2017, 04-11 Formal Format MINUTES
City of Spokane Valley
City Council Regular Meeting
Formal Meeting Format
Tuesday,April 11, 2017
Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Staff
Rod Higgins,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager
Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor John Hallman, Deputy City Manager
Caleb Collier, Councihnember Cary Driskell, City Attorney
Pam Haley, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney
Mike Munch, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director
Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks& Rec Director
Sam Wood, Councilmember Mark Werner, Police Chief
Craig Aldworth, Sr. Engineer
Gloria Mainz, CIP Manager
Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist
Karen Kendall,Planner
Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk
INVOCATION Pastor Manuel Denning of Fountain Ministries Church gave the invocation.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll;all Councilmembers were present.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed
to approve the agenda.
Councilmember Munch: said he has been working with the Health Board to determine what, if anything,
can be done about parental rights and the vaccination issue, and said they are trying to get various
stakeholders together to discuss this topic.
Councilmember Haley and Councilmember Collier: no report
Councilmember Pace: said he is not on the Health Board but is working with Councilmember Munch and
citizens on issues of parental rights concerning the vaccination decision and working on a mitigation aspect
if a student is not permitted to go to school,how would that student be protected so as not to have this hurt
their academic career; said he met with the STA(Spokane Transit Authority)PIanning Committee and they
are working on a celebration for the opening of a new bus route to serve Indiana and the new CHAS Clinic
on Indiana; said they also talked about the difference between perceived and actual ridership in Spokane
Valley as he wants to understand the difference, and that STA staff is starting to put together a series of
meetings to study that issue.
Councilmember Wood: said he attended the Chamber luncheon yesterday and the Fire Chief was there and
mentioned the lower insurance rates; also said they had a United States Chamber representation talking
about political issues in D.C.
Deputy Mayor Woodard: said lie attended the North Idaho, Inland Northwest Partners,first quarter meeting
where they heard about the economic forecast;said it was an exceptional meeting with representatives from
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Washington and Idaho, and lie heard presentations from the employment security Departments of Labor,
and heard from Eastern Washington University economics professors who gave their viewpoints on what's
going on in our region concerning employment, housing, and growth; said he attended a ribbon cutting;
went to a Chamber luncheon; and mentioned that we did pretty well in this year's State Capital Budget
MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins had no report.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comments.
Wendy McElroy, Spokane Valley: voiced her concern about a 2014 Family Fest event where she was a
vendor and was approached by some women who mocked her bride and groom exhibit,made her feel very
uncomfortable, and who also spoke to her very inappropriately.
Jameson Farrar and Shad Cramer: explained that The Legacy Boxing Club is an organization aimed at
stopping bullying; said their program is a way to help relieve kids of the pain they feel as a result of being
bullied; said they would like to run this anti-bullying program through every school and give individual
talks to classrooms, and overall,to build a community of respect in schools and beyond; and that they are
looking for funding assistance. Mayor Higgins mentioned our City's Outside Agency grant process and
said they could contact our City Clerk for information.
John Harding, Spokane Valley: spoke of the emergency management system in the County and of the ballot
proposition, which he said bothered him as people have no idea of how the funds are used. City Attorney
Driskell explained that the Council's Governance Manual explains that our public facilities cannot be used
to support or oppose a ballot measure unless done in a very specific way,which includes even having public
comments on ballot measures;and that these ballot measures are not the business of this City as the measure
is one of Spokane County's; and added that there is some additional oversight on how the money is spent.
City Manager Calhoun said the issue being referenced is the 1/10 of 1%renewal sales tax proposition; and
that there is a special revenue fund used for revenues received from the State, and that these revenues are
audited annually by the State Auditor's office.
1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any
member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately.
Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda.
a. Approval of claim vouchers on April 11,2017 Request for Council Action Form,Total: $355,414.54
b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 31, 2017: $423,823.72
c. Approval of March 28, 2017 Council Meeting Minutes, Formal Meeting Format
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent
2. Proposed Resolution 17-009 Reopening Spokane River—Cary Driskell
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Resolution 17-009 reopening the Spokane
River within the Spokane Valley City limits. After a brief explanation about the condition of the River,Mayor
Higgins invited public comments. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous.
Opposed.• None. Motion carried.
3.Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment, Planning Commission—Mayor Higgins
After Mayor Higgins announced his decision to move forward with the final appointment to the Planning
Commission, so that it will continue with seven members, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and
seconded to confirm the Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Planning Commission oflvleatthew Walton,
for a three-year term beginning upon appointment confirmation, and ending December 31, 2019.
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Mayor Higgins invited public comments. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor:
Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried.
4.Motion Consideration: Euclid Ave. Reconstruction Project Bid Award—Craig Aldworth, Gloria Mainz
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award the Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project,
CIP 0251 to MDM Construction, Inc., in the amount of$2,293,403.15 and authorize the City Manager to
finalize and execute the construction contract. Mr. Aldworth explained that two bids were received, with
MDM corning in under the engineer's estimate; he also noted that Schedule B costs will be paid for by the
County as noted in his Request for Council Action form, that the County will be paying for the sewer,and
will pay half the cost of some of the bid items mutually shared by us and the County.Mayor Higgins invited
public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation.In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None.
Motion carried.
5. Wilbur Road Street Vacation—Karen Kendall
City Planner Kendall explained the background of this request to vacate 260 feet of Wilbur Road; reviewed
the process of the vacation, from application submittal to recording ordinances and record of survey; she
showed the area as depicted on the vicinity map, as well as aerial photos of the proposal; explained that the
area is unimproved and not maintained, is owned by the same owner, there is no future right-of-way
connection,and this would allow maximum use of abutting properties. Ms. Kendall noted that the Planning
Commission recommended approval with conditions as noted on slide 7; she explained considerations for
Council, and went over the estimated value of the vacation per City Resolution 07-009; and by those
calculations,would result in a cost to the applicant of$6,237.61, less$1,365.00 which the applicant already
paid for application processing; she also noted Council could take an alternative approach if it is determined
the public interest would be better served. Ms.Kendall noted this is scheduled for a first ordinance reading
April 25,2017. Councilmember Munch asked if we always deduct the application fee from the amount owed,
and Mr. Calhoun noted we can get that information for the first reading. Councilmember Wood asked about
the appraisal and Ms. Kendall explained that it is the assessed value from Spokane County, thereby
eliminating the fee for an appraisal. There was also discussion about the drywell and who would maintain
that,and Councilmember Munch also asked for clarification concerning the diywell.Deputy Mayor Woodard
suggested there should be no further cost to the owner since he would be paying$12,000 to $18,000, while
Councilmember Wood said since we are giving him something of value,and that the will make a lot of money
on it, he should pay his fair share. There was consensus to move ahead, with the noted caveats of bringing
forth the additional requested information.
6. City Hall Audio-Visual Systems—Chelsie Taylor,Greg Bingaman
Finance Director Taylor and IT Specialist Bingaman explained what was included in the design of the AV
system in the council chambers of the new city hall; of the process used to solicit bids,and that we received
one bid response,which is not uncommon giving the complexities of the project. They also noted that PEG
(public, educational, and governmental) funds have been earmarked for this expense, with $250,000
included in the budget. It was noted the bid proposal received was for$238,051.61,well within the amount
of funds in the PEG portion of the budget. There was Council consensus to bring this back next week for
a motion consideration.
7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins
Councilmember Munch said he would like staff to compile and maintain a list of volunteers for such things
as snow removal, and to solicit the community for doctors, emergency medical staff, and others available
for any emergency, so people would know who to contact; said he assumes it would just take a little bit of
staff time to coordinate.Mr. Calhoun said he will ask his executive assistant to work on that,and thinks we
can start in-house and work with Councilmember Munch as we progress through it, then perhaps bring
Council an administrative report to discuss the topic. Council concurred.
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Councilmember Munch said he would also like to explore internships, where staff reaches out to the area
high schools to let them know we would be available for a type of job-shadow program. Mr. Calhoun said
we have legal interns who are enrollees in Gonzaga Law School, and some engineering students working
in the stormwater program, but we generally don't avail ourselves of high school students. Councilmember
Pace said lie did that on his own when he first took office, and the Central School Superintendent worked
with him, and he had two Spokane Valley tech interns; said it worked well the first semester but not
afterwards; said it might work better to work with City staff and Council. At least three Councilmembers
nodded in agreement. Mr. Calhoun said he will start with the Department Directors to see what can be
identified as job shadow possibilities, and then contact the school superintendents.
Mr. Calhoun said that last week Deputy Mayor Woodard commented about a 9-I-1 call concerning a
missing manhole cover,and who to call; and Mr. Calhoun said he confirmed with Chief Werner that 9-1-1
is the correct place to call; and said that Chief Werner will do the necessary follow-up with 9-1-1; Mr.
Calhoun added that there was also a sense that maybe that didn't actually occur, but again confirmed that
the County would be the correct contact. Mr. Calhoun also noted that staff is working on our 2018 budget
and business plan to have worksheets ready for the June 13 budget workshop.
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting
adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
4,111. - . -
A ES L.R. Higgins, ?SFT or
Christine Bainbri ,g eCityClerk
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Approved by Council:04-25-2017
Tuesday, April 1111, 70117
6:00 parvo Regular Meeting
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