03-052 i City 4f Spokane Vailey 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (5(}9) 921-1 0a[l iVc7T1CE QF ORQINANCE I PAS5EC3 BY SPdKAhJE 'JALIEY CITY +COUNCIL The faftowing is the title and summary of Ordinance Nca. 52 passed by the City a# ' spokane valley cEty c~un- cil on the 27th clay of *Federal TaX EQ No. 91-0420030 ~ March, 200i. aN aRnirtAracE oF THE AFFIDAVIT flF PUBLICATION CiTY [3f SPOKAN£ WALLEY, VYASHINGTOFJ, STATE OF WASHINGTON AccOiuwTY cvM~~~ ~~E FILCIL TiES`P~A~i a~n County of Spokane, ss. hAAPS AS THE INTERlM CC)MPREHENSlVE PLAN t)F TWE CfTY. Name; City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365 I 7he intrraductory para- graphs sta?e the reqwire- rnencs and intent of the Ciry P.O.: NO. Lines: 77 far develaping a ccsmprehen- sive p1an. sect;on I adQpts sokane Tatal Cost: $ 87.93 Log No. SR5338 councy comprehe,sive Plan kry reference. Section 2 amends fhe $pca- 1, Monvrmarie Tibbetfs-Freiday ka"e c°un`'' c°mp`ehen- sive Plan. do safemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SP!DKESMAN- Sectian 3adapts bv ►efe►- REVIEW, a news a er estabfished and re uiarl ubli~shed, vnce ence ather Spakane Caunty P P 9 Y~ 'aws refere'ced in :he sp°- each day in the Engfish language, in and of generaf circulatian in #he kane Caunty comprehen- sive Pian City of Spokane, Spakane Gounty, Washing#on; and in the City of Section 4 establishes the City Councii es the hEaPing Coeur d'Alene, KoQtenai County, ldaho, tha# said newspaper has b°d'', `n'e rygr,' eSteb- ~ lish ~,ther hearing ba een so established and reguParly published and has had said general ~lies. ' s$cei°" 5pr°v'des tnaT circulation continuously for more than six (Fi) months prior ta the 23rd copy of the cornprehPnsive plan is to be maintained on day of Jufy, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office file with the City Clerk. Sectfan 6 eStabR,shes Ee- maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, sponsibility iflr ~omprence with provisions of this Washing#on; that said newspaper was aPPrnved and d+esignated as a ordinance. l@gal newspaper by order of the Superiar Cvurt of the State of Section T estabfishes a sev- erabait, clau5e in tne EvQnt Washington for Spolcane County on the 23rd day of Ju1y, 1941, and some pastion of the drdi- nance os neld inualia. that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; se.ct'°" a staces °h'S °rd'- nance shafC be in full fcrrce that #he natice attached hereto and whxch is a Qart of the proaf of and effect five (5) days a#1er publication a9 the Ordi- publicativn+ was published in said newspaper, vne time{s}, the nance 5urnmary, and o►, fhe publicativn having been made vnce each time an the follawing dates: date of incarparatian. The full 4ext of the drdi- rsance is available at the City of Spakane Val{gy CiRy pl~l~ G~d~~ afiices as iderr3ified af~ove. ,1 _ A copr w;tf ~e mai:$a out That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every uAon roquest. /sr Ruth Muiler number of the paper during the periad of time of publication, and that Interim City Clerk sR5398 the notice was published in the newspaper praper and nat in a supplement. o ~ - ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of Spokane, thi 1 Vl4r0 day of April, 20{}3 ~0:.,~~st~,r+,; ~0~~1 JFA .'u ~p Y dtary Public ira and for the State of 1Nashington, PU~~iC residing in Spokane County, 1Nashington ' cr~~~ `7~ - - ~ City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED B)' SPOKANF N 'ALLFIY CITY COiTNCIL 'I'iIC; following is the title and sununary of (Urdinance No. 5? p,a,sc~1 I,~- i}ic ~~f~ Valley City Council on the ,279q~day of /?AAAAL,2003- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE SPOKANE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CAPITAI. FACILITIES PLAN AND MAPS AS THE INTERIM COMPREHENSTVE PLAN OF THF CITY. The introductory paragraphs st~itc the r-eytlii-ements ancl iiltent oi'thc C'ity lor developitll-I ~1 comprehensivc Section 1 adopts Spokaiie C:ouilty Comprehensive Ylan by reference. Section 2 amends the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. Section 3 adopts by reference other Spokane County laws referenced in the Spokane County comprehensive plan. Sectioa 4 establishes the City Council as the hearing body, with the right to establish othep hearing bodies. Section 5 providcs rf,ar ~opy of the comprehensive p1an k to he nnadntair.ed on file wit}i tlflc City Clerk. Section 6 establiSYie:; rusponsibiiity fui- coinpliiitice ~N'it}1 p1'U8 IS1UI15 Uf tIlIS UI•clinance. Section 7 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 8 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk Published: Page 4 S:10rdinances\0rdinance, No. 52, comp plan,finalCP.doc