2019, 09-10 Regular MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 10210 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Pastor Isaac Hebden, The Intersection Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2020 Budget Estimates, Revenues & Expenditures — Chelsie Taylor 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Sept 10, 2019, Request for Council Action Form Total: $43,498.59 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending August 31, 2019: $518,966.59 c. Approval of Setting 2020 Budget, October 8, 2019 Public Hearing d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2019 Regular Formal Format e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019, Study Session Format NEW BUSINESS: 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, 19-012 Final Action for Condemnation — Cary Driskell [public comment] 4. First Reading Ordinance 19-013 Street Vacation 2019-0003 — Karen Kendall [no public comment — public hearing previously held] 5. Motion Consideration: Barker Rd GSP ROW Acquisition/Transfer, WSDOT Interlocal — Gloria Mantz [public comment] PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except action items above, as public comments will be taken on those action items where indicated, at the time those items are discussed. When you come to the podium, please state your name and city residence, spell your last name for the record, and limit remarks to three minutes. Council Agenda 09-10-19 Formal Format Meeting Page 1 of 2 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. 2020 State Legislative Agenda — Mark Calhoun, Cary Driskell, Briahna Murray, Josh Weiss 7. CDBG 2020 Projects — Chaz Bates, John Hohman 8. Circle M University Road License Agreement — Chad Riggs, Erik Lamb 9. Proposed Ordinance 2020 Property Taxes — Chelsie Taylor 10. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins INFORMATION ONLY (will not be reported or discussed): n/a CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Council Agenda 09-10-19 Formal Format Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing — 2020 Budget Revenues — Including Property Tax GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No formal Council action has been taken on the 2020 Budget. A proposed budget is currently under review by the City Manager who will present his Preliminary 2020 Budget to the Council on September 24, 2019. BACKGROUND: This marks the third occasion where the Council will discuss the 2020 Budget and by the time the Council is scheduled to adopt the 2020 Budget on November 12, 2019, Council will have had an opportunity to discuss it on eight separate occasions, including three public hearings to gather input from citizens: • June 11 Council Budget Workshop • August 20 • September 10 • September 24 • October 8 • October 22 • November 12 • November 12 Admin report: Estimated 2020 revenues and expenditures Public hearing #1 on 2020 revenues and expenditures City Manager's presentation of preliminary 2020 Budget Public hearing #2 on 2020 Budget First reading on ordinance adopting the 2020 Budget Public hearing #3 on 2020 Budget Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2020 Budget State law requires that the City hold a public hearing on revenue sources for the upcoming year's budget in order to consider input from the public. An administrative report was presented to Council on this topic on August 20th and the public hearing is set for this evening. Until City Council adoption all figures currently included in the 2020 Budget worksheets are preliminary and subject to change by the City Manager. 2020 Budget Overview: • The 2020 Budget currently includes appropriations of $89,998,731 including $28,594,710 in capital expenditures, comprised in -part of: o $8,315,195 in Fund #303 Street Capital Projects. o $1,510,000 in Fund #309 Park Capital Projects. o $4,267,523 in Fund #311 Pavement Preservation including $982,023 financed by the General Fund. o $13,037,792 in Fund #314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects. o $1,000,000 in Stormwater Management Fund #402 and Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403 projects. • To partially offset the $28,594,710 in capital costs we anticipate $19,897,385 in grant revenues which results in 69.58% of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. • Budgets will be adopted across 24 separate funds. 1 The full time equivalent employee (FTE) count will increase by 1.50 from 93.75 in 2019 to 95.25 in 2020. This includes the addition of a second Code Enforcement Officer in the Community and Public Works Building Division, which necessitates increasing the part-time 0.5 FTE Attorney position to fulltime due to increased workload. Pertaining Specifically to the General Fund: • The 2020 recurring revenue estimate of $48,181,800 is $2,684,400 or 5.90% greater than the 2019 budget of $45,497,400. • The 2020 recurring expenditure proposal of $43,221,986 is $1,260,515 or 3.00% greater than the 2019 amended appropriation of $41,961,471. • Budgeted recurring revenues currently exceed recurring expenditures by $4,959,814 or 10.29% of recurring revenues. • Nonrecurring revenues total $70,000 for a potential nonrecurring grant to partially fund the crisis co -response team included in Public Safety expenditures. • Nonrecurring expenditures total $1,758,200 and include: o $190,000 for Information Technology expenditures including: ■ $20,000 to replace outdated copiers ■ $70,000 to upgrade storage devices at City Hall ■ $100,000 for replace and upgrade the video security system at CenterPlace o $15,000 for carpet replacement at the police precinct o $13,700 for furniture and equipment for the additional code enforcement officer o $9,500 for carpet replacement at CenterPlace o $1,500,000 transfer out to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 to complete improvements to the CenterPlace west lawn o $30,000 transfer out to the Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #501 to acquire a new vehicle for the additional code enforcement officer • The total of 2020 recurring and nonrecurring revenues exceeds total expenditures by $3,271,614. • The projected ending fund balance for the General Fund at the end of 2020 is currently $34,191,468 or 79.11% of recurring expenditures. Crisis Co -Response Team Funding: • The cost of implementing the crisis co -response team would be approximately $100,000 to pay for the payroll costs of a behavioral health specialist. This is currently included in the 2020 Budget worksheets within recurring Public Safety expenditures in the General Fund #001. • The recurring expenditures could potentially be partially offset by nonrecurring Trueblood grant money for a limited time, which is included in the General Fund #001 as a nonrecurring revenue. • If we are successful in obtaining grant money for a team we might consider using a portion of the $100,000 for mental health and/or homelessness efforts including contracts for transportation and outreach teams to engage with the homeless in Spokane Valley. 2 Other Funds: 2020 Budget appropriations (expenditures) in the other funds total $45,018,545 as follows: Fund Number Fund Name 2020 Appropriation 101 Street Fund 103 Paths and Trails Fund 104 Hotel / Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund 105 Hotel / Motel Tax Fund 106 Solid Waste Fund 107 PEG Fund 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund 122 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 204 Debt Service Fund 301 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 302 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 311 Pavement Preservation Fund 312 Capital Reserve Fund 313 City Hall Construction Fund 314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund 402 Stormwater Management Fund 403 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 501 Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund 502 Risk Management Fund 5,160, 906 0 0 825,000 1,737,000 85,000 0 0 500,000 1,021,700 1,991,203 1,257,331 8,315,195 1,510,000 0 4,267,523 1,550,910 0 13, 037, 792 2,563,985 500,000 285,000 410,000 45, 018, 545 Primary sources of revenues in these other funds include: • Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the Street Fund is anticipated to be $2,046,700. • Telephone Tax revenues remitted to the City that supports Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $1,521,000. • Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenues that are in large part used to match grant financed street projects are anticipated to total $2,000,000. • Hotel / Motel Tax revenues that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $1,070,000 ($650,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105 and $420,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax — Tourism Facilities Fund #104). • Stormwater Management Fees that are estimated at $1,900,000. • Aquifer Protection Area Fees are estimated at $460,000. Funding Challenges: • Declining revenues in the Street O&M Fund #101 that will impact our ability to deliver historic levels of service. Fund #101 is dependent upon motor vehicle fuel tax revenues and telephone utility tax revenues. o Motor vehicle fuel taxes have increased slightly due to recent State legislation; however, they are generally flat or declining in recent years due to improvements in vehicle fuel mileage. 3 o Telephone utility taxes have been declining at an average of 5.37% per year from 2009 through 2018. We believe the decline is primarily due to the elimination of land lines by individual households. The revenues from this tax reached a high of $3.1 million in 2009 (the year the tax was implemented) and is currently estimated to generate $1.5 million in 2020. o At the August 20, 2019 Council meeting, Council requested that Staff prepare a 2020 Street O&M Fund Budget that continues to deliver historic levels of services despite the fact that telephone utility tax revenues have continued to decline. At that time Council was aware that recurring revenues were substantially exceeded by recurring expenditures and asked Staff to prepare a budget that resolves this funding imbalance with a one-time transfer during 2020 of Capital Reserve Fund #312 money. The necessary transfer is $1,364,706 and this is reflected in both Fund numbers 101 and 312. • Balancing the cost of pavement preservation against other transportation and infrastructure needs. o Pavement Preservation Fund #311 is relying more heavily on REET revenues due to an elimination of the contribution from the Street Fund #101 related to declining revenues and an elimination of contributions from the Civic Facility Replacement Fund #123. The fund balance in Fund #123 was entirely depleted at the end of 2016, and the fund was closed during 2017. o Reliance on REET revenues to fund pavement preservation in Fund #311 limits the City's ability to provide match funding for State and Federal grants received for other street projects. o Railroad grade separation projects (overpasses and underpasses) are exceptionally expensive endeavors and are largely beyond the City's ability to finance through existing sources of revenue. The City has secured funding for the Barker Rd. Grade Separation project; however, funding is still needed for other grade separation projects within the City. OPTIONS: State law requires a public hearing on 2020 estimated revenues and expenditures. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: As the purpose of the public hearing is to gather input from the public in regard to the 2020 Budget, no action is requested at this time. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Given that the budget is not scheduled to be adopted by the Council until November 12, 2019, it is possible the figures may be modified as we refine estimates of revenues and expenditures. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: • Power Point presentation. • Assorted 2020 Budget information: o Pages 1-12 Budget summary information with detail by fund. o Page 13-14 General Fund budget change from June 11 to September 10. o Page 15-16 General Fund revenue and expenditure line -item changes. o Page 17-19 General Fund department changes from 2019 to 2020. o Page 20 Full-time equivalent employees (FTEs). 4 City of Spokane Valley 2020 Budget Discussion Public Hearing #1 2020 Estimated Revenues and Expenditures September 10, 2019 9/5/2019 1 2020 Budget Summary All Funds Total appropriations across all City Funds of $90 million including: $45 million in the General Fund which is comprised of $43.2 million recurring and $1.8 million nonrecurring. $45 million spread across 23 additional funds. $28.6 million in capital expenditures. 9/5/2019 2 2019 Budget Summary All Funds FTE count proposed to be 95.25 employees in 2020. This is an increase of 1.5 FTEs for an additional Code Enforcement Officer and the increase of the part-time 0.5 FTE Attorney position to full-time. 9/5/2019 3 General Fund REVENUES: Total recurring 2020 revenues of $48,181,800 as compared to $45,497,400 in 2019 for an increase of $2,684,400 or 5.90%. All revenue estimates are based upon a combination of historical collections and future projections with some increasing and others decreasing. 2 largest sources are Sales Tax and Property Tax which are collectively estimated to account for $40,180,200 or 83.39% of 2020 General Fund recurring revenues. 9/5/2019 4 General Fund General sales tax collections are estimated at $24,632,900, an increase of $1,715,900 or 7.49% over the 2019 Budget. Property Tax levy is not proposed to include the 1% increase authorized by State law. 2020 Levy is estimated at $12,332,400 Levy assumes we start with the 2019 levy of $12,182,436 + estimated new construction of $150,000 9/5/2019 5 General Fund Nonrecurring revenues include $70,000 for a potential nonrecurring grant to partially fund the crisis co - response team included in Public Safety expenditures. 9/5/2019 6 General Fund EXPENDITURES: 2020 recurring expenditure proposal of $43,221 , 986 as compared to $41,961,471 in 2019 for an increase of $1,260,515 or 3.00%. Recurring revenues currently exceed recurring expenditures by $4,959,814 or 10.29% of recurring revenues. 9/5/2019 7 General Fund Nonrecurring expenditures total $1,758,200 and include: $190,000 of IT related capital replacements $15,000 for carpet replacement at the police precinct $13,700 for furniture and equipment for the additional code enforcement officer $9,500 for carpet replacement at CenterPlace $1,500,000 transfer out to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 to complete improvements to the CenterPlace west lawn $30,000 transfer out to the Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #501 to acquire a new vehicle for the additional code enforcement officer 9/5/2019 8 General Fund The total of 2020 recurring and nonrecurring revenues exceeds total expenditures by $3,271,614. Projected fund balance at the end of 2020 is currently $34,191,468 or 79.11% of recurring expenditures. 9/5/2019 9 General Fund —Crisis Co -Response Team Cost to implement the crisis co -response team would be approximately $100,000. This cost is currently included in the 2020 Budget as a recurring Public Safety expenditure. 9/5/2019 10 General Fund —Crisis Co -Response Team The recurring expenditures could potentially be offset by nonrecurring Trueblood grant money for a limited time, which is included as a nonrecurring revenue. If we are successful in obtaining grant money for a team we might consider using a portion of the $100,000 for mental health and/or homelessness efforts including contracts for transportation and outreach teams to engage with the homeless in Spokane Valley. 9/5/2019 11 Other Funds Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the Street Fund is anticipated to be $2,046,700 Telephone Taxes that are remitted to the City and support Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $1,521,000 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenues that are in large part used to match grant financed street projects are anticipated to total $2,000,000 9/5/2019 12 Other Funds Hotel/Motel Tax revenues that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $1,070,000 Stormwater Management Fees of $1,900,000 Aquifer Protection Area fees of $460,000 Grant Revenues of $19,897,385: Fund #001 — General Fund - $70,000 Fund #303 — Street Capital Projects - $6,596,718 ■ Fund #309 — Parks Capital Projects - $2,500 Fund #311 — Pavement Preservation - $10,588 Fund #314 — RR Grade Separation Projects - $12,808,751 ■ Fund #402 — Stormwater Fund - $59,828 9/5/2019 Fund #403 — Aquifer Protection Area Fund - $349,000 13 Other Funds —Challenges Declining revenues in the Street O&M Fund #101 that will impact our ability to deliver historic levels of service. Telephone utility tax revenues continue to decrease. 2020 Budget reflects a one-time transfer of $1,364,706 from Capital Reserve Fund #312 to balance revenues and expenses in Fund #101 Balancing the cost of pavement preservation against other transportation and infrastructure needs. Use of REET for pavement preservation limits availability of funds for grant matching. Railroad grade separation projects 9/5/2019 14 Future Council Budget Discussions Sept. 24 — City Manager presentation of Preliminary 2020 Budget Oct. 8 — Public hearing #2 on 2020 Budget Oct. 22 — First reading of ordinance adopting 2020 Budget. Nov. 12 — Public hearing #3 and second reading of ordinance adopting 2020 Budget. 9/5/2019 15 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget I#001 -GENERAL FUND (RECURRING ACTIVITY 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 Revenues Property Tax 12,054,400 0 0 0 12,054,400 12,332,400 278,000 2.31% Sales Tax 22,917,000 0 0 0 22,917,000 24,632,900 1,715,900 7.49% Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,081,900 0 0 0 1,081,900 1,162,600 80,700 7.46% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 1,944,000 0 0 0 1,944,000 2,052,300 108,300 5.57% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 387,000 0 0 0 387,000 384,000 (3,000) (0.78%) Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,224,000 0 0 0 1,224,000 1,220,000 (4,000) (0.33%) State Shared Revenues 1,909,800 0 0 0 1,909,800 1,688,200 (221,600) (11.60%) Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 1,078,500 0 0 0 1,078,500 1,077,700 (800) (0.07%) Community and Public Works 1,882,300 0 0 0 1,882,300 2,129,800 247,500 13.15% Recreation Program Revenues 628,800 0 0 0 628,800 659,200 30,400 4.83% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 1,000 500 0 0 1,500 21,000 19,500 1300.00% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 358,200 0 0 0 358,200 791,700 433,500 121.02% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax -CP advertising) 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 45,496,900 500 0 0 45,497,400 48,181,800 2,684,400 5.90% Expenditures City Council 545,903 66,456 0 10,102 622,461 622,187 (274) (0.04%) City Manager 948,835 15,692 0 0 964,527 997,882 33,355 3.46% City Attorney 610,549 8,207 0 30,000 648,756 707,942 59,186 9.12% Public Safety 25,927,304 184 0 0 25,927,488 26,599,214 671,726 2.59% Deputy City Manager 267,044 4,000 0 0 271,044 277,187 6,143 2.27% Finance / IT 1,402,497 25,203 0 0 1,427,700 1,478,523 50,823 3.56% Human Resources 297,421 8,422 0 0 305,843 313,316 7,473 2.44% City Hall Operations and Maintenance 290,543 1,351 0 0 291,894 296,270 4,376 1.50% Community & Public Works - Engineering 1,816,141 25,476 0 0 1,841,617 1,971,731 130,114 7.07% Community & Public Works - Economic Dev 1,018,772 11,965 0 0 1,030,737 1,119,829 89,092 8.64% Community & Public Works - Building & Planninc 2,248,698 32,776 0 0 2,281,474 2,420,414 138,940 6.09% Parks & Rec -Administration 335,958 4,162 0 0 340,120 352,227 12,107 3.56% Parks & Rec - Maintenance 893,500 0 0 0 893,500 917,500 24,000 2.69% Parks & Rec - Recreation 253,622 1,196 0 0 254,818 325,921 71,103 27.90% Parks & Rec - Aquatics 491,153 0 0 0 491,153 501,853 10,700 2.18% Parks & Rec - Senior Center 101,215 1,692 0 0 102,907 43,447 (59,460) (57.78%) Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 949,414 6,918 0 0 956,332 965,359 9,027 0.94% General Government 1,332,650 16,300 0 0 1,348,950 1,321,111 (27,839) (2.06%) Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 401,250 0 0 0 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects) 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 160,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 972,300 0 0 0 972,300 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers out - #501 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 0 0 0 36,600 36,600 0 0.00% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Total Recurring Expenditures 41,691,369 230,000 0 40,102 41,961,471 43,221,986 1,260,515 3.00% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 3,805,531 (229,500) 0 (40,102) 3,535,929 4,959,814 Page 1 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended I#001 -GENERAL FUND (RECURRING ACTIVITY 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 Revenues Property Tax 12,054,400 0 0 0 12,054,400 12,332,400 278,000 2.31% Sales Tax 22,917,000 0 0 0 22,917,000 24,632,900 1,715,900 7.49% Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,081,900 0 0 0 1,081,900 1,162,600 80,700 7.46% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 1,944,000 0 0 0 1,944,000 2,052,300 108,300 5.57% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 387,000 0 0 0 387,000 384,000 (3,000) (0.78%) Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,224,000 0 0 0 1,224,000 1,220,000 (4,000) (0.33%) State Shared Revenues 1,909,800 0 0 0 1,909,800 1,688,200 (221,600) (11.60%) Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 1,078,500 0 0 0 1,078,500 1,077,700 (800) (0.07%) Community and Public Works 1,882,300 0 0 0 1,882,300 2,129,800 247,500 13.15% Recreation Program Revenues 628,800 0 0 0 628,800 659,200 30,400 4.83% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 1,000 500 0 0 1,500 21,000 19,500 1300.00% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 358,200 0 0 0 358,200 791,700 433,500 121.02% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax -CP advertising) 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 45,496,900 500 0 0 45,497,400 48,181,800 2,684,400 5.90% Expenditures City Council 545,903 66,456 0 10,102 622,461 622,187 (274) (0.04%) City Manager 948,835 15,692 0 0 964,527 997,882 33,355 3.46% City Attorney 610,549 8,207 0 30,000 648,756 707,942 59,186 9.12% Public Safety 25,927,304 184 0 0 25,927,488 26,599,214 671,726 2.59% Deputy City Manager 267,044 4,000 0 0 271,044 277,187 6,143 2.27% Finance / IT 1,402,497 25,203 0 0 1,427,700 1,478,523 50,823 3.56% Human Resources 297,421 8,422 0 0 305,843 313,316 7,473 2.44% City Hall Operations and Maintenance 290,543 1,351 0 0 291,894 296,270 4,376 1.50% Community & Public Works - Engineering 1,816,141 25,476 0 0 1,841,617 1,971,731 130,114 7.07% Community & Public Works - Economic Dev 1,018,772 11,965 0 0 1,030,737 1,119,829 89,092 8.64% Community & Public Works - Building & Planninc 2,248,698 32,776 0 0 2,281,474 2,420,414 138,940 6.09% Parks & Rec -Administration 335,958 4,162 0 0 340,120 352,227 12,107 3.56% Parks & Rec - Maintenance 893,500 0 0 0 893,500 917,500 24,000 2.69% Parks & Rec - Recreation 253,622 1,196 0 0 254,818 325,921 71,103 27.90% Parks & Rec - Aquatics 491,153 0 0 0 491,153 501,853 10,700 2.18% Parks & Rec - Senior Center 101,215 1,692 0 0 102,907 43,447 (59,460) (57.78%) Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 949,414 6,918 0 0 956,332 965,359 9,027 0.94% General Government 1,332,650 16,300 0 0 1,348,950 1,321,111 (27,839) (2.06%) Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 401,250 0 0 0 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects) 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 160,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 972,300 0 0 0 972,300 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers out - #501 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 0 0 0 36,600 36,600 0 0.00% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Total Recurring Expenditures 41,691,369 230,000 0 40,102 41,961,471 43,221,986 1,260,515 3.00% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 3,805,531 (229,500) 0 (40,102) 3,535,929 4,959,814 Page 1 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx I#001 - GENERAL FUND - continued (NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #106 (solid waste repayment) Grant Proceeds Miscellaneous CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 40,422 0 0 0 40,422 0 (40,422) (100.00%) 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 70,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 40,422 0 0 0 40,422 70,000 29,578 73.17% Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements 107,000 0 0 0 107,000 190,000 83,000 77.57% Public Safety (full facility generator) 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 0 (200,000) (100.00%) Public Safety (carpet & workstation replacement) 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 15,000 (35,000) (70.00%) Economic Development (retail recruitment) 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0 (25,000) (100.00%) Building (equipment for new Code Enf.Officer) 0 0 0 0 0 13,700 13,700 0.00% Parks & Rec (carpet atCenterPlace) 0 0 0 0 0 9,500 9,500 0.00% General Government (City Hall generator) 0 0 203,000 0 203,000 0 (203,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #122 (replenish reserve) 0 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park restroom) 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 0 (160,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park other) 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 (1,000,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (CenterPlace west lawn) 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 200.00% Transfers out - #312 ('17 fund bal > 50%) 0 7,109,300 0 0 7,109,300 0 (7,109,300) (100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (new Code Enf. Vehicle) 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 1,342,000 7,229,300 403,000 500,000 9,474,300 1,758,200 (7,716,100) (81.44%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning unrestricted fund balance 36,817,803 Ending unrestricted fund balance 39,321,756 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures (1,301,578) (7,229,300) (403,000) (500,000) (9,433,878) (1,688,200) 2,503,953 (7,458,800) (403,000) (540,102) (5,897,949) 3,271,614 94.32%1 Page 2 of 20 36,817,803 30,919,854 30,919,854 34,191,468 73.69%1 79.11%1 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 40,422 0 0 0 40,422 0 (40,422) (100.00%) 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 70,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 40,422 0 0 0 40,422 70,000 29,578 73.17% Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements 107,000 0 0 0 107,000 190,000 83,000 77.57% Public Safety (full facility generator) 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 0 (200,000) (100.00%) Public Safety (carpet & workstation replacement) 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 15,000 (35,000) (70.00%) Economic Development (retail recruitment) 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0 (25,000) (100.00%) Building (equipment for new Code Enf.Officer) 0 0 0 0 0 13,700 13,700 0.00% Parks & Rec (carpet atCenterPlace) 0 0 0 0 0 9,500 9,500 0.00% General Government (City Hall generator) 0 0 203,000 0 203,000 0 (203,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #122 (replenish reserve) 0 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park restroom) 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 0 (160,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park other) 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 (1,000,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (CenterPlace west lawn) 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 200.00% Transfers out - #312 ('17 fund bal > 50%) 0 7,109,300 0 0 7,109,300 0 (7,109,300) (100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (new Code Enf. Vehicle) 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 1,342,000 7,229,300 403,000 500,000 9,474,300 1,758,200 (7,716,100) (81.44%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning unrestricted fund balance 36,817,803 Ending unrestricted fund balance 39,321,756 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures (1,301,578) (7,229,300) (403,000) (500,000) (9,433,878) (1,688,200) 2,503,953 (7,458,800) (403,000) (540,102) (5,897,949) 3,271,614 94.32%1 Page 2 of 20 36,817,803 30,919,854 30,919,854 34,191,468 73.69%1 79.11%1 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 -STREET FUND (RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Multimodal Transportation Revenue Right -of -Way Maintenance Fee Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total Recurring Revenues Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes Supplies Services & Charges Snow Operations Intergovernmental Payments Vehicle rentals - #501 (non -plow vehicle rental) Vehicle rentals - #501 (plow replace.) Total Recurring Expenditures Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #122 Transfers in - #312 Total Nonrecurring Revenues Expenditures Spare traffic signal equipment Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #103 - PATHS & TRAILS FUND Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Transfers out Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget 1,700,000 2,092,300 132,200 70,000 6,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 O (100,000) O (61,400) O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 1,600,000 2,030,900 132,200 70,000 6,000 10,000 4,010,500 0 2020 Proposed Budget 1,521,000 2,046,700 131,500 70,000 17,000 10,000 O (161,400) 3,849,100 3,796,200 1,044,547 113,300 2,308,818 497,200 855,000 21,250 77,929 13,197 0 18,156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 1,057,744 O 113,300 O 2,326,974 O 497,200 O 855,000 O 21,250 O 77,929 4,918,044 31,353 0 O 4,949,397 1,059,613 146,050 2,426,467 543,776 922,000 14,500 48,500 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 (79,000) 15,800 (700) 0 11,000 0 (4.94%) 0.78% (0.53%) 0.00% 183.33% 0.00% (52,900) (1.37%) 1,869 32,750 99,493 46,576 67,000 (6,750) (29,429) 0.18% 28.91% 4.28% 9.37% 7.84% (31.76%) (37.76%) 5,160,906 211,509 (907,544) (31,353) 0 (161,400) (1,100,297) (1,364,706) O 120,000 907,544 0 0 0 O 120,000 O 907,544 907,544 120,000 0 O 1,027,544 0 O 68,000 O 68,000 0 O 68,000 O 68,000 907,544 120,000 (68,000) 4.27% O (120,000) (100.00%) 1,364,706 1,364,706 457,162 50.37% 337,162 32.81% O (68,000) (100.00%) 0 O 959,544 1,364,706 O 88,647 (68,000) (161,400) (140,753) 784,972 784,972 8,800 400 0 0 0 0 784,972 644,219 O 8,800 O 400 9,200 0 0 O 9,200 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 9,200 5,417 14,617 Page 3 of 20 9,200 5,417 14,617 0 644,219 644,219 8,600 400 9,000 0 0 9,000 14,617 23,617 (68,000) (100.00%) (200) (2.27%) O 0.00% (200) (2.17%) O 0.00% O 0.00% 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended 1,700,000 2,092,300 132,200 70,000 6,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 O (100,000) O (61,400) O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 1,600,000 2,030,900 132,200 70,000 6,000 10,000 4,010,500 0 2020 Proposed Budget 1,521,000 2,046,700 131,500 70,000 17,000 10,000 O (161,400) 3,849,100 3,796,200 1,044,547 113,300 2,308,818 497,200 855,000 21,250 77,929 13,197 0 18,156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 1,057,744 O 113,300 O 2,326,974 O 497,200 O 855,000 O 21,250 O 77,929 4,918,044 31,353 0 O 4,949,397 1,059,613 146,050 2,426,467 543,776 922,000 14,500 48,500 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 (79,000) 15,800 (700) 0 11,000 0 (4.94%) 0.78% (0.53%) 0.00% 183.33% 0.00% (52,900) (1.37%) 1,869 32,750 99,493 46,576 67,000 (6,750) (29,429) 0.18% 28.91% 4.28% 9.37% 7.84% (31.76%) (37.76%) 5,160,906 211,509 (907,544) (31,353) 0 (161,400) (1,100,297) (1,364,706) O 120,000 907,544 0 0 0 O 120,000 O 907,544 907,544 120,000 0 O 1,027,544 0 O 68,000 O 68,000 0 O 68,000 O 68,000 907,544 120,000 (68,000) 4.27% O (120,000) (100.00%) 1,364,706 1,364,706 457,162 50.37% 337,162 32.81% O (68,000) (100.00%) 0 O 959,544 1,364,706 O 88,647 (68,000) (161,400) (140,753) 784,972 784,972 8,800 400 0 0 0 0 784,972 644,219 O 8,800 O 400 9,200 0 0 O 9,200 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 9,200 5,417 14,617 Page 3 of 20 9,200 5,417 14,617 0 644,219 644,219 8,600 400 9,000 0 0 9,000 14,617 23,617 (68,000) (100.00%) (200) (2.27%) O 0.00% (200) (2.17%) O 0.00% O 0.00% P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #104 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX - TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest Transfers in - #105 Total revenues Expenditures Capital Outlay Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest 390,000 0 7,000 0 O 275,000 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 390,000 420,000 30,000 7.69% O 7,000 24,000 17,000 242.86% O 275,000 0 (275,000) (100.00%) 397,000 275,000 0 O 672,000 444,000 (228,000) (33.93%) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 397,000 1,918,072 2,315,072 672,000 444,000 1,918,072 2,590,072 2,590,072 3,034,072 600,000 0 0 0 600,000 650,000 50,000 8.33% 2,000 0 0 0 2,000 6,000 4,000 200.00% Total revenues 602,000 0 0 0 602,000 656,000 54,000 8.97% Expenditures Transfers out - #001 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #104 0 275,000 0 0 275,000 0 (275,000) (100.00%) Tourism Promotion 625,000 (275,000) 0 (108,000) 242,000 795,000 553,000 228.51% Total expenditures 655,000 0 0 (108,000) 547,000 825,000 278,000 50.82% Revenues over (under) expenditures (53,000) 55,000 (169,000) Beginning fund balance 277,929 277,929 332,929 Ending fund balance 224,929 332,929 163,929 #106 - SOLID WASTE FUND Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fee 225,000 0 0 0 225,000 225,000 0 0.00% Solid Waste Road Wear Fee 1,500,000 0 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 0.00% Investment Interest 1,300 0 0 0 1,300 12,000 10,700 823.08% Total revenues 1,726,300 0 0 0 1,726,300 1,737,000 10,700 0.62% Expenditures Education/Contract Admin 185,878 0 0 0 185,878 237,000 51,122 27.50% Transfers out - #001 40,422 0 0 0 40,422 0 (40,422) (100.00%) Transfers out - #311 1,500,000 0 0 108,028 1,608,028 1,500,000 (108,028) (6.72%) Total expenditures 1,726,300 0 0 108,028 1,834,328 1,737,000 (97,328) (5.31%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (108,028) 0 Beginning fund balance 431,359 431,359 323,331 Ending fund balance 431,359 323,331 323,331 #107 - PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG contribution Investment Interest 76,000 0 0 0 76,000 79,000 3,000 3.95% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 76,000 0 0 0 76,000 79,000 3,000 3.95% Expenditures PEG Reimbursement - CMTV 40,100 0 0 0 40,100 39,500 (600) (1.50%) Capital Outlay 31,000 0 0 0 31,000 45,500 14,500 46.77% Total expenditures 71,100 0 0 0 71,100 85,000 13,900 19.55% Revenues over (under) expenditures 4,900 4,900 (6,000) Beginning fund balance 84,831 84,831 89,731 Ending fund balance 89,731 89,731 83,731 Page 4 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #104 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX - TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest Transfers in - #105 Total revenues Expenditures Capital Outlay Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest 390,000 0 7,000 0 O 275,000 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 390,000 420,000 30,000 7.69% O 7,000 24,000 17,000 242.86% O 275,000 0 (275,000) (100.00%) 397,000 275,000 0 O 672,000 444,000 (228,000) (33.93%) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 397,000 1,918,072 2,315,072 672,000 444,000 1,918,072 2,590,072 2,590,072 3,034,072 600,000 0 0 0 600,000 650,000 50,000 8.33% 2,000 0 0 0 2,000 6,000 4,000 200.00% Total revenues 602,000 0 0 0 602,000 656,000 54,000 8.97% Expenditures Transfers out - #001 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #104 0 275,000 0 0 275,000 0 (275,000) (100.00%) Tourism Promotion 625,000 (275,000) 0 (108,000) 242,000 795,000 553,000 228.51% Total expenditures 655,000 0 0 (108,000) 547,000 825,000 278,000 50.82% Revenues over (under) expenditures (53,000) 55,000 (169,000) Beginning fund balance 277,929 277,929 332,929 Ending fund balance 224,929 332,929 163,929 #106 - SOLID WASTE FUND Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fee 225,000 0 0 0 225,000 225,000 0 0.00% Solid Waste Road Wear Fee 1,500,000 0 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 0.00% Investment Interest 1,300 0 0 0 1,300 12,000 10,700 823.08% Total revenues 1,726,300 0 0 0 1,726,300 1,737,000 10,700 0.62% Expenditures Education/Contract Admin 185,878 0 0 0 185,878 237,000 51,122 27.50% Transfers out - #001 40,422 0 0 0 40,422 0 (40,422) (100.00%) Transfers out - #311 1,500,000 0 0 108,028 1,608,028 1,500,000 (108,028) (6.72%) Total expenditures 1,726,300 0 0 108,028 1,834,328 1,737,000 (97,328) (5.31%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (108,028) 0 Beginning fund balance 431,359 431,359 323,331 Ending fund balance 431,359 323,331 323,331 #107 - PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG contribution Investment Interest 76,000 0 0 0 76,000 79,000 3,000 3.95% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 76,000 0 0 0 76,000 79,000 3,000 3.95% Expenditures PEG Reimbursement - CMTV 40,100 0 0 0 40,100 39,500 (600) (1.50%) Capital Outlay 31,000 0 0 0 31,000 45,500 14,500 46.77% Total expenditures 71,100 0 0 0 71,100 85,000 13,900 19.55% Revenues over (under) expenditures 4,900 4,900 (6,000) Beginning fund balance 84,831 84,831 89,731 Ending fund balance 89,731 89,731 83,731 Page 4 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures Operations Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 0 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 $ 1 % 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 300,000 300,000 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 O 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 Ending fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 5,400 400 8.00% Transfers in - #001 0 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Total revenues 5,000 120,000 0 0 125,000 5,400 (119,600) (95.68%) Expenditures Street maintenance expenditures 500,000 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #101 0 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Total expenditures 500,000 120,000 0 0 620,000 500,000 (120,000) (19.35%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (495,000) (495,000) (494,600) Beginning fund balance 503,070 503,070 508,070 Ending fund balance 8,070 8,070 13,470 Page 5 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures Operations Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 0 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 $ 1 % 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 300,000 300,000 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 O 0 0 0 0 0.00% O 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 Ending fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 5,400 400 8.00% Transfers in - #001 0 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Total revenues 5,000 120,000 0 0 125,000 5,400 (119,600) (95.68%) Expenditures Street maintenance expenditures 500,000 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #101 0 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Total expenditures 500,000 120,000 0 0 620,000 500,000 (120,000) (19.35%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (495,000) (495,000) (494,600) Beginning fund balance 503,070 503,070 508,070 Ending fund balance 8,070 8,070 13,470 Page 5 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget IDEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - LTGO BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District 432,150 0 Transfers in - #001 401,250 0 Transfers in - #301 82,475 0 Transfers in - #302 82,475 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 432,150 459,500 27,350 6.33% O 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% O 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) O 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) Total revenues 998,350 0 0 0 998,350 1,021,700 23,350 2.34% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace 432,150 0 0 0 432,150 459,500 27,350 6.33% Debt Service Payments - Roads 164,950 0 0 0 164,950 160,750 (4,200) (2.55%) Debt Service Payments - City Hall 401,250 0 0 0 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% Total expenditures 998,350 0 0 0 998,350 1,021,700 23,350 2.34% Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 0 0 0 Page 6 of 20 O 0 O 0 O 0 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended IDEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - LTGO BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District 432,150 0 Transfers in - #001 401,250 0 Transfers in - #301 82,475 0 Transfers in - #302 82,475 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 432,150 459,500 27,350 6.33% O 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% O 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) O 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) Total revenues 998,350 0 0 0 998,350 1,021,700 23,350 2.34% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace 432,150 0 0 0 432,150 459,500 27,350 6.33% Debt Service Payments - Roads 164,950 0 0 0 164,950 160,750 (4,200) (2.55%) Debt Service Payments - City Hall 401,250 0 0 0 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% Total expenditures 998,350 0 0 0 998,350 1,021,700 23,350 2.34% Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 0 0 0 Page 6 of 20 O 0 O 0 O 0 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 - REET 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes 1,000,000 0 Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 0 400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 (400,000) (28.57%) 22,000 0 0 0 22,000 35,000 13,000 59.09% 1,022,000 0 0 400,000 1,422,000 1,035,000 (387,000) (27.22%) Transfers out - #204 82,475 0 0 0 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) Transfersout-#303 504,172 0 0 (28,436) 475,736 1,089,148 613,412 128.94% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,639 38,339 5.22% Transfers out - #314 (Barker Grade Separation) 50,000 0 0 401,053 451,053 49,041 (402,012) (89.13%) Total expenditures 1,370,947 0 0 372,617 1,743,564 1,991,203 247,639 14.20% Revenues over (under) expenditures (348,947) (321,564) (956,203) Beginning fund balance 2,480,268 2,480,268 2,158,704 Ending fund balance 2,131,321 2,158,704 1,202,501 #302 - REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes 1,000,000 0 0 400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 (400,000) (28.57%) Investment Interest 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 35,000 10,000 40.00% Total revenues 1,025,000 0 0 400,000 1,425,000 1,035,000 (390,000) (27.37%) Expenditures Transfers out - #204 82,475 0 0 0 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) Transfers out - #303 167,434 0 0 188,153 355,587 404,318 48,731 13.70% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,638 38,338 5.22% Total expenditures 984,209 0 0 188,153 1,172,362 1,257,331 84,969 7.25% Revenues over (under) expenditures 40,791 252,638 (222,331) Beginning fund balance 3,240,220 3,240,220 3,492,858 Ending fund balance 3,281,011 3,492,858 3,270,527 Page 7 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 - REET 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes 1,000,000 0 Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 0 400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 (400,000) (28.57%) 22,000 0 0 0 22,000 35,000 13,000 59.09% 1,022,000 0 0 400,000 1,422,000 1,035,000 (387,000) (27.22%) Transfers out - #204 82,475 0 0 0 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) Transfersout-#303 504,172 0 0 (28,436) 475,736 1,089,148 613,412 128.94% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,639 38,339 5.22% Transfers out - #314 (Barker Grade Separation) 50,000 0 0 401,053 451,053 49,041 (402,012) (89.13%) Total expenditures 1,370,947 0 0 372,617 1,743,564 1,991,203 247,639 14.20% Revenues over (under) expenditures (348,947) (321,564) (956,203) Beginning fund balance 2,480,268 2,480,268 2,158,704 Ending fund balance 2,131,321 2,158,704 1,202,501 #302 - REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes 1,000,000 0 0 400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 (400,000) (28.57%) Investment Interest 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 35,000 10,000 40.00% Total revenues 1,025,000 0 0 400,000 1,425,000 1,035,000 (390,000) (27.37%) Expenditures Transfers out - #204 82,475 0 0 0 82,475 80,375 (2,100) (2.55%) Transfers out - #303 167,434 0 0 188,153 355,587 404,318 48,731 13.70% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,638 38,338 5.22% Total expenditures 984,209 0 0 188,153 1,172,362 1,257,331 84,969 7.25% Revenues over (under) expenditures 40,791 252,638 (222,331) Beginning fund balance 3,240,220 3,240,220 3,492,858 Ending fund balance 3,281,011 3,492,858 3,270,527 Page 7 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #303 - STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 4,408,681 675,600 Developer 35,700 1,500,000 Transfers in -#301 504,172 0 Transfers in - #302 167,434 0 Transfers in - #312 - Euclid Ave - Flora to Barker 5,000 0 Transfers in - #312 - 8th & Camahan Intersection 45,000 0 Transfers in - #312 - BarkerCorndor 267,000 2,767,400 Transfers in - #312 - Garland Ave 0 1,500,000 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O (1,101,953) 3,982,328 6,596,718 2,614,390 65.65% O (547,479) 988,221 110,499 (877,722) (88.82%) O (28,436) 475,736 1,089,148 613,412 128.94% O 188,153 355,587 404,318 48,731 13.70% O 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) O (45,000) 0 0 0 0.00% O (722,852) 2,311,548 39,512 (2,272,036) (98.29%) O (484,750) 1,015,250 75,000 (940,250) (92.61%) Total revenues 5,432,987 6,443,000 0 (2,742,317) 9,133,670 8,315,195 (818,475) (8.96%) Expenditures 123 Mission Ave. - Flora to Barker 5,000 0 0 23,791 28,791 0 (28,791) (100.00%) 142 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan PCC intersection 12,500 0 0 (11,915) 585 0 (585) (100.00%) 166 Pines Rd (SR27) & Grace Ave. Intersect Safety 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) 201 ITS Infill Project Phase 1 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) 205 Sprague/Barker Intersections Improvement 35,700 0 0 17,402 53,102 195,499 142,397 268.16% 247 8th & Carnahan Intersection Improvements 45,000 0 0 (45,000) 0 0 0 0.00% 249 Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection 1,167,287 0 0 (1,087,287) 80,000 100,000 20,000 25.00% 251 Euclid Ave. - Flora to Barker 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) 258 32nd Ave Sidewalk - SR27 to Evergreen 5,000 0 0 (5,000) 0 0 0 0.00% 259 N. Sullivan Corridor ITS Project 730,000 0 0 (666,302) 63,698 810,232 746,534 1171.99% 265 Wellesley Sidewalk Project 382,000 0 0 209,125 591,125 0 (591,125) (100.00%) 267 Mission Ave Sidewalk 420,000 0 0 (13,119) 406,881 19,852 (387,029) (95.12%) 273 Barker/I-90 Interchange 500,000 0 0 310,000 810,000 90,000 (720,000) (88.89%) 275 Barker Rd Widening - River to Euclid 132,000 178,000 0 (39,143) 270,857 3,729,143 3,458,286 1276.79% 276 Barker Rd Widening - Euclid to Garland 81,000 3,265,000 0 (754,940) 2,591,060 0 (2,591,060) (100.00%) 277 Barker Rd Widening - Garland to Trent 54,000 0 0 (54,000) 0 0 0 0.00% 278 Wilbur Rd Sidewalk - Boone to Broadway 354,500 0 0 60,867 415,367 0 (415,367) (100.00%) 279 Knox Ave Sidewalk - Hutchinson to Sargent 294,000 0 0 67,619 361,619 0 (361,619) (100.00%) 281 Highland Estates Connector 200,000 0 0 (154,000) 46,000 0 (46,000) (100.00%) 285 Indiana Ave Pres - Evergreen to Sullivan 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 0.00% 287 University Pres-Dishman-Mica to 16th 0 0 0 79,000 79,000 0 (79,000) (100.00%) 291 Adams Sidewalk Infill 0 0 0 62,406 62,406 444,645 382,239 612.50% 293 2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 0 0 0 23,250 23,250 99,000 75,750 325.81% 294 Citywide Reflective Signal Post Panels 0 0 0 5,200 5,200 47,775 42,575 818.75% 295 Garland Ave Construction 0 3,000,000 0 (1,050,000) 1,950,000 150,000 (1,800,000) (92.31%) 299 Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont 0 0 0 48,000 48,000 32,000 (16,000) (33.33%) 300 Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement 0 0 0 72,000 72,000 516,000 444,000 616.67% Ella Sidewalk - Broadway to Alki 0 0 0 30,979 30,979 371,760 340,781 1100.04% Park and Mission Intersection Improvements 0 0 0 112,750 112,750 0 (112,750) (100.00%) S. Conklin Sidewalk 0 0 0 16,000 16,000 124,125 108,125 675.78% 069 Park Rd Reconstruction #2 (Repay Grant Funds) 0 0 0 0 0 285,164 285,164 0.00% Contingency 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0.00% Total expenditures 5,432,987 6,443,000 0 (2,742,317) 9,133,670 8,315,195 (818,475) (8.96%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 67,041 67,041 67,041 Ending fund balance 67,041 67,041 67,041 Note: Work performed for pavement preservation projects out of the Street Capital Projects Fund is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that the were bid with the pavement preservation work Page 8 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #303 - STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 4,408,681 675,600 Developer 35,700 1,500,000 Transfers in -#301 504,172 0 Transfers in - #302 167,434 0 Transfers in - #312 - Euclid Ave - Flora to Barker 5,000 0 Transfers in - #312 - 8th & Camahan Intersection 45,000 0 Transfers in - #312 - BarkerCorndor 267,000 2,767,400 Transfers in - #312 - Garland Ave 0 1,500,000 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O (1,101,953) 3,982,328 6,596,718 2,614,390 65.65% O (547,479) 988,221 110,499 (877,722) (88.82%) O (28,436) 475,736 1,089,148 613,412 128.94% O 188,153 355,587 404,318 48,731 13.70% O 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) O (45,000) 0 0 0 0.00% O (722,852) 2,311,548 39,512 (2,272,036) (98.29%) O (484,750) 1,015,250 75,000 (940,250) (92.61%) Total revenues 5,432,987 6,443,000 0 (2,742,317) 9,133,670 8,315,195 (818,475) (8.96%) Expenditures 123 Mission Ave. - Flora to Barker 5,000 0 0 23,791 28,791 0 (28,791) (100.00%) 142 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan PCC intersection 12,500 0 0 (11,915) 585 0 (585) (100.00%) 166 Pines Rd (SR27) & Grace Ave. Intersect Safety 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) 201 ITS Infill Project Phase 1 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) 205 Sprague/Barker Intersections Improvement 35,700 0 0 17,402 53,102 195,499 142,397 268.16% 247 8th & Carnahan Intersection Improvements 45,000 0 0 (45,000) 0 0 0 0.00% 249 Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection 1,167,287 0 0 (1,087,287) 80,000 100,000 20,000 25.00% 251 Euclid Ave. - Flora to Barker 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) 258 32nd Ave Sidewalk - SR27 to Evergreen 5,000 0 0 (5,000) 0 0 0 0.00% 259 N. Sullivan Corridor ITS Project 730,000 0 0 (666,302) 63,698 810,232 746,534 1171.99% 265 Wellesley Sidewalk Project 382,000 0 0 209,125 591,125 0 (591,125) (100.00%) 267 Mission Ave Sidewalk 420,000 0 0 (13,119) 406,881 19,852 (387,029) (95.12%) 273 Barker/I-90 Interchange 500,000 0 0 310,000 810,000 90,000 (720,000) (88.89%) 275 Barker Rd Widening - River to Euclid 132,000 178,000 0 (39,143) 270,857 3,729,143 3,458,286 1276.79% 276 Barker Rd Widening - Euclid to Garland 81,000 3,265,000 0 (754,940) 2,591,060 0 (2,591,060) (100.00%) 277 Barker Rd Widening - Garland to Trent 54,000 0 0 (54,000) 0 0 0 0.00% 278 Wilbur Rd Sidewalk - Boone to Broadway 354,500 0 0 60,867 415,367 0 (415,367) (100.00%) 279 Knox Ave Sidewalk - Hutchinson to Sargent 294,000 0 0 67,619 361,619 0 (361,619) (100.00%) 281 Highland Estates Connector 200,000 0 0 (154,000) 46,000 0 (46,000) (100.00%) 285 Indiana Ave Pres - Evergreen to Sullivan 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 0.00% 287 University Pres-Dishman-Mica to 16th 0 0 0 79,000 79,000 0 (79,000) (100.00%) 291 Adams Sidewalk Infill 0 0 0 62,406 62,406 444,645 382,239 612.50% 293 2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 0 0 0 23,250 23,250 99,000 75,750 325.81% 294 Citywide Reflective Signal Post Panels 0 0 0 5,200 5,200 47,775 42,575 818.75% 295 Garland Ave Construction 0 3,000,000 0 (1,050,000) 1,950,000 150,000 (1,800,000) (92.31%) 299 Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont 0 0 0 48,000 48,000 32,000 (16,000) (33.33%) 300 Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement 0 0 0 72,000 72,000 516,000 444,000 616.67% Ella Sidewalk - Broadway to Alki 0 0 0 30,979 30,979 371,760 340,781 1100.04% Park and Mission Intersection Improvements 0 0 0 112,750 112,750 0 (112,750) (100.00%) S. Conklin Sidewalk 0 0 0 16,000 16,000 124,125 108,125 675.78% 069 Park Rd Reconstruction #2 (Repay Grant Funds) 0 0 0 0 0 285,164 285,164 0.00% Contingency 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0.00% Total expenditures 5,432,987 6,443,000 0 (2,742,317) 9,133,670 8,315,195 (818,475) (8.96%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 67,041 67,041 67,041 Ending fund balance 67,041 67,041 67,041 Note: Work performed for pavement preservation projects out of the Street Capital Projects Fund is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that the were bid with the pavement preservation work Page 8 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #309 - PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds Transfers in - #001 Transfers in - #312 Total revenues Expenditures 237 Appleway Trail (Sullivan to Corbin) 5,000 0 0 11,791 16,791 0 (16,791) (100.00%) 268 Appleway Trail (Evergreen to Sullivan) 72,500 0 0 2,293,021 2,365,521 5,000 (2,360,521) (99.79%) 280 Appleway Trail Amenities (Univ - Pines) 509,595 0 0 177,920 687,515 0 (687,515) (100.00%) 282 Browns Park volleyball courts 0 0 0 1,249 1,249 0 (1,249) (100.00%) 293 Browns Park improvements 1,160,000 0 0 0 1,160,000 5,000 (1,155,000) (99.57%) Swingsets 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 0 (25,000) (100.00%) Resurface Discovery Park 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 0 (40,000) (100.00%) CenterPlace west lawn improvements - Ph. 2 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 200.00% CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget 572,308 1,320,000 14,788 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 2,132,152 2,704,460 2,500 (2,701,960) (99.91%) O 500,000 1,820,000 1,660,000 (160,000) (8.79%) O 296,450 311,238 7,500 (303,738) (97.59%) 1,907,096 0 0 2,928,602 4,835,698 1,670,000 (3,165,698) (65.47%) Total expenditures 1,812,095 0 0 2,983,981 4,796,076 1,510,000 (3,286,076) (68.52%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 95,001 39,622 160,000 Beginning fund balance 39,294 39,294 78,916 Ending fund balance 134,295 78,916 238,916 #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 9,000 0 0 0 9,000 17,000 8,000 88.89% Total revenues 9,000 0 0 0 9,000 17,000 8,000 88.89% Expenditures Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers out - #312 0 0 0 18,452 18,452 0 (18,452) (100.00%) Total expenditures 0 0 0 18,452 18,452 0 (18,452) (100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 9,000 (9,452) 17,000 Beginning fund balance 857,737 857,737 848,285 Ending fund balance 866,737 848,285 865,285 Note: The fund balance in #310 includes $839,281.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2017 then the City may repurchase this land at the original sale price of $839,285.10. #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION Revenues Transfers in - #001 972,300 0 0 0 972,300 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers in -#106 1,500,000 0 0 108,028 1,608,028 1,500,000 (108,028) (6.72%) Transfers in - #301 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,639 38,339 5.22% Transfers in - #302 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,638 38,338 5.22% Grant Proceeds 1,820,000 0 0 1,049,227 2,869,227 10,588 (2,858,639) (99.63%) Developer 0 0 0 1,140,000 1,140,000 0 (1,140,000) (100.00%) Total revenues 5,760,900 0 0 2,297,255 8,058,155 4,037,888 (4,020,267) (49.89%) Expenditures Pavement preservation 7,238,200 0 0 2,021,621 9,259,821 4,217,523 (5,042,298) (54.45%) Pre -project GeoTech 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 0.00% Total expenditures 7,288,200 0 0 2,021,621 9,309,821 4,267,523 (5,042,298) (54.16%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (1,527,300) (1,251,666) (229,635) Beginning fund balance 4,637,315 4,637,315 3,385,649 Ending fund balance 3,110,015 3,385,649 3,156,014 Page 9 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended 572,308 1,320,000 14,788 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 2,132,152 2,704,460 2,500 (2,701,960) (99.91%) O 500,000 1,820,000 1,660,000 (160,000) (8.79%) O 296,450 311,238 7,500 (303,738) (97.59%) 1,907,096 0 0 2,928,602 4,835,698 1,670,000 (3,165,698) (65.47%) Total expenditures 1,812,095 0 0 2,983,981 4,796,076 1,510,000 (3,286,076) (68.52%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 95,001 39,622 160,000 Beginning fund balance 39,294 39,294 78,916 Ending fund balance 134,295 78,916 238,916 #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 9,000 0 0 0 9,000 17,000 8,000 88.89% Total revenues 9,000 0 0 0 9,000 17,000 8,000 88.89% Expenditures Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers out - #312 0 0 0 18,452 18,452 0 (18,452) (100.00%) Total expenditures 0 0 0 18,452 18,452 0 (18,452) (100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 9,000 (9,452) 17,000 Beginning fund balance 857,737 857,737 848,285 Ending fund balance 866,737 848,285 865,285 Note: The fund balance in #310 includes $839,281.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2017 then the City may repurchase this land at the original sale price of $839,285.10. #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION Revenues Transfers in - #001 972,300 0 0 0 972,300 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers in -#106 1,500,000 0 0 108,028 1,608,028 1,500,000 (108,028) (6.72%) Transfers in - #301 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,639 38,339 5.22% Transfers in - #302 734,300 0 0 0 734,300 772,638 38,338 5.22% Grant Proceeds 1,820,000 0 0 1,049,227 2,869,227 10,588 (2,858,639) (99.63%) Developer 0 0 0 1,140,000 1,140,000 0 (1,140,000) (100.00%) Total revenues 5,760,900 0 0 2,297,255 8,058,155 4,037,888 (4,020,267) (49.89%) Expenditures Pavement preservation 7,238,200 0 0 2,021,621 9,259,821 4,217,523 (5,042,298) (54.45%) Pre -project GeoTech 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 0.00% Total expenditures 7,288,200 0 0 2,021,621 9,309,821 4,267,523 (5,042,298) (54.16%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (1,527,300) (1,251,666) (229,635) Beginning fund balance 4,637,315 4,637,315 3,385,649 Ending fund balance 3,110,015 3,385,649 3,156,014 Page 9 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 Transfers in -#310 Transfers in -#313 Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget O 7,109,300 O 0 O 0 50,000 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 0 7,109,300 0 (7,109,300) (100.00%) O 18,452 18,452 0 (18,452) (100.00%) O 88,590 88,590 0 (88,590) (100.00%) O 0 50,000 100,000 50,000 100.00% 50,000 7,109,300 O 107,042 7,266,342 100,000 (7,166,342) (98.62%) Transfers out - #101 907,544 0 0 0 907,544 1,364,706 457,162 50.37% Transfers out - #303 (Euclid Ave - Flora to Barker) 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #303 (8th & Carnahan Intersection) 45,000 0 0 (45,000) 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers out - #303 (Barker Road Corridor) 267,000 2,767,400 0 (722,852) 2,311,548 39,512 (2,272,036) (98.29%) Transfers out - #303 (Garland Ave.) 0 1,500,000 0 (484,750) 1,015,250 75,000 (940,250) (92.61%) Transfers out - #309 (Appleway Trail - Sullivan -Cork 5,000 0 0 (5,000) 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers out - #309 (Appleway Trail - Evergreen -Si 9,788 0 0 301,450 311,238 7,500 (303,738) (97.59%) Transfers out - #314 (Pines Rd Underpass) 0 0 0 0 0 64,192 64,192 0.00% Total expenditures 1,239,332 4,267,400 0 (956,152) 4,550,580 1,550,910 (2,999,670) (65.92%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (1,189,332) 2,715,762 (1,450,910) Beginning fund balance 8,974,920 8,974,920 11,690,682 Ending fund balance 7,785,588 11,690,682 10,239,772 #313 - CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues Investment Interest 0 0 0 954 954 0 (954) (100.00%) Total revenues 0 0 0 954 954 0 (954) (100.00%) Expenditures Transfers out - #312 0 0 0 88,590 88,590 0 (88,590) (100.00%) Total expenditures 0 0 0 88,590 88,590 0 (88,590) (100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 Beginning fund balance 87,636 Ending fund balance 87,636 (87,636) 87,636 0 0 0 0 #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 3,750,000 0 0 (795,077) 2,954,923 12,808,751 9,853,828 333.47% Transfers in #301 50,000 0 0 401,053 451,053 49,041 (402,012) (89.13%) Transfers in #312 0 0 0 0 0 64,192 64,192 0.00% Total revenues 3,800,000 0 0 (394,024) 3,405,976 12,921,984 9,516,008 279.39% Expenditures 143 Barker BNSF Grade Separation 3,800,000 0 0 (394,024) 3,405,976 11,475,292 8,069,316 236.92% 223 Pines Rd Underpass 900,000 0 0 0 900,000 1,562,500 662,500 73.61% Total expenditures 4,700,000 0 0 (394,024) 4,305,976 13,037,792 8,731,816 202.78% Revenues over (under) expenditures (900,000) (900,000) (115,808) Beginning fund balance 1,036,472 1,036,472 136,472 Ending fund balance 136,472 136,472 20,664 Page 10 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended O 7,109,300 O 0 O 0 50,000 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 0 7,109,300 0 (7,109,300) (100.00%) O 18,452 18,452 0 (18,452) (100.00%) O 88,590 88,590 0 (88,590) (100.00%) O 0 50,000 100,000 50,000 100.00% 50,000 7,109,300 O 107,042 7,266,342 100,000 (7,166,342) (98.62%) Transfers out - #101 907,544 0 0 0 907,544 1,364,706 457,162 50.37% Transfers out - #303 (Euclid Ave - Flora to Barker) 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 (5,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #303 (8th & Carnahan Intersection) 45,000 0 0 (45,000) 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers out - #303 (Barker Road Corridor) 267,000 2,767,400 0 (722,852) 2,311,548 39,512 (2,272,036) (98.29%) Transfers out - #303 (Garland Ave.) 0 1,500,000 0 (484,750) 1,015,250 75,000 (940,250) (92.61%) Transfers out - #309 (Appleway Trail - Sullivan -Cork 5,000 0 0 (5,000) 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers out - #309 (Appleway Trail - Evergreen -Si 9,788 0 0 301,450 311,238 7,500 (303,738) (97.59%) Transfers out - #314 (Pines Rd Underpass) 0 0 0 0 0 64,192 64,192 0.00% Total expenditures 1,239,332 4,267,400 0 (956,152) 4,550,580 1,550,910 (2,999,670) (65.92%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (1,189,332) 2,715,762 (1,450,910) Beginning fund balance 8,974,920 8,974,920 11,690,682 Ending fund balance 7,785,588 11,690,682 10,239,772 #313 - CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues Investment Interest 0 0 0 954 954 0 (954) (100.00%) Total revenues 0 0 0 954 954 0 (954) (100.00%) Expenditures Transfers out - #312 0 0 0 88,590 88,590 0 (88,590) (100.00%) Total expenditures 0 0 0 88,590 88,590 0 (88,590) (100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 Beginning fund balance 87,636 Ending fund balance 87,636 (87,636) 87,636 0 0 0 0 #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 3,750,000 0 0 (795,077) 2,954,923 12,808,751 9,853,828 333.47% Transfers in #301 50,000 0 0 401,053 451,053 49,041 (402,012) (89.13%) Transfers in #312 0 0 0 0 0 64,192 64,192 0.00% Total revenues 3,800,000 0 0 (394,024) 3,405,976 12,921,984 9,516,008 279.39% Expenditures 143 Barker BNSF Grade Separation 3,800,000 0 0 (394,024) 3,405,976 11,475,292 8,069,316 236.92% 223 Pines Rd Underpass 900,000 0 0 0 900,000 1,562,500 662,500 73.61% Total expenditures 4,700,000 0 0 (394,024) 4,305,976 13,037,792 8,731,816 202.78% Revenues over (under) expenditures (900,000) (900,000) (115,808) Beginning fund balance 1,036,472 1,036,472 136,472 Ending fund balance 136,472 136,472 20,664 Page 10 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND (RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees Investment Interest Miscellaneous CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 1,890,000 0 0 0 1,890,000 1,900,000 10,000 0.53% 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 40,000 20,000 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 1,910,000 0 0 0 1,910,000 1,940,000 30,000 1.57% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 494,273 8,052 0 0 502,325 519,582 17,257 3.44% Supplies 10,700 0 0 0 10,700 14,750 4,050 37.85% Services & Charges 1,182,109 54,466 0 0 1,236,575 1,298,153 61,578 4.98% Intergovernmental Payments 37,500 0 0 0 37,500 37,500 0 0.00% Vehicle rentals -#501 12,750 0 0 0 12,750 14,000 1,250 9.80% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,737,332 62,518 0 0 1,799,850 1,883,985 84,135 4.67% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 172,668 (62,518) 0 0 110,150 56,015 INONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds Miscellaneous 106,000 0 0 0 106,000 59,828 (46,172) (43.56%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 106,000 0 0 0 106,000 59,828 (46,172) (43.56%) Expenditures Capital - various projects 450,000 0 0 0 450,000 500,000 50,000 11.11% Effectiveness study 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 0 (10,000) (100.00%) Watershed studies 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 80,000 (20,000) (20.00%) Stormwater comprehensive plan update 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 560,000 0 0 0 560,000 680,000 120,000 21.43% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (454,000) 0 0 0 (454,000) (620,172) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (281,332) (62,518) 0 0 (343,850) (564,157) Beginning working capital 2,216,210 2,216,210 1,872,360 Ending working capital 1,934,878 1,872,360 1,308,203 #403 -AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 460,000 0 0 0 460,000 460,000 0 0.00% Grant Proceeds 317,200 0 0 0 317,200 349,000 31,800 10.03% Investment Interest 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 20,000 10,000 100.00% Total revenues 787,200 0 0 0 787,200 829,000 41,800 5.31% Expenditures Capital - various projects 832,600 0 0 0 832,600 500,000 (332,600) (39.95%) Total expenditures 832,600 0 0 0 832,600 500,000 (332,600) (39.95%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (45,400) (45,400) 329,000 Beginning working capital 1,840,005 1,840,005 1,794,605 Ending working capital 1,794,605 1,794,605 2,123,605 Page 11 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 1,890,000 0 0 0 1,890,000 1,900,000 10,000 0.53% 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 40,000 20,000 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 1,910,000 0 0 0 1,910,000 1,940,000 30,000 1.57% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 494,273 8,052 0 0 502,325 519,582 17,257 3.44% Supplies 10,700 0 0 0 10,700 14,750 4,050 37.85% Services & Charges 1,182,109 54,466 0 0 1,236,575 1,298,153 61,578 4.98% Intergovernmental Payments 37,500 0 0 0 37,500 37,500 0 0.00% Vehicle rentals -#501 12,750 0 0 0 12,750 14,000 1,250 9.80% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,737,332 62,518 0 0 1,799,850 1,883,985 84,135 4.67% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 172,668 (62,518) 0 0 110,150 56,015 INONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds Miscellaneous 106,000 0 0 0 106,000 59,828 (46,172) (43.56%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 106,000 0 0 0 106,000 59,828 (46,172) (43.56%) Expenditures Capital - various projects 450,000 0 0 0 450,000 500,000 50,000 11.11% Effectiveness study 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 0 (10,000) (100.00%) Watershed studies 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 80,000 (20,000) (20.00%) Stormwater comprehensive plan update 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 560,000 0 0 0 560,000 680,000 120,000 21.43% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (454,000) 0 0 0 (454,000) (620,172) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (281,332) (62,518) 0 0 (343,850) (564,157) Beginning working capital 2,216,210 2,216,210 1,872,360 Ending working capital 1,934,878 1,872,360 1,308,203 #403 -AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 460,000 0 0 0 460,000 460,000 0 0.00% Grant Proceeds 317,200 0 0 0 317,200 349,000 31,800 10.03% Investment Interest 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 20,000 10,000 100.00% Total revenues 787,200 0 0 0 787,200 829,000 41,800 5.31% Expenditures Capital - various projects 832,600 0 0 0 832,600 500,000 (332,600) (39.95%) Total expenditures 832,600 0 0 0 832,600 500,000 (332,600) (39.95%) Revenues over (under) expenditures (45,400) (45,400) 329,000 Beginning working capital 1,840,005 1,840,005 1,794,605 Ending working capital 1,794,605 1,794,605 2,123,605 Page 11 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals - #001 30,000 Vehicle rentals - #101 21,250 Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.) 77,929 Vehicle rentals - #402 12,750 Transfers in - #001 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 Transfers in - #001 (Code Enforcement Vehicle) 0 Investment Interest 9,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 30,000 28,000 (2,000) (6.67%) O 21,250 14,500 (6,750) (31.76%) O 77,929 48,500 (29,429) (37.76%) O 12,750 14,000 1,250 9.80% O 36,600 36,600 0 0.00% O 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% O 9,500 19,000 9,500 100.00% Total revenues 188,029 0 0 0 188,029 190,600 2,571 1.37% Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 0 0.00% Vehicle purchase 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% Snow plow purchase 0 0 0 0 0 235,000 235,000 0.00% Total expenditures 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 285,000 265,000 1325.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 168,029 168,029 (94,400) Beginning working capital 1,290,971 1,290,971 1,459,000 Ending working capital 1,459,000 1,459,000 1,364,600 #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Transfers in - #001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Total revenues 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 263,778 263,778 263,778 Ending fund balance 263,778 263,778 263,778 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds 76,657,428 14,067,800 0 2,836,112 93,561,340 89,926,301 Total of Expenditures for all Funds 78,269,865 18,383,571 471,000 2,121,051 99,245,487 89,998,731 Total grant revenues (included in total revenues) 10,974,189 675,600 0 1,284,349 12,934,138 19,897,385 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures) 20,603,882 6,443,000 471,000 1,869,261 29,387,143 28,594,710 Page 12 of 20 2019 As Adopted 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 3rd Amendment As Amended INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals - #001 30,000 Vehicle rentals - #101 21,250 Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.) 77,929 Vehicle rentals - #402 12,750 Transfers in - #001 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 Transfers in - #001 (Code Enforcement Vehicle) 0 Investment Interest 9,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Proposed Budget 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 O 30,000 28,000 (2,000) (6.67%) O 21,250 14,500 (6,750) (31.76%) O 77,929 48,500 (29,429) (37.76%) O 12,750 14,000 1,250 9.80% O 36,600 36,600 0 0.00% O 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% O 9,500 19,000 9,500 100.00% Total revenues 188,029 0 0 0 188,029 190,600 2,571 1.37% Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 0 0.00% Vehicle purchase 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0.00% Snow plow purchase 0 0 0 0 0 235,000 235,000 0.00% Total expenditures 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 285,000 265,000 1325.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 168,029 168,029 (94,400) Beginning working capital 1,290,971 1,290,971 1,459,000 Ending working capital 1,459,000 1,459,000 1,364,600 #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Transfers in - #001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Total revenues 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 263,778 263,778 263,778 Ending fund balance 263,778 263,778 263,778 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds 76,657,428 14,067,800 0 2,836,112 93,561,340 89,926,301 Total of Expenditures for all Funds 78,269,865 18,383,571 471,000 2,121,051 99,245,487 89,998,731 Total grant revenues (included in total revenues) 10,974,189 675,600 0 1,284,349 12,934,138 19,897,385 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures) 20,603,882 6,443,000 471,000 1,869,261 29,387,143 28,594,710 Page 12 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget General Fund 2019 Amended Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY 2020 as of $ as 6/11/2019 Change revised 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 Revenues Property Tax 12,054,400 12,332,400 0 12,332,400 278,000 2.31% Sales Tax 22,917,000 24,331,700 301,200 24,632,900 1,715,900 7.49% Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,081,900 1,139,100 23,500 1,162,600 80,700 7.46% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 1,944,000 2,016,100 36,200 2,052,300 108,300 5.57% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 387,000 384,000 0 384,000 (3,000) (0.78%) Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,224,000 1,220,000 0 1,220,000 (4,000) (0.33%) State Shared Revenues 1,909,800 1,657,300 30,900 1,688,200 (221,600) (11.60%) Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 1,078,500 1,077,700 0 1,077,700 (800) (0.07%) Community and Public Works 1,882,300 2,129,800 0 2,129,800 247,500 13.15% Recreation Program Revenues 628,800 659,200 0 659,200 30,400 4.83% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 1,500 21,000 0 21,000 19,500 1300.00% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 358,200 791,700 0 791,700 433,500 121.02% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax -CP advertising) 30,000 30,000 0 30,000 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 45,497,400 47,790,000 391,800 48,181,800 2,684,400 5.90% Expenditures City Council 622,461 622,187 0 622,187 (274) (0.04%) City Manager 964,527 990,125 7,757 997,882 33,355 3.46% City Attorney 648,756 638,574 69,368 707,942 59,186 9.12% Public Safety 25,927,488 26,499,214 100,000 26,599,214 671,726 2.59% Deputy City Manager 271,044 277,187 0 277,187 6,143 2.27% Finance / IT 1,427,700 1,426,425 52,098 1,478,523 50,823 3.56% Human Resources 305,843 313,316 0 313,316 7,473 2.44% City Hall Operations and Maintenance 291,894 296,270 0 296,270 4,376 1.50% Community & Public Works - Engineering 1,841,617 1,971,731 0 1,971,731 130,114 7.07% Net Community & Public Works - Economic Dev 1,030,737 1,089,829 30,000 1,119,829 89,092 8.64% difference Community & Public Works - Building & Plannin 2,281,474 2,316,951 103,463 2,420,414 138,940 6.09% $358,146 Parks & Rec - Administration 340,120 352,227 0 352,227 12,107 3.56% Parks & Rec - Maintenance 893,500 917,500 0 917,500 24,000 2.69% Parks & Rec - Recreation 254,818 362,522 (36,601) 325,921 71,103 27.90%_ Net Parks & Rec - Aquatics 491,153 501,853 0 501,853 10,700 2.18% difference Parks & Rec - Senior Center 102,907 7,100 36,347 43,447 (59,460) (57.78%) $67,477 Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 956,332 965,359 0 965,359 9,027 0.94% General Government 1,348,950 1,318,000 3,111 1,321,111 (27,839) (2.06%) Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 401,250 401,450 0 401,450 200 0.05% Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects) 160,000 160,000 0 160,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 972,300 982,023 0 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers out - #501 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,600 36,600 0 36,600 0 0.00% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 390,000 410,000 0 410,000 20,000 5.13% Total Recurring Expenditures 41,961,471 42,856,443 365,543 43,221,986 1,260,515 3.00% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 3,535,929 4,933,557 26,257 4,959,814 Page 13 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget General Fund NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #106 (solid waste repayment) Grant Proceeds Total Nonrecurring Revenues 2019 Amended Budget 40,422 0 2020 as of $ as 6/11/2019 Change revised 0 0 9/3/2019 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 0 (40,422) (100.00%) 0 70,000 70,000 70,000 0.00% 40,422 0 70,000 70,000 29,578 73.17% Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements 107,000 190,000 0 190,000 83,000 77.57% Public Safety (full facility generator) 200,000 0 0 0 (200,000) (100.00%) Public Safety (carpet & workstation replacement) 50,000 0 15,000 15,000 (35,000) (70.00%) Economic Development (retail recruitment) 25,000 0 0 0 (25,000) (100.00%) Building (equipment for new Code Enf. Officer) 0 0 13,700 13,700 13,700 0.00% Parks & Rec (carpet at CenterPlace) 0 0 9,500 9,500 9,500 0.00% General Government (City Hall generator) 203,000 0 0 0 (203,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #122 (replenish reserve) 120,000 0 0 0 (120,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park restroom) 160,000 0 0 0 (160,000) (100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park other) 1,000,000 0 0 0 (1,000,000) (100.00%) Transfers out -#309 (CenterPlace west lawn) 500,000 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 200.00% Transfers out - #312 ('17 fund bal > 50%) 7,109,300 0 0 0 (7,109,300) (100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (new Code Enf. Vehicle) 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 9,474,300 190,000 1,568,200 1,758,200 (7,716,100) (81.44%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning unrestricted fund balance Ending unrestricted fund balance (9,433,878) (190,000) (5,897,949) 4,743,557 36,817,803 30,919,854 30,919,854 35,663,411 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures = 83.22% (1,688,200) 3,271,614 30,919,854 34,191,468 79.11% Recurring Expenditures Public Safety All other departments 25,927,488 26,499,214 100,000 26,599,214 2.59% 61.54% 16,033,983 16,357,229 265,543 16,622,772 3.67% 38.46% 41,961,471 42,856,443 365,543 43,221,986 3.00% 100.00% Page 14 of 20 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA General Fund #001 2020 Budget Worksheets - Expenditure Changes from June 11 to September 10, 2019 Account Number Description Revenues Expenditures Sales Tax Sales Tax - Public Safety Sales Tax - Criminal Justice MVET Criminal Justice - Population Criminal Justice Special Programs Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution Liquor Board Excise Tax Liquor Board Profits Grant Proceeds City Manager Wages Payroll Taxes and Benefits City Attorney Wages Public Safety Payroll Taxes and Benefits Law Enforcement Building Repair & Maintenance Finance Wages Payroll Taxes and Benefits Community & Public Works - Economic Development Professional Services Community & Public Works Building and Planning Wages - Code Enf. Payroll Taxes and Benefits Fuel Cell Phones Travel/Mileage Memberships Registrations Code Enforcement Abatement Safety Equipment Small Tools Office Furniture Transfers out - #501 (additional vehicle) Page 15 of 20 9/4/2019 Line -Item Line -Item Budget @ Increase Budget @ 6/11/2019 (Decrease) 9/10/2019 24,331,700 1,139,100 2,016,100 32,500 107,300 111,100 505,000 718,400 0 R 640,665 R 271,970 R 364,291 R 145,671 R 21,070,371 N 0 R 958,656 R 433,199 R 30,000 R R R R R R R R N N N N 56,856 21,908 1,700 1,000 1,000 200 700 11,000 0 0 0 0 301,200 23,500 36,200 (2,500) 1,000 (900) 26,000 7,300 70,000 461,800 24,632,900 1,162,600 2,052,300 30,000 108,300 110,200 531,000 725,700 70,000 6,384 647,049 1,373 273,343 7,757 38,670 402,961 30,698 176,369 69,368 100,000 21,170,371 15,000 15,000 115,000 27,504 986,160 24,594 457,793 52,098 30,000 30,000 55,000 39,963 1,700 1,000 200 100 500 5,000 200 3,500 10,000 30,000 147,163 60,000 111,856 61,871 3,400 2,000 1,200 300 1,200 16,000 200 3,500 10,000 30,000 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA General Fund #001 2020 Budget Worksheets - Expenditure Changes from June 11 to September 10, 2019 Account Number Description Expenditures - continued Parks & Recreation - Recreation 001.076.301.571.10.10.00 Wages 001.076.301.571.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits Parks & Recreation - Senior Center 001.076.304.575.50.10.00 Wages 001.076.304.575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 9/4/2019 Line -Item Line -Item Budget @ Increase Budget @ 6/11/2019 (Decrease) 9/10/2019 R 108,468 (21,466) 87,002 R 67,879 (15,135) 52,744 R R (36,601) 0 20,640 20,640 0 15,707 15,707 36,347 Parks & Recreation - CenterPlace Replace carpeting N 0 9,500 9,500 Transfers out - #309 (west lawn imp) N 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,509,500 General Government Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency R 137,300 3,111 140,411 3,111 Total changes in General Fund expenditures 1,933,743 R = recurring N = nonrecurring Page 16 of 20 365,543 1,568,200 1,933,743 P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2019 to 2020 City Council Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total City Attorney Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Public Safety Non -Departmental (Fines & Forfeits) Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Intergovernmental Services Total Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Finance/IT Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Human Resources Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total City Hall Operations & Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total 2019 Amended Budget 270,873 4,950 346,638 2020 Budget 290,187 4,950 327,050 622,461 622,187 887,537 4,300 72,690 920,892 4,300 72,690 964,527 997,882 529,951 2,351 116,454 616,403 4,414 87,125 648,756 707,942 589,150 12,184 25,750 748,266 24,552,138 25,927,488 224,619 2,000 44,425 516,550 13,266 30,500 587,515 25,451,383 26,599,214 234,012 950 42,225 271,044 277,187 1,393,130 1,443,953 6,450 6,450 28,120 28,120 1,427,700 1,478,523 269,980 1,630 34,233 281,331 1,280 30,705 305,843 313,316 90,839 30,500 170,555 94,270 28,000 174,000 291,894 296,270 Page 17 of 20 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 Increase (Decrease) 0/0 19,314 7.13% 0 0.00% (19,588) (5.65%) (274) (0.04%) 33,355 0 0 3.76% 0.00% 0.00% 33,355 3.46% 86,452 2,063 (29,329) 16.31% 87.75% (25.19%) 59,186 9.12% (72,600) (12.32%) 1,082 8.88% 4,750 18.45% (160,751) (21.48%) 899,245 3.66% 671,726 2.59% 9,393 (1,050) (2,200) 4.18% (52.50%) (4.95%) 6,143 2.27% 50,823 0 0 3.65% 0.00% 0.00% 50,823 3.56% 11,351 4.20% (350) (21.47%) (3,528) (10.31%) 7,473 2.44% 3,431 (2,500) 3,445 3.78% (8.20%) 2.02% 4,376 1.50% (Continued to next page) P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2019 to 2020 (Continued from previous page) 2019 Amended Budget Community & Public Works - Engineering Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total 2020 Budget 1,628,048 1,726,845 27,100 32,850 186,469 212,036 1,841,617 1,971,731 Community & Public Works - Economic Dev Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Community & Public Works - Building Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Intergovernmental Services Total Parks & Rec- Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Parks & Rec- Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Parks & Rec- Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Parks & Rec- Aquatics Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total Parks & Rec- Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Total 670,942 724,084 3,000 3,000 356,795 392,745 1,030,737 1,119,829 & Planning 1,926,519 2,044,559 44,200 47,000 285,755 328,855 25,000 0 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 Increase (Decrease) 0/0 98,797 5,750 25,567 6.07% 21.22% 13.71% 130,114 7.07% 53,142 0 35,950 7.92% 0.00% 10.08% 89,092 8.64% 118,040 2,800 43,100 (25,000) 6.13% 6.33% 15.08% (100.00%) 2,281,474 2,420,414 138,940 271,865 4,750 63,505 283,127 5,000 64,100 340,120 352,227 0 4,000 889,500 0 3,500 914,000 893,500 917,500 161,863 8,650 84,305 231,081 8,650 86,190 254,818 325,921 0 2,000 489,153 0 2,000 499,853 491,153 501,853 96,407 1,600 4,900 102,907 36,347 1,600 5,500 43,447 Page 18 of 20 6.09% 11,262 250 595 4.14% 5.26% 0.94% 12,107 3.56% 0 (500) 24,500 0.00% (12.50%) 2.75% 24,000 2.69% 69,218 0 1,885 42.76% 0.00% 2.24% 71,103 27.90% 0 0 10,700 0.00% 0.00% 2.19% 10,700 2.18% (60,060) 0 600 (62.30%) 0.00% 12.24% (59,460) (57.78%) (Continued to next page) P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2020 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2019 to 2020 (Continued from previous page) Parks & Rec- CenterPlace Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges 2019 Amended Budget 541,273 70,774 344,285 2020 Budget 538,083 85,537 341,739 Total 956,332 965,359 Difference Between 2019 and 2020 Increase (Decrease) 0/0 (3,190) (0.59%) 14,763 20.86% (2,546) (0.74%) 9,027 0.94% General Government Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 0.00% Supplies 86,350 99,000 12,650 14.65% Services & Charges 841,900 802,100 (39,800) (4.73%) Intergovernmental Services 355,700 362,511 6,811 1.91% Capital outlays 65,000 57,500 (7,500) (11.54%) Total 1,348,950 1,321,111 (27,839) (2.06%) Transfers out - #204 debt service 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% Transfers out - #309 park capital pros 160,000 160,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #311 Pavement Preservation 972,300 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers out - #501 CenterPlace Kitchen Reserve 36,600 36,600 0 0.00% Transfers out - #502 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Total recurring expenditures Summary by Category 41,961,471 43,221,986 1,260,515 3.00% Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 8,976,030 9,478,440 502,410 5.60% Supplies 330,355 368,981 38,626 11.69% Services & Charges 5,107,948 4,996,548 (111,400) (2.18%) Transfers out - #204 401,250 401,450 200 0.05% Transfers out - #309 160,000 160,000 0 0.00% Transfers out - #311 - Pavement Presery 972,300 982,023 9,723 1.00% Transfers out - #501 36,600 36,600 0 0.00% Transfers out - #502 390,000 410,000 20,000 5.13% Non -Departmental (fines & forfeits) 589,150 516,550 (72,600) (12.32%) Intergovernmental Svc (public safety) 24,552,138 25,451,383 899,245 3.66% Intergovernmental Svc 380,700 362,511 (18,189) (4.78%) Capital outlay 65,000 57,500 (7,500) (11.54%) 41,961,471 43,221,986 1,260,515 3.00% Page 19 of 20 #001 - General Fund City Manager / City Clerk City Attorney Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources P:\Finance\2020 Budget\Budget Worksheets\RCAs and Intros and PowerPoint Presentations\2019 09 10\budget summary as of 2019 09 10.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Full Time Equivalent Employees Adopted 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 1 2017 1 2018 1 2019 Proposed 2020 (1) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 12 11 11 10.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Difference from 2019 to 2020 + (-) (2) 7 6.5 6.5 0.000 3.5 3.5 4 0.500 0 0.12 0.12 0.000 3 1 1 0.000 11.75 11.75 11.75 0.000 2 2 2 0.000 Page 20 of 20 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: c1 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS 08-30-2019 48484-48517 09-04-2019 48518-48522 GRAND TOTAL: TOTAL AMOUNT $35,357.43 $8,141.16 $43,498.59 Explanation of Fund. Numbers found on Voucher Lists #001- General Fund City Council City Manager Legal 001.016.000. Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources 001.040.041. Engineering 001.040.042. Economic Development 001.040.043. Building Parks & Rec—Administration 001.076.300.576. Parks & Rec-Maintenance 001.076.301.571. Parks & Rec-Recreation 001.076.302.576. Parks & Rec- Aquatics 001.076.304.575. Parks & Rec- Senior Center 001.076.305.571. Parks & Rec-CenterPlace General Gov't- Council related General Gov't -Finance related General Gov't -Employee supply General Gov't- Centralized Serv. General Gov't -Other Services General Gov't -Transportation General Gov't -Natural & Eco. General Gov't -Pavement Preser. General Gov't -Social Services General Gov't -Capital Outlay Other Funds: 101 — Street Fund 103 — Paths & Trails 105 — Hotel/Motel Tax 106 -- Solid Waste 120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 — Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 — Winter Weather Reserve 204 — Debt Service 301 — REET 1 Capital Projects 302 — REET 2 Capital Projects 303 — Street Capital Projects 309 — Parks Capital Grants 310 — Civic Bldg. Capital Projects 311 — Pavernent Preservation 312 — Capital Reserve 314 — Railroad Grade Separation Projects 402 — Stormwater Management 403 — Aquifer Protection Area 501 — Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 — Risk Management RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist 08/30/2019 10:48:15AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 48484 8/3012019 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11FK-TJC1-6TJD 48485 8/30/2019 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES 48486 8/30/2019 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA 48487 8/30/2019 004278 ARCHITECTS WEST INC 48488 8/30/2019 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC A-305415 A-305602 Expenses 10383 I NV05749 48489 8/30/2019 003337 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY INC 247970 48490 8/30/2019 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 48491 8/30/2019 000544 CAT TALES 48492 8/30/2019 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 48493 8/30/2019 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 48494 8/30/2019 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 48495 8/30/2019 007465 ELEVATIONS: A CHILDREN'S 0089132 S0221342 616206CT 7/19/2019 Aug 2019 Aug 2019 Aug 2019 2019 Fund/Dept 001.076.300.576 001.076.300.576 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 402.402.000.531 Description/Account Amount 4TB HARD DRIVE FOR NAS Total : PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARK: PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARK Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : Total : JANITORIAL SVCS: CITY HALL, PRE Total : SUPPLIES FOR CITY HALL Total : LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLYAT C Total : SUMMER DAY CAMP ADMISSION Total : PETTY CASH: 17875, 18601,02,03,0 Total : UTILITIES: AUG 2019 UTILITIES: AUG 2019 PARKS AND C Total : WATER CHARGES FOR AUG 2019 Total : 2019 SOC SER ECO DEV GRANT R 452.27 452.27 169.00 313.00 482.00 27.84 27.84 1,240.00 1,240.00 9,229.99 9,229.99 44.07 44.07 67.39 371.50 438.89 310.00 310.00 2.75 2.75 591.16 1,697.08 2,288.24 4,069.72 4,069.72 695.79 Page: 1 vchlist 08/30/2019 10:48:15AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 48495 8/30/2019 007465 ELEVATIONS: A CHILDREN'S 48496 8/30/2019 007498 FOSTER, AZIZA 48497 8/30/2019 000011 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY 48498 8/30/2019 007499 HUCKE, NATHAN 48499 8/30/2019 002810 INLAND NW PARTNERS ASSOC 48500 8/30/2019 005472 JOHNSON, JOHN 48501 8/30/2019 000523 LASER QUEST (Continued) 2019 2019 Expenses 29734 Expenses 2019 Expenses 014071719 014081419 48502 8/30/2019 007109 LSB CONSULTING ENGINEERS PLLC 5928 48503 8/30/2019 007500 MARTIN, KAYLEE 48504 8/30/2019 005238 PHILLIPS, CHAD 48505 8/30/2019 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Expenses Expenses V788862 V791768 V806864 Fund/Dept 001.076.305.575 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount 2019 SOC SER ECO DEV GRANT R 2019 SOC SER ECO DEV GRANT R Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES CEN Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : CREATIVE ECONOMY REGISTRATI Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : TEEN CAMP ADMISSION SUMMER DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSMENT Total : SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE SUPPLIES FOR PRECINCT Total : 1,555.59 1,799.43 4,050.81 23.95 23.95 479.00 479.00 18.36 18.36 80.00 80.00 21.11 21.11 228.69 767.75 996.44 300.00 300.00 12.96 12.96 21.11 21.11 88.75 172.63 12.29 273.67 Page: 2 vchlist 08/30/2019 10 :48:15AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 3 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 48506 8/30/2019 006818 PLAYERS AND SPECTATORS 48507 8/30/2019 006348 POWERS-HENDERSON, CANDICE 48508 8/30/2019 003407 RIGHT! SYSTEMS INC 48509 8/30/2019 000709 SENSKE LAWN &TREE CARE INC. 48510 8/30/2019 002947 SILVER MOUNTAIN CORP 48511 8/30/2019 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 2006/2007 Expenses SI -162097 Fund/Dept 001.076.301.571 9182358 9420450 9420451 9422154 9425476 9433298 44c1gp 001.076.301.571 Aug 2019 402.402.000.531 Aug 2019 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 001.076.300.576 1125 ADVERTISING 48512 8/30/2019 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM 2019 2019 48513 8/30/2019 003532 STERICYCLE COMMUNICATION SOLUT 8011007008 48514 8/30/2019 007120 TSHIMAKAIN CREEK LABORATORY 9000557 48515 8/30/2019 007466 VICTORY MEDIA DescriptionlAccount Amount SUMMER DAY & TEEN CAMP FIELE Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT CISCO UCS MINI SUPPORT Total : Total : INTEGRATED GROUNDS MAINT PF INTEGRATED GROUNDS MAINT C[ - LANDSCAPE CLEANUP CITY HALL SUMMER PLANT AND LAWN CARE VEG MGMT AT CITY HALL FLAGGING CALL OUT ON 8/7/2019 Total : SUMMER DAY & TEEN CAMP FIELE Total : WATER CHARGES FOR AUG 2019 a WAFER CHARGES FOR AUG 2019: Total : 2019 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMB 2019 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMB Total: ANSWERING SVC FOR CENTERPL Total : ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING AT PAF Total : 48516 8/30/2019 007231 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 2111922 Total : 718.47 718.47 22.93 22.93 272.25 272.25 494.40 196.02 103.46 373.53 135.04 191.66 1,494.11 2,037.66 2,037.66 1,541.38 1,150.49 2,691.87 396.86 432.00 828.86 39.44 39.44 25.00 25.00 575.00 575.00 PEST MGMT SERVICES AT PRECIN 189.49 Page: 3 vchlist 08/30/2019 10:48:15AM Voucher List Page: 4 Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 48516 8/30/2019 007231 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY (Continued) 2111923 48517 8/30/2019 000541 WONDERLAND NORTHWEST INC. 1908 34 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 34 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date PEST MGMT SERVICES AT CITY H/ 161.17 Total : 350.66 001.076.301.571 SUMMER DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 1,438.00 Total : 1,438.00 Bank total : 35,357.43 Total vouchers : 35,357.43 Page: 4 vchlist 09/04/2019 12:42:33PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice 48518 9/4/2019 001606 BANNER BANK 48519 9/4/2019 001606 BANNER BANK 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8599 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 8573 Aug 2019 Fund/Dept 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 001.076.301.571 001.076.305.575 Des.criptionlAccount Amount LOWE'S STORE WALMART-- HOME DEPOT- DELTAAIRLINES MARRIOTT PROCTOR SALES WAL-MART ROLLER VALLEY HAYDEN CINEMAS AMAZON.COM AMAZON.COM CONOCO EAGLE RIDGE SHORT COURSE HOME DEPOT PROCTOR SALES TARGET WAL-MART EVENTECTIVE Total : ISTOCK PHOTO LAW SEMINARS INTERNATIONAL OFFICE DEPOT APWA ITE CAREER CENTER WOMENS TRANSPORTATION SEMI HOME DEPOT STAR RENTALS OFFICE DEPOT AMAZON VALLEY GLASS FACEBOOK BEST BUY EVENTBRITE 9.10 71.57 130.64 658.00 258.72 82.20 61.18 578.82 190.80 140.48 81.66 10.12 84.00 45.60 259.84 105.49 85.91 1,056.00 3,910.13 325.00 370.00 13.71 325.00 495.00 295.00 53.13 707.85 18,82 82.11 103.46 25.00 304.90 120.56 Page: 'T� vchlist 09/04/2019 12:42: 33 P M Voucher List Page: Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 48519 9/4/2019 001606 001606 BANNER BANK (Continued) Total : 3,239.54 48520 9/4/2019 001606 BANNER BANK 0714 Aug 2019 ALWAYS LUCKY FIVE LOCKSMITH: 137.00 0714 Aug 2019 DEPT OF L & I 4.01 0714 Aug 2019 DEPT OF L & I 160.30 0714 Aug 2019 BUNDLE BANDS 104.98 0714 Aug 2019 WACE 225.00 0714 Aug 2019 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 180.20 Total : 811.49 48521 9/4/2019 001606 BANNER BANK 8557 Aug 2019 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY CHAP 50.00 8557 Aug 2019 GREATER SPOAKNE VALLEY CHAP 50.00 8557 Aug 2019 GREATER SPOKANE INC 30.00 Total : 130.00 48522 9/4/2019 001606 BANNER BANK 6368 Aug 2019 SPOKANE PRSA 25.00 6368 Aug 2019 CRAIGSLIST.ORG 25.00 Total : 50.00 5 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 8,141.16 5 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 8,141.16 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Septgember 10, 2019 Department Director Approval : Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ['new business ['public hearing ['information ❑admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending August 31, 2019 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Budget/Financial impacts: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 310,926.70 $ 10,265.00 $ 321,191.70 Benefits: $ 185,758.69 $ 12,016.20 $ 197,774.89 Total payroll $ 496,685.39 $ 22,281.20 $ 518,966.59 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration — Set public hearing date for the 2020 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: State law requires the City to a set a public hearing date to review the 2020 Budget, and Staff is proposing October 8, 2019. This public hearing is included in the eight separate opportunities the Council will have to discuss the budget, including public hearings to gather input from citizens: • June 11 Council Budget Workshop • August 20 Admin report: Estimated 2020 revenues and expenditures • September 10 Public hearing #1 on 2020 revenues and expenditures • September 24 City Manager's presentation of preliminary 2020 Budget • October 8 Public hearing #2 on 2020 Budget • October 22 First reading on ordinance adopting the 2020 Budget • November 12 Public Hearing #3 on 2020 Budget • November 12 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2020 Budget OPTIONS: The Council could choose to set the public hearing on another date but the recommendation will keep us on schedule to adopt the budget on November 12, 2019. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to set the 2020 Budget hearing date for October 8, 2019. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This is part of the 2020 Budget development process leading to its scheduled adoption on November 12, 2019. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: None. DRAFT MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington August 27, 2019 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Ben Wick, Councilmember Sam Wood, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, City Manager John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Bill Helbig, City Engineer Karen Kendall, Planner Shane Arlt, Street Superintendent Mike Basinger, Economic Development Mgr Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor, a moment of silence was observed. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wood: no report. Councilmember Peetz: said she attended the Multi -Care luncheon; went to the Selkirk school dedication; the Paws in the Pool Parks & Recreation event; ladies night out at Spokane Gymnastics; and the Spokane Valley Farmers Market, which has had almost 14,000 people attend since it began. Councilmember Woodard: reported that he went to Project ID to see the facility, which he said could be heavily impacted by the homeless shelter; went to an event by the National Association of Realtors where they discussed `zombie' and nuisance homes; attended the Multi -care event; and the Selkirk School dedication. Councilmember Thompson: said she worked on the Health District Policy Committee where they have been advocating to look at the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) legislative agenda and compare that with the Department of Health and others to see how they can work together; went to a two-day training event about community partnerships held at the Coeur d'Alene Casino; went to a workshop with the NAACP to also look at policy issues; spoke about some initial planning for a youth town hall event to be held in October, and mentioned Ms. Christine Dugger, a Spokane Valley Youth Voice senior graduate who was chosen as one of the YWCA's 2019 Woman of Achievement Honorees, which will have an event this fall to honor her and others. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-27-2019 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Wick: said he is working to get ready for the interstate fair and Valleyfest; went to the Farmer's Market; and attended the Health Board meeting where they are getting ready for the new executive director who will start her job in September. Deputy Mayor Haley: said that she was invited to the 116th Air Refueling Squad's BBQ; went to Project ID last Friday and reported that they have 200 people in their Special Olympic groups and at least 100 people at the organization, and that they are having a hard time finding an equivalent space; said she also attended the Multi -care luncheon, and extended congratulations on them achieving their five-star rating. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that the newspaper, The Exchange changed their location and he attended the open house & ribbon cutting; and he extended kudos to Multi -care for their tremendous impact since change of owners. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Aug 27, 2019, Request for Council Action Form Total: $2,344,423.68 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending August 15, 2019: $395,740.47 c. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2019, Formal Format d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of August 20, 2019, Study Session Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: After Mayor Higgins explained the process, he invited public comment. Mr. Don Meier, Spokane Valley: he voiced his concern about the commentary he has heard regarding a new state of "Liberty" and that he wanted to find out where the Valley stands on these issues; mentioned comments about Matt Shea and his `radical objectives' and said he has not heard from Council or the City on these issues and needs to know where the Council and the City stand and that there should be a clear published statement on positions; asked if the Council supports the City of Spokane Valley breaking away from the County Sheriff's Office and starting our own Police Department; said it is his understanding that the current arrangement is the lowest cost in Washington State; said he realizes tonight probably is not the time to get an answer, but said perhaps within the next week or so. It was at this point that Mr. Meier's three -minutes ended and after numerous requests from Mayor Higgins that Mr. Meier stop talking and to please sit down, and Mr. Meier ignoring those requests, Mayor Higgins called a ten-minute recess at 6:18 p.m. Mayor Higgins reconvened the meeting at 6:24 p.m. and announced that the public comments section was over and that Council would move to the next agenda item; adding that whenever people keep talking after their three minutes is over and refuse to sit down or stop talking, that a recess will be called and upon the meeting reconvening, Council will start with the next agenda item. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 2. Private Street Vacation (2019-0003) Broadway and Thierman — Karen Kendall Planner Kendall explained the background of this privately -initiated street vacation on Broadway and Thierman; she explained the estimated value of the vacation, and that the Planning Commission recommended approval with conditions. There was complete Council consensus to proceed to a future Council meeting for an ordinance first reading. 3. Streets and Sidewalks Snow Removal — John Hohman Deputy City Manager Hohman introduced City Street Superintendent Shane Arlt, and Economic Development Manager Mike Basinger. Mr. Hohman noted that tonight marks the fifteenth time this issue has been before Council over the last few years; he gave some statistics on snowfall; enforcement process; and history of the plowing processes over the last few years. Mr. Basinger then went over the Safe Routes Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-27-2019 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT to School and referenced the two maps included in tonight's Council packet materials; said that all sidewalks have been identified, except those sidewalks in the commercial areas since they would be cleared by the businesses; and he explained the different statistics on the two maps, adding that the Safe Routes to Schools do not include those sidewalks around the schools. Councilmember Thompson asked if STA (Spokane Transit Authority) clears around the bus stops and Mr. Basinger said they will come out to the shelters and clean up. Mr. Hohman said staff is asking for Council's consideration and direction on the process to use for this winter; should we enforce the sidewalk snow ordinance as written which makes every property owner responsible, or put other criteria Council wants on the Safe Routes to School sidewalks. Mr. Hohman also noted that the question came up about doing just one side of the street or both sides, and does Council want us to find a contractor for this winter; he said Mr. Arlt reached out to those he contacted last year to see if there was interest; and said we would also have to put out a bid package and prepare a 2019 budget amendment to include the purchase of snow removal equipment and hire seasonal employees, if that is the direction Council desires. Councilmember Peetz said she heard complaints on various issues, including some from business owners who shoveled their sidewalk, just to have to shovel it again with the continuing show; that there are pros and cons to both buying a plow and doing that ourselves, or contracting out the service. Mr. Hohman explained the process used now concerning back-to-back snow falls and acknowledged it is sometimes difficult to determine when an event ends; and there were times when staff determined it did not end until the temperatures warmed up after a few days; adding that not clearing those sidewalks in the meantime means buildup of freezing snow and ice, thereby making it almost impossible to clear; said we recommend the public do their best and we understand; said we control the warning notices and fines and were very reasonable this year; he noted again the scope of work is wide open at Council's direction; that concerning the impact to the budget of $80,000 for two pieces of equipment, it is hard to speculate how many times it would be used; said we tried last year but were unable to find a contractor so we would likely just have an hourly rate for an equipment operator, but we would have to determine some kind of budget; and he mentioned we could not guarantee that every sidewalk would be cleared every time. Mr. Hohman said there decisions are up to Council and staff is looking for guidance. Councilmember Wick suggested going back out for a bid and target the circles shown on the map to take care of the Safe Routes to Schools; he asked if the schools have a contractor or staff to clear their sidewalks and suggested the idea of partnering with their crew, and maybe they could extend their area and we could extend ours; said he would like to focus on the residential area and also enforce the policy we have. There was some discussion about partnering with schools, including mention from Councilmember Woodard that we would have to keep in mind that the schools would be closed around the Christmas vacation. Mayor Higgins suggested using the baseline of what we are doing now, and talk to the schools and other contractors to see what beyond that baseline they might be willing to do. In response to Mr. Hohman's questions about clearing one side of the street or both, Councilmember Woodard suggested starting with one side and letting the people in those areas know which are the Safe Routes to School, and to encourage people to assist as they can, which evidentially was done last year. Several Councilmembers agreed with the idea of starting with one side of the street. Councilmember Thompson suggested staff be more proactive in talking about snow plowing, to include the hours the plows work and to ask for respect for the workers out in the community. Mr. Basinger stated that he has been working with City's Public Information Officer to let people know what we are trying to accomplish. 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins Councilmember Peetz asked about an update on the North Pines Middle School crossing, and Mr. Hohman said that is still in the works; that the equipment was ordered by the school, the developer of the apartment complex is putting in the foundations and ramps, and we'll do the installation; said he'll check on the status of construction and ordering of equipment and will get back to Council on a projected completion date. Councilmember Thompson asked about the Tree City USA option and said we are one of the larger cities Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-27-2019 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT that is not a tree city, adding that she'd be willing to volunteer in that regard. Mr. Calhoun said that topic is on the pending list and we work through that list as we have available resources. Councilmember Thompson also asked about graffiti, and City Attorney Driskell said that is a coming attraction as staff are working to identify the most effective way to address the issue, and noted having a second code enforcement officer will also be of assistance. 5. Department Reports The Department Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Calhoun noted that since 2007 we have contracted with Gordon Thomas Honeywell as our state lobbyists, and that contract ends the end of 2019; said they are actively working with us on our 2020 legislative agenda and will be at the September 10 Council meeting; said it is unusual to have gone so long without going out for a Request for Qualifications, and that will be issued next Friday with a September 26 due date; and that it would be beneficial to have Council representation on that review committee to look at responses; and perhaps the Mayor could appoint a Councilmember or two between now and September 26. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-27-2019 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Attendance: Councilmembers MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington September 3, 2019 Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Ben Wick, Councilmember Sam Wood, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, City Manager Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Cary Driskell, City Attorney Mike Stone, Parks & Rec. Director Mark Werner, Police Chief John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Bill Helbig, City Engineer Caitlin Prunty, Attorney Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Resolution 19-013, Substitute House Bill 1406, Affordable Housing — Cary Driskell, Erik Lamb It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Resolution 19-013 declaring the City's intent to adopt legislation to authorize the maximum capacity of the sales and use tax authorized by SHB 1406 within one year of the effective date of SHB 1406, or by July 28, 2020 for qualfing affordable and supportive housing purposes, and request that the City Manager or designee prepare an enabling ordinance for future Council consideration for at least the first . 0073%, no later than February 4, 2020. City Attorney Driskell explained the background of Substitute House Bill 1406, and emphasized that this would not be an increase in sales tax but would be a rebate that would otherwise go to the state; said tonight's resolution focus states our City's intent to adopt legislation to authorize a sales and use tax for affordable and supporting housing; and once approved, staff would prepare an ordinance which would authorize the rebated sales and use tax, which ordinance would need to be adopted by July 28, 2020. Deputy City Attorney Lamb also noted that a plan does not have to be in place now; that upon adoption of an ordinance, we would give notice that we will be taking that rebate, and we would start getting funds sixty to ninety days after passage of that ordinance. In response to Councilmember Wick's question about when the 20 - year plan starts, Mr. Lamb replied it starts from when you start collecting the tax. Mr. Lamb also mentioned that he spoke with our Bond Counsel, and this is subject to some change from the Department of Revenue, but the money would come in after we provide them notice, so we won't have to wait until July. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: she asked where does the money go and where is it kept; and where would be affordable housing be built. City Attorney Driskell said those funds would be kept in a separate fund in the budget and not be touched until we have Council direction; provided the process is consistent with state law, this would be at Council discretion on where affordable housing would be built. Council Study Session: 09-03-2019 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: said he has concerns that with the statement of there will be no increase in tax; said the state tax was just tripled 'over there' so we'd still pay for this through remediation; said the police would have to have people onsite to take care of these people; said there is not enough citizen input and he would like to have the facts about the expense to the taxpayers. Deputy City Attorney Lamb again explained that this resolution is declaring the City's intent and that the deadline for doing so is January 2020. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 2. Motion Consideration: Park Property Acquisition from WSDOT — Mike Stone, Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize staff to finalize and execute any documents necessary for the purchase of Spokane County parcel number 45114.9009 for $844, 000, plus any applicable closing costs. City Attorney Driskell explained the background of this proposition, as noted on his Request for Council Action form; that the Department of Transportation contacted us to let us know they wanted to surplus this property; he mentioned the aluminum dross contamination and that cleanup process will likely end by the end of this year or early 2020; that we have a draft sales and purchase document but we will not close until 60 days after the property has been determined fully cleaned. Parks and Recreation Director Stone stated that this property protrudes into park property that we have been maintaining for many years; and that this is an exciting opportunity for Sullivan Park and ties in with several City policies and objectives, as well as with the future MasterPlan. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3. Code Enforcement Revisions — Caitlin Prunty Via her PowerPoint presentation, Spokane Valley Attorney Prunty gave some background information on the City's adopted chronic nuisance provisions; mentioned that the proposed changes will better align the language prohibiting chronic nuisances already in our Code; that one of the revisions includes a more flexible time period when issuing a notice and order given, changing the 30 -day time period to a proposed `reasonable period.' Ms. Prunty explained the rationale for the 30 -day change is associated with when our Code Enforcement Officer issues the notice and order; that imposing a 30 -day timeframe is counter to our goal, which is voluntary compliance. There was some discussion about how to define `reasonable period' and Mr. Lamb said that staff can come back with some clarifying language, such as no less or no more than a certain amount of days. Councilmembers agreed with the suggestion and with moving this forward to an ordinance first reading. 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins Councilmember Thompson suggested convening the Governance Manual Committee in order to address having a more clear process for public comments, based on what happened at the last Council meeting; said she did not realize after reconvening from the recess that we would not continue further with public comment; said she wants to hear what citizens say. City Manager Calhoun asked if there was Council consensus to convene the Governance Manual Committee to address this, and three members of Council indicated they would like to do so; however, with a lack of a majority, the Committee will not address that at this time. Mayor Higgins said he has discussions with our legal department, and that at the time of the incident, the simple thing to restore order was to call a recess. City Attorney Driskell said he and the Mayor have had a few discussions and will continue some discussion points for Council and that the Mayor may come forward with something in the near future; adding that public comment is a privilege and not a right. 5. Information Only The Department Monthly Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. Council Study Session: 09-03-2019 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT 6. Council Check-in — Mayor Higgins Councilmember Wood mentioned he noticed not all News Channels mention the weather in Spokane Valley; said some mention Spokane and Coeur d'Alene and skip over Spokane Valley; which he said is offensive. 7. City Manager Comments — Mark Calhoun Mr. Calhoun said that the generator will be installed here at City Hall beginning Thursday; and we expect to have the Police Precinct generator by mid-November; he mentioned the upcoming Council of Governments meeting this Friday at the Fairgrounds, from 9:30 to noon, hosted by Spokane County, and that all members of Council plan to attend; and he noted that parking passes and the agenda have been distributed to all Councilmembers. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:51 p.m. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session: 09-03-2019 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 19-012: Barker Road/BSNF Grade Separation Project Land Acquisition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 8.12.005; RCW 8.12.040; RCW 8.25.290 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • May 7, 2013 — Administrative Report, Bridging the Valley • June 23, 2015 — Passed Resolution No. 17-011 adopting the 2016-2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which included both the Barker Road and the Pines Road Grade Separation Projects (GSP) • April 5, 2016 — Admin Report for use of federal earmark funds • November 8, 2016 — Information Report on the status of the Barker GSP • November 15, 2016 — Administrative Report on the Barker GSP status • November 22, 2016 — Informational RCA • December 6, 2016 — Administrative Report • December 20, 2016 — Administrative Report • January 10, 2017 — Motion failed to contract with DEA for project design services • February 21, 2017 — Administrative Report • February 28, 2017 — Passed Resolution 17-006, amending the 2017 TIP • May 23, 2017 — Passed Resolution No. 17-011 adopting the 2018-2023 Six -Year TIP, which included the Grade Separation Project • August 22, 2017 — Passed motion to enter into contract with DEA for the project's Phase 1 • October 24, 2017 — Administrative Report to discuss alternatives • January 30, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss alternatives with Council consensus to move the project forward with Alternative 5 • March 2, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss alternatives • March 13, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss history and alternatives • March 16, 2018 — Administrative Report for Council and Chamber of Commerce • March 27, 2018 — Passed motion to select preferred alternative for advancing project • April 10, 2018 — Passed motion to execute supplemental agreement with DEA for the project's Phase 2 design • December 4, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss project status BACKGROUND: Over the past two years, the City has been working with David Evans & Associates (Consultant) to develop and prepare the Barker Road/BNSF Railroad Grade Separation Project (Project). In the first phase of the Project, which began in 2017, the Consultant analyzed and compared six alternatives in terms of cost, right-of-way (ROW) needs, impacts to existing properties, constructability, safety, and other pertinent Project elements so the City could select the preferred alternative. On March 27, 2018, the City Council passed a motion approving Alternative 5 as the preferred alternative for advancing the project into design and construction. On April 10, 2018, City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a supplemental agreement with DEA for the final design of Alternative 5. The following major milestones that are currently ongoing, or have been completed, include: • NEPA approval - November 2018 • SEPA approval - January 2019 • TIGER IX Agreement (Phase I) — Executed April 2019 • ROW Phase Authorization — May 2019 • ROW Negotiations Began — June 2019 • 60 percent plans developed - July 2019 In June 2019, the City's ROW consultant, HDR, began negotiations with property owners to acquire the necessary ROW for the project. In total, there are 16 parcels that are affected by ROW or easement acquisition needs. The attached illustration shows the general overall properties being affected. Negotiations and acquisitions are occurring, or have occurred, with the majority of the property owners. However, in the event that the City cannot complete ROW negotiations, Title 8 RCW authorizes the City to initiate condemnation proceedings and acquire the property through its eminent domain authority. Eminent domain requires that the City pay property owners just compensation for the property that is condemned. The City and its consultants have identified eight parcels where condemnation may be necessary. RCW 8.12.040 requires that the City take its final action indicating its desire to condemn land through an ordinance. Proposed Ordinance 19-012 is the City's necessary "final action" ordinance. It identifies the City Council's desire to initiate condemnation proceedings for the eight parcels specifically identified. Upon passage, the City will continue to attempt to reach a mutually agreeable result with all property owners through negotiations. However, if negotiations are not successful, City staff will then, pursuant to the directive in Ordinance 19-012, initiate condemnation litigation in Superior Court to acquire the necessary property for the project. Condemnation proceedings, should they become necessary, will follow all applicable laws for condemning, appropriating, and taking for public use the required ROW, including making the necessary just compensation to the owners. Further, during the condemnation proceedings, the owners will have ample opportunity to provide their rationale on what they believe is a fair compensation for the real property. Given the history of this project and the prior number of discussions, as well as the status of negotiations, City Council may wish to suspend the rules and to approve without conducting a second reading. OPTIONS: 1. Move to advance Ordinance 19-012 to a second reading with or without amendments for consideration at a later date; or 2. Move to suspend the rules, and approve Ordinance 19-012. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 19-012 related to land acquisition for the Barker/BNSF Grade Separation Project. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: To date, the City has secured funding in excess of $24,000,000 for the project from seven sources. Right-of-way acquisition will be funded from the project. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney, Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney, Bill Helbig, PE, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 19-012; Barker GSP Right -of -Way Acquisition Illustration DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 19- 012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BARKER ROAD/BNSF GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR CONDEMNATION AND TAKING OF LAND AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS NECESSARY THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR THE COSTS OF SAID PROPERTY ACQUISITION; DIRECTING THE INITIATION OF APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY LAW FOR SAID CONDEMNATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, by 2006 the Spokane Regional Transportation Council had identified a grade separation of Barker Road and BNSF railroad tracks as a means of supporting freight mobility and improving safety; and WHEREAS, the current plan of the Spokane Regional Transportation Council, known as Horizon 2040, identifies a Barker Road/BNSF overpass as a regionally significant project; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 2017-2037, adopted December 2016 by Ordinance 16-018, amended by Ordinance 18-014, and by Ordinance 19-004, states on page 5-84 that "Spokane Valley continues to strongly support the grade separation projects of the BNSF mainline at major roads like Park, Pines, and Barker."; and WHEREAS, through the adoption of major goal statements for 2018, the Spokane Valley City Council endorsed the following: "Continue to work with state and federal legislators toward obtaining financial assistance for the Barker and Pines Road Grade Separation projects" and "Pursue a strategic plan for financing and completing all grade separation projects."; and WHEREAS, the City conducted a process of assessing design criteria and basis of design that included benefit -cost analysis and value engineering, which resulted in a final version of the project that includes: 1) grade separation of Barker Road and the BNSF railroad tracks; 2) replacement of the existing stop -controlled intersection at Barker Road/Trent Avenue with a roundabout; and 3) sidewalk and ADA accessible improvements (hereafter the "project"); and WHEREAS, the above -stated actions of the City Council were, and are, consistent with state law and with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that the public health, safety, necessity, and convenience demand that the project be undertaken at this time and that in order to carry out the project it is necessary at this time for the City to acquire land and real property interests described herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and declares it necessary and in the best interest of the public that land and real property interests described herein be condemned, appropriated, and taken for public use, subject to the making or paying of just compensation to the owners thereof in the manner provided by law; and Ordinance 19-012 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Page 1 of 3 DRAFT WHEREAS, notice of the planned final action set forth herein was duly provided in accordance with RCW 8.12.005 and RCW 8.25.290. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Public Use and Necessity. The certain land and real property interests within the City of Spokane Valley and unincorporated Spokane County, Washington, in the vicinity of the crossing of Barker Road of BNSF railroad tracks near Trent Avenue (SR 290) in the City of Spokane Valley and unincorporated Spokane County, Washington, and further described in the attached Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 (subsequently referred to collectively as the "property"), are necessary for construction of the project. The City of Spokane Valley finds that construction of the project is a public use, specifically including: 1) grade separation of Barker Road and the BNSF railroad tracks; 2) replacement of the existing stop -controlled intersection at Barker Road/Trent Avenue with a roundabout; and 3) sidewalk and ADA accessible improvements. The City Council specifically finds that construction of the project is necessary and in the best interest of the citizens. Section 2. Funding. The project, including the cost and expense of acquiring the property, will be paid from any of several funding sources, including a federal earmark, non-federal funds from a Washington State Legislative Appropriation, a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant, the allocation of funds directly from the City, and from other monies applicable thereto or that the City may obtain. The City Manager or his designees are hereby authorized to continue negotiations with and make offers to the owners of the property for the purposes of making or paying just compensation and to approve the payment of just compensation as negotiated with said owners or as ordered by the Court. Section 3. Eminent Domain. In the absence of negotiated purchases with the owners of the property, the City Manager and/or his designees are hereby authorized to commence condemnation proceedings for the property, pursuant to law, to determine and make or pay just compensation, and to take such other steps as may be necessary to complete acquisition of the property. In so doing, the City Manager and/or his designees are authorized to adjust the extent of the property and property interests taken or acquired to facilitate implementation of this ordinance, provided that such adjustment shall not be inconsistent with the project. Nothing in this ordinance limits the City in its identification and acquisition of property and property rights necessary for these purposes. The City reserves the right to acquire other or different property in support of the project, as the same exists or may in the future be revised. The City Manager and/or his designees are further authorized to approve and enter into any and all such agreements, stipulations, and orders necessary to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Corrections. Upon the approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this Ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any references thereto. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Ordinance 19-012 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Page 2 of 3 DRAFT Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of September, 2019. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 19-012 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Page 3 of 3 Exhibit 1 Sheet 1 of 5 DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS TO BE ACQUIRED FROM HIGH -EST, L.L.C., AS PART OF THE BARKER ROAD/BNSF GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT No. 0143 TO WIT: REFERENCE: Parcel 56314.9026 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "X" lying southeasterly of a line described as beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) L 107+83.89 on the L line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 132.80 feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98.17 on said line survey and 117.99 feet northerly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 109+03.32 on said line survey and 166.10 feet northerly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 211+00.07 on the B line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 176.05 feet northerly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 218+12.98 on said line survey and 176.47 feet northerly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract"X": The Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 26 North, Range 45 East, W.M. lying Southerly and Westerly of Highland Estates Second Addition as per the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 31 of Plats, Pages 71-76; Except roads; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 19,456.36 square feet, more or less. REFERENCE: Parcels 56323.9162, 55052.9021, 55052.9022, 56323.9092 & 56326.9016 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "X" lying southeasterly of a line described as beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) L 107+98.17 on the L line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 117.99 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 109+03.32 on said line Exhibit 1 Sheet 2 of 5 survey and 166.10 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 211+00.07 on the B line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 176.05 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 218+12.98 on said line survey and 176.47 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence southeasterly to a point opposite HES B 218+17.83 on said line survey and 157.37 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly on an arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 1,236 feet to a point opposite HES B 219+45.67 on said line survey and 211.30 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence southeasterly to a point opposite HES B 219+60.89 on said line survey and 159.65 feet northeasterly therefrom; thence northeasterly on an arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 1,181 feet to a point opposite HES B 226+59.48 on said line survey and 226.90 feet northwesterly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract"X": Parcel 1 (56323.9162) The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 26 North, Range 45 East, W.M.; Except canal right of way 50 foot wide across said property; And except platted portions; And except portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying Northerly of the following described line as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter point, said point being 1260.04 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter thence North 67°28'51" West to a point on the North line of Southwest Quarter; Also except the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; Also except county road; Also except that portion as described in Judgement and Decree of Appropriation filed June 19, 1962 in Spokane County Superior Court Cause No. 165065 for Secondary State Highway No. 2-H (Trent Avenue); Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Exhibit 1 Sheet 3 of 5 Parcel 5 (55052.9021) That portion of Government Lot 4 in Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M., lying North of the right of way of Northern Pacific Railway Company; Except canal right of way; Also except that portion as described in the Judgment and Decree of Appropriation filed June 19, 1962 in Spokane County Superior Court Case No. 165065 for Secondary State Highway no. 2-H (Trent Avenue); Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Parcel 6 (55052.9022) Canal right of way Northerly of Highway in Lot 4 of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M.; (formerly Spokane Valley Lane and Water Co. Right of Way); Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Parcel 7 (56323.9092) All that portion of the following described Parcel "B" lying within the following described Tract "Z": Tract "Z": Beginning at a point 75.0 feet Northwesterly of and opposite Highway Engineer's Station L 490+50, when measured at right angles from the "L" Center Line of Secondary State Highway No. 2-H (SR 290), Trent Ave. N.P.Ry. Overcrossing and Approaches; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station L 491+50 and distant 65.0 feet Northwesterly therefrom; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station B 2+00.0 P.T. and distant 35.0 feet therefrom, when measured at right angles from the "B" center line of said highway; thence Northeasterly and Easterly parallel to said "B" centerline to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station B 20+95.3 P.T. = A 25+65.2 P.O.T., which point is 35.0 feet Northwesterly, when measured at right angles from the "A" line for said highway; thence Northeasterly parallel to said "A" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station A 27+00; thence Northwesterly at right angles a distance of 45.5 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel to said "A" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station A 25+65.2 P.O.T. = B 20+95.3 P.T.; thence Northwesterly at right angles to a point 100.0 feet distant Northwesterly, when measured at right angles from the "B" center line for said highway; thence Exhibit 1 Sheet 4 of 5 Southwesterly and Westerly parallel to said "B" center line to the Westerly boundary line of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 26 North, Range 45 East, W.M.; thence Southerly along the Westerly boundary of said Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter a distance of 10.0 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with said "B" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station B 6+50; thence Southeasterly at right angles a distance of 5.0 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with said "B" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station B 4+00 and distant 85.0 feet Northwesterly therefrom; thence Southeasterly at right angles a distance of 5.0 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with said "B" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station B 1+50 and distant 80.0 feet Northwesterly therefrom; thence Northwesterly at right angles a distance of 10.0 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel to said "B" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station B 0+00.0 = L 492+47.5 P.O.T. and distant 102.0 feet Northwesterly, when measured at right angles from the "L" centerline for said highway; thence Southeasterly at right angles a distance of 2.0 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with said "L" center line to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station L 490+50 and distant 100.0 feet Northwesterly therefrom; thence Southeasterly at right angles a distance of 25.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel "B": The South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 26 North, Range 45 East, W.M., and Government Lot 4 in Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M.; EXCEPTING THEREFROM any lands heretofore conveyed for railroad or county road rights of way. End of Tract "X". AND All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "8" lying northerly of a line described as beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 218+22.55 on the B line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 73.00 feet southerly thereof; thence easterly to a point opposite HES B 220+51.15 and 73.00 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES B 222+84.83 and 73.00 feet southerly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract "8": (56326.9016) That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 26 North, Range 45 East, W.M., and that part of Government Lot 4 in the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M., and that part of the canal or ditch right of way acquired by the State of Washington by Judgement and Decree of Appropriation dated March 15, Exhibit 1 Sheet 5 of 5 1966, under Cause No. 168003 in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County, lying within the following described parcel of land; Beginning at the point of intersection of the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and a line drawn parallel with and 75 feet southerly, when measured at right angles and or radially, from the "L" line survey of SR 290, Trent Avenue Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Apprs; Thence Westerly and Southwesterly parallel with said "L" line survey to the point of intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 30 feet northerly, when measured at right angles and/or radially, from the "A" line survey of said Highway; Thence Northeasterly parallel with said "A" line survey to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station A 10+34.5 P.T. thereon; Thence Northwesterly to a point opposite said Highway Engineer's Station and 30.5 feet Northwesterly therefrom; Thence Northeasterly parallel with said "A" line survey to a point on said East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32; Thence northerly along said East line to the Point of Beginning. Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. End of Tract "8". The lands herein described contain an area of 180,951.56 square feet, more or less, Exhibit 2 Sheet 1 of 2 DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS TO BE ACQUIRED FROM JOVI, LLC, AS PART OF THE BARKER ROAD/BNSF GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT No. 0143 TO WIT: REFERENCE: Parcel 55061.9004 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "X" lying easterly of a line described as beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 82+89.75 on the BR line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 40.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES BR 83+29.76 on said line survey and 40.00 feet westerly thereof; thence westerly, to a point opposite HES BR 83+32.02 on said line survey and 135.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point on the BNSF Railroad Right -of -Way, said point being opposite HES BR 89+44.36 on said line survey and 135.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence easterly, along said Railroad Right -of -Way, to a point opposite HES BR 89+76.66 on said survey line and 30.00 feet westerly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract "X": That portion of Government Lot 1, Section 6, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Government Lot 1; Thence west along the south line thereof, 12 rods; Thence north at right angles to county road; Thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary of said county road to the east line of Government Lot 1; Thence south along the east line of said Government Lot 1 to the Point of Beginning; Except any portion lying within the Northern Pacific Railroad Right of Way; Except Barker Road; Situate in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 66,518.37 square feet, more or less. Exhibit 2 Sheet 2 of 2 REFERENCE: Parcel 55061.9004; Temporary Easement All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "X" described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 82+89.75 on the BR line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 40.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence westerly, to a point opposite HES BR 82+90.11 on said line survey and 55.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES BR 83+30.12 on said line survey and 55.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES BR 83+29.76 on said survey line and 40.00 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly to the Point of Beginning. Tract "X": That portion of Government Lot 1, Section 6, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Government Lot 1; Thence west along the south line thereof, 12 rods; Thence north at right angles to county road; Thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary of said county road to the east line of Government Lot 1; Thence south along the east line of said Government Lot 1 to the Point of Beginning; Except any portion lying within the Northern Pacific Railroad Right of Way; Except Barker Road; Situate in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 600.17 square feet, more or less. Exhibit 3 Sheet 1 of 2 DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS TO BE ACQUIRED FROM SPW-DIST, LLC, AS PART OF THE BARKER ROAD/BNSF GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT No. 0143 TO WIT: REFERENCE: Parcel 55052.9029 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "X" lying westerly of a line described as beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 83+10.65 on the BR line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 80.00 feet easterly therefrom; thence northerly, parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES BR 86+50.68 on said line survey and 80.00 feet easterly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract "X": The West Half of the North 340 feet of the South 1690 feet of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East of the Willamette Meridian; Except the West 30 feet thereof; And except that portion conveyed to Spokane County July 02, 2002 under Auditor's File No. 4745091; Also delineated as parcel "T" on Survey recorded July 26, 2001 under Spokane County Auditor's File No. 4613726 in Book 92 of Surveys, Page 15C, records of Spokane County; Situate in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 13,935.29 square feet, more or less. Exhibit 3 Sheet 2 of 2 REFERENCE: Parcel 55052.9029; Temporary Easement All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract "X" described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 86+04.68 on the BR line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 80.00 feet easterly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES BR 86+50.68 on said line survey and 80.00 feet easterly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES BR 86+44.73 on said line survey and 460.85 feet easterly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES BR 85+98.72 on said line survey and 460.85 feet easterly therefrom; thence westerly to the Point of Beginning. Tract "X": The West Half of the North 340 feet of the South 1690 feet of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East of the Willamette Meridian; Except the West 30 feet thereof; And except that portion conveyed to Spokane County July 02, 2002 under Auditor's File No. 4745091; Also delineated as parcel "T" on Survey recorded July 26, 2001 under Spokane County Auditor's File No. 4613726 in Book 92 of Surveys, Page 15C, records of Spokane County; Situate in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 17,521 square feet, more or less. SCAglitIgET T.25N./T.26N. R.45E. W.M. _i. END OF PLAN STA. B 228+48.71 P.O.T. BK. = STA. A 21+21.40 (2.50. LT.) P.O.T. AHD. = MP 12.89 5.268. R.45E.W.M. STA. L 99+59.47 P.O.T. AHD. STA. L 480+11.02 P.O.T. BK. MP 12.35 5. ° SE , NE SEC, GOVjEd:(,)-F 5 Ordinandce 19-012 Properties High -Est, LLC Purple Light Blue Light Green Orange Green Light Peach Jovi, LLC Cyan SPW-DIST, LLC Pink CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ information Department Director: n old business ®new business n public hearing n admin. report n pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 19-013 — STV -2019-0003 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 22.140; Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35A.47.020 and RCW 35.79 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: At the June 18, 2019 City Council meeting, a public hearing date was set with the Planning Commission for July 25, 2019. On August 27, 2019, City Council heard an administrative report on the proposed street vacation. BACKGROUND: On May 1, 2019, property owners Grant Person, Sonrise Land, LLC and Pomajevich Investments, Char -Don & Associates, and DKelly Developments, LLC submitted a street vacation application to vacate the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. On June 4, 2019, parcel 35132.1310 was purchased by Otter Investments, LLC from Sonrise Land, LLC. Otter Investments has submitted documentation agreeing to the petition and street vacation, acknowledging they had rights to notice of the public hearing on July 25, 2019, and agreeing to proceed with the hearing on July 25, 2019 without such full notice. Further, Otter Investments has indicated that Storhaug Engineering represents their interests in this matter. Considering the facts above regarding ownership change, staff believes that the process substantially complies with the requirements of chapter 22.140 SVMC and may proceed. In August of 1985 the owner conveyed property to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for work on Interstate 90. WSDOT conveyed the unused ROW to Spokane County one month later (September 1985). The City acquired the ROW in 2003 upon incorporation. In April 2016 a utility easement was granted to the City and WSDOT to cover the traffic signal system equipment on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. The property owners have requested the street vacation for the following reasons: 1. The area proposed to be vacated is improved with pavement and maintained by current businesses using the area; 2. The City's traffic signal equipment is preserved in an easement established in April 2016; 3. The vacation will allow abutting properties to continue to use the area for parking vehicles associated with business in area of ROW; and 4. The street vacation will represent no physical change. On June 18, 2019 the City Council passed Resolution 19-009 to set a public hearing date with the Planning Commission on July 25, 2019. The street vacation process is prescribed in chapter 22.140 SVMC and conducted following the City's process of presenting three times each to the Planning Commission and the City Council. The Planning Commission conducted a study session on July 11, 2019 and a public hearing on July 25, 2019. Following public testimony and deliberations, the Planning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the proposal, subject to consideration of the criteria in SVMC 22.140.030 and to impose RCA 1" Ordinance Reading for STV -2019-0003 Page 1 of 3 associated conditions. The findings and recommendations were approved by the Planning Commission on August 8, 2019. SVMC 22.140.040 directs City Council to consider the Planning Commission's findings, conditions and/or limitations appropriate to preserve the public use or benefit, the division of the vacated right-of- way among abutting property owners, and last whether to require compensation for the right-of-way and when it is to be paid. Council established Resolution 07-009 to provide parameters on requiring compensation. Within the Resolution, Section 1(Policy) states, "The cost for property received as a result of a vacation initiated by an adjacent property owner shall equal 50% of the appraised value of the vacated property received" Section 1(1)(a) allows the property values to be averaged if value of adjacent properties differs. Section 1(2) also provides that the applicant shall only be required to pay the fee "to the extent that it exceeds the cost charged by the City of Spokane Valley to initiate the vacation process.... " The table below includes the analysis conducted to determine the estimated appraised value of the vacated property. Parcel Number Appraised Market Value (2019) Lot Size in Appraised Value per 2 2 S i uare Feet ft S i uare Foot ft 35132.1310 35132.1308 35132.1320 $22,940 $28,960 $64,400 5,734 7,240 16,100 2 Average appraised value per ft Square feet of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road Appraised value for the area of street vacation 1 $0.25 1 $0.25 1 $0.25 $0.25 2 2,977 ft 2 2,977 ft x $0.25 = $744.25 50% of appraised value $744.25 x 50% = $372.13 Subtracting amount paid for application processing $372.13 - $1,365.00 = $-992.87 Estimated value is less than application fee = $-992.87 As shown above, 50% of the appraised value for the unimproved portions of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road is less than the application fee and thus, pursuant to Section 1(2) of Resolution 07-009, no fee may be required from the applicant. Additionally, as part of its recommendation, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that City Council not require compensation for the proposed street vacation due to the historical use of the site by the private owners. OPTIONS: Move to advance to a second reading with or without further amendments. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to advance Ordinance 19-013 to a second reading at the September 24, 2019 Council meeting. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Planner RCA 1" Ordinance Reading for STV -2019-0003 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. Draft Ordinance 19-013 3. Signed Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations 4. Approved Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2019 5. Approved Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 25, 2019 6. Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 8, 2019 7. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission, including exhibits 8. Resolution 07-009 RCA 1st Ordinance Reading for STV -2019-0003 Page 3 of 3 Spokane j�alley Broadway and Thierman Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 City Council Ordinance First Reading September 10, 2019 Planning Commission Process Study Session 7-11-19 Public Hearing 7-25-19 Cr)• Findings of Fact 8-8-19 Administrative Report 8-27-19 Ord. 1st Reading 9-10-19 Ord. 2nd Reading 9-24-19 LI Decision Conditions satisfied Staff Review Record Ordinance and Record (14 1St Phase of street vacation 2nd Phase of street vacation Street Vacation Details and Location E Dean Ave roadway Ave. STV -2019-0003 STREET VACATION City Council Considerations: 1. Planning Commission findings; 2. Conditions and/or limitations deemed appropriate to preserve public use or benefit; 3. Specifies which portion of street goes to abutting property owners; and 4. Feasibility to require compensation based upon Resolution 07-009. East Br oadwa,Avenue DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 19-013 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR A RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION OF APPROXIMATELY 2,977 SQUARE FEET ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BROADWAY AVENUE AND THIERMAN ROAD ADJACENT TO PARCELS 35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310 AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, on May 1, 2019, an application for vacation was filed requesting the vacation of the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road approximately 2,977 square feet; and WHEREAS, on June 4, 2019, Parcel 35132.1310 was purchased by Otter Investments, LLC. Otter Investments has submitted documentation agreeing to the petition and street vacation, acknowledging they had rights to notice of the public hearing on July 25, 2019, and agreeing to proceed with the hearing on July 25, 2019 without such full notice; and WHEREAS, on June 18, 2019, the City Council by Resolution 19-009 set a public hearing date for July 25, 2019 with the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on July 25, 2019, the Planning Commission held a public hearing; and WHEREAS, following the hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice and hearing requirements of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 22.140.020 had been met; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and minutes have been filed with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; and WHEREAS, none of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated filed a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 22.140 SVMC, upon vacation of the road, the City shall transfer the vacated property to abutting property owners, the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street shall attach to the vacated property, a record of survey shall be submitted to the City, and all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street shall be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to vacate the above street pursuant to chapter 22.140 SVMC. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Findings of Fact. The City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The area proposed to be vacated is improved with pavement and landscaping, and currently used by adjacent property owners with the assumption the ROW does not exist. The vacation will establish the parcel lines consistent with the current use of the ROW. The area proposed to be vacated has existing services from Avista Utilities and Comcast. Avista submitted public comment requesting an easement to preserve an overhead electrical distribution facility located in the ROW. Comcast provided a comment to the Applicant during the initial application gathering stage stating they have no objection, if an easement is preserved for their existing aerial path. No comments were provided by Comcast during the formal routing stage. Staff has carried forward the request for easements into the recommended conditions. The vacation of the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road are expected to have no impact on the general public. Ordinance 19-013 - Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 Page 1 of 6 DRAFT 2. The subject ROW is improved and has been utilized by adjacent property owners for their businesses since 1985 when WSDOT dedicated the portion back to the local jurisdiction. The portion of ROW has not been needed nor is needed in the future for public use or access. 3. The area originally deeded to WSDOT in 1985 was unused and given back to the local jurisdiction. In 2016 the City preserved traffic signal system equipment within an easement thus eliminating the need for a substitution of a new or different ROW. 4. Based on the Comprehensive Plan it is not anticipated that changes will occur in the future that would alter the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Traffic modeling and projections for the next 20 years indicate that a new right turn lane at the northwest corner will not be necessary. There are no future uses for the ROW proposed to be vacated. The traffic signal system equipment on the corner is located in an easement and satisfactory to the City. 5. No objections or public comment has been received. 6. On June 4, 2019 Parcel 35132.1310 was purchased by Otter Investments, LLC. Otter Investments submitted documentation agreeing to the petition and street vacation, acknowledging they had rights to notice of the public hearing on July 25, 2019, and agreeing to proceed with the hearing on July 25, 2019 without such full notice. 7. Resolution 07-009 was adopted pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 to set the City's policy for imposing vacation charges. Pursuant to Section 1 of Resolution 07-009: a. The cost for property received as a result of a vacation initiated by an adjacent property owner shall equal 50% of the appraised value of the vacated property received to the extent the cost exceeds the amount charged by the City of Spokane Valley to initiate the vacation process. i. The appraised value shall be the same as the value of an equivalent portion of property adjacent to the proposed vacation as established by Spokane County Assessor at the time the matter is considered by the City Council. ii. If the value of adjacent properties differs, than the average of the adjacent property values per square foot will be used. Based on the average assessed value of the adjacent properties, $372.13 is 50% of the assessed value. Therefore, $372.13 minus the $1,365 application fee equals $-992.87. The unimproved portions of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road is less than the application fee and thus, pursuant to Section 1(2) of Resolution 07-009, no fee may be required from the applicant. Section 2. Property to be Vacated. Based upon the above findings and in accordance with this Ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley which is incorporated herein by reference, and legally described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY, PORTION 1 OF PARCEL 35132.1320 A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington, said parcel being a portion of Lot 6 and the West 27 feet of Lot 5, together with the south half of the vacated alley lying adjacent and contiguous to said lots in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, Book M of Plats, Page 7, records of Spokane County, said parcel being a portion of the land described as "shown hachured on Exhibit "A"" of Quitclaim Deed, Book 774 of Deeds, Page 1267, Instrument 8509230166, Recorded 09/23/1985, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Parcel B as shown on the Record of Survey, Recorded in Book 71 of Surveys, Page 78, Records of Spokane County, Washington; Ordinance 19-013 - Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 Page 2 of 6 DRAFT Thence SO°30'37"W along the West Line of said Parcel B, a distance of 184.25 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the W/E Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953; Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a non -tangent curve to the right, the center of said curve bears N22° 18'08"W, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 9°29'04" an Arc Length of 72.67 feet, and a Chord of S72°26'24"W, 72.59 feet to the West Line of said Lot 6 and the Point of Beginning; Thence continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a tangent curve to the right, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 5°25'20", an Arc Length of 41.54 feet, and a Chord of S79°53'35'W, 41.53 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the B Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953. Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way, S88°44'24E, a distance of 40.82 feet to the West Line of said Lot 6; Thence N0°30'37"E along said West Line, a distance of 8.19 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 153 Square Feet of land more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY, PORTION 2 OF PARCEL 35132.1308 A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington, said parcel being a portion of Lot 6 and the West 27 feet of Lot 5, together with the south half of the vacated alley lying adjacent and contiguous to said lots in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, Book M of Plats, Page 7, records of Spokane County, said parcel being a portion of the land described as "shown hachured on Exhibit "A"" of Quitclaim Deed, Book 774 of Deeds, Page 1267, Instrument 8509230166, Recorded 09/23/1985, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Parcel B as shown on the Record of Survey, Recorded in Book 71 of Surveys, Page 78, Records of Spokane County, Washington; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Parcel B, a distance of 184.25 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the W/E Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953 and the Point of Beginning; Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a non -tangent curve to the right, the center of said curve bears N22°18'08"W, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 9°29'04" an Arc Length of 72.67 feet, and a Chord of S72 °26'24 "W, 72.59 feet to the West Line of said Lot 6; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Lot 6, a distance of 8.19 feet to the Northerly Right -of - Way Line of the B Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953. Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way the following 2 courses: 1. S88°44'24E, a distance of 52.51 feet; 2. Along a Tangent curve to the left with a Radius of 75. 00 feet, a Delta of 12° 41 '44" an Arc Length of 16.62 feet, and Chord of N84 °54'44 "E, 16.58 feet to the West Line of said Parcel B; Ordinance 19-013 - Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 Page 3 of 6 DRAFT Thence NO°30'37"E along said West Line, a distance of 29. 77 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,290 Square Feet of land more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY, PORTION 3 OF PARCEL 35132.1310 A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington, said parcel being a portion of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, except the West 27 feet of said Lot 5, together with the south half of the vacated alley lying adjacent and contiguous to said lots in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, Book M of Plats, Page 7, records of Spokane County, said parcel being a portion of the land described as "shown hachured on Exhibit "A" of Quitclaim Deed, Book 774 of Deeds, Page 1267, Instrument 8509230166, Recorded 09/23/1985, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Parcel B as shown on the Record of Survey, Recorded in Book 71 of Surveys, Page 78, Records of Spokane County, Washington; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Parcel B, a distance of 184.25 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the W/E Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953 and the Point of Beginning; Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a non -tangent curve to the left, the center of said curve bears N22°18'08"W, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 9°09'06", an Arc Length of 70.12 feet, and a Chord of N63 °07'19 "E, 70.04 feet to the Westerly Right -of -Way of Thierman Road, the centerline of which is shown as TR Line on said Sheet 23 of 25; Thence along said Westerly Right -of -Way the following 2 courses: 1. Along a non -tangent curve to the left with a Radius of 280.00 feet, a Delta of 4°14'32" an Arc Length of 20. 73 feet, and a Chord of S26° 15'09"W, 20. 73 feet to a Point of Reverse curvature; 2. Along a Tangent curve to the right with a Radius of 75.00 feet, a Delta of 54°25'53" an Arc Length of 71.25 feet, and Chord of S51 °20'56"W, 68.60 feet to the West Line of said Parcel B; Thence N0°30'37"E along said West Line, a distance of 29. 77 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,543 Square Feet of land more or less. Section 3. Division of Property to be Vacated. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.040 and SVMC 22.140.040(C), the vacated portion of the street or alley shall belong to the abutting property owners, one- half to each, unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated. The completion of the vacation shall be recorded in the record of survey which shall be created and recorded with Spokane County as required pursuant to SVMC 22.140.090. Section 4. Zoning. The zoning designation for the vacated property shall be the designation attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot lines. The City Manager or designee is authorized to make this notation on the official Zoning Map of the City. Section 5. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. Initial work to satisfy conditions of the street vacation (File No. STV -2019-0003), including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for review within 90 days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. Ordinance 19-013 - Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 Page 4 of 6 DRAFT 2. The vacated property shall be transferred into the abutting parcels (35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310) as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office pursuant to condition 9. 3. The applicant shall establish an easement acceptable to Avista Utilities for access to overhead electric distribution facilities serving parcels 35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance and all conditions have been satisfied. 4. The applicant shall submit written acceptance from Comcast that an easement has been established to preserve their services, if necessary. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance and all conditions have been satisfied. 5. Following the City Council's passage of the Ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the City Manager, or designee, for review and approval. 6. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Valley Street Standards. 7. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer of the vacated street from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees, shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not, and does not, assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 8. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting Ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 9. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 10. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Section 6. Closing. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and the City Manager is authorized to execute and finalize all necessary documents in order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Ordinance 19-013 - Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 Page 5 of 6 DRAFT Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of September, 2019. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 19-013 - Street Vacation STV -2019-0003 Page 6 of 6 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION STV -2019-0003 — Street vacation of a portion of the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Pursuant to SVMC 17.80.150(E) the Planning Commission shall consider the proposal and shall prepare and forward a recommendation to the City Council following the public hearing. The following findings are consistent with the Planning Commission recommendation. A. Background: 1. Chapter 22.140 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), governing street vacations, was adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28, 2007. 2. The privately -initiated street vacation, STV -2019-0003, proposes to vacate 2,987 square feet of improved right-of-way on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. 3. The Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing and conducted deliberations on July 25, 2019. The Planning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of STV -2019-0003 to the City Council. B. Planning Commission Findings: Compliance with SVMC 22.140.030 Planning Commission review and recommendation Finding(s): 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public? The area proposed to be vacated is improved with pavement and landscaping, and currently used by adjacent property owners with the assumption the ROW does not exist. The vacation will establish the parcel lines consistent with the current use of the ROW. The area proposed to be vacated has existing services from Avista Utilities and Comcast. Avista submitted public comment requesting an easement to preserve an overhead electrical distribution facility located in the ROW. Comcast provided a comment to the Applicant during the initial application gathering stage stating they have no objection, if an easement is preserved for their existing aerial path. No comments were provided by Comcast during the formal routing stage. Staff has carried forward the request for easements into the recommended conditions. The vacation of the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road are expected to have no impact on the general public. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission STV -2019-0003 Page 1 of 4 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access? The subject ROW is improved and has been utilized by adjacent property owners for their businesses since 1985 when WSDOT dedicated the portion back to the local jurisdiction. The portion of ROW has not been needed nor is needed in the future for public use or access. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public? The area originally deeded to WSDOT in 1985 was unused and given back to the local jurisdiction. In 2016 the City preserved traffic signal system equipment within an easement thus eliminating the need for a substitution of a new or different ROW. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? Based on the Comprehensive Plan it is not anticipated that changes will occur in the future that would alter the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Traffic modeling and projections for the next 20 years indicate that a new right turn lane at the northwest corner will not be necessary. There are no future uses for the ROW proposed to be vacated. The traffic signal system equipment on the corner is located in an easement and satisfactory to the City. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public? No objections or public comment has been received. Additional Finding: On June 4, 2019 Parcel 35132.1310 was purchased by Otter Investments, LLC. Otter Investments submitted documentation agreeing to the petition and street vacation, acknowledging they had rights to notice of the public hearing on July 25, 2019, and agreeing to proceed with the hearing on July 25, 2019 without such full notice. Conclusion: The findings confirm criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. C. Recommendation: Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the amended proposal to vacate a portion of the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road subject to the following: 1. Initial work to satisfy conditions of the street vacation (File No. STV -2019-0003), including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for review within 90 days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. 2. The vacated property shall be transferred into the abutting parcels (35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310) as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission STV -2019-0003 Page 2 of 4 Spokane County Auditor's Office pursuant to condition 8. 3. The applicant shall establish an easement acceptable to Avista Utilities for access to overhead electric distribution facilities serving parcels 35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance and all conditions have been satisfied. 4. The applicant shall submit written acceptance from Comcast that an easement has been established to preserve their services, if necessary. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance and all conditions have been satisfied. 5. Following the City Council's passage of the Ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the City Manager, or designee, for review and approval. 6. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Valley Street Standards. 7. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer of the vacated street from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees, shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not, and does not, assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 8. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting Ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 9. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 10. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Additionally, as part of its recommendation, Planning Commission voted to recommend that City Council not require compensation for the proposed street vacation due to the historical use of the site by the private owners. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission STV -2019-0003 Page 3 of 4 Approved this 8th day of August, 2019 ►renis ATTEST fission Cgairman CL/LI/76c_, Deanna Horton, Administrative Assistant Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission STV -2019-0003 Page 4 of 4 Regular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City ball July 11, 2019 L Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. Office Assistant Robin Hutchins called roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Danielle Kaschmitter-arrived at 6:10 Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Timothy Kelley Mike Basinger, Economic Development Manager Robert McKinley Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Raymond. Friend Karen Kendall, Planner Michelle Rasmussen, absent - excused Matt Walton Robin Hutchins, Office Assistant Hearing no objections, Commissioner Rasmussen was excused from the meeting and Commissioner Kaschmitter was excused for being tardy. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Walton moved to approve the July 11, 2019 agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner McKinley moved to approve the June 13, 2019 minutes as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero opposed, with Commissioner Walton abstaining, and the motion passed VI. COMMISSIONREPORTS: Commissioner Friend stated he is excited and is looking forward to the opportunity. Commissioner Johnson hoped everyone had the opportunity to celebrate our nations birthday. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There was no administrative report. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION I3USINESS: i. Study Session: STV -2019-0003, a privately initiated street vacation of Broadway Avenue. Planner Karen Kendall presented an overview of the privately initiated street vacation for a portion of the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Ms. Kendall advised the study session is being conducted, the public hearing is scheduled for July 25, 2019 and the findings of fact is scheduled for August 8th, 2019. Ms. Kendall provided background into processing a street vacation advising that staff reviews connectivity, traffic volume, future developments and access to the site. Potential conditions to consider would be preserving utilities in easements and ensuring a timely process. 07-1 1-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 Ms. Kendall advised that the applicant's reasons for this request are to improve and maintain the current business uses, traffic signal equipment preservation, allow continued uses associated with businesses to occur in the right of way (ROW) and to correct an inconsistency that represents no physical change to the property. Ms. Kendall explained there are three affected parcels in this area of ROW to be vacated. The area is currently being used for parking, landscaping and daily operations for the adjacent businesses. In 1985 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) acquired the ROW being discussed, one month later the unused ROW was conveyed back to Spokane County. After it reverted back to Spokane County the ROW was not reconfigured. Since 1985 those ROW's have been continually used by the businesses that have also been paying taxes on the entire property. The City acquired the ROW in 2003 upon incorporation. In 2016 the City conducted a city wide traffic signalization project along Broadway Avenue and this inconsistency was not found at that time. The City has since preserved an easement in the ROW for the traffic signal equipment located on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. The City feels this street vacation would be correcting that error. Commissioner Kelley asked how this process would be affected if there was a change of ownership with the parcels. Ms. Kendall explained the previous owners would need to provide authorization to the new owners in order to operate on their behalf. Commissioner Kelley explained that two parcels on the application changed ownership last month and was concerned with what that might do to the process. Ms. Kendall explained that if the property owners whom paid the fees and made the request are no longer in agreement, or the new owners are not in agreement, this proposal would stop. Ms. Kendall advised she will reach out to the applicant Storhaug Engineering to obtain clarification. Commissioner Johnson asked if there would be any reason to postpone the public hearing. Deputy City Attorney Erik Lamb advised that it would not be recommended to delay the public hearing at this time. Mr. Lamb advised the City will contact the applicant to determine any ownership concerns prior to the public hearing and will advise if any changes are necessary. Commissioner Johnson also asked if there would be any reason to add a right hand turn lane for future use, Ms. Kendall explained there were no future plans mentioned for this intersection. With the site being so close to the I-90 interchange WSDOT and the City would have to collaborate. The City contacted WSDOT and did not receive any comments. Commissioner Johnson stated he would like to see Public Works comments in writing and also that WSDOT reviewed this proposal and has no comments. Commissioner Walton stated if there was any potential use for this property it would make more sense to hold onto it rather than going through a condemnation process later. Ms. Kendall advised she will follow up and added that in State Law once ROW is vacated it cannot be asked to be vacated back. ii. Study Session: CTA -2018-0006, a privately initiated code text amendment to SVMC 19.40, 19.60 and 19.65 regarding affordable housing and multifamily developments. Senior Planner Lori Barlow explained that this item is not a study session but rather an informational discussion. She continued that this subject has been before the Commission on three prior occasions. A study session was conducted, a public hearing was held and after review the Platming Commission voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of denial to the City Council. The denial recommendation forwarded to the Council included the application materials, staff report, findings of fact and all meeting minutes 07-11-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of where this item was discussed. On June 18, 2019 the City Council heard the administrative report and determined, after a considerable amount of discussion, the item be returned to the Planning Commission for reconsideration. Ms. Barlow continued to explain that during the June 18, 2019 Council meeting there were multiple items discussed regarding impacts and that the proposal may have been too limiting in areas and should be broadened in other areas. Council felt that with direction this item has merit. Ms. Barlow stated that Mr. Basinger contacted Mr. Mallahan with Catholic Charities and summarized the direction Council provided to staff; to consider limiting the allowed number of units and the allowed density and looking at limits that might focus the housing allowed to senior housing. Mr. Mallahan identified his concerns regarding those particular directives that might impact the viability of a project. Through these discussions it became clear that the best approach is to provide all information to Catholic Charities and ask them to modify their proposed code text amendment and consider the items that council is looking for in limiting the density and focusing on senior housing. Catholic Charities has been asked to modify their proposal and resubmit at which time staff will review the materials and bring it forward to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission would likely conduct a study session, hold a public hearing and result in a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Walton asked how the process of City Council referring the item back to the Planning Commission differs from them denying the CTA and then advising Catholic Charities to resubmit. He explained he is confused by the process in being referred back to the Commission with no action that can be taken and what the Commissions role is. Mr. Lamb advised the Commissions role does not change in providing advisory recommendation to City Council. The Council has the prerogative under code to approve, reject, modify or request additional recommendation by the Planning Commission. In this case Council is looking for Planning Commission input and have asked for the modifications from Catholic Charities. Should this come back, the Commissions role has not changed. Per code the Commission can recommend approval, denial or approval with modifications. Commissioner Friend advised he was surprised that staff only picked two items to address with Catholic Charities. There were multiple items mentioned during the Council meeting especially those regarding this change being in the R-3 zone. He asked if that was discussed with the applicant? Ms. Barlow explained the Comprehensive Plan process versus the current code text amendment process in reference to establishing new zones. Mr. Friend advised he was confused as the Commission would be changing the rules by allowing multifamily in the R-3 zone. Ms. Barlow stated this CTA was consistent with many goals and policies within the Comprehensive Plan. It was also identified that relying on the underlying density it allowed for a concentration of the units and that the underlying density would still be met. Commissioner Johnson asked for clarification as to what was given to the Council for review and if they had received a recording. Ms. Barlow stated that the application, staff report, minutes from the meetings where this item was discussed and the finding of fact recommendation were provided to Council. Council was also given a considerable number of comments received subsequent to the Planning Commission meetings and decision. Commissioner Johnson asked if the Council received a recording of the meetings as two Council members were concerned that the Commission was worried that the item would turn into a low barrier or no barrier situation. He noted that was not discussed at all. It 07-11-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 was advised the Council did not receive any recordings. He continued that his concern was that this specific CTA was relevant to one property with City wide implications. Commissioner Johnson clarified that once an amended application is received there will be opportunity for public comment. Ms. Barlow added that the Council has the authority to create additional public comment opportunities. Commissioner Johnson asked if the Commission could recommend an additional public hearing and this was concluded to be the case. Commissioner McKinley stated that Catholic Charities has already come before the Commission on two separate occasions, once several years ago and once again recently. He asked how many times this is going to be brought forward? Mr. Lamb advised that under City Code the Planning Commission is an advisory body and provided an advisory recommendation to City Council. Council has asked for Planning Commissions review of this item again by giving guidance as to what the modifications will include once the amended item is resubmitted. Commissioner Kelley asked what the significance of a City wide proposal and not a site specific proposal was, Mr. Lamb explained that as this item is contemplated, to be aware of potential impacts City wide. Staff has identified a number of locations that could potentially comply with the criteria at this time, but someone could aggregate land in order to provide a project meeting the criteria. At this point there is one project and location that the applicant identified. However, this CTA would allow projects throughout the City not at just one location. This CTA would allow a project to be proposed and would not dictate if that project was approved or disapproved. This decision sets the process for consideration. Commissioner Kelley advised there was only one or two properties City wide that met the criteria, but made it clear that this would have an effect City wide. Commissioner Johnson stated due to this not being a site specific proposal, there will be no public notice mailings to the surrounding properties once resubmitted. Ms. Barlow advised the item would be posted in the newspaper, at the library and on the City's website. She added the neighborhood would need to make a point to follow the item. Commissioner Johnson thanked the applicant for notifying the public during the last process. Commissioner Walton asked that if in the process of this resubmittal the Commission makes substantive changes to the amended proposal, would there be a requirement to hold another public hearing? Mr. Lamb advised that if there are substantial modifications it would require a subsequent public hearing on the modifications. Commissioner Kaschmitter advised she drove through the neighborhood trying to understand how this would work. She understands this would be a City wide amendment, however, as she drove through the neighborhood the street is narrow. She feels as though there should be something stating how many feet a street needs to be with a sidewalk due to the effect on the neighborhood. Ms. Barlow clarified at this point the Commission would be establishing the process through the CTA. If the CTA were to be approved, a proposed project would go through an application process. Staff would look at specific impacts and any improvements that might need to be made. This review would include development standards for streets and building codes, the conditional use process as well as an environmental review. At this point those detailed reviews were not complete as this could be proposed anywhere in the City and not specific to one site. 07-11-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 ors X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Friend is excited and hopes to meet the standards expected of him. Commissioner McKinley recognized Senator Mike Padden in the audience and thanked him for his years of service. Commissioner Kaschmitter apologized for being late, Commissioner Johnson advised he is far too young to be a grandfather with a grandson whom is learning to drive. He also advised his grandson Vincent was awarded the National Honor Society. For the record, Chair Johnson advised Commissioner Kaschmitter arrived at 6:10 P.M. XL ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Walton moved to adjourn the meeting at 6: 43 p.m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. James Johnson, Chairman -1--k -47 Robin Hutchins, Secretary 7/2,0-e. y? Date signed Regular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall July 25, 2019 I. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. Office Assistant Robin Hutchins called roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Danielle Kaschmitter Timothy Kelley Robert McKinley Raymond Friend Michelle Rasmussen Matt Walton, absent - excused Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Karen Kendall, Planner Robin Hutchins, Office Assistant Hearing no objections, Commissioner Walton was excused from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Rasmussen moved to approve the July 25, 2019 agenda as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Rasmussen moved to approve the July 11, 2019 minutes as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. VL COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no commission reports VH. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Building Official Jenny Nickerson advised that the rules and procedures for the Planning Commission will be coming up for review. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Public Hearing: STV -2019-0003, a privately initiated street vacation of Broadway Avenue. Chair Johnson opened the public hearing at 6: O5 p.m. Planner Karen Kendall provided a presentation outlining the privately initiated application to vacate a portion of the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Ms. Kendall provided procedural overview advising the study session was held July 11, 2019 the public hearing currently being held and the findings of fact are scheduled for August 8th, 2019. Ms. Kendall explained the public hearing notice was posted on site at each end of the street vacation, at City Hall, CenterPlace and the library. Written notice was mailed to the abutting property owners and their tenants. Lastly, the notice was published twice in the Valley Herald and the Exchange. 07-25-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 Ms. Kendall highlighted information related to an ownership change that occurred after the street vacation application was submitted. Ms. Kendall advised there were three details needed in order for the item to move forward. The City received the previous owners' authorized to transfer interest in the application process and the authorization to allow Strohaug to act as the applicant for the new owner. Additionally, the new owner submitted written documents to include concurrence and agreement to supplement the application, agreed to rights of notice and proceed without public hearing notice and waived any challenges based on lack of notice. Ms. Kendall explained there are three affected parcels in the area of right of way (ROW) to be vacated. The area is currently being used for parking, landscaping and daily operations for the adjacent businesses. In 1985.Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) acquired the ROW being discussed, one month later the unused ROW was conveyed back to Spokane County and was not reconfigured at that time. Since 1985 those ROW's have been continually used by the businesses to include paying property taxes. The City acquired the ROW in 2003 upon incorporation. In 2016 the City conducted a city wide traffic signalization project along Broadway Avenue and this inconsistency was not found at that time. The City has since secured an easement in the ROW for the traffic signal equipment located on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Ms. Kendall discussed a concern initiated at the study session regarding the future need of a right hand turn lane at the intersection being vacated. Ms. Kendall stated the City's Engineer Bill Helbig advised that traffic projections for the next 20 years indicate there are no needs listed for a right hand turn lane or any future uses in the ROW being vacated. Ms. Kendall concluded that staff's recommendation is to approve the street vacation with conditions. Commissioner Johnson asked Ms. Kendall to elaborate on what the conditions are. Ms. Kendall explained that of the ten conditions listed four are in addition to those already prescribe by code. Ms. Kendall continued that if approved by council staff recommends the review process being within 90 days after approval. The vacated property shall be transferred to the abutting parcels. The applicant shall establish an easement acceptable to Avista utilities as well as Comcast. A record of survey must be prepared to include the location of a monument at the intersection of a centerline if necessary. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer shall be paid by the proponent. Ms. Kendall added that council does have the discretion to require compensation should they choose to do so. Lastly, zoning designation of the properties adjacent and recording the record of survey must be done prior to finalization. Hearing no public comment Chair Johnson closed the public hearing at 6:17 p.m. Commissioner Friend asked if Avista and Comcast easements will prevent anyone from using the property. Ms. Kendall explained this would ensure no building could be established over the easements and the location would be preserved. Commissioner Kelly stated the City of Spokane Valley has done an outstanding job addressing the infrastructure challenges. He provided detailed information pertaining to large City projects, their trials and the funding related to them. Commissioner Kelly explained this location to be vacated is a complicated intersection and gave examples of the traffic light function and its challenges. Commissioner Kelley spoke with several businesses in the area and expressed the traffic concerns he and each business share. Commissioner Kelley's largest concern was removing tools needed in order to remedy future infrastructure challenges. He concluded that when the City is researching long term. 07-25-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 solutions they will need all options available to them and will be voting against the proposed street vacation. Commissioner Rasmussen explained that she understands the forecast and recognizes what Commissioner Kelley is opposed too. Added that the easements are in place, there are no future projections and the property owners have been paying taxes since the beginning. She explained that the majority of the information provided is overwhelmingly positive and will be voting in favor. Commissioner McKinley is in favor and felt there is no reason not to approve the vacation. Commissioner Kaschmitter appreciated all of the research done by Commissioner Kelley and the information presented by staff. She feels the 20-year plan has been researched carefully and does not see this piece of property being needed for transportation concerns in the future and will be voting in favor. Commissioner Johnson thanked Commissioner Kelley for his research and his interest in the project. Commissioner Johnson stated the report from the City's engineer has eased his concerns for future uses and is in favor of the vacation. He added that due to the property owners paying taxes for this long period of time he recommends that the City Council does not request compensation from the owners. Commissioner Rasmussen moved to approve STV-2019-0003 as presented with conditions, additionally recommending that City Council does not ask for compensation due to the property owners paying taxes on this piece for an extended period of time. Commissioner Kelley advised it has not been pointed out where this vacation would help in the future. He continued that if this intersection were to ever be improved this intersection would require two lanes to make a left hand turn. With that, there would be the need for one dedicated right hand turn lane, as it currently sits you have that ability. The vote on the motion was five in favor, one opposed, with Commissioner Kelley dissenting, and the motion passed. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Rasmussen thanked Commissioner Kelley for his thoughtful research and information and it was much appreciated. Commissioner McKinley thanked Commissioner Kelly for his infor nation and agrees that the intersection is a complicated one with a large number of vehicles competing for space. Commissioner Kaschmitter also thanked Commissioner Kelley for his detailed research and appreciated his view point. Commissioner Friend thanked Commissioner Kelley for his excellent report and thanked him for his time on the subject. Commissioner Johnson reminded everyone of the primary election August 6th and how important it is to vote. He encouraged everyone to register to vote, educate themselves on the candidates, to be involved and remind their community members to vote. M. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Rasmussen moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 p.m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed eS3/ 0/9ii James Johnson, Chairman Robin Hutchins, Secretary Date signed Regular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall August 8, 2019 I. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. Office Assistant Robin Hutchins called roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Danielle Kaschmitter Timothy Kelley Robert McKinley Raymond Friend Michelle Rasmussen Matt Walton Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Karen Kendall, Planner Deanna Horton, Administrative Assistant IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Walton moved to approve the August 8, 2019 agenda as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Kaschmitter moved to approve the July 25, 2019 minutes as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no commission reports VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There was no administrative report. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: Ms. Howard stated she was enjoying attending Planning Commission meetings. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Findings of Fact: STV -2019-0003, a privately initiated street vacation of Broadway Avenue. Planner Karen Kendall explained to the Commissioners the findings of fact had been drafted to reflect the decision of the Commission regarding the street vacation correcting an error located at the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Several Commissioners thanked Commissioner Kelley for his diligent work regarding the street vacation. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner McKinley stated he would not be able to attend the next meeting, August 22, 2019. Commissioner Walton commented on the election cycle and how this is a great way to participate in the community. He felt it was nice to see so many people participate in the primaries. Commissioner Johnson shared the middle class is the most powerful in America. It can change society with a dollar and with a vote. He felt it was a good turn out for a primary and has hopes for the general election. 07-25-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Friend moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m. The vote on the motion was unamious and the motion passed. James Johnson, Chairman Date signed Robin Hutchins, Secretary Spokane Valley COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & PLANNING STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FILE: STV -2019-0003 STAFF REPORT DATE: July 18, 2019 FILE NO: STV -2019-0003 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Privately initiated street vacation request to vacate approximately 2,987 square feet of improved right-of-way on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. STAFF PLANNER: Karen Kendall, Planner, Community & Public Works APPLICANT: Liam Taylor, Storhaug Engineering, Inc., 510 East 3rd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 OWNER 1: Otter Investments, LLC, 601 West Main Avenue, Ste. 400, Spokane, WA 99201 *NOTE, Otter Investments purchased the property after the street vacation application was submitted. OWNER 2: Char -Don & Associates, 150 West Pinon Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614 OWNER 3: DKelly Developments, LLC, 10126 South Hangman Valley Road, Spokane, WA 99224 PROPOSAL LOCATION: The right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road and adjacent to three parcels (35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310), further located in the SE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington BACKGROUND: On May 1, 2019, Grant Person, Sonrise Land and Pomajevich Investments, Char - Don & Associates and DKelly Developments, LLC, submitted a street vacation application to vacate the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. On June 4, 2019 Parcel 35132.1310 was purchased by Otter Investments, LLC. Otter Investments has submitted documentation agreeing to the petition and street vacation, acknowledging they had rights to notice of the public hearing on July 25, 2019, and agreeing to proceed with the hearing on July 25, 2019 without such full notice. Further, Otter Investments has indicated that Storhaug Engineering represents their interests in this matter. Accordingly, staff believes that the process substantially complies with the requirements of the chapter 22.140 SVMC and may proceed. In August of 1985 the owner conveyed property to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for work on Interstate 90. WSDOT conveyed the unused Right -of -Way (ROW) to Spokane County one month later (September 1985). The ROW became the City's in 2003 upon incorporation. In April 2016 a utility easement was granted to the City and WSDOT to cover the traffic signal system equipment on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. The owner recently discovered that the portion of property was City ROW. Staff Report and Recommendation STV -2019-0003 Page 1 of 6 July 18, 2019 The property owner is making a request for the following reasons: 1. The area proposed to be vacated is improved with pavement and maintained by current businesses using the area; 2. The City's traffic signal equipment is preserved in an easement established in April 2016; 3. The vacation will allow abutting properties to continue to use the area for parking vehicles associated with business in area of ROW; 4. The street vacation will represent no physical change. On June 18, 2019 the City Council passed Resolution 19-009 to set a public hearing date with the Planning Commission on July 25, 2019. The street vacation process is prescribed in 22.140 SVMC and conducted following the City's process of presenting three times each to Planning Commission and City Council. Staff began the process at the July 1 1th study session meeting. APPROVAL CRITERIA: 1. SVMC — Title 21 (Environmental Controls) 2. SVMC — Title 22 (Street Vacations) 3. City of Spokane Valley Street Standards ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Vicinity Map Exhibit 2: Aerial Map Exhibit 3: Application Materials Exhibit 4: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 5: Agency Comments I. PROPERTY INFORMATION Size and Characteristics of proposed vacation: The improved right of way area is approximately 2,987 square feet. The subject right of way is paved or landscaped and being used by the adjacent property owner(s). Adjacent Comprehensive Plan Designation: Industrial (I) Adjacent Zoning: Industrial (I) Adjacent Land Use(s): Automotive repair, freight hauling services and drive- thru restaurant. Staff Report and Recommendation STV -2019-0003 July 18, 2019 Page 2 of 6 II. STAFF ANALYSIS OF STREET VACATION PROPOSAL A. COMPLIANCE WITH SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE (SVMC) TITLE 22.140.030 Findings: 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public? The area proposed to be vacated is improved with pavement and landscaping, and currently used by adjacent property owners with the assumption the ROW does not exist. The vacation will establish the parcel lines consistent with the current use of the ROW. The area proposed to be vacated has existing services from Avista Utilities and Comcast. Avista submitted public comment requesting an easement to preserve an overhead electrical distribution facility located in the ROW. Comcast provided a comment to the Applicant during the initial application gathering stage stating they have no objection, if an easement is preserved for their existing aerial path. No comments were provided by Comcast during the formal routing stage. Staff has carried forward the request for easements into the recommended conditions. The vacation of the corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road are expected to have no impact on the general public. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access? The subject right-of-way is improved and has been utilized by adjacent property owners for their businesses since 1985 when WSDOT dedicated the portion back to the local jurisdiction. The portion of ROW has not been needed nor is needed in future for public use or access. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public? The area originally deeded to WSDOT in 1985 was unused and given back to the local jurisdiction. In 2016 the City preserved traffic signal system equipment within an easement thus eliminating the need for a substitution of a new or different ROW. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? Based on the Comprehensive Plan it is not anticipated that changes will occur in the future that would alter the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Traffic modeling and projections for the next 20 years indicate that a new right turn lane at the northwest corner will not be necessary. There are no future uses for the ROW proposed to be vacated. The traffic signal system equipment on the corner is located in an easement and satisfactory to the City. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public? No objections or public comment has been received. Conclusions: The findings confirm that criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. Staff Report and Recommendation STV -2019-0003 Page 3 of 6 July 18, 2019 B. COMPLIANCE WITH SVMC TITLE 21 — ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS The Planning Division has reviewed the proposed project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(2)(i) and SVMC 21.20.040 from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: No public comments have been received following the notice of public hearing issued, mailed and posted on July 10, 2019. A Notice of Public Hearing sign was posted on the property July 10, 2019 and public hearing notices were mailed to all owners adjacent to the right-of-ways being vacated. Notices were posted in the Spokane Valley Public Library, City of Spokane Valley main reception area and Center Place Event Center on July 10, 2019. Last, the notice was published in the Spokane Valley Herald and Exchange on July 5, 2019 and July 12, 2019. Otter Investments has submitted documentation agreeing to the petition and street vacation, acknowledging they had rights to notice of the public hearing on July 25, 2019, and agreeing to proceed with the hearing on July 25, 2019 without such full notice. Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that adequate public noticing was conducted for STV -2019-0003 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. IV. AGENCY COMMENTS Notice was provided to agencies and service providers. Comments were received from the following agencies and are attached as exhibits to this staff report. Where necessary, comments have been incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval in Section V. Agency Received Comments Comments Dated City of Spokane Valley Public Works Yes 6-6-19 Spokane Valley Fire District No.1 Yes 6-6-19 Avista Utilities Yes 6-11-19 City of Spokane Valley Police Department No Spokane Transit Authority No Spokane Regional Health District No Century Link No Comcast No City of Spokane Water & Wastewater Department No WA Archaeology and Historic Preservation No WA Department of Transportation No Yellowstone Pipeline No Staff Report and Recommendation STV -2019-0003 July 18, 2019 Page 4 of 6 Findings: The application was routed to jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and public districts for review and comment. Avista Utilities has an existing overhead electrical distribution facility that will require creation of an easement and conditioned as such within the staff report. No other substantive agency comments have been received to date. Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and or public districts have no concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. V. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS Staff concludes that STV -2019-0003 as proposed is generally consistent, or will be made consistent, through the recommended conditions of approval based on the approval criteria stated herein. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request to vacate 2,987 square feet of the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road: 1. Initial work to satisfy conditions of the street vacation (File No. STV -2019-0003), including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for review within 90 days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. 2. The vacated property shall be transferred into the abutting parcels (35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310) as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office pursuant to condition 8. 3. The applicant shall establish an easement acceptable to Avista Utilities for access to overhead electric distribution facilities serving parcels 35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance and all conditions have been satisfied. 4. The applicant shall submit written acceptance from Comcast that an easement has been established to preserve their services, if necessary. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation of the easement shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance and all conditions have been satisfied. 5. Following the City Council's passage of the Ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the City Manager, or designee, for review and approval. Staff Report and Recommendation STV -2019-0003 Page 5 of 6 July 18, 2019 6. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right- of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Valley Street Standards. 7. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer of the vacated street from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees, shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not, and does not, assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 8. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting Ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 9. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 10. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Staff Report and Recommendation STV -2019-0003 Page 6 of 6 July 18, 2019 EXHIBIT 1 N Eastern Rd E Dean A•:e E Mallon Ave J N Thierman Rd E B oadway ABrOadW ' Ve• Wield Ave E .mss 1960 rt STREET VACATION y pie a0° ,40 Park Road Pit pds ,000 L E Broadv+aY Pia Aerial Map STREET VACATION ��cm or STREET VACATION APPLICATION ,1?1(l'ulilPSVA4C 22.140 ►.�j✓v aav jValley 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5240 O Fax: (509) 720-5075 ♦ permitcenteraspokanevallev.org STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: Received by: Fee: PLUS #: File #: c�-�,1, 9 N -DCO3 PART I — REQUIRED MATERIAL **THE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT PROVIDED Completed Application Form "Application Fee Notice of Application Packet (17.80.110) — Adjacent Property(ies) 0/Written Narrative — A written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacati physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacati Written Correspondence from Utility Purveyors i/telephone Cable %/Electric _ Other (Specify)_ ✓Water District vFire District ./Gas Utility ,.,ewer Utility L Vicinity Map — Submit a map showing the general area of the proposed vacation 121tecord of Survey, if available, for the subject street and/or alley proposed for vacation, and abutting properties, streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation. 0/Written Evidence of all easements, allowances or reservations, if available, pertaining to the street and/or alley proposed for vacation. PART II — APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT NAME: SfUirlAat..a\ E✓,Gj,4ee✓`,;1q �tLL. (Lich"'` te(�jioe) / ,J J 1 MAILING ADDRESS: --:-9t> 1 L- 3 r Ove CITY: S p J K Gi A. STATEN Z P: (✓ { J -0 -2k2 -too 1 FAX: CELL: 1,(.0-td� 5•ta,:ittct J, co,-,PHONE:3-176l-2''lZ-lot, EMAIL: PROPERTY OWNER NO. 1: avt 1— Per S t> MAILING ADDRESS: L ( 2_8 50,141 bOcJ d Q v im CITY: Se,,t(LiYL.e_ \1'11 ('e/ PL -15 V1.0 STATE: \A/4 ZIP: IC( 2-06 Page 1 of STREET VACATION APPLICATION PHONE: S09 - Ct3'35'36 FAX: CELL: EMAIL: PROPERTY OWNER NO. 2: 5o'ir%1'5d LLt16' PQ cs V', C h ..1. -pi ve 51-,A,i e,,, _i_c MAILING ADDRESS: 21 D Li r• et VI L >rY j / % La °^t ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING PARCELS: E7 6 1 5 CITY: J !• �/611"e ZONING DESIGNATION: yv, e ti S '+✓`' S /STATE: ZIP: i ZU 3 f�Oi PHONE: 50ct -22 Z -ZP5?Lj FAX: CELL: 55 ra,+ Pers EMAIL: et; I. CLIC, If more than two (2) abutting property owners, include information and written authorization on a separate sheet of paper for each. NAME OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: E 13c°0-ctt„I «j AveCI "�� I L ' Cr' ""`�'' �� (ILt DIMENSIONS OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: t e. ci-*`L¢ C1 A 1F'5e1 ( des -c.,, Ep t' 0 -, SQUARE FEET OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: - r 02'<. 1, c'`73- S F ABUTTING TAX PARCEL NO(S).: 3---15t 32 .. 1 3 t O/ 3 51,32,3`,:, ?St -32.1 3Z0 ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING PARCELS: E7 6 1 5 E 6-e-`11--)6(?" f 65 2 5 L 132'il Lif;I ZONING DESIGNATION: yv, e ti S '+✓`' S THE FOLLOWING IS CRITERIA EVALUATED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN FORMULATING A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS SHALL BE ANSWERED IN A DETAILED MANNER; 1. HOW DOES A CHANGE OF USE OR VACATION OF THE STREET/ALLEY IMPROVE SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC? 2. IS THE STREET OR ALLEY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OR PUBLIC ACCESS? EXPLAIN. 3. WOULD SUBSTITUTION OF A NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC? EXPLAIN. 4. HOW WILL USE OR NEED FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY BE AFFECTED BY FUTURE CONDITIONS? EXPLAIN. 5. WILL EASEMENTS BE RETAINED FOR ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES? THE REQUESTED VACATION IS LOCATED IN THE SERVICE AREA OF WHAT UTILITY COMPANIES. (SPECIFY)? 6. DOES THE RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDE STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SPECIFY)? PLEASE NOTE: PER RCW 35.79.040 (TITLE TO VACATED STREET/ALLEY), THE PROPERTY WITHIN A PUBLIC STREET OR ALLEY VACATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BELONG TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, ONE-HALF (1/2) TO EACH. THEREFORE, PROPERTY OWNER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION. PL -15 V1.0 Page 2 of STREET VACATION APPLICATION PER RESOLUTION 07-009 OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS THE AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE CHARGES FOR STREET/ALLEY VACATION PURSUANT TO RCW 3679.030 PART 111— AUTHORIZATION (Signature of owner or authorized representative) L_I ►k,rr‘ "T Ao-1 W12 , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. (Signature) NOTARY STATE OFWASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this a4 day of NOTARY SEAL CSS—a--1_t'r== MA` -1k (Date) , 20 19 Oji,13-1- U ep NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: I o 9 LV 8 +-vA SPc1kPtNE V' My appointment expires: ba, is 1 Q-C.a-3 LEGAL OWNER NO. 1 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; owner of the above described property do hereby authorize to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. LEGAL OWNER NO. 2 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; PL -15 V1.0 Page 3 of PROPERTY OWNER No. 3: Char -Don & Associates MAILING ADDRESS: 150 West Pinon Drive CITY: Green Valley STATE: AZ EMAIL: cdparfrey@gmail.com ZIP: 85614 PROPERTY OWNER No. 4: DKelly Development, LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 10126 South Hangman Valley Road CITY: Spokane STATE: WA ZIP: 99224 EMAIL: denniskelly@gmail.com liamt@storhaug.com From: Dennis Kelly <denniskelly@outlook.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 9:57 AM To: liamt@storhaug.com Subject: Broadway Property Vacation To Whom it may concern. In matters regarding the property vacation at 6525 E Broadway, Zip's Drive in, Storhaug Engineering shall represent my interest in any proceedings pertaining to said a vacation. Respectfully, Dennis Kelly DKelly Develoment LLC liamt@storhaug.com From: Grant Person <jgrantperson@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 7:02 PM To: Alex Durkin Subject: E.6615 Broadway vacation application Alex I am the owner of Sonrise Land, LLC. Sonrise Land owns an undivided 50% interest in the above property. Pomajevich Investments Co. ,LLC owns the other 50% undivided interest in this property. I authorize Storhaug Engineering, Co.to act on my behalf to process the Broadway. ave. Right of Way partial vacation application. Best regards, J. Grant Person Chester Self Storage 4128 S. Bowdish Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ph: 509-413-1643 Cell: 509-993-3576 1 Page 1 of 1 BUSINESS INFORMATION Business Name: SONRISE LAND LLC UBI Number: 601 774 217 Business Type: WA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Business Status: ACTIVE Principal Office Street Address: 2104 E CHERRY TREE LN, SPOKANE, WA, 99203-5019, UNITED STATES Principal Office Mailing Address: 2104 E CHERRY TREE LN, SPOKANE, WA, 99203-5019, UNITED STATES Expiration Date: 02/28/2020 Jurisdiction: UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON Formation/ Registration Date: 02/24/1997 Period of Duration: 02/24/2030 Inactive Date: Nature of Business: REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT, CONSULTING REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION Registered Agent Name: J GRANT PERSON Street Address: 2104 E CHERRY TREE LN, SPOKANE, WA, 99203-5019, UNITED STATES Mailing Address: GOVERNORS Title GOVERNOR GOVERNOR Governors Type Entity Name First Name INDIVIDUAL DIXIE L INDIVIDUAL J GRANT Last Name PERSON PERSON https://ccfs.sos.wa.gov/ 5/17/2019 liamt@storhau • .Com From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Parfrey <cdparfrey@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 21, 2019 8:24 AM liamt@storhaug.com Alex Durkin Re: 18-205: Person Broadway Legal: Authorization image004.gif; image001.png; image002.png; image003.gif Yes, I approve. Charlie Parfrey On Tue, May 21, 2019, 8:11 AM <Iiamt@storhaug.com> wrote: Good Morning Charlie, As I'm sure you're aware, we're currently working with Grant Person to submit a Street Vacation Application to the City of Spokane Valley. Although Person has already received authorization from you for HIM to proceed with the application, the Valley is also requesting that WE get authorization from you to act on behalf of Char -Don & Associates to process the Broadway Avenue partial Right of Way vacation application. If you could reply to this email with the said authorization, that should suffice for our submittal. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Liam Taylor, Planning Intern civil engineering 1 planning landscape architecture 1 surveying 510 east third avenue 1 spokane, wa 99202 p. 509.242.1000 1 w. www.storhauo.com 1 Iiamt@storhaug.com From: Jim Pomajevich <pomajevich@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 6:24 PM To: Grant Person Cc: Alex Durkin Subject: Re: Request for information regarding STV -2019-0003 (Broadway Avenue street vacation) Alex this letter will serve to authorize Storhaug Engineering, Co. to act on behalf of Pomajevich Investments Co to process the Broadway Ave. partial Right of Way vacation application. If you need further information please let me know. Later, Jim Pomajevich, Manager of Pomajevich Investments Co LLC. On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 4:02 PM Grant Person <igrantperson@gmail.com> wrote: Alex---- I'm out of town( back East) for a few weeks and will be home the 3rd ofJune. Do you have the contact info to make contact with Charlie Parfrey and Dennis Kelly? I'd like not to hold things up due to my being out of town. Jim Pomajevich and I will each send a letter to you "authorizing Storhaug Engineering, Co. to act on our behalf to process the Broadway Ave. partial Right of Way vacation application". We'll need the same letter from Parfrey as well as Kelly. Forwarded message From: Karen Kendall <kkendall@spokanevallev.org> Date: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 1:26 PM Subject: Request for information regarding STV -2019-0003 (Broadway Avenue street vacation) To: liamt@storhaug.com <liamt@storhaug.com>, igrantperson@gmail.com <igrantperson@gmail.com> CC: Alex Durkin <alex@storhaug.com> Liam and Grant, I have reviewed the street vacation request for Broadway Avenue and need the following items clarified or submitted prior to continuing processing of the application. 1. Applicant Contact: Seeking clarity as to whom the main contact will be. I have received inquiries from Liam at Storhaug Engineering, while the application lists Grant Person as the Applicant, main contact. Please verify, if Grant is to be considered the main contact for all correspondence. If not, authorization from all three property owners and Grant Person shall be submitted for Storhaug to act on behalf. 2. Legal Owner Authorization: Need authorization from Sonrise Land and Pomajevich Investments to allow Grant Person to act on their behalf in processing application. 3. Notice of Application: Parcels 35132.1310, 35132.1308 and 35132.1320 are directly abutting area to be vacated and a stamped addressed envelope is needed. The City received stamped addressed envelopes for parcels 35132.1309, 35132.1307 and 35132.1343 addressed to the tenants (current business owners) not owners/taxpayers as required. See updated information below and determine if you would like to submit 3 new stamped addressed envelopes or update existing envelopes at City. Owner of parcel: 35132.1310 Owner Name: SONRISE LAND & POMAJEVICH INVESTMENTS Address: 2104 E CHERRY TREE LN. SPOKANE. WA. 99203-5019 Owner of parcel: 35132.1308 Owner Name: CHAR -DON & ASSOCIATES Address: 150 W PINON DR. GREEN VALLEY. AZ. 85614 Owner of parcel: 35132.1320 Owner Name: DKELLY DEVELOPMENT, LLC Address:. 10126 S HANGMAN VALLEY RD. SPOKANE. WA. 99224 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Spraaue Avenue 1 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 I kkendall@spokanevalley.org Spokane This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. Best regards, J. Grant Person 2 Chester Self Storage 4128 S. Bowdish Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ph: 509-413-1643 CeII: 509-993-3576 Jim Pomajevich pomaievich@gmail.com 3 Page 1 of 1 BUSINESS INFORMATION Business Name: POMAJEVICH INVESTMENTS CO, LLC UBI Number: 602 265 966 Business Type: WA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Business Status: ACTIVE Principal Office Street Address: 8919 NW LAKECREST AVE, VANCOUVER, WA, 98665-6516, UNITED STATES Principal Office Mailing Address: PO BOX 65765, VANCOUVER, WA, 98665-0026, UNITED STATES Expiration Date: 01/31/2020 Jurisdiction: UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON Formation/ Registration Date: 01/27/2003 Period of Duration: PERPETUAL Inactive Date: Nature of Business: REAL ESTATE REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION Registered Agent Name: JAMES POMAJEVICH Street Address: 8919 NW LAKECREST AVE, VANCOUVER, WA, 98665-0000, UNITED STATES Mailing Address: PO BOX 65765, VANCOUVER, WA, 98665-0000, UNITED STATES GOVERNORS Title Governors Type Entity Name First Name Last Name GOVERNOR INDIVIDUAL JAMES POMAJEVICH GOVERNOR INDIVIDUAL DONNA POMAJEVICH https://ccfs.sos.wa.gov/ 5/17/2019 7slo hau civil engineering planning \ / landscape architecture surveying BROADWAY AVENUE AND THIERMAN ROAD VACATION PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE 4/24/2019 SE PROJECT NUMBER: 18-205.2 SUBJECT PARCELS: 35132.1307 35132.1308 35132.1309 35132.1310 35132.1320 35132.1343 1. How does a change of use or vacation of the street/alley improve service to the public? A vacation will not be noticed by the public. The current road alignment in the area will be unaffected. The benefit to the public is in providing clarity to the record and enabling existing and active businesses to continue their use of the subject parcels. 2. Is the street or alley no longer required for public use or public access? Explain. Right-of-way in this proposed vacation area is not required and was never used or even considered as right-of-way. The area was thought of as part of the subject parcels and the owners have used and paid taxes on the property accordingly. The alignments of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road do not utilize the area to be vacated. 3. Would substitution of a new and/or different public right-of-way better serve the public? Explain. Substitution of a new or different right-of-way would not serve the public, as the right-of-way to be vacated does not and never has served the public. 4. How will use or need for this right-of-way be affected by future conditions? Explain. Thierman Road and Broadway Avenue appear to provide sufficient infrastructure for this intersection as currently configured. The right-of-way to be vacated has been considered to be part of the subject 510 E. 3rd Avenue • Spokane, WA 99202 509.242.1000 • Fax 509.242.1001 • www.storhaug.com Page 1 of 2 civil engineering planning landscape architecture I surveying parcels and has not been considered to be right-of-way. There would be no change in use or need for this right-of-way on that basis. 5. Will easements be retained for all underground and/or overhead utilities? The requested vacation is located in the service area of what utilities (Specify)? The owners of parcel 35132.1310, Sonrise Land, LLC and Pomajevich Investments Co., LLC, granted to the City of Spokane Valley and the State of Washington an utility easement 6488175 on 4/15/2016. At this time all parties thought the property belonged to Sonrise Land, LLC and Pomajevich Investments Co., LLC. Easements may be retained for underground and overhead utilities as needed and requested. The right-of-way to be vacated is within the service areas of the following utilities: - Avista Corporation - CenturyLink - Comcast - City of Spokane Water and Sewer - Spokane Valley Fire Department 6. Does the right-of-way include stormwater drainage facilities (specify)? The right-of-way does not include stormwater drainage facilities. It is mostly pavement. 510 E. 3rd Avenue • Spokane, WA 99202 509.242.1000 • Fax 509.242.1001 • www.storhaug.com Page 2 of 2 is orhau planning \�/ surveying civil engineering landscape architecture BROADWAY AVENUE AND THIERMAN ROAD VACATION PROPOSAL NARRATIVE 4/25/2019 SE PROJECT NUMBER: 18-205.2 SUBJECT PARCELS: 35132.1307 35132.1308 35132.1309 35132.1310 35132.1320 35132.1343 AREA TO BE VACATED: See attached legal descriptions. NARRATIVE: Projectti-k_.:49011-bro RECEIVED MAY 0 1 2019 COSV PERMIT CENTER SUB # REV. # On 8/13/1985 Dougherty granted to the State of Washington that land described in Quit Claim Deed 8508130033, attached. On 9/23/1985 the State of Washington granted to Spokane County that land described in Quit Claim Deed 8509230166, also attached. This appears to have been a "Turn - Back," but was not granted to the previous owners of the land. Instead the land was "turned -back" to the County. The land owners have continued to this day to use and pay taxes on the property as though it had been returned. The subject parcels are occupied by active businesses. They rely on their current access points, parking and driving areas, and current configurations. The purpose of this proposed vacation is to bring the legal status of the land into alignment with its current and long-term use, and to return to the property owners that land which should have been "turned -back" on 9/23/1985. PUBLIC BENEFIT: The public is benefitted in the following ways: 1. Active community businesses that use the area that is to be vacated will be allowed to continue their current operations without changing the configurations or operations of their sites 2. The public record will more accurately reflect the real conditions and usages of land in this area, reducing confusion 510 E. 3rd Avenue • Spokane, WA 99202 509.242.1000 • Fax 509.242.1001 • www.storhaug.com Page 1 of 1 • 'WY 85.0923O1€G 11 QUITCLAIM DEED Yfl•, 7`?4 ,GE 2B7 IN THE MATTER OF SR 90, Spokane to Greenacres. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the STATE OF WASHINGTON, for and in consideration of clearing title hereby conveys and quitclaims unto SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, all its right, title and Interest, In and to the following described real property situated In Spokane County, State of Washington: All that part of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., shown hachured on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The grantee herein, Its successors or assigns, shall have no right of ingress and egress to, from and between sald SR 90 and the lands herein conveyed; nor shall the grantee herein, Its successors or assigns, be entitled to compensation for any loss of tight, view and air occasioned by the location, construction, maintenance or operation of said highway. The specific details concerning all of which may be found on sheet 23 of that certain plan entitled SR 90, Spokane to Greenacres, now of record and on file in the office of the Secretary of Transportation at Olympia, Washington, bearing date of approval April 21, .1953. The grantee as part consideration herein does hereby agree to comply with all civil rights and anti -discrimination requirements of RCW Chapter 49.60, as to the lands herein described. The lands herein described are not required for State highway purposes and are conveyed pursuant to the provisions`of RCW Chapter 47.12463.. p Dated at Olympia, Washington, this /7'I day of 19 ES—.- xdse Tax Pail on 40.1 Salo Amt. Pa. D.E. "SKIP" CHILBERG • �Spokane County Tram. 9/7.Vfir- Please return to: STATE OF WASHINGTON Department of Transporlatlon-KF•01 Land Management Office Transportation Building Olympia, Washington 98504 STATE OF WASHINGTON. DUANE BERENTSON Secretary of Transportation . I' tED• CK,RECIMIEIII Seg Z3 1122 (thl �+ ^onAHUE: 11001y, DEPUTY Page 1 of 2 YOUNG I.C. /i 6-32-04154 APPROVED AS TO FORM; By: IP' .,.., e i / Assista t Attorn r Genera REVIEWED AS TO FORM: STATE OF WASHINGTON )i ss County of Thurston 9/945 On this 17 ocL day of f f ic. 774 ME 1268 ____-f_yt-', 19 Zr, before me personally appeared DUANE DER>.NTSON, known to me as the Secretary of Transportation, Washington State Department of Transportation, and executed the foregoing instrument, acknowledging said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the State of Washington, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he Is authorized to execute said Instrument. Given under my hand and official seal ti Please return to: STATE OF WASHINGTON Deportment of Tronsportation•KF-01 Lend Manapemeni Office T'rannportation Building Olympia, Wntihington 98504 e� • - y and year last above ritten. Notary Public In andor the State of Washington, res ding at Olympia. Page 2 of 2 LC. fi 6-32-04154 set. sks T. Z5N.,R.43E.W.M. SUPERSEDED 5Sation 85.0014 S14164.17,C0 8...p..Ndaded shwa+ 5 FOAn. 4r/ , l' X+ 46 AI V1 A of virdosimpormumb, vommreinw v. .2.4wwww#1,- 4.i • /;- <!`l .-\-it , 1r4r* 12, J 4\ • © HIP eArrial.Q. c•otS91 • OATA RAY Ll• RENA K Kt z . Nus oi/ ..,, . • . 2 l e2, 2, ;42S 3,•20 ,0,4, k ..a._ K•78,4/2. Fa14o* x4....c. c p.A.0“,,,, c, , 56 SPS XF 4100,r 12,14,3,K IV/i -I FifW' •• t.N0,15 ,,e3 to04.3.4' ,i..e.A.21 A.Zio II .. i leo.. gW. oi too, f4e, 1ZIK22 44 i„va 4, j_ri. ..osti,11 7.YU a, or 4. At5 A 6-0 6 • • - . • 4ernerete_ _,It.„----Y.37-j3,_,„ Kt 4.7,13A J4 a, 8» .0 ,_,K,_3 a a8,41arg 0. 0K,L40 rits.tew...• /55. 35T AN (6-atbLe) . ArNATATI/crrow Puma. CASCWIenre' 01. OW. 010N 6,12,10....0. /CP (s -0868e) Evelll AM, .! S Ar et ' ie,, ' . '1,..• 4., ..4' Co`•0‘‘!;:jor,:e," 40. . runctrUnirviaimp,--, ..,.41 M q*h tin A, .• ..... h•PK),` As, NOTE: MR L'A FEATURES SEE SP 80, • . i• /111 POKATO GRE PLAN SNOWING ACCES. • . SNE ENACRES, . olO f".1FIST" cousvaruortow PERMIT / /0 W 0ror 0,430 1 9,41,100. FOR RELINOUIS rter To COUNTY S (t-eas.” ) EASE ENT VONA,- 4 ' .14cgoo. ZAStrACNT .41 12•ZZ,A2,!1,6, DETAIL I° '7.x% t% -r... 4.--S•qo 41,‘ • 4,4 T''`GZIOr NW. 14.SE 540.13 •1P. • •••\ See SR 90 Kola/ porKtt r AltSneriVinealtaM24. SPOKANE TO GREIENACM saomne coutiat Sear +one! po rot I cleica. 0.1.11/, 11.44-1/011M-104.1011/ • .77:1741•77.r.17:41-rwo on ▪ fw• 12/0 • , 'Ng ••*41,1:••f•!.•:; 10 i 4,0,1.0,”•• 44144411 , wan+. now. &Vow - 10 $41 April ,822 .4 •• •rW„ P40 I. 01. NY. situer 01'2S:4014f. 147 MIN.! Parcel'Devil Far Parcels 6-0260t 6-026IZ P.RAWI If • 0 CURVE A OATA rw Mez„,4_a M.,__ ••••ar t.•1 0 . o aS 6:11T- ,a,g. ) 2. -tri.-- • k ..a._ K•78,4/2. Sp: 111111111111111•11 IV/i -I FifW' •• t.N0,15 ,,e3 to04.3.4' • "Av. . W N. GET 4,1 ...p.y. _ 7.YU a, or 4. IS .0 jr,ge f".1FIST" cousvaruortow PERMIT / /0 W 0ror 0,430 1 9,41,100. FOR RELINOUIS rter To COUNTY S (t-eas.” ) EASE ENT VONA,- 4 ' .14cgoo. ZAStrACNT .41 12•ZZ,A2,!1,6, DETAIL I° '7.x% t% -r... 4.--S•qo 41,‘ • 4,4 T''`GZIOr NW. 14.SE 540.13 •1P. • •••\ See SR 90 Kola/ porKtt r AltSneriVinealtaM24. SPOKANE TO GREIENACM saomne coutiat Sear +one! po rot I cleica. 0.1.11/, 11.44-1/011M-104.1011/ • .77:1741•77.r.17:41-rwo on ▪ fw• 12/0 • , 'Ng ••*41,1:••f•!.•:; 10 i 4,0,1.0,”•• 44144411 , wan+. now. &Vow - 10 $41 April ,822 .4 •• •rW„ P40 I. 01. NY. situer 01'2S:4014f. 147 MIN.! Parcel'Devil Far Parcels 6-0260t 6-026IZ P.RAWI If • 0 r 774 pnE1269 1117: SUPERS - motion as+oo to Uteet-=--- eAlqrsi. oF 2\' "C‘ r 7 6 :401.6.4 vri.„,gre Aria. -14r- Awkimbamm, lir -Ewa oA / e*" IU i „ • Of • 4II.1”•••11\ OWNEjSHIPS i..AAIC:. ,EL NO ' NAM AREA/ RAY L1 8kMAIN9F.11 EIT, EASEMNT r ..0.51.....dsiky..S2L . via,Nrg.....__ _TOTAL 21V9 AK 7. 9E5 V Mt rio.ve . II,ROG It.r.t :i• 2-02400 Pfortrctr 0. 0....whe '4., C. Al- 6 $4 X' 4 • 2 2,2 f.02f of &Vito/man ' .6'. tasif.lor if, SR Z. Xi.* I 81411K z1 F 13 C 33,SzfUK 6 it Or • - .1.,. Ir-OZ6 1 P mil 1.+d. Partntri I I&74I Jo i1r 5,64,x 4. xt0 6:02412 . D. our 1:* A foci +le 43. 471X. 5 A 122.4141r $ coNSTRuCTI0N P47164cr 1l 3cF.141. Access cAssmcwr *id* 3 GN EASSMENT 57414.2,9 pay; ritct+00 S Ba 0.auftt ) . • - R.43 E.W.M. .+5,00 sup„..d¢d an. v ' son '1 IVW J• : , A' ; Line to Shoe, Nc• • CURVE DATA P $. D R T � —` E1.✓•W )1.42 ,43 z9' aj Lt. 300' 77.66' IS' .02' + TA o5r 3O.00J+. ZSO' 64.99' 130.9a' r£ 2+74.41 45'46 L+. a5O' !05-.52' Ilg. 67 E.Ew 3+sr. IQ 6P' 0O'ftt zoo' 115.47' zo-.44' Tv7E 4403%0 39i' L+: 3Z• 30' At 636.7'- 436,7' r1S.0- 105.6' 477'— 61.1' W/E 1I+a' .4 Siw 14.4a. a Z4• Zs,' - 1,763.1' 361.7 751.6' IS 107.4 .3 4 -t M✓®F,, 100463.:h a� Lf ri. lntetch,, .... -.-..Sun. tumbeek ret: {d 5.. 11c}.o�F.,t#. 1M thl•N <•JiJJ IN/1" nw AIIw 1 [.h♦,•:.: tffH1 [•.. [Y .V •.4[W r . Y.[ 16' 1-+. 1 5730' Z5 -o.4' 4Y3.o • • icily Rai:- wM W*44.4 R.i• rw p+�aa ,rnn /0 WW 1E.91.44 /farm [-Rw /.071.%4 MAr. e s.49,;s Ran w leo 7 7 R DETAIL [a SCAL $: 1". Sa 1 42.47 Y.t. cw•w ro+es.rs r.c, • • • !• tet- .. . ....,....-. � _' -,...-..1:-..1....... — - '. T'. :.7 • !• tet- .. . "F. 774 KE 127/. I Yft, 7•1•11. } •1 b• � See ' gelb jt j�; 0 r , q.7-�natal Parcel ae*a.1. 14 04 40 ir I. 'A 1. i.w "cm,/ s0,,,,,p,..7„,„ t .0. ,f4) it��i. o .' (t•oecrz) V t\� ` ' fit .' See . - cr I!I - fatal parcel dotal!. 6.5w+rSLor P.f. SR 9� ' 4:4, ,,' SPOKANE TO GREENACRES (6.OLtaf) s'�F ly�.1� 0 �I. t roA ��..ca SPOKANE COUNTY =�lw w fe. T>:t7R .4/0)‘4";c: � •t ...y. ' wuuaaiar nzer Pl4WRAr co.oc oti �kw W /1•tz,rirt. (4q4 Or M A. A'•,, eetuncnrt OP RWaa471 �vwfOf1T.12 6v r"y'>x bt f����r•iooti arrrfra xAaRrl,arOx r WW Tor F� ethc.' {4 {c� 4i c° rj ..t +cna w.ac t u'r . fOo nrt f- W it .41. t4 ROO .. . /S r t 10 test ,.�.aW r♦7t. s4 P.a7. C. �.?. i.l" V' +1 F sew.. roar. aGrC1I. .. e, . IA"itLY 7.OT. �� ,- . 3 ' l,,; , wentUa Apr14 2t, 1965 o °Y+ 5E:4 9¢.0.13it "• s.4..Atian.naw4Et • • Vpypj1fl,� q,SQ -el APDR*'At.. - — - ;�1'mtnt•_tt4 Cao RM/ •x•aAv,a0n.1.7470R6iM ,..a+...44+. ri X.. t.... ANt1NJtiipl ��4 i.s/d..I f•.«• b1l.n ri✓',f.y l QIo�.•, N•/ .WM MMI 1.11:11 tV.. I•N:1i --•.RIMS Y .r� mer .nJf+tw..t�'l,. ,rites* .471 •Lw :ice tet.. _.` __� • te.• 1 Total Parcel.Detnit •, I For Parcels 6.04601 ? - 6-02612 I SCALE: 1"•100' //y E"x1/4.7,'r 'A" • • I« k rt /-,.�. /.- /• � �. b .‘,1 16 p,\ .(P • 2r �0' s (6-o260) ) total parcel detail.: • • cA QSo,�� \fir \� � % ti���PC 1sa o �6-02612) •' r� 7:44161>E. +Ew :4‘4•5:1;o7 P.T. SR 90 '.1'6ta! parcel detail. SPOKANE TO GREENACRES aj SPOKANE COUNTY WAS1m:0TON wen= WOIMAY COID(ISSION D!PAZYMENP or IOXWAYS OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON SCALE: NORM 1 (h•'1( 100 Tzar SCAM YEEL 1 Drat o 10 7LET APYEOYEDt April 2t, 1953 Imps O!'•Y IF FOR R. OF W. SHEET25 OF 25 SHEAT. >R om -6 • -;� .', • M_4 h L/ne -p' Sheep No, • NOTE: FOR L /A FEATURES SEE SR •90, • , , SPOKANE TO GRE gAORES; / qin PLAN SHOWING ACd SS:- . :� qq�('�y 2dla • 0 0 • NW'/4.9E). 5ac.l?l W 12•37.27R 4W -W If* 42.94 P.l: 6W-W.lOr97./Z y• ' 'EW -W lofBsc e5p EW-tie /2+4/. 6B P..o•it x rQ o `pp1+^^•4%29 OT • WAYS Excise Toil 1''Id on soh-;Nd.'Pd+ D.E ''SKIP" CHILBERG,' 1882' u� :u� $5x83 30©33 • f 7.,,,3 : • ; QUiT CLAIM DEED In the Matter of State'Route SR 90,, Spokane to'Greenacres • . • •'KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Grantor s, TEDDiE L. WINSLOW and . TAMARA L. DOUGHERTY, --the joint executrices of the estate of FLORENCE: C. DOUGHERTY; and TAB DOUGHERTY and DIANA R. DOUGHERTY, husband and wife;, _ . 41::366 PACE 59 Project No. 650660 Parcel•No.'6-02600 • '•F-1-fl0-6(129)2820„ for and.ih consideratfDn bf the sum of Ten and .no/100 ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations • ` " convey'.. and riuit claim • . to the State of Washington' "he following described real estate, and any .:after acquired interest therein', situated In - Spokane . • County,•in the State of Wash ington, to the same extent and purpose as If the rights herein. granted had been acquired under Eminent Domain statutes_of the State of Washington: • That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and 30 feet northwesterly from the TR.Line Survey of SR 90, Spokane to Greenacres. t�l•�' 1'IPAFtCEL "Aug ... • .yLots2; 3, 4, 5 and 6 lying northerly of the property, line of Broadway Avenue, as, • .established on April 20, 1955, and Lots 17 and 18; all. in Block '3' of PIPER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK:13. OF 'EAST SPOKANE,, as per plat thereof recorded -in • •Volume "M" of Plats, page 7; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley adjoining said lots by "4•1_ iiiii:r ition of law; EXCEPT the East 10 feet of said Lot i8; AND EXCEPT that portion convsyed.to the.5tate of Washington for highway purposes; • • 'Lots 113 and 14 in Block 3 ,of PIPER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK'13 OF EAST• SPOKANE, as per plat thereof reccirded in Volume "M" of Plats, page 7; TOGETHER WITH that part of the North half of the vacated alley lying South of and adjoining Lot .13; . • Lots 15 and 16 •in Block .:3 of PIPER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 13 OF• EAST :SPOKANE, as per plat thereof recorded in Volurne "M" of Plats, -page 7; 1rOGETHER ' WITH the North.7 feet of vacated alley adjoining said lots on'the South. . Also; the grantors" herein: convey, and gront :to the State of Washington all rights of. ingress and egress (including all existing;• future or potential easements of access, tight,•view and • air) -to, from and between SR 90, Spokane to Greenacres and the remainder of said' Parcel "A,":except that the grantors 'reserve .for themselves their heirs, successors or assigns, Parcel ' right of reasonable aceess to the "B".`line connection of said Highway at•Highway Engineer's -Station B6+40:Lt.; • • • ' AND ALSO. It is understood and agreed that the State 'shall construct on its right of.way an OFF and ON approach -not to exceed 30. feet in width for the'use:necessary`to the .normal .a.operation of�.commercial establishrhent at ar near Highway Engineer's Station B6+40 Lt, on'. .the "B" line connection of said highway and to which off and, on approach only, the grantors, their heirs, successors or assigns, reserve. a right of 'reasonable access for that purpose only, which •APPF1OACH shall be maintained between the'rlght 'of .way line -and the shoulder: line • ' of said (highway;- frontage service road,. "B" Line atsaid.-hlghway) by the grantors, their. . ' heirs, successors. or' assigns. ' ' • 'The`granter ,herein further.. grants to the State .af Washington, or its agents, the right to' • '. enter. upon the `grantor's remaining lands where necessary. to construct said approach: -The (ands being herein conveyed contain an area. of 4,360 Sq. ft, more or less, .the specific • details concerning all of -which are to -be found within that_ certain map of °definite location now -of record' and on file'.In .the office :of 'the Secretary of Transportation at Olympia, • Washington'and:bearing date of approval April 21,,1953; revised . :The .undersigned. grantors hereby authorize and Instruct, the State of Washington to pdy the •I• : :entire consideration to Tab:Dougherty and Diana R. Dougherty and direct- that "the:State voucher"in;payment thereof shall.be executed only by said Tab Dougherty and Diana R. The_undersigned agrees to surrender.occupancy.of the 'lends herein conveyed upon'receipt of payment. Parcel Na..6-12600 OFF."' "j''•P VCL,' 60 PACE ,. It is understood and agreed that the delivery of thls deed Is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and - approved hereon ht writing for the Washington State Department of Transportation, by its Secretary or his • duly authorized representative. 4 �i .t .. • Accepted and approved .e'1.1.0:;)(.1 .( , . d•S Date ils 9th t tlay'of 1u17.,,,,1985 t r DEP By 1 Title.; CHM, rosin of w .;v77 STATE OF IVASHINGTON, CtleL mora Tab Dougherty (Individual acknowletim ent form.) . Diana R. Dougherty S5. County of • I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this 9,th.. day of ,....7u1479 .19.x5 • personally appeared before me 'Tamara LQ Dougherty, Tab Dougherty, grid ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,, I�.J,P,T�GiJ 4, D91�g.�T4,3i tF %�>r,ti;�, to ine known to be the Individual V described in and who executed the foregoing hatf rnent7qua k.nowledged that they , signed and scaled the same as ... ht;. r free'; ittc; iri—!_ eref.! tf � �It'c and deed, the e uses and purposes therein mentioned.:;,,� � �r Given under my hand and official seal Nt" day and year la. t ahove ivriitreen. '! •"" " '+ c_'. . Notary Public to and for h Strtc of M;shtngtor(' Residing at ,...S.polcain.e (Corporation acknowledgment form) STATE OF WASHINGTON, . County of On this day of • before me personally appeare% and to me known to be the and of the corporation =that executed the foregoing'Instruntent, and acknowledged said Instrument to be the • free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute said instrument arid that the seal.afflxed Is the corporate seal.of said corporation. Given under my hand 'and official seal the day and year last above written. • z o p z •0 0 . U Notary Atbllc In and for the State of fi't:thington, Restdtngat • UY�il�:3,t4E'Jng�p ryqy t�l�p, p: • I Et't triPN541H_llifttt D'r iii, 13 P,11 '85 . E. 00tiAHiUE • AUDITOR BPGK4f1E CONT Y. WASH.: DEPUTY •ifloa F,..nd Fa„nd MALLOW �a.n+�,_ AVE. 5 ez-ae. 01"S t f 0 � 557.07 $40S11cTr' 0/ o (n'J r rt Sof P.R. SQ.k.. = PciOPERTY UNc & = GTOT30.' Rc 75.00 T, a9.7G 67. et 01 P .d x e.. t II�4,0.17. I ?G.02' o5 t3Sie m >-a„ndxan 9ldawstt.� Cut kan 5.dw,1k o M q V _BROADWAY' AVE. 5 09'ai 24 E rr i PROPERTY UESCRiPTION Alt that part of Lots Z,3,4 5 and 6 tying Northerly of the present Northerly line of Broartwo.y Avenues; all of Lots 13,14,15,1G; and ti i and that port of lot 18 lying Northerly of the.pr'esertt Northerly line. of wayAvenue E(CEPT the East I0feet thereof conveyed tetke State of Washington ; all in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, according to plat recordeeVin Volume:Mrof Plato p}ge7, in Spokane County, Washington ; Together with that portion of va.catied ....1 in said SioJc3 tying between said lets and. lying Westerly of the Northerly line of Br odway AVM.; wkikk atfacl,Gs !y opuurion of few ; EXCEPTING from all of theabove land that portion conveyed totheState of Washington for SR 90, 5pokaneto Greertacres, by Deed retarded Augu9t 13, 1585 as Auditor's No. 1508130033. i d. 30'00'60' R-. z 5o.00 7 o GC.99” Le 150.90 S co.la- 1"= 50 Mac SEM 11sxd ti e=as- uoo• Re 200.00' r. 105.52 L6 199.'10 Lvazir 5ur,•,, r�,r� u3 r ih Qn. C, uW 3.0k. on w, -ti, Copp.r..n.a SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This map correctly represents a survey mode by roe or order my direction in conformance. with the reidiremerrts of the 5urvey Rccordirs Act at the. request of Tab Davgher SPOKANE DIESEL 1 NC. PROPERTY SURVEY IN THE W I/2 OF SEC. 13,T25 N.,R 43 E.W.M. SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON CLARENCE E. SIMPSON ENGINEERS, INC. N. 909 ARGONNE ROAD PH:926-1322 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99212 DRAWN 8Y' C.F.S. Ct-ECK£0 9Y: RjrP/6a 000jror MF. 50107: =0 12150 f ,,5l U3/a : ,_ - .,t r , --: - N1/2 Sec.13 f 35N.,RNG 43 G.IV.M ... .,.. •r 2 af :.U., 1,1I• ;..rte/�•'+' ...70 S1 O��N '2 . , • : , •.•, %?: OP 1..e� ...v... ` ,v ,.. 5 ' C w 4 I 0 I I li .% Mop lge..l — 1,11.11.J. urdow..n Layer nssram (COI) • PasramluHnuln Drawn ,I, . �~ 01, .. 4 k _ eAllpara All . m • ' J _• ^ ,>. ate. �<. .1 _ _ t�1 �,• . 1w 9 {. .... Y _ .A ° =... :.. fi ', M 7 ,..' .5 ter, rto L '_ .•4'.1; ..,. ,... L"� I '. f int I ¢• . i • ; •.` ._. - Y :l, r:.l ,a ............... a. •n..... M"'" i% t.., ,,• ,r„ Y ,.r f til -: - kiln El .. 'I !.• .. • • It' ON a'.`., •• .fib _ _ _ y( in 11:1 �����... i f 2 r 1 • H: l fi...•fI ,,� 1_" 1 , ,_ _ 1. 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY, PORTION 1 A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington, said parcel being a portion of Lot 6 and the West 27 feet of Lot 5, together with the south half of the vacated alley lying adjacent and contiguous to said lots in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, Book M of Plats, Page 7, records of Spokane County, said parcel being a portion of the land described as "shown hachured on Exhibit "A"" of Quitclaim Deed, Book 774 of Deeds, Page 1267, Instrument 8509230166, Recorded 09/23/1985, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Parcel B as shown on the Record of Survey, Recorded in Book 71 of Surveys, Page 78, Records of Spokane County, Washington; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Parcel B, a distance of 184.25 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the W/E Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953; Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a non -tangent curve to the right, the center of said curve bears N22°18'08"W, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 9°29'04", an Arc Length of 72.67 feet, and a Chord of S72°26'24"W, 72.59 feet to the West Line of said Lot 6 and the Point of Beginning; Thence continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a tangent curve to the right, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 5°25'20", an Arc Length of 41.54 feet, and a Chord of S79°53'35"W, 41.53 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the B Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right - of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953 Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way, S88°44'24E, a distance of 40.82 feet to the West Line of said Lot 6; Thence N0°30'37"E along said West Line, a distance of 8.19 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 153 Square Feet of land more or less. RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT A PORTION OF BLOCK 3, PIPER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 13 OF EAST SPOKANE, BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 7, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 43 EAST, W.M., SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL B r APN 35132.1308 ( APN 35132.1320 NORTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE W/E UNE -BROADWAY AVENUE NORTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE B LINE HACHURED AREA AS SHOWN ON QUITCLAIM DEED, BOOK 774, PAGE 1267 1- m w 0, .. J 0 W J storha"ug Lo civil engineering I planning mlandscape architecture surveying 510 east third avenue 1 spokane, washington 99202 DRAWN TAC DATE 04/22/2019 EXHIBIT 1 p509.242,1000 f509.242.1001 CHECKED TAC SCALE 1" = 100' PROJECT 18-205 1 7 / APN 35132.1310 / / C;) /./<<<3 - WESTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE TR LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT VACATED RIGHT OF WAY, BROADWAY AND THIERMAN SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY, PORTION 2 A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington, said parcel being a portion of Lot 6 and the West 27 feet of Lot 5, together with the south half of the vacated alley lying adjacent and contiguous to said lots in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, Book M of Plats, Page 7, records of Spokane County, said parcel being a portion of the land described as "shown hachured on Exhibit "A"" of Quitclaim Deed, Book 774 of Deeds, Page 1267, Instrument 8509230166, Recorded 09/23/1985, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Parcel B as shown on the Record of Survey, Recorded in Book 71 of Surveys, Page 78, Records of Spokane County, Washington; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Parcel B, a distance of 184.25 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the W/E Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953 and the Point of Beginning; Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a non -tangent curve to the right, the center of said curve bears N22°18'08"W, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 9°29'04", an Arc Length of 72.67 feet, and a Chord of S72°26'24"W, 72.59 feet to the West Line of said Lot 6; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Lot 6, a distance of 8.19 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the B Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953 Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way the following 2 courses: 1. S88°44'24E, a distance of 52.51 feet; 2. Along a Tangent curve to the left with a Radius of 75.00 feet, a Delta of 12°41'44", an Arc Length of 16.62 feet, and Chord of N84°54'44"E, 16.58 feet to the West Line of said Parcel B; Thence N0°30'37"E along said West Line, a distance of 29.77 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,290 Square Feet of land more or less. RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT A PORTION OF BLOCK 3, PIPER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 13 OF EAST SPOKANE, BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 7, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 43 EAST, W.M., SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL B APN 35132.1308 APN 35132.1320 NORTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE WJE UNE -BROADWAY AVENUE NORTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE B LINE - 7 / APN 35132.1310 / / WESTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE TR LINE HACHURED AREA AS SHOWN ON QUITCLAIM DEED, BOOK 774, PAGE 1267 F- m 2 X W srorhaug J W J civil engineering planning mlandscape architecture surveying 510 east third avenue spokane, washington 99202 p 509.242.1000 f 509.242.1001 RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT VACATED RIGHT OF WAY, BROADWAY AND THIERMAN SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. DRAWN TAC DATE 04/22/2019 EXHIBIT 1 CHECKED TAC SCALE 1" = 100' PROJECT 18-205 J LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY, PORTION 3 A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington, said parcel being a portion of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, except the West 27 feet of said Lot 5, together with the south half of the vacated alley Tying adjacent and contiguous to said lots in Block 3 of Piper's Subdivision of Block 13 of East Spokane, Book M of Plats, Page 7, records of Spokane County, said parcel being a portion of the land described as "shown hachured on Exhibit "A"" of Quitclaim Deed, Book 774 of Deeds, Page 1267, Instrument 8509230166, Recorded 09/23/1985, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Parcel B as shown on the Record of Survey, Recorded in Book 71 of Surveys, Page 78, Records of Spokane County, Washington; Thence S0°30'37"W along the West Line of said Parcel B, a distance of 184.25 feet to the Northerly Right -of -Way Line of the W/E Line as shown on Sheet 23 of 25 of SR90, Spokane to Greenacres, Washington State Department of Transportation, Right -of -Way plans, Approved April 21, 1953 and the Point of Beginning; Thence along said Northerly Right -of -Way Line, along a non -tangent curve to the left, the center of said curve bears N22°18'08"W, with a Radius of 439.00 feet, a Delta Angle of 9°09'06", an Arc Length of 70.12 feet, and a Chord of N63°07'19"E, 70.04 feet to the Westerly Right -of -Way of Thierman Road, the centerline of which is shown as TR Line on said Sheet 23 of 25; Thence along said Westerly Right -of -Way the following 2 courses: Along a non -tangent curve to the left with a Radius of 280.00 feet, a Delta of 4°14'32", an Arc Length of 20.73 feet, and a Chord of S26°15'09"W, 20.73 feet to a Point of Reverse curvature; 2. Along a Tangent curve to the right with a Radius of 75.00 feet, a Delta of 54°25'53", an Arc Length of 71.25 feet, and Chord of S51 °20'56"W, 68.60 feet to the West Line of said Parcel B; Thence N0°30'37"E along said West Line, a distance of 29.77 to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,543 Square Feet of land more or less. RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT A PORTION OF BLOCK 3, PIPER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 13 OF EAST SPOKANE, BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 7, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 43 EAST, W.M., SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL B APN 35132.1310 APN 35132.1308 APN 35132.1320 / / NORTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE OF THE WALINE -BROADWAY AVENUE -(' WESTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF THE TR LINE NORTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY—' LINE OF THE B LINE HACHURED AREA AS SHOWN ON QUITCLAIM DEED, BOOK 774, PAGE 1267 F - _m W v ■■ L m landscape architecture surveying 510 east third avenue spokane, washington 99202 p 509.242.1000 f 509.242.1001 dull engineering I planning RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT VACATED RIGHT OF WAY, BROADWAY AND THIERMAN SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. DRAWN TAC DATE 04/22/2019 EXHIBIT 1 CHECKED TAC SCALE 1" = 100' PROJECT 18-205 1 f i �lFI 4:1.1.11L Vacation Location T NTS. 74 jValley Community & Public Works Department Building & Planning Division NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IS SENDING THIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ALL PETITIONERS (IF ANY) AND ALL OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING THE STREET PROPOSED TO BE VACATED BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT RECORDS FROM THE SPOKANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OR TREASURER'S OFFICE. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE LAND USE APPLICATION LISTED BELOW: HEARING DATE: July 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. HEARING LOCATION: Spokane Valley City Council Chambers, City Hall, 10210 East Sprague Avenue; Spokane Valley, WA 99206. REVIEW AUTHORITY: Spokane Valley Planning Commission STAFF: STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Planner; (509) 720-5026; kkendall(cr�spokanevalley.org FILE NUMBER: STV -2019-0003 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Privately initiated street vacation request to vacate approximately 2,987 square feet of improved right-of-way on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road and adjacent to three parcels (35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310), further located in the SE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington APPLICANT: Liam Taylor, Storhaug Engineering, Inc., 510 East 3rd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 OWNER 1: Grant Person, 4128 South Bowdish Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 OWNER 1: Sonrise Land and Pomajevich Investments, 2104 East Cherry Tree Lane, Spokane, WA 99203 OWNER 2: Char -Don & Associates, 150 West Pinon Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614 OWNER 3: DKelly Developments, LLC, 10126 South Hangman Valley Road, Spokane, WA 99224 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Planning Division has reviewed the proposal/project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); Title 21 (Environmental Controls) from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). APPROVAL CRITERIA: Section 22.140 (Street Vacations) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code; the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards; the Regional Stormwater Manual; and the Spokane Regional Health District regulations. HEARING PROCESS: The Planning Commission holds the public hearing to receive comments and forwards a recommendation to the City Council for an ordinance adoption. STAFF REPORT AND INSPECTION OF FILE: A staff report will be available for inspection seven (7) calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and application file.may be inspected at City of Spokane Valley City. Hall, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday -Friday, excluding holidays. Copies of documents will be made available at a reasonable cost. Send written comments to the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community and Public Works, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206; Attn: Karen Kendall, File No. STV -2019-0003. SPECIAL ASSISTANCE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 720-5102 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION Public Hearing for Street Vacation July 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m. The City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on July 25, 2019 at City Hall 10210 East Sprague Avenue, at 6:00 p.m., to receive public testimony on the following proposal. FILE NUMBER: STV -2019-0003 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Privately initiated street vacation request to vacate approximately 2,987 square feet of improved right-of-way on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road and adjacent to three parcels (35132.1320, 35132.1308 and 35132.1310), further located in the SE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington. APPLICANT: Liam Taylor, Storhaug Engineering, Inc., 510 East 3' Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 OWNER 1: Grant Person, 4128 South Bowdish Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 OWNER 1: Sonrise Land and Pomajevich Investments, 2104 East Cherry Tree Lane, Spokane, WA 99203-5019 OWNER 2: Char -Don & Associates, 150 West Pinon Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614 OWNER 3: DKelly Developments, LLC, 10126 South Hangman Valley Road, Spokane, WA 99224 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Planning Division has reviewed the proposal/project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), Title 21 (Environmental Controls) from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). APPROVAL CRITERIA: Section 22.140 (Street Vacations) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code; the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards; the Regional Stormwater Manual; and the Spokane Regional Health District regulations. HEARING PROCESS: The Planning Commission holds the public hearing to receive comments and forwards a recommendation to the City Council for an ordinance adoption. STAFF REPORT AND INSPECTION OF FILE: A staff report will be available for inspection seven (7) calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and application file may be inspected at City of Spokane Valley City Hall, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday -Friday, excluding holidays. Copies of documents will be made available at a reasonable cost. Send written comments to the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community and Public Works, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206; Attn: Karen Kendall, File No. STV -2019-0003. SPECIAL ASSISTANCE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 720-5102 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Planner; (509) 720-5026; kkendall a,spokanevalley.orq. Christine Bainbridge, Spokane Valley City Clerk PUBLISH: 7-5-19 and 7-12-19 SUPERIOR COURT of WASIIINGTON for SPOKANE COUNTY 1n the Matter of Spokane Valley Planning Commission I'uhlic Hearing for Street Vacation/July 25. 2019 File Number: STY -2019-0003 STATE of WASHINGTON County of Spokane AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION NO. LEGAL NOTICE (IICH:\EL IIUFF(l.%N being firm duly sworn on oath deposes and sera's that he is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News !Jerald. a Weekly newspaper. Thai said newspaper is a Ictal newspaper and it is row and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter rain -red to. published in the English ianguagc continuali} .0 a weekly newspaper in Spokane County. Washington. and i6 is now and daring all of said time was printed in an of cc maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. which said newspaper had been approved as a legal nclkspaper by order of the Superior Count of the State of 1\'ashingtun in and for Spokane Count). That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 5th day of July, 2019. and ending on the 12th day of July. 2019. all dates inclusive. and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: SPOKANE VALLEY PLAIl82,1O COMMISSION Public Hearing for Street Vacation July 25.2019, 640 pan The C•ly of Spokane Valley Planning CCnYNSSien is sdlea/ad m hold a pubic rearing on July 25.2019 alCityHa610210 East Sprague Avenue, at 608 pm.. to re000e wore testimony on roe 10501in9 pmpasal, FILE NUMBER: STY -2019-0003 DESCRIP110N OF PROPOSAL: Privately reamed street 040015. request to vacate approximately 2,987 square Wet 01 im. ororum proven garner u15way Avc.e and Thieran Road. d. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The rpht-W- 1107 proposed to be vacated is keeled on the t vst comer of Broaawvy Avenue ..µt11111II,. aro partes (3513235n Road and ap 31320,, 3512 308t to 1hree \ and 351321310),fuMer located ,nlh*SEgee \ ter dhe NW quarter of Sectiont.3. Tovm-�o +01.441y'i-�: Minoan, Spokorlavaloy waahegton 111' Comm Expires snip 25 forth. Ramie 43 East. Willamette APPLICANT: Lk001 Taylor, Stodte09 En- gineermg, Inc., 510 East 3rd Avenue. 39okzne,5YA99202 OWNER 1; Grant Person, 4128 South ( , 8awhs0 Huad, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 OWNER 1: Sannsa Land and Porrrgavchkwastments,2104 East OWNER Spokane, WAD99�p ?6rA la ry Tree Lane,�r�'' P IAJASN;C�\\\ 150 West Pinta, Oriwe, Great Valley, AZ I r f f 1 111111 85610 OWNER 3: Melly Developments. LLC, '0126 SC to Hangman Va9ay Road. Spo- kane. WA99224 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Plarning Donsmn T. reviewed the Itermined tint I pr , ltv0rccland nes egcvially exempt pursuant VWAC 197-11-803 and Coy at Spoken alley Municipal Code (SYNC), Tel, 21 (Err:ca Brae] Controls) 0030001000000 Emironmental underto AAol (SEPI). State APPROVAL CRITERIA:. Sec800 22.140 (Street Vaxti as) of the Cly of Spokane Vale/F4aicpel Code (SYNC); Tele 21 (En, Worrnenal Conroe) of lheCayol Spokane Vale' Uon 0ipalCoda: the Coy el Spokane Valley Street Standards: the Regional Slcvrnwaler Manual; and he Speeene Re- gional rgional Hearth District regulations. HEAR1NGPBOCESS: ThePkuavngC00' frisson Ware pubkc hearing tg7eoeive comments and forwards a recommenda- tion to he Gly Caaru9 kr an 001:00nce a5op5on STAFF REPORT AND INSPECTION OF ALE: A stall report will 0e maiabl0 kr h,spao3on amen (7) calendar days before the hearing. The sloe report endapp&cabon fie may be impeded 81 tidy d Spokane Valley CJy Hall. 10210 East Sprague Avewe. between 600 am and 5:00 pm, Mooday.Friday.exoluding Iwldays-Capes el documents w8 he made evadable el a rcasonatee cost. Send written comments to the Gly 0( Spokane Valley Department of Commonly and Pubkc Works, 10210 East Sprague A00111.10. Spokane Valley, WA 9920E4 Alin: Karan Kendall. Fie No. 51V-2019- 0009. SPECIAL. ASSISTANCE: Individuals plant -mg to ar4trd the reeling who expire special assatarroe k accommodate physi- al, hearing, or other impairments. please oon1aO Me CM Cledn e1 15091 7204102 as soon es prlssible so gel arrangements may barnacle. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendal, Planner, (509) 720.5026: kke3da0 SP0k0l10val- leY01g. Christine Bai,hridge, Spokane S7�1Clerk PUH9 ard7-12-19 Vary 15, 2023 No24743 j = St 1SCRilt " SWORN In before n . ibis 12th n ay or July. 2019 State of Washington County of Spokane 1 certify that I know or hale satisfactory evidence that Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before mc. and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to he his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the heard' cot. Jolene Rae \Wye I illy: Moat /inti is My appointment cspirc s: 05-16-2023 X174,. 00 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Spokane Valley 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5240 ♦ Fax: (509) 720-5075 ♦ permitcenter(a,spokanevallev.org FILE NO. 9:5V i/ LJ 1 CI- DOO 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) SS: ftiil - AT- {-1!\ S , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. On the u day of 111(1`-r , 20 11 , I personally deposited in the United States mail at CAN Of c1" O OtIAL VtrtitX -t (,L with sufficient postage prepaid, a true and correct copy of the NOTICE OF APPLICATION, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference to the applicant, any governmental agency entitled to notice, any person filing a written request for a copy of the notice of application or the final decision and any person who provided substantive written comments on the application during the public comment period and provided a mailing address. Signature of City Staff Date cLh Signed and sworn to before me this / U day of \ ci tt;r I, 0, `',oc q Notary Public State of Washington 2 DEANNA HORTON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 26, 2021 011II11I I I11111I I II11111NNINIIIIIIIIIIIIIO ,20Hi. NOTA " Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Residing at: j 6' J/2G� �19 My appointment expires: 7 -a6 z79 PL -29 V1.0 Page 1 of 1 14111*, yeti ��� AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Spokane SVMC 17.80 jVal ley 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5240 1 Fax: (509) 720-5075 ♦ permitcenter(aspokanevallev.org Applicant to complete and sign before a Notary and return to the Permit Center. FILE NO. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 1.4foik, 140'0 (Ai3c. , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. On the i 0 day of ' �� , 20161, I personally posted a sign(s) as required in the City of Spbkane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures, at th following location(s) in the City Spo ane Vall y: IV-inixe, 2 '�1�-.� s 67\ c r i v vpisa oct,ti 't) elrn' vl ?_`qac re of Applicant or Agent 1—i® -lei Date d�1 Signed and sworn to before me this day of 111�4NIINIIIIN1111ltQ Notary Public State of Washington DEANNA NORTON I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES S JULY 26. 2021 .. L HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIta , 201 9 . NOTARY WASHING eN Residing at: UBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF a2/74a(1 My appointment expires: -7-,940- /9 PL -31 V1.0 Page 1 of 1 Karen Kendall From: Patty Bischoff Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 2:21 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: Please post notice of public hearing for City of Spokane Valley on 7-10-19 Hi Karen. Sure! Enjoy your day! Patty Bischoff 1 Administrative Assistant Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation 2426 N. Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 P: (509) 720-5401 1 F: (509) 720-5250 pbischoff@spokanevalley.org (-'ELATE L\CE Spokane .0.0015. 0.00" alley RI C.IONAL I.t'I. N 1 C1 !` 11.0 This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Karen Kendall <kkendall@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 1:30 PM To: Patty Bischoff <pbischoff@spokanevalley.org> Subject: Please post notice of public hearing for City of Spokane Valley on 7-10-19 Hi, Patty! Would you please post the attached notice today Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at Center Place to remain visible to the public until July 26, 2019 (following public hearing). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Patty! Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 1 Spokane valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 1 kkendall@spokanevallev.org Spokane Valley This email and any attachments maybe subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. 1 Karen Kendall From: Aileen Luppert <aluppert@scld.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 1:32 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: Please post notice of public hearing for City of Spokane Valley on 7-10-19 Will do! Aileen Luppert 1 Managing Librarian aluppert a(�scld.orq 1 509.893.8416 From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 1:31 PM To: Aileen Luppert Subject: EXTERNAL: Please post notice of public hearing for City of Spokane Valley on 7-10-19 Hi, Aileen! Would you please post the attached notice today Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at Spokane Valley Library to remain visible to the public until July 26, 2019 (following public hearing). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 1 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 1 kkendall@spokanevallev.org Spokane 1_.SValley This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. Spokane County Library District is subject to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. Unless otherwise exempted, senders and receivers of District email should presume that the email and any attachments are subject to release upon request, and to state record retention requirements. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 1 SOkane Valley MEMORANDUM Project RECEIVED MAY U 1 2019 NOTICE OFAPPLICA ONMSOPERMIT CENTER SUB#REV.# To: Title Company FROM: Department of Community Development, Planning Division SUBJECT: Notice of Application Owner/Taxpayer List Please furnish a list of the owners and taxpayers of record of all properties adjacent to the proposal (or total adjoining ownership; including optioned land, to the extent known) as outlined on the accompanying Spokane County Assessor's map(s). FILE No. : PART III TITLE COMPANY AND APPLICANT CERTIFICATION • TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATIOM I do hereby certify that the following list of names and addresses, consisting of the attached pages from the Spokane County Assessor's or Treasurer's most current computer records, is to the best of my knowledge correct. I also certify I have provided loan numbers, if possible, when the owner is listed as a finance company. Signed by: 14) Cv Date: `/ 2-6A (Title Company Official) For: �`' �T j'12-1-1 (5kr` (Company Name) APPLICANT CERTIFICATION 1, the applicant or agent for the applicant, have verified the attached ownership list with the attached Assessor's map(s) and find that all tax parcel numbers adjacent to the project site, including owned or optioned land as shown on the Assessor's map(s) have been listed by the Title Company. Applicant: L, (Print Name) G{ Date: 'LA- Z 6.- Signed by: ; t� PL -33 V1.0 Page 3 of II] jJ Karen Kendall From: Bill Helbig Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 8:57 AM To: Karen Kendall Cc: Chad Riggs; Ray Wright; Jenny Nickerson Subject: RE: Additional information requested for STV -2019-0003 Karen — Responses to your questions... 1. Traffic modeling and projections for the next 20 years indicate that a new right turn lane at the northwest corner will not be necessary. 2. There are no future uses for the ROW proposed to be vacated. As indicated in the documents, the City will need to retain the easement for the signal equipment though. Bill From: Karen Kendall Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 6:26 PM To: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Ray Wright <rwright@spokanevalley.org>; Jenny Nickerson <jnickerson@spokanevalley.org> Subject: Additional information requested for STV -2019-0003 Bill, I am seeking additional information and confirmation from you representing Public Works regarding the proposed street vacation on the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. The Planning Commission members following the study session tonight (7-11-19) have requested additional information in the following questions to help them make a recommendation to City Council. 1. Is there a need for a new right turn lane at the northwest corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road? 2. Are there any future potential uses for the area of ROW on this corner that would necessitate the City not recommending to vacate? May I have your comments by Tuesday, July 16th to incorporate into the packet for the Public Hearing on July 25tH Thank you. Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 1 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 1 kkendall@spokanevallev.org S""akan' e" VaI ley This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. 1 Karen Kendall From: Chad Riggs Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2019 10:23 AM To: Karen Kendall; Bill Helbig; Chad Phillips; Ray Wright; Shane Arlt; 'Spokane Valley Fire Disttict'; 'Chris Johnston'; 'Spokane Regional Health District'; 'Spokane Transit Authority'; 'WA Transportation'; 'WA Dept of Arch and Hist Preservation'; 'Avista Dave Byus'; 'CenturyLink'; 'Larry Ostwald (Conoco Phillips)'; 'Comcast'; 'Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com'; 'Joshua_Harty@cable.comcast.com'; 'waterinfo@spokanecity.org'; 'myake@spokanecity.org'; 'ebrown@spokanecity.org' Cc: 'Blanchette, Jake' Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation at NW corner of Broadway Ave. & Thierman Rd. (STV -2019-0003) Karen, Public Works and DE do not object to the street vacation providing that the underlying utility easement per AFN 6488175 remains in place. Thank you, Chad Riggs, P.E. 1 Senior Engineer 10210 E. Sprague Avenue j Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5033 1 crigasaspokanevallev.org 1111, dillak o ne .000 Val ley This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Karen Kendall Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 3:25 PM To: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Phillips <cphillips@spokanevalley.org>; Ray Wright <rwright@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; 'Spokane Valley Fire Disttict' <inspections@spokanevalleyfire.com>; 'Chris Johnston' <crjohnston@spokanesheriff.org>; 'Spokane Regional Health District' <psavage@srhd.org>; 'Spokane Transit Authority'<kotterstrom@spokanetransit.com>; 'WA Transportation' <FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov>; 'WA Dept of Arch and Hist Preservation' <sepa@dahp.wa.gov>; 'Avista Dave Byus' <dave.byus@avistacorp.com>;'CenturyLink' <Karen.Stoddard@centurylink.com>;'Larry Ostwald (Conoco Phillips)' <Larry.E.Ostwald@p66.com>; 'Comcast' <bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com>; 'Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com' <Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com>;'Joshua_Harty@cable.comcast.com' <Joshua_Harty@cable.comcast.com>; 'waterinfo@spokanecity.org' <waterinfo@spokanecity.org>; 'myake@spokanecity.org' <myake@spokanecity.org>; 'ebrown@spokanecity.org' <ebrown@spokanecity.org> Cc: Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; 'Blanchette, Jake'<BlanchetteJ@SpokaneValleyFire.com> Subject: Review requested for street vacation at NW corner of Broadway Ave. & Thierman Rd. (STV -2019-0003) Hi all, Please review the attached application material for a proposed street vacation of the NW corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. 1 Submit written comments via email, facsimile, or mail to the attention of the staff person identified below. Please note: Any conditions or easements required to preserve utilities or access in this area shall be noted and required in the written comments submitted. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Monday, June 17, 2019 @ 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 1 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 1 kkendall@sookanevalley.org ' S""'M kane\""� VaXle This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. 2 Karen Kendal! From: Chad Phillips Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 1:59 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation at NW corner of Broadway Ave. & Thierman Rd. (STV -2019-0003) Hi Karen No comment from Stormwater Thanks. Chad Phillips, P.E. I Engineer, Stormwater 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720 - 5013 I cphillips@spokanevalley.org Spo k'ane door -Valley This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act. chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Karen Kendall Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 3:25 PM To: Bill Helbig <bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Phillips <cphillips@spokanevalley.org>; Ray Wright <rwright@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org>; 'Spokane Valley Fire Disttict' <inspections@spokanevalleyfire.com>; 'Chris Johnston' <crjohnston@spokanesheriff.org>; 'Spokane Regional Health District' <psavage@srhd.org>; 'Spokane Transit Authority'<kotterstrom@spokanetransit.com>; 'WA Transportation' <FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov>; 'WA Dept of Arch and Hist Preservation' <sepa@dahp.wa.gov>; 'Avista Dave Byus' <dave.byus@avistacorp.com>; 'CenturyLink' <Karen.Stoddard@centurylink.com>; 'Larry Ostwald (Conoco Phillips)' <Larry.E.Ostwald@p66.com>;'Comcast' <bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com>; `Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com' <Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com>; 'Joshua_Harty@cable.comcast.com' <Joshua_Harty@cable.comcast.com>; 'waterinfo@spokanecity.org' <waterinfo@spokanecity.org>; 'myake@spokanecity.org' <myake@spokanecity.org>; 'ebrown@spokanecity.org' <ebrown@spokanecity.org> Cc: Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>; 'Blanchette, Jake' <BlanchetteJ@SpokaneValleyFire.com> Subject: Review requested for street vacation at NW corner of Broadway Ave. & Thierman Rd. (STV -2019-0003) Hi all, Please review the attached application material for a proposed street vacation of the NW corner of Broadway Avenue and Thierman Road. Submit written comments via email, facsimile, or mail to the attention of the staff person identified below. Please note: Any conditions or easements required to preserve utilities or access in this area shall be noted and required in the written comments submitted. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Monday, June 17, 2019 @ 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 1 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 1 kkendall@spokanevallev.org ....i. e Malley• This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. Karen Kendall From: Harvey, Traci <HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2019 8:05 AM To: Karen Kendall Subject: STV -2019-0003 Attachments: STV -2019-0003 Kendall.pdf Refer to attached. Pei Pip Fire Protection Engineer Spokane Valley Fire Department 2120 N. Wilbur Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-892-4183 Work 509-892-4144 Fax CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 1 June 6, 2019 City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: STV -2019-0003 Northeast Corner of Broadway Avenue & Thierman Road BRYAN COLLINS, FIRE CHIEF 2120 N. Wilbur Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 928-1700 Main (509) 892-4125 Fax spokanevalleyfire.com The Spokane Valley Fire Department has completed a review for the above referenced project and has no comments on the Street Vacation. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Traci Harvey Fire Protection Engineer Spokane Valley Fire Department Karen Kendall From: Byus, Dave <Dave.Byus@avistacorp.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 9:37 AM To: Karen Kendall Subject: STV -2019 -0003 -Broadway and Thiemann Street Vacation Attachments: Broadway and Theirman Road Vacation.png Hi Karen, Here are the comments I sent over to Liam and Alex at Storhaug prior to them applying for the street vacation. These would be Avista's requirements in review of the application. Please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions about my comments. Thanks Dave Byus Real Estate Representative :. VISTA PO Box 3727 MSC -25 Spokane, WA 99220 1411 E Mission Ave. MSC -25 Spokane, WA 99202 P 509.495.2013 C 509.993.7852 http://www.avistautilities.com w..obwti Wow. Calhoon pros. ernal s ,.:cr,cir_rl :f Eire ';',`1 .n te,e,. =_IIOL-1i, ? ccS? not i `h9 SJL:er and s, s[em From: Byus, Dave Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 12:26 PM To: Liam Taylor <liamt@storhaug.com> Cc: alex@storhaug.com Subject: RE: [External] 18-205: Person Broadway Legal: Utility Purveyor Correspondence Liam/Alex, Avista Utilities is the primary service provider for both electric and natural gas utilities. I have attached an exhibit showing our existing overhead electric distribution facilities as it relates to the 3 parcels affected by the proposed road vacation. As part of providing comments I have also reviewed and researched for existing utility easements which I was unable to locate. I am nearly 100% positive that our existing facilities were constructed under the existing and presumed right of 1 way and as such with fall under our franchise agreement with Spokane County at the time and City of Spokane Valley at the present. As part of this road vacation proposal I would request and require that utility dedications for our existing overhead electric distribution facilities be reserved within the road vacation. I believe the City of Spokane Valley has the correct language to add to the approved vacation order and paperwork. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks Dave Byus Real Estate Representative Arid r/ISTQ PO Box 3727 MSC -25 Spokane, WA 99220 1411 E Mission Ave. MSC -25 Spokane, WA 99202 P 509.495.2013 C 509.993.7852 htto://www.avistautilities.com rni w..w, below. Cal w ..ya.aq From: Liam Taylor [mailto:liamt@storhaug.com] Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 8:51 AM To: Byus, Dave <Dave.Byus@avistacorp.com>; karen.stoddard@centurylink.com; bryan richardson_@cable.comcast.com; waterinfo@spokanecity.org; myake@spokanecity.org; harveyt@spokanevalleyfire.com Cc: 'Alex Durkin' <alex@storhaug.com> Subject: [External] 18-205: Person Broadway Legal: Utility Purveyor Correspondence To whom it may concern, We're in the process of submitting a Street Vacation Application to the City of Spokane Valley. Part of the application requires us to get a written correspondence from each of the utility purveyors. I think the most important thing for the Valley to know is if you have services available for the site. Attached are some exhibits that include the legal description of the vacation for the three (3) parcels it encroaches. The parcel numbers for the vacation are 35132.1320, 35132.1308, and 35132.1310. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, 2 sLorhaug chri it Cllfle2rl h,G i.); r?nlnTt '71 (7,_I a 111 J USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com r CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or an agent of the intended recipient or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 3 Mat Ion Y 13 .61 3513213;3 652 (9k5 AVC12136 351321320 ABG B ROA oadway Cr'(1F1i July 17, 2019 Karen Kendall, Planner City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Parcel #35132.1310 (6615 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley) Karen — Project # RECEIVED JUL 172019 COSV PERMIT CENTER SUB # REV. # In reference to the street vacation request at 6615 E. Broadway, I am authorizing Storhaug Engineering to act on the behalf of Otter Investments, LLC. I am the sole member of this limited liability company. Concurrence and agreement to supplement the original petition, I acknowledge that I have right to notice of the public hearing on July 25 and agree to proceed to the hearing on July 25 without such full notice, as well as waive any challenges based on lack of full notice of the public hearing. My contact information is below. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at any time. Colin Conway Otter Investments, LLC 1314 S. Grand Blvd, #2-244 Spokane, WA 99202 colin.conway@kiemlehagood.com 509-263-0009 7/17/2019 Corporations and Charities System BUSINESS INFORMATION Business Name: OTTER INVESTMENTS, LLC UBI Number: 603 495 745 Business Type: WA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Business Status: ACTIVE Principal Office Street Address: 601 W MAIN AVE STE 400, SPOKANE, WA, 99201-0613, UNITED STATES Principal Office Mailing Address: 601 W MAIN AVE STE 400, SPOKANE, WA, 99201-0613, UNITED STATES Expiration Date: 04/30/2020 Jurisdiction: UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON Formation/ Registration Date: 04/08/2015 Period of Duration: PERPETUAL Inactive Date: Nature of Business: REAL ESTATE REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION Registered Agent Name: COLIN CONWAY Street Address: 601 W MAIN #400, SPOKANE, WA, 99201-0000, UNITED STATES Mailing Address: 1314 S GRAND BLVD #2-244, SPOKANE, WA, 99202-0000, UNITED STATES https://ccfs.sos.wa.gov/#/BusinessSearch/Businesslnformation 1/2 7/17/2019 Corporations and Charities System GOVERNORS Title Governors Type Entity Name First Name Last Name GOVERNOR INDIVIDUAL COLIN CONWAY https://ccfs.sos.wa.gov/#/BusinessSearch/Businesslnformation 2/2 Karen Kendall From: Alex Durkin <alex@storhaug.com> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 11:39 AM To: Karen Kendall Cc: Iiamt@storhaug.com; 'Grant Person' Subject: FW: FW: Request for documentation related to ownership change on adjacent parcel to STV -2019-0003 18-205 Karen, Here is an email from Grant authorizing the new owner to continue in his place per Item 3 below. We will send the rest as we receive it. Thanks, From: Grant Person <jgrantperson@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 11:32 AM To: Alex Durkin <alex@storhaug.com> Cc: Iiamt@storhaug.com Subject: Re: FW: Request for documentation related to ownership change on adjacent parcel to STV -2019-0003 18-205 Alex I authorize Otter Investments, LLC( the new owner), to continue in my place with this pending application and associated fees. On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 7:20 AM Alex Durkin <alex@storhaug.com> wrote: Grant, Please see Karen's request below. We need: 1 1. Provide name, address, email and phone number of new owner. 2. Provide letter from new owner authorizing Storhaug Engineering authority to act on their behalf in processing street vacation request. 3. Provide letter from previous owner(s), giving authorization for new owner to continue in their place with the active application (STV -2019-0003) and associated fees paid. Thanks, 510 east third avenue j spokane, wa 99202 From: Karen Kendall <kkendall@spokanevailey.org> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 6:41 PM To: 'liamtCcstorhaug.com' <Iiamt@storhaug.com> Cc: 'Alex Durkin' <alex(« 7storhaug.com>; Jenny Nickerson <jnickerson@spokanevalley.org>; Lori Barlow <Ibarlow@spokanevaliey.org> Subject: Request for documentation related to ownership change on adjacent parcel to STV -2019-0003 Liam, I was informed by a Planning Commission member tonight at the study session that ownership has changed on parcel 35132.1310 to Otter Investments, LLC. 2 I need the following information submitted in an expedited manner to alleviate concerns as the request is processed forward to the public hearing on July 25th and noticed with different ownership. 1. Provide name, address, email and phone number of new owner. 2. Provide letter from new owner authorizing Storhaug Engineering authority to act on their behalf in processing street vacation request. 3. Provide letter from previous owner(s), giving authorization for new owner to continue in their place with the active application (STV -2019-0003) and associated fees paid. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Karen Kendall 1 Planner 10210 E. Sprague Avenue 1 Spokane Valley. WA 99206 (509) 720-5026 1 kkendall@snokanevalley.org This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. Best regards, J. Grant Person Chester Self Storage 4128 S. Bowdish Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ph: 509-413-1643 Cell: 509-993-3576 CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Karen Kendall From: Grant Person <jgrantperson@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1:12 PM To: Karen Kendall Cc: Alex Durkin; liamt@storhaug.com; Colin Conway; Jim Pomajevich Subject: Fwd: TRANSFER OF RIGHT TO PROCESS VACATION APPLICATION 6615 East Broadway, Spokane Valley WA Karen Please review the attached letter of authorization from my partner, Jim Pomajevich. Please let me know immediately if this letter is NOT sufficient to satisfy requirements necessary to proceed with processing the vacation application. Thank you for your assistance. Forwarded message From: Jim Pomajevich <pomajevich a,gmail.com> Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 12:58 PM Subject: TRANSFER OF RIGHT TO PROCESS VACATION APPLICATION 6615 East Broadway, Spokane Valley WA To: Alex Durkin <alex@storhaug.com>, Grant Person <jgrantperson a,grail.com> Sonrise Land LLC and Pomajevich Investments Co.LLC each sold an undivided 50% undivided interest in the property located at 6615 East Broadway in Spokane Valley, WA to Otter Investments LLC. At the time of the sale we had authorized Storhaug Engineering, Co.to act on our behalf to process the Broadway. ave. Right of Way partial vacation application. This email will serve as a transfer of all the right title and interest in and to that application to Otter Investments LLC and authorize Storhaug Engineering to continue to process the application on its behalf. Pomajevich Investments Co, LLC James J Pomajevich, Manager Jim Pomajevich pomajevich(gmail.com 1 Best regards, J. Grant Person Chester Self Storage 4128 S. Bowdish Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ph: 509-413-1643 Cell: 509-993-3576 CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-009 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICIES FOR IMPOSING VACATION CHARGES PURSUANT TO RCW 36.79.030 WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has the authority to vacate roadways and right of ways pursuant to RCW 36.79.030; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has the authority to charge for said vacations in an amount that does not exceed 50 % of the full appraised value or for the full appraised value of the area vacated where the street or alley had been part of a dedicated right of way for over twenty five years or if the property was acquired at public expense; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley wishes to establish a policy by which they determine the amount to be charged the benefited property owners of any such vacation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ADOPTS THE FOLLOWING POLICY: SECTION 1. Policy. 1. The cost for property received as a result of a vacation initiated by an adjacent property owner shall equal fifty per cent (50%) of the appraised value of the vacated property received. a. The appraised value shall be the same as the value of an equivalent portion of property adjacent to the proposed vacation as established by the Spokane County Assessor at the time the matter is considered by the City Council. b. If the value of adjacent properties differs, then the average of the adjacent property values per square foot will be used. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), the applicant shall pay the above- described fee only to the extent that it exceeds the cost charged by the City of Spokane Valley to initiate the vacation process, exclusive of any surveying or engineering costs that may be incurred by the applicant. 3. This charge shall be paid subsequent to council action and prior to recording the vacation with the Spokane County Auditor. 4. The City Council shall reserve the right to deviate from this policy upon the adoption of written findings of fact that demonstrate that the public interest shall be best served by an alternate approach. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in full force and effective immediately upon adoption. Resolution 07-009 Street Vacation Charges Page 1 of 2 Adopted this 10th day of July, 2007. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: hristine Bainbridge, Ci Clerk Approved a$o Form: Office oZ the City ttorney Resolution 07-009 Street Vacation Charges Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Barker Road/BSNF Grade Separation Project — Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for Right of Way Acquisition and Transfer GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • May 7, 2013 — Administrative Report, Bridging the Valley • June 23, 2015 — Passed Resolution No. 17-011 adopting the 2016-2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which included both the Barker Road and the Pines Road Grade Separation Projects (GSP) • April 5, 2016 — Admin Report for use of federal earmark funds • November 8, 2016 — Information Report on the status of the Barker GSP • November 15, 2016 — Administrative Report on the Barker GSP status • November 22, 2016 — Informational RCA • December 6, 2016 — Administrative Report • December 20, 2016 — Administrative Report • January 10, 2017 — Motion failed to contract with DEA for project design services • February 21, 2017 — Administrative Report • February 28, 2017 — Passed Resolution 17-006, amending the 2017 TIP • May 23, 2017 — Passed Resolution No. 17-011 adopting the 2018-2023 Six -Year TIP, which included the Grade Separation Project • August 22, 2017 — Passed motion to enter into contract with DEA for the project's Phase 1 • October 24, 2017 — Administrative Report to discuss alternatives • January 30, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss alternatives with Council consensus to move the project forward with Alternative 5 • March 2, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss alternatives • March 13, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss history and alternatives • March 16, 2018 — Administrative Report for Council and Chamber of Commerce • March 27, 2018 — Passed motion to select preferred alternative for advancing project • April 10, 2018 — Passed motion to execute supplemental agreement with DEA for the project's Phase 2 design • December 4, 2018 — Administrative Report to discuss project status BACKGROUND: Over the past two years, the City has been working with David Evans & Associates (Consultant) to develop and bring to fruition, the Barker Road/BNSF Railroad Grade Separation Project. In the first phase of the project, which began in 2017, the Consultant analyzed and compared six alternatives in terms of cost, right-of-way (ROW) needs, impacts to existing properties, constructability, safety, and other pertinent project elements, so the City could select the preferred alternative. On March 27, 2018, the City Council passed a formal motion identifying Alternative 5 as the preferred alternative for advancing the project into design and construction. On April 10, 2018, City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a supplemental agreement with DEA for the final design of Alternative 5. The following major milestones are currently ongoing or have been completed: • NEPA approval - November 2018 • SEPA approval - January 2019 • TIGER IX Agreement (Phase I) — Executed April 2019 • ROW Phase Authorization — May 2019 • ROW Negotiations Began — June 2019 • 60 percent plans developed - July 2019. Consultant is currently addressing City and WSDOT comments • Geotechnical work is currently underway After the project is constructed, the City will transfer the right-of-way acquired for Trent Avenue (State Route 290) to WSDOT. The attached Interlocal Agreement establishes the process and the roles and responsibilities of each agency including payment for WSDOT staff involved in this process. The cost of these services are estimated to be $35,321. OPTIONS: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement between WSDOT and the City; or 2) Take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation at Trent Avenue Right of Way Acquisition and Transfer Interlocal Agreement between WSDOT and the City. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: To date, the City has secured funding for the project from seven sources in excess of $24,000,000. The Interlocal Agreement will be funded from the project. STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, PE — Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal Agreement with Exhibits GCB 3182 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation at Trent Avenue (SR 290) Right of Way Acquisition and Transfer This Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) is entered into between the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "Local Agency," and Washington State Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "WSDOT," and hereinafter to be referred to individually as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." Recitals A. The Local Agency desires to design a project as defined in attached Exhibit A Project Plans (Exhibit A) to add a roundabout at the intersection of Barker Road and Trent Avenue, also designated at State Route 290 (SR 290) hereinafter referred to as the "Project." B. The Project will require the acquisition of new right of way, portions of which will become state-owned highway right of way. C. The Project is largely funded by Federal Highway funds. D. The Parties desire to define the right of way acquisition process as it relates to the transference of Local Agency acquired property that will be transferred to WSDOT's ownership upon the completion of the Right of Way Certification, and the division of work between the Parties. Now Therefore, pursuant to, RCW 47.28.140, chapter 47.52 RCW, chapter 8.12 RCW, chapter 8.25 RCW, chapter 8.26 RCW, chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and the above recitals that are incorporated herein as if fully set forth below, and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, and Exhibits A, B, and C which are attached and made a part of this Agreement by this reference, It Is Mutually Agreed As Follows: 1. Local Agency Responsibilities 1.1 The Local Agency agrees to acquire all properties and property rights necessary for the Project in accordance with the following: Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition. Policies Act of 1970, as amended; chapter 47.52 RCW; chapter 8.12 RCW; chapter 8.25 RCW; chapter 8.26 RCW; WAC 468-100; the current WSDOT Right of Way Manual; the current WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines; WSDOT Design Manual Chapters 530 and 540, access guidance; and the City's approved right of way procedures. A. That portion of the Project lying outside the City limits and the existing right of way boundaries of SR 290 are to be known collectively hereafter as the "New SR 290 GCB 3182 Page 1 of 8 Properties." The New SR 290 Properties are shaded on the approved right of way plans attached as Exhibit B. 1.2 The Local Agency is solely responsible for and shall acquire all property and property rights in the name of the Local Agency, including uneconomic remainders. The Local Agency agrees that it shall acquire all New SR 290 Properties free and clear of all liens, claims of damage, adverse possession or prescriptive easement claims, or any other encumbrance or claim that would affect the free and clear conveyance of title of the New SR 290 Properties to WSDOT, except such encumbrances that may be accepted in accordance with Chapter 8 of the WSDOT Right of Way Manual. If free and clear conveyance (other than encumbrances accepted in accordance with Chapter 8 of the WSDOT Right of Way Manual) is not reasonably obtainable, the Local Agency may, only with WSDOT prior written approval, accept title subject to an exception. 1.3 The Local Agency agrees that all New SR 290 Properties fee acquisitions shall be by statutory warranty deed. The Local Agency may use a different deed form for the New SR 290 Properties only with the WSDOT's Real. Estate Services' (WSDOT RES) prior written concurrence. The Local Agency further agrees that each New SR 290 Properties parcel conveyance instrument and associated legal description will not be presented to property owners before it has been reviewed and approved by WSDOT RES. 1.4 The Local Agency shall provide all Project related services not provided by WSDOT pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, including but not limited to funding estimates, title reports and updates, title policies, property valuations including appraisals and appraisal review and administrative offer summaries, acquisition negotiation diaries, relocation assistance, Project property management, condemnation proceedings, and all complete documentation required to accomplish said services needed to qualify the Project for right of way certification by WSDOT to FHWA. The Local Agency shall also provide all acquisition files and relocation documents to WSDOT. 1.5 The Parties agree that the Local Agency shall remain in ownership of the New SR 290 Properties until all deeds have been recorded for the Project and WSDOT accepts the portion of the Project that encompasses SR 290. 1.6 The Local Agency agrees that it retains responsibility for all hazardous substances, known or unknown, present on the New SR 290 Properties until after the Project is constructed and/or WSDOT accepts the portion of the Project that encompasses SR 290. 1.7 The Local Agency agrees to provide: A. All Exhibit B right of way plan changes to WSDOT RES for review and approval, B. Any additional maps or exhibits relevant to the New SR 290 Properties, C. If relocation assistance is required: 1. A relocation plan, and any information supplied to the Local Agency which will aid WSDOT in relocation assistance review, GCB3182 Page2of8 D. Payment for all title insurance commitments and policies, E. Copies of all title insurance commitments and policies for the New SR 290 Properties for WSDOT RES review and acceptance, F. Copies of all completed acquisition files for the New SR 290 Properties, including deeds, G. Legal descriptions for New SR 290 Properties acquisition areas, which may be used in condemnation proceedings. The Local Agency agrees that legal descriptions for the acquisition of New SR 290 Properties and Limited Access Rights will include WSDOT-approved Limited Access Rights acquisition language and identify WSDOT-approved right of way plans, date of plans, and revision dates, if any, H. An exhibit page listing the Spokane County Auditor's file numbers of the instrument recordings for all of the New SR 290 Properties the Local Agency acquired and an exhibit map depicting the New SR 290 Properties, and I. All other items required by WSDOT so that it might perform the acquisition, relocation, and conveyance reviews required by law and under this Agreement. 1.8 The Local Agency agrees to retain ownership of any uneconomic remainders. 1.9 The Local Agency shall be responsible for all costs, including condemnation proceedings, to acquire the New SR 290 Properties and convey the New SR 290 Properties to WSDOT. 1.10 The Local Agency agrees to draft a quitclaim deed to grant to the state of Washington the New SR 290 Properties previously acquired by Warranty Deed, thereby transferring fee title to the state of Washington. Once the Project is accepted by WSDOT as anticipated by Sections 3.1 and 5.1, and the quitclaim deed is approved by WSDOT pursuant to Section 2, the Local Agency agrees to record the quitclaim deed in Spokane County, providing a copy thereof to WSDOT. 2. WSDOT Responsibilities 2.1 WSDOT agrees to provide: A. Consultation as requested by the Local Agency, B. Relocation assistance review as needed, C. Review and acceptance of title policies of the New SR 290 Properties, D. Review and approval of deeds, legal descriptions, Limited Access Rights language, and exhibits to be used for acquisition of property and property rights, as well as review the quitclaim deed identified in Section 1.10 whereby the Local Agency will GCB 3l 82 Page 3 of 8 grant to the state of Washington the New SR 290 Properties previously acquired by Warranty Deed, E. Acceptance of the New SR 290 Properties quitclaim deed, F. Inputting the New SR 290 Properties into the WSDOT's inventory system, and G. Posting of the New SR 290 Properties onto the WSDOT's Real Estate Maps. 3. Maintenance 3.1 WSDOT will be responsible for maintenance and operation of the Project after the deeds have been recorded. 4. Agreement Representatives 4.1 WSDOT and the Local Agency have designated the following Representatives to be the contacts for all communications under this Agreement. Should either Party wish to change Representatives, such change shall be by written notification, use of email is acceptable, to the other Party. Changes to Party representatives shall not require an amendment to this Agreement. WSDOT: Eastern Region Local Programs Engineer 2714 N. Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207 (509) 324-6080 City of Spokane Valley: City Engineer 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)720-5000 5. Payment 5.1 The Local Agency shall be responsible for all costs and claims, including WSDOT review and consultation and third party claims, associated with the Project. The Local Agency acknowledges and agrees that WSDOT shall incur no costs for the Project pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 5.2 WSDOT's itemized cost estimate for the work that will be performed is shown on the attached Exhibit C. WSDOT shall notify the Local Agency and provide a cost estimate to complete the remaining WSDOT responsibilities, if actual costs exceed the original estimate by fifteen percent (15%). The Parties agree to modify this Agreement or Exhibit C by executing a written amendment pursuant to.Section 10.1 to address any such increase. GCB 3182 Page 4 of 8 5.3 The Local Agency shall reimburse WSDOT for all actual direct and related indirect costs incurred by WSDOT pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and as estimated in Exhibit C. The Local Agency agrees that such costs include, but are not limited to, document review and acceptance, review and approval of proposed changes to the Project documents, initial preparation and weekly review. 5.4 The Local Agency agrees to make payment for WSDOT's costs as required by Section 5.3, within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of a detailed WSDOT invoice. Payments not made within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of a detailed WSDOT invoice shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month or fraction thereof until paid pursuant to RCW 43.17.240. WSDOT may deduct and expend any monies to which the City is entitled to receive from the Motor Vehicle Fund until all costs have been recovered. 6. Term of Agreement 6.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, the term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date this Agreement if fully executed and shall continue until the New SR 290 Properties have been conveyed to WSDOT by quitclaim deed, and all Local Agency obligations for payment have been met, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to Section 10. 7. Legal Relations 7.1 It is understood that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture, agent -principal relationship or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of one Party or any of its contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees or agents of the other Party. 8. Applicable Laws, Venues 8.1 In the event that either Party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the Parties agree that any such action or proceedings shall be brought in Spokane County Superior Court in the State of Washington. Further, the Parties agree that each will be solely responsible for payment of its own attorneys' fees, witness fees, and costs. The Local Agency agrees that it shall accept personal service of process by Certified U.S. Mail or overnight mail delivery directed to the Local Agency. 9. Amendments 9.1 This Agreement may be amended or modified only by the mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments or modifications shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by persons authorized to bind each of the Parties. 10. Termination 10.1 Neither WSDOT nor the Local Agency may terminate this Agreement without the written concurrence of the other Party. GCB 3182 Page 5 of 8 10.2 Any termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the Parties prior to termination. 11. Disputes Resolution 11.1 The Parties agree that any and all disputes, claims and controversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to a mediator selected by both Parties for mediation pursuant to Section 12.1 below. 12. Mediation 12.1 Either Party may commence mediation by providing the other Party with a written request for mediation, setting forth the matter in dispute and the relief requested. The Parties agree to cooperate with one another in the selecting of a mediation service and scheduling of the mediation proceedings. The Parties agree to participate in the mediation in good faith. If the Parties do not agree on a mediation service to conduct the mediation, the mediation shall be conducted in accordance with the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association. All offers, promises, conduct and statements, whether written or oral, made in the course of mediation are confidential, privileged and/or inadmissible for any purpose in any litigation or arbitration of the dispute; provided, that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be rendered inadmissible or non -discoverable as a result of its use in mediation. 13. Indemnification and Hold Harmless 13.1 The Local Agency agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless WSDOT, including its officers, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, demands, losses, and/or liabilities to or by third parties arising from, resulting from, or connected with, acts or omissions performed or to be performed under this Agreement by the Local Agency, its agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers of any tier, including acts or omissions of Local Agency's invitees and licensees, to the fullest extent permitted by law and subject to the limitations provided below. 13.1.1 The Local Agency's duty to defend and indemnify WSDOT, including its officers, employees, and agents, shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of WSDOT, including its officers, employees, and agents. The Local Agency's duty to defend and indemnify WSDOT, including its officers, employees, and agents, for liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of (a) WSDOT, including its officers, employees, and agents, and (b) the Local Agency, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of any tier, and invitees and licensees, shall apply only to the extent of negligence of the Local Agency, its agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers df any tier, invitees and licensees. 13.1.2 The Local Agency specifically and expressly and by mutual agreement waives any immunity that it may be granted under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Further, the indemnification obligation under this Agreement GCB 3182 Page 6 of 8 shall not be limited in any way by my limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or for any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefits acts; provided, the Local Agency's waiver of immunity by the provisions of this section extends only to claims against the Local Agency by WSDOT, and does not include, or extend to, any claims by the Local Agency's employees directly against the Local Agency. 13.2 WSDOT agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Local Agency. including its officers, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, demands, losses, and/or liabilities to or by third parties arising from, resulting from, or connected with, acts or omissions performed or to be performed under this Agreement by WSDOT, its agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers of any tier, including acts or omissions of WSDOT's invitees and licensees, to the fullest extent permitted by law and subject to the limitations provided below. 13.2.1 WSDOT's duty to defend and indemnify the Local Agency, including its officers, employees, and agents, shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the Local Agency, including its officers, employees, and agents. WSDOT's duty to defend and indemnify the Local Agency, including its officers, employees, and agents, for liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of (a) the Local Agency, including its officers, employees, and agents, and (b) WSDOT, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of any tier, and invitees and licensees, shall apply only to the extent of negligence of WSDOT, its agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of any tier, invitees and licensees. 13.2.2 WSDOT specifically and expressly and by mutual agreement waives any immunity that it may be granted under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Further, the indemnification obligation under this Agreement shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or for any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefits acts; provided, WSDOT's waiver of immunity by the provisions of this section extends only to claims against WSDOT by the Local Agency, and does not include, or extend to, any claims by WSDOT's employees directly against WSDOT. 13.3 This indemnification and waiver shall survive the termination of this Agreement. GCB 3182 Page 7 of 8 14. Signatures 14.1 In Witness Whereof, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Party's date signed last below. City of Spokane Valley Washington State Department of Transportation By: By: Printed: Mark Calhoun Printed: Mike Gribner, P.E. Title: City Manager Title: Regional Administrator Date: Date: Attest Approved as Forms By: By: Printed: to : L. Scott Lockwood Title: Title: Assistant Attorney General Date: Date: g/lr,l 1 7 �r GCB 3182 Page 8 of 8 LEGEND ALIGNMENT RIGHT OF IMAM BOUNDARY CONCURRENCE DATE EASTERN REGION TRAFFIC E072665R APPROVED DATE ADMINISTRATORE ATN FOR DEVELOPMFNT __ .� SR290 M.P. 1235 115 271+59.47 (319'5.1) - SEC 5 & 6 T.25N. R.45E. W.M. SEC 31 & SW/OF SW/OF SEC 32 T.26N. R.45E. W.M. GCB 3182 Exhibit A Plans Page 1 of 3 555 RADIUS TR -106449.60 (32TL1) BE613 RSSIU$ R 106+66,61 (77.65.1) Sft31N PApUB 40 TR 108+79.50 (3255.1) N o 106+24.16 P.T. m N0, m CURB 2 SEE STD N PIAN F-10.1691 BEGIN 1R�7+7617- (7961.1) 1 IR 15 107+17.76 i .BLT) 107+57.65 P.C. FLMV..3 STD N 7-10.1691 4 6 M29(49'1'L1) END RADIUS 109.54.65 (71.5' LT) BEGIN RADIUS ITR 109'67.66 13721' LT) END RADIUS FR 109+70.49 (39.70 5.7) !! 110+0000 P.O.B. _ ENT 109+' LT 110+14.23 P.C. 06015 RADIUS 210+0420 (95.3 LT1 CURB 1 SEE STD PLAN F-14.1601 RADIUS +-TR 101+59AT (321191) CURB 2 SEE PLAN F-10.1641 el � 105N3A0 (3275 EN CENTERLJNETRTAVE 1044922 144.091) N RADIO TR 107+2415 (311'97) E T CURVE DATA CURVE P.L STATION DELTA RADIUS TANGENT 1 LENGTH 1 79/031920 2500'21' LT 7056 23244' I 46936 2 TR 107+91.11 151414' RT 250 33.40' 06.32 3 WB 110+7886 DPI SST- LT 712 (1243' i 113.9£ 4 WU 112+30.70 17.1777. 97 917 00.06' 138.51' 5 W8114469.40 122113' RT 1212' 109.05' 219.07 a WB 125+21.64 9'3r05. Iv 1140' 80.40' 17281' T EB 215900.70 217(710- NT 1255' 243.44' 480.91' a EB 279.00.94 23.5204' RT 732' 154.71' 50497 9 30224+75.10 20'26'401,0 709' 179.67' 301.207 14 BA 14433_27 1550'20 -LT 400' 55.85' 150.59' 16 01E129+01.50 9.53'57^ 57 l 1140' 100.25 290.09' NO 176011. END RA17U5 R 107+21.+13 TR 100+24.50 (48 91) t 107+25.67 (4 TR 100+37+5 (54. R RD103+65YBEGIN 9001035 T 106.65 TR 09 (320'0.7} --_-_ END R6+68A0IU `- - 717 1013 (3712- BA•9540�99 )442L ALIGNMENT SR 20077RENT BAW501 RZI., ROADWAY CLASBIFICAIION PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL ACCESS CONTROL 2 MON LOOTED) NIA LA710 USE RURAL RURAL ADT IE DOTSNG) 11500 5500 AOT (2010) ]SD00 3500 PERCENT TRUCKS (PEAR) 39 3% DESIGN 671171E W049• W5404 DEMON 75650 7078) 40 35 POSTED SPEED 155107IND) 50 45 .ACCOMMODATE 9LE-67 .SRT) BEGIN RADIUS 1.,: ' 6.98 149. E67200O N RAO US BA 94.136.04 (35.0 LT5 94+58.21 P.T. ENDIBEGIN RADIUS BA 94+`1.06 (2175 .1) ENO I 'SUS 84 93+7914 (17.3' LT) ENO/30.SW RADIUS BA 93+3942 (160'5.7) BEGIN 964155 BA 93+15.47 (16.C'L1) ENO RADIUS ES 210«51.72 (141' 04 95+ E, 1NO1 90.01 02.18 .3' R 210+00.00 P.O.S. = TRENT 109+79.63, 50.55' R7 O RADIOS TR 124+39.02 (5!3.77 RT) E. BEGIN RADIUS BA 94+59.17 (61,0'R11 CURB 2 SEE STD PLAN F-7410.01 CENTERLINE HARKER RD 86.93+69.20 (19.4'613 GIN RADIUS BA 93157195 (15.4 RT3 93+47.62 P.C. 19A 6N09 0URD25.81 TRAtI (14.0S607110N EGIN CURB TFUN5110N BA. 43.20.81 (1S0RT) sopa CURB 8A 93+16.48 (15.761) 1 1 -0 40 B0 SCALE IN FEET FILO N+9! 4:IpwrrmWo911eeWme0050PA01A3 P6 1PA 001404 11910 47.'+50 PML RELEASE FOR CONSTRUCTION 954070 DATE 125170015 PLOTTED NT DPO61ER 10 WASH 06110190 8Y N9A0000I5PRA5AN ENTERED BY 1016403 FEOAID PROJ.NO. CI@9CIOZDD BY 97+1064 79.54.2569. 177+90+3 REGIONAL ADM. 6)SCRIPO29 DATE N0. X1.0143 Washington State D7Par(7n0n1 of TraesporatIon SR290ISARKER ROAD .NSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY - MP 12.5 PIM 1 IPA1 INTERSECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL IPMS 19 111+28.1.4y T.. -4 3$DI EB 211+6302 (51.71.1) EB 211.72.12 (151.11.1) 1/1 ER 2I1.71.6, -9W 11 WS 11146204 (20.01.1) 111+52.04 P.C. SW/OF SW/OF SEC 32 T.26N. R.45E. W.M. WB 115.17.65 (20.0LT) \ 5NOBEGIN RADIUS WB 112+15.55 (34.7 LT) 115+17.65 P.T. GCB 3182 Exh+bil A Plans Page 2 of 3 YAR 117.431 pT.0 PEPN_BADI WB 117.2400 (25.57 117+16.81 P.C. EWAT10N/ SR 290 NP 12.75 (AREA01. BR 290 RIP 1276 (BACK) END RADIUS WB 119.75.00 (20.017) END RADIUS Wa 114.7500 PICKY) RESIN RADIUS WB 119.35.15 (23P CT) 119.35.15 P.C. I WB .15(4 PRT) CENTERLINE WB TRENT AVE -------------------- CURVE 215 q1 12+55.32 P.0 B GIN RADIUS E9 212.9201 (20.1'R ENO CURB EB 211+74.31 (12.601) ENO SIDEWALK EB 211474.19 (20.561) CURVE DATA CURVE P.1. STATION DELTA RADIUS TANDENT LENGTH 1 TR 193.92.30 2S10'21 -LT 1016' 22.14' 446.27 2 TR107+91.11 15'14'46-R1 255' 33.40' 66.92' 3 WB 910+7016 66.1601' LT 112' 62A1 113.01' 4 418112+36.70 1310'33'01 512' 1606' 13831' 6 WB 114.96.40 102177'0. 1212 10107 219.88' 1 WB 120.21.64 827'0' RT 1146' 6618' 17264 7 Ell 215+66.76 21.5710' 21 1255' 243.4' 400.11 5 EB 219.00.94 23'5214E1ST 772' 19471' 301.9' 0 E6 224+76.10 200741? LT 706' 179.07. 341.97 14 DA 94.03.27 155023" LT 460' 6405 11052 15 WE 120+51.56 8.6811 RT 1146' 10622 200.01 CENTERLINE EB TRENT AVE �17r 41:1111144 "1111111111111111111 WE 120«10.40 G'OP LTI CENTERLINE CURVET m __ 14'7 UNE lly; NIEL2.ESLEY AYE • Q ti C 520 _ 217+46.23 P.C.C. ENDI0EGIN RADIUS EB 217+4E23 (20.0 RT) LEGEND ALIGNMENT RIGHT 137 WAW BOUNDARY BAR BEGi1 +16.47 (2A,ER 119`1917 jl7.i9'R'q END/BEGIN RADIUSRAP EB 219.37.03 (0.01.71 ENQ'BEGI11_(..RARRI . _ APER Es -220;261r a1. EB 234+51.15 (4.111.7) 51.113 RADIU5 EB 220+55.16 (20.701) CONCURRENCE DATE EASTERN REGION TRAFFIC ENGINEER APPROVED DATE, EASTERN REGION ASSISTANT RRGWN ADMINISTRATOR FOR DEVELOPMENT 220+51.16 P.T. v O P7 ND WE 120.10.00 (20.707) N2APER WE 120.06.13 (20.7 RT) BEG151 RADIUS 119+59.25 1209'41) 2 F -ti ¢ N 40 e6 SCALE IN FEET FILE NAME 110E DATE ROTTED BY DESIGNED BY EN70510 BY c* 6OrtIMMOn 06W3W0146 PS WA-0929Qn 4.22:37737 Pb 001.!066 FOR CONSTRUCTION RECORD 102112015 OPO4TEN NS W NNEREKIRKINIM 0E1.HY 10 WASH FE0AID PROJNO. CHECKED BY 6PARGA3 610). ENI211. 0000005 REGIONAL ADN. OESCR1711014 DATE NO. x64143 Washington State Department of Transportation SR290(BARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY - MP 12.5 Piot 1 1502 INTERSECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL 3 19 1 S'4OF SW/OF SEC 32 T.26N. R.456. W.M. GCB'3182 Exhibit A Plans Page 3 of 3 SND RADI s -- ----` -, EB 226+50.35 (4.7L ---ee - RADIUS 226+50.35 P E62Y1ARa3 (43 LTJ I 222+98.43 ' %. END F9 7'2+60.00 KB' LT) 228+42.02 P.O.E. 5R 290 up 1267 (A60.0.01 SR 290 MP 12.65 (RACIO CENTERLINE EBTRENT AVE 5EgIN_ RNBq�p� EB 222+96.13 MD R7) CURVE DATA CURVE P1. STATION DELTA RADELI3 TANGENT LENGTH 1 TR 103+12.50 25'60'21- LT 1060' 23261' 45628' 2 TR 107+01.11 15114'461 RT 360' 33.46' 014' 3 WB 110+75.56 5811027- 1.7 110 62.43' 11391' 4 WB 112+10.70 1611673' RT 510 0660 13631' S Wa 114466.10 102121` RT 1212' 189.80 21499' 6 W51211+21.64 67753" RT 1146' 60.46 17264' 7 EB 215+4115715 21.57706T 1255' 243.4' 410.41' a EB 214+66.94 27.72'54' R7 732' 154.71' 70433' 9 E6224+76.10 28'26'46 -LT 706' 179.67' 35132' 14 BA9446227 15.6016. LT 408' 55.15 110.9' 10 WE 120+01.56 915457' 517 .1146 10935 250.50' LEGEND AUONMENT RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY E S2 ++550.35 Ra.71?Ij CONCURRENCE DATE EASTERN REGION 'FROM ENGINEER APPROVED DATE EASTERN REGION ASSISTANT REGION ADMINISTRATOR FOR 0EVELOPNENT END EB 227+60.70 IND RT) ADo o ea SCALE 18 F70I FILE NINE cOpemorklnoklukim.916031111914.1 P8 IPA 09149n TISIE 42329 PN DATE 12e21f2911 RELEASE FOR CONSTRUCTION RECORD "1'1 FED.AID PROJND. pion® t9Y 06061k71 5831ONE0 NY M5501DIER+BtmRU1AN ENTERED 91 IGIELHY 19 WASH 1200100 9Y RPARPAs PRC3.EN0R 584180AB 10010841. AV/ DESCRIPTION DATE 80. XJ -13143 Washington State Department of Transportation SR290IBARKER ROAD BNSF GRADE SEPARATION SPOKANE COUNTY - MP 12.5 Piet i IPA3 INTERSECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL 19 kr. 1 7001.m rN TOTALARG u MO AAlF9�LT*01 OWNERSHIPS ALL MGM ME 01100.0 IN 5OUA.E REF! 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SmOLT} N 7722i2TOBE' BK • = I+Y�r 1 J--' IM >i0.41a J M SB.I.1L]e nSC45 7303 .),(5,45....._ �A"`]d«ti0 ,1��1 r is m1pLirRn '�r / j t LmTx3,11b1�,FTA13_ '' 6 m GOVT LOT 4 moi • y rx Ms;a.n'I.li.rNrs RR 3Axs.�4a9 rc, A SEC. 5 I �' 75' 155"--1.e ~ ®NSF EASEMENT LINE -`1PK 4L u o -M SR 290 \ i"'"3 06171117.71 BARKER ROAD P/� .,, °F`i . ,--" f , REI 71231599! P.I. W 10-v2e PPLT.J `l RR 3M..Tlli n+vD:IT va 0005 Im45LT3 L� ' . /�•. Rn IOSTORC ndrLYJ- . ~9 SATOH UNE SEE SHEET WEDOT GRAVEL ACCESS & MAINTENANCE ROAD (11i•1ORS n51.TlLT.J / BR 93.4.52 v.G 0R_A;Mgyid LiA4i6r� iM 1m -w! nF1.lTRT2 RR Ma.. IO•LURFP \. RRWL%Y291, 000.11.A CO.,.'RT,T RN 7Mae153 1x3(004 INTERSECTION VICINITY 42. BEGINNING OF PLAN STA. 99+59.47 P.O.T. AHD. = STA. 480+11.02 P.O.T. 8K. MP 12.35 L �4nie3 p¢mRr3 141 301.7405 mamma 134.47 RR T4AI RR %CR.LS.T6 P.T. 38� LEGEND SRT 9F 0000 113(2150 COFV.I0.11 *5+1 M6 HAMM mmrtaywAr Lee Mr -Mr onnenalur NUMMI raunRn Wen RULE DI PIM COMIC. LC EAGLE is p55S RR .50.0;MOLT.' 001,+4,?0171_" mirr n RmLTs e; 1P0L SPDIUNE C00NTY RIPRT PO WAY RUN MP 4235 TO IIP 5269 STATION 0.1547 TO STATION 717.05 ,20.X0105015.31 = Q 1*1cM 0P00ANI uz1AINA,N,CTON GCB 3182 EXHIBIT. B 14553110 I Fr I Ase, I lox )01 1003 Arrlm.m Aw9 Ax+9A1e0 irony oL.nner mow:. I MIPANS I a F. I I ro. 1•124.,121.11Wwe aoa.NmmN.0.MA, Pa as.q. OWNERSHIPS"FIEMME OM EOLIAM MD.. LAMM FM. MASt "MEM, N'OAO. TOTAL 4E IS MOO MEESSO05 MLNMK NOM PMr$ NO SOLE GWS YELP FASIFI INA. I AA gpTmp SADA%G FE. } PE u PAMPA_ IlisOPLATION CAMS, LIS :T S S0q 'ME OPEATION 0O3739Tvy CFFSITE CONVEYANCE DITCH BOTTOM STORMWATER SEPARATION BERM SW TF SW A SEC. 32 P�TY� Os4 LM.T7Aa aL1J i ` 0 J i /moi � 6 tit CURVE DATA PI STAMM. DELTA MOMS SAMEMT MAMA 71.14111. 1ESY HSM A IMAM. TACIT .T1O MIY mSr MANI 01� D O0L F AO C Ca NOo N%RR1x1MMOTON OTAIE RMC. O LA 30TNLCEC LRON. PL OR%NI. ECTMCC FOR CONVEY MWul1 11_4411A9-. IMAMCP PINIM OOOIPLTJ0101.01x4 1LT 10 WWN& & OAAPP Flown aw00 M EM EL IMPOSED /WPM, /METZ MOAN VAT NOT NOM M£1 3 131 0 PMAMA 1A5 �IS SIIE MIQSNTOT T TIT INPMTIIGM OP TAANSPO MA IMMPAIATTOS moult, weal' OPAL! PEA 00! PILOAL RAN 0M0PILL ION MELIMAAM6 MT.nWMN GONEV.T TNA 05PPATIMNT 00 40 10 400V N MGAWMAPOFm TlH. IYTATE MAIEGEO WINCE L.416.35 I MESTO1 an,n a R•LieT iaLCL,J R61 E.13t.9c _ter +r a 216400.94 PL — 220' --�" _ I SEC. 32 SE ler SW '4 STORMWATER~��� FACILITIES 1 .44 i+r6 ONfaVM1R /I STORMWATER it FACILITIES i,,§ .6 . v OFFSITE CONVEYANCE f DITCH BOTTOM i i r e A�7M!110 LRII.ItRLT_ ✓ NN 0 pI 5011.051OM.T " ' 117.11_2 ma 0. 01Ar010 RL-2O5.S3 L.SS6A3 5 171.57 "94— iee2m.+4 SVORTJ Z1141.1[I Pt M 011.11.e 1111 : >r • — WELL (S63219ol0) WSDOT GRAVEL ACCESS d MAINTENANCE ROAD ■ aaMe_14 R029:158 u+.eANra Lrya GOVT EAT 4 SEC5 T.26N. R.45E. W.M. � �g1._13gI�q�AT) T.25N. R.45E. W.M. nAaRTe AA 41164766+ Min/ A6 11.40.41(04.79A11 5 33% LEGEND EFF? OP aawAlc MA ti rav'SMIKIE LAMS e 4OT NNLMAC RIONT.OPMAT LINE P NMTx:R, 0.N44,4I44. .worm PROM,/ S111113 otALe Ix PELT lea RR 3615.3020 Pt v7 END OF PLAN STA. 228+48.71 P.O.T. BK. = STA. 21+21.40 (2.50' L,T.) P.O.T. AHD. = MP 12.89 GOVT LOT 3 SEC -5 4 n'' R7ONT OF YAM N0 17.40 Ft)1T7LTIO41 013AM TO STATION 22,6•40.11 ML.W WPON N GCB 3182 OLMA f'� f EXHIBIT B /Y. vx�IPCSs — �� SR 290 'tAt BARKER ROAD INTERSECTION VICINITY SPOKANE COUNTY ISIMIONOTNM STATE TII+aOTINIAT OI TT4MPORT1111:01 Page 2 of 2 Im.o I m PROJECT 0101NOSIA Xa,T 700..X100( MAMMIES AND AMMO MAIC •LIMEI AMMISER GRIT 1 Q 4 Ram Exhibit C - Cost Estimate GCB 3182 Page 1 of 1 Estimate of Costs for WSDOT Services Activity Amount Note WSDOT Eastern Region: 2.1 A. Consultation if requested by the City $ 5,000 2.1 B. Relocation assistance review if needed $ 500 2.1 C. Review and acceptance of title policies of the New SR 290 Properties 2.1 D. Review and approval of deeds, legal descriptions, Limited Access Rights language and exhibits 2.1 E. Acceptance of the New SR 290 Properties Quitclaim Deed $25,000 Assumes $2,500.00 per parcel and 10 parcels. 2.1 F. Inputting the New SR 290 Properties into the WSDOT's inventory system $ 500 2.1 G. Posting of the New SR 290 Properties onto the WSDOT's Real Estate Maps by HQ $ 500 Sub Total $31,500 WSDOT Eastern Region Overhead (12.13%) $ 3,821 Total $35,321 GCB 3182 Exhibit C Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft 2020 State Legislative Agenda. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: n/a PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: This is the first of three planned Council discussions on this topic. BACKGROUND: This is an opportunity for Council to discuss potential items for the 2020 State Legislative Agenda. Our anticipated development calendar is as follows: • September 10, 2019 - Administrative Report and Council discussion (first touch). • October 22, 2019 - Administrative Report and Council discussion (second touch). • November 19, 2019 - Council motion to formally approve the 2020 State Legislative Agenda. • December 2019 - Council meets with 4th District Legislative delegation to discuss 2020 State Legislative Agenda. • January 2020 — Legislative session begins. OPTIONS: For discussion only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action is requested this evening. Staff will return with a second administrative report on this topic on October 22, 2019 with a tentative schedule for Council adoption on November 19, 2019. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun, Cary Driskell, Briahna Murray, Josh Weiss, Dave Reichert ATTACHMENTS: • PowerPoint presentation. • Draft 2020 State Legislative Agenda. GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL City of Spokane Valley 2020 Legislative Session Briahna Murray & Josh Weiss, Vice Presidents Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs Overview The goal for tonight's discussion: O Overview of what to expect during the 2020 Legislative Session O Review Proposed 2020 State Legislative Agenda O Timeline to Prepare for 2020 Session 2020 Legislative Session O Second year of the two-year legislative biennium O Scheduled to last 60 days O Focus will be on amending the 2019-21 Operating, Capital, and Transportation Budgets adopted in 2019 Operating: While the latest revenue forecast is up, the amount is minimal Capital: Limited funding during the 2020 session Transportation: Conversations around a "transportation package" will continue, however will be difficult to finalize in a short session O Thousands of bills introduced; hundreds that will impact city business 2020 Legislative Session: Political Climate New Speaker in the House Rep. Laurie Jinkins (D -Tacoma) will be the first woman to serve in the role in state history Democrats continue to control all three "chambers" Election year: Statewide and legislative races on the ballot in November 2020 All legislators in the House and roughly half of those in the Senate are up for election. Redistricting will follow the November 2020 elections 2020 Legislative Session: "HOT" Topics Transportation Transportation package discussions continue Local transportation revenue (AWC driven) Initiative 976 — impacts are TBD Housing & Homelessness Multi -Family Tax Exemption. Accessory Dwelling Units, Homeless Rights Act Tax Structure Discussions Continue Guidance on Legislative Agenda Amend the two-year legislative agenda for 2020 ® Take into account political climate/context O Keep agenda concise, and easily comprehendible O Consistency - build on previous successes Build on successes of 2019 O Browns Park - $536,000 in capital budget funding secured O Condominium Liability Reform - Senate Bill 5334 passed into law O Basic Law Enforcement Academy Funding -Funding allocated for 19 BLEA classes - with two classes required to be held in Spokane each year v Defend Local Control - no major legislation passed that eroded local control O Protect Local State -Shared Revenues -fully funded Spokane Valley 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda Bridging the Valley - The City continues to make headway on the multi- phase Bridging the Valley project to replace three at -grade crossings that bisect north/south commerce in the City. With the State's assistance and a federal TIGER grant, construction of Phase 1 Barker Road Grade Separation is programmed for 2020. Pines Road / BNSF Grade Separation Project - The City requests that the state make an investment in the Bridging the Valley project by allocating an additional $2.9 million to the Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. 1-90 Barker to Harvard Cost Overruns - The City of Spokane Valley supports budget proviso language stating that WSDOT is responsible for any cost overruns on the Harvard to Barker project, except for those components of the project within the City of Liberty Lake. Spokane Valley 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda Capital Funding Request Options: Capital budget resources limited in 2020 Emergency/Urgent Projects Requests > $250,000 O Lay the groundwork for 2020 funding request O The City of Spokane Valley and the legislators from the 4th District have a shared vision for the community and what will benefit its residents. The City intends to support other capital budget requests identified by its legislators that positively impact the City. 9 Spokane Valley 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda The City of Spokane Valley is supportive of legislative efforts to adopt and enhance statutory mechanisms and state programs that encourage economic development, including border communities that experience the loss of sales to other communities in neighboring states. As such, we encourage the Legislature to adopt mechanisms that promote increased economic development within our communities, including: Increasing funding to the Public Works Assistance Account, Expanding the Rural County Sales & Use Tax Credit for Public Facilities to border counties, and Reinvesting in the Local Revitalization Program 10 Spokane Valley 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda Policy/other: O Defend Local Control O Protect the Local State -Shared Revenues Protect Businesses by Reforming State Regulatory Burden The City supports AWC legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley Timeline to Prepare for Session September: State agencies submit budget proposals to the Governor's Office November: Finalize amendments to the state legislative agenda for 2020 Meet with delegation prior to the beginning of the legislative session December: Governor releases proposed budgets January: Session begins Visits to Olympia during session 12 Questions? GORDON THOMAS HONE WELL AFFAIRS 13 D RAFT Draft 2020 Legislative Agenda. (Scheduled for adoption by Council November 19. 2019) Transportation Funding Requests: Bridging the Valley The City continues to make headway on the multi -phase Bridging the Valley project to replace three at -grade crossings that bisect north/south commerce in the City. With the State's assistance on the Phase 1 Barker Road Grade Separation Project in the 2017-2019 budget, the City is making significant progress to improve the safety and economic competitiveness of our community. The City successfully secured the only 2017 federal TIGER grant in the State, and those grant funds were applied to the Barker Road Grade Separation Project. This project is fully funded, engineering design and right-of-way acquisition is underway, and construction is programmed for 2020. Phase 2: Pines Road /BNSF Grade Separation Project The City respectfully requests that the State make an investment in the safety of the Spokane Valley region through the Bridging the Valley project by allocating an additional $2.9 million to the Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. Pines Road is one of the region's key transportation corridors, carrying both private and commercial/industrial traffic from Trent Avenue (SR 290) across the Spokane River to I-90 and commercial areas south of the I-90 freeway. In 2018, the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) rated this at -grade crossing as the highest ranked unfunded Tier 1 rail crossing in the State out of 4,171 at -grade crossings based upon freight mobility and safety. The project will also improve the intersection of two state highways, Pines Road (SR 27) and Trent Avenue (SR 290). On average, 60 trains travel through the Pines/BNSF crossing each day, blocking traffic movements for nearly 3.5 hours. Vehicle delay is expected to increase with the addition of a second mainline BNSF track at Pines Road in 2020. In addition, about 34,000 vehicles pass through the adjacent Pines/Trent intersection, including freight from Canada and northern Idaho. The average daily traffic volume on Pines Road is more than double the vehicles of the funded Barker Road project. Pines Road is also the primary access to almost 230 acres of undeveloped mixed-use, commercial and industrial land. Total project cost is estimated at $29 million, and the City has thus far secured $6.3 million, including $3.2 million in local funds. The City currently has one pending BUILD application outstanding. State funding in the amount of $2.9 million will demonstrate the State's continued partnership and enhance the likelihood of the City being awarded its federal funding requests. 1-90 Barker -to -Harvard Project Cost Overruns The City of Spokane Valley supports WSDOT in its continuing efforts to achieve state and local transportation purposes, including connectivity and safety. In doing so, the City seeks to continue advocating its position that WSDOT projects need to remain the financial responsibility of the State of Washington. Projects by local agencies generally have a beneficial effect on regional and state facilities as well, and state and regional projects generally have a beneficial effect on the local transportation network. However, this does not imply that a financial responsibility should exist between the agencies since there is no policy or operational control of another agency's project absent an agreement to do so. For example, the City supports its neighboring jurisdiction, the City of Liberty Lake, in supporting budget proviso language stating that WSDOT is responsible for any cost overruns on the Harvard to Barker project, except for those components of the project within the City of Liberty Lake. The City of Liberty Lake has agreed to fund any cost overruns on the components of the project located within its boundaries. Page 1 of 2 DRAFT Economic Development Tools The City of Spokane Valley is supportive of legislative efforts to adopt and enhance statutory mechanisms and state programs that encourage economic development, including border communities that experience the loss of sales to other communities in neighboring states. As such, we encourage the Legislature to adopt mechanisms that promote increased economic development within our communities, including increasing funding to the Public Works Assistance Account, expanding the Rural County Sales & Use Tax Credit for Public Facilities to border counties, and reinvesting in the Local Revitalization Program. Defend Local Control The City of Spokane Valley incorporated in 2003 as a direct result of the desire of our citizens to have substantial local control of decision-making A foundational belief for the Council and the citizens they represent is that the most effective level of government is the one closest to the people, which is the city form of government. As such, the Council urges the Legislature to respect local decision-making wherever appropriate, and not infringe into those areas that have traditionally been regulated by elected City officials. Examples of appropriate local decision-making include the determination of whether to allow recreational marijuana home growing, and local control regarding zoning density, including flexibility relating to accessory dwelling units. Protect the Local State -Shared Revenues The City requests that the Legislature preserve and restore local state -shared revenues. These funds include the Liquor Excise Tax Account ($487,739 in 2018), Liquor Board Profits ($786,251 in 2018), Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account ($567,445 in 2018), City -County Assistance Account ($27,311 in 2018) and Marijuana Revenues ($259,242 in 2018). Specifically, the City supports legislation that removes the 2011 cap on Liquor Profit revenues to restore the historical 50/50 revenue sharing relationship between the State and local governments. Protect Businesses by Reforming State Regulatory Burden The City strongly supports businesses small and large, in our City and across the state, because they are the lifeblood of our economy. Unfortunately, these businesses are forced to compete in a state regulatory environment that is increasingly burdensome, making it difficult to compete with businesses in neighboring states. Of most urgent concern is the regressive state business & occupation tax, as well as reforming the Department of Children, Youth and Families oversight program. The City supports rebalancing the state- wide regulatory framework to encourage and support business development and retention. The City supports AWC legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ Consent ❑ Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Hearing ® Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legislation ❑ Information AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Community Development Block Grant Program — Potential 2020 CDBG Project GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Administrative Report on 7/23/2019 BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley is a member of the Spokane County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consortium. Each year the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development provides CDBG entitlement funding to Spokane County. The City receives a 20 percent set-aside of Spokane County's annual federal appropriation for infrastructure projects. Spokane Valley's anticipated share for 2019 is $331,000 for eligible projects. To be eligible for CDBG funding, projects must be located in a residential area and target low to moderate income areas or low to moderate income individuals. Proposed projects must also be ranked as a "high priority" in Spokane County's Consolidated Plan, the guiding document for Spokane County's CDBG program. High priority infrastructure projects include water, sewer and street improvements. Applications for the CDBG program year 2020 are expected to be due in November 2019. For the 2020 program year the City is considering a collaborative sewer project between the City, Spokane County Environmental Services Division and Spokane County Housing & Community Development Division. The sewer project is located east of Barker (see attached map) in a manufactured home subdivision. The project will eliminate septic systems above the region's sole source aquifer. In this collaborative effort, Spokane County Environmental Services would install sewer and pave -back the roadway with the City providing financial support potentially through our Street Wear Fee and Aquafer Protection funds. The proposed streets to be repaved are all in poor condition. Additionally, it is proposed that the City could use its CDBG set-aside to assist eligible homeowners with costs associated with installation of sewer that would include, general facilities charges, side -sewer connection fees and houseline connections; Spokane County Housing and Community Development would manage this portion of the program. The tables below provide an overview of the proposed costs and funding summary for the Barker Road Manufacturing Home Subdivision project. Preliminary Cost Estimates Sewer Design, Construction, and Contract Administration $ 1,250,000 Developer Reimbursement — Late Comer Agreement $ 330,000 Roadway Reconstruction and Insp. in Sewer Installation Area $ 1,250,000 Additional 1" ACP in Sewer Installation Area and Insp. $ 400,000 Roadway Reconstruction in "Gap" Areas and Insp. $ 125,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 3,355,000 Preliminary Funding Summary Capital Facilities Rates paid by Property Owners $ 683,500 City of Spokane Valley Street Wear Fee for Construction $ 1,615,000 Spokane County Sewer Reserves — Fund 403 $ 1,056,500 SUBTOTAL PROPERTY OWNERS $ 683,500 SUBTOTAL CITY SHARE $ 1,615,000 SUBTOTAL COUNTY SHARE $ 1,056,500 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $ 3,355,000 1 Proposed Financial Assistance Summary City of Spokane Valley, County Environmental Services, and County Community Development will work collaboratively to establish a financial assistance program with the intent of emulating the Community Aquifer Protection Assistance (CAPA) program that was in place during the County's Septic Tank Elimination Program. Tim Crowley from Spokane County Community Services, Housing, and Community Development Department will be attending the September 10 Council meeting to discuss how this program would work. The City is proposing to commitment its 20% set-aside portion of the CDBG funding for 2020 (estimated around $330,000) to provide funding for Sewer Assessment grants for qualifying homeowners. In addition, the City will apply, with the support of the County's Environmental Services Department, for additional CDBG funds to provide money for zero -interest loans for the Houseline Connections that would be made available over a two-year application period following project completion. The table below summarizes the estimated costs per household. Preliminary Cost Estimates per Household Capital Facilities Rate (CFR) Construction Cost Component (CCC) TOTAL SEWER ASSESSMENT Estimated Houseline Connection3 $ 2,7801 $ 3,560 $ 6,3402 $ 4,000 TOTAL $ 10,340 1: Subsidized rate when an existing on-site (septic) system is being abandoned (normal CFR is $4,360) 2: Assessment amount may be financed over 20 years, estimated monthly payment of $46 per month 3: This is estimated cost to connect the house to the sewer stub in right-of-way Estimated Households Qualifying for Assistance The most recent Spokane County Assessor data shows that within the project area, there are 44 parcels that currently have a Senior/Disabled exempt status. Those households have an annual income of $40,000 or less. Using this as a general guide, the total amount of CDBG assistance those households could qualify for would be $454,960 (44 x $10,340). The City anticipates using its CDBG set-aside over two years to fund this program. The majority of households (41) earn less than $35,000, and at the current HUD income limits, would likely qualify for grants unless they are a family of five or greater. Households earning between 51 and 80 percent of the Annual Median Income (between $57,350 and 35,850 for a family of four) could qualify for a low interest loan for Sewer Assessment and Houseline Connection, which would also be funded through the City's CDBG set-aside. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to have staff prepare a resolution that would allow the use of the City's CDBG set-aside for sewer assessment and hookup assistance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The table below summarizes the expected budget impacts to the City. City Share of Construction City's CDBG set-aside $ 1,615,0001 $ 454,9602 TOTAL IMPACT $ 2,069,960 1: City's Street Wear Fee 2: Amount allocated would be over multiple years and assuming full participation. STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Chaz Bates, Senior Planner Tim Crowley, Program Manager Spokane County Community Services, Housing, and Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Barker Road Manufacturing Home Community Map 2 Barker Road Manufacturing Home Community Map Legend Municipal Boundaries Sewer - Force Main Sewer - Gravity Sewered Not Sewered Senior/Disabled Exempt Code SA = < $30,000 SB = $30,000-35,000 SC= $35,000-40,000 Total Unsewered Parcels: 192 Parcels with Exempt Code: 44 SA Exempt = 31 SB Exempt = 10 SC Exempt = 3 Total CFR / ERU: $6,250 (connection charge @ $3,560 + general facilities charge @ $2,690) Estimated House Line = $4,000 Estimated Total Sewer/Household = $10,250 Estimated CDBG set-aside: $330,000 Estimated Homes Assisted: 41 grants 3 loans 2019 Median Family Income Limits 1 2 3 4 0-30% 15,050 17,200 19,350 21,500 31-50% 25,100 28,700 32,300 35,850 51-80% 40,150 45,900 51,650 57,350 1 u 1 0 100200 400 600 800 Feet N CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Circle M University Road License Agreement. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 3.49 SVMC. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of Ordinance No. 19-010 (STV -2019-0002) vacating a portion of Baldwin Avenue and Glenn Road on July 23, 2019. BACKGROUND: Circle M Family Properties, LLC, is seeking a license agreement to use a portion of the unimproved area of University Road to use as part of its landscaping business operation. City Council has already considered and approved the vacation of a portion of Baldwin Avenue and Glenn Road pursuant to Ordinance No. 19-010. This license is the final necessary piece to allow use of the site for the proposed landscaping business. The area of University Road at issue is right-of-way that is located immediately south of Interstate 90 and runs south approximately 225 feet south up to the improved portion of University Road. It is an area approximately 13,000 square feet. City staff have negotiated a proposed non-exclusive license agreement allowing for such use, subject to the following terms: • No permanent structures may be placed on the license area. Only a portion of improved driveway will be placed on license area. • The term is for 10 years. Circle M may request a five-year extension during the last year, which may be approved or denied by the City. • All improvements on the site shall be subject to normal permitting requirements. • Upon termination, all business operations must cease and all improvements shall be removed at the expense of Circle M. • Circle M shall pay the City an annual license fee of $100 per year. • Circle M shall indemnify the City and shall maintain the City's standard required insurance for the license area during the term of the license. • If the City determines to put in a project to extend University Road, it has the sole right to unilaterally terminate the license. The City agrees to attempt to design and develop a project that would allow continued Circle M operations, but not if such design increases project costs. Upon termination, Circle M is required to remove improvements at its expense. OPTIONS: Consensus to move the proposed license to a motion consideration at a future meeting, as drafted or with such other amendments as deemed necessary. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to move the proposed license to a motion consideration at a future hearing, as drafted or with such other amendments as deemed necessary. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Receipt of $100 in annual license fees. STAFF CONTACT: Chad Riggs, Senior Engineer; Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation; Draft License and Exhibits Spokane Valle Project Location Spokane .000 Valley Circle M Site Plan P7OFERTV UNE/ROW — MTERSTATE 90 FROPERTY LINEORCW 70'x1 OC' BJILDINK; FF:19.33. 33 >/I 3 FOR FULL LEGEND SEE SHEET CO.1 PARKING AREA PAVEMENG PCC CONCRETE GRAVEL SEC -ION OPAINAGE/POND AREA 1 BALDWIN AVE 8' EL. RNLowPN AVE ROW LJ9IT E. NILERSITY RC ROW PRCPE9T' LIKE/ROW Spokane ii Valley License Agreement Area ROW EDCATION PFOPERTY U53/5OW 4 PROPERTY a O5 - INTERSTATE 90 ATEA OF PROPOSED JSE FOP EAST(WEST ACCESS OVEP EXISTING UP ARSP' ROAD RON' PROPER,' UNE/RCW 70x1 EU' BUILDING FF:1953.33 21 -r .._.. LEGEND /// EXISTING L1NIVER51, ROAD R.O.W. AREA TO BE USED 41,1111 THE CIN OF SPOKANE VALLEY LICENSE USE AGREEMENT MTH CIRCLE M FAMILY PROPERTIES ]tm PROPESTY LINE/RDW BALDWIN AVE 35' EX AVE VOW 54' X.` reo Pow 4.1"1"k421.1+11+1-14145i4—"1-1 .1"1a1k421.1 +11+155505t5253 4 55615]1 ao 7okW9' BUILDING —_ FF:1956,41 I I 1....._94' E%, UNTY RD ROW PROPERTY LINE/ROW 7000 Spokane ii Valley License Agreement Conditions No permanent structures may be placed on the license area. Only a portion of improved driveway will be placed on license area. The term is for 10 years. Circle M may request a five-year extension during the last year, which may be approved or denied by the City. All improvements on the site shall be subject to normal permitting requirements. Spokane .000 Valley License Agreement Conditions Upon termination, all business operations must cease and all improvements shall be removed at the expense of Circle M. Circle M shall pay the City an annual license fee of $100. Circle M shall indemnify the City and shall maintain the City's standard required insurance for the license area during the term of the license. If the City determines to put in a project to extend University Road, it has the sole right to unilaterally terminate the license. The City agrees to attempt to design and develop a project that would allow continued Circle M operations, but not if such design increases project costs. Upon termination, Circle M is required to remove improvements at its expense. S`Okane 6 P Valley 4,11.00 Questions? Spokane .000 Valley RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Spokane Valley 10210 East Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Document Title: Grantor(s): Grantee: Legal Description: Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: Reference Number: SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDING ONLY Non -Exclusive License Agreement City of Spokane Valley, a Municipal Corporation Circle M Family Properties, LLC 2123 North Pines Spokane Valley, WA 99216 A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 44 EAST, W.M., CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1 BELOW AND AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT 1. ROW south of Interstate -90, east of tax parcel of 45084.0401 and west of tax parcel 45093.1519 BLD -2019-0896 and EGR-2018-0084; STV -2019-0002 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AGREEMENT For mutually valuable consideration accruing to both parties, the City of Spokane Valley ("City") hereby grants to Circle M Family Properties, LLC ("Circle M"), a non-exclusive License to use the City property ("Premises") described in SECTION 1, below. Page 1 of 6 SECTION 1 — DESCRIPTION The Premises subject to this License is that portion of unimproved University Road running 225.49 feet south of Interstate -90, as measured on the eastern edge of University Road, and which lies east of tax parcel of 45084.0401 and west of tax parcel 45093.1519. The area is approximately 12,926 square feet and is shown on Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. The legal description for the subject property is as follows: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 44 EAST, W.M., CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NE CORNER TRACT C PER THE FINAL PLAT OF UNIVERSITY VIEW ESTATES AS RECORDED IN BOOK 32, PAGE 11; THENCE EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTHLINE THEREOF, 14' TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF UNIVERSITY ROAD; THENCE NORTHERLY, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID UNIVERSITY ROAD, 123.60', MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE 90; THENCE EASTERLY, ALONG A NON -TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A LENGTH OF 50.34', A RADIUS OF 11,360.00', A CHORD DISTANCE OF 50.34', AND A CHORD BEARING OF S 83°18'00" E, TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID UNIVERSITY ROAD; THENCE SOUTH, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY, 225.49'; THENCE WEST, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY, 64.00' TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID UNIVERSITY ROAD; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF, 107.43' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SECTION 2 - PURPOSE The City hereby grants to Circle M a License to use the Premises for the purpose of operating a landscaping supply business, which shall include installation and maintenance of any related necessary improvements except for permanent or semi-permanent structures, which shall be prohibited. No other uses are permitted under this License. SECTION 3 - TERM This License shall commence on the effective date of the street vacation set forth in STV - 2019 -0002, and shall run for a maximum period of 10 years. This License is subject to the rights of any other person or entity with any pre-existing interest in the subject property, including utility providers. This License is subject to an additional five-year extension, subject to City Manager or designee approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Circle M shall notify the City of its desire for the extension in writing during the last year of this License, but no fewer than 180 days prior to the expiration of this License. The City shall review the request and provide a response granting extension or denying extension within 90 days of Circle M's request. Page 2 of 6 SECTION 4 - CONDITIONS A. Any improvement proposed for construction and/or operation in the Premises shall be subject to review and approval as if it were an improvement subject to all applicable permitting requirements by the City, whether it actually is or not. B. Upon termination as set forth in Section 8, all business operations shall cease. Further, upon termination, all improvements shall be removed within the time period specified in the notice of termination at the expense of Circle M. C. Circle M shall only utilize the property subject to this License, and may not expand the nature or scope of this License without prior written approval of the City. D. Circle M shall be solely responsible for all business operations and maintenance and repair of improvements placed on the Premises. E. Circle M shall use the Premises in a manner that does not violate any applicable laws and regulations of any state, federal, or municipal entity. F. Circle M shall pay the City an annual license fee of $100.00 ("License Fee"). The first fee shall be paid concurrently with execution of this License, and annually thereafter on or before September 30 of each year. Payment shall be required regardless of any invoice or notice or lack thereof from the City. In the event of nonpayment, the City shall charge interest at the maximum amount allowed by law and may use any lawful means to collect such payment. Failure to pay within six months shall be grounds for immediate termination of this license. SECTION 5 — LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION Circle M shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with activities or operations performed by Circle M or on its behalf out of issuance of this License, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this License, then Circle M agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless to the maximum extent permitted thereunder. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes Circle M's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this License. SECTION 6 — INSURANCE Circle M shall procure and maintain for the duration of the License, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with operations or activities performed by or on Circle M's behalf with the issuance of this License. Circle M's maintenance of insurance as required by this License shall not be construed to limit the Page 3 of 6 liability of Circle M to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. Circle M shall obtain insurance of the types and coverage described below: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from operations and stop -gap liability. There shall be no exclusion for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an additional insured under Circle M's Commercial General Liability insurance policy using ISO Additional Insured -State or Political Subdivisions -Permits CG 20 12 or a substitute endorsement providing at least as broad coverage. 2. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Circle M shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, and a $2,000,000 for general aggregate limit. 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. Circle M's Commercial General Liability insurance policy or policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain that they shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self- insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of Circle M's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Circle M shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of Circle M before issuance of the License. Circle M shall provide the City with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such notice. If Circle M maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above, the City shall be insured for the full available limits of Commercial General and Excess or Umbrella liability maintained by Circle M, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by Circle M are greater than those required by this License or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by Circle M. SECTION 7 — MODIFICATION No modification of this License may be made without prior written approval of the City. Upon such an event, Circle M shall be given reasonable notice of the modification and a reasonable time to comply with the new terms and/or provide the City with written notice of termination pursuant to SECTION 8, below. Page 4 of 6 SECTION 8 — TERMINATION A. University Road Project. The Parties agree that in the future, it may be desirable for the City to participate or allow a project to extend University Road over Interstate -90, or some variation on such project, including but not limited to a pedestrian overpass. In the event that such project occurs, whether by the City or any other agency or entity, the City has the sole right to terminate this License by providing at least 90 days' written notice to Circle M. The City agrees that if it constructs the project, it shall use good faith efforts to design and develop a project that allows for continued operation by Circle M, provided however, the City shall have no obligation to ensure such continuation of operations, nor shall it be required to do so where the design accommodation would increase the cost of the project. The notice of termination shall include a timeline for ceasing business operations and removing any installed improvements. B. Other. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Parties may agree to terminate this License upon mutually agreeable terms. The City may terminate this License for material non- compliance with the terms herein upon 180 days advance notice, unless emergency conditions exist which require immediate termination. The notice of termination shall include a timeline for ceasing business operations and removing any installed improvements. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] Page 5 of 6 DATED this day of , 2019. GRANTOR: ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk GRANTEE: ACCEPTANCE OF LICENSE AGREEMENT Circle M Family Properties, LLC Signature By: Title and entity signing on behalf of STATE OF COUNTY OF City of Spokane Valley By: Mark Calhoun, City Manager On this day of , 2019, before me the undersigned officer, personally appeared , known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed as the of CIRCLE M FAMILY PROPERTIES, LLC, and acknowledged that he/she, as such Officer, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument as the act of his/her principal for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the said CIRCLE M FAMILY PROPERTIES, LLC, by himself/herself as NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public in and for the State of Residing at My commission expires: Page 6 of 6 VWCE_WORK\2018 WCE PROJECTS\2018-2207 Circle M- University and I-90\SURVEY\DWG \2207-LICENSE EXHIBIT-RMA.dwg, 6/4/2019 8:08:09 AM, RyanAndrade, DWG To PDF.pc3 L=50.34', R=11360.00' 20' TRACT 294 POINT OF BEGINNING 5 4 0 I1 � — >34\ BALDWIN AVE � ' Q. 3 64.00' 0) N N 60' EX. UNIVERSITY RD ROW PROPOSED LICENSE AGREEMENT AREA APPROXIMATELY 12,926 S.F. LICENSE AGREEMENT AREA LIMITS PROPOSED 5.0 FEET FROM NORTHERLY END OF ROAD IMPROVEMENTS NORA AVENUE INTEJ T4 T -90 TAX PARCEL #45093.1519 7 8 9 10 11 MISSION RIDGE 2ND PRDJ #: 18-2207 DATE: 06-04-19 DRAFTED BY: RMA REVIEWED BY:TRW SCALE: 1"=1001 SHEET 1 OF 1 N W E EXHIBIT LICENSE AGREEMENT AREA UNIVERSITY ROAD SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 4WC E WHIPPLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS 21 S. PINES ROAD SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206 PH: 509-893-2617 FAX: 509-926-0227 A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 44 EAST, W.M., CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NE CORNER TRACT C PER THE FINAL PLAT OF UNIVERSITY VIEW ESTATES AS RECORDED IN BOOK 32, PAGE 11; THENCE EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTHLINE THEREOF, 14' TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF UNIVERSITY ROAD; THENCE NORTHERLY, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID UNIVERSITY ROAD, 123.60', MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE 90; THENCE EASTERLY, ALONG A NON -TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A LENGTH OF 50.34', A RADIUS OF 11,360.00', A CHORD DISTANCE OF 50.34', AND A CHORD BEARING OF S 83°18'00" E, TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID UNIVERSITY ROAD; THENCE SOUTH, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY, 225.49'; THENCE WEST, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY, 64.00' TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID UNIVERSITY ROAD; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF, 107.43' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Property Tax Ordinance GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Through the 2020 Budget development process there have been discussions regarding the 2020 property tax levy including a public hearing that was held on September 10th where estimates of the City's 2020 revenues were discussed. BACKGROUND: 2020 Levy and Estimated Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Value • State law requires that the City pass an ordinance that establishes a property tax levy and per our 2020 Budget calendar we are scheduled to adopt this legislation on October 22, 2019. • Our proposed 2020 property tax levy does not include the 1% increase allowed by State law. • The levy will include property taxes on new construction. • With the passage of this ordinance we estimate the City will collect approximately $12,332,400 in 2020 which is computed as follows: 2019 Actual Levy 12,182,436 + 0% Increase 0 2020 Levy after increase 12,182,436 + Estimated new construction 150,000 Total estimated 2020 Levy 12,332,436 • The levy is based upon a July 16, 2019, preliminary estimate of assessed property values provided to the City by the Spokane County Assessor of $10,019,844,280. We expect to receive updated information regarding the estimated 2020 assessed property values from the Assessor's Office by mid-September. • Total property tax revenue of $12,332,436 on preliminary assessed values of $10,019,844,280 will produce a levy of approximately $1.230801 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2020 ($12,332,436 / ($10,019,844,280 / 1,000) = $1.230801). • It is important to note that that this estimate is based upon the Assessor's latest preliminary projections of assessed value as of July 16, 2019. A change in any of the elements including assessed value, new construction estimate and/or a change in the amount of our proposed levy will change the levy rate per $1,000. At this point we believe the "new construction" portion of the preliminary assessed values has not yet been included. Once this figure is updated I believe the estimated levy rate per $1,000 should decrease. Banked Capacity Banked capacity is the difference between what the City could levy (the Highest Lawful Levy) and what it actually does. In any case, the City of Spokane Valley's maximum levy rate is $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed value. Any amount levied that is less than the Highest Lawful Levy represents "banked capacity." Included in the analysis below is history of Spokane Valley levies including seven years of actual figures (2013 through 2019) and a preliminary estimate for 2020: Levy Year A B C D E F G H Taxable Value Highest Lawful Levy Actual Levy Refund Total Levy (= C +D) Levy Rate per $1,000 (= E/(A/1000)) Maximum Levy Rate per $1,000 Banked Levy Rate per $1,000 (=1/(A/1 000)) Banked Capacity (=B- C) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Note: assessment for assessment for assessment for assessment for assessment for assessment for assessment for assessment for 2020 $10,019,844,280 $12,946,126 2019 $9,351,389,045 $12,817,947 2018 $8,634,114,798 $12,446,426 2017 $8,124,487,663 $12,172,839 2016 $7,748,275,097 $11,968,036 2015 $7,393,971,582 $11,740,674 2014 $7,168,991,028 $11,472,290 2013 $6,921,825,295 $11,074,920 $12,332,436 $12,051,459 $11,796,100 $11,580,265 $11,477,044 $11,230,806 $11,049,400 $10,899,437 $12,332,436 $130,977 $12,182,436 $8,302 $11,804,402 $65,857 $11,646,122 $12,474 $11,489,518 $48,346 $11,279,152 $27,744 $11,077,144 $20,495 $10,919,932 $1.230801 $1.302741 $1.367181 $1.433459 $1.482848 $1.525452 $1.545147 $1.577609 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 Figures reflected for the 2020 levy are preliminary and subject to change. The taxable value is the prelminary estimate provided by the Spokane County Assessor. We have estimated the highest lawful levy and banked capacity based on prior year. $0.369199 $0.297259 $0.075321 $0.072937 $0.063368 $0.068957 $0.058989 $0.025352 $613,690 $766, 488 $650,326 $592,574 $490,992 $509,868 $422,890 $175,483 • Generally speaking, you'll note there is a direct relationship between the Taxable Value listed in column A, and the Banked Capacity in columns H and I. In other words, as the Taxable Value increases the Banked Capacity also increases. This did not hold true for 2016 due to the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) being less than 1%, which held the Highest Lawful Levy to a lower dollar value. • Alternatively though, there is an inverse relationship between the directions of the Taxable Value in column A and the Levy Rate per $1,000 in column F. In other words, as the Taxable Value increases (as is the case in 2019) the Levy Rate per $1,000 decreases. Essentially what occurs in this case is that even though the Levy Rate per $1,000 may decrease, the actual amount paid by a property owner may not change significantly because the value of the property has increased. By the same token, as the economy declines and Taxable Values decrease, the Levy Rate per $1,000 will likely increase. • It is also noteworthy that in the years the City does not levy the 1% increase in property tax revenue that is allowed by State law, that potential increase is "banked" for potential future use. • The banked capacity can be accessed by the City through the annual property tax levy ordinance adopted by the Council. However, the City may only take the banked capacity up to a level where the levy rate per $1,000 of assessed value does not exceed $1.60. OPTIONS: Passage of an ordinance is required by law in order to levy 2020 property taxes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action is needed at this time. This item is scheduled to return to Council on October 8th and October 22nd, where the Council will consider the first and second readings of the 2020 Property Tax Levy Ordinance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This ordinance levies property taxes for the City's 2020 Budget where we anticipate property tax revenues to be approximately $12,332,400 or 25.60% of total General Fund recurring revenues of $48,181,800. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Draft Ordinance No. 19-0XX Levying 2020 Regular Property Taxes DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 19 -XXX AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2020 TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR CITY SERVICES AS SET FORTH IN THE CITY BUDGET, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2020; and WHEREAS, the City's actual levy amount from the previous year was $12,182,436; and WHEREAS, the population of the City is more than 10,000. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Property Tax Levy - An increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2020 tax year. The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be $0.00 which is a percentage increase of 0.0% from the previous year. This increase is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state assessed property, any annexations that have occurred, and refunds made. Section 2. Transmittal of Budget. A complete copy of the budget as adopted, together with a copy of this Ordinance, shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor, and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this day of , 2019. L.R. Higgins, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Date of Publication: Office of the City Attorney Effective Date: Ordinance 19 -XXX Levying 2020 Property Taxes Page 1 of 1 To: From: Re: DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of Sept 5, 2019; 11:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative Council & Staff City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Sept 17, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Barker/I-90 WSDOT Interchange Project — Erica Amsden, Gloria Mantz 2. Outside Agencies Presentations — Dan Domrese 3. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue Sept 101 (20 minutes) (-100 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting 125 mins] Sept 24, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 19-013 Street Vacation 2019-0003 — Karen Kendall 3. Admin Report: WSDOT Rail Grant, Pines Right -of -Way — Adam Jackson 4. Admin Report: 2020 Preliminary Budget Presentation by City Manager— Mark Calhoun 5. Admin Report: Pavement Preservation — John Hohman, Adam Jackson 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 7. Info Only: Department Reports [due Tue Sept 171 (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (60 minutes) (30 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 115 mins] Oct 1, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Proposed 2019 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor 2. New Employee Quarterly Report — John Whitehead 3. Park Master Plan — Mike Stone, Mike Basinger, Chaz Bates 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue Sept 241 (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 50 mins] Oct 8, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: #2 — 2020 Budget — Chelsie Taylor 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2020 Property Tax — Chelsie Taylor 4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins Oct 15, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue Oct 11 (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 30 mins] Oct 22, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2019 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor 2. First Reading 2019 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor 3. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2020 Property Tax — Chelsie Taylor 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2020 Budget — Chelsie Taylor 6. Motion Consideration: Outside Agency Grant Awards — Chelsie Taylor [due Tue Oct 8l (5 minutes) [due Tue Oct 151 (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) 7. Admin Rpt: 2020 State Legislative Agenda — M. Calhoun, C. Driskell, Briahna Murray, Josh Weiss (20min) 8. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 9. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting 85 mins] Draft Advance Agenda 9/5/2019 12:00:05 PM Page 1 of 2 Oct 29, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Oct 22] 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Nov 5, 2019 Meeting Cancelled (election night) Nov 12, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: #3 — Final 2020 Budget — Chelsie Taylor 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2020 Budget — Chelsie Taylor 3. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 4. Second Reading 2019 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor 5. Admin Report: LTAC Recommendations to Council — Chelsie Taylor 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins Nov 19, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Motion: 2020 State Legislative Agenda — M.Calhoun, C. Driskell, Briahna Murray, Josh Weiss (10 minutes) NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. Proposed 2020 Fee Resolution — Chelsie Taylor 3. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue Nov 51 (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 55 mins] [due Tue Nov 12] Nov 26, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports Dec 3, 2019, Study Session, Meeting Cancelled (due to Thanksgiving Week) Dec 10, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Proposed Fee Resolution for 2020 — Chelsie Taylor 3. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Awards for 2020 — Chelsie Taylor 4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Appleway Trail Amenities Camping in RVs Donation Recognition Duplexes, Townhouses, Cottages Graffiti Health District Re SV Stats Land Use Notice Requirements Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Naming City Facilities Protocol New Employee Rpt (Jan, April, July, Oct) Park Lighting Park Reg. Ord. amendments PFD Presentation Police Dept Qtr Rpt (Jan, April, July, Oct) Right -of -Way process Safe Routes to School Sign Ordinance (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue Nov 19] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue Dec 31 (5 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) SRTC/Census Coordinator St. Illumination(owners, cost, location) St. O&M Pavement Preservation Studded Snow Tires Tree City USA Utility Facilities in ROW Vaping Water Districts & Green Space Way Finding Signs Draft Advance Agenda 9/5/2019 12:00:05 PM Page 2 of 2