF EMPL[1►Y11EN7` ~ • t.F ~ ~ 11991 1 ~ O 7; 'Q.4 VC d.~ MAii( 9. Plesse list the prafessioaal affifiatians, clabs, social, ar frdeniai arg~a%~#ons to whir,h yau bdong or hold afflcse: a !►t~ c ~ C~► S ~ ~ F, 10, Please list yonr speaal skiRs aa.cUor intbroo: 1,9IY r t r ~ f if&-( 4 Yi1your 11. Please v.aliqntear experience, and include any vohmteet ar paid positions held vn any g+overnm board, conmrttee ar commissivn: t.a F'ROM: TO; 7~r 52/ ~ ~ F'RON~: 'TU: Me- / A FRO11+l: TO: ~ 6 tb 01CA f 'a rJ1 FROM 1'O: ~elo° ~ 12. Vihy sre y€ra interesfied iu serving in Ns inftrim position as a 5pokan,e Valley City Councilmem'ber? ~ , ~ ~~~~.~-~-s ~ ~ ~-~~~~t~ . ~ ~ ! ~ ~t t-~.5~ ~ Il ~ ~10•~, ,~'t',S ~ ~ ~ « _ . 13. Vhat m ihe tbm highest piiorities yau believe the Gity nwds ta addrem? Haw would you pr+aptrse ta address t~se issues? + ! ~ k , ~ ~ ~11 e -v LAJ , A.&.0to cOs~- 0 ~ ra 1 , ~s 4VA {~ao e efiS:He. ~ . rokS61-4 A ' §0r#&,1 . 7" , ~ e ' R u ~ J*rA 14e~ . . ~ r C~ +-m-are- r~~~ rC 14. Have yau em attended amteft ofthe 5pokane VaUey Cirtyr Cmmcif? YES I ATO ~ If ym give an esbrnate of how many meetiags yau have aftnded in the past yew ~ r4P ec ~ 15. AppoiWnent to #he City CouncU wiU rec,uin yaaur aWatd.anae at mmerous regularly scheduied and special meetinM which geueralZp occiu on Tuesday eveubp. Cauncilmembers are also wq=ed to repment Ihe City o£ Spokane Vattey by sez~ing on various rezion.al commiidans, wmmft= ud baaids. Are yau able to comaeit paus #ime aad energy #a participo fuly as a member v€tbe Spukano VaIIey City Camn6l. 3E5NU 16, R.+eferenaes: P1e,aw ].ust amoo address mi phone number: 1. ~ IL;PL Z7 jyA. I 'A izIA 2. Ta e. IL ff a4~ I r,, -04 #a a . 3zs --~t3 V4 3. 5 C + U,2 0 ~ S*J&#A 9-1, Ave ~ Qflou sdbmiftd, applicatianB and relaubed ma#,eriala became a pablic record subjed to public disclosare? md will appoar m the Couticit a,gen& packet fbr the August 4, 2009 City Cvumcsl sludy assion nYwting. Interviews a~e tPnt dvely scboduled foribe eveaimg of JWy 28, Selec#ed applicsnts wffl be notifed of xhe exact date and time of The iftrview onoe all apphcadons bave bmu remived. F'naai actioa appoin#~tg a caadidae t,o efective affice will take plwo in the opea pubTic meeting, whxch is aatLeipakd t4 occar August 4, 2049. Nv City ~lected afEcer shall hold any odter offtc or employment witbathe SpQkaae Vatley Ctty pve~ . Si~: Tad,ay~'s Date: 0 ~ ~ IAOO,. , ti . # cM oF UoxAM VAII" JUL 1o G,~~ ~ 1.1?+~ E. Sparague Aveane, Suite 106 c~,~~4LLI~v SpakaaeValley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 AF`FLICATION FOR C1TY COi]NGIL AMMBE.R P05MON # 2 Thank yau for yanr iftmt in seaving th.e Spokane Vaey aammunity as a-member of the Spokane Valley City CouaciL To bc acnsidered~ applicati,cm mxst be camgteted, sigaed, and rewived ;qt the City► CleWs offiM 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 146, no !a#er than 4:00 p,m. Friday, XW 17, 2009, (late arrivbg msil WM nat be accep#ed). Applicatioas miry be hand-deliverad or maUed. Name: __4RR. ! J1d C/a.(' S 't WA ~ '(First) Com-plete Home Pvlaileng Address; 42 <Zo 6 Ifyou have lived at yaarr cunr~nt addr~a less t~an h one ~►ear, pIease 1is~t your ous eddr4mes and swe tm you lived at those residences: Complete Frevioqs Addtess Leagth of Time at t6is Address Home Phvne: ~ ~4~ ) Fax: f ) Husinas Phone: { ) (:ell: lrqc? ) AEZ$( ~ r r . 4c,cu~tianr (ifrettr+~, please indica~ farmer occupation) Business A~s: ~ l 46 AJA~ AA C&7e',j_b . 1 e X, Xt FducEtionl Backgaund: I, .Regiskred vo#er in #he Cifiy af Spokane Vailey? °Yes)K ] N0 f j 2. HaWe you continuously resided wiihin the city 1.imits ofthe Ciiy► af Spokane Valley for ayear ar mare? (5"tate law requ'rres a couacilmember #a be a resident af Spokmae 'VaHey for at least a year prior to apgaintment, adtd tu be a rq'tstered voter at the time of applica#ion. Yes [X ] Na [ 1 3. Have yau ever been convicted for anything other thaa a minox ftft viaMon? Yes No 4. If yr,u nsmred `TO" t4 #3 abave, gleaste +eVlain: 5. Do you ar your spouse o.r any immsdiate fim* member (spovLw, c.W.tdren, si'blngs, parents) have a&anciaI iufierest h or are you aa employee ar officer of any business ar agency which dves busims with tlte City of Spokane Vauey? 'YEs rra rfM ~leme wcptain: 6. Is anny memberr of your immedida fiemiily cunen.tly employed, erther fall time or part fime, bY the City af 3pokaae 'Pa1]ey, or cmrently perfarm any voluntea wcttk for the City of Spokane VaBoy`1 "YES [ ] NOVj lfYcs, PIMe explaia: • 7. Wauld yaur appoinmtient create a conflict of in#mest ar an appeamar,e of a canflict of interest? YES NO[ t If yes, plme exglain: 8. Please list yuur employment far tbe past ten pears: NAME OF ENII?LDYER POSMON EELD DATES OF EMPWYAENT Xe~-r le /a, ~ 7AD 4 Z~I AIA J44) cj,~ ~ 4. Flease list the professional ~ons, chlbss sacial, or fiatenal orgmzofions to which you belong or bold ofEce: IJOA)C- . 10. Please IW your spmial slalls aadlar interests: ecle, -Z _ q~~, . ~ , L 11. Aease ust your vo1urd= experience, and include auy volunteer or paid pctssitions heId on aay governmesrtal baa4 carnmittee ar commission: J&V e. AIW dajr VdauiWFROM. T'O: tjolf ij ~ f~.SJU.~ ~ «k ~ 1'ROX- TO►: d~.4&JRQM: TO: ~ ox) ~ o dicl OTVT: 7"O; ~d • . I2. ~e y~~ ~ in s~n►tng m~~ thgos'i on as pA a e~$it~► Cri}~ ~vunailm~~befl ~ ~ 4 a/ ~ ~ 1/7 ,~~&-rA) ~ ~ f~ ~S ,rt~ ~P~d✓ ~ ~ c.~ ~ ~ ~ le . ~J~ I o ~ r*~~ ~ __O~- 4 f 4:~ ~ A ¢ je- ~~~~t vS . • a 13. Wbat are the *ree, highes# prior3ties you believe the City needs tv address? 301 would you pmpose to Vidmas these issQes?%Ce_ ~ ~ I ' ee C~~n ,-i- ~ i A--e ix~Pe .r ~R~~UJ~e cr?' v ZaLt &-z /"Ss[.ror zr~-,e /f 4t671--~.A)CY1 .r~`.r ~ 7~' -eP-Z t ~ . 5; ~ . , ~ 44411f e- 4:f-1,66 a/~6r C-3 kil, , CD AaS, ~ ti - 14. Have you vver atbandea a meeting ofthe spokane vauey City eouncil7 YLS [ 3 NO Ifyes, give an esfimate ofhaw many meehngs you have attended in the past year 15. Appoiatnent to the City Council will require yaur attendance st mmemus regdsrly schedded and speoiat zneadngA, which genmaW acxw Qn Tuesday evenings. Coumcilmeabers arae also expwW #a represenE the City af Spokame VaUey by saving an v$nious r~onal commissiau% cammi~s and ba~ds. A,re you able to oammit your time and eneW to partichWe fully a a memlor afthe Spok,me VaRey City C.vmwiI. XES ~K] ItiTQ [ I 16. Iteferences: Plesse list aamey address and phona number: 1VaRr4w-s.so t..V~W Or ~~~3~S~L ~~&)~~~•~~1~ I., _ ~9~I~ 3. I~C04cyeGv&M Au,~ 11&06 ~ t4eon jg&,ae &e ~ On+ce submitted, appliaafions annd reL-ded matmials bec+ome a public owrd subjesct to public disclasaue, and will appear ia the Counail agenda pwkef far tfle A.ugust 4, 2009 City Coonoil study sas.ioa meeiing. Intuviem are tmtativeIy scheduied far the ev ~e nin~ of Iuly 29. Sel~ad a~pplicanrts wil b~e nadfied of ~.e exact dete snd time of the inftrview onoe al.i apphcatioas have betm reoeived. Pinal actien aPPakrting a candida#e ta e.lecdve office will take place m the apm gubhc meefing, wftch is anticipated tv oacur Augus# 4, 2009. No City ~lected officer shall hold any ath~ o emplayment wit~un ~e SpolcaneVa11cY City governmetrt. ~ r Si~uture: ~ Todsy's D~rte: ~ 1 Charles W.Reinders 1 12506 E Thi,rd Avenue #1 Spokane Valley, Warshington 99216 (549) 994-4244 E-mail: cdreinders l'a~.comeast.net ~ Objective: To serve the people of Spokane Vall.ey as Council Member Exverience: 2006 -2Q09 A►mbftians, Inc., Spokane Vailey, Wasshington Ga*vet for develogmenrtally delayed olienlts Ferfonn household t~s Disgem medicaflons according t4 schedule and dasage Assist clients yn d.aily living wtivities Assist in • . . peaceful living environnent Communicate with Ambitians managers regarding bome issues 2005 2006 Cedar Summit Estates, Sgokane, Washingtoa Manager Show and rent Vartmen#.s MainUffi ProPertY C+allcet rents and other monies Tenant service Ptovide an-site security 19$9 - 2003 Famil.y RV, San Jose, Califoxnia Finance and rng=ce ManagerlCustomer Service Seem finarncin,g for recreational vehicle customers Obtain vehicle inswrance an recreativnal vehicle purchaws Prablem solving beiween m~nag~xnent $ud custom~ Asda with switchboard S#ore site securiiy 1987 -1989 Venture Vut of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, C.aUforni.a Finaace and bsumce Manager/Customor Service Secure financing for recreadonal vehicle customers Acquire reareational vehicle insvrance Sa1es + 4 • ChBtleS W Relnder3 I Resunle Fage 2 1984 -198? Camino Camper of Saa Jose, Santa Clwa, Califoxnia Finance aud nsurawe Mauager Seeure ~ing for recteaflonai vehicle customers Acqutte iecreational vehicle ftsurmce Edncatian; Riveftn High Schoox, Rrverton, Miaais Salutatvr~n Brown Busiuess College, Sgdngfield, Ulinois Business Mwqement Ger#ificate of Compxetian SlMls: WQrk in zelativnsb.ip with finen.cial instituti.ons to secume fiamcing Execu#e fiinancial m~nagement warksheets fvr laam quaiifcation Salesmanswp Render customer service Analyze custamer}s financial status to provide apFraPriate aredit service 4do 014< ~ VALT.~ 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 spoksne valley, WA 99206 (549) 921-1000 AP'PLICATION FOR CITY CUL]NG'IOL MEMBER POSTITUN #2 Thank yvu for yaur iatemt in serviqg #h+e 4okane Vatley comxnunity as a member of the Spokane Valley City Cauncil. fio be consider+ed, aPFlicadvns must be c.ompleted, sigaaed, and received at #he City Clerk's cffive, 11707 E. Spragtze Avenue, Suite 106, no la#et than 4:00 p.m. Fciday, July 17, 2009, (late srriving maff will nat be a+ecepted). Applications may 1e hamd-delivered ar mailed. Name: ~'lOIV"C:1 ka ~ ~ ~ -~e-- (M da) . I~Piete~tomem~~ - •~da~s:1"7 m. s~ c.►~'~1 r llc~.+~ Uwe- Ifyou - ~ have ]ived at your cunent address Iess than vne year, please list your previaus addmsses and state hovv Iong you lived at thnse residences: Comglete Frevfou$ Address Length of Thme at fihis Address ~ Home Phone: 3---0(o O r? Fac: Business Phone: ( ) CeII: { ) E-mail; IX i~- Y`rtV"ri c~~rd 00 Cov'rl cwi~~~ neJ- Occupadan: ('if retired, please i,ndicate fonmer occupodaa) re+;v-r-d _ rr ik r5-e-- Bnsiness Address: - ' ~I u[~ i tX !I~ u~~1 i~► ~C~~ Edurat~onal Sackgr+aund: -t-+o 01~8 `%VN ~ e bra51~. - ti ~1 1. R+egistued voter in the City of Spokane Valtay? Yes ] No 2. Have yoa cantinuanslp resided vvithin the city lbnits of the City of Spvkane Valley for a year ar more? (Sta#e 1$w r+aquhw a aouncilmember to be a resident of Spakene V'alley far at Ieat s year pnar to appointnm#, and Fo be a ree,stered vater at the tsme ofapplicatian. Yss ] No [ l 3. Have you ever been canvicted for annydiing atUer than a minor tmfflc viala#ian? Yes [ j No ] 4. If you aaswwered "YE5" to 43 above, please expIain: 5. Do you or your spouse or amy immadiate family member (spause, children, sf`blinp, parents) have a financial mter+est in, or arre you an employee ar officer of emy business or agency which daes business with t,he G`ity of sgookane Valley? YES [ ] NO [M IfYers, pime explatin: b. Is any menber vfyour imamediau6e family cuntntly employed, eith,er full fte or paR time, by the City of Spalune Valley, or cwrently gerfarm any volunteer work far tlze City of Spolane Valley? YES j~ rro E~ If yes, ptease explain: r . , 7. Would yorir appaintment create a Gonflict ofinterest ar an appearance ofa coa#lict af intemt? YES IwTOLA If yes, please explain: 8. PZease M your empl.ayment for the past ten yem: NAME OF EMPLOYER PUSTTIONREID DATES QF EMPLA3YMOM C 4'1 r' e 6 ~ Bry^ t- '~o 6I n ,n co~ti ~ i q ~0- l I~ car~ r~ ock9. Pleas the pmfes '.sal affli a#inps,~ubs, sacial, ffro hra~nal 13iZadODS ~q w~ ~rau belang nr hq)d orgo. OffiCe: C`rf1e~ '~'~'1 [ ~r ~ ~ - t"}~ ~.Ir' t Ca . ~~3 v~ ~~o5 c~ ee.~p c~ • Wot1'1m'"3 ~%.&A& C kc 6' np t a" 5,e f' me-mrbt-1r o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e •,.J 10. Ptease 1ist your special skills aadlar inferes#s: PM ponav4 0 S~b 1CAV1 V Wo je V-eA +Aq\ +'~'1 Cr~ p~ ~ t irt tA - Ci ~ ~ 11. Pie,ase list your voluntm experience, and include any volnnteer or paid gositions held an any governmentai baard, committee ar cammission: ~ OyNe, FROK TO: FROM: TI]: FRQM: T"a: FxxOM: To: 12. Why sre yov interesW in serving in this interim positian as a Spokaane VaLley City Couaci~mem.ber? -T W o~ te-A f Y1 *\e- ~ 6t mw3-e I wawxf eC r~~-~- ' . ~'L~~• w ~ 11' ~o t ~-1n0 (Adkl~ . ~ i ',~,~c ~ci c~ ~drrqlboctv- Iq ► ~.n ~r 11 -~-1►~~ e di o~n ~ dInIL . ~ OUw n at I o Vr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q-*si • r, ! ~ - ~ , Cur.pt • . ~ ~ 4F 13. What are the thm highest priarities you believe the City nesds to address? Haw would ydu prapose to address these issues? , 1. ~ ~0*41V 44►► e- Cuwre~,\t 3ktxv)6 i V))q 0~ C~~~ -Svt n (nm~K &5 ~'o►,r u ~ o i G~ ~ u ~1 c~ 4Qd~-' ' V ~ ~e~ c4; 2t-.en5', . f~j rt.61 ew 't n ' , c.e a Q%e 55 ...i . . AA\e- 00.1 wc o ~t . T<1,n5 . . • ~ . ~ . ~ v~r~or~ u*j 6.e- ~ Ct~~ ~.4=-" ) r ~ A-0 ~wtr-~~ ~ 1 me~' ~ n S ) ~ • cV-eA1~ USn%kC-S ex, e o\~~ h*~ CO~'"~~ di~O ~o c~. , - p .or ` ~ . . ~ M8 g`"C r S4C3 C&+dn c0^0-e-M3 r ero- 'Iy\ U0~' *j0~ O~ C~f~ M~ry\~ OF C~~lr~ ~'1 e-~f" C~ ~ 14. Trlave you ever attended a mee#in,g of the Spokane Valley City Councn? YLS Cl~j Nt? ~ a Ifyes, give an estimate of how man9 meetinp you have attended in the past year: o2-.3 15. Appointnenrt to tbe City Council v+vfll require yaur attendance at nuznerous regvlarly scheduled aud sgecial meeUngs3 wh'tch genearal.ly ac+cur on Tuesday eXenings. Cauncilmembers are also expected ta represent ft +City of Spokane Yalley by serving on various xegional comunissians, cammil#ees and toards. Are you le tv +commit yoar ~me and en~ ~ tn 'c' fully as a menber of #he Spokane Valley City Cvuncil. YES j~ N[a 16. Refermces: Plem listnma€ie, address and phone number: qQa, I t.sci ~ .~"1 +~,5 Av,~1 LC. 9W 1. , LtAce- &ir'C cor Gn b*15YNof,) q?o?.j oz* o` C 2. ~erVp,~ t.- 10 '~1. P t ~.+r-~c l~r.~. .1.3. [~t~ P3 q TZt) ~ ~ & t) s ~c 0 Ir • ~ . r~~ , ~ ~ 3. 0% eiC BC-VN rr,r') i c3 5g c3 u.~i C?nee subzni.tbed, applications and related ma#erials become a public rveord subject to gublic disclosure., and wiU ~ agpow iti the Council ager& packet for the August 4, 2009 City Council stidy sessian meeting. Iterviews ere tentadvely scheduled for the evening af Juiy 28. Setwted appfi=U will be notified of the exic# date and tmae of #he interview ance aU applicstions have been receivea. Final actioa app+aiating a candidaW to elective office wflI tam plwe in the apen pubhc meeft which is aut%aigated to oecur Augus# 4, 2009. No City elected offlrer shall hold aay ather office or employment wiUn the Spokane Valley Ci#y gov+ermnent. . SIg[1atm: AA. TOdaj►'S Date: 44~c e • . RECE VED JUN 19 1009 cTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY cfTY oF ccr~r ~E c AL~"~ 11707 E. Spagte Avenae, S~ 106 r' Spakane VaRey, WA MQb (509) 921-I000 APPIICATIOIY FOR Ll'I'Y G`oUNCU• A[FMER POSITION 2 Thank yau far your inderest ia serving the S.Pak$ne Velley commuoity as $ member of th,e Sgokane VaHey City Camci1.. To be wnsidW4 aPPlicWons muasE be compl" sigR4 gmd reeived at *e City CleWs nffioe, 11707 E. Spna,gue Aveaue~ Sni#e 106, no iatcr #han 4:00 p.m, Frgday, Jaly 17, 2409, (late arrkiug man WM aat 6e accept+ed). ApplicWau may be hand-delivered or maflexi. Name: q,ast) (~ir~t) 0 rom~gxete Hame wg Mdrem-1 OnrZ X- S PUMMV- - VAL~~ Z 4:M ,57 If you hava lived at your cuout addiess le.ss than oae year, Plme tist yo previous addresm aad stdo long you Iivead at those residences: Comple#e Previons Address Lengdh of Tnae a# this Addr+ess Home ftone: ~ ~msa Fm ( ) ' Business Phane: Cell: ~ ~ 3;z 11 &mail: Pa-atinirwoilq-~ a.6 gCCapadan; ~`rf retired, plemw iiAcde forma occupetim) PgAta t' ~ vle h'~~ ~ h.• B,~~ Addrws: ~,5~'~ s 96, '20~~,~e ogt,.,t.Lsy LA1 ~ Fducatiian~t Backgr+ouDd: AARZAREr►C 7'Mbk► .C9WA4 r=LeGe- itle rl&L6G10R1- l136M- 1. Reemered vgter in the City of Spo1mne Valley? Yes [vf No 2. kave yau carntiauntsIy resided within the city limits oftic Cily of Spakwe Valley for a ye,ar or maze? (Stme Iaw tequirm.a votmct~aaemberta be a resitd.en# of Spokane V'elley fat at hast a year griorto aw eatandto !e s register+ed wotuat#he tmxe of applicadon. Yes [i,,< No [ 1 3. Have you ever been coavicted for aaything ather dm a minaor traffiz vialation? Yes L I -No rt--< 4. If you amswered "Y'ES" to #3 above, p1ease explaim . 5. Do you or your spouse ar any member (spoase, children, sibfts6 pm=ft) have a fiaancial W1431 iuay, or are yoU an empIoyee or afficer of any Uusiness ar apncy whieh does business with ihe Chy of Spokane Valley? )TS E J NU jt/j'Ifyes, plem exptain: ' 6. Is a»y member ofyaur immedlata farmilyr cutrwtlY emPloy4 eithw full tim ar part time., by the Gifiy of Spokane Vallep, or mreW1.Y Perfwm aay volinmeer vcwc far the Gity of Spokane VaIIey? YFS[ ] NO[IT4000 If Yes, PIease mpIain; 7. Would your appointment create a canflic# of intmed or aa appeamnce of a canflict ofint=t? YES I lNOI If yes, plme Mlsin: Please Ust yovr emorployment for the pss# ten yeara: NA11E OF E24FL[1YER FOSTTION REI~D • DA1'Es OF EMPLU'Y'hWN'T re~k PFs -D R, . -4 -1-- ! etem -36 - Z007 PJI+z~A&V(5~ C&1 e. ' ~-7 9. Please Iist #be pmfessional -affiliations, clft sacial, or frutemal a ' ons #o which yan belang or hold pmFm vffiice: ft-ErACOG4 U 7)r ~'7-a rsr J_A ~ + . QtdA CADAMBB"; ~wr~ &9131 rer ~ 10. Ptease list your special skills andlar intuvsb:c C' ' f k w~v~~r ~ ~1 A • v 1 vl. I 1, Flease Rst yowr voluate.ez eMmience, and include aray vahmteer ar paid positians held 4n any governmental baard, comauttm ar commission: M& Camamst FRoM: 2003 To: RQ0s'--~t I ,SRnkftMC- OLLE)I PLe+W S. If _ PA111 HANZL II1$ C'6iqt4 LTT1ra FRQM: 2.00$ TO: PA-5ENT* , , Q!TUL&%1S ~ l 'ht:VrEFItOi • ~0 TQa _ IFR - 2 001 To: 200q 12. Why ue you inurested in serving in this m.terim posi#ivn es a Spokam Va1ley City Covncilsaember? rWTiS7Y,'- Q$w5 6E9N___MA'~ ~ ed T~ iptr'Fft ftn~~ ~ i'~~ ~ sr=al. .ewy a • LF CAWBeKf ~i. " W LI-4- ar_- xl~ '!..'+P~1~►~~}~'f~ . ~ !~I"81! . ~'At~i~1~ ~~V ML iUVM_D jAJ(S,.j smfo- ~ CPff 3 IT~ UP Tb_5Pe V►Y eggAAntiAl 6- TH)X a~~~ ~ en&)& 134 What $n the thnee higW priforities YOU believe the Crty needs to addrm? How wouid you pnopose fio addre.ss #he,se issues? • Vft all the basics of a nevu City in place (Camp Plan, etc.), te#'s work on • improving quality of life issues. I 1. Unity in the Commun'rty. !'m a bridge builder and can help 6uiid relationships wkhin our Cftyy end with our heighbass. As we statted to do W#h pantiandfi~ng, tte Cfty needs to ta[ce #he inWiative in educating the public as to the many beneffts in our Ccty. Just as Pmsldent Obama insis#ed on keeping his biadcberry, so we neei #o explor+e di#ererMt twaway carnmunications wwithh aur oanstftuerrts. ' 2. Public Rrivate Parbnerships, invaMng govemment, business, and the nan- profits. There are some things each of thes~ gr+aups can contributs for the oamrnon gaod. t'm already doing #his #hnaugh the Ministerial Associafion and l`he HUB with schoa1 dWcts, parks and mmation depastments, S.V. Par#ners, and F11a11]► 0t18f"5, 3. A Sus#ainable Gornrnunity. I will demonstrate honrv e6ofriendly technotogy, , information, and planning ane good fiar peapie, the planef, and the pocks#aook (i.e. for saciety, environment, and the econamy). This can be c#one withou# spending additional milllans in tax dollars or by imposing r+estrECfive regulatians an business. . 14. Iiave yau em attended a meeting afthe Spokaae VaUey G'ity Coumcil? YES At0 If yes, give an estimme of how manY meeings Yau heve auended in the Past Year ~ 15. A,ppanattincnt to the City Coumil will requirie your adm~ ak numemus rwAarly schediled and special mestings, which geawffiy oocur an Tuesday evMinga. canucitmembas am atw expected to repmsentthe Ciiy of Spak~e Valley by se~ing an vadous reg~o~nal cam~ssions, comnraees and baards. Are you abi commit yaur #ime and energy'to pardraPatie fiIIY as a nember of the 5po1ane Vaney City Comc7. '3ES ( NO I l Id. Rzkenoes: Pleaw list name, address, and phane ni.b,. I. W&s~~ ~ cgff j"--7000 6_V S. V r,4Ajjy ~ 2 1 e. 2 2. EL,, .AW 3.4EE &-PN9RaN..H RAQ9At~ &Rk-10ML ndJ 4&- 2.3 U Once submitG4 ap~l~ca~ans an.d relMd matvraials bwom a public recond sanbject ta public disclosurn, and will qpear iA the Gouncil sgen& pwUt for the August 41.2009 City Comvcil stndy sessian meeting bwMews are tenta#ively schedtded far the evwing ofM,y 28. SeiecW appli c~nts wi11 be naoed of #he exuct date gnd time arf tlse imtrerAew once all applic,ativns hav+e b= reaeiva Fiaal achon appoin~ng a candidate ba elecdve office wila fake place in the open public meWm& which is s;ttticip11ed ta oocur August 4, 2009, Na City elected afficer shaU hvld aoaw other vffice ar empYoyment wwn the SpokaneValley City govanmaeart. Today's Date: ;Fwv. rel ~ `--'i ~ 0 Ian K. Rabertson 1716 s. Rvfthford ar., spakane valloy, WA 00037 (509) 922-0864 • Pastorlan@aal.cam • Skype: iankrobettson BACKGR0UND M effective community resuft when gavemrnen#, business, and the falth community work bogether far #fite aamr,noin goad. Suc#1 Feaffwork LS gcod fibr peopie (sorieiy), lbr the planet (envknmerrt), and for tfie pocket book (eoonatnics). lan has a rich backgroWnd in a11 three areas. He is cvrrrmitted ta vooperaban in managing cornmuniiy-bxmed projects. EDUCATICIN • 8.G1., Nazarene Theolaglcal Seminary, Kansas City, MO. Dip. Theol,, Nazarerte Thealoglca1 Caflege, Manchester, EnalaRd CPIM, Amedcan Prvduagon and Invent,ory Control Society Graduate ooumes. Nazariene T#}ealogical ColWge, Manchester, England Various caaurses, Lockheed AAanagernen# Associagan Various ovurses, Amedcan Managemenrt Association EXPERIENCE - - - - - Urdained Pastor, Cfiurch of the Naurene: , Spokone Vaftey,1NA (19W2007) San Jase, Alhambra, and San Femanda, CA Seasift, Milwaukle, and Ashland, OR ' Buslness and Industry: gusiness Cansultan#, F.S. EcoSoluUvns. I.LC {2008-prasent} Cvrnmunity Consuitank Valley Real Life N1inistries (2009) Manufacturing Tnaining Coordinador, Lotkheed Missiles and Spacae Campany, Sunnyrrale, CA Englneenlng Instructar,l.ockheed MissIles and Space Company. Sunnyvale, CA Trainirrg Specuaflst, IT & MRP-!I Project fmptenrten#abon Team, Lackheed Aeronautical Systems ComPanY, Btlrban![, CA, and N[a!'[B#ta; C-A. Dimcpr, The TQM Grvup, Califomia State University Northtidge (business cansutbin9) Other. Manager, Radiv KTSR-FM, Kansas Cifiy,, MO ' SeminaF Wder and Instructor, Insttute fiar American ChurGh GrawrEh, Pasadena, CA C0MwIUN[TY #NVOLVRAENT Chair, Rlanning Commission, City of Spokane Valley Presidenf, Spokane Val[ey MinWLtkda1 Associafion F'ounder, Spokane Va[Iey HUB, cegianal sparts center Board of Director% Cornmunifjr-Minded EntSrprises, Spokane Board rnernber, Communky-lAinded TelevWon, Spokane Baard temner, Gtrod Works Inc., division of Goaar+Wll IndWStries Member. Greater Spokane Vaftey Chamber of Cvmmeraoe 'Cifiizen of the Year' Awani (2008), Greater Spokane Valley Ghamber of Commems CommUnit31 Caring Award (2007), Gmater Spokane Vatley Ghamber of Carnmeroe Nfemhsr, Central 1falley 5choal Qistrict Facfffties Opffons Connmftbee Mastier af Ceremantes, Sovthsh Hlghlartd Games, Spokane County Fairgrounds (Fanner) Clusa Caach (20 churches), Northwe5t DisM Church of the MaZarene (Former) Shenffs Commuriity A.dvisvry CouRCil, Spokane Cou€tiy (Forrner) Masfier of Cerentonies, Spokane Syrnphany Christmas Concerts (F+nrmer) Host, sevwaf radio pcograms, Astar1a, OR; Ashtend, OR; Lvs Angeles. (Former) Ntember, Planning Commisslon and Dawntavim Develnpme.nt Cammission. Ashtand, OR (Former) Member, serrioe crubs: uons, iGwanis @ . ` - . COURSES TAUGHT , APiCS -American Produc#ion and Inventory Contro1 Socieiy CSUN - Caiifamia Slate Unirersity Noftrtctge, Buslness Exbension DMsian LMSC - Lockheed Miniies and Space CompanY+ SunnY~~, CA LASC - t.ockheed Aeronautfcal Sysftms Campany, Hur#rank, CA. and MarietCa, GA Total QuWity Management (TQIN) Cetificote Prrgrem (five oourses) Project Mamgement Statisttcai Pmcess Conftl SP+G Nanufectuting Resoume Planning - MRP-N Capacity Managarnent CAP Inrrentiary Managenent - ltV1I ll[laster Prvducfiion Scriedute - MFS lUlo+aria1 Reguiremer►ts P[anning - mirp Just-tn-'Time Martufacturing - JIT I80-9000 QnUrrtet3o[Ktl Qudiy Standards) Effectirre Job Yratning ('frairt the Trainer) Trident I end Yriderrt II Nfissite Sysbem courses ° purpage-Drirren Church. Purpose-Drirren Preaching SPECU4L SKLL.S Tele►rblon Produced and hosted 'N s+eries, NetillCodc, Trinitj,r Bmadcasfing Network Produced and host+ed TV series, Perspective, KTVi., Medfvrel, and Kt3W N, ParUand Software: WOrEC1ng k130w1P.dg@~f MtCfmft WORD, ExCBL P01N8fPblK and PUal[5h8r Farniliar with Micvsoft Project MacProject and Final Cut Rro i)atabase mwagement with Cons#af,t Contact PERsONAt. rNFORMaTIoN Born In Seo#tand. Manied'fo Vaieft virha was bom In Iretand. 7'hey oelebrate ftir 50~" Anntrersary in 2009. Citimen of U.S. and U.K. Two sons: i+Gevirt, pastor In Marinna det Rayo C& and Stephen, police helioopter pitat and sergeanf an charge of Air SuRport Glendalefflurbank Pvliae Qeparbmen#s, CA 7'hraee gmndchgdren. Past hobbies included saiiing (qualified instructor) and flY+n9 (pfnmte pifot). REFERMCE$ Pastor Sterve Vgllson Execirfte Pastor, and N. F. L Refeme 16517 E. 20 Lme, Spolane Va11ey, WA 99037 (509) 928-5393 • steve29.wPson@gma#.com Dr. Chqck Wilkes Attomey and Chief Eacecudw Offloer, F3 EcaSoludons, U.C • 2908 S. Sommer Lahd, Spolcane Valtey, WA 99037 (509) M-4492 • chur.tcw@fb*o.oom - RECEIVED JUL o 9 2009 4000 Gi'I'Y OF` SPOI~'AT4E VAI~L~:Y 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 1 06 Spokane VaHey, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 " ArpLICALTIart FaR crJrr CoUNCIL MEMER PosITroN ~ 2 Thank you for yow inkmst irr serving the Spokane Vaiiey community ss a member of the Spokane VaIIcy City CounciL T+o be considered, appficadans must be coffipleted, sigaed, aad received at the City Clark's office,11 707 E. Sprgigtie Aveaue, Sui1Da 106, no later then 4:00 p.m. Ftiday, July 17, 2449, (lst+e arrivimg mal wfll not be accepted). Appiications may be laad-cieUvered or mailed. ~ ~ ir~ame; ~a P1 C'_ , (,ast) t6idd.t$) ~o irst Compleie Hasne Madmg Addrm: -7- 6 -z4L- m a Ifyou hanre live,d at your cunmt actdress 1on t.i.aa one year, please ust y~o prmevions addr+esspeas aa hovv ]ong yvu lived at those nesidences: Cumplete Previlons Add.ress Length af Time at thb Address Hame Phone: C048 - -,~Cj A4(o Fax:~W$ C) 89 & Business Phone: Cell: ( ~OI JJM - ~ 0 E-mail: ,Sa4dje &v, 13 rkrt. i 1a cow4 C;r t?ccupation: (if reti.red, please ind.ieete former oacugatioa) Adu ju iSce. I' 4 sie k,,- 6 Qk (2th,42.0) . Businegs Aaaress: a cm~ 8ducatioaal Backgrotind: AU14 ~ 11-eade + ch r 1. Registered voter itn the City of Spokane Va11ey? Yes [>44 No [ ] ~ 2, Havc yau canttinnously resided wiffi.ia the city Iimtts af the City of Spokaite Valley for a ym ar more? [State ]aw requim a couacilmember #o be a msideot of Spokane Valley for at least a year prioar tv appointm=t, and ta bg a registered vater at #he time af applicatiton. Yes [>4 ] rTo f ] 3. Have you ever been caavicted far anything o#her than a minor ftffw vialatioa? Yes No 1 ?4 ] 4. Ifyou answered "YES" t4 #3 above, please explain: S. Uo you or your spause vr any innmedisft famt7y member (spouse, childrca, siblings, parents) have afiaencial katerest in, ar are yflu an employee or officer of any business or agency which does bus'tAesss with the City of Spokane Valley7 YES N(] ]Ifyes, pl$ase explaia: 6. Is any memher af your immediate family cunently employ4 either fall tnme or part tiae, by the City of Spokane Velley, or currentiy perform any votttateer work forthe City of Spokane VaUey? YES NO P4J rf Yes, Please eacptain: s . * 7. Wauld yaur affointment create a conflict of interest or an apgearance af a conflict of interest? YES NON Ifpes, please explain: 8. Flease Iist yaur emplayment for the past ten years: NAME OF EWLOY'ER POSM NHELD DATES flF EMP'I.UYViEM 6LACA - gc~ LCLV 43 - a() 0 8 9. Please Ust tfie p ianal afffflafiam, cw sociar frateraal v ` ivlts oWhich y u 6elong ar bol e: vffic 10. Ptease lW your special s,kills aadfar intems#s: "&04- &WO)(hem7M i ` dLA, r ~ tV ~n.r ♦ ~ "G~ .c~v . , ~ 11. Please l~t your volunteer experience, and ~aclude ~ny vvl~ ~'}F j.~aid pDSIt'[0115 bold OA aAy g0Yernm6IIt8,l board, committee ar coinmission: ~ k'RC.1M; TO: lcllt~~ A 40,*41 to ~ FA r ~ FRaM: To: FR.ONi: TO: FROM: TO; 12. Why are you iAtemted in serving in this interim position as a Sgokane Valiey City Councilmember? . ~ ` 9&-49- A&ee&e~ We YeAO4 9-(C . . , t7)OU 1 1 IJ&r 172 424 - Ajep;*W-04%~ A.0v -ob ze ~ t . i+ea h ~ ~ • + Aj ' ! • f ~ ~ ~ ~L►~ ~ ~ ^reJ ~ 13. What are the e highest priaritigs on believe the City aeeds to auddress? How wo ld y►au prapase ta address th~ei.ssues? 0 F-A - ~ _ r~,4 . S . - Ja2l 10 . e% /Wxe~ * -I 1OP . ~ . # • a-Z;& -74a~ ~ LA ~ t ~ ~ k . r • 14. Have yau ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Val City Caunall? YES 1;4:1 NO C J If pes, give an estimate of haw many meetiing,s you have aftndad Xn the past yeat: PLV-FLR 15. A,ppaintment to thB City Council will require your eitendaace at nsunePOUS regularly scbeduled and special meeting,s, which generally or.cuu on I'Vaday evenings. C..,ouncilmemben are aiso expecfied to represent Txe Cifiy of Spakana "Valleyby se1viag oA variQUS regianal commyssians, cammittees and boards. Are you ab1e to cammitpour time aad eaergy tio participate fiffly as a menber of the Spokane V'alley City Councit. YES [XJ NO [ 7 16. Refemnoes: Please list name, eddress aad phone number: E30 ricn - 8 - o'I- 2. Y-~ CjaAJ~9 ~ 3. vh U.~l~~~'►-~~ J~~ ' ~ ~'°i Qnce submitfied, applications an.d rektcd materials become a public recazd subject to pubiic disclasure, and will aPpear in the Cauncil agenda packet for ihe Augusi 4, 2009 Ciiy Comn.oil study session meeting. Interviews ae tenta&ely scheduled for the evening of Ju1y 28. Selected applimts wflI be n"ed af the exact ciate and #ime vf the inWview once all applicadons have been received. FfnW action appvinting a caadidate tD ejective flffice wil. #ake place in the open public meetiag, which is antaiciga#ed #o occur A►ugast 4,2009. Na Ci#y elecied ufficer sha.il hald auy ather office ar employment whhin the Spoksne Va11ep Gity governmeat 4 J. -)'z ~L Signait~ure: ~ Today's Date: - q~~ I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Reques# far Council Actron Meeting Date: Juiy 21, 2009 Gity Manager Sign-otf: itern: Check aII that apply: c:onsent ❑ o!d business 0 new business 0 public heering ❑ infionnation admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENQA IfiEM TITLE: Second Reading proposed ardinance 09-014 amending ordirrance 09- 007, providing for the aaquisi#ion by eminent domain of certain lands nec:essary to be aoquired for public purpases in cannectivn with the Havana 5treet 8ridge Praject. GOVERNING LEGlSLATlON: PREVIOUS COUNCfL AGTI4N TAKEN: The Caunoll previously approved an ardinance providing for a►cqulsftian by erninent domain af a portian of land awrzed by Hite Crane for purpases af the Mavana Street 8ddge Project. The amendment provides €of acquisiflon of the entire Hfte Crane sne (exeluding personal ProPertY) by eminen# domain. At Cauncit's Jufy 94, 2009 meeting, Cauncil advanced the ordinance #o a second reading. BACI~GROUND: The City af Spokane has determined that acquisi#ion of a partian of the Hfte Grane property ewill make ft dif#'icult for Nite Crane fo continue its business at its current location and has agreed #hat Hke Crane will be displaced by the Harrana Street gridge ProJect. As an accammodation to Mite Crane and its ownersF the City af Spokane has agreed to acqurre the entire Hite Crane site (mirrus personal property). aPTlOl►1S: Approve ordinance ar provide staff fu:ther direction. RECC71tiRMENDED AGTION OR MOTiaN: Mave to appraye Ordinance 08-014, arnending Qrdinance 09-007. BUDGETlFINANClAL IMPACTS: None paid aut af City of Spokane S#ree# Funds per ardinance, STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: A►mended ordinance VALLEY SPOKANE CCILTNTY, WA.SHINGTO1~ ORDINANCE NO. 09-014 AN CIRDINAr1'CE +DF THE CI'1`Y OF SPtlKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHNGTON, ANffi'NDIl~G ORDINANCE 09-007 WMCH PROVILIDED FOR THE ACQLJISiTION B'Y EMINENT DOMAIN OaF CERT,AIlw1 LANDS NECESSAR4'' TO BE ACQUTRED F'OR PUBLIC PURPQSES IN CONNEC"TION ~'Ii THE HA'VANA STREET BRIDGE PRO,TEC`I', LOCATED IIN THE CITY OF SP'~KANE VALLEY, CC3UNTY UF SP£3KANE, SfiA►TE OF WASHNGTON, RECITAI.,S WHEREAS, the City of Spakane VaUey, Washington (the "City~") is a ccyde city duly organized and. existirig under and by virtue of the constitution and 1aws of tlie State of Washi.n,gton. WBEREAS, the laws of the Staie of Wa.shingrton (RC'VV' 35A.21.1 60) provide that the Gity passesses a11 of the powers which sny city of any crass may have; and WHEREAS, the laws of the Stat+e of Washingtan, RCW 35.22.284(7) prvvide that the +~ity may establish, open, alter, widen, exten{i, and atherwise improve streets, a1leys, avenues, sidewallks, and ather public property in order to promo#e the best interest of the City. 1NTEREAS, the Constitu#ion of the State of Wash.ington, Article I Section ] 6 and the laws of the State of fiV4'~hington RCW 35.22.280(6) allow the City tv purchase or agprapriate private prvperty foar publie use tapon making just campensation #o the owners pursuant to R,CV4' Chapter 8.12. WHEREAS, the City has de#ermined that it is in the +Ciys bestt interest to cooperate with and facilitate the City of Sp~ka-ne'~ completion of the Havana Street Uverpm Pm;ject, as set forth in City of Spo'l:ane P"ublic Works file nu.mbear 2004062. WHEREAS, the property identifiei in Fxliibit "A" is necessaryt to complete the Project. WHEREA►.S, pumant ta RGW 825.290, notice has been mailed to eaeb and every property ov&mer of r~ords, as indicated on fhe tax rolls of Spvkane Cvunty according to such addresses ~~Nvn on such rtalls, at 1east f~fteen (15) days pr%ar tv the City° Coun+cil taking fiaal action on this ordinanc+e, iuncluding publication of notice of this ordinanc.e in the Spokesman ~eview and the Spokane Va11ey News Herald fior two (2) consecutive weelcs before final sctian by the City Cotincil, NClW, THEREF+DRE, The Ciiy of Spoka.ne Valley dms ordain: Section 1. Publs`c use and necessity requires the City of Spokane Valley~ ~o acquim the 1and and propeIty, Snd ldte[fi5t5' therel.Ll, `ds desG`r1bed 1n Exh.lbi ecXf and'~B", _ addi-tional ' eowstruetiaa _ s . ~ . . the-Gity , far Public Purposes in orader to cornplete the Havana 5treet Bridge Project, including utilifies and related improvements, all as set fortlY i.n +City of 5pokane Public Works ~i1e nuumber 2004062. Section 2. Subject to the terms an+d conditions of the Interlocal Agmement and First Amendment thereto, e~~~ies ~o~ wl~iich ~-are at~che~d henetv a.s Exhibrt "W", the Ci~ ~,ttor~ey and duly appointed 5pecia,1 Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to commence an action or actions in the Superror Court of Spakane County, State of Washingtan, in the name of the City of Spokane Valley, to acquire and take by eminent domks.in the lancis and property interests necessary ta be acc~uireci for the purpcrses set foath herein,, the f]rdi.nance 09-014 Amending 49-007 Eminent Domain Pag+e I of 7 DRAJff lants and properrty interes#s to be sa taken situate in the Ciiy of Spokane Va11ey, Ctrunty of Spokaune, al1 iin the State of Washing'tori, and more speci.fically describ+ed in Exhibits °`A' and attach~~ hemto and by tiis and reference rnade a part hereof# tagethef . _ - 6 lheFeta Effid sueh addi ' . . Section. 3. The ~"iGe vf fihe City Attomey for the City of Spokane is hereby fvr the purpcases set forCh herein $ppointed as special counsel to the Ci#y of Spokane Valley. Said firm shall pravide a11 legal services in conjunction with the Office ofthe City Attomey for tie pwpvse of arepresenting thejoint interests of the City of Spokane '4rallcy and tthe City of Spokane as expressed in this ordinance. ~ Section 4. That corngensation for the land and property interests dmn`bed in Exhi.bit ",A" and and all. associated costs, expenses, damages and attorney fees shall be solely payable by the City of Spokane ~m fLand accouu.nt nucnber 3200-94991-95200-56I02, and funds which are a11ocated toward the Havana Strect Bridge P'raject by the City arf Spokane Department of Construction Services, pursuant to file number 2004062. PASSED by the City of Spokane Va11+ey City Counci1 this dsy ofJuly, 2009. RiCH.ARD MUNSON, MAYOR Attest:. Christine Bai.nbridge, City Clerk Approved A►s Tv Form: OfflGe of t1e C1#y Attl"}fLley Date of Publ.icatic►o: ~ Effective Date: Ordinance 09-014 Amending £19-007 Eminent bQmain Pagge 2 of7 L?RAF'I' EXh1 bit "A" I I.~`,~al DeSCrlpfio~~ :on of the Svuthw st Uarter of the west uamr of Section 14. T"ownship That rn 25 North. RMe 43 _East, W.M,, in the City of Sp~kane Valley, Spokane Caunt, ~J'ashin a dewrihgd e.s follows- J the intersectian 2f the Narth line of Brgadway Avenue aand the Easst 1ine BEGINNWC3 a of Havaana Street: Thence Nortli 360 feet alon the Ea.st Iine of Havana Street; Thence East 300 feet~ Thence Sou#h 360 feet ta the North line fBroadwav Ayenue~ Thence Wes# 340 feet ta the POINT QF BE~'.~`rEgNIN.'.r. APN: 35142.9078 APN: 35 142,9041 , , ~ 8 Ali ~ . . . . ~ n- . L . . ~ r Range . :13_ . e.r~r~e~..sr~ nS fySSCT~I`. ~ rt r l~~ ~ -~G ~c'f t s~v r i z~t7' r~'~TL0.3' ~ ~ . • ~ . ~ d-;g+e fl w • i • Q Y f7 eekst . . + • 11594 f . • 1592 trt " ~ , _ .y "nir, of ._Mr„..,.»., CA.,ee,A, 300.00 g . O ` 1!1.fltl t~ +l~.n,~,.,n qL~A^r~rrLy~Z'i'rrFi~.'C ~ 1 0Cf'1!d 1ls~" f1 fed 2~P~[l6'"~ ~'lZr. C!:~f"~ ~195[1s A 1 r.s.f1 70.00 ~,-~~+E''~' ~~z.~rn 63.53 ~2'~E'F3~+F! '-v^TS -rr~ . . . ; thenee , q r a! , 14, ~ ~ th"e'f3'ee:~~''~ 15.-00--~' That • ~i. pe4ioR-4-the ah - .C the ~ ' kId*er ef See4ret:_ 44'- 7 1- . , . . East; W. . ~ . . . . f~.x Getinly, . - ifitefseoiee 1 . - T °t_~ ~ 1',_ [34 • _ ~2~ ~~-.i If:i 4d3~+'4~ Ewsl~ efHavan&SIfeet; 1+ ! {.y~ ■ F A~idY A L. Ia!'~~ 3 0/yJ ~ ?Y1G-t The.a.se. S.3r.t4a '20Cl_4eek.~'.- + i . Y . venue; Tl,,:n,:b Werif~~'1~~.L1 -fc,~i to th~TiaT'i' 101 1": B 'C'!'`:,1 N h? 1 N G ~ ~7 , . . . • ' i`}'[~ ~ ]'e~°7 C?rdinance 09-014 Arnending 09-007 Ecnincnt Domain Page 3 of 7 ~RAFT , Teyffiship 25 N., FBnp 44, L{ " p . II al~ . . Pareel . _ . • Beghiniing 0 ya I C s n 1 . 14881223 30 , . .t . a ss . . . a thefiee a .3 a y 60.00 Q 127 2 ~ . .t ! 3! pafeel 50.00 t theftee . . 69.00 . , 4 * r ~ . a} . . . . . , . n . . # { F ~~l "AtsR , That w , Tswas* . i 1 . Washingen, a ef Ha Y . . . ..I . _ _ ~ '~~tbr~i~+e +nk;n-i irxr~ ~lt ~e+~~-i ~..0'~~t~{s [I~~.aa+ai+.1_ a7.ni.~ ~wt 1~{i.7~ ~ t:vaes. `~r'n ."~yr'~~]'~~ -f+t;VYI~iy Cilf.i iiil44 } Theftee r T sqr ~ Urdinance 09-014 ►4mendirsg 09-007 Eitnitaent 1]atnain Page 4 of 7 DRAFT . , 1 , , Cgliewing . . . . . f . . . . ~L. 1 &Ws a, . . . i. 1 . " " . . . . Begifmint, ♦ . . StFeet-, . r .e _ bew-s . P ~ 47Tr~.. . , - . « , i 4 ~ 'i l » .1 30. i thefiee 1~ [R T P. ~ . «y 1 ',fle--ei 'LI Stwi► 30l`0"~74.^e7°v0 i~; thf~'HEc'- N.9~81t " .~~T ' ~A {r'1 [1 i' +t. ~ ~ n ! I C'TS1 [y it~E3~.{lt Tx 70.09 '~TP.' ..~~j ~~~~711~I.v~ r a~ s 1C'2 ✓~.'I #"r.r a~sa~rv v u r r~~ _u4~..~.-,n~ _ C_f1~+C►'(~'1 4,. i wq~ L~7r y . e . . . S#eel; . ♦ ; way Li ~ ¢T ~ . . . . . . y 7 CF 7 T7 • r . . .y . . 3 15.09 . , . ` . " r ip 25 NeM, . , , . ~ . , BE~`~G ist Ziie fqtenieel#efl'--'~'*~ r.f H,,,tA,..," St..eat. ' -rt,.....,.,b Nf..,tt, 309 Thsm,. Eag 3n0 c e+, i i t? 1'1,T'h~°r+~ `eC-i' 'fF°L........, W.,s+ 300 aC . e# 4o the 1.201,440 , . ~ . ~y'~~, r re ~ ~ i ~ # ~ ~ n c• a ~~r ~ D n ~ 351 '-3 ~~`r~t~?i-' ~ rt~r~e-r ~ -~r4~'- ~ ~ . - Se -.-.ent e~r_~ftfle_a e"~-~`-" +ii&,ArfH'd ~ p . ~ _g a . • cc deser-ibed . , E4nning . . . . . . i . . beginnifig _ ~t N989 ~ ~ 1'p t . ~ . . . - . . .7 339.00 . , ftefiR of-said w !f ~ t-hetiee N.0125924 . . . e} 60. : , ! 1 ~T ^ l ` ~'*r~ l. .-+1 f ~~~s`~:'r~r-~`~~~l~-f~ I --c°~'~~r=~=-~~~, C?rdinance 09-014 Amending 09-007 Eminent Domain Page 5of 7 DRA~'" Z' fl-icfii~e t4effee 2 12r rw r - . aleng-said , 50. ming. . &22-feet, ei*eep4 the west 50 feet-4the her-efte d~'t1C3Cd-pan areal ;'7T f T-ewmship . . . . ..3 . Spekme-Geonty-, , ! " w, ef-Ha% ' r a i '7^L,j,,-..te Ea,.t 3110 k.~.+. f a L~~.-,+.s 5~ r~ Ordinance 09-014 Amend.€alg 09-007 Eminent Domaa-n Page 6 of 7 DRAFT I Ex]lblt ``BC.77's ~ Tnterlocal Aareement wid First Amendmenit of Inter1'oc.al Ordinance 09-014 Amending 09-047 F-ninent Domain Page 7 of 7 CI'TY C3F SPOKANE 11ALLEY F~equest for Council Action MeBting D71te: ,July 21, 2009 CCty Mar'1ageC Sign-4ff; Item: Check all that aRply; [:1 cansent El crld busine~s CE new business [I public hearing ❑ informa#ion 0 adnnin. repvrt ❑ pending legislation A+GEAIDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration; Amendment tv In#er1ocal agreement C09-041 ~etween the City of Spokane and the City of Spokane V'a1ley regarding acquisition of properky by eminent dvmain fa~ the Havana Stre+et Bridge Project. GC3'l1ERNlNG LEGISLATIC)N: FREVIOIJS COUhICIL ACTIC3N TAKE[V: The Cauncil previausly approrred an interIocal with the City af Spokane pr-vviding for a joint effark to acquire certarn property neeessary fvr construc#ion of the Havana Stree# Bridge Project, BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane has determined that acquisition of a portion af the Hite Crane prvperty wi11 make it diffacult for Hite Crane to continue i#s business at it~ current lvcation and has agreed that Hite Crane will be displaced byr the ~avana S#reet Bridge Project. As an accammodation to Nite Crane and its o+wners, the City of Spokane has agreed tv acquire #he entire Hite Crane site (minus personal property). This amendmen# amends a previous interlocal agreemen# between Spvkane and Spokane U'alley relativ+e to respons'sbility for acquisitian costs, etc. OP`1'IONS: RECt3MMENDED ACTION t~R MOTIOhI: Mave to approve the First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Betuveen the City of Spokane and the City of Spakane Valley Regarding Acquisition of Property by Eminen# Domain, and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute said document. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS; hJone - paid out of City of Spakane Street Funds per vrdinance. STAFF C+DNTACT: ATTACHMENTS: lnterioca[ Amendment, Quit Claim ~eed Return to: City of Spokane Attn: Clerk 808 W Spokane Fafls Btvd Spatcane, WA 99201 FIRS'T AMENDMENT T~ INTERLO+CAL AGREEME{yT BETWEEN THE CITY OF Sf~OKANE AND THF. C1TY OF SPOKANE YALLEY REGARD1NG ACQU1SITlON OF PROPERTY BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOFt THE HAVANA S'TFtEET BRIDGE PROJECT THIS FiRST AMENDMENT to ttte Interlocal Agreement Between #he Citg+ of Spokane and f.he City► of Spokane Valley Regard[ng the Havana Street Bridge Project , is made artd entered into by and between fhe City of Spokane, a Vllashmgton municipaf corparatian, and the City of Spakane llalley, a Washington municipal oorpora#ionx jvinty hereinafter referred to as the "parties n WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on or abaut , the parfie.s preriou~ly eRtered inta an Intedoca1 Agreement Be#rn►een the Cfty of Spakane and the Gky of Spokane Va11ey Regarding Avquisftivn of Praperty by Eminent Domain for the Havana Street Bddge Pro;eck (the "Agreernent"); and WHF-REAS, the parties avish tv amend the Pgreement to address ownership of the praperty to be acquir+sd accarding to ths terms of the Agreetnent. NOW, THEREFORE, the partes agree as foliows: 1, AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS. The Agreement dated , is incarporated by reference into this First Amendment as thaugh wdtten in fuli and shall remain in full foroe and effect exr.ept as prodided herein. 2. AMENDMEhlT OF SECTION NO. 2. Sectian No. 2 of the Agreecnerrt is amsnded as follows: Page 9 of 5 SECTIaN Nfl. 2: APPLICABILI'TY OF THIS AGREEMENT The parties $gnee that the pravisions of this Agreement shall apply to the land and property described in the amended ondinanoe attached hereto as Eachibit "'l " (uEminent Damain Ordinanc.el, 3. AMENDMENT OF SECTION NC3. 3. Section No. 3 af the Agreement Es amended as folEows: SEGTit3N IVO.3; ACQUIStTiOrN t7F PR4PEFtTY BY EJff11NEIVT aONWN Upon final actian or legisla#ive approval af the Eminent Domain Ordinanae by the City of Spokane Val1ey, the Offioe of City Attomey for the Ci#y of 5pokane may Qommence an ac#ion or actions in the Superior Court of Spoicane County, State of Washington, in the name of the Cky of Spokane Valley, to acquire and talce by eminen# domain the Eands and property interests describerl in the Eminent Dvmain Ordinanre (the "Property"), the parties hawing found that the Property described ther+ein is necessary for the ProjeGt The title to the Property described in the ardirrance approved by the SQokane Vallev Citv +Gauncil an Aori! 14. 2009 shall vest in the City of Spokane Valley for public str+eet purposes and a[1 usaes incidental thereto, subject to such rights as the City af Spokane determines are necessary, in its soie discretian, for cons#ructng the Project, main#aining, r+eaairinqt and replacing, the subsequently impraued pubfic hght-of-way and related aourkenanoes, and enforoement af trafflo-related laws and regulatians. Tftie to the ba{artoe of the Prooertv described in the Errinent Domain Ordinanoe as amended shall vest in the Citv af SsDvkane. The Qarties acknowledae and understand that ti#le to said vropertv mav frrst vest in the Citv of Sookane ValReu pursuarrt to a iudamen# Westina tide t4 the same in iftrqation aufihar[zed by the Eminent Domain Ordinanoe. The City of Spokane Vallev shall, within #en (10) days o# a wrritten reques# bV the Citv of Snakane. execute anv and a[I documents reasonabl,► reciuested by the Cfty o# Saokane (includina~by wav of example only a Quit claim deed canwe in the City of Spokane Valle'Vs entire interest rn the vropertV to the City vf Spakane in substantial form and cantent as set #orth in Exhibit 2 to this First Amendment) to oerfec# the Citv of SDokane's aumership of the Prooertv. The Citv vf Spokane Valley shall execute and de[iver said documents tD the Citv af Spokane at na cost to the Citv of Spokane; prov'tded the City of Saokane shall bear all €osts assaciated with recordinq anv such dacuments in the oficial records of Spokane Caunty- Page 2 of 6 Return to: City of Spokane Affn : +Clerk 808 W Spokane Falls Blvd Spv'kane, WA 99201 FIRST AlVfEIVDMENT TO 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETW'`EEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE AND THE CITY C3F SP0K4NE VALLEY REGARDfNG ACQU1SITION OF PROPERTY BY EMINEIVfi DOMAIN FOR THE HA11ANA STREET BRIDCE PROJECT THIS FIRST A,MENQMENT ta #he Interdoca1 A►greement Between the City of Spokane and the City of Spokane'VaIley Regardirrg the Havana 5tree# Bridge Prvject, is made and entered into by and betrrvveen the City of Spakane, a Washrngton municipal carporation, and the City of Spokane 11aliey, a Washington municipal cvrpvration, jointly hereinafiter referred to as the "parties." W lTN E SS E Th1: WHEREAS, on vr about the parkies previausly entered intv an Interlveal Agreement Be'tween the Gity af Spokane and the Cifiy vf Spokane 1lalley Regarding Acquisitivn of Property by Eminent Domain fvr the Kavana Street Bridge Project (the "Agreernent°'); and WHEREAS, the parties wish ta amend the Agreement to address ownership vf the properrty to be acquired according #o the terms of the Agreement. NO'VVf, THEREFDRE, the Rarties agree as foll+aws: 'i . AGREEMENT DOCUIVIENTS. The Agreemen# dated , is incorporated by reference sntv this First Amendment as #hough written in full and shall remain irr full force and effeck exaept as prvvaded herein. 2. AMENDMENT OF SECTION h1O. 2. Sec#ion No. 2 of the A~reement is amended as follows: F"age I of 5 SECTiON NO. 2: APPLICABIL15Y OF THIS AGREEMENT The parties agree that the prorrisions of thas Agreement shall apply to the Iand and property described in the amended ordinan+ce attach+ed hereta as Exhibit "1" ("Eminent Domain Ordinance"l. 3. ACUIENDMENT OF SE+CTION NO. 3. Section No. 3 of the Agreemerat is amended as follows; SECTiON NrD.3: A►CQUISll`ION OF P~OPERTY B1f EMINEh1T L)OMAIhI Upon fnal action or legislative approval of the Emirient []omain Ordinance by the City of Spokane 11a11ey, the OfFice of City Attomey for the City of Spokane may commence an action or actions in the Superior Court of Spokane County, State of Washington, in the name af the City of Spokane 1Ja1ley, to acquire and take by erninent dvmain the Iands and propertyF interests described in the Eminent Domaan Ordinance (the "Property"), the parties ~aving #ound that fhe Pra,perky descri~ed therein is necessary fva' the F'roject. The tit1e to the Praperty descrifa+ed hn the ordinance aDprvved bv the Spokane Vallev Citv Council on ,April 149 2009 shall vest in the City of Spokane 41alley for pub1ic street purposes and aIl uses incidenta1 thereto, subject to sucM rights as the City vf Spokane determines are necessary, in its sole discretion, fvr constructing the Project, maintaininga re[)airinq, and rlacinq the subsequently improved publI 'c right-of-way and rela#ed appurtenances, and enfvrcernent of traffic-relat+ed 1aws and regulations. Title to the balance vf the Properky described in the Eminent Dornain Ordinance as amended sha11 uest in the +City of Sp~~ane. 7he parties ackr~owledqe anci unders#and that #itle to said vrooertv rnav first vest in t.he Ci#y of Spokane VaIlev pursuant to a iudqment vestinq title tv the same in litaaativn authorized bv th~ Eminent Domain Ordinance. The C 'rtv of Spokane Vallev shail, within ten (10) t~ays of a vvriften request by the Cihr ❑f Spokane. execute anv and aII documents reasonably re+ques#ed, bv the Citv of Spokane (includinq bv wav of example onlv a quit claim de~d conveyinq the Citv of SDokane Vallev's entire interest in the orvDertv to the +Citv of Spokane in substantial forrn and content a,s set fvrth in Exhibit 2 to this First Amendment) #o r)erfect the Citv of SDokane "s ownershir) of the Property. Yhe City af Spokane Valley shall execute and deliver said dacuments to the Citv of Sookane at no cost to fhe Citv of Spokane; provided the Ci#v of S~okane shall bear all costs associated with recording_anv such dvcuments in the official records of Spokane Cvuntv. Page 2 af 5 IN WlT'NESS 1NHEREOF, the F'ARTIES ha~e cauSed thlS ~~reerrlent to be executeci on date and year opposite their respec'tiue signatures, DA`CEa: CITY OF SPOKANE By: . Its: , Atkest: Ap p roved as ta forrn : City CIerk Assistant C+ty Attorney DATED: , CITY OF SPOKANE 11ALLEY By: . Its. , Attest: APprvved as to form: C7#y Clerk Ciiy Atkorney Page 3 of 5 EXHIBIT I AMEhJDED EM1NENT DOMAIhJ ORD1hJA,NCE i ~ , , ~ Pag+e 4 of 5 EXHIBIT 2 QUIT CLAIM DEED Page 5 of 5 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Spokane Attn: City Clerk 808 W Spokane Falls Blvd Spokane, WA 99201 QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GR.ANTOR, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a Washington municipal corporation, for and in consideration of good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys and quit claims to the CITY OF SPOKANE, a Washington municipal corporation, the following described real estate, situated in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the North line of Broadway Avenue and the East line of Havana Street; Thence North 360 feet along the East line of Havana Street; Thence East 300 feet; Thence South 360 feet to the North line of Broadway Avenue; Thence West 300 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING (the "Property") . Except those portions of the Property reserved for public right-of- way purposes described as follows ("ROW Area"): All that portion of the Property lying within the hereinafter described Parcel "A" described as follow: -1- Beginning at the intersectian of ithhe north r~ight of way line of Broadway Avenue and th.e east right of vvay of Havana Street; said paint of beg'mning bears N.88° 12'37"E,, 30.00 feet frorn the west section line of said Section 14 and N.01°59'41"W,, 30.00 feet from the West 'l4 corner of said Sectivn 14; t.hence N.0 1°594 1'° W., along the east right of way line of Havaria Street, 300.00 feet; thence N.8$° 12'3'7'"E., 50.00 feet; thence S. 01°59'4 1"E., 70.00 feet; thence S.43006'28"W., 63.53 feet, thence S.01°59'41'°E., parallel to an.d 5.00 feet east of t,he east right of way 1ine of Havana Street, 175.00 feet, thence S.46°5332"E. , 14.17 feet, to the north right of way line of Broadway Avenue, thence S.58° 12'37'°W., alang said norttx xight of way line, 15.00 feet to t.he point of beginning. Pax-ce1 "A.": 'I'hat portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, 'I'owmship 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in the City of Spokane Valley, Sgokane County, Washington, described as fvllows: BEGIIVNING at the intersectian of the Narth 1ine of Broadway Avenue and the East line of Havana Street; Thence Norf.h 300 feet along the East line of Havana Sts-eet; Thence East 300 feet; Thence South 300 feet to t.he Narth line of Brvadway fiivenue; Thence West 300 feet to the PCC)INT OF BEGIIV11iING; (Contains 5,712 sq. ft.) And further excepting all that poxytion of the Prope~ lying within the herexnaf'ter des~ribed Parce1 "B" described as fo1low: BegiaxYing on the east right of way line of Havana Street, said poiat of beginaiag bears N'.88°12'37"E., 30.00 feet; thence N.0I°5W41"W., 330.00 feet, from the West lfa comer of said 5ecti.on 14; thence N.01°59'41"'W., along sa%d east right of way lixxef 60.04 feet to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence N.88° 12'37"E., alox~g the nort,h line of said pat~ce1 50,00 feet; thence S.0 1°594 1"E., 60.00 feet, to the south line of said parcel; thence 5.88*12'37"W., a1omg said svuth lir~er 50.00 feet, to the point of beginning. ; Parcel "B" : ~ . -2- That portion of the Sauthwest quarter o#' the Northwest quarter vf Sectson 14, Township+ 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in the City of Spokane Valley, Spakarte Couurlty, Washington, described as fo1lows: BEGINNING at the intersectivn of the Nvrth line of Broadway Avenue and the East line of Havana Street; Thence North 300 feet alvng said East line tv the TRUE POINT OF BEGI1.1TNING; fihence cvntinuing North 60 feet alvng said East 1ines Thence East 300 feety Thence Svuth 60 feet; Thcnce West 300 feet tv the fiRL7E POINT OF BEGINNING. (+CorYttaiixs 3,00(] sq. ft.) Grantor hereby grants arid conveys to the Cify of Spokane an easernent for pub1ic street purposes and a11 uses incidentai thereto, includi.rig without limitation the right to construct, rnaintain, ret)ai.r 1 the Havana S#xe+et -aurtenances. Bridge axd related idght-of way i~. xv =nts and ap DA.TEI] thts day vf , 2009, CI'I`Y OF SPOKAI`►IE VALLEY By: Its: -3- S'TA'TE OF WASHINGTON) y ss. County of Spvkane ) Icertify that I knaw or have satisfactary evicience that and are the gersons who agpeaned befare me and said persons ac~iowledged that they signed this documents, on vath stated that they were authoriaed #A sign it and acinawled,ged it as the , and the City G1erk, respecttvely of the CITY OF SP[]KAr►TE VALLEY, a rnunicipal r.orporation, ta be the free and volun#asy act of such party far the uses and purpases therein mentioned. Dated: Notary Public in and for State, residia.g at My appointnent expires _ -4- Cifi1l QF SPaKANE VALLEY Request fQr Cauncil Action Meeting Date; July 21, 2009 City Manager Sign-ofF item: Check a11 that app[y: ❑ consent ofd business 0 new business ❑pubiic hearing ❑ infarmativn ❑ admin. repark ❑ pending legislation ACENaA rTEM TITLE: Motion consideration: VUastewa#er lnterlocal vuith Spokane Caunty GOVERWIAlG LEGIStAT10N: RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS C4UNCiL ACTtOIV TAlCEN: June 29,2009 discussion with +Cauncif BACKGRaUND: Spokane County has requested that the City of Spokane Val[ey enter into an int$riocal sgreemerrt regarding both the canstruction of a nevMr waste uvater facility by the County and the waste water systern apera#ing Yfithin the City af Spokane Va11ey. Staff has been warking on the it+ems the Counail brought up far discussson an June 29, 2009, which will be discussed more fully at the meeting. C}PT1ONS: Move to outhorizs the City Manager or designee to execute #he interlocal agreement; request addi#ianal changes to the propased interlocal agreement or take other achon deemed appropriate. RFCOMMENDED ACT1ON 0'R MOTION: Mave to authorize the City Manager ar designee to execute the proposed lntertacal Agreement between Spakane County end Ehe Ctty of Spakane lfalley regarding wastewater treatment. BUDGETIFIlVANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mika Connelly, Gity Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Agreernent (may be distributed separately) ~ ~~ORNEY ~N3ICHAEL F. CO~TNELLY - CrTY A1'7`OIt~Y 3pdirane CARY P. DRISKELL - DEPUTY CIT'Y ATTORNEY ,;o*%Hey 0 11707 €ast 5prayue Avenue Suite 103 ♦ Spakarte V►altey WA 99206 509.688.0235 ! Fax: 509.6$8.0299 * cityatGomey@spoiwnevailey.or$ ~ emoran um To: Mayor Munsan, members of the City Cauncil From: Mike Connelly, City Attorney cc: Dave Mercfer, City Manager3 Mike Jackson, Depufiy City Manager Date: July 16,2009 , Re: Wastewater Interlacal Attwhed is etmail received fmm Spakane Cawrty, carrespandence drafted by Dashen Mussebnan and Barclays Capital and an e mail firam Bruce Rawls alI concerm'ng the impact an Interlocal Agre.ement wi1 have an the cost af the wastewater facility bands. Also aitaehed i.s the latest pxoposed Wastewater Tnterloca1 Agreement. We are sti11 negatiating -same aspectg of #his agreeaient and I will provide an updated vexsion with any aadditional changes by Mon4ay. Sec-,-~D, 3 •c~(e) bei iq , ~ C) I 1 t ~ BARCLAYS 5e3n KCattS 701 ~frh Avenue. Sufie 7181 11ice Presidertt Seatzl$ Washixigton 98104-7416 PubEic Flnance (206) 344=5881 Phane ~e.A PITAL (212) 52D-081 i F8x sean.lceatts@hardayscapitaf.tnm lune 29, 2009 The Honorabfe Board of tammissioners Spakane County ] 1161Nest 8roadway Avenue Spokane, Washfngton 99260 5ubrecL 5ewer Revenue Bortds Dear Honorable Commrssionet•s• At the CommFSSion meeting an Friday, yau asked rrse ta quan#ify the potential cast of a Eack of inter-[acaC agreerrtent with the Gity of Spokane 1lal[ey. 7he cost cauld vary+ stgnifir.antly in eitkier direction depending upon t.he flnal facts, but since approxima#ety two-thlrds of the customers for #his financing are withtn the City of 5paicane Valiey, we bei3eve at 1east SO basis polnts of added yieEd wouid be a reasonable assumptinn. Assuming a$y4D miflion frnancing with 5 Year's of interest only and 20 years of principal amartization, 50 basis points wouid equate to appraximately $7 3 miHton of lrtterest ower the fife of the honds. Please call me at (206) 344-5881 If you have any further questions. Sincerely, ~ w Barclays Capi#al InG. , . Page I af 1 Wlike Connerly _ FrQrn: Emacio, Jarnes [JEmacio@spokanecounty.arg] Sen#: Tuesday, June 30, 20091a:21 AM To: Mike Gonnelly Cc: Rawi% Bruoe; Famell, Marshall SubJect: Sewer Revenue Bonds Aftachrnents: Cnnneliy063009,doc.pdf Mike: In conjunctian with tha City's reviewlconsideraaon of #he dra€# document entitled "IN'T`ERLOCAL G4QPERA'ITt3N ACirRIEE11ffiNME'TiJVIEENTfiE CI?Y OF SP(}KAN.B itALLEY, WA,SHINC'rT4N, AND SPOKANE CO[RM, WASHNG'I'ON, REGARDING REGIOATAI. WASTEWATER 1VAAiAGBMENT" i thaught it would be s good id$a ia share wvitb yvn tbe attached letter f9rram Harclays Capital as well as Bnwe Rawls' e-mail to me. R,egards, J"Un ?116/2OQ9 1 f ❑aShenMUS5eEmGn DM fNCORPORA7E0 ~ ~~~ANc~~~ ~ONSuttING FoR PUBuc ErrrtrtES 5400 CARtLLoN PoiNr BuILDiNG 5000, SuiTE 400 , A►lon Dashen MRKL.AND. WasyiuGTaN 980.33 at4n@)dashenmusselmon.com (425) 452-9550 Farac• (4251452 9552 June 29, 2009 The Honorn6ie Bvard ofCommissioners Spokane Cvunty 1116 West Broadv►►ay Avenue SpQk$T1Bi 4Vashingtan 99260 Re: Agreement wi#h the City af Spv4caae Valley Honorabte Board of Cammissioners: This Ieter 'ts a follow-up to the Ietter sent by Sean Kcatts at Barclays Capital regarding an agreement between the Cit}r of Spokane Valley and Spokane CoUnty regarding finsncing the n$w wastewater treatment p]ant The concern raiseci by the financing team is the possihi[ity of a tower bond rating -tvithou# an agreemerrt with the Ciiy incorporating the major issues in the draft sgreement which has been circulated. The iower 6ond rating transfates directty into higFier interest rates, debt payments, and utility rates for all of the sewer customers. Sean Ke.atts has estimated the difference in interest rate, could be about a.54410, wbich translates into abaut $13 million of extra payments over the tenii vf the banas. We concur Nvith the reasanabteness of his assumptions and analysis, althaugh the real impact wvuld nat be known unti] the bonds are rdted and soid. If the City of $pokane Valley has any concerns ar issues tegarding the Covnty's request, we would welcome the oppartunitj► ta discuss the issues frarn afinancing perspective. Sinceael3'~ Dov 14s- Alan Dashen -----original Message----- From Rawls, Bruce Sent, Monday June 29, 2009 11 41 AP+1 To Emacio aames Cc sean keatts(Dbarciayscapital cam Farnell Marshall 'Angie Sanchez' Subject $E Sgokane Cvuaty/Valley lettex requested by the Board Assumptiaas $862, DR{3 increaae in annual debt service and caverage during first 5 years 45 040 EquYValent ResidentYal Un.ite (2009) grawing to about 50 f OQD ERL7' s by 2015 Approxirnate xmpaat to x-ates Iacrease to monthYy rates wauld be agproximateYy $1 50 per ERU Thanks, Sruce Rawls Spakane CQUnty IItilities Director (509) 477-3604 -----ariginal Message----- From: Raw1s, Bxuce SeQt; Manday, Juna 29. 2049 11:41 AM zo : Emacia, James Gc: 'sean,}teatts@barclayavapital.com'; Faraell, Marshell; 'pingie SaaCbez' subject: RE: Spvkaae County/Va-Uey l.etter requested by the Board Asetlmptians : $862,004 increase in annual debt service and caverage during first 5 years. 45,000 Equivalent Residential Unxts (2009) growing tv about 50+ o00 ERU's by 2015 Aggreximate impact to rates: Increaae to monthly ratea wvuld he appraximately $1.50 per LR[T. Taanka, Bruce Rawls Spokaae Caunty Utilities Director (50.9) 477-3604 il Y CQl]12tY Dmft 7/1 6/2009 IIwTERLOCAL GOOFERA'I'ION A,GREEMENT BETWEEN THE CT'I"Y OF SPOKANE YALLEY, WASHINGTON, AND SPQKANE C'OUNTY, WASHIPJ+GTON, REGARDIlNG REGIONAL WASTEWA'1'ER WLANAGEMEAIT , TEHS AGREEMENT is en.tered in#o on this 21st day of Xly~ 20093, by and between the City of Spokane Valley aad Sgokane County. ~ . , RECZTALS VVHEREAS, Spokane County, a class A cou*`duly orgaaized and e~xt~'tn under and by virtue of the ]aws of fhe state of Washington j(tie "Vvuntyl provides wastewmt6r,`6oIlectian., 11 hand.lings treatm~~ anCI diSpQsBI W1tiLtl the L1nf.IIcDtp42atEd ST8a5 of tIe COlltl~; the City ~►f P~illwoad, certaan groperties in the Ci~ of Libexty rertaia graperties ~in the City of 3pokane, and #he City of Spokane Valley (the "City") (all areas tage#her, the `Region"); WHEREAS, the Region is faced wnth seri.ous wastewater, collection, management, treatment, and disposal issues, i:acluding an' inereasmg valutne of wastewaier ffiat wa.U exceed the capacity of the exi.stuag w°astevvater system in less than five years; ` the ~rty ~d Cout~ty are ~it~.lly cvncerned about the increasin.g vvlx~e of wastewater aatd desire'tb construct, mas'ntain ai* aperate anew water realamation facility to propexlp treat and; wspoi tb.e iwreasing volvme of wastewstaer; ~ WHERE4Sx the City anC~ CQU11"ty haVc wp&ed tOgether SiIIee the City's mcarporation to develop and conmct wastewater cplleca.on, treatment and disposal facilities; WHEREAS, as a-re \sWt of the City and Cownty's efforts, the Gounty has entered iuto an agr~ement wi#.h CH2M VML ,Cans Jtrtptars, Inc., to design, cansfiruct an.cl operate the Spokaae Courl.y Reeoma1 Wa#er Rec.larnation Facil.ity (the "FaciRty") for wastevvater treatment and pr+oduction ofreclaimed waW whieh will serQe all pemns within the Region; , WIEEREAS, #he Gauaty will sell. a significaat anYaunfi of westewater re,venue boads to finance the design and ooastruction of the Facility; VIBEREAS, the City and County have been advised tbat this Agreement evidencing the Cityys support of the financing, desiM constructian and operation of the Facili#y wnll result i.n 1Qwer interest rates on th.e wastewater revenn.e bamds dan if such A,greement was not ebtered intos WHEREAS, #he City desires to suppart the financing, design, construction, and aperation of #he Facility in arder #o meet the wastewater needs within the boundaries of the City; WHEREAS. it i.s the intent of this Aere.ement to evidence the Gitv's suuort for the Faci.Iity and the financine af the Gosts af the Facilitv: - WHERFAS, the City and the County are au#horitied by chapter 39.34 RCW to enter inta agreements with each ather for caoperative actian, such as planning, canstruction, owming,, f"'a.ancing, n~anaging and operaiing wastewateer fac'ili.ties; WHEREAS, the aforementioned recitats are found to be tive and correct findings of fact; and . W-EREAS, the City and County hereby f nd and detertnifie that this Agreement is , mutuallp faar and advantageous to the City and Caunty; ~ NQW, TBEREFORE, between the garties hereto, the City and County, iT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS : . , ARTICL.E I DFFI?4ft_10NS , As used i.n #his Agr+eement, the following words, unless the eontext othervvise dictates, have the following meanings: . ' , . Agreenent means thi.s Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City and the Cflun#y and nertaim solelv to those matters contained herei i, evme-uin . f 9 ~ AnnWal Budget me~ Systern budget for a fiscal pear, as adopted or amended by the County. ~ Charges me.ans the f6esy ra*s; and charges charged ta the T3sers and c,cjllected by the Couniy with-respect to the SystM as the same are hereina€ter de#erxained or later modif eci. City means the City of Spokane~ Valley, Washing#vn, a code city of the state vf Washingtdn. Costs df, .hfainterarzce urrd Opercttian naeans the Caunty's expenses for aperation, maintenance, repaixs and ordbiary renewals and replacements necessazy for the operatian of the System and includts, witaout Zimita#inn, vidm.inistrative expenses, insumnce premiums, ]egal and engineering expenses, consulting and technical expenses, payments ta► pensicrn, retirement, heaith and hvspitalization funds, annual charges payable by the County pursuant to any licens+es, permits, orders ar ather authariz.a.tians from any agency or regulatvey body having lawfiul jurisdiction, any taces (excluding discmtianary taxes impvsed on the Systen by the Cowaty), governmental charges and other expenses required to be paid by the County to the extext praperly and directly sttdbutable to the aperation of the System and costs of hmnsfers or exchanges af the Cauntp Bonds. costs of Maintenance and apemtion do not inciude debt service payments or any provisian for degreciation, amvrtizatian ar simil.ar chazges, or any cvsts or expenses for new constcuction ar reconstruc#ion oiGhher t.hm the casts of restoring any part af the System to 1~e paid fmm Charges or any deposits into the County Wastewater Fund. -2- y Costs of the Fcrcility means, with respect to any part of the Faci.li:ty, the costs, ogenses and liabR.ities paid or incun ed or to be paid or incuucred in evnne,ction with the pianaing, engineering, designing, acQuffing, canstruciing, instaLiing, operatYng, mavat~ining, financing ar disposing a€ such part of the Facility, including ail cos#s incurred ~n connecting the Faciaity to any interceptor pipelines, and tiae obtaining of all govemmenW approvals, cerbfiicates, germits and licenses with respect thereto, including, without liinitatiaN the costs relating to any eminent domain ar candemnation expenses incurted in cannection with the Facility by the Coanty, and debt serviee an any evidence of indebtedness of the County issued to finance any of the faregving. , ~ Costs of the System means, with respect ta any par# of txe ~ysten, the costs, exgenses and Ziabilities paid or iacttrred ar to be paid or incurred in cannection w%#h'the planning, en~~ri~ng, designing, acqu~sin& c4ns~uct~g, instalLxng, operating, m'au~iainin~, ~cing, ar diVosd of such part of the Systern, and the obtai3ning of all gavemmentid;aPP=Vats;'c+ertificates, permits, annd licenses with respect thereto, including withaut Wtbhow, #he costs relading to any eminent damain ar oondeamnafiion expenses incurred in conne6tian with the System by the Countys and debt sem'ce on any evidence of indebtedness -of the County issued to fmance gny of the foregfling Caunty means Spokane Caunty, Washington, a class A caunty of #he state of . Washington, County Bvnds sneans the "Spakane Cou* Vaa#ewater Reveuiie Bands, Series 2009," or such otber desipatian as fihe County decides at the time ofissuande? to be issued to finance aII ar a portion of the Gas#,s of the Facili#y. Coundy Bvnds shall also include all-nadditiana1 ban.ds issued ta pay the costs of camplletxng the Fac' 'ty and related -vvater reuselxeclamation linnraiecfis in the nrinra.va.l amoumt 4-not to exceed $60,000.000. Ali Cvuntv Bonds shal1 matuure na later than 2031., , . - FaeilTty mems the Spokaue Goun#y ;,Regianal Wastewater Recl,amation Fa.cility comprised a€ aR property~ real vr persvnal, tangke or intangihle, fhat is now vwned ar hereafter acquired by t,he County and is used of use,fiil by the County: (i) in connection with 1he tramport . atm#ed vaa,stewwater genera#ed within the Region from the interceptor sewers to the treatment of u plant, (u) in cvnnection wi#b the trealudent of the wastewatear and generatian of rechainaed water, and ('ui) in canivecfian with disposal, and reuse of reclai.med water. Regian rtie= the baundaries of the unitscorpora.#ed area of the Caunty tagether with the bvundafles of tUe Qty, the City of Millwood, certain pmperties in the City of Spakane, and certaia prvperties in d5e. City of Liberty Lake, that re1y on the System for wastewater service. System means the Facility and a11 sewage cvllection system, punPing stativns, farce mains, interceptors, wastewater system pmperties, real and persanal, tangible and intangible, now ex.isdng, or hemafter acquired or cons#rucied by the Cvuntyy, and which are used in connection with the Fa.cility for the purposes of wastewa#er collection, transport, treatment, di.sposal, and reuse. For pwrposes of this Agreement, Systexm does n.ot i.nclude the vvastewater umprovements located in the Northem poriio-a of the Cotmty nor the County's share of its cagacity in the Riverside Park Rectamation Facility. -3- Users mean a11 persons, entities, or na►anicipaliries within the Region connected to the wastewater systenl utilizing the Spstem for collectian, handlin& treatinent, disposal, and reuse of wastewater. ARTICLE II COOPERAT'IVEF1tOJECT Sec#ion 2.1. Purpose of this Agreemeat. The pwpose af this Agreement is to set forth certain agreenYent~ between the City and the County relating to the use of the System far the colleetion, en#,tramPorf, handling, treaficnent, disposal and revse of wastewater within the Regian., - , , , . Section 2.2. Caagerative Nature af the System.,., . The City and County hereby recognize the reg;ional nafiure af the cbaltenges rela#ed tv wastewater management, and the necessity of a re~gianaI solufiion. To acchieve a beneficial regianal solution to both the C.ity and County, the Ciiy aaad County hereby , d"eclare fhcir combined support of the planning, finannci~g, cons#ruction,. m'anaginvF and api-,;ation af the Spstem,, a11 as more parfiicularly de5crib+ed below. . , ~ Section 23. Ownership of System. _ , The System shall be owned and manned by ~he Caunty. , ~ Section 2.4. Fiunxicing. , The County thall, issue the County Bonds to f~ance the Facility. The City and the County hereby agree and c~ec~ tbit su~'tcient rev~u'aes must be generated through the Charges to prflperly pay the Casts'of~M~inten~x~e and Op fieiation and to pay the principal aati i.nterest on the +County,Bahds. _Notwitlstanduxg ampthi.ng 'M'thts Agreement to the cantrary, the City sRhall nat be respansible for paying priuci-pal of or interest on the County Bonds at any time. , - Section 2.5. Charg". ,(a) A necessary element of achieving a regionat wastewater solution is fwading the rost of cQnstruction af the Facility. Pursuaxt ta this Agreement, the County, thuough the use of the System, will provide vvastewater collection, bandling, treatment, disgosai and reuse services and calleet Charges wiffiin the Regian. In recogni.tion of the faregoing, the City hereby agreces that the City will nat create any competing wastewater utilxty or com~g system for the puarpflses of pmviding wastewa#er services ta Users vvithin the City sa lang as the County F3onds are aut~adingF Provided, nathing herein shall prevent the City from providin.g alternaiive service ta a New User (hereinafter defined) pursuant to Sectian 3.2(d) or teminatii~n►g this Agreement pursuant to Section 3.2(e). (b) This Agreement wflI not prevent the City and/or Caunty fram imposing such fees, utlity taxes and averhead chargES on the Users to the extent authori2ed by law. -4- 1 ► Sectian 2.+6. Cltarges auud Budget& (a) The County shaU prepare an A►nnua1 Budget for the System, takin~ into considerafion comments franx the Policy Advisory Haard (hereinaiter defined), at the sanae rime the Cvuuty preptares its geaerat budget. (b) The Amual Sudget fox the System shaU establish operating revenues, expeases, and reserves that are sufficient to meet &e covenants in the resotution authorizing the Caunty Bonds. , (c) Charges for wastewa#er service shaU be uniborm fo`~r the same class of service, provided that additiosal fees, taxes, or overheac~ chaige~ m~ay be imposed l~y the City within ~e City's brnrders or by the Cvunty wi~a'~ the- +carparated ar+~ af the County ta ~e ex.tent aurthor. ~ed by law. ~ ~ ~ Sectiun 2.7. Alanagement. , (a) The County shall ogerate `tIie gystem and &all be responsib~e/for makin,g afl operational and golicy decisions. The County sh2ll be respvnsible for a1 confiract and nvn-cantract employees of the SysWm. The Caun#y may contraci far any ffiird-party to operate the System. ~ . (b) The City and County, shafl farm $ five-meitxbe-r' Policy Advisory Baard (the "Policy Aduisory Baar&), com `~rise~~ ~f tiva Gity etected representativesy twvoem County Commissioners and one merriber selected by the four amainted memberAo . , The term of esch aupoiniment sb.a11 ~f6r four vears or ~t such tirne as anv such elected officiai ceuds to' be an eIected official. The Palicy Advisary Baar+d shall review and make a recommendation aa- #he Anndal Budge# ani.d proposed Gharges, givin:g t~ne cAnsidemfion to a11 ccrehants in the resoIution authorizing the County Bands; provided, however, thaf sut~h r'ecm'inendatiot~ sbaU at all times comply with the provisions of the resalutian au~.variz~ag the Countg Bonds, The purpose and function of the Poficy Advisory Board sha11, be to create a foruna for di.scussion betvveen the City and the ICounty concerning tlae System, and to create a body to which i_nformatian concerning the Systeiii ran be pro~ded. 'rhe City and the County sha11 each appoint tbeir repr-esen#atives, who shaU serve wi#baut additianal campensation. The fifffi member of the P-o3icy Advfssory tioard sh$11 also serve without campensa#ion. The Policy Advisory Baard shaU ba-ve no independerit decisivn-mmking authority. The County shaU pravide a staiement of 8~st~m iixcame and expenses (Cambined Anixuai Financial Report) to the Policy Advisoiy Boarad at the end of each fis+ca1 year or vn such ather periodic basis agreed upon by the City and the Caunty, The Fohey Advisory Boud shall meet at least once each calend,ar year to review the draft annual budget for the Sys#em, or on such ather periodic basis agneed upon by the members to review policy matters perWning ta #he System. Additianal.ty, the Palicy Advisary Baard shall meert to review any propasal to Ghannge Charges applied tu the Users of the 5ystem. The County shall cause an opeational statvs repvrt for the Systera to be made at such meeti.ng of the Policy Advisory Board. -5- ~ The failure af the Policy Advisary Baard to meet as provided in this see#ioA shall not invWid.ate this Agreenaent, ARTIGLE UI MLS(:ELLANEOUS Sectian 3.1. Amendment of this Agreement. Amendment af this Agreenent ma.y be m$de only by written a~ment of the City and the County. - l ' - ~ Swtian 3.2. Duratiun and Terminati4n of this Agreefnent. (a) Tbe System i,s a xegional system fvr * collect%pn";,~iransport, treatm.ent, management and disposal and reuse of wastewattr amd is to 1e opora#ed pursuant tQ this Agreement. Neither the City nar the County #iay use the System to the eaccluston af the other, except as otherwise provided in this Ag~eement. (b) Tlus Agreement shall be in effect unW the Coumty Bauds have been paid in full ar defeased, whether by eaxly redemption, .are~mding of the Couaty Bonds os atherwise, and iri no event shalr the tenm of this Agrement be longer thm the tern of th+e Couufy Boads or Januarv 1. 2+031.~ whi&ever aCCUxs first. (c) Except as o#hervvise prQVided hctem*, this Agreement nzay be tenninated eariy only by mutual agreem.ent af the City auud the Coiuity- (d) Tn, the event a new User *ated within th+e boundaries of the City desires to connect to the System after the da#e of this Agreement and the System cannot growide vmtewater collectian~ dioosal and; treatneut-4 services to snch new User, or in the event an exzsti.ng Uset locatei within the, baundaries of the Gity desires to expand its apetatians, thereby increasing its usage; and the System caxnat provide wastewater colleaction, disposal and;. treatment-aRd--nwe services to such sxpanded User (such *acted Users in eich case r~ferrtd to as a`New LTser") within a periad of 6 nnonths, the +City may seek to provide wastevva.ter collection, disgasal and; treatment services to the New User by wha#ever means the City desires; provided, noflhing in this section gball invalidite this Agreeernent nor the rights and abligations af the parties hereunder with respe+ct ta the TJsers, i~nposition and callec#iom of Charges and the County Bvnds. (e) ATatwi#hsta►nding the foregoi.ag, in the evenn# #.he Cnunt,+ does not have adeauatc treatarnent canacitv available to serve the existing ` - , ' Users within the City, and such lack of caDacztv cannvt he aured within 180 calendar days, the City may term.inate this Agreenient,-aean "n aa=.s , vai#en . , . . . , . . - , . - gmt . i , diliamfly . . . terminate . a ; -6- J • Section 3.3. Regionaliratian of Wastewa#er Mmagement. Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude the City andlor County from particigating in efforts to form a regional vvastevvater utilityi pI4V1Cied dig 1.f $ 1egIonal W89ttfWateI 1Ttil1ty 15 formed a11 outstandzng Caunty Bonds shall be assumed, defeased ar paid by suoh regional wasWwater utility. Sectian 3.4 Organizatian af Separate Entity a.nd irks PoWers.. Na new or separate legal enfity is created to administer tbe p►r~,ns of this A►g~ement,. How+ever a Policy Advisary Board is formed having certain re§I~onsibilities as set forth in Section 2.7 above. Secdon 3.5 Property Upon Terminatifln. Upoa termination of this Agreement the Sy~tem shal be owned ~aad ~max:a.ged by the , . Caunty. , • ~ Section 3.6 No Abrogatian Nathing in this Agreemen# is iniended ta limif ar abro&t+e the parties' existing rights or obligations under existing Iaw. Sectf on 3.7. 'VVaiver. Na of `ricer, emplayte, agent ar otherwise of the Gity or the Caunty has the pow+er, right ar authority to waive atiy of the conditions or pr`oyisions of ~i.s A~~~, No vaiver of any Ureach of this Agre4meotshall ~held tv be a v,vaJ$er af any o~er ar subsequent breach. All remedies affonded m this A~`greemerit or at law sha.1.I ~q taken and construed as cumuMve, that is? F in eddition to every ather `remddy provided hemin or by law. Fai1ure af the City or tbe County to en.farce at any timi aay_of the provmans- af thits Agreement, shafl in na way be construed t41e a ~vai~r of kch provmons, nor in \ any way affect the validity of this Agreement or any pait hereot vx the right of the Gity andl'c~r #~e Courity to hereafter enforce ~h and every such pro~rision. ~ seCtiXiA 3,$a HeRftgs. . The sectiE6n headings in this Agreement have been inserted solety fot ihe purpose of convenience and ready re&- "rence. In na way da theY PurPort to, and s►hall not be deemed to, ]imit or extend the scvpe ar intent of the sections t4 whicb ihey appertain. Section 3.9. A11 Writinp +Contained Hereia. This Agreement contains all of tbe terms atrd conditians agreed upon by the parties. No other tu#derstandings, oral or otherwise, regazding the subject matter of thi.s Agxeement shell be deemed to exist or ta bi.nd any of the partites here#o. T'he gmrties have read and understand all of the prowisions af this Agreement, and naw state thw na represent$ti.on, promise, ar agreement nat expressed in thi.s Agreement has been made ta induce the parties to ececute the same. -7- , . . Sectian 3.10. FWng oi this Agreement. 'Y'he County sbail fiie this Agreement with the County Clerk, County Auditor and Secretary of State, wi#h a cogy of such filings to the City Clerk. Sectfon 3.11. Severability. In the event any provisinn of this AgreernenY shall be declared by a court of +competent judsalic#ion to be invalid, illegal, or unenf'ozcea6le, the validity, legality and enfarceability af the rema.i.ning proaisian.s shall nat, in any way, be affected ar impasre+d thereby. Sectioa 3,12. Effective I)skte. ~ - This Agreement shall become effective irnmediately After it is duly adopteci by the City Cowacil and the Baard of County Commissioners of the County. [Remainder of this page inteAtiorrally le, ft blank] ~ f . ; ~ _ . , -8- IN WtTNESS each af the pates has executed tlus Agreement by theu duly authanzed afficials DATED as of tlus 21st day af July, 2009 SPaK.ANE CC,UNI"Y, WA►SHINGTI]hI Todd NfieIke, Chaxr , a r Mark Richard, V=-Chair , ~ ` Bonme Mager:, Comnn,.ssionci . ATTEsx ~ ~f Da3uela F.nckson, Clerk af the Bosrd of Countp Comnussioners (SEAL) MarsW R. FameR, Ghief Executive Officer ~ / APPR+DVED AS TO FORM Jim. Emacid, ChYef Civil Deputy ` Frosetutng Attomey , I3ATED as of dus 21 ~t day of auly 2009 ~ C1 l Y LI~ ~~OKANE V tiLL~Y Spokatle Cou1ty, W2kShiI1gto]] ~ Davzd R. Mercier, City Maaager A1'I'EST Chns Bambndge, Gity Clerk -9- C1TY OF SPOI{ANE VALLEY Request for Cauncil Action Nfeeting Dater July 21, 2009 City IlAanager SiBrt-offi tt{ecn Check all that apply oonsent Q a1d busmess ~ new business ❑ public headng ❑ infarmabon Qadmin report ❑ pendEng Iegislation ACEMDA. ITEM TiTtE Mabon Consideration Change Order far PineslSprague lntersection Prolect GovERNiraG LEGIsLaTraN PREMOUS COUN+CIL A►CTIOlV TAKEN BACKGROUND The current contract was approu►ed by Cauncil at an amaunt af $634,428 25 The Gity Nlanager has change order authonty in the amaunt of 15% af the contracE ar $95,164 Per the attached memos 9 is antcipa#ed that an addftional $140,008 30 mll be need to compte#e the project (see at#ached mernos) A total of $393,468 is still anUcipated to be left aver from the STA grant after completon of all three intersections Op7tONS Authonze the City Manager an additional $140,000 in change order authority, or provide addrtional direction ta staff FiEGOflAMENDED ACT[ON OR MOTIQN IwJlove to authorms the Cfly Manager an additronal $140 OOb in change vrder authontyy far the aomple#ion af the PaneslSprague Intersection praject BUDGETlFINAMClAL 1MPACTS STA GTant (79 5°lo) and Ci#y Match (20 5%) STAFF CONTAC7 NeEi Kersten ATTAGHMENYS Ntemos dated July 15, 2009 and July 14, 24Q9 WocarTry -eroo'~ Q9 L sm " Public Works Department ~o ~ Capitallmprovernen# Prograrn ,;o*VAey 11707 E Sprape Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spolcane Vatley WA 94246 504 921 1000 # Fax 509 421 100s • cityhallospolcanevaliey ors Me orandum [ate Ju1y 14, 2009 To Steve Worley, Neil Kemten From Crafg Aldworth Re Pay applicatian 2 for Sprague ! Plnes PCCP Ietersection Praject, C I P hfo 0103 Budget Ac:count No 303 3031 03 595 30 63 00 Acme Concret+e Paving Con#ract 09-024 The attached Pay Esbmate Applicabon is the seconci Rayment ta Acme Concrete Paving for c7artstrucbon of the Sprague 1 Pfies PCGP irtsrsecbon A11 oonstrucbvn is aompiete except pavement marking Origfnal GontreGt amaunt = $63442825 Change Qrder Cost (1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6) _ § 44.56345 Projed Cantract Amount including Change Order 6_ $678 98170 Dunng canstn,cban it was discovered that constrcaebon debris, (including old torle#s broken pipes, and rvt#irrg raitroad tes) and fill containmg a high perc~entage of clay had been used as fill undet the extsiang raad Remaval of the uRSUrtabie subgrade matenal and placement of crushed surfac►ng top aaurse (CSTC) was paid for as an overage under the followting exisbng bid ttems ltem Qescnobon Unit Qveraae Unit Cost Tntal 14 Roadway Ex (incl haul) CY 10830 $15 0olCY $27,450 00 18 GSTC TN 2191635 $18 001CY $52.49430 $79 944 00 SharEages In the angrnal bid quantdies caused large overages irr #he follawtng bid i#erns Item i3escr+ation Unit Overaa$ l1nit Cost Tatal 6 Sawcut AC IF'CC Pavernent LF-IN 10,726 $1 OOILF-IN $'f 0,72600 24 CCP* 10" incl dowefs SY 25950 $25 001SY $6 487 50 25 Ft[mishing Concreie for CCP CY 16350 $120 4Q/CY $'I 9 B2000 51 Ternp Pavement Marking LF 4885 $1 10ILF $ 5.37350 $4220700 AAis►c►alaneaus bid ftem quanbty changes = $1,707 25 Total Cast Overage to-date = $123,858 25 The Work campleted to +da#e is = $802 849 95 Es#imatad Cost of Campteted Project = $81900000 Anticipated overage to compEet,e the proJect & incr+ease in PO # 42371 = $14000830 Pay Applccation 2(Wark Completed - 5°lo Retainege) _ $5236469 15 The prolect is paid for by the Gity of Spokane Vailey and a 79 5% STA Grant There are sufficierit funds in the project budget to vover these casts Praject Manager S mwft Pu,~lfc I~fflorks Deparfmerr# ~Capital Improvemenf Program 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spakane Valley WA 99206 504 921 1DOO # Fax 509 927 1008 # cityhaftspoicanevatley org Memorandum Date July 13, 2009 To Steve Warley, Neil Kersten From Cra3g Atdw+arth Re Updated Gost Es#imates fbr Cornbined Spragug Avenue intersection STA Grants Sprague 1 Pines PCCP Intersection Rroject, C I R No 0703, Acme Concrete Paving Conbact 09-024 Sprague ! Eve+rgreen PCCP Interseetion Prajec#, C f PNo 0102, Acme Cancreft Paving Gontract 09-026 Sprague 1 McDanaid PCCP Intersectian Project C I P Na 0104, Acme Concrete Pavfng Contract 09-026 Pines Budget Account No 303 303103 595 30 63 00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 09-024 Evergreen Budge,t Aacourtt No 303 303 102 595 30 63 00 Acme Cancrete PavEng Cantraef 09-026 RIIcDonald Budget Acoaunt Na 343 303 104 595 30 63 00 Acme Concre#e Paving Contract 09-026 The current estimated project casts are compared vuith the STA grant budgets in the table below- I Cutrennt Cost Estrrnate ~ Grant Budget ~ Project Constructian Eagine,ermg Totat Tota1 Project STA Share City Share proaected Buaget (a9.s~r~) (20s~r~) unspent budget Evergrm $681,000 $130,000+1- $811,400 $1,082008 $564,196 $221812 $271,008 Std +ld~fo COIltmgeBGy . pines $919,000 $130 ooa+r- $949000 $949,031 $754,480 $1949551 so Cvst to complete Mcbonald $660 000 $134 400+1- $790,000 $912,961 $725804 $187157 $122 961 Bid +IO°lo ContLngency Total j$2160000 1 $390ODO ~$2 550 ooa ~$2,944 000 1 $2340400 ~$503600 ~$393,069 7he $140,000 overage on the 5prague 1 Pines PCCP Intersectron praJect is cavered by the funding available in the cambtned pr+aject budgets Project Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council A►cbQn NieetinO Date July 21 2009 Clty Manager Sign-ofF ttenn Check ail that appty ❑ consent otd business 0 new business ❑ public hearing El informetivn ❑ admin repart pending regislabon AGENDA ITEM TITLE Mation Consideration One Year Lease for the Waste Management Site GOVERNiNG LEGISLAT[OM PFtE1lIOUS COLINCIL ACTION TA![EN BAGKGROUND See attached Winter Sernces Update and a capy of the propased lease OFTjONS Approve #he lease to provide a faci1dy rtor the Emergency 1Ninter Sernces Operaabon ar gnre staff further directivn RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MQTION Mave to authorize the City Manager or designee to negotiate and sign the lease wrth 1Naste Management in an amount of $53,885 B!]DGETlFINANCIAi. IMPACTS Funds w111 corne from the Street Fund Budget STAFF C4NTACT Nell Kersten ATTACHMEhITS Was#e Managerrten# Lease DRAFT AGREEMEirIT FOR LEASE OF REAL ESTA'TE TNIS LE4SE (#he F Lease") is made this day af , 2008, by and between WASTE N!P►1VAGEMEN7' aF WASHtNG70N INC a Dek"re carporaton {"Landiard"l and CITY OF SPOKA.iVE VALLEY, V11ASH1NGT4N a Municipal Carporadon C"Cenant}, 1NiTMESSETH 'i pCtEMISES AND TERM Landlard for and in aonsideration of the rents herein mserved and cf the oovenants and agmenenf.s Meremn onrrtained on ifie part of the Tenant daes derntse ar1d lease fio the Tenant approximateiy 16 acres of tand inciudmg a 4,735fSF building located a# 11804 E 90 Avenue Spokane Valley, WA , identifted by the CoUnty Tax Assessar as Parcels 452110518, -0511 end -0510 ("Premisesl for a term eTerm } commencrng on the day of , 2009 (the "Commencemenk Date") artd termtnating an the last day af , 2012 unl+ess sooner tierminate# by Landlord's advance suc (6) month nobce tQ Tenant (the "Termmatan 1Date ) 2 REN-T AlrfD SECURITY DEPOSIT Tenant heraby oavenants and agrees ta pey Landlord at WA5'T'E MANAGEAAENT OF SPOICANE 17321 E. Indiana Road Spokane Vr1A 99206 AT"CN Distric# Manager, mntal payabfe manthly in aduanae mstallrnents of and 1700ths ~ Rollars each (uRenr), an the first day of each and ev►ery month af the Terrn hereof, commeneEng on the day of , 2009 Rent shap mcrease by three (3°la) percent over the pnor year's Rent on each anniversary date of the caommencemertt of this Lease Concumently with payment of the first month s mnf, Tenant sha11 deposit wdh l..andland the sum of and NOl1 OQ ) DOLLARS as and for a security depasit CSecurity Depasir) to guarantee TenanrS ObIIgaboI1S URder tiIS L@Sb@ and vuh«h Security Deposft less deducbons ff any sha11 be re#umed ta Tenant wffiin thirty (30) days faflowing the Terminabon Dabe 3 TAXES. ASSESSMENI"S ANU UTIUTIES Landtord shall pay ail tauces and assessmrents geneml and speCial, which rnoy be EevIed, assessed or impased upon the PrenEses Landlord reptesents and uvarrants that the Premises are directfy seranced by natural gas fbr heating and ather purpases vvatert sanftary sewer seroice efectnc power and tetephane servlce Tenant shall pay for afl utility charges used on the Premises by Tenant dunng the term af this Lease 4 USE AND CARE OMF PREMISES ALfiERATIONS BY TENANT SECTlOA4 41 Tenant and all persons dauming by, thraugh or under Tenant may use and vccuPy the Premise,s for any laV+rful purpose Tenant irrtends ta utflfze the Premtses as a mairtenance facility for #hm Gfty of Spokane Vailey's snonr p[owmg operabans SECTION 4 2 Tenant shatl perforrn rauane maintenence on the roaf and all s#ructural partions af the bui[ding [acated upan the Prerraises artd a!1 el"cal irghbng plumbmg, heabng cooting and rferrdlabng fixtums Iocated therean Tenant shall also repa)r ail damage #o such items caused by Tenant Its agents ernployees, con#ractors ar invdees and not covered by msurance and maintain the Premises fi a good and safe canditon Lease Agreement Spakane VaUey/Waste Managernent Page 1of 8 DRAFT SEGTIQN 4 3 [..andiarii and Tenant agree tlia# anyr and all fixed rmprovements made to the Premises by Tenant shall bracome the sofe prvperty of Landlord upon termmaban of the Lease as tang as said improvernents do not detract from the fair maEfce# value of the Premises in wfiicch case Tenant agrees to remove all of satd impmvements and return the Premises t4 Landlard in the same condftian In which tt was remived an the cammenoement date of this Lease normal wear and tear excepted Noimthstandmg the faregoing Tenant shall b8 alkwed to remove a11 personal prnperEy and trade fbdures nwned by► Tenant from the Premises SECTION 4 4 Tenant sha[I not be responsrble lar any costs af Landland under Landlord's cavenants of quiet enjoyment and peaceable passession or Landlord's taces due Qn Landlord's income, gross remipts ar othsr SImflar iterns tha# are Rot reasanably constde►ed to be in the nature of real estate taxes SEGTtON 4 5 Tenant rrtay nat make any alte.rabans and r,hanges ta the Premises wikhout Landlard s advance written cansent excep# far pambng cleaning carpet repa[rlreplacement and workstabon nearrangement If Tenant shall aiter or change the Premises dunng the term of this Lease Tenant shall comply wtth the Americans with Disabilihes Act af 1990 C'ADA"} and alI atatutes, ardinances faws orders n,les, regulatons and requirernents of a!I applicable federal, state, oounty and other agencAes or authontes naw In effect with respect #o the use occupadon or afteraban of the Premises ( taws') and, upon request of Landtord shall defrver evidence thereof reasonably sabsfactory bo Landlord SECTIOhI 4 6 L unng the term of this L-eass, 7enant sha11 keep, aiford and altow access to Landiflrd to the Premises at all reasonabl$ brnes Except in ernergency, LaRdlord shall give at lesst Wvenfy-four (24) haurs advance nattee wrdten or ora) of ft [ntent to gam acr,ess to the Premises SEGTIaN 4 7 Tenant shatl vacate and delnrer up the Premises upan the expiwaban of the term of this Lease or eny renewal thereaf, or sooner termmation of the iertn of this Lease, in good clean, sanctary condiban reasonable wear and #eair excepted 5 CASUALTY In case of damage to ar destructton af a11 or part of the Premises or alI or part af the fix#ures ar improvements therecm by fire or o#her casuaity and sub1ect to Lendlord's reaeipt of sufficient insurance prooesds, Landlord shall pramptly repair restare or rebuild the same to no less than the condton exishng Immediately ptior to the occumence of such f[ne or other casualty Nowenrer within fourieen (14) c#ays after such damage or destructon af the Premises, edher parly sha11 have the apbon af terminating this Lease wrth seven days' prcor wr►tten notoe to the other pariy 6 INSURANCE Landlord cavenan#s and agrees that ft YAll at all bmes, at Its sole cast and expense keep the building on the Premises insured under afire insuranc:e poiicy wfth eactended c:overage endorsements for nat less than ds full ar thetr full insurartoe value abave foundabans Tenant eovenants and agnees that rt will at a11 times durinB the term hereo€ c,arry for the mutual tenefift af the Landlard and af the Tenan#, $2 000 000 00 general pubric IiabElity insurance agaanst clairrjs for personal injury, death or praperty damage ovcumng in, on ar abaut the PremLses mamounts and caverages as reasonably determmed by the Landlor+d and shall name Landtand as an insured m rts capaci#y as owner o# the Premises The insuranoe poficy $hall contain a clause that ft may not be cancelled wOhaut Landlord's recenrtng a thtrty (30) days' pnor wntten Rotrw o# Tenant or insurance cvmpanys intent to cancel 7 tNDEMNtFICATION SEGfiION 7 1 Tenant agree.s to deiend indemnify and save the Landlord harrnless from and against any and a!1 liabillty, Ioss, damage, Environmen#aI Damages, as dafined hetein, and expense Lame Agreement Spakane ValleylWas#e NLaWement Page 2 of 8 DR,4FY (includ~g reasanable a#borneys' fees) and from and agafnst any and all suits, claims and demands af every krnd and nature due bo Tenants negligenoe or breach hereaf, made by or an behelf af any and aIl persons, firms or corparabons, ansmg aut of or based upon any aocident, tnJury or darrage hawever acx:urring which happens in, on or about #he Premmes or entrances theret,v dunn8 the term of thts Lease or arising aut of or based upon the use, vocupation or aperaton of saad Pramises or facflides dunng the ternn hereof or ans«g out af any breach or deFfauft on the part of the Tenatrt in the performance or abserwanoe af any cawenant or agmement on tha part of the Tenartt to be perfiormed or abserved pursuant Vo the terms af this L$ase Nathung in thts secUan shall refleve Landford frorn hability resultng ftrn its own negligenae, wil[ful misoonduct or breach of its abiigatfans under this l.ease SFCTlG3N ? 2 Landlord agrees ta give Tenant prompt wt'itten noboe of any tlaims or demands agatns# the Landlard ansing out of or Eased upon eny of the liablli#ies losses or expenses agains# which Tenarrt m aaund tia defend indemniTy and save hannless the Laridtord Tenent shall have fulj control oaer any claim or Irtgation and l_andtord shall reasonabiy c;aoperatre with Tenant m such effor#s, SECTION 7 3 fienant shail tndemnriy and save harmtess Landlord from and against all mechantcs' liens and natces thereof and a11 claims thereof on accaunt of any matenals fumished or labot pertorrned in abaut or In conneefion with the Pnemises or the sidewaiks and curbs adlaoent thete#o, rf any except those arlsing from wark undertaken by Landlord Should any such lien be filed, Tenant shall prompOy bond or athervinse dNicharge the same SLCTtON 7 5 Tenant agnses ta gnre Landlvrd prornpt natice of anp claims or demands against the Tenant arising out af or bssed upon any af the tiabilfflas losses or expenses agaInst wtyich Landlard is bound to defend indemnify and save harmfess the Tenant Landlord shall have fuli cantral ovaer any claim or Ilbgabon and Tenan# sha1l reasonabty aooperate wdh L$ndlord in such efforts 8 UNDERGROLIND SfiORAGE TAIVKSIENVIFtONMENTAL REPRESENTATtUNS SECTIOw 81 As used herein "Hazardous Substance means any suastance that is toxtc, ignifa..ble reaetEve, radioacthre or corrosnre and thet Is r+egufated by any rocal govemment the ftte of Washmgton, or the Unrted States Govemment ' Hazandous Suksstance' includes any and aIl matenals or substances that are now or hereafter defined as ' hazacdous uvaste,° "extremely hazardous waste,° 'fiaxtc substance,' or a 'hazard'ous subs#ance pursuant to s#a#e fadersl or tooal gvvemmental iaw irtcludmg wtthaut limdaton, the Comprehenanre Enrnronmental Respanse Compensarhan and Caability Act (42 U S C 9801 et seq ) andUor the Resoume Conseruatian and Recouery ,Act (42 U S G§§ 6901, e# seq ) In addrbon, 'Hazar+daus Substance includes btrt Is nat res#ricted fio fnable asbestos, Polychlarinated bfphenyis ( PCB's"), and pefhaleum wheitrer or not any such substance is regulated as a Hazar+dous Substance pursuant to appti.able statutes or r3eguMons "Envlronrnental Damages" means a11 claims Judgments, darnages lasses penaittes fines liabiirbes (mcludEng stnct liability) encurnbrances liens costs and experrses af whatever kind or na'ture cvnbngent or othervvise matured or unmatured, ibreseeabte or unforeseeable includtng wKhout limbdan reasonable altoxrteys' and cxon,sultants" fees, incumed at eny filme as aresutt of the existenoe pnor to execution of this lease af a Hazardous Substance upon, about, or beneath the Premises or migrabng or thr{eatening #o rnigrate to or ftmm the Premises or the existenoe of a vrolabon of any gavemmentat requirement pertaintng to the environment, health or safiely ansing from or relabng ta the Prem,ses SECTION B 2 I.andlord agrees to indemndy, defend (av,th counsel acceptabte tv Tenan#) and hald harmless fienant and Tenants dinectors employees, agerts affiliates, swsx:essors and assigns against any and all expenses, losses c3osts deficiencies liabilifies peneibes, liens and damages, Including consuttan& fees, attomeys" fees and oourt cxrsts ("Exptenses") tncumed or suffened as a resutt of or in flanne+cbon wdh the existenr,e of any Hazardous Subsfance petroleum storage tanks purnps or assocWted piping m on under or abaut the Premises, if any, pnor to the commencement of t#hcs Lease and aftr ta the extent such Lease Agreement Spok,ane VaZley►f Waste 1'vaaagement Page 3 of 8 DRAFT Experlses are hat sately due tv TertarWs act or negligence andlor any oontamittaban associated therewtth irtcluding wdhout limltaUan Qnsts mcurned in the removal remediaaon festorabon, andfor ak3atement of the foregoing SECTION 8 3 Exoept in complrance with all gavemmental r+equiremen#s pertain[ng to heaf#h, safety and the env,ranment, Tenant shafl not knawingiy cause or permft any Hazardous Substance to be used stored generated or disRrssed af on in or about the Premises by Tenant, Tenent's agents empioyees aantrackocs or invitees If any Hazardous Substance rs knowingly used stored generated ar disposed of an, in ar about the Premises by Tenant ar If Tenant causes any caontarrainabon of the Premises by a release af such Hazardaus Substance far whiaM 7enant js legally liabte Tenan# shall upon reques# of the Landlard at iCs soie expense, ta4ce any and ail necessary achons to retum fhe Premtses to the aandiUon exis#mg pnor ba the retease of any suc,h Hazardous Subsiance on #he Prernises, lncluding but not lfmited to any and a11 clean- up and rernediW acbons 9 ASSlCNMFNT AND SUBLETTING Tenant shail not essign this Lease wAthvut W obtaming the Lendlord s pnor written cansent, which oonsent shafl not be unr+easanably wfthheld 10 F1XTliRES Aif bulidmgs and improvements on the Premtses and all plutnbtng heabng Lighfang efectncal artd air conditaning facturas and equipment and ot,her arbcles of personal property used in the aperabon af such buildings attachetl to #he Prerrltses, svmebmes herern refen'ed to as "Bullding Fixtures", I any shatl be and remaln a part of the Prernises and shall consbtuft the property of the Landlard 11 NOTICES OR DEiVlANDS Afl natces waivers demands requests or other cammunicatans required ar p+ermrtted hereunder sha11 unless atherwise expr+essly provtded, ke in r+vnbng and be deerrreci to have beefl properly grven, serwed and received (a) 0 deltvered by messenger when deliveted (b) if malled on the #hircl (3rd) busmess day after deposft tn the Unsted S#ates cerbfied ar regisfeted ma11 postage pnepaid, retum receipt requested, (c) rf telexed teEegrapfied or teleoopied at the ttme In effeCt at the piaoe of reaerpt, or at 8 00 a m on the next business day therea#ter rf hme of receipt is lafier than 6 00 p m' or (d) if delnrered by reputable avemtght express courter freight prepaid, #he next bustness day after delnrery ta such caurcer, in every case addressed to tfie Rarty to be notified as follawing If ta Landlord 1lVas#e Alfan2gement of Washtngton, fnc 720 Esst Butterfield Road LombaM IL 60148 Aftenbion Vioe Presldent of Real Es#ate Tefeoopler (630) 26e-9521 With a copy to 1Naste Management of Spokane 11321 E lndiana Road Spakane WA 99206 ATTN Distnct Manager Telecavpier (509) !f to Tenant C(TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Teiecapier or ta such other address(es) or addressee(s) as any party entMed to reoelve notte hereunder shali descgna#e bo the others m#he manner provided herein for the serviae of nataes Rejechan or refusal ta accept ar Lease Agreement Spokene Va11eyIWaste Management Psge 4 of 8 DRAFT inabilfty ta defiver because of changecf address ar because no notce of changed address vva.s given shall be deemed receipt 12 DEFAULT AND E2ElIflEDIES UPON DEFAULT SECTION 12 'I tf Tenant shal[ defauk ~n the payment of the Rerrt or any part thereof when due as hecein pmided and such default shall cvrtnue for ten (10) days after natioe thereof in wrtng ta Tenant, or if de#aut# shaO be rnade in any of t'te other oovenantsx agreernents, oanditons ot undertalangs hereirt contained to be kep#, obsmed and perfnrmed by the Tenaht and such defiaut shall oanfintte fiar thirly (30) days after notice thereof in wrifing to the Tenant, or if Tenant shall abandon the PremLses then and in any such eaen# tt shail be kiwfuI for L..andlord, at lts elecbon to deciare the tenn ended and to take appmpdate Iegal achon to re-en#er and regain possessiori of #he Premises ff defaut shall be rnade in arry ooveri-an#, agteernertt, candibon or undertaakmg herein conialned fo be kept, abserved and perFormetf by Tenant, o#her than the payment a€ rent ,as hereln provided, which cannat wdh due diligence le cured wdhEn a pertod v# #hrrty (30) days and K nobce theneof in wrlbng shall have been given to Tenarrt, and rf Tenant pnar #a #he expirabon of #hirty (30) days from and after #he givrng of such hotrce commencw ta eliminate the cause of such deauIt arid praceeds djligently and with rewonabte dispatch to #aaice a11 steps artd do atl work r+eqwred to cure such defauft and does so cure such defaul#, then Landtord shall no# have the nght to declare the sald tenm ended by r+easvn of such defauit; provided hvweverF ttat the curing of any defautt in such rnanner sha11 nat be canstrued to limit or neduce the right of L.andtard to declsce sard term ended and enforoe al1 of iEs nghts and remedies hereunder far any default nat so cured SECTIQN 122 !f a default occurs and is not aured wkhin the fiirne pennitted herein, Landlord shall have the nghts and remedles heremafter se# fiotth, which shall be distinc#, separate and cumulatnre wfth and in addifi4n to arry ather nght ar nemedy allcrwed under any law or olher pravisions of this Lease a. Landlord may termmate this Lease, repossess the premisw by detainer sult or other lawfui rneansr and recaNer as damages a sum of money equal ta (a) any unpaid rent as of the terminaton date includmg interest a# the rate of iwehra percenk (12a/a) per annuM (b) any unpaid Rent vtrhidh would have accfued afiter tt►e tenYtinabon da#e #hrough the tme of enrdtd including interest at the rate of twefve percent {12%} per annurn, (c) any unpaid Rent which would have accfued after the bme of award durrng the baSanae of #he term, and (d) any other amounts necessary to cornpensate Landlord fior a!i detnment or damages proxirnately caused by Tenants failuss to perfonn ds obligatons under this Lease or that in the ordinary vourse wouid be iikely ta resUft therreffrorom mdtsdmg vw#haut ltrnltabvn the L.andlord s oosts of relethng lf appCrc:able law shail require that #he amount of unpald Rent recaverabfe hereunder be modrfCed to reflect the "war#t at the hme of award` cornputed by a11owing ar dEsaounbng interest at specified rates ar the "reasonable value" of the Rent cfaimed ar shaIC require any other spectflc modification of the foregomg provisEarrs suckr law shaEl govem and cantrol b Landlard shail $t a11 ames have the rights and remedles (which shall be cumulat~re wrth any other tghts of Landlord hereunder or under any law) (1) to seek any dedaratory, injunctive or ather equitable relief and speofically enfarce this Lease, ar restrain or enjoin a viotatvn ar breach afany provision hereof and (ii) #+o sue for and collect any unpaid Rent, Such rights rnay be exerocised at ariy Ume and fcam ame ta ##me Not+rithstanding anything to ft aantrary oantainei in this Lease to #he eacbent nat expnessly prohibited by applicabte haw, in the event of any defauft by Tenant not cured wrthin any applicable ttme for cure hereunder l.andlord may bsrminate this Leass and aocelerate and declahe tha# aU Rent reserved for the remainder of the term sha11 be immedlatiely due and payable provided, Landiord shall, after recerving payment of the same from Tenant ae obiigatei #a turn over ba Tenant any actual net reletting proceeds thereafter reoeived dudng the remamder of the temn, up #o the arnaunt so received from Tenant pursuant ta this prvvision c No re-entry or repossesstan, repairs, changes, afterabons and addrbanal, reletfing acceptance of keys from Tenant or any other acton or amission by Landlvrd sha11 be construed as an elecbiion by Landford to #erminate this Lease vr accept a surrendet of the Premises, nar sha11 the same operate to release the Tenant in whale or ln part fram any art #he Tenant's obiigatians hereunder, untess Iease Agreement Spokane Va11ey1Waste Maaagement Fage 5 of 8 DRAFT express wrrtten nafice of such intention is sent by Landlord or its agent to Tenant The times set forth herein far the aunng of defaul#s by Tenant are of the essence af #his Lease Tenan# hereby irrevoc:ably waives any nght otherwise avadable under any law to redeem or reinstate this Lease 13 SURRENDER OF POSSESSlON !f Tenant shall hold aver beyond the expirabon of the fierm herein provtded ar any renewal or extension theneofi, Landlord may at ft elecban either proceed to evict 7enant by legal praoeedrngs or treat such holdover benancy only as a mortth-to-month tenancy fbr 200°Io af the manthly rental herein speafied If sa elected by Landlord such hotdaver tenancy may be terrrnnated by eitfier party her+eto upon thirty (30) days pnOr Writien r1ot1oe 14 SUBORDlNATIQN - ESTOPPEL SECTI4N 14 1 This Lease and 7enant's ieasehvld estate and ali nghts of Tertant hereunder shal1 be subjec# and subardinate et a11 tmes m ail respects to the lyen af any and all mortgages which Landtard inay make upon any ngh#, tittie ar interest of Landlord in the Premises and ta any and all extensions arrd renewals and any and all neww mortgages rnade m Iieu of ot in replaoement of ariy such martgage provided #hat any suCh martgage shall pravide that sa tong as Tenant sha11 not be in default in the perfarmarice and observance of the terms oavenants, condibans and tlmrtatians in the Lease oontained an the part of the Tenant to be performed and abserved na foreclasure of the lien of said mortgage far default thereaf shsll imparr the nght af Tenant to enjoy thrs Lease pursuartt ta its temns ln the event of aaquisibon af Landlard's m#emst in this Lease by any such mortgagee or anyone claimmg through or under such mortgagee Tenant Ynll reoogn¢e as its Landlord such mortgagee or the person claiming through or under such mortgagee who shall sa acquire fitle to the Landlard's interest in this Lease SECTION 14 2 Tenant agrees fa provide estoppel stafements for benefit of future lenders or purchasers stating, if applicable and including but not limftd ta, that this Lease is in effect the terms of rental payments and whether there exists any defaults by edher party ta the Lease 15 BROKER'S COMMISSlON L.andlord and fienant vuarnant each to the other, tfiat thene are no brokers mvotved in this Lease transactan If any othet person 9hatl assert adaarn tv a fee, oamrnisston or other compensaton dn aoovunt of afieged emptoyment as a broker or fmder ar f4r perforrnanoe of services as a bnoker or tinder in cannecbon wdh thES l..ease the party hereta under whvm the broker or finder rs claiming shafl mdemnify and hoCd hamnless the other party iagains# and from any such claim and all cos#s +expenses and 1iabi«res incumed mcannecdan with such r,laim or any acbon ar pmceeding br+ought thereon 16 CONDEMNATIOrN SECTION 16 'i If the use accupancy ar tiUe af the entre Premtses shall be #aken rBquisiboned or satd m, by ar on ac,count of any actual or thrr+eaatened eminent domain prooeeding or other acbon by any person having the power of emtnent domain (the "Condernnation'), then and tn that event the term af #his Lease shall terminafie upon Conderrmabon and any award to Landlord SECTION 16 2 In the event tha# a porton (but less than a11) of the Premises or any interest therem, includ#ng but not lfmkted ta the nght af free access to the Premises shali be so taken requisMvned or sold as to r+ender the rernairnng pflrdon ot the Premises, in the soEe opinian of Tenant, unsuftable for 1'enant's use then the Tenant may, at its ophan #erminate this Lease arsd the term hereof upan Cnndemnstan and any award shall be dmded between the Landlorri and the Tenant tn the same manner and upon the same oonditons as set farth m Sectcan 16 'I Such option shall be exercLsad ty the Tenant by written notce to the Landiord not less than thirty (30) days pdor ta the date on whtch possesstan of such porbon a# the Pmmises sha11 be taken If the Tenant shall not so eCect ta tarmma#e th3s Lease and the term hereaf then, upon the Lease Aigreemeat Spokane ValleylWaste Management 1'age 6 of 8 DRAFT payment of any sward arisrng lrorn such oandemnatton the amount seceived shall be paid ta and held by LandEord and uiied 1n defraying the cost and expense of making repairs to and alteraUans of the improvements on the Pnemises far the purpose of restoring the same #o an economic ar+chitectural unit to the extierit ifiat may have been made necossary by such Condemnaban and the balance if any remaming sha11 ba pajd tD the l.andlard SECTION 16 3 In case the taiang of part af the Prernhses by Cartdemnaban renders the Rremmm untenantabte in wrhole or In part, ren# shail abate unUl the Rremises ar►e agafin fully tenantable tf as a result of any such talung, the area af #he Premises is ponnanenty► reduced basic rerrt hereunder sha11 be reduced 4n pmPofion to the reductaon in anea af the Prernises 17 M1SCELLANEdUS SECTIatV 97 't The capdons af this Lease are for convernence only and ere not ta be canstrued as defirnng ar timiUng tn any way the sc.ope or irrtent af the provisians hereof SECTraN 17 2[f any terrn vr provisron of Ihis Lease shall tD ar►y extent be held inualid ar unenforoeable trie remaming tetms and provisians of this Lease shal) not be affected thereby= but each term artd pravisions of thfs Lease sha11 be valid and be enforoel to tt►e fuilest extient permit#ed by law SECTIO1d 17 3 Thrs Lease shall be oanstrued and enforoed metcvrdence wi#h the laws af the stste En which the Premtses is lacated SECT1ON 17 4 Landlard and Tenant agree that tlhis Lease Is nct in consideraUan for or dependent or conbngent in any manner upan sny ather contract Wse or agreement beiween them and that the term, rental and vther pmvisians of this Lease are nat intended by said partm to be ted in wfth any ather such contract lease ar agreement but an the contrary thm Lease and afl of its provlscons are enfinely and aomptefiety independent af any other transa#lons or retabonship behwmn the parbes SECTtON 17 5 The fafiure af the Landlord to erforoe sny term, cotenant, condihan or agreemen# her+eof by mmn of its breach by the Tenant aftar notce had shall not be deemed to avoid ar a€ect the nght afi fihe Landlord to enforce tfie sarne term caaenant, condfian or agreement an the occasion of the subsequent default or breach SECTiON 17 8 All signatorres to this Lease represent and wartant that helshelthey are sufflctenty au#hotized fio enter this Lease an behatF of their respecbve parbes tM 1NIThlESS WHERE(3F the l.andlord and the Tenant have caused these pnesents to be execuded as of #he day and year first her+einaborre wrden LANDLORQ TENAhi'T' INASTE MANAGEMENT OF WASHINGTOM, ING CITY OF SPOKAh3E VALLEY 1NASHINGTON By JAMES T MORGAM Name Au#htirized Reprewtatvoe TrUe Lem Agrviceement Spokane VatleyfWaste Management Page 7 af 8 ~~FT E4HIBIT A DEPICTIOW+QFiLEASED ~ PRENtlSES ~L~~se Agreewent Spokane ValleylWaste Management 7Fage 8 af 8 CITY OF SROKANE VALLEY Request #or Council Action Meeting Date July 21, 2009 City Manager Sign-aff ltern Check all that apply- ❑ oonsent ❑ old bustness 0 new busmess ❑ pubtic heanng ❑ infarmaUon C] admtn repart El pendirig tegrslahon AGENDA ITENt 7iTLE Motion Cansideration Purchase af Five WSDOT Surptus PlowlSander Trucks GOVERNING LEGISLATiON PFtEVIOUS COUNCIL A+CT[OH TAKEN BACKGROUND See attached Winter Senri+ces Update OPTIONS Approve the purchase af the VwSDOT surplus unrts or give staff further direction RECOlUIME1HIIED ACT'ION OR MOTIOhI Move to authorize the Gity Manager ta purchase five WSDaT surplus trucks and mander urtits #or a total amount of $92,700 BUDGETIFIMANCIAL INlPACTS Furtds will come frorn the Street Fund STAFF CONTACT Ned Kers#en ATTACHMENTS Lrst of 5urptus WSDOT Untfs City of Spokane Valfey Surplus Equipment Sale I ~ I I I I I d Equipment Numberl Year IMake I Model IBodY Type I Sander Nurxrber ~Tr'uck Price Sander Prioe ~Dispas9tion ITotal Pdce 06GO6012 I 1995;I1-!G I 25741 Cantrador 123G400{36 1 16,00(} 300 1 nothereye# ~ $16,900 06V06020 I 19951 ll IV' I 2574 ~ CL/nllIIctoi 1231/400653* I 16p000 900IavaIlabIe I $16Y900 06GO6045 1 19961 IFiC I 25541noner 123G400[}7 16,0001 9001 nathereyet 1 $16,940 06G070i 9 I 1997 1 iHc ~ 2574 1 DuaI Dump Inone 17,0001 NrA lavaliabie 1 $1 7,~ 06G113048 I 1997 1 iHC I 2574ICantractor 1z3G40a54* 1 24,0001 1000 l avaiiabia 1 $25,000 C I I I I I I I$92,700 Jwlot the origina9 take-o#f sand+er. Ttris sander will need some modiflcations made ta frt chassis. ~ I I 1 I 9 I I I All truccs listed ahove will be sald with a snow plow. ~ ~ ~ I I I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Cauncil Ac#ion ~~eting aafie July 21. 2009 City Manager 51gn-oif i#em Check all that apply ❑ consent C] vld busifless ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ inibrmafion N adrnin repart ❑ pending tegislaUon AGENDA ITEWI TITLE Winter Road Senrtces Update GOVERNING LEGiSi,.,ATIOMN. PREVIl7US COUtdGIL ACTIO'N 1'AKEN SACKGaOUND See attached Winter Servnces Updete St.aff will discuss the current status of tne effort UPTIQNS Gon#inue to work on #he Emergency Winter Senrices Operation ar giv+e staff further directian RECOAIlNIENDED ACTlON OR MOTION BUDGETIFINANCtAL !#IAPACTS STAFF CONTAGT Neil Kersten JmITTACHMENTS 1Ninter Servrces Update, Ullaste hlfanagement Sde Plan WIMTER SERVICES FOR 200912010 U PDAYE 7114l09 Critical Path ltems • WSDOT surplus plowslaanders • 1Naste Management sit+e avaflabiiity ■ Pae contrac# labar In Pracess • 11VSDOT has retumed one af the units back Into servlcQ ieaving 5 units avatiable for this vAnter Mechanics from Poe Asphaft Inc and our Street Superfntendent haue rewewed fhe mairrtenanoe hist+anes and conducted detaited mspec#iaRS on three af five unifs The other two units Vnif be Enspected as they amve firom the field (ocabons Esbrrtate cost af #he units is $'I 00,800 • 1Ne have rer,eived the propased lease from Vllaste Management and met with them #o diSCuss getting the site ready ta alkow the City ta occupy the site in eady 5eptember •We are in tfie process af devefQping a change onder proposaf with POE for making rrnpmvemenis required for vAnter apera#ivns at the U1fM site and transporbng and prepanng the WSQOT plowlsander units so they are ready forwlnter 4perations by mid November • HDR is under contracf iat devefaprnerit of a lang term RFP and assistance with ernergency winter operabons for th€s winter They are currently developing a bid package for back'up graders for extreme heavy snowfall condtaons and wiil begin deuefopMng a draft plan for the operabonal fssues !{sted m the "`To DO° hst belaw • We received two L.OI respanses that Indicated interes# in prflviding full winter services Rock Products lnc in Spokane and Sackett Con#racbng & Excavabng in Pnest RMVer 1Ne met with each company to further discuss #heir interest in the project • PGP Valua#ion Inc has oompleted #he appraESal and esbimated marke# rental rate The est►mated lease ra#e is $53 865 per year • The Legal Department has confirmed the zoning code will allaw #he CNty to use the WM site for a wrnter senrices operabon Addifianally within the Iimits of the new SARP the Ctty can da same expansion and improvements to the aite • We are cumently working with the buifdmg department to deterrnme spectftc requirements for improvemerrts and ocxupancy To Do» • Develop a second change order to the exisbng Pae contract for wmter operations for 2009f2010 forCouncd canssderation This wiil or„cur this fial) in coordjnafion wgh HDR as they assis# us in develaping the aperational ttems listed below ~ Develop a comprehensive Iist of equipment heeded for winker operatons • Develop plan for maintenance & majar repair of equipment • Resolve winter staffing needs and personnet issues and paliraes for City staff • Deveiop Management & Operahons Procedures • Qeuelvp Poe staffing plan/ call out p{an for various winter operatian scenarros • Develop equipment aperatar training p(an for snow pfowing and deicNng ~ Develop a cvmrnuntcations plan + Develop a safety plan • Watbng for draft contract from the County for ptowtng and detcing in case thls emergency effort Es unsucciessful - . . - - I ~ ; ~ _ ~ , ~ F~ ` , ~ , ri , 1 ~ r . ~ } r ' . , ' , ~ ~ I ~h' ~ II ~ ~ ~ , ~i , ~1~ ~ - k s~,~• , ; a ~ ~ rr7 ~ ~ ~ , a ~ ~=~-'x ~ ~ 1 + 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . . . ~ ~ ~ rd. - Y . n -Ay. . 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I 1 rfn~ - C~Sa . _ !'titi t ! , ~ \ . y - ,r , 1 1 'y \k ~+"l=-_'F?- . -1i~''~~~ t~ ~ 1 j ~ ~t . ~ . ~ : . ~ ~~ii~..~4.t. . ~ - - ~ .11~.k.,:0. '\~.~.:.~1\... ~ ` . = 1 - _ G ~E ~4~~ y. ~ .4L S~ ~ _ ~ . i _ - ~ t ~ i. ~ . M i . ~ ti \ ~ \ • L . : : _ i ~ ' . ~ ~ ~..A ~ ~ , ; _ ' _ _ r- ~ _ a ~ - _ . . . _ . . _ _ a . ~ . ` i . . ' ~ . _ ~L r~ . .r~ S ~ ~ / ~ • - - - - . . f - ~ - - - ~ . , . ' - n y . _ ~ _ . _ ~ . , F~"~ - ` - - -d , . ! , ~ ~ ~ °~,1 ' " : E, i _ . ~ - ' ~ ~ ' _ _ ~i ~t~y^III~~+~ ~ ~ i~i~~.~~Q~~ ~ ,w~~~,,. a~ - ~ - .F ~ y ~ . . ' ' - ' N.~ ~ u i~ ~~C ~ ~ d 1, ~t , ,~i •9f - _ - • ' - - - ~ A f ~ ~ • o~r~~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B~riJdtrr~A: Exts~f~ 16f110 ~f, fi.~fr~~t h~ lrt ~a ~ak, CMU ~on~tl~~ ~ ~R . , . iJse w~f! car~tlr~~~e b be for 0l~ic~ area. ~~r~~ r ~r r~~r ~ ~ ~ ~ B - Drls~rr~ Truck $r~f ~c~lpmer~t Ada~r~n~ and F~~palr Sh~ap . . . . . 8rr11d'Jrr 8. ~rrl~f~n 24fl~7 sf 2~fcaot h~J k l~orr~en -~reme Stee! B~+Ildtar ~ f~ ~j~ ~ r rn~+~ r ~ ~ S~ 11~1?~!~ ~~1 c~G ~ ~ ~ Contt~ued rase ~s ~ Ma~nter~r~r~ an~ R~r Pacll~ty ~Cr M~rfclp~l T~u~ks and Equlprr~rrt ~ Prc~perty ~wn~er~ Waste Manag~m~~t~ 113~1 E. In~i~~~ Ave, S,p~Ra~~ 1lalley, ~1VA ~9~4~ ~ C- ExFs~r~g Cave~d's`harage ~hed • Atta~hsd t~ BuArlr~ ~1. ~x'~r,~ T~ sf, ~~,~-l~ot h~~pM t~ p~k, ~vod,pcle fr~rrre 8v~rr~r~. trse w~t~be~~~ ~t~tlc ~,s ~rrrx ~nd~ac~~~a~ra,~e u~ e~t 0 ~ra#~r1~r~ e ~~asee: ~~ty ~f ~p~lc~ne lFa#I~yy,147~1 Sp~agu~, $uite 1~8, ~~oka~ne Vs~ll~y, ~~i~~ ~ ~ ~ A P P ~ ~~~6 A~ Ar~ F~rtf~~~hers •~►1~! cr~nd~r~ ta us~ a~rrd ma~n~tr~ e~rls~rrg ~=1ra ~x~Pn~~rs lrr E~r1stlnng ~e ar~d Shop. R+~vvl~arr: 0 :UVfSIO~F~Ii. V € • ~ECU~JTY GAT~. ~E.rP~tlrg Ga~es shal! ~e r~~l~~1r~ ed art ?~faot mtr~r~r~rm ~rs. ~C~C~'1 ~ s~~.ro~~-w~enx~a+,~r~sw~ 1~8t~: tDJ~lify~l'9 plw~trnrit+f v~ 10 Jidy 09 F•~fA~AR~i4t~5 AIA1~~21A~S' A se~er~e r~a~te~rtal~ ~~t sf~~' be et~ehed w~ ~ls a~Dmitt~l. 0 25 1~D 15'~ ~ ~+~aa~a~ ~y: '~ILIeln & ►4. ,lenkln~ ~3 • NJQM~f~lL~ STORAQ~: NIa - _ ~~t A. Jenl4ff i J ~ ~~'ap ~~3 1~~~ep 9.3 ~-~r~~~~r~cTrv~+rs~r~~~sj; ~~~~x~~,~r~~~rru~o~d, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Cauncil Action Meeting Qate Juiy 21, 2009 Clty Manager Sign-off item CheCk aU th8tt apply- ❑ c;onsent ❑ ofd buslness ❑ new business ❑ publtc heanng ❑ infarmaton 0 admin repart CJ pending legislaban AGENDAITEM TIT'LE Dratt Legislatyve Agendaf2010 Council Goals GovERNIr~~ LEGIsLATIa~ PREvIous couNc« AcTiaN rAKEN BACKCROUNQ The draft iegisla#ive agenda and 2010 Councll Goals are attached for review arrd +discussion OPT'IONS RECONIMEMDED ACTION OR MO1"1O1V BUDGEfi1FINA►NC1AL iN1PACfiS ST14FF GONTACT ATTACHNIENTS Spa1ane Va11ey Legislahve Yssues June 18, 2009 Develapmg Session 2010 Privrities 1) Park Raad Poai Land Ac.qaisihan • Apply for grants m the 2010 rowxd by RCC3 • Reiterate $300,004 request m Jaauary 20109 2) 911 Fuadng • Wark with Niike RyherdlAWC an plan for next ye.ar 3) Stree# [T#tLty Taac * Wark vnth AWC fDr nex# year 4) Criy Ha1UCify Center • Frepare for budget request - 2010 LelpsZaUve Sess=9 •"Living" Buildlng Explare City Hall pilo# project optian vnth CTED dunng the mtenm 5) Researcb wholesale purchase af gasoIme • Dunng the interim, research whether n#her states have such a progxasr1 6) FrachonaLzeti Bdling • Spolaae Cowaty is issumg an RFP far soflware capable of fsactionahzed biUmg for mmates Spokane County untends to =plemertt such a system in Januaxy, but there 19 Un.CeItalll~ abollt lt 8pphCatlOl1 t0 wZI1Ch QlaSS1ficatIQn of Ynmates 7) InteroperabiLty • A staius report has been requested so th.at financial gaps can be identifiei T.nues #o MvwtorlWatch Closely 1} Narth Spvkan.e Corridor future fundmg? 2} Stormvvater Fundmg +Council Budget Goals for 2010 1 Coahnue momtorma wastewater issues, mclud.mg governance of wastewater facihties, and pursuit of the most efficien# and econunucai methods to ensure the conhnuation of wastewater discharge ucenses Z Implement records 'Mdexng aad phase vn a document ima~a svstem City departrnent by Ctty deparnnent wath the gaal of achaeving city-vnde utiplen7entatl0n iD. 2010 3 Implement and Evaiuate aregulattons specffied in the SpraguelAppleway Revi#alxzation Plan as adopte+d and amended by City Coumcil 4 Dsveiop a Sbarclme Mas#er PraMm to pravide appropnate reg,ulatoxy pratection for waters of statemde s3gnificatice as r+eqw.red by state statvte 5Fanne a legolatvve capital budget reques# for state fundmg for the acqnxsttian of parkland adjacent to the Park Street Paol 6 Develop and Ymptement amulfi -vear wuater roads mamteaance plan xn.cluding avallabihtp, costs and effects of pnvate sector vendors performing winter road maurtenance for the City 7 Pursae state fundinq of a demanstraUon grvaect that constructs a city ha11 m accorda,nce wnth "hving builftg" standar9ds DRAFr ADVANCEAGENDA For Plaiuung Discussion Furposes Only as of July 16, 2009, 2 OU g m Please note this is a wark va pragmss, atems are #entaiive To Cawncfl & Staff From Crty Manager Re Dra#t SGhedWe far Ugcaming Cauncd Meetings Threr, J'ulv 23, 2009~ 3-5 pm. .Tomt CaunrillSpakane Cliv Mt &okwe C#v Cau.ncii[BrmCMV Cemer Agerrda items iriefude Munrc:pal caurts, Revonal T'ransportutianlT'BD and G1tM Jornt Plmming Polrcies and Impkmerrtcrtlon Jolv 28.2009. Regaar Meettxg 6 00 pmi. [tlue da#e Nioaday, July 201 1 Consent Agenda PayrolL Clamn Va►uchers, Mmutes, Camntunrty Re-Lrcensmg (terxtatiue) [5 mmutes] 2 Firs# Reading Propased lafierun Ordinatic.e re DeveIopment Agreemesnt (CPA 0109) - M Connelly j1Qmtautes] 3Motton Coasideratton Shorelne Inveritory Contme# - ICatby MaCIung [5 mmutes] 4 Iaterview Candidates far Caunctl Vacancy - Mayor and Councilmembers [I20 minutes] 5 Admm Report 2009 Redenues & Prelumnary 2014 RevenueslExpendchares - Ken 'I'hompson [20 mmutes] 6 Info +C]nly Department Reports [*estimated meehng 160 minu#es] Aaevst 4.,2009. 5«00 p m Execntive SuessYOn Discass C..onncH Applicant Interviews Augast 4. 2009. Studv Sessian. 6 00 p m [due date Monday, July 271 1Action item Appamtmcnt +CaunciI VaGancy -11►iayor attd Councilmembers [30 mmutes] AngQSt 11. 2009. Regular Meeting, 6 00 pm [dae date Monday, August 31 1 PiBL1C SEARING. 2010 Budget Heamg Ken Tharnpsan [10 mmutes] 2PURLIC HEAMING Cable Fcanchise Mvrgan Koudellca [10 mmutes] 3 Consent Agenr]a Fayrail, Chaun Vouchers, Mmutes [5 minutcs) 4 Second Readmg Froposed Intenn Drdunance re De`relapment Agreement (CPA 01-49) -M Ganuneuy [14 mins] S FtrrcA Readmg Fropased Panhandling Ordmance - Cary Dnskell [20 minutes] 6 Admm Repart Governance hanual Changes -Niice Canneliy, eamffuttee membets [30 minutes] ? Admui Repa►rt- Code AmendmenX CTA-01-09 - Kmn Kendall [20 mmutes] 8 Acimn Regart. Site SelectorAgreement - Sc4tt Kuhta 110 nunutes] 9 Admn Report. Preliminary Budget Prmntation - Uave Mer+cier [30 minutes] EXEGUTWE S°ESSIOIV I.abar Nega#iatians [*eshmated meeting7 145 miauttes] Augnst 18. 2009? Studv Sessinn. 6 00 p m jdae date Mnnday, Aagust 101 Action Item 1 Secand Readmg Froposed Panhandlwg t?tdm$nce - Cary DnskeU (15 mtnubes) 2 Motian Cons;deration Setting Pubhc Heanngs Sept 8 and 22 -Ken 1bompsvn (5 minutes) 3 Maban CansideraUaa Wuftr Rnad Niamteaance --Nei1 Kerstan ( 15 minutes) 4 Motian Considoratton Srte Selector Agreement - Scott Kuhta [1 Umututeg] R~e ular StKtdy„SeWon Items S Planned Acttan Qrdu:ance (SEPA) - Greg McCornuck (20 munutes) 6Admm RMort, Comp Plann Quarterly Upda#e (15 mmuetes) 7 Pandemic Response Plan - M.ike Jacksun (30 numutes) 8 Cauncti External Commiftm Reports -CouncYlmembers (10 minutes) ['rotal Meehng 124 minutes] omft Aa~ce Agenaa 7/102oo9 157 36 gM rage I of 3 AQgust 25. 2009, Regulat' Meetmg 6 00 Q m [due da#e Mondays Augast 171 1 Cansent Agenda Fayroll, Claum Vauchers, IViinutes 15 rnrnutes] 2 First Readmg Ptoposed Ordwance Code Amendment CTA-Q 1-09 - Ksren Kenda11 [15 minutes] 3 Admin Repart Outside Agenctes Presentation; (I) 5acu1 Service Agencies [dQ miuutes] (2) Econarnic Developm.ent Agencies 124 minutes] 4 Infa OnIy Department Repvrts [*estunated me+eting 100 minutes] S„~e tember 1. 2009, S#ndv Session. 6.00 p m jdae date 1Vionday, Aagnst 241 1 Federa! Delegabon Reporks - Mayor Mtunson (60 munutes) 2 Residential Lightmg - Kathy McClung (ZQ mtnutes) 3 Heanag Examaner Rules af Pmcedure! - Kathy TVIcClung (30 minutes) 4 Council Externa1 Committee RepQrts - Councilmembers 115 minutes] [Total 1Vleeting 125 mmutes] &ptembeL& 2409, Regular 1VIeetmp,* 6 00 p m [dae date Mvnday, August 311 1 BUDGET-HE,ARING 2010 Budget -K.en Thosmpsan [14 minutes] 2Consent Agenda Payrall, Claim Vouchers, Minutes [5 minutes] 3 Second Reading Proposed Ordmsuce Cade Axaendment CTA-01-09 - Karea Kendalf [15 mmutes] ~Fu-st Readmg Proposed Praperiy Tax Levying Ordinance - Ken Thompson [10 mrnutes] 5 Fust Readwg Propased Property Tax Confirmaban Orduanee - Ken Thampson [10 rrmut+e.s] 6 Motian GQnsjdemtjLon Qutside Ageacies Fundmg AHocations -Kea'Thampson [I5 minutes] ?Admin Report. 20 I O Fee Schedule Ken Thompsan [20 mmutes] 8 info Only Aquatics Contract - Nfike Stone 9 Info Only Park Mauntenance Conbra.c# -Mike Stone [*estimated meetimg 85 minutes] September 15, 2009. Stadv Session, 6 00 p m [due da#e Monday, Sept71 1 Aquatics Goatract - Mjke Stone (15 mmutes) 2 Park Miuntenance Contract-1V1ice Stane (15 cniautes) 3 Fal] Batch Cade Amendmeats (mcludes ADU & Qrd 0&006) Kathy McClrang (20 minutes) 4 Gauncil ExtemaI Committee Reports - CouncE4members (15 mmu#es) [Taf,al ZVleetng 65 minutes] Septemher 22 2009, Regnlar 1Vleetisg b 00 ip m jdue date Monday, Sept 141 I 8~GET HEAMMG 2010 Budget Ken Thampsan [10 mmutes] 2 Consent Agenda Payroll, Clatm Vauchers, Mnutes [5 minutes] 3 Second Read~~g Propased Property Tax Levyng Ordinance - Ken Thompsan [5 minutes] 4 Secand Readmg Proposed Property Tax Confirmation Ordiaance - Ken 'Fhompsoa [5 rninutes] 5 First Readiug Proposed 20 10 Bu+dget Qrdmance -Ken Thvmpson [15 minutes] 6 Motion Consideration Aquatacs Con#ract NLke Stane [10 avnutes] ? Motion Consideration Fark Matntenannce Contrtct-Mike Stane [10 minutes] S Admu Repvrt I3epartment Highlights and Wark Plan for 201 U- Mil€e Jackson (30 minutes] 9 Infa Only Department Reparts [*eshnnatead meeftg 90 minutes] Se►teaber 29. 2009. Studv 5essfon. 6 00 p m (dae date Moaday, Sept 211 1 Council Extenal Commrttee Reparts - Couacilmembers Draft Advance Agenda 711612009 157 36 FM Page 2 0f 3 ~ a October b. 2009, Studv Sessiou, 6.00 p.m. [due date Monday, Segt 281 1. Council External Carnmittee Reports - Councilmembers f?ctober 13, 2009, Regular Meetin~,, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, O+ct 51 1. Consent Agenda.. Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 rninutes] 2. Second Reading Pro;posed Ordinance Adoption 2010 Budget -Ken Thompson [5 minutes] October 20. 2009. Studv Sessiatr, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, (]ct 121 1. Gouncil External Ccammittee Reports - Councilmernbers October 27 2009, Regular Mee#ing 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 191 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claim Vouchers, Minutes [5 minu#es] 2. Proposed Resolutian Adopting Fee 5chedule - ICeri Thompson [10 mtnutes] a O°THER PENDING ANDIOR UPCO1VIIlNG ISSUESIMEETINGS; ADA Pian Affordable Hrausing Participation Alternatirre Analysis {contracts} Appointments (Planning Comtnission, etc,; December 2009) Budget Amendment 2(}09 ~abie FranchiselCocle Revisions City Center Repart to Council City Hall 5aies Furchase Agreemenx Comp P1an Qrtrtiy Update (Uct, Jan, April, July) Concurrency Congress of Cities (NIaC) Nov 10-14, San ,Antonio Contracts - 7-year renewals (proslcons) Court Services A1temative Analysis East Gatewa Monument Struc#ure # Tmpact Fee Request Central Valley School District Lfecxipol Policies - Pc,lice Dept Lodg'rng Tax Northeasi Hausirtg Solutions City Mernbership # Overweightlover size vehicle ordinance (2009) Sma11 Works Rflster Stimultis, Phase 2 SRTC Strategic Transp. Financial Plan - Dave Mercier Str+eet Standards (and UDC Title 24) TPA Interlocal A,greement 'I`ransoortativn Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish arcf.,• (b) setpubfic hearrng; (c) dra_jt reso1'u1i0n; (d) ballot lcrnguage Transportation Impacts Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) Water r`rghts Winter Retreat. January 9, 2{] 10 (ter~tative) - Awaiting action by others; doesn't allow for tirrle far public cvrrxments] Draft Advance Agenda 7/1612009 1:57:36 PM Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request fvr Council Acton AAeeting Da#e July 21, 2009 G➢ty Manager Sign-off Item Check alj lhat app1y ❑ consent ❑ o1d business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ mformaban 0 admin report Q pending legisMon AGENDA ITEM TITLE Council External +Committea Reports GOVERNING LEG1SLAT10N PREViOUS COUNCIL ACTIOh! TA}{EN BACKGROUND Crty Councilmembers senre on vanous Eacal and/ar regional cammittees The purpass of this ttem is if any commdtee vr board that Council is involved wdh has signtficant policy questions #hat are baing posed and which need Council feedbackF this is the oppvrtunity for Council to gather that #eedback sQ that aCouncil pasrbon could be registered on any given dem OP'Y'[ONS RECOMMEIVQEQ ACTION OR MOTION BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS STAFfICaUNCiL GOIVTACT Caurtcilmembers ATTACHMENTS CIT'If OF SPOKAIVE VALLEY Request for Cauncil Actian Meedng Date July 21, 2009 City Manager Sign-off I#em Check all that apply consent X old business ❑ new business public hearing ❑ infarmaban ❑ admm repa►rt [3 pending legcsladon AGENDA ITEMTiTL.E 2010Of'ioe of Public Defense - grant propasal GflVERNtNG LEGlSLATION PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION 1'AlCEN The City has partnened wdh the City af Spokane and Spokane Coun#y for the past twQ years on requesbngf and recemng, grant funds fr+om OPD to help make the Cay af Spokane's community relicensing prcgram wark better tn the past, the Crty has used haff the funds awarded to provide to the Spakane County Pubiic Defender, who provides the City's indigent defense by contract The funds were used to hlre a part tme clerk who set up s system and paperwork to make referraEs ta the Cdy af Spokane s ProJram John Rogers County Pub1ic Defender, advisetl C3PD, Spokane, and SRokane Valley r+ecently that fihey utilized the funds to set up a s}rstem far referrals to Spokane's program that does nat need cantinued fundirrg Staff is caarrantly working #o determin$ uvha# the possible options are at this point, including a potenbal partnership wrth Spakane to apply for future grant tunds to help fund their program, or whe#her wre recognize the successes and decline to apply for such funds for 2010 StafF witl update the Council for July 28, as that is the deadlme for application far 2010 BAcKGROuNa OPTIONS REGOMMENDED ACTIOiN OR MOTtOW BUD+GETlFINAMCtAL tMPACTS STAFF CQNTACT Cary Dnskell, Depufy City Attamey ATTACHMENTS 1