03-030 CIIY OF SPOKANE VALLtx SPCIKANE C€)IJNTY, W,4'SMIN+GTON ORDINANCE NO. 30 AhF t]RDINANGE OF THE Ci7Y (7F SPOKANE vALLEIf, WASM(NGTOhI ADOPT1NG A 5Y5'iEM FC7Fi THE ISSUANCE, USE ANE? CONTRQL (3F CREt71T CARDS BY CIT'f OFfICfA#.S ANi] EMPLC7YEES INCLUDING AUTH+LIRiI"Y TO A[3rJPT RUI.ES AND PROCE- bURE5 RF14SfiiVABLY R€LATED THERETO. WHERfAS, the Gity Cauncil finds the use of credit cards aUvws #or the etFicient operation oi the City when purehpsin g goods, s~a{aplp~:s and ather alems from vendors, as well as, charging expenses incadenC ta authc~rized travel; and WWEREAS. RCW 43.09.2855 and RCW 42.24.115 authorize the use of credit eards for , governmental purGhases and expesises ~ incident to authortred iraaeP provided the City adopts a system re9ating ta the distribution, authcarizatian, cFedit iirnits, payrnent and control a# ihe use of such credit cards. NOIN. THEREFC1RE, zP7e City Council of the 5it~r~afo~SOkane Valley, Washingtdn, da ordain "`Federal Tax ID Np. 9'~-QQ20O3Q so`wtin t. ~efinit`ons. AFFIDAViT OF PUBLiCAT1C]N As used in this nrdinance, the term "creclit card" means a card ar device issued under an ~ arrenqsment pursuent ta which the iss~rer ; STATE {}F VIIASHIN~GTON [creci+i carct cs~rnpany} gives to fhe card hole4er [lhe City] Ihe priwifege of obtaining credif irom County of Spokane, 5S, rhe issuer. ; sectlanz IssuH„ce. Use flnd controi of ~ . credit cardsName: Cityr of Spvkane Valiey Acct: C042365 The Ciiy adopts the fallowing systEm fvr the 'ssua"ce, use and c°"tr°l °i c'edi' cards aY P.Q.: Drdinance N4. 30 No. Lines: 143 City afficia9s and employees. A. Ttle F'rnancs Directar is euthorized tn obtain City credit cards cander tlie follawiiig Total Cost: $ 114.11 Lag No: SR5230 syslem whiCh pravides for che distribut9an, autharizatican, control, credit IFmits arrd pay- ment of bilRs through the use of #he crerJit Jill Leong cards by City ofiicFals and ernploye~. 1. Issuance and Use. Credit cards nlay be do soVemnly swear that I am the Princ9pal Clerk of the SPQKESMAA!- issued tv the City of Spokane Valley and us€d REVIEIN, a newspaper established and regularly published, once by Gity oEficials and authorized employees For purchasing gQOds, supplies and oiher items each day in #he Eraglish language, in and of general circulativn in the from wendors pr incurnng rogisfration, training or travel expenscs in conneclion with the (~It'y/ of Spokane, Spokane CQIJCIt~►', 1Nashington, • and I~1 thE Clty p~r- of formance of 4he`rr duties on behal{ of Ihe City. (;Oel1C d'Alef]e, Kaotenai CiQlJC1t)/, Idaho; that S81d newspaper r135 2- Aulhorizatijanand ccmira►- upan aUrl,gf- been sv established and regularly published and has had said general ization from the Gity Manager or designee, Ctty empl4yees rnay vbtain cred'tt cards frvm circulation con#inuously for mare than six (fi) months privr to the 23rd the Finence [3uector wl`so ahald maintain a ledger of ihe indiViduaf receiwing the crecSit dZy of JUly> 1941> 'trlaf SalCj f1eWSQaPE.'f IS pfIC1ted Ifl afl QffICe ~ card includ"ung ihe date the card was veceived. ~ maintained c'3t ItS pFace of publicativn ICl thG CIty of Spolcane, City Council members may obtain credit carcis irarn the Finance Director. The Finance Direc- ~WaSr1iIlgtQft; that said newspaper was approUed and designated as a tar shail implement accounting controls to ~e a~ news inaure kho prnper use c~€ credit cards anc! credFt g paper by order of the Superior COllrt of thE; StBt@ of Card fu"as. WasMingtan for 5pokane Courrty vn the 23rd day of July, 1941, and 3. Credii Limits. TFtiis credit limit shall not tha# ga1CI OI'(jer ha5 Il{]t bE.'eI`1 rev4ked and is in full force and effect; excee+d $3,000.04 per card. ~ ~ that the notice attached hereta and which is a par# of the proof of 4. Paym enC of Bills. T"he Fir,aiyce Direc;trar ~ shall estabS'ssh a proeedure 3or #he prompt pay- PI.IFJIICatIoPl, V11r7S published ICl S81d newspaper, of1E' t1f71£3(S), #hE ment ai aIf eredit card bills on ar tsefore ihe due datepublication having been made vnce each time vn the following dates; . 5. C]nauthoriced Charges. No afficial or employee shal4 uss the Gity issued credit card March 27, 2003 far nan-City business purposes. NQ charge(s) shell exceed amounts estabiished and availa- bae in tlie City Budget. 6. Cash _-4sivances. Cash advances on credit cards is }~rohibited. - Subscribed and sworn to b ore me at the C' of Spokane, this 27 B. Expenses incident io authorized travel rrs€~y be ciiarged to aCity iESUed credit card pravid- C~8~1' of MaI'Crl, 2003 ed t~re officiaf or emptayse re3ums ta th€; City a iternized travel expense vQUClier with credit card rece%pts in acc4rrlance with the City Trav- . f ~ el Policoes and Rrocedures. If certairs credit r VfNn charges are disallowed as a resuft of avdit car Cil}r poficy, such charge must be ~ ~,SSlQ,+~'t~ repaid to the City vwith the City having the righE vtary Pubiic in and fvr the State of VV'ashingt to w'rthha6d tunds psya6lc: to the oEficial employee up to the arrtounq aF the disallower! reseding in Spvkane Cvunty, Washington •v NdrARY charge inc4uding in3erest al the rate chaTgad by the credif card campany. ! s fi 'ptJ$ LIc 'o .c C. The City Manager is autharixed tp I revake the use of any cftarge c;ard Fssued and immediately re uire the surrendor of the credit ~ card_ The City anager may daliuer a revoca lian order ta the charge card c4mp~sny with the City not being IiaErle for any futur~: costs ir~cur- re~d after #he date of revacatinn. ~ - D. The City Manager is au3harized to adapi any additional rules or policies necessary 4a imp#ement the provisions of this csrdinance. '&ection 3. Severataiiity. any secrian, sentence, clause ar phrase of ihis t7rdinanGP should be hsld ta be inaafi8 or unconstitwtivnal by a caurf of cornpetent juris- f diction, such invalidity pr unconstifutionality , shall not afifec# the valiclity flr coiistitutianality i of any other section, serstence, ctause or pitrase of lhss Urdinance. Sectio,n 4. EffectiveDate. • This fJrdinance shall be in full farce ancf efiecc on 1he ofticial [fate of incarpoeation provided publicatian of this Ordinance ar a summary tt,erecs( occurs in the afficie4 neyvapa- per of 4ha City as pravid$d by law. PASSED 6y the City Council Ehis 2$ day of 7anuary, 2003. lsf MayAr, Michacai f]eVloming ATTEST: Is/ fnterim Giiy;Clerk. Ruih.,lulullw SR523+7 CI"T1' OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 30 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ADOPTING A SYSTEM FOR THE ISSUANCE, USE AND CONTROL OF CREDIT CARDS BY CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES INCLUDING AUTHORITY TO ADOPT RULES AND PROCEDURES REASONABLY RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council finds tile use of credit cards allows for the eff c i c111 operation ofthe City when purchasing goods, suppl?~~ ~nI Oth,"r' ;?C,"~ frW~1 N'cn(1r)":. N\'Cll charging expenses incident to authorized travel; and WHEREAS, RCW 43.09.2855 and RCW 42.24.115 authorize the use of credit cards for goverrunental purchases and expenses incident to authorized travel provided the City adopts a system relating ?o tlic di~tril-)tltion. al1t'h0r,ilati0I1. cT-Cdit linllts. r~avilleiit 'incl control of the tise of, tiU~ll C1'~CIIt C~~1'~~5. '~~O«. IIIEI~I:I~C)1Z1:. tllC Cit%'C'otiilcil of the Citti- Of S1N)1:ane Wasfli»gtoiz. do ordaiil as follc~\N's: Section 1. Dcf iilitiotls. As used in this ordinance, the term "credit cardmeans a card or de~-ice issued under an arrangement pursuant to which the issuer [credit card company] gives to the card holder [thc City] the privilege of obtaining credit from the issuer. Section 2. Issuance, Use and Control of C'redit C'ards. The City adopts the followina system for ilic issiilincc_ 21~e ~Incl cotitrol of ci-c(Iit c~irds hv City officials and employee~,. A. The Finance 011-eCi01- iS autlluriZed to ubtai11 crCdit curd-s uiluer tiie 1'01lu~\in~ system which provides for the distribution, authorization, control, credit limits and payment of bills through the use of the credit cards by City officials and employees. 1. Issuaqcepd Use. Credit cards may be issued to the City of Spokane Valley and used by City officials and authorized employees for purchasing goods, supplies and other items from vendors or incurring registration, training or travel expenses in connection with the performance of their duties on behalf of the City. 2. Authorization and Control. Upon authorization from the City Manager or designee, City employees may obtain credit cards from the Finance Director who shall maintain a ledger of the individual receiving the credit card including the date the card was received. C i t\ Council members may obtain credit cards from the Finance Director. The Finance Director sh a~i implement accounting controls to insure the proper use of credit cards and credit card fund,; 3. Credit Limits. The credit limit shall not exceed $3,000.00 per card. 4. Pavment of Bills. The Finance Director shall establish a procedure for the P:lemail attachmentsl0rdinance No. 30,credit card use.doc prompt payment of all credit card bills on or before the due dLit c. 5. Unauthorized Char2es. No official or employee shall use the City issued credit card for non-City business purposes. NO charoe(s) shall exceed amounts established and available in the City budget. 6. Cash Advances. Cash advances on credit cards is prohibited. B. Expenses incident to authorized travel may be charged to a City issued credit card provided the official or employee returns to the City a itemized travel expense voucher with credit card receipts in accordance with the City Travel Policies and Procedures. If certain credit charges are disallowed as a result of audit or City policy, such charge must be repaid to the City with the City having the right to withhold funds payable to the official or employee up to the amount of the disallowed charcle including interest at the rate charpled by the credit card company. C. The City Nlanager is authorizcd to revol:e the use of arly char(Te card issued and immediately require the surrender of the credit card. The City Manager may deliver a revocation order to the charge card company with the City not being liable for any future costs incurred after the date of revocation. D. The City Manager is authorized to adopt any additional rules or policies necessary to implement the provisions of this ordinance. Seetion 3. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this nT-1;1i,J-,1,,~-C ~i!i?1i,1~1.'ry t},erer,f occllrq in ttle offic;:ll n'n«Tspane,- o,. the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this G(.0 day of January, 2003. ~Mayor, Michael DeVlemir';_~ ATT Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller ~ i i`~ P:\email aitachments\Ordinance No. 30,credit card use.doc ApproN,ecl _ks To For-m: I teri City Stanley- . Schwartz D of Publicatio : Effective Date: YY~ P:lemail attachments\Ordinance No. 30,credit card use.doc .