Ordinance Summary 18-004 City of Spokane Valley 102111 E. Sprague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 720-5000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOl<A1NE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The fol[owing is the title and summary ofOrd i nance No. 1 8-004 passed by the Spokane Valley City Council on the 27" day of February, 2018: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY NItNICIPAL CODE APPENDIX A RELATING TO FLAG LOTS; M4ENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 20.20 RELATED TO LEGAL LOTS, INNOCENT PURCHASERS, AND DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOTS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. Section I explains that the purpose of this Ordinance is to amend eliaptcr 20.20 Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)General Provisions to address illegal lots and innocent purchasers,el im inate inconsistencies with Title 19 resulting from the development regulations update in 2016, make clarifications and minor grammatical changes, and modify the definition of flag lot in Appendix A. Section 2 acknowledges the work of the Planning Commission and makes certain Findings as stated in the ordinance; Section 3 amends SVMC Appendix A concerning flag lots; Section 4 makes several gammaticai changes to SVMC 20.20, and addresses innocent purchasers of illegal lots; Section 5 states that all other provisions of SVMC Appendix A and 20 SVMC not specifically addressed in [his ordinance, remain unchanged; Section 6 addresses severability, and Section 7 provides for an effective date, The full text of Ordinance 18-004 is available at[he City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above_ A copy will he mailed upon request to the City Clerk_ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: March 9,2018 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to he a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 18-004, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on tile with the City Clerk. 41111,A . �. r ristine Bainbridge, -i Clerk C9 Y J • SUPERIOR COURT ofWASHINGTON for SVOICANE COUNTY In the Matter of AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION NOTICE OIC ORDINANCE PASSED By Spokane Valley City Council NO. Ordinance.No. 18-004 LEGAL NOTICE STATE of IN.ASI-ING'l'ON County of Spokane MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that ha is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more then six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an oilice maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State.of Washington in and for Spokane County, That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 9th day of March,2018,and ending on the 9th day of Marek,2018,all dates inclusive,and that sush newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period' Olay of Spolsiner vain 50210 E.Swam*, ��— Spokane Valley,WA II206 rLLilf/j" EYCI NOTICE 4 ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANEEV VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The Ion w`ng le Lha Bile and summary of 4,dInannaNo.1&0[3lpassed byUruSpo, . karauslleyCllyOaurcionlhe2Tlhday oe 'c lit / 'SWORN to before me February,20This 911.11911.11 day of March,2018 ORDI AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY SOF wuASHLNE VALLEY,EN DIN{SPOKANE COOXANE RAS State of Washington VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE APPENDS(Ao eo.• ' County of Spokane FIELATING TO FLAGAMDING NE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE I a':1;/,..\ °o CHAPTER 20,20 RELATED TO LEGAL Ak. o , I certify that I know or have satisfactory c1iS3CnCG that DOUBLLOTS,INNOCENT PORCHA6EfiS,AND C] a �_ , JOTTERS AELATI EL IERAND ETOt]THER a Ca Q1 R ' [ ,� Michael Hullirtan is the person who appeared before mc, yA4TTEn$AELTLNG THERET�J, U}q Beanie 7 errplalns Ihak the BpLur 0 of $ PUBLIC and said person acknowledged that he signed thus 1h's Orcfneme Is io arnand ihapber 20.20n Spokane Wiley MumILIpa1 Cade ISWMC] d p -. instrument and acknowledgedit to be his free and General Provisions iu adchan illegal lois T °o n' '$- end Innocent purchasers,elimInate lawn- °., p a9° voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the slsleiwins with Title.19(milling from 11-pe {c' '.,'-16-1 deamlosrrnenl regulailana update in 2010, , '44moa®gyp°p ?,' instrurne t. rnalw claelf�:csuona and akar grannrnalicaa changes,and rnedlly L n4 dellnhlan of Ilag ej f x7{k la In Appends(A.Seddon 2 acknowledges f$ $ IN.work Wine PIanntn2 Commission and make('curleln Findings as slated in 1ha ordlneneu: section a amends 6VMC Ap• Jolene ntz pendIK A concerning 11ag Iota; Sscllon 4 Title:Notary Public. makes several grammailcal changes So SVM❑ 20 20, and addresses Innocent My appointment expires; 05-]b-2019 ' t . _ pied-lama of Illegal lots;Section 5 aisles alai al other pro lnlonsof SVMGAppend'In A and 20 Swl11O nog!pacifically addressed f In MN ordnance,rameln unchanged;S . �.+ tion 6 addraseed mearablity,and Section 7 prni des for an eft('rgpie dale. The ruulexl cf fhdinarce I8'0a4 is a+a1Ob1S atIto City a1SpaaanuValley City elites as Eenfilled abase_Aoapy will be mailed upon rereeasl N,Ina City Clerk. prrIUIlne 6alnaridge,chy Clear PJhllshed:.March 5,2015