2017_09-25_Painted_Hills_PRD_EIS_(POST_TO_PH_WEB)SUPERIOR COURT ofWASHINGTONfor SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Request for Comments on Scope ofan EIS Painted Hills Planned Residential Development SUB -2015-0001 / PRD -2015-0001 STATE ofWASHINGTON County ofSpokane AFFIDAVIT ofPUBLICATION NO. LEGAL NOTICE MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the EDITOR ofthe Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date ofpublication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy ofa Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 8th day of September, 2017, and ending on the 15th day of September, 2017, all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all ofsaid period: Notice of Determination ofSignHicance (DS) and Request for Comments onScope of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Project Name: Painted Hills Planned Residential Development File Numbers: SUB•2015-0001/PRD- 2015-0001 Description of Proposal: The applicant NAI Black Realty, Inc., — proposes a planned residential development (PRD) comprised of 300 single familyhomes and 280 multifamily units and a neighborhood 11 I 1commercialcenter. The project will consist 11 f//// of five housing types identified as Estate, p C Single Family, Cottage, Multi -Family and a\, \c R CLa. //0MixedUse, which will be developed in 0.. phases over a 15 -year time period. The „ " .., s(ON ••. / - proposal willinclude 30 acresofdedicated ' 'rq• iopenspace, including active and passive C /".• ". recreation, and a pedestrian trail system. ) , O to• Vehicular access to the development will : U NOTARY ": - occur at four points along Madison, with • one intersecting Thorpe Road, and three) PUBLICintersectingDishman-Mica Road. s The proposal requires Hearing Examiner a ;• 0approvalofaTypeIIIPermitraccordance .9 • • . with chapter17.80 SVMC. % . 0 1g;' The proposal lies within a FEMA special , • .` -1 6-•. :6 •S. flood hazardarea andabove thedesignated 0... O •• ••r•]\\ • SpokaneValley- Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. rI p C' 1 The applicant proposes to address the /// •' ` 1\\\ special flood hazard and compensatory f 1 I 1111 storage requirements by capturing, redi-. resting and infiltrating the flood flows thuseliminatingtheregulatoryfloodplainfromthefuturedevelopmentarea. New levees areproposedto keep ChesterCreekchan- nel0oodtlowsoutofthe project area.Oneite water treatment facilities are proposed to reduce pollutant loads and concentrations in stormwater prior to the water entering theaquifer. Proponent: NAI Black Realty, Inc., 107SouthHoward, Suite 500, Spokane, WA 99201Location of Proposal: 4403 S. Dlshman- Mica Road Sectionfrownship/Range: SE V of Sec- tion 33 and SW 'A of Section 34, Township 25N, Range 44E, Willamette Meridian. Tax Parcel Numbers: 45336.9191, 45334.0106, 45334.0108, 45334.0109, 45334.0110, 45334.0113, 45334.0114, 45334.9135, 44041.9144 LeadAgency: Cityof SpokaneValleyDateofIssuance: September 8, 2017 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Required: The City of Spokane Valley Community and Public Works Departmenthasdeterminedthatthisproposalislikelytohaveasignificantadverseimpactontheenvironment. Thisdetermination followsre- viewoftheenvironmental checklist submit- IItedbytheproponent (received September8, 2016); technical studies submitted as part of the Type III permit application, Including a preliminary flood control plan (receiQedOctober14, 2016); over 200 public corn-' ments receivedvialetters anddirect citizen contact; and responses by the proponent receivedJuly 18, 2017) to requests for ad- ditional information made bytheCity. An EIS is required in compliance with the Stale Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Ch. 43.21C RCW, Chapter 197-11 WAC, and The 21 SVMC,. and will be prepared. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c) and SVMC21.20.110 and .120 underthe direction of the City of Spokane Valley. The EIS willaddressprobablesignificantadverseen- vironmental impacts of actions necessary to accomplish the proposed project. An environmentalchecklistandother materials indicating likely environmental impactscanbereviewedattheSpokaneValleyCommitsnityandPublicWorksDepartmentoronItswebsite: bttp!lwww.sPokanavalleYnr0. The Spokane ValleyCommunityand PublicWorksDepartmenthasidentifiedthefol- lowing elements of the environment for erShis 1: ' . ,,_ ORN to before me 15th day of September, 2017 State ofWashington County of Spokane I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instru ent. Jolen ntz Title: No . •ublic My appointment expires: 05-16-2019 428e .a0 11N 8I$CtIS&1onIntha1110; )taturalenvironment groandandsurface Water); built environ i went fiend use, Melad1ng relationship toLanduseplansragakdingHoodhazard 010001, andtransportation. Alternatives to ba analyzed In Me El615610de: A. No. ,.#aloe; The Nib Action Alternative assumes0ievelopmentefthe siteotherthanthePRDproposal, B. ;91TefnotrveY,E Yers8d Alternative: The 9115 prdlect0s p10900011, C. ACiaittltanabl.dlteceapye. Gltettgurotion: Other reasonable objective for achiav09theproposalsebjectveonthesame site according to theunderlying zoningdesignation Soaping Cgmm00100 The City of Spo- kane Valtoy 01111 act as leadagency for the3EP7poacess. Agencies, affected tribes, anti rrlembers'af the public are invited to oommeM on the scope g11he EIS YOU mey onmmeat en alternatives obligation measures, probable significant adverse Impacts, and licenses or affier approvals that may nerequired r. Comments; hUrilten communis scope of the 1118 may be sub ted no I®terthan 5:00 "p.m. onSeptember202017. Comments should be semi Lar Barlow, Spokane Valley Buildingfleat., 11707E. SpragueAve, Butte 106, Spokane Valley WA 99206, Or Lbardu»wt ,I apokanevalleystg Seopntg Meeting; A acapingmeeting will - be hellosfollows: AQanday, September 25, 2017 6.00 6;00PM CenterPtaoe 2426 to Discoeery PlaceSpokaneVallay(WA 60216Thepurposeetthismeetingistoreceive publiccomment onIssuestobediscussed Intheenvironmentalimpaotstatement. ReEnspon1poibta C018teat; MrJbhn Hohean, RaenVeeyyityMa6g090CAtyva1,8pto- 706, Spokanevalley, WA 90206. Seopin4 Comment Deadline: September 29, 2017Garne60ndetka, CMC SpokaneValley 1?epury', City ClerkPURLS(1: 00-0&2617 9716/2017