03-029 CITY OF SPOKANEH,, 3~:EY SPOKANE COUNTY, WA9:2: `:6TON ORDINANCE NO. 29 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLiSHMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR OBTAINING TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION, ADVANCE OF TRAVEL FUNDS AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley em plo- M ees and public officials will incur author- ~ business expenses for travel, subsistence, ~ i registration and related expenses while on offi- ~ ' cial business of the City of Spokane Valley; ~ and I WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley would I like to provide a reasonable and timely mecha- nism for the reimbursement of such necessary ! and reasonable expenditures in accordance i with RCW 42:24.090. NOW, THEREFORE the City Council of the i City of Spokane Jallzy, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as folbws: i Section 1. Estabtishing TraveLPolicies "Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 and Procedures. rne respo^S'bil'ty a^d aut''ority for deyeloP- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ing, adopting, modifying and monitoring the Travet Pohcies and Procedures for reimburse- ment of expenses incurred while on ofiicial STATE OF WASHINGTON business of the City o1 Spokane Valley is dele- gated to the City Council Finance Committee. It is recognized by the CitY Council that public ; County of Spokane, SS. affcials and employees will periodically be re- ~ quired to travel and incur related expenses on ' behalf of tfie City. The purpose of the Travel Name: City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365 Policies and Procedures is to provide criteria for payment and/or reimbursement of velid ex- penses. The Council directs that the Finance Committee consider the following in the devel- P.O.: Ordinance No. 29 NO. Lines: 118 opment of travel policies and procedures. 1. Reimbursement for transportation costs Total Cost: $ 94.86 Log No: SR5237 when using personal automobiles including rates to be established on a mi(eage or other reasonab4e basis and for air fare or other mode of travel; 1, Jill Leong 2Re;mburseme„t for notevmo,ei accommo- do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- aet'°ns; REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once 3.Reimbursement for meals either at actual each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the cost including a per meal maximum amount or j a per diem ailocation; ~ City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of 4.Reimbursement sor incidental expenses Coeur d'Atene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has ' such as parking, teXi, bu~, rencel ecc.; been so established and regularly published and has had said general ! circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd 5. Such other matters that are reasonably I ~ Teleted co travel. day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office The Finance Department, under the supervi- malfltalfl2d at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, sion of the Finance Committee, iS d~recced ►o Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a develop a fulfy itemized travel expense form which shell be used to administer tfie ciry travet legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of ~olicy and account for expenditures and reim- ursement of otficials or employees. Claims Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and for reimbursement must be accompanied by re- ceipts showing the amount paid and that SaICj order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; i2ems/services received unless othervvise pro- that {hg notiee attaehed hereto and whieh is a part of the proof of vided in the policies and procedures. All claims for reimbursement shall be dufy certified by the publication, W8S published ifl said newspaper, one time(s), th2 individual submitting such claim on a form ap- proved by the Finance Director in compliance publication having been made once each time on the following dates: with State regulations and guidelines establish- ed by the State Auditor. For Administrative Staff, tfie Ciry Manager or March 27, 2003 designee shall epprove expenses and reim- bursement. The City Councl shall approve, through budget allocation, travel expenses and I - reimbursement for Council members. • The Council reserves the right to review the f Subscribed and sworn t efore me at e City of Spokane, this 27 Travel Policies and Procedures of the City in- cluding modifying and amending the same ~ day of March, 2003 from time to 1ime. A The Travel Policies and Procedures are a public docume{it with a copy maintained in the , office of the City Clerk. section 2. Effective oece. o ary Public in and for the State of Washington, ioN •-:F'Lf, : ~to This Ordinance shall be in full force residing in Spokane County, Washington ~0 NOtARy and effect on the official date of incorporation ~ U tY► ; provided publication of this Ordinance or a N~ summary thereat occurs in the offic+al newspa- PUBLIC per of the City as provided by law. Passed By the City Council of the Gity of ~q' `~'v'.• ~~E1Z 1~ ~ • Spokane Valley on 7anuary 28, 2003. t t~ G~ ~ C'` ~vqsH~N /s/ Mayor Michael DeVleming ~ ATTEST: /sl Interim City Cleric, Ruth MuAer SR5237 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 29 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY. WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES ANl } REGULATIONS FOR OBTAINING TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION, ADVANCE I TRAVFL FUNDS AND REIMBLIRSF,MENT OF EXPFNSES WHERL-AS, the City of Spokane Valley employees and public officials will authorized business expenses for travel, subsistence, registration and related expenses while on official business of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Va11ey would like to provide a reasonable and timel I11eCh1I11S111 fOr tle I'eIIlIb111-tic;plcpt of sL1C11 I1t'CCSti~T'N',1I1d T'~'~1Snil~1~~~C ~'\?~~I1C~Itl1?'~'ti ,Il ~1CCn1'C~~3T1~'` . , w1fl1 R( ~~'42.24.O()O. ,NUVV~, ~THE~;~'O1,, ~1t t~~~~}l. inMon. cln fnllovc-:: The responsibility and authority for developing, adopting, modifying and monitoring the Travel Policies and Procedures for reimbursement of expenses incurred while on official business of the City of Spokane Valley is delegated to the City Council Finance Committee. It is recognized by the City Council that public officials and employees will periodically be required to travel and incur related expenses on behalf of the City. The purpose of the Travel Policies and Procedures is to provide criteria for payment and/or reimbursement of valid expenses. The Council directs that the Finance Committee consider the following in the development of travel policies and procedures. 1. Reimbursement for transportation costs when using personal automobiles including rates to be established on a mileage or other reasonable basis and for airfare or other mode of travel; 2. Reimbu.rsement for hotel/motel accommodations; ' 3. Reimbursement for meals either at actual cost including a per meal maaimum amount or a per diem allocation; 4. Reimbursement for incidental expenses such as parking, taxi, busses, rental cars, etc.; and 5. Such other matters that are reasonably related to travel. P:\email attachmentslOrdinance No. 29,travel policy.doc 1 . The Finance Department, under the supervision of the Finance Committee, is directed to develop a fully itemized travel expense form which shall be used to administer the City travel policy and account for expenditures and reimbursement of officials or employees. Claims for reimbursement must be accompanied by receipts showing the amount paid and items/services received unless otherwise provided in the policies and procedures. All claims for reimbursement shall be duly certified by the individual submitting such claim on a form approved by the Finance Director in compliance with State regulations and guidelines established Auditor. For Administrative Stafi; the Lity Manager or designee shall approve expenses aild reimbursement. The City Council sh~il] approve. through hudget allocation. travel expenses and 1~'11ll~?l1iti~i1]CI1j ~l_~1~~l~lll~~ll I11~'1?~~~~1'ti. l'he Council reserves tlle right to review the i ravel i'olicies and I'rocedures of the C i t-\ ;1,c1WI i111- n,0difVin« 'It,cl ~1.i11.er1KUnP rh- s,1111e fr(,rll timC r() timC. ~ ' ' . . . i . . , , . t. office of the City Clerk Seetion 2. Eiiective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication ofthis 07-J111"Mct2 OF l1lcr'~,->f,,~~~,~~. ~F I,v 1~. ii i~a5sW 0j1i1C ~1t~t-- OuilCii 01 ii1L~ 11) oI ~~Oi:a11~ ~aliC) Oil Ja1luai-y'UU~. . N . Mayor Michael De lemi~ AT ' /vd r ~ Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: kteri City o y, Stanle ~ M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: 3 ~ add~ P:\email attachmentsl0rdinance No. 24,travel policy.doc 2