03-031 i i Cit ai Spakane Valley 1707 E. Sprague Spokane. W,A 99206 (509) 921-1 UO(} BYS~v~rOi~va~~~vein~r aurEicIL *Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 The fo{lowin is the title arad summary a# Urdi• „ance No. 1 passed by the C'rty o# Spolcane ~ AFF1DAVfT OF PlJ~~ ~~~T~~~ 1lalley City Council esn the .'~fd day of Febnsary, 2ao3. ~ AN ORQINAMCE OF THE CITY C3F STATE C?F WASHINGTON ES AB IH~iNG A L STU' M~~ai~ac~ a~ND County of Spokane, ss. SLiRFACE WATER MANAGEMEfVT UTiLlTY AMD PROVIpIfVG FdR {?TNER MATTE#t5 PR°~~RLY RELaTE° T"ERET°. Name: City of Spokane Valley Acct: G042365 The introductory paragraphs state the Gity de- sires to establish a starmwaier utiliTy similar to tha: estan~~~hed by s,okan$ county. p.p.. Summary of Ordinance Na. 31 No. Lines: 62 Ses:tian 1 establishes the stormwater utidity to ' gnvern storm drainage and surPace water with- in tlze C ' T0t3I COSt: $ 56.08 Lag Nv: SR52~3d ty. S[:C'tlOtliZ S(a185 lhe pLlTpC1S+@ fS 40 pPp1ec1 [h@ ~ public hsealtFt, safety ancJ welfare. $ection 3 preswkdes definitions far the 1, Jiil LeQng ordinanee. section 4 tmposes tne utirty Gr~~~~e simslar co ~ do solemnly swear that I am the Principai Clerk of the SP(]KESMAN- ihat imposed by 5po kane County. E Sectian 5 estabhshes a stormwater utility fund. I REVIEW, a flE.'WSpapEI' estabCfShE'd 2lT1Cj f@C,JUlafl)/ pLlf]lISh@d, Uf1Ce Section 6 pravidescreates for entr~r ex~mpirons upon ta !fie premises. stcxm- Setti~an 7 ~each day in #he Engfish language, in and of generak circufatian in the water Sectionilf3 pho f~dees tor bitlin9. ~vment and City of Spoka~le, Spakane ~:OLlfltjl, U1lashington; aC1C~ ICI tr1@ .,C',If~ll' of cmllectaaR. Coeur d'Aferre, Kaotenai County, Idaho; fhat said newspaper has Seetion 9 craates a lien for deiinqueni cnaFges_ been sv establ€shed and regularly pubMished and has had said general seccian 10 authorizas $aministXati►e ediust- mer,cs. circulafion cvntinuously for more than six (fi) months prior ta the 23rd Section 11 ssates the City's;ntent to cooper- kday of Juiy, 1941; that Sa1d newspaper IS printed fn afl OfiF1Ce ate with neighboring junsdictions regarding stormwatercontral. R1aIr1ta1ned at its place of publica#ion in the City of Spokane, Section 12 establishes a severability cCause in ttae event same portion of the Qrdinance is I WaShlngtQpfl; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a "Eedinva{'d. Sectian 13 states this C?rdinance shali be in fiull Iegal newsPaPer by order of the SuQerior Caurt of the State of t°rce and es'ect Fi"e (s) daYs after pub''cat`°n Washin ton for S okane Coun on the 23rd da of Jul 1941 and of tF1e C)IC~IPIaRGB SUI11IYe8~l, a~d an the date of ~ p ~ ~ ' ;ncQrpQration. fhat said order has nvt been revoked and is in full force and effect; The full terR of ihe Ordinance is available at the fllat thL notice attached heretv and Wf11ch is a part of the FJCdof 0f Ciky of $pakane Valley City oi#ices as icieerxti- {ieci 3E74V@. A IJblIC'3. tloll, WaS pLI blISfIe(j Ifl Sc~id f1EWSQapEr, l OCIE,' tafTle/S)} tfi2 c~py rvif~ ~e rnailed out rapon P I ~ publication having been made ance each #ime on the fvllowing dates: !sl Ruth M11+(uller I Jnterim CiTy Glerk 5R526i,1 ' _ N1arch 29, 2003 i r y ,~//Vc., Subscrebed and sworn ta b re me at the ty of Spokane, this 31 SiDiy" ..<'day of March, 2003 NoraRr PUBLIC ~-o. otary Pubfic in and for the State of Washington, `~y~~ ~ residing in SpoiCane County, Washingtan ,~.C~. ~~r~ WA c City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 31 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 3~d day of February, 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A STORM DRAINAGE AND SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. The introductory paragraphs state the City desires to establish a stormwater utility similar to that established by Spokane County. Section 1 establishes the stormwater utility to govern storm drainage and surface water within the City. Section 2 states the purpose is to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Section 3 provides definitions for the ordinance. Section 4 imposes the utility charge similar to that imposed by Spokane County. Section 5 establishes a stormwater utility fund. Section 6 provides for entry upon premises. Section 7 creates exemptions to the stormwater utility charge. Section 8 provides for billing, payment and collection. Section 9 creates a lien for delinquent charges. Section 10 authorizes administrative adjustments. Section 11 states the City's intent to cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions regarding stormwater control. Section 12 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 13 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. ~ Ruth Mu er Interim City Clerk Published: C:\DocumenLs and Settings\rmuller\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKI I\Ordinance No. 31.doc