Ordinance 18-006 False AlarmsCITY OF SPOT VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASlIINCTON ORDINANCE NO. 18-006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMEN -1)1141G CHAPTER 7,20 OF '.I'.1 SPOKANE VALLEY 1VFCTNEC]IPAL CODIt RELA'T'ING TO FALSE ALARMS, AND €)'1'HER MATT'ERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted chapter 7.20 Spokane Valley Municipal Code in 2000, to be effective January ] , 2010; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of adopting the original chapter 7.20 SVMC was to ensure that responses to false alarms did not diminish the availability of police services to the general public; and WHEREAS, through implementation and use of chapter 7.20 SVMC over the years, staff and the Spokane Valley Police I eparlincnt have become awarc of several issues that should he clarified through amendment; to the Code, particularly relating to the authority and process for mitigating false alarm response cost recovery mitigation fees; and WHEREAS, Article 1 1, section ] 1 of the Washington State Constitution allows local goveniments to make and enforce within their jurisdictional limits, local laws and regulations not in conflict with the general laws of the State; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in enacting this Ordinance, seeks to promote the City's interest in proiccting the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Chapter 7,20 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 7.20.170 Mitigation and Appeals. (A) Mitigation of FeesFalse alarm response cost recovery fees may he mitigated in certain circumstances as follows: (1) The mitigation process shall be initiated by the alarm user contacting the alarm administrator in person, by mail, or by phone and identifying any mitigating circumstances pertaining to the incident resulting in the false alarm. This request shall be received by the alarm administrator within 30 calendar days after mailing of the initial invoice to the alarm owner. Failure to eornp1y with Ibis 30 -day requirement shall render any mitigation request untimely and therefore void- A request to mitigate the fees shall not toll the 30 -day appeal period pursuant to SVMC 7.20.170(8). (2) The alarm administrator is authorized to mitigate the false alarm response cost recovery fee by up to 2.5% if in the alarm administrator's discretion, the facts and circumstances warrant Mitigation. If mitigation is approved, the alarm user waives any further right to appeal. (13) Appeals of False Alarm Response Cost Recovery Fees. False alarm response cost recovery fees may be appealed to the alarm administrator, as .follows: Ordinance l 8-006 Amending Chapter 7-20 SVMC — False. Alarms Page 1 of 2 (1) The appeal process shall be initiated by the alarm user sending a letter to the alarm tidministrator requesting that the false alarm response cost recovery fee be vvaived, and specifying the reasons for the appeal_ This letter shall be received by the alarm administrator within 30 calendar days tiller mailing of the initial invoice to the alarm owner. Failure to comply with this 30 -clay requirement shall render any appeal untimely and therefore void. (2) False alarm response cost recovery fees may be appealed only on the grounds that the incident. cited as the basis for the false alarm Bost recovery fee was, in fact, not a false alarm response or that the alarm was activated clue to an extreme weather event or a natural disaster. Human error or mechanical/electronic failure of the security alarm system are not valid reasons for appeal. The alarm user shall, in his letter requesting an appeal, describe detailed, credible evidence in his possession that supports the assertion that the incident was a valid alarm pursuant to SVMC 7.20.130(C) or (1)) an alarm activation Clue to an extreme weather event or natural disaster. (3) The atariri administrator may reject requests for appeals that are not supported by detailed, credible evidence of criminal activity or extreme weather events or natural disasters_ Notice of rejection of a request for this initial appeal shall be sent to the appellant in writing within 10 calendar clays following receipt of the appeal request by the alarm administrator. (4) The alarm administrator may afliu-m or waive the false alarm response cost recovery fees or actions that are the subject of thc appeal. (C) if the alarm administrator affirms or modifies the amount of a false alarm response recovery fee due, that amount becomes immediately due and payable. A record of the determination on each appeal and mitigation request shall be forwarded to the police chief and the city manager on a monthly basis. (D) The decision of the alarm administrator shall he final and not subject to further appeal. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not alf'ect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and erect five clays alter date; of publication nfthis Ordinance or a summitry thereof in the official newspaper of the City, AT PASSED by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley th' 31' day of Mtych, 2018. Christine 13aint]ri Ap >' ' ved ge, City Clerk Office o the Date of Publication: 3-23-2018 Effective Date: 3-28-2018 Ordinance 18-006 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC —Fain Alarms Page 2 of 2