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2023, 06-06 Study Session
AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday,June 6,2023 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at CenterPlace Regional Event Center Great Room 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in- person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as"public comment opportunity." If making a comment via Zoom,comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. • Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting • Join the Zoom WEB Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion.Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil.Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person.To comment via zoom:use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions.To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required.A sign-in sheet will be provided at the meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consent Agenda: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Ajienda. a.Approval of Claim Vouchers on June 6,2023,Request for Council Action Form: $7,445,156.32 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 31,2023: $742,020.57 c.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of May 16,2023 2.Motion Consideration:Barker at UPRR Crossing PH 2 Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller [public comment opportunity] 3.Motion Consideration:Amended Federal Legislative Agenda; SRTC Unified List —Adam Jackson [public comment opportunity] NON-ACTION ITEMS: 4.Aging&Long Term Care of Eastern Washington—Executive Director Lynn Kimball 5. Tourism Promotion Area/Spokane Sports—Mike Basinger 6.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURN Council Agenda June 6,2023 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 6,2023 Department Director Approval: �I Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 05/22/2023 60201-60233 888,203.79 05/23/2023 60234-60257,wires 20509466,20583585, 20583684 4,359,851.71 05/23/2023 Wire 20583874 2,165,556.00 05/25/2023 _ 60258-60293 31,544.82 GRAND TOTAL: $7,445,156.32 Ex I lanation of Fund and Pro'ect Numbers found on Voucher Lists 11001-General Fund General Gov't-Social Services 001.011.000, City Council 001,090,000.594. General Gov't-Capital Outlay 001.013,000, City Manager General Gov't-Roads/Streets Capital 001.013,015. Legal 00I.016.000. Public Safety Other Funds: 001.016.016. Precinct Shared Expenses 101 —Street Fund 001.018.013, Deputy City Manager 103—Paths&Trails 001.018.014. Finance 104—Tourism Facilities 001.018.016 Human Resources 105—Hotel/Motel Tax 001.018.017. Information Technology 106—Solid Waste 001.033.000. Facilities Administration 107—PEG Fund 001.033.033. Facilities—City Hall 108—Affordable& Supplemental Housing Sales Tax 001.033.034. Facilities—Other 120—CenterPlace Operating Reserve 001.040.000. Community/Public Works-Administration 121 —Service Level Stabilization Reserve 001.040.041. Engineering 122—Winter Weather Reserve Economic Development 204—Debt Service Housing/Homeless Services 30I—REET 1 CapitaI Projects 001.040.043. Building 302—REET 2 CapitaI Projects 001.040.044. Planning 303—Street Capital Projects 001.076.000. Parks&Rec—Administration 309—Parks Capital Grants 001.076.300. Parks&Rec-Maintenance 310—Civic Bldg. Capital Projects 001.076.301. Parks&Rec-Recreation 31 I —Pavement Preservation 001.076.302. Parks&Rec-Aquatics 312—Capital Reserve 001.076.304. Parks&Rec- Senior Center 314—Railroad Grade Separation Projects 001.076.305. Parks&Rec-CenterPlace 315—Transportation Impact Fees General Gov't-Council related 316—Economic Development Capital Projects General Gov't-Finance related 402—Stormwater Management General Gov't-Employee supply 403—Aquifer Protection Area General Gov't-Centralized Serv. 501—Equipment Rental&Replacement General Gov't-Other Services 502—Risk Management General Gov't-Natural&Eco. 632—Passthrough Fees&Taxes Project Numbers: 321 -Argonne Corridor Improvements-North of Knox 143 -Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 322-City Hall Repairs 205-Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 323 -Evergreen Road Preservation Project 223 -Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF&Trent 326-2020 Citywide Reflective Post Panels 249-Sullivan& Wellesley Intersection Improv 327-Sprague Avenue Stormwater 273 -Barker/I-90 Interchange 328 -Sullivan Park Waterline 275-Barker Rd Widening-River to Euclid 329-Barker Road Imp-City Limits to Appleway 285-Indiana Ave Pres-Evergreen to Sullivan 330-WTSC 2021 School Zone Beacons 286-Broadway Preservation: Havana to Fancher 331 -COVID-19 Relief Funds 293 -2018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 332-NE Industrial Area-Sewer Extension 294-Citywide Reflective Post Panels 333 -Evergreen Rd Pres Broadway to Mission 299-Argonne Rd Concrete Pavement Indiana to Mont. 334- Sprague Ave Preservation 300-Pines&Mission Intersection Improvement 335 -Mission Ave over Evergreen Rd Deck Repair 308-Regional Decant Facility Canopy 338 -Loop Trail.Project 309 -Local Access Streets:Barker Homes 339-2022 Local Access Streets: Summerfield E 311 -Sullivan Rd.ISR 290 Interchange Project 340- 8th Ave Sidewalk(Coleman to Park) 313 -Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing 34I -Broadway Preservation-Faucher to Park 314-Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 342-2022 School Zone Flashing Beacons 315-Brown's Park 2020 Improvements 343 -Buckeye Avenue Sewer Extension 316-Balfour Park Improvements-Phase 1 344-Park Rd Sidewalk-Broadway to Cataldo 317-Appleway Stormwater Improvements 345 -Park Rd Sidewalk-Nora to Baldwin 318 -Wilbur Sidewalk: Boone to Mission 346-Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd 320-Sullivan Preservation: Sprague-8th 347-Broadway and Park Intersection RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05122/2023 1:32:00PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60201 5122/2023 000958 AAA SWEEPING LLC 75998 HYDRO-EXCAVATION 745.97 76005 HYDRO-EXCAVATION 556.48 76012 402.402.000.531 STREET SWEEPING APRIL 2023 67,940.60 Total: 69,243.05 60202 5/22/2023 001107 ADVANCED TRAFFIC PRODUCTS 0000035386 BALANCE ADDITIONAL SALES TAX 4.73 Total: 4.73 60203 5/22/2023 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14RN-FW9C-31 LF VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 266.79 Total: 266.79 60204 5/22/2023 009087 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY LLC 365693 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476,09 365891 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 366030 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 1,738.04 366032 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 49.16 366229 CRAFCO MASTIC PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 366770 CRAFCO MASTIC-PLEXIMELT 1,738.04 366832 EQUIPMENT RENTAL:STREET 5,445.00 366855 CRAFCO MASTIC-PLEXIMELT 3,476.09 366856 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 24.58 366932 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 57.96 367044 101.042.000,542 CRAFCO MASTIC-PLEXIMELT 1,738.04 367052 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 1,128.25 Total: 25,823.43 60205 5/22/2023 000030 AVISTA APRIL2023 UTILITIES:CPW MASTERAVISTAAPRII 27,632.58 APRIL 2023 001.076.302.576 UTILITIES:PARKS AVISTAAPRIL2023 9,868,13 Total: 37,500.71 60206 5/22/2023 000030 AVISTA CIP 0313 , 303.000.313.595 GEN SVC AGMT 508321CONT 23-102 5,919.84 Total: 5,919.84 60207 5/22/2023 001122 CAMERON-REILLY LLC PAYAPP 2 309.000.316.594 0316-BALFOUR PARK 550,995.62 Total: 550,995.62 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/22/2023 1:32:00PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept. DescriptionlAccount Amount 60208 5/22/2023 008572 CDA METALS 21234552 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT_SUPPLIES 591.07 Total: 591.07 60209 5/22/2023 000101 COW-GOVERNMENT INC JF43715 2023 CRADLEPOINT RENEWAL 231.96 Total: 231.96 60210 5/22/2023 007927 CLARK,JERREMY EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 250.00 Total: 250.00 60211 5/22/2023 009366 CLARK,KEITH PARCEL45183.9056 303.000.347.595 CIP 0347:ROW ACQUISITION 38,518.00 Total: 38,518.00 60212 5/22/2023 007637 COMMONSTREET CONSULTING LLC 2303017 303.000.313.595 0275/0313-RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES 445.68 Total: 445.68 60213 5/22/2023 007240 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS 78967143 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL 238.00 Total: 238.00 60214 5/22/2023 004163 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL GIST 8190-1114541 LED STREET LIGHTS 2,422.43 Total: 2,422.43 60215 5/22/2023 001770 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO S011361841.001 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 56.18 S011362634.001 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 91.75 S011372110.001 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 51.32 Total: 199.25 60216 5/22/2023 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB30417068 REIMBURSE ROADWAY MAINT/SNOW/ 23.05328 Total: 23,053.28 60217 5/22/2023 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE 46 JG6453 L024 314.000.223.595 0223 PINES RD AGREEMENT JG-6453 3,622.54 Total: 3,622.54 60218 5/22/2023 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 22423 HYDRANT DAMAGE 2,389.53 Total: 2,389,53 60219 5/22/2023 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 677855 311.000.341.595 ADVERTISING 83.72 Total: 83.72 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 06/22/2023 1:32:00PNI Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60220 5/22/2023 002975 FREEDOM SALES AND SUPPLY LLC 2023264 501.000.000.548 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 452.72 Total: 462.72 60221 5/2212023 000007 GRAINGER 9694082224 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 35,49 9703984527 SMALLTOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 113.30 Total: 148.79 60222 5/22/2023 000917 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 9331623184 FIBER&MATERIALS TO CONNECT SIC 10,591.10 9331807586 FIBER&MATERIALS TO CONNECT SIC 2,374.22 Total: 12,965.32 60223 5/22/2023 009108 GREAT WEST ENGINEERING INC 29078 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,521.80 Total: 6,521.80 60224 5/22/2023 002684 HINSHAW,CART EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 47.09 Total: 47.09 60225 5/22/2023 009086 INTELLITIME SYSTEMS CORP 23-3139P SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION 4,780.00 Total: 4,780.00 60226 5/22/2023 006579 JACKSON,ADAM EXPENSES 402.402.000.531 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 115.75 Total: 115.75 60227 5/22/2023 007881 LIVELYS FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERV 1028 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE:SNOW 1,036.13 1043 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE:PRECI 206.86 Total: 1,242.99 60228 5/22/2023 009260 MISTER CAR WASH 210843 001,040,043.558 CAR WASH SERVICES:APRIL2023 110.50 Total: 110.50 60229 5/22/2023 009001 MOBILE PRO SYSTEMS 3-1217-2201 MPS 3400 TRAILER SYSTEM 78,843.54 Total: 78,843.54 60230 5/22/2023 007829 MOJO PRINT SOLUTIONS 12400 WSDOT SPEC BOOKS 400.75 Total: 400.75 60231 5/22/2023 007280 PATTERSON,MARCI EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 111.41 Page: 3 vehlist Voucher List Page: 4 05/22/2023 1:32:00PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60231 5/22/2023 007280 007280 PATTERSON,MARCI (Continued) Total: 111.41 60232 5/22/2023 003938 ROB'S DEMOLITION INC RETAINAGE RELEASE RETAINAGE REIMBURSEMENT 4,177.50 Total: 4,177.50 60233 5/22/2023 009331 TURNER&TOWNSEND HEERY LLC P.AN0035591 001.000.322.518 0322 CITY HALL REPAIRS 16,476.00 Total: 16,476.00 33 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 888,203.79 33 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 888,203.79 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date or designee Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/2312023 1:58:09PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept _ Description/Account Amount 60234 5/23/2023 003090 NORTH 40 OUTFITTERS 111064/3 OPERATING SUPPLIES 99.07 Total: 99.07 60235 5/23/2023 004621 OREILLYAUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 2862-257153 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 218.93 2862-257359 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 125.80 2862-257401 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 14.15 2862-257652 101.042.000,542 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 54.43 2862-257987 001.090.000,518 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 11.22 2862-258937 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES 80.60 2862-258940 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 25.48 2862-258989 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 19.44 2862-259589 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 74.93 2862-259805 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 187.21 2862-260572 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES 114.33 Total: 926.52 60236 5/23/2023 005049 PEDERSON,MICHAEL ROY APRIL 2023 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL 1,350.00 Total: 1,350.00 60237 5/23/2023 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3W27688 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES:PRECINC 177.33 3X59408 101.042.000,543 REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES 192.59 3X65624 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 46.40 Total: 416.32 60238 5/23/2023 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING INC. 47172 STREET&STORMWATER MAINTENAN 80,373.65 47173 STREET&STORMWATER MAINTENAN 297,175.62 47174 STREET&STORMWATER MAINTENAN 10,685.18 47175 STREET&STORMWATER MAINTENAN 20,798.15 47176 STREET&STORMWATER MAINTENAN 2,204.83 47177 402.402.000.531 STREET&STORMWATER MAINTENAN 134,095.81 Total: 495,333.24 60239 5/23/2023 009104 REVIVAL GENERAL CONTRACTING C. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICE 17,500.50 Total: 17,500.50 50240 5/23/2023 008728 ROBERT HALF 61832471 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE:M.LLOYD-O 2,684.00 Page: '1k. vch list Voucher List Page: 2 05123/2023 1:58:09PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 60240 5/23/2023 008728 ROBERT HALF (Continued) 61868438 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE:M.LLOYD-O 2,684.00 61901023 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE:M.LLOYD-O 2,684.00 61947199 001,018,014.514 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE:M.LLOYD-O 2,684.00 61969228 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE:M.LLOYD-C 2,684.00 62004789 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE:M.LLOYD-0 2,147.20 Total: 15,567.20 60241 5/2312023 002520 RWC GROUP XA106054194:01 DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE RENEWAL:.5 786.58 Total: 786.58 60242 5123/2023 005503 SALT DISTRIBUTORS INC. 5401 BLUE SALT 98,086.38 Total: 98,086.38 60243 5/2312023 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 13905018 402.402.000.531 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 7,468.00 Total: 7,468,00 60244 5/23/2023 006822 SNAP-ON INC ARV/57261707 VEHICLE REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES: 93.33 ARV/57289269 501.000.000.548 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 101.08 Total: 194.41 60245 5/23/2023 000458 SPOKANE CO PUBLIC WORKS MAY2023 001.076.300.576 SEWER CHARGES 1,545.30 Total: 1,545.30 50246 5/23/2023 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO SP40438-RF1 303,000,345.595 GIP 0345:RECORDING FEES 214.50 Total: 214.50 60247 5/23/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51506664 2022 INMATE HOUSING SETTLE&ADJ 221,820.51 51506758 APRIL2023 WORK CREW 2,632.95 51506769 MAY 2023 INMATE HOUSING 205.022.24 Total: 429,675.70 60248 5/23/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER PARCEL 45174.9033 2023 PROPERTY TAX 931.16 Total: 931.16 60249 5/23/2023 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST#3 MAY 2023#1 402.402.000.531 WATER CHARGES FOR MAY 2023#1 154.60 Total: 154.60 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05123/2023 1:58:09PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60250 5/23/2023 004099 SPOKANE VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 031470 REPAIR&MAINT.SUPPLIES 76.35 Total: 76_35 60251 5/23/2023 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3534894149 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 47.14 Total: 47.14 60252 5123/2023 001969 SUNSHINE DISPOSAL 2088529 101.042.000,542 TRANSFER STATION CPWAPRIL2023 1,076.42 Total: 1,078.42 60253 5/23/2023 000335 TIRE-RAMA 804 0029806 402.402.000.531 TIRES&TIRE MOUNTING 1,533.56 804 0029875 TIRES&TIRE MOUNTING:#2-300 257.45 Total: 1,791.01 60254 5/23/2023 003458 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO INV058720 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 153.09 Total: 153.09 60255 5/23/2023 003135 UNITED RENTALS,(NORTH AMERICA)INC 218774029-001 EQUIPMENT RENTAL:ARTICULATING f 2,128.28 Total: 2,128,28 60256 5/23/2023 000980 WESTERN SYSTEMS INC 0000055934 SPRAGUE&CORBIN SIGNAL CABINE1 26,905.54 Total: 26,905.54 60257 5/23/2023 007867 WIDENER&ASSOCIATES 954 303,000,329.595 329 BARKER RD IMPROVEMENTS 3,374.40 Total: 3,374.40 20509466 5112/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 9290202342 LE CONTRACT APRIL 2023 3,071,775.00 Total: 3,071,775.00 20583585 5/31/2023 005314 US BANK 2271630 204,000,000.592 LTGO BONDS 2016 110,575.00 Total: 110,575.00 20583684 5/31/2023 005314 US BANK 2269740 204,204,000.592 LTGO REFUNDING BONDS 2014 71,700.00 Total: 71,700.00 27 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 4,359,851.71 27 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 4,359,851.71 Page: f 1,3]� I vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/2312023 2:31:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 20583874 5122/2023 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 9290202357 LE CONTRACT MAY 2023 2,165,556.00 Total: 2,165,556.00 1 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 2,165,556.00 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 2,165,556.00 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date or designee Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/2512023 2:18:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60258 5/25/2023 007136 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NC 1GPR-QJGJ-RDDY USB CABLE CHARGERS 56.99 1JRH-YCJL-DRD1 STANDING DESK CONVERTER, OF 341.95 1LP1-DWQK-MXDY IPAD CASE 18.45 1 NHL-1 QR7-VG3H CREDIT FOR RETURN OF STANDIA -315.80 Total : 101.59 60259 5/25/2023 007630 ANYTIME TOWING LLC 40112 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 553.72 40428 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 553.72 Total : 1,107.44 60260 5/25/2023 007718 APPLETREE 000029-000-871 001.076.305.575 ANSWERING SERVICE FOR CENTE 47.74 Total : 47.74 60261 5/25/2023 009087 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY LLC 366901 001.076.300.576 SUPPLIES FOR BROWNS PARK SF 25.23 Total : 25.23 60262 5/25/2023 001862 BISCHOFF, PATTY EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT:WRF 49.30 Total: 49.30 60263 5/25/2023 008572 CDA METALS 21234476 001.076.300.576 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 26.93 Total : 26.93 60264 5/25/2023 000101 CDW-GOVERNMENT INC JJ66524 001,090,000.518 MS OFFICE 2021 FOR GREAT ROO 234.08 Total : 234.08 60265 5/25/2023 001888 COMCAST 4668 5/17-6/16/23 001.076.305.575 INTERNET&PHONE: CENTERPLA( 387.32 Total : 387.32 60266 5/25/2023 001770 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO S011356517.001 REPAIR&MAINTENANCE SUPPLE 608.65 Total : 608.65 60267 5/25/2023 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING INC. 370751 001.076.305.575 RECYCLING COLLECTION AT CEN" 30.00 Total : 30.00 60268 5/25/2023 004898 ETTER, MCMAHON, LAMBERSON, 07326 STMT#23 314.000.143.595 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 900.00 Total : 900.00 Page. /1/:G vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/25/2023 2:18:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60269 5/25/2023 000007 GRAINGER 9693764079 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES:SHOP 142.77 9699788924 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL 40.28 Total : 183.05 60270 5/25/2023 002712 GTFX INC, 54150 001.076.305.575 SERVICE GREASE TRAP:CENTERI 163.50 Total : 163.50 60271 5/25/2023 000002 H&H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. AR281163 COPIER COSTS: LEGAL 108.81 AR281164 001.040.043,558 COPIER COSTS: MAIL ROOM 108.08 AR281165 COPIER COSTS:ENGINEERING 570.22 AR281166 001,040,043.558 COPIER COSTS: PERMIT CENTER 226.13 AR281167 COPIER COSTS:WEST WING/COU 113.68 AR281166 COPIER COSTS: IT 13.00 AR281169 COPIER COSTS: HR 51.11 AR281170 001.013.000,513 COPIER COSTS:OPS/ADMIN 393.34 AR281171 COPIER COSTS: MAINTENANCE SI 8.09 AR281172 COPIER COSTS:CENTERPLACE 148.32 AR281744 COPIER SERVICE 170.16 Total : 1,910.94 60272 5/25/2023 009365 HENRIKSEN, PHILLIP BLD-2023-1277 PERMIT REFUND: BLD-2023-1277 158.00 Total : 158.00 60273 5/25/2023 004926 LE CATERING CO E04398 001.076.301.571 E04398-CHARCUTERIE CLASS 995.89 Total : 995.89 60274 5/25/2023 003190 LUKINS&ANNIS P.S 445627 001.013,015,515 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,972.50 Total : 3,972.50 60275 5/25/2023 001002 M&LSUPPLY CO INC 8100524228.001 001.076.305.575 REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLIES: CENT 374.42 Total : 374.42 60276 5/25/2023 008029 MCKINSTRY CD LLC 10210809 001.076.305.575 FIRE SPRINKLER REPAIRS: CENTE 1,921.00 Total : 1,921.00 60277 5/25/2023 004130 PACIFICA LAW GROUP LLP 83247 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,764.00 83248 001.090.331.514 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 588.00 Page: /1 if° vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/25/2023 2:18:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60277 5/25/2023 004130 004130 PACIFICA LAW GROUP LLP (Continued) Total : 2,352.00 60278 5/25/2023 001860 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3X26961 REPAIR SUPPLIES FOR MAINTENA 228.32 3X47705 REPAIR SUPPLIES FOR MAINTENA 101.57 Total : 329.89 60279 5/25/2023 009357 PLAYCREATION INC 2304-11872 001.076.300.576 HANDHOLD PANEL:TERRACE VIES 241.94 Total : 241.94 60280 5/25/2023 007678 RANDALL DANSKIN PS 152703 001.000.322.518 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,479.95 Total : 5,479.95 60281 5/25/2023 007741 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST 16308056-00 REPAIR&MAINT. SUPPLIES:SHOF 270.11 Total : 270.11 60282 5/25/2023 009367 ROTARACT CLUB OF SPOKANE JLP-2023-41 REGISTRATION FOR JR. LILAC PAF 150.00 Total : 150.00 60283 5/25/2023 003264 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP B16803308 MICROSOFT 0365 LICENSE ADD 2,383.39 Total : 2,383.39 60284 5/25/2023 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 2023 PERMIT FEES 001.076.302.576 PERMIT FEES FOR WATER REC FA 2,400.00 Total: 2,400.00 60285 5/25/2023 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC 145097 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51.00 Total : 51.00 6D286 5/25/2023 008558 THE HOME DEPOT PRO 745266031 001.076.305.575 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES:CENTERPL 99.79 745494195 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES:CITY HALL 40.51 Total : 140.30 60287 5/25/2023 003649 TROPHIES UNLIMITED 902570 001.076.305.575 NAME TAGS:CENTERPLACE 32.67 Total : 32.67 60288 5/25/2023 004849 US POSTMASTER PERMIT BR 96-000 RENEW BUSINESS REPLY MAILAP 290.00 Total : 290.00 60289 5/25/2023 000066 WCP SOLUTIONS 13205480 001.076.305.575 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CENTERPL 262.88 Page: X I, vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 05/25/2023 2:18:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 60289 5/25/2023 000066 000066 WCP SOLUTIONS (Continued) Total : 262.88 60290 5/25/2023 003728 WEDA 8767 2023 MEMBERSHIP 400.00 Total : 400.00 60291 5/25/2023 001792 WHITEHEAD,JOHN EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 835.88 Total: 835.88 60292 5/25/2023 000129 WRPA B510 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: PARKS 8 1,250.00 Total : 1,250.00 60293 5/25/2023 004961 ZOME INC ZDM-81118 001.076.301.571 T-SHIRTS FOR SUMMER CAMP 1,477.23 Total: 1,477.23 36 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 31,544.82 36 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 31,544.82 Page: X 1 -)- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 31, 2023 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 457,982.84 $ 13,050.00 $ 471,032.84 Benefits: $ 255,651.61 $ 15,336.12 $ 270,987.73 Total payroll $ 713,634.45 $ 28,386.12 $ 742,020.57 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Tuesday,May 16,2023 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in the Great Room at CenterPlace, 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley,Mayor John Hohman,City Manager Rod Higgins,Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb,Deputy City Manager Tom Hattenburg, Councilmember Tony Beattie, Sr.Deputy City Attorney Brandi Peetz,Councilmember Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Laura Padden,Councilmember Sean Walter,Assistant Police Chief Ben Wick, Councilmember John Bottelli,Parks&Rec Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mike Basinger,Economic Dev. Director John Whitehead,Human resources Director Others in attendance: Emily Estes-Cross,Public Information Officer Kelly Konkright,Attorney Jenny Nickerson,Building Official Virginia Clough,Legislative Policy Coordinator Chad Knodel,IT Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins,seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: After Mayor Haley explained the process, she invited public comments. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley [via zooml: asked if there could be a way to separate out from other crime check items,the abandoned cars in order to get them tagged and towed. Mr. Matthew Matthews, Spokane Valley: spoke of a neighborhood problem that has been ongoing since about 2018,with disturbances during the night due to police and fire activity to address criminal issues and drug od's; said he would like to see the new ordinance be very clear about what the Police and Fire Departments can do to make sure the area will be cleaned up. Ms.Margo Keeney,Spokane Valley: said the residence in question is 13212 E.Heroy,which is her concern and the address referenced by the previous speaker; said the home owner is in jail and there are or have been three sets of squatters in the home;said there is garbage,broken down vehicles constantly being tagged and towed; drugs going in and out of the house; seems there is a police presence there constantly yet it seems nothing can be done;said she realizes this will go to a hearing in June and she is hopeful the property will go to auction and be foreclosed. City Clerk Bainbridge stated that written comments concerning this same residence have been submitted by a Ms. Olivia Jacobus; and that the Clerk will send the comments to Councilmembers. There were no further public comments. ACTION ITEMS: 1.First Reading Ordinance 23-010, Chronic Nuisance—Erik Lamb,Jenny Nickerson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title,it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to advance Ordinance 23-010 to a second reading at a future Council meeting.Deputy City Manager Lamb explained that the purpose of this ordinance is to broaden the scope of what constitutes a chronic nuisance in order to abate chronic nuisance properties more efficiently, as among other things,it adds a shorter time period option,and expands the definition of nuisance.There was Council discussion concerning provisions for drug properties, a quicker time period, the process for the property going into receivership, and of changing the criteria of having four criminal activities down to one.Deputy Mayor Higgins said taken as a single instance,this might seem harsh,but what we are faced with isn't a single incidence;that there are a Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-16-2023 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT number of complaints before arriving at this, and said he feels this regulation is long overdue. Building Official Nickerson added that our Code Enforcement staff have been having regular meetings with the Police Department.Mayor Haley invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 2.Motion Consideration: ARPA Allocations—Erik Lamb, Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve the proposals in substantially the form submitted and as identified in the attached worksheet in the amounts as shown, and to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and finalize contracts for such awards for City Council approval. [Amounts shown on the worksheet include: (1) Family Promise of Spokane $1,095,078; (2) Volunteers of America Eastern WA $500,000; (3) Reclaim Project Recovery $1,460,000; (4) Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners $471,729; and (5) Habitat for Humanity-Spokane $471,728.] Mr. Lamb went over the background of the ARPA funding as noted on his Request for Council Action form; said given the available funding and the requests,he presented the top five ranked proposals;and after he briefly explained about the projects,added that as the City continues to develop its Spokane Valley Homeless Action Plan,we will continue to engage all of the respondents to see how their services may fit within the needs of the City to provide assistance to those in need within our community. Mayor Haley invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 3. 2023 Budget Amendment— Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor went through the information contained in her Request for Council Action form, explaining the need for a proposed 2023 budget amendment; and that a public hearing is scheduled next week,as well as the first reading of the proposed ordinance.There was general Council consensus to move forward as proposed. 4. Drug Possession and Use—Tony Beattie,Erik Lamb Deputy City Manager Lamb explained that during the regular legislative session, the legislators did not adopt a permanent fix to the making knowing possession of a controlled substance a crime punishable as a simple misdemeanor, but they did make a temporary 'fix' which would no longer be in effect July 1, 2023. However, he explained that prior to our meeting tonight, we have been informed that a bipartisan effort was passed,which the Governor signed just before our meeting tonight. Therefore,Mr. Lamb stated, we are pre-empted from adopting and enforcing our own ordinance and as such, an ordinance is not appropriate or necessary. 5. 2024 Council Budget Goal Priorities—John Hohman City Manager Hohman said that at the May 9, 2023, Council meeting, he provided an overview of the current priority projects, and that per Council consensus, Councilmembers added several items to the list, as shown in his Request for Council Action; and he asked that Councilmembers return the sheets on or before May 30 so that the priorities can be discussed further at the June 13 budget workshop.Mr.Hohman further suggested Council use the 1, 2, 3 rankings, and not put any restrictions on the ranking,but merely indicate what each Councilmember thinks is important. 6. GSI D.C.Fly-In Recap—Virginia Clough Legislative Policy Coordinator Clough gave a brief re-cap of the Greater Spokane, Inc. (GSI) April 25-28 D.C. fly-in event she and Councilmember Peetz attended. 7. Regional Homeless Update —Erik Lamb Mr.Lamb introduced Mr.Gavin Cooley,former City of Spokane Chief Financial officer,who is part of the volunteer group leading the effort for a regional homeless collaboration.Mr. Lamb said as part of the joint statement,the volunteer group and entities identified a 90-day "due diligence"period for elected officials and staff of the local governmental entities to meet regularly and study how such a regional collaborative approach might be organized and how it could work; and said we are almost two-thirds of the way through that period. Mr. Cooley then spoke about opportunities for collaboration, the idea of having flexibility on Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-16-2023 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT how this all comes together, and of settling on a public development authority as most dollars are public so having a municipal corporation leading this is critical, as opposed to using a non-profit. Mr. Hohman interjected that during last week's regional meeting, our electeds were confused as to the financial expectations of the regional process, and he asked that Mr. Cooley could perhaps provide some clarity concerning the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) and HHAA (Homeless Housing and Assistance Act)funds.Mr.Cooley said there are lots of various funds from various parts and he is not ready to go into detail as they are trying to track down jurisdictions and talk about programs; said this is all still in the conversation phase, that it is very sensitive, but maybe in another week or two he will be able to provide further information. Mr. Hohman added that our Council is weighing whether to be its own entitlement, so any information could be pertinent in making such a decision. Mayor Haley stated that it seems all the money is being poured into chronic homeless; spending a lot of money where chances are slim in helping people; said there needs to be some responsibility on barriers; some people want to stay on the street, but it seems we are trying to help those who don't want help while others fall into the cracks; said millions have been spent on Camp HOPE and we don't know where many of those people are; some found housing then abandoned it; said she wants to see we are helping people who want it, need it and appreciate it as the dollars are limited. Mayor Haley said she looks forward to hearing from Mr. Cooley again in a few weeks to talk about the financial pieces. 8.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley Councilmember Wick said he would like to hear a report about what happens when people call 9-1-1 as we are hearing of people being put on hold, and of delays in response. There was Council consensus to add that to the Advance Agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS Deputy Mayor Higgins said that a Governance Manual Committee is scheduled for 2:00 p.m.Monday;that the meeting is not open to the public but wanted the public to know that the Manual deals with a lot of business that needs to be addressed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Concerning the Regional Opioid Abatement settlement, Deputy City Manager Lamb explained that there have been two settlements so far and we opted into both;that we received a small amount of about$10,000; that one requirement of the settlement is our region must create a regional Opioid Abatement Council and that Spokane County is offering to draft a proposed agreement; said he continues working with Spokane County regarding the creation of the Regional Opioid Abatement Council and as soon as we have something tangible, staff will bring that forward to Council; said that also the preferred deadline of creating such structure is June 1,2023,but that is not necessarily an absolute deadline; and said he will forward Council a copy of the letter from Spokane County. City Manager Hohman said he has been working with Mike Sparber concerning the County's jail proposal, and that we will have Mr. Sparber present to Council soon as this will be on the November ballot; said he also received a letter from the County Engineer that the County is looking to get out of the traffic signal maintenance provider service and is looking to transfer that to us;adding that we are 80%of their workload; said he appreciates the County's willingness to work with us on this and that Director Helbig will have more information on this later. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. ATTEST: Pam Haley,Mayor Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-16-2023 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration — Bid Award — Barker at Union Pacific Crossing Project -Phase 2, CIP No. 313 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10—Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • July 14, 2021: Council passed Motion authorizing the Bid Award of the Barker Road Widening Project (Spokane River to Euclid). • September 28, 2021: Council passed Motion authorizing the Bid Award of the Barker Road Trail, Spokane River to Euclid. • June 8, 2021: Council Adopted Resolution 21-002 adopting the 2022-2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). • June 14, 2022: Council Adopted Resolution 22-010 adopting the 2023-2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). • February 21, 2023: Admin report discussing the 2023 construction projects. BACKGROUND: In 2018, the City was award FMSIB, STBG, and CSP grants to reconstruct the Barker Corridor and provide a multi-use path from the Spokane River to the limits of the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project. FMSIB will fund 20% of the total project cost up to $1.68 million. STBG and CSP will fund $2,050,000 and $231,000, respectively. In order, to advance the project with the delays caused by the UPRR, staff has phased it into several construction segments: • Project I, contract called the Barker Road Widening — Euclid (west) to limits of the Grade Separation (GSP), CIP #276, constructed the road improvements in 2019. • Project IIA, called the Barker Road Widening — Spokane River to Euclid (east), CIP #275 constructed the road improvements in 2021. • Project IIB-Phase 1, contract called the "Barker Rd at Union Pacific Crossing Project," Phase 1, CIP #313, constructed the multi-use path from Spokane River to Euclid (east) in 2022. • Project IIB-Phase 2, contract called the "Barker Rd at Union Pacific Crossing Project," Phase 2, CIP #313, constructs the remaining road and multi-use path improvements. The current project is the last segment and will construct the remaining road improvements from Euclid Avenue (east) to Euclid Ave (west), including the Union Pacifc Railroad crossing and the multi-use path from Euclid Avenue (east) to the Barker/BNSF Grade Separation Project limits. Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 intends to install a water main within the limits of the City's roadway project and is partnering with the City to include the water main construction as part of the City's project. The Water District's work is identified as Schedule B in the construction documents. To pay for the water main, the City and the District executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Spokane County intends to install a sewer and force main within the limits of the City's roadway project and is partnering with the City to include the sewer construction as part of the City's project. The County's work is identified as Schedule C in the construction documents. The City and the County executed a MOU to pay for the sewer main. Revenues (Project IIB — Phase 1 & 2): Expenditures ((Project IIB — Phase 1 & 2): Federal Grant $ 1,162,648 Preliminary Engineering $ 195,000 State Grant (FMSIB) $ 251,293 Rights-of-Way $ 71,150 Developer Contributions $ 1,180,527 Road Construction $ 2,897,400 Reet Funds $ 1,228,082 Railroad Construction $ 700,000 Spokane County $ 450,000 Utility Construction $ 539,000 Consolidated Irr. Dist. #19 $ 130,000 Total budget $ 4,402,550 Total est. expenditures $ 4,402,550 The City's roadway project was designed in-house, and Spokane County and the Water District designed their portions of the work. The project was advertised on May 5, 2023. City opened bids on June 1, 2023. The Engineer's Estimate was $2,649,536.00. Due to the timing of the bid opening, the Bid Tabulation and bid award recommendation will be provided at the June 6, 2023 Council meeting. OPTIONS: 1) Move to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or 2) take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Barker at Union Pacific Crossing Project-Phase 2, CIP# 313 to in the amount of$ plus applicable sales tax, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds to cover the construction costs for this project. STAFF CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller, PE, CIP Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Amending the 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda and Submission of SRTC's Unified List GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • December 6, 2022: An administrative report was presented regarding the creation of a 2023 federal legislative agenda. • December 20, 2022: City Council moved to approve its 2023 federal legislative agenda. • May 23, 2023: An administrative report discussing the City's 2024-2029 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). • May 30, 2023: An administrative report discussing regional project submittals to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). BACKGROUND: At the December 20, 2022, meeting, City Council approved its 2023 federal legislative agenda, including the following projects: 1. Sullivan/Trent Interchange 2. South Barker Road Corridor 3. Argonne Road Bridge at Interstate 90 On May 18, 2023, SRTC announced their call for projects to include on its Unified List of Regional Transportation Priorities (Unified List). The primary function of the Unified List is to communicate SRTC's regional priorities to state legislators and federal congressional members. To be included on the Unified List, the following requirements were identified: 1. Projects must be submitted by SRTC member agencies. 2. Projects must be included on the agency's legislative agenda. 3. Project must have a link to regional importance. SRTC advertised a due date of June 2 for submittals to the Unified List. This due date was intended to allow agencies to submit their projects while allowing SRTC to process applications prior to the SRTC committee meetings occurring on June 21. The first and only opportunity for City Council to discuss the Unified List topic was May 30. At the May 30 administrative report for the Unified List, City Council reached consensus to add an arterial preservation project to the Unified List submittals. The actual project location was to be recommended by staff. Considering the regionally significant elements such as traffic volume, economic impacts (activity centers & designated freight corridors), and equity considerations (Environmental Health Disparities Map), staff recommends the complete limits of Sullivan Road. Additionally, the May 23 City Council meeting included an administrative report on the 2024-2029 TIP. Council discussed the potential for adding the Barker Road & Interstate 90 (1-90) interchange project to the TIP. Staff asked for additional time to discuss the potential inclusion of the project to the TIP and would return to council with more information at the June 20 meeting. Considering the project's relevance and impact to the Barker Corridor, the Barker/I-90 project has merit for inclusion into the TIP and for inclusion to the Unified List. OPTIONS: Projects must be included in the adopted legislative agenda to be eligible for SRTC's Unified List. There are multiple options and potential impacts/considerations available to Council: Options: 1. Take no action: do not amend the legislative agenda. 2. Add Arterial Street Preservation (Sullivan Road), and approve the amended 2023 federal legislative agenda, and authorize the City Manager to submit all for inclusion to SRTC's Unified List 3. Add the Barker Road & 1-90 Interchange project, and approve the amended federal legislative agenda; and authorize the City Manager to submit all for inclusion to SRTC's Unified List;. 4. Add both arterial street preservation (Sullivan Road) and the Barker Road & 1-90 Interchange projects, and approve the amended federal legislative agenda; and authorize the City Manager to submit all for inclusion to SRTC's Unified List. Impacts/Considerations: A. Last year, in addition to priority projects, SRTC included multiple policy statements related to the Board's Guiding Principles, which include "pursue strategies to effectively address maintenance and preservation needs."It is likely that the SRTC Unified List will continue to include various policy statements similar to those from 2022. The City's proposed Arterial Street Preservation (Sullivan Road) project supports this policy statement. Also, SRTC's 2022 Unified List did not include any preservation projects. B. The Barker Road & 1-90 Interchange project aligns with other projects that have historically been included on the City's legislative agendas. Also, the project will likely be a "competitive" project on the Unified List because of its alignment with SRTC's guiding principles: economic vitality, cooperation and leadership, stewardship, operations/maintenance/preservation, safety and security, quality of life, and equity. C. The Barker Road & 1-90 Interchange project was identified in the 2020 Barker Road Corridor Study and has not been advanced since. The City can create a plan to develop the project through 2023, which may include its inclusion to the 2024-2029 TIP. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Any of options 1 through 4 listed above; or take other appropriate action. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: - 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda, and one-page project descriptions, as adopted on December 20, 2022. - Draft Amended 2023 Legislative Agenda (cover page only with all 5 projects shown for reference) DRAFT Sjöl 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda ValleV 10210 E Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 J Phone: (509)720-5000 •Fax: (509)720-5075 •www.spokanevalley.org The City of Spokane Valley's legislative priorities include three capital infrastructure projects and three policy statements. CAPITAL PROJECTS These projects offer practical solutions to improve capacity, mobility, and safety on the National Highway System while preserving and hardening I-90. The City is committed to sustaining a national system with thoughtful local improvements. Pasadena Park = ; � .0 2901 Arterial Preservation , "'" k� (Sullivan Road) miliwood =F \ Sullivan/Trent E M.71.gcr.r...- Z Interchange Barker Road & I-90 _ Total Cost: $42 Million Interchange spa Request: $35.5 Million \la IL/ Z E Ciroadway A Argonne Bridge at I-90 a Sou h Barker Road Total Cost: $24 Million Cor idor Project Request: Pending Total Cost: $29 Million Request: $18 Million E.3ch Ave E 8tb +1...- POLICY STATEMENTS Reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration (EDA) The City of Spokane Valley supports the reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration(EDA),with funding to carry out its mission of"promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy." The City encourages Congress to continue to direct EDA investments at regional and local projects, rather than funding distributed directly to state governments.This flow of funding remains aligned with the EDA's original 1965 authorization and mission. With opportunities for EDA to modernize programs by way of this reauthorization,the City urges Congress to remain traditional in the aspect of direct regional and local investments. Continued Funding at the Authorized Levels for IIJA/BIL Programs The City supports continued funding at the authorized levels for programs included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (IIJA/BIL). Given the unprecedented growth and maintenance needs of existing infrastructure within the region, the City encourages Congress to continue to support the levels of funding provided under the IIJA. The City fully supports robust Congress oversight of the U.S. Department of Transportation projects and programs funded under the IIJA, and offers assistance in providing information supporting the level of funding that has been made available. The City encourages Members of Congress to visit the region and see first-hand the extraordinary growth driving the infrastructure improvements and the City's wise stewardship of these funds. Implement Reforms to the Infrastructure Permitting Process The City encourages federal agencies to move swiftly to implement the reforms to the infrastructure permitting process as required under FAST 41 and revised under the IIJA_ As the City continues to experience unprecedented growth, streamlining permitting could help address critical safety and infrastructure needs,stimulate economic activity,and provide more employment opportunities.The City encourages Congress,in its oversight role,to encourage the Administration to move expeditiously on implementing these reforms and to ensure that such reforms have practical applications on the implementation of the IIJA. Adopted 12-20-2022 Sjölane 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda ValleV 10210 E Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 J Phone: (509)720-5000 •Fax: (509)720-5075 •www.spokanevalley.org The City of Spokane Valley's legislative priorities include three capital infrastructure projects and three policy statements. CAPITAL PROJECTS These projects offer practical solutions to improve capacity, mobility, and safety on the National Highway System while preserving and hardening I-90. The City is committed to sustaining a national system with thoughtful local improvements. Pasadena Park = -``e / vG.oz [�renx t i W N k.,,i, Ave �° _ E glellenat M i liwood AusrrN 12 ....***%\ +. 7 :_ Sullivan/Trent E M c,' qc r.,.. � z ' Interchange I * \_ s Total Cost: $42 Million ALPHA pa Request: $35.5 Million ° VaR..r £rneo"A O vs - -• GREENACRES g "'A Argonne Bridge at I-90 a 4 E�roadna;a. South Barker Road Total Cost: $24 Million t s Corridor Project Request: Pending z Total Cost: $29 Million Request: $18 Million k 0 E. -n Ave E 8tr• _ + POLICY STATEMENTS Reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration (EDA) The City of Spokane Valley supports the reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration(EDA),with funding to carry out its mission of"promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy." The City encourages Congress to continue to direct EDA investments at regional and local projects, rather than funding distributed directly to state governments.This flow of funding remains aligned with the EDA's original 1965 authorization and mission. With opportunities for EDA to modernize programs by way of this reauthorization,the City urges Congress to remain traditional in the aspect of direct regional and local investments. Continued Funding at the Authorized Levels for IIJA/BIL Programs The City supports continued funding at the authorized levels for programs included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (IIJA/BIL). Given the unprecedented growth and maintenance needs of existing infrastructure within the region, the City encourages Congress to continue to support the levels of funding provided under the IIJA. The City fully supports robust Congress oversight of the U.S. Department of Transportation projects and programs funded under the IIJA, and offers assistance in providing information supporting the level of funding that has been made available. The City encourages Members of Congress to visit the region and see first-hand the extraordinary growth driving the infrastructure improvements and the City's wise stewardship of these funds. Implement Reforms to the Infrastructure Permitting Process The City encourages federal agencies to move swiftly to implement the reforms to the infrastructure permitting process as required under FAST 41 and revised under the IIJA_ As the City continues to experience unprecedented growth, streamlining permitting could help address critical safety and infrastructure needs,stimulate economic activity,and provide more employment opportunities.The City encourages Congress,in its oversight role,to encourage the Administration to move expeditiously on implementing these reforms and to ensure that such reforms have practical applications on the implementation of the IIJA. Sullivan/Trent Silok ane Interchange Project jValley GOAL: Rebuild interchange with new bridges at Trent Ave. & BNSF Tracks The City will reconstruct the interchange at Trent Avenue (SR 290) and Sullivan Road, one of the region's busiest urban freight corridors. Due to tremendous growth and the 2022 connection of Bigelow Gulch Road, the interchange is failing today. Sullivan Road, between 1-90 and SR 290 is home to 9,000 jobs, 85% directly related to freight. Large employers, including Spokane Business & Industrial Park (SBIP), Kaiser Aluminum, Mercer Mass Timber, and Amazon, move their goods and employees via Trent Avenue, Sullivan Road and Bigelow Gulch Road. The Sullivan Road bridge over Trent Avenue is 62 years old and has a "Poor" condition rating. Bridge height is too short and girders have been struck six times over the last 10 years. Bigelow-Sullivan Corridor 106. NEPDA Aid, .,y _ Amazon r. i /lam_ SBIP i {y Kaiser Mercer—* E I - —I �-I MINNE t_ - E MATAYES' Spoke I '-� �,. `,� - >pu kao`ley`M\a� ALPHA Commu Colleg �~Y�- �m EA. F k` - - y n A dune Ave GREENACRES vistas Existing—Traffic Signals Proposed—New Roundabouts I € $ _ 7 z e........n... OCRORTIINTTV Key Improvements Project Funding • Safety: Eliminates dangerous left turns and $ 5.0 Million Design (Secured) minimizes fatal/severe angle collisions 1.5 Million Right of Way (Secured) • Bridge Condition: Restores substandard + 35.5 Million Construction (Unsecured) bridges to promote freight expansion $ 42.0 Million Total Project Estimate • Traffic Capacity: Level of Service (LOS) improves from "F" to "A" Funding Request: $35.5 Million • All Users: New shared use path and sidewalk provides safety and comfort $7,069,500 Total Secured Funds • Community: Support for proposed design • $2,650,000 Consolidated Appns. Act of 2023 • $2,552,000 National Highway Freight Program • $1,367,500 Spokane Regional Transp. Council • $ 500,000 Local (City)Funds South Barker Road soka.0,'\., ne Corridor Projects 4,, Valley The Barker Road corridor parallels the eastern . ;�.;2:z, IL, a ---rt 1 --- , -,.,•.. Mission Avenue boundary of Spokane Valley. The road intersects with '°' t . Interstate 90 providing access to more than 800 acres 0 .: ' ' r. * ki.�� y of industrial property and 220 acres of homes. The i: '= ` '` ,,,,area is experiencing rapid industrial growth north of . Boone Avenue the interstate, and expanding residentiali, - _� neighborhoods south of the interstate in Spokane © Interstate 90 County and east in the City of Liberty Lake. Barker r Irww - � i 1Road is a key arterial for vehicles accessing Interstate t" , ' " " 1 i 1111 90 or the east-west Sprague Avenue corridor. e ;''" I. r_ U�e42'1d �ella�go IV)p c.'r Project Partners �, t }ir ' ti- ' _ ,. .; r Federal Highway Administration rt ;�i' _ '. ' ' ,} Washington State Dept .of Transportation _ Zvi �` 0 - - • Sprague Avenue 0 . Spokane County ` 4-eit-t .- �,7%3 ` 4. Spokane Regional Transportation Council , . Greater Spokane ValleyChamber Co mmerce p of t 4th Avenue .' • : ' ; t i• Projects & Requests , Prices are in millions of dollars ($M) 8th Avenue 0 M 0Mission to Boone - $6.0 M i , Reconstruction: Widen to 5 Lanes (Not Started) % . _ I _ ,-.- 0 I-90 Interchange & Bridge Funding Status WSDOT Project: Excluded from Request Completed Projects: $ 3 million I-90 to Appleway- $7.0 M0 Secured Funds: 8 million Reconstruction: Widen to 5 Lanes (Not Started) Funds Requested: 18 million Total Cost: $29 million Sprague/Barker Roundabout— $2.7 M 4 Single Lane Roundabout(Completed in 2022) Complete Appleway to City Boundary - $7.4 M0 9% Reconstruction: Widen to 3 Lanes (Design/ROW) 4th/Barker Roundabout - $3.0 M 6 ReFq unds ueste A Secured 14% Single Lane Roundabout(Design/ROW) 64°/ 8th/Barker Roundabout - $2.6 M0 Impact Fees Single Lane Roundabout(Design/ROW) 13% Future Funding Request Ar onne Road BridgeSpokane g Valley Improvements at Interstate 90 Problem Statement The Argonne Road bridge over Interstate 90 -H, ' i .,'p� (I-90) is the critical bottleneck for people and goods moving through Spokane Valley and j = eastern Spokane County. The bridge is old, k 4 - undersized wei ht-restricted and dramatically - `' g Y limits mobility for all users through the r ^ ' "',p` ., ;, commercial and industrial corridor. ,. `.* The bridge requires a third travel lane and e - new shared-use path over 1-90 to handle Existing projected traffic volumes while safely Add 3rd Lane ago, 3 Lane accommodatingto all non-motorized users. Y Laneto Existing Bridge n 2 Bridge �, � � Remain o to 6. Current Funding In 2022, the City was awarded $1.2 million for design by Spokane Regional Transportation _ Council (SRTC) to identify a solution: widen the - existing bridge or construct a new bridge. The City anticipates beginning design in 2023. "�':�t _" t .• ; Project Partnerships New Park& Ride ,s ; . r By 2026, Spokane Transit Authority (STA), the Transit Facility API _,' . r r gion's transit provider, expects to start building .: 2026 ��� " "'"" its I-90 regional Park & Ride Facility along the __ .,,-__ - ,, , I : ,« , south limits of the interchange. This transit project �" _ �` will be funded primarily by the Washington Dept. of Transportation(WSDOT). Together, the City, STA, and WSDOT will be responsible for collaborating to deliver both projects. Next Steps The City will pursue design in 2023 while developing the project scope. The project has a preliminary total cost estimate of $24 million. The City anticipates pursuing federal grant opportunities once the scope is more clearly defined and a more refined cost estimate is created. Key Project Considerations • Existing two-lane bridge has critical • Argonne Corridor is highly rated by WSDOT: shortcomings: V National Highway System Type 1 ✓ Insufficient bridge clearance over I-90 V Freight & Goods Transp. System Tier 1 ✓ Weight restricted and WSDOT rated "fair" V Congestion Management Process Tier 1 ✓ No pedestrian or bicycle facilities provided (new shared use path is proposed) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update: Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington GOVERNING LEGISLATION: n/a PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: In 1965, Congress enacted the Older Americans Act to organize community- based programs for older adults. Amendments to the Act added a nutrition program for the elderly and required states to form Area Agencies on Aging. Ms. Lynn Kimball, Executive Director of Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington, will share an update on the agency and its work to help older adults and adults living with disabilities, discover the resources needed to plan, prepare for and support living independently. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Valley Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) Sports Recruitment and Marketing Consultant Selection GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 35.101 RCW; SVMC 3.21 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • August 23, 2022, Council formally accepted a petition signed by qualified hotel owners/operators in Spokane Valley to establish a City-wide TPA, and adopted Resolution 22-017, which declares intent to establish a TPA and set a public hearing on September 13, 2022. Notice of the public hearing was published in The Valley News Herald and mailed to hoteliers in Spokane Valley pursuant to RCW 35.101.060(2). • September 13, 2022, Council held a public hearing and first reading on the proposed adoption of Ordinance 22-016. Council moved to advance Ordinance 22-016 to a second reading on September 20, 2022. • September 20, 2022, Council adopted Ordinance 22-016, establishing a City-wide TPA, with an effective date of January 1, 2023 for the TPA Commission. • On November 15, 2022, staff provided an administrative report regarding discussions with Visit Spokane and the VisitSpokaneValley.com URL. • On April 4, 2023, staff provided an administrative report on the status of the destination marketing selection process. • On May 2, 2023, Council moved to authorize City Manager or designee to move forward to negotiate and execute a contract with 116 & West to develop the five-year Destination Marketing Plan. BACKGROUND: On September 20, 2022, the Council adopted Ordinance 22-016 establishing a City-wide TPA. On September 20, 2022, staff received an agreement from the Washington State Department of Revenue authorizing the City to establish a TPA to permit the levy of lodging charges to be used exclusively for tourism promotion. On January 1, 2023, the Spokane Valley TPA became effective along with the establishment of Spokane Valley Hotel Commission (Commission). On January 30, 2023, the Commission supported moving forward with a Request for Qualifications (RFQ)to identify a qualified consultant to develop a five-year destination marketing plan and 18-month marketing service plan. On March 16, 2023, the Commission was asked to review eleven RFQ responses to develop a five-year destination marketing plan and 18-month marketing service plan. Each Commissioner was provided a ranking sheet prior to the March 16 meeting to assist the Commission in the consultant selection process. The ranking sheets were tallied by the Commission Secretary to identify three consultants for interview at a Special Commission meeting on March 30, 2023. On March 30, 2023, the Commission and staff heard presentations from the selected consultants where they highlighted their qualifications for both a five-year Destination Marketing Plan and Tourism Marketing Services Plan and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission deliberated and determined that 116 & West was the most qualified consultant to develop the City's five-year Destination Marketing Plan and Tourism Marketing Services Plan. On April 20, 2023, the Commission was provided details outlining a summary scope of work and proposed fee of$44,025 from 116& West to develop a five-year Destination Marketing Plan. After deliberation and by unanimous consensus, the Commission recommended the City Council approve the proposal from 116 & West. On May 2, 2023, Council moved to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with 116& West to develop the five-year Destination Marketing Plan. The Commission subsequently recognized that 116 & West did not qualify to provide sports events recruitment and marketing services for the City (as identified in Projects #1 and #2 Scope of Services in the RFQ). The Commission recognized that Spokane Sports, an organization that also responded to the RFQ, did qualify to provide sports recruitment services. By consensus, the Commission requested that Spokane Sports come forward with a presentation and proposal for services at a future meeting. On May 18, 2023, the Commission was provided details outlining a proposed Scope of Work and fee of$300,000 from Spokane Sports for 2023 sports recruitment and marketing services. After deliberation and unanimous motion, the Commission recommended the City Council approve the proposal from Spokane Sports. As identified in the Scope of Work, Spokane Sports will provide facility development consultation services for any proposed sports facilities in the city; research, negotiate and contract for future sports events in the city; scout and travel to locations where current events are held to position the city to host similar events in the future (when opportunities arise); establish and support a grants program to support youth sports events in the city; and collaborate with other sports organizations, agencies and companies to develop and position the city's brand as a "host city" for future sports events, as well as provide onsite event planning and delivery services to market the event successfully when it is executed. OPTIONS: Consensus for staff to bring forth a motion at an upcoming Council meeting, to authorize City Manager or designee to execute a contract with Spokane Sports for $300,000 to provide sports recruitment and marketing services for 2023; or take other action as deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus for staff to bring forth a motion at an upcoming Council meeting, to authorize City Manager or designee to execute a contract with Spokane Sports for $300,000 to provide sports recruitment and marketing services for 2023. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $300,000 to recruit sporting events to promote tourism in Spokane Valley. This would be funded through Fund #109, Tourism Promotion Area Fund. There are adequate anticipated revenues to cover this contract. A future budget amendment will be needed to add this to the 2023 Budget. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, Economic Development Director ATTACHMENTS: RFQ, Commission minutes, and Spokane Sports Recruitment and Marketing services scope and fee. sooka ne Valley 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone:(509)720-5000 ♦Fax:(509)720-5075 ♦ www.spokancvalley.org Email:cityhall@spokanevalley.org CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Development of a Five-Year Destination Marketing Plan and 18-month Marketing Services Plan Due Date: 4:00 p.m., March 3,2023 The City of Spokane Valley (the "City") is seeking a qualified consultant or combination of qualified consultants through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to develop and implement 1) a five-year Destination Tourism Plan and 2)an 18-month"actionable"plan for Tourism Marketing Services from July 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2024. Background information The City of Spokane Valley is a non-charter code city organized under Title 35A RCW, and has a Council-Manager form of government. The City Council consists of seven members elected at- large. The Mayor is elected by her fellow Council members,and serves as the Chair of the Council. The City Manager directs all City operations. The City Manager seeks at all times to develop and implement a"best practices"approach in operating the City government and to achieve a balanced, efficient, economical, and quality service delivery. The City of Spokane Valley incorporated March 31,2003,and is currently the ninth largest city in Washington, encompassing 38.5 square miles. Its current population is approximately 107,100. The City is part of the larger Spokane metropolitan area of approximately 550,700. The City generally considers itself to be a "contract" city, with many core services provided by contract with private or other public entities. The City's vision statement, "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper," illustrates the value of citizens' ability to find meaningful employment and provide entrepreneurs a place to excel, while serving as a place for individuals and families to grow and explore the region's natural beauty. The City has a significant retail base including the Spokane Valley Mall, numerous auto , dealerships, big box, convenience, specialty stores and restaurants. Large public facilities include CenterPlace Regional Event Center, Avista Stadium, and the Spokane County Fair& Expo Center. Outdoor recreation is one of the City's major assets with multiple hiking and biking trails, such as the Centennial Trail along the Spokane River.Nearby regional attractions that draw visitors to the City include Silverwood Theme Park, Mt. Spokane and other ski resorts, Spokane County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, and various events. Tourism Marketing History In 2020,the City's Economic Development Department initiated tourism marketing in response to COVID-19. The City established a Spokane Valley tourism microsite in partnership with Visit Spokane (DMO)and used digital marketing campaigns funded through the CARES Act to support impacted hotels/motels,restaurants, and retail businesses. In years 2021 and 2022,the Department initiated additional targeted tourism campaigns to support City businesses during the economic recovery. In summer 2022, the City worked with hoteliers in Spokane Valley to establish a City-Wide Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) that utilizes a $4 per room night fee to generate funding for qualified tourism initiatives. The City TPA went into effect January 1, 2023 and a Hotel/Motel TPA Commission has been established to provide a marketing business plan to City Council for TPA expenditures. The City anticipates that TPA fees in 2023 will generate approximately $800,000. Communications All communications related to responding to this RFQ are to be directed to Robin Holt in the Economic Development Department at rholt(r7spokanevallev.org or(509)720-5333. Unauthorized contact regarding this RFQ with other City employees or City Councilmembers shall result in automatic disqualification. Any oral communications by Robin Holt will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the City. Scope of Work The City of Spokane Valley is seeking a consultant to complete a five-year Destination Tourism Plan (Project#1 Scope) and an 18-month plan for Tourism Marketing Services (Project#2 Scope). The City may choose to award both projects to one consultant, or award each project separately to different consultants. PROJECT #1 SCOPE—DEVELOPMENT OF FIVE-YEAR DESTINATION TOURISM PLAN The City of Spokane Valley is seeking an agency or organization to develop and execute a comprehensive, five-year plan to brand and market the City as a tourism destination. The plan should utilize a full-service approach to position Spokane Valley as a premier visitor destination in Washington State. It should outline strategic tourism initiatives,with defined goals, benchmark objectives and key performance indicators. A final plan should be provided to the City by June 22, 2023. The selected agency or organization will be expected to: + Collaborate with City staff, Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) commissioners and other City officials,key tourism stakeholders, and regional partners to identify and develop a tourism brand and recommend strategic marketing initiatives. 2 • Identify existing and potential assets and resources, both in and around the City,that can be utilized in tourism initiatives. (Note: the City anticipates completing an update to its 2016 tourism plan in April 2023). • Identify short-and long-term challenges and strengths and recommend strategies for improvement. • Research and define target audience profiles that include visitor demographics, personas, and media habits. Recommend target audiences for potential marketing. • Recommend potential marketing channels, such as radio, television,print, online/digital, social platforms, etc. Recommend the most appropriate and successful channels for tourism initiatives. • Recommend strategies to establish and grow the City's digital and social presence regarding tourism marketing. • Recommend strategies to recruit and secure conventions, trade shows, group meetings and/or sports events to various conference facilities and special venues in Spokane Valley that will generate hotel stays and economic activity. This would include facilities such as hotel conference venues, CenterPlace Regional Event Center, Browns Park complex, Plante's Ferry complex and other facilities. • Recommend training and/or visitor education programs or initiatives that will increase awareness of Spokane Valley and improve or enhance the visitor experience. • Recommend metrics and analytics that should be monitored to determine success of marketing initiatives. • Provide and present the final plan to the TPA Commission and City Council. PROJECT#2 SCOPE—DEVELOPMENT OF 18-MONTH PLAN FOR TOURISM MARKETING SERVICES Identify, plan and execute branding and marketing campaigns and other services that position Spokane Valley as a premier visitor destination in Washington State. Marketing services should be outlined in an "actionable plan" that includes strategic objectives, tasks and deliverables for the 18-month period, July 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2024. The plan should be provided to the City by June 22, 2023. The plan shall include actionable measures to: • Develop and prepare online content (web and social)that support marketing campaigns and other services. • Design, develop and implement specific digital, video and print campaigns that utilize various media channels. • Implement niche travel campaigns (culinary, recreation, special events, art, history, etc.) that support the City's unique assets and environment. • Implement strategies to secure "earned media" opportunities (tourism magazines, blogs, websites, etc.) to promote the City's tourism brand. • Implement marketing services to recruit conventions, trade shows, group meetings and/or sports events to facilities and venues in Spokane Valley. This would include facilities such as CenterPlace Regional Event Center, Browns Park complex,Plante's Ferry complex, hotel conference facilities and other venues. 3 • Negotiate and contract with advertising media when purchasing space or time to obtain the most favorable terms and rates available. Manage all services provided by media, including compliance and fee payment. • Implement employee training and/or visitor education programs that increase awareness of Spokane Valley tourism assets and enhance the visitor experience. • Implement a customer satisfaction survey for visitors regarding the quality of experience in Spokane Valley, Utilize survey results to improve the visitor experience. The selected agency or organization should plan to analyze, measure and report regularly on the performance of campaigns and other activities. This will include documenting how the campaigns increase the number of people traveling to Spokane Valley for business or pleasure, such as: • Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid accommodations. • From a place at least fifty miles away one way by driving distance from the person's place of residence or business for the day or stays overnight. • From another state outside of their place of residence or their business. • To the extent possible--collect, measure and report various hotel metrics, including occupancy rates, average daily rate, revenue, revenue per available room, supply and demand from Spokane Valley hotels and lodging establishments. • Provide online analytics regarding digital marketing campaigns or search engine optimization efforts. • Collaborate with City staff to collect and provide social media analytics based on marketing efforts. The selected agency or organization will be responsible for compiling an annual written report that includes:. a An annual summary of the tourism sector and key factors influencing the visitor industry in Spokane Valley. • An outline of major initiatives completed for marketing and promotion, and recruitment of any group meetings or other events, as well as various performance metrics collected regarding these initiatives, annually. Schedule The City anticipates the following schedule for completion of the RFQ process: RFQ publication date: Feb.10, 2023 RFQ submission date: Mar 03, 2023 Process to select consultants: Begins Mar. 16,2023 Anticipated Council Decision: April 11, 2023 Anticipated start date: April 24, 2023 How to Respond Submit eight(8)hard copies of written responses and one(1)electronic copy in pdf format no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 3, 2023 to City of Spokane Valley, Attn: Lesli Brassfield (Marketing and Communications Officer), 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Limit written responses, excluding attachments, to 20 pages. Responses will NOT be 4 accepted by email. Submittals shall be signed by authorized representatives of the responding entity. Unsigned proposals shall not be considered. Written proposals not received by 4:00 p.m. on March 3, 2023 shall not be considered by the City. The responding entity is responsible for ensuring that written responses are received by the City by the time and date specified herein and accept all risk of late delivery for the method of delivery chosen, regardless of fault. Submittal Requirements Written responses shall cover the following areas of inquiry: 1. Business Statement, attached hereto as Attachment"A". 2. Identify project services (Project 1 Scope or Project 2 Scope, or both) that you would want to provide. If you select both projects, please indicate if you would be willing to complete only one project if the City were to award the other project to a another consultant. 3. Agency/organization history, overview of services and relevant experience, including ability to complete the project(s) on time, 4. Identification of qualifications in relation to the project(s). 5. List the relevant experience and qualifications of the employees who will be assigned to the project(s). 6, Provide three samples of similar work completed within the last five years by the agency/organization. 7. Letters of recommendation or testimonials from businesses or clients that have used your agency/organization for similar services. Naming of a reference is considered permission to contact the reference. The City may contact outside individuals, whether offered as references or not. The City retains the right to use such information in its decision. Submittal of a response is agreement that the City may contact and use such information. Evaluation Criteria Responses will be evaluated by the City as set forth immediately below: 1. Complete application including Business Statement. 2. History, overview of agency/organization, relevant experience, and qualifications. 3. Experience and qualifications of the employees assigned to this project. 4. Samples of work. 5. Letters of recommendation or testimonials. 6. Ability to meet proposed schedule. The City reserves the right to utilize new or revised evaluation criteria at its sole discretion. Addenda, Modifications and Clarifications 1. The City reserves the right to change the RFQ schedule or issue addenda to the RFQ at any time. All such addenda will become part of the RFQ. The City will provide notification of addenda in the same manner as distribution of the RFQ. It is the responder's responsibility to confirm as to whether any addenda have been issued. The City also reserves the right to cancel or reissue the RFQ. 5 2, The City reserves the right to request any responding entity to clarify its proposal or to supply any additional material deemed necessary to assist in the evaluation of the proposal. Modification of a proposal already received will be considered only if the modification is received prior to the submittal deadline. Any modifications shall be made in writing, executed and submitted in the same form and manner as the original proposal. Evaluation and Selection The City reserves the right to award the contract to the responding entity which best meets the needs and interests of the City, or to reject all responses as set forth below, The following steps are anticipated: Step I. Receipt and review of qualifications and written responses. Step 2. City follow-up with respondents and possible interviews. Step 3. Initial reference and information check. Step 4. Selection of provider. Step 5. Council approval. Step 6. Negotiation of fees, price, and/or costs and contract. Finalize a Scope of Work City representatives and the selected finalist will review and finalize a Scope of Work. Contract; Fee,Price, and Cost After identification of the most highly qualified firm, the City shall request a fee proposal from the firm and thereafter negotiate fees, prices and/or costs at amount(s) that are determined by the City to be fair and reasonable. if the City is unable to negotiate a fair and reasonable price for services, the City may terminate negotiations and select the next most highly qualified firm. The City's proposed contract, with the terms and conditions, is attached to this RFQ as Attachment "B". Please note that the City expects all submitting entities to consent to the City contract, terms and conditions, and does not anticipate agreeing to any modifications or exceptions. Any exceptions or modifications to the contract proposed by an entity must be noted in the responsive submittal. The exception to this is in the drafting of the Scope of Work and negotiating fees,prices, and/or costs. The City reserves the right to negotiate and revise any or all contract terms and conditions prior to contract. signature. Insurance Requirements See required automobile liability insurance, commercial general liability insurance and workers' compensation coverage detailed in Section 11 of Attachment B (form of contract). Any firm selected as a result of this RFQ must meet the contractual requirements. Rejection of Proposals The City reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, portions, or parts thereof. The City reserves the right to obtain services through other means. Non-Collusion Submittal and signature of a proposal swears that the document and proposal is genuine and not a sham or collusive,and not made in interest of any person not named,and that the responding entity has not induced or solicited others to submit a sham offer, or refrain from proposing. 6 No Costs The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by any respondents in preparing, submitting, or presenting its response to the RFQ or interview process, if applicable. The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the responding entity selected by the City prior to the date of the contract. Non-Endorsement As a result of the selection of a responding entity, the City is neither endorsing nor suggesting the responding entity's services are the best or only solution. The responding entity agrees to make no reference to the City in any literature,promotional material, brochures,sales presentation or the like without prior express written consent from the City. Ownership of Documents Any reports, studies, conclusions and summaries submitted by the responding entity shall become the property of the City. Public Records Under Washington State law, the documents (including all such items as described in RCW 42.56.010 for the term "writing") submitted in response to this RFQ (the "documents") become a public record upon submission to the City, subject to mandatory disclosure upon request by any person, unless the documents are exempted by a specific provision of law. If the City receives a request for inspection or copying of the documents, it will promptly notify the person submitting the documents to the City (by U.S. mail and electronic mail if the person has provided an e-mail address) and upon written request of such person, received by the City within five days of the providing of such notice,will postpone disclosure of the documents for a reasonable period of time as permitted by law to enable such person to seek a court order prohibiting or conditioning the release of such documents. The City assumes no contractual obligation to enforce any exemption. Assurance of Non-Discrimination. The City, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. 7 Attachment "A" BUSINESS STATEMENT Please complete and submit with your response. 1. Name of business: 2. Business address: 3. Phone: Business fax: e-mail: 4. Business classification(check all that apply): Individual Partnership Corporation 5. Federal tax number/ITBI number: / 6. Name of owner: 7. Does the company maintain insurance in amounts specified by the City contract: Yes: No: If no, describe the differences: 8. Are there claims pending against this insurance policy? Yes: No: If yes,please explain the nature of the claims: 9. Has the company or anybody in the company ever been disqualified or terminated by any public agency? Yes: No: 110. Proposal offers shall be good and valid until the•City completes the award or rejects the proposals. Failure to concur with this condition may result in rejection of the offer. Does the firm accept this condition? Yes: No: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this proposal is accurate and complete, and that I have the legal authority to commit this company to a contractual agreement. SIGNATURE: Date: PRINT NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER: 8 Attachment`B" AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES <Contractor> THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley,a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter"City"and <name of Contractor>, hereinafter"Consultant,"jointly referred to as"Parties." IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein,the Parties agree as follows: 1. Work to Be Performed. Consultant shall provide all labor, services, and material to satisfactorily complete the Scope of Services, attached as Exhibit A. A. Administration. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Consultant. Prior to commencement of work, Consultant shall contact the City Manager or designee to review the Scope of Services,schedule,and date of completion. Upon notice from the City Manager or designee, Consultant shall commence work, perform the requested tasks in the Scope of Services,stop work,and promptly cure any failure in performance under this Agreement. B. Representations. City has relied upon the qualifications of Consultant in entering into this Agreement. By execution of this Agreement, Consultant represents it possesses the ability, skill, and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar with all current laws, rules, and regulations which reasonably relate to the Scope of Services. No substitutions of agreed-upon personnel shall be made without the prior written consent of City. Consultant represents that the compensation as stated in paragraph 3 is adequate and sufficient for the timely provision of all professional services required to complete the Scope of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Consultant shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City-furnished information. C. Standard of Care. Consultant shall exercise the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by professional consultants engaged in the same profession, and performing the same or similar services at the time such services are performed. D. Modifications. City may modify this Agreement and order changes in the work whenever necessary or advisable. Consultant will accept modifications when ordered in writing by the City Manager or designee, so long as the additional work is within the scope of Consultant's area of practice. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually agreed between the Parties. Consultant shall make such revisions in the work as are necessary to correct errors or omissions appearing therein when required to do so by City without additional compensation. 2. Term of Contract. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until completion of all contractual requirements have been met as determined by City. Consultant shall complete its work by<date>,20 , unless the time for performance is extended in writing by the Parties. 9 Either Party may terminate this Agreement for material breach after providing the other Party with at least 10 days' prior notice and an opportunity to cure the breach. City may,in addition,terminate this Agreement for any reason by 10 days' written notice to Consultant. In the event of termination without breach, City shall pay Consultant for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. (Option A: If using Option A, delete option B and delete these yellow sections) City agrees to pay Consultant a flat fee of$ , (which includes Washington State Sales Tax if any is applicable)as full compensation for everything done under this Agreement,as set forth in Exhibit B. Consultant shall not perform any extra, further, or additional services for which it will request additional compensation from City without a prior written agreement for such services and payment therefore. (Option B: If using Option B, delete option A and delete these yellow sections) City agrees to pay Consultant an agreed upon hourly rate up to a maximum amount of$ as full compensation for everything done under this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit B. Consultant shall not perform any extra, further, or additional services for which it will request additional compensation from City without a prior written agreement for such services and payment therefore. 4. Payment. Consultant shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Finance Department at the below-stated address. City reserves the right to withhold payment under this Agreement for that portion of the work(if any)which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Scope of Services, City standards,City Code, and federal or state standards. 5. Notice. Notices other than applications for payment shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONSULTANT: Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Phone: (509)720-5000 Phone: Address: 10210 East Sprague Avenue Address: Spokane Valley, WA 99206 6.Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties, in the performance of this Agreement, agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Consultant warrants that its designs, construction documents, and services shall conform to all federal,state,and local statutes and regulations. 7. Certification Regarding Debarment. Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters — Primary Covered Transactions. A. By executing this Agreement, the Consultant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense 10 in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements,or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph(A)(2) of this certification; and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions(federal,state, or local)terminated for cause or default. B. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification,such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. 8. Relationship of the Parties. It is understood and agreed that Consultant shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of City,that City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular manner,method, and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of Consultant. Any and all employees who provide services to City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 9. Ownership of Documents. All drawings, plans, specifications, and other related documents prepared by Consultant under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW or other applicable public record laws. The written, graphic, mapped, photographic, or visual documents prepared by Consultant under this Agreement shall, unless otherwise provided, be deemed the property of City. City shall be permitted to retain these documents, including reproducible camera-ready originals of reports,reproduction quality mylars of maps,and copies in the form of computer files, for the City's use. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use,in whole or in part, any reports,data,drawings,images,or other material prepared under this Agreement, provided that Consultant shall have no liability for the use of Consultant's work product outside of the scope of its intended purpose. 10.Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of Consultant's records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine, make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 11. Insurance. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement,insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Consultant,its agents,representatives,employees,or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance, Consultant's required insurance shall be of the types and coverages described below: 1. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office(ISO) form CA 00 01. II 2. Commercial general liability insurance shall be at least as broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations,stop-gap independent contractors and personal injury, and advertising injury, City shall be named as an additional insured under Consultant's commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using an additional insured endorsement at least as broad as ISO CG 20 26. 3. Workers' compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. B.Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, and $2,000,000 general aggregate. C. Other Insurance Provisions. The Consultant's policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for automobile liability and commercial general liability insurance: 1. Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by City shall be in excess of Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2.Consultant shall provide City and all additional insured for this work with written notice of any policy cancellation within two business days of their receipt of such notice. 3. If Consultant maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above, City shall be insured for the full available limits of commercial general and excess or umbrella liability maintained by Consultant, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by Consultant are greater than those required by this Agreement or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by Consultant. 4. Failure on the part of Consultant to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement, upon which the City may, after giving at least five business days' notice to Consultant to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Agreement, or at its sole discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against funds due Consultant from the City. D.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Agreement before commencement of the work. 12 12. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Consultant shall, at its sole expense, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless City and its officers,agents,and employees,from any and all claims,actions,suits, liability, loss, costs, attorney's fees, costs of litigation, expenses, injuries, and damages of any nature whatsoever relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts,errors, or omissions in the services provided by Consultant, Consultant's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below. However, should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Consultant's liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Consultant's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51, RCW, solely for the purpose of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. ,The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 13.Waiver. No officer,employee,agent,or other individual acting on behalf of either Party has the power, right,or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. A waiver in one instance shall not be held to be a waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law shall be taken and construed as cumulative and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other Party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 14. Assignment and Delegation. Neither Party may assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without prior written consent of the other Party. 15. Subcontracts. Except as otherwise provided herein, Consultant shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of City. 16. Confidentiality. Consultant may, from time-to-time, receive information which is deemed by City to be confidential. Consultant shall not disclose such information without the prior express written consent of City or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 17. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County, Washington. Disputes between City and Consultant shall be resolved in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in Spokane County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Consultant agrees that it may, at City's request, be joined as a party in any arbitration proceeding between City and any third party that includes a claim or claims that arise out of, or that are related to Consultant's services under this Agreement. Consultant further agrees that an arbitrator's decision therein shall be final and binding on Consultant and that judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 18. Cost and Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation or arbitration arising out of this Agreement shall be entitled to its attorney's fees and costs of such litigation(including expert witness fees). 19. Entire Agreement. This written Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed, modified, or altered except in writing signed by the Parties hereto. 13 20.Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted, or granted a present or future gift, favor,service, or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 21. Assurance of Compliance with Applicable Federal Law. During the performance ofthis Agreement, the Consultant,for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees as follows: A. Compliance with Regulations. Consultant shall comply with the federal laws set forth in subsection G, below ("Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities") relative to non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs as adopted or amended from time-to-time, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. B. Non-discrimination. Consultant,with regard to the work performed by it during this Agreement, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. Consultant shall not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers any activity, project, or program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 21. C. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation made by Consultant for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by Consultant of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. D. Information and Reports. Consultant shall provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records,accounts,other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the City or the WSDOT to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts,regulations,and instructions. Where any infonnation required of Consultant is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, Consultant shall so certify to the City or the WSDOT, as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. E. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of a Consultant's noncompliance with the non- discrimination provisions of this Agreement,the City will impose such contract sanctions as it or the WSDOT may determine to be appropriate, including,but not limited to: 1. Withholding payments to Consultant under the Agreement until Consultant complies; and/or 2. Cancelling,terminating, or suspending the Agreement, in whole or in part. F. Incorporation of Provisions. Consultant shall include the provisions of paragraphs of these Contract Clauses in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Acts, regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. Consultant shall take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the City or the WSDOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, that if Consultant becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation 14 by a subcontractor or supplier because of such direction,Consultant may request that the City enter into any litigation to protect the interests of the City. In addition,Consultant may request the United States to enter into the Iitigation to protect the interests of the United States. G. Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: During the performance of this Agreement, the Consultant agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(42 U.S.C. §2000d et seq.,78 stat.252),(prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,color,national origin);and 49 CFR Part 21;and 49 Part 26; The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. §4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. §324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. §794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. §6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49 U.S.C. §471, Section 47123), as amended, (prohibits discrimination based on race,creed, color,national origin, or sex); The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms"programs or activities"to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal- aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems,places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities(42 U.S.C. §§12131- 12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.F.R. parts 37 and 38; The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. §47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures Non-discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; 15 Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Limited English proficiency(LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI,you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs(70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities(20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq.). 22. Business Registration. Prior to commencement of work under this Agreement, Consultant shall register with the City as a business if it has not already done so. 23. Severability. If any section, sentence,clause,or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section,sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement. 24. Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: A. Scope of Services B. Fee proposal C. Insurance Certificates The Parties have executed this Agreement this day of , 20� CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Consultant: John Hohman, City Manager By: Its: Authorized Representative APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney 16 - .... po rts _ • • 1 - •• Turism .„ ... _ _.- =. -...._7 r _- a .. „, , _ ra �i . ? - . , , .i{.' mow` L a_-r.. *(3i R :.1 - h s i -F' Spokane .. r . ) it ` - .�r :"f : -4 SPORTS ,•; •s, yI _ .,{ a*' : ` _ ems- tt` ! intent of Spokane Sports Our culture is built on delivering impactful and rewarding experiences to our clients and stakeholders while fostering a fun and collaborative work environment for our team. We take pride in positively contributing to the reputation and prosperity of our region through our work, striving to make a difference, and leave a lasting impact on the community. Essentially, we believe that Sports can be the catalyst for good— unifying people of different backgrounds, beliefs and upbringing. Spokane Sports Key Areas of Focus *iit 0 -IF+ AA\ 7 Major Events & Sports Facility Regional Community Sports Conferences Advocacy Events Engagement • Youth Sports Awards • Olympic & Paralympic • Improvements to existing • Grassroots participation sport governing bodies facilities • Inland Northwest Sports • Sports officials Hall of Fame • Collegiate sport • Development of new g p • High-performance • Economic impact organizations facilities—both grassroots training and national tourism • Caliber of life • Privately held events focused • Clinics • Stakeholder engagement m le Set of Events ImpactingValleySa Stakeholders • USA Track & Field Club Cross Country Championships • WIAA 1 B12B, 1A, 3A Boys & Girls High School State Golf Championships • USA Volleyball Pacific Northwest Qualifier • Middle School Basketball Championships • USATF Region 13 Junior Olympic Track & Field Championships • Hub-a-Palooza Mountain Bike Festival • Mt. Spokane Enduro Mountain Bike Festival • NCAA Dill Cross Country Regional Championships • USA Ultimate Frisbee Youth Club Western Championships • NCAA DiI Cross Country National Championships • FarWest Soccer Regional Championships Organizational Structure ON STAFF ON STAFF ON STAFF ON STAFF ON STAFF CONTRACT © I� 6,6) 0 • �) AAV Sports Brand Building Event Sports Business Contracted Development & Positioning Operations Management Development Services Event Research Brand Tournament Creation of New Sponsorship Creative Lead Generation Web Development Management Events Business to Business Public Relations & Bid & Negotiation Social Media Equipment and Technical Event Revenue Generation Media Process Personnel Sourcing Direction Human Resources Athlete Experience Flagship Events National & International Facility Contracts Officials Management CFO & Bookkeeper Relationships Event Marketing Client Fulfillment Brand Alignment Awards &Accolades Event Production Photography & Local Club Internship &Volunteer Videography Development VIP Events Management - -o- r4.,;, 4. Ai , . - ..-' ' .�, ih. Hotel & Stakeholder Engagement ' - _ 4 • Hotel leads for 70+ events a year, welcoming q 110,000+ people who book 60,000+ Hotel room -- nights for Spokane sports events °1 %,.\11 } -""`'' quarterly Distribution of uarterl calendars and merchant notices for upcoming events „ , . . ‘IlLt:-. .1!....' t s,. •,4 ,,.... _' v m Feedback, adjustment and improvements , A 1,.. Leveraging Core Competencies • On-going contribution to tourism study and sport Value Proposition of facility study ® 75% of Spokane Sports events are youth or p p Y \Alorking with collegiate focused • Collaborate with creative agency to tell the story of S p O ka n e Sports Spokane Valley through photography, videography, web content, and athlete guide - • Facility consultation and optimization Sports • Research, vetting, and building of event framework I. Development • Event bidding and negotiation $175,000 • Event delivery and production • Scouting events to learn best practices Prop oserd Scope of Grants & • Retention of long-running events like PNQ, Services for\/V o r k for 2 Regional Middle School Basketball.tball, WIAA State Golf Events • Creation of new events like Hub-a-Palooza 2023 • $75,000 Mountain Bike Festival at Beacon Hill $ 300, 000 - Site Visits with decision makers key 3 Brand Building • Tradeshow, meeting, and event presence & Positioning • Campaign strategy with digital and print $50,000 presence; focus on earned media, videography, photography Aspiration : Permanent Cross Course in Spokane Valley r 10 0 0 \,, Time of Year Facility Elements Major Events Community Engagement • Shoulder Season for • 80-120 acres • Collegiate Conference Hotels; October, • Flat/Fast grass course • National Collegiate • Lease of space for November, December, for Cross Country • High School collegiate, club, high January • Rugged terrain for • Club school practices • 2-3 day stay Cyclocross • Youth • Camps, clinics • Low maintenance • Invitationals • Grassroot leagues • National • Parks & Recreation • International • Citizen usage Y `may '� ! �� �r ;ir .44L. i ,, . -^E.W' . - I - - `J . :• Ili • 0 -':' A....= -.. _ �_ 1 4A�F ,n, ; -,n i\r am = R 0 Y '! ` , t A r: d.®64 F� 6 ,,k O• '15 Raisingthe Bar : KeyPartnership The development of a permanent Cross Course could be a unique collaboration between Spokane Valley and Spokane Sports-creating a national tourism asset, while also serving the local community. Spokane Sports City Of Spokane Valley Scheduling & event recruitment ° Facility owner •Event incentives to rights-holders °Facility management and on-going Event planning & facilitation maintenance to uphold national standard °Sports event staff & volunteers Responsible for security & janitorial ° Brand building & positioning -Program access for parks & recreation o Hotel partnerships and similar entities •Medical & contract staff management ° Building a healthy community Athlete experience 2026 USA Track & Field Club Cross Country Championships December Event 13,800 Attendees 14,500 Room Nights I National participation 2O2 - 2O2 - 2O2 _ 2026 Extensive event research Bid strategy & development Spokane Valley selected Athlete experience Client development Local club Hotel planning Destination marketing Event design Leadership site visits Event travel Event promotion Reputation builder Board presentation Event logistics Event execution Rebook for 2029 Call to Action • Cultivate a long-term working relationship likla with the City and its partners committed to o y . -�_ sports tourism. yt , ' • Economies of Scale; Incremental increase 4i.. _ riv year over year for sports tourism initiatives I • Connectivity with 116 & West efforts Ar—-16- tit %.-1 I,' f L ' --A •Ib - —we' r.".. 31 ._ • Specialized focus; new revenue stream through development of Cross Course • Continued effort to bring additional Req uest Overvievv resources to Spokane Valley sports tourism effort; grants, business development, p assessments, etc. 5: . IA . 41I r ' ;:4• _- �... ""ate_'-'� .r�.i3L l a.; - .i ( i • 4ir , . , ,(1.„ )c .1 P • i 3 i • 1 , :- L - _ -- I, , . I yIhr • - _ • "'' , , ri ` y r i • , ._ i , • - •::_-.-.:---.r..1--• - VIE4r..- , 4111( ' • f ,,,, „.,,, , • i_. . •,,,_, _..... . .,...A.: -- z� Th ; nkyo 7, } pF.,J... ,,:,,, .. ,:,.., . . va - . / t •.v ,— P +tip �` + ~~1`.s - x _ Spokane _ •�� y �... ". 1, SPORTS • Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) Commission Regular Meeting Room N212,—City Hall May 18,2023 I. Chairman Grant Guinn called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was held in person at City Hall in room N212 and via ZOOM meetings. II. The following members and staff were present: Amanda Alcamo, Oxford Mike Basinger,Economic Development Director Bernadette Crain,Hampton Inn Lesli Brassfield, Communications/Marketing Officer Grant Guinn,Tru by Hilton Marianne Lemons,Interim Commission Secretary Lee Cameron,Mirabeau Park Hotel Sarai Fesler,Residence Inn(Zoom) III. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. IV. ADMINISTRATWE REPORT Communications and Marketing Officer Lesli Brassfield advised the Commission that the tourism website and digital tourism campaign have launched. The campaign is utilizing targeted digital and video streaming ads in the Seattle, western Montana and into Canada. The campaign will run approximately through the third week of June. Ms. Brassfield advised Johnson Consulting received a draft of the Plante's Ferry Sports Complex Master Plan last week and are integrating recommendations into the Tourism Plan,we expect a draft from Johnson Consulting early next week. V. COMMISSION BUSINESS a.Action Item: Spokane Sports proposal for consideration and recommendation. Chair Guinn opened the floor to Spokane Sport who provided a PowerPoint presentation outlining their intent, key areas of focus, and qualifications in relation to the value they will provide for their$300,000 proposal. Chair Guinn opened the floor to discussion. The overall discussion was related to the need for sports and sporting events in the Valley and the need that Spokane Sports could be filling. There was discussion related to how funding dictates how many events Spokane Sports can bid for and the impact that has. There was some further discussion related to types of sporting events and the revenue they can bring to the city. The example given would be 5 events a year,on the low end.Based on youth track and field events they could bring anywhere from 200-2,000 youth participants and their guardians who would need lodging in the immediate area and bring in significant revenue to the City. Chair Guinn moved to recommend to City Council the selection of Spokane Sports for the recruiting of sporting events to promote tourism in Spokane Valley consistent with their proposal for the year 2023, and was seconded by Commissioner Fesler. The vote on the motion was 5 in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. b. Non-Action Item: 116 &West 5-Year Destination Marketing Plan Workshop 116 &West provided a PowerPoint presentation for the workshop outlining the 5-Year Destination Marketing Plan. There was discussion and collaboration related to discovery and research strategies, audience identification,brand identity and recommendations, social media,marketing recommendations, creative and media. 1=12-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 VI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Cameron moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Crain at 11:47 a.m. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed and the motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Robin Holt, Commission Secretary SPOKANE SPORTS PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Year 1: Spokane Valley Sports Tourism Efforts with $300,000 Contract for Service SPORTS DEVELOPMENT: $175,000 1) Facility Consultation, Optimization,Technical Walkthroughs: Staff Travel Costs A. University of Wisconsin Permanent Cross Country Course 1 September 20231 Madison, WI B. Oklahoma State Permanent Cross Country Course I September 20231 Stillwater, OK 2) Project Management: Staff Resources and Event Commitments A. Research, vetting, and building event frameworks B. Event biding, negotiation, contracting C. Event delivery and production 3) Event Scouting: Staff Travel Costs A. 2023 NCAA DI Cross Country National Championships I November 18, 2023 I Charlottesville, VA B. 2023 NCAA DII Cross Country National Championships' November 18, 2023 (Joplin, MO C. 2023 NCAA DIII Cross Country National Championships' November 18, 20231 Carlisle, PA D. 2023 USATF Club Cross Country National Championships I December 9, 2023 1 Tallahassee, FL GRANTS & SERVICES FOR REGIONAL EVENTS: $75,000 1) Establishment of Grant& Services Program: Allocation of Funds A. Retention of legacy events: PNQ, Middle School Basketball, WIAA State Golf, etc. B. Creation of new events: Hub-a-Palooza Mountain Bike Festival, signature Spokane Valley event BRAND BUILDING & POSITIONING: $50,000 1) Site Visits with Key Decision Makers: Hosting Costs Associated A. Sport Governing Bodies: WIAA, National Federation High School Sports, USA Track & Field B. Collegiate Conferences: WCC, Big Sky, WAC, Pac 12, GNAC, Northwest Conference C. National Running Brands: Hoka, Brooks, Nike, Saucony, On Running 2) Tradeshows, Meetings & Events: Staff Travel Costs A. 2023 NCAA Bid Symposium I August 28-29, 20231 Indianapolis, IN B. 2023 National Federation of High School Sports Meeting 1 August 30, 20231 Indianapolis, IN C. 2023 USA Track & Field Annual MeetingI November 28-30, 20231 Orlando, FL 3) Campaign Strategy: Planning and Delivery A. Digital and print presence; focus on earned media B. Videography; documentary style video of permanent cross course development C. Press event, groundbreaking, calendar release DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of June 1,2023; 11:00 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress;items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings June 13,2023,Special Meeting:2024 Budget Workshop 8:30 a.m. to-2:30 p.m. [due Tue June 61 CenterPlace Regional Event Center,Room 109 June 13,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. meeting cancelled June 20,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue June 13] ACTION ITEMS: 1. Public Hearing: Six-Year TIP—Adam Jackson (10 minutes) 2.Resolution 23-007 Adopting Six-Year TIP—Adam Jackson (5 minutes) 3.Resolution 23-008 Amending Planning Commission Rules of Procedure—Tony Beattie (5 minutes) 4.Motion Consideration:Pines&Mission Intersection Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller (10 minutes) 5.Motion Consideration: Tourism Promotion Area/Spokane Sports—Mike Basinger (15 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 6. CDBG Update—Mike Basinger (15 minutes) 7.Potential Grant Opportunity: Transportation Improvement Board—Adam Jackson (10 minutes) 8.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 75 mins] June 27,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue June 20] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: CDBG—Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 3.Admin Report: City Hall Update—Bill Helbig (10 minutes) 4.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 5. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports [*estimated meeting: 30 mins] July 4,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. (meeting cancelled) July 11,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Wed July 51 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration:Potential Grant Opportunity: Transportation Improvement Board—Adam Jackson(5 min) 3.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) July 18,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 10] 1. Council Goals&Priorities for LTAC—Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) July 25,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 18] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports August 1,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. (meeting cancelled—National Night Out) August 8,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 1] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion Consideration: Council Goals&Priorities for Use of Lodging Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) August 15,2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 8] 1. Council Goals&Priorities for LTAC Chelsie Taylor (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 6/1/2023 2:37:47 PM Page 1 of 2 August 22,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 15] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports August 29,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 22] 1. 2024 Budget,Estimated Revenues&Expenditures—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 5,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 29] 1.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 12,2023,Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Sept 5] 1. PUBLIC HEARING#1,2024 Budget,Revenues&Property Tax—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes,Motion to set 2024 Budget Hearing for Oct 10) (5 minutes) September 19,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Sept 12] 1.Proposed Ordinance Adoption 2024 Property Taxes—Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 2. Outside Agency Presentations(1: Social Service Agencies;2:Eco. Dev Agencies—Chelsie Taylor(-100 minutes) 3.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 26,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Sept 19] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports October 3,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Sept 26] 1. City Manager Presentation,2024 Preliminary Budget—John Hohman (40 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) October 10,2023,Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Oct 3] 1. PUBLIC HEARING#2,2024 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2.First Reading Ordinance 23- Property Tax Ordinance—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes,Motion to set 2024 Budget Hearing for Oct 10) (5 minutes) 4.Admin Report:2023 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) October 17,2023 Study Session,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Oct 10] 1. Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) October 24,2023 Formal Meeting,6:00 p.m. [due Tue Oct 17] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Second,2023 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2.First Reading Ordinacne 23- Amending 2023 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 4. Second Reading Ordinance 23-_Property Tax Ordinance—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 5.First Reading Ordinance 23- Adopting 2024 Budget—Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration:Awards to Outside Agencies(Soc Service;Eco. Dev.Agencies)-C.Taylor (15 mintues) 7.Admin Report:Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 8. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports *time for public or council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 9-1-1 calls(delays,holding,etc.) LTAC Alt Appts SCRAPS ADU Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. SNAP Financial Assistance Appleway Trail Amenities Park Lighting St. O&M Pavement Preservation Basement space Parking,Junk Vehicles,etc. Street Scaping,signs,trees,etc.-info CDBG Interlocal Agreement Pavement Mgmt.Funding Transportation Benefit District Governance Manual PFD Presentation Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Hearing Examiner Interlocal Prosecutor Services Yellowstone Franchise Agreement HHAA Update Protection of Utility Infrastructures Draft Advance Agenda 6/1/2023 2:37:47 PM Page 2 of 2