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2023, 05-23 Formal agenda
SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Tuesday,May 23,2023 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at CenterPlace Regional Event Center 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in- person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as"public comment opportunity." If making a comment via Zoom,comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. • Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting • Join the Zoom WEB Meeting CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Pastor Brad Bruszer, Genesis Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATIONS: GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government.This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required.A sign-in sheet will be provided at the meeting. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2023 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor [public comment opportunity] 2.First Reading Ordinance 23-011 Amending 2023 Budget—Chelsie Taylor NEW BUSINESS: 3. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on May 23,2023,Request for Council Action Form: $1,165,856.81 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 15,2023: $524,266.66 Council Agenda May 23,2023 Page 1 of 2 c.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of May 2,2023 d.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2023 4. Second Reading Ordinance 23-010,Chronic Nuisance—Erik Lamb [public comment opportunity] 5.Motion Consideration: 8th Ave Sidewalk&Preservation Bid Award—Gloria Mantz [public comment opportunity] ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: 6. Comp Plan Amendment 23-01,City Initiated Map Amendment—Levi Basinger 7. Street Vacation STV 23-01,Oaks Academy Street Vacation—Levi Basinger 8. Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Requalification—Mike Basinger,Eric Robison 9. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program —Adam Jackson 10.Aquatics Update—Kendall May 11.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley INFORMATION ONLY(will not be reported or discussed): 12.Fire Department Monthly Report 13.Department Monthly Reports COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Council Agenda May 23,2023 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business [' new business ® public hearing [' information [' admin. report [' pending legislation [' executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing on the proposed 2023 Budget Amendment. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget, State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2023 Budget when it was adopted on November 8, 2022. On May 16, 2023 an Administrative Report was delivered to Council regarding the need for a budget amendment. BACKGROUND: Since the initial adoption of the 2023 Budget on November 8, 2022, a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2023 Budget amendment. The proposed budget amendments include: #001 - General Fund Revenues reflect an increase of$4,609,000, including: • $39,000 in grant proceeds for furniture and equipment at the Precinct. • $50,000 for the Spokane County share of the Plante's Ferry Study. • $4,520,000 for anticipated Coronavirus Local Recovery Funding (CLFR) revenue recognition. Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of$13,506,196 comprised of: • $282,192 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting. • $168,269 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the City Manager Department as a result of truing up a previously vacant position to actual amounts and moving the Public Information Officer to this Department from Economic Development. • $23,300 increase in recruitment related costs in the Human Resources Department due to increased recruiting activities, including the City Attorney recruitment costs. • $272,187 decrease in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the Engineering Department related to adjusting employee allocations related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $9,560 increase in Engineering Department costs related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $153,789 decrease in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits in the Economic Development Department related to moving the Public Information Officer from this department to City Manager. • $9,000 increase in professional services in the Economic Development Department for additional videos for the State of the City event. • $89,226 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs for CenterPlace related to two limited term employees needed for interim staffing needs. • $50,200 for additional computer and other hardware needs related to increases in City staffing. 1 • $85,000 increase for professional services related to the Law Enforcement Staffing Assessment. • $71,000 increase for improvements at the Precinct, including $16,000 in additional costs for fencing around the ancillary building at the old White Elephant, $30,000 in costs for furniture replacement in the roll call room, and $25,000 to replace the vehicle lift in the Precinct shop. • $209,975 increase for the costs of various studies, including $52,475 for the Tourism Study, $27,500 for the CenterPlace Study, $30,000 for the Annexation Study, and $100,000 for the Plante's Ferry Study. • $4,769 increase for the 20th Anniversary costs. This is not an increase in total costs, but rather is moving unspent budgeted amounts from 2022 to 2023. • $16,600 increase for new furniture in Engineering due to increases in staffing. • $6,000 increase for an equipment assessment at CenterPlace in order to determine overall conditions and estimate replacement timeframes. • $38,700 increase to move the costs for repainting the CenterPlace portico and replacement of carpet in CenterPlace to 2023. These items were budgeted in 2022 but were not completed. • $10,000 increase to purchase backup batteries for the emergency lighting system at CenterPlace. • $20,000 increase to repair sidewalks at CenterPlace. • $500,000 to replenish the Winter Weather Reserve Fund #122 back to a fund balance of $500,000. The Street O&M Fund was over budget on snow removal expenditures in 2022 by about $813,000. • $427,327 transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Balfour Park Phase 1 project as was authorized by Council at the January 24, 2023 council meeting. • $33,000 transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 to replace the pump at Mirabeau Falls. • $5,358,054 transferred to Capital Reserve Fund #312 which represents the 2021 yearend fund balance in excess of 50% of recurring expenditures. • $6,520,000 increase due to expected CLFR related expenditures. #101 — Street O&M Fund Revenues reflect an increase of$6,490,028, including: • $1,700,000 increase of the budgeted solid waste road wear fee (previously budgeted in Fund #106) to reflect funding to implement the local access street program in 2023. • $1,862,929 transfer in from the Solid Waste Fund #106 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #106 from the road wear fee. • $2,677,099 transfer in from the Pavement Preservation Fund #311 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #311 from the road wear fee. • $250,000 transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the surface treatment pilot program. Expenditures increase by $4,247,840, including: • $32,575 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting. • $22,431 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the Street Fund related to adjusting employee allocations related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $116,602 increase to salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs for Streets related to two limited term employees needed for interim staffing needs. • $16,110 increase Street costs related the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $1,530 increase for new desks at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Stormwater). 2 • $8,500 increase for the remaining costs to install a generator at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Stormwater). • $4,050,092 increase to implement the local street program. The largest line-item costs included in this amount are $131,992 for salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits and $3,850,000 for contract street maintenance contracts. This program is paid for using the solid waste road wear fee. #104 — Hotel/Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund Increase in revenues of $515,198 for transfers in from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105. This increase reflects a Council motion on December 13, 2022, as part of the lodging tax grant process for the 2023 awards. Increase in expenditures of $2,000,000 for the lodging tax award to Spokane County for improvements to Avista Stadium. This was approved by Council motion on January 31, 2023. #105 — Hotel / Motel Tax Fund Net decrease of$46,100 in expenditures comprised of an increase in transfers out to the Hotel / Motel Tax — Tourism Facilities Fund #104 of $515,198 and a decrease of $561,298 in tourism promotion costs as was approved during the lodging tax process at the December 13, 2022 Council meeting. #106 — Solid Waste Fund Revenues decrease by $1,700,000 for the budgeted solid waste road wear fee (now budgeted in Fund #101) to reflect funding to implement the local access street program in 2023 in the Street O&M Fund #101. Net increase in expenditures of $162,929 consisting of an increase of $1,862,929 in transfers out to the Street O&M Fund #101 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #106 from the road wear fee, and a decrease of $1,700,000 in transfers out to the Pavement Preservation Fund #311 for that same road wear fee. #109 —Tourism Promotion Area Fund Revenues are increased by $800,000 to account for estimated Tourism Promotion Area fees within the City that were implemented as of January 1, 2023. Expenditures are proposed to increase by $45,000 for a professional services contract for the Spokane Valley TPA Destination Marketing Plan and Tourism Services Plan that was approved by Council at the May 2, 2023 meeting. #122 —Winter Weather Reserve Fund Revenues are increased by $500,000 reflecting a transfer in from the General Fund #001 to replenish the fund balance to $500,000. The Street O&M Fund was over budget on snow removal expenditures in 2022 by about $813,000, of which $500,000 was reimbursed to Fund #101 from Fund #122 during that year. #309 — Parks Capital Proiects Fund Revenues and expenditures are proposed to increase by $1,654,465. This amount includes: • $1,621,465 for the Balfour Park Phase 1 construction costs. The expenditures are funded through $427,327 transfer in from the General Fund, $40,192 transfer in from the Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund #310, and $1,153,946 transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312. • $33,000 for the pump replacement at Mirabeau Falls, which is funded by a transfer in from the General Fund. 3 #310 — Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund Expenditures are increased by $839,285 for the City's contribution to the joint improvement costs of the new library being constructed adjacent to Balfour Park as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding with the Library District. This consists of a payment of$799,093 to the Library District and a transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309. #311 — Pavement Preservation Fund Revenues decrease by $1,700,000 to eliminate the transfer of the solid waste road wear fee from the Solid Waste Fund #106 as this amount will now be accounted for in the Street O&M Fund #101 to fund the local access street program. Expenditures increase by a transfer out of $2,677,099 to the Street O&M Fund #101 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #311 from the road wear fee. #312 — Capital Reserve Fund Revenues are increased due to a transfer of $5,358,054 from General Fund #001 which represents the 2021 yearend fund balance in excess of 50% of recurring expenditures. Expenditures are increased by $2,954,546 which includes: • $791,000 for the purchase of 10303 E Sprague (Balfour Facility). • $759,600 for the amount still owing for the purchase of the WSDOT property adjacent to Sullivan Park. • $250,000 transfer to the Street O&M Fund #101 for a surface treatment pilot program. • $1,153,946 transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Balfour Park Improvements Phase 1. #402 — Stormwater Fund Revenues are increased by $3,649,000 to reflect the increase in the Stormwater fees to the proactive level of service. Expenditures increase by $1,135,586, which consists of: • $17,488 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting. • $304,488 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the Stormwater Fund related to adjusting employee allocations related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $543,580 increase costs related the new Stormwater staffing increases. The largest of these are $300,000 for private stormwater maintenance and $150,000 for capital projects. • $260,000 for the purchase of an easement from the Spokane Conservation District, which was approved by council at the January 10, 2023 council meeting. • $1,530 increase for new desks at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Street). • $8,500 increase for the remaining costs to install a generator at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Street). The 2023 Budget amendment reflects the changes noted above and will affect 12 funds resulting in total revenue increases of$20,175,745 and expenditure increases of$29,176,846. 4 Revenue Expenditure Fund Fund Increase Increase No. Name (Decrease) (Decrease) 001 General Fund 4,609,000 13,506,196 101 Street O&M Fund 6,490,028 4,247,840 104 Hotel/Motel Tax -Tourism Facilities Fund 515,198 2,000,000 105 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 0 (46,100) 106 Solid Waste Fund (1,700,000) 162,929 109 Tourism Promotion Area Fund 800,000 45,000 122 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 500,000 0 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund 1,654,465 1,654,465 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 0 839,285 311 Pavement Preservation Fund (1,700,000) 2,677,099 312 Capital Reserve Fund 5,358,054 2,954,546 402 Stormwater Fund 3,649,000 1,135,586 20,175,745 29,176,846 The 2023 Budget amendment also includes changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule to reflect the increases to the lower and upper ends of the salary ranges that were approved by Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting as well as the addition of a new position related to the increased staffing in the Stormwater Fund. When Council authorized the increase of the Stormwater Fees to the proactive level of service, that increase also included an increase of seven additional FTEs in Engineering to accommodate the increased service level. Five of the seven new FTEs are included in in the 2023 amendment figures. The remaining two of the seven previously authorized new FTEs are included in the 2024 Budget amounts that will be coming forward. OPTIONS: Future options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in-part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The purpose of this evening's public hearing is to consider input from the public on the proposed budget amendment and no action is required of Council at this time. Anticipated future action by the Council includes: • May 23, 2023— First reading of Ordinance #23-011 amending the 2023 Budget. • May 30, 2023— Second reading of Ordinance #23-011 amending the 2023 Budget. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2023 Budget that was adopted on November 8, 2022. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: • Fund level line-item detail of revenues and expenditures. • Fund summaries for all funds affected by the proposed budget amendment. • Proposed amended Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule. 5 P:1Finance\Budgetsl2023 Budget\Budget AmendmentlAmendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading\2023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description/Justification Budget Amendment Budget #00.1-General Fund Recurring Expenditures Salaries and Wages-City Manager -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,true up new employee amounts,move PIO from Econ Dev 605,188 144,820 750,008 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-City Manager -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,true up new employee amounts,move PIO from Econ Dev 281,702 48,694 330,396 Salaries and Wages-City Attorney -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 536,853 16,119 552,972 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-City Attorney -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 222,770 2,677 225,447 Salaries and Wages-Public Safety -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 23,799 712 24,511 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Public Safety -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 14,044 134 14,178 Salaries and Wages-DCM 001.018.013,513.10.10.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 400,755 12,025 412,780 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-DCM -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 136,762 1,910 138,672 Salaries and Wages-Finance -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 912,696 27,398 940,094 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Finance -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 380,144 4,817 384,961 Salaries and Wages-HR -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 233,091 7,004 240,095 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-HR -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 89,377 1,002 90,379 Office&Operating Supplies-HR -Materials for job fairs 500 1,000 1,500 Employee Health&Wellness Supplies-1001.018.016.518.10.35.13 - Employee recognition supplies 700 800 1,500 Advertising-HR - City Attorney recruitment 4,000 21,000 25,000 Registrations-HR -Job fair registrations 650 500 1,150 Salaries and Wages-IT 001,018,017.518.80.10.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 295,392 9,228 304,620 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-IT -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 116,916 1,736 118,652 Salaries and Wages-Facilities -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 175,304 5,245 180,549 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Facilities -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 78,394 987 79,381 Salaries and Wages-CPW Admin -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 235,368 7,068 242,436 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-CPW Admin -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 73,158 1,006 74,164 Salaries and Wages-Engineering -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 827,512 (63,039) 764,473 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Engineering -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 341,779 (28,161) 313,618 Safety Equipment-Engineering -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 500 400 900 Fuel-Engineering -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 5,000 500 5,500 Small Tools&Equip-Engineering -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 2,500 1,600 4,100 Cell Phones-Engineering -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 6,920 1,010 7,930 Equipment Repair&Maintenance-Eng,48.01 -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 2,000 500 2,500 Software Licenses-Engineering -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 24,150 4,800 28,950 Page 1 of 9 P:\Finance\Budgets12023 Budget\Budget AmendmentlAmendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number , Description 1 Justification Budget Amendment Budget #001 -General Fund-continued Recurring Expenditures-continued Memberships/Professional Licenses-En,49,02 -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 2,245 250 2,495 Registrations-Engineering -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 7,500 500 8,000 Salaries and Wages-Engineering -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 575,640 (83,915) 491,725 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Engineering 001.040,041.558.50.20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 234,755 (46,732) 188,023 Salaries and Wages-Econ Day -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,move PIO to CM 557,659 (86,133) 471,526 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Econ Dev 001.040.042,558,70.20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,move PIO to CM 237,436 (46,056) 191,380 Professional Services-Econ Dev -Additional videos for State of the City 60,000 9,000 69,000 Salaries and Wages-HHS -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 93,600 2,808 96,408 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-HHS -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 33,335 528 33,863 Salaries and Wages-Code Enf. -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 153,204 4,584 157,788 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Code Enf.,20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 61,868 862 62,730 Salaries and Wages-Building -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 994,528 30,318 1,024,846 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Building 001.040,043.558.50.20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 428,782 5,703 434,485 Salaries and Wages-Planning 001.040,044.558.60.10.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 490,164 15,852 506,016 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Planning -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 199,185 2,983 202,168 Salaries and Wages-P&R Admin -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 207,268 6,205 213,473 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-P&R Admin -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 79,947 1,167 81,114 Salaries and Wages-Recreation 001.076.301.571.10.10.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 97,306 2,935 100,241 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Recreation 001.076.301.571.10.20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 54,729 552 55,281 Salaries and Wages-Senior Center 001.076.304.575.50.10,00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 22,550 677 23,227 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Senior Center 001.076.304.575.50.20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase 8,787 127 8,914 Salaries and Wages-CenterPIace 001.076.305.575.50.10.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase, add limited term employees 281,460 78,031 359,491 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-CenterPlace 001.076.305.575.50.20.00 -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,add limited term employees 160,524 21,833 182,357 Desktop Hardware-Non Capital -Additional computer and hardware due to increased staffing 15,500 50,200 65,700 . Total recurring expenditures 205,771 Page 2 of 9 P:1FinancelBudgets12023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment 4112023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description/Justification Budget Amendment Budget #001 -General Fund-continued Nonrecurring Revenues 001.016.099.xxx.xx.xx - Grant proceeds for furniture&equipment at the Precinct grant precinct 0 39,000 39,000 Spokane County 001.040.099.xxx.xx.xx - County portion of Plante's Ferry Study 0 50,000 50,000 Grant Proceeds 001.090.331.330.21.01 - Estimated CLFR revenues for 2023 0 4,520,000 4,520,000 Total nonrecurring revenues 4,609,000 Nonrecurring Expenditures Law Enforcement Prof Services 001.016.099,521.10.41.10 -Add costs for Law Enf.Staffing Assessment 0 85,000 85,000 Precinct Improvements - Fencing for Ancillary Building 15,000 16,000 31,000 Precinct Furniture - Furniture for roll call room at Precinct 0 30,000 30,000 Precinct Heavy Duty Equipment - Precinct shop lift replacement 0 25,000 25,000 Professional Services-Econ Dev -Add costs for various studies/consultants 0 209,975 209,975 Professional Services-20th Anniversary - Move forward costs for the 20th Anniversary not expended in 2022 30,000 4,769 34,769 Office Furniture&Equipment,01 - Furniture for additional Engineering staff 0 16,600 16,600 CenterPlace Prof Services - Equipment Assessment 0 6,000 6,000 CenterPlace Improvements - Move CenterPlace portico painting and carpet replacement from 2022 0 38,700 38,700 CenterPlace Improvements - Backup batteries for CenterPlace emergency lighting 0 10,000 10,000 CenterPlace Sidewalk - Sidewalk repairs at CenterPlace 0 20,000 20,000 Transfer out-#122 - Replenish winter weather reserve 0 500,000 500,000 Transfer out-#309 - Balfour Park Imp. Phase 1 0 427,327 427,327 Transfer out-#309 - Pump replacement for Mirabeau Fails 0 33,000 33,000 Transfer out-#312 - 2021 #001 fund bal>50% 0 5,358,054 5,358,054 CLFR Program Expenditures 001.090.331.514.60.xx.xx - Estimated CLFR related expenditures for 2023 0 6,520,000 6,520,000 Total nonrecurring expenditures 13,300,425 Total of all General Fund revenues 4,609,000 Total of all General Fund expenditures 13,506,196 Page 3 of 9 P:1Finance\Budgets12023 Budget\Budget AmendmentlAmendment#112023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description 1 Justification Budget Amendment Budget #101 -Street Fund Revenues - Move road wear fee from Fund#106 to Solid Waste Road Wear Fee implement the local access street program 0 1,700,000 1,700,000 -Transfer remaining road wear fee amounts from Transfers in-#106 fund balance from Fund#106 0 1,862,929 1,862,929 -Transfer remaining road wear fee amounts from Transfers in-#311 fund balance from Fund#311 0 2,677,099 2,677,099 -Transfer amount for surface treatment pilot Transfers in-#312 program 0 250,000 250,000 Total revenues 6,490,028 Expenditures Salaries and Wages-Snow -Adjust for 3%payroll increase, adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 147,795 18,637 166,432 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Snow -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 64,559 10,517 75,076 Salaries and Wages-Street Maint. -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 679,519 13,328 692,847 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Street Maint. -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 296,825 4,111 300,936 Limited Term Salaries and Wages -Add 2 limited term employees 0 72,360 72,360 Limited Term Payroll Taxes&Benefits -Add 2 limited term employees 0 44,242 44,242 Safety Equipment-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 1,000 200 1,200 Vehicle Maint Supplies-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 10,000 2,500 12,500 Fuel-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 15,000 3,000 18,000 Cell Phones-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 6,460 1,010 7,470 Travel/Mileage-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 7,800 1,000 8,800 Equipment Rental-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 12,300 5,000 17,300 Equip Repair&Maintenance-Traffic,01 -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 3,000 500 3,500 Software Licenses-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 20,536 600 21,136 Small Tools&Minor Equip-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 55,000 800 55,800 Memberships/Prof Licenses-Traffic,49.02 -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 72,227 1,000 73,227 Registrations-Traffic -Adjust Eng for new SW staffing 3,500 500 4,000 Furniture&Equipment-Traffic - Desks for Maintenance Shop(50%Storm) 0 1,530 1,530 Heavy Duty Machinery&Equip - Remainder of cost for Maintenance Shop Generator(50%Storm) 0 8,500 8,500 Page 4 of 9 P:1Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#112023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description 1 Justification Budget Amendment Budget 4101 -Street Fund-continued Expenditures-continued Salaries and Wages-Bridge Maint. -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE,10.00 allocations for new SW staffing 25,008 6,053 31,061 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Bridge Maint. -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE allocations for new SW staffing 10,811 2,360 13,171 Salaries and Wages-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 93,118 93,118 Payroll Taxes&Benefits-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 38,874 38,874 Safety Equipment-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 300 300 Repair&Maint Supplies-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 1,000 1,000 Small Tools&Minor Equip-Local Street - Implement local streets program 0 2,000 2,000 Engineering &Architect-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 50,000 50,000 Contract St Maint-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 3,850,000 3,850,000 Advertising-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 2,500 2,500 Cell Phones-Local Streets 101,044.000.542.10.42.03 - Implement local streets program 0 300 300 Travel/Mileage-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 1,500 1,500 Equipment Rental-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 500 500 Software Licenses-Local Streets 101.044.000,542.10.48.03 - Implement local streets program 0 9,000 9,000 Registrations-Local Streets 101.044.000,542,10.49.04 - Implement local streets program 0 500 500 Printing&Binding-Local Streets - Implement local streets program 0 500 500 Total expenditures 4,247,840 [#104-Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities Fund Revenues Transfers in-##105 104,000.000.397.10.50 -Transfer based on Council action in 2022 0 515,198 515,198 Total revenues 515,198 Expenditures Spokane Cnty-Avista Stadium Award 104.000,000.557.30.41.00 - Based on Council action 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 Total expenditures 2,000,000 Page 5 of 9 P:1FinancelBudgets12023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#112023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description/Justification Budget Amendment Budget #105-Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Expenditures Tourism Promotion - Decrease for based on actual Council awards 871,000 (561,298) 309,702 Transfers out-#104 -Transfer based on Council action in 2022 0 515,198 515,198 Total expenditures (46,100) #106-Solid Waste Fund Revenues - Move road wear fee to Fund#101 to implement Solid Waste Road Wear Fee the local access street program 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 0 Total revenues (1,700,000) Expenditures -Transfer remaining road wear fee amounts from Transfers out-#101 106.000,000.597.10.00.10 fund balance to Fund#101 0 1,862,929 1,862,929 Transfers out-#311 - Elminate road wear transfer to Fund#311 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 0 Total expenditures 162,929 #109-Tourism Promotion Fund Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee - Estimated WA fees for 2023 0 800,000 800,000 Total revenues 800,000 Expenditures Professional Services 109.000.000. - Expenditures for five-year marketing plan 0 45,000 45,000 Total expenditures 45,000 #122-Winter Weather Reserve Fund Revenues Transfer in-#001 - Replenish Winter Weather Reserve 0 500,000 500,000 Total revenues 500,000 Page 6 of 9 P:1FinancelBudgets12023 Budget\Budget AmendmentlAmendment#112023 05 23 Public Hearing&let Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description 1 Justification Budget Amendment Budget #309-Parks Capital Projects Fund Revenues Transfer in-#001 309.000.316.397,00,10 - Balfour Park Imp.Phase 1 0 427,327 427,327 Transfer in-#001 309.000.xxx.397.00.10 - Pump replacement for Mirabeau Falls 0 33,000 33,000 Transfer in-#310 309.000.316.397.31.00 - Balfour Park joint improvements 0 40,192 40,192 Transfer in-#312 309.000.316.397.31.20 - Balfour Park Imp. Phase 1 3,400,000 1,153,946 4,553,946 Total revenues 1,654,465 Expenditures Balfour Park 309.000.316.594.76.63.00 - 2023 Construction Costs 3,400,000 1,621,465 5,021,465 Mirabeau Falls 309.000.xxx.594.76.63.00 - Pump replacement for Mirabeau Falls 0 33,000 33,000 Total expenditures 1,654,465 #310-Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Payment to Library District 310.000.000.576.90.41.05 - Payment to the Library District for joint improvement costs per MOU 0 799,093 799,093 Transfer out-#309 310.000.000,597.30.00.90 - Balfour Park joint improvements 0 40,192 40,192 Total expenditures 839,285 #311 -Pavement Preservation Fund Revenues Transfer in-#106 311.000.000.397.10.60 - Elminate road wear transfer to Fund#311 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 5,358,054 Total revenues (1,700,000) Expenditures Transfer out-#101 311.000.000.597.10.00.10 -Transfer remaining road wear fee amounts from fund balance to Fund#101 0 2,677,099 2,677,099 Total expenditures 2,677,099 Page 7 of 9 P:1FinancelBudgets12023 Budget\Budget Amend ment'Amendment#112023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account 1 Account Initial Amended Description , Number Description/Justification Budget Amendment Budget #312-Capital Reserve Fund Revenues Transfer in-#001 312.000.000.397.00.10 - 2021 #001 fund bal>50% 0 5,358,054 5,358,054 Total revenues 5,358,054 Expenditures Property acquisition 312.000.000.594.18.61.00 - Purchase of 10303 E Sprague 0 791,000 791,000 Property acquisition 312.000.000.594.76.61.00 -WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition 0 759,600 759,600 Transfer out-#101 -Transfer amount for surface treatment pilot 312.000.000.597.10.00.10 program 0 250,000 250,000 Transfer out-#309 312.000.000.597.30.00.90 - Balfour Park Imp. Phase 1 4,523,900 1,153,946 5,677,846 Total expenditures 2,954,546 #402-Stormwater Fund Revenues Stormwater Mgmt Fees 402.402.000.343.13.00 - Update Stormwater Fees for revenue increase 1,951,000 3,649,000 5,600,000 Total revenues 3,649,000 Expenditures Salaries and Wages -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE 402,402.000.531.36.10.00 allocations for new SW staffing 447,402 219,536 666,938 Payroll Taxes&Benefits -Adjust for 3%payroll increase,adjust Eng FTE 402.402.000.531.36.20.00 allocations for new SW staffing 187,990 102,440 290,430 Safety Equipment 402.402.000.531.36.31.06 -Adjust for proactive SW program 300 400 700 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 402.402.000.531.36.31.08 - Purchase of new storm lids/grates 2,000 75,000 77,000 Vehicle Maintenance Supplies 402.402.000,531.36.31.10 -Adjust for proactive SW program 3,500 500 4,000 Fuel 402.402.000.531.36.32.01 -Adjust for proactive SW program 7,500 1,000 8,500 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 402.402.000.531.36.35.01 -Adjust for proactive SW program 5,000 1,600 6,600 Private Stormwater Maintenance 402.402.000.531.36.41,10 -Adjust for proactive SW program 1,268,668 300,000 1,568,668 Advertising 402.402.000.531.36.41.17 -Adjust for proactive SW program 1,000 1,000 2,000 Cell Phones 402.402.000.531,36.42.03 -Adjust for proactive SW program 2,260 3,030 5,290 Travel/Mileage 402.402.000.531.36.43.01 -Adjust for proactive SW program 2,000 1,000 3,000 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 402.402.000.531.36.48.01 -Adjust for proactive SW program 7,500 500 8,000 Software Licenses&Maintenance 402.402.000.531.36.48.03 -Adjust for proactive SW program 2,556 7,800 10,356 Memberships/Professional Licenses 402.402.000.531,36.49.02 -Adjust for proactive SW program 1,699 250 1,949 Page 8 of 9 P:1FinancelBudgets12023 BudgettBudget AmendmentlAmendment#112023 05 23 Public Hearing&1st Reading12023 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RCA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget-Amendment#1 Line Item Detail Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Description 1 Justification Budget Amendment Budget #402-Stormwater Fund-continued Expenditures-continued Registrations 402.402.000.531.36.49.04 -Adjust for proactive SW program 2,625 1,500 4,125 Land Acquisition 402.000.099.594.31.61.00 -Spokane Conservation District Easement 0 260,000 260,000 Heavy Duty Machinery&Equipment - Remainder of cost for Maintenance Shop 402.000.099.594.31.64.05 Generator(50%Street) 0 8,500 8,500 Furniture&Equipment 402.402.099.594.38.34.01 - Desks for Maintenance Shop(50%Street) 0 1,530 1,530 Construction/Capital Outlay 402.000.099.595.40.63.00 -Adjust for proactive SW program 200,000 150,000 350,000 Total expenditures 1,135,586 Totals Across all Funds Total revenues 20,175,745 Total expenditures 29,176,846 Page 9 of 9 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment##1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing& 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended #001 -GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax 13,569,200 0 13,569,200 Sales Tax 30,555,000 0 30,555,000 Sales Tax- Public Safety 1,357,000 0 1,357,000 Sales Tax-Criminal Justice 2,398,000 0 2,398,000 Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 383,000 0 383,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,215,000 0 1,215,000 State Shared Revenues 2,341,000 0 2,341,000 Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 518,600 0 518,600 Community and Public Works 3,145,900 0 3,145,900 Recreation Program Revenues 625,500 0 625,500 Grant Proceeds 120,000 0 120,000 Miscellaneous Department Revenue 2,500 0 2,500 Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 158,200 0 158,200 Transfers in -#105 (h/m tax-CP advertising) 30,000 0 30,000 Total Recurring Revenues 56,418,900 0 56,418,900 Expenditures City Council 707,558 0 707,558 City Manager 965,890 193,514 1,159,404 City Attorney 903,110 18,796 921,906 Public Safety 32,771,515 846 32,772,361 Deputy City Manager 590,817 13,935 604,752 Finance 1,313,840 32,215 1,346,055 Human Resources 354,278 31,306 385,584 Information Technology 425,208 10,964 436,172 Facilities 469,652 6,232 475,884 Community& Public Works -Administration 367,126 8,074 375,200 Community& Public Works - Engineering 2,305,213 (212,287) 2,092,926 Community& Public Works - Building 2,075,542 41,467 2,117,009 Community& Public Works - Planning 868,894 18,835 887,729 Economic Development 1,546,494 (119,853) 1,426,641 Parks & Rec-Administration 376,124 7,372 383,496 Parks & Rec- Maintenance 972,455 0 972,455 Parks & Rec- Recreation 348,356 3,487 351,843 Parks & Rec-Aquatics 565,700 0 565,700 Parks & Rec- Senior Center 38,112 804 38,916 Parks & Roc- CenterPlace 996,503 99,864 1,096,367 General Government 1,895,218 50,200 1,945,418 Transfers out-#204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 401,150 0 401,150 Transfers out-#309 (park capita!projects) 160,000 0 160,000 Transfers out-#311 (pavement preservation) 1,011,800 0 1,011,800 Transfers out-#502 (insurance premium) 600,000 0 600,000 Total Recurring Expenditures 53,030,555 205,771 53,236,326 Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 3,388,345 (205,771) 3,182,574 Page 1 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing & 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended #001 -GENERAL FUND -continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds (CLFR) 0 4,520,000 4,520,000 Precinct Grant Proceeds 0 39,000 39,000 Spokane County(Plante s Ferry Study) 0 50,000 50,000 Transfers in -#312 (police vehicle replacements) 1,200,000 0 1,200,000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 1,200,000 4,609,000 5,809,000 Expenditures General Government- IT capital replacements 151,000 0 151,000 City Attorney(office furniture for new Paralegal) 8,500 0 8,500 Public Safety(police vehicle replacements) 1,350,085 0 1,350,085 Public Safety(Access/fencing White Elephant) 15,000 16,000 31,000 Public Safety(Install Precinct gutters) 4,000 0 4,000 Public Safety(Install security cameras at Precinct) 20,000 0 20,000 Public Safety(Law Ent.. Staffing Assessment) 0 85,000 85,000 Public Safety(furniture for roll call room) 0 30,000 30,000 Public Safety(shop lift replacement) 0 25,000 25,000 Engineering (furniture for additional staff) 0 16,600 16,600 Econ Dev (20th Anniversary event planner) 30,000 4,769 34,769 Econ Dev (Various studies-Tourism, eta) 0 209,975 209,975 Parks & Rec (replace CenterPlace flooring) 26,000 0 26,000 Parks & Rec(CenterPlace lobby improvements) 150,000 0 150,000 Parks & Rec(Portico painting&carpet replacemt) 0 38,700 38,700 Parks & Rec(CenterPlace equip assessment) 0 6,000 6,000 Parks & Rec (CP emergency light backup batteries) 0 10,000 10,000 Parks & Rec (CenterPlace sidewalk repairs) 0 20,000 20,000 Financial Software Capital Costs 500,000 0 500,000 City Hall Repairs 0 0 0 . CLFR Project Expenditures 0 6,520,000 6,520,000 Transfers out-#101 (Street Fund operations) 3,530,048 0 3,530,048 Transfers out-#122 (replenish reserve) 0 500,000 500,000 Transfers out-#309 (Balfour Park Imp Phi) 0 427,327 427,327 Transfers out-#309 (Pump replace Mirabeau Falls) 0 33,000 33,000 Transfers out-#312 ('21 fund bal>50%) 0 5,358,054 5,358,054 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 5,784,633 13,300,425 19,085,058 Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (4,584,633) (8,691,425) (13,276,058) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over(Under) Total Expenditures (1,196,288) (8,897,196) (10,093,484) Beginning unrestricted fund balance 49,094,333 49,094,333 Ending unrestricted fund balance 47,898,045 39,000,849 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures 90.32% 73.26% Page 2 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing & 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 -STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax 857,000 0 857,000 Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax 2,062,600 0 2,062,600 Multimodal Transportation Revenue 139,200 0 139,200 Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee 95,000 0 95,000 Solid Waste Road Wear Fee (local streets) 0 1,700,000 1,700,000 investment Interest 500 0 500 Miscellaneous 10,000 0 10,000 Total Recurring Revenues 3,164,300 1,700,000 4,864,300 Expenditures Wages/Benefits/ Payroll Taxes 1,314,394 186,998 1,501,392 Limited Term Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 0 116,602 116,602 Supplies 191,500 5,700 197,200 Services & Charges 2,803,789 10,410 2,814,199 Snow Operations 1,081,915 0 1,081,915 Local Street Program 0 3,918,100 3,918,100 Intergovernmental Payments 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 Vehicle rentals -#501 (non-plow vehicle rental) 27,750 0 27,750 Vehicle rentals -#501 (plow replace.) 275,000 0 275,000 Total Recurring Expenditures 6,694,348 4,237,810 10,932,158 Recurring Revenues Over(Under) • Recurring Expenditures (3,530,048) (2,537,810) (6,067,858) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in -#001 3,530,048 0 3,530,048 Transfers in -#106(local streets) 0 1,862,929 1,862,929 Transfers in -#311 (local streets) 0 2,677,099 2,677,099 Transfers in -#312 (surface treatment pilot) 0 250,000 250,000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 3,530,048 4,790,028 8,320,076 Expenditures Streetlight Replacement Program 40,000 0 40,000 Generator for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to#402) 0 8,500 8,500 Desks for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to#402) 0 1,530 1,530 Bridge Replacement Program 10,000 0 10,000 Signal Maintenance Equipment 40,000 0 40,000 Transfers out-#501 (truck for Signal Technician) 58,000 0 58,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 148,000 10,030 158,030 Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures 3,382,048 4,779,998 8,162,046 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under)Total Expenditures (148,000) 2,242,188 2,094,188 Beginning fund balance 1,319,206 1,319,206 Less restricted fund balance 0 (2,571,928) Unrestricted ending fund balance 1,171,206 841,466 Page 3 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing & 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS -continued #104-HOTEL! MOTEL TAX -TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax 600,000 0 600,000 Investment Interest 5,000 0 5,000 Transfers in -#105 0 515,198 515,198 Total revenues 605,000 515,198 1,120,198 Expenditures Spokane Cnty-Avista Stadium Award 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 Total expenditures 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 Revenues over(under) expenditures 605,000 (879,802) Beginning fund balance 5,619,705 5,619,705 Ending fund balance 6,224,705 4,739,903 #105 - HOTEL! MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax 900,000 0 900,000 Investment Interest 1,000 0 1,000 Total revenues 901,000 0 901,000 Expenditures Transfers out-#001 30,000 0 30,000 Transfers out-#104 0 515,198 515,198 Tourism Promotion 871,000 (561,298) 309,702 Total expenditures 901,000 (46,100) 854,900 Revenues over(under) expenditures 0 46,100 Beginning fund balance 507,419 507,419 Ending fund balance 507,419 553,519 #106 -SOLID WASTE FUND Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fee 225,000 0 225,000 Solid Waste Road Wear Fee 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 0 Investment Interest 4,000 0 4,000 Total revenues 1,929,000 (1,700,000) 229,000 Expenditures Education/Contract Admin 229,000 0 229,000 Transfers out-#101 0 1,862,929 1,862,929 Transfers out-#311 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 0 Total expenditures 1,929,000 162,929 2,091,929 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (1,862,929) Beginning fund balance 3,003,161 3,003,161 Ending fund balance 3,003,161 1,140,232 Page 4 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing & 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment _ 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS -continued #109 -TOURISM PROMOTION AREA FUND Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee 0 800,000 800,000 Total revenues 0 800,000 800,000 Expenditures Services & Charges 0 45,000 45,000 Total expenditures 0 45,000 45,000 Revenues over(under) expenditures 0 755,000 Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 755,000 #122-WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,100 0 1,100 Transfers in -#001 0 500,000 500,000 Total revenues 1,100 500,000 501,100 Expenditures Street maintenance expenditures 500,000 0 500,000 Transfers out-#101 0 0 0 Total expenditures 500,000 0 500,000 Revenues over(under) expenditures (498,900) 1,100 Beginning fund balance 31,780 31,780 Ending fund balance (467,120) 32,880 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #309 - PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 126,100 0 126,100 Transfers in -#001 160,000 460,327 620,327 Transfers in -#310 0 40,192 40,192 Transfers in -#312 4,523,900 1,153,946 5,677,846 Total revenues 4,810,000 1,654,465 6,464,465 Expenditures 316 Balfour Park improvements Phase 1 3,400,000 1,621,465 5,021,465 328 Sullivan Park water line 500,000 0 500,000 338 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail 750,000 0 750,000 Replace pump at Mirabeau Falls 0 33,000 33,000 Parking &Trail Design (Summerfield, Ponderosa, Flora) 136,900 0 136,900 West Lawn Shade Canopy for Stage 23,100 0 23,100 Total expenditures 4,810,000 1,654,465 6,464,465 Revenues over(under) expenditures 0 0 Beginning fund balance 177,301 177,301 Ending fund balance 177,301 177,301 Page 5 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing& 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued #310 -CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,000 0 1,000 Total revenues 1,000 0 1,000 Expenditures Payment to Library District 0 799,093 799,093 Transfer out-#309 (Balfour Park) 0 40,192 40,192 Total expenditures 0 839,285 839,285 Revenues over(under) expenditures 1,000 (838,285) Beginning fund balance 853,709 853,709 Ending fund balance 854,709 15,424 #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION FUND Revenues Transfers in -#001 1,011,800 0 1,011,800 Transfers in -#106 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 0 Transfers in -#301 1,037,500 0 1,037,500 Transfers in-#302 1,037,500 0 1,037,500 Grant Proceeds 1,760,000 0 1,760,000 Total revenues 6,546,800 (1,700,000) 4,846,800 Expenditures Pavement preservation 7,805,121 0 7,805,121 Pre-project GeoTech 50,000 0 50,000 Transfer out-#101 (local streets) 0 2,677,099 2,677,099 Total expenditures 7,855,121 2,677,099 10,532,220 Revenues over(under) expenditures (1,308,321) (5,685,420) Beginning fund balance 6,615,700 6,615,700 Ending fund balance 5,307,379 930,280 Page 6 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment #1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing& 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued #312 -CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in -#001 ('21 fund bal>50%) 0 5,358,054 5,358,054 Investment Interest 20,000 0 20,000 Total revenues 20,000 5,358,054 5,378,054 Expenditures Transfers out-#001 (police vehicle replacements) 1,200,000 0 1,200,000 Transfers out-#101 (surface treatment pilot) 0 250,000 250,000 Transfers out-#309 (Balfour Park improvements Ph. 1) 3,400,000 1,153,946 4,553,946 Transfers out-#309 (Sullivan Park waterline) 373,900 0 373,900 Transfers out-#309 (Spokane Valley River Loop Trail) 750,000 0 750,000 Transfers out-#314 (Barker Rd Overpass) 347,998 0 347,998 Transfers out-#314 (Pines Rd Underpass) 196,394 0 196,394 10303 E Sprague Property Acquisition 0 791,000 791,000 WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition 0 759,600 759,600 Total expenditures 6,268,292 2,954,546 9,222,838 Revenues over(under) expenditures (6,248,292) (3,844,784) Beginning fund balance 13,671,557 13,671,557 Ending fund balance 7,423,265 9,826,773 Page 7 of 8 P:\Finance\Budgets\2023 Budget\Budget Amendment\Amendment#1\2023 05 23 Public Hearing& 1st Reading\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/23/2023 2023 Budget Amendment 2023 As Proposed As Adopted Amendment Amended ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402-STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,951,000 3,649,000 5,600,000 Investment Interest 2,000 0 2,000 Total Recurring Revenues 1,953,000 3,649,000 5,602,000 Expenditures Wages/Benefits/ Payroll Taxes 635,392 321,976 957,368 Supplies 20,800 78,500 99,300 Services& Charges 1,449,742 315,080 1,764,822 Intergovernmental Payments 48,000 0 48,000 Vehicle rentals -#501 6,750 0 6,750 Total Recurring Expenditures 2,160,684 715,556 2,876,240 Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures (207,684) 2,933,444 2,725,760 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 Expenditures Capital -various projects 200,000 150,000 350,000 Watershed studies 100,000 0 100,000 Stormwater comprehensive plan update 50,000 0 50,000 Generator for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to#101) 0 8,500 8,500 Desks for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to#101) 0 1,530 1,530 Land Acquisition for Easement 0 260,000 260,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures _ 350,000 420,030 770,030 Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (350,000) (420,030) (770,030) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over(Under) Total Expenditures (557,684) 2,513,414 1,955,730 Beginning working capital 2,278,363 2,278,363 Ending working capital 1,720,679 4,234,093 Page 8 of 8 Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1,2023 Position Title Grade _ 2023 Range City Manager Unclassified Deputy City Manager 22 12,277.74 - 18,605.80 City Attorney 21 11,061.03 - 16,745.36 Finance Director 21 11,061.03 - 16,745.36 Community&Public Works Director 21 11,061.03 - 16,745.36 Parks,Recreation,and Facilities Director 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 CHI/Engineer 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 Economic Development Director 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 Human Resources Director 20 9,954,80 - 15,071.93 Senor Deputy City Attorney 19 8,959.16 - 13,564.89 Building Official 19 8,959.16 - 13,564.89 Engineering Manager 19 8,959.16 - 13,564.89 Planning Manager 18 8,064.28 - 12,207.79 Senior Engineer 18 8,064.28 - 12,207.79 Public Works Superintendent 18 8,064.28 - 12,207.79 Accounting Manager 17 7,257.44 - 10,986,56 Assistant Building Official 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Senior Administrative Analyst 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 IT Manager 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Legislative Coordinator 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Deputy City Attorney 16 6,531.03 - 9,687.27 City Clerk 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Engineer 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Senior Planner 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Development Services Coordinator 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Database Administrator 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Accountant/Budget Analyst 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Project Manager 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 CAD Manager 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Code Enforcement Supervisor 16 .. 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Associate Planner 15 5,878.75 - 8.099.16 Assistant Engineer 15 _ 5,878.75 - 8,899,16 IT Specialist 15 5,878.75 - 8,699.16 Engineering Technician II 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Communications and Marketing Officer 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Economic Development Project Specialist 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Senior Plans Examiner 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Public Information Officer 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Administrative Analyst 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Maintenance/Construction Foreman 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 GIS Analyst 15 5,878.75 8,899.16 CPW Liason 15 5,878.75 8,899.16 Signal Technician — 15 5,878,75 8,899.16 Mechanic _ 14 5,291,19 - 6,009.86 Human Resource Analyst 14 5,291,19 - 8,009.86 CenterPlace Coordinator 14 5,291,19 - 8,009.86 Planner 14 5,291.19 - 8,009,86 Building Inspector II 14 _ 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Plans Examiner 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Engineering Technician I 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Senior Permit Specialist 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Code Enforcement Officer 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Recreation Coordinator 13 9,761.69 - 7,208.60 Deputy City Clerk 13 9,761.69 - 7,208.60 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Building Inspector I 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Executive Assistant 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Planning Technician 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Human Resources Technician 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Maintenance Lead 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Senior Center Specialist 12 4,287,09 - 8,487.57 Permit Facilitator 12 4,287,09 - 6,487.57 Help Desk Technician 12 4,287.09 - 6,487,57 Accounting-Technician 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Administrative Assistant 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Recreation Specialist 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Paralegal 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker II 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker I 11 3,857.20 - 5,839.10 Permit Specialist 11 3,857.20 5,839.10 Office Assistant it 10-11 3,471.24 - 5,839.10 Custodian 10 3,471.24 - 5,253.96 Office Assistant I 9-10 3,124.51 - 5,253.96 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System, Salary Schedule 3% CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing [' information [' admin. report [' pending legislation [' executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading of proposed Ordinance #23-011 which amends the 2023 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget, State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2023 Budget when it was adopted on November 8, 2022. On May 16, 2023, an Administrative Report was delivered to Council regarding the need for a budget amendment. Finally, earlier this evening a public hearing was held on this topic. BACKGROUND: Since the initial adoption of the 2023 Budget on November 8, 2022, a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2023 Budget amendment. The proposed amendments include: #001 - General Fund Revenues reflect an increase of$4,609,000, including: • $39,000 in grant proceeds for furniture and equipment at the Precinct. • $50,000 for the Spokane County share of the Plante's Ferry Study. • $4,520,000 for anticipated Coronavirus Local Recovery Funding (CLFR) revenue recognition. Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of$13,506,196 comprised of: • $282,192 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting. • $168,269 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the City Manager Department as a result of truing up a previously vacant position to actual amounts and moving the Public Information Officer to this Department from Economic Development. • $23,300 increase in recruitment related costs in the Human Resources Department due to increased recruiting activities, including the City Attorney recruitment costs. • $272,187 decrease in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the Engineering Department related to adjusting employee allocations related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $9,560 increase in Engineering Department costs related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $153,789 decrease in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits in the Economic Development Department related to moving the Public Information Officer from this department to City Manager. • $9,000 increase in professional services in the Economic Development Department for additional videos for the State of the City event. • $89,226 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs for CenterPlace related to two limited term employees needed for interim staffing needs. • $50,200 for additional computer and other hardware needs related to increases in City staffing. Page 1 of 5 • $85,000 increase for professional services related to the Law Enforcement Staffing Assessment. • $71,000 increase for improvements at the Precinct, including $16,000 in additional costs for fencing around the ancillary building at the old White Elephant, $30,000 in costs for furniture replacement in the roll call room, and $25,000 to replace the vehicle lift in the Precinct shop. • $209,975 increase for the costs of various studies, including $52,475 for the Tourism Study, $27,500 for the CenterPlace Study, $30,000 for the Annexation Study, and $100,000 for the Plante's Ferry Study. • $4,769 increase for the 20th Anniversary costs. This is not an increase in total costs, but rather is moving unspent budgeted amounts from 2022 to 2023. • $16,600 increase for new furniture in Engineering due to increases in staffing. • $6,000 increase for an equipment assessment at CenterPlace in order to determine overall conditions and estimate replacement timeframes. • $38,700 increase to move the costs for repainting the CenterPlace portico and replacement of carpet in CenterPlace to 2023. These items were budgeted in 2022 but were not completed. • $10,000 increase to purchase backup batteries for the emergency lighting system at CenterPlace. • $20,000 increase to repair sidewalks at CenterPlace. • $500,000 to replenish the Winter Weather Reserve Fund #122 back to a fund balance of $500,000. The Street O&M Fund was over budget on snow removal expenditures in 2022 by about $813,000. • $427,327 transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund#309 for the Balfour Park Phase 1 project as was authorized by Council at the January 24, 2023 council meeting. • $33,000 transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 to replace the pump at Mirabeau Falls. • $5,358,054 transferred to Capital Reserve Fund #312 which represents the 2021 yearend fund balance in excess of 50% of recurring expenditures. • $6,520,000 increase due to expected CLFR related expenditures. #101 — Street O&M Fund Revenues reflect an increase of$6,490,028, including: • $1,700,000 increase of the budgeted solid waste road wear fee (previously budgeted in Fund #106) to reflect funding to implement the local access street program in 2023. • $1,862,929 transfer in from the Solid Waste Fund #106 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #106 from the road wear fee. • $2,677,099 transfer in from the Pavement Preservation Fund #311 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #311 from the road wear fee. • $250,000 transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the surface treatment pilot program. Expenditures increase by $4,247,840, including: • $32,575 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting. • $22,431 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the Street Fund related to adjusting employee allocations related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $116,602 increase to salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs for Streets related to two limited term employees needed for interim staffing needs. • $16,110 increase Street costs related the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $1,530 increase for new desks at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Stormwater). Page 2 of 5 • $8,500 increase for the remaining costs to install a generator at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Stormwater). • $4,050,092 increase to implement the local street program. The largest line-item costs included in this amount are $131,992 for salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits and $3,850,000 for contract street maintenance contracts. This program is paid for using the solid waste road wear fee. #104 — Hotel/Motel Tax—Tourism Facilities Fund Increase in revenues of $515,198 for transfers in from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105. This increase reflects a Council motion on December 13, 2022, as part of the lodging tax grant process for the 2023 awards. Increase in expenditures of $2,000,000 for the lodging tax award to Spokane County for improvements to Avista Stadium. This was approved by Council motion on January 31, 2023. #105 — Hotel / Motel Tax Fund Net decrease of$46,100 in expenditures comprised of an increase in transfers out to the Hotel / Motel Tax — Tourism Facilities Fund #104 of $515,198 and a decrease of $561,298 in tourism promotion costs as was approved during the lodging tax process at the December 13, 2022 Council meeting. #106 — Solid Waste Fund Revenues decrease by $1,700,000 for the budgeted solid waste road wear fee (now budgeted in Fund #101) to reflect funding to implement the local access street program in 2023 in the Street O&M Fund #101. Net increase in expenditures of$162,929 consisting of an increase of$1,862,929 in transfers out to the Street O&M Fund #101 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #106 from the road wear fee, and a decrease of$1,700,000 in transfers out to the Pavement Preservation Fund #311 for that same road wear fee. #109 —Tourism Promotion Area Fund Revenues are increased by $800,000 to account for estimated Tourism Promotion Area fees within the City that were implemented as of January 1, 2023. Expenditures are proposed to increase by $45,000 for a professional services contract for the Spokane Valley TPA Destination Marketing Plan and Tourism Services Plan that was approved by Council at the May 2, 2023 meeting. #122 —Winter Weather Reserve Fund Revenues are increased by $500,000 reflecting a transfer in from the General Fund #001 to replenish the fund balance to $500,000. The Street O&M Fund was over budget on snow removal expenditures in 2022 by about $813,000, of which $500,000 was reimbursed to Fund #101 from Fund #122 during that year. #309 — Parks Capital Proiects Fund Revenues and expenditures are proposed to increase by $1,654,465. This amount includes: • $1,621,465 for the Balfour Park Phase 1 construction costs. The expenditures are funded through $427,327 transfer in from the General Fund, $40,192 transfer in from the Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund #310, and $1,153,946 transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312. Page 3 of 5 • $33,000 for the pump replacement at Mirabeau Falls, which is funded by a transfer in from the General Fund. #310 — Civic Facilities Capital Proiects Fund Expenditures are increased by $839,285 for the City's contribution to the joint improvement costs of the new library being constructed adjacent to Balfour Park as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding with the Library District. This consists of a payment of $799,093 to the Library District and a transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309. #311 — Pavement Preservation Fund Revenues decrease by$1,700,000 to eliminate the transfer of the solid waste road wear fee from the Solid Waste Fund #106 as this amount will now be accounted for in the Street O&M Fund #101 to fund the local access street program. Expenditures increase by a transfer out of $2,677,099 to the Street O&M Fund #101 to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance in Fund #311 from the road wear fee. #312 — Capital Reserve Fund Revenues are increased due to a transfer of $5,358,054 from General Fund #001 which represents the 2021 yearend fund balance in excess of 50% of recurring expenditures. Expenditures are increased by $2,954,546 which includes: • $791,000 for the purchase of 10303 E Sprague (Balfour Facility). • $759,600 for the amount still owing for the purchase of the WSDOT property adjacent to Sullivan Park. • $250,000 transfer to the Street O&M Fund #101 for a surface treatment pilot program. • $1,153,946 transfer to the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 for the Balfour Park Improvements Phase 1. #402 — Stormwater Fund Revenues are increased by $3,649,000 to reflect the increase in the Stormwater fees to the proactive level of service. Expenditures increase by $1,135,586, which consists of: • $17,488 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting. • $304,488 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefit costs in the Stormwater Fund related to adjusting employee allocations related to the new Stormwater staffing increases. • $543,580 increase costs related the new Stormwater staffing increases. The largest of these are $300,000 for private stormwater maintenance and $150,000 for capital projects. • $260,000 for the purchase of an easement from the Spokane Conservation District, which was approved by council at the January 10, 2023 council meeting. • $1,530 increase for new desks at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Street). • $8,500 increase for the remaining costs to install a generator at the Maintenance Shop (50% cost to Street). The 2023 Budget amendment reflects the changes noted above and will affect 12 funds resulting in total revenue increases of$20,175,745 and expenditure increases of$29,176,846. Page 4 of 5 Revenue Expenditure Fund Fund Increase Increase No. Name (Decrease) (Decrease) 001 General Fund 4,609,000 13,506,196 101 Street O&M Fund 6,490,028 4,247,840 104 Hotel/Motel Tax -Tourism Facilities Fund 515,198 2,000,000 105 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 0 (46,100) 106 Solid Waste Fund (1,700,000) 162,929 109 Tourism Promotion Area Fund 800,000 45,000 122 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 500,000 0 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund 1,654,465 1,654,465 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 0 839,285 311 Pavement Preservation Fund (1,700,000) 2,677,099 312 Capital Reserve Fund 5,358,054 2,954,546 402 Stormwater Fund 3,649,000 1,135,586 20,175,745 29,176,846 The 2023 Budget amendment also includes changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule to reflect the increases to the lower and upper ends of the salary ranges that were approved by Council at the December 20, 2022 council meeting as well as the addition of a new position related to the increased staffing in the Stormwater Fund. When Council authorized the increase of the Stormwater Fees to the proactive level of service, that increase also included an increase of seven additional FTEs in Engineering to accommodate the increased service level. Five of the seven new FTEs are included in in the 2023 amendment figures. The remaining two of the seven previously authorized new FTEs are included in the 2024 Budget amounts that will be coming forward. OPTIONS: Options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in-part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance #23-011 amending the 2023 Budget to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS:This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2023 Budget that was adopted on November 8, 2022. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance #23-011 Page 5 of 5 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.23-011 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,AMENDING ORDINANCE 22-023,WHICH ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1,2023 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2023; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS,the City Council approved Ordinance 22-023 on November 8, 2022,which adopted the 2023 annual budget; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the November 8, 2022 adoption of the 2023 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, certain changes to employee positions have been made by the City Manager,which necessitate changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule that was included in the 2023 annual budget; and WHEREAS, certain changes were necessary to the salaries and wages for employees from what were included in the adopted 2023 annual budget; and WHEREAS, additional stormwater fees were authorized by Council in the fee resolution, and changes were necessary to reflect the new fee amounts and implement a proactive service level stormwater program; and WHEREAS, certain changes were necessary to implement a local access street program in the City's Street Fund; and WHEREAS,it is necessary to create Fund 109 Tourism Promotion Area Fund,which will be used to account for collections and expenditures of tourism promotion area fees imposed pursuant to RCW 35.101 and chapter 3.21 SVMC. All fees collected must be applied to tourism promotion within the City; and WHEREAS,certain funds should be eliminated because the underlying projects necessitating their use have been completed; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 2023 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2023 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues and Appropriations. Ordinance No. 22-023 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund contained in Section 1 of Ordinance 22-023 is hereby further amended as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance,which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Amended Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule. Ordinance No. 22-023 adopted an Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule as part of the budget for the Ordinance 23-011 amending the 2023 budget Page 1 of 4 twelve months beginning January 1,2023 and ending December 31,2023.The schedule is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment B to this Ordinance,which is incorporated herein. Section 3. Creating Fund 109. There is hereby created Fund 109 Tourism Promotion Area Fund which will be used to account for collections and expenditures tourism promotion area fees within the City. Section 4. Eliminating Fund 313.Fund 313 City Hall Construction Fund is hereby eliminated. Section 5. Severability.If any section,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of May 2023. ATTEST: Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 23-011 amending the 2023 budget Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT A Sources Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Be ginning Ending Fund Fund Adopted via Amended via Total Total Adopted via Amended via Total Fund No. Annual Appropriation Funds Balance Ord.22-023 Ord.23-XXX Revenues Sources Ord.22-023 Ord.23-XXX Appropriations Balance 001 General 49,094,333 57,618,900 4,609,000 62,227,900 111,322,233 58,815,188 13,506,196 72,321,384 39,000,849 101 Street O&M 1,319,206 6,694,348 6,490,028 13,184,376 14,503,582 6,842,348 4,247,840 11,090,188 3,413,394 103 Paths&Trails 38,368 8,800 0 8,800 47,168 0 0 0 47,168 104 Hotel/Motel Tax-Tourism Facilities 5,619,705 605,000 515,198 1,120,198 6,739,903 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 4,739,903 105 Hotel/Motel Tax 507,419 901,000 0 901,000 1,408,419 901,000 (46,100) 854,900 553,519 106 Solid Waste 3,003,161 1,929,000 (1,700,000) 229,000 3,232,161 1,929,000 162,929 2,091,929 1,140,232 107 PEG 233,782 71,000 0 71,000 304,782 73,000 0 73,000 231,782 108 Affordable&Supportive Housing Sales Tax 577,569 200,000 0 200,000 777,569 0 0 0 777,569 109 Tourism Promotion Area 0 0 800,000 800,000 800,000 0 45,000 45,000 755,000 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 121 Service Level Stabilization 5,500,000 0 0 0 5,500,000 0 0 0 5,500,000 122 Winter Weather Reserve 31,780 1,100 500,000 501,100 532,880 500,000 0 500,000 32,880 204 Debt Service LTGO 03 0 1,089,550 0 1,089,550 1,089,550 1,089,550 0 1,089,550 0 301 Capital Projects 5,314,928 1,504,000 0 1,504,000 6,818,928 1,507,722 0 1,507,722 5,311,206 302 Special Capital Projects 6,791,175 1,506,000 0 1,506,000 8,297,175 1,855,820 0 1,855,820 6,441,355 303 Street Capital Projects 1,943,151 9,157,127 0 9,157,127 11,100,278 9,157,127 0 9,157,127 1,943,151 309 Parks Capital Projects 177,301 4,810,000 1,654,465 6,464,465 6,641,766 4,810,000 1,654,465 6,464,465 177,301 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects 853,709 1,000 0 1,000 854,709 0 839,285 839,285 15,424 311 Pavement Preservation 6,615,700 6,546,800 (1,700,000) 4,846,800 11,462,500 7,855,121 2,677,099 10,532,220 930,280 312 Capital Reserve 13,671,557 20,000 5,358,054 5,378,054 19,049,611 6,268,292 2,954,546 9,222,838 9,826,773 314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects 267,460 3,697,644 0 3,697,644 3,965,104 3,950,000 0 3,950,000 15,104 315 Transportation Impact Fees 665,904 200,000 0 200,000 865,904 108,449 0 108,449 757,455 316 Economic Development Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102,526,208 96,561,269 16,526,745 113,088,014 215,614,222 105,662,617 28,041,260 133,703,877 81,910,345 Sources Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Be ginning Ending Fund Working Adopted via Amended via Total Total Adopted via Amended via Total Working No. Working Capital Funds Capital Ord.22-023 Ord.23-XXX Revenues Sources Ord.22-023 Ord.23-XXX Appropriations Capital 402 Stormwater Management 2,278,363 1,953,000 3,649,000 5,602,000 7,880,363 2,510,684 1,135,586 3,646,270 4,234,093 403 Aquifer Protection Area 1,520,522 859,400 0 859,400 2,379,922 1,476,100 0 1,476,100 903,822 501 Equipment Rental&Replacement 1,417,119 421,600 0 421,600 1,838,719 523,000 0 523,000 1,315,719 502 Risk Management 428,022 600,000 0 600,000 1,028,022 600,000 0 600,000 428,022 632 Passthrough Fees&Taxes 947 591,000 0 591,000 591,947 591,000 0 591,000 947 5,644,973 4,425,000 3,649,000 8,074,000 13,718,973 5,700,784 1,135,586 6,836,370 6,882,603 Total of all Funds 108,171,181 100,986,269 20,175,745 121,162,014 229,333,195 111,363,401 29,176,846 140,540,247 88,792,948 Ordinance 23-011 amending the 2023 budget Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT B EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1,2023 Position Title Grade 2023 Range City Manager Unclassified Deputy City Manager 22 12,277.74 - 18,605.80 City Attorney 21 11,061.03 - 16,745.36 Finance Director 21 11,061.03 - 16,745.36 Community&Public Works Director 21 11,061.03 - 16,745.36 Parks,Recreation,and Facilities Director 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 City Engineer 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 Economic Development Director 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 Human Resources Director 20 9,954.80 - 15,071.93 Senior Deputy City Attorney 19 8,959.16 - 13,564.89 Building Official 19 8,959.16 - 13,564.89 Engineering Manager 19 8,959.16 - 13,564.89 Planning Manager 18 8,064.28 - 12,207.79 Senior Engineer 18 8,064.28 - 12,207.79 Public Works Superintendent 18 8,064.28 - 12,207.79 Accounting Manager 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Assistant Building Official 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Senior Administrative Analyst 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 IT Manager 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Legislative Coordinator 17 7,257.44 - 10,986.56 Deputy City Attorney 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 City Clerk 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Engineer 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Senior Planner 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Development Services Coordinator 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Database Administrator 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Accountant/Budget Analyst 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Project Manager 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 CAD Manager 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Code Enforcement Supervisor 16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Associate Planner 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Assistant Engineer 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 IT Specialist 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Engineering Technician II 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Communications and Marketing Officer 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Economic Development Project Specialist 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Senior Plans Examiner 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Public Information Officer 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Administrative Analyst 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Maintenance/Construction Foreman 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 GIS Analyst 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 CPW Liason 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Signal Technician 15 5,878.75 - 8,899.16 Mechanic 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Human Resource Analyst 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 CenterPlace Coordinator 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Planner 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Building Inspector II 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Plans Examiner 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Engineering Technician I 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Senior Permit Specialist 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Code Enforcement Officer 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 14 5,291.19 - 8,009.86 Recreation Coordinator 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Deputy City Clerk 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Building Inspector I 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Executive Assistant 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Planning Technician 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Human Resources Technician 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Maintenance Lead 13 4,761.69 - 7,208.60 Senior Center Specialist 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Permit Facilitator 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Help Desk Technician 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Accounting Technician 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Administrative Assistant 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Recreation Specialist 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Paralegal 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker II 12 4,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker I 11 3,857.20 - 5,839.10 Permit Specialist 11 3,857.20 - 5,839.10 Office Assistant II 10-11 3,471.24 - 5,839.10 Custodian 10 3,471.24 - 5,253.96 Office Assistant I 9-10 3,124.51 - 5,253.96 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist behneen the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. Ordinance 23-011 amending the 2023 budget Page 4 of 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23,2023 Department Director Approval: i4 Check all that apply: /1 consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 02/03/2023 59139 15,000.00 02/16/2023 59259 3,400.00 05/08/2023 60010-60046 72,644.95 05/09/2023 60047-60088 229,168.54 05/09/2023 9909-9937 (Park refunds) 4,042.00 05/10/2023 60089-60117 163,717.85 05/11/2023 60118-60137 123,883.18 05/11/2023 60138-60165, wire 20393592 381,426.64 05/16/2023 60166-60200 172,573.65 GRAND TOTAL: S1,165,856.81 Ex ilanation of Fund and Pro'ect Numbers found on Voucher Lists #001 -General Fund General Gov't-Social Services 001.011.000. City Council General Gov't-Capital Outlay 001.013.000. City Manager General Gov't-Roads/Streets Capital 001.013.015. Legal 001.016.000. Public Safety Other Funds: 001.016.016. Precinct Shared Expenses 101—Street Fund 001.018.013. Deputy City Manager 103—Paths&Trails 001.018.014. Finance 104—Tourism Facilities 001.018.016 Human Resources 105—Hotel/Motel Tax 001.018.017. Information Technology 106—Solid Waste 001.033.000. Facilities Administration 107—PEG Fund 001.033.033. Facilities—City Hall 108—Affordable&Supplemental Housing Sales Tax 001.033.034. Facilities—Other 120—CenterPlace Operating Reserve 001.040.000. Community/Public Works-Administration 121 —Service Level Stabilization Reserve 001.040.041. Engineering 122—Winter Weather Reserve Economic Development 204—Debt Service Housing/Homeless Services 301—REET 1 Capital Projects 001.040.043. Building 302—REET 2 Capital Projects 001.040.044. Planning 303—Street Capital Projects 001.076.000. Parks& Rec—Administration 309—Parks Capital Grants 001.076.300. Parks&Rec-Maintenance 310—Civic Bldg. Capital Projects 001.076.301. Parks&Rec-Recreation 311 —Pavement Preservation 001.076.302. Parks&Rec-Aquatics 312—Capital Reserve 001.076.304. Parks& Rec- Senior Center 314—Railroad Grade Separation Projects 001.076.305. Parks&Rec-CenterPlace 315—Transportation Impact Fees General Gov't- Council related 316—Economic Development Capital Projects General Gov't-Finance related 402—Stormwater Management General Gov't-Employee supply 403—Aquifer.Protection Area General Gov't-Centralized Serv. 501 —Equipment Rental&Replacement General Gov't-Other Services 502—Risk Management General Gov't-Natural&Eco. 632—Passthrough Fees&Taxes Project Numbers: 321 -Argonne Corridor Improvements-North of Knox 143 -Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 322-City Hall Repairs 205 -Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 323 -Evergreen Road Preservation Project 223 -Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF&Trent 326-2020 Citywide Reflective Post Panels 249- Sullivan& Wellesley Intersection Improv 327-Sprague Avenue Stormwater 273 -Barker/I-90 Interchange 328 -Sullivan Park Waterline 275 -Barker Rd Widening-River to Euclid 329-Barker Road Imp- City Limits to Appleway 285 -Indiana Ave Pres-Evergreen to Sullivan 330-WTSC 2021 School Zone Beacons 286-Broadway Preservation:Havana to Fancher 331 -COVID-I9 Relief Funds 293 -2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 332-NE Industrial Area-Sewer Extension 294-Citywide Reflective Post Panels 333 -Evergreen Rd Pres Broadway to Mission 299-Argonne Rd Concrete Pavement Indiana to Mont. 334-Sprague Ave Preservation 300-Pines&Mission Intersection Improvement 335 -Mission Ave over Evergreen Rd Deck Repair 308-Regional Decant Facility Canopy 338-Loop Trail Project 309-Local Access Streets: Barker Homes 339-2022 Local Access Streets: Summerfield E 311 -Sullivan Rd./SR 290 Interchange Project 340-8th Ave Sidewalk(Coleman to Park) 313 -Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing 34I -Broadway Preservation-Fancher to Park 314-Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 342-2022 School Zone Flashing Beacons 315 -Brown's Park 2020 Improvements 343 -Buckeye Avenue Sewer Extension 316-Balfour Park Improvements-Phase I 344-Park Rd Sidewalk-Broadway to Cataldo 317-Appleway Stormwater Improvements 345-Park Rd Sidewalk-Nora to Baldwin 318- Wilbur Sidewalk: Boone to Mission 346-Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd 320-Sullivan Preservation: Sprague-8th 347 -Broadway and Park Intersection RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vch list Voucher List Page: 1 02/03/2023 1:27:36PMN Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept Description/Account Amount 59139 213/2023 009199 G&R LAW GROUP INC PS 45031.2405 EARNEST MONEY FOR 13615 E TREN'I 15,000.00 Total: 15,000.00 1 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 15,000.00 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 15,000.00 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I arr authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date or designee Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 02116/2023 11:29:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 59259 2/16/2023 009211 AWESOME DAY HOME INSPECTIONS,LLC 426 C01.090.000.559 BUILDING INSPECTION 2,600.00 427 BUILDING INSPECTION 800.00 Total: 3,400.00 1 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 3,400.00 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 3,400.00 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date or designee Council member reviewed: Mayor Dale Council Member Date Page: veh!ist Voucher List Page: 1 05/0812023 10:55:56AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher _ Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60010 5/8/2023 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 16G4-M41T-KCNG 001.076.301.571 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS/RECREATK 402.50 19F4-TLY6-C1 YF 001.076.301.571 OUTDOOR YARD GAMES: PARKS/F 274.47 1 W LC-6 K3Q-1 PDY SMALL TOOLS: IT 586.75 Total : 1,263.72 60011 5/8/2023 007630 ANYTIME TOWING LLC 23-40346 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: SULLI' 817.50 Total : 817.50 60012 5/8/2023 007718 APPLETREE 000028-737-081 001.076.305.575 ANSWERING SERVICE FOR CENTI 47.74 Total : 47.74 60013 5/8/2023 009332 ARAMARK 6560156229 MAT SERVICE AT CITY HALL 36.59 6560159811 MAT SERVICE AT CITY HALL 39.53 6560163381 MAT SERVICE AT CITY HALL 40.51 6560166922 MAT SERVICE AT CITY HALL 40.51 6560170555 MAT SERVICE AT CITY HALL 36.59 6560174097 MAT SERVICE AT CITY HALL 36.59 Total : 230.32 60014 5/8/2023 008878 BEATTIE,TONY EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 848.84 Total : 848,84 60015 5/8/2023 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 0446244 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 79.43 Total : 79.43 60016 5/8/2023 008968 C,H, JOHNSON CONSULTING 5475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 60017 5/8/2023 000322 CENTURYLINK 835B 4-14-2023 2023 PHONE SVCS:ACCT 509-Z14- 566.22 Total : 566.22 60018 5/8/2023 001888 COMCAST 4466 3/26-4/25/2023 INTERNET&PHONE: CITY HALL 368.42 4466 4/26-5/25/2023 INTERNET&PHONE: CITY HALL 383.53 Total : 751.95 60019 5/8/2023 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC 51522 NEW DESK FOR LOBBIST 2,551.65 Page: X 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/08/2023 10:55:56AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account _ Amount 60019 5/8/2023 000603 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOCIATES It (Continued) Total : 2,551.65 60020 5/8/2023 007901 DATEC INC 61144 AP FOR CENTERPLACE WEST LAV 1,801.21 Total : 1,801.21 60021 5/8/2023 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 2507566 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 2,759.57 2519344 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 2,759.57 2584054 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 409.12 2584120 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 502.76 2584135 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 142.36 2584152 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 176.20 2584167 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 650.20 2584168 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 636.01 2584185 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 52.40 2584216 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 487.24 2584251 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 409.53 2584252 COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 13.56 2584268 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 986.47 Total : 9,984.99 60022 5/8/2023 007871 EMPIRE SPRAY SERVICE INC J4182 SPRING WEED FREE SHRUB BED; 234.14 Total : 234.14 60023 5/8/2023 009180 ENVIRONMENT CONTROL SPOKANE-,4 15302-445 MONTHLY CLEANING: PRECINCTS 5,940.00 Total: 5,940.00 60024 5/8/2023 008551 GOPHER LLC 8653 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 301.00 Total : 301.00 60025 5/8/2023 001147 HOBART SERVICE 29186250 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLIES: CENT 479.76 Total : 479.76 60026 5/8/2023 008726 INTERMAX NETWORKS 258321 VOICE SERVICES 673.92 Total : 673.92 60027 5/8/2023 009308 KALLENBACH,TINA EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 12.51 Total : 12.51 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/08/2023 10:55:56AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60028 5/8/2023 001002 M & L SUPPLY CO INC S100521675.001 REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLIES: PREC 191.55 Total : 191.55 60029 5/8/2023 000910 MANTZ,GLORIA EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 30.00 Total : 30.00 60030 5/8/2023 008029 MCKINSTRY CO LLC 10205701 001.076.305.575 SERVICE CHILLER AT CENTERPLA 751.41 10207942 001.076.302.576 SERVICE TERRACE VIEW POOL El 525.84 Total ; 1,277.25 60031 5/8/2023 001035 NDM TECHNOLOGIES INC 33113 TERRACE VIEW POOL FIREWALL P 239.26 Total : 239.26 60032 5/8/2023 008691 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 303660082001 001.076.305.575 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS 79.86 305332503001 001.076.305.575 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS 80.60 309604727001 001.076.301.571 OFFICE CHAIRS: PARKS 907.35 309774476001 001.076.304.575 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS 59.07 Total : 1,126.88 60033 5/8/2023 008586 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION 089806 COPIER COSTS: FINANCE 254.82 Total : 254.82 60034 5/8/2023 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3U31105 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE 37.11 3V82795 001.076.305.575 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CENTEI 181.37 Total : 218.48 60035 5/8/2023 007133 PRUNTY, CAITLIN EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 1,034.40 Total : 1,034.40 60036 5/8/2023 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 13806507 001.076.300.576 859 MISC PARK REPAIRS 4,671.81 Total : 4,671.81 60037 5/8/2023 003231 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY 0662-1 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:CEN1 20.89 0687-8 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:CEN1 297.17 0695-1 001,076,305.575 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: CEN1 -134.71 2617-5 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: CEN1 322.73 Total : 506.08 Page: r vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 05/08/2023 10:55:56AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 60038 5/8/2023 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST.#1 Q1-2023 FIRE FEES 632.000.000.589 Q1-2023 FIRE FEES 18,519.00 Total : 18,519.00 50039 5/8/2023 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 65146 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: CENT 455.71 Total : 455.71 60040 5/8/2023 008558 THE HOME DEPOT PRO 717817159 SMALL TOOLS: HAMMER DRILL FO 237.67 723881009 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL 623.95 742163728 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES:CITY HALL 66.91 742163736 001.076.305.575 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES:CENTEI 228.01 Total : 1,156.54 60041 5/8/2023 007120 TSHIMAKAIN CREEK LABORATORY G000162- 001.076.300.576 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING AT PAR 30.00 Total : 30.00 60042 5/8/2023 008801 VELOCITI SERVICES 18454 001.076.305.575 EVENT SERVICE: CENTERPLACE 232.40 18455 001.076.305.575 EVENT SERVICE: CENTERPLACE 238.09 Total : 470.49 60043 5/8/2023 000066 WCP SOLUTIONS 13188596 001.076.305.575 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES:CENTERP[ 789.18 Total : 789.18 60044 5/8/2023 007231 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 35655035 PEST MGMT SERVICES: PRECINC- 198.96 Total : 198.96 60045 5/8/2023 000711 WMCATREASURER 04945 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: C KOUDI 100.00 Total : 100.00 60046 5/8/2023 007168 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC INV197853271 ZOOM RENEWAL 4,789.64 Total : 4,789.64 37 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 72,644.95 37 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 72,644.95 Page: Acr 6 vchtist Voucher List Page: 1 05/09/2023 8:26:58AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbark Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60047 5/9/2023 001107 ADVANCED TRAFFIC PRODUCTS 0000035381 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,564.27 0000035386 PUSHBUTTON CHANGE OUT STATE R( 5,153.91 Total: 6,718.18 60048 51912023 001308 ALLEN,HENRY EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 992.46 Total: 992.46 60049 5/9/2023 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NH3-FXQQ-9GY1 OFFICE SUPPLIES:CPW 45.64 Total: 45.64 60050 5/9/2023 009205 ARG INDUSTRIAL 1103223-,03 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10.63 1106867 OPERATING SUPPLIES 33.51 Total: 44.14 60051 5/9/2023 009087 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY LLC 363517 OPERATING SUPPLIES 70.74 363560 OPERATING SUPPLIES:STREET 36.59 363644 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 363662 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,475.09 363717 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:STREET 1,128.25 363791 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:STREET 1,128.25 363796 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,496.92 364088 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 Total: 16,289.02 60052 5/9/2023 008023 ARROW PROPANE LLC 6749 REPAIR&MAINT,SUPPLIES:STREET 41.46 Total: 41.46 60053 5/9/2023 008360 BAND CONSTRUCTION PAY APP 5 001.000.322.518 0322 CITY HALL REPAIRS RETAINAGE 7,684.82 Total: 7,684.82 60054 5/9/2023 000815 BNSF RAILROAD CO 90249177 314.000.143.595 CIP 0143:WBS 7062620 31,743.38 90249178 314.000.143.595 CIP 0143:WBS 7063020 25,139.47 Total: 56,882.85 60055 5/9/2023 000796 BUDINGER&ASSOCIATES INC X221074-2 309.000.338.595 0338-LOOP TRAIL PROJECT 3,820.93 Page: ," vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05109l2023 8:26:58AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60055 5/9/2023 000796 000796 BUDINGER&ASSOCIATES INC (Continued) Total: 3,820.93 60056 519/2023 005240 CASCADE SIGNAL CORPORATION 4929 101.042.099,542 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,197.90 Total: 1,197.90 60057 5/9/2023 000429 COFFMAN ENGINEERS 23033496 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,950.00 Total: 2,950.00 60058 5/9/2023 001770 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO S011334814.001 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,088.99 Total: 1,088.99 60059 5/9/2023 007148 CONTINUUM OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS 3199 NON-CAPITAL FURNITURE:MAINT.Slit 215.08 Total: 215.08 60060 519/2023 007705 CT NORTHWEST KI032336 303.000.320.595 0320 SULLIVAN:SPRAGUETO 8TH 5,181.66 Total: 5,181.66 60061 5(9/2023 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 APRIL 2023 402,402,000.531 WATER CHARGES 517.89 Total: 517.89 60062 5/9/2023 001993 FISCH,PETE EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 1,557.26 Total: 1,557.26 60063 5/9/2023 002975 FREEDOM SALES AND SUPPLY LLC 2023223 101,042,000.543 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 196.76 Total: 196.76 60064 5/9/2023 000007 GRAINGER 9661969056 OPERATING SUPPLIES 31.79 9676753544 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 115.38 9677100209 101,042,000.542 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 457.83 Total: 605.00 60065 5/9/2023 000917 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 9331523909 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 113.08 Total: 113.08 60066 5/9/2023 006347 HELMETS R US INC 64894 BIKE HELMETS FOR SCOPE PROGRAI 2,996.60 Total: 2,996.60 60067 5/9/2023 009086 INTELLITIME SYSTEMS CORP 23-3135P 001,090,099.594 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION 19.120.00 Page: /2 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/09/2023 8:26:58AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept Description/Account Amount 60067 5/9/2023 009086 009086 1NTELLITIME SYSTEMS CORP (Continued) Total: 19,120,00 60068 5/9/2023 009260 MISTER CAR WASH 209828 CAR WASH SERVICES:MARCH 2O23 127.50 Total: 127.50 60069 5/9/2023 009314 MMECARCHITECTURE&INTERIORS 2023-189 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,253.75 Total: 10,253.75 60070 519/2023 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO DESIGN DEPOSIT 303.000.300.595 GIP 0300:DESIGN DEPOSIT POWER LI 200.00 Total: 200.00 60071 5/9/2023 002203 NAPAAUTO PARTS 1713-375273 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:STREET1 19.78 Total: 19.78 60072 5/9/2023 001546 NORCO INC 37464904 402,402,000.531 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 57.91 37471866 402.402.000.531 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 31.11 37505121 501.000.000.548 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 250.51 Total: 339.53 60073 5/9/2023 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER MARCH 2023 632.000.000.589 STATE REMITTANCE 51,211.88 Total: 51,211.88 60074 5/9/2023 004621 OREILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 2862-252721 402.402.000.531 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 78.60 2862-253080 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 298.56 2862-253841 001,040,041.543 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 18.49 Total: 395.65 60075 5/9/2023 009104 REVIVAL GENERAL CONTRACTING G.230408.02 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICE 5,272.96 Total: 5,272.96 60076 5/9/2023 003208 RODDA PAINT CO. 9544525 OPERATING SUPPLIES 380.13 9544684 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27.07 Total: 407.20 60077 5/9/2023 002288 SARGENT ENGINEERS INC. 35140 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20-006 4,797.50 Total: 4,797.50 60078 5/9/2023 006822 SNAP-ON INC ARV/56991822 501.000.000.548 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 145.21 Page: q vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 05/0912023 8:25:58AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60078 5/9/2023 D06822 006822 SNAP-ON INC (Continued) Total: 14521 60079 5/9/2023 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATTY MARCH 2023 632.300.000.589 CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION REM 604.96 Total: 604.96 60080 5/9/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51506736 MARCH 2023 WORK CREW 1,938.10 Total: 1,938.10 60081 5/9/2023 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST#3 APRIL2023#2 402.402.000.531 WATER CHARGES FOR APRIL2023#2 234.26 Total: 234.26 60082 5/9/2023 004099 SPOKANE VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 031398 OPERATING SUPPLIES 76.40 Total: 76.40 60083 5/9/2023 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM 2023#3 2023 EDSS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT- 1,219.65 Total: 1,219.65 80084 5/9/2023 007685 VALLEY LANDSCAPE SPOKANE INC 14915 SNOW REMOVAL 7,091.79 Total: 7,091.79 60085 5/9/2023 000167 VERA WATER&POWER APRIL2023 UTILITIES_APRIL2023 4,899.52 Total: 4,899.52 60086 5/9/2023 006329 VESTIGE GPS CINV 031051 TRACKING SOLUTION-MONTHLY PEF 395.88 Total: 395.88 60087 5/9/2023 005400 WESTERN PACIFIC SIGNAL LLC 29446 SWITCHES FOR ITS NETWORK 10,388.68 Total: 10,388.68 60088 5/9/2023 002363 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT CO IN002348309 EQUIPMENT REPAIR&MAINT. 888.62 Total: 888.62 42 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 229,168.54 42 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 229,168.54 Page: is vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/09/2023 4:24:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code: pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 9909 5/9/2023 009336 BEHLER,SAMARA PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: MIRABEAU ME, 75.00 Total : 75.00 9910 5/9/2023 009316 BOLINGER,JODIE PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: FIRESIDE LOUI 210.00 Total : 210.00 9911 5/9/2023 009317 BOYKO, IRINA PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 500.00 Total : 500.00 . 9912 5/9/2023 009054 BRYCESON,ANNIE PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 213 75.00 Total : 75.00 9913 5/9/2023 009318 CASE,SARA PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:DISCOVERY P1 75.00 Total : 75.00 9914 5/9/2023 009319 CPM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 9915 5/9/2023 009337 CUSHMAN, DONIELL PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: DISCOVERY PL 75.00 Total : 75.00 9916 5/9/2023 009320 DAWSON, CONSTANCE PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: FIRESIDE LOUI 210.00 Total : 210.00 9917 5/9/2023 009321 DES ROSTERS, MARK PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:VALLEY MISSIC 75.00 Total : 75.00 9918 5/9/2023 008922 DUNCAN MOTIVATION PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 9919 5/9/2023 009322 FAIRBURN, ROBYN PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:TERRACE VIEV 75.00 Total : 75.00 9920 5/9/2023 009323 FILIPINO AMERICAN NW ASSOC PARK REFUND CANCELLATION REFUND: GREAT F 210.00 Total : 210.00 9921 5/9/2023 009324 FLETCHER, SAM PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 205 75.00 Page: ii vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/09/2023 4:24:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code: pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 9921 5/9/2023 009324 009324 FLETCHER, SAM (Continued) Total : 75.00 9922 5/9/2023 009325 FRONT RANGE LAW PLLC PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 216 75.00 Total : 75.00 9923 5/9/2023 007039 GOLD SEAL MECHANICAL PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 207 75.00 Total : 75.00 9924 5/9/2023 009326 GREENACRESS CONG OF JW'S PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: FIRESIDE LOUI 210.00 Total : 210.00 9925 5/9/2023 009018 INLAND SOCIETY PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 9926 5/9/2023 000979 IRS ENVIRONMENTAL OF WA INC PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 109 75.00 Total : 75.00 9927 5/9/2023 009338 KING'S CHURCH PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:MIRABEAU ME 75.00 Total : 75.00 9928 5/9/2023 009111 MERCER PARK REFUND D01.237.10.99 REISSUE DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOT 52.00 Total : 52.00 9929 5/9/2023 008991 MILES, MARLENE PARK REFUND REISSUE DEPOSIT REFUND: DISC 75.00 Total : 75.00 9930 5/9/2023 008824 MULTICARE DEACONESS PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210,00 9931 5/9/2023 008743 NACM COMMERCIAL SERVICES PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:GREAT ROOM t 190.00 Total : 190.00 9932 5/9/2023 009327 NEWANA PARK REFUND CANCELLATION REFUND: GREAT F 210.00 Total : 210.00 9933 5/9/2023 009328 SANDERS, DANE PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: FIRESIDE LOUI 210.00 Total : 210.00 9934 5/9/2023 009329 SHEMWELL,JUSTIN PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 109 75.00 Page: 12/ I vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/09/2023 4:24:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code: pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 9934 5/9/2023 009329 009329 SHEMWELL, JUSTIN (Continued) Total : 75,00 9935 5/9/2023 009339 STAMAND, JOCELYN PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:MIRABEAU ME, 75.00 Total : 75.00 9936 5/9/2023 009340 STIX DIABETES PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: MIRABEAU ME, 75.00 Total : 75.00 9937 5/9/2023 009330 US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PARK REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:AUDITORIUM 75.00 Total : 75.00 29 Vouchers for bank code: pk-ref Bank total : 4,042.00 29 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 4,042.00 1,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that 1 am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date or designee Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 13 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0511012023 11:52:35AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60089 5/10/2023 000958 AAA SWEEPING LLC 75712 402.402.000.531 STREET SWEEPING MARCH 2023 75,671.95 Total: 75,671.95 60090 5/10/2023 000648 ABADAN REPROGRAPHICS 134240 303,000,335.595 CIP 0335:PRINT SERVICE 1,161.42 134287 311.000.320.595 CIP 0320:PRINT SERVICE 3,034,40 Total: 4,195.82 50091 5/10/2023 006382 AHBL INC 138353 309.000.316.594 0316-BALFOUR PARK IMPROVEMENT: 9,074.57 Total: 9,074.57 60092 5/10/2023 008533 ALL TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS INC SIN036357 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 136.13 Total: 136.13 60093 5/1012023 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MGF-K33N-C6QJ OFFICE SUPPLIES/SMALLTOOLS/MIN( 197.85 Total: 197.85 60094 5/10/2023 007808 AMENTO GROUP 032345 001.000.322.518 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES:CITY HALL 8,052.95 032346 001.000.322.518 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES:CHAMSEF 9,474.82 Total: 17,527.77 60095 5/10/2023 009087 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY LLC 364377 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 364514 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 1,738.04 364718 OPERATING SUPPLIES 99.10 364970 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 364971 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.43 364982 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 365074 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:STREET 1,123.25 365158 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 1,738.04 365159 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 24.58 Total: 15,174.71 60096 5/10/2023 008023 ARROW PROPANE LLC 6851 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:STREET 82.47 Total: 82.47 60097 5/10/2023 000030 AVISTA 5236920275APR 2023 314,000,143.595 UTILITIES: 12425 E TRENTAVE APRIL i 149.30 Total: 149.30 Page: vch list Voucher List Page: 2 05/1012023 11:52:35AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 60098 5110/2023 008216 BERRYDUNN 429130 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 6,975,00 Total: 6,975.00 60099 5/10/2023 007637 COMMONSTREET CONSULTING LLC 2303018 303.000.329.595 0329 BARKER RD IMPROVEMENTS 975.00 2303019 303.000.347.595 0347 BROADWAY AND PARK INTERSE( 3,228.75 2303044 314.000.223.595 0223-PINES UNDERPASS 7,560.07 Total: 11,763.82 60100 5/10/2023 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION#19 APRIL2023 402,402,000.531 UTILITIES:APRIL 2023 267.26 APRIL 2023 001.076.305.575 UTILITIES:APRIL 2023 PARKS&CP 1,909.69 Total: 2,176.95 60101 5/10/2023 000683 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES 533298 314,000,143.595 0143-DESIGN SERVICES 3,878.18 534608 303.000.300.595 0300-TRAFF1C ENGINEERING 5,719.24 Total: 9,597.42 60102 5/10/2023 003255 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS INV771814 TOWER RENT 220.64 Total: 220.64 60103 5/10/2023 007673 DIBBLE ENGINEERS INC 34934 001.000.322.518 CITY HALL STRUCTURAL REVIEW 2,205.00 Total: 2,205.00 60104 5/10/2023 002157 ELJAY OIL COMPANY 4342962 FUEL BILL:APRIL 2023 6,398.35 Total: 6,398.35 60105 5/10/2023 002975 FREEDOM SALES AND SUPPLY LLC 2023214 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 225.82 Tata l: 226.82 60106 5/10/2023 005191 HALEY,PAM 5191 MAY 2023 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 50.00 Total: 50.09 60107 5110/2023 002201 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 1012556 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 73.94 1012762 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 17.40 Total: 91.34 60108 5/10/2023 007695 HATTENBURG,TIM 7695 MAY 2023 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 25.00 Total: 25.00 Page: /5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0511012023 11:52:35AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60109 5/10/2023 003297 HIGGINS,LEWIS ROD 3297 MAY 2023 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 25.00 Total: 25.00 60110 5/10/2023 000421 HOHMAN.JOIN MAY 2023 MONTHLY AUTO ALLOWANCE 700.00 Total: 700.00 60111 5/10/2023 008025 HUDSON BAY INSULATION COMPANY 3V1698-RET 001.000.322.518 CIF'0322:CLAIM WAIVER 158.75 Total: 158.75 60112 5/10/2023 000070 INLAND POWER&LIGHT CO APRIL 2023 UTILITIES:APRIL 2023 618.19 Total: 618.19 60113 5/10/2023 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST.#6 APRIL2023 001.076.300.576 UTILITIES:PARKS AND CPWAPRIL20'e 175.00 Total: 175.00 60114 5/10/2023 009158 PADDEN,LAURA 9158 MAY 2023 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 25.00 Total: 25.00 60115 5/10/2023 006475 PEETZ,BRANDI 6475 MAY 2023 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 25.00 Total: 25.00 60116 5/10/2023 002960 WICK,BEN 2960 MAY 2023 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 25.00 Total: 25.00 60117 5/10/2023 002651 WOODARD,ARNE 2651 MAY 2023 001,011,000.511 2023 MILEAGE STIPEND 25.00 Total: 25.00 29 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 163,717.85 29 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 163,717.85 Page: .,3f 1& vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/11/2023 8:52:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60118 5/11/2023 000197 ACRANET 23042 EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND CHECI< 46.00 Total : 46.00 60119 5/11/2023 000030 AVISTA ESA#47610 303.000.205.595 REISSUE CHECK-CIP 0205: ELEC. 13,800.00 Total : 13,800.00 60120 5/11/2023 .009218 CLOUGH, VIRGINIA EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 144.67 Total : 144.67 60121 5/11/2023 000571 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY GC0010642 ELECTRONIC CODE UPDATE 240.13 Total: 240.13 60122 5/11/2023 004437 COMMUNITY ATTRIBUTES INC 3626 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,500.00 Total : 8,500.00 60123 5/11/2023 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 2598492 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 806.27 2599524 COMPUTER LEASE:001-8922117-0 266.20 Total : 1,072.47 60124 5/11/2023 000746 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Q1-2023 Q1-2023 UI TAX 716.66 Total : 716.66 60125 5/11/2023 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 675707 303.000.313.595 ADVERTISING 113.75 675708 303.000.300.595 ADVERTISING 112.84 675712 303.000.335.595 ADVERTISING 90.09 676356 303.000.335.595 ADVERTISING 86.13 676362 303.000.345.595 ADVERTISING 74.62 677854 LEGAL PUBLICATION 49.59 678669 LEGAL PUBLICATION 51.87 Total : 578.89 60126 5/11/2023 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC V53658 311.000.320.595 ADVERTISING 182.40 V53698 303,000,313.595 ADVERTISING 211.20 V53723 303.000.335.595 ADVERTISING 166.40 V53751 LEGAL PUBLICATION 198.40 Total : 758.40 Page: vcblist Voucher List Page: 2 05111/2023 8:52:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60127 5/11/2023 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC 137056 PARTNERSHIP SERVICES 27,400.00 Total : 27,000.00 60128 5/11/2023 003185 LAMB, ERIK EXPENSES ' EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 867.33 Total : 867.33 60129 5/11/2023 008666 MINUTEMAN PRESS 8240 D01.040.042.558 BUSINESS CARDS 204.14 8498 NAME BADGE 31.58 Total : 235.72 60130 5/11/2023 004850 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, HRA PLAN 10701949 001.018.016,518 HRA PARTICIPANT FEES 420.00 Total: 420.00 60131 5/11/2023 004621 OREILLYAUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 2862-254449 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 38.27 2862-254465 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 76.75 2862-254656 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 209.18 2862-254667 501.000.000.548 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 27.21 2862-254705 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT_SUPPLI 74.10 2862-255237 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPL! 9.58 2862-255324 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLI 65.64 2862-255395 501.000.000.548 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 15.22 2862-255513 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 69.73 2862-255626 VEHICLE REPAIR& MAINT. SUPPL 84.69 2862-255768 501.000.000.548 VEHICLE REPAIR& MAINT. SUPPLI 232.71 2862-255977 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 84.69 2862-256060 VEHICLE REPAIR& MAINT. SUPPL 283.12 2862-256275 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 77.75 2862-256280 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 168.61 2862-256882 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLI 27.70 2862-256959 VEHICLE REPAIR& MAINT. SUPPL 103.27 Total : 1,648.23 60132 5/11/2023 006427 RETAIL STRATEGIES LLC 528-7E PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING 7,000.00 Total : 7,000.00 60133 5/11/2023 003264 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 616767287 ADOBE ACROBAT DC FOR NEW Cl 345.87 B16799920 ADOBE PRO FOR CITY ATTORNEY 32.69 Page: C vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05111/2023 8:52:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date _Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60133 5/11/2023 003264 003264 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP (Continued) Total : 378.56 60134 5/11/2023 009246 SPORTS FACILITIES ADVISORY LLC 11572 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 46,000.00 Total : 46,000.00 60135 5/11/2023 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3536891474 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BLDG, ECON D 68.98 3536891475 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 248.10 Total : 317.08 60136 5/11/2023 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 9932837540 402.402.000.531 APRIL2023 CELL PHONE/DEVICE{ 7,787.04 Total : 7,787.04 60137 5/11/2023 008502 VOA OF E.WASH&N. IDAHO VOA 1014 VOA SHELTER BED REIMBURSEM# 3,024.00 VOA 1014 VOA SHELTER BED REIMBURSEME 3,348.00 Total : 6,372.00 20 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 123,883.18 20 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 123,883.18 Page: Iq vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/1112023 3:33:13PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60138 5/11/2023 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RO2727 GROUP 02 WSDOT#GCB 2457-ILA WITH SRTMC 15,000.00 Total: 15,000.00 60139 5111/2023 002043 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200515476 314.000.223.595 0223-FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN 51,211.85 1200517387 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,167.81 Total: 54,379.66 60140 5111/2023 007825 HERC RENTALS 33667146-001 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 748.29 Total: 748.29 60141 5/11/2023 006729 JAKT FOUNDATION 2022#1 FINAL 2022 EDSS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT: 12,012.44 Total: 12,012.44 60142 5/11/2023 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY 016P40082 101.042.000,542 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES: 415.21 Total: 415.21 60143 5/11/2023 006381 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310532147 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 360.73 Total: 360.73 60144 5/11/2023 007881 LIVELYS FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERV 0898 501.000.000.548 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES 287.28 Total: 287.28 60145 5/11/2023 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 20744860 UTILITIES:APRIL2023 WHITE ELEPHA 464.15 20745085 UTILITIES:APRIL 2023 CPW 13,135.38 20745086 001.076.302.576 UTILITIES:APRIL 2023 PARKS 1,833.5E Total: 15,433.09 60146 5/11/2023 000662 NAIL BARRICADE&SIGN CO 215002 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 90.39 Total: 90.39 60147 5/11/2023 003090 NORTH 40 OUTFITTERS 111265/3 101,042,000.542 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 48.99 Total: 48.99 60148 5/11/2023 008840 PARK SPOKANE NC LLC MAY 2023 COMMON AREA CHARGES 2,413.66 Total: 2,413.66 60149 5/11/2023 005968 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1042537 DATA PLAN 299.75 Page: o vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/11/2023 3:33:13PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundiDept Description/Account Amount 60149 5/11/2023 005968 005968 PRECISE MRM LLC (Continued) Total: 298.75 60150 5/11/2023 003208 RODDAPAINTCO. 9544851 OPERATING SUPPLIES 30.54 Total: 30.54 60151 5/11/2023 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 13888568 871 FLAGGING 217.80 13904983 402.402.000.531 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 544.50 Total: 762.30 60152 5/11/2023 004535 SHRED-IT USA LLC 8003831216 DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION 169.65 Total: 169.65 60153 5/11/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 14802290 1ST QTR 2023 LIQUOR/EXCISE TAX 7,643.63 Total: 7,643.63 60154 5/11/2023 004099 SPOKANE VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 031416 402.402.000.531 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 117.61 031436 402.402.000.531 OPERATING SUPPLIES 148.89 Total: 266.50 60155 5/11/2023 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW,THE 24488 303.000.335.595 ADVERTISINGACCT 102969 2,328.34 Total: 2,328.34 60156 5/11/2023 003318 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC 240066912-00 501.000.000.548 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 68.84 Total: 68.84 60157 5/11/2023 009331 TURNER&TOWNSEND HEERY LLC PSIN0035577 001.000.322.518 322 CITY HALL REPAIR 21-197 10,800.00 Total: 10,800.00 60158 5/11/2023 000337 UPS 000031V836163 SHIPPING CHARGES 42.85 Total: 42.85 60159 5/11/2023 006846 US LINEN&UNIFORM INC 3110090 101.042.1300.543 LAUNDERING SERVICES:MAINTENAN 24.05 3113835 101.042.0130.543 LAUNDERING SERVICES:MAINTENAN 41.09 3117471 LAUNDERING SERVICES:MAINTENAN 24.05 3121225 101,042,000.543 LAUNDERING SERVICES:MAINTENAN 41.09 Total: 130.26 60160 5/11/2023 006329 VESTIGE GPS CINV-032945 TRACKING SOLUTION-MONTHLY PEF 395.88 Page: ,Y ' vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/11/2023 3:33:13PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Descr€ptionlAccount Amount 60160 5/11/2023 006329 006329 VESTIGE GPS (Continued) Total: 395.88 60161 5/11/2023 006178 WALTER E NELSON CO 497208 OFFICE SUPPLIES:CPW 166.43 Total: 166.43 60162 5/11/2023 000140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE LTD 91777 311.000.320.595 CIP 0320:POSTAGE SERVICES 1,430.17 Total: 1,430.17 60163 5/11/2023 009315 WAUSAU EQUIPMEMT CO LLC 8476161 501.000.000.594 8 FT TAPERED WING 20,246.55 8476162 B FT TAPERED WING(SNOWPLOWS) 20,246.55 Total: 40,493.10 60164 5/11/2023 007814 WESCO KC AUTO PAINT 027EF9598 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES 148.65 Total: 148.65 60165 5/11/2023 002363 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT CO IN002370667 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 156.16 IN002375991 EQUIPMENT REPAIR&MAINT. 1,506.65 Total: 1,662.81 20393592 5/4/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER APRIL2023 001,016,000.515 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 213,397.18 Total: 213,397.18 29 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 381,426.64 29 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 381,426.64 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/1612023 10:05:29AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60166 5/16/2023 001081 ALSCO LSP02626572 001,016,016.521 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 30.88 LSP02630688 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 30.43 Total : 61,31 60167 5/16/2023 003775 AM HARDWARE 50243 001.033.033,518 OPERATING KEY: CITY HALL 30.87 Total : 30.87 60168 5/16/2023 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES 506221 001.076.300.576 PORTABLE RESTROOM: MIRABEAI 254.00 Total: 254.00 60169 5/16/2023 008704 AMPLIFIADVERTISING APRIL2023 ADVERTISING 28,207.50 Total : 28,207.50 60170 5/16/2023 007630 ANYTIME TOWING LLC 23-40465 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: SULL' 817.50 Total : 817.50 60171 5/16/2023 002635 AVIDEX INDUSTRIES LLC 098473 IT SUPPORT 601.13 Total : 601.13 60172 5/16/2023 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 0450029 001,076,305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 79.43 0451951 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 203.84 S0317269 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 619.58 S0317999 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 630.92 S0318022 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 55.55 Total : 1,589.32 60173 5/16/2023 007114 CARDINAL INFRASTRUCTURE LLC 2548 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,500.00 Total : 6,500.00 60174 5/16/2023 009155 CLIFTONLARSONALLEN LLP 3679625 001.090.331.514 ARPA PORTAL MONTHLY SUBSCR1 2,722.50 3715826 001.090.331.514 ARPA GRANT MGMT 3,428.25 Total: 6,150.75 60175 5/16/2023 009180 ENVIRONMENT CONTROL SPOKANE-,4 7821-4451NV BACKGROUND/FINGERPRINTING f 338.04 Total : 338.04 60176 5/16/2023 001232 FASTENAL CO WASPK447438 TOOLS FOR MAINTENANCE STAFF 79.74 Page: 03 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/16/2023 10:05:29AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60176 5/16/2023 001232 001232 FASTENAL CO (Continued) Total: 79.74 60177 5/16/2023 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL April 2023 1042 GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SERVIC 5,486.25 Total : 5,486.25 60178 5/16/2023 000007 GRAINGER 9687836636 TOOLS: CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 54.78 9697139245 REPAIR&MA1NT.SUPPLIES:CITY 228.28 Total : 283.06 60179 5/16/2023 009236 HAUGEN, DANA EXPENSES 001.076.300.576 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 25.00 Total 25.00 60180 5/16/2023 004125 IBEX FLOORING LLC RETAINAGE RELEASE RETAINAGE RELEASE RE PO 4511i 607.48 Total : 607.48 60181 5/16/2023 004926 LE CATERING CO E04397 001.076.302.576 E04397-COOKIE DECORATING CL 1,188.64 Total : 1,188.64 60182 5/16/2023 009251 MATRIX CONSULTING GROUP LTD 531-23#3 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,051.00 Total : 10,051.00 60183 5/16/2023 008029 MCKINSTRY CO LLC 10207772 001.076.305.575 HVAC SERVICES AT CENTERPLAC 5,763.87 Total : 5,763.87 60184 5/16/2023 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER LLP 455-4-30-2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 193.50 462-4-30-2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,547.00 480-4-30-2023 314.000.143.595 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,027.62 494-4-30-2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21.50 499-4-30-2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 150.50 Total : 11,940.12 60185 5/16/2023 007672 MULTICARE CENTERS OF 157586 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXAMS 269.00 Total : 269.00 60186 5/16/2023 001035 NDM TECHNOLOGIES INC 33198 PARK POOL WATCHGUARD 377.78 Total : 377.78 60187 5/16/2023 009341 NORRIS, GREG EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 279.98 Page: /2". vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/16/2023 10:05:29AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60187 5/16/2023 009341 009341 NORRIS, GREG (Continued) Total : 279.98 60188 5/1612023 003090 NORTH 40 OUTFITTERS 110415/3 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR C11 380.88 Total : 380.88 60189 5/16/2023 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3W81197 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 166.11 Total : 166.11 60190 5/16/2023 000675 RAMAX PRINTING &AWARDS INC 35615 NAME TAG 17.97 35642 NAME PLATE: KELLY KONKRIGHT 17.42 Total : 35.39 60191 5/16/2023 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 13749913 001.076.300.576 859 MISC PARK REPAIRS 65.34 13904970 001.076.300.576 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 64,898.17 Total : 64,963.51 60192 5/16/2023 003231 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY 263E-1 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLIES:CENII 335.77 Total : 335.77 60193 5/16/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 934407821 001.090.331.521 ARPA GANG TASK FORCE OCT-DE 7,039.39 Total : 7,039.39 60194 5/16/2023 008558 THE HOME DEPOT PRO 742883432 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL 462.04 Total : 462.04 60195 5/16/2023 004740 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 848246779 SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES 889.75 Total : 889.75 60196 5/16/2023 001444 UNITED LABORATORIES INV377011 001.076.305.575 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES; CENTERPI 1,009.58 Total : 1,009.58 60197 5/16/2023 008801 VELOCITI SERVICES 19014 001.076.305.575 MONTHLY CLEANING AT CENTERP 8,085.09 Total: 8,085.09 60198 5/16/2023 003175 VISIT SPOKANE 12365 ADVERTISING-2023 VISITOR GUI[ 6,700.00 Total : 6,700.00 60199 5/16/2023 001792 WHITEHEAD,JOHN EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 375.38 Page: /2' vchiist Voucher List Page: 4 05/16/2023 10:05:29AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60199 5/16/2023 001792 001792 WHITEHEAD,JOHN (Continued) Total : 375.38 60200 5/16/2023 001885 ZAYO GROUP LLC 2023050003578 NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE ACC 302.45 2023050005522 INTERNET SERVICES 655.80 2023050025710 NETWOK INFRASTRUCTURE ACCE 270.17 Total : 1,228.42 35 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 172,573.65 35 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 172,573.65 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date or designee Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: fir ' rl CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 15, 2023 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Employees Council Total Gross S 437 597 41 S - S 437 597 41 Benefits S 86 669.25 S - S 86 669 25 Total payroll $ 524,266.66 $ - $ 524,266.66 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session, Special Meeting Tuesday,May 2,2023 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in the Great Room at CenterPlace, 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley,Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins,Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Manager Tom Hattenburg, Councilmember Bill Helbig, Community&Public Works Dir. Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Dave Ellis,Police Chief Laura Padden,Councilmember Gloria Mantz,City Engineer Ben Wick, Councilmember Tony Beattie, Sr.Deputy City Attorney Arne Woodard,Councilmember Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Mike Basinger,Eco.Development Director John Bottelli,Parks&Rec Director Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Robert Lochmiller,CIP Engineering Manager Emily Estes-Cross,Public Information Officer John Whitehead,Human Resources Director Virginia Clough,Legislative Policy Coordinator Kendall May,Recreation Coordinator Chad Knodel,IT Manager Nikki Kole,IT Specialist Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll;all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins,seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. PROCLAMATION: Older Americans Month After Mayor Haley read the proclamation for Older Americans'Month, it was accepted with thanks from Aging&Long Term Care Executive Director Lynn Kimball, and Representative Ms. Jean Kindem. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: After Mayor Haley explained the process, she invited public comments. Ms. Pam Marlow, Spokane Valley [via zoom]: spoke about two fires at Mansfield and Pines and of homeless camps and their occupants; said down the road from a homeless camp is Eagle Point Apartments and said people travel back and forth from the hill to the apartment. Ms.Barb Howard, Spokane Valley [via zoom]: asked what is drawing the homeless to this neighborhood; said the Food Bank is there as well as the Dream Catchers and she asked if those organizations are doing anything to help the homeless; said she understands that is private property so they can't do anything; said there are motorhomes, and people are finding needles and syringes; said there are kids walking around barefoot and she cautioned people to be careful; said maybe the Dream Catchers could help or maybe do away with the Food Bank; said there are levies for various causes and she asked about doing a levy to help get our own Police Department,and then free up over$27 million we are spending now and use it for roads and other purposes. Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-02-2023 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Mr. Lynn Plaggemeier, Spokane Valley: he spoke about the construction of City Hall and said he wants more explanation of the design-build contract and what is the City's obligation in assuring the contractor completed the work according to the plans and specifications, and what are the major deficiencies in the City Hall construction. ACTION ITEMS: 1.Motion Consideration: Barker Road/BNSF Change Orders—Robert Lochmiller It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Change Order Numbers 24 and 57 with Max J. Kuney Company in the amount of$6,219.77 and $1,370.00 respectively. Mr. Lochmiller explained the background of the change orders as noted in his Request for Council Action. Mayor Haley invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 2.Motion Consideration: Barker Road/BNSF Interlocal Agreement Amendment—Robert Lochmiller It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Interlocal Agreement GCB 3305 Amendment #2 between WSDOT and the City. Mr. Lochmiller explained what the amendment does and its financial impact, as noted in the Request for Council Action. Mayor Haley invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3.Motion Consideration: Park Road Sidewalk Bid Award—Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to award the Park Road Sidewalk Project, Nora to Baldwin, CIP #0345 contract to Red Diamond Construction, Inc. in the amount of$513,820.50 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. After City Engineer Mantz explained the project and the funding,Mayor Haley invited public comment.No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4.Mayoral Appointment: Spokane Housing Authority Commissioner—Mayor Haley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to confirm the appointment of Jacqueline Babol to the Spokane Housing Authority for a term beginning upon appointment and ending December 6, 2027. Mayor Haley explained that she chose Ms.Babol as she has been on boards before and seems to have more background that would be helpful to the SHA; said all applicants were great but we were only permitted one appointment. Councilmember Wick asked if Ms.Babol lives within the Spokane Valley city limits,and Mayor Haley replied that for this appointment,a person can either live or work in Spokane Valley,and that Ms. Babol is a doctor, a podiatrist surgeon at the Foot & Ankle Clinic in Spokane Valley. Mayor Haley invited public comment.No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 5.Motion Consideration: Tourism Promotion Area—Mike Basinger It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to select 116& West as the consultant for the City's five-year Destination Marketing Plan and authorize the City Manager or designee to negotiate,finalize, and execute a contract with 116 & West for such purposes. Mr. Basinger talked about the TPA and associated marketing plan and consultant selection,and that the TPA Commission chose 116& West as the most qualified consultant to develop the City's five-year Destination Marketing Plan and Tourism Marketing Services Plan. Mayor Haley invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 6. Draft Interlocal Agreement with City of Spokane Parks& Recreation—Kendall May Recreation Coordinator May briefed Council on the idea of expanding Parks and Recreation class offerings by partnering with the City of Spokane Parks & Recreation, as noted in her Request for Council Action. Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-02-2023 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT There was Council consensus to place the Interlocal Agreement on the May 9 agenda for Council consideration. 7. RAVE Foundation Soccer Mini Pitch—John Bottelli Director Bottelli explained about the RAVE Foundation and the opportunity for an ongoing partnership with them donating the mini-soccer fields and providing free soccer balls, replacement nets, curriculum materials,etc.; that this would be the first RAVE field in eastern Washington and an excellent opportunity to add an additional play element at Balfour Park;that we would install the asphalt pads;that their donation is estimated at$175,000,and he asked for consensus to continue to pursue this donation opportunity,adding that Public Works might be bringing this issue back as part of a change order next week on the Baffour Park. There was some discussion about the location at Balfour Park, and that the area specifically targets a part of our community that is under-served,and is an exciting location next to the library. There was also discussion about adding Greenacres Park as another area for the field. There was Council consensus for staff to further pursue this donation opportunity, and to have Public Works bring back details about the additional sports court as part of a pending change order. 8. Department Emergency Management(DEM)Renewal—Erik Lamb,Morgan Koudelka Deputy City Manager Lamb explained that tonight's discussion is a follow-up on an administrative report given a few weeks ago regarding an interlocal we have for emergency services with Spokane County; he noted the purpose of the service which is required by state statute; the requirements for participating, as well as the May 15 deadline; said Virginia Clough will be the project manager and he as well as a lieutenant at the Police Department will be working on meeting our obligations.Mr.Koudelka then went through the PowerPoint highlighting the main points of the agreement such as the many services provided by Spokane County Emergency Management, some of the City's obligations, and a breakdown of the cost history over the years.Mr.Lamb stated that the Spokane County Emergency Management(SCEM)just recently started their quarterly meetings and planning effort.Mr.Lamb again noted that these are required obligations under state law,and if we had to provide the services ourselves,we would require additional staff; said nearly all jurisdictions contract with the County for these services, and we also recommend renewal. As noted on slide 13, Mr. Koudelka explained that there is a County evacuation plan and they have identified some routes but overall, this is a process for who to contact to identify those routes; our interest would be to update that evacuation plan; and concerning shelters, he said the County Department of Emergency Management has identified Red Cross as the entity that keeps the list of potential emergency shelters and contacts. There was Council consensus to put this on next week's agenda for a motion consideration. 9.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley Councilmember Padden asked about our own ordinance as a remedy for the Blake legislation, and Mr. Hohman said that a special legislative session is scheduled for May 16,but that staff isn't waiting and hope to have something on Council's May 16 agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Peetz asked the Mayor for a moment of silence in the passing of former Deputy Craig Chamberlin;Mayor Haley agreed and a moment of silence was observed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Hohman said that Senator Padden's Condo fix will be signed into law this Thursday and Council is invited if in the area,to drop in and participate in the signing.Mr.Hohman also mentioned that last week Councilmember Peetz and Ms. Clough participated in the GIS Washington, D.C. fly-in and that Council will be receiving a report on that at an upcoming meeting. Deputy City Manager Lamb gave an update on the last two Regional Homeless meetings; said one was to have included a report from a sub-consultant who had been in Houston, but that meeting was just an opportunity for Q&A, and that we were not given advance notice; said also with receiving late notice of Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-02-2023 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT meetings,very few were in attendance; said he and City Engineer Mantz were frustrated in not having the consultant help guide the process; said other discussion was on what this group hopes to gain and how will the group's efforts move discussion forward; said he is not sure how much closer we are to having a proposal; and that another meeting is scheduled for next Thursday. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. ATTEST: Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-02-2023 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Format Tuesday,May 9,2023 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in the Great Room at CenterPlace Regional Event Center,2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley,Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins,Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Bill Helbig,Community&Public Works Director Laura Padden,Councilmember John Bottelli,Parks&Recreation Director Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Ben Wick, Councilmember Tony Beattie, Sr. Deputy City Attorney Arne Woodard, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Glenn Ritter, Sr. Engineer/Project Manager Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Others in attendance: Dave Ellis,Police Chief Kelly Konkright,Attorney Mike Basinger,Economic Dev. Director Emily Estes-Cross,Public Information Officer Kendall May,Recreation Coordinator John Whitehead,Human Resources Director Virginia Clough,Legislative Policy Coordinator Greg Bingaman,IT Specialist Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor,a few minutes of silence were observed. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of Girl Scout Troop 2252 led Council, staff,and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll;all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins,seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Councilmember Peetz: said she attended the High Voltage Ice Creamery ribbon cutting on Sullivan; also the Valley Dermatology& Skin Cancer ribbon cutting located across from CenterPlace;went to the Courthouse to attend the Law Enforcement Memorial Candlelight ceremony in honor of fallen Washington State officers;mentioned that people are now able to text 9-1-1 from anywhere within Washington State; that she went to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission meeting where they discussed several campaigns they are working on to help drivers drive safer and to reduce automobile fatalities; and that she attended the GSI D.C. Fly-in where she participated in great discussions with various stakeholders, and which was very transportation focused. Councilmember Padden: reported that she attended the Chamber meeting where attendees gave a`snapshot' of their business/activities,like the new TPA(Tourism Promotion Committee); said most businesses report that business is good but many report there is still a lack of available workforce. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-09-2023 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Wick: mentioned this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and he extended thanks to all the educators; said he helped hand out T-shirts at Bloomsday; extended thanks to the U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife for their kids' fishing event; said the County Human Rights Task Force members are considering a name change to better let the public know they are not affiliated with the County,and that they are organizing their Human Rights Banquet of Champions; and that he went to the Doris Morrison Learning Center official opening. Councilmember Woodard: said he attended the Continuum of Care meeting and they are halfway through the 90 days on the proposed regional homeless plan,adding that nothing has been done yet with that regional group; said they are hopeful there will be an honest attempt to try to come up with additional resources and solutions for the homeless issue; said he attended the law enforcement memorial service which was a beautiful somber ceremony. Councilmember Hattenburg: reported that he attended the STA Planning & Development Subcommittee meeting, and mentioned some of the future changes in routes; said STA is now $1 million above budget; said he went to the Arbor Day Presentation with Parks&Recreation;and mentioned that the City of Spokane has added to an existing ordinance to upgrade conviction of drug use,to a gross misdemeanor; and that the legislature is currently addressing that issue. Deputy Mayor Higgins: mentioned that the Clean Air Agency is examining their budget and dealing with increasing cost; said the plan is to try to move away from a set fee to an escalating fee for heavy polluters; but they are working on that plan and the fee will be increased. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Haley reported that she attended the ROTC ball which was a great event; said the opening of the Central City STA line downtown will be July 18 and they are looking at several activities associated with that opening,and that people will be able to ride the bus for free that day;went to the Sons of the American Revolution meeting which was very well attended and that it was interesting to hear the history; said the Regional Homeless group continues to meet and seems to have more questions than answers; went to the SNAP annual event and their keynote speaker was an American Ninja Warrior who trains kids from lower income neighborhoods; said this week is Childcare Provider Appreciation Week; and that she attended the Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage celebration,first annual event. PROCLAMATIONS: Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month; Provider Appreciation Day; National Travel and Tourism Week Deputy Mayor Higgins read the Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month proclamation, which was accepted with thanks from Ms. Jackie Babol and others with the Filipino American Northwest Association. Mayor Haley then read the Provider Appreciation Day proclamation, thanking Child Care providers. Councilmember Woodard read the National Travel and Tourism Week proclamation which was accepted with thanks from Mr. Grant Guinn, owner of the Tru Hotel, and member of the Spokane Valley TPA. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: After Mayor Haley explained the process, she invited public comment. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley [via zoom]: asked about any repercussions if people's property taxes are not up-to-date,but if people are still building,why are they given permits; asked in general terms of making people accountable who break the law.Mr.John Wilson, Spokane Valley: again spoke of Council addressing the idea of having an ordinance concerning inoperable vehicles; said he feels such an ordinance would be very positive for our City. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on May 9,2023,Request for Council Action Form: $760,122.96 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period ending April 30,2023: $697,662.17 c.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of April 18,2023 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-09-2023 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT d.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of April 25,2023 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. 2.First Reading Ordinance 23-008 Amending Business Licensing—Tony Beattie After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title,it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to waive the rules and adopt Ordinance 23-008. Mr. Beattie explained that the purpose of this ordinance, as well as the following agenda item, is to provide additional tools for the City to ensure that businesses authorized to operate in our city adhere to the rules and regulations applicable to their respective businesses and to provide a process to deny,suspend or revoke a business license.There was brief discussion concerning section 5.05.070(7), with Mr. Konkright explaining that the section mentioned deals with regulating the license, so such things as traffic violations would not be applicable, but only the purpose for which the license is issued. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: In favor: Mayor Haley, Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councilmembers Peetz, Padden, Hattenburg, and Woodard. Opposed: Councilmember Wick. Motion passed. 3.First Reading Ordinance 23-009 Amending Massage Business—Tony Beattie After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title,it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to waive the rules and adopt Ordinance 23-009. Councilmember Wick said he agrees with the ordinance, but feels it isn't an emergency to suspend the rules and that he feels Council should adhere to the three touch principle. Councilmember Peetz added that this ordinance does not target law-abiding citizens,but that we want to make sure there is no human trafficking operating in those businesses. Councilmember Hattenburg agreed and said the legitimate businesses find there is a need for this ordinance, and said he recognizes that the Police Department has wanted to move forward on this for a long time. Mayor Haley said she agrees with waiving the rules as this matter has been discussed in great length. Mayor Haley invited public comment, and City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned the submitted e-mail written comments from Leona Perry who supports the ordinance, and that copies of the e-mail will be sent to Councilmembers. There were no other public comments. Vote by acclamation: In favor: Mayor Haley, Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councilmembers Peetz, Padden, Hattenburg, and Woodard. Opposed: Councilmember Wick. Motion passed. 4.Motion Consideration: Balfour Park Change Order—Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to allocate the additional $207,143 from the State Legislature potential grant, to the project budget and approve a potential change order in an amount up to $170,000 to the Contract No. 23-038 with Cameron Reilly. City Engineer Mantz went over the background of this change order as explained in the Request for Council Action, and that final pricing has not yet been negotiated. There was discussion about the need for the infrastructure and of having it in place for future needs; about concrete versus asphalt; appearance; and that this will be the signature park of our City.Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 5.Motion Consideration: Balfour Park,AHBL Agreement Amendment—Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment #3 to AHBL's agreement#21-116 for an additional amount of$25,141.95. Ms.Mantz explained the purpose of amending the agreement to account for revised plans and design services as noted in the included proposal. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 6.Motion Consideration: Interlocal Agreement, City of Spokane Parks& Recreation—Kendall May It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Spokane Valley and the City of Spokane by and through its Parks and Recreation Department regarding joint offering of certain recreational program classes, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the same. After Ms. May gave a brief recap of the purpose of the interlocal, Mayor Haley invited Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-09-2023 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 6a. Motion Consideration: Department of Emergency Management Agreement Renewal — Erik Lamb, Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize, sign, and send the renewal letter authorizing extension of the agreement into a second three-year term. Deputy City Manager Lamb explained that this is follow up of the previous report to Council, and that our City and the County agreed to an extension of the March 30, 2023 renewal deadline, to May 15; that staff has discussed the amendment process with DEM Deputy Director Chandra Fox. Staff evaluated the desired changes, i.e. clarifying shelter and evacuation routes, cost calculations and invoicing, and adding boilerplate language, and determined that they are minor changes and not needed at this time;but that the items can be addressed through ongoing discussions. Mr. Lamb also explained that the City has never paid nor been asked to pay more than agreed to within the Agreement; and that some of our concerns are expressed in the letter of renewal. Mr. Lamb said based on that information, staff recommends renewing this agreement for an additional three-year term and providing the letter to Spokane County.Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: 7. CDBG(Community Development Block Grant)Interlocal—Mike Basinger,Eric Robison Mr.Basinger went over the background information contained in the Request for Council Action concerning the County being due to re-qualify for entitlement status for fiscal years 2024,2025 and 2026; and that staff is not seeking action tonight, but during this re-qualification period, the City must select one of the four options relative to participating in the CDBG program:(1)accept entitlement status and receive CDBG funds directly from HUD; (2) accept entitlement status and enter into a joint agreement with Spokane County; (3) defer entitlement status and participate through the State CDBG program;or(4)defer entitlement status and participate as part of the urban county with Spokane County. There was some discussion about the most recent changes to the interlocal; that we should continue to explore all options; mention that our representatives are not permitted to vote on the projects; and that it would be good for us to have our own plan and explore that option. Mr. Hohman added that not only can funds be used for sidewalk projects,but they can be used for rehabilitation pavement projects in low and moderate income neighborhoods and that discussions are underway now with the county regarding expanding possibilities for different projects. Mr. Hohman also stated staff is currently having discussions with Spokane County asking the County why our representatives don't have the ability to vote. Mr. Basinger said staff will return to Council at a future date to present the options and seek further direction. 8. 2024 Council Budget Goal Priorities—John Hohman Mr. Hohman said that this is an introductory overview of the 2024 budget goals; that in years past, goals were developed in the fall which is about the time Council is looking at a fairly well-developed budget; so the idea is to work on the goals before the June 13 budget workshop, so that Council can be introduced to what staff thinks are priority projects. He said that at next week's meeting, staff will introduce a scoring spreadsheet for Council to prioritize the projects so that staff will have Council's input and guidance on those projects; all of which he stated help shape the budget goals in July.Mr.Hohman also noted to Council that inflation has hit all aspects of the City's operation, so staff will not be coming in at a recommended 1% increase this year. Mr. Hohman went over the list of projects shown on slide 4, and noted that the projects are not in any order of priority.Council discussion included adding the following additional priority projects: how to use the court in our precinct for perhaps evenings and weekends; incentive home ownership and work force housing; security and protection measures for facilities; and a disaster recovery plan. Mr. Hohman said staff will add those and bring this back to Council next week. 9.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-09-2023 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT 10. Department Report The Community&Public Works monthly report was for information only and was not reported or discussed. COUNCIL COMMENTS There were no additional Council comments. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Hohman said that the Spokane Valley Indians game night will be held Wednesday,August 16 and that more details will be forthcoming;said that state representatives and Senator Padden will also receive invitations. Concerning City Hall,Mr.Hohman explained that Garco Construction continues going through the building and preparing a plan to look at some aspects of the building we haven't been able to review yet; said this will occur over the next few weeks with major activities to start in about a month. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation [RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)] It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss pending litigation, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 8:08 p.m. At 8:27 p.m., Attorney Beattie announced the extension of the executive session until 8:40 p.m. At 8:40 p.m.,Mr. Beattie announced the extension of the executive session for another five minutes. At 8:45 p.m., Mr. Beattie announced the extension of the executive session until 8:55 p.m. At 8:50 p.m. Mayor Haley declared Council out of executive session,at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins,seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes,Formal: 05-09-2023 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23,2023 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ❑consent ❑old business ®new business ❑public hearing ❑information ❑admin.report ❑pending legislation ❑executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 23-010 amending chapters 7.05 and 17.100 SVMC related to chronic nuisances. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 7.05 SVMC; chapter 17.100 SVMC; chapter 7.48 RCW; and chapter 7.43 RCW. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of chapter 7.05 SVMC, relating to nuisances, in 2003; amended in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Chapter 17.100, which relates to enforcement, was recodified in its entirety in 2016 and amended in 2018 and 2019. In December 2022, staff presented key considerations and the framework of the City's existing chronic nuisance code as a form of review. During this discussion,Council posed several questions on the possibility of updating the current chronic nuisance provisions. Staff drafted a code text amendment implementing changes congruent with Council's desire to enhance the chronic nuisance code. City Council heard an administrative report on the proposed changes on April 25,2023 and a first reading on May 16,2023. BACKGROUND: In 2018, the City Council adopted chronic nuisance provisions under chapter 7.05 SVMC to address the rising number of nuisance properties associated with extensive criminal activity. The City has altered and refined the nuisance provisions over the years to make them more effective or to address new items as appropriate. Council had an administrative report in December 2022 and requested staff to look at possible amendments to further assist in addressing chronic nuisances within the City. Staff have identified revisions to chapters 7.05 and 17.100 SVMC to address Council's desire to bolster the City's ability to address chronic nuisances. The proposed ordinance is a City-initiated code text amendment to broaden the scope of what constitutes a chronic nuisance property and to more efficiently abate chronic nuisance properties. The proposed ordinance more closely resembles those in neighboring jurisdictions and will provide staff with the necessary tools to effectively abate more chronic nuisances. The primary changes are as follows: Tiered Approach. A tiered approach will consist of multiple options to qualify a property as a chronic nuisance. These include: • adding a second shorter time period option (Three or more nuisance activities within a sixty-day period); • expanding the definition of "nuisance activities" to include general nuisances, not just criminal activity; • adding abandoned properties where nuisance activities exist to the definition of chronic nuisance property; and • adding a provision solely for drug properties with a stricter violation to timeframe ratio (two in twelve months). Page 1 of 2 These changes will be made primarily through modifications to the definition "chronic nuisance property" and adding a definition for"nuisance activities". A notable change within the definition of"ongoing criminal activity" is the removal of the blanket exemption for domestic violence. Many other jurisdictions do not have exemptions and instead approach domestic violence related activity, for the purpose of chronic nuisance determinations, on a case by case basis, taking into account the totality of the circumstances. Enforcement. The process for enforcement will remain largely the same. However, a provision that a property owner or person in charge must contact the City within ten days from receipt of the notice and order in order to enter into a VCA has been added to allow the City to demonstrate the responsible person's desire (or lack of desire) to work on addressing the nuisance activities and criminal activities. Abatement. A receivership provision has been added, pursuant to chapter 7.60 RCW. This provision allows the City,upon a determination by the Superior Court that a property is a chronic nuisance,to close the property,board it up, and sell it through receivership so that the property can be returned to beneficial use. This process eliminates the possibility of the property being inundated with squatters and/or eventually returned to the persons responsible for the nuisance conditions in the first place. A provision was added to SVMC 17.100.325 to allow receivership as a remedy for chronic nuisances. Detailed changes are shown in"redline"in the proposed ordinance, attached to this RCA. OPTIONS: Move to approve Ordinance 23-010 or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 23-010 amending chapters 7.05 and 17.100 SVMC related to chronic nuisances. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: No direct impacts anticipated. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager; Caitlin Prunty, Deputy City Attorney; Jenny Nickerson,Building Official. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance 23-010 Page 2 of 2 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.23-010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 7.05 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING CHRONIC NUISANCE VIOLATIONS, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 17.100 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICPAL CODE REGARDING ABATEMENT OF CHRONIC NUISANCE VIOLATIONS. WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35.22.280(30),the City of Spokane Valley (City) is authorized to "declare what shall be a nuisance, and to abate the same, and to impose fines upon parties who may create,continue,or suffer nuisances to exist;" and WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter 7.48 RCW,the City is authorized to obtain an order for warrant of abatement of public nuisances that may exist within the City; and WHEREAS,pursuant to chapter 7.43 RCW,the City is authorized to determine and abate drug nuisance properties that may exist within the City; and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 7.60,the superior court may appoint a receiver to act as a custodian of a chronic nuisance property on application of the City; and WHEREAS, in 2018, the City adopted amendments to chapter 7.05 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC)to declare what conditions shall be chronic nuisances; and WHEREAS, in 2018, the City adopted amendments to chapter 17.100 SVMC regarding administrative procedures for enforcement of code violations,including public and chronic nuisances; and WHEREAS, there exists within the City a number of properties that are creating significant adverse impacts on the surrounding community due to a combination of criminal activity,general nuisance conditions, and violations of civil law; and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that a broader approach to chronic nuisance and an additional means of abatement, in the form of receivership, is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to amend the applicable chronic nuisance provisions in the SVMC to allow the City to better address and eliminate chronic nuisances and to provide necessary updates to better protect the public health, safety,and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Chapter 7.05 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows.Any section of Chapter 7.05 SVMC not identified herein shall remain unchanged. 7.05.010 Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of cChapter 7.05 SVMC is to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment for the citizens of the City by identifying and eliminating the conditions that contribute to injury, illness, Ordinance 23-010 Page 1 of 10 DRAFT devaluation of property,reduction in the quality of life,and the incidence of crime through the existence of nuisance conditions activities on public and private property. Nuisance properties create a substantial financial burden, pose a significant strain on city services, and interfere with other's use and enjoyment of their property. 7.05.020 Definitions. In addition to any definitions contained in Appendix A, the following words shall, for the purposes of cChapters 7.05 and 17.100 SVMC,be defined as: "Abandoned Property,"for purposes of defining a chronic nuisance,means a property over which the person in charge no longer asserts control due to death, incarceration, or any other reason, and which is either unsecured or subject to occupation by unauthorized individuals. "Chronic Nuisance Property"means: 1. A property on which three or more nuisance activities exist or have occurred during any sixty-day period, with at least one of the nuisance activities being classified as ongoing criminal activity related to the property; or 2. A property on which five or more nuisance activities exist or have occurred during any twelve-month period, with at least one of the nuisance activities being classified as ongoing criminal activity related to the property; or 3. Any abandoned property where nuisance activities exist or have occurred; or 4. A property which,upon request for execution of a search warrant,has been the subject of a determination by a court two or more times within a twelve-month period that probable cause exists that illegal possession, manufacture,or delivery of a controlled substance or related offense as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW has occurred on the property. "Control" means the power or ability to direct or determine conditions at a property or regulate, restrain, dominate,or govern property or conduct that occurs on a property. "Days" are counted as business days when five or fewer days are allowed to perform an act required by cChapter 7.05 SVMC. "Days" are considered calendar days when more than five days are allowed to perform an act required by cchapter 7.05 SVMC. "Days" are counted by excluding the first day, and including the last day,unless the last day is a holiday, Saturday,or Sunday,pursuant to RCW 1.12.040, as now adopted or hereafter amended. "Determination of compliance" means a written determination by the city manager or designee that the violation(s) stated in the warning, voluntary compliance agreement,notice and order, stop work order, or other applicable order have been sufficiently abated so as to comply with the SVMC. "Graffiti" means an unauthorized marking, symbol, inscription, word, figure, design, or other inscribed material that has been placed upon any property through the use of paint, ink, dye, or any other substance capable of marking property. "Impound"means to take and hold a vehicle in legal custody pursuant to law. "Inoperable"means incapable of being operated legally on a public highway,including,but not limited to, not having a valid,current registration plate or a current certificate of registration. "Junk vehicle"means a vehicle meeting at least three of the following criteria: Ordinance 23-010 Page 2 of 10 DRAFT 1. Is three years old or older; 2. Is extensively damaged,such damage including but not limited to any of the following: a broken window or windshield,or missing wheels,tires,motor,or transmission; 3. Is apparently inoperable; 4.Has an approximate fair market value equal only to the approximate value of the scrap in it. "Nuisance" means a person's unreasonable or unlawful use of real or personal property, or unreasonable, indecent, or unlawful personal conduct or omission of conduct which materially interferes with, obstructs, or jeopardizes the health, safety, prosperity, quiet enjoyment of property, or welfare of others, offends common decency or public morality, or obstructs or interferes with the free use of public ways,places, or bodies of water. "Nuisance Activities"means and includes: 1. Any structure, use, activity, conduct, or condition that constitutes a nuisance pursuant to SVMC 7.05.040; 2. Ongoing criminal activity related to the property; 3. Any civil code violation as defined by state or local ordinance occurring on the property or around or near the property that has a reasonable and proximate connection to the property. 4. For purposes of this definition"civil code violation"means,civil judgment,issuance of a civil penalty. issuance of a notice and order, or any act or conduct which the City can establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, exists or has occurred regardless of whether such act resulted in a civil penalty. A civil infraction which is deferred or subject to pretrial diversion may be counted as a violation if the violation is proved by a preponderance of the evidence. A finding of not committed on a civil infraction shall not constitute a violation under this chapter. "Ongoing criminal activity related to the premisesproperty"means that(1) criminal activity is or has been occurring at the premisesproperty; or (2) criminal activity is or has been occurring near the premises property and such activity has a reasonable and proximate connection to the prcmisc property,whether by owners,persons in charge,occupants, or persons visiting such owners or occupants. Examples of conduct or actions that constitute criminal activity occurring at or near the premises property of the subject property include,but are not limited to,the following: 1. Service of a search warrant by law enforcement personnel; or 2.Arrest of one or more individuals by law enforcement personnel during any 24-hour period; or 3. Commission of a misdemeanor,gross misdemeanor,or felony at or near the premises property and where there is a reasonable and proximate connection between the crime or criminal and the premisesproperty, including those visiting the owner,person in charge,or occupants of the premisesproperty;or 4. Visits by law enforcement personnel which occur based upon a reasonable belief by law enforcement that a crime is occurring or has occurred, but which do not result in any of the actions identified in subsections (1) through (3) of this definition; provided, that visits alone may not form the sole basis for determining a premises property to be a chronic nuisance premisesproperty. For purposes of this definition, service of warrants, arrests, or commission of misdemeanor or felony domestic violence shall not be considered criminal activity. Ordinance 23-010 Page 3 of 10 DRAFT "Person"means any public or private individual, sole proprietorship, association,partnership,corporation, or legal entity,whether for-profit or not-for-profit, and the agents and assigns thereof. "Person in charge" of a property means the owner and, if different than the owner, any other person in actual or constructive possession of a property,including but not limited to a lessee,tenant,occupant,agent, or manager of a property. "Person(s)responsible for a junk vehicle nuisance violation"means any one or more of the following: 1. The land owner where the junk vehicle is located as shown on the last equalized assessment roll; or 2. The last registered owner of the vehicle,unless the owner in the transfer of ownership of the vehicle has complied with state law;or 3. The legal owner of the vehicle. "Person(s)responsible for a nuisance violation"means the person or persons who caused the violation, if that can be determined, and/or the owner, person in charge, lessor, tenant, or other person(s) entitled to control,use,and/or occupancy of the property and the abutting public rights-of-way. "Property" means a parcel or lot of real property including property used as residential or commercial property, a building, including but not limited to the structure or any separate part or portion thereof, whether permanent or not, or the ground itself, a unit within a building, or a mobile home, manufactured home,or a recreational vehicle placed on a parcel or lot of real property. "Vehicle," for the purposes of SVMC 7.05.040(N), includes every device capable of being moved upon a public highway and in,upon,or by which any persons or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, including bicycles. The term does not include devices other than bicycles moved by human or animal power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks,pursuant to RCW 46.04.670. 7.05.030 Compliance, authority and administration. In order to discourage public nuisances and otherwise promote compliance with oGhapter 7.05 SVMC,the city manager or designee may, in response to field observations, determine that violations of chapter 7.05 SVMC have occurred or are occurring,and may utilize any of the compliance provisions set forth in Gchapter 17.100 SVMC. 7.05.040 Nuisances prohibited. No person, firm, or entity shall erect, contrive, cause, continue, maintain, or permit to exist any public nuisance within the City including on the property of any person,firm,or entity or upon any public rights- of-way abutting a person,firm,or entity's property.Prohibited public nuisances include,but are not limited to: A.Vegetation. 1.Any vegetation,or parts thereof,which hang lower than eight feet above any public walkway or sidewalk; or hang lower than 14 feet above any public street;or which are growing in such a manner as to obstruct or impair the free and full use of any public walkway, sidewalk, or street; or violate City clearview triangle regulations. The City shall be responsible for maintaining all vegetation placed by the City adjacent to a public walkway, sidewalk,or street. 2.Any growth of noxious weeds or toxic vegetation shall be subject to cchapter 16-750 WAC as currently adopted and hereafter amended. Ordinance 23-010 Page 4 of 10 DRAFT B.Buildings, Structures, Fences. Buildings or portions thereof which are deemed dangerous or unfit pursuant to the SVMC(including all building and property maintenance codes and regulations as currently adopted and hereafter amended). C. Sidewalks. 1.Any protrusion,awning,or overhang that inhibits or obstructs use of a public walkway or sidewalk. 2.Any object, construction, or damage that inhibits or obstructs the surface use of a public walkway or sidewalk. 3.Accumulations of dirt or debris not removed from a public sidewalk. D.Accumulations of Materials,Garbage,Recyclables,Furniture,Machinery. 1.Building and Construction Materials. Any accumulation, stack, or pile of building or construction materials,including but not limited to metal,wood,wire, electrical, or plumbing materials,not associated with a current, in-progress project and not in a lawful storage structure or container. This provision does not apply to a designated contractor's yard. 2. Garbage,Recyclables, Compost,and Infestations. a. Garbage or recyclables not properly stored in a receptacle with a tight-fitting lid. b.Any accumulation of broken or neglected items, litter, salvage materials, or junk not in an approved enclosed structure. c. Creating or maintaining any accumulation of matter, including but not limited to foodstuffs or dead vegetation(excluding properly maintained residential compost piles). 3.Furniture,Appliances,Furnishings, and Equipment. a.Any broken or discarded household furniture, furnishings, equipment, or appliance not in an approved enclosed structure. b.Any enclosure which may entrap a human or an animal, including accessible refrigeration appliances that have not had the doors secured or removed. 4.Machinery and Equipment. Any broken or inoperable accumulation of, or part of, machinery or equipment not in an approved enclosed structure. SVMC 7.05.040(D)(4)shall include such machinery and equipment as boats,jet-skis, snowmobiles,aircraft, and the like,but shall not include junk vehicles,which are regulated pursuant to SVMC 7.05.040(N). E.Fire Hazards.Any stack or accumulation of newspapers,dead vegetation(excluding properly maintained compost piles), overgrown vegetation, cardboard, or any other paper, cloth, or wood products left in a manner that poses a substantial risk of combustion or the spread of fire, as determined by the fire marshal. F. Toxic or Caustic Substances.Improper storage or keeping of any toxic,flammable,or caustic substances or materials. G. Smoke, Soot, or Odors.Allowing the escape or emission of any harmful smoke, soot, fumes, gases, or odors which are offensive or harmful to a reasonable person. Ordinance 23-010 Page 5 of 10 DRAFT H.Bodies of Water. 1.All stagnant,pooled water in which mosquitoes,flies,or other insects may multiply,excluding any City- approved structure related to storm drainage systems. 2. The polluting of any waterway,well,or body of water which is not subject to the jurisdiction of another federal, state,county, special purpose district or city agency. I. Holes. Any excavated or naturally occurring uncovered holes which are not marked, guarded, or otherwise secured, and which constitute a concealed danger. J.Attractive Nuisances. Any accessible nuisance which is attractive to children including,but not limited to, unattended machinery or equipment, unsecured abandoned or vacant buildings, open and unattended vehicle trunks,or other unguarded conditions or situations that could injure or trap a child. K.Noise. 1.Any noise or sound that,originating within a residential zone,intrudes into the property of another person that exceeds the maximum permissible noise levels pursuant to cEhapter 173-60 WAC, as currently adopted and hereafter amended. Such noise or sound may include, but is not limited to, noise or sound created by use of a radio, television set, musical instrument, sound amplifier, or other device capable of producing or reproducing noise or sound; or in connection with the starting, operation,repair, rebuilding, or testing of any vehicle,off-highway machinery or equipment,or internal combustion engine. 2. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of SVMC 7.05.040(K)(1): a.Normal use of public rights-of-way; b. Sounds created by motor vehicles when regulated by cEhapter 173-62 WAC; c. Sounds originating from aircraft in flight and sounds that originate at airports which are directly related to flight operations; d. Sounds created by surface carriers engaged in commerce or passenger travel by railroad; e. Sounds created by warning devices not operating continuously for more than five minutes, or bells, chimes,or carillons; f. Sounds created by safety and protective devices where noise suppression would defeat the intent of the device or is not economically feasible; g. Sounds created by emergency equipment and work necessary in the interest of law enforcement or for health, safety or welfare of the community; h. Sounds originating from officially sanctioned parades and other public events; i. Sounds created by watercraft,except to the extent that they are regulated by other City or state regulations; j. Sounds created by motor vehicles licensed or unlicensed when operated off public highways,except when such sounds are made in or adjacent to residential property where human beings reside or sleep; k. Sounds originating from existing natural gas transmission and distribution facilities; 1. Sounds created in conjunction with public work projects or public work maintenance operations executed at the cost of the federal government, state or municipality; Ordinance 23-010 Page 6 of 10 DRAFT m. Sounds created in conjunction with the collection of solid waste; n. Sounds created in conjunction with military operations or training; o. Sounds originating from organized activities occurring in public parks, playgrounds, gymnasiums, swimming pools, schools, and other public facilities and public recreational facilities during hours of operation; p. Sounds originating from agricultural activities. 3. The following shall be exempt from provisions of SVMC 7.05.040(K)(1)between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.: a. Sounds originating from residential property relating to temporary projects for the repair or maintenance of homes,grounds,and appurtenances; b. Sounds created by the discharge of firearms on authorized shooting ranges; c. Sounds created by blasting; d. Sounds created by aircraft engine testing and maintenance not related to flight operations;provided,that aircraft testing and maintenance shall be conducted at remote sites whenever possible; e. Sounds created by the installation or repair of essential utility services. 4. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of SVMC 7.05.040(K)(1)between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., or when conducted beyond 1,000 feet of any residence where human beings reside and sleep at any hour: a. Sounds originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity; b. Sounds originating from the quarrying,blasting and mining of minerals or materials,including,but not limited to, sand, gravel, rock and clay, as well as the primary reduction and processing of minerals or materials for concrete batching, asphalt mixing and rock crushers; c. Sounds originating from uses on properties which have been specifically conditioned to meet certain noise standards by an appropriate City hearing body. L. Dust. Any disturbance of any land area, or permitting the same,without taking affirmative measures to suppress and minimize the blowing and scattering of dust, which unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort,or repose of a reasonable person. This provision does not include permitted agricultural activities. M.Yard Sales. The holding or permitting of either: 1.A yard sale on the same lot for (a) more than seven consecutive days; (b) more than two consecutive weekends; or 2.More than three separate yard sale events in one calendar year. The prohibition under this Section SVMC 7.05.040(M) shall only apply to dwellings, including but not limited to single family,multifamily,and duplex dwellings. N. Junk Vehicles. All junk vehicles, or parts thereof, placed, stored, or permitted to be located on private property within the City limits. SVMC 7.05.040(N)does not apply to: Ordinance 23-010 Page 7 of 10 DRAFT 1.Any vehicle or part thereof that is completely enclosed within a lawful structure so that it is not visible from the street or other public or private property; 2.Any vehicle or part thereof that is stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property in connection with the business of a licensed dismantler or licensed vehicle dealer, and the private property is fenced pursuant to RCW 46.80.130; 3.A junk vehicle does not include a vehicle which is in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the good faith efforts of the vehicle owner. This exception shall include having up to one "parts"vehicle,from which parts are being salvaged concurrent with the repair process for the vehicle being excepted from compliance in this section. Good faith efforts of repair may include producing invoices showing work or parts purchased for repair or renovation within 30 days prior to issuance of the notice of violation, or a declaration under penalty of perjury that the vehicle is in the process of being repaired and has been worked on within 30 days prior to issuance of the notice of violation.This exception allows up to 60 days for good faith repair. Upon good cause shown, the city manager or designee shall have the discretion to grant one additional 60-day exception period pursuant to SVMC 7.05.040(N).Under no circumstance shall any good faith efforts of repair extend for more than 120 days,after which time this exception shall no longer apply. This exception shall apply to one vehicle and one parts vehicle per parcel of land per calendar year; 4. There shall be allowed as exceptions to SVMC 7.05.040(N)up to two junk vehicles in R-1,R-2,and R- 3 zones,so long as they are completely sight-screened by maintained landscaping,a maintained landscaped berm, or fencing, as allowed pursuant to any currently adopted SVMC landscaping, berm, or fencing requirements. O. Graffiti.Any graffiti on public or private property. P.Development Code Violations. Any violation pursuant to SVMC Titles 19,20,21,22,23, 24, and/or 25. 7.05.045 Chronic nuisances. A.No person, firm, or entity shall erect,contrive,cause,continue,maintain,or permit to exist any chronic nuisancea chronic nuisance property within the City including on the property of any person,firm,or entity or upon any public rights-of-way abutting a person's, firm's, or entity's property. A parcel or lot of real property, a building, including but not limited to the structure or any separate part of portion thereof, whether permanent or not, or the ground itself, a unit within a building, or a mobile home, manufactured home, or recreational vehicle (collectively referred to as "property") shall constitute a chronic nuisance when any of the following conditions occur: 1. During any continuous 12 month period, the property in question: a. A final determination has been made by the City that conditions on the property constitute a nuisance pursuant to Chapters 7.05 and 17.100 SVMC; and b. Has four or more occurrences of ongoing criminal activity related to the premises; or 2. During any 12 month period,the property in question has five or more occurrences of ongoing criminal activity related to the premises. B. A person in charge who receives a notice and order pursuant to chapter 17.100 SVMC for chronic nuisance must, within 10 days, contact the code enforcement officer who issued the notice and order to establish a plan of action to eliminate the conditions, behaviors, and activities which constitute nuisance activities at the property. Ordinance 23-010 Page 8 of 10 DRAFT BC. Defenses. It shall be a defense against a declaration of chronic nuisance if the person alleged to be responsible for the nuisance (1) affirmatively engages in reasonable and ongoing efforts to remedy the nuisance and/or ongoing criminal activities; and (2) is not the perpetrator nor allows the perpetration of the nuisance or ongoing criminal activities. Section 2. Amendment. Chapter 17.100 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows.Any section of Chapter 17.100 SVMC not identified herein shall remain unchanged. 17.100.325 Abatement—Chronic nuisances. A. Chronic Nuisance Judicial Abatement Order. The City may seek a judicial abatement order from Spokane County superior court to abate a condition property deemed a chronic nuisance property pursuant to SVMC 7.05.045 where other methods of remedial action have failed to produce compliance. This abatement order,in addition to the remedies outlined in the remainder of Chapter 17.100 SVMC,may seek abatement of the chronic nuisance as follows:If the superior court determines the property to be a chronic nuisance property pursuant to SVMC 7.05.045,the court may: 1. Order the person in charge to immediately abate the nuisance activities and ongoing criminal activity related to the property; 2. Order the property into receivership in accordance with RCW 7.60 and thereby recover from the property the reasonable,necessary expenses of abating the nuisance and returning the property to productive use; 3. Issue a warrant of abatement ordering the City to take all necessary steps to abate, deter, and prevent the resumption of nuisance activities, which may include but is not limited to, the immediate: a. Vacation of the premises;- b. Removal of all personal property subject to seizure and forfeiture pursuant to RCW 69.50.505 or RCW 10.105.010 from the property and direct their disposition pursuant to the forfeiture provisions of RCW 69.50.505 or RCW 10.105.010,respectively; bc. Closure of the property against its use for any purpose, and for keeping it closed for a period of up to one year unless released sooner pursuant to chapter 17.100 SVMC; ed. Removal of garbage,junk vehicles, and any other prohibited nuisance under SVMC 7.05.040 from the property; and e.Safety inspection by Code Enforcement,Building Official,Fire Department,or any other government agency. 4. Any other further relief deemed appropriate by the court. B. In any action filed, the City shall have the burden of showing by a preponderance of evidence that the property is a chronic nuisance property. Police reports, official City reports, affidavits, evidence of a property's general reputation, and the reputation of persons residing or frequenting the property shall be admissible and may be offered as evidence of chronic nuisance. The failure to prosecute an individual, or the fact no one has been convicted of criminal activity,is not a defense to a chronic nuisance action.3. State that while the order of abatement remains in effect,the property,building, or unit(s)within a building shall remain in the custody of the court. Ordinance 23-010 Page 9 of 10 DRAFT C.Upon the finding by the superior court that a property is a chronic nuisance property,the person in charge is subject to the suspension or revocation of a business license or other license issued by the City and required at such property,including but not limited to licenses issued pursuant to Title 5 SVMC. D. The superior court shall retain jurisdiction during any period of closure or abatement of the property. E. The City shall file a formal lis pendens notice when an action for abatement of chronic nuisance is filed in the superior court. BF. The City may seek to recover the costs of abatement pursuant to Gchapter 17.100 SVMC. G.The provisions of this section(SVMC 17.100.325)shall apply retroactively to the greatest extent allowed under applicable law. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Passed this day of , 2023. ATTEST: Pam Haley, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 23-010 Page 10 of 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business ® new business [' public hearing [' information [' admin. report [' pending legislation [' executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration — Bid Award for 8th Ave Improvements Project — Carnahan to Park: CIP #0340 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 —Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • June 8, 2021 — Adoption of Resolution 21-002 adopting the 2022-2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) • July 20, 2021 — City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from TIB, including the 8th Ave sidewalk (Park to Coleman) • July 26, 2022 — City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from TIB, including the 8t" Ave Bike & Sidewalk lmprov. (Fancher to Park) • February 21, 2023- Admin report discussing the 2023 construction projects BACKGROUND: The 8th Ave Improvement project, Carnahan to Park is funded with grant funds from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), along with city funds. This project will install new sidewalk filling in all gaps on the north side of 8th Avenue between Park and Fancher, upgrade existing ramps to current ADA standards, fix stormwater issues, install ITS infrastructure and complete a grind/overlay of the asphalt pavement between Carnahan and Park. Project Costs Project Budget Preliminary Engineering $ 162,950 TIB Grants $ 685,591 Right of Way $ 0 Fund 302 $ 722,000 Construction Phase $ 3,153,151 Fund 311 $ 1,035,686 Fund 402 $ 872,824 Total Estimated Costs $ 3,316,101 Total Budget: $ 3,316,101 The Engineer's Estimate for construction was $3,252,969. The project was advertised on April 28, 2023. The City received and opened seven bids on May 17, 2023. The lowest, responsive, responsible bidder is N.A. Degerstrom, Inc. with a bid of $ 2,675,046.50, approximately 18 % less than the engineer's estimate. The project's bid tabulation is attached. OPTIONS: 1) Move to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or 2) take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the 8th Ave Improvements Project - CIP #0340 contract to N.A. Degerstrom, Inc. in the amount of $ 2,675,046.50 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract pending TIB approval. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project budget is $3,316,101 and there are sufficient funds to cover the costs for this project. STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, PE, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation — 8th Ave Improvements BID TABULATION �- y 8th Ave Improvements po n Project CIP No.0340 41100010 Vt 1 lea Engineers Estimate NA Degerstrom,Inc. Wm.Winkler Co. Alpine Contractor Group Red Diamond Construction,Inc. _ Item# Units Quantity Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Schedule A 1 Min , 100 MINOR CHANGE CALC 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 101 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $39,500.00 $39,500.00 $1,183.00 $1,183.00 $32,000.00 $32,000.00 102 ADA FEATURES SURVEYING LS 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,585.00 $1,585.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 103 SPCC PLAN LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00 $1,129.00 $1,129.00 $1,182.00 $1,182.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 104 PUBLIC LIAISON REPRESENTATIVE LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $2,750.00 $2,750.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,598.00 $4,598.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 105 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $130,000.00 $130,000.00 $124,000.00 $124,000.00 $245,000.00 $245,000.00 $167,377.00 $167,377.00 106 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR 2480 $7.00 $17,360.00 $2.00 $4,960.00 $16.00 $39,680.00 $9.50 $23,560.00 $6.00 $14,880.00 107 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $53,000.00 $53,000.00 $94,000.00 $94,000.00 108 WORK ZONE SAFETY CONTINGENCY EST 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 109 FLAGGERS HR 400 $70.00 $28,000.00 $65.00 $26,000.00 $135.50 $54,200.00 $77.00 $30,800.00 $60.00 $24,000.00 110 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $18,500.00 $18,500.00 $27,331.00 $27,331.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 111 LARGE TREE REMOVAL EACH 12 $3,000.00 $36,000.00 $3,000.00 $36,000.00 $2,800.00 $33,600.00 $2,839.00 $34,068.00 $4,200.00 $50,400.00 112 POTHOLE UTILITY EACH 16 $600.00 $9,600.00 $1,000.00 $16,000.00 $605.00 $9,680.00 $710.00 $11,360.00 $175.00 $2,800.00 113 ABANDON EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 10 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $2,900.00 $29,000.00 $570.00 $5,700.00 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 114 REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EACH 5 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,200.00 $11,000.00 $598.00 $2,990.00 $860.00 $4,300.00 115 REMOVE STORM DRAIN PIPE LF 105 $30.00 $3,150.00 $35.00 $3,675.00 $36.50 $3,832.50 $31.00 $3,255.00 $28.00 $2,940.00 116 REMOVE EXISTING PIPE SUMP EACH 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $1,100.00 $4,400.00 $598.00 $2,392.00 $800.00 $3,200.00 117 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,205.00 $7,205.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 118 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB LF 590 $15.00 $8,850.00 $10.00 $5,900.00 $8.30 $4,897.00 $10.00 $5,900.00 $13.00 $7,670.00 119 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY APPROACH SY 470 $25.00 $11,750.00 $10.00 $4,700.00 $13.50 $6,345.00 $15.00 $7,050.00 $22.00 $10,340.00 120 REMOVE FENCE LF 460 $12.00 $5,520.00 $15.00 $6,900.00 $8.70 $4,002.00 $18.00 $8,280.00 $20.00 $9,200.00 121 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL CY 100 $150.00 $15,000.00 $40.00 $4,000.00 $210.00 $21,000.00 $59.00 $5,900.00 $25.00 $2,500.00 122 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL CY 500 $60.00 $30,000.00 $50.00 $25,000.00 $57.00 $28,500.00 $31.00 $15,500.00 $64.00 $32,000.00 123 PAVEMENT REPAIR EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL SY 6000 $30.00 $180,000.00 $17.50 $105,000.00 $30.00 $180,000.00 $17.00 $102,000.00 $16.00 $96,000.00 124 TRENCH FENCE SAFETY COMPLIANCE CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 125 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,026.00 $1,026.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 126 SHOULDER GRADING LF 9830 $5.00 $49,150.00 $2.00 $19,660.00 $2.80 $27,524.00 $4.00 $39,320.00 $3.80 $37,354.00 127 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,6 IN.DEPTH SY 8800 $13.00 $114,400.00 $12.50 $110,000.00 $13.25 $116,600.00 $11.00 $96,800.00 $20.00 $176,000.00 128 POROUS GRAVEL SHOULDER LF 430 $60.00 $25,800.00 $16.50 $7,095.00 $26.50 $11,395.00 $10.00 $4,300.00 $30.00 $12,900.00 129 GRAVEL DRIVEWAY SY 365 $20.00 $7,300.00 $17.50 $6,387.50 $27.00 $9,855.00 $41.00 $14,965.00 $25.00 $9,125.00 130 CRACK SEALING-LF LF 7000 $2.00 $14,000.00 $1.70 $11,900.00 $1.80 $12,600.00 $2.00 $14,000.00 $1.70 $11,900.00 131 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 21900 $4.50 $98,550.00 $4.00 $87,600.00 $3.15 $68,985.00 $4.50 $98,550.00 $4.26 $93,294.00 132 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 TON 4350 $125.00 $543,750.00 $95.00 $413,250.00 $107.00 $465,450.00 $109.00 $474,150.00 $106.00 $461,100.00 133 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 2 IN.DEPTH PATCH SY 2650 $18.00 $47,700.00 $13.00 $34,450.00 $14.50 $38,425.00 $15.00 $39,750.00 $14.30 $37,895.00 134 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 4 IN.DEPTH PATCH SY 2850 $40.00 $114,000.00 $31.00 $88,350.00 $34.70 $98,895.00 $35.00 $99,750.00 $34.50 $98,325.00 135 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 5 IN.DEPTH PATCH SY 3300 $43.00 $141,900.00 $29.00 $95,700.00 $32.40 $106,920.00 $33.00 $108,900.00 $32.00 $105,600.00 136 COMMERCIAL HMA SY 65 $40.00 $2,600.00 $52.00 $3,380.00 $57.90 $3,763.50 $59.00 $3,835.00 $50.00 $3,250.00 137 ASPHALT CURB,TYPE C LF 2500 $10.00 $25,000.00 $2.60 $6,500.00 $2.90 $7,250.00 $3.00 $7,500.00 $2.50 $6,250.00 138 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 139 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 140 HMA SURFACE SMOOTHNESS COMPLIANCE CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 141 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN.DIA. LF 215 $145.00 $31,175.00 $100.00 $21,500.00 $150.00 $32,250.00 $96.00 $20,640.00 $129.00 $27,735.00 142 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN.DIA. LF 328 $95.00 $31,160.00 $60.00 $19,680.00 $105.00 $34,440.00 $65.00 $21,320.00 $92.00 $30,176.00 143 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN OR DRYWELL EACH 20 $1,600.00 $32,000.00 $1,250.00 $25,000.00 $350.00 $7,000.00 $969.00 $19,380.00 $1,500.00 $30,000.00 144 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 30 $1,600.00 $48,000.00 $1,250.00 $37,500.00 $350.00 $10,500.00 $1,590.00 $47,700.00 $1,350.00 $40,500.00 145 CONNECT TO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $900.00 $900.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,831.00 $1,831.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 146 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 EACH 19 $3,750.00 $71,250.00 $3,500.00 $66,500.00 $2,381.00 $45,239.00 $3,056.00 $58,064.00 $3,500.00 $66,500.00 147 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH 20 $800.00 $16,000.00 $1,200.00 $24,000.00 $832.00 $16,640.00 $834.00 $16,680.00 $2,200.00 $44,000.00 148 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL,TYPE A EACH 2 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $8,000.00 $16,000.00 $5,400.00 $10,800.00 $4,270.00 $8,540.00 $6,700.00 $13,400.00 149 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL,TYPE B EACH 12 $7,500.00 $90,000.00 $9,000.00 $108,000.00 $6,700.00 $80,400.00 $4,966.00 $59,592.00 $7,100.00 $85,200.00 150 PLUGGING EXISTING PIPE EACH 1 $500.00 $500.00 $550.00 $550.00 $371.00 $371.00 $491.00 $491.00 $300.00 $300.00 151 STORM DRAIN ENCASEMENT LF 190 $110.00 $20,900.00 $110.00 $20,900.00 $102.50 $19,475.00 $90.00 $17,100.00 $94.00 $17,860.00 152 ADJUST EXISTING GAS VALVE EACH 1 $600.00 $600.00 $750.00 $750.00 $950.00 $950.00 $915.00 $915.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 153 ADJUST EXISTING WATER VALVE EACH 22 $600.00 $13,200.00 $750.00 $16,500.00 $350.00 $7,700.00 $1,097.00 $24,134.00 $900.00 $19,800.00 154 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $5,200.00 $5,200.00 $28,245.00 $28,245.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 155 SOD INSTALLATION SY 340 $35.00 $11,900.00 $26.00 $8,840.00 $19.00 $6,460.00 $31.00 $10,540.00 $32.00 $10,880.00 156 LANDSCAPE ROCK SY 480 $35.00 $16,800.00 $50.00 $24,000.00 $16.00 $7,680.00 $34.00 $16,320.00 $41.00 $19,680.00 157 TOPSOIL TYPE C,3 IN.DEPTH SY 490 $30.00 $14,700.00 $20.00 $9,800.00 $17.00 $8,330.00 $26.25 $12,862.50 $14.00 $6,860.00 158 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REVISION EACH 18 $1,000.00 $18,000.00 $1,400.00 $25,200.00 $2,500.00 $45,000.00 $1,629.00 $29,322.00 $1,580.00 $28,440.00 159 CEMENT CONC.TRAFFIC CURB LF 80 $70.00 $5,600.00 $65.00 $5,200.00 $57.00 $4,560.00 $55.00 $4,400.00 $75.00 $6,000.00 160 CEMENT CONC.TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER LF 2960 $50.00 $148,000.00 $35.00 $103,600.00 $41.80 $123,728.00 $40.00 $118,400.00 $45.00 $133,200.00 161 CEMENT CONC.PEDESTRIAN CURB LF 240 $45.00 $10,800.00 $50.00 $12,000.00 $48.80 $11,712.00 $28.00 $6,720.00 $33.00 $7,920.00 162 CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH SY 600 $100.00 $60,000.00 $100.00 $60,000.00 $131.50 $78,900.00 $126.00 $75,600.00 $103.00 $61,800.00 163 DELINEATOR AND CORE HOLE EACH 6 $300.00 $1,800.00 $160.00 $960.00 $173.50 $1,041.00 $177.00 $1,062.00 $200.00 $1,200.00 BID TABULATION fie 8th Ave Improvements Project CIP No.0340 ��1 l + Engineers Estimate NA Degerstrom,Inc. Wm.Winkler Co. Alpine Contractor Group Red Diamond Construction,Inc. Item# 11 IMIM Units Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost 1 Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost 11 Unit Price Total Cost 164 REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL WOOD FENCE LF 110 $50.00 $5,500.00 $85.00 $9,350.00 $57.40 $6,314.00 $97.00 $10,670.00 $93.00 $10,230.00 166 REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE LF 620 $50.00 $31,000.00 $90.00 $55,800.00 $43.00 $26,660.00 $101.00 $62,620.00 $94.00 $58,280.00 167 CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 4 LF 370 $70.00 $25,900.00 $70.00 $25,900.00 $36.20 $13,394.00 $77.00 $28,490.00 $75.00 $27,750.00 168 MONUMENT CASE AND COVER EACH 3 $600.00 $1,800.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $950.00 $2,850.00 $1,265.00 $3,795.00 $1,200.00 $3,600.00 169 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SF 219 $50.00 $10,950.00 $50.00 $10,950.00 $25.00 $5,475.00 $102.00 $22,338.00 $30.00 $6,570.00 170 CEMENT CONC.SIDEWALK SY 1480 $75.00 $111,000.00 $135.00 $199,800.00 $101.50 $150,220.00 $97.00 $143,560.00 $93.00 $137,640.00 171 QUARRY SPALLS SY 15 $200.00 $3,000.00 $75.00 $1,125.00 $175.00 $2,625.00 $46.00 $690.00 $75.00 $1,125.00 172 MAILBOX SUPPORT,TYPE 1 EACH 1 $600.00 $600.00 $550.00 $550.00 $578.50 $578.50 $591.00 $591.00 $700.00 $700.00 173 PULL BOX EACH 5 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $5,043.00 $25,215.00 $5,154.00 $25,770.00 $4,744.00 $23,720.00 174 CONDUIT PIPE 2 IN.DIA. LF 2700 $30.00 $81,000.00 $25.00 $67,500.00 $27.60 $74,520.00 $28.00 $75,600.00 $30.00 $81,000.00 175 PERMANENT SIGNING LS 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,681.00 $8,681.00 $8,872.00 $8,872.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 176 PLASTIC BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL EACH 8 $500.00 $4,000.00 $200.00 $1,600.00 $225.50 $1,804.00 $231.00 $1,848.00 $200.00 $1,600.00 177 PLASTIC LINE LF 23300 $4.50 $104,850.00 $3.25 $75,725.00 $3.65 $85,045.00 $3.75 $87,375.00 $3.20 $74,560.00 178 PLASTIC STOP LINE LF 30 $100.00 $3,000.00 $12.50 $375.00 $13.90 $417.00 $14.00 $420.00 $13.00 $390.00 179 PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE SF 180 $30.00 $5,400.00 $8.50 $1,530.00 $9.55 $1,719.00 $10.00 $1,800.00 $8.50 $1,530.00 180 PLASTIC WIDE LANE LINE LF 9500 $8.60 $81,700.00 $5.70 $54,150.00 $6.55 $62,225.00 $6.50 $61,750.00 $5.70 $54,150.00 181 MONUMENT SUPPORT LS 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,171.00 $1,171.00 $900.00 $900.00 Schedule A Total - ' $3,252,969.00 $2,675,046.50 $2,712,350.50 $2,789,907.50 $2,899,000.00 Project Totals $3,252,969.00 I $2,675,046.50 I $2,712,350.50 I $2,789,907.50 I $2,899,000.00 I CHECKLIST Competitive bids were opened on May 17th,2023. I hereby certify to the Bid Proposal Checklist x x x x best of my ability that this is a true and correct bid tabulation for the 8th Bid Proposal Form x x x x Ave Improvements,CIP#3 7 Addenda's Acknowledged x x x x r Contractor Certification Wage Law Compliance x x x x / Contractor Administrative Info x x x x Bidder Qualification Statement x x x x f Bid Deposit Form x x x x Kelly Lynch,PE Bid Deposit Surety Bond x x x x Engineer/Project Manager Representations and Certifications x x x x Local Agency Subcontractor List x x x x Note: Highlighted cells have been corrected for math errors. Recycled Material Form x x x x BID TABULATION StiOkfine 8th Ave Improvements 11ey Project CIP No..0340 0340 Engineers Estimate MDM Construction,Inc. Inland Asphalt Co. Corridor Contractors Item# Units Quantity Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Unit Price I Total Cost Schedule A liiillJ. J. 100 MINOR CHANGE CALC 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 101 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $55,900.00 $55,900.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 102 ADA FEATURES SURVEYING LS 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $2,345.00 $2,345.00 $1,310.00 $1,310.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 103 SPCC PLAN LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 104 PUBLIC LIAISON REPRESENTATIVE LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $5,210.00 $5,210.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 105 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $195,000.00 $195,000.00 $374,767.55 $374,767.55 $275,000.00 $275,000.00 106 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR 2480 $7.00 $17,360.00 $7.50 $18,600.00 $6.85 $16,988.00 $15.00 $37,200.00 107 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 $87,600.00 $87,600.00 $95,000.00 $95,000.00 108 WORK ZONE SAFETY CONTINGENCY EST 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 109 FLAGGERS HR 400 $70.00 $28,000.00 $74.00 $29,600.00 $78.00 $31,200.00 $85.00 $34,000.00 110 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $84,000.00 $84,000.00 $27,345.00 $27,345.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 111 LARGE TREE REMOVAL EACH 12 $3,000.00 $36,000.00 $3,952.46 $47,429.52 $3,280.00 $39,360.00 $3,000.00 $36,000.00 112 POTHOLE UTILITY EACH 16 $600.00 $9,600.00 $700.00 $11,200.00 $1,100.00 $17,600.00 $800.00 $12,800.00 113 ABANDON EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 10 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,644.00 $16,440.00 $1,100.00 $11,000.00 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 114 REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EACH 5 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,186.00 $5,930.00 $545.00 $2,725.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 115 REMOVE STORM DRAIN PIPE LF 105 $30.00 $3,150.00 $132.00 $13,860.00 $38.30 $4,021.50 $65.00 $6,825.00 116 REMOVE EXISTING PIPE SUMP EACH 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,445.50 $5,782.00 $545.00 $2,180.00 $1,500.00 $6,000.00 117 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $54,650.00 $54,650.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 118 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB LF 590 $15.00 $8,850.00 $4.80 $2,832.00 $13.00 $7,670.00 $17.00 $10,030.00 119 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY APPROACH SY 470 $25.00 $11,750.00 $9.20 $4,324.00 $13.30 $6,251.00 $22.00 $10,340.00 120 REMOVE FENCE LF 460 $12.00 $5,520.00 $8.00 $3,680.00 $32.61 $15,000.60 $20.00 $9,200.00 121 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL CY 100 $150.00 $15,000.00 $85.00 $8,500.00 $71.35 $7,135.00 $150.00 $15,000.00 122 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL CY 500 $60.00 $30,000.00 $22.00 $11,000.00 $63.50 $31,750.00 $45.00 $22,500.00 123 PAVEMENT REPAIR EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL SY 6000 $30.00 $180,000.00 $16.00 $96,000.00 $28.40 $170,400.00 $35.00 $210,000.00 124 TRENCH FENCE SAFETY COMPLIANCE CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 125 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $150.00 $150.00 $545.00 $545.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 126 SHOULDER GRADING LF 9830 $5.00 $49,150.00 $2.25 $22,117.50 $2.65 $26,049.50 $8.00 $78,640.00 127 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,6 IN.DEPTH SY 8800 $13.00 $114,400.00 $20.00 $176,000.00 $15.75 $138,600.00 $13.00 $114,400.00 128 POROUS GRAVEL SHOULDER LF 430 $60.00 $25,800.00 $62.86 $27,029.80 $18.50 $7,955.00 $35.00 $15,050.00 129 GRAVEL DRIVEWAY SY 365 $20.00 $7,300.00 $68.00 $24,820.00 $21.10 $7,701.50 $44.00 $16,060.00 130 CRACK SEALING-LF LF 7000 $2.00 $14,000.00 $1.81 $12,670.00 $1.70 $11,900.00 $2.00 $14,000.00 131 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 21900 $4.50 $98,550.00 $3.00 $65,700.00 $3.57 $78,183.00 $4.50 $98,550.00 132 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 TON 4350 $125.00 $543,750.00 $110.00 $478,500.00 $99.65 $433,477.50 $106.00 $461,100.00 133 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 2 IN.DEPTH PATCH SY 2650 $18.00 $47,700.00 $16.00 $42,400.00 $13.50 $35,775.00 $14.40 $38,160.00 134 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 4 IN.DEPTH PATCH SY 2850 $40.00 $114,000.00 $38.50 $109,725.00 $32.10 $91,485.00 $35.00 $99,750.00 135 HMA CL.3/8 IN.PG 64H-28 5 IN.DEPTH PATCH SY 3300 $43.00 $141,900.00 $40.00 $132,000.00 $30.40 $100,320.00 $33.00 $108,900.00 136 COMMERCIAL HMA SY 65 $40.00 $2,600.00 $105.14 $6,834.10 $51.00 $3,315.00 $63.00 $4,095.00 137 ASPHALT CURB,TYPE C LF 2500 $10.00 $25,000.00 $8.76 $21,900.00 $2.95 $7,375.00 $4.00 $10,000.00 138 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 139 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 140 HMA SURFACE SMOOTHNESS COMPLIANCE CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 141 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN.DIA. LF 215 $145.00 $31,175.00 $142.25 $30,583.75 $109.50 $23,542.50 $200.00 $43,000.00 142 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN.DIA. LF 328 $95.00 $31,160.00 $98.85 $32,422.80 $65.60 $21,516.80 $145.00 $47,560.00 143 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN OR DRYWELL EACH 20 $1,600.00 $32,000.00 $990.00 $19,800.00 $1,367.00 $27,340.00 $1,500.00 $30,000.00 144 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 30 $1,600.00 $48,000.00 $800.00 $24,000.00 $1,367.00 $41,010.00 $1,500.00 $45,000.00 145 CONNECT TO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $950.00 $950.00 $985.00 $985.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 146 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 EACH 19 $3,750.00 $71,250.00 $3,335.00 $63,365.00 $3,825.00 $72,675.00 $3,500.00 $66,500.00 147 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH 20 $800.00 $16,000.00 $800.00 $16,000.00 $1,312.50 $26,250.00 $1,500.00 $30,000.00 148 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL,TYPE A EACH 2 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $4,850.00 $9,700.00 $8,750.00 $17,500.00 $6,800.00 $13,600.00 149 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL,TYPE B EACH 12 $7,500.00 $90,000.00 $5,400.00 $64,800.00 $9,850.00 $118,200.00 $7,000.00 $84,000.00 150 PLUGGING EXISTING PIPE EACH 1 $500.00 $500.00 $350.00 $350.00 $600.00 $600.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 151 STORM DRAIN ENCASEMENT LF 190 $110.00 $20,900.00 $85.00 $16,150.00 $120.30 $22,857.00 $100.00 $19,000.00 152 ADJUST EXISTING GAS VALVE EACH 1 $600.00 $600.00 $400.00 $400.00 $820.00 $820.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 153 ADJUST EXISTING WATER VALVE EACH 22 $600.00 $13,200.00 $400.00 $8,800.00 $820.00 $18,040.00 $1,000.00 $22,000.00 154 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $27,350.00 $27,350.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 155 SOD INSTALLATION SY 340 $35.00 $11,900.00 $28.00 $9,520.00 $6.50 $2,210.00 $39.00 $13,260.00 156 LANDSCAPE ROCK SY 480 $35.00 $16,800.00 $38.00 $18,240.00 $19.15 $9,192.00 $25.00 $12,000.00 157 TOPSOIL TYPE C,3 IN.DEPTH SY 490 $30.00 $14,700.00 $25.25 $12,372.50 $7.80 $3,822.00 $30.00 $14,700.00 158 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REVISION EACH 18 $1,000.00 $18,000.00 $1,770.00 $31,860.00 $853.00 $15,354.00 $1,500.00 $27,000.00 159 CEMENT CONC.TRAFFIC CURB LF 80 $70.00 $5,600.00 $58.00 $4,640.00 $62.40 $4,992.00 $72.00 $5,760.00 160 CEMENT CONC.TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER LF 2960 $50.00 $148,000.00 $44.00 $130,240.00 $46.45 $137,492.00 $45.00 $133,200.00 161 CEMENT CONC.PEDESTRIAN CURB LF 240 $45.00 $10,800.00 $62.00 $14,880.00 $52.60 $12,624.00 $32.00 $7,680.00 162 CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH SY 600 $100.00 $60,000.00 $195.00 $117,000.00 $144.55 $86,730.00 $119.00 $71,400.00 163 DELINEATOR AND CORE HOLE EACH 6 $300.00 $1,800.00 $175.00 $1,050.00 $164.00 $984.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 BID TABULATION �m 8th Ave Improvements �7 Project CIP No.0340 4� ei] 1 l Engineers Estimate MDM Construction,Inc. Inland Asphalt Co. Corridor Contractors Item# Units Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost i Unit Price Total Cost 164 REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL WOOD FENCE LF 110 $50.00 $5,500.00 $58.00 $6,380.00 $90.00 $9,900.00 $100.00 $11,000.00 lbb KtMUVt ANU Kt-II\lb I ALL I.hAIN LINK I-tI'LL LI- bLU iu.UIJ 51,000.uu $44.25 $27,435.00 $93.00 $57,660.00 $102.00 $63,240.00 167 CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 4 LF 370 $70.00 $25,900.00 $37.80 $13,986.00 $71.00 $26,270.00 $80.00 $29,600.00 168 MONUMENT CASE AND COVER EACH 3 $600.00 $1,800.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $330.00 $990.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 169 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SF 219 $50.00 $10,950.00 $29.00 $6,351.00 $27.35 $5,989.65 $75.00 $16,425.00 170 CEMENT CONC.SIDEWALK SY 1480 $75.00 $111,000.00 $100.00 $148,000.00 $110.20 $163,096.00 $84.00 $124,320.00 171 QUARRY SPALLS SY 15 $200.00 $3,000.00 $450.00 $6,750.00 $212.00 $3,180.00 $100.00 $1,500.00 172 MAILBOX SUPPORT,TYPE 1 EACH 1 $600.00 $600.00 $830.00 $830.00 $545.00 $545.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 173 PULL BOX EACH 5 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $6,000.00 $30,000.00 $3,611.00 $18,055.00 $5,250.00 $26,250.00 174 CONDUIT PIPE 2 IN.DIA. LF 2700 $30.00 $81,000.00 $28.25 $76,275.00 $22.50 $60,750.00 $29.00 $78,300.00 175 PERMANENT SIGNING LS 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,414.50 $8,414.50 $8,203.00 $8,203.00 $9,400.00 $9,400.00 176 PLASTIC BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL EACH 8 $500.00 $4,000.00 $218.75 $1,750.00 $213.30 $1,706.40 $234.00 $1,872.00 177 PLASTIC LINE LF 23300 $4.50 $104,850.00 $3.55 $82,715.00 $3.45 $80,385.00 $3.65 $85,045.00 178 PLASTIC STOP LINE LF 30 $100.00 $3,000.00 $13.50 $405.00 $13.10 $393.00 $14.00 $420.00 179 PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE SF 180 $30.00 $5,400.00 $9.25 $1,665.00 $9.00 $1,620.00 $10.00 $1,800.00 180 PLASTIC WIDE LANE LINE LF 9500 $8.60 $81,700.00 $6.00 $57,000.00 $6.20 $58,900.00 $6.50 $61,750.00 181 MONUMENT SUPPORT LS 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,825.00 $3,825.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Schedule A Total - ' $3,252,969.00 $2,985,453.47 $3,156,803.50 $3,271,186.00 A_ Project Totals I $3,252,969.00 I $2,985,453.47 I $3,156,803.50 I $3,271,186.00 I CHECKLIST Competitive bids were opened on May 17th,2023. I hereby certify to the Bid Proposal Checklist x x x best of my ability that this is a true and correct bid tabulation for the 8th Bid Proposal Form x x x Ave Improvement CIP#3 ' Addenda's Acknowledged x x x i r Contractor Certification Wage Law Compliance x x x Contractor Administrative Info x x x Bidder Qualification Statement x x x Bid Deposit Form x x x Kelly ynch,PE ` Bid Deposit Surety Bond x x x Engineer/Project Manage Representations and Certifications x x x Local Agency Subcontractor List x x x Note: Highlighted cells have been corrected for math errors. Recycled Material Form x x x CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23,2023 Department Director Approval Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2023 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA)-Admin Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, SVMC 17.80.140 and 19.30.010 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On December 13,2016, City Council approved Ordinance 16-018, adopting the Comprehensive Plan and associated development regulations, and as subsequently amended annually thereafter. On November 22,2022,the City Council approved the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket. BACKGROUND: The GMA (Growth Management Act) allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once each year. The City codified this process in Section 17.80.140 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Consistent with the SVMC, staff published notice on September 2 and 9,2022,advising the public of the annual amendment process and that the City would accept applications for the 2023 cycle through November 1,2022. On November 22,2022,the City Council approved the 2023 Docket. The Docket includes one site specific map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. On December 9, 2022, the City issued Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) for the proposed comprehensive plan amendments pursuant to Title 21, Environmental Controls of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. On March 24 and 31, 2023, notice for a public hearing on the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald. On March 27, 2023, the site subject to an amendment was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing" sign with a description of the proposal and information on the public hearing. On March 29, 2023, a notice of public hearing was mailed to property owners within 400 feet of the proposed amendment site. On March 9,2023,the Planning Commission held a study session on the proposed 2023 Comprehensive Plan amendments.A public hearing on the proposed amendments was held April 13, 2023. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission deliberated on the proposed CPA. On April 27, 2023, the Planning Commission voted on the Findings and Recommendation to recommend that the City Council approve CPA-2023-01. The Findings and Recommendation are included with this RCA. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS:None OPTIONS: The City Council may accept,deny,or modify the Planning Commission recommendations.If the Council chooses to modify a proposal and the modifications are substantial,the City Council must either conduct a public hearing or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to proceed to a first reading of the ordinance. STAFF CONTACT: Levi Basinger, Planner ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation April 27,2023 Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation Approved Planning Commission minutes of March 9,2023,April 13,2023,April 27, 2023, April 6,2023 Staff Report to the Planning Commission with attached exhibits 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments City Council Administrative Report May 23, 2023 Levi Basinger, Planner Spokane jUalley� Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Timeline Application Docket Planning City Council Commission • Closingnotice ■ Council 1 ■ Study � Admin Report 1‘) — 9/02 & Admin Report Session � 5/23/23 � 9/09/22 — 11/15/22 — 3/09/2023 1St Reading • Pre-app • Council • Public I 5/30/23 • 2022 Closed Motion Hearing — 4/13/23 2nd Reading — 11/1/22 — 11/22/22 • Findings 6/06/23 — 4/27/23 I J 05/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report Notice of Public Hearing 7-4_, . ,. , . _.... .., Published in paper 3/24/2023 & 3/31/2023 __ 414 .,co. Posted onproperty _ - +. 46355.9151 � F. 3/27/2023 F Vie:. ire 351.914 .,„ Mailed to property owners 11(14- Lolal_ : * 4. ,� i 40, 3/29/2023 ,ala MEImi .� * . 'lit .c. LI NEI .,* Ak like m _ A be E ., _Iriwir 41"\haMi ' - e m ■ ,. stein % \\\\\\\_ . • sin! --,2 - e woo mill48 ''' _ -.PC' ''''ve 4*-4101....".. AI..A.At ,,',;-, 05/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report 3 Amendment Materials PC Findings and Recommendation **1 .I._.„,., Staff Reports ®m-�� ••=A iron mil "Illimilm--:- ::: I ow Application materials — - .,,a . mil. °` _ _ '"�"aq, �,. ,_ Maps City of Spokane Valle SEPA Checklist Annual Comprehensive Plan Notices amm Amendmentsuip........... Agency comments _ [�pof.117��F _ .. kSne Public comments - � ST 10210 E.Sprague Avenue - - Spokane Valley,WA 99206 S ill l e m e n to I documents wwwSpakaneUralle ark Y, „a .. ii, . . , A.1, ler 05/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report 4 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket File Number Location Type / Who Description Change 19.45 acres from SFR to P/OS CPA-2023-01 Unaddressed Map / City Change 4.41 acres from NC to P/OS 5/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report 5 CityInitiated MapAmendment - CPA-2023-01 _.. .._.. .._ Applicant: Spokane Valley i Owner: Spokane Valley 4-7 i" ...--- --_ ., ( Donation ) ,010K-- --\\\ Amendment: Change from `\ ,:.! ' Single Family Residential V/:/.4* '., 11'- .IA - 1116444. (SFR) and Neighborhood - 40.4•-' ' 1 '1'" 1 Commercial ( NC) to Parks, - 1 �� � a �� Recreation a n d Open Space _:_=:_ ' -- -ll I Application Area 1 ( P/OS) J v. -----3.(-5: 1 - 17i. _ '':"..4, ,,,c'A,; .7:4-- -,"-- /7 ,_. : 1-1- i _4-' , \ . . — I 7 1 05/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report CPA-2023-01 - Application Analysis Expands P/OS by 23 .9 acres - v Area identified in Parks and 7 Recreation Master Plan ` Provides new s ace forpark p - .. residents Compatible with surrounding l ` uses s - ry open in h Pr ese es space the floodplain 05/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report 7 Questions stio"ne Valley® 05/23/2023 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - CC Admin Report FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE SPOI1~ANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT- CPA-2023-01 April 27,2023 A. Background: 1. The Growth Management Act(GMA)allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once each year. The City codified this process in SVMC 17.80.140. Consistent with state law and the SVMC, staff published notice on September 2 and 9, 2022, advising the public of the annual amendment process and that the City would accept applications for the 2023 cycle through November 1,2022. The notice was also sent to all agencies,organizations, and adjacent jurisdictions that may have an interest in seeking amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. On November 22, 2022, the City Council approved the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket. The Docket included the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan: one site specific map amendment. Site specific amendments approved for a • Comprehensive Plan amendment will require and receive a zoning classification amendment consistent with the new land use designation. B. Findings: 1. SVMC 17.80.140 provides the framework for the public to participate throughout the Comprehensive Plan amendment process, including notice and public hearing requirements. 2. On December 5,2022,the Department of Commerce was provided a notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. • 3. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act,chapter 43.21 C RCW(SEPA),and Title 21 SVMC, an environmental checklist was prepared for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for all Comprehensive Plan amendments on December 9, 2022. The DNS was not appealed. 5. The Planning Commission finds the procedural requirements of SEPA and Title 21 SVMC have been fulfilled. 6. On March 24 and 31, 2023, notice for a public hearing on the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald.On March 29,2023,a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign with a description of the proposal and information on the public hearing was posted on site. 7. Individual notice of the map amendment proposal was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the proposed site-specific map amendment. 8. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments concurrently to evaluate the cumulative impacts.The review was consistent with the annual amendment process outlined in SVMC 17.80.140 and chapter 36,70A RCW GMA). 9. On April 13, 2023, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. After receiving public testimony, the Planning Commission closed the public hearing and deliberated on the Comprehensive Plan amendments. After reviewing and deliberating on the Comprehensive Plan amendments, Planning Commission voted on the proposed amendments as follows: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation CPA-2023-01 Page I of4 a. CPA-2023-01: 4-0(3 absent)to forward to City Council a recommendation to approve. 10. The proposed amendment to change the designation for 19 acres from Single Family Residential (SFR) and 4 acres from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Parks and Open Space (P/OS) bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. In 2021, the City acquired four parcels (46351.9143, 46352,9149,46354.9150,46355.9151)west and south of Progress Road and cast of Forker Road. This area was generally identified as New Park Area 1 in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. These plans were developed through an extensive community engagement process.Additionally,the expansion is necessary to maintain the adopted Level of Service(LOS)3.25 acres of park land for every 1,000 residents. 11. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36,70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act (GMA) adopts fourteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations.The proposal is consistent with the GMA goals to enhance recreational opportunities and develop parks and recreation facilities. Additionally,the GMA requires a Parks and Recreation element to be a part of the adopted comprehensive plan.The City's Comprehensive Plan adopts the Parks Plan by reference. 12. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. 13. The proposed amendment is not in response to or corrects an obvious mapping error. 14. The proposed amendment will address a documented deficiency of park land in the Comprehensive Plan. Presently, the City needs an additional 53 acres of park land to meet adopted levels of service.In addition, the Comprehensive Plan identifies the following goals and policy that support the proposed change: P-Gl Develop,grow,and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation,trail, and open space system that enhances community character. P-P2 Acquire land for the development of parks or the preservation of open space within the City's boundaries and adjacent UGAs. P-P3 Using the Parks and Recreation Master Plan,periodically assess recreational facilities to identify potential gaps and improvements. P-P7 Identify and protect regional open spaces and natural areas to form a connected network of active and passive recreation areas. NR-Gl: Pursue flood hazard reduction while providing predictability for landowners. NR-P9: Ensure that wetlands,fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas,frequently flooded areas,geologically hazardous areas,and critical aquifer recharge areas are identified,designated,and protected. 15. The change to P/OS will not impact the physical environment.The change will result in less intensive uses than are allowed in SFR and NC zones, reducing potential effects on the physical environment. 16. According to the City's Critical Areas map, most of the property is located in the 100-year floodplain.The primary flood zone designation that applies to the site is AO,which is defined as an area of shallow flooding, usually in the form of sheet flow, with an average depth ranging from 1 to 3 feet. There is also a seasonal stream (DNR Type F) located on the property that flows into a drainage channel, which is deposited into a stormwater storage basin where it infiltrates into the soil.The parcels are not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. The City's environmental controls including floodplain and critical areas regulations will ensure protection of the critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed at the time of future development. Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation CPA-2023-01 Page 2 of4 During deliberations,members of the Planning Commission stated an agreement with public testimony that a future park development should consider maintaining the area as natural open space. 17. The proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding land uses.Future development of the park space will provide a documented need and location identified in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 18. The proposed amendment site is adequately served by and will have minimal impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation, and. schools. 19. The proposed amendment provides benefits to the neighborhood and City by providing an opportunity to provide park and open space to the neighborhood without the need to leave the area.Plante's Ferry Park,the nearest formal public park,is outside municipal boundaries and maintained by Spokane County.The proposed amendment will provide new City-owned and maintained park and open space for residents. The expansion of park space in this area will help the City meet its adopted LOS for park land. 20. The quantity and location of park land is planned for and needed as identified in the Parks Plan.A park at this location furthers the goals of the Parks Plan and Comprehensive Plan. 21. The proposed change would have no on projected population density. 22. The proposal will not have an impact on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan.In addition to meeting the goals in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan the proposed amendment addresses the following goals,policies,and strategy of the Comprehensive Plan: LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees,and visitors. LU-P 18 Enable public open spaces. P-GI Develop, grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation, trail, and open space system that enhances community character. P-P2 Acquire land for the development of parks or the preservation of open space within the City's boundaries and adjacent UGAs. P-P3 Using the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, periodically assess recreational facilities to identify potential gaps and improvements. P-P5 Design parks and community facilities to provide easy access for pedestrians, bicycles,autos,and public transit. P-P8 Plan for access to parks,trails,and other open spaces in all neighborhoods. NR-GI Pursue flood hazard reduction while providing predictability for landowners. NR-P2 Prepare and/or regularly update watershed plans for Chester Creek, Glenrose Channel, Saltese Creek,Porker Draw,and Central Park Basin. NR-P3 Prepare an accurate,updated map of areas expected to be inundated by a 100- year flood, particularly in the Spokane River, Porker Draw, and Glenrose Channel Areas. NR-P9 Ensure that wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, frequently flooded areas,geologically hazardous areas,and critical aquifer recharge areas are identified, designated, and protected. Conclusion The Planning Commission finds compliance with SVMC 17.80.140(H) — Comprehensive Plan Amendment Approval Criteria for CPA-2023-01. This proposed 2023 Comprehensive Plan amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan,and would promote the public health,safety,welfare,and protection of the envirorunent. Manning Commission Findings and Recommendation CPA-2023-0I Page 3 of 4 Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve 2023 Comprehensive Plan amendment CPA-2023-0 i. Approved this 27°i day of April,2023. Karl Granrath, Chairman ATTEST Marianne Lemons,Planning Commission Secretary Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation CPA-2023-0I Page 4 of 4 Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall March 9,2023 I. Planning Commission Chair Karl Granrath called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. IL The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Val Dimitrov Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Levi Basinger, Planner Walt Haneke Greg Bingamin,IT Specialist Bob McKinley Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Nancy Miller Daniel Wilson IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Haneke moved to approve the agenda for March 9, 2023 as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the February 9, 2023 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion wets seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Haneke and Commissioner Miller commented the HB 1110 is moving through legislation and encouraged the Planning Commission to continue to track its progress. VIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates stated that an open house was held to discuss the City's plan to address homeless issues within the City limits, He also mentioned that the City has implemented a multi-factor authentication program for all City email addresses. He informed the Planning Commission that they would be receiving instructions and the proper hardware for accessing their email. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 3«9-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 a. Study Session: 2023 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He explained that the Growth Management Act (GMA) allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once a year. The City received one proposed site--specific map amendment during the application tinrefranne. Mr.Basinger stated that the applicant/owner of the proposed property change is the City of Spokane Valley. The requested amendment is to change the zoning from Single-Family Residential(SFR) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC)to Parks,Recreation, & Open Space (P/OS). The amendment will expand the P/OS zone by 23.9 acres. Mr. Basinger stated that the area is identified in the Parks &Recreation Master PIan. The change will provide new park space for residents in an area of the City that is lacking in park space. The proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses. The change will also preserve open space in the flood plain/critical areas. He stated that the City has determined that the site is not conducive for building but will serve well as park/open space land, Commissioner Haneke asked about surrounding parks in the area and why the area is considered"lacking"in parks and open space. Mr. Basinger answered that the City's Parks &Recreation Department has a level of service of 3.25 acres of park space for every 1000 residents. Based on the level of services,the Parks department has determined that this area is deficient according to that level. (Plants Ferry Park is two miles away from the proposed change but that park is in Spokane County and does not count towards the level of service for the City.) Commissioner Delucchi asked if the property was donated specifically for park space. Mr. Bates answered that it was donated with the intention of being used as park space. Commissioner Haneke commented that it makes sense to use the property as park space because it's not really suited to any other use. However, the additional park space will create an additional financial burden to the City in maintenance and development. Commissioner Wilson asked if an environmental impact study has been performed on the property. Mr. Basinger responded that the City did a State Environmental Policy Act review specifically on the land use change. It was determined that there is no significant impact based on the change of use. A more in-depth impact study will be performed at the time of development. Commissioner Dimitrov asked if there is a definitive park development plan and timeline for the property. Mr.Basinger answered that that there is no specific park plan or proposed timeline yet. The public hearing for this item will be held on April 13, 2023. 3-9-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner McKinley stated that he would like a quantified home price for"affordable housing." Commissioner Delucchi stated that she is teaching a class on Traumatic Stress Disorder beginning in April at the Elks Lodge. XL ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 p.m. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. I2 *3 Karl Granath, chairman Date Signed Mariaiuie Lemons, Secretary Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Room 109--Centerplace Regional Event Center April 13, 2023 I. Planning Commission Vice-Chair Walt Haneke called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. IL Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Val Dimitrov, absent Chaz Bates,Planning Manager Karl Granrath, absent Levi Basinger, Planner Walt Haneke Chad Knodel, IT Manager Bob McKinley Mariamie Lemons,Administrative Assistant Nancy Miller, absent Daniel Wilson There was consensus from the Planning Commission to excuse Chairman Granrath, Commissioner Miller, &Commissioner Dimitrov, III. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the agenda for April 13, 2023 crs presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed. IV. MINUTES: Commissioner Wilson moved to approve the March 9, 2023 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Wilson reported that he attended the Spokane Valley 20-year celebration on April lst, 2023. He stated that it was very well done and organized. Conunissioner Wilson also reported that he visited the regional water/wastewater treatment facility. He gave a report of how the treatment facility works and encouraged the public to visit the facility. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There was no administrative report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VIIIi. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 4-13-2023 Planting Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 a. Public Hearing: 2023 Annual Comprehensive Nan Amendments The public hearing was opened at 6:12 p.m. Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He explained that the Growth Management Act (GMA) allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once a year. The City received one proposed site-specific map amendment during the application timeframe. Mr. Basinger stated that the applicant/owner of the proposed property change is the City of Spokane Valley. The requested amendment is to change the zoning from Single-Family Residential (SFR) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Parks, Recreation, & Open Space (P/OS). The amendment will expand the P/OS zone by 23.9 acres. Mr. Basinger explained that multiple types of critical areas have been identified on site. The Critical Areas Map shows an existing stream/drainage channel on the north side of the site and the location of the floodplain. He explained that much of the site is defined as Flood Zone AO, which is defined as an area of shallow flooding,usually in the form of sheet flow, with an average depth ranging from 1 to 3 feet. Given the strict building requirements applied to structures in the floodplain, open fields allowing for passive or active recreation,with no or few structures, are ideal for locations such as these. In addition, there are several easements identified on or adjacent to the subject site. Mr. Basinger stated that the area is identified in the Parks &Recreation Master Plan. The change will provide new park space for residents in an area of the City that is lacking in park space. The proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses. The change will also preserve open space in the flood plain/critical areas. He stated that the City has determined that the site is not conducive for building but will serve well as park/open space land. Mr. Basinger reported that the Planning Department sent the proposed change out for agency, staff, and public comment (the notice was mailed to property owners within a 400-foot radius of the property and was posted on site). There were no staff or agency comments received and the City received three public continents. Two of the public comments were in favor of the proposal and the third comment requested that single-family development not be allowed on the property. Commissioner Haneke asked if the City has plans for developing the park. Mr. Basinger answered that the City has identified it as park area in the Master Plan but has not created definitive plans for development yet, Commissioner Delucchi asked the process for developing a new park. Mr. Bates answered that the Parks Department will create a formal master plan for the proposed space which will be done through a public input process. Barbara Bartak(Spokane Valley) stated that she lives across the street from the proposed property. She explained that the property is home to deer,pheasant,turkey & quails,and she 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 has concern about what will happen to the wildlife and native plants when the property is developed into a park. She expressed that she hopes the City will allow the public to provide input on the development of the park. Rick Donaldson(Spokane Valley) stated that the property is a habitat area with many different types of wildlife. He reported that he is a proponent of the proposal but would like to keep it open space if possible. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons read into the record a public comment received via email from Susan Brunemeier (Spokane Valley) stating that she is in favor of a natural park in that area and hopes that some wildlife and birds will make it their habitat. The public hearing was closed at 6:33 p.m. Commissioner Deluechi moved to recommend approval of CPA-2023-0001 to the City Council as presented. Commissioner Delucchi stated that she would like to see the area preserved as a natural wildlife park that could provide an opportunity for children to learn about the wildlife in the community. She said that she doesn't think it should be developed into a formal park area and would be better left in its natural state. Commissioner Wilson commented that wildlife has occupied the proposed area for a long time, and he would also like to see the area left as it is currently. He doesn't think it makes sense to develop it in other ways. Commissioner McKinley said that he is in favor of the change and would also like to see it preserved in a natural state because the City needs areas for wildlife habitat. Commissioner I-laneke stated that he would like to see it zoned just open space instead of parks/open space because he would strongly like to see the property remain natural open space. He also mentioned that dumping has occurred on the property, and he hopes that the City will get that cleaned up and put something in place that would prevent that from happening again in the future. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Mr. Basinger commented that the Findings Of Fact on this matter will be presented to the Commission at the April 27, 2023 meeting. b. Study Session: STV-2023-0001. Street Vacation- 22"d and Glenview Circle Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He stated that the street vacation is privately initiated request from The Oaks Education Association to vacate 6,970 square feet (0.16 acres) of public right-of-way (ROW) in the alignment for Glenview Circle, located south of and adjacent to 22na Avenue. 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 Mr. Basinger explained that the ROW proposed to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection between 22"d Avenue and Glenview Circle.The ROW was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968. This leg of Glenview remains unimproved and does not extend further south. Mr. Basinger stated that the ROW is adjacent to two properties, parcels 45281.2104 and 45281,2802. Both parcels are owned by Oaks Education Association. The property owner has requested the 6,970 square feet of right-of-way be vacated because they believe it is no longer required for public access and the Oaks Academy expansion, located immediately to the south, prevents a possible extension of Glenview Road further to the south. The applicant plans to build a private school on the parcel to the south. The school will be within the alignment for a possible right-of-way extension south. Access from 22"d is proposed via a private driveway but is currently located outside of the ROW. Building permits have been issued for the school's construction and site grading activities. The applicants will be using the ROW as a temporary construction entrance,but no permanent improvements have been approved within the existing ROW currently, Mr, Basinger said that staff and the utility providers have reviewed the proposal and have not expressed opposition to vacating the ROW but have requested the following conditions: 1. A new curb installed across the ROW to be vacated along the south side of 22"d Avenue. 2. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E 22116 Avenue must be modified to match installed curbing, 3. Construction within the public ROW must be permitted and subject to inspection by the City. 4. Easements to allow for maintenance of existing utilities will need to be dedicated by the City prior to vacation. Commissioner McKinley stated that he is not opposed to vacating the area since it has remained unimproved since the 1960's and the area doesn't serve a real purpose for the City. Mr. Basinger mentioned that the applicant, Oaks Education could move their driveway to the vacated area, but they would have to provide an updated plan for review. Commissioner Wilson asked if the utility companies will still have access to their lines. Mr. Basinger answered that the City will make sure that the proper easements are dedicated so that the utility companies have access. Commissioner Haneke expressed concern about the vacated area being used as a driveway. He stated that if it's going to be used as a driveway, the City should retain control of it so that the driveway is built to the City's street standards. Mr. Bates responded that the City's traffic engineer has reviewed the proposal and did not provide any comments. He will reach out to the engineers again and get additional information from them for the next meeting. 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5 Commissioner Delucchi asked if the City gets paid when a street vacation occurs. Mr. Basinger answered that a compensation Resolution was passed that states the applicant must pay 50% of the assessed value of the vacated property. The property has been accessed at approximately $15,000.00. The public hearing for this item will be held on April 27, 2023. IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good Of The Order. X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.rn. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. y/z r7-2_3 Karl Granrath, Chairman Date Signed Marianne Lemons, Secretary Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Room 212—Centerplace Regional Event Center April 27,2023 I. Planning Commission Chairman Karl Granrath called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. IL The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucehi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Val Dimitrov Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Levi Basinger,Planner Walt Haneke Greg Bingarnin, IT Manager Bob McKinley Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Nancy Miller Daniel Wilson, absent There was consensus from the Planning Commission to excuse Commissioner Wilson from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucehi moved to approve the agenda for April 27, 2023 as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the April 13, 2023 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against, Commissioner Granrath abstained from the vote, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Delucehi expressed concern that HB 1110 (the Missing Middle)passed through both houses of legislature and is ready for signature by the Governor. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates gave an administrative report regarding the legislative bills that affect land use that were passed by legislation and are ready for signature. This included HB 1110,HB 1181, and Senate Bill 5058. Mr. Bates also reported that the City Council came to consensus to remove the owner occupancy requirement from Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU)requests. This will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a future meeting. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: STV-2023-0001: 22°d Avenue & Glenview Circle The public hearing was opened at 6:10 p.m. Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He stated that the street vacation is privately initiated request from The Oaks Education Association to vacate 6,970 square feet (0.16 acres) of public right-of-way (ROW) in the alignment for Glenview Circle, located south of and adjacent to 22nd Avenue. Mr. Basinger explained that the ROW proposed to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle.The ROW was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968. This leg of Glenview remains unimproved and does not extend further south. Mr. Basinger stated that the Notice Of Public hearing was posted on the site, was published twice in the newspaper of record (The Valley Herald), written notice was mailed to the abutting properties, and the notice was posted in three public places. Mr. Basinger explained that the applicant plans to build a private school on the parcel to the south. The school will be within the alignment for a potential ROW extension to the south. Access from 22nd is proposed via a private driveway but is currently located outside of the ROW. Building permits have been issued for the school's construction and site grading activities. The applicants will be using the ROW as a temporary construction entrance, but no permanent improvements have been approved within the existing ROW currently. Mr. Basinger said that staff and the utility providers have reviewed the proposal and have not expressed opposition to vacating the ROW but have requested the following conditions: L A new curb installed across the ROW to be vacated along the south side of 22nd Avenue. 2. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E 22nd Avenue must be modified to match installed curbing. 3. Construction within the public ROW must be permitted and subject to inspection by the City. 4. Easements to allow for maintenance of existing utilities will need to be dedicated by the City prior to vacation. 5. All costs incurred must be paid by the proponent. 6. The proponent is to purchase the area to be vacated. (The cost is calculated by the formula adopted in City Council Resolution 2022-020. The total amount due is $15,111.00). Mr. Basinger stated that staff has reviewed the criteria outlined in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) for street vacations and feel that the request will meet all the requirements once all the conditions of approval are met. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 Mr. Basinger said that the City received several public comments regarding the proposal. The residents had concerns about traffic on 22nd Avenue. He explained that the City Traffic Engineer does not support the use of this vacated ROW to be used as access to the site. A fire access lane to the west of this vacated property has been approved and any changes to that proposed access would need to be reviewed by the Traffic Engineer for compliance with traffic circulation. Commissioner Haneke asked if the applicants could come to the City in the future to request making this access a driveway. If so, could a condition be placed on the property that would not allow them to do so. Mr. Basinger answered that a change to the driveway would require applying for an approach permit that would be reviewed by City development and traffic engineers. The applicant, Charlie Dowers (Head of School for Oaks Academy) stated that the school is currently housed within eight structures on the property and are in the process of building one large school so that all the students will be centralized in one location. He also stated that currently the ROW is supposed to be maintained by and at the cost of the City. If the vacation of the property is approved,the City will no longer be liable for that maintenance. He also stated that the school size will not be increasing with the new building and will not change the parking needs. Public Testimony: Nan Smith (Spokane Valley) stated that she is in favor of the street vacation because it has been a weed lot for 30 years.However, she would like the space to be used as green or park space only and not used for parking or as a driveway due to the safety of children walking on 22nd Avenue. Greg Doering (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the City gifting property to a private Christian school and concern about traffic and children's safety if the area is used for parking,pickup, or drop off.He said that he would like to see the area used as a green space only and not as an access or driveway. Jim Rowse (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the deceased owner being listed on the application.He also provided a photo of the area showing the proposed vacation that was provided to the Commission. He expressed that the paperwork submitted by the Oak lists that the area could be used as parking or open space. He feels that there is a significant difference between those two items and would Iike to see the area just used as open space. He also expressed concern about the safety of the children and is against the vacation as parking or access to the facility. He would like to see the space remain as open green space. Thomas Santorsla (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the traffic and the vagueness in the application about what The Oaks Academy plans to do with the property in the future. He stated that he would like to see a better presented plan of what they are proposing. Art Zach(Spokane Valley) stated that the application does not specifically say that the area will not be used as a parking lot that accesses onto 22nd Avenue.He also expressed concern that the fire access curb cut could be used as an access point for more than just 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 fire personnel.He feels that 22nd Avenue cannot handle any additional traffic that might be produced from an additional driveway or access point from this vacated area. Doyle Kanabica (Spokane Valley) stated that The Oaks has a sidewalk that will go along 22nd Avenue to the new property to help with the concern about children wallcing on the street. The Oaks hopes that this new sidewalk will help alleviate some of those problems and concerns. Mr. Art Zach stated that he is happy that the sidewalk improvement is being done but does not feel that it will resolve the problem if the vacated area is used as an access that will put more cars on 22nd Avenue. Commissioner Miller asked the applicant about utilizing the vacated area as just green or open space. Mr. Charlie Dowers stated that the school has not researched a 20-year site development plan for the property. He stated that he would feel uncomfortable stating that without reviewing if it is the best use of the space long term. Commissioner Granrath asked if a condition could be placed on the property prohibiting the vacated area from being used as access in the future. Mr. Bates answered that the City could not be able to attach that type of condition on the property. Commissioner Delucchi asked if the City could require that the curb and sidewalk be extended all the way through the vacated property to help prohibit it from being used as an access or driveway. Mr. Basinger responded that the City does have a condition of approval regarding curbs and sidewalks that will have to be met before the plat is signed and the final vacation is completed. He also explained that any future changes to the area making it a driveway or access point would require City review and approval. The Senior Traffic Engineer has documented that he is not in favor of the area being used as access. The public hearing closed at 6:54 p.m. Commissioner McKinley moved to recommend approval of STV-2023-0001 to the City Council as presented. Commissioner Haneke stated that he is extremely concerned about the property being used as a driveway and would really like to see a condition that would keep that from happening in the future. Commissioner Miller agreed. Commissioner Delucchi said that requiring a curb and sidewalks that extends all the way to the vacated property could keep a driveway from happening. Commissioner Granrath commented that this ROW could have been used as a street since the inception of the plat in 1968 but it has never been used as an access. The City Street Engineer has stated that he does not support allowing a driveway at this location so he feels that it will never be allowed as a driveway or access onto 22nd Avenue. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5 Commissioner McKinley said that he feels approving the street vacation will make it more difficult for the applicant to use the property as a driveway in the future. Commissioner Haneke agreed. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Commissioner Delucchi requested that the Planning Commissions concerns be noted in the Findings of Fact and forwarded to the City council for consideration and discussion. Mr. Basinger said that the Findings Of Fact on this matter will be presented to the Commission at the May 11, 2023, meeting. b. Findings of Fact: 2023 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Planner Levi Basinger presented the Findings of Fact for the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. He explained that the PIanning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed CPA on April 13, 2023. The Planning Commission deliberated on the CPA and voted unanimously to forward the proposed amendments to the City Council as presented. He explained that the Findings of Fact will formalize the recommendations that were made at the public hearing. Commissioner Delucchi noted a typo on page 3,paragraph 21. Commissioner McKinley moved to approve and forward the Findings of Fact to the City Council as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Delucchi requested that the staff give a formal update and analyzation of the impacts of HB 1110 to the Planning Commission once it is signed into effect. XL ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Haneke moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Karl Granrath, Chairman Date Signed Marianne Lemons, Secretary COMMUNITY & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING&PLANNING DIVISION Spokane ��II� STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION CPA-2023-01 STAFF REPORT DATE: April 6,2023 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: April 13, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., at Spokane Valley City Hall and remotely via Zoom. Project Number: CPA-2023-01 Application Description: A request to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning for 19.45 acres Single Family Residential (SFR) and 4.41 acres Neighborhood Commercial (NC)to Parks/Open Space (P/OS), for a total of 23.86 acres. Location: Parcels 46351.9143, 46352.9149, 46354.9150, and 46355.9151; Section 35, Township 26 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Owners: City of Spokane Valley Date of Application: November 1,2022 Staff Contact: Levi Basinger,Planner, 10210 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Title 17 Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) General Provisions, Title 19 SVMC Zoning Regulations, and Title 21 SVMC Environmental Controls. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 7: Environmental Determination Exhibit 2: Proposed Zoning Map Exhibit 8: SEPA Checklist Exhibit 3: Vicinity Map Exhibit 9: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 4: Aerial Map Exhibit 10: Agency Comments Exhibit 5: Existing Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 11: Public Comments Exhibit 6: Existing Zoning A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION PROPERTY INFORMATION Size and Characteristics: The property consists of four vacant parcels totaling 23.86 acres, located between Bigelow Gulch Road, Forker Road, and Progress Road. Comprehensive Plan: Single Family Residential (SFR),Neighborhood Commercial(NC) Zoning: Single Family Residential(R-3), Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Page 1 of 7 Staff Report CPA-2023-01 Existing Use: Vacant(within floodplain and adjacent to drainage area for adjacent subdivision) SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ZONING,AND LAND USES Comprehensive Plan: Rural Conservation(RCV, Spokane County) North Zoning:RCV (Spokane County) Uses: Church, single-family residences Comprehensive Plan: SFR South Zoning: R 3 Uses: Single-family residences Comprehensive Plan:NC, SFR, Urban Reservce(UR, Spokane County) East Zoning: NC,R-3, UR(Spokane County) Uses: School, single-family residences Comprehensive Plan: SFR,RCV(Spokane County) West Zoning: R-3,RCV(Spokane County) Uses: Single-family residences APPLICATION PROCESSING: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the SVMC. The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Application Submitted: November 2,2022 SEPA DNS Issue date December 9,2022 End of Appeal Period for DNS: December 27,2022 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing TBD Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: TBD SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT: If adopted the amendment will change the comprehensive plan land use designation and zoning to P/OS which would largely limits development of the site to passive and active recreational uses. The current zoning of P/OS does not permit residential development and only allows limited commercial uses. IL FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA 1. Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 SVMC, the lead agency has determined that the proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The City issued a Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) for the proposal on December 9, 2022. The determination was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, the application, Titles 19, 21, and 22 SVMC, a site assessment, public and agency comments, the Comprehensive Plan and associated Environmental Impact Statement. 2. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Title 21 SVMC have been fulfilled. Page 2 of 7 Staff Report CPA-2023-01 C. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND AREA-WIDE REZONE i. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide zone map amendments if it finds that compliance with the approval criteria in SVMC 17.80.140.H. (1) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; Analysis: The proposed amendment to change the designation for 19 acres from Single Family Residential(SFR) and 4 acres from Neighborhood Commercial(NC) to Parks and Open Space (P/OS) bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. In 2021, the City acquired four parcels (46351.9143, 46352.9149, 46354.9150, 46355.9151) west and south ofProgress Road and east ofForker Road The purpose behind the city acquiring this land was to preserve open space within the 100-year floodplain and to expand the city's park lands. This area was generally identified as New Park Area 1 in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. These plans were developed through an extensive community engagement process.Additionally, the expansion is necessary to maintain the adopted Level of Service (LOS) 3.25 acres of park land for eveiy 1,000 residents. (2) The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A.RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act(GMA) adopts fourteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. The proposal is consistent with the GMA goals to enhance recreational opportunities and develop parks and recreation facilities. Additionally, the GMA requires a Parks and Recreation element to be a part of the adopted comprehensive plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan adopts the Parks Plan by reference. The proposed amendment will not have unanticipated impacts on other areas of the Comprehensive Plan. (3) The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; Analysis: The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. (4) The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; or Analysis: The proposed amendment is not in response to or corrects an obvious mapping error. (5) The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Analysis: The proposed amendment will address a documented deficiency of park land and open space in the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the following goals and policy that support the proposed change: P-G1 Develop, grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation, trail, and open space system that enhances community character. Page 3 of 7 Staff Report CPA-2023-OI P-P2 Acquire land for the development of parks or the preservation of open space within the City's boundaries and adjacent UGAs. P-P3 Using the Parks and Recreation Master Plan,periodically assess recreational facilities to identijji potential gaps and improvements. P-P7 Identi6., and protect regional open spaces and natural areas to form a connected network of active and passive recreation areas. NR-Gl: Pursue flood hazard reduction while providing predictability for landowners. NR-P9: Ensure that wetlands,fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas,frequently flooded areas, geologically hazardous areas, and critical aquifer recharge areas are identified, designated, and protected. ii. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: (6) The effect upon the physical environment; Analysis: The change to P/OS will not impact the physical environment. The change will result in less intensive uses than are allowed in SFR and NC zones, reducing the potential effects on the physical environment. (7) The effect on open space,streams,rivers, and lakes; Analysis: According to the City's Critical Areas map, most of the property is located in the 100-year floodplain. The primary flood zone designation that applies to the site is AO, which is defined as an area of shallow flooding, usually in the form of sheet flow, with an average depth ranging from 1 to 3 feet. Pursuant to SVMC, all structures in Zone AO shall are required to be elevated to one foot or more above the specified flood depth or flood-proofed with watertight construction methods. Given the strict requirements applied to structures in the floodplain, open fields allowing for passive or active recreation, with no or few structures, are ideal for locations such as these. There is also a seasonal stream (DNR Type F) located on the property that flows into a drainage channel, which is deposited into a stormwater storage basin where it infiltrates into the soil. The stream type and its route were identified in a 2015 Water Type Modification. The parcels are not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. The City's critical areas ordinance will ensure that adequate protection of the critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed at the time of future development. (8) The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; Analysis: The proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding land uses.Future development of the park space will provide a documented need and location identified in the 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. (9) The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks,recreation,and schools; Analysis: Sewer and water are available to the site. The nearest formal park is Plante's Ferry Park (Spokane County Parks) approximately 2 miles to the southwest. The proposal will increase park land and future development will enhance the park system helping maintain the adopted LOS. Page 4 of 7 Staff Report CPA-2023-0 1 The site is served by Progress Road and Forker Road, both Minor Arterials, on the north and west exteriors of the site. The site also has frontage along Bigelow Gulch Road to the east.A realignment of Bigelow Gulch Road and an extension of Sullivan Road has recently finished construction. There are no determinations for Levels of Service (LOS) of roadways adjacent to the site since these are located outside municipal boundaries. (10) The benefit to the neighborhood, City, and region; Analysis: The proposed amendment will provide benefits to the neighborhood and City by providing an opportunity to provide park space to the neighborhood without the need to leave the area. Plante's Ferry Park, the nearest formal public park, is outside municipal boundaries and maintained by Spokane County; therefore, it is not considered in determining the LOS for park land. This will provide new City-owned and maintained park space for residents underserved by the municipal park system. The expansion of park space in this area will help the City meet its adopted LOS for park land. (11) The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; Analysis: The quantity and location of park land is planned for and needed as identified in the Parks Plan.A park at this location furthers the goals of the Parks Plan and Comprehensive Plan. The site provides easy access for pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles. (12) The current and projected population density in the area; and Analysis: The proposed change would have minimal impact on projected population density. Development of the property is severely limited due to being in the 100-year floodplain and being encumbered by an easement for Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). (13) The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. Analysis: The proposal will not have an impact on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. In addition to meeting the goals in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan the proposed amendment addresses the following goals,policies, and strategy of the Comprehensive Plan: LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. LU-P18 Enable public open spaces. P-G1 Develop, grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation, trail, and open space system that enhances community character. P-P2 Acquire land for the development of parks or the preservation of open space within the City's boundaries and adjacent UGAs. P-P3 Using the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, periodically assess recreational facilities to identify potential gaps and improvements. P-PS Design parks and community facilities to provide easy access for pedestrians, bicycles, autos, and public transit. P-P8 Plan for access to parks, trails, and other open spaces in all neighborhoods. NR-GI Pursue flood hazard reduction while providing predictability for landowners. Page 5 of 7 Staff Report CPA-2023-0l NR-P2 Prepare and/or regularly update watershed plans for Chester Creek, Glenrose Channel,Saltese Creek, Parker Draw, and Central Park Basin. NR-P3 Prepare an accurate, updated map of areas expected to be inundated by a 100-year flood, particularly in the Spokane River, Porker Draw, and Glenrose Channel Areas. NR-P9 Ensure that wetlands,fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, frequently flooded areas,geologically hazardous areas, and critical aquifer recharge areas are identified, designated, and protected. Conclusion(s): For the reasons outlined above the proposed amendment is consistent with SVMC 17.80.140(H). D. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. Findings: Staff has received two public comments to date. Date Name& Address Comment(s) April 1,2023 Irma Goleta Summarized: innachkagoleta a hotmail.com I.Parcels are home to many species of birds and wildlife. 2.Natural areas should be set aside for wildlife. 3. Should be planned in a way to benefit both community and wildlife. 4. Sidewalks and paved pathways should be installed for walking and bicycling more safe and enjoyable. April 6, 2023 Christine Beirouty Summarized: cbeiroutyC gmail.co_m 1. Understanding that development is not possible in specified location. 2. Opposed to any new homes being built in specified location. Comments received following the date of this staff report will be provided to the Planning Commission at the April 13, 2023 meeting. 2. Conclusion(s): Notice of Public Hearing(NOPH)was published March 24 and 31,2023. The NOPH was posted on site on March 27, 2023 and mailed to property owners within a 400 foot radius of the site on March 29,2023. E. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO AGENCY COMMENTS 1. Findings: Agency Received Comments Comments Dated City of Spokane Valley Senior Traffic Engineer City of Spokane Valley Development Engineering City of Spokane Valley Building&Planning Page 6 of 7 Staff Report CPA-2023-01 City of Spokane Valley Parks &Recreation Spokane Valley Fire Department Yes 12-07-22 City of Millwood City of Liberty Lake City of Spokane City of Spokane Valley Police Department Spokane County,Building and Planning Spokane County,Wastewater System Division Yes 12-12-22 Spokane County,Clean Air Agency Spokane County,Fire District No. 1 Spokane County,Fire District No. 8 Spokane County Regional Health District Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency Spokane Aquifer Joint Board Spokane Transit Authority (STA) Spokane Regional Transportation Council(SRTC) Washington State Dept of Commerce Washington State Dept of Ecology(Olympia) Washington State Dept of Ecology(Spokane) Washington State Dept of Fish&Wildlife Washington State Dept of Natural Resources Washington State Dept of Transportation Washington State Parks &Recreation Commission WA Archaeological&Historic Preservation Avista Utilities Inland Power&Light Modern Electric Water Company Conoco Phillips (Yellowstone Pipeline) Yes 12-07-22 Central Valley School District#356 East Valley School District#361 West Valley School District#363 Century Link Comcast Model Irrigation District#18 Consolidated Irrigation District#19 East Spokane Water District#1 Vera Water&Power Spokane County Water District#3 Spokane Tribe of Indians 2. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted, F. CONCLUSION: For the reasons set forth in Section C above,the proposed amendment to amend the Comprehensive Plan and adopt the area-wide rezone to change the land use designation and zoning to of parcels 46351.9143, 46352.9149, 46354.9150, and 46355.9151 to P/OS complies with the requirements of SVMC 17.80.140.H and the Comprehensive Plan. Page 7 of 7 Exhibit 1 Map Area ` lvoi Or E 4Jc ,i cy,1c -1 E��` zga P Mgt.P E Mission 4 - _ E Spra up Ave E 8tlt AveAP T 46355:9151 27 lC\R •p 463 51jl; # ire— [ � so # .10 So ma'-% s ,,.o;� ,,, -13 "� Spokane Egs1 `vim �' _ CCGpoa Spokane `,per County + e Valley c ,,,,,,. o 1 C Queen AP A si 1cc E Quee "gyp- g 0 Queenp • Ft i g Olympic _ E Olympic L'S' ff Olympic On 2 R a .a I ��Vllabash " - R E Wabash ff ft- A abas S g Project Area Parks N� Pcrcel 46355.9751 r�il�� :'� �Fi, Open Space CPA—2 0 2 3—01 46351.9113 (2s9996s ei F,i Scale: 1,6,000 11111:635 .9150 -(565,303 rtl NC - Potential Comprehensive Plan Alteration - Smi.' nj�► 46352,9749 -(41,46559Di im Municipal Boundaries SFR Map Prot#uced:3/1/2023 Feet ley' Sp:ikcme Valley Community&PvlbUc Works 0 150 300 600 Exhibit 2 Map Area v.1Dr E VJc i.-;ey v t 1kj,1 E Mission 4vP — E 5prucyug Ave - • E8t h AveAue j'; , f �((O' Sy�Rd Q f 9i b 51 aij, fr' a ,...--.,..€;.---- — R(115b0 Is * _ _ _ Z 14'1 o # o co a c ql y v/ tpCO : 1_ '7SO,.. 6�Q� c, Q Ica n " % L 15 Sanson � 1 ao • � ch L Spokane . � County 1a V Valley g P'co g Queen �' -- [!Queen -a- @ Queen 1 .� g ai in al ^ L .?---g Olympic a G Olympic " [ Olympic '+- a g `r' O w - g Wabash aNg . as 370 g AC Wabash 0 W 0 g Wabash C, = I Project Area Parks_ Pone! 463559151 -(192,u97SgF11 Open Space C1D A-2023-® 1 1 /-N 46351.9143 -(239,99oSgFt) Scale: 1:6,000 46354.915o -(sas,8U3S%' NC - Potential Zoning Alteration - \ Spokane 46352.9749 -(41,465 5t,a) Municipal Boundaries R-3 Map Produced: 3/1/2023 Feet i Spokane Valley Community& Public Works 0 150 300 600 ley Exhibit 3 Map . . 2911 . VW E Mission qv@ - _ E Spra p Ave E Sai,AvJ _ 46355.9151 - 27 4-0 s?� C � 46 351.9143 �`��Rd v `'iit. 5 4, vielL sb..% , 01_ Spokane CI \-7 [ Spokane , County Q Valley 3 _ _ o . Q�n ; `` 2 I _@ \ C Queen GM CU - o --�a GLa g 1g Queen G' - ��, 4 r*r o d 4 EOlympic A I OlympicCMG' [ Olympic On C° m 2 u IN Wabash @ cc g Wabash•c., A 71 Project Area CPA-2023-01 Pane! 46355.9757 fi92,Ui•'S7Fi 46351.9743 -f23°,9963�FtjClik4.-.. 1 Scale: 1:6,000 46354.9750 -065,803spFi, ^ Vicinity Map - *Wane 46352.9 7 49 -f4I,465 Sy Ft) t�'l� IM Municipal Boundaries Map Produced: 3/1/2023 Feet .Walley' Spokane Volley Community& Public Works 0 150 300 600 ,J'ti� .Y� x — 4 X,�� r• ` +5 � �f -� _ }S n'lR ti•' a� X�llblt Map Area gi's �a �i. +. 4. "11 at •-•II ',4 IV,. ' - �' ' J�r 240 ° .. fr _ EMissionAve F qi. -I a f E Spry up Ave r ry s E Bth Ave r 1 ��r` I ,� 4b35'S -.....114---44-$-. .9ZQ� i. 27 �� s 0 4.--41p$7,' . lit . -----• , , ._ 4; - f Ti"": mit ...-• -c .- N .41 t 4. . lirli,r. . 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E INaba h,fAv Min • a, i sit W // � - a I ON(' Project Area CPh -2023-0 1 N Pcrce! 46355.9151 •1192,097 5q H1 /'+► Scale_ 1:6,000 46351.9143 -(239,9%Sr Fr, 46354.9150 -{565,E03sgFt, - Vicinity Aerial Map - Spokane -16352.9149 -(.41,465 5g FO Municipal Boundaries Map Produced:3/1,f7033 Feet � ���. Spokane Valley Community&Public Works 0 150 300 600 Exhibit 5 MapArea ' °- ' „oa or wv rs vy k`r� �cy -, 71 290 _ .A - sv • Mission Ave E Siva g Ave E Sth AvJ r } 46355.9151 27 *_ a ` , � 6. •�• .Rd 46351.9143 ?p A ' I03 o t, tio r. [ Sanson,G m A xlz• \`A p9��o 4yi Spokane g Spokane P0, County I Valley 1,6A Ave \ - _ \ I \ Queen A — i \ Queen Q ae # x i 4. G0) I 1 � �.Olympic gip. a plc `v' [f Olympic ag2 M 0' 3 it M mg Wabash p g I Wabash( -pc, �NFI °_ II Project Area (l/�/� SFR �iPA 2023- �V' 1 N /\/� Para./ 46255.9757 .(192,0v7SgFt) 46351.9143 (239,9W5Sgff; Scale: 1:6,000 rrn ix 46354.9750 =1565,803SgFt) — Existing Comprehensive Plan 46352.9149 -(41,a/SSc/Hi pok�Ile 0 Municipal Boundaries NC Iv1ci� Produced:3/1 r2023 Feet Spokane Valley Community 8, Public Works 0 150 300 600 � ey- Exhibit 6 map Are 1 '° } Ewe —'Y ' ` 71.......5290 -;- V E Mission Ave -- '° E 5hra u Ave j — E 8th2 Ave �r l 7 1 / �OC \,��R(3 cps 46351.9143 ' _ 2 :jlt�r /oib z v o Cis 1P1 Z. ql '4 p / S� ,mood 'C �pi I A a,� Spokane `Q Benson ' . Sp 0.5 Gj g Spokane ,f) Country 4 a Va 1 1 ey 9 - ,;Ave ,` ��- V° � - - m 2 it G'hz ivc - _ g Queen O �QueenIfP C3 04. 0 0 2. 2©I,ympie�. R Olympic� If Olympic ; - ��`r a 4 on i -,NE ; p L 1 co A Wabash 0W-ea CEg Project Area CP^ 202 01 N r----1 R-3 Zoning f''►" 1 Parcel =t6355.915 7 •1792.097:�r,; Scale: 1:6,000 46357.9143 -(239,996.`:r,f 1) p �t6354.4750 -t565.=SciFt; — Existing Zoning - n ri 'ne 46352.9 7 49 -i41,465 5y S Fr) j'a"'�� Municipal Boundaries 111 NC Zoning Map Proriucecl: 3/1;2023 Feet galley. Spokane Volley Community& Public Works 0 150 300 600 Exhibit 7 COMMUNITY&PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Stiokane DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE 1�T 10210 East Sprague Avenue•Spokane Valley WA 99206 Valley` 509.720.5000•Fax:509.720.5075•planning@spokanevalley.org PROJECT:Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for 2023: File Number Description Location Applicant/Owner CPA-2023-01 A request to change land use Parcels 46351.9143,46352.9149, City of Spokane designation and zoning for 46354.9150, and 46355.9151; Valley approximately 23.86 acres Single Section 35,Township 26 North, Family Residential and Range 44 East, Willamette Neighborhood Commercial to Meridian, Spokane County, Parks/Open Space. Washington LEAD AGENCY: City of Spokane Valley. DETERMINATION: Determination of Non-Significance is issued under Washington Administrative Code(WAC)197- 11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 18 days from the date issued. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m.on December 27,2022.Pursuant to Title 21,Environmental Controls of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC),the lead agency has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required under Revised Code of Washington 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. STAFF CONTACT: Levi Basinger,Planner, City of Spokane Valley,Planning Division, 10210 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206,PH: (509)720-5332/FX(509) 720-5075, Ibasineer rr.spokanevallev.org RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Chaz Bates,AICP, Planning Manager, City of Spokane ey, 1021 ast S e Avenue, Spokane Valley,WA 99206, PH: (509) 720-5033,cbates s okanevallev.or DATE ISSUED: December 9,2022 SIGNATURE: APPEAL: An appeal of this determination shall be submitted to the Community&Public Works Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued. The appeal must be written and specific factual objections made to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be conducted in conformance with SVMC 17.90 Appeals,and any required fees pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Schedule shall be paid at the time of appeal submittal. Pursuant to WAC 197-11- 680, appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. City of Spokane Valley Determination of Non-Significance(DNS) Page 1 of 1 File No.CPA-2023-01 Exhibit 8 STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: Received by: Fee: PLUS #: File#: PART I—REQUIRED MATERIAL **THE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT PROVIDED** ❑ Completed SEPA Checklist ❑ Application Fee ❑ Reduced Site Plan of proposal in 81/2" by 11" or 11" by 17" size ❑ Trip Distribution and Generation Letter, if requested by Development Engineering. PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SFPA), chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment.The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS.Answer the questions briefly,with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully,to the best of your knowledge. In most cases,you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal,write "do not know" or"does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems,the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects.The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON-PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for non-project proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NON-PROJECT ACTIONS (Part D). Exhibit 8 For non-project actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: CPA-2023-01. An amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the 2017-2037 Comprehensive Plan. 2. Name of applicant; City of Spokane Valley 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 10210 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Contact: Levi Basinger, Planner, Community and Public Works Division. (509) 720-533, lbasinger@spokanevalley.org 4. Date checklist prepared; November 2, 2022 5. Agency requesting checklist; City of Spokane Valley 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Anticipated adoption June 2023 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? Yes. If yes, explain.The property is planned for future park space. Future development may require a separate SEPA process. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was completed for the City's Comprehensive Plan.The document is titled 2017-2037 Comprehensive Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and supporting Development Regulations. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? None. if yes, explain. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Approval by City Council. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site.There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.)The amendment is to change approximately 19 acres of Single Family Residential (SFR) designated land and approximately 10 acres of Neighborhood Commercial (NC) designated land to a designation of Parks, Recreation and Open Space (P/OS).The change Exhibit 8 would formally recognize the public ownership and intended use of the property. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including street address, if any, and section,township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The proposal is generally located west and south of N Progress Road and east of N Forker Road.The property is vacant and unaddressed.The parcel numbers are 46351.9143, 46352.9149,46354.9150, and 46355.9151 and can be further located using these coordinates: 47.708267, - 117.206544.The property is located adjacent to the northern city boundary. 13. Does the proposed action lie within the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA)? The general Sewer Service Area?Yes. Priority Sewer Service Area?Yes. (See: Spokane County's ASA Overlay zone Atlas for boundaries). 14. The following questions supplement Part A: a. Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA)/Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA). 1. Describe any systems, other than those designed for the disposal of sanitary waste, installed for the purpose of discharging fluids below the ground surface (includes systems such as those for the disposal of stormwater or drainage from floor drains). Describe the type of system, the amount of materials to be disposed of through the system and the types of material likely to be disposed of (including materials which may enter the system inadvertently through spills or as a result of firefighting activities).This is a non-project action changing the future land use map. Future development would be analyzed under separate SEPA process. 2. Will any chemicals (especially organic solvents or petroleum fuels) be stored in aboveground or underground storage tanks? If so,what types and quantities of material will be stored? This is a non-project action changing the future land use map. Future development would be analyzed under a separate SEPA process. 3. What protective measures will be taken to insure that leaks or spills of any chemicals stored or used on site will not be allowed to percolate to groundwater?This includes measures to keep chemicals out of disposal systems.This is a non-project action changing the future land use map. Future development would be analyzed under separate SEPA process. 4. Will any chemicals be stored, handled or used on the site in a location where a spill or leak will drain to surface or groundwater or to a stormwater disposal system discharging to surface or groundwater?This is a non-project action changing the future land use map. Future development would be analyzed under separate SEPA process. b. Stormwater 1. What are the depths on the site to groundwater and to bedrock (if known)? Unknown Exhibit 8 2. Will stormwater be discharged into the ground? If so, describe any potential impacts. This is a non-project action changing the future land use map. Future development would be analyzed under separate SEPA process. B. Environmental Elements 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one):flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous,other: floodplain. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Unknown What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand,gravel, peat, much)? If you know the classification of agricultural souls, specify them and note any prime farmland.This is a non-project action changing the future land use map.The site is currently undeveloped, and the application does not evaluate a specific future use.Any future changes will be reviewed under a separate SEPA process. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity?No. If so, describe. Describe the purpose,type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed.Also indicate source of fill. Not applicable. c. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so,generally describe. Not applicable. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Not applicable. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any: Not applicable. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Not applicable. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? Yes. If so,generally describe.The site is accessed from Porker Road and Progress Road, both considered minor arterials, from the west and north respectively.The site also has frontage along Bigelow Gulch Road to the east. Wellesley Avenue is located further south.These are all sources of vehicle emissions affecting the site in question.A realignment of Bigelow Gulch Road directly north of the site and an extension of Sullivan Road southeast was recently completed. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Not Applicable. 3. Water a. Surface: Exhibit 8 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate,state what stream or river it flows into. A seasonal stream (DNR Type F) is located on the property in question and flows into a drainage channel, which is deposited into a stormwater storage basin where it infiltrates into the soil.The stream type and its route were identified in a 2015 Water Type Modification. The stream also appears as a riverine wetland on the National Wetland Inventory. 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.This is a non-project action changing the future land use map.The site is currently undeveloped, and the application does not evaluate a specific future use.Any future changes will be reviewed under a separate SEPA process. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected and the source of fill material. Not applicable. 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not appliable. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain?Yes. If so, note location on the site plan. Almost the entire property is located in the 100-year floodplain.This property was subject to a Letter of Map Revision in 2018(LOMR 18-10-1264P), amending the Flood Insurance Rate Map in this location.As a result, most of the property is located in the floodplain,flood zones AE and AO. The flood zone designations that apply to the site are Zones AE and AO. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? if so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Not applicable. b. Ground: 1, Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities known. Not applicable. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system,the number of such systems,the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Not applicable. c. Water runoff(including stormwater): 1. Describe the source of runoff(including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow?Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe.This is a non-project action changing the future [and use map.The site is currently undeveloped,and the application does not evaluate a specific future use. Any future changes will Exhibit 8 be reviewed under a separate SEPA process. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface,ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: This is a non-project action changing the future land use map. The site is currently undeveloped, and the application does not evaluate a specific future use. Any future changes will be reviewed under a separate SEPA process. 4. Plants a. Circle types of vegetation found on the site: 1. Deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other 2. Evergreen tree:fir, cedar, pine, other 3. Shrubs 4. Grass 5. Pasture 6. Crop or grain 7. Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other 8. Water plants:water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other 9. Other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None proposed c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Not appliable. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: 1. Birds: hawk, heron, eagle,songbirds, other 2. Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other 3. Fish: bass, salmon,trout, herring,shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part off a migration route? Not applicable. If so, explain. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Not applicable. 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil,wood stove, solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Not applicable. Exhibit 8 b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Not applicable. 7. Environmental health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. This is a non-project action changing the future land use map.The site is currently undeveloped, and the application does not evaluate a specific future use.Any future changes will be reviewed under a separate SEPA process. 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not applicable. 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example:traffic, equipment, operation, other)?The site is adjacent to a residential neighborhood and an arterial road. Future development may account for these noises in design. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example:traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Not applicable. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Not applicable. 8. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties?The site is currently owned by the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Unknown. c. Describe any structures on the site. There are no structures on site. d. Will any structures be demolished? No. if so,what? e. What is the current zoning classification of the site?Single-Family Residential (R-3) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC). f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site?Single-Family Residential and Neighborhood Commercial Exhibit 8 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. The site is located in the 100-year floodplain and contains a seasonal stream onsite. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? None. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Not applicable. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans. If any: Not applicable. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provide, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not applicable. b. Approximately how many units, if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low- income housing. Not applicable. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas? What is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Not applicable. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Not applicable. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Not applicable. 11. Light and glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Not applicable. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not applicable. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Not applicable. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Not applicable. 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?The nearest formal park is Plante's Ferry Park approximately 2 miles to the southwest. East Valley Middle School and East Valley High School are located 0.4 miles to the south and both provide recreation Exhibit 8 opportunities. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any:This is a non-project action changing the future land use map.The site is currently undeveloped, and the application does not evaluate a specific future use. Any future changes will be reviewed under a separate SEPA process. 13. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? No. If so,generally describe. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological,scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Unknown. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not applicable. 14. -Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system.Show on site plans, if any.The site is currently undeveloped.There are informal access points from N Forker Road and N Progress Road. b. Is site currently served by public transit? No. If not,what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop?The nearest transit stop is located 0.3 miles south at Progress and Wellesley. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Not applicable. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? Not applicable. If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private).While the land use change does not require improvements,future site development will improve access to new park space established on site. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? if so, generally describe. Not applicable. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Not applicable. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any:The city's adopted comprehensive plan adopts a level of service for transportation services.There are ongoing improvements to the transportation system in the vicinity, but these improvements were not due to future development of Exhibit 8 SEPA CHECKLIST ka Sti � P Valle the site in question. 15. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example:fire protection, police protection, health care,schools, other)?No.The city's adopted comprehensive plan adopts a level of service for public services. Future development will be analyzed under a separate SEPA process for impacts to those services. If so, generally describe. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services,if any. Not applicable. 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: 1. Electricity 2. Natural gas 3. Water 4. Refuse service 5. Telephone 6. Sanitary sewer 7. Septic system 8. Other-describe While the site is undeveloped,it has access to a variety of utilities including water, sewer, refuse service,and electricity. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the service,and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Not applicable. C. Signature The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: l Date: r— — Submitted: D. Supplemental Sheet for Non-Project Actions (Do not use this sheet for project actions) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent of the proposal,or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal,would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production,storage,or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise?Traffic generated from future park use on site causing increased vehicle emissions and discharge of vehicle pollutants to watercourses and Page 10 of 12 PL-22 V1.0 Exhibit 8 groundwater. a, Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Development of the site would require pollutants from vehicles in storm runoff be treated in stormwater basins. Increase in vehicle emissions in the immediate vicinity generated by future use of the site would be mitigated by improved traffic circulation applied at development of the site. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals,fish, or marine life? Increase in human activity onsite. a. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: Maintain water and drainage courses, preserve open spaces, and enhance vegetation with future landscape plans. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Electricity used on site to power facilities on site. a. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: Limit hours of public use for the site during normal operations and implement seasonal restrictions for public use of site facilities (i.e. restrooms). 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study)for governmental protection; such as parks,wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites,wetlands,floodplains, or prime farmlands? Increase in human activity on site and development of the site for public access and recreation. a. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: Review of environmentally sensitive areas during future SEPA process and at time of site development. All development on site would be required to meet requirements for development in the floodplain,which includes a requirement for net loss in flood storage capacity. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? Not applicable; no shoreline areas present. a. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: Not applicable. 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Additional traffic generated from future park use on site. a. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: Review impacts to roadway level of service at time of site development. Necessary improvements to the adjacent transportation network would be made at time of site development to maintain levels of service and maintain vehicle circulation. Exhibit 8 SEPA CHECKLIST paaane .Valley. 7. Identify, if possible,whether the proposal may conflict with local,state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment.The proposal will not conflict with any local,state,and federal laws or requirements for environmental protection. Future development of the site will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable laws and requirements. E. Signature I,the undersigned,swear under penalty of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that,should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part,the agency may withdraw any Determination of Nonsignificance that it might issue in reliance upon this check list. Date: l Signature: Please print or type: Levi Basinger Proponent:City of Spokane Valley Address: 10210 E Sprague Avenue Phone:(509)720-5332 Person completing form (if different from proponent): Name: Address: Phone: DISCLAIMER: By accepting this permit and proceeding with the work, the applicant/permittee and owner acknowledges and agrees that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inures to the property owner. 3) The applicant/permittee is the property owner or has full permission and authority to represent the property owner in this project and carry out the work specified in the permit. 4)All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code. The applicable codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The applicant/permittee further declares that they are either: (A) a contractor currently registered and properly licensed in accordance with Chapter 18.27 RCW; (B) the registered or legal owner or authorized agent of the property for which I am applying for permit and not a licensed contractor; or (C) otherwise exempt from the requirements set forth in RCW 18.27.090 and will abide by ail provisions and conditions of the exemption as stated. 6) The City of Spokane Valley permit is a permit to carry out the work as specified therein and is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 7) Compliance with all federal, state, and local laws shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant/permlttee and property owner. 8) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. The City is not responsible for any code violation through the issuance of this permit. 9) Failure to request and obtain the necessary inspections and inspection approvals may necessitate stoppage of work and/or removal of certain parts of the construction at the applicant's/permittee's or property owner's expense. Page 12 of 12 PL-22 V1.0 Exhibit 9 Hearing Date Pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC) 17.80.120,Notice of Public Hearing,the Building &Planning Division is sending notice of a public hearing to all property owners within 400 feet of project number CPA-2023-01. The public hearing for this project is scheduled for Thursday,April 13,2023 beginning at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as can be heard, in Room 109; Centerplace Regional Event Center; 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA 99216. Meeting Details: The hearing will be conducted in person, with the option to attend remotely using web and telephone conference tools.A link to the Zoom meeting will be provided on the agenda and posted to the City's webpage: www.spokanevalley.org/pianningcommission. Project Information Project Number: CPA-2023--01 Application A request to change land use designation and zoning for approximately Description: 23.86 acres Single Family Residential and Neighborhood Commercial to Parks/Open Space for parcels 46351.9143, 46352.9149,46354.9150, and 46355.9151. Location: The property consists of four vacant parcels located between Bigelow Gulch Road, Forker Road, and Progress Road, Section 35, Township 26 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Owner/Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Staff Contact: Levi Basinger,Planner, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206;phone: (509)720-5332; email: Iasinger cr,spokanevallev.org Hearing Process and Appeals The Planning Commission will conduct the hearing pursuant to the rules of procedure adopted in SVMC Title 18 (Boards and Authorities). Any appeal of the Planning Commission's decision will be based on the record established before the Planning Commission,pursuant to SVMC 17.90 (Appeals). The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation on the request to the Spokane Valley City Council. Providing Comments The public is encouraged to provide comment in person at the hearing, or to submit written comments prior to the hearing by sending the comments to Levi Basinger, 10210 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, or email to lasinger@spokanevallev.org. Comments will need to be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on April 13, 2023 in order for them to be received and prepared for submission into the record. Comments received will be entered into the record at the time of the public participation portion of the Public Hearing. Comments received through US Mail will be included if they are received prior to the hearing. All interested persons may testify at the public hearing in person or via the zoom meeting address and/or phone number. Interested persons will need to sign up via.ZOOM to speak no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 13, 2023 at the link provided in the agenda posted at the link referenced above. Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments. The link will direct you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion.Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. Written comments and documents may only be submitted prior to the hearing. Environmental Determination Pursuant to Title 21, Environmental Controls of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), the lead agency has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. A Exhibit 9 Determination of Non-Significance was issued under Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11- 340(2) on December 9,2022. The comment period for the determination ended December 27,2022. Staff Report and Inspection of File A staff report will be available for inspection seven (7) calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and other associated documents may be inspected by searching under"Current Agenda"at this web address: www.spokanevalley.org/planningcommission. If you have any questions, please contact Levi Basinger, Planner,Building&Planning Division, at(509)720-5332 or Iasinger(lispokanevalley.org. I { r+'y� ' ,` oao-4�rnccRFa,,,, Pursuing Excellence f e i CFAI 9 ISO FRANKSoro JR,FIRE CHIEF 'sad' 2120 N.Wilbur 1.1ki 2021_2676 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)928-1700 Main (509) 892-4125 Fax December 7, 2022 spokanevalleyfire.com Permit#: CPA-2023-0001 Project Address: West& South of Progress Road and East of Forker Road Project Description: Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 2023/SEPA— Environmental Checklist Levi Basinger 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Technical Review Comments The Spokane Valley Fire Department has completed a review for the above referenced project and has no comments on the SEPA checklist. All specific Fire Department requirements shall be conditioned on associated commercial permits. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely,)]]re� // e iy et, eJ rT Traci Harvey Fire Protection Engineer Spokane Valley Fire Department Exhibit 10 From: Polak.Chad M To: Levi Basinger Subject: FW: SEPA Determination for 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Date: Wednesday, December 7,2022 12:31:09 PM Attachments: lmage001,i oq Threshold Determination CPA-2023-01.odf Como Plan Amendment Map.pdf SEPA Checklist CPA-2023-0001,W [EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley.Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Good Afternoon Levi, There is no impact to the YPL pipeline and we do not have any questions. Sincerely, Chad M. Polak Agent, Real Estate Services 0: (+1) 303.376.4363 I M: (+1) 720.245.4683 3960 East 56th Avenue I Commerce City, CO 80022 Phillips 66 From: Levi Basinger<lbasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 12:04 PM To: Bart Sistek<bart_sistek@comcast.com>; Central Valley School District#356 <jrowell@cvsd.org>; CenturyLink<Karen.Stoddard@centurylink.com>; Polak, Chad M <Chad.M.Polak@p66.com>; Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Chelsea Harris (Chelsea.Harris@PARKS.WA.GOV) <Chelsea.Harris@PARKS.WA.GOV>; Christina Janssen (City of Millwood) <planning@millwoodwa.us>; City of Liberty Lake<LKey@libertylakewa.gov>; Comcast <Ryan_Engles@comcast.com>; connor.lange@avistacorp.com; Consolidated Irrigation District#19 <consolidatedirrigation@comcast.net>; David Moore (David.J.Moore@usace.army.mil) <David.J.Moore@usace.army.mil>; Deborah Johnson <SEPA.reviewteam@doh.wa.gov>; DJELLIS@spokanesheriff.org; East Spokane Water District#1<dist1@comcast.net>; East Valley School District#361<smithL0@evsd.org>; Felts Field - Ryan Sheehan <rsheehan@spokaneairports.net>; Hallie Ladd (hallie.ladd@ecy.wa.gov) <hallie.ladd@ecy.wa.gov>; Henry Allen <hallen@spokanevalley.org>; Hutchinson Irrigation District <hutchinsonid16@qwestoffice.net>; Inland Power& Light<connien@inlandpower.com>; Irvin Water District<irvinwater@windwireless.net>; James Stuchell (james_stuchell@comcast.com) <james_stuchell@comcast.com>;Jamie Short (jaime.short@ecy.wa.gov) <jaime.short@ecy.wa.gov>; Jason Beesley(jbeesley@modernelectricwater.com) <jbeesley@modernelectricwater.com>;Jazdzyk, Eric (Parks) <Eric.Jazdzyk@PARKS.WA.GOV>;Jeney Jr., Dennis <dennis.jeneyjr@fema.dhs.gov>; Jenny Nickerson <jnickerson@spokanevalley.org>;Jerremy Clark<jclark@spokanevalley.org>; jfields@verawaterandpower.com;John Bottelli <jbottelli@spokanevalley.org>;Jordan, Dale J (Jess) NWS<Dale,J.Jordan@usace.army.mil>; Kelly Williquette<kwilliquette@scwd3.org>; Lara Gricar <Lara.Gricar@Parks.wa.gov>; Limon,Tara <tlimon@spokanetransit.com>; Louis Acosta <lacosta@spokanesheriff.org>; Lynn Schmidt(Lyns461@ecy.wa.gov) <Lyns461@ecy.wa.gov>; Marty Exhibit 10 To Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org From: Dawn Dompier Date: 12/12/2022 Subject: CPA-2023-01 Project Name: 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Stage: DNS Description: Change land use from SFR to Parks/Open Space Site Address: The Spokane County Public Works Wastewater FA01 System Division has no objection to the finalization of the above mentioned project. If your project requires a sewer plan submittal, please refer to the requirements here: • Development Plan Review Checklist Additional General Commercial Sewer information can be found here: • General Commercial Sewer Info I Water Usage Estimate Form Sewer Planning and Design webpage • Sewer Planning&Design Exhibit 1 1 From: lnnachka Goleta To: J evi Basinger Subject: Project#CPA-2023-01 Date: Saturday,April 1,2023 7:50:39 PM [EXTERNAL]This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley.Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Hello, I am writing in regards to the project#CPA-2023--01 in favor of changing the land use from Single Family Residential and Neighborhood Commercial to Parks/Open Space.The four vacant parcels are home to many species of birds and other wildlife. American Goldfinches, House Finches, Clark-Eyed Juncos,Song Sparrows, Northern Flickers, Red-tailed Hawks, and the Great Horned Owls are just a few of the many birds that call the vacant parcels "home." I believe that wildlife should be preserved in any and every way possible. Creating a Park/Open Space instead of new developments would ensure that the wildlife will not be forced to move elsewhere.The park should be planned in a way that benefits the community and the wildlife as well; perhaps even sectioning off parcel 46355.9151 and parcel 46352.9149 as natural areas for wildlife. Sidewalks and paved pathways would make bicycle riding and walking more safe and enjoyable. In conclusion, I am FOR the parcels to be Park/Open Space parcels. Thank you for your consideration. Irma Goleta Exhibit 11 Levi Basinger From: Christine Beirouty <cbeirouty@ggmail.com> Sent: Thursday,April 6, 2023 11:18 AM To: Levi Basinger Subject: RE: Project Number CPA-2023-01 [EXTERNAL]This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley.Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Good Morning I am one of the homeowners in the new development next to the proposed project area. Last year, when we selected our lot for our new build, we were told by the builders that nobody would be able to build behind us-and that is the main reason we chose the lot that we did. My mother in law spoke to one of our neighbors today to which the neighbor said she was told the exact same thing- and I am certain we have more neighbors who were told the same thing. We do NOT want any homes built behind us - and the area itself doesn't seem to make sense to build homes. It's too close to Bigelow/Forker and too close to the power lines. New homes don't need to fill up every single empty space. LEAVE IT ALONE. Thank you Christine 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23,2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: n consent n old business n new business n public hearing n information ® admin.report n pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report Street Vacation: 6,900-sq. ft of public-right-of-way south of the intersection of 22nd Ave. and Glenview Circle. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 22.140; Revised Code of Washington(RCW) 35A.47.020 and chapter 35.79 RCW PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On April 4, 2023, City Council adopted Resolution 23-005 to set April 27, 2023 as street vacation STV-2023-0001 public hearing date before the Planning Commission. BACKGROUND: The Oaks Education Association has requested the vacation of approx. 6,900 square feet (0.16 acres) of public right-of-way. The right-of-way to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection of 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle. The right-of-way is unimproved and does not extend further south. The right-of-way was originally dedicated in 1968 as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition. The right-of-way to be vacated is surrounded on three sides by property owned by the applicant,Oaks Education Association. The Planning Commission conducted a study session on April 13, 2023 and held a public hearing on April 27, 2023. Following public testimony and deliberations, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 (one Commissioner was absent) to recommend the City Council approve STV-2023-0001. The findings and recommendations were approved by the Planning Commission on May 11, 2023. Following the Planning Commission's recommendation and findings, the City Council shall determine whether to vacate the street or alley. The determination shall consider the findings of the Planning Commission. Division of Vacated Right-of-Way to Abutting Property Owners If Council approves the street vacation request,the ordinance shall specify that the vacated portion of the street shall belong to abutting property owners. There are two parcels, both owned by Oaks Education Association, adjacent to the right-of-way to be vacated. The vacated property shall be transferred one-half to each of the abutting parcels since that is from where the right-of-way originated. Compensation for Right-of-Way The City Council reserves the right to require compensation as a condition of approval of the street vacation, and any required compensation shall be paid to the City prior to the City's participation in required title transfer actions. On November 8, 2022, Council adopted Resolution 22-020, providing guidance for computing the compensation for street vacations. The table below presents the analysis conducted consistent with Resolution 22-020 to determine the appraised value of the vacated property. RCA Administrative Report for STV-2023-0001 Page 1 of 2 Parcel Number Appraised Market Lot Size in Appraised Value per Value (2023)1 S•uare Feet Si uare Foot 45281.2104 $90,000 14,375 I $6.26 45281.2802 $891,880 356,751 I $2.50 Average value per square feet $4.38 Approx. square feet of public right of way 6,900 Appraised value for area of street vacation 6,900 sf x$4.38 =$30,225.02 50%of appraised value $30,225.02 x 50%= $15,112.51 Cost to purchase right of way=$15,112.51 'Value of land only established by the Spokane County Assessor As shown in the table above, pursuant to Resolution 22-020, the cost for the applicant to purchase the vacated right of way would be approximately $15,112.51. The exact cost of purchase shall be determined by the final square footage of the area to be vacated according to the record of survey. OPTIONS: Consensus to proceed with ordinance first reading as proposed; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consensus to proceed with an ordinance first reading at the May 30, 2023 Council meeting. STAFF CONTACT: Levi Basinger,Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. PowerPoint Presentation 2. Signed Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations 3. Approved Planning Commission Meeting Minutes: a. April 13,2023 b. April 27,2023 (unsigned) 4. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission RCA Administrative Report for STV-2023-0001 Page 2 of 2 Oaks Education Association Vacation STV-2023-0001 City Council Administrative Report May 23, 2023 Levi Basinger, Planner Spokane �Va11ey° Location 'vacation . _.. STV-2023-0001 ilb4o SLlrl Grew LIr Glenview Clr GI n 'fi7' v (^Ir —11619-E 11707E k 11710 E 11819-E !.45281.99D2,; - ril 45281.171 4 -. '„ , © 5 B 6 P . • Swwiewr Glerwiew rr GlenviewlCir GlenviewCr P t U a 1•,�,,.;.- 05281.1'.r 052$1�171 05281.1803 1 45281.17021 . .. `ea �•"� �.. ti. m tr 111i23�� 1k.'E a Q 1 J Q 1 s� 119 n' S[r4.,i6w Clr .a C �' m �7 rutg fIVIP Irl iI[C�'S A _' Ir 2215d 11�l3 E 11703E; 11704E 17822E `- 45281!17011f 1199 45281 19 2 1 0 i ` .0m3 ;i7•-- 528 11823-E- 452 A !5 l0,Q'i 1 Sunvleev it Glelrvlew9e+Ci Glenview Ci 22nc Gl281.18enveJC1r .ra[ n dAveg' 0 5281.1901 4528111A2 45281.1806 45281.1808 n o o 528 , ". 2 2 o I 2 n i --a�ao Qmc i E 22n"d-Av _ 9Q Vie-. OW]L Ex 117.1:'E 1168 `c19824 ndAveE r221nc Right-of-way to 11824-E -119G 117211E 1-1868- 2222nd Ave J� 22nt - 11706 4nnd528 Ave 421,1d 5 8 2 02 0 5281 2101 P I 452E IIlligri be vacated 22nd Ave d52812793 _ ._ -4 :1`- 45281.2 04 - •- - .. 1 PI .=' j 23rd Ave it 11907E -x`f . 5281.1633 23rd Ave '- 4111905 Ei 45281.1633 - 11905 E h Rd. - p 2--251 Ave • Rd •23rd Ave 801 • A5261.1637 �1 45281.1633 .. o .� Q . .. 11711 E LJ� '. I I ;' - ".- 24th Ave O .f _--. 45281.2802 - ...,. .I, .— , 't • , E \ 7, 24t" Avenue ®i*4141., fil 24th Avenue IA 24th E 24th Ave _ _ E; jy� g 1 M++++ 11812E 41906 E1- 1, -11616;E r / — 11812E 11906 E- v ..� 1 1 eE 5 4i��. ti, h .�.;..� 2.4_th Ave E, 2414 Z4tt1 ve 124th Ave � 5 4 Ave 2d C,Sx3' i6224:; ,-1.A-1."76*-5Tr-11t.41—' r 45284 0402- It nicA 11706E 1171$E 24th Ave 241: '�45284A525 24ih ASe 2dih ASe 45284.0405 45084.0402 llnk _ -1 ,S.,y,3 (�. `I•e•] 45284. •r 11816E 11810E �052E 71622 E 45284.0409 45284.0407 118165E 11820 E o 521 dthA y `iE hth�Ave - 4lh Ave' . `� 241h Aver. 511712E 11808E 24th Ave 24[h Ave_ 2' - >a��nd n752844.'i5284.0-403`_ ,, 05/23/2023 CC Administrative Report - STV-2023-0001 2 tu Process .� L. ct cw "tz "tz i.: cw "tz cw ,cJ / nistrativss.e .- ReportcJ awcJ cw Study Session May 23, 2023 P4 I April 13, 2023 a o cw Ord. 1 st o 8 •A-0 Lizil 1—oci, - 'cJ Public Hearing Reading '~ �% .� �o April 2023 ct -a• c p o May 30, 2023 g 9 o ..i 72 Findings of i7IP Ord. o O Fact V a 'cw p4 8 Cs) p� 2n Reading May 11, 2023 June 6, 2023 Vi Vi 17 Decision L` J J 1 st Phas of street 2nd Ph se of street vacation vacation 05/23/2023 CC Administrative Report - STV-2023-0001 3 Public Hearing Noticing POSTING : • Posted at the area to be vacated • Posted in 3 places within City ( City Hall , CenterPlace and Spokane Valley Library) WRITTEN NOTICE : • Mailed to property owner abutting vacation PUBLISHED : • Published in Valley Herald 2 times 0=,23,2023 CC Administrative Report s.V-20230001 Street Vacation Details s ,,....___ , 4. _. _\____ DEDICATION OF ROW' -- : _; Yip -` Right-of-way to be vacated • Glenview Acres 3 Add : .Py ��� rays EXISTING CONDITIONS: = •I I I i ! • 6 900 SF 0. 16 acres) - • • Unimproved except • 1 _ �� ,`R • Curbing %• , ........ • Pr iv a t e driveway ,...,-, ,.. ,, , , ,,, .,idliralli • - r 1 ,, ,_, i EXISTING UTILITIES: _ -:-_ ' r • Lumen ( buried cable) tli• • „£ • Modern Electric Water ,.. FI<t 11 (overhead line) ,.__,_. . - ---_�_ _�_ _-. a r-_- - _ /�_ 05/23/2023 CC Administrative Report - STV-2023-0001 5 Planning Commission Recommendation Approve STV-2023-0001 with conditions: Start work to satisfy conditions shall be within 90 days of approval Install curb and sidewalk along 22nd Ave across vacated ROW Modify driveway approach for 11706 E 22nd to tie into improvements Record easements for maintenance of existing utilities in ROW Pay all costs of title transfer Apply R-2 zoning to vacated right-of-way Record of Survey and Ordinance shall be recorded by City 5/23/2023 CC Administrative Report- STV-2023-0001 Estimated Value of Vacation per Res 22 -020 Per Resolution 22-020 the applicant shall pay the cost for vacated property at a rate of 50% of the appraised value for property acquired by the City through dedication. Parcel Number Appraised Land Value (2023)1 Lot Size in Appraised Value per Square Feet Square Foot 45281.2104 $90,000 14,375 $6.26 45281.2802 $891,880 356,751 $2.50 Average appraised value per square feet $4.38 Approx. square feet of public right of way2 6,900 Appraised value for the area of street vacation (6,900 sf x $4.38 ) $30,225.02 50% of appraised value ($30,222 x 50% ) $15,112.51 Cost to purchase right of way =$15,112.51 'Appraised value established by the Spokane County Assessor 2Exact area to be determined by record of survey 5/23/2023 CC Administrative Report - STV-2023-0001 Questions? sore)"ne Valley® 5/23/2023 City Council - Administrative Report for STV-2023-0001 8 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION Pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 17.80,150(1 ) the Planning Commission shall consider the proposal and shall prepare and forward a recommendation to the City Council following the public hearing. The following findings are consistent with the Planning Commission's decision to recommend approval of File No. STV-2023-0001. A. Background: 1. Chapter 22.140 SVMC, governing street vacations. 2. STV-2023-000I is a privately initiated street vacation request to vacate 6,900 square feet of public right-of-way south of the intersection of 22"d Avenue and Glenview Circle. 3. The Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on April 27, 2023. 4. On April 27, 2023, the Planning Commission conducted deliberations and voted unanimously to recommend approval of STV-2023-0001 to the City Council. B. Planning Commission Findings: Compliance with SVMC 22.140.030 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public. The area proposed to be vacated is surrounded on three sides by private property owned by the same owner. Although it is unimproved, the City is obligated to maintain and prohibit encroachments into the right-of-way. The adjacent property owner desires to take ownership and maintenance of the area and improve it as part of their private property.The City's Senior Traffic Engineer supports the vacation with driveway access as proposed on the site plan approved with the Trip Generation and Distribution Letter, which is to the west of the proposed vacation. Traffic does not support the use of the area proposed to be vacated as access to school development and a condition to curb the right-of-way has been included. The vacation of this right-of-way will better serve the public by reducing maintenance obligations or the City, eliminating a potential safety hazard at an existing street intersection, and allowing full development of the adjacent private property. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access. The area proposed to be vacated is currently unimproved and is not being used for public access. The street is no longer required for public use or access and is not required for current or future public access or use, Additionally. development immediately to the south precludes the extension of the public street in its current alignment. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be inure useful to the public. There is no substitution being proposed as part of the vacation. The City's review has determined there is no need for a new or different public way. The right of way was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968 as the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle. The south leg of the intersection, and the large tracts of land south of 22nd Avenue have remained largely undeveloped. As a result, the intersection between 22nd and Glenview has functioned as Findings and Recommendations attic Spokane Valley Planning Commission STV-2023.0001 Page I of 4 a three-way intersection since its initial construction. No additional right of way is needed to substitute the subject right of way to be vacated. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater Use Or need than presently exists. Development immediately to the south precludes a future extension of the public street. No changes would occur in the future that would require the use of the subject right-of-way for public access. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. No objections by the utility providers or governmental agencies have been received. One public objection was received prior to the public hearing, with concerns that allowing the property owner to use the vacated right of way for access would create more traffic locally. Similar concerns regarding additional access to the Oaks Academy private school site from 22"a Avenue were voiced by concerned members of the public at the public hearing. According to public testimony, large numbers of students use 22"`I Avenue to walk to and from the nearby public schools of Bowdish Middle School and South Pines Elementary School. As part of the Oaks Academy development,a sidewalk is being constructed on the southside of 22"d Avenue from Bowdish to the eastern edge of the proposed vacated right- of-way. An existing condition of approval included extending the curb across the proposed vacation. During deliberations the Planning Commission made, in response to public testimony, a recommendation to extend the sidewalk being installed by the applicant as part of the Oaks Academy construction project to the east across the vacated portion of right of way consistent with the extension of the curb. C. Conclusions: The findings confirm that the criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. D. Recommendation: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends the City Council approve STV-2023-0001 subject to the following conditions: 1. Initial work to satisfy the conditions of the street vacation (File No. STV-2023-000 I), including ail conditions below, shall be submitted to the City for review within 90 days following the effective date of approval by the City. 2. The vacated property shall be transferred one half to each owner of the abutting parcels, parcel numbers 45281.2802 and 45281.2104, as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office pursuant to Condition 3 below. Such property shall become part of each abutting parcel. 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of -survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable casements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be completed. 4. The adjacent property owners shall purchase from the City the public right of way to be vacated Findings and Recommendations nrthe Spokane Valley Planning Commission S"rV-2023-000I Page 2 or consistent with Resolution 2.2-020. The exact cost of purchase shall be determined by the final square footage of the area to be vacated according to the record of survey. 5. An easement acceptable to Lumen and Modern Electric Water Company for access and maintenance of existing utilities within the area to be vacated shall be established. The location and recording number shall he shown on the record of survey. 6. The existing curb returns at Glenview Circle shall be removed and Type `A' curb and sidewalk shall he installed along 22"d Avenue across the vacated portion of Glenview Circle per Spokane Valley Street Standards (SVSS) prior to recording the record of survey. The applicant shall meet the following requirements during and after construction: a. Construction within the public right-of-way shall he pert-brined under the direct supervision of a licensed Washington State Professional Engineer and in accordance with the Spokane Valley Street Standards. All work is subject to inspection by the City of Spokane Valley Development Engineering Construction Inspector. • b. Upon completion of the improvements, a Construction Certification package per SVSS Chapter 9 shall he submitted and approved prior to recording of the Street Vacation Ordinance. c. A Warranty Surety shall be provided for the public improvements per SVSS Chapter 9. 7. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E. 22"d Avenue shall be extended to the required Type 'A' curb and sidewalk installed per SVSS prior to recording the record of survey. 8. Any unpaved area located north of the required Type `A' curb within the proposed vacated area shall be paved per SVSS prior to recording the record of survey. 9. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer of the vacated right-of-way from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees, shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not, and does not, assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs For the transfer of title. 10. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall he automatically extended over the entirety of the vacation,and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting Ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 11. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 12. All recording fees shall be paid by the proponent prior to recording. 13. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission STV-2023-000l Page 3 of 4 Approved this 11t1i day of May 2023 'tanning Commission, Chairman ATTEST 1r �4 Marianne 1.enl(His, Office Assistant Findings arid Rccummcndtttians of the Spokane Wiley Planning Commission STV-2023-000I Page 4 o14 Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Room 109—Centerplace Regional Event Center April 13,2023 I. Planning Commission Vice-Chair Walt Haneke called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. II. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Deluechi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Val Dimitrov, absent Chaz Bates,Planning Manager Karl Granrath, absent Levi Basinger, Planner Walt Haneke Chad Knodel, IT Manager Bob McKinley Marianne Lemons,Administrative Assistant Nancy Miller, absent Daniel Wilson There was consensus from the Planning Commission to excuse Chairman Granrath, Commissioner Miller, &Commissioner Dimitrov, III. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the agenda for April 13, 2023 as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed. IV. MINUTES: Commissioner Wilson moved to approve the March 9, 2023 minutes as presented There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed V. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Wilson reported that he attended the Spokane Valley 20-year celebration on April l't, 2023. He stated that it was very well done and organized. Conunissioner Wilson also reported that he visited the regional water/wastewater treatment facility. He gave a report of how the treatment facility works and encouraged the public to visit the facility. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There was no'administrative report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 a. Public Hearing; 2023 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments The public hearing was opened at 6:12 p.m. Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report, He explained that the Growth Management Act (GMA)allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once a year. The City received one proposed site-specific map amendment during the application timeframe. Mr. Basinger stated that the applicant/owner of the proposed property change is the City of Spokane Valley. The requested amendment is to change the zoning from Single-Family Residential (SFR)and Neighborhood Commercial (NC)to Parks,Recreation,& Open Space (P/OS), The amendment will expand the P/OS zone by 23.9 acres. Mr.Basinger explained that multiple types of critical areas have been identified on site. The Critical Areas Map shows an existing stream/drainage channel on the north side of the site and the location of the floodplain. He explained that much of the site is defined as Flood Zone AO,which is defined as an area of shallow flooding,usually in the form of sheet flow, with an average depth ranging from. 1 to 3 feet. Given the strict building requirements applied to structures in the floodplain, open fields allowing for passive or active recreation,with no or few structures, are ideal for locations such as these. In addition,there are several easements identified on or adjacent to the subject site. Mr. Basinger stated that the area is identified in the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. The change will provide new park space for residents hi an area of the City that is lacking in park space. The proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses. The change will also preserve open space in the flood plain/critical areas. He stated that the City has determined that the site is not conducive for building but will serve well as park/open space land. Mr. Basinger reported that the Planning Department sent the proposed change out for agency, staff, and public comment (the notice was mailed to property owners within a 400-foot radius of the property and was posted on site). There were no staff or agency comments received and the City received three public comments. Two of the public comments were in favor of the proposal and the third comment requested that single-family development not be allowed on the property. Commissioner Haneke asked if the City has plans for developing the park. Mr. Basinger answered that the City has identified it as park area in the Master Plan but has not created definitive plans for development yet. Commissioner Deluechi asked the process for developing a new park. Mr. Bates answered that the Parks Department will create a formal master plan for the proposed space which will • be done through a public input process. • Barbara Bartak(Spokane Valley) stated that she lives across the street from the proposed property. She explained that the property is home to deer,pheasant,turkey &quails, and she 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 • • • has concern about what will happen to the wildlife and native plants when the property is developed into a park. She expressed that she hopes the City will allow the public to provide input on the development of the park. Rick Donaldson(Spokane Valley) stated that the property is a habitat area with many different types of wildlife. He reported that he is a proponent of the proposal but would like to keep it open space if possible. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons read into the record a public comment received via email from Susan Brunemeier(Spokane Valley)stating that she is in favor of a natural park in that area and hopes that some wildlife and birds will make it their habitat. The public hearing was closed at 6:33 p.m. Commissioner Delucchi moved to recommend approval of CPA-2023-0001 to the City Council as presented. Commissioner Delucchi stated that she would like to see the area preserved as a natural • wildlife park that could provide an opportunity for children to learn about the wildlife in the community. She said that she doesn't think it should be developed into a formal park area and would be better left in its natural state. Commissioner Wilson commented that wildlife has occupied the proposed area for a long time, and he would also like to see the area left as it is currently. He doesn't think it makes sense to develop it in other ways. Commissioner McKinley said that he is in favor of the change and would also like to see it preserved in a natural state because the City needs areas for wildlife habitat. Commissioner Haneke stated that he would like to see it zoned just open space instead of parks/open space because he would strongly like to see the property remain natural open space. He also mentioned that dumping has occurred on the property, and he hopes that the City will get that cleaned up and put something in place that would prevent that from happening again in the future. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Mr. Basinger commented that the Findings Of Fact on this matter will be presented to the Commission at the April 27,2023 meeting. b. Study Session: STY-2023-0001: Street Vacation-22"d and Glenview Circle Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He stated that the street vacation is privately initiated request from The Oaks Education Association to vacate 6,970 square feet (0.16 acres) of public right-of-way (ROW) in the alignment for Glenview Circle, located south of and adjacent to 22"`1 Avenue. 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 • Mr.Basinger explained that the ROW proposed to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection between 22"d Avenue and Glenview Circle.The ROW was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968. This leg of Glenview remains unimproved and does not extend further south. Mr. Basinger stated that the ROW is adjacent to two properties, parcels 45281.2104 and 45281.2802.Both parcels are owned by Oaks Education Association. The property owner has requested the 6,970 square feet of right-of-way be vacated because they believe it is no longer required for public access and the Oaks Academy expansion, located immediately to the south, prevents a possible extension of Glenview Road further to the south. The applicant plans to build a private school on the parcel to the south. The school will be within the alignment for a possible right-of-way extension south. Access from 22"d is proposed via a private driveway but is currently located outside of the ROW. Building permits have been issued for the school's construction and site grading activities. The applicants will be using the ROW as a temporary construction entrance, but no permanent improvements have been approved within the existing ROW currently. Mr. Basinger said that staff and the utility providers have reviewed the proposal and have not expressed opposition to vacating the ROW but have requested the following conditions: 1. A new curb installed across the ROW to be vacated along the south side of 22nd Avenue. 2. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E 22"d Avenue must be modified to match installed curbing. 3. Construction within the public ROW must be permitted and subject to inspection by the City. 4. Easements to allow for maintenance of existing utilities will need to be dedicated by the City prior to vacation. Commissioner McKinley stated that he is not opposed to vacating the area since it has remained unimproved since the 1960's and the area doesn't serve a real purpose for the City. Mr. Basinger mentioned that the applicant, Oaks Education could move their driveway to the vacated area, but they would have to provide an updated plan for review. Commissioner Wilson asked if the utility companies will still have access to their lines. Mr. Basinger answered that the City will make sure that the proper easements are dedicated so that the utility companies have access. Commissioner Haneke expressed concern about the vacated area being used as a driveway. He stated that if it's going to be used as a driveway, the City should retain control of it so that the driveway is built to the City's street standards. Mr. Bates responded that the City's traffic engineer has reviewed the proposal and did not provide any comments. He will reach out to the engineers again and get additional information from them for the next meeting. 4-13-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of Commissioner Dehicehi asked if the City gets paid when a street vacation occurs. Mr. Basinger answered that a compensation Resolution was passed that states the applicant must pay 50%of the assessed value of the vacated property. The property has been accessed at approximately $15,000.00. The public hearing for this item will be held on April 27,2023. IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good Of The Order, X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved to adjourn the meeting a1 7:05 p.m. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. r/2 3 Karl Granath, Chairman Date Signed W74 Marianne Lemons, Secretary Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Room 212—Centerplace Regional Event Center April 27,2023 I. Planning Commission Chairman Karl Granrath called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. II. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Val Dimitrov Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Levi Basinger, Planner Walt Haneke Greg Bingamin, IT Manager Bob McKinley Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Nancy Miller Daniel Wilson, absent There was consensus from the Planning Commission to excuse Commissioner Wilson from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the agenda for April 27, 2023 as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the April 13, 2023 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against, Commissioner Granrath abstained from the vote, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Delucchi expressed concern that HB 1110 (the Missing Middle)passed through both houses of legislature and is ready for signature by the Governor. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates gave an administrative report regarding the legislative bills that affect land use that were passed by legislation and are ready for signature. This included HB1110,HB1181, and Senate Bill 5058. Mr. Bates also reported that the City Council came to consensus to remove the owner occupancy requirement from Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU) requests. This will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a future meeting. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: STV-2023-0001: 22nd Avenue & Glenview Circle The public hearing was opened at 6:10 p.m. Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He stated that the street vacation is privately initiated request from The Oaks Education Association to vacate 6,970 square feet (0.16 acres) of public right-of-way (ROW) in the alignment for Glenview Circle, located south of and adjacent to 22"d Avenue. Mr. Basinger explained that the ROW proposed to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle.The ROW was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968. This leg of Glenview remains unimproved and does not extend further south. Mr. Basinger stated that the Notice Of Public hearing was posted on the site, was published twice in the newspaper of record (The Valley Herald), written notice was mailed to the abutting properties, and the notice was posted in three public places. Mr. Basinger explained that the applicant plans to build a private school on the parcel to the south. The school will be within the alignment for a potential ROW extension to the south. Access from 22nd is proposed via a private driveway but is currently located outside of the ROW. Building permits have been issued for the school's construction and site grading activities. The applicants will be using the ROW as a temporary construction entrance, but no permanent improvements have been approved within the existing ROW currently. Mr. Basinger said that staff and the utility providers have reviewed the proposal and have not expressed opposition to vacating the ROW but have requested the following conditions: 1. A new curb installed across the ROW to be vacated along the south side of 22"d Avenue. 2. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E 22"d Avenue must be modified to match installed curbing. 3. Construction within the public ROW must be permitted and subject to inspection by the City. 4. Easements to allow for maintenance of existing utilities will need to be dedicated by the City prior to vacation. 5. All costs incurred must be paid by the proponent. 6. The proponent is to purchase the area to be vacated. (The cost is calculated by the formula adopted in City Council Resolution 2022-020. The total amount due is $15,111.00). Mr. Basinger stated that staff has reviewed the criteria outlined in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) for street vacations and feel that the request will meet all the requirements once all the conditions of approval are met. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 Mr. Basinger said that the City received several public comments regarding the proposal. The residents had concerns about traffic on 22nd Avenue. He explained that the City Traffic Engineer does not support the use of this vacated ROW to be used as access to the site. A fire access lane to the west of this vacated property has been approved and any changes to that proposed access would need to be reviewed by the Traffic Engineer for compliance with traffic circulation. Commissioner Haneke asked if the applicants could come to the City in the future to request making this access a driveway. If so, could a condition be placed on the property that would not allow them to do so. Mr. Basinger answered that a change to the driveway would require applying for an approach permit that would be reviewed by City development and traffic engineers. The applicant, Charlie Dowers (Head of School for Oaks Academy) stated that the school is currently housed within eight structures on the property and are in the process of building one large school so that all the students will be centralized in one location. He also stated that currently the ROW is supposed to be maintained by and at the cost of the City. If the vacation of the property is approved,the City will no longer be liable for that maintenance. He also stated that the school size will not be increasing with the new building and will not change the parking needs. Public Testimony: Nan Smith (Spokane Valley) stated that she is in favor of the street vacation because it has been a weed lot for 30 years.However, she would like the space to be used as green or park space only and not used for parking or as a driveway due to the safety of children walking on 22nd Avenue. Greg Doering(Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the City gifting property to a private Christian school and concern about traffic and children's safety if the area is used for parking,pickup, or drop off.He said that he would like to see the area used as a green space only and not as an access or driveway. Jim Rowse (Spokane Valley)expressed concern about the deceased owner being listed on the application. He also provided a photo of the area showing the proposed vacation that was provided to the Commission. He expressed that the paperwork submitted by the Oak lists that the area could be used as parking or open space. He feels that there is a significant difference between those two items and would like to see the area just used as open space. He also expressed concern about the safety of the children and is against the vacation as parking or access to the facility. He would like to see the space remain as open green space. Thomas Santorsla (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the traffic and the vagueness in the application about what The Oaks Academy plans to do with the property in the future. He stated that he would like to see a better presented plan of what they are proposing. Art Zach (Spokane Valley) stated that the application does not specifically say that the area will not be used as a parking lot that accesses onto 22"d Avenue. He also expressed concern that the fire access curb cut could be used as an access point for more than just 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 fire personnel. He feels that 22°d Avenue cannot handle any additional traffic that might be produced from an additional driveway or access point from this vacated area. Doyle Kanabica (Spokane Valley) stated that The Oaks has a sidewalk that will go along 22nd Avenue to the new property to help with the concern about children walking on the street. The Oaks hopes that this new sidewalk will help alleviate some of those problems and concerns. Mr. Art Zach stated that he is happy that the sidewalk improvement is being done but does not feel that it will resolve the problem if the vacated area is used as an access that will put more cars on 22nd Avenue. Commissioner Miller asked the applicant about utilizing the vacated area as just green or open space. Mr. Charlie Dowers stated that the school has not researched a 20-year site development plan for the property. He stated that he would feel uncomfortable stating that without reviewing if it is the best use of the space long term. Commissioner Granrath asked if a condition could be placed on the property prohibiting the vacated area from being used as access in the future. Mr. Bates answered that the City could not be able to attach that type of condition on the property. Commissioner Delucchi asked if the City could require that the curb and sidewalk be extended all the way through the vacated property to help prohibit it from being used as an access or driveway. Mr. Basinger responded that the City does have a condition of approval regarding curbs and sidewalks that will have to be met before the plat is signed and the final vacation is completed. He also explained that any future changes to the area making it a driveway or access point would require City review and approval. The Senior Traffic Engineer has documented that he is not in favor of the area being used as access. The public hearing closed at 6:54 p.m. Commissioner McKinley moved to recommend approval of STV 2023-0001 to the City Council as presented. Commissioner Haneke stated that he is extremely concerned about the property being used as a driveway and would really like to see a condition that would keep that from happening in the future. Commissioner Miller agreed. Commissioner Delucchi said that requiring a curb and sidewalks that extends all the way to the vacated property could keep a driveway from happening. Commissioner Granrath commented that this ROW could have been used as a street since the inception of the plat in 1968 but it has never been used as an access. The City Street Engineer has stated that he does not support allowing a driveway at this location so he feels that it will never be allowed as a driveway or access onto 22nd Avenue. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5 Commissioner McKinley said that he feels approving the street vacation will make it more difficult for the applicant to use the property as a driveway in the future. Commissioner Haneke agreed. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Commissioner Delucchi requested that the Planning Commissions concerns be noted in the Findings of Fact and forwarded to the City council for consideration and discussion. Mr. Basinger said that the Findings Of Fact on this matter will be presented to the Commission at the May 11, 2023, meeting. b. Findings of Fact: 2023 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Planner Levi Basinger presented the Findings of Fact for the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. He explained that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed CPA on April 13, 2023. The Planning Commission deliberated on the CPA and voted unanimously to forward the proposed amendments to the City Council as presented. He explained that the Findings of Fact will formalize the recommendations that were made at the public hearing. Commissioner Delucchi noted a typo on page 3,paragraph 21. Commissioner McKinley moved to approve and forward the Findings of Fact to the City Council as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Delucchi requested that the staff give a formal update and analyzation of the impacts of HB 1110 to the Planning Commission once it is signed into effect. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Haneke moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Karl Granrath, Chairman Date Signed Marianne Lemons, Secretary COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING&PLANNING Spokane STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE Vlie K PLANNING COMMISSION FILE: STV-2023-0001 STAFF REPORT DATE: April 20, 2023 FILE NO: STV-2023-0001 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Request to vacate 6,900-square feet of public unimproved right- of-way located south of to the intersection of 22"d Avenue and Glenview Circle. STAFF PLANNER: Levi Basinger, Planner APPLICANT: Oaks Education Association PROPERTY OWNER: Oaks Education Association PROPOSAL LOCATION: The piece of public right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located south of the intersection of 22"d Avenue and Glenview Circle. It is adjacent to parcels 45281.2802 and 45281.2104; further located in the northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 25 North, Range 44 East Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. BACKGROUND: On April 4, 2023, City Council approved Resolution No. 23-005 to set the public hearing date for April 27, 2023,. to consider the privately initiated request to vacate approximately 6,900-square feet(0.16 acres) of public right of way. The right-of-way requested to be vacated comprises unimproved leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle. The right of way was originally dedicated in 1968 by the Glenview Acres 3rd Addition Plat. This leg of Glenview is unimproved and does not extend further south. There is an existing curb return at the point where the unimproved right of way intersects 22"d Avenue. In addition, a driveway approach serving 11706 E 22nd Avenue (Parcel 45281.2104)., is located within the curb return at the southeastern corner of the intersection. The right-of-way is adjacent to two properties, Parcels 45281.2104 and 45281.2802. Both parcels are owned by Oaks Education Association. The property owner has requested the 6,900 square feet of right-of-way be vacated and aggregated into the adjacent properties. Furthermore, the future location for the Oaks Academy, currently under construction and located immediately to the south, prevents the extension of Glenview Road further to the south. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 1 of 7 April 20,2023 As a condition for vacating the unimproved right of way, Development Engineering will require the existing curb returns be removed and a new curb be installed along the southern portion of 22"d Avenue, across the vacated right of way. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E 22nd Avenue will be modified to match the new curbing. Construction in the right of way will require permits to be issued and inspections to be performed by the City. Both the Applicant and staff contacted utility providers to determine whether existing utilities will be affected. According to comments received, utilities pass through the piece of right-of-way in question. Lumen has indicated a buried copper cable that they maintain passes east-west across the southern portion of the right of way, and Modern Electric Water Company has identified an overhead power line traversing east-west at the southern end of the right of way. As a condition of approval utility easements will be required prior to the vacation to allow utility providers to access and maintain their facilities. APPROVAL CRITERIA: 1. Chapter 22.140 SVMC—Street Vacations 2. City of Spokane Valley Street Standards ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Application Packet Exhibit 2: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 3: Staff Comments Exhibit 4: Agency Comments Exhibit 5: Public Comments I. PROPERTY INFORMATION Size and Characteristics of The area to be vacated is.the unimproved fourth leg of proposed vacation: an existing street intersection and totals approximately 6,900 square feet (0.16 acres). Adjacent Comprehensive Plan Single Family Residential (SFR) Designation: Adjacent Zoning: R-2, Single Family Residential Suburban Adjacent Land Use(s): North &East—residential; South & West— vacant/future school II. STAFF ANALYSIS OF STREET VACATION PROPOSAL A. COMPLIANCE WITH SVMC 22.140.030 Findings: 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public? The area proposed to be vacated is surrounded on three sides by private property. Although it is unimproved,the City is obligated to maintain and prohibit encroachments into the right-of- way. The adjacent property owner desires to take ownership and maintenance of the area and improve it as part of their private property. The City's Senior Traffic Engineer supports the Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 2 of 7 April 20,2023 vacation with a driveway access as proposed on the site plan approved with the Trip Generation and Distribution Letter,which is to the west of the proposed vacation. Traffic does not support the use of the area proposed to be vacated as access to school development and a condition to curb the right-of-way has been included. The vacation of this right-of-way will better serve the public by reducing maintenance obligations of the City, eliminating a potential safety hazard at an existing street intersection, and allowing full development of the adjacent private property. The vacation is expected to have no impact on the general public. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access? The area proposed to be vacated is currently unimproved and is not being used for public access. The street is no longer required for public use or access. Development immediately to the south precludes the extension of the public street in its current alignment. It is not required for current or future public access or use. Improvements within the vacated right of way will be conditioned at time of future development. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public? There is no substitution being proposed as part of the vacation. The City's review has determined there is no need for a new or different public way. The right of way was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968 as the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle. The south leg of the intersection, and the large tracts of land south of 22nd Avenue have remained largely undeveloped. As a result, the intersection between 22nd and Glenview has functioned as a three-way intersection since its initial construction. No additional right of way is needed to substitute the subject right of way to be vacated. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? Development immediately to the south precludes a future extension of the public street. No changes would occur in the future that would require the use of the subject right-of-way for public access. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public? Notice of the public hearing was made by posting written notice at City Hall, CenterPlace, and the Valley library; publishing notice in the Spokane Valley Herald; and posting at the right-of- way to be vacated. A direct mailing was provided to the property owners adjacent to the proposed vacation. No objections by the utility providers or governmental agencies have been received. One public objection has been received as of the date of this staff report, with concerns that allowing the property owner to use the vacated right of way for access would create more traffic locally. Conclusion(s): The findings confirm criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 3 of 7 April 20,2023 B. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 21 SVMC—ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS The Planning Division has reviewed the proposed project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(2)(i) and SVMC 21.20.040 from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusion: The requirements of Title 21 SVMC have been met. III.PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: One public comment has been received following the notice of public hearing. Date Name& Address Comment(s) 4-19-2023 Jim Rowse Concerns include: iimextraink.com • Application form has incorrect property owner listed for parcel at 11706 E 22nd Avenue • Increase in traffic on local street • Applicant vague about planned uses for vacated right of way Staffs responses to public comment: 1. The application form lists the previous property owner for 11706 E 22nd Ave (Parcel 45281.2104), one of the two parcels that abut the right of way to be vacated. However, staff confirmed that the Oaks Education Association is the owner of both parcels. The property at 11706 E 22nd Avenue was purchased from Sheila A. Vigue by the Oaks Education Association in December 2022, and the street vacation application form was submitted February 2023. 2. According to the site plan of record for the Oaks Classical Christian Academy (permit no. BLD-2022-1142), a new private school building being built by the property owner, includes a driveway and approach from 22nd Avenue for a fire access lane. The fire access lane is identified as west of the right of way to be vacated. The right of way to be vacated is currently used as a temporary construction access. Any proposed changes to access from 22nd Avenue, including the addition of parking, would be reviewed by staff for compliance and traffic circulation would need to be considered. 3. The applicant indicates the vacated right of way would become part of the proposed private school development as either parking or open space. Both possible uses would be allowed onsite as part of the school site. Future proposals for parking or other site improvements within the vacated portion of right of way would need to be reviewed for compliance. A Notice of Public Hearing sign was posted on April 7, 2023 in the area proposed to be vacated. Notices were posted in the Spokane Valley Public Library, City of Spokane Valley main reception area and CenterPlace Event Center on April 5, 2023. The public hearing notice was mailed to all owners adjacent to the area proposed to be vacated on April 7, 2023. The notice was published in the Spokane Valley Herald on April 7, 2023 and April 14, 2023. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 4 of 7 April 20,2023 Conclusion(s): The City has met the noticing requirements for street vacations as required in SVMC 22.140.020(F). IV.AGENCY COMMENTS Request for comments from agencies and service providers was sent on March 15, 2023, as part of the initial assessment of the street vacation. A notice of the public hearing was provided to agencies and service providers again on April 5, 2023. Comments were received from the following agencies and are attached as exhibits to this staff report. Where necessary, comments have been incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval in Section V. Agency Received Comments Comments Dated City of Spokane Valley Public Works - Engineering Yes 3-1-2023 City of Spokane Valley Public Works—Stormwater Yes 3-1-2023 City of Spokane Valley Public Works -Traffic Yes 3-1-2023 City of Spokane Valley Public Works--Maintenance Yes 3-1-2023 Spokane Valley Fire District No.1 Yes 3-16-2023 Spokane County Public Works -Wastewater Yes 3-I6-2023 Spokane Regional Health District No Spokane Transit Authority No Modern Electric Water Company Yes 1-23-2023 Avista Utilities Yes 1-18-2023 Lumen Yes 3-17-2023 Comcast No Findings: The application was routed to jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and public districts for review and comment. According to comments received, utilities are located within the right of way to be vacated. Utility easements will need to be dedicated, allowing utility providers to maintain facilities. As long as easement rights for utilities are retained, no public agencies or utility providers are opposed to the proposed vacation. Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that jurisdictional agencies, utilities, and or public districts have no concerns regarding the proposed vacation of public right-of-way. V. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS Staff concludes that STV-2023-0001 as proposed is consistent, or will be made consistent,through. the recommended conditions of approval based on the approval criteria stated herein. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request to vacate approximately 6,900 square feet of right of way south of the intersection for 22'd Avenue and Glenview Circle and adjacent to parcel numbers 45281.2802 and 45281.2104 subject to the following conditions: Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 5 of 7 April 20,2023 1. Initial work to satisfy conditions of the street vacation (File No. STV-2023-0001), including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for review within 90 days following the effective date of approval by the City. 2. The vacated property shall be transferred one half to each owner of the abutting parcels, parcel numbers 45281.2802 and 45281.2104, as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office pursuant to condition 3 belowd. Such property shall become part of each abutting parcel. 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the street vacation, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be completed. 4. The adjacent property owners shall purchase from the City the public right of way to be vacated consistent with Resolution 22-020. The exact cost of purchase shall be determined by the final square footage of the area to be vacated according to the record of survey. 5. An easement acceptable to Lumen and Modern Electric Water Company for access and maintenance of existing utilities within the area to be vacated shall be established. The location and recording number shall be shown on the record of survey. 6. The existing curb returns at Glenview Circle shall be removed and Type 'A' curb shall be installed along 22nd Avenue across the vacated portion of Glenview Circle per Standard Plan R- 102 prior to recording the record of survey. The applicant shall meet the following requirements during and after construction: a. Construction within the public right-of-way shall be performed under the direct supervision of a licensed Washington State Professional Engineer and in accordance with the Spokane Valley Street Standards. All work is subject to inspection by the City of Spokane Valley Development Engineering Construction Inspector. b. Upon completion of the improvements, a Construction Certification package per Spokane Valley Street Standards (SVSS) Chapter 9 shall be submitted and approved prior to recording of the Street Vacation Ordinance. c. A Warranty Surety shall be provided for the public improvements per SVSS Chapter 9. 7. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E. 22n`t Avenue shall be extended to the required Type 'A' curb and installed per Std. Plan R-110 prior to recording the record of survey. 8. Any unpaved area located north of the required Type `A' curb within the proposed vacated area shall be paved per Std. Plan R-120 prior to recording the record of survey. 9. All direct and indirect costs of the title transfer of the vacated right-of-way from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees, shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not, and does not, assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 10. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended over the entirety of the vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting Ordinance Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 6 of 7 April 20,2023 shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 11. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 12. All recording fees shall be paid by the proponent prior to recording. 13. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2023-0001 Page 7 of 7 April 20,2023 Exhibit 1 I j - �/ � _4 61/ rrI r�i STREET VACATION APPLICATION f C} C3rf. r Spokane SVMC 22.I40 f C� lv�[� 4.00 Valley l0210 E S1�rA eiA�+ilLelilpnkane Vail y WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-5240 ♦ Fax: (509)720-5075 i pernutcenter a,spoisancvallev.org I_, STAFF USE ONLY / j �7 Date Submitted: /I I Received by: .7417(3 f r( Fee: " I Li"7 7 . CO PLUS ##: File#: `a tr 1 - 2-0 2-3 --CX)O PART I — REQUIRED MATERIAL "*THE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT PROVIDED*• ❑ Completed Application Form ❑ Application Fee *To Ell: PAID AT '1'iPiF OF APPLICATION SIAIMIT'rt.L, © Notice of Application Packet(17.80.110)—Adjacent Property(ies) O Written Narrative—A written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. ©■ Written Correspondence from Utility Purveyors 71\71ephone \/Cable Electric _lJther(Specify)__ ater District _Fire District \/Gas Utility Sewer Utility Q Vicinity Map—Submit a map showing the general area of the proposed vacation O Record of Survey, if available, for the subject street and/or alley proposed for vacation, and abutting properties, streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation. ■❑ Written Evidence of all easements, allowances or reservations, if available, pertaining to the street and/or alley proposed for vacation, PART II -- APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT NAME:Simpson Engineers Inc. (Nick McGill) MAILING ADDRESS: 909 N. Argonne Rd. CITY:Spokane Valley STATE:WA ZIP: "9212 PHONE: (509)926-1322 FAX: CELL: EMAIL:nmcglll@simpsonengineers.com PROPERTY OWNER No. 1: Oaks Education Association MAILING ADDRESS:2303 S Bowdish Rd C1T,,:Spokane Valley STATE:WA ztp:99206 PL.-15 V1.0 Page 1 of Exhibit 1 ��nar �� STREET VACATION APPLICATION p Valley, PHONE: FAX: CELL: EMAIL: PROPERTY OWNER No. 2:Sheila Vigue MAILING ADDRESS: 11706 E 22nd Ave CITY: Spokane Valley STATE:WA ZIP:99206 PHONE: FAX: CELL: EMAIL: If more than two(2)abutting property owners, include information and written authorization on a separate sheet of paper for each. NAME OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: E Glenview Rd DIMENSIONS OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED:(130 FT LONG) X (50 FT WIDE) SQUARE FEET OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED:6,800 SOFT ABUTTING TAX PARCEL NO(s).:'45281 .2164- L 5Z 1 • Zs 0Z0 ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING PARCELS: 1 1 706 22n d A" 1 13-11 E Z ` 44' Ave- ZONING DESIGNATION:R-2 THE FOLLOWING IS CRITERIA EVALUATED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN FORMULATING A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS SHALL BE ANSWERED IN A DETAILED MANNER; ALL. QUESTIONS ADDRESSSED SY SIi.1PSON ENGINEERS IN ATTACEHD APPENDIX. 1. How DOES A CHANGE OF USE OR VACATION OF THE STREET/ALLEY IMPROVE SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC? 2. Is THE STREET OR ALLEY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OR PUBLIC ACCESS? EXPLAIN. 3. WOULD SUBSTITUTION OF A NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC? EXPLAIN. 4. How WILL USE OR NEED FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY BE AFFECTED BY FUTURE CONDITIONS? EXPLAIN. 5. WILL EASEMENTS BE RETAINED FOR ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES? THE REQUESTED VACATION IS LOCATED IN THE SERVICE AREA OF WHAT UTILITY COMPANIES.(SPECIFY)? 6. DOES THE RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDE STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES(SPECIFY)? PLEASE NOTE: PER RCW 35.79.040(TITLE TO VACATED STREET/ALLEY),THE PROPERTY WITHIN A PUBLIC STREET OR ALLEY VACATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BELONG TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, ONE-HALF(1/2)TO EACH. THEREFORE, PROPERTY OWNER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION. PL-15 V1.0 Page 2 of Exhibit 1 Spokane STREET VACATION APPLICATION .....O Val ley PER RESOLUTION 07-009 OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS THE AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE CHARGES FOR STREET/ALLEY VACATION PURSUANT TO RCW 36.79.030 PART III — AUTHORIZATION (Signature of owner or authorized representative) I. 4 l dt,'rs ✓ .e- i li , (print name swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfu nd to the best of my k d / �'"- 7/, z/lofza z3 ( ignature) l (Date) NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) th SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ ! O day of f br uckx-y , 20 Z 3 NOTARY SEAL "------ NOTARYSIGNATURE 4,0+Awe, Matthew James Kelly Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ` l .0*.,,, State of Washington -+— Notary Public 14'4■n" Cornmission No,205270 1l '`"0"4s My Commission Expires 01/14/2027 Residing at; k v[.. , L4 A My appointment expires: I if I L I z 7 LEGAL OWNER NO. 1 AUTHORIZATION: if the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; I, TLv—lI ' fIib ,& ' s , owner of the above described property do hereby authorize AiicK rie.6/i( to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. LEGAL OWNER NO. 2 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; PL-15 V1.0 Page 3 of Exhibit 1 lo�{ane STREET VACATION APPLICATION ,••, Val ley I, (h,wtli& OtJ&f S , owner of the above described property do hereby authorize Ode to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. PL-15 V1.0 Page 4 of Exhibit 1 APPENDIX 1. HOW DOES A CHANGE OF USE OR VACATION OF THE STREET/ALLEY IMPROVE SERVICI: TO THE PI IRI IC? a. THE VACATION OF THIS STRET LEG WILL REDUCE PUBLIC RISK BY TRANSFORMING A 4-WAY INTERSECTION INTO A 3-WAY INTERSECTION. L. IS I HE STREET OR ALLEY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OF PUBLIC ACCESS? EXPLAIN. a. NO, THIS STREET LEG NO LONGER SERVES, OR HAS POTENTIAL TO SERVE,THE PUBLIC AS PUBLIC ACCESS. 3. WOULD SUBSTITUTION OF A NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BETTER SERVE THE PURl ICE' EXPLAIN. a. NO, THE CURRENT NEIGHBORHOOD IS ADEQUATELY SERVED BY THE REMAINING RIGHT-OF-WAYS. 4, HOW WILL USE OR NEED FOR MIS RIGHT-OF-WAY BE AFFECI ED BY EU1 URL CONDITIONS? EXPLAIN a. FUTURE, AND CURRENT, DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAKS ACADEMY LESSEN THE NECESSITY FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE LAND WOULD BE BETTER SERVED AS A PORTION OF THE OAKS SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FOR PARKING OR OPEN SPACE. 5. WILL EASLMEN1 BE RH AINED FOR ALL UNDER GROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES? THE REQUESTED VACATION IS LOCATED IN THE SERVICE AREA OF WHAT UTILITY COMPANIES. (SPF(IFY)? a. YES, ALL EXISTING UNDER GROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES SHALL BE RETAINED. b. THE FOLLOWING UTILITY COMPANIES SERVE THIS AREA: • MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY (WATER & POWER) • AVISTA (GAS) • SPOKANE COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEM DIVISION (SEWER) • CENTURY LINK • COMCAST E. DOES THE RIGHT OF WAY INCLUDE STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SPECIFY)? a. NO STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES PRESENT. Exhibit 1 Project Narrative The Oaks Education Association is requesting to vacate that portion of Glenview Road lying south of 22"d Avenue and north of parcel#45281.2802, parcel owned by Oaks Education Academy,and totaling to approximately 0.16-acres. Said portion of Glenview Road is a dead-end ROW that terminates at said parcel. Said parcel is currently being developed as a private school,City of Spokane Valley permits BLD-2022-1 142 and EGR-2022-0051. The development plans are not conducive to extending Glenview Road through said parcel which will leave it as a dead-end ROW. Said portion of Glenview Road currently is unimproved.No demo is required to vacate said portion, and a vacation allows the Oaks Education Academy to extend sidewalk along 22nd Avenue and additional 70 feet across the existing said portion of Glenview Road. No existing lots take access from said portion of'Glenview Road. The adjacent properties are zoned R-2. This area is served by Modern Electric Water Company(water), Spokane County Environmental Services (sewer), Spokane Valley Fire Department(fire), Avista(electric/gas), and Century Link (telephone/cable)per One-Call design information request. All other adjacent land is developed as single-family homes. The applicant feels this project is in compliance with the applicable sections of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code and other applicable regulations. • P°f al e?CI 61V-z1 Z.-3 RECEIVED FEB ti 0 2023 COSV PERMIT CENTER SUES It= REM. 'Exhibit 1 Nick McGill From: Lange, Connor <Connor,Lange@avistacorp,com> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 3:25 PM To: Nick McGill Cc: Aaron Simpson Subject: RE: [External] RE:Glenview Cir - Street Vacation Request Attachments: Screenshot 2023-01-18 152405 Jpg We only have gas and its within 22"d Ave (see attached). From: Nick McGill<nmcgill@simpsonengineers.com> Sent: Wednesday,January 18, 2023 3:01 PM To: Lange,Connor<Connor.Lange@avistacorp.com> Cc:Aaron Simpson <aaron@simpsonengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Glenview Cir-Street Vacation Request Connor, Below is a copy of the original email and image sent to Jason: "Does Avista have any comments or recommendations regarding the proposed street vacation of Glenview Rd lying south of 22nd Ave and north of parcel#45281.2802 (shown below)?Also, could you please send me any utility maps that you have in this location, and I will add them in our CAD drawing and show them in all of our submittals moving forward." 1 'Exhibit 1 Avista has reviewed this potential street vacation and notes that we don't have any facilities within the ROW. Thank you From: Ren,Jason<jason.ren@avistacorp.com> Sent:Wednesday,January 18, 2023 12:27 PM To: Lange, Connor<Connor.Lange@avistacorp.com> Subject: FW: [External] RE: Glenview Cir-Street Vacation Request Connor I received this email about a Vacation in the Spokane Valley from Simpson Engineers Could you contact them and do the sign off. It out side of my scope of work. Jason Jason R Ren GIS Analyst ArralifelfiSTA PO Box 3727 MSC-16 Spokane, WA 99220 1411 E Mission P 509.495.2115 htto://www.avistautilities.eom It's easier to think outside the box when you don't know where"The Box" is From: Nick McGill <nmcgiII@simpsonengineers.com> Sent: Wednesday,January 18, 2023 11:48 AM To: Ren,Jason <jason.ren(lavistacorp.com> Cc:Aaron Simpson<aaron@simpsonengineers.com> Subject: [External] RE: Glenview Cir-Street Vacation Request You don't often get email from nmcaill@simnsonengineers.corn. Learn why this is important We are finally getting back around to this. Can you please respond stating whether or not there any no conflicts with this street vacation? If so, please state what they are and we will work to address them. For now, all we need is to show that we had correspondence. Thanks, A kw N E'N , 3 Exhibit 1 -- - - - MIR - XIStli1 Gas 1 iii .- i I �. 4`. M , 7 CD ------- . 1170 t -- _� _ . . • Exhibit 1 Nick McGill From: ES Plan Review <ESPlanReview@spokanecounty.org> Sent: Thursday,July 14, 2022 11:24 AM To: Nick McGill Subject: RE: Glenview Cir- Street Vacation Request Has this already been run through the city and been assigned a planning number?Typically the City would forward us the application packet for comments but I don't thinks we have seen anything. We will most likely have no comment as there is no public sewer in the area noted. Sincerely, Adam Smith Engineering Tech Ill Spokane County Public Works—Wastewater System Division 1026 W. Broadway Ave, 4th Floor Spokane, WA 99260 From: Nick McGill <nmcgill@simpsonengineers.com> Sent:Wednesday,July 13, 2022 9:48 AM To: ES Plan Review<ESPlanReview@spokanecounty.org> Subject: Glenview Cir-Street Vacation Request Environmental Services, Does Spokane County Environmental Services have any comments or recommendations regarding the proposed street vacation of Glenview Rd lying south of 22nd Ave and north of parcel #45281.2802 (shown below)?We already have your utility maps for this location, and I will show them in all of our submittals moving forward. I Exhibit 1 Nick McGill From: Jason Beesley <jbeesley@modernelectricwater.com> Sent: Monday,January 23, 2023 10:54 AM To: Nick McGill;joey@tiltonexcavation.com Cc: Aaron Simpson; Chris Wafstet Subject: RE:Glenview Cir- Street Vacation Request Nick, Joey and I spoke about this already. There is no water infrastructure going south on Glenview Cir from the 22nd Ave mainline. Confirming no conflicts for water. JaSbW DeosIcii Water Superintendent Modern Electric Water Company 904 North Pines Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99206 o: 509-928-4540 d: 509-755-9009 c: 509-879-641.7 MODERN Electric Water Company .rW,...—,n.i.elento I.\.,r...f an Can 811 before you dig. From: Nick McGill <nmcgill@simpsonengineers.com> Sent:Wednesday,January 18, 2023 11:47 AM To:Jason Beesley<jbeesley@modernelectricwater.com>; Chris Wafstet<cwafstet@modernelectricwater.com> Cc:Aaron Simpson <aaron@simpsonengineers.com> Subject: RE:Glenview Cir-Street Vacation Request Jason and Chris, We are finally getting back around to this. Can you please respond stating whether or not there any no conflicts with this street vacation?If so, please state what they are and we will work to address them. For now,all we need is to show that we had correspondence. Thanks, },N -.IN.., i Exhibit 1 Nick McGill From: Chris Wafstet <cwafstet@modernelectricwater.com> Sent: Monday,January 23, 2023 12:26 PM To: Nick McGill;Jason Beesley; Gus Laramie Cc: Aaron Simpson;joey@tiltonexcavation.com Subject: RE: Glenview Cir - Street Vacation Request Good afternoon Nick: The only conflict with the electric is a single-phase overhead line that is at the southern portion of the proposed street vacation. Besides that, there is nothing underground in the way of electric that would be a conflict/issue: tI?O 130.' . A 7?55M 13653 Ole AC$e (al F - r-3 MOW rrVit Any other questions, please let me know. Thank You 4>P, W GI5 Operator Modern Electric Water Company Phone: (509) 928-4540 Direct: (509) 755-9006 cwafstet@mewco.com ktiA MODERN Electric Water Company • EST 4ROS reliably arrvino the Spokane VMI.y.nc.1 5 Call 11 before you dlg. 1 Exhibit 1 kb- Ami 8/2/2022 CenturyLink Simpson Engineers Attn: Nick McGill, E.I.T 909 N. Argonne Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99212 SEP-2022-005-The Oaks Academy No Reservations/No Objection SUBJECT: Request to Vacate/Abandon a portion of road right of way, known as Glenview Cir., South of 22nd Ave and north of parcel 45281.2802 located in Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. To Whom It May Concern: Qwest Corporation dlb/a CENTURYLINK QC ("CenturyLink") has reviewed the request for the subject vacation and has determined that it has no objections with respect to the areas proposed for vacation as shown and/or described on Exhibit "A", said Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. It is the intent and understanding of CenturyLink that this Vacation shall not reduce our rights to any other existing easement or rights we have on this site or in the area. This vacation response is submitted WITH THE STIPULATION that if CenturyLink facilities are found and/or damaged within the vacated area as described, the Applicant will bear the cost of relocation and repair of said facilities. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this action further, please contact Matt Reese at matthew.reese(�lumen.com. Sincerely yours, Mary Hutton Network Infrastructure Services CenturyLink P842575 EXHIBIT "A" V w fti , ,,, 9,-- ilimmi3 ' , fro0 '9110 ir - e-. ..... IIN , I) ii Portion to be vacate `�- ', ..?c, e:101 1,� , I f ' iii..4 i ,,,. 4211,, Is 1. <�.._ a- 1111 i ± . 1 Or 1 4,,r .pit 1 i I1, 7rs 7 TTErtl! ! ' t► i ! tif ! a� -�_ IL . ---1-' .1 a ,__,__._ VICINITY MAP - — ' ' mi. E"fr illy —0.11111, • NCB _,. b1i� "' ' --.. 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[Cr�C#C- _, I l . 1.2 ,` 11I 1111$i 11111�!/■■ri. l.q } r' ‘ h ii din #452 802 . � , ,�i ■11 : f� ' ■u ■C#C1>t■�#■l „... .__,.. . ring , , .,_..... ,_. ,,„. , • j ; • -- ,k„,.rgi„,,,,„ , ,, -,. ..,i � owe ,. ,_______ _ _ T ----71 - ' .4 4•1 ■ p■y NM :fir ! � 4` MIMI __ ..El. .� \\ ^ .: ■ (( ► 4 t -. w NI.m - : numb I w--' r-- ---. I. ' '444414.1 ■ i■EIM . 11I I I ; 1ii.� � mil I ��onim al \ _ 111 ■■■■■• p/■■N■ �- 11111 ~ , . ` i , i lil.�_ I t•_ t I i Eosin j I non a ..i ..■. ... Y 1 . IIII±D 4 FIT:: 0.'4, ''' 1\ i 1111111iina: "1 !-: i iL'''''----.-- -.. ,ZL \ T in jj 1 iUJf,i' `[I---BH !_I.[F-i.J% ... `Yr- C'lt- ,Exhibit 1 cQ1,7,rngi 53/itci SHP 21019-0008 Auditor's Certificate FILED FOR RECORD THIS AY OF_,__h1A�tl 2010, Al16 MINUTES PAST_ Qp�__O'CLOCK i.}.�tM., AND RECORD 0 IN BOOK OF Dedication A parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quater of Section 28, SHORT PLATS `8_,AT PACE E LJ RECORDS 07 SPOKANE KNOW BY ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT VALLEY FOURTH MIEMORIAL CHURCH HAVE CAUSED Township25 North,Range 44 East,Willamette Meridian COUNTY,FOURTHWASH G ON. AT THE R O EST OF -U. <URVEYIIaG AND o VAL Y CHURCH TO BE SHORT PLATTED INTO LOTS THE LAND SHOWN AS THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SHORT PLAT Spokane Valley,Spokane County,Washington NO. SHP-2019-0C06 AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 0 E COUNTY AUDITOR THAT PORTION or LOTS 6. 7,B, 9 AND 10,IN BLOCK 2 OF DARUNGTON ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING To PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME"it'OF PLATS. PACE 19, LYING SOUTH OF GLENVIEW ACRES 2ND ADDITION, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 3, IN SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Plat Dedication • EXCEPT THE SOUTH 121 FEET OF SAID LOTS 6, 7. 6, 9 AND 10; AND LOT 1 IN BLOCK 6 OF GLENVIEW ACRES 3RD ADDITION. ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PACE 15; THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND/OR BORDER EASSMENT(S) AS SHOWN HEREON AS WELL AS FACILITIES AND APPURTENANCES CONSTRUCTED THEREIN ARE HEREBY DEDICATED AND TOGETHER WITH LOTS 5, 16 AND THAT PART OF LOTS 4 AND 17 IN BLOCK 2, DARLINGTON ACRE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND I1S AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR PUBLIC USE ,.J TRACTS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME "K" OF PLATS, PAGE 19. IN SPOKANE COUNTY. AND SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF NUISAIICES. ANY OTHER EASEMENTS GRANTED WORN THE City of Spokane Valley Community and WASHINGTON.LYING WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1. BLOCK 6. GLENVIEW ACRES 3RD ADDITION, BORDER EASEMENT(S) AND THE USE OF SUCH OTHER EASEMENT(S) SHALL BE SUBORDINATE ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE IS, IN SPOKANE COUNTY, WASH-NGTON, TO AND SUBJECT To THE RIGHTS CREATED BY THE GRANTING OF THE BORDER EASEMENTS) EXTENDED SOUTH AND SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GLENVIEW ACRES 3RD ADDITION: MID ARE SUBJECT TO AFPUCABLE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PERMIT PROCESSES PRIOR TO Public Works Department EXCEPT 24TH AVENUE; USAGE. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SIDEWALKS AND AREAS LOCATED W,THIN THEPROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING®IDEWALKS ANDFREE OFOR BRDER OBSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 21'0AY OF .T,I7-y . 2019 AND T-IAT PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19 AND 20,IN BLOCK 2 OF DARLINGTON ACRE DEBRIS, INCLUDING SNOW AND ICE. IF THE PROPERTY OWNERS FAIL TO MAINTAIN SAID TRACTS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME "K" OF PLATS, PAGE 19, LYING SOUTH OF FACILITIES, THE CITY SHALL GIVE A NOTICE OF SUCH FAILURE TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS. GLENVIEW ACRES 3R0 ADDITION. ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF FLATS.PAGE 15,IN IF NOT CORRECTED YATHIN THE PERIOD IND;CATEO ON SAID NOTICE. THE CITY HAS THE RIGHT SPOKANE COUNTY. WASHINGTON, AND EAST OF THE EAST UNE OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 6 OF SAID TO CORRECT THE MAINTENANCE FAILURE, OR HAVE IT CORRECTED, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GLENNEW ACRES 3RD ADDITION, EXTENDED SOUTH EXCEPT THE EAST 5 FEET 01 LOT 1 AND THE EAST PROPERTY OWNERS. DEPU HTY MANAGER 5 FEET AND PORTION OF LOT 20 CONVEYED TO 6POKANE COUNTY FOR UNION ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE N0. 7307200253; THE LOT OWNER(S) I'ATHIN THIS PLAT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL EXCEPT 24TH AVENUE; NATURAL OR MAN-MADE STCRI.SWATER FACILITIES INCLUDING.BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SURFACE City of Spokane Valley Engineering Division PATHS OF NATURAL OR MAN-MADE STORMWATER FLOW, AND ALL WATER DUALITY AND THE SOUTH 121 FEET OF THE WEST 69.E FEET OF LOT 8; THE SOUTH 121 FEET CF 40T5 9 AND TREATMENT SWALES OR PONDS SITUATED ON THEIR RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES. AND ANY PORTION OF SITALE OR POND SITUATED IN THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO THEIR No 10; ALL or LOTS 11 AND 12: AND THE WEST 69.4 FEET OF LOT 13,ALL IN BLOCK 2, DARLINGTON RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES. MAINTENANCE INCLUDES.BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO,KEEPING OPEN EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF AL( / . Roi9 ACRE TRACTS. ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME "K"OF FLATS, PAGE 19; AND CLEANING THE FACILITIES. REMOVING DEBRIS, MOWING, IRRIGATING, REMOVTt1C NOXIOUS 7 1 I %%ZEDS AND SUSTAINING THE CITY APPROVED DESIGNED VEGETATION. THE LOT OWNER(S) f EXCEPT 24TH AVENUE; ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING, DISPOSING. AND REPLACING THE SOIL AND CIYY AND THE SOUTH 121 FEET OF LOTS a AND 7; AND THE SOUTH 121 FEET OF LOT 8, EXCEPT THE WEST APPROVED DESIGNED VEGETATION AT SUCH TIME AS THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEEMS SENIOR ENGINEER 69.4 FEET; AND LOT 13 EXCEPT THE WEST 09.4 FEET; AND ALL OF LOTS 14 AND 15, DARLINGTON OTHE UABI THE LOT OWNER(S) SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAY}JENT OF ALL LITIES. THE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME "K" OF PLATS, PAGE 19; OTHER LIABILITIES WHICH MAY BECOME DUE FOR SAID },IAi!lTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DOES NOT ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL HAVE NO Spokane CountyEnvironmental Services Department EXCEPT 24TH AVENUE: RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT AND/OR MAINTAIN THESE FACILITIES. NOR DOES THE CITY OF p p SPOKANE VALLEY ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY. AND SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY. FOR ANY FAILURE •' ALL LYING WITH THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOICANE COUNTY. WASHINGTON. BY THE LOT OWNER(S) TO PROPERLY MAINTAIN THEM. IF THE LOT OWNERS) FAIL TO EXAVI-4E0 AND APPROVED THIS 5' A /Y OF nit:fe 2019 MAINTAIN THESE FACILITIES THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAY ISSUE A NOTICE OF SUCH s FAILURE TO THE LOT OWNER(S). IF NOT CORRECTED WITHIN THE PERIOD INDICATED ON SUCH NOTICE. THE CITY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT THE MAINTENANCE FAILURE, OR HAVE IT CORRECTED. AT THE EXPENSE 0=THE LOT OWNER(S). NO STRUCTURES, INCLUDING SP0<ANE 3UNTY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIRECTOR FENCES. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED DIRECTLY OVER OR WIT-TIN A NATURAL OR MAN-MADE STORMWATER FACILITY YATHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. Spokane County Assessor WARNING: THE.CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY TO BUILD, INSPECT, IMPROVE, MAINTAIN, OR OTHERWISE SERVICE DRIVEWAYS, PRIVATE STREETS, COMMON AREAS, STORMWATER FACILITIES, NATURAL CHANNELS, AND CRIGCAL AREAS CONTAINED WITHIN. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THISA.1 DAY OF"aly , 2019 PROVIDING SERVICE TO OR IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS PLAT EXCEPT !/ STCRMWATER STRUCTURES(DRYWELLS. INLETS. PIPES. ETC.) IN THE RIGHTS--OF-WAY OR BORDER EASEMENTS NOT SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY LOT OWNERS OF • THIS FLAT. BY ACCEPTING THE .LAT OR SUBSEQUENTLY ay ALLOWING A BUILDING PERMIT TO ...04 'COUNTY ASSESSOR BE ISSUED, THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ASSUMES NO OBLIGATION FOR SUCH DRIVEWAYS. PRIVATE STREETS, COMMON AREAS. STORAIWATER FACILITIES. CRITICAL AREAS. AND THE I OWNERS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE CITY OF SPpKANF. VALLEY HAS. NO OBLIGATION OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER TO ESTABLISH. INSPECT, EXAMINE. SURLY,CONSTRUCT. J ALTER, REPAIR,IMPROVE, MA-NTAI.N,PROVIDE STORE/WATER OR SNOW REMOVAL ON A Spokane County Treasurer ,6,, r.V,H;VE DRIVEWAY,PRIVATE STREET.COMIITGN AREA CR STORMWATER FACILITY, .,s "1, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT LAND TAXES 5 s,.11111 HAVE BEEN ill DESCRIBED AND BECAME THESE AGREEMENTS AND ALL COVENANTS AND DUTIES CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL RUN BATH CHARGEABLE AGAINST THE SHO '.ATH1N THIS MAR AND IN THE LAND AND SHALL BE BINDING UPON 1HE PARTIES REFERENCED FI€REIN,THE OWT'IERS, THE DEDICATION OF THIS DATE, HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. SATISFIED AND -a - - - — THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. DISCRARDED — _ INDIVIDUAL TRACTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PAYMENT OF CURRENT APPLICABLE SEWER f]-{}r � .[rJ -� — CONNECTION CHARGES AND/OR GENERAL FACILITIES CHARGES PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A DATED THIS L I DAY OF 37.(.(.N . 2019 -_ r SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT. 111 OK.SE A PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR THE PLAT AND INDIVIDUAL SERVICES % Z -= a J YELL BE PROVIDED TO EACH LOT PRIOR TO SALE. USE OF INDIVIDUAL ON-SITE SEWAGE , I L`,� )Ill r� ej ^d}^}' p- - _„ DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE AUTHORIZED. 15 �a tC air J/)'y .� d 1.-is Pill 111111 ENNIMIIMMIN NI= ,..._ SPOKANE COL'TY TREAS ER y =z j USE OF PRIVATE WELLS AND WATER SYSTEMS IS PROHIBITED. �I #� IN= [ ---0:4iii. 4.7 ■� l ..1i, , rm. - Surveyor's Certificate t Ii■••'•� •�•� '� o THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS �� �����„ E T$ A SURVEY OE BYTHE LIE OR UNDER MY AN .,,� � VALLEYON IN CONFORMANCE IWTH REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF STANDARDS — „��■...,,.,� SUBOINSION ORDINANCE AND CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STANDARDS. 1„•j C -ff,- .. �� .■ .11.E VALLEY FOURTH MF,A{I IAL CHURCH, A IMIL A CS f fia -.4 ,`� _� �-.. a Acknowledgment 1 HrNCTgr�rh .." -.,,kaRPORnnoN NPtd�E cf 5Ls2u ynR: Sa�Kud 1k tCILEYt 7`d� �1j�� s. , T • ... CV f ~ a •■ •• • ..1I.�/ rnf E CLCcvlalor-Fake--�n,rd �J�..t�a.r • ,� f �'� NM M� STATE OF �[icLh� )ss �Qyov�uycl"s .. rzou-4 �— ■ �� •� ■ „t,,,.,,,,■ COUNTY OF zb-nr% '� '� kl.ficrioi, /�* x on THIS _DAY OF )ltc ___ 1N THE YEAR OF 2019, BEFORE I.IE, THE di Ili f I f ] 1 UNDERSIGNED. P€RSONALLY APPEAR_D ZST]_C,tjL1VE7`__, KNOWN OR IDENTIFIED TO LIE TO ILL I ! yBE THE MANAGER OR A MEMBER OF THE NON-PROFIT CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE -', _ - INSTRUMENT OR THE PERSON WHO EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF SAID LIMITED ("'I � — THEISh E OMPANY AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT SUCH U1MITEO LIABILITY COMPANY EXECUTED _ 10.... 0 W.J 4: 0 r-s LOT 1 LOT 2 `, T_. �„J «-1 S��X1! e_�...wa�___-�- lSIJE.BELL RI ��8�7 )- •�+ F { 1 NOTARY PIBUC•S7ATE DFIOAIIO NO ARE PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF 1.dIZI•ir3 COLILTSSIONNUA RER29171086 C c—rn F I e Ar i e t46, 4 7.l05 1IYCOMIISSICIEXFWES 12828i7 24rH AVENUERESIDING Ar -�( i1 (�l]0—___ . - -1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r 1 1 I I I I I N� 7600 tIJMINEftAL pRIVE,5UITE 900•GOEUR OAIENE,IOAH013815 Vicinity Map COMMISSION EXPIRES- -1.�PLf:J__________ PHONE:(206)772-8895•FAX:(209)772-6099 WNWNH2SURVEY,COM 1" MOD PROJECT NUM ER2019.084 Sheet I aft Exhibit 1 6826073 Par 2of2 0712612019 10:43:23 AM AA (aSZWI 3 3�Isb LINE TABLE SH/Q-,�6 I 9-0008 TILED FOR RECORD,TtS YrtOifiica 2019. AT 3 r LINE TES PASTAU O'CLOCK 1.,, 0 REC ORDE4 RE BOCK OF E BEARING DISTANCE SHORT PLATS h'4 At PACE RECORDS OF SPOKANE 544'4309'E 21.63 A parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quater of Section 28, COUNTY, WASH/MORON, AT THE RECu ST OF -12 SURVEYING AND L2 S8957'00'€ 19.35 Township25 North,RangeVALE rou rN CHURCH L3 537'07'43"1V 24.95 44 East.Willamette Meridian FOUND 3' ''-4 SOI'41'46"1V 20.00 RADIAL LINE TO CURVE C11 Spokane Valley,Spokane County,Washington iANL COUNrr nL`til TOR BRASS CAP IN L5 575'73'49'W 20.00 RADIAL LINE TO CURVE C11 MONUMENT / L6 SD727°0O'E 924.93 RADIAL LINE TO CURVE C7 FOUND 3' CASE L7 5D4106'58'E 924.93 RADIAL UNE TO CURVE C7 BRASS CAP IN ` MONUMENT i I, 2� CASE, PER R7 r' F1895TS5'E _ _ Y _ 266_7.39 ��L I 4� 1 28 EAST fSTHAVENUE - Legend 28 27 6, r CALCULATED POINT(NOTHING FOUND OR SET) CURVE TABLE • e FOUND 5/8" S1,100711 ROD 15ITH NO IDENTIFICATION CURVE ARC DISTANCE RADIUS CENTRAL ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD DISTANCE 0 100 200 (UNLESS OTHERI'OOMlii NOTED) CT 31.35 20.00 89'4T58" N44'S5'59'W 28.23 C2 33,45 20.00 90'O5'o0' H45'DO'30E" 28.30 I r 0 = FOUND BRASS CAP (AS NOTED) C3 217.56 1662.03 7'30'00" N96'18'00"E 217,41 scale !!1 feet -, - = DEED LINE G4 197.69 929.93 12'IO'SO NBa'38'25"E 197,32. 1 1"=100' C5 29.76 20.00 85'1610' 542'38'05'E 27.09 31.47 20.00 S45`05'01"19 28.33 BOUNDARY LINE 90'I D'02' C7 53.82 924.93 03'20'02" 504'13'01"E 53.81 - - = ADJACENT PROPERTY 1UNE C8 142.81 92.1.93 08'50'47' 559'41'34-E 142.67 - - - - = RIGHT-OF-WAY G9 18.6E 12.00 90"05'00" P!•l5'00'30'E 16.98 C10 218.22 16557.03 07'30'00" NS6'18'OD"E 218.06 Record Information -"x--5 N- = WOOD BOARD FENCE CII (NON-TANGENT) 25.73 20.00 73'42'03" 551'2T12"E 23.99 R1 - PLAT OF DARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS. ( 1 t 1� I r I RECORDS OF SPOKANE EIII 9COUNTY, 1 IWA FLATS.P RRECORD IN HOOK K I GE PLATS, PACE i9. I R2 - PLAT or GLEN NEW ACRES, RECORDS OF 1 y NGTON,I I RECORDED1iIN ROOKSPOKAE 6 Y.OFA FLATS, L@ 1 PAGE 50. Z R3 - PLAT OF GLEN VEIN ACRES 1ST ADDITION. RECORDS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON. RECORDED IN E 4 1 1 I BOOK 7 OF PLATS, PAGE 42. R4 - PLAT OF GLEN VIEW ACRES 2710 .12 400111O}:, RECORDS OF SPOKANE r.„ I �'G'• 0U 1 COUNTY, YWASFIINGTON, RECORDED IN BOOK 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 3. k-85r R� �V1159 ‘J' I �i,•r'ty fT.VYC, r.t\OV• R5. - PLAT OF GLEN VIEW ACRES 3RD ���J f,.., twor• 1 ADDITION. RECORDS OF SPOKANE �c3 � BOOKCOUNT9 QV,IPLATS, PAGE 15RDEC IN A 1 R6 -- RECORD OF SURVEY,RECOROS OF CIX Q o» I RECORDEDE COJF77Y, SYASHINCTON. •�� a o I I I $7 IN BflE 55, PAGE 42. 1 � , o R7 - SHP 2017-p18,RECORDS OF IZI J SPOKANE COUNTY, I'TASHINGTON, C7��V 'r ~ ~ __ --_J I RECORDED IN BOCK 31 OF SHORE rti L V v PLATS, PAGr 99 & 70. J L - N823,3'00'E ��S857Sy0 - EAST 22NOAVENUE o A- �J 19 .39 r� C4 GB 18. 47 - - - < 1 C7 1610- 1 -Llr�`r _ 4t, 591.39 - 585I?BA'E - su- ,n G q< L2 CIO A N82'33'00"E oz ,I y\,`._b V II rwG y����' rc2 BLOCK ¢ Co G c a s p sii Q /T':L.• kr�(ti6 W Basis of Bearings a o �N m'"1 ' N� I • 3 r'• •$ 5 �1 6 F I 1HC WEST LIVE O tHE NORTHEAST 1�4 OF IJ Bti A-1 o'w NI d I s�PF.• 7z I SECANN 28. TAMETHI 24 NORTH, RANGE I el m,., BLOCK 6 IV�a r 2 S8937'03`E 'J�11 c iFw I 43 EAST, WILLAIMET E MERIDIAN, BEARS t100'02'00"4!AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF Al { Nag'54'4s"W 500.30 5�� yyyl=Es Z 1 c) =< 62.27a - • --- () OQ RECORDS OF SPOKANE COUORDED IN 1N'dY,'WA.AGE 42, ~r • I ---- SB9'ST03'E- 1 Z I Q13 N 1 m :0 9 B T 6 5 3 4 N En u. A I , 30 v BLOCK z4 - RIGHT OF WAY - --"., ,W„- q (� �- - AFTER DEDICATION) LOT 1 O v n 321,604 SQ FT wo r•�'+ - - -I I y��Ua4\11 0 0 0 7.39 ACRES mo '3 Pc`l',a+`' LOT 2 w I► %� 1 O 0 356,751 SQ FT 8' tq a€ q {"�� 8,19 ACRES 0.100 I�j O a� p121os, 36.28 .d.. ....,yr....... RIGHT OF WAY �,_ ., 1 2 t3 14 15 JI 16 17 10. 19 20rti . AFTER DEDICATION N89'54'45'l7 f /$IIA��`I 31.54 O 58.20 I 25I RIGHT OF WAY `' -4 IIr+-RIGHT OF WAY PER R6 s` PER R6 TEMP. SAP°�''r, 4.72 DRAINAGE .0 t'p, 5 1 RIGHT DF WAY EASELIENT 6' F o RIGHT OF WAY 7 DEOICAT1Otl PER RIS7R DEDICATION ,�p� 6R�9S 54154BO I I 1 L 555 58 „y/�„ 0•0° . [ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1236. 9 °'G 28 1• ` N89 49'58"41- - -- - - /4 N89'49'58'W f 2fi64.49 x - sus EAST24THAVENUE 27 FOUND 1/2-I--`` 514,,. • Equipment& Procedures - -'� L1. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED 1'hTH A TOPCOH GPO Surveyor's Note ;'`J ILLEGIBLE SYSTEV AND A 3 SECOND TOPCON TOTAL STATION ALL CURVES SHOWN HEREON ARE rANGEIl7 UNLESS 11D1ED FOUND 3 1/2" moan MINERAL DRIVE,SUITE 909 •COEUR O AL ENE,IDAHO 63115 PLASTIC CAP THEODOLITE USING FIELD TRAVERSE PROCEDURES TO RRASS PRONE'120E}7726500•EY.0(208)772fii0FB ACIIIEVE THE MINIMUM CLOSURE STANDARDS PER Y1AC KWYJ H25URVY.WM 332-130-090, WAG 332-130-100. ORTE:DULY, 0 PROJECT NUMBER 20E8.084 Sheet 2 of 2 I Exhibit-1 - 4UI.1.41C i - R•a1M✓ QT `Q/-� � f P ."'', �� /Y/ 0Y DED1CA''ION j ` i: U to FR5 6 /Now rice Aid,/ Or TN Esc PRESENT,/', Ma/y%rg//C.Will/VS aad Edna Al.N/i/rpps hershand and 1rele hare caused 717 bap/affect LE GEN43 �� �� in/a /a Is, blacL--s and s/rcef"he/aiila-r SAW,/ /lerean fv be .Frown erJ "GtffwVICW Ac.c.ss TN/Aa0 Apo/r/O/.r"des r/btd as follows: fey/irnin of a po)af 25.07 foe/soufyanrl 19,03 leaf Ive./e/'flJ, /nferfectlano/r anion Road and 22^9�Ave., /ferrite o• Co nen� Sclu(I�on Pin) '/j,_rrdD� .r6s•36'iv /59.A9 fee/ /e ,the/le inain old tan e,/ curve to the r/ hf said torte rresfcr/ y s' 9 y Seven a e.d/us of 20¢/.97fict, f/rcnrcalaa pp Mon. Sat (Iron Pin y 3z 32 ref fhru a tree//u/ and/c//of 9°n6'i ><lcace t BS'/G' /T9.5Qfcef; fhencc sufh 1/P PB�ccf N Mon. ie,on(Iron Piney ffeere Sf39'.57'E' 635.96 feel; /hence Yor/.4 /d3.27lee, fa the pain/of 6eyInning. They do hereby dcdl.a/e/Sneer the "-- s/lee, s//a+va 4creon Par pahha /Dad purposes. A/o mare Mon one de/ached dwe//rny s/rpclure(s:ogle/'nor;/y ordup4.r ,r4o//ale pkoocl Oda ,o4e-44 rice sliallogy!of be SCALE/".'50' /'a//er subdivided/or Mc parposcs of crew/...to •ddiffaea/ fats or bai,&;4/9 sifts w!/rfou/Filing a rep/by': Dames/re Iva/cr Ivi// be pear/deb." each/effi r/or to soh. Lel2 4lack 6 as sr4own hcrcan is ded/cote,/ /a Spobaec Coan/y as gcr ern/4.7,...,1;pecper/y /a fe dsdrea fed for/cac/Parpsrc.6 Awe. a/sac/i /iO/C as floc road/s ten/r•na°d os o AV/nle/elh .-6',.f/o//re". A G faa/ s/rip a/he as s/cwn hereon is air!/cafe Xc e an carenrrnl<,or/ov6/e6 vfi,fie•s In 14Ti7.vss,s lVHs,eEOF• we hare hereon/o sefaor ham/ 5 A. 1 - •. '.....- . . / -. �.tb/i day of�_ Pe .i� C L. •r,,�` ..7: beep.,/ C, y//lipps Edna M. /Nhipps '' : • 4 rAC K NOWLE.DGME " tu.tu• l i ; •I i ` _ 0 S T/.TC Or WASH,m wron) E 1 w L'] CourvTT OF SPoxnuK) 55 •-i` 2 i ^ ,'- f ON this SLL. day of� ,/9G6 before a7 persogo//y appevrcd Y/ryf/C: .IYhipps and Edna Al/Vhrppt, • V- I • � Cy nl y _rt• d aad wile:, /o me known /a be the indvioruoLr flea/erecu/cc/ me wrfhin PIS /aregoin ins/rursle/A/o/rd acFnorr/rdgto/ busbanJ n475^r' Jo,! ens/rum la' le "heir free and n vc/u /cry cc/ and deed for/he peerpores Therein me.o/,ocegi n ' "-- -- / -________ _____ t °!'BItL IN W/T✓✓LSSJVHEG60F, !have hcreun/a se/rnyfiandacrd affixedriryvffrclplsea ffieda an r e:rr< abate Ivrilacn, -~ �- -� --T - - l-- _--"~---- - - � -_ 1 u, !\ 11 A9•os' R.:o/a.rr' cos/ t•stas6 ti/y conJn/i3sroir e.rpi/es / /0 ,9 /6sndw���. csp� • - �`v ti in ar e s /e of /Yashrd,/arl �, • �bn� � se ra'N--Is9.e9'- -!'4r E a 9•o6•-^. I•yrLr.r6zsa'-.t•ezr�t,.---^�^ ' 3 eee.Ti I r8'J/ /iy ,lyas/i%ny/on a4�\ k •n,,a 95,9 /15,05 • 67.12• 13.E i S'. i•I� i ' ' a' r 85' I ,� ' Ory / 4 3 r p / 411, n v h o iq 11 re ENIQINEER:5 CERTIFICATE a " = � q" /, C/.ante E. 9Jmpsoo a//a£.se/ L'iv/ ,6'ng/oaor and land Surveyor c,/ifs /ha/ /he ph/ 040wn hereon is a "roe copy � BLOCK El% e N. ,. n of The offs£/a/records and surrey made by me and Mel The /of earners an,/,rloou.,ea, 4 hart 4'eaa sal + BLOCX 5� 7 r/J I U -{'�4ree�1 r,J .y r` ;F c:gGf rd..�.Jca..af--T;_,, xs' ---------Ils'-!` u/�ir/y 4;c.a i • £'!crane& E. J'... sonf I"°.� -- .a P r-s89°ST'f���•66s.98' ��.���..����. p Pro/assianal .ny/ricer • I• L•N /�k£ ss3'•Q. 1 i > t COUNTY OFFICIALS et Lc].....:- _ 4 Q / herebycer/i/' "ha/ the re uirrd tares on the herein fatted land have been loT-f I /J 9 p paid //lilir day a/ 11Fr m&cG;/9G6 • i Rroiv L.//wn17n 8y cf ./ 7 .,; ,rr�� dM.r.P,L/J_ ,_Ppohone Coun/tea TraaSurcr• sent l/ fromined and approved this 9" day of 77.a.ci.rTrFn /S66 �J, ,1;. Qn.w+",.- g no.,f ' ,f- , 3 y ' ' •.-{rfiokane Coaafy 4.r............ r,,,,, -- - -- I j , E.rnenked and appeared /his S'� day of DeCetnb6r' ,/968 jcrie/,I.61Q( '♦{ E?7,C(� �, 1pa.GarEe Coo,, /Eau./'/n /necr f`h'-"�F • ..ylUilc., l� l d cites ' cJ EAamri)ed Dnd appeared ffllS lb m. day of !7a"GfMlicN /9G6 ////y9i/) Pe. "(ale, � {„L4~ Q.fAL/J dT I Ft, SAS.. Spahone Caan y Plannise CC,?n7irsiaa C4cirrrraa/) 4.-"-• !I ti ,'.. * it, lla/nined end approved Ellis /OTC day of DIOCEYIeEl9 ,IX6 FL`-^r. ( spa.Eane Coun/y Co/n.mrss/of7c s chai/-nrao FI NAL PLAT Eroa/iaed aad approved Ellis (4 day of "",.1.,. ,19 GLENVIEW ACRES 3rd ADDITIONJ ne fHea/> oep,rf�,en> f o A PLAT OFAPORTION OF LOTS1,2,3,485 OF BLOCK OF DARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS SEC.28 T. 25N., R.44E.,WM. SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON t.V r770ES ANO 0fPrrk//REs COURSE DISTANCE Awn! souTN _EAST west MORI•N /43.7T /4323 _ NOVEMBER /968 CLARENCE E.SIMPSON ses°3a'w_37L99 7+53 121.06 SCALE I'-'50' PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 1.165476'w J I6.00 .j5O8 - 314.98 sewn 14478 , /4428 589°ST•E 63598 055 61356 70141.9 161.57 16935 169.35 65.9,96 635.98 /hl DIFFERENCE , 0.0 0.00 ,1,..- 1 c':....4. .........., ��' g 301739 I • .. 1 Exhibit 2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For Street Vacation THE SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY& PUBLIC WORKS IS SENDING THIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ABUTTING THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY TO BE VACATED BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT RECORDS FROM TILE SPOKANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OR TREASURER'S OFFICE. Hearing Date,Time, and Location: The required public hearing for Street Vacation Application file no. STV-2023-0001 shall be conducted before the Spokane Valley Planning Commission in such manner as provided by law on Thursday, April 27,2023 beginning at 6:00 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as can be heard, in Room 109;Centerplace Regional Event Center; 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA. Meeting Details: The hearing will be conducted in person,with the option to attend remotely using web and telephone conference tools. Join Zoom meeting by computer, smartphone, or tablet at: A link to the Zoom meeting will be provided on the agenda and posted to the City's webpage: www.spokanevalley.org/planningcommission. Application/Description of Proposal: Request to vacate 6,970-square feet of public right of way in the alignment for Glenview Circle, located south of and adjacent to 22nd Avenue. Applicant: Simpson Engineers, Inc. 909 N Argonne Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Adjacent Property Owner: Oaks Education Association. 2303 S Bowdish Road, Building 3, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Location of Proposal: The right-of-way to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle, approximately 315-feet east of Sunview Circle; adjacent to parcels 45281.2104 and 45281.2802; further located in the NE quarter of Section 28, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington. Environmental Determination: The Planning Division has reviewed the proposal/project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 21 (Environmental Controls) from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). Approval Criteria: Chapter 22.140(Street Vacations)SVMC;Title 21 (Environmental Controls)SVMC;the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards;the Regional Stormwater Manual; and the Spokane Regional Health District regulations. Hearing Process: The Planning Commission will conduct the hearing pursuant to the rules of procedure adopted in Title 18 (Boards and Authorities) SVMC. The Planning Commission holds the public hearing to receive comments and forwards a recommendation to the City Council for an ordinance adoption. The public is encouraged to provide comment in person at the hearing, or to submit written comments prior to the hearing by sending the comments to Levi Basinger, 102I0 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, or email to lbasinger@spokanevalley.org. Comments will need to be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on April 27, 2023 in order for them to be received and prepared for submission into the record. Comments received will be entered into the record at the time of the public participation portion of the Public Hearing.Comments received through US Mail will be included if they are received prior to the hearing. All interested persons may testify at the public hearing in person or via the zoom meeting address and/or phone number. Interested persons will need to sign up via ZOOM to speak no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 27, 2023 at the link provided in the agenda posted at the link referenced above. Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments. The link will direct you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. Written comments and documents may only be submitted prior to the hearing. Any appeal Exhibit 2 of the decision will be based on the record established before the Planning Commission, pursuant to Chapter 17.90 (Appeals) SVMC. Staff Report and Inspection of File: A staff report will be available for inspection seven(7)calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and other associated documents may be inspected by searching under"Current Agenda" at this web address: www,spokanevalley.org/planningcommission. If you have any questions, please contact Levi Basinger, Planner, Building & Planning Division, at(509) 720-5332 or lbasingerAspokanevalley.org. umla Gr 1 (lem ,v Cir GIB akiwl•7 „jl y r v SGIIt !"1i [ S. -aiy, mg. ._t4828451 61 'x 4 28; ' #i' . P , `5 t+dal' 1 ' , r t.>k . .. •r n • a r L d�' 1}T�JC# 1tEt 117,0 {k r ' �fa�]Q' 77` 1 y 11�� sri -.e1r' m:a; 1y IA? G ca Glenx oir k n IS @ 7l ono- ' i l 4528 f1 0 H 452"QSfI; a, {�. i..ry t ,1 52d �`p r �_' 22nd Ave `J r ,E 22nA AvuD_ --- a 1 12,9,° Right-of-way to asoaso ow3r: , F F 2? ,,..e ,27 r,E ,..., .1. 4 ., �22nc h 8 7164 , 1 be vacated —1 s r v, ry _ - - I 21rd Av a' -- F - _ 1 4523141 -'i '11OOS L ' h Rd 1)1,1 Ave, 801 ID_ R A5)o1.1833,i.. - - •ate- . 4 1L s cc Et :-411sWr , 41 c D 24th Avenue 1r�. ALlim ,4,616 L `- , g 1 '!I , 1�*•1'. 118$71E r,. . -'�{tlafi F e ,;. _ye 11/OGIF 117181E 24thrA4t 'lf— ,,T— 2d1h Av 1,l.llnk ,Fon 7_ 24TAv4 .' t 241h Aver{�45i2'84 4485 F 'l 45„8•i 0.t67i ,(�r�{1. (�[8,1 89 45284 111 I 3 ,� 4 521 1 2 4F187f I. ,1820 E c�,, 7t 1717E cr 1, `lt. a-Pi18OO E3 91hAv "24j!.'Av. �. 719' I" C 2 Ip Ave,:,,, 1 24.1 ,11 284.IT3 45384'.94f1 ny Exhibit 3 c�r�or• Community&Public Works Department Spokane Walley 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-5000 ♦Fax: (509)720-5075 4 www.spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Levi Basinger, Planner From: Chad Riggs, Senior Engineer Date: March 1, 2023 Re: STV-2023-0001: Glenview Circle Street Vacation DE Comments Development Engineering requires the following items to be addressed prior to street vacation finalization: General 1) The existing curb returns at Glenview Circle shall be removed and Type 'A' curb shall be installed along 22nd Avenue across the vacated portion of Glenview Circle per Standard Plan R-102. 2) The existing driveway approach for 11706 E. 22nd Avenue shall be extended to the required Type 'A' curb and installed per Std. Plan R-110. 3) Any unpaved area located north of the required Type 'A' curb within the proposed vacated area shall be paved per Std. Plan R-120. 4) Construction within the public right-of-way shall be performed under the direct supervision of a licensed Washington State Professional Engineer and in accordance with the Spokane Valley Street Standards. All work is subject to inspection by the City of Spokane Valley Development Engineering Construction Inspector. 5) Upon completion of the improvements, a Construction Certification package per SVSS Chapter 9 shall be submitted and approved prior to recording of the Street Vacation Ordinance. 6) A Warrant Surety shall be provided for the public improvements per SVSS Chapter 9. Exhibit 3 From: Gloria Mantz To: Levi l3asi ger Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 Date: Wednesday,March 1,2023 2:58:03 PM Attachments: jmage001.jnq No concerns from me other than what was brought up Chad Riggs From:Shane Ant<sarit@spokanevalley.org> Sent:Wednesday, March 1, 2023 2:57 PM To:Aaron Clary<aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Levi Basinger<lbasinger@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Chaz Bates<cbates@spokanevalley.org>;Gloria Mantz<gmantz@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 Levi, No concerns from Streets. Thank you. Shane From:Aaron Clary<aclaryPsaokanevallev.org> Sent:Wednesday, March 1, 2023 1:55 PM To: Levi Basinger<Jbasinger( spokanevallev.org> Cc: Chaz Bates<cbatesc spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz<gmantzPspokanevalley.org.>; Ryan Kipp <rkioo( spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs<criggs[ispokanevallev,org>;Shane.Arlt <sarlu s okanevalley org> Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 Levi, Stormwater has no comments or concerns. Thanks. From: Levi Basinger<lbasingerfspokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:15 AM To:Gloria Mantz<gmantz( spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs<criggs@sookanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipo@spokanevalley.org>;Aaron Clary<aclary@spokanevalley.org>; Shane Ant <sarltPspokanevalley.org> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbatesl' spokanevalley.org> Subject: Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 To Whom it May Concern: We have received a petition for street vacation (file no. STV-2023-0001)to vacate the portion of Glenview Road right of way south of 22nd Avenue. The portion of right of way in question would be the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle, east of Bowdish Road Exhibit 3 From: Shane Arlt To: Aaron Clary; Levi Basinger Cc: Chaz Bates;Gloria Mantz; Ryan Kinn; Chad Riggs Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road 5TV-2023-0001 Date: Wednesday,March 1,2023 2:57:02 PM Attachments: imaae001.ioq Levi, No concerns from Streets. Thank you. Shane From:Aaron Clary<aclary@spokanevalley.org> Sent:Wednesday, March 1, 2023 1:55 PM To: Levi Basinger<Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz<gmantz@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevalley.org>;Shane Arlt <sarlt@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 Levi, Stormwater has no comments or concerns. Thanks. From: Levi Basinger<lbasinger(spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:15 AM To: Gloria Mantz<gmantz( spokanevallev.org>; Chad Riggs<criggs( spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkippPsnokaneyalley.org>;Aaron Clary<aclaryPspokanevallev.org>; Shane Arlt <sarltCspokanevalley.org> Cc: Chaz Bates<cbatesPspokanevalley.org> Subject: Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 To Whom it May Concern: We have received a petition for street vacation (file no. STV-2023-0001)to vacate the portion of Glenview Road right of way south of 22nd Avenue.The portion of right of way in question would be the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle, east of Bowdish Road (see vicinity map). The vacation is adjacent to the site for the Oaks Academy project on 22nd Avenue east of Bowdish Road (BLD-2022-3764 and EGR-2022-0051). I believe the applicant intends to use the area of the proposed vacation for parking and/or access from 22nd Avenue. Both properties that abut the proposed vacation are under the same ownership.The complete street vacation file can be found in the link below or on SmartGov. Exhibit 3 From: Aaron Clary To: Levi Basinger Cc: Chaz Bates;Gloria Mantz; Ryan Kinn;Chad Rings; Shane Ark Subject: RE: Street Vacation Glenview Road 5TV-2023-0001 Date: Wednesday,March 1,2023 1:55:09 PM Attachments: Imaee001.ipg Levi, Stormwater has no comments or concerns. Thanks: From: Levi Basinger<lbasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:15 AM To:Gloria Mantz<gmantz@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp <rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary<aclary@spokanevalley.org>;Shane Ant <sarlt@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org> Subject:Street Vacation Glenview Road STV--2023-0001 To Whom it May Concern: We have received a petition for street vacation (file no. STV-2023-0001) to vacate the portion of Glenview Road right of way south of 22nd Avenue.The portion of right of way in question would be the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle, east of Bowdish Road (see vicinity map). The vacation is adjacent to the site for the Oaks Academy project on 22nd Avenue east of Bowdish Road (BLD-2022-3764 and EGR-2022-0051). I believe the applicant intends to use the area of the proposed vacation for parking and/or access from 22nd Avenue. Both properties that abut the proposed vacation are under the same.ownership.The complete street vacation file can be found in the link below or on SmartGov. P:1Cgfnmunity Development11 CD Projects\2023 CD Projects\STV\STV--2023-0001\Application Are there any concerns from DE, Public Works,Streets, and Stormwater regarding the proposed right way vacation? Please send your comments to me by next Wednesday, March 8. Thank you, • Levi Basinger ' Planner 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5332 I lbasinger@soakanevailev.org Exhibit 3 From: Ryan Kion To: Chad Riggs;Levi Basinaer;Gloria Manly;Aaron Clary;Shane kit Cc: Chaz Bates;Jerremv Clark Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road 5TV-2023-0001 Date: Wednesday,March 1,2023 11:52:49 AM Attachments: jmaae001,0n4 jrnaae002 jog Levi, Traffic doesn't have any additional comments to add. Thanks, Ryan Kipp, PE, PTOE I Engineer:Traffic 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5016 I rkipoPspokanevallev,org From: Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:48 AM To: Levi Basinger<Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz<gmantz@spokanevalley.org>; Ryan Kipp<rkipp@spokanevalley.org>; Aaron Clary<aclary@spokanevalley.org>;Shane Arlt <sarlt@spoka nevalley.org> Cc: Chaz Bates <cbates@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE:Street Vacation Glenview Road STV-2023-0001 Levi, Please see the attached DE comments for STV-2023-0001. Thank you, Chad Riggs, P.E. I Senior Engineer 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5033 I criggsf3spokaneva1ley.org This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,Chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Levi Basinger<JbasingerPspokanevalley.org> • P„,,Acc„, Pursuing Excellence O 4P* lft6 xeoa CFAI wy 4 FRANK SOTO JR,FIRE CHIEF ADO" 2120 N. Wilbur Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 928-1700 Main (509) 892-4125 Fax March 16, 2023 spokanevalleyfire.conn Levi Basinger City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: STV-2023-0001 Street Vacation Vacation of 6,970sq.ft. of public ROW at intersection of 22"d Ave and Glenview Cir. RE: Technical Review Comments The Spokane Valley Fire Department has completed a review for the above referenced project and takes no exception to the"Street Vacation" as proposed. 1. Only for the matter of awareness, there are improvements being made to parcel 45281,2802 (11711 E 24u,Ave)that is immediately SW of the intersection of 22"d Ave and Glenview Cr. Improvements are being made as part of EGR-2022-0051. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Austin Morrell Fire Protection Engineer(EIT) Spokane Valley Fire Department Exhibit 4 To Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org From: Andrew Cripps Date: 3/16/2023 Subject:STV-2023-0001 Project Name: Stage: Vacation of ROW/Street Description: Vacate right of way south and adjacent to 22nd st. Site Address: 11711 East 24th Avenue The Spokane County Public Works Wastewater FA01 System Division has no objection to the finalization of the above mentioned project. If your project requires a sewer plan submittal, please refer to the requirements here: • Development Plan Review Checklist Additional General Commercial Sewer information can be found here: • General Commercial Sewer Info I Water Usage Estimate Form Sewer Planning and Design webpage • Sewer Planning & Design Exhibit 4 Levi Basinger From: Stoddard, Karen <Karen.Stoddard@lumen.com> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 3:03 PM To; Levi Basinger Subject: RE: STV-2023-0001 Agency Review Routing [EXTERNAL]This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley.Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Levi, The only conflict Lumen has would be a buried copper cable we have that runs along the south side of the vacation area. Please see picture below.The buried copper cable is the blue line circled in red. Lumen would like to retain the utility easement rights. These rights should provide for maintenance, construction and reconstruction as needed. ,_________________± r--- wr. .01:f.9:,,c-,,' ,. • ti `� . v� N fJc A = 4 �� ' il �9 ,' ./ } ,4 a - e Are, -...,rO„4,, i '.: ';0:1 'C� - Ilw Aiikilifit r . i i •_, 4 4 _.., .„.„, ,.,_....,... .,,,_ , •70, . ,,, .. _,,,,. 4. I. i E.� 1. ' Thanks, Karen 1 Exhibit 4 Karen Stoddard Capacity Provisioning Specialist _ 1020 E Cataldo Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 L U M Nr tel: 509-666-8534 Karen.Stoddard(-'a,lumen.com From: Levi Basinger<Ibasinger@spokanevalley.org> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 2:02 PM To: Bill Helbig<bhelbig@spokanevalley.org>; Chad Phillips<cphillips@spokanevalley.org>;Jerremy Clark <jclark@spokanevalley.org>;Shane Arlt<sarlt@spokanevalley.org>;Chad Riggs <criggs@spokanevalley.org>;Austin Morrell<MorrellA@SpokaneValleyFire.com>;Traci (HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com) <HarveyT@spokanevalleyfire.com>;Spokane County Public Works-Wastewater Division <planningactions@spokanecounty.org>; Paul Savage <psavage@srhd.org>;Jason Beesley (jbeesley@ modernelectricwater.com)<jbeesley@modernelectricwater.com>; Modern Electric Water Co. <transmittals@mewco.com>; engin_ataman@comcast.com; Stoddard, Karen <Karen.Stoddard@lumen.com> Subject: STV-2023-0001 Agency Review Routing All, Please review the attached application material for a proposed street vacation (file no. STV-2023-0001) of a 6,970- square foot piece of right of way adjacent to the intersection of 22"d Avenue and Glenview Circle. Submit your written comments that include any conditions or easements required to preserve utilities or access. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Levi Basinger I Planner 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5332 I Ibasinger@snokanevalley.org 4ppIiAME Sfflokane g 20 �W �F s v J This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,chapter 42.56 RCW. This communication is the property of Lumen Technologies and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 2 Exhibit 5 S o,��,'/ `►.,., .T4'AC'ATl{f;�,41'I'i.li',�7'I[)A R -f: :�1/1_f3 dllC .4,l,'.t1( 22.I•ill 4000 6s� lley +i I ,t's . rrrVatb) W'A9910o 04)9)t::1•52ty•I t 1`1'4 0.1114.1 1Sr `:151 l -. i1. + .ti � flf.V. _.1 •Date Sul:Jr-AU/adil=, evolved by; Foe: v c IPLUS — Fil�o#i: Clr'' 2 ,-_Ut?Q l PART I —REQUIRED MATERIAL -ma lrppUCAnoir Vett NOT BE..CCEN tro if THE il#O.I.stt o man I It:ALB Apt NOT PrT1DVOED" a Completed Application Form 0 Application FM''ro Pt PAL➢ AT :ICI lit Ab Lzu.:139 a.-..4 ,-:m. IR Notice of ApplicallOn Packot 017.00.1101-A,Iiarent Prop:rtyllos) II Written N..arratiro A*Men narrative rt^-. 1 ' ,,,r. i. I.r thrt proposed Str[et vocation,the pt'irsk ai&nti 00 the proposed street vacau: 1 . 1 ''of hn proposed 1 t14et tirwagon E Wtttten Correspondence from Willy Purveyor:. jo i CAb'e ..1 . deter lSpecffy]._ ar Da blClbi�t _Fro U+t.`aicl -;. t Sower Ut lily III Vicinity Map- Subrntl i Mop OtowinJI the gena{8I rt. ..!the proposed v -.:•aurae pi Record of Survey,if aveta*le for the sdtl;a;ert stet :1i toy proposed for vacation.end shut ri3 Grnpartc5 streets find a"Oyx'nrth•n too 0e4:4 OAal sides Gt the propOPed vocabon g Wrrtten Evidence of all easements,atlowanuu or retervntions.0 ova'.:`_,.+ pertiinitto to the street idrst'flr ii':Ay proposed for v z..it;tr PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION AA�:,cA,rrNA�r�:Simps©n Engineers Inc. (Nick McGill) fatten xno�teei:909 N. Argonne Rd. [g +� +� _ 'c,.Spokane Valley _- L1Y��� y IF:99212_ pl,prdt.(50�J)9Z&•132'2' FAx: Ewut.mottoesir ronor++«rarn Prdol1Iriff Omelti1o.I:Oaks Education Association MAtxaNt,9;23O3 S Bowdish Rd _ cuy:Spokane Valley 1MEWAP:992O6 13.1 t,v 1 s'doo 1 of Exhibit 5 • Correction: Mrs Vigue died January SIecil;:�' `. I''e ` `� '22,2023. Property Vil l was sold to Oaks Education I phyla: co: - �"`*: Association December 7, 2022. 41 reor'r*rr'Ow%sHNo2 Sheila lligue -- - O AGONifa:11706E 22nd Ave - - - I wn°- Spokane Valley STAII WA =, 99206 - - P a: 11Ax: Cet.t: &Luiz Vowlr Man hen raab J ponnnoss mcAsierionnotkoandwrys0 ratan rar•ollms6re ahssld paper kf&kV'' T:aw_1. .. t I 1..h . . I... 4tC Amy,E Glenview Rd --- 11., ....OF Britt:1.e.. , VAC+.TAT(i3O FT LONG)X(50 FT WIDE) - lil ,,1' 1 1T CAPF.$P .i.'i. , . 1:1�Ci"VALAT'e9D:6,800 SOFT _ } At.,' 1,. .I. 1,,.1. . . I.,'e:4&Pei 2del1' L 5 ZS i. ZS O �f,—J Avow-,..I..0 A111.11.. .l'1..,,,.5: I 1 y�-11 E ✓ VCr ,_ 2 2011AIIO b'piKNiA1TOr►_ - _ - -- -- -- - Tot.sou nyo 6lac1114[+atLVALUAtroSY111RP1.AlwraxaC0III11$3.CI01Ce AflWIA.RIwOMMJ .t*I1011'0 TT#CM?COla1CL.OM A WNW,S MtfT CA PN`IR bit 10.1 LGYrtIO 0'RSIrOlc7 AMU.Oa ANIYYtHLD Y4 A OHTAILE.DIUJ it*: •At:.$llt::[.cl A_trcss:s; he Gr*01 '.M er.;;1L"lr P. Ar........, r...,a-.a 1 II d MC/.A(:(W E Cs for co vAc.Ation c►nil aT9tt TrAUE i moitoot moat/ In no ptetpc, 2 l6Tis6TTI41TonAT,WEYIA)L< tGERAMOIr n non rut.4U:>•Cii mom ACCT.167'lr1putiII 3 WOAD sunglInco Cl A 1,SWArao10.1 torrost`ATT F11Bu:1+i;WT-OF NrAY Oil r(JT min*mt.mot.lcl. - 4 ITY.1r1IMAkl3rORart.Orb$1,TOO RIOW O VAM Af FTC MOBYr1TTIJLC-OPtTb0VE.sl*JJN 6 Wu CASEMENTS k FAr'aetD FOR ALL I 406rY0 APO O8.E$1E.I;.I ,11JTIl3? Tr* PtCOUESTt3 Yi4r.Ar1[W I!.LCCPdW W nit rt 1CkAREA,Of Y114-1.11 UraUrY cotOtorki Sr*IT t yF7 I 4 001'611IERT rr{rriKA'ronOfaMMIWATtREIRA1+i4CJEFAC41711-s OptCIF,I 1 PLEASE NOTE: PER RCW35.79.040(Tall TO VACATED S REETln.LEY),TH`HFfat;:,I441'rW.T11,NAi'UF,1CSTREFT OR ALLEY VACATED OY IKE CITY CCVJ11C t 51.L0.1.1 ECtC°:c)To 1111_AU3r riNLi PflcPER1Y(MISRS, ONE4TIA:.F{1t2}To EACH, Try`REFOgE,PROPERTY ONTiOH2T-IALLEELIEC'U REDTOSiGN THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION. Pt T s V T(I Pii*2 0 Exhibit 5 nee\'`. • gild! , ti'4t'Af sl't‘1'1'1 IC'ATIO'1 • ,,Ara l ler PER RESOLUTION 07.009Of THE TYOf:SPOKANE VALLEY.THE CifY C;FJ't'•.=t I(1A.S THE AUTHORITY 1OIYPOSECHARGES FOR STREET/ALLEY VACATION Pt B 3t,tt1 TO RCM 30 79.03D PART W-ALEHMIZATION I,Sgi'attra of senor or auIne.e. d roceatgetatival O. We. name sager or sawn tat the above responses are made :•ilrht ta the kit cirnyzholzeta 4�M17t,!-nl NOTARY STATE OP WASHINOTON; aw COUNTY OF SPOKANEps th coil:l�C1bIEfJAROVIVO :Ntot*ceomette' 1 — rtZ1 ce Ft En"+14r ,:L1.S NOTARY SEAL ._ NOIAR S►GNATURF. rrwr+o-.s.r.M►or Pubic si.i for tt i'Se jte of W a+hrn *r t..N� .04,Ut fh�eM�nyYn sip fri.t'y NIA MY apPprr ner oarpked 1 1111 K 12 LEGAL-OWNER NO, 1 AUTHORIZATION: if eta, h rot thn 1nSljl rJhY+st;yr t'+u owlet•;nest hYrrh' Fpoerrr M. I. CF-LA.,r-1 _ 42 {S cr n°r cl Inaubura descarbod peotrcttiy da hereby 21.11M rte E AY1LS. i1� to rop•esw 1 in,and ITV 010114te in Al n itttertr re— edrnl7 nil,aw1+,•.;r•ec-1 LEGAL OWNER NO.2 AUTHORIZATION.. If Ir.-atrt., :rt is r•t tyre kl.aIoh->c4Iral,V. c mi treat pro ttie tt+o b1Oarirr.g 4104)rieWgorrieet Exhibit 5 I OP Sp"V j4ii1 ley. J + (1, I f f h.4I ()ewe e- wn oer' 09 k" M #nSw 4 Ave*� scr o0 +tY 69PlIvebi a lze atiltAfriti_.e=''c' "oatVri MO and ray v;lna nt%11 a wall.it. r atdS ihs+aG�+;aiw 1 ` . i H Exhibit 5 rTw � 411 this"street leg"has not been used for any part of traffic the last 30 years.Consider line#4,with possible parking lot this would create more traffic, creating a flow of traffic from any parking lot entrance/exit. 1. HOW DOES A CHANGE or la ,,TREET/ALLE"t'`IMPROVE SERVICE TO WE PI113{,I( a. THE VACATION OF THIS STRUT LEG WILL REDUCE PUBLIC RISK BY TRANSFORMING A 4-WAY INTERSECTION INTO A 3-WAY INTERSECTION. 2 IS THE STREET OR AI(TY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OF PIILILJC ACCESS? I.+:PLAIN a NO, THIS STREET LEG NO LONGER SERVES,OR HAS POTENTIAL TO SERVE, THE PUBLIC AS PUBLIC ACCESS. 3 WOULD SUBSTITtiric r OF A NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT•OF•WA'*' BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC? IXPL.AIN a. NO, THE CURRENT NEIGHBORHOOD IS ADEQUATELY SERVED BY THE REMAINING RIGHT-OF-WAYS HOW WILL USE OR NEED FOR THIS RItAIT.OE-WA1r'RI AFFECTED I?'v FUTURE CONDITION', I XI'iAIN a. FUTURE,AND CURRI NI, DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAKS ACADEMY LESSEN THE NECESSITY FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE LAND WOULD BE BETTER SERVED AS A PORTION OF THE OAKS SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FOR PARKING OR OPEN SPACE. 5 WILL EA4FMENI 13E RETAINED FOR ALL UNDER GROUND AND OVERLIE A. . l T1I II ILS? THE REQUESTED VACATION IS LOCATED IN THE SERVICE AREA OF t11.tl-IAI L IICITY COMPANIES (SPECIFYi> a. YES,ALL EXISTING UNDER GROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES SHALL BE RETAINED. parking and open space two really different outcomes.parking=more b. THE FOLLOWING UTILITY COMPANIES SERVE THIS AREA; neighborhood lrtpfiatainege,open space-7 Open Space is land that is • MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY (WATER & PO'residenlalycummetalendustdelor • AVISTA [GAS) instilutionaluse. • SPOKANE COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEM DIVISION (SEWER) • CENTURY LINK • COMCAST 6 DOES THE RI(HT-OF WAY MNfLUCE STURMWATFR flF1AtNAGE FACILITIES(SPECIFY)? a, NO STORMWAFER DRAINAGE FACILITIES PRESENT. Exhibit 5 Project Narrative The Oaks Education Association is requesting to vacate that portion of Glenview Road lying south of 22n°Avenue and north of parcel Cl$281.2802.parcel awned by Oaks Education Acadcarsy,and totaling to approxintately ten Said portion of Gkrtviesv Road is a dead-end R(}VS'that terminates at said parcel.Said parcel is currently being developed ns n private'seltout,City of Spokane Valley permits[1 il-2022-11422 and ECiR•20224I 51.The development plans are not conductse to extending(stern levy Road through said parcel ishich will leave it as a dead-end RON Said portion of Glenview Road currently is unimproved.No demo is required to vacate said portion,and a vacation allows the Oaks Ldu;,ation Academy to extend sidewalk along 22" Avenue grad additional 70 feet across the existing said portion of Glens icw Road. No existing lois take access front said portion of Gknvicw Road. The ud)accnt properties ire loped R-2, Tins area is served by Modern Electric WW1'Company(water),Spokane County Environmental Services(sewer), Spokane Valley Fire Department(tire),A4 ist.t(el:ctne(ttsl,and Century I ink (telephone/cable)per Case-Cntl design infor i Slicwi request All other ad)azent land is developed as single-family homes Il'c nl+p:leaent feels this project is in compliance with the csppla�ahle sections of the Spo&ane Valley Municipal Code and tither applicable regulations PrOleCt#.5!V . tP.0 4. RECEIVED FEB 102823 COSV PERMIT CENTER SUB► 1 REV.#1 _ { a. rli.l4 •s ■ ROLMa ri l� t►s Nuns , ji,a :� as Ili 4,a��.. A•/It:ta • 1111111111a nip* • a.)f. ..a` v �* Iran *11 as ..s. wit, is 4-lTalls r 1i �i1N ...— - it er gdorii/ �4 _It •...1a No„,,„`* t'w ri S1.1up A op 41111 :y ill ■: • 11IiI#R11i s al 1I� t fIn 4> ����ja I113 :i fili :.ii 4 illls i.1� 4r41 s I• II a 'IR #111- !�• too:* 1 i iillis in,aM • z ■ M# tip r I1�`1alllltl Iil• .t.� it r"' it cu % so vogues:,;.:. j: a. .. 1i■ as sfl ail. arA. •• rU1111• �h _ �'iUi��.. �;. 00 iails_WAN i1 �YT �«7 It 'a' l y}i+s s1#'r sa.17a.,.N'w �! ii j loll a s,1..�a AS � 11 r.. a Iiiiliiiii ' Mill a • ft !!!- ... ■�l >r*a� �. `M� 'sill . • WO .^u III III IIIi IMII a a. �Ii1 Ill 1a1iTa* >t SI,iira�Il•�a. + .,� ,tia`r a.� 1111 :1 a Ir• . _• ..• v.: =r. ..a. .. „. ►. um iL .11.1i1 ..:! I111. s11 I win:i ►Lior 1111i# 4 11N+ ! ` �'� fir' •r, ��,+.n..:Ij.4♦«+41a" ri: T r w �M1112.wAsr r zz Nrliaii .::::: r on, 4••,.% s�.a•' iiio , +a1I1111- ..,:...., 11r 1 y P > Ns -1 li OL..• -- --' ***plow ili Zobiro.-_-_. :•.:.iP At,� wawa 1�i sa at at�s V Or wawaalai II7� '11101m. a ar,`..i��l►♦ �!a ..s. ... s�,.,.t*110-. iUi111I • C ..1�1� :.� c `"�►�.a`�� �l/II 191r�-. : i,4+► C SIMI I. ll�t • . , �: ..a .0 ar . :1111•11a'1 MO uupi` M.i ' : !I 11 � #AlfliiAlle`�.� M111>K11LIaaI �." �'" 111 -'Ri..a. 44111IIIIIIrAl: r III II I 44•eiLifl- " rri�aa. for r"en '4 . . s i1111I11411I11 milli / Ta s. ■at" will - III 111111i.ai li1'10 a II11'11 � r 1 f tai z i i1I11ii!I 1111111a pin I1 'II 2 a• I - oft aft mow 4,140 ult. � • • UM111i1�t■ ! �,• a.r * la r• .* a M� •�' mil al Al ,.,• -. •• �s. - i+• ar la +.a a. !a —s sue.: :y'ft. A111i .. : as -- ... - -- •.. I _# • .L. „� Y• �•&NI : ri OM :....O.•�w _I ii s., OP•• :: •so� .. ra�...•i.. ,r ' tan �r' ..- == wwl.a 1 II I. ..ail..•..•. t.a as • ..0 fifft f mINI •� _• : aaa.. •a ... a ■n ••,. s. .. _ rr • w �...• �•.2.r al.,.w..rrw ,. r r� wa ,,,. aa• -- a. ... -.. •i 111— i.t...i..s w•'.fa all ....■ is .tag.. a. r..i.. .• a_,.. �. • V - - ='-. _a NO NI; WO. .ataaa 1r'' Ili 11 t1ia!!1 ..'.�t.• a. .. .. ..., t'• #s •. r`.-a . s - a r+. .. a� 1 'an r sm Sal aal 4el ft. Om.ism la w-'iii fr..ar ."`:, ..n..'•Pi „01 r.• .A*.."'t . .. w;I :. .a.rts .a w..,.l >Aw.ar la"l.la .a +• alili of s .., MB .a .. r•I �11111111a. OOP al. wa a• •avureh. .al ra 6.• rrasr Cr .. ..+• a II '• I1i111Ii• aw�a" NO •• .r aslw..wl• .a al.. as 7:::10. Rs .. :::::■ •si'�I1114i•1« ■ R.. _ .... ar .• •..-: ..r r,a •. s as aON Mit -At w .s .la _ .I t l tis .� ..so-so ..s as ■• .i� Aa 1. .-., •I1OO ar. " �`� 0 tit in tmo A: r. • •a a '.• s a 'A. • al as ■.:, fA" all .s' ., =IN�■i1 li;. 4A 11.101141 1►'"i1U1uu� 1i' iilaiuPli�*` �� .rt.s lama -- 11 � .0 �. iilrf•'II Z. iatt awl r 51111111111.510P ' Est !••I! .:. IAA ♦ 11t� . _ ,� sown r. oft "'"'' 1 : I1I■1i.ilt1; a: 1� , '11► ail■ —r • fe, s.�, ■lidIit+1i _I.... ili, .11 � ON Olt ' �� !r4;2-1Z: = % '1-A� ;1111. %m 1 �I1 11 1.14.111 11111■ Z ;a 1110r.11M I:Ih111II1I1 — 'its • = _ i .a ;; icI1 � '�;141%-' i' .r 'a1111w: •• i1 _y i`.i MrRia1• + A0 . ' U00 I�. �11,.i w.,ril '" lil l�tt ri 1111i111 Mti i Tos y�►� ”. IIiiii i ii wi: Esi A li sal*r *. A , IF1i111 tlirI.1R••. ,^i, -r 7=I i l l 10s.,iw i v 1►i s , am n•P .. 4 y i .'.4 sal W .r.r.t.gt 9 i g1LgxA Exhibit 5 Jill II! 1 . . TT , r a !I • . QI: ' Glenview 'lid /F ..,,,IIP S • IL X _ 3 1 on ca 'or'31 qr ....e. ill I Nor III 16 I\t., ...,J8 40 s • 4110 . ... —11:k. ' 'e . .or..raf aIr• o , 4,_ r 1111.11 I Exhibit 5 -----.r_l, 1111111111111. (18/1/0011. i IA1\111\111 +.C.: 1.-: :I"•1 NVi.+1:1••• 111 1.t : I'Al ••.1 -••.,..r....ska011 ,111°114\1.1%.. I I I., 1. kis, s'1,11 IA t . I Ilk.. 1 Li k le 4000 Nit'krt" 1)p, I'E 14 M!NATI(rti (11; (1)111IPLI: ITN 1.,,....., 1,(1.'vt 1 vt, • .4. .iir4tji.et Nil mile'. %,. 2.1:',1 ii ot 0,pplivall,.11 D104.:lid 1.,11. ro:+0 11 s , ' 1 1, $ . 1 , T Iik ,..i, ... :.LA.,,° mi.,: ..41/CIlli+In: \'..• ! • . •1 .1 • I. ' .••• 1+ 1'1 -• , 1 1 • 1 •• 11.' . ' •,.., ow •• • •I $•+-'1'. :.' T ' .• . .; .•$.'...: i ' I.I.'.. ..I... 1 . 1. lii I I • ...1C,.: :, 1 ft. ':"..c.,:. • • I S 1.• 01 SiTS...iTe.11...It, Iso..... 1. p .-• I. II,..1: . 1 I. I '..'I I .-...'le Niecidilltl.R k ..att.- ; . truly, I 1.•1 , I 1 . 1 L I 1 ii Cleft&V 45231 ?II 1.110 30 HI• • 1.1/4111/11Cal$1'41.:7 ••• • 1: F • ' - ' l' ' 1 '1 '• • .11 I:1.2303S Flovedrc.1 it.r.ILI, ‘.1 .. ! • I 1, . t -, 19 N.Argonne Rood. 'Itt_ir.: iii AIII,Ii...,r.,11: 1 J ,. •,1-. ' . . 1 ' _ !taiti-utr 1,:iiiIert- trvr,..1111i11,01,,,r. , II , ., • Stair.1`I.Isstat•t. I • .. II . • I I,, ir•• ;.... • ' I . • , . ict.4,11,,e1.1>rg I _ )(MIR Al'I'l IC ‘I ION IS i giiiiplvie. II . ....: I I,. ° . ,I I ‘,1 ..! i. i ilr,... 1,.:1 %, 1, „: , i 1...1 , I AR. 1-, ••• • I. 1 ••:.: I. ..provided thus tar arc I'l. 11'. Id; II. 4: PIA i 1 T1 . 1 I '1.141,1 1 til` fr.LCI f'11: pr1^..',ill!' II • CI I 1,sito requiremems it.ed the III: 1 lit., 1 • l' : ; I'l.! GM 1.,1A[III .1 pre1: int!,i.....era itwovit 31!;!it Hi I itrormation May iNC• regttircd ..I I-- -, -1 'Ail. 1 ,1. rox. .. I I. 1.11.11 ...lhowt.it.,....-trl I he l',•'! I 1 1 t...I +.' l'ompirtenes..s does um 1-.I. ..1. HI,. i II. s t phonlit . II,. ,,ors igurtt retetkAing ad.I.ti,, n t II, I I., rd,,,ti.,14 of %Italics it Pew . t,I 1 di.,,1 I I.• iliIt'd Cit 11ILth • 1 .. ch.inges irt the rivsei ..k.I ,t. ...I.,,s, I.11. I.s.ilunce Di the ...,.... . . 11 , ..s i'ItirnpkteneA., i 1 r it be coottnked r. 1 .11 .1 t 1 .:- lot the .,,,r. I.i. 1-, ,11 compuneats ii . ii, I . , . 6ort has hoc,' .., 11 .. , I . .' I :I i., . 1 ....11 -°- I - I i , /1 .1 ii:-....1.ei L 1 I for patilie hi ., II, I - . . .' .111 IL : . LI . •: ..1 V.L '. I i •1;, .01 ill 1,.r .1 iitIfkirnt-L.1 I- It.,, ',..:Hive.tiplitc:,, ',in t_i '. Date Isqrvti: Niarkh 1,.2024 Signature: . 111 Exhibit 5 tiI I ' iI i11 NI \11.1•YG 1 IIi rci1, ,1, .. Iit.; i r1'5'Qa1 i . . a , 'kalif s, MAIM PIONt tee• c. icing fnt dirk).swurn,d'ayou%Ar•.t ,'.tali times tttelllinned herein l%as.at+:l i- ,c ins,. << inn of tit i li ed Stelsw c,l Amer ., ,,i ci arc taf eightcetn yeah. *fl, i ,.1.• !t1I .1 ,r Arita - -- ,;.0 ; .l personally dep,ysl ed in the II mit,'S.141r t:iTY OF . ',4 YAR.LEY 01x,l.,t 'toter E' ', tE AVENut vo'atah)`•vALLKY,WA.WOG _ s.:th stifroGgxa pastage prepaid,,1f1.1_ I. ,r;cr sr 1 .+ 1C $4s 'J.4 - ■espy of isatucl>iect hereto and iwui 1 r_n;c en the alltpticant.arty gt,+errarrntal agency entitled notice, any peoon tilinK,1 :. , 'I's r, the no .c i+i applieali,:es of the renal deeismerr and any pets;rin Htic') s ilbet' . • I •.,on tie appiaLJrf..l Jurlr,,g the phi*crxssmerlt tx,u..1 and provided a r• i1 , . ,•1,! ii titit� Slipped and saryrn ttL ltidi rc MC tt•,ix,_ ' v rrl L • ,ZI 3. i tmoint ti 11uni ii `\ r� r ' fTATt nt waSw 110E 4 s r Attu lal ;I/'-1 +('ON tt sT+111 it s{�+FIt:�i1rt� Oi11M1i{A ld WUfiTON n r r It1aT8 f;;' re t ;u MY CO O<i11S51Uk t tIM41 I.r>.11rK.lt: t: :r JL14M r11M11Hn11My ' 1,, Exhibit 5 rik C'nntm%nil�.i iuI.I 11t•rb:.14y•.1lrrntrtt r CYr CL•()I I'llli�.l(" IIl'•%I4ltit: Inr SIr.ct Vacation • Tt1C fitincASI 1`A1.1.1Y'[I itc411',t 9 1 h 111.1.1C'4111440 lV l47:"ttrl6'd,I lr{��<ft Jo I l•1 I I III I I II. ,li w Ptt<1?EI1T1'OVI'WiR. irrl-H'':I Illt 11 hi It'tlIt:t11Ci►w, iO111:1'A('.4110 ' II II' tilt %Ivo I , I'III°,I 1141:(01ent,tatl.,al I1ti soakA+I IXii`r1 ,\\1F't�t111SiltTRIt••llitII 'LI'rI'I II•„ •a 111tIt:.Vag,sad Ineniar:I ter Itt ukf d prbIt howin4 ti*Strom 4�€azlorl Ap,"snit tits:no,STY--' '"01 • _!,,.+,'6•c',:•.i}I*:$poll1Ct ViIky Il*Retifl$Catrs'stion to sob totoner st onliik(a3 by law• .. • •:,K at t.+Kt it:ttottee ra can he booed,un Moor, 109.Ce1Yi remv Re$ltirtsl I:Icnl 4-'1'ISr , ;, I';.., .a::ant VL4c). 'NA 1114 ntP•1]r4a±.1a; 1 ttr hrarlr'trt wilt be te.041,41.l0l 1rt ccn o,rtiih:hc r.TrXn to ir d I .()tell.using,'nob sod telr;I$a.'It c*r..tdat“toots loin T,a-tit oaring b1 iamr•_terl rots tphooe,re rstiri as; A link er the Zoom me,el•nyi wilt be pruv 'c,t tr. >tlr110014 urd Pc`Rtd as the Ct ys vrekTahv nt.w dtbret allrx Ixlar.W [m 111' 1. .w11,ltnilraa'Ilaaci.1,r•I, +.r r'1 i• •.II lS(v3.a't to 17a.Or 4a9TGGsglaalre• fort•=d publk right :II Ina)/ t.i i)r'e ntirrtirrI ray IMI 1.•i Cirtk 11 1 t ¢M tir 22e19 ell•(,rill. .*Prl:"114.•SImpsrn iitelncel,.I, %to:nle:to al,4,etsele vatlelt,V, ,l,.ljr;rnl ly„pill!,lh,„pill!, I, I.". et go 21111Sflt1nrrlittil 11 I ,hl%.J,Slit'IiYc''64 cY.WA W-411)6 I of at of h oposal:the ri r<!•is-r+to he tottered a tmmes t ie ftttwfltt kg+.l 11 h gr eft irOco t 4uei 3 t I ha a 1e a;4 •,!rm+„!i.(.x,r•hc,appruat.rattl) 111, to -41 to 5-+iaii7ew (,r:lr t+Ik f'il tt re, tt,1II 2104 -t.t•It .tI 402; lrrtiliti tilt: N1i •firartrr or 4.0,fi.nn 114, 9,II.10'3l1 a E',llc, `2411...r :t I-.. I Il:rrl,t Sfr.t". ••i, • \.il!r,, ti4 hir�Io I -:+.trntimaatsl Thlerr-srttirl: the l'taittttrrr,;]nn1.r raw r,rtitwed the r,,ivx1't 1 Alt t boa 4 c mil:.1 .!Ily reempi peromot t t WAS: i 4T°i I.Fii.1 Yid 1 iy e€NYS,:.. !t.aityrsi I:': 1•,, a1 Con'tIF11 fro=ienteerare i a:retie*oribet fhb;tot l t itas 141, I,•.,tr.ri:r.erta l I • . . ,,.I ti i,i. r»(./b(S+EreetVIktaloa)Sia'T,iIGiTirol 2l ti.i r, I I. cud$t .mwrder M 4a1k zeittrillpekorie keg:.+'III III t.vLr •r- ;,ul- ' t , r;I.: !I,., • 0,11.06,111:11 s l31 oasis:tbilbitattli porionl to tits wait%of p rmetturt alogit,r,1 fn I +. 1 re ,1^ . ,I The PiInr7ttt C-Ontrw t p/efts hording to teentre Otiffecfents wnu rr^r. • rtC.a nne11 aliomm Ia 1:-; ii1 t7et'wa1 ordiI 4 sdOpcaan 11,e pirtkik t<eittrari4.. " :want Ia ptrian it:the hr swim• , I ;titril I i hk sttot the a recur t ,+mire/. •t)TI9 E. $yespie A•. ° ,•l , °.V.l , . ,r :n lottta+lnbe vie mead t t+c tutattlini t.Iaa=•c I i.,;,1st,I, ', . • I I!i••-3 to be roonoott and}eerls'rd r+A at,Amiadort Iras..the ftltod Corotoontt ir. •, I :c" dsrobikpeltittobtoinxtioncCt4tPs-t1:Wei lnACotmKntsttatt.tRer.:,e;:'rUSht& 4.111:cIrr.l,J_:. it ., ,otettod pride to the bran*. MI Intereelall pertros may itlt.,* el i3e r4Ni(I c lag rn pawn it ere the-i ;AI rrnrlir,, r t.''r ;.x !.r tl rnw ' a,i1K1 lest*erdI'd perviotei+.IH rod to ti;gn 1 ::is thCX•iltr n1 I poi.oil tiler than d 410 p ne irri A;'it .loth previdd'LI iht ago de roan al the tint mit-err:rat lit t11e Cho lick dolt to tow tip for oral pyvatk 1•..in,,.I . the link swill dirt.' i ou to Caramels to or u,Re•tral rontm r>at oars*Tha t nit At opp:itruly late gse:ll.:rn.r Ih+ a ., Ibboytat ia1i1 t!e I imaion to Corse er ores per piers`- 15 i'nett t'eltr-C.11 CeL'l 40flplenA rtrI)teilt Itt 11 111r1(4 price; tits-.:,at1 r,. h•r, i;•t:T2w1 • 1 rr WA'I w 11,,ailrax� 0 1p t> cY - Exhibit 5 • ,kt I II) t III I"[r0.1INC I SPI)kill le St"Ott i' .kil iC.v . ' ;'�1:r Applicant to comple!.and sign Imtfore r Notity nnrt ratufn to dip Po/mit Cantor. f .ff It \-, a Its '-gl I ..11 l 15 �.` I i5.'s ,rti11 '{ Icing fist duty' At all times rm nilorred hcrc'n I wa3. and now. am. a citiicn or tite tInithd titatr< &I Arrsr'itia 10+,1„tier the tlrr r4 c11.:1,tperl ye lr, r'il the l j _-clay of Ac r: I VIA'S I tx r tna I posted ail >i rtl�F ,r,required in the Cr,ty'it Np 4.„me Fall:} SVMC) 17.80 Permit Process:np;Procedures,ai the fill Ii.dti ii.}' lisi In tl:c t'ilyff! Sra,.ukur+e 'v'a11C1": +3 VILEfL OkElotil G 111i:e C',rc Ce —(Ad'P.c..est tta �t�a so E a,'irtd Avenwe, - St .riattrt Appliranl or Agent - 7 _ Date tiiitat :l and sworn to treturr me this CANI)ICE PHENCrERSCAi 1 ►OTAR PliSLIC a t 91323 1 "� i(tv,atc,„&t,- STATE Ci MiAStINGTt�h �,,,r t.< r•. .ir;ra rf'►1 rllr STATE I�I CrMlMrSSIC*{EXPIRES APRIL 9,2025 I ' ,irrtrrteltla51ii c : Ft-s+'0.5 PAW 1.f1 Exhibit 5 i e ; Ik ' 1 . uninxrdo.tie I u)i1it:\%irks 1t.i..r II u•nt 'k liar,... .,1' •I' ,, .0.110 titFflt'1': ()I• Pi .Mil_III'•11t11'�(: �_ 1 „- �,r-• ,I 1:'c. r tin i 1- SI ," I '. , I', 1 , •.,... ',I. ,5 1'I -•11 '., , ..,.'• . II 1°.'drill i II! I"rlf1: 111 51e1'1: 111.41.t. 1..,.I.Ail ,at5`.S,J4a,01. Iai,., , II .I. 1: II ., 1II ., S I1H I''1 II I ',J flt Nil'',I i I Hit 1I III 11141',.114rt51 III, '.'1 ..t • •• '.s , ., .. .. . I)RhAS'.HI I.,''�MI 11..I I tcarslli not. r..1,;i I.•.1t1„r,• 1 e rltl{ulied IP�11G 11,- .K14 Vocation All II:rICI Y SII c no ti l"•":'31) 4itN1( 1'1 be tt,i Mi I. • ., ..fifty limning;Coto luss,.:A in such mime a4 provided try tar on J;l,y 1:aY.,i't(i i.,!.ZY21 begirrlsig..1 1,:. l' . .:.,x�ncwriaflts es errs be tweed,eh Wear 10%.Centerpiece titsioa sl Event Ctwer, 7426'N Praocn try pier.Spokane Valley,WA- slotting Millis:The will be ocedu tesi im pertlart,erith the optlion to Mend remotely sweet aa,rl IstepS:nt ,,r,lr.r-rc tozi/c. tote?.aam maha%try np i1et.funeto .lee tails rt• A lit( W the Zoo."'meeting*WI be pa vi2e.il on I!_'t caul'a:.I f+r1'rletd In the C'ity's v. e +4sy11:rtibleilltuliptke of Prapatuk R.egtttrel CO vaeade 6.c1G were Ceti of public right of wary in Inc alipt -trot Ile t.l net tw emit,lrocal:W i nstll of aM a$yacent so 22rd Avenue. Applkae :Simpson Etymon.Inc +hri N Atgi note lt-• 1 I •:'alley,,1iV,�')+s]12 adjacent l'r„Irarly fronts: t)a1.sE iezely Assault, Ili ilowill?.�,RItal,lsuildi11g 1.ti{c•t.w a V4lky,WA':1.ue 1..raison e1 tau f..a1:1 be itsght ,1.rray to be vacated extmp.n es the' td teat of as inttrses•.k'm boatels"s2rtld A.etrase anti ( ti1i ,w Cuele.mptueitre14 313der1 cast of Seasnew IC'intr.utltietri to peach 442711._I. 1 utd 1.,':'t I '1:rt' .further toc��i,lae;d�,,t,�o�,the her qantr of Seitial 28. 1tra1riidp 25 N:-th. Ratter 44 Fig. V4llastter:' °.'.,1•..:, Velky, _ { Washington. • iiiI at ire nntenlal I)ekcniminies1''1he I1lec..nirz;1a.iI-. t,a.r<,r,.rst the proais`+se.licu et1 and t1.►s dctsrrsrrltcsi Illtthe pe'o)Mt r. ..r •yt..a11), a cnipt pursuant ay H'AI' 1'+1•'l r.Iu.' ul d CO) c•1 Spi4:-e a Palle► kt;a'.icipt1 Cede 1:NVh1C) 1 iek 2: i I inseentesental4.cet4ols)from ern,tivri rtotal rrrtr-N•'r e,II it Fittu.;.,tts a:.""eke Scare roir srarrtntttey PoItcy Act( l•PA) Appn,.el(*Merlin('1tspho 21 140(Suter Vat e:ionl')SvhS4..Plc'21 tlsnv:t4ttlry al Ceireloisy SV.4C,the City of 5posece V's'': !ifuel ii*n ardv;the Regweaal Stumm Mtt hiencull.tnl the Solent Rtglonsi lfei!tto Ilirtrrct erg ilea i n•. !traded proem-f: the T' J+rg cistinivoic gal;:see la.1 III:lieetot esers'..me.::t-.w 1t'vt of pre a err M.rIn1 in i ''e 18 iI>.•cads ar.I A1[tt,alAiea)SVhtt: The I"laartrr,ll(1 -.liars tr',11 the girt• heannk too-tttiaivr ta.^agent.%an.t ltn-toph.h A reteinmendoloo to the City Cottrell for Ire ntd:rren:e zdnrcon tier pantie its enooseegfd to onevidt women in penon It Oil beaks,or tot e.a nat 51:ioel cctr teen I.i pains to 1'0 I.e n.%by rer►'crrg tts cinema? 10 1.ew Pimintee. IC/210 E Scregar Asc. Sealaat Ste'try. WA '+'tots,, .Y rt^ul it, {I rnmaenl will nerd ter br viemitlod r a f War that 4 day 1;1.1 cr,,k,tilJ',ti1 W;Iota Orr no tl';-r, to be recessed sand weltered tor suteosaieo In10 the record, tcetuanits t+o,roived will be retrt4 into the word act itr sour et the rota*p;trt.:ipatitei ptinln of the robin 14earir4>y Comments rtetis;eil throng I.I !Am!w ill It iri hosed if Ihcy are retit,.ed mot to the taalrn% All interested person tear witty et tite ntbttc.hearing In person et sits On room n►utinit'dimes des-l'et{'r, ,„Inlet I:steetcated pawns will acorn'to sign sc.vis 7+CI0i14 to speak no Cadet Owe 4 C p m.of4max,-:,..;ice if f`C II I i i in the Itprr+Ja ys.xias.t a- •.a-4,r..t•i atot-0 Vie the Crisis above to siga'yp far orsr loathe torae.ea She.tr a..6Ili dittra yCia tr i dttertlses '. ., - I., ::!, :l II.t&eamraeel T't.x iv rr:t at eppotiumq for quesbons Of 4k ieu We.Rt ies1LN pill bt Iattisnl to theta , . .1.r i w..... Y.r,nen T !t%md d.t..-t fIlts fitly only be late lnal punt err die beuei rcg. Any appes) si - ro - - e rr .lItlitIvNe�'M.. La Exhibit 5 ! ProleGt RECEIVED FEB 102023 COSV PERMIT CENTER SUB# REV.It TITLE COMPANY CER'I'IFICAT[ON AND APPLICANT CEUTIPICATION TITLE COMPANY CEKTIF ATLNN I do hereby certify that the following list of names and addresses,consisting of the attached pages,has been prepared from the Spokalre County Assessor's or Treasurer's most current computer records, is to the best of my knowledge correct, and is current within thirty (SO) days of today's date. I also certify I have provided loan numbers,if possible, when the owner is listed as a finance company. Signed by, Amber t lowers Late: 1/17/2023 For: MR; National l:tic Insurance company (Title Company) AP.P11 t T r�t �►T Q I,the applicant or agent for the applicant, have verified the attached ownership list with the attached Assessor's maps)and find that Ail tax patcel numbers within 400 feet of the project site, including owned or optioned land as shown on the A.ssessor's map(s) have been list d by the Title Co lily- f 2 ' Date: f0/2421 Ssened by: _-. __ Printed Name kJ;114r0 Gas P14 7L. _ File No.: Exhibit 5 lid ECT�G BLDG - IG ' 6 ,G I 'E TG BLDG 1 Da BLDG l proposed osed „I ', Limited Fire I ` I , `'ll i lane access TER MAIN _Ith Nroi SIDEWALK,r PER C1'k`I' Nfi CURB CUT/APPROACH a 1111 - — — — sate/chainarea f stre PCR CIVIL etor �� ' - vacation ,=R —■ — 1 `Iz we • I ter— —_ BLS * ' — g , � `, , FXfG BLDG DM Alk, III ° BLDG 111r I 'MG BLDG @) :-C- 1-- \ 4 \ 0 '' \ ' Firji , '� \,— PER CPO_'VP, J5 'I —'. i - __ i � lM SEWER LIN[SS) PER CI�►'Lr MEP(APPROX.LOCATION SHOWN) —i.. _ II $ existing -� � o-� 1L -i Z/ NEW"WATER/SPRINKLERLINE(S) gravel Foverflow r � ,' E„,) i (APPROX LOCATION SHE ) parking . I --_ 511'•,4ief1 x xii li'l14' Ii 1111 :+ SxiI I' from site plan BLD-2022-1142 Site Plan. i I X. \ .� : — C, 5- - _. ,_ _.1_ ��EzFiitjT 5 From site plan BLD-2022-1142 Site_ Plan NOTE LEGE \ D 1. PUBLIC R.OW. PARCEL: TO BE DEDICATED TO LOT 2 IN FUTURE(SHOWN HATCHED,NOTED FOR REFERENCE ONLY,NO WORK IS PROPOSED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE CURRENT PERMIT APPLICATION) 2. EXISTING GRASS,PER LANDSCAPE 3. 6'H. CON5IRUCTION FENCE W,SIGHT-OBSCURING FABRIC; SHALL CONFIRM TO ALL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STANDARDS; FENCING SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY APPROXIMATE LOCATION SHOWN, EXACT LOCATION AND ENTRY POINTS TO BE VERIFIED PER FIELD CONDITIONS WI OWNER APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION (APPROX..2+O00 LE) w_ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DEPT.ACCESS ROUTE(SHOWN DASHED); SHALL BE MIN_26'CLEAR WIDTH,Wl UNLIMITED CLEAR HEIGHT(G.C_TO COORDINATE WI CIVIL,ETC.); (SHALL SUPPORT A 75`(JO LB.FIRE APPARATUS,PER UAL.) S. NEW GRASS, PER LANDSCAPE IN COORDINATION W/OWN ER W1UN CONSTRUCTION FENCING,EXACT SCOPE T.B.D. IN FIELD C. NEW VAULT, FOC&Phi PER CIVIL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE ACCESS LANE,PER CIVIL B. NEW SHRUB AND/OR MISC.PLANTING/LANDSCAPING,PER LANDSCAPE,T1"P. 9. NFW TREE, PER I.ANDSEAPL TYP. 0 - - - ORNATERESIDENTIALLOTS' Q KEYNOTE LEGEND BICYCLE RACK SPECIFICATIONS M --- REFERTOM/RvfT W E..1a�1T FOR MORE INFO., �� 1. PUSLICAOWPARCELTO6EOEDICAIEDTO1072INFUTUREI UNKHATCHED,NOT€DFCRREFERENIEDNLY,110WORKISPROPOSU110THINLAESCOPE SINGEROOPWAVE-STYLE.BEU-LIIIEMODELt1OJ12692OL.CRAPPRGVEO EQUAL. o °� VERIFY ALL INFO. OF THE CURVET FERM APP[EAHON) E o PER SURVEY @ 2. EIJSIINoGRASS,PEA IANDSCAPE EACH RACK ACCOMMODATES LEI DOM - P NEIGHBORING PROPERTY SUBJECT 3. 6'H.CDNSIRIIC1IO11FEN(EW75FGHr-0BSCERING RAMC;SRSSI COBRA M10AMLCLY 0FSP0YAJIE MEET STMIDAPAS; (OLO0 BUCK E FENCING MI PE1IMBED 1O THE SUR0E(T PROPERTY:APPROK111A1EL000FION BIOWtl,F1AC1 LOCATIONANO BINS STIRS MBE YEIIHED PER FIELD{NOWGRK) PROPERTY: COT MOONS SW01YY1ERAPPROYAI PRIOR TOINSTAIIATIO11GPPROK200GIF) %NEE TO CONCRETE/PAVINGONHILTT ANCHORS.PER MFR.INSTRUCTIONS I €N LOT LOT miller I metge .-- 7 34A0ftE5 R.19ACRES 4. Off OFSPONANE'OH LEY HRE OEPI.ACCESS ROUTE[SHOWN DASH0)0 SHALL SEMIN.2R'CLEAR 11/101,Y!/IIIIGi111E0 CLEAR HETUIIL(.0 RI COOR01'MIE QUANTITIES SIIOiRI ON SITE PLAID ARE CODE MINIMUMS: PARCEL 110.4-261.26K]k PARCEL N0.45261,2602 : YOOCMI.RC);(SHALL SUFPORTIL 75000 LB.FRE APPARATUS,PEE:CML) LO001OII55H0191.10HSII(PUN ARE APPRORIMATEEIA(T1004110E15 PER WINERAPPOVAL `OWNER:VALLEY 4111 M€10RKLCHURCH OYfR'EA:THE 01ixSA(ADEMV .c. 5, NEWGWC55:PER IAN0SCAPE10050EDINATION WY CANER SYRNI400NSIRUOITON FENCING.PACT SCOPE T.6 G IN REID Fusion 6. NEW YAUtT,17/FOCG%V MEP MIL ■ usion E`a11,1E 7. CTIY DESPONANEMIT RREACCESS UNE PER CPAIL .LI ARCHITECTURE N 6. NEW SHRURAND/DR M1SC.FIK1115G/LANDSCAPING.PEA Rh OS WE,ITP. R. NEW TREE PER WJOSCAPCIYP. Y0105 2 LOT INFO. `' , �..':' G1.5 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ——— sill",T' ._ STATE• - NOI'ON SITE ANALYSIS I 1 riEXIGILA] 'C00E REFERENCES; U EIIC, U E.VIG BLDG EB-TG " AUGUST 3,2022 BLOU BLDG IE\7GBLIX7 E\7GBLI 2616 INTERNATIONAL BUILDINGGO0E YVITH WASHINGTON STATE AMEF2MENTS ECIO SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE E II E\lc BLDG g BIM I 1 'Z I I i I UM l I 7 W PARCEL 45z31?002 ( E\7O [2] BLDG / �. _ I �_ / C7 I1 C7 -� / LEGAL SHORT PLAT SHR2D1soma LOT2(AFN 6e26D43) P - ` - - ® ' U15RHGWRIER MAN W \ - - W �` ACREAGE B.19 ACRES v) ENS IINEPARNINGIBffi'� --J TE PER CNIL NEW SIDEWALK,PER CML - - "- - -- `- ZONING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN IR-zl CUPBCUTV APPROACH,PER OW 0sNE1T CURB CIMAPPRCACH _ _ rorra sPEra 45 NW/SIDE/2AM PER GAL }KRUK E22Ng A� LOT COVERAGE 55% p v ACCFESSYBLF.411(FI I ` `1CD SETBACKS PROFIT AND.STREET 15' C1a CURECNT(APPROACH IANACCES.VRESXEFOJ •' • •_•: ... .:, J - c' NEYI SIBEVIAlY PER tea PER CMI - • �f REAR 2C' alL3 • SIDE A BUMO Q -Ifri SIDE MU BLDG HT R I PROPERLY LINEAP. PROPERTY UNE RP. rPSTGBlL1G EMBUS(' E\TUILDO LP U8.03.22 I e(ra S�1 j I D' I I • I PARKING ANALYSIS illtt aT4O I BLDG `1 . . I E1iTGBlOO I I I I CODE REFERENCES: WOG V • I I r 201 B INTEIRNATION0L BUILDING CODE WITH WASHIIJLTDN STATE AMENDMENTS,g1106 PARKING AND PASSENGER LOADING FACILITIES FI15TRIG5@ENACE N. O i SPgKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE,§222O.D20 VEHICLE PARKING ` ■M EASnNGFIRE HYDRANT \ rtS SVMQTABLE22.601 REQUIRED PARKING SPACES FOR SPECIFIC US ES `PEA CMEIYP __ -- F\TO - J •,.. SVMCTABLE22.S0.2 PARKING MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS REM 1 / -NEW SEWER UNEIS)PER IIEP IAPPROS.IOCANON SHOWN) 1T__ I SO DEGREE PARKING ANGLE 5 Vs X 1B'MIN STALL,WJ 22-5'WIDE TWO-WAY DRWE AISLE • EXISTING PARKINGKEP I2 �I'I10PE111Y UNE TIP. Fork SPACES 122 tril SAME TABLE22,503 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED MIME VMS:12 OCT01 EISIBJGITAIIA A101J PER MIL // /� •� Wi/LC(ESSIEVESHICES F 131m Q L 0 0 NON ELECTRICAL5EOI070ONNECTOR,PER ELECTRICAL. 1-100 SPACES PROVIDED=1 ACCESSIBLE SPACE,PLUS ONE FOR EVERY 5 OR FRACTION THEREOF II EY(WATER/SFR.IN KLER LI N€IS!PER UK/MEP 201 TO 000 SPACES PROVIDED=T ACCESSIBLE SPACES PLUS ONE FOR EVERY 100 OR FRACTION TKERE•OF i -= I (APPROX.LOCATION SH(ATII) WPM(LOCATION SOWN SVMC$22:50.020 ON)VAN SPACES .,___ j� ( CTVtA NMEPIIPER%LOGTIONSHOWNI `�NM WATER/5PRINXLFR ItHS)PER 0 EXTG BLDG V EON EVERY SIX OK FRACTION OFSIXACCESSIBLE SPACES,AT LEAST ONE SHALL BE AVAN-ACCESSIELE PARKING SPACE (31 UICYCLE RACKS,SEE SPKIRCATIONS,THIS-SHEET HEW UIKIER ouriD ELECTRICAL.SINCE. SVMC TABLE 22.50a REQUIRED BICYCLE SPACES (}) O — v PER ELECTRICAL IAPPRDX LOCATI011 SH05'7N) 50-I0W PARKING SPACES REQUIRED=2 BIKE RACKS MINIMUM(EACH RACK MUSTACCOMM0QATEAT LEAST 2 BIKES) NONPAYING PERFMLTIP. PROPERTY LINE PIP.� EIISIIHG11A1ER MI MEAL // ro -� SPACESMINIM - R7'6• ` -EIEY17QUi5FOR11ER,FCRELECI7JCAL I Fri PROPERLY UNE.TP. SEtDA(K 1 („ (APPROX.LOCATION SHOWN) I �r, V E7 PROPOSED NEW SCHOOL H IAMB NG(LEGS) �� FROM PADPERIYEIl1E • SPACE USE CLASSROOM CLASSROOM TOTAL SVMC FACTOR REQUIRED - PROVIDED PARKING PROPERTYUNF,TYP. 74 RlEWUft WALL fn El NOIRECM q SO FT 5Q FT PANG tlen PER PER SQUAHE ll I I NEW PAWING PEA 'Y'11 CD CLRSS-ROOM FOOT -�- _CO 0 PROPOSED NEW SCHOOL BUILDING RL,P, 0 CU IR'NEW SETBACK SCHOOL- EDUCATION,K-R. 12 7,Dfi6,27 2I6a3.aT I NA 12 SEE PARKING EAiS¶ILGTKATER IIAIEIFEE CPA I SEE BUILDING CO OE SUMMARY,SHEETG1A) C 1ST FLUOR ANALYSIS,TM PAGE _�� I QJ RE.000UPANCYTYPE;CONSTRUCTION PR.EEC, 5'P15TI•'IGSt100tC 7 SCHOOL- EDUCATION,9-12 110 3,44555 10.435.72 7 NA 112 SEE PARKING CD0NEC110N R LBl1'-0'L1/-) 'Q 2Ntl FLUOR ANALYSIS,THLS PAGE FASTIRG SIDEWALK 1D FliSnliG 2 _c Li"'� TOTAL 20 10.613,92 33,97913 124 SEE PARKING FARHNG LOT H �` TO FENCE (-/1 Cr)Crs ANALYSIS,TNFS PAGE I RQ MEND - � f;OYJORKIN THIS AREA L�i.i r� I ETUSTrrs aUILQITrGS(ONROTHLOT I R LOT 2) EXTG/�BLDG T'VT f1 `� INEv ` 1 I co `— RURDING USE clpssRoOM CLASSROOM TOTAL LIMO FACTOR REQUIRED NOTES /,t EX G BLDG 0 � \ Ij 4NO. QTY 50 FF S9 FT PAKKIHo ♦V�'/ f Q lal-FO I K PAYING PER CM. I L s ra PER PER SQUARE r a 1 ] GI.AsslaooM FOOT I - ® PERCNILTIP, k fig �/ [ CD L� RUILgNGN1 OFFICE spOG 1FUR 5o0G5F Ie. 020IN.DFFICES I � C sa 1S'SETBACK ^+I.pI 62--s euiLAMNr3 LOU cord QUART SVGS. 12,000 1 PER 150SF LOU VALLEY 41H 3A1oc1UARV f 0 .S �, /I11T(W /) D JIGJ PERDETAIL 1361, EDKGASSRKt.K-a z 1 z 2 SSMlrY.cL,ASSVCMS .- 15SEIBACKPPRI.r0.TIIOEC[010NSHOYRI,YFRIFYIYlUNIIERJrER51IE �,BUILDINGha IIIr)REC. 20,000 1PER350GSF 75 GY14 O RIti PInONS BUILDINGJW O1:N.e 1,4W 1 PER SOB 001 3 ADMIN.OFFICEa / `-'+( �--/ r 1s5ETeACKPfOjl'LL NO.: BUILDING A5 OFFICE E400 1PER50005F 5 ADMIN.O FFICES PROPEAIY{IEJE TIP. ,L •'. l r T Ueslgned B1: Miller Merge _.) ________ _ , SOILOIH3MU EDiELA35KM.Ki 2 1 2 2 CIAS5ROOL15 — — _ _ _ __ _,/ OraWnBUILDING A7 ED/CLA35RM.K-S 2 1 2' 14 CL455RWM5 J_ -- jJ ! jT RUILOIND#0 EQf clA.93RM.Ka 2 1 z 14 cULSSROOM9 PROPERTY ONE TIP. EUSHNGSIDEIYATIC 11P, H 24TH AVE EAPSHNG ARE ROAR DISH IIG'SIDEWALK AP.' IIEW CURE CUrtJ RISING FIRE ROAENE PKRNG4'WATEALIIIE PER CAR� TOEiTI,AP. NOSING SIDESYALK PER. L7US0RG CURB.TIP. Dole: (}7.13.2022 TOTAL 213 -APPROACH PER CIVIL TOTAL PARKING RE0UIREMENTs ISNARED PARSING BETWEEN LOT 16 LOT2) _ .� - Phase: bid Sel T - _ — - - - - -- _ — — -. - - � — _ _ _. - - NOTE RE SHARED PARKING.PARKING IS SHARED BETWEEN LOTS 162,REFER TO PARKING 6 MANEUVERING AGREEMENT" I ReYi510n No.: PERMIT 08.03,2022 rev3;30I1m BETWEEN PARCELS(A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT WAS PROVIDED TO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ON 717/72)FOR MORE INFO. qq I r I— T'�i I •• - - L ®m?zl Ps0'a1r0 and ca an55e11IMl0 Mier ENSWENOENOTOTAL PARKING SPACES E\7GBL[1G 1510 BLN r U I EC LIST SLOG I I MO BLDG I E.CTGBLCO :nd1011K palms Ai feJrrduCWnh pruK 63<d. TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING SPACES(EXISTING PARSING LOTS 41,M2.E#6 N4) = 03.U322 E.\7GBLDG ENID BLDG MO BIM F1"IGBLdfi I UM BLDG' - E\TGDLDG L--II JTO BLOC I I 9l\�W I I Dining TIIIE TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING SPACES=124(NEW 9CHODL)+213(EXISTING BUILDINGS - 337 PARKSNG SPACES I I L en ELIGBLDG ETTC BLOO K25%RE DUCT;ON[2T5Cn2C A(7)I = 253 PARKING SPACES I I I SITE PLAN B,1 ACCESSIBLE PR PARKING DED ACCESSIBS LE ER ING PLAN S SOR EXISTINGLOCATIONS) 1 _ _I '03'72 TOTAL PROVIDED ACCESSIBLEPARKIt4G SPACES EXISTING PARKING LOTS YA1,u 11LY6u4 -Xj/N� CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ®admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Requalification GOVERNING LEGISLATION: CDBG—Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD); Chapter 39.34 RCW PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: In 2020, the City entered into a three-year interlocal agreement (2021, 2022 and 2023)to participate in the Spokane County (County) CDBG Consortium. BACKGROUND: Staff presented an administrative report to Council on May 9, 2023 to discuss the upcoming requalification deadline for the CDBG program, and potential options for moving forward. The City has been having extensive discussions with County staff, and the current understanding of deadlines is as follows: • June 12, 2023 deadline for City notice to County of its intent to recertify with the County Urban Consortium. • July 7, 2023 deadline for City notice to HUD of its intent to become its own entitlement City. • August 4, 2023 deadline for County to provide notice to HUD of any approved interlocal agreements related to the Urban Consortium. Staff have also sought clarity from HUD about whether there is any ability to extend any of these deadlines in order for the City to further work out potential agreements with the County. During this re-qualification period, the City must select one of the following four options relative to its participation in the CDBG program: 1. Accept entitlement status and receive CDBG funds directly from HUD; 2. Accept entitlement status and enter into a joint agreement with Spokane County; 3. Defer entitlement status and participate through the State CDBG program; or 4. Defer entitlement status and participate as part of the urban county with Spokane County. The City has elected to defer its entitlement and participate as part of the urban county (option 4) since 2005. In 2020,the City negotiated changes to the interlocal agreement with the County,which included increasing the City's representation to four members on the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee(HCDAC). The HCDAC is an advisory board responsible for recommending allocations of CDBG funding. The City also negotiated increasing the set-aside from 20% to 39% based on population growth. Historically the City has received more in project allocations than the 39% set aside. The upcoming re-qualification period provides another opportunity to revisit the set-aside and the City's role in advising on the set-aside award(s). To create clarity on how City set-aside dollars may be used moving forward, City staff have been communicating with County staff regarding possible changes to the set-aside process, additional funds to be considered as part of the set-aside process, and a clear understanding of the City's role related to potential use of the set-aside for the ongoing regional homeless collaborative effort. Page 1 of 3 City staff proposed several changes to the County related to these issues, with the goal of improving clarity on how dollars earmarked for the City would be allocated and used moving forward, particularly with the possibility of a regional approach under discussion. The proposed changes are as follows: 1. Adding additional funds to the set-aside: In addition to CDBG funding, the City could potentially be entitled to receive HOME funds. Further, other types of funds may be attributable to or directly benefit City citizens. Staff have asked for the following funds to be added to the set-aside: HOME and ESG. 2. Broadening the allowable uses under the Consolidated Plan: "The County will also incorporate City Council's recommendations to amend the Consolidated Plan." This would allow greater flexibility in uses of the City's set-aside towards its local access street program in qualifying neighborhoods. 3. Providing for direct-pass through of state recording fees attributable to the City: "The Parties agree that the City is entitled to directly receive funds pursuant to the Homeless Housing Assistance Act. In lieu of the City directly receiving such funds, the parties agree that the City shall be entitled to receive a direct pass-through of the funds attributable to the City to use in conformance with the Regional County Homeless Program, less six percent which the County may use for administrative purposes pursuant to the Homeless Housing Assistance Act. The Parties agree to develop appropriate procedures and processes in a separate agreement for such use, including considerations of amendments to the Regional County Homeless Program and measures to ensure compliance with use restrictions, reporting requirements, and potential use of the HCDAC for recommendations of awards. In the event the Parties determine that legal or other restrictions make it infeasible or impossible to have a direct pass-through arrangement, the County will establish a set-aside of Homeless Housing Assistance Act funds attributable to the City. The set-aside shall be processed in the same manner as CDBG, Home, and ESG funds." State law provides for cities to receive recording fees under the Homeless Housing Assistance Act. However,the City understands that Commerce has indicated that it would not support direct receipt by the City. However, the City may work to receive such funds by agreement from the County and this proposed provision would do so, allowing the City to control and distribute the funds by agreement. 4. Control over allocation of certain funds towards any regional homeless entity or collaborative effort. "The Parties agree that the County shall not allocate, direct, or commit any City-entitled funds or funds attributable to the City through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (2060) or Homeless Housing Assistance Act (HHAA - 2163, 1359, and 2331) to any formal regional homeless collaborative entity without prior approval of the City Council." This would allow City Council to consider whether funds attributable to the City could be directed to a regional homeless entity. While the County has yet to officially respond to the suggested edits, City staff have been in communication with County staff to discuss questions and concerns for moving forward. The County has indicated that it may be desirable to have two agreements: one that is a form agreement related to agreement to participate in the Urban Consortium, and a second agreement to provide for details of how to process all set aside amounts and pass through of recording fees. County staff also have indicated that while the notice of recertification must be provided in June, the full approved interlocal is not required until August 4. County staff indicated that they would draft an outline of how the various funding sources could be managed in a revised interlocal agreement and would share that with the City by May 26, 2023. Page 2 of 3 Staff are also seeking input from City Council on any other items that Council may desire as part of the recertification process. Financial considerations for the next re-qualification period: If the City decided to become its own entitlement and administer CDBG dollars, other funding sources that are currently routed through the County per interlocal agreement, such as HHAA funding, or funding that the City is not eligible to administer on its own, such as the Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) funding would not be entitled to the city. According to HUD, the City would receive $605,710 if we became our own entitlement. After removing 20% for administrative costs (the maximum allowable), the City would have $484,568 for disbursement. Its also important to note that the administrative costs to administer the CDBG program will likely not be sufficient and general fund dollars would be needed to supplement the administrative costs. If the City were to defer entitlement status, the Donwood/Grace sewer connection project could be undertaken in partnership with the County in years 2023 and 2026 to assist eligible homeowners with assessment and connection charges, similar to the Barker Road Homes sewer connection project that took place in 2020 and 2021. Further, the City could look to utilize a portion of the funds towards qualifying local access streets. Without an interlocal agreement, our partnership with the County to complete sewer connection projects in the Donwood/Grace neighborhoods may be impacted. Next steps: Staff are working to put together a more specific proposal for Council consideration once we have answers from the County about proposed modifications. If Council elects to become its own entitlement, the timeline for creating the required plan, staffing up, and preparing to take over the CDBG funding is short, and action will need to be taken immediately to staff up and begin activities required to comply with federal CDBG program rules. Staff will return on June 6, 2023 to discuss new information or any additional details needed to make a decision. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As noted above STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, Economic Development Director; Eric Robison, Housing & Homeless Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: n/a Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing [' information ® admin. report [' pending legislation [' executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft 2024-2029 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Annual adoption of the TIP and its amendments. BACKGROUND: The TIP is composed of transportation projects intended to be implemented in the next six years that address the transportation needs within the City of Spokane Valley. The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and, after holding a public hearing, adopt a comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Department of Transportation by June 30th of each year. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None at this time. The public hearing for this TIP is tentatively scheduled for June 20, or possibly June 27, 2023, along with a resolution to adopt the TIP, for Council's consideration. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The required City match on federal and state funded projects is typically between 10% and 20%. The delivery of the proposed projects generally relies on outside funding support. Staff regularly review the projected Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) fund balances through the planned years to determine if there are sufficient funds to satisfy the City's fiscal responsibility for projects. STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, P.E. — Planning & Grants Engineer ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Draft Resolution 23-_ Draft 2024-2029 Six-Year TIP Report 2024-2029 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) May 23, 2023 Adam Jackson, P.E. - Engineering Manager Spokane Transportation Improvement Program _ ___ 2024 - 2029 Six Year Purpose: Ile Transportation Improvement Program (TIP} , ' alley Required by RCW 35 . 77.010 F Must be referenced in Comp Plan _ _ - - ._, . _ _ ... , . n :i.. ...,.:.;_f ,------,-.------- Required for REET expenditures ___. ,_ 4..14._ , . . . , ot- . . . _ ,,t.. • . , ,.. _ , _ . - _,. . ._ ,r 4 r.: Required for grant eligibility , .....„.„. ...,...„...„...- - - . ..,, .. _,...,, _ ri...._, ,_ . .... , 4 : 1 The Program (42 Total Projects) An integrated approach that aligns: ____ #ft . _. Master plans and studies, =gin j. Upcoming redevelopment projects, ' ./.// z , ... , Economic development efforts , ----„,„„ 1.3_,,t.' 5.----1- ) 1 Land use changes, pc:',.- Stormwater projects, - "` 1 '. �` Capital projects by partner agencies. h ~" f _ .mit _ 3 2024 Closeout Projects (9 Projects) 1. Sullivan Rd./Wellesley Ave. Intersection 2. Barker Rd./BNSF Grade Separation 3. Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing 71 s 3 • 1 4. Barker Rd. at UPRR Crossing 2 5. Pines Rd./Mission Ave. Intersection 6. Sullivan Rd. Improvements (Sprague-8th) - 7. 2022 Local Access Streets (Summerfield) , . ' 4 ., ..4_!_,,, ...m.o. .- _ - . 4. 8. Park Rd. Sidewalks y ,'-' _ —Jag . 9 8th Ave. Improvements (Carnahan-Park) 1 II 'LW/ 4 5 4 � 3 8 1 6 BridgeJ& Grade Projects (3 Projects) 15. Pines Rd. (SR27) / BNSF Grade Separation Project 17. Sullivan Rd. / SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction ,"----N 19. Argonne Rd. & I-90 Interchange Bridge Widening - . 17 , .. _. .! . . . _. . .. • , _._ ...411.- ", _= , ..1.'.**-'_ ,-. .. 1 -,,,, , ... „„., '. 15 __,.._,,,,...„ . • �., x _0„,..r.,..ota.,.. , __. .._.. _. __._ 19 ...i • , „ , y a J 44= 34 4�T1 A ' q a .. --. _ :r 'r - .fi t' , '. .7- i.Lr Fr , '1 _ ._ P ill ii f -- . � 1 -.7. ,,� +- lk - 4� i ..„ 1 I re, '44:7,;.1,,, • y wry loci,.F . : ' _ 5 Intersection I m rovement Projects (12 Projects) p 12. Trent Access Control 33. Barker/Boone 23. Mirabeau/Mansfield 35. 4th/Pines (SR27) 24. 8th/Carnahan 36. Sullivan/Kiernan /1j , mi• 12 36� 38 29. Park/Mission 37. Sullivan/Marietta : i s . 31. Pi nes SR27 16th 38. Flora Trent SR290 `� jjj; °° 32. 8th/Park 41. Sprague/Pi nes(SR27) /5 1 L-i-- 12 23 37, 1,_ . _ _ ,, _ , _ , __ _ 29 33 41 35 24 32 -,_.,„1—c\+ 314rY41114--1.44"1-1 Annual Local Access Street Projects (1 Project) 26. Local Access Streets - $1.5M Annually Mapped areas shown indicate generalized neighborhoods with poor or failing Donwood pavement conditions that may be considered for future asphalt replacement projects in later years. Delivery of improvements is anticipated to be through the Local Access Preservation Sprague East & West Services contract. Carnahan Hillcrest, Skyview, Hillview I Aloha & Castle Ridgemont Estates Ponderosa Midilom.e Annual Arterial Preservation Projects (1 Project) 27. Street Preservation Projects - $3M Annually in_ Wellesley (Sullivan-Flora) Mapped areas shown indicate prioritized arterial or collector streets that are most likely - 10111111106.1ffe.,244111114111011 �_- Sullivan to require a preservation treatment in the next (Spokane River—Trent) 6 years. Fancher Indiana (Sprague-Trent) (Sullivan-Flora) Sprague (University-Evergreen) Appleway Broadway 3th (Conklin-City Limit) (Havana-Fancher) (Dishman Mica - Sullivan) 16th (Dishman Mica - Sullivan) Dishman-Mica 32nd (Appleway-City Limit) (Pines-SR27) I . 8 Other Reconstruction/ Preservation Projects (7 Projects) \....1 16 _ _ .t., i f7)_ ,..n „ 22 , = f _ � :11... 10 34 39 t r 21 28 _si...,. , l _ 10. Broadway Preservation (Fancher to Park) 16. Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension 21. Barker Road Corridor (Mission - South Limit) s • 22. Argonne Concrete (Knox-Indiana) f' 28. South Bowdish Road (Sprague-Dishman Mica) 34. Broadway Improvements (Flora-Barker) 39. Flora Reconstruction (Sprague-Montgomery) Safety, Si d ewa I k Trail and Stormwater Projects , (9 Projects) ....ili _ _ . , Arutr.„.r.w.,- „.„.... N.J — 7 , a L { A - . . - -1. 18 ._... ------ ' - 40 _ .,.. 42 0 .•' - . _ . - - - . ' 40 p------' 13,25 20 A 4 30 11. S. Bowdish Sidewalk (12th-22nd) 13. Citywide Retroreflective Signal Backplates 14 14. Ridgemont Estates Streets & Stormwater 11 18. Spokane Valley River Loop Trail 20. Sprague Stormwater Improvements C-I 25. Citywide Safety Projects (Biennial) 30. Appleway Trail - Farr to Dishman Mica -4 40. Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail . � 42. N. Sullivan Ped/Bike Improvements Questions? 4---') o • . . TW.U.,"'"........i. I r 1 1, grill IF 7 i iligii + ..„j ■ +II-1 ii_eriFilar-.11-.11\ DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION 23- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2024-2029 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley,the City shall,pursuant to RCW 35.77.010,develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Six-Year TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS,the Six-Year TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year TIP shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six-Year TIP was submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce and has been reviewed and approved prior to the scheduled adoption of the TIP in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, following adoption of the Six-Year TIP, the City will forward a copy to the Washington State Secretary of Transportation; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June , 2023, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six-Year TIP. NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County,Washington,as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six-Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2024 through 2029. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2024- 2029 Six-Year TIP with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation before June 30, 2023. The Six- Year TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City's transportation requirements. Projects and timeframes identified in the Six-Year TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. In the event a railroad ceases to use rail right-of-way within the City, the City will utilize all reasonable options available under state or federal law to preserve the right-of-way for future rail purposes pursuant to RCW 35.77.010(3), Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this day of June,2023. Resolution 23 Adopting Six-Year TIP DRAFT ATTEST: City of Spokane Valley Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Pam Haley,Mayor Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 23 Adopting Six-Year TIP SitiOF 2024 - 2029 Six Year okane Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) y Valle g .. a. �_._� �_ _ .., _ __ _ F .. _ , ., ..... :, ,..._„,, z - ..4__. ,Ir_ a , ': fir,,. _ pa _ _ � ., !='tip .' '�.^z - - - - 1 r { s •----- 1, r 's .`p��'-..:` °.a'•s" _ �, - � d - - `- 1. otsr. - -'�' \ \ f ::� p a �*s .., a / \r•�,`� • - _ M0 '4.'. Y, A,# }r Z V ;� 'S 'X tomY i ',` 1 JyM ! fi g it C♦ -•v yam • l ico ,, e { -vg.•-•144. ,5,-, i , r � F ; 1i P s� • Gam ' t + i r +y'A �' • City of Spokane Valley Community & Public Works Department OF 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) SOokane Walley Glossary & Abbreviations Project Phases: Funding Sources: • PE Preliminary Engineering • City City Funds • RW Right-of-Way • CDBG Community Development Block Grant • CN Construction • CMAQ Congestion Management/Air Quality • COM Washington Department of Commerce • DEV Private Developer Funds • FHWA Federal Highway Administration • FMSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board • FTA Federal Transit Authority • HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program • NHFP National Highway Freight Program • Other Misc. Unidentified Funding Sources • RCO Washington State Recreation Conservation Office • REET Real Estate Excise Tax • RR Railroad • SRTS Safe Routes to School • SW City Stormwater Funds • STA Spokane Transit Authority • STBG Surface Transportation Block Grant • STBG-SA Surface Transportation Block Grant—Set Aside • TIB Transportation Improvement Board • WAL Washington Legislature • WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation C 9T1 Or. 202 " - 2029 ]IUne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .1000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 1 Sullivan Rd./Wellesley Ave. Intersection Improvement 40 City 3 3 CMAQ 17 17 Description: Spo.Co. 20 20 Traffic signal and intersection improvement project, partnership with Spokane County. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout Secured RW 0 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 40 40 Total 40 40 2 Barker Rd./BNSF Grade Separation Project 190 City 33 33 NHFP 54 54 Description: TIGER 55 55 Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290). FMSIB 45 45 WAL Other 3 3 Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 WSDOT administers CN 2021-2023,2024 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 190 190 Total 190 190 3 Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing 8 City Other Fed 8 8 Description: Surface preservation of concrete bridge deck over Evergreen Road. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 0.0 Secured CN 8 8 Total 8 8 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 1 e'lcri y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 4 Barker Rd.at Union Pacific Crossing 58 City 28 28 FMSIB 10 10 Description: STBG 17 17 Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section between Euclid HSIP 3 3 intersection legs and install shared-use path from Euclid to Trent. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout Secured RW 0 Length (miles) 0.1 Secured CN 58 58 Total 58 58 5 Pines Rd./Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement 32 City 4 4 CMAQ 28 28 Description: Signal and channelization upgrades to improve capacity and additional turn lane on southbound Pines. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout Secured RW 0 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 32 32 Total 32 32 6 Sullivan Rd. Improvements-Sprague to 8th 76 City 14 14 Other Fed 29 29 Description: TIB 33 33 Pavement reconstruction with signal and concrete improvements at 4th, ITS,sidewalks and stormwater upgrades. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN.2024 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles) 0.3 Secured CN 76 76 Total 76 76 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 2 m,y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 7 2022 Local Access Streets(Summerfield East) 26 City 26 26 Description: Street reconstruction with sidewalk and stormwater upgrades as needed. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 2 Secured CN 26 26 Total 26 26 8 Park Road Sidewalks 18 City 7 7 TIB 5 5 Description: CDBG 6 6 Sidewalk infill on the west side of Park between Broadway-Cataldo and Nora-Baldwin. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 0.2 Secured CN 18 18 Total 18 18 9 8th Ave. Improvements(Carnahan-Park) 60 City 47 47 TIB 13 13 Description: Pavement preservation project with sidewalk infill and bike lane on the north side between Fancher and Park Roads. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 2 Secured CN 60 60 Total 60 60 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 3 c,,,y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 10 Broadway Preservation- Fancher to Park 1,615 City 458 24 482 STP 354 19 373 Description: TIB 722 38 760 Two-Year phased pavement preservation project with concrete intersection upgrade at Park Rd. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023-2024 CN,2024-2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 1 Secured CN 1,534 81 1,614 Total 1,534 81 1,615 11 South Bowdish Sidewalk(12th to 22nd) 1,925 City 300 6 306 SRTS 1,587 32 1,619 Description: Install new sidewalk on the east side, including crosswalk,signage, and ADA ramp improvements. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 15 15 2023 PE,2024 CN,2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 0.6 Secured CN 1,873 38 1,911 Total 1,887 38 1,925 12 Trent Avenue Access Control Improvements 375 City 1 1 WSDOT 367 7 374 Description: Median installations near Dale, McDonald,and Evergreen Roads. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 11 11 2024 CN,2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) Secured CN 357 7 364 Total 368 7 375 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 4 �,,,y 2024- 2029 c'pol�ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 13 Citywide Retroreflective Signal Backplates(2022) 113 City WSDOT 111 2 113 Description: Installation of backplate panels at select traffic signals. Status: Funding Status: PE 2 2 2024 CN,2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) CN 109 2 111 Total 111 2 113 14 Ridgemont Estates Street&Stormwater Improvements 150 City 75 75 150 Description: Stormwater and road reconstruction evaluation and improvements in City's southeast neighborhood. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 75 75 150 Multi-year, phased project. PE required to define scope and CN cost. RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 0 Total 75 75 150 15 Pines Rd. (SR27)/BNSF Grade Separation Project 39,549 City 1,505 3,766 269 5,540 STBG 2,360 4,483 320 7,163 Description: Other Fed Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290). RAISE 5,422 15,182 1,084 21,688 DEV 158 158 WSDOT 1,250 3,500 250 5,000 Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 PE completed in 2023. ROW finalized 2023-2024. CN 2024-2026. Secured RW 1,077 1,077 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 9,618 26,931 1,924 38,473 Total 10,695 26,931 1,923 39,549 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 5 �,,,y 2024- 2029 c'pol�ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 16 Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension 5,000 Unfunded 25 25 4,950 5,000 Description: Street reconstruction and sewer extension with Spokane Co.: Flora& Tschirley(Euclid-Garland), Dalton(Flora-Tschirley). Status: Funding Status: PE 25 25 50 RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 4,950 4,950 Total 25 25 4,950 5,000 17 Sullivan Rd./SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction 42,985 City 788 48 836 NHFP 1,276 255 1,531 Description: STP 1,118 50 1,168 Reconstruct interchange to improve safety and capacity. Includes Other Fed 2,650 2,650 widening of Sullivan between Trent&Wellesley,adding ITS,center turn Unfunded 11,040 12,880 12,880 36,800 lane, lighting,and shared use path. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 1,764 353 2,116 PE& ROW ongoing;some funds may roll over into subsequent phases as Secured RW 4,068 4,068 available. CN funds pending. Length (miles) 0.2 Planned CN 11,040 12,880 12,880 36,800 Total 5,832 11,393 12,880 12,880 42,985 18 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail 6,899 City 333 333 233 899 Unfunded 3,000 3,000 6,000 Description: Paved shared-use path on north bank of Spokane River between Plante's Ferry and Flora Parks, including two pedestrian bridges at each end. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 333 333 233 900 PE planned for 2022-2024 with local funds, pursue RW/CN funding. RW 0 Length (miles) 5 Planned CN 3,000 3,000 6,000 Total 333 3,333 233 3,000 6,899 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 6 �,,,y 2024- 2029 c'pol�ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 19 Argonne Rd. &1-90 Interchange Bridge Widening 23,700 City 81 81 162 Other Fed 519 519 1,038 Description: Unfunded 11,250 11,250 22,500 Widen Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes and improve pedestrian&bicycle facilities. New channelization to evaluate future STA park&ride facility. Status: Funding Status: Partial pE 600 600 1,200 2023-2025 PE.$24 M total assumes bridge reconstruction, Planned RW 0 rechannelization,adjacent signal rework. Length (miles) 0.1 Planned CN 11,250 11,250 22,500 Total 600 600 11,250 11,250 23,700 20 Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements 7,870 Other Fed 186 35 310 354 885 City 312 78 417 476 1,283 Description: STA 34 7 57 66 164 Phased replacement of travel lanes with stormwater swales between WSDOT 126 30 178 204 538 University& Park Roads. Signalized crossing improvements at City Hall Unfunded 1,050 200 1,750 2,000 5,000 and potentially other locations as warranted. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 80 40 120 2023-2024 PE. University to Herald is funded 2024 CN. Remaining CN as RW 0 funding allows."Other Fed"funds are COVID relief funds. Length (miles) 2 Partial CN 1,628 310 2,713 3,100 7,750 Total 1,708 350 2,712 3,100 7,870 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 7 c,,,y 2024- 2029 c'pol�ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 21 Barker Road Corridor(Mission Ave. to South City Limit) 27,057 DEV 50 50 50 25 25 200 STP 108 271 108 271 271 1,029 Description: Other Fed 1,500 600 300 150 150 150 2,850 Phased improvements: Mission to 1-90& 1-90 to Appleway(5-lanes), City 200 500 200 500 500 1,900 Appleway to Sprague to 4th to 8th(3-lanes). Roundabouts at Sprague,4th Unfunded 1,926 2,652 5,000 2,049 4,757 4,694 21,078 &8th Ave. Bikes lanes,sidewalks, ITS,and stormwater as needed. Status: Funding Status: Secured pE 176 176 176 88 88 704 PE, ROW in 23-25.Appleway-Sprague partially funded$1.1 M STP funds. Secured RW 3,300 1,320 660 330 330 330 6,270 "Other Fed"are DEMO earmark funds. Sprague RAB complete. Length (miles) 1 Partial CN 2,114 5,285 2,114 5,285 5,285 20,083 Total 3,476 3,610 6,121 2,532 5,703 5,615 27,057 22 Argonne Rd. Concrete Pavement- Indiana to Knox 3,000 Unfunded 100 200 2,700 3,000 Description: Reconstruct with concrete and improve stormwater and signal operations. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 200 RW 100 100 200 Length (miles) 0.3 CN 2,600 2,600 Total 100 200 2,700 3,000 23 Mirabeau Parkway/Mansfield Ave. Intersection 2,700 Unfunded 100 100 2,500 2,700 Improvement Description: New intersection control(signal or roundabout). Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 Potential for Developer funds via Mirabeau Subarea Traffic Study. RW 100 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,500 2,500 Total 100 100 2,500 2,700 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 8 c,T y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 24 8th Ave./Carnahan Rd. Intersection Improvement 3,001 Unfunded 88 88 250 2,575 3,001 Description: Add intersection control(turn lanes, potential signal). Status: Funding Status: PE 88 88 175 RW 250 250 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,575 2,575 Total 88 88 250 2,575 3,001 25 Citywide Safety Projects-Biennial 6,999 HSIP 1,866 351 1,866 351 1,866 6,300 City 207 39 207 39 207 699 Description: Projects are consistent with the City's Local Road Safety Plan. Unique projects identified separately in TIP. Status: Funding Status: PE 18 48 18 48 18 150 Costs assume project implementation in odd-number years and RW 0 design/closeout in even-numbered years. 10%local match. Length (miles) CN 2,055 343 2,055 343 2,055 6,850 Total 2,073 390 2,073 390 2,073 6,999 26 Local Access Street Improvements-$1.5M Annually 7,500 City 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,500 Description: Fund#106. Project type varies(surface treatments,grind/inlays, reconstruction).Asphalt replacement work completed through Local Access Preservation Services contract. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 100 100 100 100 100 500 Potential project neighbhorhoods:Aloha East&West, Midilome, Secured RW 0 Carnahan, Ponderosa, Hillcrest, Sprague,Vera Crest, Donwood. Length (miles) Secured CN 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,000 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,500 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 9 c,T y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 27 Street Preservation Projects-$3M Annually 15,000 City 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 Description: 8th& 16th(Dishman Mica-Sullivan), Indiana(Sullivan-Flora), Sullivan(8th- 24th, River-Kiernan), Broadway(Havana-Fancher), Dishman Mica, Wellesley(Sullivan-Flora),32nd(Pines-SR27), Fancher(Sprague-Trent), Sprague(Univeristy-Evergreen),Appleway(E Conklin) Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 100 100 100 100 100 500 Active projects identified separately in TIP. Projects may include signal, RW 0 ITS,storm and sidewalk upgrades as applicable. Length (miles) Varies Secured CN 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 14,500 Total 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 28 South Bowdish Rd. -Phased Corridor Improvements 2,900 Unfunded 200 100 2,300 200 100 2,900 Description: Reconstruct Sprague to Dishman Mica as urban section. May also include intersection improvements at 32nd Ave., ITS,and a new signal or roundabout at 16th Ave. Status: Funding Status: PE 200 200 400 Phased improvements to align with available funding opportunities. RW 100 100 200 Potential sources include TIB, SRTC, Local. Length (miles) 3 CN 2,300 2,300 Total 200 100 2,300 200 100 2,900 29 Park Rd./Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement 2,500 Unfunded 20 160 2,320 2,500 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations. Status: Funding Status: PE 20 80 100 RW 80 20 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,300 2,300 Total 20 160 2,320 2,500 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 10 c,,,y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 30 Appleway Trail- Farr to Dishman Mica 240 Unfunded 20 20 200 240 Description: Extend Shared Use pathway to Dishman Mica. Potential upgrades to existing stormwater facilities. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 RW 100 100 Length (miles) 1 CN 1,000 1,000 Total 20 20 200 240 31 Pines Rd. (SR-27)/16th Ave. Intersection Improvement 4,906 Unfunded 100 150 50 4,606 4,906 Description: Add traffic control at five-leg intersecton(potential roundabout) Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 200 Potential Developer contributions. RW 50 50 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 4,606 4,606 Total 100 150 50 4,606 4,906 32 8th Ave./Park Rd. Intersection Improvement 3,000 Unfunded 80 260 2,660 3,000 Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 Potential Developer contributions RW 240 60 300 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,600 2,600 Total 80 260 2,660 3,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 11 c,,,y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 33 Barker Rd./Boone Ave. Intersection Improvement 300 Unfunded 50 150 100 300 Description: Provide new signal or roundabout, per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Assume ROW&CN after 2027. Status: Funding Status: PE 50 50 100 PAO contributions from Developers expected. RW 100 100 200 Length (miles) Intersection CN 0 Total 50 150 100 300 34 Broadway Ave. Improvements-Flora to Barker 5,000 Unfunded 80 520 4,400 5,000 Description: Extend 3-lane urban section to Barker Rd and realign connection east of Barker. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 Possible partnership with WSDOT.2029 CN RW 500 500 Length (miles) 1 CN 4,400 4,400 Total 80 520 4,400 5,000 35 4th Ave./Pines Rd. (SR 27) Intersection Improvements 2,800 Unfunded 100 500 2,200 2,800 Description: Install new intersection control. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 RW 500 500 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,200 2,200 Total 100 500 2,200 2,800 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 12 c,,,y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 36 Sullivan Rd./Kiernan Ave. Intersection Improvement 3,000 Unfunded 80 420 2,500 3,000 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 RW 400 100 500 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,400 2,400 Total 80 420 2,500 3,000 37 Sullivan Rd./Marietta Ave. Intersection Improvement 3,000 Unfunded 80 420 2,500 3,000 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 RW 400 100 500 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,400 2,400 Total 80 420 2,500 3,000 38 Flora Rd./SR 290 Intersection Improvement 200 Unfunded 100 100 200 Description: New signal with added turn lanes or roundabout, per adopted Planned Action Ordinance.Assume ROW&CN after 2027. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 PAO contributions from Developers expected. RW 100 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 0 Total 100 100 200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 13 �,,,y 2024- 2029 c'pol�ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 39 Flora Rd. Reconstruction-Sprague to Montgomery 150 Unfunded 75 75 150 Description: Reconstruct to city standards, including a shared-use pathway connecting Appleway&Centennial Trails. Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 150 RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 0 Total 75 75 150 40 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail 400 Unfunded 75 325 400 Description: Shared use path following existing railway,connecting to City of Spokane and City of Millwood trail network,and the Centennial Trail. Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 150 PE Concept Design in 2028 RW 250 250 Length (miles) CN 0 Total 75 325 400 41 Sprague&Pines Intersection Improvement 250 Unfunded 75 175 250 Description: Install SB right turn lane and intersection control(signal&channelization). Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 150 Based on N. Pines Subarea Study. May include developer contributions. RW 100 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 0 Total 75 175 250 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 14 c,,,y 2024- 2029 pal�rane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 42 N. Sullivan Rd. Pedestrian &Bicycle Improvements 60 Unfunded 20 40 60 Description: Improved shared-use pathways and sidewalks from Spokane River to SR 290, including an improved crossing at UPRR. Potential transit upgrades. Status: Funding Status: PE 20 40 60 Project identified in 2015 and 2020 Sullivan Corridor Studies. RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 0 Total 20 40 60 Totals: 8,903 15,415 201,296 225,614 27,152 53,506 45,587 47,885 18,553 31,969 224,652 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 5/11/2023 Page 15 01 : Sullivan Rd. / Wellesley Ave. Intersection Improvement ►ilk. • , ' 111111P- rill'!" --- okane Valley 1 tillialb el Aiiill I P L am 0 1 AVM g Wellesley Ave 1. 1,0 - l .-- r, t b 'r tl Z ; s f !II lI !I t_ o j Q ,ii ''M a 3 0,1 I N ) —07.4 . I C t ItIi Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Traffic signal and intersection improvement project, rr Intersection Improvement partnership with Spokane County. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement ri Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured aaaar Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Spokane County I Congrestion Management/Air Quality I City Funds Total Project Years: 2019-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 230 2021 Right of Way (RW): 165 2021 Construction (CN): 2000 2022 Total Cost: $2395 Close Year: 2024 Page 1 of 42 02 : Barker Rd. / BNSF Grade Separation Project , Valley- ..„..,-,, . j ,311 gii. cr r ._,'',z ,.r:;. Spokane Valley 1 , } • er [te sF - Ti • N • - ., 1 � � car- ,, p fA I5 2 J�'i t ycrau Y.1 6i, i i t 4 '. 1 ra ' a tyL0+ ,;; Ye 1014 a'r arm a. 1, - `""'*•.o,. i i t I •iiii I .r a• 0. Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/ iii Intersection Improvement Trent (SR290). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa i Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): a Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Washington Legislature I National Highway Freight Program I Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board I Other Federal Total Project Years: 2017-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 3006 2017 Right of Way (RW): 3420 2019 Construction (CN): 19000 2021 Total Cost: $25426 Close Year: 2024 Page 2 of 42 03 : Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing sown...0744.- ► al - M1 . Spokalalley tee tg vie -------... • ". ' ' AAA Miss,_ w ate ,!,. , _*V1 �V ? 43. Ti y �� ' r kf• i Y•y.0 4' �� n *K.., a a:. Ie ,.. ! i , ., ,, , .741: i;:' , ' n. r b Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Surface preservation of concrete bridge deck overdi Intersection Improvement Evergreen Rd. -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa i Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Other Federal Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 25 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 408 2023 Total Cost: $433 Close Year: 2024 Page 3 of 42 04 : Barker Rd. at Union Pacific Crossing Valk. r ' 3113PgrPwillill 4.t.i, - , . y. 4 � ._,f. 'l Spokane Valley r� fP ': ;.: r 4It' njQ �G�f1G t _ A, Ir,l' ary. i 'C t 1 .� k i 3 er Vn , .i Z ty , Hotta _ IC ' .. . : , 1 17 s ,r.:., 0 Euclid a _1,1 —.' .- Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban sectiondk Intersection Improvement between Euclid intersection legs and install shared-use path from Euclid —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement to Trent. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): a Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board I Surface Transportation Block Grant I Highway Safety Improvement Program Total Project Years: 2020-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 85 2020 Right of Way (RW): 50 2021 Construction (CN): 2919 2023 Total Cost: $3054 Close Year: 2024 Page 4 of 42 05 : Pines Rd. / Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement spawn...0744._ ►i11 . 5poe Palley It i E flora ANie 1 • r '1 L r �.1k1-k i ;" fi"! t4- 4 .�.4 !IIIII " f 7 . ® Mission cm s nimr �:,n -, .,, parr r = ., t,, 1 • C)c'uba Mexican Q F r , i :Grill F re r.r1 i r ss, L_� r7 }�' 1 f*4 4.De TT:1 __'.: 4C' ; wy ti M r '�' Vapor§ , r i mL y ' w ._ a aunge-,Vialley 1,_ 1, . - :i r ;,e. - Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Signal and channelization upgrades to improvedk Intersection Improvement capacity and additional turn lane on southbound Pines. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement 4i Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Congrestion Management/Air Quality Total Project Years: 2020-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 355 2020 Right of Way (RW): 191 2022 Construction (CN): 1612 2023 Total Cost: $2158 Close Year: 2024 Page 5 of 42 06 : Sullivan Rd. Improvements - Sprague to 8th Spokane„" Valk- .. e, ' q. mp aan.y ;: u e Ave _ --�+ .. -.^ 5 Bank ' 'i� �- SpokaneValley `r .wl� t ' ;,. rE 1st Ave V ,- .r, x{ i i c A• ` 9^ � i- ��r Ske' I i , f .�e, - 1 4. -., a _- 7 it rr\ter' r 1 I. .s,� '.. P r • ,am-.� - t ' } T' r_" I - 1'1 I+1 i 4Aik j!p Y �`' a-- 1 era al "°r Jr. ' c :` n 1 E rt'1ion°r l; �'� � fit ��- r`�'"'d to ^, �a` rs' t. r.p� za C4.�l���� � y' F �""a # _,h.t�,E•1 f. rsa. • .. y . • w , ,•j om any F "� r.. "' T" I 4' r ' r""_� to-"_ �.y.s_n• w. y 9 p - ` I ri'i fl 1 �1 L1x7 -E 4t11 Ave '-. s .,c''' , ,,w a V r° r r- ar, `'r r - K if'*C d .� ,•- r ` r Ir 7-1 i �� T —_..;r r' E 5th Lrr rI �', , i a 3 r - , t , r—r' 11 . r._e rr f` •• S _, - ,lad �,.� y vf�"'� ••� :'� ra �� ,:��. - � d*' q �. al..�� R �,. . -.. • r, • ij r a rFx # . k40 �r r T r :Yi- -- 1.�r_1,� i# • Tw _1 ,,,,xT' �Y . rI __ —.., ,.... i'-'r, i Aye ,• • � tr - ' :,. r. I z°` al S Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Pavement reconstruction with signal and concreteiii Intersection Improvement improvements at 4th, ITS, sidewalks and stormwater upgrades. -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruction Project Other Federal I City Funds I Transportation Improvement Board Total Project Years: 2021 -2023 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 252 2021 Right of Way (RW): 242 2022 Construction (CN): 3800 2023 Total Cost: $4294 Close Year: 2024 Page 6 of 42 07 : 2022 Local Access Streets (Summerfield East) ►ilk- r� q V m ip n t r a r `�4. _ — $ f." '': 'i, `. Spokane Valley A. ki - _ E oly.mpic Ave_ -.., ,_ ,, , , , ., ) ii ,A-, q � nrwa ` _h M n , - -,i- ,, , -N, . - - ill r !� • E Whsh . ` ki _. ..: � it �i .. t ,a C. A' l ':- " 'Ali 1191 1111.4 r --it *H11,Trii -: i „ _ , _: , . , _ . ,', I Z Alr';11117 '--- -' ' :-'"'''''' • a is $rw. . . 7. 11 : ' '' lit. L.-- --I , 1 1 i .N ;i. .. ' l r�" �k dam- • . � I if Ft ••- - it •i, E Wellesley Ave (11 :. JE"Weller yat) - Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Street reconstruction with sidewalk and stormwateriik Intersection Improvement upgrades as needed. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement ai Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured F+sm Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds Total Project Years: 2021 -2023 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 80 2021 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1 600 2023 Total Cost: $1680 Close Year: 2024 Page 7 of 42 08 : Park Rd. Sidewalks � .... Valley- NI .� 1, , ' 'r i� , r I. ,1.1, n , i�', ", i ' _ f .,( f, 0, n 1' r- w wt. Ei Spokane Valley II r i I , 1! - E Nora Ave , r :�4r + - I ; 1 ' E Augusta Ave AlliAill )sion Ave , r � IV' ,rt .d fIl} tea °r} c r } E Slnto 4 teary• . ; r 3111J-.2 F y'. E sing AveAve �.:;%:: Jr, ,`. e:l� C -a — Al V • - ._-. '' • 'C .►. .. Y If y f1 _ i. a! Jr ._r ', IVItiIMI� ; n1 a ,� a� .dam .3 if ,. r s 1l ram._ -_ 1 4 1.. .y • C3- `+1Q t. " _ ' I i t c 'itv , � fl 6: 4 E Cataido Ave - alla, 0 1- - _ T _ '� ar in ill� u sa .. - -;, � a I0? III. a 9© - - - Mallon Ave ix 4 - ^ . :r, 1l • 'LE Broadway Ave I I, 1 ., r Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle_Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Sidewalk infill on the west side of Park betweeniit Intersection Improvement Broadway-Cataldo and Nora-Baldwin. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa i Safety Stormwater Funding Status: i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Community Development Block Grant I Transportation Improvement Board Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 121 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 907 2023 Total Cost: $1028 Close Year: 2024 Page 8 of 42 09 : 8th Ave. Improvements (Carnahan-Park) ►i11 . r1 I r arai' i !� s Pi a.i a■al I =.:— . ." id Ave ' _:_� ■ _, Y r c. A,, a ,". a vy :a. na cn Spokane Valley E 3rd Ave r a #m - F1 1 : u .ue..' GTaS p as„_, ,, FOIL e �_. _ .�.._. E 4th-Avr��+m . rr t i i-WI. 6_. l r. r r6e Ftit � .'- Rp1 1 aj .. E fith-Ave E 6th Ave r•"' x ' 'E7thAve ''" r ' Erlc ecaltf FL irk' '. �.•;, v } tr, 0 � E 9th Av e "" s• E 9th Ave ■. is , . Q m _ ■ - } m " m E 10th-Ave ' , 4 i r L;: ■ E�1�Oth Ave s 3 �ra �' E 11th Ave E 1 1 th Ave Y , v '• ��. - .E 12th Ave" I. r 1 r i 6 s ;� _° y'','Y �'a•S + , "`sue. r }-5 y, r Ave-4. , ¢° N , '•,i. ,„ mcia x w :. ..� ~vr_ � ;. • r E 14th Ave" }. m r T ,l ` �E'15th A e r r •,„. ..� �>.,E _ s . .., h Aye,— :. . b j E 15t73 Project Type: Street_Preservation TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Pavement preservation project with sidewalk infilldi Intersection Improvement and bike lane on the north side between Fancher and Park Roads. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement ai Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): a Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Transportation Improvement Board Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1 30 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 3000 2023 Total Cost: $3130 Close Year: 2024 Page 9 of 42 10 : Broadway Preservation - Fancher to Park ,, Valk. 73 - _ E Sharp Ave Eriwa ti 4 • + �, � Spokane Valley tirel t'''r ' X I 1 ID - � _ ar. { -. a .......off P. iYY '.": :.,..0 '"'%l l rw . 4:"'B !S F -'' S H eP I , a ': ,,. 4 I m T 'E _ Park Rn� ❑e'an Ave � ,_,. I•s ,,4 ' ,ir r F x^ • _ , _1 -', Sw 90 r 'I1 •3' 11 4, .ti a Q 4 x''' 4���"�f3oda.y ` $w t•. r-- ,A':1 r '1 t .e Inn Spokane ''`'#. 1l � ahtY. s ABC Office!_.`, art T'I+' re—i-',� ,37"'e--� t s,, � � i ,,.� ,. � Equipment I31 x. A _ °Sir Speedy H .1' • _ 4 'r fr - r I� , • a PE Alkl q r r -•W e cg 8 ., i .6"I ,- K ii, I r- .; I �. � .:. ..Olives 'K• • :' ��` ,,.. , - BB* :E'Valle wa .- ur 'u €3 '! _.,_f r , , , .,__. . _ e I ,,. I g ,. rpd.T a x Project Type: Street Preservation TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Two-Year phased pavement preservation projectiii Intersection Improvement with concrete intersection upgrade at Park Rd. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement ii Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Surface Transportation Block Grant I Transportation Improvement Board I Surface Transportation Block Grant I City Funds Total Project Years: 2022-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 217 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 4036 2023 Total Cost: $4253 Close Year: 2025 Page 10 of 42 1 1 : South Bowdish Sidewalk (12th to 22nd) ►ilk- 7 ' t .r.E 1 th=Ave - -,,,,,At ' N T" r r k-_ -. ▪r r if2 I. JC R r I 'y -I f'* 07'0 r`* c i P• T f sib 4. �,-: "r � � 3 1 a � 1r� ems , = r • I r ' -TY f • 4 '. ▪ 4 � '`+� S*' •i Spokane Valley r'a' 1r . f }_ SR ' ' y y� ��'S r ail 311 q ✓� ._. r 4 r F Y F 4 I e 1 fl 1 - 1. f-if r r ki' P e A- ..r ,f;r t ',E 7 _ s r ' r r r c-s' �. r * r'.d P 4 r 1Ve' i d �T�., �� � F � A r F i � I Y � � F t I i, y r •I r� ra it}.r rf � f;��r�.� i r , f R. � t �C IS ..f '6'ry 1i ' r V*„i•lf1[_.11 �r f r ` p�{r'#� rlk'l r 4 '" yY �� I - Y F l' 1 � ■ 1 ,� f „� y ''� �,r-- � gyp. .t �°� � _- vr,�,�, � �- ,y, t _ f r am'f {rt i t r i #. ` .,' -640, '''!r -r r{ a r C i r�r it � a t; sx7 s, 7 �i �C ry kve.- �Ar4.1 T ., < [ .f -• • _d st;'i ° fir+ ,i°".�1r 4 4 f r 1 , iir l fi ,0'i F s.�T i ,1 ra °`�� ' - tr -�4 yc�"w i F . �r- ,_ # ,'`kt,,,. f .n.k.j.4.y •. r" 3. r l:• 44- p, S % e f d s` i y-: .i fps , • °�• t` ,. °°.3-,3 {•-rt r -r .! ;� till- ._tqr� .''` `11 ri r I . `en>.' Pines Cemetery '""`' y� ..♦ -ar �.,, •� ♦ 7'-qi `� .+��, 5,�. ,:.,.�, her r--- ` _ t !' 'CIF* , 7 4' S '! .! i-i w. r . , 0t Trr i-01 i`'' 3. 14 r .l':-'41.44(' FriC 1' y;r ' 'rf C'' s1 .gr`, i l r>I'$ _. 's'` L ' ! r ,i�•. ‘r.,,_7P°*" 1 '� yi r . ® 7th Ave. ` M' u: ,... °Y..` -_ _r Y� y r r-1) a ':4 r .;+@rs iii.Ayeat- r a r V.,1 4 m • �F` 1 t rrih f . .'' ' :y r "E 1Sth Ave .-+ l9Ar*"' .i' 1 } yi� -? 3 ▪ �• r * iti Lr�'� ` ur r wL + fi k� ,�t th $ a .-.-tie �` " s [1y'. 'B' , tr ` It. ' n : 1:1 's . • ' C r -/r 4 '` . . ;� aad:. r ,.. • ®: * . :. rr .rr r .* ll �' i , sr� ` .�.E 20th ...it,. 491,• ,, & ww •' , r � a e* y * -Ft„ r� r F*; • , ,. try r y'r +e' r. - � �, F Y.. 1 i e r 1:s k ,1 'n i., t y `'- tf x. ,�. "kit' + t a Jr ,�. [ r i d . _ f ;r> ..�._'• r r ; �i�, 22nd Ave E 22ndieAve 1 , Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle Improvement TIP Proieds -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Install new sidewalk on the east side, including -Intersection Improvement crosswalk, signage, and AAA ramp improvements. ' ,Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - Safety Star mwoter Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Safe Routes to School Total Project Years: 2023-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 74 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1911 2024 Total Cost: $1985 Close Year: 2025 Page 11 of 42 1 2 : Trent Avenue Access Control Improvements „ ► al - i IUL L'It '= r '4 •f,€ r '5 E Wellesley Ave Settlement - y r aiiiii rhilr �` '� �. - '" °'•tip 41 ! -:y :. w,.Q �_ lit J S�J'.A 9Y,._ F' T '`a K., Sr101[Hfl�Val�ey f . q8 `Pl' nte's Ferry '.„,, ,,...,.. ,,,,..._ „.Sports Stadium,_ ; 'E Rich Ave u-�.-., E :.„ Upriver Un r E _� = ,,,,,• a ` . P i � �;. I • eti ..-4 � ,e`a � y 5 4 }r.Fg▪ Sif1X .Y a[iir atrAVe , ar 1 i h r S , �. Spa kane,41 PY- k!. .;� a .. er A , • ve',., 4 ., . is,, r..r ., x Y s 1'Y^ ♦. Pete P "1., MiUwoo � o fr: r Y r*a` a, .. I, ". TAW• s c" 0 E'Grace'Ave a e E Grace Ave I' •y p v ro�^ \ .n Osh a�: . T�'f., .t .A •, k A= ✓ a" •• - - a}I 1. L. • ',.,-..I. ±,y, _ `s". >—E=Montigomery ✓� ._ aI F I. .i ,' _• k, ,.:: �',. I NUR SIX } a1 . . r...aw i�^ -s .` ® .= ansfieldA�v`e �.r; .E M ,tea "1 ' 1 _1 _ . '� E Knox Ave , I:; • o ■ r '' n,aig ndia -Ave' !H{Il`l'i :i • • t i , f Of .. F Nnra Ave Project Type: Safety TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description:p Median installations near Dale, McDonald, andiit Intersection Improvement Ro ads.oads. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2023-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 55 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 364 2024 Total Cost: $419 Close Year: 2025 Page 12 of 42 13 : Citywide Retroreflective Signal Backplates (2022) n, . ► 11ey. l �r Y _ , - . L r , / Spokane Valley . s,. . , . ' -AILAIle iSgllhrllghlh . - --I- __ _ _. 1 , „ , — �; _ _. pir t,, . ill...7,- ---) -- , :J -ri (m � r �51 i P y 4 L f C E s� l N a .... _Project Type: Safety TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Installation of backplate panels at select trafficdi Intersection Improvement signals. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement ii Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Highway Safety Improvement Program Total Project Years: 2023-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 11 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1 1 1 2024 Total Cost: $122 Close Year: 2025 Page 13 of 42 14 : Ridgemont Estates Street & Stormwater Improvements „ ►i11 . . . , .. t, ljIIII„PIPIH., PIIIIIIIIIII „�. F �PR , 3 „ F, Spokane Valley 1 [1:1Liiii 1 ik. Ilk . • E 16th Ave., - � � 4 .. - ,. .. . .., . .. : , . - . ... ,,, .,,--,,-_, . , ,, . .._ , _ , .__ . . . . .... .. . 4 + • ''. -- , . _ a , d et% y , t' _.,,C q. y e1? . .,, `, 4� _: y ,;° 32nd Ave r Project Type: Stormwater TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Stormwater and road reconstruction evaluationiii Intersection Improvement and improvements in City's southeast neighborhood. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement ii Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Stormwater Funds Total Project Years: 2024-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2024 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 0 Total Cost: $150 Close Year: Page 14 of 42 15 : Pines Rd. (SR27) / BNSF Grade Separation Project sookano,;\.... ►ilk- 'may `* op, i pp t..- „■ a Spokane Vaffey 4 W . AiliAllil 0SF, itt '� �Y ice. . ~�4 �1 ,,�• ,', , , , Illtskitti 4 _ 1,. i 1 ,it --, F - r 3 Yy' ,,... , *=.-,, 4. - .,.weer Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/ iik Intersection Improvement Trent (SR290). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aBIBIBi Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Washington Department of Transportation I City Funds I Surface Transportation Block Grant I Other Federal I Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity I Private Developer Funds Total Project Years: 2019-2026 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 2300 2021 Right of Way (RW): 5385 2022 Construction (CN): 32767 2023 Total Cost: $40452 Close Year: 2026 Page 15 of 42 16 : Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension lley- i iii l:a ' - „ . ;Garland Ave -- •_ _� _It- -a �_.' '! EN - Spokane Valley 1 E G irk A St ., - .�• ,V iild _Ili • . II I I I 1 I I I i I II ' 'I k B41 St I I l •Q ,fir .. — i 1i�1 ' 4 =� �I .,..,I -._ - M1- 'v �5'A !i' # 1 S`;. m.. tot • V v ...1...."^' i ,Lffiip. — 111 I i '-"1 y• 1 �I .I-i r Lr a _ 1 MIN- r I `Fri ' `•.—ii• ' F .. .y :•u\.l l. Z C St J +t R -�c: "tea =4ftielfs II' 7711������pppp +••-ma . . m Y0 nA Nm , :Z. -T.;:-..-..., C W k' - — 1 ' I Ill p y qm. ti - - n w,,k '3. '1 `,fist" d.-- E' r 6 "'!b `1 _• ` r. o i 'fir 1 I. ...� lUflmf39CIfIC. ""t'l'Itt�._t._. . Y.. - `_ G.b+,3.'. -. x. s.; Z _ m . .. , , . - , . — 1 - 1,,,,,t. i ... , • , , _1,,,,,,,r1 ,.._ 4 ;{` 1 r �pJ • L. a �_� 2 -'y f ' ' Very ( Euclid OM ;E _. _ Euclid A J '� ,. -.—_ ...NrMlr." i�i11R-c��r. .! .. - ... l_ . <R�R�- '� _ r� _. �snl Project Type: Street Reconstruction Project TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Street reconstruction and sewer extension withiii Intersection Improvement Spokane Co.: Flora and Tschirley (Euclid-Garland), Dalton (Flora- —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Tschirley). — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2024-2027 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2024 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 4950 2026 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2027 Page 16 of 42 17 : Sullivan Rd. / SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction spolian , ► al - m , 'x" Pi'+� 1 n 1 0 7 u,r . Spokane Valley 1 -f r. 'sae r94,-� - e i i r r "i P i �a 1-1 ALAI" --`* �w f LIli illi 0 rouca am .: . y Union Pacific I ' --Unto Pacific Pacitic- i. i. j k•1 I' iiimimi_ _ _ __, _ Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct interchange to improve safety anddi Intersection Improvement capacity. Includes widening of Sullivan between Trent and Wellesley, —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement adding ITS, center turn lane, lighting, and shared use path. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Partial i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Surface Transportation Block Grant I Congressionally Directed Spending(Earmark) I Misc.tlnidentitieds Funding Sources I City Funds I National Highway Freight Program Total Project Years: 2021 -2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 3527 2021 Right of Way (RW): 4068 2024 Construction (CN): 32767 2026 Total Cost: $40362 Close Year: 2028 Page 17 of 42 18 : Spokane Valley River Loop Trail stoo.kan .... ►ilk. 1 !A 'k! I,1 ii :yl till Y v . 1 mares 11 'I11, win Spoke y 1 � F. ; �'~ 1.�"YP ' ' = I-- ti Ipoi , I tttmm I�u s , , xr, e ' r e � ,,r ' v Aluminurn:: ,. snit- F 1 in .,a. 1 $- '" '..i 1 - - Flo ` '' - ,5, . ii 5 - 9 1 did r � 11. r Ave co 'a" r— M n Arm a n, c u) Mart r E eta'. - Z E Mansfield Arnie a ,/ 1I 4 _ f Ce �`` �• ,. '; f: dP � r x , . E Indiana Ave , Q -0 4'E 1n a Ai, ' s }' i1111.1 v :ur , a t'.4 z tl "' li a Sw'l an,Park Q _" E Nora Ave . 41 R ',,i a E Mission Ave ee, R . - • Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Paved shared-use path on north bank of Spokaneiii Intersection Improvement River between Plante's Ferry and Flora Parks, including two pedestrian —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement bridges at each end. PE planned for 2022-2024 with local funds, — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Partial i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1 000 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 15000 Total Cost: $16000 Close Year: Page 18 of 42 19 : Argonne Rd. and 1-90 Interchange Bridge Widening �, ... 1 4 AF r 1. ,' L i` — f .:—F� �� okane Valley 1 Ily z hi.,, III <�J�G� .. 1,1#1.11 11L414 r :r w l I --` iiloomr cr. rY f: y �x i il____ Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Widen Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes and -Intersection Improvement improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities. New channelization to —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement evaluate future STA park and ride facility. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Other Federal I Misc.Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2023-2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1500 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 22500 2026 Total Cost: $24000 Close Year: 2028 Page 19 of 42 20 : Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements ,, ►ilk. Park RoadrEis•c l 4 ... -, - J , z !, . s 3 E Broadway Ave r ` '? >r one PalleyIII 7, a.l. I a • I ' E Alkl°'Ave z" z t 2 z. iAdaI �c nir • �@ r a * m y , .[asp x f to r • o +r aZ y a 3 = N aT+ - a. — 3•°3 v- rr., ''E 3 y} , {w,Cy "eta' Pi11 — a - a,:: �¢ _ ❑ - s-.. .0 a.•re. f. il 11' 'r a a � as I f: 73 ii f7viHarrt•hgto . a 4� a 1 4 t' 4 $�a I E Main ik% u -ai a I-- r..r �.. , n gye E Main Ave 4 a ,- tr. - .--. = i k. ' .I ,,,: r1ie.hm`an ". R r.. ,: r u f `- _ r Aye k', iR WE :, A i, ,s -, - S Applety p! ' ° d. C= ay Blvd a j .x a ,k cn a! Blvd , . ":Srs1 f �' E CD c r ti l (� ! ��)4 •'ARP N • I • m 4th• l ric s;; ') =n EAvev e , p a ,� � °4� E dth Ave u 5 is - .r e �p'i-..'' T m b••i i. •• ' ,s-x' - a r= • I. .X 9 ,!, vsn ' k.$x S. K,, 'y t f E 6th Ave • , �r :a ,�s „ E 6th Ave y s IF:rl ff -rk S i, ` • 4 ti? ir, - • .t.i# tk�, ': 2:.4' `' E8th Av4 . .-it. € � y '' k' r At:.c Q E 9th_Ave c. . � 4 Project Type: Stormwater Project Description: Phased replacement of travel lanes with TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement stormwater swales between University and Park Roads. Signalized —Bridge crossing improvements at City Hall and potentially other locations as —Intersection Improvement warranted. University to Herald is funded for 2024 construction. -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Other Federal I Misc.Unidentifieds Funding Sources I Spokane Transit Authority I Washington Department of Transportation I City Funds Total Project Years: 2023-2027 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 7750 2024 Total Cost: $7950 Close Year: 2027 Page 20 of 42 21 : Barker Road Corridor (Mission Ave. to South City Limit) ' Jr-- E Mission Ave n — E Mission 0.ve i 1 m 1 r r a 4 Spokane V.itamil 1 Ave E Boone Ave [ _ i • I fw. �� � ry -- - - . E C�taldv Av.�`* - i �--"� rE Broadway Ave - -G:ountryiw sta Dr oadway Ave • :+ +Ii1f�j E. �• ' .1 � E I Ikl Ave' Pye sPV a Q-b aj+ Ave Go \ey P- n , • • �4�z0 I e E Spra=iue Ave .. ,-„ — Vera `Greenacres rR� Ili E 2nd Ave o L •a sn � h E 4th Ave h A' 4tve ui ,' ,f y . w -. r... . Lake 2 .� y Cra - s • ' , ::. _I *i r 'IV-i r• r • ,s. ate �~srh"p ' . _ .`3 - Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Phased improvements: Mission to 1-90 and 1-90 to TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement Appleway (5-lanes), Appleway to Sprague to 4th to 8th (3-lanes). —Bridge Roundabouts at Sprague, 4th and 8th Ave. Bikes lanes, sidewalks, ITS, !Intersection Improvement -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement and stormwater as needed. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Partial i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Private Developer Funds I Surface Transportation Block Grant I Congressionally Directed Spending(Earmark) I Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2021 -2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 880 2021 Right of Way (RW): 6600 2023 Construction (CN): 21140 2024 Total Cost: $28620 Close Year: 2029 Page 21 of 42 22 : Argonne Rd. Concrete Pavement - Indiana to stm.kano . ►ilk- L ' m711.1W1 ti _ lE:IB ®t i• pokane Valley1 c E s n w r n�. 1.4 a 1 4 1E Knox G i Pr � mfti � ' J s ' [� t , ! it I • tv :hielli POI , x -: . - R. - �.. ',., '$.. ,.ram en Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct with concrete and improve stormwateriit Intersection Improvement and signal operations. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement arm Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2025-2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2025 Right of Way (RW): 200 2026 Construction (CN): 2600 2027 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2028 Page 22 of 42 23 : Mirabeau Parkway / Mansfield Ave. Intersection Improvement ►ilk- j„ I to. Spokaa Valley 1 4, Mansfie�d am _ /i c _ __ ` .a - fi t Aid �� r Y - R s rr J l 74 ri leikoe (/� ■r,: . f IF ,---400" ,, .. - . 3 r b elT i' Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: New intersection control (signal or roundabout). dt Intersection Improvement -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa i Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): .. Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2025-2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1 35 2025 Right of Way (RW): 200 2026 Construction (CN): 2500 2027 Total Cost: $2835 Close Year: 2028 Page 23 of 42 24 : 8th Ave. Carnahan Rd. Intersection Improvement „ . 40.01KValk. at`' ;1, Spokane Valley g{, I w - : ,, 3 . , �: a. y m. .sue 6 {ear : 7. -\1 . .5 ,tea,__ E. - 1r {L y . .. -. r ., t p I':. 1-' 110 ' I Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Add intersection control (turn lanes, potentialdi Intersection Improvement signal). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 175 2025 Right of Way (RW): 250 2027 Construction (CN): 2575 2028 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2029 Page 24 of 42 25 : Citywide Safety Projects - Biennial n, . ► al - r i r" `i Spokane Valley 1 ' 4 u GI r; iJ ..; I , it'At_ 4• `- �f + i_ _. 1 „ , 1 ` . Fir r _ +, s —HI i_ l �l _ F - / i _ - _ + �r r .-a� Project Type: Safety TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Projects are consistent with the City's Local Roaddi Intersection Improvement Safety Plan. Unique projects identified separately in TIP. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa i Safety Stor mmater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Highway Safety Improvement Program Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 6850 Total Cost: $7000 Close Year: Page 25 of 42 26 : Local Access Street Improvements - $1 .5M Annually n, . Valk. r • E a' 41 m-:r1a Vall 111 Upriver°Drive a o n'• ;ir.al I 1 , Spokane eY _. Par iy -13.22 '-'Orchard Ave •T... 4* r .!r a , 4. ill -., Ve'rad rn ale Greenacres •.- sa s ©i Hit �I `~ . �tArPr - . • t cry . r .. - Dishman Mg .. Conservation �: r . m���� 6�ie{ynrose .� - Project Type: Street Preservation TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Funded by Fund #106. Potential project iit Intersection Improvement neighbhorhoods: Aloha East and West, Midilome, Carnahan, Ponderosa, —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Hillcrest, Sprague, Vera Crest, Donwood. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): a Street Reconstruction Project City Funds Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 500 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 7000 Total Cost: $7500 Close Year: Page 26 of 42 27 : Street Preservation Projects - $3M. Annually ,, ►i11 . —. Pasadena Park a Vel.;n Trentwo y 4 Ill 4 I — Spokane Valley e - r'c ,. "• .-0 °kaoi�Five+ .• ,-i, .:.tSiinkan• 1-, Ili(:fill , Orchard Ave. , - n , ....... ' PIlk I all s .:51117 ,Lib, Vim' t `.. ,Spokane. '. ■ s .° oo _ s+: l :+,Dishrndri. Valle L"y. ,+ C ris k Y 1 LIishmali H ' Saltese Upfanc w.� _ (jd:turd lire :Conservatior f -:,a, .6;,4. t Area figy . M 'z .e., ;. •, Dishman Hills; 35th Avenuer:-` I Conservation,.; r, F II k.d I, v Glen s Project Type: Street Preservation TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Possible Projects: 8 and 16(Dishman-Sullivan), iit Intersection Improvement Indiana(Sullivan-Flora), Sullivan(8-24, River-Kiernan), —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Broadway(Havana-Fancher), Dishman Mica, Wellesley(Sullivan-Flora), — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Secured i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project City Funds Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 500 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 14500 Total Cost: $15000 Close Year: Page 27 of 42 28 : South Bowdish Rd. - Phased Corridor Improvements „ ►i11 . ®ishnian ' * RSValley i • .." o,i 4t,„ih e•� s • E 5'rkane Valley hi , ,I, �. = xi w n 9 E 16th Ave E 16thAve Q. 1r- v Dishman M, k y Conservation'.' 1 ' ,�F ;:AreamGienros`e .s , x`Unrt . itikiti Project Type: Arterial Improvement TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct Sprague to Dishman Mica as urbaniii Intersection Improvement section. May also include intersection improvements at 32nd Ave., ITS, —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement and a new signal or roundabout at 16th Ave. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2024-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1000 2024 Right of Way (RW): 500 2025 Construction (CN): 11500 2025 Total Cost: $13000 Close Year: 2029 Page 28 of 42 29 : Park Rd. / Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement „E � .000 Valley- ' 1 0� kane y Vaff o e 14 d I et, ailtiiill , - i --, orrk,a0sit _ Mk= -'------ .a - -- E I - -- Mission Ave — — E Mission Ave rWit r 1. N2,. 1 - ,A Ni. Arg,o ''!tie 5 .1 It R fV, 3 m COf y' 1 • i _. I'' .may �y '�" 410, Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Improve channeiization and signal operations. di Intersection Improvement -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2026-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 2300 2028 Total Cost: $2500 Close Year: 2029 Page 29 of 42 30 : Appleway Trail - Farr to Dishman Mica ,, ►ilk. Q I i [t P Spokane Valley ems t' a I ,, 1.,, , r_ . , Ppl@yyaY 4' F. i_ -.� ', a . f rlg IZnavu air. r- _ ` -fur r: F rr""�� t FF I4 ��' 6 fi s Al..'ff' 0 g r ;� Eu, , Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Extend Shared Use pathway to Dishman Mica. di Intersection Improvement Potential upgrades to existing stormwater facilities. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2026-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 1000 2028 Total Cost: $1200 Close Year: 2029 Page 30 of 42 31 : Pines Rd. (SR-27) / 16th Ave. Intersection Improvement ►ilk. , A „ t., Q Spokane Valley 1 '' .., 4,i.•)1 . ''' ^ '-'. 1* ',' . til ' ' 1k$,\ . - v , -- ,-.) ... ,:,,er 4 , ., ,... . ..„. .,i- „.,. , , , , % ,. , . - ;: a, , . .... , -,:. . -..„.... .„; .. ,.. ... ......N ,- . , , . , . _1• ' ,.. _. r,:tig. ' s '.:,- . . : ‘:' : : : _ l'f'%':\ '''''''''''' 6)4.e,,,to,s,zz,' ,.,:1,''',. ':,..,, ''7' ;,.,.:::,.)...\lir, 941:1- , ' ``` ` T v; r ny ,. ` / i r, m x Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Add traffic control at five-leg intersecton (potentialiii Intersection Improvement roundabout). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2026-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 4700 2029 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2030 Page 31 of 42 32 : 8th Ave. / Park Rd. Intersection Improvement ►ilk- ---;. r Hi" , M 1, 9 Spokane Valley 1 it .,,,,"-,1,0p a 11 . w: r. 1 . • �1 mit, Q 8th Ave ^--' , ,; cm -. iut. „ ,,,,.fir ,. J � �"4r _ . ,..,, ._, ,� �_M y __ ,..,. , 1 J. ,,. y_ .,,,i1 ,_ h , . f v ,I-•r 3 .fir -..f, ' L. �. - Ill. I ,,' - ,.. , ..:.4- ),:._ fi-__, ' xi Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout. di Intersection Improvement -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 300 2028 Construction (CN): 2600 2029 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2030 Page 32 of 42 33 : Barker Rd. / Boone Ave. Intersection Improvement n, . ► 11ey. -w III J 1, 111 r ram'` 1 4 j Spokane Valle • 1' 4°. i li it 1- . 1 1 1 Y - I p ;It„4.11+. _, r x �. �r • G Boone Ave , _ at `� �� _ r fit , it ....„.„,,,, Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Provide new signal or roundabout, per adopteddk Intersection Improvement Planned Action Ordinance. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa i Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2031 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 200 2028 Construction (CN): 2500 2030 Total Cost: $2800 Close Year: 2031 Page 33 of 42 34 : Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker ,, `` ►ilk- 4T: Boone ,Ave a —4i * E Boone AVe S { _ g one pryc llPrPqlIllPll • ' Baorse q,� E. ° Spokane Vali i - - - J1 • ` r to y - f`a y, a.'�It � r �'-g ..' c`? V1t � - • a�x"f �- - a•8t8 d El l®- :r t s k �" r 4C C �o. ,�& a �J S r 'E C f ,+r- % R [ I � � ''r� � ; � 7;.i r r5 �'• 1 rE.. !'I ri ,f d`� ' -- E,. rea( +: , r _ r1 !.&rrc 13 r-lr_ v_'trrr^cn/.Vr-u : e ,r n:_ ❑ -r '� T 1� ' �,' .^. ....._. 'fir? ,,. ..,, f�- f�' ', s r ,1 ie-:;- Jf t 4,;, ,,1 1.f 4 r '•' -�.I 5.. -" n j .;. ,'gr �r L ' a ; ., i� E Springffeld` ` ` ,_" s Ave - r t s� �. irtr:,.a,. i. � r i r h. 'R 4 C to Ib ;s^- `,�� �! '� i:._"r .z s i ,a. }� �. --t i � � � 3 R r r✓t FFF v I r r a.R$ S" �' i f( r r C.- r r >a •I-' : 6o r v „�. 'R- _co r .. le I: '� 1 F Y r� i j 'rr. .rr) Q I k 1 LQ r t pc r 3 g T:, r- i* y: ` r !. sr war z. { a f. . ,Tiill I I Ea 1 rs;r - -- t< , ..,4,, •, CaWiey Ave... o R PI- C r `°I 4i? ' 1 "4, ,�y i i,:of e,r? ,� ay A m } k �`� ;� r Jr, }_ 1., r. f- Ott`, :. \ ,- pE .ce , 8 r d v B t a Yr f w r x' '"�.#� ."{ : .:- r , p- q+7'l0. ,1,'te`iI '. ¶ r • -- I NE t�f ,._ V. vr. Go t" \ ::' , ,� sE- rie ' _ —Ir,,:I z i Project Type: Arterial Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Extend 3-lane urban section to Barker Rd and -Intersection Improvement realign connection east of Barker. -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2031 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN): 4400 2029 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2030 Page 34 of 42 35 : 4th Ave. / Pines Rd. (SR 27) Intersection Improvements n, . ►ilk. r r t z,px r L•P"IllrPWIIIIIII Spokane Valley 1 AiiiiII. 441 fa .: •{ i I I .SE 1 It __ _-. Mau: 1T-1`. r /yy a ii lit ir - F ar 3_, �" c a t. 1 f!' aG'r ,Y Z. a a _ w. t illf - My e '[ IF iir et 111 D. IF— , . , co . ,. . . . -•4 '- ' ,... . , ._., ,.. _._ , , a . 4,1 Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects aaaaaaaaa�Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Install new intersection control. rr Intersection Improvement -Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned ommm Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN): 2200 2029 Total Cost: $2800 Close Year: 2030 Page 35 of 42 36 : Sullivan Rd. / Kiernan Ave. Intersection Improvement spolian , ► 1 . r.:-' , , A.4,-.t_ T r _ 311111PrlliillIll Spokane Valley c •t, y�j ' _fir '$ -I •"' � . r-l 1 i s hs `, I _,Ni - ■ yIS 413 lf-'4 - • '"fir . g Kiernan EKiernan z) lisow 13°at �r e. r ,----,------,_—_—_Cr:--- �r a 4 - —- * ,+ Ar1 �` •h- RR It ra i ¢ v I 1 - 1 ; - Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects + i.Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations atdk Intersection Improvement intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement faaaaaaai Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN): 2400 2029 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2030 Page 36 of 42 37 : Sullivan Rd. / Marietta Ave. Intersection Improvement Valk. I ; l ; - ! i , a Spokane Ya!!ey s ,1I � r i 1 ' .11-".,,!,:* , Aill tam iiii,•' I. • + t 1 {- i 3 - E Marietta Ave _ Q Marietta L * ,. - MIL' • ... ; ; Ati _ _ __ , _._ __ .... 11; ,L,.. --____.„, . , , ._ ` r •, - Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement ft Bridge Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations atdi Intersection Improvement intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaa . Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN): 2400 2029 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2030 Page 37 of 42 38 : Flora Rd. / SR 290 Intersection Improvement ►Valley- y!a lei' 11,11.011111. iSpokane Valley 1 r i. i end r ..., j'` a I' / �', + it ,_ 'Oks ©gip_ �__ .__.___ --- -_--_. _ is n Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Provide new signal with added turn lanes ordk Intersection Improvement roundabout, per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaai Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2031 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2028 Right of Way (RW): 100 2029 Construction (CN): 3800 2030 Total Cost: $4000 Close Year: 2031 Page 38 of 42 39 : Flora Rd. Reconstruction - Sprague to Montgomery Win, . u ^ '.T ' ` Spokane .'1 E 1ndiana Ave Sulllvali Park try ' - n E Missi e w� _ � - E Mission Ave' a # a�+a Ave - tl. z e - E Baan 'Ave a - " E Cataldo, di . ". E Broa dway Ave p E BIOaW tII z i z S ..Ill r E Alki Ave Ti i cn - T ..: ' ' i day P. ' C , POP pie __ .. H r �. E Valleyway Ave , o��e, dye si TI _ 4 . .. - - . ,, . , . , , _._ _ , . _ _. r . . - ,`` . , VeA adale r Vera e nacres` Project Type: Arterial Improvement TIP Protects .aaaaaaaa .Arterial Improvement Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct to city standards, including a shared- tt Intersection Improvement use pathway connecting Appleway and Centennial Trails. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement aaaaaaaai Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2033 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2028 Right of Way (RW): 250 2030 Construction (CN): 3600 2032 Total Cost: $4000 Close Year: 2033 Page 39 of 42 40 : Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail stoo.kan , ►ilk. L� = t'Y.,yp6 - s, .. `,S�..a( -tr Hutton serif t e s- : ,� � ri ..4. 3 h a �.. y ma's-`'. Settlement 4. r Spokane i Pla�nte:s Fr (.cI r[1 I] 5 E:kr]r 11 S 0�• e `sm. .r' ^'r" a� x Pasadena,;Qark "z= ; s�.orts st 1d i i1,- v I'd rk ,.10,re� - ..a €1 ,r Tsa c41( E Gelt MeldFicr.l `�R Park Sra� ,. ". ~r ��IIIWOOd ` zS^�'�,�,. .a.. �r r Municipal • i i'` :I ; m II I Airport ' • r• ;3 S - - Orchard Ave -- " C , I xi t r. r � ix g az E Mission Ave �e-! r E Mission e a r ve wi m ` ' a' E Broadway Ave 4 E Broadway Ave w ', •,1 e T �- ,. - Spokane. ... .. 1 Ail V' Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle_Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Shared use path following existing railway, iik Intersection improvement connecting to City of Spokane and City of Millwood trail network, and —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement the Centennial Trail. — Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2033 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2028 Right of Way (RW): 500 2029 Construction (CN): 6350 2031 Total Cost: $7000 Close Year: 2033 Page 40 of 42 41 : Sprague / Pines (SR 27) Intersection Improv. ,/ � I i .-rillproiliP11 Spokane Palley jithlA �'� i , _.4 . ......:Niq.,. t f _ pis lit +: 617 urnii `I__ _ - r ':lie. re -- maH mil OD 0 Sprague AZ 3 @ Sprague A► I,_ w. ° n •, �3 - gliw- k ii--.. �e fl 3aripilalk____ 4 .�1 .y � �F 11 _ . . , . . i t ii. , IJ i _ n ' ; ti d I. t Iv. i �o M, a 3 Stafiiucks i` - Walgreens r-- ti: • G 33 ADA r 1 - r Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Install SB right turn lane and intersection controldk Intersection Improvement (signal and channel izati on). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): . Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2032 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2028 Right of Way (RW): 200 2029 Construction (CN): 1000 2031 Total Cost: $1350 Close Year: 2032 Page Al of 42 42 : N. Sullivan Rd. Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements „ ►ilk. E R1ch AVe - F r F I I A = WI E ' t�� r 1 Fp,T � 1 1 1 l 1 L x, �. „°t SIC• I 1 I I q P 1 SpOk• • lent 1. __ ,, - i!"' - a 1, • � I - �, i;. r r9t v.. 5. 1 m ti g ago.um iiiiill , . - •• Z � _ ,r 7, --1—:./.,' MM. ` Kaiser R '�� I - EL- Ili Euclid Ave �- • Y - Aluminum - . .: _ I a�r� t 1,1 r 1e f' y — x + ��C Ave� • mp' ti•:1 I �' � , E M ar+ems VVV r ,_� r. a';-t'l tI;-t'4...4.- r: - w.. «,em s, ry 1 .4 -s4re'1‘,5-' q 88 ., 3nafeld ' t 9 ' t'Indiana AVe-;--ter _' Indiana _ 'A Sullivan .. _ ��@@ E Indiana" ' ''F I �> � I �- — r-� � `i�l4J..3V�4�J1 � - i ) ,Spokane Valley.° ' .. __ r` I�� . ., r ,r T 1 �� {� }; «ce �� Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle_Improvement TIP Protects 111111111 .Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Improved shared-use pathways and sidewalks fromiii Intersection Improvement Spokane River to SR 290, including an improved crossing at UPRR. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Potential transit upgrades. - Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2033 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2028 Right of Way (RW): 250 2030 Construction (CN): 4650 2031 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2033 Page 42 of 42 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing [' information ® admin. report [' pending legislation [' executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2023 Aquatics Programs Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council approved the 2023 Parks and Recreation Department budget on November 8, 2022. BACKGROUND: The YMCA of the Inland Northwest provides staffing and seasonal operations of Spokane Valley's pools through a contractual agreement with the City. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Parks and Recreation Department faced tough decisions related to the City's aquatics programs in 2021 resulting in lowered program offerings due to a variety of health department restrictions and limited staffing levels. While health department restrictions have since been lifted, the YMCA still faced staffing challenges that resulted in limited program offerings in 2022. Now, the 2023 aquatics season is beginning to return to normal. Thanks to increased staff recruitment efforts, including sign-on bonuses and expanded advertising, the YMCA has been able to hire enough lifegurards and swim instructors to open and operate all three Spokane Valley outdoor pool facilities at near capacity on opening day. Recruitment and hiring will continue beyond the season start date of June 17, 2023 in hopes of fully returning to pre-covid service levels. Staff is ready for the start of the 2023 Aquatics Season, and if needed, will be equally ready to operate aquatic facilities at full capacity as additional lifeguards are hired. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Anticiapted expenditures are expected to be within the current 2023 Parks and Recreation Department Budget STAFF CONTACT: Kendall May, Recreation Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation , , ,,,.,.., , , 2023 , . . _ ._ 4,, , ,-... . .;,,, Aquatics , _ _ : __ , _ , ,.., ....,,, ,- Season Upd . por, , ,...._ iiir._ -- ,,: _ _ ,_ 1 : ' 4414A)ifs\::,. _ _ At .. . Ida Allir ,r -4414. 4 pokane ,, „.........„..„ iii. .,,,,,,eliofolf,,,s,..,0,_ Parks Et Recreation - Department _ 1i" 41441114_ _ _ . 3 t do 7 1 sr-11111. _ ,m;IL h pokane i • ua i acil The City of Spokane Valley owns and operates three outdoor pools seasonally. Park Road Pool Valley Mission Pool Terrace View Pool The City of Spokane Valley contracts with the Spokane Valley YMCA to operate and maintain the pools. 2 Mechanical Updates Operations Agreement with the YMCA .5. Staffing Et Recruitment , -qr,-70- , , a - , 4. Programming Offerings y ` o 9 Regional Updates �, .. .` 1. 0. Program Sponsors 01117, 707 Paws in the Pool Event - _ hanica • da ' a • Continued to work with McKinstry and YMCA staff to preform pre-season repairs and upgrades to standardize systems across all three pools • TERRACE VIEW • Replaced 2" auto-fill piping in water feature mechanical room with SC80 PVC • Additional investigation and repairs to Lazy River • PARK ROAD • Replaced 2" auto-fill piping in water feature mechanical room with SC80 PVC li • Replaced failed Variable Flow Drive (VFD) controller for water slide feature • Replaced chlorine injection control unit in water feature mechanical room • Replaced sand in lap pool sand filters • VALLEY MISSION • Replaced 2" auto-fill piping in water feature mechanical room with SC80 PVC • Replaced chlorine injection control unit in water feature mechanical room • PENDING - Post-Season: replacement of 8" lap pool return line with SC80 PVC 4 uatic Programs Swim Lessons Swim Team Water Exercise 1 ilhi Lap Swim — s - - - �� r Open Swim 1 Drowning Prevention Clinics (Water Safety Clinics) " : . `vc ' ,« � ...c�c�� '�, � 5 a • 1/Pr eration A sl nt with the • Contracted Agreement since 2005 Provides staffing plan, hiring, background checks, certification and employee V° supervision of seasonal staff Annual pool preparation and ongoing pool operations and maintenance City pays a monthly management fee and reimbursement for actual expenses Pools to operate from approx. June 17 through August 26 r Terrace View to remain open through labor day of each year Pools to be open for public swim daily Variety of red cross swim lessons to be offered at all three sites Novice swim team program to be offered at all three sites Service levels may be subject to change based on annual and unforeseen circumstances 6 b taffi n e ' ecruitment Hiring Incentives $250 Sign On Bonus $500 for Pool Managers HOT SUMMER a Ongoing Recruiting Efforts: COOL 30B5 , „,Signs at Pools and other popular locations Social Media Outreach , School Job Fairs ' .-I 4" F . ' t y 1 ' • di HIRING FOR the SPOKANE VALLEY fs E.— OUTDOOR POOLS - It al $250 Sign-on Bonus* #Mill _wait.-- k. FuII & Part Time Summer Positions .a Apply today:ymcainw.org/careers o f' f a ® ® sa Offerings 111,1111111 Swim Lessons 5 AM Sessions, Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm (half hour blocks) )M sessions w ti. ue aadea as aaaitionat stair are nirea! Swim Team 6 teams (2 per pool), AM Practices from 7:00 - 8:00am and 8:00 - 9:00am Swim Meets every Wednesday at Park Road Water Exercise Et Lap Swim Offered 2-3 times each week depending on location Additional AM Lap Swim times added this year Open Swim 111, Park Road - 3 sessions, Terrace View Et Valley Mission - 2 sessions Drowning Prevention Clinics (Water Safety Clinics) Saturdays in July, Sponsored by Spokane Parks Foundation 8 II - • - •• Ifferin ' s ' ark Road Pa Park Road Pool Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Lap Swim 7:00am Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice AM Lap Swim Swim Team Practice AM Lap Swim 7:30am 8:00am Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice 8:30am Water Exercise 9:00am AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons 9:30am Lap Swim/Water Swim Team 10:00am Safety Clinic 10:30am 11:OOam Swim Meets Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st 11:30am Session Session 12:00pm Water Exercise Lap Swim Lap Swim Water Exercise Lap Swim 12:30pm Swim Lessons 1:00PM Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 1st Session Open Swim 1st Session Open Swim 1st Session 1:30PM Session Session Session Session Open Swim 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:OOpm Water Safety Clinic Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 3rd Open Swim 3rd 3:30pm Session Session Session Session Session Session Session 4:00pmell( 4:30pm 5:00pm Open Swim 3rd Open Swim 3rd Open Swim 3rd Open Swim 3rd Swim Meets 5:30pm Session Session Session Session li 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm . . II• • ferin • s • . . Terrace View Pool Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Lap Swim 7:00am Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice AM Lap Swim Swim Team Practice AM Lap Swim 7:30a m 8:00am Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice Water Exercise 8:30a m 9:00am AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons 9:30a m Water Exercise/Water Swim Team 10:OOam Safety Clinic 10:30am 11:00am Open Swim 1st 11:30am Open Swim 1st Session Session 12:00pm Lap Swim Lap Swim Water Exercise Lap Swim Lap Swim Swi m Lessons 12:30pm 1:00PM Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd open Swi m 1:30PM Session Session Session Open Swim 1st Session Session Session Session 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm Water Safety Clinic Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 3rd Open Swim 3rd 3:30pm Session Session Session Session Session Session Session 4:00pm 10( 4:30pm 5:00pm PM Swim Lessons PM Swim Lessons PM Swim Lessons PM Swim Lessons (additional staff (additional staff (additional staff (additional staff 5:30pm needed) needed) needed) needed) 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 0 t - • - •• • fftrin . cz as■rri 4 I Valley Mission Pool Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Lap Swim 7:OOam Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice AM Lap Swim Swim Team Practice AM Lap Swim 7:30am 8:00am Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice Swim Team Practice Water Exercise 8:30am 9:OOam AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons AM Swim Lessons Swim Team 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st 11:30am Session Session 12:00pm Lap Swim Water Exercise Lap Swim Lap Swim Water Exercise SWi m Lessons 12:30pm 1:00PM 1:30PM Session Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 1st Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim Session Session Session Session Session Session 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:OOpm Water Safety Clinic Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd Open Swim 2nd 3:30pm Session Session Session Session Session 4:OOpm 4:30pm 5:OOpm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm Better than the nation Summer Lifeguard Shortage 'As Bad As Last Year, Or Worse' Looms The lifeguard shortage that kept a third of the nation's 309,000 public pools closed 11111 or operl only part-time last year appears back in 2023. • Beth balbey,Patch Staff Posted Tue, Mar 28,2023 at 7:13 prn ET City of Spokane Valley Adequately staffed to operate all three pools by opening (June 17th) City of Spokane 90% staffed. On track to be fully staffed for the season (June 20th) Spokane County Anticipated to be fully staffed by open swim opening (June 19th) 12 • 0 Thank Sionsos - You ! Spokane Parks Foundation SPOKANE PARKS FOUNDATION Swim lesson and swim team scholarships MAKESPLASH An? p in a kids life Free Water Safety Clinics Free Swim Passes for youth 111 Numerics Credit Union NUMERICA Water Safety Saturdays s CREDIT UNION Sponsoring Free Open Swim following Water Safety Clinics in July Pool World, Inc. Free Swim Fridays 44 ) Sponsoring Free Open Swim on Fridays in July fool World Pools,Hot Tubs,Saunas, Grills and Services Spokane-Coeur D'Alene THANK YOU ! ! ! ! vent Sunday, August 27 at Valley Mission Pool from 10:00am - 2:00pm EXPANDING EVENT! t -- 10:00 - 11 : 15am, Small Dog Session , d 11 : 30am - 1 :00pm, Bigger DogSession '4 p gg � t Expanded session times r • Admission Fee: $5, 2 dogs per owner max , "', ", Expanding event to include vendors providing dog-related items 41r ., PetVet sponsoring to check required paperwork -1111, it PETVET RP7 r:r -- HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTER r r // � � • i Alb . - •:• a— • /i/ \ t of / i� SPOKANE VALLEY arks & Recreation Guide a • \ i * • • 23 Celebrating -14.:-. Spring . y. as a City! ��;� Questions? 4. 1,i n npp �SpONA/yFb' • 77 77 SCITlO7 .., � vO `** 9! r Zpo rm �Valley� ih 5= �looa-aot'� \ i //, Online:www.spokanevalley.org // Phone:509-720-5200 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of May 18,2023; 10:00 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings May 30,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue May 23] ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Ordinance 23-011 Amending 2023 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 2.First Reading Ordinance 23-012,Comp Plan Amendment 23-01,City map amendment—Levi Basinger (5 min) 3.First Reading Ordinance 23-013, Comp Plan Zoning Map—Levi Basinger (5 minutes) 4.First Reading Ordinance,23-014 STV 23-01,Oaks Academy Street Vacation—Levi Basinger (5 minutes) 5.Motion Consideration:Broadway&Park Intersection Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller (5 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration: Summerfield E Neighborhood Preservation Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller (5 minutes) 7.Motion Consideration:Broadway Preservation PH 1 Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller (5 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 8. Legislative Update—Virginia Clough,Briahna Murray (25 minutes) 9. Library Building Update—Patrick Roewe (15 minutes) 10.Homeless Plan Update—Eric Robison (15 minutes) 11.Regional Homeless Update—Gloria Mantz (10 minutes) 12.Parks Maintenance Update—John Bottelli (15 minutes) 13.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 120 mins] June 6,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue May 30] ACTION ITEMS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CDBG—Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: CDBG Interlocal—Mike Basinger (10 minutes 3. Second Reading Ord 23-012,Comp Plan Amendment 23-01 City initiated map amendment—L.Basinger (5 mins) 4. Second Reading Ordinance 23-013, Comp Plan Zoning Map—Levi Basinger (5 minutes) 5. Second Reading Ordinance 23-014 STV 23-01,Oaks Academy Street Vacation—Levi Basinger (5 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration:Pines&Mission Intersection Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller (10 minutes) 7.Motion Consideration:Barker at UPRR Crossing PH 2 Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller (10 minutes) 8.Mayoral Appointment: LTAC Alternate Committee Member Appointments—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 9.Aging&Long Term Care of Eastern Washington—Executive Director Lynn Kimball (15 minutes) 10.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 80 mins] June 13,2023,Special Meeting:2024 Budget Workshop 8:30 a.m. to—2:30 p.m. [due Tue June 61 CenterPlace Regional Event Center,Room 109 June 13,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. meeting cancelled June 20,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue June 13] ACTION ITEMS: 1. Public Hearing: Six-Year TIP—Adam Jackson (10 minutes) 2.Resolution 23- Adopting Six-Year TIP—Adam Jackson (5 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 3.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: mins] June 27,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue June 20] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports Draft Advance Agenda 5/18/2023 2:23:56 PM Page 1 of 2 July 4,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. (meeting cancelled) July 11,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Wed July 51 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) July 18,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 10] 1. Council Goals&Priorities for LTAC—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) July 25,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 18] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports August 1,2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. (meeting cancelled—National Night Out) August 8,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 1] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: Council Goals&Priorities for Use of Lodging Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) August 15,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 8] 1. Council Goals&Priorities for LTAC—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) August 22,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 15] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports August 29,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 22] 1. 2024 Budget,Estimated Revenues&Expenditures—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 5,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 29] 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 12,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Sept 5] 1. PUBLIC HEARING#1,2024 Budget,Revenues&Property Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes,Motion to set 2024 Budget Hearing for Oct 10) (5 minutes) *time for public or council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 9-1-1 calls(delays,holding,etc.) Pavement Mgmt.Funding Yellowstone Franchise Agreement ADU PFD Presentation Appleway Trail Amenities Prosecutor Services Basement space Protection of Utility Infrastructures Governance Manual SCRAPS Hearing Examiner Interlocal SNAP Financial Assistance HHAA Update St. O&M Pavement Preservation Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Street Scaping,signs,trees,etc.-info Park Lighting Transportation Benefit District Parking,Junk Vehicles,etc. Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Draft Advance Agenda 5/18/2023 2:23:56 PM Page 2 of 2 Monthly Response Distribution Incident Distribution by Incident Distribution by Year to Date Incident O Summary by Aid Type Station Area Type and Category Incident Totals Change ��c(SO 1'<fi� 1priI , 2023 Last Update: This report summarizes all incidents that occurred within the Spokane Valley Fire District rf&r nrrr Incident and Response Totals boundary;and all SVFD responses inside and outside the district boundary. Incident Summary *An incident is a call for service that requires the assistance of a public safety agency Monthly Incident Total Total Incidents by Hazard Class 1478 1 7 8 7 (,) a) -0 1K U Year to Date Incident Total To 5' H 7 2 K166 86 42 9 6 OK ■ EMS Fire Tech Rescue Other Haz Mat Wildland Fire Suppression Hazard Class Response Summary *A response is counted when an apparatus activates the responding button and an en route time is recorded Total Responses by Truck Monthly Response Total 300 292 254 w 232 2 2 9 5 (,) a) 206 202 c Q 200to 172 162 142 133CC 118 To Year to Date Response Total 100 88 83 82 61 45 2 0 3 K 9 . 314::: Truck Monthly Response Distribution Incident Distribution by Incident Distribution by Year to Date Incident O Summary by Aid Type Station Area Type and Category Incident Totals Change yc-" 4/<fi� Responses by Aid Last Update: SO fup mar nrrT Type rl SVFD Responses Outside SVFD Boundary Other District Responses Inside SVFD Boundary Unserved Fire District 9 6(2.33%) City of Spokane 39(5.88%) Fire District 9 87(33.85%) Incident District 73(28.4...) City of Spokane lik .Fire District 8 Responding District City of Spokane Fire District 9 •Fire District 8 •Unserved •Fire District 9 Fire District 13 Fire District 8 41 Fire District 11 263(39...) City of Spokane Fire District 8 361 (54.4...) 85(33.07%) All Responses by District Inside SVFD Boundary Responding Total % Responses City of Spokane District Responses 361 (3.71%) Spokane Valley Fire 9065 93.18% Responding District City of Spokane 361 3.71% Fire District 8 263 2.70% Spokane Valley Fire Fire District 9 39 0.40% City of Spokane Total 9728 1oo.00% Fire District 8 Fire District 9 Spokane Valley Fire 9065(93.18%) Monthly Response Distribution Incident Distribution by Incident Distribution by Year to Date Incident O Summary by Aid Type Station Area Type and Category Incident Totals Change y,� o f 4,<fi� April , 2023 Last Update: 4101 rrRrnFPT Station Area Incidents Incidents by Station Area %GT Total Incidents by Station 350 300 301 Station 1 12.27% Station 9 8.68% 250 246 Station 8 Station 10 Ili 13.78% c200 219 216 9.8% 7 5 C TO 150 I 157 11 155 Station 2 8.8% Station 7 16.86% 100 88 Station 3 9.3% 50 62 Station 4 3.47% Station 5 4.93% Station 6 12.1% 0 (\ NO �� (N5 (N �� �b (N1 ($ '9 • 5\e' e''i' 5\P 5,�a,° 5\P 5\P 5,�a,° 5\P 5\P 5w,° Station Monthly Response Distribution Incident Distribution by Incident Distribution by Year to Date Incident O Summary by Aid Type Station Area Type and Category Incident Totals Change c-' ''<fi� Incidents by Type Last Update: and Category IL Total Incidents by Category and Year Year 2022 2023 3568 3500 3667 3000 0 2458 � 2500 2305 c 2000 U C TO 1500 H 1000 500 374 368 294 252 264 289 9 11 105 65 117 120 15 22 22 12 64 45 39 18 30 21 0 Auto Brush Cancelled CARES Commer... EMS EMS Extricati... Hazmat Structure Structure Trash/Al... Vehicle Accidents Fires Call Fires Alarm Alarm Rescue Responses Fires Full Fires Responses Fires (Adv. Life (Basic Life Single Support) Support) Commissioner Description Monthly Response Distribution Incident Distribution by Incident Distribution by Year to Date Incident O Summary by Aid Type Station Area Type and Category Incident Totals Change o'���s,'`< Year to Date Last Update: Incident Totals rr&r nrrr Yearly Incident Totals by Month Same Period Yearly Incident Totals by Hazard Class Month Hazard Class January 23235 Cancelled 7342 7212 February 22208 EMI EMS 7000 395 303 March 1981 Fire Suppression 203 6406 April 20000 1870 Haz Mat 322 561 610 1775 •May 17893 18370 1949 Other 6000 5724 5700 June 1503 1703 1982 Rescue Task Force 400 319 639 •July 1483 1517 1859 Tech Rescue 0 5000 472 616 1954 I— August 15000 Wildland Fire } C 1469 1644 2034 co September u) 2166 C •October U 1476 1495 4000 C 2102 November CO 1579 1676 2076 0 •December 12 10000 1565 1929 1676 1957 -, 3000 6026 5972 I-1430 1481 1999 7212 5279 1911 4708 4613 CD 1478 1820 1787 2000 1746 5000 1422 1384 1849 i 1855 1521 1459 158 1000 1735 1755 1417 1386 1459 1364 1471 1613 1938 1815 0 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Monthly Response Distribution Incident Distribution by Incident Distribution by Year to Date Incident O Summary by Aid Type Station Area Type and Category Incident Totals Change yaC " �<fi� YTD Year over Year Last Update: Incident Change rrRr nrrr YTD Year Over Year Incident Change % YTD Year Over Year Incident Change by Hazard Class Year 2019 e;2020 2021 2022 2023 Hazard Class 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 15% 14.61% Cancelled -38.10% EMS 2.41% -2.02% 14.44% 14.15% -0.90% Fire Suppression -0.21% 30.51% 3.73% -12.21% 8.73% 12 39% Haz Mat 29.17% -11.29% -16.36% 39.13% -29.69% Other 32.20% 2.56% 22.50% 84.69% 12.15% Rescue Task Force -5o.00% 100.00% 150.00% -80.00% 200.00% Tech Rescue 20.12% -20.25% 0.94% 22.67% -23.29% o 10% Wildland Fire o.00% 400.00% 13.33% -47.06% 22.22% Total 3.79% -0.42% 12.39% 14.61% -1.77% a) 0) c co U YTD Year Over Year Incident Change by Hazard Class c N ' Hazard Class 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 c 5°7o Cancelled -40 - 3.79% EMS 111 -95 666 747 -54 >- Fire Suppression -1 144 23 -78 49 Haz Mat 14 -7 -9 18 -19 Other 19 2 18 83 22 Rescue Task Force -1 1 3 -4 2 0% Tech Rescue 67 -81 3 73 -92 Wildland Fire o 12 2 -8 2 -0.42% Total 209 -24 706 936 -130 -1.77% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ot ♦ si'� ,v O"•Y '°,�(' _7f • `• ,� ` �. LLB ` ,t ��♦ • '40 '. �A�.. �1\' i L. tea ♦ t¢ ELe t • , • ' `.!,isgt. ' . fIff'}. 110' -• ' ' : 1 tes• ill IE ii' g., , . „ . , . „ s ..__ , , . • .. ...., , . ,„, ......._N,1 .1r '''' 1 : Ie/. ,, ., a.,,,... _ . /Fw.r _ ...':s a' as f- t✓ ,, —,^s+` - ! +, ._ _ ' _ _ - 1 71 - - „ = _ . _ - � • , ,� ..• - • 'ik ' U _,� ; •: 'TrW AAA . -�-.V 5 .. , r. a .. _ �. - - 5. ' ^' -•gip' f` ' i. '-' - - - - - - a • _ _ . • \ \ I ` �'� fa , ';' f • 11 �pa 1 r��.r `I �, k '{iLq y 1 �''�1n. 3"./ y'. w, h_ '� `1 • +:lam yr , . +-o •�.. f Lr;: g j,. :r' ..-.r - 4 /,,a t , :•,-a ' _ 7 i r III 1 1,� 1 II ) 31 16AIA Ij. Yf1`U , • -_� ° Ii ,y `' LOON'%1 I. Ya i - r n 11 /A ip 1 t+� jt U r 1'1 I \ Jir:r:';1;1 , /..—.. E �i 4` ---' ''-'''---,''''' - -4:::-'-'''',r,.', ' ) ' Ei0 lk ..,:, —...------- 6m1,11 ic� td t l � f p ))..it`i,f•,i..1„041v) iliolio . a, ''''l '' **, .i 414'1- .' 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City of Spokane Valley Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 Page Title 1 Cover Sheet 2 Pre-Application Meeting Requested 3 Construction Applications Received 4 Engineering Applications Received 5 Land Use Applications Received 6 Construction Permits Issued 7 Engineering Permits Issued 8 Land Use Applications Completed 9 Inspections Performed 10 Code Enforcement 11 Revenue 12 Building Permit Valuations Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 1 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Pre-Application Meeting Requested A Pre-Application Meeting is a service provided to help our customers identify the code requirements related to their project proposal Community & Public Works Department Pre-Application Meetings Scheduled: 15 Spokane Valley Pre-Application Meeting Requests 25 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec •Commercial Pre-App Land Use Pre-App ** NOT SUBMITTED Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial Pre-App 11 3 6 8 Commercial Pre-App 1 0 0 9 ■■■■■■■■ Land Use Pre-App 8 9 8 7 ** NOT SUBMITTED 1 1 2 0 Monthly Totals 20 12 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual-To-Date: 61 **NOT SUBMITTED is a new category created by SmartGov which separates permits that have not entered details or provided documents for reviev Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 2 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Construction Applications Received The applications recevied are those that include projects for New, remodeled, and accessory buildings; Signs, Factory Assembled Structures (FAS), Trade, Roofs, and more. Community & Public Works Department Construction Applications Received: 369 Spokane Valley Construction Applications Received I • M I .• IIIII� IIIII� Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec •Commercial New Commercial MFR Commercial TI •Commercial Trade Commercial Accessory •Residential SFR/Plex •Residential Remodel •Residential Addition •Residential Trade •Residential Accessory Demolition Sign •Re-Roof Factory Assembled •Millwood/Other Construction *Other Construction applications include,Millwood,Adult Family Home Inspections,Cell Tower Modifications,Solar Panels,Swimming Pool/Hot Tub Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial New 5 4 1 3 Commercial MFR 0 4 1 5 Commercial TI 13 9 12 8 Commercial Trade 24 31 29 29 Commercial Accessory 2 7 20 0 Residential SFR/Plex 22 10 30 19 Residential Remodel 11 15 15 11 Residential Addition 3 6 7 7 Residential Trade 131 135 188 156 Residential Accessory 8 5 13 8 Demolition 5 1 6 11 Sign 11 4 8 3 Re-Roof 23 36 63 81 Factory Assembled 0 1 10 4 AFH Inspection 4 2 9 0 Millwood/Other Construction 15 10 13 24 **NOT SUBMITTED 30 55 53 39 Monthly Totals 277 280 425 369 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual-To-Date: 1351 **NOT SUBMITTED is a new category created by SmartGov which separates permits that have not entered details or provided documents for review Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 3 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Engineering Applications Received The applications received are those that include projects for all site work projects, such as Grading permits, Right-of-Way (ROW), approaches, and more. Community & Public Works Department Engineering Applications Received: 104 Engineering Applications Received 160 140 120 100 � 80 60 40 20 0 1. 11 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■Engineered Grading Regular Grading Right-of-Way m Approach ■Clearing Et Grubbing ■**NOT SUBMITTED Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun IL Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J Engineered Grading 5 6 9 2 Regular Grading 1 2 3 0 Right-of-Way 50 71 109 87 Approach 8 14 14 15 Clearing&Grubbing 0 0 0 0 **NOT SUBMITTED 7 4 0 14 Monthly Totals 1 Pr 64 93 135 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual-To-Date: 396 **NOT SUBMITTED is a new category created by SmartGov which separates permits that have not entered details or provided documents for reviev Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 4 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Land Use Applications Received The applications received are those that include projects that involve land development, such as Platting actions, Boundary Lines Adjustments, Zoning, SEPA and Exceptions Community & Public Works Department Land Use Applications Received: 39 Spokane Valley Land Use Applications Received 100 80 l• 60 40 _ I 20 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov De;: •Boundary Line Adj Short Plat Long Plat •Binding Site Plan •Final Platting ■Zoning/Comp Amend •Accessory Dwelling SEPA Admin Exception ■Admin Interpretation Home Business Lic •Other Development ** NOT SUBMITTED **Other Development could include,Zoning Letter,Floodplain,Shoreline,Alterations,Variances,Small Cell,CUP,Street Vacations,etc... LJan Feb Mar Apr May _Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Boundary Line Adj 2 2 2 1 Short Plat 2 7 5 2 Long Plat 2 0 2 0 Binding Site Plan 0 2 0 0 Final Platting 1 2 5 5 Zoning/Comp Amend 0 0 0 0 Accessory Dwelling 0 0 0 0 SEPA 1 1 3 0 Admin Exception 0 1 0 0 Admin Interpretation 0 0 0 0 Home Business Lic 38 36 60 28 Other Development 6 4 10 3 **NOT SUBMITTED 9 1 5 7 Monthly Totals 52 56 87 39 0 0 l r 0 0 0 011 0 0 Annual-To-Date: 234 **NOT SUBMITTED is a new category created by SmartGov which separates permits that have not entered details or provided documents for reviev Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 5 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Construction Permits Issued The applications issued are those that include projects for New, remodeled, and accessory buildings; Signs, Factory Assembled Structures (FAS), Trade, Roofs, and more. Community & Public Works Department Construction Permits Issued: 375 Spokane Valley Construction Permits Issued 450 400 350 : � 300 I 250 200 150 100 50 _ - 50 • - 011 = M Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec •Commercial New ■Commercial MFR Commercial TI •Commercial Trade Commercial Accessory •Residential SFR/Plex •Residential Remodel Residential Addition •Residential Trade •Residential Accessory Demolition ;;l Sign •Re-Roof Factory Assembled •Millwood/Other Construction" *Other Construction applications include,Millwood,Adult Family Home Inspections,Cell Tower Modifications,Swimming Pool/Hot Tub Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial New 1 2 1 0 Commercial MFR 0 19 0 3 Commercial TI 15 7 8 10 Commercial Trade 26 32 29 28 Commercial Accessory 1 5 20 10 Residential SFR/Plex 29 18 22 20 Residential Remodel 9 9 12 15 Residential Addition 1 7 7 9 Residential Trade 136 162 177 144 Residential Accessory 6 6 9 8 Demolition 4 2 5 11 Sign 12 5 7 2 Re-Roof 23 34 61 79 Factory Assembled 0 1 3 9 Millwood/Other Construction* 10 14 23 27 Monthly Totals 273 323 384 375 I ®® ` 0 0 0 Annual-To-Date: 1355 Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 6 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Engineering Permits Issued The applications issued are those that include projects for all site work projects, such as Grading permits, Right-of-Way (ROW), approaches, and more. Community & Public Works Department Engineering Permits Issued: 101 Engineering Permits Issued 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■Engineered Grading Regular Grading Right-of-Way ■Approach ■Clearing Et Grubbing Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J Engineered Grading 5 5 8 7 Regular Grading 1 2 2 0 Right-of-Way 54 70 92 83 Approach 6 17 6 11 Clearing&Grubbing 0 0 0 0 Monthly Totals 66 94 108 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Annual-To-Date: 369 Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 7 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Land Use Applications Completed The applications completed are those that include projects that involve land development, such as Platting actions, Boundary Line Adjustments, Zoning, SEPA and Exceptions Community & Public Works Department Land Use Applications Completed: 22 Spokane Valley Land Use Applications Completed 80 a 6i 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec •Boundary Line Adj Short Plat •Long Plat •Binding Site Plan ■Final Platting ■Zoning/Comp Amend •Accessory Dwelling SEPA Admin Exception ■Admin Interpretation Home Business Lic •Other Development **Other Development could include,Zoning Letter,Floodplain,Shoreline,Alterations,Variances,Small Cell,CUP,Street Vacations,etc... l Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Boundary Line Adj 3 2 1 0 Short Plat 4 0 3 0 Long Plat 0 0 1 0 Binding Site Plan 2 0 0 0 Final Platting 6 3 0 0 Zoning/Comp Amend 0 0 0 0 Accessory Dwelling 0 0 0 0 SEPA 1 0 1 1 Admin Exception 0 0 0 0 Admin Interpretation 0 0 0 0 Home Business Lic 34 36 62 19 Other Development 3 5 6 2 Monthly Totals 53 46 74 22 0 0 i r 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual-To-Date: 195 Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 8 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Development Inspections Performed Community & Public Works Department Development Inspections Performed: 1627 Development Inspections include building, planning, engineering and ROW Spokane Valley Development Inspections Performed 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec t2021 —4-2022 2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Totals 2023 1322 1079 1598 1627 5,626 2022 1079 1253 1844 1830 1679 1913 1574 1950 1746 1698 1259 964 18,789 2021 927 991 1625 1758 1661 1533 1617 1550 1253 1345 1473 1372 17,105 Monthly Totals 1322 1079 1598 1627 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,626 Annual-To-Date: 5,626 Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 9 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officers Citizen Request Responses: 61 They are listed by type below. All complaints, even those with no violation, must be investigated. Code Enforcement Complaints Investigated 80 70 Ii — Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec •CE-Stop Work Order Complaint (Non-Violent) Environmental General Nuisance •Property Jar b. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CE-Stop Work Order 0 0 0 1 Complaint(Non-Violent) 0 0 0 0 Environmental 0 0 0 0 General 2 2 4 5 Nuisance 50 42 55 46 Property 5 7 13 9 Monthly Totals 1. 57 51 72 61 Annual-To-Date: 241 Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 10 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Revenue Community & Public Works Department Revenue Received: $325,351.00 Spokane Valley Revenue Received $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 //\b . $200,000 $100,000 $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec t 2023 2022 5-Yr Trend Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals 2023 $242,817 $601,763 $249,699 $325,351 $1,419,629 5-Yr Trend $366,189 $217,048 $278,862 $261,774 $267,125 $269,300 $357,431 $343,968 $273,585 $300,353 $264,532 $248,223 $3,448,391 2022 $173,509 $139,945 $171,413 $210,513 $217,237 $277,917 $510,629 $433,002 $294,301 $285,383 $279,727 $168,612 $3,162,187 2021 $1,087,310 $196,293 $364,569 $459,905 $239,948 $367,253 $433,461 $430,383 $323,636 $396,162 $292,643 $329,244 $4,920,807 2020 $230,256 $402,862 $371,956 $237,120 $402,525 $309,668 $226,943 $188,990 $268,487 $254,775 $246,368 $223,685 $3,363,635 2019 $162,441 $228,717 $265,529 $195,244 $241,906 $233,496 $355,943 $304,988 $228,157 $294,794 $299,906 $349,821 $3,160,942 2018 $177,431 $117,425 $220,845 $206,090 $234,009 $158,168 $260,179 $362,478 $253,342 $270,649 $204,016 $169,751 $2,634,383 Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 11 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023 Building Permit Valuation Community&Public Works Department Building Permit Valuation: $22,737,321.00 This includes residential, commercial, reroof, &FAS placed. Spokane Valley Permit Valuation $80,000,000 $70,000,000 $60,000,000 $50,000,000 — $40,000,000 $30,000,000 —— — $20,000,000 $10,000,000 —\;,,, $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals 5-Yr Trend 2022 —0-2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals 2023 $17 287 531 $61,507,380 $34,061,501 $22,737,321 $112.85M 5-YrTrend $13,934,472 $51,953,203 $72,761,110 $22,693,957 $26,107,478 $29,486,237 $43,333,753 $24,061,575 $19,236,442 $23,134,959 $26,716,219 $26,059,263 $263.30M 2022 $20,182,361 $31,376,013 $14,935,549 $32,649,784 $24,027,391 $48,521,183 $57,628,766 $44,067,876 $22,352,208 $18,694,797 $28,311,097 $55,806,317 $46921M 2021 $8,860,000 $179,080,000 $16,720,000 $32,820,000 $22,430,000 $27,700,000 $65,190,000 $24,390,000 $18,160,000 $42,670,000 $17,710,000 $13,480,000 $29827M 2020 $22,130,000 $20,750,000 $36,690,000 $27,670,000 $51,380,000 $29,930,000 $17,950,000 $7,610,000 $20,620,000 $15,270,000 $26,890,000 $21,380,000 $263.07M 2019 $5,660,000.00 $22,210,000.00 $19,460,000.00 $12,460,000.00 $23,150,000.00 $15,020,000.00 $46,650,000.00 $18,800,000.00 $14,360,000.00 $17,160,000.00 $35,210,000.00 $32,930,000.00 $219.89M 2018 $12,840,000.00 $6,350,000.00 $276,000,000.00 $7,870,000.00 $9,550,000.00 $26,260,000.00 $29,250,000.00 $25,440,000.00 $20,690,000.00 $21,880,000.00 $25,460,000.00 $6,700,000.00 $2573.09M Created On: 5/4/2023 Page 12 of 12 Community & Public Works Department Monthly Report 04/01/23 — 04/30/23 MAINTENANCE Agreements for Services Adopted and In Operation (**Does not include current month) **Waiting on current month invoices III III Contract Name Contractor Contract Total % of Contract Amoun Expended _1 Expended_ treet Maintenance AMFoe Asphalt • $1,566,980.77 $0.00 0.00% III F.treet Sweeping _EAA Sweeping • $602,422.00 $148,815.59 24.70% III itorm Drain ClegiiiiINAA Sweeping • $232,671.00 $0.00 0.00% III 'Landscaping Fens ke $96,960.00 $7,468.00 7.70% Need Sprayinglearwater $39,000.00 $0.00 0.00% mergency Trafficenske $15,000.00 $2,395.80 15.97% titter and Weed Control IIeiger Work $70,000.00 $7,316.85 10.45% 'State Highway Maintenance,IVSDOT $210,000.00 $82,684.01 39.37% III 'Traffic Signals, Signs, Stripinhlpokane County $790,000.00 $143,774.61 18.20% lal lied AninaiiiiiiiiiaFMike Pederson $20,000.00 $4,575.00 22.88% picow Season - October 2022- April 2023 Mi ■ n Ca - Gra eMultiple ■ $770,000.00 $337,430.00 43.82% Ion Call - Plow Drivers Multiple ' $670,000.00 $683,804.14 102.06% I:Dn Call - Sidewalk Operator Valley Landscape $80,000.00 $77,146.25 96.43% • Citizen Requests for Public Works - April 2023 Request Submitted In Progress Resolved Construction - CPW Ami 3 0 3 Construction - Private - 4 0 4 Dead Animal Removal - 3 0 3 General Street Maint M 10 0 10 Graffiti on City Property - 2 0 2 Gravel Shouldering - 3 0 3 card on Street • 2 0 2 illegal Dumping - ObjectM 9 0 9 Report a Pothole il= 15 0 15 Scooters 1 0 1 LStreet Sweeping M 4 0 4 Mr WATER 6 1 5 rTraffic IIMIM 9 0 9 igns: Missing./DamageM 17 0 17 NM Ea 5 0 5 SNOW le Comments 1 0 1 Totals F 93 1 STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for April 2023: • Geiger Work Crew—Litter and garbage pickup. • Pothole patching, tree trimming, graffiti removal. • AAA sweeping Contract—Residential street sweeping continues along with arterial roadway sweeping. WASTEWATER Status of the process can be monitored at: http://www.spokaneriver.net/, http://www.ecy.wa.gov/geographic/spokane/spokane river basin.htm, http://www.spokanecounty.org/utilities/WaterReclamation/content.aspx?c=2224 and http://www.spokaneriverpartners.com/ STORMWATER UTILITY The following is a summary of City Stormwater Utility activities for April 2023: • Continue process to identify the merits for jurisdictional coverage under the UIC program. Primary focus is on the City-wide hydraulic analysis. Begin development of hydraulic analysis final report. Finalize mapping of hydraulic analysis results. • Notice of Award to Badger Infrastructure for 2023 Vactoring contract. Work will being in May. • Continue updating the Stormwater Utility UIC 0 & M and Stormwater Management plan. • Begin development of GIS field maps to integrate into the vactoring contract and support field inspection data collection. GIS field maps are anticipated to be operational in May for the contractor to collect data. • Updated the stormwater website to reflect annual report documents.The website also includes supporting information explaining the new stormwater fees. • Continued annual management and/or participation of the following service contracts: o Roadway Landscape Maintenance Contract—Senske. o Street Sweeping Contract—AAA Sweeping. o Storm Drain Cleaning Contract—Badger. o Roadway Weed Control Contract—Clearwater Summit. • Responded to stormwater related issues, 8 sites. Recorded in QAlert. 2 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING The following is a summary of Development Engineering activities for April 2023: • Assisted Building and Planning Division with preparation of design requirements for (8) Commercial and (7) Land Use Pre-Application meetings. • Prepared multiple Recommended Conditions of Approvals for preliminary plats and Dedication Languages for final plats. Reviewed multiple final plats and submittal packages to record final plats. • Reviewed civil plans and drainage reports for Engineered Grading Permits associated with commercial and land use projects. Coordinated with private Engineers and Developers. • Spoke with and emailed citizens and developers to answer inquiries and discuss design requirements for potential commercial and land use projects. • Conducted preconstruction meetings, performed site visits, prepared punch lists, reviewed surety estimates, and reviewed and approved construction certification packages to finalize final plats and to issue commercial building certificates of occupancy. • Reviewed civil plans for the following projects: o Snow's Auto o Kennedy Springs—11 lots (EGR-2021-0041) (EGR-2023-0006) o Valleyway Storage o Take 5/ Dutch Bros (EGR-2021-0092) (EGR-2023-0014) o Burger King o 4th Ave Multi-Family (EGR-2022-0040) (EGR-2023-0015) o Botzon Automotive Addition o Indiana/Arties Subdivision—15 lots (EGR-2022-0069) (EGR-2023-0016) o Storage Solutions o Circle K—Barker and Cataldo (EGR-2022-0076) (EGR-2023-0017) o Matthews Subdivision— 11 lots o SVFD Training Facility (EGR-2022-0089) (EGR-2023-0018) o Abdulkareem Short Plat—4lots o Empire Flats Multi-Family (EGR-2022-0090) (EGR-2023-0019) o Alki Apartments o Rodrigues Short Plat—2 lots (EGR-2022-0091) (EGR-2023-0020) o 4th Ave Multi-Family (EGR-2022-0092) 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS SO lane Public Works Projects Valley Monthly Summary-Design &Construction .000 April-2023 Bid % Estimated Total Proposed Project# Design&Construction Projects Funding Open Complete Construction Project Ad Date Date PE I CN Completion Cost Street Projects 0143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation FHWA-STP(U) 11/30/20 01/13/21 100 90 12/31/22 $26,000,000 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement FHWA-CMAQ 04/26/22 05/20/22 100 99 12/31/22 $ 2,510,413 0249 Sullivan&Wellesley Intersection I mprov FHWA-STP(U) 10/21/21 11/17/21 100 99 12/31/22 $ 1,370,000 0275 Barker Rd Widening-River to Euclid FHWA-STP(U) 06/12/20 07/08/20 100 99 12/31/21 $ 3,850,141 0299 Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont TIB-UAP 04/30/21 05/14/21 100 99 12/31/21 $ 2,800,000 0300 Pines&Mission Intersection Improvement FHWA-CMAQ 05/12/23 06/02/23 100 0 12/31/22 $ 2,207,550 0313 Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing FMSIB 08/20/21 09/10/21 100 99 12/31/22 $ 1,434,000 0318 Wilbur Sidewalk:Boone to Mission STBG-SA 5/20/2022 6/10/2022 100 99 12/31/22 $ 1,007,351 0335 Mission Ave over Evergreen Rd Deck Repair FHWA-BR 9/23/2022 11/18/2022 100 0 12/31/23 $ 303,182 0344 Park Rd Sidewalk-Broadway toCataldo CDBG TBD TBD 5 0 12/31/23 $ 60,500 0345 Park Rd Sidewalk-Nora to Baldwin TIB-SP 4/7/2023 4/21/2023 100 0 12/31/23 $ 60,500 0347 Broadway and Park Intersection TIB/COSV TBD TBD 0 0 12/31/23 $ 2,553,838 Street Preservation Projects 0320 Sullivan Preservation:Sprague-8th COSV 03/10/23 3/31/2023 100 0 12/31/23 $ 696,126 0323 Evergreen Road Preservation Project COSV 04/30/21 05/14/21 100 100 12/31/21 $ 1,900,000 0334 Sprague Ave Preservation STBG 03/18/22 04/08/22 100 99 12/31/22 $ 142,540 0339 2022 Local Access Streets:Summerfield E COSV 05/05/23 05/19/23 99 0 12/31/22 $ 1,377,400 0341 Broadway Preservation-Fancher to Park FHWA-STP(E) 04/21/23 05/16/23 100 0 12/31/23 $ 140,000 0343 Buckeye Avenue Sewer Extension CLRF 03/18/22 04/08/22 100 100 12/31/22 $ 500,000 Traffic Projects 0326 2020 Citywide Reflective Post Panels HSIP TBD TBD 100 10 12/31/22 $ 164,100 0342 WTSC 2022 School Zone Beacons WTSC N/A N/A 100 90 12/31/22 $ 225,000 Parks Projects 0314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements COSV 03/19/21 04/09/21 100 100 12/31/21 $ 1,003,215 0316 Balfour Park Improvements-Phase 1 COSV 12/16/2022 1/13/2023 100 0 12/31/23 $ 3,875,023 0328 Sullivan Park Waterline COSV TBD TBD 85 0 TBD $ 152,858 0338 Loop Trail Project COSV TBD TBD 10 0 TBD $ 500,000 Stormwater Projects 0308 Regional Decant Facility Canopy Dept of Ecology 02/05/21 02/19/21 100 100 12/31/21 $ 595,535 0327 Sprague Avenue Stormwater Improvements Dept of Ecology TBD TBD 35 0 12/31/22 $ 170,000 Design % Total Project# Design Only Projects Funding Complete Complete Project Date PE Cost Street Projects 0223 Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF&Trent FHWA-STP(U) 12/31/23 55 $ 7,312,793 0311 Sullivan Rd./SR 290Interchange Project COSV 12/31/23 20 $ 500,000 0321 Argonne Corridor Imprv-North of Knox COSV 12/31/21 10 $ 30,000 0329 Barker Road Imp-City Limits to Appleway IMPACT FEES 12/31/21 30 $ 250,000 0340 8th Ave Sidewalk(Coleman to Park) TIB/COSV 03/31/22 80 $ 434,400 0346 Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd FHWA/COSV 12/31/23 10 $ 1,983,900 Street Preservation Projects 0286 Broadway Preservation:Havana to Fancher COSV On Hold 70 $ 67,600 Sewer Projects 0332 NE Industrial Area-Sewer Extension COSV 12/31/21 60 $ 80,000 4 PLANNING AND GRANTS WSDOT's Federal Local Bridge Program On March 14, City Council authorized the city manager to submit a funding application for replacement of the Sullivan Road bridge over Trent Avenue. The project is part of the larger Sullivan &Trent Interchange project. The program does not have a local match requirement. The funding request was for $13,851,343.The program offers $150 million statewide and has a maximum award amount of$25 million. The applications was submitted on April 18. Spokane Reginal Transportation Council's (SRTC) Preservation call for projects On March 14, City Council authorized the city manager to submit funding applications for four preservation projects, each project requesting the maximum allowed award amount of$1,500,000. The projects are: Sullivan Road (Spokane River to Kiernan), Fancher Road (Sprague to Broadway), Fancher Road (Broadway to Sprague), and Sprague Avenue (Bowdish to McDonald). Applications were submitted April 7 and awards are expected in July or August. Congressionally Directed Spending Requests On February 21, City Council approved the city manager to submit Congressionally Directed Spending(CDS) requests for three priority projects: Sullivan &Trent Interchange, South Barker Corridor, and the Argonne/I-90 Bridge. All requests will be in the amount of$3 million for each project. Senator Murray's funding request was submitted on February 27. Senator Cantwell's and Representative McMorris Rodgers's requests were submitted March 6 and March 10, respectively. Representative McMorris Rodgers' office included the Sullivan &Trent Interchange project as part of its 14-project short list for committee consideration in the coming months. Announcements for each senator's selected projects are anticipated in May or June 2023. 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program Staff began updating the appropriate documents for the 2024-2029 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A 60-day comment period is required by the Department of Commerce as part of the update. Staff submitted its draft TIP on April 13 for the 60-day review. The final draft of the TIP will be presented to the council on May 23 and June 23. The TIP must be adopted by June 30 of each year. Pavement Management Program The City executed Contract No. 23-033 with Inland Asphalt Co. for Local Access Preservation Services in the amount of $1,500,000. The contract is funded through Fund 106—Solid Waste Fee. Staff selected the Hillview Estates neighborhood for its 2023 asphalt replacement project. A public meeting was conducted on April 27 and attended by approximately 18 residents. Construction is expected to start May 8 and will last into late June. The City is coordinating with the City of Vancouver to deliver a surface treatment pilot project using slurry seals in the University Place neighborhood. Staff is coordinating with the contractor and work is likely to occur in June. 5 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Sp OF okane Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-5000 • Fax: (509)720-5075 • www.spokanevalley.org 11 Memorandum To: John Hohman, City Manager From: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Date: May 11, 2023 Re: Finance Department Activity Report— March 2023 Following is information pertaining to Finance Department activities through the end of March 2023 and included herein is an updated 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures through the end of December 2022. At this point we anticipate no further material changes to the 2022 figures reported herein, but it's always possible we'll receive an extremely late invoice that would force us to recognize the related expense. Subsequent Finance Activity Reports will focus on 2023 operations. We will provide a final 2022 report once the books have been finalized. 2022 Year-end Process In March we continued to work on closing the books for 2022. This process typically continues through March because we continue to receive additional information pertaining to both revenues and expenditures (particularly construction related activity). We are now beginning the process of preparing our annual financial report which will be finished by the end of May. We hope to have the State Auditor's Office onsite in June to begin the audit of 2022. 2024 Budget Development The process of developing the 2024 Budget calendar was initiated. This involves setting up schedules for the 2024 Budget, 2023 Budget Amendment, 2024 Outside Agency process, 2024 Lodging Tax award process, 2024 property tax levy, and fee resolution process. We also began updating worksheets that will ultimately be reviewed by Council at the June 13, 2023 workshop. Budget to Actual Comparison Report A report reflecting 2022 Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures for those funds for which a 2022 Budget was adopted is located on pages 5 through 19. It's important to keep in mind that the figures included are preliminary, and although we don't anticipate any material changes, the figures may change if we receive invoices related to 2022 expenditure activity. We will follow up with final 2022 figures once the books are closed. We've included the following information in the report: • Revenues by source for all funds, and expenditures by department in the General Fund and by type in all other funds. • A breakdown between recurring and nonrecurring revenues and expenditures in the General Fund, Street O&M Fund and Stormwater Fund. • The change in fund balance including beginning and ending figures. The beginning fund balance figures are those that are reflected in our 2021 Annual Financial Report. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202312023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4.docx Page 1 • Columns of information include: o The 2022 Budget as amended o December 2022 activity o Cumulative 2022 activity through December 2022 o Budget remaining in terms of dollars o The percent of budgeted revenue collected or budgeted expenditures disbursed A few points related to the General Fund #001 (page 5): Recurring revenues collections are currently at 110.42% of the amount budgeted with 100.00% of the year elapsed. • Property taxes are paid to Spokane County in two installments each year on April 30 and October 31 and are then remitted to the City primarily in May and November with lesser amounts typically remitted in June and December. Property taxes received in 2022 are $13,150,458 or 99.63% of the amount budgeted. In January we received one final payment related to 2022 collections that is reflected herein. • Sales tax collections finished the year at $32,347,046 which was $2,347,046 or 7.82% greater than the amount budgeted. • Gambling taxes finished the year at$585,748 or 160.48% of the amount budgeted. Gambling taxes are paid quarterly, and fourth quarter payments were due by January 31st. At this point we have received and booked all 2022 revenues. • Franchise Fee and Business Registration revenues are typically received in the month following a calendar year quarter. In 2022 we received $1,400,408 or 15.26% greater than the amount budgeted. • State shared revenues are composed of State of Washington distributions that include items such as liquor board profits, liquor excise tax, streamlined sales tax mitigation and criminal justice monies. Most of these revenues are paid by the State in the month following a calendar quarter. These collectively finished the year at $2,553,093 or 27.94% greater than the amount budgeted. • Fines and forfeitures revenues are composed of monthly remittances from Spokane County with payments made in the month following the actual assessment of a fine and false alarm fees. These finished the year at $423,506 which is $104,194 or 19.74% less than the amount budgeted. • Community and Public Works service revenues are largely composed of building permit and plan review fees as well as right of way permits. Revenues collected in 2022 are at$4,043,460 or 34.78% greater than the amount budgeted. The amount collected is far in excess of the amount of the budget expectation primarily due to several large construction projects in the City that were permitted during 2022. • Recreation program revenues are composed of revenues generated by the variety of parks and recreation programs including classes, swimming pools (in-season), and CenterPlace. The year ended with revenues totaling $616,236 or 97.91% of the amount budgeted. Recurring expenditures are currently at $47,896,644 or 95.68% of the amount budgeted with 100.00% of the year elapsed. Fund Balance I Reserves The fund balance at December 31, 2022 was anticipated to be $45,529,593 but actually finished the year at $58,803,717. The difference of$13,274,124 is the result of: • Recurring revenues are$5,751,147 greater than budgeted, primarily in sales taxes, permitting revenues, and investment interest. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202312023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4.docx Page 2 • Recurring expenditures are $2,162,044 less than budgeted, primarily in the general government, engineering, and building departments. • Deficit from non-recurring activities is $5,360,933 less than budgeted, primarily related to there not being as many ARPA related expenditures as were originally expected. Investments (page 20) Investments at December 31 total $106,640,605 and are composed of $101,495,865 in the Washington State Local Government Investment Pool and $5,144,740 in bank CDs. Total Sales Tax Receipts (page 21) Total sales tax receipts reflect State remittances through December and total $36,562,491 including general, criminal justice, and public safety taxes. This figure is $1,192,294 or 3.37% greater than the same twelve-month period in 2021. Economic Indicators (pages 22 —24) The following economic indicators provide information pertaining to three different sources of tax revenue that provide a good gauge of the health and direction of the overall economy. 1. Sales taxes (page 22) provide a sense of how much individuals and businesses are spending on the purchase of goods. 2. Hotel / Motel taxes (page 23) provide us with a sense of overnight stays and visits to our area by tourists or business travelers. 3. Real Estate Excise taxes (page 24) provide us with a sense of real estate sales. Page 22 provides a 10-year history of general sales tax receipts (not including public safety or criminal justice) with monthly detail beginning January 2014. • Compared with calendar year 2022, 2023 collections have increased by $302,871 or 6.06%. • Tax receipts reached an all-time high in 2022 of $32,347,046, besting the previous record year of 2021 when $31,499,534 was collected. Page 23 provides a 10-year history of hotel/motel tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2014. • Compared with calendar year 2022, 2023 collections have decreased by $4,191 or 4.81%. • Collections reached an all-time high in 2022 of $901,686, besting the previous record of $744,437 in 2021. Page 24 provides a 10-year history of real estate excise tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2014. • Compared with calendar year 2022, 2023 collections have decreased by$291,704 or 44.22%. • Collections reached an all-time high in 2021 of$6,218,227. Debt Capacity and Bonds Outstanding (page 25) This page provides information on the City's debt capacity, or the dollar amount of General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds the City may issue, as well as an amortization schedule of the bonds the City currently has outstanding. • The maximum amount of G.O. bonds the City may issue is determined by the assessed value for property taxes which for 2023 is $16,292,740,920. Following the December 1, 2022 debt service payments, the City has $9,810,000 of nonvoted G.O. bonds outstanding which represents 4.01% of our nonvoted bond capacity, and 0.80% of our total debt capacity for all types of bonds. Of this amount: P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202312023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4.docx Page 3 o $3,430,000 remains on bonds issued for the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds are repaid with a portion of the 1/10 of 1% sales tax that is collected by the Spokane Public Facilities District. o $155,000 remains on bonds issued for road and street improvements around CenterPlace. The bonds are repaid with a portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the City. o $6,225,000 remains on bonds issued for construction of the new City Hall. The bonds are repaid with General Fund revenues. Street Fund Revenue Sources (pages 26 and 27) The last two charts reflect a history for the two primary sources of revenue in Street Fund #101. These include: Page 26 provides a 10-year history of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2014. • Compared with calendar year 2022, 2023 collections have decreased by $11,280 or 3.54%. • Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at just approximately $2.1 million and have generally ranged around $2 million in the years 2014 through 2022. Page 27 provides a 10-year history of Telephone Utility Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2014. • Compared with 2022, 2023 collections have decreased by $3,020 or 1.86%. Unlike tax revenues collected by the State and remitted monthly, these taxes are paid to the City directly by the service provider. Consequently, there is not a "clean cutoff' in terms of when a vendor pays the tax. • Tax receipts peaked in 2009 at $3,054,473 and have decreased each year since due to what we suspect is the reduction in land lines by individual households as well as a reallocation of revenues from voice plans to data plans by cell phone companies. • The 2022 Budget was adopted with a revenue estimate of$932,000, and actual receipts came in at approximately $1 million. The 2023 Budget is set at $857,000, and we will closely watch actual receipts as we progress through 2023. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1202312023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4.docx Page 4 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget #001 -GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax 13,199,900 908,986 13,150,458 (49,442) 99.63% Sales Tax 30,000,000 5,387,006 32,347,046 2,347,046 107.82% Sales Tax-Public Safety 1,400,000 256,412 1,529,941 129,941 109.28% Sales Tax-Criminal Justice 2,400,000 449,177 2,685,503 285,503 111.90% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 365,000 147,826 585,748 220,748 160.48% Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,215,000 305,099 1,400,408 185,408 115.26% State Shared Revenues 1,995,500 638,220 2,553,093 557,593 127.94% Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties 527,700 52,370 423,506 (104,194) 80.26% Community and Public Works 3,000,000 275,307 4,043,460 1,043,460 134.78% Recreation Program Revenues 629,400 38,960 616,236 (13,164) 97.91% Grant Proceeds 100,000 45,066 102,308 2,308 102.31% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 22,500 24,876 45,358 22,858 201.59% Miscellaneous&Investment Interest 288,500 470,800 1,428,600 1,140,100 495.18% Transfers in-#105(h/m tax-CP advertising) 30,000 12,982 12,982 (17,018) 43.27% Total Recurring Revenues 55,173,500 9,013,087 60,924,647 5,751,147 110.42% Expenditures City Council 681,512 72,943 604,352 77,160 88.68% City Manager 921,126 54,747 804,752 116,374 87.37% City Attorney 810,989 92,582 839,613 (28,624) 103.53% Public Safety 30,614,434 6,574,140 30,406,996 207,438 99.32% Deputy City Manager 544,422 44,477 515,400 29,022 94.67% Finance 1,247,980 50,608 1,205,027 42,953 96.56% Human Resources 335,365 43,681 344,208 (8,843) 102.64% Information Technology 403,123 80,400 395,704 7,419 98.16% City Facilities Operations and Maintenance 470,020 67,534 585,163 (115,143) 124.50% Community&Public Works-Administration 302,228 58,233 294,508 7,720 97.45% Community&Public Works-Engineering 2,344,186 156,619 1,813,909 530,277 77.38% Community&Public Works-Building 2,186,762 81,052 1,917,958 268,804 87.71% Community&Public Works-Planning 839,730 181,460 735,151 104,579 87.55% Economic Development 1,461,862 203,451 1,305,181 156,681 89.28% Parks&Rec-Administration 351,018 36,741 340,599 10,419 97.03% Parks&Rec-Maintenance 950,455 178,342 1,002,937 (52,482) 105.52% Parks&Rec-Recreation 330,687 22,779 262,950 67,737 79.52% Parks&Rec-Aquatics 538,700 56,141 411,801 126,899 76.44% Parks&Rec-Senior Center 36,801 7,289 12,818 23,983 34.83% Parks&Rec-CenterPlace 970,375 132,196 874,498 95,877 90.12% General Government 1,703,713 300,169 1,209,921 493,792 71.02% Transfers out-#204('16 L TGO bond debt service) 401,400 33,450 401,400 0 100.00% Transfers out-#309(park capital projects) 160,000 13,333 160,000 0 100.00% Transfers out-#311 (pavement preservation) 1,001,800 83,483 1,001,800 0 100.00% Transfers out-#502(insurance premium) 450,000 37,500 450,000 0 100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 50,058,688 8,663,352 47,896,644 2,162,044 95.68% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 5,114,812 349,735 13,028,003 7,913,191 Page 5 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget #001 -GENERAL FUND-continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in-#312 964,000 0 0 (964,000) 0.00% Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 11,000,000 99,034 5,713,803 (5,286,197) 51.94% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 11,964,000 99,034 5,713,803 (6,250,197) 47.76% Expenditures City Manager(office furniture) 5,000 0 4,723 277 94.47% Public Safety(radar trailer) 24,000 0 31,678 (7,678) 131.99% Public Safety(police vehicles) 255,000 0 0 255,000 0.00% Public Safety(replace carpet at Precinct) 25,000 0 0 25,000 0.00% Public Safety(repaint Precinct exterior) 50,000 0 34,965 15,035 69.93% Public Safety(tree&debris removal from back lot) 8,000 0 0 8,000 0.00% Public Safety(main entry door controller) 0 0 8,168 (8,168) 0.00% City Hall Repairs 700,000 65,421 589,679 110,321 84.24% City Hall(3rd floor office) 77,640 8,376 67,047 10,593 86.36% Community&Public Works(20th Anniversary) 20,000 4,375 15,231 4,769 76.16% Parks&Rec(repaint west entry gateway sign) 0 0 1,883 (1,883) 0.00% Parks&Rec(repaint portico at CenterPlace) 12,000 0 0 12,000 0.00% Parks&Rec(replace carpet at CenterPlace) 26,700 0 0 26,700 0.00% Parks&Rec(repair plumbing systems at pools) 30,000 0 31,457 (1,457) 104.86% Parks&Rec(statue installation costs) 79,000 0 16,858 62,142 21.34% Financial Software Capital Costs 500,000 30,425 30,425 469,575 6.09% General Government-IT capital replacements 136,000 0 94,438 41,562 69.44% General Government(Covid-19 Related Costs) 7,000,000 11,732 43,514 6,956,486 0.62% Transfers out-#101 (Street Fund operations) 3,084,919 499,535 3,084,919 0 100.00% Transfers out-#122(replenish reserve) 89,805 89,805 89,805 0 100.00% Transfers out-#309 0 145 145 (145) 0.00% Transfers out-#312('20 fund bal>50%) 3,593,000 0 0 3,593,000 0.00% Transfers out-#501 (vehicle for Code Enf.Supervi: 40,000 0 0 40,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 15,756,064 709,813 4,144,934 11,611,130 26.31% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (3,792,064) (610,779) 1,568,869 5,360,933 Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures 1,322,748 (261,044) 14,596,873 13,274,125 Beginning fund balance 44,206,845 44,206,845 Ending fund balance 45,529,593 58,803,717 Page 6 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 -STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Telephone Utility Tax 932,000 164,798 1,003,537 71,537 107.68% Motor Vehicle Fuel(Gas)Tax 1,896,000 301,215 1,951,437 55,437 102.92% Multimodal Transportation 130,200 34,402 137,638 7,438 105.71% Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee 85,000 88,264 101,652 16,652 119.59% Investment Interest 500 5,245 12,416 11,916 2483.24% Miscellaneous Revenue 160,000 65 338,522 178,522 211.58% Total Recurring Revenues 3,203,700 593,990 3,545,203 341,503 110.66% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 1,128,523 179,873 1,331,895 (203,372) 118.02% Supplies 176,700 6,685 159,106 17,594 90.04% Services&Charges 3,169,644 306,600 2,797,336 372,308 88.25% Snow Operations 890,502 952,543 1,764,044 (873,542) 198.10% Intergovernmental Payments 909,000 248,607 934,316 (25,316) 102.79% Vehicle Rentals-#501 (non-plow vehicle rental) 10,250 854 10,250 0 100.00% Vehicle Rentals-#501 (plow replace) 275,000 219,542 275,000 0 100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 6,559,619 1,914,704 7,271,947 (712,328) 110.86% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures (3,355,919) (1,320,714) (3,726,744) (370,825) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Insurance Proceeds(traffic signal cabinet) 0 0 86,638 86,638 0.00% Transfers in-#001 3,084,919 499,535 3,084,919 0 100.00% Transfers in-#106 271,000 271,000 271,000 0 100.00% Transfers in-#122 0 500,000 500,000 500,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 3,355,919 1,270,535 3,942,557 586,638 117.48% Expenditures Generator for Maintenance Shop 50,000 0 13,144 36,856 26.29% Streetlight Replacement Program 35,500 0 35,409 91 99.74% Light Pole Repair 0 1,987 4,356 (4,356) 0.00% Transfers out-#501 80,000 0 0 80,000 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 165,500 1,987 52,909 112,591 31.97% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures 3,190,419 1,268,548 3,889,648 699,229 Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (165,500) (52,166) 162,905 328,405 Beginning fund balance 1,156,301 1,156,301 Ending fund balance 990,801 1,319,206 #103-PATHS&TRAILS Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel(Gas)Tax 8,000 1,270 8,231 231 102.88% Investment Interest 100 211 580 480 579.75% Total revenues 8,100 1,482 8,810 710 108.77% Expenditures Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 8,100 1,482 8,810 710 Beginning fund balance 29,558 29,558 Ending fund balance 37,658 38,368 Page 7 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-continued #104-TOURISM FACILITIES HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Tourism Facilities Hotel/Motel Tax 400,000 85,468 591,849 191,849 147.96% Investment Interest 2,500 29,731 82,662 80,162 3306.49% Transfers in-#105 273,000 273,000 273,000 0 100.00% Total revenues 675,500 388,200 947,511 272,011 140.27% Expenditures Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 675,500 388,200 947,511 272,011 Beginning fund balance 4,672,194 4,672,194 Ending fund balance 5,347,694 5,619,705 #105-HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax 600,000 126,591 901,685 301,685 150.28% Investment Interest 1,000 4,239 11,319 10,319 1131.95% Total revenues 601,000 130,830 913,005 312,005 151.91% Expenditures Transfers out-#001 30,000 12,982 12,982 17,018 43.27% Transfers out-#104 273,000 273,000 273,000 0 100.00% Tourism Promotion 298,000 117,621 284,604 13,396 95.50% Total expenditures 601,000 403,603 570,586 30,414 94.94% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 (272,772) 342,419 281,591 Beginning fund balance 165,000 165,000 Ending fund balance 165,000 507,419 #106-SOLID WASTE Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fees 225,000 61,980 268,611 (43,611) 119.38% Solid Waste Road Wear Fee 1,600,000 333,168 1,987,350 (387,350) 124.21% Investment Interest 7,000 17,903 43,191 (36,191) 617.01% Total revenues 1,832,000 413,051 2,299,152 (467,152) 125.50% Expenditures Transfers out-#101 271,000 271,000 271,000 0 100.00% Transfers out-#303 0 110,746 110,746 (110,746) 0.00% Transfers out-#311 1,589,519 3,194 3,194 1,586,325 0.20% Education&Contract Administration 232,000 10,736 51,170 180,830 22.06% Total expenditures 2,092,519 395,676 436,110 1,656,409 20.84% Revenues over(under)expenditures (260,519) 17,376 1,863,042 (2,123,561) Beginning fund balance 1,140,119 1,140,119 Ending fund balance 879,600 3,003,161 #107-PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG Contribution 79,000 15,504 64,640 14,360 81.82% Investment Interest 0 1,222 3,246 (3,246) 0.00% Total revenues 79,000 16,726 67,886 11,114 85.93% Expenditures PEG Reimbursement-CMTV 39,500 0 0 39,500 0.00% Capital Outlay 33,500 0 0 33,500 0.00% Total expenditures 73,000 0 0 73,000 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 6,000 16,726 67,886 (61,886) Beginning fund balance 165,895 165,895 Ending fund balance 171,895 233,782 Page 8 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget Page 9 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-continued #108-AFFORDABLE&SUPPORTIVE HOUSING TAX FUND Revenues Affordable&Supportive Housing Tax 193,000 46,496 202,180 (9,180) 104.76% Investment Interest 0 3,109 8,061 (8,061) 0.00% Total revenues 193,000 49,605 210,242 (17,242) 108.93% Expenditures Affordable&Supportive Housing Program 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 193,000 49,605 210,242 (17,242) Beginning fund balance 367,327 367,327 Ending fund balance 560,327 577,569 #120-CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers in 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 300,000 300,000 Ending fund balance 300,000 300,000 #121 -SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transfers in 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 Ending fund balance 5,500,000 5,500,000 #122-WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 800 2,474 7,088 6,288 885.96% Transfers in-#001 89,805 89,805 89,805 0 100.00% Subtotal revenues 90,605 92,279 96,893 6,288 106.94% Expenditures Snow removal expenses 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Transfers out-#101 0 500,000 500,000 (500,000) 0.00% Total expenditures 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 100.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures (409,395) (407,721) (403,107) 6,288 Beginning fund balance 434,887 434,887 Ending fund balance 25,492 31,780 Page 10 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204-DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District 501,200 425,600 501,200 0 100.00% Transfers in-#001 401,400 33,450 401,400 0 100.00% Transfers in-#301 81,100 6,758 81,100 0 100.00% Transfers in-#302 81,100 6,758 81,100 0 100.00% Total revenues 1,064,800 472,567 1,064,800 0 100.00% Expenditures Debt Service Payments-CenterPlace 501,200 0 501,200 0 100.00% Debt Service Payments-Roads 162,200 0 162,200 0 100.00% Debt Service Payments-'16 LTGO Bond 401,400 0 401,400 0 100.00% Total expenditures 1,064,800 0 1,064,800 0 100.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 472,567 0 0 Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 0 Page 11 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 -CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 -Taxes 2,000,000 423,902 2,790,020 790,020 139.50% Investment Interest 2,000 36,534 96,965 94,965 4848.24% Total revenues 2,002,000 460,436 2,886,985 884,985 144.21% Expenditures Transfers out-#204 81,100 6,758 81,100 0 100.00% Transfers out-#303 311,854 884,579 899,463 (587,609) 288.42% Transfers out-#311 (pavement preservation) 914,900 550,242 550,242 364,658 60.14% Transfers out-#314 3,322 0 0 3,322 0.00% Total expenditures 1,311,176 1,441,579 1,530,805 (219,629) 116.75% Revenues over(under)expenditures 690,824 (981,143) 1,356,180 1,104,614 Beginning fund balance 3,958,748 3,958,748 Ending fund balance 4,649,572 5,314,928 #302-SPECIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2-Taxes 2,000,000 423,902 2,790,020 790,020 139.50% Investment Interest 5,000 43,469 117,019 112,019 2340.39% Total revenues 2,005,000 467,371 2,907,040 902,040 144.99% Expenditures Transfers out-#204 81,100 6,758 81,100 0 100.00% Transfers out-#303 865,326 158,696 226,701 638,625 26.20% Transfers out-#309 196,817 124,020 124,020 72,797 63.01% Transfers out-#311 (pavement preservation) 914,900 914,900 914,900 0 100.00% Total expenditures 2,058,143 1,204,374 1,346,721 711,422 65.43% Revenues over(under)expenditures (53,143) (737,003) 1,560,319 190,617 Beginning fund balance 5,230,856 5,230,856 Ending fund balance 5,177,713 6,791,175 Page 12 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Developer Contribution 1,312,810 0 0 (1,312,810) 0.00% Traffic Mitigation Fees 0 146,900 853,467 853,467 0.00% Investment Interest 0 6,261 11,652 11,652 0.00% Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 750,000 29,979 632,152 (117,848) 84.29% Grant Proceeds 5,533,904 424,393 3,603,661 (1,930,243) 65.12% Transfers in-#106 0 110,746 110,746 110,746 0.00% Transfers in-#301 311,854 884,579 899,463 587,609 288.42% Transfers in-#302 865,326 158,696 226,701 (638,625) 26.20% Transfers in-#312 225,000 112,725 113,786 (111,214) 50.57% Transfers in-#315 41,551 0 0 (41,551) 0.00% Total revenues 9,040,445 1,874,279 6,451,629 (2,588,816) 71.36% Expenditures 205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 1,871,500 14,181 2,219,922 (348,422) 118.62% 249 Sullivan&Wellesley Intersection 1,903,176 437,212 499,154 1,404,022 26.23% 275 Barker Rd Widening-River to Euclid 0 0 8,915 (8,915) 0.00% 293 2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 8,250 0 382 7,868 4.63% 294 Citywide Reflective Post Panels 3,575 0 2,990 585 83.64% 299 Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont 130,017 0 8,876 121,141 6.83% 300 Pines&Mission Intersection Improvements 575,538 23,851 165,800 409,738 28.81% 310 Sullivan Rd Overcrossing UP RR Deck Rep. 0 0 820 (820) 0.00% 313 Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing 400,000 4,727 323,334 76,666 80.83% 318 Wilbur Sidewalk: Boone to Mission 572,909 440,518 862,358 (289,449) 150.52% 320 Sullivan Preservation:Sprague-8th 412,000 21,130 117,486 294,514 28.52% 326 2020 Citywide Retroreflective Post Panel 142,880 16,959 23,660 119,220 16.56% 327 Sprague Avenue Stormwater 100,000 4,343 4,343 95,657 4.34% 329 Barker Road Imp-City Limits to Appleway 250,000 13,290 42,686 207,314 17.07% 330 WTSC 2021 School Zone Beacons 225,000 0 0 225,000 0.00% 332 NE Industrial Area-Sewer Extension 0 0 37,411 (37,411) 0.00% 333 Evergreen Rd Pres Broadway to Mission 0 0 159,293 (159,293) 0.00% 334 Sprague Avenue Preservation 0 0 309,494 (309,494) 0.00% 335 Mission Ave over Evergreen Rd Deck Repair 261,200 0 19,502 241,698 7.47% 340 8th Ave Sidewalk(Coleman to Park) 434,400 11,362 82,425 351,975 18.97% 342 2022 School Zone Flashing Beacons 0 36,004 112,583 (112,583) 0.00% 343 Buckeye Avenue Sewer Extension 750,000 0 632,152 117,848 84.29% 344 Park Rd Sidewalk-Broadway to Cataldo 0 1,181 23,083 (23,083) 0.00% 345 Park Rd Sidewalk-Nora to Baldwin 0 1,538 25,710 (25,710) 0.00% 346 Bowdish Sidewalk-12th to 22nd 0 12,377 14,260 (14,260) 0.00% 347 Broadway and Park Intersection 0 4,455 4,455 (4,455) 0.00% Contingency 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0.00% Total expenditures 9,040,445 1,043,128 5,701,093 3,339,352 63.06% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 831,151 750,536 (5,928,168) Beginning fund balance 1,192,615 1,192,615 Ending fund balance 1,192,615 1,943,151 Note: Work performed in the Street Capital Projects Fund for preservation projects is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that were bid with the pavement preservation work. Page 13 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #309-PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Transfers in-#001 160,000 13,478 160,145 145 100.09% Transfers in-#302 0 124,020 124,020 124,020 0.00% Transfers in-#312 653,006 332,267 332,267 (320,739) 50.88% Total revenues 813,006 469,765 616,432 (196,574) 75.82% Expenditures 304 CenterPlace West Lawn Phase 2 0 0 145 (145) 0.00% 314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 168,006 154 95,209 72,797 56.67% 315 Brown's Park 2020 Improvements 0 0 953 (953) 0.00% 316 Balfour Park Improvements-Phase 1 170,000 59,741 161,688 8,312 95.11% 328 Sullivan Park Waterline 65,000 6,038 51,033 13,967 78.51% 338 Loop Trail Project 250,000 40,554 148,357 101,643 59.34% Replace Pond Liner at Mirabeau 80,000 0 0 80,000 0.00% Total expenditures 733,006 106,486 457,385 275,621 62.40% Revenues over(under)expenditures 80,000 363,280 159,047 (472,195) Beginning fund balance 18,255 18,255 Ending fund balance 98,255 177,301 #310-CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,300 4,778 13,652 12,352 1050.17% Total revenues 1,300 4,778 13,652 12,352 1050.17% Expenditures Payment to Library District 560,000 0 0 560,000 0.00% Total expenditures 560,000 0 0 560,000 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures (558,700) 4,778 13,652 (547,648) Beginning fund balance 840,056 840,056 Ending fund balance 281,356 853,709 Note: The fund balance includes$839,285.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2017 then the City may repurchase this land at the original sale price of$839,285.10. Page 14 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #311 -PAVEMENT PRESERVATION FUND Revenues Transfers in-#001 1,001,800 83,483 1,001,800 0 100.00% Transfers in-#106 1,589,519 3,194 3,194 (1,586,325) 0.20% Transfers in-#301 914,900 550,242 550,242 (364,658) 60.14% Transfers in-#302 914,900 914,900 914,900 0 100.00% Grant Proceeds 1,029,000 (22,873) 2,052,175 1,023,175 199.43% Investment Interest 0 28,578 73,149 73,149 0.00% Total revenues 5,450,119 1,557,524 4,595,459 (854,660) 84.32% Expenditures Pre-Project GeoTech Services 50,000 0 0 50,000 0.00% Pavement Preservation 5,426,844 0 0 5,426,844 0.00% 292 Mullen Preservation: Broadway-Mission 0 0 31 (31) 0.00% 309 Local Access Streets: Barker Homes 0 0 1,931 (1,931) 0.00% 314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 0 0 1,262 (1,262) 0.00% 320 Sullivan Preservation:Sprague-8th 0 6,751 42,209 (42,209) 0.00% 323 Evergreen Road Preservation Project 0 0 12,226 (12,226) 0.00% 325 2021 Local Access Streets:South Park Rd 0 0 3,646 (3,646) 0.00% 333 Evergreen Rd Pres Broadway to Mission 0 0 912,532 (912,532) 0.00% 334 Sprague Avenue Preservation 0 22,456 2,462,975 (2,462,975) 0.00% 339 2022 Local Access Streets:Summerfield E 0 766 21,766 (21,766) 0.00% 341 Broadway Preservation-Fancher to Park 0 17,295 65,266 (65,266) 0.00% Total expenditures 5,476,844 47,269 3,523,847 1,952,997 64.34% Revenues over(under)expenditures (26,725) 1,510,255 1,071,612 (2,807,657) Beginning fund balance 5,544,088 5,544,088 Ending fund balance 5,517,363 6,615,700 #312-CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 1,000,000 0 0 (1,000,000) 0.00% Transfers in-#001 3,593,000 0 0 (3,593,000) 0.00% Investment Interest 10,000 82,586 236,054 226,054 2360.54% Total revenues 4,603,000 82,586 236,054 (4,366,946) 5.13% Expenditures Transfers out-#001 964,000 0 0 964,000 0.00% Transfers out-#303 225,000 112,725 113,786 111,214 50.57% Transfers out-#309 456,189 332,267 332,267 123,922 72.84% Transfers out-#314 782,590 631,164 633,819 148,771 80.99% Transfers out-#316 46,642 7,010 7,010 39,632 15.03% Land Acquisition-Park 759,600 0 0 759,600 0.00% Total expenditures 3,234,021 1,083,167 1,086,883 2,147,138 33.61% Revenues over(under)expenditures 1,368,979 (1,000,581) (850,829) (6,514,085) Beginning fund balance 14,522,386 14,522,386 Ending fund balance 15,891,365 13,671,557 Page 15 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS-continued #314-RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 1,803,214 444,833 677,412 (1,125,802) 37.57% Investment Interest 0 0 518 518 0.00% Developer Contribution 187,511 0 0 (187,511) 0.00% Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 10,500 10,500 0.00% Transfers in-#301 3,322 0 0 (3,322) 0.00% Transfers in-#312 782,590 631,164 633,819 (148,771) 80.99% Total revenues 2,776,637 1,075,998 1,322,248 (1,454,389) 47.62% Expenditures 143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 750,000 218,637 825,160 (75,160) 110.02% 223 Pines Rd Underpass 2,000,000 231,085 686,765 1,313,235 34.34% 311 Sullivan Rd./SR290 Interchange Project 256,052 51,333 132,656 123,396 51.81% Total expenditures 3,006,052 501,054 1,644,581 1,361,471 54.71% Revenues over(under)expenditures (229,415) 574,943 (322,332) (2,815,860) Beginning fund balance 589,792 589,792 Ending fund balance 360,377 267,460 #315-TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES Revenues Transportation Impact Fees 200,000 3,940 361,613 161,613 180.81% Investment Interest 0 3,742 9,683 9,683 0.00% Total revenues 200,000 7,682 371,297 171,297 185.65% Expenditures Transfers out-#303 41,551 0 0 41,551 0.00% Total expenditures 41,551 0 0 41,551 0.00% Revenues over(under)expenditures 158,449 7,682 371,297 129,746 Beginning fund balance 294,607 294,607 Ending fund balance 453,056 665,904 #316-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Revenues Transfers in-#312 46,642 7,010 7,010 (39,632) 15.03% Total revenues 46,642 7,010 7,010 (39,632) 15.03% Expenditures Fair&Expo Center Expansion 46,642 0 7,010 39,632 15.03% Total expenditures 46,642 0 7,010 39,632 15.03% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 7,010 0 (79,263) Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 0 Page 16 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402-STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,910,000 184,842 2,031,000 121,000 106.34% Investment Interest 2,000 13,916 40,038 38,038 2001.90% Total Recurring Revenues 1,912,000 198,758 2,071,038 159,038 108.32% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 560,631 38,504 379,033 181,598 67.61% Supplies 18,150 3,678 32,301 (14,151) 177.97% Services&Charges 1,298,395 128,963 1,290,799 7,596 99.41% Intergovernmental Payments 45,000 0 43,149 1,851 95.89% Vehicle Rentals-#501 6,750 563 6,750 0 100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,928,926 171,707 1,752,032 176,894 90.83% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures (16,926) 27,050 319,006 335,932 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Capital-various projects 315,000 0 0 315,000 0.00% 300 Pines&Mission Intersection Improvement 0 0 85 (85) 0.00% 309 Local Access Streets: Barker Homes 0 0 228 (228) 0.00% 314 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 0 0 6,696 (6,696) 0.00% 334 Sprague Avenue Preservation 0 0 102,298 (102,298) 0.00% Watershed Studies 100,000 14,990 69,354 30,646 69.35% Generator for Maint.Shop(1/2 cost to#101) 50,000 0 13,144 36,856 26.29% Stormwater Comprehensive Plan 300,000 69,395 272,731 27,269 90.91% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 765,000 84,385 464,536 300,464 60.72% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (765,000) (84,385) (464,536) 300,464 Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (781,926) (57,335) (145,531) 636,396 Beginning working capital 2,401,719 2,401,719 Ending working capital 1,619,793 2,256,188 Note: Work performed in the Storm water Fund for preservation projects is for storm water improvements that were bid with the pavement preservation work. #403-AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 460,000 221,521 514,576 54,576 111.86% Grant Proceeds 1,151,247 6,490 236,685 (914,562) 20.56% Investment Interest 1,900 8,641 20,421 18,521 1074.77% Total revenues 1,613,147 236,652 771,682 (841,465) 47.84% Expenditures Capital-various projects 685,972 34,781 370,999 314,973 54.08% Effectiveness study 55,000 0 0 55,000 0.00% Total expenditures 740,972 34,781 370,999 369,973 50.07% Revenues over(under)expenditures 872,175 201,871 400,682 (1,211,438) Beginning working capital 1,119,839 1,119,839 Ending working capital 1,992,014 1,520,522 Page 17 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 -ER&R FUND Revenues Interfund vehicle lease-#001 31,300 2,608 31,300 0 100.00% Interfund vehicle lease-#101 10,250 854 10,250 0 100.00% Interfund vehicle lease-#101 (plow replace) 275,000 219,542 275,000 0 100.00% Interfund vehicle lease-#402 6,750 563 6,750 0 100.00% Transfers in-#001 (Code Enforcement Vehicle) 40,000 0 0 (40,000) 0.00% Transfers in-#101 (Additional dump bed truck) 80,000 0 0 (80,000) 0.00% Miscellaneous Revenue 0 325 325 325 0.00% Investment Interest 1,200 6,619 20,448 19,248 1704.03% Total revenues 444,500 230,511 344,074 (100,426) 77.41% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 0 (31,235) 0 0 0.00% Small tools&minor equipment 10,000 (6,753) 0 10,000 0.00% Equipment repair&maintenance 0 (530) 0 0 0.00% Vehicle purchase 512,500 74,541 352,426 160,074 68.77% Total expenditures 522,500 36,023 352,426 170,074 67.45% Revenues over(under)expenditures (78,000) 194,488 (8,353) (270,500) Beginning working capital 1,425,472 1,425,472 Ending working capital 1,347,472 1,417,119 #502-RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest 0 2,186 4,889 4,889 0.00% Transfers in-#001 450,000 37,500 450,000 0 100.00% Total revenues 450,000 39,686 454,889 4,889 101.09% Expenditures Auto&Property Insurance 450,000 1,784 419,621 30,379 93.25% Unemployment Claims 0 63 66 (66) 0.00% Total expenditures 450,000 1,847 419,687 30,313 93.26% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 37,840 35,203 (25,424) Beginning working capital 392,820 392,820 Ending working capital 392,820 428,022 Page 18 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Budget Year 2022 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed= 100.00% For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 2022 Actual Actual through Budget %of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget FIDUCIARY FUNDS #632-PASSTHROUGH FEES&TAXES Revenues Passthrough Fees&Taxes 591,000 123,711 431,800 (159,200) 73.06% Total revenues 591,000 123,711 431,800 (159,200) 73.06% Expenditures Passthrough Fees&Taxes 591,000 97,347 430,853 160,147 72.90% Total expenditures 591,000 97,347 430,853 160,147 72.90% Revenues over(under)expenditures 0 26,363 947 (319,347) Beginning working capital 0 0 Ending working capital 0 947 SUMMARY FOR ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds 110,189,920 19,378,131 103,215,798 Per Revenue Status Report 110,189,920 19,378,131 103,215,798 Difference - - - Total of Expenditures for all Funds 107,377,468 18,442,282 81,026,787 Per Expenditure Status Report 107,377,468 18,442,282 81,026,787 Difference - - - Total Capital expenditures(included in total expenditures) 20,885,461 1,837,684 12,318,770 Page 19 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/2/2023 Investment Report For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31,2022 NW Bank Gesa Total LGIP* CD#2068 CD#9613 Investments Beginning $ 97,298,621.81 $ 3,103,958.92 $ 2,011,115.33 $ 102,413,696.06 Deposits 3,855,895.71 0.00 0.00 3,855,895.71 Wthdrawls 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest 720,690.25 22,072.02 7,593.89 750,356.16 Jan'23 Accrued Interest Receivable (379,343.02) 0.00 0.00 (379,343.02) Ending $ 101,495,864.75 $ 3,126,030.94 $ 2,018,709.22 $ 106,640,604.91 matures: 7/23/2023 12/28/2023 rate: 2.90% 5.14% Earnings Balance Current Period Year to date Budget 001 General Fund $ 58,779,142.05 $ 451,712.60 1,135,547.08 $ 200,000.00 101 Street Fund 1,555,019.51 5,245.13 12,416.22 500.00 103 Trails&Paths 29,754.46 211.30 579.75 100.00 104 Tourism Facilities Hotel/Motel 4,402,446.55 29,731.34 82,662.15 2,500.00 105 Hotel/Motel 370,887.89 4,239.30 11,319.49 1,000.00 106 Solid Waste Fund 2,216,700.09 17,902.83 43,190.74 7,000.00 107 PEG Fund 172,042.37 1,221.75 3,246.01 0.00 108 Affordable&Supportive Housing 437,813.16 3,109.12 8,061.40 0.00 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122 Winter Weather Reserve 24,093.07 2,473.84 7,087.65 800.00 301 Capital Projects 4,004,982.04 36,534.04 96,964.86 2,000.00 302 Special Capital Projects 5,169,083.50 43,469.26 117,019.43 5,000.00 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 1,789,805.25 6,260.61 11,651.86 0.00 309 Parks Capital Project 214,656.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 672,876.28 4,778.42 13,652.27 1,300.00 311 Pavement Preservation 5,250,927.39 28,577.80 73,149.24 0.00 312 Capital Reserve Fund 10,773,127.39 82,585.86 236,053.66 10,000.00 314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects 100,651.73 0.00 517.66 0.00 315 Transportation Impact Fees 526,873.29 3,741.58 9,683.22 0.00 316 Economic Development Capital Proj 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 402 Stormwater Management 1,955,770.23 13,915.51 40,037.90 2,000.00 403 Aquifer Protection Fund 1,216,717.61 8,640.50 20,420.64 1,900.00 501 Equipment Rental &Replacement 1,139,738.83 6,618.94 20,448.33 1,200.00 502 Risk Management 337,495.41 2,186.20 4,889.22 0.00 632 Passthrough Fees&Taxes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 106,640,604.91 $ 753,155.93 $ 1,948,598.78 $ 235,300.00 *Local Government Investment Pool Page 20 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2023\2023 03 31 -2022 12 PRELIMINARY No 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/2/2023 Sales Tax Receipts For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31, 2022 Month Difference Received 2021 2022 $ February 2,934,890.06 3,202,171.48 267,281.42 9.11% March 2,445,374.71 2,441,337.89 (4,036.82) (0.17%) April 2,571,438.34 2,550,319.99 (21,118.35) (0.82%) May 3,369,522.86 3,153,928.13 (215,594.73) (6.40%) June 3,095,705.00 3,039,845.65 (55,859.35) (1.80%) July 3,127,275.84 3,009,859.02 (117,416.82) (3.75%) August 3,153,001.10 3,235,239.66 82,238.56 2.61% September 2,951,757.95 3,139,069.66 187,311.71 6.35% October 2,969,429.94 3,284,249.15 314,819.21 10.60% November 2,999,113.99 3,413,874.54 414,760.55 13.83% December 2,837,332.76 3,179,520.40 342,187.64 12.06% January 2,915,354.54 2,913,075.29 (2,279.25) (0.08%) 35,370,197.09 36,562,490.86 1,192,293.77 3.37% 35,370,197.09 36,562,490.86 Sales tax receipts reported here reflect remittances for general sales tax, criminal justice sales tax and public safety tax. The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8.9%. The tax that is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington State Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the total 8.9%tax rate to the agencies is as follows: - State of Washington 6.50% - City of Spokane Valley 0.85% - Spokane County 0.15% - Spokane Public Facilities District 0.10% * - Criminal Justice 0.10% - Public Safety 0.10% * 2.40% local tax - Juvenile Jail 0.10% * - Mental Health 0.10% * - Law Enforcement Communications 0.10% * - Spokane Transit Authority 0.80% * 8.90% * Indicates voter approved sales taxes In addition to the .85% reported above that the City receives,we also receive a portion of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety sales taxes. The distribution of those taxes is computed as follows: Criminal Justice: The tax is assessed county-wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 10%of the receipts to Spokane County,with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and the cities within the County. Public Safety: The tax is assessed county-wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 60%of the receipts to Spokane County,with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. Page 21 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Sales Tax\2023\sales tax collections 2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA \ 4/14/2023 Sales Tax Collections- February For the years 2014 through 2023 2022 to 2023 Difference 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ % January 1,677,887 1,732,299 1,863,225 1,992,273 2,078,412 2,240,908 2,253,852 2,615,326 2,834,686 2,938,699 104,013 3.67% February 1,170,640 1,197,323 1,316,682 1,369,740 1,536,252 1,648,657 1,776,898 2,185,876 2,161,498 2,360,356 198,858 9.20% Collected to date 2,848,527 2,929,622 3,179,907 3,362,013 3,614,664 3,889,565 4,030,750 4,801,202 4,996,184 5,299,055 302,871 6.06% March 1,201,991 1,235,252 1,378,300 1,389,644 1,564,282 1,549,275 1,687,355 2,317,671 2,256,314 0 April 1,448,539 1,462,096 1,640,913 1,737,933 1,926,551 1,955,470 1,627,596 3,029,090 2,790,667 0 May 1,400,956 1,373,710 1,566,178 1,564,119 1,762,119 1,946,112 1,651,937 2,768,743 2,695,717 0 June 1,462,558 1,693,461 1,641,642 1,751,936 1,871,077 2,067,987 2,291,842 2,795,920 2,658,988 0 July 1,545,052 1,718,428 1,776,653 1,935,028 2,053,961 2,232,342 2,368,495 2,804,930 2,848,618 0 August 1,575,371 1,684,700 1,746,371 1,877,899 1,980,940 2,121,051 2,393,597 2,623,934 2,777,889 0 September 1,552,736 1,563,950 1,816,923 1,946,689 2,019,198 2,223,576 2,258,489 2,627,997 2,908,322 0 October 1,594,503 1,618,821 1,822,998 1,898,067 2,005,836 2,134,985 2,431,920 2,648,748 3,027,341 0 November 1,426,254 1,487,624 1,652,181 1,768,817 1,925,817 2,064,504 2,317,685 2,504,884 2,818,223 0 December 1,383,596 1,441,904 1,664,983 1,856,989 1,918,411 2,019,895 2,178,815 2,576,415 2,568,783 0 Total Collections 17,440,083 18,209,568 19,887,049 21,089,134 22,642,856 24,204,762 25,238,481 31,499,534 32,347,046 5,299,055 Budget Estimate 16,990,000 17,628,400 18,480,500 19,852,100 20,881,900 22,917,000 21,784,000 25,200,000 30,000,000 30,555,000 Actual over(under)budg 450,083 581,168 1,406,549 1,237,034 1,760,956 1,287,762 3,454,481 6,299,534 2,347,046 (25,255,945) Total actual collections as a%of total budget 102.65% 103.30% 107.61% 106.23% 108.43% 105.62% 115.86% 125.00% 107.82% n/a %change in annual total collected 5.14% 4.41% 9.21% 6.04% 7.37% 6.90% 4.27% 24.81% 2.69% n/a %of budget collected through February 16.77% 16.62% 17.21% 16.94% 17.31% 16.97% 18.50% 19.05% 16.65% 17.34% %of actual total collected through February 16.33% 16.09% 15.99% 15.94% 15.96% 16.07% 15.97% 15.24% 15.45% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of February February ■February 6,000,000 ■January 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Page 22 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Lodging Tax\2023\105 hotel motel tax 2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 4/14/2023 Hotel/Motel Tax Receipts through- February ' Actual for the years 2014 through 2023 _.iiipr ii,, , 2022 to 2023 Difference 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ ok January 25,425 27,092 31,887 27,210 28,752 31,865 36,203 26,006 48,759 36,965 (11,794) (24.19%) February 26,014 27,111 27,773 26,795 28,878 32,821 31,035 31,041 38,369 45,972 7,603 19.82% Total Collections 51,439 54,203 59,660 54,005 57,630 64,686 67,238 57,047 87,128 82,937 (4,191) (4.81%) March 29,384 32,998 34,330 31,601 31,906 40,076 37,395 30,536 44,483 0 April 48,246 50,455 52,551 52,242 57,664 59,117 24,959 44,476 87,561 0 May 41,123 44,283 50,230 50,112 51,777 53,596 16,906 49,002 74,613 0 June 52,618 56,975 55,060 60,637 62,048 73,721 28,910 66,262 86,758 0 July 61,514 61,809 65,007 69,337 71,865 84,628 41,836 94,495 97,413 0 August 70,384 72,697 73,700 76,972 79,368 91,637 49,772 101,171 113,078 0 September 76,100 74,051 70,305 80,173 79,661 97,531 59,116 104,494 106,013 0 October 45,604 49,880 55,660 56,631 61,826 77,932 50,844 92,924 78,048 0 November 39,600 42,376 46,393 47,090 52,868 59,252 39,694 62,322 77,871 0 December 33,256 41,510 33,478 37,180 40,363 41,675 26,573 41,708 48,720 0 Total Collections 549,267 581,237 596,374 615,980 646,976 743,851 443,243 744,437 901,686 82,937 Budget Estimate 530,000 550,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 600,000 346,000 750,000 600,000 900,000 Actual over(under)budg 19,267 31,237 16,374 35,980 66,976 143,851 97,243 (5,563) 301,686 (817,063) Total actual collections as a%of total budget 103.64% 105.68% 102.82% 106.20% 111.55% 123.98% 128.10% 99.26% 150.28% n/a %change in annual total collected 5.90% 5.82% 2.60% 3.29% 5.03% 14.97% (40.41%) 67.95% 21.12% n/a %of budget collected through February 9.71% 9.86% 10.29% 9.31% 9.94% 10.78% 19.43% 7.61% 14.52% 9.22% %of actual total collected through February 9.37% 9.33% 10.00% 8.77% 8.91% 8.70% 15.17% 7.66% 9.66% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of February February 100,000 90,000 80,000 -70,000 - 60,000 50,000 •February 40,000 •January 30,000 10,000 10,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Page 23 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\REET\2023\301 and 302 REET for 2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 4/14/2023 1st and 2nd 1/4%REET Collections through February Actual for the years 2014 through 2023rin 2022 to 2023 Difference 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ ok January 61,192 96,141 104,446 153,661 239,437 120,809 212,512 277,311 420,393 169,780 (250,613) (59.61%) February 67,049 103,508 83,583 124,514 146,892 199,209 242,927 283,644 239,226 198,135 (41,091) (17.18%) Collected to date 128,240 199,649 188,030 278,175 386,329 320,018 455,439 560,955 659,619 367,915 (291,704) (44.22%) March 81,724 165,868 220,637 282,724 310,562 193,913 203,774 497,974 543,267 0 April 105,448 236,521 205,654 169,060 218,842 347,528 197,928 470,818 381,096 0 May 198,870 165,748 192,806 202,734 646,397 263,171 258,784 380,346 521,957 0 June 106,676 347,421 284,897 248,768 277,424 465,044 329,801 426,592 564,764 0 July 208,199 217,375 248,899 449,654 302,941 327,636 234,040 408,246 397,408 0 August 172,536 202,525 231,200 472,420 261,626 300,312 365,838 666,645 1,059,352 0 September 152,323 179,849 178,046 187,348 259,492 335,824 381,224 471,991 218,701 0 October 123,505 128,833 253,038 207,895 584,792 225,216 381,163 440,971 386,071 0 November 172,227 129,870 186,434 229,800 263,115 319,161 370,449 1,208,216 389,073 0 December 117,682 157,919 164,180 278,995 288,912 235,726 479,586 685,473 458,730 0 Total distributed by Spokane County 1,567,429 2,131,578 2,353,822 3,007,573 3,800,432 3,333,549 3,658,026 6,218,227 5,580,038 367,915 Budget estimate 1,100,000 1,400,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 2,800,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 Actual over(under)budget 467,429 731,578 353,822 1,007,573 800,432 533,549 1,658,026 2,218,227 1,580,038 (2,632,085) Total actual collections as a%of total budget 142.49% 152.26% 117.69% 150.38% 126.68% 119.06% 182.90% 155.46% 139.50% n/a %change in annual total collected 32.19% 35.99% 10.43% 27.77% 26.36% (12.28%) 9.73% 69.99% (10.26%) n/a %of budget collected through February 11.66% 14.26% 9.40% 13.91% 12.88% 11.43% 22.77% 14.02% 16.49% 12.26% %of actual total collected through February 8.18% 9.37% 7.99% 9.25% 10.17% 9.60% 12.45% 9.02% 11.82% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of February February •February 700,000 •January 600,000 - 500,000 - 400,000 - 300,000 - 200,000 100,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Page 24 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Debt Capacity\2023\debt capacity 2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Debt Capacity 2022 Assessed Value for 2023 Property Taxes 16,292,740,920 Maximum Outstanding Remaining Debt as of Debt cyo Capacity 12/31/2022 Capacity Utilized Voted (UTGO) 1.00% of assessed value 162,927,409 0 162,927,409 0.00% Nonvoted (LTGO) 1.50% of assessed value 244,391,114 9,810,000 234,581,114 4.01% Voted park 2.50% of assessed value 407,318,523 0 407,318,523 0.00% Voted utility 2.50% of assessed value 407,318,523 0 407,318,523 0.00% 1,221,955,569 9,810,000 1,212,145,569 0.80% 2014 LTGO Bonds Road & LTGO Bonds Period Street 2016 LTGO Grand Ending CenterPlace Improvements Total Bonds Total 12/1/2014 225,000 135,000 360,000 0 360,000 Bonds 12/1/2015 175,000 125,000 300,001 0 300,000 Repaid 12/1/2016 185,000 130,000 315,000 75,000 390,000 12/1/2017 190,000 130,000 320,000 150,000 470,000 12/1/2018 230,000 135,000 365,000 155,000 520,000 12/1/2019 255,000 140,000 395,000 160,000 555,000 12/1/2020 290,000 140,000 430,000 165,000 595,000 12/1/2021 320,000 145,000 465,000 170,000 635,000 12/1/2022 350,000 150,000 500,000 175,000 675,000 2,220,000 1,230,000 3,450,000 1,050,000 4,500,000 12/1/2023 390,000 155,000 545,000 180,000 725,000 12/1/2024 430,000 0 430,000 185,000 615,000 12/1/2025 465,000 0 465,000 195,000 660,000 12/1/2026 505,000 0 505,000 '00,000 705,000 12/1/2027 395,000 0 395,000 :05,000 600,000 12/1/2028 300,000 0 300,000 215,000 515,000 12/1/2029 245,000 0 245,000 210,000 465,000 12/1/2030 225,000 0 225,000 2 +,000 450,000 Bonds 12/1/2031 180,000 0 180,000 23',,000 415,000 Remaining 12/1/2032 130,000 0 130,000 246,000 370,000 12/1/2033 165,000 0 165,000 250,000 415,000 12/1/2034 0 0 0 260,100 260,000 12/1/2035 0 0 0 270,100 270,000 12/1/2036 0 0 0 280,010 280,000 12/1/2037 0 0 0 290,060 290,000 12/1/2038 0 0 0 305,001 305,000 12/1/2039 0 0 0 315,001 315,000 12/1/2040 0 0 0 330,000 330,000 12/1/2041 0 0 0 340,000 340,000 12/1/2042 0 0 0 355,000 355,000 12/1/2043 0 0 0 365,000 365,000 12/1/2044 0 0 0 375,000 375,000 12/1/2045 0 0 0 390,000 390,000 3,430,000 155,000 3,585,000 6,225,000 9,810,000 5,650,000 1,385,000 7,035,000 7,275,000 14,310,000 Page 25 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\MVFT\2023\motor vehicle fuel tax collections 2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 4/14/2023 Motor Fuel(Gas)Tax Collections- February ' , For the years 2014 through 2023 1 4,/ 2022 to 2023 Difference 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ % January 152,906 152,598 163,918 150,654 162,359 148,530 152,686 143,576 162,156 138,984 (23,172) (14.29%) February 148,118 145,455 163,037 164,807 175,936 181,823 170,461 150,882 156,245 168,137 11,892 7.61% Collected to date 301,024 298,053 326,955 315,461 338,295 330,353 323,147 294,458 318,401 307,121 (11,280) (3.54%) March 131,247 140,999 145,537 138,205 139,826 131,009 146,280 117,784 135,183 0 April 156,269 157,994 167,304 168,000 168,796 144,080 90,589 141,080 160,396 0 May 156,850 156,259 171,829 174,211 193,986 185,669 130,168 175,706 181,782 0 June 161,965 164,872 157,737 174,838 144,308 175,985 128,359 156,670 162,670 0 July 157,805 168,205 177,427 177,019 194,267 169,733 138,932 163,103 190,587 0 August 172,308 186,277 177,567 195,780 205,438 195,107 136,633 185,516 192,966 0 September 173,299 174,505 194,640 184,342 180,874 180,605 195,550 178,022 173,143 0 October 160,539 161,520 166,369 163,780 158,062 162,187 160,272 161,171 142,054 0 November 165,871 181,771 176,178 194,814 199,282 196,240 175,980 187,269 155,426 0 December 141,298 153,338 152,787 154,298 148,960 155,728 119,282 149,169 147,059 0 Total Collections 1,878,475 1,943,793 2,014,330 2,040,748 2,072,094 2,026,696 1,745,192 1,909,948 1,959,667 307,121 Budget Estimate 1,866,400 1,867,700 2,013,400 2,048,900 2,061,100 2,039,500 1,715,000 1,808,700 1,904,000 2,071,300 Actual over(under)budg 12,075 76,093 930 (8,152) 10,994 (12,804) 30,192 101,248 55,667 (1,764,179) Total actual collections as a%of total budget 100.65% 104.07% 100.05% 99.60% 100.53% 99.37% 101.76% 105.60% 102.92% n/a %change in annual total collected 0.56% 3.48% 3.63% 1.31% 1.54% (2.19%) (13.89%) 9.44% 2.60% n/a %of budget collected through February 16.13% 15.96% 16.24% 15.40% 16.41% 16.20% 18.84% 16.28% 16.72% 14.83% %of actual total collected through February 16.02% 15.33% 16.23% 15.46% 16.33% 16.30% 18.52% 15.42% 16.25% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of February February •February 400,000 •January 350,000 - 300,000 250,000 -. 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Page 26 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Telephone Tax\2023\telephone utility tax collections 2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA * 4/14/2023 Telephone Utility Tax Collections- February For the years 2014 through 2023 . 2022 to 2023 Difference 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ % January 210,777 177,948 182,167 162,734 130,196 136,615 123,292 (333) 81,439 78,798 (2,641) (3.24%) February 205,953 212,845 173,971 163,300 164,060 132,538 121,596 155,911 80,730 80,351 (379) (0.47%) Collected to date 416,730 390,793 356,138 326,034 294,256 269,153 244,888 155,578 162,169 159,149 (3,020) (1.86%) March 208,206 174,738 177,209 162,536 158,416 138,727 121,938 100,566 81,038 0 April 206,038 214,431 171,770 157,285 146,519 126,455 120,016 83,109 81,613 0 May 210,010 187,856 174,512 161,506 149,434 135,704 118,018 94,864 85,285 0 June 210,289 187,412 170,450 156,023 150,780 129,602 117,905 85,949 63,094 0 July 205,651 190,984 174,405 157,502 147,281 130,723 120,922 86,834 107,597 0 August 205,645 185,172 171,909 150,644 148,158 127,303 112,351 85,251 82,146 0 September 199,193 183,351 170,476 155,977 141,290 128,018 91,866 87,391 90,114 0 October 183,767 183,739 166,784 153,075 142,925 127,214 90,272 86,941 85,683 0 November 213,454 175,235 166,823 151,208 139,209 125,027 88,212 82,797 81,065 0 December 202,077 183,472 168,832 161,115 140,102 126,226 92,242 84,635 83,835 0 Total Collections 2,461,060 2,257,183 2,069,308 1,892,905 1,758,370 1,564,152 1,318,630 1,033,915 1,003,639 159,149 Budget Estimate 2,750,000 2,565,100 2,340,000 2,000,000 1,900,000 1,600,000 1,521,000 1,000,000 932,000 857,000 Actual over(under)budg (288,940) (307,917) (270,692) (107,095) (141,630) (35,848) (202,370) 33,915 71,639 (697,851) Total actual collections as a%of total budget 89.49% 88.00% 88.43% 94.65% 92.55% 97.76% 86.69% 103.39% 107.69% n/a %change in annual total collected (10.03%) (8.28%) (8.32%) (8.52%) (7.11%) (11.05%) (15.70%) (21.59%) (2.93%) n/a %of budget collected through February 15.15% 15.24% 15.22% 16.30% 15.49% 16.82% 16.10% 15.56% 17.40% 18.57% %of actual total collected through February 16.93% 17.31% 17.21% 17.22% 16.73% 17.21% 18.57% 15.05% 16.16% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of February February ■February 450,000 •January 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 ■ ■ ■ ■ 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 , (50,000) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Page 27 Dave E1h, John Nowels Chief ofPolice Sheriff coOLI Spokane Valley Police Department A. ) Accredited Since 201 r , ' °j • '�` s • Services provided in partnership with *-skive the Spokane County Sheriff's Office and the Community, Dedicated to Your Safety. TO: John Hohman, City Manager FROM: Dave Ellis, Chief of Police DATE: May 15, 2023 RE: Monthly Report for April 2023 ADMINISTRATIVE: The monthly Spokane Regional Safe Streets Task Force Executive Board Meeting was held in mid- April, which Chief Ellis attended along with other local law enforcement command staff. Chief Ellis, joined by local law enforcement and fire officials, attended the Spokane Regional Emergency Communications Governing Board Regular Meeting in mid-April. SHERIFF'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING EFFORT (SCOPE): In the month of April, S.C.O.P.E. participated in: • Six locations for graffiti clean-up • Ridgeview Elementary Career Fair-OFID/ • Four residential/vacation checks and 87 Helmets business checks • Ribbon Cutting for Henry Road Wednesday • Five Mile Grande Pancake with Easter • Henry Road Open House Saturday Bunny April 2023 Volunteers Hours per Station *Includes estimated volunteer service hours that are provided in the City of Spokane Valley, These two locations cover both Spokane Valley and the unincorporated portion of the county. Location #Volunteers Admin Hours L.E. Hours Total Hours Central Valley 14 180 120.5 300.5 East Valley* 17 124 181 305 Edgecliff 6 43.5 9 52.5 Trentwood 4 61 42.5 _ 103.5 University 9 89.5 26.5 116 West Valley* 12 215.5 43.5 259 TOTALS 62 713.5 423 1136.5 Volunteer Value ($34.87 per hour) $39,629.76 for April 2023 Page 1 SCOPE DISABLED PARKING ACTIVITY REPORT City of Spokane Valley # of # of Hrs. # of #of # of Non - Vol. Disabled Warnings Disabled Infractions Issued Infractions Issued Issued January 2 12 0 4 0 February 2 12 0 9 0 March 0 0 0 0 0 April _ YTD Total 2 12 0 4 0 Spokane County #of #of Hrs. # of # of # of Non- Vol. Disabled Warnings Disabled Infractions Issued Infractions Issued Issued _ January 2 8 0 7 0 February 0 0 0 0 0 March 0 0 0 0 0 April YTD Total 2 8 0 7 0 S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 85 on-scene hours (including travel time) in April; 10.45 of those hours in April were for incidents in Spokane Valley, responding to crime scenes, motor vehicle accidents and providing traffic control. There were two special events in April, both of which were in the county. Total volunteer hours contributed by SIRT, including training, stand-by,response and special events is 1,227 for April, for a total of 4,630 for 2023. The Latent Fingerprint Team geared back up after the winter weather passed and had a total of 56 incidents where fingerprints were requested. Of those, 45 were in Spokane Valley. Of the 45, 20 appointments were made with 12 of those cancelled due to weather or by the victim or latent print operator. A total of 12 prints were lifted successfully from the vehicles. Abandoned Vehicles February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 Tagged for Impounding 60 25 10 Towed 21 24 9 Hulks Processed 5 6 4 Total Vehicles Processed 140 107 57 Yearly Total of Vehicles Processed _ 345 452 509 Page 2 OPERATIONS: Spokane Valley Deputy Assaulted by Hit and Run Suspect - Spokane Valley Deputies investigated a hit and run in the 2700 block of N. Cherry Street in Spokane Valley, as a deputy searching for the suspect made contact with a male matching the suspect's description. As the investigation continued, the suspect became noncompliant and then violent when the deputy tried to detain him. Several deputies responded to the call for emergency assistance, and with their help, the male suspect was taken into custody. He was hooked into the Spokane County Jail for felony Assault 3'd Degree, misdemeanor Hit and Run, and misdemeanor Resisting Arrest. In early April, at approximately 8:10 am, Spokane Valley Deputies responded to a reported hit and run crash in the 2700 block of N. Cherry Street. The caller stated he observed a four-door sedan back into a Dodge Durango in the parking lot of the apartments. The driver and passenger jumped out of the sedan and walked west into a wooded area just north of Marietta. The driver was described as a white male, 40s, 6', with a medium build,wearing a brown baseball cap, brown jacket, blue jeans, and with what appeared to be a"hump" in his back. When a deputy arrived at the scene, the sedan was identified as a gray Ford, and it was determined the Ford backed into Durango, causing the Ford's airbags to deploy. While the crash was being investigated, additional deputies began looking for the suspects. A deputy searching the area was flagged over by a citizen reporting he was concerned for the welfare of a female who was sleeping on the ground on the northwest corner of Mansfield and Pines. He placed a blanket on her because she seemed cold, and he was concerned for her welfare. The deputy contacted the female, and he was told she was homeless and slept at the location all night. As he spoke with the female, the deputy observed a male walking from the west toward the deputy's direction on Mansfield. The male was wearing a brown jacket, a black beanie, and jeans and had what appeared to be a hump underneath his coat, which matched the witness's description. The male appeared to be sweating a lot, like he had been running. The deputy contacted the 32-year-old male suspect, explained he matched the description of a hit and run suspect and asked him to identify himself. The suspect complied and stated he had not been involved in an accident. The suspect was informed he was not free to leave due to the active investigation, and asked to stand in front of the deputy's marked patrol car while his name was checked; again, the suspect complied as additional deputies began to repost to assist. At about this time,a female who witnessed the crash and could identify the driver involved, pulled in behind the deputy's patrol car. She explained the male suspect was the person she saw leaving the hit and run location. The deputy asked the witness to go back to her car and wait. The deputy turned his attention back to the male suspect and noticed he had moved from the front of the patrol car to the sidewalk and appeared to be getting nervous. The deputy told the male suspect to put his hands behind his back as he would be detained in handcuffs. As the deputy took hold of the suspect's right arm, the male suspect immediately pulled away and began to walk away. The deputy told the suspect again to put his hands behind his back and pinned him again to the patrol car, but the suspect continued to resist, trying to pull away. Not knowing if the suspect was armed with any weapons, the deputy requested immediate assistance from responding deputies. Believing the male suspect heard the witness identify him as the hit and run suspect and with the suspect actively resisting efforts to be handcuffed, the deputy took him to the ground, attempting to gain control as he gave continual commands to stop resisting. As the struggle continued, it escalated with the suspect punching the deputy in the head as he gained advantage. The deputy maintained his Page 3 hold on the suspect, and a second deputy arrived to assist, but the suspect continued to fight and resist attempts to place him in handcuffs. Eventually, a Taser was used to end this violent assault, and the male suspect was taken into custody. Spokane Valley Fire arrived to evaluate the suspect, who was later transported to the hospital for additional care and removal of the Taser probes. Once completed, he was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for felony Assault 3rd Degree, misdemeanor Hit and Run, and misdemeanor Resisting Arrest. The female was determined not to be involved and was released at the scene without charges. Thankfully, the deputy only received minor injuries during the assault and continued working his shift. Reckless Driving/Excessive Speed Leads to Fatal Crash on Valleyway Avenue near McDonald Road- Spokane Valley Traffic Unit Investigators were called to investigate a single-vehicle fatal crash. The male driver was pronounced deceased at the scene, and the female passenger was transported to the hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. The vehicle was split in half, and the engine was separated from the front half of the car due to the excess speeds it appeared to have been traveling when the crash occurred. Child safety seats were located in the wreckage, but it was later determined they were unoccupied at the time of the crash. In mid- April, at approximately 5:20 am, Spokane Valley Deputies responded to a reported single-vehicle injury crash in the 13200 block of E. Valleyway Avenue in Spokane Valley. Arriving deputies contacted a concerned resident of the area, who was trying to comfort a critically injured female near the demolished vehicle. An unresponsive male was also located. Spokane Valley Fire personnel also arrived at the scene to assist. Initial information indicated the vehicle, a Volvo S60,was traveling east on Valleyway at an extremely high rate of speed as it entered the intersection at McDonald. The car bottomed out, and the male driver lost control. The Volvo began to spin across the roadway, struck a boulder on the north side of Valleyway, rolled, and hit a tree, splitting the car in two and completely dislodging the motor from the engine bay. The male driver was pronounced deceased at the scene, and the female passenger was transported to the hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. It has not been determined if the driver was impaired, but Reckless Driving/Excessive Speed are factors that contributed to this fatal but completely avoidable crash. The investigation continues as investigators collect evidence, conduct interviews, and process the scene to determine what led up to this deadly incident. DUI Suspect Slams into 2 Patrol Cars in an Attempt to Flee - Spokane Valley Deputies pinned in a DUI suspect's vehicle while he was passed out in the driver's seat. When the suspect was contacted, he attempted to flee, ramming both patrol cars with his truck before fleeing on foot. He was taken into custody and booked into the Spokane County Jail for DUI, two counts of Hit and Run, and an unrelated Reckless Driving warrant. In mid-April, at approximately 5:55 pm, Spokane Valley Deputy K. Bitzer responded to a suspicious vehicle call in the 2000 block of N. Edgerton Road. The caller stated an occupied silver Ford F150 had been parked on the roadway all day. The male occupant would open the vehicle door when children were outside but close the door when adults were around. The caller was concerned by this suspicious behavior and due to the length of time he and the vehicle remained at the location. When Deputy Bitzer arrived, she approached the driver's side, noting the truck did not have license plates. The 22-year-old male driver was slumped Page 4 over in the driver's seat a e4A with his head resting on ,.y° , .. •` s �.„ \vItRI.11,00.•-, , sue r the steering wheel. The + 41, - /1 ,' ;, _ , ° sey �ti ff , 1 4. ;,, ,-,f,- ®1 ° . i -mi, male driver was breathing ��r t�'; ;�� r ill� N t� 11 ;J rr ' --, 4+ ..P1ai9" r �� i 'a9' ky ti . 4 �L-i and had a piece of tin foil ; 0L �r -; ..t 41 4{ i1 , t f ref ' ' s �. ���� fY; �1'� �I''���� :} i° ,-'Ty /with two melted, small .` t � 0 .� / I '- blue pills, believed to be -'',``°0' ` ''`' �D' '1 1. fentanyl, on his thigh, ._ `' _ ��;� which is indicative of - e _ — .miiii I_ R c., t illegal drug use. He also _ POcE t m.m had a BIC-style lighter in one hand and his cellphone in the other. Believing the male ; driver/suspect was under the influence of fentanyl, 'L e ',-.0° ff `JERupp': Deputy Bitzer requested a ,t, ' °. Fitts. . ,, .. - k._ - .. -.F. .. - - second unit to assist. She checked the vehicle's VIN and learned the truck was last registered in November 2020. When Deputy J. Gallaher arrived, he positioned his marked patrol vehicle in front of the suspect's truck. Deputy Bitzer positioned her marked patrol car at the rear of the truck to take away any avenue of escape. The suspect began to wake up as the deputies approached, telling the suspect to roll down his windows. The male suspect did start to roll them down but only a little. They told him to roll them down further, and he would, but only a little more. The suspect then reached up, started the truck, and shifted it into drive, slamming into the patrol car, then he threw it into reverse and accelerated, ramming into the second patrol car. The suspect continued doing this while spinning the tires, causing a large amount of thick smoke in the air as Deputy Gallaher placed a set of stop sticks under the tire. Suddenly, the suspect opened the driver's door and jumped out, fleeing on foot and Deputy Bitzer ordered him to stop as she gave chase. During the foot pursuit, he tripped on the sidewalk near Park Road and Indiana and fell on the ground, where the deputies took him into custody without further incident. A check of the suspect's name revealed an active misdemeanor warrant (Reckless Driving) for his arrest. A search warrant was obtained to retrieve a blood sample for testing, and his vehicle was seized pending a search warrant. The male suspect was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for DUI, two counts of Hit and Run, and an unrelated Reckless Driving warrant,where he remains with a total case bond set at$11,500. Spokane Regional Animal Protection Service(SCRAPS) responded to take custody of the dog inside the suspect's vehicle. This remains an active investigation, and additional charges are possible. SVIU Detectives Charge Fraud/ID Theft Suspect Believed to Have Multiple Victims Across the State of Washington-Do You Recognize this Suspect? Additional Information Sought.Spokane Valley Investigative Unit (SVIU) Detectives, working with several other law enforcement agencies across Washington, identified the suspect in several fraud/ID theft incidents. The suspect was located in mid-April, and arrested for two counts of ID Theft Pt Degree and Theft Page 5 Pt Degree. SVIU Detective K. Scott began investigating a reported Identity Theft at several jewelry locations in Western Washington, submitted by a victim who lives in Spokane Valley. Through the investigation, SVIU Detective K. Scott learned a person purchased $11,249.50 worth of jewelry at a Tacoma location using the victim's identity. The 58-year-old male suspect returned a $6,200.00 item the following day and purchased a $6,999.00 and a$399.00 item. The total estimated amount of the f - � ,.. • I ` " 11faw ; it I 44, 0,, , ¢ f elf f ''' ,,1!,r n ' /* 4 iOlif `'tt C , . 1 tilt fir r� -q1 SHEry►P . 'a t • —.41V IA 46 _ i ' ,k__I le, - sroxec axrc e i, -,... , <_' xn SHE F fraudulent purchases was $12,600. The victim sun-um-Min r.N.In I adamantly denies making these purchases, opening this account, or allowing anyone to use his name, identification, or information to make any of these or similar purchases. As the investigation continued, Detective Scott learned someone fraudulently gained access to the victim's Washington State DOL account and ordered a replacement ID. Working with investigators from the Olympia Police Department, Tukwila Police Department, the Washington State Department of Licensing, and the jewelry store employees where the fraudulent purchases occurred, the suspect's true identity was learned. Probable cause was established to believe the suspect gained access to the victim's Washington State DOL account, ordered a new ID with fraudulent information, and illegally purchased the noted jewelry. SVIU Detective Scott also learned of another fraud case where a person, also identified as the suspect,posed as a victim in Port Angeles,Washington,and fraudulently obtained a loan using the second victim's identity from a credit union in the amount of$25,000. All but$34.00 was removed from the account, including two ATM withdrawals at Northern Quest Casino on March 29,2023. SVIU Detective Scott contacted Kalispel Tribal Police and provided them with information regarding the investigation and the suspect's information. The next day he was contacted and told that the male suspect was at the casino property. Detective Scott advised he had probable cause to arrest the suspect;the Kalispel Tribal Police contacted him and detained him. At that time,the male suspect produced a driver's license to identify himself using the second victim's name. During his arrest, Page 6 Detective Scott recovered $7,146 from the suspect and found fictitious identification in the victim's name. The vehicle,believed to be fraudulently purchased by the suspect in a victim's name,was seized as evidence pending a search warrant. The male suspect was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for two counts of Identity Theft 1st Degree and Theft lst Degree, all felonies. His total case bond was set at$50,000, and he has a hold due to warrants in another jurisdiction. With a search warrant obtained, SVIU Detectives located and seized multiple round blue pills (1000+) believed to contain fentanyl, a baggie containing a white crystalline substance believed to be methamphetamine, a brown tar-like substance believed to be heroin, multiple documents, several cellphones, a laptop computer, a printer,camera,a black rifle, and three realistic-looking air pistols. This remains an active investigation,with several cases open across the state in multiple counties. Additional charges and/or arrests are possible. Driver Slams Into Patrol Cars/Building in Attempt to Flee-Spokane Valley Deputies responding to a welfare/medical call, blocked the suspected impaired driver's vehicle in with their fully marked patrol cars. The adult male driver regained consciousness, put the vehicle in reverse, and slammed into the patrol cars before placing the vehicle in drive and ramming a building. Deputies deployed stop sticks and kept the vehicle pinned, stopping the suspect from fleeing in the car, potentially creating an extreme risk to motorists and pedestrians in the area. The driver was arrested on several charges and booked into jail. Although in the same apparent impaired condition as the driver, the adult female passenger was released without charges lacking probable cause to arrest her for a crime. In late April, at approximately 12:05 pm, Spokane Valley Deputies responded to a welfare check in the 9300 block of E. Montgomery Avenue. The caller said a male and female were passed out in the parking lot in a gray/silver Hyundai Sonata. The pair appeared to be high/intoxicated, and the caller was concerned they might be overdosing. As deputies responded to the location,Deputy Woolard advised there was recent history (04/06/23, 04/07/23) of a similarly described vehicle occupied by a white male and female fleeing (eluding)deputies when they tried to stop it. Deputy Woolard was the first to arrive in her fully marked patrol car. She found the car parked on the backside of the business, facing the building. At first, she could not see anyone in the vehicle because they were slumped over so far in the seats. Within seconds,Deputy Woolard caught a glimpse of the male driver,who appeared to be under the influence of an illegal narcotic. From experience, believing the driver in this condition may attempt to flee, causing an extreme risk to the public, Deputy Woolard began coordinating a response with other deputies to contact the occupants safely and limit any possibility of escape. When Deputy Gallaher arrived, they placed both their fully marked patrol cars, with emergency lights activated, behind the Sonata, very close to its bumper. Stop sticks were positioned under its tires to help prevent a high- speed escape. The 34-year-old male driver appeared to wake up, look around, and should have been able to clearly see the marked patrol cars. Deputies began giving commands for the male suspect to show his hands,but he did not comply and decided to put the car in reverse, backing into the bumpers of both patrol cars. The suspect then put the car in drive, turned the steering wheel to the right, and accelerated into the building. The male suspect continued to defy commands and flee, despite Deputy Jones standing in clear view of the suspect in the direction he was attempting to drive. Due to the male suspect's actions, they believed he would be a serious danger to the public and deputies if he Page 7 could free the vehicle and flee, so they pinned his car against the building with a patrol car. Deputies removed the male suspect from the vehicle as he continued to resist while trying to flee. After a struggle, he was eventually taken into custody, and the adult female passenger was detained. A piece of tin foil with a black residue and two blue circular pills,believed to contain Fentanyl, were removed from the suspect's hand after he was placed in handcuffs. Other similar types of drug paraphernalia were observed in the vehicle. The male suspect was provided medical care, and a blood sample for testing was obtained once a search warrant was granted. Lacking probable cause to arrest the female passenger for a crime, she was released at the scene. Two deputies received minor injuries during the struggle with the male suspect but are expected to recover fully. The male suspect was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for Attempting to Elude a Police Vehicle (felony) and misdemeanors of DUI, Resisting Arrest, and Hit and Run, Property Damage. Deputies Search for Reckless Driver of a Stolen Vehicle and a Bank Robbery Suspect. It is Possible but Not Confirmed that the Incidents are Related - Spokane Valley Deputies searched the area of E. Mirabeau Parkway and E. Pinecroft Way for a reckless driver of a stolen vehicle, but the driver was not located. The SI V was observed by a Traffic Deputy minutes before a bank robbery was reported in the same area. Major Crime Detectives responded to assist with the investigation. In late April, at approximately 2:35 pm, a Spokane Valley Motorcycle Traffic Unit observed a Honda CRV recklessly traveling north on Sullivan Road. The deputy observed a driver wearing a mask and dark sunglass that covered their face with a gray hoodie over their head. The deputy noted the driver was running red lights, speeding, and appeared to be "running from something." The deputy tried to catch up to the vehicle but could not due to traffic congestion; in addition, he did not pursue it because of the extreme risk on a motorcycle in heavy traffic and reckless driving is not an approved crime under Washington State law when a pursuit is authorized. At approximately 2:38 pm, a call was received by an employee of Chase Bank located inside Fred Meyer, 15609 E. Sprague,reporting a male just robbed the bank branch. The initial description provided was a male, approximately 5'08"-5'10" tall, slim build, wearing jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt. Minutes later, deputies located an unoccupied black 2018 Honda CRV near the Centennial Trail on E. Mirabeau Parkway. Upon further investigation, they learned the SUV had been reported as stolen. Deputies established a perimeter and conducted a search with the assistance of a K9 and a UAS (unmanned aerial system), but due to the number of uninvolved people in the area, the driver was not located. At this time, it has not been confirmed that the reckless stolen vehicle is connected to the bank robbery; however, due to the very close timeframe and similar descriptions of the driver and the bank robbery suspect, it is possible. This remains an active investigation. Anyone with information regarding either one of these incidents or who can help identify the driver of the car or the robbery suspect is urged to call Crime Check at 509-456-2233, reference#10059628. Treasury Department/IRS SCAM ALERT!! Don't Give Scanners/Criminals Your Money! The Spokane County Sheriff's Office received a report of a SCAM similar to the ones we continually hear about,but this one was a bit different. In this instance,the scammers/criminals showed up in person, wearing suits and claiming to be with the Treasury Department. Scammers rely on fear and threats to steal your money; stop and verify Page 8 information before you ever give your money away. The biggest tip, the Treasury Department, IRS,Law Enforcement,Businesses, or ANY other LEGITIMATE entity will NOT demand that you immediately pay with GIFT CARDS. It WILL NOT happen, ever. In mid-April, a victim (60s) reported two males dressed in suits arrived at his home in North Spokane. The males claimed to be with the Treasury Department and arrived in a dark-colored sedan, possibly a Ford Crown Victoria. The victim was told he owed the government money and a warrant would be issued for his arrest if he did not pay. He was instructed to go to Walgreens, 7905 N. Division Street, and purchase $400.00 in GIFT CARDS. The victim went to the store and purchased the GIFT CARDS as instructed. The fake agent scanuners met him, and he gave them the codes from the cards. Doing this allows anyone with those codes to access the funds and steal your money. The suspects never offered identification, and the victim did not ask to see any. One suspect was described as a white male, 30- 40, approximately 6'01", with brown hair. The second suspect was described as a Middle Eastern male, approximately 5'10", with black hair. The vehicle is described as a black four-door sedan, possibly a Ford Crown Victoria. We are asking anyone with information regarding this incident that can help with this investigation, to call Crime Check at 509-456-2233,reference#10054027. Always ask anyone claiming to be with a business or government entity that contacts you, unannounced or unscheduled, to identify themselves if you are unsure if they are legitimate. Also, before you ever hand over any money or personal information for any reason, do your own research and contact the business/entity personally using the numbers you looked up on your own. Again, if anyone shows up at your door, contacts you on the phone, or emails you, demanding immediate payment with GIFT CARDS, it is a SCAM. Do not pay them and call Crime Check at 509-456.2233 immediately. You can report SCAMS and find other resources on the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (https://www.cisa.gov/be-cyber-smart/report-incident) or the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) webpage (https://www.ic3.gov/). FREE 2023 Washington State Boater Education Classes - The Spokane County Sheriff's Office Marine Unit would like to invite you to attend one of their scheduled FREE Washington State Boater Education Classes. Effective January 1, 2014, every person born after January 1, 1955, is required to have the Boater Education Card to operate any vessel with 15 or more horsepower. This applies to Washington State residents operating vessels on Washington waterways. What is the Boater Education Card? The Boater Education Card is proof that you have completed all of the components of an approved boater safety course. To obtain a state-issued Boater Education Card, mail in the certificate issued after successfully completing our FREE course and a$10 fee to Washington State Parks and Recreation. They will send your state-issued card to you. ** Exemptions Education is not required if: Your vessel has an engine that is under 15 hp. You were born prior to January 1, 1955. Page 9 You hold a valid U.S. Coast Guard Marine Operator's License. You Must Cany the Card Vessel operators who are required to have the Washington Boater Card must carry the card onboard the vessel and have it available for inspection by an enforcement officer. Not canying your Washington Boater Card when it is required can result in a fine. Classes are held Saturdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Liberty Lake Police Department, 23127 E. Mission Avenue,Liberty Lake, WA 99019. PRE-REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED Pre-Register at https://www.eventbrite.comfe/adventures-in-boating-course-tickets- 499082949537?afebdsoporgprofile April 1st, 2023 F R E E May 13th, 2023 BOATER EDUCATION June 3rd, 2023 June 24th, 2023 WASHINGTON STATE BOATER A 0$fti 0 EDUCATION CARD tv at• a ec. ` July 8th, 2023 s..� w r1,Fri �� � 4nwa Ma UM StasMM11rprlt 1' io...0 . August 5th, 2023 miaow cimillwr„- r ru MU Maawh „ a.September 2"d, 2023 w� Get YOUR cca d! Saturdays PRE-REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED Sheriffs Training Center 6011 N Chase Rd Newman Lake,WA gam - 3pm ' , : i„,__,..,-4 -di .,... _.,,_t,,,._„, . , _ . ,,, , a illi 0 K LOCK OBSERVE CARS SHOULD KEEP GARAGE ITEMS IN AND REPORT NEVER RUN DOORS CLOSED YOUR TRUNK UNATTENDED Page 10 We encourage residents who have operational surveillance cameras outside their home to go to the Sheriff's website and register their home and video cameras. Thank you. https://www.spokanecounty.org/1080/Sheriff ;+1u ounrt I . k . raewt�a 0 tn I al Sift'rtuiR VIP G Video 1der'i1f1cato111 Program. CLICK HERE to volumartly join the VIP program. Page 11 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE �`comr, rf Regional Intelligence Group 9 `� IBR Count by District '' Time Period: April 2023 k f Ci q Spokane Valley Districts Unincorporated Districts IBR Offense 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DP FF LAH ML MW RF SPA WAV OTHER TOTAL 09A Murder/NonNegl€gent Manslaughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 09B Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100 Kidnapping/Abduction 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 11A Rape-Forcible 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 1113 Sodomy-Forcible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 11C Sex Assault With Object 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11D Fondling-Forcible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 120 Robbery 2 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 13A Aggravated Assault 1 3 6 1 1 3 2 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 31 13B Simple Assault 12 18 11 13 9 13 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 6 0 4 0 0 13 1 0 0 0 6 118 13C Intimidation 3 7 5 4 3 5 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 40 36A Incest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 36B Rape-Statutory 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 64A Human Trafficking-Commercial Sex Acts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64B Human Trafficking-Involuntary Servitude 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 Violation of Protection Orders 2 7 4 6 1 1 1 3 3 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 39 Total Crimes Against Persons 23 37 29 24 15 28 8 7 7 7 6 3 13 9 0 5 0 0 14 1 0 0 0 23 259 200 Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 Extortion/Blackmail 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 220 Burglary/Breaking&Entering 17 12 11 12 5 8 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 5 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 6 106 23A Theft-Pocket-Picking 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23B Theft-Purse Snatching 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23C Theft-Shoplifting 24 1 9 12 1 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 72 23D Theft From Building 3 3 5 9 5 4 2 1 2 4 3 3 8 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 58 23E Theft From Coin Operatied Machine 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 23F Theft From Motor Vehicle 12 9 8 9 3 8 2 10 12 7 9 6 4 6 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 115 23G Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 5 4 7 5 3 5 1 3 1 1 0 2 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 23H Theft-All Other 12 11 13 11 6 9 5 2 5 5 4 3 11 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 112 240 Motor Vehicle Theft 7 9 3 5 1 7 5 4 1 2 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 56 250 Counterfeiting/Forgery 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 26A Fraud-False Pretense/Swindling 12 10 7 6 2 6 1 2 3 5 5 0 7 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 78 266 Fraud-Credit Card/ATM 6 3 2 9 4 4 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 42 26C Fraud-Impersonation 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 26D Welfare Fraud 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26F Identity Theft 3 5 1 5 3 4 0 2 1 2 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 34 26G Hacking/Computerinvasion 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE " C"U .s�'f Regional Intelligence Group 9 ,�' IBR Count by District 4,:__: Time Period:April 2023 h'lC'i 9 Spokane Valley Districts Unincorporated Districts lBR Offense 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DP FF LAH ML MW RF SPA WAV OTHER TOTAL 270 Embezzlement 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 280 Stolen Property Offense (Receiving,etc.) 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 290 Destruction/Vandalism 18 38 23 24 12 25 12 9 10 10 7 11 11 13 0 12 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 9 250 Total Crimes Against Property 132 112 98 114 46 91 37 39 47 47 41 35 68 42 0 29 0 0 9 15 0 0 0 43 1045 35A Drugs/Narcotics Violation 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 35B Drug Equipment Violation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 370 Pornography/Obscene Material 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 39A Betting/Wagering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39B Gambling-Operating Promoting Assisting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39C Gambling Equipment Violation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO D 0 0 40A Prostitution 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 40B Prostiution-Assisting/Promoting 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40C Purchasing Prostitution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 510 Bribery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 520 Weapon Law Violation 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 720 Animal Cruelty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D Total Crimes Against Society 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 21 09CJustifiable Homicide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90A Bad Checks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90B Curfew/Loitering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90C Disorderly Conduct 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 900 Driving Under Influence 7 5 4 5 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 48 90F Family Offense-NonViolent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90G Liquor Law Violation 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 90H Peeping Tom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90J Trespass of Real Property 9 8 5 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 9 68 90Z All Other Offenses 15 10 9 13 7 6 4 1 0 0 4 4 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 16 98 Total Group 8 Offenses 35 24 18 24 15 11 8 6 4 3 9 7 7 6 0 8 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 34 222 NR Not Reportable 9 9 5 6 6 3 8 3 3 0 2 1 7 1 D 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 80 Total All Offenses 1201 183 152 171 83 134 1 63 56 62 57 59 46 95 59 0 46 0 0 24 20 0 0 0 116 I 1627 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE -cOuNry,s> Regional Intelligence Group 9 I P"I ``h, Burglary - Spokane Valley ' Time Period: April 2023 MG 9 80 I 1 70 60 iik i&---4,,,,‹ 1/rPOPA 50 EEE III\ 1 30 I I I 2021 —*-2022 20 I I —ID—2023 10 I 1 m a cz 2 2, — ti.0 -2 Q E E C fO 0 2 Q ,di Q 7 U LL W 9 0 Vl Z 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January - 51 33 40 53 57 53 February 26 20 56 45 40 56 March 34 37 53 43 64 47 April 36 35 70 41 50 65 May 34 57 69 49 43 - June 29 38 69 44 48 - _ July 44 48 63 54 51 - August 51 57 58 59 67 - September 38 50 67 39 54 - October 48 46 68 38 57 - November 49 41 57 62 63 - December 47 40 63 55 40 - Grand Total 487 502 733 582 634 221 ; P * IBR Offense: Burglary/Breaking& Entering 220 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE , ,COUNt}. Regional Intelligence Group 9 I. i Rape - Spokane Valley a r .._ -ri .-I .d 41 Time Period: April 2023 ' Ik' ' RIG () 16 I I 14 12 10 -4-2018 i 8 i 1 --F•2019 —k--2020 6 fitida 2021 —!—2022 i/. lir \Jo, -1 „Al —6-2023 \le, 1 i tJ �L r' j 41 a7 UJ ) U. v 0 a 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 15 2 2 2 10 5 February 4 3 2 3 2 9 March 8 4 2 5 6 5 April 7 4 - 5 7 6 May 9 2 3 7 2 - June 6 5 4 3 4 - July 5 3 1 4 - -- August 3 5 2 4 4 - September 3 9 4 3 4 - October 1 4 1 - 2 - November 7 2 3 3 7 - December 7 3 5 4 4 - Grand Total 75 46 29 43 52 25 *IBR Offense: Rape-Forcible 11A,Sodomy-Forcible 11B, Sexual Assault with Object 11C Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE �i'C0uNT}:s� Regional Intelligence Group 9 i r, Assault - Spokane Valley in° 41 .„...„. . „, ,,, Time Period: April 2023 I " RIG 9 120 1 . 100 Itikirt. I 80 _ -illikii‘,..\.„.1411 digH\ 0 ot., -"•re p.,, ....it ol,,, .•iiir 16,14 OP* lof,.., —6—2O 18 60 —NI—2019 lir —71r-2020 AO 2021 —X—2022 —!—2023 20 I 1 U K J 2 � LA al al aJ N C 2 co Q - f E 9 E E --O, m B 8 j U 11 ei a+ 0 C] tn 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 83 71 93 71 74 81 February 64 61 96 51 81 62 _ March 101 74 80 65 93 72 April 88 68 95 69 74 91 May 80 87 85 70 65 - June 101 79 104 56 68 - July 113 104 88 80 60 - August 83 95 99 68 81 - _ September 82 72 79 60 80 - October 84 68 80 74 94 - November 78 85 73 54 75 - December 91 79 63 90 66 - Grand Total 1,048 943 1,035 808 , 911 306 * IBR Offense:Aggravated Assault 13A&Simple Assault 136 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ,�.COU 4: Regional Intelligence Group 9 0 , Robbery - Spokane Valley d ' _ 1 Time Period: April 2023 RIG q ' 16 i 14 12 1 10 I 8 —S--�20192018 2020 6 I A�4, A , i 2021 1* Vieilli 4 Al i — -2022 #2023 .4.. Villilb • • • - • • • • 5 77 a V a a w a) jo c g JDE v t O 7 8 LL N O Q 4 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 6 3 8 8 6 8 February 2 8 12 7 4 5 March 5 4 6 5 3 4 April 6 4 8 9 2 8 May. 9 6 3 7 5 - June 3 2 8 3 8 - July _ 7 8 5 5 6 August 6 11 6 6 14 - September 6 8 8 4_ 2 - October 5 7 6 7 5 - Novemmber 3 12 3 4 6 - December 4 10 5 7 11 - Grand Total 62 , 83 78 72 72 25 * IBR Offense: Robbery 120 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOT<ANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ,COUNT . Regional Intelligence Group 9 Motor Vehicle Theft - Spokane Valley o ';'`- 4+ +1. Time Period: April 2023 R1(i``� "LL, 80 70 60 50 —0-2018 40 —M—2019 ` o -r—2020 30 --.41 .11111111" .1111ft.A „„„,„,1 , ,,,A, 2022 "� � '��" CIE—2023 20 —0-2022 10 i i I - • • • • • • • 5 .L a a -, °° D ro -0 < o CIJ CU LL o 0 o CO m z o VI 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 36 35 32 29 39 34_ February 27 22 32 25 35 21 March 27 20 31 25 57 30 - April 26 30 29 24 42 32 May 25 34 29 29 43 - _ June 24 25 33 26 34 - July 40 32 25 24 51 - - August 20 30 27 41 67 - September 27 37 27 40 44 - October 32 25 31 42 51 - November 45 36 29 54 66 - December 32 34 29 55 48 - Grand Total 361 360 354 414 577 117 * IBR Offense: Motor Vehicle Theft 240 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE v,LOUN7�_s�� Regional Intelligence Group 9 Qo ' Theft From Motor Vehicle (Vehicle Prowl) - Spokane Valley B ' 4 ,,,,,, ` , 14) Time Period: April 2023 RIG c) 160 140 120 I ,{_ Al 100 iit I ;. -•-2018 80 I --El—2019 � 60 I 2021 --31(—2022 40 1 #2023 20 I L. 5 — ,j• a> - I. a`a as v ai c.c -0 CO Q a o a u It. 0. d O a v z 0 4/1 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 75 51 65 - 87 78 67 February 33 44 98 106 89 54 March 77 73 58 75 97 68 April 62 122 75 88 74 49 May 70 140 85 77 57 - June 67 84 80 70 73 - July 107 114 77 66 67 - August 88 99 148 118 74 September 85 80 130 128 72 - October 105 97 116 120 83 - November 112 96 90 81 92 - December 71 112 97 85 81 - Grand Total 952 1,112 1,119 1,101 937 238 * IBR Offense:Theft From Motor Vehicle 23F Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4-,covnry, Regional Intelligence Group 9 0" �, 'r Damage/Destruction/Vandalism (MALMS) - Spokane Valley I '-;?+ 1 Q Time Period: April 2023 Ric cl 250 I 200 150 11111114k- `� � �llor 0110400.[ 441111rik,imp �. �r —H 2O 18 —•- 2019 100 -a—2020 , — 2022 I — -2023 50 I I • • • I • • • • ' L u o T a L. 9 a�i CO 0 ? 0 s� 110 `' Q Ei i m E as el Q }ca. a L.L. v o 0 z 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 146 125 113. 132_ 135 165 February 95 67 142 121 133 131 March 121 122 105 104 195 138 April 127 143 157 133 174 140 May 143 161 116 133 150 - June 141 133 154 158 176 - July 142 156 146 133 134 - August 131 144 172 177 165 - September 156 142 190 164 151 October 165 165 174 196 158 - November 155 141 151 141 168 - December 126 175 144 128 136 - Grand Total 1,648 1,674 1,764 1,720 i 1,875 574 IBR Offense: Destruction/Damage/Vandalism 290 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE t,couNrr Regional Intelligence Group 9 y- 71 N. Homicide - Spokane Valley E l- . �+ ` Time Period: April 2023 RIG . 3 i N 2 2 k —0-2018 rr 2019 1 X ) 1 --2020 )f I , 7 2021 —*-2022 IS ! . 1 2023 1 \ I . a I CD CD `m Q E © E E ro Q u w u ii o o a a) z o v) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January - - - - - - February - 1 _ 1 1 1 March - - - 1 - - April - - - 1 - - May - - 1 - 1 - June 1 - - - - - July - - - 1 - - August - - - - 1 - - September - - - 1 - . October - - - 2 _ 1 - November - - - 1 - - December - 1 1 - - Grand Total 1 1 3 9 3 1 - *IBR Offense: Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter 09A Produced:05/09/2023 SPOT<ANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ... r �,COUN1; * .4i _IN Regional Intelligence Group 9 0 ,, Identity Theft - Spokane Valley , 101, {' Time Period: April 2023 I?f G 9 500 4 • 450 400 350 300 —6-2018 250 i —MI—2019 i i —A-2020 200 2021 150 -I-2022 100 ' —III-2023 50 a , - gF �.. +�. .7 ? A N 'at' N i t CU m M LL @- N: s -8 -2 - ru U `� Q � u IJ` o 0 O (/) z 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 19 17 17 12 10 15 February 16 10 17 18 23 12 March 13 13 12 20 14 14 April 22 20 17 23 10 21 May 21 13 442 18 7 - June 17 5 47 12 14 - July 14 12 26 13 14 _ - August 15 8 28 22 13 - September 13 15 16 22 6 - October 21 17 18 16 10 - November 23 12 15 13 14 - December 16 7 17 13 9 - Grand Total 210 149 672 202 144 62 *IBR Offense: Identity Theft 26F Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE KtcouNi„. Regional Intelligence Group 9 ,j"'. I f':%. DUI - Spokane Valley r Time Period: April 2023 k IG "` 45 1 40 1 i 35 , 30o 10, I • ` —H 201$ 25 � �� #4,4 � r► � NII4 � 2019 20 / Fr —A-2020 15 1 l 2021 I iK—2022 10 —1!-2023 5 a -S a v u )` 'id u N CO 1_ ,—0. a _o .Q _a L 2 Y J Ql Li Q Q > CJ O OY .1 Z Q 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 19 32 26 21 29 19 February 18 22 28 24 28 28 March 39 22 8 15 25 27 April 14 27 17 18 23 25 May 32 18 15 21 19 - _ June 23 24 27 30 18 - July 17 25 25 17 23 - August 28 24 21 7 29 - September 37 37 22 19 21 - T October 32 27 27 25 27 - November 28 31 21 19 24 - December 23 19 22 34 20 - Grand Total 310 308 259 250 286 99 * IBR Offense: DUI 90D Produced:05/09/2023 SPOICANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE �cOUtvrF�, Regional Intelligence Group 9 f Drugs - Spokane Valley '` - Time Period: April 2023 70 60 1 i 50 40 —0--2018 `- —A-2020 30 X' 2021 I —X—2022 20 —41—2023 I 10 ~ ea o w i ,p Bu } ar - a) z o v) 2018 _ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 39 51 45 31 - i 7 February 38 40 62 36 4 1 March 58 57 51 4 6 5 April 55 63 36 2 6 4 May 39 39 64 4 6 - June 54 29 51 2 6 - July 55 46 38 - 9 _ - August 38 55 35 3 5 September 33 49 _ 39 1 8 - October 50 47 37 1 2 - November 38 54 42 1 6 - December 47 44 30 6 6 - Grand Total 544 574 530 , 91 64 17 IBR Offense: Drugs/Narcotics Violations 35A and Drug Equipment Violations 35B Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE -couxrp.. Regional Intelligence Group 9 4krlr-j Fraud - Spokane Valley A. A , .. Time Period: April 2023 1 ' PJGq 120 100 1 I I 80 EEE 60 9"4.11—itArt I 'Noe 2021 40 ISIer 1 j I —*-2022 —0—2023 20 i 1 U) > j - a i- co 2 Q Q w ®U CU w U- N 0 0 al c 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 69 64 69 65 55 54 February 46 32 59 57 80 65 March 59 63 50 97 56 80 April 55 58 62 97 56 77 May 67 57 85 63 57 - June 64 50 73 64 49 July 64 65 67 81 58 - August 64 65 70 94 76 - September 49 57 67 79 _ 64 - October 60 75 76 59 65 - November 56 68 62 71 51 - December 60 49 61 66 60 - Grand Total 713 703 801 , 893 727 276 * IBR Offense: Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games 26A, Fraud-Credit Card/ATM 26B, and Fraud- False&Fraud-Impersonation 26C Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE C,()uNTt, Regional Intelligence Group 9 r Forgery - Spokane Valley ri,,'i _ 4 Time Period: April 2023 ._ ',mot °`. 30 1 II 25 I i 20 I —�2018 15 //llikih41ipi I —;�2019 b. ih:\ �—2020 �' ,:e \, A 2021 10 ptilliPliglip )110„,--..lik lir . --0—2023 5 i ' I I I I ,- ?- .Z 2 a`s a 'ai QCD a) t a) � a o a) m z p in 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 18 20 23 13 4 12 February 10 13 12 8 11 12 March 24 17 14 10 9 15 April 21 14 14 10 9 13 May 21 10 10 10 7 - June 15 14 7 6 14 - July 15 10 9 13 9 - August 17 13 10 3 7 - September 14 12 3 14 7 - October 11 14 7 11 11 - November 21 21 9 14 11 - December 13 15 15 8 9 - Grand Total 200 173 133 120 108 52 *IBR Offense:Counterfeiting/Forgery 250 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ,COUN1 Regional Intelligence Group 9 e lei Theft - Spokane Valley ;� .n �' Time Period: April 2023 •` tIG ` 300 250 \'\\\ ._. 7.0. _, '41111111111../Hir 4r 200 2019 --- , N,, 1 150 —El 2018 -- I --2020 2021 100 - —2022 —rp—2023 50 - • • • • • • 0 ti GJ II JD < n j Q W W z Q Ul 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 237 237 239 198 197 203 February 165 188 199 185 198 155 March 209 213 197 193 203 160 April 201 206 180 185 198 176 • May 230 230 152 161 179 - ^ June 224 231 217 185 219 - July 238 236 . 195 156 235 - August 211 256 168 177 233 - _ September 194 233 218 194 192 - October 235 240 204 210 220 - November 198 205 218 201 242 - December 251 231 230 198 190 - Grand Total 2,593 a 2,706 2,417 2,243 2,506 694 * IBR Offense:Theft-Pocket-Picking 23A,Theft-Purse-Snatching 23B,Theft Shoplifting 23C,Theft From Building 23D,Theft From Coin-Operated Machine 23E,Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 23G, and Theft-All Other 23H Produced:05/09/2023 1 coun,7 s''_ Spokane County Sheriff's Office ,;.... r,,,,... �. Response Times by Priority kro a April 2023 Spokane Valley SCSO Unincorporated SCSO All Priority Create To Dispatch Dispatch To Arrive Create To Arrive Create To Dispatch Dispatch To Arrive Create To Arrive Create To Dispatch Dispatch To Arrive Create To Arrive 1 00:03:09 00:03:30 00:06:39 00:01:54 00:07:27 00:09:21 00:02:38 00:05:08 00:07:46 2 00:11:57 00:08:06 00:20:02 00:15;37 00:14:19 00:29:56 00:13:32 00:10:46 00:24:18 3 00:32:59 00:11:30 00;44:29 00:45:52 00:17:24 01:03:16 00:38:20 00:13:58 00:52:18 4 00:36:08 00:15:13 00:51:20 01:01:42 00:09:09 01:10:51 00:47:57 00:12:25 01:00:22 Totals 0:23:17 0:10:02 0:33:19 0:32:04 0:15:35 0:47:39 0:27:01 0:12:23 0:39:24 Spokane Valley- Create to Dispatch Spokane Valley- Dispatch to Arrival by hour grouping by hour grouping 0:30:24 00:36:00 0:43a2 .A 00:28:48 t 0:36:00 t 0:28:48 s 00:21:36 m 0:21:36 o O 00:14:24 0:14:24as = z 00:07:12 _, 0 0:07:12 0:00:00 00:00:00 00:00- 04:00- 08:00- 12:00- 16:00- 20:00- 00:00- 04:00- 08:00- 12:00- 16:00- 20:00- 03:59 07:59 11:59 15:59 19:59 23:59 03:59 07:59 11:59 15:59 19:59 23:59 . ,—.Priority 1 0:01:30 0:01:38 0:00:00 0:02:34 0:00:00 0:04:54 —is—Priority 1 00:04:46. 00:03:29 00:00:00 00:02:30 00:00:00 00:03:25 —.—•Priority2 0:07:03 0:07:30 0:10:32 0:16:09 0:18:05 0:07:23 =---Priority 2 00:06:04 00:07:29 00:08:25 00:08:20 00:09:28 00:07:37 --Priority 3 0:07:25 0:28:40 0:32:21 0:44:16 0:44:33 0:16:50 --Priority 3 00:08:10 00:14:43 00:13:08 00:12:24 00:11:44 00:07:36 +Priority 4 0:00:00 0:32:45 0:33:24 0:46:53 0:39:10 0:15:43 . 40 •Priarity 4 00:00:00 00:02:14 00:30:25 00:06:44 00:08:27 00:02:46 C.COEJ,`"Ty_sFff Spokane County Sheriffs Office �` Response Times by Priority nrG 9 April 2023 SCSO Unincorporated- Create to Dispatch SCSO Unincorporated- Dispatch to Arrival by hour grouping by hour grouping 1:40:48 00:25:55 7, 00.•23.02 1:26:24 90:20:10 • E 1:12:00 E 00:17:17 t D:57:36 .c 00:1424 v O'43'12 00:11:31 0 o 00:08:38 • 0:28:48 • Ii< >.< 0:14:24 • ro " 00:02:53 • m 4 0:00:00 ❑ 00:00:00 00:00- 04:00- 08:00- 12:00- 16:00- 20:00- 00:00- 04:00- 08:00- 12:00- 16:00- 20:00- 03:59 07:59 11:59 15:59 19:59 23:59 03:59 07:59 11:59 15:59 19:59 23:59 +Prioirty 1 0:00:00 0:02:15 0:0D:00 0:01:23 0:01:49 0:02:16 . Priority 1 00:00:00 00:05:47 00:00:00 00:03:41 00:09:21 00:09:02 Priority 2 0:16:30 0:13:44 0:13:73 0:14:09 0:21:09 0:13:30 — Priority 2 00:11:27 00:14:23 00:13:57 00:15:24 00:14:47 00:14:15 . IIfro-Priority 3 0:14:56 0:41:20 0:57:34 0:50:43 0:53:29 0:17:31 Priority 3 00:13:20 00:13:52 00:22:19 00:17:58 00:16:04 00:12:18 —I—Priority 4 0:00:00 0:06:56 1:02:14 1:35:48 0:51:04 0:41:12 —so—Priority 4 00:00:00 00:04:11 00:11:46 00:11:18 00:05:56 00:05:13 SCSO All - Create to Dispatch SCSO All - Dispatch to Arrival by hour grouping by hour grouping 1:26:24 00:25:55 ,7 ^ 00:23:02 1:1Z:D0 E i 90:29:10 E 0:57:35 00:17:17 00:14:24 r 0:43:12 00:11:31 s _y - g 0:28:48 00:08:38 OO:D5:46 � � rci 0:14:24 __— -= 00:02:53 O O:aO:aa 00:00:00 00:00- 04:00- 08:00- 12:00- 16:00- 20:00- 00:00- 04:0D- 08:00- 12:00- 16:00- 20:00- 03:59 07:59 11:59 15:59 19:59 23:59 03:59 07:59 11:59 15:59 19:59 23:59 Priority 1 0:01:30 0:01:50 0:00:00 0:01:58 0:01:49 0:04:15 •-41, Priority 1 00:04:46 00:04:15 00:00:00 00:03:06 00:09:21 00:04:49 Priority 2 0:10:20 0:09:40 0:11:51 0:15:17 0:19:26 0:10:14 --t'—Prioirty 2 00:07:56 OD:09:53 00:10:58 00:11:24 00:11:48 00:10:43 —111.•Priority 3 0:09:52 0:33:07 0:44:29 0:47:12 0:47:59 0:17:05 •-•—Prioirty 3 00:09:51 00:14:25 00:17:33 00:14:56 00:13:24 00:09:23 tPrioirty 4 0:00:00 0:22:00 0:45:58 1:09:36 0:46:04 0:25:16 —Prioirty 4 00:00:00 00:03:03 00:22:17 00:08:51 00:06:59 00:03:41 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ,wcouN��1. c Regional Intelligence Group 9 p, "ri Call Activity Heat Maps - Spokane Valley r° April 2023 • ,�,," Citizen Calls by Day of Week and Hour 2!G E) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total 0 31 13 12 17 8 13 22 116 1 21 7 13 9 9 7 11 77 2 10 8 5 5 8 8 15 59 3 16 7 12 4 11 8 11 69 4 12 8 6 9 10 7 10 62 5 10 8 7 9 12 3 15 64 6 9 16 11 18 19 13 16 102 7 12 30 17 28 24 17 21 149 8 17 29 29 36 21 28 25 185 9 30 36 37 25 26 29 28 211 10 38 27 27 35 23 32 48 230 11 I 54 I 30 33 35 39 26 44 261 12 42 28 32 34 32 38 35 241 13 50 40 32 38 34 45 27 266 14 40 31 31 33 31 41 38 245 15 1 47 32 39 28 38 33 48 265 16 38 32 35 42 45 36 54 282 17 34 39 29 43 35 42 41 i 263 18 35 30 35 43 30 41 50 I 264 19 41 33 44 35 37 34 43 267 20 35 21 25 38 27 46 41 233 21 30 26 24 28 22 36 37 203 22 18 19 16 18 23 18 47 159 23 17 12 18 15 14 15 26 117 Total 687 562 569 625 578 616 753 4390 Total Deputy Involved Incidents by Day of Week and Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total 0 31 12 15 21 18 13 20 130 1 21 10 14 18 12 4 15 94 2 15 8 6 9 7 5 16 66 3 15 6 12 10 6 7 11 67 4 13 6 9 12 11 4 9 64 5 9 7 9 8 8 5 13 59 6 14 15 22 28 27 18 23 147 7 11 21 33 42 43 I 18 25 193 8 23 27 41 37 30 27 37 222 9 18 32 29 36 19 29 26 189 10 23 18 27 39 30 25 46 I 208 11 33 30 40 35 32 25 39 234 12 26 22 34 35 46 34 28 225 13 29 26 31 37 29 27 29 208 14 27 25 34 28 26 18 31 189 15 29 27 25 18 32 28 35 194 16 27 24 23 21 26 26 37 184 17 19 20 22 21 18 25 30 155 18 22 20 22 33 20 31 26 174 19 27 32 33 24 28 22 30 196 20 33 20 30 35 23 37 34 212 21 27 27 31 26 25 30 33 199 22 17 22 21 24 27 19 39 169 23 21 12 24 16 22 23 27 145 Total 530 469 587 613 565 500 659 3923 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE �CsL0UNT}- sfO Regional Intelligence Group 9 0'* ril Citizen Call For Service (CFS) - Spokane Valley Time Period: April 2023 Rio ' 6,000 5,000 _ 4,000 ' _ i ^ I -6-2018 3,000 I -ill-2019 --A-2020 l 2021 2,000 1-2022 I ! -11-2023 1,000 m 2 ' Q 2 � °_° E o E E ro N Q a 0 > Cl) LL d O QJ N Z p vi 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 3,405 3,351 3,521 3,680 3,792 3,917 February 2,862 3,170 3,638 3,342 3,652 3,681 March 3,597 3,711 3,504 4,052 4,475 4,276 April 3,460 3,839 3,405 4,078 4,072 4,390 May 4,331 4,516 3,941 4,415 4,382 June 4,006 4,349 4,153 4,810 4,463 July 4,467 4,976 4,570 4,993 4,880 1 August 4,286 4,680 4,319 4,583 4,840 September 4,048 4,318 4,259 4,397 4,504 October 3,927 4,072 3,909 4,471 4,408 November 3,582 3,646 3,392 3,966 3,874 December 3,530 3,668 3,678 4,252 3,850 Grand Total 45,501 48,296 46,289 51,039 I 51,192 16,264 *excludes calls handled by Crime Check only Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE coun'rl. Regional Intelligence Group 9 Citizen CFS With Deputy Response Spokane Valley Time Period: April 2023 RIG n 3,500 :::: 2,000 � -0-2018 I -IF-2019 1,500 -A-2020 2021 1,000 -2022 -4-2023 500 Mz u 2 A - g 41 `` -Wa v Q 41 z 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 2,208 2,190 2,319 2,295 2,181 2,294 February 1,865 2,011 2,364 2,073 2,125 2,103 March 2,375 2,386 2,321 2,399 2,663 2,476 April 2,230 2,418 2,417 2,475 2,318 2,487 May 2,731 2,851 2,650 2,605 2,528 June 2,516 2,654 2,677 2,712 2,463 July 2,685 2,983 2,660 2,544 2,530 August 2,639 2,852 2,708 2,528 2,741 September 2,555 2,725 2,524 2,312 2,666 October 2,510 2,547 2,462 2,453 2,508 November 2,350 2,416 2,170 2,221 2,272 December 2,314 2,402 2,301 2,326 2,224 Grand Total 28,978 30,435 29,573 28,943 29,219 9,360 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4,c0U s,. Regional Intelligence Group 9 0 ,. ,tI_ Citizen CFS Without Deputy Response - Spokane Valley �' I .0, Time Period: April 2023 k1G 3,000 1 II 1 I 2,500 I I 2,000 / .: +2017 mu, -Hi-2018 1,500 ` '�; -.A-2019 qiiii. 1,000 �°2020 I l I -X-2021 -0-2022 500 • • • • • • • c -,c3 air ai ai --, 0 +' 0 > O 0z a 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 1,197 1,161 1,202 1,385 1,611 1,623 February 997 1,159 1,274 1,269 1,527 1,578 March 1,222 1,325 1,183 1,653 1,812 1,800 April 1,230 1,421 988 1,603 1,754 1,903 May 1,600 1,665 1,291 1,810 1,854 June 1,490 1,695 1,476 2,098 2,000 July 1,782 1,993 1,910 2,449 2,350^ August 1,647 1,828 1,611 2,055 2,099 September 1,493 1,593 1,735 2,085 1,838 October 1,417 1,525 1,447 2,018 1,900 November 1,232 1,230 1,222 1,745 1,602 December 1,216 1,266 1,377 1,926 1,626 Grand Total 16,523 17,861 16,716 22,096 21,973 6,904 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE �ccuN74. Regional Intelligence Group 9 - r Deputy Initiated Incidents - Spokane Valley i ` i_. Time Period: April 2023 RIG h. 2,500 1 l 2,000 I A I '' '' . ler --444h.,.,- 1,500 ' ■ �■ 2018 -II-2019 --- 4‘. -4.,i 0 0- 1 -2020 1,000 ,. 2021 CIE-2022 500 -ID-2023 Q1 ¢ . 0 > U u_ o a)inz 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 1,694 2,024 1,601 ' 1,114 848 1,616 February 1,481 1,608 1,518 983 771 1,472 _March 2,063 1,614 1,166 1,000 1,252 1,879 April 1,683 1,650 1,172 997 967 1,436 May _ 1,789 1,157 1,567 1,003 1,207 June 1,699 1,724 1,070 1,155 1,068 July 1,793 1,600 1,036 767 1,197 August 1,637 1,565 1,130 567 1,239 September 1,773 1,779 1,285 725 1,160 October 1,595 1,472 1,239 813 1,132 November 1,841 1,487 1,164 1,102 1,177 December 1,661 1,436 1,208 907 917 Grand Total 20,709 19,116 15,156 11,133 12,985 6,403 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ,cOUNri. Regional Intelligence Group 9 - � Total Deputy Involved Incidents - Spokane Valley s Time Period: April 2023 RICi 5,000 i I l 4,500 I \ l �� 11"1"11%. ` 4,000 111110..ivrAl ���� 3,500 , Npf 1 �,5, 3,000 i -4-2018 019 2,500 -II-- -2 2,000 1 -A.-2020 2021 1,500 1I EE -IF 2022 1,000 -ID-2023 500 L.' 5 . " tA a, a m a, Q w 4 N 0 Q v Q cU V LL a O 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 3,902 4,214 3,920 3,409 3,029 3,910 February 3,346 3,619 3,882 3,056 2,896 3,575 March 4,438 4,000 3,487 3,399 3,915 4,355 April 3,913 4,068 3,589 3,472 3,285 3,923 May 4,520 4,008 4,217 3,608 3,735 June 4,215 4,378 3,747 3,867 3,531 July 4,478 4,583 3,696 3,311 3,727 August 4,276 4,417 3,838 3,095 3,980 September 4,328 4,504 3,809 3,037 3,826 October 4,105 4,019 3,701 3,266 3,640 November 4,191 3,903 3,334 3,323 3,449 - December 3,975 3,838 3,509 3,233 3,141 Grand Total 49,687 49,551 44,729 40,076 42,154 15,763 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4;,cou` Regional Intelligence Group 9 % Crime Check Call For Service (CFS) - Spokane Valley �- ei Time Period: April 2023 !Z[G 9 1,200 I 1,000A ,, I 800 , AA!lirji 0 P k-.willilli d pp i w -41111,4 4 to," .0•0° —40-2018 600 � f 2019 MI Nor . •jr—2020 I 400 I 2021 —XF 2022 --0—2023 200 I 1 i L-. +L� t L. L f-. F- QI L. E 57 C m D Q� >CO PO m a M NIE Q E E v Q 0 > u ,i w o ar z c 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 662 631 627 622 352 580 February 488 504 689 659 458 556 March 659 651 690 760 529 656 April 602 703 684 739 477 659 May 697 763 1,113 767 509 June 703 630 793 736 502 July 727 717 782 723 523 August 673 731 837 728 563 September 626 655 812 656 551 October 713 747 735 603 658 November 661 615 643 500 609 December 609 683 668 480 483 Grand Total 7,820 8,030 9,073 7,973 6,214 2,451 Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE :c.coUNrj- Regional Intelligence Group 9 .r Ticket Counts 55 5 "6_ t, Date Range: April 2023 • i'i' Spokane Valley Districts Unincorporated Districts All Districts Ticket Type Ticket Count Charges Count Ticket Count Charges Count Ticket Count Charges Count Criminal Non Traffic 94 105 45 48 139 153 Criminal Traffic 33 39 43 49 76 88 Infraction Non Traffic 1 3 1 1 2 4 Infraction Traffic 313 349 129 160 442 509 Parking I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals: 441 496 218 258 659 754 Deer Park Medical Lake Millwood Ticket Type Ticket Count Charges Count Ticket Count Charges Count Ticket Count Charges Count Criminal Non Traffic 4 5 1 2 2 2 Criminal Traffic 2 4 0 0 0 0 Infraction Non Traffic 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infraction Traffic 2 2 10 11 1 1 Parking 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals: 8 11 I 11 13 I 3 3 Produced: 05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CouNT,,$) r•� Regional Intelligence Group 9 pis Ticket Charge Details - Spokane Valley 's•%. Date Range: April 2023 f?fG c Y� Charge Count (blank) 5 46.12.650.7: FAIL TO TRANSFER TITLE W/I 45 DAYS 2 46.16A.030.2: OPER VEH W/O CRNT/PRPR REG &PLATE 1 46.16A.030.5.L; FL RENEW EXPIRED REG<2 MTHS 1 46.16A.030.5.0: FL RENEW EXPIRED REG>2 MTHS 24 46,16A.180.1: FAIL TO SIGN/CARRY/DISPLAY VEH REG 3 46,16A.200.7A: DISPLAY PLATE NOT ISSUED BY DOL 1 46.16A,200,7C: ALTER MAI<E PLATE ILLEGIBLE/OBSCURED 1 46,16A,320,6: TRIP PERMIT VIOLATION 1 46,20.005: DRIVING WITHOUT A LICENSE 4 46.20.015: DRIVING MOTOR VEHICLE WITH AN EXPIRED LICENSE WITH VALID IDENTIFICATION 10 46.20.342.1A: DWLS 1ST DEGREE 1 46.20.342.1B: DWLS 2ND DEGREE 1 46.20.342.1C: DWLS 3RD DEGREE 1 46.24,500: CYCLE(OPERATE W/O ENDORSEMENT) 1 46.20,740: MV IGNITION INTERLOCK DRIVE VEH WO 1 46.30.020: OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE WITHOUT INSURANCE 29 46.37.040: LAMPS, HEADLAMPS REQ 1 46,37.070,1: TWO OR MORE STOP LAMPS REQUIRED 1 REAR CTR HI-MOUNTED STOP LAMP REQ 1 46.37.150: LAMPS, LIGHTING VIO COLOR-LOCATION, PARK-STOP 1 46.37.390.1.1; DEFECTIVE EXHAUST 1ST OFFENSE 1 46.37.410.2: MATERIAL,SIGN, POSTER COVERING WINDOWS 1 46.37.430: WINDOWS, ILLEGAL GLAZED-TINTED 1 46.52.020; OLD CODE:VEH(HIT/RUN PERSON AT 5 46.61.021; FAIL TO OBEY POLICE 1 46.61.050: DISREGARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SIGN 5 46.61.055,4: FAIL TO STOP AT SIGNAL MARK 4 46.61.055: FAIL TO OBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL LEGEND 5 46.61.135: VEH DRIVE AGAINST ONE WAY 1 46.61.140: IMPROPER LANE USAGE 2 FOLLOW VEHICLE TOO CLOSELY 1 46.61,180.1: FAIL TO YIELD TO VEHICLE APPROACHING INTERSECTION 2 FAIL YIELD LEFT TURN MOTOR VEHICLE 4 46.61,190,2: FAIL STOP AT STOP SIGN/INTERSECTION 2 46,61.190.3: FAIL YIELD AT YIELD SIGN/INTERSECTION 1 46,61.200: FAIL TO STOP AT INTERSECTION/STOP SIGN 3 46.61.210: FAIL TO YIELD TO EMERGCY VEHICLE 1 FAIL TO YIELD STATIONARY EMERG VEH 1 46.61.290: TURN, PROHIBIT-IMPROPER 1 46.61.305.1: SIGNALS REQUIRED-SAFETY 2 46.61,365: FAIL TO YIELD FROM DRIVEWAY-ALLEY 1 46.61.400.05U: SPEEDS OVER(40 OR UNDER) 33 46.61.400.10U: SPEED 10 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 10 46.61.400.11U: SPEED 11 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46.61.400.12U: SPEED 12 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 4 46.61.400.13U: SPEED 13 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 9 46.61,400.14: SPEED 14 OVER(OVER 40) 1 46.61.400.14U: SPEED 14 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 12 46.61.400.15: SPEED 15 OVER(OVER 40) 1 46.61.400.15U: SPEED 15 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 27 46.61.400.16U: SPEED 16 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 8 Produced:5/9/2023 SPOT<ANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Regional Intelligence Group 9 0 r `� Ticket Charge Details - Spokane Valley r.,. 3 ) Date Range: April 2023 7�lG 9 Charge Count 46.61.400.17: SPEED 17 OVER(OVER 40) 1 46.61.400.17U: SPEED 17 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 7 46.61.400,18U: SPEED 18 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 7 46.61,400.19U: SPEED 19 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 5 46.61.400.20: SPEED 20 OVER(OVER 40) 1 46.61.400.20U: SPEED 20 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 6 46.61.400.21U: SPEED 21 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46,61.400.22U: SPEED 22 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 5 46,61.400.23U: SPEED 23 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46.61.400.24U: SPEED 24 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 2 46.61.400.25U: SPEED 25 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 2 46.61.400.26U: SPEED 26 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46.61.400.30U: SPEED 30 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46.61,400,32U: SPEED 32 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46.61,400,35: SPEED 35 OVER(OVER 40) 1 46.61.400.35U: SPEED 35 OVER(40 OR UNDER) 1 46.61.440.01-05: SCHOOL/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK SPEED 1-5 MPH OVER 6 46.61.440.11-15: SCHOOL/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK SPEED 11-15 MPH OVER 3 46.61.440.16-20: SCHOOL/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK SPEED 16-20 MPH OVER 12 46.61.500: RECKLESS DRIVING 1 46.61.502: OLD CODE:VEH(DWUIL/DRUG)NEW 15 46.61.504: OLD CODE:VEH(PHY/UNIL/DRUG)NEW 6 46.61.525: NEGLIGENT DRIVING 2 DEGREE 1 46.61.670: VEH DRIVE WITH WHEELS OFF ROADWAY 3 46,61.672.1: PER ELECTRONIC DEVICE WHILE DRIVING 51 46.61.672.4: PER ELECTRONIC DEV DRIVE 2ND/SUBSEA 2 46.61,688: FAIL TO WEAR SAFETY BELT 6 46.61,745: CANNABIS IN MOTOR VEHICLE VIOLATION 2 7.105.450.1: PROTECTION ORDER VIOLATION 8 CARRY CONCEALED PISTOL W/OUT PERMIT 2 9.41.250: WEAPONS VIO, POSS DANGEROUS WEAPON [POSSESS] 2 9A.36.041.2: ASSAULT 4TH DEGREE 39 9A.46.020.1: HARASSMENT 2 9A.48,090: MALICIOUS MISCHIEF-3 12 9A.52.070.1: CRIMINAL TRESPASS FIRST DEGREE 3 9A.52.070: TRESPASS 1 5 9A.52,080: TRESPASS 2 5 9A.52,100.1: VEHICLE PROWLING 2ND DEGREE 1 9A.56.050: OLD CODE:THEFT-3D 13 9A.76.020: OBSTRUCT LE OFF 4 9A.76.040: OBSTRUCT GOUT-RESISTING ARREST 4 9A.76.175: OBSTRUCT GOVT-MAKING FALSE OR MISLEADING STATEMENT TO PUBLIC SERVANT 3 9A.84.030: DISORDERLY CONDUCT 1 9A.88,010,2A.SM: INDECENT EXPOSURE-SEXUAL MOTIVATION 1 C-05.04.070(1): DOG AT LARGE 2 C-05.04.070(10): DOG UNSPAYED UNNEUTERED AT LARGE 1 Grand Total 501 Produced:5/9/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE oCOUN;rj. Regional Intelligence Group 9 Q Criminal Ticket Counts - Spokane Valley ri;I .'r' Time Period: April 2023 q " RIG ' 250 ::: Apvvivi \eirm4IMIØINV il,'4k � ~ - 2019 —A-2020 100 I •-_, 2021 —)I 2022 50 I I -2023 F •E > c -' cLu m` m v 3 3 CD d E o E E D . < a; u v m ti a a W m z 0 Gn 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 175 207 173 124 127 163 February 130 _ 174 185 128 109 141 March 196 173 140 117 155 144 April 149 171 153 123 136 127 May 175 131 154 126 123 June 179 186 171 125 132 July 184 172 129 108 152 August 147 168 152 88 177_ September 169 174 162 109 129 October 178 176 175 112 139 November 157 169 130 115 138 December 188 168 132 116 114 Grand Total 2,027 2,069 1,856 1,391 1,631 575 *Ticket type of Criminal Non Traffic& Criminal Traffic Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4s,courrr},s Regional Intelligence Group 9 1 7 ' Non - Criminal Ticket Counts - Spokane Valley A , Time Period: April 2023 RIG q 600 500 400 ' / —2018 300 •-e-2019 , 011111111P \ ' I l zaza zoo , IIIIIPP AIP 4 4. 's h '�� -X-202z —0-2023 100 L a- U �L i � � Vl 'co (ll QI Q7 co co L Q n _o _o sa .n 2 sa 2 q a) u a u a LL 0 O o N a) z 0 v) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 367 357 199 195 193 544 February 339 261 269 172 156 465 March 472 226 133 166 253 539 April 221 - 299 111 198 201 314 May 386 130 164 212 408 June 490 421 128 353 224 July 504 359 217 285 187 August 257 297 204 132 212 September 480 306 199 _ 179 250 October 387 273 139 216 236 - November 366 253 195 295 364 December 254 253 238 157 202 Grand Total 4,523 3,435 2,196 2,560 2,886 1,862 *Ticket Type of Infraction Non Traffic&infraction Traffic Produced:05/09/2023 SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE �c0UNpl, Regional Intelligence Group 9 � All Ticket Counts - Spokane Valley ' f d°° £ �, Time Period: April 2023 t»ii ^` RIG 9 800 700 i 600 I 1 E 111111144h-`N , '�'` � ' ,: 2021 —)1( -2022 200 f 2023 100 L' is u .'- ra ? ') v U) a) Cl)` ( L @ 4 n za A ro 2' v u m a +, p u LL N O QJ ,) z o 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 January 542 564 372 319 320 707 February 469 435 454 300 265 606 March 668 399 273 283 408 683 April 370 470 264 321 337 441 May 561 261 318 338 531 June 669 607 299 478 356 July 688 531 346 393 339 August 404 465 356 220 389 September 649 480 361 288 379 October 565 449 314 328 375 November 523 422 325 410 502 December 442 421 370 273 316 Grand Total 6,550 5,504 4,052 3,951 4,517 2,437 *Aii ticket types except parking Produced:05/09/2023