03-037 (~tQINANCE N0.37 AN ORDINANC~ OF TFlE CITY QF SPOfI(I~NE VpILEY, SPpKANE COEINTY, WASi~INGTON, AQQPTING A~UE?G~i' F~R THE PERI(?p ~AMUARY 1, 2{103 "i'HROUGH MARCH 3i, ~03; APpROPRIA71(lN OF FUND& AN~ *Federal Tax I D No. 91-042~030 ESTA9lISMING P051TlOMS ANQ SALA~tY SCklEDUL~. ~ WNfREAS, RCW 35.02.132 rec~uires the City Council to adopi an 9~terim BudgeR"' for the periad Qf operation prior to incarporation; APVR AFFIQAVIT OF PUBLICATION tNMEREAS, an '9ntenm BudgeE" wae submitted to the City C~uncii end the ~nterim City Glerlc ~n ~e~ruary 7, 2ao3; ~vD STATE OF 1MASHIIVGTON ~+MERFA5,1he City Cauncil s~hecluled a public hearing an 1he proposec~ interim start-trp hud~et ~Q~n~~l Af Sp0{(a~le, SS. on February 11, 2{1Ck~; e NOW TNEREFORE the Ciiy Cuuncil oi the Ciry of Spakane Valley, Washing~nn, da ordain a NdrYl~: City of Spokane Valley ACCt: C042365 fa[ipws: Sectian 1. Funds_ Approptiatrtd. The "Interim Budgei" for ihe pe~iad ]anuary 1, 20p3 ihrough Morch 31, 2443, is apqrop,ia~ed ~y ~und as follows P.O,: prdinance No. 37 N4. Lines: 118 AUf~GET BU~~Ef F~INCf EXPEN4IT URE R~WENLIE GoneralFund s~,za~,a~ Tatal Cost: $ 94.86 Log No: SR5240 5treei Fund 14D,870 CauntylGiiy Loan Fund y,p~q,ppp Tax Anticipation N~te Fund . _ 1~2,709 ,f I~~ ~.$Ollg TotalBudgei ~~,~az,~aw ~~,~a~,~aa do solemnly swear t~at I am the Principal Cle~k vf the SPOK~SMAN- Sectian 2. ~ositi~ne~nd S~facxSchedule. The various ~sitions and safaries Eorthe In- REUIEW, a newspaper esta~lished and regularly published, once terim City Manag~r, Inlerim Depattment tiuectors, ~nd Interim clerical perspnnel are atlached ta IhisardinanceasAppendix~~a°. each tlay in the English language, in and of genera~ circulation in khe S~ction 3~ransmirial. A complete copy ot the •~nc~~~, euag~~° a~ a~oR,~,:~~«,~~ City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City o# wilh a eopy o1 this ~dapting ordinanco, shell be tronsmitted dy the bnterir~ City Clerk to 1he f~ivirt (;O~Uf d~,~~@f18, Kaotenai ~Dllllt , Idaho; that saici news a er has eion ot Municipaf Cnrpo~trons p~ 1ho 01tiC8 oi State Auditor and lo the Associ~tic~n of Washing- ~ p p 1°" b~en sa established and regulariy pubf ish~d and has had said gener~l Sec1ion 4. SeverabElity, Shvu~d any seckion, parag~aph, sentence, cl~use Qr phras~e of circu~a#ian continuously far mare fhan six {6) months prior to the 23rd tnis o~d:~ance or its a~p~ication to any parson or circumstance be de~lared uncor~stitut~on~s vr ~~y of July, 1941; that said newspaper 15 printed ifl 2T1 O~fIC~ athenwise invalid 1or any reasan, or shculd any po~iian r,P this ordinance be preeinpted by state or federal ~aw or requlatioa, sueh deeision ur preemptian shall n~t a}9ect the val~dity of the remaining maintained at It5 ~}~BC~ of publicativn 111 the {`.I~Y of Spokane, portions of ~ris ordinance ar its applicetian Eo oth~er person~ or circumstanc~s. ~ Utlashington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a 5ection 5 ENective. Qate.andPu6licatian. This ordin~nce shall be in 1uU [orce and ei ` I~ ~I f12WS a@f b order af the Su erior Caurt vf the ~t~~~ Of fect on the officiel data o1 incor~crraiian pTpvided pu~licai'san of thie ordinance or a summary 9here- 9 p p y ot occurs~ntheoificialnewspaperaitheCityasprovidedbylsw. WaShII1gt011 f0i' S~70k~I1~E COUCIfy 0~1 thC Z~f{~ Clc~y Of JUIy, 1941, and PASSED by the C'rty Council this 11th day ai Febnrary, zoa3. khat said arder has not been revaked and is in full force and effect~ /s/ Micha~l peUleming , "~'~Y°~ thak the n~atice attached her~to and which is a~art of the proof of Arr~sT publication, was published in saitl newspaper, one time(s), the : Interim City Clerk ` ' ~ ; ~ ~ publication having been made ance eac~ time on the follawing dates: March 27, 20D3 , ~ , l,~ ' 5ubscribed and swarn to b re me at the ty of Spokane, this 27 day of March, 2pU3 ~~,~5 ~ION, (e~'~ /J / _~/J ~\'~1 Uo~~ ` ~~l~~1 / . 1 . ~r'r r~--7` . ~ ~ • . r~ . ~ ~ J 1-.{-w, ~~ra~Y m; f~otary Pubfic in and for the Stake o~ Washington, * residing in Spokane County, Washington ~'UBIIC on,~ " ~~'~`'g~? 1~ 1 WA5H ORDINANCE NO. 37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY l, 2003 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2003; APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDLTLE. WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.132 requires the City Council to adopt an '`II1teI'IIll BUCi(let" ror the period of operation prior to incorporation; AND WHEREAS, an "Interim Budget" was submitted to the City Council and the Interim City Glerk on February 7, 2003; AND WHEREAS, the City Council scheduled a public hearing on the proposed interim start-up budget on February 11, 2003; NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Funds Appropriated. The "Interim Budget" for the pcriod J.Mntlary 1, 2003 through March 31, 2003, is appropriated by fLind as follo« s: BUDGET BUDGET FUND EXPENDITURE REVENUE General Fund $152011834 Street Fund 140,870 County/City Loan Fund 1,050,000 Tax Anticipation Note Fund 292,704 TOTAT. BT T1)CTFT S1.;42.704 S1. `4?.?C)4 5zc;tiuil 2. 1'O5i liuli5 anci Salar~ Schedule. Tlle ~arious positiuns a11d salarics for the Interim City Manager, Interim Department Directors, and Interim clerical nerSOnnel (9re -I.rr-101M fO tlliq Ordinance 2-, :ArPendiN "1". together with a copy of this adopting ordinance, shall be transmitted by the Interim CitN Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations of the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4. Severabilitv. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of this ordinance be preempted by state or federal law or regulation, such decision or preemption Ordinance No.37 . Int. Budoet_ .Tan 1-Mar 3 l.200 3 ~ shall not affect the N alidity of tlle remaining portions of this ordiilaclce or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date and Publication. This ordinance sha11 be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official nevvspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of Februai-y. ?OC) 31. . . Mayor, Michael DeVlemin" ATTLSTe In?cri11i C'ity C'l\crl:. Ruth N1L111cr Approved as to form: o a ! .y Inty, Stan1e/M. Schwartz Date of Publication ~ Effective Date: f.- Ordinance No.37, Int. Budget, Jan 1-Mar 31,2003 2