03-027 (2) M ~ ~kay Ci~y of Spc~SCarae VaUey l 17(?7 E. Sprague Sp~kane VaIIey, WA 99206 921-1(?~14 F1U1'ICE OF [?R[?I'NAFlCE PASSEQ BY SPOKANf VALLEY CiTlf CUUNCfL The follawing is 1he title and sumrnary of C?rdinance Na, 27 passed by the City of Spdkane Va11ey Ciiy Council an 1he 11 th day of i February.20q3. ~ AN [}RD6IVANCE C}F 7IiE I i CIT! OF SPUKANE YAL- I LEY. SPOKAFIE CC3UFiTY, WASHINGTON, LEYYlNG QF 7WV0 PERCENT QN ' *Federaf Tax iD Mo. 91-0420030 ~ MADE FC3R HE FURN SH- i AFFIQAVIT OF PUBLlCATIGM : `~oT°,~i~,°~~~~ Rvann-Y ING HOiJSE, T(3iJRIST COURTe QR 7RAILER , caMP; ESTABLlSHtMIG A STATE OF WASHINGT{]N ' SPECIAL FUM1ID FUR THE TAX; AND PRUVIDING Caunty of Spokane, $s. FQR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELA7ED T"ERET°' Name: City of Spokane Vailey Acct: C042365 The iniroductory para- graphs state the City desires ta irnpase a twca per- ~7.(~.: prdinance No 27 NQ. Lines: 95 cent lodging tax to replace the tax previously imptyssed by Spaka"e Countiy. T0ta1 C05t: $ 107.55 Log NO: SR5442 5ection 1 irnposes a two percent tax an the sale matie ior #urrrishirag of lodg- I Hanormarie Tibbetts-Freiday ing and provides tt1at the I tax ~~fedft aga""sc tne do solemnly swear that I am tNe Principal Clerk of the SPUKESMAN- Stase 5a0es cax, sect,Q„ 2.creates a REVIEVY, a newspaper established and regularly published, once hd4e11motel tax tund and P~oYid~ ir~e caM~ sFiair ~ each day in the English language, in and of general circulatian in the ~lely "sed f°` tu"d`n9 z°u`- iscn retated actirrities crr City, of Spakaneo Spokane Caunty, Washingtvn; and in the City of fac'r't'es. Sectian 3 rovides for Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has ad«,inestracion o~the tax. 5ection 4 estabEishes a been sa established and regularly published and has had said generaf lodg;ng taX adY;sQrv circUlatian continuousfy for mare than six (6) months priar to the 23rd camm+Riee confrmad by 4he coUnd,. day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office s$cuon s eatebiishes a penalty for #a'slure to pay the maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, tax. Washington; that said newspaper was approaed and designated as a 5ectinn 6 establishes a sevefaberity clause ►n tr,e fegal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of ewent some r#aon of 4he a;d;na„Ce is ~la inwa,id_ V1lashingtorr far Spakane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and sQecRon 7 states mis Ordinance snat+ be in fun that said order has nat been revoked and is in full fvrce and effect; €orc@ ana effect f've (5) that the notice attached hereta and which fs a part of the praaf at days a(Ser pubficatian of the Q~~inanCe surnmary, and publication, v►ras published in said newspaPer„ one time{s}, the on the date a# incarpor- ac~on. publication haUing been made once each time on the following dates: T3te Full text of tfie Qrdanaraee is aweilaale at the City of Spakane VaUey City ofiwces as identiied April 21, 2003 atsQVe. A copy will tse ~~iW aut up~ requesE. That said natice was published in the regufar and en#ire issue of every rsr auth Multer number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that 'nter'°'} c'tv c`erk SR5442 the notice was published in the newspaper proper and rrat in a - supplement. E ` ~ 1..;..vli'vSubscrihed and swvrn to before me a the City of Spokane, this 2~ ~~7. ~,~SSfoN C`day of April, 2003 Q~NOTAR~'~' i ; = c.~ Y PiJBLIC Not ublic in and for the State of Washington, 1 esiding in Spvkane County, Washington ~ ~ _ r City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 27 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Gouncil on the 11 `h day of February, 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING A SPECIAL EXCISE TAX OF TWO PERCENT ON THE SALE OR CHARGE MADE FOR THE FURNISHING OF LODGING BY ANY HnTEI,, MOTEL, ROOMING HOUSE, TOURIST COURT, OR TRAILER CAMP; ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FUND FOR THE TAX; AND PROVI1) TtiG r0 R- 0111 F:Iz MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. The introductory paragraphs state the City desires to impose a tNvo percent lod,ino tal to rcplace the tax previously imposed hy Spol:ai1c Co«nty. Seetion 1 imposes a two percent tax on the sale niade lor furnislliiio oi lodgiilg and pruvides that the tax is a credit against the State sales tax. Seetion 2 ereates a hotel/motel tax fiiiid -I nd nl'ovicles thc taxes shall he solelx, Lised for fiindin,-~ tourism related activities or facilitie~. Section 3 provides for administratioil uftil~: tax. Seetion 4 establishes a lodging tax advisory conlmittee confirmeci by the CuLulcil. Section 5 establishes a penalty for failure to pay the tax. Seetion 6 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Orciinance is heltd, invalid. Section 7 states this Ordinance sha11 be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the Cit_y of Spokane Vzllev Citv offices as identified above: 14-sQpy will be mailed out tilion request. ~__t Ruth Mu~l~r Interim City Clerk ~ Page 4 CADocuments and Settings\rmullerV.ocal SettingslTemporary lntemet Files10LK1 l\Ordinance No. 27.doc