2020, 11-17 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Meeting Held via ZOOM Tuesday, November 17,2020 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10210 E Sprague Avenue (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) NOTE: In response to Governor Inslee's March 24, 2020 Proclamation concerning the COVID-19 Emergency, which waives and suspends the requirement to hold in-person meetings and provides options for the public to attend remotely, physical public attendance at Spokane Valley Council meetings are suspended until the Governor's order has been rescinded or amended. Therefore,until further notice,a live feed of the meeting will be available on our website and on Comcast channel 14.Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as"public comment opportunity," will be accepted via the following links,and must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. • Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting • NEW: Join the Zoom WEB Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Garland Avenue Street Vacation—Mike Basinger [public comment opportunity] 2.First Reading Ordinance 20-025 Garland Avenue Street Vacation—Mike Basinger[no public comment] 3.Motion Consideration: Approval of 2021 State Legislative Agenda—Cary Driskell,John Hohman,Mark Calhoun [public comment opportunity] 4.Motion Consideration: Western Dance Hall Amended Agreement—Mike Stone [public comment opportunity] NON-ACTION ITEMS: DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL 5. Chaz Bates,Mike Basinger Comprehensive Plan Amendments Discussion/Information For 2021 6. Mike Stone Horse Arena,Master Plan Discussion/Information 7. Mike Stone, Cary Driskell Municipal Tree Ordinance Discussion/Information 8.Mayor Wick Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 9.Mayor Wick Council Comments Discussion/Information 10.Mark Calhoun City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Study Session 2020,11-17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17, 2020 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing for STV- 2020-0003. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.47.020, chapter 35.79 RCW, and chapter 22.140 SVMC. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: October 20, 2020, City Council passed Resolution 20- 015 initiating the vacation and setting the public hearing date before the City Council on November 17, 2020. BACKGROUND: This request is being initiated as part of the City's Economic Development Program. The City, in partnership with Centennial Properties, recently completed the construction of Garland Avenue between Flora Road and Barker Road in Spring of 2020. The construction of Garland Avenue was dual purpose in that the City needed a detour route to allow for the construction of the Barker Grade Separation Project overpass and to further economic development strategies by providing access to prime industrial property. Recently, the City became aware of the need to vacate a segment of Garland to support economic development within the northeast industrial area. Any portion of Garland Avenue vacated by the City would be replaced by the adjoining property owner no later than May 15, 2021 so it can be used as a detour route for the Barker project. The area of vacation is located between Tschirley Road and vacated Greenacres Road, adjacent to ten parcels: 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413. OPTIONS: Conduct hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Conduct hearing. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal relating to the street vacation and replacement of Garland Avenue, unknown from an economic development standpoint. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, Economic Development Manager. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation; Staff Report and Attachments Garland Avenue City Initiated Street Vacation STV-2020-0003 November 17, 2020 Mike Basinger, Economic Development Manager Process 1 . City Council administrative report • Resolution 20-015 initiates street vacation and sets public hearing 2 . City Council decision • Public Hearing & 15Y Reading of Ordinance 20-025 • 2nd Reading of Ordinance 20-025 3 . Staff completes the vacation Public Hearing Notice Requirements 1 . Posted in 3 places: City Hall, CenterPlace, Spokane County Library District — Spokane Valley Branch 2 . Published : in the Valley Herald 2 times 3 . Written notice: to abutting property owners along Garland Avenue 4. Signs: posted at each end of proposed vacation area Street Vacation , ....... .._. T _____. , , _. __._ , ., . _ ___._ _____. ____ _ ________ , _..... -- 7 --� c„,e,,-. ..I.,,-\\,'. ---:- L'cs"--rr- 1 ✓P AN Y 7✓5 ;,6 V 1 - ,,..., 4 I 3 PROJECTED WEST LINE OF E EASTERLY 1/2 OF SE 1/4 MARGIN OF OF SEC 6-25-45 - to TSHIRLEY ROAD �- __________ _ ' Garland Avenue 11 9 - 12 it 0 _ �0 11}1 1 11) 1111 1 1 1 4 Approval Criteria 1 . Does the vacation better serve the public? 2 . Is the ROW required for public use or access? 3 . Is a new and different public way more useful ? 4. Conditions will change to provide a greater use? 5 . Objections by owners abutting the ROW? Recommendation Approve with conditions s4okiiii - - Valleye Sane )i COMMUNITY&PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT po STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION .000 Valley FILE No: STV-2020-0003 STAFF REPORT DATE: November 10, 2020 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: City-initiated street vacation for a portion of Garland Avenue. STAFF: Mike Basinger,Economic Development Manager; 509.720.5331; mbasinger@spokanevalley.org PROPOSAL LOCATION: The areas proposed for vacation are located between Tschirley Road and vacated Greenacres Road, adjacent to ten parcels (55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412,and 55065.1413). BACKGROUND: On October 20,2020 the City Council passed Resolution 20-015 initiating the vacation and setting the public hearing date before the City Council on November 17,2020. This request is being initiated as part of the City's Economic Development Program. The City, in partnership with Centennial Properties, recently completed the construction of Garland Avenue between Flora Road and Barker Road in Spring of 2020. The construction of Garland Avenue had two purposes in that the City needed a detour route to allow for the construction of the Barker Grade Separation Project overpass, and it would further economic development strategies by providing access to prime industrial property. Recently, the City became aware of the need to vacate a segment of Garland to support economic development within the northeast industrial area. Any portion of Garland Avenue vacated by the City would be replaced by the adjoining property owner no later than May 15, 2021 so it can be used as a detour route for the Barker project. APPROVAL CRITERIA: 1. SVMC—Title 20(Subdivision Regulations) 2. SVMC—Title 21 (Environmental Controls) 3. SVMC—Title 22 (Street Vacations) 4. City of Spokane Valley Street Standards ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Vicinity Map Exhibit 2: Aerial Map Exhibit 3: Resolution 20-015 Exhibit 4: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 5: Agency Comments I. PROPERTY INFORMATION Size and Characteristics of proposed The ROW is approximately 60 feet in width and 2,700 feet vacation: in length. Adjacent Comprehensive Plan Industrial (I) Designation: Zoning Adjacent to ROW: Industrial (I) Adjacent Land Use(s): All ten abutting parcels are vacant and owned by the same entity. Staff Report&Recommendation for STV-2020-0003 Page 1 of 4 II. STAFF ANALYSIS OF STREET VACATION PROPOSAL A. COMPLIANCE WITH SVMC 22.140.030 Findings: 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public? The vacation of this portion of Garland Avenue will better serve the public by introducing more flexibility in the development of the northeast industrial area and further economic development within the City. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access? The area was constructed for two purposes, to serve as a detour route during construction of the Barker Road Grade Separate project, and to implement economic development strategies of providing access to prime industrial lands. The current alignment of Garland Avenue does not maximize future development potential. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public? A future alignment of Garland Avenue will provide flexibility to support economic development of the northeast industrial area as well as complete the connection between Flora Road (west) and Barker Road(east). 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? The proposed realignment of Garland Avenue will provide access to future development, which as presently configured does not maximize economic development potential. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public? No objections or public comment has been received. Conclusions: The findings confirm criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. B. COMPLIANCE WITH SVMC TITLE 21—ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS The Planning Division has reviewed the proposed project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and SVMC 21.20.040 from environmental review pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: Notice of Public Hearing signs were posted on the property on October 23,2020 and public hearing notices were mailed to the owner of the 10 abutting parcels on the same day. Notices were posted in the Spokane Valley Public Library, City of Spokane Valley main reception area and CenterPlace Event Center on October 22,2020. Lastly,the notice was published in the Spokane Valley Herald and the Exchange on October 23, 2020 and October 30,2020. Staff Report&Recommendation for STV-2020-0003 Page 2 of 4 Staff received no public comment(s). Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that adequate public noticing was conducted for STV-2020-0003 pursuant to adopted public noticing procedures. IV. AGENCY COMMENTS The application was routed to jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and special purpose districts for review and comment. Recommended agency comments have been incorporated within the conditions. Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and or special purpose districts have no concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. V. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS Staff concludes that STV-2020-0003 as proposed is generally consistent,or will be made consistent,through the recommended conditions of approval based on the approval criteria stated herein. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request to vacate a portion of Garland Avenue subject to the following conditions. 1. The vacated property shall be transferred into the abutting parcels (55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413) as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office. All of the affected parcels have common ownership. 2. Following the City Council's passage of the Ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction,repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be completed. 3. Relocate utilities or establish easement(s) acceptable to utility companies for existing services within portion of Garland Avenue. 4. A boundary line adjustment is required to reconfigure parcels to meet general design standards of Section 20.20.090 of the SVMC. 5. A 48 foot wide right-of-way dedication shall be recorded for the realigned portion of Garland Avenue. 6. 12 foot wide border easements shall be recorded for roadside swales and sidewalks on each side of the realigned portion of Garland Avenue. 7. The realigned portion of Garland Avenue shall be constructed and approved pursuant to City Street Standards. 8. Survey monuments shall be installed along the centerline curve points of the realigned portion of Garland Avenue pursuant to Standard Plan R-145. 9. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the SVSS. Staff Report&Recommendation for STV-2020-0003 Page 3 of 4 10. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation,and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the industrial district. The adopting Ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 11. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 12. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Staff Report&Recommendation for STV-2020-0003 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map a • ‘-._ i 1f a c u 4 C 66 . 1111111111111 Yv :-g MI z _ ---(' a?Ti LL . !, MMII C_ sIra y' I g I f E F E'Couril�fkv e� i w Ili Y z�i,��at" yes ■Mo. - o. 0 .M. 'z -MM S g �: 111 _ z � --E;Elslhn tt i.LIL ct E'Eutlid'Atia I I I Ill l I ` _ Area of street vacation A N Exhibit 2 Aerial Map _. rs - - ' mom • „ ., IIII _ P. may:• A. _ ` `� : ,_�� ' - a • — • - . .� f' ,k 7 µ — ., h I - s be 1 r 'fit— i • Area of street vacation -' . . c Exhibit 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.20-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, INITIATING A STREET VACATION AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE AND TIME FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER VACATION OF A PORTION OF GARLAND AVENUE; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS,pursuant to SVMC 22.140.020,"the City Council may initiate a vacation by resolution;"and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to initiate a street vacation for the vacation of a portion of Garland Avenue located between Tschirley Road and vacated Greenacres Road, adjacent to ten parcels (55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413). The initiation of this street vacation is for the promotion of economic development; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.79.010 and SVMC 22.140.020(D), the legislative authority shall establish by resolution the time when a street vacation shall be considered by the City Council or a committee thereof; and WHEREAS, chapter 22.140 SVMC establishes regulations and procedures for vacating public streets (hereafter referred to as"street vacation"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to SVMC 22.140.020(D), "[w]here the City Council initiates the vacation by resolution, that resolution shall fix the time when the proposed vacation will be heard by the City Council or a committee of the City Council;"and WHEREAS,City Council hereby declares that time is of the essence and it is necessary and appropriate for City Council to conduct the public hearing on the proposed street vacation. NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley,Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. City Council initiation of street vacation process. The City Council, by this action, initiates the process to consider the vacation of the above-identified Garland Avenue right-of-way. Section 2. Establishment of Public Hearing Date and Time for consideration of street vacation. The City Council hereby declares that time is of the essence and it is necessary and appropriate for City Council to conduct the public hearing.The required public hearing for street vacation proposal,the boundaries of which are set forth in Attachment"A," shall be conducted before the Spokane Valley City Council, November 17, 2020 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical. The hearing will take place in the City Council Chambers at the Spokane Valley City Hall if allowed by law, or if in-person meetings are still prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, via ZOOM meeting, and will be hosted by the City of Spokane Valley, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley,Washington 99206. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 20ih day of October,2020. A C1T OF fSP7E VALLEY hristine Bai bridge, City Clerk Ben Wick,Mayor p Appr d as t Offic f the City Attorney Resolution No.20-015 Setting Public Hearing Date and Time. Page 1 of 2 Attachment"A" U - N-PLAIN... V ` -- Zj� ip Or x Ras 58974'3t"E IJ10.79 R0.9 g l5h1`18'E R iaR/�i t1" --3. • 241.25- ��525.00- ^�- 4 341.54 ROAD R:5S59.60Y v� _ {].90 l'AcfriC 7(A N4yy26.93. T;54s.2_ ,49>3L;r 0'17YE R -- .p.Tl'®y 09 __.---b.4'37 52 _�l-'425.}4...-•Y- ST04'25"ESR) SlV-20I9-000I` I 1 IV S. E31.99 ---N•4"0Tt1 \\\I II .2'16'06" �06761]E(RJ C44TERUNE 20' IrfI{ I WATERURE EASOJERF i HER ATH 6694574 E>y5TW4 10'EASEUEkT a 8n 11 I r 14 .. M1 I 20' AIERUNE /f AEA AFk 118205C - _ MI /1__ .,� 2 _ _[I .w 97AC ^ a$ C �� 1a,s7 ACRES Ili,- - ____ 16037 E.OAALA710 ATE. T Ii4:6OACRES 9.47E nG+ES LOl'B LOT8 0 15.73 ACRES '0 P 17715 E.OARLA"+D AVE. w'�ACE 18100 E.GARLAhO AK. o I 17511 E.GARLAND AVE. 17005 E.OARL41El IAYE. i 1 cENTERuRE I("^' CTERU6'E 20'T EN N0916S1 BY 1 WATERLRIE EASEM(NF I F10 UPUTY EASEMENT PER MN 4000)4 (/f le1,90.02 TR Iy --dig__._..�IF> lj9 203.44 15.. 525.00 __.1 -25147• 4., R:200.00 J Il p 47'(1 496.30 0. .PO 153.2 �7,1J:e, F'I I. `IdB?i. �$P BVJNDAAY "0'UIkITY EASEMENT ' 10'UnUTY EASEMENT 1' N01'0]`D6'W E54.URE II 474.12Lor 1i1ip, LI L:5C0.9 12 � LID SCOE5 7 4.ILOOACRES 11 C[Li904,1E \ R:560.00 i 17512 E.CARf_AND AVE. :/ LOT W W 1T9 E.CARtN1D AVE. R:S60.a0 69.14 hSl'34'4i' $ 3.44 ACRES v a 6=bs2'3J' S69%ill', I s 17714 E.GARLAND AYE. °1 t� Al''4'44 S45'07'35"6'(R) 20.03 r, 44,04 N.- � �I - s -: LOT 12 N. 81 512.10 R07 RB3 +R,, 3.90 ACRE$ 1 669'44 we 312.20 12,.,, A 1 §$ tuna E.GARLAkD AVE. 8 4. g3".ti R:4a&71 x rs134• --1 A 14'2055' L:156A1 7;61,70 )0 I R:200 00 21.43 4 11 Er4451'S1` I _ I` N 57377'16. 4. .00 LOT D n 1 II li1GA1BD To t� t7g�� is 1611i E4GAARRuvO AVE. I 97 FARES IR f s 1 sr 4V. OF N& 1 I ) t)0 �-- 11 r or 1 , zy yAT i .41,.4] - Area of street vacation °i ;4• RDI s Ras Resolution No. 20-015 Setting Public Hearing Date and Time. Page 2 of 2 Exhibit 4 Spokane _Valley. Community & Public Works Building &Planning Division NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY&PUBLIC WORKS IS SENDING THIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ALL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT RECORDS FROM THE SPOKANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OR TREASURER'S OFFICE. Due to the restrictions on public gatherings arising from the covid-19 outbreak, and pursuant to Governor Inslee's Stay Home, Stay Healthy Proclamation (No. 20-25) and Proclamation 20-28 (and associated extensions), this hearing will be conducted remotely using web and telephone conference tools, as described below. Hearing Date: Tuesday,November 17, 2020 beginning at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as can be heard. Meeting Details: Join Zoom meeting by using the link that will be provided on the meeting agenda and posted to the City's webpage: https://www.spokanevalley.org/svtv Description of Proposal: City-initiated street vacation—portion of Garland Avenue Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Owner: Centennial Properties, Inc. Location of Proposal: The portion of right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located between Tschirley Road and vacated Greenacres Road, adjacent to ten parcels (55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413) located in Section 6, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington. Approval Criteria: Section 22.140 (Street Vacations) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the SVMC; and the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards. Hearing Process: The City Council will conduct the remote hearing pursuant to SVMC 22.140 and RCW 35.79. The public is encouraged to submit oral or written comments by using the link provided on the posted November 17, 2020, Council agenda. To submit oral comments,use the link stated above to sign up to be on the Speakers List by 4:00 PM on November 17, 2020. Oral comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Written comments can be emailed to councilmeetingpubliccomment@a,spokanevalley.org or mailed to City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 10210 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley WA 99206. All written comments must be received by 4:00 PM on November 17, 2020. Comments received will be entered into the record at the time of the public participation portion of the Public Hearing. If you would like to deliver comments to City Hall you may contact City Hall at(509) 720-5000 prior to 4:00 PM on November 17, 2020 to schedule an appointment for delivery. Comments received through US Mail will be included if they are received prior to the hearing. Environmental Determination: The Planning Division has reviewed the proposal and has determined that it is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and SVMC Title 21 (Environmental Controls) from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). Staff Report and Inspection of File: A staff report will be available for inspection seven calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and application file may be inspected by logging on to the Spokane Valley SmartGov Public Portal at this web address: ci-spokanevalley-wa.smartgovcommunity.com/Public/Home. Go to applications and search for STV-2020-0003 to review or download the staff report when it becomes available. Please contact Mike Basinger at mbasinger@a,spokanevalley.org if you have questions. 10210 East Sprague • Spokane Valley,WA • 99206 •(509)720-5240 •Fax(509)720-5375 Exhibit 5 Sp'olia°11e4si` Community&Public Works Department ��Valley. 10210 E Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-5000 •Fax:(509)720-5075 •www.spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Karen Kendall, Planner From: Chad Riggs, Senior Engineer Date: October 26, 2020 Re: STV-2020-0003: Garland Avenue Street Vacation DE Comments Development Engineering requires the following items as Conditions of the Street Vacation: 1. A 48' wide right-of-way dedication shall be recorded for the realigned portion of Garland Avenue. 2. 12' wide border easements shall be recorded for roadside swales and sidewalks on each side of the realigned portion of Garland Avenue. 3. The realigned portion of Garland Avenue shall be constructed and approved per City of Spokane Valley Street Standards. 4. Survey monuments shall be installed along the centerline curve points of the realigned portion of Garland Avenue per Standard Plan R-145. Cantu ryLi n - • October 26, 2020 City of Spokane Valley Attn: Karen Kendall 10210 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re : STV-2020-0003-Portion of Garland Ave Dear Karen: Lumen/CenturyLink has cable facilities within the above referenced city vacation and would like to retain utility easement rights . These rights should provide for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction as needed. If we haven' t heard from you within 10 days, we will assume you have added our easement to the property and have informed the future property owners . Sincerely, "aneot Stud 'and for Mark Welch Program Manager (509) 666-8545 From: Polak,Chad M To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: Review requested for a City initiated street vacation(STV-2020-0003) Date: Friday,October 23,2020 6:44:48 AM Attachments: imaoe001.ipq Good Morning Karen, YPL has no comments as this Road vacate will not impact YPL. Let me know if there are any questions. Sincerely, Chad M. Polak Agent, Real Estate Services 0: (+1) 303.376.4363 I M: (+1) 720.245.4683 3960 East 56th Avenue I Commerce City, CO 80022 Phillips 66 From: Karen Kendall Sent:Thursday, October 22, 2020 6:04 PM To: Bill Helbig; Chad Riggs ;Jerremy Clark; Shane Arlt; 'inspections@spokanevalleyfire.com' ; 'Colin Depner' ; 'Knudson, Chris' ; 'Bruner,Jennifer S.' ; 'Bickley, Megan K.' ; 'Chris Johnston' ; 'Consolidated Irrigation District#19' ; 'WA Transportation' ; 'Spokane Transit Authority' ; 'Byus, Dave' ; 'CenturyLink' ; 'Comcast' ; Polak, Chad M Cc: Mike Basinger;Jenny Nickerson ; Cary Driskell ;John Hohman Subject: [EXTERNAL]Review requested for a City initiated street vacation (STV-2020-0003) Hi all, Please review the attached application material for a City initiated street vacation request for a portion of Garland Avenue. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Friday, November 6, 2020@ 5:00 p.m. Best regards, Karen Kendall I Planner 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5026 I kkendall(a spokanevalley.org ❑B This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,chapter 42.56 RCW. CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 4i P``Y Ae�RFo,T� Pursuing Excellence 4 '' ,4 v CFAI S 'c' W z '�Wf BRYAN COLLINS,FIRE CHIEF FIRE DEPT Q.16 Z� 2120 N.Wilbur Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)928-1700 Main November 3, 2020 (509)892 4125 Fax spoka n eva l leyfi re.com Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: STV-2020-0003 Technical Review Street Vacation of Garland Avenue between Tschirely Road and Greenacres Road Road/Mansfield Avenue The Spokane Valley Fire Department has completed a review for the above referenced project and takes no exception to the "Street Vacation" as proposed. All specific fire department requirements shall be conditioned on future associated platting action or commercial permits. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Traci Harvey Fire Protection Engineer Spokane Valley Fire Department From: Bvus, Dave To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: [External]Review requested for a City initiated street vacation(STV-2020-0003) Date: Friday,November 6,2020 11:41:05 AM Attachments: imaae001.ioq image002.gif imaae003.aif Karen, Avista is aware of the proposed street vacation and have had several meetings with engineering and development companies representing the undisclosed owner of the parcels that are driving this street vacation. Avista is in support of this vacation as it relates to the relocation of the existing and newly constructed Garland Ave to its new location to accommodate the upcoming development project. I do have comments as it relates to our ongoing discussions with the developer and engineering companies representing the undisclosed owner: 1.It is my understanding that a revised BSP will be submitted in the near future to revise the location of Garland Ave and that new 10' utility easements will be dedicated in an exact manner as per the original BSP with 10' utility easements on both the north and south sides of the newly relocated Garland Ave. 2.Avista currently has gas utilities located in the current location of Garland Ave and will be relocating those utilities at the cost and expense of the developer.The reimbursement of costs associated with the relocate as well as the dedication of the new easements should be a condition of the street vacation approval. Written acceptance is OK to move the vacation forward without dely. 3.We are currently working on drafting a Memo of Understanding (MOU) between Avista and the development company representing the owner to not only cover these provisions noted above but to also cover a 50+foot Transmission/Distribution/Gas/Fiber Communications easement along the north property lines of Lots 1-8 of BSP-2019-001.The existing 50' easement covers Transmission only. Avista had negotiated with Centennial Properties at the construction of Garland Ave a new 50'+easement to cover both existing and future Transmission/Distribution/Gas/Fiber Communications.That easement was never granted prior to the sale to the current owner so we have requested that as part of this review. We are currently in the process of locating the existing 12" gas main to determine where this easement will fall. We are hoping this also can be dedicated as part the of the revised BSP process. This should also be a condition of the Street Vacation with written acknowledgement of the MOU in process and general acceptance of the new easement we are asking for. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything else. Thanks Dave Byus Real Estate Representative PO Box 3727 MSC-25 Spokane,WA 99220 1411 E Mission Ave.MSC-25 Spokane,WA 99202 P 509.495.2013 C 509.993.7852 htto://www.avistautilities.com This email(including any attachments)may contain confidential and privileged information,and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.If you are not an intended recipient,please notify the sender and delete this email from your system.Thank you. From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley.org] Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2020 5:04 PM To: Bill Helbig; Chad Riggs ;Jerremy Clark; Shane Arlt; 'inspections@spokanevalleyfire.com' ; 'Colin Depner' ; 'Knudson, Chris' ; 'Bruner,Jennifer S.' ; 'Bickley, Megan K.' ; 'Chris Johnston' ; 'Consolidated Irrigation District#19' ; 'WA Transportation' ; 'Spokane Transit Authority' ; Byus, Dave ; 'CenturyLink' ; 'Comcast' ; 'Chad Polak(Chad.M.Polak@p66.com)' Cc: Mike Basinger;Jenny Nickerson ; Cary Driskell ;John Hohman Subject: [External] Review requested for a City initiated street vacation (STV-2020-0003) Hi all, Please review the attached application material for a City initiated street vacation request for a portion of Garland Avenue. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Friday, November 6, 2020P 5:00 p.m. Best regards, Karen Kendall I Planner 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5026 I kkendallPspokanevalley.ore ❑® This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,chapter 42.56 RCW. USE CAUTION- EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns,please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s)and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure.If you are not the intended recipient of this message or an agent of the intended recipient,or if this message has been addressed to you in error,please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments.CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. To kkendall@spokanevalley.org From: jbruner@spokanecounty.org Date: 11-6-2020 Subject:STV-2020-0003 Project Name: Street Vacation of a Portion of Garland Avenue Stage: Vacation of ROW/Street Comment -Code Comment Supplemental Comment FA01 The Spokane County Environmental Services Department A sewer to serve BSP-2019-0001 is currently has no objection to the finalization of the above mentioned in the existing Garland Avenue right-of-way. project. The existing sewer shall be abandoned per Spokane County Standards. Public sewers shall be constructed to provide for the connection of each parcel to the County's system of sewerage and individual services will be provided to each lot prior to sale. SS 12F Sewer plans acceptable to the Spokane County Environmental Services Department,and water estimate if required,shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the building permit. SSO9B As per the development regulations/zoning code of the governing authority as amended,the dedication shall state: "Public sewers shall be constructed to provide for the connection of each parcel to the Countys system of sewerage and individual services will be provided to each lot prior to sale.Uses on properties within the project shall be required to connect to the sewer and pay applicable charges per the County Sewer Ordinance.Sewer connection permits shall be required." CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17, 2020 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading of proposed Ordinance 20-025 for STV- 2020-0003. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.47.020, chapter 35.79 RCW, and chapter 22.140 SVMC. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: October 20, 2020, City Council passed Resolution 20- 015 initiating the vacation and setting the public hearing date before the City Council on November 17, 2020. BACKGROUND: This request is being initiated as part of the City's Economic Development Program. The City, in partnership with Centennial Properties, recently completed the construction of Garland Avenue between Flora Road and Barker Road in Spring of 2020. The construction of Garland Avenue was dual purpose in that the City needed a detour route to allow for the construction of the Barker Grade Separation Project overpass and to further economic development strategies by providing access to prime industrial property. Recently, the City became aware of the need to vacate a segment of Garland to support economic development within the northeast industrial area. Any portion of Garland Avenue vacated by the City would be replaced by the adjoining property owner no later than May 15, 2021 so it can be used as a detour route for the Barker project. The area of vacation is located between Tschirley Road and vacated Greenacres Road, adjacent to ten parcels: 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413. OPTIONS: Move to advance to a second reading with or without further amendments. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance No. 20-025 relating to vacation of a portion of Garland Avenue between Tschirely Road and Barker Road to a second reading at the November 24, 2020 Council meeting. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal relating to the street vacation and replacement of Garland Avenue, unknown from an economic development standpoint. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, Economic Development Manager. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance No. 20-025 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.20-025 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR A RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION OF A PORTION OF GARLAND AVENUE ADJACENT TO TEN PARCELS: 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, AND 55065.1413, AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, on October 20, 2020, the City Council passed Resolution 20-015 initiating the vacation of a portion of Garland Avenue, and setting a public hearing date before Council of November 17,2020; and WHEREAS,on November 17,2020,the City Council held a public hearing; and WHEREAS,following the hearing,the City Council found that the notice and hearing requirements of SVMC 22.140.020 had been met; and WHEREAS, none of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated filed a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk;and WHEREAS,pursuant to chapter 22.140 SVMC,upon vacation of the roads,the City shall transfer the vacated property to abutting property owners,the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street shall attach to the vacated property, a record of survey shall be completed, and all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street shall be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property. In this particular case, the vacated property shall be transferred to ten parcels: 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413.; and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to vacate the above streets pursuant to chapter 22.140 SVMC. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,ordains as follows: Section 1. Findings of Fact. The City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The vacation of this portion of Garland Avenue will better serve the public by introducing more flexibility in the development of the northeast industrial area and further economic development within the City. 2. The area was constructed for two purposes, to serve as a detour route during construction of the Barker Road Grade Separate project, and to implement economic development strategies of providing access to prime industrial lands. The current alignment of Garland Avenue does not maximize future development potential. 3. A future alignment of Garland Avenue will provide flexibility to support economic development of the northeast industrial area as well as complete the connection between Flora Road(west) and Barker Road (east). 4. A future alignment of Garland Avenue will provide access to future development, which as presently configured does not maximize economic development potential. 5. No objections or public comments were received. 6. The right-of-way is adjacent to parcels 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413 and title shall vest in those parcels,and all of the parcels have common ownership. 7. Pursuant to Resolution No. 07-009, Policy for Imposing Vacation Charges Pursuant to RCW 35.70.030: Ordinance 20-025-Street Vacation STV-2020-0003 Page 1 of 3 DRAFT a. The City of Spokane Valley has the authority to charge for vacations in an amount that does not exceed 50% of the full appraised value or for the full amount of the area vacated where the street has been part of a dedicated right-of-way for over twenty five years or if the property was acquired at public expense. b. Alternatively, the Council shall reserve the right to deviate from this policy upon the adoption of written findings of fact that demonstrate the public interest shall be best served by an alternative approach. The following facts are relevant to Council's determination of an alternative approach: i. The proposed vacation is initiated by the City. Future Garland Avenue will be aligned in a new location to better support future development. The City cannot seek payment for the vacated right-of-way under these circumstances. Section 2. Property to be Vacated. Based upon the above findings,the City Council vacates the street legally described as follows: That portion of Garland Avenue, as deeded to the City of Spokane Valley by instrument recorded under Auditor's File number 6838254, lying easterly of the easterly margin of Tschirley Road, being a 60 foot wide right-of-way as deeded to the City of Spokane Valley by instrument recorded under Auditor's File number, 6838254, and westerly of the west line of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 6, Township 25, Range 45 East of the Willamette Meridian, all located in City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. Section 3. Division of Property to be Vacated. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.040 and SVMC 22.140.040(C), the vacated portion of the street shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each, unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated. The right-of-way to be vacated shall be divided amongst parcels 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413 as recorded in the record of survey which shall be created and recorded with Spokane County as required pursuant to SVMC 22.140.090. All of the affected parcels have common ownership. Section 4. Zoning. The zoning designation for the vacated property shall be the designation attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot lines. The City Manager or designee is authorized to make this notation on the official Zoning Map of the City. Section 5. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied for the right-of-way prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. The vacated property shall be transferred into the abutting parcels (55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, 55061.1408, 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413)as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office. All of the affected parcels have common ownership. 2. Following passage of this Ordinance, a record of survey of the area to be vacated,prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be completed. 3. Relocate utilities or establish easement(s)acceptable to utility companies for existing services within a portion of Garland Avenue. 4. A boundary line adjustment is required to reconfigure parcels to meet general design standards pursuant to SVMC 20.20.090. Ordinance 20-025-Street Vacation STV-2020-0003 Page 2 of 3 DRAFT 5. A 48-foot wide right-of-way dedication shall be recorded for the realigned portion of Garland Avenue. 6. A 12-foot wide border easement shall be recorded for roadside swales and sidewalks on each side of the realigned portion of Garland Avenue. 7. The realigned portion of Garland Avenue shall be constructed and approved pursuant to City Street Standards. 8. Survey monuments shall be installed along the centerline curve points of the realigned portion of Garland Avenue pursuant to Standard Plan R-145. 9. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right- of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Valley Street Standards. 10. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation,and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the industrial district. 11. The record of survey and certified copy of this Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 12. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Section 6. Closing. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and the City Manager is authorized to execute and finalize all necessary documents in order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of November,2020. ATTEST: Ben Wick,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Date of Publication: Approved As To Form: Effective Date: Office of the City Attorney Ordinance 20-025-Street Vacation STV-2020-0003 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17,2020 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑consent ❑old business ®new business ❑public hearing ❑information ❑admin.report ❑pending legislation ❑executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion consideration—2021 State Legislative Agenda. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Not applicable. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: This is the third of three planned discussions with Council prior to adoption,with the first held September 22,2020, and the second held October 20,2020. BACKGROUND: This is an opportunity for Council to discuss potential items for the 2021 State Legislative Agenda(Agenda). Our anticipated development calendar is as follows: - September 22,2020-Administrative report and Council discussion(first touch); -October 20,2020-Administrative report and Council discussion(second touch); -November 17,2020 - Council motion to formally approve the 2021 State Legislative Agenda; -December 2020 - Council meets with 4th District Legislative delegation to discuss 2021 State Legislative Agenda; and -January 2021 —Legislative session begins. It is worth noting that staff and Mayor Wick have already met with several legislators over the past two months to discuss and advocate for funding on the Pines Grade Separation Project ahead of the Legislature and Governor Inslee developing transportation funding priorities for the upcoming session. As previously discussed with Council, the draft 2021 Legislative Agenda has been shortened relative to prior years to allow Council to focus attention on the most important items when talking with state legislators and agency staff. On September 22 and October 20, Council and staff discussed a capital request for a new facility at the Fairgrounds, and there was Council consensus on October 20 to include it on the 2021 State Legislative Agenda, with a capital request of$4 million in state funds toward the project. As previously noted, the Spokane County Board of Commissioners unanimously supports this project and funding request. A one page handout to accompany the 2021 State Legislative Agenda has been developed to support the request. OPTIONS: (1)Approve the 2021 State Legislative Agenda as drafted or amended;or(2)take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the 2021 State Legislative Agenda as drafted. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS:Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun, City Manager; John Hohman,Deputy City Manager; Cary Driskell, City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: -Proposed 2021 State Legislative Agenda; -Pines Grade Separation handout; and -Fairgrounds Facility handout forth coming under separate cover siois >t' ��Valley 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-5000 •Fax:(509)720-5075 •www.spokanevalley.org FUNDING REQUESTS Pines Road Grade Separation Project The City requests $19.3 million to construct the Pines Road Grade Separation project. Pines Road is one of the region's key transportation corridors,carrying residential,commercial,and industrial traffic from Trent Avenue (SR 290)across the Spokane River to I-90. This project will provide grade separation at a crossing that 60 trains travel through each day,blocking traffic movements for nearly four hours.The project also improves the intersection of two state highways,Pines Road(SR 27) and Trent Avenue (SR 290). Pines Road is the primary access to almost 230 acres of undeveloped mixed- use,commercial and industrial land. Total project cost is estimated at $29 million. Thus far, the City has secured $9.7 million and project design and right-of-way acquisition are underway. The project will be shovel ready in 2022. The City requests $19.3 million to construct this ready-to-go project. Fairgrounds Exhibition Center The City requests $4 million to construct an Exhibition Center at the Spokane County Fairgrounds, located in the City of Spokane Valley,to spur the local tourism economy. The Exhibition Center would increase the capacity of the Fairgrounds to host regional events and capitalize on existing visitors to the Fairgrounds and Avista Stadium. The building would include space for a restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating options. This would provide additional opportunities for destination visits to the site while providing a convenient space for existing patrons to extend their visit. This space could also be used in a variety of ways in future public health or emergency crises from administering tests or inoculations,to storing and distributing personal protective equipment.The building is estimated to cost $10 million. The City has approximately $3 million in lodging tax money set aside. Spokane County would own,maintain, and operate the new facility. Support for the WWRP Program:Flora Road Park/North Bank River Trail Project The City supports funding the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Grant program. In the WWRP local parks grant program,the City is ranked 23 out of 80 to receive a$1 million grant for the Flora Road Park/North Bank River Trail Project to reimburse the City for a portion of the purchase costs. Economic Development Tools The City encourages the Legislature to adopt mechanisms that promote increased economic development within our communities, including local increment financing tools like those that exist in other states and limiting unduly restrictive regulatory burdens on businesses,most importantly on small businesses. Defend Local Control A foundational belief of the Spokane Valley City Council and the citizens they represent is that the most effective level of government is the one closest to the people. As such,the Council urges the Legislature to respect local decision-making. Protect and Restore Local State-Shared Revenues The City requests that the Legislature protect and enhance local state-shared revenues to allow the City to deliver vital services to its residents. These funds include the Liquor Excise Tax Account, Liquor Board Profits,Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account, City-County Assistance Account, and Marijuana Revenues. The City supports AWC legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley. Pines Road/BNSF Railway }o�jF pk.----FN__,. Sane Grade ] Separation Pro 'ect , Va1Tey A Bridging the Valley Project ■ .` -4 Project focus '' ,.- �'- '� `. ti The Pines Road/BNSF Railway Grade Separation Project is y r located in Spokane Valley,Wash.,a city of nearly 100,000 � � l, r.. ,.2�`1: residents.The city is situated in the largest Metropolitan +� � ..... Statistical Area between Seattle and Minneapolis,and home to 7 e =r � �,�� �� � several large industrial parks. ,:� " , * ;.1+ .,.• • _ The project will remove a BNSF transcontinental rail line ` � at grade crossing at Pines Road (SR 27), one of Spokane 1 �a ' / Valley's busiest arterial streets. In 2018,the Freight Mobility - Strategic Investment Board(FMSIB) rated the Pines Road/BNSF "�' :F crossing as the highest ranked unfunded Tier 1 rail crossing in ,..*Ilif . . the state out of 4,171 total crossings based on freight mobility P. _ F and safety. Eliminating the crossing is critical to improving O.111 roar ' '�. - 1� vehicle and pedestrian safety,increasing freight mobility and a enhancing economic vitality across the region. 011*. ' I ` The crossing is adjacent to the intersection of Pines Road and • .jai „ - Trent Avenue (SR 290),which serves 35000 vehicles per day, t\N includingfreight trucks travelingfrom Canada and northern ..` �--� - pe _r• g r„ ', I -- (, Idaho that connect to Interstate 90.A roundabout will be °' = , '� constructed at this intersection as part of the project. f' I 1 a - ' z; Key improvements { I jio 'to 1 Gargle !— � :(1) • The grade separation project will replace the Pines Road/BNSF crossing with an underpass and redesign the adjacent signalized intersection of Pines and Trent. In conjunction with a grade separation project underway at Funding the nearby Barker Road/BNSF crossing,this project will eliminate three of the city's at-grade crossings(Barker, Flora Funding need: $19.3 million and Pines). Other federal funds: $ 5.0 million • The crossing is located 200 yards north of Trent City funds: $ 4.7 million Elementary.The new underpass will reduce congestion and Total cost: $29.0 million improve safety for students,staff and parents. • The existing intersection and BNSF crossing limits USDOT total benefits: $40.2 million development of 170 acres of mixed-use or commercially- 2023 construction zoned property,and 56 acres of prime industrial-zoned property.The project will increase access to this property and generate additional economic development. --Rizionst-ii- Project details _ On average,60 BNSF freight trains and two Amtrak passenger --— - _ trains travel through the Pines Road/BNSF at-grade crossing _ - � each day. This results in nearly 28,000 vehicle hours of delay ° —a •• 0 T ;; 14 J_ I each year,and at least seven vehicle collisions from 2015 to .' I 1 �• ; 2019. BNSF plans to add a second main track to the existing , I )4 rail line,possibly as early as 2021.A second track will likely l t =;.' T increase train traffic and vehicle delays. ..r • -, - The grade separation project also includes construction of — -~- -_ mu— a new roundabout at the adjacent intersection of Pines and h. — ' Trent.There were 46 collisions in or near this intersection from '- 2015 to 2019.The project supports the"Bridging the Valley" initiative to improve safety, create more effective freight Pines Road/BNSF crossing routes and spur economic development in Spokane Valley. Public safety and livability Economic benefits enhancements Completion of the Pines Road/BNSF project will improve The project will significantly enhance vehicle and pedestrian access to 170 acres of nearby mixed-use or commercially- safety, likely saving lives. In addition, it will greatly improve zoned property,and 56 acres of prime industrial-zoned neighborhood livability.Overall the project: property that is currently undeveloped (see graphic • Eliminates the Pines Road/BNSF crossing—saving below).The city teamed with ECONorthwest to develop an economic impact analysis that quantified the projected four hours per day(average gate down time) in economic and tax impacts of the project: vehicle wait time. • Improves commercial and residential traffic flow. • $1.3 billion in total economic output in Spokane • Enhances access to 1-90 and other main arterials in County($686 million in direct spending) the Spokane Valley transportation network. • 8,719 new jobs supported in Spokane County(4,312 • Increases access to key emergency services located direct job impacts) on the south side of the city. • $8.2 million in new general fund taxes to Spokane • Enhances access to Trent Elementary for school Valley(25 years at 4 percent) buses,as well as students and families traveling to • $101.9 million in new general fund taxes to and from surrounding neighborhoods. Washington State(25 years at 4 percent) • Eliminates 15 minutes of train horn noise per day at the crossing(based on 60 freight trains and two` ' Amtrak passenger trains per day). Undeveloped aril;Ilk Commercial i Undeveloped = 1 r l Streamlining the approval process for federally-funded transportation rv' Residential -r. .. ,Api r 4' - °, projects would make this(and other projects)easier to administer, O Project Site k Iall,I F;�"- •t-. saving time and money.Federally-funded projects can cost up to 50 w.. percent more and take 50 to 100 percent longer to deliver because of I.'^ constant and extensive changes to the federal requirements.Initiatives �,►►4 -miff ,5 to streamline review and approval processes for transportation projects 1,tfi 4 - - ; should be a top congressional priority. ,. - s- 1 �r�111 i I �Y'.l a �. �" City of Spokane Valley -�^ �'r .•- 10210 E.Sprague Avenue G * - ' ' y •�' . m R Spokane Valley,WA 99206 '', 7 i f'r'...rl';-r - , Washington State ' _ R ` 509 720 5000 Undeveloped Properties www.spokanevalley.org/pinesBNSF 72220 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17,2020 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑old business ®new business ❑public hearing ❑information ❑admin.report ❑pending legislation ❑executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Approval of Western Dance Association Lease Amendment. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.11.020; SVMC 3.49.020(D). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 5-19-09 Council approved lease agreement with the Western Dance Association. BACKGROUND: The City has enjoyed a good partnership with the Western Dance Association since we incorporated in 2003. The lease of the dance hall at Sullivan Park was inherited from Spokane County. In 2009, the City approved a new contract with the Western Dance Association. The term was for ten years with two 5-year renewal options. In 2019,the City renewed the lease for one year since the Park and Recreation Master Plan was being updated. In May of 2020, the City extended the lease agreement until December 31, 2022. This was based upon changes at Sullivan Park which included additional property being purchased and the potential for the City to develop a master plan for Sullivan Park. Therefore, the City did not want to lock in a lengthy lease term until our planning processes were complete. The current lease requires the Western Dance Association to pay the City $500 per month. The Western Dance Association is also responsible for paying leasehold excise tax and all operating expenses. The coronavirus pandemic has significantly altered the ability of the Western Dance Association to utilize the City's Western Dance Hall as contemplated in the original Lease Agreement. Spokane County has been under Phase 1 or 2 re-opening since March 16,2020, and the Association has been unable to meet since that time. Use of the Western Dance Hall in the normal course of the Association's business cannot likely occur until Spokane County reaches Phase 4. In order to not cause undue hardship on the Association,the parties would agree to modify the $500 monthly lease payment set forth in Section 2 by suspending future monthly payments until the first day of the month and an additional 30 days after Spokane County moves to Phase 4. Further,in recognition that the Association continued to pay monthly lease payments in April through September,2020 without being allowed use of the Western Dance Hall,the City would credit the Association with six months of payments beginning with the first month lease payments are chargeable under this Amendment. Once all credited monthly lease payments have been made,this Amendment would expire and the remainder of the original Lease Agreement would be in full force and effect. Staff is recommending that Council approve these proposed amendments to the lease agreement. OPTIONS: (1)Approve the Lease Amendment; or(2)take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Lease Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Spokane Valley and the Western Dance Association. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Loss of$500 per month in lease revenue for six months plus $500 per month until the Western Dance Association is allowed back into the Western Dance Hall. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Stone,Parks and Recreation Director; ATTACHMENTS: Draft Amended Lease Agreement DRAFT CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND WESTERN DANCE ASSOCIATION OF SPOKANE Spokane Valley Contract#09-233.03 For good and valuable consideration,the legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, City and the Lessee mutually agree as follows: 1. Purpose: This Amendment is for the Contract for the Lease with the Western Dance Association of the Dance Hall at Sullivan by and between the Parties, executed by the Parties on July 14, 2009, with a termination date of June 1, 2019. Said contract is referred to as the "Original Contract" and its terms are hereby incorporated by reference. The Original Contract was amended June 25, 2019 to extend the lease until June 1,2020; and further amended May 11,2020 to extend the lease until December 31,2022. 2. Original Contract Provisions: The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original Contract and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3. Amendment Provisions: This Amendment is subject to the following amended provisions,which are as follows: all such amended provisions are incorporated by reference herein and shall control over any conflicting provisions of the Original Contract,including any subsequent amendments thereto. The coronavirus-19 pandemic significantly altered the ability of the Western Dance Association to utilize the City's Western Dance Hall as contemplated in the original Lease Agreement. Spokane County has been under the Governor's Phase 1 or 2 re-opening since March 16,2020, and the Association has been unable to meet since that time. Use of the Western Dance Hall in the normal course of the Association's business cannot likely occur until Spokane County reaches Phase 4. In order to not cause undue hardship on the Association,the parties agree to modify the $500 monthly lease payment set forth in Section 2 by suspending future monthly payments until the first day of the month and an additional 30 days after Spokane County moves to Phase 4. Further,in recognition that the Association continued to pay monthly lease payments in April through September,2020 without being allowed use of the Western Dance Hall,the City shall credit the Association with six months of payments beginning with the first month lease payments are chargeable under this Amendment. Once all credited monthly lease payments have been made,this Amendment shall expire and the remainder of the original Lease Agreement shall be in full force and effect. 4. Compensation Amendment History: This is Amendment #3 of the Original Contract. The history of amendments to the compensation on the Original Contract and all amendments is as follows: Date Compensation Original Contract Amount 7/14/2009 $500.00/month lease fee Amendment#1 6/17/2019 $0.00 Amendment#2 5/1/2020 $0.00 Amendment#3 11/03/20 $0.00 Total Amended Compensation $500.00/month lease fee 1 DRAFT The parties have executed this Amendment to the Original Contract this day of November,2020 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: WESTERN DANCE ASSOCIATION: Mark Calhoun By: City Manager Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17,2020 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2021 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)Docket GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Growth Management Act(GMA)RCW 36.70A PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The GMA allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plan once each year. The City codified this process in Section 17.80.140 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Consistent with state law and the SVMC, staff published notice on August 21 and 28, 2020 notifying the public of the annual amendment process and that the City would accept applications for the 2021 cycle through October 30,2020.The notice was also sent to all agencies,organizations and adjacent jurisdictions that may have an interest in amending the comprehensive plan. CPAs are divided into two categories —map amendments and text amendments (including charts, tables and graphics). CPAs may be privately initiated or proposed by City Council, Planning Commission or staff This year, there are four CPA applications: one privately initiated map amendment, and three city initiated amendments including two map amendments and one text amendment. As part of the annual comprehensive plan amendment cycle, the City Council is presented the proposed amendments that may be considered for this year's amendment cycle. This process known as docketing, provides the City Council the opportunity to remove items from the docket. Tonight, staff will present and discuss the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket. On November 24, 2020, Council will consider approval of the Docket. Items included in the Docket must be considered by Council concurrently so the cumulative effect of the amendments can be determined. All considered amendments will be thoroughly analyzed using the criteria set forth in SVMC 17.80.140H. This analysis will be compiled in a staff report for the Planning Commission to formulate their recommendation to Council. The Planning Commission will also hold a public hearing to allow for public comment on the proposed amendments. Council will take the final action to approve, deny or modify the proposed amendments. OPTIONS: Council consensus to proceed with the proposed 2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket as presented or with items removed, for motion consideration at the November 24,2020 Council meeting; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council discretion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS:N/A STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger,AICP,Economic Development Manager and Chaz Bates,AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. 2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket B. PowerPoint Presentation Exhibit 1 City of Spokane Valley 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket PRIVATELY INITIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS File Number Map or Text Summary of Amendment CPA-2021-0001 Land Use Map A request to change the land use designation for parcel 45163.0584 (approximately 0.68 acres) from Multiple Family Residential to Corridor Mixed Use. CITY INITIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS File Number Map Summary of Amendment CPA-2021-0002 Land Use Map A request to change the land use designation for parcels 45174.9061 and 45174.9062 (approximately 5.56 acres) from Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) to Parks and Open Space (P/OS). CPA-2021-0003 Land Use Map A request to change the land use designation for parcels 55072.0324, 55072.0318, and 55072.0319 (approximately 45.8 acres) from Industrial to (I) to Parks and Open Space (P/OS). CITY INITIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS File Number Text Summary of Amendment CPA-2021-0004 Text Add policies and discussion regarding homelessness to Chapter 2: Goals, Policies and Strategies and to Chapter 6: Housing. 2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket City Council Administrative Report November 17, 2020 Chaz Bates, AICP, Senior Planner Spokane jValley® Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process Initiated by: Property owners/representatives s COMMUNITYEPART PUBLIC CWORKS Citizens, agencies, neighborhood NoTIcE OF CITY OF SPOKAP4E VALLEY'S ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE City The City of Spokane Valley is providing notice that the application window for the 2Application deadline October 30th Completed o21 mCompapplicatiove Plant ereeive cycle will on cn Octr 0r 30,2020.be Completed applications must be received by 5:00 p.m.on October 30,2020 to be considered during the 2021 amendment cycle. Applications received after October 30,2020,will be docketed for consideration for the next amendment Notice published 6 0 days prior cycle a in 2022.All proposed amendments toithe Comprehensive Plan require pre-application conference prior to submitting an application. The City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan is the primary policy document Notice sent to agencies organizations, that governs how the City will accommodate and respond to the growth of the community over time. The annual amendment cycle provides the opportunity to propose changes to the and adjacent jurisdictions Comprehensive Plan to address changing land use conditions or emerging issues. Proposed amendments will be subject to review and a public hearing by the Spokane Valley Planning Commission before recommendations are made to the City Council. Pre-a p p required For more information about the comprehensive plan or application materials please visit www.spokanevalley.org/cp or contact Chaz Bates,Senior Planner at (509)720-5337 or chates s okanevalle.or Complete application(s) are docketed 11/17/2020 ;urlinistrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 2 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process CityCouncil Planning CityCouncil Commission Docket Applications Applications pp • Admin Report • Study Session • Administrative Report • Action on docket • Public Hearing • First Reading • Deliberation and • Second Reading Recommendation 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket File Number Location Type / Who Description CPA-2021-0001 22 N Skipworth Map / Private Change 0.68 acres from MFR to CMU CPA-2021-0002 Balfour Park Map / City Change 5.56 acres from CMU to P/OS CPA-2021-0003 Flora Property Map / City Change "46 acres from Ito P/OS CPA-2021-0004 Applies citywide Text / City Add policies related to homelessness to the housing goals and policies. 11/17/2020 Administrative Report - 2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket Privately Initiated Map Amendment - CPA-2021-0001 �._ — ——i �- EMain� I AVe .' Applicant: Lindsey Goodman ., ow*.rmigriiiii r ' -- ----- - 1 ' : 7 .-.. WM ,. Owner: H o mto m i Partners itApplication Areaii T.!. Amendment: Change from �•l lid I.. r ,,, Multiple Family Residential �. xu3ela 'j., Z z r. (MFR) to Corridor Mixed Use - ' ' ( ) - E Sprague Ave 5 --- Legend : CMU NC I POS NU =RC MF SF % MU 0 ® II0 40 80 120 160 200 Feet 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 5 CPA-2020-0001 - Pre-application Analysis ,_ 4„ ._: „:.x , ...4,, ,, , Expands the CMU b 0.68 ac p Y No critical areas Y .: V. _ .P Supports redevelopment of - • ri A- 4 vacant properties 0 - a . Supported by transportation - - network , . • . # � ; „ Compatible with surrounding F_. �ffp uses . ... . _ • - 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 6 City Initiated Map Amendment - CPA-2020-0002 Applicant: Spokane Valley j a t 03 Owner: Spokane Valley - . � 2 Application Area ,,;, Amendment: Change from 7 Ea'nA� ` IlY Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) to z Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS) � i i.;-1 ems- '` h ' .m q , " Legend E Sprague Ave CMU NC I POS Cr IMU _RC ,k . MF SF s'> .. o MU Op CIO 0 60 120 180 240 300 Y Feet 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docke 7 CPA-2020-0002 - Pre-application Analysis ..,, , . . Expands the P/OS by 5.5 ac No critical areas i.A � if ten.,:.� ., .., Supports Park Level of - Service -- r ter. Supported by transportation 41 network F� ' Compatible with a surrounding uses 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 8 City Initiated Map Amendment - CPA-2020-0003 _ ... A. _ _ ___ . , .,A 1 ,---1 —ska.grlii A licant: S okane Valle  � pp p y T T5 �: El DaIto n1ve Owner: Spokane Valley �_* z1I1= [Application Area liJ u Amendment: Change from 1 ff ' JE Euclid_Ave�i 1 Industrial (I) to Parks, Recreation �s,'—r. � .- Sfi / /� and Open Space (P/OS) E g�Ep!/� Li ?s ,/ frrne 1 r� Legend ,_c 0:15 CMU NC L y3.1 fa U;. I POS I JID EJMan'sfie'Id Zat I IMu RC MF SF U I no•AY J__1 MU E KrIoz Lr.fa m o E r. . l E -E_In.naAve_z v 'p-1 li FL E id 7-pr-Ave �Qi 0 230 460 690 9201150 % 3 1 1 1 1, aw I Feet 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive i earl uuu_ 4= CPA-2020-0003 - Pre-applicat ion Analysis Expands the P/OS by —46 ac _ . ,.. .----, s.-',,i....t,::':'' No critical areas Supports Park Level of -tots , ` $ . w � ... i Service *,. „ ,,:v._. . F • c 5 �{�� . .: ,,•, ii.... ,, , tNewl acquired property for t 's` , p x'•� T?" �� ,park f rl ' fig � , P_• r _}�5i*p,-,� C .� !0. ---,,. -- ‘.;ompatible with surrounding � ° l uses _ C ,, ��• '�' � R !n' � �f �l •y may{ v! j t 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket City Initiated Text Amendment - CPA-2020-0003 . , Applicant: Spokane Valley Owner: N/A (policy only) ovatiey Goals F Amendment: Add goals, CHAPTER policies, and strategies to Policies & formalize the City's position on - =- _ Strategies homeless shelters --_ 1 ... L • 1. Spokane Valley Comprehensive Pla 2017-2037 ADOPTED:DECEMBER 2016 BY ORDINANCE NO.16-01B; AMENDED BY ORDINANCE:18-018;19.OG4;20-008 • iaieirrric.a.rrvrvnyarmax�.cyaa•.w.rimavaum%vri..�ir vrvovzvrarfr�iywnriw�,cvie�is»;wi 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 11 CPA-2020-0003 - Pre-application Analysis Protects and enhances quality of life Supports continued regional Housing g GOALS H-Gd Allow fora bread range of lousing opportunities to meet the needs cooperation of the thedev to STRATEGIES H-G2 Enable development of affordable housing for all income levels. ldendfy lrvw-and medemtr Income housing needs H-G3 Allay,convenient access to daily goods and services in Spokane Cony evaluate ne Valley's neighborhoods, homing typologies is moos Addresses continuing emerging ' „H: ° AOLICI ES �..... A,H-Pi Support voluntary efforts by property owners to rehabilitate and preservebuildings of historic value and unique character. regional need H-P2 Adapt development regulations that expand housing choices by allowing innovative housing types including tiny homes.accessory dwelling units,pre-fabricated homes,co-housing,,cottage housing, and other housing types. H-P3 Support the development of affordable housing units using available Formalizes City s action to develop financial and regulatory tools H-P4 Enable the creation of lousing for resident individuals and families needing assistance from social and human service providers. H-P5 Enable a variety of housing types at increased densities within Mmile implementing regulations of funded high performance transit networks. H-P6 Preserve and enhance the ci established single-family s neighborhoods by minimizing the impacts of more dense housing typologies such as duplexes and cottage development. 11/17/2020 Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 12 Next Meeting Motion Consideration November 24, 2020 stioliane Valley® Administrative Report-2021 Comprehensive Plan Docket 13 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17, 2020 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Valley Mission Horse Arena Master Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of the 2006, 2013, and 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Approval of the 2020 Master Fee Schedule. Council Decision on 1/7/20 to remove horse arena structures. Admin Report 7/7/20 concerning surplus of property. 07/21/20 Council approved Resolution 20-011 Declaring Horse Arena Property Surplus. BACKGROUND: When the City incorporated in 2003, one of the facilities that was inherited from Spokane County was the Horse Arena (Arena) at Valley Mission Park. On February 23, 2006, a fire destroyed 31 horse stables and damaged the existing restroom. From 2003 through 2009, riding groups rented the Arena 5-10 times annually. Rental revenue did not cover maintenance costs. Beginning in 2010, the rentals decreased significantly and there have been no rentals the past six years. The Arena was discussed in the 2006 Parks and Recreation Master Plan along with the updates that were completed in 2013 and 2019. In 2006, it was suggested to give consideration to removing the Arena and converting it to another recreational use. The 2013 plan expanded on this concept indicating that an assessment and public process should be undertaken to evaluate the potential to transition the Arena to a different facility type such as a skate park. Finally, the 2019 update contained a specific recommendation to develop a master plan to replace the Horse Arena and stables area with a bicycle pump track and/or a skate park. The Arena formerly consisted of a riding arena, an A-Frame press box and several covered stables and the condition of the Arena and related facilities was poor. With Council's January 2020 authorization, the arena structures were removed. Staff has completed the public process related to the development of a master plan for the horse arena area at Valley Mission Park. The draft master plan will be presented to the City Council for Council's review and input. OPTIONS: (1) Council consensus to bring back a motion consideration for approving the master plan; or (2) take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to proceed with a motion consideration on the horse arena master plan as outlined by staff. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Mike Stone, Parks and Recreation Director ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation /,;: ,a ,.,, ,. ,. ,+ rr + .c - • rwr-if _f ___________ ti W ,G likil a le Mission = - A rena Master Plan November 17, 2020 sitionliaSpôIane ' S P V V ,fr.. Valle ` LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Y 1 , . • — .. . ._— . . Camp Skni Perk .,.-. 1„:1c..4 '''''., '' • . "..." -'i---... __,..„_,.....7,,..._ .,1 oo ,....,071). -, .• . r I , PEacico..3 PO 1-!:,--.-F I....iry,,,E,22. 1 — . , . .:.,..-,-. .e..'lb tq,:,..„" r, I ,-;.iN. . E • ' .."`. ,,i4 .'.. ...-_ ''''.4,-rE iMM I , .r.,'-' . , .. .- . - , hri. ; ..":‘ • la*. _ 4' , 1.''.:_, 4 '. - ' ' ' ''''' ''' ' . 1 '.'1;.4.--::71.-1 lr.r '' '''.1 ' r • ., r.. -?.,. ..-- ' , 11 • ______________ Valley Missioni-ifiaw.. (Th. .. . .., , L -a-..403Rot-sv . .,,•__ ..„ vokaneRfver_ Park... . .. , •„.,..,s,,,,, ,:ir„„ ,..„,,r 1111 I 'f, i ...... " , . -. -- ,.....%-, .• , i a .• 4 ' ‘- .ir' - ,700...... , ,.. . -.-• - ' : --..;... II* P . r,' • .' ''44 '''‘ ' • i , . _ .• I i I - • , .- 1 "-• . 4 0 .4 .PI - . , , ,... „ I.- OM ,igial .11 .. . , .....0, .- .,.-.4 IA , KA ME,al. l'Amiq.". '. . 0 I _r, . , : . . ,,, •.,1,. _... _ .. _, , . .. ' P ,.."41. • -• •••!--,?"'"- ' _. L . .....-_------,_,,, $11 • p_____. - i . .. . . ...• ce 1( -a g•D . '4 10 . :t'•, — . ;13 , . .. „ 'r 490 1411111111 * .... ' . . . .0 . . . , . . . •.. .1 .i-.- ..".. C . - . ' - - 6 . ... >011) . I \°' . :'".4., • C ce „..„,,,,,. dr1 Sul '•- ce II t . •- 4.1 - • — - , t ..__,.,..E A.Vi-- ..'”” -=':.-• 'r---E 13,4•4•14y Me',.. - W if q-,-..hif 4...!,.A,* ''_,-""- - ILl , ,P ' . . ,•--- . 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I *IMP . -41141715.111101116- U) . .....` •NMI X (111) SPVV et`, io• LANDSCAPE_MO IIIECT: 11 WINTER WINDS r ■— ' —J SPLASH DOWN >111 r y ACCESS ROAD TO >- iy V 1 F+, BE MAINTAINED f.". --/ \-}r- / - \\V\\ OLD HORSE - I 1 ARENA FOR r OVERHEAD �,�' EXISTING A / REDEVELOPMENT /IJe I PpWER LINES VEGETATION, u (1113 E OVERGROWN J - x AND CREATING I (� NUISANCE4()IP _ __ JJ f ( AREAS -- ----.� f ( EXISTING HILLSIDE cii ,- r 11' WITH BARRIER �.._fi4.0 �_�`�/ I 1 FENCING SLOPE - ‹. POTENTIAL CONFLICT AREA BETWEEN ISM II! ` ACTIVITIES O -- -� SLOPE ��' f" SLOPE - PEDESTRIAN 7 -, N. C CONNECTION L NEEDED BETWEEN w ,ti BOWDISH ROAD- UPPER AND LOWER OLD POND STEEP GRADE. CD AREAS OF THE PARK -�°' AREA FOR GRAVEL,AND REDEVELOPMENT V� ACCESSIBILITYes \\\ ISSUES PARK S AR } DOG P C • ,,,_,A, J.-) (?._ . EXISTING PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY .a. MISSION AVENUE 1rM 1 11 11 }r _ 1t SUMMER&CHINOOK SPVV ' WINTER WINDS . N6, 12 IANL)SC'Af I ARCS IIT[CT5 Public Participation Process (l) • Virtual Open House, September 30, 2020 (9 participants) 4) (.) • Virtual Open House, October 14, 2020 (63 participants) O a • Public feedback via phone calls (8) and emails (51 ) 2 SPVV lANUSCAPL ARCS IITECTS Food Greenhouse(1) Horseshoes(1) New Water Park(1) Food Truck/Snack Shack(1) Cornhole(1) Futsal(1) 1% Mini Golf(1) More Dog Park(1) 1% 1% 1% I Climbing Wall (1) I Velodrome(1) 1% I 1% �/� Playground(1) `// I _ Shelter(1) CD1% Ornamental Gardens(2) Bike Pump Track(40) 44% O2% Amphitheater(2) 2% • Exercise Areas(3) 3% Pickleball(6)7% 11P Requested Park Amenities Skate Park(25) i 28% Park Amenity (#Votes) r r IANI)5 API.ARCI!PICTS Votes By Top Park Amenities Requested tu) V IIiIIIIIIiiiiiw'9 V `4V + 411=1 If P =r; -. �. CL 1 . SPVV ♦'� [ANL 5CAPI MO IITECTS " t.' Y .. 4 ' /i ._ p .ter i r •+ -nig° 11:;':-, ' ,,-'1. t! ram°;?'' ''• , ,• i1p -` ,�r�`' ... - y 3 Y �_4 rR y 4 y -fit k v a .:-..• S _• "'�. ' ' .S*- vim ?. r � ..- �F< vfla� ,'. .yam -'1 r a !$ . le.:411:1" MC ' Op_ -,re,r-, . -.... . 'It"' ': spvv ' bike pump track LANDSCAPE.ARCS IIiECT5 t it - 4`k 1 ---Y ter._ _'�. iat' � `�� Ems._.. -�i '^ .;;tea, r �` �1 - - - • '"-'- •''' --.---- - •- ,_ _ . _ ..___ i it I.......,__.--___,---,_ .trZ,v,.,,.,-'-,:, ^: _ _ _._,....--- ...., ,....„:,:-: - __ -7-- '.- - ' -....matillie '009.: - -.'' ' ,--'--.---,:44- N.' sPvV ' bike pump track IANUSCAPf ARCS IITECTS _ r.. '�4 r ' r'I • fig ,�� f .> y " r .- -...ins 7—4. J - Y rIONIMMIONy s�. . - h try Ns = .. a) _.. . . ,,.:.;,.. - • ..... ..,. .r.. v. . r _i_ _ __ uory 1 - - ___... 4 Cl) iliff _ )1 .a. _ a.) : ..______--- . . :, ..... • .. ._ . - _ ..� F ,.30 . . _ ... . .. „. . .., . . 5 �r v P ' skate park LANDSCAPE.ARCS IITECT5 18 Cl) _...,..minie. ..... pipirini:I*14t • jp , 410. _._ -... co ! - , ^1 I _ cu _____ ,, , , _---- — - 1:::: _ . .!,..p ,.,.. .., ..1•14 If I -''-- - • INWIIIIMIrtilliillailkilli.": a) a) 3 Pavilion Park, Liberty Lake SPV its" skate park IANUSCAPI.ARCS IITECTS ` 4rN+ L 1 y'� xt F + r t 9 K ►; • .•t ,, ��R.4.-• ,. :,-....7.-wr. . .. ,:_, J.,.......4k:,,,,.:. . . _ '_ -{Y / _ - 1. Y _ a. v +r NM :. lilir_007 d r ii q.4s. r i y� e ' a 1 .� , . • 1* E a) 4-,--.r -- --- , ` '_____=__,,, . -!E co o sr (i) to ., lila. ail _ ,_ park shelter 20 I..; • . . . ... . , .:, .; .. ' • . " ..°.:': r ' °' . . • . . , .. . . ' '.:4- . • - .: .... •E' - ••' '•-•---ir Cl) ....1'..',.,-. :. • : . . . , ... ,,,,. . . ,, •:' ,..V4. -, C . ii ..• ' ' ".4 , . D ' 'Ad At • •- • _. • - . .L••• -• It 11 4' .4 -,. -.•. ,'er.;'',.1 rir - ,1' 1•,,;- . ;... , -' •) . - • • .. .,.... -, ,.,1 ..-•• 7-,' . . . . ,.., ., ... . ,:..: ,F......... . • . .-'.' .--' ,.. ..,.„.•.. • .7, . . = --_-. - - -. - . -- • ' 1 . "7' ''' . • . 4-2.- •-• ' )•••• . .• . • . . _ --, ' • ,. , .,. Sim • if '4'-*-77:' I,' - -;•:,• !•„--. A ......., •• , . . . . .. . ... . . -.. ., ..• 0 • • ''• •: '-''z'L .,- t'°:„.;, . ! --, 1.E . . ..., ,. . . - . ,.. - • L.I 7 . • 4"Ald•-'''7 . , _ le - . • ._--'' ---1 •-.- -- •.,.:,..PIM,. 1:111 . • 7 • - _ 1•015m1, . _._ -; . • . I T..--... . . , L • 0 i• 4'''''.? lit..46'.--:- .-i ..N.• . .. 4 r..1....-.1,...—..— .. 1 L. .. .. ..- . . . _ _..—.-..... .. ' ... C - . - •- . - -... - . . .4.4'. . . -.1 . .. ... .. 0 _.... -minis . • . _.a ,., ...... . ' . - -_...- - ...,r,- -- - IIM ' t' ..,--- . . ,-,•'air,• - -• -1 ..,..-...- .... --- , .. - •-5 „, ' .. - - - ,. . 4*{t,.."....1 ... : ...i • ....-' . .1•1111.• -.. .. .- • - .• SI= . •-.- ,-41 - ;• P• .0. . •- , . ... • A... • ......? .6-411 ...- ", " ..._ al . 1... : a • v ' , CDI,••a——iaar.• —- -ill • - . 111= • . . . • • • . • • .. • . walking paths SPVV LANDSCAPE.MO!PICTS 21 GM DTI, D ENHANCE'VEGETATION auEFER :,. .. v-•.: .lAZA sni w:ckauE ♦� •\ T _ i' _ E-R1 T3E ` "�#Jwl i' f` 7 "� - �,� � � P:'KING-'la 5TAL6 - J RELOCATE-� F.irr _ `r _ T _ a SCREEN •. - -_—�'—_ LANDSCAPE AREA 4 _ PARKS • '. WASTE EXISTING \ y /liK`{ �py�� ,4!- " CONTAINER VEGEiRT10N "` •"� *N!�°. ^" y' .1 MANAGEMENT f 1.V '�` -f ( � r -RESTROCMS - _ ) SKATE PARE .. _ :r-7Ctl SO F: — Ai 1 •: ' p�_A� -PUMP TRACK Sp R7 - NS" . . i).' -0 a 1 a k ' 1f V 1 f JR"!; l CD LAWN PERM FOR MOVIES ANO f • f PERFORMANCES . ► \ i IMPROVE ROWDIER ROAD E ____ r.__ .. _ - S'IELTER EVENT 14 C +v..• - - SPACE .1 PAIN.S WOE 1 ` `1 ^ EXISTING .' q. VEGETATION #: f MANAGEMENT Dog Park b 0 -- r/' , tali _ � Mission Avenue 51' VV _! LANDSCAPE ARCS IITECTS s# — ° '� ', ' �Y��i, 22 - a • - _ -lb' ENHANCE VEGETATION R • ♦ 'may al T4M'AC+4 , so r ! •-KING-1 l9 STALL �� � RELOCATES --.._ .$F' .__ - O SCREEN ----_ _ - - - - - _ r�% --LANDSCAPE AREA PARKS _ ti +�L; WHSTE EXPSTING 1! rl'i IJtSi r r CONTAINER VEGEfA"I ION r "/ �d� . _ �_ SIr MANAt'FMEN7 r /� r -RESTROOMS CODOA CtSw -y_ Puw ,-_ . --.... PUMP TRACK- AREA - (4 APPROX 15006 ' 11 T I id .7 'i .LAWN \ - ' 1 BERM FOR (D Qc:III "�� MOVIES AND n - r -_ f�^' PERFORMANCES yr IMPROVE �� .- �yy ROWOISH ROAD CtSs Cl. • COI) r E . r 4 Dog Park v • N • i�j -=,t. . Mission Avenue - 51' VV - LANDSCAPE.ARCI!PICTS .v, I, - - Y• --. 23 Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Subtotal Total General Site Items and Demolition Clearing and Grubbing ac. $ 2,600.00 3 $ 6,500.00 U) $ 6,500.00 Earthwork CD 613 Rough Grading s.f. $ 0.75 50,000 $ 37,500.00 Fine Grading s.f. $ 0.20 50,000 $ 10,000.00 (1) $ 47,500.00 co Utilities Water G) Fire Hydrant Assembly ea. $ 3,700.00 3 $ 11,100.00 aSewer (1) Sewer Improvements, Including Lift Station lump $ 140,000.00 1 $ 140,000.00 rs 0 Electrical C.) 200A service to lower park area ea. $ 5,000.00 1 $ 5,000.00 Trenching/miscellaneous lump $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,000.00 O Site Lighting Om Parking Lot Area: Lighting (16'-20'poles @ 50'o.c.) ea. $ 4,000.00 18 $ 72,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 230,100.00 Wi Hardscape .1..r Parking Lot&Turnaround (3" over 6" CSTC) s.y. $ 40.00 4,556 $ 182,222.22 Cl) Concrete Curbing (6"x16"City Std.) I.f. $ 18.00 1,530 $ 27,540.00 (s = Concrete Walk/Area (4"concrete over 4" CSTC) s.f. $ 5.50 790 $ 4,345.00 EO Asphalt Path (2" HMA over 6" CSBC) s.f. $ 2.50 2,600 $ 6,500.00 V $ 220,607.22 Irrigation - Automatic Irrigation System s.f. $ 0.86 102,000 $ 87,720.00 ,IA SUB-TOTAL SPVV $ 87,720.00 IANUSCAPI MO IITECTS Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Subtotal Total 13 C Landscaping 0 got Planting Areas (Ornamental) s.f. $ 5.00 11,800 $ 59,000.00 Planting Area (Native) s.f. $ 3.50 25,718 $ 90,013.00 4-1 Lawn (Hydro-seeded) s.f. $ 0.14 65,000 $ 9,100.00 CD 6 Soil Mounding c.y. $ 27.00 1,175 $ 31,725.00 th E Trees - Deciduous (3" Cal.) ea. $ 500.00 27 $ 13,500.00 iti ■. Trees - Evergreen ( up to 8') ea. $ 450.00 30 $ 13,500.00 Trees - Flowering (2" Cal.) ea. $ 400.00 8 $ 3,200.00 G) Vegetation Management Area s.f. $ 0.50 43,000 $ 21,500.00 a AW SUB-TOTAL $ 220,038.00 rs O Site Amenities V Asphalt Pump Tracks (Adult & Tikes, W/Lawn & Irrigation) s.f. $ 31.00 17,000 $ 527,000.00 CU Artificial Turf Interior (Add Alt. -- $85,000) 0. 0 Fencing/Gates I.f. $ 65.00 500 $ 32,500.00 ■.�..r Restroom Building - CXT Arapahoe lump $ 150 000.00 1 $ 150,000.00 I. V Playground Area (2-5 Yrs) lump $ 40,000.00 1 $ 40,000.00 W i Resilient Surfacing I.s. $ 40,000.00 1 $ 40,000.00 Gates for Maintenance Access at Turnaround lump $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 0 Cl) SUB-TOTAL _ $ 795,500.00 O V GRAND TOTAL Subtotal $1,607,965.22 Soft Costs 40.00% $ 643,186.09 iii Grand Total $ 2,251,151.31 SPVV IANUSCAPI MO IITECTS r• es d. �, s - _ T - ENHANCE VEGETATION T c-r} ' /�BUFFER �i, ] .I .SHADE a� '. ff r T R_. P . _ e�� 0 •.-KING-liD STALL N RELOCATE& __ T� I e SCREEN Y ,- I � .a ` .-- PARKS _ 1'LANDSGAPE AREA y`. �'�]•_L- I T ASER EXISTING _ I?`�- �+ �� - • 7' 'F L.CONTAINER VEG[Grmrnr —� Y `�` MANAGFMPNT (jr.--), d �'� fin./. ---RESTROOMS C) S%A€-APPROX �� ._ _ or i ......_, .IS DEE #.c--)tt:iie APPRO}{ .- "''3333�IIII _ i . iM PHASE 2 - „, >: ` AREA LAWN -BERM FOR } MOVIES AND �; n _ — *.- PERFORMANCES a- IMPROVE ROWDISH ROAD • Sim -. "1/4 lim. - Jai - COI) ' ' ,J`_ -� `'. Dog 'i NAt tark ,t ..'Ai _- _ d ' �( J, , NORTH r - � � w Mission Avenue - - _ 5PVV �'� —� w--- — - LANUSC-API MO IITECTS ' I f— 26 Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Subtotal Total General Site Items and Demolition Clearing and Grubbing ac. $ 2,600.00 5 $ 13,000.00 $ 13,000.00 Earthwork Cl) Rough Grading s.f. $ 0.75 30,000 $ 22,500.00 N G) Fine Grading s.f. $ 0.20 30,000 $ 6,000.00 mlW cu ( Utilities $ 28,500.00 a Electrical 30A pedestal ea. $ 2,500.00 6 $ 15,000.00 Trenching/miscellaneous lump $ 8,000.00 1 $ 8,000.00 CU II; SUB-TOTAL $ 23,000.00 Hardscape Concrete Walk/Area(4"concrete over 4" CSTC) s.f. $ 5.50 9,010 $ 49,555.00 rs 0 $ 49,555.00 CV Irrigation CU Automatic Irrigation System s.f. $ 0.86 2,000 $ 1,720.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 1,720.00 O •0 Landscaping vI..r Planting Areas(Ornamental) s.f. $ 5.00 200 $ 1,000.00 I V Lawn (Hydro-seeded) s.f. $ 0.14 1,800 $ 252.00 CD M Soil Mounding c.y. $ 27.00 25 $ 675.00 Trees Flowering (2"Cal.) ea. $ 400.00 5 $ 2,000.00 lima " $ 3,927.00 0 `71) SUB-TOTAL RS Site Amenities Shade Sails in Plaza lump $ 60,000.00 1 $ 60,000.00 E 0 Skate Park(In-Ground&Above Ground Features) s.f. $ 50.00 12,000 $ 600,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 660,000.00 r - GRAND TOTAL Subtotal $ 779,702.00 5 1' V irr Soft Costs 40.00% $ 311,880.80 IANUSCAPL ARCS!PICTS Grand Total $ 1,091,582.80 CM -\, . a ,,J,1,, . .., ' �.p. - - ENHANCE VEGETATION ..3#*, ;', .� ..,411M114 -...,. , ,;-v-., BUFFER r lA]R th,F:ctiauE . \� 6 I' -. It " 4, ,0 . .. ire iS„ 9oKING-1195TAL M -� RELOCATE - F - iv - __- - , e e SCREEN - -. -.. -_ - 4 PARKS r ` I LANDSCAPE AREA ` • � WASTE EXISTING • , - CONTAINER VEGkl A1I(}NMANACIENIFNT "P " R'I� ! - - - - r �I •Y^, ( _- --RESTROOMS gritJJJJJJ SKATE OFTARK •• F20005O FT -,,, • i ( / P 4" r�? � —"-PUMP TRACK- ice' f ( e ,rf a >�` . A{. x, i',,. SOFT X.15.000 Sp FT - i� ,,;, . a. :, PHASE 3 "'i `` ,"- ., AREA \`'goi — t r s _�M NA LAWN _--, " _ FOR MOVIES AND f - !/ ,`� @ PERFORMANCES -'1 IMPROVE f ROWDISH ROAD ,a, . . . _ .. - S'ELTERIEVENT SPACE �" _ PAI H.SW1E Cl) Fr �� Vr _ CtS ,G EXISTING w VEGETATION MANAGEMENT 11 Dog Park v .., •.. r Mission Avenue 4--=111r-` SPVV _ ,:. :t,. £,_E,_wa ,-ems 28 LANDSCAPEMO IITECTS Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Subtotal Total Earthwork Rough Grading s.f. $ 0.75 20000 $ 15,000.00 Fine Grading s.f. $ 0.20 20000 $ 4,000.00 el ; $ 19,000.00 CD 613 (1) Hardscape co (n Concrete Area for Shelter(4" concrete over 4" CSTC) s.f. $ 5.50 2,300 $ 12,650.00 Asphalt Path (2" HMA over 6" CSBC) s.f. $ 2.50 16,266 $ 40,665.00 (1) $ 53,315.00 rs 0 C V Site Amenities O Upper Shelter lump $ 40,000.00 1 $ 40,000.00 ■. SUB-TOTAL $ 40,000.00 L V CD i lima 0 (n GRAND TOTAL Subtotal $ 112,315.00 RS E O V Soft Costs 40.00% $ 44,926.00 Grand Total $ 157,241.00 i 'i SPVV IANUSCAPI MO IITECTS -a' o-' ��,* 4F -r ,s ate, > r v.4.. 'I_'' F ,- _,. nv.' ! :.` _ _ - 'ilk^- z u4= - - ':. i _ ., ..:n..- { = �-- Iiscussion and Next Steps p s ....--•'\,.....,tiokane M SPVV � ValleyLANDSCAPE ARCHECTS 30 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 17, 2020 Department Director Approval: Fl Check all that apply :n consent n old business n new business n public hearing n information Fl admin. report n pending legislation n executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative report—municipal tree care Code provisions. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.11.020. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Administrative Report regarding Tree City USA program March 17, 2020; Arbor Day Proclamation April 18, 2020. BACKGROUND: Council previously indicated an interest in participating in the Tree City USA program. The Tree City USA program is a nationwide program designed by the Arbor Day Foundation to promote responsible public tree care and management. The program has four requirements. First, a city must create a tree board, or appoint someone to take responsibility for tree care. Second, a city must establish a tree care ordinance which outlines public tree care,planting,and maintained standards, and identifies permitted and prohibited tree activities. Third, a city must have a community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita. Finally, the city must make an Arbor Day Proclamation. After completing the four requirements, a city must submit a Tree City USA application. Currently, more than 3,400 communities have become Tree City USA members. The City has met two of the four requirements. First,the City had an Arbor Day Proclamation on April 18,2020. Second, as presented in the March 17,2020 administrative report,the City has the necessary funds to dedicate at least$2 per capita towards public tree care. The proposed Code provisions fulfill the remaining Tree City USA requirements. Under the proposed Code, the City Manager or designee would be responsible for public tree care and management. Also, staff will create a tree planting standard guide modeled from the planting guide located in chapter 22.70 SVMC, Appendix 22-A. Additionally,the proposed Code would prohibit public tree removal without the City's written consent, and prohibit various damaging acts towards public trees. Finally, any violation would be a class 2 infraction and the City would have full authority to enforce violations. Adoption of the tree care Code provisions would make the City eligible to apply for Tree City USA status. OPTIONS: (1) Consensus to proceed to a first reading at a future Council meeting; or (2) take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to proceed to first reading at a subsequent meeting. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Undetermined. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Stone, Parks and Recreation Director; Cary Driskell, City Attorney; Carly Johnson, Legal Intern. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint presentation; draft public tree care Code provisions. Ms .* r Y r s - * , ,, „+" +' ► r SF'. yrt �p tt, ti� of - ffi • 0-•,. 44 f r �� _, i • - c.4 - , k '+ w`_ i 211r111 J ;Y yr; } ' � f a. ,t _ — ' 1 ' r• Ak- 4.— i ''� :== TJii! rL '� a �. _ :;. r- • 74 -'-a4"1-ril; ir • : -a,,='; 4.' fin 7.2 - _ `a p �r`= P 1°tia ' = we. �,� 71 " �� _ji"oli e. f • Spokane 5 Valley i * r. ..-1.1,6,. r t . ! t JPy afk y `k Y a i s .A.: i `• ` . 1 " : '`-h�{ City of Spokane Valley Municipal Tree Ordinance low, cv, Atn, 10.111 - _ . , ii t -- Process to Become a Tree City USA V f rif • Meet all four criteria • Apply for status • Designation is for one year • Status requires an annual renewal application { i 'r 2 iekk y = Eligibility Requirements to be Named a g y a Tree City USA • A department or tree board • A tree care ordinance • A community forestry program with an annual .-¢ budget of at least $2 per capita • An Arbor Day proclamation and observance +.Y m1^ 3 � � What isa Tree Care Ordinance • A public tree ordinance encourages beautification, air cooling and purification, noise abatement, property value enhancement, and many other attributes • Also enables city government to prevent and control destructive insects and diseases, avoid unnecessary costs and liability from hazardous trees ti and tree-related accidents and protects residents k ". from unscrupulous or careless operators • Important tool for proper tree care — delegating authority to a department or board and establishing protection and regulation for public trees 4 : Municipal Highlights hli p g g 1VP r • • Purpose is to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by regulating the planning, maintenance and removal of trees on City-owned property within the COSV • Pursuant to RCW 35A. 11.020, cities are authorized to improve, maintain, protect, regulate, use and `r. beautify public ways and public property ti • Allows for the development of: k ". • Planting standards to govern the planting and maintenance of all public trees that are not street trees • Recommended Planting List 5 ;116';'" Municipal Highlights hli p g g y ` . • City Manager or designee would be responsible for rif public tree care and management • Staff will create a tree planting standard guide modeled from the planting guide located in chapter 22.70 SVMC, Appendix 22-A • Code would prohibit public tree removal without the City's written consent and prohibits various , damaging acts towards public trees { • Any violation would be a class 2 infraction and the .` City would have full authority to enforce violations 6 : . � Recommendations " ' . • Adopt Municipal Tree Ordinance which outlines the process for managing the urban forest • Track annual expenditures — Need $2/capita • Continue to have an Arbor Day celebration and proclamation • Submit application to become a Tree City USA +.Y m1^ 7 • QUESTIONS????? £ , " . � P. �^ ar 1.4 �' y i T lf . ,.. J R ti J7 a • ° `� a d++ Irv° .A. IN ' + J. yy 1 .. 4. - � d • a • - , 1 Chapter 6.01 Municipal Tree Care Sections: 6.01.010 Purpose. 6.01.020 Definitions. 6.01.030 Authority. 6.01.040 Planting standards. 6.01.050 Public tree removal. 6.01.060 Abuse of public trees prohibited. 6.01.070 Interference with City. 6.01.080 Nonliability of the City. 6.01.090 Violation. 6.01.010. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by regulating the planning, maintenance, and removal of trees on City-owned property within the City of Spokane Valley. 6.01.020. Definitions. "City Manager"means the City Manager,or designee,or contracting entity chosen by the City. "Maintain"or"maintenance"means the entire care of trees,including but not limited to,the preparation of ground,fertilizing,mulching,planting, spraying,trimming,pruning,topping and root control. "Public tree" means any tree growing in or upon a City planting strip, right-of-way, park, or other City- owned property,including street trees. "Recommended Planting List" means the recommended planting species list adopted in SVMC 22.70, Appendix 22-A. "Street tree"means any tree located upon property within the improved right-of-way in the City. 6.01.030. Authority. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020,cities are authorized to improve,maintain,protect,regulate,use and beautify public ways and public property. As such, the City Manager is authorized to designate the planting, pruning,maintenance and removal of public trees as may be necessary to ensure public safety or to preserve or enhance the symmetry and beauty of such public grounds. Trees that would otherwise be regulated under chapter 7.05 SVMC(public nuisance trees)or chapter 22.70 SVMC (landscaping and street tree standards) shall be regulated by those chapters. 6.01.040. Planting standards. A. Street trees shall be planted pursuant to SVMC 22.70.060. B. The City Manager shall authorize the creation of planting standards to govern the planting and maintenance of all public trees that are not street trees. The planting standards shall include provisions including, but not limited to, spacing requirements, planting distances from curbs and sidewalks, and planting near utility lines. The City shall confer with electrical utility providers within the City regarding Page 1 of 2 these standards. The planting standards shall include the Recommended Planting List;and,at the discretion of the City Manager,may include other species. C. The City Manager may authorize the approval of planting of public trees outside of the Recommended Planting List. 6.01.050. Public tree removal. A. All public trees found by and/or reported to the City Manager to be dead, dying, diseased, or in an otherwise dangerous condition likely to cause damage, shall be removed, and the City Manager may authorize the replacement all such trees as allocation of resources permit. B. When any public tree is removed,the City Manager shall cause to have the stump of said tree completely removed, which may include grinding the stump to a depth of at least one foot below the surrounding average finished grade. Adequate topsoil shall be used to fill the hole created by the removal of said stump, including accounting for settling of the topsoil. C. Trees on private property meeting the definition of a public nuisance pursuant to SVMC 7.05.040(A) shall be addressed pursuant to chapter 7.05 SVMC. 6.01.060. Abuse of public trees prohibited. A. No person shall damage, remove, or cause the damage or removal of a public tree without written permission from the City Manager. B. No person shall attach or place any rope or wire (other than one used to support the tree itself), sign, poster,handbill, or other thing to any public tree. Exceptions with regard to public trees within parks, if any exceptions exist,may be found in chapter 6.05 SVMC. C. No person shall cause or permit any wire charged with electricity,with the exception of decorative lights for a period not exceeding 45 days per year,to come into contact with any public tree. D. No person shall allow any gaseous liquid,or solid substance which is harmful to such trees to come into contact with the roots or leaves of public trees. 6.01.070. Interference with the City. No person shall prevent,delay,or interfere with the city or any of its agents,while engaging in the planting, maintenance,or removal of any public trees. 6.01.080. Nonliability of City. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to impose any liability upon the City,or upon any of its officers or employees, nor to relieve the owner or occupant of any private property from the duty to keep trees and other vegetation upon private property or property under his control in a safe condition pursuant to chapter 7.05 SVMC. 6.01.090. Violation. Any person found to have violated any provision of this chapter shall have committed a class 2 infraction. For violations of this chapter,the City shall have all authority under the law to enforce violations,including but not limited to use of injunctive remedies through superior court. However, conduct that constitutes a violation of chapter 7.05 SVMC shall be penalized pursuant to chapter 7.05 SVMC. Page 2 of 2 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of November 12,2020; 10:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress;items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Nov 24,2020,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Nov 171 1.First Reading Ordinance 20-022 for 2020 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Public Hearing#3—2021 Budget— Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3.First Reading Ordinance 20-023 Adopting 2021 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 4. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 5. Second Read Ordinance 20-024 Amends Title 17.80; &Title 20, Subdivision Regs. Connor Lange(10 mins) 6. Second Reading Ordinance 20-025 Garland Ave Street Vacation—Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 7.Motion Consideration: Browns Park Playground& Shelter Bid—Bill Helbig,Mike Stone (10 minutes) 8.Motion Consideration: Comp Plan Docket— Chaz Bates,Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 9.Admin Report: Code Text Amendment: Transportation Impact Fees—Bill Helbig (15 minutes) 10.Admin Report: LTAC Recommendations to Council— Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 11.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick (5 minutes) 12. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports [*estimated meeting: 110 mins] Dec 1,2020,Study Session, 6:00 p.m. - Cancelled due to Thanksgiving Holiday December 8,2020,Regular Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Dec 1] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 20-022 for 2020 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. Second Reading Ordinance 20-023 Adopting 2021 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 4.First Reading Ordinance 20-026 Transportation Impact Fees—Bill Helbig (15 minutes) 5.First Reading Ordinance 20-027 Municipal Tree Ordinance—Mike Stone, Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration: Award Lodging Tax for 2021 — Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 7.Admin Report: 2021 Fee Resolution— Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 85 mins] Dec 15,2020, Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Dec 81 ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Ordinance 20-026 Transportation Impact Fees—Bill Helbig (10 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 20-027 Municipal Tree Ordinance—Mike Stone,Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 3. Resolution for 2021 Fees — Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 4.Motion Consideration: Street& Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Contract—John Hohman (10 minutes) 5.Motion Consideration: Street Sweeping Contract—John Hohman (10 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration: Horse Arena Master Plan—Mike Stone (15 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 70 mins] December 22,2020,Regular Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Dec 15] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report: Report on Bid Award,Barker Grade Separation Project—Bill Helbig (15 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 25 mins] Dec 29,2020, Study Session,6:00 p.m. Cancelled due to Christmas Holiday Draft Advance Agenda 11/12/2020 1:48:54 PM Page 1 of 2 Jan 5,2021,Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Dec 291 ACTION ITEMS: 1.Mayoral Appointments: Councilmembers to Committees—Mayor Wick (15 minutes) 2.Mayoral Appointments: Planning Commissioners—Mayor Wick (10 minutes) 3.Mayoral Appointments: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee —Mayor Wick (10 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 4.Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick (5 minutes) 5. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports(normally would have been Dec 29) [*estimated meeting: 40 mins] Jan 12,2021,Regular Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Jan 5] Proclamation: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) Jan 19,2021, Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Jan 121 Jan 26,2021,Regular Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Jan 19] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Appleway Trail Amenities Arts Council Sculpture Presentations Artwork&Metal Boxes Comcast Cable Franchise Core Beliefs Resolution Flashing Beacons/School Signage Health District Stats Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Park Lighting PFD Presentation SPEC Report/Update St. Illumination(owners,cost,location) St. O&M Pavement Preservation Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Water Districts&Green Space Way Finding Signs Winter Workshop Draft Advance Agenda 11/12/2020 1:48:54 PM Page 2 of 2