03-033 ~ CITY 0F SPOKAMt rfALLEY SPCIKAlME COt1NTY. WaSHINGTON ORD#NANCE NO. 33 AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITV OF SPC}KA[+iE VALLEY, WASNlMGTC1F1, AUC1PTlNG BY REFERfMCE THE 5P(?KAhIE COUNTY STANDARl7S FOR ROAD AND SEWER COhISi'itUC71pN AS THE INTERfM STA,NDARDS FOR ROAD AN SEWER Cf)NSTRUGTIUN OF THE CtTY WNEREAS, the Gity af ~~pokane Valley wifl incorporate on March 31. 2(~R3; and VIIHEREAS, the Gity of Spokane Va19ey de- sires to adopt 5tartdards for Road and Sewer Construction w:thin the corpvrata limits 4f the ~ City; Wt-tEREAS, Spakaxre Cnunty adopted Stantiards for Rvad and Server Constructian e€- fective AApr'rl 3, 2001 which includec} the rQeds and sewers within thb City; WHEREAS, after the dafe of incorpcarai'son, the City of Spokane Valley intends CQ review, revise anct, as r,eecessary, devslcrp its own Standards #ar Raad ar+d Sewar Canatruction. *Federal Tax IQ Na. 91-0420030 NC?W. THEREFC]RE, 4he Cifiy Cvuncil of ttie it y~f~o~pokane Valley, Washingto~n, do ardain pFFIpAVIT OF PUBLICA7IUN ~ Section_1. Stanciards for Roas# anrl Sewer Gnnstructean. Pursuant ta RCW 35A.11.020 STATE OF WASHING7QN and 35A.12.140, the City adopts by reference sl-te Spolcane Courrty Stantiards for FZoad and County of Spvkanex SS. Sewer Construction effective April 3, 2001 which is attachecl hereta as Exhihit "A" and in- cc,rpearated herein by tltis refarence as presen#- ly constitu#ed or hereinafter arnended as the in- Nll''!@: City of 5pakane Valley ACCt. ' C(}42365 I terim Standards for Road and Sewer Construc- iion of the City o! Spofcane Vailey. Unless the context raquires otherwise, reterences ia Spa- P',Q_; prdinance Aio. 33 NO. Lines: 130 I kana {County shall be construed to mears the City of Spcricane Valley and refeEences to Coun- ~ dy es~yneeshall refer ta the City Manager or T'dtal C:oSt: $ 104.10 Lag No: SR5232 ' Section 2. Adoption of Oilser Laws. Tc, tiie i ex#ent that any prowsian o{ 9lie SgQkane Courr- I, ,1ill Leong ty Ct~de, or aroy other law, nule or re ulation ref- eFenced in the attached Standars ror Road do svlemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPDKESMAN- and S{ewer Conskructican is necessary or can- venient to eslabfish the va#idity, erofvrceability REVIEVII, a newspaper estabiished and regularly published, Of1CE.' or interpretation of the Stantiards #or Road and Sauver Canstruction, thers such provision oi each day in the English lan9uaJe, in and of generai circulation in the then Spoicarte Caunty Code, or other Eaw, rufe Cjty of Spokane, Spokane COUE°lt]/, Washingtvn, and II1 the CIt]/ of ar requlation is hereby aclopled referetiGe. Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai Gounty, Idaho; that said newspaper has Sactlon 3. Referu# ice to Haarin E_odies. wr~en xns attachod Standards fof ~~~a been so established and regularly published and has had said general , Sewer ConslructiQn refers Eo planning cortirrtis- sions, board of a CIfCI.~IatlOfl CQfltlfll.lOI.JSF]~ fQf ~11CJfE tFla~l SIX (6) I11f~f1 thS priar to the 23rd ~pe~ls, hearing exami t~er, or any ~ther simil~r ody, the City Counail shall serve in all such roies, but relasns 3hc right to day of July, 1941; thafi 581d newspaper f5 printed In 8f1 OffICe establish any one or mote of surh bodies, at maIllte`31C1Ed at It5 place €7f pLlt}liCatIQfI II'1 trl@ Cit]/ of SpDkaC1B, any time and without cegard" to wl~ether any quas't-jurlicia3 or other tnatter is then pending. VIIaSI'IIClgt0n; #hat said newspaper was approWed and designated as a Section 4. Modificatian_.of Standards. The IegaV newspaper by arder of the Superior Court of the State of `eSP°ns'c„r'y and auth°r''y for dewe'op;ng rec- Vllashington for Spakane Cvunty on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and ommendatians for mpdifying and monitoring the et#ectiveness cst the Standards for Rcrad that said order has not aeen revoked and is un fuli force and effect; and Sewer Construction of the {City o# Spo- kanE vaaoey maY a~ delegated tq city ~ounc,l that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the praof of Cufrimittee accorclinQ to Council Rules. The Cnuncil Committee shall work with thQ City pubIICaIt1011, Wc1S published 11'1 SSId newspaper, 0ne time(s), th£? Man3g4r, designated staff and othars ta pro- publicativn having been made once each time on the falfowing dates: vide for road and sewvE dewelaprnent shai pro- motes the arderly development o( the City and 5erves tne Eest dntexe5, of rr,e re5,~encs. -rr,e Cauneil shall periadicaily review the Standards March 27, 2DD3 €or Road anef Sewer Gonstruction and modrfy , and arnand the same #rom time tca time, as ~ necessary. Section S. llrrifQrm Code - Capies on File_ , The City Clerk is to maintain one copy on fiile ` of khe Standards for Rand and 5ewes cOn- Subscribed and suvorn to b ore me at the ty of Spokane, thiS 27 struction adapted by thisordinance. day of MarCll, 2003 q SeatiQn f. L+abiiity. 7he express intent of the City of Spalcane Valley is thai the respvnei- biiity for complisnCe with the provisions of iFtis ordinance sha11 rest with the permit app~icant " ,r , ,r ~ ' N~ and their agents_ This ordina~rce and its pravi_ . r~SID,+v"'•• :{C sinns are adc~pt~ with the express intent to ~yt6 r y F~ublic in a~nd far the State of Vll'ashingt ~ prntect the health, safety, and welfare of the general puhdic and are neat intended to protect NOi'eSICIIfI Ifl Sakane Count INashir, t(3r1 any particular class of intiividuals or 9 p g t~ c ~ v~• organizatiorrs, Sectian 5everability. II any sectian, sen- p~$LI tence, elause pr phrase of this ordinance shall ~Qa•'be held tn be invalid or uncor+stitutionaf by a "S~~•., w, ~ court of campetent jurisc3iction, such inwalidity or uncsansiitutianality shall not a€f►~t the vaiidi- ~ 1W ty or consfitutibnality a€ any oiher sectiars, sen- tertce, clause or phrase of this ordir►ance_ Sectiora B. Ef#ective Date. Ttiis Ordinance shall be 6n full #prce antf effeet wn ttte afficial date of incorporation provided publicatipn of this Qrdirsance ar e summary thereai occLrs in the flFficial newapaper o# thre City as provided by favr. RASSE[] by the City Councii thas 1 tth day of March, 2003. !sl Michael DeVRernirsg Mayor ATCEST: Isl Rcrth Muller Interirn City C#erlc SR5232 CITY UF SPOKANE VALLEA' SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE SPOKANE COUNTY STANDARDS FOR ROAD AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION AS THE INTERIM STANDARDS FOR ROAD AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; and WHERE.AS, the City of Spokane Valley desires to adopt Standards for Road and Sewer Construction within the corporate limits of the City; WHEREAS, Spokane County adopted Standards for Road and Sewer Construction effective Apri13, 2001 which included the roads and sewers within the City; WHEREAS, after the date of incorporation, the City of Spokane Valley ulten& to review, revise and, as necessary, develop its own Standards for Road and Sewer Constructioll. NOW, THEREFORF., the Citv Council of the City of Spokane Vallev, Washington. ,,ik) ordain as follow : Section 1. Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. Pursuant to RC W 35A.11.020 and 35A.12.140, the City adopts by reference the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction effective April 3, 2001 which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A - and incorporated herein by this reference as presently constituted or hereinafter amended as tlle interim Standards for Road and Sewer Construction of the City of Spokane Valley. Unless the context requires otherwise, references to Spokane County sha11 be construed to mean the City o:Spokane Valley and references to County staff shall refer to the City Manager or designee. Section 2. Adontion of Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of the Spokane County Code, or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the atta.ched Standards for Road and Sewer Construction is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Standards for Road and Sewer Construction, then such provision of the Spokane County Code, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 3. Reference to Hearinp- Bodies. When the attached Standards for Road and Sewer Construction refers to planning commissions, board of appeals, hearing examiner, or any other similar body, the City Council shall serve in all such roles, but retains the right to establish any one or more of such bodies, at any time and without regard to whether any quasi judicial or other matter is then pending. Section 4. Modification of Standards The responsibility and authority for developing recommendations for modifying and monitoring the effectiveness of the Standards for Road and Page 1 CADocuments and Settingslrmuller\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK11\Ordinance No. 33.doc . sc"tiC:r Co11511-llCLll)Il of tllc City oI' Spol:mne Valley rlla) be dcle(lated to C'ity Cot111ri1 Committee according to Council Rules. The Council Committee shall work with the City Manager, designated staff and others to provide for road and sewer development that promotes the orderly development of the City and serves the best interest of the residents. The Council shall periodically review the Standards for Road ~lIld SCw('I' C(lI1stI'L1Ct1C111 ZI1CI I11C1d1~' and amclid the same from time to time, as necessan'. Section 5. Uniform Code - Copies on File. TIl(', Clty CIeI'k 1S l0 I21d1I11`d1I1 OIle C0p}' on file of the Standards for Road and Sewer Construction adopted by this ordinance. Section 6. Liabilitv. The express intent of the Cit), of SpokaTle Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest vvith the perrnit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the ^eneral public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 7. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or ttnconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clausc or phrase of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in f'ull force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this ~l day of February. ?00 'l. . ~ c 1 Mavor, Michael DeVlemin~T AT < 41 Inte'rim City Clerk, Ruth Mu-ller Z Approved As To Form: ~ - I erim ity Att ey, tanley . Schwart/ Da Publication: Effective Date: AAA,!Lr,21, 9-0 63 Page 2 CADocuments and Settingslrmuller\i,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1cs10LK11\Ordinance No. 33.doc I