2017, 05-30 Study Session minutes MINUTES
Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers
Spokane Valley, Washington
May 30, 2017
Cauncilmembers Staff
Rob Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager
Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director
Caleb Collier, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney
Pam Haley, Councilinember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney
Mike Munch, Councilmember John Holtman, Deputy City Manager
Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director
Sam Wood, Councilmember Chaz Bates,Economic Development Specialist
Mark Werner,Police Chief
Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk
Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilinembers were present.
1. Motion Consideration:Urban County(CDBG)Requalification Agreement—Chaz Bates
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded, to authorize the City Manager to.finalize and
execute the cooperation agreement with Spokane County for Community Development Block Grant funds
and continue participation in a deferred entitlement status as part of the Urban County for federal fiscal
years 2018, 2019, and 2020. Economic Development Specialist Bates gave some background on the
consortium for the Urban County Community Development Block Grant requalification,and of the options
available said staff recommends continuing with our City's participation in the consortium, all as outlined
on his May 30, 2017 Request for Council Action form. Councilmember Pace asked if CDBG funds have
ever been used for anything other than sidewalks or safe routes to schools in low income areas, and Mr.
Bates replied that they have. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by
acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried.
2. Farmers Market—Mike Stone
Parks and Recreation Director Stone's PowerPoint presentation described some of the existing area farmers
markets and their locations; mentioned several possible locations for a farmers market in Spokane Valley,
spoke of site considerations, analysis and comparisons; lie mentioned some of the pros and cons of the
potential areas of the Valley Mission Park Horse Arena, the south parking lot of Valley Mission Park,
Balfour Park, the new City Hall parking lot, and Castle Park. Councilmember Pace asked what kinds of
organizations run the other farmers markets,and Mr. Stone said some are run by nonprofit boards,some by
private businesses, and said he is not aware of any government entity running a farmers market, and that
they have all been contracted out to someone who understands how these are best run; said he hears great
reviews about the Wednesday night market at Kendal Yards;adding that some first steps to having a market
are to determine the site, as once established they are difficult to move; determine the schedule, place ads
or a RFP (request for proposals) in the newspapers, and use other means to let the public know about the
potential of having a farmers market in Spokane Valley. Councilinember Munch asked if typically
governments rent the space or just allow someone to use it, and Mr. Stone said the choice would be up to
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us; sometimes a City can provide space for a nominal fee and the contractor would pay everything else and
assume all risk and therefore also get all the profit; he said the most successful markets are where the
property owner lets the operators run the business, but if we were to do that, we would just make sure the
site is ready. Mr. Stone stressed that it would be very important to have all the details determined and
written ahead of time,and to review an operator's rules for running the market;said if we do this,we would
want to be minimally involved, but still make sure it would be something we could be proud of.
Councilmember Haley asked if Mr. Stone has ever been approached by anyone who wants to do this and
lie said lie has not. Deputy Mayor Woodard said that the area would need to be visible, and he is not sure
he would want to use Balfour Park or the City Hall parking lot; and Mr. Stone reiterated that we would not
be heavily involved; that ideally we would find a site and turn it over to the operators, again stressing the
need for a written arrangement. Mr. Stone also noted that because June is already upon us, this would be
something to work toward for next year. Mr. Stone said as there is apparent Council interest, he will
continue to develop this concept and come back with recommendations for a site with more specific costs,
and Council concurred.
3. Parks Master Plan--Mike Stone
Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Stone gave Council an overview of the development of the Master
Plan, explained what it is, that it is updated every five, six or seven years to keep it consistent with grant
funding;and that we continue to pursue public involvement;said it does take time for staff to pursue grants,
and time as well as cost is always a challenge. Councihnember Pace asked about acquiring parkland
including the idea of pocket parks, and Mr. Stone said that pocket parks were popular years ago, but
maintenance was over-burdening;however, in our City it might be appropriate to look at that concept again
as finding large areas for parks is difficult. Mr. Stone said ideally, we want parks in most neighborhoods,
and we currently have a park in almost every section of our City; adding that for a city our size, our park
inventory is small. City Manager Calhoun said that in our upcoming budget workshop, we will review a
spreadsheet showing potential and pending projects,which won't be all-inclusive, but will give Council an
opportunity to bring forward ideas like pocket parks;that in previous years the focus was on such projects
as the Appleway Trail; and said that typically once a project makes it onto the spreadsheet,we have pretty
good success in bringing those projects to fruition;but as always, we have a finite amount of money and an
infinite amount of projects,so we have to work with the finances available.Mr.Stone said Councilmembers
should all have a copy of the 2013 Plan, and asked Councilmembers to let him know if they need a copy.
4. Port Districts—John Hohman
Deputy City Manager Hohman and Deputy City Attorney Lamb went over some of the laws concerning
forming a port district,as noted on the May 30,2017 Request for Council Action(RCA)form. Mr.Hohman
said that as a result of discussions held at a March council meeting, several questions arose, and Mr.
Hohman went over that information as noted on his RCA, in particular, (1) may a city opt out or exclude
itself from a county-wide port district;with the answer being no,that there is no legal mechanism for a city
to opt out or exclude itself from a county-wide proposal; (2)may a city create its own port district;with the
answer that a city does not have the authority to place its own port district on a ballot; however, citizens
could petition to establish a less-than-county-wide port district; and(3) if a port district is approved by the
voters that include a city, may the city later exclude itself from the port district; with the answer being that
once a port district is approved by the voters, there is no provision to allow a city to withdraw from the
district. Mr.Hohman also went over the information contained in the March 29,2017 Memorandum,which
was part of tonight's Council packet,to show the breakdown of various port district's monthly stipend.
Mr. Lamb explained some of the issues and laws surrounding port districts formed as a result of a ballot
issue, which led to discussion about rules for any ballot issue, including Council taking a position on a
particular ballot measure,and said that the City cannot use resources to campaign for any ballot issue. City
Attorney Driskell added that if Council wanted to take a position on a particular ballot issue, there are
methods in place to do so, and Council could suspend the rules for that particular issue if they so desired.
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Discussion turned to taxing and levies including mention from Mayor Higgins that if you approve a port
district, then you are approving being taxed. Mr. Hohman added that a tax revenue is just one source of
revenue, and once established, they could lease properties as a source of income. Councilmember Pace
reiterated his view that he doesn't like port districts, and that he feels they are a sham by big government
to raise taxes beyond what a city or county could raise. Deputy Mayor Woodard raised the question about
having written purpose and bylaws, and Mr. Lamb said you might be able to specify an end date, but the
laws are clear and the powers are granted through statutes; that generally once created, a port district can
do whatever the laws allows. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked if a port district could be formed for at least a
year; and Mr. Lamb said he would need to research into the basis for that. Councilmember Collier asked
if any created port district was ever disbanded and Mr. Hohman said not to his knowledge. Mr. Driskell
said all citizens within an approved port district have the right to vote for port districts,and the port district
is headed by elected commissioners. After further brief discussion, Mayor Higgins said that based on the
comments tonight, he feels Council might want to drop this issue, and Councihnembers nodded in
agreement. It was previously mentioned that GSI(Greater Spokane, Inc.)was apparently interested in port
districts, and Mr. Hohman said staff will monitor the issue to ascertain GSI's stance.
5.Advance Agenda- Mayor Higgins
There were no suggestions for changes to the Advance Agenda.
6. Council check-in—Mayor Higgins
There were no Council comments.
6. City Manager Comments—Mark Calhoun
Mr. Calhoun remarked that the budget workshop is coming up in two weeks, June 13, in this room, from
8:30 a.m.to approximately 3:30 p.m., and at this workshop,Council will have an opportunity to review the
actual line item details within the operating funds, adding that this is a good review of where these funds
come from, and what they are used for.
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting
adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
AT / L.R. Higgins, May '
Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk
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Approved by Council:06-27-2017