Ordinance Summary 18-003 City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 720-5000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE' VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of'Ordinance No. 18-003 passed by the Spokane Valley City Council on the 27th day of February, 2018: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING TIIF STREET STANDARDS; AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY kl NICTPAT. CODE AND CHAPTER 22.130 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED '1'0 1 U11t1LE ACQIJISTT[ON AREAS, AND OTT1EER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. Section 1 explains that the purpose of this ordinance is to make minor revisions to the Street Standards and related amendments to chapter 20.80 Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMvIC) Boundary Line Adjustments/Eliminations and chapter 22.130 SVMC DevclopmentTransportation Improvements_ Section 2 acknowledges [he work of [he Phanning Commission and makes certain Findings as stated in the ordinance; Section 3 amends Chapter 20.80 SVMC as attached; Section 4 amends Chapter 22.130 SVMC as attached; Section 5 amends the Spokane Valley Street Standards as attached; Section 6 states that all other provisions of Titles 20 and 22 SVMC not specifically addres.scd in this ordinance,remain unchanged; Section 7 addresses severability, and Section 8 provides for an effective date, The full tex[of Ordinance 18-003 is available at the City of Spokane galley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request to the City Clerk. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: March 9,2018 1 ccrtity that I bclicye the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 18-003, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the c..e ents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. Air . + . .� : ' ristinc Bainbrid e, ..ity Clerk SUP N:ltIOR COURT ofWASHINGTON for SPOKANE COl;N'I'A' In the Malttur • pf AFLI I DAVIT of PUBLICATION NOTICE OF ORDINANCI? PASSED By Spokane Valley City Council NO. OrdiIlalite No. IR-UO3 LLCAL NOTICE STATE(4-WASIlINCTON County ofSpokane MICHAEEL HUFFMAIN being first duly sworn on oath deposo.and says that he is the EDITOR ol-the Spokane Valley News f Jerald,a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a Legal newspaper and it is now sold has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, pnblisIied in the Hnglisli language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an oliiee maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved cis a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Vr'ashitigton in and for Spokane County- That the following is a true copy of al Legal Yotice as it was published in regular lames commencing on the 9(h day of Mgrehh,2018,and ending on the 9th day of)4'Iarch,2018,all dales inchisive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period; Coy ofSpokarwVaI 10210 E.Sprague Spokane Valiant,WA 992DII (500)720-000 NOTICE DF ORDINANCE PASSED S`t'SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The iplkrwinp Is the tale arld summary el Ordlnanc*nNo.10-OOSpenned lay OKI Spo- kane Coancil on the 271h fray oi po-kaneVeIkeg'CiIrCorlrrdlonthe271hfrayu1 S 'si L. u. am]SWORN tobefore mC February,I0113: . his 9th day of March,2018 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOY.IWE COUNTY, is,%X.11 I 1 1//11 State of Wsailingtnn II WASHINGTON rarN Ro Nr,MENDIINGSPO£ VAET L- RAS 1. 1 County of Spokane LEY MUNICIPAL CODE AND CHAPTER r *'•+ , 22.1:0 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL r CODE RELATED TO FUTi1RE ACADUIS1. TION AREAS,AND OTHER 1AATTERS. *'q' sat1.0 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that RELATING THERETO. F 0 Section 1 explains Ulla!the Nowa of this Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before mc, udlnancalstornakorniiwraiElarla1o1ha NOTARY and said person acknowledged that he sigoed this S1rea15a mdards and rebldi smendmanls. ; tochep1er2O.E0np' eValleyMunicipal 0 ; PUBLIC : instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and Corte MO)Rounduiy Liue Rdjretmsn1si Eliminallone and chapter 22.130 5Vh1C +t volulftary pact for the uses and purposes mentioned in the Development Tranr°isorionon Improve- r • S meas.SeCIOn 2arnowledg99 oe work � 7*]' #1 • InttRlnen . *`*F ol die Farming Cnrnissiu8nd maleof" - cerlaleMange asValndulheordinance; f 1NAVA\.� ` seam38rnendsChiplor2011DSV1AG ,f ala,*red:seln5arnmdsDIrepter22.130 #"IiiitI' ' SVWLC ae alleched;Scgion 5 emends Tho Spokane Valley SWIM Slendari1e 88 1<Olenc cii s . altudled: Mellon 6 at iter!hal 8 other 'Title:.N1otal Public �'f pr wislafna 01 Mlles 20 end f2 SPC nal ,"1 + Rpocir aity addreaeed in this urdlnmce. My appointment expires:(15-1 i-2019 1�F'- ! remain unchanged;Section 7 addreeee8 :eirerebiIty,and Section 8 provides lar an olleetive dale. The['Alexi of OrdInance 1$4103re mailable al no say od spexnne ValleyCi1y011Fneh es ' iderililiedabove.Acony wMIberrliledmon request 10 the City Olerk. Christine Balnbfdge,City Clerk Published:March 9,201a