Resolution 22-011 Speed Limit Schedule CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY
WHEREAS, the City Council from time-to-time may modify speed limits and speed zones to better
reflect changing traffic conditions and roadway characteristics; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 9.05.030, which, in
part, provides that the maximum speed limits for streets can be established by ordinance or resolution; and
WHEREAS,the City Council has authority under SVMC 9.05.030 to change speed limits,provided
that such alteration shall be made on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, be reasonable and
safe,and in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this City; and
WHEREAS, the City's Traffic Engineer has done an engineering and traffic investigation of the
roadway segments identified below and recommends that they be modified in the Master Speed Limit
• Tschirley Road from Sprague Avenue to Main Avenue
• Main Avenue from 300 feet west of Tschirley Road to Tschirley Road
• Corbin Road from Appleway Avenue to 200 feet north of Cowley Avenue
• Ella Road from Broadway Avenue to Desmet Avenue
• 4th Avenue from 300 feet west of Long Road to I00 feet east of Moen Street
• 4th Avenue from 300 feet west of Bradley Road to 300 feet east of Coleman Road
• Barker Road from 750 feet south of Mission Avenue to 300 feet north of Mission Avenue
• Mission Avenue from Barker Road to 500 feet east of Barker Road
• Broadway Avenue from 400 feet west of Farr Road to 400 feet east of Farr Road
• McDonald Road from 7th Avenue to 5th Avenue
• Progress Road from Wellesley Avenue to Crown Avenue;reduce from 35 mph to 25 mph
• Barker Road from Euclid Avenue to SR-290;reduce from 40 mph to 35 mph
• Indiana Avenue from I-90 ramp to Indiana Parkway;reduce from 35 mph to 30 mph
WHEREAS,these changes will be listed in the Master Speed Limit Schedule adopted by the City.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane
County, Washington,as follows:
Section 1. Adoption of the Master Speed Limit Schedule. The Master Speed Limit Schedule,as
set forth below, is adopted.
Section 2. Repeal. To the extent that any previous actions to establish speed limit signs are
inconsistent with those set forth herein, specifically including Resolution 18-006,they are repealed.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption.
Resolution 22-011 Adopting Master Speed Limit Schedule Page 1 of 5
Adopted this 14th day of June,2022.
ATTEST. City of Spokane Valley
ristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk � Pam Haley, Mayor
Approved as orrn:
Office f h Cit 'ney
Resolution 22-011 Adopting Master Speed Limit Schedule Page 2 of 5
School Speed Zones
The following road sections have been designated as school zones. The maximum speed allowable on the said
road sections shall be 20 miles per hour as designated with any of the signage options pursuant to Washington
Administrative Code section 392-151-035 as adopted or amended. The Council shall establish any changes to
speed limits or school speed zones by resolution.
4th AVENUE from 600 feet west of Adams Road to 300 feet east of Adams Road and from 300 feet west of
Long Road to 100 feet east of Moen Street.
8th AVENUE from 300 feet west of Adams Road to 800 feet east of Adams Road.
9th AVENUE from Herald Road to Felts Road.
10th AVENUE from Wilbur Road to Union Road.
12th AVENUE from Wilbur Road to Union Road.
16"AVENUE from 300 feet west of University Road to 300 feet east of Glenn Road; from Woodlawn Road
to Clinton Road; and from 300 feet east of Bolivar Road to 200 feet west of Warren Road.
24th AVENUE from Union Road to Pines Road and from 300 feet west of Calvin Road to 200 feet east of
Adams Road.
32°`1 AVENUE from 300 feet west of Pines Road to Woodlawn Road.
ADAMS ROAD from 9th Avenue to 350 feet north of 4th Avenue and from 850 feet north of 24"' Avenue to
24th Avenue.
ALKI AVENUE from Glenn Road to Pierce Road and from 400 f_et, est fPinen n ead to Pi es n and from
800 feet east of Wilbur Road to 600 feet west of SR-27.
BOONE from 300 feet west of Farr Road to 300 feet east of Farr Road.
BOWDISH ROAD from 20th Avenue to 24'Avenue and from 300 feet south of 11t1 Avenue to 300 feet north
of 11th Avenue.
BRADLEY ROAD from 5th Avenue to 3"Avenue.
BROADWAY AVENUE from 100 feet west of VanMarter Road to Johnson Road; from 300 feet west of
Progress Road to St. Charles Road; from 400 feet east of McDonald Road to Blake Road; from 300 feet west
of Felts Road to 300 feet east of Felts Road;from 300 feet west of Ella Road to 300 feet east of Ella Road; and
from 400 feet east of Wilbur Road to 650 feet west of SR-27.
BUCKEYE AVENUE from 200 feet east of Park Road to 350 feet east of Center Road.
CATALDO from Rudolf to MacArthur.
CENTER ROAD from Marietta Avenue to Utah Avenue.
CIMMARON DRIVE from Sunderland Drive to 300 feet east of Woodruff Road.
COLEMAN ROAD from 5th Avenue to 3`d Avenue.
CORBIN ROAD from Appleway Boulevard to 200 feet north of Cowley Avenue.
ELLA ROAD from Broadway Avenue to Desmet Avenue.
FARR ROAD from 300 feet south of Valleyway Avenue to 350 feet north of Valleyway Avenue.
FLORA ROAD from 600 feet south of Wellesley to Wellesley Avenue.
HERALD ROAD from 11'Avenue to 9"Avenue.
LONG ROAD from 300 feet south of 4"'Avenue to 2°"Avenue and from 650 feet south of Mission Avenue
to 150 feet north of Mission Avenue.
MacARTI{UR from Boone to Cataldo.
MAIN AVENUE from 300 feet west of Tschirley Road to Tschirley Road.
MCDONALD ROAD from Broadway Avenue to Cataldo Avenue and from 350 feet south of 16"Avenue to
Resolution 22-011 Adopting Master Speed Limit Schedule Page 3 of 5
MISSION AVENUE from 500 feet west of Bowman Road to Park Road;from SR-27 to 750 feet east of SR-
27; and from 750 feet east of Long Road to 350 feet east of Long Road.
PARK ROAD from 300 feet south of Mission Avenue to Nora Avenue and from 100 feet south of Carlisle
Avenue to 400 feet north of Buckeye Avenue.
PINES ROAD from 2511s Avenue to 23rd Avenue,from 40'li Avenue to 500 feet north of 32nd Avenue,and from
18°1 Avenue to 20th Avenue,
PROGRESS ROAD from 650 feet south of Broadway Avenue to Broadway Avenue and from Wellesley
Avenue to Crown Avenue.
RUDOLF from Boone to Cataldo.
SCHAFER ROAD from 300 feet south of Cimmaron Drive to 300 feet north of Cimmaron Drive.
SR-27 from 200 feet south of Mirabeau Parkway to 100 feet north of Pineeroft Way and from 300 feet north
of Broadway Avenue to 300 feet south of Broadway Avenue.
TSCHIRLEY ROAD from Sprague Avenue to Main Avenue.
UNION ROAD from 12°'Avenue to 10t°'Avenue.
UNIVERSITY ROAD from 19°i Avenue to 16°'Avenue.
VALLEYWAY AVENUE from 300 feet west of Marguerite Road to 150 feet east of Hutchinson Street.
VISTA ROAD from Frederick Avenue to 200 feet south of Buckeye Avenue.
WELLESLEY AVENUE from 700 feet west of Adams Road to 200 feet east of Burns Road and from Conklin
Road to Flora Road.
WILBUR ROAD from 12th Avenue to 10°i Avenue,
WOODRUFF ROAD from 300 feet south of Cimmaron Drive to 300 feet north of Cimmaron Drive.
Playground Speed Zones
The following road sections have been designated as playground zones. The maximum speed allowable on
said road sections shall be as shown below when signs are in place.
MISSION AVENUE from 250 feet west of Bowdish Road to 1,500 feet west of Bowdish Road,
MIRABEAU PARKWAY from 1,000 feet east of Pinecroft Way to 1,300 feet north of Mansfield Avenue.
Speed Limits
The following road sections have maximum speed limits higher than 25 miles per hour.
3rd AVENUE from west city limits to Fancher Road,
8th AVENUE from Pines Road to Sullivan Road.
INDIANA AVENUE from the 1-90 eastbound Ramp to Indiana Parkway.
INDIANA PARKWAY from Indiana Avenue to Flora Road.
MISSION AVENUE from Pines Road to Sullivan Road and from Flora Road to Barker Road.
MISSION PARKWAY from Indiana Parkway to Flora Road.
MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Argonne Road to Dartmouth Lane.
1''AVENUE from Eastern Road to Thierman Road.
4'1' AVENUE from west city limits to Eastern Road.
8Eh AVENUE from west city limits to Park Road; from Dishman-Mica Road to University Road; and from
Barker Road to Hodges Road.
Resolution 22-011 Adopting Master Speed Limit Schedule Page 4 of 5
16th AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Sullivan Road.
32"AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Best Road.
44th AVENUE from Locust Road to Sands Road.
APPLEWAY AVENUE from Sprague Avenue to east city limits.
APPLEWAY BOULEVARD from Thierman Road to University Road.
ARGONNE ROAD from Dishrnan-Mica Road to SR-290.
BARKER ROAD from south city limits to SR-290.
BLAKE ROAD from SR-27 to Saltese Road.
BOWDISH ROAD from Sands Road to Mission Avenue.
BROADWAY AVENUE from Havana Street to Flora Road.
CARNAHAN ROAD from south city limits to 8th Avenue.
DISHMAN ROAD from 8th Avenue to Appleway Avenue.
DISIIMAN-MICA ROAD from 300 feet south of 8t1'Avenue to Sprague Avenue.
EUCLID AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Flora Road; from Flora Road to Barker Road; and from Barker
Road to east city limits.
EVERGREEN ROAD from 32nd Avenue to Indiana Avenue and from SR-290 to Forker Road.
FANCHER ROAD from the Freeway(PSH No. 2)access on 3rd Avenue to SR-290.
FLORA ROAD from Sprague Avenue to Montgomery Avenue and from the north side of the Spokane
River to Wellesley Avenue.
INDIANA AVENUE from SR-27 to Indiana Parkway.
INDIANA AVENUE from Sullivan Road to the I-90 eastbound Ramp.
MADISON ROAD from Thorpe Road to Pines Road.
MANSFIELD AVENUE from Montgomery Avenue to Mirabeau Parkway.
MARIETTA AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Euclid Avenue.
McDONALD ROAD from 16th Avenue to Mission Avenue.
MIRABEAU PARKWAY from SR-27 to Indiana Avenue.
MISSION AVENUE from Argonne Road to SR-27 and from Barker Road to cast city limits.
MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Dartmouth Lane to SR-27.
MULLAN ROAD from Appleway Avenue to Indiana Avenue.
PARK ROAD from Beverly Drive to Bridgeport Avenue.
PINES ROAD from Madison Road to 16th Avenue.
RUTTER AVENUE from west city limits to Park Road.
SALTESE ROAD from 16th Avenue to Blake Road.
SANDS ROAD from 44th Avenue to Bowdish Road.
SCHAFER ROAD from 44°i Avenue to Dishman-Mica Road.
SPRAGUE AVENUE from west city limits to east city limits.
SR-27 from SR-290 to 500 feet south of 16th Avenue.
SULLIVAN ROAD from Saltese Road to Wellesley Avenue.
THORPE ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Madison Road.
UNIVERSITY ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Mission Avenue.
WELLESLEY AVENUE from McDonald Road to Flora Road.
SR-290 from west city limits to 1,200 feet west of University Road.
DISHMAN-MICA ROAD from south city limits to 300 feet south of 8th Avenue.
SR 27 from 500 feet south of 16th Avenue to south city limits.
SR 290 from 1,200 feet west of University Road to east city limits.
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