03-054 A-1
WHE~[AS, ihe City r~f S~~okane Valley, 'Washing-
ton adaptecl Im~rim Zaning Code Map{s} of the City
t~~rough the adnption o~ City oi S~akane Valley Ordi-
nance Na. 54; and
WhIEREAa, Ihe City c~! Spnkane Valley slated its sn- tem Io review and modi#y its
own Grawth Management Act (~MA) camp4iani Zc~~-
ing Map(s) fopowing adop- tian ol (~rdinane~ 5q;
WHER~AS, this amend-
m2nl ta lhro Inlerim Zoning Map(s) is consisieni wi4h a
reviaw and modificatioi~ ot the ~ity's Inlesim Zorrrong
N1ap(sj; and WWEREA$, this arnend-
menf is consiste+~l with thc Ciry's Interim C~mprdhen-
sive Plan.
r~ow, rHE~€~oa~, ~Federal Tax ID No. 91-0~420030 Cf7Y CQUNCIL QF TH~
o~ao~ir~ a~ ~oLLOws:
secriaN ~ za~~ng STATE {~F WASWINGTON Map(s). Pursuant to RCW 35.21.18Q and 35A.14.140, G~unty of Spakane, ss.
the City ~dopted by r~fer- ence the Spakane County
22,n20(}Z,~as~$~ esetlMcon ~ Y Name; City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365
stituted or here~na(ter ~ntsndes~, as !he Inlarirri
z°~„`°~ ""~~~5} `n~ cy~ P.O.: Ordinance No 54 A-1 Na, Lines: 202 of Snakane Uall~y.
5fCT10N 2Amendment. Interim Zaning M~~a(s} Total Cost: $ 224.18 Lag No: SR5784
is hereby amended as ' fallaws:
A Thai pr~pertq cvmmanly ~ill Leong
~ k~~w~ ~s ,sz~3 E~~c ~a solemnl swear that I am the Princi al Glerk c~f the SPQK~SMAN- Appleway; ~
c°m~`~h~n~"~ Pi~" REViEVY, a news a er established and re ularl ublished, once ~~s~~~a~~o~, R~,~o~~~ P P 9 Y P
~p~m~«~a~; each day in the ~nglish language, in and of general circulatian in the Curreni Zoning desi na-
~von u~-7, ur~~~ ~as~_ City vf Spokane, Spakane County, Wasfi~ingtan, and in the C'rry af dential; , N~ Zoning p~- Coeur d Alene, Kovtenai Caunty, Idaho; that said newspaper has
~~natirrn H•3, Regiona! b~~n so established and regularly published and has had said general ~5,(1~55;
s~$ map °f th~ ~fre~c~a circulation conti~uously for more than six (6} months prior to th~ 23rd praperty, Atta~hment 1.
day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an offce 8. 7hat pra~rorty commonly
known as ~0 hforth Bpli• R1~II~t~IC1~E(~ af its place of publicatian in th~ City of Spokane, vgr Road; W~,shingtan, that said newspaper was approved and designated as a
Comprehensiue Plan
cnmm~rc~~i; ~~'°°a' legal newspaper by order of the Superior Cvurt of the State of ! c~rr~~ xon~~~ d~~s~a- Washington for 5pokane Cc~unty on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and
~~e.~8~~~~,~.5' Urban that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effecf; Z°~'n~ ~e~`~'7~`'°~, that the notic~ attached h~reto and which is a ark af the roaf of
~-3. Regional Business; p p See map oi che affocted ublication, WaS U~~IS~2~ Ifl S~Id news a~r, vne tlfTl~ S, ~h8
property, Attachment 2. P p p p ~ ~
G. That property comm~nly P~blication having been made once each time on the following dates: known as 12904 Easr
Main; Gvmprehensive Plan
designati4n: M~dium June 3 2003 f~ensity Residential; ~ c~«e", z°n°~g a~~~~~. That said n~tice was published in the regular ~nd entire issue af every
tion: UR-3.5, UrL~an R~S~den~~~w, number of khe paper during the period of time of publication, and that
IVew 7_oni~t~ designation• uR-~~ u~e~~ ~~5~~~~„~~~; the natice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a
s~ ~ap ~f ,n~ ~rf~,~ su lemer~t. propeny, Attachrnent 3. ~p
D. That property comrnonly
~h~~n a5 tn~ s~~,cne~s, Subscribe~ and swarn to t~fore me at the ity of 5pokane, this 3 day epmer Appleway and ,
~ p~~k Ro~d, ~t ~u~e, 2oas Comprc~erasive Plan D~signation: Neighbor~ • ~ ~ I ~~~~'r
hood Cammeeciall Re- ~ l ~~"`]~.~.~/Y1lC~.`i,.(_( ~ S ~V IC?J ~,sS; gional Cornmercial: - ~C~\5~ fi''~f ' ~
Gurrent Zoning de~i~,~• Nata Public in and for the State of Washin t ~ r~ Eion• UR 7 Ur an ~ g ' ~~'~i~
Ra$~~~~t~~~; residing in Spokane County Washington a NO ~ Naw Zaning designafion; ' z; U~*~ ;~j
8~ 4, N~ighborhaod ,p ; Br~sinass/9-3 Reqional v, ~~JB'Ll~ ~
Business; y`•,.F,~ n~;~'~, Sc~ map at 4he aif~ted proraerly, Attachmenl4. `n.~'~., •,'~Q
E. That preperry commonly ~~~F'~'~~~~~
kriown as $804 East 2nd Avenue;
Cvmprehansive Pl~n ci~sir~r~~ti~nn: Regian~l;
Commercial; Gurrant Zaning desigrsa-
tion: UR 7, Urban Resideniial;
New Zoning tiesi~r+aLian: ~•3, R~yional Busa~+e~s; See map r~f lhe ailected
property, Aktachmenl5.
F. That prvperty camrnonly known as 6910 East 1st
Avenue; Comprehensive Plan
designation: Regional Commercial;
Gurrenl Zoning designa- taon: UR•22 Urben
Residential; N~w Zpning desiQnalivn~ B•3, Reyianal Busmess;
See map nf the affected ~ properhf, AttachmenS 6. '
SECTlON 3 Map - Co~ies
on File. `~hP Cily Gferic is ta rnaintain one capy a~ file of
Ihe amended Interim Znning Map[s) adQpted by lhis
arcfinance. SECTION 4liability, The
express int~l is lh~t respvn- silaiWity 1ar cornpliance wikh
Ihe provisians o( this ardi- nance shall rest with the per-
mit appI~cant anrf thoir agents. TMis ardinance and
ifs pravisians are odopted wi4h 1he express intent !a
pratecf tti~ heahh, satety and welfare crf tt~e general
public and are not intend~d to protect ar~~ purticular clays oi indryiduals ar
SECTI4N 5 S~verabifity. It any sectian, sentence,
clause ar phrase o( this ordinanco,or any regulat'iqn,
rule ar ordcr adaptcd pur- suant ka the autharity khere-
af be determined inva3id as
u'iconslilulional, il shall nol affer.t the validity or canst7-
tvtionality ai any other sac• tion, 5etstence, clause ar
phrase a1 lhis ardinance.
SECT10N fi Effective Dete. This ordinaiace shald be in full forre and efiiecf five (5)
days afler publocatron ot ihis prdinonce or a summary
thereof in the afficial news• Naper pC the Ci1y as provid-
ecl by law.
PASSED by the City Council thie 27th day af
May, 2003.
/s! Michael DeVleming, Mayor
I A"f7CCT..
a µ W
WHEREAS, The City of Spokane Valley, Washington adopted Interim Zoning
Co+de Map(s) of the City through the adoptian of City of Spokane Va11ey Ordinance No.
54; and
WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley stated its intenf to review and modify its
own Growth Management Act (GMA) coadnpiiant Zoning Map(s) fallowing adoption af
Urdinance 54;
WHEREAS, this arnendment ta the Interim Zoning Map(s) is consistent with a
rLview and modification of the City's Interim Zoning Map(s); and
WHEREAS, this amendment is consistent with the City's Interim CvmprehensiVe
SECTIOfN 1 Zoninp- Map(s). Pursuant to RCW 35.21,1$0 and 35A.14.140, the City
adopted by reference the Spokane CoLinty Zoning Map(s) dated March 22, 2002, as
presently constituted or hereinafter amended, as the Interim Zoning Map(s) af the City of
Spokane Valley.
SEC"I`ION 2 Amendment. The Interim Zorung 11!Iap(s) is hereby amended as follows:
A. That propertiy cQmmonly knQwn as 19223 East Appleway;
ComprehensiWe Plan de5ignation: Regional Commerciai;
Cunent ZQning designatian: UR-7, Urban Residential;
New Zoning designation: B-3, Regianal Business;
See map of the affected property, Attachment 1.
B. That prvperty cnmmonly known as 10 North BoIivar Road;
CQmprehensive Plan designation: Regional Cammercial;
Current Zoning designation: UR-3.5, Ui•ban Residential:
, •
New Zoning designation: B-3, Regional Business;
See map of the affected property, Attachment 2.
C. That property commonly known as 12904 East Main;
Comprehensive Plan designation: Medium Density Residential;
Current Zoning designation: UR-3.5, Urban Residential;
Nevv Zoning designation: UR-12 Urban Residential;
See map of the affected property, Attachment 3.
D. That property commonly known as the Southeast corner Appleway and
Park Road;
Comprehensive Plan designation: Neighborhood Commercial/Regional
Current Zoning designation: UR 7, Urban Residential;
New Zoning designation: B-1, Neighborhood Business/B-3 Regional
See map of the affected property, Attachment 4.
E. That property commonly known as 8804 East 2"d Avenue;
Comprehensive Plan designation: Regional Commercial;
Current Zoning designation: UR-7, Urban Residential;
New Zoning designation: B-3, Regional Business;
See map of the affected property, Attachment 5.
F. That property commonly known as 6910 East 1 St Avenue;
Comprehensive Plan designation: Regional Commercial;
Current Zoning designation: UR-22 Urban Residential;
New Zoning designation: B-3, Regional Business;
See map of the affected property, Attachment 6.
SECTION 3 Map - Copies on File. The City Clerk is to maintain one copy on file of
the amended Interim Zoning Map(s) adopted by this ordinance.
SECTION 4 Liabilitv. The express intent is that responsibility for compliance with the
provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This
ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health,
safety and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular
class of individuals or organizations.
SECTION 5 Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, or
any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to the authority thereof be determined
invalid or unconstitutional, it shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other
section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance.
SEC'TlON 6 HlCc:tix-c llate. '('his orcliilance 51ia11 be iiI full 1,01-cc: aiicl cf'icct li\.c (5)
days after publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper o1'
the Citv as provided by law.
NASSED by the City Council this ~clay o('NIay, 2003.
k'[avor. Michael DeV1eniirlA6
Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller
Approved as to form:
In ri City o y, Stanley . Schwartz
Date of publicatio 1, e 3 a D~ 3
Effective date: