2016, 10-21 Special AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Friday, October 21, 2016 9 : 3 0 A . M . Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Meeting Convenes in Council Chambers: Call to Order by Mayor Higgins ROLL CALL: 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION: [RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)] Proposed Motion: to adjourn into Executive Session until approximately 3:00 p.m. to evaluate the qualifications of applicants for public employment and that no action is anticipated upon return to open session. Council adjourns into Executive Session. 2. Declare Council out of Executive Session a. Council returns to Council Chambers b. Mayor Declares Council out of Executive Session c. Motion to adjourn the Special Meeting Executive Session Agenda 10-21-2016 Page 1 of 1