03-042 ~ - City of Spokane Vatley I 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 42 passed by the City of Spokane Valiey City Coun- cil on the 25th day of Febru- ary, 2003. AN ORDlNANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE , VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, UNI- FORM PLUMBING CODE, STATE ENGERGY CODE, *Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND co°o°E,°was NQUALITY GTON AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE HISTORIC BU1LD- ING CODE, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, STATE OF WASHINGTON UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGER- COlJtlty Of SpOlCarl@, SS. OUS BUILDINGS, UNIFORM HOUSING CODE NG 3ECURITY CODE Name: City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365 AND UNIFORM SIGN CODE AS THE CON-STA STRUCTION FOR THE CITYARDS p,0.: Summary of Ordinance No. 42 No. Lines: 77 The introduc.tory Para- graphs state the City de- TOt211 COSt: $ 87.93 Log NO: SR5272 sirQS to adopt uniform codee. Section 1 the above codes Jill Leong a«ad°p'e'. do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- Section 2 modifies the uni- 'orm 5ig^ code. REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once Section 3 provides for the codes to be on file with the each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the s~ao~~ 4 provides for per- City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of mit â–ºesponsibility. Idaho~ that said newspaper has Section 5 establishes a sev- COeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, ~ erability cfause in the event been so established and regularly published and has had said general some portion of the Ordi- nance iS held invelid. circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd Section 6 states this Ordi- nance shall be in full force day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office and effect five (5) days after , publication of the Ordi- maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane nance Summary, and on the :WaSf11f19tOCt; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a date of incorporation. The full cexc of the ordi. legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of nance iS avalable at cr,e Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and City of Spokane Valley Ciry offices as identified above. that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; A copy Win be meiW aut upon request. that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of /s/ Ruth Mul4e+ publication, was published in said newspaper, one time(s), the Interim City Clerk sR5272 , publication having been made once each time on the following dates: March 28, 2003 That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that lfjfthe notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a ~~`~Q~PNS io~supplement. F~- f l ~ 'v NOTARyA~m~. ~ Subscribed and sworn to b ore me at th ity of Spokane, this 28 ~ f ~ PUBIIC day of March, 2003 i~ • ;90~1 9, 24~.~~~ ~ itiASN~~''~'~~ti~\~1 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washington . . ` City of Spokane Valle,, 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 42 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 25h day of February, 2003. AN 4R.DINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, STATE ENERGY CODE, WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE, WASHINGTON STATE HISTORIC BUILDING CODE, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, UNIFORM BUILDING SECURITY CODE AND LTNIFORM SIGN CODE AS THE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR THE CITY. The introductory paragraphs state the City desires to adopt uniform codes. Section 1 the above codes are adopted. Section 2 modifies the uniform sign code. Section 3 provides for the codes to be on file with the City Clerk. Section 4 provides for permit responsibility. Section 5 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 6 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Ruth Muller `0 f l~o : S 2 7 Z Interim City Clerk ~ a 7. 9 3 Published: Page 4 CADocuments and Settings\rmuller\Local Settings\Temporary Intemei Files\OLKI 1\Ordinance No. 42.doc