03-047 ClTY OF SF'0KANE VALLEY sPOKANE CvuNrr, wASWrNGrON Otd[liNtANCE NO. 47 A!V L3RaiNANCE C?F THE C17Y COUNCIL aF TNE CIT'Y OF 5i?flKA#JE YALLEY, ; SPOKAN€ CflUNTY, Wi4SHiNGTfIN, A{7flPTIFiG THE WASHINGTON 1wlt3aEl, TRFFIG +4RDINANCE. EXCEPT CERTAIN SECTIflNS AS CUNTAINED Ih1 THE WASHINGT()N ADMiNlSFRATIVE CQDF CHAPTER 308-330 WAC, AS TFiE T'R,AFFlC ftfGULATIONS WITWIN TFiE ClTY OF SROKANE YAI.LEY WHEREAS, the Ciry of Spo!kane Valley is au- thorized to aci'opt by refererice the Washington Moc#el T►alfic C7rdirtance ("WMl'O') whroch con- taans uun'rforrn laws for the tiperation of mo#or vehicte5; and ' WHEREa4S, upor► 3ncorparat;ara !he Ci1y a# p Spokane Valley has trafFc arrd !aw enlorce- ment re-spransi6ifrties wrthin its ecrrporate bounrc daries and to estatslish uni6arrnity of vialatiuns, ifie City Council has determaned lhaf tlie WN1TC?, as modiiied, should be adapted as the Tratfic Code of the Caty of Spokane Valiey. *Federal Tax I D No. 91-0420030 NOW FHEREFflRE, the City Cauneil a# the city of Spokane vaale,, spokar,e caunty. AFFIDAVl~ C3F ~'UBL7CA~'f~1~ ;Washingtor~, da ordain as fol4awvs: ' Section i. Adoption n:E Modsl TrafficS.lydi- nance. Pursuant to RCW 35A_ 11.020 and RCW STATE OF WASHIr,d GTON 35A.12_ 14Q, theWashington Modei Tragfic C)rdi- nartce, as set for4h in Chapter 308-336 of the Cvunty of Spokane, SS. Washington Administratiwe Code (WAC) ex- cept 1+M1fAC 308-330-5[10 through W'AC 30&33(}- ~ 540 refating to $icrycte L~censin ,r~ is herel~y adopt~ bY mrerenGe as the ~~ie cade Narne: City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365 (oftlinance) of q'he City of 5pokane VaC€ey. 5ection 2. Atiachmesit of. Exhibit AAQ_ The P.{).: Ordinance No. 47 No. Lines: 95 provisions of chapter 308-330, WAC, eorrtarn- fng the WMT0 as adopted by refeesnce pur- suant ca Sectian 1 hereof, is attacheci hereto and incatporated herein by this refe+encs. TlSe TOtal COSt: $ 83.80 La[,J, hIU: SF25202 City Clerk is [o maintain a copy of ihe Traffic Code adopted by this Qrdinance. Ssctien. _3. forrner_ Speesi_Lim'rts_12e.tained. 1, ..Ill LE;f]fl'g The maximum spQed rirnits #ar sUecfs esiablish- do $olemnly swear that I am the Principal Glerk of the SP"QKESMAN- ed by S arne County Ca~de ar~d as oti~erwise ~tab:i5~°ea3c by Spokar►e Ccsun4y Qrdinarxce or REVIEW, a newspaper establESh+ed and regular[y pubfished, once resa'lutian #or wnich speed Iimit signs have bee, duy posce► bw Spokane county, are each day in the English language, in and of general circulativn in the r~~reb,' ado''`e' as xhe eed r~,°`s "n ~e City of Spokane Spokar~e Caur~ty Washingtc~r~; ar~d in the Gity+ of sair~ streets in the City o S kane~ VaSle ,~un- ~ + less the Crauncil shall establirh vtheewise by CL}ELIr d'Afene, KDot811aI CoUntjl, idaho; that SaId El@WSpaper r121S resolutian or ardinance. been sa established and regularly published and has had said general 5sctian 4. Adcrption of Cef1sin (]ther Lawse 3o the extent that any provis+on of 1aw, rule or circulation continuausly #or more than six (+6) months prior #o the 23rd regulatien referencad in the Traffec Coc#Q, is ' necessary ar coitvenient to establish the valicii- aY of Jl.lly,'~941; tr1at Sc~ld Fle`WSpcP@~" IS p~"IIItBd if°1 afl (a{~fC$ enf€rtceability or interp►etiation of tfie rrafsic maintained 7t ItS plaCB of pLIbllCatIDr1 ICl trle CIty of Spokane, ~de, then such provision o41aw, rule or regu- laaion is nereby adopted bv refefence. Washingtan; that said newspaper was apprvWed and designated as a secgon 5. seysrab7ir,. if ~~y po„rtion as this legal newspapec by order of the Superior Cvurt of the State of C3rdinance or its app1ic~tian to any persors ar Washin ton far S o~(a~1F: ~:QGCl on the 23rd da of .,U~ , ''941, circumstances is held in►~a1id. th~ remaind~e of ~ ~ ~V ~ Y aCld the ardinanee or the appiicatiun ar lire prowi- siart tD othe {hat Sai,C~ c~rder has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; r not ~ aff~trsons os c+rcutnstar~ces shall that fhe notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proaf of secflon _6. Ef~~ctive baie_ This ord;nance publicativn, was published in said newspaper, one time(s), #he shall be in iulG force and e#fect on the oPficial rJate of incvrporaticsn prpvided pubfiCaisvn of publica#ion haWing been made once each time on the followcng dates: this Ordinance or a sumrnary thereof occurs in ' the off'rcial newspaper of !he Gity as provided by 'aw. M,arch 22, 2003 PASSED tay the Gity Gauncil this 6th t3ay of March, 2003. _ Is! Micha"el E}e1/4eming ' Mayor ArrEsr: Subscribed and sworrlfi befare me a t e City of Spoicane, this 24 /SJ Ruth Mull$r day of March, 2003 ln#eriaa City Clerk SR5202 5~~,w~~~QN •-.~`~y~ a ary Public in and for the State of Washington„ ~ residrrag in Spokane Gaunty, Washington C) N (J T,q Ry ` .~.R` f'UBLIC QMo. ~A S~1~~~ Cr'rY UF sPvKANL Vat.,LLX' SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINC'l'ON ORI)IN:A,NCF.. Nn. 47 AN OIZI)INANCE UF THE CI"TY COUNCIL OF THE CII'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEN', SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE WASHINGTON MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, EXCEPT CERTAIN SECTIONS AS CONTAINED IN THE WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 308-330 WAC, AS THE TR.AFFIC REGULATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is authorized to adopt by reference the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance ("WMTO") which contains uniform laws for the operation of motor vehicles; and WHEREAS, upon incorporation the City of Spokane Valley has traffic and law enforcement responsibilities within its corporate boundaries and to establish uniformity of violations, the City Council has determined that the WMTO, as modified, should be adopted as the Traffic Code of the City of Spokane Va11ey. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption of Model Traffic Ordinance. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.140, the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance, as set forth in Chapter 308-330 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) except WAC 308-330-500 through WAC 308-330-540 relating to Bicycle Licensing, is hereby adopted by reference as the Traffic Code (ordinance) of the City of Spokane Valley. Section2. Attachment of Exhibit AA@. The provisions of Chapter 308-330, WAC, containing the WMTO as adopted by reference pursuant to Section 1 hereof, is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The City Clerk is to maintain a copy of the Traffic Code adopted by this Ordinance. Section 3. Former Speed Limits Retained. The maximum speed lunits for streets established by Spokane County Code and as otherwise established by Spokane County ordinance or resolution for which speed limit signs have been duty posted by Spokane County, are hereby adopted as the speed limits on those said streets in the City of Spokane Valley, unless the Council shall establish otherwise by resolution or ordinance. Section 4. Adovtion of Certain Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of law, rule or regulation referenced in the Traffic Code, is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Traffic Code, then such provision of law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. G:\C\City of Spokane Valley\Ordinances\Traffic Code Ordinance.doc ~ . Section 5. Severabilitv. If any portion of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder ofthe (~rdiTlance nT- the arnlicatin11 0~- ±11e pr0v is iC)►1 to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in fu.ll force and effect on the officia i date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in thc official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of March, 2003. w Mayor, Michael DeVleming ~ ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: go I eri City , Stanley . Schwartz Dat of Publication: Effective Date: G:\C1City of Spokane Valley\OrdinanceslTraffic Code Ordinance.doc