2018, 03-20 Study SessionAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT (with some action items) Tuesday, March 20, 2018 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10210 E Sprague Avenue (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL 1. Gloria Mantz 8th and Carnahan Right -of -Way Acquisition Remediation 2. Erica Amsden, Gloria Mantz 8th Avenue Sidewalk: Thierman to Dickey 3. Henry Allen Floodplain FEMA Process 4. John Hohman, Lori Barlow Painted Hills Update Cary Driskell 5. Cary Driskell 6. Mayor Higgins 7. Mayor Higgins 8. Mark Calhoun ADJOURN Cell Carrier Franchise Agreements Advance Agenda Council Check in City Manager Comments Discussion/information Discussion/Information Discussion/Information Discussion/Information Discussion/Information Discussion/Information Discussion/Information Discussion/Information Study Session Agenda, March 20, 2018 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 8th & Carnahan Right -of -Way Acquisition Remediation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual Advanced Six -Year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • December 5, 2017 — Administrative Report, ROW Acquisition Requirements BACKGROUND: The Uniform Relocation Act (URA) - 49 CFR Part 24 is a federal law that establishes minimum standards for projects when acquiring real estate property or displacing persons from their homes, businesses, or farms. The URA applies to the acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real estate property for federal or federally funded projects, even if there are no federal funds in a right-of-way phase of a project. On December 5, 2017, Staff discussed the URA minimum requirements with Council. The alignment of the 8th & Carnahan intersection needs to be rectified which requires acquisition of right-of-way. In November 2016, the City executed a purchase and sale agreement for the acquisition of a parcel located at 707 S Carnahan in anticipation of this project for $185,000. The real estate transaction closed in January 2017. The acquisition did not follow the federal process which requires that the seller be reimbursed for expenses resulting from relocation such as closing fees and moving fees. The seller is also entitled to receive payments for the added costs of purchasing comparable replacement housing. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) advised the City to remediate the acquisition if the City plans to pursue federal funds for the intersection project. A Remediation Plan for this acquisition was submitted and approved by WSDOT. To date, the City has reimbursed the seller $2,400 for moving costs and $6,098.99 for closing costs. The seller has found a replacement house and is entitled to $56,761.46 for the price differential and incidental costs between the house purchased by the City and the replacement house. The total cost of the initial acquisition and remediation payments is $250,260.45 which exceeds the City Manager authority. OPTIONS: Discussion only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to bring forward for motion consideration at a future Council meeting. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $56,761.46 from Capital Reserve Fund #312 STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: Presentation December 5, 2017 Presentation Spokane Valle March 20, 201 Gloria Mantz, PE, Engineering Manager Project Background March 20, 2018 Realignment of Intersection 3 Project Background March 20, 2018 Acquisition of 707 S Carnahan in Anticipation of Project Purchase and Sale Agreement —November 2016 Real Estate Transaction Closed -January 2017 Acquisition Did Not Follow Uniform Relocation Act Federal Regulations Must Be Followed if Any phase of a Project is Funded by Federal Funds WSDOT Has Approved a Remediation Plan so Project Can Qualify for Federal Funds in the Future Spokane .000 Valley Remediation Plan March 20, 2018 Remediation Plan — Payment for: Moving Costs Closing Costs Price Differential for Replacement Housing & Incidentals Issued Payment for Moving Costs & Closing Costs $ 2,400.00 6,098.99 56,761.46 Total Acquisition & Remediation Plan Costs Exceed City Manager Authority 4 Spokane _ Valley Next Steps March 20, 2018 Tonight - Discussion & Council Consensus March 20 - Council Approval For Final Payment Spokane .000 Valley December 5, 2017 Right -of -Way Acquisitions Program Overview Gloria Mantz, Engineering Manager Bill Helbig, City Engineer 1 Discussion Items • Acquisition Fundaments • Acquisition Examples • Residential Relocations • Non-residential regulations 2 • Acquisition Fundamentals • Property rights acquisitions • Dedications • Donations • Purchase • Types of property rights • Deeded property • Permanent easements • Temporary easements 3 Acquisition Fundamentals • Federal regulations must be followed if any phase of a project is funded by federal funds • Sufficient property rights to construct, operate and maintain facility • Just compensation for acquisitions and any damage • Property Valuation (Fair market value) • Highest and best use • Uneconomic remainder • Cost to cure • Provide replacement housing for displaced residents 4 Negotiations • Present offer at fair market value • No coercion • Must be a win-win for City and property owner • The City has statutory obligation to negotiate in good faith • Condemnation only used as last resort • Council historically has not been willing to condemn property 5 Uniform Relocation Act ■ The URA are minimum standards that intend to: • Provide uniform, fair and equitable treatment of persons whose real property is acquired or who are displaced in connection with federally funded projects • Ensure relocation assistance is provided to displaced persons to lessen the emotional and financial impact of displacement • Ensure that no individual or family is displaced unless decent, safe, and sanitary housing is available within the displaced person's financial means • Help improve the housing conditions of displaced persons living in substandard housing • Encourage and expedite acquisition by agreement and without coercion 6 Advisory Services • Determine needs and special requirements • Tenants • Owner occupied • Relocation assistance • Explain relocation process, entitlements, and payments • Provide referral to comparable properties • Ensure the availability of at least one comparable property • Inspect relocation houses to ensure decent, safe and sanitary • Written notice of maximum replacement housing entitlement at least 90 days before the required day to vacate 8 Residential Displacements • Replacement housing must be: • Functionally similar to present housing • Decent, safe, and sanitary • Not subject to unreasonable adverse environmental conditions • Within financial means of the displaced person • Location generally no less desirable with respect to utilities, commercial and public facilities • Reasonably accessible to place of employment 9 Residential Displacements • Replacement housing payment types: • Price differential for owner occupants of 180 days or more • Rent supplement for owner occupants and tenants of 90 days or more • Down payment assistance for owner occupants of 180 days or more and tenants of 90 days or more • Use or lose it • Not considered income 10 Residential Displacements • Miscellaneous costs • Moving costs - self move, professional or a combination of both • Mortgage interest differential payments • Incidental purchase expenses • Inspection fees • closing costs Non Residential Relocations 12 Advisory Se V a ces • Determine relocation needs and preference for operation • Explain relocation process, eligibility requirements, entitlements, and payments • Explain substitute personal property and actual direct loss of tangible personal property • Provide sources of assistance and technical help • Written notice at least 90 days before the required day to vacate • Provide information on the availability, purchase price, rental cost of suitable replacement • Assist a business to become established • City is not required to find a replacement 13 Non Residential Relocation payments • Moving costs • Reestablishment expenses • Related non-residential eligible expenses • Related moving expenses • Fixed moving payment 14 Non Residential Relocation payments • Moving costs - self move, professional or combination • Reestablishment expenses up to $50,000 • Repairs or improvements to replaced real estate property as required by code, federal, state or local law • Modifications or tenant improvements to accommodate business operation • Exterior signage to advertise business • Paint, paneling or carpeting when soiled or worn • Advertisement of new location • Estimated increased cost for 2 years for items such lease fees, taxes, insurance premiums, or utilities 15 Non Residential Relocation payments • Related non-residential eligible expenses • Professional services to determine suitability of new location • Impact fees and one-time assessments for anticipated heavy utility usage • Utility connection from the adjacent ROW to the new location • Related moving expenses • Search expenses up to $2,500 • Direct loss or purchase of substitute of personal property • Licenses or permits required by the business • Temporary storage • Fixed moving payment or "in lieu" • $1,000 min up to $40,000 • Based on average annual net earning for last 2 years • Not eligible for other any other relocation expense 16 Acquisition Examples Argonne Road (Broadway to Indiana) • Street Preservation Project • Update pedestrian ramps • Small acquisition of 4 parcels at the corners CATALDO AVE 40' PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY LINE SECTION LINE EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY LINE PROPERTY LINES L Acquisition examples 8th & Carnahan Intersection Improvement • Intersection improvement project • May be near future North Spokane Corridor ramp • Funding has not been secured • Early acquisition • Property was for sale • Acquisition process did not follow federal requirements • Acquisition process may be federalized to be eligible for federal funds in the future F�: Acquisition Examples Pines Road Grade Safety Project • Scope • Add turning lanes north and southbound lane • Improve sight distance at the intersection • Required acquisition from 8 parcels • Property owner refused to reasonably negotiate • Fair market value of the property was $4,116 • Property owners initial counter offer was $75,000 • Property owner final counter offer was $65,000 • City decided not to pursue condemnation and redesigned project. • Project delayed 1.5 years 19 Acquisition Examples 'MN 4.7161E .211111111111!rn, iP Yu' �R�pt E~DOR« ORPRARRER ROPERTE9. LL • Barker Road Grade Separation Project* • 6 partial and one full acquisition • One potential business relocation *May be different depending on the selected alternative 20 Acquisition Examples Pines Road Grade Separation Proj • Pinecroft property • Early acquisition • Protective buying — development of the parcel is imminent and would limit transportation options ect • Remaining acquisition* • 7 parcels including BNSF property • At least two full acquisitions • One potential business relocation *May be different depending on the selected alternative 21 .=-=,,,=7================,-.==,,, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. Report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 8th Avenue Sidewalk Project — Dickey to Thierman GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual Advanced Six -Year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • 6/28/2016: Council passed Resolution 16-009, adopting the 2017-2022 Six Year TIP, which included this project. • 2/28/2017: Council passed Resolution 17-006, amending the 2017 TIP, which included this project. • 09/12/2017: Council passed Resolution 17-016, amending the 2017 TIP, which included this project. BACKGROUND: In 2016, the City submitted a grant application and was awarded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The initial project budget was: City Match (303 Real Estate Excise Tax) $ 31,956 CDBG Grant $ 453,895 Total estimated costs $ 485,851 Since the project was awarded, the stormwater division identified needed stormwater improvements that can be done in conjunction with the project. These improvements include replacing failing structures and providing sediment control to improve stormwater treatment. These improvements are estimated to cost $108,482 and will be paid from Stormwater Fund #402. With the stormwater improvements, the total expected project cost is estimated at $594,333. This project will install sidewalk, widen the westbound lane for vehicle and bicycle use, pave the existing gravel shoulder and make stormwater improvements. City staff designed the project plans. The project is expected to be advertised on March 23, 2018 with bids opening on April 6, 2018. Council consideration for the award of this bid is currently scheduled for April 17, 2018. OPTIONS: Discussion only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project budget is $594,933. There are sufficient funds to cover the cost for this project. STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, PE, Engineering Manager Erica Amsden, PE, Project Manager ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation ect Upda Spokane Valle Gloria Mantz, PE, Engineering Manager Erica Amsden, PE, Project Manager Presentation Agenda March 20, 2018 Project Location Existing Conditions Project Design Public Outreach Temporary Traffic Control Project Cost & Funding Questions Spokane .000 Valley 3 Project Location March 20, 2018 8th Avenue — Dickey to Thierman Spokane .000 Valley Existing Conditions March 20, 2018 No Sidewalk between Dickey and Thierman Gravel Shoulder Numerous Residential Entrances Needed Stormwater Upgrades Spokane .000 Valley Project Design March 20, 2018 Install Sidewalk on North Side of 8th Avenue Pave Shoulder for Shared Use Lane and Parking Replace Failing Drywells & Provide Sediment Control 1.5' 5 SIDEWALK/CURS 4" CSTC 7.5' PARKING LANE 15' SNARED VSE LANE EXISTING EDGE OF A6PHALT IVM1 Mil UV *II Si 4 HMA 6" CSTC NA11VE SD -i 11' EXISTING LANE 16' EXISTING GRAVEL SHOULDER EXlSTIiJG EDGE OF ASPHALT idLT 6 Public Outreach March 20, 2018 Meeting with all Residents Adjacent to Proposed Sidewalk Obtain Temporary Access Permits Explain Construction Activities Over 1,000 Mailers to Residents in the Surrounding Area Letters to Residents Along Detour Route Explaining Project and Duration City's Weekly Traffic Alerts Spokane .000 Valley Temporary Traffic Control March 20, 2018 Closing 8th Avenue to Through Traffic Temporary Driveway Closures Residents Affected will be Notified in Advance Temporary Pedestrian Detour Bus Stops will be Temporarily Relocated Detour Routes Westbound Traffic Routed on Thierman to 6th Avenue Eastbound Traffic Routed on Dickey to 11th Avenue to Thierman S`P Okane _ Valley 8 Temporary Traffic Control March 20, 2018 Spokane ii Valley Budget and Funding March 20, 2018 Project Estimated Cost Preliminary Engineering $ 48,958 Construction $ 545,375 Total Estimated Cost $ 594,333 Project Estimated Budget CDBG Grant $ 453,895 City Fund 303 (Real Estate Excise Tax) $ 31,956 City Fund 402 $ 108,482 Total Estimated Budget $ 594,333 Spokane .000 Valley Tentative Schedule March 20, 2018 March 23 Bid Advertisement April 6 Bid Opening April 17 Council Bid Award Mid May Construction Start Mid June Project Completion Spokane .000 Valley Questions March 20, 2018 11 Spokane .000 Valley CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Overview of FEMA Floodplain Revision Process GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 21.30 Spokane Valley Municipal Code; and Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44: Emergency Management and Assistance: Ch. 1, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security Part 60: Criteria for Land Management and Use Part 65: Identification and Mapping of Special Hazard Areas Part 70: Procedure for Map Correction, and Part 72: Procedures and Fees for Processing Map Changes PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: n/a BACKGROUND: Within the City are six Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) also known as 100 - year floodplains. Four of these floodplains are in some phase of being studied and revised. The purpose of this discussion is to provide a high-level overview of the steps involved in revising a SFHA. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion/Information only. No action is required of Council. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Henry Allen, Senior Engineer ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation, Table of Revisions Requests 0) FEMA FLOODPLAIN REVISION PROCESS OVERVIEW HENRY ALLEN, SENIOR ENGINEER DEANNA HORTON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, CFM SPOKANE VALLEY FLOODPLAINS Parker Draw* Spokane River Glenrose* Central Park* 6- 100 year floodplains with 4 in some phase of revision Shelley Lake/Saltese Creek* * in some phase of revision GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION • IN 1968, THE U.S. CONGRESS PASSED THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ACT WHICH CREATED THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFIP). THE NFIP WAS DESIGNED TO REDUCE FUTURE FLOOD LOSSES THROUGH LOCAL FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND TO PROVIDE PROTECTION FOR PROPERTY OWNERS AGAINST POTENTIAL LOSSES VIA INSURANCE. THE FLOOD DISASTER PROTECTION ACT OF 1973 AND THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE REFORM ACT OF 1994 MANDATED THAT FEDERALLY REGULATED, SUPERVISED, OR INSURED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND FEDERAL AGENCY LENDERS REQUIRE FLOOD INSURANCE FOR BUILDINGS LOCATED IN A PARTICIPATING NFIP COMMUNITY AND IN AN SFHA. • TO RECEIVE FLOOD INSURANCE THE NFIP REQUIRES THE COMMUNITY TO ADOPT FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCES THAT MEET CERTAIN MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS INTENDED TO REDUCE FUTURE FLOOD LOSSES. • SPOKANE VALLEY IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE NFIP. WE HAVE ADOPTED ORDINANCES TO REGULATE DEVELOPMENT IN FLOODPLAINS. 3 FLOOD HAZARD MAPS LIMIT OF FLOODWAY--- Floodway SFHA 'ZONE AE- FI • 104 Flood Elevation �, FEMA publishes flood hazard maps, called Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) which show the areas that are subject to flooding and the risk associated with these flood hazards. Some areas shown on the FIRM: • Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) is the area that has a 1 -percent-annual or greater chance of flooding in any given year; this area is also referred to as the 100 -year floodplain. • Floodway is the channel area and adjacent overbanks that must be reserved in order to discharge the 100 -year flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation by more than a designated height. 4 FLOODPLAIN/ FLOODWAY RELATIONSHIP 1 Percent Annual Chance Floodplain Floodway Floodway Fringe Surcharge up to 1 foot Floodway Fringe ■ ■ ■M U IIIA n n u u u Stream Channel 5 WHY REVISE FLOODPLAINS? BENEFIT: ACCURATE RISK AWARENESS AND INSURANCE COVERAGE TRIGGERS FOR REVISIONS: • SOME AREAS DON'T HAVE FLOOD ELEVATIONS (ZONE A) • SOMETIMES FLOOD BOUNDARIES ARE INCORRECT • CHANGES IN LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT • NEW BRIDGES, CULVERTS • UPDATED TOPOGRAPHY, HYDROLOGY (REVISED RAINFALL DEPTHS) In Spokane Valley the two primary ways map updates happen are 1) FEMA initiated or 2) Community initiated. 6 FEMA INITIATED MAP REVISIONS Prvject Sawing 4 steps: 1. Mapping Needs Assessment: collect info and evaluate need for map revision, meet with public 2. Project Scoping: research data needs and flood areas to be mapped, costs 3. Topo and Flood Data Dev/Report and Map Prod: obtain topographic data > performing engineering analyses > delineate floodplain boundaries > prepare flood insurance study (FIS) reports > meet with community officials to get feedback > revise the FIRM > prepare news release 4. Processing: • FEMA issues the new or updated FIRM and FIS report for review and comment > hold public meetings > start a 90 -day appeal period (submit scientific or technical data) > FEMA will consider and evaluate all comments and issue a letter of final determination • Initiate compliance period with Community (usually lasting 6 months) during which Community makes any necessary changes in their floodplain management ordinances • Printing and distributing the final FIRM and FIS report. 7 Process time typically more than 5 years, Example: Chester Creek — started in 1990's, finished in 2010 -••1 COMMUNITY INITIATED MAP REVISIONS 1) REVISION BASED ON CURRENT CONDITION: LOMA, LOMR-F (SEE TABLE) Prepare materials and send to FEMA "SMALL" FEMA comments or FEMA issues LOMA, LOMR-F and accepts materials map is amended/ revised PROCESS TIME: A TWO -THREE MONTHS 2) REVISION DUE TO PROPOSED CONDITION: CLOMA, CLOMR-F (SEE TABLE) Prepare materials FEMA comments or Construct project FEMA showing proposal accepts materials and send as -built comments or and send to FEMA and sends CLOMA, info to FEMA for accepts CLOMR-F review materials PROCESS TIME FOR CLOMA/ CLOMR-F: A FEW MONTHS LOMA: Letter Of Map Amendment; LOMR-F: Letter Of Map Revision based on Fill CLOMA: Conditional Letter Of Map Amendment; CLOMR-F: Conditional Letter Of Map Revision based on Fill FEMA issues LOMA, LOMR-F and map is amended/ revised 8 COMMUNITY INITIATED MAP REVISIONS - "BIG" 3) REVISION BASED ON CURRENT CONDITIONS: LOMR (SEE TABLE) Prepare materials FEMA comments or and send to FEMA accepts materials FEMA issues LOMR and map is revised PROCESS TIME: 1 YEAR FOR SMALL SCALE AND YEARS FOR WATERSHED SCALE, EXAMPLE — SALTESE CREEK STARTED SUMMER 2011 AND WAS SENT TO FEMA FOR FIRST REVIEW ON MARCH 8, 2018 4) REVISION DUE TO PROPOSED CONDITION: CLOMR (SEE TABLE) Prepare materials FEMA comments or Construct project FEMA comments FEMA issues showing proposal accepts materials and send as -built or accepts LOMR and and send to FEMA and sends CLOMR info to FEMA for materials map is review revised PROCESS TIME: YEARS FOR LARGE SCALE REQUESTS, EXAMPLE — FORKER DRAW STARTED SCOPING 2010 AND IS ABOUT TO RECEIVE CLOMR LOMR: Letter Of Map Revision; CLOMR: Conditional Letter Of Map Revision 9 Floodplain Revision Requests: Applicability Map Change Request Letters Fee Response Time Insurance Reg's "Small" Revisions Single/ multiple lots These requests can only be used for situations where: • Just change floodplain limits • No change in Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), • No change in floodway boundary delineations, • Property is not in an alluvial fan area, • Property and/or structures have p y / not been elevated by fill placed within the regulatory floodway, • Project is not a flood control improvement such as channelization project or bridge/culvert replacement project Use MT -EZ or MT -1 Form Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) - • For property owners that think their structure or property was incorrectly mapped in a flood zone. • A letter from DHS -FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land that has not been elevated by fill (so is at natural grade) would not be inundated by the base flood. Free FEMA will notify the requester of the determination in writing within 60 days of the date of receipt of all required data. May involve a couple of reviews. Although DHS -FEMA may issue a LOMA or LOMR-F removing a structure(s) from the SFHA and eliminate the federal flood insurance purchase requirement as a condition of federal or federally backed financing, it is the lending institution's prerogative to require flood insurance, as a condition of a loan regardless of the location of a structure,if it deems such action appropriate. 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 65 and 70 Conditional Letters of Map Amendment (CLOMA) — • A letter from DHS -FEMA stating that a proposed structure that is not to be elevated by fill (natural grade) would not be inundated by the base flood if built as proposed. • Does not change map (LOMA does) • Once the project built then submit another application with the as -built conditions to receive a LOMA $500/ $700 (Online) Letters of MapRevision Based on Fill (LOMR-F)rounds — • A letter from DHS -FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land that has been elevated by fill would not be inundated by the base flood. $425/ $800 (Online) Conditional Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (CLOMR-F) — • A letter from DHS -FEMA stating that a parcel of land or proposed structure that will be elevated by fill would not be inundated by the base flood if fill is placed on the parcel as proposed or the structure is built as proposed. • Does not change map (LOMR-F does) • Once the project built then submit another application with the as built conditions to receive a LOMR-F $500/ $800 (Online) "Big" Revisions These requests are used for situations where changes are happening to floodplains (on many lots), floodways, or flood elevations Requires engineering analysis by Professional Engineer Use MT -2 Form Letters of Map Revision (LOMR) - • Revisions limited to a single map, • A letter from DHS -FEMA officially revising the current NFIP map to show changes to floodplains, floodways, or flood elevations, • Revises flood hazard information on a flood map via letter without physically revising and reprinting the entire map panel. $7000 - $9000* (Online) FEMA will respond generally within 90 days of the date all required data, forms and processing fees are received. May involve several rounds of reviews. Basic process can easily take 18 months Structures in SFHA receiving federally backed financing are required to be covered by flood insurance. Structures receiving federally backed financing that are outside SFHA but in properties with SFHA may still be required to have flood insurance by Lender. 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65, and 72 Conditional Letters of Map Revision (CLOMR) - • A letter from DHS -FEMA commenting on whether a proposed Revision (CLOMR) project, if built as proposed, would meet minimum NFIP standards or proposed hydrology changes, • Does not change map (LOMR does). $6500 - $7000 (Online) Physical Map Revisions (PMRs) • one or more map panels are physically revised and republished, • includes public outreach, a community comment period and a 6 -month compliance period to update ordinances. $7000 - $9000* (Online) Notes: * Cost is free if change is based solely on submission of more detailed data SFHA —Special Flood Hazard Area —essentially the 100 -year floodplain / BFE — Base Flood Elevations in the SFHA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ['consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ['public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ['executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Painted Hills Planned Residential Development (PRD) — Project Status Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: Administrative reports on October 6, 2015, August 30, 2016, and October 17, 2017. BACKGROUND: On July 24, 2015 the City received the Painted Hills PRD application. Due to the significant public interest in this project staff has presented project overviews and updates to the Council on October 6, 2015, August 30, 2016, and October 17, 2017. At this date, the project proponents are working on a draft environmental impact statement due to the City's determination that the project is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. Staff will provide a status update on the project and answer questions regarding the approval process. Staff will also address questions regarding the City's attempt to purchase the property in 2013. The meeting minutes for the applicable 2013 Council meetings are attached. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Deputy City Manager; Cary Driskell, City Attorney, and Lori Barlow, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. PowerPoint Presentation B. City Council RCA, attachments and minutes of August 13, 2013 meeting C. City Council RCA, attachments and minutes of August 27, 2013 meeting D. City Council RCA attachments and minutes of September 3, 2013 meeting E. City Council RCA attachments and minutes of October 6, 2015 meeting F. City Council RCA attachments and minutes of August 30, 2016 meeting Painted Hills Planned Residential Development City Council Project Status Update March 20, 2018 Spokane Valley History • Prior to 1985: the property was zoned Agricultural and was designated as Urban in the Spokane County Future Land Use plan. • November 1985: a Conditional Use Permit was approved to operate a 9 hole golf course. • 1989: Golf course is opened to the public. • January 1, 1991 -Property is rezoned by Spokane County to UR -3.5 • October 28, 2007: With the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Regulations, the property is re -zoned Single -Family Residential district (R-3) • August 2012: Golf Course files for bankruptcy. • October 2013: Property obtained by Black Realty, Inc. • July 24, 2015: Application is submitted for a 580 unit Planned Residential Development (PRD). 2 Citizen Information Community and Public Works >o Community and Economic Development Welcome to Community & Public Works The Community & Economic Development Department works with the community to establish and implement the Tong -term vision and goals of the City of Spokane Valley and to ensure that growth and development is safe and consistent with city policy. The department continues to focus on improving service delivery to the community and overall customer satisfaction. The Community & Economic Development Department has four divisions: • Building and Planning • Economic Development • Engineering Trending Projects: Painted Hills Planned Residential Development Information Cont Deanna Admini Phone dhort Dou Bu Ph dp Development rated Hills p - - The eity elopment 1hned ' pteutl t kfarlmhilGy orlr ��o� etl t Residential set¢03cDmnapfon for a8reai office space an distr;, 486/ti 0/ace. fnni Iche for th el, h ha Fri comme SerVfee muted a mailers Monday September 25 2017 0:00 5:3- 08�O-0:O00 p.mF OPe maln HouseeetinP.m,.P16.0 rata hieCeriterP}ace N 2420 oo;sco 8 impact Place me e milt' no far sm. comp/et -r•�ential merly the n 'nes dditional and links 7l opery Rotes At A Glance belR£ Plat/680 AP ed. an- ..,redly ne ew 68686,115 tl at this i. P°rte >ing M8511,, ha50pe Pr been 5564 3 Painted Hills Site Painted Hills PRD Overview and Closer look t7- t7 -MAIN: 1:114-11M- hF4F✓7. 2- 2- AC_ PASS LVE ' OPEN SPACE PARK ar WILDLIFE TRAV�L=- VQRRIC Ef 4 MULTI -FAMILY 1 1 .95 AC. SITE t —= f_sr.. . w.. .��Y ,,e,. mss. •� n+V' u+•� � •NAM lAYOk +52r21i+4 /\V / LII 1 F.� �.S L_ C137TAGE11IM_ �' LEIT¢.. 11■IiiEumONIMP IIIIIM LILTI-FAMILY RESICENT AL Alt '1 c 0 4 Ali -i I�110�111 I II®®IIHIIIII .ilk 1 1111111111111.1.11 *11111111 IIIIIq_� BINDLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MERL' IAL g.o 1 R'uIIlH11III1 111111If111I1■ 111111 IiuI�IIIIIII. /d tuI!Iui I�uMmERCIA L. •Yl t r ESTATE LUT 1�4 1111111111111111,1 �rWeY5�iP" R8 Cottages • No. of Lots • 52 • Lot area • 1,700 — 6,200 sq. ft. • Lot frontage • 20 — 40 ft. Single Fami No. of Lots 206 Lot area 5,500 — 8,500 sq. ft. 1 r mEnciAL 1111111111111 IIIIUH IM1111 mmilinEnum lumuirc, 1.11 1111 COMMERCIAL THORPE FL12p. • E5TATE 1 1 .519 AC Estate Lots • No. of Lots • 42 • Lot area • 9,000 — 10,000 sq. ft. • Lot frontage • 80 ft. j_zi IL11 - _rn t-11 r-7;11 MULTI-FAMIL RESIDENT A Ic N „ MERMI mr L_ MCOLTT.T.AI.SGE joti mInist WiIiiriiiMillniliJ . 1110111f 1 III 11111111 ' 1____ MI1 11 11 INK IIIIIIHUIIIIIII NOILE FAmiLy 11 RESIDENTIAL 1111111111111111 unigiumon 1111111111 111111111 • 1111111111 1111111 •4 1111111itammott 41•Ions% LOTS 1. Oaf COMMERCIAL IF°1 1- MU Liri -irAIM I LY 1 1 9 Att. jt MIKE Li LIE/E11 L 2. 1 3 A.0 - .0" Multi -Family — 228 Units Mixed Use — 52 Units 10 M MER C A 1.62 AC. Former Clubhouse converted to Tap House and Restaurant Current Zoning 2007 - 2017 Z nin • Comprehensive Plan Update • No changes to zoning of subject property • Slight changes in Vicinity Zoning • C & R-2 became CMU • R-4 and CMU became R-3 0 45332.9126 ' 5 tirfor.6.1;iiri .13 4 k" 411 rp r • fl • -7,90i 2 ri or -Ave OK 416 UM 4 I 5 t 111 Lai iLd3 law V ALLEY 453349060 4.• • 45334.91:189 rum J. z 0- 45 th Ave 11 — • L_LiII1-1—F, 44041.9048 45336.9191 fl aEagiev, - 44041.9144 h or pe,LRckl-- 44 a4,7.9093 11 1 45343 909 40 t Ij 45343.9093 45343.9094 45343.9085 0- :81 45343.9086 D:! 45343.9143 1 1 45343 9059 45343.9058 ! I ,da.m? qr•-- Planned Residential Develo RD) SVMC 19.50 Key points of • PRD's are allowed in all residential zonin: a ' ' tsa PRD! • Residential developments of all types are allowed in PRD's • Uses allowed in the Neighborhood Commercial zone are allowed in PRD's • PRD's allow greater flexibility when applying zoning regulations • The underlying zoning regulations dictate density of a PRD • The Hearing Examiner makes the final decision on PRD's Project Status Update Application Review Benchmarks 2015 -present Traffic Concurrency issued Ongoing Flood Plain Review • • O SEPA Determination of Significance Issued 1 z 11.▪ 1 En . 0 lag 0 on 0 z Evl' d [yr Pa ed .11s PRD A Glance Lin lmi EA it pScoping Meeting ,}, Q 4 Sperber 25, 2017 1 7Z 2 1111 o i- ri Draft EIS Issued . asa Q ad 14 Final EIS Issued V .CI c YBD Staff Ret Issued b IV IV 8R . I'd I -121 now e,.. a9 as 0 in Permit Appeal Period Begins 15 fbine HA,Aw; AE MW4. 5E7.. 3-0. T. es,., ii -011. Wit EPEDIAL FLDDD HAZARD AREA 9DLJNDARY If uvrEi TO'E^NEA BAB ED p 53063 ao EFFECTIV F1.-Xt- Hhe,FE. -IEk 16 Environmental Impact Statement Development Process Determination of Significance Issued September 8, 2017 Public Participation Throughout EIS Scoping Meeting September 25, 2017 Draft EIS Issued To Be Determined Final EIS Issued To BE Determined Scoping Comment Period Ended September 29, 2017 Final Scoping Decision November 2017 Public Comment Hearing To Be Determined Comment Period Ends To Be Determined Questions regarding potential property purchase by the City CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action rdie.etirig Date: August 13, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent E old business Li new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ig admin. report El pending legislation El executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Park Acquisition Needs GOVERNING LEGISLATION; NlA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: As Council is aware, staff has been in the process of updating the original Park & Recreation Master Plan this past year. Several public meetings have been held for public input on the plan as well as the conducting of a citizen survey. The updated plan is nearing its final draft state and it is anticipated to be complete this fall. One of the main focuses or themes of the draft plan update is park acquisition. In both the original and updated plans, the current level of available park property is not meeting the current needs of our citizens or their future needs. The City is lacking in several special use facilities. The City`s. Comprehensive Plan supports the concept of adding additional park acres to the current inventory and that preserving selected undeveloped lands as open space. The farmer Painted Hills Golf Course property is for sale. The potential acquisition of this property could provide numerous opportunities for our citizens that are identified in the Park & Recreation Master Plan update. Staff would like to engage the City Council on this subject. OPTIONS: NM RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NIA BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS. To be determined_ STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, CPRP. Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Park Acquisition Needs 2 uisition Need Original 2006 Park & Recreation Master Plan identified the need for additional park property in the Painted Hills area Current Park & Recreation Master Plan Draft Update recommends a Community Park in the south central area of our City It suggests acquiring park land on or near the former Painted Hills Golf Course 3 Park Acquisition Needs: 0 City's Comprehensive Plan indicates: To maintain the existing level of service the City needs to add 58.89 acres by 2025 Acquisition of park property is encouraged to provide a broad range of recreational opportunities Identify, evaluate and preserve as open space selected undeveloped lands 6 4 uisition Need Park & Recreation Master Plan Goals/Objectives Prioritize the acquisition and development of facilities that contribute to community identity and community pride Develop acquisition program to take advantage of present opportunities to meet future needs Acquire park land with unique natural features or significant natural resources in order to preserve them for present or future generations 5 Park Acquisition Needs Currently, the amount of park land available is inadequate to meet current and future needs The City is lacking in several special use facilities such as pet parks, skate parks, disc golf course 6 Park Acquisition Needs o Painted Hills property is 91 acres. Likely the last available Targe piece of property in our City Acquisition of site would fulfill Park & Recreation Master Plan goal to acquire Similar in size to Manito and Riverfront Parks; twice as big as Mirabeau Point Park Potential is immeasurable Park Acquisition Needs a Site could accommodate a wide variety of activities Waiking/Hiking Trails Pet Park Community gathering; Banquet/Reception venue Cross country skiing Playgrounds Sand volleyball courts 8 Park Acquisition Neecis o Splashpads Car show venue o Skateboard park o Disc golf course o Slacklining park o Picnic areas c Farmers Market o Driving range/Par 3 course?? Park Acquisition Needs Site would not need to be developed immediately Minimum maintenance required until site is developed Need to develop master plan/cost estimate Pcirk acquisition Need o Summary: Wonderful opportunity for our City Property is for sale with a foreclosure sale on September 13 o Park & Recreation Master plan identifies the need for a Community Park @ this location C- Land acquisition is a priority in the updated Park & Recreation Master Plan militaty; :9141 11i ,alst) attended a c:c)1'l: National \lin Itt Out p i-lv. mud I14 h;l hecn a mcr.thcr 11L;c 14l)r, €117 Li k17o4'v'N 1IY4 131'{1g1'K1111s a[1:1 1'1L' impact they have o11 the Ci ii ],trinity; w;7iil lie and t t1r1I illti n1hL`rs 1 II.i;U,1T)S and VVL`;'.Ii:I'c1 ,,, ,.1lt i.11 rl ;011r ni t irl7Citii -i? .!tlllfanctic t;.%€'rllallAL til'_1411 lli , which was l9 IIII . LL'Il . I li.:.11i[`!} Lill ill4: I1l'<.1111 I.L ti',,4 or rile LII 11:rd ions LL'C [tl; .'i ii€1 t lo'.. 141( L' I1L' 44 c[coried .i\V(' ,a Itttigton 1...iiies)tuk.iiihcrti itt llltiil I. annul niernbi.:1 ping.. Lttl :4' ilw Mir.11]c; n link I Cc11L:I_ \1;:vor "I'L1',4cti then read a letter Iii' ii :v:ivu;d tltllcNlltc.i[lg ilia! Deputy City ("tL_ti 117'.Illt'Ik a ]a:l res Liv ;1 her Municipal t'i .1 ('aililiLtliion f.L11r1 .h lntcrnati[}n;tl 11ls i.ut : or :IrKi i1c and (oa111e.1 congratta]atc€1 her on 114'r Ik47] [k ;.11(1 4}11 :LI. ivillg the { { I'ti I ii Ll1t111. 111.131.1[.' C[)IIII.11:N'IS; l avcrrTowey invitcd pub['Ik L4i1111nent. 1 }i':ii Iti'1t.1c1: .}t) 11) S I:-a4la , [ ii]a0.:. I,'t I I,':.I Illi: .7ult;[I:.ISL [11 I'ri111..1 I Ells t iltll` 'c:llr t': ti lits Ire was here aha ni t[,r.L wt:c'.s <t zt diol ll<lti 'hesircl II; III I1 ' .1171.,111 his hies; :•;li.l t\ i[I1 the schor..& ,111d our own Nits, rt ILL\ L IYIr,:1}y I'L`tl'L Iil1L?I1;1I ill4,: ':i'o1' I1't,F61 :1r 111 L' ;14'11V11.IL - \lL u'11111_;- ['LI[ ti:ll;] 'vc (loil'•1 ]Nitre 17114' ill;` 1'€.VL'lILIc- 1`1141'1111.11'„.- and Ili' Gill' ls.',t':I IIIL' lib 11.} rt. ar€ it the Heil. City "!.1: ,4 L: Ictal,' :Ili u ti _ his ;Ip.;1,1.4iL'7-. t(1 \•1i-. 1 is r I:]] Irl r'. f'. I; ,, It' IYp 4`,'itlt him illi I i.' I)Ieviu.11, air. ti'.[ I'.t \vI I make a prC:;ent2YIli}]1 t(7all>.'LI11.:lii 111 r. :i'Ilt' L4'J 1 L:i111ia,1 I1ila' f \'1t'.. 11111.q is I'[1[.[111'i4`>:'11 1111_Il w -'11'. I•'I '1y11 [:::.;ardir>rg the Cit.._ 11,,,1 L'11:Itillll.! I'.1tii1 C[ 1111ti (Jul1 t €fill tit'_ .;Ill;l I'. L:[II Iii I'.I;:' 7[]l" IHuIt' 1:'[Y`; ','"1V4`IY l'.i;ii [I 111'1.}\'id lrc i'c I;[ ..'•. !rill IItgC:- 'd (%{ti1a1IL:11 think about the 1171ra5trra. lure that woat[4OLSCS were- to be biiill in I ha[ loc.ation. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered rouitne \Vla'L:rl :n`c :}l�;riclvL cl .Iti .I _!.i c}ii i- Any r ict77bu1• ul' Council may ask that an item be removed from 1 h4' t.'cul ent Agenda to 1.14 r IILIL•. ti. f\ r),-)1.1 ,,<tl [:1`!h � rallo•wiii�r- c1nian voucher r 11'4)1 t_IIl':1Z j Q'1'2./2()13 (7 .311 /201:3 04'1:)7'1}13 '(il.CIIII'T1 NUMBERS 4421-1122:1124-4425; 121-1 122:1124-4425; 29 73 5; 7];.i11-10117 297:1l} -2t) /711 79771-29791 2979••21)852; I I (}2948'9 1; 721 ] 30007 5616-5617 29X53 -2')X77;131130035 731130035 2.V8 -18_2t,1898 GRAND TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT S71.):17-1'.2 S-124,91:1,';'1,1 ; I.II0 1 12:3.11.97 $2,(178,604.88 b. ,i111,Fu, :LI t.f Ipay,-,-,11 for Pn,,.r Pr: -i: -..d Hiding Ju1w' 3 1. ;124)1 `]~4.3.1}.1389.94 r~, ;1;1l1151','i!1 t,'. ,Illi`.: x i ti __7 S. t11m'L:I 't: t:lll'.' 'llllllla,`:i_ [{L!1 .11' ',wIna! Format ll. x'11111]-1'r4'CY tri .1'.113' '.), :.1)I3 �.:`LIIIt:l1 "4•I'.:;.Itle' r\'lltta.li.`�,'.Il;l- :'1L'h>:;[Y11 I'•;:I'lll;lt C. :Approval C11 ].ti',ic !I;It:ll 13 t:IC°' L' '1111'. I'1.Ili Ilrl!", 1 til'I,tll ';lilt 'i 111c' I [4`;Irltlf'', i)1I l t'::I :Ical l;1fl It 7{171' J!if 'Pi '1 rr r]h fJi't 'lfll .6 31iW i�. li?iirl It �h .1':'l /:i 1x1'11 il:lf r"ii i.f:!91111' 1: 11'1 a' ;•; : ri °i'r. l'f' ?1?R r ..7!t'i'!! NI:W 13C,;s NI: 1'I-s}Iic1tiL:1 t )i€1i1111olt-v' I }..11 I+1- Sio1 OC14 i4l'': i:; t1' Ic111;1 I li1IIIII<9It Atte: 1, 1 .L I'Ic H iinbriclli'u lcacl 1111' i 11L1in:tl' o _tiittle,�iit ��r<. • ;+rr,. r y £.,i.rafJ• �1-hr:riff .S'i hirme1s and ,yec.'?J! ;/r,'Ir ,e, ..ipprtn,(.' (.11 r 7111:.rr1 C. -i' /3'•r.,a ;J, 4!iirl 1�.1aJde it€:'11:4'f�ir;.-i 11.1. rli'�',\'['.IT1Ci-/. (.c1iii iut1111 C4' 1 )eve] ri1 nt 1)1:L'4.'ifl' 11.0_111t:trt hriclly wem over ih1. 4111111\`in1i:L'-1 1(lr ]-L:,u11Jr-lu}I1r{IS and 11,:`ti•lsilil 1111 k:t::linin of tt'J:lper'tard- sii ns; and yiid t°lilt llliw 111 tic I n4, I1t: [t tli :u,tit'ci aLseral time:-: her:lre tli.. I' 1 1'1`11 t'1i1'1 1,15`:14,11 coli- {'i}rincil, Ill+ ill[ 1111 11'ri7 prlhliL: :11. 111ll'.',; I?::IO1L the. I}1 iii liiiti {.,i117117li- J17t1. 11.1\'.L:\' tl..;€I publiC COI1 nlent; Lt0 Cc111111i1.:,ti \Ytvl'L' €71,14'I'k41. Vote by Ac-/amori.9i7; In FGFt'iti: 1 .'r 'lira r, ra,,rat (j ii)o.:'I'1• Nord'. ?ti•ff,iiop]t carried. '1'013 Approved by CoL1iitil; U8•27-2013 Page2of5 PAH., Ac...(.:1w;luon Nice(1:-; 1 we i 1 potemii;i1 LLAiflici iIi ter2sti reunged lien) And h_711 ;Li 7: p.rn. Silwe explained !Li iI1 has bcc.,11 worIcing over vcar coruplcl:01. cm] thi:; arid Eturocrous oliIiimain thnik.s, parl.L...,ir....-otiishicrn, pr,peri.y (foes (kitIlL1j 1tinin2 ii..2.-eds or cilizoils, td iid J I:i[iii 1 1.1C nmi!ii ii:pens i-, oil l'Airred and ;N:,r. expLiinci.1 ,is riornxi I1 ;Ind I1I11 ri or Lid prcipcily corrsuts q: is li cIihe picce of prcpcity in orir ni11111 i1 1\•1;c4erPlan ii1 to acquire pro:noriy; said Elio Ir 11ci oropyily is ironicasitdilirc, ;lc pet park, cross cc)unt....v suild fartriers' 1H I1:?JI)dF 3 to TIA111Q oii igtiis ,V1r. SCOliC it th6 properly is l'or sale with a 1......velosure siIe schodided ..7.,QptctilOcr 13, 7..,.1imger Jackson ri oil this slaIT cqui eonie thick tiork:iiil Ii 1,kcd if. Connell like to this at another Lala '411(I 1112 likc further iii-ietnisio:1 an..1 yyv -.;:Lo:.11....1 i IcaN. it io CIA ii LC Forvard nie.eting, 1 I:I.: C11(10.1 Erna ::LIth:j11111I1C11.:.k rel111-11. ILL 1 7;48 p,rri. I 1. .A \1'iid VS:1' 1 .1 1.VICV, There were 110 h kr. I, iicly-:mce agenda. 12. Piik rl Iiiioii. Quailed) EZeport was an information only iteni and not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COINIMITS Mr. ,Hckseii in Mr_ Meier coucerning Hot coat-IL:di1g hini ifier his initial visii110 Counoil. uiiI N:lid ow - goal is to be 114Y0 responsive. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSICN [RCV' 42,30.11[(1).(h) and Pr..;.icmie.,:i ion of real estale; and t'f ihrovoir'i tkpiqy 4/g+Wc.:11 /OW nrat,.? .."-VeY'riliVC Jw ..P•/1• (11:471.CV 4'Y/01e, (met f rri-hi i.dic re' J11)7(0;10' fur no Ti/Jr ro (.'.C.111r1C ;AlicLarned Ses.non al 752 pin. Al Nt.'....or 1 :11 nine LL was 7;,...).,,cr./ Nc4;70,0P4';:-. cc: weled i+rjh in'n'tooir/V nwuf nLij cnirn appr::•\ i IV p.m Tlic..nw,s. F.., 1 tro,-,-y, ATTES Christinc 1.3airibridg,...',, C.:fly Council Regular Meeting 1PS-13-20113 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council; Q8-27-2013 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 2'7 2013 Department Director Approval' Check all that apply: L consent ri old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information El admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE; Painted Hills Property GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N'A BACKGROUND: Twc weeks ago, the City Council heard a presentation by staff on park acquisition. One of the main focuses of the draft Parks & Recreation Master Plan update is park acquisition. In both the original and updated plans, the current level of available park property is not meeting the current needs of our citizens or their future needs. Additionally, the City is lacking in several special use facilities. The City's Comprehensive Plan supports the concept of adding park acres to the current inventory and preserving selected undeveloped lands as open space. One acquisition option is the former Painted Hills Golf Course property which is currently for sale. The City Council expressed interest in continuing the discussion related to the potential purchase of the Fainted Hills Golf Course property. Staff will be discussing several issues and answering questions related to this subject including park maintenance costs_ OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION' Seek City Council consensus to bring back a motion for consideration on September 13, 2313. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If the City were to pursue acquisition, the purchase funds would come from Fund 312 Capital Reserve Fund. Park maintenance costs, when determined, would impact the 2013 Parks budget and would result in revision of the Proposed 20`14 Budget prior to adoption STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, CPRP. Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: bid. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Accla nation In Favor; Unanimous. Opposed; None, .1lotion carried. p11JBLIC COMMENTS; Mayor Towey invited public comment's; no comments were oft v 1 -ed. ADMIN{IS'FRZ:1TIVF IZ.I':f'(]1t-1"..S: 5. SmartGXpv LIh1 L' I'l t'.II .],,1111 1IR)1ll11iLEl, •fII•.c:'1'll['I;ih Community DevcloI}Iic.. : 1:}irL:ctor Hohtiian eiriLI 1.%..v'lti7prrltlll Services (.514}t'dit1a1[II' 1nll5:l. ;.'.l"•t' l 17I'1WieW Of 1110 pi I7LIE;. 11orl!!I :I.:L:LSw roll? Ilic Stiill'k ;s'': 11['111111#il - -1 E11, Mt. FIi'Fiiii;ii1 s.!:d II1L:y',ir orkiri', (Al <i 1L:k'.' steps ,tilll=.1 ;is a # 1[:d halt( '•L'Ill14Ml- tl: IEJIlLIlc,..ii..:] 1 L.;I!'LI trail actiti717,`:, and I:I.III,:IIiI}! 111 Illi` las'- few,'' i1L'1rms o1 disclaitrc1' 111;:;1'11:: 114?1l to'IL,1k : t.s L=L111iplialll 11 [111 >:i:IIL: law; he tiiIILI he L^•III 11 L' ^.t'_ I!l:, CIo L ly with frequent (:tltili'.IisL' ': 1l: p'L Y ]7erri11i14 Ii::'• cssed dirt' ll ' 11'r4 II1 {?ht this poi'LaI,<t,lc] --;;Lc 111•c1' :IrL• also 11<1iniink; 11'L '.7;11'1: k 1 il4rl 1?1 Il7L^ 1iti['EII:1 centc1', 1'4'I'tleh rncans instead tli #:isili?. forms Pad; ;111(1 1;:1.111. i1 <.'L: 41t1'L'CII}' 1I11tI 111e system. Mr. 114:'1111 an also mein ionelI I111t11111i' IlIL' tl:l„ is sl 11c(1111.41 1;'.11 is 1 Illt}IiI.I:. '5.11 ;kl:l:i[ f:<1`.L' :Y "1lilnd5-on' L`..-T1;in;uion c1f' In.)vv the. 11 and said oncecL,lltplctL, II ,: ',Lill lIL :l ..1151: <i1t.'t°.h '' L` IItL: k,'ls:'It] .1'1111 \,,,fe is.tceossihlc. Ilii' :t 1'i cess at 7:1.3 1;'.111: ;.Illi rl'4'4:117'.`I1L'l: 11'e IIiL;L'Iil1.g at 7:22 p.rrt, 6. PK1i111eLI 1 Iills \'I.I:L Stone 'c:unc,ilnlcYIiL er Wick rl:tii ed himself from this discussion dile to a potential conflict of interest, and lie lell lllc C°l}tlnL'i':° t h<linl7-exs. 1'ark.s and Reereati:7:t I}irectllr SIc]r7L• explained llr,ul Il)is is a c,1111iItued discussit11, 11;71,1 .1 1_:. :7"1L1,, .incl rcL:'tr'i1i;1.`* park acr iiisi1i1111 k'i'll 111.. primary foci's ;>ii Ih I'EiIIII(SI lIills prclp<•I.I,,': he w:l'4.: 14 Iii ",111 Ii. .L _4 Council .L)t1 CJlSII 10 hrillg back, 11 11'iY1iS:ii 15c1i I'ncsd]t ', S&pIci11ber 3. '!r. �.l'1i_' i',:I'L'L' 't I'L'L'<II1 01 how 7`•'l' ;?ill. 11115 17111111 Illtltl[IIIIL' 111`,-ilitill7l� 111[• Palls and ].S(:re.11icin ^'1iiS1l:.r Hirt_ :Irsll!i i, it 1:1 .1- 1',:111 (....a11poient; :nod that the 1'I,r:l i11,liL:;llc'~~ we arc:- not r11CL:1i13;g L1l.r tiRllrt'I 1, IC .L. 1101 \'111 l""'4" I1}L:t' i,'.II" I..Iflll'y Ii.=vc'1, For parl.;.l.tnd; and said 11115 is alk 1311 I'7L5rft111i1y t11 171a1'cl SL at ;11i:1 jL!: hist large aivaibille. 15iL•L'o cf properly ,~'hillin our C`iiv' Iirr . Ilii 111:11 I: L'1,l;in this ,lil?I'LI-ty viut}ld also be c -On ;islen1 ',;ail'.1 1.17 C'iIy's f's]ILt17tuliclltiiVC Plan. fi']r. 14'•IiL .::I';l IJ;:: pr(ipertj' c ::1.1Id :lL'�:4`Ii111145i1ate a wide 1•:5'"lL°I!.' c : activities and features-, 1.11:11 if we, 145 1°u1;.:ti 1111; wt: 14`<1i11:1 ;AI ;., : L'L'I, 17ubl.ie input 1':1r IIMc'; t• i hill the property; addirl . Thal there is no immediate need to develop the piop.rly now, but the key is to acquire the property. C71ILwE'ltlll y properly rt.wilitteinance, Mr. Stone said there are three Ie L Iti Lll' 11:113:7[ InhI:. E '.K'e'ckl.v rnowing anti 11'o-lsh pickup, 1).-117(n)thE, Inovr:ng and trash pic•luip, and monthly rnaintol•E:I Lt` li{'. ti'.7171L' ]7s1:'1'ioI1s cot' -Id L o iii it:i iiiicd in the ]1_kcrllli :117[1 3(5[175 iilC:t L'41fi1 f1 17c; irl:'llllt€1111C`CI 1:11' .l I iIIL' IC}' . G:IIiLI r.;l L- 1t; es1'.171aittiti I tili,dYl,Yi) I,{1 1`lillllliilll ,]!i'I ,Ile until ;;l 1IL'L'i i•a I Iti 11,1:1:' it 7iiti1 11 I tiL',; ,;Ilii '.1'[' III:] i61E11 11:1107 i1 5R.1t11 Illirlti' �i.l' L•4 Ill l Y'_' lila IL•`•••.'1. r1, 51. 1'19,5041 a 'fL:ii :n1:1 ihr IL' 11.1 i1}.11� k,;�;1 r 111'1[• ;it'r.'< 1','c]LI L1 171: 177E71111^Liiieil a, the third 1cVc1. L:l' L°rl'C1 ii..l 1'IL'iI tit:I ;4 IIL':1; 177111'["', EII tl ',>(} l 411 Ills{1411 .7f},Elf j[1 ,1 ',1411t'. l'IT, It511' :71d tllLJ'C would :lea (AK`1iI`.l4' 1'['17:771' :11711 I',1:111'IL'll%1715 1=?['Hde t( Llic II I:'cllIE71' 4},:111, :'Ilii ;;;ll;l don't know ilk: 0111 ire condition it 1;1f <1°';f,al1l. 11.1' 14'e [iu ],rit:vv 1+ 171•; 1147E been fully 1ll:1:;tIu11I`lr' !151 :1Y1 I li L.ti11ITE:it`l] FI t1I;c-1iiiiL. ::11 1 111 l .1:,411111. )'I'. Stone said the uos1 or b wi,:,lliIiL..;lrll. 7'•':':11: LIL.c1I'Lei1 r "•7'1.1:1•;1 17L' `'71111`li'ti; 1;1:11 in ;ill 1 tail L'li4,lrsc \'vas sI1eildiil{ l 111.(1i11) 1011 k'::_ticl": Ii(. `ti;IF';I Il',' L'l"1 11Yi1I I.- V(1i1_iiI.:.`' l' 1711:`.•1'1. rIIIC leek it could 111' i1111i Lit I1' .0 'Lia {I]llL' 2111 L'_t1:111-: ;ll '$turd[ y 7 :'-f lf;l] ❑ year. 011ier L;il•St:ti, Ite C'ti.ylil lliS.ii, world lil !1111[' 171 I'; l ;.I11(I,`R11' I'1i. ':SII( ::Li11 he tccls the ilgi.lre is very' .'1'1115[]'71!711'1 bill we a:14.3.II•:• he ai)1c f11 l.(c1a 11) 111 111.117 in lil types: of dev{141priLilt Ci111 117 [IL•lt'rinirec1. 1D inni LI I F1 'J}: li7l.rhL'- Itir1r. ti111r,C' :.:11111?illllli'.:11;7' it ':r.}11.L' C'S3ti1 1171'ct` 010110'1 1:11 It 57'[177 lI 1,:41':1 E,',I' 11'.'.` 1111["1'111: Ct 'il, 15111 :17'.['.441 iLIl iII';w I^ :I !:1'1'!11 17ispdell IN:I\':1':L', fhiti 1-'r[,li:'I'I t :IL Ii .11'I;:, :IIILi 1111:11 Ill' L'.1 :1141 IIA( t ''1111', II .S,51Y; 'll`6.1 < 1, 171'1!1?' Lad, !.I 111n'riL13l next v.1L(s17. li the de,:IHi. ;I, M1. S10L1,' i';'d, 45'['1'1' 4 1 ' L '_`rl 1, ll' :!1711 071111 L1' 41p:r; II':7n. 1: L' VI '.l1:1 I L'l'1%Iiii L7 lil. Ic itiiii i Il Dill to a 1)ril':i1Cti' C1c1I ili:I ticr}:Iiii •:III .1 lot r+:'1c.•711;' l:titi .'_r -..'ll.' 1',3[!['3 of4 Appru5^L:d by Council: 09-17-2013 7-2013 a g;dreotli:-.e. Alter liad 01:j,Jetion 1111i11g on °KAI. lyee..:k's agenda for a con...-.id:_..rat on. Locling Tax Actvisnr3J Committee Goals 84, Prior:ics MarkCalho Counetlinembor Wick returned to t1.c cdas. Mr. (Li1111)1111 It 1)veI iILC F)(1CIliI1 I1IS and priorities for Ike Lodging. Tax Advisory Committee as noted on his Regtie.ta Cur Co.ine:il A1 H Willuh included setting $30,000 ror Centern:ec. WItcn Council vi goals and priorities, including the $311,00(1 set-aside for CerlerPlaccthere ioas and Counenmembers appeared to nod in agrecincat. 8, Avista Natural Gai l'ranenisc •Cary lIrklecll City Attorney priskell i.liscussed the proc:K.ed [iiii 1 viih ti ii' i1tIIi i open:lion and maintenance of ilIcir ,p,asliciIi1jc id the fraliclits.„7 incl would be in cflect through the City. Alter bricT ci ::..'ion there va ILI1LI 10 (Ai a fut.lue agenda for an ordinance firscading. SO4-41,A444-e- 1 Jpdate Mike Jackson. This item moved as an ill ik;1'111 11,1011 0111:y 1;42L:l. 10. Ad vLiilec A L2.L:!I d a — Mayor Towey There were no suggestions for changes to the Advane.e. Anili 11. Departmcni Reports; 12 Stormwater Grants; 13. Planning Commission Minutes; and 13a Solid ▪ e rol iiirolinatiou ciilv „Aid Lo: leptated City \1nithger Jackson had no comments. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION: [RCW 42.10.1 1 O(1)(b. and RCW 42.30.110(1)i)) P0021,110 Requisition of real coatc; _and p,:enieril ic c! (.1iJU • Mit) Execurtve • fOr (' 'V r pf.q.4 ',0.1.1( (ic h r ry-I Ggate and poteneial Ini)44 ;.!;! LrAcl;j • Pc'Ho. !sr) re.)h!'!.! CO[1a0[1 .11dioumed into I ,xeeolive 7 p111 9° 17 1) 11 )cpui) :~..;;:hinuods• declared Council co eNcL:ni ve iC HI \I /4i 02,91ed .k. .1Tc:0:Alert wpoviwously agpeed :id j4mirnud p.11Y. Mayor Christ hie City Clerk 1 1:.- c:::i: 11.).47.,201.; Page 4 of 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date September 3, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check aII that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business IN new business El public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Painted Hills Property Acquisition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NIA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN; N/A BACKGROUND: For the past several weeks the City Council has hard presentations by staff on park acquisition. One of the main focuses of the draft Parks & Recreation Master Plan, update is park acquisition, In both the original and updated plans, the current level of available park property is not meeting the current needs of our citizens or their future needs. Additionally, the City is lacking in several special use facilities. The City's Comprehensive Plan supports the concept of adding additional park acres to the current inventory and that preserving selected undeveloped lands as open space. Ore acquisition option is the former Painted Hills Golf Course property which is currently for sale. The City Council has continued the discussion related to the potential purchase of the Painted Hills Golf Course property in recent weeks. OPTIONS: 1) Pursue property acquisition, 2) Not pursue the property acquisition, or 3) Provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to authorize the City Manager to pursue acquisition of the Painted Hills property and to participate in the public auction on September 13, 2013. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If City were to pursue acquisition, the purchase funds would come from FL.nd 312 Capital Reserve Fund. Park maintenance costs, when determined, would impact the 2013 Parks budget and would result in revis on of the Proposed 2014 Budget prior to adoption. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, CPRP. Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington September 3, 2013 Attendance: CouIrC'IIni 'IIiht"I".t Staff 6:00 p.m. ToniTM DJ C_711 t;I' LL Sa QiI -Ii'1 1!1t I111'L•! CI -m(1; : lather, ConIICilinei-1.1c r 1141:1 I is� ,i1l4 ('1,.1:11 iI111Crill`._'1 11:'11 W IL1k, t i:411:411111C',1n1)er Arno Woodard, (lotinoilmember ABSENT: Glary Schimineis, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Mark Calhoun, Finance Director John Hohtnan, Community Development Dir. Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Eric UulIh, Public Works Director. Erik Lamb, I)nputy City Attorney Morgan Kocldelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Chris 1 la inht• idge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the mcctinL to or -der at 6:00 p.m, and announced that Council will bold an Executive Session at the end of io,1 l . !ALL - Roll Roll Call: City ( Itrk Ie roll; all \ve:rc pI'L cIIl cxecpt Deputy sect Mayor r SchrrZPIS. F��f�5� rfrRrrr [l„l(1: ' eXCUSe Deputy A1cyo 5r`rr; PWR'iiri ACTION ITI \1 : I. I it'st Readirn: f\a tl'r1 11 1 E;1 I'r, pi 11i•il i `;lr"5 1 til i:,1`.t•11 Al' L:r City i'1 1'k Il.litlliridge Ivo,- Ilse r-II:1:ince title, it 11:1. ltr 7,''_r? by C',00m r ua'm1:cr I.rr?irc'r. fon f SC4' r`"1(' ? r'.',. Ordmance 13-013 1 ,[ r .'ltr4'1;'; f+r r?7r!'.1' .'a lila rll'f.1f !'"r.k ?i.':1rS !.I.Wi [1} {1 ieCI,+ifI l t irilrrr; - [ 'il5 :1' Illrney I)r::-114G11 bricfl': Ill.' l l ilrL11!,L, :.1[11111 F. l i'. �J1,1} u1 I[,=,',, `' illvitcd l7tr 1 t L`o11:11':'11! .: 11:'' comments -`i'.''(r.!i 'r'•'i/ f!r 1'111'+11'. f'lrtrrl//rriJr.di. ripprP.11•[f: A'fir1C'• rlltil`ion 2. Pali:Lc41 I lilk Property /\44I11. Ilii,ii ull.;i(IL:n':titilt lvl ikL• SI:,lle c:131I11cilniL'InI3L:r \Wick. r4=C111,01 II I11`1LII Li I: L' 1R, i! l', [111,L 1 •.11 1110:1�,C..1,id he left iI7 . (11114 11 '.'•':. /r1r17',:.: 1 1.. L-r�1'/l![ if!!r:'Jlrlr['r• !Jrrfik.i. `Pik./.tii'i r'71!e /,'te i:l ,r•['i!I%' !..:� rr�; 4 i'! ;i fr�'e`:4� ' 111!l0.Srii' :ri [fifi w�.r+ 'ii a'. i /'s' f'i.. !1; 1: •.i JJIff\' J!1'r.72,'/,!t, 1-111i? !r! j?r1!'a':L'fl}r:f1' 1/1 brie J1 f+1rr1' e/i1:I .ill f+r.'+r!r,i'r . ; ...{?_ 1'.II, :111.1 l�L'l'I:"111sti1' Direu14.)1' SLOIle 5}'4,113 Ot'4rr l: e Iii.,tory of the. ;Ii:11Ii1'11:; I1:^ Irlilll_cd I I: k Pi l said if we raIrGllase the PI-opL`I'.1', t:IL'I'l' '.1.'.:111':1 >'4' CI:' 1'L'L`. 1,1 llllll'.C'C11;14ti i`•,° LI,"•.',' i'111iIt'lll 11� propeity, althoclr`It 117111111111 11: Iinter.Ii)i' r_-c111iYL`4I. .II'cI tiS1''1,1111Li.I . In1 I1 i.- tlfL",'IGYlI .':e1111i;1.1' 111 $150,0011 i1I11111:1I c 1 is l)1i fl 1111 :1CC1111L on 117 I l• I7C1'i"'i, ;IIIc,I II][.I.'lIt'ti sonil'0114' 111710 l:ll tti. 5[1 11101-iuvC 111 f1`I'•.:•_!�iY 1171 C.l);ti;ti irr5w i1 different 114`1'11}0','1 'u°4' I. Illy. ! I11:.Iil-1:1!L [11:11. 17:C711crty as 2 +?,d C0,111'•:L:. :Iti :1111(5:1: t.`111e1' things. 1k.:I1(11111"1 11'L'1114I l"4` I1:'tIIL'til :'.1:[': 11:e 11111 llL1.:14 11YC:ILiISC COiLSICICI L iI 1v111'.': r I c1�tc�' ill.'ilcd p111;1k. cl]rnrnelit. Mott, 11;1 < 1111 1 ii iris ti Add? -....2s:. 12.1(]0 F Iirnaclwav 1 •ci 1.': ;11171{e a I11n t the City of Spokittt : galley 1''111'1. I;I.�VII`4 1111' 171'.1:Ii'I1_ti: tial:[l Ili I'c17resenis :-.0inQoac iI11.Cresti:4 111 111!1'0.11:1-.I i .. the property and ]IP1111 ;1iiii IL It its :I 17111711• }. 111 (`4:11!11:; Aid there I ;11!01141}" ct I1-1 rllialtllillti @1117illlltt 411 15111 li tipIICC' I:1 our ('IIy but Ili IL,i lite only golf cu.11-tie ',rw:'al 'lave; and s:li1l ItL.. Iccis lite idea cs[u i i', 1114: property 11.3 sonic:11617t! else would be "c: iiy." Chi L. :iSimpson, E 4)0l15 (',tt.l'Rl[:: II1L`IltIoned possiI ic ivvenoe lithe ('its Council Study Session: 09-03-2013 I'<1 :. I Approved by Council: 09-17-2013 were to purchase this property; said when it prue the. City 114inev; preat if private citizens purchase the properIy Toni K.ioLiII, 1/11:1 I I: 22111.1 ,1141::: (lithe Painted Hills Men's Club; they amler 01 opcialioliu.I sco..icic biil v.,...:1111.1 IL 1II0 hack and said he Qncouragus the uppurtuinly fur pi ivatc nivestnikali I l]Li L.: were 110 oihcr public }in !Twills. 1 )uriiiy dkutiNsinri, rcililLinber Xi-KW:1rd said whvn ofthi property, riot awric 01. aw,. [r- irate T11j, IiI trying to 1).u,' to buy our 11::1,11c 1114.! 1i 1.11k, rihi 1iI Ii ilv LVLIL. 111 pur...:11,1.:.:iH pr....Tully it w.1al(1 F Tliffictill 1I1i.-..1111.7 ;I grill and It,: Iii- $150,00() a year 'lly will be 11-1, 0pr next year; irtent:1lu,1 thin .:rware any [co 1 1i-1 brcuy.lit up; ml thc 1 I illy;ise(I a group imik, I z v.1:111I.d also .itik• ( 91 OLII1L7l1111112311-,Ctl- L lal)ICI IlOWd 1:1111:.: 1Ii inanCial :Anti Iiu%vol. Id golf C0111. 1\la!,/or il.L1 the ( ii. will never sec ;IH voic for : r;.11".1artil •::i iIi 'nor(' iipii0T-; 111:: 1 011wk: 1 r.7).; .1, Of Tr k 71 / (ira lc. 14-1otio1C :Iqurilcd to tJiclms. NON -ACTION 11'1".INIS: 3. SpokaneRegio1111 1can:-.1.,0•1'...ilion. kcvin ; a [)resentaiticm cm Cie -Ii( Moropi.sliinn Trati:Tui...itin Plan, Ho] izon pmposc [-)1Lari i.10 ,,...11isfy IL2q1.liremit.111-; ,14110v. o.lord SRTC. STA (Spolaame tramil :Aillhotrly), and 'v i.)()1 (Washinstztun Dcf,111.111Q111 uI Trzin';:),Wfaliony. h. wctit Lh ioii. policy and cvaltiation framcworks, and showec.1 El 11 1.11 1111:1 .d 2040 11.LiFfie cont.iitions with 1.75 le 11.111N; he ;111(.1 and r.L.;.p!..1 the dill,:rcrt traii:-:portiii ion Hind Hid :-.;Lid ricNI i 1iiL iILlIi.I1il\ pdaciik;„2 dial hapli21:-.Lil1..ic " ;,..110. 11111:1Ii_' L:,11.1atni I id! Ncp.c 1111,r 111C11 pVC,.)4201 11111Ii-1j;VI' \VI): 111 1::1••!...1 \yin IlaVC i I (If riv:eeL, aricl LII 1)rii.,1011! the 11:1-; is Ii0;)r.(1 exaniiii;',.2: lie said the Bolin! luts triany Yil 14210 iSn't elh11.:211 ilinglitip Coe 111c111 iI. il 1)cconic.i a act. Mr. Vcal.lacc ark; 'Il. ri.1iI 11:111A:it SR. r(.: 1.:011110s ,..t1)0.0..!'?4,,,..7.1 ;1i1 ;11J 111iLit rho truijoriiv v:ilion are 1k..,Icr1 I'vhivor 1.1.0.:ycy would 114- (1;1 g,ence .1nd prescrva..ioiK, hu 0:111-,:icicrcd for other funclin4. "AralLi;.;- 1hai 1 in ipnrCi..,:ipal.ing ill iIi nr.,1 llicif locus will N1-111 to print:ipd1 iu iii Which is .:11 -it ictIcral 21Nil 1.041(111; !Hill Illuy 104.2-.:11 R)clis in the future, a‘..1(.1iii.g. ii :Ln II"vslysis by coinitntri 1eLJil of which community has oriougli othir funding 1c.) maintain a system. Cotimeilmeml)cr Wcwiih,rdLi1Ll 111);10 I(IPEllati(.1 ncIiJ F 1 i li u.iiL or LlL1V l IIi1.I .Il iliOtiSaild [Lip!, poi- dily for rci;c1,:i partkipA Rim N1)1111 0.1hCI 140 111.11R. .."; I11.11111101- 1)1:I` ;i'' Said 1),...")-` in llic rc.gion Iiiy Walla,•c saiti orc c..)uld 1)12 hased .:11) nioie 1111 11111. •alldcd that bas !IA 1)L-eli v(„A, mut itic. ectild pat -nr;1,... sLir, thcri they ‘vould bc awa-dedLIHHL ry..)H•its. Agahl.„ he'..“.iir...11Hat bizem Council Study Scion. 09-0 1 3 Pagc 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 09-17-2013 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 6, 2015 Department Director Approinl: Check all that apply: ❑ consent n old business ❑ new business L public heating ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending lcgislaiion n executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Painted Mills Planned Residential Development -Project Overview GOVERNING LEGISLATION: INA PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN N/A BACKGROUND: At the September 22'1meeting Council requested a status update on. the Planned Residential Development at Painted Hills. Staff will provide an overview of the project, explain the process for approval in detail and answer questions about the development. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A STAFF CONTACT; Lori Barlow, Senior Planner, Christina Janssen, Planner ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Sikikane� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ _'-. PLANNING DIVISION Painted Hills Planned Residential Development ,...0Valk- Spokane COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT History • Prior to 1985: the property was zoned Agricultural and was designated as Urban in the Spokane County Future Land Use plan. • November 1985: a Conditional Use Permit was approved to operate a 9 hole golf course. • 1989: Golf course is opened to the public. • January 1, 1991 -Property is rezoned by Spokane County to UR -3,5 • October 28, 2007: With the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Regulations, the property is re -zoned Single -Family Residential district (R-3) August 2012: Golf Course files for bankruptcy. October 2013: Property obtained by Black Realty, Inc. July 24, 2015: Application is submitted for a 580 unit Planned Residential Development. Current Zoning Z. R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 MF -1 ■ MF -2 GO C • CMU MUC NC 11 C ■ RC • I-1 ■ I2 ■ a{as Sth.Ave i 45332.912` . 7, \.FI VALLEY 45334.9060 45336.9191 431 -'sr Ave I 11 44th Ave IIS �lZ-1 r r0 45334 9089• • 0 at 44041.9048 w - 440 41.9144 _pth-Ate® 1 =r M. � 45343.9099 w \ I 4534391393 -- 1 C ; 45343.9094 ?tl jt } 453439085 n 1 45343.9086 Jri 45343.9143 45343 9033E 45343.9059 4534 3.9058 1 I= Thorp`e�Rd.r.....'- I J 4 `40419093 I A ring') oM+f Spokane .000Valley - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Painted Hills today 5�iikane COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MED U S:EI RETA L 1 3 AC Planned Residential Development (PRD) SV1 IC 19.50 • PRD's are allowed in all residential zoning districts • Residential developments of all types are allowed in PRD's • Uses allowed in the Neighborhood Commercial zone are allowed in PRD's • PRD's allow greater flexibility when applying zoning regulations • The underlying zoning regulations dictate the density of a PRD • The Hearing Examiner makes the final decision on all PRD's COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV15 ON Process gm •c o C. 0 w 0 C z 0 C•% 0- = 8^•1 ^ 4.0 CIS C7. Plat dezign SERA checklist FloodFiai FEMA Traffic Impact pact Ana .ysis 4.2 •T Public 1 vr� d � ❑ DDE lb day Appeal Period Begins Sikikane COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT e- ; 1:ANNING.DIVISION' Ke. WW Spokane I 1..� Va1ley Report Report a Problem CenterPlace City Council City Manager City Hall Project Council Agenda Economic Development ELLLp]uyiacid Municipal Code Maps Parks/Pools/Rec Permit Center Planning & Zoning Solid Waste ! city of Spokane Valley Proposed City Hail Design 119,0 opportunity dos public Comment Tuesday, Sept 29,201S, 5:06 p.m.. City Hall Council Chambers 11767 E. Sprague Avenue City News Agenda „L- `'sio'el Solid Waste Sulu%an Bridge Cutup Plan update Watch these testimonials a17o Jt how Soolcane Vanev rs heInIna bush- .- SI Irrepil Pa•ntea Flflis =tanned Resw^cnuai ueveioLime n 'A community of opportunity where individuals and unities can gram' and ploy, and beetncaaea will fflauriah and prosper.' c September 2015 a Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat t 2 3 4 6 7 S 9 19 11 12 13 14 15 11 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 2A 25 28 27 28 22 30 SVTV Web Channel Public Notices Bids .IRFPs/RFQs HOT TOF ICS COmmu ty ^ Newsletter o€,:act Us med 1sinfo SOokane �. VaI1ey COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUNNING DIVISION' uag Painted Hills Planned Residential Development The CAN ed SPakane Vallee 1 -At reee.wed aR aoAliGeYen ear a Peened Ike:leei--tld Ceseleprert MAD') !gated at 403 5. °trman ,.ilea Pd. The Me waa lamed} rie Palette Mt 6a'f Ceurea. Tee co -40A. includes Sea CibG1w"y u rro compelled &NM r,ayinrYherr.•are WA n Iti.arrilr gni neghbarheed aan•nereal:aate:ulfANe hr smell sale retell. Wee one ether ✓ e:ghoorhood ar,;ce:, and 50 =et of dedka:e, rarer :pace. ✓ he appy eller fee the PRC was I satre;ttee ane teen -ed ex.plete . - e - W ere Iseiry dimitroted ro 4ahf she other aaeneiea risk iuri:xf oe fe. renew. Sdeft: all, a lfotiae of 6gp5aden a a: moiled to an Properly ow -v.0 G ireetly arjaeeM TO the ate. Cterentl•17:e apOc:tme maternal: are pear; reeierwN. follow.% CH: ..e,..iret a peek hearires erAl le eeneu:TMI in fr.. ofthe Spokane Valley aearh.s EA:mi ser 8t the time, re date tai leer eat: !.:reefer pre pulelie h.earw. Ow:tent to 5pekane Valley htvnkieal Co-:_ 17.88-1:.50. the revl.g ba.nlrer mates the flnit dxhlon on aril PR 0--s. Process Al A Glance re finks 0 c p to %ler. tree appllaa:ar doconerta ani orr?r r- herr s ,anted a erg eteveroorwtr. ?re pplicatiar • Pre-Apcl,raten Cvri`erence Farre • Pre-Apohastcn ritrttlno Wor$ heel • Artrllk:MO r1 - 5ubdmiso_n Application • Narrtive Geahax3rd _valuat5on + C,fiologiyal 7valuaban. ?-uf.TAveraair' , and i lethal 1.lanaraerrart Mar. - SewerComour:encr • Witer Concurrency . Geniiratec`Wate•AvaitaOWN ▪ Cenrt_a:e tyt Sewer ANBItabllltr - Trsf.5c IrnpCt A na1r5 5 • Trafc Technical Appendix pt. • Tref-no Technical Appendix or. • Planned Res [dental D veloornert Atoka'. ion • Sta-f Repon 6 Decisions • Determinatan of Ccrnpleteness Determinatcn of Irrcon s Ieteness • Agency Comments • Central Valley School Dtstnct De*srfirserit of EcAotdv ^coal:sn� Tribu c±lndiafst • Spokene Count,/ LlLities Avista f eSfitatian Documents • r.l it._ L'1%gfiit:plvs, • Tele Ccmpanv Gentlest= • Affidavit of Publication • Lea Notice of Application SEPA • Checklist • Narrative Public Comments S�1ane ��alley Painted Hills Planned Residential Development Thank you for submitting comments on the Painted Hills PRI). Your participation is an important part of the process. Your conunents have been added to the public record which will be forwarded to the Spokane Valley Hearing Examiner for review prior to the public Bearing. At this time, a date has not been established for the public hearing. The Painted Hills project is a 303 lot subdivision with a Plamned Residential Development overlay and does not include any rezoning of the property. For the most recent information on this project and to view materials related to the development please visit: www.spokanevalley.org/paintedhillsinfo DRAFT approached h\ eit:lcns a"Illml:ll 1:1cre.. is a large aL lollnl :,l iaisinforn atloll illr[`611 Ihr need It}r thL. allltu:11ion null]llt:r, aIILI ;can:'i,,1 r_I Ihill the IIu111)el is absolutely nlr)ILII. Planner Barlow I]]enlic}nccl the `\1111 ::ultl tl,ln` logo :II'L recycles_: Irl i1i Iii July's prescniali•.) I s":.e ;'*;?:I:1.I14'l ;Il ':?Ili [Illi %:)I:lii:]Iil 11 $lllrti:9li:;ll ;1u11)rily in plan ;I-, ]ae1 X1;11 NI:t'.. nes, C-4:(1uirei:. I:I!fler 1:9u E1''1ifl}i'.1;e91:eIlt 1' loll 1194 iip dlc shall inl'-Itlii, ;:Incl i:IL` process 913 :1':lr: lllt_ :l 11 ;il tk:::Il!t711, E L;t-;illllilli. L�'z1'l 1.1e ()I'€icc id' I'ii!:nleird \•'1:211;1" emerlt ([)1 \1) pi'i)I:'4:lit1i s. to lllc ( Y7.I9'.!}' { i)]IlElll.ti 9ilEi4`I' reiluire(I all`tli}r1. , corral-ill/cc 1'ecoi11111L1''1l:tliorisr rlllci t€t(:County i9tli*1'•1:,1}11 }l illl'.)t'1It;'.r:l i t'I`(,'ciirr1;1' mid 111c111 �III'Isglli [I{)Il, ; Iit L'.ti1'71111'1'.:1 c1174} :1 clic: forecast ili1(I T;'h tll `. '71 li\ !iiL"z, :1194 Ili l J;.I ' IL' 111'1'4 U.1il� 9111C11'.17t:s to r ach i'• I111I7411i1115:11 ,Woc.II l::l 411', +' 11[1[ r isil IIIc I1 4 :lk'L` .u1 L°xpI;II1;11 •.,ll '• 7 1114. "'I:11911i11s} 44'l;llit;< ! ;\•:I4`I:,ory t):l1 tlltlCL, inelllcllai.2 luny CIL.. lu)p1I :Itio1 Corccil.'S1 ix clis(I'ibutL-c C}ti' ,114,1: ill:lt I: le I1mi]Ii111'.tlll.:l1C;I.n.'1 and lll:9xirriulll' saki Alai ilhasC 1}''•'y111.I111711 it locni 4:91 111."I 11 yc'I'.: 'r4 I I1 he 'r;ttl`+lillL'd lulu growl It 1:411 4'l f'il ti can dolc:rnline if ikey have 111•.. I ce,:€ed eapacil_•,-:.;`,i;l ;:Ill I;:,:•I•:.II i.p,9.;1 iil'11 :uiiiib :9',>:incl geed the Iitrl:easis were; a1111 >:lisl I I ", :ire II':L9:11Iv 1'• Illiiii .]_I `; .11.die :: rrl°L:4.:1 population. 11.i. I :.)11:91:111 :Illi. 1l:tl.."1:144`:11\4}explained 1 .111d €'�,I''.II':s! t`SY'Itll ll1i14 :i':`11f'�I"1 4'x'111.4:11 Illi::llllck lii. ;inganf eciI-e..n buildable. some l' 11"r.'llfl�, IL:si�IL•illi:tl lard; II;L:4' ] `it cxplainc,1 .slli e l l die pIl}I,.L'llli assriciaieel VVlth the nik_s iial1 C:i'11:;1i1' '4: 1;1'.:Illl;t /onIll', e(J Iltiti /;'•It l llgf office zoning, ilr i! II; I. III;i'!'11x1..,i1 c()n111Iercial 'l.ftil'.'li<_, 4'•:,i :'14'IIl'I:L'I11I1:`I" (.;(1tlllllutltl a:I'tl 1'°l4c k#l!I.t'f,' 1 CIL: data are IEllllt'esAsi'4' ;°.".l t•'I,I.IIri :71' helpful in dcv'L•:(ipi'1.„; policios. Mayor (irafps called 14+I :l Iec ;;- ::l .,' 1R p.ni.; he r:'L'ciiiverio ] 111.: IIII:; lilt!' at 7:50 p i11 _ at 1411 1l::ile the "FehriPeers iiioii 14';'..`:11 1.'.i`; I'9!' (onditio11ti' rcpot't was dlsc11:-6...1.1 clll1llovlllcl'... 1:11111'1`3 :1C1[III'.t" t`k'YI_'llll;ll 4 Illl:l'. ,;ri d th 11 Ili rc k it I':I1 {1 [, L'I I.SIi1`'l Ill': I'. n:'rl I' ;:•I I `k, bis II':C 111'. sal :I, 11`, .' li til: _1'I'II.:II {Ilt:::Y clic Orn IlIL '711, :Ii Side C'1I'•90, whiCll 111:11.4:5 1431 IrlIlll.' L'l)II7.'::StlUn all':)un[I 1:�,• I `1i. IlllWrcI iii..,4�•1, l 4: I1('4'.r1ti111:'. ih•1i11L.,:Yl Resoul'i;c i,llll4fti. Mt.. i-117.1n1:rt n{?tit tis' I will be 1131'(1 ilY;'. 1',rll11 11';( ('Y)l ll:l i` :111:1 ('L'IYl r.il I't` lix in I .'.I Ii7'N up [Si [his if}I:ic. an(I II.:II stair 1',':11 I I In:.. 1•llrtl1L:[' i11lL]rn:,ll1' 11 :ii tl 1Llttlrw {'lY.il f'i1 1lL'.'i 'nig. Mr. II ll ll.11'I ilrerti;`ii d that the II'.7:11 slops include the cl;'t ['1::11111 'Ill :111r f':llli'.I l l' Y:71' [ ': ;:il"•.'ll'; 1:1 1 111"1[ review; and lie I lani(ed 1Vlr. Am:lel'son for. alto I'}rovr'idc; pc rsI .eti+e aa11cl it:l:.ti lrr CII]ti`,l;'':l 3. Painted I HI:- Lori [)ilL.1°.1I I [lil:l?' 1:'I 1-L'SIIII1'Cl 111 ,'Y (I'1''It'll;l;!l15 amount t7I ti'.94[[v (sal(' illYhll_'rl }'. liltln,'14}llti II :.;I I.:IMS via 1'ia:I; ;Itlil l'.l lRine calls. iii VI 'llll; '0 lie :'., fl;iii pirL ni wi111 I IC i:UlIIIIIIEll 1 pcls,Il l4. ht 'L'Ill:nr1L'41 ..4 II i1r, :Intl Ih: 1 :I; 111 '.;'?; 11f Illir, I,rlritil Ir.).}rc ls:r' ;4rs1, tlr.` ti:4Iw511r r,'. ill Ii IIII;];IIL'tl .. Ll .litlti[k ;l Iw:'•7?i1`,4'. ; al.i41 tlli.ti 11;I'i r,'I'rl ..'IYILS1 .I :1.i:'t' :I"Ilpllct tC] .stlll['tin]L in ::lc JII1111.I1a1 .I public ivl It ,:Ili ]l :111[1 :'1`x111; 1."S: iti'•1'tIE11C llIti; illllt :IIL'rw I<I. 4'1 [1S'y`l LIiiil ' Iiti public r(.I114'til TI_( 11i'til ;I[II twc1:t','11F['• 1.1. '.Ill 111;_ II'.`i:l ;'I1'.' '-17CC111 II:I]L'I{:41:11, ;lad 14)..1a 191t]ru iltiti l)CIIllCLI with a ]d' H'11" :71'4,711 noii:1,)f71.1.ii4iS1 ;'1'1'•111?. i' Fir I't`S1-i:l'111i19Y1 Senior I71:l.Illlcf �iiirli'll- i -.Illi ;r i1111:4'I--fill ti.`:i..'ll •.'ti. llt irie the ))r'{Y(;4'�i5 `k* .itr C+7-aecrllli.'2 thl' ft:lived Ler1 1 :I y I'E° 9 ill`s[ 1(osidcii1i:11 I) v lc)I)n11ItL- 14•]:ft-h III4 llt:t'. ;i I.ICit~l llistul'y' hLi_Illlll I yl1C)1`IC, I') tO .Ell [ m' [ 111c (c1.'.1 -1('I1'. 'Ii)I1i111_'. :111(1 11:11 pw.i1'.7I12:-. S]{ lh']lelt tllL' w -til kinks like ICiCli: ', EIC'L't'If.`I71111.R1. l`wlll;.l.led Hal I'IM 1 } • ':1'I;III]Itil1 :EL::i.11l.€II!..'.1 1)4_:':eliipi11ft1}ts) are 111 II'.:'.t I.:L f lean. i;._.. I.•,.1Filttl.$eV4l}t.11: I: LII.,• .II;' Ii1I 1 (I4ci ic}n on 1 ' the 11111.:,in4' l,1 1114 1 I "?.,'c'`;ti. IC:'911 { CI11nll it 1?.IC;:.lion 4;l)I'"1111'[1, [tl l[111av 7 iI11 ,i ill :Illi •'. i r'.°L"144`: ii. 1111' :lppI 1:;.:i; .n :ilal ` i:ll... 1: 1)111'W1`Y;1 1.1),`iI X1:1' 1 I� ta1L' 1.1i' i1`can119c11_;Yl `flit) 1 of. 1'tll:l'4 1 L' :Ic llllll"Lt .'•;:1.fi'rc.1,71'I l IE. 11i,.. issued, 111::+ l -I .T I ilY;' ',4l)llld L. IJC.Iore the I leariIIL' (',\P,'llllll'L • '5411:, 7::'1]11'- j:.- 1LC il. UL•CkIlsll, pori:':.[ would bc,,?..II'l, also Ili]1L4I Illill : lL' 1 I'.}" 4'rl'l?wit iiieltlaies aY::';1 :llllf:Slnt l,1 II11:>I'lll:lll:?Cl 0 011 '.11� Painted 1.1 II:; I')t�til•:'I,nl•wllt, wl'[L:IY ..;e1I,c•. ;It:.•..;:,•wi;l I�I';:III '.11� 1'IILLV $ llQll'.L' 11;.,'1`. ;il1t` �.Il<!1 :1 Il,,t5lC;lr(I liet.'i 1),'4'1'1 714:4;, I.)I)Cl1 byilIC'.I is '. Ilt to those `.yin, 1:n iL`ci, (0l l'1 1111;! llt4:lll .ti' IIIc` ("tly s :)1171:1' 131.:91'1171' °l/1,;..I:Illti`L'1i St:lLt ] 111:11 :' '_l I.,Its'.'.'i[1 ?4' p1:1;a'41 •.311 [1:4: i)]tr17C1't4' ill (llree at•eas, and a u} }sling wili (lo_ie Lo rlil tllfl€1' 'rvit sin a 1:111-f'..':'1 r:Isii:Y •'1 Ii)e Council Study Session: ie. -DG -2015 Approved by Council. DRAFT 17014'0 !halt file lI •:';I!Is,° I'_Xrtlrilvr '.':'i'I II:'k Il, std l I`'2I:i,l'I_ IIIL' tLlcic requirements, aiicl Ila,: a:'2.1111i1L7[IS as 'e']. ; ; have ;It la: ,>. 1'.) all k[u:I:c; provided Ir5 lit:A;.ing/has riot I:�.:1 .;c[ yet as it can.1 :111,L: 1 111 ' [!111.1 ME I :l`:'`1 d1.:IL'Clnination lir' :)('ell I .+ll('c]. ;111 r1 ':, IIf it ne i L"1,Ilncilir:l'I,II%tel Hafrier's ((illi -1:1•-• 1[1.1 :Iti• r' 'Ilii issLie, that :i Itl}° I.7i',ill _ I,r')l]'?5L'el, and that the Fledri I.' :Ili`Il I'L':' .'III '•4' ,t t I'lL' ;;1 !.tis to del rmi:lt' 1vI1 li III;' III1 kt lII i?l'I. Lik 3a. Sullivan. Road West T ridol.o Replacement Project -"De Minitnis" Determination.- Steve Worley [added aaencla item] Senior Elr°irl'.'t'r 4`4'rit'ti :.41''l:tielcti that it was i cnily discu'L'rcd that the v-e'r ['c,ll clE:illsllltil bl_twL'.L'II tIi surlii,:c i;,l Ilt: i l'lil 'l; ll l;i f;I l I Bll;l the hnir(irlt i). .0 IIE L4' it1111:1l1 [,(}aII it lil 'L' ‘von't meet ilmtllarlllrr II I't"tillil. Ills` r. entti;Iuiiul l ritil I]Lc'l.".y Ii5 1c' !"l"ti'i` l°I I. ']r. Ur I'` krait' that staff hila hLuIl Vr`4'�I'Ii111 k il1'I t ic` 11 ',I1 4'.,71i51f llln[ ('I 12N1 I t i ll [L'a ;1:` I.![I 'Is_' I°,2.11i!,11: (: ::Iid lawcred 111111, l3L'.C.rILI C lllc oiiihiilt*l is r.le"r'nI: . t l.I (lu_L'lI 1:1 lilr]CL iIlc rick;- hri.I! L t'ir(Iwr 111 I ).:::g1111): -9r ,!Ilii IIi IkIL,ll olams typically S': i:Itur" arc7'.ind .I 11;i:Iksgit•^11 p. 11:11". W ul'IL'y 5.'1141 tli;ll l'.`;Iltl i% 1atit-ti'il=kiii . iIic ihL' I I:, pc l'llsllllli . I°l lit 7}' S ';11' He l'.Ilsl[Io ; an:1 S''.11`•:;'.:'ilc';LOIm: ;HO >::'lilt 11 IIIc' 11;:11 t::L`Illt,,l he reICICaled the ".:,1))h<]11 111211t ell+ , _ t]lr frail °t'Iticl ii't.i ?Ir he (Ir;('cl t N :Ii.'t',llrull 'Iltlil [r sl spriIIL, 1^I I' Wc'1I'Icv c}:l'l;llnL(1 iIi ii to riw'i:C',.ive \I.l''1 Itililtl(Sll:li I.IIYii':;11111'til'1i01 1'10Ia'cllti,ll l�;!l'i'.t4; I' 44x1 l 4'.i:iitln, it I�lttlkii' I11L(li:l'', kilt illi c c IYlirtiit11`• • , I ICI'tmlilriatiU111 the 1iixt C.{1uiv,.i1 1114a:1fi1`!., wa'l71isll \vI : I».. ]tlif public common:. ,'ill :, 11 ,Iti' Illi i .(1 iirl.. u1t 111 til i1 Ilct.aii c Oleo: i5 >+ `l''& I liner;'p[ie calve LII1de]" I'".i' lII would i'a ;tl. iii Ik1ti1C11 I 70.1..'0{y costy11 1 to In3a•t_'r [h:sl (;:Ik":IL. tiff r)I L IL''I :....1 option r. 10 move ''e L:lc• t';ii fer.icr:I' Iy ftiridecl klCc?ILLI. '.l ' Ilit''4' . ::C' IlI0-L: [I1 115:{3 ]lila; 1 7L'.'i"ICIILII TILL' lilt`' '',..: rl4 was Il: t L)Il lllil Vb' $C7t1C.l al�t a; sdicl tlL2tt0..11'9"tI iLI. 1[1 p7la e -,1114`1' l ii. 1.1';11. ',1•,?5• c'IC):••ali clurilt,thc;altlltiL 1}r"c>j 1. In rL~})C+rl;t It, l:t,s1[ltiil ;lrit' t ori about 1i]ne and it will take I tra:c It I{1LiI weeks to do the '..vork and II';rl 55c l t)It know il:e cosi .` I_ I'ii ItL ;lilui;lL';I :i couple htlndlcci Lhau slid dollars, adding,, IIIat there i; ltilli 1 i111':, llse hiacl;y _i 1;)i. lit i.; I.1't,jt ;, :th.:ul a 11:111-ri1' Il t 1i cls' l:ll' trtttltlll !1;I1L:4'. Council 11'' l't,I IL) move [Ilii : "'rl1',lril 1).,ra motion forttwxi 55.L`c'k's Council :Ili cling. 4. Pr-1pcisccl Contrnctinh and Pul'cl}asin Ccdc ,Alllc[idn tints - Cry Drisltell, T:ri1(. kamb Civ Aro 'nt I? Ir„,.Ii ?;I'fi 1I1');1ri11 }5'°.'''nie 111fYIru -o i iii ELICk .c.)f cIarlt ;III:! deflck iici s L'o]1GeIl1]I1g ci.):IIi i 1CIIt?. and rII'tll;l:;I'l; '.511.11111 till' {'lade, i'll`tl I ::vt. I',:.;Ii working on 11.iN tO liav'e the Iriaterial mon:: IIs'F7 [' l)I 17111' sit I [ said ',III( L' '.�`c 51'.1!1 [ =1:1.4"P C{ [Itl';._I! a: :1',:t','E11i`;IliL each 1IL'1:11'llmlent Ilis ; e'i til},ti9'!' Il'll11 I,' f: r ::1'ir,I�l frig €1'1.1 pur r1 ;iu , 1r. I lri;l:t 11 nnit•:I II':11 t.l]lir k1.'.:•rlti clx c 1; Ilia• inn'Ht 1' int„- iiisl RLarciLtio i. [Or. 1 )i iskw'hI Gtnc, \lr. 1 I F111 7t l lut:ltic iii: Shn6;)n, 1`.tll._, Pelunit i r,l i..t.,cic I 'YI'4'lt'j .' (,`'_ , tt ihi... ut,h ;12 ] I trt'[,!'l1 .• f1s t.I L '.l•r1 ;III .Iit1L: °I I_ t'I'.,111Ia .. I1 V`i�'1(; iti4'riI ':111w wa'rI:C;,t:ti.i%:' Iijildi 1'_; ;5411:11'.: t':;,['R41 ,1rt;l . :ill "() 7111 I + 1111"t` 01°MOIV I,ItIti 1171' 1,:.11'11'2:'5VL,[']i!, hUtAh't.'CI: ':,2.'.}11.) :II I.' it t + 1),IIQI!i h`,ilf}fl 1.' -.:;!111.11.,;11161 `.11111 stiff. Hid L 1 C'll ; t'tl with Vie I' i'ttinrt° (Srinitlill t :Ilrtxi1 i:lc'r s.tii I ' 111aI :_5O1) In _` _[)Ijl.). I;li[ 1I1,I1 !I•.r de.4:[-171:Hit 141;1 Ilan heen iti .(:L'illi;l 411ht lltiti 11 111 rllt''Ii.4y4'lil II fill% ,kris';: GS}11:05 is icI. 1Si �l(''.1y114'l :'I .' 7.Y +! +I+ (f ''I Ir"'/"ir"[ ": i .5'L'l•:!+1Cfec andii+:;.,1±?1;+rnp,11' :1`g1'ecd fel C':S fa'IPi.! flit'- r+�... ,+;�:� ll'r: -i_l r,+. +: rfi't.5. r\II 'k'l l'. ]I ItiE•: 'I ,111.1 x'11. `.;iii'' Ii11i ll; t: Ilicir ELI,�L:rl't ll,'. pIL:LiL•ltirltiotl, it'vgas c142citic5.1 1111( [:.IR sllc=ul(I lui Ilei, I!:1:Iti ill ti•: t,rCll o1�'.�lll'Llit:r1, ;Ill'. I:It !he L'1Itc:11v.2 L ;i1C Ct)Ll C. 3L 111[:4. a Ilia ort:i IIi11UL: da'c1; r.n. Il_:LLI 01114: :1.1_!eIi �e Frye Lh14's;iftcr I Il i :ili',n Hi could Is.' , f fl. 1 5• ��'c all 1' 1i :1thS after .'(dins'ion so th a[ Might ll;iv& 1.1 ii::Ilr training on Lt14 prEicect Ir4'w prior k) Lllr: L!.11cctiv4 5• ;tlll,titiL' 'S;?4. 41;1 Ik1:!,;y1' 111:iI0; "1'E1tirc were 114 6. Community Development Brock Grant 2016 Program Mike 13tsinger This was for information only and was nlil reported air usetisscd, Cou.ntil Study Seasic)n: 10-06-2015 Pae 4 of 5 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 30, 2016 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ['information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing E l pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Painted Hills Pla-ined Residential Development -Project Overview GOVERNING LEGISLATION: 1(A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Project slatus adrnir► report presented to Council Comber 3, 2015. BACKGROUND: Ci.y CoLnci requested a status update on the Painted Hills Planned Residential Devel prc r Project at the September 22, 2015 Council meeting. The project update was crigim-dly p.-r_sentn:f to Council on October 6, 2015, Council has requested another update overview on the projecA :, n:ii fo.. the L:enefit of the four new councilrnernbe's not present at the previous update, Staff +'rri.I provido rm updated overview of the project, explain the process for approval and ans-vvo, questions about the development. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Gabe Gallinger, Development Services Manager ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Painted Hills Planned Residential Development COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7PAANNING DIVISION r _. History • Prior to 1985: the property was zoned Agricultural and was designated as Urban in the Spokane County Future Land Use plan. • November 1985: a Conditional Use Permit was approved to operate a 9 hole golf course. • 1989: Golf course is opened to the public. January 1, 1991 -Property is rezoned by Spokane County to UR -3.5 • October 28, 2007: With the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Regulations, the property is re -zoned Single -Family Residential district (R-3) August 2012: Golf Course files for bankruptcy. October 2013: Property obtained by Black Realty, Inc. July 24, 2015: Application is submitted for a 580 unit Planned Residential Development. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Current Zoning R-1 R-2 R-3 -7. R-4 MF -1 • MF -2 GO CMU MUC NC ▪ c U RC * 1-1 • 1-2 11 P105 I 1• dis 3 thAve , i 7 ost :Air -1247- p VALLEY 45334.9060 nvel -490. 45336.9191 R-3 il.rU61;14/ m longs 4 5 tii..A.e 0 J Ea: 44041.9048 45343.9093 45343.9094 45343.9085 ca. 45343.9086 z. 45343.9143 o2 1145343 9033 12 45343.9059 I I 45543.9058 44041.9144 Thorp-e1Rd \ O199 51-1 4 ddriql qp Painted Hills today J f -744.€0 S arr'ixa HIHW 1 ASSIYE DPEN 5PAC€ ARK & {LI]LI FE TRAVEL. COi?RtC)Cjj ". =9•Ill•CTICK 1101.• AMU, ULT1-FAMILY 1 1.5.5 AC. SITZ; C 116316. taw. .f0RA 1,116iI •63 w.. Of. 6.336=6 1666151 aN Tatakg 36.001 MON 890336 *eke a loam* o4C6 62 P�lw4 �lLb pIAl+l' ...... 94 TaA 4R7.6.6 3 W ia+ ULM _ ..M13 WWI! Spokane ley. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION pl Cottages No. of Lots 52 Lot area 1,700 — 6,200 sq. ft. Lot frontage 20 — 40 ft. Valley COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Single Family No. of Lots 206 Lot area 5,500 — 8,500 sq. ft. Lot frontage 50 — 60 ft. COMMUNFTY DEVELOPMENT ESTATE 1 1.568: A Estate Lots No. of Lots 42 Lot area 9,000 — 10,000 sq. ft. Lot frontage 80 ft. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PL IIVNIIVG DIvtsIorJ T� U LT I - FAMI I LY 1 1 .9$ ACS Multi -Family— 228 Units Mixed Use — 52 Units s COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION Planned Residential Development (PRD) SVMC 19.50 • PRD's are allowed in all residential zoning districts • Residential developments of all types are allowed in PRD's • Uses allowed in the Neighborhood Commercial zone are allowed in PRD's • PRD's allow greater flexibility when applying zoning regulations • The underlying zoning regulations dictate the density of a PRD • The Hearing Examiner makes the final decision on all PRD's COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 'MANNING DIVISION Process • • 4J a = x c C 12. S7 _Plat design t: r - 1": SE_PA checkist imm. pa Cr" c'! ; Flood -Plain Y c ;AN< FES 4 5 Traffic Impact Z �' psis � 4 EPA Decision Issued :1. titan' Report Issued • • 7,9 Appeal Period Begins -o--o--o-o-� Today Keeping Our Citizens Informed Departments Departments - Home s Community and Economic Development le City Attorney City Clerk le City Council ■ City Manager lb - Directory Documents Finance e Human Resources Operations & Admin Sfr Parks & Recreation r Police Public Works ■ Solid Waste Ow J Community and Econornic Development = Community and Economic Development Welcome to Community and Economic Development The Community and Economic Development Department works with the community to establ•,sn and implement the long -tern vision and goals of the Gel of Spokane Valley and to ensure that growth and development Is safe and consistent with city policy. The department continues to focus on improving service delivery to the community and overall customer satisfaction. The Community and Economic Development Department has four divisions: • Budding • Economic Development • Development Engineering • Planning Trending Projects: Painted Hills Planned Residential Development Information Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update Contact Information jonn Rahman Comriunirj Development Director Phone: (509) 720-5300 jhohmangspokanevalley.org Deanna Horton Administracve Assistant Phone: (509) 770-5301 dhorton@spokanevalley.org Doug Powell Building Officio I Phone: (509) 720-5305 dpowail@spokanevaifey.crg Gabe Gallinger Development Services Senior Engineer Phone: (509) 720-5313 ggallinger@spokanevalley.org J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT wwwwwommirw .;. -PLANNING D1vrSIoN - _ Departments 0•part•nentt-MOen. r community and Econom.c S•veiopm•in City AVM. n.x t•t]` tl•rk Cny tewneia Crry&taear•r 0rrettoty 0dcvmenta Fina neo Ferm• woman aeraurcet 0 pau trpn s S Ad min Patk, A RKr•sxisn ar Poke PUUI.c work, solid wane nrl�pri+!•nS•Pl. nein„&iO*+.ns• Paritrdr Painted Hills Planned Residential Development The City of Spokane valley has received an application for a Planned Residential Development {PRD} located at 4403 S. Dlshman Mica Rd. The site was formerly the Painted rills Golf Course. The proposal includes 530 dwelling units compnsed of 300 single family homes and 230 multifamily units, neighborhood commercial space suitable for small scale retail, office and other neighborhood services, and 30 acres of dedicated open space. The application for the PRDwas submitted and deemed complete before being distributed to all City staff and other agencies with jurisdiction for review. Additionally, a NCtice of Application was mailed 10 all property owners directly adjacent to the site. Currently the application materlal5 are being reviewed. Following this review. a public hearing will be Conducted in front of the Spokane Valley Hearing Examiner. At this time. no date has been established for the publichearing. pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code 17.80.060. the Hearing Examiner makes the final decision on all PRO's. Process At A Glance iNCr Tadar e Use the Inks below to view the application documents and other meterrelated to this development. October 6, 2015 Presentation to City Council • Pre -Application • Pre -Application Conference form Pre.Application Meeting Worksheet • Application • Subdivision Application • Narrative • Geohaxard Evaluation • Biological Evaluation. Buffer Averaging, and Habitat Management Plan ▪ Sewer Concurrency • Water Concurrency • Certificate of Water Availability • Certificate of Sewer Availability • Traffic Impact Analysis • Traffic Technical Appendix pt. 1 • Traffic Technical Appendix pt.2 . Planned Residential Development Application • Traffic Impact Analysis - Response to Traffic Count Comments 10/15/201S • Traffic Impact Analysis - Response to Traffic Count Comments 10£2012015 Traffic Impact Analysis • Response to TIA Comments Staff Report & Decisions • Determination of Completeness • Determination of Incompleteness • Agency Comments • Central Valley School District • Department of Ecology Spokane Tribe of Indians • Spokane County Utilities • Avlsta • Spokane Regional Health District • Spokane County Water District No. 3 • Fire Protection District 8 • City of Spokane Valley Comments • Traffic Impact Analysis Review- Sean Messner, PE Senior Traffic Engineer • Floodplain Review- Henry Alien, Development Engineer • Traffic Impact Analysis - Second Submittal - Sean Messner. PE Senior Traffic Engineer SOblrane COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NINE DIVISION Public Comments sem' Valley' Planned Residential Development Thank you for submitting comments on the Painted Hills PRD. Your participation is an important part of the process. Your continents have been added to the public record which will be forwarded to the Spokane Valley Hearing Examiner for review prior to the public hearing. At this time, a date has not been established for the public hearing. The Painted Hills project is a 303 lot subdivision with a Planned Residential Development overlay and does not include any rezoning of the property. Painted Hills For the most recent information on this project and to view materials related to the development please visit: www. spokanevalley.orglpaintedhillsiifo Questions iiii.lhcr IiiLiLi 1 :111 ;inti Wt would 1 prii:YiLisl dun. I.:MC:L6(I1i 4)11 MI"; ;I"; Ill:: ('N:-nhopc.:WiLr 1.)isuicA klAlkicy, iln:.111 and is slanlell iri that direc,tion. City 1 .-;Lir.„.sted to Conricilimmil.i...-T edse, it would be appropittitic Ir hint to ex....711.-;c: from the dais. Since 11 'fa rHi ihiit the. diLIIiLjII 1,vas iIniost (...otincilracinhyt r.....1.1:tinod al Hie dais. Vir. Drkkcl: I. 11ge.1 ilotterher viIli N4r. Carroll. 1.111.4.:Tcw!,-.;.',..4',C1,1.riLiliiicillici-Millr.::'1.N1111.11,.):1:11MMIttill: itid. Cflrroll saki (he 1)i..itlict is willing to the rigH•cd-rw.f.v 17,01 S'illee Rinticr the want io put the i•,e1c.t. in 1.11c.' Lilco die 57,100 LASditiultril cliLri,e_ Mr. (''idhiPUll Nack to Council ,..-irter revieAin. i:IL. 21116 Iniclget e:Lui it Ilk...live% vi.,•'01K:41i a hulit;e1. atnendrrient; and 11Li1 Lidii(1 htidgei atiwildnicnt. Ccr...ncil. concurred. At :46 p.m., it wa., Or/Li): Alr) ,-ui ;on othLiously Lgreed to extend (he ?fleeting to 9:361 p.m fpf.lnie ia II prc.n,rio.us request c. -f Cottne.i I. iiiIthere art.' ! uiI eLdlo 1111'%1011.-: 111):1',i1Vq, 7.21VC ILLlI.::11 111C :!)1111i:_ii I [Lk 1)QvuLTiii,,T1 vo2n1. ly .,..-.°...1.6..;t111:2 the history orihe Arc:, 4:11 TI:111 devLIE....pnient of the exterNive info' tin Pliiivh.:1 1 :lt,'Vr .,111111,11i. 7. Adva_nce Agendl \Thiyor I igui it -; There were no a42.,;,7,1,A lines lu tiie ALiN.-unL:e Agcain Mdyc'r I here v,tere 110 LLI1diLidiL:!1 whents. — Mark Calhoun Mr.11IlIILILI no .4'for If/Godard, seconded and tomnienoersly agreed to adjourn. The meeting {..1 I pin. ATTEST: L.R, Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session: OS -30-2G16 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council:09-13-2016 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative report — telecommunication franchises. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.47.040; RCW 35A.11.020; chapter 35.99 RCW, proposed Ordinance 18-007 regarding small cell regulations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City Council has previously granted a number of telecommunication franchises to various companies. This is the first administrative report relating to the grant of franchises associated with small cell technology. BACKGROUND: Generally speaking, cities have broad authority under Washington law to manage public rights-of-way (ROW), including use of the ROW by private or other governmental entities for utility purposes. These can include providers of electricity, water, sewer, cable TV, phone, and telecommunications. There are two ways to do so: by adoption of regulatory code provisions, or by franchise. Most jurisdictions use a combination of code and franchises, which is the approach used by Spokane Valley. Such facilities must not endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the public, and they cannot materially interfere with the primary purpose of the ROW, that being transportation. A franchise is a contract (adopted by ordinance as required by state law) between a city and a utility provider that grants permission for the utility provider to install and operate its facilities in the public ROW. The franchise establishes the general conditions and location for the utility service provider to operate. Once Ordinance 18-007 is adopted, the municipality will specify how the facilities are to be installed once the franchise is granted, which will occur pursuant to a permit from the City. For some types of utilities, federal law has additional or separate requirements and/or limitations. Although some jurisdictions choose to charge a franchise fee (limited to the cost of negotiating, adopting, and managing the franchise agreement), Spokane Valley has chosen to not impose these charges in the interest of being business friendly with the exception of two services, cable television and solid waste collection due to the extensive amount of work necessary to negotiate and oversee these franchises. In the past, the City has granted 25 year franchises for things like electricity and natural gas, where the way the service is provided is stable over time (wires and pipes). In contrast, the City has granted a shorter term of 10 years for telecommunication franchises to reflect the fact that technology changes more rapidly in this arena, which should be addressed by the City more frequently. The City has granted telecommunications franchises to a number of private entities over the past 14 years and, since those were granted, there has been considerable consolidation of those ownership interests. There will be four telecommunication franchises moving forward in the next several weeks relating to provision of small cell service, including installation of the small cell antennas to collect and disburse data, as well as the fiber backhaul facilities to move the data to and from the small cell antennas. This administrative report is intended to provide the background information for the Council in preparation for those individual franchises to move forward without repeating this information numerous times. OPTIONS: Consensus to bring forward proposed franchise ordinances for first reading; or take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to bring forward proposed franchise ordinances for first reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney; Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of March 15, 2018; 12:35 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings March 27, 2018, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Mar 201 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Legislative Update: Chelsea Hager, Briahna Murray of Gordon Thomas Honeywell (45 min) 3. Second reading ordinance 18-007 Small Cell — Erik Lamb 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 18-008 w/Cell Carrier MClmetro — Cary Driskell 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 18-009 w/Cell Carrier Verizon — Cary Driskell (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration, Bid Award, Sprague Ave.: Sullivan to Corbin — E.Amsden, Gloria Mantz (10 min) 7. Motion Consideration: ITS Infill Phase 1 Project, Bid Award - G. Mantz, C. Aldworth (10 minutes) 8. Motion Consideration: 8th and Carnahan ROW Acquisition Remediation — Gloria Mantz (10 minutes) 9. Motion Consideration: Potential Grant Opportunities: (a) SRTC, (b) SRTS, (c) PBP, and (d) CSP) — Adam Jackson, Colin Quinn -Hurst (20 minutes) 10. Motion: Barker BNSF Grade Separation Alternative — John Hohman (15 minutes) 11. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 12. Info Item: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 145 mins] April 3, 2018, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Mar 271 ACTION ITEM: 1. Motion Consideration: Barker BNSF Grade Separation Design Contract — Bill Helbig NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. Airport Update — Larry Krauter 3. 32nd Avenue Sidewalk — Bill Helbig 4. GSI Contract — Mike Basinger, Chaz Bates 5. Outside Agency, Allocation History/Discussion — Chelsie Taylor 6. Street O&M Pavement Preservation & Street Construction — Adam Jackson, Mike Basinger 7. Advance Agenda April 10, 2018, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 18-0908 w/Cell Carrier MClmetro — Cary Driskell 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 18-009 w/Cell Carrier Verizon — Cary Driskell 4. Motion Consideration: 32nd Avenue Sidewalk — Gloria Mantz, Rob Lochmiller 5. Advance Agenda (20 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes) (60 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 150 mins] [due Tue April 31 (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 40 mins] April 17, 2018, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Motion Consideration: 8th Ave. Sidewalk, Thierman to Dickey- Erica Amsden, Gloria Mantz NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. Quarterly Police Department Report — Chief Werner 3. Broadway/Argonne/Mullan Concrete Intersection — Gloria Mantz, Rob Lochmiller 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue April 101 (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 35 mins] April 24, 2018, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue April 171 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 3/15/2018 1:37:04 PM Page 1 of 2 2. Motion Consideration: Brdway/Argonne/Mullan Con. Int. Bid Award — G. Mantz, R.Lochmiller (10 min) 3. Admin Report: Economic Analysis of Tourism Related Venues & Events — Chelsie Taylor (45 minutes) 4. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 5. Info Item: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 65 mins] May 1, 2018, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Spokane Regional Health District Opioid Epidemic — Dr. Lutz 2. Advance Agenda May 8, 2018, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. Proclamation: Lemonade Day, May 19, 2018 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mav 15, 2018, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda Mav 22, 2018, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda 3. Info Item: Department Reports Idue Tue April 241 (25 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue May 1] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue May 81 (5 minutes) [due Tue May 151 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) May 29, 2018, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue May 221 1. Advance Agenda *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Animal Control Regulations (SVMC 7.30) BNSF 2nd Rail Camping in RVs Citizen Recognition (city keys) City Hall Generator Donation Recognition Duplex/Single Family Dwellings Definition Governance Manual ITS/SRTMC Discussion Legislative Remote Testimony (Chambers) Naming City Facilities Protocol Neighborhood Restoration Program Police Dept. Quarterly Rpt (April, July, Oct, Jan) Police Precinct Lease Renewal (Nov '18) Retail Recruitment Follow-up Sign Ordinance Street Illumination (ownership, cost, location) Tobacco 21 Resolution Transportation & Infrastructure SV Youth Voices Utility Facilities in ROW 2018 Budget Amendment Draft Advance Agenda 3/15/2018 1:37:04 PM Page 2 of 2