Resolution 18-009 Logos CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 18-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, REPEALING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 06-012, AND ADOPTING THE CITY'S OFFICIAL LOGOS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 1.06 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE, SETTING FORTH STYLE AND OTHER APPLICABLE STANDARDS FOR USE,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code 1.06.030(c) which provides the City Council may adopt the City's official logos by resolution; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2008, the City Council adopted Spokane Valley Resolution 08-001, adopting a five-year anniversary City logo; and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to adopt the logos herein as the City's official logos; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to set forth style and other standards governing the use of such logos. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: Section 1. Adoption of Logos. The City Council hereby adopts the logos set forth in Exhibit A as the City's official logos. Section 2. Adoption of Standards of Use. The City Council hereby adopts the standards set forth in Exhibits 13-1, 13-2,and B-3 as the standards governing use of the City's logos. The City Manager and his or her designee is hereby authorized to approve minor deviations from such standards as set forth in Exhibit A. Section 3. Repeal. Resolution No. 06-012 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Passed by the City Council of Spokane Valley, Washington,this 11th day of December, 2018. Citj fSp e Valle ` A, AlWw o - , ATT L.R. Higg irvi•J-ILA )3—a'tAilin. ir*I ____, Kristine Bainbridge, City Cler Approved as to Form: / Offi f e i � orne y Resolution No. 18-009 Adopting City Logos Page 1 oft } Exhibit"A" A. Official Standard City Logo. The official Standard City Logo shall be the logo with "City of Spokane Valley,"and depicting a mountain and a river, substantially as illustrated below: sooka•014\... ne Valley® The official City Logo may be represented with or without the shadow lines under the river and/or mountain. B. City Economic Development Logo. The City's Economic Development Logo shall be the logo in the form substantially as illustrated below: SP OKA E VALLEY - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - C. City CenterPlace Logo. The City's CenterPlace Logo shall be the logo in the form substantially as illustrated below: CBN1: LACE� - REGIONAL EVENT CENTER D. Standards for use. Use of the City's logo(s) shall comply with the branding guidelines and standards set forth as Exhibit B-1,Exhibit B-2, and Exhibit B-3. E. Minor Deviations from Standards. The City Manager and his or her designee is hereby authorized to approve minor deviations from the approved standards. The City Manager or designee shall consider the following when determining whether to approve minor deviations: 1. The intended use of the logo, and whether the use is for City or other public purposes, for use by an entity that contracts with the City; and 2. Whether the deviation modifies the primary character and nature of the logo. For example, it may be appropriate to allow minor deviations such as removal of shadows,but not significant changes,such as changing a blue or green color to pink or purple; and 3. Whether the deviation is necessary due to the nature of the intended use or medium being used. For example, approval of removal of shadows to allow the use on metal plating may be appropriate, while significant changes to color on standard printing paper would not appropriate. Any person requesting such deviations shall make a request in writing to the City Clerk, The City Manager or designee shall render a written decision on the deviation in a timely manner. Resolution No. i 8-009 Adopting City Logos Page 2 of 2 Exhibit B-1 City Logo Usage Standards and Guidelines introduction The City of Spokane Valley logo system is designed to ultimately be utilized across multiple city departments.The logos,fonts and brand colors serve as a foundation for all departments and events that creates a strong connection for people within the City, region and the country. While individual departments will always have their own names,their association with the City of Spokane Valley brand contributes to the belief that the City is working collaboratively for the greater good. Brand Inspiration The City of Spokane Valley logo was designed to highlight the mountain and the river to reinforce the community's connection to the natural landscape. Brand Guidelines With every brand name comes a brand image.This manual provides the basics of the City of Spokane Valley brand family to help maintain the brand integrity and graphic standards for both internal and external use. With proper and consistent use, brand elements such as logos and fonts help to build awareness and recognition by distinguishing the community from competitors.This is why it is so crucial that each brand element is used consistently and appropriately in all communications.The logos are intended for use on print ads, literature, broadcast applications, business papers(letterhead)and promotional materials. Logo Design and Styles This logo is the cornerstone of the City of Spokane Valley brand family.While it should be used for city purposes, it is also the lead/primary logo that should be used as the default logo in the event that multiple departments are referenced. Consistent application of the logo according to the following specifications is essential. Use these approved guidelines exclusively.Always use the approved, master art for the logo — never recreate it yourself. The City of Spokane Valley logo consists of the mountain and river image surrounding the City of Spokane Valley text. It is not to be altered in any manner except as authorized pursuant to City Council or City Manager or designee approval. 01"1\112% Spokane Valley® Color Usage "Spokane Valley Blue:" Pantone Reflex BlueciTti•ni+ CMYK=(C) 98.04(M)93,33 (Y) 6.67 (I<) .39 Silokane RGB= (R)47 (G)58 (B) 142 Valley "Spokane Valley Green:" �4 Pantone Green#347 CMYK=(C) 92.94(M)7.06 (Y)95,69 (K) 1.18 RGB=(R)0 (G) 158 (B) 80 "Spokane Valley Black:" Pantone Black Image may be reproduced in grayscale or black and white. Spokane 4000 Valley2 Avoid: t - S1Y('�ke F�J 4001 ley. 1, Reproducing the image against textured or visually active backgrounds. 2, Reproducing the logo's colors to be reversed to light color's on dark backgrounds. Space around the logo is key to creating focus.The logo must always have sufficient"room to breathe" —thereby enabling it to be the focal point on all communications. Situations may arise where surrounding the logo with generous amounts of clear space may not be feasible. When positioning the logo near text and/or Image heavy applications, always maintain — at the very least— a minimum area of protection space of 1/6 of the height of the logo size. S" `likan .000Va11ey° • Spo�an'e� ,��Valley Minimum Logo Size The logo should have a prominent, substantial presence wherever it is used. It should never compete for visual attention with adjacent graphic elements. Always scale the City of Spokane Valley logo elements together as a unit to ensure that the approved proportions and relationship between these elements is always maintained. Minimum size is 7/8" high. What to Avoid It is important to maintain branding standards when using the City of Spokane Valley logo.The following are a few examples of things to avoid when using the logo: 1. Do not stretch or squeeze the logo 2. Do not use other colors other than the one's provided in the guidelines 3. Do not use the logo as a headline or with additional copy 4. Do not angle the logo 5. Do not use different fonts 6. Do not add elements to the logo 7. Do not add special effects to the logo Exhibil B-2 [I:, \ \\,11 V . \ . (c,:11TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BRAND GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION To provide a unified front across all marketing efforts, the City of Spokane Valley logo system is designed to ultimately be utilized across multiple City departments. The logos, fonts and brand colors serve as a foundation for all departments and events that creates a strong connection for people within the city, region and the country. While individual departments will always have their own names, their association with the City of Spokane Valley brand contributes to the belief that the City is working collaboratively for the greater good, 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BRAND BLAND INSPIRATION GUIDELINES The City of Spokane Valley logo was designed to With every brand name comes a brand Image. highlight the S and the V of the City's name In a This manual provides the basics of the City of way that reinforces the community's connection Spokane Valley brand family to help maintain the to the natural landscape.The modern but brand Integrity and graphic standards for both straightforward design is highly versatile and can Internal and external use. be used both on Its own and also across multiple City departments. With proper and consistent use,brand elements such as logos and fonts help to build awareness and recognition by distinguishing the community from competitors.This is why It is so crucial that each brand element is used consistently and appropriately In all communications.The logos are intended for use on print ads,literature,broadcast applications,business papers(letterhead)and promotional materials. 3 CITY or SPOICAIIE VALLEY LOGO DESIGN This logo Is the cornerstone of the City of Spokane SPOKANE Valley brand family.While It should be used for economic dgo ht purposes,eusedits also the lead/oIY/ E primary logo that should be used as the default logo in the event that multiple departments are referenced, Consistent application of the logo according to the — following specifications Is essential.Use these approved guidelines exclusively.Always use the approved,master art for the logo—never recreate It yourself. 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LOGO STYLES USING THE LOGS ICON ALONE ' ,r,/,,, From time to time,the desire may rise to use icon ,/ elements from the logos Independently of the : �� � accompanying words.These instances should be considered extreme exceptions rather than a standard exception.The logo(the icon and identifying copy) should be viewed as a complete piece of the brand rather than individual elements. If you believe you have one of these extreme exceptions, consult with the City of Spokane Valley staff to submit your request. 5 CITY OI SIOKAUE VALLEY • USING THE LOGO WITH DEPARTMENT MODIFIERS A need may arise to add a department name or descriptor to the P 0 K A E logo.In these cases,the modifier should always be secondary to the main City of Spokane Valley logo.Examples of how this type il7A1 V A L L E Y of modifier works with the main logo are shown here. — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- SPOKANE VALLEY — COMMUNITY FORUM — 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COLOR USAGE COLOR BLACK WHITE . ;F si} aKnNESPOKANE SPOKANE �� 49 �1 �� �, �1 VALLEY A 1VALLEY 1177, VALLEY • Please note that when the color logo is used on a dark background,VALLEY Is the lighter green,but when used - black box is used for visual purposes in this document on a white background,VALLEY is the darker green when applying a logo on a solid color background 7 CITY OF SPOKANIE VALLEY COLORS PRIMARY COLORS Always use the specific primary colors for the logo elements.Each color has four different color spaces: PANTONE,CMYK,RGB and HEX.Each color space is Intended for specific printing or web applications. P47710NE 7.III9c PA111ONEs59C P17770NE334C CMYK Is most commonly used by laser and Inir-jet 4GIJl.ruI 51/Kf0 0100/M1I,20/Y1WK.o C'74/II 7/Y.100:K 10 11,98/0'159/O:GY R-0/43:119/0:1911 R.55/0-101/0.31 type printers. GGf9131 e0Gslhe 14375 511 ACCENT COLOR P.N1011E 71GC c.4 ISI.44•V:100/K:0 0:237/(1:120/G'.0 ged7000 0 CITY Or SPOKANE VALLEY • MINIMUM AREA OF PROTECTION Space around the logo is key to creating focus.The I logo must always have sufficient"room to breathe" l _ . _.__._.__......:...... --thereby enabling It to be the focal point on all SPOKANE ! communications. \\ B Situations may arise where surrounding the logo with A I L E Y i generous amounts of clear space may not be feasible. When positioning the logo near text and/or image- i.., 4...... .,. i I heavy applications,always maintain—at the very least —a minimum area of protection space.Since the size of the logo will vary,we recommend using the"S"in Spokane Vally,as shown on the right. 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY • MINIMUM LOGO SIZE The logos should have a prominent,substantial presence 110 n 12O N T A L: 1,5" wherever they are used.They should never compete for visual attention with adjacent graphic elements. KE Always scale the City of Spokane valley logo elements A VALLEY together as a unit to ensure that the approved proportions and relationship between these elements is always maintained. These examples illustrate minimum sizes so you may visualize a point of reference regarding size.While enlarging the logo is not limited to a maximum size,the logo must not drop below the minimum standard shown. 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VAL-.EY • TYPOGRAPHY LOGO FONT SPOKANE VALLEY OEBAS 11BCUEFOIIIJKLh1NOP09STUVWXYZ ROCOBCOEFONIIKLMNOPOfSTUVWXYZ These font families provide17A 0123450109-&•1f71/+(..:;) a system that can be applied to a broad typographic 4S �' D K A N E spectrum from collateral materials,newsletters and VALLEY FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEOIUM sigto web pdesign ABCDoFGHIINLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdolghliklnmopgrstuvwxyz and advertising typography, - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT— 0123466780-&0-N71/+(.,:;) SUGGESTED WEB FONTS SUGGESTED BRAND FONTS RODOTO MEDIUM FRANKLIN GO1HIC MEDIUM ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABODEFCHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a bcdefgh1JklmnapgrslusWxyx a bcdetBhlJldmnopgrstuvwxyz 0123456789-R•a711+(.,:;) 01234667&D-&'82I/+(.,:;) ROBOTO CONDENSED REGULAR FRAIIKUN GOTHIC GOOKCOND€IISED ABCBEFGHIJKLLINDPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLh1NOPQRSTUVWTYZ ahcdefghIJklmnopgrsluYwxyz abcOefgl IJklmnopgrstuawxyz 0123456700•&•97!Jr(.,:;) 0423456769-&•K7r/*t••::1 R000T0 COf1BEII$E0 BOLD FRANKLIN GOTHIC DEMI CONDENSED ADCDEFGIIIJKLMNOPIRSTUUWXYZ ACODEFOH IJNLMMNOP 0RSTUVWXYZ abcdofghlJkImnopgrstuvwxyz abAda fghllklmnopgr tovwxyz 0123456789-&r'1T1lIf.,4) 0123468789•&•1171/+(•,:i) 11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHAT TO AVOID hiks r, oKANC 2. Sp [IKA11E .� ALLEY ki„ , VALLEY it Is important to maintain branding standards $. $ p K �� t�, Ilk, `5{�1��,�� when using the City of Spokane Valley logo.The ,�® VALLEY Y Y� following are a few examples of things to avoid T Ii E BEST PLACE T O... when using the logo: 1. DON'T stretch or squeeze the logo. + iyA S P p K A F1 E 2. DON'T use any other colors other than thoseSPOKANE TC A N T? 6. VALLEY specified on page 7. VALLEY 3. DON'T use the logo as a headline or with additional copy, A. DON'T angle the logo. Arlf �• r� `'`)��n t 7• S P O K A N E , � Vf LtEY 5. DON'T change logo by using different tants. ikiA VALLEY ,._I r_i 6. DON'T add elements to the logo. 7, DON'T add special effects to the logo. — • 8. DON'T use a color block behind the white logo - - 12 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY • SPOKANtt IDENTITY PACKAGE VALLEY Business Card grA SPOKANE VALLEY Business Cards and stationery are an ideal '�"• �», format to quickly convey the City of Spokane Valley brand while providing contact details.The back of the business cards and the flap of the envelopes show an example of a logo exception by using the logo as a pattern within a dark green field.The identity package features all of the approved logo colors. alSPSAAlit VALLEY Letterhead Envelope 13 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Exhibit 13-3 CE1N11J k - ACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER LOGO USE GUIDELINES The CenterPlace Regional Event Center logo is the graphic representation of the facilities identity. It is an officially licensed trademark protected by copyright law. The logo is intended for use exclusively on City documents and property,by CenterPlace Regional Event Center employees in the course of performing their duties, or for city-sponsored events, information and activities. Use of the CenterPlace Regional Event Center logo outside the organization for events, information and activities is available only by advance approval CenterPlace Regional Event Center and is subject to certain limitations. • The CenterPlace Regional Event Center logo must not be used in connection with any election or campaign. • The logo must not be used for any purpose that is contrary to Washington State law. • The appearance of the logo must be in accordance with the CenterPlace Regional Event Center Logo Style and Standards Guide. See Spokane Valley Ordinance Requests for permission to use CenterPlace Regional Event Center logo must be submitted in writing in advance of the date needed. Written response will be provided to the requester within three(3)business days of the decision. • Please provide the following information with your request: • Name of organization/entity requesting permission. • Address,City,State,Zip. • Name and title of authorized individual making the request. • Daytime Telephone number. • Fax number and/or Email address. • Dates for which authorization is requested. • Deadline for receipt of authorization(please allow a minimum of3 business days). • A description of the event/activity for which logo usage is requested. • Attach a mockup of the intended use. (Digital artwork is available in fpg and FHI0 formats) Please submit request to: CenterPlace Regional Event Center 2426 N.Discovery Place Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Ercall:centerplace@spokanevalley.org (509)688-0300 FAX: (509) 688-0188 -,SEI T' tP LACEm 1140 REGIONAL EVENT CENTER Logo Specifications The CenterPlace logo is a registered Image for visibility, awareness and positive recognition of the City of Spokane Valley's CenterPlace Regional Event Center. It is important that these specifications are followed strlcktiy, as the quality of all reproduction and use of the logo reflects on the professional image of CenterPlace. The CenterPiace logo Is a single unit, le it is comprised of the name, the pine cone icon, and the "REGIONAL EVENT CENTER" wording. When used alone, these must not be separated/cropped out. If the full logo is present in a document, then the pine cone icon may be used alone as a textural/graphic element, with prior approval. Logo Isolation Space --- A minimum 1/4"Free Space clear CEN cE, area on all sides what would be an imaginary rectangle around the logo, must be maintained with nothing intruding. vtw ``1,rJ��i REGIONAL EVENT CENTER Color Specifications Logo works best on a lighter background On Coated Stock: Brown: Pantone 464C Dark Teal: Pantone 3435C On Uncoated Stock: Brown: Pantone 1541J Dark Teal: Pantone 349U 4 Color Process Build: Brown: C=36 M=62 Y=96 K=32 Dark Teal: C=89 M=45 Y=94 K=53 RGB Values: Brown: R=127 G=84 B=36 Dark Teal: R=5 G=67 B=36 Black & White Use Grayscale logos are provided for use in just B/W reproduction --- Logo should not be used In any single spot color, le all orange. Not Allowed Never skew, distort or slant the logo, nor change Its layout to make it more horizontal. Never substitute any colors in the logo. Never substitute any fonts in the logo, nor adjust the name or tagline relative sizes. Do not use the former, unregistered version of the logo. Never use low quality scans of the logo.