03-031 A-1 ~ CfTY bF S. r1NE VIILLEY. SPfJKANif COUh17Y, WASiiINGTt}M ORDlNA1VGE NO. 31-A1 AN ORC31WAMCE OF T[WE CITY QF Si'OKANE VALLEY, WASHlNGT(aN, A11AEA1DIFIG ORDiNANCE Nfa. 3# NFHEREAS, far the pur- pose of clarifying language set fdrth in C'►rdmance No. 31, it is necsssary tcs modify the sarne; and WHEREAS, this amend- ment cfoes not result ira a substantive change to f?rdinance Nv. 31. NQW; 7HEREFORE, the Gity Covncil vF the City of SpQkans Valley, W'~sEaing- ton, cio orda`rn as fallaws: Section i. Amendment. Sectian 4 of Ordinance No. 3' `s nefeb'' amended aS *Federaf Tax It3 No. 91-(}420030 fvllaws: seGtion4. utility 6arge. There is hereby irnpnserJ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIGN upon every devefcrped parcel of prvperty within t"e C'ty a sx"rm and ST'ATE ~F WASHINGTON sus#ace water utility annu- ai c"a`ge °r $'°.D° f"` Caunt of S akane, ss. eac~s singl~: iamily unii y pand $10.00 fvr 3,160 square feet of impervious sur€ace for all otMer prop- Na1"1'1@. City of Spvkane Valley ACCt: C042365 erties. Utili#y changes shall be uniform #ar the same clagg °t c"gt°mers ❑r setvice and iacili4ies P.GI.: Ordinance No. 31-A1 No. Lines: 215 . 7he Cily hereby incorpvr- ates by re#erence as ib tuny set forth herein the To#al Cost: $ 110.25 Lo Nv: SR5238 rates anci charges adopt- , ~ ed by Spakane Counky through Reselution 93- 155. The rates and charg- 1, Jifl LeQng eS Pr°vide a met"°d t° lund the stprm and sur- do svlemnly swear that I am the Principai Clerk of the SPfJKESMAN- 'ace "'a`er "t~ry rehensiand establish corn REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published: once ~e managetnentandadminis- each da Ifl '~hE E~1lISI}1 l8f1 Ua e, iI'1 r'~C1C~ e"IECc~I Ckrculation in the tration The City Council y ~ g ~ ~ may bv Res4lut;on mod6ry City of Spakane, Spcakane County, Washington; and in the City of the rates and charges impased bv the utarytv. Gveur d'AI'ene, Kovtenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has ExGepr as Qtnefw;se p,p- been so established and regularly pubi6shed and has had said general vided in RCW 90.03.525 circulation continuously for more than six (fi) months prior to the 23rd for fhe Washington Stace Departmen[o(Transpor:a- day of Jufy, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office tion, alE pubiic entities and pUblic property sr,eu ee main#ained at its piace of publication in the City of Spokane, subject to rates and cr,arge$ establ;$l,ed by Washington; #hat said newspaper was appraved and designated as a tne c`ry c°unc'" f°r starmwater control facili legal newspaper by order of the Superiar Court of the State of fres t° tn~ ~ame excent as Washington for Spakane County on #he 23rd day of July, 1941, and private persons and Pri- vare property rne coty that said order has not been rewoked and is in full force and effec#; Caunci; when se4ting rate8 Fo~ encr~ies that the notice atiached hereto and which is a part of the praof of and p`°pe`tV ma" c°"S'd- er starmwater services Publication, was Published in said newspaAer, one tEme(s), the ~F4Videa and maintained publacation having been made once each time an the follawing dates: y 4he public entity and ~A r~ 4lher f(,'lOtC+~ ifT!¢fOY$^ IYlar.~eh L8, 2UO3 ments, as we11 as, dona- tions o+sQry~ces and Rrop- That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of e►rery err,r co che c't, ut'l'►Y. number of the paper during the period of tinne of publication, and tha# Section 2 Amendment. Section 8 of Ordinance No tlle f~OtaCL VWaB published ifl t~l~" nevuspaper proper c'fl(~ f1C3$ iCl ~3 . 31 is hereby amsnded as supplemen#. foiioW$: Section B. Billing, Payment A and Cp1feclion. The Finance Direciar vr Subscribed and sworn t designee shsll prepare o be r`e nne at the of iPDkaCle, tf"li5 28 t and certify a roll icJentify• C~ay of Mai"Ch, 2003 ing the deveioped parcels , and the related utifity ~ charge ta kre aid. 7h8 City may throu+gh 7'f~f agreement with ihe Spo- f kane County Treasurer ar- FVot81'''/ PLlE)IIC ICl 7Cld f01' th£ St8te of WaSr11f1C,~`, ~,•'~1SSlC7l1,~ fi'''•-/f,~~f rar~ e for t~se u i i I i t `y' f ~h d residing in Spakane County, Washing#on~ upan the properEy tax r •~J ~~~AIR? bills sent Eo ihe taxpayer LO~ of prop" within the l ? pU~ L I~ ~ City o# 5pokane Valley. All charges shall be due and payabie in accard- ance wrth RCW 84.56. • 02{]. ThereaFter, accounts WAS~~~ shall be deemed delin- quent and shall bear inter- ~ est at a rate o€ 1 percent psr month, or ai such athar rates as may be authvrrzed by law, com- puierl on a mflnthty basis frarn the date of delin- ~uency until paid in fufl. AH cliarges (anci in4erest) ' reGeived 5ha1l be deposit- ed into the Starmwater tJtility Fund. Section 3, Amendment. Sectiora 10 af C7rdinance No. 31 is hereby amended as fcrllows: Section 10. Admirtiistra- tive Adjustrnenis. "fhe C i ty Manager ar des!Qnee may authorizs in wntmg to the CasantY TreasuFer a refund, esedti or adjust- ment ior any rafie or chaege when it is deter- minecl 4Frat an error, mis- calcu9atian or mistake has occurred. P!o refund, crecf- it vr service charge adjust- ment may be autharized unless brought to the at- tention af the City Manag- er or designee within prte year of the occurrence of the errar, miscaEculation or mistake. In any in- stance where refund or credit is authorized, inier- es# on dile outstanding amount shall be waoaed. Section 4, Ameridnien[. Section 7 0€ Ordinance Na. 31 is herekay amended as i follows: Seciian 7_ Exemptions. EHective fnr the tax year 2004 and each succeeding year, low income seniars and disabled persons receiv- in4 relief under RCW 84.36.381 sha91 receiwe the following partiai exerrip[ions #rom surface water chaa'qes: W. All parcels for which a persan qualilies for nn ex- ernption under RCW t~4 3E.3$1(5)(a) shall be ex- ampt frosn 40 percent of the ufaEity fee. B. All parcvls for which a person qualifies for an ex- empSovn vnder RCW 64.36.381(5)(b)(i) shall be ex- empt from 60 percent ca{ the utility fee. G. All parcels for wfiich a person qualifiies ior an ex- ernption tsnder fiCW ' 84.36.381(5 {b}(ii) shall be ek- empt from 90 percent of the uErl'sty tee. 5ectian S. Effec4iue i)ate. This Qrdinance shalV be is3 lUll fdree an(1 L-IfEGt on the nffckal date of incrsrpora- tian rovitierl pt~blicatian r~( ~ this rdirsance or a summary thereaf pccurs in the afficial ; newspaper o4 the City as prGVided by law. PAS5E1] by the City Cpuncil khis 25 day aE February, 2003. /s! Maypr, MichaQl DeVlerrting A'fi'EST: fsJ fnterim City Glerk, Ruth Mulier SR5238 I~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 31-A1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMF.,NDING ORDINANCE NO. 31. WIIEI;AS, for tlle purposc of'clarifying, laii~~lla~~e sct fort}1 M Oriliilaiicc No. "1 1. it is necessary to modify the same; anu WHEREAS, th1S a.TYleI]ClYI1L11I dOeS IlOt 1'ZSUlt lll a s1,1bSlw111vl; CI1dIlbe l0 UIdlI1aI1(;t', I`o. 1. NOW, THEREFORF„ the Citv Council of the Citv of Spokane Vallev. Washinaton. cio ordain as follows: Seetion 1. :'~Illcndme11t. Sectioil 4 oi' Urdinancc \o. ~ 1 is herchy Lamcnde(J as follows: Section 4. Utility Charve. There is hereby imposed upon every developed parcel of property within the City a storm and surface water utilitV annual charge of $10.00 for each single family unit and $10.00 per 3,160 squai-c feet of impervious surface for all other properties. Utility changes shall 1-L, uniform for the same class of customers or service and facilities. The City here~, ' \ incorporates by reference as if fully set forth herein the rates and charges adoptcLi by Spokane County through Resolution 93-155. The rates and charges provide L~ method to fund the storm and surface water utility and establish comprehensivc management and administration. The City Council may by Resolution modify the rates and charges imposed by the Utilit}. Except as otherwise provided in RCW 90.03.525 for the Washington State Department of Transportation, all public entities and public property shall he subject to rates and charges established by the City Council for stormwatcr control facilities to the same extent as private persons and private property. The City Council when setting rates for public entities and property may considc1- stormwater services provided and maintained by the public entity and other related improvements, as well as, donations of services and property to the City Utility. Section 2. Amendment. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 31 is hereby amended as follows: Seclion 8. Billin2, Pavmept and Collection. The Finance Director or designee shall prepare and certify a roll identifying the developed parcels and the related utility charge to be paid. The City may through agreement with the Spokane County Treasurer arrange for the utility charge to be placed upon the property tax bills sent to the taxpayer of property within the City of Spokane Va11ey. All charges shall be due and payable in accordance with RCW 84.56.020. Thereafter, accounts shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest at a rate of 1 percent per month, or at such other rates as may be authorized by law, computed on a monthly basis from the date of delinquency until paid in full. P:\0rdinancesl0rdinance No. 3 1-AI stormwater utility amend final.doc All charges (and interest) received shall be deposited into the Stormwater Utility Fund. Section 3. Amendment. Section 10 of Ordinance No. 31 is hereby amended as follows: Se tion 10. Administrative Adiustments. The Gity Manager or designee may auorize in writing to the County Treasurer a refund, credit or adjustment for any rate or charge when it is determined that an error, miscalculation or mistake has occurred. No refund, credit or service- charge adjustment may be authorized unless brought to the attention of the City Manager or designee within one year of the occurrence of the error, miscalculation or mistake. In any instance where refund or credit is authorized, interest on the outstanding amount shall be waived. Section 4. Amendment. Section 7 of Ordinance No. 31 is hereby amended as follows: Section 7. Exemptions. Effective for the tax year 2004 and each succeeding year, low income seniors and disabled persons receiving relief under RC W 84. 3 6.3 81 shal l receive the following partial exemptions from surface water charges: A. All parcels for which a person qualifies for an exemption UI1CieI' RCV1' 84.36.381(5)(a) shall be exempt from 40 percent ofthe utility fce. B. All parcels for which a person qualifies 1or an exemption under RC`N' 84.36.381(5)(b)(i) shall be exempt from 60 percent of the utility fees. C. All parcels for which a person qualifies for an exemption under RCW 84.36.381(5)(b)(ii) shall be exempt from 80 percent of the utility fees. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided bv law. PASSED by the City Council this J,S day of Febr ary, ~OO . . ~ Mayor, Michael De lem' g AT • _ I ~o 44). 523~ Intenm Gity Clerk, Ruth Muller , Approved As To Form : ~ te ' City tto ey, Stanl/y M. Schwartz D of Publica on: Effective Date: 3l! -:Ih 41-3 P:10rdinances\0rdinance No. 3 1-A1 stormwater utility amend final.doc