2021, 03-23 Formal MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Tuesday, March 23, 2021 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting 10210E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: In response to Govemor Inslee's March 24, 2020 Proclamation concerning the COVID-19 Emergency, which waives and suspends the requirement to hold in -person meetings and provides options for the public to attend remotely, physical public attendance at Spokane Valley Council meetings are suspended until the Governor's order has been rescinded or amended. Therefore, until further notice, a live feed of the meeting will be available on our website and on Comcast channel 14. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as "public comment opportunity," will be accepted via the following links, and must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. • Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling -In • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting • Join the Zoom WEB Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATION: Vietnam Veterans' Day GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY Ill: Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments and indicate if you want to speak at General Public Comment Opportunity [1] or [2]. Citizens may only speak at one or the other, but not both. If there is no indication of which comment opportunity, you will be placed in the first. The link will guide you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep the remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on March 23, 2021, Request for Council Action Form: $1,772,018.88 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 15, 2021: $391,577.67 c. Approval of March 2, 2021 Council meeting minutes, study session d. Approval of March 9, 2021 Council meeting minutes, formal format Council Agenda March 23, 2021 Page 1 of 2 2. Motion Consideration: Federal Legislative Agenda — Mark Calhoun, John Hohman [public comment opportunity] 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment of Citizen to County Conservation Futures Committee — Mayor Wick [public comment opportunity] 4. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment to Streets Sustainability Committee — Bill Helbig, Adam Jackson [public comment opportunity] GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments and indicate if you want to speak at General Public Comment Opportunity [1] or [2]. Citizens may only speak at one or the other, but not both. If there is no indication of which comment opportunity, you will be placed in the first. The link will guide you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep the remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Potential Grant Opportunity, Spokane Regional Transportation Council Preservation Call for Projects — Adam Jackson 6. Purchase of Police Body Worn Cameras — Chief Ellis, Sheriff Knezovich, Morgan Koudelka 7. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick INFORMATION ONLY (will not be reported or discussed): 8. Department Monthly Reports CITY MANAGER COMMENTS 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: [RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)] Review the Performance of a Public Employee ADJOURNMENT Council Agenda March 23, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Spokane 41 .. Valley 'l0 roct tmttion Vietnam Veterans' Day 2021 City of SpOone valley, Washington WHEREAS, We join communities throughout Washington State and the nation in observing the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War and honoring those who served our country; and WHEREAS, Our nation's Vietnam War Commemoration gives us the opportunity for all Americans to recognize, honor and thank our Vietnam Veterans and their families for their service and sacrifices during the Vietnam War from November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975; and WHEREAS, March 29 was chosen to be celebrated in perpetuity as March 29, 1973 was the day Military Assistance Command Vietnam was deactivated and combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam; and WHEREAS, The veterans of the Vietnam War have contributed tremendously to their communities, state and nation in an effort to advance the American ideals and goals for which they fought; and WHEREAS, We embrace our responsibility to continue helping our Vietnam veterans and their families heal from the heavy toll of war; and WHEREAS, The citizens of Spokane Valley must never forget the pain and suffering that lingers today for the men and women who fought with honor and distinction in the name of freedom and democracy for all. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ben Wick, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, on behalf of the Spokane Valley City Council and the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley, do hereby proclaim March 29, 2021 as Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day and I urge citizens to join in our City's effort to recognize and thank those veterans and their families for their service. Dated this 23rd day of March, 2021. Ben Wick, Mayor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS 03/02/2021 53090-53116 03/04/2021 53117-53140 03/05/2021 53141-53166 03/11/2021 53167-53183 03/11/2021 53184-53190 03/15/2021 53191-53209 03/15/2021 8838-8839 (Park refunds) 03/09/2021 7446-7473 (Payroll AP vouchers) TOTAL $ 102,693.46 $ 914,857,72 $ 42,770.78 $ 75,439.39 $ 78,292.90 $ 107,528.52 $ 220.00 $ 450,216.11 GRAND TOTAL: $1,772,018.88 Explanation of Fund Numbers found on Voucher Lists #001 - General Fund City Council City Manager Legal 001.016.000. Public Safety Deputy City Manager 001,018,014.514. Finance Human Resources 001.040.041, Engineering 001.040.042. Economic Development 001.040.043. Building Parks & Rec—Administration 001.076.300.576. Parks & Rec-Maintenance 001.076.301.571. Parks & Ree-Recreation 001.076.302.576. Parks & Rec- Aquatics 001.076.304.575. Parks & Rec- Senior Center 001.076.305.571. Parks & Rec-CenterPlace General Gov't- Council related General Gov't -Finance related 001,090,000.517. General Gov't -Employee supply General Gov't- Centralized Serv. General Gov't -Other Services General Gov't -Transportation General Gov't -Natural &'Eco. General Gov't -Social Services General Gov't -Pavement Preset.. General Gov't -Capital Outlay Other Funds: 101 — Street Fund 103 — Paths & Trails 105 — Hotel/Motel Tax 106 — Solid Waste 107 — PEG Fund 108 — Affordable & Supplemental Housing Sales Tax 120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 — Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 — Winter Weather Reserve 204 — Debt Service 301 — REET 1 Capital Projects 302 — REET 2 Capital Projects 303 — Street Capital Projects 309 — Parks Capital Grants 310 —Civic Bldg. Capital Projects 311 — Pavement Preservation 312 — Capital Reserve 314 — Railroad Grade Separation Projects 402 — Stormwater Management 403 — Aquifer Protection Area 501 — Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 --- Risk Management RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.) STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0310212021 12:10:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 53090 302021 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XW3-THYD-GLWW CITY HALL SUPPLIES/OFFICE SUPPLIE 206.90 Total : 206.90 53091 3/2/2021 007808 AMENTO GROUP INC 012141 001.000.322.518 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: C1TY HALL 13,166.98 Total : 13,166.98 53092 3/2/2021 007965 ARGUS JANITORIAL INV10060 JANITORIAL SVCS: C1TY HALL, PRECII, 10,054.86 Total : 10,054.86 53093 3/2/2021 007081 DUDE SOLUTIONS INC INV-83567 SMART GOV SOFTWARE ANNUAL SUB 29,986.71 Total: 29,986.71 53094 3/2/2021 000007 GRAINGER 9809960959 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: F 194.48 Total : 194.48 53095 3/2/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51505723 OCTOBER 2020 WORK CREW INVOICE 401.96 Total : 401.96 53096 3/2/2021 007159 THE HOME DEPOT PRO 596941575 SUPPLIES FOR CITY HALL— 186.59 598508422 SUPPLIES FOR CITY HALL 169.97 598508430 SUPPLIES FOR CITY HALL 64.40 Total : 420.96 53097 3/2/2021 003210 WEST CONSULTANTS INC. 014785 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,773.50 Total : 2,773.50 53098 3/212021 007231 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 7210568 PEST MGMT SERVICES AT PRECINCT 189.49 7210569 PEST MGMT SERVICES AT CITY HALL 161.17 Total : 350.66 53099 3/2/2021 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES 375317 PORTABLE RESTROOM MAINTENANCI 144.00 Total : 144.00 53100 3/2/2021 002517 BROWN BEARING CO INC 9501704312 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 97.26 Total : 97.26 53101 3/2/2021 001880 CROWN WEST REALTY LLC 00000030 COMMON AREA CHARGES MAINTENAI 144.80 Page: 1 vchlist 03/02/2021 12:10:28 PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept 53101 3/2/2021 001880 001880 CROWN WEST REALTY LLC 53102 312/2021 003255 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS 53103 3/2/2021 007740 EVERGREEN STATE TOWING LLC 53104 3/2/2021 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY 53105 3/2/2021 002203 NAPA AUTO PARTS 53106 3/2/2021 001546 NORCO INC 53107 3/2/2021 000008 NORLIFT INC 53108 3/2/2021 007786 PACWEST MACHINERY 53109 3/2/2021 006509 POE, JOSEPH 53110 3/2/2021 002616 ROADWISE INC (Continued) INV666887 57057 SPOCM15856855 SPOCM 15862480 SPOIN4442889 0538-024689 0538-029962 0538-030044 0538-030886 0538-030956 30762974 20076047 55036994 30398451 818711 21-3114 21-3120 21-3146 Description/Account Amount TOWER RENT SERVICE FOR SANDER TRUCKS Total : 144.80 Total: Total : VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES CREDIT INVOICE 4224368 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES Total: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES Total : VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES Total : SMALL TOCLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT — Total : MACHINE LABOR — SNOW REMOVAL LIQUID MAG LIQUID MAG LIQUID MAG Total: Total: Total : 216.57 216.57 612.56 612.56 -19.06 -19.06 574.64 536.52 43.62 40.24 74.44 66.72 15.81 240.83 171.74 171.74 188.96 85.09 274.05 2,685.74 2,685.74 700.00 700.00 6,437.14 6,501.20 6,440.90 19,379.24 Page: 2 vchlist 03/02/2021 12:10:28PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 3 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 53111 3/2/2021 002520 RWC GROUP 53112 3/2/2021 004131 SPOKANE CO SOLID WASTE MGMT 53113 3/2/2021 002135 SPRAY CENTER ELECTRONICS INC 53114 3/2/2021 003318 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC 53115 3/2/2021 007970 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC 53116 3/2/2021 004800 URS ELECTRONICS INC 27 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 27 Vouchers in this report XA106005757:02 XA106005922:01 XA106006134:01 XA106006283:01 XA106006488:01 XA106006498:01 53021 258072 24181285 24181286 24181287 24181878 24181879 8528464 783694 783983 Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 101.000.000,542 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES SNOWPLOW REPAIR VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 1 Total: TRANSFER STATION CHARGES: CPW • Total: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIE Total : VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES Total : MOBILE OFFICE RENTAL Total : CAMERA (FOR SPRAGUE/HOUK) (2) CAMERAS- FAILURE REPLACEMEN Total : Bank total : 89.30 4,374.09 87.16 182.21 153.21 -1,069.00 3,796.97 12.60 12.60 676.27 676.27 249.50 278.36 165.15 69.37 217.75 980.13 1,253.46 1,253.46 4,040.63 9,173.08 13,213.71 102,693.46 Total vouchers : 102,693.46 Page: 3 vchlist 03/04/2021 11:18:18AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept 53117 3/4/2021 007396 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION 53118 314/2021 000030 AVISTA 53119 3/4/2021 003122 CALHOUN, MARK 53120 3/4/2021 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 53121 3/4/2021 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 53122 3/4/2021 007465 ELEVATIONS: A CHILDREN'S 53123 3/4/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 53124 3/4/2021 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 53125 3/4/2021 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 53126 3/4/2021 002424 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL 53127 3/4/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 13217 January 2021 March 2021 70511732 February 2021 2021 #1 594881 February 2021 February 2021 158243201001 3313028116 51505741 51505751 51505759 9290201897 309.000.296.594 402.402.000.531 001.076.302.576 Description/Account Amount 0296-CONSTRUCTION - REISSUANCE Total : UTILITIES: CPW MASTERAVLSTAJANU Total: MONTHLY AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR 3/2 Total: FEBRUARY 2021 FLEET FUEL BILL Total : WATER CHARGES FOR FEBRUARY 20: Total: 2021 SOC SER ECO DEV GRANT REIM Total : ADVERTISING Total : UTILITIES: FEBRUARY 2021 CPW UTILITIES: FEBRUARY 2021 PARKS Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE LEASE CONTRACT 0040941959 Total : Total: 2020 INMATE HOUSING SETTLE & ADJ JANUARY 2021 INMATE HOUSING FEBRUARY 2021 INMATE HOUSING 2018 LAW ENFORCEMENT SETTLE &A Total : 68,666.73 68,666.73 26,980.43 26,980.43 400.00 400.00 891.55 891.55 241.78 241.78 600.00 600.00 21.33 21.33 14,052.18 1,822.89 15,875.07 99.03 99.03 967.20 967.20 -120,691.55 136,714.15 138,714.15 592,679.00 749,415.75 Page: vchllst 03/04/2021 11:18:18AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: tom' Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 53128 3/4/2021 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST#3 53129 3/4/2021 005969 SPOKANE SPORTS COMMISSION 53130 3/4/2021 000405 SPOKANE VALLEY PARTNERS 53131 3/4/2021 007097 SPOKANE VALLEY SUMMER THEATRE 53132 3/4/2021 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 53133 3/4/2021 000322 CENTURYLINK 53134 3/4/2021 001888 COMCAST 53135 3/4/2021 007901 DATEC INC 53136 3/4/2021 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 53137 3/4/2021 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC February 2021 #2 4th QTR 2020 2021 #1 2021 #1 2021 #2 FEBRUARY 2021 402.402.000.531 101,042,000.542 FEBRUARY-MARCH 2021 FEB 18-MAR 17 2021 31452 80777287 80777288 80777289 50777290 80777291 80777281 80777282 80777283 80777284 001, 090.000.548 Description/Account Amount WATER CHARGES FOR FEBRUARY 20: 158.02 Total : 158.02 2020 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMBUR5 Total : 2021 SOC SER/ECO DEV GRANT REIM Total: 2021 SOC SER/ECO DEV GRANT REIM 2021 SOC SER/ECO DEV GRANT RE1M Total UTILITIES: FEBRUARY 2021 CITY HALL PHONES INTERNET: CITY HALL CROWDSTRIKE I YEAR Total : Total : Total : Total : COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-013 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-014 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-015 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-016 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-017 Total : COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-007 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-008 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-009 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-010 11,250.00 11,250.00 4,238.01 4,238.01 500.00 4,300.00 4,800.00 4,637.65 4,637.65 321.50 321.50 166.18 166.18 16,040.36 16,040.36 986.55 142.27 176.38 409.18 487.31 2,201.69 139.58 658.51 368.09 187.76 Page: vchlist Voucher List 0310412021 11:18:18AM Spokane Valley Page: Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 53137 3/4/2021 002604 DELL. FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC (Continued) 80777285 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-011 806.78 80777286 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-012 266.18 Total : 2,426.90 53138 3/412021 004632 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 200932167 TELECOM SERVICES 1,004.55 Total : 1,004.55 53139 3/4/2021 007730 ROYAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS IN141168 FEBRUARY 2021 COPIER COSTS 769.13 Total : 769.13 53140 3/4/2021 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 9873652610 FEBRUARY 2021 CELL PHONEJDEVICE 2,684.86 Total : 2,684.86 24 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 24 Vouchers in this report Bank total : 914,857.72 Total vouchers : 914,857.72 Page: vchlist Voucher List 03105/2021 3:24:48PM Spokane Valley Page: 7 # Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 53141 3/5/2021 000197 ACRANET 16359 EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND CHECKS 92.00 Total : 92.00 53142 3/5/2021 007672 MULTICARE CENTERS OF 144131 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXAMS 225.00 Total : 225.00 53143 3/512021 004850 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, HRA PLAN 10335058 FLEX SPENDING ADMINISTRATION 384.00 Total: 384.00 53144 3/5/2021 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC 120567 001.018.016,518 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 99.00 121213 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 134.00 Total : 233.00 53145 3/5/2021 006984 Al TREE SERVICE LLC 3295 TREE REMOVAL AND SERVICE 2,210.67 Total : 2,210.67 53146 3/5/2021 000007 GRAINGER 9815348652 SUPPLIES 39.87 Total : 39.87 53147 3/5/2021 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 155616837001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 31.06 155616837002 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.51 155616837003 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.71 Total : 40.28 53148 3/512021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 110100294 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 12,452.77 Total : 12,452.77 53149 3/5/2021 007107 STANTEC CONSULTING SVCS INC 1756498 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 544.00 Total : 544.00 53150 3/5/2021 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1GY3-PHPT-Y7YM OFFICE SUPPLIES 146.46 1VXY 3L4H-CN3X OFFICE SUPPLIES— 335.97 Total : 482.43 53151 3/5/2021 003337 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY INC 292745 SUPPLIES: STREET DEPT 226.85 293632 CRAFCO MASTIC - PLEXI MELT 1,715.18 Page: vchlist Voucher List 03/0512021 3:24:48PM Spokane Valley Page: Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 53151 3/5/2021 003337 003337 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY INC (Continued} Total : 1,942.03 53152 3/5/2021 008023 ARROW PROPANE LLC 2420 PROPANE 76.73 Total : 76.73 53153 3/5/2021 002157 ELJAY OIL COMPANY 4311110 FUEL FOR MAINTENANCE SHOP 5,750.40 Total : 5,750.40 53154 3/5/2021 005505 EMERALD SERVICES INC 85442223 RECYCLING FOR MAINT. SHOP 740.80 Total : 740.80 53155 3/5/2021 005474 FREIGHTLINER NORTHWEST PC001507404:01 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 249.27 Total : 249.27 53156 315/2021 002518 INLAND PACIFIC HOSE & FITTINGS 1061563 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 874.02 1061811 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 14.98 Total: 889.00 53157 3/5/2021 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY SPOIN4455967 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 89.73 Total : 89.73 53158 3/5/2021 002203 NAPAAUTO PARTS 0538-031026 SHOP SUPPLIES 64.08 0538-031029 SHOP SUPPLIES 10.98 0538-031992 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 21.95 0538-032392 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 106.70 0538-032575 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 15.50 0538-032631 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 13.62 0538-032954 SHOP SUPPLIES 71.91 0538-032969 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 59.12 0538-032980 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 40.24 Total: 404.10 53159 3/5/2021 005049 PEDERSON, MICHAEL ROY FEBRUARY 2021 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL 975.00 Total : 975.00 53160 3/5/2021 006509 POE, JOSEPH 818712 SNOW REMOVAL 350.00 Total : 350.00 Page: vchlist 0310512021 3:24:48PM Voucher List Spokane Valley L Page: / -3' Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 53161 3/5/2021 002616 ROADWISE INC 21-3153 21-3154 53162 3/5/2021 002520 RWC GROUP 53163 3/5/2021 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 53164 3/5/2021 006822 SNAP -ON INC 53165 3/5/2021 003318 TACOMASCREW PRODUCTS INC 53166 315/2021 006846 US LINEN & UNIFORM INC 26 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 26 Vouchers in this report XA 106006290:01 XA106006633:01 XA106006945:01 10573444 ARV/47153954 ARV/47195278 24183218 2687091 2690616 2694154 2697707 DescriptionlAccount Amount LIQUID MAG LIQUID MAG Total: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES - VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES - VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES Total: 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE Total : SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT Total: VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES Total : SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE SHOP Total: Bank total : 6,504.97 6,437.14 12,942.11 616.68 80.77 32.06 729.51 531.43 531.43 119.87 42.94 162.81 159.88 159.88 18.49 18.49 18.49 18.49 73.96 42,770.78 Total vouchers : 42,770.78 Page: vchlist 03111l2021 7:30:36A11/1 Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 4- Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 53167 3/11/2021 007637 COMMONSTREET CONSULTING LLC 53168 3/11/2021 002043 HDR ENGINEERING INC 53169 3/11/2021 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 53170 3/11/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER CSROW 21020 1200328953 5SP31685-86 110100293 53171 3/11/2021 002306 TERRELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, MICHAEL 4225 53172 3/11/2021 007867 WIDENER &ASSOCIATES 53173 3/11/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 53174 3/11/2021 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 53175 3/11/2021 000854 SPW LANDSCAPEARCHITECTS 53176 3/11/2021 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 53177 3/11/2021 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 53178 3/11/2021 000322 CENTURYLINK 53179 3/11/2021 007901 DATEC INC 125 594878 51692 2036.01 RE 46 JG6453 L005 51674 FEBRUARY 2021 31470 303.000.313.595 314.000.223.595 303.000.299.595 309.000.315.594 314.000.223.595 001.000.322.518 001.000.322.518 403.000.317.595 314.000.223.595 403.000.308.589 Description/Account 0275/0313-RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES Total: 0223-F1NAL ENGINEERING DESIGN Total : CIP 0299 PLANT INFO GUARANTEE Total : JANUARY 2021 ENGINEERING Total : 20-233 MTLA BROWNS PARK CIP 315 Total : 0223-ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Total ADVERTISING ADVERTISING Total : Total : 317- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SE Total: CIP 0223: DESIGN REVIEW & APPROVE Total : ADVERTISING Total: 2021 PHONE SVCS: ACCT 509 Z14-002. Total : Amount 148.56 148.56 23,850.51 23,850.51 653.40 653.40 27,291.50 27,291.50 1,479.25 1,479.25 1,848.00 1,848.00 59.25 59.25 136.00 136.00 7,145.00 7,145,00 3.389.20 3,389.20 253.80 253.80 540.97 540.97 BARRACUDA ESSENTIALS SUBSCRIP 5,858.38 Page: 1/ vchlist Voucher List Page: t� 03111/2021 7:30:36AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept DescriptionlAccount Amount 53179 3/11/2021 007901 007901 DATEC INC (Continued) Total : 5,858.38 53180 3/11/2021 007304 FIRSTLINE COMMUNICATIONS 45753 IT SUPPORT 152.46 Total : 152.46 53181 3/11/2021 000002 H & H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. AR185709 COPIER COSTS: WEST WING/CITY CO 87.34 AR185710 COPIER COSTS: IT 12.28 AR185711 COPIER COSTS:HR 59.47 AR185712 COPIER COSTS: OPSTADM IN 177.53 AR185713 COPIER COSTS: LEGAL 201.20 AR185714 COPIER COSTS: PERMIT CTR 138.04 AR185715 COPIER COSTS: CPW ENGINEERING 391.05 AR185716 COPIER COSTS: MAINTENANCE SHOP 20.00 AR185717 COPIER COSTS: CENTERPIACE 91.53 Total : 1,178.44 53182 3/11/2021 005960 PAGEFREEZER SOFTWARE INC INV-9287 PAGEFREEZER FOR SOCIAL MEDIA 293.42 Total : 293.42 53183 3/11/2021 001885 ZAYO GROUP LLC 2021030003578 INTERNET SERVICES 287.22 2021030005522 INTERNET 626.70 2021030025710 INTERNET SERVICES 247.33 Total : 1,161.25 17 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 75,439.39 17 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 75,439.39 Page: vchlist 03/11/2021 2:26:33PM Voucher List Spokane Valley 2 2- Page: 411 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 53184 3/11/2021 000278 DRISKELL, GARY 53185 3/11/2021 007498 FOSTER, AZIZA 53186 3/11/2021 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. 53187 3/11/2021 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 53188 3/11/2021 007133 PRUNTY, CAITLIN 53189 3/11/2021 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 53190 3/11/2021 008014 VELEZ, JORGE 7 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 7 Vouchers in this report EXPENSES EXPENSES PAY AP P 6 GIP 0314 EXPENSES 834406545 EXPENSES 311.000.285.595 309.000.314.594 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0285-CONSTRUCT1ON CIP 0314 UTILITY RELOCATION EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT CORONAVIRUS SUPP 2020 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : 11.55 Total : 11.55 11.45 Total : 11.45 7,500.00 Total : 7,500.00 200.00 Total: 200.00 11.20 Total: 11.20 70,520.56 Total : 70,520.55 38.14 38.14 78,292.90 78,292.90 Page: vchlist 03115/2021 12:59:05P M Voucher List Spokane Valley /3 Page: �F Banc code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept 53191 3/15/2021 003775 AM HARDWARE 53192 3/15/2021 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES 53193 3/15/2021 007718 APPLETREE 53194 3/15/2021 001770 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 53195 3/15/2021 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING INC. 53196 3/15/2021 004813 FIRST CHOICE COFFEE SERVICES 53197 3/15/2021 001635 ISS FACILITY EVENT SERVICES 53198 3/15/2021 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 53199 3/15/2021 007741 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST 53200 3/15/2021 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 53201 3/15/2021 003231 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY 53202 3/15/2021 007120 TSHIMAKAIN CREEK LABORATORY 46369 001.076.305.575 374332 375316 000020-192-121 S010133585.003 365746 308973 1520975 1 G37370 16264397-00 16264988-00 10573422 9729-1 2105001 001.076.305.575 001.076.300.576 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.300.576 001.076.305.575 001.076.300.576 Description/Account Amount SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 76.23 Total : 76.23 FENCE CONSTRUCTION CHAIN LINK PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARKS Total : ANSWERING SERVICE FOR CENTERP Total : RENTAL FOR CENTERPLACE Total : RECYCLING COLLECTION AT CENTER Total: COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLAC Total : FEB 2021 MONTHLY CLEANING AT Ca Total : SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS Total: Total: Total : Total : 311.02 289.00 600.02 56.49 56.49 38.12 38.12 20.00 20.00 99.36 99.36 8,085.09 8,085.09 36.48 36.48 362.42 488.42 850.84 64,898.17 64,898.17 42.12 42.12 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING AT PARKS 25.00 Page: vchlist 03/15/20 21 12: 59: 05 P M Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2/,0 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 53202 3/15/2021 007120 007120 TSHIMAKAIN CREEK LABORATORY (Continued) Total : 25.00 53203 3/15/2021 000066 WCP SOLUTIONS 53204 3/15/2021 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC 53205 3/15/2021 001944 LANCER LTD 53206 3/15/2021 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 53207 3/15/2021 002193 QSCEND TECHNOLOGIES INC 53208 3/15/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 12093193 CR 12094914 12121647 12139822 12144472 130354 0479505 347085336 INV208034 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE HAND SAN]TIZATION SUPPLIES HAND SANITIZATION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE Total : ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE PAR" Total : COMMUNITY/BUSINESS POSTCARDS Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE & SUPPOF Total : 594261 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594262 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594263 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594265 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594875 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594876 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594877 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594879 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594880 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594882 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594883 LEGAL PUBLICATION 594884 LEGAL PUBLICATION 595441 LEGAL PUBLICATION 595444 LEGAL PUBLICATION 596078 LEGAL PUBLICATION 596079 LEGAL PUBLICATION 596081 LEGAL PUBLICATION -53.69 53.69 909.32 429.61 77.05 1,415.98 27,008.00 27,008.00 857.59 857.59 20.08 20.08 600.00 600.00 45.00 42.00 33.18 88.48 45.00 42.00 31.50 84.00 27.65 83.74 85.32 15.80 122.45 37.92 116.25 36.00 58.46 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 03/15/2021 12:59:05PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept Description/Account Amount 53208 3/15/2021 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC (Continued) 596082 LEGAL PUBLICATION 91.64 596083 LEGAL PUBLICATION 62.41 596084 LEGAL PUBLICATION 71.89 596085 LEGAL PUBLICATION 97.96 Total : 1,318.65 53209 3/15/2021 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING 1NC 51688 LEGAL PUBLICATION 150.40 51689 LEGAL PUBLICATION 141.00 51691 001,040,043.558 LEGAL PUBLICATION 72.00 51693 LEGAL PUBLICATION 188.80 51695 LEGAL PUBLICATION 32.30 51696 LEGAL PUBLICATION 94.35 51697 LEGAL PUBLICATION 96.90 51698 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 51727 LEGAL PUBLICATION 264.00 51728 LEGAL PUBLICATION 83.20 51730 LEGAL PUBLICATION 67.15 51731 LEGAL PUBLICATION 73.10 51732 LEGAL PUBLICATION 82.45 51733 LEGAL PUBLICATION 109.65 Total : 1,480.30 19 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 107,528.52 19 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 107,528.52 Page: vchlist Voucher List 03115/2021 10:35:68AM Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 8838 3/16/2021 008026 ST MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARK REFUND CANCELLATION REFUND: GREAT ROC 210.00 Total : 210.00 8839 3/16/2021 007246 UPS PARK REFUND REISSUE DEPOSIT REFUND: CENTER! 10.00 Total : 10.00 2 Vouchers for bank code : pk-ref Bank total : 220.00 2 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Total vouchers : 220.00 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 03/09/2021 2:30:27P1V1 Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 7446 3/512021 000120 AWC Ben98237 DENTAL PLAN: PAYMENT 153,452.33 Total : 153,452.33 7447 3/5/2021 000165 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Ben98239 PERS: PAYMENT 129,443.58 Total : 129,443.58 7450 3/5/2021 000699 WA COUNCIL CO/CITY EMPLOYEES Ben98241 001,231.21.00 UNION DUES: PAYMENT 2,702.08 Total : 2,702.08 7452 3/5/2021 007657 WA STATE SUPPORT REGISTRY Ben98243 DIVISION OF CHILD SUPPORT: PAYME 458.00 Total: 458.00 7458 3/5/2021 000048 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A PLAN Ben98245 401A: PAYMENT 36,583.36 Total : 36,583.36 7459 3/5/2021 000682 EFTPS Ben98247 FEDERAL TAXES: PAYMENT 39.697.47 Total : 39,697.47 7460 3/5/2021 000210 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Ben98249 101.231,28.00 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: 55,450.00 Total : 55,450.00 7461 3/5/2021 007303 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS, 457 RO Ben98251 457 ROTH OPTION: PAYMENT 3,069.33 Total : 3,069.33 7462 3/5/2021 000145 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS, 457 PL1 Ben98253 402.231.18.00 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION: PAYI 9,525.66 Total : 9,525.66 7464 3/5/2021 000162 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A EXEC PL Ben98255 401 EXEC PLAN: PAYMENT 703.31 Total : 703.31 7470 3/5/2021 000120 AWC Ben98257 DENTAL PLAN (COUNCIL): PAYMENT 11,874.32 Total: 11,874.32 7471 3/5/2021 000210 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Ben98259 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: 4,900,00 Total : 4,900.00 7472 3/5/2021 000682 EFTPS Ben98261 FEDERAL TAXES: PAYMENT 2,061.35 Page: 355) vchlist Voucher List 03109/2021 2:30:27PM Spokane Valley Page: Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 7472 3/5/2021 000682 000682 EFTS (Continued) Total : 2,061.35 7473 3/5/2021 000165 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Ben98263 PERS ELECTED OFFICIAL: PAYMENT 295.32 Total: 295.32 14 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 450,216.11 14 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley. and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim, Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Total vouchers : 450,216.11 Page: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 15, 2021 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 321, 506.42 $ - $ 321, 506.42 Benefits: $ 70, 071.25 $ - $ 70, 071.25 Total payroll $ 391, 577.67 $ $ 391, 577.67 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Study Session Format Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6 pm. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council, staff and the public participating via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Ben Wick, Mayor Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor Pam Haley, Councilmember Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Staff Mark Calhoun, City Manager John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Dave Ellis, Police Chief Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Chaz Bates, Senior Planner Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst Cary Driskell, City Attorney Bill Helbig, City Engineer Carrie Koudelka, Deputy City Clerk ROLL CALL: Deputy City Clerk Koudelka called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: None. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on March 2, 2021, Request for Council Action Form: $2,839,785.76 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending February 15, 2021 of $400,137.42 c. Approval of Minutes of February 9, 2021 Council Meeting Regular Formal Format d. Approval of Minutes of February 16, 2021 Council Meeting Study Session Format e. Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2021 Special Council Meeting It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. 2. Motion Consideration: Regional Decant Facility Construction Bid Award — Bill Helbig It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to award the Regional Decant Facility Canopy Construction CIP #0308 to TML Construction, Inc., in the amount of $491,356 plus applicable sales tax, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. City Engineer Helbig said that putting the canopy on the facility is the third phase for the regional decant facility operated by WSDOT. There were two responsive responsible bids received on February 19, 2021, and they were approximately $100,000 over the engineer's estimate due to a significant increase in steel prices. There were no registered public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment, Nomination of Student for the AWC Center for Quality Communities Grant Award — Mayor Wick It was moved by Councilmember Thompson and seconded to confirm the nomination of Riley Zielfelder for the AWC Center for Quality Communities Scholarship. Mayor Wick said the City received four applications, representing one from each high school, and the City can nominate one person for an AWC scholarship. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Councilmembers Haley, Hattenberg, Higgins, Thompson, Woodard and Mayor Wick. Opposed: Deputy Mayor Peetz. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 03-02-2021 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: None. NON -ACTION ITEMS: 4. Shoreline Master Program Update — Chaz Bates Senior Planner Bates provided an update to Council on the Shoreline Master Program, and he said after a periodic review it was found to be consistent with state law. He said that on February 12, 2021, the City started the formal review process for adopting the proposed amendments; on February 25, 2021, the Planning Commission held a study session and a public hearing is scheduled for March 11, 2021, after which time the amendments will be sent to the Department of Ecology for determination. 5. Housing Action Plan Update — Chaz Bates Senior Planner Bates gave an overview of the Housing Action Plan (HAP) and he said E2SHB 1923 passed legislation in 2019 to increase housing supply including affordable housing. The HAP identifies strategies to promote housing diversity and affordability, and actions can be adopted at a future date. The plan includes a housing needs assessment, housing policy review, strategies and actions, and an implementation plan; and the planned adoption timeline for the HAP includes an administrative report to Council in May, and first and second readings of the ordinance in June, 2021. 6. Spokane Valley Police Dept. Update — Chief Ellis Police Chief Ellis discussed the new Live911 software that provides livestream calls directly to officers going into effect in April; he discussed recruiting efforts and showed their new recruitment video; and he discussed the new speed deterrence trailers that will help to calm traffic and provide information to conduct traffic studies. 7. Crime Check Update — Chief Ellis Police Chief Ellis updated Council on Crime Check and discussed SREC, Spokane Regional Emergency Communications, which handles dispatching, 911 and Crime Check calls. He said that Crime Check is available 24 hours a day, every day, for non -emergency calls and he went through the slide show presentation that included the history and governance of SREC, Crime Check statistics and benefits, and the online crime reporting system that is scheduled to begin in March. 8. Amendments to SVMC 7.50 Camping Regulations — Erik Lamb, Morgan Koudelka Deputy City Attorney Lamb and Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka discussed proposed amendments to the City's camping regulations, and Mr. Lamb discussed the Martin v. Boise case that places limitations on the City's ability to prohibit camping on City property and that to do so violates the constitution unless there are shelter beds available. He said staff believes the proposed amendments are consistent with Martin and that currently, as adopted by Council in 2019, we prohibit camping on public property and the storing of personal property on public property; we prohibit encampments of two or more people; we have to provide notice to remove personal property; and that our regulations are not enforced if shelter beds are not available but there three areas where camping is always prohibited: City Hall, Balfour Park and CenterPlace Mirabeau Meadows. Mr. Koudelka said we have identified areas for improvement and two main goals are to provide permanent housing and to demonstrate to citizens and business owners that we respond quickly to issues of the homeless in the community. Mr. Lamb said the proposed amendments will add Appleway Trail, the police precinct and the maintenance shop as areas where camping is always prohibited, as well as structures, facilities and fixtures at parks, and City rights -of -way; they clarify that the changes apply to camping on City property; and they identify and codify the process for outreach to communicate with the City and police those individuals they are working with to provide assistance and services so they can temporarily suspend enforcement of the no camping regulations. Mr. Lamb said staff is looking for Council consensus to bring the amendments back for a first reading. Consensus. 9. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick None. 10. Information Only: Department Reports were not discussed. Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 03-02-2021 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT 11. Council Comments None. 12. City Manager Comments: Mr. Calhoun mentioned that next week's Council meeting will include the annual accomplishments report and a mid -session legislative update from Ms. Murray of Gordon Thomas Honeywell. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m. ATTEST: Ben Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 03-02-2021 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Ben Wick, Mayor Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor Pam Haley, Councilmember Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Linda Thompson, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember Staff Mark Calhoun, City Manager John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director John Bottelli, Parks and Recreation Director John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Dave Ellis, Police Chief Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Mike Basinger, Economic Dev. Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Woodard: reported that he attended two HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) meetings, one of which was a public hearing held viz zoom, for the normal CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) allocations; said it mostly went well; the other was a special meeting where they discussed the allocation of $1.5 million of HHAA (Homeless Housing and Assistance Act) funds for the Bridge Housing Project to the Salvation Army as they were the only entity to apply. He noted the Bridge Housing Project is simply the name of the project and not an actual bridge. He also went over some of the services anticipated with the extended stay facility. Councilmember Higgins: said the next meeting of the Clean Air Agency will be out on the West Plains which is where they are moving; said there was interest in their current facility so that sale might be accomplished without submitting to a realtor. Councilmember Haley: reported on the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) meetings and said she saw the new bus for the Central City Line, which bus is battery/electric and is purple; said she also attended the Continuum of Care meeting where they talked about the young adult shelter which is still going forward, adding that the grant won't expire s they previously thought, and that the challenge is to get people into permanent housing, but what is available is very expensive. Councilmember Hattenburg: mentioned the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) Action Days held in February where it was mentioned that state-wide, 62% of cities will have a shortfall of between five and fifteen percent of revenue in two to three years, but that we are not one of those, as we don't have a shortfall; said he heard of some talk about the possible discontinued use of the canine units, and mentioned the memorial wall also includes some of the canine units who were killed in action. He also mentioned the Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 03-09-2021 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT transportation shortfall, possible gas tax, and that there could be more funds in the Governor's budget for the CARES Act; stated that the Board of Health has provided over 10,000 vaccines and our metrics have improved in all areas; said planning and development for STA specific to Spokane Valley is ongoing and that they hope to have a newer transit center by 2025. Councilmember Thompson: briefly explained some of the sessions that are included in this year's NLC (National League of Cities) conference, which is normally held in Washington, D.C. in March, but which is being held remotely, with priorities including childcare, direct funding to cities, public safety, and domestic violence; she also mentioned she attended the groundbreaking of the Barker Road Grade Separation Project; the GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) annual celebration, as well as the Lutheran Community Services Northwest where they talked about from their perspective, what messages can be brought to the community. Deputy Mayor Peetz: mentioned the Chamber has completed their new location and she expects tours in the future; said Central Valley School District announced that the Horizon school is completed; said she attended the GSI celebration and mentioned the $100,000 grant awarded by GSI to SkyOne Aerospace; mentioned a new initiative at the Inlander of a `great dine -out' and will start participating with banks and other agencies to help people get out and go into restaurants; adding that mid -August is restaurant week; and that the Downtown Spokane Partnership meeting included discussion about a possible proposed stadium. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wick reported that he attended the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee where the mayors presented their priorities and visions for 2021; mentioned our partnership with the County and the receipt of another $9 million which was awarded to SNAP for housing assistance; said he continues meeting with the homelessness group every other week to keep lines of communication open and coordinate efforts on the homeless issue; mentioned the federal package for revitalization of about $7 million; said he attended the Grade Separation Project groundbreaking; mentioned the Amazon facility in Spokane Valley; said the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) is conducting interviews for their new executive; and that he has been conducting interviews and scheduling appointments for several committees. PROCLAMATION: n/a GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: There were no public comments. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers on March 9, 2021, Request for Council Action Form: $1,925,498.52 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending February 28, 2021: $597,205.16 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 121: There were no public comments. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: (shown in the order given) 2. Modification to Infrastructure Priority Solicitation — John Hohman Deputy City Manager Hohman went over the information contained in the Request for Council Action (RCA) about the potential funding opportunity and our five projects; he mentioned that we were informed that Spokane County would like to partner with us on priority projects 2 and 5, i.e. the Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Project and the South Barker Road Corridor Projects; and that the City of Spokane may like to partner with us on the River Loop Trail Project. Mr. Hohman also mentioned the Spokane has some river trail bridges they would like to install and are working to determine how best to get that done. Mr. Hohman brought attention to he corrected RCA with the figure of $22.1 million instead of $28,1 million Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 03-09-2021 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT under secured funding for the Bigelow -Sullivan Corridor Project, which corrected RCA was given to Council prior to the meeting. Mr. Hohman said that Mr. Culton of Senator Murray's office said they did not want us to submit new documentation as that would be too confusing; said March 15 is the formal due date for this request. After brief discussion there was Council consensus to proceed with the two regional requests to Senator Murray. 4. Accomplishments Report for Year 2020 — Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun remarked that he and staff will present an impressive collection of what has been accomplished over the last year, even while in the midst of a pandemic. Mr. Calhoun discussed 2020 Council goals, mentioned the numerous committees Councilmembers are involved with as well as the number of meetings held, and resolutions and ordinances passed; and went over some of the accomplishments of the City Clerk's office. Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka went over several aspects of contract administration and our City's coordination and participation with several entities including the Outreach Team and Spokane Valley Police regarding homelessness and vulnerable populations; mentioned numerous aspects of our public safety contracts as well as his participation in interviews of candidates for Police Chief and Assistant Police Chief; mentioned other contract administration such as the Commute Trip Reduction, solid waste collection contracts, and Cable franchise. Human Resources Manager Whitehead went over his department's accomplishments including the development of the City's Emergency Response Plan; updated the City's Accident Prevention Plan; mentioned the 2020 Well City Award and wellness programs; and his office's management of recruitments and interviewing of applicants for open positions with the City. City Attorney Driskell went over some of the items that his office handled over the year, including assisting with land use issues at the permitting and legislative level, assisting with a multitude of issues relating to homelessness including updated camping regulations; the re -writing of the City's cable code provisions; revising numerous contracts dealing with the use of City facilities resulting from the pandemic; resolving numerous nuisance and code enforcement cases; and his office's assistance in responding to numerous public record requests. Finance Director Taylor discussed her department's work with the City's CARES Act allocations; their completion of the 2019 annual financial report and audit; working with other departments to complete the 2021 budget; the work accomplished by the IT staff including an audit of the City's IT systems, and working through over 1,500 helpdesk tickets. Mr. Hohman discussed the accomplishments of the Community & Public Works Engineering Division, including the various projects of the Capital Improvement Program, the Traffic Operation, Stormwater Utility, Street Maintenance; followed by discussion by Economic Development Manager Basinger of some of the business development, business licenses, planning and grants, marketing, tourism, public relations, and working with our partners, such as GSI and the Chamber. Building Official Nickerson went over the applications received by building and planning and of the ease in doing so online, which is evidenced by the number of permits issued last year, even while in the midst of a pandemic; she also showed a chart of permit evaluations, mentioned some of the major projects; number of land use actions processed, as well as processed code enforcement cases. Police Chief Ellis discussed accomplishments of the patrol division, traffic unit, intelligence -led policing, crime prevention, hiring and recruitment, and activities associated with the precinct, including installation of a generator, and new work stations and carpeting. He added that due to Covid, SCOPE activities for the year were either limited or at a standstill. Parks and Recreation Director Bottelli gave his report on his department including administration and maintenance, CenterPlace Regional Event Center, Recreation and Aquatics, and the Senior Center. City Manager Calhoun extended thanks to Council and staff for all the accomplishments; and Council extended thanks to staff as well. Mayor Wick called for a recess at 7:56 p.m.; he called the meeting back into session at 8:01 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 03-09-2021 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT 3. 2021 State Legislative Mid -Session Report — Briahna Murray Lobbyist Ms. Murray of Gordon Thomas Honeywell stated that this is the first time she has provided a mid - session update. She gave a brief background on the 2021 legislative session, which convened January 11. Ms. Murray then went over the operating, capital, and transportation budgets and mentioned those legislative agenda items of Council's which are included in each budget, such as state -shared revenues, revenue shortfalls, $4 million request for the Fairgrounds Expo Center, adding there would likely be some funding for this project but not the entire $4 million; she also addressed bills dealing with local control, and economic development tools. In response to a question from Mayor Wick on which items should Council focus on most, Ms. Murray replied that securing funding for the Pines Road with a transportation revenue package, adding that she doesn't expect funding coming without new revenues. Council thanked her for the information and update. 5. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 6. Park Property Acquisition Adjacent to Sullivan Park — Cary Driskell This item was for information only and was not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Mr. Calhoun mentioned that street sweeping begins tomorrow in the City; and he brought Council's attention to item 6 in tonight's packet, which will give Council a sense of where we are concerning that issue. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ATTEST: Ben Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes, Formal: 03-09-2021 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Not applicable. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: March 16, 2021 Administrative report discussing the draft 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda March 9, 2021 Council consensus to coordinate with City of Spokane and Spokane County for regional partnership on two of the City's five priority projects submitted to Senator Murray's infrastructure solicitation. February 23, 2021 Council approval to submit five priority projects to consideration for Senator Murray's infrastructure solicitation. March 3, 2020 Council adoption of updated 2020 Federal Legislative Agenda February 25, 2020 Administrative report discussing the Draft 2020 Federal Legislative Agenda April 30, 2019 City Council unanimously approved the 2019 Federal Legislative Agenda as drafted November 13, 2018 Council approval of contract with Cardinal Infrastructure, LLC November 6, 2018 administrative report regarding the Federal Lobbyist contract July 24, 2018 administrative report regarding the review of submitted qualifications from applicants for the Federal Lobbyist contract June 12, 2018 Budget Workshop request from Council that staff initiate the process for identifying and contracting with a government affairs firm that specializes in lobbying at the federal level BACKGROUND: In coordination with the City's federal lobbyist, Cardinal Infrastructure, Spokane Valley is looking to schedule meetings with its U.S. Congressional delegation to advocate for City priorities. For 2021, these meetings will be virtual rather than in person. On March 16, 2021, staff provided an administrative report covering the City's draft federal legislative agenda. The draft agenda was consistent with recent submittals to Senator Murray's and Cantwell's offices. Direction provided by City Council led staff to keep the proposed list of five projects, but also led staff to add a supporting statement for increased federal programming related to mitigating at -grade road -rail hazards. The five proposed federal legislative agenda projects include: 1. Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project 2. Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Project 3. Bigelow Gulch — Sullivan Corridor Project 4. Spokane County Regional Expo Expansion Project 5. South Barker Road Corridor Improvements Project Staff coordinated closely with Cardinal Infrastructure for the one proposed federal legislative agenda item related to programmatic funding of grade separation projects and at -grade rail crossing safety awareness and improvements. Cardinal Infrastructure provided the following text, which has been incorporated into our agenda documents: According to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), 1,883 highway -rail grade crossing collisions occurred in 2020, with Washington State ranked 15th in the Nation for grade crossing collisions. Furthermore, Washington State is the 8th highest state for pedestrian rail trespass casualties (fatalities and injuries), with 37 casualties out of 1,105 across the United States in 2020. Since 2008, FRA has worked alongside state Departments of Transportation and railroads to close more than 18,000 highway -rail grade crossings. With approximately 129, 500 public at - grade crossings still in existence, more funding should be dedicated to ensuring the safety of pedestrians and drivers. The City of Spokane Valley agrees with the FRA, "the safest grade crossing is one that doesn't exist." The City supports additional federal investment to eliminate highway -rail grade crossings, enhancing safety to communities across the country. We request additional funding be directed to existing or new discretionary grant programs and federal agencies to improve grade crossing safety. This includes, but is not limited to, the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Grant Program, Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grant Program, and Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development Grant Program. Additional resources for federal agencies may include, but is not limited to, increased funding to the public safety awareness campaign, "Stop. Trains Can't," by FRA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; as well as additional funding for the FRA Office of Research, Development & Technology, to promote applied technology research projects that address grade crossing safety. To enhance safety and efficiency, the City also supports consolidating rail corridors within its jurisdiction. OPTIONS: (1) Move to approve the 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda as proposed; or (2) take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move Council Approve the 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda as proposed. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: In 2019 and 2020 the City contracted with Cardinal Infrastructure for Federal Lobby Services at an annual rate of $78,000. When negotiating the rate for 2021, at the recommendation of Council, Staff was able to negotiate a rate of $58,500 in recognition of the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2020 resulted in less work for Cardinal because lobbying efforts in Washington D.C. were significantly less than planned. The 2021 Budget includes appropriations for the Cardinal contract plus anticipated travel expenses to Washington D.C. when physical visits again become possible. STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun, City Manager; John Hohman, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda j � 2021 Legislative Agenda The City of Spokane Valley's legislative priorities include one policy change request and five capital infrastucture projects. Please see attachments for detailed information. Policy Request.1,11(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((� Increase federal funding to improve rail safety and efficiencies by promoting grade -separation projects at road -rail conflicts. Capital Projects • Spokane County Regional Expo Expansion Funding request: $3 M Total cost: $10 M Pines Road/ BNSF Railway Grade Separation Funding request: $19.3 M Total cost: $29 M Pme Mission Ave Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Funding request: $16.5 M Total cost: $16.5 M CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 10210 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, Wash. 99206 509.720.5000 • spokanevalley.org 3-18-21 We Ilea ley Ave Bigelow Gulch/ Sullivan Road Corridor Funding request: $26.6 M Total cost: $75.4 M Euckl Ave Broadway Me South Barker Road Corridor Funding request: $12.9 M Total cost: $18.8 M Washington* ',rill PolicyChange Increase federal funding to improve rail safety and efficiencies by promoting grade -separation projects at road -rail conflicts Spokane 1Valley According to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), 1,883 highway -rail grade crossing collisions occurred in 2020, with Washington State ranked 15th in the nation for grade crossing collisions. Furthermore, Washington State is the 8th highest state for pedestrian rail trespass casualties (fatalities and injuries), with 37 casualties out of 1,105 across the United States in 2020. Since 2008, FRA has worked alongside state Departments of Transportation and railroads to close more than 18,000 highway -rail grade crossings. With approximately 129,500 public at -grade crossings still in existence, more funding should be dedicated to ensuring the safety of pedestrians and drivers. The City of Spokane Valley agrees with the FRA, "the safest grade crossing is one that doesn't exist." The city supports additional federal investment to eliminate highway -rail grade crossings, enhancing safety to communities across the country. We request additional funding be directed to existing or new discretionary grant programs and federal agencies to improve grade crossing safety. This includes, but is not limited to, the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Grant Program, Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grant Program, and Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development Grant Program. Additional resources for federal agencies may include, but is not limited to, increased funding to the public safety awareness campaign, "Stop. Trains Can't," by FRA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; as well as additional funding for the FRA Office of Research, Development & Technology, to promote applied technology research projects that address grade crossing safety. To enhance safety and efficiency, the city also supports consolidating rail corridors within its jurisdiction. Washington State ranks 15th in the nation for grade crossing collisions and 8th for pedestrian rail trespass casualties. 3.18.21 City of Spokane Valley 509.720.5000 SpokaneValley.org Pines Road/BNSF Railway 5oo���. Grade Separation Project jValley. A Bridging the Valley Project Funding Funding need: $19.3 million Other federal funds: $ 5.0 million City funds: $ 4.7 million Total cost: $29.0 million USDOT total benefits: $40.2 million 2023 construction Project focus The Pines Road/BNSF Railway Grade Separation Project is located in Spokane Valley, Wash., a city of nearly 100,000 residents. The city is situated in the largest Metropolitan Statistical Area between Seattle and Minneapolis, and home to several large industrial parks. The project will remove a BNSF transcontinental rail line at -grade crossing at Pines Road (SR 27), one of Spokane Valley's busiest arterial streets. In 2018, the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) rated the Pines Road/BNSF crossing as the highest ranked unfunded Tier 1 rail crossing in the state out of 4,171 total crossings based on freight mobility and safety. Eliminating the crossing is critical to improving vehicle and pedestrian safety, increasing freight mobility and enhancing economic vitality across the region. The crossing is adjacent to the intersection of Pines Road and Trent Avenue (SR 290), which serves 35,000 vehicles per day, including freight trucks traveling from Canada and northern Idaho that connect to Interstate 90. A roundabout will be constructed at this intersection as part of the project. Key improvements • The grade separation project will replace the Pines Road/BNSF crossing with an underpass and redesign the adjacent signalized intersection of Pines and Trent. In conjunction with a grade separation project underway at the nearby Barker Road/BNSF crossing, this project will eliminate three of the city's at -grade crossings (Barker, Flora and Pines). • The crossing is located 200 yards north of Trent Elementary. The new underpass will reduce congestion and improve safety for students, staff and parents. • The existing intersection and BNSF crossing limits development of 170 acres of mixed -use or commercially - zoned property, and 56 acres of prime industrial -zoned property. The project will increase access to this property and generate additional economic development. Project details On average, 60 BNSF freight trains and two Amtrak passenger trains travel through the Pines Road/BNSF at -grade crossing each day. This results in nearly 28,000 vehicle hours of delay each year, and at least seven vehicle collisions from 2015 to 2019. BNSF plans to add a second main track to the existing rail line, possibly as early as 2021. A second track will likely increase train traffic and vehicle delays. The grade separation project also includes construction of a new roundabout at the adjacent intersection of Pines and Trent. There were 46 collisions in or near this intersection from 2015 to 2019. The project supports the "Bridging the Valley" initiative to improve safety, create more effective freight routes and spur economic development in Spokane Valley. Economic benefits Completion of the Pines Road/BNSF project will improve access to 170 acres of nearby mixed -use or commercially - zoned property, and 56 acres of prime industrial -zoned property that is currently undeveloped (see graphic below). The city teamed with ECONorthwest to develop an economic impact analysis that quantified the projected economic and tax impacts of the project: • $1.3 billion in total economic output in Spokane County ($686 million in direct spending) • 8,719 new jobs supported in Spokane County (4,312 direct job impacts) • $8.2 million in new general fund taxes to Spokane Valley (25 years at 4 percent) • $101.9 million in new general fund taxes to Washington State (25 years at 4 percent) Undeveloped Commercial Undeveloped Residential 0 Project Site • v! � 111 1 . 1 ■ rn1; f* Undeveloped Properties Pines Road/BNSF crossing Public safety and livability enhancements The project will significantly enhance vehicle and pedestrian safety, likely saving lives. In addition, it will greatly improve neighborhood livability. Overall the project: • Eliminates the Pines Road/BNSF crossing — saving four hours per day (average gate -down time) in vehicle wait time. • Improves commercial and residential traffic flow. • Enhances access to 1-90 and other main arterials in the Spokane Valley transportation network. • Increases access to key emergency services located on the south side of the city. • Enhances access to Trent Elementary for school buses, as well as students and families traveling to and from surrounding neighborhoods. • Eliminates 15 minutes of train horn noise per day at the crossing (based on 60 freight trains and two Amtrak passenger trains per day). Washington State City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5000 www.spokanevalley.org/pinesBNSF 3.10.21 SPOKANE VALLEY RIVER LOOP TRAIL A five -mile (non -motorized) paved scenic trail that would serve bicy- clists, runners and walkers, and allow access to the river's north side for fishermen and whitewater enthusiasts. PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES FLORA ROAD PARK PROPERTY A 46-acre property that the City Council opted to purchase in late 2020. The property will include nature trails and other park facilities along the river's northern bank. A pedestrian bridge spanning the river would connect the river trail and park to Flora Road. Flora Road Park Property Spokane Valley SpokaneValley.org 509.720.5000 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail FUNDING REQUEST: $16.5 million The City of Spokane Valley is developing a conceptual design for the Spokane Valley River Loop Trail, a paved non -motorized trail along the Spokane River's north bank that would connect Plante's Ferry Sports Complex to city park property on Flora Road. The proposed trail is approximately five miles long and a recommended project in the city's 2019 Parks and Recreation Mg5ter Play, The trail would c•A lie ut•-, -. -�����... . Id improve access to the Spokane River. Plante's Ferry Sports Complex PINES ROAD ACCESS A new access and parking area for users of both the Centennial and Spokane Valley River Loop trails. A pedestrian bridge span- ning the Spokane River would connect the two trails. 3.10.21 Spokane Bigelow Gulch & Sullivan Road Corridor Spokane County The Bigelow Gulch —Sullivan Corridor is a multi -agency effort that provides a critical connection for regional goods and freight movements across eight miles of rural Spokane County roads and three miles of urban Spokane Valley streets. The corridor has a deadly crash history due to congestion, absence of passing lanes, poor sight lines, steep grades, sharp curves, and a poorly operating interchange at State Route 290. The proposed project reconstructs the narrow Widened in 2013 CITY OF SPOKANE two-lane corridor to a four -lane arterial, installs Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) fiber, cameras, and signs, and reconstructs the SR 290 interchange. The corridor will safely and efficiently provide an alternate route to Interstate 90, linking over 1,100 acres of the region's largest industrial centers: Spokane's Northeast Public Development Authority, the Spokane Valley Business & Industrial Park, and Spokane Valley's Northeast Industrial Area. SPOKANE COUNTY Intersection improved Roadway widened in 2005 in 2019 BIGELOW GULCH RD Roadway Reconstruction and Upgrades ($41.9M total) - Improved horizontal and vertical alignment - Widen from two to four lanes w/ median and paved shoulders - Roadside and intersection safety improvements - Remaining corridor segments to be constructed ($25M) Intelligent Transportation Systems ($5.5M) - Connected signals -Install ITS fiber .41 Intersection Improvements ($1.4M) - Signalization and reconfiguration CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Funding Federal Request: $26.6 million Total funding gap Other federal funds Non-federal funds Previously incurred costs $37.8 million $ 7.5 million $14.6 million $15.5 million Total cost: $75.4 million USDOT estimated benefits: $84.0 million 2022-2025 construction Realigned, widened and intersections improved in 2019 Interchange Reconstruction ($26.6M) Industrial Lands —4- Active Rail Lines Commercial Lands -• •- Municipal Boundaries Project Partners • BNSF Railway • Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board • WA State Dept. of Tranportation • Spokane County • City of Spokane • City of Millwood • Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce • Greater Spokane Inc. • Spokane Regional Trans. Council • Spokane Transit Authority • Transportation Improvement Board • Federal Highways Administration • County Road Administration Board • NE Public Development Authority • East Valley School District • West Valley School District • Mead School District • Crown West Realty • IEDS Logistics • Spokane Area Good Roads Assoc. Spokane Valley project details Washington State We have had made significant investments in the Sullivan Corridor and continue to make improvements to accomodate growth. Corrridor projects include: O RECONSTRUCTION - Funded - Wellesley to Forker Project cost: $11.8 million I Construction year: 2021 © INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Funded - At Wellesley Project cost: $1.4 million I Construction year: 2021 © RECONSTRUCTION & STREET LIGHTING - Unfunded - Wellesley to SR 290 Project cost: $5 million I Construction year: pending FUNDING REQUEST SR 290 INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION - Unfunded Project cost: $26.6 million I Construction year: pending INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM - Completed - Indiana to SR 290 Project cost: $1 million I Construction year: 2020 INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Unfunded - At Kiernan Project cost: $2 million I Construction year: pending INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Completed - At Euclid Project cost: $1.7 million I Construction year: 2017 INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Unfunded - At Marietta Project cost: $2 million I Construction year: pending O BRIDGE REPLACEMENT - Completed - At Spokane River Project cost: $15.5 million I Construction year: 2015 INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Completed - At Indiana Project cost: $1.4 million I Construction year: 2011 • INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Completed - At Broadway Project cost: $0.8 million I Construction year: 2010 ® INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION - Completed - At Sprague Project cost: $1 million I Construction year: 2010 BUS, BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN UPGRADES - Unfunded Project cost: $1 million I Construction year: pending SULLIVAN ROAD FUNDING STATUS (in millions) Total: $74.7 M Funded/Complete: $37.1 M Shortfall (Unfunded): $37.6 M Request: $26.6 M Unfunded 37.6 50% Funded 13.2 18% Complete 23.9 32% `7 J� To Bigelow Gulch Road Queen P I a Olympic m Broad Haoy Heroy ckwell Rockwell g Aalien oadwayA Ride RockweI °vale — waTas@ _ E .t Valley School 8 Broad m Eastland EW:_ ey Ave Uplan. Ca Kie an elki E :yway on Nixa Main 2nd E Al Live Springfield Spring Valleywa 2 62- Riverside E Spragu6ve 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3d Heroy Longfellow — — — Rich Trent Industrial Park 2nd Moore Lacrosse Industrial Park A hdu stria! Park B hdu stria! Pak C hdustrial Park D Industrial Park E A!ki co a E Euclid Ave g Harry -o E Nixon U Main Riverside Z 0 Birch L City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5000 www.spokanevalley.org Spokane 1.Valley 3.10.21 Spokane County Regional Expo Expansion Federal Request: $3 million The City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County are proposing to construct a new 32,300-square-foot conference building at the Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana Street, in Spokane Valley. The building will create additional space and versatility at the center, increasing its ability to attract and support multiple conferences and special events. It is estimated the expanded facility would generate $3.9 million in new visitor spending annually. In addition to boosting the economy, the building will provide a new and exciting showpiece for the Fair and Expo Center, which has not experienced any significant investment in more than 15 years. The Fair and Expo Center sits on 97 acres along Spokane Valley's western boundary. Spokane County will provide the land for the new building; Fair and Expo staff will maintain, manage and market it. The building is envisioned to be attached to the northwest corner of the existing facility. It will include new conferencing space, a full -service restaurant, administrative and ticket sales offices, and a stylish entry that welcomes visitors. tart. 411 '""• ": A northwest view of the new building. Visitors will use the front entry to access conference events, but an adjacent outside entrance will remain for entry into the fair. Main Entry 00000QK17 u Secondary Entry E. Broadway Ave. Fence and Fairgrounds LAccess Gate ULWI,/ Exhi pit Loading The new building will be attached to the northwest corner of the existing expo building. Cost and Funding The city estimates the building would cost about $10 million to con- struct on land currently owned by the county. To date, the city has set aside $3 million in lodging tax proceeds to utilize for construction. The city has requested from the Washington State Legislature a $4 million capital appropriation. This $3 million federal funding request secures the balance of the funds to complete the project. Fair and Expo Center expansion Federal funding request $ 3 million Secured local funding $ 3 million WA State Legislature request $ 4 million Total cost: $10 million ) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ,♦ SECOND FLOOR ♦ J Outdoor Seating Restaurant 4,000 sf Meeting Room #1 4,000 sf 2-Sto Lobby Exhibit Hall Below C a� Q Lobby 2,000 sf Exhibit Hall 16,000 sf 1 Meeting Room #5 800 sf • ♦ Meeting Room #4 1,000 sf Meeting Room #2 1,000sf Meeting Room #3 1,000 sf - Facility History Operated by the county, the Fair and Expo Center has a long and successful history of hosting events in Spokane Valley, including RV, auto and boat shows; equestrian events; and hobby, craft and vintage shows. The facility boasts 140,000-square-feet of indoor exhibit space, a 5,200-seat grandstand arena, and livestock facilities for the fair, which will celebrate its 70th year in 2021. An expansion of the Fair and Expo Center aligns with the City of Spokane Valley's economic and tourism strategy. In 2015, a formal study completed by the city's consultant, Community Attributes Inc., identified a strong connection between retail and tourism development. An analysis of retail sectors showed the city lagged behind in retail sales per capita in tourism -related sectors, including accommodations (lodging establishments), food services and drinking places, and performing arts/spectator sports. In partnership with the county, the city began exploring the concept of expanding the center in 2017. New Spaces A preliminary footprint of the floor plan for the 32,300-square-foot expansion includes: • An additional 16,000-square-foot exhibit hall for trade shows and large events, and 7,800 square feet in smaller conference rooms (2nd floor). • A 4,000-square-foot, full -service restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating. • An office for administration, 2,500 square foot. • A 2,000-square-foot lobby that welcomes guests and conference attendees. The building entrance will face E. Broadway Avenue. Building Benefits The existing Fair and Expo Center is primarily limited to hosting trade show events and lacks the versatility to provide smaller rooms for meetings and conferences. The expansion would create a multi -use facility designed to: • Host single events that require both trade show space and small conference rooms. • Host multiple groups/events at one time through improved flexibility in dividing and using space. • Provide on -site restaurant service to conference attendees or ball park visitors. Currently, the area is generally limited to fast food establishments. • Provide on -site catering for corporate events, fundraising events, small private parties and celebrations. • Host regional distribution/health testing/inoculation events to meet future public health needs. The expansion will positively impact the local economy. In addition to the increased visitor spending noted earlier, it is estimated the new building would operate at a profit. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center 404 N. Havana Street Spokane Valley, WA 99202 509-477-1766 Spokane 4_Valley' City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 spokanevalley.org/expoexpansion 509-720-5000 Spokane County ASHINL TO, 3-10-21 South Barker Road Corridor Projects Spokane 4*Valley The Barker Road corridor parallels the east boundary of Spokane Valley. The road intersects with Interstate 90 providing access to more than 800 acres of industrial property and 220 acres of homes. The area is experiencing rapid industrial growth north of the interstate and expanding residential neighborhoods south of the interstate in Spokane County and east in Liberty Lake. Barker Road is a key arterial for vehicles accessing Interstate 90 or the east -west Sprague Avenue corridor. Project partners V Washington State Department of Transportation V Spokane County V Spokane Regional Transportation Council V Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Mission Ave. Mission Ave. Boone Ave!' Interstate 90 Key improvements In 2020, the city adopted transportation impact fees for the key improvements identified below. Impact fees fund only 19% of the needed improvements and the city is actively pursuing all funding options. • Widen and improve Barker Road to a five -lane urban roadway section from Mission Avenue to 1-90. • Reconstruct the intersection of South Barker Road and Sprague Avenue with a single lane roundabout. • Widen and improve Barker Road to a five -lane urban roadway section from 1-90 to ApplewayAvenue. • Reconstruct the intersection of Barker Road and 4th Avenue with a single lane roundabout. • Reconstruct the intersection of Barker Road and 8th Avenue with a single lane roundabout. Funding request Roadway Reconstruction - Mission Avenue to 1-90. Project cost: $3.1 million Roadway Reconstruction - 1-90 to ApplewayAvenue. Project cost: $6.5 million Er Roadway Reconstruction - ApplewayAvenue to the south city limit. Project Cost: $3.5 million it Intersection Reconstruction - Barker Road and Sprague Avenue. Project cost: $2.2 million ©Intersection Reconstruction - Barker Road and 4th Avenue. Project cost: $2.0 million OIntersection Reconstruction - Barker Road and 8th Avenue. Project cost: $1.5 million Funding status Total project cost: $18.8 million Funding request: $12.9 million Funding Request $12,900,000 69% Secured Funding $2,300,000 12% City of Spokane Valley 509.720.5000 SpokaneValley.org Unsecured Funds (Impact Fees) $3,600,000 19% CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointment of Citizen to County Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: n/a BACKGROUND: We advertised once a week for two weeks in the Valley News Herald, the Spokesman Review, and the Exchange that our City was seeking one volunteer citizen representative to serve on the Spokane County Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee as a Citizen Representative. This position requires a minimum commitment to participate through the entire Conservation Futures Open Nomination and Evaluation process, which is anticipated to be completed November, 2021. Ideally the appointed member would remain on the committee at least until the next open nomination round, which typically occurs every five years. It was also noted that eligible applicants must have their primary residence within the City limits of Spokane Valley. The deadline to submit an application was 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 12, 2021. We received an application from Marijke Albers, Jessica McLaughlin, John Patrouch, and Bob Peregoy. Interviews were conducted by Mayor Wick and Parks, Recreation & Facilities Director Bottelli OPTIONS: Confirm or not, the Mayor's recommendation for appointment. If the Mayor's recommendation is not confirmed by Council, the Mayor may either make another recommendation or the matter can be postponed. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Mr. Bob Peregoy to the County Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee." BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Wick; Parks, Recreation & Facilities Director John Bottelli ATTACHMENTS: Applications Spokane .valley Application Form for Committees/Boards Return completed form Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 East Sprague Aven Phone: 509-720-5102 c. Commissions MAR 3 REC'D City Clerk: n City e ey,- A�92(3Iley e Spokane I y,eGi [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office will nee. an application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission —Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending fmal approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5'1' Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). All no inees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. IA Other: r1S¢ xVR. %DYl i u f-' 4- 1.LI gal �i►2/ 1 t 4941 Name (please print): Complete residence address: /a?/6" SfbMire i// 9qz/( Street '/' City // Z Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): PC' 8i �? �ot �!O S��l�ln �_ �Gi��P(/ C/q %/ Length of time residing at current address: (07 Q.r/ U.S. Citizen? [ yes [ ]no WA Statiregistered voter? yes [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: If you have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure.] [ ] Home Phone: • [ ] Work phone: X 7\ pq Cell Phone: get aq lv [ ] Wier message phone: 29 E-mail address: (please print clearl . Plea/ -er3 a 0 / 1. O pI ve4Regular mail to residence or ailing addre . shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1. [ ] present 4 previous Name of emplpyer: Address: Position held: ne a a / etgo ((p Phone: Dat s of employment: ke c-ed .23 ye & 2. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Position held: 3. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Dates of employment: Position held: 4. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Dates of employment: Position held: EDUCATION: Nf high school or GED: X] yes [ ] no Trade school/col Name of Scho l Diploma:] yes [ no Degree or certification earned: Phone: Dates of employment: l - e ll /l ra. c(I l Address: 1/ � Trade school/college/university: Name of School Diploma: [ ] yes [ ] no g/ 5, .S1-cf/,jai,,49-d14/tc1,1/4, le university: 16,6 �`Z 112 i J ess: 1, � e n e,(1 td .4 ?Fe, cp erg Address: //'l, &'1 Degree or certification earned: Other relevant certifications/licenses: VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name ofsocial, frernal, organiz (� ons, et .�I I� 1. [ ] current �C] previous [I A-0_04 Q j C r � CJi- f � �� / f 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, orcommissions 6/Z1,4 on which you serve or have served. • N. 'km J l /a r 1. [ ]current [ ] previous -1'!`r �rl{�' e.Pa f 9Acx?:ot 7 /D /7 h�i! /-,�'az 2. [ ] current [ ] previous eve; 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous i uDi>k -to 3iVe haLk 40' C'-6mattc t y .l ` / REASONS for applying forthis committ e, cornmissibn, bo rd: t� a.p // i / h a..k3 60S� i� /r1C-!4 c' _ cb/ (ctr el` f Rt � Ll f v91 am .01 GU a _ / p� V!G[ legiet-ecfitg,4n��cr�i 12- B signing this a Beat I certifyunder penalty o - er f the laws of the State of Washington that all Y gn g Pp P tY p J rY information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand this app1iction is subject to disclosyre pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. Sign Spokane .0•OUillley. Application Dorm for Committees/Boards/ Return completed form to Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridgc0.spokanevalley.ors; [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's ollicc will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE TS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S 1VEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk ifyou lime questions.] EC rE11 VELD MAR 5 REC'D olaYss'P il$Pokane Valley City Clerk I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission —Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or Iwo years. Committee consists alive members: One Councilmcmber: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) ITCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5'h Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. Onc individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. Onc individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this connnidee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-oliicio (a member of Council). All nontineos must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County, Other: Spokane County Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee Name (please print): Jessica McLaughlin Complete residence address: 7210 E Fairview Ave - Spokane Valley WA 99212-1526 Street City Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Length of time residing at current address: 30years U.S. Citizen?es [ ]no WA State registered voter?[j'es [ ]no What is your preferred wvay for us to contact you: [Arose: lfyout have an unlisted phone timber, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that inforn,mion. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure.] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: Cell Phone: 509.434.4555 [ ] Other message phone: �f E-mail address: (please print clearly): Ldsmacs@comcast.net [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1. present [ ] previous Name of employer: Spokane County Fair and Expo Center Address: 404 N Havana St Ste 1 - Spokane Valley WA 99202-4663 Position held: Fair Coordinator Dates of employment: 09/01/1988 to Current Phone: 609.477.2770 2. [ ] present I 'previous Nance of employer: West Valley School District Address: 8301 E Buckeye Ave • Spokane WA 99212 Position held: office Assistant 3. [ ] Present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: 509.922.5400 Dates of employment: 1982 to 1905 Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: 4. [ ] Present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: EDUCATION: Name Of high sch Ol West Valley High School Address: 8301 E Buckeye Ave - Spokane WA 99212 Diploma or GED:I1 yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School Spokane Community College Address: 1810 N Greene St - Spokane WA 99207 Diploma: [7]yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School Degree or certification earned: AA and AAS in Hotel / Motel Address: Diploma: [ ] yes [ ] no Degree or certification earned: Other relevant certifications/licenses: Institute of Fair Management Graduate (2011) V 1 . UNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social, fraternal, organizations, etc. iricurrent [ ] previous Boy Scouts of America 2.10 urrent [ ] previous Camp Fire NIul't'ent [ ] previous Washington Stale Horsemen current [ ] previous PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have served. 1 urrent [ ] previous 2. current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous REASONS for applying for this committee, commission, board: Trrw0 OSA a-dCmnp Fee, xa learn Palace av sus Aare% of W preticus re sautes ace tread on; Leave No Trace becomes how v.e live our lives In everything we do in order to make sure that these valuabto resources are slit here for generations to come. With COVID, we learned hoeva'usta oerg•con spaces(especaSy our Ira'%) tecama as they served as therapy for so many. I hara hked many of lko CAs ino.f area and xo,id tosvobacka^Ahe'pshape h€rg areas for future gareratons. By signing this application, 1 certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief 1 further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. 1 understand this application is- ubject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW, 7 / / 05 MAR 2021 / l/ Date Signed Application Form for Committees/Boa Return completed lot Spokane Valley City 10210 East Sprague A Phone: 509-720-5102 [Note: To meet an application deadline. applications may be faxed or c-mailed. However, the Clerk's o application prior 10 appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CIT'Y'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission — Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants arc selected without respect to political affiliations. and serve without compensation. ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms arc for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels. motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit rnaanirc Lion to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents: terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2" I Tuesday of each month. 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities. 12 E 511i Spokane. 1 Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority. jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley C'ity limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this comnrillee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel!Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. Other: Spokane County Conservation Future Land Evaluation Committee [ [ Spokane` do... Valley s/Commissions to City Clerk : 9 RECO II iOff �: enue Spokane lfek inhric►_ i-try f'teY a{original, sign Name (please print): John C. Patrouch Complete residence address: 18009 E Riverway Spokane Valley, WA 99016 Street City Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): same Length of time r siding at current address: 31 years U.S. Citizen Ives [ ]no WA State registered voter? yes [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: If you have an unlisted phone number. or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that in%nrnration. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure.] Home Phone: 509-927-7256 [ ] CeII Phone: [ ] E-mail address: (please print clearly): [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above [ ] Work phone: [ ] Other message phone: E P • YMENT: (Please start with most recent) present [ ] previous at»e of employer: Varela and Associates, Inc Address: 601 W Mallon Ave, Spokane, WA 99201 Phone: 509-328-6066 Position held: Senior Civil/Environmental Engineer Dates of employment: 2016- current 2. [ ] present ] previous Nance of employer: URS Corporation Address: Argonne Rd, Spokane Valley Phone: N/A Position held: Lead Civil Engineer 3. [ ] present previous Varela and Associates. Inc Name of employer: Dates of employment: 2003-2015 Address: 601 W Mallon Ave, Spokane, WA 99201 Position held: Civil Engineer/ Project Manager Phone: Dates of employment: 1996-2003 4. [ ] present j/] previous Name of employer: Bovay NW Address: Spokane, WA Phone: N/A Position held: Civil/Env. Engineer Dates of employment: 1989-1994 EDUCATION: Name of high school Tappan Zee HS Address: Orangeburg, NY 1973 Diploma or GED: yes [ j no Trade school/college/university: Name of School . SUNY at Geneseo Diploma: J/jyes [ ] no Address: Geneseo, NY Degree or certification earned: BA Anthropology 1976 Trade school/college/university: Name of School Washington State University Address: Pullman, WA Diploma: ..,[4-Yes [ ] no Degree or certification earned: MS Environ Engr 1981 Other relevant certifications/licenses: Washington State Professional Engineer VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social. fraternal, organizations, etc. 1. [ ] current previous Friends of the Falls - 2005-2015 (Whitewater Park. River Cleanup/Instream Flows) 2. [ ] current ) previous Northwest Whitewater Association - Avista FERC Dam Licensing (2003-2005) 3. [ ] current ,/f previous Greenacres Neighborhood - Transportation and park funding RCO App about 2010 4,L4"current [ ] previous Various assist with Reacc n hHill MTR/ Spokane River issues through the years PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have served. 1. [ ] current [ ] previous Apparently not 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous REASONS for applying for this committee, commission. board: Provides a great opportunity to participate, on behalf of the City, on an important land conservation committee. The committee's work aligns with my interests, background and availability. By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1 further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of intere or an . pearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. 1 understand this p ,lication is disclo pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. ignature 3 �Zl Da , gned SpOkan e`� .Valleys Application TFOII'IIta for Committees/Boal'ds/Co Return completed foram to Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 East Sprague Avenue missions /,� ty kane Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbrid [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN TI-IE LOCAL NEWSPA1' Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] /194 • v fiez) WA 9904 e .ors r% inal, signed P.E I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission — Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2" d Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5th Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one eat-officio (a member of Council). All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. [Other: ) dA4N,E Cccv CoN5,XV,, -' ,7' f 44vD CdgeW./i /at/ �,H'/77 Name (please print): ,'c2 i < C 1 Complete residence address: yo3y S. s(1/v0ow, / Street City Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Length of time residing at current address: 02( 1f.92� U.S. Citizen? yes [ ]no WA State registered voter? yes [ ]no 5�,4i/ve vit aey/ wA 972C What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: If you have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure] [ ] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: [71s Cell Phone: So 9 9S3 R '` Y2— [ ] Other message phone: E-mail address: (please print clearly): /o3-641a a7 Come 4,574, //e �- [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing adaress shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) l . [><1 present [ ] previous Name of employer: 5-PoA4Nt Ca nuv,v,Ty 6-GGEG• Address: / 8/0 /V • Ato,sve 57: S/x,4,ve, U/f y'9z/ - Phone: .52 S3 3-- zS 8 Position held: Air .2-,tt/cTd,< Dates of employment( 5'407 /7 - /*..eSfi17-7- 2. [ ] present previous Name of employer: Vt/,Gf? U,.4 &E9 Sf aL Address: 8301 t ,Fvc 'y .S/ao�Gr W.4 9y'Z/z-- Phone: .5-a9 ?Si36" A6 Position held: Sc/, ,ve..A `ice- Dates of employment: S 07- /y'Y7 5,�,+7 /99� 3. [ ] present previous Name of employer: /4 i 4) al9.5/// ar) U.v/Vn(.5/T y Address: 5.ZS 7 fr7 Cff-rUe9, /ki ? 0t7f Phone: 509 3.S'9.62-oa Position held: /5/1",7r/ icr 4Gv�-ivq-,z / acc g Dates of employment: 5,447 /9'?Y ^ ✓4VF /991/ 4. [ ] present [ ] previous - Name of employer: 2d&N - /✓ow Cot-.i' '!/� iG,c/sc/eiyce.- Address: &/oNSU, z 47 l�,Ii ,icc/l, -<✓ ` 6-z •S Phone: 893 26f - $38 2- Position held: 5;4: Dates of employment: /9uG /93 I -- P%< /99Z- EDUCATION: Name of high school ,97/kt 344415 r ) //,- Address: 30d e &e4ii Se4rgc/izy, f'/ Diploma or GED: (yes [ ] no 2 /8 0/ Trade school/college/university: Name of School Zo u/Y1,1,Vf .5-��7/,,wt/ Address: /Y4-7 J /ecr&G-e/ Degree or certification earned: - /24T //fy5/a toGy Diploma: yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School ii//Ft5 r9 Of cy64ivD Address: I10004-4f /0/0.4' /4/J Diploma: ,[>(] yes [ ] no Degree or certification earned: 4.5", ,, A..f: , A .vary Other relevant certifications/licenses: A ,'. -:17v 477 77cw 04.t/o.L ..R . Z04i. 45re4J 1iU ltiNG�a.BJ UV' v 67T VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social, fraternal, organizations, etc. 1.,pC] current [ ] previous Svo, ,vir /loan✓/ /NFi✓zf - Z L ,7c./v /,cG- 2. [[>o] current [ ] previous Gt41- %ficf ,<%sscc/gaia.,. 24%. /7u/'-Z- 3. [Xj current [ ] previous .2/1-si-a7�-4/ ea.vs,-,2U. cy 55.z Luse-of-hi/P C ,,.//r77-,5- 4. [ ] current [>Ij previous /iay ?a %r Bi �I4 4.c/ .# - //eVicro 1 . /3S/4 'frf ..-r/c I va/,A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have served. 1. [ ] current [ previous 52../.04./ofz tJc%/f°reJ ./ef/ ,ge 2. [ ] current ] previous. ,e%rr 304 // 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous REASONS for applying for this committee, commission, board: �-.S ' f ‘gAr'r By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief I further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand this application is subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter.42.56 RCW. /Z- Signature Date Signed Bob Peregoy Citizen Representative on the Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee Reasons for Applying: utilize public lands in our area almost every day of the year. I am an active user (trail running, hiking, biking, and snowshoeing) of many of the properties purchased with Conservation Futures Funds (e.g., Tiler Creek, Phillips Ranch, Antoine Peak, Mica Peak, etc.). I am well aware that having access to these properties is thanks to the stewards of the Conservation Futures Fund who have made wise and well- informed decisions regarding what properties to purchase. I believe I am now at a point in life where I have the time and relevant background that would allow me to serve as a steward of this fund. I believe my educational and work backgrounds make me well -suited to serve as a Citizen Representative on this committee. My educational background is in agriculture, plant science, soils, and related subject areas. I have a B.S. and M.S. in Agronomy, a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology, and a B.A in Education/Biology. Over the past forty-five years I have worked in production agriculture, agricultural research, and education. For the past twenty-five years I have been an instructor in the Environmental Sciences Department at Spokane Community College where I have had the chance to work with Wildlife Biologists, Foresters, Geologists, Hydrologists, and Horticulturists. I believe that my educational background, experience as an educator, and professional network would serve me well in this position. As a volunteer trail builder with the WTA and Spokane Mountaineers, and trail steward with the Dishman Hills Conservancy, I have been active in establishing and maintaining trails on numerous public properties in northeastern Washington. Including many of those purchased with Conservation Futures Funds. I also spend a great deal of time helping to maintain (trash removal, weed control, and vandalism remediation) trails at the Dishman Hills Natural Area, Phillips Ranch and Iller Creek. Through my involvement with trail building/maintenance and stewardship of public lands, I have gotten to know, and work with, many of the leaders in our area's conservation community. These include Jeff Lambert (Dishman Hills Conservancy), Paul Knowles (Spokane County Parks and Recreation), Bryant Robinson (Park Ranger, Spokane County Parks and Recreation), Todd Dunfield (Inland Northwest Land Conservancy), Lynn Smith (Spokane Mountaineers), and Holly Weiler (Washington Trails Association). Finally, I am somewhat familiar with the process of nominating property to be considered for purchase through the Conservation Futures Fund. I submitted a nomination for property in the late 1990's. While I am sure the process has been modified somewhat since I participated as a nominator, I believe this experience would still be relevant. Thank you for considering my application to serve as the City's Citizen Representative on the Conservation Futures Land Evaluation Committee. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointment: Streets Sustainability Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.11.020 — Powers vested in legislative bodies of noncharter and charter code cities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street Operations and Maintenance, and pavement preservation, have been topics of discussion for each City Council since shortly after the City's incorporation, having discussed the topic at least 52 times. On January 19 and February 2, 2021, City Council provided consensus to the City Manager to bring forward a motion consideration for the creation of the Streets Sustainability Committee (Committee), including a proposed Committee membership roster for consideration and appointment. BACKGROUND: The proposed Committee will serve as staffs primary resource to seek input and to connect with the community at large. Stakeholders on the Committee represent leaders in their respective category and will help staff gather input from their respective "base." The Committee will use a variety of public outreach methods to gather feedback from the community, including public meetings, community surveys, and social/print/digital media. The Committee will receive and evaluate input to formulate a recommendation to City Council. The recommendation will be based on the initial goals of the Committee, which are: 1. Evaluate citizens' interest and support for maintaining city streets and suggesting pavement condition goals. 2. Identify preference for maintaining city streets, types of treatments used, and long- term levels of service. 3. Investigate current revenues and potential future funding sources for maintaining city streets at the recommended level of service. Nineteen committee members were invited to participate and three citizen -representative committee positions were advertised to the general public at -large. Advertisements announcing the three citizen -representative positions ran in the Valley News Herald, the Spokesman Review, and the Exchange, and notice of the openings was also placed on the City's website and various social media platforms. The application window was February 3 to February 26, 2021. A total of seven applications were received for the citizen representatives. The following table includes all selected participants of the committee that are to be considered for Council confirmation. Upon confirmation, staff will work with the Committee to identify the specific meeting dates and times. All meetings will be held either virtually, or at City Hall (if permitted), and be open to public. Although there will be no public comment at Committee meetings, ongoing public surveys/polls will be available. Further, while 100% attendance is requested of the Committee members, staff anticipates some Committee members will inevitably have schedule conflicts. Two-thirds of the committee, or 15 members, will be required for a quorum. Table 1. Proposed Streets Sustainability Committee Membershi No. Name Category Employer 1 Lance Beck Business — General Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce 2 Frank Tombari Business — General Banner Bank 3 Cheryl Stewart Business — General Assoc. of General Contractors — Inland NW 4 Kevin Person Business — Large Wagstaff 5 Kyle England Business — Large Kaiser Aluminum 6 Greg Repetti Business — Large Valley Hospital 7 Jesse Granado Business — Large Waste Management 8 Robin DeRuew Business — Small Fitness Finatics 9 Tom Dingus Business — Small Dingus, Zarecor & Associates, PLLC 10 Matt Ewers Freight Inland Empire Distribution Services 11 Ben Small Schools Central Valley School District 12 Cal Coblentz Social Services Spokane Valley Partners 13 Carol Weltz Social Services Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners (SNAP) 14 Mike Frucci Transportation Washington State Dept. of Transportation 15 Karl Otterstrom Transportation Spokane Transit Authority 16 Kelly Fukai Transportation Washington State Transportation Commission 17 Kevin Wallace Transportation Spokane Regional Transportation Council 18 Melanie Rose Utility Company Avista Utilities 19 Todd Henry Utility Company Vera Water and Power 20 Joe Tortorelli Transportation Spokane Good Roads Association 21 Chris Moan Citizen Representative 22 Diana Wilhite Citizen Representative 23 Kathe Williams Citizen Representative OPTIONS: Confirm or not, the Mayor's recommendation for appointments. If the Mayor's recommendation is not confirmed by Council, the Mayor may either make another recommendation or the matter can be postponed. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to confirm the Mayoral appointments to the Streets Sustainability Committee as identified in the list above, with all appointment's beginning immediately and expiring on December 31, 2021. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, P.E. — Engineer -Planning & Grants ATTACHMENTS: Citizen Representative Applications RECEIVED Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions 2021 SOe Return completed form to City Clerk: City of Spokane Valley j�djlValle Spokane Valley City Hall Office Of the City Clerk Y` 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridge a,spokanevalley.org [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission —Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5th Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. [V] Other: Streets Sustainability Committee Name (please print): Craig Ambacher Complete residence address: 14516 E 12th Ave Street City Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Spokane Valley, WA 99037 Length of time residing at current address: U.S. Citizen? [v]yes [ ]no WA State registered voter? []yes [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: Ifyou have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure] [ ] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: [v] Cell Phone: 509-475-8317 [ ] Other message phone: [ ] E-mail address: (please print clearly): [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1. [v] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Ambacher Insurance Address: 14516 E 12th Ave Phone: 509-475-8317 Position held: owner Dates of employment: 8/1/2012 to present 2. [ ] present [v] previous Name of employer: ProEquities Address: 2801 Hwy 280 South Birmingham AL Phone: 800-288-3035 Position held: Financial Representative 3. [ ] present [v] previous Name of employer: Country Financial Address: 1420 N Mullan Rd Ste 210, Spokane Valley WA 99206 Dates of employment: 4/1/2011 to 8-1-2012 Phone: 509-444-8813 Position held: Financial Representative Dates of employment: 4/1/2007 to 4/1/2011 4. [ ] present [v] previous Name of employer: Home Depot Address: 5617 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley Wa 99212 Position held: Department Head Phone: 509-534-8588 Dates of employment: 3/1/2000 to 4/1/2007 EDUCATION: Name of high school Jenkins High School Address: Chewelah WA Diploma or GED: [v] yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School The American College of Financial Services Address: 630 Allendale Rd #400, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Diploma: [v] yes [ ] no Degree or certification earned: LUTCF Trade school/college/university: Name of School Spokane Community Colleges Address: Spokane WA Diploma: [v] yes [ ] no Degree or certification earned: Other relevant certifications/licenses: VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social, fraternal, organizations, etc. 1. [ ] current [ v] previous National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Secretary 2. [ ] current [ v] previous Spokane Home Builders, Remodelers Council, Membership Chair 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have served. 1. [ ] current [ ] previous 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous REASONS for applying for this committee, commission, board: as a business owner, I can make a worthwhile Contribution to my community. I have a sincere interest in my City and believe, By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand this application is subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. 4194.2 .14., 2/10/2021 Signature Date Signed Spokane �Valley6 Application Form for Committees/Boards/CommissioB E C E I V E D 0 Return completed form to City Clerk: a l 20, Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valltcji mf kafle Valley Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridge(a)spokang l .gfihe City Clerk [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission — Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Teens are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5`h Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area. Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. ]'Other: J\l 114.2 .Sr, `iTA 1 N 6) -rY C 00444 / T Name (please print): )(A E (; 0" Z.-- Complete residence address: l , S/T Street City Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): 130 Y / L% / t, 3 - ) iL= IZ 1'1-14 L)'1 t (,G i) WO-) Length of time residing at current address: U.S. Citizen?]yes [ ]no WA State registered voter?,]yes [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: If you have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure.] [ ] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: p el Ce11 Phone: SM (-35 "6) u 3 [ ] Other message phone: 4.1E-mail address: (please print clearly): tr14 L/'r'i; A_ 4 1- - — ' 1. t) o"_- [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1711 present [ ] previous Name of employer: ---�'- /1 Y) 31) 6,YT (L t2 a ,vc V,4LLt'Y 1 _ ��--- �i 9 / & Address: ) 00) D • )4 )t? L))( /Sporn PP 1) P ae-i) t tv ✓-L- Phone: 09 SY2 )2 2 7 Position held: 5t AFL s pn-e Dates of employment: 2. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: 3. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: 4. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: EDUCATION: Name of high school tiSb ja /4 )G N- Diploma or GED: [es [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School Diploma: [ ] yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School Diploma: [ ] yes [ ] no Address: / /11 )vvt -lc) /3 / 21w (3)- �,.- ddress: Degree or certification earned: Address: Degree or certification earned: Other relevant certifications/licenses: VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Nine of social, fraternal, organizations, etc. 1. [ ] current .[�] previous �i '�? &C % a A �f (t.h 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have served. 1. [ ] current [ ] previous 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous a REASONS for applying for this committee, commission, board: �1 S T � I/' � I-�`i 6 l'911-) It? tV r; ���n "w CIA 11-7,-/ A-6 e Uvr_ ,—st ors 4 &-'r-O < By signing this application, I certify under penalty of petjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand this application is subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. Signa z / Date Signed Jim Fluegal 13401 East 4th Ave. Spokane Valley, Washington 99216 509-385-3153 Email: jimfluegal@hotmail.com Accomplishments: • Have worked in the sales and sales manager roll with ADT/Tyco/Johnson Controls for over 15 years. • Have a proven track record turning around under achieving office for sustained growth. • Managed combined million dollar sales budgets. • Ability to proactively develop and maintain business partnerships, ensuring success in balancing stake holders and customer needs. • Work well with division leadership to accomplish the company goals. Education and Training: • Tyco International Manager certification • ADT Management certification • Business Certificate SCC College • U.S. Army Big Ben Community College • U.S. Army Drill Sgt School • U.S. Army Recruiter/Career Counseling School • U.S. Army Military Police School • U.S. Army Nuclear Biological Chemical Weapons School • Certified in Complex Access Control systems • Certified in IP based camera system • Certified in Basic Fire Alarm system • Certified in Security systems • Microsoft Office, Sales Genie, Sales Force and Oracle CRM software. Professional Experience: November 2005 - Current Johnson Controls/ Tyco/ ADT Security Sales Manager/Senior Account Rep. Responsible for leading JCI security sales teams and their day to day activities to include: • Excellent conflict resolution management skills • Work to establish co -sale opportunities with Johnson Controls divisions. • Proactively apply new ways of thinking and bringing about positive change within the sales organization, to continue year over year growth. • Activity Management • Fleet Management • Safety Programs • Manage sales teams in a 5 state area • Develop new business channel partners to help in the RFP bid process • Work well with the install and service departments for maximum gross margin revenue, and customer satisfaction. Jan 1997 to November 2005 Sugarloaf Creations District Manager Responsible for the sale and placement of gaming equipment in a 20 state area, top District Manager nationally 2000 to 2005. • Sold Revenue Sharing Programs (RSP) of amusement vending equipment, locally and nationally • Arranged business meetings with top line managers in the Grocery/ Restaurant, Hotel and Trucking industry; Channel Manager for Native American Casinos. • Contract administration • P&L management • Fleet management • Safety management • Trade show scheduling • Warehouse management • Worked with the state gaming authorities, to include gaming licensing of equipment • Product pricing to include transportation • Equipment placement and installation RECEIVED 11 2021 [� City of Spokane Valley Application For m for CommitteeslBoardsl// Com m Issions Office of the City Clerk Sb ane'm Return completed form to City Clerk: 006Vallejr. Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 Fast Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridge@spokanevallev.org [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPEN I NG. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk ifyou have questions.] I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission — Musr be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5th Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Chock with the City Cloth =oncoming aVacancy on this committee. [ 'Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). All no eeees���op be e rs or en ployees�af loilgir�g business within Spokane County, Other: - 1 4a Name (please print): Intl I m a kje 4 ter Complete residence address: C' 13/ (rl ) (41,141, &11 f, UM- Street City Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Length of time residing at current address: Sj U 02.5 • U.S. Citizen? j<]yes [ ]no WA State registered voter? Myes [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: if you hove an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not incuudo that information, Once this document is submitted to the City, It becomes subject to public disclosure,] [ ] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: [�C] Cell Phone: 50 er 9 5 cc04, [] Other message phone: ]E-mail address: (please print clearly): k0 S 2 I W 6'9 r✓I a_t`,P _ awn Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1. present [ ] previous ame of employer: �� Address: 1( q1(v t �ciL/�se ,t # Yl ° - Cpa ( Phone: ?5— ?& Position held: ©per Dates of employrfient: e:20 2. [ ] present [0.previo hs Name of emplo er: Address: /4 frk—e- Position held: ;E Q2} �d 3. [ ] present p<1 previous Name of employer: 1 S (tea u-�►t,�- Address: Position held: (.�(469 4. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: 90 a- Phone: 7 Dates of employment: Phone: Dates of employment: / Q 6 y - / 9 85 Position held: EDUCATION: Name of high school t'C/ !/d Weep_ iplolor GED: Qd yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School AIfr)S 1) Diploma: [ ] //y��ee/s [X] no k Trade school/coHe ffluniversiitty o-t- Name of School Diploma: Phone: Dates of employment: Address: /frlfG , AID Address: 1Al2-?i) /fP Degree or certification earned: ess: D . Degree or certification earned: /`rAr5AA Other relevant certifications/licenses: VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social, fraternal, or anizations, etc. 1. [ ] current [i] previous t �, %he�,�m.«t � 2. [ ] current VI previous .r3vu„ J T'1, �' �, i-r, r /10-444 K n rrr� jss 3. [ ] current Dd previous �Q 00 4. [ ] current [ ] previous PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local,state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have served. 1. [ ] current Ai previous /� i 4- n-yJ (�`f/ 2. [ ] current [ ] previous ! !i 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous REASONS for pplying for this committee, commission, board: 44:11 � it .lu, J lei IMAJ p cf e Gem )41 By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand this application is su get to displosur ursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. Signature RECEIVED Spokane jValley 1 6 2021 Application Form for CommitteesBoards/CommissiOI ty of Spokane Valley Office of the City Clerk Return completed form to City Clerk: Spokane Valley City Hall 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridge@spokanevaliey.org [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or c-mailed. However. the Clerk's office will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Cull the City Clerk if you have questions.] I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission — Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmcmbcr: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terms not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5th Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority. jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. [A Other: ,fj -P.et Stkc-fe. -VB t10 i 13/ C'>rntae, Name (please print): &1J,"15 kp(tr MO '0 r Complete residence address: jjvlei 5, Keller c1 1-- 6ne leii Street City 992/(' Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Length of time residing at current address: Li Yor-S U.S. Citizen? K]yes [ }no WA State registered voter? ((]yes [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: If you have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- ntail address made public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure] [ ] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: [ ] Cell Phone: [ ] Other message phone: [A E-mail address: (please print clearly): Qh ri s mntiri% I O i1oi-rna11. cc 4 [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1. [x] present [ ] previous Name of employer: rtth 6 U �i keS Address: 141 l £. 1'n sbn ,4 , Position held: F;S6,;u [Roblt* ci()kr)cS+ W A- qq 2O2 Phone: 22I ` 'Pr? Dates of employment: 10/ 201(0 — lPrecco ' 2. [ ] present [/J previou nn 1 Name of employer: l.C,n ��ei- f�{ n bra c1( 441c. (Alan n T1 2eW1)I-1-Vn� e�� fl Address: 3Z0 Ltl , (�a+rr S� Tohn lir (7 1 �84.r 1 Phone: 5t11- 575-- I L'(dn Position held: r:34 �clC�r1�{- Dates of employment: N /2O /I — 10 /ZOI(o 3. [ ] present [XJ previous Name of employer: Wyrni\-14 Cpriew. -i+v:� is pq men ' Address:3030 ererq, nC' (' �� WY 82400 Phone: 30?-413 3i/00 Position held: %islien es Piz)Im, f Dates of employment: /240'8 — /2.0'1D 4. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: EDUCATION: l / Name of high school wept U2ai� 1fi Qlt Jr,11Gb l Address: 23 Diploma or GED: [A) yes ] nJ 1 Trade school/colle a/university: , �� Name of School erg ltil,a�, �„ UrktrS1 ( Address: 52 5 S. C Lnee (A)4 grlaoy Diploma: [Ayes [ ] no d Degree of certification earned: PAthelnrS OF Ste; rn(P Trade school/college/university: �y Name of School F'�Skm (���ah, E �nive-s (Address: 52t) 6fl' st, kn iit?f} 99CtY1 Diploma: [)Q yes [ ] no Degree or tification earned: YY1a4ef- zence Other relevant certifications/licenses: `¶iz IZ VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social, fraternal, organizations, etc. 1. psi curent [ ] previous SecAz.. v' l )al lei{ 2. [ ] cwrent [ ] previous J 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, Or commissions on which you serve or have se ed. 1. [ ] current [>1 previous �TI Crt.C2r1 F3I1eri is &oc. dy 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 11 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous n REASONS for applying for this committee, commission, board: !� 3n ��iry rnner) bi`e,l awl rno f�r�zf T eve I iTn prVr14. 11��14,,b�. M I h&- 16 FIniS (q ,;fl-ee (r Te at^ uyj (- nur Ci ci-rtit. 2 ? VI) h with PtA 't rvey:, man r;nei& (i,ocQ,fm e ment. By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best any knowledge and belief. I further state that my appointment would not represe a conflict o nterest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand this y;1;�ication ij ject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. /ZI Signature Date Signed RECEIVED 1 6 2621 Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions City of Spokane Valley Spokafe Return completed form to City Clerk: Office of the Clt Clerk j VAlle Spokane Valley City Hall y 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridecabspokancvallev.org [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] 1 AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission - Afirst be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms arc for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (Sec chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms arc for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councihnember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in funded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terns not to exceed three ycars. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force - Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2"'' Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5a' Spokane. [ j Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) - regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy on this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Arca. Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) - Terms arc for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-oflicio (a member of Council). All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County. [(] other: Sf-retts SlssFairabt li tLJ �tTtrfli.tteP_ Name (please print): 10I OLt 1(X W -t e ]��,�'•� "_ Complete residence address: 1010 S. Skn Uale_Lfxne, Spoizc �UGI le qq 03) Street City . Yip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Length of time residing at current address: 1 a yGr5 U.S. Citizen? Nyes [ ]no WA State registered voter? ()Oyes [ Jno What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: Ifyou have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address tirade public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure.] [ ] Home Phone: [ J Work phone: Or] Cell Phone: qq [-"1(.3q [ ] Other message phone: [id E-mail address: (please print clearly): lilt) I 1 Ki+e. I9`1S ®jahoo •Con [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing address shown above EMPLOYMENT: (Please start with most recent) 1. M present [ ] previous. ``��. Name of employer: ‘.I.)11r) I te. Cx%1' XQC I SCS Address: III to 5- S �NhuGtQ Lc\ Sgo lcar\e.UA lt9,ti go►o 31 Phone: 49 I - 7 L �9 Position held: O W flea- Dabs of employment: atu I c°t - r1 QS�11 t, 4. current [ ] previous Utz 2. [ ] Present [A] previous Cie UCtf'd.'6US I Yt tS, S Cj t•+UU,SA-tn tS Name of employer: Address: L Phone: Position held: par YIp.0 Dates of employment: 1.91 I :l 3. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: 4. [ ] present [ ] previous Name of employer: Address: Phone: Position held: Dates of employment: NameofiEDUCATION:Q f \bri I t e 1 1 1g1 �mbrl &Qtr r) Name of hi h school a _ j ["� Y1 Address: 1 Diploma or GED: PQ yes [ ] no Trade school/college/university: Name of School Uk.. 9 Diploma: Oyes [ ] nov Trade school/college/university: Name of School ar�14118 Address: CD \�Q�V--"Ptatk t r?l� Degree or certification earned: J BA Diploma: [ ] yes [ ] no Other relevant certifications/licenses: Address: Degree or certification earned: TA)SurancL /P‘tesit VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Name of social, fraternal, organi ations, etc. . I. [4 current [ ] previous •o nth 10 trouh 15Cr - Ft gf1CA. 2. [)41 current [ ] previous 3. [. current [ previous S e.11 a c^L,o ki - 1-4jt-e, r O P - pc tit ' r t.' -i3 v-Chi1 rr� Se PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have isrvcd. I. [ICJ current [ ]previous 9-1-aWo'�e Wet e4�`(� nlVlt� Beau ck b�rtt oes . 2. [x] cun•ent [ ] previous P3peo[CsieA-UQlke.1 Firms'0%St c t.J UVi I StrO C(.. COMM.SI0tjer 3. [ ] current [q previous 5• (Cr nr ieyhO ronsQoete+t-ion CoW1C+ 4. [ ]current [,14 previous No42 •� i _ Tru.r, .�. t� • LL !L 5. [ ] current [)previous 5 pOkArte VG sen C.: 5 C.ounc.a REASONS for applying for this c.mmittee, commis ion, board: Niue. ft Ell a! SOW^Crr . o1.6X1 H OA By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the Taws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1 further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. 1 understand this application is subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. Signature Date Signed Spokane 'Valle3r Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions Return completed form to City Clerk: City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley City Hall Office of the City Clerk 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509-720-5102 cbainbridge(ivspokanevalley.ora [Note: To meet an application deadline, applications may be faxed or e-mailed. However, the Clerk's office will need an original, signed application prior to appointment. One application per position please. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. OPENINGS ARE POSTED ON THE CITY'S WEBPAGE AND ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. Call the City Clerk if you have questions.] RECEIVED ,h1,i4 2 5 2021 I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: [Check one box; note requirements] [ ] Planning Commission — Must be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 18.10 SVMC) Terms are for three years. Applicants are selected without respect to political affiliations, and serve without compensation. [ ] Lodeint=_ Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Need not be a Spokane Valley resident. (See chapter 3.20 SVMC) Terms are for one or two years. Committee consists of five members: One Councilmember: appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Council. Two who represent a business required to collect the tax (hotels, motels, etc.). Two involved in fimded activities (such as a non-profit organization to increase tourism). Identify the business or organization you represent [ ] Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDACI HCDAC includes two Spokane Valley residents; terns not to exceed three years. Spokane Valley appointment pending final approval by Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Spokane County Application and Supplemental Application also required. • [ ] Spokane County Human Rights Task Force — Terms are for four years. Must be a resident of Spokane Valley. The Board currently meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 to 5:00 at Catholic Charities, 12 E 5th Spokane. [ ] Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) — regional committee, five members. Terms are five years. One individual directly assisted by the Authority, jointly appointed by Spokane Mayor, Spokane Valley Mayor, and Chair of Board of County Commissioners. Two individuals who work or reside within Spokane City limits. One individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County. One individual who works or resides within Spokane Valley City limits. Check with the City Clerk concerning a vacancy an this committee. [ ] Tourism Promotion Area, Hotel Advisory Committee (aka Hotel/Motel Association) — Terms are for three years. Spokane Valley appoints two members, and one ex-officio (a member of Council). [(/�OtheAll inees rp t e orato r employees ofjlodgingr�iusine�"55 Spokanecounty.a% � �P /XAJtlJ11 CMS..... Ste' 4,�.J Name (please print): 0 /( Complete residence address: /U Od(�/S VJ74/tt (/Cr�LIX�f 99&Wb /// Street !! / City "`JJJ Zip Code Complete mailing address (if different from above address): Length of time residing at current address: 3 / eS U.S. Citizen? [ yes [ ]no WA State registered voter? [ s [ ]no What is your preferred way for us to contact you: [Note: Ifyou have an unlisted phone number, or do not wish your e- mail address made public, do not include that information. Once this document is submitted to the City, it becomes subject to public disclosure.] [ ] Home Phone: [ ] Work phone: [ orCe1l Phone: S09. OS/. 8a34, [ ] Other message phone: [y],E-mail address: (please print clearly): kd c 44J/// C�/ (ci % l & A\ [ ] Regular mail to residence or mailing &ddress shown above" EMPLOYMENT: lease start with most recent) 1. [ ] present [ intrevi s Name of employer:/(o Address: �; Position held: Phone: Dates of employment: ,ri�'ruzu� 2. [ ] present [ Irevi us Name of employer: Address: Position held: Co — 64./ALK 3, [ ] present [revi Name of employer: Address: Q/ /V Position held: 4. [ ] present [irevi.us Name of em.loyer: Address: Position held: Ando EDUCATION: � Name of high school ( I%'u C(L Diploma or GED: [v]'j'es [ ] no Trade school/cone eitr versity Name of Schooll' Diploma: [y]'}' (hone: 1 ' ; ' 0 Date c employment: 8. 4200/ — Phone: Dates of employment: /. e2 Phone: ates of employment: Address: i�� ibho�d QuLQp� i it_ LUNY thi ii34 Ly Address: 6126 1hpi p9QO'/ es [ ] no Degree c ry J . Trade school/college/university: Name of School Diploma: [ ] yes [ ] no ertification earned: Address: Degree or certification earned: Other relevant certifications/licenses: VOLUNTEER EXPERIENC : Name of social, fraternal, organiz. tioLL1 , et 1 . ['Current [ ] previous y�i % ! ' / 1 _ I Likl _ � 2. [ ] current [v]rprevious i_/ / , �/. ! / . ` i-•L' 3. [ ] current [previous / i %� j/[xf ii!1 ... ! h:._ . • 4. [ ] current [V]'previous izzar. e / i_ /�I ! • �_ . PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Local, state, or national government boards, committees, or commissions on which you serve or have erved. 1. [ ] current [rrprevious 2. [ ] current [ ] previous 3. [ ] current [ ] previous 4. [ ] current [ ] previous 5. [ ] current [ ] previous .Q RE SONSC°r a lying for this committee, commission, board: Ll25Z fDrizr (JGCSiAL5 0 thuY //ty,L 1(QL oJ/i/ By signing this application, I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that my appointment would not represent a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest with the duties of this position. I understand his a iplication is subject , o d osurg pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW. • Sign ture /. 023. a21 Date Signed Meeting Date: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action March 23, 2021 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Potential Grant Opportunity — SRTC Preservation Call for Projects GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: On March 1, 2021, Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) issued a call for projects that makes available $6 million of federal funding to SRTC member agencies. Of the $6 million available, rural and small cities will be awarded a minimum of $805,000 up to a maximum of $1.65 million. This leaves $4.3-$5.2 million available for Spokane Valley to compete for with other agencies. Awarded funds will be available for obligation in 2022 and 2023. Funds are limited to preservation treatments only, which include grind/inlay/overlay projects or surface treatment projects, such as chip seals. Project awards are capped at $1 million and each agency is capped at $2 million of awarded funds. A minimum non-federal match of 13.5% is required, but applicants can score additional points if the non-federal match is 20% (+5 points) or 25% (+10 points) of the project total cost. A project can score a maximum number of 100 points. Applications are due April 30, 2021. After evaluating the program requirements, staff selected three projects that are expected to be the most competitive for this call for projects. All three projects involve varying degrees of asphalt grinding with a subsequent asphalt inlay and/or overlay. Surface treatments are not proposed. Projects are prioritized, as required per the application. Project Rank Requested Funds City Contribution Project Total Cost Broadway Rd. at 1-90 (Fancher to Park) #1 $1,000,000 (53%) $900,000 (47%) $1,900,000 (100%) Sprague Ave. (Havana to Fancher) #2 $1,000,000 (50%) $1,000,000 (50%) $2,000,000 (100%) Evergreen Rd. (Broadway to Mission) #3 $ 951,500 (86.5%) $148,500 (13.5%) $1,100,000 (100%) OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff requests Council consensus to proceed with all three projects and return on April 6, 2021, with a motion to apply for funding for the three projects. Staff continues to refine the application estimates and a final cost estimate and recommended local match amount will be provided to Council on April 6, 2021. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City will be responsible for any project costs beyond $1 million, as required per the call for projects. This applies to projects #1 and #2. The minimum 13.5% match is recommended for project #3 in order to maximize the award and also to prioritize projects #1 and #2 above project #3. It is highly unlikely that the City would receive more than one project award. Upon review with the Finance Dept., it has been identified that the City has sufficient funds in Pavement Preservation Fund #311 to satisfy local match requirements if awarded any single project, or a combination of the following two projects #1 and #3, or projects #2 and #3. Also, if needed for work beyond grind and overlay, it has been identified that the City has sufficient REET funding in Funds #301 and #302 for those same combinations of projects. Should the City be in a fortunate enough position to receive funding awards for both projects #1 and #2, staff would reconvene with the Finance Dept. to provide a more thorough analysis of the City's ability to satisfy local match requirements. STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, Planning & Grants Engineer ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2021 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Purchase of Police Body Worn Cameras GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City of Spokane Valley Interlocal Agreement 17-104 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Technical Support for the current Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) has been discontinued. In evaluating replacement systems, the Spokane County Sheriff's Office discovered a bundled package that would provide DEMS, Tasers, and Body Worn Cameras that would be less expensive than buying these items separately and would allow the cameras to be fully integrated with DEMS and facilitate easier, time -saving storage of recorded footage. DEMS and Taser costs are existing costs in the City's agreement for law enforcement services. The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has authorized purchase of body worn cameras for all uniformed personnel that are in County -dedicated units and shared units. Sheriff Knezovich and Chief Ellis are asking the City of Spokane Valley City Council to consider authorizing the purchase of body worn cameras for all uniformed officers in Spokane Valley dedicated units. The BOCC has indicated their preference for Council to also authorize the upfront payment of purchase and implementation costs, rather than paying for the depreciated costs over the useful life of the equipment. Applicable Interlocal Agreement Language 4.4. Termination of the Agreement — Vehicles and Equipment. At the termination of this Agreement, CITY shall have the option to purchase, subject to agreement of SHERIFF and COUNTY, COUNTY -owned vehicles and/or equipment used to provide Services. 6.5 Capital Purchases. Capital equipment deemed necessary for all commissioned officers, excluding vehicles, with a cost greater than $50,000 may be billed to CITY at the time of purchase contingent upon prior CITY authorization All capital items purchased by County will become the property of COUNTY. All items purchased by CITY will become the property of CITY. All capital items not immediately billed to CITY will be incorporated as fixed assets in the COCAP and reimbursed through depreciation. County shall consult with City prior to committing to capital purchases that exceed $200,000. Cost The County has offered to cover 60% the costs for the first five years. Spokane Valley's share of the DEMS/Taser/Bodycam bundle (beyond the current costs for DEMS and Tasers) would be $410,000 for the first year and $318,000 for each subsequent year, with a potential first year cost reduction due to mid -year implementation of public record personnel. The cost estimate includes public record and legal personnel associated with fulfilling requests for bodycam footage. Budget The 2021 City of Spokane Valley Budget includes $23,072,000 in appropriations for law enforcement services. The initial estimate received by the County for these services is $23,598,922. There is a $200,000 contingency budgeted. Other financial considerations are firing range/training center (Starting in 2022, $100K-$200K annual operating) costs and mental health stabilization center (last estimate received approximately $200K annually) costs. OPTIONS: Discussion only; proceed to Motion Consideration on April 6. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Increase annual law enforcement costs by approximately $410K in 2021 and $320K in subsequent years. STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst; Police Chief Dave Ellis; Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Spokane Valley Police Department: Body Camera Project SPOKANE VALLEY CITY HA Lt. • Spar atie ci'Pairev Lofl ce epartm nt w'. MSHC Ate rediLod Agency .ikpee f March zi 3;�2ou Overview Benefits Costs Timelines WI Uniform mounted cameras that record audio and video from the Officer's perspective Benefits Increased transparency and accountability Protection for Spokane Valley Police Department employees from false complaints Indisputable evidence for court prosecutions Reduced civil liability 4 Body Camera Proposal Axon Officer Safety Plan Plus (OSP+) Includes bodycams for all 242 employees of the Spokane County Sheriff's Office and Spokane Valley Police Department • Includes tasers for all employees • Includes needed Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) • Includes firearms sensor that tracks handgun unholstering • Video livestreaming capability from Officers body camera to enhance real- time situational awareness Video redaction software for PDR requests 2 19-B1--0. AXON BODY Costs Spokane County proposes to incentivize the purchase of body cameras by paying sixty percent of the total project costs for the first five years • Spokane Valley's portion would be approximately $41ok the first year, $318k each subsequent year Includes personnel costs for public disclosure staff and legal counsel deployment Training of staff beginning in September of 2021 Purchase and acquisition in Full agency wide July of 2021 Ihhhhhhhhhhhilinin 11111111111111111111Mmok 1111111111mm Questions? DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of March 18 2021; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Mar 30, 2021, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Mar 23] 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick (5 minutes) April 6, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Mar 30] 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick (5 minutes) 2. Motion Consideration: Potential Grant Opp — SRTC Preservation Call for Projects — Bill Helbig (10 min) 3. Motion Consideration: Purchase of Police Body Worn Cameras —Chief Ellis, sheriff Knezovich, M.Koudelka (10 min) 4. Admin Report: Abandoned Shopping Carts — Erik Lamb (20 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 45 mins] April 13, 2021, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Visit Spokane Update — Joanne Ross 3. Admin Report: Fairchild AFB Training Center Partnership — Chief Ellis 4. Admin Report: Parking Update — Bill Helbig, Cary Driskell 5. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick April 20, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick April 27, 2021, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports Mav 4, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Potential and Pending Projects — Chelsie Taylor 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick May 11, 2021, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick May 18, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick May 25, 2021, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports [due Tue Apr 6] (5 minutes) (20 minutes) (10 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 60 mins] [due Tue Apr 13] (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 5 mins] [due Tue Apr 20] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 10 mins] [due Tue Apr 27] (15 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 20 mins] [due Tue May 4] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 10 mins] [due Tue May 11] (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 5 mins] [due Tue May 18] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 10 mins] Draft Advance Agenda 3/18/2021 10:40:39 AM Page 1 of 2 June 1, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick June 8, 2021, Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Wick June 15, Budget Workshop 8:30 am — 3:00 pm (Tentative) June 15, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. Meeting Cancelled (Tentative) *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Appleway Trail Amenities Arts Council Sculpture Presentations Artwork & Metal Boxes Core Beliefs Resolution Health District Stats Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Park Lighting Parking PFD Presentation SRTC Interlocal Agreement St. Illumination (owners, cost, location) St. O&M Pavement Preservation Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Water Districts & Green Space Way Finding Signs [due Tue May 25] (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 5 mins] [due Tue June 1] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 10 mins] City of Spokane Valley Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 /2021 - 02/28/2021 Page Title 1 Cover Sheet 2 Pre -Application Meetings Requested 3 Online Applications Received 4 Construction Applications Received 5 Land Use Applications Received 6 Construction Permits Issued 7 Land Use Applications Approved 8 Development Inspections Performed 9 Code Enforcement 10 Revenue 11 Building Permit Valuations Printed 03/15/2021 10:20 Page 1 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 /2021 - 02/28/2021 ire-APM' 'Ca i'io Ii/i c7 j k'OiLyN A Pre -Application Meeting is a service provided to help our customers identify the code requirements related to their project proposal. Community & Public Works Department scheduled a total of 8 Pre -Application Meetings in February 2021. 10 5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Land Use Pre -Application Ir Commercial Pre-App Meeting Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial Pre-App Land Use Pre -Application Meeting Monthly Totals 8 8 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Total To -Date: 16 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Printed 03/15/2021 10:20 Page 2 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 /2021 - 02/28/2021 Online Applications Received Community & Public Works Department received a total of 395 Online Applications in February 2021. 600 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Trade Permit Right of Way Permit Pre -Application Meeting Request Demolition Permit 17= Sign Permit I ' Reroof Permit Other Online Applications 1111111 Approach Permit Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Approach Permit Demolition Permit Other Online Applications Pre -Application Meeting Request Reroof Permit Right of Way Permit Sign Permit Trade Permit hf 7 8 201 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 227 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Total To -Date: 895 Printed 03/15/2021 10:20 Page 3 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01101 /2021 - 02/28/2021 Construction Applications Received Community & Public Works Department received a total of 412 Construction Applications in February 2021. 600 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial - New I Commercial - TI Residential - New ® Other Construction Permits Commercial - New Commercial - TI Residential - New Commercial - Trade Residential - Trade Residential Accessory Demolition Sign Other Construction Permits Monthly Totals Annual Total To -Date: 972 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *6 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *8 *8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *10 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *530 *378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5611 _.,.._47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Includes Online Applications. Printed 03/1512021 10:23 Page 4 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 12021 - 02/28/2021 Land Use Applications Received Community & Public Works Department received a total of 115 Land Use Applications in February 2021. 150 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I Boundary Line Adjustment 1. „..r1 Binding Site Plan Preliminary Short Plat Preliminary Final Platting 17 Long Plat Preliminary Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment I State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits Boundary Line Adjustment Short Plat Preliminary Long Plat Preliminary Binding Site Plan Preliminary Final Platting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2 4 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 O 0 0 1 2 0 O 0 0 1 1 0 O 2 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 *94 '100 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o a o o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monthly Totals 99 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Annual Total To -Date: 214 *Includes Online Applications. Printed 03/15/2021 10:23 Page 5 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01/01/2021 - 02/28/2021 Construction Permits Issued Community & Public Works Department issued a total of 368 Construction Permits in February 2021. 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial - New I Commercial - TI Residential - New Other Construction Permits Commercial - New Commercial - Ti Residential - New Commercial - Trade Residential - Trade Residential - Accessory Demolition Sign Other Construction Permits M Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 7 0 0 0 0 14 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 onthly Totals 380 368 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Total To -Date: 748 Printed 03/15/2021 10:25 Page 6 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 /2021 - 02/28/2021 Land Use Applications Approved Community & Public Works Department approved a total of 1 Land Use Applications in February 2021. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Boundary Line Adjustment Short Plat Preliminary ® Long Plat Preliminary Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Binding Site Plan Preliminary I , Final Platting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Cl Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation I= Other Land Use Permits ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Boundary Line Adjustment Short Plat Preliminary Long Plat Preliminary Binding Site Plan Preliminary Final Matting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits o o 0 o a a o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 a 0 a o 0 0 a o 0 o o 0 o 0 a a o 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o a o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 a o a a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 o o a o 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 3 0i 01 0, 0 0 0 0 0 Monthly Totals 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Total To -Date: 4 Printed 03/1512021 10:25 Page 7 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 /2021 - 02/28/2021 Development Inspections Performed Community & Public Works Department performed a total of 893 Development Inspections in February 2021. Development Inspections include building, planning, engineering and ROW inspections. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals 901 893 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 997 1,179 1,233 735 1,406 1,675 1,731 1,559 1,464 1,402 1,139 1,067 1,114 772 1,051 1,402 1,417 1,363 1,300 1,486 1,285 1,527 1,137 1,029 Printed 03/15/2021 10:26 Page 8 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 0110112021 - 02128/2021 Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officers responded to 31 citizen requests in the month of February. They are listed by type below. Please remember that all complaints, even those that have no violation, must be investigated. 60 40 20 0 ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 717] CE-Stop Work Order Complaint, Non -Violation CE-Stop Work Order Complaint, Non -Violation Environmental Property Monthly Totals Annual Total To -Date: 74 Environmental [_ General Nuisance Property Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Printed 03/15/2021 10:26 Page 9 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01 /01 /2021 - 02/28/2021 Revenue Community & Public Works Department Revenue totaled $196,293 in February 2021. 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -312- 2021 2020 five -Year Trend 1,087,3 $196,293 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 10 $191,303 $215,857 $273,512 $209,488 $308,880 $239,202 $220,296 $251,287 $228,539 $236,335 $224,434 $205,531 $230,256 $402,862 $371,956 $237,120 $402,525 $309,668 $226,943 $188,990 $268,487 $254,775 $246,368 $223,685 $162,441 $228,717 $265,529 $195,244 $241,906 $233,496 $355,943 $304,988 $228,157 $294,794 $299,906 $349,821 11111111 $177,431 $117,425 $220,845 $206,090 $234,009 $158,168 $260,179 $362,478 $253,342 $270,649 $204,016 $169,751 $174,349 $146,874 $133,382 $221,935 $309,558 $265,383 $134,394 $135,242 $149,194 $197,639 $232,319 $159,618 $212,038 $183,405 $375,848 $187,053 $356,403 $229,293 $124,020 $264,735 $243,514 $163,819 $139,562 $124,778 Printed 03/15/2021 10:28 Page 10 of 11 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 01/01/2021 - 02/28/2021 Building Permit Valuation Community & Public Works Department Building Permit Valuation totaled $179,083,249 in February 2021. 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 0 ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -r- 2021 2020 - - Five -Year Trend rxat, r. 'i $8.86M $179.08M $0.0OM $0.00M $0.00M $0.00M $0.00M $0.00M R1(.4[01 $14.46M $19.20M $29.27M $17.82M $31,26M $25.34M $22.14M $20.49M $22.13M $20.94M $36.68M $27.67M $51.38M $30.66M $17.95M $7.61M A 1 0$5.66M $22.21M $19.46M $12.46M $23.15M $15.02M $46.65M $18.80M $12,84M $6.35M $27,GOM $7.87M $9.55M $26.26M $29.25M $25.44M lA!TilLI` $23.82M $18.37M $6,98M $30.99M $35.66M $35.63M $9.78M $9.05M r.,)(Fi, $7,83M $28.14M $55.63M $10.10M $36.56M $19.11M $7,07M $41,53M $0.00M $19.65M $20.62M $14.36M $20.69M $8.88M $33,68M $0,00M $14.68M $15.27M $17.16M $21.88M $10.05M $9.06M $0,00M $32.48M $ 26.89M $35.21M $25.46M $67,10M $7.76M $O.00M $i87 94M, $16.91M ( $40:11.69M $2.1.38M �� #20. 940144 $34.15M $264•4311 $6.70M : 4;i01+'1 $16.78M #2i3.0$b1 $5,52M .S.6.16901 Printed 03/15/2021 10:28 Page 11 of 11 MAINTENANCE Agreements for Services Adopted and In Operation Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 02/01/21 — 02/28/21 (* Budget estimates ** Does not include February) Contract Name Contractor Contract Amoun Total Expended % of Contract Expended Street Maintenance Street Sweeping Storm Drain Cleaning Landscaping Weed Spraying Emergency Traffic Control Litter and Weed Control State Highway Maintenance Traffic Signals, Signs, Striping Dead Animal Control Poe Asphalt AAA Sweeping 11. AAA Sweepin Senske Clearwater Senske Geiger Work WM WSDOT Spokane County ail Mike Pederson $1,515,439.95 $567,840.00 $205,423.73 $84,948.00 $39,000.00 $15,000.00 $70,000.00 $281,000.00 $750,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $24,166.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,846.94 $0.00 $30,661.75 $27,291.50 $2,325.00 0.00% 4.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12.31% 0.00% 10.91% 3.64% 11.63% ©.®©©....® Snow Season - October 2020 - April 2021 On Call - Graders On Call - Plow Drivers On Call - Sidewalk Operator Multiple Multiple Valley Landscape $500,000.00 $420,000.00 $40,000.00 $8,959.50 $116,154.61 $12,346.27 1.79% 27.66% 30.87% Citizen Requests for Public ebruary 202rillr Request Submitted In Progress Resolved / Waiting Construction - CPW Construction - Private Dead Animal Removal Downed Tree / Branch General Street Maint Graffiti on City Property Hazard on Street Illegal Dumping - Objects Report a Pothole Sidewalks - repair SOLID WASTE STORMWATER Traffic Signs: Missing/ Damaged Totals 9 1 1 1 8 4 6 14 9 1 2 1 11 21 1 5 8 103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 r 9 1 1 1 8 4 6 14 9 0 2 1 9 21 1 5 8 100 1 STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for February 2021: • Geiger Work Crew — Out due to Covid. • Pothole patching, tree trimming, graffiti removal, snow and ice operations. • Poe Maintenance Contract — No Activity • AAA sweeping Contract —Arterial maintenance sweeping • AAA Sweeping Vactor Contract — Operations suspended until spring of 2021. WASTEWATER Status of the process can be monitored at: http://www.spokaneriver.net/, http://www.ecy.wa.gov/geographic/spokane/spokane river basin.htm, http://www.spokanecounty.org/utilities/WaterReclamation/content.aspx?c=2224 and http://www.spokaneriverpartners.com/ STORMWATER UTILITY The following is a summary of City Stormwater Utility activities for February 2021: • Drywell Retrofit with Pavement Preservation (Dept of Ecology grant) — Submitted 90% Design Package to Ecology for approval. Associated project is phase 1 — Argonne — Indiana to Montgomery. • Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Canopy project: Awarded construction of project to TML Construction, Inc. • Continued. In concert with the release of the revised Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (Dept. of Ecology), COSV Stormwater Utility began coordinated effort with City of Spokane, and Spokane County to evaluate the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual for equivalency. • Appleway Stormwater Improvement project (DOE grant project): Submitted 90% Design Package to Ecology for Approval. • Continue process to identify the merits for jurisdictional coverage under the UIC program. Begin subbasin delineation, continued development of 2021 UIC stormwater Management Plan, update sink maps. • Continued updating the Stormwater Utility 0 & M plan. • Participation and support Glenrose, Central Park Flood Insurance Study. • Awarded 2021 Roadway Landscape Maintenance contract to Senske Sevices. • Continued annual management and/or participation of the following service contracts: o Roadway Landscape Maintenance Contract — Senske. Winter Shutdown o Street Sweeping Contract — AAA Sweeping. o Storm Drain Cleaning Contract — AAA Sweeping. Winter Shutdown o Roadway Weed Control Contract — Clearwater Summit. Winter Shutdown • Continued working on the following tasks: o Responded to stormwater related issues, 1 sites. Recorded in QAlert. 2 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING The following is a summary of Development Engineering activities for February 2021: • Assisted Building and Planning Division with preparation of design requirements for (11) Commercial and (11) Land Use Pre -Application meetings. • Prepared multiple Recommended Conditions of Approvals for preliminary plats and Dedication Languages for final plats. Reviewed multiple final plats and submittal packages to record final plats. • Reviewed civil plans and drainage reports for Engineered Grading Permits associated with commercial and land use projects. Coordinated with private Engineers and Developers. • Reviewed civil plans for the following projects: o Ridgemont Estates #5 — Grading Only (EGR-2019-0002) o Riverside Place at Coyote Rock Phase 3 (EGR-2020-0061) o Main Street Townhomes (EGR-2020-0065) o Cameo Loft Apartments (EGR-2020-0081) o Bell Street Short Plat — 8 lots (EGR-2020-0113) o EVSD Sports Fields (EGR-2020-0114) o Sloan Driveway (EGR-2020-0115) o Baker Shop Addition (EGR-2021-0001) o Baldwin Short Plat — 6 lots (EGR-2021-0002) o Willow View Subdivision — 20 lots (EGR-2021-0003) o 6th Avenue Apartments (EGR-2021-0005) o Circle M Staging Area (EGR-2021-0007) o Evergreen Commerce Park Phase 2 (EGR-2021-0008) o Carnahan West Apartments (EGR-2021-0010) o IE Office Warehouse (EGR-2021-0011) o Harvest Foods Fuel Addition (EGR-2021-0012) o University Short Plat — 6 lots (EGR-2021-0014) o Havana Well Station (EGR-2021-0015) o Camden Homes Office (EGR-2021-0016) • Spoke with and emailed citizens and developers to answer inquiries and discuss design requirements for potential commercial and land use projects. • Conducted preconstruction meetings, performed site visits, prepared punch lists, reviewed surety estimates, and reviewed and approved construction certification packages to finalize final plats and to issue commercial building certificates of occupancy. 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS� sookanEC�. Public Works Projects Monthly Summary - Design & Construction February-2021 Proposed Bid % Estimated Total Project# Design & Construction Projects Funding Open Complete Construction Project Ad Date Date PE I CN Completion Cost Street Projects 0143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation FHWA-STP(U) 11/30/20 01/13/21 100 0 12/31/22 $26,000,000 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement FHWA - CMAQ TBD TBD 65 0 12/31/22 $ 2,300,000 0249 Sullivan & Wellesley Intersection Improv FHWA - STP(U) TBD TBD 90 0 12/31/21 $ 1,370,000 0275 Barker Rd Widening - River to Euclid FHWA-STP(U) 06/12/20 07/08/20 100 35 12/31/21 $ 3,850,141 0292 Mullan Preservation: Broadway -Mission COSV TBD TBD 25 0 12/31/21 $ 2,100,000 0299 Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont TIB- UAP TBD TBD 60 0 10/31/21 $ 2,800,000 0301 Park Rd. Sidewalk COSV TBD TBD 90 0 12/31/21 $ 733,000 0310 Sullivan Rd Overcrossing UP RR Deck Rep. FHWA - BR TBD TBD 100 0 12/31/21 $ 337,625 0313 Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing FMSIB TBD TBD 100 0 12/31/22 $ 1,434,000 0318 Wilbur Sidewalk: Boone to Mission STBG-SA TBD TBD 0 0 12/31/22 $ 60,000 Street Preservation Projects 0267 Mission SW - Bowdish to Union TIB - SP 03/01/19 03/22/19 100 100 12/31/20 $ 2,196,922 0285 Indiana Ave Pres - Evergreen to Sullivan COSV 03/06/20 03/06/20 100 98 12/31/20 $ 2,343,166 0309 Local Access Streets: Barker Homes COSV 04/24/20 05/20/20 100 50 12/31/21 $ 1,812,088 0320 Sullivan Preservation: Sprague-8th COSV TBD TBD 60 0 12/31/21 $ 138,000 0323 Evergreen Road Preservation Project COSV TBD TBD 25 0 12/31/21 $ 75,000 0325 2021 Local Access Streets: South Park Rd COSV TBD TBD 10 0 12/31/21 $ 1,200,000 Traffic Projects 0259 North Sullivan ITS Project FHWA - CMAQ 02/14/20 03/06/20 100 100 12/31/20 $ 1,104,209 0293 2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP HSIP N/A N/A 100 95 12/31/21 $ 180,000 0294 Citywide Reflective Post Panels HSIP N/A N/A 100 70 12/31/21 $ 78,000 0300 Pines & Mission Intersection Improvement FHWA - CMAQ TBD TBD 60 0 11/01/21 $ 588,000 Parks Projects 0268 Appleway Trail -Evergreen to Sullivan FHWA- STP(U) 06/28/19 07/19/19 100 100 12/31/20 $ 2,516,550 0304 CenterPlace West Lawn Phase 2 COSV 11/22/19 12/20/19 100 100 12/31/20 $ 2,000,000 0305 CenterPlace Roof Repair COSV 05/01/20 05/15/20 100 85 12/31/20 $ 815,000 0314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements COSV TBD TBD 100 0 12/31/21 $ 66,500 0315 Brown's Park 2020 Improvements COSV Re -Bid 10/23/20 11/13/2020 100 0 06/30/21 $ 562,780 0316 Balfour Park Improvements - Phase 1 COSV TBD TBD 0 0 TBD $ 217,500 Stormwater Projects 0317 Appleway Stormwater Improvements Dept of Ecology TBD TBD 90 0 12/31/21 $ 90,244 Design % Total Project # Design Only Projects Funding Complete Complete Project Date PE Cost Street Projects 0223 Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF &Trent FHWA - STP(U) 12/31/21 0311 Sullivan Rd./SR 290 Interchange Project COSV 12/31/23 0321 Argonne Corridor Imprv- North of Knox COSV 12/31/21 Street Preservation Projects 0286 Broadway Preservation: Havana to Fancher COSV 03/31/21 27 0 5 $ 7,295,000 $ 500,000 $ 30,000 70 $ 67,600 Stormwater Projects 0308 Regional Decant Facility Canopy Dept of Ecology TBD 0 $ 595,535 4 PLANNING AND GRANTS WSDOT's Local Bridge Program WSDOT administers the Federal Highway Bridge Program funding via its Local Bridge Program. The Call -for -Projects was announced in mid -October. Applications are due February 19, 2021 and awards are anticipated to be announced by September 2021. On January 26, City Council authorized the City Manager to apply for funding for the deck sealing of the Mission Ave. bridge over Evergreen Rd., requesting $225,830 for a $261,075 total project with a $35,245 local match. WSDOT's Asset Management Program WSDOT administers the National Highway System Asset Management Program. The Call -for -Projects was announced November 23, 2020. Applications are due February 8, 2021 and awards are anticipated to be announced by summer 2021. On February 2, City Council authorized the City Manager to apply for funding for the preservation of South Sullivan Road from Sprague Ave. to 8th Ave., requesting $1,029,000 for a $2,212,000 preservation project with a $1,183,000 local match. If awarded, the City would also provide stormwater and intelligent transportation system (ITS) improvements totaling an additional $1,080,000, $350,000 of which is funded by a Dept. of Ecology stormwater grant. USDOT's Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) This Call -for -Projects was announced February 17, 2021 and applications are due March 19, 2021 and awards are anticipated by summer/fall 2021. On February 23, 2020, City Council authorized the City Manager to apply for the Bigelow -Sullivan Corridor improvement project. This is a repeat of the 2020 INFRA application and includes a partnership with Spokane County. INFRA makes available nearly $900 million of federal funds for a variety of transportation projects. As staff develops the application through February and into March, application details will be provided in the March update. Federal Funding Solicitations for Infrastructure Priorities Senator Patty Murray's office issued a solicitation for infrastructure priorities in mid -February. The solicitation ends March 15; however, staff for the Senator's office strongly urged Spokane Valley staff to have projects submitted by February 26. The intent of this solicitation was to evaluate projects for inclusion into a federal transportation package (i.e. earmarks). On February 23, City Council authorized the City Manager to submit the following five priority projects and their requested funding amount: Pines GSP ($19.3M), Bigelow -Sullivan Corridor ($36.73M), Spokane Valley River Loop Trail ($16.5M), Spokane County Expo Expansion ($3M), and South Barker Corridor ($12.92M). Pavement Management Update Staff discussed the use of an ad -hoc committee with City Council in February 23. The goal of the committee would be to identify a recommended pavement condition level of service and the necessary funding to support it. Council provided consensus for staff to develop the committee and invite members to participate on the committee, including an open application period for citizens to apply for one of the three citizen representative positions. Staff will return on March 23 seeking a motion to create the Streets Sustainability Committee and confirm the Mayoral appointed members. 5 Dave Ellis Chid' of Police Spokane Valley Police Department Accredited Since 2011 Services provided in partnership with the Spokane County Sheriffs Office and the Community, Dedicated to Your Safety. Ozzie Knezovich Slicriff TO: Mark Calhoun, City Manager FROM: Dave Ellis, Chief of Police DATE: March 15, 2021 RE: Monthly Report February 2021 ADMINISTRATIVE: Sheriff Knezovich commissioned two new deputies at the beginning of February, who are attending the Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) Class 818, which began on February 23rd in Spokane: • Kevin Hernandez is 27 years old and grew up in North Spokane. He graduated from Mead High School in 2011 and then went on to earn. his Bachelor's in Business Administration from Gonzaga in 2016. • Justin Marsh is 25 years old and is from Plentywood, a small town in northeastern Montana. After graduating from Plentywood High School in 2015, he attended Carroll College in Helena, Montana, where he was an offensive lineman on their football team, and earned his Bachelor's in Engineering Science with a minor in Mathematics in 2019. In mid -February, five more deputies were commissioned: • Hector Ledezma is 31 years old and is from Royal City, WA. He played football at both EWU ('08-'09) and CWU ('09). He was previously employed by the Washington State Employment Security Department as an Intake Lead. He will be attending BLEA Class 819 in Burien in March. • Manna `Bri" McCuiston is 26 years old and grew up in Sammarnish, WA. She graduated with honors from CWU in 2016, with a degree in Geography. She was previously employed by Expedia as a Health and Safety Specialist. She is attending BLEA Class 818. Page 1 • Kim Sipes is 27 years old and was born and raised in southern California. She comes to us from Spokane County Detention Services, where she was a corrections officer. She will be attending BLEA Class 819. • Anthony Gosline is a 25-year-old Spokane native who attended Gonzaga Prep. He has a Bachelor's in Kinesiology/Sports Psychology from Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA), and was previously employed by the Department of Natural Resources as a Wildland Fire Fighter. He will be attending BLEA Class 819. • Nicholas Giese is a 27-year-old Lateral Deputy from Guadalupe, CA. He comes to us from the Santa Monica Police Department, where he has been a patrol officer since 2014. He will complete his SCSO orientation training mid -March. In early February, Chief Ellis was a guest speaker at the Spokane Valley Rotary Group. The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) conducted a webinar titled, "Managing Politically Volatile Incidents — Learning from Each Other," which Chief Ellis attended virtually. WASPC held a couple legislative webinars in February, attended remotely by Chief Ellis. The Annual Boy Scouts Leadership Breakfast was held this year as a virtual event. Chief Ellis along with other members of the Sheriff's Office Command Staff attended. Chief Ellis attended remotely the monthly Spokane Regional Law & Justice Council meeting in mid - February. The Spokane Regional Safe Streets Task Force held their quarterly meeting in mid -February, which was attended by Chief Ellis and other law enforcement command staff members. Quarterly Leadership for the Sheriff's Office was held at the Sheriff's Office Regional Training Center in mid -February attended by deputies from the rank of detective and above. In addition to attending this quarterly meeting, Chief Ellis also attended quarterly In -Service Training at the Training Center. The Spokane Regional. Emergency Communications (SREC) held a meeting in mid -February to discuss Strategic Priorities — Operational Independence Group, attended by Chief Ellis along with other command staff from local law enforcement and fire. SREC's Governing Board also held its regular board meeting in February, attended by Chief Ellis. Chief Ellis attended a virtual tabletop exercise for Freeman School District in late February. SHERIFF'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING EFFORT (SCOPE): In raid -November, due to an increase in positive tests in Spokane County and within the SCOPE membership, the decision was made to shut down the SCOPE stations until further notice. Some programs are continuing, such as SIRT and COP (with volunteers who live in the same household), Page 2 and programs like Pawn Database entry that requires only one person to be present at the station. Some SCOPE staffwere able to continue working remotely, conducting/attending meetings using on- line methods. In the month of February, S.C.O.P.E. participated in: • S.C.O.P.E. Basic Training • Latent Fingerprinting training given to volunteers by Sheriffs Forensic Unit • Clergy Police Council formed by Pastor Ian Robertson. (LE Support group) • S.C.O.P.E. Volunteers deliver PPE supplies weekly to medical, fire stations, senior care facilities and others • S.C.O.P.E. Volunteers helping with some Food Bank drop offs • S.C.O.P.E. Volunteers patrolling neighborhoods and businesses • Training Radar Speed Awareness Volunteer Patrols to work on new speed equipment • SLEET, S.C.O.P.E.'s Large Animal. Evacuation program, volunteered at Spokane County Fairgrounds for animal rescue event February 2021 Volunteers Hours per Station *Includes estimated volunteer service hours that are provided in the City of Spokane Valley. These two locations cover both Spokane Valley and the unincorporated portion of the county. Location # Volunteers Admin Hours L.E. Hours Total Hours Central Valley 3 5 16 21 East Valley* 9 52 144 196 Edgecliff 5 13.5 21 34.5 Trentwood 8 87 68 155 University 17 194 23 217 West Valley* 7 91 17 108 i TOTALS 49 442.5 289 731.5 Volunteer Value ($31.72 per hour) $23,203.18 for February 2021 The SCOPE Latent Fingerprint Team, due to Covid, had no activity for February. They are gearing up to begin operations again mid -March. Disabled Parking Activity was also at a standstill, due to Covid. Again, volunteers are preparing to be back on task in mid -March. S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 23 on -scene hours (including travel time) in February; all those were for incidents in Spokane Valley, responding to crime scenes, motor vehicle accidents and providing traffic control. There were no special events in February. Total volunteer hours contributed by SIRT, including training, standby, response and special events is 671 for February; total for 2021 is 1,694. Page 3 Abandoned Vehicles December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 Tagged for Impounding 26 26 38 Cited/Towed 0 0 0 Hulks Processed 6 11 10 Total Vehicles Processed 100 104 105 Yearly Total of Vehicles Processed 1,142 104 209 OPERATIONS: Argument Escalates, One Victim Shot and Three Subjects Detained - Major Crimes Detectives investigated a shooting that occurred in early February in Spokane Valley. The victim was transported to the hospital with possible life -threatening injuries. Three of the subjects were quickly located and safely detained by Patrol Deputies near Sullivan and Sprague. In early February, at approximately 3:35 pm., Spokane Valley Deputies responded to a reported shooting in the 1900 block of N. Sullivan in Spokane Valley. Initial information indicates an ar•gurnent involving five people escalated, and the victim, an adult male, was shot. He was transported to the hospital with what appeared to be life -threatening injuries. Three of the people involved fled the scene in a vehicle, which deputies located near Sullivan and Sprague. The three occupants (one adult/two juveniles) were detained pending further investigation. The juvenile female involved remained at the scene. Major Crimes Detectives responded to continue the investigation. Within minutes following the shooting, witnesses provided a description of a possible suspect vehicle that fled the scene southbound on Sullivan. Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) Dispatchers immediately provided updates and the description of the possible suspect vehicle as deputies responded to the scene. While responding to the scene, Deputy Catherine Horton observed a vehicle matching the possible suspect's car at the intersection of Sprague and Sullivan. In addition, one of the males involved was said to be wearing red clothing. Deputy Horton noticed the vehicle was occupied by what appeared to be three males, and the driver was wearing a red hoodie. The vehicle was traveling south on Sullivan and turned west on Sprague as Deputy Horton turned around and followed. The car continued driving for approximately four blocks at 25 mph in a posted 35 mph zone, despite Deputy Horton's emergency Iights and siren. The vehicle finally stopped in a parking lot on Sprague, east of Progress. With additional deputies arriving to assist, all three occupants were safely detained. What appeared to be two handguns were clearly visible through the car's back windows. The vehicle was seized as evidence and searched pending a search warrant. Later as the investigation proceeded, the 35-year-old male driver and one of the detained juvenile males were arrested. The second juvenile male was released and was not charged. The adult suspect, a convicted felon, was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for Assault lsc Degree and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm lst Degree. The arrested juvenile was transported and booked into the Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center for Assault 1st Degree and Possession of Pistol/Semiautomatic Rifle by Person from Eighteen to Twenty - One. Juvenile Dies at the Scene of Late -Night Shooting/Major Crimes Detective Seek Witnesses, Videos, and Answers - Major Crimes Detectives are investigating a late -night shooting at a party held at a Spokane Valley residence. Major Crimes Detectives obtained little information from the party attendees, but preliminary information indicates that the shooting is possibly gang - Page 4 related and not a random incident. In early February, just after midnight, Spokane Valley Deputies responded to multiple calls of gunshots in the 900 block of S. Beige Road in Spokane Valley. Arriving deputies located a crowd of people standing around a juvenile male lying on the ground in front of the residence. They began lifesaving aid to the victim, who had been shot. Spokane Valley Fire and AMR personnel arrived and took over medical care, but unfortunately, despite everyone's efforts, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. Major Crimes Detectives were called to the location to conduct the investigation. They remained at the scene throughout the night and morning, collecting evidence with Spokane County Sheriff's Forensic Technicians' assistance. Initial information indicates the shooting, which cost this young man his life, may be gang -related. However, at this time, investigators have limited information regarding the suspect(s). Major Crimes Detectives are requesting the help of anyone who witnessed this incident or has information about activities leading up to or following the shooting. They are also asking people who live in or around the 900 block of S. Beige to review their home video footage and report any suspicious vehicles or activity between approximately 11:00 pm on February 6th, and 1:00 am on February 7th. Tips and information should be reported to Crime Check at 509-456-2233, reference #10015890. Wanted Driver Continues to Flee After Deputy Terminates Pursuit/Suspect Ran Red Light, Crashed into Motorists, Fled on Foot, and Resisted Arrest - Spokane Valley Traffic Unit Investigators responded to the intersection of Trent and Freya to investigate and collect evidence at the scene of a multi -car crash. The crash was caused by a wanted suspect who fled in a truck from the scene of a possible theft in the 5600 block of E. Sprague. After a short pursuit, the deputy self -terminated when the suspect, who had several warrants for his arrest (felony/misdemeanor charges), drove into on -coming lanes of travel on Trent, approaching Freya. The suspect continued his reckless behavior, ran the red light at the intersection, causing a crash, which involved three additional cars. Without any apparent care for the injuries he may have caused, the suspect fled on foot. He was tackled by an employee of a nearby business and then fought with the deputy as he was taken into custody. Two people traveling in vehicles involved in the crash caused by the suspect were transported to the hospital for further evaluation after sustaining what appeared to be minor injuries. The 35-year-old male suspect was wanted for a felony Washington State Department of Corrections Escape Community Custody warrant (original charge of Criminal Mischief while Armed with a Weapon) and additional warrants for several felony and misdemeanor charges to include, Fraud, ID Theft, Robbery, Theft, and Driving while Suspended. He was transported to the hospital for what appeared to be minor/moderate injuries. Once released, he faces several new felony charges in addition to his confirmed warrants. The incident began in mid -February at approximately 1:45 pm., when a Spokane Valley Deputy observed a possible theft suspect leaving in a truck from a parking lot in the 5600 block of E. Sprague. The male suspect immediately fled in the vehicle. The deputy activated his emergency lights and siren as the pursuit traveled north on Havana from Sprague. With little to no traffic, the pursuit continued northbound to Trent, where the male suspect turned west. As the suspect approached Freya, he drove into oncoming lanes of travel. Due to obvious safety concerns for the public caused by the suspect's reckless behavior, the deputy self -terminated the pursuit. Moments later, the suspect ran the red light at Trent and Freya, causing several cars to collide. One vehicle was pushed into a power pole, causing it to break and fall to the ground. At least three vehicles, in addition to the suspect's, were reported to be involved. Without any apparent regard for the members of the public he may have injured, the male suspect jumped out of his wrecked vehicle and fled on foot. An employee of a nearby business noticed the suspect running away from the deputy and tackled him. The deputy arrived quickly and attempted to place the suspect in handcuffs, but he resisted. After a short struggle, the male suspect was taken into custody. Spokane Fire and AMR Page 5 medical personnel arrived and transported two people who appeared to have minor injuries, to the hospital for further evaluation. Avista crews also responded to help with the downed powerlines and replace the broken power pole. The suspect was transported to the hospital for what appeared to be minor/moderate injuries and further evaluation. After he was medically cleared, he was booked into jail on several new felony charges stemining from this incident in addition to his felony/misdemeanor warrants. Major Crimes Detectives Investigating Shooting - Spokane Valley Major Crimes Detectives are investigating a shooting at a residence well-known to Spokane Valley Deputies and Detectives. The adult male victim was transported to the hospital with life -threatening wounds. In late February, at approximately 6:00 pm., Spokane Valley Deputies responded to the residence located in the 11300 block of E. 7th Avenue for the report of a male who had been shot. Deputies and detectives are very familiar with this residence as there have been multiple calls for service related to this address. Included in these calls are three reported shootings in less than two years. The first reported shooting occurred in June of 2019. During an assault, the suspect(s) fired a weapon, but no one was shot; the homeowner was injured during the assault. He received medical attention at the scene, but declined further treatment. This investigation is suspended pending additional information due to a lack of cooperation and conflicting information. No arrests have been made. The second shooting occurred on February 23, 2020. The 33-year-old male victim was transported to the hospital, where he later died from his injuries. Arriving deputies contacted the adult male victim suffering from gunshot wounds and provided medical aid until they were relieved by Spokane Valley Fire and AMR personnel. The victim was transported to the hospital with life - threatening injuries. The following morning, he was reported to be in stable condition. The suspect(s) had fled the scene prior to the arrival of deputies. The 34-year-old male suspect, a 14-time convicted felon, was arrested near Pacific and Myrtle, days later, after a pursuit. The suspect remains in the Spokane County Jail on charges of Murder 1st Degree, Attempting to Elude a Law Enforcement Vehicle, and three counts of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm. Detectives Need Information to Assist in Shooting/Robbery Investigation - Spokane Valley Major Cranes Detectives continue to investigate an apparent robbery, which ended with the victim being shot and his vehicle stolen. The victim suffered a life -threatening wound. He was hospitalized in stable condition. Major Crimes Detectives ask for your help identifying a male who was contacted in the area by security. They would like to locate/question the unidentified male, who had been approached by security, and determine what, if anything, he knows about this incident. In late February, at approximately 8:20 pm., Spokane Valley and Spokane County Deputies responded to the report of a shooting in the parking lot of Black Angus, located at 14724 E. Indiana, in Spokane Valley. The initial caller stated two men were fighting in the parking lot and one was shot. The male suspect then fled the scene in the victim's vehicle. Responding to the scene, an observant deputy noticed a vehicle similar to the one the suspect stole traveling west on Mirabeau Pkwy., approaching Pines. When the deputy made a U-turn to investigate, the suspect accelerated immediately. The suspect began to drive at a high rate of speed, crossing into on -corning lanes of travel as the pursuit continued east on Trent. The pursuit continued until the deputy lost sight of the stolen vehicle shortly after the suspect turned north on Forker Road from Burnett Road. Deputies, with the assistance of Washington State Patrol Troopers, Spokane Police Officers, Liberty Lake Police Officers, and Spokane Regional Air Support Unit's Air 1, continued searching for the suspect but unfortunately, he was not located. Additionally, the information was provided to all the surrounding law enforcement agencies. This incident appears to have started when the suspect attempted to steal Page 6 the victim's vehicle. A struggle between the two ensued until a shot was heard, and the victim fell to the ground. The suspect fled in the victim's 2014 Subaru Impreza, which was located days later, in the 24700 block of E. Wellesley. The victim was provided medical attention at the scene and transported to the hospital suffering from a life -threatening gunshot wound; his condition was upgraded to stable in the following days. The investigation is continuing. We encourage residents who have operational surveillance cameras outside their home to go to the Sheriff's website and register their home and video cameras. Thank you. https.//w-ww.s .okanecoun .or*/1080/Sheriff Law treeter.n,M lq VIP Video Identification Program CLICK HERE to voluntarily iofn the VIP program CARS SHOULD KEEP GARAGE NEVER RUN DOORS CLOSED UNATTENDED Page 7 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Burglary Month Count Year - 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 51 33 40 53 February 26 20 56 45 March 33 37 53 April 36 35 70 May 34 57 69 June 29 38 69 July 44 48 63 August 51 57 58 September 38 50 67 October 48 46 68 November 49 40 57 December 47 40 63 Grand Total 486 501 733 * 1BR Offense: Burglary/Breaking & Entering 220 Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriffs Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Murder NonNeg Manslaughter 1.2 1 A 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY u 2 A r w >- F a u < Z -J vi w w Gc D D CO CO 0 o n w U . r n. 0 w in NOVEMBER ■ DECEMBER --0-2018 -M-2019 --*—Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January February 1 1 March April May 1 June 1 July August September October November December 1 1 Grand Total 1 1 3 1 *IBR Offense: Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter 09A Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Identity Theft 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY ite w Z r J D SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER — — 2018 —8-2019 —A—Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 20 19 18 12 February 16 10 16 17 March 13 13 12 April 22 19 17 May 21 13 442 June 17 5 48 July 14 12 25 August 14 8 27 September 13 14 16j October 21 17 18 November 23 12 15 December 16 7 16 Grand Total 210 149 670 29 *16R Offense: Identity Theft 26F Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Fraud —*—Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 Month Count Year i 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 69 65 70 65 February 46 32 58 57 March 59 63 49 April 55 57 62 May 67 56 85 June 65 50 74 July 65 65 65 August 62 65 70 September 49 55 67 October 60 75 76 November 56 68 62 December 60 49 61 Grand Total 713 700 799 122 * IBR offense: Fraud - Credit Card/ATM 268, Fraud - False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games 26A, & Fraud - Impersonation 26C Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriffs Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: DUI Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 21 32 25 21 February 18 21 28 25 March 39 21 9 April 13 27 18 May 33 18 16 June 23 27 27 July 15 25 25 August 28 23 22 September 37 40 22 October 33 29 28 November 3:1 35 21 December 22 21 22 Grand Total 313 319 263 46 * IBR Offense: DUI 90D Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Drugs 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 4e$4,11146,40 FEBRUARY 0 } w > F a z -J v, t9 n a SEPTEMBER .0 r 0 0 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2018 --a— 2019 —A—Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 1 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 42 52 49 30 February 38 42 61 36 March 64 58 53 April 57 67 38 May 36 40 65 June 56 30 54 July 57 45 38 August 43 54 35 September 33 43 36 October 52 44 35 November 41 56 40 December 48 40 32 Grand Total 567 571 536 66 * IBR Offense: Drug Equipment Violations 358 & Drugs/Narcotics Violations 35A Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Theft From Motor Vehicle 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY .m u r — u at ¢ Z Lr Q < 1.9 D Q SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER —*-2018 —3— 2019 —A—Calendar 2020 —A—Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 75 51 67 87 February 32 44 98 105 March 78 72 58 April 62 120 75 May 69 140 85 June 66 84 81 July 106 112 77 August 87 98 148 September 85 80 130 October 104 97 116 November 112 96 90 December 70 J.12 97 Grand Total 946 1106 1122 192 * IBR Offense: Theft From Motor Vehicle 23F Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriffs Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Motor Vehicle Theft 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY u cc 4 .r a w >- F- 4 z J 'n n a SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEM3ER DECEMBER -2018 .L— 2019 —*—Calendar 2020 —II—Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018 2019 calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 36 34 32 28 February 24 22 32 26 March 28 19 31 April 27 29 29 May 25 33 29 June 24 25 33 July 39 31 25 August 18 31 25 September 26 37 27 October 31 25 32 November 45 36 29 December 29 35 29 Grand Total 352 357 353 54 * IBR Offense: Motor Vehicle Theft 240 Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Robbery 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 FEBRUARY u CC ,40 1S* SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER —4-2018 --E-- 2019 —A—Calendar 2020 —II—Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 6 3 8 7 February 2 8 12 7 March 5 4 6 April 6 4 8 May 8 6 3 June 3 2 8 July 7 8 5 August 6 11 6 September 6 8 8 October 5 7 6 November 3 11 3 December 4 10 5 Grand Total 61 82 78 14 IBR Offense: Robbery 120 Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only Th1s document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthonzed persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Assault Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 84 71 93 72 February 62 62 _95 51 March 100 74 80 April 88 68 97 May 80 87 87 June 102 79 104 July 112 103 87 August 84 95 98 September 76 72 79 October 82 67 80 November 79 85 74 December- 89 77 63 Grand Total 1038 940 1037 123 * IBR Offense: Aggravated Assault 13A & Simple Assault 13B Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Theft 300 250 200 150' 100 50 0 cc cc z a FEBRUARY u cc a a a 2 z SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER —� 2018 — 2019 (Calendar 2020 --l—Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 238 238 240 197 February 165 188 199 183 March 208 212 197 April 202 208 181 May 230 230 152 June 223 230 218 July 236 236 195 August 213 255 167 September 194 230 219 October 234 239 203 November 198 206 217 December 251 231 230 Grand Total 2592 2703 2418 380 * IBR Offense: Theft - All Other 23H, Theft - Pocket -Picking 23A, Theft - Purse -Snatching 23B, Theft - Shoplifting 23C, Theft From Building 23D, Theft From Coin -Operated Machine 23E, & Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 23G Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts ISR Classification: Rape Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 16 3 2 2 February 4 3 2 :l. March 8 4 2 April 6 5 May 9 3 3 June 7 5 4 July 5 3 1 August 3 4 2 September 3 9 4 October 1 4 November 6 2 3 December 7 4 5 Grand Total 75 49 28 3 *IBR Offense: Rape - Forcible 11A, Sodomy - Forcible 11B, Sexual Assault with Object - 11C Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Counterfeiting Forgery Month Count Year 2018 2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 18 22 23 13 February 10 13 11 8 March 24 17 14 April 22 13 14 May 21 10 10 June 15 14 7 July 15 10 9 August 17 13 9 September 14 11 3 October 11 14 7 November 20 21 9 December 14 15 15 Grand Total 201 173 131 21 *IBR Offense: Counterfeiting/Forgery 250 Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disserninateci or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 Spokane County Sheriff's Office Regional Intelligence Group Spokane Valley Districts IBR Classification: Destruction Damage Vandalism 250 200 150 100 50 0 116/4"" FEBRUARY 2 J >- W >- H (y C Q Z J VI cc a 2 a a 'a SEPTEMBER PG CO 0 u 0 NOVEMBER DECEMBER ---2018 2019 -Calendar 2020 —Calendar 2021 Month Count Year 2018.2019 Calendar 2020 Calendar 2021 January 1.46 124 113 132 February 95 67 141 120 March 121 122 105 April 127 144 158 May 142 161 118 June 140 133 154 July 141 156 147 August 132 144 172 September 155 141 191 October 165 165 174 November 155 140 151 December 125 174 143 Grand Total 1644 1671 1767 252 IBR Offense: Destruction/Damage/Vandalism 290 Produced: 3/16/2021 For Law Enforcement Use Only This document is confidential and may not be further disseminated or released to any unauthorized persons pursuant to RCW 42.56.420 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Department Director Approval Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ® executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Review Performance of a Public Employee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: [RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)] PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I Move that Council adjourn into executive session for approximately sixty minutes to review the performance of a public employee, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session." BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: