03-056 - . • GITY OFSFOKANE VAuEY SRQKAME COl1NTY. WASHiNG70N ORDINANCE NO. 56 AN t?RDINANCE f)F TpiE ClTY C7F SP4KANE ViAItEY, SPOKAA1E CG1UN"iY, WASHlNGT0N,, ADOPT1NG BY i REFERENCE CHAPTEftS 5.04 AND 5.12 ~ dF THE SROKANE CC3UNTY CQf}E ' AS TFIE ANIMAL Cf}MTROL REGULA7iC?NS ~ FOt{ THE SPOKANE VAL[.EY WhIERE,AS, the Cily Couiacid has deter- ~ rnened that the eegulation an~i fice~ssin of ani- ~s mals wi[hin the limits of the iCi4y of pokane Vailey will protect human heaEth and safety and tcs the greaFest deg ree praCCic:able prevent en- ; jury ta properSy an d cruelty 4a anirnafs; and ! WFfEREAS, the City of Couracil has deter- ' rrtined that it is on khe beat interes45 of the CRly of Spokane Valley to adopt ancrnai control regu- iatians and ticensing requirernents set forth in Chapters 5.04 and 5.12 of the S pakane Caun- L Code as the Animaf Cvntrnl Regulations for City of Spokane Vailey; NOW, TWEREFORE, the Ci'ty Cauncil of the C;ey of sp4kane vaiFeyr spok~~~ ~ounr,, *Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420(}30 Washington, do ordain as (ollows: ~~t~'na 1' c'vual~,aii a2c~R~;~ ~'R~i,+~r AFFIDAV1T I7F RUBLICATIDN 35A.12. 140, the City of Spakane Ilalley adypts by reisrence Chapier 5.04 entitled "lJoo-s and catsA~ ana chap,ef 5.12 entitW "innerentlY STATE 4F WASHING70N Dangeraus Mammals,`Repiiles" of the $po_ kane County Caunly Cade as now in efiect County of Spokane, 5S. and as subsequentEy amended as thc- Animaf Control Reguaaiions #or the City of Spokane Vai~ey, any reference to "Spakane County" in N~RI~~ ~1},,~Y , of S okane Valle 14CCt: C042365 Chapters 5_{}ti and 5.12 of ttte Spe~kane Go+~r~- p y ty Gode shala be construed to refer to the City of Spakane ValEey- 5ectian 2. Amendrnens tQ.Chapter 5.~Q4 en- P.4.: ~rdi~aRCe No. ~6 Lines: ~~3 titled ,,Dogs and Cats." Section 5:04.031 cai the Sp+alsane Cvt3nty Code er+titletl "Cat l.i- ~+D~r']~ ~.~DSt: ~~.f'J~ LO Nb: ~R~'~L6~ cense - Requiretl„ is I~reiay deteted in its entire- g ty. l} is ths irslerst of the City that cats sheli not be licensecf. Section_3. ccpv4Q-8e_Ava;h-"e. ane cop,, 1, Jil! Leong ~ csi Ghapters 5.04 and 5.32 of ttie s~~~ne do sc~lemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESIVI/aN- Gourrty Codg shall be avaiFable in ►he olfice af tt,e City Clerk tor use, inspectwon and copying REVIEW, a new5paper e5tablished and reguiarly published, onC+e b''tne puril`c, each day in the English ianguage, in arrd of general circulation an the Sect'rnn 4. Referectce to hlearing Elodies. CItQf o#cane S okane C~7UC1,W85h1f~ tQCI; and if1 t~IB Cf of When the animal cor~trol regoalatiQns adap,eci ~ ~ ~ P ~ g ~ i~n Section 1 of this ordinanae reter ta Bpard of Caeur d'Alene, Kovtenai 'uQtl11#]/, ICjahQ; that Safd newspaper haS County Gcammissiariers. 8oard ofi AppeaEs,. Hearing Fxammer ar any other sirnilar laocly, rne been so established and regularly published arrd has had said general City Cnune,il shall serve in sLch coles, but re- r ta;n5 zhe r;gl,, io estabr,sn one or m4« of sucn circuiation confiinuously for mvre than six (fi) months prior to the 23rd bndies, at any teme wethout regard to whethsr d3 of .~LIl, 1941; trl3t Sc`~iC~ flE.'WS a er IS rllltf.'(~ 11'1 aI'1 (7ffiG8 any quasF-judiciaf or ather matter is then pend- y Y P P p ~ng for tne pu~a~ of dei~ating cne apQeal or maintained at its place of publication in the Ci#y of Spokane, c~ther mat4er ior hearing and d+spositian. Washingtvn; that said newspaper was appraved and designated as a Sectian S. Severab'slity. If any section, sen- tance, clause or phrase of this ardinance shall legal newspaper b'y' vrder of the SUF}GriQf C(]U'I`t of thB itatE.' of be held ta be inWalid ar inconstitutiona( by a WaShIntOCI fUr S~CBf~e '~(]Ll~lt on the 23rd da of .~l~ll,1941, and caurt of compelerit jurisdic#ion, such isrvalipli9y ~ ~C? Y ~ y or unco n~t}~~+~~~~ejr~ ~r~~u nb~ a~~~t tn~ y~~~~~- that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; ty or cnnstrtutionafity of any o<.tier sectian, ssn- tence, clause ar phrase n{ this ordinance. tI'1at tI'1e f1C]tICe attaChed I'TeI'etf3 i311d WI1iCh is a part of the proaf of ~ Section 6, Ef.iective I3ate. Thds Ordinance publication, WaS published ifl SBid f1eWSpc'3pef, OC1E: fIf11E'(5), the shalf be in full fiorce anci effect on the ofFcial publicatian having been rrrade ance each time on the fallowing dateS. date of irtcorparation pravided publicatian of this C3rdinance or a sumrnary [hereof occurs in the aiFwcial n€wspaper of Ihe City as pro+nded by IaW. Mer'Ch 29, 2003 PASSEf] by the Cqty Council this 24th day of March, 20(}3. _ ts! Michael DeVleming ~ Mayor Subscribed and sworn before me a~ e City of Spokane, this 31 A'TEST: Is! Ruth Mufler day of March, 2003 Inlerim City Glerk SR5262 S 1 ,v- c~tary Public Rn and far the Stafe of V~lashingt .~a~NOT , residing in Spokane County, 'Vllashir~gtan ~ U ~l~Y ~ cn - ~ PUgi.IC o~. C~, ~VA5N1N CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 56 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKA.NE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, A.DOPTING BY REFERENCE CHAPTERS 5.04 AND 5.12 OF THE SPOKA,NE COUNTY CODE AS THE ANIMAL CONTROL REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the regulation and licensing of animals within the limits of the City of Spokane Valley will protect human health and safety and to t11e greatest degree practicable prevent injury to property and cruelty to animals; aiId WHEREAS, the City of Council has deternuned that it is in the best interests of the City of Spokane Valley to adopt animal control regulations and licensing requirements set forth in Chapters 5.04 and 5.12 of the Spokane County Code as the Animal Control Regulations for the City of' Spokane Valley; NU~', "I~IILP~~ORL, tlle CinV Cotiilcil of the Cit~~ of Sp~~kailc ~~alley, Spokane C~~unt~~, Washington, do ordain as follow.s : Section 1. Animal Control kep-ulations. Yursuant to RCW 35A.11.U2U anci kC'vN' 35A.12.140, the Cifiy of Spokane Valley adopts by reference Chapter 5.04 entitled "Dogs and Cats" and Chapter 5.12 entitled "Inherently Dangerous Mammals/Reptiles" of the Spokane County Code as now in effect and as subsequently amended as the Animal Control Regulations for the City of Spokane Valley, any reference to "Spokane County" in Chapters 5.04 and 5.12 of the Spokane County Code shall be construed to refer to the City of Spokane Vallev. Section 2. Amendment to Chapter 5.04 entitled "Dogs anci Cats.SC;C110I1 5.04.0-3) 1 Of the Spokane County Code entitled "Cat License - Required" is hereby deleted in its entirety. It is the intent of the City that cats shall not be licensed. Section 3. Copv to Be Available. One copy of Chapters 5.04 and 5.12 of the Spokane COL1IIty ±l,c ot'FIc1' C!t-v (1'le`'1; ft1i' u•o. it1~--,T-)ecti_o?7 Lnn~'1!1,7 h,- t},L !`l!( Sectiorl 4. 1~zierCiicC tu Iiearlll-J 13ociit5. %\'iicil ~1c aruillal t-;uilLful rcbuiaiioi~ ~lciupt~-d iiz Section 1 of this ordinance refer to Board of County Commissioners, Board of Appeals, Hearing Examiner or any other similar body, the City Council shall serve in such roles, but retains the right to esta.blish one or more of such bodies, at any time without regard to whether any quasi judicial or other mattei- i~ ?lieri penclin« for the purpose of delecfatinQ the appeal or other matter for hearingand Scc[iuu S. 5c~ crauiiitv. Iiaily 5~ciiu~~, ~~ia~r;zic~, C;~aUSC UI' ~Ill'a~L Ul t'1115 UTi.il'Ii~lil~t; J~1<.1~1 be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstihitionalitv shall not affect the validitv or constitutionalitv of anv other section, sentence, .1.I1P[iml Cfll':Iidf?Cl; clause or phrase of this ordinancc. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this C)rdinailcc or a sutiiilian, thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. P_4SSFD hv the Cit~~ Council this ,~0 da~~ ~~i~~1arc11, ~'UO ~ Ntivor. 1~~fichael neVlemi~;`, y I ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Lo~ ~o: Sz~2. Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Page 1 P:10rdinances\Ar►imal Control Ord. No.56 Accepted.doc