2016, 09-09 Special Council of Governments AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Regional Council of Governments Meeting Hosted by Spokane County Board of County Commissioners Spokane County Fair&Expo Center Conference Facility in Expo Complex 404 N Havana Street September 9,2016 10:00 a.m.— 12:30 p.m. Welcome &Review of Meeting Agenda. Facilitator: Spokane County Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn 92 ARW Commander Colonel Ryan R. Samuelson City&Town updates—Priorities from each jurisdiction Downtown Spokane construction and Riverfront Park updates Mayor of Spokane David Condon City&Town updates—Priorities from each jurisdiction Emergency Management Updates Lisa Jameson— Spokane County Sheriff Department Election Update,Regional and National Vicky Dalton— Spokane County Auditor City&Town updates—Priorities from each jurisdiction 2017 Legislative priorities discussion Around the Room—Agenda items& Suggestions for next Council of Governments Council of Governments Agenda 09-09-2016 Page 1 of 1