Resolution 18-002 Amending 2018 TIPCif /. OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 18-(H)2 A RESOLUITiON OF TIIfF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTTON, AMENDING HE 2018 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CiTY OF SPOi{ANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATINC THERETO. WI IEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council Adopted the 2018-2023 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on May 23 2017, Resolution #17-011, with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources and project schedules have occurred; and WHEREAS, the attached Amended 2018 TiP incorporates said changes for year 2018; and WHEREAS, the amenchnunts to the 2018 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive Plan_ NOW THEREFORP, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section l . The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2018 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development kind construction of local and regional Iransporiation improvements for the year 2018. Projects and timefr-fbmcs identified in tare TIP are to be considered cst.imates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. V.flect.ivc Date. Th is Resolution shall he in HI force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 13th day cel. March, 2018. A°1TrI S'1': ji-j 4.h ! ristinc Bainbridge, City Clerk Resolution 18-002 Amending 2018 TIP City o' JJ Valley L.R. Iliggins, City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (Adopted by Resolution 17-011 an 5123117) Proj. # 1 0205 2 0249 3 0252 4 0143 5 0259 5 0223 7 0248 6 0254 9 11 12 13 14 0123 15 Funded Projects Planned Projects Project Sprague f Barker Intersection Improvements Sullivan•Wellesley Intersection Imp Project Argonne Pavement Preservation Barker Read 1 BNSF Grade Separation North Sullivan ITS - a jnn`t Pines (SR27)18NSF Grade Separation Sprague Preservation 2016 Street Preservation Projects Appleway Trail Argonne Cancra'te Reconstruction Coleman Road Sidewalk Evergreen Resurfacing Mission Ave. Park Road 42 I-rcrn Sprague t=r Sullivan Broartay Barker 1-90 Pines (SR27) Sullivan Various Evergreen Indiana 401 Ave Mnssion Flora Rd Broadway To Barker Wellesley Indiana BNSF RR Trent Evergreen CORBIN Various Sullivan Montgomery 2nd Ave Irldafarla Barker Rd. Indiana Primary Scurrx City County SIP(U) Fed/Other CMAQ Other FED STP(U) City CMAQ Other Other FTA STP(U) TIB STP(U) City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works AMENDED 2016 Transportation Improvement Program Reeolultarh 1a-062, (3-13-2418) 5 $ $ $ $ $ 5 5 5 $ Oily Total2018 Airaunt Projr t Casts 33.003 03 5 40,000.00 3,003 00 S 120,000.00 77,000.00 S 570,000 00 666,400.00 $ 1,400,000.00 109,000.00 $ 1304,000.00 955,000.00 $ 1,630,000.00 203,000,00 5 1,502,000.00 2100,000.00 5 2..200,000,00 22,000.00 $ 164,000.00 102,000.00 $ 512,000.00 5,000.00 $ 25,000.60 4,000,00 5 32,000.00 660,000.00 5 3,400,000.0 22,000.60 $ 162,000.00 55,053,000 5 12,561,001 $ 5,093,000 $ 12,561,1100 Praj. # Project 1 0205 Sprague/ Barker intersection Improvement 2 0249 Sullivan-liNellesley Intersecluan Imp Project. 3 0252 ,Argonne Pavement Preserva1JOn 4 0143 Barker, Road! BNF Grade Separation (RNV) 5 0259 North Sullivan ITS Project 6 0223 Pines (SR27)/BNSF Grade Separation 7 0248 Sprague Preservialion 6 0254 2018 Street Preservation Projects 9 Appleway Tract 11 Argonne Cor crate Recanslruction 12 Coleman Road Sidewalk 13 Evergreen Resurfacing 14 0123 Mission Ave. 15 Park Road #2 0251 Euclid Reconstruct 0141 Sullivan/Euciid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN) 0222 Citywide Reflective Signal Backpiates (PE/CN) 0227 Appleway Trail 0237 Appieway Tail 0259 North Sullivan ITS Project 0258 32nd Ave Sidewalk 0264 Sth Ave Sidewalk 0263 Citywide Signal Backplat,es 0165 Pines (SR-27)TGraca Intersection Safety Project 0201 ITS Ir1Ti11 Project (CN) 0155 Sullivan West Bridge 0265 Wellesley Sidewalk Project (PE) Broadway Ave. 8th Ave and Carnahan Road Mission Ave. Sidewalk Barker Road (Euclid to Garland) PE From Sprague G Sullivan Broadway 9arkOr 1-90 Pines (SR27) Sullivan Various Evergreen, Indiana 41h Ave Mission Flora Rd. Broadway I=1ire Rd. Sullivan Venous locations Pines Sullivan 1-90 SR27 Dickey Various Locations Pines (SR 27) Various locations Sullivan kr1cD nald Argonne 8th Bowdistl Euclid Primary City Total 2018 To Source Amount Project Costs Barker City $ 35,700.00 5 40,000.00 Wellesley County $ 25,27200 5 267,200.00 Mission STp(U) 5 77,200.00 5 572,000.00 BNSF RR Fed/Other 5 668,000.00 5 2.160,000.00 Treat CMAO $ 109,000.00 $ 804,000,00 Evergreen 5 1.200,000.00 5 1.200,000,00 CORBIN STP(U) $ 203,000.00 5 1,502,000.00 Various City 5 2,200,000.00 5 2,200.000.00 Sullivan CMAO 5 22,000.00 $ 175.000.00 Montgomery Other $ 102,000.00 5 512.000.00 2nd Ave Other FTA $ 5,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Indiana STP(U) $ 4.000,00 5 32 000.00 Barker Rd. TIB 5 680,000.00 $ 3,400,000.00 Indiana STP(U) 5 $7,000.00 $ 162,006.00 Barker City 5 200,000.001 $ 300,000.110 Euclid STP(U)/TIB 50.00 $ 14,000.00 HSIP 5 900.00 5 81,000.00 Evergreen STP 5 10,000.00 $ 30,000.00 Corbin RCO1GOM 5 572,000.00 $ 2,215,000.00 Trent CMAQ $ 101,500.00 5 750,001.00 Evergreen TIB $ 83,000.00 $ 415,3010.00 Thierman CDG $ 140,000.00 5 545,000,00 HSIP $ 1,000.00 $ 123,850.00 Grace Ave HSIP 5200,000.01 $525,000.00 CMAQ 5 74,000..00 5 463,000.00 4pspakeneRiver TIB 50.00 5 55,000.00 Evergreen SRTS $ 10,000.00 5 40,000,00 1AiIIanRd TIB 5 450,001.00 5 2,250,000.00 Carnahan . City $ 450,000,00 5 450,000.60 upon TIB 5 12,000,00 5 60,040.00 Garland City $ 106,500.00 $ 106,500,60 57,829,072 .$21414850 Rnjucw bad ',sidearms rderufied in iht TIN ire in be considered estimates ooh' am midi chink duo W a TIrkly orciruorrNrr.xe, Md arm ern :aural by Ili. 4 :[h ra IL ram' upon M'pmpon' osmers or developers is malting dam kmrnuri. decisions. Fondled P1'af eats tlpdalcd dollar Amounts 2011 Carry Over Projects New Projects